25 Watt Mosfet Amplifier

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25 Watt MosFet Audio


High Quality simple unit

No need for a preamplifier

Circuit diagram:

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R1,R4_______ __47K 1/ 4W Resisto rs
R2__________ __4K7 1/ 4W Resisto r
R3__________ __1K5 1/ 4W Resisto r
R5__________ 390R 1/ 4W Resisto r
R6__________ 470R 1/ 4W Resisto r
R7__________ _33K 1/ 4W Resisto r
R8__________ 150K 1/ 4W Resisto r
R9__________ _15K 1/ 4W Resisto r
R10_________ _27R 1/ 4W Resisto r
R11_________ 500R 1/ 2W Trimmer Cermet
R12,R13,R16_ _10R 1/ 4W Resisto rs
R14,R15_____ 220R 1/ 4W Resisto rs
R17_________ __8R2 2W Resisto r
R18_________ ___R22 4W Resisto r (wirewou nd)

C1__________ _470nF 6 3V Polyest er Capacit or
C2__________ _330pF 6 3V Polysty rene Capac itor
C3,C5_______ _470µF 6 3V Electro lytic Capa citors
C4,C6,C8,C11 _100nF 6 3V Polyest er Capacit ors
C7__________ _100µF 25V El ectrolytic Capacito r
C9__________ __10pF 6 3V Polysty rene Capac itor
C10_________ ___1µF 63V Po lyester Ca pacitor

Q1-Q5______BC560 C 45V 10 0mA Low no ise High gain
PNP Transist ors
Q6_________BD140 80V 1. 5A PNP Tra nsistor
Q7_________BD139 80V 1. 5A NPN Tra nsistor
Q8_________IRF53 2 100V 12 A N-Channe l Hexfet
Q9_________I RF9532 10 0V 10A P-C hannel Hexfet

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Power supply circuit diagram:


R1 3K3 1/ 2W Resist or

C1 10nF 1 000V Poly ester Capa citor
C2,C3______4 700µF 5 0V Electro lytic Capa citors
C4,C5_______ 100nF 6 3V Polyest er Capacit ors

D1__________ 200V 8A D iode bridg e
D2__________ 5mm. Red LED

F1,F2_______ 3.15A Fus es with so ckets

T1__________ 220V Prim ary, 25 + 25V Second ary 120VA
Mains transf ormer

PL1_________ Male Main s plug

SW1_________ SPST Main s switch

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Can be directly connected to CD players, tuners and tape
recorders. Simply add a 10K Log potentiometer (dual gang for
stereo) and a switch to cope with the various sources you need.

Q6 & Q7 must have a small U-shaped heatsink.

Q8 & Q9 must be mounted on heatsink.

Adjust R11 to set quiescent current at 100mA (best measured
with an Avo-meter in series with Q8 Drain) with no input signal.

A correct grounding is very important to eliminate hum and
ground loops. Connect in the same point the ground sides of R1,
R4, R9, C3 to C8. Connect C11 at output ground. Then connect
separately the input and output grounds at power supply ground.

Technical data:

Output power: well in excess of 25Watt RMS with 8 Ohm (1KHz sinewave)

Sensitivity: 200mV input for 25W output

Frequency response: 30Hz to 20KHz -1dB

Total harmonic distortion : 1KHz: 0.1W










Total harmonic distortion : 10KHz: 0.1W











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