Lingo Ważne konstrukcje bez tajemnic

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Anna Treger



Wa˝ne konstrukcje

bez tajemnic

Konsultacja j´zykowa:

Alisa Mitchel Masiejczyk

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Projekt ok∏adki serii: Marcin Rojek,

Projekt makiety i opracowanie graficzne: Studio 27,

Zdj´cie na ok∏adce: Wojciech Jannasz

Redakcja i korekta: Pawe∏ Pokora

© Copyright by Wydawnictwo Lingo sp. j., Warszawa 2007

ISBN-10: 83-60287-16-3

ISBN-13: 978-83-60287-16-3

Sk∏ad i ∏amanie: Studio 27

Druk i oprawa: Opolgraf

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Wst´p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Mowa niezale˝na i zale˝na

Sprawdê si´ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Wprowadzenie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Interpunkcja w mowie niezale˝nej

. . . . . . . . . . . 12


Czasowniki wprowadzajàce

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Zmiany dotyczàce czasów

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


Zmiany dotyczàce czasowników modalnych

. . . . 24


Zmiany dotyczàce okreÊleƒ czasu i miejsca

. . . . 32


Zmiany dotyczàce zaimków

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35


Inne zmiany

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Pytania w mowie zale˝nej

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Polecenia, zakazy, rady i proÊby

. . . . . . . . . . . . 43


Zdania wykrzyknikowe w mowie zale˝nej

. . . . . . 46


Zdania warunkowe w mowie zale˝nej

. . . . . . . . . 51



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58


Zdania warunkowe

Sprawdê si´ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Wprowadzenie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71


Zdania warunkowe I typu

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Spis treÊci


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S p i s t r e Ê c i



Zdania warunkowe II typu

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80


Zdania warunkowe III typu

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86


Dodatkowe uwagi o w∏asnoÊciach

zdaƒ warunkowych

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92


Inwersja w zdaniach warunkowych

. . . . . . . . . . 94


Zdania warunkowe mieszane

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103


Strona bierna

Sprawdê si´ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Wprowadzenie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112


Tworzenie strony biernej

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113


U˝ycie strony biernej

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115


Przyimki w stronie biernej

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120


Konstrukcje bezokolicznikowe

w stronie biernej

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122


Sprawcze have/get (causative have/get)

. . . . . 125

Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

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Chyba ka˝dy uczàcy si´ angielskiego chcia∏by szybko i sprawnie opanowaç

bardziej skomplikowane konstrukcje sk∏adniowe, ˝eby móc swobodniej pos∏ugiwaç si´

tym j´zykiem. Nie jest to wcale takie trudne. Aby si´ o tym przekonaç, si´gnij po

repetytorium Lingo „Angielski. Trudne konstrukcje bez tajemnic".

Ksià˝ka jest skierowana do uczniów, maturzystów, studentów, osób

przygotowujàcych si´ do egzaminów j´zykowych, a tak˝e wszystkich, którzy chcà

uporzàdkowaç i poszerzyç swojà wiedz´ o wybranych trudniejszych konstrukcjach

sk∏adniowych angielszczyzny. Uwzgl´dnia materia∏ wymagany na nowej maturze oraz

egzaminach takich jak First Certificate in English czy Certificate in Advanced


Op∏aca si´ poÊwi´ciç nieco trudu nauce gramatyki – bez wàtpienia zaowocuje to

wyraênym pog∏´bieniem biernej i czynnej znajomoÊci angielskiego. J´zyk to przebogate

medium umo˝liwiajàce komunikacj´ pomi´dzy ludêmi. W trakcie jego rozwoju obok

imponujàcego zasobu s∏ownictwa ukszta∏towa∏o si´ wiele konstrukcji gramatycznych

pozwalajàcych na sprawne przekazywanie informacji. W niniejszej publikacji

proponujemy dok∏adniejsze zaznajomienie si´ z trzema wa˝nymi obszarami

tematycznymi gramatyki angielskiej, które cz´sto nastr´czajà wiele problemów

uczàcym si´ j´zyka angielskiego. Sà to: mowa zale˝na i niezale˝na, zdania

warunkowe, oraz strona bierna.

Ka˝da z trzech cz´Êci podr´cznika sk∏ada si´ z krótkiego wprowadzenia,

poszczególnych rozdzia∏ów tematycznych oraz klucza do çwiczeƒ pozwalajàcego



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W s t ´ p


sprawdziç poprawnoÊç odpowiedzi. Ponadto poprzedza jà krótki test sprawdzajàcy,

który pozwoli zorientowaç Ci si´, jakim zagadnieniom musisz poÊwi´ciç wi´cej uwagi.

Rozdzia∏y obejmujà wst´pnà charakterystyk´ problematyki, której sà poÊwi´cone, cz´Êç

merytorycznà prezentujàcà odpowiednie zasady gramatyczne zilustrowanà starannie

dobranymi przyk∏adami wraz z ich polskimi t∏umaczeniami oraz zestaw çwiczeƒ

pozwalajàcy opanowaç i utrwaliç omawiane zagadnienia.

Ksià˝ka stanowi obszerne rozszerzenie – przede wszystkim o urozmaicony

zestaw çwiczeƒ –repetytorium „Angielski. Gramatyka z çwiczeniami" wydawnictwa


Wa˝ne konstrukcje angielskie nie b´dà mia∏y teraz dla Ciebie tajemnic!

Z ˝y cze nia mi suk ce sów

Au tor ka

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i niezale˝na

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Wykonaj çwiczenia i sprawdê swojà wiedz´. Pomogà Ci one oceniç, na czym nale˝y si´
skoncentrowaç w nauce zagadnieƒ przedstawionych w tym rozdziale.


Poni˝sze zdania zmieƒ na mow´ niezale˝nà.


She said that there weren’t any tickets left.


Lynn told me she didn’t understand the instruction.


He said that he had never planned to be a teacher.


Chloe said that she had left her luggage on the train.


Mr Bright said that he was moving to the suburbs.


Bob told me that he was very upset by her remarks.


He said that he had met her the day before.


Jacky told me to put the key there.


Mark said he would never give up.


Andrew said that his new book was coming out next month.


Brian told me that he was sorry for his behaviour.


Vince said that he used to smoke like a chimney.


He said that the flyover was scheduled to be completed in May.


The doctor told me that I needed to start exercising.


She said that she wouldn’t object.

Sprawdê si´

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“I will drop by tomorrow.” He told ____________________________


“What have you done?” She asked ____________________________


“You’re looking wonderful today.” He said ____________________________


“Can I call you back?” He asked ____________________________


“This ring is beautiful.” She said ____________________________


“I haven’t got a clue.” She said ____________________________


“I met Jack in a DIY store.” He told ____________________________


“I didn’t enjoy this performance.” She said ____________________________


“We missed the bus by 10 minutes.” He said ____________________________


“You have no reason to be angry.” She said ____________________________


“OK. I will go first.” He agreed ____________________________


“I won’t tell your secret to anyone.” She promised _______________________


“This is really bad.” He said ____________________________


“I like it here.” She said ____________________________


“Cut down on coffee.” He advised ____________________________


Uzupe∏nij poni˝sze zdania w mowie zale˝nej.

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Ko mu ni ka cja j´ zy ko wa nie mo ˝e obejÊç si´ bez re la cjo no wa nia opi nii, stwier dzeƒ, py taƒ,

su ge stii za s∏y sza nych czy od czy ta nych. W przy pad ku przy wo ∏y wa nia czy ichÊ s∏ów w pi Êmie
ma my za wsze mo˝ li woÊç wzi´ cia da nej wy po wie dzi w cu dzy s∏ów i po prze dze nia jej
sto sow nym cza sow ni kiem wpro wa dza jà cym ta kim jak say, tell (naj cz´ Êciej spo ty ka ne) bàdê
np.: in form, cla im, ar gue. Ma my wte dy do czy nie nia z mo wà nie za le˝ nà (di rect spe ech).
Mo wy nie za le˝ nej u˝y wa si´ prze wa˝ nie w j´ zy ku pi sa nym, aby przy to czyç do k∏ad nie czy jeÊ
s∏o wa. Wy st´ pu je w dia lo gach w po wie Êciach, no we lach i in nych utwo rach li te rac kich.
Sto su je si´ jà w sy tu acjach, w któ rych wa˝ na jest pre cy zja, np. w ta kich dzie dzi nach jak
pra wo czy po li ty ka.

Phi lip sa id, “I am ti red.”

Phi lip po wie dzia∏: „Je stem zm´ czo ny”.

“I will call you so on,” Paul told me.
„Wkrót ce za dzwo ni´ do cie bie” – po wie dzia∏ Paul.

Beth sa id, “I didn’t expect the truth to co me out.”
Beth po wie dzia ∏a: „Nie spo dzie wa ∏am si´, ˝e praw da wyj dzie na jaw”.

Geo r ge Bush sa id, “Dick Che ney and I will do eve ry thing we can to ke ep the pe ace.”
Geo r ge Bush powiedzia∏: „Dick Che ney i ja zro bi my wszyst ko, co mo ˝e my, aby
utrzy maç po kój”.

To ny Bla ir sa id, “So me ti mes the on ly chan ce for pe ace is a re adi ness for war.”
To ny Bla ir po wie dzia∏: „Cza sa mi je dy na szan sa na po kój, to go to woÊç do woj ny”.

W przy pad ku wy po wie dzi ust nej je ste Êmy zda ni ra czej na mo w´ za le˝ nà (re por ted/

/in di rect spe ech) – nie wy st´ pu je tu prze cie˝ tak sku tecz ne na rz´ dzie se pa ra cji
przy ta cza ne go wy ra ˝e nia ja kim jest znak cu dzy s∏o wu:

Phi lip sa id that he was ti red.
Phi lip po wie dzia∏, ˝e jest zm´ czo ny.

Paul told me that he wo uld call me so on.
Paul po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e wkrót ce do mnie za dzwo ni.

Beth sa id that she hadn’t expec ted the truth to co me out.
Beth po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e nie spo dzie wa ∏a si´, ˝e praw da wyj dzie na jaw.

Geo r ge Bush sa id that he and Dick Che ney wo uld do eve ry thing they co uld to
ke ep the pe ace.
Geo r ge Bush po wie dzia∏, ˝e Dick Che ney i on zro bià wszyst ko, co mo gà, aby
utrzy maç po kój.

To ny Bla ir sa id that so me ti mes the on ly chan ce for pe ace is a re adi ness for war.
To ny Bla ir po wie dzia∏, ˝e cza sa mi je dy na szan sa na po kój to go to woÊç do woj ny.

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Re la cjo nu jàc wy po wie dzi w mo wie za le˝ nej na le ˝y zwra caç uwa g´ na na st´p stwo

cza sów. Za zwy czaj po cià ga to za so bà zmia n´ cza sów gra ma tycz nych, okre Êleƒ cza su
i miej sca, za im ków oso bo wych i dzier ˝aw czych. Mu si my rów nie˝ pod jàç de cy zj´ czy
przy to czyç czy jàÊ wy po wiedê w pe∏ nej roz cià g∏o Êci, czy mo ˝e jà skró ciç al bo zwi´ê le
stre Êciç w kil ku s∏o wach, np.:

“I wo uld li ke to thank my hus band, my pa rents and my friends for sup por ting
me from the be gin ning,” she sa id.
„Chcia ∏a bym po dzi´ ko waç mo je mu m´ ˝o wi, mo im ro dzi com, mo im przy ja cio ∏om
za wspie ra nie mnie od po czàt ku” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She than ked eve ry one for sup por ting her from the be gin ning.
Po dzi´ ko wa ∏a ka˝ de mu za wspie ra nie jej od po czàt ku.

The Pri me Mi ni ster sa id, “I’ve met go ver nors, may ors, co un cil mem bers and
com mis sio na ires to di scuss is su es re la ted to re gio nal de ve lop ment.”
Pre mier po wie dzia∏: „Spo tka ∏em si´ z gu ber na to ra mi, bur mi strza mi, cz∏on ka mi ra dy,
oraz ko mi sa rza mi, aby prze dys ku to waç spra wy zwià za ne z roz wo jem re gio nal nym”.

The Pri me Mi ni ster sa id that he had met lo cal go vern ment le aders to di scuss
is su es re la ted to re gio nal de ve lop ment.
Pre mier po wie dzia∏, ˝e spo tka∏ si´ z li de ra mi sa mo rzà dów lo kal nych, aby
prze dys ku to waç spra wy zwià za ne z roz wo jem re gio nal nym.

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W j´ zy ku an giel skim zna ki cu dzy s∏o wu sà za wsze na gó rze, na to miast w j´ zy ku pol skim

pierw szy znak jest na do le, a dru gi na gó rze.
We d∏ug pol skiej in ter punk cji krop k´ sta wia si´ po ostat nim zna ku cu dzy s∏o wie, zaÊ w j´ zy ku
an giel skim – przed.
Zwóç my uwa g´ na in ter punk cj´: gdy za czy na my od wy ra ˝e nia wpro wa dza jà ce go re la cj´.
W j´ zy ku an giel skim po fra zie wpro wa dza jà cej sta wia my prze ci nek, na to miast w j´ zy ku
pol skim dwu kro pek.

She sa id, “I trust you.”
Po wie dzia ∏a: „Ufam ci”.

Je ˝e li wy ra ˝e nie wpro wa dza jà ce re la cj´ znaj du je si´ po zda niu przy to czo nym, we dle

an giel skiej in ter punk cji, prze ci nek sta wia my po zda niu i przed dru gim zna kiem cu dzy s∏o wu,
zgod nie z pol ski mi za sa da mi po zna ku przy to cze nia umiesz cza my myÊl nik.

“I trust you,” she said.
„Ufam ci” – po wie dzia ∏a.


Interpunkcja w mowie

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Czasowniki wprowadzajàce




tell to pod sta wo we cza sow ni ki wpro wa dza jà ce w mo wie za le˝ nej i nie za le˝ nej.

W mo wie nie za le˝ nej say sto su je si´ bez do pe∏ nie nia lub – rza dziej – z do pe∏ nie niem

po prze dzo nym s∏o wem to, np.:

She sa id that …

Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e …

He sa id to me that …

Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e …

Tell wy ma ga u˝y cia do pe∏ nie nia, np.:

He told me that …

Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e …

Say i tell mo˝ na tak ˝e u˝yç z bez oko licz ni kiem.

The do ctor sa id to ta ke a few days off.
Le karz po wie dzia∏, ˝e by wziàç pa r´ dni wol ne go.

He told me to stay away from her.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e bym si´ trzy ma∏ od niej z da la.

Cza sow nik say sto su je si´ nie tyl ko wte dy, kie dy re la cjo nu je my czy jàÊ wy po wiedê,

ale rów nie˝ gdy prze ka zu je my wia do moÊç za pi sa nà, np.:

The re port says that over 850 mil lion pe ople are un der no uri shed.
Ra port in for mu je, ˝e po nad 850 mi lio nów lu dzi jest nie do ˝y wio nych.

The la bel says that the shirt was ma de in Chi na.
Metka mó wi, ˝e ko szu la zo sta ∏a wy pro du ko wa na w Chi nach.

The ti me ta ble says that the bus will ar ri ve at 8:15.
Roz k∏ad jaz dy in for mu je, ˝e au to bus przy je dzie o 8.15.

The let ter says that Paul is stay ing in Mia mi.
List in for mu je, ˝e Paul prze by wa w Mia mi.

W mo wie nie za le˝ nej say wpro wa dza zda nie al bo na st´ pu je po nim, np.:

She sa id, “I want to go ho me.”

Po wie dzia ∏a: „Chc´ iÊç do do mu”.

“I want to go ho me,” she sa id.

„Chc´ iÊç do do mu” – po wie dzia ∏a.

“I am sle epy,” Greg sa id.

„Je stem Êpià cy” – po wie dzia∏ Greg.

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

Tell w mo wie nie za le˝ nej wy st´ pu je tyl ko w po zy cji po zda niu przy to czo nym, np.:

“By all me ans,” Beth told me.
„Ale˝ oczy wi Êcie” – po wie dzia ∏a mi Beth.

“Ple ase, don’t to uch the exhi bits,” the cu ra tor told us.
„Pro sz´ nie do ty kaç eks po na tów” – po wie dzia∏ nam ku stosz.

Do in nych cza sow ni ków wpro wa dza jà cych na le ˝à

to ad mit (that)

przy znaç

to an swer that

od po wia daç

to ar gue that

spie raç si´, ar gu men to waç

to as su re

+ do pe∏ nie nie


za pew niaç

to cla im (that)

prze ko ny waç, twier dziç

to com pla in (that)

na rze kaç

to de ny (that)

za prze czaç

to exc la im that

wy krzyk nàç

to expla in that

t∏u ma czyç

to in form

+ do pe∏ nie nie


in for mo waç

to in sist (that)

na le gaç

to mo an (that)

na rze kaç

to pro mi se (that)

obie cy waç

to pro test (that)

pro te sto waç

to re mind

+ do pe∏ nie nie


przy po mi naç

to re ply that

od po wia daç

to men tion (that)

wspo mi naç, wzmian ko waç

to grum ble that

na rze kaç

to spe cu la te that

spe ku lo waç

to warn

+ do pe∏ nie nie


ostrze gaç

to co nvin ce

+ do pe∏ nie nie


prze ko ny waç

to no ti fy

+ do pe∏ nie nie +


in for mo waç

jak rów nie˝ wy ra zy pier wot nie ozna cza jà ce g∏o sy zwie rzàt (mo gà za wie raç ele ment
ne ga tyw nej oce ny)

to snarl

wark nàç, burk nàç, mó wiç opry skli wie

to ro ar

ryk nàç

to grunt

burk nàç, mruk nàç

to bark

wark nàç

to growl

wark nàç, ryk nàç

“I ve ry much do ubt it,” she re plied.

„Bar dzo w to wàt pi´” – od po wie dzia ∏a.

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“I will get you out of this,” he pro mi sed.
„Wy cià gn´ ci´ z te go” – obie ca∏.

“Lord, is that the ti me!” she exc la imed.
„Bo ˝e, to ju˝ ta go dzi na!” – wy krzyk n´ ∏a.

“The co urt has re jec ted your re qu est,” he no ti fied me.
„Sàd od rzu ci∏ two jà proÊ b´” – po wia do mi∏ mnie.

“My pho ne bills are too high,” she grum bled.
„Mo je ra chun ki te le fo nicz ne sà zbyt wy so kie” – na rze ka ∏a.

“I am gu il ty,” he ad mit ted.

„Je stem win ny” – przy zna∏.

“It is a non-go vern men tal or ga ni sa tion,” she expla ined.
„To jest or ga ni za cja po za rzà do wa” – wy t∏u ma czy ∏a.

“It won’t do any go od,” he pro te sted.
„To nie przy nie sie ni cze go do bre go” pro te sto wa∏.

“Hub ba-hub ba is an old-fa shio ned word,” she ar gu ed.
„Hub ba-hub ba jest prze sta rza ∏ym s∏o wem” – ar gu men to wa ∏a.

“Get out of my way!” he bar ked.

„Zejdê mi z dro gi!” – wark nà∏.

“Go to hell!” he ro ared.

„Idê do dia b∏a!” – ryk nà∏.

Po wi´k szo Êci po wy˝ szych cza sow ni ków spój nik that mo ˝e byç po mi ni´ ty (that jest w na -
wia sie). W po zo sta ∏ych przy pad kach nie na le ˝y go po mi jaç. Przy nie któ rych cza sow ni kach
(np. as su re) zo sta ∏o za zna czo ne do pe∏ nie nie. Ozna cza to, ˝e cza sow ni ki te, po dob nie jak
tell, wy st´ pu jà wy ∏àcz nie z do pe∏ nie niem.

Aby prze ka zaç ton wy po wie dzi, cza sow nik wpro wa dza jà cy na le ˝y uzu pe∏ niç od po wied -

nim przy s∏ów kiem, np.:

she sa id an gri ly

po wie dzia ∏a gniew nie, ze z∏o Êcià

she sa id bru tal ly

po wie dzia ∏a bru tal nie

she sa id ru de ly

po wie dzia ∏a nie grzecz nie

she sa id con fi den tly

po wie dzia ∏a z prze ko na niem

she sa id co nvin cin gly

po wie dzia ∏a prze ko nu jà co

she sa id de ci de dly

po wie dzia ∏a zde cy do wa nie

she sa id fier ce ly

po wie dzia ∏a gwa∏ tow nie

she sa id fo oli sh ly

po wie dzia ∏a g∏u pio

she sa id har sh ly

po wie dzia ∏a szorst ko

she sa id ho ne stly

po wie dzia ∏a szcze rze

she sa id in ten tio nal ly

po wie dzia ∏a ce lo wo

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

she sa id lo udly

po wie dzia ∏a g∏o Êno

she sa id pas sio na te ly

po wie dzia ∏a na mi´t nie, z pa sjà

she sa id pa tien tly

po wie dzia ∏a cier pli wie

she sa id sar ca sti cal ly

po wie dzia ∏a sar ka stycz nie

she sa id shar ply

po wie dzia ∏a ostro

she sa id shy ly

po wie dzia ∏a nie Êmia ∏o

she sa id sym pa the ti cal ly

po wie dzia ∏a wspó∏ czu jà co

she sa id bit ter ly

po wie dzia ∏a gorz ko

“Po or you,” she sa id sym pa the ti cal ly.

„Bie da ku” – po wie dzia ∏a wspó∏ czu jà co.

“You al ways know bet ter,” he sa id bit ter ly.
„Ty za wsze wiesz le piej” – po wie dzia∏ gorz ko.

“You will re gret it,” she sa id fier ce ly.

„Po ˝a ∏u jesz te go” – po wie dzia ∏a gwa∏ tow nie.

“Mind your own bu si ness,” he sa id ru de ly.
„Pil nuj swo je go no sa” – po wie dzia∏ nie grzecz nie.

“How I lo ve re ading,” she sa id pas sio na te ly.
„Jak ja lu bi´ czy taç” – po wie dzia ∏a z pa sjà.

“I won’t wa it,” he sa id de ci de dly.

„Nie b´ d´ cze kaç” – po wie dzia∏ zde cy do wa nie.

“Le ave it to me, I will ma na ge,” she sa id con fi den tly.
„Zo staw to mnie, po ra dz´ so bie” – po wie dzia ∏a z prze ko na niem.

“Don’t be stu pid,” he sa id an gri ly.

„Nie bàdê g∏u pi” – po wie dzia∏ ze z∏o Êcià.

“Shut up, you half-wit,” she sa id bru tal ly
„Za mknij si´, ty pó∏ g∏ów ku” – po wie dzia ∏a bru tal nie.

“This is for you,” he sa id shy ly.

„To jest dla cie bie” – po wie dzia∏ nie Êmia ∏o.

Uwa ga:

Po mo wie nie za le˝ nej mo ˝e zajÊç in wer sja przez za mia n´ miejsc pod mio tu z orze cze niem,
je ˝e li w zda niu nie wy st´ pu je przy s∏ó wek ani do pe∏ nie nie.

“Whe re did you get this?” asked my fa ther.
„Skàd to masz?” – za py ta∏ mój oj ciec.


“Open the do or this in stant,” my fa ther sa id an gri ly
„Na tych miast otwórz drzwi” – po wie dzia∏ mój oj ciec ze z∏o Êcià.

“Black is black and whi te is whi te,” he told me.
„Czar ne jest czar ne, a bia ∏e jest bia ∏e” – po wie dzia∏ mi.

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åwi cze nia


Do pa suj po ni˝ sze cza sow ni ki wpro wa dza jà ce do zdaƒ 1


Ask, pro mi se, de ny, exc la im (2x), whi sper, expla in, com pla in, ad mit, as su re


“What is this sup po sed to be?” he asked.

1. “Who’s cal ling, ple ase?”
2. “I am not a child!”
3. “Shh, not so lo ud.”
4. “My left sho ul der hurts ter ri bly.”
5. “Go away!”
6. “I will get you out of this.”
7. “Yes, I che ated in the exam.”
8. “I didn’t say that.”
9. “They will get he re in ti me.”
10. “Gre en tea co ols the bo dy.”


Do pa suj na zwy z ko lum ny A do na pi sów in for ma cyj nych z ko lum ny B



1. CV
2. diary
3. guidebook
4. invitation
5. label
6. notice
7. leaflet
8. prescription
9. receipt
10. recipe


Znajdê i po praw b∏´ dy w po ni˝ szych zda niach.

1. He re min ded to me that it was her bir th day.
2. She re plied me that she hadn’t he ard any thing.
3. He as su red that it wo uld be easy.
4. The desk clerk in for med that the re we re no ro oms.
5. He ad mit ted me that he of fen ded them.
6. The te acher expla ined us that Is lam do esn’t al low extra-ma ri tal re la tion ships.
7. He pro mi sed that he wo uld stop ly ing.
8. She com pla ined that she was unfa ir ly tre ated.
9. The lan dlord mo aned that we used too much wa ter.
10. She cla imed that the te le pho ne bill was pa id the pre vio us we ek.


a) It says that it should be taken on an empty stomach.
b) It says that people may register by phone.
c) It says that refunds won’t be given after 25 days.
d) It says that it is a medium to full coverage.
e) It says that the meeting is at 4 o’clock.
f) It says that the course is available to graduate students.
g) It says that the floor is wet.
h) It says that the cake should be baked for 40 to 50 minutes.
i) It says that the palace was restored in 1800.
j) It says that the he has graduated from Oxford.

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a


Do pa suj do zdaƒ w mo wie nie za le˝ nej 1–5 ich od po wied ni ki sfor mu ∏o wa ne w mo wie

nie za le˝ nej a–e.


1. “I will not tro uble you.”

a) He pro mi sed to be punc tu al.

2. “I will be po li te.”

b) He pro mi sed to be di scre et.

3. “I will ar ri ve on ti me.”

c) He pro mi sed not to de mand pay ment.

4. “I won’t char ge any fee.”

d) He pro mi sed not to bo ther me.

5. “I won’t tell any one.”

e) He pro mi sed to be ha ve him self.


1. “I didn’t tell them any thing.”




nied that she had ma de such an

2. “No, I told the truth.”

ut te ran ce.

3. “I didn’t say that.”

b) She de nied that she had be en in vo lved

4. “I didn’t ta ke part in it.”

in the ope ra tion.

5. “I didn’t say who I am.”

c) She de nied that he had be en gu il ty of

le aking the in for ma tion to the me dia.

d) She de nied that she had re ve aled her

iden ti ty.

e) She de nied that she had lied.


Znajdê w ko lu mie B w∏a Êci we go mów c´ dla zdaƒ w ko lum nie A.


1. “The soil was not treated with


2. “It suits your figure,”
3. “I need this report by noon,”
4. “Practise your spelling,”
5. “I gave up on acting,”
6. “I will stand for election,”
7. “Please don't touch the exhibits,”
8. “Get undressed,”


a) the doctor told me.
b) the actor said.
c) the boss said.
d) the politician said.
e) the shop assistant told me.
f) the curator said.
g) the teacher told me.
h) the farmer said.

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Pre sent Sim ple


Past Sim ple

Pre sent Con ti nu ous


Past Con ti nu ous

Pre sent Per fect


Past Per fect

Pre sent Per fect Con ti nu ous


Past Per fect Con ti nu ous

Past Sim ple


Past Per fect

Past Con ti nu ous


Past Per fect Con ti nu ous

Past Per fect i Past Per fect Con ti nu ous


po zo sta jà bez zmian

Will w cza sach przy sz∏ych


wo uld

W za sa dzie czas prze sz∏y za mie nia my na za prze sz∏y, ale przy wy raê nym umiej sco wie niu

wy da rze nia w prze sz∏o Êci czas mo ˝e po zo staç bez zmian. Zda nie:

“Sue ear ned her ma ster’s de gree in May,” she sa id.
„Sue otrzy ma ∏a ty tu∏ ma gi stra w ma ju” – po wie dzia ∏a.

mo ˝e byç prze kszta∏ co ne na mo w´ za le˝ nà na dwa spo so by:

She sa id that Sue ear ned/had ear ned her ma ster’s de gree in May.
Ona po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e Sue otrzy ma ∏a ty tu∏ ma gi stra w ma ju.

Ale zda nie:

“I play ed bass gu itar.”
„Gra ∏em na gi ta rze ba so wej.”

mu si zo staç zmie nio ne na:

He told me that he had play ed bass gu itar.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e gra∏ na gi ta rze ba so wej.

W wy pad ku gdy by Êmy po zo sta wi li czas Sim ple Past w mo wie za le˝ nej

(He told me that

he play ed bass gu itar)

, zda nie to mo g∏o by ozna czaç, ˝e on wcià˝ gra na gi ta rze ba so wej.


He told me that he play ed bass gu itar when he was a child.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e gra∏ na gi ta rze ba so wej, kie dy by∏ dziec kiem.

Rów nie˝ Past Con ti nu ous mo ˝e po zo staç bez zmia ny w mo wie za le˝ nej, je Êli nie od no si

si´ do ukoƒ czo nej czyn no Êci, np.:

“When I saw him he was pa in ting the ho use.”
„Kie dy go zo ba czy ∏am, on ma lo wa∏ dom”.


Zmiany dotyczàce czasów

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She told me that when she saw him he was pa in ting the ho use.
Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e kie dy go zo ba czy ∏a, on ma lo wa∏ dom.


“I was con si de ring re si gning, but my hus band tal ked me out of it.”
„Roz wa ˝a ∏am odej Êcie, ale mój mà˝ od wiód∏ mnie od te go”.

She told me that she had be en con si de ring re si gning, but her hus band had
tal ked her out of it.
Po wie dzia ∏a mi, roz wa ˝a ∏a odej Êcie, ale jej mà˝ od wiód∏ jà od te go.

Cza sy Past Sim ple i Past Con ti nu ous wy st´ pu jà ce w zda niach cza so wych rów nie˝ nie

ule ga jà zmia nie, np.:

“When I was li ving/li ved in Lon don…”
„Kie dy miesz ka ∏am w Lon dy nie…”.

She sa id that when she was li ving/li ved in Lon don…
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e kie dy miesz ka ∏a w Lon dy nie…

Cza sow nik g∏ów ny w tych zda niach zmie nia si´ na czas za prze sz∏y, choç mo ˝e po zo staç
bez zmian, np.:

She sa id that when she was li ving/li ved in Lon don she got in te re sted/had got
in te re sted in pho to gra phy.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e kie dy miesz ka ∏a w Lon dy nie, za in te re so wa ∏a si´ fo to gra fià.

Czas te raê niej szy w za sa dzie za mie nia my na prze sz∏y, ale w przy pad ku gdy re la cjo no wa -

na wy po wiedê jest na dal praw dzi wa i ak tu al na, czas mo ˝e po zo staç bez zmia ny, np.:

“I do ae ro bics,” she told me.

„åwi cz´ ae ro bik” – po wie dzia ∏a mi.

She told me that she do es ae ro bics.

Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e çwi czy ae ro bik.

“I ha ve ne ver eaten su shi,” he sa id.

„Ni gdy nie ja d∏em su shi” – po wie dzia∏.

He told me that he has ne ver eaten su shi.

Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e ni gdy nie jad∏ su shi.

He sa id, “I al ways get what I want.”

Po wie dzia∏: „Za wsze do sta j´ to, czego chc´”.

He sa id that he al ways gets what he wants.

Po wie dzia∏, ˝e za wsze do sta je to, czego

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Czas mo ˝e nie ulec zmia nie w przy pad ku prawd uni wer sal nych, czy ichÊ zwy cza jów lub

na wy ków, np.:

“Li ght tra vels at 186000 mi les per se cond.”
„Âwia t∏o po ru sza si´ z pr´d ko Êcià 186000 mil na se kun d´”.

She sa id that li ght tra vels at 186000 mi les per se cond.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e Êwia t∏o po ru sza si´ z pr´d ko Êcià 186000 mil na se kun d´.

“The Sun or bits the Earth eve ry 24 ho urs,” he sa id.
„S∏oƒ ce obie ga Zie mi´ co 24 go dzi ny” – po wie dzia∏.

He sa id that the Sun or bits the Earth eve ry 24 ho urs.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e S∏oƒ ce obie ga Zie mi´ co 24 go dzi ny.

“Bob al ways sle eps on his back.”
„Bob za wsze Êpi na ple cach”.

He sa id that Bob al ways sle eps on his back.
On po wie dzia∏, ˝e Bob za wsze Êpi na ple cach.

Czas prze sz∏y po wish


wo uld so oner


wo uld ra ther


it is (high) ti me nie ule ga zmia nie, np.:

She sa id, “It is ti me they stop ped com pla ining.”
Po wie dzia ∏a: „Czas, by prze sta li na rze kaç”.

She sa id that it was ti me they stop ped com pla ining.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e czas by prze sta li na rze kaç.

“It is high ti me he got mar ried.”
„Naj wy˝ szy czas, ˝e by si´ o˝e ni∏”.

She sa id that it was high ti me he got mar ried.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e to naj wy˝ szy czas, ˝e by si´ o˝e ni∏.

“I wish I we re slim mer.”
„Szko da, ˝e nie je stem szczu plej sza”.

She told me that she wi shed she we re slim mer.
Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e szko da, ˝e nie jest szczu plej sza.

“I wo uld ra ther you didn’t tell any bo dy.”
„Wo la∏ bym, ˝e byÊ ni ko mu nie mó wi∏”.

He sa id that he wo uld ra ther I didn’t tell any bo dy.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e wo la∏ by, ˝e bym ni ko mu nie mó wi∏.

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

åwi cze nia


Uzu pe∏ nij ta bel k´.

Mo wa nie za le˝ na

Mo wa za le˝ na

Pre sent Sim ple

Past Con ti nu ous

Pre sent Per fect

Past Per fect Con ti nu ous

Pa st Con ti nu ous
Past Per fect


Wy raê po ni ˝ej po da ne zda nia w mo wie za le˝ nej.

1. “It is a gor ge ous ro om,” she sa id.
2. “You spe ak En glish ve ry well,” sa id Beth.
3. “I ha ven’t tal ked to him yet,” sa id Ali ce.
4. Bob sa id, “It lo oks fri gh te ning.”
5. “She is a ve ry ta len ted la wy er,” sa id Jim.
6. Phi lip sa id, “I am not try ing to of fend any one.”
7. “I am a ba by sit ter,’ sa id Amy.
8. “We will try aga in to mor row,” he sa id.
9. “I will wash the di shes”, she sa id.
10. “I won’t re pe at the mi sta ke,” sa id Tom.
11. Tim sa id, “She is ve ry kind.”
12. “It didn’t hap pen li ke that,” Mark sa id.
13. Ka ty sa id, “I will do wha te ver it ta kes.”
14. “I won’t say a word”, Gra ce sa id.
15. “I ha ve be en try ing to call you,” sa id Greg.


Prze kszta∏ç po ni˝ sze zda nia na dwa spo so by we d∏ug wzo ru.

“She is al ways ho nest.”

He sa id that she is al ways ho nest.
He sa id that she was al ways ho nest.

1. “She lo ves mo un ta ins.”
2. “He is al ways la te.”
3. “I ha ve ne ver he ard abo ut it.”
4. “I ha te Mon days.”
5. “She is get ting bet ter.”
6. “It will cost you a for tu ne.”
7. “He is al ways bla ming me for things
I ha ven’t do ne.”
8. “I am sick and ti red of it.”

9. “He won’t be mis sed.”
10. “She do esn’t want to be an ac co un tant.”
11. “My son be lie ves in San ta Claus.”
12. “Beth ne ver gets an gry abo ut

any thing.”

13. “Mrs Ri ght often bor rows things

from us.”

14. “My si ster is a ve ry re aso na ble girl.”
15. “They li ve in Twin Oaks.”


M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

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Jack mó wi∏ ci wcze Êniej:

1. I’ve ne ver eaten Thai fo od.
2. Lau ra is on ly a friend.
3. Mr Jo nes is my next-do or ne igh bo ur.
4. I can not dan ce.
5. I lo ve all ani mals.
6. I am go ing on a bu si ness trip to mor row.
7. I ha te spi nach.
8. I am an on ly child.
9. I don’t spe ak fo re ign lan gu ages.
10. I am a To ry.

Póê niej jed nak ˝e po wie dzia∏ co in ne go. Wy raê swo je zdzi wie nie, za czy na jàc od wy ra ˝e nia:
“But you said/told me ...”


1. “My si ster is a la wy er.”
2. “I will bake pa sta shells with spi nach.”
3. “I’ve be en da ting Lau ra for six mon ths.”
4. “I won a dan cing com pe ti tion last we ek.”
5. “Ka eng Kiow Wan Nua is my fa vo uri te dish.”
6. “Let’s me et to mor row eve ning.”
7. “How I ha te ducks!”
8. “Mr Jo nes? I’ve ne ver he ard of him.”
9. “Ich fahre nach Berlin.”
10. “I iden ti fy my self with the po li ti cal left.”


“But you said/told me ...”.

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Zmiany dotyczàce
czasowników modularnych



co uld

“I can co ok,” he sa id.

„Po tra fi´ go to waç” – po wie dzia∏.

He sa id that he co uld co ok.

Po wie dzia∏, ˝e po tra fi go to waç.

“She can sing,” he sa id.

„Ona po tra fi Êpie waç” – po wie dzia∏.

He sa id that she co uld sing.

Po wie dzia∏, ˝e ona po tra fi Êpie waç.



co uld/wo uld be able (gdy mo wa o przy sz∏o Êci)

“I can co me to mor row,” he told me.
„Mo g´ przyjÊç ju tro” – po wie dzia∏ mi.

He told me that he co uld/wo uld be able to co me the next day.
Po wie dzi∏ mi, ˝e b´ dzie móg∏ przyjÊç ju tro/na st´p ne go dnia.

“I can fi nish it wi thin a we ek,” she sa id.
„Mo g´ to skoƒ czyç w cià gu ty go dnia” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id that she co uld/wo uld be able to fi nish it wi thin a we ek.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e b´ dzie to mo g∏a skoƒ czyç w cià gu ty go dnia.



mi ght

“He may co me back,” she sa id.

„On mo ˝e wró ciç” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id that he mi ght co me back.

Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e on mo ˝e wró ciç.

“I may be wrong,” he told me.

„Mo g´ si´ my liç” – po wie dzia∏ mi.

He told me that he mi ght be wrong.

Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e mo ˝e si´ my liç.



sho uld (w przy pad ku proÊ by o ra d´ bàdê po in stru owa nie)

“What shall we tell the chil dren?” she asked.

„Co po wie my dzie ciom?” – za py ta ∏a.

She asked what they sho uld tell the chil dren.

Za py ta ∏a, co ma jà po wie dzieç dzie ciom.

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“What shall I wri te abo ut?” he asked.

„O czym mam na pi saç?” – za py ta∏.

He asked what he sho uld wri te abo ut.

Za py ta∏, o czym ma na pi saç.



of fer (w przy pad ku sk∏a da nia pro po zy cji np. po mo cy)

“Shall I get you a cup of tea?” she sa id.

„Przy nieÊç ci fi li ˝an k´ her ba ty?” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She of fe red me a cup of tea.

Za pro po no wa ∏a mi fi li ˝an k´ her ba ty.

“Shall I ta ke you ho me?” he asked.

„Za braç ci´ do do mu?” – za py ta∏.

He of fe red me to ta ke me ho me.

Za pro po no wa∏, ˝e za bie rze mnie do do mu.



must (przy od czu wa nej we wn´trz nie ko niecz no Êci)/had to (przy stwier dza niu

obo wiàz ku)

“I must get a ha ir cut,” she told me.

„Mu sz´ obciàç w∏o sy” – po wie dzia ∏a mi.

She told me that he must/had to get a ha ir cut.

Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e mu si ob ciàç w∏o sy.

“I must go,” he sa id.

„Mu sz´ iÊç” – po wie dzia∏.

He sa id that he must go.

Po wie dzia∏, ˝e mu si iÊç.



wo uld ha ve to (w zda niach wa run ko wych)

“If the si tu ation gets wor se, we must con si der al ter na ti ves,” she sa id.
„Je Êli sy tu acja po gor szy si´, mu si my roz wa ˝yç inne mo˝ li wo Êci” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id that if the si tu ation got wor se, they wo uld ha ve to con si der al ter na ti ves.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e je Êli sy tu acja si´ po gor szy to b´ dà mu sie li roz wa ˝yç inne mo˝ li wo Êci.

“If they ar ri ve, we must tre at them kin dly,” he told me.
„Je Êli przy ja dà, mu si my ich trak to waç mi ∏o” – po wie dzia∏ mi.

He told me that if they ar ri ved, they wo uld ha ve to tre at them kin dly.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e je ˝e li przy ja dà, to b´ dà mu sie li trak to waç ich mi ∏o.

Must po zo sta je bez zmian w przy pad ku wnio sko waƒ, sta le obo wià zu jà cych po le ceƒ,

na ka zów bàdê za ka zów i przy wy po wia da niu za mia rów.

“You must be in lo ve,” she sa id (wnio sko wa nie).
„Mu sisz byç za ko cha ny” – po wie dzia ∏a.

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She sa id that I must be in lo ve.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e mu sz´ byç za ko cha ny.

“You must be out of your mind,” he told me.
„Chy ba zwa rio wa ∏eÊ” – po wie dzia∏ mi.

He told me that I must be out of my mind.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e chy ba zwa rio wa ∏em.

“I must get rid of my old car,” he told me (in ten cja).
„Mu sz´ si´ po zbyç mo je go sta re go sa mo cho du” – po wie dzia∏ mi.

He told me that he must get rid of his old car.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e mu si pozbyç si´ swojego starego samochodu.

He sa id, “Wor kers must we ar pro tec ti ve clo thing” (na kaz).
Po wie dzia∏: „Pra cow ni cy mu szà no siç odzie˝ ochron nà”.

He sa id wor kers must we ar pro tec ti ve clo thing.
On po wie dzia∏, ˝e pra cow ni cy mu szà no siç odzie˝ ochron nà.

Je ˝e li must jest u˝y te w zna cze niu ra dy czy su ge stii, to w mo wie za le˝ nej mo ˝e byç

za stà pio ne cza sow ni kiem ad vi se


“You must see this film,” she told me.
„Mu sisz obej rzeç ten film” – po wie dzia ∏a mi.

She ad vi sed me to see the film.
Po ra dzi ∏a mi, ˝e bym obej rza∏ ten film.

I mustn’t po zo sta je bez zmian w mo wie za le˝ nej, you/she/he mustn’t po zo sta je bez

zmian al bo jest za stà pio ne za ka zem:

“You mustn’t play with mat ches,” she told him.
„Nie wol no ci si´ ba wiç za pa∏ ka mi” – po wie dzia ∏a mu.

She told him that he mustn’t play with mat ches/wasn’t to play with mat ches.
Po wie dzia ∏a mu, ˝e nie wol no mu ba wiç si´ za pa∏ ka mi/˝e ma nie ba wiç si´ za pa∏ ka mi.

ne ed


ne eded

“I ne ed mo re ti me,” Dan ny sa id.

„Po trze bu j´ wi´ cej cza su” – po wie dzia∏ Dan ny.

Dan ny sa id that he ne eded mo re ti me.

Dan ny po wie dzia∏, ˝e po trze bu je wi´ cej cza su.


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Je Êli po ne ed wy st´ pu je bez oko licz nik, to w mo wie za le˝ nej mo ˝e byç za stà pio ny za rów no

przez ne eded to jak i had to


“I ne ed to go to bed,” she sa id.

“Mu sz´ iÊç spaç” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id that she ne eded/had to go to bed.

Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e mu si iÊç spaç.

ne edn’t


ne edn’t/didn’t ne ed to/didn’t ha ve to

“You ne edn’t apo lo gi se,” she sa id.
„Nie mu sisz prze pra szaç” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id that I ne edn’t/didn’t ne ed/didn’t ha ve to apo lo gi se.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e nie mu sz´ prze pra szaç.

“We ne edn’t wor ry,” he told me.
„Nie mu si my si´ przej mo waç’ – po wie dzia∏ mi.

He told me that we ne edn’t/didn’t ne ed/didn’t ha ve to wor ry.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e nie mu si my si´ przej mo waç.

Wo uld w zda niach orze ka jà cych po zo sta je bez zmian.

Used to nie zmie nia si´ w mo wie za le˝ nej.

“It used to be my fa vo uri te band,” he sa id.
„To by∏ kie dyÊ mój ulu bio ny ze spó∏” – po wie dzia∏.

He sa id that it used to be his fa vo uri te band.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e to by∏ kie dyÊ je go ulu bio ny ze spó∏.

Mi ght po zo sta je bez zmian, chy ba ˝e jest u˝y te w zna cze niu proÊ by.

“He mi ght re fu se to talk,” they sa id.
„On mo ˝e nie zgo dziç si´ mó wiç” – po wie dzie li.

They sa id that he mi ght re fu se to talk.
Po wie dzie li, ˝e on mo ˝e nie zgo dziç si´ mó wiç.

“They mi ght fe el upset,” she told me.
„Mo gà czuç si´ zde ner wo wa ni” – po wie dzia ∏a mi.

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She told me that they mi ght fe el upset.
Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e mo gà czuç si´ zde ner wo wa ni.


“You mi ght ta ke the gar ba ge out,” she sa id.
„Móg∏ byÊ wy rzu ciç Êmie ci” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She asked him to ta ke the gar ba ge out.
Po pro si ∏a go, ˝e by wy rzu ci∏ Êmie ci.

“You mi ght cle an your ro om from ti me to ti me,” she sa id.
„Móg∏ byÊ sprzàt nàç swój po kój od cza su do cza su” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She asked him to cle an his ro om from ti me to ti me.
Po pro si ∏a go, ˝e by sprzà ta∏ swój po kój od cza su do cza su.

Ought to/ sho uld po zo sta jà bez zmian, je Êli wy ra ˝a jà obo wià zek bàdê przy pusz cze nie, np.:

“You sho uld we ar your se at belt.”
„Po wi nie neÊ zapiàç pa sy bez pie czeƒ stwa”.

He told me that I sho uld we ar my se at belt.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e po wi nie nem zapiàç pa sy bez pie czeƒ stwa.

“I sho uld re ce ive my PhD next year.”
„Po win nam otrzy maç ty tu∏ dok to ra w przy sz∏ym ro ku”.

She sa id that she sho uld re ce ive her PhD the fol lo wing year.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e po win na otrzy maç ty tu∏ dok to ra w przy sz∏ym ro ku.

Je ˝e li ought to/sho uld wy ra ˝a jà ra d´ to w mo wie za le˝ nej mo gà byç za mie nio ne na

cza sow ni ki ad vi se




en co ura ge


“You sho uld re ad mo re.”

„Po wi nie neÊ wi´ cej czy taç”.

She ad vi sed me to re ad mo re.

Ona do ra dzi ∏a mi, ˝e bym wi´ cej czy ta∏.

“You ought to qu it smo king.”

„Po wi nieneÊ rzu ciç pa le nie”.

He en co ura ged me to qu it smo king.

Na ma wia∏ mnie, ˝e bym prze sta∏ pa liç.

“You sho uld we ar di stan ce glas ses,” the eye do ctor told me.
„Po wi nien pan no siç oku la ry dla krót ko wi dzów” – po wie dzia∏ mi oku li sta.


M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

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The eye do ctor ad vi sed me to we ar di stan ce glas ses.
Oku li sta po ra dzi∏ mi, ˝e bym no si∏ oku la ry dla krót ko wi dzów.

Co uld w od nie sie niu do umie j´t no Êci w cza sie przy sz∏ym mo ˝e byç za stà pio ne przez

wo uld be able to, np.:

“He co uld re pa ir the tap.”

„On móg∏ by na pra wiç kran”.

He sa id that he co uld/wo uld be able to re pa ir the tap.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e móg∏ by na pra wiç kran.

“I co uld le arn Ger man in two years’ ti me.”
„Mog∏ bym na uczyç si´ nie miec kie go w dwa la ta”.

She sa id that she co uld/wo uld be able to le arn Ger man in two years’ ti me.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e mo g∏a by na uczy si´ nie miec kie go w dwa la ta.

Co uld w od nie sie niu do umie j´t no Êci w cza sie prze sz∏ym mo ˝e byç zmie nio ne na had

be en able, np.:

“He co uld climb tre es when he was a child.”
„Po tra fi∏ wspi naç si´ po drze wach, kie dy by∏ dziec kiem”.

He sa id that he co uld/had be en able to climb tre es when he was a child.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e po tra fi∏ wspi naç si´ po drze wach, kie dy by∏ dziec kiem.

“As a lit tle girl, I co uld wri te po ems and sto ries.”
„Ja ko ma ∏a dziew czyn ka po tra fi ∏am pi saç wier sze i opo wia da nia”.

She sa id that as a lit tle girl she co uld/had be en able to wri te po ems and sto ries.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e ja ko ma ∏a dziew czyn ka po tra fi ∏a pi saç wier sze i opo wia da nia.

Co uld w zda niach wa run ko wych II ty pu po zo sta jà bez zmian lub za mie nia si´ na wo uld

be al lo wed to, np.:

“If my mo ther agre ed, I co uld ha ve a par rot.”
„Gdy by mo ja ma ma zgo dzi ∏a si´, móg∏ bym mieç pa pu g´”.

He sa id that if his mo ther agre ed, he co uld ha ve/wo uld be al lo wed to ha ve
a par rot.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e gdy by je go ma ma zgo dzi ∏a si´, móg∏ by mieç pa pu g´.

“If the re we ren’t so much work to do, I co uld ta ke a day off.”
„Gdy by nie by ∏o ty le pra cy do wy ko na nia, mo g∏a bym wziàç dzieƒ wol ny”.

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

She sa id that if the re we ren’t so much work to do, she co uld/wo uld be al lo wed
to ta ke a day off.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e gdy by nie by ∏o ty le pra cy do wy ko na nia, to mo g∏a by wziàç dzieƒ wol ny.

Co uld w od nie sie niu do przy zwo le nia w cza sie prze sz∏ym mo ˝e byç zmie nio ny na

was/we re al lo wed to, np.:

“On Sa tur day I co uld stay up la te.”
„W so bo ty mo g∏em nie k∏aÊç si´ do ∏ó˝ ka a˝ do póê na”.

He sa id that on Sa tur day he co uld/was al lo wed to stay up la te.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e w so bo ty móg∏ nie k∏aÊç si´ do ∏ó˝ ka a˝ do póê na.

“When I was fi fte en, I co uld watch any mo vie I wan ted.”
„Kie dy mia ∏em pi´t na Êcie lat, mo g∏em oglà daç ka˝ dy film, ja ki chcia ∏em”.

He told me that when he was fi fte en, he co uld/was
al lo wed to watch any film he wan ted.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e kie dy mia∏ pi´t na Êcie lat, móg∏ oglà daç ka˝ dy film, ja ki chcia∏.

åwi cze nia


Wy raê po ni ˝ej po da ne zda nia w mo wie za le˝ nej.

1. “You must be over 21 to hi re a car.”
2. “She must be se eing things.”
3. “He must be mad.”
4. “You ought to think twi ce.”
5. “He co uldn’t find com mon gro und with so me pe ople.”
6. “She co uld we ar wha te ver she wan ted.”
7. “You mustn’t let any one use it.”
8. “I wo uld li ke to see you aga in.”
9. “You ne edn’t go to all that tro uble.”
10. “She used to work as a ho use ke eper.”
11. “He sho uld be in dic ted.”
12. “You ought to qu it smo king.”
13. “You mi ght cle an the ho use.”
14. “I must talk to you.”
15. “You mi ght suc ce ed in co nvin cing him.”


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Na pisz po ni˝ sze zda nia w mo wie za le˝ nej do pa so wu jàc je do osób wy mie nio nych

w punk tach a–h.

1. “I will ta ke your blo od pres su re.”
2. “I co uld ta ke you to ja il for dri ving too fast.”
3. “I wo uld di scuss the sur ge of vio len ce in Ba gh dad.”
4. “You mi ght be suf fe ring from dys gra phia.”
5. “You mustn’t spe ak to the ju ry.”
6. “You ne edn’t chan ge the air fil ter.”
7. “I used to li ve in a po or area of Lon don.”
8. “I can ty pe 30 words a mi nu te.”


W cià gu dnia Gra ce spo ty ka ∏a si´ z ró˝ ny mi oso ba mi, któ re po wie dzia ∏y jej

Phar ma cist:

“The pre scrip tion expi red yester day.
You sho uld call the do ctor to re new it.”

Gra ce’s boss:

“Gra ce, I’ve no ti ced your hard work.
You will find so me thing extra in your pay check.”

Gra ce’s fiancéé: “I wo uld ra ther get mar ried in Ve gas.”
Mrs Jen kins:

“I may drop in for a chat.”

Wie czo rem Gra ce opo wia da bab ci o mi nio nym dniu. Uzu pe∏ nij re la cje Gra ce po s∏u gu jàc si´
mo wà za le˝ nà.

Gra ce:

Hi grand ma! I went to the che mist after work.
The la dy the re sa id (1) ________________.

Grand ma:

Oh de ar!

Gra ce:

She told me (2) ________________.

Grand ma:

Yes, yes. I will do it. And how was your work?

Gra ce:

Ve ry bu sy. I am exhau sted.

Grand ma:

And that boss of yours – is he ni ce?

Gra ce:

So me days he is ni ce, so me days he is not.
To day he sa id (3) ________________.

Grand ma:

How ni ce of him.

Gra ce:

Yes, I felt so me sort of sa tis fac tion.
He al so told me that (4) ________________.

Grand ma:

This is a just gre at! I am so pro ud of you. And how is Jack?

Gra ce:

Oh, you wo uldn’t be lie ve what he told me to day!
He sa id (5) ________________.

Grand ma:

He sa id what?!

Gra ce:

Don’t wor ry, grand ma, I think he was on ly jo king.
You know he lo ves to jo ke.

Grand ma:

You ne ver know with him, de ar.

Gra ce:

Oh, whi le it’s still fresh in my mind. I met Mrs Jen kins on the sta irs.
She sa id (6) ________________.



a) The nur se told me
b) The Pri me Mi ni ster sa id
c) The te acher told me
d) The jud ge told her
e) The traf fic cop sa id
f) The car me cha nic sa id
g) The ac tor sa id
h) The se cre ta ry sa id

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then/at that ti me/im me dia te ly

at the mo ment


at the ti me

to day


that day

to ni ght


that ni ght

yester day


the day be fo re/the pre vio us day

to mor row


the next day/the fol lo wing day

to mor row eve ning


the fol lo wing eve ning

this year


that year

last year


the year be fo re/the pre vio us year

next year


the year after/the fol lo wing year

the we ek after next


a we ek la ter

the se days


tho se days

in two days


two days from then

the day be fo re yester day


two days be fo re/two days ear lier

the day after to mor row


two days la ter/two days after



be fo re

he re


the re

“I didn’t set tle to any thing yester day,” he sa id.
„Nie za bra ∏em si´ wczo raj do ni cze go” – po wie dzia∏.

He sa id that he hadn’t set tled to any thing the day be fo re.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e nie za bra∏ si´ wczo raj do ni cze go.

“I will con tact you to mor row,” she sa id.
„Skon tak tu j´ si´ z to bà ju tro” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id that she wo uld con tact me the next day/the fol lo wing day.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e skon tak tu je si´ ze mnà ju tro/na st´p ne go dnia.

“I last saw him two years ago,” she told me.
„Ostat nio wi dzia ∏am go dwa la ta te mu” – po wie dzia ∏a mi.

She told me that she had last se en him two years be fo re.
Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e ostat nio wi dzia ∏a go dwa la ta te mu.

“I’ve got other things on my mind at the mo ment,” he sa id.
„Mam te raz in ne spra wy na g∏o wie” – po wie dzia∏.

He grun ted that he had got other things on his mind at the ti me.
Od burk nà∏, ˝e ma in ne spra wy na g∏o wie.


Zmiany dotyczàce
okreÊleƒ czasu i miejsca

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“The con cert is to ni ght,” she in for med me.
„Kon cert jest wie czo rem” – po in for mo wa ∏a mnie.

She in for med me that the con cert was that ni ght.
Po in for mo wa ∏a mnie, ˝e kon cert by∏ wie czo rem.

“I will re su me tra ining next year,” he sa id.
„Po dej m´ tre ning w przy sz∏ym ro ku” – po wie dzia∏.

He sa id that he wo uld re su me tra ining the year after/the fol lo wing year.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e po dej mie tre ning w przy sz∏ym ro ku.

“I fe el gre at to day,” she sa id.
„Czu j´ si´ dzi siaj wspa nia le” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id that she felt gre at that day.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e czu je si´ dzi siaj wspa nia le.

“We are go ing to hi re 100 pe ople this year,” he told me.
„Za mie rza my za trud niç 100 osób w tym ro ku” – po wie dzia∏ mi.

He told me that they we re go ing to hi re 100 pe ople that year.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e za mie rza jà za trud niç 100 osób w tym ro ku.

Je ˝e li this/the se nie sà u˝y te w okre Êle niach cza so wych wów czas prze cho dzà w:

the, je Êli okre Êla jà rze czow nik, np.:

“I li ke this idea.”

„Po do ba mi si´ ten po mys∏”.

He told me that she li ked the idea.

Po wie dzia∏, ˝e po do ba mu si´ ten po mys∏.

“Buy me this fur co at.”

„Kup mi to fu tro”.

She told me to buy her the co at.

Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e bym jej ku pi∏ to fu tro.

it lub they/them je Êli sà za im ka mi, np.:

“This is unbe lie va ble.”

„To jest nie wia ry god ne”.

He sa id that it was unbe lie va ble.

Po wie dzia∏, ˝e to jest nie wia ry god ne.

“The se are my chil dren.”

„To sà mo je dzie ci”.

She sa id that they we re her chil dren.

Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e to sà jej dzie ci.

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“This used to be a go od ho tel.”

„To by∏ daw niej do bry ho tel”.

She told me that it used to be a go od ho tel.
Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e to by∏ daw niej do bry ho tel.



Za mieƒ po ni ˝ej po da ne okre Êle nia cza su i miej sca na ta kie, któ re wy st´ pu jà w mo wie

za le˝ nej.

1. at the moment
2. he re
3. in five mi nu tes’ ti me
4. last year
5. next sum mer
6. now
7. the day be fo re yester day
8. the se days
9. this eve ning
10. to day
11. to mor row
12. to mor row night
13. to ni ght
14. two years ago
15. yester day


Za mieƒ po ni ˝ej po da ne zda nia na mo w´ za le˝ nà.

1. “This is ve ry easy.”
2. “The se are ve ry go od qu estions.”
3. “I en joy ed this bo ok.”
4. “The se are qu ite com for ta ble too.”
5. “I ha ve bo ught the se for my self.”
6. “This is a re al war.”
7. “The se we re the go od old days.”
8. “The se ro ses are for you.”


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Wszyst kie za im ki (oso bo we i dzier ˝aw cze) oraz okreÊl ni ki dzier ˝aw cze pod le ga jà zmia nie

w za le˝ no Êci od kon tek stu, np.:

“My pa rents vi si ted me on Sun day,” she sa id.
„Moi ro dzi ce od wie dzi li mnie w nie dzie l´” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id her pa rents vi si ted her on Sun day.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e jej ro dzi ce od wie dzi li jà w nie dzie l´.

“I en joy ed your sto ry,” she sa id.
„Po do ba ∏a mi si´ two ja opo wieÊç” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id that she en joy ed my sto ry.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e po do ba jej si´ mo ja opo wieÊç.

“You’re al ways we lco me at our ho use,” they sa id.
„Za wsze je steÊ mi le wi dzia ny w na szym do mu” – po wie dzie li.

They told me that I was al ways we lco me at the ir ho use.
Po wie dzie li mi, ˝e je stem za wsze mi le wi dzia ny w ich do mu.

“Ours is the best of fer,” he sa id.
„Na sza ofer ta jest naj lep sza” – po wie dzia∏.

He sa id that the ir of fer was the best.
Po wie dzia∏, ˝e ich ofer ta jest naj lep sza.


“I saw him yester day,” she sa id.

„Wi dzia ∏am go wczo raj” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She sa id that she had se en him yester day.

Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e wi dzia ∏a go wczo raj.



Za mieƒ po ni˝ sze zda nia na mo w´ za le˝ nà, pa mi´ ta jàc o za im kach oso bo wych

i dzier ˝aw czych.

1. Bob sa id, “I ha ve met your pa rents.”
2. Ka ty sa id, “We ha ve bo ught a new ca me ra.”
3. Tim sa id, “I’d li ke you to me et my girl friend.”
4. Jer ry sa id, “Our car has a flat tyre.”
5. Paul sa id, “Bet your lap top is he avier than mi ne.”
6. Sue sa id, “My job is stres sing me out.”
7. Jack sa id, “No com pa ny is bet ter than ours.”


Zmiany dotyczàce zaimków

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a



Prze ka˝ w mo wie za le˝ nej in for ma cje zo sta wio ne przez Gre ga na au to ma tycz nej se kre tar ce.


Hi, Beth. We are in Gre ece. We are stay ing at the At ti ca Ho tel. It is ab so lu te ly fan -
ta stic! The ro oms are ve ry cle an and the staff are frien dly. No thing is too much tro -
uble. We co uldn’t ha ve asked for bet ter ac com mo da tion! Our ro om over lo oks the sea
– it is won der ful to watch the sun set and ri se. The fo od is excel lent, espe cial ly the
ho me-ma de bre ad and co okies. I will call you aga in on Sa tur day. Say hel lo to Mi ke
from Ka te and me.

Greg left a mes sa ge on your an swe ring ma chi ne. He sa id that___________________


Hi, Beth. It is me aga in. We are a bit ti red of our ro om. True, it is cle an, but it is
ve ry, ve ry small. The re is no pla ce to ke ep our su it ca ses. The ba th ro om is al so ti ny.
You can sit on the to ilet and brush your te eth over the sink. After the se cond ni ght
I cal led the re cep tion desk to re qu est a ro om chan ge, but I was told that the ho tel
was over bo oked and a ro om chan ge was not an option. We are plan ning on chec -
king out to mor row. Say hel lo to Mi ke from us.

On Sa tur day, Greg left you ano ther mes sa ge. He com pla ined that________________

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co me





ta ke

“Co me with me,” he sa id.

„Chodê ze mnà” – po wie dzia∏.

He asked me to go with him.

Po pro si∏ mnie, ˝e bym z nim po sz∏a.

“When will you be co ming ho me?”

„Kie dy przyj dziesz do do mu?”

She asked when I wo uld be go ing ho me.

Za py ta ∏a, kie dy przyj d´ do do mu.

She sa id, “Bring it he re.”

Ona po wie dzia ∏a: „Przy nieÊ to tu taj”.

She asked (me) to ta ke it the re.

Ona po pro si ∏a (mnie), ˝e bym to tam zaniós∏.




Nie zmie nia si´ w mo wie za le˝ nej au to ma tycz nie it na that. Za mia na ta ka mo ˝e nastàpiç
w przy pad ku, gdy zda nie w mo wie za le˝ nej mo ˝e my uzu pe∏ niç wska za niem na ko goÊ lub
coÊ, o czym wspo mi na no w zda niu wyj Êcio wym (w mo wie nie za le˝ nej).

“Cle an it,” she told me.

„Wy czyÊç to” – po wie dzia ∏a mi.

She told me to cle an that

(po wie my tak, wska zu jàc np. na pla m´ na pod ∏o dze).

Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e bym to wy czy Êci∏.

She told me to cle an it

(po wie my tak, gdy nie wska zu je my na pla m´, po nie wa˝

znaj du je my si´ w innym miejscu i nie wi dzi my jej lub pla ma zo sta ∏a ju˝ wy tar ta, a my
je dy nie przy ta cza my po le ce nie wcze Êniej wy da ne).


Inne zmiany

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Pytania w mowie zale˝nej


Py ta nia w mo wie za le˝ nej zmie nia jà szyk zda nia na oznaj mu jà cy.

W py ta niach pod sta wo wym cza sow ni kiem re la cjo nu jà cym jest ask. In ne cza sow ni ki

rów nie˝ mo gà byç sto so wa ne do od da wa nia py taƒ w mo wie za le˝ nej, np.:

to in qu ire

py taç, za si´ gaç in for ma cji

to qu ery

py taç

to want to know

chcieç wie dzieç

to won der

za sta na wiaç si´

W prze ci wieƒ stwie do po wy˝ szych cza sow ni ków ask mo ˝e wy st´ po waç z do pe∏ nie niem.

They asked, “Do you know him?”

Py ta li: „Czy go znasz?”

They asked me whe ther I knew him. Py ta li, czy go znam.


He asked, “Whe re do you li ve?”

Za py ta∏: „Gdzie miesz kasz?”

He in qu ired whe re she li ved.

He wan ted to know whe re she li ved.

He won de red whe re she li ved.

He qu eried whe re she li ved.

Py ta nia ty pu „Yes/No”

Py ta nia ty pu „yes/no” (bez zwro tów py ta jà cych, np.: what, whe re, when, who se, who)

wpro wa dza my w mo wie za le˝ nej za po mo cà if lub whe ther, np.:

“Are you ti red?” she asked.

„Je steÊ zm´ czo ny?” – za py ta ∏a.

She asked if/whe ther he was ti red.

Za py ta ∏a, czy jest zm´ czo ny.

If i whe ther za zwy czaj sto su je si´ wy mien nie, ale if jest bar dziej po wszech ne. Whe ther

pod kre Êla, ˝e na le ˝y do ko naç wy bo ru, np.:

“Whe re do you want to go: to the ci ne ma or to a re stau rant?”
„Gdzie chcesz pójÊç: do ki na czy re stau ra cji?”

He asked whe ther I wan ted to go to the ci ne ma or to a re stau rant?
Za py ta∏, czy chc´ pójÊç do ki na czy re stau ra cji.

“Which pla ce wo uld you li ke to vi sit first: the Roy al Ca stle or ¸a zien ki?”
„Co chcia∏ byÊ naj pierw zwie dziç: Za mek Kró lew ski czy ¸a zien ki?”

She asked whe ther I wo uld li ke to vi sit first the Roy al Ca stle or ¸a zien ki.
Za py ta ∏a, czy chcia∏ bym naj pierw zwie dziç Za mek Kró lew ski czy ¸a zien ki.

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Py ta nia z wy ra za mi py ta jà cy mi

Je Êli py ta nie w mo wie nie za le˝ nej za czy na si´ od s∏o wa py ta jà ce go, to s∏o wo to jest
po wta rza ne, gdy przy ta cza my py ta nie w mo wie za le˝ nej.

She asked, “Whe re do you work?”

Ona za py ta ∏a: „Gdzie pra cu jesz?”

She asked (him) whe re he wor ked.

Ona za py ta ∏a (go), gdzie pra cu je.

He asked, “What are you do ing?”

On za py ta∏: „Co ro bisz?”

He asked (her) what she was do ing.

On za py ta∏ (jà), co ro bi.

“How do you li ke it?” she asked.

„Jak ci si´ to po do ba” – za py ta ∏a.

She asked (him) how he li ked it.

Za py ta ∏a (go), jak mu si´ to po do ba.

Py ta nia z will you/wo uld you/co uld you

To mo gà byç nie tyl ko zwy k∏e py ta nia, ale rów nie˝ wy po wie dzi b´ dà ce w isto cie proÊ ba mi,
po le ce nia mi, pro po zy cja mi czy za pro sze nia mi. Oprócz cza sow ni ka ask u˝y wa ne go przede
wszyst kim w py ta niach, mo˝ na tu sto so waç in ne cza sow ni ki re la cjo nu jà ce cha rak te ry stycz ne
dla próÊb, na ka zów, pro po zy cji, za pro szeƒ, sho ut, or der, com mand, of fer, in vi te,
im plo re, ple ad, re qu est (zob. pa ra graf „Po le ce nia, za ka zy, ra dy i proÊ by”).

“Will you pho ne me?” she asked.

„Za dzwo nisz do mnie?” – za py ta ∏a.

She asked if I wo uld pho ne her.

Ona za py ta ∏a, czy za dzwo ni´ do niej.

She sho uted “Will you stop and li sten!”

Ona krzyk n´ ∏a: „Prze sta niesz i po s∏u chasz!”

She sho uted at him to stop and li sten/She or de red him to stop and li sten.
Ona krzyk n´ ∏a na nie go, ˝e by prze sta∏ i po s∏u cha∏/Ona ka za ∏a mu prze staç i po s∏u chaç.

He asked, “Wo uld you stay for lunch?”

On za py ta∏: „Zo sta ∏a byÊ na lunch?”

He asked (me) if I wo uld li ke to stay for lunch/He in vi ted me for lunch
On za py ta∏ (mnie), czy bym nie zo sta ∏a na lunch/Za pro si∏ mnie na lunch.

He sa id, “Will you fol low me?”

On po wie dzia∏: „Pój dziesz za mnà?”

He told her to fol low him.

Po wie dzia∏ jej, ˝e by po sz∏a za nim.

He sa id, “Will you jo in me for a drink?”

On po wie dzia∏: „Pój dziesz ze mnà na drin ka?”

He in vi ted me for a drink.

On za pro si∏ mnie na drin ka.

She sa id, “Wo uld you li ke a cup of tea?”
Ona po wie dzia ∏a: „Czy wypi∏byÊ fi li ˝an k´ her ba ty?”

She of fe red me a cup of tea.

Ona za pro po no wa ∏a mi fi li ˝an k´ her ba ty.

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Bob sa id, “Co uld you help me?”

Bob po wie dzia∏: „Móg∏ byÊ mi po móc?”

Bob asked me to help him.

Bob po pro si∏ mnie, ˝e bym mu po móg∏.



Za mieƒ py ta nia 1–15 na py ta nia w mo wie za le˝ nej.

1. “What hap pe ned?”
2. “Eve ry thing all ri ght?”
3. “Will that be all?”
4. “What are you tal king abo ut?”
5. “How long are you stay ing?”
6. “What are you go ing to do?”
7. “How much do es it cost?”
8. “What ha ve you do ne to your ha ir?”


Wy raê po ni˝ sze py ta nia w mo wie za le˝ nej, wpro wa dza jàc przy to cze nie s∏o wem

in ter pre tu jà cym wy po wiedê, np.:

Will you stay for din ner?”

She in vi ted me for din ner

1. “Will you jo in us?”
2. “Will you be my friend?”
3. “Will you ple ase go now?”
4. “Will you an swer the qu estions?”
5. “Wo uld you li ke a cup of cof fee?”
6. “Wo uld you re com mend me?”
7. “Will you ple ase be se rio us?”
8. “Will you ta ke me ho me?”


Za mieƒ py ta nia 1–12 na py ta nia w mo wie za le˝ nej.

1. “Wo uld you li ke to be self em ploy ed?”
2. “Ha ve you got a li ght?”
3. “Can you trust him?”
4. “Are you su re you want to know?”
5. “Is your ne igh bo ur a bul ly?”
6. “Is the re any way out?”


9. “What is wrong with you?”
10. “Who are you?”
11. “What do you want to be co me:

a do ctor or a la wy er?

12. “What is your boss li ke?”
13. “How are you do ing?”
14. “How do you know my na me?”
15. “What ha ve you le arnt?”

9. “Will you wa it for me?”
10. “Will you stop sta ring at me?”
11. “Wo uld you turn off the ra dio?”
12. “Will you gi ve her my re gards?”
13. “Wo uld you let me go?”
14. “Wo uld you help me out?”
15. “Will you ple ase be ha ve?”

7. “Do you often skip bre ak fast?”
8. “Has she re al ly chan ged?”
9. “Ha ve they kept the ir pro mi ses?”
10. “Is the re any pro blem?”
11. “Do es he still work the re?”
12. “Do you ap pro ve of the ban on

be er ad ver ti sing?”

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Jak brzmia ∏o py ta nie w mo wie nie za le˝ nej?

1. He asked me what ti me it was.
2. She asked me whe ther I wo uld co me.
3. He asked me if I wo uld do him a fa vo ur.
4. She asked him what he was do ing the re.
5. He asked me what I wan ted for my bir th day.
6. She asked him whe ther it was his car.
7. They asked me if I co uld spe ak Spa nish.
8. They asked us if we knew any thing abo ut it.
9. He asked her if he co uld call back for fur ther in for ma tion.
10. He asked her if she was ta king her pills.


Wy bierz w∏a Êci we uzu pe∏ nie nie a, b lub c dla zdaƒ 1–5.

1. He asked me __________.
a) whe re I wan ted to go
b) whe re did I want to go
c) whe re I want to go

2. She asked me whe ther __________.
a) I had se en the film
b) had I se en the film
c) I saw the film

3. He wan ted to know whe ther __________.
a) are we to we ar pro tec ti ve clo thing
b) did we we ar pro tec ti ve clo thing
c) we we re to we ar pro tec ti ve clo thing


Uzu pe∏ nij re la cj´ w mo wie za le˝ nej na pod sta wie dia lo gu mi´ dzy Joh nem

a sprze daw cà w sa lo nie te le fo nii ko mór ko wej.


Go od mor ning sir, how can I help you?


Go od mor ning. I am lo oking for a mo bi le pho ne.


Pre pa id or post pa id?


I am not su re. What is the dif fe ren ce be twe en them?


With a pre pa id mo bi le pho ne you will buy a block of mi nu tes ahe ad of
ti me. The re are no mon th ly bills and you don’t sign a con tract.
Ho we ver, the bil ling is ba sed on a per-mi nu te cost. So, if you are go ing to
use your mo bi le often then you sho uld go in for a post pa id plan.


I think I will be bet ter with a pre pa id plan. I am not a he avy pho ne user.


One mo re thing, the SIM card in c lu des 15 eu ros of cal ling cre dit.
When it runs out, you ha ve to buy mo re ti me. If the card is in ac ti ve
for a lon ger pe riod of ti me, it expi res.

4. He won de red __________.
a) how had I ma na ged to co nvin ce my pa rents
b) how I had ma na ged to co nvin ce my pa rents
c) how did I ma na ge to co nvin ce my pa rents

5. She asked us __________.
a) what we re we do ing
b) what we re we to do
c) what we we re do ing

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I see. Whe re can I buy the SIM card?


You can buy it in any pho ne shop or at the new sa gents, su per mar kets
or pe trol sta tions.


OK, I will ta ke it.

John went to a pho ne shop to buy a mo bi le pho ne. He wasn’t su re which mo bi le to

buy. The sel ler told him that with a pre pa id mo bi le pho ne he (1) ________________

a block of mi nu tes ahe ad of ti me. He told him that the re (2) _________________ no

mon th ly bills and that he (3) ________________sign a con tract. He al so sa id that the

bil ling (4) ____________________ba sed on per-mi nu te cost. He conc lu ded that if he

(5)_____________________to use his mo bi le pho ne often, he (6) _______________

in for a post pa id plan.

John re plied that he (7) ________________bet ter with a pre pa id plan ad ding that he

(8) __________________ a he avy pho ne user. The sel ler in for med him that that the

SIM card (9) ____________15 eu ros of cal ling cre dit, so when it (10)_____________

out, he (11) ___________to buy mo re ti me. He ad ded that if the card (12) ______

in ac ti ve for a lon ger pe riod of ti me, it (13) ___________. Then John asked him

whe re (14) _______________ the SIM card. The sel ler re plied that he (15) ______

it in any pho ne shop or at the new sa gents, su per mar kets or pe trol sta tions.


Wy bierz w∏a Êci we wy ra ˝e nie, aby uzu pe∏ niç ka˝ de ze zdaƒ 1–7. Po s∏u˝ si´ mo wà

za le˝ nà.

1. Kim was go ing out for a walk, so she asked me ____________________________
2. Beth’s si ster was di schar ged from ho spi tal, so I asked her ________________
3. Tom lo oked at my con tract and I asked him _______________________________
4. Amy do esn’t go along with her bro ther, so I asked her ______________________
5. I saw that he was using a new Ca non cam cor der, so I asked him _____________
6. The boy was too shy to ask for fo od, so she asked him ______________________
7. Tom pic ked me up for lunch and asked ___________________________________


“How is the weather?”

“Why do you fight with him?”

“Are you hungry?”

“How is she?”

“Where do you want to go?”

“How do you like it?”

“Is there any way out?”

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Zda nia roz ka zu jà ce w mo wie za le˝ nej wy ra ˝a my za po mo cà bez oko licz ni ka, np.:

“Call me Vin ce,” he sa id.

„Mów mi Vin ce” – po wie dzia∏.

He told me to call him Vin ce.

Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e bym mó wi ∏a mu Vin ce.

“Don’t con ti nue this co nver sa tion,” she told me.
„Nie kon ty nu uj tej roz mo wy” – po wie dzia ∏a mi.

She told me not to con ti nue the co nver sa tion.
Po wie dzia ∏a mi, ˝e bym nie kon ty nu owa∏ tej roz mo wy.

“Wash your hands!” she sa id.

„Umyj r´ ce!” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She told him to wash his hands.

Po wie dzia ∏a mu, ˝e by umy∏ r´ ce.

“Gi ve me a bre ak,” he sa id.

„Daj mi spo kój” – po wie dzia∏.

He told her to gi ve him a bre ak.

Po wie dzia∏ jej, ˝e by da ∏a mu spo kój.

“Get your self a ha ir cut,” he sa id.

„Obe tnij w∏o sy” – po wie dzia∏.

He told me to get my self a ha ir cut.

Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e bym ob cià∏ w∏o sy.

Do cza sow ni ków, któ re mo gà byç u˝y te do re la cjo no wa nia po le ceƒ, za ka zów, rad

i próÊb na le ˝à ad vi se, ask, com mand, de mand, for bid, im plo re, or der, ple ad
, re mind, re qu est, in vi te, urge, warn, np.:

He sa id, “Try aga in.”

On po wie dzia∏: „Spró buj po now nie”.

He ad vi sed me to try aga in.

On po ra dzi∏ mi, ˝e bym spró bo wa ∏a ponow nie.

“Ple ase, wa it for me,” she sa id.

„Pro sz´, po cze kaj na mnie” – po wie dzia ∏a.

She im plo red him to wa it for her.

Ona usil nie pro si ∏a go, ˝e by po cze ka∏ na nià.

“Don’t tell any one,” he sa id.

Po wie dzia∏: „Nie mów ni ko mu”.

He for ba de me to tell any one.

On za bro ni∏ mi mó wiç komukolwiek.

She sa id, “Don’t con tact me.”

Ona po wie dzia ∏a: „Nie kon tak tuj si´ ze mnà”.


Polecenia, zakazy,
rady i proÊby

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a


She re qu ested him not to con tact her.

Po pro si ∏a go, ˝e by si´ z nià nie kon tak to wa∏.

He sa id, “Mo ve your car.”

On po wie dzia∏: „Prze staw sa mo chód”.

He or de red me to mo ve my car.

Ka za∏ mi prze sta wiç sa mo chód.

In nym spo so bem re la cjo no wa nia po le ceƒ i próÊb jest ko non struk cja

say/tell+pod miot+be+bez oko licz nik, np.:

“Re port to the com man der im me dia te ly,” he sa id.
„Zamelduj si´ na tych miast do wód cy” – po wie dzia∏.

He sa id that I was to re port to the com man der im me dia te ly.
Po wie dzia∏ mi, ˝e mam na tych miast zameldowaç si´ dowódcy.

“Don’t di scuss the ca se,” she sa id.
„Nie dys ku tuj cie o tej spra wie” – po wie dzia ∏a mi.

She sa id that we we ren’t to di scuss the ca se.
Po wie dzia ∏a, ˝e ma my nie dys ku to waç o tej spra wie.



Wy raê po ni˝ sze po le ce nia i proÊ by w mo wie za le˝ nej, u˝y wa jàc cza sow ni ków

in ter pre tu jà cych sens wy po wie dzi, np.:

“You’d bet ter hur ry.”
He ad vi sed us to hur ry.

1. “Stay at ho me,” they sa id
2. “Wa it a mo ment,” Mi ke sa id.
3. “Ke ep an eye on him,” she sa id
4. Jack sa id, “Don’t even think abo ut it.”
5. “Calm down and li sten ca re ful ly,”

Si mon sa id.

6. “Don’t be afra id,” Mark sa id.
7. “Don’t lo se ho pe,” she sa id.
8. He len sa id, “Don’t expect much.”
9. “Le ave me alo ne,” Da ve sa id.
10. “Drink mo re red wi ne,” Ali ce sa id.
11. “Don’t ma ke me laugh,” Tom sa id.

12. Ro ger sa id, “Call me back.”
13. “An swer the pho ne,” he sa id.
14. Ja ne sa id, “Don’t stick your he ad

out of the win dow.”

15. “Be ho nest and al ways tell the

truth,” my mo ther sa id.

16. “Ta ke it easy,” Paul sa id.
17. “Ap ply a hot com press,” Beth sa id.
18. “Stay in bed,” the do ctor sa id.
19. Al ly sa id, “Ke ep your opi nions to

your self.”

20. “Ta ke the car to a me cha nic,”

Chris sa id.

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Na pisz, co g∏o si re gu la min pew nej fir my. Po s∏u˝ si´ kon struk cjà

say/tell+pod miot+be+bez oko licz nik we d∏ug wzo ru.

Staff are to re spect each other’s pri va cy.

1. Re spect each other’s pri va cy.
2. Don’t use the pho ne for per so nal calls.
3. We ar bad ges.
4. Don’t ac cept cash gi fts.
5. Don’t le ave your va lu ables unat ten ded.


Przy tocz w mo wie za le˝ nej po ni˝ sze po le ce nia wy po wie dzia ne na lek cji przez na uczy cie la.

1. “Pay at ten tion!”
2. “Don’t spe ak Po lish.”
3. “Don’t talk!”
4. “Be qu iet!”
5. “Open your bo oks.”


Phi lip cz´ sto tre su je swo je go psa, Al f´. Po wiedz (w mo wie za le˝ nej), ja kie po le ce nia mu

wy da je.

1. “Lie down.”
2. “Jump up.”
3. “Fetch.”
4. “Don’t bark.”


Uzu pe∏ nij lu ki w zda niach 1–9 od po wied ni mi zda nia mi z baj ki Ezo pa prze kszta∏ co ny mi

na mo w´ za le ˝à. Zwróç uwa g´ na wszyst kie prze kszta∏ ce nia.

(1) THE HA RE was on ce bo asting of his spe ed be fo re the other ani mals. (2) “I ha ve
ne ver yet be en be aten,” sa id he, (3) “I chal len ge any one he re to ra ce with me.” (4) The
Tor to ise sa id qu ie tly, “I ac cept your chal len ge.” (5) “That is a go od jo ke,” sa id the Ha re;
(6) “I co uld dan ce ro und you all the way.” (7) “Ke ep your bo asting till you’ve be aten,”
an swe red the Tor to ise. (8) “Shall we ra ce?” So a co ur se was fi xed and a start was ma de.
The Ha re dar ted al most out of si ght at on ce, but so on stop ped and, to show his con -
tempt for the Tor to ise, lay down to ha ve a nap. The Tor to ise plod ded on and plod ded
on, and when the Ha re awo ke from his nap, he saw the Tor to ise just ne ar the win ning-
post and co uld not run up in ti me to sa ve the ra ce. (9) Then sa id the Tor to ise: “PLOD -
DING WINS THE RA CE.”Aesop’s Ta le “The Tor to ise and the Ha re”

1) The nar ra tor sa id that _________________________________________________.
2) The Hare said that___________________________and 3)____________________.
4) The Tortoise replied that________________________________________________.
5) The Hare retorted that ___________________adding that 6) _________________.
7) The Tortoise told him ____________________and 8) _______________________.
9) After the Tortoise won the race, he told the Hare _________________________.

5. “Sha ke.”
6. “Up you co me.”
7. “He el.”
8. “Roll over.”

6. “Do not co py other stu dents’ work.”
7. “Wri te a sto ry abo ut your best friend.”
8. “Ta ke out your pens.”
9. “Don’t for get to do your ho me work.”
10. “Put up your hand if you want to spe ak.”

6. Re port any act of van da lism.
7. Smo ke in de si gna ted are as on ly.
8. Park your cars in the ma in car park.
9. Don’t di scuss any job-re la ted is su es with

any one.

10. At tend ap pro pria te tra ining co ur ses.

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Zdania wykrzyknikowe stajà si´ zdaniami oznajmujàcymi w mowie zale˝nej.

Zdania wykrzyknikowe zaczynajàce si´ na: how, what sà relacjonowane w mowie

zale˝nej za pomocà czasowników: exclaim, yell.

“How annoying!” she said.

„Jakie nieznoÊne!” – powiedzia∏a.

She yelled that it was annoying.

Krzykn´∏a, ˝e to jest nieznoÊne.

“What a challenge!” he said.

„Co za wyzwanie!” – powiedzia∏.

He exclaimed that it was a challenge.

Krzyknà∏, ˝e to jest wyzwanie.

Wykrzykniki typu: „Lord”, „Oh”, „Splendid”, „What”, „Dear” mogà byç relacjonowane

przez czasowniki exlaim lub yell, a tak˝e opisowo za pomocà wyra˝eƒ:
give an exclamation of .... delight/annoyance/satisfaction/surprise/joy/terror/

Poni˝ej lista przyk∏adowych wykrzykników w j´zyku angielskim:

Z∏oÊç – damn! damnation! the devil! doggone! ha! hang it! hell! rats! what!
Irytacja – dear! bother! damn! damnation! mercy! merde! oof! ouf! ouch! tut-tut!
Aprobata – hear! hear! so!
RadoÊç – ah! ach! goody! heyday! hurrah! whoop! whoopee! splendid!
Wstr´t – aargh! bah! phooey! yuck! ugh! pshaw!
L´k – eeeek! oh! oh, no!
Oburzenie – here ! here! why!
Irytacja – hell! lord! merde! upon my word! gosh! boy!
Ból – ah! oh! ouch! ow!
Wspó∏czucie – dear! dear me! och!
Zadowolenie – aha! boy! good! wow! yumyum!
Ulga – whew! whoof!
Smutek – alas! ay! eh! heck! heh! lackaday! lackadaisy! las! och!
Zdziwienie – ah! blimey! boy! dear! dear me! gee! goodness! gracious! gosh! the
devil! heck! indeed! lord! say! upon my soul! well! what! why! upon my word!
wow! yow! zounds!
Triumf – aha! ha! hurrah! so!
Podziw – wow! oh! what! blimey! gee! goodness!



Zdania wykrzyknikowe
w mowie zale˝nej

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“Splendid, I can’t wait!”

„Doskonale, nie mog´ si´ doczekaç!”

He exclaimed that he couldn’t wait.

Wykrzyknà∏, ˝e nie mo˝e si´ doczekaç.

He gave an exclamation of delight.

Wyda∏ okrzyk radoÊci.

“Aha, I was right all along!”

„Aha, od samego poczàtku mia∏em racj´!”

He exclaimed that he had been right all along.
Wykrzyknà∏, ˝e od samego poczàtku mia∏ racj´.

He gave an exclamation of satisfaction.

Wyda∏ okrzyk satysfakcji.

“Hurrah, I’ve made it!”

„Hura, uda∏o mi si´!”

She exclaimed that she had made it.

Wykrzykn´∏a, ˝e jej si´ uda∏o.

She gave an exclamation of triumph.

Wyda∏a okrzyk triumfu.

“Oh, it hurts!”

„A∏, to boli!”

He exclaimed that it hurt.

Wykrzyknà∏, ˝e to boli.

He gave an exclamation of pain.

Wyda∏ okrzyk bólu.

“Gosh, I’ve forgotten my keys!”

„Ojej, zapomnia∏em kluczy!”

She exclaimed that she had forgotten her keys.

Wykrzykn´∏a, ˝e zapomnia∏a kluczy.

She gave an exclamation of irritation.

Wyda∏a okrzyk irytacji.

“Boy, what a hot day!”

„O rety, co za upalny dzieƒ!”

He exclaimed that it was a hot day.

Wykrzyknà∏, ˝e jest goràcy dzieƒ.

He gave an exclamation of annoyance.

Wyda∏ okrzyk irytacji.

Odpowiedzi „tak” lub „nie” wyra˝ane sà w mowie zale˝nej za pomocà podmiotu

i odpowiedniego czasownika posi∏kowego.

Simon asked, “Will you manage to handle it?” and she answered, “Yes.”
Simon zapyta∏: „Dasz sobie z tym rad´?”, a ona odpowiedzia∏a: „Tak”.

Simon asked her whether she would manage to handle it and she answered
that she would.
Simon zapyta∏ jà, czy da sobie z tym rad´, a ona odpowiedzia∏a, ˝e tak.

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

Jane asked, “Can you cook?” and I answered, “No.”
Jane zapyta∏a: „Potrafisz gotowaç”, a ja odpowiedzia∏am: „Nie”.

Jane asked me whether I could cook and I answered that I couldn’t.
Jane zapyta∏a mnie, czy potrafi´ gotowaç, a ja odpowiedzia∏am jej, ˝e nie.

Gdy przytaczamy wypowiedê z∏o˝onà, na którà sk∏adajà si´ np. zdania orzekajàce,

zdania rozkazujàce i pytajàce, ka˝da cz´Êç musi byç wprowadzona przez odpowiedni
czasownik. Dla zdaƒ orzekajàcych b´dà to czasowniki typu: say, tell, explain; dla zdaƒ
rozkazujàcych czasowniki takie jak: advise, ask, command, demand; dla zdaƒ pytajàcych:
ask, wonder, want to know, inquire, itp.
Przydatnym sposobem ∏àczenia ró˝nych wyra˝eƒ wewnàtrz przytoczonej wypowiedzi jest
zwrot adding that.

“I am thirsty. Is there anything to drink?” Peter said.
„Chce mi si´ piç. Jest coÊ do picia?” – powiedzia∏ Peter.

Peter said that he was thirsty and he wanted to know whether there was
anything to drink.
Peter powiedzia∏, ˝e chce mu si´ piç i chcia∏ wiedzieç, czy jest coÊ do picia.

“I have never watched it. What channel is it on?” she said.
„Nigdy tego nie oglàda∏am. Na jakim to jest kanale?” – powiedzia∏a.

She said that she had never watched it and asked on what channel it was.
Powiedzia∏a, ˝e nigdy tego nie oglàda∏a i zapyta∏a, na jakim to jest kanale.

“Is there anything else you would like to say? That is all I have for you,” he said.
„Czy jest jeszcze coÊ, co chcielibyÊcie powiedzieç?” To wszystko, co dla was
przygotowa∏em” – powiedzia∏.

He asked whether there was anything we would like to say, adding that it was
all he had for us.
Zapyta∏, czy jest jeszcze coÊ, co chcielibyÊmy powiedzieç, dodajàc, ˝e to by∏o
wszystko, co dla nas przygotowa∏.

Gdy w przytaczanej wypowiedzi z∏o˝onej ostatnie zdanie pomaga rozwinàç pierwsze,

mo˝emy u˝yç as zamiast drugiego czasownika wprowadzajàcego.

“Take an umbrella. It looks like rain,” she said.
„Weê parasol. Zapowiada si´ na deszcz” – powiedzia∏a.

She advised him to take an umbrella as it looked like rain.
Poradzi∏a mu wziàç parasol, gdy˝ zapowiada∏o si´ na deszcz.


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Przeredaguj poni˝sze dowcipy tak, aby wypowiedzi wyst´pujàcych tam postaci by∏y

przekazywane w mowie zale˝nej.

a) I think that I’m a chicken


What’s your problem?


I think I’m a chicken.


How long has this been going on?


Ever since I was an egg!

The psychiatrist asked ________________________________
The patient answered that ____________________________
The psychiatrist wanted to know _______________________
The patient replied that _______________________________

b) A good chess player

A man went to visit a friend and was amazed to find him playing chess with his
dog. He watched the game in astonishment for a while.
Man: „I can hardly believe my eyes! That’s the smartest dog I’ve ever seen.“
Friend: „Nah, he’s not so smart. I’ve beaten him three games out of five.“

Man exclaimed that ____________________ adding that _______________________
Friend replied that _____________________ that he __________________________

c) Worries about mad cow disease

There were these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields.

The first cow said, „I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. I heard it
hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm.“

The other cow replies, „I am not worried, it doesn’t affect us ducks.“

The first cow said that______________________ adding that she ________________
The other cow replied that ________________________________________________


Przekszta∏ç poni˝sze zdania wykrzyknikowe w mowie zale˝nej.

1. “Ugh! It smells terrible!”
2. “Whew! We made it!”
3. “Oh! I did not know that!”
4. “Wow! You look wonderful!”
5. “Yuck! It tastes awful!”

6. “Gee! It’s great!”
7. “Upon my soul! I swear this is true!”
8. “Damn! I can’t find my glasses!”
9. “Ah! That hurts!
10. “Oh dear! I’ve locked my keys inside!”

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Dopisuj wyra˝enia z kolumny A z odpowiednimi wyra˝eniami z kolumny B.



1. “Ouch! A bee stung me!”

a) He gave an exclamation of surprise.

2. “Eeek! A frog!

b) He gave an exclamation of pain.

3. “Dear me! You don’t know that?”

c) He gave an exclamation of fear.

4. “Ay! What a waste!”

d) He gave an exclamation of anger.

5. “Hell! You didn’t even try!”

e) He gave an exclamation of triumph.

6. “Aha! So you admit that you

f) He gave an exclamation of sorrow.

were wrong?”


Przekszta∏ç wyra˝enia 1–5 z mowy niezale˝nej na zale˝nà. Zwróç uwag´ na odpowiednià

transformacj´ “yes” i “no”.

1. He asked, “Will you help me?” and she said, “Yes.”
2. She asked, “Have you phoned Mark?” and he said, “Yes.”
3. They asked, “Are you tired?” and I answered, “No.”
4. He asked, “Can you drive?” and she answered, “No.”
5. I asked, “Is he a sports fan?” and she said, “Yes.”


Przekszta∏ç zdania 1–10 na mow´ zale˝nà, ∏àczàc je ka˝dorazowo za pomocà

odpowiedniego zwrotu.

1. “How do you like my new glasses? I bought them at Harrods.”
2. “You look tired. What’s wrong?”
3. “Is Jack in? I must talk to him.”
4. “Have you talked to her? What is she like?”
5. “Please come in. What can I do for you?”
6. “Be quiet! I am trying to sleep.”
7. “Can I use your mobile? I need to call my boss.”
8. “What are you doing here? You should be on the plane now.”
9. “Have you taken the test? What is your score?”
10. “We are going to the cinema tonight. Will you join us?”


Przekszta∏ç zdania 1–10 na mow´ zale˝nà, ∏àczàc je ka˝dorazowo za pomocà

„adding that” lub „as”.

1. “Contact John. He will give you more information.”
2. “See the doctor. He will put your mind at rest.”
3. “Will they get married? I hope they will.”
4. “Have you heard his new album? It is amazing!”
5. “Can you tell me the time? I will have to leave at 8.”
6. “Can I get you some coffee? It will do you good.”
7. “Take an aspirin. It will kill the pain.”
8. “You’d better take a jacket. It is cold and windy.”
9. “Get rid of him! He is after your money.”
10. “How is she? I hope she is doing well.”


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Czasy w zdaniach warunkowych pierwszego typu zmieniajà si´ zgodnie z ogólnymi

zasadami, np.:

“If he comes, I won’t answer the door,” she said.
„JeÊli on przyjdzie, to nie otworz´ drzwi” – powiedzia∏a.

She said that if he came, she wouldn’t answer the door.
Powiedzia∏a, ˝e jeÊli on przyjdzie, to nie otworzy drzwi.

“If it rains, we won’t go fishing,” he said.
„JeÊli b´dzie padaç, nie pójdziemy na ryby” – powiedzia∏.

He said that if it rained they wouldn’t go fishing.
Powiedzia∏, ˝e jeÊli b´dzie padaç, to nie pójdà na ryby.

Czasy w zdaniach warunkowych drugiego typu nie zmianiajà si´, jeÊli opisujà sytuacj´

mo˝liwà choç ma∏o realnà, np.:

“If they offered me a job, I would consider it,” she told me.
„Gdyby zaoferowali mi t´ prac´, rozwa˝y∏abym to” – powiedzia∏a mi.

She told me that if they offered her a job, she would consider it.
Powiedzia∏a mi, ˝e gdyby zaproponawali jej prac´, rozwa˝y∏aby to.

“If my car broke down, I would take a taxi,” she said.
„Gdyby zepsu∏ si´ mój samochód, wzi´∏abym taksówk´” – powiedzia∏a.

She said that if her car broke down, she would take a taxi.
Powiedzia∏a, ˝e gdyby zepsu∏ jej si´ samochód, wzi´∏aby taksówk´.

Natomiast czasy w tych zdaniach warunkowych drugiego typu, które sà sprzeczne ze stanem

faktycznym, a wi´c niemo˝liwe do spe∏nienia, zmieniajà si´ w mowie zale˝nej, np.:

He said, “If I were older, I would join the army.”
Powiedzia∏: „Gdybym by∏ starszy, poszed∏bym do wojska”.

He said that if he had been older he would have joined the army.
Powiedzia∏, ˝e gdyby by∏ starszy, poszed∏by do wojska.

“If I were you, I would accept it,” she told me.
„Gdybym by∏a tobà, zaakceptowa∏abym to” – powiedzia∏a mi.


Zdania warunkowe
w mowie zale˝nej

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a


She told me that if she had been me she would have accepted it.
Powiedzia∏a mi, ˝e gdyby by∏a mnà, zaakceptowa∏aby to.

Were to nie ulega zmianie w mowie zale˝nej, np.:

“If he were to win the race, I would be happy for him,” she said.
Gdyby wygra∏ wyÊcig, by∏abym szcz´Êliwa” – powiedzia∏a.

She said that she would be happy for him if he were to win the race.
Powiedzia∏a, ˝e by∏aby szcz´Êliwa, gdyby wygra∏ wyÊcig.

She said, “If we were to go abroad, we would go to England.”
Powiedzia∏a: „GdybyÊmy mieli pojechaç zagranic´, pojechalibyÊmy do Anglii”.

She said that if they were to go abroad, they would go to England.
Powiedzia∏a, ˝e gdyby mieli pojechaç zagranic´, pojechaliby do Anglii.

Czasy w zdaniach warunkowych trzeciego typu nie zmieniajà si´ w mowie zale˝nej.

“If she had studied harder, she could have got into Oxford,” he said.
„Gdyby uczy∏a si´ wi´cej, mog∏aby dostaç si´ do Oksfordu” – powiedzia∏.

He said that if she had studied harder, she could have got into Oxford.
Powiedzia∏, ˝e gdyby uczy∏a si´ wi´cej, mog∏aby dostaç si´ do Oksfordu.

“If he hadn’t broken the rules, he wouldn’t have been punished,” she told me.
„Gdyby nie z∏ama∏ zasad, nie zosta∏by ukarany” – powiedzia∏a.

She told me that if he hadn’t broken the rules, he wouldn’t have been punished.
Powiedzia∏a mi, ˝e gdyby nie z∏ama∏ zasad, nie zosta∏by ukarany.



Przekszta∏ç (tam gdzie jest to mo˝liwe) nast´pujàce zdania warunkowe w mowie nieza-

le˝nej na zdania w mowie zale˝nej.

1. “If I were you, I would demand a refund.”
2. “If I had more time, I would read more.”
3. “If I hadn’t met him, I wouldn’t have set up a business.”
4. “If she apologised, I would forgive her.”
5. “If he insisted, I wouldn’t disagree.”
6. “If she hadn’t overslept, she would have been on that plane.”
7. “If he had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have had the accident.”
8. “If she comes, I won’t tease her.”

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9. “If they had let us know, we would have picked them up from the airport.”
10. “If she were more passionate, I would vote for her.”


Przekszta∏ç zdania warunkowe 1–10 w mowie niezale˝nej na zdania w mowie zale˝nej.

If I were Angelina Jolie ...

1. ... I would be a movie star.
2. ... I would live in a mansion.
3. ... I would hire twenty maids.
4. ... I would be a philanthropist.
5. ... I wouldn’t be doing this job.
6. ... I would have a handsome husband.
7. ... I would do plenty of TV interviews.
8. ... I would have a big collection of shoes.
9. ... I wouldn’t agree to strip off my clothes for love scenes.
10. ... I would demand ten million dollars to star in a film.

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Nieraz skrupulatne przekazywanie czyjejÊ wypowiedzi nie jest mo˝liwe ani konieczne.

Niektóre s∏owa i zwroty, np. „so”, „OK”, „now”, „how about” nie pojawiajà si´ w mowie
zale˝nej. Osoba przytaczajàca mo˝e u˝yç innych s∏ów, ni˝ te które by∏y w oryginalnej

“So, what brings you here?” he asked.
„A wi´c, co ci´ tu sprowadza?” – zapyta∏.

He asked me why I went there.
Zapyta∏ mnie, dlaczego tam poszed∏em.

“Ok. Now what?” she asked.
“Dobrze. Co teraz?” – zapyta∏a.

She asked what she should do next.
Zapyta∏a, co powinna nast´pnie zrobiç.

“How about going to the cinema?” he asked.
„Co powiesz na pójÊcie do kina?” – zapyta∏.

He suggested going to the cinema.
Zaproponowa∏ pójÊcie do kina.

Zdarza si´, ˝e relacjonujàcy ocenia i subiektywnie charakteryzuje przytaczane wypowiedzi

u˝ywajàc wartoÊciujàcych s∏ów lub zwrotów.

“I’ve got a bad cold,” she said.
„Jestem przezi´biona” – powiedzia∏a.

She complained that she had a bad cold.
Narzeka∏a, ˝e jest przezi´biona.

“I am sorry I was so blind,” he said.
„Przepraszam, ˝e by∏em taki Êlepy” – powiedzia∏.

He stammered his apology.
Wybe∏kota∏ swe przeprosiny.

Aby streÊciç wypowiedzi, które przytaczamy, nierzadko pos∏ugujemy si´ zaimkami pytajà-

cymi. W tym przypadku przekazujemy niejako w pigu∏ce treÊç wypowiedzi.

“Add a pinch of salt to the garlic and crush it with the flat side of the knife,”
he said.
„Posyp szczyptà soli czosnek i rozgnieç go p∏askà cz´Êcià ostrza no˝a” – powiedzia∏.




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He showed me how to crush the garlic.
Pokaza∏ mi, jak rozgnieÊç czosnek.

“Select the desired ringtone, then you will receive it with a text message.
Click “Save” and select “Store Tone” to store it,” she said.
„Wybierz dzwonek, który ci si´ podoba, otrzymasz go SMS-em. Kliknij „Zachowaj”,
póêniej wybierz „Zapami´taj dzwonek”, aby go zapami´taç” – powiedzia∏a.

She taught me how to download a ringtone.
Nauczy∏a mnie, jak Êciàgnàç dzwonek.

“Buy flour, eggs, a jar of honey and some cheese,” she told me.
„Kup màk´, jajka, s∏oik miodu i troch´ sera” – powiedzia∏a mi.

She told me what to buy.
Powiedzia∏a mi, co mam kupiç.

Tak˝e wyra˝enia przyimkowe sà cz´sto u˝ywane, aby streÊciç to, co ktoÊ powiedzia∏.

Poni˝ej lista czasowników tworzàcych w po∏àczeniu z przyimkami wyra˝enia wprowadzajàce
mow´ niezale˝nà.


argue about
ask about
complain (to someone) about
dream about/of
enquire about
remind (someone) about
speak (to/with someone) about
talk about/of
tell about


agree on
comment on
congratulate (someone) on/for
decide on
insist on
keep on
object to


accuse (someone) of
approve of
assure (someone) of
inform (someone) of
talk about/of


admit to
confess to
consent to
explain (something) to
object to
respond to


admire (someone) for
apologize (to someone) for
blame (someone) for
criticise (someone) for
excuse (someone) for
forgive (someone) for
praise (someone) for
scold (someone) for
thank (someone) for
wish for

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

“Tomorrow I am attending a conference on the environment and on Monday
I am flying to Zürich,” he told me.
„Jutro bior´ udzia∏ w konferencji na temat Êrodowiska naturalnego,
a w poniedzia∏ek lec´ do Zürichu” – powiedzia∏ mi.

He told me of/about his plans for the next few days.
Powiedzia∏ mi o swoich planach na najbli˝sze dni.

“My dream is to become an actress,” she said.
„Moim marzeniem jest zostaç aktorkà” – powiedzia∏a.

She told me about her dream. Powiedzia∏a mi o swoim marzeniu.

“Sorry, I am late,” she said.

„Przepraszam za spóênienie” – powiedzia∏a.

She apologised for being late. Przeprosi∏a za spóênienie.

“Yes, I went to the casino,” he said.

„Tak, poszed∏em do kasyna” – powiedzia∏.

He confessed to going to the casino. Przyzna∏ si´, ˝e poszed∏ do kasyna.

“I am very grateful to you for your helpful and quick response,” she said.
„Jestem ci wdzi´czna za twojà pomocnà i szybkà odpowiedê” – powiedzia∏a.

She thanked me for my response. Podzi´kowa∏a mi za mojà odpowiedê.



Zreferuj poni˝szà wypowiedê w mowie zale˝nej.

“I see little point in taking this discussion further. The rules are clear and are not
about to change. I simply reminded you of that, as I am required to do as a moderator
– this is not patronising. I see that Tim has already told you this, so it should have
come as no surprise. If my previous remark implies that you broke the rules, then
good – that is precisely what I meant.”


Zreferuj poni˝szà wypowiedê w mowie zale˝nej.

“The Garbage was playing in my town last weekend. It was the first time I had
ever seen them live on stage. What a great show it was! I was lucky to have a
fourth row ticket so I could see everything perfectly. Soon after the band appeared
on the stage the crowd of 60, 000 was into things. People were just singing their
lungs out. It was well worth every penny I paid for it, every minute of the drive to
get there and the outrageous parking fee.“


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StreÊç poni˝sze wypowiedzi.

a) “If you detect smoke, a strange smell or unusual noises around the printer, turn it

off immediately.”
The service manual says that ______________________________.

b) “To get to the city centre, go along this street to the traffic lights, then turn right

into Church Street. Go straight on and then turn left at the next traffic light. The
city centre will be on your right.”
He told me how ______________________________.

c) “Lift the cover, put the paper face down on the glass. Select the number of

copies you want to make. Then press the “Print” button.”
She showed me how ______________________________.

d) “We wish you health, happiness, personal fulfillment, good fortune and success

in all your future endeavors.”
They wished me ______________________________.

e) “I bought a dozen eggs, milk, butter, a piece of cheese, biscuits and a bar of

She said that ______________________________.

f) “We do not accept questions like this one where there is no attempt by the original

poster to provide an answer. We require thread-starters to show their own thinking.”
He said that ______________________________.


StreÊç zdania 1–10 w mowie zale˝nej, u˝ywajàc ka˝dorazowo wyt∏uszczonego czasownika.


“It was you who took the money!” she said.



“I can read 1000 words a minute,” she said.



“I can’t tolerate your behaviour any more!” he said.



“Don’t forget to send Beth a birthday card,” he said.



“How is your husband?” she said.



“I have to work at weekends,” he said.



“My grandchildren work in the financial industry,” she said.



“Yes, I cheated on you,” he said.



“You are not working hard enough!” she said.



“I behaved like and idiot. I am sorry,” he said.


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Sprawdê si´


1. She said, “There aren’t any tickets left.”
2. “I don’t understand the instruction,” Lynn told me.
3. He said, “I never planned to be a teacher.”
4. Chloe said, “I left my luggage on the train.”
5. Mr Bright said, “I am moving to the suburbs.”
6. “I am very upset by her remarks,” Bob told me.
7. He said, “I met her yesterday.”
8. “Put the key here,” Jacky told me.
9. Mark said, “I will never give up.”
10. Andrew said, “My new book is coming out this month.”
11. “I am sorry for my behaviour,” Brian told me.
12. Vince said, “I used to smoke like a chimney.”
13. He said, “The flyover is scheduled to be completed in May.”
14. “You need to start exercising,” the doctor told me.
15. She said, “I won’t object.”


1. He told me that he would drop by the next day.
2. She asked me what I had done.
3. He said that I was looking wonderful that day.
4. He asked whether he could call me back.
5. She said that the ring was beautiful.
6. She said that she didn’t have a clue.
7. He told me that he had met Jack in a DIY store.
8. She said that she hadn’t enjoyed the performance.
9. He said that they had missed the bus by 10 minutes.
10. She said that I had no reason to be angry.
11. He agreed to go first.
12. She promised not to tell my secret to anyone.
13. He said that it was really bad.
14. She said that she liked it there.
15. He advised me to cut down on coffee.



1. “Who’s calling, please?” he asked.
2. “I am not a child!” she exclaimed.
3. “Shh, not so loud,” she whispered.
4. “My left shoulder hurts terribly,”

he complained.

5. “Go away!” she exclaimed.


1-j 2-e 3-i 4-b 5-d

6-g 7-f 8-a 9-c 10-h

M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a


6. “I will get you out of this,” he promised.
7. “Yes, I cheated in the exam,” she admitted.
8. “I didn’t say that,” he denied.
9. “They will get here in time,” he

assured me.

10. “Green tea cools the body,” she explained.

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1. He reminded me that it was her birthday.
2. She replied that she hadn’t heard anything.
3. He assured me that it would be easy.
4. The desk clerk informed me that there were no rooms.
5. He admitted that he offended them.
6. The teacher explained that/to us that Islam doesn’t allow extra-marital relationships.
7. Zdanie poprawne
8. Zdanie poprawne
9. Zdanie poprawne
10. Zdanie poprawne



1-d 2-e 3-a 4-c 5-b


1-c 2-e 3-a 4-b 5-d


1-h 2-e 3-c 4-g 5-b 6-d 7-f 8-a


Mowa niezale˝na

Mowa zale˝na

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect

bez zmian


1. She said that it was a gorgeous room.
2. Beth said that I spoke English very well.
3. Alice said that she hadn’t talked to him yet.
4. Bob said that it looked frightening.
5. Jim said that she was a very talented lawyer.
6. Philip said that he was not trying to offend anyone.
7. Amy said that she was a babysitter.
8. He said that he would try the following day.
9. She said that she would wash the dishes.
10. Tom said that he wouldn’t repeat the mistake.
11. Tim said that she was very kind.
12. Mark said that it hadn’t happened like that.
13. Katy said that she would do whatever it takes.
14. Grace said that she wouldn’t say a word.
15. Greg said that he had been trying to call me.


1. She said that she loves mountains/that she loved mountains.
2. She said that he is always late/was always late.
3. He said that he has never heard about it/had never heard about it.
4. She said that she hates Mondays/hated Mondays.
5. He said that she is getting better/was getting better.
6. She said that it will cost me a fortune/would cost me a fortune.
7. She said that he is always blaming her for things she didn’t do/was always blaming

her for things she hadn’t done.



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8. He said that he is sick and tired of it/was sick and tired of it.
9. She said that he won’t be missed/wouldn’t be missed.
10. He said that she doesn’t want to be an accountant/didn’t want to be an accountant.
11. She said that her son doesn’t believe in Santa Claus/ didn’t believe in Santa Claus.
12. He said that Beth never gets angry about anything/never got angry about anything.
13. She said that Mrs Right often borrows things from them/often borrowed things

from them.

14. He said that his sister is a very reasonable girl/was a very reasonable girl.
15. She said that live in Twin Oaks/lived in Twin Oaks.


2. But you said that you hate/hated spinach.
3. But you said that she is/was only a friend.
4. But you said that you cannot/couldn’t dance.
5. But you said that you have/had never eaten Thai food.
6. But you said that you are/were going on a business trip.
7. But you said that you love/loved all animals.
8. But you said that he is/was your next-door neighbour.
9. But you said that you don’t/didn’t speak foreign languages.
10. But you said that you are/were a Tory.


1. She said that I must be over 21 to hire a car.
2. He said that she must be seeing things.
3. She said that he must be mad.
4. He advised me to think twice/He said that I ought to think twice.
5. She said that he couldn’t find common ground with some people/She said he

hadn’t been able to find common ground with some people.

6. He said that she could wear whatever she wanted/He said that she was allowed

to wear whatever she wanted.

7. She said that I mustn’t let anyone use it.
8. He said that he would like to see me again.
9. She said that I needn’t/didn’t need/didn’t have to go to all that trouble.
10. He said that she used to work as a housekeeper.
11. She said that he should be indicted.
12. He advised/urged/encouraged me to quit smoking.
13. She asked me to clean the house.

14. He said that she must/had to talk to me.
15. She said that she might succeed in convincing him.


1. The nurse told me that she would take my blood pressure.
2. The Prime Minister said that he would discuss the surge of violence in Baghdad.
3. The teacher told me that I might be suffering from dysgraphia.
4. The judge told her that she mustn’t speak to the jury/wasn’t to speak to the jury.
5. The traffic cop said that he could take me to jail for driving too fast.
6. The car mechanic said that I didn’t have to/didn’t need to change the air filter.
7. The actor said that he used to live in a poor area of London.
8. The secretary said that she could type 30 words a minute.

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1. (that) the prescription expired the day before.
2. (that) you should call the doctor to renew it.
3. (that) he had noticed my hard work.
4. (that) I would find something extra in my paycheck.
5. (that) he would rather get married in Vegas.
6. (that) she might drop in for a chat.


1. at the time
2. there
3. five minutes later
4. the year before/the previous day
5. the following summer
6. then/at that time/immediately
7. two days before/two days earlier
8. those days


1. She said that it was very easy.
2. He said that they were very good


3. She said that she had enjoyed the book.
4. He said that they were quite

comfortable too.


1. Bob said that he had met my parents.
2. Katy said that they had bought a new camera.
3. Tim said that he’d like me to meet his girlfriend.
4. Jerry said that their car had a flat tyre.
5. Paul said that he bet my laptop was heavier than his.
6. Sue said that her job was stressing her out.
7. Jack said that no company was better than theirs.



He said that they were in Greece, that they were staying at the Attica Hotel. He told
Beth that it was absolutely fantastic. He said that the rooms were very clean and the
staff were friendly. He said that nothing was too much trouble. He said that they
couldn’t have asked for better accommodation. He mentioned that their room overlooked
the sea so it was wonderful to watch the sun rise and set. He added that the food was
excellent, especially the home-made bread and cookies. Finally, he said that he would
call Beth again on Saturday. He asked her to say hello to Mike from Kate and him.


He told Beth that they were a bit tired of their room. He admitted that it was
clean, but he grumbled that it was very small. He said that there was no place to
keep their suitcases. He complained that the bathroom was also tiny. He said that
after the second night he had called the reception desk to request a room change,
but he had been told that the hotel was overbooked and a room change wasn’t an
option. He continued saying that they were planning on checking out the next day.
He asked Beth to say hello to Mike from them.



9. that evening
10. that day
11. the next day/the following day
12. the following night
13. that night
14. two years before
15. the day before/the previous day

5. She said that she had bought them

for herself.

6. He said that it was a real war.
7. She said that they were the good

old days.

8. He said that the roses were for her.

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1. She queried what had happened.
2. He asked whether everything was all right.
3. She asked whether that would be all.
4. He wondered what I was talking about.
5. She wanted to know how long I was staying.
6. He asked me what I was going to do.
7. She inquired how much it cost.
8. He asked me what I had done to my hair.
9. She asked me what was wrong with me.
10. He wondered who I was.
11. She wanted to know what I wanted to become: a doctor or a lawyer.
12. He asked me what my boss was like.
13. She wanted to know what I was doing.
14. He queried how I knew his name.
15. She queried what I had learnt.


1. He invited me to join them.
2. She asked me if I would be her friend.
3. He told me to go immediately.
4. She told me to answer the questions.
5. He offered me a cup of coffee.
6. She implored me/begged me to

recommend her.

7. He ordered me to be serious.
8. She asked me to take her home.


1. She asked me whether I would like to be self employed.
2. He asked me if I had got a light.
3. She wondered whether I could trust him.
4. He asked me whether I was sure I wanted to know.
5. She wanted to know if our neighbour was a bully.
6. He queried whether there was any way out.
7. She asked me if I often skipped breakfast.
8. He asked whether she had really changed.
9. She asked if they had kept their promises.
10. He wondered if there was any problem.
11. She wanted to know if he still worked there.
12. He asked if I approved of the ban on beer advertising.


1. What time is it?
2. Will you come?
3. Will you do me a favour?
4. What are you doing here?
5. What do you want for your birthday?


1-a 2-a 3-c 4-b 5-c

M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

6. Is it your car?
7. Can you speak Spanish?
8. Do you know anything about it?
9. Can I call back for further information?
10. Are you taking your pills?

9. He asked me to wait for him.
10. He told her to stop staring at him.
11. She asked him to turn off the radio.
12. He told me to give her his regards.
13. She begged me to let her go.
14. He implored me to help him out.
15. She ordered them to behave


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1. would buy
2. were
3. didn’t
4. was
5. were


1. how the weather was
2. how she was
3. whether there was any way out
4. why she fought with him


Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

1. They advised me to stay at home.
2. Mike asked me to wait a moment.
3. She demanded that I (should) keep an eye on him.
4. Jack forbade me to think about it.
5. Simon asked me to calm down and listen carefully.
6. Mark told me not to be afraid.
7. She told me not to lose hope.
8. Helen warned me not to expect much.
9. Dave told me to leave him alone.
10. Alice offered me to drink more red wine.
11. Tom told me not to make him laugh.
12. Roger implored me to call him back.
13. He asked me to answer the phone.
14. Jane warned me not to stick my head out of the window.
15. My mother reminded me to be honest and always tell the truth.
16. Paul advised me to take it easy.
17. Beth advised me to apply a hot compress.
18. The doctor told me to stay in bed.
19. Ally told me to keep my opinions to myself.
20. Chris advised me to take the car to a mechanic.


2. Staff are not to use the phone for personal calls.
3. Staff are to wear badges.
4. Staff are not to accept cash gifts.
5. Staff are not to leave their valuables unattended.
6. Staff are to report any act of vandalism.
7. Staff are to smoke in designated areas only.
8. Staff are to park their cars in the main car park.
9. Staff are not to discuss any job-related issues with anyone.
10. Staff are to attend appropriate training courses.


1. The teacher told us to pay attention.
2. The teacher told us not to speak Polish.
3. The teacher told us not to talk.
4. The teacher told us to be quiet.



6. should go
7. would be
8. wasn’t
9. included
10. ran

11. had
12. was
13. expired
14. he could buy
15. could buy

5. how he liked it
6. whether he was hungry
7. where I wanted to go

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5. The teacher told us to open our books.
6. The teacher told us not to copy other students’ work.
7. The teacher told us to write a story about our best friend.
8. The teacher told us to take out our pens.
9. The teacher told us not to forget our homework.
10. The teacher told us to put our hands if we wanted to speak.


1. He told Alfa to lie down.
2. He told Alfa to jump up.
3. He told Alfa to fetch.
4. He told Alfa not to bark.


1) The narrator said that the Hare had been/was once boasting of his speed before

the other animals.

2) The Hare said that he had never been beaten and
3) he challenged any one there to race with him.
4) The Tortoise replied that he accepted his challenge.
5) The Hare retorted that it was a good joke adding that
6) he could dance round him all the way.
7) The Tortoise told him to keep his boasting till he had been beaten and
8) suggested racing/a race.
9) After the Tortoise won the race, he told the Hare that plodding wins/won the race.



The psychiatrist asked the patient what his problem was.
The patient answered that he thought he was a chicken.
The psychiatrist wanted to know how long it had been going on.
The patient replied that ever since he had been an egg.


The man exclaimed that he could hardly believe his eyes adding that it was the
smartest dog he had even seen.
The friend replied that that the dog wasn’t so smart, that he had beaten him three
games out off five.


The first cow said that the mad-cow disease was really pretty scary adding that she
had heard it had hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm.
The other cow replied that she wasn’t worried because it didn’t affect them ducks.


1. She exclaimed that it smelled terrible.

She gave an exclamation of disgust.

2. He exclaimed that they had made it.

He gave an exclamation of relief.

3. She exclaimed that he dadn’t know that.

She gave an exclamation of surprise.

4. He exclaimed that I looked wonderful.

He gave an exclamation of wonder.

M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

5. He told Alfa to shake.
6. He told Alfa to go up.
7. He told Alfa to heel.
8. He told Alfa to roll over.

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5. She exclaimed that it tasted awful.

She gave an exclamation of disgust.

6. He exclaimed that it was great.

He gave an exclamation of wonder.

7. She exclaimed that it was true.

She gave an exclamation of surprise.

8. He exclaimed that he couldn’t find his glasses.

He gave an exclamation of anger/annoyance.

9. She exclaimed that it hurt.

She gave an exclamation of pain.

10. She exclaimed that she had locked her keys inside.

She gave an expression of annoyance/pity.


1-b 2-c 3-a 4-f 5-d 6-e


1. He asked her if she would help him and she answered him that she would.
2. She asked him whether he had phoned Mark and he answered that he had.
3. They asked me whether I was tired and I answered that I wasn’t.
4. He asked her if she could drive and she answered that she couldn’t.
5. I asked her if he was a sports fan and she answered that he was.


Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

1. She asked how I liked her new glasses adding that she had bought them at Harrods.
2. He said that I looked very tired and wanted to know what was wrong.
3. She asked if Jack was in adding that she had to talk to him.
4. He asked me if I had talked to her and wanted to know what she was like.
5. She invited me in and asked what she could do for me.
6. He told me to be quiet adding that he was trying to sleep.
7. She asked me if she could use my mobile adding that she needed to call her boss.
8. He asked her what she was doing there adding that she should be on the plane then.
9. She asked if I had taken the test and wanted to know what my score was.
10. He said that they were going to the cinema that night and asked me to join them.


1. She told me to contact John as he would give me more information.
2. He told me to see the doctor as he would put my mind at rest.
3. He asked whether they would get married adding that he hoped they would.
4. He asked me whether I had heard his album adding that it was amazing.
5. He asked me to tell him the time as he would have to leave at 8.
6. She offered me some coffee as it would do me good.
7. He advised me to take an aspirin as it would kill the pain.
8. She suggested that he take a jacket as it was cold and windy.
9. She encouraged me to get rid of him as he was after my money.
10. He asked me how she was adding that he hoped she was doing well.


1. She said if she had been me, she would have demanded a refund.
2. He said if he had more time, he would read more.
3. She said that if she hadn’t met him, she wouldn’t have set up a business.



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4. He said that if she apologised, he would forgive her.
5. She said that if he insisted, she wouldn’t disagree.
6. He said that if she hadn’t overslept, she would have been on the plane.
7. She said that is he had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have had the accident.
8. He said that if she came, he wouldn’t tease her.
9. She said that if they had let them know, they would have picked them up from the


10. He said that if she had been more passionate, he would have voted for her.


1. She said that if she had been Angelina Jolie, she would have been a movie star.
2. ... she would have lived in a mansion.
3. ... she would have hired twenty maids.
4. ... she would have been a philanthropist.
5. ... she wouldn’t have been doing the job.
6. ... she would have had a handsome husband.
7. ... she would have done plenty of TV interviews.
8. ... she would have had a big collection of shoes.
9. ... she wouldn’t have agreed to strip off her clothes for love scenes.
10. ... she would have demanded ten million dollars to star in a film.


Sugerowana relacja.

He said that he didn’t want to discuss the decision further. He said the rules are as
they are and are not about to change. He added that he meant his previous remark.


Sugerowana relacja.

She said that Garbage was playing in her town the previous weekend. She said it had
been the first time she had seen them live. She had a great time there and so did the
crowd of 60 thousand. She said the concert was worth the money she had paid for it.


Sugerowane odpowiedzi.

a) The service manual says that if you detect anything unusual about the printer,

you should turn it off.

b) He told me how to get to the city centre.
c) She showed me how to use the copy machine.
d) They wished me all the best.
e) She said that she had bought some dairy products and sweets.
f) He said that they required thread-starters to provide an answer to their question first.


1. She accused me of taking the money.
2. She boasted of being able to read 1000 words a minute.
3. He complained about my behaviour.
4. He reminded me about sending Beth a birthday card.
5. She asked me about my husband.
6. He moaned about having to work at weekends.
7. She told me about her grandchildren.
8. He confessed to cheating on me.
9. She criticised me for not working hard enough.
10. He apologised for his behaviour.

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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

Wykonaj çwiczenia i sprawdê swojà wiedz´. Pomogà Ci one oceniç, na czym nale˝y
skoncentrowaç si´ w nauce zagadnieƒ przedstawionych w tym rozdziale.


Wybierz prawid∏owà odpowiedê.


If I had been more careful, this __________

a) wouldn’t have happened

b) didn’t happen

c) won’t happen


I __________ a lawyer, if I were you.

a) will consult

b) would consult

c) had consulted


But for the quick actions of the lifeguard, she __________

a) would drown

b) had drowned

c) would have drowned.


If you __________ a seat, Mr Olive will see you in a few minutes.

a) took

b) will take

c) would take


If I __________ a camera with me, I would have captured the moment.

a) had

b) had had

c) have had


When I __________ angry, I write songs.

a) will be

b) am

c) were


If you __________ speak up, you won’t be heard.

a) won’t

b) wouldn’t

c) don’t


If Chloe __________ her ankle, she would be playing in the quarter-finals tomorrow.

a) didn’t sprain

b) wouldn’t have sprained

c) hadn’t sprained


If you __________ anything suspicious, contact me immediately.

a) saw

b) will see

c) should see


If Chris __________ a better worker, he wouldn’t have been dismissed from his job.

a) were

b) had been

c) would have been


He __________ on the podium, if he hadn’t underestimated his rivals.

a) would have been

b) will be

c) had been


If she __________ , tell her that I am at work.

a) phoned

b) phones

c) will phone


If she were nicer to me, I __________ her.

a) will help

b) helped

c) would help


You won’t lose weight if you __________ on eating high-calorie food.

a) keep

b) will keep

c) would keep


If Tony ______________________ in a draught, he wouldn’t be ill now.

a) didn’t sit

b) wouldn’t sit

c) hadn’t sat


Sprawdê si´

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The electricity __________ cut off if they had paid the bill.

a) wouldn’t have

b) wouldn’t have been

c) had been


If I __________ in your shoes, I would probably never speak to him again.

a) am

b) will

c) were


If you __________ your bachelor’s degree, apply for a graduate program.

a) will complete

b) have completed

c) completed


If Tess __________ more, she would be prettier.

a) smile

b) would smile

c) smiled


If Jerry were more assertive, he __________ more persuasive then.

a) would be

b) had been

c) would have been


Wybierz prawid∏owà odpowiedê.


Pack a windbreaker __________ it gets windy.

a) unless b) in case c) as long as


__________ you hurry, we will be late.

a) Unless b) On condition c) In case


You may return any item __________ you bring the receipt.

a) suppose b) unless c) as long as


__________ he proposed to you, what would you say?

a) On condition b) As long as c) Supposing


__________ his help, I wouldn’t have completed my studies.

a) As long as b) But for c) Unless


Don’t forget to set the alarm. __________ we may oversleep.

a) Provided b) In case c) Otherwise


Don’t say ‘no’ __________ you will regret it.

a) or else

b) unless c) providing


I will go out to lunch with you __________ I pay for myself.

a) unless

b) provided that c) in case


Keep a first-aid kit in your car __________ you get injured.

a) otherwise b) or else c) in case


You won’t get a job, __________ you are qualified.

a) on condition b) unless c) as long as

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I will lend you the money __________ you pay it back in a week.

a) on condition that b) otherwise c) in case


Review the material, __________ you will forget it.

a) unless

b) otherwise c) provided


__________ she is innocent, what do we do about that?

a) Suppose

b) But for c) In case


She is my mother-in-law, __________ I wouldn’t have invited her.

a) or else

b) as long as c) but for that


You can reproduce my article __________ you give me credit for it.

a) unless

b) or else c) as long as


Wybierz prawid∏owà odpowiedê.


What would you do if you __________ fired from your job?

a) were b) will be

c) would be


If you __________ to work for us, send us your CV.

a) want

b) will want

c) would want


If I __________ you, I wouldn’t have let it happen.

a) don’t trust b) didn’t trust c) hadn’t trusted


If he __________ me nicely, I would think about it.

a) ask

b) asked

c) will ask


If you __________ anything unusual, call the police immediately.

a) saw

b) see

c) will see


If she __________ that, nobody would have suspected anything.

a) wouldn’t say b) didn’t say c) hadn’t said


If they __________ to Canada, we wouldn’t have lost touch.

a) hadn’t moved b) didn’t move c) wouldn’t have moved


If you __________ your neighbours, I will cancel your lease.

a) will disturb b) disturb c) disturbed


If the walls __________ they would have interesting things to say.

a) talk b) could talk c) could have talked


If she __________ her mind, she would have been better off.

a) doesn’t change b) didn’t change c) hadn’t changed

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Zdania warunkowe nale˝à do konstrukcji doÊç trudnych dla Polaków. Np. w j´zyku

polskim w∏aÊciwie nie zaznacza si´ (odkàd wysz∏o z powszechnego u˝ycia wyra˝enie typu
„zrobi∏bym by∏, zaprosi∏bym by∏”) ró˝nica mi´dzy zdaniami warunkowymi drugiego
i trzeciego typu, np.:

If she were taller, she would play basketball.
Gdyby by∏a wy˝sza, gra∏aby w koszykówk´.

If she had been taller, she would have played basketball.
Gdyby by∏a wy˝sza, gra∏aby w koszykówk´.

If I knew her address, I would visit her.
Gdybym zna∏ jej adres, odwiedzi∏bym jà.

If I had known her address, I would have visited her.
Gdybym zna∏ jej adres, odwiedzi∏bym jà.

K∏opoty mogà wynikaç równie˝ z faktu, ˝e w zdaniach warunkowych w j´zyku angielskim
wyst´pujà inne konstrukcje gramatyczne i czasy ni˝ w j´zyku polskim, np.:

If he runs for President, he will need our support

(czas teraêniejszy+czas przysz∏y).

JeÊli b´dzie ubiegaç si´ o urzàd prezydenta, b´dzie potrzebowa∏ naszego wsparcia.

(czas przysz∏y+czas przysz∏y).

If he ran for President, he could win

(czas przesz∏y+tryb warunkowy).

Gdyby ubiega∏ si´ o urzàd prezydenta, móg∏by wygraç.

(tryb warunkowy+tryb warunkowy).

Zdania warunkowe sk∏adajà si´ z dwóch zdaƒ: zdania nadrz´dnego i podrz´dnego.

W zdaniu: “If he runs for President, he will need our support” – “If he runs for President” jest
zdaniem podrz´dnym, a “he will need our support” zdaniem nadrz´dnym.

Struktura zdania warunkowego wyglàda nast´pujàco:




KolejnoÊç wyst´powania zdaƒ nadrz´dnych i podrz´dnych jest dowolna.
Rozró˝niamy trzy g∏ówne typy zdaƒ warunkowych.


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Uwaga: JeÊli jako pierwsze w zdaniu warunkowym wyst´puje zdanie nadrz´dne, to
zazwyczaj stawiamy po nim przecinek (“If I am happy, I smile a lot”). W przeciwnym
wypadku (pierwsze jest zdanie podrz´dne) przecinka nie stawia si´ (“I smile if I am happy”).

Jako çwiczenie mnemotechniczne przeczytaj i zapami´taj poni˝szy limeryk.

Conditional limerick

Of conditional tenses there are three,
the first is a real possibility
It’s ‘if’ plus will,
for example: ‘you’ll be ill,
if you eat too much’, you see.

Next comes the second conditional
Which is imaginary, unlikely, unreal,
It’s ‘If’ plus past and ‘would’
A sentence like this is good:
‘If I were poor and hungry, I’d steal’

The third conditional comes last,
For an unreal situation in the past,
‘If I’d had a car,
with a top speed of 200 miles an hour
I would’ve been out of there that fast!’

Z d a n i a w a r u n k o w e

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Forma podstawowa

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If + Present Simple

Future Simple

When I have guests, I take out the best china I have.
JeÊli mam goÊci, wyjmuj´ najlepszà porcelan´, jakà mam.

Mo˝liwe wariacje w zdaniu nadrz´dnym

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If + Present Simple

may/might + infinitiveIf

If he comes, I might ask him to leave.
JeÊli on przyjdzie, to mog´ poprosiç go, ˝eby wyszed∏.

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If + Present Simple

may/can + infinitive

If she comes, you can welcome her with a chocolate cake.
JeÊli przyjdzie, mo˝esz jà powitaç ciastem czekoladowym.

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If + Present Simple

must/should/ought to + infinitive

If he comes, you should show him around the house.
JeÊli przyjdzie, powinieneÊ go oprowadziç po domu.

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If + Present Simple

Present Simple

If they come, we have a walk in the garden.
JeÊli przychodzà, spacerujemy po ogrodzie.

Present Simple w zdaniu podrz´dnym i nadrz´dnym oznacza, ˝e dana czynnoÊç lub sytuacja
jest powszednia.

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If + Present Simple


If she comes, make her feel at home.
JeÊli przyjdzie, spraw, ˝eby poczu∏a si´ jak w domu.


Zdania warunkowe I typu

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Mo˝liwe wariacje w zdaniu podrz´dnym

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If + Present Continuous

Future Simple/imperative

If she is coming, give her a special treat.
JeÊli przyjdzie, dobrze jà ugoÊç.

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If + Present Continuous

Future Simple/imperative

If you are preparing lunch, check a cookery book.
JeÊli przyrzàdzasz obiad, to zajrzyj do ksià˝ki kucharskiej.

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If + Present Perfect

Future Simple

If she has come, I will see her.
JeÊli przysz∏a, to si´ z nià spotkam.


Rozró˝niamy dwa rodzaje okresów warunkowych I typu

1) Zdania, które mówià o powtarzajàcym si´ stanie rzeczy, sta∏ych prawdach (ten typ zdaƒ

nazywany jest niekiedy 0 okresem warunkowym).

When I am hungry, I am grumpy.

Kiedy jestem g∏ody, jestem zrz´dliwy.

If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.

JeÊli wymieszasz ˝ó∏ty z niebieskim,
otrzymasz zielony.

This soup tastes better if you use fresh herbs and spices.
Ta zupa lepiej smakuje, jeÊli u˝yjesz Êwie˝ych zió∏ i przypraw.

What happens to drivers if they injure someone?
Co czeka kierowców, jeÊli kogoÊ potràcà?

When people drive carefully, there are fewer accidents.
JeÊli ludzie uwa˝nie je˝d˝à, jest mniej wypadków.

If she is stressed, she can’t sleep.

JeÊli jest zestresowana, nie mo˝e zasnàç.

When you heat water to 100º C, it boils.

JeÊli podgrzejesz wod´ do 100 stopni,
zagotuje si´.

When it rains, the streets get muddy.

JeÊli pada, ulice stajà si´ zab∏ocone.

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When the sun rises, the day begins.

JeÊli s∏oƒce wschodzi, zaczyna si´ dzieƒ.

When it snows, the roads are shoveled.

JeÊli pada Ênieg, jezdnie sà odÊnie˝ane.

2) Zdania, które mówià, ˝e jakiÊ warunek jest mo˝liwy do spe∏nienia w przysz∏oÊci.

If you arrive at midnight, the others will be sleeping.
JeÊli przyjedziesz o pó∏nocy, inni b´dà spaç.

If we take this road, we will get there in half an hour.
JeÊli pojedziemy tà drogà, dotrzemy tam w ciàgu pó∏ godziny.

If I fail the exam, I may lose my scholarship.
JeÊli oblej´ egzamin, mog´ straciç stypendium.

If you see this man, contact the police immediately.
JeÊli zobaczycie tego m´˝czyzn´, skontaktujcie si´ natychmiast z policjà.

If you really want to be helpful, attend the meeting.
JeÊli naprawd´ chcesz byç pomocny, weê udzia∏ w spotkaniu.

If you find any mistakes in my posts, don’t hesitate to tell me.
JeÊli znajdziesz jakiekolwiek b∏´dy, nie wahaj si´ powiedzieç mi.

I might go with you if I have my work done.
Mog´ z tobà pójÊç, jeÊli wykonam swojà prac´.

If you stand on your tiptoes, you will reach that book.
JeÊli staniesz na palcach, dosi´gniesz t´ ksià˝k´.

If he phones, hang up.
JeÊli zadzwoni, od∏ó˝ s∏uchawk´.

If it rains, the ceremony will be held indoors.
JeÊli b´dzie padaç, ceremonia odb´dzie si´ wewnàtrz.

If you keep that window open, your parrot might fly out.
JeÊli to okno b´dzie otwarte, twoja papuga mo˝e odfrunàç.

If Becky joins our team, we will win the match.
JeÊli Becky do∏àczy do naszej dru˝yny, wygramy mecz.

If you stop taking this medicine, your infection may return.
JeÊli przestaniesz braç ten lek, twoja infekcja mo˝e wróciç.

You can listen to Radio 4 if you have Windows Media Player.
Mo˝esz s∏uchaç Radia 4, jeÊli masz Windows Media Player.



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If we get up early enough

, we will be able to see the sunrise.

JeÊli wstaniesz wystarczajàco wczeÊnie, b´dziesz móg∏ zobaczyç wschód s∏oƒca.

If you see fire, sound the alarm.
JeÊli zobaczysz ogieƒ, w∏àcz alarm.

If we buy a car, we will sleep one hour more.
JeÊli kupimy samochód, b´dziemy spaç godzin´ d∏u˝ej.

Obok spójnika if w zdaniu warunkowym pierwszego typu stosuje si´ równie˝ when.

W odniesieniu do teraêniejszoÊci u˝ycie if sugeruje, ˝e coÊ dzieje si´ stosunkowo rzadko,
podczas gdy when sugeruje, ˝e coÊ zdarza si´ systematycznie, np.:

When Beth is angry, I keep out of her way.
Kiedy Beth jest z∏a, nie wchodz´ jej w drog´

(Beth jest doÊç cz´sto z∏a).

If Beth is angry, I keep out of her way.
JeÊli Beth jest z∏a, nie wchodz´ jej w drog´

(Beth jest stosunkowo rzadko z∏a).

W odniesieniu do przysz∏oÊci if sugeruje, ˝e nie jest wiadome, czy warunek zostanie

spe∏niony czy te˝ nie. When sugeruje, ˝e coÊ raczej na pewno si´ wydarzy w pewnym
momencie w przysz∏oÊci, np.:

If you come, I will show you the pictures of the Tatras.
JeÊli przyjdziesz, poka˝´ ci zdj´cia Tatr

(jeÊli chcesz zobaczyç te zdj´cia, to przyjdê do mnie).

When you come, I will show you the pictures of the Tatras.
Kiedy przyjdziesz, poka˝´ ci zdj´cia Tatr

poka˝´ ci zdj´cia wtedy, kiedy przyjdziesz do mnie przy okazji twojej wizyty u mnie).

Uwaga: Kiedy zdanie warunkowe zaczyna si´ od zdania podrz´dnego, wówczas „then”
mo˝e byç postawione przed zdaniem nadrz´dnym, np. If it rains, then

we will stay at




Uzupe∏nij zdania odpowiednià formà czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If I (be) attacked, I (defend) myself.
2. If he (be) bored, he (yawn).
3. If I (eat) strawberries, I (get) a rash.
4. If she (be) embarrassed, she (blush).
5. If I (sit) in a draught, I (catch) a cold.

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6. If my hair (be) too long, I (have) it cut.
7. If I (be) sleepy, I (take) a nap.
8. If they (be) annoyed, they (grow) churlish.
9. If she (be) nervous, she (stammer).
10. If I (promise) something, I (keep) it.
11. If I (smile), my cheeks (dimple).
12. If my head (ache), I (take) an aspirin.
13. If I (be) sad, I (write) sad songs.
14. If my friends (come) over, I (entertain) them.
15. If he (be) angry, he (knit) his brows.


Uzupe∏nij zdania odpowiednià formà czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If you (eat) carrots, your skin (turn) orange.
2. If you (sleep) less than five hours, you (have) less energy.
3. If you (be) self-employed, you (pay) your own tax.
4. If you (be) feverish, your body temperature (go) high.
5. If your car (be) stolen, (call) the police.
6. If you (drink) milk, you (get) calcium.
7. If you (take) a loan, the bank (trust) you to pay off the loan.
8. If you (smoke), you (increase) your risk of heart disease.
9. If you (do) exercises, your body (burn) calories.
10. If you (meet) a lion, (stay) calm.
11. If you (be) hot, (turn) the thermostat down.
12. If you (smell) gas, (leave) the building immediately.
13. If you (give) your word, (keep) it.
14. If you (read) books, you (learn) new things.
15. If you (lie), your body language (give) you away.


Uzupe∏nij zdania odpowiednià formà czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. Don’t complain if you (not go) to the polls.
2. What will you do if he (fire) you?
3. If she is late, I (not wait) for her longer than 15 minutes.
4. If you (not believe) me, just watch it.
5. If you cheat in the exam, you (get) expelled from the university.
6. If they offer me a full-time job, I (not hesitate) to take it.
7. If he (renew) his contract, then he will earn an annual salary of £125000.
8. Don’t blame me, if we (lose).
9. If it (be) true that that he is lying, I will never speak to him.
10. If he (agree) to testify, we will offer him immunity.



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Uzupe∏nij zdania odpowiednià formà czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If you (train) hard, you (be) recognized.
2. If you (be) recognized, you (start) your career in a youth team.
3. If you (start) your career in a youth team, you (improve) your abilities.
4. If you (improve) your abilities, a large club (get) interested in you.
5. If a large club (get) interested in you, they (make) a good contract offer.
6. If they (make) a good contract offer, you (earn) a lot of money.
7. If you (earn) a lot of money, you (do) anything you want.


Poinformuj o skutkach niezdrowego jedzenia, uk∏adajàc zdania warunkowe, w których

wykorzystasz poni˝sze wyra˝enia.

Stop eating fast food

1. get fat
2. damage your health
3. change into larger jeans
4. become sluggish
5. suffer from indigestion
6. people make comments at you


Dopasuj do wyra˝eƒ z kolumny A odpowiednie zakoƒczenia z kolumny B, dokonujàc

niezb´dnych uzupe∏nieƒ.



1. anyone is interested

a. there isn’t much to save?

2. you can work under pressure

b. you don’t pay what you owe me.

3. How do you save money

c. they invite us to talk.

4. you want to keep this job

d. feel free to ask me.

5. it is Monday

e. here is the link which explains it in depth.

6. she comes round,

f. join our team.

7. you plagiarize someone else’s work

g. you will do as I tell you.

8. We will accept the invitation

h. I will persuade her to change her mind.

9. you have any questions

i. then the museum is closed.

10. I will take you to court

j. you will be punished.


U∏ó˝ zdania zgodnie z wzorem:

A: Will you transport your bikes in the car?
B: I will, if they fit inside.

I will transport my bikes in the car if they fit inside.

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A: Will you come to my birthday party?
B: Yes, if I get better


A: Are you going to study at Oxford?
B: It depends on whether I win a scholarship.


A: Are you going to lend her money?
B: Maybe, but she must promise that she will invest it wisely.


A: Are you going to sue him?
B: No, not if he apologizes publicly for his comments.


A: What will you do if you don’t recall his real name?
B: I will begin a web search.


Uzupe∏nij zdania odpowiednià formà czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If a black cat (cross) your path, you (have) bad luck.
2. If cows (lick) trees, you (can) expect rain.
3. If something (be) spilled, a drunken man soon (visit).
4. If you (blow) out all the candles on your birthday cake with the first puff, you

(get) your wish.

5. If you (walk) under a ladder, you (have) bad luck.
6. If you (break) a mirror, seven years of bad luck (follow).
7. If your ears (itch) or burn, someone (talk) about you.


Uzupe∏nij zdania odpowiednià formà czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. You (not get) this job if you don’t apply for it.
2. They won’t tell you if you (not ask).
3. I (not help) her if she doesn’t open up to me.
4. He will never know how it feels if he (not try).
5. We (lose) if we don’t do anything about it.
6. If you smile at people, they (smile) back.
7. I won’t buy these shoes for you if you (not promise) to wear them more than once.
8. I will never talk to you again if you (not apologize) for what you have done.
9. You (not get) a place there at the weekend if you don’t reserve it in advance.
10. It may take years to get an interesting role if you (not know) the right people.
11. I (not give) you a lift if you don’t fasten the seat belt.
12. If you aren’t assertive enough, people (treat) you as a doormat.
13. If you (want) to win the election, you must talk to people.
14. They (leave) us if we don’t provoke them.
15. Your car (is) confiscated if you park here.



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Podstawowa forma

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If+Past Simple


If she came, I would talk to her.

Gdyby przysz∏a, porozmawia∏bym z nià.

Mo˝liwe wariacje w zdaniu nadrz´dnym

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If+Past Simple


If he turned to me, I could do something.
Gdyby zwróci∏by si´ do mnie, móg∏bym coÊ zrobiç.

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If+Past Simple

would+present continuous infintive

If she suggested it, he would be weighing the pros and cons now.
Gdyby to zasugerowa∏a, on by teraz rozwa˝a∏ za i przeciw.

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If+Past Simple

Past Simple

If she asked for help, we helped.

Gdy prosi∏a o pomoc, pomagaliÊmy.

Past Simple w zdaniu podrz´dnym i nadrz´dnym oznacza, ˝e dana czynnoÊç lub sytuacja
zdarza∏a si´ co jakiÊ czas.

Mo˝liwe wariacje w zdaniu podrz´dnym

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If+Past Continuous


If you were speaking politely, he wouldn’t lose his temper.
GdybyÊ mówi∏a uprzejmie, on nie straci∏by panowania nad sobà.


Zdaƒ warunkowych II typu u˝ywamy wtedy, gdy mówimy o nierealnych lub wyimaginowanych
sytuacjach w teraêniejszoÊci oraz o wydarzeniach ma∏o prawdopodobnych, choç teoretycznie
mo˝liwych w przysz∏oÊci.


Zdania warunkowe II typu

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Nierealne sytuacje w teraêniejszoÊci

If Warsaw had more bridges, the traffic would be better managed.
Gdyby Warszawa mia∏a wi´cej mostów, ruch by∏by lepiej zorganizowany.

If stupidity had wings, you would surely fly.
Gdyby g∏upota mia∏a skrzyd∏a, z pewnoÊcià byÊ lata∏.

He would be a soldier if he wanted to fight.
By∏by ˝o∏nierzem, gdyby chcia∏ walczyç.

If I didn’t live where I do, I would live in Ireland.
Gdybym nie mieszka∏ tu, gdzie mieszkam, mieszka∏bym w Irlandii.

Ma∏oprawdopodobne wydarzenia w przysz∏oÊci

If I had more motivation, I would lose weight.
Gdybym mia∏ wi´cej motywacji, schud∏bym.

If I lost weight, I would be back into my jeans.
Gdybym straci∏ na wadze, zmieÊci∏bym si´ w moich d˝insach.

If I had more time, I could do it.
Gdybym mia∏ wi´cej czasu, móg∏bym to zrobiç.

If we missed the bus, we would have to wait 20 minutes for the next one.
GdybyÊmy si´ spóênili na autobus, musielibyÊmy czekaç 20 minut na nast´pny.

What would she think of me if she knew I was kidding?
Co by o mnie pomyÊla∏a, gdyby wiedzia∏a, ˝e ˝artuj´?

If he studied more, he would get good grades.
Gdyby uczy∏a si´ wi´cej, mia∏aby dobre oceny.



W zdaniach warunkowych II typu, forma “was” uznawana jest za niepoprawnà. W

j´zyku starannym nale˝y u˝ywaç zawsze “were”: If I/you/he/they were. “Was” wyst´puje jed-
nak˝e doÊç powszechnie w potocznej angielszczyênie: (If I was your girlfriend, I would
dump you).

If she


more assertive, she would be more successful.

Gdyby by∏a bardziej asertywna, mia∏aby wi´cej sukcesów.

If I


you, I wouldn’t be here.

Gdybym by∏ tobà, nie by∏oby mnie tu.



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If I


in your shoes, I would sue the restaurant.

Gdybym by∏ na twoim miejscu, zaskar˝y∏bym t´ restauracj´.

If Hank


talking seriously, she would respond seriously.

Gdyby Hank mówi∏ powa˝nie, odpowiedzia∏aby powa˝nie.

If I


president, I would focus on social security reforms.

Gdybym by∏ prezydentem, skupi∏bym si´ na reformie ubezpieczeƒ spo∏ecznych.

Drugiego okresu warunkowego mo˝na u˝yç jako zamiennik pierwszego okresu
warunkowego, gdy jest mowa o mo˝liwych do spe∏nienia planach lub te˝ sugestiach.
Wtedy zdania brzmià bardziej hipotetycznie.

I am afraid we will run out of money.
Obawiam si´, ˝e skoƒczà si´ nam pieniàdze.

We won’t if we use it sparingly.
Nie skoƒczà si´, jeÊli b´dziemy z nich korzystaç oszcz´dnie.

We wouldn’t if we used it sparingly.
Nie skoƒczy∏yby si´, jeÊli korzystalibyÊmy z nich oszcz´dnie.

I will never be accepted into the university.
Nigdy mnie nie przyjmà na uniwersytet.

If you study more, you will be accepted.
JeÊli b´dziesz si´ wi´cej uczyç, to przyjmà ci´.

If you studied more, you would be accepted.
JeÊli uczy∏byÊ si´ wi´cej, to by ci´ przyj´li.



U∏ó˝ zdania warunkowe zgodnie z wzorem.

I/a lion/roar and growl.
If I were a lion I would roar and growl.

1. You/ a chameleon/be able to change

your body colour.

2. I/a tiger/have black stripes.
3. She/a bee/feed on nectar.
4. I/an ant/smell with my antennae.
5. He/a chimp/have long arms.
6. They/pigeons/coo and strut.
7. You/a cat/always land on your feet.

8. I/a mouse/eat a lot of cheese.
9. I/an elephant/have enormous ears.
10. He/a frog/hop all day long.
11. You/a bat/sleep upside down.
12. He/a puppy/chew slippers.
13. She/a penguin/live in the Antarctic.
14. I/an ostrich/bury my head in the sand.
15. She/a kangaroo/jump high.

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Wpisz w puste rubryki zdania warunkowe opierajàce si´ na faktach podanych po lewej

stronie tabeli.

They won’t go snorkeling at Flower Island because they can’t afford it.
If they could afford it, they would go snorkeling at Flower Island.


Zdanie warunkowe

1. I don’t call her often because international

phone calls are very expensive.

2. Jack doesn’t speak French fluently

because his vocabulary is very poor.

3. I don’t drink Coke because it is bad for teeth.
4. We won’t hire her because she

lacks a college degree.

5. Beth doesn’t talk much because she is shy.
6. I won’t go to the party because

I don’t have anyone to go with me.

7. I won’t enroll on this course because

I am not interested in Napoleon’s time.

8. I will ask him to proofread my article

because he is a professional editor.

9. I won’t apologise because I am not sorry.
10. He won’t run for the second term

because he is tired of politics.


Uzupe∏nij bajk´ Ezopa odpowiednià formà czasowników podanych w nawiasach.


Once upon a time the sheep complained to the shepherd about the difference in
his treatment of themselves and his Dog. „Your conduct,“ said they, „is very
strange and, we think, very unfair. We provide you with wool and lambs and milk
and you give us nothing but grass, and even that we have to find for ourselves: but
you get nothing at all from the Dog, and yet you feed him with tit-bits from your
own table.“ Their remarks were overheard by the Dog, who spoke up at once and
said, „Yes, and quite right, too: where you (be)1 if it (not be)2 for me? Thieves
(steal)3 you! Wolves (eat)4 you! Indeed, if I (not keep)5 constant watch over you,
you (be)6 too terrified even to graze!“ The Sheep were obliged to acknowledge that
he spoke the truth, and never again made a grievance of the regard in which he
was held by his master.



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U∏ó˝ zdania warunkowe wykorzystujàc kolejno wszystkie wyra˝enia podane w tabelce.

at the airport

be getting ready for bed.

at the dentist’s

be hunting for mushrooms.

at home

be rubbing suntan lotion on my body.

If I were

in a casino

I would

eat coconuts.

in the forest

feel very uncomfortable.

on the beach

listen to announcements over
the loudspeakers.

on the desert island

play roulette.


Uzupe∏nij zdania odpowiednià formà czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. I would be very embarrassed if he (know) about it.
2. She (agree) to that if you asked her.
3. What would you do if she (not feel) the same way?
4. If she (be) a celebrity, she would have many plastic surgeries.
5. He (not be) a leader if he weren’t so charismatic.
6. If you (have) three wishes, what would they be?
7. If I had more leisure time, I (take) up yoga.
8. If we (live) in Pu∏tusk we would angle in the Narew.
9. If she had more than a high school diploma, she (have) more job opportunities.
10. Things would be easier if they (not have) such high expectations of themselves.
11. I would pay you more if you (be) a better worker.
12. Would you travel more if you (not have) children?
13. Where you (live) if you could live anywhere?
14. If you (win) the lottery, would you quit working?
15. If I (not be) so shy, I would enjoy parties.


Uzupe∏nij poczàtek zdaƒ warunkowych a-f opierajàc si´ na odpowiednich

stwierdzeniach 1-6 wed∏ug wzoru.

It is unlikely that the party will leave the coalition.
The government will fall apart within the next month.
If the party leaves the coalition, the government will fall
apart within the next month.

1. It is unlikely that people will give up smoking.
2. It is unlikely that the EU will accept Turkey.
3. It is unlikely that cars will run on water.
4. It is unlikely that e-learning will replace classroom-based learning.
5. It is unlikely that football matches will be free of hooliganism.
6. It is unlikely that all people will speak a common language.

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a) they wouldn’t maintain their cultural differences.
b) football stadiums would be safe places.
c) it would gain a large area.
d) students would study from home.
e) they would feel more energetic and healthy.
f) they wouldn’t produce pollution.


Uzupe∏nij zdania w poni˝szym liÊcie podanymi w nawiasie czasownikami tak, aby

utworzyç zdania warunkowe.

Dear Kate,
To start with, I am a married woman, with a very caring and protective husband to
whom I’ve been married for over five years. It (be)


a very happy marriage if my

mother-in-law (not be)


around so often. She is an awful, confrontational person.

I have always gone out of my way to please her but that was never appreciated.
Whenever she (see)


me she (criticize)


everything: the way I cook, dress, run the

house – nothing I do ever seems good enough to her. If it (not be)



anti-depressants, I (not have)


a normal life.

Fortunately my husband acknowledges that his mother is “difficult” and tries to be
supportive, but he doesn’t really realize how much she is hurting me.
Now my mother-in-law is throwing a party for her 59th birthday. If I (go)


to the

party, I (be)


involved in all the things I am scared of – her, her remarks and spite.

If I (no do)


, I (put)


my husband in the position of choosing sides.

On the other hand, on many occasions she has made it clear that I am not welcome
in her house.
This is really eating me up inside. What should I do?



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Zdania warunkowe III typu

Podstawowa forma

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If+Past Perfect

would+perfect infinitive

If you had warned me, I wouldn’t have gone there.
GdybyÊ mnie ostrzeg∏, nie poszed∏bym tam.

Mo˝liwe wariacje w zdaniu podrz´dnym

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If+Past Perfect Continuous

would+perfect infinitive

If he had been studying hard, he would have been accepted into the university.
Gdyby du˝o si´ uczy∏, zosta∏by przyj´ty na uniwersytet.

Mo˝liwe wariacje w zdaniu nadrz´dnym

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If+Past Perfect

could/might+perfect infinitive

If he hadn’t been fouled, he might have scored a goal.
Gdyby nie zosta∏ sfaulowany, móg∏by zdobyç bramk´.

Zdanie podrz´dne

Zdanie nadrz´dne

If+Past Perfect

Would/might+perfect continuous infinitive

If he had been prepared, he wouldn’t have been cheating in the exam.
Gdyby by∏ przygotowany, nie Êciàga∏by na egzaminie.


Zdaƒ warunkowych III typu u˝ywamy, aby wyraziç domniemania na temat przesz∏oÊci.
Zdania te to czyste hipotezy, odnoszàce si´ do tego, co mog∏oby si´ wydarzyç w
przesz∏oÊci, gdyby zosta∏ spe∏niony pewien warunek.

If they had paid the rent, they wouldn’t have had any problems.
Gdyby zap∏acili czynsz, nie mieliby ˝adnych problemów.

If the prisoners had escaped, there would have been an uproar.
Gdyby wi´êniowie uciekli, dosz∏oby do wrzawy.

I would have considered it if I had been given the opportunity.
Rozwa˝y∏bym to, gdybym mia∏ takà mo˝liwoÊç.


Zdania warunkowe III typu

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If we had known that you were leaving, we would have thrown a party for you.
GdybyÊmy wiedzieli, ˝e wyje˝dzasz, urzàdzilibyÊmy dla ciebie imprez´.

If you had stayed at home, you might have avoided a lot of trouble.
GdybyÊ zosta∏ w domu, móg∏byÊ uniknàç wielu problemów.

If she hadn’t gone to the party, she wouldn’t have met Tom.
Gdyby nie posz∏a na to przyj´cie, nie pozna∏aby Toma.

I would have prepared dinner if you had told me.
Przygotowa∏abym obiad, gdybyÊ mi powiedzia∏.

If I had known you were going to come back so late, I wouldn’t have waited for you.
Gdybym wiedzia∏, ˝e wrócisz tak póêno, nie czeka∏bym na ciebie.

If you hadn’t said that, you wouldn’t have been fired.
GdybyÊ nie powiedzia∏a tego, nie zosta∏byÊ zwolniony.

If I hadn’t pointed it out, she wouldn’t have noticed the mistake.
Gdybym nie wskaza∏, nie zauwa˝y∏aby b∏´du.

If they had only asked me, I would have helped them.
Gdyby mnie tylko poprosili, pomóg∏bym im.

If he hadn’t gone to the casino, he wouldn’t have lost so much money.
Gdyby nie poszed∏ do kasyna, nie straci∏by tylu pieni´dzy.

If we hadn’t contacted him, we wouldn’t have known the whole story.
GdybyÊmy nie skontaktowali si´ z nim, nie poznalibyÊmy ca∏ej tej historii.

If she hadn’t intervened, things could have got out of hand.
Gdyby nie interweniowa∏a, sprawy mog∏yby wymknàç si´ spod kontroli.

If Simon had been satisfied, he wouldn’t have been complaining about bad service.
Gdyby Simon by∏ zadowolony, nie narzeka∏by na z∏à obs∏ug´.



U∏ó˝ zdania zgodnie z wzorem:

Our trip was spoiled. My luggage was stolen.
If my luggage hadn’t been stolen, our trip wouldn’t have been spoiled.

1. He lost his job. He wasn’t very committed to it.
2. Jerry slipped on the icy steps at his home. He didn’t remove the ice.
3. I offended him. I didn’t keep my mouth shut.



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4. We didn’t come to his ranch. We weren’t invited.
5. I failed the exam. I didn’t study hard.
6. She sprained her ankle. She was wearing high heels.
7. Katy didn’t redecorate the kitchen. She couldn’t afford it.
8. Tony ran fast. He wasn’t late to work.
9. We got lost. You gave us bad directions.
10. The situation became worse. Jack wasn’t polite.
11. The police towed my car. I parked illegally.
12. I bought a lottery ticket. I hit the jackpot.
13. Sophie washed her blouse in hot water. It shrank.
14. The wind was very strong. It blew the roof off.
15. Mark wasn’t hard-working. He didn’t go to college.


Przekszta∏ç poni˝sze zdania na zdania warunkowe.

1. She grew up in a bilingual family, so she learned two languages.
2. The river flooded because it rained for a few days in a row.
3. Martin got sick because he ate too much.
4. They offered her a low-paid job, so she refused.
5. She was interested in astronomy that’s why her parents bought her a telescope.
6. The prisoner was released prematurely because he behaved very well.
7. Thomas broke his leg because he fell down the stairs.
8. We lost the match because the referee was biased against us.
9. The villagers were fined because they cut down the trees illegally.
10. She had no other choice, so she agreed.
11. I didn’t put on a sweater and I caught a cold.
12. Jenny was dissatisfied with her job, so she quit.
13. Owen overslept because he didn’t set the alarm for 6 o’clock.
14. The film was a success, so a sequel was made.
15. I bought the shoes because the price was discounted.


Wybierz prawid∏owà odpowiedê.

1. I cheated in the exam and I was punished.

a) If I don’t cheat in the exam, I won’t be punished.
b) If I didn’t cheat in the exam, I wouldn’t be punished.
c) If I hadn’t cheated in the exam, I wouldn’t have been punished.

2. He works a night job, so I don’t see him often.

a) If he doesn’t work a night job, I will see him often.
b) If he didn’t work a night job, I would see him often.
c) If he hadn’t worked a night job, I would have seen him often.

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3. My in-laws may visit us tomorrow. I hope they won’t because we are planning to

go to the sauna.

a) If my in-laws visit us, we won’t go to the sauna.
b) If my in-laws visited us, we wouldn’t go to the sauna.
c) If my in-laws had visited us, we wouldn’t have gone to the sauna.

4. I can’t afford it. I am not a millionaire.

a) I can afford it if I am a millionaire.
b) I could afford it if I were a millionaire.
c) I could have afforded it if I had been a millionaire.

5. I slipped on ice and I hurt my knees.

a) If I don’t slip on ice, I don’t hurt my knees.
b) If I didn’t slip on ice, I wouldn’t hurt my knees.
c) If I hadn’t slipped on ice, I wouldn’t have hurt my knees.

6. He didn’t take an umbrella. He got soaked to the bone.

a) If he takes an umbrella, he won’t get soaked to the bone.
b) If he took an umbrella, he wouldn’t get soaked to the bone.
c) If he had taken an umbrella, he wouldn’t have got soaked to the bone.

7. I have prospects of being accepted into the university. I must only study hard.

a) If I had studied hard, I would have been accepted into the university.
b) If I studied hard, I would be accepted into the university.
c) If I study hard, I will be accepted into the university.

8. Heat water to 100°C and it will boil.

a) If you heat water to 100°C, it will boil.
b) If you will heat water to 100°C, it will boil.
c) If you will heat water 100°C, it boils.


Wybierz spoÊród dwóch mo˝liwoÊci odpowiednie wyra˝enie tak, aby powsta∏o

poprawne zdanie warunkowe.

1. If I

hadn’t/wouldn’t have lost my temper, I wouldn’t have/hadn’t slammed the door.

2. If my room

hadn’t been/wouldn’t have been ransacked, I wouldn’t have/hadn’t filed

a police report.

3. If the police

hadn’t been/wouldn’t have been tipped, the gangster wouldn’t have

been/hadn’t been caught.

4. If I

had/would have locked the door, my flat hadn’t been/wouldn’t have been


5. If she

had been/would have been troubled, I would have/had noticed.



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Uzupe∏nij Êrodkowà cz´Êç zdania stwierdzeniami 1-6 tak, aby uzyskaç zdania

warunkowe 3 typu.

If I had studied hard __________ but I didn’t study hard and didn’t have the
grades to get into college.
If I had studied hard, I would have studied astronomy but I didn’t study hard and
didn’t have the grades to get into college.

1. I was supposed to study astronomy...
2. I was supposed to be one of the brightest students...
3. I was supposed to work at NASA upon graduation...
4. I was supposed to become a famous scientist...
5. I was supposed to make amazing discoveries...
6. I was supposed to be awarded the Nobel Prize...


Uzupe∏nij wykropkowane miejsca w zdaniach poni˝szymi wyra˝eniami.

hadn’t been, had chosen, hadn’t provoked, had had, had been brought up,
had taken, had paid attention, hadn’t spilt

1. If he ___________, he would have passed the test.
2. If we ___________ the right exit, we would have been late.
3. If she ___________ the hot milk, she wouldn’t have burnt herself.
4. If he ___________ more common sense, he would have chosen a different profession.
5. If we ___________ the dog, it wouldn’t have attacked us.
6. If he ___________ to be an honest man, he wouldn’t have deceived us.
7. If I ___________ the antibiotics for seven days, the infection wouldn’t have returned.
8. If my shoes ___________ too small, my feet wouldn’t have hurt.


W poni˝szych przyk∏adach a-e u∏ó˝ zdania warunkowe w taki sposób, aby uzyskaç

logiczny ciàg wydarzeƒ.


- Beth left her blinds open
- the thief could see that she left money

on the table

- he broke into her flat
- he stole the money


- Michael isn’t very apologetic
- he won’t apologise for what he’s said
- I won’t forgive him

c) - Philip was drunk

- he lost control of the car
- he ran into a tree
- he injured his back


- Martha is a technophobe
- she won’t buy a mobile phone
- I can’t phone her more often

e) - Dorothy was angry

- she bit her lip
- her lip bled

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Uzupe∏nij wykropkowane miejsca w dowcipach 1-4 czasownikami w odpowiedniej




“Now, Harrison, if your father (borrow)


££10 from me and (pay)



back ££1 a month, at the end of six months how much he (owe)




“££10, Sir.”


“I’m afraid you don’t know much about arithmetic, Harrison.”


“I’m afraid you don’t know much about my father, Sir.”


“If you (be)


going to work here, young man,” said the boss, “one thing you

must learn is that we are very keen on cleanliness in this firm.
Did you wipe your feet on the mat as you came in? “Oh, yes, Sir.”
“And another thing we are very keen on is truthfulness: There is no mat.”



“You can’t sleep in class.”


“No, but if you (not talk)


so loudly I (can)




An economics professor and a student were strolling through the campus.
“Look,” the student cried, “there’s a $100 bill on the path!”
“No, you are mistaken,” the wiser head replied. “That cannot be. If there (be)


actually a $100 bill, someone (pick)


it up.”


Przekszta∏ç poni˝sze nag∏owki prasowe na zdania warunkowe.










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Will i would

Zazwyczaj w zdaniach warunkowych po if nie u˝ywa si´ czasowników posi∏kowych will
ii would. Sà jednak wyjàtki. W uprzejmych proÊbach, a tak˝e kiedy chcemy wyraziç czyjàÊ
dobrà wol´, upór, irytacj´ bàdê niepewnoÊç, mo˝emy u˝yç czasu przysz∏ego w obu
cz∏onach zdania warukowego.

If you will smoke, your heart gets less oxygen.
JeÊli b´dziesz paliç, twoje serce b´dzie dostawaç mniej tlenu.

If they will listen to music at high volume, the neighbours will complain.
JeÊli b´dà s∏uchaç g∏oÊno muzyki, sàsiedzi b´dà si´ skar˝yç.

If you would book the tickets, I would be very grateful.
GdybyÊ zarezerwowa∏ bilety, by∏abym ci bardzo wdzi´czna.

I would be honored if you would join my campaign.
By∏bym zaszczycony, gdybyÊ do∏àczy∏ do mojej kampanii.

If you would kindly help us, we could meet the deadline.
GdybyÊ by∏ mi∏y i pomóg∏ nam, moglibyÊmy dotrzymaç terminu.

But for

Cz∏on podrz´dny zdania warunkowego III typu mo˝na zastàpiç wyra˝eniem z but for

(=if it hadn’t been for)


But for

their help, I wouldn’t have known what to do.

Gdyby nie ich pomoc, nie wiedzia∏bym, co robiç.

But for

Mike, we wouldn’t have succeeded.

Gdyby nie Mike, nie odnieÊlibyÊmy sukcesu.

But for

the quick reaction of the police, the thieves wouldn’t have been caught.

Gdyby nie szybka reakcja policji, z∏odzieje nie zostaliby z∏apani.

He might have won the competition

but for

the wind blowing in the wrong direction.

Móg∏by wygraç konkurs, gdyby wiatr nie wia∏ w z∏ym kierunku.

But for

his mistakes, he would have kept the job.

Gdyby nie jego b∏´dy, utrzyma∏by si´ na stanowisku.


Dodatkowe uwagi
o w∏aÊciwoÊciach zdaƒ

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But for

his charm, I would have never agreed to such an arrangement.

Gdyby nie jego urok, nigdy bym si´ nie zgodzi∏a na takie ustalenia.

But for

the fog, the plane wouldn’t have landed in Balice.

Gdyby nie mg∏a, samolot nie wylàdowa∏by w Balicach.



Zastàp cz∏on podrz´dny zdania warunkowego zaczynajàcego si´ na if, zdaniem z but for.

1. If there hadn’t been the flood, they wouldn’t have lost everything.
2. If there hadn’t been the war, we wouldn’t have moved to the USA.
3. If there hadn’t been the televised presidential debates, Kennedy wouldn’t have

been elected.

4. If there hadn’t been the discount, I wouldn’t have bought the car.
5. If there hadn’t been the tip, the police wouldn’t have caught the criminals.

Should i were to

Czasowniki should i were to stosuje si´ w zdaniach warunkowych, aby podkreÊliç, ˝e
wydarzenie bàdê sytuacja jest ma∏o prawdopodobna, niemo˝liwa do spe∏nienia, bàdê
katastrofalna. Were to mo˝e byç u˝yty tylko z czasownikami dynamicznymi (opisujàcymi
akcj´), a nie statycznymi (opisujàcymi stan).

If Simon

were to

lose his job, he wouldn’t find a new one quickly.

Gdyby Simon straci∏ prac´, nie znalaz∏by pr´dko nowej.

If she

were to

win, she would be horribly obnoxious.

Gdyby wygra∏a, by∏aby potwornie nieznoÊna.

If Bob


respond, forward his e-mail to me.

Gdyby Bob odpowiedzia∏, przekierunkuj jego maila do mnie.

If he


contact you again, report him to the police.

Gdyby ponownie skontaktowa∏ si´ z tobà, zg∏oÊ to na policj´.


Uzupe∏nij miejsca wykropkowane wstawiajàc should lub were to, bàdê obie te formy.

1. If he _________ decline your invitation, don’t invite him next time.
2. If she ________ have another child, she would give up her career.
3. If you ________ be dissatisfied with your purchase, request a refund.
4. If you ________ change your address, e-mail it to me immediately.
5. If he _________ refuse to testify, the case would be dismissed.
6. If he _________ phone, tell him that I am in a meeting.
7. If he _________ grow another inch or two, he wouldn’t fit into his clothes.



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W zdaniach warunkowych III typu, a tak˝e w zdaniach z should, were to, mo˝na

zastosowaç inwersj´. Wówczas nale˝y obowiàzkowo pominàç spójnik if. T´ konstrukcj´
spotyka si´ w j´zyku oficjalnym.

If she

were to accept

this suggestion, the business would grow at high speed.




to accept

this suggestion, the business would grow at high speed

Gdyby przyj´∏a t´ propozycj´, biznes szybko by si´ rozwinà∏.

If they

were to record

a new album, it would be a huge success.




to record

a new album, it would be a huge success

Gdyby nagrali nowy album, odniós∏by on wielki sukces.

If Janet

should have

another baby, she would quit her job





another baby, she would quit her job.
Gdyby Janet urodzi∏a kolejne dziecko, to zrezygnuje z pracy.

If you

had heard

his passionate words, you would have been fooled yourself.





his passionate words, you would have been fooled yourself.

GdybyÊ s∏ysza∏ jego p∏omienne s∏owa, sam da∏byÊ si´ nabraç.

JeÊli stosujemy inwersj´ w zdaniach warunkowych, nie mo˝emy u˝yç przeczenia w formie

Êciàgni´tej i dlatego powiemy:

Had I not been so tired, I wouldn’t have slept through the ring.
Gdybym nie by∏ taki zm´czony, nie przespa∏bym dzwonka (telefonu).

Had he not been released from hospital too early, he wouldn’t have had
a relapse.
Gdyby nie zwolniono go zbyt wczeÊnie ze szpitala, nie mia∏by nawrotu choroby.

Were she not my daughter, I would employ her.
Gdyby nie by∏a mojà córkà, zatrudni∏abym jà.


If I hadn’t been so tired, I wouldn’t have slept through the ring.
If he hadn’t been released from hospital too early, he wouldn’t have had
a relapse.
If she weren’t my daughter, I would employ her.


Inwersja w zdaniach

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Wyra˝enia wydrukowane kursywà zastàp innà konstrukcjà.

1. If someone were to use this idea I would raise my eyebrows.
2. If you should find yourself in this situation, what would you do?
3. If it hadn’t been for your donation, we wouldn’t have been able to finance the project.
4. If she were to work from home, she would never get any work done.
5. If he had been re-elected, he would have reformed the tax system.
6. If the fire had spread to the precious archives, the loss would have been


7. If he hadn’t agreed to review this film, he would have stopped watching it after

10 minutes.

8. If he weren’t my brother-in-law, I would phone the police.
9. If it hadn’t been for the bugs, the truth would have never come out.
10. If you should wish to cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time.


Dokonaj inwersji w poni˝szych zdaniach warunkowych.

1. If Hank were to mow the lawn, I will definitely thank him.
2. If he should win the presidential election, we might expect a political earthquake.
3. If Maura should offer me a job, I am going to take it.
4. If Jerry hadn’t been irritated, he wouldn’t have snapped at you.
5. If you shouldn’t be satisfied with our product, let us know within 20 days of purchase.
6. If I had known how long it would take, I would have given it up.
7. If he weren’t to continue it, I would be surprised.

S∏owa/wyra˝enia wprowadzajàce warunek

Prócz if równie˝ inne s∏owa i wyra˝enia mogà byç u˝ywane w zdaniach warunkowych.
Do najcz´Êciej spotykanych nale˝à: unless

(=if not),

provided that/providing/as long as

(=only if),


(=what if),

on condition that


in case


in case of


or else

(=if not/otherwise),


(=if not),



(if … or).

All rooms may be taken


you book ahead.

Wszystkie pokoje mogà byç zaj´te, jeÊli nie dokonasz rezerwacji wczeÊniej.

You can have it in any color you want

as long as

it’s black.

Mo˝esz to mieç w ka˝dym kolorze pod warunkiem, ˝e b´dzie czarne.

She won’t understand


you explain it to her.

Ona tego nie zrozumie, jeÊli jej tego nie wyt∏umaczysz.

I will pay you well

providing that

you do a good job.

Zap∏ac´ ci dobrze, je˝eli tylko b´dziesz dobrze pracowaç.



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You can go to the USA

provided that

you have a visa.

Mo˝esz pojechaç do USA pod warunkiem, ˝e masz wiz´.

In case

of emergency contact the security section.

W przypadku awarii skontaktuj si´ z ochronà.

You can have a day off

on condition that

you finish the report by Monday.

Mo˝esz dostaç dzieƒ wolny pod warunkiem, ˝e skoƒczysz ten raport przed




you were in my place, what would you do?

Za∏o˝ywszy, ˝e by∏abyÊ na moim miejscu, co byÊ zrobi∏a?

I have to leave now.


I will miss my bus.

Musz´ ju˝ iÊç. W przeciwnym razie spóêni´ si´ na autobus.

I need to drink some coffee

or else

I will fall asleep.

Musz´ napiç si´ kawy, w przeciwnym razie zasn´.

I will go with you


you like it



Pójd´ z tobà, czy tego chcesz czy nie.


Uzupe∏nij zdania odpowiednim s∏owem wprowadzajàcym warunek.

1. Tomorrow we will go to a picnic __________ it rains.
2. You don’t often talk about children __________ you are a parent.
3. _________ she is lying, what will you do?
4. __________ you have failed again, would you try one more time?
5. Everyone is welcome here __________ they abide by the rules below.
6. I will go for this job __________ I am paid well.
7. I will attend the conference __________ you reimburse me for my travel expenses.
8. Online banking is secure __________ you take precautions.
9. I will record the film __________ you miss it.
10. Wake up, __________ you will be late for school.
11. They will be back tomorrow __________ there is a bus strike.
12. Quit __________ I will fire you.

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Po∏àcz odpowiednie wyra˝enia z kolumny A z wyra˝eniami wzi´tymi z kolumny B

za pomocà wyra˝enia in case




1. Take a torch

a. the weather cools.

2. Pack wind-proof clothes

b. you need to treat an injury.

3. Keep this compass

c. it rains.

4. Take a raincoat

d. mosquitoes are biting.

5. Take a painkiller

e. you need to keep warm.

6. Pack insect repellent

f. you get a headache.

7. Carry a knife

g. the power goes out.

8. Bring a blanket

h. you get lost in the woods.

9. Prepare a first aid kit

i. you have to sleep out overnight.

10. Carry a sleeping bag

j. you have to cut something.


Uzupe∏nij zdania za pomocà if lub in case (of).

1. __________ emergency, use the stairs.
2. Take two batteries __________ one doesn’t work.
3. __________ I get this job, I will move to New Hampshire.
4. __________ you are not an EU citizen, you need to apply for a residence permit.
5. Sound the alarm __________ fire.
6. I save my e-mails __________ I need them later.
7. Click here __________ you wish to buy more items.
8. Take eye drops __________ the air is too dry.
9. Carry emergency snacks __________ there is no food.
10. Write the number down __________ you forget it.


Po∏àcz zdania z kolumny A spójnikiem wzi´tym z B ze zdaniami z kolumny C.

U˝yj ka˝dego spójnika dwa razy.




I will give you a ring

you don’t get this job?

Tony takes a day off


you know anything.

I will be fired

he is ill.

He will become the world


she is sworn in.

What will you do

something unexpected happens.

I will pay my overdraft off

as soon as

I don’t get this in tomorrow.

She will not testify

I get there.

Please, send me a message


I get the money.



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Przekszta∏ç zdania 1-15, u˝ywajàc ka˝dorazowo wyra˝enia podanego wyt∏uszczonym drukiem.

1. We will miss the train if we don’t leave now.

unless _______________________________________________________________

2. Tom wouldn’t have won if his opponent hadn’t been indisposed.

but __________________________________________________________________

3. If you by any chance see Michael, tell him to get in touch with his old friends.

should _______________________________________________________________

4. If you don’t apologise, I will take you to court.

or else ______________________________________________________________

5. Take a street map before you get lost.

case _________________________________________________________________

6. I would move to the suburbs if my family accepted it.

condition ____________________________________________________________

7. I will go with you irrespective of whether you like it.

whether _____________________________________________________________

8. He sped along at over 100 miles per hour. He ran into a ditch.

not __________________________________________________________________

9. If you were willing to help me with the washing up, I would appreciate it.

would _______________________________________________________________

10. It would be unwise of you not to attend the meeting.

if __________________________________________________________________

11. Will you please wait? The doctor will see you in 5 minutes.

will ________________________________________________________________

12. If you don’t call me to remind me, I will forget it.

otherwise ___________________________________________________________

13. I am going to marry her with or without your consent.

whether ____________________________________________________________

14. You can make a difference only if you vote.

long ________________________________________________________________

15. What if he is right? What then?

supposing ____________________________________________________________

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Istniejà równie˝ zdania warunkowe, które pod wzgl´dem znaczeniowym oraz u˝ycia czasów
nie dajà si´ przyporzàdkowaç do kategorii wczeÊniej omówionych. W tym przypadku
mówimy o zdaniach warunkowych mieszanych. W zdaniach tych zestawiamy czas przesz∏y
z teraêniejszym lub przysz∏ym, czas teraêniejszy z przesz∏ym oraz przysz∏y z przesz∏ym.


If she hadn’t pulled off her gloves, her fingers wouldn’t be numb now.
Gdyby nie Êciàgn´∏a r´kawiczek, jej palce nie by∏yby teraz zdr´twia∏e.

If more people had participated in the survey, the results would be more
Gdyby wi´cej ludzi uczestniczy∏o w tej ankiecie, rezultaty by∏yby bardziej znaczàce.

If he hadn’t eaten too much junk food, he wouldn’t be overweight now.
Gdyby nie jad∏ zbyt du˝o junk foodów, nie mia∏by teraz nadwagi.

If I had set up a company, I would be my own boss now.
Gdybym za∏o˝y∏ firm´, by∏bym teraz swoim szefem.

If my parents hadn’t been demanding, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Gdyby moi rodzice nie byli wymagajàcy, nie by∏oby mnie tu, gdzie jestem dzisiaj.


If I hadn’t broken my leg, I would be playing in the next match.
Gdybym nie z∏ama∏ nogi, gra∏bym w nast´pnym meczu.

If she hadn’t broken the terms of the contract, they wouldn’t be taking legal
action against her.
Gdyby nie z∏ama∏a warunków umowy, nie podejmowaliby przeciwko niej kroków

If the ATM hadn’t eaten my card, I wouldn’t have to go to the bank tomorrow.
Gdyby bankomat nie po∏knà∏ mojej karty, nie musia∏bym jutro iÊç do banku.

If he had been a better student, he would continue his education this autumn.
Gdyby by∏ lepszym studentem, kontynuowa∏by nauk´ tej jesieni.

If we had saved more money, we would be going to France next Monday.
GdybyÊmy zaoszcz´dzili wi´cej pieni´dzy, jechalibyÊmy do Francji w przysz∏y


Zdania warunkowe

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If I weren’t afraid of ticks, I would have gone to the woods.
Gdybym nie ba∏ si´ kleszczy, poszed∏bym do lasu.

If she knew the right people, she would have got this job.
Gdyby zna∏a odpowiednie osoby, dosta∏aby t´ prac´.

If I trusted politicians, I would have voted in the last elections.
Gdybym ufa∏ politykom, wzià∏bym udzia∏ w ostatnich wyborach.

If I were younger, I would have accepted their invitation.
Gdybym by∏ m∏odszy, przyjà∏bym ich zaproszenie.

If I liked coffee, I would have bought that coffee machine.
Gdybym lubi∏ kaw´, kupi∏bym ten ekspres do kawy.



Ka˝dà par´ zdaƒ 1-15 po∏àcz w zdanie warunkowe mieszane.

1. Tom is colour blind. He didn’t get a driving licence.
2. She is shy. She didn’t object.
3. I don’t have a sense of direction. I ended up in a strange place.
4. Agnes is claustrophobic. She didn’t go into the cave.
5. Mr Edwards is bald. He bought a toupee.
6. Their car is very old. It broke down in the middle of nowhere.
7. My mother works at a chemist’s. She gave me the antibiotics without a prescription.
8. Sue wants to lose weight. She bought a stationary bike.
9. We have a digital camera. We didn’t pay for the film to be developed.
10. Paul is entrepreneurially minded. He set up his own company.
11. I don’t like mushrooms. I didn’t go mushroom hunting.
12. Chloe isn’t a great lawyer. She lost the case.
13. Beth speaks German. She quoted Thomas Mann in her speech.
14. Martha doesn’t know what she wants. She didn’t make up her mind.
15. She sings very well. She participated in a music competition.


Uzupe∏nij zdania odpowiednià formà czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

1. If I hadn’t eaten that extra helping of spaghetti, I (not be) sick today.
2. If she (not be) claustrophobic, she would have kept the doors closed.
3. If I trusted him, I (let) him into my life.
4. If I had passed the driving test, I (drive) a car now.
5. If Jack (not eat) all the onions, he wouldn’t have a stomach upset.
6. If our salaries were 10 times what they are now, we (buy) that house then.

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7. If he (not be) afraid of heights, he would have climbed the stairs to the top of the tower.
8. If she had made it to the US open finals, she (be) now in the top 10.
9. If Carl (tell) them the secret, he would be in trouble now.
10. If I hadn’t written the passage so poorly, I (not have) to paraphrase it now.
11. If I (be) a few years younger, I would have asked her out.
12. If I (study) Latin, it would be easier for me to learn other Romance languages.
13. If Luke (go) to hospital, he would feel better now.
14. If Alison (change) her tyres for winter ones, she wouldn’t be sliding sideways.
15. If you hadn’t left your umbrella at home, you (not be) soaking wet now.


Ka˝dà par´ zdaƒ 1-15 po∏àcz w zdanie warunkowe mieszane.

1. Chris didn’t get on with his boss. He is jobless.
2. Tony squandered all his money. He is broke now.
3. I didn’t drink coffee. I am not fully awake.
4. She perjured herself at trial. She is in prison.
5. She didn’t study English grammar. She makes many grammar mistakes.
6. George dropped out of school. He works as a janitor.
7. Adam injured his back. He is afraid to ski now.
8. Her grandmother was born in Hungary. She speaks Hungarian.
9. They didn’t take off their shoes. The parquet floor is very dirty.
10. She won the lottery. She leads a very hedonistic life.
11. Jennifer cried the whole night. Her eyes are puffy now.
12. Roger appeared in a series of commercials. His face is recognizable.
13. The bank gave us a real estate loan. We live in an elegant house now.
14. You didn’t take my advice. You are disappointed now.
15. We didn’t mow the grass. It is overgrown now.


Dopasuj zdania z kolumny A do tych z kolumny B tak, aby zbudowaç zdania warunkowe

mieszane typu Past+Present i Present+Past.



1. He didn’t fix the roof.

a. I don’t trust her.

2. Kate is not careful with money.

b. She didn’t keep it to herself.

3. We smoke.

c. She knows the world so well.

4. Chloe travelled extensively with her family.

d. We bought the nicotine patches.

5. She let me down.

e. He was tempted by the dessert.

6. Ryan doesn’t have a sense of humour.

f. The square is poorly lit now.

7. We messed it up.

g. She ran up huge debts.

8. She is not discreet.

h. It is leaking now.

9. They didn’t repair the streetlights.

i. He didn’t laugh at that joke.

10. Tom likes sweets.

j. We are in this quandary to begin


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Sprawdê si´


1. a
2. b
3. c
4. b


1. b
2. a
3. c


1. a
2. a



1. am, defend
2. is, yawns
3. eat, get
4. is, blushes
5. sit, catch


1. eat, turns
2. sleep, have
3. are, pay
4. are, goes
5. is, call


1. don’t go
2. fires
3. won’t
4. don’t believe


1. train, will be
2. are, will start
3. start, will improve


1. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will get fat.
2. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will damage your health.
3. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will change into larger jeans.
4. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will become sluggish.
5. If you don’t stop eating fast food, you will suffer from indigestion.
6. If you don’t stop eating fast food, people will make comments at you.

M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a


5. b
6. b
7. c
8. c

9. c
10. a
11. a
12. b

13. c
14. a
15. c
16. b

17. c
18. b
19. c
20. c

4. c
5. b
6. c

7. a
8. b
9. c

10. b
11. a
12. b

13. a
14. c
15. c

3. c
4. b

5. b
6. c

7. a
8. b

9. b
10. c

11. smile, dimple
12. aches, take
13. am, write
14. come, entertain
15. is, knits

6. is, have
7. am, take
8. are, grow
9. is, stammers
10. promise, keep

6. drink, get
7. take, trusts
8. smoke, increase
9. do, burns
10. meet, stay

11. are, turn
12. smell, leave
13. give, keep
14. read, learn
15. lie, gives

5. will get
6. won’t
7. renews
8. lose

9. is
10. agrees

7. earn, will do

4. improve, will get
5. gets, will make
6. make, will earn

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1. If anyone is interested, here is the link which explains it in depth.
2. If you can work under pressure, join our team.
3. If you want to keep this job, you will do as I tell you.
4. How do you save money if there isn’t much to save?
5. If it is Monday, then the museum is closed.
6. You will be punished if you plagiarize someone else’s work.
7. If she comes round, I will persuade her to change her mind.
8. We will accept the invitation if they invite us to talk.
9. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
10. I will take you to court if you don’t pay what you owe me.


1. I will come to your birthday party if I get better.
2. I will study at Oxford provided that I win a scholarship.
3. I will lend her money on condition that she promises that she will invest it wisely.
4. I am going to sue him unless he apologizes publicly for his comments.
5. If he doesn’t reveal/ Unless he reveals his real name, I will begin a web search.


1. crosses, will have
2. lick, can
3. spilled, will soon visit


1. won’t get
2. don’t ask
3. won’t help
4. doesn’t try
5. will lose


1. If you were a chameleon, you would be able to change your body colour.
2. If I were a tiger, I would have black stripes.
3. If she were a bee, she would feed on nectar.
4. If I were an ant, I would smell with my antennae.
5. If he were a chimp, he would have long arms.
6. If they were pigeons, they would coo and strut.
7. If you were a cat, you would always land on your feet.
8. If I were a mouse, I would eat a lot of cheese.
9. If I were an elephant, I would have enormous ears.
10. If he were a frog, he would hop all day long.
11. If you were a bat, you would sleep upside down.
12. If he were a puppy, he would chew slippers.
13. If she were a penguin, she would live in the Antarctic.
14. If I were an ostrich, I would bury my head in the sand.
15. If she were a kangaroo, she would jump high.


1. If international phone calls were less expensive/cheaper, I would call her often.
2. Jack would speak French fluently if his vocabulary weren’t so poor.
3. I would drink Coke if it weren’t bad for teeth.
4. If she didn’t lack a college degree, we would hire her.



4. blow, will get
5. walk, will have
6. break, will follow

7. itch, is talking

6. will smile
7. don’t promise
8. don’t apologize
9. won’t get
10. don’t know

11. won’t give
12. will treat
13. want
14. will leave
15. will be

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5. If Beth weren’t shy, she would talk much.
6. I would go to the party if I had someone to go with me.
7. If I were interested in Napoleon’s time, I would enroll on this course.
8. If he weren’t a professional editor, I wouldn’t ask him to proofread my article.
9. If I were sorry, I would apologise.
10. If he weren’t tired of politics, he would run for the second term.


1. would you be
2. wasn’t for/weren’t for


1. If I were at home, I would be getting ready for bed.
2. If I were at the airport, I would listen to announcements over the loudspeakers.
3. If I were in the forest, I would be hunting for mushrooms.
4. If I were on the beach, I would be rubbing suntan lotion on my body.
5. If I were in a casino, I would play roulette.
6. If I were at the dentist’s, I would feel very uncomfortable.
7. If I were on the desert island, I would eat coconuts.


1. knew
2. would agree
3. didn’t feel
4. were
5. wouldn’t be


1. If people gave smoking, they would feel more energetic and healthy.
2. If the EU accepted Turkey, it would gain a large area.
3. If cars ran on water, they wouldn’t produce pollution.
4. If e-learning replaced classroom-based learning, students would study from home.
5. If football matches were free of hooliganism, football stadiums would be safe places.
6. If all people spoke a common language, they wouldn’t maintain their cultural



1. would be
2. weren’t
3. sees
4. criticizes


1. He wouldn’t have lost his job if he had been committed to it.
2. Jerry wouldn’t have slipped on the icy steps at his home if he had removed the ice.
3. If I had kept my mouth shut, I wouldn’t have offended him.
4. If we had been invited, we would have come to his ranch.
5. I wouldn’t have failed the exam if I had studied hard.
6. If she hadn’t been wearing high heels, she wouldn’t have sprained her ankle.
7. If Kate could have afforded it, she would have redecorated her kitchen.
8. If Tom hadn’t run fast, he would have been late to work.
9. We wouldn’t have got lost if you hadn’t given us bad directions.
10. The situation wouldn’t have become worse if Jack had been polite.

3. would steal
4. would eat

6. had
7. would take
8. lived
9. would have
10. didn’t have

11. were
12. didn’t have
13. would you live
14. won
15. weren’t

9. don’t
10. will put

5. didn’t keep
6. would be

5. weren’t
6. wouldn’t have
7. go
8. will be

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11. The police wouldn’t have towed my car if I had parked legally.
12. If I hadn’t bought a lottery ticket, I wouldn’t have hit the jackpot.
13. If Sophie hadn’t washed her blouse in hot water, it wouldn’t have shrunk.
14. If the wind hadn’t been so strong, it wouldn’t have blown the roof off.
15. If Mark had been hard-working, he would have gone to college.

18. .

1. If she hadn’t grown up in a bilingual family, she wouldn’t have learnt two languages.

2. If it hadn’t rained for two days in a row, the river wouldn’t have flooded.
3. If Martin hadn’t eaten too much, he wouldn’t have got sick.
4. If they hadn’t offered her a low-paid job, she wouldn’t have refused.
5. If she hadn’t been interested in astronomy, her parents wouldn’t have bought her

a telescope.

6. If the prisoner hadn’t behaved well, he wouldn’t have been released prematurely.
7. If Tom hadn’t fallen down the stairs, he wouldn’t have broken his leg.
8. If the referee hadn’t been biased against us, we wouldn’t have lost the match.
9. If the villagers hadn’t cut down the trees illegally, they wouldn’t have been fined.
10. If she had had other choice, she wouldn’t have agreed.
11. If I had put on a sweater, I wouldn’t have caught a cold.
12. If Jenny had been satisfied with her job, she wouldn’t have quit.
13. If Owen had set the alarm for 6 o’clock, he wouldn’t have overslept.
14. If the film hadn’t been a success, a sequel wouldn’t have been made.
15. If the price hadn’t been discounted, I wouldn’t have bought the shoes.


1-c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c, 6-c, 7-c, 8-a


1. hadn’t, wouldn’t have
2. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have
3. hadn’t been, wouldn’t have been


2. If I had studied hard, I would have been one of the brightest students…
3. If I had studied hard, I would have worked at NASA upon graduation…
4. If I had studied hard, I would have become a famous scientist…
5. If I had studied hard, I would have made amazing discoveries…
6. If I had studied hard, I would have been awarded the Nobel Prize…


1. had paid attention
2. had chosen
3. hadn’t spilt
4. had had


a) If Beth hadn’t left her blinds open, the thief wouldn’t have seen that she left

money on the table. He wouldn’t have broken into her flat and he wouldn’t have
stolen the money.

b) If Michael were apologetic, he would apologise for what he’s said and I would

forgive him.

c) If Philip hadn’t been drunk, he wouldn’t have lost control of the car, he wouldn’t

have run into a tree and he wouldn’t have injured his back.



4. had, wouldn’t have been
5. had been, would have

5. hadn’t provoked
6. had been brought up
7. had taken
8. hadn’t been

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d) If Martha weren’t a technophobe, she would buy a mobile phone and I would be

able to phone her more often.

e) If Dorothy hadn’t been angry, she wouldn’t have bitten her lip and it wouldn’t

have bled.


1. borrows
2. pays
3. will he owe


Proponowane odpowiedzi.

1. If the inmates hadn’t escaped, they wouldn’t have got involved in an armed robbery.
2. If the snow hadn’t been so heavy, the training wouldn’t have been cancelled.
3. If the driver hadn’t drunk, he wouldn’t have hit the bus filled with tourists.
4. If the Arkansas students hadn’t worn armbands to school, they wouldn’t have

been punished.

5. If the children hadn’t played with matches, they wouldn’t have started a Duplex fire.
6. Falcon wouldn’t have been in trouble if he hadn’t violated drug policy.
7. Six people wouldn’t have been imprisoned if they hadn’t logged trees illegally.
8. Street repairs wouldn’t have been delayed if the budget hadn’t been tight.


1. But for the flood, they wouldn’t have lost everything.
2. But for the war, we wouldn’t have moved to the USA.
3. But for the televised presidential debates, Kennedy wouldn’t have been elected.
4. But for the discount, I wouldn’t have bought the car.
5. But for the tip, the police wouldn’t have caught the criminals.


1. should
2. should
3. should


1. Were someone to use
2. Should you find
3. But for
4. Were she to work


1. Were Hank to mow
2. Should he win
3. Should Maura offer


1. unless
2. unless
3. Suppose
4. Supposing

5. as long as
6. on condition that
7. provided that
8. as long as

9. in case
10. otherwise
11. unless
12. or else

4. Had Jerry not been
5. Should you not be

6. Had I known
7. Were he not to


1. are going

1. didn’t talk
2. could

1. were
2. would have picked

4. were to/should
5. should
6. were to/should

7. were to/should

5. Had he been re-elected
6. Had the fire spread
7. Had he not agreed
8. Were he not

9. But for / had it

not been for

10. Should you wish

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1. Take a torch in case the power goes out.
2. Pack wind-proof clothes in case the weather cools.
3. Keep this compass in case you get lost in the woods.
4. Take a raincoat in case it rains.
5. Take a painkiller in case you get a headache.
6. Pack insect repellent in case mosquitoes are biting.
7. Carry a knife in case you have to cut something.
8. Bring a blanket in case you need to keep warm.
9. Prepare a first aid kit in case you need to treat an injury.
10. Carry a sleeping bag in case you have to sleep out overnight.


1. In case of
2. in case
3. If


1. I will give you a ring when I get there.
2. Tony takes a day off when he is ill.
3. I will be fired if I don’t get this in tomorrow.
4. He will become the world champion unless something unexpected happens.
5. What will you do if you don’t get this job?
6. I will pay my overdraft off as soon as I get the money.
7. She will not testify unless she is sworn in.
8. Please, send me a message as soon as you know anything.


1. Unless we leave now, we will miss the train.
2. Tom wouldn’t have won but for his opponent’s indisposition.
3. If you should see Michael, tell him to get in touch with his old friends.
4. Apologise or else I will take you to court.
5. Take a street map in case you get lost.
6. I would move to the suburbs on condition that my family accepted it.
7. I will go with you whether you like it or not.
8. Had he not sped along at over 100 miles per hour, he wouldn’t have run into a ditch.
9. If you would help me with the washing up, I would appreciate it.
10. It would be unwise of you if you didn’t attend the meeting.
11. If you will wait, the doctor will see you in 5 minutes.
12. Call me to remind me. Otherwise I will forget it.
13. I am going to marry her whether you give your consent or not.
14. You can make a difference as long as you vote.
15. Supposing he is right? What then?


1. If Tom weren’t colour blind, he would have got a driving licence.
2. If she weren’t shy, she would have objected.
3. If I had a sense of direction, I wouldn’t have ended in a strange place.
4. If Agnes weren’t claustrophobic, she would have gone into the cave.
5. If Mr Edwards weren’t bald, he wouldn’t have bought a toupee.
6. If their car weren’t so old, it wouldn’t have broken down in the middle of nowhere.



4. If
5. in case of
6. in case

7. if
8. in case
9. in case

10. in case

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7. If my mother didn’t work at a chemist’s, she wouldn’t have given me the antibiotics

without a prescription.

8. If Sue didn’t want to lose weight, she wouldn’t have bought a stationary bike.
9. If we didn’t have a digital camera, we would have paid for the film to be developed.
10. If Paul weren’t entrepreneurially minded, he wouldn’t have set up his own company.
11. If I liked mushrooms, I would have gone mushroom hunting.
12. If Chloe were a great lawyer, she wouldn’t have lost the case.
13. If Beth didn’t speak German, she wouldn’t have quoted Thomas Mann in her speech.
14. If Martha knew what she wanted, she would have made up her mind.
15. If she didn’t sing well, she wouldn’t have participated in a music competition.


1. wouldn’t be
2. weren’t
3. would have let
4. would be driving
5. hadn’t eaten


1. If Chris had got on with his boss, he wouldn’t be jobless.
2. If Tony hadn’t squandered all his money, he wouldn’t be broke.
3. If I had drunk coffee, I would be fully awake.
4. If she hadn’t perjured herself at trial, she wouldn’t be in prison.
5. If she had studied English grammar, she wouldn’t make many grammar mistakes.
6. If George hadn’t dropped out of school, he wouldn’t work as a janitor.
7. If Adam hadn’t injured his back, he wouldn’t be afraid to ski now.
8. If her grandmother hadn’t been born in Hungary, she wouldn’t speak Hungarian.
9. If they had taken off their shoes, the parquet floor wouldn’t be very dirty.
10. If she hadn’t won the lottery, she wouldn’t lead a very hedonistic life.
11. If Jennifer hadn’t cried the whole night, her eyes would be puffy now.
12. If Roger hadn’t appeared in a series of commercials, his face wouldn’t be


13. If the bank hadn’t given us a real estate loan, we wouldn’t live in an elegant

house now.

14. If you had taken my advice, you wouldn’t be disappointed now.
15. If we had mown the grass, it wouldn’t be overgrown now.


1. If he had fixed the roof, it wouldn’t be leaking now.
2. If Kate were careful with money, she wouldn’t have run up huge debts.
3. If we didn’t smoke, we wouldn’t have bought the nicotine patches.
4. If Chloe hadn’t travelled so extensively with her family, she wouldn’t know the

world so well.

5. If she hadn’t let me down, I would trust her.
6. If Ryan had a sense of humour, he would have laughed at that joke.
7. If we hadn’t messed it up, we wouldn’t be in this quandary to begin with.
8. If she were discreet, she would have kept it to herself.
9. If they had repaired the streetlights, the square wouldn’t be poorly lit now.
10. If Tom didn’t like sweets, he wouldn’t have been tempted by the dessert.

6. would have bought
7. weren’t
8. would be
9. had told
10. wouldn’t have

11. were
12. had studied
13. had gone
14. had changed
15. wouldn’t be

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Wykonaj çwiczenia i sprawdê swojà wiedz´. Pomogà Ci one oceniç, na czym nale˝y si´
skoncentrowaç w nauce zagadnieƒ przedstawionych w tym rozdziale.


Przekszta∏ç podane zdania na stron´ biernà. Tam gdzie jest to wskazane, podaj

wykonawc´ czynnoÊci.


People say that money makes the world go round. _______________________



They will launch a new magazine for teenagers. _______________________



They saw the lawyer enter the courtroom. _______________________



The mechanic has repaired my car._______________________



You should put the photos in the drawer._______________________



They didn’t catch the escaped prisoners._______________________



The government has reached a final decision on this issue._______________________



They broke into Nick’s office yesterday._______________________



My parents gave me a safe place to grow up._______________________



The teacher awarded the student with the highest mark on the essay.



They are going to open a new winery._______________________



Robert paid the bills, not me._______________________



They have reached a solution to deal with that situation._____________________



They make Hondas in Japan._______________________



Jacky is interviewing a candidate for the post._______________________



I will have finished the paper by Tuesday. _______________________



They built the palace in an early 18th century Baroque style. ______________


Did the performance interest you?_______________________



The earthquake destroyed the whole village._______________________



The waiter brought us the wrong dishes. _______________________


M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

Sprawdê si´

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Zdecyduj, którym ze s∏ów a, b lub c mo˝a uzupe∏niç poni˝sze zdania.


I was made _________________________ a green and yellow dress.
a) to wear

b) wear

c) worn


A Bloody Marry is made _______________ vodka, tomato juice and other spices.
a) with

b) by

c) from


The actor ___________________ with a beautiful blond-haired woman.
a) was seen to talking

b) was seen to talk

c) was seen talk


Mum, can I stay on the computer? ______________________________ .
a) Have your homework done first
b) Have done your homework first
c) Have your homework first done


Danny is a managing director. He has all his ___________________________ .
a) letters typed

b) letters to type

c) letters type


Can you give me a lift? I’m sorry, dear. I am taking the bus myself.
I _________at a local garage.
a) am having the car repaired
b) am repairing the car
c) have the car repaired


I ___________________ a week ago, but it hurts again.
a) filled my tooth

b) had my tooth filled c) had filled my tooth


How often ___________________ your windows cleaned?
a) you have

b) are you having

c) do you have


I ____________________________before the tournament.
a) watched her practise b) watched her to practise
c) watched her practised


The exam results _______________________________________ in half an hour.
a) will announce

b) will be announced

c) will be announce



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W j´zyku angielskim strona bierna jest u˝ywana znacznie cz´Êciej ni˝ w j´zyku polskim.
Wynika to stàd, ˝e w angielszczyênie jest wi´cej czasowników przechodnich
umo˝liwiajàcych jej tworzenie.
Stro na bier na cza sa mi po zwa la na wy ra ˝a nie ce lo wej nie ja sno Êci, mo ˝e przy s∏a niaç
przy czy n´ i podmiot dzia∏ajàcy, jednak˝e konstrukcje w stronie biernej spotyka si´
powszechnie w formalnej i biznesowej komunikacji, w pisarstwie dziennikarskim, naukowym,
prawniczym i technicznym. Dzi´ki nim wypowiedê staje si´ bardziej obiektywna i oficjalna.

M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a


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Formy strony biernej tworzymy za pomocà czasownika to be, czasami get, oraz imies∏owu
biernego (Past Participle). Poza kilkoma przypadkami (np. zdania zawierajàce czasowniki
hold i ha ve: „This car holds fi ve pe ople”, „I ha ve a dog”) na stro n´ bier nà mo˝ na
prze kszta∏ ciç ka˝de zdanie zawierajàce dope∏nienie. Zdania w stronie biernej tworzymy
stawiajàc czasownik to be w tym samym czasie, w jakim wyst´puje czasownik w stronie
czynnej, który z kolei przekszta∏camy na imies∏ów bierny. Dope∏nienie staje si´ podmiotem
w stronie biernej, a podmiot dope∏nieniem, np.:

Present Simple

He writes books


Books are written

Present Continuous

He is writing a book


A book is being written

Past Simple

He wrote a book


A book was written

Past Continuous

He was writing a book


A book was being written

Present Perfect

He has written a book


A book has been written

Past Perfect

He had written a book


A book had been written

Future Simple

He will write a book


A book will be written

Future Perfect

He will have written the book by next month


The book will have been

written by next month

“Going to”

He is going to write a book


A book is going to be written


Tworzenie strony biernej

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He might/may write a book


A book might/may be written

Present Infinitive

He plans to write a book


A book is planned to be written/ The writing

of a book is planned

Perfect Infinitive

He must have written a book


A book must have been written


Write a book!


Have/get a book written!

Czasy: Present Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous i Future
Perfect Continuous zazwyczaj nie wyst´pujà w stronie biernej.

S t r o n a b i e r n a

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Stron´ biernà stosujemy:

Kiedy wykonawca czynnoÊci jest nieznany (np. somebody, someone, no one), nieistotny,

albo oczywisty, np.:

My car has been stolen.
Mój samochód zosta∏ skradziony

(nie wiadomo, kto go ukrad∏).

Coffee is grown between the Tropic of Cancern and the Tropic of Capricon.
Kaw´ uprawia si´ mi´dzy Zwrotnikiem Raka a Zwrotnikiem Kozioro˝ca

(niewa˝ne, kto jà uprawia).

Our milk was delivered to the door.
Nasze mleko zosta∏o dor´czone do drzwi

(wiadomo, ˝e dor´czy∏ je mleczarz).

The best pizzas are made in Italy.
Najlepsze pizze sà robione we W∏oszech.

English is spoken all around the world.
Po angielsku mówi si´ na ca∏ym Êwiecie.

My car’s gearbox has been repaired.
Skrzynia biegów w moim samochodzie zosta∏a naprawiona

(oczywiste jest, ˝e przez machaników).

Jack’s house was broken into.
W∏amano si´ do domu Jacka

(nie wiadomo, kto si´ w∏ama∏).

My dress has been dry cleaned.
Mojà sukienk´ wyprano chemicznie

(wiadomo, ˝e zosta∏a wyprana w pralni).

Kiedy czynnoÊç jest wa˝niejsza ni˝ jej wykonawca. Zdania w stronie biernej zawierajà

cz´sto nag∏ówki gazet, artyku∏y prasowe, instrukcje, obwieszczenia, reklamy, zakazy, np.:

The airport will be closed due to fog.
Lotnisko zostanie zamkni´te z powodu mg∏y

(nag∏ówek gazety).

The flight will be cancelled.
Lot zostanie odwo∏any


Visitors are not allowed to feed the animals.
Nie zezwala si´ goÊciom na karmienie zwierzàt


Customers are requested not to smoke in any place other than the areas indicated.
Klienci proszeni sà o niepalenie poza miejscami to tego przeznaczonymi



U˝ycie strony biernej

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In case of fire, the building should be evacuated as soon as possible.
W przypadku po˝aru, budynek powinien byç natychmiast ewakuowany


Kiedy chcemy, by wypowiedê brzmia∏a bezosobowo (np. w przypadku oficjalnego, niezbyt

mi∏ego oÊwiadczenia lub gdy mówiàcy nie chce naraziç si´ na zarzut nieskromnoÊci), np.:

The budget has been cut by 30%.
Bud˝et zosta∏ obci´ty o 30%.

The workforce will be reduced to 100 people.
Za∏oga b´dzie zredukowana do 100 osób.

The registration process will be sped up.
Proces rejestracyjny zostanie przyÊpieszony.

An agreement has been reached with the trade unions.
Porozumienie ze zwiàzkami zawodowymi zosta∏o osiàgni´te.

A new highway will be constructed here.
Zbuduje si´ tutaj nowà autostrad´.

Too many mistakes have been made.
Zbyt du˝o pope∏niono b∏´dów.

Kiedy chcemy wysunàç na pierwszy plan wykonawc´ czynnoÊci, np.:

The interview has been carried out by Martha.
Wywiad zosta∏ przeprowadzony przez Mart´.

The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
˚arówka zosta∏a wynaleziona przez Thomasa Edisona.

The rabbit was chased by the dog.
Królik by∏ Êcigany przez psa.

A girl was rebuked by her teacher.
Dziewczyna zosta∏a skarcona przez swà nauczycielk´.

The amendment has been passed by the US Senate.
Poprawka zosta∏a przyj´ta przez Senat USA.

Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.
Penicylina zosta∏a odkryta przez Aleksandra Fleminga.

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Civil servants are employed by the Crown.
Urz´dnicy paƒstwowi sà zatrudniani przez Koron´.

Kiedy chcemy ominàç stylistycznie niezr´cznà konstrukcj´ – strona bierna pozwala

uniknàç zmiany podmiotu w Êrodku zdania z∏o˝onego, np.:

When the actress entered the stage, the audience greeted her with a standing
Kiedy aktorka wesz∏a na scen´, publicznoÊç powita∏a jà owacjà na stojàco.

lepiej b´dzie:

When the actress entered the stage she was greeted with a standing ovation
(by the audience).
Kiedy aktorka wesz∏a na scen´, zosta∏a powitana owacjà na stojàco (przez publicznoÊç).

W mowie potocznej, be zast´puje si´ czasami get, np.:

Nick’s car got wrecked.
Samochód Nicka zosta∏ zniszczony.

The soldier got wounded.
˚o∏nierz zosta∏ ranny.

The roof got damaged.
Dach zosta∏ uszkodzony.

My hand got burned.
Oparzy∏em sobie r´k´.

My wallet got stolen.
Skradziono mi portfel.

My computer often gets infected.
Mój komputer cz´sto ∏apie wirusy.

Niektóre czasowniki, np.: give, offer, tell, buy, send, show, award mogà tworzyç zda-

nia z dwoma dope∏nieniami: dope∏nieniem bli˝szym (direct object) i dope∏nieniem dalszym
(indirect object). Ka˝de z dwóch dope∏nieƒ mo˝e zostaç podmiotem w stronie biernej, np.:

I bought him a tie.
He was bought a tie.
A tie was bought for him.



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They will give him some advice.
Some advice will be given to him.
He will be given some advice.

He gave her a flower.
She was given a flower.
A flower was given to her.

Kiedy dope∏nienie bli˝sze zostaje podmiotem w stronie biernej, wówczas u˝ywamy przy-

imków to bàdê for przed dope∏nieniem dalszym, np.:

They offered her a role in a drama.


A role in a drama was offered



Zaproponowali jej rol´ w dramacie. Zosta∏a jej zaproponowana rola w dramacie.

He ordered the child a Happy Meal.


A Happy Meal was ordered


the child.

Zamówi∏ dziecku Happy Meal. Happy Meal zosta∏o zamówione dziecku.

I bought her a ring.


A ring was bought



Kupi∏em jej pierÊcionek. Zosta∏ jej kupiony pierÊcionek.



Przekszta∏ç podane zdania na stron´ biernà. Tam gdzie jest to wskazane, podaj

wykonawc´ czynnoÊci.

1. Somebody has broken into my flat. _________________________________
2. The postman delivered the post. _________________________________
3. No one noticed the mistake. _________________________________
4. Someone sent her a love letter. _________________________________
5. They have already booked the church. _________________________________
6. People shouldn’t forget the past. _________________________________
7. They complained about the bureaucracy. _________________________________
8. Did he send the invitations to his colleagues? _____________________________
9. The firefighters put out the fire. _________________________________
10. The nurse took my blood pressure. _________________________________
11. The surgeon will operate on him tomorrow. _____________________________
12. The singer was signing autographs for almost an hour. ____________________
13. Someone has stolen my idea. _________________________________
14. The waiter brought me a drink. _________________________________
15. They apologised to the passengers for the delay. __________________________

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U∏ó˝ zdania zwiàzane z publikacjà ksià˝ki, wykorzystujàc podane poni˝ej wyra˝enia.

1. manuscript/proofread
2. book/edit
3. layout of the book/adjust
4. cover/design
5. set of proofs/produce
6. book/print and bind
7. publication date/set


Przekszta∏ç poni˝sze nag∏ówki gazetowe w pe∏ne zdania.

1. Founder of Betonsports arrested.
2. Child rescued from a burning home.
3. New care home to be opened on Tuesday.
4. Torture Ban Agreement still not reached.
5. Constitutional referendum to be held in March.
6. Funds being raised to fight AIDS in Libya.

1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________


Przekszta∏ç zdania poni˝szego tekstu, tam gdzie to mo˝liwe, na stron´ biernà.

They ceremoniously opened a new Patient Care Wing of Rye Street Hospital yesterday.
They began their address by acknowledging the efforts of medical staff and
representatives of the Hospital Fund that initiated a campaign to raise money to proceed
with this project.
Gone is the depressing old wing with its outdated equipment and medical apparatus.
In its place, they established a new state-of-art structure which houses the Emergency
Department, the Patient Care Unit, Patient Registration and a dining hall.
They voiced the hope that the New Wing will introduce a big difference in people’s
lives through excellent patient care.



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JeÊli wykonawca czynnoÊci pojawia si´ w zdaniu w stronie biernej, jest poprzedzony

przyimkiem by, np.:

Paul has written this article. This article has been written



Paul napisa∏ ten artyku∏. Ten artyku∏ zosta∏ napisany przez Paula.

Kate designed this dress. This dress was designed



Kate zaprojektowa∏a t´ sukienk´. Ta sukienka zosta∏a zaprojektowana przez Kate.

Jednak˝e, strona bierna takich zdaƒ jak:

Smoke filled the train carriage
Dym wype∏ni∏ korytarz pociàgu

Snow covered a tree
Ânieg pokry∏ drzewo



The train was filled




A tree was covered



W zdaniach tych u˝ywamy with a nie by, poniewa˝ mamy do czynienia z biernà substancjà,
a nie z dzia∏ajàcym podmiotem.

Kiedy wyra˝enie sk∏adajàce si´ z czasownika + przyimka + dope∏nienia jest u˝yte

w stronie biernej, przyimek wyst´puje bezpoÊrednio po czasowniku, np.:

I will look into this problem


This problem will be

looked into


Zajm´ si´ tym problemem.

They will laugh at you


You will be

laughed at


B´dà si´ z ciebie Êmiaç.

You should look after your health.


Your health should be

looked after


PowinieneÊ zadbaç o zdrowie.

You must talk to her


She must be

talked to


Musisz z nià porozmawiaç.

I will reply to her inquiry


Her inquiry will be

replied to


Odpowiem na jej pytanie.

You must abide by the rules


The rules must be

abode by


Musisz przestrzegaç zasad.

M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a


Przyimki w stronie biernej

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Przekszta∏ç podane zdania na stron´ biernà. Zwróç uwag´ na miejce przyimków.

1. They’ve arranged for a meeting._________________________________
2. We talked about the weather._________________________________
3. She sent for the doctor._________________________________
4. They will report to the board in May._________________________________
5. Has she responded to your e-mail yet?_________________________________
6. Jane looked at the picture with admiration._________________________________
7. We will deal with the problem later._________________________________
8. Nick proposed several interesting ideas._________________________________
9. They made fun of her for being too fat._________________________________
10. No one has applied for this post so far._________________________________


Uzupe∏nij s∏owami by lub with wykropkowane miejsca.

1. The cake was covered __________ icing __________ the chef.
2. The field was overgrown __________ weeds and bushes.
3. The walls were decorated __________ frescoes.
4. The house was filled __________ smoke.
5. Our truck was repaired__________ the mechanic.
6. Ice cream is made __________ cream and milk.
7. Fires may be extinguished __________ water.
8. The tap has been replaced __________ the plumber.
9. The hill was covered in snow __________ a big blizzard.
10. My carpets are cleaned __________ a professional carpet cleaner.
11. This photo was taken __________ a digital camera.
12. Paul got hit __________ a bike.
13. This apple pie is made __________ shortcrust pastry.
14. They got married in outfits designed __________ Giorgio Armani.
15. This fresco was painted __________ a local artist.
16. I washed my hands __________ soap.
17. Jerusalem was conquered __________ Alexander the Great in 332.



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M o w a z a l e ˝ n a i n i e z a l e ˝ n a

JeÊli w zdaniu wyst´pujà czasowniki takie jak: think, believe, say, expect, feel, find,

know, assume, consider, estimate, know, presume, understand, a zdanie ma
konstrukcj´ typu:

People believe that music eases stress
Ludzie uwa˝ajà, ˝e muzyka ∏agodzi stres

People say that he is a dangerous terrorist
Ludzie mówià, ˝e jest groênym terrorystà

People thought that she was a little crazy
Ludzie sàdzili, ˝e jest troch´ zwariowana

Some expect that he will win the next election
Niektórzy uwa˝ajà, ˝e on wygra kolejne wybory

to stron´ biernà tworzymy na dwa sposoby:

It is believed that music eases stress.
Music is believed to ease stress.

It is said that he is a dangerous terrorist.
He is said to be a dangerous terrorist.

It was thought that she was a little crazy.
She was thought to be a little crazy.

It is expected that he will win the next election.
He is expected to win the next election.

Cza sow ni ki: ma ke, help, he ar, see, watch, etc. w stro nie czyn nej wy st´ pu jà

z bez oko licz ni kiem bez to (help mo ˝e wy st´ po waç rów nie˝ z bez oko licz ni kiem z to),
na to miast w stro nie bier nej z bez oko licz ni kiem z to.

I saw him enter the building.


He was

seen to

enter the building

Widzia∏em, jak wszed∏ do budynku


They heard him quarrel with his coach.


He was

heard to

quarrel with his coach.

S∏yszeli, jak k∏óci∏ si´ ze swoim trenerem.



w stronie biernej

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Martha helped him (to) develop his own business.


He was

helped to

develop his

own business.
Martha pomog∏a mu w rozkr´ceniu swojego w∏asnego biznesu.

She watched him drink another beer.


He was

watched to

drink another beer.

Patrzy∏a, jak wypi∏ kolejne piwo.

W powy˝szych zdaniach zastàpienie bezokolicznika rzeczownikiem odczasownikowym
(gerund) wskazuje, ˝e byliÊmy Êwiadkami tylko cz´Êci opisywanej sytuacji. U˝ywamy
bezokolicznika, kiedy widzieliÊmy ca∏e wydarzenie.

I saw him entering the building


He was seen entering the building.

Widzia∏em, jak wchodzi∏ do budynku


Widziano go, jak wchodzi∏ do budynku.

I saw him enter the building


He was seen to enter the building.

Widzia∏em, jak wszed∏ do budynku


Widziano go, jak wszed∏ do budynku.

Czasownik make podobnie jak help mo˝e wyst´powaç w stronie czyn nej z bez oko licz ni -

kiem z to jak i bez to. Je Êli jed nak w przy pad ku help nie wp∏ywa to na znaczenie, to jeÊli
chodzi o make mamy istotne ro˝nice semantyczne, np.:

He made people work hard.
On zmusi∏ ludzi do ci´˝kiej pracy.

God made people to work hard.
Bóg stworzy∏ ludzi do ci´˝kiej pracy.

Strona bierna obu zdaƒ brzmi:

People were made


work hard.



U∏ó˝ zdania zgodnie z wzorem:

People think that she is a genius.
It is thought that she is a genius.
She is thought to be a genius.

1. People believe that the Internet is addictive.

2. People say that Elvis is still alive.



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3. People expect that the relationship will break down.

4. They know that he is controversial and opinionated.

5. People consider this argument a defeat.

6. People think that journalism is needlessly sensational.

7. Critics acknowledged that he was a brilliant director.

8. They thought that she was blameless.

9. People reported that a group of teenagers were blind drunk.

10. People understand that alcoholism is an illness.


Przekszta∏ç podane zdania na stron´ biernà.

1. He saw us cross the street.

2. Alice helped me become more assertive.

3. My parents made me feel special and loved.

4. She watched him play with other children.

5. I heard him call my name.

S t r o n a b i e r n a

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Czasowniki have i get wyst´pujà w konstrukcji have/get+dope∏nienie+imies∏ów

bierny (tzw. sprawcze have/get). Konstrukcja ta wyra˝a sytuacj´, w której mówi si´
o czynnoÊci, która jest wykonywana przez osoby trzecie. Podmiotem w zdaniach tego typu
jest osoba, która powoduje wykonanie czynnoÊci, np.:



my roof fixed.

Kaza∏em naprawiç dach.



our room redecorated.

Odnowiono nam pokój.

Martha wants to


her lawn cut.

Martha chce, aby przystrzy˝ono jej trawnik.

I am


my lip pierced tomorrow.

Jutro przek∏ujà mi warg´.

Kate is going to


her hair cut.

Kate zamierza obciàç w∏osy.

We are


a new bathtub installed now.

Instalujà nam teraz nowà wann´.



his garden weeded.

Ogródek Toma zosta∏ odchwaszczony.

Nale˝y ÊciÊle przestrzegaç szyku tej konstrukcji, bowiem gdy zamienimy miejscami
dope∏nienie z imies∏owem biernym, sens zdania zostanie przekszta∏cony, np.:

Nick had repaired his car.
Nick naprawi∏ swój samochód

(sam go naprawi∏, nie zleci∏ nikomu, by go naprawiono).

Konstrukcj´ t´ stosujemy równie˝, kiedy mówimy o rzeczach, sytuacjach bàdê

wypadkach (cz´sto dla nas nieprzyjemnych), które wydarzy∏y si´ bez naszej wiedzy czy
udzia∏u. Podmiotem w tej konstrukcji jest osoba poszkodowana, a tak˝e rzecz, np.:

Beth had her bag stolen.

Beth skradziono torebk´.

We had our cellar flooded.

Zala∏o nam piwnic´.




Sprawcze have/get
(causative have/get)

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The house had its roof torn off.

W tym domu dach zosta∏ zerwany.

The door had its handle broken off.

Klamka w drzwiach zosta∏a u∏amana.


Odpowiedz na zadane pytania wed∏ug wzoru.

Did you repair the car yourself?
No, I had it repaired.

1. Did you paint the gate yourself?

No, _____________________________________________________________

2. Have you translated this text yourself?

No, _____________________________________________________________

3. Will you clean the carpet yourselves?

No, _____________________________________________________________

4. Are you going to fix the computer yourself?

No, _____________________________________________________________

5. Did he install the washing machine himself?

No, _____________________________________________________________

6. Does she dye her hair herself?

No, _____________________________________________________________

7. Did they mow the lawn themselves?

No, _____________________________________________________________

8. Is Tom washing the car himself?

No, _____________________________________________________________

9. Did you sew this dress yourself?

No, ______________________________________________________________

10. Does he intend to paint the house himself?

No, ______________________________________________________________


Uzupe∏nij zdania z czasownikiem have w odpowiedniej formie.

1. The photo was so good that I ______________ it ____________________ (frame).

2. How often do you _______________ your brakes ____________________ (check)?

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3. The grass is overgrown. We should ____________ it ____________________ (cut).

4. Where is Martha? She is at the manicurist’s. She _______her nails _______ (do).

5. The gale has torn off the roof. We are going to __________ it ________(replace).

6. My eyes are sore. I need to _______________ them ____________________ (test).

7. I _________ the walls ________________ (repaint). Most of the paint has chipped.

8. Do you like the idea of ____________________ your milk __________________.

(deliver) to your doorstep? Yes, it saves a trip to a shop.

9. What’s that noise? It’s my neighbours. They __________ holes __________ (drill).

10. What have you done with your hair? I __________ it __________ (dye) pink.

It’s my favourite colour.

11. Your windows are so dirty. __________ them ________________ (clean), please.

12. Before going on holiday, we are going to __________________ a security system

_____________ (install).

13. I can’t see any mistakes in the manuscript. I must _______ it ________ (proofread).

14. Do you do your hair yourself? No, of course not. I always ________________ it

_________ (do) professionally.

15. I am taking my car to the garage. I am going to _______________ it

___________ (service).


Zamieƒ poni˝sze zdania na zdania w stronie biernej.

1. Why did they accept the lower offer?

accepted Why _______________________________________________?

2. She made me work very hard.


I _______________________________________________

3. Don’t touch the exhibits.


The exhibits _______________________________________________

4. People say that he is the greatest composer of all time.


It _______________________________________________



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5. I am going to arrange for someone to clean my windows.


I _______________________________________________

6. I ran into a tree and wrecked my car.


My car _______________________________________________

7. I expect you to be back home by midnight.


You _______________________________________________

8. Everyone knows that sport is good for health.


It _______________________________________________

9. The waitress brought us coffee and biscuits.


Coffee _______________________________________________

10. He helped me make up my mind.


I _______________________________________________


Popraw b∏´dy w poni˝szych zdaniach.

1. The bridge has reconstructed recently.
2. The prisoner was helped escape.
3. I had my taken photo dozens of times.
4. The mosaic was made by glass.
5. Results will published on Monday.
6. My eye got be infected from wearing contact lenses.
7. The film is been believed to star Dustin Hoffman and Will Ferrell.
8. My dog got be bitten by a tick.
9. Have the mess clean up soon!
10. I think that spaghetti is precisely what is cooked now.

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Sprawdê si´


1. Money is said to make the world go round.
2. A new magazine for teenagers will be launched.
3. The lawyer was seen to enter the courtroom.
4. I have had my car repaired.
5. The photos should be put in the drawer.
6. The escaped prisoners weren’t caught.
7. A final decision on this issue has been reached.
8. Nick’s office was broken into yesterday.
9. I was given a safe place to grow up.
10. The student was awarded with the highest mark on the essay.
11. A new winery is going to be opened.
12. The bills were paid by Robert, not by me.
13. A solution to deal with that situation has been reached.
14. Hondas are made in Japan.
15. A candidate for the post is being interviewed by Jacky.
16. The paper will have been finished by Tuesday.
17. The palace was built in an early 18th century Baroque style.
18. Were you interested in the performance?
19. The whole village was destroyed by the earthquake.
20. The wrong dishes were brought to us by the waiter/We were brought the
wrong dishes by the waiter.


1. a

2. c
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. b



1. My flat has been broken into.
2. The post was delivered.
3. The mistake wasn’t noticed.
4. She was sent a love letter.
5. The church has already been booked.
6. The past shouldn’t be forgotten.
7. The bureaucracy was complained about.
8. Were the invitations sent to his colleagues/ Were his colleagues sent the invitations?


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9. The fire was put out.
10. My blood pressure was taken by the nurse.
11. He will be operated on tomorrow.
12. Autographs were being signed by the singer for almost an hour.
13. My idea has been stolen.
14. I was brought a drink by the waiter/ A drink was brought to me by the waiter.
15. The passengers were apologised to for the delay.


1. A manuscript is proofread.

2. The book is edited.
3. The layout of the book is adjusted
4. The cover is designed.
5. A set of proofs is produced.
6. The book is printed and bound.
7. A publication date is set.


1. The founder of Betonsports was arrested.
2. A child was rescued from a burning home.
3. A new care home will be opened on Tuesday.
4. Torture Ban Agreement hasn’t been still reached.
5. A Constitutional referendum will be/is going to be held in March.
6. Funds are being raised to fight AIDS in Libya.


A new Patient Care Wing of Rye Street Hospital was ceremoniously opened yesterday.
The address was begun by acknowledging the efforts of medical staff and
representatives of the Hospital Fund that initiated a campaign to raise money to proceed
with this project.
Gone is the depressing old wing with its outdated equipment and medical apparatus.
In its place, a new state-of-art structure was established which houses the Emergency
Department, the Patient Care Unit, Patient Registration and a dining hall.
The hope was voiced that the New Wing will introduce a big difference in people’s
lives through excellent patient care.


1. A meeting has been arranged for.
2. The weather was talked about.
3. The doctor was sent for.
4. The board will be reported to in May.
5. Has your e-mail been responded to yet?
6. The picture was looked at with admiration.
7. The problem will be dealt with later.
8. Several interesting ideas were proposed by Nick.
9. She was made fun of for being too fat.
10. This post hasn’t been applied for so far.

S t r o n a b i e r n a

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1. with, by
2. with
3. with
4. with
5. by
6. with
7. with
8. by
9. by
10. by
11. with
12. by
13. with
14. by
15. by
16. with
17. by


1. It is believed that the Internet is addictive.

The Internet is believed to be addictive.

2. It is said that Elvis is alive.

Elvis is said to be alive.

3. It is expected that the relationship will break down.

The relationship is expected to break down.

4. It is known that he is controversial and opinionated.

He is known to be controversial and opinionated.

5. It is considered that the argument is a defeat.

The argument is considered to be a defeat.

6. It is thought that journalism is needlessly sensational.

Journalism is thought to be needlessly sensational.

7. It is acknowledged that he is a brilliant director.

He is acknowledged to be a brilliant director.

8. It is thought that she is blameless.

She is thought to be blameless.

9. It was reported that a group of teenagers were blind drunk.

A group of teenagers were reported to be blind drunk.

10. It is understood that alcoholism is an illness.

Alcoholism is understood to be an illness.



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1. He was seen to cross the street.

2. I was helped to become more assertive.
3. I was made to feel special and loved.
4. He was watched to play with other children.
5. He was heard to call my name.


1. No, I had it painted.

2. No, I have had it translated.
3. No, I will have it cleaned.
4. No, I am going to have it fixed.
5. No, he had it installed.
6. No, she has it dyed.
7. No, they had it mown.
8. No, he is having it washed.
9. No, I had it sewn.
10. No, he is going to have it painted.


1. had it framed
2. have your brakes checked
3. have it cut
4. is having her nails done
5. have it replaced
6. have them tested
7. will have/am going to have the walls repainted
8. having your milk delivered
9. are having holes drilled
10. have had it dyed
11. Have them cleaned
12. have a security system installed
13. have it proofread
14. have it done
15. have it serviced


1. Why was the lower offer accepted?
2. I was made to work very hard.
3. The exhibits mustn’t be touched.
4. It is said that he is the greatest composer of all time.
5. I am going to have my windows cleaned.
6. My car got wrecked when I ran into a tree.
7. You are expected to be back home by midnight.
8. It is known that sport is good for health.
9. Coffee and biscuits were brought to us by the waiter.
10. I was helped to make up my mind.

S t r o n a b i e r n a

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1. The bridge has been reconstructed recently.
2. The prisoner was helped to escape.
3. I had my photo taken dozens of times.
4. The mosaic was made with glass.
5. Results will be published on Monday.
6. My eye got infected from wearing contact lenses.
7. The film is believed to star Dustin Hoffman and Will Ferrell.
8. My dog got bitten by a tick.
9. Have the mess cleaned up soon!
10. I think that spaghetti is precisely what is being cooked now.



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N o t a t k i

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