my life as a sex o gram book one

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Nikki Blaise

Copyright 2011 Nikki Blaise

Smashwords Edition

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1: The Beginning

I always knew I loved sex. I used to slide down the banisters and inch up

them again slowly for the delicious feeling it gave me between my legs. When I
was ten I wrote erotic stories about my primary school teacher. When I was twelve

I used to steal my sister’s vibrator from under her mattress and discovered I could
produce that glorious feeling again whenever I wanted.

It wasn’t much of a step from letting high school boys put their fingers in my

panties to becoming a sex-o-gram at the tender age of nineteen. I started off as a

strippergram – I went almost all the way – right down to my tiny little thong. I
would gyrate inches in front of the men, so close I could feel their breath on me

and watch them almost come in their pants, desperate to touch me. I got so
turned on.

One time I couldn’t bear it and I began to touch myself inside my panties as

I writhed on this particular man’s lap. I slipped my fingers right up inside myself,

drew them out, and made the man lick them clean. I started to masturbate myself
in front of him. The guys watching knew that this wasn't part of the usual service

and an intent silence fell as they watched me. I glanced round and knew that
every single man in that room had a stiff dick. But of course I was only paid to strip

for one of them, so he got all my attention. I sat astride his lap and put my hand
on his cock. It felt huge. He groaned and bucked. I unzipped his fly and released

his cock. I don’t think he could believe his luck – he was only expecting a strip and
a peck. I began to masturbate myself with two fingers and him with my other

hand. I desperately wanted his cock inside me, but common sense kicked in – I
hadn’t come prepared for sex. I came first, rocking backwards on his knee, arching

my back and throwing my hair as the surge came. Seconds after I finished he came
in spurts over my hand.I knelt down and licked it off, sucking the end of his dick to

catch the final drops.

I guess they must have phoned the agency as the boss called me in for a

private meeting the next day. I was shitting myself - I thought I was going to get
sacked for breaking the rules, but the boss was delighted. The guy had paid extra

for his “happy ending”.

They decided to invent a new term for me – a sex-o-gram. I get paid by the

job, and by the guy. If I go to a job and there are three of them, and they all want
servicing, I get paid three times as much as if there is only one. I even get my own

driver/bouncer – Fred – he takes me to my jobs and makes sure the guys don’t turn
nasty if I decide I don’t want to do it, which happens occasionally if they are really

gross or dirty, or won’t use a condom.

Fred’s a nice guy – he’s a married man and he’s never laid a finger on me. I

take my job very seriously – I have to keep in shape and look pretty – I always need
to have my hair coloured and styled and wear make-up and, although the agency

provides the costumes, I provide my own lingerie. I’ve been doing it for six months
and I love it.

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2: The Trucker

My first official engagement was a week later. The boss had been discreetly

offering my extra services to clients he knew he could trust and one of them
decided to give it a go. I was to go down to a particular service station on the M1

and ring a particular number. I would then be given further instructions.

Unlike the strippergrams, there was no costume, so I decided to play it safe.

Short little pleated skirt, suspenders , stockings and plenty of heaving cleavage.

Fred and I turned up on schedule and I duly rang the number. I was told to

wait at the coffee shop. A couple of minutes later a young guy turned up.

“It’s my mate Dick’s birthday that I’ve booked you for,” he said, leading the

way to the car park.

“Dick? Are you serious? That’s really his name?”

“Yup – his parents must have hated him. Come on.” He led me to this truck

parked up in a corner. “Do you mind if I watch?” he said as we approached the

truck, his eyes avid.

“Whatever you like. You can even join in, but it’ll cost you extra.”

I rapped on the window. Dick wound it down. He was a big guy with a full

beard. He frowned at me. “What?”

“I’m your birthday present,” I tried a Marilyn purr. Dick just looked at me,

puzzled. I started to unbutton my tight white blouse. “I said I’m your birthday


“You got me a strippergram?” His face lit up as he looked at his mate.

“Better than that,” I said, opening the door as it became clear he wasn’t

going to. “I’m a sex-o-gram. How do you like it?”

He stared at me in utter disbelief and confusion for a second, before light

dawned. He grabbed my tits, almost experimentally, as if to see if he was allowed.

When I simply smiled, he pulled me into the cab and sat me astride his lap. He
wound his hand in my hair, pulled my head back, shoved his big hand up my tiny

skirt and rammed two fingers into me.

“I am gonna fuck you so hard you dirty little fucking whore,” he whispered

in my ear. Ah, I thought – likes to talk dirty. “You’re a dirty little cum-loving slut
aren’t you?” he demanded.

“Yes. Oh God – I want to suck your dick so bad,” I moaned.
He threw me into the sleeping area and ordered me to strip. Very slowly.

His friend climbed into the front seat and watched. It was a short process. My
blouse was already unfastened so I just slipped it off. I wasn't wearing a bra. I

unzipped my little skirt and it dropped around my ankles. My thong followed and I
stood in just my stockings and suspenders.

“You can leave those on,” Dick said, when I started to unfasten the

suspender clip. He sat down on the edge of the bed and told me to get down on my

hands and knees and turn around. I felt fingers in my pussy, ramming themselves in
harder, then a thumb in my ass, squeezing the tender flesh in between. That was

new but fucking hell – it was sexy. I reached under myself and began to play with
my clit. I wasn't sure if I was allowed, didn’t know if Dick was the kind of man who

would allow me to have my pleasure also, but he didn’t object as I rubbed harder

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and groaned. Suddenly he slipped his fingers out of me. I almost wept with


“Turn round,” he said. I obeyed, still on my hands on knees. “Lick your shit

off my fingers, filthy bitch,” he ordered. I did so, still playing with my clit with
one hand. He grabbed my tits with the other hand and squeezed hard, leaving red

marks. The pain felt good. “God you’re a dirty cunt,” he breathed, watching me
clean his fingers with my tongue. “Now suck my dick.” He stood up and dropped

his jeans and pants to reveal his thick cock. I knelt and was about to take it in my
mouth. He grabbed my hair and forced my head back so I was looking up at him.

“First, tell me you’re a dirty cock-sucking bitch.

“I’m a dirty cock-sucking bitch,” I repeated, enjoying the words.

“Tell me you love swallowing cum.”
“I love swallowing cum. I want to taste yours.”

“Say please.”
“Please,” I begged. “Please let me suck your cock.” I meant it as well. He

slapped my face just hard enough to sting, called me a whore then pushed my
head down to his crotch. I opened my mouth obediently as he shoved it in so hard I

nearly gagged. I tried to suck but he was thrusting harder than I could get a rhythm
going, mumbling incoherent abuses and keeping a painful hold of my hair the

whole time. Suddenly he stopped and pulled my head up. Trickles of drool trailed
from my mouth and I wiped them with the back of my hand.

“Now I’m going to fuck you and I want you to suck my mate’s cock.”
“Sorry Dick,” volunteered the friend who I could see had his cock out in his

hand. “I only paid for one. If she does us both I have to pay twice.”

“Tell you what,” I offered, feeling generous and very horny. “You fuck me

and he can cum over my face.”

“Works for me,” the friend said. Dick shrugged. I turned around and leaned

on the friend’s knees so his dick was in my face. I felt Dick grab me from behind
and shove his cock in me so hard I gasped. He slapped my ass as he thrust.

“I wish I could fuck my wife like this,” Dick gasped, “but the stupid fucking

frigid cow likes it ‘soft’ and ‘gentle’ . Doesn’t she know that’s all she’s there for?

Stupid fucking dirty fucking whore.” He came as he gasped the last word out. The
friend wasn't far behind and I managed to catch some of his cum in my mouth, the

rest dribbling down my chin. I was so horny, it took about five seconds of rubbing
my clit for me to catch up with the men.

“Happy birthday,” I said, turning round to Dick with a smile on my cum-

covered face. “Hope it was a good one.”

“Best ever,” Dick said.

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3: The Husband

Problem was, I was horny all the time. The sex-o-gram jobs didn’t come

frequently enough at the beginning to satisfy me, or to pay the bills. I had to
supplement with strippergram jobs and my boss had told me to stick to the script

unless they had paid the extra up front. He didn’t want word getting around that
they could get a sex-o-gram for strippergram prices. I printed off some cards to

give to my strippergram clients detailing the ‘extra’ services, putting my mobile
number on them – no point the agency stripping off their percentage if I could get

my own work.

Shortly after I started giving these cards out, I got a phone call from a

woman, which surprised me. She wanted to book me for her husband, Nick.

“You want to book a strippergram?” I asked.

“No, I want to book you for a sex-o-gram,” she said. They had been talking

about a threesome for a while, it turned out, and she had decided to book me for

his birthday as a surprise. “Would you be OK with a threesome?” She sounded
uncertain and I assured her that that would be fine.

As instructed, I turned up dressed as a nurse, with stockings and suspenders,

but no panties or bra under my blue uniform.

The woman who answered the door was in her mid-thirties, still attractive,

but tired-looking.

“He’s upstairs,” she said, following me as I managed the steps with

difficulty in my tight skirt. “Just before you go in,” she caught my arm. “I’ve never

done anything with another woman before.”

“Is that what he wants?”

“That’s part of what he wants.”
“Just don’t do anything you feel uncomfortable with – we’ll work it out as

we go along.”

She took a deep breath and opened the door. I followed her in. Nick was in

bed, lying under the duvet. I affected a brisk tone of voice. “Well, how’s the
patient today?”

“He’s very poorly,” said the wife, looking worried.
I tutted, shaking my head. I moved close to the bed and leaned over him,

laying my hand on his forehead. A hand snaked out from under the duvet and
began to work its way up my stockinged leg. I ignored it, leaning over further to

let my cleavage spill out.

“I’m going to have to give you a full examination.” I frowned down at him,

shifting my position slightly to allow the groping hand better access. It had found
my stocking top. Nick’s face hadn’t changed, but I felt my pussy start to ache as

the unseen fingers teased my inner thighs. I pulled the duvet down to his waist and
listened to his chest with my plastic stethoscope. “Well your heart rate is slightly

raised.” My breath came raggedly as he pushed a finger tip inside my pussy and
moved it around gently. I glanced at his wife who had sat down on a hard chair in

the corner of the room.

I moved the duvet down to reveal his cock, which stood up rather

magnificently erect. I looked at it and shook my head. “Well, here’s your
problem,” I said, wrapping my fingers around it and leaning over to lick the tip

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gently with my tongue, caressing his balls with my other hand. Nick moaned and

wriggled, his fingers pushing further and harder into my dripping pussy. “What do
you think?” I included the wife in the conversation, who came over to stare with

me at her husband’s erection.

I ripped off my Velcro-fastened uniform and discarded it. My breasts stood

out proud and round and the wife eyed them, a nervous but curious look on her
face. I took her hand and put it on one of them. She gave it a hesitant squeeze

and would have let go but I put my hand over hers and showed her how to massage
it firmly but gently, round in circles. When she began to play with the other one,

Nick sat up in bed and shuffled back towards the pillow, giving me room to sit
down and pay some attention to his wife. I pulled her towards me and unfastened

her skirt. It fell around her ankles and she kicked it to one side.

“Take off your top,” I said. She did so, glancing at her husband, who was

watching us avidly, his cock huge and purple. I almost drooled at the thought of
him shoving it hard inside me, but I wasn’t here for my pleasure. The wife had a

nice figure and had clearly gone to some effort – she wore matching lingerie and
stockings too. I stood up and unfastened her bra – her breasts touched mine. I

leaned forward and kissed her gently. I didn’t tell her that I had never been with a
woman before either – she seemed nervous enough as it was. I ran my hands down

her sides and let them rest gently on her waist. She leaned into my kiss, returning
it with an intensity that surprised me. I ran my hands round to her buttocks,

pulling her body to mine. She was soft in my arms. I looked at Nick. “Are you
feeling better?” I asked.

“Touch her pussy!” he ordered, pulling on his massive purple organ.
I sat back on the bed and pulled her panties down to reveal a neatly

trimmed bush. The panties got kicked to one side also and she parted her thighs. I
inserted two fingers and she groaned, grabbing my shoulders for support. I wiggled

them about a bit experimentally, applying my thumb to her clitoris. I could smell
her arousal as she gasped and shuddered. I glanced from husband to wife. They

both seemed to be expecting me to control the situation.

I turned to Nick, feeling I was neglecting him a bit. Crawling to him, I knelt

between his legs, bending over that gorgeous cock I had wanted to taste since first
I saw it. He cried out as I took him into my mouth, sliding my lips slowly down his

shaft and flicking my tongue over the tip. He thrust hard into my mouth and I was
surprised to feel tentative fingers inside my pussy. I took a glance behind me to

see the wife taking the initiative. She was fingering me with one hand and herself
with another. I closed my eyes and revelled in the feelings for a moment. I felt a

hand grab my breast – I didn’t know whose it was. But I was meant to be giving
them pleasure here, not them me. I slid my mouth slowly off Nick’s cock and

shifted position, turning my back on him to face his wife. I straddled his lap,
lowering my soaking pussy slowly down onto that thick dick, grinding down hard.

He pushed up to meet me with a long drawn-out “Oh God!”

“Come here,” I said to his wide-eyed wife. I turned her round so she was on

all fours with her rounded bottom towards me, then entered her from behind with
three firm fingers. Nick was thrusting away behind me with abandonment and I

finger-fucked his wife till she was begging me not to stop. Nick came first, filling
my throbbing cunt, then I turned the wife over and buried my face in her pussy, as

I had been longing to since I first caught a whiff of her. I sucked her juices and she
writhed above me, grabbing my hair. I rubbed her clit with my thumb and she

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cried out, bucking and shuddering as I thrust my fingers into her pussy, keeping up

with the rubbing until she finally quieted and fell, spent, onto the duvet.

I left two very happy customers, but I hadn’t come and I was horny as fuck.

I told Fred to drop me off in town and I roamed the streets, looking for a quick

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4: The Police Officer

It was the weekend and gangs of young lads were everywhere. I couldn’t

decide if I wanted a one on one or a group thing. I just wanted a dirty fuck. I
needed someone to fill my cunt and I wasn't really bothered who. I decided I was

going to pick the next guy who hollered at me.

I passed one particular group standing with pints outside a pub and made

eye contact with one of them, giving him a “come and fuck me” look. He
responded quite satisfactorily, with that distinctive cross between a cheer and a

phwoar that guys tend to do to sexy girls. I stopped in my tracks and stalked
towards him. His face changed to one of contrition.

“Hey, I’m sorry!” he began, hands out apologetically.
“Shut the fuck up!” I told him, walking up close, invading his privacy. He

backed away till his shoulder blades touched the brick wall. I stood toe to toe with
him, my body an inch from his. His face was a comical mixture of arousal, concern

and a touch of fear. I placed my hand flat on his chest and began to slide it down
to his crotch.

“Hey,” he began, grabbing my hand to arrest its progress.
“Normally I charge for this,” I pulled a card out of my cleavage to give to

him. “But I’ve just come from a job and I’m feeling horny. Thought I’d give you
the benefit. But if you’re not up for it . . .”

He glanced at me and my card and I could see the cogs whirring.
“I will if he’s too chicken,” one of his mates called out.

“Use it or lose it,” I said.
“Listen, it’s not you – it’s just that I’ve got a girlfriend.” His face was


“How sweet. Does she know you shout out at girls in the street?”

“Look, I’m sorry about that.”
“Forget it.” I clearly wasn't getting anywhere with this one. I turned my

attention to his mates. “Any of you fancy a freebie?” I stuck my chest out and
licked my lips. They all looked scared to death, but they weren’t looking at me –

their eyes were focussed on something behind my head. I turned. There was a
police officer standing behind me, arms folded. My stomach flipped.

“Is this woman bothering you?” he asked the men.
“No officer,” they muttered. The guy with the girlfriend still held my card

in his fingers. The copper took it off him and glanced at it.

“What’s a sex-o-gram?” he said. Shit, I thought.

“It’s kind of like a strippergram but sexier – more like a lap dancer, but I

come to you,” I said. I swallowed nervously. Would he buy it? He turned the card


“You do realise soliciting and prostitution are crimes, madam.”

“Yes, but I wasn't soliciting.”
“Was she?” the policeman asked the guy with a girlfriend.

“No, she was giving it away, weren’t you?” one of the others said, a lewd

grin on his ugly face.

“Giving it away?”

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“Yeah, she was asking us if we wanted to fuck her as she was horny!” They


I shrugged. “That’s not a crime, surely?”

The officer narrowed his eyes and looked me up and down before taking my

arm. “If you’d like to come with me, madam.”

“But, I haven’t done anything wrong!” I protested, trying to pull away but

he was stronger. He dragged me to where his squad car was parked. The group of

lads followed behind, cat-calling as they saw him push my head down and bundle
me into the car. I lay back in the car and closed my eyes. Great – that was all I


When I started to pay attention to where we were, I realised the car wasn’t

heading for the cop shop.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere private,” he said, glancing at me in the rear-view mirror.

There was a look in his eyes that made my cunt flutter. He turned down a leafy

lane and parked up behind a ruined barn. We couldn’t be seen from the road.

He got out and climbed into the back seat next to me.

“So, officer, what appears to be the problem?”
He shook his head. “I’m afraid, madam, that you’re wearing far too many


I smiled. “That can be rectified.” I ripped off my Velcro-fastened nurse’s

uniform and dropped it into the footwell. “Better?”

“How dirty are you?” he said, reaching out to fondle my breasts.

“Very, very dirty!” I assured him. He stripped out of his uniform and sat

back in the car, his cock huge and inviting.

“Sit up and spread your legs,” he said. He knelt up in front of me, but

instead of his warm smooth cock, he got out his night stick and approached me

with it. He set it at the entrance to my pussy and starting slowly, pushed it in as
far as it would go. I gave out a long slow moan of pleasure – the feel of the thick

truncheon filling my cunt was better than any cock, even the biggest. The
truncheon was well over eighteen inches. I pushed back and squirmed with

pleasure as he slapped my tits and pumped the truncheon in and out.

Suddenly he yanked me forwards. I fell onto my hands and knees and he

positioned himself behind me. I was still impaled on his truncheon and I felt his
hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks. He inserted a finger first, wiggling it

around, testing my reaction. The feel of being doubly penetrated was blissful and I
shut my eyes as he bent down and licked my asshole, swirling his tongue around

until it was slick and wet. He spat on his hand and lubed his cock before sliding it
inside my ass, holding my hips steady as he drove his cock in and out. I reached

under and matched his rhythm with the truncheon in my cunt and he rubbed my
clit with rough fingers. The three sensations combined in one glorious high and I

came harder than I had ever come before, screaming like a cat on heat and
clawing at the upholstery as my body juddered repeatedly.

“Fuck me,” I managed as the tremors subsided.
“Just did! Now lie on your back and suck my cock.”

He turned me over and I lay down on the back seat of the police car, my ass

pushed against the door and my legs up as he bent over me and thrust his cock in

my mouth – the same cock that had just been up my ass. I could taste myself on
him and I sucked greedily, making moaning noises of pleasure. His truncheon was

still in my pussy and my clit was still raw and quivering. As he fucked my mouth

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with abandon, I masturbated once more with the baton. It took barely a touch to

make me come again, writhing under him as he filled my mouth with spurts of
salty liquid. I swallowed it all down, sucking his engorged head to get every last


It might have been a freebie, but it was worth it! I gave him a card and

promised him as many free samples as he liked for not turning me in. Gotta love a
bent cop, especially one with a huge knob.

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5: The Bridegroom

I get booked for a lot of stag parties, not surprisingly. One I was booked for,

the best man told me that I was to pretend to be just a strippergram, but then get

so turned on by the groom that I wanted him to fuck me.

I duly turned up in my policewoman’s outfit. The stag was sitting in the bar

of a hotel, with about twenty mates. There were no other guests there except the
pre-warned barman, who locked the door once I had arrived. I did the whole “I’m

arresting you for being a very . . . naughty . . . boy!” thing, turned on the music
and started my dance.

I undid my tight blouse button by slow button, letting my tits spill out,

squeezing them, licking my fingers and playing with my hard nipples. I leaned over

the groom, pushing my boobs into his face.

“Lick my tits!” I ordered him. He did so eagerly. I sat on his lap, my legs

spread in my tight skirt and let him undo the rest of the buttons, throwing the
blouse into a corner. “Now unfasten my bra,” I said. He fumbled and feverishly

yanked until I took pity on him and did it myself. “You can touch them if you like,”
I breathed.

He held them hesitantly at first before starting to squeeze harder and

sucking on my nipples desperately, almost painfully. I moaned as he bit and sucked

my breasts, leaving teeth marks. I hadn’t realised how much I loved pain until I
started doing this job, or how many men love giving pain. I could feel my pussy

growing wet and slick and I wriggled. I wanted his cock right now – but I had to

After a few exquisite moments, I stood up and slipped my skirt down,

standing in front of him in my holdups and tiny black thong. I turned around so my

back was to him, sat back on his lap and pushed myself down onto his crotch – I
could feel his cock pressing hard against my damp pussy. I glanced around at the

circle of fervent watchers. Reaching behind me, I took the stag’s hands and put
them on my breasts whilst I bumped and ground on his cock. I had to force myself

to tease the moment out – I was only meant to be a strippergram. I stood up again
and stood over him, swaying my breasts in his face, teasing and moving while he

grabbed for them. I took one of his unresisting hands and put it inside my thong,
letting him feel how wet I was. His face was a picture. He slid his fingers inside me

and I groaned.

“Do you want more?” I asked him.

“What do you mean?” his voice cracked as he answered.
“Well, normally, strippergrams don’t do this,” I said. “But I’m really, really

hot for you!” My voice dropped to a whisper. “I’d love to suck your cock, if you’d
let me?”

His eyebrows shot up. “Would I? Fuck yeah!”
“Here? Or in private?”

“Here! Here! Here!” the watching party took up the chant.
“Here, I guess!” the stag evidently couldn’t believe his luck.

I got down on my knees in front of him and slowly unzipped his fly, easing

out his cock from his pants. I stared at it for a second before I took it lovingly into

my mouth. I love the feeling of cock in my mouth – I almost love it more than cock
in my pussy – that long length of flesh, warm and soft yet hard at the same time, I

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can’t get enough. I could happily suck cock all day. I love looking up at the man,

watching them looking back at me with that indefinable look in their eyes. As I
slowly sucked this man’s dick, I felt my thong being tugged down to my knees and

fingers invade me from behind. It had been arranged that this might be a multiple
job so I eased my thighs apart and allowed the fingers entry. There’s nothing quite

like the feel of an unknown person touching you – there are no distractions like the
way someone looks – you can just concentrate on the fingers and the cocks and the

tongues and the sensations.

I pushed back into the fingers, encouraging exploration. I shuddered as they

rubbed my entire pussy frantically, before being removed and replaced by a thick
cock shoved hurriedly in, as if I might change my mind. As the owner of the cock

entered me, I heard whoops of approval from the watching men. I wondered if
they all knew the arrangement, or if they still thought I was just a strippergram.

“Hey – it’s my stag night!” the groom protested. “How come you get to fuck

her and I only get a blow job?”

The other guy just groaned as he fucked me hard and fast and desperately.
“Want to swap?” the groom said. It wasn't a suggestion – his voice was hard.

It wasn’t the only thing.

“Oh God – I suppose!” I recognised the voice of the other guy as the fat ugly

best man – he probably hadn’t had sex in years.

The men rearranged me in the middle of the room. The best man sat on a

chair on the dance floor and I knelt in front of him. I had to lift up the guy’s belly
to get at his cock. He might have been a less than attractive proposition to many

women, but his dick was huge – bigger than the groom’s. I descended upon it – I
could taste my tanginess on it. I licked the groove around his tip, drinking my own

juices down. The groom knelt behind me, lifting up my ass-cheeks and slapping
them hard before thrusting into me.

The best man came quickly, without warning. I almost choked as his cum

filled my mouth. He held my head down firmly, making sure I didn’t move until I

had sucked him dry before finally letting me up. Dribbles of his cum leaked out of
the corners of my mouth as I struggled to swallow the mouthful he had given me. I

wiped the trickles with the back of hand then licked it clean.

Behind me, the groom was moving things up a notch. He might have been

average, but he knew how to use it.

“Oh you dirty dirty little girl,” he was saying. “You dirty little slut, you

filthy whore.”

“Oh God, yes, tell me what I am!” I love being talked dirty to. I reached

under myself and began to play with my clit. Only problem with my job is that if I
want to cum I usually have to DIY. I saw a guy come towards me with his dick out,

but the best man stopped him and I heard him whisper that he could only afford to
pay for two. I felt sorry for him. Maybe I should be charging by the hour, rather

than by the guy.

The third guy sat down in front of me where the best man had sat and

started to wank himself instead. I leaned on his knees and looked up into his eyes
as I played with my pussy. I started to moan as I felt the sensations rising – the

groom was shafting me hard and fast, and the guy in front of me was wanking – he
came suddenly all over my face, just as I reached my peak and cried out. Another

load of hot jizz landed on my back. I looked around to see yet another of the stag
party who had been masturbating over me and finally the bridegroom filled my

soaking cunt with his cum, shooting his load in great bursts.

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“You’ll never get to do that again,” the best man said to the groom, once

he had got his breath back.

“Why couldn’t I be marrying a dirty slut like you?” bemoaned the groom,

gasping anew as I turned my attention back to him, licking the stray drips of cum
from the end of his cock.

“Because dirty sluts like me aren’t willing to settle for just one cock,” I told

him with a smile. “We like to share the love!”

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6: The Bus

I’d been booked for this job one night but when I turned up it was a dud –

that sometimes happened, someone thought it was funny to get me to dress up

and turn up somewhere, and then not be there – they were probably hiding behind
a bush somewhere having a quick wank.

It was annoying but not usually a major problem. But this time, when Fred

and I went back to the car, it wouldn’t start. So I said I’d get the bus home.

I sat on the back seat of the bus. Top deck, no one else there. I stared out

of the window at the rain, feeling frustrated and horny and fingering my damp

pussy idly.

The bus pulled up at a stop, a bunch of young rowdy guys got on and an idea

began to form. A second later I heard the first of them begin to stomp up the
steps. I lay down on the back seat at an angle which made it appear as if I had

passed out through alcohol. I hitched up my skirt and pulled down my top.

I watched through slitted eyes as the lads piled up the stairs shouting and

laughing. After a few seconds or so, one of them spotted me. “Hey!” he said in
tones of surprise.

There was a brief whispered conversation and a dirty laugh. I heard

footsteps coming towards me and I shut my eyes quickly. A hand shook my


“Hey! Are you OK?” I lay still, breathing gently. The shake came again and a

gentle slap on the cheek, enough to rouse a sleeper, accompanied it. “Hey. Wakey
wakey Sleeping Beauty!!”

“Is she breathing?” another voice said. There was a brief silence, long

enough to observe, say, a person’s chest rising and falling.

“Yeah, looks like it,” said the first voice. A gentle hand touched my neck for

a moment. “She’s got a pulse.”

“Och, she’s fine. She’s just passed out is all!” A third voice, this one

displaying a Glaswegian brogue, joined the conversation.

“Look at that!” the second voice said. I felt my skirt being cautiously lifted

and lowered again. A muffled conversation ensued from which the words “fucking

pussy hangin’ out” drifted toward me. I took the risk of glancing at them through
lowered eyelashes. They were huddled together a few feet away. There were four

of them altogether, all young, white, mid twenties, all dressed in the typical club
going uniform of black trousers and coloured shirt hanging out, open-necked, no

tie. They all had dark hair except one who sported a blond crew cut.

“I dare you!” this was the blond.

“Oh come on – it’s not fair! She’s passed out,” the owner of the first voice


“But it’s just lying there for the taking!” the Glaswegian joined in. “Fucking

dirty bitch – she’s even gone out with no fucking pants on!”

“Well, I will if you ain’t got the guts!” said the second voice.
“Yeah, he can just watch,” the blond laughed. I felt a tentative hand on my

leg, gently creeping up the inside of my thigh, as if careful not to wake me. I
deliberately stirred, as if in sleep and opened my legs a tiny bit wider to

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accommodate the exploratory fingers. There were sniggers from the pack. I felt

myself grow wet as the unseen fingers tickled my pubes.

“Oh my fucking God, she’s fucking dripping in here,” said the voice. Two

fingers were suddenly thrust inside me and I let out a moan. The fingers were
harsh and intrusive but I was so turned on. I felt my top being pulled gently down

to expose both my breasts and felt hands on my nipples, soft and stroking.

“Look at these lovely titties!” I heard the second voice say and then felt a

mouth circling one of my nipples and a hand on the other breast, stroking gently.

“You a breast man, then?” Glaswegian said.

The mouth lifted itself from my nipple long enough to say, “Oh yeah – I

could so give these a titty fuck!” before clamping back down, circling my stiff

nipple with his tongue and kneading and squeezing my breasts like he had come
home. The fingers in my cunt grew more rough and intrusive and I felt a thumb

rubbing my clit. I barely held back a cry as I felt my orgasm grow.

“Don’t tell me she’s sleeping through this.” I couldn’t tell who was

speaking. I felt hands on various parts of my body. At that point, I couldn’t tell
who was doing what to me.

“Dirty little bitch is probably loving every second of it.” The fingers

pounded my pussy harder and the unseen hands suddenly groped my breasts

roughly, making me gasp.

“I should give her something to really enjoy, you think?” I heard the sound

of a zip being undone and felt hot hard flesh next to mine; the tip of a sweet stiff
dick teased the opening of my craving cunt. I couldn’t hold it back any more. My

eyes flicked open and stared right into the mocking brown eyes of the dick’s blond

“Well, hello there!” he said. “Having fun?”
“Please . . .” I breathed.

“Please what?” he said, still rubbing my pussy with his huge swollen head.
“Oh God, please fuck me!” He plunged his cock into my aching pussy


“You fucking dirty little slut,” he whispered in my ear as he thrust hard

inside me. “You were pretending the whole time, weren’t you, you dirty little
bitch!” I couldn’t speak as my orgasm instantly rocketed through me. I lay gasping

for breath as his hard cock slaughtered my tender flesh. He came with a groan,
amid shouts and cheers from the other lads who, now they realised I wasn’t really

passed out, were up for some fun. As he withdrew his dick from my slick, still
horny cunt, I casually swung my legs round so I was facing the other men.

“Who’s next?” I said. I leaned back on the bus seat and lifted one foot up to

breast man’s groin, teasing him with my toes, circling his crotch with its nicely

hardened outline. I didn’t bother to close my legs, giving him a full view. I
shrugged off my skimpy top and unfastened the single button which closed my

wrap skirt, and sat naked, facing them brazenly.

Glaswegian was the first to move. He dropped his pants, holding out his

impressive thick cock to my face. “Suck it!” he said casually. I wet my lips and
held his thick organ in both my hands, running my fingers down his warm smooth

skin. I took my first taste of that sweet bulbous end, sucking the first salty drop
out. I looked up to meet his eyes as I pushed his cock further into my mouth and

began circling it with my tongue. My fingers reached underneath, one hand to
gently squeeze his balls, and the other to pleasure that area between balls and

ass-hole, the perineum. He moaned and writhed with the triple sensations.

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“Oh baby, you are so good!” he said, grabbing my head and forcing it harder

down onto his cock. I saw an opportunity and stopped sucking him off long enough
to ask him to sit down on the long back bench of the bus. He did so and I knelt

down to continue sucking his sweet dick, lifting my ass high in the air as I did so. I
moved it enticingly, hoping one of the others would get the idea of what I wanted

without me actually having to give directions, which always left me feeling like a
film director. I hated having to say, “Do, this, do that, fuck me this way!”

Fortunately they were quick on the uptake and I immediately felt a dick

thrusting hard in me from behind, and hands roughly grabbing my tits as they

swayed under me. I didn’t even look behind to see who it was, all I wanted was the
cock. I turned my thoughts back to the cock in my mouth, now that my hungry

cunt was satisfied with the attention it was getting from behind. It really was a
beautiful creature, this massive member, I ran my hands lovingly up and down its

length as if admiring a piece of fine porcelain. I stroked the veins along the side,
feeling them throb in response. I drew it partially out of my mouth and sucked on

the dripping tip, pushing the tip of my tongue as far as it could go into the small
opening. Glaswegian started to pant, his hips to thrust and I went to take him back

in my mouth but he stopped me. “No,” he managed to get out. “I want to cum on
your face!” I positioned myself a few inches above the end of his cock and wanked

him hard. It only took a few seconds before his gasp turned to a yell and the
creamy stuff came squirting toward me. I managed to catch some in my mouth and

swallowed it down and the rest spread itself on my cheeks and in my hair. The
sight must have proved too much to whoever was taking me at the other end as I

heard a groan from that end too, feeling the warm stuff deep inside me. I felt my
own orgasm approaching again and reached down quickly to finger my clit. I knelt

up and spread my legs wide as the guy at the other end pulled out, spent, and I
finger-fucked myself hard with one hand, rubbing my clit with the other. I had my

eyes closed so didn’t even see the next cock which was shoved hard in my mouth,
scraping against my teeth. But I sucked deep from it anyway, rubbing myself


This one didn’t last long and his cum soon shot down my throat, almost

gagging me as I screamed with my second orgasm. I swallowed the sweet juice
frantically, trying not to choke. Panting, I knelt, my legs shaking as my orgasm

subsided. I realised no one else was pushing anything into my body and figured
they must all have fucked me. I wrapped my skirt and fastened my brief top.

“Thanks guys,” was all I could think of to respond with as I made my way

along the swaying rows of seats and down the stairs.

As I stood next to the driver waiting for the bus to arrive at the next stop,

he winked at me and indicated with his head the wide-angle mirror which gave him

a full view of the top deck.

“Seems someone had a good time tonight,” he looked me up and down

lewdly. I gave him a dirty smile.

“Did you like what you saw?” I leant on my elbows on his cab, allowing him

full view of my cleavage.

“Darling, I nearly crashed the fucking bus,” he said, as he steered round a

corner. “If you ever get bored you know, there’s a bunch of us down the depot
who might like a few hours in your company,” he winked at me.

“Well, as the song goes, all you have to do is call.” I slipped a card into the

cab as the bus stopped at my stop and hopped off.

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7: The Girlfriend’s Punishment

Many of my jobs are straightforward one on one sex, but I remember one

particular session that was notable. I had turned up at this guy’s flat and he took
me into the bedroom, where a young woman was sitting on a chair, looking upset.

“This is my girlfriend, Wendy,” the guy said. “She’s been a bit of a slapper

haven’t you Wendy?” Wendy just nodded. “Tell the nice lady what you did.”

Gritting her teeth, Wendy ignored him. “Wendy fucked some other guy while I was
away. I said I wouldn’t dump her, but it was only fair that I got to fuck someone

else too. And she’s going to watch us.”

“Oh, OK,” I said. What else could I say?

“I’m John,” he introduced himself, politely, as if we were meeting at a tea-


“Nikki,” I said. The whole thing felt very surreal.
John stripped and lay on the bed. “You know, actually, it’s always been a

fantasy of mine to have two girls fighting over who gets to suck my cock. Wendy, I
think you can join in with this. Get your clothes off.” Wendy look mutinous, but

she slowly undressed. I had had no instructions to come in special costume, so I
was just wearing jeans and a top. I stripped down to my underwear. John’s eyes

flicked from Wendy to me. “Very nice babe,” he said to me. “Your tits are bigger
than Wendy’s.”

Wendy glared at me. I almost felt sorry for her.
“Touch her tits,” he ordered. I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or Wendy.

I glanced at him. He was looking at me. Wendy had nice tits, small but pinkly pert.
Her nipples were erect, begging to be sucked. I reached out to cup one and she

flinched. I tried to reassure her with my eyes. “Let her touch you, bitch,” John
growled, his cock huge as he watched us together. I wasn’t entirely happy about

this – it wasn't in my job description to force myself on someone. I gentled my
touch and caressed her soft flesh, rubbing my thumb over her nipple. She relaxed a

bit and her eyes half-closed. I almost felt she was pressing her breast into my
hand. I rested my other hand on her waist and stroked her skin with my thumb.

“Nikki, take your underwear off, hun,” John said. I obeyed. Wendy looked at my
body, her eyes huge. I guessed she had never been in close proximity to a naked

woman before.

“Do you want to touch?” I said. “It’s OK.” I took her hand and put it on my


“Press your boobs together,” John told us. Someone’s been watching lesbian

porn, I thought, but I pressed my boobs to Wendy’s obediently and ran my hands
down over her bottom, slowly but firmly. She shivered.

“Now get over here, bitches, and starting fighting over my cock,” John said,

swinging his legs round to sit on the edge of the bed. Wendy and I got on our knees

in front of him. I grabbed his dick first and wrapped my lips round it, taking it in as
far as I could, sucking hard, pushing my mouth down over his long shaft. John

groaned. I put my other hand on Wendy’s smooth thigh. She didn’t protest. Wendy
turned her attention to John’s balls, holding them in her hand and licking them

assiduously, like a cat. I ran my hand up her thigh, flicking an exploratory finger
over the triangle at the top of her pressed-together thighs. She gave a sharp intake

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of breath but didn’t move away. In fact, she parted her thighs ever so slightly. I

came up for breath and she grabbed John’s cock off me.

“My turn now,” she said. She seemed to be getting quite into this. Whilst

Wendy was sucking John, I worked on getting my finger into her pussy. She
quivered and raised her bottom up off her heels as if in invitation. I moved my

hand round to her bottom, slipping a finger into her cunt from behind, teasing and
playing. She moaned, her mouth full of cock. John couldn’t see what I was doing to

his girlfriend and he thought she was moaning from sucking him.

“That’s it, take it, bitch,” he gasped, thrusting his pelvis harder and faster

into Wendy’s mouth. Suddenly he pulled out and shot his load at me, spraying cum
all over my face. “Now, slut,” he said to Wendy, when he had finished. “Lick my

cum off her face.”

Wendy came towards me, a half-smile on her face. She cupped my breasts

in her hands as she licked the spunk from my forehead. I pulled her hips towards
me and started to finger her again. She was wet and ready and pushed herself

down onto my fingers. I wriggled them around to find that sweet spot inside her
pussy, gratified as she responded with a gasp. She cleaned me tenderly, finishing

with my mouth. I kissed her and she kissed me back avidly, pushing her pointed
tongue in my mouth.

“Hey, hey!” John suddenly clocked what was going on, “You’re not

supposed to be enjoying this!” He pulled Wendy off me and grabbed her tit hard.

“Isn’t this your fantasy?” she said to him. “Two girls and you? You can’t

complain now. Just watch and enjoy it.”

John thought for a moment.
“I can go, if you’d prefer,” I bluffed, reaching for my clothes.

“No, no,” he held his hands out in contradiction. “I don’t want you to go.” I

knelt down and Wendy and I took turns to suck his limp, sticky cock back into life.

Once he was back in action, I pushed Wendy back on the bed, spreading her willing
legs. He settled himself to watch as I ran my tongue up the length of her inner

thigh. She trembled with anticipation as I tasted her private area, teasing her with
just the very tip of my finger and my tongue. I tasted her juices, that mixture of

sweet and tangy salt as I flicked my tongue over the entrance to her cunt before
pushing it inside as far as I could. She made a little whine of pleasure as I licked

her clit and pushed two fingers up at the same time. I was on my knees crouching
over her on the bed when I felt John’s hands on my hips and a second later, his

probing cock at the entrance to my pussy. I reached underneath and guided it in
and could hardly keep my attention on his girlfriend as I felt his huge dick fill me,

hammering me to within an inch of my climax. I was almost there when I felt his
cum explode inside me in great waves – he thrust and shuddered, and finally


“Now,” he said to Wendy, when he had got his breath back. “I want you to

lick Nikki’s pussy clean of my cum!”

Wendy and I exchanged glances. I wasn’t sure she’d be up for pussy-licking–

she had never even had a girl-on-girl experience until today. She reassured me
with a smile and pushed me back onto the bed. Give her her due, she dived right

in. Unexperienced but enthusiastic, she licked up every last drop of John’s spunk,
sucking my cunt clean. Closing my eyes I felt every lap of that small pink tongue.

Every time she licked my clit, I felt myself climb further, until finally I grabbed her
fingers and stroked them hard over my clit. She knew what I wanted and rubbed

me harder and harder, while lapping away at my soaking pussy until I felt my

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orgasm approach. I grabbed the pillows and arched my body, and screamed my

ecstasy in waves until I finally relaxed, drained.

Wendy saw me to the door. “The irony is,” she said. “He thought he was

punishing me, but he’s actually done me a favour. I never realised how hot fucking
girls could be till tonight!” She winked at me.

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8: The Teacher

I was still getting some jobs through the agency, even though I was giving

out my own cards as well. One Friday morning I got a call to come into the office.

“What’s up?” I said, plonking myself down in the boss’s office, trying to hide

my concern. Had he found out I’d been handing out my own cards?

“I have a job for you,” James, my boss, said. He opened a drawer and

pulled out a school tie and a book. “This client wants to know do you have a short

black skirt and a plain white blouse?”

“I can get one.”

“By tonight?”
I nodded. James handed me the tie.

“This is my old school tie,” I said, puzzled.
“Did you go to XXX High School?” James, said, naming my old school. I

nodded again. “Well, you’ll know where to go then. The client wants you to wait
at the school gates at 3.00pm, wearing the uniform and carrying this copy of

Macbeth.” He handed me the book.

“Did he give you a name?”

“Does he know who I am?”

“I don’t know. Does it matter? He’s paid and he’s a client.”
“I guess.” I spent the rest of the day wondering who the client was. It was a

big school with a sixth form. It could have been any one of the teachers, or even a
pupil. Was I supposed to dress like a student to fit in, so no one would notice I

wasn't supposed to be there? Or was it part of the role-play? I put on the minimum
of make-up, just enough to emphasise my eyes and lips, but not so much that I

appeared too old to be there.

Fred dropped me off at the gates a few minutes early and parked up the

road. I felt like a kid again, being dropped off at school by my dad. School didn’t
kick out till 3.15pm so it was quiet. As instructed, I waited by the gates, carrying

my book. At 3.00 on the dot, a man came round the corner of the school building
towards me. As he came closer I recognised my old Maths teacher, Mr Robinson. He

was in his 40s, married with three kids. We had always said he was a dirty old
perv; he used to leer after the girls all the time. His steps slowed as he recognised

me, and he looked confused, but when he clocked the Macbeth I was clutching, a
lewd sneer of understanding spread across his face.

“Well, well, well, little Nikki Blaise,” he said, as he stopped in front of me.
“Well, well, well, pervy Mr Robinson,” I shot back.

“I always knew you were a little slut.”
“I always knew you were a perv.”

“Well, now that we understand each other, shall we go?” He took hold of

my shoulder and firmly steered me towards the Maths block. Once in his

classroom, he locked the door and closed the blinds. “Sit down,” he instructed me.
Without thinking, I sat down in my old place in front of his desk, resting my elbows

on the table. I looked around at the classroom. Painful memories of him trying to
drill Maths into my head came flooding back. “I am sick and tired of hearing your

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feeble excuses,” he suddenly yelled at me. I jumped. “How many times has it been

now, Nikki?”

“How many times has what been, sir?”

“How many times have you forgotten to do your homework? Ten, fifteen?


“I don’t know, sir.” I dropped my head, pretending to be shame-faced.
“It’s not good enough you know, young lady.”

“I’m sorry, sir.”
“You know I’m going to have to punish you.”

“Yes, sir.” I let my voice fall to barely more than a whisper. He came to

stand behind me. I could hear him breathing heavily. I remembered that he used to

stand behind the girls – we were all convinced he was looking down our blouses. I
used my arms to surreptitiously push my boobs together and leaned forward

slightly to make it easier for him to see. I felt him put his hands on my shoulders.
He paused a beat before sliding one of those big hands right down the front of my

shirt and grabbing my tit, squeezing and rubbing painfully. He groaned and shoved
his pelvis into my back. I could feel his hard cock pressing between my shoulder

blades. “Mr Robinson! What are you doing?” I feigned shock and horror.

“Shut up! This is your punishment, slut!” His other hand came down to

grope my other breast. He panted as he dry-humped me. I wondered if he had
done this before, or if this was the culmination of years of yearning after school-

girls. I should make it difficult for him, I thought. If I really was a school-girl surely
I would try to fight him off. I stood up suddenly, knocking over my chair and

backed away from him.

“Please, Mr Robinson, don’t do this!” Leaning forward, he hooked a finger

into the waistband of my skirt and tugged me closer. I resisted a little bit but
allowed myself to be pulled.

“Sit on the desk,” he said. I pulled myself up onto the wooden desk and put

my knees together primly. He ran his hot hand up my leg from my little white

ankle socks until he reached my pressed-together knees. He didn’t try to force
them apart yet, instead moving his hand further up under my skirt, skimming over

my clenched thighs until he just touched the damp white triangle of my white
school-girl cotton knickers. I gasped despite myself and he leered at me. “I bet you

love that don’t you? You girls are all the same – make like you don’t want it, but
you’re all gagging for it.” Taking advantage of my moment’s inattention, he

yanked my knees roughly apart, his hand snaking in between my thighs.

“Please, Mr Robinson, don’t,” I pretended to beg, even as he slid one thick

finger past the elastic in my knickers and inserted it into my damp cunt.

“Don’t lie, bitch, you know you love it. I can feel how wet you are. You

want my cock, don’t you?”

My only answer was a moan as he fingered me expertly. I let my head hang

backwards and my hair brushed the desk behind me. He supported my back and
lowered me down until I was lying on his desk, my legs splayed and dangling over

the side. He pulled my skirt up further and started to drag down my knickers.

“No, please, I don’t want that!” I injected a note of panic in my voice and

tried to pull my knickers back up again. He ripped them off and buried his face
deep in them, inhaling deeply. Without ceremony, he unzipped his fly and pulled

out his stiff cock. Spreading my legs as wide apart as he could, he plunged in with
a groan, thrusting wildly and frantically. “No, no, please don’t!” I sobbed,

although I was loving every second of it. “Mr Robinson. Sir! Please!” I batted

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pathetically at his chest. After the first initial fierce urge seemed to wear off, he

slowly withdrew his cock from my pussy, looking down at me, and breathing
heavily. He slipped off his trousers and pants and sat down in his teacher’s chair.

“Stand up and take off your blouse,” he said. I did so, popping each button

slowly, and affecting a mutinous pout as I did so. “Now come here.” I walked

towards him. As soon as I got within reach he grabbed my hand and put it round his
cock. “There’s a good girl. Give it a stroke, don’t be afraid!” I tentatively started

to wank him off, as if I didn’t know what I was doing. His dick was slick with my
pussy juices. He reached up to pop my tits out of my bra and began to play with

them as I gave him my fake virgin hand job.

“How long do I have to be punished for?” I said, going for a tremor in my


“As long as I tell you to, slut! Get on your knees.”

”Just do as you’re told!” He grabbed my arm and pulled me down to the

floor. His cock reared up in front of me. I wanted it, but I knew a virginal little
school-girl wouldn’t. He grabbed my hair and brought my head to his cock. “Suck

it,” he instructed. I tried to twist away.

“No!” I sobbed and managed to pull away from his grasp, running to the

door and trying to open it, even thought I knew it was locked. He came after me
with long strides.

“Oh, you’re so going to get it now.” He was clearly delighted with my

performance. I always was good at Drama! He dragged me kicking and crying back

to the desk and bent me over, flipping up my skirt to reveal my creamy ass.
Pinning me down with his body, he reached over and opened his desk drawer,

taking out a wooden ruler. I closed my eyes for the first blow and felt it sting
deliciously across my ass cheeks. His hand came under me to grab my tits roughly

as he spanked me with the ruler. Then he spread my legs wider and slammed his
cock in once more. “I’m going to teach you to say no to me you little slut,” he

panted as he fucked me hard. He put his fingers in my mouth and I could taste
myself on them as he grabbed my face.

Again, he stopped himself just before he came, pulling out and dragging me

round and onto my knees in front of him.

“Now, suck my cock,” he ordered. Having said no once, I figured he meant

it this time so I duly took his glistening cock in my mouth, sucking off my pungent

fluids mixed with his salty pre-cum. He grabbed the back of my head and shoved
his cock in hard, making me gag. “That’s it, bitch – maybe next time you’ll hand . .

. your . . . homework . . . in . . . on . . . time!” He thrust hard with every word,
finally cumming so hard it filled my mouth and dribbled out of the corners. I

choked and gagged but managed to swallow it like a good whore. He sat on the
edge of the desk, catching his breath. I hadn’t come, so I rubbed my clit hard,

looking up into his eyes as I did so. I came suddenly and quickly, grabbing hold of
his knee for support as the shudders racked my body.

“Maybe you should have done that first,” Mr Robinson remarked. “I could

have watched.”

“Maybe next time,” I said breathlessly.

I stood up and took a card from the pocket of my skirt, giving it to him.

“And you know what they say – if you’ve enjoyed it, tell your friends!”

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He took it, looked at it, and put it in his desk drawer. “I may well do that.

Keep the tie, just in case!”

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9: Life model

One of my weirdest jobs, and I’ve had some weird ones, was when I got a

phone call from a prison supervisor.

“I’ve got a bunch of guys who’ve been really well-behaved and I want to

reward them,” he said. “Can I book you for two hours?”

“Sure. How many guys are we talking here?”

“Five. Is that OK?”
“No problem.”

“They’ve been doing an art class and I’ve told them they’re getting a life

model this week. I want you to come in and strip off and pose for them. But be

really sexy and flirt with them - I’ll leave it to you where to go from there.”

“OK.” I was horny already just thinking about it.

Fred was worried about me, bless him.
“Prisoners! What are they in for?” he said, crossing his arms.

“I don’t know, I didn’t ask. I’m sure they wouldn’t let me go in if it wasn't


“I’m not happy about this.”
“It’ll be fine – I’m there to be their sexual plaything. What’s the worst they

can do?”

At the prison I was met by a guard who leered at me. He led me to a private

room where I undressed to my underwear and put a silky robe on. He took me
down a corridor and we stopped outside a grey door. I peered through the window

at the prisoners. They were sitting in a semi-circle with easels and artistic
paraphernalia. I felt a flutter in my pussy at the thought of how far I could tease

them before they snapped, and what they were going to do to me. The supervisor
put his hand on the door handle.

“I’ll be monitoring. If they get too rough or they hurt you, shout out

‘Chrysanthemum’ and a couple of guards will be in in two seconds to help you.”

The supervisor opened the door and I went in.

The five prisoners looked at me in stunned silence as I walked in. They had

probably assumed they’d be getting a guy for their life model, not a sexy young

girl. I took off my robe slowly and dropped it on the floor. I knew that life models
were usually naked under their robes, but I thought that them seeing me take off

my underwear might get things moving. I turned my back to them and slowly
unhooked my bra, dropping it on top of the robe. I pushed my panties off my hips

and shimmied a little so they fell to the floor around my feet. I stepped out of
them and kicked them to the heap. Then I turned around slowly and made blatant

eye contact with every man individually. I could almost feel the cocks stiffening.

I sauntered to the bed that had been placed centrally in front of the semi-

circle of easels. I lay on my front, leaning on my elbows, my legs bent at the knee
and crossed at the ankle. I fully expected the prisoners to throw aside their

canvases and charge over to me, but they didn’t. Brows creased, they picked up
their brushes and set to work. After ten minutes of this, I decided it was time to

act. Bless them, they had been perfect gentlemen, they deserved their reward.

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“Time for a break,” I announced. Unlike normal life models, who would put

on their robes during a break and disappear into a side room, I stood up from the
bed, stretched, and prowled naked round behind the men, looking at their work.

“That’s actually quite good,” I said, looking at the first one, who had a huge beard
and a ponytail. He had captured my figure in bold strokes and had begun filling in

the details.

“Thank you,” he said, very carefully not looking at me. I put my hand on his

shoulder and he nearly jumped six feet into the air.

I moved onto the next one, leaning over his shoulder and pressing my boobs

into his back. I breathed in his ear as I looked at his picture. He was nice-looking, a
suave charmer-type. I could easily imagine him in a business suit. Glancing down at

his crotch, I could see his cock tentpoling his grey prison overalls. I fought the urge
to touch it – I wanted to tease them a little longer. “I like the way you’ve painted

my ass,” I breathed in his ear. “Nice curve.”

“Yes, it is,” he said, clearing his throat.

“Damn girl, what you doing?” said the next prisoner as I moved onto him.

“Why don’t you just go lie back down on the bed so we can paint you?” He was a

tall black man with four inch dreads. My mouth watered at the thought of big
black dick and I openly licked my lips, letting my eyes flicker down to his groin.

“OK. Whatever you say.” I hip-swayed back over to the bed but, instead of

taking up my former position, I knelt up on the bed, my knees spread so they had a

good view of my pussy. I began to play with my tits, massaging them and pressing
them together, looking at the prisoners with Marilyn eyes as I did so. I placed a

finger in my mouth and sucked it to the hilt, drawing it out, wet and glistening
before running the hand down to my crotch where I began to play with my pussy. I

slowly pushed two fingers inside myself and moved them around, finding that
sweet spot that gave me the most pleasure, thrilling in the sensations bursting

through me. The men’s eyes were on stalks.

“You don’t wanna be doing that,” the black guy said, running his hand over

his face.

“But it’s so much fun,” I said, adding in a moan for effect.

“You better stop unless you want some company pretty damn quick.” The

black guy stood up, pushing his easel to one side. I decided maybe it was time to

put them out of their misery.

“It’s OK you know. I’m not really here as a life model.”

“What are you then?”the Beard said.
“Well, I work as a sex-o-gram,” I said.

“What is a sex-o-gram?” another one said. This one wore glasses and looked

for all the world like a middle-aged professor. I wondered what he was in for.

“Like a hooker?” the black guy said.
“Well, I usually get booked by people, for other people, like a strippergram.

Your supervisor booked me for you as you’ve all been so well-behaved.”

“Let me just get this straight. You’re a prostitute that the screw booked for

us?” Beard said.


“Not a life model.”
“No,” I said with a chuckle. “I think he expected you to all jump on me as

soon as I got my kit off. Obviously he underestimated you - you were all very
polite. I’m very impressed. But it’s OK – that’s why I’m here. He even gave me

condoms for you all.”

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Beard was the first to move. With an almost animal sound he discarded his

clothes. The others weren’t far behind. I almost came from the anticipation alone
as the five stiff cocks came toward me. Five was the most I had ever had before.

“I’m your doll,” I said to them with a filthy smile. “Use me as you want.” I

reached out and grabbed the two nearest cocks, the black guy and The Professor

and started to wank them. Mr Charmer shoved his dick in my face and I hungrily
sucked as he thrust in and out, holding onto my head to keep it still. The fifth hung

back. He was a little weedy teenager with a faceful of spots who hadn’t spoken
yet. Beard had no such inhibitions. With a snarl he pulled me away from Mr

Charmer and flipped me over onto my hands and knees, shoving his massive cock
hurriedly into my wet cunt before anyone could stop him.

Beard was strong and I was glad I didn’t have to fight him. Mr Charmer

protested, coming to pull him off me, but Beard threatened him with a mighty fist

and he backed off. He pushed my face down into the pillows and rammed into me
so hard I thought my teeth were going to fall out. He came quickly, with a growl,

pulling out and then taking a seat to watch the rest of the show. I have been
fucked many times in my life, but that was the most animalistic I have ever had –

and fuck me, was it hot!

“Guys, there’s plenty of time,” I managed to gasp out, before Mr Charmer

took back possession of me. He lay down on the bed and pulled me over him,
indicating his cock. “You’re men of few words aren’t you?” I said. I knelt over him

and sucked the tip of his cock into my mouth. One thing I love is to be spitroasted.
The feel of a cock filling my pussy at the same time as sucking that lovely man-

lolly just makes me cum every time. So I sucked Mr Charmer’s cock whilst waving
my bottom around enticingly in the air. Sure enough, a long cock slid into me

within seconds. It was the Professor. The others hovered, wanking themselves and
trying to grab handfuls of tit. My body shook with the multiple sensations; being

fucked hard, sucking a rampant cock and being roughly fondled by three other men
– all it took was a quick rub of my clit and I was cumming so hard I almost bit Mr

Charmer’s cock. Me cumming must have been the final stimulus as he held my
head roughly in place and bucked as he filled my mouth with spurts of creamy

love-juice. I gulped it down, sucking him hard as he shuddered under me.

When Mr Charmer had finished, the Professor withdrew for a second to

reposition me for his tastes. He liked it missionary with a twist. He lay me down on
my back but then pushed my knees up to my chest, letting my feet dangle over his

shoulders, grabbing handfuls of flesh as he slid his cock back inside me. Black guy
came round the other side of the bed, dangling his dick in my face.

“How ‘bout a bit of big nigga dick?” he suggested, rubbing his cock over my

face. I opened my mouth obediently and he slid it between my lips, leaning over

and slapping my tits. “I’m gonna fuck your mouth so hard, I’m gonna cum all over
your pretty white face, bitch,” he promised me as he thrust. I opened my mouth

wide and took everything he gave me. I moved my other hand down to my pussy – I
could feel myself wanting to cum again. I rubbed myself hard and fast and felt my

second orgasm explode. I cried out with the intensity of the feelings, just as the
black guy pulled out of my mouth and shot his creamy load all over my face. I

could feel it dripping down the sides of my cheeks, into my mouth and down my
chin. He slapped his cock against my face, spreading it about a bit more. The

Professor suddenly came inside me hard, grabbing my hips and thrusting me onto
him. I felt his cock pulsate inside my still-throbbing cunt and squeezed my muscles

tight around him, making him grunt anew with every contraction.

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Finally he withdrew and I realised that there was still one who hadn’t had

his pleasure. The spotty teenager had stood quietly to one side, watching the
whole thing.

“What’s up sweetie?” I said, sitting up.
“He’s a virgin!” The other guys laughed uproariously.

“No I’m not!” His mouth might have denied it, but his bravado attitude

belied his words. I smiled. I’d never had a virgin before.

“Come over here and sit on the bed.” I invited. He did so, sitting next to me

nervously. I knelt down in front of him, my cum-covered face looking up at him.

He looked back at me, nervous but excited. “Have you ever had a girl suck your
cock before?”

“Yeah, loads of times,” he boasted, but it had a ring of hollowness about it.
“OK, baby,” I set to work. I licked up the sides of his cock first, getting him

good and wet. A bubble of pre-cum sat on the end of his dick – I licked it off. He
moaned and wriggled. I took the tip of his cock into my mouth and sucked hard,

flicking my tongue round and into the hole.

“Oh God, fucking hell,” he groaned, bucking under me. I took as much of his

cock into my mouth as I could, rubbing my hand up and down the soft shaft. He
buried his hands in my hair and lay back on the bed, thrusting with abandon. I

sensed he was reaching a peak and stopped for a second.

“Do you want to cum down my throat or inside me?” I asked. The other guys

had known what they wanted, but if he really was a virgin he might appreciate
being given the choice.

“God I want to cum all over you,” he gasped. “Shut the fuck up and suck my

cock – I’m gonna cream down your throat and I want you to swallow it!”

“OK,” I said, and wrapped my lips back round his cock.
“Oh God you’re so fucking dirty. When I get out of here I’m gonna cum in

some bitch’s mouth every single fucking night,” he gasped out. He came in waves
of sweet salt, what felt like a lifetime’s worth of cum shooting into my mouth. I

let some dribble down my chin and lapped it with my tongue.

The door opened and the supervisor came in, with a guard, the same one

that had leered at me before. “Everyone happy?” he said, smiling broadly.

“Shit yeah!” the five assured him variously.

“Spread the word a bit,” the supervisor said. “Let people know that if they

behave themselves, they might get a little treat!” He turned to me. “Happy to

come back?”

“Oh yes, we had a great time, didn’t we boys?”

“And I believe we have half an hour left.”
I looked at the clock on the wall. “I believe we do.”

“I wondered if you might care to join us in my office for a while.”
“Happy to,” I said, smiling.

The five guys hollered with approval. “Good for you boss. Give her a good


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10: The servant

I was called to a job one evening. I had instructions that the door would be

unlocked and I was to come straight in – which was not unusual. When I arrived
there were three other girls there - working girls like me, I assumed. We were a

mixture of types, a buxom blonde, a brunette and a redhead, and the fourth a
busty black girl. The flat was laid out like there was a party going on, there was

music and food.

I sat on the sofa with the others and after a couple of minutes the bedroom

door opened and out came a man, mid-thirties, naked except for a black bow tie.
His cock was half-erect already.

“Good evening ladies,” he said, in a maitre d’ type voice. “My name is Adam

and I’ll be your servant tonight. My only desire is to please you.”

“Get us drinks, slave,” the blonde ordered him.

She was on her feet in a flash and slapped him hard across the face.

“Certainly what, slave!” she hissed.

“Certainly, mistress.” He cowered and scurried to get the drinks we ordered
“I’ve been here before. He basically likes any kind of humiliation,” the

blonde told us in a whisper. “And he wants us to play with each other while he
watches, but then we have to punish him for it. I’m Melissa, by the way.” We

introduced ourselves. Becky was the brunette and the black girl was called Ebony.
Adam came back with our drinks on a silver tray. His erection was huge. He knelt

down and held out the tray of drinks. We each took ours and Becky told him to get
us some food.

Melissa turned to me. “You have lovely titties,” she said, reaching out to

touch me.

“Thank you. Yours are fantastic,” I said in return
“Thank you too. All natural,” she said with a proud smile. She started to

unbutton my top and I hers. Next to us I saw Becky and Ebony kissing and doing the
same. Adam came back with the tray of food and knelt by the sofa looking up at

us. I casually reached down to stroke his cock with one hand as Melissa took off my
bra and began to play with my tits. I opened her top and bent my head down to

suck her huge bra-less boobs. I realised I needed two hands to do them justice so I
let go of Adam’s cock and turned my full attention to Melissa. Adam made a small

involuntary noise of protest. I whipped round, stood up and pushed him over with
my stiletto’d foot. He fell backwards to the floor and I knelt over him, pinning him

down with my hands on his shoulders. His cock pressed into my pussy through my
thong. I was so wet for him I could hardly wait.

“Listen you little shit,” I said. “If I want to touch your cock, I can. If I want

to stop touching your cock to play with Melissa, I can. You don’t get to be in

charge. Understand?” He nodded, wide-eyed. I slapped his face for good measure,
so hard it made my palm sting, and got off him.

I lay Melissa back on the sofa and buried my face in her pillow-like boobs.

Her nipples were lovely, nice and big but not huge – I kissed one and teased it

erect with my tongue. I felt hands touching me. I whipped my head round – if it
was Adam . . . But it was Ebony; she lifted my tiny skirt and pushed her body up

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behind mine, slipping a wet finger past my thong into my cunt. I pushed back

urgently, feeling her thumb rubbing my clit. I slid my own fingers into Melissa’s
wet pussy – she felt like warm silk. Her moans turned me on so hard, then I felt

Ebony’s tongue licking and sucking at my cunt. Looking past her I could see Becky
lapping at Ebony’s cunt – a veritable chain of cunnilingus. But poor Becky had no

one to pleasure her.

“Slave!” I said. Adam perked up and looked at me. “Go and lick Becky’s


“Yes mistress!” He hurried to the end of the chain and I heard her noises of

pleasure join the chorus. Melissa was writhing under me as I dove between her
thighs and pushed my tongue inside her pussy. She tasted sweet – her juices tasted

different to my own. I licked every cranny of that sweet flower and rubbed her clit
with my fingers. She bucked and screamed, her legs shaking as she came. Becky

and Ebony moved to the carpet and lay kissing and playing with each other. I
looked at Adam and wanted to feel his cock inside me.

“Come here and lie down,” I ordered him
“I’m terribly sorry, mistress Nikki,” he stammered. “But please may I use

the bathroom first.”

“I suppose. But don’t be too long,” I glowered at him as he left the room. I

gave him five minutes then followed him in. He was sitting on the toilet seat
desperately yanking at his cock. I grabbed him by his hair and pulled him off the

seat, dragging him onto the floor. “How dare you! Did any of us give you
permission to masturbate?”

“No, mistress Nikki.”
“So stop it, right now! And lie down on the floor!” He obeyed instantly. I

straddled his head, facing his feet, my pussy hovering over his face. I could see the
pre-cum beading on the tip of his upright dick. “Do you want it?”

“Yes,” Adam whispered.

“Please, mistress – please.”
I lowered my pelvis down so my pussy was touching his lips.

“Now lick my cunt, slave.” I felt Adam’s hot tongue pushing into my

opening. I ground myself down on him and bent forward to stroke his cock. He

jumped when I touched it. “Don’t you dare cum.” I warned him. He made a
muffled noise of denial and flicked his tongue over my clit, making me shiver. The

door opened. It was Becky.

“This is where you got to,” she said. “We were wondering. Looks like you’re

having fun.”

“Want to join in?”

“Can I have what you’re having?”
I got up and let Becky take my place. Becky settled herself over Adam’s face

and he began to lick her. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, playing
with herself. I could see Adam’s cock huge and straining. I sat astride his hips and

finally eased his cock into my aching pussy, sighing as I felt him fill me. He
groaned as I slid up and down on him. I leaned backwards and felt his hard length

pushing against the sides of my cunt. Reaching out for Becky’s small tits with one
hand, I rubbed my clit frantically with the other, using Adam’s cock as a dildo,

grinding my pussy down on him until I felt my orgasm burst through me.

“Fuuuuuuck!” I heard myself scream as I shuddered with the release. As the

waves subsided, I slid off Adam’s cock and sank onto the bathroom floor to

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recover. Becky leaned forward and sucked my cum juices off Adam’s cock,

groaning with pleasure.

“Please can I cum, mistresses,” I heard Adam beg from beneath Becky’s


“No,” we both said together and smiled. I moved behind Becky and slid a

wet finger into her ass, reaching round and playing with her tits with the other.
She wriggled and whimpered as I finger-fucked her ass, grinding her face down on

Adam as she bucked with her orgasm.

“Good little slave,” I said to Adam, as Becky’s convulsions slowed and

stopped. “I’ve got a treat for you now. Because you’ve been so well-behaved I’m
going to let you cum.”

“Thank you, mistress Nikki,” Adam said from beneath Becky’s pussy. At that

moment the door opened and the other two girls came in.

“We were just saying we might let the slave cum – he’s been quite a good

slave,” Becky said, getting up and kissing Ebony wetly, giving her pussy a quick

fingering at the same time. I got the impression the two were quite well-
acquainted already.

“Oh, but Melissa and I haven’t ridden his cock yet,” Ebony complained.
“Please let me cum, mistresses,” Adam pleaded. “I can get hard again really


“Shut up, slave,” Becky said, kicking him. “It’s not up to you.”

“What did you have in mind?” Melissa said to me.
“Well, I don’t think he deserves to be allowed to cum inside any of us,” I

said and the others nodded in agreement. “But I thought I might let him wank onto
my tits.”

The three other girls led me back into the living room. I lay on the sofa and

Adam positioned himself meekly near me, cock in hand. The other three began to

touch me from all angles. I closed my eyes. Soft hands played with my tits and
gentle fingers stimulated my pussy. I felt a nipple in my mouth and I suckled it.

Being made love to by three girls was very different to being fucked by three men
– a much gentler experience, but just as sexy. I heard masculine panting and

opened my eyes to see Adam reaching to touch my body. Melissa slapped his hand

“You don’t get to touch her, slave! You’re lucky she’s letting you cum on

her. I wouldn’t!”

“But I’m going to cum, please let me just touch her tits!”
“No – bad slave!”

I was unable to speak, carried away by the ecstasy of the sublime assaults

on my senses. Every nerve ending seemed alive and tingling and I was barely aware

of Adam grunting and gasping next to me until his hot spunk landed on my boobs. I
opened my eyes to see it sitting in a glistening puddle between my breasts, just

beginning to slide down the slope towards my clavicle. Melissa bent over me and
began to lick it up, yumming down every drop.

“What shall we do with the bad slave?” Ebony asked.
“Tie him to the bed?” I suggested.

“Good idea.” Ebony said, with a wide grin.
We bore Adam off to the bedroom and spread-eagled him face down on the

bed. Ebony rummaged in his wardrobe and came out, holding aloft four ties. We
each took one and tied his wrists and ankles to the posts at each corner.

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Melissa went to another drawer and pulled out a ball-gag which she forced

into his mouth and tied around his head. “Now we don’t have to listen to his
whinging,” she said. She delved into the drawer again and pulled out a slim strap-

on. “Who wants to fuck his ass?”

“I will,” I said, taking the strap-on from Melissa and buckling it around my

hips. I climbed on the bed and sat astride Adam’s legs, lifting up his hips and
positioning the dildo ready for entry. “Lube,” I said, holding out my hand like a

surgeon requesting an instrument. Melissa handed me the tube of lube and I
smeared it liberally on the dildo and Adam’s asshole before plunging it in to the

hilt without ceremony. Adam responded with a groan as I fucked him mercilessly.
“You like this, you dirty little shit, don’t you?” I hissed. He made an inarticulate

noise behind the gag. “You know what we’re gonna do to you when you get hard
again?” He made a negative noise. “We’re gonna flip you over and tie you up

again, and ride your cock one by one till we cum. We’re going to use you like the
nasty little man-whore that you are, and then we’re gonna leave.” Another groan

ensued from his mouth. “See if he’s hard yet,” I said to Becky, who obediently ran
her hand under his hips to feel his cock. She seemed to be fondling him for rather

longer than was necessary. “Well? Is he?” I said.

“Oh yeah!” she said, still stroking him.

“Having fun?” I said.
She and Adam both said, “Mm-hmm,” at the same time. I gave Adam an

extra hard thrust and he grunted.

“I wasn't talking to you, slave!” I said. “Maybe it’s time for us to have our

fun now.” I unbuckled the strap-on and climbed off, leaving the dildo inside Adam.
We turned him over and retied him. His cock stood up magnificently and Melissa

descended upon it, sucking the remnants from his last orgasm off it. I came up
behind Melissa and started to finger her soft pussy.

“There’s a vibrator in the drawer,” she said, between gasps. I found it and

gave it to her. She climbed on board and impaled herself on Adam’s cock, rubbing

the vibrator over her clit. She came quickly and gloriously, throwing her head back
as she spasmed. We each took turns riding Adam’s cock, and bringing ourselves to

one final orgasm with his vibrator. I was the last. I sucked the other girls’ cum
juices off his engorged cock first before sliding myself onto it and ramming myself

up and down. I put the tip of the vibrator onto my tender clit, which was still
throbbing from last time. I felt the girls touching me and surrendered myself to the

powerful sensations once more.

“Now, do we let the slave cum again?” I said, looking round at the girls.

“Yes, I think he’s had enough punishment,” Ebony agreed. I sat on his face

and leaned over to suck his cock. The other girls joined in and together we

attended to his cock, fighting over who got to suck the tip. I felt his tongue licking
my cum off my soaking pussy and after-shocks shuddered my body. Becky took his

balls in her mouth, sucking hard and laving them with her saliva. Ebony managed
to suck his swollen head while Melissa licked his shaft. Ebony came up for air and I

took over sucking duty. I heard him give an inarticulate warning through the gag
and let his cock pop out of my mouth, just as he came, his first spurt shooting out

and hitting Ebony in the face. We took turns to lap at him as his cum erupted out
again and again, until eventually he collapsed back on to the bed, spent.

We left him tied up and gagged while we got dressed. After a suitable

length of time, we trooped back in, standing round the bed. “Do you think the

slave has learned his lesson?” Melissa said.

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“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “We might have to come back and punish

him again another time. What do you think, slave?” I reached over and unfastened
the gag.

“Mistresses, you can come back and punish me any time you like,” Adam

said. Ebony kindly untied one of the ties before we left, swapping numbers before

we parted ways.


Like this book?

Book Two is on sale for only $0.99 exclusively at Smashwords. Get it here:

Book Three in the works. Sneak previews available on my Live Journal.

Find Nikki Blaise online:





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£15 per pair including UK postage; add an extra £1 for international postage.

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