Assassin of Achenar v1 8


Map Name: Assassin of Achenar v1.8 (Assassin of Achenar v1.8.h3m)
Map Maker: Drahkz Hildifons
E-Mail Address:

Map Type: Singleplayer [1 Human against 7 Computer]
Game Type: Armageddon's Blade
Language: English

Description: Everybody has to make a living, but not everybody
enjoys it as much as you do. You have been hired
to do a job, not just any job, but a specific one,
a tough one. You must kill Lord Thorax before six
months are out or lose your own life!

Special Win: Kill Lord Thorax
Special Loss: NONE
Special Other: Six Month time limit


You are Wren the Druid, and an Assassin. You have been paid a nominal
fee the take out a real slimebag. His name is Lord Thorax and he is
a real pain in the ass. Killer of men, women, children, and yes
your beloved enviornment also! He and his followers gleefully
destroy everything in sight without the slightest sign of remorse!
Truly he and his ilk are your worse enemy. That is the only reason
you took this contract, polluters like him really bring out the
worst in you. It is now time for Lord Thorax to pay for his crimes
against nature. Indeed he will pay! The only kicker is that if
you do not kill him in six months your employers will kill you!

The Major Characters are as follows:

Red: Lord Thorax the Demoniac, the most evil of all residing on
Achenar today. Born of an Elvish mother and a Demon father
his only goal is total conquest of Achenar!

Dr. Syn the Death Knight, evil for evil' sake. Who needs
motivation when killing is so much fun! Dr. Damion Orion
Syn is the product of a dig gone bad. The once handsome and
adventurous son of a rich land baron sealed his fate when
he unwittingly sprung a trap while investigating an
archaeological find in the Meersham Desert. He and all his
crew were killed instantly in the explosion, but Lord Thorax,
the being who was released by him, brought him back to life.
Now he is Second in Command and the most trusted of all Lord
Thorax's henchmen.

Blue: Wren, the first of his kind, a Druid Assassin! Rumored to
have been trained by the "Black Guard", Wren's parentage is
unknown. Some say he is the eldest son of Smeagol and Menion
Brandywine, of Gondor fame. Others say that he is just a
rogue in search of a good time. Unlike most of his kindred,
Wren is not motivated by greed or even a lust for killing,
instead he is motivated by a love for the enviornment! He is
the first Assassin in Achenarian History to take contracts
solely determined on how enviornmentally harmful the victim
is! It has become his calling card, he only takes out
contracts on those who are enviornmental murderers! So
mothers warn your children not to grow up to be an echo-
terrorist or else! Of coarse there is still the nominal fee.

Tan: Emperor Morantha the Beastmaster, he was his own first love.
There is absolutely nothing he would rather do than show the
rest of the world why they should love him too! Not known to
be very bright, he is known however for taking excellant
care of those under his charge who show him the proper
devotion and respect. It is solely for this reason that many
peasants flock to his banner. Since he has inherited the
kingdom from his parents it has grown by leaps and bounds.
It seems that his subjects are more than happy to feed his
ego for a price.

Green: Skz Grogskum the Overlord, one of the most feared and
respected Orcs' to ever walk the land of Achenar! His only
dream is to rid the planet of all non-Orcs! Unfortunately
he is the first Orc in centuries with the intelligence to
actually pull it off!

Orange: Queen Hillary the Heretic, sworn enemy of all "mankind"! She
dreams of subjugating the world for the pure pleasure of it!
Her only real enemy is Princess Ruby Redd whom she hates more
than any man she has ever met. Few know the true reason for
this hatred, but rumor has it that it centers around Ruby's
ward Dominique. Be that as it may, Hillary's uncontrolled
anger and pent up frustration makes her a force to be reckoned

Purple: Drahkz Hildifons the Dwarf Knight, Crown Prince Of the Misty
Mountain Dwarves. Since it's fall years ago now makes his
home in the City State of Gondolin. He is your basic hero
type, help the needy, feed the poor. His only mission in
rescent years has been to expand the realm for his friends and
fellow adventurers Smeagol and Menion Brandywine, whose
kingdom, founded as a Ranger School, is open to all who obey
the laws. The only place that is closed to all but Rangers and
special guests is Castle Gondor, where the school is still
going strong.

Teal: Exidor the Wizard, the most powerful Wizard of our time, not
since the old world Blue and Red Wizards has there been one
as powerful as he. Unlike many of his ilk he is very humble.
He runs an elite School for Wizards from his sanctuary in
Mt. Rakhab. Although many wizards ore ostracized from most
levels of society Exidor is well known and loved by those
realms in which he serves.

Pink: Ruby Redd the Ranger, an Amazon Princess who wishes nothing
more than to cut out her own nich on Achenar. So far she
has managed to hold on in these tumultuous times. When greater
kingdoms have fallen, she and and her trusted ward, General
Dominique have managed to not only stay alive, but to thrive.
Although she has the smallest kingdom in the Realm she has
shown to be a very astute tactician and leader.

Dominique the Cleric, found abandoned and half starved in the
Elo Woods when she was just a child, she has grown up to
become a very powerful and capable General in Ruby's army.
Loved and respected by all she has become more than just a
citizen in the kingdom, she has become Ruby's right arm.
Between the two of them they have managed to keep the
kingdom stabalized even in the worst of times.

Play-Testers: [Drahkz Hildifons:]
[Radar: none]



Before you do anything find yourself a castle! Ignore everything else
until you do. If you don't, you will not live long enough to kill
Lord Thorax!

There are three towns you can find before the time runs out (7 Days),
the best is "Olympus" the Conflux! Then comes "Lost Vegas" and the
least is "New World Inc".

To get to Olympus head south-west until you come to the garrison.
You will know you are in the right place if you find the warning
sign for No-Man's Land. Go through the one way monolith and you
will be teleported within two days from the city.

To get to Lost Vegas head south-west until you come to the garrison.
You will know you are in the right place if you find the warning
sign for No-Man's Land. After passing the garrison head due north.
At the far end of the trail you will run into a subterrianian gate.
Go through the gate. After entering the subterranian world head due
north. You will know you are in the right place when you reach the
Lost Vegas Garrison.

To get to New World Inc. go through the subterrainian gate in front
of you. In the underworld head due south until you run into a second
subterranian gate go through it. Head south-east until you come to
a series of two garrisons. After going through the second garrison
you will run into New World Inc., it belongs the Emperor Morantha.
Convince him to give it to you!

Hire some good help as soon as you can. Never deviate from your true
mission, six months is not a long time. The only reason to own a
castle other than staying on the board is for replenishment. Let your
hirelings take care of that.

Always remember that you have seven lords who for good or evil are
working against you. They are becoming strong just as you, the only
difference is that they are all allied to the same master!

Hit the taverns and check out the rumors! Some are useless garbage
while others are true tidbits of information.

Each kingdom has it's own Garrison, use them wisely. Garrison's
can both help you and drain valuable resources.

For a little extra umph find the Grail and add it to your kingdom. It
is located at 19 minutes north and 58 minutes west. You can find it
by riding the red two way monolith until you come to a volcanic zone.
You will know you are in the right place because there is nothing
there but you and the gate!

Hope you enjoy playing it as much as I did making it.....Hildi
(Yes, to answer your question I put myself in all my games, that is
what true role playing is all about!)



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