L Picaro Coming Home

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


Aspen Mountain Press


Copyright ©2006 by L. Picaro

First published in 2006, 2006

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro



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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro




L. Picaro

Aspen Mountain Press

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


Coming Home

Copyright © 2006 L. Picaro

This e-Book is a work of fiction. While references may be

made to actual places or events, the names, characters,
incidents, and locations within are from the author's
imagination and are not a resemblance to actual living or
dead persons, businesses, or events. Any similarity is

Aspen Mountain Press
PO Box 473543
Aurora CO 80047-3573
First published by Aspen Mountain Press, November 2006
This e-Book is licensed to the original purchaser only.

Duplication via any means is illegal and a violation of
International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution
and upon conviction fines and/or imprisonment. The e-Book
cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this e-
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ISBN: (10) 1-60168-015-5
ISBN: (13) 978-1-60168-015-0
Printed in the United States of America
Editor: Sandra Hicks
Cover artist: Jinger Heaston

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro



With thanks and love to Laura Baumbach and JM

Snyder whose encouragement and support helped birth
the story into being.

To readers worldwide who believe in the power of love.

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


Coming Home

Snow fell in big, wet flakes and clung to the window.

Several inches blanketed the campus and the wind whipped
through the bare trees. A strong gust rattled the paned
window and the ensuing draft sent a stream of frigid air
through the room. A traveler's advisory closed down I-80
from mid-state west to nearly Denver, Colorado.

"We could get as far as North Platte." Jerry said. "Shave

four hours off the trip. Once the plows go through and the
wind stops, they'll open the highway back up."

Robert Simmons turned from the window and looked at his

roommate. Jerry Bronson, star quarterback, had the eye of
several pro scouts. He was a pretty blond boy. The sort that
would end up making movies and commentating on games
when he retired. The sort that could wind up in any bed he
wanted, male or female, just because he had an easy-going
personality and a body that begged you to sin.

And oh, how that body had begged Robert. Sculpted

muscles, a keen intelligence, a great sense of humor sent
their siren song to him every time Jerry came back from the
shower with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.
Every time, behind a wall of indifference, Robert hid the
desire being in Jerry's semi-nude presence created.

No way would Jerry be interested in an intellectual, fag

geek. Jerry had the eye of every cheerleader on the squad
and every buxom, sweet-assed female on campus. That
included a few professors, too.

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


Best to let Jerry think he was straight anyway. Robert

wasn't all that comfortable with confessing his sexual
orientation to anyone and Jerry was a decent roommate. He'd
never brought a girl home to bang, picked up after himself
reasonably well, and was always on time, each and every
month for the past three years with his half of the rent. No
way would he risk losing his jock roommate to rumors and
innuendo if anyone on campus discovered Robert was queer
and Jerry had the misfortune to live with him.

"You want to ski that bad?" It was all he could think to say.
"Yeah, well, I hear the snow bunnies are just begging for

it." A hungry look crossed Jerry's face. "I could use some nice
ass over break."

Robert turned away from Jerry and starred at the swirling,

dense snow. He could be that ass if only Jerry swung his way.
"We promised my family we'd spend the holiday with them.
"They really wanted to meet the man I'm living with."

Robert nearly laughed at the irony of that sentence. No

way would Jerry consent to 'living with' him as one half of a
homosexual couple."

"The way I see it, we can do both," Jerry countered. "Do

the dinner thing, hang out with your fam, then head to Vail.
It's only a couple hours from Denver, right?"

"I suppose any distance we got in this afternoon would get

us that much further."

Jerry jumped from the couch he'd been lounging on and

clasped Robert on the shoulder. "Exactly. We're that much
closer to one of your mom's home cooked turkey dinners."

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


With a glance at the packed bags sitting near the door,

Robert knew Jerry was right. "You convinced me. We'll get as
many miles under our belt as possible and pray for a miracle
in the morning."

Robert's statement spurred Jerry into action. In short

order, they were out the door, ready to start their break,
loading the Toyota and headed west on the Interstate.

Driving through town, the roads were slick but not

impassable. Even the first fifty miles on the highway were
reasonable for the snow that fell continuously. Just west of
Kearney, though, their rate of speed plummeted as traversing
the highway became more difficult.

The radio blared the news. The storm wasn't moving very

quickly and by the time it was expected to leave the state, a
good foot and a half or more of the stuff was expected to
have fallen. Road crews, working overtime, weren't able to
keep up with the accumulation. Blowing and drifting snow
created hazardous conditions.

"No shit," Robert announced, once the announcer finished.
"Can we make North Platte?"
"Yeah. We don't have much choice anyway. I really don't

want to get off the highway to find a hotel and nearly all
these little towns are a couple miles from the Interstate."

"Advantage, North Platte."
Robert nodded, gripped the steering wheel a little tighter

and concentrated on keeping the car on the road.

* * * *

"End of the line."

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


Jerry opened his eyes and yawned. He hadn't expected to

fall asleep, but the cozy, warm interior of the car and the
hypnotizing effect of the snow on the road lulled him to
slummberland. "North Platte?"

Robert nodded, a strand of dark brown hair falling into his

eyes. "Every hotel I've seen has a 'no vacancy' light on."

They drove on in silence. Jerry scanned the hotel signs

looking for something that promised a vacancy. He'd talked
Robert into heading out into the storm. "Hey ... down the way
on the right." He couldn't read the word, but all the 'no
vacancy' signs had been red. "It's green not red ... maybe
they still have a room."

Snow crunched beneath the car's tires. The temperature

must have fallen a good twenty or more degrees since they'd
left. Jerry prayed there would be a room. Sleeping in a car in
freezing temperatures would put a real damper on the
weekend's festivities.

Gradually, the building came into view. With a nearly full

parking lot of snow covered vehicles an older hotel still
proclaimed 'vacancy' on its signage. "We just may be in luck,
ol' boy."

"I hope so. I'm damn tired." Robert pulled into a parking


Together, they pulled their bags out of the trunk and

trudged toward the main doors, the wind blasting icy particles
at them. Jerry was six times a fool to convince his roommate
to travel in such adverse conditions. What had he been

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


He shook his head. The answer to his rhetorical question

come from his third leg—the head with the smallest brain did
the thinking for him. For over two years he'd kept his distance
from the Robert the Brainiac ... but lately, well, lately there
seemed a subtle shift in Robert's attitude.

Bright light blinded Jerry as he approached the front desk.

"Tell me you have a room left." He smiled at the receptionist
and gave her a suggestive wink.

She stared at him a moment, like a deer caught in the

headlights, the shook her head before looking at the
computer screen. "We only have one single left."

"Then I guess my friend and I will have to take it." He

flashed another smile. "We can't really sleep in our car under
the circumstances."

"No, I wouldn't advise it, it's going below zero they say."

She tapped on the keyboard. "I'll need a credit card and you
need to fill out this registration card." She slid a white slip of
heavy paper toward them.

Robert filled out the information while Jerry fished a credit

card out of his wallet. A few moments later, they were
headed toward the elevator, bags and keycard in hand. The
room was small, but adequate. A single double bed, a
television and some dresser type furniture filled the room to
capacity. Jerry dropped his bag and flopped onto the bed.

Robert claimed the other side. "I'm whipped."
"You look pretty tense. Get ready for bed and I'll give you

a massage."

Robert snapped his head around to look at Jerry with wary

eyes. "You'll what?"

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


"Hey man, its something I know how to do. I've been

given enough over the past four years. You'll never go to
sleep keyed up the way you are."

Damn, had he read the signals all wrong? He was sure

Robert wasn't a homophobe. In fact, he'd caught him more
than once looking where a straight guy wouldn't look.

Robert's sneakers hit the floor with a heavy thud and then

he stood and dropped his jeans. Man, he had a nice ass. The
ass he really wanted this weekend. Jerry watched as the
object of his lust finished stripping and slipped beneath the
sheet and blanket wearing a tight pair of briefs.

He quickly divested himself of his own shoes and clothing,

following Robert's lead. His boxers gave him plenty of room to
expand when he was turned on. He scooted closer to Robert
and touched his shoulder.

Robert jerked and tensed beneath Jerry's fingertips.
"Relax. I don't bite."
Next to him, Robert inhaled deeply. Jerry echoed him with

a deep breath of his own. He dug his fingertips into the tense
muscle of his collar and pushed and rolled the muscle. For a
nerdy archeologist wannabe, Robert's body was hard and
defined. And tense, definitely tense. Rubbing one shoulder
would not relieve the tautness of his back. "Lay on your
stomach," he softly ordered as he got out of bed.

Slowly, Robert did as Jerry asked. On the bathroom sink

vanity, Jerry found a bottle of lotion. It wasn't a sensual body
rub oil, but it would do. He returned to the bed and straddled


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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


"It's okay. We don't have a bench here and the bed is too

big." He poured some lotion into his hand to warm it, then
spread his hands on Robert's back. "There. You really did get
uptight during that drive. You're wound tight."

Almost as tightly as I am. Jerry continued rubbing, over

the blades, down the spine, squeezing skin and muscle.
Sitting atop Robert's thighs, he couldn't hide his own erection.
Didn't want to really. Robert should know he turned Jerry on.

Gradually, the muscles beneath his fingers relaxed. "There

you go," he said as playfully slapped at Robert's back and
rolled off onto his side of the bed.

Robert sounded nervous. Was that a good nervous or bad?
The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to

experience Robert. But how to warm his bedmate up to the
idea? He reached toward the floor and dug through his jean
pocket for the lube he always kept handy. He slipped the tube
beneath his pillow and pondered his next step.

Maybe he should just come out and say Robert was hot.

No. Too forward ... he needed to have a little finesse with the
situation. "Dude, you ever get it on with Amber?"

Amber wasn't real, but maybe it would break the ice and

they could start talking about sex. Sex talk usually led to sex.

"Amber? No, I don't think I know her."
Robert's husky voice turned Jerry on further. "Man, she

gave the best head. You like bj's? She's the one."

"Yeah, what guy doesn't like a blow job?"
"I'm telling you that girl can suck like a vacuum. All hot

and wet. You'd have to be pretty crazy to turn one down."

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


Jerry shifted in the bed and rolled onto his back, grasping

his cock. "Damn, I'm hard as a rock thinking about a mouth
around my dick." He paused briefly. "You?"

"What? Hard? Or thinking about a blow job?"
Robert's single word was nearly a grunt.
"When I get a blow job, I close my eyes. It's just a hot

mouth around my cock. But, a bj is even better when you
give one as you get one." Time to move in for the kill. "Know
what I mean?"

"Are you saying," Robert gulped, "that you want to give

me a blow job?"

"Yeah, and I want you to give me one too. We're both


Robert turned over and faced Jerry. "I thought you were

straight. I don't want to be locker room fodder for you and
your football buddies."

"Dude, I've wanted you to fuck my ass for months. If you

go first, will that prove to you what I am, what I want?"

Uncertainty and a bit of fear registered in Robert's eyes. If

Jerry were to be successful in seducing Robert and keeping
them in bed together for the foreseeable future, he had to get
that concern handled. "I've been gay since I've been old
enough to whack off. Women have never interested me

"What about Amber?"
Jerry reached up and pushed a strand of dark hair away

from Robert's forehead, then leaned in for a kiss. "I made her

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


up. I wanted to know if you could be interested in having sex
with me."

"Well, hell."
Jerry grinned. "Is that a yes?"
"Yes," Robert groaned. "God, yes."
Suddenly, Jerry's boxers were shoved down his legs while

he treated Robert's briefs to a similar action. Beneath his
palm, he felt Robert's erection, thick and wide. Oh man, this
cock was gonna feel so good in his mouth and ass.
kicked off the boxers and spun around until he was in the
sixty-nine, lying sideways on the bed.

"If you don't want this, say no now."
In answer, warm hands gripped Jerry's cock and Robert's

tongue lapped against the head before sucking him in. "I
want you to come in my ass, so warn me when you're about
to spew. Another time and I'll swallow each drop." Then he
descended on Robert's cock, deep-throating him.

All the while, Robert tongued him, lapping the pre-cum

that seeped from his cock head. Each pass drew him deeper
into Robert's welcoming mouth. So hot, so strong, the
sensations sending vibrations running throughout his body.
Damn, the boy was good. "Ah, I'm coming," He pulled away
from Robert's cock, yelled, and tried to pull out.

Robert's lips refused to let go. "God, please, I'm gonna

come, I don't want to force you to—"

Another suckle and Jerry exploded. Hot cum shot into

Robert's mouth and the man hungrily swallowed each blast.
"Dear Lord," he mumbled returning to suck Robert's dick
when he finally caught his breath.

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


Strong hands pushed him away from Robert's cock.
"I'm about to come," Robert groaned.
"I've just the thing to help." Jerry reached under his pillow

and opened the tube of lube, covering his fingers and then his
liberally coating his anus. "Come on, show me what you got."

They switched positions and Jerry got on his hands and

knees, and then Robert was behind Jerry, slipping his cock
into his tight backdoor. He inhaled deeply when Robert's cock
passed the first tight ring of muscle and then gave himself
over to the pleasure of being fucked.

Robert sawed in and out of his ass, hanging onto his hip

with one hand, swelling and groaning with each thrust. Jerry's
cock hardened and then swelled more when Robert grabbed it
and stroked it in time with his thrusts.

"Damn," he muttered, reveling in the feel of a hand on his

cock and Robert in his ass. His roommate took him like a
seasoned pro. One Jerry wasn't letting go of any time soon.

"Jerry ... oh, god," and then Robert was unloading hot

spunk deep up his passage and Jerry was coming again,
spunking on the bed like it was his very first time.

Robert's cock jerked a couple of times and then he stilled.
"Stay," Jerry commanded as he lowered himself to the

bed. Robert covered him, his panting breath tickling the side
of his neck.

"Shit," Robert whispered. "I've wanted that for so long ...

you for so long."

"Why didn't you say anything?"
"With you the campus jock? The money machine for the

campus? I didn't think the school or you would want the sort

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


of attention that came with a gay lover." He slipped out of
Jerry's ass and lay on his side.

Jerry turned and faced the man who'd just become his

lover. "Where do we go from here?"

"Keep things the same? I can't do that. I want to

experience every inch of you. I hope you want to do likewise."

"I'm not interested in a one nighter with you if that

answers your question."

It was the truth. He wasn't quite sure when he'd fallen for

Robert, but it had been months ago and he'd struggled to
keep his feelings to himself the entire time.

"Well, then, I guess we're a couple."
"Can we still go to your parents' house? What will they

think about you bringing a gay lover home?"

Robert smiled. "They're the ones who asked you to visit."
"I ddon't understand." This time Jerry stammered.
"They've known I've been in love with your for some time

now. When they called to ask about my holiday plans, they
specifically asked if I was bringing my boyfriend home."

Jerry couldn't keep the smile from spreading across his

face, not that he wanted to either. For the first time since
he'd come out, he was coming home to a family that
welcomed him as he was.

Outdoors, the snow continued falling and the wind froze

the air. Traveling the Interstate was hazardous to one's
health. Indoors, the temperature resembled that of equatorial
countries. Coming home with Robert and being stranded by
the blizzard had been the greatest gift he'd ever been given.

The End

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


Coming Soon from

Aspen Mountain Press

Babes in Toyland

(an erotic holiday anthology)

Boytoys excerpt by JM Snyder
A month after Chad and I broke up, my friend Barry called

to check on me. "Just making sure you're still alive," he said
with a laugh that was anything but funny. "Chad's moved on,
why haven't you?"

"You called to ask me that?" I countered. I stood at the

French doors that opened onto my apartment's tiny balcony
and fiddled with the vertical blinds as I listened to Barry
breathe in my ear. I shouldn't have answered the phone.
Chad and I were together for almost a full year, my longest
relationship to date—I couldn't understand why everyone
thought I should get over him that easily. "I'm hanging up."

I frowned at the blinds and waited. Just when I thought

Barry didn't have anything else to say, he said, "I'm sort of
having this party."

I rolled my eyes. "A Christmas party?"
Like I needed another reminder that I'd spend the holiday

alone this year. With only a week until Christmas Eve, I didn't

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


even have a tree up yet and the few cards I had received lay
unopened on top of the TV. "Count me out."

Barry hurried to explain. "It's not really a Christmas party.

It's just a few guys getting together, you know? Some food,
some music, what do you say?"

"I think I just said no."
But Barry wouldn't hear it. "Jason, listen. I need you to

come, please? For me?"

Suspicious, I asked, "Why?"
Silence. I knew it—Barry had something up his sleeve,

something he thought I wouldn't like so he only wanted to tell
me enough to entice me to come, then he'd drop the bomb
when I arrived. Like the time he said he had a pair of front-
row tickets for an off-Broadway production ... and it wasn't
until we pulled up to a local high school that I realized just
how far off Broadway we were. "What kind of party is this?" I
wanted to know.

"Boytoys," Barry said, talking fast so I couldn't interrupt.

"It's really couples only but Greg's cousin Marty wants to

"Okay, stop." Greg was Barry's on-again, off-again

boyfriend and by the sound of things, they were currently on.
I wasn't ready to mingle with couples again, not when I was
flying solo. Plus, I reminded my friend, "There's a reason
Marty's still single."

"He's not that bad," Barry started.
I shook my head, a futile gesture he couldn't see. "You

don't see me chasing him down," I pointed out. "I am not that
desperate." Then, if only for my own benefit, I added, "Chad

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


just needed some space, you know? He might still come

"Uh-huh," Barry said. "You keep telling yourself that. In

the meantime, forget him and come to this party."

Pissed, I asked, "As Marty's date? No thank you."
Barry's voice rose shrilly. "I'm not asking you to fuck him!"
I waited for his breathing to even out before I asked,

"What kind of party is this again? Boytoys, what the hell's

"Come see for yourself," Barry told me. "Next Saturday,

my place, seven-thirty. If you find your own date by then,
bring him along and I'll kick Marty to the curb. You don't have
to buy anything..."

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Coming Home [Plain Brown Wrapper]

by L. Picaro


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