Rebecca Cohen All in the Cards

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All in the Cards | Rebecca Cohen




home had hit Methian with a mix of emotions.

Although his parents said they’d sent him on the Grand Tour
of the Five Cities to broaden his education and his
knowledge of the politics of the area, he knew it was because
they wanted him as far away from Lornyc Reagalos as
possible. Their families’ less than cordial relationship had
only soured further at the discovery of their involvement.

The past few days back at Hadral Manor had been

stifling after a year of freedom; no longer an unknown face
free to do what he wished, he’d grudgingly slid back into the
role of heir to the city of Xenetra, and all the outward
decorum that came with. The thought of another family
dinner, accompanied by mindless small talk and questions
his parents didn’t really want to hear the answers to, had
driven him out. His mother’s disapproving face was no
match for the desire to spend an evening with friends in a
bar in the grounds of his old college.

The evening of drinking with his rowing team mates was

just what he needed, their bawdy banter complementing the
wild stories he had to tell of his travels. The hours of
nostalgia reminiscing over races won and lost, and the
insistence he rejoin the crew of the Infidels now he was
home, left Methian feeling warm and contented. The bar
began to empty around midnight, and he was caught by the
arm by his best friend Charon as he got ready to leave.

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All in the Cards | Rebecca Cohen


“Malic has a game on in the back, if you’re interested,”

said Charon, his smile wide and contagious.


“Poker. No limit pot.”

Methian returned the grin. “Oh, I am most definitely in.

Prepare to lose all your money, my friend. I’ve played with
the best while I was away.”

Charon laughed. “As confident as ever.”



was a perpetual student. He’d been at College for

years before Methian had attended, and had flitted from
course to course funded by rich parents and his gambling
abilities. A small man, Malic made up for what he lacked in
height with flair, waving Methian and Charon inside with an
flourish and ushering them into a room that was devoid of
furniture apart from a large table and eight chairs. Five of
the chairs were already occupied, and the three of them filled
the rest.

“Right, gentlemen,” said Malic as he picked up a deck of

cards, “standard College rules, with aces high. No limit on
the stakes, and any odd payments must be agreed. IOUs at
the discretion of the owed…. Just so you know, I don’t
accept them.”

As Malic dealt the cards, Methian started to look around

the table to get a measure of his opponents, but his eyes
didn’t get any further than the young man sitting opposite.
There sat Lornyc Reagalos, smirking. Where Methian was

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All in the Cards | Rebecca Cohen


blond and tanned with the broad build of a rower, Lornyc
was dark-haired and pale-skinned, with a slender frame
belying a quiet strength. They’d made a striking couple
before the parental interference had split them apart, and
Lornyc hadn’t changed much. His features were slightly
more angular, his hair longer, but that was all.

“Why, Lord Hadral, you appear to found your way

home,” said Lornyc, picking up the cards in front of him.

Methian hadn’t expected the rush of feelings at seeing

Lornyc again; his year of meaningless flings with willing but
temporary bedmates had helped to convince himself that
Lornyc was part of his past. Evidently he had become very
good at lying to himself.

“It had to happen eventually,” Methian replied. “But it is

good to be back.”

Lornyc’s smile faltered a little and he dropped his eyes

to the cards he held. Perhaps, thought Methian, he wasn’t
the only one who couldn’t forget the past.

To begin, Methian was a cautious bettor, weighing up

the others around the table. He drank sparingly, his head
already fuzzy from the earlier rounds of beer he’d shared,
and Lornyc’s presence wasn’t making concentrating any
easier. After a few hands he was ahead, but he couldn’t help
glancing at Lornyc, their eyes contacting before darting

After a short break to stretch his legs, Methian returned

to the table and picked up the new set of cards. He couldn’t
believe the hand he was holding; he checked again and

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All in the Cards | Rebecca Cohen


schooled his expression. Never, in all his years of playing
poker, had he ever held a royal flush.

The important thing was not to overplay his position

and risk losing the opportunity to win big with such a good
hand. He matched the bidding escalation set by Charon, not
raising dramatically to scare off the others, but gradually
building up the pot. And for the first time, Lornyc was seeing
his every bet, following Methian’s lead as he raised. One by
one, the other players peeled away, leaving just the two

Methian suspected Lornyc was bluffing; the slight bow

to his head, the way he tucked the hair back behind his ear,
all reminded him of moments they’d shared when they’d
been together.

“I’m afraid that if I am to continue, you will have to

accept an IOU. I didn’t bring that much cash out with me,”
said Lornyc as he added the last of his coins to the pile in
the center.

Methian nodded. “Despite my better judgment, I accept.”

“Not that it will matter, of course. I don’t expect to lose.”

Lornyc’s lips twitched, and Methian knew in that instant
that Lornyc was definitely bluffing.

“I will insist on collecting my winnings straightaway.”

“No need to fear, Methian. I have extra funds back at my

rooms, if needs be.”

The final round of betting over, Methian paid to see

Lornyc’s hand. As the cards were revealed, Methian laughed.

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All in the Cards | Rebecca Cohen


The devious bastard had a single ace, nothing more. Methian
wondered just who’d been playing whom.

“If you will excuse us, gentleman,” said Lornyc,

standing. “I am out of funds, and I must get Methian his

Methian ignored Charon’s snort and lewd gesture, the

game continuing as they closed the door behind them.

The sky was clear as they left the bar, and there was a

chill in the air normal for the time of year. For a moment,
they stood silently, staring at each other.

“I’m still in Jillex House,” said Lornyc.

Methian reached forward and cupped Lornyc’s cheek,

waiting for Lornyc to pull back. When he didn’t, Methian
leaned in and captured Lornyc’s lips, and found his kiss
enthusiastically returned.

Slightly breathless, Lornyc took Methian’s hand. “Come


Jillex House was close by, and within minutes they were

in Lornyc’s rooms. Apart from a few more piles of papers and
some additional books, very little had changed from when
Methian had been here last, although the absence of
Lornyc’s mother finding them post-coital was a vast
improvement. The room was large by student standards,
unsurprising since Lornyc’s parents were rulers of the city of
Katraman, and it was on whole tidy, with a few pockets of

None of that mattered as Methian guided Lornyc toward

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All in the Cards | Rebecca Cohen


the bed, unfastening the buttons on his coat and shirt,
pulling them off Lornyc’s shoulders, and then revealing more
of his pale skin that Methian couldn’t wait to taste.

They tumbled backward, somehow removing the rest of

their clothes so they landed naked on the bed, limbs
tangling. Demanding and needy, Methian kissed Lornyc
again, his hands roaming over Lornyc’s skin, driven on by
Lornyc’s delighted noises.

Methian moved slowly, kissing and gently biting until

Lornyc writhed underneath his hands. Methian couldn’t
believe he’d actually thought he was over Lornyc; the
familiarity of Lornyc’s movements and his desperate
whimpers made Methian realize that he would never be able
to truly forget Lornyc. If a year away couldn’t break the
addiction, then there was no hope for him.

“Please,” gasped Lornyc.

“Please what, Lornyc?”

“Don’t tease me. The oil’s in the drawer.”

Methian chuckled darkly, moving away for only long

enough to collect the oil. Now was not the time for gentle
exploration. Methian prepared Lornyc quickly, sinking into
him, both of them groaning at the sensation of reconnecting.
He palmed Lornyc’s cock, bringing him to orgasm with a few
firm strokes. Methian couldn’t last and cried his own release
moments later.

“You were always good at that,” said Lornyc, still


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All in the Cards | Rebecca Cohen


“You were always an inspiration.”

They cleaned themselves up using Lornyc’s shirt, which

was then tossed aside into a corner. Lornyc positioned
himself so his head rested on Methian’s chest. “You are

Methian could hear the uncertainly in Lornyc’s voice. It

was easy to forget that Lornyc was only nineteen, a few years
younger than himself.

“I’d like to.”

“Then stay.”

Methian stroked Lornyc’s hair as they lay there quietly,

unable to stop himself from touching him. “Lornyc….”

“In the morning, Methian. We’ll talk in the morning.”

“It will be okay, I promise. We’ll sort something out.”

Lornyc dozed beside him, making the happy huffing

noises Methian remembered fondly. As far as Methian was
concerned, no matter what it took, he wouldn’t leave Lornyc
again, their parents be damned. Lornyc was his, and he
would do anything to make sure he remained so.

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All in the Cards | Rebecca Cohen


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is a Brit abroad. Having swapped the

Thames for the Rhine, she has left London behind and now
lives with her husband in Basel, Switzerland. She can often
be found with a pen in one hand and a cocktail in the other.

Visit Rebecca’s blog at

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All in the Cards

©Copyright Rebecca Cohen, 2011

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
382 NE 191st Street #88329
Miami, FL 33179-3899 USA

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the
authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Anne Cain
Cover Design by Mara McKennen

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. To
request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 382 NE 191st Street
#88329 Miami, FL 33179-3899 USA

Released in the United States of America
October 2011

eBook Edition


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