Wine Making Kits - Would You Share
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Wine Making Kits - Would You Share This Wine With
Wine making in small batches for personal consumption has been around as long as wine itself. In the
United States, personal wine making was brought over from Europe as a family skill in the 18th and
19th century. Although you can't sell any wine that you produce from home, it's perfectly legal and
is in fact a thriving hobby.
Wine making for personal consumption is, in a way, similar to gardening. Growing or producing a
product for personal consumption lends a sense of pride, although wine making is much more
complex than growing carrots. You'll need special equipment, which years ago was cumbersome and
bulky. Now, there are self contained kits which fit neatly into any small space, like the corner of a
Making your first batch of wine is possible in your own home with a wine making starter kit. These
kits generally cost $125 to $200 and include everything you need as a fledgling winemaker. You'll
receive supplies, gadgets, ingredients, and sealable containers to hold the wine while it ferments.
In a starter kit, included are a couple of air sealable jugs to store the wine, ingredients, corks, and
specialty tools. And of course, complete detailed instructions. From opening the box to drinking the
wine, the whole process takes about a month. Your ingredients will vary depending upon what type
you choose to make.
The process itself is fairly easy, although a bit stop and start. For example, after the first step,
basically consisting of mixing ingredients, there's a 24 hour waiting period to allow the ingredients to
settle. Then, another cleansing of sediment after 5 or 6 days, followed by the 4 to 6 week fermenting
Our first batch was, well, our first batch. Certainly not a masterpiece, but drinkable nonetheless. It
was what we'd call a simple red table wine, and we were encouraged enough to try the process again.
We learned that wine making is a skill that improves the more you practice.
The next batch yielded better results. We produced an apricot wine, using a recipe modeled after a
wine we'd enjoyed on one of our U.S. wine trails travels. We were brave enough to share some of
this with friends and family, and were pleasantly surprised that it received positive reviews (and
requests for a 2nd glass).
We've basically stayed with fruit wines since then, as we're able to experiment somewhat in terms of
how much fruit we add and how it affects the end product. While we still enjoy a good wine
purchase, it's been fun to share with people that we're wine makers!
If you have a little patience and enjoy growing things or producing something all your own, consider
wine making. We never thought of ourselves as ever being wine makers, but it's been fun and a great
topic of conversation. You'll need a willingness to experiment, and a sense of humor for when one of
your batches inevitably flops. But, you'll experience a real sense of pride when someone pays
compliments to the winemaker!
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