3 How would you introduce yourself during a job interview

reliable niezawodny

trustworthy godny zaufania

personal development rozwój osobisty

practice praktyka

certificate certyfikat

expectations oczekiwania

resistance to stress odporność na stress

graduate absolwent







covering letter

list motywacyjny

employment history

przebieg pracy

extensive business connections

rozległe kontakty biznesowe

full of ideas

pełen pomysłów

get things done

doprowadzać sprawy do końca

hardworking person

osoba pracowita


łowca głów, rekruter





interpersonal skills

zdolności interpersonalne


rozmowa kwalifikacyjna

limitless energy and enthusiasm

nieograniczona energia i entuzjazm



probationary period

okres próbny






referencje, rekomendacja


niezawodny, godny zaufania




motywacja wewnętrzna




mocne strony

to achive the goal

osiągać cel

to gain a valuable experience

zdobycie cennego doświadczenia


wakat, wolna posada

work expirience

doświadczenie zawodowe


  • I would like to apply for the job (of a Project Manager )

Chciałabym ubiegać się o pracę (kierownika projektu)

  • I belive that I would be a perfect candidate for the job you offer.

Wierzę, że będę idealną kandydatką na proponowane stanowisko.

  • I am a hardworking, goal oriented person, with a track record in project management.

Jestem pracowitą, zorientowaną na cel osobą, z osiągnięciami w zarządzaniu projektami.

  • I have had 3 years' experience in the marketing department.

Mam 3 lata doświadczenia w dziale marketingu.

  • Furthermore, I am very well organised and always meet given deadlines.

Co więcej, jestem bardzo dobrze zorganizowana i zawsze dotrzymuję terminów.

  • I do not mind working long hours.

Nie przeszkadzają mi długie godziny pracy.

  • I am willing to learn.

Jestem chętna do nauki.

I am particularly interested in this job, as…

I would like to work for you, in order to…

I would say that my only weakness / weaknesses are… . But I am looking to improve in this / these area/s.

I would be well suited to the position because…

Although I have no previous experience in…, I have had…

My professional qualifications / skills appear to be well suited to your company's requirements.

During my time as ..., I improved / furthered / extended / my knowledge of…

My area of expertise is…

Whilst working at… I became highly competent in…

And thus I would have the opportunity to combine my interests with this placement.

I have a lively interest in … and would appreciate the opportunity / chance to broaden my knowledge by working with you.

As you can see from my enclosed résumé, my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements.

In addition to my responsibilities as..., I also developed…skills.

I see new tasks / this position as a welcome challenge, which I look forward to.

PREZENTACJA – przedstawić się na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej

My name is… I live in… near Rzeszów. I graduated Rzeszów University of Technology where I studied management. My specialty is financial management.

I think that education is very important and will help me in my future work. During studies I finished practice at the (Department of Social Security). Besides I have the certificates of ….

When I was studying, I works as a (hostess and baby-sitter). It taught me patience and responsibility. In 2011 I worked in …. where I gained a lot of valuable experience, particularly in teamwork.

I can speak English fluently and I have started learning Spanish. What is more my hobbies are ….

I consider myself hard-working, responsible, precise and pleasant person. I think that my biggest advantage is …

I would like to continue to develop my skills at work and take part in various trainings.

This position fits my expectations of a perfect job so I would like to apply for this position and I believe I will full fill your expectations.

I am prepared to answer any questions you may have about my education and experience.


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