Job interview questions

Job interview

Exemplary questions while applying for a job in an international company


1. Describe yourself in a few sentences.

2. How long have you been living in …? Do you like this city? What would you like to change in it?

3. What is your hobby? What do you like to do in your free time? Are your interests connected with the position you are applying for?

4. Describe your personality.

5. How do you evaluate your command of foreign languages? What foreign languages do you know? How long have you been learning them? Would you like to start learning any other foreign language in the future? How can the command of foreign languages help you at work?

6. Do you think that the command of foreign languages is important nowadays? Why/Why not?

7. What do you consider as your greatest weakness and greatest strength? Are your weaknesses a problem in your daily life/during your work?


8. Do you prefer working alone or in a team? What kind of work environment do you prefer?

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working alone/working in a team?

10. Are you a sociable person?

11. Have you ever encountered any difficulties while working in a team/connected with your colleagues? How did you solve them?

12. What is the best way of solving the disagreements with other people according to you?

13. What kind of role do you prefer playing while working in a team?

14. Can you force your opinions/ideas effectively among other people?

15. Have you ever get angry at work? How did you solve this problem?


16. Describe the history of your education.

17. Have you ever participated in any additional trainings? When? What kind?

18. Have you ever encountered any problems while studying at the university?

19. Why did you choose your field of study?

20. Would you like to start any postgraduate studies in the future?

21. What information/activities acquired/done at the university were the most useful at your work?

22. Did you conduct any research during your education at the university? Did you participate in any special projects etc.?

23. How can your education be useful while working in this place?

24. What do you consider as your biggest achievement?

25. What do you consider as your biggest failure?


26. What would you like to work in this place?

27. Describe the history of your employment. What did you like and dislike in your previous jobs?

28. What kind of work do you remember as the best/the most satisfactory?

29. Why do you think you are a right candidate for this job?

30. If you had to use 3 arguments to convince your boss to hire you, what would you say?

31. Do you think that you are appropriately qualified for this job?

32. Can you cope with the stress effectively? What are the best ways to cope with the stress according to you? Do you often encounter stressful situations in your life/at work?

33. Have you ever had any difficult experience at work? How did you handle it?

34. Have you ever had any problem with your boss?

35. Describe your career goals. What would you like to do in next ten/twenty years?

36. Do you often take work home with you?

37. What is your pace of work?

38. How do you handle pressure, e.g. the situation when you are run out of time?

39. How long do you expect to work for this company?

40. How would you handle it if your boss was wrong?

41. How do you think- what can you contribute to this company?

42. Do you like challenges? What challenges are you looking for in your next job?

43. What are your goals for the future (not necessarily goals connected with your career)?

44. Are you able to make difficult decisions?

45. How would you like to improve your work experience and your qualifications in the future?

46. What were the reasons you quitted your previous jobs?

47. What is your dream job?

48. What possibilities of promotion do you see in this place?

49. Would you like to become a boss in the future? Why/Why not? What factors make you think so?


50. What are your salary expectations?

51. What is more important for you- high salary or job satisfaction? Why?

52. Would you be able to work in unsatisfactory environment if you were well-paid?


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