Job interview useful phrases, sentences

e.g. I have been living in Poznań since I was born/for … years etc.

I have always been interested in different issues connected with IT/economics etc.

I’m up to date if it comes to the latest improvements in this field.

I believe this job will allow me to develop my interests.

I think my interests correspond the position I’m applying for.

I have been learning English for …. years/ since ….

My command of English is quite good/fluent. I speak English fluently. I am able to communicate in this language effectively.

e.g. I consider this ability to be very important nowadays. Foreign languages, especially English, are used in almost all fields of science nowadays and most important documents and other materials are written in this language.

I’m certain I would like to improve my command of English in the future.

If I had a chance/possibility/opportunity, I would certainly want to improve my command of foreign languages. Indeed, I plan to do it in the near future.

It’s a crucial ability, especially if it comes to communication. It’s very useful in the IT/economics field, because …

e.g. My greatest weakness is …, because… However, I still try to improve myself and I try to turn my weaknesses into my strengths.

e.g. Working in a team allows us to exchange our ideas, opinions and concern and, in turn, it causes we work in a more effective way. What’s more, it’s always easier to find solution to many different problems while thinking about them together.

Przydatne zwroty:

Come up with sth (come up with an idea/solution etc.)- wpaść na coś (np. Na pomysł, rozwiązanie problem)

Come against sth/encounter sth (come against/encounter difficulties/problems)- napotkać coś, np. Problem, trudność, przeszkodę

Improve/develop- ulepszać, rozwijać

I believe it will help me to broaden my minds.- Wierzę, że to pozwoli mi poszerzyć moje horyzonty.

It completely meets my expectations.- To w pełni spełnia moje oczekiwania.

Require- wymagać (e.g. Working alone requires discipline and self-confidence.)

Opportunity/possibility- możliwość, szansa, okazja itp. (e.g. It’s a great opportunity for me. or I believe this job can give me a lot of opportunities to improve my experience and knowledge in many different fields.)


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