Linda Joy Singleton Phantom Boyfriend (retail) (pdf)

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Phantom Boyfriend

Linda Joy Singleton

Hard Shell Word Factory

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This story copyright 2002 by Linda Joy Singleton. All other rights are reserved.
Thank you for honoring the copyright.

Published by Hard Shell Word Factory.

8946 Loberg Rd.
Amherst Junction, WI 54407

Electronic book created by Seattle Book Company.

eBook ISBN: 0−7599−3188−7

Cover art copyright 2002 Dirk A. Wolf

Phantom Boyfriend


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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the
author, and have no relation whatever to anyone bearing the same name or
names. These characters are not even distantly inspired by any individual known
or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

Phantom Boyfriend


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To my husband David, who missed meeting me for a year even though we were
at many of the same places. Thanks for over 20 wonderful years together...and all
the many more to come.

Phantom Boyfriend


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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Phantom Boyfriend


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Chapter 1

"CHECK OUT this contest!" Kelly Donnelly exclaimed as she pointed excitedly at an
open magazine on the kitchen table. "Draw Loopy the Lizard and win a thousand dollars!"
"That's the biggest prize you've found yet," her best friend, Lesa Johnson declared,
leaning over to look at the magazine. Her long black braid tumbled down and brushed
across the table. "A thousand dollars! That'd be great


except you can't even draw a straight

"Details, details," Kelly said with a wave of her hand as if pushing the problem aside.
Every week she entered at least one new contest or sweepstakes, always hoping for a
huge cash prize. She felt it in her soul; someday she would win something BIG. But so far
her winnings had been small: six magazine subscriptions, a free pass to a
fantasy−adventure movie, a Night−Fright glow−in−the−dark wristwatch, and fifty bags of
kitty litter. At least, that prize helped her convince her parents to get a cat.
"I won't give up that easily. I know a sure−fire way to win that thousand dollars." Kelly's
hazel eyes sparkled. "But I'll need your help."
"My help?" Lesa turned sideways in her chair and gave Kelly a suspicious look. "I can't

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draw any better than you can."
"You may not be an artist, but you know a very talented one." Kelly smiled sweetly. "All
you have to do is ask your sweet, considerate, artistic boyfriend to draw Loopy for us."
"Forget it. Carlos may be sweet, but he takes his painting too seriously to draw lizards."
"Did I hear my name mentioned?" a tall, thin boy with a stubby black ponytail said as he
breezed into the kitchen. "And what's this about a lizard?"
"Carlos, you're early," Lesa said, her face lighting up with pleasure.
Kelly couldn't help but feel envious. Her own love life was a big zero, but her best friend
was doing great. Lesa and Carlos were still wild about each other after two years. Carlos
was out−going, talkative, and ambitious, while Lesa was shy, quiet, and cautious. They
were opposites, and yet they were perfect together.

I wish I could find someone perfect for me, Kelly thought for a brief minute. Then she

shook off her self−pity and flashed a huge grin at Carlos. "You're just the guy I wanted to
see. How would you like to draw Loopy the Lizard?"
"Sounds like a loopy idea to me," he joked, sharing a warm look with Lesa.
Kelly rolled her eyes, knowing it was hopeless to get a serious answer from Carlos. He
was such a clown. "So who let you in the house, anyway? I didn't hear the doorbell."

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Carlos folded his lanky frame into a chair next to Lesa. "I came in with Brad. Then I
spent at least ten minutes trying to convince your dear brother that I didn't want to join the
Junior Varsity basketball team."
Kelly ran her fingers through her wavy dark−red hair and chuckled. "Brad thinks it's a
crime that a six foot four inch guy like you would rather draw pictures than shoot baskets,"
she said, trying to think of a way to get Carlos back into thinking about drawing Loopy.
"But ignore Brad. Sometimes, my big brother can be a real jerk."
"Spoken like a true sister." Carlos pointed to the magazines on the table. "So what's
happening here? Don't tell me. More contests."
"Okay, we won't tell you," Lesa teased, tugging playfully on Carlos's ponytail.
He tugged her braid and the two started playfully tickling each other.
Kelly watched her friends, and felt a tug of her own...on her heart. Why can't I meet a
nice guy like Carlos
? she thought, fighting off another wave of envy. I've gone on dozensof
dates, but I'm still waiting that special guy. I can sense he's out there, waiting for me, too. I
just don't know what he looks like, where he lives, or when I'll meet him. But someday,
when we finally meet, we'll recognize each other right away, and it will be like magic. It's
our fate

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As Lesa and Carlos continued to kid around with each other, Kelly sighed and flipped
through a computer magazine. While she waited for her fate to take over, she'd just have to
keep on entering contests. One−fourth Irish, she'd grown up on her grandpa's vivid tales of
gold at the end of a rainbow, leprechauns, and blarney stones. With parents who fought a
lot and no boyfriend to show her that love can be wonderful, she could really use some
good luck. Never stop hoping, wishing, and dreaming, was her motto, and she was
determined to stick by it until her fate finally kicked in.
Suddenly, something in the magazine nearly jumped out at her.
"Here's one!" Kelly held out the magazine to Lesa and Carlos. "Fifty dollars if I can
come up with the name for a new computer game!"
Lesa nodded as she looked at the page Kelly pointed out. "Sounds like your kind of
contest," Lesa said with a grin. "You're getting an A in English and you write for the school
newspaper. Let's face it, Kelly, you're a major whiz with words. I say, go for it."
"I will," Kelly decided, tearing out the page.
Carlos rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Fifty dollars is an okay prize, but it's just money.
What if I told you I could offer you something even better."
Kelly and Lesa stared in surprise at Carlos.

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"What are you talking about?" Lesa demanded.
Kelly's face lit up. "Maybe Carlos has decided to draw Loopy the Lizard for us."
"No. This is something different...sort of like a new contest." Carlos grinned at Kelly.
"And you're the grand prize winner."
"Of what?" she asked suspiciously.
Carlos leaned forward on the table. There was a mischievous gleam in his dark eyes as
he began to speak in a TV announcer tone: "You, Miss Kelly Donnelly have just won an
expense paid evening of dining and a movie with a handsome and intelligent sophomore.
Get set for great food, good friends, and romance


this Saturday night. And it's all yours

for free!"
Lesa giggled. "You're such a crack−up, Carlos. What am I going to do with you?"
"Tell him to stop fixing me up with blind dates." Kelly frowned as she set the computer
magazine down. "That's what you can do with him."
"It isn't exactly a blind date. It's a double−date." Carlos paused and put on a puppy dog
face. "Come on, Kelly. You'll really like my friend, Justin. He's new at Leighton High and
could use some friends. when Justin told me he's into astronomy, I figured you two would
have a lot in common."

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"Astronomy? But I'm not interested in that. I don't even have a telescope. I just write the
horoscope column for the school newspaper."
"Astrology, astronomy. You both study stars and stuff," Carlos said with a shrug. "Same
"No, it's not," Kelly insisted.
"Who cares?" Lesa cut in. "I think doubling on Saturday would be fun. Kelly, say you'll
go. Please!"
"But I hate blind dates and I don't even like Milky Way candy bars. Justin will be bored
with me


if I'm not bored with him first."

Lesa tossed her braid behind her back. "You're always telling me you want to meet a
special guy. How do you know Justin isn't him? He could be your dream guy and you won't
meet him unless you take the chance." She paused, glancing down at the magazines. "I
thought you loved taking chances. Come on, Kelly. Take one now."

Taking chances, Kelly thought solemnly. I guess going out on a blind date is like

entering a contest and hoping to win the grand prize. I have to try, even if the odds are
against me. There's always the small hope I could win
"All right," Kelly finally agreed. "I'll go on the date."

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But to herself, she wondered if Justin would actually end up being a prize or just another
false hope.
"BRAD, HAVE you seen my black shoes?" Kelly asked Saturday evening, peaking into
her brother's room that looked more like a disaster−area than a place to sleep.
Brad didn't even look up from the handheld computer game he was playing. "What
would I want with your dumb shoes?" he asked. "Go ask Mom."
Kelly stiffened and shook her coppery curls. "I can't. She and Dad are fighting again. I
just want to get dressed for my date and get out of here before they start throwing things."
Brad shut his game off abruptly and turned to face his sister. "What are they arguing
about this time?" he asked, frowning.
"What else? Money, like always." Kelly shrugged, trying to hide her uneasiness. It was
scary enough getting ready to go out with a boy she hadn't even met, without dealing with
another one of her parents' squabbles on top of it. Her parents had separated last year, and
Kelly figured everything was fine now that they were back together. But now she was
beginning to think she'd figured wrong.

If I could win a huge cash prize, I just know Mom and Dad would never fight again, she

thought wistfully. I'd buy them a big house and shower them with so much money they'd

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never even think about fighting over it. We'd all be happy then.
"I remember seeing some shoes behind the couch," Brad said, thoughtfully.
"The couch!" Kelly snapped her fingers. "Now I remember I kicked them off there while
I was watching TV. Thanks, Brad. Sometimes you aren't a total jerk."
"And sometimes you aren't a total airhead," he teased. Then he switched back on his
electronic game.
As Kelly went into the living room to retrieve her shoes, she tried to ignore the angry
whispers coming from the kitchen. It wasn't easy, but somehow she managed to focus on
the evening ahead. She was almost ready, and soon Carlos and Lesa would arrive with
Justin. At last, she'd meet her date...and who knows, maybe her fate as well!
But when Carlos and Lesa showed up, Carlos quickly stated that Justin had called to say
he was running late and would join them at Sun Park Cinema.
"Justin works part−time at Papa Ronny's Pizza and he still has pizzas to deliver," Carlos
explained, starting the engine as everyone fastened their seatbelts. Carlos had just gotten
his license and shared a secondhand Pontiac with his three older sisters. "But he promised
to make the movie. He's dying to see Slime Serpents."
"So am I," Lesa said eagerly, turning around from the front seat to face Kelly. "Gross,

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oozing, slime creatures who slither out of the sea sounds exciting."
Kelly was getting a bad feeling about this double−date, but she smiled anyway. "Well, at
least until Justin arrives, the three of us will have fun. I always wondered what you two did
on dates, anyway."
"Eat!" Lesa sang out. "Popcorn, hot dogs, and all kinds of candy. Carlos may not be into
sports, but he sure can put away food like a jock. And I do my fair share, too."
They all laughed.

This is nice, Kelly told herself, relaxing against the backseat and trying to be positive.

I'll have a great time with Lesa and Carlos. Even if Justin never shows up, I can still have
But the problem was Justin never did show up. And Kelly didn't have fun at all.
Carlos felt terrible, and must have apologized a hundred times. He tried to cheer Kelly
up by saying he was lucky to have two dates. But she felt like a third−wheel all


especially when in the darkness of the theater, Lesa and Carlos snuggled close


I can't believe I've been stood up by a boy who hasn't even met me yet! This is my worst

blind date ever, she thought unhappily as she watched the movie serpent "slime" another

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victim. I feel like I've been slimed too


right in the heart! Then the worst thought of all

occurred to her. Maybe Justin did show up. Maybe he took one look at me and turned
around and left!
Kelly groaned at this possibility. Carlos had probably exaggerated her looks, and Justin
was disappointed with the reality. She imagined Carlos comparing her to a swimsuit model
or a movie star. But I look ordinary, she thought sadly. I have too many freckles and a
snubbed nose. I'm not beauty queen material for sure.
Still, a guy who judged girls by their appearance was swamp scum, Kelly decided when
the movie was over. Although being dumped felt crummy, she was actually relieved by the
time Carlos drove her home and convinced she was lucky that Justin, the jerk, was out of
her life before they'd even met.
After saying good−bye to her friends, Kelly jumped out of the car and hurried inside her
house, glad her double−date horror was over.
"Well, you're finally back," her mother said, getting off the couch and zapping off the
TV remote.
"Hi, Mom," Kelly said in a flat, tired voice. "Ask me anything, except how my date

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Her mom tucked her glasses in a pocket of her blue velour robe and came over to give
Kelly a warm hug. "Your date couldn't make it," she stated. "Oh, I already know about it.
Your young man stopped by with an apology. It's in the kitchen."
"WHAT?" Kelly's hazel eyes widened. "You mean that date...came here! But
why? And what's in the kitchen?"
"I thought you'd be surprised." Her mother chuckled. "I asked him to wait for you, but he
had another pizza to deliver. Such a polite, hard−working boy. And quite a chunk!"
"Hunk, Mom. The word is hunk," Kelly said in exasperation. "Now tell me everything he
"Well, he said he felt just terrible he couldn't make it to dinner or the movie. He looked
so cute in his red and white Papa Ronny's Pizza uniform." Her mom grinned. "But I can see
you're still confused, so follow me into the kitchen."
"Why? He's not hiding in there, is he?"
"No," her mother said, laughing all the way into the kitchen. She slipped on the light and
pointed to a large square box on the counter. "There's your apology."
"A pizza!" Kelly exclaimed, as delicious smells of pepperoni, onions, and cheese hit her.
"Justin left me a pizza!"

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"Yes. Wasn't that considerate of him? I really hope you give him another chance. I
wouldn't let this one get away."
"But I haven't even met him yet!" Kelly cried, confused and yet pleased by the edible
"Well, I'm going back to my TV show. After you read your note, why don't we each
have a slice."
"Sure..." Kelly said absentmindedly. Then she brightened. "Note! What note?"
Her mom just pointed to an envelope taped on the pizza box cover in answer, then went
back into the other room.
Kelly's hands trembled and her heart pounded as she reached for the note. Her name was
written in black ink on the envelope, and Kelly couldn't help but feel that there was
something intimate about seeing her name scrawled by an unknown boy. Justin. Gosh...she
didn't even know his last name. But obviously he knew a lot about her


where she lived,

and judging by the yummy smells, what she liked on her pizza.
She ripped open the envelope and withdrew a single sheet of paper. Sorry I had to work.
Please forgive me, and let's try again next Friday night. I can't wait to meet you...Justin.

Chapter 1


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Chapter 2

JUSTIN REECE frowned as he drove away from the Donnelly's home on Perina Way.
Pizza cheeses, onions, green peppers, and pepperoni smells filled his rusty
fifteen−year−old Toyota, the only thing he could afford on his part−time job. He had one
more delivery to make, then this disastrous night would be over.
He had really been looking forward to going out with Kelly. Carlos had said she studied
stars, which was amazing. The only stars most girls seemed to know about were Madonna
or Brad Pitt.
Justin's knuckles tightened on the steering wheel. He wanted to kick himself for standing
Kelly up. If only he hadn't answered the phone earlier that night. Then he wouldn't have
had to listen to his boss tell him he had to take over Eddie Hohenberger's deliveries. Eddie's
car had broken down and someone had to fill in. Too bad Justin had to be that someone.

I wonder if Kelly has dark red hair like her mother, Justin mused, checking street signs

for his next turn−off. I'll bet she's pretty and smart, and understand. I hope. At least
understanding enough to accept my pizza apology and give me another chance. Yes, Friday
I'm going to going to really make it up to her. We'll go to the observatory and talk about

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stars, comets, and constellations. I can't wait to meet a girl who shares my interests!
Justin thought about Kelly all through his next delivery and all the way home. He was
still thinking about her when he walked in the front door and found his mother, as usual,
waiting up for him.
"Hi, Mom," he said. He kissed her on the cheek, then glanced around the living room. "Is
Vicki asleep?" His little sister often tried to stay up and wait for him.
"Yup. She conked out hours ago," his mom replied. She held up her latest crocheting
project. "I've been busy making a new afghan for my craft shop. Do you like the colors?"
Justin glanced at the blue and yellow shades of yarn. "It's pretty, Mom. Your customers
will love it."
"I hope so. Sales have been slow lately." She ran her fingers through her short brunette
hair and smiled. "But let's not think about that. Tell me about your evening. Did Kelly turn
out to be Cinderella or a pumpkin?"
"I didn't get to find out. This Prince Charming had to work an extra shift." Justin sighed,
then explained how the whole horrible evening went.
"What a shame," his mother said, squeezing Justin's hand in sympathy. "But I'm sure
Kelly will understand. In fact, she'll probably call to say she'd love to try to meet you

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"Call?" Justin slapped his palm to his forehead. "Oh, great! She can't call without my
phone number. I don't know hers and I forgot to leave her mine. This is just wonderful," he
said sarcastically. "We haven't lived here long enough to even be in the telephone book."
"So check the phone book for Kelly's number or call that friend who arranged the date
and ask him for it," his mom suggested. She looked at her watch. "It's not quite ten. Maybe
she's still up."
It was a good idea, but when Justin looked in the white pages under Donnelly, he found
ten, and none included a Perina Way address. Then when he tried to call Carlos, the line
was busy.
Justin remembered that Carlos had three older sisters. One of them was probably on the
phone. It could be hours before he would get through to his friend!
Deciding that he'd just talk to Carlos tomorrow, Justin headed for his room. He changed
out of his uniform, then opened his large window and aimed his telescope at the dark sky.
By day Justin was an ordinary sophomore, but at night he opened his mind to the
wonders of the universe. While his mother quietly crocheted and his sister snored lightly in
the next room, Justin explored the twinkling sky and dreamed of endless possibilities.

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Maybe tonight will be the night, he told himself, bending over to peer through his

refracted telescope. Maybe tonight I'll locate my star.
Last month, for his sixteenth birthday, his mother had paid a fee and named a new star
after him: Justin Jeffrey Reece. Justin had received an official certificate, some information
about astronomy, and a celestial map pin−pointing the location of his star. But Justin still
hadn't positively identified where it was...yet.
Sky−sights like Sagittarius, the Milky Way, and the Big and Little Dipper were familiar
friends of his already. As he zeroed in on them now, they changed from bright dots into
distinctive shapes, each twinkling in a special way as if greeting Justin with a friendly
hello. Of course, Justin knew they only appeared to twinkle because of unsteady air that
made starlight bend and flicker, but he liked to think that somehow they were
communicating with him, anyway.

Planets, stars, and constellations have been up there for millions of years, he thought as

he peered through his telescope to the heavens. They can be counted on to always be there.
Unlike my father
. Justin frowned, remembering the man who had deserted his family four
years ago. Justin figured he'd probably never see his dad again. Still, every night when he
gazed out at the universe, he couldn't help thinking that his dad was somewhere out there

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looking at the stars, too.

Kelly probably feels like I did when my dad ditched me, Justin reminded himself

ruefully. Well, I'm nothing like my dad. I'm going to make it up to Kelly with a super date
on Friday
Justin pushed aside his telescope. It was hard to concentrate when he couldn't stop
wondering about Kelly. What did she look like? Did she have a good sense of humor? Did
they have any of the same teachers? More important, would she like him? Most girls just
thought he was a science nerd, but maybe Kelly would be different. Maybe he'd be able to
really talk to her.
Sure, everyone had been pretty nice to him since he started at Leighton two weeks ago,
but he hadn't really talked to anyone. In fact, he'd met so many new people, it was hard to
remember anyone's name, and everyone seemed to just blend together. He could have sat
right next to Kelly in a class or at lunch and not even have known it.

But I would have remembered Kelly, Justin told himself. I'm not sure why I feel this

way, but I know it's true. When Carlos first said her name, something went off inside me
like a shooting star.
Justin sighed and put his telescope away. He wasn't in the mood to study the sky tonight.

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He'd look for his namesake star tomorrow


after he'd fixed things with Kelly.

BUT SUNDAY was another disappointment. Justin couldn't get Kelly's number
because Carlos had gone out of town for the day to visit his cousins. So Monday morning,
Justin arrived at school early and waited by his friend's locker.
"Hey, Carlos!" Justin called the second he spotted the long black pony−tail bouncing
down the hall.
"Yo, Justin," Carlos said, coming up to Justin and giving him a high five. "Ready for that
killer test in Mikawa's class?"
"Yeah. You can borrow my notes again, if you need to."
"Thanks, but first I want to know what happened to you on Saturday," Carlos said,
unlocking his locker and withdrawing his books. "You said you'd meet us at the movie, but
you were a no−show. What went down?"
"I got stuck working late." Justin pushed a thick wave of light−brown hair off his
forehead. "Look, I feel like a creep for blowing the date. I really do want to meet Kelly."
Carlos slammed his locker. "I guess you couldn't help it, but I could tell Kelly was really
steamed. That red hair of hers practically flamed."

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"She has red hair like her mother?" Justin asked quietly.
"Yeah. But how come you know what Mrs. Donnelly looks like?" Carlos asked, puzzled.
"Since you told me Kelly's address, I stopped by her house after work on Friday to
deliver an 'I'm sorry I stood you up pizza.' But Kelly wasn't back from the movie yet. So I
just left the pizza and a note. Do you think she'll forgive me?" he asked, starting to walk
with Carlos since they both had gym first period.
"Sure she will!" Carlos patted Justin on the shoulder. "Kelly gets mad quickly, but she
never holds a grudge. That pizza probably won her over big time."
"I hope so," Justin said with a nervous smile. "I can't wait to meet her. I was impressed
when you told me she has a huge telescope."
"Uh, I may have exaggerated a bit," Carlos said slowly.
"Kelly is interested in stars and planets. Right?"
"Oh, yeah," Carlos assured his friend quickly. "She reads and studies about them all the
time. Once a week she even writes down important information from sky charts."
"Wow!" Justin's smile widened. "Does she have a refracting or a reflecting telescope?"
"Dunno." Carlos glanced at his feet as he shrugged. "But you can talk to her yourself.
She's probably at her locker, and I know where it is."

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"You do?" Justin asked, nervously. He was eager to meet Kelly, but he was also afraid.
He wished he could comb his hair or brush his teeth. He wanted to make a good first
impression on what could be his future girlfriend.
"Let's go there now," Carlos replied enthusiastically. "Come on."
Justin took a deep breath and then followed Carlos down the halls. They rounded a
corner and came to a bank of lockers.
"Kelly's is number 129, right next to Lesa's," Carlos stated, pointing ahead to two lockers
on the end. "Look, maybe that's her."
Justin looked at the lockers and the girl who reached into one, but the locker was number
115 and the girl was a blond.
Carlos shrugged. "Oh, well. It looks like Lesa and Kelly aren't here."
"Do you know where Kelly's first period class is?" Justin asked. "Maybe I could meet
her there."
"Sorry." Carlos shook his head and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. "I only know
Lesa's schedule. But I do know that Lesa and Kelly have fifth period science together with
Ms. Grayson."
"Ms. Grayson?" Justin grinned. "Hey, I have her sixth period. Maybe I'll just

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'accidentally' bump into Kelly on my way to science later, if you know what I mean." He
winked at Carlos.
Carlos winked back. "I've got a better idea. You can meet Kelly way before then at
"Great. I can't wait to meet this mystery girl."
"You will," Carlos assured his friend, turning toward the boy's gym. "Hey, maybe you'll
meet her sooner than lunch." He pointed across a grassy quad area. "Look over there! I
think that's Kelly walking with Lesa now."
Justin froze in place and stared in the distance. Two girls carrying backpacks hurried
down a cement pathway. One was petite with shining ebony hair and the other was taller
with pretty wavy red hair.
"Lesa! Kelly!" Carlos shouted, waving his arms.
"Are you sure that's them?" Justin asked, shielding his eyes from the glaring sun and
trying to see the redhead's face. But the girls were going in the opposite direction, and
getting farther away by the second. Then they disappeared through metal double doors.
"Yeah. And they were probably headed for the girls' bathroom." Carlos shifted his books
to his other arm. "You know how girls like to check themselves out before they go to

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class," he added with a knowing smirk.
"So we'll wait for them," Justin declared.
But just then a loud bell sounded and Carlos frowned. "No time now. That was the
warning bell. Every minute we're late, Mr. Baroni will make us run a lap."
"But what about


" Justin started to protest.

"Later, pal," Carlos said, pulling Justin by the arm. "Come on. You can get together with
Kelly at lunch. I'll arrange the whole thing with Lesa."
"All right," Justin said reluctantly.
But to himself he thought, Not with my luck. Lunch all over the world will probably be
canceled today.

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Chapter 3

KELLY TRIED to shake off the strange feeling of being watched as she followed Lesa
into the bathroom.
"Do you like my hair parted on the side?" Lesa asked, facing the mirror and holding a
"It's fine," Kelly replied, only half−listening. She had the weirdest urge to go back
outside to look...but look for what?

Pull yourself together, she told herself firmly. Your imagination is going bonkers. Next

thing you know you'll be seeing leprechauns, elves, or Martians.
"What'cha smiling about?" Lesa asked, smoothing on glossy lipstick.
"Nothing," Kelly said quickly. And then she was saved by the warning bell from having
to say anything else. "Uh, my class is farther than yours, so I'm out of here." She turned to
leave. "See you at lunch."
Lesa tucked her lipstick into her floral−designed purse. "Bye!" she said, waving.
But Kelly was already out the door and hurrying toward her English class. Her teacher,
Mrs. Callahan, was also the school newspaper advisor and Kelly needed to turn in this

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week's horoscope column.
Kelly named her column, Kismet, which means destiny, fate, or chance. It was the most
popular feature in the LeightonLedger, and part of the fun was that Kelly kept her identity a
secret, signing her column with her initials, KID. That way her readers didn't stop her in the
halls and ask for her advice. The few close friends who knew KID's true identity
sometimes teased her about being a fortune teller. But Kelly always told them that she
didn't predict the future, she merely reported it.
In fact, her horoscope column took a lot of work. She had to cross−reference star charts
and study astrology books to learn if Leos were in for a lucky week or if Scorpios should
expect a romantic surprise. Horoscopes were part science


and part fun.

As Kelly entered her classroom, she reached into her backpack and pulled out a folder.
"Here's my column for the next issue," she said, handing the folder to Mrs. Callahan.
Her teacher stopped correcting a student's paper and looked up. "Thanks, Kelly. You're
just in time. This week's issue goes to press this afternoon."
"I'm sorry it took so long, but my charts showed strange activity in Mercury effecting
people born under Aries


my own sign," she added with a chuckle. "I stayed up late last

night until I finished it."

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"I'm relieved. I was afraid we'd have to skip your column this week, which would be a
shame. People are starting to rely on it." Mrs. Callahan pushed away a strand of
gray−brown hair from her eyes. "I even enjoy checking my own horoscope. I can't wait to
see what's in store for Libra."
Kelly glanced at her paper. "It'll be a good time for family reunions and money matters."
"Sounds promising," Mrs. Callahan said with whimsical grin. "Maybe my sister will
surprise me with a visit or I'll win the lottery."
"I'd love to win a lottery," Kelly said, imagining lovely green hundred−dollar bills
flowing like water from a never−ending fountain. Of course, the closest Kelly ever got to a
lottery was when she chose numbers for her mother. She wasn't old enough to buy a ticket
for herself.

But there are plenty of other contests I can enter, Kelly reminded herself as she took her

seat. And I'm going to win tons of money someday so my parents won't have to fight over it.
I just wish my luck would kick in soon...before my parents break up.
She frowned, remembering the fight her parents had during breakfast. Her dad had
freaked when he'd found out how much her mom had charged on a credit card, slamming
the door so hard when he left for work that the kitchen windows rattled.

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Kelly sighed heavily. At least her parents loved each other and were still together. Lesa's
parents had split when she was little. She'd gotten to spend only weekends and holidays
with her father since she was seven. But Kelly was sure her own family would never break
up. This was one prediction she didn't have to check her astrological charts for. She'd make
sure her parents stayed together


even if it meant entering a million contests.

"KELLY!" LESA said excitedly when the two girls met at their locker after second
period. "Do I have news for you!"
Kelly withdrew her algebra book from her locker and gave her friend a quizzical look.
She was still thinking about her parents and found it hard to get too excited about anything.
"What's up?"
"I just talked with Carlos and he says that Justin feels terrible about Saturday night and
he's really eager to meet you."
"I want to meet him, too," Kelly admitted. "That pizza he left was delicious, and his note
was really sweet."
"So you'll make a new date with him?" Lesa asked excitedly, her black eyes sparkling.
"Sure. Why not? I wanted to call him yesterday, but I didn't have his phone number."
"You can tell him during lunch. Carlos is meeting us and he's bringing Justin!"

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"Really?" Kelly started to feel nervous. "But that's less than two hours away!" She
looked at her friend. "Gosh, I hope he likes me. Who knows what Carlos told him about
me? Justin probably thinks I'm gorgeous and as brainy as Einstein!"
"Carlos does exaggerate sometimes," Lesa admitted, leaning against her locker. "But you
are really smart and you do look great." She smiled as she looked her friend up and down.
"I just love what you're wearing today. Your green shirt brings out your hazel eyes
perfectly. Justin will be dazzled!"
"You really think so?"
"You bet! You don't have anything to worry about."
"So why am I worrying?"
Lesa playfully swatted her arm. "Everything will work out great. Now I gotta run."
"See you at lunch," Kelly promised. She shoved her algebra book in her backpack and
shut her locker, then hurried to her next class.
But while other kids de−coded algebra equations, Kelly daydreamed about Justin.

I should have asked Carlos or my mom what Justin looks like, Kelly thought, copying Y

+ Z = ? from the blackboard. Does he have blond, brunette, or black hair? Maybe he's a
redhead like me.
She looked at the equation in front of her. It's like Justin's the Y and I'm

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the Z, she mused. Justin + Kelly, but what does it equal?
Kelly forced her attention on her math problem, not her love life. Wondering about
Justin wouldn't solve anything, it would only make her crazy. So she might as well
concentrate on her school work. Besides, in just another hour and thirty−five minutes, all
her questions about Justin would be answered...or at least some of them anyway.

KELLY'S FOURTH period wasn't a regular class. Instead she worked in the library
as a student aid. It was an easy way to earn an A, and besides it was fun and interesting.
She loved to read and when the library wasn't busy, Kelly often looked through books she'd
never known existed, but were really fascinating.
Today the library wasn't busy, but Mr. O'Connell, the librarian, had stacks of books for
Kelly to shelve. One, sitting on the bottom of the pile, caught her attention.
"A Universe of stars." This is about astronomy! Kelly realized with excitement. Carlos
told me Justin was really interested in this subject, except goofy Carlos assumed astronomy
and astrology were the same thing. WRONG!
Quickly, flipping through the book, Kelly frowned. It was all so new and strange to her.
True, she could tell if someone born on the cusp of Capricorn would find romance or

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heartbreak, but she didn't have a clue how to identify stars, planets, or constellations.

I don't know the first thing about black holes, Kelly thought sadly, looking at a bizarre

picture of dense space. But I'm pretty sure my chances with Justin might sink into one if I
don't learn about astronomy


and fast!

After shelving the stacks of library books, Kelly checked out several astronomy books
and read until the bell sounded. She didn't have time to learn much, but hopefully she
absorbed something so she could at least get through lunch without looking like a complete

Lunch! she thought with panic. I've got to get to the bathroom and fix my hair before I

met Justin. What if he's the boy of my dreams? What if he's the one?
Kelly shoved her things in her backpack and stood up. But just as she started to leave the
room, she heard someone call her name. She turned and saw Mrs. Callahan hurrying
toward her.
"Am I glad I found you!" her English teacher exclaimed.
"What's up?" Kelly asked, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. She noticed her
teacher's forehead was furrowed with deep worry lines.
"It's your column." Mrs. Callahan shook her head sadly and frowned. "We have a

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JUSTIN STARED at every red−haired girl he passed on his way to the cafeteria.
Which one of you is Kelly? he wanted to ask. But he kept his mouth shut. He was nervous,
eager, and excited about finally coming face−to−face with the girl who might actually
know more galaxies than he did. Just three more minutes, that's all he had to wait.
Justin hoped Kelly wasn't disappointed when she saw him. His last girlfriend, when he
lived in Chicago, once called him a hunk, but she was probably biased.

Am I okay looking? he wondered, pausing by a glass window to study his reflection. I

run three miles every morning, but I'm not bursting with muscles like most football players.
Justin turned away from the window. He wasn't the greatest looking guy, but at least he
didn't have a galaxy of zits or a Big Dipper nose. He had no idea how girls would rate him.
A seven maybe. But right now I don't care what other girls think, he told himself. For this
moment in time, Kelly's opinion is all that matters.
Justin chuckled to himself. He sure was putting a lot into one girl without ever meeting
her. In fact, he'd never felt so nervous about meeting a girl before. But for some reason he
had the strangest feeling about he already knew her. He didn't believe in magic,

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past lives, or fate...and yet this strange feeling wouldn't go away.
Of course, this made Justin even more nervous. So, with his hands sweating and his heart
pounding, he entered the cafeteria.
"Justin!" Carlos called, standing at a back table. The room was noisy, so it was hard for
Justin to hear, but he couldn't miss sky−high Carlos waving like a crazy windmill.
"Coming!" Justin didn't bother to get in line for a hot lunch. The way his stomach was
churning, he'd never be able to eat anyway, not until this whole meeting thing was over
with. He hated first meetings. They were always so, well, awkward.
But when he reached the back table, there wasn't a red−haired girl in sight.
"I'm Lesa," a petite girl with a long black braid said. "Carlos has probably told you about
"Yeah." Justin smiled as he sat down. "You and Carlos have been going out for a few
months and you're Kelly's best friend, right?"
"That's right." Lesa opened her sack lunch. "Except for the part about Carlos and me
dating only a few months. Actually, we've been dating for two years." She gave Carlos a
quick peck on the cheek. "Of course, I've known Kelly much longer, since we were both in

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Justin smiled. "So where is Kelly?"
"Beats me," Lesa answered. "I usually meet her at her locker after fourth period, but she
wasn't there. I figured she would meet us here. Guess I was wrong."
Carlos took a sip of his milk. "She's probably fixing her hair or something. You know
how girls are." He winked at Justin.
Lesa punched Carlos's arm. "What do you mean by that crack?"
"Nothing, nothing." He rubbed his arm. "I just thought Kelly might be in the girls'
restroom trying to make herself look nice for Justin."
"She always looks nice," Lesa pointed out. "But you might be right. Why else wouldn't
she be here?"
"Go check while I give my old buddy Justin here some tips on how to win a lady's
heart," Carlos suggested, giving Lesa an affectionate squeeze.
"Now? But I'm hungry." Lesa looked at her bagged sandwich, crackers, and carrots. She
shrugged. "Oh, well, my food can wait. I'll be right back."
Now that it looked like Kelly wasn't going to show, Justin's appetite miraculously
returned. "I'm gonna get my lunch while Lesa's gone," he told Carlos. And with that, he
stood up and went over to the hot lunch line that was now twice as long as it had been.

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It took nearly ten minutes for Justin to get a steaming plate of brown mush that was
supposed to be chicken fried steak, plus odd orange and yellow stuff that pretended to be
rice and vegetables. When he returned to the table, Lesa was just returning, too



"So where's your friend?" Carlos asked Lesa.
"I wish I knew. I looked in all three girls' restrooms and I couldn't find Kelly anywhere. I
even checked the library


that's her fourth period class


and she wasn't there either."

Justin frowned. "Maybe Kelly doesn't want to meet me."
"Oh, no!" Lesa shook her dark head. "She was really looking forward to lunch, and she
told me she wants to go out with you. She loved your apology pizza."
"So where is she?" Justin questioned, running his fingers through his chestnut brown hair
nervously. "If she's so excited to meet me, showing up would be a good idea."
"I don't know. It's like she vanished from Leighton High. My best friend is missing!"
Lisa's eyes went wide in fake horror.
Carlos picked up on Lesa's playfulness right away. "Yeah, maybe you'd better start an
investigation immediately Lieutenant Lesa."
Lesa saluted. "Good idea, Captain Carlos." She turned to Justin. "Will you be joining in

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the investigation, General Justin?"
Justin smiled weakly. "Uh, sure," he said, but what he was really thinking was, Kelly's
not missing. She's probably hiding. She took one look at me and ran for the hills!

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Chapter 4

"MISSING?" Kelly exclaimed, facing her teacher in the hallway outside the library.
"But I turned in my column only hours ago. What happened?"
Mrs. Callahan looked a little embarrassed. "Well, your column isn't exactly missing, it
kind of flew away."
Kelly's mouth dropped open. "WHAT?"
"I left your folder on a cabinet near the open window, and the folder blew to the floor."
Mrs. Callahan shrugged as if to say, 'Even teachers make mistakes.' "Anyway, I was busy
grading tests so I didn't see Arvin Drummiller pick up your column. In fact, I didn't look up
until I heard my class laughing. But it was too late. The last I saw of your column it was in
the form of a paper airplane sailing out the window into the parking lot right under the
wheels of a delivery truck."
"My column got run over by a truck?" Kelly asked, incredulously.
"I'm afraid so. I sent Arvin out after it, but he couldn't find it. I suspect it was squashed
to a soggy paper pulp," her teacher said sadly. "I'm sorry, Kelly. But unless you have
another copy, this week's edition of the Leighton Ledger won't include your horoscope

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"But that's not fair! I worked so hard on it!" Kelly exclaimed, then quickly lowered her
voice when a group of students walked by. "I do have another copy on my computer. But
that's at home."
"I wish there was something I could do," Mrs. Callahan said with a frown. "But if it
makes you feel any better, Arvin has detention for−


" Suddenly she stopped

mid−sentence. "How far away to you live, Kelly?"
"Just a few blocks."
"Then maybe there is a solution. It's lunch period, so we have some time before I have to
run off the newspaper." Mrs. Callahan rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Did you bring your
lunch or are you buying one?"
"I always brown−bag it. What do you have in mind?"
"If you'd like, you can eat your lunch in my car as I drive you home. Then you can
quickly print out another column and we'll both be back before fifth period. That's when I
have to run off the newspapers, so it'll work out wonderfully. What do you say?"
"You're the greatest, Mrs. Callahan!" Kelly cried, breaking into a huge grin. "Let's go!"

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JUSTIN SHOVED his hands in his pocket and left the cafeteria. He had ten minutes
before his next class, and he wanted to be alone. His pride was bruised and his feelings
stung with rejection. Kelly had never shown up.

She must still be mad because of Saturday, Justin thought, sitting on a bench and staring

at his grass−stained sneakers. I guess even a pizza with the works can't mend a broken date.
But if Kelly was going to stand me up all along, why did she agree to meet me for lunch in
the first place
Girls. They were sure puzzling, and Justin was beginning to feel he'd never figure them
out. He was just getting ready to head off to class when someone walked up.
"May I sit here?" a soft female voice asked.
Justin looked up and saw masses of silky blond hair, shining blue eyes, and a
candy−pink mouth. "Sure," he replied, trying not to stare. "I was just leaving anyway."
"No, don't leave because of me," the girl said, her full lips puckering into a slight pout.
Then she sat beside him...very close. "Hello. I'm Vanya Ballentine."
"I'm Justin Reece," he replied politely.
"You must be new."
Justin's hazel eyes widened. "How'd you know?"

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"Because I haven't seen you around, and believe me, I'd remember you." She fluttered
her lashes and gave him a look.
Justin's heartbeat jumped. Was Vanya flirting with him? No way, he told himself. A
hot−looking girl like Vanya would be chasing after football stars, not an ordinary guy like
"So where you from?" Vanya asked, crossing her legs, which caused her already short
skirt to inch up slightly.
"Chicago." He caught a whiff of sweet flower−scented perfume. "My mom and I just
moved here two weeks ago."
"I guess a small town like Leighton Hills must seem kind of dull to a big city guy like
"Oh, I like it here."
She waved her hands, showing long violet−painted nails. "But it's boring. There's
nothing to do except watch corn grow in the fields or count stars in the sky."
"Counting stars can keep you busy forever," Justin said with a chuckle. "I can spend
hours studying the night sky through my telescope."
"You have your own telescope?"

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"Sure. It's not the top of the line, but it suits me fine."
"I'd love to see it sometime. I'm free this Friday night. Maybe I could come over and you
could show me how it works."
Justin almost choked. There was no mistaking Vanya's intent now. She was flirting with
him. And she had just asked him to spend an evening with her


like a date!

"Friday?" He gulped, both flattered and flustered. He just didn't know what to say.
As crazy as it was, he found himself thinking about Kelly. Although he hadn't met her
yet, he knew that she studied stars and worked on the school newspaper. Even if Kelly was
still mad at him, she was obviously a serious, intelligent girl


the type he was looking for.

As Vanya batted her eyes waiting for an answer, Justin's mind raced. Someone should
lock me up and lose the key
, he thought. I should be jumping at the chance to go out with
Vanya, not moping over the girl that got away


I'm kind of busy on Friday," he finally said awkwardly. After all, he had asked Kelly

out that day. She hadn't accepted, but she hadn't refused either.
Vanya fluffed her blond hair. "Are you sure? We could watch the stars together, then go
out somewhere. Do you like to dance? I know this really cool place. I'd love to show it to

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I don't know. I have a job, homework, and sometimes I have to baby−sit my little

sister." He paused, dazzled by Vanya's blue eyes. She seemed nice and kind of
interesting...and definitely gorgeous. It would be dumb to turn her down, but he wouldn't
feel right to go out with her until he'd talked to Kelly first to see if they were on for Friday.
Justin shook his head as if trying to clear it. "Maybe some other time."
Then he glanced at his watch. Lunch period was almost over, and he just remembered
he'd left his chemistry book in his car. Hardly able to squeak out a good−bye, Justin
jumped up, waved nervously to Vanya, and headed for the parking lot.
As he hurried across the school driveway, he noticed something small and white
fluttering underneath a parked red car. He stopped on the pavement and for a moment
thought it was an injured bird. He took a few steps closer and smiled to himself. It was just
a piece of paper stuck to a tire. A gentle breeze was whipping it back and forth, making it
look almost alive.
He was just about to pick it up when suddenly there was a loud screech of car brakes and
a blast of a car horn. Startled, Justin whirled to find a tan station wagon headed right for
him! The car screeched to a stop barely inches from his feet.
"Watch out!" a woman yelled, hanging her head out the window. "I almost hit you!"

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Justin blinked in confusion. He hadn't realized he'd stopped in the path of parking lot
"I'm...I'm sorry," he murmured, his heart going a million miles an hour. He recognized
the woman as a teacher, although she wasn't one of his teachers.
"Be more careful next time," the woman said impatiently.


I will," he stammered, shading his eyes from the sun.

He couldn't see into the car's tinted windows, but he noticed the teacher wasn't alone. He
hoped her passenger wasn't one of his teachers or the Principal. That could get
As the car passed, Justin breathed a shaky sigh of relief. If that car hadn't had good
brakes, he might have ended up with a couple of breaks of his own


like broken legs! All

because of a stupid piece of paper. He scowled and walked over to the red car and yanked
the paper off the tire.
"What is this anyway?" he murmured, smoothing out the creases and brushing away the
dirt. It appeared to be a typed letter or report. "Some kid must have lost his homework."
He read the title, Kismet and then the cryptic initials, K.I.D. at the bottom of the page.
"Who in the world is KID?" he asked out loud. "Wait a minute...this isn't a letter or a

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report. Aries, Taurus,'s a list of horoscopes!"
Justin frowned and crumpled the paper into a tight ball. He'd always resented people
who used his stars for silly predictions. Studying the stars was a serious science, not
fortune telling.
And he'd almost gotten hit by a car because of this dumb paper!
This definitely had not been his day. He'd missed meeting Kelly, nearly got squashed by
a station wagon, and now he had less than a minute to get his textbook and make it clear
across campus to chemistry.
What else could go wrong?

"WHAT AN airhead," Kelly said, glancing back at the boy from the passenger seat
of Mrs. Callahan's car. She hadn't gotten a clear look at his face, although she noticed he
was tall, athletic, with light−brown hair that had sunny−gold highlights. He looked normal
enough, but he must be nuts to stand in front of a moving vehicle.
"My heart is still pounding." Mrs. Callahan parked in a specially marked spot for
teachers. "I can't believe I almost hit that poor innocent boy."
"Innocent? No way! Dumb is more like it. He got right in front of you." Kelly unfastened

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her seatbelt, grabbed her backpack, and got out of the car.
"Well, perhaps," her teacher said, getting out of the car, too. She was obviously still
bothered by the incident. "I hope I wasn't too hard on him. Do you know who he was?"
"No. And I never want to find out. I prefer boys with brains." She paused for a moment.
"Uh, thanks for taking me home to get my column. Well, I better head to fifth period."
"Go on. I have a newspaper to run off," Mrs. Callahan said, holding a folder in her hand.
"Thanks to you, the loyal readers of KID's Kismet column won't be disappointed."
Kelly smiled at her newspaper nickname. KID, otherwise known as Kelly Irene
Donnelly. It was fun to be a mystery columnist.
The bell rang and Kelly headed for her next class. This was the one period she shared
with Lesa, and she couldn't wait to tell her friend about the idiot boy her teacher had nearly
run over.
But Kelly was surprised to find that Lesa was not only uninterested in her story, she was
actually angry with her.
"How could you do such a rotten thing?" Lesa exploded before Kelly even got to the part
of what the jerk looked like.
"Huh?" Kelly wrinkled her brow in puzzlement. "What did I do?"

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"As if you didn't know!" Lesa flipped her black braid behind her shoulders. "Where were
you at lunch?"
"I started to tell you. My newspaper col


" Kelly stopped as her memory kicked in with

the force of a rocket blast−off. "Lunch! Oh, my goodness! I was supposed to meet Justin
and I forgot all about it!"
Lesa frowned. "How could you, Kelly?"
"I didn't mean to. It was a journalistic emergency."
"I knew you wouldn't stay away on purpose, but I felt so bad for Justin. He figures you're
still mad about his missing our double−date." Lesa went to her desk and sat down. "When
he left the cafeteria alone, he was really bummed."
"I'm such an airhead!" Kelly sank into her desk next to Lesa's. "I should have let you
know I was leaving." She buried her head in her hands.
"I wish you had. I was really freaked when I couldn't find you anywhere." Lesa put her
hand to her heart in a dramatic gesture. "I was afraid you got kidnapped or something."
"I'm okay, but I guess my brain blew a fuse when I found out that my column flew out a
window and had gotten run−over by a delivery truck."
"It flew out the window? Maybe you better tell me what happened from the beginning."

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"Later," Kelly said, coming to a swift decision. "I have to fix things with Justin. Do you
know what his fifth period class is?"
"No. I have trouble remembering Carlos's schedule."
Kelly stood and adjusted her backpack on her shoulders. "Well, I have to apologize to
Justin right away or I'll hate myself forever. If Ms. Grayson asks about me, tell her I'll be
right back."
"You can't leave now!" Lesa argued, glancing at their science teacher who was writing
earth formation terms on the blackboard. "Class is about ready to start."
"I won't be long. Besides, Ms. Grayson knows I work on the school paper. You can tell
her I had to check something out with Mrs. Callahan."
"I refuse to lie even for my best friend."
"It won't be a lie. I am going to see Mrs. Callahan," Kelly said with a sudden smile. She
remembered how impressed she'd been with Justin's pizza apology. Well, she could top
that. She'd say "I'm sorry" in a fun, creative, wonderful way that would win Justin's
friendship for sure...and maybe even his heart.

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Chapter 5

THAT EVENING, close to ten o'clock, Justin trudged wearily into his home. After four
hours delivering pizzas, he was exhausted. One delivery had been especially frustrating
because he couldn't locate the address. After thirty wasted minutes, he'd finally given up.
Later he'd discovered the street didn't even exist.

Probably some dumb kids making prank calls at Papa Ronny's expense, he decided. At

my expense, too. Don't people realize I make practically all my money off tips? Boy that
burns me up!
But what really burned Justin up was when he came home and found out that Kelly
hadn't telephoned. He expected to hear from her for sure, if only to apologize for not
showing up at lunch.
"Are you sure no one called for me?" he asked his mother.
Mrs. Reece put aside her needle−point pillow project and shook her apricot−blond head.
"The phone hasn't made a sound all night."
"Could it be off the hook? Maybe Vicki was playing with it again and forgot to hang it
up." Justin crossed the living room to the telephone. He lifted it and heard a normal dial

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tone. "Guess that's not the problem," he muttered.
"Who are you expecting a call from?" his mother asked, raising her eyebrows. "Someone
Justin took off his pizza−smelling jacket and frowned. "Just someone."
"A boy or girl someone?"
"Uh...a girl. But you don't know her...actually neither do I."
Before his mother could quiz him, Justin turned and left the room. He should have
known better than to let Kelly disappoint him again. He figured she didn't want to meet him
when she skipped lunch. But then Carlos had raised his hopes by saying Kelly had asked
for his phone number. That meant she was interested, right?

So why hasn't she called? Justin thought, balling up his uniform and taking it to the

washing machine. Carols said Lesa told him that Kelly had a good excuse for missing
lunch, something to do with the school newspaper. She also said that Kelly is really looking
forward to going out on Friday.
Justin frowned. But if she wants to date me, she needs to
let me know.
As he added other clothes to the laundry to make a full load, Justin wondered why
getting together with Kelly Donnelly was turning into what seemed like an impossible task.

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Jumping into the sky and hang−gliding on the tail of a shooting star would probably be

Maybe I should call her myself, he mused, adding detergent to the load and turning the

machine on. It's still early enough to call and Lesa gave me the number. He started to go to
the phone then stopped. But why should I be the one to call? I've already left a pizza and an
apology note at her house. Then I waited nearly an hour for her to show up at lunch today.
He tensed his jaw and came to a decision. It's Kelly's turn to make the next move. If she's
interested enough to go out, she'll have to get in touch with me.
Leaving the washing machine to clean the pizza smells out of his uniform, Justin made
another decision. He was going to cleanse his mind of Kelly by looking for his star. At
least he was pretty sure of its existence.

I don't need a phantom girl to complicate my life, Justin reasoned as he headed for his

room. He was finally starting to feel better, until he passed the living room and nearly
jumped out of his skin.
The phone was ringing.

KELLY HELD the receiver in one hand and the TV remote in the other. She leaned

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back in the chair, her feet spread out on the footrest. "Yeah...uh huh," she said into the
phone. "I can't wait."
"A double date would have been more fun," Lesa replied with a low sigh that carried
strongly through the phone lines. "Then Carlos and I could be there to see how it turns
"I'm already going to be nervous enough without having an audience," Kelly said,
clicking off the TV. The hospital drama she'd been watching was dull compared to the
drama in her own life. "This is turning into the weirdest blind date ever...if it actually
"Oh, it'll happen all right," Lesa said smiling. "I think it's meant to happen."
"Well, I'm not so sure. I haven't seen or spoken to Justin yet. It's like he doesn't exist.
Are you sure you and Carlos didn't make him up as a big joke?" she asked with a nervous
"Just the sort of scheme Carlos would love


but that's not what happened. Justin is as

real as you are


and he was really upset when you didn't show up today. You'd better call

him and square things soon."
"Yeah," Kelly agreed, leaning her head back against the reclining chair and staring at the

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blank ceiling. She thought of the creative apology Justin would receive tomorrow. But
maybe tomorrow wasn't soon enough. "I guess I should call him."
"Definitely. Or else you might miss out on a chance with him." Lesa hesitated. "Uh, I
don't know if I should tell you this, but Carlos told me Vanya Ballentine was after Justin
"Vanya!" Kelly sat up straight in her chair. "But I thought she was going out with a
basketball player."
"That was two boyfriends ago. Vanya is a major flirt. I can't believe how guys fall all
over her."
"Well, I can believe it. Vanya is pretty, popular, and has a nice personality. Girls like her
a lot and boys absolutely love her."
"Don't you dare start giving up already, Kelly Donnelly!" Lesa said angrily. "You told
me yourself you had a good feeling about Justin. Besides, Vanya doesn't know a thing
about astronomy."
"Like I keep telling Carlos, neither do I! I only know what I read in some library books
yesterday. The truth is, Justin and I probably won't have anything in common."
"But you have lots in common already. You're both sophomores, you're both smart, and

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you both have hazel eyes."
"His eyes are hazel, too?" Kelly paused, trying to form a picture of Justin in her mind.
But hazel eyes and a Papa Ronny's uniform only drew a hazy portrait. "Tell me more about
"Ah ha! I knew you were still interested!" Lesa laughed triumphantly. "Well, let's see. If
you'd have been there at lunch today you'd know that Justin is tall, about five−eleven, and
he has wavy light−brown hair. He's kind of quiet and serious, except when he smiles. Then
his whole face lights up. Of course, he didn't smile much this afternoon."
"I wish I'd been there." Kelly frowned. "Oh, well, it's not too late. I'm going to call him.
Right now."
"Good luck," Lesa said cheerfully.
"Thanks." Kelly gulped, digging Justin's number out of her pocket. "Luck is exactly
what I'm going to need to get me through this phone call." She took a deep breath and

"JUSTIN, THIS is a voice from your past," the caller said in a greeting. "I hope
you'll find it in your heart to talk to me."

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"DAD!" Justin almost dropped the phone like it was a red meteor. He glanced over at his
mother whose needle was stopped in mid−air. "I don't have a dad. Not anymore. My father
left us four years ago."
"Guess I deserved that," the man on the other end of the line said sadly. "But hear me
out, son



"I'm not your son!" Justin snapped, all the old pain and anger flooding back. He started
to slam the receiver down.
"Don't hang up!" his father begged. "If you won't talk to me, let me at least speak to your
"Vicki is playing with a friend."
"So let me talk to your mother."
"Mom doesn't want to talk to you either!"
Mrs. Reece's needlework slipped to the floor as she stood. Her hand shook as she held it
out. "Give me the phone, Justin."
"But Mom!"
"I said to give me the phone," she said firmly. "This is between your father and me. We
may be divorced, but we were married for over a dozen years. Please give me the phone

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and go into your room."
Justin relaxed his tense grip on the receiver and handed the phone to his mother. He
couldn't remember ever feeling this angry. Now he was doubly angry because his mother
was sending him out of the room like a child.

I have a right to hate my father, he thought as he stormed off. No empty apologies can

take that hate away.
Justin flew upstairs and took great satisfaction in the loud thud his slammed door made.
He couldn't believe his father had the nerve to call after four years of no communication
except divorce papers through lawyers. Well, there was no way he was talking to his father,
not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever.
Slumping behind his desk, Justin figured he might as well do his homework. His science
teacher, Ms. Grayson, had offered to let him do an extra credit report on astronomy to bring
up his last test grade from a high "B" to an "A." He needed a high grade point average so
he could earn a scholarship and afford to go to college in two years. His father was
obviously not going to help him realize his dream of working in a lab or observatory
someday. He also wanted to make enough money to buy a huge house for his mother and
sister. He was tired of watching his mother struggle to make ends meet. Well, at least

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someone was planning on helping her out.
Justin flipped through a book on galaxies and wondered what his report topic would be.
He'd have to come up with something special to get the "A" he wanted


but what?

Kelly hung up the phone in disappointment. She'd tried Justin's number five times, and it
continued to be busy. Was he talking to another girl...maybe to Vanya?

That has to be it, Kelly thought unhappily. Vanya is on the prowl for a new guy and

she's chosen Justin. Right now they could be making plans for a romantic date. I can
already imagine it; this Friday I'll be curled up in my bed reading or watching TV while
Justin holds Vanya tight and tells her she's the prettiest star in the universe
Kelly sighed and sank into a nearby chair. She never even met Justin and now it was too
Just then Brad breezed into the room, bouncing his basketball in the air. "Where's the
dueling duo?" he asked, pretending to shoot his ball to the ceiling. Fortunately, he caught it
before he slam−dunked an expensive crystal vase.
"If you mean our parents," Kelly began with in a disapproving tone, "Mom's at a parent's
club meeting and Dad is working late at the store. And their fights are nothing to joke

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"I'm trying to keep my sense of humor," Brad said, doing a fake dribble. "You should
keep yours, too."
"But I'm worried." Kelly wove her fingers together on her lap. Donnelly's Electronics,
her dad's store, had almost gone bankrupt last year. "Dad is working long hours and then he
comes home grouchier than ever. I swear, Mom can hardly spend a nickel without him
freaking out." She sighed. "I wish there was something I could do to help."
"Like what?"
"Like win a zillion dollars."
"You think money will save their marriage?" Brad asked, staring at her with a doubtful
"Money is what they argue about, isn't it? Well, if I win lots of money, they'll stop
arguing and we'll be happy again."
"Maybe." Brad shrugged, then spun his ball on his fingertips. "But I won't be happy
without dinner. Guess I better go see what I can find in the kitchen."
"Mom left a casserole in the oven. I already had some. You can have the rest."
Kelly watched her brother leave the room, and smiled to herself. She would help her

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family. She'd search through every magazine she could find and enter every contest
possible. And when she won a huge grand prize, the Donnelly family would live happily
ever after.
Feeling like she could conquer the world, Kelly tried Justin's number once again. This
time there was no busy signal.
The phone rang once, twice, three times...and then someone answered.

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Chapter 6

JUSTIN HAD completed his chemistry homework, when his mother peaked into his
room. "I just finished talking with your father," she informed him, her face tense and pale.
"So?" Justin swiveled sideways in his desk chair and gave her a questioning look.
"He's in town on a business trip for a week and he wants to spend time with you and
Vicki." His mother gave him a hopeful look. "He's going to call back in a few minutes and
I think you should talk to him."
"Forget it!" Justin slammed his chemistry book closed with an angry force. "There's
nothing to say."
His mother ran her hand across her forehead and sighed. "There's four years of things to
say. You should give him a chance."
"Like he gave us a chance?"
"Please, don't make this harder than it already is. Your father knows he messed up and
he really regrets leaving you kids. Our marriage was over, but Curtis was wrong to neglect
you and Vicki. He realizes that now." She took a deep breath. "Talk to him, Justin. You'll
both feel better...and so will I."

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Justin stared at his mother in astonishment. She should have yelled at his dad and told
him off for deserting the family. It had been a rough four years on his mom, working and
raising two kids on her own. But fortunately, her clerk job in a craft shop had eventually
inspired her to move to the west and open her own business. Now everything was going
great. The family didn't need the man who called himself their father. They were doing just
fine without him.
Justin's shoulders slumped. "Mom, I can't forgive Dad that easily."
"Of course, you can," she assured him. "You have a warm, generous heart. Remember
how understanding you were when Vicki broke your Saturn model? You didn't even yell at
"It was an accident and she felt worse than I did."
"Well, your father feels worse than you do, too."
Justin didn't believe this, but he didn't want to upset his mother. He couldn't bear to meet
her pleading gaze, so he stared out his window at the night sky. Bright stars twinkled
friendly greetings, but even they couldn't lift his spirits. He felt like a jerk for making this
hard on his mother, but he had a right to his own feelings. Didn't he?
"When the phone rings, talk to your father," Mrs. Reece asked quietly. "Please."

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Unpleasant memories flashed through Justin's mind. He'd been twelve when his father
left, and the echo of his own voice calling for his dad as he walked away from the house
still hurt. His mother had cried for weeks, especially when they lost the house and had to
rent a tiny apartment. It was horrible. Justin would never forget it...or forgive him.
The phone rang, once, twice, and on the third ring, Justin strode out of his room to
answer it. Oh, I'll talk to my father, all right, he thought angrily. But dear old dad won't
like what I have to say
Justin grabbed the phone as if it were his enemy and yelled into the receiver, "I don't
want to have anything to do with you! What you did was unforgivable! So don't try calling
Then he slammed the phone down.

KELLY STARED in shock at the phone in her hand. She knew missing her lunch
meeting with Justin had been wrong...but unforgivable?
How had he known she was the caller? Was he psychic or something? What was going

One thing I know for sure, Kelly thought furiously. Justin said not to call again, and I

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most certainly will not. He's the most disagreeable, horrid, hostile person in the universe,
and I'm glad I never met him in person.
As Kelly walked to school with Lesa the next morning, she told her friend about the
phone call. Lesa was shocked, too.
"Justin actually yelled at you?" she asked, incredulously.
Kelly nodded. "He told me not to call again. Which is no problem. This whole blind date
thing has been a disaster."
Lesa's dark eyes widened. "I can't believe Justin would act like that. He seemed so quiet
and considerate. Carlos thinks he's a great guy, too. Maybe you dialed the wrong number."
"I don't think so." Kelly hugged her backpack to her chest. She'd had bad dreams all
night about a slimy monster who called her "unforgivable" and tried to drag her into a
black hole. She shuddered, then her uneasiness switched to anger. "To think I read up on
astronomy for that bad−tempered creep!"
"This is so strange," Lesa said as they walked onto the school grounds. "There has to be
a good explanation. Maybe Justin thought you were someone else."
"Like who?" she retorted. "Vanya Ballentine? You can bet he wouldn't talk that way to
her. Well, she can have him. Justin Reece is a closed chapter in my life."

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"Okay, okay," Lesa said, putting up her hands in a gesture of surrender. "But I still want
to discuss this with Carlos. Let's go wait for him by his locker."
"And risk bumping into Justin? No way. You go ahead, but I'm going to my English
class. I want to get a copy of the Leighton Ledger." Memory kicked in and Kelly's hands
flew to her cheeks. "Oh, no! The newspaper! We can't let Justin read it!"
"Why not?"
"I felt bad for missing lunch yesterday and wanted to tell Justin I'd go out with him on
Friday in a creative way. So I printed a message to Justin in the paper." She groaned and
leaned against a wall. "But I don't want to go out with him now."
"Oh, I can't wait to read the paper!" Lesa squealed with delight. "What did your message
"It's kind of lame." Kelly frowned. When she'd written the poem, she'd thought it was
fun and creative. But now it seemed silly and childish. And Leighton High students were
already reading it.
"You might as well tell me. Or I'll just read it in print."
"Oh, all right." Kelly felt her cheeks turning red. She glanced around the hallway at
passing kids, then lowered her voice so only Lesa could hear. "It's addressed to 'J', and goes

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like this:
"Star light, star bright,
I wish to set things right.
I apologize for yesterday,
I had to go, but yearned to stay,
Let's try again, Friday night.
Star light, star bright."
Lesa applauded. "That's great! Did you sign it so Justin will know it's from you?"
"I only put my first initial." Kelly made a bitter face. "But he'll guess it's from me, which
is why you and Carlos have to stop him from reading the newspaper."
"That's impossible! "There are copies of it in every classroom."
"I guess you're right." Kelly hung her head and sighed. "Listen, next time you see him
point him out so I'll know who to stay far away from. I may not be able to hide newspapers
from Justin, but I can at least hide myself."
"What do you mean?"
"I'll eat lunch on the grass outside the library for the rest of the week. By Friday he'll
know I don't want to see him any more than he wants to see me."

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"But lunch won't be any fun without you."
"So join me."
"I'd love to, but I have to sit with Carlos." Lesa twisted her braid around her fingers.
"You understand, don't you?"
"Of course I do," Kelly said, knowing she'd do the same thing if she had a boyfriend.
"Besides, a neighbor gave me a bunch of magazines. I'll spend my long 'exile' searching
through them for more contests."
Lesa smiled just as the bell sounded. "Well, good luck." She boasted her backpack onto
her shoulders. "Guess I'd better go to class. See you in fifth period."
"Yeah," Kelly said, waving her hand slowly. Fifth period seemed so far away, knowing
she wouldn't be seeing Lesa at lunch. Too bad they didn't have more classes together.
When they did spend time together, Carlos was always there. He was a great guy, but
girl−talk just wasn't the same with a guy around.

Boys are nothing but trouble. If I never meet Justin Reece, she decided. It'll be too soon.

I HOPE I meet Kelly soon, Justin thought during his second period class. He leaned

back in his desk, half−listening to his English teacher. With the other half of his mind he

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was wondering why Kelly hadn't called last night. Maybe he should have swallowed his
pride and called her himself. Now he wished he had. Taking action was better than waiting,
wondering, and not knowing if Kelly even wanted to meet him.
But why hadn't Kelly called? Was she still angry about Saturday night? Maybe she'd
decided that a guy who's into astronomy is too boring to waste an evening with. He sure
hoped that wasn't the reason, because there was no way he would give up his astronomy.
Star−gazing helped to calm him down when he got upset, like when a certain person who
calls himself "Dad" calls over and over. Three times! On the third call, his mother had
rushed over and stopped Justin from hanging up like he did the second time the phone rang.
He should have hung up the third time, too, since now his mother had agreed to let Vicki
spend the weekend with the good−for−nothing jerk.
Well, his mom could make promises for Vicki, but not him. Curtis Reece could call a
million times and Justin would never agree to see him.
Justin straightened in his desk and forced his attention back to his teacher. When the bell
rang a half hour later, he noticed a pile of newspapers by the door. He grabbed one on his
way out of the room, shoving it into a zippered pouch on his backpack.
As a new kid at school, he wanted to learn everything he could about his classmates,

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their clubs and sports events. The Leighton Ledger was a wealth of this kind of
information, and he was eager to read it, especially since Carlos had told him Kelly worked
on the newspaper.
During social studies, Justin's class watched a movie about World War II, so he didn't
get a chance to look at the paper until fourth period during computer lab. While he waited
for his computer to boot up, he pulled out the Leighton Ledger and quickly began to skim
through it.
Right away, he saw Kelly's name listed as part of the editorial staff. He flipped through a
few more pages, and widened his eyes when he saw the horoscope column. It was exactly
like the crumpled paper he'd found in the parking lot! But why was this KID person
throwing copies of his work away?
Then Justin saw the poem. As he read it, a huge smile spread on his face.

"Star light, star bright,
I wish to set things right,
I apologize for yesterday,
I had to go, but yearned to stay,
Let's try again, Friday night,

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Star light, star bright."
This has to be from Kelly!
he thought joyfully.

Then he read it again and knew for absolute certain he was "J" and Kelly was "K."
Carlos was right. Kelly is a special girl, and really clever to accept my date through a
poem. Now I really can't wait to meet her.
When fourth period ended, Justin jumped up and hurried out of the computer lab. He
didn't even put his books away in his locker, but instead he ran all the way to the cafeteria.
"Hey, slow down!" Carlos called.
Justin stopped by the cafeteria entrance and grinned as his friend came over. "Sorry. I
didn't know you were behind me."
"What's the hurry? You couldn't possibly be excited to eat mashed meatloaf floating in
mushy gravy?" Carlos joked. "Kids run from cafeteria food, not to it."
"Who can think about food after reading the school newspaper?" Justin pushed his
sandy−brown hair from his eyes.
"You already read it?" Carlos frowned and shoved his hands in his pocket. "I, uh, guess
you saw Kelly's poem."
"You bet I did! And it's great. She's gotta be great, too, and I can't wait to meet her." He

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glanced nervously through the open doors, then grimaced as he caught a strong wisp of
burnt meat and something else that smelled like wet socks.
"Justin, pal." Carlos cleared his throat. "Uh, there's something I should tell you."
"Sure! But let's go inside first. Do you think Kelly's already in there?"
"No. In fact, I'm positive she isn't. I don't know how to say this...but Kelly is really
steamed at you. Why'd you do a lame thing like yell at her on the phone then hang up?"
"Yelled...hang up?" Justin blinked in confusion. "But I never talked to her...unless...that
was her instead of my dad!" His mind spun. "Oh, no! Do I feel like a total jerk!" Then he
quickly told Carlos what had probably happened.
"Man, you're one unlucky dude," Carlos said, his black pony−tail bouncing on his back
as he shook his head.
"I can't believe I hung up on Kelly."
"You did, and that's why she's eating alone outside by the library instead of with us."
Carlos flashed Justin a challenging look. "You'd better go over there and explain
everything to her."
"But how will I recognize her?"
"She's got red hair and she'll probably be reading. She's always reading something."

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Justin swallowed hard and stiffened his shoulders. This wasn't going to be easy.

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Chapter 7

JUSTIN WALKED toward a cluster of benches on a grassy quad outside the library. A
few students sat in small groups, eating lunch and talking. But Justin had a feeling that
Kelly wouldn't be part of a group. She'd be sitting quietly by herself.
Suddenly, he stiffened and stopped in his tracks. Just a few yards away, he saw her. She
faced away from him, bent over reading a book. He couldn't see her face, but she had hair
the color of a brilliant scarlet sunset.
"Kelly," he whispered, the name echoing in his head in tune with his pounding heart. He
stared at her for a moment, relieved she hadn't noticed him yet. She wore khaki−shaded
pants and a yellow blouse with a multi−colored floral vest. Fiery red curls cascaded down
to the center of her back. When Carlos said Kelly had bright red hair, he hadn't
Justin took a step closer, and she must have heard him. Slowly, she lifted her head and
turned around.
Justin froze in place. Now that he was finally with Kelly, he didn't know what to say.
She seemed younger than he'd imagined. Her face was square, her bangs half−covered her

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eyes, and she looked uneasy. Of course, he was nervous, too, so he'd have to do his best to
stay calm and collected so he could smooth things over.
"Do I know you?" she asked cautiously, marking her place in her book and lifting her
brows in question.
"No...yes...sort of." He shifted his feet and cleared his throat. "I'm Justin."
"Justin?" she repeated with a slight frown.
"I know you probably hate me," he went on quickly. "But it was all a big mistake. When
you called, I thought you were my father."
"Your father!" She laughed. "I've never called anyone and been mistaken for a man. You
have to be the strangest boy I've ever met. Even stranger than the hero in Forever Sweet
." She picked up her book and showed him a dramatic lavender−gold cover with an
old−fashioned couple in a passionate embrace.
"My mother likes novels like that," Justin said.
"Then I'd like your mother. You know, you kind of look like the hero on this cover." She
giggled. "Isn't it romantic meeting you here like this?"
"I have to apologize for hanging up on you last night," Justin began, his face reddening.
"You see I thought



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"But how could you hang up on me? I read till midnight and didn't make any phone calls
last night."
"You didn't?" Justin scratched his head. "But Carlos said that's why you were mad."
"Carlos? Oh, I know him. Tall boy with a black pony−tail, right? He's in my algebra
class, but I don't know why he'd say I was mad at you." She hugged her book to her chest
and flashed him a dreamy smile. "I'm the opposite of angry. It's like you walked out of the
pages of a romance right into my life."
Justin just stared at her. He felt a sinking sense of disappointment. He should be thrilled
to finally be here with Kelly, and yet it wasn't like he'd expected. She wasn't the way he'd


I better go...I mean, lunch is almost over and I have to get to class."

"Maybe our classes are in the same direction. We could walk together."
"I don't think so. This just isn't going to work." Justin frowned, trying to think of a nice
way to let her down. "Look, I'm sorry, Kelly."
"Kelly? Who's Kelly?"
"You are...Aren't you?"
"No." She tossed her fiery curls. "I'm Mary Shroeder...although I'm thinking of changing

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my name to Marissa Monique. Doesn't that sound more glamorous?"
"Sure, sure," Justin stammered, his brain spinning. "I just thought you were someone
else...she also has red hair."
Mary snapped her fingers. "Kelly Donnelly, right? But her hair isn't as long or as red as
mine. She was sitting over there before you arrived." Mary pointed to an empty concrete
bench. "She was reading some magazines and eating her lunch. But then this boy came up
and she went off with him."
"Boy?" Justin's rising hopes did a U−turn and plummeted back to the ground.
"Yeah. Tall, good−looking with dreamy russet−brown hair." Mary sighed. "He looked
just like the cover of Hope Eternal."
"You don't know who he was?"
"No. But I wouldn't mind finding out." She touched him lightly on the hand. "Since
Kelly already has a dreamy boyfriend, maybe you and I could get to know one another
better. Do you like milkshakes? We could get one after school."
"Maybe some other time," Justin said quickly. Then before Mary could protest, he turned
and left.
Justin was disappointed he hadn't met Kelly, but he sure was relieved that Mary wasn't

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her. Mary seemed like nice enough, just not his type.

Of course, I have no idea if Kelly is my type either, and now maybe I'll never find out,

Justin thought sadly, remembering Mary's mention of a "tall, dreamy" guy walking off with
Kelly. Why do other guys have all the luck?

KELLY LEANED against her locker and stared at the tall, russet−haired boy facing
her. She still couldn't believe the news he'd just told her, or maybe she didn't want to
believe it.
"Brad, are you sure Mom was crying?" she asked again.
"Yeah. I drove home to get my biology book and there she was, sitting at our kitchen
table, sobbing in her arms."
"I knew things were bad with Mom and Dad." Kelly bit her lower lip so it wouldn't
tremble, "but I never figured they were this bad."
Brad nodded grimly. "Mom didn't even realize I was there. She lifted her head and just
stared at this letter she was holding. Something official looking."
A scary thought jumped into Kelly's mind. "Do you think...I mean...could the letter be
from a lawyer. A divorce lawyer?"

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"No way! They'd discuss something like that with us first...wouldn't they?"
Kelly wanted to believe her brother, but why else would her mom have been crying? She
shuddered, remembering how she used to be proud that her parents got along so well when
many of her friends' parents were breaking up. Her parents, although they fought about
money, still held hands and laughed at private jokes. Of course, since her dad's business
began having problems, neither he nor her mother had laughed much lately.

But were things bad enough for divorce?

Brad curled his fingers around a hallway pole and leaned toward Kelly. "So what are we
going to do? And don't tell me more fairy tales about winning a lot of money. That'll never
"It might!" Kelly snapped, desperate to hold onto her dreams. "It's the only chance we
"Come out of the clouds, Kel. What we need is real action, and I think you're the one to
do it." Brad wagged his finger at her. "Talk to Mom and tell her to stop shopping so much."
"You should talk to Dad and tell him to lighten up! If he weren't so grouchy, Mom
would stay home more."
"I should have known you wouldn't be any help."

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"I'm going to help in my own way. I may even win the sweepstakes in Teen Time
Magazine. Ten thousand dollars. I mean it, Brad. I have a feeling that I'm going to win BIG
"Someday?" Brad snorted. "Yeah. Right. Before someday comes, we'll be deciding
which parent to live with."
"NO!" Kelly felt sick to her stomach. And then she thought for a moment, "Maybe I will
talk to Mom, but not about her shopping habits. I'll bet she needs someone to confide in,
and it might as well be me."
"Good idea. I'll hang out with the guys after school and shoot some baskets so you and
Mom can be alone." He winked at Kelly. "You can count on me to back you up if you need
me." Then he strode off, as if everything was solved.
"I can always count on you big brother," Kelly muttered sarcastically. Brad meant well,
but he treated problems like a basketball game, passing the ball to another player.
Kelly glanced at her watch and realized lunch was nearly over. She wished she could run
home right now, but she had two more classes. Racing off as the bell rang, she headed for
But Kelly could barely concentrate in class. Instead, she tried to think of ways to keep

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her parents together. While Ms. Grayson explained the speed of light, Kelly imagined
creating a romantic candlelight dinner for her parents. She'd dress in a cute skirt and apron,
like a French maid's outfit, and she'd serve a fancy five course meal. Of course, she only
knew how to cook simple things like pancakes or meat loaf, but anyone could open a can of
soup (Course One), toss a dinner salad (Course Two), slice bread (Course Three), serve
meal loaf (Course Four), and scoop up Mom's favorite Double Dutch Delicious Ice cream
(Course Five).
Leaning back in her chair, Kelly smiled to herself. For not knowing much about cooking,
she had just pictured a really great dinner. She had the end of the evening all pictured, too.
Her parents would get all lovey dovey and forget all about a divorce.
Kelly began to feel better, and couldn't wait to get home to spring her surprise dinner
idea on her mother. Just one more class and she'd be free to save her parents' marriage.
When the bell rang announcing the end of science, she grabbed her backpack and
jumped from her chair. She usually walked out with Lesa, but Lesa was talking with a
friend and hadn't even stood yet. So Kelly headed for the door, yanked it open, and
The door hit a boy who was standing outside, causing him to lose his balance and fall

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"Sorry!" Kelly exclaimed, seeing his scuffed sneakers fly in the air. "Are you okay?"
The boy was lying in a jumble on the floor, his backpack blocking his face. Kelly heard
him mumble, "Yeah...I think."
She started to go towards him, but other kids poured out of the room as if flood gates had
been opened and Kelly was swept aside. Through the crowd, she caught a glimpse of the
boy standing up and straightening his backpack. She still couldn't see his face, just a flash
of light−brown hair. Since he seemed fine, she promptly forgot about him, and hurried to
her last class. She wanted to get through it as quickly as possible. She had important work
to do at home.

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Chapter 8

"WHAT A klutz!" Justin muttered, pulling his backpack off his face and scrambling to
his feet. He dusted off his jeans, and waited for the fifth period kids to empty out of the
science room before he went inside.
"How's the extra credit report coming?" Ms. Grayson asked, lifting her blond head and
flashing him a smile.
"Kind of slow," he admitted as he sat in his second row seat. "Between my regular
homework and after−school job, I haven't had time to go to the county library for
"Aren't there any astronomy books in the school library?"
"Yeah, but someone already checked them out." He still couldn't believe another student
had beat him to the exact titles he needed for his report.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Ms. Grayson leaned forward in her desk and gave him a
sympathetic look. "I'd like to give you extra time, but it wouldn't be fair to my other
students. I hope you can finish by Friday."
"I hope so, too," Justin said, doubtfully.

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A few other kids entered the room, and Ms. Grayson walked over to Justin's desk.
"There are several excellent reference books right here in this classroom." She pointed to a
bookshelf by the window. "I'm not allowed to loan them out, but you're welcome to stay
after school or come in during lunch to use them."
"I have to deliver pizzas after school," Justin told his teacher. "But I could come in
during lunch."
"Great!" Ms. Grayson's face lit up, obviously pleased to see Justin making every effort
he could. "I'll be here checking homework and eating my own lunch. You can join me."
"Thanks. See you here tomorrow."
Opening his science book, Justin breathed a quiet sigh of relief. He'd get his report done
on time after all. Insuring good grades was very important, more important than getting
together with a mystery girl. Maybe it was better if he didn't go out with anyone for a
while. He needed to concentrate on the important things in his life like getting a good job
so he could take the pressure off his mom. She and Vicki were the important people in his
life, not some girl he had met yet.
From now on, Justin decided, he was just going to forget all about Kelly.

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"FORGET IT!" Kelly told Lesa as they walked home from school. "I'm not going to
call Justin tonight and that's final!"
"But Carlos told me Justin didn't know he was hanging up on you," Lesa tried to explain.
"He thought you were his father."
"His father!" Kelly exclaimed, stepping over a branch on the sidewalk. "Any guy that
treats his father like that is not someone I want to date."
"But it was a mistake



"That's for sure! My mistake. I should never have agreed to a blind date in the first
"Okay. I give up," Lesa said, rolling her eyes. "Besides, I've been watching Manuel
Reynoso in science and I think he might be perfect for you. He's kind of cute



"Cute?" Kelly's hazel eyes widened in outrage. "Manuel has a tattoo of a shark on his
forehead! There's nothing cute about that. Please stop trying to fix me up."
"But Carlos and I are so happy together. I just wanted you to be happy, too."
"I'm happy, I'm happy, okay?" Kelly faced her best friend as they waited for traffic to
pass at an intersection. "I'm very happy without a boyfriend!"
"Are you sure? Sometimes I catch you looking at me and Carlos kind of sad


like you

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envy us."
Kelly pretended to zip a pouch in her backpack so her friend wouldn't see her guilty
blush. She was envious...sometimes. But finding romance took a lot of luck, and lately luck
had been passing her by. She'd been entering lots of contests and hadn't even won a small
cash prize, much less a grand one. Her drought of luck would pass, Kelly was sure of it.
Soon she'd be showered with good fortune.
"There's my house," Kelly said, eager to change the subject. "I'd invite you in, but I need
to have an important talk with my mom."
"About what?"
"Just things." It was painful thinking about her parents splitting up. Talking about


even to Lesa


would make it seem like a reality. Besides, Kelly was going to do

everything she could to make sure her parents stayed together.
Lesa tilted her dark head, then flashed a playful grin. "Is Justin one of the 'things' you'll
discuss with your mom?"
"NO! I've changed my mind about wanting to date anyone. The newspaper and my
homework keep me busy enough. Who needs a guy to complicate things?"
"You do," Lesa teased.

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"No way! Even if I did, Justin Reece would be at the bottom of my potential boyfriend
"Too bad. He's a nice guy, but I guess he's not the nice guy for you." Lesa shrugged. "Oh
well, I heard Vanya is really interested in him."
Kelly paused in the driveway and knotted her hands into fists as she remembered
Justin's nasty tone on the phone. Unforgivable. That's what he'd yelled at her. The loud
click of his slamming phone still echoed in her ears. If he thought he was hanging up on his
father, what kind of father was unforgivable?
Determined not to give in, Kelly glared at her friend. "Well, if Vanya wants Justin, that's
fine with me," she said firmly. "As far as I'm concerned, Vanya can have him!"

KELLY WALKED into her house, still upset over her conversation with Lesa. But
she had more important things to worry about. She had her parents' marriage to save. She
walked into the kitchen and found her mother standing at the sink. Kelly stood there for a
moment, trying to decide what to say. "Are you getting a divorce?" wasn't the sort of
question to be asked lightly. She would have to lead up to the subject.
"So where's Dad?" Kelly rose her voice slightly to be heard over the running water. Her

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mother was washing a head of lettuce, probably getting ready to make a salad.
"At the store."
"Yeah. Well, I was thinking about you two...I and Dad have been fighting a
lot lately," Kelly said quietly, leaning against a kitchen counter. "And I



"That's between your father and me," Mrs. Donnelly said abruptly. She turned away and
gave a tomato vicious slices with a sharp knife. Kelly had never realized making a salad
could seem so brutal.
"Is Dad's business doing any better?"
"Yes, but it'll take a while to get ahead."
"Too bad we couldn't win a lottery or find a pot of gold," Kelly said wistfully.
"That would be nice, but unlikely." Mrs. Donnelly turned and started pulling lettuce
leaves apart and putting them in a salad bowl. It was like she was ripping apart a bunch of
bills she didn't want to pay.
"I wish there was something I could do." Kelly almost admitted knowing her mother had
been crying earlier, but she decided that might make things worse. Her mother had a lot of
pride and seldom let anyone see she was upset. "You can talk to me, Mom, about
anything...important. I want to help."

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"So help make dinner. Peel the potatoes."
"That's not what I had in mind. " Kelly sighed. "But I'll do it."
As she stripped potatoes of their skins, she wondered which parent she'd choose to live
with if she was forced to decide. She had a special bond with her mother, but they were too
much alike and disagreed over everything from clothes to curfews. Her father would give
her more freedom, but when would she see him? He was always at work and she'd be
awfully lonely.
Of course, there was also Brad to consider. If Mom kept the house, Brad would
definitely stay here. He was a superstar on the basketball team and wouldn't want to leave
his jock friends. So maybe she should be the one to live with Dad...but then she'd miss

They just can't get a divorce, Kelly thought desperately, wondering how she could break

through the barrier her mother had put up.

WEDNESDAY afternoon, Justin sat at a computer and glanced at the assignment on
the blackboard. Computer lab was an easy class and he knew he could finish the
assignment in about ten minutes. Then he'd have some extra time to think about his science

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His topic was mythology and constellations. He already knew a lot about Greco−Roman
mythology and he loved the stories about Taurus the bull, Orion the hunter, and Cygnus the
swan. While other kids remember Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty as their favorite fairy
tales, Justin's favorite stories were the ones that told the origins behind constellation names.
He'd been able to write two pages of his report just from things he remembered reading as a
kid, and he'd finish the rest of the paper during lunch in the science room.
Wrapping up his computer lab assignment, Justin reached into his backpack and
withdrew a computer disk labeled "Science Report." After slipping it into B Drive, he
waited while the computer accessed the information on the disk.
But nothing happened.
The machine blacked out, then flashed back on. Strange symbols raced across the screen
at light−speed. Was there a power surge somewhere? But if so, why weren't the other
computers in the classroom blinking and flashing, too?
"Weird," he muttered to himself, popping his disk out. He stared in bewilderment at the
computer. Those strange letters and symbols were back, shifting and swirling like Alphabet

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The letters became words and the words became a sentence: "Hey, stupid! What are you
He stared at the gray−green screen in disbelief. Was the computer calling him stupid? He
knew modern technology had advanced and computers could do amazing things, but when
had they learned to communicate by themselves? And if they had, why was this one being
so rude?
Justin wasn't sure whether to call his teacher over or burst into laughter. He decided not
to do either. Instead, he poised his fingers over the keyboard and typed a reply, "Hey,
stupid yourself! I'm just doing my work!"
A new message appeared on the screen. "So am I! Stop messing around so I can finish!"
When the strange words faded away, Justin typed: "Finish what?"
"A menu," the computer answered.
Justin rubbed his chin thoughtfully. In computer−language "menu" meant a list. But he'd
never heard of a computer programming its own menu. That meant his machine had
hooked up with another person on a computer, maybe someone from this class.
He stood up and glanced around. Everyone seemed busy with their assignments, and all
the computers appeared normal. Maybe it was someone on the other side of the room.

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He sat back down and keyed in, "Where are you?"
"At my desk," came the reply.
That didn't tell him anything. All students in this class sat at individual desks. While he
was trying to decide what to ask next, the words faded to a new message: "Are you human
or machine?
Justin laughed. Human or machine! he thought with a grin. This had to be the weirdest
conversation in the world. But weird or not, it was getting to be fun, even more interesting
than staring up in the sky at constellations.
"Last time I checked, I was human," he keyed in, chuckling to himself. "What about
"Human," the screen flashed in large dark letters.
"Are you a student at Leighton High?" he questioned, his curiosity hitting over−drive.
"Yes. Are you?"
He nodded, then realized his computer−pal couldn't see him, not unless his new friend
was two inches high and hiding behind the gray−green screen. "Yes," he typed quickly,
"I'm in the computer lab. Are you in here, too?"
"No. But I'm not far," came the cryptic reply.

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"How far are you?" Justin responded. "Never mind that. Just tell me your name."
Watching eagerly, waiting for a reply, Justin tapped his fingers on the desktop. He knew
so few people at Leighton that he doubted he'd recognize the name when it appeared. Still,
he was curious...and strangely excited.
"Hurry," he whispered to his unknown friend, glancing up at the clock and realizing
fourth period would be over ten minutes. "Tell me your name."
He stared at the screen and suddenly letters began to flash brightly, spelling out the one
name at Leighton High he could never forget, even though he had vowed to try.

Kelly Donnelly.

He quickly typed back: "You won't believe this, but I'm Justin Reece!"

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Chapter 9

KELLY GASPED when she read the name on her computer screen.

Justin Reece! But he had no way of knowing she was using the library computer. She

wasn't even using a modem, so it was impossible for anyone to hook−up with her
Yet somehow it had happened. Blame it on coincidence, fate, or maybe Justin was an
electronic wizard. The explanation didn't matter. The fact that she and Justin were actually
connected, if only through computers, was incredible!
Words drifted like lazy dark clouds across the screen and Kelly leaned forward to read
them. "I'm sorry for hanging up on you."
"Why did you yell at me?" she typed back.
The answer came quickly, "I thought my father was calling."
Kelly pursed her lips in disapproval. "I would never hang up on my father."
"Your father probably didn't ditch his family four years ago and then show up expecting
everything to be fine.
Kelly frowned and wondered how she'd feel in the same situation. Maybe, in a way, her

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father had already left. Kelly hardly saw him since he was always at his store. He was gone
so much, it was beginning to feel like she didn't have a father.
"I'm sorry about your dad," Kelly finally wrote back.
"And I'm very sorry for hanging up on you. I didn't want to talk with my dad, but I did
want to talk to you.
Kelly stared at the message, and something deep within her melted. She had no idea
what Justin looked like, but that didn't matter. Already she felt a special connection with
Her fingers flew across the keyboard, "Apology accepted."
"Your starlight, star bright poem was great," was Justin's reply.
Kelly smiled as she typed, "I'm glad you liked it. I think it's cool you know a lot about
stars and planets." She paused and tried to remember some of the information from the
astronomy books she'd checked out of the library. She typed quickly, "My favorite planet is
Venus. It's about the size of Earth, but so much hotter. And it's the only planet that rotates
"My favorite planet is Jupiter," Justin answered. "Because it's so largest and the wild.
It's had a storm swirling on it for hundreds of years

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"Wow!" Kelly typed. "You know a lot about astronomy."
"Not really. But I learn more every time I look through my telescope."
"You have your own telescope?" Kelly queried.
"Yes," Justin replied. "When I lived in Chicago, I served hamburgers and fries for a year
to save up for it
"I think it's great you're such a hard worker. My brother could learn something from you.
He's seventeen and he's never had any kind of job. I've babysat, walked dogs, and washed
cars. But my brother would rather shoot baskets with the guys."
"Shooting baskets can be fun," Justin keyed back, "but I prefer shooting stars."
Kelly chuckled to herself. Not only was Justin smart, he also had a sense of humor. She'd
definitely been too quick to give up on him. He was more than just a faceless hazel−eyed
boy who knew how to deliver a great pizza. He had a soul that reached out to her in
mysterious ways.
Smiling, she keyed back, "Maybe we could watch some of those stars together
"There's an observatory at the college. Would you like to go there with me Friday?"
Kelly's heart beat faster than her fingers could type. "I'd love to go!"

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"Great!" Justin typed back enthusiastically. "I already know where you live. So after I
get off work at 6:30, I'll pick you up at seven.
"It's a da


" Kelly started to type, but then the screen went completely dark.

She hit different keys, trying to re−boot it back up. Finally, her computer screen
flickered with bright lights and strange symbols, then faded to a gray−green. She waited,
hoping Justin would write more, but there was nothing.
The bell rang, ending fourth period, and other kids in the library scrambled to leave.
Kelly sat there for a moment, until she finally accepted the fact that her computer
conversation was over. Either Justin had shut off his machine or the magic that hooked
them up in the first place had done its job and split.

Should I run to the computer lab to find Justin? Kelly debated. But then she decided not

to. They had agreed on Friday at seven o'clock. He already had her phone number and he
knew her address, so there would be no mistakes this time...she hoped.
Of course, she was curious to find out what he looked like. Look, you've waited this long.
You can wait till Friday,
she told herself. That way her first meeting with Justin would be
extra special.
Kelly grinned so wide that anyone watching would think she was nuts. But she didn't

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"What an amazing way to get a date!" she mumbled to herself excitedly. "Friday isn't too
far away. And I have a feeling Justin Reece will be worth the wait!"

JUSTIN WENT directly to the science room. He debated for a minute or two whether
or not to look for Kelly, then decided against it. He knew he might find her in the cafeteria
with Carlos and Lesa. But he kind of liked the idea of a dramatic first date.
He would put on his best jeans and coolest shirt, then arrive at the Donnelly's at exactly
seven o'clock. He'd take no chances on making any mistakes this time. Maybe he'd bring a
gift for Kelly: flowers, a book of poems, maybe a heart−shaped pizza.
A heart−shaped pizza! Now where did he get a sappy idea like that?

You're really losing it, Reece, he told himself, shaking his head. He glanced over at Ms.

Grayson to make sure she didn't notice anything odd about him. But she just sipped a cola
as she graded papers.
Realizing that he was hungry, Justin took his sack lunch out of his backpack. While
worked on his tuna sandwich, he wondered why he was getting strange thoughts and weird
feelings. He didn't usually didn't get so anxious over a girl


especially one he'd never met!

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But something was different about Kelly; something mysterious and unexplainable.
He didn't believe in magic, fate, or anything that couldn't be proven by hard scientific
facts, yet Justin had the oddest feeling that he and Kelly were destined to be together.

"IT'S FATE!" Kelly exclaimed to Lesa as they sat cross−legged on Kelly's bed later
that afternoon. Kelly hugged a pillow to her chest and gave a dreamy sigh. "Can you
believe a computer actually zapped us together? It was so romantic and magical! I'm telling
you Lesa, it's a sign that Justin and I are destined to be together."
"Or it's a sign that the school computers need to be fixed." Lesa said with a chuckle. "But
however it happened, I'm just thrilled that it did. Finally! I knew you two would make a
good couple. I love being a matchmaker."
"You're a terrific friend, Lesa."
"When you and Justin get married in ten years, you can thank me by naming your first
child Lesa."
Kelly teased, "Let's hope it's a girl."
They both laughed, and then launched into a discussion about what Kelly would wear on
Friday night. A dazzling mini dress would be too fancy for an observatory, but jeans and a

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T−shirt would be too casual. Finally, Lesa found a shirt and vest combo hidden in the back
of Kelly's closet that was perfect. That over some cute jeans skirt would be a cool outfit.
There was a tap at Kelly's door and her mother peaked inside. "Hope I'm not interrupting
anything, girls."
"No. We're just talking," Kelly answered with her back to her mother. She quickly wiped
off the Midnight Magenta lipstick she'd tried on, then she turned around. "What's up,
Mrs. Donnelly handed Kelly a long tan envelope. "You received a letter today from a
magazine, either junk mail or another one of your contests." She paused and gave a fake
groan. "Please don't tell me you've won a ton of goat food. We don't have room for any
more pets."
"This one has nothing to do with animals," Kelly assured her mom, getting excited as
she stared at the letter. Teen Time Magazine! Just what she'd been waiting for!
Her hands shook as she dug her thumbnail into a corner of the envelope. "I hope...I
hope..." she whispered as images of dollar signs danced in her mind. Ten thousand dollars
went to the grand prize winner...and it could be hers!
Her fingers trembled and her heart thumped loudly. This could be it! She knew the odds

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of winner were a zillion to one, but someone had to win, so why not her? Finally, she
ripped open the envelope.
"What does it say?" Lesa asked eagerly.
"Don't keep us in suspense," her mother added, leaning forward.
Kelly scanned past the date and address to the important part: "We are happy to inform
Kelly jumped up and down and squealed. "I've won! I've won!"
Lesa shrieked with delight, and Mrs. Reece's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh, my!" she
exclaimed. "Are you serious, Kelly?"
"Yes! I've won second prize!" She handed the letter to her mother. "Read it! I've really
done it this time. No kitty litter, diaper service, or year's supply of prune juice. This is the
real thing!"
Her mother read the letter. "Oh, my!" she said again. "You aren't joking! Even third
prize sounds wonderful: one thousand dollars. But second prize is five times better. FIVE
"Awesome! That's so much money!" Lesa yelped, hopping around like a hyper bunny

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"And I won it!" Kelly legs trembling so much she had to sit down on the corner of her
bed. "I


I really did it!" Her head was spinning and she couldn't think, much less breathe.

Mrs. Donnelly hugged her daughter. "Congratulations, Kelly."
"Wow!" Lesa sank down next to Kelly on the bed. "You're rich!"
"Not me," Kelly corrected, turning to smile up at her mother. "The five thousand dollars
is for my parents."
"Don't be silly." Mrs. Donnelly furrowed her brow. "The money will go in a college fund
for you."
"I don't need it, but you and Dad do. I had planned to surprise you and Dad with a
romantic dinner. I even typed up a fancy menu. But I won't need to do that now. The
money will solve everything."
"I don't understand what you mean, Kelly." Mrs. Donnelly paled. "Solve what?"
"Your arguments over money. I just hope five thousand is enough to help Dad's store,
with extra cash left over so you can have the biggest shopping spree in the universe." Kelly
couldn't hold back any longer and burst into happy tears. "Now we'll be a happy family
"Oh, Kelly," her mother said, her eyes filling with tears, too. She handed the letter back

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to Kelly. Then without a word, she whirled around and left the room.
"What's wrong with your mom?" Lesa asked, twirling the end of her long black braid.
"I don't know. I thought she'd be happy, but she seemed upset."
"People cry when they're happy. Your mom is probably just overcome with excitement.
I'll bet she's on the phone right now calling your father with the good news."
"Yeah. That's got to be it." Relief spread through Kelly. "Mom isn't comfortable showing
her emotions, and this has got to be the most emotional moment of her life. It sure is
"You bet it is!" Lesa said, smiling. "I always thought your contests were kind of silly,
but now I wish I'd entered, too. When you're handing out shopping sprees, don't forget your
best friend, okay?"
"You got it." Kelly picked up the letter, read it again, and then gave a happy sigh.
At last, her bad luck had changed to good. She'd won five thousand dollars and she had
another chance with Justin. Money and romance. What more could she ask for?
Of course, the money was for her parents, but the romance was just for her, and Friday
night was sure to be the most romantic night ever.

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Chapter 10

ON FRIDAY night, Justin was keyed up with nervous energy. He zipped through his
pizza deliveries, finishing earlier than usual. He'd have plenty of time to change out of his
stinky pizza uniform, and wash up in the back room at Papa Ronny's, then drive over to the
Donnelly's house.
He whistled an upbeat tune to himself as he pulled into the Papa Ronny's parking lot.
Everything was going as planned, and soon he'd meet Kelly.
"Hi, Justin," Dan Sweeny, a tall blond boy rolling pizza dough, greeted him. "Back for
more deliveries already?"
"No chance!" Justin tugged off his red and white jacket and grinned at his co−worker.
"I'm out of here."
"Big date?" Dan asked with a wide grin.
"You got it! You've also got a streak of flour on your nose." Justin laughed as he breezed
through the warm, stuffy kitchen. "See you later, Dan!"
Whistling again, Justin pushed through swinging metal doors and headed for the small
storage room in the back of the building where he'd left a bag of clothes to change into. But

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when he tried to open the door, the knob stuck.
"Not again," he muttered, wondering why no one ever bothered to fix anything around
"Dumb door." He slapped his palm against the wooden frame. "Open up," he called with
annoyance as if the door could understand him. He glanced at his watch with impatience. It
was only five−fifty−two. He had over an hour before he had to meet Kelly, but he didn't
want to take any chances on being late. He didn't dare show up in his pepperoni stained
uniform. He needed his clean clothes, and he needed them now.
Frustrated, he gave the door a swift kick while jiggling the knob. Suddenly, it turned
easily, as if it had never been stuck at all. He carefully propped the door open, stepped
inside, and began to change.

"SIX O'CLOCK," Kelly announced like a town crier as she paced across the living
room. "One hour until my date."
"Sit down and relax," her mother said from her seat on the couch. She held the TV
remote and clicked through channels.
"But I can't relax! It's been nearly a week since I almost went out with Justin and now

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I'm actually going to meet him. What if I'm disappointed? What if he's disappointed? Gosh,
do I look all right?"
"You look beautiful. But you're wearing a path in my carpet," Mrs. Donnelly said with a
faint smile. It was the first smile Kelly had seen on her mother's face in days. Ever since
Kelly had announced she was giving her contest winnings to her parents, her mother
seemed to be even more depressed than before. Kelly had tried repeatedly to ask what was
wrong, but her mother would always just shrug and say "nothing."
But tonight Kelly was too keyed up to puzzle over what was going on between her
parents. Kelly had her own puzzle to think about: her romantic puzzle, and she hoped
Justin was the last piece! Yes, soon the whole picture of her romantic future would unfold
and Kelly Irene Donnelly would meet the boy fate had chosen for her.
Kelly stopped pacing for a moment and stared at her image in the narrow mirror over the
fireplace. Her red hair flowed in soft curls around her shoulders and her hazel eyes
reflected green from her jade−green vest and skirt. Did she really look beautiful?
Maybe. Maybe not. But she definitely felt beautiful.
"Seven o'clock will never get here," she complained, clutching her hands together and
frowning at her mother. "I can't take the suspense much longer."

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"So do something," her mother suggested. "You've got an hour. Read something."
"I can't! I'm too nervous to concentrate. Maybe I'll eat something. No, I can't do that.
Justin is taking me out to dinner."
"Did someone mention dinner?" Brad asked, bouncing his basketball through the kitchen
and into the living room. The orange ball wouldn't bounce on the carpet, so he just volleyed
it from hand to hand.
"Go back to your game," Kelly said with a scowl. She didn't need any wisecracks from
her smart−mouthed brother tonight. She had enough stress already.
"The guys took off, so the game's over. I was whipping their shirts off, shooting hoops
like I was ten feet tall. Brad Donnelly rules the court, as usual."
"Take your ego and rebound out of here," Kelly stated dryly. She checked her watch and
saw that only five minutes had passed. This had to be the longest hour of her entire life.
She'd have gray hair and wrinkles by the time Justin arrived.
Brad plopped on the couch beside their mother. "So what's on the menu, Mom? I'm
"I haven't planned anything," Mrs. Donnelly said, staring blankly at the TV. "I've been
concerned with other things...your father will be home soon and we're going out."

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"You and Dad, and even Kelly, are going out tonight?" Brad raised his brows and put his
ball aside. "But what about me? Hey, a growing guy has to eat, too."
Mrs. Donnelly rubbed her forehead and sighed. "There's lunch meat for a sandwich or
you can microwave a TV dinner. Your father and I have an appointment we can't miss.
You're on your own tonight. I'm sorry, Brad, but things are kind of confusing right now."
Kelly gave her mother a sharp glance. Something was going on with her parents. Were
they meeting with a lawyer? Worry gnawed at her, but Kelly pushed it aside. Her family
problems could wait until later, after she'd met the boy of her dreams.
"Well, I can do better than a sandwich or TV dinner," Brad announced. "I'm going out
for pizza."
Mrs. Donnelly smiled approval. "That's a good idea." She reached for her purse and
withdrew a twenty dollar bill and handed it to her son. "I can't let my growing boy starve,
after all. Have fun, Brad."
"Thanks, Mom. I can already taste Papa Ronny's Supreme Super Cyclone."
Kelly felt her cheeks pale and she whirled to face her brother. "You're going to Papa
"Sure," he said, shoving the money in his jeans pocket. "They make the best pizza in

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Kelly glanced at her watch and did some quick thinking. It was just a few minutes after
six, and the pizza parlor was only ten minutes from their house. And Justin said he didn't
get off till six−thirty. She could tag along with Brad and surprise Justin at Papa Ronny's.

It'll work! Kelly told herself excitedly. I'm going crazy waiting here, so why wait any

"Just a minute, Brad." She grinned. "I'm going with you."

JUSTIN CHECKED his appearance in the round wall mirror one last time. His tan
shirt didn't have a wrinkle in it and his black jeans had just been washed. Best of all, they
didn't reek of pizza odors. He checked himself out one last time in the mirror. He'd washed
his hands, combed his hair, and he felt great. Even better, it was only ten after six. He was
ahead of schedule. There was no chance of standing Kelly up for this date. In fact, he'd be
Carrying his uniform in a bag, he headed for the office to turn in his time card. But he
stopped in the hallway when he heard someone call his name.
He turned to see a tall brown−haired man striding toward him. His fingers dug into the

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paper bag that held his filthy uniform, Justin felt a swift flame of anger inside his heart.
Four years had added lines to the familiar face that approached him, but there was no
mistaking it. His father.
"What are you doing here?" Justin demanded.
"You know the answer to that," Curtis Reece replied, his shoulders slumped and his eyes
filled with sadness. "We need to talk."
"I have nothing to say. I've got to go." Justin turned, but stopped when his father's hand
rested on his shoulder.
"Please, hear me out, son."
"Don't touch me, and I'm not your son!" Justin hissed, shaking his father's hand away.
"You gave up your right to be my dad four years ago."
"People make mistakes," Curtis Reece said unhappily. He gazed into Justin's face and
sighed. "I just wanted to invite you to join Vicki and me this weekend. Your mother tells
me you're still interested in astronomy."
Justin folded his arms across his chest and didn't reply.
"Remember when you were five and I bought you your first telescope?" He paused,
obviously wanting Justin to say something. But when there was no answer, he gave a

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wistful smile. "I'll never forget when you told me you wanted to swim in the Big Dipper
and slide down the Milky Way. You were such a smart little guy."
"I'm not so little anymore," Justin said coolly. "And I have to leave."
"I'm only going to be in town until Sunday night. I planned to take your sister to a movie
and out to lunch tomorrow. Won't you come with us?"
"No." Justin's tone held no emotion, but his heart was so filled with memories and
longing that tears stung his eyes. He refused to let his father hurt him again, so he abruptly
turned and strode down the hall. He could turn in his time card later. Right now he wanted
to put distance between himself and his father as fast as he could.
As he slipped out a back door, Justin tried to push away all thoughts of his father. In ten
minutes, he would finally meet the mysterious, red−headed, star−loving Kelly Donnelly.
Tonight was going to be a special night


and there was no way he'd let his father ruin it for


"WHERE CAN I find Justin Reece?" Kelly asked a tall blond boy behind the counter.
His badge identified his as Dan Sweeny.
"He's in the back." Dan grinned. "You must be The One."

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"What one?" Kelly tapped her fingers on the counter top nervously.
"The girl who's got Justin's heart in a tangle," Dan replied with a chuckle. "He zipped
through his deliveries tonight like he was racing to a fire. A red−haired fire from the looks
of you."
Kelly smoothed her hair self−consciously. "Uh, can you tell him I'm here?"
"I've got counter duty." Dan pointed to a hallway. "But go ahead and find him yourself."
"But I don't know


" She hesitated, realizing how dumb it would sound to say she didn't

know what Justin looked like. Besides, Dan was wearing a badge so Justin would probably
have one on, too. "Okay. I'll go look for him."
"Check at the end of the hall, that's the storage room. I saw him go in there." Dan turned
to take Brad's pizza order.
Kelly thanked Dan and waved good−bye to her brother. Then she hurried down the
narrow hallway. She passed a few employees in uniforms and an older man leaning against
a wall. She hoped the employees wouldn't question her for being back here and she
wondered why the older man looked so sad. She stopped in front of a closed door labeled,
She reached for the door knob, but it was either jammed or locked. She jiggled it a few

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times and even kicked the door. That did it. The knob turned and she stepped inside the
dimly lit storage room.
"Justin," she called out eerily, waiting for her eyes to adjust. She fumbled on the wall for
a switch, but couldn't find one. All she could see was the shadowy outlines of stacked
boxes and a white skeletal object that turned out to be a broken toilet.
She tried calling again, "Justin, are you in here?"
But there was no reply.

So where is he? Kelly wondered with annoyance.

She turned back toward the door and stumbled over a metal pipe. Her arms flailed out
and she managed to keep her balance, but the pipe slid forward and smacked hard against
the door


shutting it.

Annoyed, Kelly straightened up and reached for the knob. She twisted and turned it,
again and again, but the door wouldn't budge. "Hey!" she cried, banging on the door. But
the storage room was so far down the hall no one could hear her. Frustrated and fighting
not to cry, Kelly sank to the floor.
She was trapped in Papa Ronny's storage room. If she didn't escape, she would miss her
date with Justin.

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Chapter 11

"WHAT DO you mean she isn't here?" Justin asked, standing on the doorstep of the
Donnelly home.
"Oh, my!" Mrs. Donnelly's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes widened. "She went to
meet you. Didn't you see her at your pizza parlor?"
"Of course not. We agreed to meet here. I don't understand."
Mrs. Donnelly smiled. "Come on inside. You can wait for Kelly. I'm sure she'll return
home with her brother when she realizes you aren't at Papa Ronny's."
Justin followed Mrs. Donnelly inside and sat wearily on the couch. "I don't understand
what's going on. Kelly and I have been missing each other like two shooting stars in the
night. It's been crazy." He paused for a moment. "You don't think she and her brother could
have gone any place else, do you?"
"I sincerely hope not." Mrs. Donnelly picked her purse. "I have to leave in a few minutes
to meet my husband."
"Maybe I should return to Papa Ronny's and catch them there," Justin suggested,
stretching his legs and bumping one against a wooden coffee table. "I could leave a note for

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Kelly here in case she comes back."
"Don't bother. I think I hear Brad's car pulling in." Mrs. Donnelly smiled and parted the
pleated drapes to peak out the window. "Yes! It's Brad's car!"
Justin jumped up, fueled by a burst of excitement. This was it! Kelly was only seconds
away, just outside that door, probably unfastening her seat belt right now and stepping out
of the car. Justin smoothed back his hair and took a step forward.
"Kelly!" he exclaimed as the door opened.
"Not even close," the tall, thin boy holding a huge pizza box said with a shake of his
coppery brown head. "Guess again. I'm Brad."
"Kelly's brother? But where is



"Hey, do I know you?" Brad interrupted, giving Justin a sharp look.
"No. But Kelly does...kind of. I'm Justin Reece."
"The dude that's going out with my sister!" Brad set his pizza box on the coffee table and
grinned wickedly. "Hey, neat trick. How did you get here so fast? Kelly met you at the
pizza joint."
"No, she didn't," Justin said firmly. "Where is she?"
'Like I said, she's meeting you." Brad chuckled and popped open the pizza box. "Man, is

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she going to be ticked off. She's still at Papa Ronny's."

TRAPPED IN a storage room. Kelly couldn't believe her rotten luck.

She pounded the door for what seemed like the hundredth time. "Help! Someone get me
out of here!" she hollered. Her hands stung with sharp pain, so she assaulted the door with
her feet. "Open up!" she ordered, kicking at the wood.
Long minutes passed and no one came to her rescue.
"This can't be happening!" She looked around the musty, cluttered room, desperate for
some way of escape. All she saw were piles of boxes, scattered pipes, a light bulb hanging
from the ceiling, and a broken toilet that shimmered like an eerie ghost in the dim light.
"Now what am I going to do?" she whispered to herself, sitting down on the toilet lid. "I
have to get out of here."
Her foot bumped against an old pan. "Take that!" she growled, giving the pan a hard
kick. It clattered across the hard concrete floor and clanged against a wall.
There was a shuffle of footsteps and then a masculine voice called from outside, "Is
someone in there?"
"YES!" Kelly sprang off the toilet lid. "Help! Get me out of here!"

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"Are you okay?" the muffled voice asked.
"I'm trapped. The door is stuck! Please help me!" She didn't recognize the voice, but a
wonderful thought struck her. "Justin! Is that you?"
"No, but he was here about ten minutes ago." There was a long pause. "I'm his father."
"His father!" Kelly almost tripped over the old pan. This was the man that Justin meant
to slam the phone on. The scumbag who'd abandoned his own family. A jerk like that
would probably abandon her here, too.
But instead, Kelly heard Mr. Reece tugging and pounding on the door knob. He seemed
to want to help. Only the knob wouldn't budge. "It's jammed," Mr. Reece said with a heavy
sigh. "There's nothing I can do. I'd better go



"Don't go!" Kelly begged in a crazy panic. She clawed at the door and sobbed, "Look, I
don't know why you left your family, but you can't leave me trapped in here!"
"How do you know about...?" Mr. Reece's voice broke with emotion and he was quiet
for a long moment. "I guess I deserved that. I've spent my life running from problems, but I
won't leave you. I was going to go get help. I'll only be gone for a few minutes."
"You know where to find me," Kelly said with false lightness.
She tapped her fingers on the toilet lid and idly surveyed her prison. The light bulb

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flickered. On, off, on, then off. Plunged into darkness, Kelly felt her heart leap into her
Darkness crowded around her. She wanted out and she wanted out now. But all she
could do was wait and trust a stranger; he same man who had shattered the trust in his own

THE PHONE rang five times before someone answered.
"Papa Ronny's Pizza, would you like to try our Hawaiian chicken fiesta special?"
"Dan!" Justin exclaimed, gripping the receiver tightly. "I'm glad it's you. You'll never
guess what happened."
"Yeah, but did you know your date's here?" Dan chuckled. "She's real cute, too. My shift
ends pretty soon. Want me to take her off your hands?"
"NO!" Justin glanced sideways and saw the startled look on Brad's face. He didn't want
Kelly's brother to think he was crazy, so he gave a sheepish smile and spoke calmly into
the phone, "What I mean is, can I speak to her?"
"Sorry. No can do."
"Why not? Isn't she there?"

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"Yeah, but she's in the back with some guy."
"What guy?" Justin demanded, clenching his fists and not caring if Brad thought he was
"I dunno," Dan answered, sounding distracted.
"Someone from school?"
"Nah. Some older dude. Hey, the other lines are ringing. I'll tell her you called. Gotta



The line went dead.
Justin stared at the phone with disbelief.
Brad bounced a basketball in his hands as he leaned against a hall bookshelf. "So, what's
the score? You hot on the trail of my sister or what?"
"Ice cold." Justin felt winded as if someone had just punched him. "I think I've been
dumped. Your sister left Papa Ronny's with an older guy."
"Really?" Brad shrugged. "Never thought Kelly had it in her, but girls are hard to figure.
Still, it doesn't sound like my little sis. Are you sure she's with someone else?"
"That's what the guy I work with said, and Dan wouldn't lie."
"So forget Kelly and hang out with me." Brad spun his ball and flashed a wicked grin.

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"How are you at basketball? Can you handle a game of one on one?"
"Basketball?" Justin repeated, stunned. "I played on my school's team in Chicago. I can
hold my own."
"Let's go out back and shoot some hoops," Brad suggested. "That way if Kelly shows,
you two can patch things up."
"Whatever." Justin tried to hide his hurt feelings. He forced a grin. "Okay, pal. You're
As he and Brad headed for the backyard, Justin noticed some family pictures staggered
down a hallway like a parade of smiling faces. One framed picture of a laughing
flame−haired toddler caught his eye. He pointed. "Is that Kelly?"
Brad nodded. "Yeah. At about three years old."
"Is there a more recent photo?" Justin was unable to take his eyes off the picture. Her
chubby baby face was alive with personality and beauty. He wondered how such a sweet
little girl could grow up into someone who would ditch her own date.
"She might have a current picture in her room," Brad answered. He pointed down the
hall where a door was halfway open. "Go check it out."
"I can't snoop in her room," Justin said quickly. "There could be some personal things

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she wouldn't want anyone to see." To himself he thought, Like love letters from the older
guy she's with at Papa Ronny's.
"Go ahead and look." Brad grinned. "Kelly is a real neat freak, everything put away in its
place. Just don't move anything or she'll chew me out for messing with her stuff."
Justin felt an overwhelming urge to peak into Kelly's room. The door wasn't shut, after
all. One quick peak wouldn't hurt. He walked forward and took a hesitant step inside.
Brad was right about Kelly being neat. A blue−flowered bedspread and perfectly
arranged lacy pillows covered the bed. Ruffled blue curtains flowed in two elegant waves
down the double window. Book shelves, wall posters, pictures of cute animals, and a long
polished chestnut dresser filled the rest of the room. On the dresser sat a jewelry box, a
bright yellow makeup case, and five large books stacked in a corner.
Justin smiled as he recognized the titles on the books. The same ones he'd tried to get
from the school library. So Kelly had them all along. She must really be interested in
A strange yearning filled him. The laughing flame−haired toddler had probably grown
into a gorgeous girl, and he wanted to see her for himself. He wanted to hear her voice,
touch her hand, and look into her bewitching hazel eyes.

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Kelly Donnelly was his soul mate. He knew it as surely as he knew the stars would shine
in the sky tonight. His mind opened to new possibilities.
When he and Kelly were finally together, anything would be possible. Especially love.

"THIS IS impossible!" Kelly cried out in frustration, stomping her feet on the cement
floor. "I'll never get out of here."
"That blond boy is looking for a tool kit," Mr. Reece's voice assured her through the
door. "You'll be free soon."
"Everything's ruined. I was supposed to spend a wonderful evening staring up at the stars
with your son. Justin will think I stood him up...again."
"He'll understand. He's a good kid...the best," Mr. Reece said, his voice sounding
"I guess you've missed being with him."
"My marriage was over, but I should have stayed in my kids' lives. I was a real idiot." He
groaned. "I miss the way things used to be. Justin and I were great pals four years ago. I
wish it could be like that again."
"Be patient. He'll come around. I don't really know your son yet, Mr. Reece. But I have

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good feelings about him."
"Me, too," said Mr. Reece, his voice shaky. "But I'm afraid things will never be good
between us. He won't even talk to me on the phone."
"Four years is a long time," Kelly said through the door. "I'm sure he'll come around if
you give him more time."
"But I have to be back in New York by Monday morning. It'll be months before I can
make another trip to California. I had hoped to patch things up with my kids this weekend
then invite them to visit me in the summer."
Kelly took a deep breath, then asked, "Why did you drop out of their lives?"
"I got a promotion that meant relocation and traveling. It put a real strain on my
marriage...and then it finally broke it. I ended up moving to New York alone. The job just
took off...I


I meant to write or call, but time, well, it just got away from me. Anyway, the

longer I waited, the harder it got. Big mistake." His voice broke. "But now I've got this
chance for a transfer out here. I decided it was fate giving me another chance with my kids,
so I flew out to California and I got the job! It'll still be another six months from now
before the transition is complete, but I'm going to be near my kids again."
"It'll work out for you, Mr. Reece. Although I don't believe in fate anymore. I used to

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believe anything was possible. I even thought Justin was my destiny."
"Perhaps he is. For you," Mr. Reece declared. "But not for me. He doesn't want me in his
life at all."
"That's not true," Kelly argued. "If you tell Justin you want to be his dad again, he'll give
you a chance."
"I already told him. That's what I was doing here, but he wouldn't even listen. He walked
out on me."
"He did!" Kelly gasped. "But that's not fair. How could he be so hard−hearted?"
"It's my fault for hurting him," Mr. Reece admitted.
Kelly didn't know what to say. She was shocked that Justin wasn't the gentle, considerate
boy she'd imagined. Kelly would never treat her own father in such an unforgiving way.
She would be understanding.
She heard approaching footsteps, Mr. Reece's voice giving instructions, and then metal
hitting the door. Help had finally arrived. She was being rescued from the dark storage
room, but now she hardly cared.
Nothing could rescue her from her dark thoughts. She'd been wrong to base her life on
cotton−candy wishes that only came true in fairy tales. That's where fate belonged: in fairy

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tales. Reality was full of broken marriages, disappointments, and shattered dreams.
When the door finally flew open and light flooded her eyes, Kelly only wished her heart
wasn't still in the dark.
Dan told her that Justin had called and she didn't say anything. She had no intention of
returning his call. In fact, she felt like a fool for almost falling in love with a boy she'd
never even met, a boy who treated his own father so poorly.
If he didn't have a heart big enough to give his father a second chance, she wouldn't give
him another chance either.

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Chapter 12

"GOOD GAME!" Justin told Brad, as they left the backyard and headed inside to get a
drink. "You should go pro. I've never been dunked like that." He was trying to sound
cheerful, to forget that he'd just been slam−dunked by Kelly.
It had been half an hour since Justin had called Papa Ronny's, and still no word from
Kelly. Who was this guy she was with? An old boyfriend? A new boyfriend? Whoever he
was, he must be some kind of magician to make Kelly magically forget about her date.
Frowning, Justin followed Brad back into the house. As they walked down the hallway,
he glanced into Kelly's room for probably the last time. It was pretty obvious by now that
she preferred that older guy. But why didn't she at least call to break their date? That was
the least she could do.
"Don't be too bummed about Kelly." Brad patted Justin's shoulder. "So she found
another guy. No great loss. You'll find someone else, too."
Justin thought of Vanya. She'd stopped him in the hall yesterday and given him her
phone number. His Friday night might be ruined, but he could make new plans for
Saturday night. But even this thought didn't lift his spirits.

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Brad regarded him curiously. "I guess you really like my sister, huh?"
"I barely know her. But I was told we had a lot in common." Unable to help himself, he
kept looking into her room. His gaze lingered on the window. Dainty glass figures paraded
across the window sill and a flowering mum hung from a ceiling chain directly in the path
of sunlight. But something was missing....
Justin rubbed his chin thoughtfully. The way the plant was hanging there, it looked like
the window was seldom opened. Puzzled, he turned back to Brad. "Where does Kelly keep
her telescope?"
"You're kidding me, right? My sister probably doesn't know what a telescope is, much
less own one!"
Justin narrowed his eyes. "But Carlos told me Kelly was interested in astronomy and had
her own telescope."
"Astronomy?" Brad laughed. "Check your spelling, dude. Change the 'n' and 'm' to 'l' and
'g'. Astrology is Kelly's game. In fact, she's built a whole secret identity around it."
Justin's head began to spin. "What do you mean 'secret identify?"
"Don't you know anything?" Brad spun his ball in the air and chuckled. "Kelly Irene
Donnelly is K.I.D."

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Justin's mind flashed to the crumpled piece of paper he'd found in the school parking lot
which turned out to be the astrology column for the Leighton Ledger. He nearly fell over
with astonishment. "Kelly is K.I.D.?"
"Yeah," Brad replied with a nod. "I thought all her friends knew."
"They probably do. Only I'm not her friend." Justin felt angry with Kelly and Carlos, but
mostly with himself. He respected the study of astronomy, and resented astrologers who
twisted science facts into psychic fiction. Maybe his "dates" with Kelly had all been some
kind of cosmic joke. And his heart was suffering the "punch line".
He thought he'd found someone who shared his love of stars, not someone who played
games with them. Well, Kelly definitely was not the girl for him.
With a brisk good−bye to Brad, Justin turned and walked out of the Donnelly house.

WHAT A horrible, confusing, weird night! Kelly thought to herself as she climbed

into her bed that evening.
Getting stuck in the storage room, missing her date, being rescued by Justin's father, and
learning that the boy of her dreams was a nightmare.

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How could Justin treat his father like that? Kelly wondered, still haunted by the

miserable look in Mr. Reece's eyes. When he'd dropped her off at her house, he'd been
disappointed to learn that Justin had left only moments before they'd arrived.

It's really over between us, Justin, she thought sadly as her head touched her pillow.

And we never even met.
When Kelly awoke the next morning, her head hurt and her eyes were red as if she'd
been crying in her sleep. But she forgot all about her own problems when she walked into
the kitchen and found her mother sitting in her father's lap.
"Mom! Dad!" she exclaimed, embarrassed and astonished that her parents were acting teenagers!
Mrs. Donnelly kissed her husband on the cheek and smiled up at her daughter. "Good
morning, Kelly."
"It's a wonderful morning, isn't it?" her father added with a twinkle in his gray−green
"What's going on?" Kelly demanded, not sure whether to jump for joy or faint from
shock. "You weren't home from your mysterious appointment when I went to sleep. I
thought maybe you were splitting up for good, that you'd been to a lawyer."

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Mrs. Donnelly jumped up and put her arm around her daughter. "Your father and I have
had some troubles lately, but it was never that serious."
Mr. Donnelly smiled. "We didn't see a lawyer, we saw a financial counselor. I've been
begging your mother to make this appointment for weeks, and finally she agreed."
"A financial counselor?" Kelly questioned, confused.
"Yeah, honey. Your father and I have different ideas about money. So when our finances
got tight, we reacted badly and argued. Our counselor explained this is a very common
problem and honest communication and a budget will solve everything!"
"But you don't have a problem anymore. Not with my five thousand prize. Even if you
are solving your money problems, I want to help."
"That money is for your college fund," her mother said firmly.
"Absolutely," her father agreed. "It's wonderful you want to help out, but totally
"Sales at the store have improved," her mother added with a smile. "And so have things
between us." She gave Kelly's dad a kiss and he returned with a warm hug.
"Your mom's right, Kelly. We're going to work things out."
Feeling numb, Kelly walked over to the cupboard and got a box of cereal. She poured

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golden nuggets mixed with raisins into a bowl and remembered how sure she'd been that
she could solve her parents' problems by winning lots of money. But maybe money wasn't
the answer. Love and understanding were.
Adding milk to her cereal, Kelly thought about her own love life. She wasn't being very
understanding of Justin's feelings. She didn't know what it was like to have your parents
break up. It wasn't fair of her to judge him.
Although her parents were okay now, Kelly moped around all morning. Her spirits
continued to drag into the afternoon, even when in the mail she found out she'd won
another contest. Not winning a cash prize this time. She won a ticket to an experimental
play, called "Blazing Galaxies," that included a laser light show.
Just the sort of play Justin would love. Some how winning made her feel ever more like
a loser. She'd only won a single ticket for the Sunday matinee. Even the contest people
seemed to know she'd never be lucky enough to get a date.
Since she hated to go anywhere alone, she called Lesa up and told her about the play. "I
checked with the theater and there are a few seats left," Kelly said. "If you go with me, I'll
pay half the admission."
"Carlos and I going to play miniature golf." There was a pause across the phone line. "I

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don't know how to tell you this, but we won't be alone. Carlos played matchmaker again."
Kelly groaned. "Who's the unlucky couple this time?"
"You'll never guess," Lesa said with a giggle. "But the boy is someone very close to
The name Justin flashed in her mind like a glimpse of sunlight, but then was eclipsed by
a dark cloud. "I'm not in the mood for games, Lesa. Just tell me."
"Okay, okay. Don't be such a grump. Carlos found out that your brother has a secret
admirer, so he set them up."
"Brad!" Kelly gasped. "But who's the girl?"
"A pretty redhead from our school named Mary Shroeder." Lesa giggled again. "But she
likes to be called Marissa Monique."

SATURDAY NIGHT, and it's just me and my stars, Justin told himself as he

positioned his telescope on Ursa Major. He pressed his eye against the scope, then jumped
up when he heard a loud knock on his door.
"Justin, you have a phone call," his mother announced, peaking inside his room. "I asked
who she was, but she said she wanted to surprise you."

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"She did!" Kelly's name flashing in his brain in large neon letters. Suddenly nothing else
mattered but talking with her. He didn't care if she couldn't tell the difference between a
refracting and a reflecting telescope. He didn't care if she read Tarot Cards, gazed in a
crystal ball, or wrote horoscopes for a hundred newspapers. He just cared about Kelly,
which made no sense at all.
Before his mother could ask any awkward questions, Justin raced from his room to the
kitchen phone. Breathlessly, he picked up the receiver. "Uh, hello."
"Justin," the girl said in a sultry tone. "Bet you didn't think you'd hear from me again."
Reality sucked Justin back to the earth like a swift pull of gravity. "Vanya?"
"I'm flattered you can recognize my voice. I thought you'd forgotten all about me."
"You're not easy to forget," he said truthfully.
"That's more like it." She giggled. "But I really didn't expect you to be home. It being
Saturday, you know, date night. Anyway, I wouldn't be home either. Except I'm making
calls for my party. You have to come. I won't let you say no. It'll be the coolest swim and
barbecue party."
"Uh. Sounds nice," he said, trying to sound interested, but it was hard. "But I'm not in
the mood to going anywhere tonight."

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"Not tonight. Tomorrow. Tons of kids from school are coming. So it's not like a date or
anything. We have a heated pool and lots of food. Say you'll come. Please!"
"Tomorrow? I don't really have any plans



"So plan to show up here around noon and we'll have a blast," Vanya declared
enthusiastically. "Okay?"
"I'll try to come," he told her, then wrote down the address and directions as she cooed
them into his ear.
When he hung up the phone, he turned to find his mother staring at him. "Well?" she
asked curiously, her face lit up with delight. "When can I meet your new girlfriend?"
Justin was saved from answering by the front doorbell. He went with his mom to answer
it, and his entire body tensed when he saw Vicki standing to his father.
"Mom! Justin! We did the best stuff!" Vicki exclaimed, bouncing into the room with a
balloon in one hand and a large green giraffe in the other.
"Looks like you had a great day, sweetie" Mrs. Reece said, smiling at her daughter. Then
she nodded at her ex−husband. "Hello, Curtis," she said politely.
"Hi, Mila. Vicki and I had a great time. Tomorrow we're planning on an afternoon
skating and then dinner at a Chinese smorgy." His gaze drifted to his son. "Justin, you're

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invited, too."
Justin frowned and opened his mouth to refuse, but then a strange thing happened. He
heard a voice whisper in his mind, "Give your father a chance. Understand and forgive
Startled, he looked around, expecting to see someone other than his parents and sister in
the room. But there was no one else.
"Justin," his father said gently. "It would mean a lot to me if you'd join us. How about it,
"Well, I've been invited to a party tomorrow afternoon," Justin began slowly. Forgive.
, the voice echoed in his head. A heaviness lifted from his heart. "But I can't
refuse a Chinese dinner. I'll be there."
Justin smiled at his father for the first time in four long years.

AN HOUR LATER, Justin returned to his telescope. He felt at peace with himself
and wasn't at all surprised when, like a miracle, he located his own star.
"At last!" he murmured with delight. "Star Justin Jeffrey Reece, am I glad to see you."
He admired the twinkling star, then shifted his telescope towards a brighter light, the

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planet Venus. Kelly's favorite planet.

I have to forget about her, he told himself firmly. Tomorrow is going to be a day for

new beginnings. I'll get to know Vanya and my father.
Sighing, Justin lifted his gaze from his telescope. He should feel happy, yet something
was missing. The girl who might have been his soul mate, if only they had met.

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Chapter 13

"MAN, DID you blow it with Justin," Brad told Kelly Sunday morning over breakfast.
Kelly sipped orange juice and narrowed her hazel eyes. "I'm not in a mood for your lame
"I just thought you should know I give Justin a big thumbs up. He's a cool dude, and he
plays a mean game of basketball. You should call and explain that you didn't stand him up
last night."
Kelly swirled her spoon in her cereal. "A guy who wouldn't give his father a second
chance, wouldn't give me a third."
"Your loss," Brad said, taking his dish to the sink. "You can be sure, I won't blow it with
my blind date."
"Good luck," Kelly said softly. "At least better luck than I've had lately."
"Hey, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just teasing. Although, I really do like Justin.
He's a great guy."
"Maybe...but he's not my great guy. As K.I.D. would say, it's just not in the stars for
Justin and I to get together."

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"Speaking of K.I.D.," Brad said, pushing his chestnut−brown hair from his forehead.
"Justin seemed surprised to learn your secret identity. I don't think he approves much of
"It doesn't matter anymore.".
"Are you going to be okay?"
Kelly tried to smile, and only halfway succeeded. "Sure. I may have terrible luck with
romance, but I'm great with contests." She pulled out a ticket from her pocket and waved it
above her cereal dish. "I'm going to a play this afternoon."

JUSTIN FOLDED a towel and his swim trunks and put them in a paper bag. "Guess
I'm ready for Vanya's party," he told himself without any enthusiasm.
He picked up the bag and kissed his mother good−bye. Then he slid into his car, warmed
the ancient engine up several minutes, and headed for Vanya's house.

It's party−time, he thought, flipping his right turn signal on. So why do I feel like I'm

going to a funeral?
He hit the brake as a yellow light changed to red. Vanya's house was only a few more
miles away. Soon he'd be splashing in a warm pool and chomping on barbecued

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hamburgers. Lots of fun, right? So why wasn't he happy?
His mind answered before common sense could interfere. I'm sad because I'm going to
spend the afternoon with Vanya. Not Kelly.
He switched his foot from the brake to the accelerator and continued to drive towards
Vanya's. It was crazy to still want to meet Kelly, yet that's what he wanted. It was as
thought his heart had kidnapped his mind and was ordering it to beg Kelly for another
He saw a phone booth on the other side of the street. Impulsively, he twisted his wheel
and headed for the phone, which caused a nearby driver to blast his horn. But the noisy
horn hardly seemed like a warning. Instead it seemed like a burst of applause, cheering
Justin on in his one last chance with Kelly Donnelly.
He stopped the car by the phone booth, cut the engine, and jumped out. Fumbling in his
pockets for change, he shouted for joy when he found two quarters.
He deposited the quarters in the coin slot and punched out Kelly's number


strange how

he knew it by memory. Don't let it be busy, he thought. Then the phone started to ring.

"BRAD, WILL you drop me off at the play?" Kelly asked, glancing at her watch. It

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was almost eleven o'clock and the play started at noon.
"I guess I have time." Brad checked his hair in the wall mirror. "But we have to go right
now or I'll be late picking up my date."
Kelly grabbed her purse and flashed her brother a smile. "Thanks. You're the best
brother in the world."
"Did you ever doubt it? And I'll be the best date Marissa Monique has ever had." He
glanced at his reflection again and asked nervously, "Do I look all right?"
"Wonderful," Kelly assured him, feeling a stab of envy. She suspected Carlos was on
target with his matchmaking this time. If only things had worked well for her. But she and
Justin were a miss−match. Why else would they keep missing each other?
"Ready to go?" Brad opened the front door.
Kelly nodded and followed him outside. "As ready as I'll ever be."
Brad locked the house, then he cupped his hand to his ear. "I hear the phone ringing.
Mom and Dad are still at that brunch thing. Should I go get it?"
"No. Let's just go." Kelly shrugged. "If it's important they'll leave a message or call

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NO ANSWER. He should have guessed Kelly would be out somewhere. Maybe with
that older guy she met at the pizza parlor. When his quarters returned, Justin stared at them
for several minutes. He realized who he had to call. He put the quarters back into the phone
and dialed Vanya's number. She sounded disappointed when he told her he couldn't make
the party. He apologized, but didn't give a reason. He really didn't have one, except for a
crazy desire to be with the one girl he'd probably never meet.

Kelly. The name echoed in his brain and sped up his heart. He had to try calling her

once more. But when he checked his pockets for more quarters, he couldn't find one, only
pennies and a nickel.
He muttered with frustration as he searched every compartment of his wallet, turning his
pockets inside out.
When he glanced on the floor of the booth, he saw something shiny. Hoping for a
quarter, he bent down, only to find a bottle top.
"Darn! Just a stupid


Hey, what's this written inside? You've won a free ticket to

'Blazing Galaxies,'" Justin read the out loud. "Must be some stupid promotion. Still the
number to call is an 800 why not see what this is all about?" And with that he
quickly dialed the toll free number.

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"YOU'D THINK the contest would at least give me a front and center seat," Kelly
muttered, frowning as she scanned the theater. "Instead they've stuck me in a back corner."
She looked at her ticket. Row 26, Seat 13. "I hope no one tall or wearing a hat sits in front
of me."
She decided a trip to the snack bar would cheer her up, so instead of sitting down, she
headed toward the concessions. She'd heard that chocolate helped heal a lonely heart, so
she ordered the biggest box of chocolate candy she could find. The high price made her
gasp, but she paid it anyway. Not wanting to sit by herself any longer than she had to, she
wandered around the lobby and ate her chocolate.

JUSTIN HAD to park three blocks away. When he reached the play, it was only
fifteen minutes to curtain time. He quickly redeemed his free ticket at the box office.
The attendant smiled at him when Justin told her how he'd won the ticket off a bottle
cap. "You sure are lucky," she said. "That bottle cap bought you the best seat in the house.
Row three, Seat seven. Front and center!
At least something good has happened to me today, Justin thought with a wry smile as

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he took the ticket and went to find his seat.
There wasn't time to get a snack, so he walked down the aisle. But a strange feeling hit
him when he reached row one, and he stood there for a moment. He had the oddest urge for
chocolate. But he was supposed to have dinner with his dad so he'd fought the impulse.
Shaking off the craving, he started to sit down, only he couldn't. Someone else was
already sitting in his seat.

THE CHOCOLATE candy wasn't working. As the lights flickered warning
play−goers to take their seats, Kelly made her way back into the theater, feeling more alone
than ever. She sat down, then glanced at the empty seat next to her, imagining her date
sitting there.
"Hello Phantom Boyfriend, aren't we having a lovely time?" she whispered. "Have some
candy. It's delicious."
She smiled to herself and started to feel better. She hoped no one would sit in the empty
seat so she could keep her fantasy alive. An imaginary boyfriend was better than no
boyfriend at all...right?

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"AM I SITTING in your place?" an elderly, gray−haired woman asked Justin who
was standing in the aisle awkwardly, wondering what to do.
"Uh, yes," Justin answered, showing her his ticket.
"Dearie me, I was afraid of this." She nudged the chubby white−haired woman sitting on
her other side. "Florence, I told you this spot would be taken. I'll have to move to my
assigned seat."
"But Etta May, those eyes of yours won't see a thing way back there," the white−haired
woman protested. "Perhaps we can ask this nice young man to trade seats with you."
These ladies reminded him of his own grandmother, and he wanted to help them. "Sure.
No problem," Justin offered quickly. "Here, take my ticket."
"Etta May, isn't that wonderful? See, I'm always saying that young people today aren't all
hoodlums." She beamed at Justin. "Thank you, young man. You're very kind."
Justin didn't feel kind, more like confused.
The lights were flickering, so he quickly exchanged tickets, then made his way down the
aisle to the back corner. But as he reached the back row, the lights dimmed until it was
totally dark, making it next to impossible to find his seat.

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"THE PLAY will start any minute," Kelly told her Phantom Boyfriend, reaching out
to the empty seat and pretending to hold an imaginary hand. Funny how easy it was to
pretend in the dark. She was actually starting to enjoy herself...until someone sat on her
"OUCH!" She jerked back her hand, which caused her box of candy to tumble like a bag
of marbles to the ground.

JUSTIN HEARD the cry of "OUCH!" and jumped back.
"Sorry!" he muttered, horrified that he'd sat on someone's hand. It was so dark, he
couldn't see his own hand, let alone somebody else's. At least the voice had sounded young,
so he hadn't injured a defenseless old lady.
He heard the sound of something fall, and dimly made out the shape of someone bending
"I'm really sorry," he quickly explained, keeping his voice low since the play was
starting. "I


I thought this was my seat. Are you okay?"

KELLY FUMBLED on the ground for her candy. Dimly, she heard someone



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asking if she was okay. "I'm fine, but my candy isn't!" Small chocolate balls rolled

away from her. "I want to pick it up so no one steps on it."
"Here, let me help," the boy said, bending down next to her.
As he did, his arm brushed against her, and Kelly froze. Her breath caught in her throat
and she was suddenly filled with a wild sense of joy.
It was him!

JUSTIN'S SKIN tingled as if shot with a jolt of electricity. He stared into the
darkness, not seeing anything with his eyes, but seeing anyway. There was no logical
explanation for his wondrous feelings, and yet they were as real as the air he breathed.
It was her!

AS KELLY let the candy slip from her fingers, words from a poem danced in her
head. "Star light," she said quietly.
"Star bright," the boy recited. "I wish to set things right."
"I apologize for yesterday," she said sincerely.
"I had to go, but yearned to stay," he continued.

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"Let's try again, Friday night," she quoted, then gave a small laugh. "Although it's
Sunday afternoon, and that doesn't rhyme."
"Who cares?" Justin blinked as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. "Kelly, is it really
"Justin? Wow! Is it really you?"
"Yes. Ready to make things right in bright starlight."
Kelly sat in her seat and stared at the boy who sat beside her. "I can't believe this," she
"Believe it. I've learned that anything's possible," Justin whispered back. "I thought you
were with that older guy you met at Papa Ronny's, but suddenly here you are. With me."
"That older guy at Papa Ronny's was your father!"
"My dad?" Justin leaned forward, catching a whiff of flowery perfume. "But he didn't
mention meeting you to me."
"You spoke to him?" Kelly asked incredulously.
Someone in front shushed them, so Justin lowered his voice. "Yes. A little voice in my
head, which sounded a lot like you, urged me to give my dad another chance."
"I'd like another chance, too."

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"Me, too," Justin replied in a husky, emotional voice.
Just then the ceiling magically exploded with lights and sparkled with twinkling stars,
constellations, and planets. The laser show had begun. And that wasn't all.
Kelly's hand reached across the seat. Justin grasped her soft fingers.
Then with Venus, the goddess of love, shining brightly above them, they watched the
laser show together... finally!

Three months later....

KELLY HEARD the doorbell, but she continued brushing her hair. It was only
six−fifteen. She had forty−five minutes before her double−date with Justin, Lesa and
Carlos, and she needed every minute to tame her wild dark−red hair.
"Surprise," she heard a familiar male voice say.
Whirling away from her dresser, she stared at the tall, light−brown haired boy who held
a large, flat box with a huge red bow on the top. "Justin! You're early!" She dropped her
brush to the carpet. "And what are you holding?"
Justin Reece grinned impishly. "This is a special gift for the most special girl in the

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entire universe. I came early so I could give it to you in private. It's great hanging out with
Lesa and Carlos, but sometimes a guy likes to be alone with his girl."
Kelly's heart warmed at the way Justin called her "his girl." She kicked her brush aside
and went over to him. "So what is this mystery gift?"
"Open it and find out."
Kelly didn't need to be told twice. She reached out and plucked the bow from the top,
causing ribbon to unwind and fall by her feet. She tried to pull apart the box, but it was
sealed together with clear tape. So she dug her fingernail in the tape, slicing through it like
a knife, then eagerly pried apart the cardboard. But all she saw was a large piece of
off−white paper.
"Huh?" she muttered, glancing up at Justin's twinkling eyes.
"Read it," he told her.
Large gold and purple letters spelled out International Star Registry. Realization hit
Kelly and she smiled with delight. She skimmed down the page and saw her own name in
formal script writing, right after the number of a star.
"Oh, Justin," she murmured with awe. "This is the most romantic gift ever. You named a
star after me."

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Justin drew her in his arms and said softly, "That's because you are a star, Kelly Irene
Donnelly. My star. From now on we'll shine in the night−sky and here on earth...together."

Chapter 13



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