Linda Joy Singleton Love Potion (retail) (pdf)

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Love Potion

Linda Joy Singleton

Hard Shell Word Factory

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This story copyright 2002 by Linda Joy Singleton.
Thank you for honoring the copyright.

Published by Hard Shell Word Factory.

8946 Loberg Rd.
Amherst Junction, WI 54407

Electronic book created by Seattle Book Company.

eBook ISBN: 0−7599−3336−7

Cover art copyright 2002 Dirk A. Wolf

All rights reserved.

Love Potion


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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the
author, and have no relation whatever to anyone bearing the same name or
names. These characters are not even distantly inspired by any individual known
or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

Love Potion


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For Burford Tweediwumper, George, Irol, Candy Kendall, Lydia's Mom, and
Lori. For sharing birthdays, crushing aluminum cans, swinging partners, making
yarn dolls, and following clues in search of a brain. Best friends make the best

Love Potion


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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Linda Joy Singleton

Love Potion


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Chapter 1

"WHERE IS he?" Lacey Sinclair asked herself for the zillionth time. It was almost eight
o'clock, and still no sign of Travis.
Lacey crossed her bedroom and stared hard at the oval clock on her dresser, as if she
could will it to magically produce her boyfriend. But it just kept ticking, reminding her that
Travis was late. And he had promised to pick her up promptly at seven−thirty for the
Roulsville High Fall Fiesta Dance!
Sighing, she flopped into a cushioned blue chair. Again she wondered, where was
He must have a good reason for making her wait. Travis may have disappointed her a
few times in the past, but he had swore he'd take her to the dance. He wouldn't break their
date unless... unless something horrible had happened.
Her imagination jumped to scary possibilities. Was he ill? Maybe dying alone and
forgotten in some unknown hospital? Or had his ratty secondhand Toyota blown its
engine? She could almost smell the acrid smoke of a car fire, and her heart pounded with
fear. Travis just had to be all right!

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The clock's big hand jumped forward another minute.
"I can't take it any longer!" she told herself. "I know Travis doesn't like to talk on the
phone, but I have to call to find out what's happening." Then she almost flew out of her
chair and headed for the hallway telephone.
As she passed the family room, she saw her parents sorting through papers. They owned
and ran a pet supply shop, Bow Wow's, and often brought paperwork home with them.
Lacey and her older sister, Amelia, worked there part−time. And sometimes their younger
brother, Andy, helped give dogs and cats flea dips.
"Where ya going in such a hurry?" Eleven−year−old Andy asked as he stepped out of the
kitchen. He held a delicious smelling bag of microwave popcorn in his hands.
"To use the phone."
Buzz−cut blond Andy grinned. "Too late. Amelia's still on it."
Lacey ran her fingers through her medium−length curly dark−brown hair. "Darn! I really
need to use it. Maybe if I tell her this is important, she'll hang up."
"No chance of that. Amelia's got boys on the brain almost as bad as you do," Andy
teased, his blue eyes twinkling. His biggest joy in life was bugging his sisters.
"I don't like boys," Lacey corrected airily. "Just one very special, wonderful, fantastic

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boy. I love Travis's cute smile, his deep dark brown eyes, and his tall, athletic bod. I'm so
lucky he's my guy. But right now I'm worried. He was supposed to be here forty minutes
Andy grabbed a handful of buttered popcorn and chuckled. "So Mr. Fantastic is late
again. What was his reason last week?"
"He wasn't late," Lacey stated defensively. "Not really. We just decided to watch a
basketball game on cable instead of going to a thriller movie."
"You don't even like basketball."
"I like it fine when I'm with Travis. Now I'm going to call him


even if it means ripping

the receiver out of Amelia's hand."
"Oooh! This should be even better than the wrestling match I was about to watch on
TV," Andy said, rubbing his palms together eagerly. "I'm right behind you, Lace."
Lacey groaned. Just what she needed! A bratty, smart−mouthed audience! Who invented
little brothers, anyway?
But as she stepped into the living room, she relaxed. Amelia wasn't talking on the phone
after all. Perhaps popular, snow−blond Amelia had been talking to one of her many
boyfriends, but now she sat nearby on a couch flipping through Seventeen Magazine.

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Andy's shoulders slumped and he frowned. "Darn. No excitement here. Oh well, back to
TV wrestling." Then he turned around and left.
Amelia lifted her head and waved her violet−polished nails. "Thought you had a big date
"I do. With Travis...but he must be sick or something. I thought I'd call to find out."
Lacey tried to act casual, even though she could feel her cheeks heating up. Boys waited
for Amelia


she never waited for them. Lacey really admired her confident and stylish

older sister.
"Isn't Travis the one who was supposed to take you to that rap concert last month, but
traded the tickets for a video game?"
"Yeah, but it wasn't his fault. He couldn't pass up a great deal on a video game. We can
go to a concert any time," Lacey explained. Then she quickly added, "Tonight Travis and I
are going to the Fall Fiesta Dance."
Amelia sat aside her magazine. "Adam and Brandon asked me to that dance, but now
that I'm a senior, school dances seem dull. They don't even hire real dee−jays. That's why
I'm going with Craig to a bash at his country club; live music and a professional dee−jay."
"I don't mind taped music," Lacey put in.

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"Of course not," Amelia said with a gentle smile. "I enjoyed them when I was a
freshmen, too. And don't forget, my offer of a make−over still goes. You look very nice,
but with some blond streaks in your hair, more makeup, and colored contact lenses, you
could be a whole new Lacey."
"I'm comfortable with the old Lacey," she replied lightly.
"Comfortable doesn't attract guys," Amelia pointed out, crossing her long, tanned legs. "I
mean, look at me. Before I changed my image, I was a zero on the girl−rating scale. But
then I dyed my dishwater blond hair to shiny flaxen blond and tinted my plain hazel eyes
with violet−blue contacts and presto! I shot up the scale


maybe not a ten, at least a nine."

Lacey considered Amelia a solid ten, but she didn't want to dye her own dark hair or
wear contacts. Besides, Travis liked her the way she was. And thinking about Travis...she'd
better hurry and call his house. He was now fifty−one minutes late!
There was a knock at the door.
Lacey's hopes danced with joy. "It's Travis!" she exclaimed, racing down the hall.
She paused by the ornate oval wall mirror, and wondered for a second if she should
change her appearance. Was "nice" good enough? Her blue eyes weren't dazzling violet
like Amelia's. Her nose turned up on the end and her lips weren't sultry and full. She was

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not outstanding. On the girl−rating scale she was somewhere in the middle. Probably

a five.
It would take more than a make−over to make her a ten.

It would take magic.

There was another rap at the door and Lacey reached eagerly for the knob. She twisted,
yanked, and then stared in disappointment. "Craig!"
Amelia's date gave her a puzzled look. But then he spotted Amelia, stepped forward, and
handed her a bouquet of yellow roses. "For you," he said warmly.
"How sweet," Amelia replied, moving with the silky grace of a runway model.
"Yellow flowers made me think of you," the tall, black−haired boy said, sounding a bit
nervous. "You have the prettiest natural looking."
Amelia smiled, turning slightly to wink at her sister. As if to say, "See what a make−over
can do?"
Lacey just frowned. She thought unhappily, My sister's date has arrived, but not mine.
Amelia handed her flowers to Lacey, and asked her to put them in a vase of water. Then
Amelia looped her arm through Craig's and left for her country club dance.
Lacey stood there for a moment, so envious of her sister and sorry for herself that she

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wanted to cry. Instead, she carried the roses into the kitchen.
While water poured into a lovely crystal vase, the phone rang.
"I'll get it!" Andy yelled from the next room.
Lacey jumped, nearly dropping the vase. She steadied herself, sat the flowers on the
counter, then hurried back to the hallway.
Andy dangled the receiver in one hand. He flashed Lacey a wicked grin


a typical bratty

brother expression


and her heart pounded with hope, worry, and fear.

She leaned against a wall for support. "Is...Is it for me?"
"Sure is," Andy replied, his grin widening.
"Is it Travis?"
Andy nodded. "Guess who can't make it tonight? Too bad Sis, but looks like you've been
stood up again."

CHOCOLATE IS the best medicine for an aching heart.
At least, that's what Lacey always figured.
So while tears streamed down her cheeks, and she replayed Travis's words in her mind
over and over again, she stirred a sweet−smelling mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, milk,

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cocoa, and more.
"Lacey, you'll never guess what happened," Travis had said in a sincere, regretful tone.
"I was getting ready to pick you up when Nicole Rosemarin knocked at my door and asked
for a ride to the dance. She's on the dance committee and needed to help set up. So I drove
her over."
"You went to the dance without me!" Lacey shrieked.
"I planned to come back for you, but my car wouldn't start. And poor Nicole needed
someone to dance with, and I couldn't turn her down."
This made Lacey's blood boil big−time. "Poor Nicole" was the most popular freshman at
Roulsville High, as well as gorgeous with long red crimped hair and huge emerald eyes.
Guys formed lines to ask Nicole out. Travis probably had to trample them to get to Nicole.
"That's it!" Lacey had stormed, screaming into the phone. "No more second chances.
We're through!"
"Just because I danced with Nicole?" Travis asked in a little−boy hurt tone. "I didn't
know my car would break down. It's not fun for me to be stuck at this dance waiting for a
tow truck. I really miss you."
"Sounds like you're having lots of fun with Nicole!"

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Travis sighed. "This is so unlike you. I thought you were more mature than that. You've
always been so sensible and understanding."

Understanding! Lacey now fumed, cracking an egg so hard that part of the shell fell into

the bowl. Oh, I understand all right. My boyfriend is hot after another girl. Yet he still
wants to take me to a skating party next Friday. I should have told him no way. But I
couldn't. I gave in again and said yes. But this is his very last second chance.
She gently retrieved egg shells from the batter and beat the lumpy mixture with a
wooden spoon. She was sure she'd never be happy again, but stirring, sifting, and mixing
made her feel better. She had a talent for cooking, often creating new recipes to delight her
family. But for now she'd settle on a reliable heart−break cure: double dutch mint fudge
She placed the chocolate−batter−filled pan into the oven and set the timer for thirty−five
minutes. Then she sat at the kitchen table and waited, trying not to think about Travis.
She reached for her latest issue of her favorite cooking magazine, Roving Recipes, and
flipped through it. Readers sent in their creative combinations, and Lacey loved to try them
out. She'd even submitted her Sprinkle Sunflower Cookie recipe and it had been published.
That had been the high point of her entire life


even better than her first kiss with Travis.

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And someday she hoped to be a famous chef...or the second Mrs. Fields.
Only five more minutes till the timer went off, and she was done reading the


except for the classified ads in the back. So she read them, too, until one caught

her attention.
Surprised, she stopped and read it again.

Spice up your romantic life with Love Spells.

What a strange ad.

Love Spells? But this was a cooking magazine, not a place for new age nonsense. And

yet Lacey was curious. Love Spells cost only one dollar. Inexpensive. But what exactly was
Maybe a recipe book from romance authors?
A valentine shaped cookbook decorated with cute red hearts and cupids?
Or perhaps a collection of love poems?
Lacey read the ad again, and made a quick decision.
Nice, sensible, understanding Lacey was going to do something impulsive.
She was going to spend one dollar on Love Spells.

Chapter 1


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Chapter 2

"WHY DOES Travis walk all over me?" Lacey wailed the next day to her best friend,
Tasha Benson. They sat behind the counter of Bow Wow's. The pet shop had been open two
hours, but it was a slow Saturday, as they'd only had three customers.
Short, sturdy, raven−haired Tasha shrugged. As usual, her creative personality was
displayed on a T−shirt. She had crafted the yellow shirt herself; swirling colorful paint to
make a bright rainbow over a glittery pot of gold.
"Maybe Travis walks over you because you're too nice," Tasha suggested.
"Nice!" Lacey exploded. "But I don't want to just be nice. I want to drive boys wild


like Nicole Rosemaren."

Tasha tugged nervously on her purple scarf and cleared her throat. "Speaking of Nicole,
there's something I have to tell you. You know I was at the dance last night−−"
Lacey could guess what was coming. "And you saw Travis dancing with Nicole instead
of me."
"How did you know?"
"He called to apologize


after he stood me up."

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"That jerk! I was afraid he'd hurt you again. Travis is such a creep. At least now you can
break up with him and find a nice guy. Maybe someone like my neighbor, Glenn."
"Glenn?" Lacey blinked, having to think a moment to visualize the quiet, sandy−haired
boy from her chemistry class. "He's cute and smart, but we barely even talk to each other."
"That's because he's so shy. But I've seen him staring at you across school desks. Why
don't you give him a chance?"
Lacey didn't answer. In her mind, she saw Travis's dazzling smile and heard his tender
voice. He was the boy she loved, but he didn't return the feeling


at least not as much.

Heartbreak flooded through her like a dark tidal wave. She stared at the window, not
seeing the backwards spelling of Bow−Wow's, not seeing anything at all. She wished she
didn't care about Travis so much. She wished she had the courage to tell him to take a leap
off a steep cliff. Instead she'd forgiven him again. But he was her first and only boyfriend.
If she didn't have him, she'd have no one.
The bells over the door tinkled as a woman and her small daughter entered the store.
"I know you're upset," Tasha said in a low voice. "I'll wait on them. But think about what
I said. It's time you dumped Travis for good."
Lacey didn't want to think about dumping Travis. Instead, she put price stickers on

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puppy chew toys and forced herself to think about something else


like that strange ad in

Roving Recipes.
She still couldn't believe she had actually mailed off for Love Spells. If she hadn't been
so bummed about Travis, she would never have done such an impulsive thing. She didn't
even know what Love Spells was; probably an unusual recipe book. It would make an
interesting addition to her cookbook collection.
The bells went off again as a new customer entered the shop.
Lacey glanced up, and gasped when the recognized the red−haired girl. What was Nicole
Rosemarin doing here?
"Uh, may I help you?" Lacey asked politely, coming over to her classmate.
Nicole tucked her purse under her arm and flashed a friendly smile. "I need a fantastic
jeweled color for my white Persian kitty. Not real jewels, of course...hey, don't I know
"Hi, Nicole," Lacey said coolly, not at all fooled by Nicole's act. Nicole knew exactly
who Lacey was. They shared three classes at school and lately Nicole had been shooting
Travis flirtatious glances. Nicole's white kitty was probably as fake as that too−sweet smile
on her face.

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"Now I remember. You're Lacey Sinclair. Didn't you used to go out with Travis?"
"Not used to


I still do."

"Oh, really?" Nicole's green eyes widened with innocence. "Strange you weren't at the
dance last night. And Travis didn't mention you, but then he was so busy helping me put up
banners and posters. He's such a sweet thing. I felt so bad for him when his car wouldn't
"Not nearly as bad as I felt."
"Well, I tried to cheer Travis up. He was so sweet to give me a ride and then help with
decorations. You're so lucky so date such a cool guy."
Lacey gritted her teeth and pretended to straighten a canned dog food display. "Yeah.
Lucky me."
"And he's a smooth dancer. Since you couldn't make it, I made sure Travis wasn't
"How considerate of you," Lacey said sarcastically. It was clear the only reason Nicole
was here was to brag. She may look like a red−haired angel, but inside a fiery devil
lurked...waiting to strike and snatch Lacey's boyfriend.
Nicole giggled. "Oh, you don't have to thank me. Being with Travis is a real pleasure. If

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you ever break−up with him, let me know. I'd hate to see such a hunk go to waste."
Lacey wanted to "waste" Nicole, but she had to keep her cool. It wasn't good business to
throttle customers. So she said in her best clerk tone, "I believe the cat collars are over
here. I have to return to the register, but if you need help finding something you want, just
Nicole flashed a mischievous smile and practically purred, "Oh, I won't need any help. I
always know exactly what I want when I see him...I mean, when I see it."
"Fine!" Lacey snapped, then whirled around and strode back to the register. She'd been
hurt last night by Travis, but now she was furious at Nicole. What a smug witch!
And Nicole's message was crystal clear: Nicole wanted Travis.
But the important question was: Did Travis want Nicole?
He was obviously attracted to her, but then what normal boy wasn't? Nicole was
confident, feminine, and very pretty. Teachers admired her dedication to school
committees, and her fellow students admired her enthusiasm and leadership. If Travis
wanted to date Nicole, Lacey didn't have a chance.
But Travis had apologized to Lacey last night and asked for another chance. That didn't
sound like a guy who was hot after a new girl. Did it?

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Lacey smiled to herself, feeling instantly better. And she began to look forward to her
Friday skating date. Maybe she'd even ask Amelia advice on clothes and makeup. She still
didn't want a total makeover, but a few improvements couldn't hurt.

A FEW HOURS later, Lacey pedaled her bike up her slanted driveway and hopped
off. She glanced at the mail box and saw that the flag was down.

My letter for "Love Spells" is on its way, she thought, feeling oddly excited.

She calculated postal−system math in her mind: It would probably take three to four
days for the letter to reach New York, maybe a week for them to respond, then another
three to four days for the package to make its way to her. Which meant she'd have to wait
over two to three weeks to receive her Love Spells book.
Gosh, that was long time to wait. How would she survive? She'd have to put it out of her
mind or else her curiosity would drive her crazy. It wouldn't be easy, but somehow she'd
"Lacey," her mother called through the open kitchen window. "Would you bring the mail
"Sure, Mom."

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Lacey parked her bike by the garage door, then headed for the mailbox. She opened the
red barn−designed box and grabbed the thick stack of letters, a padded envelope, and
advertisements. She didn't bother flipping through the pile because she seldom had


except for her weekly letter from Aunt Debbie. And she received that yesterday.

"Just put everything on the counter," her mother said when she walked into the kitchen.
"You're back early."
"It was slow day in doggie world, and Dad told me and Tasha we could leave," Lacey
replied, dumping her armful on the counter.
Mrs. Sinclair shut off the faucet and wiped her soapy hands on a nearby towel. Her
heeled sandals clicked as she walked over to the counter. "Looks like the usual junk mail:
flyers, coupons, and I may have won a five million dollar sweepstake."
Lacey chuckled. "Even one million would be great. Are you sure that one wasn't
addressed to me?"
"Yes, but this one is," Mrs. Sinclair said, lifting the large padded envelope.
Lacey stared at her mother in surprise. "You're kidding me, right?"
"Wrong." Mrs. Sinclair handed the large envelope to her daughter and grinned. "You
must have a secret admirer."

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Puzzled, Lacey read the mailing tag. To: Miss Lacey Sinclair, From: L.S. Enterprises.
And the address listed a familiar New York address.
"Impossible!" Lacey gasped, clutching the paper tightly.
"What's so impossible about you having a secret admirer?" her mother asked. "You're
smart, pretty, and a cooking whiz. Besides, you're my daughter. Go ahead, open it up."
Lacey shook her head, feeling the color drain from her face. This couldn't be the Love
book. It wasn't supposed to arrive for at least two weeks! Not the same day she
ordered it!
"I can't open it. This is like something from a Twilight Zone show. Or maybe I'm
Mrs. Sinclair ran her fingers through her short light−brown hair and tilted her head
curiously. "Why are you acting afraid of a simple package? If you won't open it, I will."
"NO!" Lacey exclaimed, trying to think of a good explanation for her mother. "I can't
open it now. I mean, it's too personal. Maybe it is from a secret admirer, so I want to open
it alone. I'm going to my room."
"I understand, dear," Mrs. Sinclair said, sounding amused. "I was once a teenager, too.
But when you're ready to talk, I'd love to see what it is."

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"Sure, Mom. Bye!"
Then she whirled around and ran to her bedroom.
She shut the door securely behind her and tossed the envelope on her dresser. She was so
dizzy with confusion that her head hurt. She wondered if her mail−box was like Alice's
rabbit hole, where curious things kept getting "curiouser."
Sitting in a chair, she stared at the envelope. How in the world had the Love Spell
company known about her? The letter probably hadn't even reached the main post


and yet she already had her reply.

Totally, completely, impossible.

But wait a minute, maybe there was a logical explanation. Maybe someone who knew
she collected cookbooks had seen the ad before she had, and ordered the book as a surprise.
Yeah, that made sense. Maybe Tasha, Aunt Debbie, her parents, or even Travis.
Smiling, she decided this was indeed a wonderful surprise and mentally thanked
whoever had arranged it.
Now that the mystery was almost solved, she couldn't wait to see her gift. She reached
for the envelope and ripped it open.

A slim loosely bound book and a small foil−wrapped bag fell out.

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She read the book's title: Love Spells. The cover was plain dark cardboard with no author
credited or publisher listed. Weird.
And the ten recipes listed in the were even weirder: "Flower Flirtation," "Devil's Bit
Destiny," "Heart of Hawkweed," "Bewitching Bright−Eyes," "Sweet Slumber Skullcap,"
"Lily Everlasting," "Come Over Red Clover," "Marry Me Marigold," "Passion Red
Pimpernel," and "Amore Aroma."
The last one, "Amore Aroma" sounded so romantic. She hoped it involved lots of gooey
chocolate. That way, if it didn't help win Travis's heart, it would at least taste yummy. She
immediately flipped to page twenty−nine.

This isn't a normal recipe, she thought, puzzling over the strange ingredients. A fresh

rose petal, a pinch of honey, a half cup of rain water, a sprinkle of red dirt, and something
called "Loykiki." And the directions got even stranger. Mix the honey, rain water, and rose
petal in a coconut shell, stirring with a willow branch, sprinkle dirt over it, then add a
Loykiki leaf and repeat a short love chant.
No chocolate or even sugar involved! What sort of recipe book was this anyway?
"This is so silly! Forget it," Lacey muttered, shutting the book and slipping it back into
the envelope. "This is either a fairytale or a big joke. It's not even worth one dollar."

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As she stood, something fell on the carpet.
She bent down and picked up the tiny foil−wrapped bag that had been in the Love Spell
envelope. She'd almost forgotten about it. It was a light as a cotton ball, and not much
bigger. She had to squint to read the label. Something that began with "Lov"


no, it was

"Loykiki." The peculiar ingredient.

I've gone this far, I might as well find out what Loykiki is, she told herself.

Carefully, she unfolded the top and looked inside. Flaky brown, gold, and purple leaves.
She pulled one out and gently placed it in her palm. A leaf, all right. But not from any trees
around here. And they had a musky and yet sweet smell...her nose tickled and her head felt
"I wonder what kind of leaf this is," she murmured, shaking her head to clear her
thoughts. "I'll bet Glenn would know. He's real into nature and chemistry. I'll ask him
Monday at school."
Relieved to have made this decision, she put the single leaf in the plastic zipper pouch in
her binder and returned the foil bag to the envelope.
Then she put her questions and curiosity aside, and left her room. Although for the next
two days, she was haunted by the lingering aroma of Loykiki.

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Chapter 3

AN OLD SONG about rainy Mondays played through Lacey's head as Mr. Lightfoot
scribbled chemistry elements on the blackboard. She knew she should be paying attention
to her teacher, but it was more interesting to watch streaming water snake down the
windows and huge droplets sprinkle from the roof. The rhythmic pitter−patting and fresh
smell of the season's first rain


or H20 as Mr. Lightfoot preferred


was wonderful. There

was something romantic about being inside on a cool, drizzly day


especially since the boy

she loved was nearby.
Her gaze traveled across the aisle to Travis, and her heart swelled with warm emotions.
He leaned forward, his pencil racing across his paper as he took notes. His silky black hair
fell across his forehead, and she fought the urge to reach out and push it away.

I wonder if Travis sent me the Love Spell book. Probably not, she decided. He's never

sent me a gift before, but he could have done it to surprise me. He's such a special guy! she
thought dreamily. And he's all mine...I hope.
Lacey couldn't resist an uneasy glance several desks down. Nicole Rosemarin sat front
and center, surrounded by admiring boys. Today, her red hair was arranged in a fancy

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French braid with gold ribbons. She was turned sideways, her long legs crossed in the aisle,
laughing with P.J., a husky football player.

What a relief! Lacey thought. Nicole has already forgotten Travis and is aiming her

flirtatious green eyes at P.J.
Mr. Lightfoot put his chalk down. "Now that we've covered the elements, we'll go onto
our next project," he said, leaning against the blackboard. "This assignment will be
one−half your first quarter grade and you'll be working with a partner."

A partner! Lacey thought eagerly. Being Travis's partner will be even better than sitting

next to him. We'll take turns studying at his house and then at mine. Sometimes we'll even
go to the library. It'll be fantastic!
Suddenly, chemistry was Lacey's favorite class. She quickly jotted down elements from
the board and faced Mr. Lightfoot, eager to hear his next words.
"We'll be learning how various substances react when combined," the bespectacled
science teacher said, picking up a slender glass tube. "You and your partner will
experiment with test tubes, beakers, and Bunsen burners. Then you'll write detailed reports
of your results." He rubbed his stubby gray−black beard and grinned. "I think you'll find
this assignment fun and surprising."

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Lamar Jenkins, a tall boy who wore his black hair in wild dreadlocks, called out, "Can
we pick our own partners?"
Mr. Lightfoot nodded. "Certainly. I'll give you some free time now to choose. But
remember, this isn't a popularity contest. Select someone you can work well with. This
project is very important for your quarter grade."
"For an easy A, pick Glenn!" Antonio DelToro joked.
P.J. winked at Nicole. "No way! Nicole's much cuter."
Antonio's wire−rimmed glasses almost fell off when he jumped up. "You said it! Who
needs an A, when you can have an N for Nicole?"
Lacey watched Glenn's face turn red. She frowned, feeling sorry for him. Tasha was
right about him being a nice guy. It wasn't right for the other kids to tease him because he
has a high I.Q. and 4.0 average. Brainy kids should get respect, not insults.
Travis leaned across the aisle and nudged her. "Hey, maybe you should pal up with
Glenn. I only got a C− on my last chem test."
"You're not getting off that easy," she said lightly. "I'll study extra hard to make sure we
both get A's."
Travis shut his binder and grinned. "Sounds good to me."

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"And you won't have to do much work, either," Lacey added, trying to show Travis what
a wonderful partner she'd make. "I'm good at English, too, so I'll take care of all the
His black eyes twinkled. "This is sounding better all the time. I may not have the smarts
for chemistry like Glenn, but I got the smarts for picking girls. You're really special,
She blushed, feeling a burst of sunshine fill her soul. She reached out and lightly touched
Travis's hand. "You're really special, too. I'm so glad we'll be working together."
He squeezed her fingers and grinned even wider. "Yeah. Me, too. So let's shake on it,
"Travis," a soft, sweet voice interrupted. "Can I ask you something?"
Lacey looked up and saw RED


the long RED braid and glossy RED lips of Nicole

Travis dropped Lacey's hand and straightened up quickly. "Nicole!" He ran his fingers
through his unruly dark hair, almost falling off his chair. "Sure, you can ask me anything."
Nicole batted her long lashes. "Maybe this isn't a good time."
"Any time is a good time...for you. I mean, Lace and I were just talking. School stuff.

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Nothing important."

Nothing important! Lacey thought furiously. I suppose if I suddenly had a choking fit,

couldn't breathe, and stumbled over gasping for help, he wouldn't consider that important
either. He'd probably go right on staring at Nicole like she was the only girl in the room.
Nicole flashed Travis a dazzling smile. "I wanted to thank you again for helping me at
the dance. You were like a dashing knight galloping to my rescue. And I'm still very
Travis's expression was dazed and dopey. "Well...I'm glad I could help."
"Glad enough to be my chemistry partner?"
Lacey choked, and gripped the edges of her desk.
Travis didn't even hesitate. "Sure!" he answered, eagerly.
"But what about me?" Lacey cried in outrage. "You're my partner!"
"Next time," he said, never taking his gaze off Nicole. "Besides, you're so good with
reports, you can easily find someone else."
"Ask P.J. He needs a partner," Nicole suggested, flipping her red braid over her shoulder.
"No, thank you!" Lacey snapped, then she grabbed her backpack, and strode to an empty
desk a few rows away.

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That's really it for Travis! she fumed, sinking into the chair. How could he do such a

mean thing to me? Nicole will never treat him as good as I do. I'll bet she makes him do all
the work on the assignment and they'll both flunk chemistry. Then Nicole will dump Travis,
and he'll come crawling back to me. But I won't take him back. No more second chances. I
really mean it this time...Maybe.
The rain outside seemed to mirror the storm raging inside of Lacey. She was angry...but
mostly she was miserable. Hunching her shoulders, she let her hair fall around her face so
no one could see her tears.
"Uh, do you have a partner?" someone asked.
She pushed her hair back, and looked up into the gentle hazel eyes of Glenn Robertson.
She frowned. "Not any more."
Glenn cleared his throat. "Want to team up with me?" he asked nervously. "Of course,
I'll understand if you don't want to."

He sounds as alone as I feel, Lacey thought, trying to smile. "I'd love to be your

partner," she said after a moment.
Glenn's face lit up. "Really? Wow! That's great."
"I hope you still think so when it's time for grades. I'm not as good at chemistry as you

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are." A sudden memory struck her, and she grabbed her binder. "In fact, there's something
I'd like you to look at for me."
Glenn smoothed his curly wheat−colored hair. "Sure



"This," she said, unzipping the clear pouch of her binder, and carefully taking out the
Loykiki leaf. "Ever seen anything like it?"
Glenn studied the purple, gold, and brown leaf. "It's quite unusual. An herb, I suspect.
But it's not from a bush or tree in this area. I'd like to take a closer look at it in my mini−lab
at home."
She thought it was strange to have a home lab, but then Glenn wasn't a typical teen. He
was like a super−smart whiz kid. "Go ahead," she offered. "Inspect away."
"Thanks." He gently took the leaf. "I'll analyze it carefully. You can trust me."
She nodded, and thought, Yes. I can definitely trust Glenn. He's honest, sincere, and
. Then her gaze traveled across the room. I wish I could trust Travis the same way.
But the only thing I can trust Travis to do is break my heart...over and over again.

THE RAIN showers had vanished and were replaced with a brilliant, sunny rainbow.
At least I'm not getting wet, Lacey thought as she trudged home from school. That's the

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only good thing that's happened today. I wonder if Travis is driving Nicole home....
She could feel tears prickling her eyes again, but she was determined not to cry. Why
does Travis treat me so badly? I try so hard to make him happy. I help him with his
homework, bake homemade cookies for him, and listen patiently to all his hopes and
dreams. But then sultry Nicole struts by, bats her green eyes at him, and he follows her like
an eager puppy. It's like I'm his disposable girlfriend.
Lacey sniffled and hugged her backpack to her chest. What can I do to get Travis to
treat me better?
she wondered. Too bad I don't look gorgeous like Nicole. But people tell
me I'm cute, not beautiful. Not even a super makeover could turn me into a Cinderella.
What I need is a fairy godmother...or a love spell.
Lacey smiled, thinking of the strange recipe book she had hidden in her room? She didn't
believe in magic potions or spells. Still, Amore Aroma did sound intriguing. It was
probably just a natural herbal perfume. But the ingredients were so strange


a rose petal,

honey, red dirt, Loykiki, and rain water, stirred with a willow branch in a coconut shell.

Really weird.

As she opened the wooden gate to her front yard, she noticed her mother's flower garden.
It was late in the season for roses, but one bush still had a few blossoming pink flowers.

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She smiled as she realized the blossoms were dripping with fresh rain water. Two
ingredients at once
, she thought with growing fascination. Perfect!
Then her mind jumped as noticed the damp rich red dirt in a bricked planter. Another
ingredient down!
she thought. Then she giggled out loud as she realized she had the rest of
the ingredients, too. Her dad always kept a jar of honey in the fridge; there was a willow
tree in the backyard; and her sister was on a tropical fruit diet that called for coconut



out of a coconut shell!

I can't believe I have everything I need to make the Love Spell recipe! she marveled. It's

almost like fate is telling me to do this! She paused, just as she finished plucking a rain
drenched rose. What am I doing? There isn't a perfume strong enough to bring Travis back
to me...that is, if I do decide to give him another second chance.
Shrugging, she scooped up a handful of red dirt. Oh, well. Creating new recipes was
always fun


and it would keep her mind off Travis for a short while...whether the love

potion worked or not.

LACEY FELT like one of MacBeth's witches, chanting about bubbles, toil, and
trouble as she mixed Amore Aroma. Only instead of a huge dark caldron, she was mixing

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her brew in a broken coconut shell. And instead of a boiling mist, she had a handful of
soggy, sticky muddy, rose petals.

And this was supposed to be a love spell?

She glanced around her bedroom, glad that she had a lock on her door. If anyone walked
in right now they would think she had gone bonkers! And maybe she had...
The willow branch snapped in two, so she continued stirring with half a branch. Roses
and honey were both natural and lovely scents by themselves. But the strange Loykiki leaf
added a heavy, earthy aroma


the aroma of Amore, she decided. The aroma of love.

The mixture looked lumpy and slimy. All that was left was the odd chant. Lacey found
the directions and read then out loud:
"A heart, like a rose, is bright and true,
Add honey for sweetness, and hope anew,
Sky tears shower on blood−red soil,
Go forward, rejoice, in love ever−loyal.

Now what? Lacey wondered. Will Travis come instantly to his senses, forget about

Nicole, and race to my doorstep? Although she still felt sad, she couldn't help but smile at
this crazy thought. Amore Aroma was merely a perfume. The recipe book had only been

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titled Love Spells to lure in love−sick buyers. How many other girls had wasted a dollar on
the book? she wondered, laughing at her own foolishness and staring at the gooey mess in
the cracked coconut shell. This was really so silly. But it had helped ease her pain over
losing Travis. And it would give her something funny to tell Tasha tomorrow at school.
She found an empty jar and scraped Amore Aroma into it. She didn't mind that, even
when she screwed on the lid, the sweet tangy scent lingered in her room. There was
something pleasant about the smell. She even liked it better than her favorite perfume,
Lacey put the jar in a drawer and curled up on her bed with a pillow. Images of happy
times with Travis played in her mind, and she wanted desperately to call him up. But she
couldn't risk it. Besides, he was probably out with Nicole.
She hugged her pillow and sighed.

If only Amore Aroma was truly a love potion, she thought wistfully. My love life could

sure use some magic.

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Chapter 4

THE NEXT morning, Lacey dressed extra carefully for school. She decided on a blue
knit top, a denim skirt, and a navy−striped cardigan jacket. She wanted to look comfortable
and casual. She couldn't compete with Nicole's dramatic beauty, so why even try? The only
extra touch she added was a dab of Amore Aroma on her wrists.

What happened to the tangy, sweet scent? she wondered, sniffing her wrists. Strange. I

don't smell anything at all. Yesterday the Loykiki fragrance was so strong, I even dreamed
about it. There's no odor today. The recipe didn't say anything about the smell wearing off.
Disappointed, Lacey shoved the jar in her drawer. She noticed the tiny foil packet with
the three remaining Loykiki leaves. Ordinary, worthless leaves. She should probably just
flush them down the toilet. Shrugging, she shut the drawer and grabbed her backpack. Then
she left her room and joined her sister in the kitchen for breakfast.
Amelia was always up early since she had swimming practice every morning before
school. Now she was reading the newspaper at the table and eating cereal. Lacey strode
over and stuck her arm out in front of her sister's face. "Smell my wrist."
"Huh?" Amelia glanced up from the horoscope section of the Bolton Blaze and widened

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her violet−blue eyes. "Why?"
"I'm trying out a new perfume. What do you think?"
Amelia sniffed, paused, and then shook her pretty blond hair. "Nothing. There's no scent
at all."
Lacey groaned and reached for a box of Monster Mush cereal. "I was afraid of that."
"So what's the perfume called?" Amelia asked with a chuckle. "Invisible?"
"No. But it should be called Rip−Off. I feel like a dope for hoping it was something
special." Lacey poured the sugared oats and raisins into a bowl, then sank into a chair.
"Nothing in my life is very special lately."
Amelia took a sip of milk and waved the newspaper. "Cheer up, Lace. Check out your
horoscope. Taurus has a really good one. It says, 'Romantic Venus adds charm, poise, and a
terrific magnetism


just what you need to get that special guy to look your way!'" She set

down the paper and grinned. "Guess that means Travis, huh?"
"I wish!" Lacey exclaimed, swirling her spoon in her cereal and losing her appetite. The
ache in her heart was stronger than any hunger pangs could ever be.
"Trouble with Travis?" Amelia asked sympathetically.
"Yeah." Lacey sniffled. "We're through."

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"For good, this time." A tear slipped down Lacey's cheek. "Gosh, I already miss him.
Maybe I should call him and try to work things out."
Amelia wiped her lips with her napkin and pushed away from the table. "Don't you dare!
Have some pride. Travis may be good−looking, but he really is a jerk."
"Who's a jerk?" Andy asked, entering the room.
"All boys," Lacey snapped, not in the mood for any smart−mouthed remarks Andy might
come up with. "Including little brothers."
Andy stared at Lacey with a puzzled expression. Then he slowly smiled. "I know you're
just teasing, but that's okay. You can insult me anytime."
"You're usually the one who says insulting things," she pointed out.
"Not anymore. Just think of me as your loving brother," Andy said, his smile widening.
Lacey looked at him suspiciously. "This has to be a joke."
"No joke. You're my sister and I just want you to be happy," Andy said, getting a bowl
and pouring cereal into it.
"He must want something," Amelia stated knowingly, turning to rinse her dish in the
sink. "But as long as he's acting human instead of like an escaped zoo animal, enjoy it. I've

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got to go."
Lacey picked up her bowl and followed her sister to the sink. "Amelia, don't leave yet. I
need a ride to school. I promised Tasha I'd meet her there early."
Amelia flipped her blond hair over her shoulders and nodded. "Sure, but hurry. I'm
practically out the door."
"Don't go, Lacey!" Andy cried, wrapping his arms around Lacey's waist. "I'll make you
pancakes or cinnamon toast or anything you want if you stay longer."
Lacey rolled her eyes and shared a little−brothers−are−total−pests look with Amelia.
"Cut it out, Andy. I don't know what you're up to, but it won't work. I don't have any
money and the last time you borrowed my bike you returned it minus one wheel. So
whatever the question is, the answer is no."
"I just want to be with you," Andy insisted. "Really."
"Yeah. Right," Lacey said, shaking her head. "And I really want to be with you."
Amelia slipped her purse over her shoulder and chuckled. "This is really pathetic. Our
little con−artist brother must want something really big this time."
"Well, I'm not sticking around to find out." Lacey pried off Andy's clinging fingers and
pushed him away. "Save the act for Mom. She's a much softer touch than I am. Besides,

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Amelia and I are out of here."
And with that, Lacey grabbed her backpack and hurried after her older sister. She could
still hear Andy calling her name as she fastened her seat belt and the car's engine started.

Persistent little twerp, she thought in confusion. Boys! I'll never figure them out!

"THANKS FOR coming to school early," Tasha said as Lacey entered the
Decorative−Arts room. "You're so creative. I know you'll have some terrific ideas for our
Craft Club float."
"I'll try," Lacey replied, glancing around the cluttered room. There were a dozen sewing
machines, scattered boxes of pins, needles, and scissors, and five rows of worktables.
Usually the Dec−Arts room was buzzing with activity, but right now it was eerily quiet. Of
course, school wouldn't start for an hour


although their teacher and club sponsor, Ms.

Dahlberg, was already sitting at her desk sorting through papers.
Lacey decided to test Amore Aroma once more. She stuck out her arm and asked Tasha,
"Do you smell anything?"
Tasha sniffed, then paused, as if thinking hard. "Something sweet."
"Then it does work!" Lacey cried joyously. "I was afraid my perfume was a dud."
"Perfume?" Tasha scrunched her nose and shook her head. "I don't smell perfume. I

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smell something sugary. I know! You had Monster Mush cereal for breakfast, didn't you?"
Lacey groaned, then sunk into a chair next to her friend. "Amoré Aroma is definitely a
"Amoré? You mean as in love?" Tasha asked, lifting her brows in question. "Are you
still having problems with Travis?"
"Kind of," Lacey admitted, reluctant to talk about Travis


or Amoré Aroma. Tasha was a

good friend, but she didn't believe in true love. She wanted to be a veterinarian someday
and preferred cuddly pets to cute boys.
"Poor Lacey," Tasha said, putting her arm around her friend. "I hate to say I told you so,
but I did. Travis uses you like a rug. Walk, stomp, wipe, and walk some more."
"I know Travis isn't perfect, but he's my boyfriend


or at least he was until Nicole came

around." Lacey sighed. "And I already miss him. I just wish he'd change his mind and beg
me to be his chem partner. Then everything would be great between us again."
"Again? It was never great between you two." Tasha opened her notebook and waved a
pen at Lacey. "Travis is too stuck on himself."
"Not this time." Lacey buried her head in her arms on the worktable. "Now he's stuck on
Nicole." She sighed and straightened up. "But I'll try not to think about him. Let's discuss

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the float. I can get some dried flowers for decorations."
"And my dad has a flat−bed trailer." Tasha wrote down "trailer" in her notebook. "We
can build the float on top of it and my dad can pull it in the parade with his old pickup."
Lacey made a face. "Isn't there some way to fit a motor on the float itself? Being pulled
by a pickup is tacky."
"You got a better idea?" Tasha ran her fingers through her sleek dark hair. "We don't
have loads of money to spend like some of the other clubs. I've heard the float for the
Homecoming Queens and Kings is being professionally built."
"Want to bet who will be voted Freshman Homecoming Queen?" Lacey asked, rolling
her eyes with annoyance.
"Only if I get to bet Nicole Rosemarin. All the boys are sure to vote for her. Guess we'll
find out officially at the rally after school today." Tasha tapped her pen on the desk. "Are
you going?"
"No way!" Lacey shuddered, imagining Nicole's silky red head leaning against Travis's
strong shoulders. Since Nicole was certain to be crowned Queen, did that mean Travis
would be King? Lacey hoped not. Then everyone would know she'd been dumped. How

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"Come on, Lace," Tasha wheedled. "We've been looking forward to high school
activities since kindergarten. Don't miss our first big school event because of Travis."
"But he'll be there...with Nicole." Lacey shook her head firmly. "You go ahead and have
fun without me. I absolutely, completely, totally refuse to go."
"Guess that means no." Tasha shrugged. "I'd like to say I understand, but I don't.
Probably because I haven't had a serious relationship. And after watching your ups and
downs, I don't think I ever want one."
From across the room, Miss Dahlberg called out, "Girls, how are the float plans
Lacey and Tasha exchanged guilty smiles. They'd been taking more about boy trouble
than float ideas. "We're doing great!" Lacey exaggerated. "We already know where we can
get a pickup and trailer."
The short, gray−haired teacher nodded approval. "That's a good start. Go ahead and plan
away. You have about fifteen minutes before the first bell rings. But if you need more time,
I'll be in here early tomorrow, too."
"Thanks," Tasha replied, then she whispered to Lacey, "What do you mean we're doing
great? We don't even have a theme for our float."

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"How about a Fall setting?" Lacey suggested. "We can stack hay bales and make a
raggedy scarecrow."
Tasha's dark eyes sparkled. "Oh, I like that. Our club can craft paper−maché birds,
cardboard leaves, and woven baskets filled with fruit." She squealed and jumped up. "I
know! We can both be scarecrows. We can dress up and scare people by waving away fake
"Me? A scarecrow?" Lacey slowly shook her head. "No way."
"Why not?" Tasha demanded.
"I just don't want to," she said evasively.
Tasha leaned forward in her chair. "Aw, come on. I remember lots of Halloween parties
when we dressed up in cute costumes."
"There's nothing cute about a scarecrow."
"But wearing costumes and riding a float will be fun," Tasha insisted.
"Not for me. Ask someone else. Maybe Kelly or Aimee."
"I'd rather have you," Tasha said, disappointed. "But I'm sure Kelly or Aimee will want
to be on the float." She frowned and wrote something down in her notebook. Then she
went on to suggest other float ideas.

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Lacey listened, but she had trouble paying attention. She felt bad for not being
completely truthful with Tasha.

I should have told Tasha my real reason for not wanting to wear a scarecrow costume,

she thought guiltily. How can I dress up like a ratty scarecrow when Queen Nicole will be
on a parade float wearing a gauzy gown with a rhinestone crown


not a bunch of weeds

and rags.

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Chapter 5

A SHORT TIME later, Tasha's note book was filled with float ideas. The school bell
rang, and Lacey slung her backpack over her shoulders.
"See you at lunch," she told Tasha as they left the Dec−Arts room.
"Sure!" Tasha grinned and waved. "Bye."
Then they headed for their separate classes. Tasha had gym and Lacey had English



opposite ends of the campus.
As Lacey hurried to her classroom, she heard someone call out her name. She stopped by
a row of lockers, and turned around and saw P.J. Zumwalt. The broad−shouldered athlete
was out of breath, as if he'd been running a race.
"Lacey!" he exclaimed, bending over and leaning against his knees to catch his breath.
"Man, you walk fast! It was work to catch−up with you. Are you on the track team or
"No...but why did you want to catch−up with me?" she asked in a surprised tone. She
only had one class with P.J., and seldom spoke to him. Usually he was super−glued to
Nicole Rosemarin's side.

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"I want to talk to you," he answered with a confident grin. "I guess you and Travis are
A hot aching pain filled Lacey at the mention of Travis's name. "So what?" she snapped.
P.J. combed his fingers through his short light−brown hair. "I just wanted to say, Nicole
dropped me for Travis, so I'm bummed, too. I understand what you're feeling."
"You know, I think you're really cool. You're different than other girls, a nice different."
"I am?" Lacey asked, astonished and flattered. P.J. was too macho and rough for her, but
he was great−looking and very popular.
He nodded and stared deeply into her face. "So, how about we get to know each other
better? Want to hang−out with me at the rally?"
"You mean, like a date?" She gulped and blinked. Was she hearing things?
"Yeah, a date." He grinned, and shoved his hands into his pockets. "So what do you

What should I say? she thought, feeling thrilled and confused. I already told Tasha I

wasn't going to the rally. I don't want to watch Sutton High's newest sweethearts, Travis
and Nicole. It would hurt too much. Or would it? Having a date of my own might make

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things interesting....
She suddenly smiled. "All right, P.J." Her head swirled with confusion and excitement.
"The answer's yes. It's a date."

IF LACEY had actually been on the track team, she would have won a first place
ribbon for her mad dash to her English Class. Just as she opened the door, the final bell
"Sleep in this morning, Miss Sinclair?" Mr. Meyers asked, leaning by his desk with his
arms crossed.
"I'm sorry." Lacey gulped, and braced herself for a lecture and a tardy slip. Strict,
British−accented, Mr. Meyers was known for his firm stand on rules. No excuse was a
good excuse in his opinion.
But Mr. Meyers's icy frown suddenly warmed to a friendly smile. "There's no need to
apologize, Miss Sinclair. You're a bright girl and a fine student. I don't mind at all if you're
a bit behind schedule. Please sit down. We'll wait for you."
"Uh...thanks," she answered in a small, bewildered voice.
As she made her way to her seat, she felt the other kids' watching her. They obviously

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couldn't figure out why Mr. Meyers was being so nice to Lacey...and she couldn't figure it
out either. Was Mr. Meyers sick?
"You can sit in my chair," chubby Randall Ahearn offered, jumping up and grinning at
"No, thank you," she whispered, giving him a surprised look.
Another boy, Tom something, also jumped up. "My desk is really comfortable. You can
have it, Lacey."
She shook her head, wondering if everyone was sick today. Still shaking her head with
confusion, she slipped in her usual seat. And for the rest of the period, she felt uneasy



everyone was staring at her.
When the bell rang, she bolted from her seat and raced to her gym class. She didn't want
to take any chances on being tardy again.
After she changed into her gym clothes and did stretching exercises, she began to feel
normal again. No weird remarks from her teacher or strange looks from other kids. In fact,
she had a terrific time playing volleyball


especially when her team beat Nicole's.

But when she headed for her third period science class, things got weird again.
Antonio from her chemistry class rushed up and offered, "Lacey, I'll carry your

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She shook her head. "No, thanks. My next class is just up the hall."
"I'll walk with you." He took out his comb and breezed it through his curly black hair.
"You're looking really good today," he added with a wide grin.
"I am?" she asked, surprised. She glanced down at her casual blue top and denim skirt.
She looked the way she usually did


ordinary. Maybe Antonio was just being nice.

"Yo, Lace!"
She turned around and saw P.J. walking rapidly toward her. The star athlete came over
and slipped his arm around her shoulder. "Miss me, babe?"
She didn't like being called "babe" or the possessive way P.J. was acting. She shook his
arm off and said coolly, "I better hurry to science."
"I'll walk you," P.J. said, pushing up his glasses.
"Back off, P.J.," Antonio snarled. "I was here first."
"But she's my girl," P.J. insisted.
Lacey stared at the two boys in astonishment. What had come over them? she wondered.
Are they actually fighting over me?
"I'm no one's girl," she said firmly, then pointed up the hall. "There's my class. I've got to

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"See you in chemistry," P.J. called after her. But she was already slipping into her

What a weird day, she thought wearily as she sank into her seat.

"Lacey, want to borrow my science notes?" a thin blond boy who sat next to her asked.
He'd never spoken to her before. She couldn't even remember his name.
"I have my own notes," she said politely.
"And I bet your notes are neater than mine." He leaned forward and grinned. "Hey, can I
borrow them?"
"NO!" she snapped.
She turned away from him, only to find two other boys standing beside her desk. She
couldn't remember their names either


in fact, they didn't belong in this class.

Her science teacher, Mrs. Huong, ushered the boys out of the room, and began lecturing
on volcanoes.
But Lacey had a hard time paying attention. She felt like a volcano had erupted in her
mind. Wild ideas flowed like boiling lava flowed through her brain. What is going on
she wondered. I don't look any different, yet boys act attracted to me. First P.J.,

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then Antonio, and now even complete strangers are coming up to me! It's as if I've turned
popular over night. Like magic.
An idea popped in her head and she nearly snapped the pencil she'd been holding in two.

Magic! As in a love spell! she thought wildly. Maybe Amoré Aroma really is a magical

perfume. But how can it be when it doesn't even have an odor? Amelia, Tasha, and I
couldn't smell anything. Of course, we're all girls....
It was a crazy, impossible idea, but hocus pocus was the only logical explanation. Of
course, magic was not a logical science. Mrs. Huong would certainly agree with her.
And yet how else could she explain the way boys were practically lining up to talk to
her? Maybe Amore Aroma did work


but only on boys. That would explain all the

attention she'd been getting since she came to school


including her English teacher. And

now that she thought about it, her own brother had acted strange toward her. Lacey had
assumed Andy was trying to con her, but maybe he was the one who'd been


conned into being nice to his sister by a love spell!

This is crazy! Lacey told herself, rocking slightly as she sat at her desk.

She glanced around the room. Three boys smiled at her, and two boys winked. She
whistled under her breath, and leaned forward so her face was half−hidden by her hair.

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Something weird is definitely happening to me! she thought, feeling excited. Either

Amoré Aroma is really and truly a magical love potion or I'm having the oddest dream of
my life!

BY LUNCH−TIME, there was no doubt in Lacey's mind that any boy who came near
hear fell under Amoré Aroma's love spell. And now that the shock was wearing off, she
was starting to enjoy herself. And she couldn't wait to tell Tasha!
"But why can't we eat in the cafeteria today?" Tasha asked, as they made their way to a
grassy area surrounded by oak and willow trees.
"Who can chew peanut butter and jelly surrounded by admiring boys?" she replied with
a giggle.
Tasha raised her eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Lacey sat on the grass and drew her bagged lunch from her backpack. She grinned at her
best friend. "I'm now the most popular girl at Sutton High."
"Funny, you don't look a thing like Nicole," Tasha teased.
"I'm not joking. I really am popular, and you can be, too!"
"Yeah. Right," Tasha said skeptically. She sat across from Lacey and popped open an

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orange soda can. "This morning you were in the dumps over Travis and now you think
you're a superstar like Madonna."
"Madonna would pay millions for my secret," Lacey said excitedly. She held out her
wrists. "You can't smell anything, but they can. And it drives them wild. Boys I don't even
know want to carry my stuff, talk to me, go out with me. I finally know what it feels like to
be Nicole."
"And I know what it feels like to have a crazy best friend." Tasha patted Lacey's arm
sympathetically. "You're so upset over Travis that you finally lost it. Poor Lacey."
"No. You got it wrong. I didn't lose anything


I found magic. See, I have this book

called Love Spells and whipped up a love potion perfume. And it really works."
Tasha still wasn't convinced. "Now you really are worrying me. You honestly believe in
Lacey nodded, then reached for a banana. "And after we eat, I'll prove it to you. You can
pick a guy


anyone at all


and all I have to do it walk near him, and he'll go wild for me."

"Any guy?" Tasha asked, a wicked gleam in her dark eyes.
"You bet. Amoré Aroma is powerful love potion. Just'll find out."
"I'll find out my best friend is nuts. But hey, I'm willing to play along with your game."

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Tasha leaned back on her arms and gazed up at the hazy sunny sky. "And I know the
perfect boy to test your so−called powers on."
Lacey pealed her banana and met Tasha's challenging look. "Who?"
"Glenn," Tasha replied. "And you have an advantage since he already likes you. But on
the other hand, he's very smart and he won't be fooled by insincere flirting."
"I don't have to flirt," Lacey tried to explain. "It's my perfume. Boys can't resist it...or
Tasha smiled confidently. "Fine. Prove it with Glenn. He's in your next class, so you
won't have long to wait. And afterwards, I'll stop by to check out the results."
Lacey nodded, excited thinking about her chemistry class. But not because she was
going to prove to Tasha that magic was real


instead because she just remembered what

other boy was in her chem class. Travis.
And with magical help, Lacey was certain to win Travis back.

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Chapter 6

TRAVIS WAS absent!

Of all the dumb luck, Lacey fumed. The one boy I really want to enchant isn't even at

school today!
Disappointed, Lacey ignored the friendly greetings from other boys as she joined Glenn
at their work area. Assorted chemistry equipment was arranged on the lab table



glass tubes, jars, and canisters.
"Hi, partner," Glenn told Lacey as she sat on a wooden stool. "Isn't this a neat set−up? I
can't wait for our first experiment."
"Yeah," she agreed, but she was more interested in her own magical experiment and her
bet with Tasha.
She smiled sweetly at Glenn. Any minute now her love spell was going to target Glenn
like cupid's arrow. He'd gaze at her with adoration, compliment her, and beg for a date.
Since she respected and liked him, she'd turn him down gently. Of course, he wouldn't give
up that easily. Amore Aroma was very strong, and it seemed extra powerful when she
stood next to a boy. Poor Glenn didn't have a chance


but at least his obvious devotion

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would prove to Tasha that Amore Aroma was really magical.
Glenn's hazel eyes sparkled with delight. "This is going to be so great. I can't remember
when I've felt so excited. I think I'm in love."
"So soon!" she gasped.
He nodded enthusiastically. "I've never been able to resist a highly combustible reaction.
I know nothing has happened yet, but it will soon."
"What do you mean?" she repeated in a bewildered voice. Just what kind of romance did
Glenn have in mind?
"Maybe we'll start off with something easy, like changes in aquatic solutions."
"Huh?" Lacey felt like Glenn was talking in another language.
He gestured toward the lab table. "It's like an inter−changeable puzzle. As the pieces are
changed around, the outcome is different. I sure love chemistry."
"Chemistry?" she echoed, feeling embarrassed now that she realized he hadn't been
talking about her at all. The gleam in his gaze was fixed on glass tubes and beakers. He was
in love all right


with science.

Glenn smiled shyly. "Sorry, if I'm boring you. I forget that not everyone is wild about

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"That's okay. I just thought that..." She blushed, and fidgeted with her hands. There was
no way she was going to admit she had expected Glenn to take one whiff of Amoré Aroma
and fall head over heels for her.
Instead, she scooted her stool closer to him, leaning forward so her dark hair dangled
near his shoulders. "I just wondered if you...I mean, what do you think of my new
"Perfume?" Glenn sniffed and gave a small shrug. "I guess it's okay. Oh, look!" He
straightened and pointed to the front of the room. "Mr. Lightfoot is starting class. This is
going to be so great!"

Why isn't Glenn enchanted by Amoré Aroma? she wondered, only half−listening as her

teacher explained how to mix acid and base solutions. P.J. keeps smiling at me and Antonio
gave me a flirtatious wink, so the potion still works
, she decided. But for some reason it
isn't working on Glenn. Is it possible he doesn't have a sense of smell?
She continued to puzzle about this as she and Glenn began their first experiment. It was
easy to decide that Glenn would do the actual experiments, and Lacey would take notes.
"Hand me the baking soda and vinegar," Glenn said, holding a tube and reading off a
printed sheet of instructions.

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"Sure," she replied, giving him the soda box first. As she reached for the vinegar bottle,
an idea popped into her head.

Should I try it? she wondered, smiling wickedly. Why not? There's no harm in

performing a small chemistry experiment of my own.
Purposely, she unscrewed the lid, then shoved the vinegar bottle directly under Glenn's
nose. "Smell this!"
He jerked his head back and puckered his face in disgust. "Put the lid back on! Man, that
Lacey tried to look contrite, but it was hard not to giggle. Glenn's expression was so
funny! And her test undoubtedly proved that Glenn had a healthy sense of smell. So there
must be some other reason why the love potion didn't affect him.

But what?

AFTER CHEMISTRY, P.J., Antonio, and some other boys surrounded


completing ignoring Nicole. The red−haired girl looked puzzled, but she just lifted

her chin proudly and swept out of the room.
Lacey sat on her stool and thought, I would feel sorry for Nicole if she hadn't been so

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smug about dancing with Travis. Well, now she's learning what it's like to be left out.
Forgetting Nicole, Lacey returned her attention to the boys around her. Antonio tried to
convince her to be his chemistry partner. P.J. told her she had lovely blue eyes (and she
wasn't even wearing violet−tinted contacts!). And two other boys begged to carry her
backpack. Popularity was fun!
Still, she was momentarily saddened when she caught a glimpse of Glenn watching her.
He frowned as if he was disappointed in her. His shoulders slumped, and then he walked
out of the classroom. For a moment, Lacey wanted to break away from her male fan club
and go after him. She'd explain about the Love Spell book and they'd discuss the chemistry
of magic potions...together.
"Lacey!" Tasha called, peaking her head in the doorway. She looked surprised that
Antonio, P.J., and other boys were crowding around her friend, but she just pushed passed
"Am I glad to see you," Lacey whispered, standing. Then loudly she announced, "Tasha
and I have to hurry to our next class."
"I'll walk you there," Antonio offered.
Tasha wrinkled her brow. "What for? We know the way?"

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I just want to," he replied, his gaze fixed on Lacey.

"Me, too," a short guy with a buzz−cut put in.
Lacey felt hot embarrassment redden her cheeks. "Thanks for offering, guys. But some
other time. I have stuff to talk about with Tasha."
P.J. stepped forward and put his hand on Lacey's arm. "No problem, babe. I'll catch you
later at the rally."
"Yeah," she agreed, then shook him off and turned to Tasha. "Let's go," she said in a low
voice. "Fast."
The girls hurried down the hall, and around the corner, heading to their last class, Dec.
Lacey pushed her heavy dark hair from her forehead and exclaimed, "Juggling boys is
hard work!"
Tasha drew her brows together. "What was that all about? And where's Glenn? I thought
you were going to dazzle him with your abracadabra aroma."
"It's Amoré Aroma. And believe me, I tried it on Glenn." Lacey sighed, fitting her
backpack securely behind her shoulders. "For some weird reason it didn't work on him, but
it sure works on every other boy I get near."

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"You can't seriously believe in magic," Tasha declared.
"You bet I do! Why else would cool boys like Antonio and P.J. want to go out with me?
Being popular is wonderful, but tiring." She paused by a water fountain, and took a sip.
"I guess they were acting kind of they were under a magical spell." Tasha
rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "But I'm still not convinced. Next you'll be telling me purple
alien creatures want to date you, too."
"I hope not!" Lacey giggled. "I'm having enough trouble dealing with earth boys. E.T.
and his pals can find their own girls."
Tasha chuckled. "So tell me more about what happened with Glenn."
"Nothing happened." Lacey shrugged, pausing outside the Dec. Arts door. "He's a super
chem partner. He's nice, helpful, and really smart. Although I'd still rather be Travis's
partner, Glenn is easy to work with. I'm sure we'll both ace the assignment."
"Sounds great."
"Yeah, except Glenn didn't even notice Amoré Aroma. I thought maybe he didn't have a
sense of smell, but that's not it either. He's a big mystery to me."
"And you're turning into a big mystery for me. First you say you have a magical
perfume, then guys are following you around like adoring puppy dogs. And did I hear you

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tell P.J. you'll be at the rally?"
Tasha's dark eyes widened. "But you refused to go when I asked you."
"I was so shocked by P.J. invitation, that I didn't know how to refuse."
"I guess I'd be shocked if a cool jock like him asked me out, too." Tasha grinned,
stepping into the Dec. Arts room. "Well, I'm glad you're going. Our very first rally! It'll be

THERE WERE no boys in Dec. Arts, so the next fifty minutes were calm and
ordinary. Lacey watched with interest as Miss Dahlberg demonstrated how to use stencils.
The whole class practiced tracing delicate flower stencil designs on small wooden squares.
When the bell rang, Lacey and Tasha headed for the auditorium. The halls were
crowded, and Lacey was noticed by boys she didn't even know. "What's your name?", "Are
you going to the rally?", "Are you running for Homecoming Queen?", "Want to go out with
The questions were nonstop, and they made Lacey feel special. When boys talked to her,
she would pretend she was Nicole and flutter her lashes and smile sweetly. And even

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though Lacey knew she looked ordinary, she felt beautiful. Like a movie star or a famous
Tasha just watched with an astonished, open−mouthed expression that clearly showed
she had no more doubts about Amore Aroma. "It's incredible," Tasha marveled. "Every boy
you walk by falls under your spell."
"Except Glenn," Lacey reminded as they walked.
"He's probably too scientific to be fooled by magic."
"Maybe," Lacey replied, doubtful. It was silly, but she Glenn's indifference really
bugged her. He was definitely a puzzle


a puzzle that she planned to solve.

They slowed as they neared the auditorium. Crowds were streaming through the opened
double doors. Lacey heard someone call her name.
"There's P.J.," she told Tasha. "I promised to sit with him."
"But he'll be busy parading around with the other football players. See, he's already in
his uniform."
Lacey smiled at the black numbers 26 on P.J.'s red and white uniform. He seemed taller
and more broad−shouldered than ever. And to think he liked her!
"He'll only be busy for a while, then he'll join me," Lacey explained happily.

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Tasha put her hands on her hips and scowled. "But what about me? I don't want to hang
out with hulking football players. I just want to sit with you."
"It's only this one time," Lacey said, turning to wave at P.J. "I'd better go. Find me
afterwards, and we'll walk home together."
"All right," Tasha said, clearly annoyed. "I see Aimee. Guess I'll go sit with her."
Lacey barely heard her friend. She was already hurrying toward P.J.


ignoring the calls

and smiles of passing boys.
"Come on," P.J. said, curling his hand around hers. "I save a front seat for you."
"Thanks," she murmured, then happily followed P.J. into the noisy, packed auditorium.
For the next thirty minutes, Lacey watched with wonder and fascination. Teachers and
students made spirited announcements. Then P.J. joined the other football players as they
were introduced and applauded. The crowds roared and Lacey clapped so hard her palms
stung. She felt so proud when P.J. returned to her that she didn't even object when he
slipped his arm around her shoulders. And the rally fun continued. Cheerleaders strutted to
the center of the room, swished their pom poms, chanted, and did impossible−looking
gymnastic moves.
"This is great!" she told P.J., yelling near his ear to be heard.

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"That's for sure! And it's getting better!" P.J. shouted back. "We're going to vote for
homecoming royalty!"
Lacey leaned forward to get a better view of the nominees as they paraded across the
shiny wooden floor. First the senior queen and king candidates, then the junior, next the
sophomore, and finally the freshman.
"There's Nicole," Lacey said, pointing. Nicole's dynamic red hair was pulled back in a
clip and flowed down her back in coppery curls. She wore a snug gold and green skirt
combo, and glittered and glowed like a natural−born queen.
Lacey glanced down at her plain clothes, and felt frumpy. She could work wonders in
the kitchen, but not with her own appearance. Lucky for her the sense of smell was more
powerful than the sense of sight.
Suddenly, Lacey felt strong arms grab her and push her forward. Before she could cry
out, P.J. had dragged her to the center of the room


next to Nicole and the other glamour

P.J. hollered, "There's one more queen candidate! Introducing, Lacey Sinclair!"
"NO!" Lacey shrieked, terrified because everyone was staring at her. "I can't do this! I
don't want to be a candidate!"

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P.J. squeezed her hand and gestured to applauding crowd. "You already are! Smile and
enjoy it!"
What else could she do?
So she smiled, but she found it hard to enjoy herself. She didn't belong here. She wasn't
glamorous like the other girls. Besides, her love spell wasn't strong enough to affect a
whole room of people!
It was a huge relief when Lacey and the other candidates left the stage. Her whole body
trembled as she sank back onto her seat. She glanced around, afraid that everyone was still
staring at her. But only a few boys nearby waved and grinned at her. All other eyes were
fixed on the king candidates who now paraded across the floor


including P.J.

Travis would be a candidate if he weren't absent, Lacey thought sadly. Why did he have

to miss today of all days?
Finally, it was time to vote.
Lacey started shaking all over again when the queen and king candidates were asked to
line up by the ballot box. Then row by row, kids came from their seats and cast their votes.
Lacey forced herself to smile and leaned against P.J. for support.

This will be over soon, Lacey reassured herself. Nicole and P.J. will be crowned

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freshman queen and king, and they'll get back together. Then I can work my magic on
Travis when he returns to school.
It took a while for everyone to vote, especially when boys who walked by Lacey paused
to smile at her. Sometimes they wrote something on their ballot, then smiled at her once
more before returning to their seats.
And a short time later, the voting results were announced:
The freshman king was P.J. Zumwalt.
And for freshman queen...Lacey Sinclair.

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Chapter 7

QUEEN! Lacey thought in astonishment. Am I really a queen?

She sat back down and nodded numbly when kids waved and congratulated her. She
could barely breath, much less speak. It was incredible that someone like her



studious, and usually an unknown student


could win a popularity vote and become

But then everything about today had been incredible. She'd never received so much
attention in her life


and all because of a magic spell.

Still reeling from the shock of winning, she barely heard P.J. when he told her he had to
meet his teammates at the gym. "I'll call you tonight," he promised before leaving.
Lacey was secretly glad to see P.J. go. It had been exciting being with him (and now
being his queen!), but he wasn't really her type. An image of good−looking Travis popped
into her head. He just had to be at school tomorrow.
As Lacey left the auditorium, she saw Tasha walking with tall, brunette Aimee. Aimee
had smooth olive skin and a wide friendly smile. She was vice−president of their Craft
Club, and Tasha was president.

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"Wait up, Lacey!" Tasha called, leaving Aimee and heading over toward Lacey.

I'm glad Tasha's not mad I sat with P.J., Lacey thought. Luckily, Tasha never stays mad

long. That's one of the many reasons I like her so much.
"Hail the freshman queen," Tasha exclaimed, giving Lacey an excited hug. "May your
reign be long and happy! I voted for you, and I'm thrilled you made it."
"Thanks." Lacey started walking with her friend across the grassy quad, heading towards
their lockers. "I'll probably be thrilled, too


when the shock wears off. I really expected

Nicole to win."
Tasha pointed to a group of girls gathered on a nearby bench. "So did Nicole. I can
almost see the steam rising from her ears. Don't look now, but she's glaring at you."
Lacey bit her lip nervously. She resented Nicole's snobby attitude, but using magic to
win didn't seem fair. "Nicole should be the queen


not me. I'm a fake."

"Why? You didn't force anyone to vote for you." Tasha tucked a strand of silky dark hair
behind her ear. "Don't expect me to feel sorry for Nicole. The little flirt stole Travis away
from you and then boasted about it."
Lacey nodded. "It was really mean of her to come in to Bow Wow's just to brag about
dancing with Travis."

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"And in junior high Nicole won everything she went out for. For once she can find out
how it feels to lose."
"And I'm finding out how it feels to win. Wonderful!" Lacey said with a swift grin as
they reached their lockers. She twirled her combination, her mind spinning with images of
herself dressed in a beautiful shimmery gown with a sparkly rhinestone crown. No tattered
rags and itchy straw costume for Queen Lacey. She'd ride on a motorized, professionally
built float and be a royal star


not a ragged scarecrow.

Lacey slammed her locker and turned to Tasha. "Did you ask Aimee to be a scarecrow
on our club float?"
Tasha nodded, shutting her own locker. "Yeah. She loved the idea."
"That's great," Lacey said, glad and yet oddly disappointed. She would miss being with
Tasha and the other Craft Club members. It was a small club with only five members, but
they were all lots of fun and great friends.
"Of course, you'll be on a parade float, too!" Tasha said, enthusiastically. "The
homecoming royalty float!"
"This is all so incredible," Lacey said, feeling excited all over again. "Me


a royal

Queen. This magic stuff still amazes me. It'll take some time to get used to it." She glanced

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at her watch. "Speaking of time, I'd better hustle. I didn't realize how long the rally took.
My parents will be back from Bow Wow's by six, and I promised to have dinner started."
"What are you cooking?"


with a new spicy sauce I found in my Southern Secrets recipe book."

"Your cooking is a zillion times better than the frozen dinner waiting for me at my
place," Tasha said, turning away from her locker. "Am I invited?"
"Aren't you always?" Lacey grinned, and started walking down the hallway with her best
"Great! I can call my dad at his law office from your place." Her black eyes sparkled.
"Then we can play show and tell with your magic. I'm dying to see your Love Spell book."
"I can do even better than that. You can pick a spell and use it yourself," Lacey
suggested. "Wouldn't you like a tall, dark, and hunky guy for your own?"
"Not yet." Tasha shook her head firmly. "I'll know when I'm ready to date


and I'm not

ready yet. Besides, it's more fun to watch guys fall all over you."
"I'm glad my life entertains you," Lacey said with a laugh. "Be careful or I'll mix up a
batch of Devil's Destiny and put a spell on you."
"Ooh! I'm scared," Tasha said with a laugh. "What would Devil's Destiny do to me?"

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Lacey stepped carefully over a wide crack in the sidewalk. "I have no idea," she
answered, shrugging. "But if you're brave, we can find out."
"Brave or foolish?" Tasha retorted. She shook her head. "I'll read your Love Spell book,
but no hocus pocus. My life is fine the way it is: school's okay, I like my goofy best friend,
and it's great working weekends at Bow Wows where I'm paid to be around animals." She
paused and pointed. "Hey, life gets ever better! There's a basketball game going. Let's
Lacey rolled her eyes. Tasha's first love may be animals, but her second love was
basketball. Lacey didn't like sports as much as her friend. Still, her interest peaked when
she peered through the chain link fence surrounding the court, and recognized Antonio as
one the players.
"I guess it won't hurt to watch for a few minutes," Lacey said, her gaze following
Antonio as he jumped high and sunk a basket like a pro−player.

Hey, he's really good, she marveled. Lacey applauded and waved at the dark−haired

boy. Antonio's pony−tail bounced as he glanced her way, but didn't seem to recognize her.
He dribbled the ball away from a tall, skinny kid and went on playing.
After fifteen minutes, Lacey reminded Tasha they had to hurry, and practically dragged

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Tasha away from the game.
When they reached the house, Lacey stepped inside and called out, "Anyone home?"
A furry cream and tawny−brown missile shot through the family room doorway and
lunged at Lacey. "Rocky!" she squealed, almost getting knocked over by her Silky
Terrier/Cocker Spaniel−mix mutt. Lacey teased that he was a Silky−Cocker. At two years
old, Rocky still acted like a puppy. He wiggled his tail like a whirling windmill and lapped
Lacey's face with his moist tongue.
"Dog breath! Yuck!" Lacey muttered, pushing Rocky away and wiping her face.
"I think he's adorable," Tasha said, scooping the small dog up in her arms. "I wish my
father would let me have a dozen cuddly sweethearts like Rocky, but he says our German
Shepherd Gretchen is enough. At least when I visit Mom and my stepfather at their ranch, I
get to be around lots of animals."
Lacey reached out and scratched Rocky on the head. "I love animals, too. Even ornery
Rocky, although he's too wild to be in the house. And I know who let him in. Wait till I
find that brother of mine!"
"Here I am," Andy said, stepping out of the kitchen with an apple in his hand. "What'cha

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"As if you didn't know," she said accusingly.
Andy grinned mischievously, then gave a shrill whistle. Rocky's floppy ears stood up
straight, and he wiggled out of Tasha's grip and scampered over to Andy. "That's my good
doggie!" Andy praised.
"Your good doggie chewed up one of Mom's couch pillows last week," Lacey pointed
out, her hands on her hips. "He isn't supposed to be in the house."
"He's doesn't chew pillows any more," Andy said defensively. "I found something better
he likes to chew." Andy pulled a small pink plastic bristled object out of his back pocket.
"Brushes! Watch this!"
While Andy threw the brush to Rocky, Lacey wailed, "That's mine! You've been in my
room again! And now Rocky will get dog slobber all over my best brush!"
"What's wrong with dog slobber?" Andy argued.
Lacey glared at her younger brother. "You little creep!"
"I am not a creep. You are!" he retorted. "Come on, Rocky. Let's go play catch!" Then
before Lacey could move, he raced toward the backyard.
Lacey wrung her hands together and gritted her teeth. "My best brush is totally ruined.
Now I'll have to buy a new one. Sometimes I can't stand my brother! He's so annoying!"

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"I think the feeling's mutual," Tasha said with a grin. "Come on, forget about Annoying
Andy. Let's go into your room and check out that Love Spell book."
"All right," Lacey said, sighing. "Then afterwards I'll start dinner." She walked a few
steps down the hallway, then suddenly stopped, her hands flying to her face. "Ohmygosh!
Tasha! Do you realize what just happened?"
"Huh?" Tasha looked around and shrugged. "Your brush is now a chew toy?"
"More than that. This is about Andy. He took something of mine without asking, he
acted snotty to me, and he insulted me."
"Isn't that normal for little brothers?"
"Not when I'm wearing my love potion!" Lacey ran her fingers through her hair and
groaned. "Don't you get it? Andy may be my brother, but he's also a boy. And Amoré
Aroma works on all boys."
"Except Glenn," Tasha reminded.


but it did work on Andy this morning. You should have heard him offering to

make me breakfast and begging me to stay with him. Andy was enchanted by my love


but now he isn't. Do you know what that means?"

Tasha's dark eyes widened. "That your magic is temporary?"

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"Exactly!" Lacey exclaimed, snapping her fingers. She glanced at her watch, and did
some math in her head. She'd gotten up early this morning and put Amoré Aroma on about
five−fifteen. And now it was nearly five−thirty p.m. Which meant her love spell only lasted
twelve hours.
Lacey remembered how Antonio had ignored her while he played basketball. She had
assumed he didn't see her, but maybe he had and just didn't care because her magic had
worn off.
She no longer enchanted Antonio


or any other boy.

Lacey was again a quiet, studious, and unknown−student.

A SHORT TIME later, Lacey sat at the desk in her room, holding the jar of Amore
Aroma. Across from her on the bed, Tasha flipped through the pages of Love Spell.
"This is so bizarre!" Tasha cried, waving the book. "What in the world is Sweet Slumber
Skullcap and Passion Red Pimpernel?"
"I don't know," Lacey answered, twisting the lid off the small jar. "I'm still puzzling over
Amoré Aroma. I never thought it would only last half a day. But then I never thought it
would work in the first place. I only made it out of curiosity."

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"Well, curiosity didn't kill the cat in your case


it turned you into a queen," Tasha said

with a grin.
"Just call me 'Your Highness.'" She giggled, then grew serious. "But I'd better use
Amoré Aroma sparingly. The recipe only made a spoonful, so I won't put any more on till
tomorrow." To herself she added, And if Travis is at school tomorrow, he'll fall wildly in
love with me. As the saying goes


all's fair in love and war. And with Nicole around, love

definitely meant war. "You should be careful with magic," Tasha stated, staring intently at
the book. "I wonder what Flower Flirtation does. Maybe it makes a garden of flowers
sprout out of your head. Or weeds blossom into lovely flowers whenever you walk by. I
guess, it might be fun to try out a spell."
Lacey leaned forward, her jaw dropping. "Do you mean it? But I thought you didn't want
to attract guys."
"I don't think all these spells are for romance. Like this one here." She pointed, and read
out loud, "Come over Red Clover. And at the bottom of the page, there's a chant. 'To
understand the animal soul, blend feather and fur in a wooden bowl. Sprinkle on dirt,
within a circle of stones, and stir with long forgotten bones. Draw an image that comes to
you, and unleash dreams, they can come true.'"

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Lacey giggled. "That's weirder than the chant I had to say for Amoré Aroma. At least the
ingredients aren't too hard to get." She read the list at the top of the page: one feather, two
hairs of an animal's fur, red clover, ten flat stones, an animal bone, and a Loykiki leaf. This
doesn't make much sense to me."
"Or me either," Tasha said, her dark eyes shining with interest. "But it is intriguing. I
wonder if this spell will give me the power to talk to animals. Then I could be a real−life
Doctor Dolittle. That must be what it means by 'understand the animal soul.'"
"Doctor Dolittle is a fictional character," Lacey pointed out. "Nobody can really talk to
"And nobody is supposed to be able to make a love spell, but you did," Tasha pointed
"Well..." Lacey slowly smiled. "You're right. Magic changes everything I used to
believe. So let's give Come Over Red Clover a try, Ms. Dolittle. It's too late today, but if
you find all the ingredients, we can make it tomorrow."
Tasha stared at the recipe, her finger following the words on the page. She paused and
gave Lacey a curious look. "What's Loykiki? I can figure out the other ingredients, but not
that one. What is it?"

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"I had to use it in my spell, too. I'll show you." Lacey reached over and pulled the tiny
foil bag out of her dresser drawer. Carefully, she opened it and pulled out the colorful
leaves. "These came with the Love Spell book."
Tasha gently touched one leaf. "It's so soft. But you only have that all they sent
"No. There were five. I used one for Amoré Aroma and the other


" she paused, her blue

eyes widening with a sudden realization. "Of course! That's it!"
"What?" Tasha asked, wrinkling her brow.
"Now it all makes sense!" Lacey stood and jumped with excitement. "I think I know why
Glenn wasn't affected by Amoré Aroma."
"Maybe he's immune to my magic because he's already seen, touched, and smelled a
Loykiki leaf. He has the other leaf!"

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Chapter 8

BEFORE LACEY went to bed that evening, she sat at her desk and wrote in a notebook:

Things I've learned about the Love Spell book:
1. Every recipe requires a Loykiki leaf.
2. The magic only lasts twelve hours.
3. The closer a boy is, the more powerfully he's
affected by Amore Aroma.
4. Glenn wasn't enchanted by Amore Aroma because
he has a Loykiki leaf.

Lacey nibbled on the end of her pencil, and reached for the small foil bag. She peaked
inside at the three Loykiki leaves. Under the yellow desk lamp, they shimmered purple,
gold and brown


like magic.

She gentle ran her finger across a velvety soft leaf and wondered, What will happen
tonight when Tasha and I mix the Come Over Red Clover potion? Will Tasha really be able
to communicate with animals? That skill could come in handy at Bow Wow's
Lacey imagined her friend having a deep discussion with a basset hound, lop−eared

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bunny, or Siamese cat. Tasha would point at a customer and ask an animal, "Do you want
to go home with this family? Do they smell okay to you?" And if the answer was no, Lacey
would tactfully lead the customer to a more suitable purchase. Instead of being an ordinary
pet store, Bow Wow's would be more like an adoption agency or a human to pet
match−making service.
Grinning, Lacey felt eager to put Come Over Red Clover to the test. She hoped it worked
as well as Amore Aroma. And yet she was a uneasy. There were so many things she still
many things she still don't know about magic. What if something went wrong?
Lacey slipped the leaves back in the foil bag and carefully placed them in her drawer.
She frowned, thinking about the leaf that Glenn still had. Now she wished she had never
given it to him. She didn't want a logical, scientific boy like Glenn interfering with her
As she turned off her desk lamp and crawled into bed, she decided on a course of action.
In chemistry tomorrow, she would ask Glenn to return her Loykiki leaf.

LACEY CHECKED her appearance in the mirror for the twenty−ninth time. She
couldn't believe she was actually wearing makeup! Her lips were bright with Fantasy

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Fuscia, her cheeks bloomed with Radiant Scarlet Rose, and her lashes were thick and
luxurious with midnight−black mascara.

It's too much color, she decided swiftly. I should have let Amelia help, but I was too

embarrassed. Well, if I go to school looking like I'm made−up for Halloween, I'll be even
more embarrassed.
Lacey stuck her tongue out at her phony painted reflection, and then washed every speck
of makeup off.

There! I'm back to being plain ordinary Lacey. Except, she thought excitedly, I have a

secret weapon.
She opened her drawer, withdrew the small jar, and slowly smiled as she dabbed sticky
perfume on her wrists.

No lipstick, blush, or mascara needed, she mused, feeling special and irresistible

already. Just a touch of Amoré Aroma, and a whole lot of magic!
And the rest of the morning was truly magical.
On the way to meet Tasha in the Dec. Arts room, Lacey was surrounded by several boys.
They complimented, begged for dates, and even offered her gifts. Antonio gave her a pretty
bouquet of wildflowers and P.J. gave her a granola bar wrapped with a pink ribbon. She

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thanked Antonio and P.J., fluttering her lashes and doing her best "Nicole" impersonation.
She flirted like she'd been doing it her entire life


instead of only two days.

And she never did make it to the Dec. Arts room.
She knew Tasha would be upset with her, and she vowed to apologize during lunch. She
made a quick stop at her locker to drop off the gifts, then hurried to her English class.
Mr. Meyers greeted her with a friendly smile as she entered the room, and continued to
treat her special during class. Some girls regarded her with puzzled, resentful glances, but
the boys just stared with love−struck expressions. Lacey enjoyed the attention, and her
confidence grew.
This was the way life was meant to be!
She jotted down a notation to herself to write to the Love Spell company and order more
Loykiki leaves. That way Amoré Aroma


and her popularity


would last forever.

By lunch−time, Lacey had been told she was beautiful twenty−one times and asked out
by eleven boys


not that she was counting!

As she headed for her locker, where she had agreed to meet Tasha, she suddenly gasped
and stared at the tall dark−haired boy walking her way. Her heart soared and flew to the
heavens with joy.

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Travis was here!
Unfortunately, he wasn't alone. Why did he have to go and ruin everything by being with
Nicole? And did they really have to hold hands and walk so close together?
Lacey slowed her pace and fixed her gaze on the boy of her dreams. When she was just a
few feet from Travis, she stopped and smiled.
Travis stopped, too. Nicole scowled and tapped her foot impatiently. "Let's go," she
urged, tossing an angry glance at Lacey.
"Not now," Travis said in a dazed tone.
His gaze locked with Lacey's and she could feel the energy passing between them.
Maybe it's true love, she thought hopefully. Maybe he isn't just another boy falling under
my love spell. Maybe Travis really cares for me.
Nicole tossed her silky red hair over her shoulder and hissed at Travis, "I said to come
Travis didn't even turn to look at Nicole. "Just wait a minute," he said, taking a step
closer to Lacey.
"What do you think you're doing?" Nicole snapped.
"I'm not sure..." His voice trailed off as he continued to focus on Lacey. "Lace and I have

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things to discuss."
"What things?" Nicole's voice rose high and angry.
"You wouldn't understand," Travis replied.
"That's for sure. I don't understand what's going on," Nicole said, her green eyes flashing
and her bright ruby lips pouting. "Go ahead and talk to little Lacey, but be quick. I'll wait
over there." She pointed to a nearby bench, then fluffed her coppery curls, and went to sit
"I guess she's mad at you," Lacey said softly, looking up into Travis's chocolate−brown
"Yeah...but I don't really care," he replied, leaning close enough for Lacey to get a whiff
of lime


probably from his soap or shampoo. "Not about her, anyway. I care about you,


Lace. His name for her. And the way he said it made her shiver with delight. "Do you

really care?" she whispered.
"Yeah. You're so sweet and pretty. I missed you."
Lacey's mind spun with happiness. This was what she wanted. So what if Travis might
be enchanted? All that mattered was that he loved her again.

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"I've missed you, too," she admitted. "It really hurt when you dumped me for Nicole."
He nodded and glanced uneasily at the annoyed red−haired girl. "I'm sorry. I can't even
remember why I agreed to be her chem partner in the first place."
Lacey gritted her teeth and shot a resentful glance at Nicole. Travis might not remember,
but she would never forget what it felt like to be discarded. Plastic baggies, milk cartons,
and old homework papers were meant to be discarded


not a loving girlfriend.

"I can't forgive you that easily," Lacey said bitterly.
"I said I'm sorry, and I meant it. All I can think about is you, Lacey. Sit with me at lunch.
Please," he begged.
More than anything Lacey wanted to shout out, "YES!" but she was afraid to trust Travis
again. A small voice in her head


which strangely sounded like Amelia and Tasha put



warned her against Travis. He just uses you. He's a jerk. He only cares about

"Hurry up, Travis!" Nicole called out, managing to look angelic despite the angry scowl
on her face.
He snapped. "I'm hurrying."
Lacey gestured toward Nicole. "You'd better go with her. Besides, I'm meeting Tasha for

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"So, you can ditch Tasha and I'll ditch Nicole. Then we'll sit together," he implored.
"We can't do that!"
"Sure we can." He shook his dark head and shrugged. "You're always wanting me to be
romantic, and now I'm ready. We can sit under a tree and enjoy nature while we eat. Just
you, me, and chirping birds."
Lacey couldn't believe what she was hearing. This was a new, improved Travis. His
attempt at romance was even a better gift than Antonio's flowers or P.J.'s granola bar. And
Lacey was truly impressed. Still she hesitated. "I can't ditch Tasha. She'll never speak to me
"That's no great loss. But hey, if it makes you feel better, she can sit with us. As long as
I'm with you, that's all that matters."
Lacey's head spun and her heart swelled with happiness. "All right," she said softly.
"Travis!" Nicole wailed, standing and stomping over. She grabbed his arm and yanked
him toward her. "You're coming to lunch with me. Now."
Travis shook Nicole off. "No, I'm not."
"Why not?"

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"Because we're through. Get lost, Nicole."
"Of all the rude creeps!" Nicole shrieked, waving her fist as if she was tempted to use it.
She glared at Travis, then Lacey, and whirled around and stormed down the hall.
Lacey watched Nicole leave, torn between guilt and happiness. The voices in her head
warned her again about Travis. He only wants you back because of your love spell. He
doesn't really care about you. You can't trust him.
But she told these voices, Be quiet! Thanks to magic or maybe true love, I have another
chance with Travis


and I want to take it. So shut up and leave me alone!

"LACEY, WHERE were you this morning?" Tasha asked when the two girls met at
their lockers a short time later. "Aimee, Kelly, Brianna and I went ahead and worked on the
float without you."
"Sorry, but Amoré Aroma is so strong I got mobbed on my way to the Dec. Arts room."
Lacey took a wilting flower bouquet from her locker and showed her friend. "Antonio gave
me these. And I already ate the granola bar P.J. gave me. It's wonderful being admired."
"Well, you can tell me all about it while we eat. I'm starved," Tasha said, slamming her

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Lacey slowly shut her own locker and gulped. "Actually, I can't have lunch with you."
"Why not?" Tasha demanded, her mood quickly changing from light to dark.
"Because I told someone else I'd sit with him." Lacey shifted her feet, looking down at
her white and blue sneakers. "But he said you could join us if you wanted."
Tasha rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Who is he?"
I hesitated before answering. "Uh...Travis."
"Oh, no! I thought you were over him." Tasha frowned, and shook her silky black head.
"I tried to forget him, but seeing him with Nicole made me so jealous. And when he said
he wanted to be with me, not her, I couldn't turn him down. Everyone deserves a second
"But not a third, fourth, and twenty−fifth!" Tasha set her sandwich down and wagged a
finger at Lacey. "Go out with P.J., Antonio, or even Principal Hernandez! Anyone would
be better than that smooth−talking rat Travis. He's just another heartbreak waiting to
Lacey crossed her arms stubbornly. "But I love him."
"No. You're obsessed with him. It's not the same thing at all." Tasha combed her fingers
through her satiny hair and groaned. "The next thing you'll be saying is that you're going to

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switch chem partners so you can be with Travis."
"I wouldn't do that to Glenn," Lacey insisted, but her cheeks felt warm with shame
because the idea had occurred to her. She didn't want Travis and Nicole to work closely as
lab partners. She wanted Travis for herself...and yet she respected and enjoyed being with
Tasha gave a heavy sigh and held her lunch bag. "Go ahead and join Travis. But no way
am I joining you guys. I guess I can sit with Aimee today."
"Thanks for understanding!" Lacey cried, grinning. "You're the very best best friend in
the world."
"Yeah. Well, I try." Tasha smiled and added firmly, "But no more missing meetings or
making other lunch plans. And tonight we have a magic pow−wow at your house."
Lacey nodded enthusiastically. "How could I forget? Do you have the ingredients for
Come Over Red Clover?"
"Yes. I had to search in a dumpster to find an old chicken bone and I finally found some
red clover in a herbal shop. But I now have everything


except the Loykiki leaf."

"Which I'll happily supply." Lacey grinned. "We're all set! Well, I'd better hurry. Travis
is waiting for me."

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"You've waited for him lots of times," Tasha said with a wicked grin. "It'll serve him
Lacey returned her friend's grin. Tasha was right. For the first time in Lacey's romantic
history, she was the one making someone wait. She had the power


the power of Amore

And it felt great.

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Chapter 9

LACEY AND Travis shared their bag lunches underneath an umbrella−like willow tree.
Birds serenaded with sweet chirping, and a whispering breeze and golden sunshine
accompanied the feathered chorus. Spring may be the season for romance, but this
enchanted Fall afternoon clearly spelled out L−O−V−E to Lacey.
Afterwards, Travis walked her to their chemistry class, and although other boys tried to
get Lacey's attention, she ignored them. Possession was nine−tenths the law and she was
just one−tenth away from being Travis's girlfriend again


and she wasn't about to lose him.

When Lacey entered Mr. Lightfoot's room, she saw Glenn already at work with a
liquid−filled beaker and Bunsen burner. He smiled and waved her over


not because of

magic, but because he had become a good friend.
Still, Lacey hesitated. She glanced uneasily at Travis, feeling a sudden sense of panic
and confusion. As much as she wanted to be with Travis, she was glad to be paired−up
with Glenn. He had a great sense of humor and he took the time to explain complicated
terms and experiments. She had really enjoyed being his partner yesterday...and she was
eager to work with him today.

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"Stay with me," Travis said, gently touching her arm. "Don't waste your time with that
walking brain."
"Don't insult him," she ordered. "He's my friend."
"I want to be more than your friend." Travis gave her a deep look. "I guess it's too late to
switch partners, but I'll drive you home after school. Thanks to my generous brother and a
good mechanic, I've got wheels again."
"Sure," she said without thinking. "I've got to go." Then she hurried to her work station.
Glenn didn't flatter her or beg for a date like every other boy who got a whiff of Amoré
Aroma. Instead he just smiled and greeted, "Hi, Partner."
"Hi, yourself, Partner," she returned, sitting on her stool. "What are you doing?"
"Reducing metal oxides. This is an advanced procedure, but Mr. Lightfoot okayed it for
extra credit." Glenn carefully ignited the Bunsen burner and added, "You may want take


unless you're planning to switch partners. I saw you walk in with that low−life

Lacey's mouth dropped. She'd never heard Glenn bad−mouth anyone before. She liked
discovering this human side of him, and smiled. "I'm not changing partners."
"Good." Glenn's expression relaxed. "I like things the way there are. Now as I was

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While Lacey recorded chemistry facts in her notebook, she studied Glenn. She realized
there was more to him than his brainy, easy−going, nice guy image. He wasn't a dazzling
hunk like Travis, but he was good−looking. She liked his friendly smile, his intelligent and
gentle hazel eyes, and the way his wheat−colored hair curled slightly over his ears.

If Glenn were enchanted by Amoré Aroma, I'll bet he would charm me with romantic

poetry and sweet compliments, she thought wistfully. He's really a cool guy and he'd be a
very considerate, fun boyfriend.
She shook her head and asked herself, But what am I thinking? I have plenty of boys
interested in me, I don't need Glenn, too. Besides, I value his friendship too much to wreck
it with romance.
And yet she continued to study Glenn and wonder about what could have been.

FIVE MINUTES before chemistry ended, Mr. Lightfoot made an unpopular
announcement, "There will be a quiz on the periodic table this Friday."
Lacey groaned as she zipped her notebook in her backpack. She hopped off her stool and
made a sour face at Glenn. "I hate quizzes! I can never remember those chemical symbols."

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Glenn rinsed out a test tube, turning slightly to give her an encouraging smile. "Don't
worry. If you need help, I'll be glad to tutor you."
"You would? That'd be great! You're the only boy I know who likes science and
chemistry so much that you have a lab at home." A sudden memory struck her and she
added, "Gosh! I almost forgot to ask you for my leaf."
"Leaf?" he repeated, tilting his head. "Oh, you mean that strange shiny purplish leaf you
asked me to examine."
She nodded. "Yeah. I don't care what it is anymore. I just want it back. Do you have it
with you?"
"No." His mouth dipped to a frown. "See, I ran a few tests on it, and I have bad news for
"What?" she asked fearfully. Had he discovered the magic of Loykiki?
"I blew it, Lacey." Glenn combed his fingers through his hair and sighed deeply. "I ran a
few tests of the leaf, and couldn't determine its origin. It shimmered and glowed so
unusually. I was examining the leaf under my microscope, when suddenly the leaf
crumpled into small pieces."
Glenn sounded so unhappy, that Lacey didn't have the heart to criticize him. Besides, if

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the leaf was gone, at least he couldn't discover its magic. So her love spell was safe.
She avoided his gaze by zipping a side pouch on her backpack. "No problem. It was just
a leaf. I'm more interested in your offer to tutor me. Where do you want to study?"
"How about your place?" he suggested, grinning with obvious relief. "I already know
where you live. I can come over tonight."
She almost dropped her backpack. "Tonight?" she repeated nervously. "But Tasha is
coming over after school. Couldn't we study tomorrow?"
He shook his light−brown head. "Sorry, but I've got Tai Kwon Do practice. And then I
have to baby−sit my twin sisters. They're only six and cute, but wild little monsters."
"I have a little monster−brat brother, so I know what you mean," she said, glad to have
something in common with Glenn. And she was secretly impressed he was into martial
arts. She almost giggled as she imagined how shocked Travis would be if he found out
"Walking Brain Glenn" could probably knock him flat on his face.
"Hey, why don't I come over after Tasha," Glen suggested. "How about five−thirty?"
Lacey thought for a moment. If she and Tasha started on the Come Over Red Clover
spell right away, they'd surely be done by then. And since her mother never worked late on
Wednesdays, Lacey didn't have to help make dinner. She nodded and grinned. "Sounds

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great. See you at five−thirty."
Glenn lifted his hand to wave, but stopped in mid−air when Travis came over and draped
his arm around Lacey's shoulders.
"Class is over, Brain−Boy," Travis said nastily. "I'm here for my girl. Lace doesn't need
you anymore."
"Travis!" Lacey snapped, shaking his arm off. She flashed Glenn a gentle, apologetic
look. "I'll see you later."
Glenn's mouth tightened into a frown, and he murmured, "Okay." Then he glared at
Travis, and strode out of the room.
Lacey watched Glenn leave, feeling strangely sad. She wheeled on Travis and said
accusingly, "I told you to stop making mean cracks about Glenn."
"But he's such an easy mark," Travis replied, with a smirk.
"Just cut it out!" Lacey ordered, wagging her fingers at him. "And next time you want to
put your arm around me, ask first."
Travis scratched his dark head. "What are you so mad about?"
"You don't have a clue, do you?" She rolled her eyes to the heavens. Travis could be so

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"Is that some kind of trick question?"
"Forget it." Lacey sighed. "You wouldn't understand."
Travis looked hurt, and Lacey immediately regretted her sharp words. She reached for
his hand and flashed him a big smile. "Come on. You can walk me to Dec. Arts."
He grinned and squeezed her hand. "You got it. You're my girl. And if any of those
dopes chasing after you ask for Friday, you tell them you'll be skating with me."
Lacey was surprised at his possessive tone. In the past, Lacey was always the one who
suggested their dates. "All right," she answered with a slow nod.
"Great! I really want to be with you, Lacey."
"And I want to be with you," she said automatically. But a small voice in her mind
added, At least, I think I do.

AN HOUR LATER, Lacey walked with Tasha out of the school yard. When she
heard a loud beep of a car horn, she suddenly remembered that she Travis planned to drive
her home.
She glanced uneasily at Tasha, and thought, Oh, no! I accepted Travis's ride and I
promised to walk to my house with Tasha. There's no way I can do both!

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"What's he want?" Tasha asked sharply as Travis's rattley red car pulled near them.
"Me," Lacey said, a bit embarrassed. "I sort of told him he could drive me home."
"You WHAT?" Tasha put her hands on her hips and frowned. "Well, tell him to get


unless you want me to tell him about Amoré Aroma."

"You wouldn't!" Lacey said, gasping.
"I'm getting tired of being second choice with you, so don't tempt me. Besides, your
house is just a few blocks away and I feel like walking."
Lacey gave her friend an uneasy glance. Tasha had a quick temper, but it blew out as
quickly as a match on a windy day. Still, Tasha sounded serious. So Lacey went over to
Travis and told him she'd changed her mind.
"You can't do that to me!" he whined. "I hardly get to be with you anymore. I hoped we
could get a soda somewhere."
"Not today," she said firmly. Funny how a bit of magic changed things with Travis.
Usually she was the one begging him to spend time with her. Now their roles were

This feels so weird, she thought to herself as she walked back over to Tasha. I'm glad

that Travis wants to be with me, except it's not really me he wants


it's my love spell.

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Travis is following his nose, not his heart.
Lacey sighed, and then headed home with Tasha.
A short time later, Lacey and Tasha stood in a shady dark corner of Lacey's backyard.
Nearby, Rocky yapped and wagged his tail from his chain−link dog run. Lacey wished
Rocky wouldn't make so much noise. The last thing she needed was to have Andy come
out and find them conjuring a spell.
Lacey flipped the Love Spell book open to the Come Over Red Clover page. She'd read
it several times, and knew the ingredients and chant by memory.
"Are you ready?" she asked Tasha.
Tasha nodded solemnly. "I think so." She withdrew red clover leaves, a chicken bone,
matches, and rocks from a paper bag. "All that's left is the Loykiki leaf."
"I've got one right here," Lacey said, retrieving the leaf from the foil bag she'd taken out
of her room.
Tasha and Lacey laid the ingredients on the ground. Tasha raked her fingers through her
short sleek hair and said, "I can't believe I'm really doing this. But it'll be super if it works.
I'll be able to talk in animal language."
"If you learn Rocky's word for 'shut up,' let me know," Lacey said with a grin, gesturing

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to the noisy dog.
"He just wants to come out and play with us," Tasha replied, going over to pet the
excited dog by squeezing her fingers through the chain fence. "It'll be so neat to understand
what he's saying."
"Then get back here and let's start the spell. First, we have to spread the stones out into a
circle," Lacey said, holding the book.
"All right." Tasha gave Rocky one last pat on his furry head, and then arranged several
stones on the dirt. "That's done. Now what?"
Lacey read aloud, "Put the feather, animal hairs, red clover, and Loykiki in the center of
the circle and pound them together with a heavy rock."
"It seems so creepy. Maybe we should reconsider doing this," Tasha said uncertainly.
"We've come too far to change our minds now."
"Yeah. I guess you're right," Tasha said, dumping the ingredients on the ground and
reaching for a rounded rock. "Besides I keep thinking of my future as a veterinarian. I'll be
the best vet in the world if I can talk to my patients."
Lacey smiled with amusement. "What happened to my practical friend who didn't
believe in magic?"

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Tasha looked up from the ground, her dark eyes shining. "Maybe Amore Aroma
enchanted me, too. It made me believe in impossible things. So let's get on with this spell.
What's next?"
Lacey scrunched her face, reading and trying to understand what the recipe meant. She
finally decided that Tasha was supposed to use the chicken bones to draw an "image" in the
dirt. "Trace a girl and some animals on the ground," Lacey told her friend.
"I only got a B− in art, but I'll give it a try," Tasha said, bending over on the ground and
making squiggly imprints in the dirt with a bone. Her finished drawing looked like
kindergarten stick figure and several blobs that Lacey assumed were animals.
"Now say the chant," Lacey instructed her friend. "I'll hold this page steady so you can
read it."
Tasha wiped her dirty hands on her stone−washed jeans and bend over the Love Spell
book. "To understand the animal soul," she began, pausing to take a deep breath, "Blend
feather and fur in a wooden bowl. Sprinkle on dirt, within a circle of stones, and stir with
long forgotten bones. Draw an image that comes to you, and unleash dreams, they can
come true."
"Stir the feather and stuff in the dirt," Lacey told Tasha. Then they both gasped as bright

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rainbow colors swirling upward, a tornado of dust within the circle. The cloud faded as
suddenly as it appeared.
"Wow!" Lacey exclaimed with wide blue eyes.
"Now what?" Tasha asked, standing uncertainly in the circle of rocks. "I don't feel any
"I'm not sure." Lacey shrugged. "Go over to Rocky and see if you can talk to him."
Tasha looked nervous, but slowly nodded.
Lacey followed, her heart pounding.
"Rocky, how ya doing fella?" Tasha asked in a low voice, bending near the chain fence
and peering at the wiggling animal. Rocky yelped, whipped his tail back and forth, and
jumped wildly. His excited moves reminded Lacey of a rowdy rap dance. "He's really
jazzed! I think he's trying to tell you something!" Lacey cried, bending near her brother's
"But I can't understand him!" Tasha wailed, almost in tears. "The magic isn't working."
"Are you sure?" Lacey questioned, wrinkling her brow. "Rocky is almost throwing
himself at the fence to get to you. He's barking like crazy."
Tasha sank to the ground and groaned. "Yeah, he's barking all right. And I have no idea

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what he's saying."
"Maybe you need to get closer to him," Lacey suggested. "Why don't you go into the pen
and have a girl−to−dog talk?"
Tasha stood and pushed her dark hair from her face. "Maybe, you're right." She
unlatched the gate. "Okay. I'm going in."
Lacey felt hopeful and stood by the gate so Rocky wouldn't escape. But he didn't try to
get out like he usually did


instead he lunged at Tasha.

"Settle down, boy!" Tasha yelled, pushing him back. "Stop licking me! Sit, lay down,
heel!" Struggling with Rocky, she called out to Lacey, "How can I talk to him if he won't
hold still?"
Lacey curled her fingers around the chain−like fence. "Just start talking. Ask him if he
prefers canned food to dry kibble? Or ask him why he chewed up Dad's boxer shorts?"
From behind, Lacey heard someone laugh and say, "Do you stick all your friends in the
dog run?"
Lacey gasped and whirled around to face Glenn Robertson.

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Chapter 10

"WHAT IS Tasha doing in there?" Glenn asked, his hazel eyes shining with amusement.
"And did I hear you say your dad wears boxers?"
Lacey was too shocked to speak. She wished the Love Spell book included a recipe for
disappearing. This was so embarrassing!
"No...Yes...Maybe," she stammered, hiding the thin book behind her back. "I mean, my
dad's underwear are his business."
She glanced at the dusty circle of stones. She couldn't let Glenn find out about her
magic. She had to get rid of him!
"What are you doing here?" she countered, swiftly bending over and slipping the Love
Spell book into her backpack.
"Sorry if I'm early." He shifted a heavy canvas bag in his arms. "Am I interrupting
"NO!" Lacey cried, turning around to see if Tasha could help her. But Tasha was
giggling as Rocky continued to lick her face. So Lacey was on her own


with Glenn.

"Tasha and I were just goofing off with Rocky." Lacey stepped away from the Come

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Over Red Clover spell−site, hoping Glenn would follow. He did.
Glenn pointed toward the dog run. "Then why are you out here and Tasha in there? Is
she locked in?"
"Of course not!" Lacey said indignantly. But she watched curiously as Rocky nearly
knocked Tasha over with affection. Tasha was holding the medium−sized dog away from
her face and laughing so hard that she stumbled, landing on her backside.
"Are you okay?" Lacey called out, peering through chain fencing.
Tasha reached up to push her mussed hair from her eyes. "Yeah!" she hollered. She tried
to steady herself, but tumbled again as the energetic dog leaped on her jeans. "I love
animals. Honestly, I do. But enough already!"
"Rocky is really hyper today." Lacey frowned and turned to Glenn. "I'd better help Tasha
out of there."
"I'll give you a hand," he offered, reaching out to lift the latch off the gate.
"Thanks. Stand there so Rocky doesn't escape." Lacey stepped into the dog run. "Come
on out, Tasha."
Tasha giggled and pushed the dog away from her. She scrambled to her feet and bolted
through the gate. "I'm covered in fur and slobber!"

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"Can't you handle one little puppy?" she teased, shutting the gate.
"He may be small, but he has the energy of an army of St. Bernards."
Lacey chuckled. "And you want to be a vet!"
"I'm seriously rethinking my ambitions," Tasha said, rubbing her backside.
After Glenn flipped the latch shut, he stared across the yard. He wrinkled his brow and
murmured, "Hmmm. How odd." He rubbed his chin, then pointed to the circle of stones.
"What in the universe is THAT?"
Lacey and Tasha shared a panicked look. "Uh, it's an experiment," Lacey fibbed.
"Yeah, that's what it is," Tasha said quickly.
Glenn walked over and stared curiously at carefully arranged rocks. "What kind of
"Nothing important." Lacey tried to sound casual, but her heart was racing.
Tasha shook weeds and dust out of her hair and added bitterly, "A really lame
experiment that turned out to be a mistake. A major flop."
"Don't feel bad, Tasha," Lacey said sympathetically. "We can try something else next
"There isn't going to be a next time," Tasha replied. "You and Glenn go ahead and study

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inside. I'll pick up...our experiment...then go home."
"Are you sure?" Lacey asked, feeling bad for her friend. She could tell Tasha was
disappointed that she hadn't been able to communicate with Rocky. Poor Tasha wasn't
going to be the next Dr. Dolittle after all.
"I'd rather be alone for awhile," Tasha said, then she started picking up rocks and putting
them in a paper bag.
Sighing, Lacey led Glenn inside to the family room. She dropped her backpack on the
coffee table, and gestured for him to sit on the couch. "We should be able to study without
any interruptions in here. Luckily, Andy is playing at his friend, Danny's house."
"Sounds great." Glenn spread out several books on the couch. "I brought everything I
could find on the periodic table. I thought if you understood the meaning behind each
element, you'd remember them better."
Lacey nodded, her eyes widening at the thick books with long complicated titles. "I hope
you don't expect me to read all of them."
"No. Just a few pages from each one." Glenn leaned forward on the couch and chuckled.
"Maybe I went a bit overboard bringing so many. I just didn't want to let you down."
She met his gaze, and smiled. "You could never let me down, Glenn."

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He blushed and reached for a book titled General Chemistry Principles & Structure.
"We'd better get started." He checked the back index, then flipped to a center page. "Here's
the periodic table in use today. The horizontal rows are called periods..."
Lacey listened carefully, jotting down important details in her notebook. Glenn seemed
to know just how to make something as complex as chemistry sound interesting.
And Glenn was easy to talk to about other subjects, too. She told him about the recipe
she'd had published in Roving Recipes and showed him her cookbook collection. In turn,
Glenn described his home lab and joked about the time he accidentally turned his hands
"We have a lot in common," Glenn said, smiling.
"I've never had purple hands in my life!" she joked.
"That's not what I meant. You enjoy cooking and I enjoy chemistry. They're almost the
same thing. Both involve mixing substances together. Only your results taste better than
She leaned against the couch and nodded at him. "I never thought of it that way, but
you're right." She met his smile, feeling a warm glow inside. "But you can't be sure my
cooking tastes good until you try it out. Want to taste my special raspberry swirl tart?"

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"Sure." He leaned forward and marked his place in a thick book, then stacked it on the
coffee table with some others. "It's bound to be the most delicious scientific experiment
I've ever done."
She put her notebook aside and teased, "Don't speak so soon. I may be a horrible cook."
He shook his golden−brown hair. "You could never be horrible at anything."
She stood up quickly, pleased by his confidence in her. "The tarts are in the kitchen. I'll
go get you one and be right back."
"That'd be great. But don't take too long or I'll get lonely without you," he said, his hazel
eyes twinkling.
Lacey's cheeks felt warm and she stumbled against the couch's edge. She couldn't
believe how nervous she suddenly felt with Glenn. So nervous, that she bumped into her
backpack and sent it flying to the carpeted floor.
"Gosh!" she cried, bringing her hands to her cheeks. "I'm such a klutz. And now my
books and papers are a mess."
"Everyone makes mistakes," Glenn said, bending down and shoving stuff into her
backpack. "Go ahead, I'll straighten things up here. We're done studying anyway."
The nicer he was, the more nervous she became


which was crazy. What's happening to

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me? Lacey wondered, as she entered the kitchen where her mother was stirring lasagna
sauce on the stove. She politely greeted her mother, but avoided any awkward questions
about her tutoring partner. She opened the refrigerator door and reached for a covered
When she returned to the family room, her backpack sat neatly on the edge of the couch
and Glenn's stuff was back in his bag. Lacey glanced at Glenn with regret, and realized he'd
have to leave soon. But she hated to see him go.
"Think you're ready to ace the chem quiz?" Glenn asked, standing and lifting his canvas
"Yeah," she said with a nod. "Pa, Np, Md, and all the other element codes are a snap for
me now." She snapped her fingers and grinned at Glenn. "Thanks to my wonderful tutor."
"A tutor is only as good as his student...and no student has ever been as good as you." He
shifted his feet and gave her a deep look. "I mean it, Lacey. I really like you."
"Thanks. I like you, too," she said softly, leaning slightly toward him. She had the
craziest urge to reach out and kiss him


which completely baffled her.

Maybe Glenn read her thoughts, because suddenly he sat his bag down, and gently held
her hands. Then amazingly, incredibly, he bent forward and lightly brushed his lips across

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hers. It was sweet, quick, wonderful


and scary.

Lacey's mind spun. Has Glenn finally fallen under Amoré Aroma's spell? she wondered.
No. That can't be why he kissed me because my love potion has worn off by now. So if it's
not the magic, than Glenn must really care about me.
This realization made her more confused than ever, and she backed away from Glenn.
"This can't be happening," she cried. "It won't work between us."
"Why not? We have a lot in common


including a special kiss," he added, staring deeply

into her eyes.
She thought about her love potion and how wonderful being popular had felt. Was she
ready to give it all up?
"But this isn't how I planned things," she said lamely.
"So change your plans," Glenn declared, reaching out to gently touch her hair. "I've
watched you waste time with Travis and guys like P.J. long enough. I know lots of boys
like you


especially lately


but I like you more."

"You do?" she asked breathlessly.
"More than you can possibly know." He gave her a sincere, tender gaze. "So much that I
want you to plan on going out with me regularly from now on. Beginning with tomorrow

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"But I can't!" she cried. "I already promised to go skating with Travis."
Glenn scowled. "Would you rather be with him?"
Lacey almost said "yes," but suddenly she realized her honest answer would be "no."
She no longer loved Travis...she loved Glenn. Which made her more confused than ever!
"I−I don't know," she murmured. "I'm more popular now than ever. I mean, I was
actually voted in for homecoming queen!"
"Dating me won't take your crown away," Glenn pointed out.
"But you deserve a girlfriend who will be loyal to you. For the first time in my life, boys
are wild for me and I love the attention. I don't want to give it up so soon."
Glenn scratched his wheat−colored head, as if puzzled. "I don't get it. I can sense you
like me the way I like you. We belong together, and yet you're turning me away. There's
something mysterious about you. Sometimes you act like a different if you're
under a spell."
Lacey jumped and her jaw sagged in shock. Glenn was getting too close to the truth! Her
fear made her snap at him, "I think you better leave!"
"If that's what you want," he said stiffly, sounding hurt. "But I meant what I said about

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us belonging together."
"It's impossible," she stated stubbornly, more to convince herself than him. "I like being
popular, and I don't want to change back into Lacey the Unknown Student."
"Why not?" he questioned, his mouth tightening into a tense line. "It was the 'unknown'
Lacey that I fell for. She's the smart, sweet, and interesting girl I like. But if you'd rather be
Miss Popularity than my girl, I guess I have to accept that."
Then he grabbed his book bag, and strode out of the room.

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Chapter 11

LACEY AWOKE feeling uneasy the next morning. At first she couldn't remember why.
Then an image of Glenn flashed in her mind, and her uneasiness changed to sadness.

I've lost my one chance with Glenn, she realized as she slipped a green turtle−neck

sweater on and reached for a pair of navy−blue jeans. I don't know what I want anymore.
After years of watching girls like Nicole get all the attention, I'm the one who's finally
popular. And I love it. So why am I thinking about the one boy who isn't attracted by my


who cares about me for myself? Why does everything have to be so complicated?

She swept a brush through her wavy brown hair, trying to figure things out. Her life used
to be easier...before Amoré Aroma. The love spell was beginning to spell out "problems."

But I don't want problems. I just want to be special and have a lot of friends. But maybe

quantity isn't the same as quality


especially with boyfriends. She stared at her reflection in

her mirror. And Glenn would make a Number−One quality boyfriend.
She almost dropped her brush with this thought. Glenn! I don't want to think about him.
I'd rather think about Travis, P.J., Antonio, or any one of the other boys who want to be
with me, but don't demand honesty or true love.

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Lacey frowned and opened her dresser drawer. She couldn't control her feelings for
Glenn, but she could control how other boys felt about her. Gritting her teeth with
determination, she reached for the jar of Amore Aroma and opened it.
"Darn. It's almost gone." She poked her finger inside, smearing as much of the gooey
potion she could reach, and then dabbed Amoré Aroma on her wrists. "I'll have to make
another batch tonight after school. Good thing I still have two Loykiki leaves left. But just
to be safe, I'll order more from L.S. Enterprises right away," she told herself.
Fifteen minutes later, she had composed a letter on her computer, addressed an envelope
and stamped it. "There! It'll go out today and hopefully I'll have more leaves by next
Then she grabbed her backpack and went downstairs for breakfast.
As she was finishing a bowl of cereal, she heard a honk from outside. She walked over
to the counter and peered through the kitchen window.
"Is that Craig?" Amelia asked, glancing up from the horoscope section of the newspaper.
She was the only other person up so early.
"No," Lacey answered, surprised to see a familiar red car parked by their driveway.
Amore Aroma must be even more powerful than she realized. "It's Travis."

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"Lucky you." Amelia sighed. "Craig is a doll, but he's been taking me for granted lately.
What's your secret?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Lacey said with a smile. She heard another
honk from outside and grabbed her backpack. "See you later, Amelia!" she called, hurrying
to the front door.
She stopped by the mailbox to drop off her letter to L.S. Enterprises, then slipped in the
front passenger seat of Travis's car.
"Surprised to see me?" Travis asked, as Lacey snapped her seatbelt.
"Yeah," she answered with a nod. "But you should have called first. I have a craft club
meeting in fifteen minutes that I can't miss. The others have been slaving over the float and
I haven't helped at all," she explained.
He turned the wheel with one hand and reached out to touch her arm with the other.
"That just proves they don't need you. I didn't pick up my best girl to lose her to a club
meeting. I plan to treat you to donuts."
"I already had breakfast. Besides, I can't let Tasha down again. Please take me to
"No way," he insisted. "If you're not hungry, that's okay, we'll drive around for a while."

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He grinned. "I just like being near you."
Lacey gritted her teeth in annoyance. She hated it when Travis made plans without
checking with her first. Now that she wasn't infatuated with him any more, she was starting
to realize that her friends were right about him.
Sometimes, Travis really could be a jerk.
But he was the "jerk" driving the car. If she insisted on going to school, he'd just get
mad. He had a bad temper when he didn't get his way. So Lacey sighed and settled back in
her seat. A short drive wouldn't hurt her.

I'll make it up to Tasha and the other club members by working extra hard on the float,

she thought. Tasha will understand.
But when Lacey met Tasha at their locker forty−five minutes later, Tasha's expression
was anything but understanding. Tasha's dark eyes flashed with anger as she turned on
Lacey. "Don't even talk to me!" Tasha snapped, slamming her locker and starting to walk
"Wait!" Lacey cried, grabbing her friend's arm to stop her. "What's going on? Why are
you so mad?"
"As if you didn't know!" Tasha said furiously.

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"I'm sorry I missed the club meeting," Lacey quickly apologized. "But Travis wouldn't
drop me off



"I'm sick of your boyfriends and excuses! I should have known you'd miss another
"I tried to make it. Honestly."
"You let me and our friends down


again! And that's not all you did. Thanks to you, I

almost got killed!"
Lacey gasped and stared in shock. Tasha did look different


like she'd been through a

battle. Her hair was tangled, there were bruises on her arms, and ugly scratches on her
neck. "Tasha, what happened?"
"You and your magic!" Tasha exclaimed, leaning weakly against her locker. "I can't
believe I was dumb enough to think I could actually talk to animals. Instead, I had the
worst night of my life!"
Lacey gently touched Tasha's shoulder, but Tasha shook her away. Frightened, Lacey
pleaded, "Tell me about it."
"Why should you care? You're so popular you don't have time for your old friends. Your
spell book did wonders for you


but not for me!" Tasha lifted her chin and glared at Lacey.

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"Remember last night?"
"Of course, and I'm so sorry the Come Over Red Clover spell didn't work."
"Oh, it worked all right. And I have the scars to prove it," Tasha said, showing black and
blue marks on her arms. "After you went into the house with Glenn, I put the rocks and
other stuff away. Then I headed for home. That's when I noticed that strange dogs, cats, and
even birds were following me." She raked her fingers through her black hair and groaned.
"Like a dummy, I thought it was cute and I stopped and started petting the animals. But
they went wild."
"Like Rocky did?" Lacey asked.
"Totally ballistic! The cats purred and climbed all over me, and the dogs were worse.
They acted like they were in love with me!"
"An animal love spell!" Lacey cried in amazement.
"But animals don't flatter and ask for dates. They attack with affection." Tasha
shuddered. "And the birds flew around me and dropped gifts...gross worms!"
"Yuck! How disgusting," Lacey agreed, shuddering, too.
"But that wasn't the end of it. It took me an hour to walk two blocks home. Dogs, cats,
birds, squirrels, and even a horse jumped out of his pen to chase me. And when I tried to go

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to sleep last night, an owl kept hooting at my window and creepy birds and bats hit the
glass." She put her hands to her face. "Thank goodness the magic only lasts for twelve
"I'm so sorry, Tasha," Lacey said sincerely. "I'll do anything to make it up to you."
"You've already done too much." Tasha shook her head. "I've had it, Lacey. I really like
you, but your missed meetings and magic spells are more than I can take." She turned and
frowned. "When you change back into my friend, we'll talk."
And then she turned and hurried away down the hall.

THE LOVE spell was as strong as ever. Lacey's English teacher only smiled when
she walked in five minutes late. And boys kept complimenting, begging for dates, and
offering her small gifts. She may have lost Glenn and Tasha, but she gained dozens of
During lunch, she avoided Travis by sitting with P.J. and other football players. Nicole
and a few other girls sat at this table also, and Lacey heard them discussing next week's
homecoming parade and game. She also overheard a nasty remark about the "geek"
freshman queen.

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They're just jealous, Lacey told herself, trying not to feel hurt. But the imaginary crown

of Queen Lacey seemed to shine less.

I don't care what those girls think. The boys like me, and that's enough, she thought with

resolve. She returned her attention to P.J.


her King.

P.J., Antonio, and a few boys had been talking about football. But they dropped kicked
their sports talk in favor of flattering Lacey. P.J. and Antonio argued over who Lacey liked
best. Their argument grew and other boys joined in. Carrots, empty milk cartons, pickles,
and bread sticks flew across the table


a major food fight erupted!

Lacey took advantage of the mayhem and slipped away of the table. She paused by the
doorway and looked back. I love the attention and compliments, and sitting with the
popular crowd feels great...but it feels dishonest. They wouldn't invite me if it weren't for
Amoré Aroma.
She plucked a slimy pickle from her hair and tossed it in a nearby garbage, then left the
cafeteria. She walked across the quad and stared out at her regular lunch site by the willow
Lacey spotted a boy and girl sitting in her usual grassy spot. They looked familiar. As
she recognized them, her spirits plunged into a hopeless black hole.

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Why were Tasha and Glenn eating lunch together?

LACEY WAS miserable the rest of the day. She knew it was logical for Tasha and
Glenn to share lunch. They were neighbors and friends. And they had something else in


they had been disappointed by Lacey Sinclair.

Lacey's misery mixed with jealously. She didn't want Tasha and Glenn to be a couple. It
just wasn't right!
And during chemistry, Glenn didn't even mention Tasha. He spoke politely to Lacey,
explaining chemistry procedures. But he didn't say one personal thing. He was all


which really burned Lacey.

Of course, there were plenty of other boys who did say sweet, personal, flattering things
to her. P.J., Travis, and Antonio kept popping up whenever she turned around. They
wanted to sit by her, carry her books, give her gifts, and go out with her. She flirted and
enjoyed the attention. But she turned down the gifts and the dates. Of course, she already
had a Friday night date with Travis, which wasn't the thrill it would have been a week ago,
but it was nice to be wanted.

Thank goodness I have my love spell and my new friends, she told herself. Of course, the

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magic will wear off this evening and I'll have to make more Amoré Aroma. That'll mean
one Loykiki leaf down, one to go


until I receive my next supply of leaves from L.S.

Surprisingly, when Lacey arrived home and checked the mail, she found a long white
envelope addressed to her


from L.S. Enterprises.

Her first thought was, "Impossible! I just mailed off to them today!" Then she smiled to
herself and decided that the Love Spell book made everything possible.
After placing the rest of the mail on the hall shelf, she went up to her room. Securely
locking her door behind her, she reclined on her bed, and eagerly opened the envelope.
She expected a wealth of Loykiki leaves to flutter out, but instead there was a typed
letter addressed to her.
Puzzled, she read the brief message:

Dear Ms. Lacey Sinclair:
Your request for additional supplies of the special herb known as Loykiki has been


Further requests will also be denied.
All future correspondence will be returned unopened.

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This has been a once in a life−time offer.
The management at L.S. Enterprises

Lacey sat up straight on her bed and read the letter again...again...and again. But the
words stayed the same.

A once in a life−time offer! Lacey thought desperately. But that means my magical

popularity will end when the last two leaves are gone. Then what will I do?

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Chapter 12

I HAVE TO make more love potion! Lacey thought, pacing her carpeted floor. She

dropped the letter on her desk, and paused to think. Now where did I put the Love Spell
She stood in the center of her room with her hands on her hips and tried to remember.
She used the book last night for Come Over Red Clover, then Glenn had shown up and
she'd hidden it somewhere. But where?
"My backpack!" she exclaimed, spotting the bulging backpack on the floor by her closet,
and lifting it to her bed.
She unzipped the main compartment and...the phone rang.
"Darn!" Lacey grumbled, reaching for the blue extension phone by her bed. "Hello.
Sinclair residence."
"Hi, Lacey. This is Aimee."
Lacey sat on the edge of her quilted bed, visualizing Aimee sweet smile and exotic dark
hair. "What's up?" Lacey asked, leaning against a pillow.
"Kelly, Brianna and I are at my place working on our club float, and we hoped you'd join

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"Right now?"
"Yes. I'm making dried−flower arrangements, Brianna is painting background pictures,
and Kelly just brought in straw and hay. But it's slow work. We need more help."
"Where's Tasha?"
"She can't make it. She wouldn't say why, so I teased her about having a secret
boyfriend." Aimee giggled. "Of course, she wouldn't admit anything."
"A boyfriend!" Lacey gasped, clutching the phone tightly. Was Tasha with Glenn?
"If Tasha is interested in someone, I'm sure she'll tell you soon," Aimee said with a
chuckle. "Sometimes I envy how good of friends you two are. But back to the float. Will
you come over?"
"I'm kind of busy," Lacey said slowly. She needed to make the love potion, but didn't
want to let Aimee and the other club members down. She'd already disappointed Glenn and
Tasha, she couldn't afford to lose any more friends. "But not too busy for you guys. I'll be
there in twenty minutes."
"That'll be terrific!" Aimee exclaimed.
Lacey hung up the phone and glanced at her backpack. She promised herself, I'll whip up

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a new batch of Amoré Aroma when I get back.
But three hours later, Lacey was exhausted and dusty from draping crepe paper, crafting
flowers, and bundling hay. She barely had energy to eat her dinner, do her chores, and
finish her homework. Afterwards, there was no time for magic...only for sleep.
THE JAR OF Amoré Aroma was completely empty.

I can't go to school today, she told herself, staring bleakly into her mirror. Without the

love potion, I'm just me


and that's not good enough.

But she was too honest to lie to her parents about being sick so she could stay at home.
Besides, she had studied hard for the chemistry test and didn't want to miss it. She was
pretty sure she'd get an A, which should impress Glenn


even though he was barely

speaking to her.
The walk to school seemed longer than usual. Travis hadn't offered to drive her and
Tasha hadn't stopped by so they could walk together. Sutton High's freshman homecoming
queen was all alone...and lonely.
There was no craft club meeting, so she went straight to her locker. She glanced around
at the boys she passed; waiting, wondering, wishing one of them would show interest in
her. But not one smile, wink, or compliment. Even P.J.


her freshman king!


brushed by

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without a friendly greeting.
Lacey felt sad as she entered into her English class. Without magic, I truly am a nobody
at school.
She opened her textbook and sighed deeply. Maybe it was silly, but she had
secretly hoped she'd still be popular without the love potion.
Like an invisible phantom, she slipped from one class to the other. At lunch, she waited
by her locker, hoping Tasha would meet her like old times. But after ten minutes, she
walked outside and stared sadly at Tasha and Glenn who sat on the grass again. They were
smiling, like they were having a good time together


without her.

She ended up eating lunch alone in a corner, then going directly to her next



It was a disappointment to enter the classroom without any attention from the boys. P.J.
glanced up, but just shrugged and leaned over to say something to Nicole. Antonio lifted
his hand as if to wave, but instead he threw a crumpled paper ball at a nearby pal. Travis
was frowning at his chemistry book, and didn't even notice Lacey...which really irritated
her. After all, they still had a skating date for tonight.
Glenn courteously pulled out Lacey's stool for her as she walked over. "Here," he said
with no expression on his face.

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"Thanks," she said, giving him a small smile. At least he was talking to her. She felt a bit
"You seem kind of down." Glenn looked at her curiously. "Are you nervous about the
"No. I had a terrific tutor. The quiz is the one thing I'm not worried about," she said
Glenn rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and stared at her for a moment. But he didn't say
anything. And then Mr. Lightfoot passed out the quiz sheets.
Lacey zipped through the test, confident with her new chemistry knowledge. And when
the bell rang, she sprang out of her seat. She wanted to get to Dec. Arts a few minutes early
so she could talk to Tasha. She hoped her best friend would finally accept her apology.
"Wait, Lace!" a boy called.
Startled, Lacey stopped in the hall and turned around to face Travis. "You want to talk to
me?" she asked, astonished.
"Yeah," he replied. "About tonight."
"Oh," Lacey said softly. She knew what was coming. Travis was going to break their
date. But instead of feeling disappointed, Lacey felt a sense of relief. "I'll save you the

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trouble," she told him bluntly. "Our date is off. You're free to go out with Nicole or some
other girl."
He shook his dark head. "You got it wrong, Lace. I just wanted to tell you I'd pick you
up at six."
"But...But I thought you'd rather be with Nicole!" Lacey exclaimed, clutching her
backpack tightly.
"What normal guy wouldn't? But she's hung up upon P.J." He shrugged. "Nicole figured
she'd be freshman queen and he'd be king. She's really steamed." He flashed her a wide
grin. "But you won fair and square."
Lacey stared at her feet, feeling guilty about using magic to win. If there was a new vote
today, I'd lose big−time. I'm a fake
, she told herself. And I'll be even more of a fake if I go
out with Travis when I'd rather be with Glenn.
Then to Travis's surprise as well as her own, she broke their date.
TASHA CONTINUED to avoid Lacey, so Lacey walked home alone.
As she walked, she tried to decide what to do


whether to use the remaining Loykiki

leaves for more love potion or just give up and have more lonely days like today.

I really enjoyed all the attention, she thought sadly. I knew it couldn't last forever, but it

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ended too soon. Of course, I can make two more batches, enough to keep me popular until
after the homecoming parade. Besides, if there is another homecoming queen vote, I don't
want to lose to Nicole. That would be too embarrassing!
By the time Lacey reached home, she'd made her decision. She was going to use one of
her two precious Loykiki leaves to make more Amoré Aroma.
She retrieved the foil bag from the drawer in her room, then headed for the kitchen for a
pinch of honey. She grinned when she saw a vase of fresh roses in the window. Luck was
with her. She plucked one moist rose petal and headed for the garage.
Fortunately, she had thought ahead after making the first batch of Amoré Aroma. To
make sure she'd have everything for the next time, she'd hidden the coconut shell, willow
branch, and even a bottle of rain water in a dark corner of the garage.

Just a few more ingredients, and I'm ready to mix up some magic, she told herself

eagerly. She realized the Love Spell book was still in her room buried in her crowded
backpack, and decided not to waste time getting it. She chuckled to herself and thought, I
could never forget that strange poem!
She gathered everything and dumped them on the same site she and Tasha used for the
animal love spell. Kneeling on the hard dirt, she mixed the honey, rain water, and rose petal

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in the coconut shell. Gooey, sticky, and strange smelling. She reached for the willow
branch and stirred the lumpy potion.

I'm almost done! she told herself, shifting her knees to a more comfortable position. All

that's left is the Loykiki leaf.
The sun was high overhead and golden rays reflected off the tiny foil bag. As Lacey
gently withdrew a leaf, it seemed to glow with purple, gold, and brown colors. Her skin
tingled as if charged with electricity and her heart surged with hopes and dreams of
A mental replay of Tasha sharing lunch with Glenn flashed in Lacey's mind, but she
pushed it away. She was enchanted with magic, nothing could hurt her now.
Not even her best friends.
Holding the foil bag in one hand, she reached out to add the Loykiki leaf to the gooey
potion. But a sudden noise


a door opening


and footsteps stopped her.

"Andy!" she exclaimed in horror as her little brother bounded into the backyard. "You're
supposed to be at Danny's house!"
"Danny's mom made him take a bath." Andy stuck out his tongue. "I hate baths!"
"So play with another friend. You can't play here now!"

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The blond boy crossed his arms. "I live here. And I wanna play with my dog."
Lacey glanced over at the other side of the yard where Rocky yapped and jumped in his
dog run. He'd been quiet until Andy showed up, but now the large yard was filled with
noisy barking.
"You can't play with Rocky!" Lacey yelled.
"Why not?" Andy asked stubbornly. He ran over to the chain−link run and unlatched the
gate. "Come on, boy! Hey, Rocky, wanna play fetch?"
"Not now!" Lacey wailed, stomping over and trying to prevent her brother from
releasing his dog. "Andy! No! Rocky! Stay!"
But boy and dog ignored her.
Andy threw a stick to Rocky and the dog shot off like a speeding rocket.
Lacey groaned and tried to figure out what to do. But while she was figuring, Rocky
forgot his stick and ran over to the spell−site. And before Lacey could gasp in horror, the
small dog had the Loykiki leaf in his mouth.
"Rocky found a new toy," Andy said, laughing.
"That's mine!" Lacey screamed as she lunged for the dog. She tripped and fell on the
grass. Looking up, she watched Rocky chew the leaf until there was nothing left.

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"My Loykiki!" Lacey sobbed. "Now I only have one leaf!"
Andy picked up the stick he'd throw to Rocky and gave his sister a puzzled look. "What
Lacey pulled herself off the ground and hurried back toward the spell site.
Unfortunately, Rocky the Rocket zoomed between her legs and pounced on the shiny foil
bag that held the last Loykiki leaf.
"NO!" Lacey screamed, running and yanking the dog's furry tail. "Give that back!"
Andy was doubled over in laughter. "You can't never catch my dog!"
The dog wiggled and scrambled from Lacey's grasp. "Give that back!" she hollered
again, running in circles after the annoying animal. "Help me, Andy!"
"Why should I?" he asked, twirling the stick between his fingers like a baton. "You
never help me with nothing."
"Think of your dog! He just ate something of mine that could make him sick. And if he
eats that shiny bag he could get really sick!" Lacey had no idea if her words were true, but
they worked on Andy.
"Sick!" Andy dropped his stick. "But I don't want Rocky hurt."
"Then help me get that bag!" Lacey screamed, stumbling and falling again. This just

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couldn't be happening. She went from two leafs, to one, and she was just a doggie chew
from none!
Andy cornered his dog and begged, "Give it to me, boy. It don't taste good anyway. I'll
let you play with something better


like one of my old socks."

Rocky cocked his ear to one side, as if he was thinking this over. Then he wagged his tail
and shook the bag with his teeth.
"Give it here, Rocky pal," Andy said, reaching out, almost touching the foil.
Rocky slapped his tail against Andy's arm and opened his mouth. The foil bag slipped to
the ground, but before Andy could grab it, Rocky bent down and gobbled it up in one huge
When the dog opened his mouth again, the foil bag


and the last Loykiki leaf


was gone!

Lacey sobbed, "No! No! I have to have my Loykiki!"
Andy glared at his sister, "Stop talking baby−talk. Rocky is more important. Now he's
going to get sick


you poisoned him!"

"He'll be fine...but I won't." Lacey stared, feeling numb. "It's all over now."
"What's that s'pose to mean?" Andy asked sharply. He bent next to Rocky and frowned.
"He don't look good. He's shivery and acting funny."

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"He does look strange," Lacey admitted, forgetting her disappointment and kneeling by
her brother and his dog. She felt Rocky's nose, knowing that a healthy dog should have a
cold nose. But the animal quivered and nudged her away.
"Rocky, don't get sick!" Andy whined, his blue eyes filling with tears. "I'll give you my
bestest pair of old socks to chew if you'll just be okay."
The dog jerked, as if he'd been zapped with a jolt of electricity. Then he tilted one ear
and barked in perfect English, "Keep socks away from me! They stink!"
Lacey and Andy stared at each other in shock.
"Rocky talked!" Andy exclaimed.
"He really did!" Lacey cried excitedly. "Ohmygosh! I have to call Tasha!"

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Chapter 13

"ROCKY, SAY something else!" Andy pleaded, hugging the wiggling dog.
Lacey leaned forward and patted the animal's neck. "Come on, boy," she encouraged.
"You can do it."
Rocky swished his tail back and forth and squirmed in Andy's arms. "Don't squeeze me
so hard and I'll talk!" he growled.
"This is incredible," Lacey said, her mind racing with wonder and worry. If this magic
was like the others it would only last for twelve hours. But those twelve hours could be
disastrous if any adults discovered Rocky's temporary talent. Lacey imagined reporters
swarming around her house; flashing cameras, and endless awkward questions. "What kind
of leaf did the dog eat?", "Where did you get the Love Spell book?", and "What other spells
did make?"
Lacey shuddered, and realized that she had to persuade Andy to keep this secret



wouldn't be easy with Andy dancing on the grass and chanting, "My dog can talk! My dog
can talk! I've got the smartest dog in town!"
But when Lacey warned her brother that Rocky would be taken away if people knew he

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could talk, Andy quickly changed his mind. "Doctors would perform experiments on
Rocky," Lacey added ominously.
"They can't do that to my dog!" Andy said angrily.
"They will if they find out he can talk. Fortunately, Rocky will probably be normal in the
morning," Lacey explained. "But it's too risky to keep him here."
Andy nodded nervously, his arms wrapped around his dog. "Okay. I don't want doctors
to cut open Rocky."
"Cut open!" Rocky yelped, trembling and sticking his tail between his legs. "Hide me!"
"That's exactly what we have to do," Lacey said, brushing grass off her jeans. "And I
know just the place!"
A short time later, Lacey led Rocky by a leash down the street. She turned into a familiar
brick−lined walk−way and pushed the doorbell.
"Lacey!" Tasha exclaimed, peeking through the doorway. "I never expected to find you
"I know you're mad at me," Lacey said quickly, her tone hushed and serious. "But this is
an emergency. Rocky ate my Loykiki leaves and you'll never guess what they did to him!"
Tasha wrinkled her brows and studied the dog. "He looks okay."

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"Easy for you to say!" grumbled the dog. "You don't have a flea biting your ear!"
Tasha gasped, her hands flying to her face. "Did he say...oh my! Rocky spoke!"
"Yeah. That's why I'm here," Lacey said, stepping inside the house and shutting the door
behind her. "Life would be crazy if my parents heard Rocky. So I thought we could hide
him out in your backyard playhouse for the night


until the magic wears off."

Lacey watched the expressions change on Tasha's face. First disbelief, then amazement,
and finally pure delight.
"That'd be wonderful!" Tasha cried joyously, bending down and scooping up the furry,
flea−bitten dog. "At last! I'll finally get my chance to be Dr. Dolittle!"

LACEY CALLED home to get permission to spend the night with Tasha. Since it
was Friday and there was no school tomorrow, her mother easily agreed. Although, she
seemed puzzled that Lacey had taken Rocky, but accepted Lacey's story of Tasha wanting
to study the dog for a school report. It wasn't really a lie since Tasha stayed up most of the
night writing down everything Rocky said. Both girls slept in sleeping bags, munched on
junk food, and had a wonderful, wacky night.
And in the morning Rocky was back to normal. He wiggled, whined, and wagged his tail

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as the girls made breakfast in Tasha's kitchen. Tasha's father was still asleep since his long
hours at his law firm exhausted him.
"There's no more magic," Lacey said, sighing as she buttered toast.
"So we'll go back to our usual dull lives." Tasha sprinkled cinnamon on two toast slices.
"But we'll never forget this weird week. I really loved talking to Rocky. It was so
fascinating to learn about him. Did you know he prefers lettuce to hamburger? He's a
vegetarian at heart."
"Rocky the rabbit," Lacey said with a giggle. Then she smiled at Tasha and added, "I'm
so glad we're friends again."
"Me, too." Tasha returned Lacey's smile. "But I'm sorry about your love spell. The boys
won't give you movie star treatment anymore. Although, you'll still be homecoming
"Yeah. I guess so." Lacey sat at the table and poured orange juice into a glass. "But I
wouldn't have gotten any votes without Amore Aroma."
"I voted for you," Tasha said loyally.
"Thanks...but I'm not even sure I want to be queen anymore. Last night while you and
Rocky talked, I had a lot of time to think. And I realized popularity isn't really important.

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Sure, it was fun and exciting. But those boys didn't really care about me."
"What about Travis?" Tasha asked. "You're the one who decided not to go skating with
him last night. Even without the love spell, he wanted to go out with you."
"But he would have been late or eyeing other girls at the rink." Lacey smiled and
chuckled. "He can really be a jerk."
Tasha sipped her juice and leaned forward on the table. Her dark eyes shone as she said
mysteriously, "I know a guy who likes you and he isn't a jerk...Glenn."
"You're kidding!" Lacey nearly choked on her toast. "But I disappointed him and I
assumed...after I saw you guys together...I assumed he liked you!"
"Only as a friend," Tasha said firmly. "You're the girl he's wild about. He confessed how
he felt during lunch yesterday. He was really bummed because you didn't want to go out
with him."
"I wanted to," Lacey said regretfully. "But I already promised Travis. And I was dazzled
by all the attention I was getting. I wasn't thinking clearly."
"So tell Glenn how you feel. Go next door right now and talk to him," Tasha suggested.
"I can't! I mean, I want to, but I'm not ready yet. Besides, we both have to be at Bow
Wow's in an hour," Lacey added, tapping her fingers on the table nervously.

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"Gosh! I almost forgot!" Tasha exclaimed, jumping up and carrying her dishes in the
sink. "I'd better wake my father up, then get ready for work."
Lacey nodded. "I have take Rocky home before I can go to Bow Wow's. And tomorrow's
busy, too. Aimee wants everybody from the club over to work on the float. We have less
than a week to finish it."
"I hope you aren't planning to wait a week to talk to Glenn," Tasha said, wagging her
finger at her friend. "You better tell him how you feel soon."
"I will. I'll talk to him Monday at school." Lacey glanced down at the floor, nervous at
the thought of confronting Glenn. "But what should I say?"
"He already asked you out, so it's your turn." Tasha grinned mischievously. "Ask him for
a date."

"WHAT'S MY horoscope predict for today?" Lacey asked Amelia Monday morning,
stepping into the kitchen.
Amelia was reading the newspaper comics and eating strawberry−vanilla yogurt. She
gestured to a section of newspaper on the table. "I didn't check yours, but mine promised
I'd meet an old friend who could become a new love. I hope Craig doesn't get jealous," she

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added with a giggle.
Lacey flipped through the newspaper and read the prediction for Aries. The stars
indicate you are in a time of change. Expect the unexpected. Follow your heart and find the
magic within yourself.
"Magic?" Lacey murmured. "That's the one thing I don't have any more."
"Did you say something?" Amelia asked, putting her spoon in the sink.
"No." Lacey shook her head. "Except I have a craft club meeting, so I'd like to ride with
you to school."
"No problem," Amelia said with a grin. "But this bus leaves in ten minutes, so make a
quick breakfast."
"Thanks." Lacey reached for a bowl of Frosted Fruit Granola and carton of milk. As she
crunched chewy pieces of granola, she thought about Glenn. She was eager to see him and
change a nice friendship into even a nicer romance. But she was a bit nervous. I've never
asked a boy for a date before
, she reminded herself. What if Glenn says no?
She remembered how it had felt last week to be popular with boys. After the first shock,
she had learned to smile, say thank−you for compliments, and flirt. She'd been able to relax
and enjoy the attention because she knew they liked her.

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And I know Glenn likes me, she thought, feeling more confident. So what am I worried


"AIMEE! WHAT happened to you?" Lacey cried as she entered the dec. arts room.
"You're covered with gross red blotches!"
Aimee sat at a long worktable, weaving crepe paper into large beautiful flowers. "I look
awful, don't I?" she asked with a frown.
Lacey took a seat between Aimee and Tasha. "Are you sick?" she asked, turning to
"No." Aimee shook her shiny dark hair. "It's an allergy. Yesterday after you guys left, I
tried on the scarecrow costume and I started itching like crazy. The doctor says the blotches
will be gone by tomorrow


as long as I don't touch any more straw. But that means I can't

be on the float."
Tasha gave a heavy sigh. "Now I'll have to find someone else to be a scarecrow."
Brianna called out from the other side of the table, "Don't look at me! I'm an artist, not
an actress."
"Me, too," Kelly echoed, glancing up from the banner she was painting. She and Brianna

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were best friends, and they did everything together...or in this case refused to do everything
"I'm sunk!" Tasha said with a groan. She pushed aside crepe paper and buried her head
in her hands. "I don't want to be the only scarecrow on the float."
"I'd like to help out," Lacey said, running her fingers through her dark hair. "But as the
freshman queen, I have to ride in the royalty float."
"Yeah. I know," Tasha replied sadly. "And you'll have a lot of fun. I saw it last week and
it's sensational. Very professional and pretty."
Lacey stared at her friend, wishing she could help out somehow. But there wasn't
anything she could do...or was there?
An idea popped in her mind, and she puzzled over it for the rest of the club meeting. It
wouldn't be easy


in fact it would be embarrassing


but she was going to do it.

She got her chance during second period



Noisy, buzzing voices filled the air of the locker room, mingled with slamming lockers,
laughter, and occasional shouts. Lacey changed quickly into her gym clothes, then walked
purposely over to Nicole Rosemarin.
The pretty red−haired girl flipped her hair over one shoulder, and gave Lacey a sharp

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glance. "What do you want?"
"To return something of yours."
"What?" Nicole asked suspiciously.
Lacey held out her hands, her empty palms facing up. "Imagine that I'm holding the
freshman homecoming queen crown. The pretty rhinestones glitter like diamonds. Here.
Take it, Nicole. It belongs to you."
Nicole stared at Lacey's hands, her green eyes sparkling as if rhinestones reflected in
them. "This is some kind of joke. Right?" she asked.
"No joke. I decided I'd rather ride on the craft club float


not the royal one.

Congratulations, you're the new freshman homecoming queen."
Nicole reached out, as if to pick−up the imaginary crown. A strange, bemused smile
played on her face and she lifted her fingers to her head; a queen trying on her crown.
"I don't understand," she told Lacey. Then she shrugged and flashed a wide, royal smile
and added, "But thanks."

AT LUNCH, Lacey met Tasha by their lockers.
"Are you ready?" Tasha asked, her black eyes twinkling.

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Lacey gulped and crammed some books and a sweater in her locker. "Not really. But I
can't wait any longer. Let's go find Glenn."
They checked his locker, but no luck. So they headed for the quad


and that's where they

saw him.

But he wasn't alone.

A crowd of girls surrounded Glenn; smiling, laughing, and flirting. Lacey recognized
several cheerleaders, Kelly, Brianna, and even Nicole.
"What in the world?" Tasha exclaimed, scratching her dark head in confusion. "Glenn
must be passing out free money or test answers."
Lacey covered her mouth with her hand, too surprised to say anything. She stared and
thought, This seems familiar a play I've seen before, but with new actors.
She snapped her fingers and realized, Glenn is suddenly popular the way I was after I used
Amoré Aroma.
But that was impossible.
How could Glenn possibly have a love potion?

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Chapter 14

LACEY TRIED to figured out how Glenn could have made Amore Aroma. He'd need
both a Loykiki leaf and the Love Spell book. But the leaves were all gone and Lacey had
the book.
"Ohmygosh!" Lacey cried softly, remembering that Glenn did have a Loykiki leaf



might be crumpled, but it was probably still magical.
"What is it, Lacey?" Tasha asked in concern.
"I think I know what's going on with Glenn." She paused and whispered, "He's
enchanted by a love spell."
"He'd never mess with magic," Tasha stated firmly.
"Then why else would Nicole Rosemarin sit on his lap?" Lacey argued, wanting to go
over and push Nicole aside. Instead she frowned and added, "But I don't know how Glenn
discovered Amoré Aroma. He wouldn't know how to use the leaves, not without the recipe.
And I have that right here in my..."
She laid the heavy backpack on the ground and started tossing everything out on the
cement. Books, pens, pencils, notebooks, papers, textbooks...but no Love Spells.

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"But it has to be here!" she murmured. "The last time I used it was when Tasha and I
made Come Over Red Clover. I put it in my backpack when Glenn interrupted us


and now

it's gone!"
Like a simple equation in math, everything sudden added up. The book must have
disappeared right after Glenn tutored her. And now he was surrounded by a giddy bunch of
love−struck girls.
"That sneaky thief!" Lacey cried, her jealously at seeing Glenn with other girls adding to
her anger. After shoving everything back in her pack, she told Tasha to wait for her, then
she strode toward Glenn.
"Excuse me, Kelly and Brianna," she said.
"But we were here first," Kelly said with a pout. "Brianna and I want to be near Glenn.
He's such a cool guy. I hope he'll go out with me."
"Not you," Brianna snapped. "Me!"
Lacey rolled her eyes with exasperation, then squeezed by her two friends.
"Glenn!" she shouted, waving. "We have to talk. NOW!"
"Lacey?" he said, gently pushing Nicole aside and stepping forward. "Am I glad to see

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He quickly explained to the other girls that he had to go. "Lacey and I have some things
to discuss."
A chorus of disappointed groans were his answer, but most girls did as he asked. Nicole
was more persistent. She fluttered her long lashes and cooed, "Glenn, stay with me."
Glenn blushed. "Maybe later." Then Glenn grabbed Lacey's hand and hurried away.
Once they stood alone by the side of the cafeteria, Glenn leaned against the building and
blew out a heavy sigh. "What a zoo! And I was the caged animal on display! I never
realized how hard being popular can be."
Lacey pointed at him and accused, "You stole my book!"
"No, I didn't."
"Then explain what just happened with those girls. It was Amoré Aroma, wasn't it?" She
glared at him. "You lied to me about the Loykiki leaf crumbling and then you swiped my
He frowned. "I never lied to you. The leaf did crumble, but I kept it in a dish. Then I
discovered I had accidentally put your Love Spell book in my stack of chemistry books."
Lacey remembered knocking over her backpack in her family room. While she was in
the kitchen, Glenn cleaned up the mess. Then they had argued and Glenn grabbed his

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things and left.
"I planned to return it to you right away," Glenn added. "But I couldn't resist reading it
first. That's when I realized how you had become popular practically overnight. It was
Amoré Aroma, wasn't it?"
"Yeah," she admitted. "So you found out my secret. But that doesn't make what you did
"I'm a scientist. I had the recipe and I had the crumpled leaf, so I performed an
experiment," he said simply. "But I didn't know girls would chase me like a million−dollar
rock star. How embarrassing! I can't take much more of this!"
Lacey couldn't help but smile. She knew exactly how Glenn felt. Romance was hard
enough without mixing it with magic.
"The potion only lasts twelve hours," Lacey told him. "If you put it on this morning, it'll
wear off by tonight."
"That's a relief!" Glenn said, rubbing his forehead. "And then when I get home, I'm
tossing the rest of that love goop in the garbage." He reached inside his binder and
withdrew a thin paperback. "Here. You can have your book back. I'm sticking to logical
science experiments, like molecular structure and electrochemistry."

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"I don't know what those things are, but the Loykiki leaves were a once−in−a−life−time
offer anyway. So I'm through with magic, too," Lacey said, feeling both relief and sadness.
"There you guys are!" Tasha exclaimed, coming around the corner with a huge grin on
her face. "Well, Lacey, did you ask him?"
Glenn wrinkled his brow. "Ask me what?"
Lacey tossed Tasha a "shut up!" look. But Tasha either purposely ignored it or didn't get
the message. "Come on, Lacey. Hurry up and pop the question before lunch period is over.
We still have to eat."
"I can't ask him now," Lacey said, glaring at her best friend. "Amoré Aroma changes
"Ask me what?" Glenn persisted.
Tasha shrugged. "For a date. Lacey is nuts about you and wants to ask you to go out with
her. I wish you two would settle this quickly or I'll starve to death."
Glenn touched Lacey's arm and stared deeply into her face. "Is that true? But I thought
you liked Travis or P.J. or one of those other guys."
She glanced at her blue and white sneakers and shook her head. "Uh−huh. I like you."
She lifted her chin and met his gaze. "But you won't believe me. You'll just think I'm

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another love−struck girl."
Glenn paused, as if thinking this over.
Tasha groaned. "Of all the dumb ideas! Lacey can't be affected by the love potion
because she had touched a Loykiki leaf. It's like getting a flu shot so you can't catch the flu.
I can't catch magic because I touched it, too. You don't see me singing Glenn love songs. I
got better things to do


like eat lunch!"

"That's makes perfect scientific sense." Glenn tugged on Lacey's hand, pulling her


until their lips were just a whisper away. "Forget Amoré Aroma. Ask me, Lacey."

"All right," she said, enjoying being so close to him. "Glenn Robertson, will you go out
with me?"
"I'd love to," he answered sincerely, bending over to brush is lips lightly across her. "I'll
go anywhere with you. Just name the place, day, and time."
She thought of a perfect first date occasion and grinned. "How do you feel about

CROWDS LINED the sidewalks, noisy voices filled the air, and one−by−one the
parade floats rolled down the street. Everyone cheered wildly when the royal float appeared

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complete with its own motor and dazzling crowned queens and kings.
"Nicole looks gorgeous," Lacey whispered to the scarecrow beside her on the craft club
Glenn scratched a wad of straw glued to his neck. "She's okay, but a fancy dress and
flashy jeweled crown doesn't impress me." He grinned at Lacey. "I'd rather admire a cute
little scarecrow in ragged clothes and a crown of straw."
"I like how you look, too. You're a good sport to dress up and be on this float," Lacey
On the other side of the float, Tasha called out, "Don't forget to wave at the crowds!"
Lacey giggled and lifted her arm to wave. "I'm having so much fun being with you,
Glen, that I forget we're on a float parading in front of hundreds of people."
Glenn waved, too, but his kept his gaze on her. "I feel the same way. You're a special
girl, and at last we're together."
Lacey squeezed his hand warmly and thought happily, I don't have to be popular to find
love. Glenn likes me exactly the way I am


which is the best kind of magic of all.

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Linda Joy Singleton

Linda Joy Singleton is the author of over 25 midgrade and YA novels, including the
popular Berkley cloning−mysteries, REGENERATION (under L.J. Singleton).
She lives on five country acres near Sacramento with her husband David and two terrific
teens, Melissa and Andy. Check out fan letters, short stories, pictures, writing news, school
talk information, and enter a contest at Linda's web site: .

Linda Joy Singleton



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