INDEX TO EG Issues 1 196 (April 2014)

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INDEX TO EG Issues 1-196 (April 2014)

This index attempts to record the full contents of EG, except for a list of composers and diagrams. Numbers
in brackets refer to issues of EG; the numbers before them are diagram numbers (in the Awards, Corrections
and Originals sections) or page numbers (all other sections). Index links to PDFs available from 1-156.

Created and maintained by

Paul Valois 1946 - 2014

; improved by

Costeff, Gady



1. Awards
2. Tourneys specific to ARVES and EG
3. Judges
4. Corrections published for the first time in EG
5. Originals published in EG
6. Selections of studies by specific composers
7. Themes used in theme tourneys
8. Analytical articles on studies
9. Articles
10. Name index [obituaries, photographs etc]
11. Miscellaneous items
12. Computer-related items
13. Book and magazine reviews

AWARDS [diagram numbers and issue numbers given; pagination refers to corrections/final versions of
awards; includes also selected studies from some sources]

7 Towns Friendship Match 1980 6364-70


32er 1996-97 11161-62


64 1967 1176-93


64 1968 1707


64 1969 1267-72


, 1273-79


64 1970 1611-25


64 1971 1886-96


64 1972 2170-78


64 1973 2377-90


, 2391-92


64 1974 2789-2803


64 1975 3114-25


64 1976 NO AWARD - see p.877


64 1977 4162-63


, 4164-70


64 1978 4171-84


64 1979 4660-71


64 1980 5468-77


64 1981 5478-90


64 1982 5923-33


64 1983 5737-52


64 1984 6191-203


64 1985 6629-41


64 1986 7326-37


64 1987 7834-49


64 1988 8096-114


64 1989 8678-96


64 1990 9044-59


background image


64 1994 10715-24


64 1995 10972-84


64 1996 10985-94


64 1997 11335-45


64 1998 11716-27


64 1999 13105-19


64 2000 13163-73


64 2001 14371-79


64 2002 14380-90


64 2003 16759-70 (176 supplement)
64 2004 16961-70 (178)
64 2005-06 18817-29 (191 supplement)
64 Kulikovo Theme Tourney 1980 5765-66


64 Theme Tourney 1995 10442-47


64 Theme Tourney 1996 10738


Afanasiev-80 Jubilee Tourney 9594-9602


Afanasiev-90 Memorial Tourney 2000 13005-13


Afanasiev-100 Memorial Tourney 2010 18655-56 (190)
Afek-50 Jubilee Tourney 2003 14455-65 (157)
Aiastan Chess Club of Armenia 1991 8785-99


Aitmatov Jubilee Tourney 1988 see p.608


Ajedrez 1970 1467-74


Akaki-150 9390-9400


Akerblom Memorial Tourney 1983 5808-12


Akobia 70th Jubilee Tourney 2007 16482-513 (173 supplement)
Akobia 75th Jubilee Tourney 2012 19033-68 (193)
Album 1996-2000 (Ukraine) 14269-80


Alexander Rueb Foundation Tourney 1984-90 8439


, 10134-53


Ali Tebrizi Shatranji Memorial Tourney 2009 18050-57 (187)
All-Genres Master-Title Tourney 1992 14999-15008 (159-62)
10th All-Russian Individual Championship p.940


All-Russian Society for Problem- and Study-Friends 80 AT 2007 16415-31 (172)
5th All-Russian Team Championship 1982 6324


6th All-Russian Team Championship 1978 14938-39 (159-62)
9th All-Russian Team Championship 1985-86 14967-82 (159-62)
10th All-Russian Team Championship 1989-90 8881-98


11th All-Russian Team Championship 1992 10637-43


for later Russian Team Championships SEE UNDER Russian.....
2nd All-Russian Tourney 1974 2341-50


4th All-Russian Tourney 1966 14959-66 (159-62)
5th All-Russian Tourney 1967-68 14948-58 (159-62)
6th All-Russian Tourney 1971 2026


8th All-Russian Tourney 1973-74 14983-91 (159-62)
9th All-Russian Tourney 1976 3291-94


All-Russian Tourney 1987 14940-47 (159-62)
All-Union Team Championship SEE USSR Team Championship
Aloni 50 Jubilee Tourney 1992 9609-15


Hillel and Yoel Aloni 75th Jubilee Tourney 2013 19637-42 [printed as 16937-42] (196 supplement)
American Chess Quarterly 1962 73-78


Amirov Memorial Tourney 1985 6352-63


and 9211-18


Amirov Memorial Tourney 1990 8658-63


AN & YB 2011 18415-23 (189)
Archakov Jubilee Tourney 1989 8664-68


background image


Argentina-200 Anniversary Tourney 2011 18457-79 (189 supplement)
ArhiSAH 1991-92 11626-28


Armenia, Jubilee Tourney of Soviet Armenia 1980 4222-33


, 4234-41


Armenian 150 Years Anniversary Tourney 1979 4012-18


Armenian Central Chess Club 1987 7338-51


Armenian Chess Federation 1967 630-44


1st Armenian Open Individual Championship 1990 8697-8701


Armenian Republic, 45th Anniversary Tourney 1965 157-59


, 157c (p.244 - 9)

for first Jenever tourney - see under JENEVER
2nd ARVES Jenever Tourney 2009 17999-18000 (187)
3rd ARVES Jenever Tourney 2010 18001-06 (187)
4th ARVES Jenever Tourney 2011 18007-12 (187)
ARVES-10 Jubilee Tourney 2000 11791-94


ARVES-20 Anniversary Tourney 2008 17217-29 (181)
10th ARVES Solving Tourney 2004 16002-06 (165)
Assiac Jubilee Tourney 1972 1848-69


Assiac Memorial Tourney 1988 7639-50


Averbakh-80 Jubilee Tourney 2004 14599-609 (159-62)
Avni-50 Jubilee Tourney 2004 14244-58


1st Azerbaijan Chess Composition Cup 2013 19620-22 [printed as 16920-22] (196 supplement)
Azerbaijan Composition Committee 35th Anniversary Ty 2006 16100-12 (166)
Azerbaijan Olympic Committee see OLIMPIYA DUNYASI
Azerbaijan Open Championship 1979 5146-52,5154-60


7th Azerbaijan Individual Championship 13467-83


1st Azerbaijan Quick Composition Tourney 2011 18610-12 (190)
2nd Azerbaijan Study Tourney 2013 19623-28 [printed as 16923-28] (196 supplement)
Babich-100 Memorial Tourney 2009 17600-08 (184 supplement)
Baku 1986 6781-96


Baku 1987-93 16897-900 (177 supplement)
Baltic States 1991-93 9102-12


Ban Memorial Tourney 1980 4864-75


Ban Memorial Tourney (Sakkelet 1989-90) 8586-8600


BAS-50 (Bogoslovsk Aluminium Plant) 1993 9401-15


Batumi Chess Festival 2002 15672-80 (159-62)
Baturin Memorial Tourney 1984 14854-65 (159-62)
BCPS 2012 Tourney 18896-908 (192 supplement)
Beginners Tourney 2008 (Shakhmatnaya kompzitsiya) 18028-34 (187)
J.Behting Memorial Tourney 1968 1346-49


Belfort Blitz Tourney 1994 9791-93


Belfort, Matryoshka Blitz Tourney 1994 9794-98


1st Belokon Memorial Tourney 1984 6165-70


, 6204-12


, 14866-74 (159-62)

2nd Belokon Memorial Tourney 1989 7955-73


1st Belorussian Individual Championship 1962-71 7009-14


2nd Belorussian Individual Championship 1972-76 7015-24


3rd Belorussian Individual Championship 1977-80 7681-86


4th Belorussian Individual Championship 1981-84 7025-26


, 7027-37


6th Belorussian Individual Championship 1989-92 10872


1st Belorussian Team Championship 1980 4945-49


2nd Belorussian Team Championship 1983-84 7032,7037


3rd Belorussian Team Championship 1987 7038-43


7th Belarus Team Championship 2009 18803-05 (191 supplement)
Belyakin-80 Memorial Tourney 2002 14875-87 (159-62)
Belyavsky-70 Jubilee Tourney 2004 14621-37 (159-62)

background image


Benko-75 Jubilee Tourney 2005 15881-92 (164)
Benko-80 Jubilee Tourney 17182-96 (180)
Bent 70th Jubilee Tourney 1989 7864-89


, p.927


Bent Memorial Tourney 2007 16474-81 (173 supplement)
Bertin Memorial Tourney 1991 8628


Best Problems 2002-03 15057-64 (159-62)
Best Problems 2004-06 16699-709 (176 supplement)
Best Problems 2007-08 17715-20 (185)
Bilek-75 Jubilee Tourney 2008 16809-24 (177 supplement)
Birnov Memorial Tourney 1969 1000-10


3rd Birnov Memorial Tourney 1977 3335-36


, 4995,5000


, 17461-68 (183 supplement)

Birnov Memorial Tourney 1985 6439-45


Birnov Memorial Tourney 1986 6955-59


, 6960-66


Birnov Memorial Tourney 1987 7562-77


Birnov Memorial Tourney (Molodoi Leninets) 1989 10068-72


10th Birnov Memorial Tourney 1990 8396-8406


Birnov Memorial Tourney 1991 8800-07


12th Birnov Memorial Tourney 1992-93 9783-90


13th Birnov Memorial Tourney 1996 11280-91


Birnov Memorial Tourney 1996-97 11629-32


15th Birnov Memorial Tourney 1999 14888-98 (159-62)
Birnov Memorial Tourney (Volgograd) 2002 14899-907 (159-62)
18th Birnov Memorial Tourney (Volgograd) 2006 16143-56 (167)
19th Birnov Memorial Tourney 2008 18613-21 (190)
20th Birnov Memorial Tourney (Volgograd) 2009 17774-82 (185 Supplement)
Biuletyn (Czestochowa) 1976-82 5321-24


Biuletyn (Katowice) 1973 2874


Bogatyrchuk-120 Memorial Tourney 2013 19357-68 (194 supplement)
Bohemian Ring Tourney 1983-84 7286-94


Bondar-50 Jubilee Tourney 2008 17469-82 (183 supplement)
Bondarenko Jubilee Tourney 1974-75 2491-2508


Bondarenko Jubilee Tourney 1985 [80th] 6379-6401


, 6402-10


Bondarenko Memorial Tourney 1995 10103-04


, 10922-29


Book Jubilee Tourney 1980 4567-75


, 4711-12


Boris 10th Anniversary 1993 9281-86


, see p.597


2nd Boris Tourney 1999 11367-69


Borisenko-75 Jubilee Tourney 2005 16432-34 (172)
Botvinnik-100 Memorial Tourney 2012 19069-95 (193 supplement)
Boujema Memorial Tourney 2011 18684-91 (191)
Bratislava PCCC-Blitz 1993 9383-86


Brest (Belarus) 1996 15065-70 (159-62)
Breyer Memorial Tourney 1968 891-900


Bron Jubilee Tourney 1980 4403-44


Bron Jubilee Tourney 1985 6411-24


Bron Memorial Tourney (Sverdlovsk) 1990 8351-65


, 8977-91


Bron-90 Memorial Tourney 1999 11663-84


[see 14358 (156)

Bron-100 Memorial Tourney 2009 18230-48 (188 supplement)
2nd Bron Memorial Tourney (Ukraine) 1990 8702-19


3rd Bron Memorial Tourney (Ukraine) 1991 8963-76


4th Bron Memorial Tourney (Ukraine) 1992 8720-35


5th Bron Memorial Tourney (Ukraine) 1992 8992-9012


Budapest Quick Composing Tourney 1988 7073-76


Buletin Problemistic 1972 2422-25


background image


Buletin Problemistic 1973 2538-44


Buletin Problemistic 1974 3053-65


Buletin Problemistic 1975 3066-78


Buletin Problemistic 1976 3079-88


Buletin Problemistic 1977 3673-82


Buletin Problemistic 1978 4253-63


Buletin Problemistic 1980-81 5103-11


Buletin Problemistic 1982-83 7230-37


Buletin Problemistic 1984-85 6711-18


Buletin Problemistic 1986-87 8042-48


Buletin Problemistic 1988-89 8578-85


Buletin Problemistic 1991-92 9287-92


Buletin Problemistic 1993-95 11125-33


Buletin Problemistic 1996-97 13462-66

(147 supplement)

Buletin Problemistic 1998-99 13934-37


Buletin Problemistic 2000-01 13938-43


Buletin Problemistic 2002-03 15071-80 (159-62)
Buletin Problemistic 2004-05 16273-78 (169)
Buletin Problemistic 25th Anniversary Tourney 1997 11134-42


Bulgaria-1300 Tourney 1982 5898-905


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1964 151-53


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1965-66 710-12


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1967 861-64


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1968 1194-96


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1969 1355-57


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1970-71 1958


Bulletin of Central Chess club of the USSR 1972 2160-69 and p.115


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1973 2372-76


, 2526


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1974 2732-40


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1975 3089-96


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1976 3353-62


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1977 3877-83


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1978 4034-40


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1979 4455-64


Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1980 5684-89


The Bulletin WAS NOT PUBLISHED IN 1981
Bulletin of Central Chess Club of the USSR 1982-84 6746-57


Burevestnik SEE under LELO 1972
Buzandyan, Varov & Grigoryan Memorial Ty 2011 18531-40 (189 supplement)
Calvi Memorial Tourney 1999 11621-25


Canadian chess chat 1980 5505-22


Canterbury 'Blitz' Tourney 1978 3596-97


Carlsson Memorial Tourney 2013 19552-65 (195 supplement)
Ceskoslovensky Sach SEE also SACHOVE UMENI
Ceskoslovensky Sach 1964 2 (1 - see p.87



Ceskoslovensky Sach 1971 2294-2303


Ceskoslovensky Sach 1972 2436-45


Ceskoslovensky Sach 1973 2545-54


Ceskoslovensky Sach 1984 6104-12


Ceskoslovensky Sach 1985-86 7166-77


Ceskoslovensky Sach 1987 INCLUDED IN Czech Ring Tourney; also SEE Sachova skladba
Ceskoslovensky Sach 1989-90 8407-23


Ceskoslovensky Sach 1991-92 9293-9305


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Ceskoslovensky Sach 1993-94 10105-13


Ceskoslovensky Sach 1995-96 11143-54


Ceskoslovensky Sach 1997-98 13944-64


Ceskoslovensky Sach 1999-2000 13626-41


Ceskoslovensky Sach 2001-02 13965-81


Ceskoslovensky Sach 2002-03 15893-900 (164)
Ceskoslovensky Sach 2005-06 16527-41 (173 supplement)
Ceskoslovensky sach 2007-08 17431-37 (183 supplement)
Ceskoslovensky sach 2009-10 18424-40 (189)
Ceskoslovensky sach 2011-12 19297-316 (194 supplement)
Change Theme Tourney 2012 18709-22 (191 supplement)
Chavchavadze Memorial Tourney 1987 7735-86


, 7787-7802


, see p.739


Chekhover-90 Memorial Tourney 1999 14058-78


Chelyabinsk Festival see URALSKIE SKAZY
4th Cherkassian Championship 1998-99 13415-17


5th Cherkassian Championship 1999-2000 13418-20


8th Cherkassian Championship 2003-04 15045-48 (159-62)
Cheron Jubilee Tourney 1967 675-86


Cheron Memorial Tourney 1985 6134-49


, see p.160


Chervony Girnik 1965 2055-62


Chervony Girnik (October Revolution JT) 1019-25


Chervony Girnik [1970?] 1223-33


Chervony Girnik 1972 1722-33


Chervony Girnik 1973 2270-80


Chervony Girnik 1974 2511-20


Chervony Girnik 1977 3383-92


Chervony Girnik 1978 4084-98


Chervony Girnik 1979 4465-67


, 4468-76


Chervony Girnik 1981 6304-16


Chervony Girnik 1983 5590-603


Chervony Girnik 1984 5862-74


Chervony Girnik 1986 6648-62


, 6663


Chervony Girnik 1988 7458-63


26th Chervony Girnik 10383-96


27th Chervony Girnik 1997 11636-40


29th Chervony Girnik 14211-22


30th Chervony girnik 14223-34


Chervony Girnik Theme Tourney 1980 4491-97


Chervony Girnik 75th Anniversary Tourney 1999 13290-301


Chess and Draughts in the BSSR SEE Shakhmaty i shashki v BSSR
Chess Clinic 2000-01 13258-66


2nd Chess Clinic see JOSTEN-65
Chess Composition Day 2007 16710-12 (176 Supplement)
Chess in Armenia 1975 2692-2704


Chess Life [1969?] 1052-61


Chess Life & Review 1970-71 1656-63


Chess Life & Review 1972-73 2314-21


Chess Life 1982-83 5491-5504


Chess Life 1984-85 6338-45


Chess Life 1986-87 7178-88


Chess Life 1988-89 8225-36


Chess life 1991-93 9306-17


Chess life 1997-2000 13836-49


[see 14359



background image


The chess problem [not an award: studies 1942-48] 14002-53


ChessBase 25th Anniversary Tourney 2012 18662-83 (191)
ChessStar 2009 17734-45 (185 Supplement)
ChessStar 2010 18365-78 (188 supplement)
ChessStar 2011 19583-93 (195 supplement)
ChessStar 2012 19272-93 (194 supplement)
Chovgan 1992 16901-02 (177 supplement)
Clausen Memorial Tourney 1965 564-68


, 569


Corus 70th Jubilee Tourney 2008 16390-409, also pp.127-28 (172)
Czech Ring Tourney 1985 7295-97


, 7298-7303


Czech Ring Tourney 1987 7938-46


Czech Sports Committee Jubilee Tourney 1965 600-08


, p.522


Czech Tourney ('Liberation') 1973 2910-21


Czechoslovak Chess Federation 1973 2281-88


, 2289-92


Czerniak Memorial Tourney 1986 6968-82


Czestochowa Circle 1986-87 7215-20


Czestochowa Tourney 1983-85 6446-50


Daciada 1980 4641-48


Dadianidze-60 Jubilee Tourney 1997 13174-76


de Feijter Jubilee Tourney 1981 5161-78


de Feijter - Spinhoven Memorial Tourney SEE Schakend Nederland 1989
Delo-Tovaris 1969 3907-08


Denzen-60 Jubilee Tourney 1990 9884-87


Diagrammes 1975-84 7384-95


Diagrammes 1989-91 15095-100 (159-62)
Diagrammes 1992-93 9924-29


, see p.733


Diagrammes 1994-95 10756-65


Diagrammes 1996-97 15101-109 (159-62)
Diagrammes 1998-99 13014-19


Diagrammes 2000-01 15110-21 (159-62)
Diagrammes 2002-03 16007-16 (165)
Diagrammes Theme Tourney 1992 11797-98


DISO-92 1118-19


Dnepropetrovsk Chess Club Tourney 1967 536-50


Dobrescu-60 Jubilee Tourney 1994 9993-10005


Dolgov-70 Jubilee Tourney 1994 9799-9814


Dolgov-75 Jubilee Tourney 2000 12046-73

(142 supplement)

Don Basin Socialist 1969 1136


Don Basin Socialist 1973 2652-54


1st Donetsk Region Tourney 1984 9969-75


2nd Donetsk Region Tourney 1986 9976-85


Dore 75 Jubilee Tourney 2007 16597-607 (175)
Dresden Chess Olympiad 2008 17342-58 (182)
Drosha 1966 327-33


, 334-48


, 329c (p.33 - 17)

Il Due Alfieri 1984-85 6622-28


Dunder Jubilee Tourney 1965 10-18


Dunder Memorial Tourney 1989 7974-80


Duras Memorial Tourney 1982 5641-58


Dvizov-70 Jubilee Tourney 2009 17129-42 (179 supplement)
Dvoretsky-60 Jubilee Tourney 2007 16565-89 (174)
Dzvin Chernobyl'a 1990-92 15081-94 (159-62)
EBUR 2000 13857-64

(151 supplement)

EBUR 2001 13865-71

(151 supplement)

background image


EBUR 2002 15122-29 (159-62)
EBUR 2003 15130-39 (159-62)
EBUR Humour Tourney 2003-05 15140-48 (159-62)
Effekt 2000 14193-95


EG 1998-2003 15835-49 (163)
EG 2004-2005 16036-47 (166)
EG 2006-2007 16988-98 (179)
EG 2008-2009 pp.230-4 (185)
EG 2010-2011 pp.130-35 (192)
Elekes Memorial Tourney 1966 434-46


, 456-59,486-87


, p.334


En Passant 1986 6842-45


En Passant 1987 7066-68


En Passant 1988 7932-37


En Passant 1989-90 9815-24


Europa-Rochade 1986-87 7803-06


Europa-Rochade 1991-92 10040-51


subsequent awards - see ROCHADE EUROPA
Europe Echecs 1998-99 11923-29


Euwe-100 Memorial Tourney 2001 13045-59


Euxinus Pontus 2010-11 19594-98 (195 supplement)
Evreinov Jubilee Tourney 1983 5754-55


, 5756-63


Evreinov Memorial Tourney 1995 10284-97


Farago Memorial Tourney 1971 2110-27


FIDE Olympic Tourney 2010 17851-66 (186)
FIDE Olympic Tourney 2012 18761-78 (191 supplement)
4th FIDE Tourney 1964-5 114-16





, 169-76


, also issue 7 (FIDE Supplement)

FIDE World Cup 2010 17746-60 (185 supplement)
FIDE World Cup 2011 18500-17 (189 supplement)
Finnish Chess Problem Society see SUOMEN TEHTAVANIEKAT
Fizkulturnik Byelorussii 1979 4951-66


Foguelman-Caputto-Carlsson-75 Jubilee Tourney 1998-2000 12028-45

(142 supplement)

Friendship-200 Tourney 1983 5608-40


Friendship Match 1962-4 33-34


, 43-44


, 124-41


, 177-96


2nd Friendship Match 1965-67 1392-1422


, see also pp.337-40


J.C.A. Fischer Tourney (Schakend Nederland) 1965 79-86


, p.87


, p.106


Fritz 70th Jubilee Tourney 1982 5553-62


Fritz 100th Memorial Tourney 2012 18958-85 (192 supplement)
Galitzky Memorial Tourney 1965 7-9


Galitzky-125 Memorial Tourney 1987 7126-37


2nd Galitzky Memorial Tourney 1994 [Galitzky-130] 10766-79


Gambit 1994-95 10596-607


Gantiadi 1973 2199-2207


and SNAP no.1, p.66


Gaprindashvili Jubilee Tourney see NONA-50 and NONA-60; also NONA BLITZ 2006
Gaprindashvili Jubilee Tourney "International Blitz" 2005 14826-53 (159-62)
Garayazli-60 Memorial Tourney 2003 13748-52


Garcia-65 Jubilee Tourney 2013 19419-46 (195)
Garde 1992-93 10874


Gazeta Czestochowska 1967-68 997-99


Gazeta Czestochowska 1973 2564


Gazeta Czestochowska 1974 2778-79


, 3337


Gazeta Czestochowska 1975 2875-76


Gazeta Czestochowska 1976 3012


, (3338-45


Gazeta Czestochowska 1978 3996-99


background image


Gazeta Czestochowska 1979 4296


Gazeta Czestochowska 1982-85 6848-53


Georgian Internet Tourney 2011 18842-65 (192)
Georgian Internet Tourney 2012 19325-30 (194 supplement)
Georgian Republic 50th Anniversary Tourney 1971 1738-42


, 1870-85


German Chess Federation Centenary Tourney 1977 3508-16


Golden Fleece Tourney 1986 6601-21


2nd Golden Fleece Tourney 1988 7720-34


Goodwill Games Tourney 1994 9931-47


Gorgiev Jubilee Tourney 1971 1565-81


Gorgiev Memorial Tourney 1977 3369-82


Gorgiev Memorial Tourney 1979-80 4371-79


, 4380-82


Gorgiev-100 Memorial Tourney 2010 17895-906 (186 supplement)
Gori-88 9433-37


Gori-93 9825-29


Goteborg Chess Club Centenary Tourney 1979 4067-70


Grigoriev-100 1995-97 11445-63


Grzeban Jubilee Tourney 1982 5226-39


Grzeban Memorial Tourney 1992-93 9322-33


- see p.595


Gruziya-60 Tourney 1982 5054-75


Guanabara Chess Club Jubilee 1981 7687-94


Gulyaev and Kofman Memorial Tourney 2009 18044-49 (187)
Gunst Memorial Tourney 1976-77 3190-91


B.Gurgenidze-60 Jubilee Tourney 1994 9777-82


D.Gurgenidze-50 Jubilee Tourney 2004 14136-61 (154)
D.Gurgenidze-55 Jubilee Tourney 2008 17097-128 (179 supplement)
D.Gurgenidze-60 Jubilee Tourney 2013 19459-65 (195 supplement)
Gurieli Memorial Tourney 1996 10913-17


Gusev-50 Jubilee Tourney 1996 10821-44


H-200 1989 see LENINSKAYA PLEMYA 1989
Hagemann Memorial Tourney 2003 16322-30 (170)
Halberstadt Memorial Tourney 1970 1124-32


- see p.170


Harman Memorial Tourney 1988 7850-63


Hastings Centenary Tourney 1995 10200-19


, see p.884


Havel Memorial Tourney 1960 1817


, 7947-54


Heiskanen-70 Jubilee Tourney 2002 13831-35


Herbstman Memorial Tourney 1984 5790-5805


Herbstman-100 Memorial Tourney 2000 11860-77


3rd Hero-Cities Match 1995 10018-25


4th Hero-Cities Match 1999-2000 11646-62


5th Hero-Cities Match 2005 16521-26 (173 supplement)
6th Hero-Cities Match 2010 18360-64 (188 supplement)
Heuacker Memorial Tourney 1981 4776-84


Heureka 1992-93 13850


Hildebrand Jubilee Tourney 1989 9219-29


Hildebrand-75 Jubilee Tourney see TIDSKRIFT FOR SCHACK 1996
Hildebrand-80 Jubilee Tourney see SPRINGAREN 2001
Hildebrand Memorial Tourney 2007 16713-29 (176 Supplement)
Hlinka-50 Jubilee Tourney 2004 14638-58 (159-62)
Hoch-50 Jubilee Tourney 1999 11608-20


Hornecker 25th Jubilee Tourney 2012 18779-91 (191 supplement)
Houston Chronicle 1965 239-47


Humour Tourney see under EBUR

background image


14th Hungarian Championship 1983-85 7160-65 (96, miniature entries)
Hungarian Chess Federation 1966 478-85


Hungarian Chess Federation 1970 1391


, 1496-500


Hungarian Chess Federation 1972 2002-09


Hungarian Chess Federation 1976 3192-95


Hungarian Chess Federation 1978 3863-70


Hungarian Chess Federation 1982 5691


Hungarian Chess Federation 1986 6758-63


Hungarian Chess Federation 2000 14521-28 (158)
Hungarian Chess Federation 2007 17368-79 (182)
Hungary-1100 Anniversary Tourney 1997 14509-20 (158)
Ianovcic Jubilee Tourney 1213


, 1529-32


Intskirveli Memorial Tourney 2003 14921-26 (159-62)
Intellektualny igry 1993 See KOPNIN MEMORIAL TOURNEY
Isenegger Memorial Tourney 1966 491-517


Israel-50 Jubilee Tourney 1998 11358-66


Israel Chess Composition Society 50th Anniversary Tourney 1996 10578-95


2nd Israel Retrospective Championship 1960-69 16368-83 (171)
Israel Ring Tourney 1945-62 6993-7008


Israel Ring Tourney 1963-65 1959-61


Israel Ring Tourney 1966 1962-66


Israel Ring Tourney 1967 1967-70


Israel Ring Tourney 1968 1728


, 1971-77


Israel Ring Tourney 1969-70 1978-81


Israel Ring Tourney 1971-72 2066-70


Israel Ring Tourney 1973 2338-40


Israel Ring Tourney 1974 2965-68


Israel Ring Tourney 1975 3126-30


Israel Ring Tourney 1976 3457


, 3458-60


Israel Ring Tourney 1977 3934-44


Israel Ring Tourney 1978 4126-33


Israel Ring Tourney 1979 4714-26


Israel Ring Tourney 1980 4742-52


Israel Ring Tourney 1981 5281-92


Israel Ring Tourney 1982 5723-28


Israel Ring Tourney 1983 7229


, 7653-62


Israel Ring Tourney 1984 6983-92


Israel Ring Tourney 1985 7613-19


Israel Ring Tourney 1986 7620-25


Israel Ring Tourney 1987 10481-85


Israel Ring Tourney 1988 8497-8507


Israel Ring Tourney 1989 10486-93


Israel Ring Tourney 1990 9616-24


Israel Ring Tourney 1991 9986-92


Israel Ring Tourney 1992-93 15149-54 (159-62)
Israel Ring tourney 1994 11155-60


Israel Ring Tourney 1995-96 13094-104


, see p.405 (155)

Israel Ring Tourney 1997 15155-60 (159-62)
Israel Ring Tourney 1998-99 15161-69 (159-62)
Israel Ring Tourney 2000-01 16048-62 (166)
Israel Ring Tourney 2002-03 16222-26 (168)
Israel Ring Tourney 2004 16730-34 (176 Supplement)
Israel Ring Tourney 2005-06 17359-67 (182)

background image


Israel Ring Tourney 2007-08 18035-43 (187)
Israel Ring Tourney 2009-10 19566-72 (195 supplement)
Italia Scacchistica 1965 297-302


Italia Scacchistica 1966 609-11


Italia Scacchistica 1967 781-90


Italia Scacchistica 1968 1324-31


Italia Scacchistica 1969 1664-67


, 1668-71


Italia Scacchistica 1970 1821-30


Italia Scacchistica 1971 1778-80


Italia Scacchistica 1972 2220-29


Italia Scacchistica 1973 2230-38


Italia Scacchistica 1974 2684-91


Italia Scacchistica 1975 2997-3005


Italia Scacchistica 1976 3447-56


Italia Scacchistica 1977 3740-49


Italia Scacchistica 1978 3970-79


Italia Scacchistica 1979 4264-75


Italia Scacchistica 1980 4576-90


[see 14399



Italia Scacchistica 1981 5195-202


Italia Scacchistica 1982 6239-47


Italia Scacchistica 1983 6248-60


Italia Scacchistica 1984 6876-90


Italia Scacchistica 1985 6505-14


Italia Scacchistica 1986 7090-7102


Italia Scacchistica 1996 see PONZIANI MEMORIAL TOURNEY
Italia Scacchistica 80 Years 1991 9334-41


Jenever Tourney, Wageningen 2001 12075-76

(142 supplement)

Later tourneys - see under ARVES Jenever
Joita Memorial Tourney 2003 13822-30


Joseph Jubilee Tourney 1966 p.95


, p.179

Joseph-100 Jubilee Tourney 1997 10785-96


Josten-65 Jubilee Tourney 2000-03 13813-21


Josten-70 Jubilee Tourney 2008 17445-47 (183 supplement)
Josten-75 Jubilee Tourney 2013 19294-96 (194 supplement)
Kaiev Memorial Tourney 1990-91 8508-33


Kaissa 1986-87 9438-45


Kaissa 1988-89 9446-49


Kalandadze-70 Jubilee Tourney 2006 16157-73 (167)
Kalashnikov-50 Jubilee Tourney 2011 18633-54 (190)
Kalyagin-50 Jubilee Tourney 2003 14529-60 (158)
Kalyagin-55 Jubilee Tourney 2009 17619-40 (184 supplement)
Kalyagin Memorial Tourney 2011 18731-51 (191 supplement)
Kalyagin-60 Memorial Tourney 2013 19369-92 (194 supplement)
Kan Memorial Tourney 1991 8259-67


Karseladze Memorial Tourney 1969-70 1457-66


Kasparyan Memorial Tourney 1996 10661-92


Kasparyan-90 Memorial Tourney 2001 11878-94


Kasparyan-95 Memorial Tourney 2006 16113-28 (166)
Kasparyan-100 Memorial Tourney 2010 17958-73 (186 supplement)
Kaspi 2006 16435-39 (172)
Katsnelson-64 Jubilee Tourney 2000 14684-705 (159-62)
Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney 1975 3217-18


, 3219-38


Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney 1986 8066-83


background image


Kazantsev-90 Jubilee Tourney 11464-74


Kazantsev-90 Jubilee Tourney see MOSCOW TOWN 2001
Kekely-50 Jubilee Tourney 2009 17582-99 (184 supplement)
Khait-50 Jubilee Tourney 1998 13666-77


Kharkov Liberation Theme Tourney 1983 5582-89


Khatyamov Memorial Tourney 2009 17912-2 (186 supplement)
Khatyamov Memorial Tourney 2013 19331-56 (194 supplement)
Kiev 1500 Years Tourney 1982 5029-43


Kivi Jubilee Tourney 1965 229-38


, p.349


Kivi Jubilee Tourney 1975-76 3152-60


Kivi 75th Jubilee Tourney 1981 4689-703


[4693 - see p.436



Kivi 80th Jubilee Tourney 1987 7543-53


Kivi Memorial Tourney 1991 16892-96 (177 supplement)
Kommunist (Saratov) 1983 [Bron 75th JT] 6597-99


Kommunist (Saratov) 1985 6288-96


Komsomol-70 see MOLODOI LENINETS (Kurgan) 1989
Komsomolskaya iskra 1963-5 285-96


Komsomolskaya pravda 1968 982-96


, 10873


Komsomolskoe znamya 1975 2619-27


Komunisti 1973 2351-71


Kondratiev Memorial Tourney 2002 14079-83


Kondratiuk-50 Jubilee Tourney 1998 13421-29


Konig & Turm 2005 16542 (173 supplement)
Kopnin-70 Jubilee Tourney 1988 7695-7712


, see p.215


Kopnin Memorial Tourney 1993 10471-80


Kopnin Memorial Tourney 1999 14084-90


Kopnin-90 Memorial Tourney 2009 17679-92 (184 supplement)
Koranyi Memorial Tourney 2000 11820-26


Korn 70th Jubilee Tourney SEE Pan-American Study Tourney 1983-84
Korolkov Jubilee Tourney 1977 3571-88


Korolkov-90 Memorial Tourney 1997 11475-88


Korolkov Centenary 2007 17020-42 (179)
Kos-70 Jubilee Tourney 1999 13184-90


Kotov-75 Jubilee Tourney 2004 14196-210


Kotovsky visti see REZVOV JUBILEE TOURNEY 1992
Kozatska Shakhivnitsa 2005 16460-62 (173 supplement)
Kozatska Shakhivnitsa 2006 18752-53 (191 supplement)
Kozhakin-50 Jubilee Tourney 2007 16735-41 (176 supplement)
Kozhakin-55 Jubilee Tourney 2012 19151-59 (193 supplement)
Kozlov Memorial Tourney 1985 6530-37


Kozlov Memorial Tourney 1987 7138-43


, 7144-59


Kozlov Memorial Tourney 1996 10918-21


Kozlowski-100 Memorial Tourney 2011 18196-205 (188)
Krabbe-60 Jubilee Tourney 2003 13872-88

(151 supplement)

Kralin-55 Jubilee Tourney 2000 11973-12025


Krasnoe Znamya 1971 2130-27


Krasnoe Znamya 1977 5008


Krasnoe Znamya 1984 SEE Belokon Memorial Tourney
Krikheli Memorial Tourney 1990 9450-72


Krikheli Memorial Tourney 1998 14091-97


Krivoi Rog Tourney 1990 8561-69


Krivoi Rog-225 Anniversary Tourney 2000 13120-24


background image


KSFAH [Koniklijke SchaakFederatie van Antwerpens Handel] 1997-98 11239-48


Kubbel Centenary Tourney 1991 9013-27


Kubbel Memorial Tourney SEE Vecherny Leningrad 1967
Kubbel-110 Memorial Tourney 2002 14099-521


Kudesnik 2009-2010 18866-75 (192)
Kuryatnikov Jubilee Tourney 1994 9625-37


Kuryatnikov-60 Jubilee Tourney 2003 14466-80 (157)
Kutna Hora - 60 1994 9948-55


, see p.733


Lasker Centenary Tourney 1993 see p.608


Latvian Championship 1978 3762-64


, 2674


, 2079


Latvian Tourney (VI Spartakiad) 1975 2655-66


Lazard Memorial Tourney 2000 14908-16 (159-62)
Lebedkin Memorial Tourney 1996 10930-38


Lelo 1972 1982-86


, 2521-25


Lenin Centenary 1970 1332-45


Lenin-120 Tourney 1989 10026-40


Lenin-140 Memorial Tourney 2010 17721-33 (185)
Leninska Smena (Kharkov) 1976 3259-73


Leninska Smena (Kharkov) 1983 6893


Leninskaya Smena (Alma Ata) 1966 284


, 405-15


Leninskoe plemya 1969 1043-46


Leninskoe plemya 1989 8443-50


, 8736-66


Leninskoe znamya 1982 6328


Lewandowski Jubilee Tourney 1987 7523-33


Liburkin Memorial Tourney 2003 14917-20 (159-62)
Liburkin-100 Memorial Tourney 2011 18206-12 (188)
Lokker Memorial Tourney 1974 2464-79


Lommer Jubilee Tourney 1970 957-64


Lommer Memorial Tourney see p.877


and p.608


Loshinsky Memorial Tourney 1982 5076-88


Loshinsky & Umnov-100 Memorial Tourney 2012 19136-50 (193 supplement)
Macek-90 Jubilee Tourney 1999 11755-68


Norman Macleod Award 2000-01 13809


Magadan-50 Anniversary Tourney 1988 7713-19


Magadan-91 1991 9028-33


Magadanskaya pravda 1985 6222-29


Magadanskaya pravda 1986 6908-13


Magadanskaya pravda 1987 7554-61


Magadanskaya pravda 1994 11302-07


Magadansky komsomolets 1982 5129-35


[5134 - see p.435


][5130 - see 6329



Magadansky komsomolets 1985, 1990 see AMIROV MEMORIAL TOURNEY
Magyar Sakkelet 1963 99-100


Magyar Sakkelet 1965 357-65


Magyar Sakkelet 1967 928-34


Magyar Sakkelet 1968 1083-95


Magyar Sakkelet 1969 1480-84


Magyar Sakkelet 1970 1485-95


Magyar Sakkelet 1971 1787-1803


Magyar Sakkelet 1972 2011-21


Magyar Sakkelet 1973 3274-85


, 3286


Magyar Sakkelet 1974 2555-58


Magyar Sakkelet 1975 2862-73


Magyar Sakkelet 1976 3295-3309


background image


Magyar Sakkelet 1977 3553-64


Magyar Sakkelet 1978 3981-95


Magyar Sakkelet 1979 4209-19


Magyar Sakkelet 1980 4605-08


, 4609-14


Magyar Sakkelet 1981 4839-63


Magyar Sakkelet 1982 5250-59


Magyar Sakkelet 1983 5692-14


Magyar Sakkelet 1984 6150-64


Magyar Sakkelet 1985- see SAKKELET
Magyar Sakkvilag 2004 18249-56 (188 supplement)
Magyar Sakkvilag 2006 16836-48 (177 supplement)
Magyar Sakkvilag 2009 17761-73 (185 Supplement)
Magyar Sakkvilag 2010 18257-64 (188 supplement), and p.199 (189)
Magyar Sakkvilag 2011 18986-19002 (192 supplement)
Magyar Sakkvilag 2012 19573-79 (195 supplement)
Makhatadze-70 (Wageningen 2006) 16209-10 (167)
Mandil Memorial Tourney 1980 4814-19


Mansarliisky-50 Jubilee Tourney 2004 14706-19 (159-62)
3rd Maroc Chess 2013 19668-70 [printed as 16968-70] (196 supplement)
Martin 1988-89 10220-35


Martin 1994-95 10845-53


[see 14398



Martin-Zilina 1996-97 15253-60 (159-62)
Martin-Zilina 1998-99 16331-36 (170)
Martin Zilina 2000-01 16337-40 (170)
Martin-Zilina 2004-05 16341-46 (170)
Marwitz Memorial Tourney see SCHAKEND NEDERLAND 1992
Masimov-50 Jubilee Tourney 2012 19102-10 (193 supplement)
Mat 1988 9225-31


Mat-Pat 1983-85 8024-26


Mat-Pat 1986-87 8027-41


Mat-Pat 1992-93 10114-22


aka Martin 1992-93

Mat Plus 2007 18080-95 (187 supplement)
Mat Plus 2008 18096-115 (187 supplement)
Mat Plus 2009 17794-809 (185 Supplement)
Mat Plus 2010 19317-24 (194 supplement)
Matous Jubilee Tourney 1998 16256-65 (168)
2nd All-Russian East-West Match 2000 13139-46


Match Bratislava - Saratov 1988 8094-95


Match Israel-St Petersburg 2001 13508-10


, 13556


Match Italy-Argentina 2009 18225-29 (188)
Match Klub Pongracz - SP 2003 15263-65 (159-62)
Match Krivoi Rog - Kazakhstan 1969 1040-42


Match Leningrad - Kharkov 1976 3196-99


Match Moldavia - USSR Far East 1971 1605-7


Match Pongracz - Vychod 1994 9892-95


Match Romania - Bulgaria 1975 2936-40


Match Slovakia - Ukraine 2001 13528-33


Match Switzerland - Bavaria 1983-84 6096-103


Match Ulan-Baatar - Novosibirsk - Sverdlovsk 1991 9896-9901


Match Urals - Siberia - Far East 1991-92 9092-97


Match USSR - Rest of the World 11371-442


Match West Russia - East Russia 1997 13133-38


Matous-60 Jubilee Tourney 2008 17259-71 (181 supplement)

background image


Mees Jubilee Tourney 1993 9888-91


Meeting of Solidarity see SREDBA NA SOLIDARNOSTA
Meleghegyi Memorial Tourney 2005 16543-52 (173 supplement)
Merani 1970 1281-98


Merani 1988-89 9491-95


Messigny 2005 15170-71 (159-62)
Metsnerieba da tekhnika 9496-9509


Micu-60 Jubilee Tourney 2001 13191-200


Mihajloski-60 Jubilee Tourney 2010 17952-57 (186 supplement)
Mihoc Memorial Tourney 9342-53


Mikholap-35 Jubilee Tourney 2005 16971-81 (178)
Mikolaiv-200 see LENINSKOE PLEMYA 1989
Milescu-100 Memorial Tourney 2012 18601-09 (190)
Minsk, 900th Anniversary of Minsk 1967 645


, 646-57


Minsk Watches Tourney see under ST PETERSBURG
Mistetski shakhi 2000-05 16129-36 (166)
Mistetski shakhi 5th Theme Tourney see TOPKO-65 JT 2004
Mitrofanov Jubilee Tourney 1993 9473-90


Mitrofanov Memorial Tourney 1994 9902-11


Mitrofanov-70 Memorial Tourney 13484-98


Mkhedruli 1975-76 2941-60


Moderny sach 2009 17659-78 (184 supplement)
Molodezh Gruzii 1970 1145


, 1146-57


Molodezh Gruzii 1977 4998


Molodoi Leninets 1982 6894


Molodoi Leninets 1988 10054-67


Molodoi Leninets "Peace to the World" 1986 6914-44


Molodoi Leninets (Kurgan) 1976 2877-93
Molodoi Leninets (Kurgan) 1977 3750-61


Molodoi Leninets (Kurgan) 1981 5112-16


, 5117-28


Molodoi Leninets (Kurgan) 1985 5875-91


Molodoi Leninets (Kurgan) 1989 8007-09


, 8010-23


Mongolian Chess Federation 1984 6797-804


Mongolian People's Republic 60th Anniversary Tourney 1980 4758-74


Mongolian Theme Tourney 1978 4005-11


Moravec Memorial Tourney 1971 1533


Moravskoslezsky sach 1995-96 10740-55


Moroccan Chess 2012 19189-96 (193 supplement)
Moscow-850 1997 10947-64


Moscow Championship 1985 6297-6300


10th Moscow Championship 1986 7069-71


12th Moscow Championship 1989 13307


14th Moscow Championship 1992 11641-42


Moscow Championship 1995 11060-62


Moscow Championship 1996 11063-66


Moscow Championship 1997 11067-69


Moscow Championship 1998 11728-33


Moscow Championship 1999 11734


Open Moscow Championship 2000 13308-13


Open Moscow Championship 2001 13314


Open Moscow Championship 2002 15038-40 (159-62)
Open Moscow Championship 2003 15041 (159-62)
Open Moscow Championship 2004 15042-44 (159-62)

background image


Open Moscow Championship 2005 15970-75 (165)
Open Moscow Championship 2006 16440-42 (172)
Open Moscow Championship 2008 18297-99 (188 supplement)
Open Moscow Championship 2009 18182-84 (187 supplement)
Open Moscow Championship 2010 18185-88 (187 supplement)
Moscow Championship 2012 19256-62 (194 supplement)
Moscow Championship 2007 16742-44 (176 supplement)
Moscow City Tourney 1983 6892,6895


, 7026


Moscow Committee 1988 7807-17


Moscow Olympics Tourney 1980 4445-54


Moscow Sports Committee 1979 4057-66


Moscow Sports Committee 1990 8286-91


Moscow Sports and Town Committees 1986 6903-07


Moscow Town 1991 10608-12


Moscow Town 1992 10613-21


Moscow Town 1994 10397-402


Moscow Town 1996 15172-81 (159-62)
Moscow Town 1997 11070-79


Moscow Town 1998 11735-42


Moscow Town 1999 11743-54


Moscow Town 2000 13315-25


Moscow Town 2001 13326-37


Moscow Town 2002 15182-90 (159-62)
Moscow Town 2003 15191-98 (159-62)
Moscow Town 2004 15199-208 (159-62)
Moscow Town 2005 15976-83 (165)
Moscow Town 2006 16463-73 (173 supplement)
Moscow Town 2007 16745-48 (176 supplement)
Moscow Town 2008 18160-69 (187 supplement)
Moscow Town 2009 18170-78 (187 supplement)
Moscow Town 2010 18179-81 (187 supplement)
Moscow Town 2011 18837-41 (192)
Moscow Town 2012 19123-35 (193 supplement)
Moscow Town 2013 19447-58 (195)
Moscow Tourney 1985 6301-03


Moscow Tourney 1987 7322-25


Moscow Congress 2003 see TOURNEY IN HONOUR OF 46th PCCC CONGRESS
Moscow, Vodka Tourney 2003 15707-12 (159-62)
Mugnos Memorial Tourney 1987-91 8268-85


Muradov-60 Jubilee Tourney 2009 18308-17 (188 supplement)
Na smenu 1982 5576-78


Nadareishvili Jubilee Tourney 1983 5375-406


Nadareishvili-70 Jubilee Tourney 1991 10262-74


Nadareishvili Memorial Tourney 1992 9416-32


Nadareishvili-80 Memorial Tourney 2002 13147-61


Nadareishvili Memorial Tourney 2013 19603-19 (196)
Nakhodkinsky Rabochy 1972 1997-2001


Nardone Memorial Tourney 1975-77 3621-32


Narodnoe obrazovanie 1988 7534-42


Nauka i zhizn 1984 6891


Nedel'na pravda 1994-95 10877-80


Nedel'na pravda 1996-97 11643-44


background image


Neidze-60 Jubilee Tourney 1998 11249-79


Neidze-70 Jubilee Tourney 2007 16999-17019 (179)
Nestorescu-65 Jubilee Tourney 1996 10544-52


Nestorescu-70 Jubilee Tourney 2000 13201-10


Nestorescu-80 Jubilee Tourney 2010 18013-27 (187)
Netanya, Quick Composing Tourney 1999 15713-17 (159-62)
New Life SEE Novovo Zhittya
New Statesman 1965 45-53


, 428c


New Statesman 1966 259-67


New Statesman 1967 748-58


New Statesman 1970 1301-11


New Statesman 1971 1754-65, 1842-47


New Statesman 1973 2239-47


, 2248-56


, 2527-30


New Statesman 1975 2804-10


, 2811-19


New Statesman [not an award: studies from 1976] 3013-16


Niekarker Kruujebitter Tourney, Wageningen 2006 16211-12 (167)
Nona-50 1991 9510-45


Nona-60 2001 12080-96


Nona Blitz Tourney 2006 16174-96 (167)
Nona Blitz Tourney 2007 16623-45 (176)
Nona 2008 17066-89 (179 supplement) (see also p.104, issue 180)
Nona 2009 18219-24 (188)
Nona 2010 17867-84 (186 supplement)
Nordisk Postsjakk Blad 1978 3921-33


Novosibirsk-100 1993 10855-63


Novovo Zhittya 1988 7891-99


, 7900-06


Novo-Voronezh Nuclear Power Station 40th Anniversary Tourney 2004 14610-20 (159-62)
Nunn 50th Birthday Tourney 2005 15805-34 (163)
Nyeviczkey Memorial Tourney 1974 2460-63


October-60 (Tbilisi) 1977 9232-36


October-70 (Tbilisi) 1987 7500-18


October Anniversary Tourney 1987 7103-26


Odessa Festival Blitz Tourney 1983 5906-22


Odessa Festival Tourney 1985 6847


Odessa Festival, Blitz Composing 1997 15700-03 (159-62)
Odessa Festival Tourneys 1997 15698-99, 15704-06 (159-62)
OKS [Ring Ty for Western Czechoslovakia] 1986 7304-11


Olimpiev-60 Jubilee Tourney 1997 11088-110


Olimpiev-64 Jubilee Tourney 2002 13241-57


Olimpiev-70 Jubilee Tourney 2009 17609-18 (184 supplement)
Olimpiya dunyasi 2005 15959-69 (165)
Olimpiya dunyasi 2006 16514-20 (173 supplement)
Olimpiya dunyasi 2007 17090-96 (179 supplement)
Olimpiya dunyasi 2008 18265-81 (188 supplement)
Olimpiya dunyasi 2009 17537-53 (184)
Olympiya dunyasi 2010 18282-96 (188 supplement)
Olympiya dunyasi 2011 19466-85 (195 supplement)
Olympiya dunyasi 2012 16486-99 (195 supplement)
Olympiya dunyasi 2013 19707-22 [printed as 17007-22] (196 supplement)
Olthof-40 Jubilee Tourney 13889-901

(151 supplement)

Olympiad Tourney [Thessaloniki] 1984 6664-69


, 6873


, 7651-52


Olympic Tourney, [Skopje] 1972 2208-13


Olympic Tourney, [Haifa] 1976 3239-47


background image


Open Championship of Moscow see MOSCOW OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP
Oreschanin Memorial Tourney 1982 8084-93


Osintsev-50 Jubilee Tourney 2011 18480-99 (189 supplement)
Pachman and Fritz Memorial Tourney 1985 6805-28


, p.932


Pacific Ocean komsomolets 622-29


, 687,730-31


, 732-35


Pan-American Study Turney 1983-84 5679-83


Panorama-1998 13430


Paoli-95 Jubilee Tourney 2003 13678-94


Parenti-90 Jubilee Tourney 1996 10404-20


, p.55


Parhi and Lilja Jubilee Tourney 1971 2194-98


Paros Memorial Tourney 1979 4672-83


Pat a Mat 1991-92 10236-43


Pat a Mat 1998-99 15261-62 (159-62)
Pat a Mat 2000-01 14595 (158)
Pat a Mat 2002-03 16063-71 (166)
Pat a Mat 2004-05 16351-55 (171)
Pat a Mat 2006-07 17288-91 (181
Pat a Mat 2008-09 18134-38 (187 supplement)
Pat a Mat 2010-11 19197-206 (193 supplement)
Pavlovsky & Pospisil-70 Jubilee Tourney 2004 14720-29 (159-62)
PCCC-50 Anniversary Tourney 2010 17942-51 (186 supplement)
Peckover Jubilee Tourney 1976 3019-41


, see p.524


, 3213


Peremozi/Pobeda "Victory" - 45th Anniversary Tourney 1991 14793-804 (159-62)
Pervakov-50 Jubilee Tourney 2010 17923-41 (186 supplement)
Petrov Memorial Tourney 1975 2571-90


Phenix 1988-90 10073-83


Phenix 1991-93 10448-52


and 10494-98


Phenix 1994-96 14391-96 (156)
Philidor-200 Memorial Tourney 1994 9912-22


Platov Centenary Ty 1982 5209-16


, 5217-24


Podgaets-50 Jubilee Tourney 1997 11319-34


Podolsk 200 Years Tourney 1981 K9, p.229


, 5044-53


- see p.436


Pogosyants Memorial Tourney see MOSCOW TOWN 1991
Polasek and Vlasak 50 Jubilee Tourney 2009 18139-59 (187 supplement)
6th Polish Championship 1961-64 688-704


13th Polish Championship 1983-85 6871-74


Polish 40 Years Tourney 1985 6451-63


Polish Ring Tourney 1985-86 6642-47


Ponziani Memorial Tourney 1996 11082-87


Postsjakk 1986 7353-57


Pravda (Bratislava) 1974 2426-35


Pravda (Bratislava) 1978 3589-94


Pravda (Bratislava) 1988 8629-32


Pravda (Bratislava) 1990-91 9732-36


Pravda (Bratislava) 1992-93 10123-26


Pravda Severa 1969 1035-39


Pravda-Tirnavia 1983-84 6897-902


Pravda-Tirnavia 1985-86 7578-88


Pravda-Tirnavia 1987 8390-95


Pravda-Tirnavia 1989 10382


Pravda-Tirnavia 2008-09 18318-19 (188 supplement)
Priority-90 SEE Shakhmaty (Baku) 1990
Probleemblad 1999-2000 15273-80 (159-62)

background image


Probleemblad 2001-02 16082-91 (166)
Probleemblad 2003-04 16410-14 (172)
Probleemblad 2005-06 17554-62 (184)
Probleemblad 2007-08 17563-71 (184)
Probleemblad 2009-10 19629-33 [printed as 16929-33] (196 supplement)
Probleemblad 2011-12 19634-36 [printed as 16934-36] (196 supplement)
Problem 1956-57; 1958-59; 1959-61; 1962-65; 1966-67 9662-73; 9674-88; 9689-9704; 9705-19; 9720-31


Problem 1967-68 9830-41


Problem 1969-71 9842-54


, corrected diagrams p.672


Problem 1971-73; 1973-76; 1976-78 9855-63; 9864-76; 9877-83


Problem 1977-78 5580


Problem 1979-81 11576-607


Problem-Forum 2000-02 15266-72 (159-62)
Problem-Forum 2003-04 16072-81 (166)
Problem-Forum 2005-06 16749-58 (176 supplement)
Problem-Forum 2007-08 17838-44 (185 Supplement)
Problem-Forum 2009-10 18723-30 (191 supplement) and 18886-90 (192 supplement)
Problem Online 2004-06 17327-35 (181 supplement)
Problemaz 2007 17230-37 (181)
Problemaz 2008 19096-101 (193 supplement)
Problem Paradise 1996-2004 16284-90 (169)
Problem Paradise 2005-09 19580-82 (195 supplement)
The Problemist 1970-71 1781-86


The Problemist 1972-73 2591-95


, E, p.9


The Problemist 1974-75 2848-61


The Problemist 1976-77 p.4


, 3633-43


The Problemist 1978-79 4804-13


The Problemist 1980-81 4915-31


The Problemist 1982-83 6945-49


, 6950-54


The Problemist 1984-85 7519-22


The Problemist 1986-87 8167-74


The Problemist 1988-89 8861-68


The Problemist 1990-91 15901-10 (164) [not 1990-92 as given]
The Problemist 1992-93 16227-35 (168)
The Problemist 1994-95 13788-96


The Problemist 1996-97 15281-98 (159-62)
The Problemist 1998-99 13797-808


The Problemist 2000-01 15299-308 (159-62)
The Problemist 2002-03 15309-20 (159-62)
The Problemist 2004-05 16236-55 (168)
The Problemist 2006-07 17415-30 (183 supplement)
The Problemist 2008-09 17820-37 (185 Supplement)
The Problemist 2010-11 18909-32 (192 supplement)
Problemist Ukraini 2005-08 18058-67 (187 supplement)
Problemist Ukraini 2009 18068-79 (187 supplement)
Problemist Ukraini 2010 19165-78 (193 supplement)
Problemist Ukraini 2011 19179-88 (193 supplement)
Problemista 1964 270-80


Problemista 1965 281-83


Problemista 1967 740-46


Problemista 1968-69 1321-23


Problemista 1971-72 2565-70


background image


Problemista 35th Anniversary Tourney 1997 11228-32


Prokes Memorial Tourney 1967-8 923-25,927


Puhakka Memorial Tourney 1997 10939-42


Pula, Rakushka Tourney 1997 15693-97 (159-62)
Pula, Vodka Tourney 1997 15690-92 (159-62)
Pushkin-200 Tourney 2000 11801-19


Put k kommunizmu 1977 3461-76


Quartz 1996-98 13449-52


Quartz 2000-01 13810-12


Quartz 2002-04 16279-83 (169)
Quartz 2005-07 17448-54 (183 supplement)
Quiet Move Tourney, Ebur, 2003 13902-13

(151 supplement)

Ranok 1985-86 7636-37


, 7638


Razem 1987 7221-27


Razumenko-70 Jubilee Tourney 2007 17043-65 (179 supplement)
Reiners Memorial Tourney 1980 7818-23


Reti Memorial Tourney 1979 4704-10


Reti Memorial Tourney 1989 8381-89


Reti Memorial Tourney 2009 17483-99 (183 supplement)
Revista de Sah 1964 248-52


Revista de Sah 1965 936-39


Revista de Sah 1966 no.9, p.236


, 1133-35


, 1542-44,1546,1550


Revista de Sah 1968-70 2723-27


Revista de Sah 1972 2084-91


Revista de Sah 1973 2707-22


, 2728-31


, also p.236


Revista Romana de Sah 1974 3393-99


Revista Romana de Sah 1975 3400-09


Revista Romana de Sah 1976 3517-26


Revista Romana de Sah 1977 3959-69


Revista Romana de Sah 1978 4109-20


Revista Romana de Sah 1979 4333-41


Revista Romana de Sah 1980 4649


, 4650-59


Revista Romana de Sah 1981 5310-20


Revista Romana de Sah 1982 5767-89


Revista Romana de Sah 1983 5934-64


Revista Romana de Sah 1984 6574-85


Revista Romana de Sah 1985 7238-45


Revista Romana de Sah 1986 7246-55


Revista Romana de Sah 1987 7626-35


Revista Romana de Sah 1988 8149-66


Revista Romana de Sah 1989-92 8899-8911


Revista Romana de Sah 1994-95 see GAMBIT 1994-95
Revista Romana de Sah 1996-97 14400

(156 -

one study only)

Revista Romana de Sah 60th Anniversary Tourney 1986 6705-10


Revista Romana de Sah Theme Tourney 1979 4276-95


Rezvov Jubilee Tourney 1992 10622-36


Rezvov-75 Jubilee Tourney 1997 13695-702


Rezvov-80 Jubilee Tourney 2001 13534-43


Rezvov-85 Jubilee Tourney 2006 16660-77 (176 Supplement)
Richkov see RYCHKOV
Rishon-Letzion Chess Club-60 Anniversary Tourney 1998 14730-42 (159-62)
Rochade Europa 1992-93 11111-13


Rochade Europa 1994-95 11114-17


background image


Rochade Europa 1996-97 13084-93


Rochade Europa 1998-99 11895-901


Rochade Europa 2000-01 15362-66 (159-62)
Rochade Europa 2002-03 14414-25 (157)
Rochade Europa 2006-07 [German composers] 16825-35 (177 supplement)
Rochade Europa 2006-07 17500-06 (183 supplement)
Rochade Europa 2008-09 17907-11 (186 supplement)
Rochade Europa 2010-11 19263-71 (194 supplement)
Romanian Championship 1967-68,1968-69 548-49


Romanian Championship 1983-84 7229


Romanian Socialist Republic Anniv Ty 1973 2096-98


, 2099-101


Romanian Tourney ('Liberation') 1974 2922-35


Roslov-40 Jubilee Tourney (2003) 14743-63 (159-62)
Rossi-80 Jubilee Tourney 2005 14402-13 (157)
Rostov-on-Don-250 Anniversary Tourney 1999 536 (157)
Roycroft Jubilee Tourney 1978 3787-3862


and p.262


, and p.354


Rubinstein Memorial Tourney 1967-8 901-18


, 919-22


2nd Rubinstein Memorial Tourney 1972 2773-77


, 4796-803


Rudenko-50 Jubilee Tourney 1988 7466-72


Rueb Memorial Tourney 1982-83 6079-80


, 6081-91


Rudenko-60 Jubilee Tourney 1998 14561-76 (158)
Rumyantsev-55 Jubilee Tourney 2011 18541-52 (189 supplement)
Rusinek-50 Jubilee Tourney 2002 13519-27


Russian [RSFSR] Individual & Team Championships see under ALL-RUSSIAN
15th Russian Team Championship 2003-05 15049-56 (159-62)
Russian Team Championship 2009 18300-02 (188 supplement)
18th Russian Team Championship 2013 19671-94 [printed as 16971-94] (196 supplement)
Rustaveli 800 Anniversary 1967 383-85


, 386-403


, p.288

Rustavi-86 1986 9237-43


Ryabtsev-40 Jubilee Tourney 13431-33


Ryazan Komsomolets 1980-81 5407-12


and 11795-96


Ryazan Komsomolets 1982-83 10875


Rybak Primorya 1983 5302-09


Rychkov and Stepanov Memorial Tourney 1997 10943-46


Sachova skladba 1986 7312-21


Sachova skladba and Sachove umeni 1987 8058-61


Sachova skladba 1988 10244-52


Sachova skladba 1989 8440-42


Sachova skladba 1990-91 13851-52


Sachova skladba 1995-98 13853-55


Sachova skladba 1999-2000 NO AWARD - see p.196 (188 supplement)
Sachova skladba 2001-02 15918-24 (164) - see p.112 (165)
Sachova skladba 2003-04 16266-72 (168)
Sachova skladba 2005-06 16553-56 (173 supplement)
Sachova skladba 2007-08 17380-89 (182)
Sachova skladba 2009-10 18553-69 (189 supplement)
Sachova skladba 2011-12 19226-41 (194)
Sachove Umeni 1964 64-65


Sachove Umeni 1965 467-72


Sachove Umeni 1967-68 1137-44


Sachove Umeni 1969-70 1551-64


Sachove Umeni 1971-73, 1984-86 see under CESKOSLOVENSKY SACH

background image


Sachove Umeni 1974 2606-18


Sachove Umeni 1975 3410-19


Sachove Umeni 1976 3545-47


, 3548-52


Sachove Umeni 1977 3909-11


, 3912-18


Sachove Umeni 1978 4200-06


Sachove Umeni 1979 4510-19


Sachove Umeni 1980 4891-99


Sachove Umeni 1981 5136-44


Sachove Umeni 1982 5729-34


Sachove Umeni 1983 5852-59


Sadykov-65 Jubilee Tourney 2000 14577-90 (158)
Sadykov Memorial Tourney 2006 16678-97 (176 Supplement)
Sagaredzho-78 1978 9244-53


Sagaredzho-84 1984 6009-17


Sakharov Memorial Tourney 1990 8366-80


Sakkelet 1985 6670-88


Sakkelet 1986 7981-96


Sakkelet 1987 7375-83


Sakkelet 1988 7997-8006


Sakkelet 1989-90 see BAN MEMORIAL TOURNEY
Sakkelet 1991 9034-43


Sakkelet 1992 9737-46


Sakkelet 1993 9638-42


Sakkelet 1994-95 10563-77


Sakkelet 1996-97 15321-30 (159-62)
Sakkelet 1998-99 15331-40 (159-62)
Sakkelet 2000-01 15341-61 (159-62)
Salekhard-400 Anniversary Tourney 1996 11308-15


Saratov-96, Tel Aviv 1996 11206-15


Saratov-400 1989 8669-77


Sarychev Jubilee Tourney 1984 6041-58


Sarychev Memorial Tourney 1988 7416-37


2nd Sarychev Memorial Tourney 1999-2000 14360-70 (156)
Sarychev-95 Memorial Tourney 2005 14426-35 (157)
Sarychev-100 Memorial Tourney 2009 17641-58 (184 supplement)
Satakunnan Chess Club 25th Jubilee Tourney 1989 8062-65


Scacchi & Dintorni 2006-07 17159-75 (179 supplement)
Scacco! 1979 4753-57


Scandinavian Championship 1967 940-49


Schach 1973-74 2638-44


Schach 1975-76 4325-32


Schach 1977-78 4615-27


Schach 1979-80 4932-44


Schach 1981-82 5422-31


Schach 1983-84 6425-38


Schach 1985-86 7601-12


Schach 1987-88 8633-47


Schach 1989-90 8767-84


Schach 1991-92 9260-78


Schach 1993-94 11832-59


Schach 1995-96 15367-78 (159-62)
Schach 1997-98 13453-61

(147 supplement)

background image


Schach 1999-2001 13775-87


Schach 2002-03 15379-90 (159-62)
Schach 2004-05 16291-301 (169)
Schach 2006-07 17292-303 (181 supplement)
Schach 2008-09 17810-19 (185 Supplement)
Schach 2010-11 18876-85 (192)
Schach in Schleswig-Holstein 1998 11828


Schach-Echo 1964 5


, 66-68


Schach-Echo Theme Tourney 1967 666-74


Schach-Echo 1969-70 1646-55


Schach-Echo 1971-72 2102-08


Schach-Echo 1973-74 2762-69


Schach-Echo 1975-76 3442-46


Schach-Echo 1977-78 4121-25


Schach-Echo 1979-80 5892-97


Schach-Echo 1982-84 8341-43


Schach-Echo 1985-87 8344-50


Schach-Echo 1988-91 15391-97 (159-62)
Schakend Nederland 1965 796-800


Schakend Nederland 1966 801-08


Schakend Nederland 1967 811-20


Schakend Nederland 1969 1358-68


Schakend Nederland 1971 1831-40


Schakend Nederland 1972 2043-54


Schakend Nederland 1973 2304-13


Schakend Nederland 1974 2628-37


Schakend Nederland 1975 3097-110


Schakend Nederland 1976 3528-44


Schakend Nederland 1977 3884-98


Schakend Nederland 1979 4343-58


[and 4359-70, not honoured]

Schakend Nederland 1980 4900-03


, 4904-14


Schakend Nederland 1981 6059-78


Schakend Nederland 1984 6486-6504


Schakend Nederland 1985 7044-53


Schakend Nederland 1986 7054-65


and 10006-17


- see p.675


Schakend Nederland 1987 7473-86


Schakend Nederland 1988 7589-7600


Schakend Nederland 1989 8238-46


Schakend Nederland 1990 8247-58


Schakend Nederland 1991 10084-92


Schakend Nederland 1992 10093-10102


Schakend Nederland 1993 9643-50


Schakend Nederland 1994 10154-63


Schakend Nederland 1995 10997-11013


Schakend Nederland Theme Tourney 1974 3111-13


Schneider Memorial Tourney 2006 16302-04 (169)
Die Schwalbe 1981-83 6741-45


Die Schwalbe 1984-86 7663-69


Die Schwalbe 1990-92 9956-68


Die Schwalbe 1993-94 11014-25


Die Schwalbe 1995-96 13753-65


Die Schwalbe 1997-98 13766-74


background image


Die Schwalbe 1999-2000 16092-99 (166)
Die Schwalbe 2001-02 13560


, 15911-17 (164)

Die Schwalbe 2003-04 16906-17 (177 supplement)
Die Schwalbe 2005-06 17304-15 (181 supplement)
Die Schwalbe 2007-08 17572-81 (184 supplement)
Die Schwalbe 2009-10 18449-56 (189)
Die Schwalbe 200th Theme Tourney 17390 (182)
Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1979-80 4727-34


Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1981-82 8186-99


Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1983-84 6565-73


Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1985-86 7358-66


Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1987-88 7919-30


Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1989-90 8424-31


Seckar-70 Jubilee Tourney 2002 13544-46


Seletsky Memorial Tourney 1987 7824-33


Selivanov-30 Jubilee Tourney 1997 13561-625


Selman Memorial Tourney 1978 4019


, 4020-33


Seneca Memorial Tourney 1978 4383-4401


SEPA and Arguelles Jubilee Tourney 1976-78 3644-69


2nd Serbian and Montenegrin Championship 2004-05 15793-99 (159-62)
Serov-100 Centenary Tourney 1994 10333-42


Sevcik-60 Jubilee Tourney 1996 10553-62


Seven chess notes 2008 18303-07 (188 supplement)
Shakhmatisty Rossii 1966 1158


Shakhmatisty Rossii 1967 1159


Shakhmatna misl 1966-67 454


, 527-28


, 1369


Shakhmatna misl 1968-69 1370-71


Shakhmatna misl 1970-71 8451-59


Shakhmatna misl 1972-73 8460-67


Shakhmatna misl 1974-75 3783-86


and 8468-75


Shakhmatna misl 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 8476-96


Shakhmatna misl 1980 9546


Shakhmatna misl 1981 6346-51


Shakhmatna misl 1982 6371-78


Shakhmatna misl 1984 9547-48


Shakhmatna misl 1986 8131-35


Shakhmatna misl 1987 8136-48


Shakhmatna misl 1988 9549-51


Shakhmatna misl 1993-94 10127-33


Shakhmatna misl 1995 10693-701


Shakhmatna misl 1996; 1997; 1998 11769-78; 11779-81; 11782-90


Shakhmatna misl 1999 15433-37 (159-62)
Shakhmatna misl 2000-01 14122-27


Shakhmatna misl 2002 15438-45 (159-62)
Shakhmatna misl 2003 15446-50 (159-62)
Shakhmatna misl 2005 18213-18 (188)
Shakhmatnaya Armeniya 1999 15718-37 (159-62)
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1992 11490-504


Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1993-94 10499-516


Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1996 11505-15


Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1997 11516-30


Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1998 11531-45


Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1999 15209-18 (159-62)

background image


Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2000 13032-43


Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2001 13500-07


Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2002 15219-29 (159-62)
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2003 15230-41 (159-62)
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2004 15242-52 (159-62)
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2005 16197-208 (167)
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2006 17143-54 (179 supplement)
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2007 17155-58 (179 supplement)
Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2008 18125-33 (187 supplement)
Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1961 3595


Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1962 3169-70


, 220-21


Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1963 3167-68


, 224


, p.7


Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1964 117-20


Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1965 226-28


Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1966 1955-57


Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1967 736-39


Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1968 1216-22


Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1969 1350-54


Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1970 1477-79


Shakhmatnaya nedelya 2003 13703-44


Shakhmatnaya poeziya 1993 11546-55


Shakhmatnaya poeziya 1998 11556-59


Shakhmatnaya poeziya 1999 15403-11 (159-62)
Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2000 13125-32


Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2001 15412-26 (159-62)
Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2002 15427-32 (159-62)
Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2003 16443-47 (172)
Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2004 16448-51 (172)
Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2005 16849-57 (177 supplement)
Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2006 16858-64 (177 supplement)
Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2007-08 18116-24 (187 supplement)
Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2009 18354-59 (188 supplement)
Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2010 19160-64 (193 supplement)
Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1991 10517-29


Shakhmatnoe obozrenie SEE 64
Shakhmatny vestnik 1992 9552-72


Shakhmatny vestnik 1993 10888-912


Shakhmaty (Baku) 1981-83; 1984; 1985; 1986-87 7368-74


Shakhmaty (Baku) 1990 8553-60


Shakhmaty (Baku) 1991 8830-37


Shakhmaty i shashki v BSSR 1980-81 5325-32


Shakhmaty i shashki v BSSR 1982-83 5934-44


Shakhmaty i shashki v BSSR 1984-85 8049-50


Shakhmaty/Sahs (Riga) 1968-70 1608-10


Shakhmaty/Sahs (Riga) 1971-72 1897-1900


, 1901-05


, 2138-59


Shakhmaty/Sahs (Riga) 1973 2393-2403


Shakhmaty/Sahs (Riga) 1974 2596-2605


Shakhmaty/Sahs (Riga) 1979-80 5180-94


Shakhmaty/Sahs (Riga) 1981-82 5715-22


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1940 6719-40


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1941 6829-35


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1964 108-9


, p.87


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1965 349-52


background image


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1966 705-09


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1967 879-90


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1968 1171


, 1915-30


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1969 1249-66


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1970 1167


, 1501-18


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1971 1766-77


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1972 2071-83


, see p.225

Shakhmaty v SSSR 1973 2667-76


, 2741-44


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1974 2745-61


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1975 2969-85


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1976 3480-500


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1977 3720-39


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1978 5261-80


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1979 4531-52


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1980 4820


, 4821-38


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1981 4967-72


, 4973-91


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1982 5659-77


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1983 5986-95


, 5996-6003


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1984 5831-51


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1985 4646-82


, 6483-85


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1986 7396-7415


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1987 8200-24


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1988 8292-8319


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1989 8320-40


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1990 8919-41


Shakhmaty v SSSR 1991 8942-62


Shakhmaty v SSSR, 40th Anniversary Tourney 1966 197-204


, 199c (p.348 - 12)

Shakhmaty v SSSR 4th Theme Tourney 1974 3174-80


Shakhmaty v SSSR 7th Theme Tourney 1976 3502-07


Shakhmaty v SSSR ?? Theme Tourney 1977 4996


Shakhmaty v SSSR 10th Theme Tourney 1979 4242-51


Shakhmaty v SSSR 13th Theme Tournay 1985 6538-46


Shakhmaty v SSSR 14th Theme Tourney 1985 6547-63


Shanshin-40 Jubilee Tourney 2001 13177-83


Shkatulka Zabaikal 2000-01 15398-402 (159-62)
Sidorov-65 Jubilee Tourney 2002 13434-45


Sidorov Memorial Tourney 2010 18891-95 (192 supplement)
Simkhovich-100 Centenary Tourney 1996 10421-41


Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1981-82 5341-52


Skrinnik-50 Jubilee Tourney 2006 16865-74 (177 supplement)
Sochniev-40 Jubilee Tourney 2001 14764-83 (159-62)
Socialist Countries Match 1975 see p.607


Solidarity Tourney SEE Sredba na solidarnosta
Soplis Tskhovreba 1977 5003,5010-11


, 9254-58


Soplis Tskhovreba 1980 5089-102


Soviet Army Jubilee Tourney 1968 1014-18


Soviet Trans-Ural 1984 6018-40


Spartak 1973 1931-45


Spartak (Kurgan) 1984 6113-33


Sportivnaya gazeta (Kiev) 1979,1980 see UKRAINIAN REPUBLIC TOURNEY
Sportivnaya gazeta (Kiev) 1982 5579


Sportivnaya gazeta (Kiev) 1987 7256-66


Sports Gazette (Ukraine) 1976 3131-48


, 3150-51


background image


Springaren 1986-87 7911-18


Springaren 1990 10530-32


Springaren 1991-92 9354-62


Springaren 1993 10725-30


Springaren 1994; 1995; 1996 11163-70; 11170-78; 11179-85


Springaren 1997 13020-31


Springaren 1999 13211-18


Springaren 2000 13648-52


Springaren 2001 14441-54 (157)
Springaren 2002-04 16305-10 (169)
Springaren 2005-06 17455-60 (183 supplement)
2nd Sredba na solidarnosta 1972 2179-90


3rd Sredba na solidarnosta 1973-76 3346-52


4th Sredba na solidarnosta 1977-79 4000-04


5th Sredba na solidarnosta 1981 6261-74


6th Sredba na solidarnosta 1983 6275-87


7th Sredba na solidarnosta 1983-84 6004-08


8th Sredba na solidarnosta 1985 6867-69


9th Sredna na solidarnosta 1986-89 7907-10


10th Sredba na solidarnosta 1989-94 9747-54


11th Sredba na solidarnosta 1995-97 11120-21


12th Sredba na solidarnosta 1998-2000 15451-58 (159-62)
13th Sredba na solidarnosta 2001-02 15459-61 (159-62)
15th Sredba na solidarnosta 2005-06 16804-08 (177)
16th Sredba na solidarnosta 2007-09 17992-98 (187)
17th Sredba na Solidarnosta 2012 18943-57 (192 supplement)
St Petersburg Festival 1998 11827


St Petersburg, Minsk Watches Tourney 1998 15681-89 (159-62)
St Petersburg, Quick Composing 1998 11216-27


Start 1973 2446-48


Stella Polaris 1966 570-72


Stella Polaris 1967 865-70


Stella Polaris 1968 9363-76


Stella Polaris 1972 2191-93


STES World Championship 1997 11026-46


Stoffelen-70 Jubilee Tourney 2008 17272-87 (181 supplement)
StrateGems 1998-99 13074-83


StrateGems 2000-01 15477-83 (159-62)
StrateGems 2002-03 15484-92 (159-62)
StrateGems 2004-05 16356-67 (171)
StrateGems 2006-07 17316-26 (181 supplement)
StrateGems 2008 17438-44 (183 supplement)
StrateGems 2009 17885-89 (186 supplement)
StrateGems 2010 18700-08 (191 supplement)
StrateGems 2011 18933-42 (192 supplement)
Studies from Games 1989 8432-38


Studies from Games 1990 8570-75


Studies from Games 1991 10253-57


Studies from Games 1992 10258-61


Studistica 2000 14259-68 (155)
Subbotnaya gazeta 1991 9060-76


Sukharev-90 Jubilee Tourney 2001 13060-73


Sukharev Memorial Tourney 2005 15933-58 (165)

background image


Suomen Shakki 1974-75 3183-85


Suomen Shakki 1976-77 3693-3701


Suomen Shakki 1979 4992-94


Suomen Shakki 1980 4684-88


Suomen Shakki 1981-82 5454-60


Suomen Shakki 1983-84 5825-30


Suomen Shakki 1985-86 7189-7202


Suomen Shakki 1987-88 8124-30


Suomen Shakki 1989-90 8544-52


Suomen Shakki 1991-92 9755-65


Suomen Shakki 1993-94 10702-14


Suomen Shakki 1995-96 15462-71 (159-62)
Suomen Shakki 2000-01 16017-23 (165)
Suomen Shakki 2002-03 15472-76 (159-62)
Suomen Shakki 2004-06 and Suomen Tehtavaniekat 2005-06 16918-24 (177 supplement)
Suomen Shakki and Suomen Tehtavaniekat 2007-08 17890-94 (186 supplement)
Suomen Shakki and Suomen Tehtavaniekat 2009-10 18692-99 (191 supplement)
Suomen Tehtavaniekat 1997-98; 1999-2000 13547-50; 13551-55


Suomen Tehtavaniekat 2001-02 15493-500 (159-62)
Suomen Tehtavaniekat Jubilee Ty 1976 3186-89


Sverdlovsk Tourney 1967 573-76


33rd Sverdlovsk Tourney 1994 10324-32


Szachista 1991-92 9377-82


Szachista 1993-94 10538-43


Szachista 1995-96 15501-09 (159-62)
Szachista 1997-2002 15869-80 (164)
Szachy 1964 355-56


Szachy 1965 613-14


Szachy 1968 1108


, 1535-40


Szachy 1969 1312-18


Szachy 1970 1521-28


Szachy 1971 1947-50, 1952-54


Szachy 1972 2027-32


Szachy 1973 2257-69


Szachy 1974 2677-83


Szachy 1975 2986-96


Szachy 1976 3310-18


Szachy 1977 3945-48


, 3949-58


- see also p.6 (168)

Szachy 1978 4185-99


Szachy 1979 4520-25


, 4526-29


Szachy 1980 4628-40


Szachy 1981 5012-19


Szachy 1982 5353-57


Szachy 1983 5977-85


Szachy 1984 6698-704


Szachy 1985 6773-80


Szachy 1986 7203-14


Szachy 1987 7487-99


Szachy 1988 8115-23


Szachy 1989-90 8912-18


Szen Memorial Tourney 1982 5020-23


, 5024-28


Tamkov Memorial Tourney 14591-94 (158)
Tamkov-70 Memorial Tourney 2007 17507-11 (183 supplement)

background image


Tata Steel Chess 75th Anniversary Tourney 2013 19013-32 (193)
Tatar Championship 1989 8869-80


Tavariani-70 1992 9583-93


Tbilisi 'Blitz' Tourney 1975 3042-52


Team Championship CIS 1990-91 14992-98 (159-62)
Team Championship of Ukraine see UKRAINIAN TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP
Tel-Aviv 100th Anniversary Tourney 2009 17238-58 (181 supplement)
Themes-64 1963 101-2


Themes-64 1965 366-70


Themes-64 1966-67 791,794-95


Themes-64 1968-69 1214


, 2063-65


Themes-64 1970-71 1906-14


Themes-64 1972-73 2452-56


, 2457-59


Themes-64 1974 2781-88


Themes-64 1975 3161-66


Themes-64 1976 3363-68


Themes-64 1977 3702-09


Themes-64 1978 4071-81


, 4082


Themes-64 1978-79 8179-85


Themes-64 1980 4735-41


Themes-64 1981 5294-301


Themes-64 1982 5415-19


Themes-64 1983 5965-76


Themes-64 1984 6219-21


Themes-64 1985 6765-72


Themes-64 '20 Years' 1976 3604-17


, 3618-20


Tidskrift for Schack 1963 37-42


Tidskrift for Schack 1964 87-91,106-7


, p.88


Tidskrift for Schack 1965 416-25


, 473-77


Tidskrift for Schack 1966 871-78


- see p.113


Tidskrift for Schack 1967 1235-40


Tidskrift for Schack 1968 1242-48


Tidskrift for Schack 1969 1423-29


, 1430-32


Tidskrift for Schack 1970 Diagram C, p.281


Tidskrift for Schack 1971 1748-53


Tidskrift for Schack 1972 2033-42


Tidskrift for Schack 1973 2410-21


Tidskrift for Schack 1974 3200-09


Tidskrift for Schack 1975 3248-58


Tidskrift for Schack 1976 3319-31


Tidskrift for Schack 1977 3661-72


Tidskrift for Schack 1978 4100-08


Tidskrift for Schack 1979 4314-24


Tidskrift for Schack 1980 4591-604


Tidskrift for Schack 1981 5240-49


Tidskrift for Schack 1982 5333-38


Tidskrift for Schack 1983 5945-53


Tidskrift for Schack 1984 6230-38


Tidskrift for Schack 1985 6586-87


, 6588-96


Tidskrift for Schack 1986 7077-89


Tidskrift for Schack 1990 8534-41


Tidskrift for Schack 1991 9077-80


Tidskrift for Schack 1992 9081-91


background image


Tidskrift for Schack 1993 9766-76


, see p.597


Tidskrift for Schack 1994 10370-81


Tidskrift for Schack 1995 11186-95


Tidskrift for Schack 1996 11196-205


Tidskrift for Schack 1997 15510-15 (159-62)
Tidskrift for Schack 1998-99 15516-24 (159-62)
Tidskrift for Schack 2000 13642-47


Tidskrift for Schack 2001 15525-29 (159-62)
Tidskrift for Schack 2002 15530-34 (159-62)
Tidskrift for Schack 2003 15535-41 (159-62)
Tidskrift for Schack 2004 15925-32 (164)
The Times 1975 p.302


Timman-50 Jubilee Tourney 2002 13914-28

(151 supplement)

Timman-60 Jubilee Tourney 2012 19242-55 (194)
Tipografia 1966 460-64


Tipografia 1974 2449-51


Tipografia 1977 3565-70


Tipografia Jubilee Tourney 1984 5813-24


Tolush-100 Memorial Tourney 2011 18570-96 (189 supplement)
Topko-55 Jubilee Tourney 1994 9651-61


- see p.595


Topko-60 Jubilee Tourney 1999 11954-72


Topko-65 Jubilee Tourney 2004 14784-92 (159-62)
Topko-70 Jubilee Tourney 2009 18806-16 (191 supplement)
Tourney in honour of 46th PCCC Congress in Moscow 2003 15777-92 (159-62)
Troitzky Memorial Tourney 1966 315-26


Troitzky Memorial Tourney 1976 2894-2909


Troitzky "120" Memorial Tourney 1986 6858-66


Troitzky-125 Memorial Tourney 1990 8648-57


Troitzky-125 Memorial Tourney 1991 11917-22


[Leninskoe Znamya]

Troitzky-135 Memorial Tourney 2002 14927-37 (159-62) [Penzenskaya Pravda]
Trud [Championship] 1977 4498-509


Tsereteli-150 1991 9113-97


Tungsram Tourney 1980 4876-90


Tutlayants Memorial Tourney 1998 13446-48


Tyumenskaya pravda 1980 5574-75


Ukrainian Chess Section 1966 1026-34


Ukrainian Committee for Physical Culture Ty 1983 5461-66


Ukrainian "Litopis 2004" [reprinted studies, not an award] 15850-60 (163)
Ukrainian Republic Tourney 1979 10864-71


Ukrainian Republic Tourney 1980 4479-90


, 10876


5th Ukrainian Team Championship 1978 3769-82


8th Ukrainian Team Championship 1985 6689-97


10th Ukrainian Team Championship 1997-98 15020-25 (159-62)
11th Ukrainian Team Championship 2000-01 15009-19 (159-62)
12th Ukrainian Team Championship 2002 15026-37 (159-62)
14th Ukrainian Team Championship 2008-09 18754-60 (191 supplement)
16th Ukrainian Team Championship 2013 19643-56 [printes as 16943-56] (196 supplement)
Ukrainian Tourney 1986 6515-19


Umenie-64 2002-03 15542-48 (159-62)
Unitas Club Festival Tourney 2004 15744-45 (159-62)
Uppsala Nya Tidnings 1962-3 91-95


Uralskie Skazy 1990 8808-29


background image


Uralskie Skazy 1991 8601-27


Uralskie Skazy 1992 9098-9101


Uralskie Skazy Tourneys, Netanya 1999 15751-76 (159-62)
Uralsky Problemist 1997 14281-86


Uralsky Problemist 1998 14287-91


Uralsky Problemist 1999 14292-307


Uralsky Problemist 2000 11902-14


Uralsky Problemist 2001 13226-40


Uralsky Problemist 2002 15549-57 (159-62)
Uralsky Problemist 2003 14335-51


Uralsky Problemist 2004 15558-75 (159-62)
Uralsky Problemist 2005 16931-43 (178)
Uralsky Problemist 2006 16944-60 (178)
Uralsky Problemist 2007 19111-22 (193 supplement)
Uralsky problemist 2008 18396-404 (189)
Uralsky Problemist 2009 17783-93 (185 supplement)
Uralsky Problemist 2010 18405-14 (189)
Uralsky Problemist 2011 19003-09 (192 supplement)
Uralsky Problemist 2012 19536-51 (195 supplement)
Uralsky Problemist 5th Anniversary Tourney 1999 14308-34


Uralsky Problemist 15th Anniversary Tourney 2008 17512-20 (183 supplement)
Uralsky Problemist 20th Anniversary Tourney 2013 19500-35 (195 supplement)
Uralsky Problemist TT, Belfort 1994 9797-98


Uralsky Problemist TT, Eretria 2005 14501-08 (158)
Uralsky Problemist TT, Halkidiki 2004 14436-40 (157)
Uralsky Problemist TT, Moscow 2003 14596 (158)
Uralsky Problemist TT, Netanya 1999 15746-50 (159-62)
Uralsky Problemist TT, Pula 2000 15738-43 (159-62)
Uralsky Problemist TT, St Petersburg 1998 11050-59


US Chess Federation 1972-73 see CHESS LIFE & REVIEW
[7th] USSR [Individual] Championship 1962-4 217-25


14th USSR Individual Championship 1977-78 4995-5011


16th USSR Individual Championship 1981-82 6317-29


17th USSR Individual Championship 1982-84 6891-96


USSR Physical Culture & Sport 60th Jubilee Tourney 1983 5532-50


, 5551-52


6th USSR Team Championship 1968-69 1439-56


7th USSR Team Championship [1970]- 1971 1591-1602


, 1804-12


9th USSR Team Championship [1975-76] 3420-41


10th USSR Team Championship 1978-79 4134-61


and K6


11th USSR Team Championship 1982 5203-08


, 7025


12th USSR Team Championship 1986 6520-29


["USSR Team Championship 1990-91"] see TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP CIS 1990-91
UV CSTV 1977 3683-92


UV CSTV 1981 6182-90


UV CSTV 1987 7279-85


van der Heijden-50 Jubilee Tourney 2011 ARVES Book of the Year 2011
van Reek-50 Jubilee Tourney 1995 10343-69


Vandiest-80 Jubilee Tourney 2001 12097-13004


Vani-85 1985 6213-18


Varpa 1977 3765-68


Vecherny Kiev 1965 54-63


, 87


Vecherny Krasnoturinsk-10 Anniversary Tourney 2003 14813-25 (159-62)
Vecherny Leningrad 1965 162-68


background image


Vecherny Leningrad 1967 [Kubbel MT] 713-19


Vecherny Leningrad 1971-72; 1973-74; 1975-76; 1977-78 13267-70; 13271-75; 13276-82; 13283-89


Vecherny Leningrad 1979-80 13339-52


Vecherny Leningrad 1981-82 6321, 6326


, 13353-60


Vecherny Leningrad 1983-84 13361-68


Vecherny Leningrad 1985-86 7267-78


Vecherny Leningrad 1987-88; 1989-90 13369-82; 13383-93


Vecherny Novosibirsk 1963 10275-83


Vecherny Novosibirsk 1973 2645-51


Vecherny Novosibirsk 1978 4048-56


Vecherny Novosibirsk 1982 5563-73


Vecherny Novosibirsk 1993 see NOVOSIBIRSK-100
Vecherny Novosibirsk-30 Jubilee Tourney 1987 8852-60


- see p.596


Vecherny Peterburg 1991-92 9573-82


Vecherny Peterburg 1993-94; 1995-96 13394-405; 133406-14


Vecherny Peterburg 1997-98; 1999-2000; 2001-02 15576-86; 15587-97; 15598-607 (159-62)
Vecherny Peterburg 2003-04 16875-83 (177 supplement)
Vecherny Peterburg 2005-06 16884-91 (177 supplement)
Vechernyaya Odessa 1974 2480-90


Victory-45 1990 14805-12 (159-62)
Victory-50 1995 10298-313


Victory-50 of Zaural 1995 10314-23


Victory Tourney of RSFSR 1985 6171-77


, 6178-81


Victory-60 Anniversary Tourney 2005 15984-16001 (165)
Victory-65 Anniversary Tourney 2010 18387-95 (189)
Vlasenko 70th Jubilee Tourney 2009 17700-14 (185)
Vodka Tourney, Pula 1997 11733


Vodka Tourney, Wageningen 2006 16213-16 (167)
Volksgazet [not an award: studies from 1951-60] 1708-20


Volzhskaya Zarya 1986 6564


, 6836-41


Vorobyov 100 Memorial Tourney 18792-802 (191 supplement)
1st WCCT 1972-75 2820-47


2nd WCCT 1980-81 5358-74


3rd WCCT 1984-88 7438-57


4th WCCT 1989-92 8838-51


5th WCCT 1993-96 10797-820


6th WCCT 1996-2000 11930-53


7th WCCT 2001-04 14165-92


8th WCCT 2005-08 16779-803 (177)
9th WCCT 2012-13 19399-418 (195)
Weissauer-80 Jubilee Tourney 2000 13511-18


Wola Gulowska - '94 - II 10051-53


World Cup 2010,2011 see FIDE WORLD CUP Theme Tourney 2003 14235


Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region 60th Anniversary Tourney 1990 14659-74 (159-62)
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region 70th ANniversary Tourney 2000 14675-83 (159-62)
Yugoslav Championship 2000-01 13302-06


[Yugoslav Championship 2004-05] see 2nd SERBIAN AND MONTENEGRIN CHAMPIONSHIP
Zadachi i etyudy 1995 11346-57


Zadachi i etyudy 1996; 1997; 1998 11685-89; 11690-702; 11703-14


Zadachi i etyudy 1999 13219-25


Zadachi i etyudy 2000 15608-18 (159-62)

background image


Zadachi i etyudy 2001 15619-35 (159-62)
Zadachi i etyudy 2002 15636-50 (159-62)
Zadachi i etyudy 2003 15651-65 (159-62)
Zadachi i etyudy 2005 16646-59 (176)
Zadachi i etyudy 2006 17197-207 (180)
Zadachi i etyudy 2007 18622-32 (190)
Zadachi i etyudy 2008 17974-85 (186 supplement)
Zadachi i etyudy 2009 18320-33 (188 supplement)
Zadachi i etyudy 2010 18334-53 (188 supplement)
Zadachi i etyudy 2011 19695-19706 [printed as 16995-17006] (196 supplement)
Zhigulevskie zory 2008 17521-30 (183 supplement)
Zhigulevskie zory 2011 18518-30 (189 supplement)
Zhigulevskie zory 2013 19657-67 [printed as 16957-67] (196 supplement)
Zhuk-55 Jubilee Tourney 2010 18441-48 (189)
Zinar's return celebration 2007 17398-412 (183)
Zinchuk-75 MT 2012 19213-25 (194)
Zolotoe Runo see GOLDEN FLEECE
Zoltan 65 Jubilee Tourney 2007 16610-13 (175)
Zvyazda 1976-78 [Minsk] 4950


Zvyazda 1979 [Perm] 15666-71 (159-62)
Zvyazda 1989 [Minsk] 11915-96


Zvyazda 1990; 1991 [Minsk] 9603-05; 9606-08


Zvyazda 1992 [Minsk] 16903-05 (177 supplement)
Zvyazda 1995 [Minsk] 10731-33


TOURNEYS SPECIFIC TO ARVES (page & issue numbers) [name of judge in brackets]

ARVES-10 Jubilee Tourney, award [E.Dobrescu] 282


ARVES 20th Anniversary Tourney, announcement 167 (173)
ARVES Tourney, award [at Jurmala 2008] 251 (174)
Kozlowski-100 Memorial Tourney 2011 132 (188)

TOURNEYS SPECIFIC TO EG (page & issue numbers) [name of judge in brackets]

Assiac Jubilee Tourney, announcement 372


Assiac Jubilee Tourney, award [Assiac & A.J.Roycroft] 480


, 27


Bent 70th Jubilee Tourney, announcement, entries 457


, 758


Bent 70th Jubilee Tourney, award [C.M.Bent] 791,811


, 927


de Feijter Jubilee Tourney, announcement 350


de Feijter Jubilee Tourney, award [ Feijter] 293


EG Constructional Tourney, announcement 633


Gurgenidze-50 Jubilee Tourney, award [D.Gurgenidze] 359 (154)
Harman Memorial Tourney, announcement, entries 231


, 758


Harman Memorial Tourney, award [D.Friedgood] 765,786


Herbstman Memorial Tourney, announcement 312


Herbstman Memorial Tourney, award [P.Perkonoja] 541


Joseph Jubilee Tourney, announcement 16


Joseph Jubilee Tourney, award [H.M.Lommer] 95


Lommer Jubilee Tourney, announcement 474


Lommer Jubilee Tourney, award [A.J.Roycroft] 85


, 121


Mirror-mate Tourney, award [A.J.Roycroft] 152


[announced 1998]

Nunn-50 Jubilee Tourney, announcement 446


background image


Operation Rescue, announcement 482


Operation Rescue, award 761


, 878


Peckover Jubilee Tourney, announcement 308


Peckover Jubilee Tourney, award [A.J.Roycroft] 453


, 524


, 542


Prize Essay Competition, announcement 261


Prize Essay Competition, award [A.J.Roycroft] 1


, 25


, 57


Roycroft Jubilee Tourney, announcement 2


Roycroft Jubilee Tourney, award [A.J.Roycroft] 201


, final award 262


JUDGES - AWARDS QUOTED IN EG [judges not identified in early issues] (page & issue numbers)
AT = Anniversary Tourney JT = Jubilee Tourney MT = Memorial Tourney RT = Ring tourney maybe CT ??

Afek, Y. Afek-50 JT 527 (157)
Afek, Y. Corus-70 JT 2008 100,127 (172)
Afek, Y. Dore 75 JT 2007 19 (175)
Afek, Y. Dresden Chess Olympiad 2008 275 (182)
Afek, Y. Israel RT 1973 232


Afek, Y. Israel RT 1979 110


Afek, Y. Israel RT 1981 336


Afek, Y. Israel RT 1985 688


Afek, Y. Liburkin MT 2003 138 (159-62)
Afek, Y. Liburkin-100 MT 2011 137 (188)
Afek, Y. Probleemblad 2001-02 194 (166)
Afek, Y. Probleemblad 2009-10 144 (196 supplement)
Afek, Y. Problem Paradise 2005-09 94 (195 supplement)
Afek, Y. The Problemist 1990-91 73 (164)
Afek, Y. Revista Romana de Sah 1985 559


Afek, Y. Schach-Echo 1982-84 45


Afek, Y. Springaren 1995 452


Afek, Y. Tata Steel Chess 75-AT 2013 227 (193)
Afek, Y. Themes-64 1978-79 981


Afek, Y. Tidskrift for Schack 2002 431 (159-62)
Afek, Y. Uralsky Problemist 2002 438 (159-62)
Afek, Y. Zadachi i Etyudy 1999 644


Afek, Y. and Comay, O. Czerniak MT 1986 460


Afek, Y. and Ulrichsen, J. 10th ARVES Solving Tourney 2004 138 (165)
Akobia, I. 64 TT 1995 903


Akobia, I. Akobia-70 JT 2007 203 (173 supplement)
Akobia, I. AKobia-75 JT 2012 236 (193)
Akobia, I. Belfort Blitz Ty 1994 584


Akobia, I. Carlsson MT 2013 84 (195 supplement)
Akobia, I. ChessStar 2009 254 (185 supplement)
Akobia, I. FIDE World Cup 2011 267 (189 supplement)
Akobia, I. Georgian Internet Ty 2011 138 (192)
Akobia, I. Gori-88 452


Akobia, I. Israel Ring Ty 2005-06 285 (182)
Akobia, I. Kaissa 1986-87, 1988-89 453,456


Akobia, I. Mat Plus 2007 59 (187 supplement)
Akobia, I. Match Italy-Argentina 2009 145 (188)
Akobia, I. Merani 1988-89 467


Akobia, I. Nadareishvili MT 2013 134 (196)
Akobia, I. Nona 2006 Blitz Tourney 246 (167)
Akobia, I. Olimpiya Dunyasi 2009 133 (184)

background image


Akobia, I. Probleemblad 2007-08 143 (184)
Akobia, I. Problem Online 2004-06 245 (181 supplement)
Akobia, I. Quartz 2005-07 65 (183 supplement)
Akobia, I. 16th Sredba na Solidarnosta 2007-9 23 (187)
Akobia, I. 17th Sredba na Solidarnosta 2012 175 (192 supplement)
Akobia, I. StrateGems 2010 56 (191 supplement)
Akobia, I. StrateGems 2011 171 (192 supplement)
Akobia, I. Tsereteli-150 1991 331


Akobia, I. and Khait, A. Evreinov MT 1995 838


Akopyan, G. and Kasparyan, G.M. Armenia, JT of Soviet Armenia 1980 399


Akopyan, G. and Kasparyan, G.M. Armenian 150 Years AT 1979 313


Akopyan, G. and Kasparyan, G.M. Armenian Chess Federation 1967 399


Akopyan, V. Aiastan Chess Club Ty 1991 207


Alaikov, V. Shakhmatna misl 1993-94 757


Alaikov, V. Shakhmatna misl 1996; 1997 274; 277


Alaikov, V. Shakhmatna misl 1999; 2002 393; 394 (159-62)
Aliev, I. 1st Azerbaijan Chess Composition Cup 142 (196 supplement)
Aliev, I. Azerbaijan Composition Cttee 35th AT 2006 201 (166)
Aliev, I. 2nd Azerbaijan Study Tourney 2013 143 (196 supplement)
Aliev, I. 1st Azerbaijan Quick Ty 2011 333 (190)
Aliev, I. Chovgan 1992 251 (177 supplement)
Aliev, I. Garayazli-60 MT 2003 154


Aliev, I. Mat Plus 2008 64 (187 supplement)
Aliev, I. Olimpiya Dunyasi 2005 122 (165)
Aliev, I. Olimpiya Dunyasi 2006 215 (173 supplement)
Aliev, I. Problemaz 2007 195 (181)
Aliev, I. Reti MT 2009 82 (183 supplement)
Aliev, I. Sarychev-95 MT 2005 519 (157)
Aliofsadzade, R. Shakhmaty (Baku) 1981-83 602


Alizade, A. Shakhmaty (Baku) 1990; 1991 123




Alkhanishvili, O. and Kaladadze, V. October-70 1987 654


Almammadov, A. Kaspii 2006 119 (172)
Aloni, H. Aloni 50 JT 1992 519


Aloni, H. Israel RT 1967, 1969-70 45


Aloni, H. Israel RT 1971-72 101


Aloni, H. Israel RT 1975 513


Aloni, H. Israel RT 1976 79


Aloni, H. 2nd WCCT 1980-81 361


Aloni, H. and Aloni, Y. Aloni-75 JT 2013 147 (196 supplement)
Aloni, H. and Milescu, M. Olympic Ty 1976 10


Aloni, H. and Milescu, M. Schach-Echo 1977-78 367


Aloni, H. and Milescu, M. Seneca MT 1978 465


Amiryan, G.G. Armenia Central Chess Club 1987 591


Amiryan, G.G. Kasparyan MT 1996 121


Amiryan, G.G. Shakhmatnaya Armenia 1999 511 (159-62)
Angelov, K. Bulgaria-1300 Ty 1982 35


Arestov, P. 33rd Sverdlovsk Ty 1994 848


Asaba, E. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1970-71 44


Asaba, E. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1979 487


Asaba, E. Moscow Ty 1987 586


Asaba, E. Ukrainian Republic Ty 1979 243


Asaba, E. Ukrainian Republic Ty 1980 13


Asaba, E. 5th Ukrainian Team Championship 1978 195


background image


Assiac and Roycroft, A.J. Assiac JT 1972 480


Averbakh, Yu.L. Averbakh-80 JT 2004 17 (159-62)
Averbakh, Yu.L. Chess Life [1969?] 123


Averbakh, Yu.L. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1971 456


Averbakh, Yu.L. WCCT 1972-75, Theme 2 409


Averbakh, Yu.L., Katsnelson, L. and Fyodorov, V. Mitrofanov JT 1993 462


Averbakh, Yu.L. and Kuznetsov, An.G. Grigoriev-100 1995-97 21


Averbakh, Yu.L. et al Match USSR - Rest of the World 609


Avni, A. Avni-50 JT 2004 408


Avni, A. Israel-50 JT 1998 584


Avni, A. Israel Chess Composition Society 50th AT 1996 67


Avni, A. Israel RT 1982 494


Avni, A. Israel RT 1986 690


Avni, A. Israel RT 1994 446


Avni, A. Milescu-100 Memorial Tourney 2012 329 (190)
Avni, A. The Problemist 2004-05 19 (168)
Avni, A. Quartz 2000-01 177


Avni, A. Springaren 2000 88


Axt, H. Die Schwalbe 1984-86 717


Bacque, G. Diagrammes 1975-84 606


Bakay, B. Sakkelet 1991 304


Balje, J. Unitas Club Festival 2004 517 (159-62)
Ban, J. Italia Scacchistica 1966 394


Ban, J. Hungarian Chess Federation 1966 310


Ban, J. Hungarian Chess Federation 1970 328


Ban, J. Hungarian Chess Federation 1972 72


Ban, J. Magyar Sakkelet 1972 76


Ban, J. Magyar Sakkelet 1975 420


Ban, J. Nyeviczkey MT 1974 284


Ban, J. Szachy 1968 347


Banny, D. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1968 184


Bartosh, V. Zhuk-55 JT 2010 240 (189)
Bartosh, V. and Bondar, I. St Petersburg, Minsk Watches Ty, 1998 480 (159-62)
Bazlov, Yu. 64 1980 400


Bazlov, Yu. 6th Hero-Cities Match 2010 191 (188 supplement)
Bazlov, Yu. Lenin-140 MT 2010 245 (185)
Bazlov, Yu. Olimpiya dunyasi 2013 171 (196 supplement)
Bazlov, Yu. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2012 284 (193 supplement)
Becker, R. 20th Birnov MT 2009 270 (185 supplement)
Becker, R. 3rd Maroc Chess 2013 159 (196 supplement)
Becker, R. StrateGems 2009 361 (186 supplement)
Belenky, A.M. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1974 377


Belokon, S. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1978 335


Belokon, S. Italia Scacchistica 1975 467


Belokon, S. Kharkov Liberation TT 1983 450


Belokon, S. Leninska Smena 1976 17


Belokon, S. Molodoi Leninets (Kurgan) 1981 278


Belokon, S. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1976 88


Belyavsky, A. Belyavsky-70 JT 2004 23 (159-62)
Belyavsky, A. Zadachi i etyudy 2010 183 (188 supplement)
Benko, F. Mugnos MT 1987-91 13


Benko, F. and Soukup-Bardon, B. Ajedrez 1970 318


Benko, P. Benko-80 JT 135 (180)

background image


Benko, P. Chess life 1982-83 405


Benko, P. Chess life 1986-87 541


Benko, P. Chess life 1988-89 995


Benko, P. Chess life 1991-93 406


Benko, P. Chess life 1997-2000 188


Benko, P. Hungarian Chess Federation 1976 536


Benko, P. Hungary-1100 AT 1997 553 (158)
Benko, P. Koranyi MT 2000 310


Benko, P. Magyar Sakkelet 1978 304


Benko, P. Magyar Sakkelet 1984 120


Benko, P. Magyar Sakkvilag 2004 156 (188 supplement)
Benko, P. Meleghegyi MT 2005 231 (173 supplement)
Benko, P. and Bilek, I. Bilek-75 JT 2008 210 (177 supplement)
Benko, P. and Kalotay, A. Benko-75 JT 2005 66 (164)
Bent, C.M. Bent 70th JT 1989 791, 811


Bent, C.M. Italia Scacchistica 1971; 1981 460




Bezgodkov, A.S. and Samilo, V.G. 3rd, 4th, 5th Bron MT 1991-92 274






Bilek, I. Magyar Sakkelet 1979 395


Bilek, I. and Benko, P. Bilek-75 JT 2008 210 (177 supplement)
Bohm, H., Timman, J. and Krabbe, T. EBUR Humour Ty 2003-05 262 (159-62)
Bohm, H., Timman, J. and Krabbe, T. Quiet Move Ty 2003 231

(151 supplement)

Bondar, I. Bondar-50 JT 2008 75 (183 supplement)
Bondar, I. and Bartosh, V. St Petersburg, Minsk Watches Ty 1998 480 (159-62)
Bondarenko, F.S. Bondarenko JT 1974-75 292


Bondarenko, F.S. Bondarenko JT 1985 [80th] 186


Bondarenko, F.S. Buletin Problemistic 1980-81 276


Bondarenko, F.S. Chervony Girnik [1970?] 198


Bondarenko, F.S. Don Basin Socialist 1973 346


Bondarenko, F.S. Georgian Republic 50th Anniv Ty 1971 446


Bondarenko, F.S. Gorgiev MT 1979-80 457


Bondarenko, F.S. Italia Scacchistica 1965 215


Bondarenko, F.S. Kiev 1500 Years Ty 1982 256


Bondarenko, F.S. Magadansky Komsomolets 1982 284


Bondarenko, F.S. Match Krivoi Rog - Kazakhstan 1969 109


Bondarenko, F.S. Schach 1979-80 201


Bondarenko, F.S. Schach-Echo 1969-70 408


Bondarenko, F.S. Shakhmatna misl 1981 177


Bondarenko, F.S. Soviet Army JT 1968 103


Bondarenko, F.S. Sports Gazette (Ukraine) 1976 516


Bondarenko, F.S. Ukrainian Chess Section 1966 105


Bondarenko, F.S. and Chimedtseren, S. Mongolian 60th AT 1980 130


Bondarenko, F.S. and Kanonik, D. Chervony Girnik 1974 297


Bondarenko, F.S. and Kuznetsov, A.P. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1967 8


Bondarenko, F.S. and Neidze, V. Mkhedruli 1975-76 441


Bondarenko, F.S. and Neidze, V. Nakhodkinsky Rabochy 1972 70


Book, E. and Dunder, A. Book JT 1980 41


Botterill, G. The Problemist 1988-89 239


Botvinnik, M.M. and Neidze, V. Komunisti 1973 235


Brada, J. Garde 1992-93 246


Breider, B. Romanian Championship 1967-68 350


Breider, B. Suomen Shakki 1974-75 534


Breider, B. Suomen Shakki 1981-82 395


Brieger, R. and Korn, W. Chess Life & Review 1970-71 412


background image


Bron, V.A. 4th All-Russian Tourney 1966 169 (159-62)
Bron, V.A. 9th All-Russian Tourney 1976 32


Bron, V.A. Bron JT 1980 474


Bron, V.A. Kommunist (Saratov) [Bron-75 1983 299


Bron, V.A. Lenin Centenary 1970 257


Bron, V.A. Odessa Festival Blitz Ty 1983 38


Bron, V.A. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1982 476


Bron, V.A. Themes-64 1968-69 100


Bron, V.A. and Kozlov, A.I. Sverdlovsk Ty 1967 384


Bron, V.A. and Lyalushkin, Yu. Bron JT 1985 203


Bronstein, D., Staudte, H-H. and Roycroft, A.J. New Statesman 1970 213


Bunka, V. Bohemian RT 1983-84 573


Bunka, V. Czech RT 1985 575


Bunka, V. Czech RT 1987 837


Bunka, V. Kutna Hora - 60 1994 651


Bunka, V. Match Pongracz - Vychod 1994 620


Bunka, V. OKS 1986 582


Bunka, V. Sachove Umeni 1977 259


Byelikov, E. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1967 2


Cambi, R. Italia Scacchistica 1980 47


Camorani, M. Italia Scacchistica 1972 165


Camorani, M. Italia Scacchistica 1979 417


Camorani, M. Italia Scacchistica 1986 511


Camorani, M. Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1981-82 357


Campioli, M. Scacchi & Dintorni 2006-07 93 (179 supplement)
Campioli, M. Suomen shakki 2002-03 407 (159-62)
Campioli, M. Tidskrift for Schack 2003 433 (159-62)
Caputto, Z.R., Carlsson, O.J. and Foguelman, A. Parenti-90 JT 1996 891


Caputto, Z.R., Foguelman, A. and Carlsson, O.J. Foguelman-Caputto-Carlsson-75 JT 1998-2000 470



Carlsson, O.J., Foguelman, A. and Caputto, Z.R. Foguelman-Caputto-Carlsson-75 JT 1998-2000 470



Carlsson, O.J., Foguelman, A. and Caputto, Z.R. Parenti-90 JT 1996 891


Chachua, Z. and Nadareishvili, G.A. Nadareishvili-70 JT 1991 822


Chaschtschanski, J. Schach 2004-05 71 (169)
Chernous, V. and Rezvov, N.V. Rezvov-85 JT 2006 106 (176 supplement)
Cheron, A. and Lommer, H.M. Cheron JT 1967 426


Chidemyan, S. Buzandyan, Varov & Grigoryan MT 2011 276 (189 supplement)
Chimedtseren, S. Denzen-60 JT 1990 618


Chimedtseren, S. and Bondarenko, F.S. Mongolian 60th AT 1980 130


Chivu, N. Gambit 1994-95 73


Comay, O. Israel RT 1980 126


Comay, O. Israel RT 1984 466


Comay, O. Israel RT 1989 13


Comay, O. Israel RT 1995-96 563


Comay, O. Osrael RT 2009-10 89 (195 supplement)
Comay, O. Netanya 1999 489 (159-62)
Comay, O. Schach-Echo 1985-87 46


Comay, O. 6th Sredba na solidarnosta Ty 1983 153


Comay, O. and Afek, J. Czerniak MT 1986 460


Costeff, G. Israel RT 1992-93 267 (159-62)
Costeff, G. Israel RT 1997 270 (159-62)
Costeff, G. Israel RT 2002-03 12 (168)

background image


Costeff, G. Probleemblad 2003-04 111 (172)
Costeff, G. StrateGems 2004-05 16 (171)
Costeff, G. Tel-Aviv 100 AT 2009 202 (181 supplement)
Cuciuc, V. Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1983-84 264


da Silva, S.A. Guanabara CC JT 1981 726


Dadianidze, V. Dadianidze-60 JT 1997 602


Dashkovsky, A. 8th Cherkassian Championship 2003-04 200 (159-62)
de Feijter, C.J. de Feijter JT 1981 293


de Feijter, C.J. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1965 497


de Feijter, C.J. and Spinhoven, F.A. Selman MT 1978 314


Didukh, S. Bogatyrchuk-120 MT 2013 389 (194 supplement)
Didukh, S. Olimpiya Dunyasi 2007 68 (179 supplement)
Didukh, S. Gorgiev-100 MT 2010 366 (186 supplement)
Didukh, S. The Problemist 2010-11 163 (191 supplement)
Didukh, S. Problemist Ukraini 2009 54 (187 supplement)
Dobrescu, E. Arves-10 JT 2000 282


Dobrescu, E. Buletin Problemistic 1998-99 252


Dobrescu, E. Dobrescu-60 JT 1994 664


Dolgov, V. Dolgov-70 JT 1994 598


Dolgov, V. Dolgov-75 JT 2000 479

(142 supplement)

Dolgov, V. Molodoi Leninets (Kurgan) 1976 424


Dolgov, V. Ryazan komsomolets 1980-81 378


and 284


Dolgov, V. Soviet Trans-Ural 1984 77


Dolgov, V. and Maksimovskikh, A.P. Put k kommunizmu 1977 83


Dorogov, Y. 2nd All-Russian Ty 1974 233


Dunder, A. Suomen Shakki 1976-77 173


Dunder, A. Suomen SHakki 1979 237


Dunder, A. and Book, E. Book JT 1980 41


Dvizov, E. Afanasiev-100 MT 2010 346 (190)
Dvizov, E. Dvizov-70 JT 2009 81 (179 supplement)
Dvoretsky, M. and Pervakov, O. Dvoretsky 60 JT 2007 272 (174)
Eilazyan, E. Change Theme Tourney 2012 60 (191 supplement)
Eilazyan, E. Vorobyov-100 MT 88 (191 supplement)
Elkies, N. Israel RT 2000-01 183 (166)
Elkies, N. and Nunn, J.D.M. Israel RT 1988 109


Ericsson, A. Tidskrift for Schack 1976 39


Euwe, M. et al. Rubinstein MT 1967-8 25


Evreinov, V.A. 5th All-Russian Tourney 1967-68 166 (159-62)
Evreinov, V.A. Shakhmatisty Rossii 1967 174


Evreinov, V.A. 7th USSR Team Championship 1971 382


Evreinov, V.A. and Khait, A. Evreinov JT 1983 503


Evseev, G. 14th Moscow Championship 1992 184


Falk, L. Akerblom MT 1983 524


Falk, L. Europa-Rochade 1986-87 771


Falk, L. Israel RT 1987 11


Falk, L. Springaren 1986-87 826


Falk, L. Tidskrift for Schack 1984 142


Falk, L. Tidskrift for Schack 1990 120


Farago, P. Problem 1956-57 551


Fleck, J. Schach 1999-2001 166


Fleck, J. Die Schwalbe 2001-02 76 (164)
Fleck, J. Weissauer-80 JT 2000 22


Florian, T. Elekes MT 1966 334


background image


Florian, T. Magyar Sakkelet 1980 55


Foguelman, A., Caputto, Z.R. and Carlsson, O.J. Foguelman-Caputto-Carlsson-75 JT 1998-2000 470



Foguelman, A., Carlsson, O.J. and Caputto, Z.R. Parenti-90 JT 1996 891


Fokin, Yu. Vecherny Leningrad 1971-72; 1973-74; 1975-76 658; 659; 660


Fokin, Yu. Vecherny Leningrad 1983-84 712


Fokin, Yu. Vecherny Peterburg 1991-92; 1993-94; 1995-96 490


720; 722


Fokin, Yu. Vecherny Peterburg 1997-98; 1999-2000; 2001-02 446; 449; 452 (159-62)
Fokin, Yu. Vecherny Peterburg 2003-04; 2005-06 241; 244 (177 supplement)
Fokin, Yu. and Pochtarev, K. Vecherny Leningrad 1985-86; 1987-88; 1989-90 567


714; 717


Foldeak, A. Magyar Sakkelet 1971 463


Foldeak, A. Magyar Sakkelet 1976 33


Foldeak, A. Paros MT 1979 99


Friedgood, D. Harman MT 1988 765,786


Friedgood, D. The Problemist 1996-97 323 (159-62)
Friedgood, D. and Whitworth, T.G. Bent MT 2007 199 (173 supplement)
Fritz, J. Ceskoslovensky Sach 1971 213


Fritz, J. Fritz 70th JT 1982 442


Fritz, J. Pravda (Bratislava) 1974 263


Fritz, J. Prokes MT 1967-8 36


Fritz, J. Reti MT 1979 107


Fritz, J. Sachove Umeni 1980 180


Fritz, J. Themes-64 1977 176


Fritz, J. Tidskrift for Schack 1975 538


Fyodorov, V. 1st, 2nd Donetsk Region Ty 1984, 1986 657, 659


Fyodorov, V., Averbakh, Yu. and Katsnelson, L. Mitrofanov JT 1993 462


Gaja, D. 3rd Sredba na solidarnosta 1973-76 46


Gaprindashvili, N., Tavariani, R. and Alkhanishvili, O. Nona-50 1991 471


Garcia, M.G. Garcia-65 JT 2013 195


Garcia, M.G. and van der Heijden, H. van der Argentina-200 AT 2011 250 (189 supplement)
Gasparyan, A. Kasparyan-100 MT 2010 391 (186 supplement)
Gasparyan, A. and Chidemyan, S. Buzandyan, Varov & Grigoryan MT 2011 276 (189 supplement)
Giorgadze, T. and Gurgenidze, D. Rustavi-86 376


Godes, B. 64 1997 574


Gorgiev, T.B. Chervony Girnik 1965 98


Gorgiev, T.B. Chervony Girnik (October Revolution JT) 104


Gorgiev, T.B. Gorgiev JT 1971 355


Gorgiev, T.B. Gorgiev MT 1974 286


Gorgiev, T.B. Revista de sah 1973 361


Gorgiev, T.B. Spartak 1973 35


Grin, A.P. Moscow Sports Committee 1990 21


Grin, A.P. Moscow Town 1991 77


Grin, A.P. Moscow Town 1992 79


Grin, A.P. Sakharov MT 1990 53


Griva, N. and Samilo, V.G. Bondarenko MT 1995 295


Grondijs, H. En Passant 1989-90 601


Grondijs, H. Joseph-100 JT 1997 199


Grondijs, H. Philidor-200 MT 1994 626


Grondijs, H. and Pallier, A. Europe Echecs 1998-99 383


Grosu, I. Revista de Sah 1968-70 365


Grosu, I. Revista de Sah 1972 106


Gruber, H. 32er 1996-97 448


Gruber, H. Problem-Forum 2000-02 316 (159-62)

background image


Gruber, H. Problem-Forum 2007-08 297 (185 supplement)
Gruber, H. Rochade Europa 2006-07 88 (183 supplement)
Gruber, H. Schach 1997-98 756

(147 supplement)

Gruber, H. Die Schwalbe 2009-10 243 (189)
Gruber, H. Springaren 1996 455


Gruber, H. and Pfannkuche, M. Europa-Rochade 1991-92 697


Grzeban, G. Ceskoslovensky Sach 1972 266


Grzeban, G. IV FIDE Tourney 1964-5 192 (7 Supplement)
Grzeban, G. Italia Scacchistica 1974 354


Grzeban, G. Italia Scacchistica 1984 396


Grzeban, G. VI Polish Championship 1961-64 423


Grzeban, G. Problemista 1971-72 320


Grzeban, G. Romanian Socialist Republic AT 1973 109


Grzeban, G. Szachy 1970 342


Grzeban, G. Szachy 1972 90


Grzeban, G. Szachy 1974 353


Grzeban, G. Tidskrift for Schack 1968 24


Grzeban, G. and Rusinek, J. Grzeban JT 1982 320


Grzeban, G. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1966 498


Gurgenidze, B. B.Gurgenidze-60 JT 1994 580


Gurgenidze, B. and Gurgenidze, D. Krikheli MT 1990 457


Gurgenidze, D. 64 1981 402


Gurgenidze, D. 64 1986 587


Gurgenidze, D. Amirov MT 1985 367


[and 179



Gurgenidze, D. Archakov JT 1989 173


Gurgenidze, D. Batumi Chess Festival 2002 476 (159-62)
Gurgenidze, D. Beginners Ty 2008 35 (187)
Gurgenidze, D. Buletin Problemistic 2002-03 209 (159-62)
Gurgenidze, D. ChessStar 2010 193 (188 supplement)
Gurgenidze, D. Gurgenidze-50 JT 2004 359


Gurgenidze, D. Gurgenidze-55 JT 2008 72 (179 supplement)
Gurgenidze, D. Gurgenidze-60 JT 2013 54 (195 supplement)
Gurgenidze, D. Mat Plus 2010 377 (194 supplement)
Gurgenidze, D. Nadareishvili MT 1992 448


Gurgenidze, D. Nadareishvili-80 MT 2002 594


Gurgenidze, D. Nona-60 JT 2001 497


Gurgenidze, D. Nona Blitz Ty 2007 85 (176)
Gurgenidze, D. Nona 2008 59 (179 supplement)
Gurgenidze, D. Nona 2009 143 (188)
Gurgenidze, D. Nona 2010 354 (186 supplement)
Gurgenidze, D. Olimpiya dunyasi 2008 162 (188 supplement)
Gurgenidze, D. Pat a mat 2002-03 188 (166)
Gurgenidze, D. Sagaredzho-84 1984 75


Gurgenidze, D. Schach 1983-84 205


Gurgenidze, D. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2002 391 (159-62)
Gurgenidze, D. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2005 229 (177 supplement)
Gurgenidze, D. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1979 28


Gurgenidze, D. Soplis Tskhovreba 1980 273


Gurgenidze, D. Uralsky Problemist 2001 646


Gurgenidze, D. Vani-85 1985 138


Gurgenidze, D. Zadachi i etyudy 2011 168 (196 supplement)
Gurgenidze, D. and Giorgadze, T. Rustavi-86 376


Gurgenidze, D. and Gurgenidze, B. Krikheli MT 1990 457


background image


Gurgenidze, D. and Khait, A. Kommunist (Saratov) 1985 156


Gusev, B. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1997 73


Gusev, B. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 1998 91


Gusev, B. 10th Ukrainian Team Champ 1997-98 189 (159-62)
Gusev, B. Uralskie Skazi, Netanya 1999 526 (159-62)
Gusev, B. and Kuznetsov, An.G. Gusev-50 JT 1996 225


Gyarmati, P. Hungarian Chess Federation 2000 556 (158)
Gyarmati, P. Magyar Sakkvilag 2009 264 (185 supplement)
Gyarmati, P. Magyar Sakkvilag 2011 192 (192 supplement)
Gyarmati, P. Problemist Ukraini 2011 290 (193 supplement)
Gyarmati, P. Sakkelet 2000-01 355 (159-62)
Gyarmati, P. Die Schwalbe 2005-06 234 (181 supplement)
Gyarmati, P. Suomen Shakki & Suomen Tehtavaniekat 2009-10 54 (191 supplement)
Hairabedian, K. Shakhmatna misl 2000-01 335


Halski, M. Szachy 1985 361


Heiskanan, R. Heiskanen-to JT 2002 186


Herbstman, A. Tidskrift for Schack 1980 51


Herbstman, A. and Nadareishvili, G.A. Rustaveli-800 1967 258


Herbstman, A. and Neidze, V. Drosha 1966 226


Herbstman, A. and Neidze, V. Merani 1970 222


Hildebrand, A. Buletin Problemistic 1973 312


Hildebrand, A. Diagrammes TT 1992 285


Hildebrand, A. Goteborg Chess Club Centenary Ty 1979 343


Hildebrand, A. Hildebrand Jubilee Tourney 1989 369


Hildebrand, A. Israel Ring Tourney 1963-65 45


Hildebrand, A. Israel Ring Tourney 1977 278


Hildebrand, A. Match Switzerland - Bavaria 1983-84 105


Hildebrand, A. Nordisk Postsjakk Blad 1978 273


Hildebrand, A. Postsjakk 1986 595


Hildebrand, A. II Rubinstein MT 1972 386


Hildebrand, A. Schach 1975-76 442


Hildebrand, A. Schach-Echo TT 1967 424


Hildebrand, A. Schach-Echo 1971-72 119


Hildebrand, A. Springaren 1993 142


Hildebrand, A. Springaren 2001 524 (157)
Hildebrand, A. Stella Polaris 1967 2


Hildebrand, A. Suomen Shakki 1983-84 529


Hildebrand, A. Themes-64 1970-71 29


Hildebrand, A. Themes-64 1984 139


Hildebrand, A. Tidskrift for Schack 1966 4


Hildebrand, A. Tidskrift for Schack 1971 450


Hildebrand, A. Tidskrift for Schack 1978 362


Hildebrand, A. Tidskrift for Schack 1985 271


Hildebrand, A. Tidskrift for Schack 1992 319


Hildebrand, A. Tidskrift for Schack 1996 462


Hildebrand, A. Zadachi i etyudy 1996 227


Hildebrand, A. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1967 501


Hlinka, M. Ceskoslovensky Sach 1993-94 751


Hlinka, M. Ceskoslovensky Sach 2001-02 265


Hlinka, M. Ceskoslovensky Sach 2011-12 370 (194 supplement)
Hlinka, M. ChessStar 2012 360 (194 supplement)
Hlinka, M. Diagrammes 1996-97 243 (159-62)
Hlinka, M. Hlinka-50 JT 2004 29 (159-62)

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Hlinka, M. Kopnin MT 1993 8


Hlinka, M. Martin-Zilina 2000-01 122 (170)
Hlinka, M. Martin-Zilina 2004-05 124 (170)
Hlinka, M. Pat a mat 2000-01 579 (158)
Hlinka, M. Pravda-Tirnavia 2008-09 178 (188 supplement)
Hlinka, M. Sachova skladba 2009-10 283 (189 supplement)
Hlinka, M. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 1993 87


Hlinka, M. Studies from Games 1991 820


Hoch, Y. Hoch-50 JT 1999 171


Hoch, Y. Israel RT 1945-62 470


Hoch, Y. Israel RT 1978 369


Hoch, Y. Israel RT 1983 713


Hoch, Y. Israel RT 1990 523


Hoch, Y. Rishon-Letzion Chess Club-60 AT 1998 78 (159-62)
Hoch, Y. Themes-64 1982 381


Hoch, Y. Tidskrift for Schack 1983 47


Hooper, D.V. The Problemist 1976-77 155


Hooper, D.V. The Problemist 1982-83 414


Hooper, D.V., Roycroft, A.J. and Staudte, H-H. New Statesman 1971 452


Hooper, D.V. and Sobey, A.J. New Statesman 1975 396


Hooper, D.V., Sobey, A.J. and Staudte, H-H. New Statesman 1973 171


Hooper, D.V. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1972 94


Hornecker, S. AN & YB 2011 232 (189)
Hornecker, S. Best Problems 2007-08 241 (185)
Hornecker, S. Boujema MT 2011 47 (191)
Hornecker, S. Hornecker-25 JT 2012 83 (191 supplement)
Hornecker, S. Probleemblad 2011-12 146 (196 supplement)
Hornecker, S. Schach 2006-07 229 (181 supplement)
Huber, E. Quartz 2002-04 65 (169)
Ianovcic, A.F. Ianovcic JT 345


Ignatiev, I. Shakhmatna Misl 1974-75 199


Ignatiev, I. Shakhmatna misl 1982 184


Ignatiev, I. Shakhmatna misl 1986 911


Israelov, V. Baku 1986 364


Israelov, V. and Khalilov, I. Sarychev MT 1888 619


Ivanic, P. Match Romania - Bulgaria 1975 439


Ivanov, V. Moscow Championship 1998 255


Ivanov, V. Open Moscow Championship 2001 701


Iwanow, E. Biuletyn (Czestochowa) 1976-82 353


Iwanow, E. Czestochowa Circle 1986-87 553


Iwanow, E. Gazeta Czestochowska 1982-85 388


Iwanow, E. 13th Polish Championship 1983-85 395


Janicijevic, S. Ryazan komsomolets 1982-83 247


Janosi, E. Buletin Problemistic 1975 489


Janosi, E. Revista Romana de Sah 1978 364


Janosi, E. Sakkelet 1986 848


Janosi, E. Sakkelet 1998-99 351 (159-62)
Janosi, E. Tipografia 1977 126


Janosi, E. and Petrescu, C. Buletin Problemistic 1977 166


Joita, P. Buletin Problemistic 1986-87 887


Joita, P. Buletin Problemistic 1991-92 401


Joita, P. Daciada 1980 84


Joita, P. Italia Scacchistica 1976 76


background image


Joita, P. Revista Romana de Sah 1980 87


Joita, P. Revista Romana de Sah 1986 561


Joita, P. Revista Romana de Sah TT 1979 420


Joita, P. Romanian Tourney ('Liberation') 1974 436


Joita, P. 5th WCCT 1993-96 207


Jongsma, L. Alexander Rueb Foundation Ty 1984-90 87


and 758


Jonsson, C. Tidskrift for Schack 1975 14


Josten, G. Josten-70 JT 2008 63 (183 supplement)
Josten, G. Josten-75 JT 2013 368 (194 supplement)
Kaila, O. Themes-64 1978 344


Kaila, O. Tidskrift for Schack 1965 272


Kakovin, A.S. Vechernyaya Odessa 1974 289


Kakovin, A.S. and Kovalenko, V. Pravda severa 1969 108


Kalandadze, V.E. Gantiadi 1973 148


Kalandadze, V.E. 2nd Golden Fleece Ty 1988 736


Kalandadze, V.E. Gurieli MT 1996 292


Kalandadze, V.E. Kalandadze-70 JT 2006 240 (167)
Kalandadze, V.E. Lelo 1972 62


Kalandadze, V.E. October-60 1977 374


Kalandadze, V.E. Shakhmaty v SSSR 13th TT 1985 256


Kalandadze, V.E. 6th WCCT 1996-2000 403


Kalandadze, V.E. and Alkhanishvili, O. October-70 1987 654


Kalandadze, V.E. and Tavariani, R. Golden Fleece Ty 1986 301


Kalashnikov, V. Kalashnikov-50 JT 2011 340 (190)
Kalashnikov, V. Khatyamov MT 2009 373 (186 supplement)
Kalashnikov, V. Khatyamov MT 2013 383 (194 supplement)
Kalashnikov, V. Uralsky Problemist 1998 425


Kalashnikov, V. Uralsky Problemist 2011 198 (192 supplement)
Kalashnikov, V. Uralsky Problemist 2012 80 (195 supplement)
Kalinin, A. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1972 137


Kalinin, A. Kan MT 1991 11


Kalinin, A. Moscow Championship 1985 158


Kalinin, A. 12th Moscow Championship 1989 698


Kalinin, A. Moscow Committee 1988 773


Kalinin, A. Moscow Sports and Town Cttees 1986 404


Kalotay, A. and Benko, P. Benko-75 JT 2005 66 (164)
Kalyagin, V. Babich-100 MT 2009 162 (184 supplement)
Kalyagin, V. Bron-90 MT 1999 218


Kalyagin, V. Kalyagin-50 JT 2003 559 (158)
Kalyagin, V. Kalyagin-55 JT 2009 169 (184 supplement)
Kanonik, D. and Bondarenko, F.S. Chervony Girnik 1974 297


Kanonik, D. and Pogosyants, E.L. Chervony Girnik 1977 57 (530
Kanonik, D. and Shmulenson, G.A. Chervony Girnik 1972 441


Kanonik, D. and Shmulenson, G.A. Chervony Girnik 1973 192


Kasparyan, G.M. 64 1969 211


Kasparyan, G.M. S.Clausen MT 1965 362


Kasparyan, G.M. Italia Scacchistica 1968 235


Kasparyan, G.M. Schach 1973-74 343


Kasparyan, G.M. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1966 437


Kasparyan, G.M. Tidskrift for Schack 1973 258


Kasparyan, G.M. and Akopyan, G. Armenia, JT of Soviet Armenia 1980 399


Kasparyan, G.M. and Akopyan, G. Armenian 150 Years AT 1979 313


Kasparyan, G.M. and Akopyan, G. Armenian Chess Federation 1967 399


background image


Kasparyan, S. Kasparyan-90 MT 2001 366


Kasparyan, S. and Manvelyan, A. Kasparyan-95 MT 2006 206 (166)
Katsnelson, L.I. 1st Belorussian Individual Champ 1962-71 475


Katsnelson, L.I. Botvinnik-100 MT 2012 254 (193 supplement)
Katsnelson, L.I. Goodwill Games Ty 1994 647


Katsnelson, L.I. Katsnelson-64 JT 2000 44 (159-62)
Katsnelson, L.I. Kivi 75th JT 1981 103


Katsnelson, L.I. Magadanskaya pravda 1994 526


Katsnelson, L.I., Averbakh, Yu. and Fyodorov, V. Mitrofanov JT 1993 462


Katsnelson, L.I. Molodoi Leninets 1985 29


Katsnelson, L.I. October Anniversary Ty 1987 515


Katsnelson, L.I. Springaren 1999 615


Katsnelson, L.I. Zadachy i etyudy 1997 229


Katsnelson, L.I. and Katsnelson, V.I. Korolkov Centenary 2007 38 (179)
Katsnelson, V.I. Zadachi i etyudy 2001 460 (159-62)
Kazantsev, A.P. 64 1970 386


Kazantsev, A.P. Kazantsev JT 1986 893


Kazantzev, A.P. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1968 31


Kazantsev, A.P. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1977 182


Kazantsev, A.P. and Pervakov, O. Kazantsev-90 JT 30


Kazantsev, A.P. and Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Town 2001 704


Kekely, L. Ceskoslovensky sach 2002-03 70 (164)
Kekely, L. Ceskoslovensky sach 2007-08 56 (183 supplement)
Kekely, L. Kekely-50 JT 2009 154 (184 supplement)
Kekely, L. Martin-Zilina 1996-97 311 (159-62)
Kekely, L. Pat a Mat 2004-05 13 (171)
Kekely, L. Pat a Mat 2008-09 77 (187 supplement)
Kekely, L. Studies from Games 1992 821


Kekely, L. 16th Ukrainian Team Champ 2013 151 (196 supplement)
Keym, W. Die Schwalbe 200th TT 298 (182)
Khait, A. Khait-50 JT 1998 113


Khait, A. Matryoshka Blitz Ty, Belfort 1994 584


Khait, A. Pula, Rakushka Tourney 1997 483 (159-62)
Khait, A. Saratov-96, Tel Aviv 1996 465


Khait, A. Uralskie Skazy 1991 135


Khait, A. and Akobia, I. Evreinov MT 1995 838


Khait, A. and Evreinov, V. Evreinov JT 1983 503


Khait, A. and Gurgenidze, D. Kommunist (Saratov) 1985 156


Khait, A. and Kuryatnikov, A. 2nd Galitzky MT 1994 191


Khait, A. and Kuryatnikov, A. Kuryatnikov JT 1994 526


Khait, A. and Umnov, G.A. Galitzky-125 1987 523


Khait, A. and Umnov, G.A. Saratov-400 1989 174


Khalilov, I. and Israelov, V. Sarychev MT 1988 619


Khortov, V.E. 64 1984 133


Kirillov, V. and Maksimovskikh, A.P. Victory-50 of Zaural 1995 846


Kivi, V. Kivi JT 1975-76 528


Klinkov, M.N. Match Moldavia - USSR Far East 1971 384


Kolcak, M. Pat a mat 1998-99 313 (159-62)
Kolesnikov, E. Brest (Belarus) 1996 207 (159-62)
Kolesnikov, E. Open Championship of Moscow 2002 197 (159-62)
Kolesnikov, E. Open Championship of Moscow 2004 199 (159-62)
Kolesnikov, E. Open Championship of Moscow 2005 126 (165)
Kolesnikov, E. Open Moscow Championship 2010 95 (187 supplement)

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Kolesnikov, E. Zadachi i Etyudy 2008 397 (186 supplement)
Kondratiuk, N. Kondratiuk-50 JT 1998 726


Kondratyuk, M. Novovo Zhittya 1988 808


Kopac, L. Sachove Umeni 1974 330


Kopelovich, J. Israel RT 1973 see under AFEK
Kopnin, A.G. Baturin MT 1984 119 (159-62)
Kopnin, A.G. Kaiev MT 1990-91 113


Kopnin, A.G. Kopnin-70 JT 1988 730


Kopnin, A.G. Schach 1987-88 140


Kopnin, A.G. Shakhmaty i shashki v BSSR 1980-81 354


Kopnin, A.G. Uralskie skazy 1990 213


Kopnin, A.G. Zvyazda (Perm) 1979 474 (159-62)
Koranyi, A. Ban MT 1989-90 130


Koranyi, A. Canadian chess chat 1980 410


Koranyi, A. Hungarian Chess Federation 1986 356


Koranyi, A. Magyar Sakkelet 1968 133


Koranyi, A. Magyar Sakkelet 1973 21


Koranyi, A. Magyar Sakkelet 1974 317


Koranyi, A. Magyar Sakkelet 1977 123


Koranyi, A. Magyar Sakkelet 1983 487


Koranyi, A. Sakkelet 1985 333


Koranyi, A. Sakkelet 1992 569


Koranyi, A. Sakkelet 1994-95 63


Koranyi, A. Szachy 1982 360


Koranyi, A. Tipografia JT 1984 526


Korn, W. Chess Life & Review 1972-73 219


Korn, W. Tidskrift for Schack 1969 301


Korn, W. and Brieger, R. Chess Life & Review 1970-71 412


Korn, W. and Perkonoja, P. Pan-American Study Ty 1983-84 483


Korn, W. and Roycroft, A.J. New Statesman 1966 199


Korn, W. and Roycroft, A.J. New Statesman 1967 521


Korolkov, V.A. 64 1972 139


Korolkov, V.A. 6th All-Russian Team Champ 1978 163 (159-62)
Korolkov, V.A. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1973 243


Korolkov, V.A. Karseladze MT 1969-70 316


Korolkov, V.A. Korolkov JT 1977 128


Korolkov, V.A. Loshinsky MT 1982 269


Korolkov, V.A. Petrov MT 1975 321


Korolkov, V.A. Podolsk 200 Years Ty 1981 259


Korolkov, V.A. Problemista 1968-69 235


Korolkov, V.A. Revista Romana de Sah 1979 444


Korolkov, V.A. Shakhmaty/Sahs (Riga) 1973 254


Korolkov, V.A. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1965 250


Korolkov, V.A. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1980 150


Kos, V. Kos-70 JT 1999 605


Kos, V. Reti MT 1989 57


Kos, V. Sachova skladba 1988 817


Kos, V. Sachove Umeni 1983 539


Kotov, A.I. Kotov-75 JT 2004 380


Kovacevic, M. Oreschanin MT 1982 897


Kovacevic, M. 4th Sredba na solidarnosta 1977-79 309


Kovacevic, M. 7th Sredba na solidarnosta 1983-84 74


Kovalenko, V.S. 64 1977 379


background image


Kovalenko, V.S. Amirov MT 1990 172


Kovalenko, V.S. Kozhakin-55 JT 2012 281 (193 supplement)
Kovalenko, V.S. Kudesnik 2009-10 145 (192)
Kovalenko, V.S. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1973 350


Kovalenko, V.S. and Kakovin, A.S. Pravda severa 1969 108


Kozlov, A.I. and Bron, V.A. Sverdlovsk Ty 1967 384


Kozyrev, V. Birnov MT 1987 673


Kozyrev, V. Rostov-on-Don-250 AT 1999 536 (157)
Kozyrev, V. Seletsky MT 1987 778


Kozyrev, V. 8th Ukrainian Team Championship 1985 338


Kozyrev, V. and Mitrofanov, L. Lenin-120 Ty 1989 693


Krabbe, T. Krabbe-60 JT 2003 218

(151 supplement)

Krabbe, T., Timman, J. and Bohm, H. EBUR Humour Ty 2003-05 262 (159-62)
Krabbe, T., Timman, J. and Bohm, H. Quiet Move Ty 2003 231

(151 supplement)

Kralin, N.I. 64 1978 386


Kralin, N.I. 64 2003 153 (176 supplement)
Kralin, N.I. All-Genres Master Title 1992 [theme 1] 181 (159-62)
Kralin, N.I. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1975 503


Kralin, N.I. Belokon MT 1984 or 1985 123


, 122 (159-62)

Kralin, N.I. Kozlov MT 1996 293


Kralin, N.I. Kralin-55 JT 2000 423


Kralin, N.I. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1984 531


Kralin, N.I. Shakhmaty v SSSR 4th TT 1974 531


Kralin, N.I. Springaren 2005-06 69 (183 supplement)
Kralin, N.I. 11th Ukrainian Team Champ 2000-01 185 (159-62)
Kralin, N.I. Uralsky problemist 2005 286 (178)
Kralin, N.I. USSR Physical Culture & Sport 60th JT 1983 417


Krikheli, J.M. Latvian Championship 1978 193


Krikheli, J.M. Schach 1985-86 684


Krikheli, J.M. Varpa 1977 194


Krizhanovsky, V. 5th Cherkassia Championship 1999-2000 725


Kudelich, E. Seven chess notes 2008 174 (188 supplement)
Kudelich, E. Sidorov MT 2010 156 (192 supplement)
Kupac, L. Sachove Umeni 1969-70 351


Kuryatnikov, A. Kuryatnikov-60 JT 2003 532 (157)
Kuryatnikov, A. and Khait, A. 2nd Galitzky MT 1994 191


Kuryatnikov, A. and Khait, A. Kuryatnikov JT 1994 526


Kutuzov, D. Shkatulka Zaibakal 2000-01 377 (159-62)
Kuznetsov, Al.P. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1975 459


Kuznetsov, Al.P. and Bondarenko, F.S. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1967 8


Kuznetsov, An.G. 64 1971 20


Kuznetsov, An.G. Komsomolskaya pravda 1968 94


Kuznetsov, An.G. Latvian Tourney (VI Spartakiad) 1975 347


Kuznetsov, An.G. Leninskoe plemya 1969 110


Kuznetsov, An.G. Match Urals-Siberia-Far East 1991-92 323


Kuznetsov, An.G. Moscow Town 1994 890


Kuznetsov, An.G. Odessa Blitz Tourney 1997 485 (159-62)
Kuznetsov, An.G. Odessa Festival 1997 486 (159-62)
Kuznetsov, An.G. Platov Centenary Ty 1982 309


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1962 530


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1963 529


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1968 197


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmatnaya Moskva 1969 262


background image


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmatny vestnik 1992 482


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmatny vestnik 1993 282


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1940 346


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1941 383


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1987 987


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1989 37


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1990 258


Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1991 266


Kuznetsov, An.G. Uralskie Skazy 1990 212,214


Kuznetsov, An.G. Uralskie skazy 1991 136


Kuznetsov, An.G. Uralskie skazy 1992 325


Kuznetsov, An.G. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Region 60 AT 1990 37 (159-62)
Kuznetsov, An.G. and Averbakh, Yu. Grigoriev-100 1995-97 21


Kuznetsov, An.G. and Gusev, B. Gusev-50 JT 1996 225


Kuznetsov, An.G. and Sochniev, A. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1988 23


Kuznetsov, An.G. and Sukharev, K. Match Ulan-Baatar - Novosibirsk - Sverdlovsk 1991 621


Kuznetsov, An.G. and Sukharev, K. Uralskie Skazy 1991 133


Lamford, P. The Problemist 1984-85 660


Lerch, J. Studies from Games 1989 85


Levitt, J. The Problemist 1992-93 15 (168)
Lewandowski, A. Suomen shakki 1995-96 403 (159-62)
Lewandowski, A. Szachista 1993-94 28


Lewandowski, A. Szachy 1979 22


Lewandowski, A. Szachy 1987 650


Lewandowski, A. Wola Gulowska '94 - II 701 (693)
Lilja, H. and Parhi Parhi & Lilja JT 1971 146


Limbach, S. Biuletyn (Katowice) 1973 423


Limbach, S. Gazeta Czestochowa 1967-68 98


Limbach, S. Gazeta Czestochowa 1973 320


Limbach, S. Gazeta Czestochowa 1974 388


Limbach, S. Gazeta Czestochowa 1975 423


Limbach, S. Gazeta Czestochowa 1976 44


Limbach, S. Gazeta Czestochowa 1978 308


Limbach, S. Gazeta Czestochowa 1979 434


Lindgren, B. Rochade Europa 2000-01 362 (159-62)
Lommer, H.M. Themes-64 1965 255


Lommer, H.M. WCCT 1972-75, Theme 1 405


Lommer, H.M. and Cheron, A. Cheron JT 1967 426


Lommer, H.M. and Perkonoja, P. Halberstadt MT 1970 157


Lyalushkin, Yu. and Bron, V.A. Bron JT 1985 203


McKelvie, N. Chess Life 1984-85 175


Makhatadze, D. Akaki-150 439


Makhatadze, D. Makhatadze-70 2006 258 (167)
Makletsov, Yu. 64 1985 309


Maksimovskikh, A.P. 64 1983 499


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Birnov MT 1986 446


Maksimovskikh, A.P. 15th Birnov MT 1999 128 (159-62)
Maksimovskikh, A.P. Birnov MT (Volgograd) 2002 131 (159-62)
Maksimovskikh, A.P. Buletin Problemistic 1984-85 344


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1976 49


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Dunder MT 1989 846


Maksimovskikh, A.P. MAT-PAT 1986-87 883


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Match Leningrad - Kharkov 1976 537


background image


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Molodoi Leninets 1977 190


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Molodoi Leninets 1989 856


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Molodoi Leninets "Peace to the World" 1986 407


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Open Championship of Moscow 2003 198 (159-62)
Maksimovskikh, A.P. 10th Russian Team Championship 1989-90 247


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Schach 1989-90 203


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2000 574


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1978 330


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Shakhmaty v SSSR 7th Theme Ty 1976 95


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Spartak (Kurgan) 1984 111


Maksimovskikh, A.P Subbotnaya gazeta 1991 312


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Themes-64 1983 53


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Tidskrift for Schack 1977 163


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Tidskrift for Schack 1986 506


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Troitzky MT 1976 428


Maksimovskikh, A.P. Troitzky-135 MT 2002 142 (159-62)
Maksimovskikh, A.P. and Dolgov, V. Put k kommunizmu 1977 83


Maksimovskikh, A.P. and Kirillov, V. Victory-50 of Zaural 1995 846


Mandler, A. Havel MT 1960 840


Mandler, A. Moravec MT 1971 346


Manella, N. Israel RT 1998-99 273 (159-62)
Mansarliisky, N. Mansarliisky-50 JT 2004 50 (159-62)
Mansarliisky, N. Tutlayants MT 1998 733


Manvelyan, A. and Kasparyan, S. Kasparyan-95 MT 2006 206 (166)
Marwitz, J.H. Themes-64 1981 339


Masimov, A. Masimov-50 JT 2012 265 (193 supplement)
Matous, M. Ceskoslovensky Sach 1991-92 402


Matous, M. Italia Scacchistica 1983 147


Matous, M. Martin-Zilina 1998-99 119 (170)
Matous, M. Matous JT 1998 27 (168)
Matous, M. Matous-60 JT 2008 212 (181 supplement)
Matous, M. Pravda (Bratislava) 1988 139


Matous, M. Pravda-Tirnavia 1989 865


Matous, M. Romanian Championship 1983-84 557


Matous, M. Die Schwalbe 1997-98 162


Mees, W.J.G. Mees JT 1993 618


Mees, W.J.G. Die Schwalbe 1993-94 346


Mees, W.J.G. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1974 340


Melnichenko, I. Peremozi/Pobeda 45 AT 1991 101 (159-62)
Melnichenko, V. 2nd Bron MT 1990 182


Messa, R. Best problems 2004-06 122 (176 supplement)
Messaien, R. and Vandiest, J. KSFAH 1997-98 503


Mestel, A.J. Diagrammes 2002-03 141 (165)
Mestel, A.J. EG 2006-07 23 (179)
Mestel, A.J. Die Schwalbe 1990-92 653


Mestel, A.J. and Speelman, J.S. Assiac MT 1988 706


Micu, N. Buletin Problemistic 1996-97 759

(147 supplement)

Micu, N. Micu-60 JT 2001 607


Micu, N. Mihoc MT 419


Micu, N. The Problemist 1994-95 170


Micu, N. Revista Romana de Sah 1989-92 252


Mihajloski, Z. Mihajloski-60 JT 2010 388 (186 supplement)
Mihajloski, Z. 11th Sredba na solidarnosta 1995-97 408


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Milescu, M. Israel RT 45


Milescu, M. and Aloni, H. Olympic Ty 1976 10


Milescu, M. and Aloni, H. Schach-Echo 1977-78 367


Milescu, M. and Aloni, H. Seneca MT 1978 465


Miljanic, M. Mat Plus 2009 278 (185 supplement)
Milokumov, A. Birnov MT 1989 706


Milokumov, A. Birnov MT 1996-97 181


Miloseski, B. StrateGems 2000-01 413 (159-62)
Minerva, E. Best Problems 2002-03 204 (159-62)
Minski, M. Georgian Internet TT 2012 380 (194 supplement)
Minski, M. Magyar Sakkvilag 2010 159 (188 supplement)
Minski, M. Mistetski shakhi 2000-05 210 (166)
Minski, M. Rochade Europa 2008-09 371 (186 supplement)
Minski, M. Schach 2008-09 285 (185 supplement)
Minski, M. Die Schwalbe 2007-08 150 (184 supplement)
Mitrofanov, L.A. 64 1974 392


Mitrofanov, L.A. Problem 1958-59; 1959-61; 1962-65 554; 558; 562


Mitrofanov, L.A. 14th USSR Individual Champ 1977-78 238


Mitrofanov, L.A. 10th USSR Team Championship 1978-79 372


Mitrofanov, L.A. and Kozyrev, V. Lenin-120 Ty 1989 693


Muller, H. Die Schwalbe 1981-83 352


Muradov, M. Muradov-60 JT 2009 176 (188 supplement)
Muradov, M. Olimpiya dunyasi 2010 167 (188 supplement)
Muradov, M. Sarychev-100 MT 2009 176 (184 Supplement)
Nadareishvili, G.A. 64 1975 510


Nadareishvili, G.A. J.Behting MT 1968 261


Nadareishvili, G.A. Friendship-200 Ty 1983 456


Nadareishvili, G.A. Gorgiev MT 1977 54


Nadareishvili, G.A. Komsomolskaya Znamya 1975 333


Nadareishvili, G.A. Nadareishvili JT 1983 370


Nadareishvili, G.A. Problem 1966-67 564


Nadareishvili, G.A. Problem 1967-68,1969-71,1971-73 604,607,611


Nadareishvili, G.A. Problem 1973-76, 1976-78 613,616


Nadareishvili, G.A. Revista Romana de Sah 1987 692


Nadareishvili, G.A. Sagaredzho-78 377


Nadareishvili, G.A. Schach 1977-78 77


Nadareishvili, G.A. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1985 216


Nadareishvili, G.A. Themes-64 1975 527


Nadareishvili, G.A. Tidskrift for Schack 1981 325


Nadareishvili, G.A Tungsram Ty 1980 175


Nadareishvili, G.A. and Chachua, Z. Nadareishvili-70 JT 1991 822


Nadareishvili, G.A. and Herbstman, A. Rustaveli-800 1967 258


Navarovsky, L. Szen MT 1982 245


Neidze, V. 2nd All-Russian East-West Match 2000 578


Neidze, V. 7 Towns Friendship Match 1980 182


Neidze, V. Chavchavadze MT 1987 741


Neidze, V. Chervony Girnik 1988 630


Neidze, V. Chervony Girnik TT 1980 16


Neidze, V. Gaprindashvili "Intl Blitz" AT 2005 111 (159-62)
Neidze, V. Italia Scacchistica 1982 144


Neidze, V. Match West Russia - East Russia 1997 576


Neidze, V. Metsniereba da tekhnika 468


Neidze, V. Neidze-60 JT 1998 508


background image


Neidze, V. Neidze-70 JT 2007 30 (179)
Neidze, V. Pat a mat 1991-92 815


Neidze, V. Revista Romana de Sah 1976 101


Neidze, V. Revista Romana de Sah 1977 297


Neidze, V. Shakhmaty i shashki v BSSR 1982-83 45


Neidze, V. Shakhmaty i shashki v BSSR 1984-85 888


Neidze, V. Shakhmaty/Sahs 1979-80 301


Neidze, V. Shakhmaty/Sahs 1981-82 492


Neidze, V. Szachy 1977 283


Neidze, V. 7th USSR Team Championship [1970]-71 380


Neidze, V. 9th USSR Team Championship [1975-76] 68


Neidze, V. and Bondarenko, F.S. Mkhedruli 1975-76 441


Neidze, V. and Bondarenko, F.S. Nakhodkinsky Rabochy 1972 70


Neidze, V. and Botvinnik, M.M. Komunisti 1973 235


Neidze, V. and Herbstman, A. Drosha 1966 226


Neidze, V. and Herbstman, A. Merani 1970 222


Neidze, V. and Tavariani, R. Gruziya-60 1982 263


Neidze, V. et al. Match USSR - Rest of the World 609


Nestorescu, V. Baltic States 1991-93 326


Nestorescu, V. Israel RT 1991 661


Nestorescu, V. Match Bratislava - Saratov 1988 900


Nestorescu, V. Match Israel - St Petersburg 2001 20


Nestorescu, V. Nestorescu-65 JT 1996 57


Nestorescu, V. Nestorescu-70 JT 2000 611


Nestorescu, V. Nestorescu-80 JT 2010 30 (187)
Nestorescu, V. Olympic Ty, Skopje 1972 150


Nestorescu, V. Probleemblad 1999-2000 319 (159-62)
Nestorescu, V. Revista Romana de Sah 1974 60


Nestorescu, V. Schach-Echo 1988-91 374 (159-62)
Nestorescu, V. Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1979/80 115


Nestorescu, V. 12th Sredba na SOlidarnosta 1998-2000 398 (159-62)
Nestorescu, V. 13th Sredba na Solidarnosta 2001-02 401 (159-62)
Nestorescu, V. Szachy 1983 56


Nestorescu, V. Themes-64 1976 51


Nestorescu, V. Tidskrift for Schack 1979 439


Nestorescu, V. Zadachi i Etyudy 2000 457 (159-62)
Neuenschwander, B. Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1987-88 829


Neuenschwander, B. Springaren 1991-92 422


Nosek, S. Ceskoslovensky sach 2009-10 235 (189)
Nunn, J.D.M. ChessBase 25th AT 2012 37 (191)
Nunn, J.D.M. Il Due Alfieri 1984-85 307


Nunn, J.D.M. John Nunn 50th Birthday Tourney 2005 11 (163)
Nunn, J.D.M. The Problemist 1980-81 196


Nunn, J.D.M. The Problemist 2008-09 289 (185 supplement)
Nunn, J.D.M. Match USSR - Rest of the World 609


Nunn, J.D.M. and Elkies, N. Israel RT 1988 109


Olimpiev, B.G. Bron MT 1990 48


Olimpiev, B.G. Bron MT 1991 287


Olimpiev, B.G. Kopnin MT 1999 323


Olimpiev, B.G. Kozlov MT 1987 526


Olimpiev, B.G. Olimpiev-60 JT 1997 399


Olimpiev, B.G. Olimpiev-64 JT 2002 649


Olimpiev, B.G. Olimpiev-70 JT 2009 165 (184 supplement)

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Olimpiev, B.G. Uralsky Problemist 1999 426


Olin, P. Schakend Nederland 1976 105


Olin, P. Suomen Shakki 1980 102


Olin, P. Suomen Tehtavaniekat 1999-2000 38


Olthof, R. EBUR 2003 256 (159-62)
Olthof, R. Olthof-40 JT 225

(151 supplement)

Onate, E. Schakend Nederland 1973 216


Onkoud, A. Moroccan Chess 2012 294 (193 supplement)
Ornstein, A. Springaren 1997 509


Ornstein, A. StrateGems 2006-07 240 (181 supplement)
Ornstein, A. Suomen Tehtavaniekat 2001-02 419 (159-62)
Ornstein, A. Tidskrift for Schack 1998-99 427 (159-62)
Osintsev, S. Bron-100 MT 2009 150 (188 supplement)
Osintsev, S. Kalyagin MT 2011 69 (191 supplement)
Osintsev, S. Kalyagin-60 MT 2013 393 (194 supplement)
Osintsev, S. Kozlov MT 1985 254


Osintsev, S. Osintsev-50 JT 2011 261 (189 supplement)
Osintsev, S. Sadykov MT 2006 114 (176 supplement)
Osintsev, S. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2007-08 70 (187 supplement)
Osintsev, S. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2009 189 (188 supplement)
Osintsev, S. Uralsky Problemist 1993-96; 1997 522


423 (155)

Osintsev, S. Uralsky Problemist 2004 441 (159-62)
Osintsev, S. Uralsky Problemist 2009 274 (185 supplement)
Osintsev, S. Uralsky Problemist 2010 229 (189)
Osintsev, S. Uralsky Problemist-20 AT 2013 69 (195 supplement)
Osintsev, S. Zadachi i etyudy 2007 336 (190)
Osintsev, S. and Sadykov, A. Belyakin-80 MT 2002 124 (159-62)
Osul, K. Open Moscow Championship 2000 699


Paavilainen, J. Puhaka MT 1997 300


Paavilainen, J. and Perkonoja, P. Suomen shakki 1991-92 573


Pachman, V. Themes-64 1980 117


Packa, L. Nedel'na pravda 1994-95 247


Packa, L. Pravda (Bratislava) 1990-91 567


Packa, L. Pravda (Bratislava) 1992-93 756


Palguev, L. Mikholap-35 JT 2005 300 (178)
Pallier, A. Buletin Problemistic 2004-05 62 (169)
Pallier, A. Lazard MT 2000 134 (159-62)
Pallier, A. Ponziani MT 1996 395


Pallier, A. The Problemist 1998-99 172


Pallier, A. Schach 2010-11 148 (192)
Pallier, A. StrateGems 2008 59 (183 supplement)
Pallier, A. and Grondijs, H. Europe Echecs 1998-99 383


Pallier, A. and van der Heijden, H. Calvi MT 1999 178


Palmans, L. and Van Herck, M. ARVES Tourney, Jurmala 2008 251 (174)
Paoli, E. Italia Scacchistica 1970 472


Paoli, E. Italia Scacchistica 1977 188


Paoli, E. Italia Scacchistica 1985 248


Paoli, E. Paoli-95 JT 2003 117


Paoli, E. Scacco! 1979 129


Parhi and Lilja, H. Parhi and Lilja JT 1971 146


Pavlovsky, E. Sachova Skladba 1986 584


Pavlovsky, E. Sachova skladba 1995-98 194


Perkonoja, P. Ceskoslovensky Sach 1973 314


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Perkonoja, P. Hildebrand MT 2007 129 (176 supplement)
Perkonoja, P. Hungarian Chess Federation 1978 245


Perkonoja, P. Herbstman MT 1984 515


Perkonoja, P. Magyar Sakkvilag 2012 91 (195 supplement)
Perkonoja, P. Martin RT 1988-89 811


Perkonoja, P. Mongolian Chess Federation 1984 373 (920
Perkonoja, P. Phenix 1988-90 707


Perkonoja, P. Probleemblad 2005-06 139 (184)
Perkonoja, P. Problem 1979-81 159


Perkonoja, P. The Problemist 1970-71 461


Perkonoja, P. Revista Romana de Sah 1981 350


Perkonoja, P. SEPA and Arguelles JT 1976-78 158


Perkonoja, P. Stella Polaris 1968 425


Perkonoja, P. Stella Polaris 1972 145


Perkonoja, P. Suomen Shakki 1985-86 545


Perkonoja, P. Suomen Shakki 1987-88 908


Perkonoja, P. Suomen Tehtavaniekat 1997-98 36


Perkonoja, P. Szachy 1978 389


Perkonoja, P. Themes-64 1974 389


Perkonoja, P. Themes-64 '20 Years' 1976 137


Perkonoja, P. Tidskrift for Schack 1967 201


Perkonoja, P. Tidskrift for Schack 1972 91


Perkonoja, P. Tidskrift for Schack 1982 355


Perkonoja, P. Tidskrift for Schack 1994 862


Perkonoja, P. 3rd WCCT 1984-88 625


Perkonoja, P. 4th WCCT 1989-92 230


Perkonoja, P. Zadachi i etyudy 2006 142 (180)
Perkonoja, P. and Korn, W. Pan-American Study Ty 1983-84 483


Perkonoja, P. and Lommer, H.M. Halberstadt MT 1970 157


Perkonoja, P. and Paavilainen, J. Suomen shakki 1991-92 573


Perkonoja, P. and Roycroft, A.J. 2nd Israel Retrospective Champ 1960-69 22 (171)
Perkonoja, P. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1980 182


Perkonoja, P. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1981 87


Pervakov, O. 64 1989 177


Pervakov, O. 64 1994 139


Pervakov, O. 64 1996 336


Pervakov, O. 64 1998 250


Pervakov, O. 64 1999 568


Pervakov, O. 64 2002 470


Pervakov, O. 64 2004 295 (178)
Pervakov, O. All-Genres Master-Title 1992 [theme 2] 181 (159-62)
Pervakov, O. Birnov MT 1991 210


Pervakov, O. FIDE Olympic Tourney 2012 77 (191 supplement)
Pervakov, O. FIDE World Cup 2010 257 (185 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Kopnin-90 MT 2009 194 (184 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Kozhakin-50 JT 2007 141 (176 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Loshinsky & Umnov 100 MT 2012 275 (193 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Moscow Open Championship 2006 121 (172)
Pervakov, O. Moscow Open Championship 2008 172 (188 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Moscow Town 2010 93 (187 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Moscow Town 2011 136 (192)
Pervakov, O. Moscow Town 2012 271 (193 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Moscow Town 2013 47 (195)

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Pervakov, O. Novo-Voronezh Nuclear Power Station-40 20 (159-62)
Pervakov, O. Olympiya Dunyasi 2012 63 (195 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Pat a Mat 2010-11 297 (193 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Pervakov-50 JT 2010 376 (186 supplement)
Pervakov, O. The Problemist 2006-07 50 (183 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Salekhard-400 AT 1996 527


Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1992 62


Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1993-94 17


Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1996 68


Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1998 80


Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1999 297 (159-62)
Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2000 513


Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2001 17


Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2002 301 (159-62)
Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2004 308 (159-62)
Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2005 255 (167)
Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2006 85 (179 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2007 90 (179 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2008 74 (187 supplement)
Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2001 386 (159-62)
Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2004 124 (172)
Pervakov, O. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2006 233 (177 supplement)
Pervakov, O. 11th Russian Team Championship 1992 86


Pervakov, O. Rychkov and Stepanov MT 1997 301


Pervakov, O. St Petersburg Festival 1998 314


Pervakov, O. Tourney in Honour of 46th PCCC Congress, Moscow 2003 528 (159-62)
Pervakov, O. Troitzky-125 MT 1990 144


Pervakov, O. 12th Ukrainian Team Championship 2002 192 (159-62)
Pervakov, O. Uralskie Skazy, Netanya 1999 521 (159-62)
Pervakov, O. Uralsky Problemist 2003 440


Pervakov, O. Uralsky Problemist 2008 227 (189)
Pervakov, O. Victory-60 AT 2005 132 (165)
Pervakov, O. Victory-65 AT 2010 224 (189)
Pervakov, O. Zadachi i etyudy 2005 93 (176)
Pervakov, O. and Dvoretsky, M. Dvoretsky 60 JT 2007 272 (174)
Pervakov, O. and Kazantsev, A.P. Kazantsev-90 JT 30


Pervakov, O. and Sukharev, K. St Petersburg 1998, Quick Composing 468


Pervakov, O. and Vysokosov, A. Moscow 2003, Vodka Tourney 487 (159-62)
Petkov, P.A. Shakhmatna misl 1966-67; 1968-69 268


Petkov, P.A. Shakhmatna misl 1980, 1984 481


Petkov, P.A. Shakhmatna misl 1987 912


Petrov, D.F. 8th All-Russian Tourney 1973-74 176 (159-62)
Petrov, D.F. Vecherny Novosibirsk 1963 836


Petren, B. 5th Sredba na solidarnosta 1981 149


Petrescu, C. and Janosi, E. Buletin Problemistic 1977 166


Pfannkuche, M. Heureka 1992-93 193


Pfannkuche, M. Schach 1995-96 365 (159-62)
Pfannkuche, M. and Gruber, H. Europa Rochade 1991-92 693


Pidlivailo, V. and Topko, L. Topko-55 JT 1994 533


Pochtarev, K. Vecherny Leningrad 1977-78; 1979-80 662




Pochtarev, K. Vecherny Leningrad 1981-82 710


Pochtarev, K. and Fokin, Yu. Vecherny Leningrad 1985-86 567


Pochtarev, K. and Fokin, Yu. Vecherny Leningrad 1987-88; 1989-90 714; 717


background image


Podgaets, M. and Tkachenko, S. Podgaets-50 JT 1997 566


Pogorelov, V. Zinchuk-75 MT 2012 336 (194)
Pogosyants, E.L. 64 1973 244


Pogosyants, E.L. 2nd Belorussian Individual Champ 1972-76 477


Pogosyants, E.L. Birnov MT 1985 210


Pogosyants, E.L. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1969 264


Pogosyants, E.L. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1974 374


Pogosyants, E.L. Chervony Girnik 1978 358


Pogosyants, E.L. Chervony Girnik 1979 490


Pogosyants, E.L. Chervony Girnik 1981 165


Pogosyants, E.L. Chervony Girnik 1983 451


Pogosyants, E.L. Chervony Girnik 1984 26


Pogosyants, E.L. Fizkulturnik Byelorussii 1979 207


Pogosyants, E.L. Moscow Ty 1985 164


Pogosyants, E.L. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1981 211


Pogosyants, E.L. Szachy 1988 905


Pogosyants, E.L. Trud [Championship] 1977 17


Pogosyants, E.L. and Kanonik, D. Chervony Girnik 1977 57


Polasek, J. Ceskoslovensky Sach 1985-86 537


Polasek, J. Ceskoslovensky Sach 1999-2000 80


Polasek, J. ChessStar 2011 95 (195 supplement)
Polasek, J. Fritz-100 MT 2012 180 (192 supplement)
Polasek, J. Macek-90 JT 1999 267


Polasek, J. Sachova skladba 1999-2000 196 (188 supplement)
Polasek, J. Sachove Umeni 1981 286


Polasek, J. and Vlasak, E. Polasek and Vlasak 50-JT 2009 79 (187 supplement)
Popandopulo, A. Leninskaya smena 1966 269


Pospisil, J. Czechoslovak Chess Federation 1973 39 (195), see 934


Pospisil, J. Duras Memorial Ty 1982 464


Pospisil, J. Pachman & Fritz MT 1985 375


Pospisil, J. Pavlovsky & Pospisil-70 JT 2004 73 (159-62)
Pospisil, J. Sachova skladba & Sachove umeni 1987 891


Pospisil, J. Sachove Umeni 1976 111


Prokop, F.J. Sachove Umeni 1967-68 162


Pruscha, H. Reiners MT 1980 776


Pye, R. Suomen Shakki & Suomen Tehtavaniekat 2007-8 364 (186 supplement)
Raina, C. Buletin Problemistic 1974 484


Raina, C. Revista Romana de Sah 1975 62


Raina, C. Revista Romana de Sah 1982 509


Ravarini, R. Buletin Problemistic 1982-83 557 (960
Ravarini, R. Italia Scacchistica 1978 301


Ravarini, R. Nardone MT 1975-77 151


Razumenko, V. 64 1988 901


Razumenko, V. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1980 484


Razumenko, V. Herbstman-100 MT 2000 358


Razumenko, V. Magadanskaya pravda 1985 140


Razumenko, V. Mitrofanov MT 1994 623


Razumenko, V. Mitrofanov-70 MT 12


Razumenko, V. Razumenko-70 JT 2007 50 (179 supplement)
Razumenko, V. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1983 59


Razumenko, V. Shakhmaty v SSSR 10th TT 411


Razumenko, V. Simkhovich-100 1996 897


Razumenko, V. Zadachi i etyudy 2009 179 (188 supplement)

background image


Razumenko, V. Zhigulevskie zory 2008 97 (183 supplement)
Razumenko, V. Zhigulevskie zory 2011 273 (189 supplement)
Razumenko, V. Zhigulevskie zory 2013 155 (196 supplement)
Rezvov, N.V. Chervony girnik 1997 182


Rezvov, N.V. Chervony Girnik-75 AT 1999 693


Rezvov, N.V. Dzvin Chernobyl'a 1990-92 212 (159-62)
Rezvov, N.V. Rezvov JT 1992 82


Rezvov, N.V. Rezvov-75 JT 1997 125


Rezvov, N.V. Sportivnaya Gazeta (Kiev) 1987 564


Rezvov, N.V. and Chernous, V. Rezvov-85 JT 2006 106 (176 supplement)
Richter, E. Czech Sports Committee JT 1965 391


Richter, F. Sachove Umeni 1965 308


Rinder, G. Schach-Echo 1979-80 34


Rinder, G. Die Schwalbe 1999-2000 198 (166)
Roche, J. Phenix 1991-93 904


and 15


Roche, J. Quartz 1996-98 734


Ronat, O. Messigny 2005 277 (159-62)
Roslov, Yu. All-Russian Society 80 AT 2007 113 (172)
Roslov, Yu. Chekhover-90 MT 1999 313


Roslov, Yu. Kubbel-110 MT 2002 327


Roslov, Yu. Roslov-40 JT 2003 82 (159-62)
Roslov, Yu. Tolush-100 MT 2011 288 (189 supplement)
Roslov, Yu. Zadachi i Etyudy 1995 579


Roslov, Yu. Zadachi i Etyudy 2003 470 (159-62)
Rossi, P. Rossi-80 JY 2005 507 (157)
Roxlau, M. Magyar Sakkvilag 2006 22 (177 supplement)
Roxlau, M. Problem-Forum 2009-10 66 (191 supplement) and 155 (192 supplement)
Roxlau, M. Rochade Europa 2006-07 [German composers] 217 (177 supplement)
Roxlau, M. Rochade Europa 2010-11 357 (194 supplement)
Roycroft, A.J. 64 TT 1996 146


Roycroft, A.J. 7th Azerbaijan Individual Champ 8


Roycroft, A.J. BCPS 2012 158 (192 supplement)
Roycroft, A.J. Budapest Quick Composing Ty 1988 504


Roycroft, A.J. Buletin Problemistic 1976 500


Roycroft, A.J. Buletin Problemistic 2000-01 253


Roycroft, A.J. Canterbury 'Blitz' Ty 1978 135


Roycroft, A.J. Hastings Centenary Ty 1995 802


Roycroft, A.J. 4th Hero-Cities Match 1999-2000 210


Roycroft, A.J. Heuacker MT 1981 135


Roycroft, A.J. Italia Scacchistica 1967 492


Roycroft, A.J. Italia Scacchistica 1973 168


Roycroft, A.J. Kivi MT 1991 247 (177 supplement)
Roycroft, A.J. Peckover JT 1976 453


Roycroft, A.J. The Problemist 1974-75 415


Roycroft, A.J. Problemista 1967 470


Roycroft, A.J. Revista Romana de Sah 1988 861,914


Roycroft, A.J. Rochade Europa 1996-97 559


Roycroft, A.J. Roycroft JT 1978 201


and p.262


Roycroft, A.J. Sachova skladba 2003-04 33 (168)
Roycroft, A.J. Schach 1991-92 382


Roycroft, A.J. Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1981-82 983


Roycroft, A.J. 2nd Serbian and Montenegrin Champ 2004-05 534 (159-62)
Roycroft, A.J. StrateGems 1998-99 55


background image


Roycroft, A.J. Themes-64 1966-67 495


Roycroft, A.J. Themes-64 1972-73 270


Roycroft, A.J. Tidskrift for Schack 2004 82 (164)
Roycroft, A.J. and Assiac Assiac JT 1972 480


Roycroft, A.J., Bronstein, D. and Staudte, H-H. New Statesman 1970 213,228 (23,24)
Roycroft, A.J., Hooper, D.V. and Staudte, H-H. New Statesman 1971 452


Roycroft, A.J. and Korn, W. New Statesman 1966 199


Roycroft, A.J. and Korn, W. New Statesman 1967 521


Roycroft, A.J. and Perkonoja, P. 2nd Israel Retrospective Champ 1960-69 22 (171)
Roycroft, A.J. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1971 474


Roycroft, A.J. and Stoffelen, W. Stoffelen-70 JT 2008 218 (181 supplement)
Roycroft, A.J. et al. Match USSR - Rest of the World 609


Rumyantsev, S. Rumyantsev-55 JT 2011 279 (189 supplement)
Rumyantsev, S. and Selivanov, A.V. Bratislava PCCC-Blitz 1993 430


Rumyantsev, S. and Selivanov, A.V. Ural Problemist Ty, Belfort 1994 585


Rusinek, J. Czestochowa Tourney 1983-85 211


Rusinek, J. Diagrammes 1992-93 645


Rusinek, J. EG 2004-05 179 (166)
Rusinek, J. Grzeban MT 1992-92 412


Rusinek, J. Israel RT 2007-08 37 (187)
Rusinek, J. Kivi 80th JT 1987 668


Rusinek, J. Magyar Sakkelet 1982 327


Rusinek, J. Martin 1994-95 236


Rusinek, J. Phenix 1994-96 473


Rusinek, J. Polish 40 Years Ty 1985 212


Rusinek, J. Polish RT 1985-86 312


Rusinek, J. Problemista 35th AT 1997 471


Rusinek, J. Razem 1987 555


Rusinek, J. Revista Romana de Sah 1983 49


Rusinek, J. Rusinek-50 JT 2002 26


Rusinek, J. Schach 1981-82 383


Rusinek, J. 10th Sredba na solidarnosta 1989-94 571


Rusinek, J. Suomen shakki 2000-01 144 (165)
Rusinek, J. Szachista 1991-92 429


Rusinek, J. Szachista 1995-96 422 (159-62)
Rusinek, J. Szachista 1997-2002 63 (164)
Rusinek, J. Szachy 1969 231


Rusinek, J. Szachy 1973 189


Rusinek, J. Szachy 1976 37


Rusinek, J. Szachy 1980 81


Rusinek, J. Szachy 1981 243


Rusinek, J. Szachy 1984 340


Rusinek, J. Szachy 1986 550


Rusinek, J. Szachy 1989-90 256


Rusinek, J. Themes-64 1985 358


Rusinek, J. and Grzeban, G. Grzeban JT 1982 320


Rustamov, B. Ali Tebrizi Shatranji MT 2009 44 (187)
Rustamov, B. Baku 1987-93 249 (177 supplement)
Rustamov, B. 2nd Sarychev MT 1999-2000 463


Ryabinin, N. 64 1990 308


Ryabtsev, V. Ryabtsev-40 JT 2000 728


Sadykov, A. Sadykov-65 JT 2000 574 (158)
Sadykov, A. and Osintsev, S. Belyakin-80 MT 2002 124 (159-62)

background image


Sakharov, B.A. 64 1967 179


Salai, L. jr. Ceskoslovensky sach 1995-96 441


Salai, L. jr. Match Klub Pongracz - SP 2003 314 (159-62)
Salai, L. jr. MAT-PAT 1983-85 882


Salai, L. jr. Nedel'na pravda 1996-97 185


Salai, L. jr. Pat a mat 2006-07 227 (181 supplement)
Salai, L. jr. Sachova skladba 2005-06 235 (173 supplement)
Samarian, S. Farago MT 1971 122


Samilo, V.G. 3rd Belorussian Team Champ 1987 490 (950
Samilo, V.G. Problemist Ukraini 2010 286 (193 supplement)
Samilo, V.G. and Bezgodkov, A.S. 3rd Bron MT 274


Samilo, V.G. and Bezgodkov, A.S. 4th Bron MT 186


Samilo, V.G. and Bezgodkov, A.S. 5th Bron MT 290


Samilo, V.G. and Griva, N. Bondarenko MT 1995 295


Sarychev, A.V. Sarychev JT 1984 82


Sarychev, A.V. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1972 102


Sarychev, A.V. Szachy 1975 464


Schlosser, M. Problem-Forum 2005-6 147 (176 supplement)
Schmidt, P. Problem-Forum 2003-4 191 (166)
Schoen, G.E. Konig & Turm 2005 230 (173 supplement)
Schulz, K-D. Rochade Europa 1994-95 406


Seckar, M. Seckar-70 JT 2002 35


Sedlak, L. Sachove Umeni 1982 496


Segenreich, S. Israel Ring Ty 1968 45


Selivanov, A.V. BAS-50 1993 441


Selivanov, A.V. Gulyaev & Kofman MT 2009 41 (187)
Selivanov, A.V. Match Slovakia - Ukraine 2001 28


Selivanov, A.V. Moscow Town 2008 87 (187 supplement)
Selivanov, A.V. Moscow Town 2009 90 (187 supplement)
Selivanov, A.V. Moscow Town 2011 56 (195 supplement)
Selivanov, A.V. Pula, Vodka Tourney 1997 482 (159-62)
Selivanov, A.V. Rezvov-80 JT 2001 31


Selivanov, A.V. Sachova skladba 2001-02 79 (164)
Selivanov, A.V. Selivanov-30 JT 59


Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist TT, St Petersburg 1988 386


Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist-5 AT 1999 430


Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist-15 AT 2008 94 (183 supplement)
Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist TT, Eretria 2005 552 (158)
Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist TT, Halkidiki 2004 522 (157)
Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist TT, Moscow 2003 579 (158)
Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist TT, Netanya 1999 519 (159-62)
Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist TT, Pula 2000 515 (159-62)
Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist 2006 289 (178)
Selivanov, A.V. Uralsky Problemist 2007 268 (193 supplement)
Selivanov, A.V. Vecherny Krasnoturinsk-10 AT 2003 107 (159-62)
Selivanov, A.V. Vodka Ty, Wageningen 2006 259 (167)
Selivanov, A.V. Yugoslav Championship 2000-01 697


Selivanov, A.V. and Rumyantsev, S. Bratislava PCCC-Blitz 1993 430


Selivanov, A.V. and Rumyantsev, S. Uralsky Problemist TT, Belfort 1994 585


Seret, J-L. Diagrammes 1989-91 241 (159-62)
Sevchenko, V. Kozatska Shakhivnistya 2006 75 (191 supplement)
Sevcik, J. Sachova skladba 1989 88


Sevcik, J. Sachova skladba 1990-91 194


background image


Sevcik, J. Sachove Umeni 1979 20


Sevcik, J. Sevcik-60 JT 1996 60


Sevcik, J. UV CSTV 1977 170


Shevchenko, V. I.Borisenko-75 JT 2005 118 (172)
Shevchenko, V. Kozatska Shakhivnitsa 2005 194 (173 supplement)
Shevchenko, V. Panorama-1998 728


Shmulenson, G.A. 900th Anniversary of Minsk 1967 403


Shmulenson, G.A. and Kanonik, D. Chervony Girnik 1972 441


Shmulenson, G.A. and Kanonik, D. Chervony Girnik 1973 192


Sichev, V. Afanasiev-90 MT 2000 505


Sichev, V. 6th Belorussian Individual Champ 1989-92 245


Sichev, V. Tamkov MT 578 (158)
Sichev, V. Tamkov-70 MT 2007 92 (183 supplement)
Sichev, V. Zvyazda 1990; 1991 517; 518


Sichev, V. Zvyazda 1992 252 (177 supplement)
Sichev, V. Zvyazda 1995 144


Sidorov, B.N. Sidorov-65 JT 2002 729


Sikora-Lerch, J. Moravskoslezsky sach 1995-96 181


Sindelar, M. Czech Tourney (Liberation) 1973 433


Sivak, B. Pravda-Trnavia 1985-86 677


Sivak, B. Pravda-Trnavia 1987 61


Sivak, B. Sachove Umeni 1978 393


Sizonenko, V. Krivoi Rog-225 AT 2000 572


Sizonenko, V. Topko-65 JT 2004 98 (159-62)
Skrinnik, A. Skrinnik-50 JT 2006 236 (177 supplement)
Sobey, A.J. Mandil MT 1980 149


Sobey, A.J. and Hooper, D.V. New Statesman 1975 396


Sobey, A.J., Hooper, D.V. and Staudte, H-H. New Statesman 1973 171


Sobey, A.J. and van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1986 496


Sochniev, A. 1st Armenian Open Championship 1990 181


Sochniev, A. Korolkov-90 1997 34


Sochniev, A. Sochniev-40 JT 2001 90 (159-62)
Sochniev, A. Zadachy i Etyudy 1998 234


Sochniev, A. and Kuznetsov, An.G. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1988 23


Soukup-Bardon, B. and Benko, F. Ajedrez 1970 318


Soukup-Bardon, B. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1969 265


Speelman, J.S The Problemist 2000-01 329 (159-62)
Speelman, J.S. and Mestel, A.J. Assiac MT 1988 706


Spinhoven, F.A. En Passant 1986 386


Spinhoven, F.A. En Passant 1987 502


Spinhoven, F.A. En Passant 1988 835


Spinhoven, F.A. Rueb Memorial Ty 1982-83 95


Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1977 251


Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1979 447


Spinhoven, F.A. and de Feijter, C.A. Schakend Nederland 1965 497


Spinhoven, F.A. and de Feijter, C.A. Selman Memorial Ty 1978 314


Spinhoven, F.A. and Grzeban, G. Schakend Nederland 1966 498


Spinhoven, F.A. and Hildebrand, A. Schakend Nederland 1967 501


Spinhoven, F.A. and Hooper, D.V. Schakend Nederland 1972 94


Spinhoven, F.A. and Mees, W.J.G. Schakend Nederland 1974 340


Spinhoven, F.A. and Perkonoja, P. Schakend Nederland 1980 182


Spinhoven, F.A. and Perkonoja, P. Scahkend Nederland 1981 87


Spinhoven, F.A. and Roycroft, A.J. Schakend Nederland 1971 474


background image


Spinhoven, F.A. and Soukup-Bardon, B. Schakend Nederland 1969 265


Spinhoven, F.A. and Staudte, H-H. Schakend Nederland 1975 505


Spinhoven, F.A. and van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1984 241


Staudte, H-H. German Chess Federation, Centenary Ty 1977 96


Staudte, H-H. Isenegger MT 1966 314


Staudte, H-H. Schach-Echo 1973-74 382


Staudte, H-H. Schach-Echo 1975-76 75


Staudte, H-H. Scandinavian Championship 1967 79


Staudte, H-H., Bronstein, D. and Roycroft, A.J. New Statesman 1970 213


Staudte, H-H., Hooper, D.V. and Roycroft, A.J. New Statesman 1971 452


Staudte, H-H., Hooper, D.V. and Sobey, A.J. New Statesman 1973 171


Staudte, H-H. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1975 505


Staudte, R. EBUR 2002 252 (159-62)
Staudte, R. Euxinus Pontus 2010-12 98 (195 supplement)
Staudte, R. Hagemann MT 2003 116 (170)
Staudte, R. Rochade Europa 2002-03 514 (157)
Staudte, R. Schach 1993-94 347


Staudte, R. Suomen Shakki 2004-06 and ST 2005-06 258 (177 supplement)
Stephenson, B.D. Diagrammes 1994-95 186


Stoffelen, W. Israel RT 2004 137 (176 supplement)
Stoffelen, W. and Roycroft, A.J. Stoffelen-70 JT 2008 218 (181 supplement)
Stoichev, K. Shakhmatna misl 1998 278


Sukharev, K. Sukharev-90 JT 2001 552


Sukharev, K. Uralskie Skazi, Netanya 1999 525 (159-62)
Sukharev, K. Vecherny Novosibirsk 1978 339


Sukharev, K. Vecherny Novosibirsk 1982 445


Sukharev, K. Vecherny Novosibirsk-30 JT 1987 236


Sukharev, K. and Kuznetsov, An.G. Match Ulan-Baatar - Novosibirsk - Sverdlovsk 1991 621


Sukharev, K. and Kuznetsov, An.G. Uralskie Skazy 1991 133


Sukharev, K. and Pervakov, O. St Petersburg 1998, Quick Composing 468


Sukhitashvili, S. Gori-93 603


Sukhitashvili, S. Krikheli MT 1998 35


Sumbatyan, K. 64 1995 332


Sumbatyan, K. 64 2000 598


Sumbatyan, K. Open Moscow Championship 2009 94 (187 supplement)
Sumbatyan, K. Moscow Championship 2012 354 (194 supplement)
Sumbatyan, K. Narodnoe obrazovanie 1988 665


Sumbatyan, K. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1986 610


Tarasiuk, V. Problemist Ukraini 2005-08 50 (187 supplement)
Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Championship 1995 389


Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Championship 1997 391


Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Olympics Ty 1980 485


Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Sports Committee 1979 341


Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Town 1996 278 (159-62)
Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Town 1997 392


Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Town 1998; 1999 259; 262


Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Town 2000 701


Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Town 2002 281 (159-62)
Tarnopolsky, K. Moscow Town 2004 286 (159-62)
Tarnopolsky, K. Victory Ty of RSFSR 1985 126


Tarnopolsky, K. and Kazantsev, A.P. Moscow Town 2001 704


Tavariani, R. Bulletin of CCC of the USSR 1977 249


Tavariani, R. Tavariani-70 1992 513


background image


Tavariani, R. and Kalandadze, V. Golden Fleece Ty 1986 301


Tavariani, R. and Neidze, V. Gruziya-60 1982 263


Telbis, G. Buletin Problemistic 1988-89 127


Telbis, G. Buletin Problemistic 1993-95 435


Telbis, G. Buletin Problemistic 25th AT 1997 438


Telbis, G. Hungarian Chess Federation 2007 289 (182)
Telbis, G. Joita MT 2003 183


Timman, J. Euwe-100 MT 2001 544


Timman, J., Krabbe, T. and Bohm, H. EBUR Humour Ty 2003-05 262 (159-62)
Timman, J., Krabbe, H. and Bohm, H. Quiet Move Ty 2003 231

(151 supplement)

Timman, J. and van der Heijden, H. Timman-50 JT 2002 238

(151 supplement)

Timman, J. Timman-60 JT 2012 346 (194)
Tkachenko, S. Chess Composition Day 2007 127 (176 supplement)
Tkachenko, S. and Podgaets, M. Podgaets-50 JT 1997 566


Tkachenko, S.N. 29th Chervony girnik 386


Tkachenko, S.N. 30th Chervony girnik 390


Tkachenko, S.N. EG 2008-09 230 (185)
Tkachenko, S.N. FIDE Olympic Tourney 2010 342 (186)
Tkachenko, S.N. Kondratiev MT 2002 321


Tkachenko, S.N. Odessa Festival 1997 484 (159-62)
Tkachenko, S.N. Pushkin-200 2000 300


Tkachenko, S.N. Rudenko-60 JT 1998 567 (158)
Tkachenko, S.N. Russian Team Championship 2009 173 (188 supplement)
Tkachenko, S.N. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 1999 383 (159-62)
Tkachenko, S.N. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2003 122 (172)
Tkachenko, S.N. Shanshin-40 JT 2001 603


Tkachenko, S.N. Zadachi i Etyudy 2002 465 (159-62)
Tkachenko, S.N. Zinar's return celebration 2007 39 (183)
Tolush, A. Vecherny Leningrad 1967 [Kubbel MT] 439


Tomasevic, M. Mat 1988 373


Topko, L. Chervony Girnik 1986 313


Topko, L. Topko-60 JT 1999 416


Topko, L. and Pidlivailo, V. Topko-55 JT 1994 533


Tyavlovsky, V.I. Pacific Ocean Komsomolets 397


Tyavlovsky, V.I. Shakhmaty v SSSR 1969 206


Ulrichsen, J.H. Ebur 2001 215

(151 supplement)

Ulrichsen, J.H. EG 2010-11 130 (192)
Ulrichsen, J.H. Die Schwalbe 2003-04 253 (177 supplement)
Ulrichsen, J.H. Springaren 1990 26


Ulrichsen, J.H. Springaren 1994 450


Ulrichsen, J.H. Tidskrift for Schack 1991 317


Ulrichsen, J.H. Tidskrift for Schack 1993 577


Ulrichsen, J.H. Tidskrift for Schack 1995 458


Ulrichsen, J.H. Tidskrift for Schack 2000 86


Ulrichsen, J. and Afek, Y. 10th ARVES Solving Contest Tourney 2004 138 (165)
Umnov, G.A. All-Russian Tourney 1987 164 (159-62)
Umnov, G.A. 12th Birnov MT 1992-93 582


Umnov, G.A. Magadan-50 Anniversary Ty 1988 734


Umnov, G.A. Magadan-91 1991 303


Umnov, G.A. Magadanskaya pravda 1986 406


Umnov, G.A. Magadanskaya pravda 1987 671


Umnov, G.A. 10th Moscow Championship 1986 503


Umnov, G.A. Novosibirsk-100 1993 240


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Umnov, G.A. Tatar Championship 1989 243


Umnov, G.A. Team Championship CIS 1990-91 178 (159-62)
Umnov, G.A. Troitzky "120" MT 1986 391


Umnov, G.A. Victory-45 AT 1990 103 (159-62)
Umnov, G.A. Volzhskaya Zarya 1986 384


Umnov, G.A. and Khait, A. Galitzky-125 1987 523


Umnov, G.A. and Khait, A. Saratov-400 1989 174


Valtonen, K. Suomen shakki 1989-90 121


van der Heijden, H. Ebur 2000 211

(151 supplement)

van der Heijden, H. Jenever Tourney 2001 491

(142 supplement)

van der Heijden, H. Kozlowski-100 MT 2011 132 (188)
van der Heijden, H. PCCC-50 AT 2010 383 (186 supplement)
van der Heijden, H. Problem Paradise 1996-2004 68 (169)
can der Heijden, H. Problemaz 2008 263 (193 supplement)
van der Heijden, H. Sachova skladba 2007-08 294 (182)
van der Heijden, H. Schach 2002-03 369 (159-62)
van der Heijden, H. Die Schwalbe 1995-96 157


van der Heijden, H. Springaren 2002-04 77 (169)
van der Heijden, H. StrateGems 2002-03 415 (159-62)
van der Heijden, H. Studistica 2000 413


van der Heijden, H. van der Heijden-50 2011 ARVES Book of the Year 2011
van der Heijden, H. and Garcia, M.G. Argentina-200 AT 2011 250 (189 supplement)
van der Heijden, H. and Pallier, A. Calvi MT 1999 178


van der Heijden, H. and Timman, J. Timman-50 JT 2002 238

(151 supplement)

van der Heijden, H. and van Herck, M. 4th ARVES Jenever Ty 2011 28 (187)
van der Heijden, H. and van Reek, J. Moscow-850 1997 302


van der Heijden, H. and van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1995 341


van Essen, M. Kiekarker Kruujebitter Ty 2006 258 (167)
van Herck, M. 2nd ARVES Jenever Ty 2009 25 (187)
van Herck, M. 3rd ARVES Jenever Ty 2010 26 (187)
van Herck, M. ARVES-20 AT 2008 189 (181)
van Herck, M. Suomen Shakki 1993-94 134


van Herck, M. and Palmans, L. ARVES Tourney, Jurmala 2008 251 (174)
van Herck, M. and van der Heijden, H. 4th ARVES Jenever Ty 2010 28 (187)
van Reek, J. Boris 10th AT 1993 397


van Reek, J. 2nd Boris Ty 1999 588


van Reek, J. Italia Scacchistica 80 Years 1991 417


van Reek, J. The Problemist 1986-87 920


van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1987 635


van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1988 680


van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1989 3


van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1990 7


van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1991 711


van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1992 713


van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1993 530


van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1994 764


van Reek, J. Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1985-86 598


van Reek, J. STES World Championship 1997 351


[assisted by O.Pervakov, J.Vandiest]

van Reek, J. van Reek-50 1995 854


van Reek, J. and Sobey, A.J. Schakend Nederland 1986 496


and 668


van Reek, J. and Spinhoven, F.A. Schakend Nederland 1984 241


van Reek, J. and van der Heijden, H. Moscow-850 1997 302


van Reek, J. and van der Heijden, H. Schakend Nederland 1995 341


background image


van Reek, J. and Vandiest, J. Schakend Nederland 1985 492


van Tets, A. Diagrammes 1998-99 507


Vandecasteele, I. The Problemist 1972-73 327


Vandiest, J. The Problemist 1978-79 145


Vandiest, J. Vandiest-80 JT 2001 501


Vandiest, J. and Messaien, R. KSFAH 1997-98 503


Vandiest, J. and van Reek, J. Schakend Nederland 1985 492


Villeneuve, A. Diagrammes 2000-01 248 (159-62)
Vinichenko, V. 10th Birnov MT 1990 73


Vinichenko, V. 13th Birnov MT 1996 518


Vinichenko, V. 3rd Hero-Towns Match 1995 691


Vinichenko, V. Lebedkin MT 1996 297


Vinichenko, V. Shakhmatnoe obozrenie 1991 22


Vinichenko, V. 15th [All-]Russian Team Champ 2003-05 201 (159-62)
Vinichenko, V. Sukharev MT 2005 113 (165)
Vinichenko, V. Uralsky Problemist 2000 375


Vinichenko, V. Victory-50 Ty 1995 841


Virtanen, K. and Valtonen, K. Satakunnan CC 25th JT 1989 892


Visokosov, A. see VYSOKOSOV
Vlasak, E. Ceskoslovensky Sach 1989-90 76


Vlasak, E. Ceskoslovensky Sach 1997-98 256


Vlasak, E. Ceskoslovensky Sach 2005-06 222 (173 supplement)
Vlasak, E. Moderny sach 2009 184 (184 supplement)
Vlasak, E. Sachova skladba 2011-12 341 (194)
Vlasak, E. Studies from games 1990 126


Vlasak, E. UV CSTV 1987 571


Vlasak, E. Umenie-64 2002-03 435 (159-62)
Vlasak,E. and Polasek, J. Polasek & Vlasak 50-JT 2009 79 (187 supplement)
Vlasenko, V. 64 1982 42


Vlasenko, V. 2nd Belokon MT 1989 842


Vlasenko, V. Kubbel Centenary Ty 1991 297


Vlasenko, V. Vlasenko-70 JT 2009 235 (185)
Voia, R. Revista de Sah 1966 160


Voia, R. Revista Romana de Sah 1984 267


Voia, R. Revista Romana de Sah 60th AT 1986 342


Voia, R. and Samarian, S. Farago MT 1972 122


Vrabec, F. The Problemist 2002-03 333 (159-62)
Vrabec, F. 8th Sredba na solidarnosta 1985 394


Vrabec, F. 9th Sredba na solidarnosta 1986-89 825


Vrabec, F. 15th Sredba na solidarnosta 2005-06 198 (177)
Vrabec, F. Tidskrift for Schack 1997 425 (159-62)
Vysokosov, A. 64 2001 467


Vysokosov, A. 18th Birnov MT 2006 234 (167)
Vysokosov, A. Moscow Championship 2007 144 (176 supplement)
Vysokosov, A. Moscow Town 2005 128 (165)
Vysokosov, A. Moscow Town 2006 195 (173 supplement)
Vysokosov, A. Moscow Town 2007 145 (176 supplement)
Vysokosov, A. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 2003 304 (159-62)
Vysokosov, A. Shakhmatnaya nedelya 2003 128


Vysokosov, A. and Pervakov, O. Moscow 2003, Vodka Tourney 497 (159-62)
Werle, A. Stella Polaris 1966 383


Werner, G. Rochade Europa 1998-99 372


Whitworth, T.G. Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1989-90 81


background image


Whitworth, T.G. and Friedgood, D. Bent MT 2007 199 (173 supplement)
Yacoubian, G. Cheron MT 1985 115


Yakimchik, V. Shakhmaty/Sahs (Riga) 1974 328


Yakimchik, V. Troitzky MT 1966 221


Yoshe, A. Israel RT 1974 458


Zemlyansky, Y. Krasnoe Znamya 1971 129


Zhelyazkov, K. Shakhmatna misl 1988 482


Zhelyazkov, K. Shakhmatna misl 1995 132


Zinar, M. Ranok 1985-86 695


Zinar, M. Shakhmaty v SSSR 14th TT 1985 258


Zinchuk, A.I. Afanasiev-80 JT 515


Zinchuk, A.I. 26th Chervony girnik 887


Zinchuk, A.I. Krivoi Rog 1990 124


Zinchuk, A.I. Rudenko-50 JT 1988 633


Zinchuk, A.I. Rybak Primorya 1983 341


Zinchuk, A.I. Ukrainian Cttee for Physical Culture Ty 1983 398


Zlatanov, A. Shakhmatna misl 2003 396 (159-62)
Zlatic, S. Delo-Tovaris 1969 258


Zlatic, S. 2nd Friendship Match 1965-67 290


Zoltan, L. Magyar Sakkelet 1969 323


Zoltan, L. Mat-Pat 1992-93 753


Zoltan, L. Sakkelet 1988 853


Zoltan, L. Sakkelet 1993 529


Zoltan, L. Sakkelet 1996-97 349 (159-62)
Zoltan, L. Tipografia 1966 307


Zoltan, L. Zoltan 65 JT 2007 27 (175)
Zucker, M. Schach in Schleswig-Holstein 1998 314


Zude, A. Rochade Europa 1992-93 406



Afanasiev & Dvizov 338


corrected on p.467


Comm, Drosha, 1966

Afanasiev & Dvizov 646


corrected on p.34


2 Pr, Minsk-900 AT, 1967 [by I.Vandecasteele]

Afek, Y. 16574 (174) corrected on p.209 (185) 2 Sp Pr, Dvoretsky-60 2009
Afek, Y. 10785


corrected as 10884


1 Pr, Joseph-100 JT 1997

Afek, Y. 15345 (vol.XI) corrected on p.111 (170) 5 Pr, Sakkelet 2000-01
Akobia & Becker - corrected on p.202 (189) 1 Pr, Shakhmatna misl 2005
Akobia & Becker 17202 (180) corrected on p.202 (189) 2 Comm, Zadachi i etyudy 2006
Alekseev, A. 1457 corrected on p.223 (193) 1 Pr, Karseladze MT 1970 [by J.Polasek]
Arestov, P. 11065


corrected on p.15


3 Pl, Moscow Champ 1996

Avni, A. 2068


corrected on p.105 (188) HM, Israel RT 1971-72 [by D.Keith]

Avni, A. 7654


corrected on p.108 (196) 2 Pr, Shahmat 1982 [by M.G.Garcia]

Babich, P. 1344


corrected on p.393


3 Comm, Lenin Centenary, 1970

Bazlov, Yu. 6306


corrected on p.172


1-3 Pr, Chervony Girnik 1981 [by J.Fleck]

Bazlov, Yu. 4390


corrected on p.8 (195) 5th HM, Seneca MT 1978

Bazlov, Yu. 2748


corrected on p.9 (195) 3/4 Pr, Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1974

Becker, R. 13844


corrected as 14359


5 HM, Chess Life 1997-2000

Becker, R. 18258 (188 suppl) corrected on p.202 (189) 2 Pr, Magyar Sakkvilag 2010
Becker, R. 17330 (181 suppl) corrected on p.259 (182) HM, Problem Online 2004-06
Becker, R. 17331 (181 Suppl) corrected on p.258 (182) HM, Problem Online 2004-06
Becker, R. 17331 (181 suppl) original version declared correct p.208 (193)
Becker, R. - corrected on p.208 (193) 3 Pr Problemaz 2007 [by composer]

background image


Becker, R. 14404 (157) corrected on p.309 (194) 3 Pr Rossi-80 JT 2005 [by composer]
Becker, R. 16103 (1660 corrected on p.309 (194) Sp Pr Azerbaijan Ty 2006 [by composer]
Becker & Akobia 16837 (177) corrected on p.209 (193) 2 Pr Magyar Sakkvilag 2006 [by composers]
Bent, C.M. 10761


corrected on p.223


Comm, Diagrammes 1994-95

Berger, J. - corrected on p.156 (181 3 Pr Ceske Slovo, 1924 [by D.Keith]
Birnov, Z.M. p.346


corrected on p.381


2 Pr, Vech Moskva 1933 [by J.van Reek]

Bondarenko & Kakovin - corrected on p.311 (194) FIDE Review 1957 [by M.G.Garcia]
Bondarenko & Kuznetsov 926


corrected on p.393


Ceskoslovensky sach 1968

Bondarenko & Kuznetsov 48


corrected as 428


4 Pr, New Statesman, 1965

Breider, B. 3559


corrected as 4785


3 HM, Magyar Sakkelet, 1977

Bron, V.A. - corrected on p.269 (178) 2 Pr Sh listok 1928-I [by D.Keith]
Campioli, M. - corrected on p.302 1 HM, Byuzandyan MT [by composer]
Costeff, G. 14642 (vol.XI) corrected on p.61 (169) Sp Pr, Hlinka-50, 2004
Costeff, G. 10622


corrected on p.258 (182) 2 Pr Kasparyan MT 1996

Costeff, G. 15142 (vol.XI) corrected on p.165 (177) 3 Pr, EBUR Humour Ty, 2003-05
Costeff, G. - version on p.119 (184) 2 Sp HM, Sakkelet 1981 [by S.Didukh]
Costeff, G. 5358


corrected on p.108 (196) 1 Pl, 2nd WCCT, 1981

Dobrescu, E. 1324


corrected on p.337


1 Pr, Italia Scacchistica, 1968

Dobrescu & Nestorescu 7398


corrected on p.210 (193) 3 Pr Shakhmaty v SSSR 1986 [by

Dolgov & Maksimovskikh - corrected on p.303 (190) 2 HM, Baturin MT, 1984 [by D.Keith]
Dvizov, E.I. 199


corrected on p.348


3 Pr, Sh v SSSR 40th AT, 1966

Garcia, M.G. 18657 (191) corrected on p.209 (193) - [by composer and P.Krug]
Gonzalez, L.M. p.87 (176) corrected on p.165 (177) 3 HM, Nona Blitz Ty 2007
Gonzalez, L.M. 18634 (190) corrected on p.6 (191) 2 Pr Kalashnikov-50 2011 [by composer]
Gorgiev, T.B. 169


corrected on p.203


5 HM, IV FIDE Ty, 1965

Gorgiev, T.B. - corrected on p.110 (192) 1 HM, Italia Scacchistica 1959 [by H.van der Heijden]
Gorgiev, T.B. - corrected on p.123


and p.313


VTSPS, 1938 [by J.Nunn, then P.Benko]

Grin, A.P. 5862


corrected on p.323


1 Pr, Chervony Girnik 1984

Grin, A.P. 7461


corrected on p.7 (179) 1 HM, Chervony Girnik 1988 [by D.Keith]

Gurgenidze, D. - corrected on p.109 (192) 1 Pr, Belfort 1994 [by J.Ulrichsen]
Gurgenidze & Katsnelson 2499


corrected as 2961


6 HM, Bondarenko JT, 1974-5

Halberstadt, V. - corrected on p.6 (191) Le soleil de Marseille, 1925 [by D.Keith]
Havel, M. - corrected on p.123


and p.314


Sach, 1944 [by J.Nunn, then P.Benko]

Hlinka, M. 8572 (106.1) corrected on p.223


3 Pr, Studies from Games 1990 [by T.van Oosterhout]

Hornecker & Minski 18576 (189 Suppl) corrected on p.6 (191) 1 HM Tolush-100 2011 [by M.G.Garcia]
Horning & Roxlau 13820


corrected on p.251


2 HM, Josten-65

Kalandadze, V. 329


corrected on p.33


3 Pr, Drosha, 1966 [by W.D.Ellison]

Kalandadze, V. 1302


corrected on p.256


2 Pr, New Statesman, 1970 [by I.Vandecasteele]

Kasparyan, G.M. - corrected on p.155 (181) 2 HM, Shakhmatna Misl 1957-8 [by T.G.Whitworth and
Katsnelson, L. 11213


corrected on p.15


Comm, Saratov-96

Kazantsev, A. - corrected on p.9 (195) 4 Pr Shakhmaty v SSSR 1947 [by D.Keith]
Keith, D. 17689 (184 Suppl) corrected on p.209 (185) 2 Comm, Kopnin-90
Keith, D. - corrected on p.303 Diagrammes, 2005 [by composer]
Kok, T. - corrected on p.302 (190) Residentiebode, 1935 [by S-H.Lossin]
Kok, T. - corrected on p.7 (195) De Schaakwereld, 1941 [by P.Benko]
Korolkov, V.A. 116


corrected on p.280


3 Pr, IV FIDE Ty 1965

Korolkov & Mitrofanov - corrected on p.109 (184) 1 Pr Szachy, 1962 [by D.Keith]
Kosteniuk, A. - corrected on p.257 (182) 1 Pr Uralsky Problemist 2009 [by S.Dowd, S.Didukh]
Kovalenko & Baslov - corrected on p.6 (191) 3 HM Vserossiisky Ty 1971 [by R.Missaien]
Kubbel, L.I. - corrected on p.109 (196) Best End Game, Rice MT 1916 [by A.Pallier]
Kubbel, L.I. - version p.206 (185) Rigaer Tageblatt 1911 [by T.Whitworth]

background image


Kubbel, L.I. - version p.203 (189) Rigaer Tageblatt 1911 [by R.Becker]
Lazard, F. - corrected on p.7 (187) L'echiquier de Paris 1946 [by D.Keith]
Lazard, F. - corrected on p.7 (191) Zadachi i etyudy 1929 [by D.Keith]
Lewitt, M. - corrected on p.203 (189) Deutsche Schachblatter 1909 [by D.Keith]
Manella, N. 9341


corrected on p.636


Italia Scacchistica 80 AT

Marwitz, J.H. 811


corrected on p.25


1 Pr, KNSB, 1967

Matous, M. 2612


corrected on p.328 (194) 2 HM, Ceskoslovensky sach 1975 [by J.Polasek]

Matous, M. - corrected on p.331 (194) Canadian Chess Chat 1980 [by J.Polasek]
Matous, M. - corrected on p.332 (194) Aloni JT 1989 [by J.Polasek]
Matous, M. - corrected on p.332 (194) Shakhmaty/Sahs 1992 [by J.Polasek]
Melnichenko, E. - corrected on p.310 (194) 2 HM Tidskrift f S 1985 [by composer]
Nestorescu, V. 3921


corrected as 4563


1 Pr, Nordisk Postsjakk Blad, 1978

Nestorescu, V. p.236


corrected on p.405


1 Pr, Romanian Champ, 1951

Nestorescu, V. 11411


corrected on p.533


3 Pl, USSR-Rest of World

Novikov, G. - corrected on p.109 (192) 2 Pr, Vecherny Leningrad [by D.Keith]
Nyeviczkey, L. - corrected on p.310 (194) Comm Hungarian Chess Fed 1949 [by P.Benko]
Pallier, A. 19190 (193 suppl) corrected on p.10 (195) 2 Pr Maroc Echecs 2012
Pallier, A. 14394


corrected on p.547 (158) 2 HM, Phenix 1994-96

Pallier, A. p.53 (183 suppl) corrected on p.210 (185) 4th HM, The Problemist 2006-07
Pallier, A. - corrected on p.108 (184) Comm, Zhigulyovskie zory 2008 [by M.G.Garcia]
Pogosyants, E. - corrected on p.105 (180) Shakhmatnaya Moskva, 1965 [by I.Vandecasteele]
Pogosyants, E. - corrected on p.7 (195) Shakhmaty v SSSR 1977 [by P.Benko]
Proskurowski, W. 688


corrected on p.468


3 Place, Polish Champ, 1961-64

Reti, R. - corrected on p.260-2 [various studies] [by P.Benko]
Rinck, H. - corrected on p.8 (195) 150 Fins de Partie, 1909 [by M.Campioli]
Roxlau, M. 11663


corrected as 14358


1 Pr, Bron-90

Roxlau, M. 13081


corrected on p.593


2 Comm, StrateGems 1998-99

Rusinek, J. 1947


corrected on p.171


1-2 Pr, Szachy 1971 [by J.Fleck]

Sackmann, F. - corrected on p.7 (183) Kagans N.S. 1921 [by D.Keith]
Sadykov, A. 1614


corrected on p.121 (176 suppl) 4 Pr, 64 1970 [by S.Osintsev]

Sakharov, A.B. - corrected on p.311 (194) Comm, Shakhmaty v SSSR 1954 [by P.Benko]
Selezniev, A. - corrected on p.6 (187) Shakhmatny listok 1930 [by Keith & Ulrichsen]
Slepyan, G. 10430


corrected as 10883


HM, Simkhovich-100

Topko, L. 14219


corrected on p.407


Comm, Chervony Girnik XXIX [by M.Campioli]

Troitzky, A. - corrected on p.7 (183) 1913 [by D.Keith]
Troitzky, A. - corrected on p.111 (192) Magyar Sakkvilag 1931 [by P.Benko]
Troitzky, A. - corrected on p.209 (193) Shakhmatny Zhurnal 1896 [by M.G.Garcia]
Ulrichsen, J. 1752


corrected as 16137 (166) 2 HM, Tidskrift f Schack, 1971

Ulrichsen, J. 13874


corrected on p.251


3 Pr, Krabbe-60

Ulrichsen, J. - corrected on p.109 (184) 1 Pr Dagbladet 1967 [by I.Vandecasteele]
van der Ende, J.J. - corrected on p.122


and p.313


Tijdschrift KNSB, 1935 [by J.Nunn, then

van Tets, A. 10486


corrected as 10660


1 Pr Israel RT 1989

Vandecasteele & Missiaen - corrected on p.6 (187) 2 Pr Marwitz MT 1992 [by R.Missaien]
Vandiest, J. 8256


corrected on p.157


2 Comm, Schackend Ned 1990 [By G.Bacque]

Vandiest, J. 10590


corrected as 10739


Sp HM, ICCS-50, 1997

Wotawa, A. p.119


corrected on p.193


Schach-Magazin, 1949 [by W.Veitch]

Zakhodyakin, G. - corrected on p.106 (188) 64, 1931 [by D.Keith]
Zakhodyakin, G. - corrected on p.207 (193) Azerbaijan Open, 1979 [by D.Keith]
Zakhodyakin, G. - corrected on p.106 (188) 5 HM, Gorgiev MT 1977 [by D.Keith]
Zakhodyakin, G. - corrected on p.106 (188) Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1986 [by D.Keith]
Zakhodyakin, G. - corrected on p.107 (188) Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1986 [by D.Keith]
Zakhodyakin, G. - corrected on p.107 (188) Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1982 [by D.Keith]

background image


- Results of database checking by A.Pallier of positions with 6 units or less:
EG 1-10: p.146 (173) - plus many comments on 1-10 by M.G.Garcia
EG 11-20: p.243 (174) - plus many comments on 11-20 by M.G.Garcia
EG 21-30: p.95 (172) - comments on 22-30 by M.G.Garcia on p.8 (175)
EG 31-40: p.8 (171) - comments on 31-40 by M.G.Garcia on p.11 (175)
EG 41-50: p.6 (168) - comments on 41-50 by M.G.Garcia on pp.61-67 (176)
EG 51-60: p.112 (170) - comments on 51-60 by M.G.Garcia on pp.61-67 (176)
EG 61-70: p.230 (167)
EG 71-80: p.55 (169)
EG 99-139: p.109 (165)
EG vol.XI (159-62): p.232 (167), p.9 (168), p.58 (169)

ORIGINALS PUBLISHED IN EG (diagram number and issue number given, or page if diagram is

The originals column, first edited by N.Elkies, started on p.318


- the first diagram being 10965

Abrahams, G. 2407


Afanasiev, G. and Dvizov, E. pp.290-91


, 597-98


, p.118


, 1299


, 1433


Afek, Y. 14401 (157), 14500 (158), 16030 (166), 16221 (168), 16594,16608 (175), 16984 (179), 17697
(185), 17986-87 (187), 18190 (188), 18832 (192)
Afek, Y. and Avni, A. 13558


Afek, Y. and Kuiper, R. 17179 (180)
Akobia, I. pp.622-26


, 13660


, 13932


, 14056


, 50004 - correctly 16314 (169), 17337

Akobia, I. and Garcia, M.G. 17531 (184), 18379 (189), 18600 (190), 19010 (193)
Akobia, I. and Gurgenidze, D. 16319 (170)
Akobia, I., Gurgenidze, D. and Gogberashvili, M. 16615 (176)
Akobia, I. and Mikitovics, J. 16618 (176)
Aliev, I. pp.676-81


, 14129


Aliev, I. and Guseinov, G. 17847 (186)
Aliev, I. and Salehov, K. 17178 (180)
Aloni, H. 14236


Aloni, H. and Hoch, Y. 2962


Amiryan, H. p.124 (196)
Antonini, D. 13557


, 13657


Archakov, V.M. 4562


Archakov, V.M. and Zinar, M.A. 5807


Arestov, P. 19210 (194), 19602 (196)
Asaba, E. 6334


, p.286


Atlas, D. 10966


Averbakh, Y. 5420-21


Avni, A. 4041


, 4564


Avni, A. and Afek, Y. 13558


Baburin, A. 10969


Badaj, B.V. 313-14


, 404


Bates, C. 16316 (170)
Bazlov, Yu. pp.8-9 (195 - 2 studies)
Beasley, J.D. 1951


Becker, R. 14128 (154), 15862 (164), 16619 (176), 16777 (177), 17340, and p.258 (182), 18598 (190),
19209 (194)
Benko, P. 4553


, pp.252-53


, pp.451-52


, 10644, 10650, 10657


, 10885


, 11829



p.7 (195)

background image


Bent, C.M. 520-21


, pp.327,332


, 768-74,776-80


, pp.49-55


, 976-77


, p.146





, 3007


, p.195 (159-62)

Blandford, H.F. p.381


Blundell, D. 10537


, pp.316-25


, 16776 (177)

Boll, P. 17849 (186)
Boll, P. and Rusz, A. 16593 (175)
Bondar, I. p.93


, pp.461-62

(142 supplement)

, pp.149-51 (165)

Bondarenko, F.S. and Kuznetsov, Al.P. 1992,1994




, 2533-34


Branton, A.H. 1946


Breider, B. 4785


Brieger, R. 15864 (164), 16027 (165)
Bron, V.A. 1300 (24 - corrected on p.365


), 2408


, 2706


, 3334


Bruch, W. and Minski, M. 18599 (190)
Buchanan, A. 12079


Buis, H. 13929


Bunka, V. 2322


, 3010


, 3501


Campioli, M. and Rossi, P. 16773 (177)
Carlsson, O.J. p.414


, p.21


, 14054


Costeff, G. 11236, 11238


, 16982 (178 supplement), 19207 (194)

Costeff, G. and Manella, N. 13659


Cuciuc, V.. 1434


Czerniak, M. 1319 (24, correction by W.Proskurowski)
de Feijter, C.J. p.299


Didukh, S. 14241 (155), p.477 (156), 15800 (163), 16035 (166), p.119 (184), 19208 (194)
Didukh, S. and Hornecker, S. 16592 (175)
Didukh, S. and Zinar, M.A. 16591 (175)
Dolgov, V. and Mitrofanov, L. 10193


Dukic, M. 1841


, 2024


Dvizov, E. 2409


, 2772


, 6600


Dvizov, E. and Afanasiev, G. pp.290-91


, 597-98


, p.118


, 1299


, 1433


Elkies, N. 10965, 10967


, 11831


, 12027

(142 supplement)

, 13747


, 14135 (154)

Ellison, W.D. 857-58


, 859-60


Ellison, W.D. and Vandiest, J. p.65


Fleck, J. 13661


Fomichev, E.V. 16034 (166)
Fomichev, E.V. and Hlinka, M. p.452


Frangoulis, K. 3214


Gaggiottini, M. 5678


Garcia, M.G. 14353 (156), 14397 (157), 16141 (2 - 167), 16388 (172), 16454-55 (173), 16558 (174),
16614,16622 (176), 16771,16778 (177), 16925,16927[see also p.104, issue 180] (178), 16986-87 (179),
17176,17181 (180), 17210 (181), 17336,17341 (182), 17394 (183), 17536 (184), 17845,17848 (186), 17990-
91 (187), 18195 (188), 18657,18661 (191), 18830,18836 (192), 19393 (195)
Garcia, M.G. and Akobia, I. 17531 (184), 18379 (189), 18600 (190) 19010 (193)
Garcia, M.G. and Hornecker, S. 19396 (195)
Garcia, M.G. and Mikitovics, J. 18380 (189)
Garcia, M.G. and Rodriguez, A. 17391 (183), 19212 (194)
Gasparyan, A. 16387 (172)
George, A. 50001 - correctly 16311 (169)
Glaser, J. 268-69


Godes, D.R. 4775


Gogberashvili, M., Gurgenidze, D. and Akobia, I. 16615 (176)
Golubiev, A.I. 11237


Gonzales, L.M. 14398 (157)

background image


Gorbman, M. 1437-38


, 2531-32


Grondijs, H. 10970


, 13655


, 14354


, 16140 (167), 16318 (170)

Grudzinski, H. 14237


Guido Garcia, M. see under GARCIA
Gurgenidze, D. 1435-36


, p.275


, 13658


Gurgenidze, D. and Akobia, I. 16319 (170)
Gurgenidze, D., Akobia, I. and Gogberashvili, M. 16615 (176)
Gurgenidze, D. and Katsnelson, L. 2961


Guseinov, G. and Aliev, I. 17847 (186)
Gusev, B. 11234


Hlebec, D. 17694 (185)
Hlinka, M. and Fomichev, E.V. p.452


Hlinka, M. and Vlasak, E. 11443


, 19397 (195)

Hoch, J. p.522


Hoch, Y. and Aloni, H. 2962


Hornecker, S. 14497 (158), 15801 (163), 16032 (166), 16219 (168), 50002 - correctly 16312 (169), 16386
(172), 17396 (183), 17988-89 (187), 18660 (191)
Hornecker, S. and Didukh, S. 16592 (175)
Hornecker, S. and Garcia, M.G. 19396 (195)
Hornecker, S. and Minski, M. 17393 (183)
Hornecker, S. and Roxlau, M. 457


Infantozzi, J.C. 978


Jago, M.E.M. 2337


Janosi, E. 2705


Jasik, A. 14238 (155), 16458 (173)
Jones, C.B. 15863 (164), 16026 (165), 16562 (174)
Joseph, D. 3182


, see p.3


Josten, G. 13556


, 14498 (158), 15865 (164), 16025 (165), 16389 (172), 16595 (175), 16929 (178),

16983 (179), 17846 (186)
Josten, G. and Mikitovics, J. 16347 (171)
Kakovin, A.S. and Motor, A.T. 2214-19


, 2327-32


Kalandadze, V. 599


, 13559


Kalashnikov, V. 14355


Karrer, P. 11800


, 11830


Kasparyan, G.M. 560


, 759


, p.368


Katsnelson, L. and Gurgenidze, D. 2961


Keith, D. 15803 (163), 16028 (165), 16317 (170), 19211 (194)
Kekely, L. 17693 (185)
Khait, A. 5735


, p.96


, p.469

(142 supplement)

Kichigin, V. 3333


, 3874


, 3919-20


, 4297,4302-04


, 5806


, 6856


, 15804 (163)

Klinkov, M.N. 762


, 1320


, 1626


Klinkov, M.N. and Kuznetsov, Al.P. 1995


Kopac, L. 381-82


Kovalenko, I.L. 4872


Krivenko, V.A. 6857


Krug, P. 19394 (195)
Kudelich, E. 13044


, 14131


Kuiper, R. and Afek, Y. 17179 (180)
Kuryatnikov, A. 18658 (191 - correction by Vandecasteele)
Kuznetsov, Al.P. 1604


, 1996


, 2325


, 2535


, 3172-73


Kuznetsov, Al.P. and Bondarenko, F.S. 1992,1994


, 2323,2326


, 2533-34


Kuznetsov, Al.P. and Klinkov, M.N. 1995


Kuznetsov, Al.P. and Motor, A.T. 1990-91,1993


background image


Kuznetsov, Al.P. and Neishtadt, V.I. 2324


, 2536


, 3906


Kuznetsov, Al.P. and Sidorov, B.N. 3171


Kuznetsov, An.G. and Sumbatyan, K. 11715


Lamford, P. 4559


Lemmey, W.H.M. and Whitworth, T.G. 3107


Loustau, J-M. 16617 (176)
Luchin, M. 5432


Makhatadze, D. 3714


Manella, N. and Costeff, G. 13659


Manyakhin, A. p.100


Markov, E. 383


Martin, L.M. 16384 (172), 16559 (174)
Martsvalashvili, R. 13930


Marysko, M. 426


, 663-65


Massinen, P. 5414-15


Matous, M. 3873


, 4252


Melnichenko, E. 3899-3905


, 4042-47 (61 - see p.351)

Mesman, H.G.A. 4477


Mikitovics, J. 16348 (171), 16590, 16596 (175), 16772 (177)
Mikitovics, J. and Akobia, I. 16618 (176)
Mikitovics, J. and Garcia, M.G. 18380 (189)
Mikitovics, J. and Josten, G. 16347 (171)
Mikitovics, J. and Skripnik, A. 18193 (188)
Miller, A.C. 427


, 2770


Miloseski, B. 16029 (165)
Minski, M. 15861 (164), 16560 (174), 19011 (193), 19600 (196)
Minski, M. and Bruch, W. 18599 (190)
Minski, M. and Hornecker, S. 17393 (183)
Missiaen, R. 470


, 4478


p.205 (177)

Mitrofanov, L. 10174-89


, but see p.118


Mitrofanov, L. and Dolgov, V. 10192


Mitrofanov, L. and Razumenko, V. 4298


, 10193


Mitrofanov, L. and Ryabinin, N. 10190


Mitrofanov, L. and Samilo, V. 10191


Morse, C.J. 5452


Motor, A.T. 4556-58


Motor, A.T. and Kakovin, A.S. 2214-19


, 2327-32


Motor, A.T. and Kuznetsov, Al.P. 1990-91,1993


Mudde, H. 18659 (191)
Murarasu, I. 6854


Neishtadt, V.I. 17397 (183)
Neishtadt, V.I. and Kuznetsov, Al.P. 2324


, 2536


, 3906


Nunn, J.D.M. 3477


, 3711-12


O'Brien, P. 1174


Oktem, S. and Sayman, U. 19398 (195)
Olin, P. 2560


, 19602 (196)

Olthof, R. 4561


Olthof, R. and Welling, G. 4560


Ornstein, A. 13656


Osintsev, S. 15802 (163)
Ostmoe, G. 18191,18194 (188), 18834 (192)
Pallier, A. 50003 - correctly 16313 (169), 16609 (175), 16616 (176), 17180 (180), 18833 (192)
Pervakov, O. 16926 (178)

background image


Pervakov, O. and Sumbatyan, K. 16928 (178)
Pimenov, O. 13931


Pogosyants, E.L. 1047-51


, P1-P8, pp.149-50


Polasek, J. pp.333-4 (194)
Pospisil, J. 16774-75 (177), 16985 (179), 17214 (181), 17339 (182), 17533-34 (184)
Proskurowski, W. 1319


Prygunov, V.I. 11645


Raican, P. 5451


Ravi Shankar, S.N. 5523


Razumenko, V. and Mitrofanov, L. 4298


, 10193


Reddmann, H. and Whitworth, T.G. p.155 (181 - after Kasparyan)
Reznichenko, N.A. 6855


Rezvov, N. and Tkachenko, S.N. 11799


Roche, J. 2094-95


, 3009


Rodriguez, A. and Garcia, M.G. 17391 (183), 19212 (194)
Rodriguez Ibran, J. 10971


, 11047


, 11233


Roebuck, I. 3215


Rossi, P. 13745


Rossi, P. and Campioli, M. 16773 (177)
Roxlau, M. and Hornecker, S. 457


Roycroft, A.J. 1


, p.106


, p.475


, 2510


, p.352


, 458


Rusinek, J. 11489


, 13662


Rusz, A. 16033 (166), 16139 (167)
Rusz, A. and Boll, P. 16593 (175)
Ryabinin, N. and Mitrofanov, L. 10190


Sadger, P. 3216


Sahasrabudhe, S.T. 3598-99


, 3871


Salehov, K. and Aliev, I. 17178 (180)
Samilo, V. and Mitrofanov, L. 10191


Sayman, U. and Oktem, S. 19398 (195)
Schmidt, P. 11235


Sidorov, B. p.391


Sidorov, B.N. and Kuznetsov, Al.P. 3171


Sikdar, N. 2092-93


, 2404-6


, 2561-63


Skrinnik, O. 14134 (154), 14240


, 16457 (173), 17211 (181)

Skripnik, A. 17338 (182), 17695 (185)
Skripnik, A. and Mikitovics, J. 18193 (188)
Slepyan, G. 11049


- see p.477


, 13746


, 15868 (164)

Sochniev, A. 14399 (157), 14499 (158), 16031 (166)
Soukup-Bardon, B. 760


, 1119


Speelman, J.S. 3478-79


, 3713


, p.189


Speelman, J.S. and Whitworth, T.G. 4554


Spinhoven, F.A. 3149


Stallybrass, D.H.R. 562


Steniczka, H. 10194-99


, see p.885


Stiller, L. 11316-18


Strebkovs, A. 13654


Sumbatyan, K. and Kuznetsov, An.G. 11715


Sumbatyan, K. and Pervakov, O. 16928 (178)
Syzonenko, V. 16320 (170), 16385 (172), 17215 (181)
Tallaksen Ostmoe 19599 (196)
Tarasiuk, V. 355


Timman, J. 16561 (174)

background image


Tkachenko, S. p.285


Tkachenko, S.I. 16557 (174), 16620 (176)
Tkachenko, S.N. and Rezvov, N. 11799


Topko, L. 14496 (158), 16456 (173)
Ulreich, R. 561


Ulrichsen, J.H. p.111 (184), p.8 (187)
Umnov, G. 11444


, pp.193-94


van der Heijden, H. 12078


, 16321 (170), 16350 (171)

van Essen, M. p.61 (159-62)
van Foreest, J. 17850 (186)
Van Herck, M. 18597 (190) 19012 (193)
van Reek, J. 8237


, p.155


van Tets, A. 1011-13


, 12077


, 14055


, 14130 (


- see p.458


), 15867 (164)

Vandecasteele, I. p.282


, 16621 (176), 16930 (178), 17177 (180), 17209,17213 (181), 17535 (184),

17696, p.207 and p.208 (185), 18189,18192 (188), 18658 (191), 18831,18835 (192),19395 (195)
Vandiest, J. 149-50


, 205-6


, 555


, p.66


, 1117-18


, 2333-36


, 2963-64


, 3287-90


, 3600-01


, 3710


, 4299-301, 4308-09


, 4786-91


, 14239


. Results of database

checking of Vandiest originals by A.Pallier - see pp.107-09 (165), 16349 (171)
Vandiest, J. and Ellison, W.D. p.65


Vasiliev, P. 5433


Veitch, W. p.84


Vieweger, J. 17208,17212,17216 (181), 17392,17395 (183),17532 (184)
Vladimirov, E. 2109


, 2559


, 2771


, 3332


Vlasak, E. 15866 (164)
Vlasak, E. and Hlinka, M. 11443


,19397 (195)

Vlasenko, V. p.191


Vrabec, F. 13933


, 14132


Weichert, H.D. 761


Weinberger, O. 371


Welling, G. and Olthof, R. 4560


Whitworth, T.G. p.457


, 3006


, 3527


, 4555


Whitworth, T.G. and Lemmey, W.H.M. 3017


Whitworth, T.G. and Reddmann, H. p.155 (181 - after Kasparyan)
Whitworth, T.G. and Speelman, J.S. 4554


Zimbeck, D. 14057


Zimmer, E. 16220 (168)
Zinar, M.A. 16459 (173)
Zinar, M.A. and Archakov, V.M. 5807


Zinar, M.A. and Didukh, S. 16591 (175)


Afanasiev, G.V. pp.286-87


, pp.449-50


Aleksandrov, R. pp.266-69 (167)
Aliev, I. pp.558-66


Bakaev, I.A. pp.153-57 (159-62)
Bondarenko, F.S. 1372-81


, 1382-90


Bratsev, V. p.539 (157)
Carlsson, O.J. 1987-89


, pp.18-21


Chekhover, V.A. 6330-33


Cheron, A. 2128-29


Cohn, H. 3602-03


Cortlever, N. p.673


background image


Dadunashvili, R. 1683-85


Dore, M. p.16 (175)
Elkies, N. 10453-44


Farago, P. pp.275-79


, 1519


Gulyaev, A. 10995-96


Infantozzi, J.C. 1743


, 1744-46


, 5604-06


Koppelomaki, J. 1686-93


Kozyrev, V.E. 6846-47


Kuzmichev, V.V. pp.252-55 (174)
Maidanik, E. 4220-21


Makhatadze, D. 3715-19


Mandler, A. 1672-82


Manyakhin, A. pp.453-58

(142 supplement)

Melnichenko, E. 4311-13


Missiaen, R. 1708-14,1716


Mugnos, J. 1734-37


Neuenschwander, B. 4305-07


Pachman, V. 1813-20


Perkonoja, P. 1096-1110


Pogosyants, E. 1160-71


, 5434-50, 5453


Pospisil, J. 1475-76


Ravi Shankar, S.N. 5523-31


Selezniev, A.S. pp.264-66


Sikdar, N. 13982-14001


Simkhovich, F.M. pp.279-81


Smyslov, V. 7464-65


, 7671-80


, 11570-75


Tarasiuk, V. 15850-60 (163)
Tyavlovsky, V.I. 1062-82


van Tets, A. pp.518-22


, pp.580-84


, pp.617-21


Vandiest, J. 1582-90


, 1627-33


, 1634-45


Yakimchik, V.V. 1694-1707


, Y1-Y14 , p.287


, pp.251-57


Zhigis, S.G. N1-N11, p.328


Zhuk, V. 10734-37


, 10881-82



5-unit reciprocal zugzwangs 64 TT 1996 146


5 units or less Revista Romana de Sah TT 1979 420


8 units or less KSFAH 1997-98 503


10 units or less Shakhmatnaya nedelya 2003 129


10 units or less, themes discovered by Soviet composers Ukrainian Committee for Physical Culture Ty 1983


Analytical Section Magyar Sakkelet 1980 76


Aristocrats Vodka Ty, Wageningen 2006 259 (167)
Battery checkmate 8th Ukrainian Team Championship 1985 338


Battle of Kulikovo 64 Kulikovo TT 1980 508


Castling Reiners MT 1980 776


Castling Shakhmaty v SSSR 10th TT 1979 411


Check and cross-check Uralskie Skazy 1991 136


Check answered by mate Uralskie Skazy 1992 325


e2-e4 mate Uralskie Skazy 1992 325


Echo-chameleon Liburkin MT 2003 138 (159-62)

background image


En passant capture Niekarker Kruujebitter Ty 2006 258 (167)
Knight & Pawn v Rook and Bishop with Pawn(s) Uralskie Skazy 1990 213


Malyutki Chavchavadze MT 1987 [SS] 769


Malyutki Gurgenidze-55 JT 2008 76 (179 supplement)
Malyutki Schach 1983-84 [SS] 207


Malyutki Serov-100 1994 850


Malyutki Shakhmaty v SSSR 1982 480


Mate by double check Uralskie Skazy 1990 214


Mate or stalemate in centre of board Makhatadze-70 JT 258 (167)
Mate studies Lazard MT 2000 136 (159-62)
Mate with at least one Black piece pinned 3rd WCCT 1984-88 625


Miniatures Benko-80 JT 140 (180)
Miniatures Bron JT 1980 [SS] 481


Miniatures Gurgenidze-55 JT 2008 72 (179 supplement)
Miniatures Kralin-55 JT 2000 [SS] 438


Miniatures Metsniereba da tekhnika 468


Miniatures Mitrofanov-70 MT [SS] 16


Miniatures Molodoi Leninets 1986 407


Miniatures Molodoi Leninets 1989 855


Miniatures 10th Russian Team Championship 1989-90 247


Miniatures Spartak (Kurgan) 1984 111


Miniatures Subbotnaya gazeta 1991 312


Miniatures van Reek-50 1995 854


Miniatures Rishon-Letzion CC 60 AT 1998 [SS] 79 (159-62)
Miniatures, correction/improvement of old problems Vandiest-80 JT 2001 501


Miniatures, with only 1 unit of each type 4th Hero-Cities Match 1999-2000 210


Minimals Diagrammes TT 1992 285


Minor piece v minor piece or rook Dore 75 JT 2007 19 (175)
Mirror mate Boris 10th AT 1993 397


Mirror stalemate 2nd Boris Ty 1999 588


The pawn as the soul of the endgame study Philidor-200 MT 1994 626


Pawn studies Shakhmaty v SSSR 14th TT 1985 258


Pawn studies Grigoriev-100 1995-97 21


Pawn studies Lazard MT 2000 134 (159-62)
Pawnless (aristocratic) draws Chervony Girnik TT 1980 16


Pawnless studies Budapest Quick Composing Ty 1988 504


Promotion to bishop or rook Calvi MT 1999 178


Reciprocal Zugzwang 64 TT 1996 146


Rook endings with underpromotion Shakhmaty v SSSR 13th TT 1985 256


Rook studies Kalandadze-70 JT 2006, Special section 242 (167)
Same man is pinned, then unpinned 4th WCCT 230


Studies for the practical player Dvoretsky 60 JT 2007 272 (174)
Study based on actual game ending Book JT 1980 41


Study based on actual game ending see STUDIES FROM GAMES Tourneys
Study within a study Neidze-70 JT 2007 35 (179)
Task transfer Arves-10 JT 2000 282


Trebled pawns Moscow Open Championship 2006 121 (172)
Two underpromotions Uralskie Skazy 1991 135


Ultra modern studies van Reek-50 JT 1995 859


White force restricted to WK and one other man Akerblom MT 1983 524


White refuses to capture BQ Topko-65 JT 2004 98 (159-62)
Win: avoidance of stalemate away from board's edge 5th WCCT 1993-96 207


background image


Win studies with both checkmate and stalemate 64 TT 1995 903


Win: White's reply to check is instant checkmate 11th Russian Team Champ 1992 86



- Analytical notes and anticipations 156


, 191


, 222


- Monsieur Bacque's "identikit" at work 390


Fleck, J. Spotlight 588


, 636


, 676


, 737


, 788


, 832


, 884


, 7


, 54


, 118


, 171


, 223


, 273


, 329


, 384


, 431


, 15


, 60


, 155


, 205


, 248


, 297


, 345


, 395


, 533


, 586


, 592


, 642





, 3


, 51


, 105


Friedgood, D. Analytical notes 321


, 870


Harman, J.R. Anticipations without comment 217


, 245


, 284


, 304


, 341


, 376


, 417


, 522


. From issue 17, Mr Harman's anticipations were normally included with solutions. 151


Nunn, J. [Analytical notes] 281


Olthof, R. [Analytical notes] 461


Ulrichsen, J. Spotlight 153


, 250


, 307


, 356


, 405


, 458


, 505 (157), 547

(158), 7 (163), 107 (165), 168 (166), 230 (167), 6 (168), 55 (169), 111 (170), 8 (171), 146 (173), 243 (174),
8 (175)
Ulrichsen, J. Spotlight [new presentation] 61 (176), 165 (177), 268 (178), 104 (180), 155 (181), 255 (182), 7
(183), 307 (186)
Veitch, W. Walter Veitch investigates 56


, 105


, 179


, 202


, 243


, 285


, 347


, 381





, 465


Veitch, W. [and Ellison, W.D.] Spotlight 14,24


, 33


, 65


, 113


, 165


, 169


, 193





, 280


, 337


, 363


, 393


, 49


, 113


, 179


, 225



Abrahams, G. Chess endings - didactic and Epicurean 445


Afanasiev, G. and Dvizov, E. Declining the double attack, as a study theme 290


, also p.323


Afanasiev, G. and Dvizov, E. Unpinning in studies 115


Afek, Y. Action at the crossroads 128 (170)
Afek, Y. Birth pangs of a study 339 (159-62)
Afek, Y. The cherry: Qg5 !! 309 (190)
Afek, Y. Corners revisited 165 (173)
Afek, Y. Czech and Slovak highlights 331 (186)
Afek, Y. Ever higher: Excelsior Plus 19 (187)
Afek, Y. Exceptional pawn endings 124 (184)
Afek, Y. Game-like positions 21 (183)
Afek, Y. His Excellency ... The Rook! 37 (171)
Afek, Y. Ideal final pictures [Corus-70 Tourney] 127 (172)
Afek, Y. In the footsteps of Reti 124 (180)
Afek, Y. Improving the greats 211 (193)
Afek, Y. Jurmala 2008 249 (174)
Afek, Y. Kings and pawns awaiting guests 114 (188)
Afek, Y. The magic of the chameleon-echo 313 (194)
Afek, Y. Marcel Dore: life and career milestones 16 (175)
Afek, Y. Meeting ambitious challenges [Gady Costeff] 117 (183)
Afek, Y. More logical gems 206 (189)
Afek, Y. Multiple knight promotions 213 (185)
Afek, Y. Mutual queen sacrifices 113 (192)
Afek, Y. The Olympic spirit 73 (176)

background image


Afek, Y. The pawn endings of Vitaly Kovalenko 116 (196)
Afek, Y. The positional draws of Sarychev 176 (177)
Afek, Y. Postponing satisfaction 273 (178)
Afek, Y. Still marching on [pawn studies] 29 (175)
Afek, Y. The systematic manoeuvres of Gamlet Amiryan 11 (195)
Afek, Y. Tel-Aviv 100 AT 2009: Centenary highlights 202 (181 supplement)
Afek, Y. Tough nuts 256 (174)
Afek, Y. Triple-pin stalemate 11 (191)
Afek, Y. Two for the price of one! 80 (169)
Afek, Y. Vive la petite difference 36 (168)
Afek, Y. Youth prevailed in Corus solving 71 (176)
Akobia, I. About Endgame TableBases (EGTBs) 182 (173)
Aliev, I. Samir Badalov (1962-2011) 315 (186)
Aliev, I. How I became a composer 555


Aliev, I. Twins 676


Aloni, H. The early days: a star is born [Gady Costeff] 116 (184)
Asaba, E.A. The evolution of an old idea 280


, [and] comments by P.Benko 450


Averbakh, Y. [Appreciation of Andre Cheron] 427


Avner, U. [Appreciation of John Roycroft, at 80] 309 (178 Supplement)
Avni, A. [Appreciation of John Roycroft, at 80] 309 (178 Supplement)
Avni, A. Check and counter-check 814


Avni, A. FIDE Album 2001-2003 judging criteria 176 (166)
Baburin, A. Important defensive techniques in rook endgames 148


Badaj, B.V. Beware of standard criteria! 241


Bazlov, Yu. Beating the time - Vitaly Kovalenko (1947-2014) 112 (196)
Beasley, J.D. Getting the data right 887


Beasley, J.D. Mining definitive endgame result databases for studies 300


Beasley, J.D. Newcomers' Corner 13


, 41


, 74


, 81


, 114


, 162


, 177


, 277





Beasley, J.D. On being a chess endgame impresario 313 (178 supplement)
Beasley, J.D. On Dobrescu's treatment of the chess study as a multi-criteria system 286


Beasley, J.D. On laws, conventions and codexes 833


Beasley, J.D. One thing leads to another 7


Beasley, J.D. Promotion tasks with minimal force 337


Beasley, J.D. Some studies from Alexandre 93 (164)
Beasley, J.D. The testing of chess endgame studies by computer 784

(119 supplement)

Benko, P. Birth of a modern endgame study 120


Benko, P. Cooking the cook 91


Benko, P. Grandmaster Richard Reti's endgames 260 (182)
Benko, P. Make it good, make it better! 95


Benko, P. Twins - double your output! 337


Benko, P. Variations on a theme 393


Bent, C.M. All right then, so Black makes a queen 145


Bent, C.M. At work with the J.R.Harman index 78


Bent, C.M. Bent's last case 195 (159-62)
Bent, C.M. [Contribution to Essay Competition on soundness] 25


Bent, C.M. Some aspects of composing 325


Bent, C.M. Symmetry 79


Bent, C.M. Towards perfection 48


Bent, C.M. Workshop 248


Blundell, D. Zugzwang-based studies in the GBR 0001.nn range 315


Bondar, I. Aggressive agoraphobes all ! 146 (165)
Bondar, I. The fight against the Black queen 187


background image


Bondar, I. Four knights beat the queen! 92


Bondar, I. Monochrome troikas 459

(142 supplement)

Bondar, I. New ideas on the domination theme 50


Bondar, I. The three-knight struggle set in with Troitzky - who else? 464

(142 supplement)

Bondarenko, F.S. Gallery of study composers - V.A.Yakovenko 415


Bondarenko, F.S. A new kind of study competition 481


Botvinnik, M. and Neidze, V. The All-Union tourney of Komunisti, 1973 [judging system] 235


Bourzutschky, M. and Konoval, Y. News in endgame databases 220 (185), 321 (186), 122 (188), 316 (190),
18 (191)
Bouwmeester, H. Julien Vandiest 90 years! 186 (177)
Bron, V.A. The work of Z.M.Birnov 356


Bruch, W. Exploring the watershed between more-mover and study pp.54-88 (Supplement to 171)
Bruch, W. Saving a classic Zepler study 83 (169)
Buijs, H. The place of Bianchetti's "Contributo alla Teoria dei Finali di Soli Pedoni (1925)" in the theory of
corresponding squares 145 (159-62)
Campioli, M. An unknown Lasker study 207 (189)
Capsey, S.R. Pawn mates 58


Cheron, A. The "ideal" mate: a personal view 244


Cheron, A. Sur les fins de partie au jeu d'echecs 37


Cheron, A. and Villeneuve-Esclapon, J. de The theme of domination of the rook's cross by the bishop 3


Chicco, A. Books in the Italian language [on studies] 304


Chlubna, F. An artist has left us [A.Wotawa] 119


Chumakov, G. Russian Championship of Solving [2006] 212 (166)
Comay, O. No big deal [Gady Costeff] 122 (184)
Copie, J.A. Alberto Foguelman (1923-2013) 118 (196)
Copie, J.A. Oscar J.Carlsson (1924-2011) 314 (186)
Costeff, G. [Appreciation of John Roycroft, at 80] 310 (178 Supplement)
Costeff, G. How I became a great composer 379 (159-62)
Cozens, W.H. A note on the indexing of endgame studies 477


Crouch, C. WR vs. bfPgPhP: GBR class 0100.03 275


de Boer, J.H. My GBR class 0103 file 425


, 504


de Feijter, C.J. A jewel that loses its lustre 297


Dickins, A.S.M. [Appreciation of Harold Lommer] 403


Didukh, S. An artist's distinctive style [Gady Costeff] 119 (184)
Didukh, S. In the shadow of the check 475


Didukh, S. Stalemate in positional draw mechanisms 63 (159-62)
Dobrescu, E. The chess study as a multi-criteria system 30


Eilazyan, E. The change theme in a study - Part 1 170 (181)
Einat, P. Deep (Blue) Costeff 120 (184)
Falk, L. Alexander Hildebrand (1921-2005) 582 (158)
Fathi-Chelhod, J. Philip Stamma's Assyrian origin 226 (159-62)
Fomichev, E.V. and Hlinka, M. On classical lines 452


Formanek, B. To chess composers everywhere 271


Gik, E. Maestro of the quartet [Kuzmichev] 252 (174)
Godes, D. Refinement to a Kubbel classic 366


Goldstein, A. David Przepiorka 314


Goransson, B. Alexej Sergejevitj Selesnieff 342


Goransson, B. Some errors in the study-collection "100 Endspiele" by A.S.Selesnieff 370


Gorgiev, T.B. Single-type batteries 300


Gorgiev, T.B. Study economy and "grotesque" positions 241


Gorgiev, T.B. The study with the vanishing past ! 51


Gorgiev, T.B. Two directions 42


Gorgiev, T.B. The wandering king 6


, 111


, 117


background image


Grin, A. Semi-pawn studies 866


Grondijs, H. [Editorial] 162


Grondijs, H. Pawn's task 216


Gurgenidze, D. When the echo resounds 274


Gyarmati, P. Attila Koranyi 276


Harman, J.R. The classification of endgame studies 180


Harman, J.R. Judging studies [Rueb Supplements 2,3,4] 398


, 431


, 63


Harman, J.R. A progress report 480


Harman, J.R. A review of end-game studies embodying a Novotny/Plachutta [Rueb Supplement 5] 204


Harman, J.R. The Rueb Supplement, No.1 [4-page insert]


Haworth, G., van der Heijden, H. and Bleicher, E. The data-mining of Studies Database HHdbIV 27 (191)
Herbstman, A. A.A.Troitzky - founder of the contemporary chess study [1934] 677


Herbstman, A. Memories of famous composers 429


Hildebrand, A. Authorship and attribution in chess compositions 153


Hildebrand, A. Professor Alexander Hildebrand 121


Hoch, J. A basic idea (matrix) expressed in different ways (settings) 521


Hooper, D.V. [Appreciation of Harold Lommer] 402


Hooper, D.V. A source identified [Lasker-Capablanca ending] 180


Hooper, D.V. The zugzwang and the squeeze 369


Iqbal, A., van der Heijden, H. and Guid, M. Research grant to investigate multi-dimensional aesthetic
perception using endgame studies 127 (180)
Kalandadze, V. In memory of a colleague [Krikheli] 645


Kalandadze, V. "Local" and "global" study ideas 432


Kalandadze, V. and Roycroft, A.J. Ten of the world's best studies 381


Kasparyan, G.M. [Appreciation of V.V.Yakimchik] 286


Kasparyan, G.M. The classification of studies 25


Kasparyan, G.M. Coincidence 366


Kasparyan, G.M. An excursion into the last century 367


Kasparyan, G.M. Improving studies 481


Kasparyan, G.M. Not an original study [concerns 3369] 116


Kasparyan, G.M. The technique of study composition 125


Kasparyan, G.M. Themes, themes... 369


Kasparyan, G.M. White minimals 117


Kasparyan, G.M. You don't need formulae 276


Katsnelson, L. Both sides sacrifice queens (development of an idea) 267


Khait, A. Corrections to two studies by A.Galitzky 868


Khait, A. Queen against 8 pawns 469

(142 supplement)

Khait, A. Queen against two knights in studies 437


Khait, A. Three picture studies 95


Khait, A. Wins in GBR Class 4.10 (RP) 232


Kopnin, A.G. Alternating blockade 243


Kopnin, A.G. The exploitation of special positional features in endings with the material: Rook and Knight
against Bishop and Knight 221


Kopnin, A.G. Some special features of the endgame struggle Rook and Knight against 2 Knights 89


Kopnin, A.G. Positional draws in GBR Class 0310.01 with centre pawn on any rank 193


Koranyi, A. What is the difference? 178


Korn, W. In memoriam F.J.Prokop 181


Korolkov, V. In defence of a young composer 94


Korolkov, V. The "technology" of the chess study 540


Kralin, N. and Pervakov, O. Harking back to a great study composer [Troitzky] 153


Kubbel, L. The study and the practical endgame 309


Kuzmichev, V. Trio ... trio! 333 (186)
Kuznetsov, An.G. Groping towards the ideal [interview with Yakimchik] 250


background image


Kuznetsov, An.G. [Letter regarding Study of the Year] 378


Lamford, P. The "ECE" endings classification system 273


Larin, R. [Appreciation of John Roycroft, at 80] 312 (178 Supplement)
Larin, R. and Shilenko, V. The patriarch of Siberian chess: K.K.Sukharev (1912-2004) 49 (163)
Lecomte, R. Henri Rinck (1870-1952) 945


Lemmey, W.H.M. and Whitworth, T.G. Black to move and lose 104


Levitt, J. Positional draw? 279


Lommer, H.M. FIDE Album 1965-67 [statistics] 245


Lommer, H.M. The Phoenix principle in the end-game 365


, p.515


McDowell, M. An unknown Lasker study 110 (188)
Manyakhin, A. Blockade yes! Fortress no! 429


Manyakhin, A. Decisive moves by the queen 47


Manyakhin, A. One composer's art 452

(142 supplement)

Manyakhin, A. Queen and bishop against queen 194


Manyakhin, A. Rare material - or "eye-openers" 96


Manyakhin, A. and S. Seek and ye shall find 702


Marwitz, J.H. and P.B. van Dalfsen John Selman (1910 - 2.i.78): an appreciation 290


, 330


, 352



Mayer, R. A (new?) model to classify and solve studies 750

(147 supplement)

Miller, A. Story of a composition 197


Minski, M. and Roycroft, A.J. A dialogue between Martin Minski and John Roycroft 218 (166)
Mortensen, J. The Toft collection 869


Muzerie, H. The logical study 147


Neidze, V. Comments on the 9th USSR Team Tourney [1975-76] 68


Neidze, V. Unique studies 71


Neistadt, V. Keeping on the romantic side 13 (183)
Nestorescu, V. Romanian composers 229


, correction p.405


Noi, D.N. The BSSR "Zvyazda" column and G.V.Afanasiev (1909-1971) 449


Noi, D.N. A trio of little known Belorussian studies 701


Novikov, G. Sergei G.Zhigis 328


Nunn, J. Correcting unsound studies 122


, 313


Nunn, J. Endgame studies: an exercise in frustration? 343 (159-62)
Nunn, J. Unsoundness in studies 323


Olin, P. Study composing in the future 197


Osintsev, S. [Obituary of V.A.Kalyagin] 212 (185)
Pachman, V. "Logical" studies 317


Pallier, A. A.O.Herbstman (1900-1982) [in 2 parts] 208 (189), 311 (190)
Pallier, A. A.P.Kazantsev (1906-2002) 31 (183)
Pallier, A. A.S.Gurvich (30ii1897 - 18xi1962) 126 (184)
Pallier, A. Frederic Lazard (20iii1883 - 18xi1948) 182 (181)
Pallier, A. Herman Mattison (28xii1894 - 16xi1932) 215 (185), 316 (186)
Pallier, A. In the footsteps of Troitzky... Parts 1,2 11 (187), 116 (188)
Pallier, A. Interesting anticipations 158


Pallier, A. Nicolas Rossolimo (1910-1975) 120 (180)
Pallier, A. (Second) thoughts about the World Championship Composing 281


Pallier, A. A Soviet composer in the west [Gulyaev] 270 (182)
Pallier, A. The studies collection of Marcel Lamare (1856-1937) 870


Pallier, A. Study tourneys from the past: Catalonia 1914-1916) 125 (196)
Pallier, A. Study tourneys from the past: La Strategie 13 (191), 115 (192), 214 (193), 317 (194)
Pallier, A. A tourney from the past: the 1916 Rice Memorial Tournament 14 (195)
Peronace, C.A. The middle of the board from the point of view of endings 408


Pervakov, O. His life fulfilled, his play as well [Smyslov] 160 (181)
Pervakov, O. How many strings to twist... 11 (179)

background image


Pervakov, O. Let's go to the corner! 89 (169)
Pervakov, O. Pythagoras' trousers - Part 1 37 (175)
Pervakov, O. The soul of chess 28 (171)
Pervakov, O. The soul of chess - Part 2 175 (173)
Pogosyants, E.L. Castling in studies 149


Pogosyants, E.L. [Contribution to Essay Competition on soundness] 25


Polasek, J. and Vlasak, E. Queen and rook on both sides 109 (180)
Pye, R. An enquiry into excellence in study composition 638


Razumenko, V.A. The Indian Theme in studies 580 (158)
Rey Ardid, R. Memories of Henri Rinck 62


Rossomakho, Yu. R.N.Aleksandrov (1911-1947): his achievements and his fate 263 (167)
Roycroft, A.J. A 7-year mystery no largely solved [van Breukelen] 920


Roycroft, A.J. XVIIIth meeting of FIDE Commission for Composition, Tbilisi, x.75 273


Roycroft, A.J. AJR's ABC, no.20: T tolls for Troitzky 858


Roycroft, A.J. An annotated game ending [Petrosian-Spassky, 1966] 108


Roycroft, A.J. Assiac's 1400 New Statesman chess columns 401


Roycroft, A.J. Awards in Russian Championships 159 (159-62)
Roycroft, A.J. Believe it or not [on Bakaev] 149 (159-62)
Roycroft, A.J. Bent (MT award) straightened 328 (178 Supplement)
Roycroft, A.J. Boris Nikolaevich Sidorov (1937-2008) 100 (176)
Roycroft, A.J. Charles Michael Bent 1919-2004 484


Roycroft, A.J. Charm 333 (178 Supplement)
Roycroft, A.J. Codex.. [Sub-Committee for Codex matters] 279


Roycroft, A.J. Collecting the best [books on studies] 24


Roycroft, A.J. Comment on John Beasley's contribution with respect to the "50-move rule" 834


Roycroft, A.J. Comments on Richard Harman's article [on judging] 404


Roycroft, A.J. Cozio! Part I 1


, also 86


Roycroft, A.J. David Ionovich Bronstein (19ii1924 - 5xii2006) 274 (167)
Roycroft, A.J. Donald Michie (1923-2007) 156 (170)
Roycroft, A.J. [Editorial on 50-move rule] 1


Roycroft, A.J. Editorials 1


, 33


, 93


, 261


, 697


, 813


, 330


, 117


, 325





, 243


, 591


, 51


, 103


, 247


, 299


Roycroft, A.J. Endgame study literature - a personal classification 409 (159-62)
Roycroft, A.J. The ethical endgame study 90


Roycroft, A.J. FIDE IGM Dr Gia Nadareishvili 153


Roycroft, A.J. FIDE PCCC sessions, Rio de Janeiro 2009 and after 128 (180)
Roycroft, A.J. GBR class 0023 - a win. What about 0061.10? 330 (178 Supplement)
Roycroft, A.J. The GBR class 3002/1006 187 (173)
Roycroft, A.J. Greater strictness in tourneys 157


Roycroft, A.J. Interview with Yochanan Afek 447


Roycroft, A.J. John MacCarthy (1927-2011) 219 (189)
Roycroft, A.J. John Selman and Saavedra - laying the story to rest! 906


Roycroft, A.J. Juri Randviir 6


Roycroft, A.J. Ladislav Prokes, the player's composer 157


Roycroft, A.J. Leopold Adamovich Mitrofanov [obituary] 198


Roycroft, A.J. The "little green book" 231 (159-62)
Roycroft, A.J. A might-have-been [AJR promotion study] 86


Roycroft, A.J. A note on 2 S's v R + B 197


, 376


Roycroft, A.J. [Obituary of A.P.Grin] 364


Roycroft, A.J. [Obituary of G.M.Kasparyan] 789


, 919


Roycroft, A.J. OTB interlude 491 (159-62)
Roycroft, A.J. Philidor - in '94 229 (159-62)
Roycroft, A.J. Philip Stamma: why he left France for England 215 (159-62)

background image


Roycroft, A.J. The Porterfield Rynd affair 523


Roycroft, A.J. Posthumous studies of Helmut Steniczka 800


Roycroft, A.J. Posthumous studies of Leopold Mitrofanov 795


Roycroft, A.J. Reti manoeuvre or Marco manoeuvre ? 375


Roycroft, A.J. The Roycroft Jubilee Tourney of EG 201


Roycroft, A.J. S.Kozlowski [contains all his known studies] 42


Roycroft, A.J. Solving at the top level 180


Roycroft, A.J. Solving - the old-fashioned way 289 (159-62)
Roycroft, A.J. Some lesser known Kasparyan studies 68


Roycroft, A.J. Soundness: the composer's responsibility [AJR's summary] 57


Roycroft, A.J. Studies .. what next ? 452


Roycroft, A.J. Studies postscript to Jurmala 2008 report 68 (176)
Roycroft, A.J. Subjective highlights of a not-very-eventful life 537 (159-62)
Roycroft, A.J. Theo van Spijk (1933-2007) 157 (170)
Roycroft, A.J. Towards a typology of duals in studies 642


Roycroft, A.J. Two Russian enigmas 938


Roycroft, A.J. The USSR, the West and "What is to be done?" 323


Roycroft, A.J. Urusov and you! 261 (167)
Roycroft, A.J. Walter Veitch (1923-2004) 397


Roycroft, A.J. and Bantish, N. Human values in the computer age 293 (159-62)
Rusinek, J. Grzegorz Grzeban 1902-1991 99


Rusinek, J. Stalemate by pinning in the middle of the board 3


Rusinek, J. Studies in the FIDE Album 1986-88 66


Sahasrabudhe, S.T. [Contribution to Essay Competition on soundness] 25


Sahasrabudhe, S.T. The presentation of artistic studies 354


Sarychev, A. A classic of study composition [T.B.Gorgiev] 497


Schlosser, M. How a computer discovered an unusual draw 529


Selman, J. Another "kill" by C.J. de Feijter 299


Selman, J. Troitzky's 1910 article 293


Senkus, R. Kestutis Stalioraitis (1909-1979) 647


Sidorov, B. Gorgeous grotesques 387


Slepyan, G. Interview with G.Slepyan of Belorussia 4


Slepyan, G. The "Troitzky line" and the contemporary study 43


Sobey, A.J. The modern miniature 76


Sobey, A.J. Pawnlessness 335


Speelman, J. The "Szen Position" 185


Stephenson, B.D. Selecting and marking studies for solving 321 (178 Supplement)
Sumbatyan, K. [Appreciation of JOhn Roycroft, at 80] 311 (178 Supplement)
Sumbatyan, K. Hamlet Gehamovich Amiryan (1934-2013) 121 (196)
Telesin, J. Can B+S (GBR class 0011.00) give checkmate on 1000 x 1000 chessboard 190


Thorne, H.W. Letter on attempts to compose 262


Timman, J. Five for computers, but six for humans 225


Timman, J. Rook and pawn versus bishop and pawn revisited 15 (183)
Tkachenko, S. In the master's footsteps [Troitzky] 282


Tkachenko, S.N. and Didukh, S. An earthly pawn passion or The Master's miraculous resurrection [Zinar]
151 (173)
Troitzky, A.A. Fundamentals of the composition of chess studies 294



Troitzky, A.A. [Introduction to 1934 collection] 740


Teodoru, G. Engineer Paul Farago - Honoured Master of Sport - is no longer with us 273


Ulrichsen, J.H. [Obituary of Alexander Hildebrand] 583 (158)
Umnov, G. A reciprocal zugzwang paradox 192


Umnov, E. Schools and styles in the modern study 153


, see p.226

Valois, P.S. Early days of EG, and the New Statesman 324 (178 Supplement)

background image


Valois, P.S [Editorial] 17


, 61


van de Gevel, E. Jurassic Park 101 (164)
van der Heijden, H. 54th World Congress of Chess Composition 312 (186)
van der Heijden, H. Endgame study bibliography 2000-2008 266 (174)
van der Heijden, H. Famous Behting study cooked - and saved ! 307 (190)
van der Heijden, H. George Teodoru 80 31 (191)
van der Heijden, H. HHdbIV 263 (182)
van der Heijden, H. Julien Vandiest (15vi1919 - 2iii2011) 112 (184)
van der Heijden, H. A minor dual is not a big deal 130 (170)
van der Heijden, H. Mrs Jowes 38 (168)
van der Heijden, H. My computerised collection 410


van der Heijden, H. "New" German endgame studies discovered 220 (189)
van der Heijden, H. Obituary: Lex Jongsma 28 (195)
van der Heijden, H. 2nd Tata Steel Chess and Studies Day 2011 115 (184)
van der Heijden, H. 4th Tata Steel Chess and Studies Day 2013 107 (192)
van der Heijden, H. Thompson's CD-ROMs 553


van der Heijden, H. [Tributes to John Roycroft] 263 (178)
van der Heijden, H. Wijk aan Zee (endgame study) solving 112 (188)
van der Heijden, H., Bleicher, E. and Haworth, G. Endgame table testing of studies - I,II 114 (180), 163
van Essen, M. and Roycroft, A.J. Interview: Questions from EG's Chief Editor 55 (159-62)
van Reek, J. Computers and the endgame study 34


van Reek, J. [Editorial] 98


van Reek, J. Jan Hendrik Marwitz, 1915-1991 95


van Reek, J. Silly themes 154


van Reek, J. The take-over of EG by ARVES 2


van Tets, A. 63 studies by Albert van Tets 518






van Tets, A. Rook promotions in the defence 450


Vandecasteele, I. About an idea 281


Vandiest, J. The Halberstadt connection 163


Vandiest, J. In the footsteps of father Rinck 147


Vandiest, J. Jigissaw puzzle [on S.Zhigis] 408


Vandiest, J. Let bygones never be bygones! 405


Veitch, W. The Codex for Chess Compositions 361


Veitch, W. An episode with Ellison 4


Veitch, W. Forty years on 282


Veitch, W. I like endings, but... 456


Veitch, W. K+2R+S against K+Q 431


Veitch, W. Memory corner 473


Veitch, W. Retroanalysis and Codex again 83


Vickery, J. Are classic studies still being composed? 169 (177)
Vickery, J. [Letter about studies in EG] 584 (158)
Vladimirov, Ya. A magician of the study [Yakimchik] 285


Vlasak, E. 7-man alternatives 214 (189)
Vlasak, E. Advanced features of CQL 275 (178)
Vlasak, E. Basics


: Hash tables 41 (171)

Vlasak, E. Cannot open PGN ? 22 (195)
Vlasak, E. Chess data formats and utilities 259 (174)
Vlasak, E. Chess engines 264 (182)
Vlasak, E. Computer aided composing 130 (184)
Vlasak, E. Computer recognition of beauty in chess 31 (175)
Vlasak, E. CQL for dummies 76 (176)
Vlasak, E. Databases of zugzwangs and squeezes 179 (181)

background image


Vlasak, E. EGTB news [Lomonosov, Syzygy tables] 130 (196)
Vlasak, E. First 7-man Lomonosov Tables available 121 (192)
Vlasak, E. First look into the computer kitchen 86 (169)
Vlasak, E. Free chess software for endgame studies 17 (179)
Vlasak, E. Frantisek Macek (1909-2003) 97


Vlasak, E. Go online 178 (177)
Vlasak, E. Harold's new database 26 (183)
Vlasak, E. Looking far ahead 219 (193)
Vlasak, E. Mario Matous (16vi1947 - 4vii2013) 322 (194)
Vlasak, E. Matous versus computer 328 (194)
Vlasak, E. Miniatures: a unique interpretation [G.Costeff] 121 (184)
Vlasak, E. Not only databases 168 (173)
Vlasak, E. Obituary: Jan Sevcik 26 (195)
Vlasak, E. The pros and cons of chess engines 148 (170)
Vlasak, E. Top chess engines 2007 130 (172)
Vlasak, E. Victims of 7-man endgame databases 40 (168)
Vlasak, E. Vladimir Kos (1928-2007) 154 (170)
Vlasak, E. What is "Let's Check" ? 16 (187)
Vlasenko, V. Calling the computer! 188


Wade, R.G. The borderline between artistic and practical endings 97


Whitworth, T.G. A dip into the archives 39 (171)
Whitworth, T.G. Kubbel - a case of lese majeste ? 69


see also 252


Whitworth, T.G. The Platov brothers - a postscript 826


Whitworth, T.G. Soundness: the study composer's responsibility 1


Whitworth, T.G. Variations on a pawn ending theme 456


Whitworth, T.G. and Byway, P.V. Troitzky revisited 89


Widlert, K. [Obituary of Bo Lindgren] 211 (185)
Whyld, K. Forgotten talent 626


Whyld, K. [Obituary of David Hooper] 367


NAME INDEX (extracted from Articles, Miscellaneous, obituaries, photographs, reviews [books about - but
not by]

Abrahams, G. obituary - 330


Afanasiev, G.V. article about - 449


obituary - 286


Afek, Y. interview with - 447 (155); photographs - 451


, 342 (159-62), 11 (168), 82 (169), 72,92 (176),

129 (180), 146 (184), 330 (186), 9 (187 - De Toren book); Study of the Year 2012 - 111 (196)
Akobia, I. photograph - 127 (170)
Alexander, C.H.O'D. obituary - 53


Aliev, I. photographs - 684


, 92 (179 supplement), 58 (187 supplement)

Almammadov, A. photograph - 92 (179 supplement)
Amirov, T.H. obituary - 341


Amiryan, G. obituary - 11 (195) and 121 (196); photographs - 122-23
Anderson, M.V. obituary - 245


Anufriev, V. drawing of - 141 (159-62); obituary - 585 (158)
Archakov, V. obituary - 585 (158)
Asaba, E.A. obituary - 444


Aslanov, F. photograph - 274 (193 supplement)
Assiac New Statesman column - 371


, 401


obituary - 99


Averbakh, Yu. photographs - 605


, 16 (159-62)

Avner, U. photograph - 100 (180)
Bacque, G. study collection - 161


background image


Badaj, B.V. obituary - 381


Badalov, S. obituary and photograph - 315 (186)
Baird, Mrs W.J. as first female study composer - 97 (169)
Bakaev, I.A. article about - 149 (159-62); photograph - 156 (159-62)
Ban, J. obituary - 270


Baxter, J.N. obituary - 219


Bayramov, Z. photograph - 293 (193 supplement)
Bazlov, Yu. photographs - 961


, 225 (167, front cover, with son), 129 (172), 191 (192 supplement)

Beasley, J.D. letter on study solving - 97 (169); photograph - 766


, 867


Becker, R. autobiography - 453 (156); photograph - 453


Behting, C. article about famous study - 307 (190)
Benak, H. photographs - 187 (166), 244 (185)
Benno, P. photographs - 349


Bent, C.M. British Chess Federation's President's award - 447


drawing of - 72 (159-62); obituary - 484


; photographs - 766


, 486


, 329 (178 Supplement)

Berger, J. book about [by Roth] - 214


Bertin, J. obituary - 457


Bertoli, F. photograph - 501 (157)
Beugelsdijk, R.R.A. obituary - 10 (179)
Beuman, T. photograph - 110 (172)
Bianchetti, R. article about [by Buijs] - 145 (159-62)
Birek, V. Piran 1958 / Portoroz 2002 emblems 637


Birnov, Z.M. article about - 356


obituary - 304


, 346


Blandford, H.F. book about [by Roycroft] - 630


, 290


;obituary - 491


Blondel, D. Obituary - 308 (190)
Blundell, D. photograph - 867


Bohm, H. photographs - 129 (180), 9 (187 - De Toren book)
Bondar, I. drawing of - 469 (159-62)
Bondarenko, F.S. obituary - 361

(111 supplement)

Bonivento, O. obituary - 26 (191)
Bottcher, C.J.F. obituary and photographs - 49-50 (175)
Bottema, T. photograph - 129 (180)
Bouwmeester, H. photograph - 159 (177)
Bourzutschky, M. photograph - 57 (164)
Bron, V.A. book about [by Averkin] - 242


obituary - 25


Bronstein, D.I. obituary - 274 (167); photographs - 705


, 245 (167)

Broomhead, W.A. obituary - 53


Bruch, W. photograph - 221 (177 supplement)
Burg, T. photograph - 72 (176), 193 (184 supplement)
Busing, G. photograph - 245


Campioli, M. photographs - 101


, 306 (190)

Capablanca, J.R. book about (by Chernev) - 247


Carlsson, O.J. article about - 18


obituary - 314 (186); photographs - 149


, 314 (186)

Chandler, G.W. obituary - 330


Chapais, T. book about [by Mennerat] - 631


further information - 665


Chernev, I. obituary - 9


Chernous, V. photograph - 92 (187 supplement)
Cheron, A. obituary - 403


, 427


Chicco, A. obituary - 924


Chlubna, F. obituary - 494


Cipriani, N. photograph - 304 (194)
Clarke, M.R.B. obituary - 361

(111 supplement)

, 391


photograph - 391


Collings, S.N. obituary - 372


background image


Comay, O. photographs - 589


, 292 (159-62), 11 (168)

Copie, J. photograph - 149


Cortlever, N. book about [by Grondijs] - 50


Costeff, G. Gady Costeff Jubilee - 116 (184); photographs - 589


, 49


, 382 (159-62), 6 (163), 11

(168), 285 (178), 116,123 (184)
Cozens, W.H. obituary - 423


Cozio article about - 1


, 86


Crabbe, T. photograph - 541


Crouch, C. photograph - 868


Davranyan, A. photograph - 200


Dawson, T.R. book about [by Roycroft] - 257


de Boer, Jaap obituary and photograph - 129 (192)
de Feijter, C.J. cook found by - 299


Dedrle, F. book about [by Kos] - 536


Dickins, A.S.M. obituary - 330


Didukh, S. biography - 401


; photograph - 401


Dobordzhginidze, A. book about [by Giorgadze) - 145


Dobrescu, E. photograph - 54 (169); response to his article - 286


Doggers, P. photograph - 269 (182)
Dore, M. announcement of 80th JT - 223 (189); photograph - 17 (175)
Dragoun, M. photograph - 330 (186)
Dukic, M. obituary - 204


Dundas, H. photograph - 222 (166)
Dunder, A.A.A. obituary - 372


Efrosinin, O. photograph - 159 (173)
Egiazaryan, A. photograph - 123
Einat, P. photograph - 11 (168)
Eivazova, Z. photograph - 191


Elkies, N. photographs - 449

(142 supplement)

, 49


, 535 (157), 412 (159-62)

ellinghoven, b. photographs - 538 (157), 209 (166)
Ellison, W.D. obituary - 4


Enevoldsen, J. obituary - 350


Ericsson, A.F. obituary - 391


Euwe, M. obituary - 10


Evreinov, V. obituary - 503


Fabel, K. obituary - 250


Farago, P. obituary - 214


, 273


photograph - 274


FIDE Problem Commission, Barcelona 1966 group photograph - 190 (7 Supplement)
Finch, J.S. biographical - 173


Fischer, B. reminiscence of, by AJR - 138 (172)
Fischer, J. photograph - 100 (169)
Fisher, G.S. obituary - 215


Fleck, J. photograph - 49


Foguelman, A. obituary and photograph - 118 (196); photograph - 149


Fomichev, E. photograph - 159 (173), 121 (176 supplement)
Fougiaxis, H. photograph - 13 (195)
Fraenkel, H. see under ASSIAC
Frangoulis, K. obituary - 280


Friedgood, D. photograph - 50 (171)
Fritz, J. biographical - 1


book about [by Vladimirov] - 755


obituary - 437


Frolovsky, A.V. drawing of - 133 (159-62); obituary - 204


Gabeskiria, M. photograph - 542 (157)
Galitzky, A.V. article about - 868


photograph of plaque - 269


background image


Gandolfi, V.U. obituary - 447


, 495


Gijssen, G. photographs - 320,327 (178 Supplement)
Glaser, J. obituary - 105


Gonzalez, L.M. photograph - 86 (187 supplement)
Good, I.J. obituary - 203 (177)
Gorbman, M. obituary - 494


Gorbunov, V. photograph - 429


Gordian, Yu.M. photograph - 429


Gorgiev, T.B. obituary - 494


, 497


Grigoriev, N.D. memories of, by A.Herbstmann - p.430


Grigoryan, A. photograph - 123
Grin, A.P. article about [by A.Pallier] - 270 (182); change of name - 160


obituary - 364


photographs - 221


, 366


Grondijs, H. photographs - 320,327 (178 Supplement), 26 (179)
Grzeban, G. article about - 942


, obituary - 99


Guillaume, F. obituary - 27


Gulyaev, A.P. See GRIN
Gurgenidze, D. drawings of - 296


, 188 (159-62); photographs - 112


, 542 (157), 342 (159-62), 82

(169), 159 (173), 71 (179 supplement), 313 (186 - with son Tato), 58 (187 supplement), 326 (190), 55 (195
Gurvich, A.S. article by A.Pallier - 126 (184); discussion of book "Chess poetry" - 61


photograph - 127

Gusev, B. drawing of - 228 (159-62); obituary - 347


; photographs - 538 (157), 137 (165)

Guy, R.K. biographical - 345


book about [by Roycroft] - 49


, 263


photograph - 766


Halberstadt, V. article about - 163


obituary - 298


, 344


Halumbirek, J. obituary - 416


Harkola, H. photograph - 412 (159-62)
Harman, J.R. anticipation service, index - 289


, 78


biographical - 437


obituary - 237


photograph - 238


Herbstman, A.O. article by Alain Pallier - 208 (189); obituary - 87


, 121


photograph - 210 (189);

photograph of gravestone - 317


Heuacker, P. obituary - 67


Hildebrand, A. article about - 121


drawings of - 46


, 100 (159-62); obituary - 582


photographs - 545,583 (158)
Hilton, C.G. obituary - 372


Hlinka, M. photograph - 817


Holden, E. obituary - 86


Hooper, D.V. obituary - 367


photograph - 366


Hurme, H. photographs - 535 (157), 137 (165)
Huseynzade, J. photograph - 296 (193 supplement)
Ianovcic, A.F. obituary - 99


Ibulaev, R. photograph - 200


Isain, P.S. biographical - 450


Jaeck, F. obituary - 301


Jensch, G. obituary - 924


Jespersen, J. photograph - 15 (191)
Joita, P. obituary - 194


Jongsma, L. obituary and photograph - 28 (195)
Joseph, D. meeting with John Roycroft - 111


obituary - 431


position by - 138 (172)

Josten, G. pgotograph - 94 (172)
Jowes, Mrs article about - 38 (168), see also 97 (169)
Kaila, O. obituary - 942


Kalinin, A.K. obituary - 396


background image


Kalyagin, V.A. obituary - 212 (185)
Kangaroo photograph - front cover (176)
Kanonik, D. editor of Chervony Girnik - 358


Kasparyan, G.M. article about [by Roycroft] - 68


book about [by Roycroft] - 313


drawing of -

118 (159-62); obituary - 789


, 919


Kasparyan, S. Photograph - 123
Katsnelson, L. drawing of - 332 (159-62)
Kazantsev, A.P. article about [by Pallier] - 33 (183); drawings of - 685


, 171 (159-62); obituary - 643


, 687


photograph - 33 (183)

Keith, D. photograph - 216 (177 supplement)
Kekely, L. photograph - 817


Keres, P. banknote - 736


book about [by Hildebrand] - 445


obituary - 250


Khait, A. drawing of - 634


photographs - 221


, 200


, 112


Khortov, V. photograph- 200


Kings, P.R. obituary - 345


; photographs - 442


, 868


Kivi, V. obituary - 924


Klein, D. photograph - 111 (188)
Kofman, R.M. obituary - 528


Kok, T.C.L. obituary - 6


Kondratiev, V.I. obituary - 392


Konoval, Ya. photograph - 57 (164)
Kopac, L. obituary - 216


Kopnin, A.G. obituary - 942


Koppelomaki, J. obituary - 350


Kopyl, V. photograph - 58 (187 supplement)
Koranyi, A. obituary - 223


, 276


Korn, W. obituary - 170


Korolkov, V.A. drawings of - 46


, 121 (159-62); obituary - 234


photograph - 17


Kos, V. obituary - 154 (170); photograph - 121 (170)
Kosteniuk, A. as study composer - 151 (181)
Kotov, A.I. obituary and photograph - 135 (172)
Kovacevic, M. photographs - 297 (153), 296 (159-62)
Kovalenko, V. Obituary, article and photograph - 112; photograph - 817


Kozhakin, V. photograph - 817


Kozlowski, S. all known studies - 42


Kozyrev, V.E. drawing of - 400 (159-62); photograph - 388


, 159 (173)

Kralin, N.I. drawings of - 339


, 46


photographs - 297


, 545 (158), 342 (159-62), 299 (178)

Krenzisky, S. obituary - 54


Krikheli, I.M. book about [by Gogberashvili] - 717


drawing of - 261 (159-62); obituary - 457





photograph - 703


Krug, P. photograph - 304 (194)
Kubbel, L.I. articles about - 69


, 252


, 366


books about - [by Whitworth] - 348


, [by

Vladimirov] - 438


, 4141


, [van Reek] - 914


memories of, by A.Herbstmann - 431


Kummer, K. obituary - 295


Kuzmichev, V.V. article about - 252 (174)
Kuznetsov, Al.P. obituary - 124


photograph - 14 (183)

Kuznetsov, An.G. drawing of - 251 (159-62); obituary - 200


patronymic - 150 (173); photographs -



, 241


L'Ami, A. photograph - 168 (184 supplement)
Lafora, C.R. obituary - 104


Lamare, M. study collection - 870


Lamoss, J. obituary - 87


Lasker, Em. unknown study - 110 (188), 207 (189)

background image


Lastra, G.L. obituary - 4


Lazard, F. article about [by Pallier] - 183 (181); photograph - 185 (181)
Lerch, J. photograph - 705


Levitt, J. photograph - 868


Levy, D.N.L. computer bet with Averbakh - 399


Limbach, S. obituary - 475


Lindgren, B. obituary - 211 (185); photographs - 292 (159-62), 234 (185)
Lindner, L. obituary - 396


Littlewood, N. obituary - 941


Lommer, H.M. comments on Test Tube Chess - 419


obituary - 402


Loshinsky, L.I. book about [by Vladimirov] - 426


obituary - 367


Lovstov, V. photograph - 817


McCarthy, J. obituary - 219 (189)
Macek, F. obituary - 97


photograph - 99


McKelvie, N. biographical - 25


Mackenzie, A.F. photograph - 14 (191)
Macleod, N.A. book about [by Rice] - 160


Maizelis, I.L. obituary - 113


Mandil, J. obituary - 238


Mandler, A. book about [by Beasley] - 207


obituary - 335


, 366


Spotlight comments - 98

Mann, C.C.W. photograph - 18 (168)
Manolescu, M. obituary - 97


photograph - 538 (157)

Mansarliisky, N. photograph - 200


Manvelyan, A. photograph - 123
Marandyuk, M. photograph - 429


Marnoni, G. obituary - 129 (184)
Martin, A. photograph - 868


Marwitz, J.H. Obituary - 95


, 1000


views on study genre - 339


Matous, M. book about [by Vlasak] - 474


obituary & photographs - 322 (194); photograph - 175 (177)

Mattison, H. articles about [by Pallier] - 215 (185), 316 (186); books about [by Whitworth] - 325


, 318


- [by Kirillov] 948


painting - 360 (186 supplement)

Mednis, E. obituary - 585


Mees, W. photograph - 338 (186 - plus announcement of Jubilee Tourney)
Melnichenko, E. photograph - 501 (157)
Melnichenko, V. obituary - 203 (177); photograph - 429


Mennerat, J. obituary - 12 (171)
Mestel, J. drawing of - 46


photographs - 412 (159-62), 187 (166), 50 (171), 67 (179 supplement)

Michie, D. obituary - 156 (170); photograph - 118 (170)
Mikitovics, J. photograph - 73 (187 supplement)
Miles, A.J. book about [by Lawton] - 205


obituary - 539


Milescu, M. obituary - 9


Miltner, V. photograph - 77 (159-62)
Minerva, E. photograph - 146 (188)
Missiaen, R. book about [by van Reek] - 632


photograph - 159 (177)

Mitrofanov, L. obituary - 198; photograph - 198


posthumous studies 795


Moravec, J. book about [by Vlasak] - 391


obituary - 215


Morelli, F. composer not a plagiarist - 199 (189)
Morgan, D.J. obituary - 4


Mugnos, J. obituary - 75


Muradov, M. photograph - 1


Murarasu, I. obituary and photograph - 115 (188), also 199 (189)
Murdzia, P. photograph - 200 (184 supplement), 379 (194 supplement)

background image


Muzerie, H.W. obituary - 53 (163)
Nadareishvili, G. article about - 153


book about [by Gurgenidze] - 664


drawing of - 46


obituary - 941


, 153


Nagel, J. photograph - 9 (187)
Neidze, N. Drawings by 735


, 882


, 52


, 164


, 481


, 493


, 533



, 545


, 593

(133 supplement)

, 57


, 125

(136 supplement)

, 149


, 197


, 293


Neidze, V. photographs - 605


, 159 (173)

Neistadt, V.I. photograph - 14 (183)
Neistadt, V.I. jr photograph - 13 (183)
Nestorescu, V. photograph - 538 (157)
Niemeijer, M. obituary - 295


Nunn, J. photographs - 348 (159-62), 222 (166), 50 (171), 67 (176), 115 (184), 161 (184 Supplement), 107
Olthof, R. photographs - 209

(151 supplement)

, 244 (185)

Onate, E.C. obituary and photograph - 204 (177)
Onkoud, A. photograph - 160 (196 supplement)
Ornstein, A. photograph - 15 (171)
Osintsev, S. photograph - 165


Paavilainen, J. photograph - 137 (165)
Pachman, L. obituary - 40


Pachman, V. obituary - 435


Palmans, L. photographs - 565 (159-62), 146 (184 supplement), 244 (185)
Paoli, E. Dr Paoli's competition for composers - 153


, 284


obituary 49 (163); photographs - 101


, 1, 44, 47 (163)

Parenti, L. obituary - 194


Paros, G. obituary - 303


Peckover, J.E. biographical - 455


obituary - 87


photograph - 81


Penrose, L.S. obituary - 372


Perkonoja, P. drawings of - 634


, 40 (159-62); photographs - 221


, 200


, 112


, 137

Persitz, R.J.A. obituary - 204 (177)
Pervakov, O. drawing of - 162 (159-62); photographs - 221


, 545 (158), 296 (159-62), 79 (169), 15

(171), 159 (181)
Petrescu, C. obituary - 151


Petrov, D.F. obituary - 295


Petrovici, V. photograph - 340 (186)
Pfannkuche, M. photographs - 412 (159-62), 126 (180)
Philidor, A.D. article about [by Roycroft] - 229 (159-62); book about [by Dupont-Danican] - 630


illustration - 229 (159-62)
Platov, V. and M. article about - 826


book about [by Whitworth] - 432


, [by Vladimirov] - 755


memories of, by A.Herbstmann - 429


Podgaets, M.Ya. obituary - 204 (177)
Pogosyants, E.L. book about [by Roycroft] - 290


obituary - 924


Polasek, J. photographs - 330 (186), 326 (190), 324 (194)
Pospisil, J. photographs - 32 (168), 330 (186)
Prokes, L. article about - 157


book about [by Kos] - 161


obituary - 104


Prokop, F.J. obituary - 181


Przepiorka, D. article about - 314


Radjabov, T. photograph - 213 (193)
Radulescu, M. obituary - 330


Raina, C. obituary - 295


Randviir, J. article about - 6


obituary - 6


background image


Rautanen, A. obituary - 215


Ravarini, R. obituary - 129 (184)
Razumenko, V. photograph - 200


Reilly, A.M. obituary - 350


Reti, R. article about [by P.Benko] - 259 (182); books about - [by Kalendovsky] 928


, [by Vladimirov]

- 755


Rey Ardid, R. commemorative stamp - 10 (191); obituary - 444


Rezvov, N. book about [by Tkachenko] - 145


drawings of - 760

(147 supplement)

, 390 (159-62);

photograph - 200


, 92 (187 supplement)

Rice, I.L. photograph - 21 (195)
Rice, J.M. photograph - 245


Richter, F. obituary - 335


Richter, R. obituary - 444


Riihimaa, O. obituary - 295


Rinck, H. articles about - 62


, 945


book about [by Vladimirov] - 414


career outside chess -



Rosankiewicz, J. photograph - 766


Rose, M. photograph - 868


Rossi, P. photograph - 501 (157)
Rossolimo, N. obituary - 250


photograph and article by A.Pallier about - 120 (180)

Rossomakho, Ya. photograph - 159 (173)
Roycroft, A.J. 80th birthday - 159 (177); awarded Finlandia Prize - 640


British Chess Federation's

President's Award - 774


drawing of - 590


farewell as editor - 857


Glenfiddich tourney

entry - 399


photographs - 205


, 349


, 442


, 705


, 766


, 864,867,878


, 393


, 535,538 (157), 412,565 (159-62), 159 (177), 285 (178), 320,327,334 (178 Supplement), 89 (179

supplement), 226 (181 supplement); special issue - 178 (supplement); tributes ond dedicated originals on
occasion of 80th birthday - 263 (178)
Rudenko, V. photograph - 429


Rumyantsev, S. photograph - 926


Runquist, K. obituary - 219


Ryabinin, N. photograph - 200


Rynd, P. article about - 523


Saavedra book about [by Grondijs] - 497


Sakharov, B.A. drawing of - 760

(147 supplement)

obituary - 491


Salai, L. jr. photographs - 817


, 326 (190)

Sarychev, A.V. obituary - 191


photograph - 191


Segenreich, S. obituary - 303


, 367


Seletsky, A.S. dates of - 104


Selezniev, A.S. article about - 342


, 370


Selivanov, A. photograph - 260 (185 supplement)
Selman, J. articles about - 290


, 330


, 352


, 906


obituary - 543


, 290


Semenenko, A. and V. photograph - 429


Senkus, R. plagiarism - 158


Sevcik, J. obituary - 26 (195)
Shanshin, V. drawing of - 634


Sharp, A.G. obituary - 4


Sickinghe, J. article about - 38 (168)
Sidorov, B.N. obituary - 100 (176)
Simkhovich, F. book about [by Grondijs] - 874


, 830


, 260


Skuja, R. obituary - 476


Slater, E.T.O. obituary - 219


Slepyan, G. interview with - 4


photograph - 1


Smaling, E. photograph - 9 (187)

background image


Smith, R. obituary - 27


Smyslov, V. article about [by Pervakov] - 161 (181); drawing of - 97 (159-62); photograph - 159 (181)
Sobey, A.J. biographical - 96


photograph - 766


Somerpuu, V. obituary - 270


Soroka, I. photograph - 429


Sochniev, A. photograph - 17


, 92 (187 supplement)

Soukup-Bardon, B. obituary - 25


Stalioritis, K. article about - 647


photograph - 648


Stallybrass, D. obituary - 96


Stamma, P. articles about - [by Roycroft] 215 (159-62); [by Fathi-Chelhod] 226 (159-62)
Staudte, H-H. obituary - 238


Staudte, R. photographs - 106 (159-62), 187 (166), 320,327 (178 Supplement), 53 (187 supplement)
Steinbrink, A. photographs - 412 (159-62), 222 (166)
Steniczka, H. photograph - 800


posthumous studies - 800


Stephenson, B.D. photographs - 705


, 766


, 868


Stigter, J. photographs - 209 (166), 299 (178), 320 (178 Supplement)
Stilman, B. biographical - 665


Stoffelen, W. photographs - 737

(147 supplement)

, 342 (159-62), 222 (166), front cover (181), 226 (181

supplement), 379 (194 supplement)
Strohlein, T. photograph - 441


Studenetsky, A.N. obituary - 447


Sukharev, K. obituary - 49 (163); photographs - 200


, cover, 121 (165)

Sulc, J. request for information about - 104


Sumbatyan, K. photograph - 241


Tamburini, M. obituary - 7


Tamkov, L.N. obituary - 171


Tarasyuk, V. photographs - 429


, 200


Teeven, F. photograph - 9 (187)
Teodoru, G. 80th birthday and photographs - 31 (191); photograph - 340 (186)
Thompson, K. receives award - 603

(133 supplement)

Timman, J. announcement of 60th JT - 131 (188); photograph - 269 (182)
Tkachenko, S.N. photographs - 429


, 201


, 164 (173)

Toft, J.P. collection of - 869


Topko, L. photograph - 200


Troitzky, A.A. articles about - 282


, 677


, 89


, 153


, 43


, 464 (142 suppl), 11

(187), 117 (188 - with photograph); articles by - 293


, 740


books about - [Herbstman] - 417



[Vladimirov] - 414


memories of, by A.Herbstmann - 431


plaque - 736


study found - 239


Turk, Chess Automaton article about - 231 (159-62)
Tyavlovsky, V. drawing of - 760

(147 supplement)

, 518 (159-62)

Ulrichsen, J.H. photographs - 49


, 10 (163), 89 (179 supplement)

Umnov, E.I. obituary - 646


photograph - 703


Utkin, A. photograph - 221


Vagidov, M. obituary - 203 (177); photograph - 191


Valois, P.S. photograph - 316 (194)
van de Gevel, E. photographs - 493


, 320,327 (178 Supplement), 89 (179 supplement)

van der Heijden, H. awarded Finlandia Prize - 400


database - 869


, 410


photographs - 869


, 393


, 583 (158), 62 (164), 82 (169), 89 (179 supplement), 129 (180), 269 (182), 244 (185), 311

van Donk, H.J. obituary and photograph - 49 (175)
van Essen, M. interview [by A.J.Roycroft] - 55 (159-62); photograph - 200 (184 supplement)
van Foreest, J. photograph - 306 (186)
van Gunst, C.A. obituary - 98


background image


van Herck, M. photographs - 209

(151 supplement)

, 244 (185)

van Spijk, T. obituary - 157 (170); photograph - 705


Vandecasteele, I. photograph - 149


, 159 (177)

Vandiest, J. article about 187 (177); obituary and photograph - 112 (184); photograph - 127 (170), 159,188
Varov, S.V. obituary - 53 (163)
Vaughan, C. obituary - 446


Veitch, W. obituary - 397 (154); photographs - 876


, 399


Velikhanov, K. photograph - 92 (179 supplement)
Velimirovic, M. obituary and photograph - 128-29 (192)
Vetter, H. obituary - 491


Vinichenko, V. drawing of - 735


obituary - 53 (163); photograph - 200


Vladimirov, Ya. photograph - 221


Vlasak, E. photographs - 45 (168), 326 (190), 324 (194)
Voormans, J. obituary and photograph - 10 (187)
Vrins, A. photograph - 67,72 (176)
Vukcevich, M. obituary - 95


Vukovic, V. obituary - 372


Vysokosov, A. photograph - 299 (178)
Wade, R.G. obituary - 50 (175); photograph - 44 (163)
Wakashima, T. photograph - 67 (169)
Wason, P.C. obituary - 96


Whitaker, N.T. obituary - 253


Whitehead, G. obituary - 295


Whitworth, T.G. photograph - 442


, 705


, 876


Whyld, K. obituary - 147


photograph - 442


Wolanski, E. obituary - 111


Wood, B.H. obituary - 528


Wotawa, A. biographical - 474


obituary - 119


Yakimchik, V.V. obituary - 285,286


Yakovenko, V.A. article about - 415


Zelepukhin, N. photograph - 159 (173)
Zepler, E.E. obituary - 350


photograph - 85 (169)

Zhigis, S.G. articles about - 408


, 328


Zinar, M.A. article about - 151 (173); photographs - 159,160 (173), 136 (176 supplement), 206 (177)

4th Tata Steel Chess and Studies Day 2013 photograph - 112 (192)

MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS [by A.J.Roycroft unless stated]

- "28 Rijen" - a mystery solved 200


, 245


- 50-move rule 113


, 157


, 16


, 486


, 1


, 501


- Aesthetics of studies 61


- ARVES Solving Championship 446


- Bernard Levin on the endgame 81


- Bishop promotion in actual play diagram 4795


, p.772


- Books on studies 24


- Brief notes on Georgia 339


- British Chess Federation becomes English Chess Federation 585 (158)
- CQL - Chess Query Language 199


- Canadian Chess Chat 125


- Chess Amateur [gleanings from] 251


- Chess periodicals in the USSR 153


background image


- Classification of 180


, 477,480


, 78


- A classified collection of studies [G.Bacque] 161


- Codex 339


, 361


, 83


, 279


- Codex for chess composition (PCCC) 313


- Composers are human beings 474


- Composing technique 125


, 326


, 48


- Corrections to, and comments on the text of, Test Tube Chess 10


- Corresponding squares 145 (159-62)
- Demolitions 275


[Items relating to EG and Chess Endgame Study Circle]
- Affiliation [of CESC] to British Chess Federation 447


- Chess Endgame Study Circle, final meeting 335 (194)
- EG, end of Volume 1! 520


- EG errata E1-101 933


- EG in 1971 214


- Exchanges with EG 27


, 59


, 88


, 110


, 178


- [Explanation of name "EG"] 26


- EG statistics 24


- The future of EG 178


, 218


, 344


, 201


, 449


, 697


- Index to EG1 - EG32 [major tourney awards] 494


- Report of inaugural meeting, May 1965 15


- Report of meeting, October 1965 34


- Report on the First Year 82


- EG-survey of study composers, judges and other interested parties 454


- Endgame Circle New York 298


, 275


- FIDE Album 1914-1944 Tourney, announcement 101


- FIDE Album 1974-1976 Tourney, progress report 81


, 237


- FIDE Album 1977-1979 Tourney, announcement 425


- FIDE Album 1980-1982 Tourney, progress report 292


- FIDE Album 1983-1985 Tourney, announcement 224


- FIDE Album 1992-1994 Tourney, progress report 3


- FIDE Album 1995-1997 Tourney, announcement 589


- FIDE Album 1995-1997 Tourney, progress report 8,55


, 123


, 204


, 447


, 633


- FIDE Album 1998-2000 Tourney, announcement 539


- FIDE Album 2001-2003, judging criteria 176 (166)
- FIDE Albums 56


, 237


- FIDE Albums (1914-1964), studies statistics from 274


- FIDE Problem Commission (PCCC - reports on meetings - by A.J.Roycroft):

- Reading 1965 30


- Barcelona 1966 191 (7 Supplement)
- Arcachon 1968 417


- Varna 1969 63


- The Hague 1971 305


- Pula 1972 368


- Imola 1973 53


, 85


- Wiesbaden 1974 175


- Tbilisi 1975 271


, 273


- Ribe 1976 372


- Malinska 1977 521


background image


- Canterbury 1978 81


, 113


, 213


- Wiener Neustadt 1980 349


- Varna 1982 109


- Bat Yam 1983 230


- Riccione 1985 543


, 63


- Paris 1986 128


, 295


- Graz 1987 287


- Budapest 1988 483


- Bournemouth 1989 648


- Benidorm 1990 925


- Rotterdam 1991 940


- Bonn 1992 170


- Bratislava 1993 286


- Belfort 1994 434


- Turku 1995 716


- Tel-Aviv 1996 3


, 54


- Pula 1997 169


- St Petersburg 1998 375


- Netanya 1999 7


- Pula 2000 202


- Wageningen 2001 398


- Portoroz 2002 639


- Moscow 2003 148


- Halkidiki 2004 352


- Eretria 2005 549 (158)
- Wageningen 2006 175 (166)
- Rhodes, 2007 35 (171)
- Jurmala 2008 249 (174), 68 (176)
- Rio de Janeiro 2009 128 (180)
- Jesi 2011 312 (186 - by H. van der Heijden)

- FIDE Judge title-holders (studies) 537


- Figurines 325


- Finlandia Prize awarded to: H. van der Heijden 400


- A.J.Roycroft 640


- Formal and informal tourneys 27


- Formal international tourneys for original endgame studies [guidelines] 356

(111 supplement)

- From Czechoslovakia, July 1968... [identification of Czech study sources] 407


- Game versus study debate 93


- Improvement, correction of studies 481


- Incomplete awards 607


- Israel Ring Tourneys 1963-70 45


- "It might have been composed" [game Ashcroft - Cock] 57


- Judging 398, 404


, 431


, 235


- Large private collections of studies 734

(118 supplement)

- List of FIDE International Judges for Endings 373


, 416


- Manuscript in Escurial Library, Madrid 473


- Names and numbers 937


- Novotny/Plachutta 204


- Open Letter [Slovak Organisation for Chess Composition - on WCCT8] 42 (175)
- Open Letter by Czech problemists [on WCCT8] 48 (175)
- Ortueta - Sanz game 353


, 463


, 41


- Other British publications [their study content] 301


background image


- PCCC Studies Subcommittee established 484


- Plagiarism [Senkus] 158


- Plagiarism, tourneys and counting 869


- Policy on use of Forsyth notation 21


- Proposals for the guidance of tourney organisers, composers and judges [PCCC] 9


- Reflected or rotated diagrams 308


- Relationship betweeen practical endgames and studies 37


, 97


, 445


- The Russian Far East [Kozhakin] 538


- Schneider's web-site [] 336


- Shakhmaty/Sahs study column 136


- Second International Team Match for Chess compositions 239


, 63


- Solving Tourney, Varna 1976 495


- Stalemate in positional drawn mechanisms 60 (159-62)
- Study of the year 1988 - 170


1989,1990,1991 - 436


, p.312


1992,1993,1994 - NOT

FOUND; 1995,1996,1997 - 202


1998,1999,2000 - 110


2005 - 220 (166); 2006 - 7 (171); 2007 -

250 (174); 2008 - 339 (178 Supplement), 129 (180); 2010 - 341 (186); 2011 - 36 (191)
- Study tourneys in the USSR 52


- Survey of the 'lesser' magazines' 492


- Symmetry 79


- Two extremes, without comment [studies by B.Lindgren and A.J.Roycroft] 374


, 407 (14 - comment

by H.M.Lommer)
- Unpinning 115


- Unsoundness in studies 456


- USSR Team Championship for Chess Composition 237


- USSR - Rest of the World match 482


, 438




- Valladao Theme [comments by J.H.Ulrichsen] 110 (184)
- The word "zugzwang" in non-chess writing 326


- World Composing Championship for Individuals [WCCI] 2001-2003 585 (158)
- World Chess Compositions Tournament [1st WCCT] 397


, 417


- World Chess Compositions Tournament [2nd WCCT] 329


, 253


- World Chess Compositions Tournament [3rd WCCT] 437


, 456


- World Chess Compositions Tournament [4th WCCT] 484


- World Chess Compositions Tournament [5th WCCT] 364


- World Chess Compositions Tournament [6th WCCT] 401,403


- World Chess Compositions Tournament [7th WCCT] 95



- 5-man endings: the computer speaks! 71


- 6-man endgame tables 41


- Advances in Computer Chess, Edinburgh 1978 25


- Advances in Computer Chess, Uxbridge 1984 423


- Adjudicate this!! [study by AJR - WP v 2BBs] 22


- The best "metric" [K.Thompson] 224


- Book review by AJR: Chess catalog, C.W.Hewlett 543


- Book Review by AJR: Using chunking to solve chess pawn endgames, Berliner and Campbell 431


- Chessplaying micros: a new era dawns 288


- Chessplaying mini-computers and micros 294


- A computer program for the ending WP v BB (4 men on the board) 202


- EG's challenge to endgame theorists ! 828


- The endgame Rook against Knight 27


- EXCEL 68000 and the endgame 369


- Game S.Reuben - Control Data Corporation computer 155


background image


- [Haworth website] 665


- Johan de Koning and his "Final Endgame Generator" 47


- Judging *C* mined odb/EGTB studies 177 (166), 270 (167)
- Judgment is based on expectation 70


- Ken Thompson of Bell Laboratories 103


- Lolli and GBR class 1060 292


- "Mined positions" 90


, 247


, 299


, 351


- survey)

- Minis and micros 352


- A prophecy fulfilled [GBR Class 0023 - 2 Bs v S] 217


- Queen and a2/a6/b7 Pawn against Queen 97


- Q + SP (on 7th rank) against Q 239


- Recent OTB experience with GBR class 0312 948


- Reciprocal zugzwangs 69


- Sargon 2.5 315


, 351


- Stiller and the 6 pieces endgames 114


- Two bishops against knight [AJR and O.Comay] 249


Akobia, Yu. The reciprocal zugzwang in studies - the GBR classes 1330 and 1303 621


Beasley, J.D. Hiarcs 7.32 and endgame databases 118


Bourzutschky, M. Four knights against the queen - a 7-man endgame 477


Bourzutschky, M. and Konoval, Ya. 7-man endgame databases 493 (159-62)
Bourzutschky, M. and Konoval, Ya. News in endgame databases 220 (185), 321 (186), 122 (188), 316
(190), 18 (191)
de Boer, J.H. My GBR class 0103 file 425


Dekker, S.T. and van den Herik, H.J. GBR Class 0011: a 33-move endgame 345


Haworth, G. Ken Thompson's 6-man statistical graphs 527


Haworth, G. Qualified statistics 239


Haworth, G. Six-man oracle survey, 1 111


Haworth, G. Tablebases and tables 151


Haworth, G. and Karrer, P. The Kasparov - World game [4000.12] 107


Haworth, G., van der Heijden, H. and Bleicher, E. The data-mining of Studies Database HHdbIV 27 (191)
Hooper, D.V. GBR class 1006 Zugzwangs 431


Hooper, D.V. GBR class 0002.01 3


Kalandadze, V. and Roycroft, A.J. Ten of the world's best studies, through the eyes of a composer (and a
computer!) [Sargon 2.5] 381


Michie, D. Pure knowledge 1


Niblett, T. and Roycroft, A.J. How the GBR class 0103 data base was created 145


Roycroft, A.J. GBR class 0023 - a win. What about 0061.10? 330 (178 Supplement)
Roycroft, A.J. The GBR class 3002/1006 187 (173)
Roycroft, A.J. How to play the GBR class 0023 24


65, 67


, 418


, 818


Roycroft, A.J. Internet - simple access to 5-man and 6-man endgames 159 (165)
Roycroft, A.J. Ken Thompson - tributes direct and indirect 529


Roycroft, A.J. The 6-man pawnless endgame rook and bishop against two knights with the 223-move win


Roycroft, A.J. 7-man pawnless GBR class 4041 85 (164)
Roycroft, A.J. Thoughts on the 63-move win in GBR class 1006 434


Roycroft, A.J. 517 moves this time 152 (165)
Roycroft, A.J. and Beasley, J.D. 5-man and 6-man endgames without pawns 99


Thompson, K. The programs that generate endgame data bases 2


van der Heijden, H., Bleicher, E. and Haworth, G. Endgame table testing of studies 114 (180)
Vlasak, E. [See ARTICLES section of Index]

Computer-generated play:
- GBR class 0000.10 391


background image


- GBR class 0002.01 (hP) solved 289


- GBR Class 0014 also in




- GBR class 0020 23


- GBR class 0023 428


, 12


, 65


- GBR Class 0031.01 487


- GBR Class 0039 51


- GBR class 0100 292


, 64


- GBR class 0103 113


, 66


- GBR Class 0103.11 369


- GBR class 0107 871


, 104


, 666


- GBR class 0116 865


- GBR Class 0116 - rook and bishop against two knights 325


- GBR class 0130 292


- GBR class 0134 102


- GBR Class 0310.01 485


- GBR class 0400.10 64


, 162


- GBR class 0401 430


- GBR class 0410 428


- GBR Class 0500 129


- GBR class 1000 543 (82 - Hewlett as below], 873


- GBR Class 1006 584


, 633


- GBR Class 1033 161


, 956


- GBR Class 1060 162


- GBR Class 1066 161


- GBR Class 1300 293


, 66


- GBR Class 1300.01 67


, 381


- GBR Class 1301.01 1000


- GBR Class 1601 942


- GBR class 3102 104


- GBR Class 3200.10 41


- GBR Class 4000 66


- GBR Class 4000.10 68


, 230


, 960


, 113


, 361


- GBR Class 4001 951


- GBR Class 4010 951


- GBR class 4100 11


- GBR Class 4300 67


- GBR Class 5000 129


- GBR Class 8000 101


Lists of positions of Reciprocal Zugzwang:
- GBR Class 0000.10 633


- GBR Class 0002.01 719

(118 supplement)

, see p.771


- GBR Class 0004.10 923

(122 supplement)

- GBR Class 0005 315


- GBR Class 0013.10 126

(136 supplement)

- GBR Class 0014 962


- GBR Class 0023 314


- GBR Class 0031.10 596

(133 supplement)

- GBR Class 0040.10 595

(133 supplement)

- GBR Class 0041 314


- GBR Class 0100.01 634


- GBR Class 0103 962


- GBR Class 0103.10 539

(132 supplement)

background image


- GBR Class 0104 314


- GBR Class 0116 328


- GBR Class 0130 962


- GBR Class 0130.10 537

(132 supplement)

- GBR Class 0134 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0143 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0161 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0170 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0206 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0230 314


- GBR Class 0233 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0301.10 417

(130 supplement)

- GBR Class 0302 314


- GBR Class 0309 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0310.10 426

(130 supplement)

- GBR Class 0311 314


- GBR Class 0320 314


- GBR Class 0321 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0400.10 106

(124 supplement)

, 535

(132 supplement)

- GBR Class 0401 314


- GBR Class 0420 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0503 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 0530 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 1000.01 634


- GBR Class 1033 69


- GBR Class 1060 69


- GBR Class 1300 962


- GBR Class 1300.01 109

(124 supplement)

, 428

(130 supplement)

- GBR Class 1300.10 490

(131 supplement)

- GBR Class 1303 392


- GBR Class 1304 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 1313 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 1330 394


- GBR Class 1340 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 1601 999


, 738

(147 supplement)

- GBR Class 3001.10 490

(131 supplement)

- GBR Class 3010.10 489

(131 supplement)

- GBR Class 3100.10 487

(131 supplement)

- GBR Class 3102 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 3111 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 3200 314


- GBR Class 3201 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 4000.10 775

(119 supplement)

, 47


, 482

(131 supplement)

- GBR Class 4001.00 805


- GBR Class 4010.00 805


, 48


- GBR Class 4100 69


- GBR Class 4130 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 4400 (138 disk)
- GBR Class 5300 (138 disk)

NB The disk accompanying issue 138 is entirely devoted to 6-man pawnless Reciprocal Zugzwangs as

background image


BOOK AND MAGAZINE REVIEWS [by A.J.Roycroft unless stated]

- 2e Internationale Landenteamstrijd voor Schaakcomposities [2nd Friendship Match] 307


- IV Ceske Album sachovych skladeb 1998-2000 (2003) 45 (175)
- V Ceske Album sachovych skladeb 2001-2003 (2007) 45 (175)
- 11th Team Composing Championship of Ukraine (2001) 214 (166)
- Advances in computer chess 1 (1977) 493


- Advances in computer chess 2 (1980) 351


- Advances in computer chess 3 (1982) 158


- Al'bom Moldovy 1899-1999 (2000) 665


- Album Russia 1995-1997 (1999) 113


- Album Russia: Mini-Album Russia 2001-2006 (2009) 131 (180)
- Axel Akerblom, schakkonstnar (1989) 928


- The best endings of Capablanca and Fischer (1978) 159


- British endgame study news (1996) 879


- Catalogue of the Alexander Rueb Stichting Collection (1988) 454


- Chervony Girnik tourneys 1958-2004 (2008) 45 (175)
- Chess: an encyclopedic dictionary (1990) 923


- Chess in Moldavia (1968) 23


- Chess solving yearbook 2000, 2002, 2003 214 (166)
- EG, volume XI (2006) 158 (165 - by M.McDowell)
- Encyclopedia of chess endings (1982) 159


- Encyclopedia of chess endings, vol.4 (1989) 816


, 929


- Encyclopedia of chess endings, vol.5 (1993) 362

(111 supplement)

- Engelhardt's Schach-Taschen-Jahrbuch 1966 202


- FIDE Album 1914-1944 223


- FIDE Album 1959-1961 102


- FIDE Album 1962-1964 473


- FIDE Album 1965-1967 88


- FIDE Album 1968-1970 494


- FIDE Album 1971-1973 181


- FIDE Album 1977-1979 441


- FIDE Album 1980-1982 454


- FIDE Album 1986-1988 767


- FIDE Album 1992-1994 445


- FIDE Album 1995-1997 + Annexe 394


- FIDE Album 1998-2000 46 (171)
- Finales y temas 409


- The Huddersfield College Chess Magazine, vols.1-5, 1872-78 190 (173)
- International Chess Calendar 1997 880


- International Congress of chess composers, Tbilisi 1975 372


- The Israel chess problemist 102


- Jubilee tourney awards - A.Mikholap 47 (175)
- Kevesbabos magyar feladvanyok (1982) 158


- Mala encyclopedie sachu (1989) 929


- Match Druzhby [Friendship Match 1962-64] 515


- Problemist Ukraini (2004) 497


- Problemist Ukraini (2008, Special Issue 2) 44 (175)
- Problem-skak 44 (175)
- Review of XXI century tourneys see under KIRILICHENKO
- Shakhmatny slovar (1964) 202


background image


- Shakhmaty-in-English 94


- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Albom 1991-1995 (2001) 215 (166)
- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Albom 1996-2000 (2003) 144


, 495


- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Albom 2001-2003 (2007) 131 (180), 187 (181)
- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Litopis 1998 114


- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Litopis 2000 664


- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Litopis 2001,2002 144


- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Litopis 2003 496


- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Litopis 2005 215 (166) and 47 (171)
- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Litopis 2006 47 (171)
- Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Litopis 2007-2009 130 (180)
- Slovensky vyber II (2009) 187 (181)
- Stella Polaris 187


- Szachy supplements 454


- Uj magyar sakkfeladvany antologia (1979) 315


- Ukrainian composition yearbook SEE Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini
- Ungarische Schachproblem Anthologie (1983) 536


- 6th WCCT 1996-2000 awards (2000) 444


- 7th WCCT 2001-2004 awards (2004) 394 (154)
- Zadachy i etyudy, nos.9-10 (1995) 914


- Zlata Praha 1899-1900 (1997) 43 (168)

Abrahams, G. Brilliance in chess (1977) 494


Akobia, I. World anthology of chess studies, vols.1-2 (1994) 432


Akobia, I. World anthology of chess studies, vol.3 (1995) 874


, 911 (122 - by M.P.Furmston)

Akobia, I. World anthology of chess studies, vols.1-3 (revised 2010) 188 (181)
Akopyan, G. Manysided creativity [Byuzandyan] (1984) 544


Akopyan, G. Volshebnik shakhmat [Kasparyan] (1981) 151


Alfonso X El Sabio Libro de los juegos (2007) 190 (173)
Aloni, Y. and Avner, U. The art of Israeli chess composition (1983) 230


Archakov, V.M. and Gik, E.Ya. Chess quartets (1983) 474


Archakov, V.M. Decorative chess problems and studies (1985) 544


Archakov, V.M In the world of chess composition (1980) 426


Archakov, V.M. Shakhmatnaya mozaika (1984) 475


Archakov, V.M. and Zinar, M.A. The harmony of the pawn study (1990) 873


Assiac Delights of chess, rev. ed. (1964) 116


Averbakh, Y. Bishop endings (1977) 494


Averbakh, Y. Bishop v Knight endings (1976) 371


Averbakh, Y Centre-stage and behind the scenes (2011) 335 (186)
Averbakh, Y. Chess endings: rooks, rev ed. (1984) 475


Averbakh, Y. Chess tactics for advanced players (1986) 580


Averbakh, Y. Comprehensive chess endings, vol.3 (1986) 293


Averbakh, Y. Erfolg im Endspiel (1987) 580


, 159


Averbakh, Y. Knight endings (1977) 494


Averbakh, Y. Lehrbuch der Schachendspiele (1972) 12


Averbakh, Y. Rook v. Minor Piece endings (1977) 143


Averbakh, Y. Queen and pawn endings (1975) 303


Averbakh, Y. Queen v. Rook/Minor Piece endings (1978) 143


Averbakh, Y. Shakhmatnye okonchaniya, 2nd ed. (1980) 357


Averbakh, Y. Turmendspiele I and II (1986) 163


Averbakh, Y. and Kopaev, N. Comprehensive chess endings, vol.5: Rook endings (1987) 872


Averkin, O.A. and Bron, V.A. V poiskakh shakhmatnoi istiny (1979) 242


Avni, A. Amazing chess adventures of Baron Munchausen (2011) 103 (188 - by Y.Afek)

background image


Avni, A. Creative chess (1991) 48


Avni, A. The grandmaster's mind (2004) 497


Avni, A. Surprise in chess (1998) 362


Balashov, Yu. and Maksimovskikh, A. The truth-seekers (1991) 948


Balashov, Yu. and Prandstetter, E. Sachove koncovky (1991) 171


Banny, D. Combinational tales (1996) 361


Barden, L. How to play the endgame in chess (1980) 328


Basisty, M. Dictionary of chess composition terminology (2004) 496


Beasley, J.D. Depth and beauty [Mandler] (2003) 207


Beasley, J.D. and Whitworth, T.G. Endgame magic (1996) 877


Becker, C. La guerra degli scacchi (Ercole del Rio) (1984) 438


Belchikov, N.I. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya v Belorussii (1981) 491


Beliavsky, A. and Mikhalchishin, A. Winning endgame technique (1995) 260


Benko, P. Pal Benko: my life, games and compositions (2003) 343


Benko, P. and Hochberg, B. Winning with chess psychology (1991) 160


Berliner, H. and Campbell, M. Using chunking to solve chess pawn endgames (1984) 431


Bie, H.P. Utvalgte problem og studier (2003) 344


Bijl, C.M. Het eindspel Koning + 2 Paarden tegen Koning + Pion (1980) 426


Binnewirtz, R.J. Ado Kraemer (2012) 126 (192)
Blondel, D. FIDE Album 1986-88 Annexe (1996) 50


Bohm, H. and Afek, Y. Het Paard (2012) 35 (191)
Bohm, H. and Afek, Y. De Pion - de ziel van het schaakspel (2010) 133 (180)
Bonsch, E. Kleines Lexicon Schach (1988) 454


Bondarenko, F.S. The chess study today (1987) 371


Bondarenko, F.S. Development of the chess study (1982) 125


Bondarenko, F.S. Gallery of chess study composers (1968) 22


Bondarenko, F.S. Pawn ending studies (1973) 87


Bondarenko, F.S. Stanovlenie shakhmatnogo etyuda (1980) 329


Bondarenko, F.S. The triumph of the Soviet chess study (1984) 473


Bonivento, O. Problemi - opera omnia (2001) 344


Bonivento, O. and Fasiori, I. Compositori scacchisti emiliani (2008) 48 (175)
Bonivento, O. and Fasiori, I. Compositori scacchisti italiani (2007) 47 (171)
Borodavkin, S. How I became a chess composer (2004) 494


Botvinnik, M. Meine neuen Ideen zur Schachprogrammierung (1982) 247


Bouwmeester, H. and Spinhoven, F.A. De magische schaakfiguren (1976) 235


Brace, E.R. Illustrated dictionary of chess (1977) 26


Braunberger, G. Phantasie im Endspiel (1989) 929


Breider, B. 123 suomalaista lopputehtavaa (1972) 376


Bron, V.A. Selected studies and problems (1969) 57


Budde, V. Vom Mittelspiel ins Endspiel (1982) 157


Budde, V. and Konikowski, J. Moderne Endspieltechnik (1985) 159


Budde, V. et al. Das grosse Buch der Schachendspiele, 2nd ed. (1996) 159


Buka, V. 444 pomocnik (2003) 45 (175)
Campioli, M. La studistica in Italia nel secolo XX (2005) 45 (163)
Caputto, Z.R. El arte del estudio de ajedrez, vol.1 (1990) 947


Caputto, Z.R. El arte del estudio de ajedrez, vol.3 (1996) 912


Caputto, Z.R. El arte del estudio de ajedrez, vol.4 (2000) 392


Caputto, Z.R. El arte del estudio de ajedrez, vol.5 (2009) 130 (180)
Charushin, V.A. The pride of Russia (1994) [P.Dubinin] 202 (177)
Chepizhny, V.I. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1977-1982 (1983) 440


Chernev, I. Capablanca's best chess endings (1978) 247


Cheron, A. Le joueur d'echecs au pays des merveilles (1982) 214


Cheron, A. Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele, Band III, 2nd ed. (1969) 517


background image


Cheron, A. Lehr- und Handbuch der Endspiele, Band IV (1970) 190


Chicco, A. and Porreca, G. Dizionario enciclopedico degli scacchi (1971) 377


Chimedtseren, S. In search of chess artistry (1997) 262


Chimedtseren, S. Shatrin bodlovo, etyudiin onol (1975) 392


Chlubna, F. Endgame virtuosity (1996) 912


Cockburn, A. Idle passion (1975) 308


Comay, O., Costeff, G. and Einat, P. Israeli chess problem art 1932-2010, 2nd ed. 315 (190)
Damsky, Ya. The heavy pieces in action (1997) 160


Dashkovsky, A.N. and Pypa, V.I. V labyrintakh Kaissy (1990) 220


De la Villa, J. 100 endgames you must know (2008) 47 (175)
DeLucia, D. David DeLucia's library (2003) 157 (165)
Dembo, Y. The very unusual book about chess (2005) 202 (177)
Di Felice Chess periodicals 1836-2008 (2010) 38 (183)
Dickins, A.S.M. and Ebert, H. 100 classics of the chessboard (1983) 349


Dobrescu, E. Chess study composition (1999) 112


Dobrescu, E. and Nestorescu, V. Compozitia sahista in Romania (1973) 116


Dobrescu, E. and Nestorescu, V. Studii de sah (1984) 474


Drajic, D.B. Overview of Yugoslavian Chess Literature (2010,2011,2013) 38 (183), 335 (186), 304 (194)
Dulbergs, I. They left their mark (2008) 47 (175)
Dulinac, S. 40 godina problemskog stvaralstva (1993) 633


Dupont-Danican, J.F. Pour Philidor (1995) 630


Dvoretsky, M. The art of analysis (1989) 928


Dvoretsky, M. Dvoretsky's endgame manual (2003) 293


Dvoretsky, M. Studien fur Praktiker (2009) 335 (178 Supplement)
Dvoretsky, M. and Pervakov, O. Etyudy dlya praktikov (2009) 130 (180)
Eliskases, E. Stellungsspiel (2000) 43 (168)
Emms, J. The survival guide to rook endings (1999) 289


Enevoldsen, J. Hyg dem med skak (1966) 305


Euwe, M. Endspiel: Theorie und Praxis (1983) 349


Federau et al. Dame gegen zwei Turme (1993) 630


Fine, R. Basic chess endings, rev. P.Benko (2003) 343


Flear, G. Mastering the endgame (2001) 206


Foguelman, A. Seleccion de sus finales artisticos (2007) 136 (172)
Foldeak, A. Ein Vierteljahrhundert Turmendspiele (1976) 329


Fomichev, E.V. Chess composition from Gorky (1989) 935


Formanek, B. Bedrich Formanek a kompozicny sach (1983) 214


Formanek, B. Kompozicny sach na Slovenska (1984) 475


Formanek, B. Sachova terminologia (1968) 519


Fossum, A. Skakkopgaver og studier (1975) 371


Fride, A. Vladimirs Petrovs (2004) 43 (168)
Fritz, J. Ceska studie [typescript, 1983] [by J. van Reek] 455


Furst, E.A. End game artistry (1983-91) 829


Gaige, J. Chess personalia (1987) 632


Gik, E. Conversations about chess (1985) 293


Giorgadze, T. and Gurgenidze, D. Aleksandr Dobordzhginidze (2003) 145


Gogberashvili, M. Best studies (1998) 414


Gogberashvili, M. and Akobia, Yu. Endgames of Iosif Krikheli (1995) 717


Golombek, H. Encyclopedia of chess (1977) 524


Gorbatenko, Yu. Urals chess melodies (2001) 446


Gordian, Yu. Odessa festivals of chess composition (2004); 2nd ed. (2005) 495 (156); 214 (166); 131 (180)
Gorgiev, T.B. and Bondarenko, F.S. The chess study in the Ukraine (1966) [by P.S.Valois] 287
Griffiths, P.C. The endings in modern theory and practice (1976) 447


Grin, A.P. Znamenitye kompozitsii (1973) 54


background image


Griva, N. 5 pieces - 1 (1995) 830


Griva, N. XIIIth Team Composing Championship of Ukraine (2005) 214 (166)
Griva, N. Encyclopedia of malyutka studies (1998-2001) 414


, 290


, 664


Griva, N. Studia superminiatury (1997) 360


Grivas, E. Practical endgame play - mastering the basics (2008) 189 (173)
Grondijs, H. Charged moves and progressions [Cortlever] (1996) 50


Grondijs, H. Never ending quest of type C, volume A (1994) 536


Grondijs, H. Never ending quest of type C, volume B (2002) 147


Grondijs, H. No rook unturned, 2nd ed. (2004) 497


Grondijs, H. Schaakvriend Jan Fischer (2007) 99 (169)
Grondijs, H. Study story (1996) 498


Grondijs, H. Unforgotten chess men (2005) 45 (163)
Grondijs, H. Within Nalimov's enclosure (2009) 335 (178 Supplement)
Grondijs, H. Works of Simkhovich (1990) 874


Grondijs, H. Works of Simkhovich, rev.ed (1995) 830


, 260


Grzeban, G. and Rusinek, J. Studium szachowe w Polcse 1890-1980 (1983) 348


Gufeld, E. and Kalinichenko, N. Chess strategy (2003) 205


Guliev, S. Manual of chess endings (2003) 43 (168)
Gurgenidze, D. 100 miniatures (1999) 113


Gurgenidze, D. Best studies 2 (1995) 718


Gurgenidze, D. The endgame througb study eyes (2007) 45 (171)
Gurgenidze, D. Let's study endgames! (2004); no.2 (2005); no.3 (2006) 496


; 214 (166); 45 (171)

Gurgenidze, D. Malyutki dlya vsekh (2005) 92 (164) and 46 (171)
Gurgenidze, D. Malyutki gruzinskikh etyudistov (2000) 289


Gurgenidze, D. Simplicity, lightness, beauty (1999) 114


Gurgenidze, D. The study and engame theory (2002) 664


Gurgenidze, D. Study mosaic 1,2,3 (1993-94) 535


Gurgenidze, D. Study mosaic 4,6 (1994-95) 718


Gurgenidze, D. Study mosaic 5 (1995) 767


Gurgenidze, D. Study mosaic 9, 10 (2000) 289


Gurgenidze, D. Tiny endgames (1999) 113


Gurgenidze, D. Tourneys dedicated to G.Nadareishvili (2002) 664


Gurgenidze, D. and Akobia, Yu. Study mosaic 7 (1997) 113


Gurgenidze, D. and Akobia, Yu. Study mosaic 10-14 (2000-02) 664


Gurvich, A.S. and Speckmann, W. Meisterwerke der Endspielkunst, 2nd ed (1983) 317


Haik, A. and Fornasari, C. Les echecs spectaculaires (1984) 435


Hajenius, W. and van Riemsdijk, H. The final countdown (1997) 161


Harkola, H. Handbook of chess composition (2007) [review by HvdH] 136 (172)
Harkola, H. Problem chess lists, 3rd ed. (1998) 414


Harkola, H. and Siran, L. World Chess Solving Championship 1977-2007 (2008) 187 (181)
Hayes, J.E. and Levy, D.N.L. The World Computer Chess Championship (1976) 493


Henneberger, H. Kunstschach in der Schweiz (1980) 158


Herbstman, A.O. A.A.Troitzky, der Begrunder der modernen Endspielstudien 417


Hewlett, C.W. Chess catalog (1977) 543


Hildebrand, A. Paul Keres the composer (1999) 445


Hildebrand, A. and Uddgren, A. Svenska miniatyrer II (1994) 632


Hlinka, M. Studia - kral'ovna koncoviek (2002) 664


Hochberg, B. Outrageous chess problems (2005) 498 (156)
Hollander, H. and Schadler, U. Scacchia Ludus (2008) 47 (175)
Horning, G.W., Josten, G., Minski, M. Wege zu Schachstudien (2006) 272 (167)
Hodgson, J. King and pawn (1993) 363

(111 supplement)

Hooper, D. A pocket guide to chess endgames (1970) 189


Hooper, D. and Whyld, K. The Oxford companion to chess (1984); rev. ed. (1992) 440




background image


Horwitz, B. and Kling, J. Chess studies and end-games (Olms reprint, 1986) 163


Howell, J. Essential chess endings (1997) 262


, 206


Husslein, E. Forder-Turm ex libris (1977) 331


Ivanov, V. When the king went for a walk (2004) 215 (166)
Ivunin, A. Twins (1996) 257


Jonsson, C. My way (2007) 271 (174)
Josten, G. A study apiece (2009) [by H. van der Heijden] 188 (181)
Kalandadze, V. 100 studies (1972) 397


Kalandadze, V. Best studies (2001) 446


Kalandadze, V. In the world of masterpieces (2005) 45 (163)
Kalandadze, V. Perpetual motion (1994) 630


Kalendovsky, J. Richard Reti (1989) 928


Kalinin, A.K. The comprehension of beauty (1990) 947


Kalinin, A.K. Riddles of beauty (1996) 257


Kalyagin, V.A. S E R (2003) 145


Karaklaic, N. Da te pitam? (1986) 262


Karolyi, T. and Aplin, N. Genius in the background (2009) 38 (183)
Karpov, A. and Gik, E. Karpov's endgame arsenal (1996) 915


132 (180)

Karpov, A. and Gik, E. Mosaico ajedristico (1984) 294


Kasparyan, G.M. 555 miniature studies (1975) 250


Kasparyan, G.M. 888 miniature studies (2010) 336 (186)
Kasparyam, G.M. Collected studies and games (1987) 295


Kasparyan, G.M. Domination, vol.1 (1972); vol.2 (1974) 55




Kasparyan, G.M. Etyudy (1972) 376


Kasparyan, G.M. Pozitsionnaya nichya, 2nd ed. (1977) 494


Kasparyan, G.M. Razvitie etyudnykh idei (1979) 270


Kasparyan, G.M. Secrets of a study composer (1984) 475


Kasparyan, G.M. Sila peshki (1980) 351


Kasparyan, G.M. Studies, articles, analyses (1988) 442


Kasparyan, G.M. Zamechatelnye etyudy (1982) 158


Kasparyan, G.M. Zauber des Endspiels (1974) 251


, 26


Katsnelson, L. 25 chess studies (1996) 915


Katsnelson, L. The chess study in the family (2000) 290


Kazantsev, A.P. Dar Kaissy (1975); 2nd ed. (1983) 223




Kazic, B.M. The chess competitor's handbook (1980) 328


Keres, P. Praktische Endspiele (1973) 54


Khairabedian, K. and Garchev, N. Superminiatures (1988) 929


Kirilichenko, S. Chess composition: review of tourneys (2004) 495


Kirilichenko, S. Chess composition: review of tourneys, nos.4-5 (2005) 215 (166)
Kirilichenko, S. Chess composition: review of tourneys, nos.1-5 (2004-5) 45 (175)
Kirilichenko, S. Chess composition: review of tourneys, nos.6-7 (2007) 47 (171)
Kirilichenko, S. Shakhova kompozitsiya Ukraini: Litopis SEE UNDER Shakhova
Kirillov, V. The output of a genius [Mattison] (1990) 948


Kniest, P. Caissas Schlossbewohner 3 (1987) 319


Koblents, A.N. Lessons in chess strategy (1983) 474


Kofman, R.M. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 1974-1976 (1978) 26


Kofman, R.M. Selected compositions (1985) 544


Konikowski, J. Testbuch der Turmendspiele (1996) 159


Konikowski, J. and Schulenberg, P. Testbuch der Endspieltaktik (1986) 294


Koranyi, A. Selected chess studies and problems (1999) 112


Korn, W. American chess art (1975) 300


Korolkov, V. It's my idea (1998) 415


Kos, V. Ladislav Prokes - studie 1951-1966 (1996) 161


background image


Kos, V. and Kalendovsky, J. Sachove studie; Kral a dama proti krali [Dedrle] (1994) 536


Kostadinov, D. 50 selected compositions (2006) 215 (166)
Kosten, T. Winning endgames (1987) 239


Kovacevic, V. Lovacke zavrsnice (2002) 100 (169)
Kovacevic, V. Pjesacke i skakacke zavrnice (2001) 100 (169)
Kovacevic, V. Zavrsnice lakikh figura (2002) 100 (169)
Krabbe, T. Nieuwe Schaakkuriosa (1977) 524


Krabbe, T. Schaakkuriosa (1974) 235


Krogius, N.V. Laws of the endgame (1971) 12


Krogius, N.V. De wetten van het eindspel (1973) 157


Kuzmichev, V.V. Shakhmatnye zadachi i etyudy (1995) 718


, 414


Kuznetsov, An.G. Colours of the chess spectrum (1980) 357


Lafora, C.R. Dos caballos en combate (1965) 58


Lawton, G. Tony Miles: it's only me (2003) 205


le Lionnais, F. and Maget, E. Dictionnaire des echecs (1967) 518


Letelier, R. Ajedrez: arte y ciencia (1993) 630


Letzelter, J-C. Echecs artistiques et humoristiques (1990) 924


Levenfish, G. and Smyslov, V. Rook endings (1971) 351


Levitt, J. Genius in chess (1997) 260


Levitt, J. and Friedgood, D. Secrets of spectacular chess (1995) 631


Levitt, J. and Friedgood, D. Secrets of spectacular chess, 2nd ed. (2008) 189 (173)
Lindgren, B. Maskrosor (1978) 235


Livshitz, A. and Speelman, J. Test your endgame ability (1992) 632


Lommer, H.M. 1357 end-game studies (1975) 203


Lund, E. Rook vs two minor pieces (2005) 43 (168)
Maizelis, I. Pawn endings (1974) 95


Maksimovskikh, A. The chess muse beyond the Urals (1999) 113


Mandler, A. 64 vezovych a pescovych studii (1964) 154


Mandler, A. Studie (1970) 335


Matheiowitz, H.J. Schachanalytik (2012) 127 (192)
Matsukevich, A.A. The principle of restraint (1982) 474


Mednis, E. Advanced endgame strategies (1996) 159


Mednis, E. Die Macht des Konigs im Schach (1985) 159


Mednis, E. Practical endgame lessons (1979) 441


Mednis, E. Practical knight endings (1993) 362

(111 supplement)

Mednis, E. Practical rook endings (1982) 157


Mees, W. Materiaal-index [to Rueb] (1987) 294


Meinsohn, F. D + F contre D [and] T + F contre T 543


Melnichenko, V. Chess: two aspects of creativity (1989) 930


Melnichuk, A.N., Mirolyubov, A.M. and Fomichev, E.V. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya Rybinska 1939-2005
215 (166)
Mennerat, J. Le manuscrit de Chapais (1990-92) 631


Mesman, H.G.A. De artistieke Schaakstudie (2001) 445


Meszaros, A. 1000 endgame studies (2007) 190 (173)
Michie, D. King and rook against king 371


Mironov, G.A. Thoughts of an amateur of chess studies (1975) 251


Mitrofanov, L. Obmanchivaya prostota (1994) 630


Mokry, K. Ceska sachova literatura 1806-1945 (2006) 99 (169)
Morse, C.J. Chess problems: tasks and records (1995) 631


Muller, K. and Lamprecht, F. Secrets of pawn endings (2000) 207


Mugnos, J. 200 estudios (2004) 494


Mugnos, J. Finales artisticos razonados (1976) 269


Nabokov, V. Poems and problems (1972) [by F.Wyndham] 395


background image


Nadareishvili, G. The chess endgame study in the Georgian Republic (1975) 281


Nadareishvili, G. Chess studies (1952) 495


Nadareishvili, G. Selected chess studies (1976) 372


Nadareishvili, G. Selected studies (1970) 215


Nadareishvili, G. Studies (1965) 102


Nadareishvili, G. Study through the eyes of grandmasters (1982) 124


Nadareishvili, G. and Akobia, Yu. Mate in studies (1990) 923


Naef, W. Endspielstudien und Hilfsmatt-Probleme (1985) 128


, 915


Naroditsky, D. Mastering complex endgames (2012) 33 (191)
Neiman, E. and Afek, Y. Invisible chess moves (2011) 335 (186)
Neishtadt, V. and Sukharev, K. Lovushka dlya chernogo korolya (1994) 671


Nestorescu, V. Miniaturi in alb i negru (2010) 337 (186)
Nestorescu, V. Probleme si studi alese (1999) 112


Nicolaiczuk, L. Keine Angst vor Endspielen (1982) 318


Nowakowski, R.J. Games of no chance (1996) [by J.D.Beasley] 114


Nunn, J. Endgame challenge (2002) 754

(147 supplement)

Nunn, J. Grandmaster chess move by move (2005) 46 (163)
Nunn, J. Nunn's chess endings, vols.1-2 (2010) 274 (182)
Nunn, J. Secrets of minor-piece endings (1995) 768


Nunn, J. Secrets of pawnless endings (1993) 363

(111 supplement)

Nunn, J. Secrets of pawnless endings, rev. ed. (2002) 630


Nunn, J. Secrets of rook endings (1992) 218


Nunn, J. Secrets of rook endings, rev. ed. (1999) 289


Nunn, J. Solving in style (1985) 239


Nunn, J. Understanding chess endgames (2009) 186 (181)
Olimpiev, B. 155 best studies (2001) 446


Pachman, L. Checkmate in Prague (1975) 308


Pachman, L. Chess endings for the practical player (1983) 441


Pachman, L. Endspielpraxis im Schach (1977) 491


Pachman, L. Meine 100 besten Partien und meine Probleme (1978) 242


Pachman, V. Vybrane sachove problemy (1979) 270


Pachman, V. Vybrane sachove skladby (1980) 418


Pak, V.N. Selected chess problems, studies and puzzles (2004) 540 (157); 133 (180)
Pallier, A. and Grondijs, H. Knights ahead! (1994) 585


Paluzie y Lucena, J. Manual de ajedrez 93


Paoli, E. 96 studi scacchistici (1983) 214


Paoli, E. Il finale negli scacchi (1974/1988) 251


and 444


Perez-Reverte, A. The Flanders panel (1995) 475


Pervakov, O. 64 majestic studies (1995) 161


Petrosian, T. Petrosian's legacy (1990) 132 (180)
Pfleger, H. and Treppner, G. Chess - the mechanics of the mind (1988) 455


Pinter, J. 1000 minor piece endings (2007) 190 (173)
Pinter, J. 1000 pawn endings (2006) 272 (167)
Pinter, J. 1000 queen endings (2007) 190 (173)
Pithart, F. Sachove koncovky (1974) 26


Polgar, L. Chess endgames (1999) 114


Polgar, L. Chess training in 5333 + 1 positions (1994) 262


Polovodin, I. Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya na Vologodchine (2003) 145


Polugaevsky, L. Grandmaster preparation (1981) 214


Pomogalov, V.I. Lyubitelskie shakhmatnye kompozitsii (2006) 272 (167)
Ponce, L. Gran libro de finales (1973) 631


Porreca, G. Studi scacchistici (1967) 287


Portisch, F. and Sarkozy, B. 600 vegyatek (1973) 494


background image


Portisch, F. and Sarkozy, B. 600 okonchanii (1979) 242


Portisch, F. and Sarkozy, B. Six hundred endings (1981) 158


Povah, N. Chess training (1981) 426


Pozharsky, V. Chess primer via studies (2007) 99 (176)
Pozharsky, V. Chess textbook using studies (2005) 214 (166)
Pritchett, C.W. and Thornton, M.D. Scotland's chess centenary book (1984) 474


Prokop, F.J. Kouzlo sachoveho diagramu (1968) 20


Proskurowski, W. The fruits from my chess garden (1993) 536


Purdy, C.J.S. On the endgame (2003 ) 147


Radulescu, M. Finaluri complexe in sah (1972, 1978) 223


and 235


Rangelov, V. and Tanielian, A. Selected problems and studies (1970) 152


Razumenko, V. Izbrannye etyudy i zadachy (2007) 99 (169)
Reti, R. Estudios completos (1983) 215


Rey Ardid, R. Finales de ajedrez (1944-45) 94


Rey Ardid, R. Finales de piezas menores (1983) 318


Rey Ardid, R. Finales de torre (1984) 349


Rice, J.M. Chess wizardry (1996) 49


Rice, J.M. The chessboard adventures of Norman Macleod (1997) 160


Richter, K. and Staudte, H-H. Richtig und falsch, 2nd ed. (1978) 158


Rosen, B. Fit im Endspiel (1995) 915


Roth, H. Der Schachkomponist Johann Berger (1982) 214


Rowson, J. Chess for zebras (2005) 46 (163)
Roycroft, A.J. The chess endgame study (1981) 317


, also 860


Roycroft, A.J. The complete studies of Genrikh Kasparyan (1997) 313


Roycroft, A.J. A (first) century of studies - Ernest Pogosyants (1999) 290


Roycroft, A.J. Hugh Blandford - published works and notebooks (1993) 290


Roycroft, A.J. The published work and notebooks of Hugh Blandford (1993) 630


Roycroft, A.J. Queen and a2/a6/b7 pawn against queen (1986) 97


Roycroft, A.J. Richard Guy's chess endgame studies (1996) [by M.Bent] 49


, 263


Roycroft, A.J. Test tube chess (1972) [by G.Abrahams] 373


Roycroft, A.J. Test tube chess (1972) [by D.V.Hooper] 396


Roycroft, A.J. The win and draw chess compositions of Thomas Rayner Dawson (1997) 257


Rozenfeld, I. Maleetuudid (1981) 93


Rueb, A. The chess study - a supplement (1995) 631


Rueb, A. De Dame contra Toren- of Raadsheer-pion (1995) 630


Rusinek, J. 25 kompozycji szachowych krakowskich (1993) 632


Rusinek, J. Almost miniatures (1994) 586


Sakharov, N.I. Shakhmatnaya literatura Rossii (2001) 754

(147 supplement)

Sakharov, N.I. Shakhmatnaya literatura SSSR (1968) 516


Sansom, C. End-game studies (1992) 219


Sarychev, A.V. Chess composition in Azerbaidzhan (1985) 444


Savin, P.I. and Plaksin, N.M. The art of chess composition (1987) 930


Schlosser, M. and Minski, M. ASymmetrie (2013) 206 (193)
Seirawan, Y. Winning chess endings (2003) 43 (168)
Selezniev, A.S. 100 chess studies (1940) 263


Selivanov, A. My miniatures (2002) 665


Selman, J. Springerzauber (1998) 475


Semenko, Yu. Shakhi v Ukraini (1980) 26


Shereshevsky, M. and Slutsky, L. Mastering the endgame, vol.2 (1992) 915


Shestoperov, A.N. and Kolpakov, V.V. The work of Saratov chessplayers (1983) 474


Shishgin, N.P. Shakhmatny gorizont (1982) 46 (175)
Sidler, W. Problemschach (1968) 515


Sikdar, N. One hundred chess endings (1997) 147


background image


Silman, J. Essential endings explained (1988) 930


Silva Nazzari, H. Ajedrez uruguayo 1880-1980 (2008) 271 (174)
Smyslov, V. The art of the endgame (1996) 114


Smyslov, V. My studies (2000) 289


Sokolsky, A. Pawns in action (1976) 158


Soltis, A. Grandmaster secrets: endings (1997) 260


Soltis, A. Karl Marx plays chess (1991) 202 (177)
Speelman, J. Endgame preparation (1981) 93


Speelman, J. Jon Speelman's chess puzzle book (2008) 189 (173)
Spinhoven, F.A. and Bondarenko, F.S. De strijd tussen loper en toren (1983) 247


Sukharev, K. The chess composers of Novosibirsk (2000) 114


Sukharev, K. The hero-town matches (1998) 415


Sunnucks, A. Encyclopedia of chess (1970) 151


Sutherland, M.A. and Lommer, H.M. 1234 modern end-game studies, 2nd ed. (1968) 516


Taborov, V. Fundamentals of the endgame (1988) 929


Tan, S.T. Describing pawn structures 371


Tavariani, R. Fantasy on the chessboard (1985) 15


Teschner, R. Das moderne Schachlehrbuch, Teil 3 (1980) 93


Thomas, A.R.B. Chess techniques (1975) 132 (180)
Tiller, T. Chess treasury of the air (1966) 284


Timman, J. Ausgewahlte Endspielstudien (1995) 631


Timman, J. Studies and games (1996) 49


Timmer, R. Startling castling (1997) 160


Tkachenko, S.N. Polveka na plenu (2002) [Rezvov] 145


Topko, L. Shakhmatnye etyudy (1998) 415


Topko, L. Shakhovy meridian (2009) 132 (180)
Toran, R. Teoria de los finales: Alfiles y peones 371


Troitzky, A.A. 360 brilliant and instructive end-games (1968) 31


Ugnivenko, A. Magnificent seven (2009) 131 (180)
Umnov, E. Putyami shakhmatnogo tvorchestva (1983) 247


Urusov, K. and Fomichev, E. Aleksandr Galitsky - the chess Heine (2010) 187 (181)
Vagidov, M. Karavan mansub (1999) 114


van der Heijden, H. Endgame study database 2000 334


van der Heijden, H. Endgame study database III, 2005 [by R.Staudte] 104 (159-62)
van der Heijden, H. Pawn promotion to bishop or rook in the endgame study (1996) 878


van der Heijden, H. Pawn promotion (diskette accompanying above book) [by K.Whyld] 916


van Perlo, G.C. Spelen met eindspelen (1996) 260


Van Perlo, G.C. Van Perlo's endgame tactics (2006) 92 (164)
van Reek, J. 25 ausgewahlte Endspielstudien von Leonid Kubbel (1996) 914


van Reek, J. The composing of endgame studies (1990) 874


van Reek, J. Elf studies gecomponeerd door Roger Missaien (1994) 632


van Reek, J. Endspielstudie zwischen Theorie und Artistik (1993) 632


van Reek, J. Eindspelstudies (1987) 293


van Reek, J. Eindspelstudies en partijen (1984) 441


van Reek, J. Klassische Weltmeister (1996) 916


van Reek, J. Miniatures (1989) 816


, 929


van Reek, J. My twenty favourites, 2nd ed. (1994) 632


, 915


van Reek, J. STES World Championship 1997 (1998) 360


van Reek, J. The ultra modern endgame study (1989) 577


van Reek, J. and van Donk, H. History of endgame study composition in the Netherlands and Flanders
(1992) [by T.G.Whitworth] 220


Vandecasteele, I. 64 studies op 64 velden (1994) 632


Vandecasteele, I. Flemish miniatures (1997) 475


background image


Vandecasteele, I. SchaakStudieSpinsels (2008) 44 (175)
Varnusz, E. Laufer gegen Springer im Endspiel mit Schwerfiguren (1993) 159


Velimirovic, M. and Valtonen, K. Encyclopedia of chess problems (2012) 34 (191)
Verburg, M. The pawn alphabet (1984-87) 294


Verkhovsky, L. Zugzwang (1989) 930


Villeneuve, A. Les finales (1982-84); rev.ed. (1998) 475




Visbeen, F. Moving on (2008) 189 (173)
Vladimirov, Ya. 1000 priklyuchenii na shakhmatnoi doske (2007) 44 (175)
Vladimirov, Ya. 1000 shakhmatnykh etyudov (2003) 145


Vladimirov, Ya. 1000 shedevrov shakhmatnoi kompozitsii (2005) 92 (164)
Vladimirov, Ya. How to solve problems and studies (1986) 580


Vladimirov, Ya. Leonid Kubbel; Henri Rinck; Alexey Troitzky (1998) 414


Vladimirov, Ya. V & M. Platov; R.Reti & J.Fritz (2002) 755


Vladimirov, Ya. and Fokin, Yu. Leonid Kubbel (1984) [by T.G.Whitworth] 438


Vladimirov, Ya. and Lunkova, Z.V. Ya tvoryu po vdokhnoveniyu [on Pogosyants] 133 (180)
Vladimirov, Ya. and Pervakov, O. Russian stidues (2012) 33 (191)
Vladimirov, Ya., Razumenko, V. and Fokin, Yu. The poetry of chess (1993) 535


Vladimirov, Ya. and Selivanov, A. The golden book of chess composition (2007) 46 (171)
Vladimirov, Ya. and Selivanov, A. International Congress of Chess Composers, St Petersburg 1998 131
Vladimirov, Ya. and Selivanov. A. International Congress of Chess Composers, Moscow 2003 132 (180)
Vladimirov, Ya. et al. Grandmaster of chess composition (1980) [Loshinsky] 426


Vlasak, E. Matous under the microscope (1998) 474


Vlasak, E. Moravec under the microscope (2001) 391


Voellmy, E. Schachtaktik (1927-30) 94


Volchek, V. and Belchikov, N. Poeziya shakhmat Belarusi (2004) [by R.Staudte] 45 (163)
Volf, J. and Formanek, B. III Album ceskoslovenskych sachovych skladeb 1976-1978 (1983) 214


Wade, R.G. Soviet chess (1968) 23


, 57


Ward, C. Endgame play (1996) 206


Whitworth, T.G. Leonid Kubbel's chess endgame studies (1984) 348


Whitworth, T.G. Mattison's chess endgame studies (1987); rev.ed. (1997) 325




Whitworth, T.G. The Platov brothers (1994) 432


, see p.826


whyld, K. Chess columns (2002) 754

(147 supplement)

Wotawa, A. Auf Spurensuche mit Schachfiguren (1965) 57


, also p.301


Young, F.K. The major tactics of chess (reprint) 99 (176)
Yusupov, A. and Dvoretsky, M. Effektives Endspielstraining (1996) 915


Zelepukhin, N.P. Slovar shakhmatnoi kompozitsii (1982) 93


Zelepukhin, N.P. and Moldovansky, A. Composition on the chessboard (1985) 293


Zheltonozhko, V. and Selivanov, A. The Urals miniature (1996) 49


Zhuk, A.G. Miniatyura i ya (2003) 145


Zill, S. Endspiele (1978) 242



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