Gale Stanley Backfire

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Southwest Shifters 3


Jack Remus has always been a player. While his pack mates value
their relationships, Jack is only interested in casual sex—one night

of passion, then a parting of the ways, never to see each other
again. And that’s exactly what he’s looking for at the Silverado

Saloon, but his plans backfire when he follows an intoxicating
scent and ends up in the middle of a brawl.

Dakota is on the run from an abusive Alpha. He has a temporary
job at the Silverado, and when he earns enough for a bus ticket,

he’ll be on his way. When his boss tries to seduce him, Jack steps
in to play the white knight. A new lover is the last thing on
Dakota’s mind. He knows it's time to move on, but his plan

backfires when the dark stranger follows him. Jack is on Dakota’s
trail, but it’s a path that just might get him killed.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 23,133 words

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Southwest Shifters 3

Gale Stanley



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Siren Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Gale Stanley
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-164-2

First E-book Publication: December 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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For the men in my life,

especially the furry one who thinks he’s a wolf.

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Southwest Shifters 3


Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

The winking neon lights and the smell of human testosterone

lifted Jack’s spirits with promises of good times ahead. A delicious
thrill of anticipation coursed through his body. Not knowing who
stood on the other side of the door gave the hunt an added edge of
excitement. A major letdown sometimes followed the pleasurable
expectation of finding what he wanted, but tonight he had high hopes
for success. Besides, he’d rather be on the prowl than sitting at home
jerking off.

Boredom had brought him to the Silverado Saloon, boredom and

loneliness, two things that could get a wolf into big trouble. His
frustration level, now at an all-time high, had him itching to fuck or
fight. He’d prefer the former, but he’d settle for either one.

A slow-moving crowd entered the honky-tonk, and Jack followed

the partygoers, letting his nose search for that special someone.
Perfume, scented shampoos, and deodorant blended with human
pheromones to tickle his olfactory receptors, but no one stood out. He
wouldn’t let it discourage him. The night is young.

He knew the staff was friendly and polite, but the big, beefy

bouncer at the door was downright chummy, holding Jack’s hand a
beat too long when he checked his ID. The man’s steroid-bulked body

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might appeal to some, but it wasn’t his type. He offered the doorman
a noncommittal smile and made his way inside.

The racket didn’t bother him in the least. On the contrary, his

sensitive eardrums reveled in the din. Instead of lowering the tuner in
his brain to make the noise level more manageable for his ears, he
raised the volume so he could hear the sounds of glasses clinking and
the thump of mugs on the bar, as well as the loud country music
coming from the bandstand. More than alcohol, he thirsted for the
sounds of humans talking and laughing, and drunks slurring their
words. Even the announcements coming over the loud speaker were a
welcome change from the dead quiet of home.

The old barn itself was a lot more interesting inside than out.

Exposed rafters created a rustic cathedral effect in the center, and the
lofty, angular space made the gargantuan room look that much bigger.
Rustic barn wood paneling was festooned with Western and American
Indian artifacts. Whiskey-barrel tables surrounded the dance floor,
and a long rough-hewn wooden bar lined the back wall. That was
where he headed, fighting his way through a sea of humanity. Aware
of the admiring glances from the ladies and the resentful glares from
the men, he wished it was the other way around.

He knew he looked good, and he’d dressed for success. A white

shirt in a simple Western design set off his dark tan. Like the others in
his pack, he always went commando, less clothes to worry about
when shifting. He’d already experienced the agony of getting his
foreskin caught in a zipper, so he wore ball-crunchingly tight button-
fly Levi’s. There was no risk of cock damage, and they had the added
benefit of increasing his profile, not that he needed it.

His pack mates limited their exposure to the public and avoided

attracting attention, but Jack didn’t mind being looked at. He never
denied being vain. If a man had charisma, he should use it to his
advantage. And six feet six inches of toned hard body could hardly be
disguised. Why try? Besides, it was more than thick chestnut hair,
amber eyes, and a big package that drew hungry looks from humans

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Gale Stanley

on the prowl. It was wolf genes, plain and simple. His pheromones
attracted beings of the same species, but his lupine biology gave him a
primal, predatory edge that turned human heads as well. He’d used it
more than once to get what he wanted.

He squeezed himself onto the only vacant barstool, and the doe-

eyed bartender honed in on him, giving him a big smile. A knockout
in her early thirties, clad in skintight low-ride jeans and a bikini top,
she had long, wavy brown hair and a tattoo on her left arm.

“What’ll you have?” she asked him in a way that signified he

could have just about anything he wanted.

If he wanted pussy, he could have stayed home and fucked one of

the she-wolves, but he hadn’t touched any of the women since the
Alpha stopped forcing the pack mates to breed. He knew they
wouldn’t turn him down, but he preferred the backdoor to the front,
and a big, beautiful cock and balls beat double-Ds any day. Just to be
nice, he smiled back at the brunette and ordered a beer.

“Coming right up, honey.” She winked and turned away to get his


Checking out the room in the huge mirror behind the bar, he saw

an odd assortment of locals, bikers, and tourists two-stepping around
the dance floor. The wallflowers, mostly women, looked like singles
on the prowl. Fuck! His high expectations had collided with reality,
and it was disappointing. One drink and it was off to greener pastures.

A woman with platinum-blonde hair and a tight miniskirt

squeezed between him and the cowboy on his left, eyeing them both
like an aging bitch hungry for a meal. “Hey, darlin’,” she burbled
cheerfully. When she leaned over the counter to call the bartender,
two massive mountains of flesh just about fell out of the lacy, low-cut
halter she wore. Her head swiveled back toward Jack, but just as she
opened her mouth to speak, the cowboy flanking her left planted a
firm hand on her upturned ass. “Sweetheart, you look good enough to
eat. Can I buy you a drink?”

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Jack shrugged, and sighing, she turned to face the cowboy. “Sure,


There seemed to be a lot of ass-grabbing going on but no same-

sex activity. The last time Jack had been here, he’d made a connection
that ended with a blow job in the parking lot, but he wasn’t feeling the
love tonight. Maybe he should just go home and fuck one of his pack
members. But like him, the other five unmated Lycan males preferred
pitching to catching, and tonight Jack wanted a submissive lover.
Maybe he’d drive to one of the larger cities and hit a few gay clubs.
He threw a twenty on the bar and got up to leave.

* * * *

Dakota brushed away the thick cobwebs hanging in the dusty

corner over his cot. Sharing the toolshed with spiders wouldn’t bother
him if they’d stay out of his personal space. Even the mice knew
enough to give him a wide berth. The smell of wolf was enough to
keep most critters away, but maybe the arachnids thought he was one
of their own—a wolf spider, one of those ground spiders that hunts its
prey instead of using a web. Even a tiny spider was a better hunter
than he was. Anyone who knew him knew he wasn’t a predator.

Tick, tock, tick, tock. The old windup alarm clock was strangely

comforting and more reliable than the electric hookup out here. Right
now it warned him that he had five minutes to finish getting dressed
and get to work. He might be only kitchen help, but he lived behind
the saloon, so there was no excuse for being late.

The Silverado served a simple menu, one step above bar food. It

included burgers, hot dogs, chicken wings, cheese fries, and nachos.
Dakota washed dishes and did some of the cooking. He’d had lots of
experience working at the resort his pack ran in New York. The Alpha
hadn’t given him much choice, but he hadn’t minded the work.
Cooking and cleaning were better than some of the other things
Greyson had forced him do.

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Gale Stanley

Working at the Silverado suited him. Nobody asked questions,

and being behind the scenes, he didn’t need a pretty face. The job
didn’t pay much, but the manager let him sleep in the shed and use the
old outhouse back in the trees. It might not seem like much, but for a
man on the run, it was a big plus. Besides, a wolf wasn’t picky where
he did his business.

Anything was better than his old life with the Wolf Mountain

Pack. Not that he trusted humans, but nobody could be worse than
Greyson, and what choice did he have anyway? He had to blend in or
live feral, and being a half breed, he wasn’t really cut out to live
inside wolf skin the rest of his life.

Fortunately, the tattoo on the right side of his face didn’t mark

him in the human world like it did in his pack. Most people assumed
he was just a tattooed punk and didn’t question him about it. He
didn’t intend to give anyone time to get too close because he didn’t
plan on staying long. There was a good distance between him and
Wolf Mountain, but it wasn’t enough. If he hadn’t run out of money,
he’d be in Alaska now. Once he saved a few bucks, he’d buy a bus
ticket and move a little farther on. Until then, this old storage building
was home. He would never feel entirely secure here, but if he even
caught a whiff of wolf, he’d bolt like a jackrabbit.

He buttoned up his shirt, reached for the string pull of the bare

bulb overhead—and froze. He didn’t have to turn to know Ray was
behind him. His boss snuck up on him, but there was no way he could
fool Lycan senses. Ray’s smell, a mix of fruity cologne, sweat, and
beer made him want to puke. A shiver of dread went up his spine at
the hint of arousal mixed in with the other odors.

A familiar drawl sounded too close for comfort. “You getting

ready for work, Dakota?”

What the fuck? What else would I be doing? “Yeah, I don’t want

to be late.” Dakota turned and tried to step by him, but Ray stood
firmly in his path.

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Ray edged closer, licking his lips. At six feet one inch, he was a

few inches taller and a lot heavier than Dakota. He reached out a
beefy hand and twisted one of Dakota’s curls around his finger. “No
need to rush. You’re with the boss now.”

Dakota stepped back, and his hair slipped through Ray’s fingers.

“I can’t afford to take any time off. I need the money.”

Ray’s broad, jowly face melted into a buttery smile. “Play your

cards right, and you’ll get paid for doing something a lot more fun
than cooking hot dogs.” Ray grabbed his own crotch suggestively. “I
got a big, juicy hot dog right here that needs some attention.”

Bile rose in Dakota’s throat, threatening to choke him. Ray was an

asshole, but he was the boss, and trouble with the boss was the last
thing Dakota wanted. Once a jerk, always a jerk, Ray would never
change, but sometimes distraction worked as a valid self-defense
method. “I, uh…I promised Terry I’d restock the bar and help her
with the glassware.”

Ray’s caterpillar eyebrows crawled up his forehead, and he shook

his head. “Not your job.”

“I don’t mind.”
“Well, I do.” The human’s gap-toothed grin made the hair stand

on the nape of Dakota’s neck. “You don’t get paid to help the
bartender.” Ray’s beady eyes regarded him shrewdly. “You like her?”

“I didn’t think so.” Ray moved in closer, grabbed Dakota’s chin,

and turned his head. His fingers traced the tattoo on Dakota’s face.
“Pretty. What’s it mean?”

“Nothing, it doesn’t mean anything.” Terror filled him at the

mention of his tattoo, and he shoved Ray’s hand aside. Ray’s eyes
narrowed at the rejection.

Dakota knew the older man could turn mean in a heartbeat. Mike,

the smallest man in the kitchen, had been Ray’s target when Dakota
first arrived. He’d been the butt of all the jokes, and Ray always had
his hands on him. Mike must have given in because two days later, he

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Gale Stanley

was getting treated a whole lot better. Now it looked like Ray had
tired of him and wanted a new conquest.

With some men it was all about the chase. Grey used to love it

when Dakota tried to get away from him. His Alpha would stalk him
like a cat with a mouse. Of course they both knew how it would end.
A wolf doesn’t fight an Alpha, not unless he’s challenging him for
leadership of the pack, and Dakota was no leader. In pack hierarchy,
he was the lowest of the low, a bottom-dweller who was the scapegoat
of the entire pack.

“I’m thinking you need some training in how to interact with

management.” Ray’s voice broke into his thoughts. “You get the night
off and personal one-on-one instruction.”

“I can’t afford a night off, Ray. I need the money.” His heart

pounded, and his stomach tightened. Dakota didn’t want a fight. A
fight would bring unwanted attention and the chance his old pack
might discover where he’d gone, but it didn’t look like he could talk
his way out of this.

Ray pulled him close against his body. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna

pay you and give you a good time. I’ll make you so hot, you’ll be
burning up the sheets instead of the burgers.”

This creep brought back every rotten memory of his life in the

pack. He wanted to shift so bad he could taste it. What would Ray do
if Dakota let his wolf loose? Probably cry like a baby. But he couldn’t
do it, couldn’t fight back, couldn’t hurt anyone. Any aggression he’d
shown in the past had been beat out of him by a cruel, dominant
Alpha. His primal instinct to fight or flee was all but gone, beat into
submission. And if Ray called the cops, it would be all over. He’d
have to give in, tonight anyway, then pack up and leave at the first

He let Ray hold him and grind his hard erection against Dakota’s

hips. The human whispered against his ear. “Good boy. You are so
fucking hot. I can’t wait to bury my dick inside your sweet ass.”

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Dakota shuddered with revulsion and let his mind go numb. He

looked inside himself for the place he always went when a situation
turned bad. A survival mechanism he learned at an early age, it would
help him get through the night.

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Gale Stanley

Chapter Two

Gravel crunched under Jack’s boots as he walked toward his Jeep.

A sudden gust of wind whipped long strands of dark-brown hair
around his face and brought an enticing scent to his nostrils. The
smell was definitely wolf, familiar and yet not. He dug into his odor
memory and couldn’t recall anything like it, but it lured him in like a
moth to a flame, pulled at him in a way he couldn’t ignore.

He had to find the source, a wolf, who without a touch, a look, or

a word had seduced him with his unique scent. A wolf’s nose
dominated his brain in human form, as well as canine. More than
sight, Jack relied on his sense of smell to interpret his world, and right
now his world had narrowed to this one tantalizing aroma. His head
swiveled, slightly left then right, air-sniffing, letting his nose take him
toward the stranger who had reduced him to an animal in heat, unable
to deny a primal attraction.

His senses drew a map in his head, and he passed his car without a

second look. The wooded area fringing the gravel lot was eerily quiet
as Jack circled around to the back of the building. Except for the
drone of humming insects and rustling leaves, the only sound he
heard was his own heart beating in his ears. The stink of overloaded
dumpsters assaulted his nostrils, but underneath a scent that drove him
wild. Like a homing pigeon returning to its nest and its mate, he
zeroed in on his target. Each step closer increased his arousal, and his
erection throbbed painfully, aching for attention.

The trail ended at an outbuilding probably used for storage. There

were no windows, but the unmistakable smoky-sweet scent of wolf
wafted from under the door and between the boards of the detached

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shed. Like an aphrodisiac, the musky scent dredged up provocative
images and made the hair on his nape rise. His pulse kicked up
another notch, and his cock struggled to burst free of jeans that were
maddeningly tight.

Jack froze. Lycans were gifted with extraordinary senses, and he

knew immediately that the wolf wasn’t alone. There was a human
with him. And the wolf was in danger. Jack couldn’t actually smell
fear, but he recognized alarm pheromones, the chemical SOS a wolf
puts out when he’s being attacked. Could there be other Lycans
around he didn’t know about? The cavalry could be on its way, and
Jack could end up in the middle of a whole lot of shit. He should hop
in his car and take off, but then he’d never know what he was
missing. And what if there were no pack mates coming to this man’s
rescue? He wouldn’t sleep tonight if he left without helping another

He leaned his forehead against the door and sensed arousal rolling

off the human, but he only detected panic from the wolf. A low growl
rumbled up Jack’s chest, and his inner beast dug its claws into his gut,
desperate to be let loose. His reaction shook him up and made him
more anxious than ever to get inside the building. He took a couple of
deep breaths, trying to get his emotions under control. Jealousy? No.
The green-eyed monster was a dangerous beast, and one he’d
managed to keep out of his life. This was just his wolf responding to a
challenge. Competition within and between species drove evolution,
and the big prize was the ultimate dominance of the species best
suited for survival. Hardwired with a big helping of competition, he
didn’t like anyone getting the best of him. Focus, Jack. Concentrate
on getting inside.
The door was closed, but the knob turned easily.

A man’s broad back was to the door. Big and burly, he crowded

the wolf against a wall of shelves. Distress radiated off the wolf-
shifter like heat off the sun. Red-hot anger surged through Jack’s
bloodstream, and he didn’t stop to think. “Mine,” he snarled under his
breath, hardly aware of what he was saying.

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Gale Stanley

The human turned, frowning. “Who the fuck are—”
A hard punch to the solar plexus knocked the air out of the heavily

built man, and he folded like a jackknife.

Jack’s breath caught in his throat when his gaze met a pair of

startled blue eyes over the human’s back. The other shifter had full
pouty lips that parted in astonishment. Two spots of bright color
highlighted the man’s high cheekbones. A breathless rush


anticipation shivered down Jack’s spine and set goose bumps rising
on his flesh. Then the asshole human straightened up and blocked his
view, infuriating him. Jack’s hands bunched into fists.

Asshole’s breathing rattled deep and noisy through clenched teeth.

His arousal had disappeared, replaced with anger. Cold, hard eyes
fixed on Jack, and a vein visibly pulsed in the man’s temple. “You
don’t know what you’re starting. You’re sticking your nose where it
doesn’t belong.” The glint of a switchblade appeared in the human’s
hand. “And you just might get it cut off.”

Jack watched him warily. Facing a knife-wielding assailant could

get him killed. Lycans healed quickly, but some wounds were deadly.
The knife swished through the air, and Jack turned sideways to avoid
being gutted. The knife passed with a whistling sound, and he grabbed
the back of the attackers hand and brought it down hard on his
upraised knee. The knife clattered to the floor, and Jack kicked it
away. Before the man could react, he landed a hard right to the
fucker’s nose that brought tears to his eyes. The man shook his head,
and blood sprayed in a wide arc. He seemed stunned by Jack’s speed,
but he got his bearings and came back swinging. Jack dodged his
blow and attacked him with alternating jabs, left, right, then a
haymaker that sent him to the floor.

Blue-eyes had backed up against a rack of industrial shelving.

Spotlighted by a bare bulb hanging over his head, his mass of
burnished-copper curls looked like a halo of fire. His beautiful
feminine features were offset by a strong jaw grazed with stubble.
The effect was stunning. A tattoo the size of a silver dollar graced one

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of his high cheekbones. An S-shaped line divided a circle into two
equal parts, one side black with a white dot, the other side lightly
tanned flesh with a black dot. It appeared to be a yin-yang symbol,
contrary forces, interconnecting and interdependent. Lycan and

Apparently the wolf didn’t like scrutiny. He chewed on his full

lower lip, drawing Jack’s eyes to a mouth made for sin. Jack imagined
those lips wrapped around the head of his cock, swallowing his length
and sucking him to completion. A hot spike of arousal pierced his
belly. He hadn’t expected the wolf’s looks to match his seductive
scent, but the man was seriously hot.

Lycans tended to be dark and masculine, at least the ones he

knew. This wolf was his polar opposite, and he liked it—very much.
“Opposites attract” might be an old cliché, but it worked for Jack.

Pretty blond humans were his usual choice of partner, but fucking

a beautiful redheaded wolf would be so much better. At last he’d
found the paradox he’d been looking for, a submissive yet powerful
lover. Even a dominant man needed some time to let go, to not be in
charge, and a strong submissive could step up to the plate when
needed. There were times when Jack relinquished control to his pack
mates, and it felt good, but not good enough. The Lycans in his pack
were too much like him.

It bothered him that the redhead hadn’t defended himself against

the human, but there had to be a good reason for it. The wolf might be
smaller than his attacker, but his lean body was all corded muscle.
Surely he was strong enough to take on the human. And strong
enough to take me on when I get him into my bed.

The human, now on hands and knees, looked up with sheer hate in

his eyes, and spit bloody phlegm on Jack’s new boots. Jack was
sorely tempted to plant a booted foot on the man’s ass and knock him
down again, but he wanted answers. “Get up, asshole.”

Asshole took a few deep breaths and dragged himself upright.

Infuriated, the man’s mouth straightened into a hard line as he glared

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at Jack. “I don’t know who the fuck you are, but you’re in big trouble
here. You better leave before I call the cops.”

The last thing Jack wanted was cops crawling all over him. He

could just picture Alex coming down to the police station to bail him
out. The Alpha would throw a fit. “If I were you, I’d think twice about
bringing the cops in,” Jack challenged. “The way I see it, you were
about to rape that boy.”

“Then you have your head up your ass. He’s not a boy. He’s a

man. A man who was late for his shift, and I chewed him out. That’s
all it was.” He turned to the redhead. “Tell him, Dakota.”

Dakota hesitated, and the human repeated himself in a clear, cold

voice. “Tell him, Dakota. Then you can get back to work, and we’ll
forget this ever happened.”

“Yeah, that’s how it went down.” Dakota spoke in a flat, dead


Jack knew it was bullshit, but he had no desire to make more

trouble for Dakota. On the contrary, he wanted to help the shifter. The
thought shocked the hell out of him. The kid had more baggage than
an airliner, and Jack normally liked to keep his life uncomplicated.
He’d already stepped in and did the Good Samaritan thing, now it was
time to step out, but he couldn’t do it. Dakota intrigued him, and he
wanted to know why the redhead had a problem with other wolves.

“Okay.” He put his hands up in surrender and feigned a contrite

expression. “I guess I made a mistake. I was just trying to help.” He
stuck his hand in his pocket. “Here’s a few bucks for your trouble.”

The man snatched the money out of his hand and counted it.

Obviously satisfied, he shoved it in his pocket. “I’ll let it go this time.
Just don’t show your face around here again.” There was a weighty
warning in his voice. “And you”—he turned to Dakota—“get your ass
to work.” He tried to put a swagger into his strut but ended up holding
his gut as he walked out.

Alone now, the two wolf-shifters froze in a stunned tableau, and

the air crackled between them, electric with Lupine pheromones.

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Desire raced up Jack’s spine. He’d decided he wanted the man on
scent alone. Now he knew he had to have him. In his head he saw
them making love like starving animals. Sex would be explosive
between them.

Unfortunately, the smaller wolf didn’t share Jack’s amorous

feelings. He reeked of fear, not arousal. Jack ran a hand through his
hair while he tried to figure out what to do. The haunted look in the
other wolf’s eyes made his heart twist. It also made him burn hotter.
He moved a little closer, just wanting to be near the man who
attracted him like iron to a magnet. The wolf let out a little whimper
and cowered against the shelves like a trapped animal. Damn it, Jack,
cut it out.
This guy is seriously terrified of you. It was the last thing he
wanted. Still he had to wonder why the wolf was even more afraid of
his own kind than he was of the human. Was that slimy prick his
lover? A growl rumbled up from his chest, and the smaller man raised
his arms as if warding off a blow.

Jack stopped in his tracks, paralyzed with dismay. “I’m not going

to hurt you.”

The wolf straightened his shoulders and put on a façade of

bravado. Intense blue eyes stared into Jack’s. “Who sent you?”

Jack’s jaw dropped. It wasn’t the reaction he’d expected. Who

does he think I am? “Nobody sent me.”

“You’re lying.” Dakota’s fear ramped up another notch, and Jack

had no idea how to reassure him that he didn’t mean him any harm.

“Look, I’m telling you the truth. I came here tonight for a few

drinks.” The redhead wasn’t buying it, and he started again. “I wanted
to fuck, okay? I had a beer and checked out the wildlife, but nobody
captured my attention.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Until I caught
your scent.” A red flush stained the wolf’s cheeks, and he glanced
about as if looking for an exit or escape. Jack had no desire to scare
him, but those endearing blushes only made him want the other man
more. He lowered his voice to a calm, soothing tone. “I scented you

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when I walked through the lot to my car. I knew you were stressed,
and I wanted to help. Has that guy ever laid a hand on you before?”

“That’s none of your business.”
“I’m making it my business. You know what I am. Our kind sticks

together. We help each other out.”

The other man’s hollow laugh had no mirth in it. “Yeah right.”
Jack’s brow furrowed. He was going about this all wrong. The

wolves in the Southwest pack would help another shifter, but maybe
all wolves weren’t the same. If this man had a bad experience in his
past, then he was right not to trust a stranger. If somebody had hurt
Dakota, he wanted to know who it was. “Sorry, I keep forgetting you
don’t know jack shit about me. Actually, my name is Jack. No shit.”
He grinned and held out a hand, which the other wolf ignored. Jack
dropped his hand reluctantly. He’d wanted to touch the other man. “Is
it all wolves you’re afraid of or just me?” He ran a hand through his
hair. “If you’re not into men, just say so. I’m still gonna help you.”

“There’s no point getting chummy. You’re leaving, and I’m going

to work.”

He avoided the question. Jack breathed a sigh of relief, taking it to

mean Dakota liked men or at least swung both ways. “Not until you
answer a few questions.” Dakota’s face turned ashen, and his lips
trembled. Shit! He’d put his foot in his mouth again. “Where are you
from, Dakota?”

Dakota glared at him. “What the fuck do you care?”
“I do care.”
“And I should believe you, why?”
“I live with a small pack, survivors of a wolf massacre sixteen

years ago. It’s cause for celebration when we find one of our own. I
would never hurt you. Use the gut instinct Kweo gave you, and you’ll
know you can trust me.”

* * * *

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Lycans, Dakota hated them all. Inside his belly, his wolf tucked its

tail between its legs and cowered in fright. Fuck! He hadn’t been near
one in close to a year, and he liked it that way. He’d just started to
heal and now this.

The Lycan’s lips curved in a sympathetic smile. It looked genuine,

but the bad guys were all good actors. After a lifetime with his old
pack, Dakota should have a built-in shit detector. Grey could sweet-
talk a gargoyle into life, but it was all bullshit. Lies flowed from
Grey’s lips like honey from a beehive. Logically, he knew that not all
Lycans were evil. A couple of his pack mates had treated him
decently, but they were few and far between.

This one came off as if he wasn’t one of the bad guys, but the

man’s arousal rolled off him in thick waves. Jack wanted sex, and the
man’s pheromones were wildly appealing. If Dakota wasn’t careful,
that addictive scent would have him on his knees, begging to suck the
big Lycan’s cock. The man was attractive, but Dakota was so used to
bowing to Grey’s will, he didn’t know his own mind anymore. It was
pure instinct to submit to a stronger wolf, especially one with such an
irresistible scent. He needed to keep his wits about him. Even if Jack
was the real deal, he still had pack mates who could pose a threat.
Better to be a free lone wolf than a prisoner of a pack. Now he’d have
to clear out of town, and he thought he’d be safe here for a little while
longer. Shit! He was so damn tired of running.

“Calm down—”
“I am calm,” Dakota ground out, confusion flowing through him

along with the anger and fear. Like any wolf, he craved
companionship and physical contact. It would be nice to have a
friend, to be able to confide in someone, but some subjects were too
dark to burden anyone else with, even a stranger. Some walks have to
be taken alone, and this was one of them. “You really want to help

“Good, then you’ll get out of my way so I can go to work.”

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Jack sighed resignedly. “Just promise me one thing?”
Dakota took a few deep, calming breaths. “Are you fucking

kidding me? I just want to go about my business, and you do the
same.” He looked at Jack incredulously, but finally he nodded

“Find me something to write on. I want to give you my cell


Dakota looked up in surprise. If that’s all it takes to get rid of this

guy, so be it. He scrounged around on one of the shelves and found a
piece of old newspaper and a marker. Jack wrote his number down
and handed it back. “If you ever need me, for anything…”

“Yeah, yeah.” Dakota shoved the paper in his back pocket and

watched Jack walk out.

What the hell just happened? Some stranger just turned his life

upside down. And not just any stranger, a wolf. The man was not
from his pack, but that didn’t mean anything. Grey could have paid a
bounty hunter to come after him. He didn’t know this guy from
Adam, and he’d be stupid to believe anything that came out of his

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Chapter Three

“Tell me again why we’re spending all this time looking for the

little redheaded freak.” Casey shoveled a bacon cheeseburger with
jalapeno peppers into his mouth and smacked his lips.

Greyson, sitting across from him in a booth at the back of the

Silver City Café, looked at him and shook his head. “Why do you
need all that shit on your meat? It’s not good for you.”

The brown-haired wolf-shifter sighed. “But it tastes so good.” He

waved to the waitress, and she ambled over, a skinny woman in a
light-blue waitress uniform that looked like vintage sixties. Casey
read her name off the tag sewn on a pocket. “Miriam. Can I have
another one of these?” He held up what was left of his burger.

Grey picked at a rare strip steak and kept his eyes on the other

diners, a motley collection of cowboys and ranchers sitting at the
counter and talking about whatever cowboys talked about, horseshit

Casey drummed impatiently on the table while he waited for his

second burger. His deceptively lean and long body might appear
delicate, but he was a powerful and vicious hunter with a metabolism
that required a lot of food. The waitress finally set a fresh plate in
front of him, and he squirted ketchup on the bun. “So how long are
we going to keep this up?”

“Until we find him.” Grey enunciated each word for emphasis.
Casey’s face went sullen. “We should be home, taking care of

pack business.”

Grey frowned at his beta. “You mean you miss fucking the little

she-wolf you left back home.”

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“Just as much as you miss fucking that redheaded half-breed,”

Casey muttered insolently.

“Don’t push me, Casey.” Yeah, he missed fucking his little

redheaded bitch, but there was a lot more involved here. “It isn’t
always about sex. If we let him get away with defiance, it sends the
wrong message to the whole pack. It undermines my authority, and I
can’t allow that.”

“Sorry, boss.”
“But you’re right. I do miss that sweet ass of his.” Grey grinned at

his beta. All that bullshit he spouted about gay love being a sin
against their spirit God, Kweo, was just that, bullshit. But it kept his
pack strong. His people had been mating and forming relationships
with members of the opposite sex, and they’d been reproducing, not
as much as he would have liked, but enough to make them strong. His
kind lived long and aged slow. One day his pack would be a force to
be reckoned with. If they continued to do things his way, they’d end
up the most powerful pack in the country, and their future would be
secured. Future generations of humans would find themselves in the

Which led him to the real reason he wanted Dakota back—Roy

Granger, head of the Foundation for Infertility and Reproductive
Medicine. Grey had heard of the Philadelphia research facility—who
hadn’t—but he’d never dreamed it was run by a Lycan. A wolf-shifter
who was conducting his own secret research in order to cure his
pack’s infertility problems. Grey had found Roy Granger purely by
accident, a lucky accident. He’d sent out his P.I. on another
halfhearted attempt to find Dakota, and the man hit pay dirt with
something better.

Grey took a trip to Philly and had a very interesting visit with

Roy. Evidently the good doctor had run afoul of his Alpha. Stupid
man, that Alpha. Once he’d been a strong leader. After most of their
pack was massacred, he’d led a small band of survivors from the
Jersey Pine Barrens halfway across the country to New Mexico. He’d

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been just as intent on keeping the species pure as Grey himself. Then
suddenly the man had come to the conclusion that their kind was
meant to mate with humans. Idiot.

Roy had more in common with Grey than his own Alpha, and they

had agreed to help each other. The doctor had tried to involve one of
their she-wolves as a research subject, and his Alpha flipped out. He
didn’t want any of his people being used as lab rats. Dakota wasn’t a
purebred, but he could still be a useful subject—in more ways than

Dakota was stronger than a human but weaker than a full-blooded

Lycan, and less strong-willed, as well. He could be controlled and
manipulated. A small army of half-breeds like him could do a lot of
damage in the human world. Like Grey, Roy had no love for the

But the Southwest Pack did. They already had humans living with

them, and they were mixing their bloodlines. They would have no
problem taking Dakota in. Both men agreed that the area had to be

So not only were Grey and Casey on a mission to find Dakota,

they were doing reconnaissance as well. Grey wanted to learn what he
could without making enemies of the Southwest Pack or jeopardizing
his relationship with the doctor. Two wolves would not be seen as a
major threat if they had to reveal themselves, and he didn’t trust
anyone other than himself and his beta to make the trip.

“Earth to Grey.”
Casey’s voice brought him back to Earth. “What is it?”
“You gonna finish that steak?”
Grey chuckled and slid his plate over to Casey. “Enjoy. I had a big


Casey dug into Grey’s leftovers with gusto.
Grey leaned over the table and lowered his voice. “I have a good

feeling about this. I think Dakota’s here.”

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Casey’s eyes widened, but he kept chewing and didn’t ask any

questions. The wolf was a good beta, the best. He was loyal, and he
did what he was told. When Grey had found him sixteen years ago,
he’d been a shell-shocked survivor of that same massacre in the
Jersey Pine Barrens. Grey had taken him home, treated him like a
brother. He wouldn’t have become Alpha without Casey’s help. He
and Casey thought alike. They both hated humans.

“According to the doctor, his pack is always on the lookout for

others like themselves. If Dakota came anywhere near here, there’s a
good chance they found him and took him in.” Grey tried to get the
waitress’s attention. “I know it’s been a long time, but maybe you’ll
find some pack members you remember.”

Casey shoved the empty plate away and belched. “If they’re living

with humans, then they might as well be dead. I don’t want to know

“I agree.” Grey pulled a money clip out of his pocket. “Let’s get

moving. The sooner we get done here, the sooner we get back home.”

* * * *

Dakota sprawled across the cot, cursing himself for having stayed

when he knew damn well he should have packed up and left. Ray had
left him alone for the past two days, but he suspected it was only
because he was still hurting from the beating he took. His boss was
starting to get that look in his eyes again, the one that meant he
wanted sex. Did he really want to give Ray what he wanted for the
little bit of money the man paid him? Why did he have to be so damn
weak? Especially now when he’d been spotted by another wolf.

Dakota had never been a strong person. That fact had been driven

home time and time again by his Alpha. Greyson had taken Dakota
into his own home when his human mother died. His father, a Lycan
who chose to disobey the Alpha and live outside the pack with a
human woman, had already been killed in a freak traffic accident.

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Grey had been keeping an eye on the pregnant human left behind. She
had died at childbirth, and Grey showed up, telling the midwife that
he was the only living relative of the boy. The old woman was only
too glad to relinquish responsibility for the wailing infant. Grey and
his mate raised Dakota and never let him forget how lucky he was to
have a home amongst his own kind. The half-breed spawn of two
weak individuals should be eternally grateful he hadn’t been left to
fend for himself in a world where men would cage him or kill him if
they saw him shift.

But Dakota’s life hadn’t been easy living with his own kind. More

a servant than a foster child, he was forced to do whatever Grey
wanted, or be punished. When he reached puberty and had his first
shift, Grey had him tattooed so everyone would know he was only
half Lycan. He didn’t want Dakota breeding and infecting the pack
with his human genes. The tattoo was just a yin-yang symbol, nothing
that would be questioned in the human world, not that Grey ever let
him go anywhere, but everyone in the pack knew what it meant.

Life would be easier if he could forget his past, but it kept coming

back to haunt him. Images slid across his mind in a painful slideshow,
snapshots of Grey toying with him, using him for sex. “Men have
superior dick-sucking skills
,” his Alpha would say. “At least you’re
good for something.

When Dakota ran, he’d vowed no one would ever use him again.

Was he actually considering sucking Ray’s cock just to keep the
peace? No! He refused to let Ray use his body, even if it meant giving
up a job and a place to sleep.

There was nothing keeping him here, and he normally kept his

distance from hotels, thinking there were too many people around for
his liking.

He’d never run into another wolf before. It had to mean trouble.

His gut instinct told him to keep moving. Damn him, the man talked a
good game—acceptance, trust, everything he’d always wanted. He’d
looked at the phone number so many times he’d memorized it. The

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urge to call it was strong, but the fact it might get him killed stopped
his hand. Jack didn’t send out danger vibes, but he couldn’t take the

What he needed to do was get out of Dodge—now.

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Chapter Four

Two endless days Jack spent thinking about the pretty shifter, and

then he couldn’t stand it anymore. He thought he would have
forgotten about Dakota in a few days, that the ginger wolf would
become a distant memory, fuel for a wet dream or two. But it didn’t
happen that way. The wet dreams came to pass, but too often he woke
hot and hungry, aching for the real thing. This fixation on the copper-
haired man haunted him and left him totally confused. Dakota was
just another Lycan male, sexy, but nothing special. Right? Wrong. His
wolf knew the truth, and the damn beast had scratched his insides raw
trying to make him see the light.

Detaching himself from the ginger wolf was proving to be

impossible. How could a chance meeting have left a mark that he
would carry the rest of his life? What the hell was wrong with him
anyway? He hadn’t been looking for a big romance, just a one-night
stand. So why did it feel like he’d lost something important? He
hardly knew the man, but lust at first sight was a bitch. He’d let
Dakota get under his skin. Damn his Lupine pheromones! Dakota’s
scent had sparked instant chemistry, the kind that didn’t come along
often. Face it, Jack. You had the butterflies and fantasy fireworks, not
the kid. He wasn’t feeling it.
The other Lycan had probably long since
forgotten him, while he would spend his life wondering about the one
who got away.

But he’d detected a tiny ember of emotion in Dakota, and he knew

if he had half a chance, he could fan that spark into a roaring blaze. In
his heart he knew Dakota had felt something for him, but the kid’s
emotions had been buried under so many layers of fear and distrust

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they were hard to read. One asshole human couldn’t have caused all
that panic. Someone had done a job on the kid, and he was running.
That had to be it. For a second he’d seen something in Dakota’s eyes
that he couldn’t give voice to, something that screamed for help. And
what did he do? He’d scribbled his number down and taken off. Well,
he never claimed to be anybody’s white knight. His inner wolf
whispered in his head, This isn’t just anybody, this is somebody

Guilt weighed heavily on him. He should have pushed harder, and

not just because he wanted to fuck the man. Another wolf needed his
help, and he hadn’t given it. Maybe it wasn’t too late. Tonight he’d go
back to the Silverado and look for Dakota, and he wouldn’t leave until
the kid opened up to him.

Jack went to the shed first. What a dump. He hated the idea of

Dakota living there. The first thing he’d do would be to convince the
kid to come home with him. His little house in New Hope had two
bedrooms, but if the kid wanted to share, he wouldn’t argue the point.

Jack was prepared to break in, but the shed wasn’t locked. Didn’t

the kid learn anything about protecting himself? If that fat fuck of a
boss laid a hand on Dakota, he’d tear him limb from limb. Cool it,
. Causing more trouble for the redhead wouldn’t get him to open
up. A couple of deep breaths helped to calm him. Inhaling the moldy
air revealed the unacceptable fact that Dakota’s scent had gone stale.
The redhead was gone, and the realization hit hard. His wolf kicked
up a fuss, berating him because he let the kid get away.

What are you gonna do about it, smart guy? Whether Dakota

knew it or not, he needed help. Lycan nature being what it was,
certain polarities were hardwired into a wolf’s genes. Their bodies
weren’t designed to meet all their own needs. That’s why they’d
always been a race that needed a pack and a mate to survive. However
independent Dakota thought he was, he was really a social animal
who needed love and his own kind around him, needed Jack around

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What the fuck is happening to me?
Nobody would ever call Jack Remus a romantic. Loyal, yes,

trustworthy, yes, smart, that one was debatable. But romantic, no way.
He’d never wanted a mate, and the “L” word was not even in his
vocabulary, yet here he was throwing psychobabble around as if he
were Dr. Phil.

He was acting like a lovesick pup, which was pretty damn freaky

for a wolf who only ever wanted uncomplicated sex. Hooking up with
someone for one night was his usual MO, and to insure there’d be no
stalkers or strings attached, it had always been important not to
exchange personal information. So why had he given Dakota his cell

That night at the Silverado was supposed to be all about finding a

willing playmate for casual sex. How did he end up feeling
responsible for some stranger? It was those eyes, those sad blue
puppy-dog eyes. They made his heart twist. And don’t forget the lips,
the ones he pictured stretched around his cock. And that copper-
colored hair, he’d never seen anything like it. Fuck! He slammed the
door behind him, intent on finding shitface Ray.

The Silverado, empty at this hour, didn’t even have a bouncer at

the entrance. Jack strode inside, letting the door slam behind him. The
bartender looked up as he approached. The cute brunette gave him a
big smile and told him he was an early bird.

“Yeah, sweetheart, and I’m looking for a worm. Is Ray around?”
Her smile disappeared, replaced by a look of disappointment.

“He’s in the back. I’ll tell him you want to see him.”

Jack remained standing, wanting good eye contact with shitface.

A wolf could tell a lot by looking in someone’s eyes, and he wanted
to make sure Ray told him everything he knew.

A few minutes later Ray walked across the room, trailing the

overinflated bouncer. Ray’s face, puffy and bruised, didn’t
communicate a hearty welcome.

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The two men stared each other down until Ray finally snarled, “I

told you you weren’t welcome here.”

Jack kept his voice calm and flat. “I’m not staying, and I’m not

looking for trouble. I just want to see Dakota.”

“Yeah, you and me both. The little shit took off as soon as he had

his paycheck in his hand. Good riddance as far as I’m concerned. He
couldn’t cook worth a damn, and he broke more dishes than he

Jack resisted an urge to punch the smirk off Ray’s fat face, but he

held his temper because he needed more information. Dakota
probably wouldn’t tell Ray where he was going, but Jack needed to
ask anyway. He didn’t want to leave any stone unturned.

“The loser didn’t leave a forwarding address.” Ray smirked.

“Now get the hell out.”

Jack nodded his head, wanting to laugh but holding it in. Shitface

put on a brave front when he had a bodyguard behind him. Ray had
nothing to fear from Jack. He didn’t intend to stick around. He headed
back to the toolshed to pick up Dakota’s trail.

Jack had a pretty good idea what route Dakota would take, and he

wasn’t thrilled. Hiking through the wilderness wasn’t his idea of a
good time. He would drive as far as he could then go on two feet or
four, whatever the terrain called for. And if he found Dakota, it would
make it all worthwhile.

Twisting and rolling with the road, Jack stopped the Jeep every so

often to get out and make sure he hadn’t lost Dakota’s scent. He was
beginning to think hiking wouldn’t be so bad. Driving became hard
work and a real test of his attentive ability and the fitness of his
vehicle. Worrying about the hairpin curves kept him alert. One small
mistake could send him hurtling down a forested chasm. He forced
himself to go slow, knowing each mile brought him closer to Dakota.
He didn’t want to kill himself before he found him. Finally he reached
the end of a narrow dirt road and had to leave the Jeep behind.

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* * * *

Tired and anxious, Dakota had left the Silverado Saloon far

behind and was headed north through the Gila Wilderness toward
Colorado. It was dark, and except for an occasional bird calling down
from the treetops, all was quiet.

Walking wasn’t an option. It was a necessity. His paycheck

wouldn’t cover a bus ticket, let alone airfare, so he took a route
through the forest, traveled on foot, and worried about leaving a trail
that any wolf could easily follow. He tried to think positive. He’d left
Greyson back east, and the strange wolf who showed up at his door
was probably just that—a stranger looking for a fuck buddy.
Somehow, that bothered him, too. For a few minutes, he’d had a taste
of what it felt like to have someone actually care about him. God, he
was pathetic, pretending a stranger was somebody who cared.

Even when he’d had a pack around him, he’d been alone. He

wanted so badly to be close to someone, and the stranger was such a
force of nature, a larger-than-life white knight that made him feel safe
for the first time in his life. But he’d never be safe, not really. Acting
like a naïve, trusting idiot could get him in trouble. He might end up
with someone like Grey or worse yet, Jack could turn him over to
Grey in exchange for money. Worrying wasted energy better spent on
getting out of the state. He’d escaped his pack, and he would never go
back. They’d have to kill him first.

Lost in his thoughts, he was surprised by three young bobcats

playing and chasing each other. They were having a good time until
they caught his scent and froze. One by one they took off, and he had
to laugh. He’d never scared anyone in his life, never considered
himself a predator.

As he traveled, he took more notice of his surroundings and gave

himself a mental pep talk. Enjoy every minute of the peace and beauty
of nature.
You deserve this.

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The ponderosa pines and sheer cliffs outlining the Gila River

filled him with awe. Everything dazzled him, dragonflies, trout, the
occasional fox or bobcat. Reminded of his place in the natural world,
he felt lighthearted for the first time in weeks. Hot springs dotted the
area, offering him the perfect opportunity for a soak. Throwing his
clothes off, he sank into the warm water and stretched out, letting it
wash over him. Ringed by vegetation, the shallow pool was sheltered
by moss-covered boulders. Tiny wildflowers bloomed at its edge.
Dakota leaned against the rocks and looked up in wonder at the
beauty of the moon and stars. The vastness of the heavens made him
feel small and insignificant, and he wondered if he would ever find
his place in the world. Butterflies circled. Birds trilled and scoffed.
Listening to the whispers of a thousand different species in his ears,
he was just another animal, lounging in the warm water. He would
allow himself a brief rest and then move on. His eyes were so

A much younger Dakota, flush with excitement at his first shift,

raced through the forest on four feet, weaving in and out of the trees,
with ease.
His honey-colored pelt, with streaks of ginger, russet, and
gold, glowed like flashes of lighting in the sun. He rarely indulged in
time off from his chores, but today was special. Left to his own
devices, he’d just guided himself through his first shift, and the urge
to try out his paws proved much too tempting. The wind ruffled his
fur, and the glorious illusion of freedom made him happy in a way
he’d never been before. Suddenly two snarling gray wolves blocked
his path, and he stopped short, sliding a few yards and coming to rest
at the feet of the larger beast, his Alpha. Remaining on his belly, he
covered his snout with his paws, flattened his ears against his head,
and kept his eyes lowered.
Greyson let out an assertive growl and
sank his fangs into Dakota’s scruff. He yelped, and his Alpha bit
harder, shaking him before finally releasing his hold. Greyson shifted

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and stood upright, as did his beta, Casey. Dakota knew he had better
shift, but he remained on his knees.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Dakota? Did I give you

permission to shift? To leave the house?” Greyson’s voice rose with
each question, but he didn’t give Dakota a chance to answer. “Look
at me!” When Dakota raised his eyes, Greyson pointed to a felled
tree. “Bend over that trunk. If you move during your punishment, I’ll
add more.” Dakota trembled but obeyed. He lay over the massive tree
trunk, waiting while Casey looked for a heavy bough.

The blows rained fast and furious, each one harder and more

painful than the last. Every stroke of the limb thrust Dakota’s cock
against the rough bark of the tree, and despite the pain, his erection
grew. Hurting and ashamed, he cried out, screaming for Greyson to

Strong arms circled Dakota, pulling him against a hard chest. He

lashed out but couldn’t free himself. “Stop! Don’t hurt me,” he

“It’s okay. Nobody’s going to hurt you.” The arms around him

tightened, and no matter how hard he struggled, they held him close.

“You’re safe, baby.”
The voice possessed a lulling, hypnotic quality that calmed him.

He knew that voice, that scent. “Jack?”

“Yeah, baby. Jack. You had a bad dream, that’s all.”
Dakota’s muscles went slack, and he relaxed. “It was just a

dream? I feel like an idiot.”

“Don’t.” Jack put his big hands over Dakota’s and squeezed. “I’ve

had a few nightmares myself. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m not ashamed,” Dakota protested weakly.
“I didn’t mean it that way. Sometimes it helps to talk about it. I

don’t mind listening.”

“I forgot it already.”

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“Good. My mama used to tell me that a nightmare was like

watching a movie in your head. When it gets to a bad part, you just
change the channel. I never could do it,” Jack said, half to himself.
“But she’d come in and hold me until I fell asleep again.”

Like you’re holding me? Dakota wanted to ask, but he didn’t. He

just enjoyed the moment. No one had ever talked to him like this
before. Jack felt so solid, so safe, so naked. Shit! Wake up, Dakota.
The reality of his situation set in, and alarm bells went off. “What are
you doing here? How did you find me?”

“Relax. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I went back to

the Silverado to make sure that asshole wasn’t bothering you
anymore, and he told me you’d left, so I tracked you. Where I come
from, we take care of our own.”

Jack’s voice had a calming effect on him that could dull his senses

and get him in big trouble. “I’m not your own.”

“Then consider yourself adopted. My family is dead. There aren’t

many of us left, and I don’t intend to lose anymore.”

Dakota knew what it was like to lose family. A little more of his

distrust and suspicion faded away. “I’m sorry about your family.”

“It was a long time ago. I’ve had sixteen years to come to terms

with it. How about your family? Don’t they worry about you running
around like this?”

Dakota tensed. “They’re dead, too. I never knew them.”
“Geez, that’s rough.” Jack hugged him a little tighter but didn’t

press for more information. The big Lycan nuzzled his hair, and
Dakota tried to inch away from the steel rod pressing against his back.
“Sorry,” Jack muttered. “I threw my clothes off before I jumped in.”

Dakota coughed nervously. “So I noticed.”
“I guess there’s no hiding the fact I’m attracted to you.” Jack’s

voice held a wishful note that confused Dakota. Dominant men took
what they wanted. He assumed Jack wouldn’t take no for an answer,
and he let the big Lycan tangle a hand in his hair and slant his head so
he could lick and suck at Dakota’s neck.

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Dakota liked the feel of Jack’s mouth on him a little too much.

He’d sworn he wouldn’t let any man take advantage of him again.
Shuddering, he tried to pull away. “I need to get going.”

A soft, possessive growl rumbled in his ear. “What’s the hurry?”
“I, uh, I was thinking about Ray.”
“You don’t have to worry about him—or anybody else for that

matter. Just come to me. I’ll take care of him.”

A little thrill went through Dakota’s body. He couldn’t really

depend on Jack for help. A man would say anything to get what he
wanted, and Jack’s arousal drifted around them like a heavy fog. Still,
it felt good to pretend Jack just liked him for himself. He settled back
against the Lycan’s broad chest and enjoyed the feeling of closeness.
Just a little longer, and then I’ll move on. If he lets you. He ignored
the warning voice in his head and closed his eyes.

Behind him, he sensed Jack’s heartbeat speed up, and his own

pulse raced to keep up. In a matter of seconds, his body went from
relaxed to hot and aroused. Jack knew it, too. There was no hiding his
arousal when the other wolf could smell his pheromones kick into
overdrive. He’d never had sex with anyone except Grey. The one time
he’d actually gotten away from the pack and hooked up with a human,
Grey had caught him before they could actually do anything. He’d
given him the worst beating of his young life and warned him that
having sex with a human was dangerous. If his feral instincts came
out, he could kill a weaker being. But Jack wasn’t weaker. If
anything, he was stronger. What would it feel like to have sex with
someone he really wanted?

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Chapter Five

Unrequited lust would kill him for sure. Jack’s wolf was hanging

on to its willpower by the tip of a claw. He tried to rein in his horny
beast. There was something wrong here. He’d dealt with skittish
lovers but never one who displayed honest-to-God fear of him—and
for sure, he didn’t expect it in another wolf. Being a man who liked
weaker submissive lovers was one thing, but this was too much. He
didn’t want a man who was terrified of him.

It wouldn’t be so tough if Jack knew for sure that Dakota didn’t

want to play, but the man gave off mixed vibes. The scent of fear
coming from the younger Lycan was tinged with the sweet smell of
arousal, and beneath the clear water he watched the man’s cock
stiffen and grow. Jack wants Dakota. Dakota wants Jack. Now how
do I make it work? Should I back off completely and let him take the
lead? But then he might think I’m losing interest. Fuck it, Jack, stop
overthinking. Just take it slow and try not to scare him off.

Jack preferred an open and uninhibited lover, but at this point he

didn’t care if Dakota just played martyr and participated in a self-
sacrificing kind of way. Once they got started, Jack would make sure
the redhead enjoyed their coupling as much as he did.

He slid his hands up the kid’s hard chest, slowly moving toward

his nipples. He thumbed one and rubbed it until it turned hard. Dakota
trembled at his touch. Good. The man wasn’t unaffected. Jack’s cock
grew impossibly hard as he touched all that skin and ran his fingers
through the light dusting of sparse, gold hair. He’d never seen such a
hairless wolf. It drove him crazy. Dakota tensed under his hands.
Jack’s brain told him to back off, but his dick disagreed, and he

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couldn’t make himself stop. Finally, Dakota covered Jack’s hands
with his and stilled them. Damn, damn, damn. Much as he wanted to
keep going, Jack knew he had to stop, and he didn’t resist when
Dakota turned in his arms. To his sweet relief, the redhead shyly
straddled his lap and wiggled his hips a smidgen.

Dakota might be wary, but naked hunger shone in his blue eyes.

He knew what he wanted. He was just afraid to go for it. Still, there
was strength in the set of the kid’s jaw, reminding Jack he had to stop
thinking of the redhead as a kid. Dakota wasn’t all that much younger
than he was. He may have been hurt in the past, but it would be a
mistake to treat him like a baby.

Jack leaned forward and brushed his lips against Dakota’s. The

redhead gasped and turned his head away, surprising Jack. “What’s
wrong? You don’t like to kiss?”

“I–uh–um–men aren’t supposed to—” Dakota stuttered and

wouldn’t look Jack in the eye.

“Yeah, and masturbation causes hair to grow on your palms.” He

put a finger under Dakota’s chin and lifted his head. “Hey, look at me.
How many people have you seen with hair on their palms?” He held a
palm in front of Dakota’s face. “See anything growing there?” Dakota
didn’t answer, but one corner of his mouth twitched, encouraging
Jack to press on. “I promise you, the sky will not fall if you kiss me.
Wanna try this again?”

Dakota shut his eyes, but he nodded. Thank God. Jack anchored

his hands in those copper curls and slanted the man’s head. He let his
lips hover just above Dakota’s. The kiss was returned, and Jack let out
a little sigh of relief. He parted his lips, letting Dakota take it
further—or not. It was an invitation meant to tantalize, and one he
hoped the ginger wolf would not be able to resist. Shockwaves raced
through him when the tip of Dakota’s wet tongue came out to trace
his lips, then press for entrance. Jack sucked gently on it, and the
redhead let out a moan and melted into his arms. God, he hoped
Dakota really wanted him and wasn’t just so damn scared and needy

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he’d latch on to anyone. Slowly the pressure of lips increased, and the
kiss turned white-hot. A wild surge of pleasure swept over Jack.
Dakota was a quick learner, and his eager response was well worth
waiting for.

At last they stopped for a breath of air, and Jack leaned his

forehead against Dakota’s. “You have no idea what you’re doing to

* * * *

Actually Dakota had a pretty good idea. The air fairly buzzed

between them, and Jack’s long, thick cock stood tall and rubbed
against his in an erotic duel. Dakota’s eyes followed the movement of
foreskin over the tip. The head of Jack’s cock appeared and
disappeared before his fascinated gaze. Grey had been cut, and
insisted he be circumcised as well. When he looked up, he saw his
own naked lust mirrored in Jack’s hungry eyes. It made him tremble,
and he clung to the Lycan’s broad shoulders.

It felt so damn good, not just the want, but all of it. With Grey

he’d always felt like he had no choice, but Jack treated him like an
equal, not some freak who was only good for one thing. It made him
want Jack more. Everything about the man intoxicated him, his scent,
his taste, his words. All he knew was that he really wanted this man,
and after today he might never see him again. He got up on his knees
and shifted so his ass hovered over Jack’s cock. “I’m yours if you
want me.”

Jack gripped his arms hard, but he didn’t move. “No.”
Confused, Dakota shook his head. “Isn’t this what you came back

for? I thought you wanted me.”

“That’s part of it. I admit I want you, wanted you before I ever

saw you, and when I saw you, I wanted you more. I still want you but
not like this.” Jack leaned his head back and shut his eyes. “Get up
before I change my mind.”

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He’d been so ready, but now he just felt humiliated and self-

conscious. Grey was right. No one would ever want him. He stood
and stepped out of the water. Before he’d taken two steps from the
edge of the pool, Jack was behind him, pulling him down on the grass
and straddling his hips.

“We’ll do it my way,” the dark Lycan gritted out. He leaned over

and captured Dakota’s lips, cutting off any protest. Not that he would
have made any. Giving himself freely to the passion of Jack’s kisses,
he submitted willingly. His tongue searched for Jack’s, and he clung
to him, wanting the kiss to go on forever. Finally Jack pulled away,
nipping his bottom lip and drawing it out with his teeth. Dakota tried
to grip his hair and pull him back, but Jack was too fast. With a
devilishly seductive grin, he got up on his knees, and his big hand
closed around Dakota’s shaft, stroking him slow and easy.

Oh God! He let out a gasp and lay there, overcome with the

pleasure of Jack’s touch.

“You’re fucking beautiful, you know that, baby?”
He thinks I’m beautiful. Disbelief flooded him. Grey had always

told him he was ugly, too pale, too short, too human. The Alpha had
never cared about his feelings. Grey had only been concerned with his
own pleasure. For the first time in his life, someone was putting his
feelings before their own. Suddenly he couldn’t think anymore. A big
calloused palm cupped his balls and fondled them. His hips rose of
their own accord, pushing his flesh further into Jack’s hand.

Jack’s big hands on his dick felt so damn good. He was trying to

thrust into Jack’s fist and at the same time trying not to because he
knew he was on the edge of coming. Sweat beaded on his forehead,
and his skin flushed hot. His balls drew up, and he wanted to beg Jack
for more, but he didn’t feel he had the right to ask for anything. Jack
stopped suddenly, and Dakota cried out with frustration.

Jack was talking, but Dakota didn’t hear a word. His dick

throbbed, and his brain was mush. “Please, please…”

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Jack leaned over him, a hand on either side of his head. “Please

what, baby? Tell me what you want.”

He couldn’t get the words out. Never in his life had he asked for

what he wanted. Moaning, he looked up at the dark Lycan. The man
was really gorgeous. What is he doing with me? He turned his head
away, trying to tamp down his arousal.

A wet tongue flicked over his nipple, and he inhaled sharply at the

contact. Jack licked, sucked, and moved on to the next one. Dakota
arched against Jack’s mouth, and his breath quickened. No one had
ever done this to him before, and his muscles twitched under Jack’s

Jack raised his head and smiled. “I like to hear you moan. I like

knowing I’m the one causing it.”

Dakota looked up, confused. Was I moaning? He hadn’t even


“Tell me what you want, what you like.”
Dakota bit his lip and looked up helplessly.
“Guess I’ll just have to find out for myself.”
Dakota didn’t have time to consider his words. The big Lycan

shifted position and wrapped his lips around the head of Dakota’s
cock, tonguing the slit. Dakota jerked and let out a sharp cry. Wet
heat enveloped his shaft as Jack swallowed his length, and his eyes
rolled back in his head. All too soon that devouring mouth drew back
along his rod and released him.

Jack looked up at him, grinning. “Like that, do you?”
Dakota nodded his head. No point denying it. He was hard as a

rock and visibly throbbing.

“If you want more, you gotta say so.”
“Yes,” he hissed.
“Good, me, too.” Jack’s fingers circled Dakota’s cock as he bent

his head and rubbed his stubbled jaw along the sensitive skin. Then
his long, wet tongue soothed the irritation.

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Everything Jack did sent sparks of electricity shooting through his

body. Dakota writhed, wishing he had the courage to tell Jack to suck
his cock—hard. Somehow Jack seemed to instinctively know what he
wanted because he parted his lips and took Dakota inside the fierce
heat of his mouth. Fireworks exploded when Jack increased his
suction, and Dakota fought a losing battle against thrusting between
Jack’s lips. Each suck at his dick tugged at his heartstrings, and he
worried that he was reading too much into Jack’s actions. It was only
sex. Wasn’t it? Maybe it was for Jack, but Dakota wished it could be
so much more. Stop tasting clouds, Dakota. You’re always dreaming
about things that can never be.

A hand reached under his ass and traced the crease. His toes

curled as a finger teased his hole before pushing past the muscle and
penetrating his tight passage. When the tip massaged his prostate, his
balls went tight, and he let out a hoarse cry. He yanked on Jack’s hair,
trying to warn him that his orgasm was coming, but Jack paid him no
mind, increasing his suction and fucking him with his finger. Dakota
threw his arms over his face to muffle his cries as his jerking cock
spewed blasts of hot cum down Jack’s throat.

Dakota finally stilled. Jack released his spent cock and rolled to

the side. He gathered Dakota in his arms and kissed him, giving him a
taste of his own cum. Being in Jack’s arms was heaven, and he didn’t
want to move, but he needed to give back the pleasure he’d received.
Struggling, he couldn’t extricate himself from Jack’s arms.

“Where do you think you’re going, baby?” Jack murmured against

his lips.

“You didn’t come yet. Let me take care of you.”
“No rush, we have plenty of time. I want to hold you for a little

while. Turn around.” Jack spooned him, his hard chest pressed up
close to Dakota’s back.

Dakota’s heart skipped a beat. They had plenty of time. Jack said

so. He tried to relax, Jack’s heavy arm a safe anchor around his

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Jack’s warm breath tickled his neck. “Relax, baby. Take

advantage of it. I’m not usually a cuddler.”

Contentment spread through his body. Dakota threaded his fingers

with Jack’s and tried not to think too far ahead. It was a day of firsts.
First kiss, first blow job, first cuddle. What next?

I could get used to this.

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Chapter Six

Casey drove the Explorer while Grey took in the sights. “Nice

little place to live,” he muttered to Casey.

His beta laughed. “You getting tired of New York?”
Grey laughed, too. “Yeah, right.” But it wasn’t so bad. The

historic mining town had a gentle desert climate and Old West charm.
Not to mention it was set on a hillside at the edge of the Gila National
Forest, over three million acres of forest and range land, the perfect
place for a fugitive to hide. If Dakota was still in New Mexico, this is
where he’d be. But the untamed wilderness wouldn’t hide him for
long, not from him and Casey. They could smell another wolf from
miles away.

Casey removed his sunglasses, wiped sweat from his face, and

reached for the knob of the AC.

“Uh, uh,” Grey cautioned him. “I want the windows open, and I

want to smell fresh air. You never know what the breeze might

“What breeze,” Casey muttered, clearly unhappy with the heat. He

sighed and put his glasses back on.

Grey looked out the window, noticing everything. Where are you,

Dakota? If the little bitch was here, he’d find him. About six miles
outside Silver City, his senses went on high alert, and he told Casey to
slow down. “I can smell him. He was here.” They were approaching a
small town, nestled in the ponderosa pines at the southern edge of the
Gila National Forest. The only signs of life were at a big old barn with
neon lights that spelled out Silverado Saloon. Grey already had his

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hand on the door handle. “I’m in bad need of a drink, Casey. Pull

Casey parked on the gravel lot, and they both got out and went

inside. The bartender, a busty brunette, looked them over and settled
her gaze on Grey. She leaned over to take their order, and he
whispered in her ear. She laughed and turned away, and Casey
elbowed him. “Don’t get your hopes up, boss. She’s just like every
other bartender, here to make money, not to meet guys. Tight tops,
tattoos, and touching, it’s all part of the job.”

“What’s the matter, jealous?” Grey chuckled. “She’s not my type.

It’s a game. She wants a big tip. I want information.”

The auburn-haired cutie came back with three tequila shots and

beers. They toasted each other, tapped glasses, and then tapped their
shot glasses on the bar before shooting. “Another round, boys?” she
asked coyly.

Grey glanced around the room. “Actually, we’re supposed to meet

someone here.”

The bartender pouted. She actually looked genuinely


Grey grinned at her. “It’s not like that. The guy’s a buddy of ours.

You can’t miss him with that wild red hair of his and blue eyes.”

“I think I know who you mean. He worked in the kitchen for a

short time, but he took off a few days ago.”

Grey’s heart rate pumped up. Shit. “Any idea where he went?”
“No, sorry. The kitchen boss said he left without a word.”
“We better check around.” Grey threw a big tip on the bar.

“Maybe we’ll see ya later.”

“Hope so.” She scooped up the money and winked at him.
“Now what?” Casey asked as they left the saloon.
“We’re on the right track. Looks like we’ll be going for a hike.”

* * * *

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Dakota’s eyes flew open. Stunned, he blinked, but the vision

didn’t go away. I’m still asleep. I’m still asleep. I’m still asleep.
Repeating it wouldn’t make it true. A sick feeling of panic spread
inside him as he came fully awake and looked up at the monster
pointing a handgun at his head. His worst nightmare was a reality.
There was no mistaking his Alpha’s arrogant face.

The devil’s thin lips twitched with amusement, but the smile

didn’t reach his metallic, pewter eyes. They were hard and chilling
and remained focused on Dakota. “You look surprised to see me,
Dakota. Did you think I wouldn’t look for you? Did you really think I
would allow the son of a whore and a spineless dog to run free and
contaminate our species? You’d weaken our kind and strengthen the
humans. I can’t allow either one of those things to happen.”

Dakota’s heart hammered against his ribs in an erratic rhythm.


“Shut the fuck up. I don’t want to hear your voice.” Grey’s stare

held a warning. “Your mouth is good for one thing, sucking cock.”
His eyes lingered on the man lying at Dakota’s side. “I see you
already gave your new friend a demonstration. Just can’t keep it in
your pants, can you? This is why I can’t let you go.”

Jack growled softly, and Dakota snuck a look at him, silently

willing his lover to keep his mouth shut.

“I suggest you stay out of this,” Grey snarled at Jack. “Don’t let

his pretty face fool you. The little slut is a wanted man, and
dangerous. That’s why I came after him myself. Another day or two
and he’d rob you blind, maybe even kill you.”

Dakota gasped. “It’s not true.”
Grey sneered and slapped him hard enough to make his head spin.
Jack started to rise. “Keep your fucking hands off him or I’ll—”
Casey’s booted foot on Jack’s chest shoved him back down to the

ground, and the gun at Jack’s temple clicked. “Or you’ll what,
asshole?” Casey sneered. “Don’t even think about moving.”

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Grey got down on his haunches to study Jack. Stroking his dark

goatee, he regarded him curiously. “I don’t have anything against you.
In fact, I’m doing you a favor. You should thank me. I took this half-
breed in when he was an infant and no one else would have him. And
this is how he repays me, by stealing my property and running off.
Consider yourself lucky I got here in time and you get to leave with
all your belongings.”

Dakota whimpered and bit his lip to keep his mouth shut. He’d

taken nothing from Grey, but anything he said would just antagonize
the Alpha and make things worse for Jack. Grey was a brutal, soulless
bastard, the ogre in folktales that parents scared their children with.
He tried to convince himself that Grey would really let Jack go.

Grey stared coldly at Dakota, his eyes like dark storm clouds. He

shook his head with disgust. “Tsk tsk. You’ve been a naughty boy,
Dakota, and after everything I’ve done for you. You’re an ungrateful
good-for-nothing slut.” Dakota’s nails bit into the palms of his hands,
and tears threatened to spill. Grey’s words still held the power to hurt
and destroy him.

Grey motioned with the gun. “Get up, Dakota. We’re leaving.”
Jack made another move to rise. “Like hell you are,” he blurted.
Grey’s face contorted with rage. “You’re making a big mistake.”
Jack let loose a sound that was half shout, half growl. “No, you’re

making the mistake. I’ll—”

“Enough. Casey, finish him off.”

* * * *

The cold steel of the gun muzzle pressed hard against Jack’s

temple. His world narrowed down to the click of the hammer. Then
he heard Dakota scream and felt the kid’s body drop over his. A
locomotive crashed into his skull, and a bright white light exploded
around him, bringing unbearable pain that blocked out everything
around him.

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Chapter Seven

“That was really stupid, Dakota. You could have been killed.”

Grey dragged him away from Jack, and he sat there sucking air back
into his lungs and waiting for his blood to start pumping again.

Oh, god, oh, god, oh god. The need to save his lover had launched

him into action. Throwing his body over Jack’s, he’d put himself in
the line of fire. He would have died gladly to save Jack, but the gun
never went off. The beta’s quick reflexes kept him from firing, but
Casey’s hand swung back, and the crack of the gun against Jack’s
temple made Dakota’s blood run cold.

“Don't fucking move!” The Alpha’s strong fingers bit into the

flesh of Dakota’s arms and kept him anchored to the spot. He
watched, shell-shocked, as Casey pointed the gun at a dazed Jack,
clearly intending to finish what he’d started.

“Wait!” Grey’s commanding voice stopped his beta.
“You sure, boss?” Casey asked calmly without taking his eyes off


“Yeah. I don’t want to burn my bridges with the doctor. I can

explain a fight between rivals easier than a killing. Just knock him
out.” Grey kept his revolver pointed at Dakota. “As for you, don’t
bother getting dressed. Just pick up your stuff and start walking.
We’re going home.”

Home? Home was supposed to be a safe place, a refuge from

danger and hardship. All his life he’d lived with a man who used any
excuse to beat him, and forced him into sex acts he didn’t want.
Through it all he’d never once thought of ending his life, only of
getting away. He would never ever go back. Dakota cringed when

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Casey hit Jack again. He blinked back tears and kneeled next to the
unconscious man. Jack looked bad, his skin was pasty white, and he
was lying so still. Dakota leaned over the big Lycan, trying to see if
he was still breathing.

The Alpha yanked him back so hard he landed on his butt. “Get

moving before I change my mind and put a bullet through his head.”
Grey gave Dakota a shove and then turned to his beta. “Meet us at the
Explorer. I want to talk to Dakota—alone.”

The words sounded sinister to Dakota’s ears. Did Grey intend to

finish him off and leave his body in the woods? He’d rather die than
go home, but he wouldn’t make it easy for the Alpha.

He held his clothes to his chest and maneuvered his way around

the dense growth of pine trees. Grey pointed the gun at his back and
followed. Dakota’s eyes darted from side to side, looking for an
opportunity to run. An opening appeared to his left, and he took it.

Hemmed in on both sides, Dakota fled down the narrow path.

Terror-fueled adrenaline surged through his body. He wanted to shift,
but hesitating even a second could mean his capture. Twigs caught in
his hair and scratched his body as his feet pounded over dirt and
leaves. Behind him, branches snapped as Grey advanced on him.
Dakota’s heart pounded, more from fear of getting caught than
exertion. He’d sooner take a bullet in the back than return to New
York with the Alpha.

The old trail was becoming overgrown and harder to navigate.

Any hope for escape was dashed when he reached the end of the road.
Gulping air, he plunged into the brush and squatted behind a boulder
to await his fate.

“Get up, Dakota.”
Just hearing his name vibrating on Grey’s lips caused his stomach

muscles to clench with dread.

No! Dakota pressed back against the

smooth surface of the rock, trying to become one with the stone.

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Grey’s big hand reached down, gripped his hair, and hoisted him

to his feet. “I’m very disappointed in you, Dakota.” The cold barrel of
Grey’s gun caressed Dakota’s cheek.

Resigned to death, Dakota clenched his eyes shut and prayed it

would be quick.

“Killing you would be such a waste, when I’ve been so looking

forward to our reunion.” Grey’s voice was soft and seductive and
heavy with innuendo. “But now our homecoming party will have to
wait. You know I love the thrill of the chase, but it’s taken too much
time. Let’s get moving.”

At that moment, Dakota knew Grey would never let him go. He’d

never felt more lost. “No.”

“Move it.” Grey raised his voice for the first time. “I have no

intention of killing you, but I will knock you out and drag you back if
I have to.”

Devoid of hope, Dakota forced himself to put one foot in front of

the other.

Grey threw questions at his back as they walked. “Tell me about

the wolf, Dakota.”

“I don’t know anything about him.”
“Don’t lie to me. I can read you like a book. Where did you pick

him up?”

Dakota sighed, thankful that he really didn’t know much about

Jack. “I was working at the Silverado Saloon, and he came by one

“And he wanted to fuck you…”
“Yes.” That much was true.
“Is he a loner or with a pack?”
Dakota shook his head back and forth. “He’s alone.”
“Liar.” Grey snarled. Dakota took a deep, calming breath,

determined not to reveal the little he knew. “I swear I don’t know.”

“But you know enough to want to fuck him,” Grey muttered with

disgust. “You’re pathetic. You’ll go off with anyone.”

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Maybe Grey was right. He had been ready to fuck Jack, a man he

hardly knew. Hot with shame, Dakota lowered his head and tried to
shut out the accusing voice behind him.

* * * *

Jack tried to open his eyes, but it took too much effort. Pain

radiated in his head and spread throughout his body. When it finally
eased up, he opened his eyes and watched the trees swim in and out of

Fuck all! How did he let himself get outsmarted by two dumb

pricks? He tried to convince himself it wasn’t his fault. He couldn’t
have known he and Dakota were being followed. But he should have
known. He knew Dakota was running from someone, and he should
have been more alert, stayed on watch, kept his senses tuned to
strange sounds and smells. Instead, he let himself become so wrapped
up with his new lover he’d put them both at risk. That’s what he got
for thinking with his dick instead of his head.

Groaning, he sat up. Ouch! He put his hand to his head, and it

came away with a little dried blood on it. If it wasn’t for Dakota, he
wouldn’t be sitting up, holding his head in his hands. He’d be maggot
food. Thank God, I got a hard head. Already healing, he should be
okay in a few more hours, but he couldn’t wait. He’d already been
lying here too long, and he needed to track Dakota before they got
any farther away. Dakota had saved his life. Now it was his turn to
save the redhead.

A Lycan healed faster in wolf form. He tied his boots and shirt in

his jeans and prepared to shift. Painful contortions wracked his body,
and he dropped to his hands and knees on the packed earth. Bones
popped and cracked, threatening to break through his flesh. Black fur
raced over his limbs, and his face elongated into a snout. He loved
this side of himself, but there was no time to savor the joy of being

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He picked up his clothes in his jaws and pushed through tangles of

shrubs and bushes, and when he came out the other side, a pack of
wolves circled him—real wolves. He’d heard that Mexican gray
wolves had been released into the Gila Wilderness. The species was
almost extinct, and naturalists were trying to reintroduce them to their
natural habitat. Jack felt sorry for them. Disgruntled ranchers who had
lost livestock to wolves were out for blood, and the animals were
getting shot faster than they could reproduce. The wolves were wary
of him. They looked at him with curiosity but didn’t come too close. I
feel your pain, guys. I got a target on my back, too.

He left the wolves behind and followed the obvious trail to an

SUV at a remote car park. Dakota was on the ground. Grey had a gun
trained on him, and Casey was securing his wrists with duct tape.
Dakota’s scent, heavy with fear and distress, hung in the air, and the
musky odor hit Jack like a sucker punch to the gut. He promised
himself if he and Dakota got out of this mess, he’d never let anyone
hurt the redhead again. Stuck in a bad place, there were few options
left. If those bastards drove off with Dakota, he might never see him
again. Unacceptable. There’s no cavalry coming to save the day,
Jack. This is all on you.

An ambush would be impossible. If the wolves had any smarts,

they’d already scented him, so he might as well make a move. He
didn’t have a gun, but he didn’t need one. A real wolf relied on his
fangs and fur, not human weapons. Emerging from the protection of
the trees, he burst into the clearing where the SUV was parked.

Grey dropped his pistol and immediately started shifting. Casey

shoved Dakota aside and followed Grey’s lead. The Alpha, now a
massive gray wolf, stepped from the shadow of the vehicle and posed
its powerful body in a stance meant to intimidate. Metallic eyes
glowing with bloodlust pinned Jack, and the beast bared long, sharp
canines glistening with saliva.

Jack bared his own fangs and snarled with an overpowering rage

that threatened his self-control. The gray wolf let out a vicious growl

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and lunged, crashing its heavy body into Jack and knocking him off
his feet. Pain shot through his head. The concussion was healing, but
he was still off his game. A low growl of warning made him turn his
head, and he caught a glimpse of Casey, ready to jump in and help
Grey finish him off. Cowards. He took grim satisfaction in knowing
they considered him enough of a threat that they would go against the
Lycan Code of Honor and fight two against one.

Jack eyed his enemies warily. They flanked him like bookends,

watching him intently, as if daring him to run. Jack had never run
from a fight in his life, and he wasn’t about to start now, but he
needed some serious strategy to get out of this mess.

From the corner of his eye he caught sight of a gold pelt. Dakota

was in the middle of shifting. Already the ginger wolf’s long fangs
were tearing at the duct tape around his limbs. Seeing Dakota trying
so hard to come to his aid was all the incentive he needed, and he
leaped to his feet.

The Alpha attacked again, this time slashing his shoulder. The

coppery scent of his own blood and the sound of Dakota’s howls
triggered his bloodlust. He looked from Grey to Casey, gauging his
chances, but Casey made the first move and pinned Jack to the ground
with his paws. Grey leaned over, his long, sharp fangs poised inches
from Jack’s throat. Saliva dripped from the Alpha wolf’s jaws, and
Jack could smell his fetid breath. Still the gray wolf didn’t strike.
They think I’ll be an easy kill, and they’re playing with me. They
might win, but I won’t make it easy.

A golden blur flew through the air and landed on Casey’s back.

The two wolves rolled in a tangle of limbs and snapping jaws. The
gray wolf was distracted, and Jack jumped to his feet. He feared for
Dakota, but he had no time to see how he was faring against the
brown wolf.

Growling, the Alpha lunged again, but this time Jack leaped aside

at the last second, and the gray wolf flew headfirst into the side of the
vehicle. Jack was on him in the blink of an eye. Paybacks are a bitch,

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motherfucker! The gray wolf thrashed beneath him, spraying blood in
an arc from his injured snout.

The scent of his enemy’s blood was sweet. Jack wanted to bury

his fangs in the wolf’s throat, but he pulled back from delivering a
fatal blow. Instead, he sank his canines into a foreleg until he heard
bone crunch. The wolf’s blood flowed hot over his tongue, enticing
him to kill the son of a bitch. He wanted the kill badly, but he knew it
would be a mistake. If he killed a pack Alpha, pack law decreed he
take the leader’s place as head of the pack. A strange pack would
never accept him, nor did he want the position. No, a kill would bring
the whole pack down on his head and put his own pack in danger.

The wolf howled and tried in vain to fight him off. Jack answered

with his own deep, rumbling growl and attacked the other front leg,
then the hind legs. He backed off and watched his enemy try to stand,
before falling to its belly. The gray wolf licked its mangled legs and
growled as Jack ran to Dakota’s aid.

The beta clearly had an edge over the smaller wolf. Jack,

overwhelmed with the need to protect what was his, charged Casey,
landing on him full force and sinking his fangs in the beta’s shoulder
to immobilize him. He waited for Dakota to take his shot. Instead of
going for the kill, Dakota attacked the beta’s limbs while Jack barked
his approval. They released Casey and stood over him, panting while
he licked his wounds.

Dakota was framed against a sky lit with streaks of pink and

orange. Damn, he’s beautiful in wolf-skin. Jack could look at him
forever, but it was dawn and time to go home. He started his shift, and
the ginger wolf took the hint. Rapt, Jack watched Dakota’s transition.
There were no words to express his relief and happiness at seeing
Dakota safe. He wanted to touch him to make sure he was really
whole, but Dakota got to him first and inspected his shoulder.

“I was so scared for you.”
It pleased him no end that Dakota cared about his safety. “I’m

fine. The wound is healing already.” Jack pulled him into a strong

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embrace and kissed him deeply, letting his hands roam. Except for
some minor cuts and bruises, the smaller man seemed fine. When
Jack pulled back, a little whimper escaped from the redhead’s kiss-
swollen lips. Leaning his head against Dakota’s, Jack praised him.
“You did good, baby.”

Loud clapping sounded behind them. “How touching,” Grey

sneered. He’d shifted, and his arms flopped uselessly at his sides. His
metallic eyes burned bright with anger and pain as he focused them
on Dakota. “Enjoy it while it lasts. He’ll get tired of you.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Jack snarled.
Grey ignored him. “Don’t come running back to me when your

guard dog throws you out with the garbage. I’m done with you.”

Jack’s nostrils flared at the insult. “Just remember that, asshole,

because if you ever come near Dakota again I won’t be so easy on
you. Have a safe trip back to whatever rock you crawled out from.”
He hugged a trembling Dakota. “Grab your clothes, baby, we’re going

Dakota grabbed his clothes and followed Jack to where he’d left

his own garments. In a few minutes they were dressed and running.

Jack had been half afraid the wolves had found his Jeep and

destroyed it, but his vehicle was exactly where he’d left it, and the
keys were still under the floor mat. Relieved, he called over to
Dakota. “I don’t pull out chairs or open doors. Get in.”

Dakota shook his head. “I’m not coming with you, Jack.”
“You can’t be serious.” Jack’s stomach churned with anxiety and

frustration. “You need rest and food. We can talk at my place.”

Dakota started backing away. “No. You don’t need me hanging

around and messing up your life.”

Maybe that would have been true at one time but not now. If Jack

had learned anything, it was that he needed Dakota in his life. “I’m
not gonna waste time arguing with you,” he said gruffly. “Get the
fuck in.” He muscled the smaller wolf inside the Jeep, climbed in
after him, and locked the doors. “Don’t look at me like that. Your

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Alpha doesn’t know the first thing about me. He’s an abusive prick
who would say anything to hurt you. Forget about him. He’s out of
your life.”

Dakota sat sullen and silent while Jack flew along the hairpin

curves, anxious to get his prize home before he decided to jump out of
the vehicle and take off.

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Chapter Eight

The rising sun highlighted the bleak little town of New Hope

when Jack finally pulled in front of a small house in desperate need of
a paint job. He turned to Dakota with a hopeful smile. “We’re home,

Home? He’d never had a real home. Jack’s house was a far cry

from Grey’s impressive mansion in the mountains, but it looked like
paradise to Dakota. Still, he couldn’t return Jack’s smile. He was too
damn nervous and still pissed at Jack for bringing him here. All the
way to New Hope, he’d been looking in the rearview mirror, just
waiting for Grey and Casey to show up. No way in hell would his
Alpha just give up, and now Jack had led Grey here to his pack and
put everyone in danger.

Evidently Jack didn’t agree. “I told you they wouldn’t follow us. I

snapped that’s asshole’s bones in half. And you did a damn good job
on his buddy. Even if they heal quickly, there’s no way in hell two
men will go up against an entire pack.”

“They’ll heal eventually, and Grey will come back with more

men,” Dakota said tonelessly.

“Relax, baby. You heard him. He’s done with you. Believe me,

they’re long gone.” Jack got out of the Jeep and came around to the
passenger side. “Just this once.” He grinned at Dakota and opened the
door for him.

Long face still intact, Dakota climbed out reluctantly.
Jack sighed. “Come on, baby.” He looked at Dakota anxiously. “I

know it doesn’t look like much, but you can have your own room, and
you’ll be safe here.”

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It looked like heaven, but he couldn’t stay. There was no way in

hell he’d put Jack in any more danger than he already was. He’d rest
for a little while and then take off.

The house was rustic and cozy, living room, eat-in kitchen, two

bedrooms, and a bath, all decorated in Cowboy Chic. The pine floors
were covered with Navajo rugs, and a hand-tooled leather couch and
two chairs practically filled the living room.

Jack led him into the smaller of the two bedrooms. A buffalo-

checked blanket covered the log bed. “You can bunk here. Put your
stuff away while I make us something to eat.”

“You don’t have to bother,” Dakota protested.
“Hey, I gotta eat, too, and I’m starved.” Jack’s soothing voice

reflected caring and tenderness, two things Dakota never had in his
life before. He didn’t know how to respond, so he said nothing. The
big Lycan left him alone. He didn’t unpack, just lay across the bed
and thought about the turn his life had taken. His eyes got heavy, and
he drifted off.

Voices woke him up, and at first he thought he was dreaming. The

voices got louder, and he bolted upright, scared to death until he
realized they weren’t coming from Grey and Casey. One voice was
Jack’s. The other two he didn’t recognize.

An angry voice asked, “Where the fuck have you been?”
Jack answered in an angrier voice. “What’s your problem, Noah?

I’m a big boy. I don’t need your permission to stay out all night.”

“No,” came the response. “But you sure as hell need the Alpha’s

if you’re planning to skip out on your watch. I had to replace you, and
my family wasn’t too happy about it. We have a baby now,
remember? Do you have any idea what responsibility and
commitment means?”

“Fuck! It wasn’t my intention to stick you with the watch and ruin

your night. Something came up, and I forgot.”

“You forgot? It must have been pretty damn important.”

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“Nothing is important to Jack,” the other voice interrupted.

“Except his next conquest.”

“Look, I’ll make it up to you. I’ll work your shifts for next month,

okay?” Jack pleaded.

“Fuck it. You just don’t get it, Jack, and you never will.

Relationship is just a dirty word to you.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jack’s tone got


“Don’t I? You got somebody new in your bed right now. I can

smell him. When are you gonna grow up and stop fucking every
pretty face you come across?”

Dakota’s heart twisted. He should have known a good-looking

man like Jack would have a different man every night. He sighed.
Something else to make him feel guilty about. Not only did he almost
get Jack killed, now he’d gotten Jack in trouble with his Alpha and his
pack mates. Not to mention he was cramping Jack’s style by staying

There was a lot more mumbling and grumbling about the Alpha.

Dakota got out of bed and went to the door so he could hear better.

“Alex is pretty pissed. This time he won’t let it go so easy.”
“Enough already!” Jack’s voice got louder. “I can handle Alex.”
Shit. Jack’s Alpha sounded like a carbon copy of Grey. Whatever

he did to Jack, the big Lycan didn’t deserve it. It was time to go out
there and face the music. This was all his fault. Why should Jack take
all this abuse?

He threw on his clothes and went out front to confront the other

wolves. They all looked up when he entered the kitchen. The two
strangers looked him up and down. “Not your usual type,” one of
them said.

Jack snarled, but Dakota jumped in before he could say anything.

“Look, there’s no reason to be mad at Jack. He put himself in danger
to save my life. He’s been nothing but good to me and—”

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“Fuck it!” Jack thundered. “You don’t have to explain to them. Or


One wolf looked sheepishly at the other. Finally one of them

cleared his throat and spoke up. “Sorry, Jack. I just figured…Well, I
don’t know what I figured.”

Jack just glared at the offending wolf.
There were a few minutes of awkward silence, and then the wolf

walked over to Dakota and held his hand out. “Look, I got a big
mouth from putting my foot in it so many times. My name is Noah,
and that’s Wade.” He nodded toward his friend.

Dakota took his hand. “I’m Dakota.”
“Pleased to meet you, Dakota. I’m sorry to hear about your

trouble, but you’re in good hands.” Dakota felt his face go hot.

Jack growled. “Get the fuck out, guys. Dakota and I need to talk,

and he hasn’t eaten yet. Let him be.”

The two men mumbled their apologies and made a quick exit.
Jack shook his head. “You don’t have to explain yourself. They

had no business barging in here and spouting off before they knew the

“I just didn’t want you to take the blame for something that wasn’t

your fault.”

“You worry too much. I was just about to scramble some eggs

before I was interrupted.”

“Can I help?”
“Nope, you sit down. Food will ready in a few minutes.”
Dakota sat at the small round table and watched Jack at the stove.

“Smells good.”

Jack put two heaping plates of bacon and eggs on the table.

Dakota’s mouth watered. He couldn’t remember the last time he ate.

“What are you waiting for? Dig in.” Four slices of toast popped up

in the toaster, and Jack threw them on a plate. He brought them over
with a tub of butter and went back for the coffee. “Coffee or milk?”

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“Coffee please, thanks.” Dakota pulled the mug closer. “You

shouldn’t be serving me like this.”

Jack chuckled. “Don’t worry, you’re doing the dishes.”
“I don’t mind.”
Jack watched him dig into the food then started on his own plate.

For a while they ate in silence.

Dakota finished first. He sighed and pushed the empty plate away.

“That was great.”

“You want more?”
“No, I’m good.” Dakota made a move to get up and clear the


“Sit,” Jack ordered him. “Finish your coffee. There’s no rush.

Let’s talk.” Jack leaned his forearms on the table and waited.

Dakota bit his lip nervously. “What do you want to know?”
“Is it true he’s had you since you were born?”
Dakota sighed. He didn’t like to talk about the past, but Jack had

earned the right to hear all the details. “Yeah. The pack runs a resort
in the Adirondacks. Grey told me that my father met my mother when
she came to the Lodge with some friends. She seduced him and
tricked him into getting her pregnant. It’s against pack law to mate
with a human, but he did right by her, and Grey threw him out of the
pack. They got married, and he got a job in Manhattan.” Dakota’s
chest tightened. His heart ached when he talked about the parents he
never knew. “My dad was killed in a car accident before I was born.
My mother died in childbirth, and Grey showed up to claim me. He
told the midwife he was the only living relative. He and his mate
didn’t have any kids, so they took me in, but they never let me forget I
was a half-breed and a freak of nature.” Jack stood and walked over to
Dakota. He pulled him off the chair and put his arms around him.
“You’re none of those things. He’s had years to brainwash you and
fill your head with all that crap so you would do whatever he said. It’s
time to let go of all that. You don’t have to worry about him

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Dakota cleared his throat nervously. “He’s right about me being

weak. I let him take advantage of me, hurt me.”

“That doesn’t make you weak, baby. You’re a survivor. You did

what you had to do in order to survive. And you put your life on the
line for me. You’re a damn sight stronger than you think.”

Embarrassed, Dakota slipped out of Jack’s embrace. “You did the

same for me.” He started stacking their plates.

“Damn right. We make a good team.” Jack grabbed his arm.

“Hey, the dishes can wait. We both need to get cleaned up. How
about a shower?”

Dakota froze. Time for paybacks. Jack could say whatever he

wanted, but Dakota knew he wanted something. He nodded and let
Jack lead him to the small bathroom off the main hallway.

Jack stripped and adjusted the water. He frowned at Dakota. “You

gonna get in with your clothes on?”

Dakota shook his head and slowly removed his clothes. He

stepped under the spray and let the warm water run over him then
sank to his knees at Jack’s feet. He inched closer until the wolf’s stiff
erection practically nudged his lips. Suddenly Jack’s big hands
gripped his armpits and hauled him to his feet. Jack cradled his face
between his calloused palms so he had to look into his eyes.

Dakota licked his lips. “Don’t you want—”
“Oh, I want,” Jack said tightly. “Make no mistake, I want

whatever you’re willing to give me.” He smiled and brushed his lips
against Dakota’s. “But your timing’s off. Right now you need a
shower, and that’s what you’re getting.”

Confused, Dakota shrugged. Maybe Jack just wanted him clean

before he fucked him. After all, he still had Grey’s scent on him.
Casey’s too.

Jack lathered his hands and soaped Dakota’s body, starting at his

shoulders and working down. His breath caught as Jack slid a hand in
the crease of his ass and rimmed his hole, teasing him. He expected to
feel a long finger penetrate his entrance, but instead Jack reached

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under him and soaped his balls. Aching for Jack’s touch, he stilled,
wondering what would come next. Those big calloused hands
massaged his ass cheeks then reached around to stroke his cock.

The slippery massage felt almost as wonderful as the feel of

Jack’s slick body pressed against his. The fully erect cock at his back
made him moan, and he couldn’t help moving his hips so Jack’s stiff
rod slid up and down the crease of his ass.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, and you feel so damn good,” Jack

whispered against his ear. “Feel how hard you make me.”

God, his own cock was so stiff and throbbing, he couldn’t do

more than nod. He twisted his head, and Jack captured his lips, sliding
his tongue between them. Jack broke the kiss first. “You drive me
crazy, baby.”

Then he got to his knees to wash Dakota’s feet. Oh God! He

couldn’t help it, his stiff prick grazed Jack’s lips. His face burned hot,
but Jack just looked up at him with a wicked grin and ran his soap-
slick hands over Dakota’s legs. It was sheer torture. Jack’s touch
made him tremble with need. The sparse hair on his body stood erect,
and his cock leaked like a faucet. He remembered how it felt to have
Jack’s mouth on him, and he edged a little closer, but Jack ignored the
hint and stood up. Jack reached for the shampoo and poured some in
his hand. He worked it into a lather on Dakota’s scalp, and a woodsy
scent filled the bathroom.

Jack growled behind him. “I fucking love your hair. I’ve wanted

to do this from day one.”

He’d always hated his hair because it set him apart from everyone

else. But knowing Jack loved his hair made him glad to be a redhead.
His eyes slid shut, and he leaned back and sighed.

Jack rinsed his hair. “I’m gonna wash your hair every day. I like

hearing you purr.”

Purr? Dakota’s eyes went wide, and he shrugged, embarrassed.

He reached for the shampoo and smiled. “Your turn. Let’s see if you
purr, pussycat.”

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Jack burst out laughing and held the bottle just out of his reach.

“Pussycat, huh? Seeing you smile almost makes it worth being called
a pussycat, but don’t let anybody else hear you call me that.”

A fight over the bottle ended up in a mutual groping session, but

Jack didn’t take it any further. When the water turned cold, he turned
it off and dried Dakota with a big white towel. Dakota felt himself
swept off his feet. Jack carried him to the small bedroom, gently laid
him on the bed, and covered him up. Dakota snuggled under the
blankets, expecting the big Lycan to join him. But Jack pulled his
jeans on and sat on the edge of the mattress. “Get some rest. I have to
go make nice with my Alpha.”

Dakota face fell, and he tried to sit up. “I’ll go with you. I don’t

want you to get into trouble.”

Jack tucked him back in. “My Alpha is nothing like yours. Believe

me, he’ll understand.” He looked at Dakota with worry in his eyes.
“Promise me you won’t open the door for anyone. Just in case.”

Dakota nodded. “I promise.”
Jack breathed a sigh of relief and laid a hand on the blanket over

Dakota’s thigh. “I won’t be long.” He shut the bedroom door behind
him, and Dakota closed his eyes, but he knew he wouldn’t get any
rest. Jack’s Alpha would be just as angry as his pack mates were, and
rightly so. Guilt weighed heavy on him. He got out of bed and stared
at his tattoo in the mirror. It was a constant reminder of how different
he was and why he could never get too close to anyone.

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Chapter Nine

When Jack told Dakota that his Alpha would understand, he had

his fingers crossed. Alex had loosened up a lot in the last six months,
but he was still a hardhead and the most dangerous man in the pack.
His achievements were legendary, and Jack had heard all the stories
about him. He didn’t doubt for a minute that they were all true
because he himself had been a participant in many of them.

In their youth, Alex had led a group of shell-shocked youngsters

halfway across the country when their home in the Jersey Pine
Barrens was burned to the ground. And not long ago he’d kidnapped a
she-wolf and brought her here to New Mexico. The she-wolf’s family
had come to her rescue, including her human mates’ sister, Janis.

Noah and Wade, the two pack mates that had just read him the riot

act, had fallen hard for Janis and took her as their mate. When Janis
gave birth to a baby, the Alpha changed. Suddenly, he became more
understanding, more emotional, more human. Now he accepted
relationships with humans as part of Kweo’s plan for them. He
believed their spirit God wanted to merge the two species. Dakota’s
human side would not present a problem for Alex.

But Jack had made powerful enemies, and Alex might not take it

well. They had never faced a possible attack by another pack before.
They’d never even known another pack existed. By becoming
involved with Dakota, Jack might have brought a shitload of trouble
down on all their heads.

But no way in hell would he let Alex send Dakota away. The

ginger wolf had burrowed under his skin, become just as much a part
of him as the wolf that lived inside his body. Having Dakota here,

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with him, in New Hope was already a done deal as far as he was
concerned. Visions of him and Dakota going out for a run or doing
things around his house filled his head, crowded out by images of
their hot, sweaty bodies writhing together in his big bed. He didn’t
plan on rushing that part. For the first time in his life he had real
feelings for another man, and he wouldn’t ruin things by pushing
Dakota into a physical relationship before he was really ready. But
damn, it would be hard to keep his hands off that slim, sexy body.

The Alpha’s house was only a five-minute walk from his own.

Alex lived in the center of the small town he’d renamed New Hope.
The name was unofficial, and no one would ever see it on a map, but
the few original residents, old-timers who didn’t have the means to
move on, didn’t mind. Their community had been on the verge of
becoming a ghost town before Alex stepped in and revitalized it.
Little did they know a pack of wolves had brought new life to their
dying town.

Alex’s home had been a store in its previous life. Now the first

floor served as a community room, the second floor was for storage
and office space, and the third housed his living quarters.

Jack climbed up the hinged fire escape Alex had mounted on the

side of the building and knocked, hoping the Alpha was in. He wanted
to get this over with and get back to Dakota.

Ayala opened the door. “Morning, Jack. We were worried about


Pissed, Jack muttered a good morning. Ever since the she-wolf

came back from Philadelphia and took over as the Alpha’s secretary,
she’d stuck her nose into every bit of pack business she could sniff
out. Jack didn’t like it one bit. A woman’s place was in the home,
having cubs and taking care of the men. “Well, you can see there’s
nothing to worry about.” He looked past her. “I want to talk to Alex.
Alone,” he stressed, sharply.

“Humpf.” Ayala stepped aside to let him enter then followed him

to the massive mahogany desk where Alex sat, going through a

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mountain of paperwork. “I’ll be downstairs, Alpha.” Alex nodded,
and she left through a door on the right side of the room.

Alex leaned back in his big leather chair and looked up at Jack.

His eyes lingered on the fading bruise at Jack’s temple. “Have a seat.”
He gestured to another leather chair in front of his desk. “So, where
have you been?”

Nothing like getting right to the point. “I’m in a situation.” The

Alpha’s expression dissolved his spine and made the sweat chill on
his brow. He looked down at his hands and decided to just start at the
beginning. “It all started when I went to the Silverado.”

“Everything seems to start at the Silverado. I’m beginning to think

I should declare the saloon off-limits to the pack.” Alex’s voice was
sharp with sarcasm. “Go on.”

Jack told him the story, leaving out the part where he gave Dakota

a blow job. The Alpha listened without interrupting. Jack finished,
and he waited anxiously to hear what Alex would say.

“Do you think our pack is in any danger from these men?”
“No.” Just thinking about those assholes sent an adrenal tide

boiling through his blood. “The Alpha says he’s done with Dakota,
and they’re headed back to New York.” Determination hardened
Jack’s resolve. “I’m not letting Dakota leave. A lone wolf is an easy
target and…”

“And what?” Alex asked, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“And I don’t want him to go.”
Alex took his good old time responding, and Jack’s foot tapped on

the floor impatiently.

“You’re right. We can’t send him away, and I mean that for his

good, not just because you’ve taken a liking to him.”

Jack let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding.

“He’s staying with me.”

One corner of the Alpha’s mouth curled in a slight smile. “Of

course.” His expression grew more serious. “I’m going to send
someone out to trail your attackers. I want to make sure they’re on

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their way home, and I’ll find someone in New York to keep an eye on
them just in case they decide to travel west again.”

Jack nodded. He’d expected Alex to fight him tooth and nail, but

this was almost too easy. “Good idea. I think we should step up our
patrols for a little while—just in case.”

“Done.” Alex stood up, a sure sign the meeting was over. “You

just concentrate on making your boy feel safe and welcome.”

My boy. I like the sound of that. But convincing Dakota is easier

said than done.

* * * *

Dakota knew if he walked away, he’d always yearn for what

could have been, a very real once-in-a-lifetime connection. He’d
already fallen for the dark Lycan and didn’t want to give him up, so
he tried hard to repress the mental voice that told him to get out of
New Hope before he destroyed the best thing that had ever happened
to him. Deep down he knew his conscience was right. It would be
better if he disappeared from Jack’s life. He had brought nothing but
problems and trouble to the Lycan, and he cared too deeply about him
to stick around and put him and his pack in jeopardy.

Filled with resolve, he got out of bed, grabbed his backpack, and

headed for the bathroom to retrieve his clothes. He dressed quickly,
anxious to get out of the house before Jack returned, but when he
stepped into the hallway, he stood rooted to the spot. The door to
Jack’s bedroom had been left open, an invitation he couldn’t resist.
Drawn by the strong scent drifting out of the room, he felt compelled
to enter. He’d given up the idea of a proper good-bye because he
might have been tempted to stay if Jack asked, but one last look at
Jack’s private domain couldn’t hurt. It would fuel his memories in the
months to come.

The unmade bed was so Jack. He stretched out on it and pulled the

sheets over him, burying his face in the pillow, letting Jack’s scent

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surround him like a cocoon. Forcing himself off the bed was tough,
but it would be even tougher to leave if Jack was actually there.

He stooped to pick up a T-shirt that had been haphazardly thrown

on the floor, rubbed it against his face, and put it back where he found
it. Jack’s scent was forever imprinted on his brain. He didn’t need to
take anything. But he stood by the old scarred dresser and touched
everything he saw lying there. When he picked up the money, he
considered taking it, thinking how much farther he’d get with a bus
ticket. No, I won’t steal from Jack.

“Going somewhere?”
Shock rooted him to the spot. Jack’s troubled face looked back at

him in the mirror over the dresser, and he laid the money down where
he’d found it. “I wasn’t going to take anything.” He turned around to
face Jack. The Lycan’s wounded expression made his heart twist.

Jack strode over and picked up the money. He stuffed it angrily in

Dakota’s pocket. “Do you think I give a shit about the money?” he
gritted out. “Do you want more cash? I’ll give you whatever you
need, enough for a fucking plane ticket if you’re that anxious to get
away from me.”

Dakota swallowed over the lump in his throat. “It’s not like that,”

he stammered.

“Then tell me, what’s it like?”

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Chapter Ten

“I’ll just bring trouble to your pack—”
“Damn it! We’ve been through this.” Jack’s pinched expression

shouted, I’m out of patience. He crossed his arms over his chest.
“What else is going on here?”

“You have your own life, friends…” Embarrassed, Dakota looked


“Lovers?” Jack asked softly. “Is that what you’re worried about?”
He shrugged helplessly, uncertain what he should say. “Why,

Jack? Why do you want me to stay?”

“Do I have to spell it out?” Jack’s eyes shot off sparks as he

studied him. “Damn it, Dakota. I’ve had an undeniable connection
with you since day one. I realize it’s hard for you to tell me how you
feel, but I know you feel something. If I didn’t believe that, I
wouldn’t be chasing after you.”

Jack was chasing him, but to what end? Jack acted as if he really

cared, but what if Grey was right? Wasn’t it better to leave now,
before he really got attached to the man? Dakota had second-guessed
everything that ever happened to him in his life. He didn’t want to
second-guess Jack’s feelings, but it was hard to believe that the
gorgeous man standing in front of him really wanted him. If Jack just
wanted to fuck him and then cast him aside, it would kill him for sure.

Almost as if he’d read his mind, Jack responded, his voice raw.

“This isn’t about sex. At least not entirely.” He caressed Dakota’s
cheek with his thumb. The affectionate gesture disarmed him. “I want
you in my life. When you laugh and smile at me, I get this feeling
inside…It’s not easy to explain. I’ve never felt this way before.

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Whatever we have between us, it’s too damn important to me to just
let it go.”

Tears stung Dakota’s eyelids, and he blinked to bring them under

control. He didn’t want to humiliate himself by crying again. He
cleared his throat, pretending not to be affected by Jack’s words.
“We’re too different. I’m only half wolf.”

Jack looked puzzled. “We’re all half wolf.”
“No, I mean my mother was human. That’s why Grey had me

tattooed, so everyone would know I have human blood running
through my veins.”

“I already know your background, Dakota,” Jack said, confusion

underlining his words.

“But your pack doesn’t. They won’t want me here.”
Jack smiled for the first time. “Is that what this is about? Baby,

you are so wrong.” He cupped his cheek, and Dakota couldn’t help
nuzzling into Jack’s big palm. Jack was different than anyone he’d
ever known.

“There are two full-blooded humans already living here and mated

to Lycans. We’ve had the formal bonding ceremonies to prove it.”

Dakota looked at him in shock. He’d never known Lycans to be so

accepting of human relationships, but maybe his pack was the
exception, not the rule. His resolve weakened, but he firmed it up
again. It didn’t change the fact that because of him, the Southwest
Pack now had enemies in New York. He shook his head sadly. “Me
being here puts a target on your pack.”

“My Alpha has everything under control.” Determination stole

into Jack’s expression. “You don’t have to run anymore. You have the
protection of a pack behind you now. I’ll never hurt you, Dakota. At
least give me a chance.”

Jack had him feeling off balance. The big Lycan made him want

things he’d never dare hope for before. Jack’s words sounded too
good to be true. Maybe they were. Dakota knew all too well what it
was like to live under a dominating man.

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“Bottom line, my Alpha knows I want you here with me, and he’s

okay with it.” Jack’s expression changed in the blink of an eye. The
lines deepened between his brows, and his eyes darkened with an
unreadable emotion. “That’s it, isn’t it? You don’t want to live with
me.” A sad little smile creased his lips. “I’m sorry, Dakota. Instead of
thinking about what was best for you, I let my fucking ego get in the
way. I haven’t been acting much better than Grey. Nobody’s forcing
you to do anything you don’t want, least of all me. You don’t have to
hook up with me. Alex has a few empty houses we haven’t renovated
yet. He’d be happy to have you stay in one of them and take some of
the work load off the rest of us. You can count on me to give you a
hand, if that’s what you want, I mean.”

Hope widened the chinks in his armor, and understanding flooded

in. Jack was nothing like Grey, and if he didn’t open his heart, he’d
lose the best thing that had ever happened to him. Dakota reached out
and took Jack’s big paw in his smaller hand. “I want.” Heat mounted
in his cheeks, and he lowered his eyes. “I want everything.”

One tug and Jack had him in his arms. “What does that mean,

Dakota?” He lifted Dakota’s chin so he had no choice but to look into
those amber eyes.

Dakota’s mouth opened then closed. Expressing his true feelings

would make him vulnerable.

“I need to hear it. I won’t ever take anything for granted again.”
The tenderness in Jack’s eyes made it easier to open up to him. “I

want to stay with you, Jack, but I don’t want to get in your way. If
you want to bring another man home, I’ll—”

“You’ll what?” Jack frowned. “Leave me, punch me, join in?” He

sighed heavily. “Damn, we have a lot to learn about each other. I
don’t want anyone else. Don’t you know that by now? And I can be a
possessive prick, so you’ve been forewarned.” Uncertainty glistened
in Jack’s eyes. “Still want to live with me?”

Dakota smiled shyly. “More than ever.” Their eyes locked, and

heat smoldered between them.

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Then Dakota wriggled out of Jack’s embrace, and disappointment

showed plainly on the Lycan’s face. Dakota started backing up to the
bed and fumbling with his buttons. Jack’s eyes were glued to his

“Want some help with that?” Jack asked, a predatory smile on his

full lips.

Dakota nodded, momentarily caught off guard by an image of

what those lips could do to him. His legs grew rubbery as Jack closed
the distance between them, and he grabbed the Lycan’s broad
shoulders for support. Jack helped him undress, and Dakota sat on the
bed, watching as Jack removed his own clothes. Naked, Jack was a
breathtaking sight, so frankly sexual, like some powerful predatory
animal. Dakota’s mouth went dry, and his cock filled. He wondered if
Jack would always have this effect on him.

Jack didn’t give him much time to think about it. The mattress

sank under his weight, and he captured Dakota’s lips in a deep kiss
while his hands left a trail of heat on Dakota’s body. Never had he
ever believed a man’s touch could bring such pleasure. With Grey it
had always brought pain. His emotions were all over the place—
amazement, happiness, love. No, he wasn’t going there. Falling in
love with Jack was the impossible dream. Love wasn’t for him. A
physical relationship would have to be enough. He needed to stop
thinking so much and just feel, live in the moment and not worry
about tomorrow.

Jack hesitated and pulled back, frowning. “What’s wrong?”
“Hey, I know you better than that. Something is still bothering

you.” Jack looked at him, a question in his gaze. “Am I moving too
fast? Do you want me to stop?”

I don’t ever want you stop. But he didn’t say it, just shook his

head and put a hand on Jack’s chest, playing with the dark curls and
rubbing his fingers on the man’s tight nipples.

Jack let out a groan. “You drive me crazy.”

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“I’m glad.”
“You little tease.” Jack grinned and bounced down on the bed,

pulling Dakota on top of him. A low masculine chuckle sent shivers
down his spine, and heat curled in his belly. Beneath him, Jack’s hard
erection pressed against his, and Dakota wriggled like a snake until
his own cock wrestled with Jack’s. A strong need to touch and be
touched came over him, and he started humping Jack furiously,
rubbing and grinding their dicks together.

Jack growled, and sweat beaded on his forehead. “Wanna fuck

you,” he groaned.

In answer, Dakota rolled off Jack’s body and got on his hands and

knees. He heard Jack’s quick intake of breath as he took in the

“Don’t move,” Jack said raggedly. He got up and rifled through

the dresser drawer, then came back to bed with a bottle of lube in his
hand. Dakota couldn’t take his eyes off the bottle. He knew what it
was for, even though Grey had never thought to use any whenever he
fucked him. He buried those thoughts deep. Jack wasn’t Grey, and he
wouldn’t let bad memories ruin his time with the dark wolf.

Jack climbed back on the bed, and his lips brushed over Dakota’s

lower back, his warm breath like a subtle caress. “It’s your show,
baby. I want you, but you just give me the word and I’ll stop.”

“Please fuck me,” Dakota begged, as eager for the connection as

Jack. Every molecule of his being was acutely aware of Jack opening
the bottle and warming the lube between his palms. His breath caught
at the first press of a cool, slippery finger on his hole, and he
welcomed the intrusion.

Jack went slow, finally retreating and adding a second finger,

scissoring them to stretch Dakota’s channel. “You’re so tight, baby.
How long has it been?”

“Since I left the pack,” Dakota gasped. “A year maybe.” He

pushed back against Jack’s hand, wanting his lover inside him.
“More. Please.”

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The fingers retreated, and Jack shifted position, slathering his

shaft with lube then guiding the head to Dakota’s opening. Dakota
arched his back, giving Jack a better angle, and the big Lycan pushed
inside. It had been awhile, and even though he’d been prepared, the
burn of penetration brought a gasp from his lips.

Jack held himself motionless. His big hand caressed Dakota’s hip,

soothing him. “Are you okay, baby?” Jack’s low rumble calmed him.

“Yes,” he hissed. “Don’t stop.” His tight muscles yielded

reluctantly to the intrusion, and Jack took possession slow and oh-so-
gently. Dakota pressed his head down against the mattress, panting
softly through his mouth and struggling to stay relaxed so he could
take all of Jack’s long length inside his body. Behind him, Jack
adjusted his position, slipped an arm under Dakota, and anchored him
with a hand on his belly.

He drew in deep breaths as Jack slid farther inside his tight

channel, and his ass pulsed, adjusting to Jack’s throbbing thickness.
The burn lessened and pleasure increased, spreading inside him and
warming his body. He let out a little moan, and Jack paused. “Still
okay, baby?” Jack murmured raggedly.

“God yes.” Dakota was shedding the long years of abuse and

denial like a rattler shed his old skin. Jack’s wild, musky scent
surrounded him, and the Lycan’s warm breath fanned his back.
Fiercely aroused, he wanted to howl. He thrust his hips back, taking
more of Jack’s length inside him and making the Lycan growl out his
pleasure. The wet spot beneath him spread as his cock filled and
dripped. Needing to feel Jack closer, he reached back for him.

Jack responded by curving himself over Dakota’s body and

forcing him down to the mattress. “I want to be closer, too,” he
murmured into Dakota’s ear.

Jack’s body was heavy on his, and the Lycan twisted his hips,

creating an exquisite friction that made Dakota’s desire spiral higher
and higher. Murmuring something unintelligible, Jack rubbed his
stubbled jaw where Dakota’s shoulder met his neck, and pinpricks of

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pleasure darted through him. Then Jack’s mouth closed over the spot,
and sharp canines bit down on his flesh. The bite ignited a wild heat
that sent sparks pulsing through his veins. Burning up, Dakota
strained against the big body covering him and begged for release.

A large warm hand reached around him and tugged on his cock.

He cried out, and the breath gushed out of him along with his release.
Jack buried himself to the hilt and erupted, roaring through his climax
and shuddering as his seed pulsed into Dakota’s body.

Through the roaring in his ears, he heard Jack’s whisper. “Love


Dakota froze, reeling with shock. He hadn’t expected the words

and until this second hadn’t realized how very much he wanted to
hear them. I love you. He longed to say them back, but the fear of
humiliation sealed his lips. What if Jack didn’t mean it? Things said
in the throes of passion weren’t always reliable. It was best to pretend
he didn’t hear the words.

At last Jack rolled off his body and pulled him into an embrace.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I might have smothered you.”

Weak as a pup and completely sated, he melted into Jack’s arms.

“You weren’t heavy at all.”

Jack watched him through heavy-lidded eyes. “I don’t believe it,

but you’re still breathing, so I guess you’re okay.”

“More than okay.” He tightened his arms around Jack and buried

his face against his lover’s sweat-slick chest.

Jack rubbed circles on his back and nuzzled his hair. “I meant it,

you know.”

Dakota stilled, afraid to hope.
“I don’t expect you to feel the same. I just wanted you to know.”
He looked up into Jack’s amber eyes, and instead of the usual self-

assurance, he saw vulnerability. All his life Dakota had lived in fear
and kept his feelings bottled up inside. He didn’t want to live like that
anymore. He wanted to be what Jack needed, an honest, loving
partner willing to open up and show his true feelings. “And I want

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you to know…” He hesitated, his old doubts creeping back. Jack
looked at him, hope in his eyes, and he breathed it out. “I love you.”

Jack rewarded him with a lopsided grin. “You mean it?”
“Every word.”
Jack gathered Dakota close. “Mine,” he said in a rough voice and

held him tight against his body.

* * * *

Dakota had fallen into a peaceful sleep. Jack cuddled up to his

body and tried not to wake the beautiful man in his arms. He wanted
him again, but Dakota needed to rest. As for himself, he was
surprisingly content, happy just to enjoy the closeness, the feel of his
lover’s body nestled against his own. Dakota completed him. Their
bodies fit together as if they’d been made for each other. A deep sense
of belonging stole over him. It was a feeling he’d never experienced
before, and he enjoyed it more than he thought possible. His last
thought before he fell asleep was of the night he met Dakota and how
lucky he was that his plans had backfired.



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Born and raised in the City of Brotherly Love, Gale cut her teeth

on True Story magazines swiped from her mother’s collection and
read undercover by flashlight. Her choice of reading material inspired
a love of romance and the desire to write her own stories, but life took
a detour while she worked as a surveyor and a CAD manager. Now
she has the best job in the world. She can be anything she wants, but
she doesn’t mind living vicariously through the smokin’ hot alphas
and strong heroines she loves to write about.

Also by Gale Stanley

Ménage Amour: Southwest Shifters 1: Hellfire

Ménage Amour: Southwest Shifters 2: Spitfire

Ménage Amour: Black Wolf Gorge 1: Call of the Wilds

Ménage Amour: Black Wolf Gorge 2: Mating Call

Ménage Amour: Black Wolf Gorge 3: Captive

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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