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Space–time representation and analytics
May Yuan
, Atsushi Nara
& James Bothwell
Center for Spatial Analysis, University of Oklahoma, 301 David L. Boren Blvd, Norman, OK
73019, USA
Published online: 10 Jan 2014.
To cite this article: May Yuan, Atsushi Nara & James Bothwell (2014) Space–time representation and analytics, Annals of GIS,
20:1, 1-9, DOI:
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–time representation and analytics
May Yuan
, Atsushi Nara and James Bothwell
Center for Spatial Analysis, University of Oklahoma, 301 David L. Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73019, USA
(Received 1 October 2013; accepted 30 October 2013)
This paper discusses philosophical and methodological considerations of space
–time representation and analytics. Central to
our premise is that how we conceptualize space and time has profound in
fluence on the way in which we represent and
analyse spatiotemporal data. Four approaches in space
–time representation are discussed based on two sets of space–time
dichotomies: absolutism versus relationalism and realism versus idealism. We elaborate on the philosophical inquiries
related to the dichotomies and discuss approaches taken in GIScience research. Since most GIS studies to date align well
with the absolutism
–realism approach to space–time representation, we discuss examples that adopt absolutism–idealism,
–realism, and relationalism–idealism approaches. We argue that multiple perspectives of space and time can
bring rich insights into understanding geographic phenomena. All four approaches of space
–time representation and
ensuing analytical methods should be broadly explored in GIScience research.
Keywords: space
–time; representation; analytics
Space and time, hereafter space-time, are fundamental yet
complex subjects that have stimulated fascinating debates
among philosophers, physicists, geographers, historians
and scholars in many other
fields. Most of the ontological
and epistemological questions concerning space and time
from Kant and his fellow philosophers (Janiak
(GIScience) research today:
(1) Question about the ontology and substance
erty metaphysical framework: Is space
–time a sub-
stance in its own right or a property of some
substance? The question inquires the relationship
of space
–time to physical objects, contrasting
views of absolutism (viz. space
–time points
–time as an object-independent framework,
whereas relationalism considers space
–time as the
order of possible relations among objects.
(2) Question about the origin of space
–time represen-
tation: Where do our ideas about space and time
come from? Do the ideas of space and time origi-
nate from the perceptions and experiences of spa-
tial or temporal relations? Is there any distinct
issue about space
–time from ordinary physical
objects? While we can represent space as empty
of objects, can we represent the absence of space
or time? Are space and time causally inert and
therefore imperceptible? If so, it would be impos-
sible to represent space and time. Is the origin of
–time representation constrained by spatio-
temporal objects? Or is it possible to have a repre-
sentation of space and time themselves? Are space
and time dependent upon the mind for their exis-
tence? Realists consider relations are mind-inde-
dependent. Is the dependence suggested by the
(3) Question about the content of space
–time repre-
sentation: Does our idea about space re
flect what
we know from Euclidean Geometry? Can space
time be an empirical concept derived from outer
experiences? Can the content of a representation
guide us to its possible origin? Can the origin of
a representation lead to its potential content? If
we represent space containing an in
finite number
of places within it, each of the places would also
have an in
finite number of subordinate concepts
about space. Hence, a concept contains an in
number of concepts, each of which has an in
number of constituents of sub-concepts and
recursive sub-concepts, and eventually the con-
cept of space lacks determinant content and
therefore is deemed incomprehensible. If our
*Corresponding author. Email:
Annals of GIS, 2014
Vol. 20, No. 1, 1
© 2013 Taylor & Francis
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representation of space is not a concept, is it an a
priori intuition?
These philosophical inquiries nurture our thinking about
–time, and our space–time conceptualization influ-
ences how we construct geographic representation and
consequently constrains what analytics we can perform
and what insights we can gain from research. For philo-
sophers, a representation is
‘an image, concept, or thought
in the mind as representing an object or state of affairs in
the world
’ (c.f. Oxford English Dictionary Third Edition,
December 2009). The object of a representation captures
semantic properties, such as content, truth-conditions and
truth-value, philosophically speaking. In the context of
GIScience, space
–time representation encapsulates in
forms of data objects the essential characteristics of enti-
ties, facts, concepts, and states of affairs on Earth (or
simply things on Earth).
Things on Earth, abstract or concrete, can be challen-
ging to conceptualize and consequently dif
ficult to repre-
sent. On the other hand, scienti
fic research relies upon
observations and therefore is bound by means that we can
express our observations, quantitatively or qualitatively.
Taking the absolutist
’s view, GIScientists represent space
as a collection of lattice points, for example, with semantic
properties at locations and then expand the lattice orthogon-
ally to a cube to incorporate the temporal dimension. Such a
–time cube representation can be traced back to
’s time geography (Hägerstrand
) and is
shown effective in information visualization (Kristensson
et al.
), spatiotemporal analysis and synthesis (Nakaya
), visual exhibition exploration (Windhager and Mayr
), space
–time data modelling and mathematical mod-
elling (Gatalsky, Andrienko, and Andrienko
). In fact,
most space
–time research in GIScience and related fields
adopts the view of absolutism that space
–time is an object-
independent framework (e.g. a cube), existing on its own as
a container populated with space
–time points or objects.
The absolutist
’s view is often accompanied with the
idea of realism in which things on Earth are perceived and
experienced as
fields and objects. Consequently, geo-
ontology studies decipher categories of geographic phe-
nomena to various kinds of
fields and various kinds of
objects in space and time (Galton
) or theorize the
ontological hierarchy of geographic information that con-
nects existence, observable, class, simple object, compo-
site object, function, and purpose levels of representations
). Human experiences position objects and
fields in the pre-defined space–time framework. The
values of space and time for a given thing (object or
field) depend on the location and chronological time of
observations. In other words, space and time are pre-
fined, regardless of the existence of objects and fields.
An alternative
‘bottom-up thinking’ of geographic repre-
sentation starts with the idea of geo-atom, the very primitive
form of geographic information (Goodchild et al.
). A
geo-atom is a space
–time point with semantic properties and
associated values for the properties. When geo-atoms are
bounded by the same identity over space and time, these
geo-atoms represent a geo-object. When geo-atoms are
bounded by the same property over space and time, these
geo-atoms represent a geo-
field. Various means of aggrega-
tion and agglomeration of geo-atoms in space and time form
representations of complex geographic phenomena. When
the ontology of geographic information is the focus, such a
bottom-up approach is realized by observation-driven ontol-
ogy engineering according to sensors, observation proce-
dures and observations (Janowicz
Relationalism and idealism of space and time are yet to
flourish in GIScience research. Some research in GIS data
modelling touched on the idea that vector data models only
include space occupied by geometric objects and therefore
dismiss the possibility of empty space, hence that space can-
not be a substance in its own right (Couclelis
). However,
the underlying geographic coordinate framework very much
grounds the space where the objects occupy, so, in essence,
vector data models remain fundamentally absolutistic and
substantivalistic. From a relational perspective, the existence
of space
–time depends on possible objects and relations. GIS
examples of space
–time relationalism are address-matching
and routing, in which locations and paths can only exist in
relation to street networks. Idealism views space
–time as an a
prior intuition, i.e. a non-empirical, singular, immediate repre-
sentation of space that cannot be derived from outer experi-
ence but arises from the mind-dependent perception of spatial
relations. While virtual space, social space and political space
may not be intuitive, these spaces are idealistic in nature.
Regarding time, psychological time and parallel time are
examples of idealistic time which are not elements of reality
but relations added by the mind. A growing number of critical
GIS studies take feminist and qualitative approaches that are
mostly aligned with the idealistic view of space and time
; Cope and Elwood
). With the emphases
of knowledge production different from the objective and
quantitative trajectories, critical GIS pushes for the values of
social theory and neogeography in support of local epistemol-
ogy on life-worlds (Sheppard
This paper examines the four quadrants of space
representation (
) in GIScience: absolutism
–idealism, relationalism–realism and relational-
–idealism, and how representation influences space–
time analytics. While there are rich research programmes in
critical GIS, this paper limits discussions from a scienti
and computational perspective on space
–time representation.
Ontological issues from social theory and critical theory
perspectives on realism, empiricism and idealism are beyond
the scope of the discussions here. The premise is that our
thinking and questioning about space
–time inspire the way
in which we construct representation, and furthermore, con-
strain what analytics we can do and conclusions we can draw
M. Yuan et al.
Downloaded by [University of Oklahoma Libraries], [Dr May Yuan] at 11:49 16 April 2014
). Absolutism
–realism of space and time is well
represented in a wide range of GIS studies, such as in land-
use and land-cover change and spatial ecology. It may be fair
to say that the dominant majority of GIS projects assume
absolute space
–time based on a Cartesian coordinate system
and solar calendar with clock time. The other three views of
–time deserve additional attention. The following three
sections will present a study in each section to highlight
–idealism, relationalism–realism and relational-
–idealism, respectively, in space–time representation
and analytics. In this paper, the purpose of these examples
is to illustrate the conceptual differences in treatments of
space and time and how a novel conceptualization of space
and time will lead to effective representation and analytics
for new insights about geographic dynamics. Technical
details on algorithmic and computational procedures are
beyond the scope of the paper. Readers who are interested
in the technical details should consult the cited references in
the respective section. This paper will conclude with a synth-
esis of
findings from the three studies and new perspectives
to space
–time representation and analytics.
–idealism of space–time
–idealism posits that space–time is an object-
independent framework for mind-dependent object relations.
The space
–time framework is conceptualized as a container
to position and reference things of interest. Environmental
remote-sensing data and model outputs are good examples,
in that data are recorded at a pre-de
fined regular grid space
and regular time intervals. Space
–time is conceptualized as a
series of time-stamped spatial grids and at each grid point, a
property value is recorded for the theme of interest, such as
temperature. Animation is a common technique to visualize
temporal changes captured in the data, and map algebra and
matrix calculations by mathematical and statistical opera-
tions at pre-de
fined space and time. An idealistic view will
look beyond space
–time data records to conceptualize
higher-level phenomenal constructs out of the recorded prop-
erty, such as heat waves out of temperature observations. By
conceptualizing and representing heat waves or heat
we enhance our intuited space
–time perception of the world.
Such abstract, mind-constructed objects can be very effective
in eliciting hidden patterns in space
–time data.
The use of heat
flows has been shown to be effective
in comparison of temperature projections between two
general circulation models: the CNRM-CM3 model by
(CNRM), Meteo France and the CCSM3 model by
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in
the United States (Bothwell and Yuan
). Instead of
representing temperature values at grid cells and a given
time, the conceptualization of heat
flows results in flow
vectors across grid cells over time. Flow vectors may be
fined in different ways. One can be the direction and
shortest distance to the cell of the same value at the next
time-stamped snapshot. Another possible de
finition of
flow vectors could be that each grid cell records a vector
with direction to the adjacent cell with the largest tem-
perature gradient and the magnitude of the temperature
difference. Regardless of
flow vector definitions, the ima-
ginary vectors provide direct mapping to concepts like
expansion, retreat, divergence and convergence.
For global temperature projections, heat
flow vectors
moving northwards or southwards from the equator corre-
spond to warming effects (
). When they move
towards the equator, it suggests a cooling effect. When heat
flow vectors serve as the primitives in representing tempera-
ture over space and time, we can query
flow vectors based on
the moving direction of interest to reveal warming or cooling
dominant regions. For example,
‘heat flows’ moving towards
the poles (northwards in the northern hemisphere or south-
wards in the southern hemisphere) suggest a warming trend
(e.g. a and b in
). Accordingly,
shows that
the NCAR model suggests a much wider spread of warming
in the southern hemisphere during 2030
–2090 than what is
predicted by the CNRM model. We can also calculate spatial
variability of moving directions and temperature differences
Figure 1.
Conceptualization, representation and analytics.
Table 1.
Four quadrats of space
–time representation (Janiak
Realism Space is an object-independent framework for object relations.
Relations are mind-
Space is the order of possible relations among objects
Relations are mind-
Idealism Space is an object-independent framework for object relations.
Relations are mind-dependent
Space is the order of possible relations among objects.
Relations are mind-dependent
Annals of GIS
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to identify mixing zones. Moreover, we can analyze the
direction and magnitude of changes in
flow vectors to reveal
areas of transition zones where temperature change goes from
slow to fast, convergent zones where temperature change
converges to a hot spot or cold spot, and divergent zones
where warm or cold temperature expands outwards. By relat-
ing coastlines to
flow vectors, we can also determine land–sea
temperature relationships, such as a cooling effect from sea to
land. Based on c and d in
, CNRM model suggests a
stronger regional moment of heat
flows easterly, and sea to
flows in east Brazil, as opposed to land to sea movement
suggested by NCAR model.
This example adopts an absolute space
–time framework
in which space is set at an absolute grid of 1° latitude × 1°
longitude cells, and time is set at 60 years of monthly
temperature estimates. Space
–time relations are constructed
idealistically based on the concept of heat
flowing from
high to low temperature across space over time. The object
‘heat flow’ is imaginary and constructed in mind as a
surrogate for understanding temperature change and its
patterns. Beyond mapping and visualization, each cell in
the grid is associated with the data that record the direction
and distance of movement. Therefore, query and analysis
can be performed to discern locations with fastest spreading
of warming or reveal pronounced differences between the
estimates from the two models.
–realism of space–time
The relationalism
–realism view of space–time posits that
–time is the order of relations among objects, and
objects are observable and measurable, and therefore
mind-independent. Since space
–time depends on the existence
of the objects of interest, space
–time analysis can only work
where and when there are objects. Spatial and temporal refer-
ences of an object are relative to other known objects in the
system. Track analysis is used here to demonstrate the space
time representation from the perspective of relationalism and
realism. A conventional approach to track analysis puts a great
emphasis on trajectory density and clustering analysis (Kwan
; Li, Han, and Kim
; Palma et al.
; Li et al.
which follows the absolutism
–realism view. A relationalism–
realism approach will focuses on the relationship among tracks
to discern potential patterns or implications.
Using global positioning system (GPS) points taken
for an individual from 1 May to 31 October 2009, we
attempt to show a relationalism
–realism space–time
approach for track analysis. Detailed algorithms and ana-
lyses are available in Yuan and Nara (Forthcoming).
shows the 21,160 GPS points only during the
month of September for the individual. The massive GPS
points obscure meaningful movement patterns. Taking a
relationalism approach, we compare stops made on a day
to those closest stops made on the previous day and
analyse accumulative distance of the stop pairs for differ-
ent days of the week over the 6-month period (1 May
–31 October 2009). If the individual has a weekly
routine of stops (such as going to work), there will be
some regularity in the
fluctuation of the accumulative
distance among closest stops the next day over time.
summarizes the result and shows the following.
(1) The individual stopped at nearby locations Saturday
to Wednesday and Thursday to Friday in general.
Figure 2.
Decipher temperature change over space and time using mind-dependent heat
flows. In (A) and (B), dark-shaded colour
corresponds to
flows to the south, and light-shaded colour, to the north. In (C) and (D), dark-shaded colour corresponds to flows to the
west, and light-shaded colour, to the east.
M. Yuan et al.
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(2) On Thursdays and Saturdays, the individual
tended to stop by locations away from stops
made on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Likewise, we can also compare track differences to discern
meaningful patterns. Because GPS points were taken at
different times, resampling was used to derive tracks of
locations at equal time intervals (
). We can com-
pare tracks taken weekly at the same day of the week to
examine, for example, if the individual generally took the
same journey every Monday. We can compare a track to
the one taken on the previous day to assess how the
individual might adhere to a daily commute pattern.
summarizes the track differences to the previous
day throughout the 6-month period. The darker shade in
the image corresponds to smaller differences in tracks. A
distinctive pattern is the repetitive pattern of two white
lines separated by a black line throughout the study per-
iod. These white-black-white patterns corresponded to
tracks taken on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. That
the individual had days off on Thursdays and Fridays and
resumed work on Saturdays resulted in a large difference
in tracks between Wednesdays and Thursdays, similar
tracks on Thursdays and Fridays and again large differ-
ence between Fridays and Saturdays. In the early dates,
there was no clear pattern, which might be indicative of
Figure 3.
GPS points taken for an individual from 1 September 2009 to 30 September 2009 as an example.
Figure 4.
Individual stop comparison over a 6-month period (Adapted from Yuan and Nara, Forthcoming).
Annals of GIS
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the period in which the individual was new to the town
and was looking for work (the top circle in
). The
–time track image also suggests that the individual
took outings around 20:00 on workdays in four separate
weeks starting in late May and then in August, September
and October, but usually returned home by 22:00 (the four
small circles in
). Furthermore, the individual
went out frequently around midnight on Thursdays.
The track analysis above provides an example of the
–realism approach, in which we considered
–time as the order of possible relations among GPS
observations to elicit meaningful patterns from the massive
data points. Speci
fically, we applied time as the first order
of relations among observations, and considered space
based on the distance among points and tracks to discern
further relations. Rather than investigating into the density
or clustering of GPS points or tracks, we mined the data to
reveal deviations and periodicities of stops and tracks over
time to understand movement patterns, detect irregular out-
ings and recognize possible emergence of new routines.
–idealism of space–time
While still using space
–time as the order of possible
relations, a relationalism
–idealism approach examines
the relations among objects that are intuitive and mind-
dependent. As such, the space
–time representation relies
upon abstract constructs conceptualized in human minds
prior to the formation of space
–time concepts. Spatial
social network analysis is a good example of relational-
–idealism approaches. A social network is a social
phenomenon with entities tied with interactions or inter-
dependence (Borgatti et al.
; Carpenter, Li, and
). Space
–time in a social network is deter-
mined by the member activities in the network, and
–time makes the connections among the members
assumes potential links among individuals and explores
the characteristics of the network as a whole or its
compositions (Aggarwal
). Nevertheless, a social
network is an abstract construct that provides an intuitive
surrogate for analysis and reasoning of the social
Figure 5.
Resampling using a mean
filter to match locations along tracks for comparison.
Figure 6.
A temporal image of track differences (Adapted from Yuan and Nara, Forthcoming).
M. Yuan et al.
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phenomena of interactions or interdependence. Our
example below assumes that the existence of social net-
works of potential interactions may be identi
fied by
–time proximity of individuals.
We used GPS data from 2795 individuals in Oklahoma
from 23 February 2009 to 22 January 2011 to uncover
social networks of potential interactions (Yuan and Nara,
Forthcoming). Synchronous presence thresholds were set
at a space
–time proximity of 45 m and 30 minutes.
Relations among the individuals were determined by
their space
–time proximity. Only individuals with GPS
points recorded in the de
fined thresholds were considered
related and therefore included in the social network of
potential interactions. Among the 2795 individuals, GPS
points from 373 individuals fell within the space
proximity that created 54 social networks of potential
interactions (
shows one of the largest networks that
involves 78 individuals. In the network, we can identify
three distinctive sub-networks with one-to-one (
one-to-many (
B) and many-to-many (
relations. In the one-to-one relation, ID1 and ID2 have a
strong relation, in which both trajectories and stops on days
of potential interactions were very similar. Such long
–time coexistence indicates kinship and strong friend-
ship. In the one-to-many example, a central node in the
network (ID3) had all weak relations with 21 individuals,
where each potential interaction event was in a short
Figure 8.
The estimated social network of potential interactions involving 78 individuals in Oklahoma and examples of their
trajectories, stops and potential interaction locations on days of their potential interactions.
Figure 7.
The estimated social networks of potential interac-
tions among 2795 individuals in Oklahoma based on their GPS
points. Each node corresponds to each individual and its shade
represents an individual
’s total potential interaction duration. The
thickness of the links corresponded to the frequency of synchro-
nized presence.
Annals of GIS
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duration. As shown in the
B, the ID3
’s trajectories
covered across a wide area; therefore, the individual had
more opportunities to interact with other individuals. This
weak relationship could be explained by a post person who
would have frequent interactions with people at many
delivery locations. In
five individuals have
strong relations with each other, creating a pentagon-
shaped network. On the map, there is one potential inter-
action location pointed by an outlined grey arrow that is for
multi-individual congregation. This location could corre-
spond to their social activities, such as visiting a common
friend, hanging out at a bar, or attending meetings.
The social network example illustrates two key
notions of relationalism
–idealism with respective to
–time representation and analytics. First, the
assumed existence of social networks of potential interac-
tions sets the scope to which space and time should be
conceptualized and analysed. There are four different
kinds of interactions according to constraints of synchro-
nized vs. asynchronized space and time (Janelle
The example only considers social networks of potential
interactions that are synchronized in space and time. If
asynchronized interactions are of interest, the treatment of
space and time in the analysis will need to be signi
rethought. Therefore, the representation of space and time
depends upon the conceptualization of social networks of
interest in prior. Second, once the nature of social net-
works of interest is determined, space
–time is conceptua-
lized in the framework of object activities. Considerations
are only given to where and when recorded in GPS data.
Comparative measures of space and time determine the
relations among objects, and space
–time connections of all
related objects form social networks that can only be
idealized in human minds.
Central to the paper is the idea that space
–time representation
sets the foundation for space
–time analytics and consequently
analytical outcomes. We revisited key philosophical questions
about space and time and explored GIS studies that were
aligned with different thoughts of space
–time representation.
fically, the three key questions were discussed on
the ontological basis, origin and content of space and time,
and these questions rami
fied themselves in two dichoto-
mies: (1) about the space
–time existence in terms of
absolutism and relationalism; and (2) about the origin
and content of space
–time in terms of realism and
idealism. Absolutism contrasts relationalism by the view
that space
–time exists in its own right (i.e. an object-
independent framework) rather than as properties of
physical objects (i.e. the order of possible relations
among objects). Realism contrasts idealism by the
view that space
–time and objects are mind-independent
(e.g. physical objects) rather than mind-dependent (e.g.
dichotomies resulted in four possible space
–time represen-
–realism and relationalism–idealism. GIS
approach to space
–time representation. This is evident
that conventional GIS applications analyses, computes
and maps data in a Cartesian system with pre-de
time intervals. Examples of such GIS applications include
thematic mapping, crime density analysis and site suitability
modelling. This paper offers three examples to demonstrate
the other three approaches of space
–time representation.
The absolutism
–idealism approach was demonstrated
by the representation of heat
flows as an integral concept
of space
–time–temperature change to compare predictions
from two general circulation models. Common approaches
would follow an absolutism
–realism framework to com-
pare temperature differences at the pre-de
fined locations
(e.g. grid cells or climate stations) over time. Using the
abstract concept of heat
flows that represent the magnitude
and direction of imagery movements along the maximum
temperature gradient at the pre-de
fined locations, we are
able to discern patterns that correspond to warming, cool-
ing and divergence or convergence of hot spots.
As an example of relationalism
–realism approaches,
we analyzed GPS points of an individual collected over
a 6-month period. Instead of density or clustering pat-
terns of the points and tracks, we related points and
tracks spatially and temporally to seek implications for
potential routine and incongruent activities. Space
representation functioned as measures of similarity and
ordering of relations among the points and tracks.
Finally, we took a relationalism
–idealism approach to
elicit social networks of possible interactions based on
GPS data of 50 individuals. Relations among the indi-
viduals were determined by the proximity of their GPS
points. Space
–time set the proximity thresholds for pos-
sible interactions in building social networks. The
abstract concepts of social networks were conceived
prior to the conceptualization of space and time and
subsequently the analytical procedures to reveal the
potential links among the individuals.
Our premise posits that the four views of space
research. Our conceptualization of space
–time leads us to
different strategies in space
–time representation and ana-
lytics, and consequently draws insights from multiple
perspectives. Currently, most GIS applications subscribe
to absolutism
–realism thinking of space and time and have
been productive in analysing objects or
fields from which
data were collected. What relationalism and idealism sug-
gest are rich suites of new possibilities by considering
abstract constructs of rich semantics that can be built
from space
–time data based on the relations among things
on Earth.
M. Yuan et al.
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Moreover, we can analyse the direction and magnitude of changes
flow vectors to reveal areas of transition zones where temperature
change goes from slow to fast, convergent zones where temperature
change converges to a hot spot or cold spot and divergent zones
where warm or cold temperature expands outwards.
This material is based upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation [grant number OCI 0941501] and National
Institute of Justice [award number 2010-DE-BX-K005]. Any
findings and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not
flect the views of the National Science
Foundation or National Institute of Justice.
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