The Mating Wild Cats Part One Erotic Romance Series

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The Mating: Wild Cats Part 1

By Sandra Ross

SmashWords Edition

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Chapter One

"HELLO. What can I get you today?"

Iliana's heart was pounding as she walked towards the man in one of her tables. He
should have become familiar by now, but he still confused her like no one she knew.

As if she knew anyone even remotely like him.

His almond-shaped, green, piercing eyes were on her face. He was dressed in black. With
his dark hair a little longer than usual, his dark complexion and sensual full lips, he
looked like a pirate.

A pirate dressed as an aristocrat.

His name was Nickolas Benson. Or that's what her co-worker Anthony told her after he
researched about him. And he was supposed to be sinfully wealthy.

But that was beside the point. Whenever he's here in the coffee shop, his sheer presence
overwhelmed the place.

When he was here, he was only this powerful- looking, handsome man who confused her
with his focused attention.

As she approached him, his posture changed. He pulled his long legs in and sat stra ight
on his chair.

Not a pirate, she corrected herself. A panther, ready to attack his prey.

She almost shivered at the reminder of the most exotic, dangerous cat that ever passed
through her life. How could she have likened him to a panther, of all animals?

"Coffee. Black," he answered in a deep, husky baritone.

"Thank you very much," she replied, smiling automatically.

His eyes burned into her back as she walked back to the bar to get the order. She wanted
to run but the manager's eyes were surveying the room at the moment.

Anthony was smiling. "Let me guess. Coffee. Black. Right? Did we at least get a hello or
something more today? Or just the usual silence?"

She didn't answer. She couldn't.

She could still feel the stranger's eyes on her and she felt as if she were on fire.

Delicious fire.

If only he wasn't so handsome.

Too handsome.

He had the kind of magnetism no woman could resist. And it was hard for her, too, even
when she constantly denied it.

And of course, Anthony and the others could see. Except for Iliana, her co-workers
enjoyed the hour Nickolas spent in the shop everyday, drinking his coffee, watching her
as she steadily gets nervous, and leaving a huge tip for her afterwards, which she shared
with everyone and the manager as per regulation of the shop.

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This torture has been going since that first time he came in to have coffee with clients
almost a month ago.

She remembered his eyes locking on her that first day-and the sizzle of heat she felt as
she froze, staring back involuntarily at his perfectly handsome face.

And since then, every afternoon he would come in. He would order coffee and would
stay for one hour.

Every- freakin'-day.

She wondered at his discipline. She hadn't even seen him look at his watch. But in one
hour, he would leave.

He was the weirdest, handsomest man she had ever encountered.

Anthony's teasing whisper intruded in her thoughts. "Oh... if I were in your place, love, I
would have gotten a date by now. A god like him, coming to the shop every day just for
me, sitting for hours with a coffee he never drinks... staring at me constantly... and then
leaving the hugest tip we've ever received from anybody-hell, not just a date. He would
already know how big my bed is!"

"Right. And next morning you would be found in some gutter with your throat cut like a
chicken," she said under her breath. "Or maybe?" Her voice held the curiosity and
confusion that she felt. "As far as we know, this guy could be the next Ted Bundy. He is
rich, and he is good- looking." A huge understatement. "What could he possibly want with
a waitress from a coffee shop at the edge of the city? It's not like I'm some model!"

She told that as much to herself because it was the truth.

"Honey... how many times have I told you? You are a piece of candy with t hat red hair. If
you'd just take care of yourself a little better." Anthony was now looking down at her so
critically. "I mean... that dreadful ponytail. And no makeup!"

She straightened her wide black blouse and tight trousers. "I'm fine the way I am, tha nk
you very much."

She did not say what was really on her mind-even if she tried making herself beautiful,
she would only look merely presentable compared to the hundreds of women who
undoubtedly vied for his attention.

She was not one to fool herself. S he might not know the man, but no one could dispute
this other truth. She was highly inappropriate for someone like him. And she knew
without a doubt what plans he would have for her if given the chance.

Of course she knew. She had been through that road before and she was able to escape.

She has no intention of going back.

She took the coffee and brought it to the man's table, and then got busy with other

Or at least she tried.

His eyes bore into her back at every turn. And as resolved as she was to ignore him, she
still got so nervous that she would take orders from customers twice, only to realize that

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she couldn't even understand what she had written in her notebook. The second time, she
had to go back to a table to retake the order.

Committing stupid mistakes weren't like her. It was beginning to irritate her. The black
high heels she was wearing, obligatory rule of the management, were killing her legs and
adding to her irritation.

Her boss had picked this day to come to the coffee shop and check things out. He was
already giving her a look because he had noticed her mistakes. She did not know if he
even knew about Nickolas Benson, because he would only come here in the mornings.

But she noticed how critical he was now of everyone, especially of her, once he's spotted
the lone man in one of her tables. He has been guarding her every move. She couldn't
afford to make a mistake. She would be punished.

Or, if the look the manager was throwing at her right now was any indication, she could
get fired.

She was sure he has already noticed how Nickolas Benson watched her.

And Iliana couldn't afford to lose this job.

She lost her cool an hour later. A tray with four coffee pots slipped through her fingers
onto the floor. She was cleaning up the mess when the boss approached her and said the
cost for the loss would be deducted from her salary.

Now she'd have to cut back on food in order to pay the rent again.

As she was throwing part of her month's payment into the garbage, angry tears flooded
her eyes.

It was his fault. That green-eyed panther-pirate.

This really has to stop now.

She rushed straight to his table as soon as the manager entered his office.

"Could you please stop staring at me?" she hissed at him. "What are you? Some kind of a
pervert? Stop this now! Stop staring at me. In fact, stop coming here! Go somewhere else
to order coffee you don't drink anyway! You are not welcome here!"

She did not realize her voice had gone up until she noticed how quiet the coffee shop
was. Horror-struck, she turned.

Everyone was staring at her.

The man from the table stood up and she abruptly turned to him again.

God, he's taller than I originally thought. Oh, why did I get angry again?

"I am terribly sorry, Miss Iliana," he said, not looking at her name tag.

He already knew her name. His voice was soft, with no hint of anger. Then he smiled.

She lost her breath because the smile literally brought light to his face.

"I never meant to make you nervous. On the contrary- "

"W-who told you I was nervous?" she replied defensively.

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Instead, he reached over and softly held her hand with his.

His touch, how her hand looked enclosed in his big ones, gave her a sudden feeling of
security that confused her so much it did not even occur to her to pull away.

He gave her such a sweet and innocent look that she felt a smile tug on her lips.

She managed to suppress it before it got obvious.

This was a very dangerous man. And not just from a physical standpoint.

He was a danger to every woman who could see and feel how virile he was.

He was a danger to her.

And oh, she thought with a moan, she had a feeling his virility was just the tip of what
she was sensing from him.

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Chapter Two

SUDDENLY, the nervous voice of the manager broke her chaotic train of thought. "Oh...
Mr. N ickolas Benson. What an honor for us to have you in our coffee shop!"

Iliana jumped, realizing the change in atmosphere she instigated, and slipped her hand
out of his to usher herself away.

"A thousand apologies. My employee shouldn't have spoken to you this way. She will
suffer the consequences of her actions..." and sneaking a glare in her direction, he added:

Iliana's heart sputtered to an abrupt stop. In the course of a few mere words, her boss had
just snatched the future she was so desperately hanging on to.

And with a forced and almost mechanical twinkle in his eye, he hastily continued, "I
assure you, this type of behavior is not acceptable in our shop, especially towards a fine
member of our business society as yourself."

Her boss was now beside her, talking to the man, drawing his attention away from her.

She noticed the man's smile turning into a wide, fake one.

She was certain ten minutes from now she would get fired, but she wanted to see this. As
she always believed, if you're going to go out, go out with a bang.

Seeing her boss kissing this man's butt was a show she wouldn't miss for the world.

"Please, Miss Iliana has done nothing reprehensible. The truth is that my approach was
clumsy, to say the least. She is totally justified to think I am some kind of pervert-
especially since she obviously had no idea who I am. I would never, in any circumstance,
wish this insignificant incident be the reason for her getting in trouble. That would be
extremely unfair, don't you think, sir?"

Her boss looked confused. And he wasn't the only one. She could hear the unmistakable
gasps of a few of the coffee shop regulars who were watching since the commotion first

"Well... yes, of course... since you put it that way... if you really think so. Obviously, it
would- "

"Excellent. And now that everything's settled, could I please have Miss Iliana at my
disposal for a few minutes? In private?"

Iliana's face flushed at the idea. "Me? In private?"

The manager didn't even look at her. "Why... certainly! For as long as you wish. I will
serve the tables if necessary."

She only had time to cast a surprised look at her boss and receive a warning from him
before Nickolas grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the coffee shop.

The narrow road outside the shop was empty. He dragged her a little further away from
the windows so they wouldn't be observed by curious eyes.

He saw how his actions made her feel awkward. When he started talking, his voice was
deeper, hoarse, frank.

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"I'm sorry I caused you trouble. That was not my intention. My name is Nickolas Benson,
and I am a businessman. I am certainly not a freak, nor am I a psycho. I promise you. But
ever since I saw you at the coffee shop, I can't get you out of my mind. That's why I've
been coming here every day. I should have asked you for what I wanted but I was
worried of scaring you away. You evidently don't scare easily, though. So..." He sighed
deeply. "Look how this turned out."

He hadn't let go of her hand and was now caressing her palm gently. Chills coursed all
over her body but she couldn't pull it away.

There was a moment when she felt like she would die if she pulled her hand from his.

Because it felt so good, so right, for it to be there.

"I'll pick you up tonight? Please, Iliana. Give me a chance. Dinner, dancing,
drinks...anything you want. I would be delighted to get to know you better and for you to
get to know me better yourself."

She stepped backwards, finally pulling her hand from his. She almost winced at the
abrupt emptiness she felt. It was really ridiculous, but she couldn't explain it.

She took a deep breath, regaining her self-control.

Only then did she dare to look at him.

"What time?"

Her eyes widened.

That was not what she had planned to say.

He was already smiling broadly, his eyes crinkling at the corners, his full lips looking

She felt breathless.

She decided that she could certainly say no next time.

Couldn't she?

ONE month later.

Nickolas looked at his reflection on the mirror.

His long, thick hair reached the back of his neck, swept back and neatly controlled by a

Sometimes, a woman would try to say he should cut it short after a romp in bed.

But they did not really mean it.

Nor would he, if they actually did.

It was the one thing from the old days he insisted on keeping.

Black jeans and black casual shirt, both expensive brands, on a well worked-out body.

Only the best for Nickolas Benson.

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A long way from old devil Nick DiAngelo with the old jeans, the filthy t-shirts and the
worn black leather jacket.

If he had chosen to wear his usual expensive suits with the matching ties, he knew he
wouldn't have gotten past the first date with Iliana.

After a month of dating, she was more comfortable around him.

At least she had stopped looking for an obscure spot every time she talked to him.

For a month now, he had been taking her to the hottest spots in the city: the theater,
ballet, dancing clubs, restaurants. Almost every night, he would pick her up from outside
her apartment and be the escort of her dreams.

Kind, chivalrous, obliging.

And every night, he would return her at home before twelve and see her safe inside her

He hadn't kissed her once.

That was not part of the plan.

She had to feel completely safe before he entered phase two.

A strong attraction between them persisted. He couldn't just kiss her and then suddenly

He had to follow the plan.

He'd lived the better part of his life by planning well, brilliantly, meticulously. He wanted
to take Iliana the same way.

He could not allow the possibility of losing.

Of losing...her.

Besides...tonight was the night.

How could they be together in one place with no one around and not touch each other?

It would be too tempting.

He was afraid it would be, at least, for him.

The wait was over this night.

He just hoped that Iliana would be ready.

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Chapter Three

"MEDIOCRE," murmured Iliana to herself.

Iliana stood naked in front of her closet mirror. She was trying to find the thing that made
Nickolas notice her a month ago.

She had a very common pale face that always seemed to be redder than any other face
when she was blushing, with a pert nose and red, puffed lips that looked about ready to
burst. She had long, red hair she always kept controlled in heavy plaits or tight ponytails
because it was wild and insanely curly, and when loose unfortunately made her look like
a person engulfed in flames whenever her face was blushing. She had very light blue eyes
that she always thought made her look like a blind person.

So she always looked like a blind person on fire. What could Nickolas possibly like with

She had a body that was thin but fit since she was always working.

She had a chest she could do without because she had breasts men liked to stare at.

Hey, jerks. My eyes are up here, okay?


As a consequence, she hid them in smaller and tighter bra cups and unshapely shirts.

She supposed she wasn't really ugly. Anthony always said that she was quite attractive to
the opposite sex. She'd grown up trying to fend off men's attention. On the other hand,
some men were so horny they'd hump a post with a skirt, so that wasn't exactly
enlightening. She would have to leave the observations to the men.

Like Nickolas.

But he hadn't kissed her yet.

While every time they touched, even accidentally, she wanted to rip his clothes off and
kiss him all over.

But he didn't seem to have the same urge.

If he didn't feel what she felt, why was he taking her on these big, expensive dates?

It was very perplexing.

Iliana had never felt like this, nor had she e ver experienced anything like this before. And
although her sexual experience had been limited to just one lover a long time ago, she
was not so ignorant to realize this was no ordinary fling.

When he had invited her out tonight, she felt something different. Like this night would
be a milestone to them.

She didn't know why she knew or how it would happen.

She just knew.

She had grown up listening to her instincts. She had no formal education-there was no
money to pay for that. She had been able to go to school for a while and the teachers had

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said she was intelligent. But they had to let her go when she couldn't pay her way through
school. She had to do whatever she could just to put food on the table and buy medicine
for her grandmother, who had lived with her when she was still alive.

She wouldn't have survived that neighborhood without her instincts. They had never let
her down.

And right now they were telling her that something was up.

Her heart could not stop its incessant heavy thudding.

He was coming for her.

He would arrive in half an hour and she hadn't decided what to wear.

Her options weren't many-nothing controversial or extraordinary. Her wardrobe totaled
six articles of clothing.

If she were Nickolas, she would be embarrassed to take her out to anywhere.

And if I was a little less proud, I would be embarrassed to walk inside all these luxurious
places, dressed in rags.

She smiled to herself.

Because she was who she was, she did so anyway.

Iliana would pass women in expensive dresses as if she was the Queen of England,
secretly wishing the floor would suck her in but outwardly showing nothing of the sort as
Nickolas held her hand. He didn't seem to mind.

He was one of those few men who could talk with her without ogling her breasts. He
steadily held her gaze while she spoke her mind, which grew more frequent as she got to
know him.

It was because he listened. His focus was always on her. He would ask questions, and
pretty soon she would be talking.

He would answer in ways that told her he totally understood what she was saying, and
she wondered how he could easily understand her.

She supposed she was glad that his entire attention was on her despite being in the
presence of one actress who had just won her latest Oscar and a state senator with
fawning celebrities in tow. None of this seemed to deter him anyway, since he saw elites
fairly often. His eyes never strayed far from her face.

It drove her insane sometimes because she wanted him to look down for a moment so she
could see what he was really thinking about her body.

He never did.

So in control.

That was Nickolas Benson.

She finally picked a long-sleeved grey dress that ended at her knees and had a tall neck. It
had belonged to her mother.

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She sighed. She had worn it twice with Nickolas but it would have to do.

Maybe her instincts were wrong.

At the rate they were going, he probably only needed an employee who could serve him
good coffee.

Maybe he wasn't really mysterious, but was just weird that way.

At least by then she could probably be able to afford better clothes.

"Tonight, I will be offering you dinner at The Castle. I think it's about time you see my
house, don't you?" he told her as they drove away in his car.

She felt her body freeze at the mention of the name.

"The Castle? As in that place with the capital C?"

His lips twitched in amusement.

"Yes. It's my home. It was named this way by the paparazzi and in the end I got to like it,
so I kept it."

She knew about the history of the name but she didn't realize he owned it. I t was
supposed to be this place that was picturesque but very private, highly secure and
inaccessible, which was why the media dubbed it The Fortress. They could not get in
without special passes. And then they could only stay outside.

She could only guess why Nickolas lived in such a house.


"You'll see."

They drove out of the city on a road that led to a big hill. Large swaths of woods covered
either side as far as she could see.

She was surprised because she thought no buildings existed anywhere in this area. She
supposed it was appropriate a place that was dubbed a fortress could be found here.

Iliana was getting nervous.

Just before they reached the peak of the hill, they turned onto a small, narrow road that
was hardly visible. They continued for about fifteen minutes until a huge metal double
door suddenly loomed before them, bathed in the vehicle's powerful headlights.

It was heavy and thick. Tall walls spread from both sides. Adorning the top of these walls
were reels of sinister- looking barbed wire.

The heavy doors opened almost silently, automatically.

Chills went up her spine.

As they drove through it, Iliana felt as if they were passing through a barrier to another

It was eerily exotic.

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Chapter Four

ON ONE SIDE of the long driveway was a standing canopy.

A large man, wearing a dark suit and holding a walkie-talkie, stood outside it, motioning
to Nickolas to proceed as they passed.

"Tell me again... what line of work did you say you are in? A mob leader, maybe? How
many of him do you have?" she asked.

He smiled. "Some unfortunate past encounters with the paparazzi made me realize that I
need a very good security staff to protect my privacy. I have a few others like him. But I
assure you, I'm a simple businessman."

"Yeah. So was Capone," she joked.

Somehow, she felt that if he wanted to know her background, he could know whatever he
felt like uncovering. There was nothing that she could hide from him.

Then she suddenly had a strange thought.

God! Did he know?

Why would he want to?

The large man's image appeared inside her head.

She almost cringed.

Sure, it was just a paparazzi problem.

They continued in silence for five more minutes. Whatever she wanted to ask, she knew
she never would.

As they reached the top, Nickolas stopped the car.

"The Castle," he said softly.

They were at the opening to an enormous, heavily- lit plateau surrounded by tall trees. In
front of them spread a colorful pandemonium as far as the eye could see. Small gardens
of all sizes and shapes lay filled with flowers of all kinds and colors. They were separated
by a road branching off in a dozen different directions, forming numerous intersections.

Beyond, she could see the house.

The Castle.

She stared in awe.

Enormous, it occupied almost the entire back side of the plateau. It resembled a castle
straight out of a fairy-tale, replete with towers and turrets. Except for the dark-red towers
and window frames, the entire structure gleamed a bright white. Behind it lay the forest,
while the hill continued upwards in dramatic fashion.

"Dear Lord...!"

Nickolas watched her put a hand to her chest and he smiled. He could only imagine what
she was thinking.

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It was a ridiculous place, but it served its function well. Whatever he thought of it, he
knew she would find it beautiful. Or at least, he hoped.

That was why he brought her here.

He was suddenly anxious. He wanted to know what she thought of it now.

"Well, what do you think?"

She gulped.

He could only wonder if it was the huge mansion or what they would possibly be doing
inside it in a few minutes that made her nervous.

"So... are Snow White and the seven dwarves making an appearance now? Or will
Sleeping Beauty pass by first? And what about Walt? Will he join us for dinner?"

He blinked. Then he started laughing.


He suddenly realized he was doing this a lot since he met her, and it always felt

She just looked at him, an oblique, playful smile on her lips. It was like she somehow
knew he did not laugh often and she thought that insane.

He couldn't help but notice how sexy her expression was.

How seductive her eyes looked.

She was incredible.

She was scared, yet she found reasons to relax.

And she was so beautiful.

His cock responded to that thought.


This waiting was becoming ridiculous.

He couldn't hold back any more.

He was hoping they could at least reach the house, but that now seemed impossible...

Nicholas grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her roughly to his body. She only had
time for a brief, surprised scream before his lips crashed into hers.

He squeezed her body to his, his lips besieging hers passionately and getting more
aggressive by the second. His tongue invaded her mouth ferociously, found hers
immediately and started playing, dancing the ancient dance of a male and a female in

There was only a moment's hesitation before she started to reciprocate, and when she did
he could tell how wholeheartedly she did it.

She wanted this, too.

There was nothing holding her back.

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He smiled inwardly.

And heard her moan of protest when he took his mouth from hers for a moment.

"My brave, wild cat..." he murmured, looking at the beautiful flushed face, before kissing
her delicious full lips again.

An eternity later, he pushed her gently back to her seat.

"We can't do this here," he whispered in a hoarse voice. "I don't want our first time in this
cramped space. I want to make love to you under the stars."

She nodded like she was ready for anything. She was trembling and he knew that both of
them couldn't wait anymore.

He started the car again and drove to the Castle.

The spell had set in, and they were both under its power...

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Chapter Five


Manly, luxurious, and modern. There was nothing fairy tale- ish about the place. It was
what a rich bachelor's bedroom should be.

Lit softly by a small lamp on the bedside. King-sized bed conquering the room, leaning
on the wall. Right above the bed, a series of windows providing a panoramic view of the
forest, now covered by dark curtains.

The most beautiful part of the room was above the bed.

There seemed to be no ceiling, and she suddenly understood what he had meant about the

The ceiling was just a glass partition with an amazing view of the stars in the sky.
Thousands of them, sparkling and glowing. She gaped at the m, open- mouthed, until he
kissed her again. And she forgot about them.

He took her in his arms and sat her on the edge of the bed.

He stayed, standing still in front of her.

His hand lifted her head so that she could see him.

He started unbuttoning his shirt slowly, sensually.

One button at a time, not hurrying a bit.

He locked her eyes with him as he took off the shirt and threw it to the floor.

He was simply gorgeous.

Muscles excellently worked out, not a single hair marring the perfection of his smooth

Broad shoulders- no wonder he looked so large yet elegant on his suits.

He was a work of art and right now, he was hers.

His cock, rock-hard, its shape visible in the front of his trousers and at the same height as
her eyes.

She enjoyed the view, wondering how it would be to make love to him. Her lips were dry
and her tongue slipped out to moisten them.

She heard him groan from above.

He pulled her up and his lips searched for hers. He started kissing her madly, like a
thirsty man finding water. His hands moved down her thighs and started pulling the hem
of her dress upwards.

As the hem reached her hips, his right hand slipped below it, between her legs, and
worked its way upwards to her inner thighs.

It crossed softly along the slot of her love nest, over her underwear. The spasm his touch
produced was intense, causing her to rock a little.

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He gently pushed her down again until she was sitting just on the edge of the bed, guiding
her deliberately.

He kneeled before her, in front of her separated knees. With soft movements, he raised
her right foot and took her shoe off, then did the same with the other. Grabbing the hem
of her dress once again, he lifted it beyond her head, doing the same with her bra.

He still looked so much in control, but she saw his nostrils flare up once her breasts were
free from her bra.

Ahh... at last she knew how he felt about her breasts.

She felt his hands quiver slightly when he moved to pull her panties off. Her heart was

She didn't think he wanted her this much. He'd never given this much of a clue. He's been
holding out on me, the brute, she thought.

But her heart, if it could, was smiling.

She was left with nothing now, totally naked.

His eyes glittered as they watched her.

"Oh my are magnificent..."

And she did feel magnificent.

ILIANA was much more beautiful than he had imagined. Thin yet fit, slender and
elegant like a statue of Venus.

Her skin was shining white, her legs long and sexy. And her luscious breasts... perfect
spheres of beauty, overly generous and defying the laws of gravity. Soft red fluff covered
the spot at the apex of her thighs.

His eyes went lower and his mind filled with images of pink pleasure.

His mouth went dry.

He took her in his arms and placed her in the middle o f the bed. In his mind, he saw
himself attacking her, because his need was great. He was ready to fuck her until she
screamed and came with lust...but that wasn't his plan for her.

Even when he felt feverish with hunger.

He would make love to her, please her, do everything in his power for this first mating to
be perfect.

Before he changed his mind, he stood from the bed and started peeling everything else
from his body.

Her eyes followed every movement of his with a hunger he hadn't seen in any woman's
eyes before, and it almost undid him.

Her look said she was ready to rush up, attack him with want.

But she remained lying down, bare and naked and waiting for him. Quivering, yet
remaining motionless.

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Finally, he set his cock free, and her eyes widened a little as they fastened on him. He
knew he was larger than average. That's what all the women he'd ever bedded said to
him. This seemed to be of advantage, especially since he seemed to know exactly what to
do to make a woman happy.

He finally laid down beside her, careful not to touch her prematurely, very careful not to
lose control.

There was a wild insane side within him that he did not want Iliana to learn.

Not yet.

Sometimes he could feel a familiarity with her that he could not explain. The way she
would sometimes receive his stare with her eyes, the way those eyes would seem to
challenge his.

As if there was someone else inside wanting to get out.

Wanting to meet him.

Wanting to greet the wild part of him.

Those eyes were staring into his own no w, directly challenging him again.

She wasn't moving.

She wasn't talking.

Just heavy breathing now, the fast movement of a pulse on the white skin of her neck, as
she anticipated the next moment.

It was his lips that first touched her. His lips covered her own and he started kissing her
while his hand reached out to caress her hair. His lips seduced her, slowly. Methodically.

She returned his kiss hungrily, eagerly, more demanding than his controlled kiss.

He almost smiled.

His wild cat, eagerly showing a little teeth.

His lips left her mouth for her neck.

His kiss was fierce now, devouring her flesh, biting, sucking, licking.

With every breath, he became brash and bolder.

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Chapter Six

HIS HANDS REACHED for her breasts. He gently held and squeezed both of the
perfect, soft orbs together, his eyes watching the beautiful view before him.

Her breasts were so beautiful and exquisite.

He moved his body, now half on top of her. She could feel his cock on her left leg. He
pushed his left knee up, until it touched the slot of her love nest, rubbing it firmly with
every move of his body, while his cock was doing the exact same thing on her leg,

Now both his hands held her breasts, kneading those delicious round wonders, his thumbs
playing with their pink buttons until they were both rigid and aroused, ready for suckling.
She moaned when he lowered his head to put one nipple inside his mouth.

Hmm, succulent and delicious.

They were soft, warm, and very sensitive.

He could feel her quiver as she arched her back towards him, pushing her breast to his
face at every nip and suck, with every circle and flick of his tongue on the pink, crinkled

He gave the same attention to her other breast, loving the feel of its softness pressed to
his face, the taste of its nipple inside his warm mouth, the feel of the button in his tongue.

Oh, he could love them forever.

But other parts of her needed attention, too, and his other hand traced the line towards the
apex of her opened thighs, fingers reaching her lo ve button. He started rubbing it, at first
smoothly and slowly, dipping towards the wet opening of her sex to lubricate his fingers
with her juices.

He groaned upon feeling that wetness.

She was so aroused, so there with him.

But he couldn't lose control.

He rubbed two fingers to her clit again, and she flinched and moaned and started grinding
her sex to his hand. He rubbed, fast and fierce.

Fiercer and faster.

Her lower part was electrified, shaking, her whole body shivering.

His tongue licked at her engorged nipple, his fingers playing with the clit below, both
movements in sync, same way, same extreme speed and fierceness.

The movements of his body was telling her she was almost there, almost reaching her

"Oh God... noo... wait... don't...!"

She groaned and reached out to pull his hand away from her sex. But she was too late.

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He had slid two fingers inside her pleasure hole, sliding in and out as fast as he suckled.
A small scream erupted from her mouth, and he knew as she exploded, she'd co mpletely
lost touch with this world.

Nickolas watched her reaching the most phantasmagorical orgasm he had ever seen.

Her face got all white, then flushed.

Her eyes closed and tears squeezed out of her lids.

She stopped breathing for a few seconds and the n started making small voices of

Her body shivered and shook for a few moments more as he held her.

In the end, a smile of unbelievable satisfaction adorned her mouth. She looked like a cat,
lying lazily under the sun. When she finally opened her eyes they were shining bright.

This was the very moment when he realized, since finding out he really had fallen in love
with her, that there was no turning back.

And he, the person who rarely lost control, was irrevocably taken over.

ILIANA was feeling... complete, full.

She had never felt like this before.

And it was soooo beautiful!

Suddenly, a vision of Ramon appeared, uninvited.

He had been her first and only lover. Although they had been together almost a year, he
never made her feel that way before.

She felt like she was somehow betraying this boy she loved a lifetime ago. There might
have been no choice but to be with him, and she was grateful that, because of him, she
was able to get out. She knew that her love for him was born out of gratefulness.

Ramon loved her, too, in his own way. He was the only other person who was able to
reach her heart.

And that had been important.

NICKOLAS watched her smile disappeared and her face exchange various expressions
in seconds.

Wonder, embarrassment, sadness, guilt.

He knew exactly what she was thinking.

Or rather, whom she was thinking about.

He knew so many things about Iliana, she could never imagine he even knew-even before
he met her.

He was surprised by the feeling of rage that suddenly hit him as she thought of somebody
else while she lay in his arms.

In his bed.

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He suddenly moved and it startled her.

He didn't care.

He was losing control but he didn't care.

No other man but him.

There would be no one else.


He pushed both her knees upwards and hitched her legs over his shoulders, then roughly
grabbed her by her ass and lifted her hips.

No other man ever...

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Chapter Seven

HE STUCK HIS MOUTH into her love nest and started repeating with his tongue what
his hand had done before.

At first, she tried to resist, tried to push his head away.

She still felt too sensitive there.

But his hands were holding her still and he was totally dedicated to what he was doing.

He used all of his experience, all his technique and pretty soon Iliana was groaning and


His tongue licked, pushed and sucked at her bliss button until she was trembling. Then it
started rubbing it obsessively, increasing the speed with each move.

By then, her body was his and the first spasms started.

His own body ached and his cock had reached an unspeakable size.

He wouldn't give in yet.

His anger and stubbornness were stronger.

His tongue invaded inside her as deep as it could and she screamed out in pleasure.

He repeated it again.

Her body was shaking so uncontrollably that he had to use both hands to hold her still.

He continued the same moves with his tongue, inside-out, fast and fierce, as a prelude of
what would happen later. Her love nest was all wet now and her smell was getting him
erotically insane. He continued this attention until he gave her another orgasm.

Her reactions were exactly the same as the first time. He watched her face as she came,
and she was beautiful... so erotically seductive.

"You will be the death of me," he groaned.

All the muscles in his body were now hurting while his cock vibrated with the need to

He didn't wait for her to reply.

The moment she opened her eyes, he was kneeling between her legs and was pushing his
penis inside her... slow and steady.

She was just getting in touch with the world again when she felt him invading her. He
burned a hot trail and he was painfully big, even with her sex so wet.

Her body froze with tension.

He stopped moving, started caressing her hair and face to relax her. His sensual,
whispering voice tickled her ear.

"Easy love, relax. Let me give you even more satisfaction, what only I can give you. I
won't hurt you, I swear. I just want to make you feel wonderful, to give you bigger

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pleasure. I'm dying for your loving... I want to get lost inside your warmth, snuggle inside
you and bathe myself in your beauty. Pull me inside you, please Iliana. Take me, all of
me and burn me in your fire. Yes... like that... ohhh... yes!"

She pushed her hips at him, taking him all inside.

God... it was so perfect!

He was so big and hard!

He was filling her so completely that she no longer knew where her body ended and his

Neither of them moved for a while.

Then he put his hands on both sides of her on the bed so that he could look in her eyes.

He started moving. Slowly, carefully, giving her body time to adjust, not breaking the eye
contact for a second, nor the rhythm. At every push she moaned, and he struggled to
restrain himself at the sound.

Each penetration was a little faster, a little stronger.

Faster and faster.

Very soon, they were both out of control. His body was pounding hers with brash, wild
movements. She was moving forward with fierceness, in sync with his.

They had both forgotten any kind of tenderness or kindness.

They were taking each other, conquering each other without caring who was who. They
groaned, sighed, shivered, both shaking simultaneously.

His moves were vicious now.

Lust had finally taken control.

The only thing that was holding him back was his need to satisfy he r before himself.

When he sensed her spasming around his cock, he brought his hand to her bliss button
and rubbed it wildly, as he penetrated her even deeper. As soon as she reached her peak,
he released himself inside her with a loud moan.

Afterwards, he fell on top of her, lost.

It was quite some time afterward that he could finally move. She was still out of it. He
pulled her onto his body, so that he could put his arms around her.

He didn't want to think that the situation did not develop as he had planned. He was
supposed to seduce her, blind her with sex, not be blinded himself. He didn't want to
think that he had had the best orgasm of his life.

Or that he wanted her again, like a hungry man, so quickly, while at the same time
desperately needing to simply hold her and never let her go.

Or that he came inside her without using a condom.

Even if his partners were using some other kind of protection, he never took such a risk.

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He knew, of course, that she was taking a pill prescribed by a community doctor due to a
minor problem with her monthly cycle, but still... he never trusted anything.

The pill was not one hundred percent safe.

But he didn't care until that moment when he possessed her.

As soon as the first thrust, he had completely taken over.

And if she knew that, she would surely kill him.

She opened her eyes, looked at him and smiled like an angel.

He instantly changed his mind. He thought she could kill him, and it would be worth it.

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Chapter Eight

HE COULD TELL the exact moment she realized it.

She blinked. " didn't use protection!"

"Weren't you on the pill?" he asked, not letting her know that he knew.

"I... it didn't matter because you didn't even ask!" she replied, starting to push at him.
"What if I wasn't?!"

He had to do something to calm her down quickly. He reached and grabbed her back
before she could completely be out of his reach.

She was as untrusting as a stray cat, and he knew why.

Weren't they cut from the same mold?

Didn't they come from the same place?

Except she didn't know that.

It wasn't time for her yet to know.

"Iliana, let me explain- "

She tried to pull herself away and almost freed one of her hands and nearly punched him.
When he tried to kiss her, she tried to bite his lips.

He knew what was on her mind.

But she stopped struggling as the kiss took over. Her body was still tensed, but after a full
minute of intense and passionate kissing, she completely relaxed.

"I'm sorry," he murmured as his hands caressed her breasts. Oh, how he'd completely
fallen in love with them. "I have a box of condoms in the drawer, but I just couldn't stop
when I got inside you. It felt so delicious... since you probably knew what we'd be doing
once I got you inside my house I expected you'd be on the pill. As everyone is."

She slapped him on his chest. "I'm not everyone! I don't sleep around, Nickolas. I haven't
been in bed with a man for years since... since my first lover. And you never gave
indication we'd be... we'd be something like this. That you'd be this... I didn't know you
would be this lustful." She looked flushed again.

"Hmm... lustful is an understatement." He soothed her with more kissing, snuggling, and
caressing. "I wanted you so badly... Iliana. You can look inside the drawer and see the
condoms, if you want."

He heard the sigh of relief when she saw the box. She was as distrustful as he knew she
would be. It might be too weird to other people, but he knew where it came from.

"I'll do anything you want. Tomorrow morning I'll go and buy the morning-after pill, or
anything else you want. I'm really sorry. I guess... but you do use protection?"

She tried to concentrate on what he was saying.

Although his voice sounded really sad and his expression was really guilty, something
just did not feel right.

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He didn't strike her as a man that would just forget such a thing.

And he didn't sound really concerned, either. He seemed more concerned for things to go
his way, except she could not prove it and logic dictated that it did not make any sense.

Why would he lie to her?

She couldn't think of any reason.

She looked at him suspiciously. "I'm taking the pill," she admitted reluctantly.

"Ohh... but then... everything is fine! We just ruled out the possibility of a pregnancy. I
assure you that I'm perfectly healthy and I have no doubt in my mind you are, too. So, no
harm done."

This sudden, cheerful mood struck her as rather odd.

But before she had time to think more clearly, his mouth was once again attacking hers
with gusto.

She melted into the kiss.

He kissed so deliciously, so heavenly.

How could she think straight when he was kissing her?

She thought they were going to make love again, but he stopped and used a phone to
command someone from somewhere inside the house to get some food ready. She
thought they were going to eat in his bedroom, in the anteroom, which was similar to a
breakfast room. It was connected to his bedroom, and from there to his study. They
retired there after the call came that everything was ready.

The table was laden with her favorite dishes. It was a delight to know he really prepared
for this dinner. There were lamb steaks and fruits, and wine. Delicious, sweet,
intoxicating wine.

After the sumptuous meal, he gave her time to clean herself in his big bath before he was
carrying her to the bed again.

They made love again... slow and delirious, very satisfying. Still, they did not sleep
despite her feeling so exhausted.

Being with him was electrifying.

She couldn't spare any time for sleep if she could help it.

When she thought they were going to make love for the third time, he just kissed her.
Long, delicious, passionate kisses that didn't go anywhere but make her purr with
satisfaction and contentment as she laid in the security of his arms.

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Chapter Nine

HOURS PASSED until it was almost dawn.

They could see the still-dark sky through his glass ceiling.

Iliana was half-asleep as Nickolas played with her hair. There was no sign that he was
sleepy or even feeling tired. He was wrong-he was going to be the death of me, she
thought with a smile as she laid in his arms.

"Iliana... where did your name come from? Did it mean something?"

She was not too sleepy to answer. "My parents were second-generation Greek
immigrants. Ilios in Greek means sun. It was my daddy's idea because when I was born,
he said that my red hair blinded him. As if he had looked straight at the sun with bare
eyes for too long. It was silly and funny, but that's how I got my name..."

Her lips were smiling nostalgically as she watched the glass ceiling.

The sky was starting to show lighter shades of blue.

NICKOLAS felt his heart bleeding.

The old, familiar guilt rushed throughout him.

He chased it away, as he had been doing for all these years.

He was ready to complete the second part of his plan, which was to make her open up to
him entirely. He did not need guilt to accomplish this.

He knew he was going to inflict great pain.

But he had to do it.

Besides, there were some details he didn't know and he had to learn every little thing if he
wanted to keep her alive.

His body was stiff with tension, but he proceeded.

"Tell me about your childhood, about your family."

She froze. Her smile faded and she looked at him with tortured eyes. "Why?"

He smiled at her. "I want to know everything about you. I knew you've lost your pare nts
because you have already mentioned it, but I want to know more. Please, Kitty, tell me."

Nickolas' voice was tender and melancholic and his eyes looked sad, almost as if this talk
hurt him as much as her.

But she couldn't.

She hadn't spoken to anyone about this.

Not even to Ramon who actually knew the story, more or less.

She moved from him and turned her face away.

"I don't want to talk anymore now." Her voice sounded thin and squeaky, almost

She felt like she was six years old again...

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But Nickolas wouldn't let her go. He brought her back to him, skin touching warm skin.
Ignoring her attempts to resist, he put his arms around her and placed her head on his
chest, right above his thudding heart.

He started gently caressing her hair and c heek and spoke tenderly.

"You have to talk eventually, sweetheart. Talk to me now."

There was authority in his voice.

"I want to know more about you, everything I can. I want to be able to help you, protect
you, be your wall so you can lean on me when yo u need to."

He kissed the top of her head.

"I haven't felt like this with any other woman, Kitty. I feel very protective of you, like
you're one stray cat I found and now I own you. Do you understand? I want you to trust
me. Tell me everything, the most important things about you. I want to know about

The strong beating of his heart was calming her, making her feel safe. Maybe she could
talk, after all.

It was so long ago.

Maybe... this man... who seemed to know her so well... understood her and seemed
willing to accept her, even when she came from a very questionable background.

Besides, he didn't know her parents.

It would be just another story to him.

Maybe she... she could tell the story, and maybe feel for the first time that she's finally not

Not anymore.

Maybe she really could trust him.

She already felt like they had shared each other's soul after what happened a few hours
ago. Making love with him felt exactly like that. Like they'd become one; equal parts to a

Soul mates.

She smiled to herself.

She never thought she could be this melodramatic.

Maybe she really was in love?

She started talking, at first in a flat, emotionless voice.

It was the only way she could tell the story without breaking down.

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Chapter Ten

"M Y PARENTS were poor. In fact, when I was born, we became poorer because my
daddy lost his job. He could hardly find a day's labor and my mommy was cleaning
houses. We lived in a neighborhood that wasn't good. We never got out of the house after
dark and in daylight we always watched our steps. Gangs were in control. We had Los
Lobos in ours, which in Spanish means the wolves. The Wolves were always battling
against another gang from another neighborhood. They were Italians and they were called
Le Pantere, which means, the Panthers."

As she finished her last sentence, his heart started beating irregularly, faster, but she was
too immersed in the past to notice.

Her own pulse started racing, too.

She continued as if she was reciting a text she had memorized. Her voice became deeper
and lower.

"One night, Daddy went out to fetch Mommy. She was late cleaning house and she was
afraid to come back home alone. I was six then, and he left me with Granny, my daddy's
mom, who also lived with us because she was old and had sta rted to forget things.
Besides, she had a small pension and that was a great help to us back then. It was a small
apartment of two rooms and four people living in it. Even I remember that it was hard
and I was just six.

"Around ten, we heard car brakes screaming and constant noise from afar. It sounded...
bang-bang-bang, like fireworks exploding one after the other. They were gun shots... but
I did not know that then. I was too young to know the difference. I honestly thought they
were just fireworks...

"What I didn't know was that some members of the Panthers had stolen a car and had
come to our territory. They were shooting at everything. Walls, doors, windows,
pavements, everything. It's a good thing that people didn't walk outside at this hour.

"Only two did. My parents. And that's how th-they d-died."

Nickolas knew there was more. He felt very terrible, but he had to let her talk about it.

To tell him about it, so she would not wonder why he knew.

"Who found them, Iliana?"

It took her a long time to answer, so long he thought she wouldn't say anything.

"I did."

Her voice sounded more distant now, as if she had disappeared into the most hidden part
of her, and she only had her voice to show herself. "I heard the shots and I rushed out of
my bed and ran to the door. I just had to see the fireworks and my poor granny was no
match for me. I was so much faster than her, she couldn't stop me.

"I ran down the stairs and got out of the house. There was a jeep, and one man looked at
me and he was holding a long gun, and then he jumped on the jeep with the others before
it drove away. My parents... they were lying on their backs on the pavement, just outside
the house. They were so near the door... just a few steps more and they could have been

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inside. They were still holding hands, because, you know, they were always holding
hands when they were walking, like couples that I watch in the park across the street."

He understood now why she was so much calmer, so much happier when he held her
hand while they walked. When he first did that, she had looked at their linked fingers
quizzically, but didn't pull away, even though she had been as skittish as a stray cat.

He couldn't almost hear anymore. It felt like his brain had exploded into millions of

She continued in her monotone.

"Daddy's face was covered with something and I couldn't tell what it was. It was a red
gluey thing, with other little white things in it, some soft and others harder. I tried to get it
off of him. And my hands were full of it now...

"Mommy seemed like she was sleeping. But her blouse had two huge holes on it-her
beautiful white blouse, with the pink flowers! Her hand was moving up and down
quickly, like she was waving at me. I giggled. I thought she was playing with me so I sat
down beside her to tell her about the fireworks.

"I waited for her to smile at me like she would in the mornings when I went to their bed
and squeezed myself between them and tickled them until they woke up. Of course now I
know they were faking, but when I was a child it was one of the most important things...

"But she wouldn't open her eyes. She had stopped moving. I thought she had gone back
to sleep. I thought about tickling her, but I decided not to. So I sat there, holding her hand
and waited. And then a policeman came. And he made me let go of her hand. And I don't
remember what happened next." She paused.

He felt like his chest was going to explode, but he was still able to ask. "You saw one of
the killers?"

He head nodded once, a very small movement. "Yes. I saw him, Nickolas DiAngelo.
They said that was his name. He was put in jail. He was punished for what he did to my

Nickolas closed his eyes very tightly.

"I don't want to talk anymore now, thank you," she said in a very small voice. "Please
don't make me talk anymore."

The sky was already light by then, and he was holding her so tight he thought she was
going to protest.

But she didn't.

She didn't make a sound.

She was asleep, her beautiful face as innocent as a child's.

He breathed deeply, slowly, then reached for the controller and pushed the button for the
mechanical blinds. Slowly, the blinds on both the open ceiling and the windows closed.
And the whole room was bathed in shadows.

Tears started falling from his eyes.

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She found refuge in sleep. He knew that. After that night her parents were murdered, she
just slept.

She had to be put in the hospital for sustenance because she wouldn't wake up.

She would just sleep.

For six months. The state had to pay to put her up, while he scraped together every
currency he could to help.

She eventually woke up-to a life she had to endure as an orphan after her parents was
murdered. And he was sent to jail, a minor punishment for the horrible things he let

He felt like throwing up.

Guilt returned and this time he let it torture him.

If he could, he would send Iliana away from him.

But he couldn't, since death was all around her now.

Because of him.


~ ~ ~ ~

The End

~ ~ ~ ~

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Wrong Numbe r

Devon wakes up to the news that her husband was involved in an accident that left his
wrecked car at the bottom of the river, with no body to be found. Followed by a series of
mysterious phone calls asking for Dan that send chills down Devon's spine, she knows
something just isn't right. But the worst is yet to come...

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Free Preview of the other Ebook:
Wrong Number

Finally! Devon thought as she sat down on the couch in her new apartment.

Moving was never easy, but she had done it so many times now that it was becoming
somewhat of a routine. However, this time it was different. She wasn't going to be
moving again in the near future, if ever. It had taken a while to save the money she
needed, but now she had her very own book shop. Even better, her spacious apartment
was right over the shop, which meant that she had everything she needed conveniently
within reach.

The first order of business had been to get her belongings moved into the apartment.
Tomorrow, Devon would begin unpacking boxes and stocking the shelves of her shop
with the help of Janina, the girl she had hired to help her. Together, she hoped that they
would be able to get most of it all done within a couple of days. She really wanted to
have her grand opening by the end of the week. Saturdays were usually excellent days to
hold them because people would be looking for something to do on the weekends.

Devon had planned it all out beautifully. She did her research and found that this tiny
coastal town on the east coast would be the perfect location for her book shop. Crystal
Cove was small enough to be quaint, but large enough that tourists visiting nearby beach
resorts would be able to find it easily enough. In fact, tourism was a large part of the
town's income. When she found Crystal Cove, it boasted one casual dining restaurant,
one fine dining restaurant, a Victorian bed and breakfast as well as a small but elegant
inn. There were other necessary businesses in town but there was no book shop. That's
where Devon came in.

She was going to be selling all sorts of books. There would be sections for romances,
mysteries, occult, research materials, and even a children's section. That was going to be
set up as a story time area. Her favorite part, though, was in the back of the shop. That's
where Devon would be offering Tarot readings in a private and specially decorated area.
No one had to know that her information came from sources that had nothing to do with

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the Tarot. She had been playing that off for years so that people didn't become afraid of
her and her abilities.

Well, Devon thought. I can't just sit here daydreaming. I've got to get busy. Her
electricity, water, and landline phone were all turned on and she could now stay here. The
movers were due to arrive in a few hours to bring in her furniture. One thing at a time,
she thought. She got up and started to do some cleaning and measuring so that she would
know where she could put what.

This is going to be amazing, Devon thought. Dan would have loved it. No, I'm not going
to think about him right now. It's only going to make me sad and I can't afford to get
depressed right now. She went into her sunny kitchen and grabbed a diet soda from the
refrigerator. Stocking the refrigerator had been something she had had the foresight to do.
She would get her bed set up and at least be able to eat something in her own home

Just as she popped the top on the soda, her phone rang. Startled, she nearly spit out her
swallow of diet coke. It had to be a wrong number, she thought as she went back into the
living room to answer the phone. Picking up the phone, she said a cautious but cheery
"Hello." At first, no one said anything.

"Hi, is anyone there?" Devon said.

"Hi," a deep male voice said. "I guess I must have the wrong number. I was trying to get
in touch with Dan, but you're obviously not him."

"Dan?" A little unpleasant shock ran through Devon's body. "How do you know Dan?"
"Hey, I'm really sorry for bothering you."

Before she could say anything else, her caller had hung up. She checked the caller ID and
saw Unknown Number registered there. How odd, she thought. There wasn't enough time
left to dwell on it, though, because at that moment, the movers pulled up. She was
distracted for the next couple of hours with supervising the unloading of her furniture and
boxes of things.

As she had promised herself, Devon got her bed set up and a path cleared so that she
could eat a simple dinner in her very own kitchen. She nibbled on a salad and an avocado
and bacon sandwich when she remembered the odd phone call from earlier. That really
had to be a coincidence, she thought. It did make her miss Dan even more than ever. That
feeling was especially bad at night. She tended to remember the way he used to make her
body absolutely sing with pleasure. No man had ever been able to do that for her before
or since. In fact, Devon was pretty much afraid that she would never meet another man
that would do that to her.

Suddenly, she realized just how tired she was. She got up and changed into her pajama
pants and spaghetti strap t-shirt. Washing her face and brushing her teeth completed the
bedtime ritual for tonight. She slipped into her bed and turned out the lamp on her
nightstand. Just as she was dozing off, her telephone started to ring. Fortunately, she had
an extension sitting on her nightstand so all she had to do was reach over and pick it up.

"Hello," she said.

"Hi, is Dan there?" came the same male voice from earlier.

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"It's you again," Devon said accusatorially. "Who is this and what do you want?" "Oops,
I've got a wrong number again! So sorry!" And with that, the connection was broken.

Dammit! Now, Devon would never be able to get to sleep. What the hell was going on?
Was someone trying to play some sort of joke on her? If so, it was a very cruel one and
she didn't appreciate it. Dan was gone and he wasn't ever going to come back. She had
only recently begun to accept that and now, some asshole was trying to rattle her cage. Of
course, she could be crazy. It could just be that it was an honest mistake. Dan was a
pretty common name, after all.

Common, however, was the last word that would ever have described her Dan. Laying
back onto her pillow, she could see his tousled black hair, high cheekbones, blue green
eyes and sexy sideways smile. God, how she missed him! No one was ever going to take
his place and she knew it. Her body still missed him every night. Even right now, when
she was tired and hot, her body wanted Dan to be touching her, kissing her, and making
love to her. Finally, she turned over on her side and went to sleep with a single tear
sliding down her cheek.

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"Wake up, sweetheart. Devon, open your eyes and look at me."

"Mmm but it's so wonderful to lay here like this with you, Dan. Do we really have to get
up now?"

"Yes, darling. I would love nothing more than to hold you in my arms all day, but now
isn't the time. There's something I must tell you and it's important that you pay attention."

"Of course, Dan, I'm listening. What is it?"

"You need to be careful. I can't protect you from where I am but you need to know that
you're in danger."

"Danger? Who on earth wants to hurt me?"

"Shhh, don't speak. I'll tell you everything."

There was a ringing sound in Devon's ears suddenly. She was trying so hard to hold Dan's
face in her mind but he was fading very quickly. The ringing became louder and more
insistent. Devon's eyes flew open. She realized that the telephone was ringing on her
nightstand. The sun was shining brightly and streaming through the partially opened
curtains. Her bedside clock read 8:35 AM. Who the hell could be calling her at this hour?
Reaching over, she lifted the phone and mumbled into it.

"Good morning, is Dan there, please?"

This again! She didn't even bother trying to carry on a conversation. Simply
disconnecting the call would have to do. Devon didn't have the time, patience or energy
for this. However, she was awake now and had a full day ahead of her. A shower sounded
great to her at that moment so she got out of bed and padded into the bathroom.

Minutes later, she was stripped and standing under the refreshing spray of water. Picking
up the tube of shower gel, she squirted some into her hand and started to move her soapy
hands over her body. As she passed over her full breasts, the unexpected stimulation
caused her to emit a gasp. She had lost count of how long it had been since she had
experienced any sort of sexual pleasure. Her toys had even been neglected because she
just hadn't felt the need for them. Now, however, as she absently lightly pinched her
nipples, she felt a jolt of sexual electricity move through her body.

Closing her eyes, she continued to tease her nipples until the ache had moved directly to
her clit. Without seeming to be aware of her actions, Devon slid one hand down over her
stomach to her nether region. With a single minded motion, she parted the folds that
revealed her clit that stood out like a tiny erect cock. Stroking it only brought her a more
exquisite and torturous need for release. As she continued, that special sensation started
to creep over her before slamming into her violently. Devon cried out as she rode her
hand, moving the other one down so that she could slip two finge rs deep inside of her
soaking and spasming pussy. Just as she was coming down from that orgasm, she felt it
rising inside her again. Before she returned to herself, Devon had reached a total of four
intense orgasms. Now, she was weak and her legs were bare ly holding her up. Giving
into the afterglow of the moment, she slid down the shower walls and sat under the
cascading water.

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Well, she thought. I suppose that was inevitable. After all, I'm still young and healthy,
and it has been quite a while since I allowed myself to have any physical pleasure. Dan
wouldn't want me to deny myself. This is probably good for me and will help me clear
my mind because I really need to think about that very odd dream I was having before the
phone rang.

Devon finished showering and dressed in faded jeans and a spaghetti strap tank top. It
was going to be rather warm today while she and Janina worked in the shop. That
reminded her that she needed to be sure that the air conditioning was turned on.
Otherwise, they were going to be sweating all over the books. After putting a on a pot of
French Vanilla coffee, she toasted a bagel and covered it in cream cheese. This was,
sometimes, her favorite part of the day. It had always been so very special for Dan and

Thinking of Dan brought the memory of her dream back to her. There was something that
he had wanted to tell her. That part of the dream she remembered very clearly. It was
something about her being in danger and he wasn't going to be able to protect her.
Dreams can be very strange events. She did remember how real it felt, though. She could
still see Dan's beautiful blue green eyes gazing into her big brown ones. I really didn't
want to wake up, she thought. Maybe I should read on it later.

Of course, now it was time to get to work. She had a new life here in Crystal Cove and
she wanted to be sure that it got off to a great start. Carrying her coffee downstairs, she
entered the box filled shop. Just as she walked into the main part of the shop, Janina
knocked on the window at the door and waved at her. Hiring her is one the best decisions
I've made, Devon thought, smiling and waving back. She went over and unlocked the
door to let Janina inside.

"Hi there, you're right on time!" exclaimed Devon. "Would you like some coffee? I made
some just before coming downstairs." "Oh that sounds great! But don't worry; I'll go up
and get a cup myself."

"Ok, but be careful. Everything is still sort of a disaster area." Janina's long, toned legs
quickly jogged up the stairs that led to Devon's apartment. She was back in no time
holding a large mug of coffee. The two women discussed where they needed to focus first
and got started with the unpacking and arranging. Time flew by and they didn't stop until
it was nearly 2:30 PM. They had started making quite a dent in the work that needed to
be done.

"Ok, let's take a break," Devon announced. "I'm actually hungry and pretty thirsty. I can't
believe you didn't say anything!"

"Not me," laughed Janina. "I didn't even notice how much time went by."

"Let's go upstairs and dig around in my fridge for lunch. Then, we'll work a little longer."

As they got to the stop of the stairs, they could hear Devon's landline ringing. She opened
the door quickly and ran inside, grabbing the phone in mid-ring. With a breathless
"Hello," Devon listened to the silence on the other end of the phone. Repeating herself,
she listened intently to see if there was really anyone on the other end of the line.

"Yes, hello, is Dan available?"

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"You again. Look, how many times do you need to call this number to understand that it's
a wrong number? There is no Dan here, as I've told you every other time you have called

"Oh, so sorry to have troubled you."

Devon slammed the phone back on the table with a curse. Janina looked at her
quizzically. She supposed she should give Janina an explanation. So she told her about
this man that kept calling and asking for Dan.

"Dan? But isn't that the name of..?" "Yes, it is." Devon answered curtly.

"Ah, well I can see why you wo uld be so upset. But, you know, it's probably just a really
awful coincidence. Try not to let it get to you. It's a new number so give it a little time.
You're probably going to have a few other wrong numbers before it levels off."

"Yes, I know, you're probably right. Come on, let's raid the fridge. I don't know about
you, but I'm ready for some food and something to drink!"

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That night, Devon decided to go out for dinner and just relax. She asked Janina to go with
her to Bon Appetit, a great little restaurant just down the street from the book shop. It was
quiet and the food was excellent. She felt it was just the place to unwind after her busy
day. Besides, they had accomplished quite a lot that day.

As Devon and Janina chatted over two plates of shrimp pasta, salad, fresh baked bread
and some great wine, Devon felt herself starting to relax for the first time in weeks. They
were chatting about the shop and what they planned to accomplish the next day. At the
end of the meal, they decided they wanted some of the restaurant's bread pudding for

Devon stretched back in her chair as she surveyed the ruins of their meal. Patting her
stomach, she groaned.

"I'm so full I can barely move," she said.

Janina was laughing at her, but she was also moving pretty slowly.

"Hey, I doubt that you've eaten a decent meal during this entire move. It's good for you!"

"Yeah, good for me but not my budget when I have to replace my entire wardrobe with
larger clothes!"

"Oh stop! You can stand to gain a pound or two."

The women were still laughing together when Devon suddenly looked over to the
window of the restaurant. She saw a man standing there just in the shadows and out of the
street light. It seemed as if he was looking in at them. As she watched, he moved from the
shadows into the light just long enough for her to see his face.

"Oh my god!" she gasped. Leaping up from her chair, she took off for the door of the
restaurant. By the time she had yanked the door open, the man was gone. She went
outside and looked up and down the street but there was no sign of the man. Janina
appeared at the door as Devon stood on the street corner.

"Hey, what's going on?" Janina called.

"Nothing," Devon said. "I just thought I saw someone I knew."

She went back inside the restaurant to find the manager eyeing her warily. Oh my god,
she thought. He probably thought she was skipping out on the bill. To put his mind at
ease, she quickly paid for both meals plus a generous tip and they left.

"Ok, now tell me the truth," Janina demanded. "What did you really see?" "I did tell you
the truth," Devon replied. "There was a man standing outside the window and he was
watching us. I'm sure of it. Then, he stepped briefly into the light and I saw his face.
Janina, it was Dan!"

Janina watched her for a several minutes before replying. She wanted to be very careful
of the next words she chose.

"Dev, you've been through more than anyone should have to. I understand that and I
know that you've been trying your best to move past it. It's no wo nder that you see guys
sometimes that remind you of Dan." "This man did not remind me of Dan! He looked
exactly like Dan! I did not imagine it! I saw him!"

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"Ok, ok, sweetie, calm down. But you know that there's no way you could have seen Dan
standing outside of that window or any other window. You need to accept that you're not
going to see him again. Look, I'm coming home with you and we're going to spend some
time unpacking some boxes. Then, I'm spending the night with you. It's obvious that
you're overly tired and I'm here to help."

At first, Devon started to argue, but then realized that not only was she grateful to have
the help in getting her apartment in order so she could start feeling at home, but she was
also more than a little shaken by what she had seen. So she just nodded and they both
walked back to her apartment. It was a short walk and the night was pleasant, so they
were able to enjoy the rest of the stroll.

After Devon let herself and Janina into the apartment, they broke out a pitcher of sangria
that Devon had made the day before. It was nice and chilled and ready to be enjoyed, and
enjoy it they did! Within a few hours, they had unpacked nearly all of the boxes and had
the apartment looking almost like someone lived there. The sangria was also gone and the
ladies seemed to be feeling no pain.

They were sprawled on the sofa and laughing at some joke one of them had told when
Devon decided that she really needed a shower before she was ready to retire for the
night. She told Janina to make herself at home while she had a quick shower. As she
moved through her bedroom, Devon started stripping off her clothes and leaving a little
trail of them as she made her way into the master bathroom. Stepping under the warm
water spray, she couldn't help but remember what had occurred in that very shower not so
long ago. It's probably because of all the sangria, and then the wine before that at the

She started to soap up her body with the lavender and vanilla scented shower gel.
Leaning her head back under the shower spray, she closed her eyes and let her hair get
really wet. Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind and a wet,
naked body pressed against hers.

Screaming from fright, she tried to turn around but was held in place by those strong

* * *

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About The Mating: Wild Cats Part 1

By Sandra Ross

Published by Publications Circulations LLC.

SmashWords Edition.

All contents copyright (C) 2013 by Publications Circulations LLC. All rights reserved.
No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, companies and incidents either are
the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and
beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

The following story is for entertainment purposes only. This book contains se xually
graphic scenes depicting consenting adults above the age of 18 engaging in passionate
sexual acts. This story is intended only for persons over the legal adult age. By
downloading and opening this document, you are stating that you are of legal age to
access and view this work of fiction. Mature readers only. Reader discretion is advised.

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The publisher has used its best efforts in preparing this book, and the information
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