Amanda Young Missing in Action 2 Shameful

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eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are

products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be

construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or

organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

512 Forest Lake Drive

Warner Robins, Georgia 31093


Copyright © 2007 by Amanda Young

Cover by Vanessa Hawthorne

ISBN: 1-59998-517-9

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner

whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied

in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: June 2007

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Missing in Action

Amanda Young

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For Mom.

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Humid night air whistled through the open car windows, whipping

Shame’s hair into his tired, gritty eyes. The sting served to keep him

awake and focused on his goals. For the first time in too long, he had a

damn good reason to be glad he was alive.

After almost seven years of being cut off from his family, Shame was

finally on his way home.

His gaze on the double yellow line in the middle of the road, Shame

wiped a hand through his overly long hair. Exhausted from too many

days on the road and a vast number of misgivings—everything from the

guilt he harbored over sleeping with so many different people throughout

the years, to not being able to remember the sound of his daughter’s

laugh—the need for a haircut slipped his mind. That small, insignificant

detail had managed to escape his attention until now, when it was too

late to do anything about it. He was too close to his destination to stop.

Though he wanted to look his best when he saw Maria and Sophie again,

beggars couldn’t be choosers. He was too impatient to postpone their

reunion for even the minuscule amount of time it would take to make

himself more presentable.

He could only pray they would overlook his shortcomings. Wasn’t

that what family was all about? The shock they would receive from

seeing him again, alive and well, would be enough to make them forgive

his disheveled appearance.


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At least, he hoped so.

An upbeat classic-rock song blared through the speakers. Shame

crooned along with it, out of tune, but unconcerned about how he

sounded. Blood sang through his veins like molten happy juice. He

leaned forward and turned the volume up as loud as the shoddy

speakers would allow before they began to crackle and pop, needing the

noise to help keep him alert and focused on his goal.

Beneath the thick denim of his blue jeans, Shame’s thighs ached

from the numerous times he’d pinched himself to make sure he was

really awake. It would be all too easy to believe he was trapped in a

dream, still back at the SCS military base, sound asleep on his bunk and

dreaming of the family he longed for, but would never again be allowed to


Emotions he hadn’t let himself feel in longer than he cared to admit

filtered anew into his system. Joy. Love. Most of all, hope. Each mile he

whittled away, between where he’d been and where he was going,

resurrected an onslaught of optimism for the future. A smile tugged at

the corners of his lips, happiness fighting to bubble to the surface. He

pushed his giddiness down, afraid something would jump out of the

darkness to yank it away from him. He could be happy later, after he

held his wife and daughter in his arms where they belonged.

When he finally pulled into the darkened driveway, it was the middle

of the night. As to be expected at three o’clock in the morning, the quaint

Cape Cod house was dark, silent as a tomb.

A fresh plague of doubt rushed over him. Should he leave and wait

until morning to arrive? No. He couldn’t wait another nanosecond; too

much time had already been lost.

He gulped air and slipped from the car, practically floating up the

walk and onto the small, covered porch.


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Although years of practice gave him the ability to sneak into the

house without notifying them of his presence, he chose to ring the

doorbell instead. Being there was going to be surprise enough. He didn’t

want to chance scaring them by stealing into the house like a thief.

From where he stood, he clearly heard chimes ring through the

interior of the house. A smile crawled across his face when he recognized

the doorbell’s theme. Maria hadn’t changed it. It played the same tune

they’d chosen together so long ago when they bought the house—the

theme song from The Wizard of Oz.

Shame tapped his foot impatiently on the wood. Minutes passed and

still no one stirred inside the house. He hit the doorbell again.

God, this…waiting was hard. He wanted to open the door and walk

right in. Wake his sweet wife up with the first of a thousand kisses on

her beautiful, sleepy face.

Wake up, wake up. Open the door.

Still nothing.

A sense of unease swept over him. Hyper-alert senses kicked in.

Something was wrong. The doorbell was too loud, too annoying, not to

have woken them up after being rung twice. Maria was a light sleeper.

She would have come to the door by now, even if only to cuss out

whoever had the nerve to ring the bell in the middle of the night.

Shame swallowed down the sour taste of paranoia. Nothing was

wrong. It was only his uncertainties creeping in, making him think the

happy homecoming he wanted would never happen.

He rang the bell a third time. It was late. He would give them another


A minute passed, and then three more. He was going in.

With deft fingers and the slim blade of his pocketknife, Shame picked

the lock and eased open the door. He entered into the foyer, his feet


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moving silently over the parquet floor. A mixture of excitement and dread

soared through him. Made him jumpy.

He stepped deeper into the foyer and was overwhelmed by the acidic,

coppery tang of blood. He could smell it, taste it on his tongue.

The hair on the back of his neck stood up.

“Please, God, no.” He moved farther into the house, mumbling

feverishly whispered prayers under his breath.

The smell grew stronger, thicker, as he approached the living room.

He crossed the threshold and pungent bitterness slapped him in the face.

As a trained soldier, someone accustomed to bloody battles that didn’t

always end the way one would hope, the aroma was one he easily



Moonlight filtered in through the uncovered bay window, illuminating

a fraction of the large space. Shame edged deeper into the room, nervous

sweat forming a thin veil over his forehead and upper lip. As he

navigated around the sofa, the source of the stench became apparent.

A dainty foot, adorned with dark toenail polish, peeked garishly from

behind an overstuffed chair. Time slowed to a snail’s pace as he inched


Maria. Her name screamed through his mind even before he laid eyes

on the mutilated corpse of his wife. Her throat was ripped open. A pool of

congealed blood framed her head and shoulders in a gruesome crimson


Shame dropped to his knees, unconcerned of the blood that soaked

through his pants and clung to his skin as he pulled his wife’s stiff, cold

body into his arms. Rocking her, he threw back his head and howled.

Nonsensical pleas for her to wake up, for him to awaken from this

nightmare, spewed from his mouth.


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Without thought, he rose to his feet, his wife’s battered body held to

his chest.

Sophie. He had to find their daughter.

A dozen steps away, he stumbled over her. Much the same as his

wife, her thin, lifeless body lay hidden behind a piece of furniture. Her

arms were outstretched, legs akimbo, as if she’d lived for an instant

beyond the attack and had tried to crawl for help. Beautiful brown eyes,

the same shape and color as her mother’s, were wide open, sightlessly

staring up at him.

Shame gently laid his wife down alongside their daughter and

stretched out beside them, his arm extending over them both, cradling

them to him. He squeezed his eyelids down tight, moisture seeping from

beneath his lashes, and prayed for divine intervention. To wake up back

at the base and find that the entire thing was a horrible dream he could

escape. That his family was happy and healthy, as they’d been the last

time he’d dared to look in on them from afar. And when that didn’t work,

Shame broke down and sobbed. Loud wailing cries bounced off the walls

and echoed deep within his soul, blackening his heart.

Night turned to dawn and grainy light began to spill over the floor. As

it neared where they lay, Shame’s eyelids crept open and he focused on

the ceiling.

An eye for an eye was scrolled across the plaster in dark, congealed


As he read the message, over and over again, Shame’s will to die with

his family fled. In its place, a new plan for his life emerged from the

ashes of his battered soul.



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Chapter One

Gail sat behind the tall customer-service desk, her gaze trained on

the glass doors leading outside. Beyond them, snow fell fast and hard,

covering what little remained to be seen of the landscape. Great gusts of

wind swept clumps of white from one end of the parking lot to the other,

creating drifts that appeared every bit as deep as she was tall.

Her hawkish gaze moved inward and lazily roamed over the vacant

motel lobby. Keeping with the instructions her boss had left, Gail had

already run the vacuum over the thin burgundy carpet and polished the

faux cherry-wood frame on both the couch and chair. She’d also run the

lint brush over their cheap, dark green upholstery. Everything that

needed to be done during her shift was finished, which left her with a lot

of hours to twiddle her thumbs and stare at the walls.

It was going to be a long night. If the weather didn’t improve soon,

chances were good that she would have to work her regular third-shift

position, plus the following day shift as well. Megan, the ditzy college

student who worked the day shift, wouldn’t want to risk driving her

precious new sports car out in this kind of weather.

Gail snorted and the sound echoed through the silent room. She’d be

lucky if she made it home at all in the next few days. Leave it to good old

Gail. She was reliable and ready to be walked all over at the slightest

request. It was a damn good thing she didn’t have any pets waiting for

her at home, or God forbid, an actual family.


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Having turned twenty-five the week before, she’d pretty much given

up on meeting Mr. Right. Hell, she was lucky to occasionally find a Mr.

Right-now. Shyness paired with the innate quirks and oddities to her

character that she always felt forced to hide from people she didn’t know

well made for awkward first meetings and difficulty in finding someone to

connect with. She’d been told more than once that she came off as cool

and reserved around strangers. Not exactly a good first impression on

people. It’d been so long since she’d seen a real cock, much less felt one,

that she figured she’d probably regrown her hymen.

Gail sat back, propped her feet up on the monstrosity of a printer

beneath the counter and picked up the romance novel she’d purchased

on her way to work. On the front cover, a man and woman embraced.

The man’s long black hair was swept away from his face. The woman’s

flowing blonde locks partially covered her artfully arranged nude body to

hide her naughty bits. In the background stood another man, only the

shadowy outline of his body visible behind a tall tree.

Typically, she would’ve been embarrassed to get caught reading such

blatantly erotic material at work but at the moment she didn’t care. Her

life was the pits and she desperately wanted to escape reality for a little

while. Besides, no one was around to see what she was doing. She could

dance a naked jig on the countertop and nobody would be the wiser.

The motel was deserted. There hadn’t been one reservation on the

computer for that day and no one in their right mind would be out

driving on the roads during the snowstorm. She was all alone and it

looked like it would stay that way.

She settled back on her uncomfortable stool, popped the cover open

and began to read…

Dakota stilled on the back of her black stallion. A man stood in the

barn’s open doorway. Though she couldn’t see his features, she knew who


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he was. Her heart beat a fast tattoo as she took in the long, lean line of his


“Lucian,” she whispered into the cold night air.

Her foot prodded the horse’s flanks, urging him on toward the man

awaiting her. With each bump, her sex grew wetter, more desperate.

Surely he wouldn’t leave her in need as he had the night before. Tonight,

he would take her, finally seal his claim on her body as he had her heart

so long ago.

Climbing down off her horse, Dakota ran toward Lucian. Reaching him

in seconds, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to

his. He groaned, opening beneath her touch, allowing her tongue to slip

between his teeth and into the moist heat of his mouth.

From there he took over, his tongue plunging deeper, rougher, stealing

her breath.

Lucian pulled back from her, his misty blue eyes filled with heat and

another emotion that looked suspiciously like—dare she think it?—love.

“Missed you, baby,” he whispered against her mouth, nipping the full pout

of her lower lip.

He twirled her around, the hard length of his body pressing her back

into the wall. Dakota squirmed, wanting to be closer, to be one with the

man she loved. “I missed you too, Lucian, so much.”

“I’m glad you missed me, baby, but I bet I missed you more. I have a

little something for you.” The light behind his eyes grew brighter, more


“Oh yeah, and just what would that be?”

He gripped her wrist, the pressure around the delicate joint firm but

gentle. Slowly, he led it down to the front of his pants and pressed her

palm over the rigid erection behind his fly.

Dakota whimpered. “It doesn’t feel so little to me.”


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A rush of adrenaline shot through her system. Apparently she wasn’t

the only one with needs gone unfulfilled for too long. She ran her fingers

up and over his length, teasing his penis to grow harder, hotter for her.

She licked her lips in anticipation. “It’s just what I was hoping for.”

A groan spilled from his sensuous mouth as his eyes followed the

movement of her tongue across her lips.

This was it. He was right where she wanted him. And just to make

sure he didn’t back out on her this time… Dakota dropped to her knees.

Her fingers trembled as she undid his britches, pulled the flap in the front

apart. His penis swung up, thick and hard, full with desire for her and her


The shrill cry of the phone interrupted Gail’s concentration. She’d

been so lost in the story she’d completely forgotten she was at work.

She clenched her thighs together, trying to relieve the insistent ache

between them. Her nipples pebbled, poking against her bra, and her

panties were damp, the folds of her neglected sex awash in lubrication.

She cleared her throat and reached for the telephone. “Thank you for

calling the Dew Drop Inn. Gail speaking. How may I help you?” Silence.

“Hello? Anyone there?”

“Gail? Um, this is Megan. I was wondering… Would it be okay for you

to cover my shift in the morning? I just finished watching the weather

forecast and they’re calling for a lot of snow to fall tonight. I’m just not

sure I’ll be able to make it in.”

Damn! She knew this was going to happen. Before she could answer

Megan hurriedly said, “I know I’m asking a lot of you. It’s just that I

really need this job and you know that if I call Mr. Pascow, he’ll shit a

brick. You’d really be doing me a favor.”

Gail sighed. Why couldn’t she ever say no? “Sure, Megan. I’ll cover for



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“Thanks, Gail, you’re a doll. I owe you big time for this one.”

Gail opened her mouth to reply, but heard an ominous click and then

nothing. Only dead air. Aggravated, she returned the phone to its cradle.

The lines were down. Again. Who knew how long it would be before they

were back up.

Well, at least she could get back to her book and not have to worry

about being interrupted again…

She gripped the throbbing staff at the base, holding it in place while

she licked him from one end to the other, spending a little longer than

necessary tasting the flushed bell on the end. A small drop of pre-come

oozed from the slit at the top and she greedily sucked it off. Mmm… He

tasted good, a little salty but delicious.

She swirled her tongue over him, sucking the full head of his cock into

her mouth. He began to move against her, his hips rotating as she bobbed

her lips up and down his rigid length, taking him farther and deeper with

each succulent pull on his flesh. His cock grew harder and fatter in her

mouth as she suctioned him in and out.

Lucian made breathy noises in the back of his throat. The sound of his

passion pushed her on, made her want to see how crazy she could drive

him before he gave in to his primal urges and took her in the hay where

she squatted.

A noise behind her had her freezing, Lucian’s cock still in her mouth.

Someone was in the barn with them. She could feel their eyes on her,

boring into her with the intensity of their stare.

A man stepped out of the shadows behind Lucian. His face was

shrouded in darkness, guarding his identity. Her heart pounded in

trepidation until she noticed his bare chest and the thick, ruddy penis he

held in his hand, his fist stroking leisurely along its flushed length. Then

her heart was pounding for a whole different purpose. Excitement.


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Confused, she sat back on her heels. “Lucian?”

Lucian laughed, the husky timbre of his voice deep and wicked. “Did I

forget to mention the other part of your present, baby?”

From beneath lowered lashes, Gail swept a quick look around the

lobby. She knew she was alone, but she couldn’t be too careful. Her

fingers crept underneath the company polo shirt she wore and wormed

their way inside the clinging material of her bra. Pulling and pinching her

nipple between her thumb and forefinger, she let her eyes fall shut.

God, that felt good. For a fraction of a second, she wished someone

else was touching her. A strong, handsome man, like one of the

characters in her book.

No sense in wishing for something that isn’t going to happen.

Replaying the scene from the book in her head, with herself in the

starring role, she let her free hand wander down to where it was needed.

In her pants. Her hand delved under the drawstring waist of her cargo

pants and slipped beneath the elastic band of her panties. Fingers glided

over the swollen folds of her sex. Drawing moisture up, she circled her

clit lightly, teasing herself with the orgasm lingering just out of reach.

With her other hand, she tweaked her nipple, hard, quietly moaning as

the pleasure/pain of it radiated all the way down to her womb, making

her cunt clench emptily.

She slid one and then another finger deep inside, plunging them in

and out in a hurried rhythm. As much as she wanted to drag the sweet

torture out, she needed to hurry. Get it over with before she let herself

succumb to the escalating sense of paranoia that wanted to suck her in

and kill the orgasm she could feel rising just over the horizon.

As her fingers plunged into her pussy, she ground the heel of her

palm down over her clit. She came, and the deep contractions jerked an

involuntary whimper from her throat.


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Eyes flying open, she quickly scanned the room around her. Still

alone. Thank God.

The edge of her hunger sated, Gail pulled her hands from her pants

and stood. Her panties felt squishy as her thighs brushed together. She

turned to walk into the back and clean herself up.

The bell above the door jangled. Wind swept into the room along with

what had to be two of the sexiest men she’d ever laid eyes on. Both men

were tall and broad of shoulder. Each wore a long, black designer trench

coat. One alone was probably worth at least as much as she would pay

in rent over the next couple of months, however, that was where their

similarities ended. In their own way, they were both stunning, but Gail’s

gaze was inexplicably drawn to the taller of the two men.

He wasn’t classically handsome. With his shaggy auburn hair and

square jawline, he wouldn’t have been described by anyone as one of the

pretty boys who graced the covers of a magazine or the silver screen.

Instead, he possessed a raw masculinity that oozed testosterone.

The very way he swaggered into the lobby, his head held high and

proud, the shallow cleft in his chin leading the way, made Gail think of

handcuffs and rough, sweaty sex. The kind where you had to beg and

plead before your partner allowed you to reach an earth-shattering

release. The kind of sex she’d only read about in her romance novels.

Hypnotic, emerald green eyes, surrounded by black-lace-fringed

eyelashes, rose and met hers. Their gazes locked and Gail forgot how to

breathe. She felt like he could see into the depths of her soul, scrounge

out all the secrets she held. Some unexplainable primal need sprang up

inside of her, begged her to lie down at the altar of his lust and slake the

sexual thirst he had yet to quench.

His gaze broke away from her as he turned to say something to his

companion, and just like that she was breathing again. A wiggly tingle


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raced down her spine and Gail shivered, pushing away her strange

thoughts. With his attention momentarily diverted, it also gave her a

chance to check out his companion.

The man accompanying Mr. Hot-sex was beautiful. There was no

other way to describe him. Shiny, iridescent black hair brushed away

from his forehead and hung in a thick braid down his back, ending just

short of where she figured his tight, firm bottom was located. High

cheekbones, dark chocolate eyes and full pink lips rounded out his

angular face. Where his friend screamed of raging testosterone and rough

sex, he whispered of long passionate nights filled with soft kisses and

endless lovemaking.

They complemented each other. One rough and tumble, the other

gentle and coaxing. As far as Gail was concerned, that meant neither one

of them would give her more than a passing glance.

If only she was five inches taller and twenty pounds lighter…

While pretending to type something into the computer, she watched

the men out of the corner of her eye. They spoke in hushed tones, so she

couldn’t make out what was being said, but even without being able to

hear, gazing at them was enough of a treat. It wasn’t often she got to see

men as hot as these two. Just looking would be plenty to fuel her

fantasies for a good, long while.

As she looked on, the dark-headed man nodded in her direction. Heat

suffused her face at being caught staring and she dropped her gaze to

the keyboard just as the men stepped apart, apparently finished with

their discussion. Her cheeks on fire, she didn’t dare a glance up until

they stood on the other side of the service desk. Mr. Hot-sex, who stood

slightly in front of his friend, laid a titanium credit card in front of her.

Not platinum, titanium. Even working in the motel, she’d never seen one

of those.


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She fidgeted as her abnormally strong sense of smell kicked in. As

she rubbed the toe of one shoe over the other, the intoxicating aroma of

male musk tinged with the strong overlay of scented deodorant invaded

her nostrils. “Welcome to the Dew Drop Inn. How may I help you?”

“Need a room,” said Mr. Hot-sex, his voice low and husky. Gail

shivered, imagining that same voice whispering dirty words to her in the

middle of the night while he rammed his stiff cock in and out of her

aching pussy.

Her body throbbing from the mental picture show in her mind, Gail

pasted on a fake work smile and pushed away the urge to whimper.


She shot a quick glance at the second man before meeting Mr. Hot-

sex’s gaze. “Double beds?”

“King,” he replied, his gaze combing her face, making her feel like he

was daring her to say something about their sleeping arrangements. As if

she would. She’d grown accustomed to all the hot ones being gay or

married. Though she had absolutely no reason to feel disappointed, she

did. “No problem,” Gail muttered. “Just tonight or are y’all planning to

stay longer?”


She wanted to ask what the length of their stay depended on, but

figured she already knew the answer—the weather. “Um, okay. In that

case, I’ll just authorize your credit card for the funds and we’ll charge

you when you check out. That okay?”

He nodded, his long, slim fingers tapping against the white surface of

the counter.

Gail logged him into the computer and assigned him a room number.

She picked up the plastic on the counter and swiped it from end to end

in the credit-card machine, biting her lip as she waited for it to go


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through. When it was accepted, she turned back to him. “I’ll just need to

see an ID then and you’ll be all set, Mr…”—she glanced down at the card

she held out to him—“uh, Mr. Long.” Something about his name tickled

her and she had to suppress a smile. It was a childish response, but she

couldn’t help wondering if he lived up to his name.

He traded her one card for another, his calloused fingers rasping over

her palm. Electric tingles shot up her arm and zinged straight to her

nipples, making them tighten and peak against her shirt. Mr. Long’s

attention dropped to her chest and she could’ve sworn she felt his gaze

like a touch against her breasts.

Flustered, she quickly finished filling in the personal information the

computer required for registration. She gave them the room farthest from

the lobby, not that the last room was all that far away since there were

only twelve rooms. Done, she pushed his room key across the

countertop, careful not to touch him. “Here you go. You’re in room

twelve. It’s the last one at the end of the hall. Y’all shouldn’t have any

problem finding it.”

He plucked the key off the counter and turned to his companion,

handing it over. “Thanks,” he murmured while bending to pick up their


“Have a good night,” she inanely replied as they walked away.

When they disappeared around the corner, she let out a tense breath

of relief. Thank God they were gone. With any luck, she wouldn’t have to

face either one of them again. The way her body responded to their

presence was mortifying. She knew it had been too long since the last

time she’d gotten laid but that didn’t mean she wanted to advertise it to

the world.


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Glancing down, she saw her nipples poking out of her shirt. Traitors.

The horny little sluts were begging for attention and apparently didn’t

care if they humiliated her in the process.

Gail flopped back in her chair, picked up her novel and sank back

into a fantasy world where average women like her saw just as much

action as drop-dead-gorgeous supermodels.


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Chapter Two

His gaze scanning the room, Shamus Long yanked off his overcoat

and flung it over a small wooden chair by the door. It definitely wasn’t

the Ritz, but it was clean and warm. The faux-wood surfaces of the

dresser and armoire shone with recent polishing, the bed was neatly

made and there were no stains or rips in the burgundy bedspread atop


Over his shoulder, he said to Ty, “Decent room. Did you check out

the rack on the front-desk girl?”

Ty skirted around Shame, a scowl on his face, as he made a beeline

for the bathroom at the back of the room. After a brief moment, the

sound of rushing water from the shower filled the air.

Shame scratched his head, wondering what bug crawled up Ty’s ass

and died. They were both cranky from being on the road for so long,

nerves stretched taut from what they planned to do once they got here,

but that was no excuse to be snippy. He had just as much right to be

pissed over the weather forestalling their plans as Ty did, but he wasn’t

bitching about it. Yet. Lord knew, if the weather didn’t clear up soon, he

would be.

He walked across the room and flopped back onto the bed.

Exhausted from the long drive from Florida to Virginia and their

anticlimactic arrival, he yanked a pillow from beneath the cover and

smashed it down over his face. It had been an aggravating few days, and

if the weather forecast held true, the next couple wouldn’t be any better.


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The time they were going to lose wore on already-taut nerves. Though

he tried to keep his morale up, it waned more with each passing day.

Vengeance for the murder of his wife and daughter was so close he could

almost taste it. It taunted him from right outside the range of his

outstretched fingers, near and yet not quite close enough. Each new

obstacle that delayed his revenge, even one as inconsequential as the

weather, chafed at his patience and made him feel listless, caged and

helpless as a zoo animal.

During the day he could focus on other things, keep himself busy

doing something. At night though, when his defenses were down and he

was at his worst, the memories crept in and took over, haunting him.

Six months, two weeks and four days had passed since the night he’d

arrived home to discover the mutilated bodies of his family. Grief, fresh

and sharp, clenched his guts into a tight ball of misery. Images forever

burned into his mind surged to the forefront, playing over the back of his

closed eyelids like a drive-in movie.

His eyes opened and he stared at the underside of the pillow over his

face. What he needed was a distraction, something to take his attention

off his problems. The only thing that came to mind was sex. Preferably of

the hot and sweaty variety.

As if his wish traveled straight from his lips to God’s ears, the

bathroom door swung open on creaky hinges. Shame slung the pillow off

his face in time to watch Ty step out, a billow of steam exiting behind

him. His torso was bare. Water gleamed on his naked chest, making his

skin shimmer under the fluorescent light. Ebony hair fell in a waterfall of

color against the smooth golden bronze canvas of his skin. A miniscule

white towel was slung around Ty’s slim hips. Shame stared as Ty

vigorously scrubbed a matching towel over his hair and chest, the nubby


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fabric cascading down over firm pecs and the taut muscles of his rippling


Shame’s cock began to swell inside his jeans. His mouth watered for

a taste of what he knew lay beneath the tiny swatch of terrycloth. And

yet, some small part of him called out for something different. The gentle

give and take of a soft, pliant female body beneath his.

He forced the image away. Ty’s firm ass may not have been quite

what his dick wanted to sink into, but it would do the job. Had been, in

fact, for months. Fucking Ty was safe. They were friends and

companions in misery, with added benefits. And, more importantly, there

was no chance of him falling in love with Ty.

The arrangement they’d had for the last several months—ever since

Ty had saved Shame’s bacon by thwarting his dumbass attempt to

drunkenly stroll into a well-known supernatural hangout—was a good

one. It was fortunate the man had intervened, literally running into

Shame and knocking him on his drunk ass on the street right in front of

the bar, or else Shame probably wouldn’t have lived through the

excursion. At the time, he’d been out of his mind with grief and just

drunk enough not to give a shit. The liquor had managed to numb down

his body but it hadn’t done a damn thing to soothe the gaping wound in

his soul.

Though barely able to stand on his own two feet, Shame had come up

swinging and picked a fight with the asshole who’d knocked him to the

ground. He vaguely remembered getting in a punch, but after that things

became a blur.

It wasn’t until the next morning when Shame awakened in a strange

apartment that he realized the man he’d attacked had taken pity on him

and dragged his sorry butt back home with him, instead of leaving him

lying in the street to become Lycan chum.


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Sober, Shame apologized for being an ass and thanked the man for

running interference for him. They sat down to breakfast and talked,

oddly finding out they had quite a few things in common.

As it so happened, Ty had his own ax to grind with the paranormal

community. When he’d bumped into Shame, he’d been scouting for

information about his younger sister, Shelby, who had been attacked by

a Lycan and died as a result.

Since then, they’d met and bounced ideas off one another. Used each

other as a sounding board, among other things. And when the mood

struck them, they fucked. Neither man had designs on the other beyond

a meaningless way to come and that was precisely what Shame was in

the mood for—a quick fuck to take his mind off his problems and put

him to sleep. It was much like the relationship he’d had with Tristan,

before things had changed. He missed T, but he wasn’t about to drag him

away from Sara, not when they’d just found each other again. Though he

and Tristan still kept in touch, talking occasionally, Shame was always

careful not to say too much about what he was doing. It would be just

like Tristan to drop everything and come to his aide.

Shame reached down and adjusted his suddenly too-tight jeans.

“Hey, Ty, you want to come over here and help me out with something

that just came up?”

Ty paused in the middle of drying off and glanced up. His deep brown

gaze followed the line of Shame’s arm down to where his hand rested

over the growing bulge of his sex. He scowled and went back to running

the towel through his hair. “Not tonight. I’m not in the mood. Besides, I

figured you would go back up front and try to worm your way into that

cute receptionist’s pants.”

Shame sighed and let go of his cock, scrubbing his hands over his

stubbled cheeks. Man, he needed to shave. “Nah, too much work.” He


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wiggled his fingers. “Guess it’s just going to be me and rosy palm


Ty laughed and flung his spare towel at him. “You mean to tell me

you’re not even going to try? That doesn’t sound like the Shame I know.”

Striding over, he laid his palm over Shame’s forehead. “No, you’re not

sick. Maybe you’re just getting too old to be running around seducing hot

women out of their panties.”

Shame sat up. He ran his fingers through his unruly hair. “That

almost sounds like a challenge, Ty. You trying to say I couldn’t get in her


“Not even if your life depended on it, man.”

Shame rose to his feet. “We’ll just have to see about that, won’t we?”

Ty flashed him a smile, his teeth white and even. “Go right ahead and

try your hardest, pal. Even if you crash and burn—and I suspect you

will—you’ll always have rosy to fall back on.”

Shame flung open the door and stormed out of the room. The sound

of Ty’s laughter followed him into the hall. His strides long and full of

purpose, Shame ate up the hallway between his room and the front desk.

Too old, my ass. He’d show Ty a thing or two about how to woo the

opposite sex. Just because he occasionally preferred the company of men

didn’t mean he’d lost his touch when it came to the ladies.

Rounding the corner, Shame saw the front-desk girl sitting behind

the counter, her face buried in a novel. Her cute little freckled nose

scrunched up at whatever it was she’d read before she sighed and turned

the page. With her free hand she shoved an unruly lock of curly blonde

hair behind her ear. Moving closer, he could make out the cover of her

book. A romance, judging by the half-naked couple embracing on the

front. Hell, his job might have just gotten easier. Those novels got women

as hopped up for action as porn did men.


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Trademark grin in place, he strode confidently up to the counter.

Gail’s neck prickled and she glanced up from her novel. Mr. Hot-

sex… Err… Mr. Long was headed her way, a smile on his handsome face

and a wicked gleam in his vivid green eyes.

He was dressed in a simple black T-shirt and jeans. Without his coat,

she could see the heavily muscled body he’d been hiding earlier. The soft

cotton stretched over his broad shoulders, while the snug denim molded

to long legs and thick thighs.

An image of what it would be like to lay captive under all that tightly

leashed strength flashed through her mind. She pictured her nails

digging into the wide brawn of his back, her legs wrapped around his

trim hips while he plunged the hard length of his cock in and out of her

wet pussy.

Gail shook her head, trying to knock some common sense back into

place. Nope, it wasn’t going to happen. Like a big ole slice of double-

chocolate cake, the man looked way too scrumptious to be any good for


She shoved her novel under the counter and stood just as he reached

the desk. “Is there a problem with your room, sir?”

He grinned at her. “No. The room’s fine. I just thought you might

appreciate a little company. Must get awful lonely when things are as

dead up here as they are tonight.”

Gail’s eyebrows crinkled. “Yeah, I guess, but I’ve always been very

good at entertaining myself.”

He braced his thick forearms on the counter and leaned in closer. He

licked his lips. “I bet you’d have more fun if you let me do it for you.”

Gail fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, unsure of what to say. If it

had been anyone else, she would have thought they were trying to pick


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her up, but this man couldn’t be doing that…could he? No, men who

looked as good as he did, did not hit on someone who looked like her.

Besides, he was gay. He’d clearly requested to share a king bed with his

male companion. There was no way he was coming on to her.

Considering anything else was just wishful thinking.

She exhaled. “I appreciate the offer, Mr. Long, but I’m really quite fine

by myself. There’s no reason for you to go out of your way.”

“Shame, please.”


He chuckled. His laugh was low and deep, making her wonder what

his voice would sound like in the throes of orgasm. “Call me Shame. Mr.

Long makes me sound like an ancient old fart.”

Gail smiled. The nickname suited him. “As I said before, Shame, I’m

perfectly fine. You needn’t concern yourself with my boredom.”

His brilliant green gaze searched her face, lingering on her mouth

before once again meeting her eyes. “Not even if I want to? I’m sure I

could change your mind, if you gave me a chance.”

There was no way in hell she could misinterpret that. He was hitting

on her. Her heart beat triple time against her ribs while she thought of

what she should say, should do. She didn’t know whether to take him up

on his offer and find out exactly how well he could entertain her, or lie

and tell him she was involved with someone. After all, he was a complete

stranger. For all she knew he could be a serial killer.

Shit, she couldn’t take him up on anything, even if she did want to.

She was on duty for the rest of the night and the better part of the

following day. By the time she got off, he would probably be checking

out. What was most likely her only shot at being with someone so damn

sexy, and she was stuck working. If it weren’t for bad luck, she wouldn’t

have any.


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Gail sighed miserably. “I’m flattered, really, but there’s no way I can

leave the desk. I would lose my job.”

Disappointment crossed his face and disappeared so rapidly that she

would have missed it had she blinked. “Are you sure I can’t change your

mind, darlin’? It would be good. Damn good.”

As if she didn’t already know that. He could lay back on the bed buck

naked and do nothing but look at her and it would be the best sex she’d

ever had. “I’m sorry, I…I just can’t.”

He smiled but this time it fell short of his eyes. “Okay. If you change

your mind, you know where to find me.”

“I won’t,” she mumbled quietly as he walked away. Something about

the way his shoulders slumped ever so slightly made her feel like a


She didn’t know the man and had no reason to feel bad for turning

him away. So why did she feel like she just denied a thirsting man a tall,

cold glass of ice water?


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Chapter Three

When the phone rang a short while later, Gail startled and jumped,

almost falling off her chair. “Guess the phone’s back on,” she said aloud

to herself. She reached over and grabbed the receiver, shoving it between

her head and shoulder, as her gaze skimmed over the page she’d been

reading. “Dew Drop Inn, Gail speaking.”

“You forgot to thank me for calling, Gail.”

She sat up straight and laid down her book. It was her boss. “Sorry,

Mr. Pascow.”

“I’ve been trying to get through to you all evening. Is the phone just

now coming back on?”

As far as she knew. “Yes, sir. Your call is the first to come through.”

“How’s business been tonight?”

“It’s been pretty dead. I’ve only rented out one room.”

Gail winced at the groan echoing from the other end of the line.

“Um…Megan called in again. I’ll be covering her shift in the morning.”

“Fine. That’s just fine. I’ll be in to check up on you as soon as the

state department gets around to scraping the roads in the morning.”

“Take your time, sir. I’ve got everything under control.”

Another grunt and silence was all she heard. At first she wasn’t sure

if her boss had hung up on her or if the phone lines had cut out again.

When she repeatedly pushed the hang-up button and still didn’t hear a

dial tone, she guessed it was the latter. From previous winter storms

she’d been through, she knew the phones would be doing that off and on


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for the next few days or until the snow stopped, whichever came first.

Sometimes she dreamed about having the money to relocate to a nicer,

warmer climate. Maybe Florida or Texas. She didn’t really care what

state, so long as they didn’t have cold winters. Judging by the deathly

pallor of her skin, she could definitely use some fun in the sun.

A strong gust of wind rattled the front doors. The overhead lights

blinked twice and then winked out completely. Great, just what she

needed—a power outage. Standing still as a statue, she waited

impatiently for the backup generator to turn on. She didn’t mind working

the night shift by herself but she did have a thing about the dark. It gave

her the heebie-jeebies.

Taking deep, calming breaths, she began to count backward from a

hundred in her head. As she reached fifty, the generator kicked in and

the lights stuttered to life.

Thank you, God.

While the generator would keep the lights on, run the hot water

heater so the pipes wouldn’t freeze and keep minimal heat running in the

lobby, it was not powerful enough to run the heaters in each room. That

meant no heat for the two guests in residence. Luckily, they were the

only customers she had in-house, so at least she wouldn’t have to worry

about placating a mob of angry people. Just two sexy men, one of whom

she was sure wanted to get in her pants.

She contemplated not taking them one of the kerosene heaters the

motel kept stored away for just such a situation. It was going to be

awkward, showing up at their door at three in the morning. They were

probably fast asleep—maybe even naked and curled around each other

in the king-sized bed they’d requested—and she had to wake them up.

That or let them freeze.


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She shuddered. There was no way she could do that. As low as the

temperature was outside, they’d both be popsicles before morning. She

was just going to have to suck up the embarrassment and do the right

thing. Just as she always did. Good ole dependable Gail to the rescue.

Gail bent and snatched her oversized black purse from underneath

the counter. She riffled through it, searching for her keys. Her hands

shook as she pulled them out and walked over to lock the front doors. It

was probably a waste of time to lock the doors—she only planned to be

gone a minute—but these days a girl could never be too careful.

She twisted the silver key in the lock and gave the doors a tug to

make sure they were secure before exiting the lobby by the back and

heading down the indoor hallway. She stopped at the first door on her

left, room number one, and unlocked it. For some reason, the owner had

gutted that room in particular and designated it as the junk room. It’d

been that way since long before she’d started working there.

In fact, little had changed in the few years she’d been employed at the

motel. Other than a yearly raise of a quarter an hour, her job remained

exactly the same. If the hotel received anything new, like the carpet last

spring, it was always the same style as before. It was a bit like being in a

permanent time warp. Things moved on in the outside world, but inside

the hotel, things always remained the same.

Which was almost certainly why she was still there, when she should

have quit the dead-end position as soon as the cancer had taken her

mom. Instead, she’d just continued on, too complacent to change

anything about her life. Comfortable in her routine, she’d let one boring

day blur into the next and before she knew it, three years had gone by

and she had nothing to show for it.

Keeping her foot in the open door, she leaned into the room and

grabbed one of the heavy heaters by the metal handle attached to each


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side and tugged it out. She yanked the door closed behind her and

started dragging the thing down the hall. With each shuffling step, her

heart beat faster. She hoped Shame—even his name seemed wicked—

wouldn’t take her arrival the wrong way and think she was giving him an

open invitation to sin. Not that she would’ve minded indulging in a few

carnal acts with the man. He was yummy, no doubt about it—and it

wasn’t as if she had to worry about catching anything from him, not

when she was immune to most diseases—but the morals instilled in her

from birth kept her from jumping into his arms since she’d only just met

him. Another, deeper part of her hoped he would, longed for him to take

the decision out of her hands and give her what they both wanted, even if

she didn’t quite know what that was.

She stopped in front of room number twelve and let go of the heavy

heater. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she raised her shaking

fist to knock.

Restless, Shame paced back and forth in front of the bed. Trying to

sleep was futile. Too much energy coursed through his body, his mind

too busy running in circles to allow his body any rest. It didn’t help

matters that Ty had been absent upon his return from striking out in the

lobby. Ty never let the opportunity to rib him about anything slide, so his

departure was strange to say the least. Then again, maybe he hadn’t

expected Shame to strike out with the front-desk girl, and was trying to

give him some privacy. Also unlike him.

Whether he wanted to admit it or not, Shame was worried. While it

wasn’t unusual for Ty to run off in the middle of the night to commune

with nature, or whatever the hell it was he did when he disappeared, he

usually came back and crawled into bed shortly thereafter. It didn’t make


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sense for him to be out so long, especially when it was so damn frigid


Hell, since the power shut off, it was beginning to feel about the same

way inside. Being naked certainly didn’t help keep him warm, but

putting on clothes would mean he’d given up on sleep. Fuck it, he might

as well admit rest wasn’t going to happen tonight and get dressed. He

pulled open the suitcase at the foot of the bed and rummaged through it,

yanking out the first pair of clean boxers he found. Since he didn’t

normally wear any, they were Ty’s, not his.

He was about to slip into them when a knock sounded on the door.

The idiot must have locked himself out. Breathing a sigh of relief, Shame

reached for the doorknob.

The white door swung inward before Gail’s knuckles could rap on it a

second time. What she saw made her lips gape open and her mouth

water. For once, her heightened senses came in damn handy, allowing

her to see every detail of the man who stood buck-ass naked in front of


Positioned in the doorway, Shame was seemingly unconcerned about

his state of undress. At eye level with his firm, pecs and the taut

caramel-colored nipples that perched atop them, her gaze swooped lower,

past his washboard stomach and the smooth jut of his hipbones, to the

heavy penis and tightly drawn sac hanging between his muscular thighs.

Jesus, he was gorgeous. Gail licked her lips, catching the drool she

feared would escape from the corners of her mouth. This was what she

had turned down. More the pity for her.

Swallowing over the lump in her throat, Gail slowly raised her eyes

and met his gaze. It was a mistake. The heat and sinful need she saw in


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his expression was enough to make her melt faster than an ice cube in

the microwave. It also made her about as wet.

She opened her mouth. A second went by and then two. No sound

came out. Two words sat on the tip of her tongue—take me—and she

wasn’t about to say them no matter how badly she wanted him to do that

very thing. Then again, if he kept looking at her like she was a hot-fudge

sundae he couldn’t wait to devour, she might change her mind.

He reached out to her, his calloused fingers wrapping around her

wrist and yanking her toward him. In the space of a single heartbeat he

had her inside with her back pressed against the cold door. His hard

body anchored her from the front, a firm cushion for her breasts.

Time slowed to a crawl as his head began to lower. Their mouths

inches apart, his hot breath fanned the moist expanse of her bottom lip

and he stopped. “Is this what you want?”

Unable to form words, her heartbeat pounding in her ears, Gail could

only nod. The downward movement of her head brushed her lips lightly

over his. Tingles, like static electricity, shocked her. Caused her to

whimper and shift closer. Tapered fingers wound their way into the thick

mass of her curly hair and tilted her jaw up, angling her face to receive

his kiss.

And then he was there, his firm lips slanting over hers. Her mouth

parted on a silent moan and his tongue slipped inside, flicked over her

teeth and twined with hers in one scalding openmouthed kiss after

another that took her breath and set her thighs aflame. Her sex flowered,

lubricating and fluttering to welcome him inside. With the little cognizant

thought she could manage, she wished her clothes would disappear, that

the thin layers of fabric between them didn’t exist.

Her hands moved to his chest and kneaded the solid muscle she

found there, reveled in the sharp stab of his nipples in the center of her


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palms. Gone were any doubts about the rightness of what she was doing.

She couldn’t remember why she’d resisted in the first place. How could

anything that felt so good—so sublime—be wrong?

His tongue jabbed deeper, twirling like a cyclone around hers. Damn,

he could kiss. She moaned. Her clit pulsed greedily as she wondered

what else he could do with that long, prehensile tongue of his.

Strong arms enveloped her. His hands zeroed in on her buttocks and

squeezed, kneading her flesh. Her thighs parted, allowing one of his to

slide between them and push against her apex.

“Oh,” she breathed at the pressure against her aching sex. Shame

captured her sigh and swallowed it, deepening their kiss, taking it to an

entirely different level of heat. Supernova.

Gail burned for him. She longed to be able to form the words to tell

him what she needed, but couldn’t force herself to stop kissing him long

enough to speak. Instead she let her hands do the talking. She wound

them around his waist and gripped the steely mounds of his buttocks,

pressing down on them until she could feel the hard length of his

erection prod her belly.

Shame groaned, the sound low and husky. His muscles tensed

beneath her fingertips, and then she was being lifted up and carried

across the room to the big bed awaiting them. Gail wrapped her arms

around his neck, her legs squeezing his hips, and locked her ankles

securely behind his back.

Shame ran hot, wet kisses down her neck and jaw with every step.

She arched her back, pushing her breasts into his chest and angling her

throat to give him more room to kiss her. He obliged, nipping at the curve

of her neck and then running his tongue over the sharp sting his teeth

left behind. “I’m so glad you changed your mind about tonight, darlin’. I


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needed this. Need you. I’m gonna fuck you so good you’re going to feel it

next week.”

Her spine stiffened. Thoughts she’d rather not have infiltrated her

brain and wouldn’t be dislodged. She couldn’t help it. His use of the

endearment, darling, reminded her that he probably didn’t even know

her name. To him she was just a nameless, faceless body to slake his

lust on. Even though it shouldn’t, the thought hurt. Was that what she’d

allowed herself to become—a willing receptacle for his huge penis?

Her pride reared its ugly head and demanded she say or do

something, even if it meant tarnishing the moment and her chances of

being with him. For once in her damn life though, she didn’t want to be a

responsible person. She wanted to feel, not think and overanalyze every

little thing that happened.

No. She wouldn’t say anything. She wouldn’t. “Gail,” she murmured.

His lips paused at the collar of her shirt. “Huh?”

“My name. It’s Gail, not darling,” she said a tad louder, a slight waver

in her voice. Please, let him say something smooth, something I actually

want to hear, instead of something that will ruin this for me.

He sucked her earlobe into his mouth, bathing it in wet heat before

speaking. “I know your name’s Gail. If the pet names bother you, I won’t

use them. It’s just a habit.” He pulled back and met her gaze. “Whatever

you want. I want to make this as memorable for you as it’s going to be for


Looking up into his green eyes, seeing the sincerity in his gaze, Gail

felt herself relax, the tension in her muscles easing away. She could

happily spend the rest of her life looking into their depths, drowning in

them. He was so damn sexy.


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She sighed and yanked his head down, softly brushing her lips over

his. “It’s okay. I like the way you say darlin’. I just wanted to make


His lips pressed against her forehead, then her temple and finally the

corner of her lips, hushing her. “I understand. That you don’t normally

do this kind of thing makes me even more grateful you came.” He swept

her bangs out of her eyes and kissed her. “I’m going to make you glad

you did. Promise.”

She opened her mouth, intent on telling him she hadn’t come for

this. That she’d only come to give him the heater still sitting out in the

hallway. But then he was laying her on the bed and following her down,

his powerful body settling between her thighs and pressing against her

achingly empty core. His welcome weight pushed her into the mattress

and his lips slanted over hers, sealing their mouths together, and all

cognizant thought fled to be replaced by the searing need to have him

inside her. Something about the virile man above her called out to her

like no other and made her feel things she’d never felt before.

Shame’s head was going to explode. Both of them. As soon as he’d

opened the door and seen her standing in front of him, her shoulders

tilted inward and her bottom lip held in a death grip between her teeth,

his cock had woken up and pointed right at her, like a divining rod in

search of her sweet, wet center.

He didn’t mean to damn near ravish her against the door, but he

hadn’t been able to control himself. All he’d wanted to do was wipe the

insecurity off her face and stake his claim on her before she changed her

mind about being with him and fled back to the front desk. Though he

couldn’t put his finger on quite what it was about her, she was

irresistible. He couldn’t think about anything besides getting her naked


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and burying himself to the balls inside her tight, gripping heat. It might

have been the aura of innocence that surrounded her like a cloak,

though he doubted it. He usually went for experienced partners. Women

who knew the score and didn’t expect vows of everlasting love before they

let someone fuck them. And yet, instead of making him run in the other

direction, the innocence he recognized in Gail’s eyes brought out the

beast in him and kicked all his primal, base desires into overdrive.

He wanted to claim her, fuck her and protect her all at the same

time. His response made no sense—he’d just met the chick—but he

wasn’t about to overthink it. Not with his cock as hard as a spike. He

was simply going to roll with it and see what happened.

Tasting her sweet lips, capturing the kittenish whimpers he was sure

she didn’t know she made had snapped the thin fiber of his control. As

fun as it would’ve been to take her against the wall, he stopped himself

from doing it.

Instead, he dropped them both onto the hard mattress and kissed

her, gorging himself on the sweet ambrosia of her lips. Shame nibbled on

her soft, succulent lips and sucked on her tongue until his lungs ached

and he had to break the kiss or risk brain damage from lack of oxygen.

Shame relinquished her mouth and shifted above her, staring down

into her passion-glazed baby blues. In that moment she was more than

the pretty girl he’d been attracted to earlier, she was beautiful. Her eyes

were heavily lidded and framed by the thick veil of dark blonde lashes,

cheeks flushed a deep rose, while her lips were wet and swollen from his


Something in his chest tugged—hard—and gave him pause. He

shoved the foreign sensation away without giving it any thought and took

in her heaving chest, felt her long legs clamp around him. A vivid image

of her naked and spread out before him flashed through his mind’s eye


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and he groaned, wanting her that way immediately, before he expired

from want.

He skimmed his hands under the nubby fabric of her shirt and ran

them over the creamy expanse of her belly. It felt softly rounded and

supple. He almost felt bad about using his rough hands to touch her,

afraid to mar the silken perfection of her with the sandpapery calluses on

his palms.

She raised her arms, seeming as anxious as he to be naked, and he

pulled the polo up and over her head. His hands grappled with the

waistband of her pants, fighting the drawstring closure. Her small hands

covered his and took over, undoing the knot and shoving the pants over

her hips. He took it from there and scooted back, peeling them down her

legs and flinging them over his shoulder.

When he next looked at her, only two thin scraps of pale pink cotton

stood between him and paradise. With shaky fingers, he traced the

burgeoning swell of her breasts above the bra, ran the pads of his

thumbs into the valley between and latched onto the front clasp that

would release her tits into his waiting palms. He flicked the snap open,

the cups loosening over her breasts, and Gail stilled, her chest rapidly

rising and falling. The overburdened cups parted and slid to the side,

revealing bountiful breasts topped with bubblegum pink nipples already

hard and eager for his touch. His breath stilled as he took in her beauty,

his pulse galloping.

Reverently, he massaged one and then the other, in awe as her

nipples drew up into tight little buds under his ministrations. His

fingertips whispered over her flesh, plucking each nipple, and she

moaned, arching her back. He pressed harder, using the rough edge of

his thumbs to circle around and around the taut areolas.


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Her thighs vised around his waist, squeezing him. Her hips gyrated

against him, rotating harder and faster. “Please, Shame.”

He wasn’t sure if she was asking him to touch her harder or take her,

and at that point he didn’t much care. If he didn’t bury himself in her

heat soon, he wasn’t going to be of any use to anyone. He wouldn’t be


With shaky hands, Shame reached down and grabbed the slender

straps on either side of her hips. He gave them a yank and ripped the

tissue-thin panties from her body. Finally naked, she lay trembling

beneath him, her thighs open and welcoming.

Soft hands fluttered up and over his chest and cupped his face,

pulling him down into her embrace. She pressed her lips to his chest,

right between his pecs and spoke, her breath whispering over his skin.

“Now, Shame. Take me. Please.”

Her legs twined tighter around his hips and she wiggled until his

cock fell into position between the lips of her pussy. She mewled, her

frustration palpable as she tried to get him where she wanted him.

Shame had had enough teasing. He reached between their bodies

and grabbed hold of his cock, lowering the bulbous tip to her gateway,

and thrust into her. Her pussy was hot and wet. The slick tissues of her

cunt gripped his cockhead and compressed, surrounding him in divine

pressure even as they fought to keep him from entering any farther.

Jesus, she was tight. He moaned, pushing against her, gaining ground

as his cock sliced through her channel one inch at a time. The slow

progress was hell on his libido, but he was determined to take things

easy, not hurt her by barreling forward at the fast clip he wanted to take.

After what felt like an eternity, Gail took the choice out of his hands

and arched up, her hips pushing against him and impaling herself on the


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last few remaining inches of his dick. Shame grunted at the impact,

while Gail cried out, her hands fisting around his biceps.

Damn, she felt good. Tight. Wet. Hot. He shut his eyes and recited the

multiplication table in his head, trying to stave off his climax. When he’d

regained control of his body, he shifted his hips forward and back,

luxuriating in the feel of her cunt suctioning him in. He could feel every

inch of her channel, the walls snug and rippling around his cock. She

felt so damn good. Too fucking good.

“Goddamn it.” He yanked his hips backward, pulling his dick out of

her with a wet squelch.

Gail moaned and dug her fingers into his ass, preventing him from

going anywhere. “No! God, don’t stop now. Please.”

“I have to, darlin’. I forgot the condom.”

Her hands eased up on his behind, but she didn’t let him go. “Screw

it. You’re already there and you feel so good. Please. I’m on the pill, so

you don’t have to worry about getting me pregnant.”

Her fingertips caressed over his behind and into the hollow between,

running over his anus. Shame growled, thought about taking her up on

her offer and decided against it. He may have been guilty of getting a late

start putting it on, a first for him, but he knew better than to continue

without a rubber, no matter how tempted he was or how fucking good

she felt around him without the damn latex. People always said things

they didn’t mean in the heat of the moment and he didn’t want her to

have anything to be sorry about when she looked back on their night


With regret, he reached back and pried her fingers off his ass. “Stay

right here. I’ll be right back.”

She sighed, dropping her hands to the bed, but didn’t argue with



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Struggling to calm his raging libido, Shame hopped off the bed and

crossed the room. He rummaged through his bag until he found a box of

rubbers. Pulling one from the box, he dropped the rest on the floor and

turned around, looking over Gail, naked and spread out across the bed,

as he tore into the foil wrapper and slid the aggravating piece of latex

down his shaft.

Now that he’d had a chance to catch his breath he thought of all the

things he hadn’t done to her and couldn’t live without doing. He crawled

up the bottom of the bed and grabbed her ankles. Gail squeaked, but

didn’t fight him as he spread her thighs wide. The sight of her small,

pink slit, open and waiting for him, had his mouth watering, hankering

for a taste of her.

Shame stretched out between her thighs. He slid his hands between

her ass and the bed and angled her hips up to meet his mouth. He

extended his tongue and gave a slow swipe through the plump, wet folds

of her sex. He groaned, the bittersweet flavor of her bursting over his

taste buds, and dove back in for more, flicking the tip of his tongue over

the hard kernel of her clit. She cried out, her hips shifting restlessly, and

he traveled farther down, jabbing at the tight gate of her vagina and

lapping up the cream he found there before moving past it to lave over

the wrinkled pucker of her anus. Gail mewled and bucked her hips. He

shifted his attention up and stabbed his tongue in and out of her pussy,

tasting her, swallowing the sweet broth she released for him.

The lips of her sex fluttered. Her clit grew harder, longer, poking out

from underneath its hood to wink at him. Unable to resist his urge to feel

her come against his mouth, he pulled the bundle of nerves into his

mouth and suckled.

She cried out, her fingers digging into his scalp and tugging at his

hair. “Oh! Oh God. Please, Shame, don’t stop.”


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Shame growled against the folds of her sex and devoured her with

renewed purpose. His tongue a whirlwind against her clit, he alternated

fast and short jabs with long, slow licks. Her hips rotated, her pelvis

thrusting at his face faster and faster, while the thighs at each side of his

face began to tremble. Beneath his tongue, her clit throbbed and pulsed,

swelling like a tiny cock. He sucked, applying pressure to the tiny bud,

and she went off in his mouth. A rush of moisture coated his chin and

mouth as she shivered and shook, screaming out her release.

One last long lick, from clit to anus, and Shame retreated, rising up

above her. On his knees, he pulled her thighs wide and brought her

knees up and over his elbows, opening her for his thrust home. In one

desperate lunge he buried himself to the hilt, his balls slapping against

her bottom.

Shame groaned and Gail whimpered.

He began to move, rhythmically driving in and out of her with slow,

deep thrusts. Over and again, his hips arched, pounding the thick length

of his cock into her.

Grabbing the only thing she could reach, Gail’s nails bit into his

forearms, holding on to him. Shame’s grip on her thighs tightened, his

thrusts coming faster as he felt the slick walls around his sex ripple and

begin to pulse.

“Oh yeah. Fuck, darlin’, come on my cock. Come for me. Let me feel


Gail whimpered again and threw her hips back at him. “I can’t.”

Shame picked up the speed of his thrusts, lunging into her. He let go

of one of her thighs and reached between them to massage her clit

between his fingers. “You can. You will.”


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Gail moaned, her head thrashing from side to side. A long, low wail

erupted from her mouth and she came, her pussy clamping down on him

like a vise.

It was too much for him. His body went into sensory overload and

shut down. Shame buried himself inside her with one long, deep thrust

and began to spasm, his release pumping into the condom. Gail’s name

slipped from his lips as his orgasm crashed over him.


Damn, she was warm. That was the first thought that registered as

Gail slowly grew aware of her surroundings. She felt snuggly and

comfortable and…there was a dick poking her in the ass. What the—?

The events from the night before hit her with the force of a bag of bricks.

Gail jerked upright, the covers slipping out of her grip to fall around

her waist, and frantically looked around her. What she was looking for

she couldn’t have said.

The sun was up, though how high couldn’t be determined through

the thick drapes. Nevertheless, it was morning and she was in deep shit.

Her boss was supposed to be in and she’d spent the night fucking a

stranger instead of doing her job. Gail groaned. She was toast.

A firm arm flopped over her lap, drawing her attention to the sinfully

naked man beside her. He was dead to the world, fast asleep. All she

could see was the broad width of his shoulders, one muscled arm and

lots of thick, wavy auburn hair shielding his ruggedly handsome face.

The night before, her nervousness, the mind-numbing pleasure he gave

her, had her nipples peaking and her libido revving up for another



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Unfortunately, with her livelihood on the line, a steamy round of

morning sex wasn’t an option. It was a shame she hadn’t taken that into

consideration before she’d agreed to put her responsibilities on the back

burner for an orgasm. Make that two orgasms. Even if they had been the

best she’d ever had.

Focus, Gail, focus.

Gail eased out from underneath Shame’s arm and slipped from the

bed, careful not to wake the man beside her. The last thing she needed

was an awkward goodbye. And it would be. She didn’t have the first clue

what someone said after a one-night stand and frankly, she didn’t want

to. They’d had sex, mind-numbingly good sex, but that’s all it was and

she wasn’t sure how to deal with the aftereffects. One-nighters were not

her thing, though she was confident the man she’d slept with had

probably indulged in plenty. A kernel of guilt over leaving without a word

ate at her, but she dismissed it. He would probably be relieved to find her

gone when he awoke.

Taking a deep breath, she found all her clothes, except for her

underwear, as they seemed to have vanished without a trace, and pulled

them on. As quietly as she could, she inched open the door, wincing as

the old hinges squeaked a little, and slipped out into the hallway.

Maybe if she was lucky, her boss wouldn’t be in yet. Scratch that,

when the hell had she ever been lucky a day in her life? Hmm, let’s see,

how about never?

Heartbeat thundering in her ears, Gail hurried up the hallway when

what she really wanted to do was turn around and run in the other

direction. Each step brought her closer to whatever was in store for her.

Her brain spun in circles as she frantically tried to come up with an

explanation for why she hadn’t been at her post. Nothing plausible came

to mind.


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Well, she’d wanted some excitement. She was getting it in spades


Opening the door, Gail entered the employee-only room that allowed

one into the area behind the counter. It was quiet. Looking around she

saw everything was just the way she’d left it. Maybe…

The door opened and slammed shut behind her.

Turning around, she came face-to-face with her boss. The expensive

black suit and white dress shirt he wore was pristine. His round face was

flushed a deep red. His beady black eyes bore through her skull, like he

was trying to read her mind.

He spoke, his high voice brittle. “Gail.”

“Mr. Pascow.”

“I’d like to have a word with you.”

Gail sighed. She was so busted.


Shame woke up cold and alone. Shivering, he yanked the comforter

over his head and buried his face in the pillow. Outside of the covers, the

room was the temperature of a freezer. He was also sporting a boner hard

enough to hammer nails.

He lowered his hand and adjusted himself, his palm lingering over

the blunt tip of his cock, stroking it. Damn, it was hell waking up horny

without someone there to help take care of it. You could only beat off so

many times before you gave yourself carpal tunnel syndrome.

It rankled that Gail had snuck out without saying goodbye. Shame

rolled over onto his back and raked a hand through his disheveled hair,

wondering why he even cared that she wasn’t there to wake up to. The


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chick was just a one-time thing, a warm body for the night. So why did

her absence gnaw at him?

Something else suddenly occurred to him, stopping his thoughts of

Gail and her odd effect on him. Even without her in the room, he

shouldn’t have been alone.

Where the hell was Ty?


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Chapter Four

As she entered the living room, Gail kicked off the black flats she

wore and discarded the constricting black blazer. She draped it over the

back of the chair and flopped down on the blue recliner. Scrubbing her

hands over her face, she blew out a disgruntled breath of hot air. It had

been the week from hell. First she’d been fired, then she’d bombed at the

only two job interviews she’d been called in for, and last but not least,

someone had broken into her car and stolen her stereo. If anything else

bad happened, she planned to crawl into the closet and hide. Enough

was enough already.

What she needed was a vacation. Since she was no longer gainfully

employed, it could be a vacation from life. Unfortunately, she was also

flat broke, so that wasn’t going to happen. Which was a catch-twenty-

two. Now that she was jobless, she had all the time in the world to do

whatever she wanted but she didn’t have any money to do it with.

To her disgust, there was a single place she really yearned to be—

Shame’s arms—and the only thing required to make it a reality was a

miracle. Since he and his buddy were long gone by now, it wasn’t going

to happen. Shoot, even if they were still at the motel, there was no

guarantee he would be interested in being with her again.

While their time together had been hands down the best sex she’d

ever had, for him it was probably nothing special. Having replayed it in

her head, over and over, she was embarrassed to realize that she hadn’t


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done the first thing to make it good for him. She’d just lain there, like she

was paralyzed from the neck down, and let him do all the work.

She was ashamed of her behavior. It was usually her that gave and

gave, receiving nothing in return. She could hardly believe she’d done

something so out of character. Not that she was complaining; the

pleasure he gave her was worth being a tad selfish. She just wished she

could do a few things differently. Like take a turn going down on him.

Her blood heated a few degrees higher at the mere thought of taking

him into her mouth. Sucking on his long, hard cock until he moaned and

writhed, spilling his salty-sweet essence down her throat. The thought of

tasting him had kept her awake more than one night that week.

Only after she felt the tug on her nipple through her plain cotton tee,

did she realize that one of her hands had migrated north of its own free

will and was plucking at the stiff peak. Jesus, she needed to get a life.

How sad was it that she sat in her living room at five o’clock in the

evening thinking about the only real sex she’d had in the last—she didn’t

even know how long—and was playing with herself?

Gail pulled her hand away from her chest and glowered down at it.

Did she have no self-control anymore? Wiping her damp palms over her

jeans, she stood and headed into the kitchen to find something to eat.

Entering the tiny eat-in kitchen made her feel closer to her mom.

This room, with its sunny yellow walls and bright sunflower drapes, had

been her mother’s favorite. If she tried hard enough, she could almost

picture her sitting there at the small wooden table for two, a deck of worn

cards laid out on its surface, playing solitaire.

Of course, that was before she’d been diagnosed with the big C,

cervical cancer. After the diagnosis, she’d not had the energy to so much

as lift her head, let alone play games.


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God, she missed her. She’d never realized how truly alone the two of

them were until the night she’d learned she was going to lose her mom.

She’d never forget that awful night for as long as she lived. She’d just

come home from community college and found her mom sitting on the

sofa, her eyes glittering with unshed tears. Gail dropped her things onto

the floor and rushed across the room, pleading with her mom to tell her

what was wrong, never expecting to hear what she had. The grim

prognosis crumbled the floor right out from under Gail’s feet. Mothers

weren’t supposed to die. Especially not hers.

Against her mom’s wishes, she’d quit college and took a job working

nights at the motel, so that she could take care of her. Working late

allowed her to transport her mom back and forth to her many doctors’

appointments and spend time with her. Then later, after the cancer grew

beyond help, she’d been able to sit vigil by her mom’s hospital bed so she

wouldn’t ever be alone. Nothing had been more important to her during

those final months than being there for her mom.

In the end, it turned out that she was wrong. Mothers did die and

hers wasn’t any more invincible than the next. She’d fought the disease

ravaging her body, underwent the recommended chemotherapy and

radiation that left her body more damaged than the cancer, but it wasn’t

enough. She passed away quietly in her sleep.

Gail was forced to pick up the pieces of her life and move on without

her mom. She’d let everything fall to the wayside, too worried about her

mom’s health to exert the energy needed to keep up with friendships or

the dating scene. What few fair-weather friends she did have had

disappeared with Gail’s good spirits.

Gail shook her head, trying to pull herself away from her morbid

thoughts, and tugged open the refrigerator. Staring at nothing in specific,

she strived to figure out what to eat. She was starving, her stomach


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practically gnawing on her backbone, but nothing looked appetizing. She

tried to bring to mind the last thing she’d eaten and drew a blank. Could

it have possibly been the cream-cheese bagel she’d devoured while

standing at the sink the night before? God, it probably was. Real


She had to start taking better care of herself. Eat better. Exercise.

Maybe even talk herself into going out and attempting to meet new

people. How was she ever going to find Mr. Right if she continued to hide

herself away like a hermit?

Battery-operated boyfriends aside, she couldn’t remember the last

time she’d had a date. The kind where the guy picked her up and took

her out somewhere other than his bed for the night.

It’d been over a week since she’d had any human contact, besides the

two uptight toads who’d interviewed her and the busy customer-service

reps she’d requested applications from. As lonely and desperate as she

felt, she’d settle for a date including McDonald’s drive-thru and a DVD, if

it meant being able to cuddle up next to someone warm and have an

adult conversation.

Disgusted with her train of thought, she shut the fridge and selected

an apple from the wicker bowl in the middle of the kitchen table. Sinking

her teeth into the tart green fruit, she walked into the living room and

sank back down on her recliner.

Maybe she should get a cat. Or a dog. No, she was more of a cat

person. Weren’t all single women supposed to have a feline?

She grabbed for the remote on the end table beside her. Her fingers

froze, hovering over it, as she cocked her head to the side and listened

closely. Someone was pulling into her driveway. She could hear the

unmistakable crunch of ice and gravel beneath the vehicle’s tires as it

started up the steep incline leading to her small house on the hill.


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The remote forgotten, she rose to her feet and hurried over to the

picture window, pulling back the gauzy white sheers covering it. A large,

black crew-cab truck was coming up her driveway. Who in the world was


Must be someone lost. It was easy to lose your bearings if you weren’t

familiar with the rural area in which she lived.

Gail let the curtains fall shut and hurried over to the front door. She

stepped out onto the porch as the truck rolled to a stop. The cab

windows had a mirrored finish, so even with it parked right in front of

her face, she couldn’t make out who was inside.

Shame stared at the woman he’d only known for one night. His gaze

started at her head, memorizing the way her golden hair caught the

setting sun, and then moved on to the startling baby blue color of her

eyes and her small upturned nose and full pink lips. No longer did she

wear the frumpy work uniform she’d had on the night they met. Instead,

she wore a thin cotton T-shirt that clung to her breasts, the tips of her

nipples clearly visible against the soft fabric, and faded blue jeans that

hugged her long legs like a second skin. Even her bare feet, with chipped

pink nail polish, were sexy.

Damn, she was a knockout. For some reason, he’d expected her to be

plainer, less gorgeous than he’d pictured countless times in his head

since the few short hours they’d spent together. His body’s response to

this one woman was a frightening thing. The touch of possessiveness he

felt toward her was beyond scary. It was downright mind-numbing. He

couldn’t afford to develop feelings for her, and more importantly, he

didn’t want to. He didn’t plan to ever open himself up to caring about

someone again. He wouldn’t survive losing another loved one.


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If he’d had any other choice, knew anyone else in town that he could

turn to, he wouldn’t be there. He would’ve stayed as far away from her as

possible. She seemed like a good woman. One who didn’t deserve to get

mixed up in the shit he and Ty were involved in. Sadly, he didn’t have

any other options.

Ty was missing. No amount of searching during the last week had

turned up the first clue as to where he was. Assuming that their

presence in town had been discovered and that Ty had either been taken

against his will or was deep in hiding, Shame had been forced to leave

the one motel in town.

For the last two nights, what little sleep he’d gotten had taken place

in the cab of his truck. What he needed now was a safe place to hole up.

Somewhere no one would think to look for him as he continued to search

for Ty and tried to figure out his next move. Gaining Gail’s cooperation,

while keeping her in the dark about his plans, was paramount.

She stepped down off the porch as he slid out of the truck. The

dumbstruck look on her face clearly told him that she’d never expected

to lay eyes on him again.


“Miss me, darlin’?” he asked with a teasing grin. Now was not the

time to lose his charm.

Her mouth floundered open, then curved into an uncertain smile.

“What are you doing here? How…how did you even find out where I live?”

Good question. It wouldn’t do for him to tell her the truth; that he

was a hell of a computer hacker and could pretty much figure out

anything he wanted to about her, with little effort—from last year’s tax

return to which online stores she shopped at. “You’re in the phone book,



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She looked confused for a minute, a cute frown popping up between

her arched brows, before what he said seemed to dawn on her. “Oh,

um…yeah, I guess so. That still doesn’t explain why you’re here though.”

In two steps Shame stood in front of her. He wrapped his arms

around her narrow waist and pulled her close against his body. “I missed

you. Wanted to see you again.” That, at least, was the truth.

Her eyes heated, the baby blue of her retinas went smoky and he

realized that she must’ve been able to feel the thick ridge of his erection

pressing into her stomach. His cock woke up and saluted the instant

she’d stepped out onto the covered porch and had yet to go down. If

anything, the damn thing was barking to be petted. Her curvaceous body

was temptation personified. While he could control his actions

somewhat, he couldn’t control his body’s strong reaction to her presence.

“Come on, darlin’, admit you’ve been thinking about me just as much

as I’ve been thinking about you.”

Her lashes lowered and a pretty pink blush slashed across her

cheekbones before she nodded ever so slightly. Her eyes remained

downcast, focused on his chest. “And if I have?”

When he didn’t answer right away she glanced up, her tongue darting

out to moisten her dry lips. Shame groaned, imagining that tongue

moistening the head of his cock, flicking over the slit and swallowing his


He leaned in, unable to resist the lure her lips presented, and kissed

her. As gentle as butterfly wings, he brushed his mouth over hers, felt a

shaky puff of air come from between her parted lips and allowed himself

to sink in deeper, slide his tongue over her bottom lip and the rough edge

of her teeth. He heard a moan, was unsure if it came from him or her,

and decided he didn’t really give a damn.


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The sun beat down on his shoulders, warming him, as he tasted her

and explored the recesses of her mouth, the smooth enamel of her teeth,

the sandpapery texture of her tongue. She tasted like apple pie, warm

and tartly sweet. He couldn’t get enough. Angling his head to the side, he

took the kiss deeper, his tongue pillaging the tender depths of her

mouth. He dragged the kiss out, on and on, reluctant to break away.

Their mouths fused together, and he kissed her until his head spun and

his balls ached. Until he was forced to stop or chance going off inside his

pants like a horny teenage boy.

Shame pulled back. A few scant centimeters of separation stood

between his lips and hers. He gazed into her heavily lidded eyes and

forced himself to drag oxygen into his lungs while at the same time

dipping into hard-won reserves of self-control to keep from laying her

down in the snow and taking her right there for God and all else to see.

Gail shivered, her compact body trembling in his arms, and Shame

knew without a doubt that he was lost. Stupid, shitty timing or not, he

wanted this woman. Wanted her for a hell of a lot more than a quick

fuck, and he intended to have her. He didn’t know the how or why of it,

but it was the plain, unvarnished truth.

Gail closed her eyes and sighed. Her forehead fell to rest against the

curve of his neck and her arms snaked around his throat, holding him. It

gave him exactly the opening he was waiting for. Bending, he tightened

one arm around her lower back and used the other to swoop behind her

knees, lifting her off the ground and into the cradle of his arms.

She squealed and clung to his neck. “What are you doing? Put me

down! I’m too heavy. You’ll give yourself a hernia.”

Shame chuckled. “You’re not too heavy.” He jostled her around in his

arms. “I’d say you’re just right.”


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He pressed a quick kiss on the top of her head, climbed up the porch

stairs and walked through the open front door, kicking it closed behind

him. His gaze scanned the first room he came to, searching for a soft

place to lay her down. As tight as his balls felt, he didn’t even consider

looking for her bedroom. He had to have her. Now.

The living room was odd. He’d never seen one without at least a

couch or a love seat, but hers only consisted of an entertainment center

covered in knickknacks and an older-model television. Two velour

recliners and a pair of cherry end tables beside each were the only other

furniture. That wouldn’t work for what he had in mind. They probably

could get busy on one of the recliners, but damned if it wouldn’t be


Since the living room was out, he ignored the minuscule kitchen that

sat off to his left through an open partition and headed toward the back

of the house. Striding down the short hallway, he had three closed doors

to choose from. He figured two bedrooms and a bathroom.

“Which one?”

“That one,” she said, pointing toward the single door on the right side

of the hall.

She’d just let a stranger into her home. What the hell was she

thinking? Sure, she’d already let him into a lot more personal an area

than her bedroom, but still. Had she gone completely bonkers? He could

tie her down, steal what few possessions she owned and kill her without

a single thought if he wanted to and there wouldn’t be a damn thing she

could do to stop him. Her gut, however misguided, urged her to trust

him. Told her he was safe and wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. At least

not on purpose. If her fragile heart was crushed when he left, it would be


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her fault for deluding herself into thinking he wanted more from her than

a quick fuck, not his.

She decided to listen to her heart instead of her brain. The same

brain that yelled warnings and dire predictions at her as he carried her

into her bedroom and set her down on the cream-colored duvet.

Gail didn’t move an inch. She was too busy watching as Shame

began to strip off his clothes. The black sweater went first, coming off

over his head. Muscles rippled across his smooth, bronzed chest as he

unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the loops in his dark denim


Folding the belt in half, he stopped stripping long enough to look her

square in the eye and snap the leather belt between his hands. The loud

crack startled her, making her jump, but it also made her wonder if he

intended to use it on her. She shuddered in dread and also in

anticipation, which surprised the hell out of her. She wasn’t into

bondage, never had been, but the thought of his calloused palm, or even

the belt that had hugged his lean waist, spanking her bottom, had her

already-damp panties inundated with a fresh surge of moist,

uncontrollable lust.

There wasn’t much this one sexy man could do to her that she would

refuse or fail to be turned-on by. There was just something about

him…some indefinable quality that made her inhibitions drop, right

along with her panties.

Shame let go of his belt, his tapered fingers quickly working the metal

buttons of his fly open, one at a time. As he shoved the denim over his

trim hips and down the long length of his thighs, Gail’s eyes were drawn

to his stomach and the upraised scar that bisected his abdomen. Thin

and white, it ended above his innie bellybutton, fell into the indent

between his ab muscles and stopped a couple of inches shy of his


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nipples. If not for the odd placement, she would have thought it was a

stretch mark. That was exactly what it looked like—an old, faded stretch


His pants hit the floor, stealing her attention. She watched him kick

them away and then he was standing in front of her, gloriously naked.

Soft light filtered in through her bedroom window, enabling her to see

every golden inch of his perfect body, from the wide breadth of his

shoulders to the high arch of each of his narrow feet. What drew her

attention the most, however, was directly in between.

Riveted, she stared at his erect cock. Like the rest of his body, his

groin was smooth, making his penis appear larger, more alive, as it

bobbed under the strain of its own weight. Oddly enough, just beneath

the wide flare of his helmet, there was a tiny navy blue tattoo. She leaned

forward, trying to make it out, but it was too small.

“See something you like?”

Gail swallowed and her gaze traveled the lean lines of his body back

up to the mischievous gleam in his eyes. Hell, yes, she liked what she

saw. More than liked it, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. He was

conceited enough as it was.

She shrugged nonchalantly. “Well, you know what they say—if you’ve

seen one, you’ve pretty much seen them all.”

He stepped toward her, his penis jutting out in front of his body.

“Really now?”

She licked her lips, wondering what his velvety skin would taste like,

feel like sliding past her lips and over her tongue. Would he be salty or

sweet? “Yep.”

“Ah, come on, you’re not even a little bit impressed?”

Gail resisted the grin trying to fight its way to the surface. “Nope.”


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Shame stopped in front of her, his tempting erection no more than a

hairsbreadth away from her face. God, she really wanted to lick him,

make him moan and beg for her.

She stared at the weeping tip of his cock for a moment, pretended to

give it a clinical once-over—and in the process noticed that the tattoo

appeared to be an S and a lowercase L, though she couldn’t be sure. His

initials?—before meeting his eyes once again. “Sorry, it’s pretty, but not

anything special.”

He put his hand over his heart and gasped. “Now you’ve done it.

Broke my heart and hurt my poor prick’s feelings too. Shame on you.”

The goofy look on his face made her giggle. Actually giggle, like the

stupid schoolgirl she’d never really let herself be. Jesus, he was

dangerous. A killer body he knew how to use, and he made her laugh

too. If she wasn’t careful it would be all too easy to fall for him. He was

there for fun, a quick roll in the hay and nothing more. If she wanted to

keep her heart whole, she needed to remember that.

And then he pushed her back on the mattress and she wasn’t able to

think at all. Nothing other than how good he tasted as his lips crushed

over hers, or how hot and hard his shoulders felt under her hands when

she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his body down on top

of her.

One hot, openmouthed kiss descended into another. Their tongues

dueled, rubbing and teasing each other, making Gail drag air into her

lungs in short and choppy breaths through her nose. Her fingers delved

into the coarse hair at the nape of his neck and smoothed down his back

to cup his tight ass. She felt his cheeks hollow out as his hips arched

into her.

His hands slipped under her T-shirt, his palms brushing her stomach

as he worked it up over her breasts. Gail raised her arms and allowed


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him to pull it the rest of the way off, leaving her bare-chested and a little

insecure about how her body looked in the light of day. Before she could

give it much thought, he kissed her again and wiped away all of her

concerns about her form. Her lips clung to his as his hands arrowed

down her sides and fumbled with the snap on her jeans. Anxious to feel

his skin against hers, she reached down to help and jerked open the

button closure.

He groaned his appreciation into her mouth and his hands sank into

her pants, palming her bottom. She wiggled, trying to help him scoot the

denim down over her hips and legs. When her jeans hung around her

ankles, she kicked out and slung them the rest of the way off. Left in thin

white cotton panties, she shivered. Not from the cold but from the

anticipation of what was to come. She wanted…needed to feel Shame

inside her, making love to her.

Shame pulled back, coming up to his knees beside her. He stared

down at her, his eyes full of desire—for her—and she thought she would

come on the spot. Each place his gaze landed, her mouth, breasts, the

indent of her waist, the wet cotton that covered her aching sex, tingled

and burned as if he’d struck a match on it.

A tinge of self-consciousness hit her. She wished she’d worn

something besides her usual white cotton underwear. He deserved better,

something sexy like black lace or red silk, not drab white granny panties.

This sexy, rugged, virile man wanted her. Plain old, slightly chunky

Gail Wright. He thought she was beautiful, had said as much when they

were together before, at the motel, and even now she liked to think she

could see it reflected in his eyes. Damn if he didn’t make her feel pretty

too. She felt like a sunflower that’d just discovered basking in the sun.

As if she’d woken up from a long, cold winter and could feel the suns


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loving rays shining down on her. It was a heady sensation, to know that

she was so wanted, even if only for sex.

Gail pushed Shame down on the bed and flipped onto her hands and

knees over him. She desperately wanted to return the pleasure he’d

bestowed on her. Wanted to show him that this time would be different

and that she wasn’t always so selfish or needy. That she wanted to

please him too.

She scooted closer and the light scent of his male musk greeted her

nose. Looking up at him, she extended her tongue and swiped it over the

fat, bulbous head of his cock, tasting the droplets of pre-come that clung

to the tip. His essence burst over her tongue, salt and some

indescribable tangy flavor that was his alone and made her yearn for

more. She ran the flat of her tongue up and down his length, moistening

his prick with her saliva. She paid special attention to the sensitive dip

underneath the head, the tip of her tongue laving it repeatedly as he

growled and bucked his hips ever so slightly toward her face, as if he

couldn’t control his body’s reaction to her touch. Gail took the spongy

crown between her lips and suckled, her palm fondling his heavy balls at

the same time.

Relaxing her jaw, she strived to accept as much of his shaft as she

could manage, loving the feel of his hard, malleable flesh filling her

mouth and rubbing over her tongue. He was too long for her to take him

all in, but damn if she didn’t want to try. His desire, his pleasure was in

her hands and she relished the power it gave her.

She bobbed her head, taking him deeper by tiny increments until he

hit the back of her throat and could go no farther. Seeming to sense her

limits, he fisted his large hand around the base of his cock and began to

slowly thrust, fucking her mouth.


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His pleasure fed hers and fanned the flames of her desire higher.

Each swipe of her tongue, each nibble of her teeth on him, kicked her

need up another notch. The sultry moans that spilled from his mouth

caused her womb to fist and weep. She wanted to stop, to throw him

down on the bed and impale herself on him, but part of her yearned to

keep going and suck his juicy cock until he came down her throat.

In the end, Shame made the choice for her. His hands clenched in

her hair, making her whimper as he forced her to quit sucking him. He

rotated his hips with a groan and pulled his erection from her mouth

with a damp pop.

She only had time to swipe her tongue over the glistening tip of his

cock before Shame rolled her onto her back, spreading her legs wide as

he moved. He jerked her panties down her legs and flipped himself

around, turning his body backwards atop her, and buried his face

between her thighs. His tongue burrowed through the slick, swollen folds

of her pussy, feasting on her with a ravenous hunger that made her


She lowered her eyelids and shut out everything but the sweet

sensations he caused. His hot, wet tongue swirled through each crevice

and fold, leaving a maelstrom of need in his wake. Blunt teeth nibbled at

her labia and sucked. On and on, he continued to lick and tease, no part

of her pussy left untouched. He searched out all the spots that made her

mewl and used them to his advantage. All but the one she needed him to

touch the most. He went out of his way to avoid her clit.

Rotating her hips, she tried to get his tongue where she wanted it. He

sidestepped, flicking his tongue all around her clit, never touching it

once. “Damn it, Shame, please,” she begged.


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He chuckled, the hot puff of breath coming from his mouth bathing

her pussy in added heat, making her clit pulse harder in horny


Gail opened her eyes. Like ripe fruit, ready to be plucked and

savored, his cock and balls dangled temptingly over her face. Fine, if he

wanted to drive her out of her mind with his teasing, she was more than

happy to return the favor.

She licked her palm, getting it good and wet, and gripped his stiff

cock, stroking her closed fist up and down his length before pulling him

closer to her waiting mouth and his punishment for denying her release.

Up and over, she fisted his ruddy stalk, her fingers squeezing the

weeping tip on each upstroke. Her tongue extended, flicked softly over

the taut sac encasing his balls, teasing him.

He groaned into her pussy, his tongue moving faster, harder over her

flesh. Oh, yes. That was the response she was looking for.

Desperate to come, suddenly desperate to make him come with her,

her mouth covered one of his swollen testicles and pulled it into her

mouth. Her tongue worked a tight figure eight over the succulent orb,

laved it and applied gentle pressure. She switched back and forth, from

one ball to the other, lapping at the wrinkled sac while her hand pumped

hard and fast over his penis. With each pass, her fingers swirled over his

wet crown, collecting the moisture he provided, and spread it over his

flesh for a smooth glide.

Still, he refused to give her what she wanted. Refused to touch her

where she needed him to. What did she have to do to get him to lick her

clit, damn it? If her brain hadn’t been short-circuiting on pleasure

overload, she would be able to figure it out. As it was, she wouldn’t be

able to tell anyone her full name if they asked it of her.


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What turned guys on? A naked and willing woman, check. Having

their cock sucked, check. Licking their balls, check. What else was



That one scary, forbidden little word popped into her brain and

lodged there, jumping up and down waiting for her to pay attention to it.

Could she find it? She’d never thought of doing that with the couple of

lovers she’d been with prior to him. Did she dare try? What if all the

descriptions she’d read in romance novels were wrong and she ended up

not being able to find it? Or if she inadvertently scratched something and

hurt him? Hell, what if she did find it and he was repulsed?

Shit. Only one way to find out.

With shaky fingers wet from her saliva, she massaged the space

between his balls and anus. Beneath the fragile skin, she could feel the

hard root of his cock where it disappeared into his core. When he didn’t

stiffen up or yell for her to stop, she moved a little higher. Her fingertips

glanced off the puckered ring of flesh guarding his rectum, testing his

response, before quickly jumping back to his perineum. When all that

garnered was an encouraging groan and not a single pause in his

ministrations to her sex, she began to feel braver, more daring. Spitting

on both of her hands, she resumed her pumping on his cock, this time

pulling the flared rim down to lick and suckle. Her other hand moved

back to massage the pink flesh she was preparing to violate. The more

she rubbed, the more his tightly clenched muscles relaxed. Slick and

ready, she eased the tip of one finger into his bottom.

He groaned. Tensed.

She stopped, her fingertip lodged in his ass, and waited for him to

say or do something to stop her from going any further. Instead of the

rebuttal she expected, she got a low, husky sound of pleasure and felt


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his tongue move marginally closer to her clit. The vigor with which he ate

her pussy increased. So did her need to come.

Emboldened, she pressed on, sinking her finger deeper inside him.

His chute clamped down on the digit, squeezing it, the inside of his body

hot and softer than she expected. It felt like live silk. With one finger

lodged to the webbing, she started to slip in another. Slowly, she twisted

her wrist around trying to find the most comfortable position while she

rubbed the walls of his rectum, searching for the small walnut-shaped

protrusion she knew should be on the side closest to his belly and near

the tips of her fingers.

Shame growled into her pussy and she felt the vibrations rocket

through her body. God, she was so close. All he’d have to do was breathe

hard on her clit and she would shoot off like a rocket. She was

determined to take him with her when she did go over.

She angled her head back and swallowed as much of his cock as she

could in her awkward position. Her tongue, teeth and palate all worked

in concert together to get him off. She pushed up with her fingers and

pressed forward, straining to reach…and then she felt it—the small, soft

mound of flesh that could and would send him over the edge. She

brushed it, just barely, and the hot, silken walls around her fingers

clenched down, resisting her movements.

Shame’s hips bucked, pushing his cock farther into her mouth,

butting up against the back of her throat and gagging her. “Mmm, yeah,

baby. Right there. Make me come.” His moist breath puffed over her

aching clit. His tongue followed, swiping the tiny bundle of nerves before

his lips settled around it and suckled.

Gail’s back arched, pushing her sex harder against his face. Her

mouth sealed around his cock, tongue circumnavigating the swollen tip.

Slender fingers pushed higher, putting more pressure on his prostate.


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Even in her passionate stupor, she was careful not to press too hard and

hurt him.

He growled, sucking harder, feasting on her as if her pussy was the

last thing he’d ever be allowed to taste, and Gail’s world rocked on its

axis. Her stomach muscles tightened. Time froze. All she knew, felt, was

his mouth and the coil of tension inside her that wound tighter and

tighter with every pass of his tongue over her flesh. She wanted to beg,

plead with him to finish her off, but refused to let go of him long enough

to voice her desires. Instead, she sucked harder, pressed her fingers

deeper and pumped her fist faster along his length, suddenly desperate

to taste his essence, have it fill her mouth.

His ass clamped down on her fingers right before the first blast of

semen hit her tongue and exploded over her taste buds. Salty. Addictive.

And then she was coming, his climax setting off her own. The fierce

contractions of her orgasm barreled over her, sweeping her away with the

bittersweet pleasure of release.


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Chapter Five

While he recovered from what had to be the world’s best orgasm,

Shame studied Gail’s bedroom. A woman’s room could say a lot about

her personality and he found that he wanted to know more about the

little minx who currently lay sprawled in a satiated heap over his chest.

Gail’s bedroom was simple. Not a lot of clutter like he’d seen in the

rest of the house. Off-white walls with a pale mint green border. A single

white mirrored dresser and matching nightstand. A few perfume bottles

and a small oak jewelry box sat on one corner of the dresser. On her

nightstand was an alarm clock and two picture frames. The larger frame

housed a picture of Gail and an older woman, both smiling happily into

the camera with an arm wrapped around each other’s shoulders. They

looked so much alike that they had to be family. Maybe an older sister,

or possibly her mother? The smaller of the two held a photo of two

children caught in the awkward stages right before puberty, a dark-

headed boy pushed a smaller girl—probably Gail, judging by the wild

mop of blonde hair—and smirked into the camera. The face stirred a

familiarity within Shame, but he couldn’t place it. He dismissed it,

figuring the boy just resembled someone he’d seen during his travels,

and moved his attention on.

The large canopied bed dominated the room with its immense size.

Instead of letting the sheer pink curtains at each corner of the bed down

like they were supposed to be, she’d wrapped them around the white

cast-iron poles, making him think that her bed, maybe she herself,


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hadn’t seen any action for quite some time. Otherwise, wouldn’t the

curtains have been down, blocking out the rest of the world, swathing

them with the notion that nothing existed outside of the bed and the

passion they found in each other’s arms?

Soft fingertips ran absently over his breastbone, alerting him to the

fact that the woman in question was awake. He glanced down at her and

noticed that her eyes were dreamy, like she was a million miles away.

Judging by the slight upward tilt at the corners of her lips, her thoughts,

whatever they might be, were of something pleasant. He wondered what

she thought about that would put such an angelic smile on her beautiful


Curiosity got the better of him. “What are you thinking about?”

“Hmm…” She looked up at him. “Oh, well, I just remembered what I

was thinking about right before you showed up. I was sitting in the living

room, feeling sorry for myself and wishing that I had someone special to

spend the evening with.” She blushed, her gaze sliding back down toward

his chest. “It’s kind of ironic that you’d show up right when I really

needed someone.”

Shame didn’t know what to say. His windpipe felt stuffed with wet

cotton. He also felt incredibly guilty. She thought he was there solely for

her and he’d let her believe that, thinking it would be easier than

explaining the truth and having her kick him out on his ass.

Was that what he’d turned into—a user?

“Gail, I’m glad I’m here. Even more pleased that you’re happy to see

me, but I have to tell you that part of the reason I’m here is because I

checked out of the motel. I thought, maybe, if it was all right with you, I

would stay here for a few days while I take care of things. If you don’t

want me to, all you have to do is say so and I’ll leave. No pressure. No

hard feelings, I promise.”


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Gail blinked up at him and then smiled. “Of course you can stay

here. I’d be happy to have the company.” She reached down, her hand

fisting around his semi-erect penis. “And I’m already thinking up ways

for you to earn your keep.”

Shame caught her hands and pulled them up over her head.

Laughing, he rolled her onto her back. “Oh you are, are you?” he teased.

“Mm hm.” Her eyes glittered up at him. “My mind’s spinning with all

the possibilities.”

He brushed his lips softly over hers. “I just bet. You want to share

some of those ideas with me?”

She wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed. “Nope. I think

I’ll keep them all to myself for now.”

Shame nipped her earlobe with his teeth. “Know what I think?”

“What?” she panted, her thighs tightening around him and her hips

wiggling to find the right angle for penetration.

“I think you’re a little tease.”

His cock rubbed over and between her swollen folds. Both of them

sighed as the tip cruised right down to where they both wanted it to be,

the mouth of her pussy.

“You’re wrong,” Gail whispered, her hips arching, her pussy

swallowing the first couple inches of his cock. “A tease doesn’t finish

what she starts. I fully intend to start it”—her wet flesh glided over his

tumescent stalk, punctuating her words—“and finish it.”

Shame groaned. His hips shot forward, burying the remaining inches

of his stiff member inside the tight grip of her pussy. His balls hit the soft

skin of her bottom and it was all he could do to keep from losing control.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he held still, not yet ready to move. He

wanted to savor the hot, moist clasp of her body around him for a

moment before he tore into her and sent them both into the stratosphere.


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Gail moaned beneath him and her nails dug into his ass, urging him

to move, to thrust. He gritted his teeth, stalling, wanting this time to last,

but she wasn’t making it easy on him.

Leveraging herself up on her elbows, she licked the underside of his

jaw and nipped at his chin. She ducked her head and flicked his nipple

with the tip of her tongue and then sank her teeth into it, biting down.

An involuntary grunt slipped from between his clenched teeth. God, she

was going to kill him. Too many orgasms like the first one and he was a

goner. Death by sexual overload—hell of a way to go, but it worked for


Her tongue moved across his chest, bathing his other nipple in wet

heat. Most women didn’t truly appreciate a man’s nipples. His were

extraordinarily sensitive. Did Gail know what she was doing to him by

sucking on him that way? Her lips tightened around the small bud of his

nipple and he lost his ability to think of anything but plowing into her

tight and willing cunt. His fingers twined with hers and he began to

lunge into her, over and over, each swivel of his hips harder than the one

that came before.

“Oh, yes! Shame. Harder.”

He felt the hot liquid pull of her sex spasm around his cock and

clamp down on him, contracting in rhythmic waves. He thrust once and

then again, burying his dick to the root, and let himself fall over the edge

of orgasm with her. Lightning shot from his perineum to the head of his

cock, his come following right behind it. Thick jets of semen exploded

from the tip and filled her, marking her as his.

Shame rolled onto his back, taking her with him. His shrinking

erection still inside her, she laid on top of his chest, her head brushing

against his chin. The only sound in the room was the ragged inhalations

as they tried to catch their breath.


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Shame smoothed his hands over her back, his fingers leisurely

exploring the crease of her spine and the indent at the top of her bottom.

“Mmm…that feels good,” she whispered into his chest, the air from

her words billowing over his nipples. She moved her body a little to the

right and his semi-erect penis slipped out of her and flopped against his

thigh, wet from their joint release.

Fuck. His fingers stilled on her waist.

She rubbed her face into his chest. Kissed his collarbone. “Don’t stop

now. You keep massaging my back like that and you’re going to put me

to sleep.”


“Hmm?” she whispered drowsily.

“I forgot to use protection.”

Her muscles stiffened underneath his fingertips. She didn’t say

anything for a long time. Long enough for Shame to start to sweat,

wondering what was going through her mind.

Finally, she pulled up and looked him in the eye. “Don’t worry about

it. I’m on the pill, remember?” Her cheeks blossomed a pretty shade of

pink and he realized they always did that when she was embarrassed or

felt bashful. “Besides, I’m supposed to start in a few days, so even if I

wasn’t, I’m sure your little soldiers wouldn’t find anything to fertilize.”

She sighed and laid her head back on his shoulder. Shame turned

her words over in his head, thinking about what she’d said. His hand

toyed with her hair where it was spread out over his chest. “For what it’s

worth, I’m clean. I know you can’t just take someone’s word for it but—”

Soft fingers covered his mouth, stopping him. “I know. It’s okay. I’m

clean too. We’ll just have to be more careful in the future.”

A vivid picture of Gail’s stomach rounded with his child popped into

his head. It was quickly replaced with another one of a little boy with his


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auburn hair and Gail’s beautiful blue eyes. He swallowed, uncomfortable

with the images and how clear they appeared in his mind. Where the hell

did those thoughts come from? He barely knew her. He sure as hell

didn’t want to knock her up. He’d had a family, a wife and daughter he’d

loved. They were gone. Dead. He didn’t want another one.

He opened his mouth, ready to tell her as much. To let her know that

he wasn’t interested in more than a fling, but his stomach growled,

interrupting him.

Gail rose up on one elbow, her eyes full of laughter, and patted his

abdomen. “I made you work up an appetite, huh?”

He smiled back at her and leaned up to press a kiss to her lips, his

previous thoughts squelched. “Guess so.”

She scrambled off the bed and walked naked across the room, his

eyes trailing her every move, and yanked an old white terrycloth robe off

the back of the bedroom door.

She turned back to him as she pulled it over her shoulders and tied it

around her waist. The graceful dip over her naked breasts peeked out at

him from beneath the robe. “Come on. Follow me to the kitchen. I think

the least I can do is feed you after all the hard manual labor you’ve

done,” she teased with a smile and a come-hither wave before she turned

and walked through the door.

Shame wondered how her teasing and easy manner could so easily

shift his mood. She was good for him, his Gail. Whoa! Wait just a damn

minute. She wasn’t his anything.

A vision of her body, flushed with arousal and straining toward

completion—the completion he’d given her—popped into his head. Okay,

so maybe he had a soft spot for the woman. He would admit that much,

but it wasn’t anything more than hot sex. He wouldn’t let it be.


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Gail puttered around in the kitchen, trying to figure out what she

could cook for Shame. There wasn’t much in the fridge and besides that,

she had no idea what the man even liked. Staring blankly into the half-

empty cupboard, she wondered what was taking him so long in the

bedroom. She’d been standing in the kitchen waiting on him for a good

ten minutes. It would be easier for her to figure out what to make if she

could ask him about his likes and dislikes.

Impatient, Gail turned to go find him, only to see him standing in the

doorway, lean hip propped against the wall and one leg casually draped

over the other. His chest was gloriously bare above tight, faded blue

jeans and though he’d taken the time to pull them on, he’d left them

unbuttoned, allowing her a tantalizing glimpse of soft skin beneath his

ridged abs. When she finally forced her gaze up to his face, she realized

he was staring at her with a weird expression on his handsome face, as if

she had snot running out of her nose or something.

“What?” Gail asked, her hand flying to cover the lower portion of her

face, worried that maybe she really did have a booger showing.

Shame smiled, twin dimples popping out on either side of his full,

supple lips. “Nothing. I was just watching you. Has anyone ever told you

that you look damn cute when you’re concentrating on something? You

start gnawing on your bottom lip and you get this adorable little wrinkle

in the middle of your forehead.”

She felt her face morph into a scowl but her brain was doing a happy

dance. He thought she was adorable. “Um, thanks,” she muttered, not

knowing what else to say. Compliments always made her uncomfortable.

She’d never quite mastered the art of accepting one gracefully. “So,” she

said, changing the subject. “What do you like?” She pulled open the

fridge and stared at the meager contents for the umpteenth time. “I can

do omelets. Would that be—?”


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Hard, muscular arms snaked around her waist and yanked her back

against Shame’s rock-solid chest. Impossibly, she felt a renewed erection

pressing against her bottom through the thick fabric of her robe. Though

she knew full well what he was up to, she asked anyway. “What are you


Soft lips brushed over the curve of her shoulder. “You asked me what

I was in the mood for.” His hands toyed with the belt around her waist,

untying it. One calloused palm slipped inside to cup her breast,

manipulating her nipple.

With a sigh, she leaned into him, the back of her head coming to rest

on his shoulder. “I guess I should have been more clear about what was

on the menu.”

He squeezed her nipple, sending a bolt of heat to her core. “I’m glad

you didn’t.”

“Me too,” she whispered, before twisting and wrapping her arms

around his neck. She stretched up to kiss him. As her lips pressed to

his, his stomach growled loudly, reminding her why they’d come into the

kitchen to begin with. She snickered. “You want to rethink skipping


Shame smiled, his eyes twinkling down at her. “Yeah, maybe eating

first isn’t such a bad idea after all.” He let her go and stepped back. “Do

you need help with anything?”

She turned away and opened the fridge before she gave in to her

body’s demand that she jump back into his arms to insist he finish what

he’d started. “Sure. You any good with a grater? You can grate cheese

and crack the eggs, while I cut up some veggies.”

“I’ve never used one, but I’ll give it a shot, as long as you don’t mind

if I accidentally grate some of my fingers in with the cheese.”


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Gail laughed and began to pull out the ingredients they would need

for the omelets. With her arms laden down, she turned back to him and

handed him the carton of eggs. “Why do you think I don’t want to do it?”

Shame accepted the eggs and carried them over to the table where

she’d set out a bowl and the cheese grater. With his back turned, she

noticed another small tattoo on his left shoulder blade. It was a little

pink teddy bear. Across its chubby tummy, the name Sophie was written

in cursive.

“Who’s Sophie?” she blurted out before she could think better of it.

Shame’s spine stiffened and she didn’t need for him to turn around

and show her his face to know the polite mask of barely leashed civility

had slipped over his features. She bit into her lip, cursing herself for

asking. Gail resolved to change the subject before he said something to

ruin her good mood. Like for her to mind her own business. She turned

away from him and busied herself with chopping vegetables. “I hope you

like mushrooms. I always have to have a lot of mushrooms and cheese in

mine. It just doesn’t seem like an omelet without them.” Could she sound

any more lame?

After several tense moments, during which time she grew sure he

wasn’t ever going to speak to her again, he finally broke the silence.

“Whatever you want to throw in is fine with me. I’m not all that picky

about what I eat.”

The rest of their late-night meal was prepared in virtual silence, only

the banging of implements and the hiss of butter on the skillet to fill the

quiet void. It wasn’t until they sat across the table from each other, no

longer busy, that the silence began to grow uncomfortable.

Frantically, she racked her brain, trying to come up with some

menial small talk to fill in the chasm growing ever larger between them

by the second. Thinking of things to say to him shouldn’t have been so


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hard. She imagined that if they had gone about things the normal way—

forced themselves through an awkward couple of dates before they’d

jumped into bed together—then it wouldn’t take such a stretch of the

imagination to come up with something to talk about.

Though she’d been more intimate with him than any other, she found

herself at an intellectual loss for conversation. The little details one

usually knew about someone they’d slept with were missing. While she

knew all about his body, his sexual wants and needs, she didn’t know

the first thing about his life. And judging by his reaction to her asking

about his tattoo, he didn’t want to share any of those details with her.

The silence was palpable. She opened her mouth to say something,

anything, and drew a blank. To cover her verbal floundering, she quickly

stuffed a forkful of eggs into her mouth. After chewing mechanically, she


Glancing up from her plate, her eyes met Shame’s. He sat back in his

chair, watching her. Unlike hers, his plate was empty. Apparently while

she’d been woolgathering, he’d wolfed down his food.

She pushed what was left of her food around on her plate and

grasped the only opening she could think of. “Are you still hungry? I

could whip you up another omelet.”

“No thanks, I’m good.”

Yes, yes he was. Very good.

When nothing more was said and silence reigned supreme yet again,

she gave up and carried her plate over to the sink. She shoveled over half

of her dinner down the garbage disposal and turned on the water to let it

heat before starting the dishes.

Elbow-deep in suds, she jumped when Shame’s voice rang out

behind her.

“My daughter.”


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She glanced back at him over her shoulder. “Huh?”

“You asked who Sophie was. She was my daughter.”

She couldn’t help but ask, “Was?”

Shame nodded, the fierce expression on his face clearly saying he

didn’t want to elaborate.

Though her curiosity was killing her, she turned back to the dishes.

“I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, but…” She couldn’t help

but leave that “but” dangling on the end. If there was any chance he

wanted to tell her more, she wanted to give him the opening. If not, she

would let it go and try not to pester him into telling her something he

obviously wasn’t comfortable discussing.

After all, she could understand secrets. She had a few of her own she

wasn’t willing to share.

“I’d really rather not get into it right now.”

Gail shrugged like it didn’t matter and decided to cut him a break.

She pulled the stopper from the drain and turned around to face him.

“So, if you don’t want to talk, what do you want to do?”

Before he could answer, she untied her robe and let it fall to the floor.


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Chapter Six

Morning light filtered in through the window, rudely shining down in

Gail’s face. She awoke slowly and groggily flung her arm across the bed,

yearning to feel Shame’s warm body beside her. Her arm slapped the cold

pillow instead. Shame was gone. Again.

It had been the same thing each morning. Over the last four days

he’d been staying with her, she had yet to wake up with him next to her

in the morning. He always disappeared before she woke up. Or maybe it

was during the night. She wasn’t really sure. All she knew was that she

fell asleep with him and woke up alone.

For such a small thing, awakening alone was beginning to get to her.

She longed to wake up in Shame’s arms, snuggled up safe and content at

his side, just as she fell asleep every night. Shame had a way about him,

nothing concrete but more of a quiet presence, that made her feel

entirely too connected to him, too at peace in his company. Almost as if

they’d been together for years.

The first morning she’d woken up to a cold and empty bed her heart

seized in her chest, thinking he was gone for good. She’d spent the rest of

the day moping around the house, feeling sorry for herself. Hating him

for leaving without saying goodbye. Hating herself for being so needy.

When he’d shown up in time for dinner that evening, she’d been

shocked. Unwanted tears had surged into her eyes at the sound of his

truck pulling into her drive. She’d run into the bathroom and splashed

cold water on her face, hoping it would take away the puffiness and ugly


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red blotches from crying. As she’d looked at her reflection in the mirror,

she’d given herself a nice, long lecture about the perils of letting herself

get attached to Shame.

Just because he’d come back this time didn’t mean he planned to

stay. He wouldn’t and had already told her as much himself, though not

in those exact words. Shame was only staying long enough to take care

of whatever business had brought him into town in the first place and

then he would move on and leave her behind.

That thought brought on a fresh round of tears and she’d had to re-

dunk her face in icy water.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and forced herself to get a grip

on her wonky emotions. He was a temporary lover. A mere speed bump

on her way to improving her self-esteem and enabling herself with

enough courage to get out there and meet new people, meet Mr. Right.

Shamus Long was Mr. Right-now, nothing more.

Then what’s with the tears? That one burning question repeated,

unanswered in her mind.

And so the next few days passed. Each day she came home and

started a dinner for two, hoping he would show up to help her eat it, a

part of her brain telling her that this would be the day that he didn’t

come back.

Gail allowed herself to settle into a routine she had no business

getting used to and lectured herself about it constantly, to no avail.

Today was no different. She spent her day fruitlessly searching

through the want ads. Few companies in the area were hiring and those

that were only had positions way out of her league.

She wound up going to a temporary agency, the last refuge of the

jobless. There she spent three miserable hours filling out forms and

taking mundane computer tests, only to hear the usual “We’ll call you


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when we have an opening” line as she left. They may as well have said

“Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out” for all the hope she

felt toward landing a position there.

When she got home, she showered and shaved, and slathered

perfumed lotion from head to toe. Just because she was down in the

dumps about work, or lack thereof, didn’t mean she wanted to be a

grump when Shame showed up. Their time together was limited enough

and she wanted to enjoy each moment they shared, for it to be special. In

truth, she just wanted him to look back years down the road and

remember her as the catch he’d let get away.

Tonight she planned to cement the memory of her into his brain.

Which was why she spent so much time carefully choosing what she

would wear. She wished she could’ve gone shopping and bought

something frivolous and naughty, perfect for the night of seduction she

had planned. But with no job and few prospects on the horizon, she

couldn’t afford to blow the cash, so she scrounged through what she had

in her closet and made do.

The best she could come up with was a short black skirt, with a hem

that billowed out around her knees, and a long-sleeved pink blouse thats

plunging-V neckline showed off a bit of cleavage. What she wore

underneath was a no-brainer. Sexy lingerie just so happened to be one of

her personal weaknesses. Some people hoarded shoes or purses. She

collected panties and bras. Lingerie was her equivalent of most women’s

chocolate binges, though she only pulled out the good stuff when she

really needed it. Like tonight.

After serious consideration she decided that less really was more and

settled on black, lace-top thigh highs with a matching black garter belt

and nothing else. The garter belt disguised the slight roundness of her

belly, while highlighting her newly denuded mound. She wasn’t sure


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what had prompted her to shave off her pubic hair while in the shower

but she’d gone through with the impulse.

Her fingers skimmed over the baby-smooth flesh between her legs. It

was strange not having the blonde curls she’d grown used to seeing

between her thighs. Her pussy looked so different. And the sensations—

Wow. Barely touching her outer lips caused a shiver to skate down her

spine and her womb to clench in anticipation. She couldn’t wait to see

the expression on Shame’s face when he got a load of what she’d done.

Couldn’t wait to see how much better his touch felt on her sensitive skin.

Over most of the next hour she primped and preened in front of the

bathroom mirror, trying to make herself presentable. She rolled her long

hair in curlers and left it lying in loose waves over her shoulders. She

even applied a little extra makeup. Gail added mascara and a touch of

bronzer over her cheekbones, in addition to her usual face powder and

raspberry lip gloss.

Satisfied that she looked the best she could, Gail hightailed it into the

kitchen to start dinner.


The overcast sky spat out random spurts of snow and hail, casting an

eerie pallor over what looked to be a beautiful landscape of rolling knolls

and wide-open plains. Shame crouched with his knees bent at an

uncomfortable angle and his back pressed against one of two frozen

cement pillars. Each pillar framed one side of the heavy iron gate,

monitoring who came and went from Master Vampire Lucian Tremaine’s

palatial country estate. There he waited.

And what an estate it was. From his vantage point, smashed between

the pillar and a bushy hedge, Shame had a great view of the huge house


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that looked like a gothic version of Gone with the Wind’s Tara. With its

sprawling layout and six tall columns holding up the massive covered

porch, it could have been an identical replica of the film house had it

been white instead of a sickly gunmetal grey.

To either side of the house, land stretched as far as the eye could see.

There were no trees to provide cover for him if…when he made it through

the gate. It was going to be dicey getting from where he was to the house

without being seen by the flunkies on watch or the cameras he’d spotted

strategically placed around the grounds.

Dicey, but doable. He’d been in tighter spots and come out ahead. All

he needed was the perfect opportunity to fall into his lap and he would

be in.

Unfortunately, if something didn’t happen soon it would have to be

put off until another day. It was getting late, somewhere around five, and

the sun would set soon, taking with it his chance of doing any

reconnaissance that day. He didn’t dare make a move to enter the

vampire’s dwelling after sunset. During the day the vampire’s powers

would be slightly beyond that of a humans, but after the sun went down

and the moon rose high in the night sky, they became damn near

indestructible. Entering after dark would be as good as signing his own

death certificate.

Shame heard a car approaching over the rise. Even before he spotted

it, he knew it would be a sports car. The seductive purr of the engine was

too mellow, too strong to be anything else. Sure enough, less than a

blink later, a candy apple red Lamborghini Diablo rumbled up to the

gate. As it rolled to a stop, the driver-side window whirred down a bit and

the man behind the wheel spoke into the box, seeking admission.

The near-black windows prevented Shame from being able to make

out who was behind the wheel, but he knew it must be someone


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important. Perhaps even Tremaine himself. No flunky would be entrusted

with a machine that easily sold for well over three hundred grand.

His pulse beat double time as he moved, quick and silent, from his

hiding spot to stay in line with the car as the gate swung open. When the

car began to inch forward on the bumpy, snow-covered ground, Shame

walked hunched over beside it and slipped undetected through the gate.

Bent at the waist, he hustled alongside the car into the attached

three-bay garage beside the house. Vehicles filled all but the bay closest

to the house—a Ford truck in one, two ski mobiles in the other. Before

the owner shut the engine down Shame was falling to the floor, his body

tucking and rolling underneath the 4x4 truck.

He lay still beneath the truck. A pool of liquid, which smelled like

transmission fluid, soaked into the back of his jacket, masking his scent

better than the deer piss he’d sprayed on his boots earlier for that very


He held his breath as the driver crawled from behind the wheel and

exited the vehicle. The voices inside grew louder, closer, and then the

door leading into the house was flung open. The force from behind sent it

slamming into the wall with a loud bang that ricocheted through the

room like a gunshot.

Two pairs of sneakers appeared in the doorway, along with the glossy

black dress shoes belonging to the person who’d exited the car a moment

before. Their voices rose, their tones furious. Shame idly wished he’d

paid closer attention in high school, when he’d had the displeasure of

taking French, as that was the language they appeared to be speaking.

Unless one of them asked the other for a romp in the sack—Voulez-vous

coucher avec moi?—the only phrase he’d ever memorized in the language,

then he had no hope of understanding a word they uttered.


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As they argued and fought—about what he didn’t know—Shame took

a moment to collect himself, taking the time to regroup and prepare for

what was to come. He was going into the house, of that he was certain.

What he would find once he was deep into the interior of Tremaine’s

nefarious world was impossible to guess.

With slow, controlled breaths he stilled his thumping heart and

calmed himself. It wouldn’t do to hyperventilate while he was in the

vipers nest. Even in their pre-vampire forms their hearing was superb

and they would notice the unsteady wheezing of someone in hiding trying

to force air into their over-expanding lungs.

Shutting his eyes, he pushed everything from his mind and tried to

concentrate on his reasons for being there. Maria. Sophie. Possibly even

Ty, though he prayed there was still hope for his lost friend. That

somehow, someway, he was still alive and fighting. If anyone could face a

horde of creatures as evil as these and come out swinging, it was Ty.

For once it wasn’t the image of his sweet wife’s face he pictured to

calm his raging nerves. It wasn’t even Sophie’s face he saw. It was Gail’s.

He saw her as she looked the night before, her luminous blue eyes

staring up at him over his cock as he forced it inch by swollen inch into

her hot little mouth. The trust that she placed in his hands when he’d

breached the tight seal of her throat and moved deeper, the bulbous

head of his cock slipping into her throat and cutting off her air for those

few precious seconds.

When he left Gail, lying warm and snug in bed that morning, he

hadn’t thought that today would be the day he’d hit pay dirt in his

search. If he had, he would’ve taken the time to treasure her, give her

one last kiss and snuggle, before he forced himself out of the warm

cocoon of her embrace. He was always careful, using his extensive

training to his advantage, but only God knew the outcome of skirmishes.


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Living in the moment, appreciating each day to its fullest, had been his

personal motto at one time, but was something he’d let fall to the

wayside after losing his family. Being near Gail—basking in her care and

sunny disposition—resurrected all those old feelings and made him want

to grip life by the horns again. He was sorry he hadn’t put forth a little

extra effort to show her his appreciation.

It was too late now, but as soon as he made it out of this in one piece,

he vowed to do something nice for her that didn’t involve the two of them

getting sweaty and horizontal. That was the best he could do right then.

Being so close, only to turn back, wasn’t an option. Reconnaissance was

dangerous and sometimes messy, but it had to be done. The chance of

being discovered was one he would have to take in order to get the

information he sought. Being good at what he did didn’t make him


The three men retreated into the house, the door slamming shut

behind them. Shame heard a click and a whirr and the garage door

began to descend, sealing him in. He moved with animal grace and rolled

from beneath the truck and climbed to his feet. He grabbed the first

thing he could find, a wooden step stool, and wedged it between the

garage door and the floor, preventing it from reaching the ground.

He didn’t want to eliminate any possible escape routes for when the

time came to boogie out of the place. If he was in a hurry, and he had no

doubt that he probably would be, it was going to be important to save

time. Having to open that metal monstrosity would cost him precious

seconds he might not be able to afford to lose.

Since the only entrance into the house from inside the garage was the

one the three thugs just entered, Shame had no choice but to wait them

out, give them a few minutes to get to wherever it was they were headed

and clear the way for him to sneak in. Waiting grated on his already


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overextended nerves, but it was preferable to going back outside and

making himself vulnerable to any security cameras on the property while

he scouted for another way in. Shadows were growing longer under the

door, the sun lowering over the horizon. He only had so much time before

the sun set completely and he was royally fucked.

There was no way he could make himself sit back on his thumbs and

chill. It was now or never. He approached the door and eased it open a

few inches, peering around the edge. A small mudroom, approximately

the size of a large walk-in closet, was deserted. Shame slipped inside,

leaving the door behind him ajar.

A handful of steps brought him to the other side of the room and the

open doorway that led into a wide foyer with white walls and even whiter

marble flooring. Beyond that he could make out what looked like a

sunken living room to the left and a huge state-of-the-art kitchen on the

right. Everything he saw was in shades of white and chrome. An odd

color scheme for creatures who thrived on darkness.

A tinkling noise that favored someone twirling keys sounded to his

left, from the direction of the living room. Shame darted into the empty

kitchen and ducked behind the center island. There he held his breath

and waited.

The keys rattled closer, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps

echoing through the hall. A short, stubby man passed the open door

leading into the kitchen. As wide as he was tall, with straggly, greasy

brown hair, the man was a sight to behold. Though it was obvious that

he didn’t take care of his body, the clothes he wore—a perfectly tailored

black pinstripe suit—were pressed and clean.

He wasn’t one of the two flunkies Shame followed to the house. Nor

was he the man who’d been behind the wheel of the Lamborghini. Shame

wasn’t sure who he was.


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A business associate, maybe?

The man bypassed the kitchen and headed into the mudroom Shame

had just vacated. Damn good thing he’d gotten out of there when he did.

Now he just hoped the guy didn’t head into the stall where he’d propped

open the garage door.

He heard the loud rumble of a vehicle starting up, what was clearly

the truck’s big block engine, and felt his tense muscles relax a fraction.

So far so good.

Slipping from behind the center island, Shame slunk across the room

and stopped to listen closely as he approached the door. Hearing

nothing, he eased around the corner and was met by a choice. A double

set of stairs. He could go upstairs or down. Taking into account that

people usually hid their dirty laundry in the basement, Shame chose the

latter and began the slow, dark descent into the basement.

He paused at the bottom landing, his eyes scanning the darkness in

all directions. There were three hallways branching off from the foot of

the stairs—one to his left, right and directly in front of him. Two of the

hallways were dark and appeared to open into a single room at the end.

The hall in front of him was dimly lit by antique wall sconces and had

several closed doors on each side.

Shame stepped off the landing, ready to explore the various doors

down the long hallway in front when he heard something that sounded

like chains rattling. He stopped moving and listened. More clanking,

followed by the echo of low, pain-filled grunts reached his ears.

The sounds seemed to be coming from the hallway to his left.

Following the noise, he inched down the unlit corridor, carefully keeping

his back to the wall lest someone try to get the jump on him from behind.

His night vision was good, but a supernatural’s was undoubtedly better.


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An arc of dimmed light spilled from the opening, not enough to

illuminate his journey, but enough to guide him in like a homing beacon

to whatever reprehensible goings-on took place within. Each step, each

heartbeat, drew him closer to his goal. As he crept nearer, the sounds

grew louder—the whirr of a piece of leather slicing through the air, the

resounding slap against soft flesh, the sickening rattle of chains and

subsequent groan of the person being tortured.

Shame stilled outside the ring of light and molded his back to the

wall. Through years of practice, he was able to slow his respiration to an

even keel, the better to improve his hearing and keep his presence

undetected while he tried to figure out what was happening inside.

From his vantage point he could see very little inside the room. What

he could make out confused him. He’d expected a torture chamber—

doom and gloom. What he got was—exercise equipment? That made no

sense. He could see a weight bench and the corner of a treadmill.

He stood against the wrong side of the hallway to see into the other

side of the room. The side where all the action was taking place. Was it

possible that the room was half gym, half dungeon? Jesus, that thought

sounded stupid, even in his head.

The men inside the room—two of them, by his guess—the one

performing the torture and the one taking it, started to talk and Shame’s

thoughts ceased as he eavesdropped.

“You had enough yet, fucker? You ready to talk now?” a low, scratchy

voice taunted.

Chains rattled and then a hoarse, almost sexless voice whispered,

“Fuck you.”

“I’ll take that as a no. You know—” The sharp sound of something

cutting through the air reached Shame’s ear a second before he heard

the loud, wet slap of leather hitting flesh. “—the boss is getting a might


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testy that you haven’t spilled your guts yet.” Another sickening slap

followed by a ragged, long-suffered grunt. “I’m thinking maybe you like

the way this whip cuts into your pretty skin. Maybe you get off on the

pain.” The man wielding the whip laughed, the sound hollow and


The person being tormented moaned, low and broken, as he was

repeatedly hit, the slick slap of flesh echoing loudly.

Shame gritted his teeth, forcing himself to stay put and listen, not go

charging into the room like he wanted to.

Time was running short and he needed to learn everything he could

before the sun set and he was forced to leave. In consolation, he

promised himself that he would help this person before that time came.

His conscience wouldn’t let him live in peace if he left without doing what

he could.

His muscles tensed, locked up as he heard the man being struck

again, crying out in agony. Something about the sound, the first one he’d

clearly heard that was more than a broken whisper, sent chills of

recognition down his spine.

The taunts began anew, cutting off Shame’s ability to think of

anything besides his mounting anger and the need to thrash the sadistic

bastard with his fists until there was nothing left of him but a bloody

stump. See how he liked fighting someone who wasn’t bound and unable

to defend themselves.

A soulless cackle echoed around him. His muscles bunched, urging

him to surge into action.

“What’s a matter, boy, you don’t like the cat-o’-nine tails as well as

you do the whip? That’s a real shame, since you’re going to be tasting a

lot of it until you give us the location of that good-for-nothing slayer

you’ve been traveling with. The boss will have his ass one way or the


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other, with or without your help. You could make this easy on yourself.

Give in. Tell us what we want to know and I’ll finish you off real quick. A

bullet to the brain, instead of the slow draining you’re begging for by

keeping silent.”

The low, gravelly voice answered back. “Never.”

The one word was loud enough for him to recognize the voice. Ty. Joy

filled his chest at the realization that his friend was alive. It was quickly

followed by the knowledge that he had also spent the past weeks

undergoing God knew what kind of torture.

If he was going to make a move, and he damn sure planned to, then

now was the time to do it. Man-to-man he could kick the flunky’s ass, no

matter how big he was. Shame was a firm believer in the old saying—the

bigger the man, the harder he fell, but timing was imperative. Once the

sky darkened and the thug’s powers increased, underling or not, Shame

wouldn’t stand a chance. And if they got their hands on him, neither

would Ty. Once they had him, they’d have no reason to keep Ty alive. He

had to move and he had to do it now.

“Why do you want to be like that after I was trying to be nice to you?

Tell you what—how about I start cutting off limbs? Maybe start with your

toes and work my way up. I’ll get the master’s dogs down here and feed

the little pieces of you I cut off to them for supper. We’ll see how long it

takes you to start singing like a canary once you see the Rots chomping

down on your shit.”

A sharp gasp of outrage and fury filled the room. “I’ll kill you first,

you bastard.”

Shame couldn’t stand to listen anymore. He sprung around the

corner and burst into the room, his Glock in his outstretched hand.

“Freeze, fucker, or I’ll splatter your head all over the wall.”


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A tall, reed-thin man stood over the bloody form of his friend. Shame

knew that it was Ty lying there, chained to the floor, but if he hadn’t

recognized his voice he most certainly wouldn’t have known it was him

by looking at him. Not a single inch of skin on his body remained

unmarred. Blood covered him from head to toe. The long fall of black hair

the man had prided himself on was shorn off, small uneven clumps

puffing in random spurts around his head. Always slender, now his ribs

protruded grossly from his chest, like he hadn’t eaten a single bite in all

the time he’d been gone. Shame figured he probably hadn’t. The human

body could go a long while without food before it shut down from neglect.

Shame wanted to close his eyes, block out the visual proof of what

his friend had endured, but couldn’t. Even as the desire crossed his

mind, the thug with the cat-o’-nine tails moved a fraction closer, an evil

gleam of deadly intent in his black eyes.


“Fuck you. You and I both know a bullet won’t kill me. Slow me down

for a minute, maybe. Besides, you shoot that thing and you’ll alert the

entire house. You won’t stand a chance.” An evil, toothy grin spread

across his face. “Not that you’re going to make it out of here in one piece

anyway.” And then he was moving, quick as lightning across the room in

Shame’s direction.

Shame didn’t think. He pulled the trigger. The recoil shimmied up his

arm as he watched the look of surprise register on the vampire’s ugly

face an instant before he crumpled to the ground, a mound of ash where

his body should have been. Regular bullets might not do much damage

but the special-made, UV-gel-filled ones he’d purchased did the trick real

nice. Vampires may have been able to go out into the sunlight during the

day, but having a concentrated infusion of ultraviolet rays introduced

directly into their bloodstream was another matter.


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Shame withdrew his pocketknife and dropped to his knees beside Ty.

“Hold on, buddy. I’ll have you out of these in no time.”

Ty’s deep brown eyes looked up at him. They were glazed and

unfocused as if he didn’t know who Shame was or what was going on

around him. The excruciating pain he must’ve been in had obviously

pushed him deep inside himself, where he could hide from the damage

being done to his body. Shame’s heart clenched, going out to his friend,

while at the same time anger coursed through his veins. If only he’d been

able to get to Ty a little sooner, maybe… Shame shook his head and

leaned down to work on Ty’s bonds. He wouldn’t do anyone any good by

kicking himself over this right now. They weren’t out of danger yet. He

needed to stay focused on getting Ty and himself out of there and then

he could worry about making amends to his friend.

In less than thirty seconds, Shame had the locked shackles around

Ty’s arms and legs open. He picked his friend up off the floor, careful not

to hurt him any more than he had to and slung him over his shoulder in

a fireman’s carry, running toward the stairs.


Gail’s gaze strayed to the white enamel clock above the kitchen door.

Eight-oh-five. Exactly three minutes since the last time she’d glanced at


Her vision wavered, falling down to her short, unpolished fingernails

that beat an unsteady rhythm on the red-checkered tablecloth.

He wasn’t coming.

The meal she’d so painstakingly perfected sat untouched in the

middle of the table. The pasta noodles were no longer just the right

consistency, more like mush amid the thick marinara that surrounded


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them. The two long white pillar candles she’d set on either side of their

meal were burned down to extinguished nubs in their crystal holders.

She could sympathize. Her heart felt much the same way. Cold and

extinguished inside her rib cage. Numb from the neck up, the sharp,

agonizing sting in the middle of her chest was the only thing that

registered. She rose and walked from the room, flipping lights off left and

right as she headed for the sanctuary of her bedroom.

Standing at the threshold into her bedroom, Gail stopped. Her breath

hitched in her chest. Her bed, usually so peaceful and comforting when

she was upset, now stared at her in contempt. Like it was her fault only

one body would be sleeping in it instead of two. Hell, maybe it was.

Maybe he’d caught the needy vibes rolling off her and bolted before he

otherwise would have.

The rest of the house was peppered with memories of meals eaten

and quiet chats, peaceful time spent lounging and relaxing at the end of

the day, but it was in her bedroom that the most powerful of their

moments had been shared. For the last four nights she and Shame had

slept in her bed, talked and teased there, made love. The thought of

crawling in it now, when the shape of his head was still etched in one of

the pillows and his mesmerizing scent still clung to the sheets was not

an option.

Then she realized that what little of him remained in her house was

all she’d ever have of him. Shame was gone. This time he wasn’t coming

back. She’d foolishly thought she’d steeled herself for the eventuality, but

obviously she hadn’t. What an idiot she was. She’d done the one thing

she’d sworn to herself that she wouldn’t do—she’d fallen in love with


Gail turned and raced for the bathroom. She made it to the sink

before her stomach gave a great heave into the ceramic basin.


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Chapter Seven

Wired up, his muscles vibrating from the excess of adrenaline

coursing through his veins, Shame pulled into the driveway and threw

the truck into park. Beside him, in the passenger seat, Ty sat slumped

over, his face resting against the window. The worry and fear that they

wouldn’t be able to escape, that Tremaine or one of his flunkies would

catch up with them, began to fade away as he stared at the darkened

windows of Gail’s house. Home.

Glancing over at his friend, Shame was dismayed to realize that it

wasn’t the first time he’d thought of Gail’s place as home. He’d only been

staying there for a few days, less than a week really, but being there,

with her, did make it feel very much like home. Uncomfortably, he tried

to figure out whether it was the house itself that spelled out home for

him, or Gail. Somehow the blonde spitfire had managed to worm her way

under his skin and right into his heart. Reluctant to put an actual name

on his feelings, he knew what he felt for her was deeper than friendship,

deeper than like.

Shrugging the caustic meanderings away, he wondered how she

would react to seeing Ty, as hurt and banged up as he was. Would she

freak out, or lend a helping hand? It was hard to tell how someone would

react to stress until they were right in the thick of it.

He felt bad about bringing Ty back here with him, but what other

choice did he really have? It wasn’t like he could take him to the nearest


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emergency room. Doctors asked too many questions he couldn’t answer

without putting them at even greater risk, forcing him into a corner. He

had to take care of Ty himself.

After taking up precious time circling through back roads in a zigzag

pattern to discern whether or not they were being followed, Shame had

risked stopping and pulled off the road into a copse of trees. There he’d

done his best to examine Ty in the watery light from the overhead bulb

and patch up the more serious, life-threatening wounds—sterilizing the

deepest slashes with rubbing alcohol and sewing them with stitching

thread to prevent his friend from losing any more blood. It wasn’t the

neatest or most sanitary work, way less than Ty deserved, but it was the

best he could offer under the circumstances.

Shame exhaled and threw open the door. He hopped down from the

cab, his boots biting into the hard-packed snow under his feet. Though

he wanted to carry Ty in, out of the cold, he needed to prepare Gail for

what she was about to see. It wouldn’t be fair to throw her in the middle

of what was happening without some sort of explanation.

Leaving Ty in the idling truck, he walked up the front porch steps

and reached for the door. His hand wrapped around the brass doorknob

and turned. The knob didn’t budge; it was locked.

Odd. Why would Gail lock the door?

It wasn’t that late, only about half past eight, so she shouldn’t have

gone to bed yet. He was used to her waiting up for him. Of course he

hadn’t been getting in quite this late, but still.

Pulling out his trusty pocketknife, he jimmied the lock and slipped

quietly into the dark interior of the house, already beginning to second-

guess himself. Maybe she had gone to bed. If so, it was probably for the

best. He would be able to get Ty into the house and cleaned up before


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she awoke and started asking questions. A pang of disappointment hit

him, knowing she’d gone to bed without him.

Shame made his way easily through the unlit rooms until he stood in

the open doorway of Gail’s bedroom. The bed was empty, the cover’s still

mussed from the night before. If she wasn’t in bed, where was she? The

house was as dark as a tomb, not a single light on.

Was it possible that she’d gone out for the evening? No, he thought

he remembered seeing her vehicle in the driveway. He walked back to the

front of the house to make sure it was there. Sure enough, when he

pulled back the drapes in the living room, there was her car.

His brow broke out in a nervous sweat as he retraced his steps

through the house, looking for some clue as to where she was. He flipped

on the light in the kitchen. An untouched meal sat on the table. The

candles for what was obviously a romantic dinner for two had burnt out

long before. Both plates on either side of the table were clean, unused.

He quickly went back to her bedroom and turned on the light, hoping

she’d left a note on the bed where he was sure to find it.

She hadn’t.

Panic clawed at his gut as his feet ate up the rest of the small house.

Had Tremaine figured out where he was staying? Had he sent someone

after Gail while Shame had been out conducting surveillance on his


What the fuck would he do if he couldn’t find her?

Shame entered the last room in the house, one he hadn’t been inside

before and had assumed was a guest bedroom. He let out the breath he’d

been holding as soon as he saw Gail. Sound asleep, she was curled on

top of a large oak sleigh bed, her arms wrapped tightly around a silly

yellow duck-shaped pillow. Relief surged over him in waves. She was


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okay. Gail was here, safe and secure. The bands around his heart eased

up, no longer trying to squeeze the breath out of him.

God, he didn’t know what he would have done if… No. He wouldn’t

think about the what-ifs. Nothing had happened and she was fine. There

was no sense in borrowing trouble when he already had enough on his


He strode up to the bed and sat upon the edge, content just to stare

at her. She appeared so sweet and innocent when she slept. Not a night

he’d stayed with her had passed without him taking the time to watch

her in repose. It was a fanciful waste of time, but he couldn’t help

himself. This one small woman was beginning to be an addiction he

feared he’d never get his fill of.

Leaving her to sleep, Shame trudged back outside to get Ty. He didn’t

want to leave his friend for any longer than he had to. It was cold, and

though Gail had few neighbors, he didn’t want to take the chance on

anyone spotting Ty in his truck. The last thing they needed was for their

temporary hideaway to be discovered. Not to mention that being caught

there would put Gail in danger as well.

Though he hated the thought of leaving her and the safe haven her

home had come to represent, it was exactly what he was going to have to

do as soon as Ty was up and about. They would have to find somewhere

else to stay until Ty recovered and they could finish what they’d come to

town for in the first place. Shame could take care of things himself, and

would if it came down to it, but he knew his friend would be chomping at

the bit for payback as soon as he felt like himself again. Knowing from

personal experience how much vengeance meant to someone, Shame

didn’t want to take the chance to avenge his sister’s death away from his

friend unless worse came to worse and he had to.


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Shame gingerly carried Ty into the house. Not knowing where else to

put him, he took him into Gail’s bedroom and laid him out on the bed

while he went into her bathroom to dig up some first-aid supplies. He’d

gone through everything he kept in the truck, and was still in need of

antibiotic ointment and dressings to put over what he’d already sutured.

With the most grave of Ty’s injuries taken care of, Shame’s biggest worry

was infection setting in to the wounds.

When he came back, less than a minute later, he found Gail standing

over Ty, the look on her face a mixture of compassion and horror. He

cleared his throat, catching her attention, and she looked his way, her

luminous blue eyes full of questions. He nodded toward the kitchen,

silently asking her to follow him.

Gail stared at Shame’s back as she trailed behind him into the

kitchen. She had a brief moment to wonder who the man in her bedroom

was, before they entered the kitchen and she was faced with her own


Seeing the evidence of her pathetic attempt at seduction still lying out

on the table for all to see made her insides jump and writhe in

discomfort. Did he see how pitiful she was? Realize what she’d had in

mind for the evening he’d just stood her up for?

Shame pulled out one of the chairs and straddled it, his mesmerizing

green eyes watching her closely. She followed suit. So many questions

floated around unanswered in her head. Since she didn’t know where to

begin or what to ask first, she chose to remain quiet. He could start the

conversation and she would go from there.

“Do you remember the guy I checked in with at the motel?”

Oh, yeah. She remembered the sexy Indian guy he’d checked in with.

There was no way she could forget anyone that attractive. “Yeah. Why?”


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“That’s who’s in your bed. Ty. The same man you saw me with at the


Gail frowned. “But how can that be the same man. He looks twenty

pounds lighter and he’s almost bald. The guy you checked in with…”

Gail’s mind wrapped around what he was saying. Her gaze darted in the

direction of her room before swinging back to Shame. “Sweet Jesus,

Shame, what happened to him? He looks like someone put him through

a meat grinder.”

She noticed him swallow and take a deep breath, as if he was

preparing for her to get hysterical. “Do you believe in the paranormal?”

If he only knew… “What do you mean, like little green men and flying


Shame’s lips tilted up at the corners in a wry grin. “No, not exactly. I

just mean, do you believe that there are some things that exist that

people don’t readily know or accept as being fact?”

She tapped her fingernail against the table. She chewed on her

bottom lip, trying to figure out where he was going with his spiel. Had he

found out about her? Was that where this was going? “What does that

have to do with anything?”

“In a word, everything. The paranormal has everything to do with why

Ty’s in the shape he’s in.” He took an exasperated, deep breath and blew

it out. He leaned forward, his serious gaze meeting hers. The look on his

face was so severe it made her nervous about what he had to say. “There

are things I need to tell you. Things you need to know. Before I do,

though, I need to know that I can trust you, that what I tell you won’t

leave this room.”

Gail nodded. “Of course, Shame, you can trust me. You should

already know that.”


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“I know, darlin’, it’s just that I need you to understand how important

it is that none of what I tell you slips out, to anyone. Your safety depends

on it.” He looked at her hard, his gaze burning into hers as if he could

see right into her soul. After a moment he looked away, his hands raking

through his tousled hair. “Shit. I don’t know where to start.”

“How about at the beginning?”

Shame shook his head. “It’s a long story, Gail.”

“That’s all right. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.” And she wanted to

learn all she could about the man she was head over heels in love with,

she silently added.

“Okay. I’ll try to make this as short as I can. I really need to take care

of Ty and see if I can’t get him to eat or drink a little something.” His jaw

tightened and the expression on his face turned grim. “God only knows

the last time he had anything in his stomach.”

“Guess you had better get to it then, huh?”

Shame’s head snapped around at the firm tone of her voice. “Yeah. I

guess so.”

Gail didn’t want to sound so adamant that he get on with it, but her

patience was running short and from the look of the man in her bed, he

needed attention now, not in a little while. She waited while Shame

seemed to collect his thoughts.

He squirmed around on his chair for a minute before finally

speaking, his attention glued on a spot above her head. “You know I had

a daughter. Sophie.”

She nodded, afraid that if she spoke he would clam up like he had

every other time she’d tried to talk to him about anything involving his

life. Over the few days they’d spent together—what time they weren’t

busy in bed—he’d been very closemouthed about his past. All she’d

managed to garner was that at some point he’d been in the army, he had


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a daughter who’d passed away, and he was apparently in town

investigating something or someone. The last tidbit made her assume he

was a private investigator or possibly a bounty hunter. She hadn’t asked

and he hadn’t offered to explain himself when he’d made an offhand

comment about being close to locating some man he was looking for. It

wasn’t much, but it was all she knew.

Shame took another deep breath and exhaled. “My daughter Sophie

and Maria, my wife, were murdered about seven months ago.”

Gail gasped. “Oh my God, Shame. I’m so sorry.”

He waved away her concern before continuing. “I hadn’t seen them

for close to seven years when they died. I stayed away from them, and let

them think I was dead.”

Confused, she shook her head. “But, why would they…?”

“I’m sorry, I’m confusing you. Let me try to start at the beginning,

okay? I’ll try to give you just the bare bones so that we won’t be in here

talking all night.”

She gave a slight nod.

“At eighteen, I enlisted in the army. My home life was a crapshoot

and I was determined to make something of myself, so I thought going

into the service would be the way to do that.

“In the second year of my first tour I met Maria. I was on leave down

in Florida, which is where she’s from. We met in a nightclub and hit it off

right away. It wasn’t long until we were spending all my breaks together.

“Before long she got pregnant and I proposed. Even though I wasn’t

really ready for marriage or fatherhood, I was happy about the baby and

so was Maria. We decided that I would commit to one more tour of

service, the enlistment bonus would be used to put a down payment on a

small house for us, and then after the second tour I would retire and


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maybe go into law enforcement like a lot of other retired military men


He sighed and ran a big palm over his face. “So, I signed up for the

second tour and we bought the house. Maria had the baby, a little girl we

named Sophie Marie and life was good. Near the end of the tour, about a

month or two into my last six-month stint, my troop was out patrolling

the area and was ambushed by local renegades. I was shot twice in the

stomach and pretty much left to rot on the ground while the gunfire

roared all around me.

“When I came to, I was in what I thought was a hospital. It wasn’t. I

learned later on that while I was technically still alive, I’d been classified

as legally dead and shipped to a scientific research lab instead of home

like I should have been.

“The lab was under some secret government jurisdiction. The

scientists there replaced my damaged organs—my liver, stomach,

spleen—with cloned human organs. That’s what they specialized in, that

and the shitload of chemicals they pumped into me to make me stronger

and faster than normal. Requirements I was going to need for what they

had in store for me.”

Her mind spinning, Gail forgot she hadn’t wanted to interrupt and

said what was on her mind. “Wait a minute, I think you lost me at the

being dead part.”

Shame cocked an eyebrow at her. “I said I was legally dead, not really

dead. I’m sure if I’d been left much longer without medical treatment I

would’ve been though.”

“Oh…um, okay.” Her gaze drifted down to his chest, lingering there

as she watched the way it rose and fell with each breath he took. He

cleared his throat and she pulled her gaze back up to his, embarrassed

to have been caught ogling him when he was in the middle of telling her


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something so important. “Sorry,” she muttered, “finish what you were


“So anyway, for the next six years I worked for the SCS and was

forced to let Maria and Sophie believe I was killed in action. You can’t

imagine what it was like to…” Shame’s voice trailed off and he seemed to

withdraw into himself before he rose his head and his haunted gaze met

her concerned one.

“I would still be under their control, no better than a damn puppet, if

my partner, Tristan, hadn’t included me in his plans to escape. We faked

our deaths a second time, with the help of our commander, and managed

to regain our freedom. As soon as the deed was done, and the SCS

believed we were both dead, I stole a car and headed south, back to

Florida and my family.”

Gail raised her hand, her palm facing up. “Stop for just a second,

Shame. I think I need a drink before you say anymore.” She stood and

walked over to the fridge, opening the door. “I have some beer, if you

want one,” she said, pulling out one longneck for herself. Shame nodded,

so she grabbed another for him before shutting the door and joining him

back at the table.

After taking a long pull on her beer, she looked back at him

expectantly. “So you were on your way home…?”

“Yeah. I, um, reached the house in the middle of the night. I had

thought about waiting until morning—it was only a few hours away—but

decided against it. I rang the bell and waited. After a while, when no one

came to the door, I started to get nervous and let myself into the house.”

Shame shuddered, like he was reliving what happened right in front

of her. “I found them both in the living room, on the floor.” He swallowed.

“Their throats were ripped out.”


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His tormented green eyes met hers. “I asked you if you believed in the

paranormal because a vampire killed my wife and daughter, Gail.”

She felt her eyes go wide in response to what he’d said and the flat

way he’d blurted it out. “I’m sorry, Shame, I’m confused. A vampire? How

do you know it was a vampire?”

Equal measures of sympathy and impatience crossed over his rugged

features. “I’m sorry, I’m explaining this ass-backwards. SCS, the agency I

worked for, is short for Supernatural Control Squad. My job was to hunt

down the bad elements—the ones that thought of humans as their own

personal Happy Meal—in the supernatural culture and take them out.”

“Take them out?” she squeaked.

“You know—take them out, kill ’em. It stands to reason that I’ve

made quite a few enemies over the years. What I don’t know is how they

connected me with my family. I’ve never been able to figure out that part

of the equation.” He sighed, the deep exhalation sounded tired and

sorrowful. “I’ve spent the last six months interrogating one deviant after

another, beating information out of people, so that I could hunt down the

bastard responsible, and today I finally found him.”

Dread crept down Gail’s spine and insinuated itself into the pit of her

stomach. The light behind Shame’s eyes had grown hard, fanatical.

“What do you mean you found him today? You mean here, in town?”

“Yeah. He owns a big-ass house on the outskirts of town.”

She sat forward, trying her hardest to project a calm, bland interest.

It was a small town. Chances were good that she knew exactly who he

was talking about. If that were the case, she was in trouble. Big trouble.

“Who is he?”

Shame leaned forward and patted her hand where it laid on top of the

table. She knew he meant to be comforting. There was no way he could

know that he’d just managed to turn her world upside down.


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“Lucian Tremaine. Do you know him?”

“No,” she answered, casting a glance down at his hand atop hers. It

wasn’t technically a lie. She’d never met the man, though she’d heard his

name more than once. It was impossible not to hear about someone as

feared as Tremaine while they shared the same small town.

“Good. That’s good. I’ve placed you in enough danger as it is just by

staying here. I made sure that I wasn’t being followed before I came back

tonight, but I’m going to have to move on soon. The longer we’re here, the

more jeopardy is being placed on you.”

She opened her mouth to tell him he didn’t have to leave, that she

wanted him to stay, but he shushed her before she could get the words


“Don’t worry, darlin’, as soon as Ty’s able to get around on his own,

we’ll get out of your hair. If you think I’m insane and want me to leave

now, I will. All you have to do is say the word and I’m gone.”

She shook her head. Before she had a chance to think about the

ramifications of what she was going to say, the words tumbled out of her

mouth. “Don’t be silly. Of course I’m not going to kick you out.”

“Thanks, Gail. I appreciate your letting me keep Ty here until he’s

recuperated a little. It would have been impossible to be inconspicuous

with his being banged up the way he is.”

“That’s me, good ole reliable Gail,” she whispered under her breath,

more to herself than to him.


“Nothing,” she stalled while she tried to think of something to ask.

“I’m just wondering what Ty has to do with any of this.”

“Sorry, I guess I left out that part.” He took a deep breath, his chest

slowly rising and then falling. “After I found Maria and Sophie I guess I

kind of snapped. I don’t remember a whole lot about the days right


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afterward. Actually, I don’t remember anything. Not until I was standing

outside of this club in Miami. Jazzer’s. One of the better-known hotspots

for the creatures out looking for their next bite.

“So, there I’m standing, piss drunk, getting ready to go into this bar,

when this tall, skinny Native American comes barreling into me and

knocks me off my feet. My ass hit the pavement, and then just nothing. I

guess I blacked out. When I came to I was lying on a couch and he was

standing over me, just kind of looking down at me all curious-like.

“I didn’t know what the hell was going on, so I jumped up and

attacked him. He retaliated—the bastard has a hell of a left hook—and

managed to knock my ass out.” Shame smiled. “When I woke up, I

figured out where I was and decided to repay the favor by slugging him

back. After beating up on each other, and realizing neither one of us

planned to back down, we gave up and called it a draw. I demanded to

know what the hell was going on, and he told me. Said that he’d seen me

stumbling around outside the club, a hell-bent expression on my face,

and knew that if he didn’t step in and do something that he was going to

be seeing my ugly mug on the six o’clock news the next night. He was

right. Nothing good would have come from my entering that place in the

state I was in. I would have wound up dead or wishing that I was. Either

way, I figured I owed him.

“We had a good, long conversation and it turned out we had a lot in

common. His sister was attacked by a lycan. She came home, out-of-her-

mind crazy and attacked the rest of his family. Before he knew what was

happening she’d killed half the family. He had to kill his own sister to

keep her from murdering the surviving half.”

“Jesus,” she muttered. What would it be like to be forced into killing

someone you love in order to prevent the deaths of more of your loved

ones? It was too terrible a thought to contemplate.


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“Since we were both trying to do the same thing, and we’d hit it off

pretty well by that time, we decided to stick together and help each other

out. We’ve been together ever since.

“Until about a month ago we were drawing a dead end on both our

suspects. Mine was nowhere to be found. No matter how many favors I

called in, or how many snitches I beat information out of, we couldn’t get

a bead on where he was. It was like he’d disappeared into thin air. Ty’s

was another story. We had a good idea of the general vicinity of where to

look but hit a brick wall every time we tried to pinpoint the location down

to a specific area. Then we came across an Internet trail. Seems our guy

was stupid enough to set up an email account in his real name. We

tracked it to a small town in Virginia, this town.

“Not sure what to do next, but unwilling to sit around with our

thumbs up our butt doing nothing, we got in the truck and drove up

here. We figured that once we were here we could scout the town, keep

our eyes and ears open and eventually be led right to him. Unfortunately,

that damn snowstorm hit and we had to postpone our search until it

broke. So, as you already know, we stopped and got a room at the motel.

Ty disappeared right after I came up to the lobby to talk to you. At first I

thought that he was giving me some space in case I scored with you.”

She couldn’t help but smile at the way he phrased his words. “In case

you scored, huh?”

“Yeah.” He grinned, but the smile quickly slid off his face as he

continued. “When Ty didn’t show up the next day it became clear that he

wasn’t going to. I stuck around for a little longer, praying that I was

wrong and that he was off on his own doing something and would show

up. After it sunk in that he wasn’t coming back, I checked out of the

motel and started looking for him.”


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She frowned. “You told me the name of the vampire you’re looking

for, but who is Ty searching for?”

“That’s the best part. From the look of things, we may be able to get

both of them in one fell swoop. Turns out the guy Ty’s looking for is

working for the man I’m after.”

Exasperated, she sighed. “Yeah, I got that part, but what’s his


“Oh, um, sorry… The lycan who attacked Ty’s sister is named Kenze,

Kenze Wright. Does that name ring a bell to you?”

Gail pasted a smile on her face. Underneath it, her heart, her very

soul, was being crushed to smithereens. “Nope, sure doesn’t.”


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Chapter Eight

Gail was on information overload. She’d long since schooled her

features into a polite mask and the skin over her cheeks was beginning

to feel stiff and uncomfortable from holding the same expression.

How did he expect her to react to what he was saying? Was he able to

see beneath her facade to the mass of raw nerves underneath?

No. Looking at him, seeing the haunted quality in his eyes, the

fanatical glow of promised retribution, she was sure he didn’t see

anything beyond his own thoughts and feelings at the moment.

Should she pretend not to believe him? Someone who didn’t already

know about the supernatural population may have reacted that way.

She, however, already knew plenty. Hell, she was one of them. Albeit

more of a latent member than a full-fledged one.

Thankfully, Shame had no idea about her connection to Kenze. If

he’d known that she was his twin sister then he obviously wouldn’t be

spilling his guts to her about wanting to kill him, even if they had been

estranged for over eight years. For that matter, her home was the last

place he would have come for safe harbor while he planned the best way

to slaughter her only living relative. That would just be stupid and the

one thing she could say about Shame Long was that he was a smart


Being such a smart man, it was only a matter of time before he put

two and two together and figured out the connection. Wright was a


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common last name, but it wasn’t that common. Shoot, maybe the man

didn’t even remember what her last name was.

A tremble ran down her spine and echoed out through her arms and

legs. What should she do? She couldn’t sit by and let him kill her

brother, no matter what he was being accused of.

The truth was, she wasn’t entirely sure Kenze would even see her,

much less take her warning seriously. When he left home, Kenze swore

he was washing his hands of both her and their mom. He couldn’t

understand why they didn’t embrace the culture that could have been

theirs. What they never could get him to see was that they were happy

with the quiet life they led. Gail had inherited very few traits from their

lycan father and their mom was one hundred percent human. Neither

one of them felt their supernatural connections were all that strong.

Kenze was a full shifter. Though he was her twin, they couldn’t have

been any more opposite. Other than their father’s blue eyes, they looked

nothing alike. Kenze was dark headed, his hair almost blue black, and

tall, while she was short and blonde. Their personalities were even more

divided. Where she was shy and reserved, he was wild and daring.

Gail swallowed another sip of her beer, the foam in the bottom

leaving a nasty taste in her mouth, and got up to get a soda instead.

Manners ingrained since birth, she turned and asked Shame if he cared

for another as well. He just shook his head and stared out the window

behind her, lost in whatever it was he was thinking.

She was glad for the reprieve. Being under his scrutiny, faking a

blasé attitude that was as far from how she really felt as you could get,

was tiring. Attempting to figure out what he was thinking, without even

taking into consideration her own choppy thought process, was



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He honestly thought that all supernatural beings were evil and up to

no good. That would have been funny if it weren’t so sad. Just like any

other species, the lycan community possessed good and bad. They

weren’t inherently evil, only different.

She wondered if she should try to explain that to him, then dismissed

the notion. After what he’d seen, the crime perpetrated against his

family, he wouldn’t be willing to hear her out. In his quest for blood,

there wasn’t any way she could entrust him with her secret.

That left only one option; she had to contact Kenze. Even without

Shame’s divulgation, she knew where he was. She’d sensed him as soon

as he’d come back to town a little over a year before. At the time, the only

thing that had kept her from going to him and rebuilding the bonds of

family was his acceptance of a position under Lucian Tremaine. That and

his not coming home when their mom was sick and dying. She loved

Kenze, but she didn’t think she would ever be able to forgive him for that.

The position with Tremaine was easily rectified. She would just

explain to him what had happened, the extent of Tremaine’s corruption,

and he would resign. The Kenze she knew, though misguided, would

never work for such a ruthless tyrant if he was aware of what the man

was doing. As far as the other, Shame’s claim that Kenze had attacked

an innocent woman, she didn’t buy it. There must have been a mistake.

She couldn’t believe that Kenze would have succumbed to his darker

nature. Shame was confusing him with someone else. He had to be.

She felt like banging her head against the wall. Maybe if she did it

hard enough, she would be able to knock some sense into herself, find

the answers she needed. Jesus, why couldn’t she ever do anything the

easy way? It seemed like everything she tried to do ended up getting

screwed up.



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He glanced back at her. “Hmm?”

“How did you find Ty?”

“He was at Tremaine’s mansion. I snuck in to see what I could find

out and found him in the basement, being tortured.”

She didn’t want to ask, yet knew she had to. “Who was doing the


“I don’t know, some vampire flunky. It doesn’t really matter. I dusted

his ass before I left.”

Well, at least it hadn’t been her brother. That small tidbit gave her a

strong sense of relief. “Oh.”

Shame turned, facing her head-on. “The sick bastards were torturing

him, trying to get information out of him. Information about me—where I

was, what I was doing.” His voice grew deathly quiet, all the more intense

for its soft quality. “They want me, they’re going to get me. They’ll pay for

what they’ve done to our families and to Ty. By the time I’m done with

them, they’ll wish their soulless, filthy asses were already in hell where

they fuckin’ belong.”

She winced. She couldn’t help it, couldn’t hide the response from

him. With his big hands cupped into fists and his eyes blazing with

retribution, he scared her. She wanted to believe that he wouldn’t hurt

her, that he cared, but when it came down to it, she knew better. He was

on a mission to eradicate those of her kind, and once he found out, if he

found out, that would include her as well.

Shame walked across the room and took her in his arms, trying to

comfort her. Selfishly, she wallowed in his embrace, let him try to soothe

away the ache she felt knowing she’d already lost him.

“I’m sorry, darlin’. I didn’t mean to scare you. Sometimes I forget that

not everyone knows about all the things I’ve divulged to you today.

Thank you for listening, for believing me. Your trust means more to me


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than I could ever say.” He kissed her forehead, his lips gently brushing

over her skin.

Guilt rushed over her, fast and heavy. “Shame, I…” Her words

tapered off when she realized that she couldn’t tell him. He would hate


“Don’t worry, darlin’, as soon as Ty is up and moving around, we’ll

leave. I probably wouldn’t have been able to stay much longer anyway.

Now that I know what we’re up against, I want to get out of here faster.

There’s no way I would stick around and put you in any more danger

than I already have.”

He pulled away from her and she felt the band around her heart

squeeze tight. Of all the people for her to fall for, why did it have to be

him? A man who would despise her once he found out about her


Forcing herself to move, she shrugged out of his arms. “You should

probably go take care of Ty.”

“Yeah,” he said with a nod. “You’re right. The sooner we get him well,

the sooner we can hit the pavement.”

He patted her on the shoulder and stepped past her, like she was his

good buddy instead of the woman he’d spent the last week making love

to, and walked out of the room. She blinked back the tears threatening to

escape and took several slow, deep breaths. She wasn’t going to cry,

damn it! When she managed to regain her composure, she hurried to the

bathroom and pulled the door shut, locking it.

If he was in such a hurry to be away from her, then she would see to

it that he was on his way as fast as possible. The sooner he was gone,

the faster she could begin mending her bruised heart and put him

behind her.


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She wiped her damp palms off on the slick fabric of her skirt. She

may not have inherited the full shape-shifter gene from her father like

Kenze had, but she did possess some of the perks that being a lycan


An unnaturally good sense of smell and sight, the ability to sense

others of her kinds, plus advanced regeneration, made her slightly more

than human. It was the latter trait that would come in handy for her


Yanking open one drawer after another beneath the sink, Gail dug up

a small container and tube of antibiotic salve. After dumping the cotton

balls out of the flip-top container, she squeezed the entire tube of milky-

looking cream into it.

Casting a glance around the room, she searched for something to cut

herself with. She wasn’t about to go back into the kitchen to get a knife.

There was no way she could explain taking a knife into the bathroom

with her if she was caught on her way back with it.

The pink razor in the shower caught her eye. It would have to do.

Grabbing it off the shelf, she glanced down at the triple-blade end

and shuddered. This was going to hurt. Holding her breath, she held out

her finger over the sink and—before she could change her mind—arched

the razor over the tip of her index finger. It sliced into the meaty pad.

With a muffled grunt of pain, she looked down at what she’d done.

Blood welled up from the cut, spilling over the sides. Crimson dots

littered the white sink like morbid, gruesome confetti. Before the wound

could heal, she dipped her finger into the salve and stirred. The milky

salve turned a faint pink color.

Pulling her finger free, she saw that the minor cut had already

finished knitting itself shut. Satisfied, she closed the lid on the container.


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She washed and dried her hands, scrubbing the sink of any wayward

crimson drops, before opening the locked door and walking out into the



Leaning over Ty, Shame wiped away the last of the blood and muck

from his gaunt face. Usually thin and razor sharp, the angles of his face

looked even more severe with his bones jutting unnaturally through his

olive-toned skin.

Red-tinted, puffy bags of flesh ringed Ty’s eyes, giving them a sunken

appearance. Shame knew without having to see them that his eyes would

be bloodshot as well, a side effect of being severely dehydrated. Since it

was virtually impossible for the body to survive without water for more

than a few days, they must have given him something to keep his organs

functioning. Shame was sure that what little water Ty had received had

been few and far between.

His fingers balled into fists of their own volition. Unholy rage pumped

through Shame’s system, making him want to punch something, tear

something apart with his bare hands. It was obvious Ty hadn’t been fed

the entire time he’d been held captive.

Ty cried out in his sleep, his dreams tormented by God only knew

what. Shame perched on the side of the bed, hoping Ty could feel his

presence beside him. “Don’t worry, buddy. Everything is going to be okay

now. We’ll make the bastards pay for what they did to you…” He ran his

hand over Ty’s shorn scalp, then glanced down at the festering welts

covering his torso and upper thighs. “…for everything they’ve done.”

A scuttling noise had him pulling his head up and glancing at the

door. Gail stood on the threshold, her eyes wide as her gaze raked over


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the havoc that had been wrought to Ty’s body. “My God,” she whispered,

walking over to his side. “What would leave marks like that on someone?”

Shame chose not to answer her question. He figured she didn’t really

want to hear the answer anyway. “So”—he nodded toward the small pot

of pink goop she held in her hand—“what have you got there?”

“Oh, this?” She held the container out to him. “This is just some

salve for his wounds. It’s an old family remedy. I thought you might be

able to use it.”

Warmth bloomed inside his chest at her thoughtful gesture. “Thank

you.” He accepted it from her and popped back the lid, sniffing the

contents. It just smelled like regular old ointment to him. “What’s in it?”

“Not much, really. A little of this and that.” She smiled at him. “I

could tell you the exact ingredients, but then it wouldn’t be a secret

family remedy anymore, would it?”

Something about her smile didn’t sit well with him. It didn’t quite

reach her eyes. Assuming that she was just trying to hold herself

together in light of everything he’d told her and seeing Ty as he was,

Shame shoved away his suspicions and smiled back at her.

“I guess I’ll just have to trust that you didn’t put anything poisonous

in this stuff,” he joked.

Gail blanched. “No, of course not.” She reached out and jerked the

container out of his hands, backing up into the doorway. “I only wanted

to help.”

“Jeez, Gail, calm down.” Shame stood and walked toward her, pulling

her to him. She trembled in his arms. “I was only picking at you, darlin’.

I know I can trust you.” He rubbed his cheek against her hair, inhaling

the light floral fragrance of her shampoo.

“I would never intentionally hurt either one of you, Shame. You have

to believe that.”


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“I do, darlin’. Now, how about you give me back that special family

remedy of yours for Ty, and go get yourself some rest.” He pressed a

quick kiss to her lips and stepped away, the temptation to deepen it, take

it further, riding hard on his back. “I’m going to stay here and watch over

Ty, maybe see if I can get him to eat or drink something in a little while. I

don’t want him to wake up later and freak out when he doesn’t recognize

his surroundings.”

“Oh, I thought you would… I guess I hadn’t really thought of that.”

She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and bit on it.

His cock lifted its head, anxious for her to nibble on him like she was

doing to that full lip of hers. Shame reminded himself that he was

leaving, he’d already told Gail. It wouldn’t be fair to tell her he was

leaving in one breath and ask her to fuck him with the next. There would

be no more sex. Besides, he consoled himself, there were much more

important things that needed his attention. Like Ty and how they were

going to advance with their plans now that the element of surprise was


Though the long night ahead would be well spent, by taking care of

his friend and plotting revenge, it was cold comfort to his horny dick.

“I guess I’ll go sleep in the other room then. Um…if you want to—”

Shame cut her off. If she was going to offer what he thought she was,

namely him joining her in bed later, he wasn’t sure he could turn her

down. Hell, he knew he couldn’t. “I’ll be fine in here. If I get too sleepy, I

can always bunk down on the floor. It’s not a big deal.”

He watched her walk down the hall, her hips swaying slightly with

each step. He didn’t know if she was trying to torment him or if he’d just

never noticed how sexy her ass was before. It could have been the slinky

black skirt she wore that made him want to rip off all her clothes and


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ram his dick into her, but he doubted it. It was the woman beneath the

clothes that did it for him.

His mind quickly assimilated a few different things at once. She now

wore a skirt, when he’d never seen her in anything other than pants and

there were candles and an untouched dinner sitting in the middle of the

kitchen table. Shit. She’d made them a romantic dinner, had even

dressed up for him, and he had stood her up. It may not have been

entirely his fault but he still felt like an ass. He hadn’t even noticed

anything different until just then.

He took two steps toward her closed door and stopped. What the hell

was he doing? Like an apology would make up for all the trouble he’d

caused her. He made a sharp one-eighty in the hallway and marched

back into the room with Ty. She was a good woman, with a big heart.

She deserved better than him and all the baggage he carried. He would

be doing her a favor by leaving.


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Chapter Nine

Gail huddled under the covers atop her mom’s bed, her knees pulled

up toward her stomach. After many hours of speculation, she’d finally

made peace with what she planned to do come morning. Only one other

thing kept her awake. Shame. Lingering guilt over betraying his trust ate

at her, and not in a good way. She felt terrible, but what could she do?

She couldn’t let them murder Kenze. Even if he was the man Shame

made him out to be, though she couldn’t fathom her twin being capable

of such evil, he was still her flesh and blood. She had to do what she

could to protect him.

In exchange for the warning, she planned to extract a promise from

Kenze that no harm would come to Shame or Ty. It would be easiest for

everyone involved if Kenze took her advice and skipped town. After all, it

wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before.

Gail flopped over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. Who was

she kidding? Not having Shame in bed beside her, as she’d grown

accustomed to, was half the reason she couldn’t fall asleep. While his

decision to stay with Ty was the responsible one, and made her love him

all the more for his kind heart, it nagged at her.

He was leaving. He knew it. She knew it. Unlike him, she just knew

the exact date and time. As soon as he awoke in the morning and went to

check on Ty, noticed that his friend’s wounds were completely healed,

they would be gone. Her not being there to answer their questions after

the discovery would cement it.


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Though she would’ve liked to have been a fly on the wall to see their

reaction, she couldn’t afford to stick around and face his wrath when he

discovered what she’d done.

Telling him who she was, what she was, would make him despise

her. Seeing the hatred and suspicion grow behind his beautiful green

eyes, the same set that had looked at her all week with passion and

tenderness, would be too much. She couldn’t face it. Running was the

coward’s way out, and she was ashamed of herself for it, but she had to

save some minuscule part of her battered heart for later. Facing Shame’s

disgust would kill what little of it remained intact. It was going to be a

struggle readjusting to the loneliness she’d grown accustomed to over the

last few years, but she would manage. Much like everything else

happening to her, the choice would be out of her hands.

This was their last night under the same roof together. In a few short

hours, the sun would rise above the horizon, and her time with Shame

would be over. He was going to leave and never look back. If he did take

the time to think back to the week they shared, it would be with anger,

not the budding love she would carry with her.

If only…

She sat up, threw the covers off and swung her legs over the side of

the bed. Was it asking too much to make one more memory to carry her

through the lonely nights ahead? She didn’t think so. Her feet hit the icy

wood floor and sent a cold shiver up her legs. She could go to him and

they could make love one last time, before her fate was sealed. It

wouldn’t mean anything to him. One more fuck in a random string of

them. But to her it would mean everything.

She crept down the hall and entered her bedroom. Although the room

was dark, her enhanced vision had little trouble making out what was


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what. She wove her way around furniture, searching for Shame’s outline

amid the other shadows.

Stepping deeper into the room, she stubbed her toe on the corner of

the bed. A whimper escaped her lips but she swallowed back the four

letter word that wanted to follow.

Hopping on one foot, she lost her balance and tipped forward. Her

arms flailed out in front of her, trying to regain her equilibrium. She fell

face first onto a firm body laying on the floor beside the bed.

She inhaled the unmistakable aroma of male heat and spicy cologne.

Shame’s hard chest was beneath her head, the rest of her body spread

akimbo over his. Being that close to him, feeling his body heat through

the thin blanket covering him, made her hormones go wild and her nerve

endings tingle in anticipation.

Powerful, muscled forearms wrapped around her waist and leveraged

her up higher until her weight was centered on his torso, her legs in

between his.

“Shame,” she whispered, her lips a fraction away from his stubbled


“Shh,” he quietly replied, his hot and humid breath fanning over the

shell of her ear. “You don’t want to wake Ty.” Wet heat circled her ear,

swirling over the edge. Teeth nipped at the lobe. “What are you doing in

here, darlin’?”

Lips pressed against her nape and his tongue flicked lightly over her

skin. She shivered, imagining that skillful tongue at work, and felt her

nipples tighten in anticipation. “I couldn’t sleep,” she murmured, unable

to come up with a better excuse now that his arms were holding her

close and he was busy inflicting such a delicious assault on her neck.

Hands slid from her waist to her behind and fingers dug into her


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buttocks, pressing her down against the tumescent length of his


His need for her made her blood boil and her sex flutter with the

desire to feel him deep inside her, loving her. At the same time, her brain

urged her to take things slow. To drag the pleasure out for as long as


“Shame,” she whispered again. “Stop. Let’s go in the other room.”

His grip on her grew tighter. The edge of his fingers dipped beneath

the short nightshirt she wore and slid right into the crease of her naked

buttocks. She heard his breath catch.

Since Shame had taken over her bedroom and, at the time, she

hadn’t wanted him to see the garter belt and thigh highs she’d still worn

from earlier, she’d dug through the old box of her mom’s stuff that she

hadn’t yet managed to take to the Goodwill. She’d found a nightshirt to

wear to bed, but lacking panties, she had to continue going commando.

If the extra inch in length he gained after discovering her pantyless

and newly bare mound were any indication, she would say he definitely

didn’t seem to mind her lack of underwear in the least.

“We’re going to stay right here, darlin’. Ty’s a sound sleeper. If you’re

quiet, he’ll never notice a thing.”

She lifted her head to look at him, shocked at his suggestion that

they make love right there on the floor beside his sleeping friend. “But…”

Supple lips feathered over her cheek and the corner of her mouth,

teasing her. “Unless you don’t think you’ll be able to control yourself.” He

kissed her, quick and gentle. “Maybe you’re worried that you won’t be

able to stifle those sexy little whimpers and gasps you make when I’m

fucking you.”

A devious smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “You sound awfully

sure of your abilities, Shame.” She lifted herself up, one hand on either


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side of his head, and ground her naked pussy against the granite jut of

his penis. His groan egged her on, made her feel brave. “What would you

say to a little wager?”

Shame came up on his elbows. His mouth strung a line of kisses

down the side of her neck. The last one fell into the hollow of her throat.

“Like what?”

“Simple.” She kissed the tip of his nose and then pulled back before

he could take her lips and make her forget what she was saying.

“Whoever can make the other moan first gets to choose the way the loser

gets them off.”

He grinned. Even in the dark, she could see the evil tilt to his sexy

lips. “Any way we want?”

Gail nodded, forgetting that he couldn’t see as easily in the dark as

she could.

He moved closer, pulling his body up until she was sitting in his lap,

her legs open and wrapped around either side of his waist. His face sank

into the valley between her cotton-covered breasts and nuzzled. When his

stubbled cheek rubbed over her, abrading her nipple, it sent sparks of

fire through her breast. She bit her tongue to keep from moaning.

Arms hugged her waist and tugged her up against the solid contours

of his body. Since that was exactly where she wanted to be, she let him

move her where he wanted without complaint. Only the thin blanket

bunched over his lap and her nightshirt separated their bodies. Even

that little material was too much. Reaching down, she grasped the hem

of her shirt and yanked it up and over her head.

Cold air splashed against her feverish skin, sending goose bumps

racing up and down her naked body. Seeking his touch as well as his

heat, she wound her arms around Shame’s neck and guided his face


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back to her breasts. She wanted his mouth on her nipples, his cock

inside her, fucking her.

Shame chuckled, resisting her pull on his hair. His hands gripped

her bottom, forcing apart her cheeks. She tensed when his fingertips

skimmed over the nerve-rich entrance to her ass. “About this game of

yours,” he said quietly. “What if I said that I wanted my prize to be

fucking your tight little ass? Would you let me?”

Her mind said no, but her body was saying a definite maybe. She’d

never really considered anal sex. It had always sounded so dirty and

sordid. Now, with Shame, she found the idea intriguing. Images of him

behind her, his cock slipping in and out of her ass, filled her mind and

taunted her with possibilities.

Her nipples peaked and began to ache. A fresh rush of moisture

slipped from her vagina to coat the lips of her sex.

Who better than Shame, the man she loved, to initiate her into such

an intimate sexual experience. She trusted him not to hurt her, to make

sure it was as good for her as it was for him. The more she thought about

it, the better it sounded. She may not have been able to give him her

vaginal virginity, but she could give him this. He could be the one and

only person to take her anally.

Her cheeks heated. Once again, she was thankful for the cover of

darkness that masked her responses. “I would stand by our bet, no

matter what you wanted. I expect you to do the same.”

“Darlin’, there isn’t anything you could ask me to do that I wouldn’t

find pleasure in.”

“I guess we’ll see about that, when I win,” she teased.

“Mm hmm,” he muttered, his mouth trailing over the delicate outer

curve of her breast. “We’ll see who starts moaning first. I can guarantee it

isn’t going to be me.”


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He moved inward, his mouth circling around and around her nipple

but never quite touching the taut peak. She squirmed in his lap. Her legs

squeezed his hips tighter, trying to relieve the insistent, itchy ache he

was causing in her cunt.

The scratchy blanket between them abraded the tender lips of her

sex, frustrating her more.

His tongue traced over the edges of her areola, followed by the

wrinkled skin directly around her needy nipple. Almost at the point of

begging him to get on with it, she bit her lip and held on longer.

She arched her back, lifting her breasts higher.

Come on, damn it! Suck them.

Shame continued to lick and tease, skirting her nipple. When she

was ready to yell, couldn’t hold her silence a second longer, he looked up

at her from underneath his heavy lids, flicked the tip of his tongue over

her nipple and winked at her.

Conceited ass. His cockiness made her that much more determined

to torture him every bit as much as he was her.

Oh, she knew it was only a matter of time before she forgot all about

their stupid bet, gave in and started moaning, but in the meantime, she

wanted to give as good as she got. Make Shame earn his reward for


While he set about trying to drive her insane with slow, short tongue

laps over one swollen nipple and then the other, she thought up a good

way to return the favor.

Gail grabbed hold of the blanket and tugged. Since she was sitting on

it, it didn’t budge an inch. Wiggling from side to side, she worked it out

from underneath her and slung it away.


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Before she could work her hand between them and fist his cock the

way she wanted, Shame’s hands tightened on her ass and hiked her up,

plastering her against his chest.

His mouth swooped down and covered hers in a kiss that stole her

reason and incinerated her lungs. She threw herself into his kiss. Gave

him everything she had. All the love she felt swelled and spilled over into

her kiss. Wordlessly, she tried to convey her regrets to him through the

press of their lips, through the slow glide of her tongue over his.

Shame was the first to pull away. She would have happily spent the

rest of her life where she was, in his arms, kissing him like there was no

tomorrow. She realized, watching the way his chest rose and fell under

the force of his heavy breathing, that for them and their relationship,

there really wasn’t a tomorrow. All they had was this.

It was with that thought that she finally squeezed a hand between

their bodies and fisted the top few inches of his penis. Wanting to stroke

him, but unable to manage it, she settled for running her thumb over the

sensitive mushroom-shaped cap. A bead of pre-come escaped the slit and

wet her thumb. In circles, she swirled it over his head, slicking the wide

flare with moisture.

Seeing him that way, his cock long and thick, ready between their

bodies, made her empty passage beg for her to align their bodies and let

him sink inside, fill her, love her once more. It wasn’t easy, but she

denied herself.

Rather than taking him inside her, she released his cock for a

moment, separated her swollen labia and guided his shaft between the

wet folds. Satisfied that she had him where she wanted him, Gail

wrapped her arms around Shame’s neck. She pressed her lips to his,

greedy for the taste of his kiss, and began to rock against him, seeking



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Each swivel of her hips sent his penis through her folds and bumped

the flared ridge over her clit. She didn’t know who she was torturing

more, him or her. To make sure it was the former instead of the latter,

she started flexing her kegel muscles. With each flex, the mouth of her

vagina fluttered, giving his shaft a wet kiss of its own.

Above, Shame took their kiss deeper, his tongue dueling with hers.

Their mouths moved in concert, stealing her breath and the ability to

think. The grip on her ass tightened. His fingers held still, the tips

lingering over her anus, teasing it, as he separated her cheeks and

stretched the surrounding skin taut.

With a curse that could have been counted as a moan, he ripped his

head away from her. In a husky voice that sounded much deeper and

ragged than his usual smoky tenor, he said, “Have you ever taken a man

back here, darlin’?”

“No,” she replied breathlessly, too busy concentrating on the strange

sensations shooting through her bottom and the delicious press of his

shaft rubbing over her clit to say anything more.

One hand let go of her bottom. Fingers dipped down and rimmed her

pussy from behind, saturating themselves in moisture. Slowly, he

dragged his fingers back up and began to coat her anus with her own


Nervous about what he was going to do, she tensed. “Shame, I…”

He kissed the side of her neck. “Don’t worry, darlin’, you’ll like this. I


All of a sudden, she wasn’t so sure. Panting, she closed her eyes and

rested her forehead on his shoulder. Shame wouldn’t hurt her. Of that

she was sure, but it didn’t ease her trepidation.

The tip of one blunt finger massaged her opening, exerting pressure.

It bumped against her, and then rubbed over and again, with each pass


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growing firmer, more bold. She realized that it was his way of letting her

get used to his touching her there.

One fingertip breached her anus and slipped the tiniest bit inside. It

didn’t hurt like she’d feared, but burned in an odd, foreign way that

didn’t quite feel good or bad. It just was. Before she could grow

completely comfortable, he slipped it in a little farther, paused, and then

pushed it home, stretching her muscles until they ached and tingled.

She tried to figure out whether or not she liked the sensation, and

came to the conclusion that she didn’t not like it. And then his finger

moved, wiggling back and forth in and out of her ass, and she loved it.

The tiny bite of pain shot her desire up another notch and reminded her

of how empty her pussy felt without him buried inside it.

She bit her lip to keep from moaning. Though she enjoyed what he

was doing to her with his finger, she wasn’t so sure she was ready to

take his huge cock into her the same way. Not when his finger alone had

her stretched full to bursting.

Shame wouldn’t force her to keep her end of the deal, no matter what

they’d agreed on. He wasn’t that kind of man. However, she had no

intention of backing down. She would let him fuck her ass, hopefully

even be able to enjoy it, but not quite yet.

He shifted to the left, in just the right way, and the full length of his

cock slid home inside her pussy, filling the emptiness inside her core and

stretching the delicate tissues of her sex so good that tears blurred her

vision. He took one of her nipples into his mouth, suckled it, and she lost

her mind.

All she could do was feel. Shame’s mouth at her breast. Shame’s

arms around her. Shame’s finger gliding in and out of her ass, while his

cock stayed stationary inside her pussy. Her entire world consisted of

one man and what he made her feel. Nothing else mattered.


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She closed her eyes and gave in to the sensations bombarding her.

There were too many. He was coming at her from all sides and directions.

One of his hands clutched her bottom, holding her still while he fingered

her ass. She felt surrounded by his heat and musk. Everything being

done to her felt so good, too good.

The hot coil in her stomach began to build. With every stroke, every

touch, it wound tighter and tighter. It was too much. She couldn’t hold

back. Couldn’t wait any longer.

Her head snapped back and she thrust her breasts forward. Shame

bit down on her nipple and the dam burst. Her orgasm flashed over her,

washing her away on a tide of ecstasy so strong that all she knew, all she

felt, were the powerful contractions racking her body and the man she

loved holding her tight, keeping her centered so that she didn’t fly apart

under the strain of her climax.

The first thing she noticed, after her brain stopped spinning and her

head cleared, was that Shame was still rigid inside her. “Mmm,” she

purred, laying her head on his chest. “That was, without a doubt, the

best orgasm I’ve ever had. But you didn’t…?”

His hand ran up and down the moist line of her spine. “It’s okay,

darlin’. I was enjoying watching you too much to think about myself.

You’re so damn beautiful when you come apart in my arms like that.”

Gail kissed his shoulder, rubbing her face over the lean line of

muscle. She rocked her hips, gyrating on his penis. “Let me help you out

with that.”

“As good as that feels, I had something a little different in mind.”

He wanted her ass. How could she have forgotten that? “All right,”

she whispered, “but you have to go slow, okay? And you have to promise

to stop if it hurts too much.”


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“Don’t worry, darlin’, I won’t hurt you. You’ll have to trust that I’ll

take care of you.”

“I trust you, Shame.” She took a nervous swallow. “How do you…

What position do you need me in?”

His fingers brushed through her hair, combing the wild curls away

from her face. “You know, it’s okay if you don’t want to go through with

this. We can stay right here, like we are, and have sex the regular way. In

fact, now that I’m thinking about it, I kind of like the idea of you riding

me like a pogo stick.” He grinned at her and flexed his penis deep inside

of her. “We can always get into the kinky stuff next time.”

She wanted to laugh and cry all at once. There wasn’t going to be a

next time. “No,” she said with a shake of her head. “I want to do it. I want

you to take me that way.”

Shame’s chest vibrated against hers. “You want me to take you that

way, huh? Darlin’, if you can’t even say it, how are you going to do it?”

“I can say anything I want to. I choose not to.”

“You’re not getting bashful on me all of a sudden, are you, darlin’?”

Gail snickered and swatted him on the arm. “Oh, shut up. Quit

teasing me.”

“But it’s so much fun.”

“I’ll show you fun,” she replied, tightening her inner walls around his


Shame’s lids lowered. His lips parted as he sucked in air. A grimace

crossed his handsome face. “Oh, that was dirty. You’re going to pay for


She barely had time to grin before Shame surged up from underneath

her, his cock still lodged deep inside, and flipped her effortlessly onto her



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The new angle forced his cock deeper, made him feel larger and

harder inside her channel, and she couldn’t hold back the breathless

moan that escaped her lips at how good he felt. His heavy weight, the

chiseled planes of his chest and torso, pressing down into her soft curves

felt so good, so right. Their fit was perfect, like he was the missing half of

her incomplete body puzzle.

Shame buried his face in the curve of her neck. His hips pulled back

slowly, dragging the cumbersome length of his cock partway out of her

clinging pussy, before plunging back inside her with one long, slow glide.

Her hips arched up into his thrust, seeking more. More friction, more of

Shame. His hot breath fanned over her skin as he spoke. “I’m sorry,

darlin’…” His hips rotated, grinding into her mound. “Can’t wait. Need

you…too much…”

Snaking her arms around his back, she gripped his tight ass and

squeezed, urging him on. “Oh, yes! Take me, Shame. Fuck me.”

Firm lips covered hers. His tongue thrust into her mouth at the same

time his cock plunged back into her receptive body. Beneath her

fingertips his ass hollowed, tensed, and he began a slow and steady

rhythm that made her body burn and her heart sing.

Every stroke and drag of his rigid cock in her swollen, sensitive cunt

fanned the flames of her desire higher, made her soar ever closer to the

pinnacle her body struggled to reach.

Legs vised tight around his hips, head thrown back, eyes pinched

shut, she mouthed the words that rang over and over in her soul, I love

you, and prayed for the moment to last forever.

As with all good things, she knew their time was rapidly coming to an

end. The ball of flames in her stomach expanded, hit supernova and

exploded through her body like a shot of liquid ecstasy. Her back bowed

and her thighs trembled as her climax ravaged her body.


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Above her, as though from far away, she heard Shame cry out, felt

the throb of his cock expanding, and the warm, wet splash of his release

inside her.

Blinking back tears, she opened her eyes and watched the last of his

climax roll over him, the final shudders passing through his body as his

shoulders slumped in relief.

He opened his eyes and looked down at her. For a brief, all-too-short

second, she imagined she saw love reflected in his gaze instead of the

sexual satiation she knew it to be. Warmth encircled her, filling her heart

with joy.

He rolled off of her, pulling her up against his side, and reality, like

the cold fingers of winter, reclaimed her heart.

Beside him, she lay still, listening to the slowing of his pulse until she

was sure he was asleep. After one last, long searching glance at his face,

she whispered, “I love you,” so silently that even she herself wasn’t sure

if she had said the words or merely thought them, and got up and left the



Jesus, his back hurt. It was the first coherent thought Shame had as

he woke up on the cold, hard wood floor. He cracked his eyes open and

cast a quick glance around him to remind himself where he was. The

cream-colored dust ruffle beside his head brought it all back. He was in

Gail’s house, in her bedroom, on the floor.

The area beside him was empty. Gail must’ve gotten up after he fell

asleep and went back to her bed in the other room. He couldn’t blame

her for that. He’d bet his left nut that she woke up feeling a damn sight

better than he did.


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He, on the other hand, was still laying in the same spot and position

where he’d fallen asleep after making love—scratch that—after fucking

her the night before. There had been no lovemaking, just good old-

fashioned sex. No love involved in that. He cared about the girl, but he

most assuredly did not love her. He didn’t have it in him to love anyone


Reluctant to get up and face the arduous day ahead of him, he buried

his face back in the pillow under his head and closed his eyes. Visions of

Gail on her knees and begging for more as he fucked his cock slow and

deep in and out of her ass, played over his closed lids like an amateur

porno flick.

Damn, she was one hot woman. If he was capable of loving anyone

again, Gail would be the one. She was everything he could have hoped

for in a woman. Kind, caring, generous to a fault and a firecracker in bed

to boot. It was just as well that he would be leaving soon. She was too

good for him anyway. She deserved someone capable of giving her his

whole heart, not a man with a shady past and a battered, inoperable

heart. The only thing he could offer her was sex and the thrill of that

would wear off quick for someone like Gail. The woman practically

screamed marriage and babies. He couldn’t give her that. Couldn’t give it

to anyone.

What he could do was fuck her like no other. He felt juvenile for

admitting it, even if only to himself, but when Gail gave her body to

another, he wanted it to be his face she saw when she closed her eyes.

He wanted nothing more than to imprint his image, his touch, so deep

within her she could never forget him.

Rustling bedclothes alerted him to Ty’s movement on the mattress

above him. Whether he was awake or just restless, Shame needed to get

up and check on him.


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Ty had slept soundly through the night, not waking once after Shame

cleaned him up and made sure he was as comfortable as possible. That

in itself was a mixed blessing. Ty needed the rest, but it also meant that

other than the drop or two of sugar water Shame had splashed across

his parched lips, Ty hadn’t ingested any liquid. As dehydrated as he was,

he needed all the water he could stomach without making himself sick.

If he was finally awake, Shame hoped he would feel up to taking a sip

or two. Maybe even drink a little soup before he conked back out.

The next few days were going to be touch and go with Ty while he

began the slow journey toward regaining his strength and recuperating.

Shame looked forward to being able to talk with his friend. Find out what

he’d been through and if he’d learned anything during his captivity.

He felt a little guilty for thinking of things that way, but he couldn’t

help it. Though he’d tracked down and dealt with the flunky responsible

for carrying out the wet work months earlier, he hadn’t been able to get

any more information out of him other than the name of the man who

had ordered the hit. The possible motives for why were endless. He knew

it wouldn’t change things, wouldn’t bring Maria and Sophie back to him,

but he had to know why they were killed. He couldn’t let them go, let

them rest in peace, until he found out.

The squeak of the bedsprings drew him back into the present and his

current responsibilities. Shame sat up, stretched his arms above his

head and yawned. He climbed to his feet and glanced at Ty.

His friend was lying on his side, facing away from him, with the

pillow-top quilt pulled up to his neck. He was still asleep.

Picking up his jeans off the floor, Shame held them out in front of

him and slipped them on. He worked the zipper while walking around the

bed. His hands on the button snap, Shame froze, his gaze going wide as

it landed on Ty’s face.


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Chapter Ten

“What the hell?” Shame hurried to Ty’s side and flung back the

comforter. He blinked. There was no way…

His hands shaking, he traced the bronzed skin of Ty’s chest.

Touching Ty was the only way Shame could make himself believe what

he saw. Ty, whole and well, in front of him.

“Jeez, man, if you’re horny enough to molest me when I look this

scary, I hate to see how you’ll act when I’m back to a hundred percent.”

Shame’s eyes shot up to Ty’s face. His friend was pale but looked

good. Too damn good for a man who only the day before had appeared as

if he’d been run over by a steam engine. What the hell was going on?

“Uh, Ty, buddy, you notice anything different about yourself this


“No shit. I would have to be brain-dead not to. While you were getting

your beauty rest, I got up, took a shower and tried to figure out where

the heck you’ve brought me.” He ran a long-fingered hand over his shorn

head. “Whose place is this, anyway? And how long have I been

unconscious since you got me out of that dive? I don’t remember much,

but by the looks of me I’d hate to guess how long I’ve been out of it.”

Shame flinched. No wonder Ty wasn’t freaking out. The man thought

he’d been comatose during his recuperation. He didn’t realize it had

happened overnight. “Are you sure you should be up out of the bed yet? I

mean, how are you feeling? Do you feel okay?”


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Ty yawned. “I’m fine. A little tired and weak, but otherwise good.”

Wait a minute. Did Ty just say he had been up wandering around in

the house? “Ty, while you were up, you didn’t happen to run into anyone,

did you?”

Ty tilted his head to the side, his brow creased. “No, why?”

“Well, do you remember the cute blonde receptionist from back at the



“This is her house. I was just wondering if you ran into her. I don’t

want her to get freaked out or anything.”

Ty pushed himself up against the pillows behind him. “No offense,

bud, but you aren’t making much sense. If I’ve been here long enough to

heal up, she’s bound to have seen me before now.”

Shame shrugged and sat on the side of the bed. “That’s the thing,

Ty.” There wasn’t any gentle way to say what he needed to, so he was

just going to have to spit it out and hope Ty didn’t spaz. “I just got you

out yesterday. You haven’t even been here a full twelve hours yet.”

Ty’s deep brown eyes widened for an instant before he shook his head

and smiled. “Yeah, right. And next you’ll be telling me that you have a

real nifty bridge to sell me.”

Shame laid his hand on Ty’s shoulder and looked him square in the

eye. “I’m not pulling your leg, Ty. I just brought you here last night. I


Ty searched his face, no doubt looking for deception, for some

glimmer that Shame was joking. His shoulders slumped and he exhaled.

“That doesn’t make any sense, Shame. The only way I could’ve healed

overnight is if the people holding me had used their unique abilities to

heal me, and we both know that didn’t happen. So how do you explain


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my miraculous overnight healing? Did a magic fairy come in while we

were sleeping and sprinkle me with fairy dust?”

Shame snickered; he couldn’t help it. “Damn, you’re a smartass. I

don’t know how this happened. All I know is that I carried you in here

last night, cleaned the gook off of you—”

Ty interrupted him, his voice laced with sarcasm. “Nice, man, real


Shame scowled at his friend. “Shut up, will you? I’m trying to think

here.” He scrubbed a fist over his eyes. “I cleaned you up, talked to Gail,

put some salve— Shit, that’s it!” He hopped off the bed and crossed the

room. The damn antibiotic cream Gail gave him to use on Ty. That had to

be it. Short of Ty’s damn magic-fairy reasoning, there was nothing else

that he could think of.

“Hey,” Ty shouted. “What salve? What are you talking about? Don’t

leave me hanging here. Let me know what’s going through that thick

skull of yours.”

He glanced back at his friend lounging on the bed. “In a minute, Ty. I

need to talk to Gail.”

“Who’s Gail?” Ty screamed after him as he hurried out of the room.

With a house as tiny as Gail’s, it didn’t take him long to realize that

she wasn’t there. A quick glance out the window confirmed that her car

was gone. His heart a numb lump of coal in his chest, he trudged back

toward the bedroom where Ty awaited answers he didn’t have. All he

knew for sure was that Gail’s special salve must have been what cured

Ty. The why and how of it was lost on him.

As he entered the room, Shame’s attention fell on the empty

container sitting by the bed. He’d used all the concoction she’d given him

on Ty the night before. There wasn’t even any of it left for a test sample.


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Ignoring Ty’s questioning gaze, he crossed to the nightstand and

snatched it up. A little residue remained on the inside, not much else.

“You gonna tell me what’s on your mind, or what?”

“This,” Shame said, waving the container in front of him.

Ty lifted one brow. “An empty plastic dish is what had you up and

running out of the room?”

“No, damn it.” Shame sighed, his patience wearing thin. “This is

what’s left of the stuff Gail gave me to put on your wounds. It’s the only

thing I can think of that may be responsible for your rapid healing.”

Ty took the container out of his hand. Shame watched as he

eyeballed the contents, or lack thereof. He lifted it up to his nose and

sniffed. “Well, what was in it?”

“How the hell should I know? Do I look like a chemist to you?” Shame

sucked in a deep gulp of air and counted to ten. He really needed to calm

down. It wasn’t Ty’s fault that his emotions were spinning like a damn

top. It was Gail’s. How could she do something like this and not even tell

him? And for that matter, where had she disappeared to this morning?

He had an endless list of questions and not a single answer was

forthcoming. “Sorry for snapping at you, man. I’ve just got a lot on my

mind. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”

“No problem, bud.”

“Yeah, well, I asked Gail what was in it last night before I rubbed it

on you. She said that it was a secret family remedy and wouldn’t tell me

any more than that.”

Ty’s long, tapered fingers ran over the flawless skin covering his

chest. “I can certainly see why they would want to keep it a secret.” He

glanced up. “I’m not complaining here, but maybe we should find this

Gail of yours and ask her again.”


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“She’s not my anything. And she’s not here to ask. I looked outside

and her car’s gone.”

A muscle ticked in the corner of Ty’s eye. “Exactly how well do you

know this woman, Shame?”

“Well enough.”

“What does that mean?”

“Shit, I don’t know. Well enough means well enough. Why?”

Ty’s forehead wrinkled. “It just doesn’t make sense. Why would she

give you something that she knew would cure me, and not tell you about

it? I don’t get it.”

Shame massaged his temples, trying to alleviate the dull ache rapidly

spreading over the front of his head. “That makes two of us, pal. I don’t

know what’s going on but I don’t like it.”

Ty’s stomach growled loudly, interrupting their silent consternation.

He glanced over at Shame and smiled, but his eyes were filled with

worry. “How about we get a bite to eat while we try to sort this shit out?

I’m starving.”

Shame smiled back at him, but he had to force his cheek muscles

into the expression. “Yeah. Let’s get some food. We can talk while I try to

fatten you back up.”

“Fuck you,” Ty replied good-naturedly.

Shame tried to muster up a snappy comeback but as the seconds

ticked by he couldn’t think of one. Just when he needed it the most, his

sense of humor seemed to have abandoned him.

He put a companionable arm around Ty in the off chance that he

needed it, and led him from the room and into the kitchen.



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Gail sat alone in a creaky booth at the back of the only all-night diner

in town, Lou’s Pancake Shack, and stared down into her fifth cup of bad

coffee. She lifted it to her lips and sipped, wincing as the hot liquid

seared her mouth and the sweet rush of sugar coated her tongue.

Above the rim of her cup, she glanced around her. Besides one other

patron, a drunk slumped over his table on the opposite end of the small

establishment, and a haggard-looking waitress who was sixty if she was

a day, Gail was the only person in the place. Ten filthy yellow booths

lined one wall. On the reverse side, a bar complete with wobbly stools

stood before a long open grill. The heavy scent of grease and smoke

permeated the air.

Gail was procrastinating. It certainly wasn’t the good food and superb

service that had kept her sitting in the stained and dirty booth for the

last two hours. She knew she was only putting off the inevitable but that

didn’t change anything.

The sun rose over the horizon, giving her no excuse to keep lingering

in the diner. Now that it was daybreak, she could safely drive to Lucian

Tremaine’s house out in the country and confront her brother. And yet

she continued to sit where she was, all but frozen to the seat.

What was she afraid of? Surely not her brother. He would never do

anything to hurt her. Nor his associates, really, since she was sure Kenze

wouldn’t let them lay a finger on her. She was being ridiculous.

She set her chipped coffee cup down on the table and scooted out of

the booth. It was time to go. She pulled a ten-dollar bill out of her pocket

and threw it on the table. Her decision had been made and there was no

turning back now.



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“Okay, so let me get this straight,” Ty said a short time later, after

they’d finished off a breakfast of fruit and cold cereal. “You stayed at the

hotel for a while, when you knew damn well I wouldn’t have just up and

disappeared without letting you know where I was going. And then you

came out here and practically moved in with a woman you didn’t know

from Eve so that you could stay in town and look for me with no one

being the wiser. But you never once even asked her last name?” Ty flung

a magazine at him. Gail’s full name, Gail Ann Wright, was stamped on

the back of it. “What’s wrong with you, man?”

Shame paced back and forth in front of the fridge. “How the hell was I

supposed to know who she was? I don’t even remember you telling me

that Wright had a sister, much less what her name was. I’m not a damn

mind reader.”

“You wouldn’t have to be psychic if you would clean out your damn

ears and listen when I’m talking to you every now and then.”

“Fuck you, Ty. You’re not my mother or my wife, so quit harping at


“You’re lucky you’re still alive to listen to me harp at you. After the

way you spilled your guts to her last night, I’m surprised the woman

didn’t call up her brother and have us both killed while we slept.”

Shame hung his head in his hands. “She wouldn’t do that.”

How could he feel like defending her and throttling her at the same

time? Was Ty right, had she run to her shape-shifting brother the

moment he fell asleep? He couldn’t believe that she would do that. Gail

wasn’t the type of woman who could give him her body with such

abandon and then turn right around and stab him in the back as soon

as his eyes were closed. She wasn’t like that. She couldn’t be. He didn’t

think he would survive it if he found out differently.


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“I think she would. You came right out and told her we were planning

to kill her brother. What the hell did you expect her to do—jump up and

down for joy?”

“I didn’t know he was her brother. How many damn times do I have

to tell you that?”

“Like it matters or changes anything that you didn’t know who she

was. All I know now is that your little girlfriend has run off to warn her

brother about what we’ve planned and they’re going to come after us with

everything they have. Frankly, I’m surprised you were able to get me out

of there to begin with. The only reason I was still alive when you found

me was because they couldn’t find you and you’re the one they really


Ty dropped into the high-back chair beside Shame. “I don’t know

what the hell you did to Tremaine, but he’s after your head on a pike.

That’s one pissed-off, scary vamp. The one time I saw him was in broad

daylight, and the man just stood there, staring at me, while his little thug

took swings at me trying to get me to spill my guts about where you were

hiding. When they didn’t get anything more than a big ‘fuck you’ out of

me, he turned, cool as an icicle and strolled out of the room. That’s one

intimidating bastard, Shame.”

“So? I’ve faced bigger and badder and still come out on top. We’ll

manage. Good always kicks evil’s ass.”

Ty snorted. “I think you’ve been watching too many action movies.

Rarely does the good guy win in real life. He just gets smashed like a


Shame frowned. “What are you saying, Ty?”

“Maybe I’m just not as fucking convinced that we can do this and

survive. You don’t know what they’re like.” His voice dropped. “They’re



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“So, what? You want to give up and run away like a pussy?” Shame

shook his head. “That’s fucked up, man. What about getting even with

Wright, paying him back for what he did to your sister? Are you just

going to let that go?”

Ty looked down at his hands, which were clasped tightly together in

his lap. “I’m not saying I want to run away. I’m just thinking that maybe

we should put a little more thought into how we’re going about things,

that’s all.”

His dark chocolate gaze climbed up to meet Shame’s. Behind his

eyes, Shame could read all of Ty’s anguish and fear. “So what do you

want to do?”

“I don’t know,” Ty whispered. “You have no idea what it was like in

there. The pain, the humiliation, the damn hunger gnawing at my insides

while their taunts and the constant sleep deprivation fucked with my

head. I can’t go back there, Shame. What if…” He hung his head. “God

forgive me, I just can’t.”

Shame looked at his friend, took in the whipped-dog demeanor, and

felt his stomach turn. He wanted to believe that his reaction was due to

sympathy for what Ty must be feeling but he wasn’t so sure that’s what

it was. If Ty was right, and Gail had gone to her brother, then she would

be facing the same thing Ty had gone through. He had to believe that he

knew her well enough to trust that she wasn’t a part of the evil being

perpetrated by the men—the things—that lived out in that damn

mansion. And if that were the case, then she also wouldn’t know that her

brother was up to his eyes in all of it. With her big heart, she probably

felt duty-bound to warn her brother, no matter what he was involved in.

Instead of the anger he expected to feel toward her, all he felt was

warmth and a profound concern for her wellbeing. A small part of him

respected her more for standing by her beliefs and doing what she


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must’ve thought was the right thing, even if it was misguided and damn


He worried that her love would quickly beat down the thick wall he’d

built around his bruised heart and resurrect feelings he’d do better off

without. However, at the moment, he didn’t have time to think about his

girly emotions. He needed to make sure Gail didn’t sacrifice her life in

her bid to save her brother’s. He would have plenty of time to scrutinize

his feelings after he made sure she was safe and got his revenge on

Tremaine. If Ty was too traumatized to help, then he would seek revenge

on both their families’ behalf. Someone had to make them pay for what

they’d done and it might as well be him.

Shame rose to his feet and strode over to the sink to look out the

small curtained window. The sun was rising, filling the sky with misty

swirls of pink and blue. “I have to find Gail,” he said, his back turned to

Ty. “I understand if you can’t or won’t come with me, but I have to finish

what we’ve started. I couldn’t turn back now even if I wanted to. I need to

finish it, for Maria and Sophie, for all the people they’ve hurt and the

people they’ll continue to tear apart if someone doesn’t step in and do

something to stop them.”

Ty’s chair scratched against the floor behind him. Shame stood still

and waited for him to respond. When he didn’t, Shame turned to find the

room behind him empty.

He found Ty in Gail’s bedroom. He was sitting on the side of the bed,

his shoulders slumped and his head in his hands. The muscles in his

back tensed when Shame approached. He looked up, his eyes filled with

self-loathing. “I’m sorry. I can’t help you. Getting myself killed isn’t going

to bring my family back. I wish you luck. You’ll be in my prayers. But I’m

done. I’m going home.”


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Mute, Shame nodded. He didn’t know what to say to Ty. They’d only

been friends for a short time, a few months at most, but he’d thought he

knew him. At the moment, as he looked at his friend, Shame didn’t feel

as if he knew Ty at all. Maybe he hadn’t. Maybe the only thing they’d

shared was their drive for revenge.

Shame turned, grabbed his shirt and shoes off the dresser, and

strode from the room. He had a woman to save and a slew of

supernatural thugs to slaughter.

Frowning, he walked out into the sunshine. As the chill morning air

swept around him and light washed away the shadows clinging to the

land, Shame strolled over to his truck’s bed and pressed a small button

on the inside of the tailgate.

The bed floor lifted, revealing a secret compartment. Hidden inside

was a cache of weapons specifically designed to take out the

supernatural crime element with as little fuss and muss as possible. He

quickly strapped on both leather ankle holsters and the matching

shoulder harness. Into the shoulder harness went his trusted pair of

Glocks, loaded with UV bullets. In the ankle holsters, he placed a small-

caliber .32 and a sterling-silver Bowie knife he’d had commissioned

several years back.

He slid behind the wheel and turned over the ignition. His foot hit the

gas, revving up the engine. His hands steady, belying the rush of nervous

adrenaline coursing through his veins, he threw the truck into first gear.

Dirty snow and gravel spinning behind him, he sped out of the driveway.


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Chapter Eleven

Gail felt like she was going to puke. The steep drop off to either side

of the blacktop and sharp curves on the two-lane country road had her

nerves shot and her stomach rolling. Thoughts of what she would say

and do once Kenze stood in front of her played like a broken record in

her mind. With every mile she drove, her gut clenched and her

conscience urged her to turn back. She began to wonder if it wouldn’t be

easier to speak to Shame and try to talk him out of his goal instead of

going to Kenze. Remembering the look of condemnation on his face when

he told her of his plans squelched that idea before it could take root and


She turned onto the bumpy dirt track leading to Tremaine’s estate.

As she crept along the road, careful of ice and washboard ruts that could

send her car spinning into the ditch, she spied the top of a massive

house in the distance.

That must be it.

Her foot eased off the gas, buying her a few extra minutes before she

reached the huge black iron gate that blocked the entrance.

Fearing that the rancid coffee she’d ingested earlier would taste ten

times worse coming up than it had going down, she swallowed the rising

lump of acid crawling up her throat and guided her car up to the gate.

A black speaker box sat atop a thick black pole on her side of the

entrance. She pulled her car alongside it and cranked her window

halfway down. She tucked her arm out the window to press the speak


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button but discovered there wasn’t one. Not a single button was

anywhere on the box, only tiny circular holes in the metal to protect the

speaker inside.

That’s weird. She glanced around and spotted a camera at the top of

the column to her left. Why would they need so much security unless

they were up to no good? Crossing her arms over her chest, she waited

for someone to notice that she was there and respond.

She didn’t have to wait long. Before her tapping foot hit the floor for

the third time, the box squeaked and fuzzy white noise came over the

line, followed by a gravelly voice she knew well, though it had been years

since she’d last heard it. “What are you doing here?”

“Nice to talk to you, too, Kenze,” she replied dryly. Leave it to her

brother to be surly even with the sister he hadn’t seen in ages. “Are you

going to let me in, or are we going to talk through this damn contraption

all day?”

“Whatever,” he said a millisecond before she heard the gate creak.

She glanced up to see it slowly pull open.

She wanted to be hurt by his terse welcome, but couldn’t work up the

extra emotion. Too many disjointed thoughts and feelings were already

taking up residence in her head to make room for any new ones. Kenze

and his lack of care for her would have to get in line and take a number.

When the gate finished swinging open, she pulled up to the house

and parked right in front of the door. She saw a garage at the side, but

opted to keep her walk from her car to the door as short as possible. In

her frame of mind, she wanted to have as much control as she could get.

Parking in a garage, where someone would no doubt have to open and

close the sliding door to allow her to come and go, was unacceptable. She

might trust her brother, but she wasn’t dumb enough to extend that

trust to anyone else who lived in the house with him.


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Gail climbed out of her car and walked up the short stoop to the front

door. Before she could ring the bell, the door swung inward. She stepped

over the threshold and the door was shut behind her, all without her

seeing the first glimpse of Kenze.

Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark interior as she turned to face her

brother. Only it wasn’t Kenze who stood behind her. A man, tall and

broad as a mountain, blocked her way to the door. His shoulders

spanned the width of the doorframe and extended past it by several

inches. His bald head fell short of the seven-foot door by mere

centimeters. Seeing him, the snarl on his square face, the obscene tattoo

of a swastika etched into his forehead with dark blue prison-issue ink,

had Gail backing up a step, her heart thumping wildly.

Her senses kicked in, warning her that the man in front of her was a

lycan. From the way her synapses flared, releasing endorphins into her

system at an alarming rate, he was a powerful one at that.

He advanced on her, his nostrils ballooning as he took in her scent.

“Mmm, you smell good, whore.” He reached down and adjusted the bulge

beneath his fly. “You’ll smell even better after I come all over you.”

One backward step after another, she scurried away from him. Her

back collided with something solid, something that moved and breathed.

Someone was behind her, right up against her back. Whoever it was

inhaled loudly and then blew out through their mouth. The wind from it

ruffled her hair.

She opened her mouth to scream.

“Back off, Dempsey. Keep your foul mouth and your filthy fucking

hands to yourself. She isn’t here to see your ugly ass. Go find something

to do while I chat with my visitor.”

Gail’s heart rate returned to normal as the voice coming from behind

her registered. Kenze. Thank God. There for a second…


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She twisted around, careful to keep her eyes on the man named

Dempsey as he stalked from the room, and faced the brother she hadn’t

seen since they were teenagers.

As her attention settled on his face, she had to try hard not to gasp.

The man in front of her looked nothing like the Kenze who’d left home.

He appeared hard and haggard. His dark brown hair was pulled back

into a short ponytail behind his head. A thick beard shagged out around

his hollow cheeks. The clothes he wore had seen better days. And if she

wasn’t mistaken, the plaid shirt and faded blue jeans could use a good

wash as well. Gail wrinkled her nose, the scent of stale body odor


Unable to speak and ask him what the hell had happened to make

him let himself go so much, she remained mute. Needing to take her eyes

off Kenze, needing something to look at besides her twin whose

appearance distressed her in ways she didn’t want to think about, her

gaze wandered over the room to the left of the foyer they stood in.

It was a large, sunken living room with a high, cathedral-like ceiling.

The walls were painted a dull eggshell color. Thick carpet the color of

bread covered the floor. A huge white leather sectional sofa took up one

entire side of the room. Chrome and glass tables sat here and there. It

took her a moment to figure out what was missing. There weren’t any

lamps. No lights in the ceiling and no lamps to illuminate the room at


“What are you doing here, Gail?”

She pulled her gaze away from the strange room and directed it at

Kenze. “Thanks for the warm welcome, Kenze. If I didn’t know better I’d

almost think you weren’t happy to see me.”

Kenze humphed and turned away without speaking. He strode into

the living room and perched his ass on the edge of the sofa, his elbows


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propped on his knees. His icy blue eyes watched her cross the room and

join him on the couch. She chose to sit beside him, though his response

to her presence told her he was less than happy to be near her.

“So, I guess congratulations are in order.”

Gail snorted. “Congratulations for what—being the first person to

piss you off today?”

A brief spark of the old Kenze, the one she remembered and loved,

flashed behind his eyes and then quickly disappeared to be replaced with

a scowl. “On the baby.”

A frown creased her brow. God, she was already getting a headache

and she hadn’t even been in the same room with him for more than five

minutes. How could she have forgotten how nerve-wracking he was?

“What baby? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Jesus, you really have lost touch with all your roots, haven’t you?

Your baby, you little idiot.”

“Kenze, I hate to break this to you, since you think you know

everything, but I don’t have a baby. Whoever told you otherwise was full

of shit. And what the hell does that have to do with our ancestry?”

“You may not have a kid now, but you’re going to. You’re pregnant,



“Have you forgotten everything about our kind, Gail? You know that a

full lycan can detect when a female of our species is in heat or breeding.”

He shook his head at her sadly. “You…are…pregnant.” He sounded out

each word like she was a little slow on the uptake.

Gail’s mind rebelled. That wasn’t possible. She couldn’t be pregnant.

Could she? She knew they’d forgotten a condom a time or two, but she

was on the pill. It was ninety-nine percent accurate at preventing

pregnancy, wasn’t it? Everything she knew about contraceptives flew


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through her head at the speed of light. An article she’d read in one of the

magazines at work jumped out in her memory and screamed for

attention. It had claimed that antibiotics could affect the reliability of

certain birth-control pills. Since she wasn’t having sex, she hadn’t paid

much attention to it at the time.

Thinking back now, she recalled a bout of strep throat she’d had

shortly before meeting Shame. Could that have negated her pills? Was

Kenze fucking with her?

She looked at his face. Not a glimmer of humor marred his features.

He was dead serious. Shit. She was pregnant. She was going to have a

baby. Shame’s baby.

A fast shot of happiness, followed quickly by the letdown of reality

overcame her. Shame wouldn’t accept her for what she was; he sure as

hell wouldn’t accept a half-breed child that resulted from their all-too-

brief union.

Not only was she going to be a single mother, she was going to be an

unemployed single mother if she didn’t get her ass on the ball and find

work right away. Once she started to show, she’d never find a job. No

employer that she knew of would hire an obviously pregnant woman.

Despair, hot and heavy, washed over, dragging her down into the bog

of muck she’d created for herself by falling for a man she knew she

couldn’t keep.

She groaned. A baby didn’t change her reason for being there. Her

newfound knowledge would have to be shoved to the farthest recesses of

her mind until later, when she would have time to deal with it. For the

moment she had enough to think about.

Gail swiped a hand through her hair, pushing it out of her face.

“Listen, Kenze, I came here for a reason.”


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“Oh yeah? I was hoping you would get to that sometime in this


She was beginning to rethink the whole save-Kenze-from-being-

murdered thing. “Will you just quit with the smartass routine and listen

to me? As soon as I’ve said what I came for, I’ll leave and you’ll never

have to see my face again, okay? Until then, shut the hell up and hear

me out.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Gail sighed, impatience and aggravation warring within her. “Kenze.”

His mouth twisted into a smirk. “Gail.” The amused look on his face

disappeared as fast as it had appeared. It was replaced by a look so

stern, so downright scary, she would’ve been afraid of him had she not

already known he would never lay a finger on her, no matter how pissed

he was. “Say what you’re going to, Gail, and then get the hell out. I have

a plane to catch and you’re making me late.”

A glimmer of hope began to burn inside her. If he was leaving town

then maybe she wouldn’t have to say anything after all. “What do you

mean, you have a plane to catch? Are you skipping town again, without

so much as a goodbye or a ‘kiss my ass’ to me?”

“What I’m doing and where are none of your business, Gail. But just

so you can rest easy, I’ll be back in a few days. I’m not leaving town for


That wasn’t long enough, damn it. They would just wait around the

extra few days and kill him when he got back. She was going to have to

tell him what she’d learned. “Kenze, there isn’t really any easy way to say

this so I’m just going to blurt it out, okay?”

“Yeah. Sometime today, princess.”

Princess. That one word took her back to when they were children

and he referred to her as momma’s little princess because of the way


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she’d followed their mom around like she was her shadow. The bridge of

her nose began to sting and she squeezed it between her thumb and

index finger to squelch the tears threatening to rise. She straightened her

back and took a deep breath. “I recently met a man and I—”

“Obviously. The last time I checked, it took two people to make a kid.

Hell, Gail, I can smell the human all over you. The least you could have

done was take a damn shower before you came out here.”

“Shut up, Kenze.” Her patience snapped. “I’m trying to warn you that

someone wants your ass dead. The least you could do is quit with the

damn diatribe long enough for me get it out.”

The tension between them shot up another notch, making her want

to squirm under his scrutiny.

Kenze sat forward. So little of his bottom remained on the couch that

he almost levitated over it instead of sitting on it. “What? What are you

talking about, Gail? Who wants to kill me and how exactly did you find

out about it?”

“A few weeks ago, I met a man at the motel where I used to work. We

sort of…” Oh, how to put things without making herself look like a

complete slut. “…fell in together. Yesterday, he came to the house late

and had a friend with him. His friend was hurt.” She shook her head,

remembering what Ty had looked like. “Anyway, he told me that Ty, his

friend, had been held here and beaten. He claimed that you were

responsible and that you”—she swallowed, her eyes searching Kenze’s

face for his response to what she was saying—“that you attacked and

killed Ty’s sister.”

A slight widening of his pupils and a visible tension in his whipcord-

lean frame was all the response she got. It was anticlimactic as hell.

She’d expected anger and denial, or, as much as she hated to believe it, a

guilty flush. She didn’t know what to think by his lack of response. The


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desperate need for him to react in some way and clue her in to his guilt

or innocence made her continue. “They plan to kill you for whatever it is

they think you did to his sister. Don’t you have anything to say, Kenze?”

Still no response. “Say something, damn it!”

Kenze shot to his feet and paced the floor in front of where she sat on

the couch. “What do you want to hear, Gail? I’m sure you came out here

with the assumption that they’re mistaken about what you were told.

That there was no way your brother could be responsible for killing

anyone, let alone a woman.” He stopped right in front of her and put his

big hands on her shoulders. “I wish I could tell you what you want to

hear, but I can’t. I can tell you that I didn’t have any part in torturing

any man in this house, but no more. Do you understand me, Gail? I

can’t tell you that I’m innocent of any wrongdoing.”

He walked into the foyer. Not wanting to be left alone for an instant in

that house, she stood and followed behind him.

Kenze stopped and picked up a black duffle bag she hadn’t noticed

sitting against the wall. Slinging it over his shoulder, he turned and

pulled open the front door. “I think it’s time you leave. Don’t come back.

You never should have come out here in the first place.”

Gail opened her mouth. “But…”

“No buts, Gail. I need to get going and you don’t want to be here

without me.”

One hand on her elbow, he ushered her out and smoothly

maneuvered her straight to her car. He jerked the door open and held it,

waiting for her to slip inside.

She stalled beside the open door, looking up into her twin’s tired face.

She searched his gaze for any answers she could find. God knew, he

wouldn’t ever confide anything to her. She refused to believe Kenze would


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have attacked and killed a woman in cold blood. There had to be more to

the story than either he or Shame had let on.

“Tell me what’s going on, Kenze. Maybe I can help.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead, his lips barely skimming her

hairline before he pulled back and stepped away from her. “You can’t

help me, Gail. Go home.”


“What, Gail? Look, I need to be on my way or I’m going to miss my


“It’s just that—the men I told you about—one of them, Shame, he

means a lot to me. He’s… I love him and I wouldn’t want to see any harm

come to him or his friend.”

He studied her. “Your man, this Shame fellow, he’s the baby’s father,


Gail nodded. She couldn’t say “the baby” out loud yet. That would

make it real and she had other, more pressing things to think about.

Kenze was silent for a moment and then nodded. “I promise that no

harm will come to your friends by my hand.”

That was the best she could ask for. She knew that Kenze wouldn’t

go back on his word. It was a matter of honor.

She felt tears build in her eyes. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He patted her on the rump. “Now, scoot. Get in and

lock the doors. I’ll open the gate and you can follow me out.” He turned

and walked away before she could speak.

Gail slipped into the driver’s seat and locked her doors the way he’d

asked her to. With that done and her windows rolled tightly up, she felt a

measure of safety while waiting on Kenze to lead the way out.

She heard the loud purr of the motorcycle before she saw it. She

craned her neck and saw Kenze coming around the side of the house on


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a flame red crotch rocket. He slowed as he passed her car and waved for

her to follow behind him.

When they reached the gate he stopped and took a small black

remote out of his jacket and pointed it toward the gate. It creaked

opened, allowing them to drive through. Gail pulled alongside her brother

and rolled down her window. “Kenze,” she yelled over the loud rumble of

his motor. She wanted to tell him to be careful.

He waved and pulled off before she had to chance to speak. She

watched as his cycle disappeared over the hill, disgusted with herself,

him and the whole situation.

She sat still, glancing around her. Now that she’d warned him, she

didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t very well go back to her house;

Shame and Ty were both still there.

She reached for her pocketbook on the passenger seat to see how

much money she had on her. Maybe she could afford to get a hotel room

for the night. Surely Shame and Ty would be gone by the following

morning. A tremble shot through her arms and hands at that thought,

knocking her purse to the floorboard.

Shame would be gone. Unwanted tears surged to the surface and

clouded her eyes. She’d brought this on herself, but knowing she was

pregnant made it too painful to bear. He was going to leave, never

knowing that he left behind a small part of him with her.

Sniffling, she leaned over the console, one arm extended, trying to

grasp the strap on her pocketbook. Her fingertips skimmed the edge and

she stretched a little farther, reaching…reaching…

The passenger-side window exploded inward. Glass rained down on

her, scratching her face and neck. Gail screamed and pulled back, her

hands flying to her face.


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The big tattooed face of the bruiser who’d answered the front door

earlier appeared in front of her. He leaned into the busted window and

grabbed her by her hair. “There’s been a change of plans, pretty,” he all

but growled as he dragged her across the seat toward him. “You’re not

going anywhere.”


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Chapter Twelve

Not for the first time that week, Shame wished his old friend and

former partner, Tristan, was with him. Having a little backup would have

made his predicament easier to stomach. It sure as shit would’ve made

him feel more confident about the outcome of today’s rendezvous.

Nearly four months had passed since he’d been in touch with Tristan

and his wife Sara. The last phone call he’d taken the time to make had

been hard—too hard—and he hadn’t called back since. Hearing Tristan

happy, very much in love with his wife and son, set off a pang of envy

that Shame couldn’t deal with. It wasn’t that he didn’t wish his friend

well—he did. It was knowing that his partner was so…domesticated and

at peace. As much as he wanted that for Tristan, he wanted it for himself

as well.

Shame resolved that if—scratch that—when he got out of this jam, he

would visit Tristan and Sara. It’d been too long, and he didn’t want the

wall of silence to grow any bigger between them. Tristan was the only

person he felt he could trust and he valued their friendship too much to

keep letting his petty feelings stop him from staying in touch.

Several miles from his goal, Shame pulled off the road. He drove his

truck into a dense copse of pine trees and parked, satisfied that it was

out of sight from anyone who would pass on the main road.

After spraying scent neutralizer all over his body and deer piss on his

boots to camouflage any remaining personal smell, he began to hike

through the woods.


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Half an hour later, he stood at the back of the property. Standing

still, he watched for signs of life in and around the house. When he was

sure it was safe to cross the field, he took off at a dead run. Even at a

fast gallop, his eyes scanned around him in all directions, his feet

avoided twigs and branches that would cause disruptions to the quiet air

around him, and he made sure he stayed downwind of the house at all


Reaching the gate, he searched for cameras and immediately found

two. One was to his right on top of the gate, and the other was above the

back door. Both were mounted to pedestals that allowed them to swivel

at timed intervals.

Watching the cameras, he established their pattern and waited until

they were on a northbound swing away from him to move. Quickly, he

scaled the high wrought-iron fence, and dropped down on the other side

onto Tremaine’s property.

Shame’s feet hit the snow and skidded out from under him. His ass

smacked the ground with enough force to jar his teeth. He was hard-

pressed not to curse at his sore ass and his own stupidity for not

foreseeing that was going to happen. Spitting out a few good four-letter

words might have made him feel better but it damn sure would have

given away his position and that wouldn’t be such a smart thing to do.

They expected him to show up sooner or later, of that he had little

doubt, but the exact time when he was going to appear, well, that they

didn’t know. Even a small window of surprise was better than none at


He dragged his ass up off the ground and checked the cameras. They

hadn’t made the full rotation yet. Stealthily, he covered the ground

between where he’d landed and the back door.


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Stopping underneath the camera, where its lens wouldn’t be able to

catch his image, Shame pressed his back to the wall and tried to bring

his pulse down to normal. He needed to be able to hear the drop of a pin

and it wouldn’t be possible with his heartbeat thundering in his ears.

He slipped his hand into the pocket of his jeans and drew out a small

pouch containing the picks he needed to jimmy the lock on the door. He

could do it with his knife, but having the right instruments would save

him time. After waiting until the cameras began a new rotation, Shame

jumped onto the porch stoop.

A small window in the door allowed him to glimpse a bit of the back

hallway. It wasn’t enough to see much, just part of one wall and the

linoleum-covered floor, but he was relatively sure that no one was

standing guard. He maneuvered the picks into place and set to work on

the lock. A small muffled click signaled the release of the latch and his

ticket inside.

His hand clenched the doorknob, intent on turning it, when the

sound of footsteps crunching on the icy ground reached his ears.

Someone was on the right side of the house and coming up on him fast.

Shame let go of the door. His attention flew to both cameras,

assessing, and then he was moving over the land, his feet barely

skimming the frozen earth as he made his way around the house. He

stopped on the opposite side from where he’d heard the noise and held

his breath, listening intently for any sign of movement.

Hearing nothing, Shame peered around the corner. Two men made

their way to the back door. One was tall and wiry, the other of medium

height and build. The slim one had a thin cigarillo hanging out of his

mouth. Mr. Average reached for the door Shame had just unlocked. He

faced his buddy as the doorknob turned in his hand. “Fuck. You trying

to get us killed, bro? You left the door unlocked. You know how Tremaine


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is about his security. He’d shit a goose if he knew you were leaving his

damn back door wide open every time you stepped out to take a smoke.”

“Listen,” the thin man replied, “I didn’t leave the damn door unlocked

this time. You must’ve done it.”

“Whatever,” Mr. Average said, slapping the thin man on the back of

the head as he passed him on his way into the house.

The door closed behind them, allowing Shame to suck in the oxygen

he needed. That was close.

He wondered exactly how many men Tremaine had in his employ at

the moment. His plan was to take them out, incapacitate them one at a

time, before going after Tremaine. However, that plan depended on his

being able to get them alone. He was ill-prepared to deal with the whole

lot of them at once. It was possible that he could face three, maybe four

tops head-on and win. If they were human. Any more than that and his

ass would be Lycan chow.

Shame turned, intent on going around to the front of the house and

slipping in through the garage, like he’d done the day before. There were

extra cameras to avoid in the front, but going in through the back door

was now out of the question.

He crept around the side of the house, his ears peeled for any sound

that seemed out of place, and his gaze darting all around him. A single

glance assured him that no one was outside, and luckily enough, one of

the garage bays was open. His muscles tensed, readying themselves to

spring him around the corner at the precise second the cameras aligned

the way he wanted.

One…two… Go. In a quick burst of movement, he exploded around

the corner. Shame slipped into the open bay and crouched down behind

two snowmobiles. Confident he was alone, Shame stood. From above the


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snowmobiles he saw Gail’s car parked in one of the other bays. The one

closest to the door.

So, she was there.

Approaching it, he noticed one of windows was missing. He leaned

over and peered inside, saw shards of glass littering the passenger seat.

Deep splotches of crimson marred the vinyl seat amid the glass.

Blood? If she had come there of her own free will, why was her

window broken and blood inside the car? Were he and Ty wrong? Had

she been kidnapped from the house while they’d lain sleeping?

He straightened and moved toward the door. Possible explanations

for Gail’s car being in the state it was in rushed through his head, taking

a measure of his concentration away from his surroundings.

One step away from the door, a low rustle sounded from behind him.

He started to turn. A sharp blow caught him on the side of the head and

echoed through the back of his skull.

Pain brought him to his knees. His vision blurred around the edges

and grew fuzzy. As darkness rapidly swallowed him up, Shame caught a

glimpse of a man’s silhouette above him, and then he saw no more.


Gail’s gaze explored her surroundings. The huge cavernous room

she’d been dumped in was filled with treadmills, weight benches and

other big hulking machines she couldn’t identify by name.

“How does it feel to be at the mercy of a real man, bitch? I bet your

little human fuck can’t make you squeal like I can.”

She gave Dempsey, the tattooed freak who’d hauled her into the

house over his shoulder an hour earlier, the dirtiest look she could

manage in her current position. It was hard to accomplish an effective


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one while on her knees, her hands tied behind her back and a ball gag

shoved in her mouth. She certainly didn’t feel menacing and from the

way tattoo head towered over her, a smirk on his ugly inked face, she

didn’t think he was feeling any fear.

“Fuck you,” she sputtered around the gag. The rubber impeded her

speech and her words came out garbled, sounding more like “uuh oo”,

than “fuck you”.

“Oh, you should be nice to me, baby. Maybe if you play real nice I’ll

let you keep that half-breed bastard you’re carrying as a pet, instead of

feeding it to the vamps as an appetizer right after you spit it out.”

Gail growled, the sound startling even her. She couldn’t remember

the last time that had happened.

Dempsey sneered at her. “You should be licking my boots for keeping

you around this long. Feel lucky that I want to use your tight little pussy,

otherwise you’d be nothing more than a big bag of O positive by now.” He

laughed, amused by his own disgusting attempt at a joke.

His endless taunts were beginning to piss her off more than scare

her. For the last hour she’d been on her knees, listening to his shit, and

she was starting to think that’s exactly what it was. Bullshit.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to carry out his threats. The hard line of

flesh behind his fly told her exactly how much he’d like to follow through

with one of them in particular, but she didn’t think it was his call to

make. As long as the big boss wanted her alive and unharmed, she

would stay that way. Dempsey was just a puppy following his master’s


During one of his rants, he’d let it slip that they were using her for

bait in the hopes that Shame would run right into their hands. She’d

tried to tell him that Shame wouldn’t show up. That having her there was

a mistake. Shame didn’t care enough about her to come after her, but he


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wouldn’t listen. Instead of hearing her out, he’d threatened to give her

something to occupy her mouth with. He quickly changed his mind when

she smiled at him and told him to go ahead, if he wanted to lose his dick.

He paled and stuffed the ball gag into her mouth.

Fat stubby fingers pulled her out of her reverie. They skimmed her

cheek and then brutally shoved her head to one side. “Not so high and

mighty now that Kenze isn’t around, are you, whore?”

One meaty paw grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head

back, forcing her to look up. Her scalp stung from the tension on her

hair, and her eyes began to water. She swallowed the whimper building

in her throat, determined not to make a sound, not to show any

weakness to the huge lycan tormenting her. To do so would be the

equivalent of wearing a red dress while running with the bulls in

Pamplona. She wasn’t that stupid.

He leaned above her, the hot fetid stench of his breath blowing over

her face. She tried to twist, to get away from the foul smell before she

retched, but was pulled up short by his hand in her hair. “The boss said

I couldn’t fuck you up.” He leered down at her breasts. Right away it felt

like her D cups tried to shrink and crawl inside her chest cavity to get

away from his lecherous gaze. She hunched her shoulders, but it didn’t

help. The nasty, dirty feeling his scrutiny left on her remained.

A thick, sandpaper-rough finger slid under her bra strap, where it

was visible between her neck and shoulder. He twisted the narrow strap

around his finger and jerked. “The boss didn’t say nothing about me not

being able to fuck you.”

The material pulled tight and broke with a quiet little snap. She

shook her head, and tried to scream, “No!” It came out more like “oo”.

His hand dropped to the neck of her thin cashmere sweater. The back

of his fingers brushed over her collarbone as he fisted it and yanked. The


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material held for a second, biting into the back of her neck, but then

began to tear under the rough pull. The sound of rending fabric filled her

ears as the seams along both shoulders separated and gave away.

The front of her sweater fell down, exposing her collarbone and the

tops of her breasts, one concealed by her plain white cotton bra and the

other not. Her bra strap torn in two, one cup lay clinging at half mast

over her breast.

Greedy, bloodshot eyes devoured the exposed skin. He licked his

pale, thin lips and lifted his hand to grope her. A sharp retort of static

filled the air. His hand flew to his waistband and the walkie-talkie

attached at his hip. His gaze lingered on her breasts for another second

before he spit out a vile mouthful of obscenities and turned away from

her to answer the summons.

Gail sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. She hurt all over.

Her head ached, arms and hands stung from lingering cuts that refused

to heal while shards of glass were still imbedded in her skin. Her

shoulders throbbed from being tied in the same position for so long. Most

of all, her heart was sore, tired and battered. It would be so easy to give

in, say to hell with it and stop fighting but the thought of the small life

growing inside her kept her determination to survive going.

If she wanted to stay alive and protect her unborn baby, she was

going to have to keep her wits and find her own way out of this.

Exacerbating the situation by pissing her captors off wasn’t going to help

her any. The only person she could rely on for help was herself.

Her ace in the hole was a jagged piece of glass she’d managed to work

out of the fleshy part of her palm. Mr. Tattoo hadn’t noticed her struggle

to unearth her hidden weapon, he’d been too busy staring at her chest

and palming his crotch to pay any attention to the small grunts of pain


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she hadn’t been able to hide as she worked it out of her flesh and into

her fingers.

She may not have been strong enough to break through the zip tie

binding her hands—she’d tried that and failed—but with a little

persistence, she could cut through it. If she kept up the weak-female

routine for long enough, he would eventually lose interest in tormenting

her and lose interest. That’s when she’d be able to break free and make

her move.

A tremor ran down her arm as she twisted, trying to align it the way

she needed. Blood-slick fingers slowly maneuvered the glass into position

against the hard plastic of her bonds. She had to be careful. One slip and

she would drop it. One shake and she would lose her only chance of

escaping. If she lost the glass, she would be up shit creek without a


Short, concise arm movements propelled the makeshift knife back

and forth over the zip tie while not attracting unwanted attention to what

she was doing. With Mr. Tattoo’s back turned and his focus on whatever

was being squawked at him through his radio, Gail set to work sawing on

her cuffs.

Her concentration on the task at hand, she didn’t notice many of the

static-ridden words that passed between Dempsey and whoever was on

the other end of the walkie-talkie. That is, until one word caught her

attention. Captured. Were they talking about her? Her hands froze and

she perked her ears, listening, but nothing else was said.

Dempsey turned, his hands hooking the transmitter back onto his

belt, and shot her an evil smile. “Looks like we’re going to get some

company.” He strutted over to where she kneeled and patted her on the

head. “You sit tight, now. I’ll be right back to finish what I started.” His

laughter followed him past her and out of the room.


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Company? Did that mean more thugs were on their way?

Gail waited until he was out of sight, then resumed sawing. This was

it. Possibly the only time she would be left alone; it could be her only

shot at getting out of there.

She shut her eyes and concentrated, focusing all her energy on

cutting through her restraints without cutting into one of her wrists in

the process.

A cramp in her hand made her pause. She twisted her arms,

checking for any play in the zip tie. There was a little, very little, but it

gave her hope. Ignoring the soreness in her arms and the cramping in

her fingers, she pushed on.

The same litany of the words played over and over in her head. Have

to hurry. Have to get out.

Every few minutes she flexed her wrists, testing how much she’d

accomplished. Finally, she tugged her bonds and felt a significant

amount of improvement in the play of the plastic. She was almost there.

Just a little more and she would be loose.

She was so close. Her hands began to shake; nervous energy made

them unsteady and anxious. She could almost taste the sweet ambrosia

of freedom.

A groan and the rustle of chains had her eyes flying open and her

head swiveling around to stare in astonishment. Shame was being

carried into the room by Dempsey and another goon she hadn’t yet seen.

Her hands stilled. Behind the goons dragging Shame was the big man

himself. The air of self-confidence surrounding the man, his manner of

dress and the very way he commanded attention, hinted at who he was

long before anyone bothered to confirm his identity. Lucian Tremaine

swaggered into the room, his presence lending a more powerful menace


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to the air than the goons could ever hope to accomplish with all their big

talk and bolstering.

Tremaine was a handsome man. Thick black hair waved back from

his high forehead and mesmerizing chocolate eyes. His skin was pale, the

color of fine bone china. He stood tall, a head above the other men. The

sleek lines of his black suit accentuated the broad width of his chest and

the trim dimensions of his waist and hips. Long legs carried him

confidently across the room to where his thugs dropped Shame like a pile

of refuse on the cold cement floor.

She tore her eyes from the Master Vampire who held her life in the

palm of his hand and looked instead at the man she loved with every

fiber of her being. Shame lay unconscious, his body limp and sprawled

out over the floor in the exact position they dropped him in. Not a single

muscle twitched as Tremaine came closer and kicked him in the ribs.

Dempsey and the tall, scarecrow-looking thug stood on either side of

Tremaine and cheered him on, yelling obscenities and telling him to “kill

the fucker”.

“No! Stop it!” she screamed, knowing that even if they could

understand what she was saying, he wouldn’t stop. Again and again he

kicked until Shame finally came to. Tears streamed down her cheeks,

intensifying with every jab, every heart-wrenching grunt Shame issued.

When his eyes opened and met hers around Tremaine, something

snapped inside her. One minute she was sitting on her knees, bound and

gagged, crying. The next, she was ripping through what remained of her

bindings and rising to her feet. One hand yanked out the ball gag, while

the other gripped the small piece of glass in her fist.

No one looked her way as she launched herself into the air. It wasn’t

until she landed on Tremaine’s back that they paid her any mind. By

then it was too late. She struck, burying the glass in Tremaine’s neck,


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dragging it across his throat and laying him open. Blood gushed from the

wound, spraying wildly. It coated everything around them in a sheet of

deep red gore. No more than thirty seconds elapsed between when she

jumped and when she slit the vampire’s throat.

Tremaine gurgled, attempting to speak. His hands swished through

the air around her head in an endeavor to dislodge her from his back. He

quickly gave up, his hands going to his throat and holding it tight,

frantically trying to staunch the flow of blood.

Strong hands gripped her around the waist and ripped her off him.

Her back slammed against the floor and knocked the breath out of her in

a great whoosh of air.

She looked up and found Dempsey above her. He was in partial

wolven form, his snout extended, mangy patches of fur covering the

exposed skin of his face and neck.

Gulping, she crawled on her hands and ass away from him. He

advanced toward her, one slow step at a time. With nowhere to go, she

backed into the wall and shut her eyes, praying for her end to be a fast

and painless one.

A deep growl above her and the absence of the blow she expected

caused her to open her eyes. It was then she noticed what was going on

around her. While she’d been blinded by her aggression toward

Tremaine, Shame had risen. He currently had the gangly thug down on

the floor and was using the chain between his cuffed hands to strangle

him. One violent twist and the deviant’s neck snapped with a sickening


Shame straightened and looked her way. His face was flushed a deep

red. A small trickle of blood oozed from a cut near his temple. His eyes

flashed in anger. Whether toward her or Dempsey, she couldn’t be sure.


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She had no reason to believe his anger didn’t extend to her as much as

the others.

In her quest to help Kenze, she’d betrayed the man she loved and

ended up putting the life of the child she hadn’t known she carried in

jeopardy. Now, when she needed help, where was Kenze to return the


Dempsey, who stood with his back to her, jolted into action when

Shame stepped closer. Shame wheeled around as he approached. His leg

flew through the air, jabbing a brutal roundhouse kick to the side of

Dempsey’s head. Dempsey’s head jerked back, spittle flying from his

open mouth as he grunted at impact.

Gail scrambled to her feet, her back pressed tight against the wall.

She was torn between wanting to stay, to make sure Shame was okay,

and fleeing in case he planned to come after her next.


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Chapter Thirteen

Shame’s feet hit the floor at the same time the thug’s ass did.

Shame’s gaze immediately landed on Gail. Relief, sweet and thankful,

rushed over him when he saw that she hadn’t moved. She was still right

there, against the wall, and though she appeared rattled and upset,

physically, she was okay. When he’d seen the shape her car was in, he’d

been so worried that he was going to be too late. That he’d lost her.

Gail had come to warn her brother, but he didn’t care. Could he

really say that he wouldn’t have done the same thing if he was in her

shoes? That she had helped Ty, even after she’d been told what they

planned to do as soon as he was well, endeared him to her all the more.

Seeing her beautiful face so pale, the blood drying on her fingers,

made his blood boil and an intense rage surge within him. She came

there to help Kenze, but where the hell was her brother now? If he had

anything to do with hurting his sister, Shame was going to take immense

pleasure in ripping his nuts from his body. What kind of man left his

sister in the hands of men he knew to be vicious killers?

His eyes met hers from across the room. Insidious fear registered in

Gail’s limpid blue eyes before she turned and ran from the room. Shame

stopped, confused. Why did he feel like her fear was directed at him,

more than the partially shifted lycan between them?

His brief pause to consider Gail’s response cost him. While he was

watching Gail flee, the thug he’d just dropkicked was regaining his



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Teeth sank into his ankle. Shame winced, biting down on his lip to

refrain from crying out. He looked down to see Tremaine’s flunky smiling

up at him around a mouthful of his flesh.


With his other foot, Shame reared back and kicked the thug in the

neck. His ankle was released as his opponent’s head ricocheted back on

his neck.

As the man struggled to draw air in through his damaged windpipe,

Shame leaned down and wrapped his hands around his assailant’s neck.

Beneath his fingers he could feel the fast rat-a-tat-tat of the man’s pulse.

Red-rimmed black irises stared up at him, willing him to finish it. One

fast, sharp twist and his spinal cord was severed.

Shame stood and ran for the stairs. Tremaine was gone. During all

the confusion, the man had slipped from the room unnoticed.

Vampires healed fast. Thanks to it being the middle of the afternoon,

instead of night, it would take longer, but would still happen too soon for

comfort. When the wound healed he would disappear, relocate to a new

town and Shame would have to start searching for him all over again.

Whatever was going to happen, it was going to happen now. One way

or the other, things would be finished before the sun went down. Shame

vowed it.

Concern for Gail propelled him through the house and out into the

yard. As bright sunshine reflected off the snow and into his eyes, Shame

realized one of Tremaine’s men hadn’t been accounted for. The thick-

witted man he’d seen outside, the one who had been accused of leaving

the back door unlocked, had yet to make an appearance.

When his eyes adjusted to the change in light, he noticed the two

empty bays in the garage. Gail’s car was gone, as was the red

Lamborghini. Only the four-wheel-drive truck remained in the last


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compartment. Seeing both vehicles missing gave him a measure of relief,

but didn’t convince him of her safety.

Luck was on his side for a change when he climbed up into the big

truck. Whoever had driven it last had left the key in the ignition.

His heart heavy with concern over Gail’s whereabouts and his

conscience anxious to mete out the justice his family deserved, Shame

cranked the ignition and let the tires eat asphalt.

Due in part to the heavy-tread all-terrain tires and tight

maneuverability of the truck around the sharp, slick curves, it didn’t

take him long to catch up.

He moved in behind Gail’s small compact car. Several miles up the

road he could barely make out the shiny red paint job on the


When he saw that Gail was the only person in her vehicle, his mind

let go of the incessant worry he’d been harboring. She was most likely on

her way home. He could catch up with her later and straighten out

whatever had given her the silly impression that she needed to be afraid

of him. He didn’t know what had caused her to look at him with such

trepidation but he would change it.

On the first straight stretch, Shame revved up the RPMs on the truck

and sped around her car, passing her with little effort.

As he went by, he glanced over and saw her red-rimmed eyes, the

tears coursing down her face. Then and there he promised that he would

make things right with her. Just as soon as he took care of Tremaine.

Once old business was finished, he could get on with living in the

present and try to let go of the past.

He pressed harder against the accelerator, rocketing the truck

forward past Gail. The roads were slick, but he didn’t give their condition


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much thought as he hurried to shorten the gap between him and his


For the longest time he drove, the gas pedal glued to the floor, and

still made no headway. Several times he lost sight of the faster

Lamborghini only to regain sight of it a couple of miles later when it had

to slow because of ice. The truck was built to handle the icy terrain

better than the flashy import. That was the only advantage Shame’s

truck had on the faster foreign sports car.

The higher they proceeded up the mountain, the more ice was left on

the road. Shame began to close in. The distance between the two vehicles

shortened with every mile until the truck’s grill was right up on the

bumper of the Lamborghini. Shame accelerated a little more, nudging the

car from behind.

Brake lights flashed. Before Shame could brace himself, the car

began to fishtail and spun a sharp one-eighty right in front of him. With

no time to respond, he plowed into the driver’s side door and front

fender, crushing it in like a soda can.

The impact threw Shame forward, knocking his head into the glass

and his chest over the steering wheel. The sides of his vision wavered

and began to blur. Darkness tried to take him under. Shame shook his

head, fighting the desire to lay his face down on the steering wheel and

close his eyes.

Slightly dazed, he jumped down from the pickup and approached the

crumpled sports car. Behind the wheel sat the missing thug, a long blade

of glass skewered through one eye.

One down, one to go.

Shame circled the back end of the car. In the distance he heard the

whisper of approaching police sirens. Undaunted, he continued on his

course. Before he could reach the other side, the passenger door creaked


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open and Tremaine rolled out and hit the slushy pavement. Crimson

liquid seeped down his face from several deep cuts along his forehead.

Rusty dried blood was all that remained as evidence of Gail’s attack. One

of his legs was twisted in an unnatural angle. Sickly white bone poked

through his trousers above his backwards knee.

Wide, soulless black eyes darted in Shame’s direction and then he

began to drag himself away from the wreckage. Shame could almost feel

sorry for the bastard, if he didn’t already know what a heartless monster

he was.

A few meager steps later, Shame stood above him. With his right leg,

Shame kicked Tremaine over onto his back. Tremaine grunted but didn’t

make any other sound as Shame kneeled beside him and lifted his head

up off the ground.

“Why?” Shame rumbled, shaking the large, broken vampire. “Why my


Tremaine coughed. Blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

“Morgan,” he sputtered.

Shame shook him harder. “What? What the hell are you talking

about? Speak up!”

Tremaine’s chest rattled as he tried to draw air to speak. He coughed

again, and foamy blood splattered Shame’s face and neck.

“You…killed…Lester Morgan.” He wheezed, drawing in air.


Realization of what he said hit Shame like a thunderbolt. Worry for

his former partner clouded his mind, before he remembered that Tristan

and his family were safely ensconced in a compound they’d set up in

Georgia, a facility that rivaled Fort Knox for security.

Lester Morgan was the last vampire he and Tristan had been sent in

to neutralize before they’d faked their deaths and made a clean break


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with the SCS. The psychotic vampire had gone on a murderous rampage,

killing untold number of young women, before kidnapping Sara, Tristan’s

then-estranged fiancée. When Tristan had been unable to resist Sara, as

their superiors had dictated, they’d set it up so that when they rescued

Sara, by setting off an explosion in the monster’s lair it would look like

they were killed right along with Morgan.

There had only been a scant few days between when he’d escaped the

SCS, and when he’d shown up on his wife’s doorstep.

How Tremaine had learned of Morgan’s death so quickly and been

able to put out a hit on Maria and Sophie, Shame would never know.

He’d found out the why, the how was irrelevant.

He pulled his custom-made Bowie knife from his ankle holster and

plunged it into Tremaine’s chest, trying not to gloat as the monster

writhed in pain and then dissolved into a pile of insubstantial ash.

The sirens he’d heard in the distance grew closer, filling the air

around him as he slipped his knife back into its holster and climbed to

his feet. Over the hood of the car he saw two police cars and an

ambulance come to a fast stop on either side of his truck.

This was going to be tricky. He didn’t like dealing with the police, for

good reason. Thanks to the SCS and their secrecy bullshit, there was no

record of his existence. Shamus Long may as well have never been born.

Unfortunately, if things progressed far enough, the police would try to

have him identified through other channels, using his scars and tattoos

for reference. That could open a huge frickin’ can of worms he would just

as soon avoid. Especially since his ass wouldn’t be the only one on the

line if the SCS found out he was still alive. That would put Tristan at risk

as well. He couldn’t afford to let that happen.

Police officers and paramedics swarmed onto the scene. The EMTs

rushed to the man behind the wheel, while the cops branched off, some


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going to the car, three surrounding him. Their hands on their weapons,

they shouted simultaneously for him to put his hands behind his head.

Careful not to make a sudden move, lest he be shot, Shame followed

their directions, bringing both hands up to rest on the back of his head.

One officer circled around behind him and clasped his wrists, twisting

them down behind his back, and slapped on handcuffs tight enough to

cut off his circulation.

“Want to tell me just what in hell happened here, boy?” the older,

more distinguished of the three questioned him.

Not wanting to incriminate himself, Shame remained silent. As soon

as they saw the long red smear of paint from the Lamborghini on his

bumper, they would know what happened. Until then, Shame wasn’t

saying a word.

“Fine then, boy. You stay all clammed up. We’ll straighten this out

down at the station.”

With that they ushered him into the back of one of the police cruisers

and hauled him away from the scene.


Two days later, Shame sat behind bars in the smallest, Mayberryest-

looking jail he’d ever had the pleasure of being held in. He was cold and

grungy feeling, but otherwise fine and counting the minutes until he was

a free man again.

Other than requesting his one phone call, he had yet to speak a word

to any one of the cops who’d questioned him about the accident. Let

them think what they wanted. As soon as Tristan arranged for his bail,

he was going to disappear and none of their opinions would matter. One

thing he’d learned quickly in the time he’d been with the SCS was how to


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blend in and stay beneath police radar. Once you knew what you were

doing, it was surprisingly simple.

While he’d been there, Shame had spent a lot of time reflecting on his

life. One thing, above all else, was crystal clear. He wanted Gail. Not just

for a quick tumble between the sheets or short trysts, but for good. He

was in love with the woman and he meant to keep her.

Now all he had to do was convince her of it.


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Chapter Fourteen

Gail rubbed her rounded belly and sighed in appreciation. If someone

had told her a week before that she would crave a thick, rare T-bone

steak covered in extra-crunchy peanut butter, she would have told them

they were crazy. Today the combo made a scrumptious snack.

She’d eaten more in the last few weeks than she had in the previous

several months combined. So much so she was starting to think her

baby was going to be an overeater right from the womb. She knew

enough about her physiology to expect an advanced pregnancy, but she

hadn’t expected it to proceed as fast as it had.

A wolf’s gestation was two months; a human’s nine. She’d thought

hers would fall somewhere in the middle.

By her calculations, she was just over five weeks pregnant, but the

baby grew at an extraordinary speed. According to the books she’d read,

a human fetus around five months gestation was where her child figured

into the pregnancy hierarchy.

At the rate her son or daughter was growing, she would give birth

around three months, instead of nine.

Already, she could feel her baby shift and move inside her womb. The

weird little flutter kicks came at all hours of the day and night. Each one

made her stop in the middle of whatever she was doing and marvel at the

precious gift of life Shame helped her create.

Gail glanced down at the last bite of peanut-butter steak on her

plate, considering it for a second before she shoved it away without


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finishing. It’d been a month since she’d seen Shame and he still had the

ability to ruin her appetite and twist her emotions into a jangled knot she

had no hope of ever untying.

Life in a small town was predictable if nothing else. She’d known the

minute Shame was arrested and the exact second he’d been released

from jail. For days afterward, she paced the floor, expecting him to show

up at any time. When a week passed and she hadn’t heard from him, she

didn’t know whether to be relieved, depressed or pissed off.

After the second week, depression won.

Since then, she divided her time between work, sleep and

daydreaming. Now, she mostly dreamed of her baby and what it would

feel like to hold her child in her arms. Before she was forced to accept

reality for what it was, she had dreamed of Shame and the family they

could have had if things were different. Oh, she wasn’t completely naive.

She knew that even if she hadn’t betrayed Shame, chances were better

than good that he still would’ve walked out on her. But a woman could

dream, and late at night, snuggled up beneath her covers, that was

exactly what she’d done. At first. But then, upon repeated mornings of

awaking with a pillow in a death grip between her arms, her face

streaked with clammy tears, and a heart-wrenching sense of loss cloying

the air around her, she gave up the midnight musings and faced reality.

She was alone and, in a short amount of time, she was going to have

a baby that would be dependant on her for everything. There was no

better incentive for her to get up off her ass and get her crap together

than that. Too much to do before she gave birth, and too little time in

which to do it, meant that she couldn’t sit around any longer mourning a

lover who clearly didn’t want her or—if he had known about it—the child

they’d created together. It was past time for her to grow up, get over it

and move on.


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Faced with oncoming motherhood and the mountain of debt that

would accompany it, she tucked her tail between her legs and scurried

off to beg for her job back at the motel. Surprisingly, Mr. Pascow agreed

to give her another chance before she was forced to pull out the heavy

groveling. His only concession was that she would have to accept a four-

week maternity leave instead of the prerequisite six. Either way it was

unpaid. She agreed, without telling him that she wouldn’t have been able

to afford the extra weeks off anyway. Though he didn’t say anything, it

was clear by the layer of dust on his desk and splotches on the glass

doors that his other employees weren’t cutting muster. All the small

things she’d done without having to be told appeared to be going undone

in her absence.

Gail yawned, bored with her train of thought. She folded her arms

atop the table and laid her head down on them. No matter how much

sleep she got each night, she was always tired. Nauseous, exhausted and

fat summed her up to a T these days. She was beginning to resemble a

half-inflated inner tube. The inflated half being her gut.

The baby sucked up all her energy and left tread marks across her

stomach. At that depressing thought, she felt a flutter kick inside her

womb and took the hint.

Smiling, she rubbed a hand over her tummy, where she’d felt the

blow, and imagined that her child could feel her loving touch. “Momma’s

sorry, baby. You take all the energy you need, so that you’ll grow big and


A sappy smile stretching her lips almost from ear to ear, she looked

up from the table and gasped.

Shame stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living room.

Hip propped against the frame, muscular arms across his chest, his

hungry green eyes locked her breath in her chest and wouldn’t let go.


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“Miss me, darlin’?”

His words broke the trance she was under and allowed her to think of

something other than how devastatingly sexy he was.

Of their own will, her fingers wrapped around the wooden handle on

the steak knife to the left of her plate and tightened. While her heart was

overjoyed to see him again, her mind wouldn’t allow her to let down her

guard. It was all too possible that he was there to pay her back for her

betrayal and not to initiate the happy reunion her fanciful emotions


She scooted closer to the table, hiding her protruding stomach

beneath the high surface. She didn’t want him to know about the baby

just yet, not until the reason behind his visit was abundantly clear.

“Aren’t you glad to see me?” he drawled, his voice as smooth and

sinful as chocolate mousse.

The baby shifted, poking at her, as if it had heard and recognized its

father’s voice and wanted to get closer to him. Gail schooled her features

into an emotionless mask before she spoke with as much careful

indifference as she could manage. “That depends, Shame. Why are you


He took a step toward her. “Gail—”

She cut him off. “Don’t come any closer, Shame.” She held the knife

out in front of her, the business end pointed right at him. “Whatever you

have to say can be said right where you’re standing.”

“Or what?” he said, stepping closer. “You’ll slit my throat, like you did

to Tremaine?” He pulled out a chair on the opposite side of the small

table and straddled it.

Her heart thumped in her ears. Her hand around the knife began to

grow moist. She feverishly prayed she wouldn’t have to use it against

him, because she wasn’t sure that she could.


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He laid his hand palm-up on the table. “Give me the knife, Gail. You

know you aren’t going to use it.”

Her hand extended outward, ready to do as he asked. At the last

second she yanked it back, unwilling to relinquish what little security

she had. “No.”

He sighed and ran a hand through his shaggy auburn hair. Upon

closer examination of his handsome face, she noticed the lines around

his eyes looked slightly deeper and the tan shade of his skin had faded.

He looked tired and maybe, her heart jumped, a little sad.

Could he have missed her?

He held both hands up in mock surrender. “Fine. Keep the knife. You

aren’t going to need it for anything. I didn’t come here to hurt you, Gail. I

swear it.”

She set the knife down in front of her, a short width away from her

hand, just in case. She didn’t want to believe that Shame would hurt her,

but for her child’s sake she couldn’t afford to take any chances.

“Why are you here, Shame? I haven’t heard anything from you in a

month or more. Why show up out of the blue now?”

Shame smiled, his lips quirked up in a sardonic twist. “Did you really

have so little faith in me that you thought I wouldn’t come back for you,

not even for the birth of our child?”

Gail felt the warmth flow out of her face and drain out the tips of her

toes. He knew about the baby. How was that possible? He’d left town

long before she’d started to show.

“How—” She swallowed.

“Just because I wasn’t here doesn’t mean I don’t know everything

you’ve been doing. Darlin’, I have eyes and ears everywhere.”

“Shame…” Gail said in exasperation.


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“Not going to let me keep any secrets, are you?” He winked. “Ty’s still

around. He’s staying in a motel in the next town over, under an alias.

Apparently, he was feeling guilty about bailing on me and was still

lurking around town when the shit hit the fan and I got arrested. He

didn’t have the power to get me out, but he’s a good-enough friend that

he stuck around to protect you while I had someone else pull the right

strings for me. I asked him to stay in the area and keep me up to date on

how you were and what you were doing, until I could come back for you.

Imagine my surprise when he told me you’d gotten your old job back and

were obviously pregnant.”

That took her a few minutes to process. The entire time he’d been

gone he’d had someone watching her. She wasn’t sure if she should be

touched that he cared enough to go to the trouble to make sure she was

okay or be creeped out. She settled for pissed off. How dare he have

someone watch her every move when she didn’t even know where the hell

he went, much less what he was doing.

She struck back in the only way she could think of. “How do you

know the baby’s even yours?”

He laughed. The cocky bastard had the gall to laugh at her. “Who else

would it belong to?”

Gail pushed out of her chair and rose awkwardly to her feet. Anger

coursed through her veins, hot and heavy. “Get out!” She raised her

hand and pointed toward the door. “I don’t need you. Just get the fuck


The expression on Shame’s face morphed from amused

contemplation to concerned sympathy an instant before she realized that

a) she’d stood up and given him an unsightly view of her fat belly, and b)

tears were streaming down her cheeks.


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She turned away, her hands frantically wiping off the evidence of her

foolishness. It was the hormones. They made her an overemotional mess.

Sniffling, she spun around, ready to wave away her show of emotion

as hormone-induced insanity, and ran nose-first into the hard wall of

Shame’s chest. His strong arms wrapped around her shoulders, pulling

her in close, and the dam broke. A flood of held-in tears cascaded down,

wetting his shirt as ragged sobs exploded unchecked from her chest.

Once they started, she couldn’t stop them. All the loneliness, all the

worry, burst forth onto Shame’s broad shoulders.

He patted her back and whispered nonsensical words to soothe her

as she cried against him.

“It’s okay, darlin’. I’m here now. I’m sorry I left you without saying

goodbye. I had to tie up some loose ends, liquidate some of my assets,

before I could come back for you. The police here know my face, it isn’t

safe for me. I had to make some arrangements, find a home for us.

There’s some bad shit getting ready to go down—I can’t really talk about

it now—but I want to take you away from here and start our life

somewhere safe, somewhere we can be together and raise the baby

without being forced to look over our shoulders every minute of the day. I

have the start of a new life all set up and waiting for us. Everything’s

going to be just fine now. I promise.” Over and over again, he repeated

sweet nothings in her ear, his hands carding through her tangled hair,

his breath sweet against her forehead.

When the tears slowed and she hiccupped her remaining emotions

out, he tipped her face up and wiped the wetness away. Firm, moist lips

brushed over her face, kissing her eyelids and the tip of her nose, then

her mouth.

His kiss, though tender and as sweet as they came, sparked her

dormant passion like a match to dry timber. Her breasts beaded and


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ached, her cunt flexed and throbbed on the emptiness only Shame could


She raised up on the tips of her toes and pressed her lips more firmly

over his. Her tongue peeked out to swipe the full curve of his bottom lip.

He moaned and pulled her tighter against him, his arms like steel

bands around her. Instead of feeling trapped, she reveled in his hold,

wallowed in the love and security his embrace instilled.

Shame skimmed her lips for a moment, seemingly content to allow

her control over the depth of their kiss. And then, little by little, he began

to take over. His velvety tongue ran over the crease between her lips,

parted them and delved inside to frolic against her own.

Against her stomach, she felt the hard ridge of Shame’s thick penis

through his pants. She pressed back harder against the evidence of his

need for her and was rewarded with the involuntary flex of his hips in


Untouched, her clit swelled and ached, begging shamefully for

attention. With her stomach out in front of her body like it now was, she

wasn’t able to touch herself, stimulating her pussy like she once had.

That frustrated her. Made her impatient to feel his hard, naked body

against hers, the sensuous rub of his smooth skin over her overheating


What she wanted to do was rip the clothes off their backs and throw

him to the floor and hop on. Ride him until they both lost themselves in

orgasmic bliss.

A remarkably unsexy image of her large, round body grinding atop

his lean, chiseled contours, broke through the mist of her passionate

stupor and calmed her raging libido. How could he be attracted to her as

she was? She’d never been a particularly slender person, bordering more

on curvaceous than thin, but now she looked like a fat hippo.


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Gail pulled back, breaking the seal of their joined lips. “I’m sorry. I

can’t. I—” She couldn’t let him see her naked. Her disfigured pregnant

body would send him screaming from the room in repulsion.

Glancing up, she expected to see disappointment and maybe even a

touch of irritation for leading him on the way she had. All she saw

behind his mesmerizing eyes was calm understanding and a tenderness

that made her love for him swell.

“It’s okay, darlin’. I understand if you don’t want to make love. Some

women don’t while they’re pregnant.”

Gail shook her head. He had it all wrong. “It’s not that I don’t want

to. It’s just that…with the baby and…” She stumbled over how to explain

herself without coming right out and saying that she felt about as

desirable as a Macy’s Day Parade float.

“Is that what this is about?” He pressed a chaste kiss to her temple.

“You think it would hurt the baby?”

“No. I…”

“Making love wouldn’t hurt the baby, darlin’. As long as everything

feels comfortable for you, it’s fine.”


His arms swooped down under her knees and swept her off her feet,

making her forget what she’d been about to say. He carried her across

the room and deposited her bottom on the cold counter.

She shivered, goose bumps popping up on her arms and legs.


“I’m right here, darlin’. I’m not going anywhere.”

And then he was kissing her again, his lips warm and beguiling

against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hung on while

he stole every reasonable thought out of her head.


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His hands were warm and rough as he popped her blouse open

button by button and pushed it over her shoulders and down her arms.

Her bra quickly followed, leaving her completely exposed from the waist

up. Or was that immense belly up? She no longer had much of a waist.

He stepped back and stared at her.

This was it. Any minute now, his boner would shrivel up and he

would back away, horrified by the changes in her figure.

Instead he moved closer, back into the V of her thighs, one hand

poised over the curve of her stomach. He looked back up at her, his eyes

reflecting moisture in the fading twilight. “Thank you,” he whispered, his

palm reverently smoothing over her bump.

“For what?”

“For this.” He rubbed her stomach. “For giving me a chance to be a

father again and a husband, if you’ll have me.”

Gail’s breath caught in the back of her throat. Was he—? “Shame?”

“I love you, Gail.” He reached inside his shirt and pulled a small

chain from around his neck. On it was a ring. As he slipped it off the

chain and onto her finger, she saw that it was a perfect heart-shaped

solitaire, two smaller but equally perfect hearts surrounded it, one a

sapphire the color of her eyes and the other an emerald the exact shade

of his. “Marry me, and let me spend the rest of my life proving to you how


Gail squealed and threw her arms around him. “Yes! Oh God, yes,

Shame. I love you so much.”

“Say that again.”

She stared up into his handsome face, overcome by a joy so strong it

was indescribable. “I love you, Shamus Long. More than anything else in

the world.”


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And then his lips were crashing back over hers. His tongue was in

her mouth and they were clumsily tearing at each other’s clothes. Any

insecurity she had about her body was dismissed in the wake of his

declaration of love.

Naked, they came together. Two souls united in their love as one,

connected at mouth and groin as they were meant to be. She wrapped

her legs around his waist, opening herself to his possession. In turn, he

held her tighter and kissed her with a wealth of emotion that branded his

name into her heart.

Long, slow strokes drove her passion skyward, made her pant and

whimper before he twisted his hips and hit a spot deep inside that sent

her soaring.

As her climax ripped through her, contracting her channel around

the thick breadth of his marauding flesh, she threw her head back and

screamed out her love for him.

The hot pulse of his penis expanding, shooting inside her, sent her

higher until stars swam behind her eyes right along with the tears of

happiness that she could no longer contain.

Shame loved her. And he was right. Now that he was home where he

belonged, everything was going to be just fine.


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Amanda Young


Kenze Wright sat in a small sports bar in downtown Miami and

drowned his emotions in a bottomless mug of beer. His long legs

straddled a wobbly stool at the bar, the tips of his black leather cowboy

boots shoved under a rung on either side.

If and when the damn thing decided to give out under the two–

hundred-plus pounds of lean muscle he carried, he hoped he would be

too hammered to notice.

Raucous laughter, mixed with the stale scent of beer and cigarettes,

filled the air around him. Underneath that, his sensitive lycan sense of

smell could detect the thick aroma of too much testosterone and hot,

aroused male bodies. The latter wasn’t much of a surprise since he’d

chosen a well-known gay pick-up bar to frequent while in town on


His cock talked him into coming out for companionship. Otherwise,

he would have stayed ensconced in the flophouse where he’d rented a

room for the week, unhappily stroking his cock to completion, instead of

out looking to score a hot and slick hole to fuck himself unconscious in.

Tonight, he intended to find a willing and able body to knock the edge

off his hunger. It’d been much too long since his cock had seen the inside

of anything other than his fist.

Male or female, didn’t much matter. He’d always been attracted to

both sexes. He chose men tonight, because he wanted it rough, dirty and

anonymous. Say what you would about gay men being sensitive, but


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here, among the other men trolling for ass, it wasn’t apparent. They took

what they wanted from whoever was willing to give it and didn’t expect

the prerequisite dinner and small talk that most women desired


Besides, he couldn’t trust himself with the gentler sex anymore.

Never again after what happened with Shelby, the woman he’d

mistakenly thought was his mate.

Shelby Flynt had proven to be anything but the delicate flower he’d

thought her to be. Not that that excused what he’d done. She was still

female and he was still a hell of a lot bigger and stronger than she’d


He had been raised to never lay a hand on a woman, no matter what

the circumstances. If his mother somehow knew what he’d done, that

he’d killed a woman, she would probably be rolling over in her grave.

Even if he hadn’t truly been the one to put her down, he’d been the cause

of her death, and as far as he was concerned, that was enough.

Shelby had been dead for almost a year. In the time since, he’d

denied himself the touch of a woman’s gentle hand. Denied himself the

touch of anyone or anything that wanted to know more than the size of

his dick and whether or not he was clean.

A firm hand landed on his shoulder, jarring him. He twisted around

and looked up into an expressive set of deep chocolate eyes. The

expression behind them was lust. Nothing more, nothing less.

Some things only changed if you really wanted them to. And as he

followed his new friend into the john, where they would undoubtedly

swap blow jobs in one of the stalls, he couldn’t remember why he should

want them to.


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About the Author

Amanda Young spends her days basking in the sun by the seashore

and her nights surrounded by dozens of serenading male strippers whose

only desire is to make her happy.

Yeah, right.

In real life, my husband would chase away all the hot men, right

before asking me what I’m going to fix him for dinner and reminding me

to do the dishes for the umpteenth time.

Always an avid reader of romance, I was thrilled when I discovered

erotic romance. For a long while I toyed with the idea of writing my own

but could never find the time.

When I found myself unemployed, I decided that it was high time I

gave it a shot. I sat down at my trusty computer and, according to my

very patient husband, haven’t moved since.

To learn more about Amanda Young, please visit

. Send an email to Amanda Young at


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Look for these titles by Amanda Young

Now Available:

Missing in Action


Coming Soon:

Taboo Desires
A Child’s Love

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When all else fails, what’s a girl to do? Conjure your own man, of course!

How to Conjure a Man

© 2006 Nancy Lindquist

Available now at Samhain Publishing

Becky Blake is through with vibrators. Well, to be honest, her

vibrator’s through with her. The damn thing actually conked out, mid-

fantasy. Time for desperate measures. Armed with thirty pounds of

candles and a spell created by her best friend and strip mall witch, she

heads into the desert to conjure a man.

It’s freezing, dark and more than a little creepy. On top of that there’s

a coyote hanging around howling loud enough to scare her to bits.

Please, let this spell work.

Rick Frazier’s done with manipulative women. His ex-wife is bleeding

him dry. His wallet is almost as hungry as he is. It’s time to get a second

job, as a bartender at ‘The Buckin’ Bronco All Male Review’. At least it

will pay the bills until he sells his software program.

Back in the real world of work and lonely routine, Becky has nothing

to show for her desert efforts except an erotic dream that leaves her more

frustrated than fulfilled. That is until her new employee shows up. It

doesn’t take long to put two and two together. Rick, her new bartender,

is the man she conjured in the desert.

Their chemistry is magnetic, drawing them together in a lightning

blast of hot passion and incredible sex. Is this true love or the result of a

magic spell cast on a cold dark night?

Enjoy the following excerpt for How to Conjure a Man:

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Holy shit. Scratch that. Holy fucking shit! His hands moved to his

eyes to rub away the remnants of sleep. He needed to be sure the image

his brain processed was really there. Yep, Becky still rode the pole,

spinning like a top to the throbbing beat of heavy metal. Hot damn, she

looked amazing. Where the hell had she learned to strip like that? He’d

almost come in his jeans when she’d ripped her dress off her tight curvy

body. Now she was a goddess in sinful red, long hair flying behind her, a

feral half-aware look on her beautiful face.

He had the vague notion that he should return to the couch in the

dressing room. Just slip quietly back to sleep and stop invading her

privacy. Clearly she had no idea he’d slept there to keep an eye on her.

He doubted she’d be dancing almost nude if she knew he ogled her, a

voyeur in the dark bar. Maybe he should cough, let on that he was

standing not five feet from the stage, staring at one of her nipples as it

escaped the confines of her bra? Screw it. Watching her dance so

provocatively mesmerized him. He couldn’t speak if his life depended on

it, let alone suck in enough air in to cough.

She dropped to her hands and knees, all stalking animal and sex as

she clawed her way across the stage. Her tight body showed off sleek

muscle beneath tanned skin. Her breasts, full and high under the lace of

her bra, begged to be freed. Damn, his cock was hard. If she took off that

bra he was done for.

Laying, back she V’d her legs in the air, giving him a glorious display

of bunched muscle filled out with soft curves. She pulled her legs

beneath her and, rising gracefully, danced to the pole once again. While

her legs wrapped around the shining length like a pro, he envisioned

them encircling his body. He’d made her promises. Meant every word of

them. But right now, sitting on the edge of a table not far from the stage,

his cock filling out the front of sweats, he questioned every damn one of

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them. He was in pain and not sure how much more he her. The red lace

and satin landed smack in Rick’s hands.

Did she know he was there? Could she feel his presence in the room?

No, the stage lights prevented anyone from seeing into the audience more

than a few feet. She had no clue what she was doing to him, how hard

she’d made his cock. How much he wanted to thrust it into her aching

cunt over and over again.

That she was unaware she had an audience made her show all the

hotter. Bending over once more, her thumbs hooked the elastic sides of

her thong. Exposing her ass, she pulled them down her legs in one

smooth motion. Her nether lips were now visible at the apex of her

thighs. A glorious pink pouting display. He’d not had time to admire her

pretty bare pussy the night before, now then rubbed over it as her mouth

formed in a needy “O”.

Rick’s hand moved to the front of his sweats. He intended to just shift

his cock to make it more comfortable, but his rebellious hand stroked it

several times through the soft fabric as he watched her touch herself. His

member ached and his mouth watered at the self-inflicted assault on her

damp pink flesh.

He must have made some small sound, groaned his desire loud

enough to be heard over the music, because her slender fingers stilled

and her eyes widened. Blindly, she searched the bright wash of light for

the source of the noise.

“Is there someone there?”

There was fear in her voice. He thought about sneaking out,

pretending he’d never been there, but that would have been cruel.

Standing up now, she reached for her dress and shielded her gorgeous

body from his view.

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“Hello? Is anybody there?” This time a note of panic crept in at the

end of her sentence.He was caught. The best course of action was to

speak up. Tell her he was there and allay her fears.

“Sorry, Becky, it’s just me. I didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart.”

“Rick? Is that you?” He could be wrong, but he could swear he heard

hope in her tone.

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Is their passion real, or only a mirage?

La Mirage

© 2007 Jennifer Colgan

Available now at Samhain Publishing

On a lonely stretch of I-95 in the middle of the Nevada desert,

journalist Savanna Blaine and photographer Ben Lantano find

themselves stranded by engine trouble on their way back from an

assignment. Their quest for a gas station leads them to La Mirage, a

beautiful resort nestled in a secluded canyon where they are the only


Invited to spend the night in lush accommodations, passion flares

between Savanna and Ben who have suppressed their hidden desires

long enough. A single touch ignites an unforgettable night in each other’s

arms, but the next day, when La Mirage mysteriously disappears, they’re

left to wonder, is their newfound intimacy real or nothing more than a

trick of the summer heat?

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, oral sex and

sexual games with confectionary food delights.

Enjoy the following excerpt for La Mirage:

Savanna sat by the pool. She was leaning back, hands behind her on

the shale tiles of the landscaped patio. Her shoes sat beside her and she

scissored her legs back and forth in the dark blue water.

Damn. She looked magnificent. All lush curves, wavy curls and

porcelain skin. She looked like a 1940s pinup girl from the wartime

calendars his grandfather always hung up in the garage.

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With a low wolf whistle that he hoped she couldn’t hear, he placed

the bags at the foot of the bed and hurriedly removed his digital camera

from its pack. He’d tell her about it later, but right now, he wanted that

shot because she was so beautiful, he had to have her on film.

From just within the doorway, he snapped half a dozen quick

pictures, including one in a soft focus that made her look like something

out of a dream. Hopefully, she wouldn’t mind that he’d taken the candid

shots. He already had a place picked out on his office wall to hang the

best of them.

Silently, he replaced the camera in its case and joined her outside.

The heat hit him like a wall after those few minutes in the air-

conditioned suite.

“How’s the water?” He crouched down beside her and trailed his

fingers in the pool, then scooped up a palm full of water and slapped it

on the back of his neck.

“Beautiful.” Her voice sounded dreamy. She glanced up at him

through her thick lashes. “How’s Delilah?”

“She’ll be fine. I feel kind of bad. They won’t let me pay for anything.”

“We probably couldn’t afford it anyway. Imagine what a night in a

place like this goes for.” Savanna grinned and climbed to her feet. “I’m

going to be bad. Since no one’s around, I’m going swimming. What about


Ben coughed. The skinny-dipping battle had raged on while he’d been

engaged in retrieving their bags. Visions of Savanna’s naked body

stretched out across the water, arms and legs reaching, skin glistening,

had battled with his professional decorum and won. Now, he sat in

Savanna’s slim shadow, drooling while she peeled off her blouse and

skirt to reveal the delicious powder blue panties that matched her bra.

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Good Lord, he couldn’t look away. His gaze traveled up from her

ankles to her bellybutton, pausing briefly on the delicious, heart-shaped

birthmark above her right knee.

“Come on,” she said with a wink that went straight to his burgeoning


“What the hell.” He stripped off his shirt and she dove in, slicing the

water in a perfect, splash-less dive. Wicked thoughts assailed him while

he watched her glide beneath the glassy surface of the water from one

side of the pool to the other.

The first rumble of thunder stopped him at the top button of his

jeans. The ominous sound traveled up through the soles of his shoes and

drew his attention over to the dark silhouette of the rock that blocked La

Mirage from the highway.

The clouds gathered there were the thickest, blackest thunderheads

Ben had ever seen. The son of a salesman, he’d lived in every part of the

U.S. and he’d seen storms come up out of nowhere and disappear just as

fast. While he watched, the shadow of the thunderheads crept toward the

pool, and a flash of blue lightning cleaved toward the distant horizon.

When Savanna’s sleek form broke the surface at the far side of the

pool, he pointed to the sky. “You’d better get out of there.”

Her smile turned to an alluring little pout, but she dutifully hoisted

herself out of the water. Fat raindrops splattered a trail behind her as

she ran across the patio, bra and panties transparent now and clinging

suggestively to every curve.

Ben’s mouth went bone dry.

He didn’t breathe at all until the next lightning bolt illuminated the

darkening sky. The accompanying thunder shook the ground. Savanna’s

damp body slid past him through the patio door before the third flash

and rumble, and a sheet of silver rain swept across the pool area thick as

liquid mercury in her wake.

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“Holy cow, it’s cold in here!”

Gooseflesh rose all over her shivering body the moment the air

conditioning hit her. She crossed her arms over her chest and jumped up

and down as she peered out at the sudden deluge. When lightning arced

across the sky a fourth time, the accompanying thunder sounded like the

splintering of dry wood. With a squeak, Savanna jumped back, away

from the open door and right into Ben’s arms.

He never would have figured holding her wet, trembling body in his

arms would turn him on so fast. She clung to him, her nipples rubbing

against his bare chest through the sodden, see-through fabric of her bra.

“You’re not afraid of a little lightning, are you?” He looked down at her,

perversely hoping her answer would be yes. He liked having her cling to

him, her hips pressed against his. Holding her all night while the storm

raged didn’t sound like a bad way to spend an evening at all.

“Me? No, I’m not—”

Another crack of thunder made her jump again. He pulled her tight

against him, reveling in her rising heat. “I don’t like loud noises.

Thunder, cars backfiring, starter pistols…” She laughed self-consciously,

but there was apprehension in her eyes when she looked up at him. It

obviously bothered her to admit her weakness.

“You’re safe,” he said, lowering his face toward her as a tide of feeling

welled up in him. He could protect her. He wanted nothing more than to

keep her safe and warm in his capable arms. In fact, he wanted to love

her until she wasn’t afraid of anything.

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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

It’s all about the story…








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