062 Barbara Sheridan Unfinished Business

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Unfinished Business


 2011 by Barbara Sheridan

ISBN: 978-1-61333-146-0

Cover art by Fantasia Frog Designs

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Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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Unfinished Business

A 1Night Stand Story

Book 63


Barbara Sheridan

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Unfinished Business


Chapter One

Kim Ryan bustled around the tidy Tokyo apartment trying not to notice the penetrating

stare of her maternal grandmother.

“I love seeing you, Kimmy-chan, but you should have told me you were coming to

visit. Goro and I have had this holiday planned for months and I can’t cancel now.”

Kim stopped fluffing the already plump sofa pillows. “I don’t expect you to disrupt

your plans, Nana Imahara. I needed some time away from work and I wanted to see how

you were getting on with that hip injury and all.”

Nana nodded slowly. “Ah, so that’s it. I told you architecture was no job for a woman.

You should settle down and raise pretty babies for me to indulge.”

Kim returned to fiddling with the pillows. “I have lots of time for that. I want to be

settled in my career and have a nice home in place before I even think of getting



The buzzer sounded from the lobby and Kim sent up a silent thanks to the Timing

Gods. She turned. “I bet that’s Goro. I’ll carry your suitcase down.”

Kim kept her smile pasted on and played along with the friendly chit-chat game until

Nana gave her boyfriend a jab in the ribs and told him they’d better get going to beat the

traffic or they’d be late for check-in at the hot springs.

Once safely alone in Nana’s apartment she sank to the sofa and pulled her purse onto

her lap. Retrieving her netbook she booted it up and accessed her email, her finger

hovering over the button to re-open the message from Madame Eve, the owner of 1Night


She’d actually gone and arranged a high class hook up for herself. A hook up set to

take place in just over six hours.

I’m certain you will be pleased with your two male companions. They match your

physical requirements quite well. Enjoy your evening.

Kim set the computer on the end table and buried her face in her hands. She pictured a

multitude of deities staring down at her, mostly smirking. A threesome. She’d nearly

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overloaded her credit card for a night of three-way sex with two strange men. Please let

me pull off this insane stunt and get my life back on track.

She was sure the deities laughed.

Taking a deep breath, Kim pulled herself together and got up. She headed to the

guestroom. Jetlag was still biting her in the butt and she had enough time to take a quick

nap before she had to head out to the Castillo Hotel complex on the outskirts of Tokyo. If

anyone was to blame for this insane idea and even more insane acting on it, it was

whoever had written that article in the new architectural trade magazine she’d subscribed

to. One look at the multi-page spread for the new hotel had opened some forbidden door

in her psyche and made her infatuation over her two bosses kick into overdrive.

And she’d done so well in stomping the shit out of that infatuation over the two years

she’d been working at D & K Associates. Hell, she’d put such a tight lid on the hots her

bosses aroused in her, she should be on a list for sainthood somewhere.

Untucking her blouse, Kim let the soft silk glide down her arms and folded the

garment over the back of the desk chair. She unzipped her knee length gabardine skirt

and did the same. She sat on the edge of the bed and shook her head as she slid off her

thigh high stockings and draped them on the bedside table.

The whole hots-for-the-bosses was so weird. Beyond weird. Her sister loved teasing

about her inborn ultra-conservative streak, and she’d never even so much as looked at

another guy on those rare occasions she’d steadily dated. To be attracted to two men at

once was like something out of left field.

Worse yet, it wasn’t just an attraction to their good looks or intelligence. An all-out

lust wave hit her if she spent more than five minutes in their combined presence.

That made weekly staff meetings ever so much fun.

Jack DeWitt and David Kiyomasa had never been anything but professional and polite

to her, but from the moment she walked in to the final interview some weird invisible

bond linked her to them.

On her end anyway.

Kim groaned as she stretched out on the soft bed and felt that familiar flutter between

her legs. Closing her eyes, she let the elaborate fantasy play itself out in her mind’s eye.

She was walking through a traditional Japanese house with fresh smelling tatami mats

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on the floors and sliding shoji doors open to allow the warm spring breeze to drift

through the rooms. Down a corridor she padded in stocking feet, her fine silk kimono

rustling softly. She paused before a closed door, slid it open, and stopped dead. David

Kiyomasa was there, his shoulder length hair unbound and hanging loose around his

well-toned shoulders. Stark naked, he sat propped up on a thick futon mattress on the


“Oh, don’t you look good enough to eat?” she murmured as she slid into the bedroom,

closing the shoji behind her. Her gaze locked on his, she moved across the tatami like a

cat, her attention fixed upon the way he stroked his erection with a lazy slowness that

milked pearly drops of pre-cum from the swollen head of his cock.

She tugged the long, silk obi sash wound round her trim body loose and let her

kimono part and slip from one shoulder as she folded the obi and set it atop a drawered

cabinet along the wall.

Stripping off the under kimono and pieces of padding, she set them aside then sank to

her knees beside David on the mat and trailed her fingers across his chest then down to

tease the springy hair surrounding the base of his shaft. She eased his hand away to take

her turn at coaxing another bead of fluid then licked it away with a circular sweep of her

tongue and grinned. “Camellia oil. I like it.”

“And I like you.” He pulled her atop him for a deep kiss. He murmured as she slid her

body over his, let her slick wetness rub across his hard erection. Their kiss continued,

teasing, probing, each of them comfortable and playful, making the most of their


He slid his oil-slicked fingertips into the warm crease of Kim’s ass, and she purred

against him, parting her legs and pressing back, a signal for him to tease her sensitive,

puckered hole.

She whimpered and clutched the bedspread as her body tensed. She was sopping wet,

her clit hard and on fire as she rubbed herself faster and faster. The fantasy was so real

she could almost feel David’s thick fingers push into her ass and probe her at a

maddeningly slow pace while she squirmed and begged him to fuck her.

David released his hold enough for her to straddle him. Jack appeared in the vision,

tall and thin, tanned to perfection as only a California boy could be. He grinned like a

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fool, stroked his own erect cock as she slid over David’s shaft, her wet pussy welcoming

him in.

Jack stretched out, turned onto his side, and David turned his head to tongue the head

of the other man’s shaft before taking him into his mouth. The quiet of the room soon

filled with the sounds of desire with Jack fucking David’s mouth and Kim riding David’s

cock until they came one after another like a steady burst of fireworks.

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Chapter Two

David Kiyomasa shook his head as he and his best friend and business partner

followed the concierge across the lobby of Castillo Tokyo. “It’s a good thing your

brother-in-law is our accountant, Jack,” David said under his breath. “How else could you

write this five thousand mile booty call off as a business expense?”

Jack flipped him off then looked back and grinned. “I notice I didn’t have to twist your

arm to call and get those first class seats on the earliest flight out of SFO.”

“You caught me at a weak moment.”

Jack’s peal of sharp laughter made even the reserved concierge glance back.

Exiting the hotel and entering a glass enclosed walkway, David was struck at the

beauty and silence surrounding them. To their right was an attractive yet generic wall of

the main hotel. Bordered by a similar wall, a few dozen yards to the left, lay a traditional

Japanese garden where crushed white stones created gently curving paths around lush

flowering plants and past graceful weeping cherry trees. A series of stone garden lanterns

lent a soothing golden glow to light the way to their destination: a trio of traditional style


Though generations removed from his ancestral homeland, David felt a tug of

familiarity in his soul when the concierge led them inside the house on the left. The

tatami mats were newly laid and the scent of fresh grasses mingled pleasantly with

elegant flower arrangements placed on lacquered tables in the guesthouse’s two large

rooms. The concierge showed them electronic amenities concealed in recesses covered by

painted panels that slid into the walls.

A modern bathroom was off the spacious bedroom.

The concierge showed them the dimmer switches that extinguished the brighter

overhead lamps and lit the lower watt electric candles set in wrought iron stands with

conical paper shades that mimicked the old style candles a feudal Japanese home might

have had. Another control was for the wide, high bed in the middle of the floor. A typical

Western style bed, but a flick of a switch lowered it into the floor until it resembled a

traditional futon.

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David stood staring as a fleeting vision flashed through his mind, an image of Kim

Ryan, the head of their residential division, crawling between Jack’s spread legs. She

lowered her head, slid her hot, pink tongue along the base of his cock. She could have

settled back on her heels to give Jack his blow job, but no, she bent her head, kept her

shapely ass in the air to give him a perfect look at her womanly charms.

God, he wanted more than anything to plunge balls deep into her pussy and—

Jack elbowed him in the gut. “Yo, bro. Come back to reality before you give

somebody a heart attack.”


Jack jerked his thumb over his shoulder and David watched the concierge beat a hasty

retreat through the open bedroom door.

“What’s his deal? You not tip him enough?”

Jack laughed and pointed down. David groaned at the sight of his raging erection

tenting his wool slacks. He would pick today to go commando.

“What the hell were you thinking about?”

David patted the front of Jack’s pants to acknowledge his better concealed hard-on. “I

think you know.”

Jack nodded and ran his hand through his sandy hair. “Don’t I ever. That’s why I

booked us this ‘long distance booty call.’” Breathing a quiet sigh, he reached out and

took hold of David’s hand.

“It was crazy enough when we met in that freshman dorm and had the ‘gay only for

you’ overload, but the day I set eyes on Kim Ryan, I had that same bizarre rush I had

with you. Like I knew her and connected with her on some level I can’t even begin to


David nodded and gave Jack’s hand a squeeze. I know exactly what you mean, but she

barely gives us the time of day unless it pertains to work. I swear, if she wasn’t an

architect, she’d be a nun in some cloistered convent.”

Jack laughed. “Sister Sexymary.” He clapped David on the shoulder. “Before your

boner scared the old concierge, he said the other two houses are empty and we have the

back garden and bathhouse all to ourselves. Let’s go soak before our guest arrives.”

David gave his friend a long look. “So you really think having a fling with a Kim

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clone is going to get this crazy infatuation out of our system?”

“I sure hope so.”

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Chapter Three

Kim’s insides shook like leaves in a gale force wind when the desk clerk told a gray-

haired concierge which room to escort her to. The concierge didn’t say a word, but she

was sure the imperceptible nod of his head spoke volumes. The guys she was supposed to

meet must already be here. Oh, good lord, what was she going to do? She couldn’t have a

one-night stand. She never did this kind of kinky thing. She could count on half the

fingers of one hand the number of guys she’d slept with in her life, and her experiences

sure as hell hadn’t included threesomes.

But she was here and had paid a nonrefundable fee for this walk on the wild side, so

all she could do now was let the chips fall where they may.

The unease faded away the minute the old man led her to a dimly lit glass-walled

corridor. So pretty and peaceful, she was strolling down a path into another time and

place. The sensation hit her doubly hard when she walked into the traditional-style guest

suite and kicked her flats off in the entryway. So much like the place in her never-ending

smutty boss fantasy that she feared she might still be at Nana Imahara’s dreaming, but no.

The sound of the concierge’s accented voice as he showed her the room’s amenities and

suggested to her that the gentlemen might be in the rear gardens or bathhouse was no


She thanked him and watched him leave.

What should she do?

Watch TV?

Listen to some soft music?

Stand here like a total doofus and wait for her blind dates to come back?

They might be in the private garden.

Just right through that little door past the bathroom.

Not far at all.

Only a few dozen steps away.

She was going to throw up.

No. No, she wasn’t. She was going to be the accomplished adult she usually was and

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go for it.

Taking a deep breath, Kim opened her overnight bag and took out her favorite cotton

yukata. She’d had it for ages and always brought it with her to visit Nana. It made her

feel relaxed and comfortable and was just the thing she needed to get this show on the


She dispensed with the usual undergarments and patterned obi intended to tie the

informal kimono and used a soft sash she’d fashioned out of vintage silk scarves to keep

the garment closed. A pair of cotton guest slippers waited by the rear door leading to the

area in back. Kim gazed about the long, narrow garden as she put them on. Very much

like the larger garden out front, but it featured a much smaller pond and curving, red

bridge that led the way to a communal bathhouse. Muted light shone through high, small

windows. The guys must be there. Naked, soaking in a huge wooden tub.

Kim’s heart pounded with fear, but she took a deep breath and let the atmosphere of

the guest suite conjure up those old familiar dreams and lead her forward.

As soon as she’d hit puberty, she’d begun having dreams of shadowy men. First a

lanky boy who made her laugh and chased her through fallen autumn leaves, that tickled

and teased her with indecent yet playful touches. Then came the ones featuring a strong,

handsome samurai who kissed her until she trembled and looked at her with an affection

so deep it made her melt.

Those dreams had led her here.

She could hear a gentle splash of water behind the high cypress partition shielding the

bathhouse entrance. Moving around the wall, a steamy breeze from inside carried the

light lemony scent from the hinoki wood used to craft the soaking tub out to Kim.

She edged closer only to stop dead when a male voice echoed out.

“Come here so we can take the edge off before our date gets here.”

What? She had to be mistaking the familiarity of that voice. Good lord, the fantasy had

finally made her snap. Now she was having audio hallucinations. But the deep chuckle

that answered told her this was no dream.

“Been a long time since we walked the gay side of bi, hasn’t it?”

“Too long.”

Another soft splash drew Kim close enough to peek in the door then jerk back.

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David and Jack? How could this be? Did the concierge take her to the wrong suite?

Had she somehow gone to the wrong hotel? Arrived on the wrong day?

A low moan stopped the flurry of thoughts and pulled her closer once more.

Good Lord, what a sight. Her bosses standing naked, wisps of steam rising around

them, the moisture glistening on what she could glimpse of Jack’s defined abs and

David’s broad back.

Jack sat down in the water and slowly stroked David’s hard cock before leaning in to

cover it with his mouth. David moaned again, tipping his head back so his damp, dark

hair fell behind his broad shoulders. His tight ass cheeks clenched when Jack began

bobbing back and forth, one hand gripping David’s lean hip, the other drifting between

his legs, probably to massage his balls.

Kim’s pussy grew wet at the dream come true and she couldn’t resist the urge to touch

herself as the men continued. Jack pulled away then rose to drag David into a fierce kiss.

The men rocked their hips and let their wet erections slide against each other.

Her fingers slick and moving furiously, Kim closed her eyes, matched the motion of

her hips to theirs and peaked in record time, barely aware of the little whimper that

escaped as she came with a shudder.

She opened her eyes and damn near died. Her bosses were still locked in their

embrace, but both heads turned her way, their eyes wide, mouths sagging open as her

own did.

“Oh, God….” Kim trembled then shifted her weight to flee.


David Kiyomasa’s voice froze her in place.


“You are exactly what we’ve been waiting for,” Jack said with a wicked grin. He held

out his hand while David climbed out of the tub and approached.

Drawing her inside the steamy bathhouse, he lifted her hand, studied the lingering

wetness of her juice, and licked her fingers clean. “I need to taste more of you. Now.”

“Better save some for me, bro,” Jack said with a grin and a wink.

Kim blushed. Still nervous as hell, that weird connection she felt with the two men

calmed the worst of her fear. David reached around to untie her makeshift obi then

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stepped back as the yukata fell open to reveal her nakedness. Her nipples tingled and

grew hard. She gasped when the brush of his arm against them sent a little shockwave

right to her pussy.

David hung the yukata with their things then returned to face Kim. She swallowed

hard as his gazed raked over her. Her vision clouded ever so slightly and he became the

samurai from her fantasies. She smiled, sighing when he pulled her into an embrace and

simply held her tight, like lovers coming together after a long separation.

Kim closed her eyes, inhaled his scent, listened to the quick beating of his heart until

she became aware of his hard cock prodding her belly and the way his muscled chest

pressed against the softness of her boobs.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been dying to hold you,” David murmured.

“I think I do,” she whispered back.

David pulled back, smiled, and leaned in for a quick teasing kiss. He glanced back to

Jack and it was as if they were communicating silently. Jack moved forward in the water.

David led Kim forward and lifted her to sit on the tub’s wide edge. Jack wrapped his

arms around her and coaxed her to lean her weight on his chest while David parted her


Jack nuzzled her hair, kissed her ear, and began a maddeningly slow massage of her

breasts while David teased her mercilessly with feathering touches skimming up and

down her thighs.

She whimpered when David dipped his head to run the tip of his tongue along her

dripping slit. She throbbed deep inside when he probed her, lapped up her juice then

swirled his tongue over her swollen clit.

“I want some of that,” Jack said in a throaty tone.

David glanced up and grinned. He sucked her pussy, drinking in her juices and rose up

to give Jack an open-mouthed kiss.

“Oh God….” Kim shuddered, hit with the crazy déjà vu of having seen them pleasure

one another as they loved her to perfection.

The men parted and Jack slid his hand down to rub Kim’s clit. He took her to the edge

and David lapped up her wetness but did nothing more.

“You guys are killing me,” she moaned.

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Jack pinched her nipples. “But you’ll go with one hell of a smile.”

“I want you both so much. You have no idea how hard it’s been.”

“You have no idea how wrong you are.” David rested his hands on her thighs,

squeezed gently, and smiled. “I swear, you’re the girl of my dreams. Literally. I feel as

though you’ve been in the back of my mind forever, locked deep inside my heart


“The same for me,” Jack added. “When Dave and I met in college it felt like someone

pushed a switch that turned on all kinds of things in me. And when you came for that first

interview, shaking your hand bordered on torture. I wanted to hold you tight and kiss you

like a long lost lover.”

David chuckled. “I still can’t believe what we did when you left the office that day.”

Jack laughed. “I remember.”

“Sucked each other off not two minutes after the door closed behind you,” David said.

Jack nodded. “Gave the windows washers on the highrise across the street quite a

show as I recall. And got an interesting visit from the head of security that afternoon.”

“It’s a good thing we own the building.”

“Indeed,” Jack agreed.

Happiness bubbled up inside Kim and she felt more complete than she ever had.

When Jack suggested they go back inside, she wasn’t about to disagree.

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Chapter Four

Jack couldn’t help but grin as they escorted Kim into the house. How could he not

with the way he and David must look, Kim between them, her tits bouncing slightly, their

dicks at attention and bobbing a silent salute with each step they took.

“What’s so funny?” David asked as they moved single file through the rear door of the


Jack waved it off. “Nothing, just me and my twisted sense of humor. You know how it


Kim gave his hand a squeeze. “I love your sense of humor. It’s a real gift you have. I

remember my first week on the job. I was so nervous—being around you two—and then I

made that bonehead mistake on the blueprints for that estate in Carmel. I almost died the

day the client came barging in, lawyer in tow, and screamed like a banshee. But you kept

your cool, pointed out the humor in the situation, and he ended up practically begging

you to let him pitch in on the cost of the addition construction crew to bring things back

on schedule.”

Jack shrugged. “Old Halliwell is all bluster, no bullets, the same as his old man. The

stories my granddad used to tell….”

“I almost fired you,” David admitted taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

Kim bit her lower lip before speaking. “I would have fired anyone who screwed up the

way I did.”

“People make mistakes and this one was an easy enough fix,” Jack said, coming up

behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, loving the way she leaned into his

embrace and placed her hands on his forearms.

David reached out and touched her hand. “The print goof was only a cover for the real

reason I wanted to make you leave.”

“What was the real reason?”

Jack nudged her ass with a tilt of his hips. “Refer back to previous tale of sixty-nine in

the conference room.”

They shared an easy laugh and Jack drank in the warmth of their bond, the

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strengthening he felt in their odd connection. A soul connection, his Aunt Sunny would

have called it. A hippie from way back, the family oddball and mystic, Jack had been

drawn to her talk of astrology, reincarnation, and astral travel as far back as he could


The three of them were bonded by some invisible cord that was drawing in on itself,

uniting them once more. Consummation would probably make things complete. He

unwrapped his arms from Kim’s waist and reached up to run his palms across her taut

nipples. She sighed, tilting her head in response to the kisses he rained upon her neck and


He loved watching David lean forward and circle her navel with his tongue. When he

trailed his kisses down to the sprinkling of springy curls, Jack let Kim go and tugged his

friend’s long hair. “My turn to sample that, bro. You get the accessories.”

Kim raised an eyebrow and Jack grinned. “Just the usual—condoms, lube.” He paused

and continued in a stage whisper. “I left the hardcore toys at home. Didn’t want to wig

out the customs folks.”

Kim’s cheeks paled. “Hardcore toys?”

David returned and smacked Jack’s ass. “He’s yanking your chain.”

“Your chain is the one I can’t wait to yank, bro.”

David gave his best pissy look, but Jack saw the glint in his gorgeous, dark eyes.

“I bought sake on the way from Nana’s,” Kim blurted out. “And brought cups.”

David caressed her back with a caring touch that Jack knew was as much to mark his

territory as calm her fears.

“Having second thoughts?”

“No,” she said quickly.

She licked her lips and Jack’s cock twitched as a dreamlike memory of those pouty

pink lips sucking him off flitted through his mind.

She crossed the spacious bedroom to her suitcase and knelt to rummage inside it. “I

told you I’ve never been with two men at once and I was expecting strangers. Maybe it

would have been easier….”

David knelt beside her and took both her hands in his. “We won’t force you. And if

you decide not to go through with this, it’s okay. What happens here will not impact your

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“Okay.” She unwrapped the bottle of sake and three small, hand-painted cups she’d

brought then pushed the carry-on bag away and poured the drinks. David’s first, Jack’s

next, and finally her own.

“Damn,” David said after taking a sip. “This is weird. I feel we’ve done this before,

this exact same thing, the exact same positions.”

“The exact same naked?” Jack quipped.

“I’m serious.”

“I know.” Jack sipped his drink, studied his old friend and Kim, and tossed back the

rest of the rice wine. “It’s reincarnation.”

Kim and David’s heads shot up.

“You remember the readings, don’t you, Dave?”

“Pure bullshit.”

Jack shook his head. “It’s—we’re destiny, my pretties.” He set his empty cup aside

and gave his semi-hard dick a leisurely stroke. “We’ve danced this dance before and the

band is starting up again.”

He smiled when David and Kim looked at one another, their gazes locked, the

invisible bond Aunt Sunny described pulling them closer. Kim looked back to him, her

big blue eyes warm and welcoming.

She reached out, ran her fingertips along his thigh. “But you were the first….”

Jack smiled, stood, and held out his hand.

He pulled her close, kissed her slowly, savoring the lingering taste of sake on her

tongue, loving the way her softness pressed against him in all the right places. Ending the

kiss, he walked her to the high bed, helped her lie in the center and crawled between her

bent knees.

He inhaled her sweet musk, dipped his head to take a quick taste, and flicked his

tongue across her clit until she arched up for more. From the corner of his eye, he

watched David pull on a condom and climb on the bed behind Kim’s head. He waited

until David leaned over to give her a kiss and bent down to suckle her tits before going

down on her the way he’d longed to for ages.

Her outer lips were swollen with desire, her inner folds hot and wet, almost begging

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him to fuck her. He planned to, but not just yet.

He loved the quickness of Kim’s breathing as he and David savored her body. Pre-

cum oozed from the head of his cock as she writhed beneath him, arching her hips up to

increase the friction on her clit. He used his hand to take her the rest of the way.

Jack glanced up. His gaze locked with David’s as it had had that first night in the

freshman dorm and he barely got the words out, “Fuck me. Please.”

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Chapter Five

Kim scarcely heard the husky plea through the roar of blood in her ears. Opening her

eyes, she lifted up on her elbows to watch David Kiyomasa skewer her with his dark gaze

as he stood beside the bed and slowly coated his cock with lube.

“Come here.”

Like a pet to her master, she scampered off the bed, her decadent wetness coating her

warm flesh as she moved. As though she’d done it countless times before, she knelt at

David’s feet, watched him stretch Jack’s anus with lube-coated fingers. Her own hole

tingled and she longed to have both of them buried deep inside her.

David handed her the bottle. “Massage his balls while I fuck him.”

Jack was on all fours near the edge of the bed, his forehead touching the mattress. He

groaned and rocked against David’s probing fingers. “Keep this up and I’ll come before

you fuck me.”

David pulled back. “No way. We need to give Kim a show.”

She wanted that show more than anything. She clutched the lube bottle tightly as

David gripped Jack’s hips and eased into his body. God, what a turn-on. Her clit pulsed

and she wanted to watch and masturbate, but David had given her an order and she

wouldn’t disappoint him.

She squirted some of the slick lubricant into her hand and moved closer, settling her

wet pussy lips against her heels. David stroked in and out of a Jack with a firm but slow

rhythm, Jack pushing back with each of David’s forward thrusts.

Reaching out, Kim took Jack’s sack into her hand and gave a light squeeze, then began

to fondle his balls in time with David’s fucking. She slid her fingers back rubbed against

his perineum, certain she could feel David’s cock moving inside.

“Oh shit, that feels good,” Jack said with a moan. “Jerk me off, fuck me hard.”

Eager to comply, Kim gripped his cock with her slippery fingers and pumped him in

time with David’s quickening thrusts. Jack cried out when he came, his semen coating

her hand, dripping to her thigh.

She was breathing hard, her clit throbbing, begging for more as David pulled out, still

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rock hard. He pulled off the condom took it to the bathroom and returned with a warm

washcloth and hand towel.

Jack took the towel, gave himself a quick wipe, and grinned. “I’m going to clean up

and give you two time to chit chat.” He tossed a new condom at David before ducking

into the bathroom.

Kim stayed where she was, still kneeling, gazing up at David. He held his hands out

and she took hold, let him lift her to her feet. He sank down to his knees before her. She

groaned when he licked away the thick droplets of Jack’s cum then wiped her with the

warm cloth then lapped at her pussy.

“Please stop teasing.”

“I never tease.”

David stood, pulled on the fresh condom, and swept her off her feet. Kissing her with

abandon, he laid her on the bed, settled his big body over hers, and slid in deep before

breaking the kiss and smiling down at her.

“You’re so tight. Like you were made for me.”

“I feel like I was,” she whispered.

He took her slowly, almost reverently as if he’d been waiting a lifetime for this

moment. She clung to his shoulders and moved her body in time with his, taking him in

as deep as she could, tensing her inner muscles to grip his cock each time he withdrew.

He claimed his mouth with his and rolled over onto his back, taking her with him.

Sitting up, he suckled her nipples as she rode him with even strokes. His vow to make the

moment last fell by the wayside the instant he started stroking her clit.

He kissed her neck, licked her ear. “Come for me. Take me with you.”

And she did.


Jack was sitting back, surrounded by jasmine scented foam in the submerged tub when

they went to the bathroom to clean up. “Water’s warm, no sense using more than we have


“Mr. Conservation,” David said with a chuckle as he helped Kim to step in.

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She should have been exhausted from the combination of jet lag and sex, but she was

energized and not wanting to miss a minute of the crazy exciting night with her


And that’s what they were, they had to be. The evening had been too perfect, the total

fulfillment of her endless wishes and dreams. But would it only be one wild night?

David rubbed a thick cloth across her back. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. It’s silly.”

Jack took hold of her right hand in both of his. “We won’t think it’s silly.”

Kim’s mouth grew dry and she was tempted to stick her face under the faucet.

David took her left hand in his. “Tell us.”

She looked from Jack to David then back again. “Do you really think it’s possible, the

reincarnation thing?”

“Anything’s possible,” Jack said with a smile.

“Whether it’s probable….”

Jack splashed David. “Stop being a spoilsport. Didn’t Aunt Sunny peg you for being a

samurai in a past life.”

David laughed. “I’m Japanese—not much of a stretch to come up with that one.”

Kim’s heart sank.

“Don’t listen to him,” Jack shook his head. “Yeah, it’s all off the charts kooky, but

you can’t deny that we have something between us, something we had to fight to control

and needing to get laid wasn’t the entire cause.”

“I’ll give you that,” David said. He draped his arm over Kim’s shoulders then cupped

her breast possessively.

“And what are the odds we’d all book this hotel and asked for the same fantasy to be

filled by the 1Night Stand people?”

“Okay so that’s two for Jack, zip for pragmatism.”

Jack leaned back and steepled his fingers, a shit eating grin playing upon his lips. “I

rest my case. Now let’s order some food. I’m starving.”


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David sat cross-legged on the living room floor and gestured to the foam plates Kim

passed around. “Am I the only one seeing the absurdity of this? We come five thousand

miles to one of the cultural capitals of the world and send out for pizza?”

Kim laughed, opened the bottle of Coke, and filled their cups while Jack passed out

paper napkins.

“You know what they say, bro, you can take the kids out of America but….”

“I can cook for us tomorrow. Nana is out of town until Sunday, and I’m sure she won’t

mind if you want to stay at her place, since we’re only at the hotel for tonight.”

David stole a piece of pepperoni off her slice and popped it into his mouth, his gaze

never leaving Kim’s face. “Do you want this…us…to last beyond tonight?”

“Do you?”

“I asked first.”

Jack clapped them both on the back. “Oh, you crazy kids. A May wedding will be

nice, with a Caribbean honeymoon. I know a great resort. I can get us adjoining rooms.”

“You want to come on our hypothetical honeymoon?” Kim asked.

“For a day, at least. You two can have a nice private wedding night, if you have to….”

David groaned. “Dumbass.”

“You’ve always liked my ass.”

“Yeah, well.”

Kim laughed, gave them both a kiss on the cheek, and munched her pizza.

She smiled to herself a short time later when she noticed that the rest period and quick

dinner had fortified the men. The tip of David’s cock was poking beneath the edge of the

towel he’d wrapped around his hips while the front of Jack’s briefs tented with his own

hard on. Maybe now was the time to indulge the ultimate fantasy of having them both at


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Chapter Six

When David went to retrieve the sake from the bedroom and Jack cleared away the

empty food and drinks things, Kim untied the fluffy hotel robe, pulled aside the large

painted screen that hid the plush sofa, and put the first part of her plan into action.

Closing her eyes, she surrendered herself to her most risqué fantasy. Slouched in the

center of the sofa, she spread her legs, stroked her pussy with lazy flicks, and murmured

softly as the wetness pooled and her clit swelled and pulsed. She slipped her fingers

inside delighting in the sharp intakes of breath she heard from David and Jack. She

continued to finger fuck herself then opened her eyes and smiled at her lovers.

Slowly she withdrew her slick fingers and slid them down to rub and push into her

puckered anus while Jack and David started damn near drooling, hands pumping their

cocks at a lazy pace. “I want both of you in me at once. I’m not sure how…I dreamed


“We’ll figure it out.” David came forward like a cat closing in on his tasty prey.

He sat beside her, drew her to him for a kiss, and skimmed her body with his free

hand. Kim savored the passion, touched him in turn, and broke the kiss to lick his strong

shoulders and chest, loving the way he shuddered when she raked her teeth over his

small, erect nipples.

“I hate to interrupt this great floor show but….”

Kim looked up. Jack stood with condoms and lube in hand. She slipped away from

David’s embrace and took the condoms. Motioning for Jack to sit, she tore open the foil

packs and knelt before them. Her body heated at the sight of their cocks, fully erect, the

force of their pounding blood making the tips pulse every so slightly.

She started with Jack, hands skimming him from base to tip, tongue swirling around

his head, pushing gently into his slit to taste his salty pre-cum. She slid her fingers down,

squeezed, and licked his balls before unrolling the condom and moving on to David.

He tasted so good, felt absolutely perfect in her hand. The instant she’d fitted the

condom, he pulled her onto his lap, settled her so his cock was nestled in her outer folds,

the tip rubbing her clit as he moved beneath her. He sucked her nipples, sending tiny jolts

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through her body to make her pussy throb harder, silently begging for more.

David lifted her hips and she slid down on his erection, loving the way their bodies fit

together. She draped her arms over his shoulders and rode him while he continued toying

with her breasts.

A breathy sigh escaped her when she felt Jack behind, kissing her shoulders and back

while he let his hand drift down her torso and belly, skimmed his fingers around David’s

cock and her damp pussy. He pulled away and Kim shivered when she felt his cool, lube-

slick fingers rubbing and nudging into her hole.

“I could damn near get off just feeling you two fuck.”

“We can’t have that, can we?” David said.

Kim turned her head to watch him reach out and stroke Jack’s flushed cheek. She

moaned softly when Jack sucked on David’s fingers and David moved them in and out,

practically fucking his friend’s mouth.

Chuckling, Jack pulled his hand free and rubbed a few slow circles around her clit.

David shifted as Jack positioned himself and eased the head of his cock into her ass. He

withdrew, slid in a bit further, and then pulled back again.

“You okay?”

“Perfect.” Kim sighed.

She heard him squirt out more lube and the next time he slid all the way in. She

stopped riding David’s cock and savored the feel as her rear accustomed itself to the fit.

“I can you feel you, now, Jack,” David said. “Fuck, this is hot.”

“More than hot,” Kim whispered. She gripped the back of the sofa, lifted herself to

adjust the angle then lost herself to the wicked pleasure.

David sucked her nipples, rubbed her clit until she cried out from the force of her

orgasm. Her body convulsed around her lovers’ cocks, front and back, making them

groan in unison and move quicker. They exploded together, her pussy and ass still

gripping them, shuddering again from the feel of their spasms.

They shared kisses and touches, bodies still entwined, both men still half hard within

her. Jack slid out of her first then tilted her head to give her a tongue-teasing kiss. “You

up for a little more?”

Kim murmured incoherently as David touched her tender clit.

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“I’ll take that as a yes,” Jack said. He whispered something to David, who nodded.

David kissed Kim. “Lift up, baby and turn around.”

She did, watching as he took the lube from Jack and coated his hardening cock.

Settling his hands on her hips he coaxed her down and slid into her ass while Jack knelt

before them and positioned himself to lap at her wetness and masturbate while she rode

David to another soul shaking orgasm.

Collapsing into a pleasantly exhausted tangle they rested on the floor a few minutes

then showered and climbed into the wide soft bed to sleep.


As if hearing the same internal alarm, they woke as dawn broke the horizon and

greeted the day with another lovemaking session.

Kim settled back on the pillows, stroking herself, her attention on David and Jack

kissing hungrily then shifting to suck one another off.

It was unreal, totally mind-bending that the three of them could have this much sex

and still crave more like super horny teenagers.

Or maybe long separated lovers making up for lost time?

Smiling, Kim closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of her men, savored the desire

coursing through her. They’d not be separated again, not if she could help it.

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Barbara is a lifelong lover of great stories, history and all things paranormal. When she

can combine the three in her own writing she's a very happy camper indeed. She lives in

the heart of "Steeler Country" with her daughters and a herd of cats-evil, yet cuddly cats.


Document Outline


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