73 who are the jews

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Part 1 of 2

by Brig. Gen. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, C.P.D.L.

(With excerpts from Nord Davis, Jr., STAR WARS)

"But ye (Jews) believe not, because ye are not of My (Christ's)

sheep - . . ." - Matthew 10:26

Website: christianidentitychurch.wordpress.com


One of the most baffling questions facing Christendom in the 20th Century
revolves around the people we know as Jews. Who are they? Are they the
Chosen People of the Bible, the seed of Abraham, to whom God gave the
promise of Genesis 12-3 "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that
curseth thee?" Or are they a heathen, satanic people who have been a "thorn in
the flesh" of true Israel for centuries and who have a world plan for the
destruction of Christianity?

Much of importance revolves around the proper answer to this question. The
fundamentalist and evangelical Christian world, for the most part teach that the
present day people who call themselves Jews are indeed the offspring of
Abraham, "the friend of God," and that to receive the blessings of God,
Christians must help them in every way possible, even when they appear as the
Apostle Paul stated in 1 Thessalonians 2:15, to be the murderers of their own
prophets, persecutors of Christians, who "please not God and are contrary to all

Hand in hand with this problem, comes an even more complex one. "Was Jesus
of Nazareth, the Virgin born Son of God, the Savior of the world - a Jew?" Most
Christian pastors and Bible scholars say "Yes". But this does not make it so!
The Jews themselves have a variety of opinions. Their religious book, the
BABYLONIAN TALMUD, recognizes Jesus and calls Him, "the son of Pandria,
a Roman solider," (SANHEDRIN, 67a). The book KALLAH, lb, 18b) states:
"Jesus was the illegitimate child of a Jewish prostitute and was conceived
during menstruation."

Another passage in the SANHEDRIN (103) suggests that Jesus corrupted the
morals of the Judahite people and in par. 107, of this same book, it states:
"Jesus corrupted and deceived and destroyed Israel."

Yet Michael Rodkinson, a Jew, in his book HISTORY OF THE TALMUD, states
on page 70 - "The TALMUD is the source from whence Jesus of Nazareth drew
the teachings which enabled him to revolutionize the world".

Stimulated by this Jewish statement, every Christian, especially every pastor
and Bible scholar, should take time to investigate whether this statement is true.
Did Jesus Christ derive his teachings from the heathen, occult book known as

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In his recent book, JESUS WAS A JEW!, Arthur Fruchenbaum attempts to
answer these questions: "Who was Jesus of Nazareth? Was he a good
teacher? Was he a well-meaning but confused religionist? Was he the disciple
of another teacher? Regardless of how you answer these questions, JESUS

In the introduction to his book, Fruchtenbaum says: "The personality of Jesus of
Nazareth stands as an enigma in Jewish history. Hailed by millions as a Savior
and giver of life, his name has been used to condemn the Jews and an excuse
to take Jewish lives."

Another Jewish group stated in a pamphlet titled SANTA CLAUS, THE
and JESUS! written by a Jewish Rabbi from Florida: After
mentioning the Christian myths of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, he states:
"Then comes the hoax of all Christian hoaxes. The story of Jesus.

"The truth of the matter is that there is no historical proof that Jesus ever
existed. There is no piece of physical evidence on earth today that can prove
that he existed.

"No man knows where he was born; how he looked; when he died; or even
where he was buried.

"Just like the story of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, the story of Jesus is
another foolish Christian myth." (UNQ.)

In another article, written by a one-time Christian woman who had converted to
Judaism, she says:

"To be a completed Jew one must first rid himself of all the pagan and idolatrous
teachings of Christianity and rise to a higher level of holiness to believe in the
one true God.

"The turning point in my life came when my husband and I were invited to
celebrate the Jewish Sabbath with an orthodox rabbi. We were startled,
because we felt God's presence there.

"After studying under this Rabbi and others and learning the true way of the
Lord, I had no trouble abandoning the life of deception I had led until now.

"The day of my conversion to Judaism, I learned the true meaning of being
'born again.' Yes, I have been 'born again' as a Jew.

"Since that day, my husband and I have turned our ministry to exposing the
myths of Christianity... the lies, the hatred, and the hypocrisy of its preachers."

Another Jewish Rabbi, from his headquarters in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida writes:

"Christian scholars are coming close to discovering the truth that the New
Testament was the greatest book of fiction ever written. Already they have found
definite proof that there was no such thing as a 'Virgin Birth', and a

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'resurrection.' They are catching up with the proven facts of history, that Jesus
never existed.

"Furthermore, Christian Bible scholars have definite proof, that if Jesus Christ
had actually existed, he would have been a homosexual, since the traditional
Jewish custom was for men to be married by the time they were eighteen. In
addition, according to the Christian fairy tale of the New Testament, he never
dated, he never had any girl friends, and he ran around with a group of known
homosexual friends." (This so-called evidence comes from the pen of a Jewish
writer named Phineas Lapide. I wonder what Bible he read.) - ED.

After writing some scurrilous tracts about Christians, this Florida Rabbi wrote:

"Let me assure you that I did write them and am quite proud of them ... I have
been able to get some good local newspaper publicity by calling local
newspapers and telling them that some Jews have left these at my church and
that they were written by a local Rabbi. They fell for this hook, line and sinker,
and I became a local martyr.

"In my tract about Communism I showed how the leading Communist agitators
today are Christians, and how the New Testament is even more RED than the
Communist Manifesto! I also pointed out, as a matter of history, that the first
Bolshevik, and Communist revolutionaries described Jesus as their teacher and
named him the GREAT COMMUNIST." (UNQ.)

These statements are indeed interesting when one compares them with other
statements made by eminent Jewish authorities concerning the Communist

In the January 1928 issue of CENTURY MAGAZINE, the eminent Jewish
author Marcus Eli Ravage said: "We Jews are at the bottom of nearly all your
wars; not only of the Russians but of all the other major revolutions in your
history... We did it with the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas and

When Rabbi Stephen Wise, the top Rabbi in the U.S. in 1918 was asked about
the Russian Revolution, he was asked his opinion of the Communist Revolution,
he was reported to have said: "Some may call it Communism; but I call it

When I have tried to uncover the truth regarding the Jews and who Jesus really
was, I have been met with "scorn and derision" on the part of Christian leaders
and Bible scholars, and outright hatred on the part of the Jews. Here is a typical
letter I received in April 1985, after I had published a tract titled: "EXPLODING
It was hand-printed on a restaurant paper
napkin. It will give you a faint idea of how the Jews hate anyone with "guts"
enough to expose them.

"You dog, snake, wolf, dragon - you antichrist. Cursed be your soul and that of
your followers. An ass has more understanding than you. May the spirit of
disease be upon you as you read these words - MECHNASES - the spirit of
death enter into you. May your eyes be blind, and your flesh melt in the flames

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of hell's fire. May your wife turn into a frog; your daughter into a dog, and your
son into a hog. DIE, YOU DEVIL!" The signature was in Yiddish.

So as we seek the truth about the true ancestry of Jesus Christ, our Savior and
King, we must of necessity first determine who the Jews really are and where
they came from. We will use both the Bible and history in our search for the


Was Abraham a Jew?

It has often been stated from the pulpits of Christian churches, that Abraham
was the first Jew. The Bible, however, never calls Abraham by that term and for
a good reason. The word JEW is merely the modern English contraction for the
word JUDAHITE or JUDEAN. Thus the question is not really whether Abraham
was a Jew or not; but rather WAS ABRAHAM A JUDAHITE! That is, was
Abraham of the tribe of Judah? Obviously he could not be, since he preceded
the tribe of Judah by three generations.

Abraham was a Semite (that is a descendant of Shem), and he was also a
Hebrew (a descendant of Eber or Heber). But to say that he was a JUDAHITE
is to say that he descended from his own great-grandson! Which is impossible!

The descendants of Judah (Hebrew YEHUDAH) were known as YEHUDIM,
which merely means JUDAHITE. The New Testament, which was written in
Greek, uses the term IOUDAII, which again translated out to mean JUDEAN.

It becomes somewhat confusing, when almost all the modern Bible translations
use the term JEW instead of JUDAHITE. But once you learn to place the word
JUDAHITE OR JUDEAN, where the word JEW is found, then the clear
distinctions between Hebrews, Israelites and Jews will become clarified.

The Bible uses the term JUDAHITE in three distinct ways:

1) One who is of the tribe of Judah in a racial sense;

2) One who is a citizen of the southern nation of Judah, including the
Tribes of Benjamin and most of the Tribe of Levi; it will even include
Canaanites and Edomites who are citizens of Judah; and,

3) One who is a follower of the religion of JUDAH as given by Moses
and the prophets. (This usage is found in Esther 8:17 and Romans
2:28, 29).


(Genesis 36:19)

The nation of Judah, comprising the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, were
conquered and deported to Babylon about 600 years before the birth of Christ.
After a 70-year captivity, less than 50,000 returned to rebuild Jerusalem under
Ezra and Nehemiah. Both of these JUDAHITE leaders had a difficult time

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keeping the JUDAHITES from inter-marrying with the heathen who had settled
in Palestine after their deportation. These godly men had tried to institute
reforms to cleanse both the people and the priests from these unlawful marriage
relationships. (Ezra 2:62; 9:1, 2; Nehemiah 7:64; 12:23-30.)

About 150 years later, when Alexander the Great conquered the known world
and set up his Greek Empire, the Greek language became dominant in the
world and it was not long before the Hebrew word YEHUDAH (Judahite) was
replaced by the Greek word IOUDAIOI, which also meant JUDEAN. This is why
the New Testament, which was written in Greek speaks of JUDAHITES, instead
of Jews, since both words have the same meaning.

Between the time of Nehemiah and Christ, the problem with inter-marriage
increased. The climax of the problem came about 150 B.C., when the JUDEAN,
John Hyrcanus, conquered the heathen cities of Palestine and forced the
Canaan ites to become JUDEANS (Jews). Josephus, the Judean historian,
writing about 95 A.D. said:

"Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idume (Edom) and subdued all
the Idumeans (Edomites); and permitted them to stay in that country, if they
would be circumcised and make use of the laws of the Judeans; they were so
desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the
use of circumcision, and the rest of the Judean ways of living; at which time - - .
they were hereafter no other than Judeans." (ANTIQUITY OF THE JEWS, Book
13, Ch. 9, Par. 1).

A footnote in Josephus' book quotes from Ammonius, an ancient grammarian
who said: "The Judeans were such by nature from the beginning, whilst the
Idumeans were not Judeans from the beginning, but Phonecians and Syrians;
by being subdued by the Judeans and compelled to be circumcised, and to
unite into one nation, they were subject to the same laws and became known as

This all took place before the time of Christ. It becomes obvious, then that by
the time of Christ, there were a great host of people living in Palestine who were
Canaanites and Edomites by race, although Judeans (Jews) by religion. Even
the ruling dynasty of the Herod's were Edomites and Herod the Great, was an
ldumean, that is a "half-Jew," (mongrel).

The JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDlA, 1925 edition, Vol.5, p.41, states: "Edom is in
modern Jewry."

The Esau-Edomite nation of Idumea ceased to exist as a separate nation at this
point in history. Yet the Bible is clear that Edom will be the enemy of Israel in the
latter days. (See Malachi 1:2-4). How could these prophesies be fulfilled, if there
were no Edomites left in the world? There is only one nation in the world today
which can prove ancestral ties with Edom and the so-called Jews themselves
claim this dubious distinction.

The Jews have adopted the materialistic anti-God attitude that characterized the
father of the Edomites, Esau. As a judgment for their sins, including the murder
of God's Son, Jesus Christ, God cast them out of Palestine in 70 A.D. when the

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Roman General Titus destroyed Jerusalem. The JUDEANS (Jews) fled to North
Africa and Spain. We find this account in THE AMERICAN PEOPLE'S
1954, p.15-492, under the heading THE JEWS.

"Following their dispersal many spread across North Africa to Spain and during
this movement converted many Berber tribes to Judaism. (It might be well here,
to recall the word of Jesus to the Pharisees in Matthew 23:15, when He said to
the scribes and Pharisees: ". . . ye compass (go over) sea and land to make
one proselyte (convert), and when he is made, ye make him two-fold a child of
hell than yourselves."

(Maybe this is why the North Africans had such a hatred for the Christian
Spaniards) That portion which moved into Spain and later northward became
quite wealthy and gained considerable prestige. (Yes, indeed, several Cardinals
of the Catholic Church and several Popes were Jews.) These became known

Today, there are two main branches of these people we call Jews. The
Sephardim Jews of Western Europe and the Ash ken azi Jews of Eastern
Europe. In all honesty, we can say that modern SEPHARDIM Jewry is a mixture
of Judean blood with that of Edom, Syria, Canaan, Phonecia and North Africa.


If one studies the origins of this branch of European world Jewry, we must allow
historians to tell us the story. The history of this branch of Jewry is almost
unknown in the Christian world, although there are more than 320 books in the
New York library alone, which deal with this history - in addition to the JEWISH

In the year 740 A.D. the Khazar kingdom in Eastern Europe officially converted
to JUDAISM. A century later, they were crushed by the incoming Slavic people
and were scattered over Central Europe where they became known as Jews. It
is from this group that most of the German and Polish Jews came and they
make up the predominance of Jewish people found in America. The term
Ashkenazim is applied to this round-headed, dark-complected division of Jewry.

In the early 1960's the Sephardim numbered about 500,000, while the
Ashkenazim totaled over 12-million. Thus, the word Jew, is practically
synonymous with Ashkenazim, according to Arthur Kosetler in his book THE

That the Khazars are lineal ancestors of Eastern European Jewry is a historical
fact, even though many Christian ministers and Bible scholars refuse to accept
this fact.

The Kazars or "Chazars" as they are sometimes called, were of Turkish origin
and their history from the very beginning is woven into the history of the Jews of
Russia. (JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 3rd Edition, 1925.)

Who were the Khazars and from whence did they come? Again we will let

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Jewish historians from the NEW JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1962, answer this.

They were a Mongolian people who embraced Judaism and flourished from the
8th through the 10th century A.D. in the territory extending between the Don
and Volga Rivers, and along the shores of the Black, Caspian, and Azov Seas.
The Jewish statesman Hasdai ibn Shaprut of Cordoba, in the 10th century,
wrote a letter to King Joseph of the Khazars, in which he gave a detailed
account of this conversion.

For the sake of interest, it should be mentioned that the Ashkenaz of the Bible
refers to a people living somewhere in the vicinity of Mt. Ararat and Armenia.
The name occurs in Genesis 10:3 and 1 Chronicles 1:6, as one of the sons of
Gomer, who was the son of Japheth. Ashkenaz was also the brother of
Togarmah and a nephew of Magog, whom the Khazars claimed as their

Strictly speaking, these Ashkenaz Jews are misnamed, since their ancestor was
not Ash kenaz, but his brother. This makes little difference, as long as we
recognize that at least 90% of world Jewry comes from this background and is
of Togarmah rather than Israel.


As Arthur Koestler pointed out, Togarmah was a nephew of Magog and here is
where the plot begins to thicken, since students of Bible prophecy will recognize
this name as an enemy of Israel in Ezekiel 38 and 39. The identification of Gog
and Magog with the Jewish Khazars is found on page 135 of Koestler's book,
he states:

"The legend which circulated among Western Jews in the Middle Ages provided
a curious parallel to the Russian 'bylinda'. To quote Poliaj again: 'The popular
Jewish legend does not remember a Khazar kingdom but a kingdom of RED

When the Khazar kingdom was finally destroyed by the Russians from the
north, the Ashkenazim Jews began to disperse in-to what is now called
Germany and Poland, as well as other Eastern lands. They continued to
multiply until today they are the most populous branch of world Jewry by far.

The destruction of the Khazar empire and the dispersion of these Eastern Jews,
brought them into contact with their fellow Judists from the West, the
Sephardim. Together, they continued their anti-Christian activity, mainly through
their practice of usury, until finally the Christian nations of Europe (who were the
true Israelite people) began to banish them.

As they left these countries, they took their usurious practices with them and the
European Renaissance began. Koestler quotes Cecil Roth, a Jewish historian,
as writing: "In a sense, the Jewish Dark Ages may be said to be the beginning
of the Renaissance," (p.178). Thus, we see the blessing of God fall on these
Christian nations, as they expelled His enemies of Edom, Gog and Magog.
These nations were blessed, not cursed, as our pastors said they would be.

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However, the tide began to turn when these Khazar-Jews of Gog and Magog
finally succeeded in overthrowing the Russians in what became known as the
Communist Revolution. This was carried out with the help of the great Jewish
banking houses in Western Europe and America. The Jewish banker, Jacob
Schiff, from New York, gave over $20-million dollars to make this revolution a
success and many of the communist leaders came from a group of Jews from
the lower East side in New York City, who were exported to Russia with Leon
Trotsky for that very purpose.

Thus, we see the rise of Togarmah, Ashkenaz, Gog, Magog, Meshech (the
ancient name of Moscow), Gomer, and Tubal (the ancient name of Tublosk) as
prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Today prophecy is unfolding before our eyes,
yet most Christians fail to understand it, because they fail to see who the Jews
really are and what their place is in God's final plans for this age. As long as the
racial origin of the Jews remain hidden from the Christian world, so long will we
fail to understand Bible prophesy.

The Soviet Khazar-Jews of Gog, Magog, and Togarmah have already invaded
Palestine and stolen it from the Arabs, just as Ezekiel promised. Every one of
the Israeli leaders from the start have been Ashkenazim Jews. The Arabs for
the most part, understand that the vast majority of Jews entering Palestine are
from this heathen source and have absolutely no claim to this land. They have
difficulty understanding why American Christians are supporting these anti-
Christs. The Khazars have been the traditional enemies of the Arab people
since the Middle Ages, and they recognize the true nature of this Ashkenazim

The Jews who now control the Soviet government have tried to cover their
historic tracks in order to prevent Christians in the West from stopping support
for Jewish Zionism. They know, that without the support of Christians, their
entire bandit venture would soon collapse. So they have taken great pains to
convince the Christian West that the Soviet Union is no longer controlled by
Jews, after they ruled for a few years. This is not the case however. In spite of
the Jewish demonstrations we see in Moscow, emphasizing the plight of the
"downtrodden Jews", so that the government would be "forced" into allowing
Jews to leave Russia, is it not strange that similar demonstrations by Christians
have never been mentioned in the Jew controlled press of America? Does it not
seem strange to you that Christians are very seldom allowed to leave? Is it not
strange that Jews are the only class in Russia who are privileged enough to
leave at all? Does it not seem strange that the only class of millionaires in the
Soviet Union, is found among the Jewish community who live in luxury in the
Black Sea resort areas? As of 1983 twenty out of the top twenty-three members
of the ruling Politburo were Jews, with Jews holding down every top position in
the Soviet military and National Police Force. But this persecution of the "lesser
brethren", as they are called in the PROTOCOLS, their plans are clearly spelled
out in the Zionist blueprint for world control. This can be seen in historical
action, when in 1948, two ships loaded with Jewish refugees were sunk with the
loss of all lives. The British government was blamed by the Zionists, until years
later it was discovered the ships had been sunk by MOSSAD action. Today, all
over the world, and in the United States in particular, Jews are terrorized by the
strong arm boys of the Jewish MOSSAD and the JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE,
which was formed, not to protect Jews from anti-Semitism, but to keep Jews in

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line with Zionist aims.

For documentation with names, places, dates, and pictures of Communist Jews
who took over in Russia, see the book BEHIND COMMUNISM, by Frank
Britton. This is one of the books which has been banned by the Canadian
Government as "hate literature."

Yet, in spite of all the Jewish cries to the contrary, top Jewish leaders, from the
beginning, have bragged about the Jewish influence that made the Communist
Revolution a success. On September 10, 1920, the following excerpt appeared
in THE AMERICAN HEBREW, the most influential Jewish newspaper in

"The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish
dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal was to create a new world order.
What happened in Russia, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and
physical forces, become a reality over all the world." (UNQ.)

The Maccabean, the leading Jewish organ in New York, as far back as 1905
stated that the Russian Jews were planning a "Jewish revolution" in Russia and
in 1917, a M. Hermalin, from New York City said: "The Russian Revolution was
made by Jews. We have created secret societies and planned the Reign of
Terror. The Revolution succeeded because of our convincing propaganda, and
our mass assassinations in order to form a government which is truly ours."

When a Christian wonders why Jewish leaders would be willing to sacrifice
thousands of their own people to accomplish their goal of world domination,
they should read Article II, par. 5, of their PROTOCOL, written prior to 1900, it

"Through the Press we have gained the power to influence, while remaining
ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press, we have the gold of the world in
our hands and notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of oceans of
tears and blood. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our~
own people. Every victim on our side is worth, in the sight of God, a thousand
goyim (non-Jew animal)."


What is it today, that the Jews seek to hide from Christians? This question goes
much deeper than the Jewish identification with Edom. The implication goes
back to the history of the feud between Jacob and Esau over the birthright, and
who the Chosen People of God really are.

As most of you will remember, Jacob and Esau were the twin sons of Isaac,
who had been named Israel by God. In Genesis 25, we are told that the two
boys struggled in their mother's womb, even before they v"ere born. (Gen.
25:22). Esau, being the firstborn, was supposed to have received the "birthright"
blessings. However, God rejected Esau even before he was born. Romans 9:11
tells us: "(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or
evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but

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of Him that calleth;) It was said of her, (Rebecca) the elder shall serve the
younger. As it is written, Jacob have I (God) loved, but Esau have I hated."

Because of his love for material things, Esau sold his birthright to his brother
Jacob for a mess of "red beans and rice," as we would say down south. (Gen.

Esau became angry over this turn of events - angry at his father Isaac and
Jacob's God (Jesus Christ) and from that point in history to the present, Esau
has struggled to regain this lost birthright. The "children of Esau" want more
than anything else to be regarded as the "Chosen People", and if God will not
choose them and bless them, then they will choose themselves. They have
done a good job of selling this fictitious position to most of the Christian world.
(Read Malachi 1:2-4).

Revelation 16-18 tells us about a "great whore that sitteth upon many waters".
This is a picture of the False Bride of Jesus Christ, who even now is trying to
usurp the rulership of this world - the inheritance that Jacob received that day
when his brother sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. If you notice, this woman
rides on the RED beast of RED communism. She is said to be drunken with the
blood of saints. This beast has been said to have seven heads, which are said
to be seven mountains. It is interesting to note, that though many Christian Bible
scholars try and make this whore out to be the Roman Catholic church, and use
as their argument that Rome sits on seven hills, Moscow is also built on seven
hills. This woman is that great city that ruleth over the kings of the earth. While
the Catholic church has a lot of power in this world, she does not rule over all
the world, as International Zionism now does. They control every important
country in the world, Communist and non-Communist, through their
International Banking system of Babylonian usury.

This city spoken of in Revelation is the counterfeit, "New Jerusalem", which God
was to set up at the end of time to rule all nations. The Edomite Jews have set
up this false city in order to fool Christians into thinking that they (the Jews) are
God's chosen people, the holders of the birthright of Abraham. They have done
this through careful planning, by calling themselves Judeans, and their plans of
world Zionism. They are the Jews our risen Savior spoke about in Revelation
2:9; 3:9 when He said: "Those which call themselves Jews (JUDEANS) and are
not, but are of the Synagogue of Satan." (When was the last time you heard
your pastor preach on this text? Probably never.)

They have succeeded in gaining a great deal of support from "brainwashed"
Christians, who have been deceived as to their true history.

Thus, we can see the tremendous importance of discovering the true origin of
these people we call JEWS. If Christians had known that modern day JEWS
were of Edom, Gog, Magog and Togarmah, they would never have been tricked
into supporting the antichrist and beasts described in the book of Revelation.
But as the Apostle so clearly showed in 2 Thessalonians 2:10 and 11, because
they refuse to accept the truth, "for this cause, God did send them a strong
delusion, that they should believe a lie. That they might all be damned (judged)
who believe not the truth, and have pleasure in unrighteousness." My how that
describes modern, pleasure loving church members.

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Jesus told a parable in Luke 10 of "a certain nobleman" who was to leave and
return. (Of course we know he was referring to His going to heaven and later
returning). He gave his SERVANTS money with instructions to increase it in His
absence. Verse 14, however, tells of another class of people who were not His
servants: "But His CITIZENS hated Him and sent a message after Him, saying,
we will not have this man to reign over us."

These CITIZENS, were the JEWS of Christ's day. They were citizens of the
remains of Christ's Kingdom on earth. At the return of the nobleman (Christ), He
gave each servant what he deserved. However, verse 27 says: "But those mine
enemies, which would not that I reign over them, BRING HITHER, and slay
them before me." In other words, bring them back to Jerusalem and execute
them! It was necessary that they be brought back to the place where they had
committed their crime, in order that they could be judged legally and properly.
We have similar laws on our law books, where the criminal must be tried in the
county were the crime was committed. So we can see that Jesus was actually
prophesying the Jews return to Palestine - NOT to inherit the kingdom, as they
desire, but to be judged for their refusal to let Christ rule over them. Remember
what Jesus said to the Pharisees in Matthew 21:42 and 43 - "Jesus saith unto
them (Pharisees), did ye never read in the scriptures, the stone which the
builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner, this is the Lord's
doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore, I say unto you, the kingdom
of God shall be taken from you (because they would allow Him to rule over
them), and given to a nation (notice, not a "church" but a nation) bringing forth
the fruits thereof."

In Malachi chapter one, the prophet reveals the activities of the Edomites in the
latter days in reference to their false Zionism:

1) The burden of the word of the Lord to ISRAEL by Malachi.
2) I have loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye (Israel) say, wherein hast
thou loved us? Was not Esau (Edom) Jacob's brother? saith the
Lord; yet I loved Jacob.
3) And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste
for the dragons of the wilderness.
4) Whereas Edom saith, we are impoverished, but we will return and
rebuild the desolate places: thus saith the Lord of hosts, they (Edom)
shall build, but I will throw down; and they (Israel) shall call them
(Edom) the border of wickedness, and the people against whom the
Lord hath indignation forever."

We can see from this passage, that God had laid Esau's mountain (nation) and
heritage waste and had given the birthright to Jacob (Israel). But Esau rebelled
against God and vowed to return to Palestine and rebuild. God's verdict is that
He will allow the Edomites to rebuild for a season, but eventually He would
"throw down" that which they have built.

A year or so ago, when I was in Canada, I saw a most interesting full page
advertisement in a Canadian newspaper. It was signed by 27 orthodox Jewish
rabbis from Canada and the United States. It was a warning in essence, to the

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Jewish people, that the Israelis now in Palestine, were not the true return to the
Holy Land and that because they were trying to return through military force,
God would destroy them. It was a warning to Jews, not to support false Israel in

God has said that at the time when this destruction takes place, the Edomites
(JEWS) would be known as "the border of wickedness," and would be called
"the people against whom the Lord hath indignation (anger) forever." They
would no longer be known as God's Chosen people, but as the accursed people
of Edom, those who absolutely refuse to have the God of Jacob rule over them,
those who hate the God who took the birthright from their father Esau,
thousands of years ago. They will never forgive Jesus Christ for doing this to
them, and they would rather die than acknowledge Him as their King. This is
why Jesus told their leaders in Matthew 21:43, that the kingdom would be taken
from them and given to another.

For a further understanding regarding the identity of that nation who was to
inherit God's Kingdom, I would suggest reading HEIRS OF THE PROMISE,
, available from LORD'S COVENANT CHURCH,
America's Promise Ministries, P.O. Box 157, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

Another Old Testament prophet who speaks of Edom in the latter days is
Ezekiel. Chapters 35 and 36 speak about the bloody characteristics of the
Edomites (35:5, 6), their envy and hatred of Jacob for being chosen of God
(35:5,11) and their burning desire to possess Palestine.

"Because thou (Edom) hast said, these two nations (Israel and Judah) and
these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas the Lord was
there (35:10).

"Thus, saith the Lord: Because the enemy (Edom) hath said against you
(Israel), Aha, even the ancient high places (centers of Baal worship) are ours in
possession (36:2):

"Therefore thus saith the Lord God; surely in the fire of My jealousy have I
spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Idumea (Edom),
which have appointed My land into their possession with the joy of all their
heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey (36:5)."

Notice that Edom's motivation (36:2) in possessing Palestine, is not so that they
may worship God, but that they may "possess the ancient high places," which
were the hills on which the groves of Baal worship were located. These were
the holy places of the Edomites and Canaanites, whose national religion was
the worship of Baal. The Edomite Jews covet Palestine in order to repossess
the ancient sites of their Baal worship. Do you remember how a few years ago,
how Dr. Bailey Smith, President of the Southern Baptists said: "God does not
hear the prayers of the Jew?" He was absolutely correct. It would be blasphemy
for God to hear the unrepentant worshipers of Baal or any other false religion.

The book of Obediah deals entirely with this conflict between Jacob and Esau.
Verses 18,19 and 21 conclude this book with the following proclamation by God
Almighty YAHWEH Himself:

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18) And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph
a flame, and the house of Esau (Edom) for stubble; and they (Israel)
shall kindle in them, and devour them (Edom); and there shall not be
any remaining of the house of Esau; for the Lord hath spoken it.

19) And they of the south (Judah) shall possess the amount of Esau,
and they of the plain (Israel) the Philistines; and they shall possess
the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria: and Benjamin shall
possess Gilead.

21) And saviors shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount
(nation) of Esau, and the kingdom shall be YAHWEH's (the Lord's)."

Thank God for this great promise, ye Israelites. For the evil designs of the
Edomite Jews and their confederates of Gog, Magog and Togarmah, shall not
succeed. Their bloody scheme for a world wide RED kingdom of Communism
shall not prevail. The Messianic Age shall not be ruled by Esau's (Edom's)
Messiah, but by that of Jacob, the Lord Jesus Christ, YASHUAH is His name.
The great whore shall be exposed as the imposter and all the world shall
recognize the true Bride of Christ, which shall be given her rightful place in the
kingdom, for God has chosen her. MARANATHA!

NOTICE: The first part of this article was sent to me years ago by an
anonymous author. I rather suspect it may have been written originally by
Pastor Sheldon Emry, since it is certainly written in his style. I do not take credit
for writing it.

The second part WAS JESUS A JEW? will be from the works of Nord Davis, Jr.,
with some ideas of my own added, as taken from his STAR WARS 3.

Was Jesus a Jew?

If you are interested in receiving the full set of the STAR WARS pamphlets,
write to Nord Davis, Jr., P.O. Box 129, Topton, N.C. 27781. Much of this part of
the article will be Nord's ideas, possibly paraphrased at times by my own. I have
tried in every way possible, not to change his original ideas.

There is a common and false assumption going the rounds in Christian circles
these days, that Jesus Christ, our Savior, was or is a Jew. Yet there are no
scriptural references in either the Old or New Testament where He is called a
Jew or identified as one. It is rather interesting to note, that while world Jewry
on one hand calls Jesus Christ an illegitimate bastard, born to a Jewish
prostitute named Mary and conceived during menstruation; on the other hand
they want to recognize Him as one of them and use every method possible, to
"brainwash" gullible Christians into accepting a bastard religion named Judeo-
Christianity, which is supposed to be based on His and Jewish teachings. Yet,
anyone who teaches that Jesus Christ, the Son of the ever living God, was a
Jew, is either ignorant of the truth or an outright liar.

In many pictures of the crucifixion of Jesus, we find the four letter Latin word

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INRI inscribed on the cross, over Christ's head. To those who know Latin, this
inscription spells out: "Jesus the Nazarene, Leader of the Judeans". To those
who have been "brainwashed" by Jewish teachings, it is translated to mean
"This is Jesus, the King of the Jews." Since Latin was the mother tongue of
Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who gave the order for Christ's crucifixion,
he was certainly able to express himself in that language. Since the word
IUDEORUM meant then as it does now JUDEAN, not JEW and the Latin word
REX meant "to rule or lead", not KING. (It was not until the time of the Anglo-
Saxon invasion of England, that the Latin word REX came to mean KING.)

There is absolutely no foundation, either in history of that time or in the Bible for
the implication or innuendo, that the Latin word IOUDAIOUS, or the English
word JUDEAN (properly translated) had any religious connotation. Any honest
Bible scholar should immediately recognize that this word has only a
geographical, not a religious meaning. It would be like someone asking you:
"What are you?" The chances are 100 to 1, that you would say: "I am an
American." Probably the only person who would come up with a religious
answer to this question would be a Jew.

What are the far-reaching consequences of the proper understanding of this
word? Can you not see, for instance, that the Apostle Paul was a Benjamite by
tribe, a Roman by birth, and a Judean by residence? He was not a Jew by
religion, even though the King James Version say he was. It was utterly
impossible, since there was no religion anywhere in the world at that time by the
name of Judaism. Paul states that he had been a Pharisee in Philippians. But
he was converted from that false Babylonian religion called Judaism, when he
met Jesus on the road to Damascus, Acts 9.

One thing Christians need to understand, is that there is no difference between
the Pharisee of Jesus time and the religion of the TALMUDIC JEW today. To
insinuate that Jesus, the Son of God, was a Jew who practiced the occult
religion of Judaism, would be to make Christ out as a sinner. Judaism was the
false religion Christ denounced over and over again, and it was for the religious
leaders of this religion, the Pharisees, that He had His harshest words.

On one occasion in John 5:46, where the Pharisees had been bragging how
they followed the religion of Moses, our Lord dynamited their claims by stating:
"If ye had believed Moses, you would have believed me, for he wrote of me."

There are subtle and underhand reasons why these TALMUDIC ENEMIES of
Christianity would like Christians to believe that their Savior was a Pharisee

The famous Jewish Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, writing in his book, THE
states in
the foreword: ". . . Judaism .

Parseeism became Talmudism. Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and
Medieval Rabbinism became modern Rabbinism. But throughout all these
changes in name... the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survived unaltered . . .
From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain,
France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia and Eastern Europe

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generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered . . . demonstrating the enduring
importance which is attached to Pharaisaism as a religious movement."

So Christian, as you read your Bible, remember, wherever the English word
JEW is used, it should rightly read JUDEAN, which refers to people from a
certain geographical area, not a religion.

At the time of Christ, no religion known as Judaism existed anywhere in the
world. The major religion of the JUDEANS, at this time was Phariseeism. It was
based on a set of religious books known as the BABYLONIAN TALMUD, not
the teachings of Moses and the Prophets as we have been led to believe.

Christ's primary mission on this earth at His first Advent is clearly stated over
and over again. He came as a Kinsman Redeemer for His Kin, the "lost sheep
of the house of Israel." (Matthew 15:24) Why do you not accept His words,
rather than the false words written by a Christ-hating Jew?

Nowhere in the New Testament, is there any implication that Jesus came in a
futile attempt to reform the heathen BABYLONIAN religion of Phariseeism. We
should note, that by the time of Paul, most of the Israelite people living in Judea
had been seduced by this false religion, which gave lip service to Moses and
Moses' God, while following heathen teachings. They were seduced in the
same manner that many Christians have been seduced in the Twentieth
Century by Judeo-Christianity. Have you ever stopped to wonder why so many
of the Sunday School lessons used in Protestant churches are written by Jews
who hate Jesus Christ? Why would major denominations which goes by the
name of Christian, allow this, unless they had been seduced by these Christ-
haters. The Apostle Paul did battle with these Judaisers at every opportunity,
just as Jesus had done before him.

While Christ came to seek and save the "lost sheep of the house of Israel," (the
Greek word for LOST is APPOLUMI which literally means: "those who were put
away for punishment.") It has nothing whatsoever to do with unsaved Jews, as
our preachers like to aver. Scripture is absolutely silent about any attempt on
the part of Jesus to persuade any of the Pharisee stock to repent. When
speaking to them and about them, He used the most denuncitory language

An honest review of John, chapter eight, is in order at this point and with the
use of a little common sense, you will readily understand why Judaism today, is
doing everything possible, to get Christians to eliminate this Gospel from the
New Testament.

Among Jesus words to the EDOMITE TALMUDIC PHARISEES are these - why
not believe them, rather than the contradictions your pastor may use to excuse
the Jews.

In John 8:44, He said: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the
truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of
his own: for he is a liar and the father of it."

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John 8:47 - ". . . he that is of God heareth God's words; ye therefore hear them
not, BECAUSE YE ARE NOT OF GOD." (Emphasis added.)

John 10:26 - "But ye (Pharisees) believe not BECAUSE YE ARE NOT OF MY
SHEEP . . ."
(Emphasis added.)

Matthew 3:7 (John the Baptist speaking to the Pharisees and Saducees at the
River Jordan): ". . .O generation of vipers (poisonous snakes), who hath warned
you to flee from the wrath to come?"

Matthew 10:17 - Jesus speaking to His disciples: "But beware of men; for they
will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their
synagogues." (Christian, ask yourself this question: "Who is it that worships in
synagogues?" There is only one people and they are Jews. Part of this
prophecy is taking place in America at the present time, as the Judaizers are
hauling Christians into court, delivering them up to the councils (grand Juries.)

Matthew 12:34 - (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees.) "O generation of vipers,
how can ye being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart
the mouth speaketh."

Matthew 15:9 - (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees and quoting Isaiah 29:13) -
"But in vain do they worship me (God), teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men." (That, my friends, is what the BABYLONIAN
is; the teachings of the Rabbis, which conflict with the teachings of
Moses and the Prophets.)

Matthew 23:-

Vs. 13 - (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees): "Woe unto you scribes
and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven
against men."
Vs. 14 - "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye
devour widows houses, and for pretense make long prayers."
Vs. 15 - "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye
compass (go over) sea and land to make one proselyte (convert),
and when he is made, ye make him TWO-FOLD MORE A CHILD OF
(Emphasis added.)
Vs. 33 - "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape
the damnation of hell?"

Then in verses 34 and 35, Jesus accuses these religionists, these TALMUDIC
of being guilty of ALL the righteous blood shed on earth, from the
time Cain slew his brother Abel. Listen, Christian friend. That is your Savior who
is making these accusations. Listen to Him!

Are you willing to risk the charge of being blasphemous, by telling me or anyone
else, that you believe your Savior came from this devil's brood and this Satanic

If you believe that Jesus was a Jew, then you MUST accept what he said about
them, and that would make your Savior out to be a murderer.

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As we follow the trail of the TALMUDIC PHARISEES through Jesus expose of
them in Matthew 23 and 24, we come to this interesting observation in Matthew
27:24, 25. This tells of the actions of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, who
was not a Jew, or a member of the Sanhedrin. This Roman knew Jesus was an
innocent man, he said so. He knew Jesus was innocent of wrongdoing, and in
his anemic weak-kneed politicians way, he tried to save Him. But when he saw
that the Jewish officials would not change their mind, and being "afraid of the
Jews," he symbolically washed his hands of the affair, declaring: "I am innocent
of the blood of this just person; see ye to it."

Note carefully how in verse 25 . . . Then answered ALL the people (Jews), and
said, His blood be on us and on our children." (Today, the Jews are desperately
trying to get this portion of scripture taken out of the New Testament. They are
even getting some Christian traitors to say these words were never spoken, as

Jesus had already said that these people were guilty, or responsible for all the
innocent blood which had been shed on earth, now they were adding to the
blood of the Son of God, to their list of crimes. Yet you still attempt to defend

Do you suppose, that Jesus Christ, who became a King at the moment of His
resurrection, may one day grant the Jews their wish? Let me quote once more
from Jesus' parable of the Nobleman, which we know referred to Himself: (Luke
19:27) -"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over
them, bring forth and SLAY THEM BEFORE ME." (Emphasis added.) Do you
suppose that possibly this is 6ne reason God is allowing the Jews to once more
gather in the land of Palestine? I believe it is very possible.

Anyone with any knowledge of history knows that the curse of Matthew 27:25
has followed the Jewish people wherever they have gone. It will follow them
until He returns to make His final judgment on this wicked people.

The followers of this wretched religion we call JUDAlSM, which Rabbi
Finklestein insists is the religion of modern Jewry, is still responsible, not only
for the righteous blood shed before Christ's time, and for His blood, but also for
the blood of the millions of Christians who have been murdered by Jewish-
Communism. While the so-called Jewish Holocaust is constantly being forced
down our throats by the Jewish controlled media, and Christian money is
pouring into Jewish coffers, why is it that we seldom if ever hear about this
Christian holocaust which is a thousand times worse than anything the Jews
have ever suffered?

Whenever you find wickedness in the Christian church, look for the influence of
the TALMUDIC PHARISEES. When you see wickedness in national, moral,
social, and economic affairs, look again for the influence and guiding hand of
the TALMUDISTS. Don't label me with the tag of anti-Semitism for telling you
the truth. LOOK FOR YOURSELF! You don't need a seminarian, or a preacher
to stand by your shoulder and tell you what the Word of God says, or what the
daily news means.

The average Christian, and the majority of Christian pastors, for that matter,

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have not the faintest idea of the contents of the Jewish religious book known as
the TALMUD. They believe it is a book similar to our Bible, or possibly a Jewish
Prayer Book. It is not! It is a set of 63 thick volumes, which cover twelve feet of
bookshelf. The TALMUD, of which both Nord Davis and myself have read many
portions, is so degrading that sample pages cannot be shown in a pamphlet
such as this. (Here I am referring to the BABYLONIAN TALMUD, translated
into English by Rabbi I. Epstein in 1935 and printed in London by the Soncino

Both the SANHEDRIN AND KETHUBOTH volumes of this satanic work have a
preoccupation with sex which is sickening. It gives, for instance, the
authorization to commit sodomy; sexual intercourse with a baby girl as long as
she is under the age of three years and one day. The right of a Jewish mother
to have sexual intercourse with her under-age son. The statement that when a
man has intercourse with a baby girl: "Tears come to the eyes again and again,
so does virginity come back to a little girl under the age of three years."
(KETHUBOTH, 11a-11b.)

In an official statement made by Rabbi Morris N. Kertzner in LOOK
June 17,1952, we read:

"The TALMUD is the legal code which forms the basis of the Jewish religious
law and it is the textbook used in the training of Rabbis."

Have you ever wondered why Jewish comedians on stage and TV have such
filthy mouths? READ THE TALMUD! Yet these are the same people that TV
evangelists like Jerry Falwell and Jimmy Swaggart, call the Chosen People of
God, the "Apple of His eye!" It is these Christ-haters they refer to when they
claim to be CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS. Utter blasphemy!

In many of the larger city libraries you can find copies of THE JEWISH
Look at Volume VIII, page 539 for instance. It is speaking
about the JEWISH DAY OF ATONEMENT. (My how excited some Christians
become when the Jews celebrate this day, some churches even toll their church
bells to sound the KOL NIDRE. This is a traditional Jewish melody used at the
start of YOM KIPPUR.)

While many preachers know the meaning of KOL NIDRE, I have known very
few who had the courage to tell their people what it means. Jewish authorities
states that it was added to the TALMUD around the 11th Century.

In English, it is known as the ALL VOWS PRAYER and is recited three times by
the standing congregation in concert with the chanting Rabbis at the altar.
Immediately following the recital of the KOL NIDRE, the religious ceremonies of
the DAY OF ATONEMENT begin. This is the "Highest holy day" of the
TALMUDIC JEWS, worldwide.

Here is an official translation of the KOL NIDRE OATH:

"All vows, obligations, oaths, anathemas', whether called
'konam' or 'konas', or any other name which we may vow,
or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound from this

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DAY of ATONEMENT until the next, whose happy coming
we await, we do repent. May they be deemed absolved,
forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of none effect; they
shall not bind us nor have power over us. The Vows shall
not be reckoned vows; the Obligations shall not be
obligations' nor the oaths be oaths." (END OF KOL NIDRE

This oath makes it possible for a JEW to make agreements, sign statements
under oath, swear in court, and if he has been to the KOL NIDRE ceremony, at
the beginning of the Jewish New Year, he is not obliged by his god (Not the God
YAHWEH of Abraham) to keep his word or tell the truth. None of his vows or
promises are valid, as long as he remembers KOL NIDRE when he gives them.
This is fully explained in the TALMUD, the book of NEDARIM, 23a-23b.

Today, as we look at our American Government and judicial system, we will see
an amazing number of Pharisee advisors in government, as lawyers, and
judges. Was King David predicting the advent of this KOL NIDRE OATH, when
he stated in Psalm 1:1 - "Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of
the ungodly?"

Those of you Christian readers who may one day soon undergo the honor of
being investigated by an Edomite Pharisee, acting on behalf of the American
government, might do well to ask in court, "on the record", if these persons have
taken the KOL NIDRE OATH. If they admit to this, then their testimony should
be stricken, all evidence they give and all allegations they make, dismissed on
the basis of this oath. Christ has iold us that they are liars! (John 8:44)

It becomes quite obvious then, that any Christian who makes the foolish
statement that "Jesus was a Jew", has never read the TALMUD, or even parts
of it.

The Apostle John, on three different occasions, r~corded a particular phrase
which this generation of modern Christians has almost totally ignored. When
you find anything repeated three times in the Bible, it is probably of special

John 7:13 - ". . . no man spoke openly FOR FEAR OF THE JEWS."

John 19:38 - ". - - after this (the crucifixion) Joseph of Arimathea, being a
disciple of Jesus, but secretly FOR FEAR OF THE JEWS (Judeans), besought
Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus."

John 20:19 - "...Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week,
when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled FOR FEAR OF

First, when Christ began to preach; second after His crucifixion, and third after
His resurrection, we find Christians acting out of instinctive fear of the JEWS
(Judeans?) Why? Because both Christ and His disciples knew the intrinsic
character of the Edmonite Pharisees Just a few short years before this, their

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King, Herod the Edomite, had murdered thousands of Israelite baby boys in a
vain attempt to kill the baby Jesus. They knew the danger they were in from this
religious band of Judean hoodlums, who said they were of JUDAH, but who
according to our risen Lord, were "of the synagogue of Satan," (Rev. 2:9; 3:9).
They knew they were up against the most accomplished murderers and
assassins in the world's history, those who had murdered their own prophets
and who down through history were to kill millions of Christians. These are the
same people who today, through their ANTI DEFAMATION LEAGUE, are trying
to do away with Christians and Christianity in America. They have openly
bragged of this.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Word from the beginning, the Creator of the
universe was murdered by these Edomites on false testimony, (see Matthew
26:59-62; Mark 14:56, 57).

When Jesus died on Mt. Calvary, the second prophesy of Genesis 3:15 came to
pass, as the Seed of the Serpent (see John 8:44), bruised the Christ's heel. The
"bruising of the serpent's head" is still in the future, but it will come to pass, and
I pray that I will still be here to see and take part in that great event. God willing!

It is interesting to note how in the Matthew 27:54 account of the crucifixion, the
Roman centurion who was in charge of the execution, a grizzled old veteran of
many of Rome's wars, when he saw the events unfolding around the execution
of this just man, was afraid and publicly admitted: "Truly, this man was the Son
of God."

On the other hand, the Talmudic Pharisees, who were responsible for His
murder mocked Him as they said: "Thou that destroyest the temple, and
buildest it in three days, save thyself, if thou be the Son of God, come down
from the cross." Likewise, the JUDEAN officials, the scribes and the Chief
Priests said: "He saved others; Himself He cannot save. If He be the King of
Israel, let Him come down from the cross, and we will believe Him."

A heathen Roman had more sense at this time than all the Judaic leaders. He
knew Jesus was the Christ and I truly believe at this moment he was saved.

Valuable lessons may be learned once Christians grasp the concept that ALL
the righteous blood shed since the time of Cain, can be laid at the door of the
Pharisees and their children.

Directly, or indirectly, the Holocausts which have taken place in the Christian
world, and their have been many, far exceeding anything done to the Jews
during WWI I. By studying from Jewish sources, one can see that the so-called
Jewish Holocaust of WWII was generated by one class of Jews against another,
which resulted in the killing off of millions of the "seed of the woman." (For
further confirmation on this, I suggest you read Mr. Davis', STAR WARS #2.)

Today, many Bible scholars lay the blame for the inhuman cruelties of the
Spanish Inquisition at the door of the Spanish Catholic Church. It is true, that
Protestantism was almost wiped out in Spain during this terrible period. But the
Inquisition was not begun against Protestant Christians, but against a class of
Jews called MARRANOS. These were Jews who had infiltered the Catholic

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church under the guise of conversion. Men like Jack Chick, insist that the Great
Whore of Babylon took over control of the Catholic Church and from that time
on, Christianity in that church took on the trappings of the heathen among
whom they lived. He is very careful however, as are other Bible scholars, never
to mention the fact that the Main Inquisitor during this period, a man named
TORQUEMADA, was a leading Spanish Jew who supposedly converted to
Catholicism. The peribd prior to the Inquitision, was a Golden Age of Jewry in
Spain, as they took over Church and State, financially, educationally and
ecclesiastically. The Inquisition was begun as a means of cleansing the Catholic
church from this Jewish influence. (For confirmation of this from a Jewish
source, read Cecil Roth's book MARRANOS, Jewish Publishing Society of

It is no coincidence, that of all the ancient enemies of Israel, the name Babylon
is reserved for the "end time." There are many heads and horns to Babylon, but
its connection in these days comes through its TALMUDIC-PHARISEEISM.
Those Christians who love to parrot the phrase, JESUS WAS A JEW! have one
thing in common, they have never read the TALMUD!

In his two volume book, HOUSE OF NASI, the Jewish author Cecil Roth makes
an interesting comparison between the activities of his Talmudic forefathers and
what happened with the Orthodox Jews in Hitler Germany. His historic account
matches that of Edwin Black, another Jew in his book THE TRANSFER
The Untold Story of the Secret Pact between the Third Reich
and Jewish Palestine, (Macmillian Publishing Co., N.Y. 1984). Mr. Black who is
the son of a Jewish survivor from Germany, tells about the two classes of Jews
who existed in prewar Germany. The German Jews who called themselves
HOFJUDEN, "courtly Jews," while the Polish and Russian Jews were referred
to as "those miserable darkened Hebrews." Black claims that the American
Jews considered themselves to be HOFJUDEN and this was the reason they
had little concern for the Polish and Russian Jews (Is it possible that anti-
Semitism can be found among the Jewish people?)

Hitler had little love for "those miserable darkened Hebrews," from Poland and
Russia, but he could never have come into power without the aid of the

The Jewish persecution of Christians is clearly pictured in the New Testament
and in early Christian history. In Acts 12:1-3, we read how King Herod, "Vexed
certain of the church. And killed James the brother of John with the sword
(notice carefully now). And because he saw IT PLEASED THE JEWS, he
proceeded further to take Peter also."

This Jewish persecution spread wherever the church went. The terrible
persecution by the Roman Emperor Nero was encouraged by his Jewish wife,
according to historians of that time.

Peter, in 1 Peter 4:12,13 addressed a message of comfort to the suffering
Christian of his time when he said: "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the
fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
But rejoice, inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings: that, when His
glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad with exceeding joy." Paul echoes this in

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Romans 8:17 - ". .. if so be we suffer with Him, that we may be glorified

Following the Jewish persecution of the First Century, which has actually never
ended, the fury of pagan persecution fell on the church as they refused to give
"licit" to Caesar. This means they refused to put Caesar first. Like in Russia
today, men and women were free in Rome to worship any God they choose, as
long as they were willing to put Caesar first. The Christian church refused to do
this and became known as "religio iliciti", or an "illegal religion."

But the record of torture and persecution, down through the ages, always had
an undertone of Jewish connection.

While millions of Christians died, often at the hands of other Christians (?)
during the Dark Ages, many millions more have died in modern times through
the Jewish persecution of ZIONIST COMMUNISM. Yet, strangely enough, it is
only the Jewish Holocaust which is mentioned by our media.

Christian people, especially Patriotic Christians can expect another wave of
final, bitter persecution before Jesus returns, at the hands of the Jews. I believe
it has already started in America. This will be the persecution spoken of in Rev.
6:11 - "They (the dead Christian martyrs) should rest for a little season, until
their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled." Yet, how
can this happen, if the Church is raptured out of the midst of this trouble, as
men such as Falwell and Swaggart preach.

The period of intense evangelism we saw at the end of World War I, also
brought a Zionist conspiracy to the war weary world called Communism. It rose
in Russia, a brainchild of worldwide Zionism, supported by their money, with
Jewish leaders in the prominence. It engulfed a third of the world in less than
seventy years and killed and tortured more Christians in that period, than had
been killed in all the 1900 years that preceded it.

Now the "little season" of Revelation 6:11 is almost at an end. The Age of the
Martyrs, which began with the Jewish stoning to death of Stephen in Acts 7, is
coming to its final, gory termination.

After many years of trial and persecution, the church, made up for the most part
of saved Israelites (not Jews), entered a period of world-wide evangelistic effort
that carried the Gospel of personal salvation to the ends of the earth.

The days of persecution and evangelism were closely interwoven and an early
church father, Terrulian spoke prophetic words when he said: "The blood of the
martyrs is the seed of the church."

Today, as never before in history, the descendants of Esau are determined to
have their way. They will fight against God, in their effort to prove to the world
that they are the Chosen people, who own the lands of old Palestine. At the
present time they seem to be prospering beyond all reason; this is why some
believe their story, for they say God is blessing them. But God does not balance
His books at the end of every year, and we know, from the scriptures, that this
time of Jewish rule will be brief, if bloody and that our God, Jesus the Christ,

background image

YASHUAH, will be triumphant and will take His place on the throne of David, as
King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Nevertheless come quickly, Lord Jesus!


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