MrsSpaceCowboy Rest My Soul Complete

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Rest My Soul

Story: Rest My Soul

Category: Twilight
Genre: Romance/Angst
Author: MrsSpaceCowboy

Last updated: 09/20/2016
Words: 115731
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Content: Chapter 1 to 25 of 25 chapters

Summary: On opposite corners of Third Street and Beale, two lonely people fight
to stay that way. Her scars are on the surface, soft on her skin and in her eyes. His
run bone-deep, seeped in bourbon and blues. EPOV. *Complete*

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*Chapter 1*: Chapter 1 On Beale Street

I'm only going to do the long disclaimer once. Here it is.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the
property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are
the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the
owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright
infringement is intended.

In other words, S Meyer still owns Twilight. The rest of this is mine.

See you at the bottom.

"Fresh meat," Jasper says, nodding across the street at the tables in front of Rum
Boogie Café.

It's St. Patrick's Day, and most of the bars on Beale are staffing for Memphis in
May and the busy summer tourist season that will follow. There are a few new
faces here at Silky's, and it makes sense, since the crowds are growing as the chill
fades into sunny, warmer days.

"Give me the shirt." I ignore him, because hot girls are a dime a dozen in
downtown Memphis. They come and go, tease and flirt for tips or free drinks, and
fawn over ink, but most can't carry conversations to save their own lives.

"This one is your type, man." I'm not sure if he's talking about the new green Silky
O'Sullivan's t-shirt or the new girl across the street.

"I don't have a type, but this is definitely better than the polyester shit you ordered
last year."

"I meant the girl, Edward. She's fucking perfect."

"No chick is per-" The word dies on my lips, because I finally see what he means.
Who he means.

She's short but stacked; muscular calves, a tight ass, and curvy little hips. The
white sweater she's wearing hugs her tits and exposes a forearm covered in
yellow, red, and various shades of black.

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Her face is hidden behind long, black hair, but I manage a glimpse of a lip ring
when she turns, peeling the cardigan away, revealing more of the delicious art on
her body. It's irrational, but part of me wants to make her put the sweater back on.
The green dress she's wearing is a fitted halter from the waist up and a short,
green, net skirt. This leprechaun ballerina is making it abundantly clear that she's
not to be pinched.

Ink curls from the top of her right shoulder all the way down to her wrist. It's the
most beautiful sleeve I've ever seen. I can't make out the details from here, but I'm
almost certain there are flames on the large tattoo on her other forearm.

If I did have a type, this woman would be it.

She glances over at us, smiles, and waves at Jasper before turning her eyes on
me. Her nose wrinkles, and she grimaces. As beautiful as her shoulder is, it feels
cold when she turns her back to us and disappears inside Rum Boogie.

I stub my cigarette and pull the green tee over my head.

"Jesus, Edward."


Jasper sighs. "Nevermind. Lunch hour starts in ten, and then we have the parade
at four. They're predicting record crowds this year." Big crowds mean big money,
but they can also mean trouble.

"What? You think I can't handle it?"

"When was the last time you went home?"

Not this again.

"A few days," I shrug. "I've been sleeping at the station."

"You look like shit."

"Yeah, well, I'm off for the next 72, so I'll go home tonight and crash." The place is
like a tomb, but it's better than listening to the probie snore and wake up all night
at the firehouse. It usually takes new guys a while to acclimate to sleeping in a
strange bed with others in the same room. "Is McCarty covering tomorrow?"

"Nah. Felix is covering. You want Monday, or you want me to offer it to Emmett?"

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"He's on at the station Monday. I'll take it." He nods before turning to walk away.

The regulars start their trek from the office buildings downtown not long after he
leaves me to go back inside and rally the troops. It seems like every law firm
around has a Saturday staff, but today they're dressed casually in varying shades
of denim and green. Looks like they're sticking around for the parade and
festivities that follow. Tattoo Girl comes back outside with a notepad to greet her
first customers after they've been seated.

She smiles and charms, keeping her clientele laughing and sated. More than
once, jackasses in college garb try to touch her or corner her to talk. She shakes
her head firmly, dismissing whatever offers or requests they're making.

There's a boyfriend. There must be.

Of course there is. She's walking art.

After the lunch rush, Tattoo Girl works with Benny, moving the wrought iron tables
and chairs around the corner to the Third Street-side of the building. The parade
crowd floods in at a quarter of three.

The balloon man is making the rounds, twisting and bending swords and flower
hats for tips. Parents shell out to keep their kids happy during the wait. The line
over at Wet Willie's Bar is wrapped around the building.

It's going to be a wild night.

The bands and floats come through. Beer gets spilled, and green beaded
necklaces fly through the air and into the crowd. Around dusk, the families start to
dwindle, and the blues spill out into the street from every bar on the block.

Tattoo Girl steps out of Rum Boogie shortly after eight, stopping still on the corner
long enough to close her eyes and take a deep breath. A lazy half smile graces her
lips, slow like her steps as she makes her way down Beale to Willie's.

She disappears into the sea of other would-be leprechauns. It's a good thing,
because business is steady, and the mandatory curfew for the eighteen and under
crowd kicks in at nine. I don't need any distractions.

Sam shows up to cover until close. I give up the stool and push through the crowd
in the courtyard, making my way past our lucky Irish diving goats, Fintan and
Kevin. Tanya meets me at the end of the bar with a Rajun Cajun Chicken
Sandwich, a basket of fries, and a stein of green, frothy beer.

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"How are things on the outside?" she asks, tossing a white towel over her


She laughs and leaves me to eat, worrying more about the paying, tipping
customers than my sorry ass. My corner isn't so private tonight, considering Silky's
is the only real Irish pub downtown. Everyone wants to kiss and touch the certified
Blarney Stone from Ireland, and a few of the more inebriated ladies want to kiss
and touch the ribbons of black on my forearm. The giggles and blinking are
annoying. So are the questions, like Did it hurt? What does this mean? and Who's
your artist?
One would think they've never seen sleeves before.

Some hottie named Irina attaches herself to my side when I'm three beers in. Each
chug of number four makes her laugh less annoying and her tits a little perkier.
She's tipsy but not wasted, and her hand on my thigh is good sign that the tomb
won't be as cold tonight as it normally is.

She's asking my last name when Tattoo Girl walks through the gate and onto the
patio. She's with a group, two other girls and Jake from Willie's. They follow her
over to Jasper, and when she taps him on the shoulder, he turns, immediately
snaking his arms around her waist and leaning in to catch whatever secrets she's
whispering in his ear.

That fucker.

My type. Obviously, she's his type, too.

He keeps his hand on her waist, guiding her to a table a few feet away from the
stage; best seats in the house.

The ladies sit and reach for menus, but Jake follows Jasper through the maze of
tables and customers until they reach the open spots at my end of the bar.

"Give me a minute," I say to Irina, letting the pads of my fingers tickle the skin at
the edge of her skirt.

She giggles and nods, returning to her friends' conversation and leaving me to
have a round with the guys.

"I figured you'd come over when you saw Tanya line them up," Jasper says,
nudging bourbon in front of me.

"Where've you been, man?" Jake asks. "You've missed poker two weeks in a row."

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"Working. I picked up a couple of extra shifts at the station, and this fucker keeps
me busy. No time for play."

They both glance at Irina.

"Yeah. No time for play," Jake laughs.

"What about you? Who are the girls?"

Jasper glances at their table. "The blonde is Rosalie. She's new at Coyote Ugly."

"The green wig is my girlfriend, Leah," Jake says, giving her a nod when she
glances over and smiles.

"And the leprechaun ballerina?" The only one I'm interested in is Tattoo Girl.

"That's Bella." Jake stands, ready to get back to his girl. "Send over a couple of
'Divers,' Jasper."

"Sure thing, man."

They're looking to party. The "Diver" is a concoction of every beer and liquor
behind bar mixed together in a yellow, one-gallon bucket.

Bella stands and leaves the table before they're delivered, making her way across
the patio and through the crowd to the gate on Beale. She looks to the left, leaning
forward to check the crowd.

She's waiting for someone.

Irina's friends convince her to hit the dance floor when the band starts playing.
Jake and his girlfriend follow soon after. Bella stays at the gate until another girl
with short, spiky black hair shows up. They lean in close, whispering to each
other. Bella points to the bar, and her friend leads the way.

Neither of them makes eye contact when they pass me, but the soft sleeve of
Bella's white sweater brushes my forearm for a fraction of a second as she takes
the barstool next to mine.

Her friend steps between Jasper's legs and kisses him on the mouth.

I've known Jasper since college, and that was the last time I saw him kiss a girl on
the mouth. He's not much on PDA.

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"I'm glad you made it," he says. When he finally looks around, he remembers
where we are and that they're not alone.

She turns in his arms to face me and Bella. "I'm Alice."


She shakes my hand. "Cullen?"

I nod, and Bella laughs beside me. "Figures."

"I'm sorry. Have we met before?" She looks stunned for a moment when I turn on
my stool to face her. "You seem to have some sort of… problem with me."

"Don't flatter yourself." She rolls her eyes and her hips, turning in her seat to face
to stage.

"Okay. Let's try this again." I hold out my hand as a peace offering. "I'm Edward

After making me wait 27 seconds, she finally slides her palm against mine for a
quick handshake. "Isabella Swan."


Wait. "Swan?"

She stands. "Yes. I'm his daughter."

"Where are you going?" I catch her wrist to try to keep her from walking away.

"I like this song. I want to dance." She looks down at my fingers, and I loosen my
grip. "You can come with me if you want to continue this conversation."

"I don't dance." I want to punch myself in the face the minute the words leave my
mouth. While true, they're also habit and second nature. I moonlight as a bouncer
at one of the most popular clubs on Beale. Women are always asking me to

She smiles and nods to her left. "No big deal. Looks like your lap-warmer is back."
Irina is a few feet away when Bella waves goodbye. "See you around, Edward."

I watch her walk away, ignoring the heat of Irina's body against mine until soft lips
tickle my ear. "I'm ready to go home. Are you coming?"

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Some college kid follows Bella onto the dance floor. He spins her and pulls her
close, making her laugh and relax against him.

It's been weeks since I've held a warm body. The one next to me will have to do.
For now.

"Let's go."

A/N- Hi, pretties. If you're new to my stories, welcome. If you're a returning
reader, I've missed you guys! My goal with this story is shorter chapters
which will hopefully mean more frequent updates.

Thanks to my sis and Nic for pre-reading and to Iris for agreeing to beta.

Lovely, sweet evilnat made a gorgeous banner for this story. If you'd like to
see it, there is a link on my profile. Yes, that's Beale Street.

Yes, there really are goats in the courtyard at Silky's. I have pictures of
them, too.

It's Pearl Jam week on Fallon this week. Their new album, Lightning Bolt,
came out last Tuesday. A few weeks ago, they released a song called
"Sirens". I've lost count of how many times I've listened to it. I wrote bits
and pieces of this story a long time ago, but the song brought it to life in
my head, and now… Well, I'm two chapters in (with a character list that's
going to end up giving me a headache). The last time I listened to Pearl
Jam and wrote a story, it made people cry. That's the only warning I'm
going to give. Lol.

If I still owe you a review reply for Down Home, don't give up on me. That
story is on the poll for September completed fics over at
TwiFanfictionRecs if you'd like to vote for it.

If you're the kind soul that nominated Down Home and The Give Away Girl
for the TwiFic Fandom Awards, thank you. It's an honor to be included with
so many of my favorite stories.

Thanks for reading! See you soon.



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*Chapter 2*: April Showers

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Tattoo girl/Bella/Isabella/Whatever the hell her name is has been handed the
golden schedule. From what I've gathered, she only works three nights a week;
the three busiest nights of the week. Sure, Thursday nights are slow now, but the
Peabody rooftop parties start in a couple of weeks and run through August. Then,
the free summer concert series starts on Friday nights in Handy Park. We've seen
crowds of 1,200 plus in July. And Saturday is tourist night, regardless of the time of
year. The visitors who come in for weekend trips love to hit Beale on Saturday

Thanks to Jasper, I know that Bella and her friends are in their third year at the
Southern College of Optometry. He met Alice there last month during his yearly
eye exam. Over coffee afterwards, she mentioned tending bar at the Applebee's
near Overton Square and that business stalled when construction to revamp the
area started. He, of course, suggested a lucrative job on Beale.

Alice tends bar here at Silky's now on the nights that Randall is off. It's not like
Jasper to date a co-worker, but in truth, it's not like him to date at all. No one here
has a problem with it, because he doesn't treat her like he's fucking her when
she's on the clock. Tanya was the biggest possible roadblock. She's one of the
best drink slingers in Memphis and picky about whom she will and won't work with.
Alice had to pass a grueling test of Tanya's design. Once she did, no one
questioned whether or not she deserved the job.

My schedule here revolves around the one I have at the fire station, but I've still
managed to catch Isabella and her beautiful arms on shift from time to time. She at
least tries to control her grimace when she sees me now, and she's even waved
once or twice.

Tonight, I'm a paying customer on Beale, which is unusual for me. McCarty turns
25 today, and a bunch of us are celebrating. He chooses Rum Boogie for the blues
band covering Stevie Ray Vaughan and the new "smokin'" waitress working the
tables on the sidewalk.

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Benny is at the door, and I ask for a table out front since it's Emmett's birthday. We
wait at the bar until one opens, starting slow with longnecks.

Isabella ignores me completely when she shows us to our table with her trusty
order pad at the ready. "I heard you guys are celebrating a birthday tonight." She
grins, resting her free hand on her hip. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"That's me, sweetheart," Emmett says, standing and puffing his chest like an idiot.

"I'm Bella, and your next drink is on me," she says, giving him a wink and earning
whistles and table thumps from the guys. "Happy birthday."


Here, she's Bella. Her name tag says so. Jake and Jasper call her Bella, too.

We start with two orders of barbeque nachos with extra jalapenos and pulled pork.
When she comes back for our dinner orders, she saves me for last. "Okay, Cullen.
What are you having?"

I'm lost in the swirl of blue waves crashing against orange and red flames on her
arm. The black lace tank she's wearing tonight teases blue and green on the pale
skin covering her ribs.

"Dinner. Next Monday."

"Okay… What do you want to eat tonight?" She leans forward, pausing longer
than necessary between each word and clearly missing my intent.

"Salad and gator gumbo."

"Cool. I'll be back with another round in a few."

"Wait." I stand and follow her away from our table and around the corner. "I was
trying to ask you to have dinner with me Monday. I'm off at the station, and Sam is
covering for Jasper…"

"I didn't hear any asking. And while I appreciate it, I'm going to have to say no."

"Would you at least look at me?"

She stops walking and turns to face me. "It's nothing personal, Edward. I don't

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date." She shrugs, offering me a small smile and pulling her lip ring with her teeth.

"Is this one of those things where you don't date cops or firefighters because of
your father?"

"Ah, no." Her eyes narrow. "I don't date at all. It has nothing to do with Charlie. I'm
not giving you a line, although I'm pretty sure I wouldn't go out with you even if I
was the dating type. Which I'm not." Her cheeks are red and both fists are balled,
and this feels like a crash and burn. "You don't dance. I don't date. What's the big

I'm not the groveling type. I asked. She said no. End of story. "I'm going to need a
bourbon shot with my beer when it comes out and scratch the salad."

She exhales and nods, turning back to the door. "Coming right up."

On the way back to the table, I try not to think about hints of colored flesh… tiny
glimpses of something secret, something sacred.

She's fun and flirty with everyone else but noticeably cool when she puts a
steaming cup of gumbo and a double shot in front of me. Emmett gets special
attention, because he's the star of the party, young and free.

Everything I should have been at 25.

It's easy to see that now, seven years and one signed set of papers later. But I
have someone that made missing out more than worth it. Instead of hitting up the
rest of Beale after dinner with the others, I promise to catch up with them in a few
and sneak over to Handy Park to dial her number.

After the third ring, I glance at my watch. It's nine in Seattle.

"It's Makenna . You know what to do."

"What kind of message is that, Mack? I know it's Friday, and you're probably
busy… Just call me sometime this weekend if you have a chance." Talking to her
voicemail always makes me feel like a tool. Tonight is no exception. "I miss you.
Love you."

A few fat drops of rain pelt against the sidewalk, slowly at first, but the crowd on
the cobblestones flees for the cover and warmth of the bars and the blues.

The guys are at Coyote Ugly by the time I catch up with them. There was a
Redbirds baseball game earlier tonight, and all of the servers are decked out in

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team gear. Bella's buddy is working, dancing her way through the crowd with
McCarty on her heels. He makes the mistake of tugging the blonde ponytail pulled
through the back of her baseball cap. She turns and straightens her pointer finger,
wagging it within inches of Emmett's nose and lecturing him.

He apologizes, holding both hands up in surrender.

It doesn't do any good. She turns and leaves him standing in the middle of the
crowded floor.

"Come on," I say, slapping his shoulder and steering him over to the bar. "This
one's on me."

Our number dwindles as we blow through a bottle of Buffalo Trace. Garrett's wife
calls him and tells him to come home. One of their sons is throwing up. Stephan's
girlfriend shows up, and Tyler wanders away with a newly single divorcée. He has
a thing for older women, but none of them take him seriously enough to return his
calls once the deed is done.

The party ends when Emmett leaves with Tia, the younger sister of the Redbird's
catcher, and her best friend. They live in rural Missouri, so they like to party hard
when they're in town. He doesn't hesitate when they invite us back to their suite at
The Peabody to celebrate his birthday in a more private setting. I thank them for
the offer but decline, using the excuse that it's been almost 24 hours since I've

"Your friend needs to learn a thing or two about boundaries," Rosalie says when
she brings my receipt.

"He's arrogant but harmless. I'll give him the message, though."

"I took care of that myself." A satisfied smirk settles on her lips.

I kill the last splash in my glass and pass a hefty tip into her palm before walking

The normal soundtrack of trumpets and steel guitars is muted by closed doors and
rain pelting against the pavement. The parking lot attendant waves from her booth
when I pass her and then turns her attention back to the phone in her hand.

My phone sits silent and unmoved in my pocket.

It's after eleven there now and too late to call again.

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It takes longer than usual to fish my keys from damp denim, and I'm happy to finally
sink onto the beat up, black leather seats. The engine doesn't turn with the key.

Not again.

Last time, it was the alternator. This time, the battery is missing. It's the Golden
Rule of Memphis: if something of mine breaks, I'll just take yours.

There's an Auto Zone down Third, but it closed at nine. I can pay $75 to have the
car towed a few miles, or I can make the long walk home and only pay the cost of
a new battery tomorrow.

Screw it.

I grab a thick Memphis Fire Department hoodie from the backseat and lock the car
up for the night. An MPD patrol car eases up to the gate when I'm leaving the lot.

Collin rolls down his window. "Hey, Edward. You okay?"

"Somebody lifted my battery." I stop to pull the fleece over my head and tuck my
hands and smokes into the front pocket.

"You want me to write it up?"

"Nah. There isn't any point. Can you keep an eye on my car tonight?"

"Black Mustang, old body style, right?"

"That's it."

He swears he'll do his best, and I make my way back over to Beale.

The trolley shut down at midnight, and the buggy drivers headed back to the
stables when the rain started. Every cab on Third has already been flagged. If I'm
lucky, I may be able to catch one on the way.

Front Street might be a better option, so I stick to Beale, dodging under the various
awnings for temporary cover when the rain picks up.

Voices carry from around the corner when I reach Blues City Café. Out of habit, I
glance over to make sure all is well. Bella is leaning over a familiar haggard figure
and holding out a "to go" box from Rum Boogie. She's trying to convince Captain
Mike to take it. He's created a small shelter with his old Piggly Wiggly shopping
cart and several large trash bags.

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"Captain!" I edge closer, trying to gauge whether he's sober or lit to hell and back.
"What's going on?"

His eyes are clear blue, recognition dawning in them almost immediately. "Edward,
tell Miss Bella to keep her dinner for herself."

"I told you, Captain." Her voice is soft but firm. "I'm not feeling so good tonight. I
won't eat it, and it will just go to waste if you don't take it."

"She's going to stand out here arguing with you in the rain until you do," I say,
taking the container from her and pulling a ten from my pocket. "Eat. Have some
coffee before the café closes."

He grumbles but takes the food and the money, thanking both of us before pulling
a black, heavy duty Hefty bag over his head and shoulders to protect him from the

The light turns green, and Bella follows me across the intersection. She stops
when we reach the sidewalk, glancing back at Mike. His shoulders are hunched,
and the only things visible are his tangled gray-blonde beard and the white
Styrofoam container in his lap.

"Where are you parked?" she asks, moving past me in the direction of The
Orpheum. Her face and hair are soaked despite the yellow rain jacket she's

"My car is in the lot behind the Forum. Someone decided to borrow the battery."

"You've got to be kidding me," she laughs.

I shrug. Charlie Swan is her father. She probably knows more about the fucked up
things that go down in this city than I do. And I've seen more than I ever wanted to.
A missing car battery is nothing.

She pulls a set of keys from her jacket pocket when we reach the last parking lot
on Beale. The fob chirps in her palm, unlocking a red Explorer.

"So, you're going to roam around downtown in the rain until daylight?" she asks.

"I'm seeing you safely to your car, and then I'll walk to Harbor Town."

She frowns, looking up at the sky and shielding her eyes from the rain. "You're not
going to walk to Mud Island in this weather. It's got to be at least twenty blocks
away. Get in. I'll give you a ride."

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She opens her car door and climbs in, shutting it behind her. Immediately, she
sheds the bulky jacket and starts the engine. I'd rather walk than ride with her.
Even if it is cold. And rainy.

I cover a half of a block in the time it takes her to leave the parking lot.

"Come on, Edward." I can see the tires and the bottom of her truck in my
peripheral but keep my gaze focused straight ahead at street lamps and bar signs.
"I'll follow you all the way down Front and over the bridge…"

"Go home, Bella."

"You first."

Cars pass and honk, and she ignores them all for another block before I finally

She doesn't speak until after I've buckled my seatbelt and adjusted the heating
vents on my side of the truck.

"Why didn't you call someone?" she asks.

"It's late, and it's not that far. I've walked it several times when I've had too many to
drive." I fish the pack of Marlboros from my hoodie. "Do you care?" My hand
hovers above the window control, waiting for her answer.

"Actually, I do care." She turns her head long enough to give me a hard look.
"Killing yourself is one thing–"

"Fine." I shove the smokes back into my pocket and tap my knee with my thumb.

She catches every red light on Front, stretching the silence between us until she
decides to end it. "Why does everyone call him Captain Mike? What was he the
captain of?"

"He told me he was a riverboat captain from Saint Louis." She smiles after I
answer, glancing out her window at the Mississippi as she signals to turn onto
Island Drive. "But he told Jasper he was in the Marines. Tanya said she heard that
he retired from the airlines."

Her smile fades with the lights of the city behind us. "So no one really knows."

"Take the next right."

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She stops at the security gate and enters the code I rattle off to her.

"It's this one." I point straight ahead, and she parks in my normal spot, letting the
car idle. "Thanks."

"No hard feelings about earlier, right?" She stares out the car window at the
darkness and rain. "Dating just isn't my thing." Her fingers tap against the steering
wheel. Then the tapping stops, and she grips the leather.

"Stop acting like I asked you to go steady or go to prom or some shit. I asked you
to dinner to figure out what this might be," I say, letting my fingers brush lightly over
the lace covering her side. "And to see if there are any others."

She turns to look at me, offering a small, twisted grin. "There are."

"Yeah?" My hand moves to the back of my neck to keep from touching…



"You don't date." She's been more than clear on the topic. But the way she's
breathing and tugging metal between her teeth brings to mind a far more important
question. "Do you kiss?"

Her eyes meet mine, but instead of leaning closer like I want her to, she turns to
stare at the rain again. "Not lately."

There's no bite in her words for a change, no challenge, nothing – only an
emptiness that I recognize well. It wasn't meant as a dismissal, but it's clear that
our conversation is over. "Thanks again for the ride."

She says "you're welcome" before I open the door and step out into night. I don't
look back when the beams of her headlights sweep across the sidewalk in front of
me. Instead, I focus on the shadow it creates and cup my hand over a much
needed cigarette.

A/N- Wow. You guys have blown me away with your response to chapter 1.
Lots of theories already.

My lips are sealed. ;)

Handy Park is a small park located on Beale honoring W.C. (William

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Christopher) Handy. He's known as The Father of Blues. His song
"Memphis Blues" was credited by Vernon and Irene Castle as the
inspiration for the foxtrot dance step. In 1916, he wrote a song called
"Beale Street Blues." Prior to that, the street was known as Beale Avenue.
Local musicians make use of the park and entertain thousands of people
yearly. They play for tips and out of a pure love of the music.

You can find me on FB or Twitter if you'd like to see a picture.

Thanks for reading and I'll see y'all soon.



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*Chapter 3*: Diving

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

"Tell me everything you know about Charlie Swan," I say, twisting the cap from a
longneck. I toss it into the small, metal bucket my oldest brother, Paul, has hanging
from his grill.

"He's my lieutenant," he shrugs. "I know he moved here from Phoenix. Pretty sure
it was about twenty years ago. The Deputy Chief of Special Operations caught
wind of his experience and recruited him for TACT not long after." He flips a couple
of burgers and takes a pull from his beer.

"Memphis is a long way from Arizona."

"I guess."

"What about his daughter?"

He turns to face me, shaking his head. "Holy shit." Before I can ask what he
means, he calls over his shoulder. "Jared, get over here."

Our other brother deposits his squirming 2-year-old son in his wife's lap. Kim
glares at him playfully and then tries to swat his ass when he walks by. I keep
hoping that one day they'll end the honeymoon phase, especially the groping. It's
been going on since the late 90s. After all that time and three kids, they should at
least be able to control themselves at family functions.

"What do you want, dickhead?"

Paul points to me with his spatula. "This idiot is asking me about Charlie Swan's

"Seriously?" Jared laughs, accepting the beer I offer from the cooler. "You're
fucking his lieutenant's daughter?"

"I haven't touched her."

"You don't sound happy about it, either," Paul says, focusing on lunch again.

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"You should see this woman." He might be married, but he wouldn't be busting my
balls if he knew what I have to look at for hours on end when I'm at Silky's.

"I've met Bella." He uses tongs to pull hot dogs from the grill and place them on a
plate. "She was with Marcus Jackson for a while a couple of years ago. He
transferred to the canine unit after they broke up. I talked to her a few times at
softball games when she came to watch him play. I'm not positive, but I think she
had just moved back here from Knoxville to become an eye doctor or some shit.
She still in school?"

"That's what I hear."

"Damn, Edward. Do you even know this girl?" Jared pulls one of my cigarettes
from the pack sitting on the armrest of my abandoned lawn chair and lights it.

"She's working at Rum Boogie."

"I'm going to be straight with you." Paul scrubs a hand over the stubble on his jaw.
"Charlie Swan is one of the scariest fucking cops I've ever met. He worked on a
hardcore gang unit in Maryvale back in Phoenix before he moved here. If you treat
his daughter like some cheap piece of ass, he'll gut you and leave you in one of
the dumpsters on Beale."

"Nah." I shake my head in denial. "Cops don't fare well in prison."

"Keep thinking that if it helps you sleep at night. Charlie would be running the yard
in less than a week."

"What about Marcus?" I ask. "He obviously lived."

"True," Paul admits. "She left him with his balls intact, and so did Charlie. I'm not
sure what happened there."

"You're missing the bigger picture here, Paul," Jared says, throwing his free arm
over my shoulder. "It seems this girl isn't interested in the brooding or his pretty
tattoos." He laughs and moves away quickly to dodge the elbow I aim at his side.

"Shut up, fucker."

It's easy for him to judge. He has the perfect wife, the perfect life – complete with
the house in the burbs and 2.5 kids to peek in on when he comes home after 24
on at the small fire station he works at in Germantown.

He drops the cigarette and covers it with his shoe when he spies our mother

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joining the other party guests on the back porch. Her arms are loaded with gifts for
Paul's twins. There's a rare, happy sparkle in her eyes, something we don't see
much anymore. It's reserved for family gatherings and holidays.

Paul's wife, Rachel, excuses herself from a group of her friends and meets Mom
halfway across the yard. She takes a few of the wrapped presents, so they can
share an awkward, one-armed hug.

"You know," Paul says, nodding towards Rachel's sister. "Rebecca is still single,
and she's been eyeing you since you got here."

My sisters-in-law are sweethearts – good all the way to the core – but I've had
enough of their meddling and blind dates over the last five years. It's always
awkward. There's never enough in common with their friends to float a dinner
discussion, and most of them only want a hot romp with a tatted fireman to fuel
their fantasies for a little while. So I give it to them and don't look back. Rachel's
sister would be a complication I don't need. We share a niece and two nephews,
and we're guaranteed to be thrown into each other's presence for occasional
family gatherings in the foreseeable future.

"I'll pass."

Jared laughs and smacks me on the back of the head before leaving us to say
hello to Mom.

"Don't be a dick to Bella," Paul says when we're alone. "I don't need Charlie giving
me shit, because you pulled a fuck and dump. I get enough of that from my wife."

"She won't even have dinner with me. Will you stop accusing me of shit I'm not

"Fine. Don't be a dick to her at all."

Too late. Somehow I pissed her off before we even met.

Mom waves me over, so I leave him with the burgers and dogs and carry a couple
of lawn chairs over to her. I'm already sure I'm going to want to be sitting down for
whatever she wants to say. It's usually a checklist.

"Are you taking care of yourself?"

"Are you eating?"

"You look thin. Are you sure you're eating?"

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"Met any nice girls recently?"

She covers all of those and a few others before touching on the question I've been

"When is Makenna coming home?" she asks. "Will she be here before your

"I left a message for her a couple of days ago, but I haven't heard from her, yet. I'm
going to have to call Charlotte soon to get the exact dates."

"I can't imagine how much she's grown since Christmas. It's hard to believe she's
going to be thirteen this year." She sighs, and I can't help but feel responsible for
the longing in her voice.

It's not that I don't feel the same. I do. I miss Mack every minute of every fucking
day, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'm reminded of that on days like this,
watching my two older brothers, their wives, their kids. I'm surrounded by high
school sweethearts that have made it for the long haul. My parents were the same
way for almost 40 years… until the day my father left for work and never made it
home. And that's my fault, too.

It's hard when the people you love most in this world are the ones who make you
feel like the biggest failure.

"Edward, I know it's been difficult." She pats my hand and leans closer. "But
someday, talking to Charlotte won't be as hard as it is right now. You have a
responsibility to your daughter and –"

"I know what my responsibilities are, Mom. I'm the one who bought a phone for
Mack. I pay the bill for it just so I can talk to her without dealing with Charlotte's
bullshit. Please don't treat me like a child."

"You're 32 years old, but you'll always be my child. So will your brothers." Her eyes
water, convincing me that a knife to the chest would probably feel better than this.
"And Mack will always be yours. Please remember that."

As if I could forget.

I get a small break when Paul announces that lunch is finally ready. Both of my
sisters-in-law take over, making plates and sending kids inside to wash up. My
nephew, Alec, rescues me by taking the seat next to mine before Rebecca can. He
knows I don't wrap or even buy gifts. In all honesty, I'd forgotten about his and

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Jane's party today until Mom left a voicemail for me last night.

His twin, Jane, sits across from me, and I hand each of them a fifty dollar bill. "I'm
sorry I didn't get cards…"

Jane laughs and rolls her eyes. "Don't worry about it, Uncle Edward. This 'party' is
more for Mom than us. Money is cool, with or without a card."

"Next year, we'll take cars," Alec says, pocketing the cash.

"Nice try, kid. Talk to your parents about that." They're good kids, and I know for a
fact that Paul is already making arrangements to get them rides for their sixteenth
next year. If they're expecting something shiny and new, they'll be disappointed.
But so far, they seem to have their heads on straight. For teenagers.

Jasper sends a text around three, asking if I can cover for a while tonight. Sam is
on the schedule, but he's going to be late.

It's the perfect excuse to cut out early and leave the families to their domestic bliss.

"I'm sorry," Mom says when I hug her goodbye. "I worry about you. I can't help it."

"I know."

Rachel sends a plate of leftovers with me, putting it in my hand when she leans up
on her toes to kiss my cheek. "Don't be such a stranger," she says. "We miss you.
Paul misses you."

Kim's goodbye is similar, and I'm ready to pull my hair out by the time I finally break
away from them and leave.

The drive from East Memphis to downtown takes longer than I expect, and there's
not enough time to stop by my apartment and still make it to Silky's by four. My
normal spot is open in the lot behind the Forum, and on my way over to Beale, I
give the leftovers to a homeless guy pushing a wheelchair filled with tied-off plastic
sacks. There's no way the food will keep in the car.

It's Saturday, but there's no sign of Bella at Rum Boogie. Angela is working the
tables outside and flirting with Benny every chance she gets.

There's a rush at dinner time thanks to some musical playing down the street at
the Orpheum. People come and go. Tourists snap pictures and pose in front of the
goats and their tower. And when the sun sets, the music starts and the glow of the
neon signs light a multi-colored path on the concrete down the length of the street.

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MPD is out in full force, patrolling on bicycles since the weather is nice, so ID
checks are crucial. Bella, Alice, and Rosalie turn the corner from Third around
nine. They're dressed to kill in short skirts with their arms locked at the elbows.
The smile on Bella's face is the most genuine one I've seen to date.

They join the line, waiting to get into Silky's.

"IDs, ladies." I don't give a fuck if I know they're of age. There are too many cops
around not to ask.

It's also a good excuse to find out more about her. A glance at Rosalie and Alice's
licenses yield a birth year of 1987 for both of them. I hold onto Bella's an extra
moment; long enough to see an address on Belvedere and a birth date of
September 13, 1985. She snatches it out of my hand and pushes my shoulder with
her palm.

"Enough already," she says. "We have celebrating to do."

"What's the occasion?" I ask, happy that for once she's talking to me like a human
being and not the scum of the Earth.

"The end of year three," Alice says. "No class until August, just work at the clinic.
And here, of course."

"Rosalie is leaving to go home to New York for a couple of weeks, so we're having
a girls' night out." Bella is practically bouncing on her heels, eager to get the party
started, so I wave them past.

"Have fun."

"We will," Rosalie shouts over her shoulders as they make their way over to the
outdoor bar.

Tonight's band is rocking, just two old guys with guitars, covering Joe Cocker and
B.B. King while Bella and her friends share a Diver bucket with three straws and
snack on po' boys.

Sam finally shows up around ten to relieve me. "Man, I owe you, Edward. My dad
fell this morning and broke his arm. It took all fuckin' day at The Med. I'm so sorry."

"No problem. You saved me from a family event." I give up the stool and consider
leaving, but a glance over at the bar changes my mind.

The ladies are still working on their bucket. Bella's cheeks are rosy, and she's

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moving to the rhythm, swaying on her stool. I may have to change my policy on
dancing if the mood strikes her again.

It might be the only way I ever get to feel her.

In an effort not to be obvious, I pick a seat several feet away but still within
earshot. Tanya stops in front of me on her way to deliver their second bucket of
the night. She glances at Bella, laughing and talking with her friends, and then me.
"You want a double?"

"Nah. I'll have a beer."

She stops in her tracks, amusement toying with the corners of her mouth. "Okay.

"Oysters. Raw."

"I'll be back."

"Halle-fuckin-lujah," Rosalie says when Tanya sets the Diver on the bar in front of
them. "Cheers."

"Amen." Alice holds both hands up in salutation.

Before I can finish my dinner, a small group of guys shows up, and one of them
greets Rosalie with a kiss that has both Bella and Alice turning away in
embarrassment. She obviously belongs to him and vice versa from her reaction.

One of his friends asks Bella to dance repeatedly. She rebuffs every one of his
advances, but when he puts his hand on her leg and she stiffens, I've had enough.

I leave the last two oysters in their shells, stand, and make my way over to her. If
she embarrasses the shit out of me, so be it. At least she'll have an out if she
wants it.

"I think I owe you a dance." She looks at my outstretched hand, and this time…
This time she doesn't hesitate to take it.

"You do."

She lets me lead her out into the open, right in front of the band. They've moved
on to a slower Bob Seger cover, and she steps closer, sliding one hand up my
chest and over the skin of my neck. She might be too drunk to notice the shiver
her fingers cause when they settle at my hairline.

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"Thanks. You didn't have to do that."

"No problem. You won't be thanking me when I step all over your feet."

"You're doing okay so far for someone who doesn't dance."

"It's been a few years." Five to be exact.

"Relax," she whispers, hugging me closer. The soft fuzz of her black sweater feels
good against my palm. For a few breathless moments, she rests in my arms with
her head against my chest, moving slow and deliberately. "This isn't so bad, right?"

It's a trick question.

"No." Everything about this feels good. Too good. And that in itself has the
potential to be very bad. I already spend too much of my time thinking about her.
Watching her. Wondering about her. Each time I find out something new, instead of
satisfying my curiosity, it makes me want to know more.

She steps on my foot first and apologizes immediately. "I'm so sorry. I don't drink
often. I think the last time was at a Christmas party back in December."

"So tonight really is a special occasion?"

"I survived dissecting cadaver eyeballs this semester," she laughs. "Next year
should be a piece of cake. Hell yeah, that's worth celebrating."

"When you put it that way…" Jared wears contacts and watching him touch his
eyes to put them in made me cringe every single time he did it front of me back in
high school. It was one of the many ways he liked to torture me.

"It was the part I've been dreading the most since I started."

The song ends, and the band announces a small break, promising to return for a
second set in a half hour.

Bella stands still with her fingers still buried in my hair, her body still pressed
against mine. "That was nice," she says. The small smile she gives me feels like a
huge victory considering how little we've spoken and how much she seemed to
hate me when we met.

We're the only ones left in the area reserved for dancing, and people are starting
to stare. "It was. Thank you."

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"I should…" She thumbs over her shoulder to her friends.

"Yeah. Of course."

And just like that, it's over and she's walking away.

Rosalie and her boyfriend take off first, leaving Alice and Bella to finish the last of
the Diver. It doesn't take them long to knock it out.

Tanya offers them a third, but Bella declines. "I'm done. Nice and toasted. Time to

"I'll walk you out," Alice says.

"Goodnight, Edward." Bella lifts her hand to wave goodbye, tilting and
overcompensating to keep from stumbling.

"How are you getting home?" I ask.

"I'll get a cab."

The hell she will. I leave enough to cover my bill and a tip tucked under a half-full
Ghost River longneck. "I'll take you."

"Midtown is out of the way for you."

"Like Harbor Town was for you?" I grab my jacket from behind the bar and wait for
her to make up her mind.

Alice watches us from her seat, grinning over our small battle of wills. Bella is
stubborn. I've seen that much.

So am I.

Bella finally nods and leads the way out of the courtyard onto Beale. I've already
pressed my luck with her tonight, so I tuck my hands in my pockets to keep from
touching her.

"Are you behind the Forum again?" she asks, pausing on the corner.

"Yeah. It's the closest lot, and it has an attendant." I don't want to tell her what to
do, but I wish she'd consider making it her regular spot, too. The one she was
parked in last weekend has zero security.

She's quiet during the walk, concentrating on something and staring at the

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"Nice ride," she says as I unlock the passenger door for her. "I see you got a new

"I did."

"You should invest in a car alarm."

"You know as well as I do that it won't do a damn bit of good around here."

She sighs instead of arguing. People in this city are desensitized. The parking lot
attendant is making minimum wage to sit in a shack and "watch" people come and
go all night. I don't expect her to risk her life over car parts that can be replaced.
Her only responsibility is to collect the cash and pick up the phone to dial 911 if
someone gets hurt.

"I'm on Belvedere, the Poplar end near Joe's."

I already knew that from her license, but she might worry that I'm a stalker if I tell
her that. "Not on the Central end?"

She smiles, leaning her head against the rest. "No. No three-story mansions for

"Not yet, huh?" I downshift for a red light in front of Joe's, and she stares out the
window at the giant, spinning liquor store sign. "After graduation, you'll be rolling in
the big bucks."

"After graduation, I'll be rolling in student loan payments." She leans forward in her
seat when I turn onto her street. "It's the one with the twinkle lights on the porch."

The house is small, tucked in behind several Bradford pear trees, and boasts a
typical, narrow Midtown driveway.

"Do you want to come in for a beer?" she asks.

The overwhelming curiosity gets the best of me, and I accept.

There are two figures outside on the screened-in front porch. "These are my
roommates…" She waves her hand at the guy on an old, wooden swing in the
corner. "That's Liam. He's an asshole most of the time." He must be used to her
drunken forwardness, because he waves and lifts a small bong to his face without
a word. "This is Sasha," she continues, pointing to the girl next to him. "She likes it

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rough, and her stupid boy toys keep us awake at ungodly hours. This is Edward.
We, uh… work together. Sort of."

Sasha blows a kiss in our direction and winks. "Hey."

"Fuck off, Sasha," Bella says. She opens the door and trips over the small step on
her way into the house. "He's too old for you." I try to catch her arm to help her, but
she yanks it away. "I've got this."

"I'm sure you do," I agree.

I follow her into the living room and watch her drop her bag next to a plush red,
retro sofa. She stops to pet a fat, orange and white tabby resting on the arm rest.

"This is Bub. Short for Beelzebub." The cat turns onto his back and wraps his front
paws around her wrist while sinking his teeth into the flesh of her palm. "Fucker."
She strokes his cheek until his chest rumbles with a low purr. "He hates people."
She untangles her hand and leads me into the kitchen.

"You have an accent when you drink."

"I do. Most of the time, it's not so bad, but the South has managed to rub off on me
since I've been here."

"How long has that been?" Paul's guess was twenty years. I want facts.

"We moved here when I was ten." She opens the fridge and pulls a Bud Light from
the door. "Sorry. These are Sasha's." She twists the cap off before offering it to me
with a smile. Our fingers touch when she passes it into my hand.

"You're not having one?"

"I'm pretty sure I've had enough for the night. I need to get horizontal. Soon." She
moves around me, leading the way back to the living room. "You could stay. For a
while. If you want to."

She leans with her back against the wall, studying the hardwood floor while I take
a pull from the beer and prepare to shoot myself in the foot.

"I should go," I say. She nods, still avoiding eye contact. I hand her the bottle, and
she takes a swig of what's left as I make my way over to the front door. "I'll see you
at work."

"Sure." My hand is on the knob when she speaks again. "Maybe you're not such a

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bad guy after all."

If she knew how much I want to stay, how much I want to feel her sheets against
my back while she moves over me, she'd swallow those words… and more, if I
could have my way.

But I'll be damned if I take advantage of this woman while she's drunk. She's never
given me any sign while sober that she wants it, and I don't cross blurred lines.

Even if I know I'm going to hate myself for it. Tonight. Tomorrow. Every time I think
about this moment.

"Maybe." For once, I don't want to see her face. So I walk out, wondering if it was
loneliness and booze that prompted the invitation. Or something… more.

The door closes behind me, and Sasha looks up from her spot on the swing. "That
was fast," she laughs. "Don't take it personally. Bella has a habit of shooting
people down. Ask Liam. He knows all about it."

He glares at her and snatches the bong from her hands. "Shut the fuck up,

"Goodnight." I don't linger. I'm not interested in Sasha's theories about what just
happened in their house. She can think what she wants to. It's none of her

As much as I hate to admit it, I have a feeling she just answered my question.

A/N- A few Memphis girls have reviewed and confessed to owning empty
Diver buckets. This makes me smile. If you ever visit and decide to order
one, my advice is to drink it fast. :)

Thanks for reading! See y'all soon.


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*Chapter 4*: Restless

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

"Ashes to ashes, Edward. Death is just a part of life."

His voice is an echo.

The crunch and then high keening of metal being ripped gives way to the alarm
and the sound of a half dozen men being roused from sleep. I inhale deeply to rid
my mind of the smell of gasoline and the taste of blood. Dreams have a way of
bringing back things that are easier buried in the daylight.

I step into my pants and hook one suspender to keep them up on the way down to
the truck. The rest of my shit can wait for the ride. McCarty does the same,
following close on my heels.

"We've got a kitchen fire, third floor, over at the Central Station Apartments. Load
up." Garrett takes the wheel and hits the siren before easing the truck out onto

It's one o'clock in the morning, so the streets are dead, save Beale, where the
lights are always on. We pass Bella's normal parking lot, but her truck isn't there.
Not that I expected it to be on a Wednesday morning.

There's a woman on one of the third floor balconies when we arrive at the scene.
She's wet and wrapped in a white towel, batting at smoke from an open sliding
glass door with a pillow.

"What the hell is she doing?" Emmett asks, leaning in his seat to get a better look.

"Who knows? If she needs the ladder, you're going."

"That's the best order you've ever given me, Cullen."

The woman leans over the rail to shout down at us. "False alarm. I burned a pizza.
You can go."

"We have to come up and check things out, ma'am," Emmett says. "We had more

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than one call. Your neighbors are concerned."

She drops the pillow and raises her voice. "My neighbors are jerks, and a few of
them yelled at me before they went back to bed."

Garrett and Emmett walk upstairs to make sure everything is on the level. If we
leave and this place burns to the ground, it would rest on our shoulders.

I stay close to the truck, using the free time to have a smoke. Our lieutenant, Max,
walks over to join me after Emmett radios that everything is fine. "You need to trim
the facial hair, Edward. When it starts to block the seal, it's got to go."

I don't argue. Rules are rules. "I'll take care of it tomorrow."

Emmett comes out with the woman's number. She's a nurse at Methodist. Tonight,
she decided to take a nice hot bath after a twelve-hour shift. She woke up three
hours later in a tub of cold water with a Digiorno burnt to a stone crisp, smoking in
her oven and neighbors pounding on her door.

There's no sleep for me when we get back to the station. I'm wired now, and so is
Emmett. We stay up playing video games until dawn. Instead of cooking breakfast,
he wakes the new guy, Eric, and makes him do it.

My shift ends at eight, and I spend the morning picking up groceries and paying
bills. At ten, I call Epiphany to see if Senna can fit me in for a cut.

"Trim the chops this time," I tell her when I climb into her chair an hour later.

"Why don't you let me shave them off instead?" She holds a straight razor in the


"Fine." She offers me a drape and reaches for the clippers. "I'll never understand
why you want to hide such a pretty face."

"You're starting to sound like my mother, Senna."

"So, keep everything the same? Just shape it up?"

"Take the hair a little shorter this time."

"Got it."

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She cuts my hair first. Then she uses clippers to trim up my face. "You've got a few
stray grays around your temple," she says. "In case you haven't noticed."

"I'm thirty-two."

"My cousin is seventeen and already has several," she shrugs. "I can get rid of
them if you want."

"I'm good."

"You're all done, then." She sweeps the hair from my neck, dusts my hairline with
powder, and unfastens the clip of the drape. "See you in a few weeks."

The sun is bright, and the downtown streets are bustling with the lunch hour
crowd. After a quick trip to the liquor store, I walk down Main Street trying to
decide what to get for lunch.

Sushi at Bluefin is tempting, but I stop in my tracks when I see a couple being
seated at one of the outdoor tables.

An older man wearing a suit pulls out one of the metal chairs and waits for Bella to
sit before taking the seat across from hers.

I've seen him before. I can't place him, but I know him from somewhere. It's Bella I
almost didn't recognize.

Gone are the athletic shoes she wears to work at Rum Boogie, replaced by black
heels. She's wearing a white lab coat, and the lip ring is missing. With her arms
covered and her hair pulled back, she looks like a different person. As I study her,
looking for something of the girl I see on Beale, she pulls off the jacket. The black
turtleneck dress she's wearing is sleeveless, and I feel like I can breathe again
when I see the familiar blue waves.

Her companion sheds his jacket, too. She seems completely at ease, leaning
forward to listen when he speaks and occasionally interrupting him. This isn't a
professional lunch. Their server appears to take their order, and Bella speaks first.
She sets down her menu and glances out at Main, locking her gaze on me after a

She gives a quick nod of acknowledgment and then turns her attention back to
her… friend.

I force my feet to move. This is only the second time I've seen Bella since I left her
standing alone in her house. She and I both worked on Saturday, but she kept her

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eyes on her side of the street. No grimace, no wave… nothing. The more she
ignored me, the more I stared at her.

After today, I'll be expecting a restraining order.

I buy an extra sandwich at a deli on the way home to save the trouble of leaving
the apartment again before I absolutely have to.

Mack's ringtone finally sounds from my pocket around sunset when I've settled on
the patio with a bottle of Maker's and an unopened pack of smokes.

"Hey," I answer.

"Hey, Dad. Sorry I missed your call. I was cosmic bowling with some friends."

"For two weeks?"

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. When is your last day of school? I need to book your flights."

"You don't have to this time. We're all flying in the first week of June. Mom wants to
see Nonnie and Paw. Since they're coming, too, Peter bought my ticket and left
the return date open. You and Mom need to talk about that part."

"Yeah. I'll call her." There are a few things I'd like to remind her about Mack's
summers with me. "How is school? Everything okay?"

"School is dumb, and I hate it."

This is new.

"I thought you liked school…"

"Dad, seriously. No one likes school."

"Are your classes too hard?"


"Is this about a boy?" She's only twelve. If Charlotte is letting her "date," our
conversation is going to be decidedly unpleasant.

"Ugh. No, Dad. I've got homework to do, and I have a yoga class in an hour."

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"Oh." This is new, too. She's never been too busy to talk to me before. "Okay. I'll…
let you get on with it. I love you, Mack."

"Love you, too. I'll call soon."

I'm going to need sleep before I try to talk to Charlotte. Giving myself an extra day
might help me cool off some about Peter buying Mack's ticket. In the end, it
shouldn't matter how she gets here as long as she gets here.

Paul says I have to stop letting that little fucker get under my skin. I know he's
right, but some things are easier said than done. My mother says that holding on
to this anger will allow it to eat me alive. She's in serious denial if she thinks I
haven't already been swallowed whole.

Half a bottle of bourbon is missing when I wake up sometime after three in the
morning, still on the patio, only stretched out and freezing on the lounger.

The next time my eyes open, I'm in my bed and it's just after six. There are two
missed calls when I find my phone, both from Jasper.

I send him a text to let him know I'm working until 8am tomorrow. He'll have to find
someone else to cover.

Mornings like this are the reason I moved downtown to be close to the station. A
hot shower and black coffee fail to give me the kickstart I need, and I barely make
it to work on time.

Jasper texts around noon to let me know the bar isn't his problem this weekend.
He's off, and he has extra tickets and VIP passes to the music festival. He got
them from his cousin who works at the local radio station. I'll have three days off to
kill, and it's close enough to walk home.

I accept and agree to meet him at Silky's on Friday around six. My plan is to leave
work in the morning, catch a nice long nap, and then drown in good music and
beer until Monday.

It doesn't exactly work out that way since we're on a call at a burning warehouse
when I'm supposed to be headed home the next morning. By the time I get home
and shower, I have to debate whether or not a four-hour nap is even worth it.

Exhaustion wins out in the end.

I'm late showing up at Silky's, and I almost turn around when I see the large crowd
around Jasper… Alice, Jake, Leah, Felix, and Bella.

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The great thing about the music festival is multiple stages, which means multiple
artists performing at the same time. I should be able to help Bella ignore me by
staying out of her way.

"Hey, Edward," she says. There's a bottle of water in her hand and a small smile
on her face. "You look like you had a rough day."

"I could use another twelve hours of sleep, but it can wait until tomorrow."

"Drink this and we'll go," Jasper says, holding out a double. I kill it and leave the
shot glass upside down on the counter.

Tanya pours a Ghost River into a tall plastic cup for me, so I can have it "to go."
Somehow, in the shuffle down Beale towards Riverside Drive, Bella ends up next
to me, a few feet behind everyone else.

"I can't remember if I thanked you for the ride home," she says, focusing on
buttoning up her Army jacket.

"It's not a big deal."

"Can't you just say, 'You're welcome?'"

"Okay. You're welcome."

"I'm sorry about my roommates, or more specifically, the weed."

"I don't care about that." She steps up next to me at the trolley platform down on
Riverside. "I bet that makes for interesting visits from Charlie, huh?"

"He knows to call first, and they know there's a no smoking rule indoors. He calls
and texts a lot, but it's rare for him to visit because of my weird hours. I'm always
working or at school."

She boards the trolley before me when it arrives and steps to the back, out of the
way. I follow to see if she'll keep talking.

"I signed the lease on the house before I found them," she says over her shoulder.
"They may be stoners, but they both pay rent. On time. Do you know how hard it is
to find reliable roommates?"

"No, not really." Jared and I shared an apartment for a year before I got married,
but I'm not sure family counts.

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"It isn't easy. People are… weird. And a lot of them don't like to pay up on due day."
She bumps into me when the trolley begins to move toward Tom Lee Park. It only
takes a moment for her to find her balance, and then she settles on the bench.
"Sorry," she says.

"Your lip ring is back."

"I wear a nude stud when I'm working." She grimaces. "Flesh-colored, I mean. The
clinic at SCO is strict, since it's a part of the school."

"Is it weird? Changing it out?"

"No, I've been doing it since my first visit home to see Charlie my freshman year of

"You hide it from your dad?"

"Not anymore." She stands when we come to a stop and follows Alice, Jasper, and
Felix off of the trolley and into the crowd. "He can be… protective, really
overprotective. So, yeah, I hid the piercing and the tats for a while."

"That must've been hard in the summer months." Long sleeves and humidity don't
mix, especially when the temps are boiling.

"It was a short while. The sleeves are recent. He doesn't care about the tattoos.
He has six." She glances at me and smiles. "It's the lip ring he hates."

We get separated at the gate, herded into two different ticket lines, but once we're
through security, she makes her way over to me before looking for the others.

"Here." She holds out a map with color codes for the different stages and the
schedule of tonight's performers.

The bands she wants to see are what I'd expect, for the most part. She likes good
music. We'll be together for most of the night, but I won't choose Hall and Oates
over Alice in Chains for her or any woman on this planet.

The lines are long for beer and for the portable johns. Once we have cold ones in
hand, we make our way across the park. We pass through a few skunk clouds
despite the fact that the boys in blue are out, heavy and patrolling the crowd.
They'll be busy tonight, guaranteed.

"Bella!" A petite, pregnant girl waves, and the rest of us stop when Bella does.
"Wow. I almost didn't recognize you."

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Her name is Bree, and from what I gather from the conversation, they went to high
school together and haven't seen each other since. Bree introduces her husband.
Bella introduces each of us, unfairly sucking us into this awkward, post-high
school vortex of small talk. It doesn't last long, though, and soon they're saying
goodbye and making plans to meet for coffee.

"Where did you go to high school?" I ask Bella on the way over to the Orion Stage.

"Immaculate Conception."

"IC? Are you Catholic?" It's hard not to picture it, her body in one of those uniforms.
Then I remember that I was married with a kid when she was in high school, and I
feel like a gross, old fucker.

"I'm not anything, and neither is Charlie." She looks over at me smiles.
"Overprotective, remember?"

"He sent you to a private school because he's protective?"

"Back in Arizona, his old partner's son was stabbed at school as retribution for a
cousin's arrest. IC is an all girls' school with good security and a nurse on

"I've heard the coursework there is insane."

"It was grueling, especially senior year. My physics class was a dual enrollment
with Christian Brothers University. It was college level and taught by a CBU


"That strong science foundation has worked out in my favor. I'm not complaining.
What about you? Where did you go to school?"

"White Station."

"Liam went to White Station," she says. "It's a tough school, too."

"It is if you're a transfer student there on academic performance. I didn't have to
qualify academically since I grew up in the neighborhood. I didn't have to qualify,
so I didn't. My brothers didn't have to qualify, either, but they both took honors
courses and worked their asses off."

"So you didn't do the college prep program?"

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"I didn't see the point." I glance down at the MFD logo sewn onto my hoodie. "My
first real bed was shaped like a fire truck. I spent most of high school daydreaming
about being a firefighter like my dad and brother. I've always known I'd end up

"But Paul is a cop. He works with my dad…"

"My other brother. Jared is the middle kid. He's four years older than me, two years
younger than Paul. He worked for Memphis back then. Now, he's out in

"That's really cool. I… uh…" She glances at me and then the ground in front of us.
"I'm sorry about your dad. I remember hearing about it on the news, and my ex,
Marcus, went to his memorial service with Charlie."

There was a sea of men and women in uniform there, and I shook hands with so
many people that the faces and names blurred together and are still muddled in
my mind to this day. I remember watching Paul deliver the eulogy, but I can't
remember a fucking word he said. The only thing that felt real at the time was
Mack's hand in mine.

I never know what to say when people bring this up. It's not something I want to
talk about. Ever.

"I need another beer. You want a Coke or something?"

She shakes her head, frowning and tugging metal between her teeth. "No. I've got
water." She motions to her oversized purse.

Jasper stays with me at the nearest vendor, and the others find a spot in the
audience, thirty people deep from the stage but center. We each buy two beers, so
we won't have to wait in line again for a while. Before we get to the crowd, we kill
the first two gulps of each beer. At $8 a pop, I'm not giving a drop to the ground.

Bella, Alice, and Leah dance in front of us all night. It's distracting but better than
the couples pairing off and getting romantic. We stand behind them, blocking them
from the pushy drunk people in the crowd.

Felix wants to ditch early to find good spots at the FedEx stage. Leaving before
the current band finishes is a good idea.

"We're going to get a head start," I say to Jasper. "Thanks for the tickets."

He waves me off, but before I can get away, Bella grabs my arm. "Are you coming

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tomorrow?" she asks.

"Yeah. You?"

She nods. "I'll see you then."

It doesn't sound like she minds. In fact, she almost looks pleased. The warmth of
her hand disappears, and she turns back to the band.

AIC plays longer than any of the other bands we've seen tonight. They're last on
the bill for this stage, and they don't shut it down until almost one. Felix is
shitfaced, and I'm not far from it. It hits me during the walk back over to Riverside
that I have no idea how Bella is getting home.

She drank water, so maybe she was the designated driver. If they decided to get
cabs and left her alone…

Felix flags one to take him to his place in Midtown. He gives me a weird look when
I climb into the cab after him.

"I need to check on something."

He nods and spends the ride to his apartment with his eyes closed and his head
leaned against the seat. The driver looks at me after Felix exits the car and shuts
the door behind him without a word.

"Are you two having a spat?" the driver asks.

"A spat?"

"Nevermind. If you're not staying, then where are you going?"

I should say Harbor Town. I need to take a piss and then sleep for a year. "Joe's at

"I know where Joe's is. It's almost closing time. You'd better not be dicking me
around, man."


He huffs and mutters under his breath during the two-minute drive over to Joe's.
Bella's truck is parked out front of her house, and there's a light on upstairs. I
convince myself it's hers, because that's the only way I'll be able to sleep tonight.

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Then I tell the driver to take me home.

A/N- Ghost River is a local beer, produced and distributed in downtown
Memphis. Try it if you ever get the chance. It's good stuff.

Thanks, Nic and Everyfreakingbody, for nominating this story over at The
Lemonade Stand. It's up for FotW if you'd like to vote for it. :)

Thanks for reading! See you soon.



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*Chapter 5*: Respite

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

I don't crawl out of bed until well after noon Saturday. Now that I've shaken off
work and caught up on rest, it's time for round two.

Jasper sends a text around four, asking if it's okay to park here. Traffic is jacked all
over downtown, and every lot is full. Alice and Bella are with him in the FJ when he
parks in the empty spot next to my car.

We're able to hustle over to the mainland and catch a trolley in front of the bus

"You're close to both of your jobs," Bella says, staring out the window at The
Pyramid. "I like Rum Boogie, but I miss being able to ride my bike to work."

"Did you work with Alice at Applebee's?"

She glances over at her friend, who's currently resting her head on Jasper's
shoulder. "No, I worked with Rosalie at Molly's La Casita."

Molly's borders Overton Square, so I can see how business may have slowed
enough for her to seek new employment.

"I haven't been to Molly's in years." It used to be one of my favorite restaurants
when I lived in Midtown. It was also one of Charlotte's favorites. I let her keep it
after the divorce, along with most of our old friends. In the end, it didn't matter
since she ended up deserting them, too, a few years later for her new husband
and his new job in Seattle.

"I could live off of their salsa," she says. "Have you eaten? We haven't, and I
promised Alice I'd have a drink with her tonight since Jasper is driving. I'm going to
need food."

"I had leftover fried rice for breakfast around one. I could go for some dinner."

There are long waits everywhere, so our choices are narrowed to Silky's or Rum

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Boogie if we want to make any of the good bands. It's nice having "ins" around
here. Jasper says he'd like to split a Diver. He'll have plenty of time to sober
completely by the time we're done tonight, so Bella and Alice agree.

Silky's is packed, but one of Jasper's perks as a manager is being able to seat
himself in the closed off section right behind the small stage in the courtyard.

"I can't believe I'm doing this again," Bella says. "I felt like shit for two days after the
last bucket you talked me into."

"I'll drink half of your share anyway, lightweight," Alice shrugs.

Jasper's buying, and he orders four straws and easy on the ice. There's a long
wait for the food, but that's to be expected on a night like this. We spend the time
talking about the music from last night and what we have to look forward to

Dinner comes out piping hot and delicious, as always.

"Do they always do that?" Bella asks. She points to the goats. They're sitting on
the ramp of their tower, eyes focused on our table.

"Only when they're thirsty," I say.

She looks at me and laughs. "What do they drink?"

"Water, but Kevin is lusting over our Diver."

The laughing stops, and her eyes narrow. "Why would your goat want our Diver?"

"Every now and then, we get a wiseass who thinks it's funny to let the goats have
a sip of their beer or margarita. Kevin can suck down an entire longneck before I
have time to walk from the gate over to the pen."

"That damn goat tried to eat the bottle the last time it happened," Jasper says. "I
had to wrestle it away from him."

"You guys are serious," Bella says. "You have an alcoholic goat."

"Two, actually. Fintan isn't as aggressive, but he'll still throw one back."

The drinking loosens her up enough to talk between bites. She's going to be
working tomorrow and almost every day next week to pay Angela back for
covering for her this weekend. Her regular days at the clinic are Tuesdays and

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Wednesdays until classes begin again in August.

My phone vibrates in my jacket pocket. I miss having the option of ignoring it, but I
try not to miss calls from Mack unless I'm working. It's Charlotte's name on the
screen, so I reject it. It's too loud for any kind of conversation on my end, anyway. If
it's important, she'll call back.

A second, shorter buzz sounds a minute later. It's a text.

We're flying in on June 2nd. Call me if you want the flight details. I need to talk to
you while we're in town. Maybe lunch?

The last time she needed to talk to me, it was to let me know that Mack was going
to be a big sister. Neither of us stayed for the meal that day. Whatever this latest
news is can surely be covered over coffee.

"Put it away, Edward." Jasper points to my phone. "It can wait until tomorrow."


Answering now is better than listening to her bitch tomorrow if I don't. Then I take
his advice and pocket the phone. "It's fine. I'll be back in a few."

I leave them at our table and take a temporary spot at the outdoor bar to catch a
smoke. Bella moved away from me and kept her distance every time I lit up last
night. I'm guessing she's allergic.

My jacket buzzes again.


Something is definitely up. That was too easy.

I catch Randall's attention and signal for a beer. The ice has started to melt in the
Diver, and that's when I'm done. There's nothing worse than watered-down liquor.

They're ready to go by the time I get back to our table.

"Are Jake and Leah coming tonight?" I ask Bella during the walk to the trolley stop.

"She's working today, but she said they would be here later before The Black Keys

"Where does she work?"

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"Molly's. She hooked up with Jake after a night of multiple Call-a-Cab daiquiris at
Willie's." She laughs. "God, that makes it sound bad when it really wasn't. They'd
known each other a long time. They'd just never been single at the same time."

Interesting. Maybe Bella was craving something bad the night she made her offer.

This time, we stay together and make it through security as group. The sun is
close to setting, paused at the edge of the river, waiting for Patti Smith to close
before it disappears.

Bella and Alice leave to get beer when the stage crew comes out to set up for
Dwight Yoakam. Everyone worth seeing is playing this stage tonight. When they
get back, Bella has two beers in hand.

"I hope Budweiser is okay," she says, holding one out to me. "There was nothing
local on tap."

"It's fine. How much do I owe you?"

"Just hit me back later."

She sips hers, making it last through almost the entire set. It's probably wise
considering the Diver earlier.

When the band leaves the stage the first time, she grabs my arm. "Come with

I nod and start moving through the crowd with her on my heels. Leaving before the
encore should mean less time in line. Instead of walking toward the beer vendors,
she leads me to the row of Porta Potties.

"Ugh. I can't believe this. So nasty." She stops in front of one, inspects the insides,
and turns to me. "Will you wait for me? I just need a second."

"Go for it." I'm surprised she's lasted this long. Alice has already made the trip

After a deep breath, she disappears inside, and the indicator on the door shifts
from green to red. I step out of the way but keep her stall in sight, taking
advantage of the opportunity to burn half of a smoke. I put it out as soon as she
pushes open the door and steps out.

The sleeves of her jacket are rolled up, and she walks over to me slowly, dragging
the bottoms of her black rain boots against the grass.

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"You don't even want to know what I think was on the floor in there." She shudders
and cringes, using sanitizer from her bag to cleanse her hands. "Do you want

I can smell the strange mix of berries and alcohol from here. "No, thanks."

We find a vendor with a short line and stand next to each other at the end of it for
a couple of silent, awkward minutes.

"How long have you worked at Silky's?" she asks.

"A couple of years."

After Mack moved away, I had time on my hands. Too much time on my hands.
Jasper got sick of hearing me bitch about it, so he put me to work.

"The fire department?"

There's no way to say this without sounding ancient. For some reason, a handful
of years feels like a lifetime between me and this woman. "Almost thirteen years. I
went to State Tech first to become a paramedic. Then, I went straight to fire

"Full speed ahead, huh?"

"I had a plan," I shrug. "What about you?"

"My plan was simple. Get away from Charlie for a few years while I worked on my
undergrad in Knoxville, and then move home for optometry school. Sounds easy,
right?" She glances at me for a moment but continues without waiting for an
answer. "Anyway. The freedom went to my head a little, and I almost lost my
scholarship during my second year."

"Partying?" Five guys from my graduating class lost scholarships at UT their first
year there.

"No." Her cheeks turn pink. "First boyfriends can be very distracting."


"Yeah. Anyway, I blew an entire semester, so it took me some extra time to
graduate. In the middle of all that, he found a new girlfriend. Then I met a new guy
with a plan of his own. We saved up for a while, and after graduation, we went to
Europe for a couple of months."

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"That's a long vacation."

"We had nothing better to do. I knew I'd have to buckle down for optometry school,
and I wanted to live for a while."

I'm not going to bother asking about the guy. He obviously didn't last through the
move back to Memphis. "How did Charlie like that? You on another continent?"

"He didn't. Not one bit. But he got over it. I knocked half of my bucket list off in one

"You had a bucket list at twenty-two?"

"I started it when I was nine."

I almost ask about her mother. Nine is incredibly young to have a concept of death
clear enough to make a list of the things you want to do before it finds you. She's
only ever mentioned Charlie and his overprotectiveness.

I decide against it since it's our turn to order, and that's a topic I'd like to avoid at all

She lets me buy her a beer to repay her. "You're pacing yourself much better than
last time," I say, pointing to the cup in her hand.

"I'm not kidding. I felt horrible." She stops walking and tugs the sleeve of my hoodie
to get my attention. "It was more than just the normal hangover crap." She looks at
her shoes. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"Not uncomfortable. Well, maybe a little." The ride home wasn't a relaxed one. "It's
not a big deal. I've seen Divers make people do much worse…"

She winces, and I don't even blame her. I get it. She has everything in the world
going for her. No reason to go slumming with some jackass who has an ogling

Her phone vibrates in her jacket pocket. It's Leah calling. They're here.

Bella looks around, describing where we are and giving her directions until she
and Jake come into view. We make our way back to the VIP section, which has
thinned some since its set change.

We make it through a few more beers and two bands before the rain starts with
errant drops, which quickly turn into a steady – albeit light – shower. Locals know

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to be prepared, so all around us, people don disposable ponchos, and the show
goes on.

We've been here for hours, and Jasper and I only have hoodies over t-shirts. He
loses patience, calling it when the ground softens to mud. "Let's go back to Silky's.
This is bullshit."

Jake and Leah decide to stay, but the rest of us ditch. There isn't a cab or trolley in
sight, so we fall in behind the other deserters and make the trek to Beale. This
time, we choose a table indoors, opting for warmth, recorded riffs, and nachos.

"You know of anybody wanting to pick up some extra cash this summer?" Jasper
asks. "Sam's kids get out of school at the end of the month. You'll be busy with
Mack. I may need an extra guy on speed dial."

"I'll ask around at the station."

"What's mack?" Alice looks between us. "Some kind of training or something? Or a
special team, like TACT?"

"What?" Jasper laughs. "How in the hell…? You know what? Nevermind. Mack is a
person." He glances at me to see if I'm okay with him explaining.

"Makenna is my daughter. She spends summers with me."

"Oh." Alice glances at Bella, but Bella is already focused on me.

I meet her stare, because if there's one good thing in my life, one thing I'm proud
of… it's Mack. After a few silent moments, she stands, nearly knocking her chair
over. "I'll be right back."

Alice follows her, and they disappear into the ladies' restroom.

Fuck it. Age seems like a small difference now compared to her reality and mine.

"Have Angela bring my check."

Jasper nods and signals her at the bar. I kill my drink and head in the opposite
direction, up the stairs and down the hall to the men's bathroom. It's the size of a
fucking broom closet, but it's better than pissing in a smelly portable.

Bella is waiting in the shadows, right outside the door. "I didn't want to like you,"
she says. "You were right about that." Her arms are crossed, and she's leaning
against the wall. "A couple of years ago, I overheard a conversation between your

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brother's wife and a girlfriend of another TACT guy at a softball game."


She nods. "It was none of my business, and I misinterpreted something I shouldn't
have been listening to in the first place."

There is a list of things Rachel could have said about me a couple of years ago,
most of them negative and true. She said them to my face, and I understand why.
Mack leaving affected her family, too, especially Jane. They're more than cousins.
They're friends. My entire family was crushed.

"I'm sorry." The cool metal of her ring is followed by soft lips against my cheek
where skin meets chops, and I know… I know I'm absolutely fucked. She confirms
it with her next word. "Friends?"

Her hand is extended between us, and I don't make her wait for my agreement. We
shake on it. "Friends."

"I expected you to smell like an ashtray," she says, walking backward toward the

"Do I?" Her words are offensive, but at least she's been thinking about it enough to
form an opinion. That's got to mean something.

"No." She lingers on the top step. "Warm bourbon." It takes me a moment to figure
out that she's waiting for me to come with her.

We walk down together, and the others are ready to go. We pay and then brace
ourselves for the cold rain before stepping out onto Beale. Jasper flags a cab
when it drops a couple of frat boys at B.B. King's. The driver doesn't allow riders
up front, so Alice sits on Jasper's lap, and Bella gets stuck between them and me.

She doesn't have much room, pressed against my side like this, and occasionally,
she smiles or apologizes. For me, the ride isn't nearly long enough. Her hair is
wild, curling over her shoulder and my arm, and she smells like fresh rain.

The cab driver idles in front of my unit while we unload and Jasper covers the fare.
Alice waits for him next to his car, but Bella stops to say goodbye. "Have fun
tomorrow," she says. "I hate that I'm going to miss it."

"Yeah, it should be a good time."

As the cab pulls away, the rain picks up again, and Bella lifts the hood of her

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jacket. "I'll see you sometime next week, I'm sure."

"I'll be around."

She waves and climbs into the FJ, and I'm left staring at taillights again in the rain,
convinced by a tiny kiss on the cheek that friends isn't nearly enough.

A/N- I'm sorry it took so long to update. December has been a doozey. After
the holidays, I'm hoping to get back to once a week updates. That's my
goal, anyway.

A few lovely Down Home readers nominated Mississippiward and his Bella
in 3 categories over at The Fandom Choice Awards. Thanks, y'all! If you'd
like to vote for them, you can do so until Jan 3. Love you guys for loving
them so much!

For those who celebrate, I hope you guys have an awesome, happy
Christmas! See you in January.


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*Chapter 6*: Stepping Out

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

"I'm surprised you aren't working for Jasper tonight," Jared says, turning into my
normal lot behind the forum.

"You texted first." My brothers get Red Birds season tickets every year. In a family
as big as ours, there is always someone to step in if one of them can't make a

Beale isn't nearly as loud or busy as it will be a few hours from now, but there's a
decent dinner crowd, considering it's Tuesday. We're running late because of a
bicycle flat tire emergency Jared had to handle for my nephew, Lee.

Bella steps out of Rum Boogie with a loaded tray balanced on one hand and two
beer mugs in the other.

Jared whistles under his breath. "That must be her."

"Told you, fucker."

The pink Rum Boogie t-shirt she's wearing is perfectly fitted over each curve and
slope. Her hair is wavier than normal, thanks to the humidity, and she's wearing
shorts instead of jeans. The tips of bold, red petals are visible on her thigh when
she walks, kicking my imagination into overdrive.

I can tell from her sleeves, she doesn't do junk. That's more than some random
flower growing on her leg. I want to know how high it climbs, if it wraps, touches
her ass…

She catches me staring and waves, smiling and keeping her promise of "friends"
from a few days ago.

We don't have a chance to chat since she's busy with customers when we reach
her corner, but she calls my name before we get to the end of the block.

"Are you coming back?" She fans her face with her trusty order pad.

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Jared looks to me for an answer. "I'm not the one with a wife at home," I shrug.
Putting it in his hands gets me off the hook if Kim ends up pissed.

"We'll be back after the game," he yells. She nods and waves before disappearing
around the corner. "I thought you said she hated you."

"Not anymore. Now, we're friends."

"Ouch." He fakes a sympathetic wince.

"She doesn't date."


"That's what she says."

"But we know she dated that Marcus guy."

"Do you want to get our nails done and talk about Bella's love life, or go to this
baseball game and have a few beers?" I'm tired of analyzing every little thing she's
told me. There was the first boyfriend her second year of college. Sounds like
Charlie didn't allow dating in high school. Mr. Europe must not have treated her
badly if she was still willing to give Marcus a shot. The path stops there. Marcus
must've fucked up somehow, and now the rest of us have to suffer.

"God, you're such a grumpy bastard."

The crowd is thick outside AutoZone Park, but we don't have to wait in any lines.
Budweiser, hot dogs, and nachos for dinner remind me of our old apartment and
simpler times when we both had girlfriends instead of wives.

He catches a foul ball during the fifth inning, and after the game, we stick around
to have it autographed by as many team members as possible. Our nephew, Alec,
plays baseball, and he's a huge Red Birds fan.

Jared tosses it into the air and catches it during our walk back to Beale. "This little
baby should score some points with the old lady. She hates shopping for teens,
but she also hates giving gift cards."

"What did you do this time?"

"Nothing, yet. I'll hang on to it until I need it… or Christmas, whichever comes first."

It's a little past ten, and Bella is nowhere in sight when we get to Rum Boogie.

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Benny is at the door, tapping out a beat to the music blaring from inside.

"Is Bella done for tonight?" I ask.

"Yeah, she checked out a few minutes ago, but she's over at Silky's if you need

"Thanks, man."

He nods. "No problem."

Felix is covering the gate across the street, and he waves us in after we flash our
licenses. Alice is working the outdoor bar, and Bella is seated on the stool closest
to the wall, eating a salad, and listening to the band. More than half of the tables in
the courtyard are empty despite the game and the earlier crowd.

"Time to introduce me to your friend." Jared slaps my shoulder and passes me,
walking straight for the bar.


He's going to embarrass the shit out of me, no doubt. That doesn't mean I have to
make it easy for him.

I catch up to him and slide onto the stool next to Bella's before he can. "Hey."

She looks up, surprised. "Well, hey. Did we win?"

"Yeah. Seven to four," I say, trying not to grit my teeth at my idiotic brother for
digging his elbow into my side. "Jared, this is Bella. Bella, this is my brother

"The fireman brother, right?"

"So you've heard about me. I'm the devilishly handsome, although weird, middle
kid," he says, flashing her with his signature smile.

"I almost mistook you for the modest one," Bella says, catching that silver ring with
her teeth to keep from smiling.

I have to laugh at the look on my brother's face. He's a likeable jackass, and most
people don't call him on it. She must be immune to his charm.

"Let me guess," Alice says, leaning forward with her hands braced on the counter

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in front of me. "Ghost River."


Jasper walks outside to check on the courtyard and make sure everything out here
is running smoothly. It is, so he joins us at the bar, shaking hands with Jared and
taking the seat next to him.

"Good game?" he asks.

We fill him in, and Jared shows off his catch. Bella takes the ball from him to look
at it.

"That's really cool that y'all waited around to get it signed for your nephew. Is he a

"Yeah. Alec loves baseball. He plays for White Station and a church team. The
kid's a badass. Paul started him in little league when he was four. I'll be surprised if
he doesn't get snatched up by the minors while he's in college."

"Wow." She glances over at Jasper and Jared. "Your family… You're pretty close,

"I guess." There are cookouts once a week at mom's house, when my brothers are
lucky enough to be off on the same night. They send text invitations, but I skip
most of the time unless it's someone's birthday or other special occasion.

Being around my brothers' kids is too much sometimes. The little ones cry and
babble. The older ones want to throw footballs or play soccer in the yard. The
teens complain and stay buried in their phones. My apartment is too silent and still
after spending time with them.

"When is your daughter coming?" she asks.

"The first week of June."

"How old is she?"

"Twelve. She'll turn thirteen in November."

"God help you." She shakes her head, pushes her bowl away, and turns in her
seat to face me. "Teenage girls are complicated creatures." The wicked twist of
her smile tells me she's speaking from experience.

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"I've heard some real horror stories from guys at the station."

"I bet you have."

Alice brings me another beer, and Jared orders a Coke for his second round since
he'll be driving home soon. Jasper invites all of us to stop by his team's tent next
weekend during the barbeque festival. Our conversation halts when a curvy
blonde in a sundress taps Jared on the shoulder and interrupts.

"It's too early in the night to be switching to soda. Why don't you let me buy you a

"Thanks, but I can't," he says, holding up his left hand and twisting his wedding
band back and forth. "It's stuck." Her lips turn up at the corner, and she angles
toward me. "You don't want him, either," he continues. "Trust me. He's moodier
than my wife."

Bella laughs, causing the rest of us to do the same. Blondie rolls her eyes and
walks away with a hand on her hip.

"He's right, you know." Bella nods in Jared's direction. "Tonight is the first time I've
ever seen you laugh."

That can't be right. Can it? "I laugh…"

"No, Edward, you don't. But you should. You have a very nice laugh." She looks
away quickly, checking her phone. "Shit. It's almost eleven, and I've got to be at the
clinic tomorrow morning at 7:30."

"I'll walk you to your tru-"

"I said get your hands off my fucking girlfriend. Now." Every head in the place turns
to the center of the courtyard where two college kids are bowed up, tensed, and
ready to go.

Felix catches my attention and nods, stepping away from his spot at the gate.

"Stay here," I say, putting a hand on Bella's knee for emphasis. I keep my eyes on
the one closest to me, easing past Jasper and across the deck.

"She's not your fucking girlfriend, asshole," the one closest to Felix replies.

The girl in question is on the other side of her arguing beaus. I try to keep an eye
on her, too, because it's not unusual for women to defend their men when alcohol

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is involved. This could get messy.

"What's the problem, guys?" Felix asks as he approaches. Before he can get
between them, a shoving match ensues.


The girl starts crying when we pull them apart and pin their arms behind their

"Who are you leaving with, sweetheart?" I ask. "Think fast, because I'm calling
MPD if you're still here in two minutes."

She looks between them and steps over to Felix. He releases her boyfriend, and
when she steps into his arms, all the tension leaves the man in front of me. "Fuck
that," he says. "I'll leave. Just let me go, man."

"That's sounds like a good idea." I let him go, and he gives the girl one long look
before walking away.

Felix escorts him to the gate, and I make my way back over to the bar. Bella is
standing next to her stool with her bag already slung over her shoulder.

"Let me walk you to your truck."

She looks up at me and then glances at the couple talking quietly across the
courtyard from us. "How did you learn to move so fast? I blinked, and you had him
locked down."

"Two older brothers. I learned self-defense the old-fashioned way."

"And I'm a TACT lieutenant's daughter. I know a few moves of my own. Stay and
have fun with your brother." She touches my arm. "I'll be fine."

"I've got to be at the station at eight. Jared has to get his kids off to school in the
morning. This will give him a chance to finish his soda, and when I get back, it will
be time for us to call it a night, anyway."

"You're not going to let this go are you?"

I shake my head.

"Lead the way," she says, waving her hand toward the gate. She waits until we're
out on Beale to continue. "It's very… chauvinistic of you to assume I need an

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escort to my truck."

"Hmmm. My mother called it manners when she was raising us."

She smiles. "Three sons. She's a brave woman."

"We didn't give her much trouble, and she got a lot of cute grandkids out of the

"I'm glad you had fun tonight," she says. "You should hang out with your brother
more often."

The game was cool, and I did have fun – at Silky's talking with her. "You seem to
think I never have fun."

We stop to wait on a passing taxi at Main and then cross to get to her lot. "Do
you?" she asks, stopping at her truck. "Tonight was also the first time I've ever
seen you smile. Well, a real smile. I'm not going to count the smirk thing you did
with the lap girl the night I met you."

"She was not in my lap."

"Close enough."

"Are you going to make it to Jasper's tent at the barbeque festival next weekend?"
It would be nice to spend more time with her without Beale between us.

"Angela might be able to cover for me one night. She's going to let me know
sometime this week. Will you be there?"

"I'm working Thursday, but I'll be there Friday and Saturday. It's a good time, and
his team is badass."

"I'll try."

I tap my watch. "It's 11:30. You'd better go."

"I'll see you this week, I'm sure," she says, opening the door to her truck.

"Maybe." Probably not, since I'm picking up as many shifts as I can at the station
until Mack gets here, but I won't rule out a beer at Silky's on my one night off if it
means I get to see Bella.

She waves and gets into the Explorer, and I wait to make sure it starts. Then I

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make my way back down my side of Beale to get back to my brother.

"She's hot for you," he says when I take my seat next to him back at Silky's.

"Shut up."

Alice has her back turned to us, but she's close enough to hear.

"Man, I'm telling you… I thought she was going to squirm right out of her seat when
you full nelsoned that guy. She's got it bad. All that flirting?"

"Let's go." I drop two twenties on the counter and pull him away from the bar by the

"See ya, Edward!" Alice waves, giving me a big, toothy smile to let me know she
caught every word.

"What is your deal?" he asks.

"That bartender is her friend, moron." He looks back at Alice long enough to wave
goodbye before we exit through the gate.

"Then she probably knows exactly what I'm talking about."

We walk to his car in silence. Jared is full of shit – he always has been – but he's
right about one thing.

Something was different tonight.

A/N – Happy New Year, guys! It's too cold here for this Southern girl to
think clearly, and I'm high on cold meds, anyway, so I'll just say see you
soon. Stay warm and well wherever you are.



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*Chapter 7*: Slow Dance

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

In Memphis, firefighters are also paramedics. They work as well in
ambulances as they do on fire trucks. :)

I listened to the "Best of Percy Sledge" album while writing this. I may
have played the song "Cover Me" about a dozen times.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

"I'm thinking about taking Mom with us to Heber Springs for a long weekend in
July. She and Rachel both say it's been too long. Do you want to bring Mack?"

"That sounds good." If Jane is going to be there, Mack will want to be there, too.
"Let me know when, and I'll start working on the time off. I'm taking on as many
extra shifts as I can until she gets here. I'll have a few favors to call in." I lean over
to tie my boot, clutching the phone between my head and shoulder. "I'm working
the bus today, so I've got to go. I'll talk to you later this week."

"Be safe, man."

Those words became the motto of our family long before my brother decided to
carry a gun for a living. Our mother would always say them to our father before he
walked out the door to go to work. I'm sure they were the last shared between

"You, too."

Working the ambulance is a busier day than sitting around at the station. The first
call comes five minutes after I clock in. I follow Renata out to her rig and wait for
her instructions. When you're covering for someone, it's best not to step on toes.

"You feel like driving?" she asks.

"Sure." She tosses me the keys and opens the passenger door.

The day starts with a possible heart attack, and ends with a fender bender and a
stretcher on Front Street. The calls are standard, time passes quickly, and at the

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end of my shift, every person I've met today is still alive. That's a good day.

Twelve hours at home means about six hours of sleep and then back to the station
for my regular shift. After a week or so, the days start to blend into each other, and
when I finally get a full 24 off, I crash so hard that the entire time is spent at my

Mack calls a couple of times, and the closer it gets to June, the happier she seems
on the phone with me. She's excited about seeing Mom and her cousins. And me, I
guess… although she doesn't come out say it.

The barbeque contest sneaks up quickly, and before I know it, I'm spending my
second day off in two weeks helping Jasper finish up the Silky's team tent the day
before the festival starts.

"Damn, dude. You look like shit," he says, setting up trophies from the last several
years on a table in the back corner.

"I feel like it, too." My neck and back are killing me, and I can't remember the last
time I had more than six hours of consecutive sleep. "If I can get through tomorrow,
I'm free for 72. I'll kick it off here Friday night. We should be able to toast at least
one win by then."

"Oh, we'll be toasting, alright. We'll be throwing down." He digs in the pocket of his
cargos and pulls out his phone. "You feel like lunch? Alice and Bella have a break
at one. We could pick them up and get something in Midtown…"

I haven't seen Bella since my brother made a jackass of me in front of her friend.
There hasn't been time between working and sleeping. "Anything but barbeque."

"Amen to that."

We're going to have more barbeque than we could ever eat of the next few days.
Jasper is staying on my couch until the competition ends. He'll be partying too late
and too hard to make the drive to East Memphis in the few hours he'll have free.

The other team members brought coolers and lunch. They're content to stick
around and finish up. Jasper doesn't want to lose his parking spot since he'll be
here well into the night. I offer to drive, because I need sleep soon. I've been
helping carry shit for him since nine this morning.

Traffic is heavier than normal, but we still make it with a few minutes to spare.

He sends a text to let Alice know we're here and parked across the street. Instead

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of stepping out to burn one, I stay in the car, chewing a stick of terrible, minty gum
and hoping I don't smell like an ashtray. Alice and Bella walk out a few minutes
early, and Jasper climbs into the backseat with his girl. Bella slides into the
passenger seat, showing a flash of thigh before she has a chance to adjust her

"Hey," she says. "Where've you been?"

"Working." I turn onto Madison and head toward Midtown.

"All week?"

"I think there was one night off somewhere in there."

"Molly's?" she asks. The red on her lips today matches the shade of her dress
exactly, and I can't see the stud, but I miss the silver ring.

"Sure." I glance at Jasper in the rearview mirror. "Molly's okay?"

"It's cool," he says.

Leah is working, and she seats us right away at a table near the back. Bella sits
next to me without hesitation and doesn't bother to open the lunch menu.

"Sweet tea and vegetarian enchiladas," she says, pouring salsa into the small
bowl in front of her.

"Like I couldn't have guessed that." Leah looks at Alice. "Large cheese dip, Dr.
Pepper, and shrimp tacos, right?"

Alice nods. "Right." She offers to split the cheese dip with us. Jasper and I have
been working in the hot sun all morning, so we opt for cold longnecks with our

Bella must have been well-liked here, because everyone who sees her makes the
trip over to our table to say hello and ask how she's doing. They leave us alone
once our food is delivered. She wasn't kidding about loving the salsa. She pours it
over her enchiladas and moans after her first bite.

I shift in my seat like some fucking sixteen-year-old kid trying to hide his boner in
science class. Everything about this woman sets me on edge. I stare at my plate
and count the number of times I chew each bite of my burrito. It helps keep my
mind off her noises and the way her teeth occasionally pull on the left side of her
lip, looking for metal that isn't there.

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"Are you going to be around tonight?" she asks. "Alice asked me to come to the
park with her to hang out for a while since Angela can't cover for me until

"I doubt it." I shake my head. "I've been going nonstop since I got off at 8, and I
have to work tomorrow morning."

"Oh. Yeah, you definitely need to go home and get some sleep."

"After that, I have 72 to recover, but I've already committed two nights of that to
him," I nod at Jasper. "Well, to the team really. I give them moral support in
exchange for free booze and food."

"He sells his soul to me the third week of May every year," he says.

"It's worth it."

"I've never been," Bella says. "I always heard that you could only eat if you were
invited by a team. Why bother if you can't eat? That's cruel and unusual

"Yeah, you're in for a real treat," I say. "Saturday night is the one you don't want to
miss. It's the close of the contest. Lots of celebrations. I wouldn't drive, though.
Parking is going to be impossible."

She nods. "I'll catch the Madison trolley to get there and then cab it home."

"Can I park at your house and tag along?" Alice asks her.

"Of course."

I like this plan. There's safety in numbers.

"What time should we plan to be there?" Bella looks at me for an answer, but it's
Jasper who replies.

"The gates open at ten."

He'll be there prior to that, but I plan to be hugging my pillow until well after noon
on Saturday, especially if Friday night turns out to be the party I'm expecting.

The ladies have to get back to the clinic to finish out their afternoons, so we pay
and leave. Bella looks surprised when I walk around to unlock and open the
passenger door for her and Alice.

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I shrug. "It's almost an antique."

"Yeah, but nothing sounds like a 302 engine," Jasper says, tapping the roof of my
car. "When are you going to sell me this thing?"

"Never." My dad helped me buy it from a used car lot when I turned sixteen. Not
even Charlotte could convince me to get rid of it. I don't know why Jasper thinks he
stands a chance. If I have my way, I'll drive it until the wheels fall off. Like he said,
nothing beats the sound of a 5.0.

"I've never driven a stick," Bella says, watching as I shift into second once we're
past the bulk of the traffic.

"Really?" I shake my head. "How is that possible?"

"Charlie isn't a patient man," she laughs, glancing over at me. "The one time he
tried to teach me didn't go well, so he bought me a used Tempo with an automatic
transmission. It was powder blue and hideous, but it lasted through my third year
of college." Her fingers trail over the shiny black dash in front of her. "I can't
imagine how well you must have treated this car for it to still look so… good."

"How's your brother doing, Edward?" Alice asks from the backseat. I catch a
glimpse of her small smile in the rearview mirror. Bella seems oblivious to the
nudge, so maybe Alice didn't share Jared's opinions with her.

"Fine, I guess. Haven't talked to him since last week."

"Is he going to make it this weekend?" Jasper asks.

"I doubt it. I think he's working. Paul said he might stop by, though."

"That would be cool," Bella says. "I haven't seen him in forever. How are the

"Grown. They'll be driving next year."

She shakes her head. "Wow. Time flies."

"I guess it does." I pull over to the curb across the street from SCO, and let the car
idle while the ladies get out and Jasper takes Bella's spot in the seat next to me.
He's not nearly as nice to look at.

"See you Saturday," Bella says.

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"Have fun tonight."

"Will do." She waves and crosses with Alice when the light changes.

I wait for the doors of the clinic to close behind them before pulling away.

"Does the age thing ever bother you?" Alice is younger than Bella by two years,
and Jasper is one year old than me.

"Why would having a 25 year old girlfriend bother me?" he asks. "The longest
relationship I've been in was with Maria, and she was six years older than me. I
don't give a shit about age." He takes one of the Marlboros from my pack. "Alice is
smart." He pauses to light it and crack the window. "She's quiet, and I don't know…
sweet?" He shakes his head. "She's cool."

"I wasn't judging, man."

"I know. You were overthinking. You have been for a while."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You like Bella, right?"

"This isn't high school, Jasper. It's not about liking her. It's complicated."

"You're into her. It's not that complicated."

"She doesn't date."

"A technicality. Give it time."

"You know why…" Bella may not talk to him, but Alice does. "Did Marcus… Did he
hurt her or something?"

"No, he didn't." He exhales and stares out the window. "It was nothing like that."

"But you're not going to tell me why."

"I don't tell your business, Edward." He doesn't. It's one of the things I appreciate
most about our friendship. When my life was falling apart, he listened and
consoled me with beer and food at Silky's more times than I can count. Unlike my
brothers and their wives, he didn't tell anyone the dirty details of my marriage's
demise. "I'm not going to try to pretend to know why women do the things they do."

I drop him off near the park entrance and head over to Harbor Town. Even though

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I'm exhausted and can't keep my eyes open, I can't fall asleep, either. Seafood
judging is tomorrow, so Jasper is doing a practice run tonight on shrimp and
halibut. Bella will be there. Beer and Bella and probably a dozen guys closer to her
in age and… everything else, too.

Sometime after four, I finally fall asleep.

The clock is glowing green in the darkness, 4:56, when I wake, only it's AM. Every
channel is running infomercials, so I slip out onto the porch to watch the sun come
up with a pack of cigarettes and my phone for company. For once, I'm early for
work, making coffee for everyone else as they drag their sorry asses into the

Two house fires and a complete evac of Booker T. Washington High School fill the
morning hours. The worst part of the day is a car fire on the Memphis end of the
Hernando Desoto Bridge. The calls keep coming, and we don't catch dinner until
after 9 or a nap until almost 3 in the morning.

By the time I get off at eight, I have to fight traffic since everyone is trying to get a
good spot for day two of the contest. Senna fits me in for a trim, making small talk
about how happy she is that Memphis in May is almost over. She's sick of the
traffic clusterfucks like the rest of us.

Between her shop and home, I kill a breakfast combo from Burger King. I make it
to my room, trying to ignore Jasper's shit all over my apartment, and then knock
out after shoving out of my boots.

It's dark outside when I wake up with a sore neck and dried drool on my cheek. My
stomach grumbles, upset that I slept through lunch. And dinner. There's a shit ton
of barbecue waiting for me at the other end of Riverside Drive, so I force myself
into the shower to get moving.

I don't feel like walking over to the trolley stop, so I call for a cab and then dress
quickly so I can be waiting by the gate when it arrives.

"Get me as close to Tom Lee Park as you can," I tell the driver.

"No problem."

He passes Riverside and turns on Front, instead. It's a smart move, since traffic is
at least moving in the right direction. When we get to Beale, he looks over his
shoulder. "This close enough?"

"It works." I pay him and exit the cab.

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It takes a while to get through the gate and make my way to the Silky's tent.
There's a huge crowd of people outside the Christian Brothers booth,
rubbernecking and trying to get a view of the pole dancers.

Jimmy Van Zant is playing the main stage, but I'm more interested in food than
anything else at the moment, so I keep going until the familiar green canvas comes
into view.

Felix spots me first, pointing and waving me over to where he's standing with

"I thought you were bailing on me, man," Jasper says, holding up a new second
place trophy. "We placed in seafood, yesterday."


He gives me a chance to sample today's goods: ribs with dry rub, chicken grilled
with Jasper's signature sauce, corn on the cob, and more shrimp than Forrest
Gump could put away. Tanya dishes up sides for me, piling on baked beans and

Jasper sits next to me while I eat, trying to break the sealer wax and fight the short
cork on a bottle of Black Maple Hill. At a buck twenty-five per bottle, this is the stuff
he reserves for special occasions, like winning a second place trophy in a field of
115 teams.

"Aha, fucker." He holds it out for me to breathe before pouring two fingers for each
of us.

This is one of the few bourbons smooth enough to enjoy without ice. It smells like
molasses and brown sugar, two of Jasper's favorite ingredients in his sauce. The
man knows his barbeque and his alcohol. It's sweet, like maple syrup with a tinge
of honey left on the palate after each swallow.

He invites Felix to join us, and the three of us kill the bottle over the course of an
hour, listening to the faint sounds of the band rocking down closer to the river.
Emmett is disappointed when he shows up a little after ten and there's barely a
swallow left. He introduces us to his new girl, Maggie, and her friend, Heidi.

Tanya produces a bottle of tequila from the largest cooler in the tent, and the party
kicks into high gear. Heidi seats herself between me and Jasper after a couple of
shots and a small plate of food.

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"You work with Emmett, huh?" she asks, flipping her long, brown hair over her
shoulder and angling toward me in her chair.


"Were you there the night Mags tried to set her apartment on fire?"

I glance at her friend again. It is the same girl, the nurse in the towel from a few
weeks ago. "Well, I'll be damned. I didn't recognize her with her clothes on."

Heidi laughs, leans forward to steal the shot glass from my hand, and downs it.
"Thanks," she says. She tries to return the empty, but I'm already digging in the
cooler next to me, looking for a longneck. I give her one, too, to prevent further

She's a nurse, like her friend, with an endless supply of funny stories about fucked
up things she's witnessed working at Methodist over the years. Emmett and
Maggie drag chairs over to get in on the conversation, because we see some
crazy shit when we're working as paramedics, too.

Jasper comes and goes, greeting members of other teams who stop by to chat
and showing off his trophy to friends from Beale who show up to see how things
are going. Tanya's husband, Jason, arrives, still in his MPD uniform, scaring a few
of the partiers who don't know him. He's a good friend of Paul's from my brother's
days working North Precinct before he was selected for TACT.

It's been a while since I've seen him, so I stand and make my way over for a
handshake to see how he's been. Heidi's glances are heavy on my skin, tugging at
that need buried deep down to touch and be touched. When she comes over to
invite me to leave with her, Emmett, and Maggie and move the party over to Club
152, I pause, staring at the exposed tanned skin of her neck, knowing how salty it
would taste if I ended the night with her back at my place. That's what she wants. I
can see it in her eyes.

But they're the wrong shade of brown.


Beale Street is the last place I need to be tonight, drunk like this, with Bella
invading my head.

"I'm whipped," I say, trying to let her down easy. She's beautiful and funny, and if I
weren't already so wrapped up in something impossible, I'd take her up on it and

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maybe even call her after the fact. "I've been working extra shifts for the last week,
and I have to be back here early tomorrow."

"Oh. Okay." She nods, faking a small smile. "Maybe some other time."


Tanya brings me another beer as I watch a perfectly good woman walk away
without even asking for her number. "Have another, loverboy," she says.

"What the hell am I doing?"

"Getting wasted."


Jasper and I stay until everyone else is gone and security is sweeping the park,
looking for stragglers. He babbles about missing Alice and wanting to go to Silky's
to say hi, but I hail a cab and tell the driver to take us to my place instead. Jasper
started celebrating long before I showed up tonight. He needs to pass out. There's
still one more day to go.

It starts early. Too much sleep on Friday means I'm wide awake and out of the
shower before the alarm on Jasper's phone goes off, echoing down the hall at
eight in the morning. I call for a cab and make coffee while he catches a shower in
the guest bathroom.

He takes a travel mug from me on our way to the door. "Black." He winces after a
small sip but nods. "Thanks."

"You going to make it?" I slap him on the back before locking up.

"I don't know, man. I'm getting too old for this shit."

"I'm going to remind you of that in a few hours when you try to pop a top."

He grins over the roof of the cab. "I'll stick with beer today and leave the hard stuff
to you, Iron Gut."

I don't feel nearly as bad as I should, considering how much I put away last night.
We have the driver drop us off a couple of blocks away from the gates of the park.
A few members of the team are already at the tent, firing up the coals. Tanya and
Jason are back with an insulated bag filled with hot breakfast burritos wrapped in
foil. A full stomach and a coffee refill take care of my only complaints.

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Bella and Alice wander into the tent a few hours later in time for lunch. Red might
be my new favorite color. It's on her skin, in the swirls of flames on her arm. It's the
shade of the loose, silky material of her tank. Her lips…

Jesus, those fucking lips.

Instead of following Alice over to Jasper at the grill, she walks in the opposite
direction and stops in front of my chair. "Hey."

"Good morning."

"Barely," she says, stretching on her toes and covering a yawn with her hand.
"Sorry. I overslept this morning." She points to the empty seat next to mine. "Can I
sit with you?"

I wave at the empty seat, and she sinks into it. "Tanya has a thermos of hot coffee.
Do you want some?"

She lifts her sunglasses, finally giving me the full effect; little to no makeup, eyes
like Tennessee whiskey, and tiny freckles across the bridge of her nose. "I had
some on the way here, but thanks. How did it go last night?"

"Crowded, but there was good food and even better booze, so it was worth it. How
was Beale?"

"Awful. Alice and I texted each other all night about how much we wanted to leave
and come down here."

"You should have."

"I know. I know. But there's this pesky thing called rent, and I have to pay it every

"I still can't believe you've lived here seventeen years and never been to

She stares at passersby in hog attire and costumes before looking at me again.
"Why don't you show me around, then?"

"We'll lose our seats." The tent is filling up quickly, since it's close to lunchtime.

She shrugs. "I'm okay with that."

"Give me a sec."

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I walk over to Jasper to find out what time the winners will be announced and
promise to meet him and the rest of the group over at the stage a few minutes

"How do you feel about hot wings?" I ask when we're finally away from the tent.

She pulls the sunglasses down and over her eyes again. "I love them."

We make our way toward the river, checking out tents as we go.

"Jared has a buddy on this team." I point to the Suspicious Rinds tent, and she
laughs at the Elvis impersonator greeting people at the entrance. "Laugh all you
want, but they took a third place trophy in wings Friday."

"Let's go," she says, tugging my hand to hurry me along.

She lets go when we get to Elvis and glances at me. "Is Mitchell in there?" I ask.

"Come on in," Elvis says. "He's back there somewhere."

We push our way through the partiers until I find my brother's friend. I congratulate
him on the win, and as expected, he offers us samples. Bella likes it hot, and she
puts away wings until her eyes are watering and her nose is running. I'm in the
same boat, only bottled water doesn't cut it for me, so I accept a longneck when
Mitchell's wife offers one. We sample their slaw and ribs too, and hang out for a
while. On our way out, Mitchell invites us back for the party later tonight.

"We'll try," I tell him. "Stop by the Silky's tent if you have time. We've got shrimp. If
I'm not there, ask for Jasper."

"You got it. Good to see you, man."

We still have a few minutes to kill, so I show Bella some of the larger tents, which
aren't really tents at all. Some of these teams are serious business and build two-
story collapsible structures that are decorated with team flags and memorabilia
with dance floors/party areas up top.

When it's time, we head over to the main stage for the crowning of the Grand
Champion. There's a general audience section in the back, but we head over to
the area reserved for the teams.

I flash my Silky's lanyard at the security guard and place my other hand on the
small of Bella's back. "She's with me." He steps aside, letting us through the gate,
and she doesn't move away from my touch even after we've caught up with Jasper

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and the rest of the crew.

The pork categories are more competitive, with more than 250 contestants in
each. Jasper is happy and gracious when he's called to the stage to receive an
honorable mention in the shoulder contest, and everyone cheers when the Sweet
Swine O'Mine team takes the championship.

It's hot and crowded when the awards ceremony disperses. Percy Sledge is
scheduled to take the stage later tonight, and his guys start moving equipment
around before we get to the gate.

Rosalie and her boyfriend are back from their trip and waiting at the tent with other
friends and fans of the team. An honorable mention calls for another celebration,
and Jasper pops the cork on a bottle of champagne while Tanya passes out
plastic glasses for a toast. It takes three bottles to make the rounds, but Alice
makes sure everyone is full before Jasper toasts the team, Silky's, and everyone
who came out to support them over the last few days.

We eat and celebrate until the sun begins to set and the distant rumble of sound
check starts.

"Are you going back for the concert?" Bella asks, pulling her hair back and twisting
a rubber band from her wrist to hold the ponytail. She's fanning herself with a
folded copy of the Memphis Flyer that someone left on the cooler next to our

"Yeah. We normally skip the drunks and sit down on the riverbank to listen, but I'll
go to the stage with you if you want the full experience."

"I don't care about that part. I would like to hear the music, though, and we're too
far away back here."

Several of the guys decide to stay behind to keep an eye on things and start
wrapping it up. Bella falls into step next to me when I follow Jasper out of the tent.
There are other people down on the bank, but there's room to sit and spread out.
The breeze coming off of the water is cool and refreshing after being in the hot sun
all day.

I'm finally introduced to Rosalie's boyfriend, Royce, and get to hear all about their
trip home while she fills in Bella and Alice on how she's spent her break so far.
Shortly after the sun disappears behind the Arkansas tree line, Percy takes the
stage, and the opening chord of "The Dark End of the Street" rings out, echoing in
the night.

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Song by song, we lose another couple to the moonlight. They've made a makeshift
dance area on the hard-packed sand just past the edge of the lawn. Bella sits next
to me, silent and staring at the ripples in the water with her legs bent and her arms
hugging them loosely.

"This is amazing," she says. "God, the view…"

The bridge is lit in the distance, and there are tugboats steaming in our direction.

"My friends and I used to drive down here when we were in high school. Before
this was a park, there were sand dunes here. We used to jump off of them for
kicks." I point to the left. "Those condos were a Holiday Inn. It was easy to get fake
IDs in the nineties. A guy in our class sold them for twenty bucks a piece. There
weren't as many cops on Beale back then. Hell, there were hardly any."

"I remember when the city added the substation and put the curfew in place."

"I was legal by then." She rests her head on her knees, facing me and watching
me talk. "We would pile into cars and ride the strip. Sometimes, we'd come early
and bring our boards. The art exhibits outside the Convention Center made great
skate ramps."

"You were a skater?"

"Hey, I can still ollie better than my fifteen-year-old nephew." Jasper may be right.
We may be getting too old for this shit, but I've got a few good tricks left in me.

Her lips turn up at the corners. "Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

"You didn't. I still have my old board somewhere in my mom's attic. It's beat up, with
decals of grunge bands peeling off the bottom of it."

"You weren't like your brothers," she says. Having met them both now, she can see
it already. They've always been clean-cut do-gooders, and I've always been the
wild card.

"I'm still not."

She stands, brushes the dirt from her jeans, and holds her hands out to me.
"Come here," she says. I let her think she's helping me up, and when she steps
closer, I rest my hands on her waist. "I like this song."

She inches closer until her chest is against mine and her head is on my shoulder.
It's the end of our conversation, but I'll take the silence since it comes with her

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arms wrapped around me.

We dance until the music stops almost an hour later.

"Thanks," she says when she pulls away.

I want to thank her. The last physical contact, real contact, I had with another
person is the kiss on the cheek outside the men's room at Silky's weeks ago. The
words aren't adequate.

"You're welcome."

It's the last peaceful moment of the night. When we get back to the tent, it's almost
closing time. The guests have to go. We've got a team of people ready to tear
down so we can get out of here before the park is locked down. Royce offers to
give Alice and Bella a ride back to Midtown. I hate to see her go, but I'm grateful
they won't have to cab it.

"Will I see you this week?" Bella asks, hanging back for a second while the others
wait outside the tent for her.

"I'm not sure yet. I might be picking up some extra hours. I won't know until

"Okay." She pauses at the exit. "Well, be careful, okay?"

"I'll try."

She steps outside, and Jasper starts barking orders. I tune him out and go through
the motions, helping where I'm needed and hauling crap to trucks parked on
Riverside. When it's all done, we finally get Jasper's FJ and take it back to my
place so he has a way home in the morning.

He doesn't say anything until I'm heading down the hall to crash.

"I told you, man. It's not that complicated."

And for the first time, I agree.

A/N – We take our barbeque seriously in Memphis. The Memphis in May
World Championship Barbeque Cooking Contest is ranked (by USA Today)
as America's number-one barbeque contest. Teams come from as far away
as Alaska and Norway to compete. The food is amazing.

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Thanks for reading!


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*Chapter 8*: In the Dead of Night

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Rachel leaves three messages over the course of as many days, and by Tuesday
night, I know I have no choice but to call her back.

"Hey," she says when she answers. "Took you long enough."

"I've been working."

"Uh huh. I heard that you're going to be off on Memorial Day." Only because no
one wants to give up the holiday pay and let me take their shift. I tried everyone I
could think of, because I knew this invitation was coming. "We're cooking at Mom's

"What time?"

"We'll have food ready around noon, but it wouldn't kill you to come early. Mom
bought a new basketball goal, and Alec is ready to take you on."

"He thinks he's ready. I have to work the night before, so I'll go to Mom's when I get
off and catch a nap there." I close my eyes and rest my head against the back of
the sofa. "Do I need to bring anything?"

"You can bring beer if you want. The rest is covered."

"Hey, Rachel?"


"Do you think you and Jane could pick up some new bedding for Mack's room?"
She's probably outgrown the character bedding we picked out together when I
moved downtown a few years ago. "I hate to ask, but I have no idea what to get,
and I know Jane would. I'll pay you for it when I see you."

"Sure. There'll be tons of sales this weekend, so she'll be all over a shopping trip."


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"See you Monday."


Since I have nothing better to do on a Tuesday night, I head over to Beale for
music and company. Alice is working the bar outside again, and Jasper takes a
break long enough to have dinner with me.

"I've got a stack of tickets for the Sunset Symphony on Saturday," he says. "You

"No, I'm on tomorrow through Friday and then again on Sunday."

"Do you want one?"

"Are y'all going?" I look between him and Alice.

She nods. "Yeah, and Angela needs tomorrow night off for some school thing, so
Bella is working for her. She's going to come with us Saturday." She grins, twisting
the cap off a longneck before setting it in front of me. "The kitchen is going to pack
up some sandwiches, and the weather is supposed to be good until around nine."

"Rain?" I ask.

She shrugs. "It is May," she says.

"I'll take a ticket, but I'm not making any promises. This is going to be a long week."

"Chris gave me plenty, so that won't be a problem," Jasper says. "He said the radio
station is going to get passes for the Summer Movie Series at The Orpheum again
this year. Look over the schedule when you have a chance, and let me know if
there's anything you want to take Mack to."

"I will. Thanks, man."

"You know I love that kid."

"I know."

He leaves us outside to check on the kitchen and make sure everything is still
running smoothly indoors.

"Are we going to get to meet her? Mack?" Alice asks. "You could bring her here for
dinner one night."

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"I'm sure you will. She loves the tamales. And Jasper." He's like a third uncle to
her, one who spoils her with food, hard-to-get concert tickets, and ridiculously
expensive birthday presents.


A few beers and few Kenny Wayne Shepherd covers later, I decide to call it a
night. "Tell Jasper I'm out," I tell Alice after settling my tab with her.

"Will do. See you this weekend," she says.

"I said I'll try."

She grins. "Right. See you this weekend." Alice is subtler than my sisters-in-law
but not by much.

It's not worth an argument. "See ya."

The nights are getting warmer, and with each passing week, the crowd of tourists
and partiers gets thicker on the streets. More people are walking or riding bikes,
but I catch the trolley to head home. Tonight is the last good sleep I'll see for days.

Wednesday morning dawns bright and early like a Monday, with too many calls
and not enough coffee. Thursday and Friday aren't much better, and by the time
Saturday morning rolls around, I feel like I've been working a month instead of a
few days.

It's a little after four when I wake, and after a quick shower, I text Jasper to let him
know that I'm on my way. He's waiting just inside the gates of the park when I
arrive twenty minutes later.

"You've missed most of Stax Academy's performance," he says. "They're wrapping
up now. The air show should be starting soon."

"Cool." I nod and yawn, trying to stretch my back some while we walk. "Who's

"Alice, Bella, Jake, Leah, Rosalie, and her guy… Felix said he may show up, but
we haven't seen him, yet."

They're spaced out on several blankets when we reach them. Bella and Alice are
near the largest cooler, the one I assume is from Silky's.

"Hey," Bella says, shielding her eyes from the sun to look up at me. "I was

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beginning to wonder if you were going to make it."

"I had to catch a nap."

She nods and waves to the empty spot between her and a large insulated bag.
"Have a seat. We've got Po'Boys. I saved an oyster one for you."


"No problem. Water or beer?"

"That's a silly question," Alice says. She reaches into the cooler and pulls out a
bottle of Ghost River. "Here."

A local band takes the stage after the Stax performance, and kids run around
dancing and chasing each other. They don't settle down until the first rumble of
vintage WWII planes sounds above us after the band closes.

We stretch out on our backs, leaning on our elbows, and listening to Jasper point
out each aircraft type. After he transferred from State Tech to U of M, he double
majored in history and marketing. Silky's was supposed to be his college job until
he could graduate and get a teaching gig. But like so many others who only intend
it as a stop, Jasper fell in love with Beale and the lure of money and music.

"My grandfather was in the Air Force during the war," Bella says. "Charlie has a
couple of airplane models they built together."

"My granddad was in the Navy," I reply. "That's how we ended up here. He was
stationed in Millington when he retired. He's got models of warships all over his
man room."

"Your grandparents are still alive?" she asks.

"I'm not that old." I shake my head and grin. "They celebrated their 60th wedding
anniversary last year."

"I didn't mean it like that. My mom's parents died before I was even born, and my
dad's have been gone since I was a teenager."


"Your family is kind of amazing."

"If by amazing you mean intrusive, demanding, and sometimes embarrassing, yes."

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She laughs. "Charlie has all of those things covered on his own."

We sit up when the air show ends. The orchestra has already taken the stage,
and the sun cooperates by sinking slowly while they play. Bella pushes her
sunglasses up onto her head, pulling back her hair in the process. I try not to be
obvious about staring at her, but she catches me a couple of times.

The grand finale is "Ol' Man River," and even though James Hyter isn't around to
sing it anymore, the sentiment is there. At the close, booms echo from Mud Island,
and fireworks fill the sky, decorating the air between us and the stars with bursts of
red, white, and blue. All around us, people stand to give due recognition to the
symphony with applause and to gaze at the display. At some point, Bella's arm
grazes mine, and when she shifts away, I move closer to get that contact back.
She turns to look at me, searching my eyes first and then glancing at my lips.

Before I can lean in, Royce drops to one knee a few feet away and holds a
diamond ring out to Rosalie. Bella jumps away like she's been burned as Rosalie
nods and he stands. They kiss, and I turn, gathering empties from the ground and
putting them into the plastic sack we've been using for trash.

Bella helps Alice gather blankets and fold them, staying as far from me as possible
without being obvious about it. She was going to kiss me. Everything was there…
Her whole body wanted it.

Before I can figure out what to say to her, the rain starts with a flash of lightning
and the crack of thunder a few moments later. We rush through gathering the rest
of our stuff, and before we split up, Rosalie yells in the melee.

"Come back to our place. This calls for a celebration!"

Bella looks at me, and I shrug. "I don't have any plans."

"Okay," she says. "I'll ride with you to show you the way."

Alice and Jasper leave with them, and Bella runs next to me until the ground gets
slick near the slope of the hill. We climb the stairs, stuck behind dozens of families
and drunk college kids, all trying to get to the safety of cover.

We're soaked when we finally get to my lot. "Can we stop by my place for a
second?" she asks, watching me unlock the door. "Rosalie lives close, and I'd like
to change into some dry clothes."


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I can stay in the car while she goes inside to peel off those wet jeans. No problem.

What's normally a ten minute drive takes a half hour, and it's almost ten by the time
I park in front of Bella's house. The windows are dark, and the twinkle lights are off
tonight. One muted porch light shines next to the front door.

The rain has slowed to a fine mist, and there's a chill in the air that's been missing
for weeks. I park on the street in case her roommates come home while she's

"I'm sure I have a t-shirt inside that will fit you," she says.

"No, thanks."

"It's not my ex's if that's what's freaking you out." She pauses with her hand on the
door handle. "It was a dirty Santa present from the Christmas party at Molly's last

I follow her out of the car, because that's a much better scenario than wearing
clothes that belong to some guy I don't know. She rushes ahead of me, shivering
with her arms crossed in front of her.

"I swear the weather in this town drives me nuts." She shakes her head and turns
her key in the lock. Bub meets us at the door, purring and weaving between Bella's
legs when she flips on the light in the living room. "I had a jacket with me, but I
think I left it in Alice's tote like a genius. I hope it's not lost." She walks to the
bottom of the stairs and looks at me. "Come on up. I'll get you that shirt."

There's only one door at the top of the stairs. She opens it and flips another
switch, lighting what must be her room. It's huge, with a queen-sized platform bed
centered against the far wall with small, black cube tables on each side of it. The
wall behind it is decorated with four framed prints; charcoal drawings of familiar
spots downtown arranged in a square.

There are two doors on the left side of the room, a bathroom and a large walk-in
closet. She disappears into the closet, and I pull the wet cotton over my head and
then use it to wipe my hair and face. While she's busy, I step closer to her bed,
trying to get a better look at the pictures.

"These are really good." My favorite is the one of The Orpheum. It was built in the
20s and belongs in black and white with haunting grays to fill in the cracks.

"Thanks," she says, still lost in the depths of her closet. "Sasha did them. She
studies at Memphis College of Art."

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I'm lost in the image of The Omni New Daisy Theater when I feel her fingertip
brush against my left shoulder blade.

"This is really good, too," she says, dragging her skin against mine, down to my
lower back, outlining my ink with her touch.

Before I can answer, her other hand settles at my waist just above my jeans, and
her lips press against my back. My eyes close, but other than that, I don't move at
all. Still and silent, I breathe and feel. Each tiny kiss builds the need to touch and
take. "Bella…"


I turn to face her, surprised by the dazed look she gives me. It's a want like mine,
and she stares at my lips for a beat before stepping forward. "You're beautiful," she
says. Then she kisses the ribbons of black and red on my chest, and my arms
surround her to bring her closer, to feel the rest of her.

"Not even close."

"You are." She leans her head back to look me in the eye.

I'm beat up and worn down, more helpless in this moment than I have been in
years. Like she can feel that, she rests her palm against the spot where my heart
is pounding, betraying the calm on the outside.

I asked her once if she kissed. She answers my question by leaning up onto her
toes and pressing her lips against mine. It's soft at first, until I bring my hand up to
rest in her hair. Then she slides both hands over my ribs and steps closer until her
palms rest on my back.

"Kiss me." She whispers the words, and I comply, anything but gentle when I suck
that lower lip between my teeth, pulling at the ring I've been dreaming about for
weeks. She hums, relaxing when my tongue slides against hers.

She pushes me with her body until the back of my calves hit the bed frame. Her
hand tugs at the front of my jeans, and she fumbles with the button and the zipper,
but I don't give her time to push them down. She's still fully dressed, only she must
have ditched the rain boots in her closet.

"I don't think we're going to make it to Rosalie's," I say, turning her and helping her
down onto purple, silk bedding.

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"Shame." She leans back, unbuttons her own jeans, and I help her out by tugging
them away from her body.

"Jesus." Barely there maroon panties with pink lacy edges and a tiny white bow
leave little to the imagination.

I was right. The flower on her right thigh is one of several adorning a twisting,
ornate perch. Buried in the blossoms and deep green leaves is a huge blackbird
with wings slightly stretched across her skin. The tat ends high on her waist and
curls over her hip disappearing from view, but I can tell it does touch her ass.

"This is beautiful." I touch the bright red flower and then lean down to kiss it. Her
breath catches, and she buries her hand in my hair. I start with the tip of the petal
that teased me so mercilessly a couple of weeks ago and let my tongue trail along
the outline, stopping to drop another peck on her skin before moving to the cotton
that covers another secret I want to unveil. She squirms on the bed when my lips
press hard against the fabric.


Stone-cold sober, she wants this. So I don't hesitate to pull the material down and
away from her body. I push the backs of her thighs with my palms until her legs are
spread and bent, picking up where I left off. She's natural, with a small trimmed
triangle of hair. I kiss it first, and her breath catches. If it's been a while since she's
kissed, it's probably been longer since she's been kissed.


She sighs, bringing her hand to my hair again when I shift on the bed and move
my lips lower. She's good and wet already, and she'd change her mind about my
disposition if she could see the smile I have buried in her flesh right now.

Instead, she keeps her eyes closed and her head pushed back against the pillow
with one hand on my head, guiding me and showing me what she likes, and the
other teasing her nipple over the material of her shirt.

My hips graze the bed when I catch sight of that.


There's nothing sexier than a woman who knows what feels good and isn't afraid
to make it happen.

When her legs start to tremble, I suck her clit into my mouth and give her two

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fingers, sliding them in slowly and picking up the pace when she shifts against my
mouth. I'm rewarded with a rush of warmth on my hand and a whispered, "Fuck."

I lick my lips, because I plan to kiss hers while I fuck her. She tastes like woman,
clean but not perfumed or fake. There's still a small, satisfying tremor in her legs
when I turn my attention back to her colored thigh and brush my lips over it one
more time for good measure.

Her chest is heaving as she watches me reach into my back pocket and then toss
my wallet on the bed next to her. I learned a long time ago not to trust a woman
with birth control - no matter how beautiful and intelligent she might seem. No
matter how sweet the pussy is.

No matter what.

"Do you want to catch the light?" she asks.

"No, not at all." I want to see her naked and watch her face when I make her come

I have to sit down next to her on the bed to get my boots off, and she rises onto
her knees behind me and teases the back of my neck and ears with her tongue.
"You're making it really hard to concentrate."

I feel like a fumbling teenager when I stand and push my jeans and boxers over my

She stares at my chest again and slowly lets her eyes move south, sucking her
ring in with a sly smile when her eyes settle on my dick. "What?" I ask, fumbling
with the hem of her black cotton tank.

"Nothing. I'm just surprised." I tug the shirt over her head and stare at pink lace
hems that match the frilly underwear I tossed onto the floor. "Pleasantly surprised.
Usually the reputation and the package don't add up. In your case, it does."

There are metal circles outlined behind the material covering her tits. "Are your
fucking nipples pierced?"

"Come and find out."

She pulls me down on top of her, pushing her tongue into my mouth and gripping
my back with her nails. I manage to get a hand between her body and the
mattress. It takes a minute to get the clasp of her bra to cooperate with my shaking

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It finally pops open, and I pull back to uncover her. The source of blue and green
on her side is a dragonfly. It's different than all of her others, softer, almost sweet.
A few inches away from the tip of its tail, a scar begins. It's a cream colored line
that stretches from the center of her rib cage, beneath her tit, across the entire left
side of her body.

Her father's partner's kid was stabbed

Rage boils under my skin for a moment, and I have to close my eyes to swallow it

When I open them again, I look closer. It's not jagged or sloppy. If anything, it's
precise. She catches me staring, fear and uncertainty raging in her eyes. There
are a million questions tumbling in my head. My first instinct is to stop and ask one
of them… make sure that she's okay. But the last thing she wants is to be treated
like she's breakable. Pieces of her puzzle, of our conversations, click into place.

It doesn't answer everything, but it's a start.

And it doesn't change a fucking thing.

"Do you have any idea how fucking sexy this is?" I ask, leaning down to take her
nipple in my mouth. Her tits are perfect, plump and sensitive, and decorated with
sterling silver bead rings. She wiggles beneath me, and when the tip of my cock
touches her slick pussy, I know I have to slow down. At least until we're covered.
Then, all bets are off. "You've been driving me insane since the moment I saw

"At this point, I'm a sure thing," she says, fumbling for my wallet.

"Hey." I catch her hand and bring it to rest between our chests. "Look at me." She
turns her head, glancing up at me. "You're fucking gorgeous." I bring her wrist up
to brush my lips over the palm of her hand. "You have no clue how hard it was to
walk out of this house the last time I was here."

"I'm pretty sure it was harder to watch you leave."

"You didn't like me much. And you were drunk."

She nods. "I know."

"You're sober now."

"I am." She slides her hand down my chest and over my abdomen, turning her

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wrist to catch my cock with her fingers.

"Dammit." I thrust without meaning to, coating her palm with sticky proof of how
much I want her.

My patience hangs by thread. Her hand feels good, and even though I know in my
head her pussy will be even better, I also know it means stopping long enough to
wrap it.

"Fuck it." I sit up on my knees, and she watches with a smile while I tear open the
condom and roll it on.

She reaches for me when I settle over her, spreading her legs wide on her own
this time, welcoming me. I watch her face when I push inside and then bury my
face in her neck, retreating a little before giving her more.

She pulls my head up by my hair to kiss me again, pulling her knees up on either
side of me at the same time and taking me all the way. Her tiny moans are
breathless between kisses, and she doesn't object when I catch her knees with my
forearms to change the angle, to hit even deeper.

Her eyes close, and her head falls back against the pillow. I can see her working
the ring in her lip, biting down on it to keep from crying out.

Fuck that.

I want to hear her curse and come and say my name in the process. I relax my grip
on her legs and pull her up with me when I move to my knees again. She wraps
her legs around my waist with one hand on my shoulder and one behind her on
the bed for support. Between the nipple rings in plain sight and her working her
body against mine, I'm running out of time.

She's found her rhythm, so I give up the grip on her shoulder to move my hand
down to touch her. My thumb on her clit is what she needs, circling… pressing…

"Hell, yes." She trembles and loses her momentum. "Edward."

There it is.

When she's coming down, I move my hand and wrap both arms around her,
moving her hard and fast until I can't hold back anymore. Lost in the warmth, the
sweat, and her arms loosely clinging to my neck, I push forward, putting her on her
back again. Her hands flatten against the wall behind her head, using it as
leverage to meet every stroke.

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I have to fight to keep my eyes open when I come, but I do. Seeing her lips, red
and puffy from the stubble around my mouth enhances the rush, making it more
than just physical satisfaction. I collapse on top of her, resting my forehead on the
pillow beside her tangled hair. It takes a minute or two to catch my breath.

She presses soft kisses on my neck, while I try to sort the spinning in my head. My
weight can't be comfortable for her, so I move as soon as I've got it together.

"I'll be right back." After a moment of hesitation, I kiss her chin and get up to walk
to the bathroom. I catch sight of her, gripping the sheets to her chest and staring at
my ass before I close the door.

I flush the rubber with what feels like a gallon of piss but pause to check out the
antique clawfoot tub and a plain white shower curtain with the words "Excuse me
while I whip this out" printed in black in the center. The Blazing Saddles quote
seems out of place in an otherwise magazine spread-worthy bathroom. At least
she has a sense of humor buried in all of that seriousness and focus.

"Nice shower curtain," I say when I open the door.

She smiles and stretches her arms into the air above her before tucking them
behind her head to support it. "Thanks."

I grab my boxers from the floor and pull them on. I'm not sure if she's still naked
under the sheets, so I slide in next to her to find out. There's only warm skin
against my side.

We're silent for a few moments, neither of us sure of what to say. Body language is
so much easier than spoken words. "Will you tell me what this is?" I finally ask
turning onto my side and letting my finger graze the long scar across her torso.

She sighs, looking at the ceiling above us. "That's a submammary surgical scar. I
was born with a lovely little issue called Ebstein's anomaly. It's a congenital heart
defect. I didn't have any trouble with it until I was nine. We didn't even know it was
there until then."

"What happened?"

"It started with shortness of breath on the playground. I was tired all the time.
Charlie took me to the pediatrician, who then sent us to a specialist. My tricuspid
valve was leaking blood into my right ventricle. That's how we ended up here."

She finally turns her head to look at me. "The surgery?"

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"Yes. There was a team of doctors at Le Bonheur, specializing in repair instead of
prosthetic valves. Charlie thought one surgery would be better than several."

"Is this why you didn't have a boyfriend until college?"

"Not really," she says. "I didn't really have a chance to meet boys during high
school. Charlie never let me go anywhere or do anything." She shakes her head.
"That's not fair for me say. I waited a long time to say yes to anyone, even after I
moved away. Maybe this had something to do with it. I don't know…"

"I didn't mean to pry."

"Men have pleasantly surprised me through the years. They've been much nicer
than other women."

"What do you mean?"

"I went to a sleepover once in junior high, and a few of the girls called me
Frankenstein. The scars were much brighter back then. It takes time for them to
fade." She reaches up and points to a spot on her neck beneath her ear. "You can
barely see this one now." She's right. If she hadn't pointed out the small patch of
raised skin, I never would have noticed. "I covered these," she says, pointing to
silver bolts tattooed on each side of both of her wrists.

They were so cleverly entwined in the sleeves that I never would have guessed
their designated purpose. A wordless fuck you to every mean little girl who ever
called her a monster.

I trail my fingers over the tat on her thigh. As much as I like the sleeves, this is my
new favorite. It's pure, uninterrupted, and obviously significant.

"What is this?" I ask. I don't mean the bird or the flowers. I want the whole of it.

"This one was actually my first. I got it my second week in Knoxville. I don't
remember much about my mom, but she played The Beatles White Album every
night on an old record player to help me fall asleep when I was little." She turns
onto her side to let her cheek rest against the pillow. "Did you know that in
classical mythology, scarlet poppies were a promise of resurrection after death?"

I inhale and shake my head, pushing away what she might be trying to say.

"I died on that table. For four and a half minutes, I was gone. Don't ask me where,
because I don't remember. But every minute I've had here since has been
borrowed time. The blackbird… It was a promise I made, to really live and do all

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the things Charlie wouldn't let me do after my surgery."

"You can't really blame him for wanting you to be safe," I say, tucking her hair
behind her ear. Even the thought of something happening to Mack is enough to
drive me to insanity.

"I blame him for a lot of things." She pushes my hand away and nudges my
shoulder. "Turn over. I told you mine. Let me see your back again."

I roll over to humor her. "It's nothing deep or meaningful like yours." It's the dream
of a kid who hadn't really touched the world yet or seen how unforgiving it could
be. "I got it after graduation from fire school."

"Stop," she says. Her hand is at work again, and I can imagine her studying his
face. "It makes perfect sense. Gargoyles are protectors… guardians."

My father hadn't been so easily impressed. "That's nice, son. But we're not made
of stone, on the inside or out. You're human. Remember that when you're forced
to make the hard calls. Only you know what you can live with."

"I got it when I still believed in heroes."

She changes the subject by asking about the flower on my neck. "I see you have a
flower of your own."

"It's a Chrysanthemum, Mack's birth month flower. I've had it since she was a

"I like the… distortion of it."

"My brothers would've never let me live it down if I hadn't toughened it up a bit.
Pretty wouldn't fit."

She stiffens when I touch the dragonfly, so I don't ask about that one. "I need a
minute in the bathroom, too," she says. She stands and finds her underwear first.
Then she grabs a huge black t-shirt from the floor. I assume it's the one she meant
for me to wear before we got sidetracked. I stare at her back, a blank canvas of
ivory skin, untouched by needles or scars. It disappears when she pulls the tee
over her head. "Be right back."

She catches the overhead light on her way, but then leaves the one in the closet
on. I let my head fall back against her pillow when the door closes. The image of
that thigh tattoo is burned behind my eyelids. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to think
of anything else again.

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So much of what she's said makes sense now… It explains the attitude with the
smoking, and it's probably the reason she drinks rarely and in moderation. Of
course Charlie wanted her to go to a school with a registered nurse on the payroll.
I try to imagine the feisty girl in that bathroom bending under his scrutiny and rules.

I bet she gave him hell.

I doze off, smiling at the thought. Later, I feel Bella's fingers on my cheek, rubbing
the apple so she can touch skin. Without opening my eyes, I pull her closer and
fall deeper into the night.

At some point, the soft bed underneath me turns hard and unyielding. It's a cold,
metal examining table. Bella is still stretched out next to me, only her eyes are
open, dead, and empty beneath a fluorescent light. Her head turns in my direction,
but the face changes, and it's my father staring back at me.

"Tell your mother I love her. No regrets."

I sit straight up in bed, and it takes my eyes a few moments to adjust to the
darkness of the room. The moon is bright enough to make out Bella's sleeping
form a few inches away. I don't want to wake her, so I lie back and take her hand in
mine. My fingers find the pulse on her wrist, and I rest them there for the
reassurance that she's still here. Still breathing and dreaming, hopefully something

The pale line beneath her tit looks silver and softer, and I have to push away
thoughts of the table from my dream and my father's ashen face.

Minutes tick by, and my heart rate eventually slows to match the one beating
beneath the pad of my pointer finger. I let her go and shift quietly off the bed to get

It's half past three according to the clock on the table next to her bed. I should let
her sleep. I get to the door, but I can't make myself turn the knob without at least
saying goodbye. This isn't some fuck and run, not in the traditional sense anyway.

I walk around the bed and kneel next to her on the floor.

"Bella." She stirs but doesn't open her eyes. I try again. "Bella."

She blinks slowly, taking a moment to focus in the dark. "Hey," she says.

"Hey." I reach out to push her hair behind her ear. "I have to be at work in a few
hours, so I'm going to go, okay?" She nods, closing her eyes again. I lean over to

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kiss her forehead, and her arms come up around my shoulders in a gentle hug. I
squeeze back, praying she doesn't think this has anything to do with her. It does,
but it doesn't. "I'll see you this week."

"Okay," she mumbles, burrowing under the covers.

She's asleep before her bedroom door closes behind me. A small lamp is on in the
corner of the living room, so I don't have any trouble finding my way out. I turn the
lock on the inside, and pull the front door shut as quietly as possible.

I make it to the car and start the engine, letting it idle for a moment while I get my
shit together. Or try to. My hands shake, making it difficult to light a cigarette, but I
manage. And during the drive back to my place, I fight to think about that bright,
lively tattoo on Bella's thigh instead of the scar above it that nearly killed her.

A/N – I suck at the shorter chapters/faster update thing. I'm sorry. I'm
hoping RL will settle down soon. I love you guys for sticking around.

Hope y'all are staying warm out there.


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*Chapter 9*: By Myself Tonight

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

I skip the nap I'd planned for Mom's house Monday morning. She's got hot coffee
waiting for me and a list of things she needs me to do before the rest of the family
invades in a few hours. There are a couple of light bulbs that need changing
upstairs and a few storage tubs that she wants moved to the attic.

The grass is tall. Jared and Paul take turns cutting it for her since they live closest
to her. She's doing alright since Dad died. Their house had already been paid off,
and her only real bills are utilities. Her salary is enough for her to live comfortably.
But my brothers and I agreed to take care of everything we could for her to make
sure the life insurance money can stay in the bank in case she needs it later. That
includes cutting lawns, fixing pipes, and cleaning gutters.

I drag Dad's old ladder out of the storage shed in the backyard. The gutters look
the worst, full of dried brown leaves, bark, and sticks. It smells terrible, and the sun
on the back of my neck isn't helping.

When that's taken care of, I decide on my own to tackle the lawn. I'm guessing
Paul was the last to use the mower, since the gas tank is full. Jared has a bad
habit of leaving it empty. It used to piss me off when we were kids.

My MFD t-shirt is soaked through, and I have bits of grass stuck to my arms and
clothing an hour later, but her yard looks perfect. Exactly the way Dad kept it. The
rest of the family should be here soon, so I head inside to catch a quick shower.

Mom is waiting for me at the back door. "Thank you," she says. "You didn't have to
do all that."

I just kiss her on the cheek as carefully as possible, trying to keep the sweat and
dirt off her. I wish she wouldn't thank me. I feel bad enough as it is, leaving my
brothers with the bulk of the responsibilities when it comes to her. It's not like I
don't owe her. And them.

"I'm going to take a shower."

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She nods and disappears inside the pantry. The bedroom that used to be Paul's is
a spare now, and Mom keeps extra clothes in a variety of sizes, all the way down
to 3Ts for Jared's youngest. I find shorts and a tee that will fit, and take them with
me into the bathroom.

It's a good thing, because Jane and my other niece, Elaine, have taken over the
bedroom by the time I'm done. They've got plastic looms and colored rubber bands
spread across the bed.

"Hey, Uncle Edward," Elaine says.

"What's up?" Jane nods.

"Where are your dads?"

"Out back," Jane says.

"At work." Elaine frowns. "He's working almost every holiday this year."

"I'm sorry." I remember feeling that way a few times when I was a kid.

She shrugs, and they go back to making bracelets. "Mom is downstairs with the
others. It's cool."

Kim is changing a diaper on the living room sofa, so I skip conversation with her
for the moment and make my way to the kitchen instead.

"Hey," Rachel says. "The yard looks good. Did you get a nap in?"

I shake my head. "Nah. I'm good. I got some sleep last night at the station."

"Alec is waiting for you out there."

Paul is warming him up in the driveway, dribbling and edging around his son to
shoot a nice 2-pointer. Alec isn't far from being taller than his father, but he's got a
way to go before he catches up with me.

"Nice shot," I say.

Alec catches the ball and tosses it to me. "Dad isn't as bad as I thought he'd be.
For an old man."

To put him in his place, I toss another 2-pointer and sink it. "The advantage of age
is experience. This is how it's done."

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"21?" Paul asks, holding the ball against his hip.

I lean over and put my hands on my thighs. "You're on."

We're at 18 and 17, my favor, when Rachel comes out to ask why he hasn't started
the grill yet. "Hang on, babe," he says, trying to get around me.

She pops the top on one of those nasty beer margarita mixes. "Who's winning?"

He grunts, and she smiles. I'm not above using the distraction to my advantage. I
steal the ball from him and take it to the back of our designated court and toss it. A
clean 3-point shot ends the game.

"Nice." Alec bumps his fist against mine, earning a dirty look from my brother. "My

"Whoa," Rachel says. "I call time. Your dad lost a bet and has to man the grill. And
Edward's already cut the lawn and played your dad. Give him a chance to rest, so
you don't embarrass him too badly."

"Ha ha." I give her a dirty look.

She smiles, shrugging with feigned innocence. "I got Mack's bedding. Do you want
to see it?"

"Sure." I turn to Alec. "Better warm up. After lunch, I'm going to school you like I did
your old man."

Rachel leads me to her minivan and presses a button on her fob to open the back.
Jane picked out hot pink sheets and a white comforter with shiny peace signs on it
in every bright color imaginable. They bought a few decorative peace pillows and
a pink lava lamp to match the sheets.

"I had one of these in my room when I was teenager," I say.

"I know. I remember. Lava lamps will never go out of style." She hands me the
receipt and laughs at my surprise. "I'm an expert at finding good deals."

I'll say. It's half of what I expected it to cost. I give her the cash and barely have
time to thank her before a Buick SUV parks in front of the house. We walk over to
meet my grandparents at the curb.

"What a nice surprise," my grandmother says, wrapping her arms around my waist.
"I haven't seen you since Christmas. Where is Mack? Is she here yet?"

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"No, not yet, Grandma. She flies in Sunday." She releases me but keeps a hand
on my arm as we walk up the driveway and around to the back porch.

"You're going to bring her out to see us, right?"

"Of course I will. I'm sure she'll want a weekend with you." They still live in
Millington in the same house my father spent his last two years of high school in.
They've made changes over the years. Now there's a stable with a couple of
horses and a few chicken coops.

She goes inside with Rachel, and Grandpa follows after inspecting the chicken on
the grill and telling Paul not to overcook it.

"Are you going to ditch me for the air conditioning, too?" my brother asks.

I answer by walking into the shed and bringing out two lawn chairs. He reaches
into the cooler at his feet and pulls out a couple of beers. He hands one to me,
and we sit silently for a few minutes.

"What kind of bet did you lose?"

"The year a Duran Duran album was released."

"You never learn. Your wife's brain is a fount of useless knowledge."

He laughs. "Believe me, I know. Jane is just like her. It's almost scary." After turning
the chicken, he brushes a fresh layer of barbeque sauce over the breasts and
closes the grill. "She's excited about Mack's visit."

"So am I."

"I can tell. You seem… different. More relaxed."

It's been a while since I've had something to look forward to. I am excited about
Mack, but it's more than that. In my free time, I think about Bella… her tattoos…
the way she tastes…

I realized after I got home the other night that I don't even have her number. A
thank you text wouldn't exactly be appropriate even if I did. And if I could call her, I
wouldn't know what to say. Her car was in her driveway this morning when I
passed by on my way to Mom's. I had an urge to stop, but she strikes me as the
type who likes to sleep late when she can. As much as I want to see her again,
showing up on her doorstep might give her the impression that all I want is sex.

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"I have no clue what I'm fucking doing."

He looks at me, obviously confused. "What?"

"Shit." I run a hand across my forehead in frustration. "I slept with Bella."

He sighs. "I had a feeling this was going to happen. I hate it when Jared is right."

"Normally, I would agree, but…"

He laughs despite his irritation with me. "Now she's got you all fucked up, huh?"

"Something like that."

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you."

"You're a huge help."

"Sorry." He sounds more amused than apologetic, which is typical for Paul. "When
did this happen?"


"Damn, Edward. Fireworks and the symphony?" He shakes his head. "I'm

I wince. "It wasn't like that. We weren't there together."

"But you left together?"

I explain about the proposal that freaked Bella out and everything that happened
after, leaving out the details but admitting that she initiated it.

"That's good," he says. "Please tell me you stuck around for a while."

"I fell asleep, but I woke her up before I left for work." I leave out the part about that
fucked up nightmare. I don't want to think about it, let alone talk about it.
Thankfully, my night at the station was dreamless.

"Have you called her?"

"I can't. I don't have her number."

"Get it from Jasper."

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I could try. And if he wouldn't give it to me, I'm sure Alice would. But for some
reason, I only want it if she wants me to have it. I'm not sure where we stand,
considering her stance on dating. "No. I'll figure something out."

"Don't wait too long. I know it's been a while since I've been in your shoes, but trust
me. Women hate that shit." He downs the last of his beer, stands, and starts to pull
the meat from the grill. He's a lot like Dad. Once he's passed on his wisdom, he's

After lunch, I give my nephew a quick lesson in losing gracefully to an old man. I let
him get a 5-point lead and then crush him. Mom and Grandma console him with
pie and attention.

The other kids are piled up in the living room watching Nickelodeon, so I find a
spot on one of the couches and settle in for a nap. They're all gone when I finally
wake up, stretched out on my side and clutching a pillow. Mom is alone in the
kitchen, reading something on her Kindle and enjoying a cup of coffee.

"Feel better?" she asks.

"I'm good."

"I'll make dinner for you and Mack Sunday, okay?" She waits for me to nod before
continuing. "Kim, Rachel, and I are all here to help when you have to work. We'll
figure it out as we go, like last summer."

"I know." They're lifesavers.

"Are you hungry? There are leftovers, and I made a plate for you."

"I'll take it with me." She stands to get it from the fridge and walk me to the door.
"Thanks, Mom."

"You be safe," she says.

"I will."

Bella's car is still parked in the same spot as this morning when I drive by. Without
thinking, I circle her block and park in front of her house. I can't call her, but that
doesn't mean I can't see her.

The twinkle lights are on, and so is the porch light. The doorbell isn't lit, so I'm
guessing it's broken. I knock three times and wait, staring at my feet instead of the

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Bella opens the door, wearing an old Beatles t-shirt and a pair of running shorts.
Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail. The biggest surprise is the red-framed
Wayfarer glasses. I've never seen her in anything but sunglasses.

"You wear glasses?" I ask.

She smiles. "Only on days that I don't leave the house."

"Hmmm. That's potentially problematic."


"I wanted to take you for coffee or maybe some dessert."

"Well, I had sushi delivered from Mulan's. I could go for dessert." Bub walks over to
the door, sits down a few feet away from me, and hisses loudly. "Stuff it, cat." She
leans down to scoop him up from the floor. "Come on in. Give me a second to

"I like what you're wearing now." It's a fantastic view of her thighs and most of the

She shakes her head, smiling a little. "Not a chance. This doesn't even match."

"Fine." I step inside and close the door behind me.

After depositing the unhappy cat on the sofa, she goes upstairs, leaving me alone
with him. As soon as her door closes, he jumps down and stalks over, one paw in
front of the other like a tiny lion staking his claim. I can hear a low growl in his
chest when he passes me. At the bottom of the stairs, he turns back to look at me.
Then he climbs them and sits outside Bella's bedroom door until she opens it.

He pounces on her shoes, clawing her shoe strings until she picks him up again.
"Will you behave?" she asks, scratching the skin behind his ears as she makes
her way down. The only difference in her appearance is jeans and running shoes.
She kept the tee and the glasses.

She opens the front door and waves me out first, waiting until she's closing the
door to put the cat down on his feet on the other side of it. "He's been in my lap all
afternoon. You'd think he'd be sick of me."

"I thought he hated people?"

"He does, but he loves me. Most of the time." She grins and opens the passenger

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door of my car. "He ought to anyway. I climbed into the dumpster behind Molly's to
get him out when he was a kitten."

"Seriously?" I start the engine and pull away from the curb.

"Yeah. The little shit bit my hand the entire bike ride home and scratched me when
I gave him a bath. He didn't settle down until I opened a can of tuna for him. He
sticks around for the food. Some days he's a lap kitty, but most of the time, he
barely spares me a glance."

We drive around for a few minutes, and I notice when I turn onto Union that most
places have shut down early because of the holiday. The light is on at Donald's
Donuts, and there are cars in the lot, so I signal and turn.

"Damn you," Bella says. "I'm going to have to get up thirty minutes early to run
tomorrow morning."

"The frozen yogurt shop was closed."

"This is better." She opens the car door the moment I shift into park.

I agree, because I can get a cup of black coffee here, and over there, coffee
comes frozen with caramel drizzled on top of whip cream. Like most true gems in
Memphis, Donald's is a hole-in-the-wall dump that no tourist would dare step foot

Bella doesn't even glance at the menu or the cases. Instead, she greets the
woman behind the counter in Cambodian and orders two blueberry cake donuts
and a bottled water. "I usually only come here on Sundays," she says. "I ride my
bike over to help alleviate the guilt."

I order coffee and two chocolates. "Why would you feel guilty about donuts?"

She shrugs. "I try to eat healthy foods and exercise, but I've always had a love for
things that aren't good for me. When I was a kid, I only got donuts on my birthday."

"We had them every time my dad had to work a Friday night shift. He'd stop
Saturday morning on his way home and pick up a few dozen."

"A few dozen?" Her eyes widen behind the glasses.

I nod and lead her to a table by the window. "All gone by noon. My brothers and I
had good appetites."

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"It sounds like it. Did you see them today?"

"Jared was working, but I spent some time with Paul and the rest of the family over
at my mom's house this afternoon."

"How many nieces and nephews do you have?"

"Four nephews and two nieces. The oldest two are Paul's twins, and the youngest
is Jared's two-year-old. What about you? Was Charlie working today?"

"No, he was off. He invited me over for a cookout with his neighbors and some
guys from work, but I decided to stay home and actually enjoy my day off instead."

For the life of me, I can't figure out her relationship with her father. Sometimes,
there's nothing but respect in her tone when she speaks of him. But every now
and then, there's an undertone of sarcastic resentment. She loves him. That's
clear. I'm still on the fence about whether or not she likes him.

We finish our donuts but stay rooted to our uncomfortable plastic chairs until my
cup runs dry. A refill would make sleep impossible later, so we decide to leave not
long after the sun sets and darkness sets in.

I walk her to her porch back at her house, and we both hesitate outside her door.

"Do you want to come in?" she asks.

"I've played two games of basketball, helped my brother grill chicken, and been
drooled on by my nephew since my last shower. We both have work in the
morning." She nods, and I take a step closer to brush my lips over her cheek. "And
I don't even have your phone number."

It works. She holds out her hand for my phone. She taps the screen repeatedly,
and light from the display shows off the tiny smile on her face.

"I'm glad you stopped by. I probably should've woken you up the other night. You
just looked so tired." She glances up and gives me back the phone. "I had my
alarm clock set, though. I wouldn't have let you be late for work."

"I was tired, but I don't sleep well. When I'm on shift, most of my sleep is
interrupted, and when I'm off, it's hard to get back to normal. I didn't want to keep
you up, too." All of those things are true despite my one omission. I don't want to
admit that I let a silly nightmare chase me from her bed.

I'm still not sure if I'm allowed to ask her out, so I try approaching it from a different

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angle this time. "Do you want to hang out this week?"

She nods, not even trying to hide her smile. "When are you off?"

"Wednesday and Saturday."

The smile turns to disappointment. "I'm working Wednesday, so I can be off
Saturday. I made plans a while back, and I can't break them. Are you busy
Sunday? I'm always off on Sundays."

"Mack flies in Sunday. I'm not sure what my schedule will be like next week."

"That's great," she says. "You must be happy."

"I am."

She steps closer and wraps her arms around my waist. There's a hint of humor in
her voice when she speaks. "Spend some time with her, and when you're both
ready for a break from each other, give me a call."

"I will." I take advantage of the proximity and lean in to rub my thumb over the ring
on her lip. "I'd still like to take you to dinner."


I follow my thumb with my lips when she says that, kissing her goodnight the way I
should have early Sunday morning before leaving her. It's hard to stop, because I
know the heaven at the top of the stairs behind her – how soft her bed is, the way
the crimson on her thigh looks against pale purple sheets. I do, though. Tonight
was never about getting in her pants.

"We'll talk soon."

She nods and steps back. Instead of going inside, she waits outside until I'm in my
car and pulling away.

I'm pretty sure I just talked Bella into going on a date. It'll be the first one I've been
on in over a year. Everything about that evening was prearranged by Kim. The
one before that was a Rachel set up. I haven't had to plan a date since the 90s.

I almost text her from my spot on the back porch before I turn in for the night but
decide not to press my good luck.

My phone rings a little after seven Tuesday morning. Since it's rare for anyone to

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call this early, I rush out of the shower to check the screen.

Charlotte's name is the last I wanted to see. It's barely after five in Seattle.

"What's wrong?" I answer.

"I'm sorry to call so early. I just got off the phone with Mom." Her voice is scratchy,
and I can tell she's been crying. "Aunt Susan died about an hour ago."

I sink down onto the bed, not giving a shit that the towel is wetting my sheets.
There's a stab of guilt over the relief that this has nothing to do with Mack.
Charlotte's aunt has been battling cancer on and off for the last few years.

"I'm sorry."

"Thanks," she says, sniffling. "I'm going to try to catch a flight later today to help
Mom with the arrangements. Makenna has exams this week, so she's going to fly
in with Peter and Toby on Sunday, like we planned."

"You're going to leave her there?" I try to stamp down the irritation and consider
her situation, but I don't like this. At all.

"Oh, for God's sake, Edward."

"What do you want then?"

"I'd like to meet before she comes in. We need to talk."

"Can't we just do it now and get it over with?"

"Really?" she snaps. "I've got phone calls and plans to make."

"Fine. When?"

"I'll text you when I know."

"Tell Carmen I'm sorry for her loss."

"I will."

I hang up without a goodbye and toss the phone onto the bed. This insistence on
meeting in person doesn't bode well for me. It must be something serious.

The station is buzzing when I get to work and being busy helps keep my mind off
of it. But when I'm tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep Wednesday morning, it

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keeps me awake and wondering.

She finally sends a text on Friday.

The funeral is tomorrow morning. I'll be free by late afternoon. Qahwa's at

I send one back agreeing to meet her there and try not to think about it again. The
minutes tick by, and it gets harder and harder.

What if Mack doesn't want to stay?

She's had time to make friends in Seattle. She has a whole different life there that
I'll never be a part of. When I was her age, my mom could hardly keep me in the
house during summer break. My buddies and I boarded until dark or played soccer
at the park. Lindsey Perkins gave me my first kiss after I fell and broke my arm
trying to get her cat out of a tree.

Maybe Mack wants to be home instead of here. Maybe by keeping her here, I'm
robbing her of simple things every kid should have.

I stall when it's shift change and time to go home. The silence today would make
me insane. It's too soon for another haircut, so I spend the morning getting an oil
change and grocery shopping. When I can't put it off anymore, I head back to
Harbor Town to shower and get ready.

Charlotte is waiting at a table in the corner by the window when I get to Qahwa.
There's coffee in one hand and a flyer in the other. Her long, blonde hair is curled
today, brighter than normal against the black material of the dress she's wearing.
Luckily, she notices me before I make it to the table. It's less awkward somehow to
slide into the seat across from hers without a greeting.

"Thanks for coming."

"Sorry about Susan. She was a sweet woman. How's your mom handling it?"

"Not well. I'm hoping you'll let Makenna spend some time with her and Dad again
this summer. It might help Mom take her mind off of things. Only when you're
working, though. They don't want to take away from your time with her."

"I would never keep her away from your family."

She studies my face to see if I'm digging. I just shrug. She can take it however she
wants to. "I guess we should cut to the chase," she finally says.

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The sooner, the better.

"Peter's company is buying out a medical device manufacturer, and he's going to
be leading the legal team overseeing the merger. We're transferring to Nagoya in

"Excuse me?"

"Japan, Edward. We're moving to Japan for a year." She stares down at the table.
"It's an amazing opportunity for Peter. It will put him in line for a Managing Director
position when his boss retires in a couple of years."

"I don't give a flying fuck about Peter's projects or some damn promotion." I stand,
pushing my chair back in the process. "Moving to Seattle was bad enough. You're
not taking Mack to Japan for a year." I rest one hand on the table and point to her
face with the other. "That's a promise."

"Sit down," she whispers with fury in her eyes. "You're embarrassing me."

"I don't give a fuck about that, either. This conversation is over. I'm calling a

"You're talking to one, in case you forgot."

"How could I?" I shake my head. "I've got three more years of paying 'my' half of
your student loans." As pissed as I am, my mouth still turns up at the corner when
annoyance flashes across her face. The state of Tennessee split all debts incurred
during the marriage when we divorced. Instead of sending a check every month, I
pay my part of her loan payments with one check in January every year. She's
never been good at managing money. We've fought repeatedly over this. She
wants it monthly to make it easier for her. I like to remind her that the state doesn't
care how I pay as long as she gets the money. "Never mind that I put a roof over
your head, food on the table, and diapers on Mack the entire time you were in
school, and you repaid me by fucking your boss when you finally decided to get a

"That's the way it goes," she says with a shrug. "Those loans were taken when we
were married. Now sit down. I have an offer to make."

An offer. Because everything is a negotiation to her. Even our child.

I sit, but I don't apologize.

"That's better," she says, picking up her cup and taking a sip before she continues.

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"I know you were supposed to have Makenna for Thanksgiving this year." My lips
part with something horrendous at the ready. She holds up a hand. "Wait. Hear me
out." She glances around at the curious faces trained on us. "This doesn't have to
be a fight. Give up this year… and you can have Thanksgiving and Christmas next

I stare at her, wondering how I could have ever found her beautiful. Sure,
everything on the outside is perfect and pleasing. I once thought her insides
matched. I was young and naïve.

"I'm getting a lawyer, Charlotte. You can't do this."

"Actually, I can." She leans forward. "Don't waste your time or your money. It won't
do you any good."

"We'll see. You and your pussy husband don't have anything on me this time. He
dropped the charges, remember?"

"It won't matter. Trust me."

"No, thanks. I already made that mistake once."

"You're still such a child. When are you going to grow up, Edward? Things change.
People change."

"No kidding. I'll pick Mack up at the airport tomorrow." I stand, slowly and calmly
this time. I refuse to let her bait me. "We'll text later about her return dates. I want
to talk to her first."

"Don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Goodbye, Charlotte."

I leave her sitting there. I have no idea if she's right, if my hands really are tied. As
soon as I exit the shop and turn the corner, I pull out my phone and search child
custody and relocation. It doesn't look good.

Paul doesn't answer when I call him, and I'm greeted with Jared's voicemail, too.
They could be working. After leaving messages for them, I walk to my car. Home
doesn't sound appealing right now. I'll drive myself crazy all night trying to decipher
legal speak on websites and pull my hair out since it's too late in the day to call
around and find a lawyer who specializes in international custody cases.

I end up in my normal spot behind the Forum. The courtyard at the Gibson factory

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is closed in with temporary metal gates tonight, and there's a crew setting up a
stage outside. Felix is standing and watching their progress. The black dress
pants and matching button up shirt are sure signs that he's here on business.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Working security for a special event. There's some kind of auction going on

He pulls a lot of extra security jobs. It's a good way for off-duty cops to supplement
their incomes. "Have fun."

"It's suit and tie, so I doubt it. We're just here to make sure the homeless don't
crash it."

I nod. "You know any good lawyers?" Cops have connections.

He turns, giving me his full attention. "Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"No, just custody shit."

"There's that one firm that specializes in men's rights, but I don't remember the
name of it. Listen to Drake and Zeke Monday morning. They advertise during their
show every day."


"I'm sorry, man."

Someone calls his name, so I nod and let him get back to work. Beale is crowded,
and there's some new girl I've never seen working the outside tables at Rum
Boogie. Sam is on the stool tonight at Silky's, and he waves me in without a word.

Tanya is busy with a customer when I take the seat closest to the wall. It takes her
a few minutes to break free and make her way over to me.

"You okay?" she asks.


She frowns. "Okay. I'll be right back." Randall is working the other end of the bar,
and she stops to say something to him. He nods, and she walks inside. A few
minutes later, she returns with a full bottle in her hand. "Sorry. We're running low
out here."

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"Make it a double."

As expected, Jasper steps outside before I have the tumbler in my hand. He sits
down next to me and doesn't say a word until Tanya delivers a Sprite for him.

"What did she do?" he asks.


"Charlotte. You have that look."

Jasper is the one person who could always see through her bullshit. And mine. I
don't have a choice when it comes to honesty with him. Telling him I'm fine wouldn't
convince him.

"She wants to take Mack to Japan for a year. Peter is going to be overseeing a
merger with some company over there."

Tanya lingers nearby, wiping the counter with a rag. When my glass is empty, she
refills it without being asked.

"What are you going to do?" Jasper turns to look at me.

"I don't know. I don't know if I can do anything. According to Google, it doesn't look

He shakes his head. "That's fucked up."

"Do me favor," Tanya says, scribbling on a napkin. She pushes it across the bar to
me. "Call Jason's brother, Jeff. He's a lawyer. Maybe he can help."

I take the number from her and shove it into my back pocket. "Thanks."

"Sure thing. Are you hungry? At least eat a sandwich or something."

"I'll have some tamales."

She nods, giving me a sympathetic look without meaning to. Jasper waits until
she's gone to stare me down. "I know you're freaking out, man. I can tell." I shrug,
since there's no point in denying it. "Just stay away from Peter." He puts a hand on
my shoulder. "I'm serious."

"Fuck that. I'm meeting Mack at the airport."

"Let Esme get her. You know she will."

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I shake his hand off. "I haven't seen my daughter since December. I'm going to get

"Then let me go with you. You can't afford to lose your temper with him again,
Edward. Remember what happened last time."

"He provoked me."

"I know that. I can tell your conversation with Charlotte didn't go well. Do you
honestly believe he's above pushing you again? Especially if you threatened to
fight this, which I'm sure you did."

"Do you honestly believe that your presence will stop him?"

"I won't be there to stop him."

I have no intentions of letting that asshole get to me ever again. Still, he has a way
of bringing out the worst in me. "Okay. We can come here for lunch afterwards, so
Mack won't think it's weird."

"My treat."

He gets up to make the rounds every now and then but sticks close to me
throughout the evening. I switch to Coke after I eat. Tamales taste much better
when they stay down, and I don't want to look like hell when I see Mack tomorrow.

Around ten, I decide to call it a night.

The party outside Gibson is rocking, with a live band and couples dancing. It's an
odd crowd; a mixture of hipsters, artists, and suits.

I recognize the swirls on her arm before I see her face. And his. The guy from
BluFin. Bella is in his arms, moving slowly to the music and laughing at something
he's saying. His smile jogs a memory.

The last time I saw him dancing was at Silky's last fall, when he made a special
request for a Clapton song and dedicated it to a redhead with legs for miles. She
had nothing on the woman he's holding now.

I have a clear view of the short, red dress that stops just above her muscular
calves. What I wish I couldn't see is the pure look of adoration on her face and
how at ease she is with him.

Maybe I had it wrong all along. Marcus might not have been the roadblock.

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There's a lot I don't know about Bella.

She looks up and does a double take when she catches sight of me. Then she
smiles and says something to him. I'm locked down, unable to move as she walks
toward me.

"Edward," she says, leaning over the divider. "What are you doing here?"

I take a couple of steps but keep my distance. "Dinner."


"Good party?"

"It's not a party, not really." She glances over her shoulder at the band and people
milling about. The guy in the suit waves, and she turns back to me.

"Is he a friend, too?" I ask, angry that her lip ring is missing and that he gets her in
dresses like this and for lunches in broad daylight. But more than anything, I hate
him for dancing with her.

She takes a step back, shocked at my tone. Her shoulders curl in but only for a
moment. After a deep breath, she looks me in the eye. "Yes, he's a friend. So is his
wife. I thought…" Another deep breath and then a whisper. "I thought you were


"My mistake." She turns to walk away but not before I get the full effect of my
words. She's fighting tears, and I know…

I know I fucked up.

"Bella," I call her name, trying to stop her, but she keeps walking. People turn to
look, but I really don't give a fuck. Felix walks over when I try to move the divider.
He steps in to block me, holding both hands up in front of him.

"Dude, what the hell?" His voice is laced with concern and shock, but I ignore him
and sidestep him to get another look at Bella.

She shakes her head and stares back. Whatever hurt was there before has had
time to morph into anger. Her friend wraps his arm over her shoulder and guides
her inside and out of sight.

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"Edward, what are you doing?" Felix asks.

"I don't know." I'm as clueless as he is. I don't know where the fuck any of that
came from. It was a one-two punch from nowhere.

And the worst part is I did it to myself.

A/N- There will be a teaser for chapter 10 at FicTease tomorrow (Tuesday).
The chapter is almost done and will hopefully go to my girls tonight. I'm
hoping to update on Wednesday or Thursday. *crosses fingers*

Thanks for reading. I love you guys.


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*Chapter 10*: Destined to Remember

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Music: "Nothingman" by Pearl Jam

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

"Get up," Jasper says. He kicks the corner of the bed frame hard enough to jolt the

"What time is it?"

"Almost noon."

"Shit." I reach for my phone to see if I hit snooze, but it's dead.

"You need to move, or we'll be late." He turns and leaves the room.

I stop to make up my bed for the first time since December, wondering if Jasper's
attitude this morning has anything to do with what happened with Bella last night.
I'd left Gibson quietly, hoping to spare her any further embarrassment.

I ruined her night. Hell, I ruined a lot more than that.

She's all I can think about in the shower; long, curly hair pulled to the side and the
dress she was wearing, retro and red with full view of her arms.


I need to apologize. I'm not sure how that's going to work, since I'm still not sure
where any of that even came from.

Jasper is waiting in the living room, watching a televised preacher deliver the

"One hour a week isn't going to help you," I say, using the remote to turn it off. We
walk out to the parking lot, but his FJ isn't anywhere in sight. "How did you get

"Alice dropped me off. It took fifteen minutes to convince her not to come in with

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me." The hardness in his voice is back.

"I'm guessing she wants to kick my ass."

"I may have heard her discussing something like that on the phone with Bella this
morning." He points over his shoulder when I miss the turn for the interstate.
"Where are you going?"

"I need to make a quick stop on the way."

I can feel him staring when I turn onto Poplar and head toward Midtown. "This is
not the time to stop at Bella's. Trust me. Alice is there."

"I'm stopping at Walgreens, okay?"

"Fine." He stares out the window. "What the hell happened last night? You were
okay when you left."

"Bella was at Gibson."

"Yeah, I know. She was one of the guest speakers at some charity thing for Le

"Thanks for the head's up."

"Jesus, Edward. I didn't know you needed one."

"I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. It's been years since I've had to worry about
shit like this. She was dancing with some guy, and I've seen her with him before. I
don't know why it pissed me off the way it did."

"You were an asshole to her because you were jealous?"

"I didn't like it."

"Because you were jealous."

"Will you shut up?"

He laughs next to me, and I ignore him and pull into the parking lot at Walgreens.
He stays in the car, and I'm glad. The pharmacist eyes my arms and raises a brow
when I ask for a box of the nicotine gum.

My daughter is going to be a teenager soon, and I need to cut the habit before she
starts it. I was thirteen when I took my first drag. My dad smoked, so I thought it

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was cool. Everyone smoked in the 90s. The last time I quit was when I found out
Charlotte was pregnant. We both quit. The gum worked for me back then, and I'm
hoping it will again.

Jasper looks more surprised than the guy behind the counter. He nods to himself
and refrains from further teasing about my idiocy.

Of course I was jealous.

I don't know how something nonexistent turned into… whatever the hell this is so

"How bad is it?" I ask when we're stopped at a light on Airways. "Do you think
she'll let me apologize?"

"She's pissed."

"I know."

"But she's also hurt, and that means she cares."

"Did Alice tell you that?"

"She didn't have to."

A sea of FedEx planes appears to our left, and the traffic thins as we get closer to
the airport. "I need to talk to her."

"You do," he agrees.

We park in short term and make our way to the terminal. Charlotte is already
waiting in the baggage claim area when we walk in. Jasper and I take a spot
several feet away near the escalator. She walks over calmly, smiling the entire

"You look like shit," she says. "Did you sleep at the bar last night?"

I ignore her.

Jasper doesn't. "You don't get to ask questions like that anymore."

"I see you haven't changed a bit." She had very strong opinions about Jasper, and
conveniently forgot to mail his invitations to Mack's first and second birthday
parties. He showed up to both with balloons and gifts despite Charlotte's

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He grins innocently. "Neither have you."

Their bickering fades away when I catch sight of Mack coming down. She's grown
a few inches since December, and her hair is longer than I remember. The dark
red curls are gone and straight hair hides part of her face where curls used to
frame it.

When she sees me, she smiles and yanks the buds from her ears with a tug on the
cord at her chest. Her lips are colored darker than her skin tone, and her eyes are
shaded in color and mascara.


It's not much, but it's too much.

"Hey, Dad." She walks right into my arms, dropping her backpack on the floor next
to us so she can wrap her arms around me. I close my eyes and breathe her in…
makeup, scented shampoo, and all.


She looks over my arm at Jasper. "Hey, Jasper."


"Makenna," Charlotte says over his shoulder.

She rolls her eyes and takes a step back. "I need to say goodbye to her and Toby."

I nod. "We'll get your suitcase."

"There are two." She shrugs when I look at her. "I used the pink set that Grandma
gave me for Christmas. I need more stuff this time."

Enough said. I don't need to know about girl "stuff."

Peter is busy wrestling a pre-schooler, so he doesn't even glance up when Jasper
and I walk past him. We snag Mack's bags from the belt and wait for her by the
exit. Charlotte walks over with her, but Peter keeps his distance.

"We're flying out next Sunday, and Mom wanted me to ask if Makenna can come
over for dinner Saturday. She'd like to get some pictures of the kids together while

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we're here."

"Sure," I answer. "I'm working Sunday, so she could stay the night if Carmen can
take her to Mom some time that day."

She nods. "I'll text you."

Mack stands completely still when Charlotte hugs her goodbye. "See ya, Mom."
She ignores Peter's wave. The earbuds go back in, and she walks outside. Jasper
and I follow, and he takes the back seat to let Mack ride up front.

She's tense in her seat until after we clear the parking attendant and hit Airways.
The earbuds come out again, and she smiles when I take the downtown loop.
"Tamales?" she asks.

"The best," Jasper answers.

"Awesome." She leans forward and changes the radio station to some pop crap.
"When are you going to get a new stereo? You can't even hook up your phone to
play decent music."

"Tell him." Jasper loves to fan the flames. I give him a dirty look in the rearview
mirror, and he shrugs.

Mack picks a table out in the courtyard when we get to Silky's. She likes to talk to
the goats. Her phone is in her hand, and she snaps pictures to text to her friends
back in Seattle who didn't believe there was a bar with two pet goats on site.

Before we leave Beale, Mack insists on a trip to Schwab's so she can buy old-
fashioned lemon drops. On the way back to the parking lot, she's quiet. That's not
always a bad thing when it comes to Mack, but this is more awkward than I
expected it to be.

I don't want to spoil her first day here with talk of Japan or Charlotte. Things were
strained between them, too. We'll get to all of that eventually, I'm sure. What
counts is that she's here. That's enough for now.

Jared's Tahoe and Rachel's van are parked at Mom's when we pull up a little after
four. Jane comes tearing out the front door like the house is on fire with Elaine and
Alec on her heels. Mack jumps out of the car and meets them halfway across the
lawn. The girls have some kind of hug fest, and Alec tugs a chunk of Mack's hair.

"You look weird with straight hair," he says.

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"He's stupid." Jane glances at her brother. "Don't listen to him. I like it."

Alec rolls his eyes and goes back to whatever game he was playing on his phone
before we got here. Mack and the other kids go inside, and I take a minute to pop
another piece of gum from the package.

I have a feeling I'm going to need it if Paul's here. I'm not looking forward to
admitting that I've already fucked shit up with Bella.

Luckily, he's working tonight. Rachel, Kim, and Mom all freak out as expected
when Mack walks into the kitchen. They talk about her height, her hair, her
makeup… Stuff I have no clue about. She looks happy and busy, so when Jared
nods to the back door, I follow him.

He grabs the basketball from the flower pot next to the step and tosses it to me.

"I talked to Paul this week." He puts his hands on his knees and waits for me to
make a move.

I stare at it for a minute, wondering if this is a good idea.

Ah, fuck it.

I dribble slowly at first and try to get past him, but he steals it and shoots. "Two,"
he says. "I told you Bella was hot for you."

He has no idea.

I drop the ball when he throws it to me. "I fucked up." I stand there with my hands
on my hips, shaking my head, and looking at the ground.


He listens while I catch him up on the events of the last few days, and then he's
quiet for a long time.

"It was a dick move," he says. "You're going to have to let go of this Charlotte thing
if you're ever going to have any kind of a life, man."

"That's easier said than done." Especially when it keeps boomeranging back into
my life to deliver random blows.

He shrugs and turns his back to me. "Maybe it's better this way then. For Bella,

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I'm tempted to put my elbow in his back for that remark. The truth in it stings.

I ignore him for the rest of the night and sit near Mack at the dinner table. She
talks music and movies with Jane, Alec, and Elaine through most of the meal. I
don't recognize any of the bands or titles, and after the meal, they disappear to
play some app together in the living room.

When Rachel says it's time to go, Jane and Mack whine and beg for a sleepover
soon. Rachel comes to my rescue and tells them to wait a week or so for Mack to
adjust to the time zone and get settled in first. The girls agree, and she managed
to say it in a way that didn't make anyone the bad guy.

Mack and I leave last, and it's late by the time we get back to my apartment. I carry
her suitcases inside and deliver them to her bedroom door. She turns on the light
and steps inside. My view consists of her back and a lot of pink and peace signs.

After a minute or two, she turns around and hugs me. "Thanks, Dad."

"I hope you like it."

"I do."

I give her some privacy to unpack and get comfortable, and she ends up staying in
there with the door closed for the rest of the night. Occasionally, I hear a laugh or a
snippet of conversation, so I assume she's on the phone with Jane or a friend.

Monday morning, I slip out onto the porch before Mack wakes up and take the
napkin Tanya gave me from my wallet.

Jeff Jenks is a nice guy, and he listens patiently while I explain the situation with
Charlotte, including some background information from our original divorce and
custody agreement. When I'm done, he says that in a way, Charlotte was bluffing.
My hands are tied as long as she remains the custodial parent.

He recommends filing for temporary custody for the duration of Charlotte's time out
of the country or filing for permanent custody. Either way, he would wait to file until
the middle of August and include an injunction that would prohibit Charlotte from
taking Mack out of the country until a judge can hear the case. The current case
log downtown is backed up by four months. That will keep Mack in the states
through the holidays, at least.

It would also piss off Charlotte to no end, and I have no idea what that would do to
Mack in the process. I thank him and tell him I'll be in touch.

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I have a couple of months to make a decision.

Mack keeps her distance most of the week, sitting across the room when we're
watching television, or texting and facetiming with her friends in her room. We eat
dinner with Mom on the nights that I'm off, since the only thing I can cook is stuff
from a box or the freezer section.

By Thursday, I've had it with the cold shoulder. She hasn't said a word to me or
thanked her grandmother for making her favorite meal. Her phone is in one hand
and her fork is in the other.

"Mack." I wait for her to finish tapping and look up at me. "Put the phone away
while we're at the dinner table."

She rolls her eyes. "Josie is having a meltdown, Dad. I can't just put my phone

"I'm sure she'll survive the next fifteen minutes without you."

"No." Her chin lifts, and her eyes narrow.

This is definitely new. By nature, Mack isn't defiant. She never has been. The
terrible twos never came with this kid. It's a little late to start now.

"Give it to me." I hold out my hand, and she laughs, crossing her arms. "I'm

"I can't believe this." She stands and puts the phone on the table a few inches
away from my open palm. "Now you want to be a dad." She turns and marches out
of the room.

Mom looks at me, but I'm already on my feet and moving. "What is that supposed
to mean?"

I follow her up the stairs and down the hall to the spare that used to be my room
when I lived here. She slams the door in my face. "Like you don't know," she
shouts from the other side.

"Open the door."



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"What is going on with you, Mack?"

"Me?" She throws the door open keeping her hand on the handle. "What's going
on with you?" She laughs. "You think you can tell me what to do?"

"I pay for that phone, and I'll take it away."

"Great. Now I can't even talk to my friends."

"If you want to talk to your Mom, you can use my phone or Grandma's. You're

"Fine! It's not like I want to talk to Mom anyway. I hate her. She's a selfish bitch. All
she cares about is her stupid husband. She doesn't care that I don't want to go to
Japan. It's important to Peter. I hate him, too. Everything is always about Peter.
Everything is his fault. He broke you guys up and took me away from my family."
Tears are streaming down her face. Angry tears. Her cheeks are blotchy, and her
chest is heaving. "But I hate you the most. More than either one of them."

I take a step back and try to breathe. "Mack–"

"You let them do it."


"You what?" She stares at me, waiting for me to say something. I can't. She looks
down, shaking her head. "You know what? Nevermind. I don't care. Just leave me

For the second time, she slams the door. This time, she locks it and doesn't make
a sound on the other side of it.

I stand there for a couple of minutes, trying to let her words sink in. It's not like I
don't feel the same way about Charlotte, Peter… and myself. How can I blame

I've never once told Mack that Peter was the reason for the divorce. My entire
family was given specific instructions not to discuss any of that in front of her or
their kids. They dislike Charlotte, but we all kept her dirty little secret.

Because we love Mack.

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The problem is she's always been a smart kid. She's had enough time to put two
and two together, and God only knows what she hears at home from Charlotte and

"She can stay here tonight," Mom says. Her quiet, steady voice shifts the focus
from the cracking in my chest. She's standing a few feet away at the top of the
stairs. "Let her cool off. She didn't mean any of that…"

I pass her and start down the stairs. "I think we both know she did."

"Are you okay?" I can hear her footsteps behind me, but I don't stop. Not until I'm
out the door and standing at my car, unlocking it. "You shouldn't drive like this, not

"I'm fine." Choking on reality never killed anyone.

"Edward, please." Something in her voice stops me. "Be safe."

I don't know how she can even still give a fuck after all the heartache I've put her
through over the last couple of years, starting the day I refused to let anyone else
show up on her doorstep to tell her that her husband was dead. The chaplain had
to stop at a gas station so I could wash the blood from my hands and face, not that
it had done much good.

Sometimes I still see it there in those last moments before waking.

"I will."

I need a drink and a cigarette. This was the wrong week to quit smoking. The guilt
over stopping to buy a pack is nothing compared to the shitstorm kicked up earlier
that's still brewing.

There's a pink lava lamp, lit and waiting for its owner back at my place, but I'd
rather sleep in the alley behind Silky's than go back there alone tonight. So, that's
where I end up. Same as always.

Bella is working and looks away the moment she spots me. I don't really blame her,
either. Sam waves me into the courtyard even though there's a cover for the band
tonight. The only open stool at the bar is at Alice's end.

She ignores me for a solid ten minutes, not that I give a shit. I have nowhere else
to be. "What do you want?" she asks with narrowed eyes.

"Jim Beam Black and keep it coming."

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She turns around long enough to grab a glass and a bottle from the shelf. "Here,"
she says, setting both of them in front of me on the bar. "Do it yourself."

Tanya is on her before I can reply. "Go inside and send Mary out here to work with

Alice looks her up and down. "You can't –"

"If Jasper has a problem with it, he can come and talk to me." Tanya opens the
bottle of Black and pours some into my glass without even looking at her. She lets
me make my way through half the bottle before confiscating my keys and switching
me to beer.

Around 10:30, the woman on stage ends with a Nina Simone cover that earns a
standing ovation from the members of the audience that can still make it out of
their seats. The stool next to mine shifts, and I glance over in time to see Bella
slide onto it. She doesn't say anything, but I can feel her stare after I've turned my
attention back to the bottle in front of me.

"I know you probably want to kick me in the balls," I say. "Any other day, I would let
you. But today… Today really sucks, and I don't think I can handle any more
disappointment, even if I deserve it."

"I've moved past wanting to cause you bodily harm. I think you're safe." The
coolness from our early encounters is back, and I don't want to see it on her face,
so I study the label on my beer and pull it in strips from the bottle.

Tanya brings over water and inspects Bella when she hands it to her, probably
trying to decide whether or not to send her inside with Alice. It wouldn't surprise
me. She can be protective. She must be satisfied that Bella isn't out for blood,
because she moves on to get another beer for the guy a few seats down.

"I'm sorry for what I said. You didn't deserve that."

"No, I didn't." She opens the bottle and takes a drink before turning on her stool to
face the courtyard and lean against the bar. "So what happened?" She looks over
at me, but I keep my eyes on my hands. "Today, I mean."

"Mack said she hates me."

She's quiet and still for a minute, and then she laughs. "Welcome to the teens."
She's surprised by the anger on my face when I finally look at her. "Come on,
Edward. Every kid hates their parents at some point. How many times did you say
those same words to your mom and dad?"

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"Never." I turn back to my beer. I never had to. I was the third kid in line, and the
rules for me were simple.

"Don't get arrested. And if you do, call me instead of your mother."

I knew my parents' limits from watching my brothers, and I did just enough to be
average in school. I never had a reason to hate my parents. I've given my daughter

"I said it a few times," she says. "But I never meant it. Parents know that."

"This is different."

"Why?" Her obstinacy is less attractive when she's using it against me.

"I wouldn't even know where to start," I say, shaking my head.

"I've got all night."

There are three people in this world that I trust. Two of them are my blood, and the
one on the other side of the wall in front of me may as well be. I'm not one to spill
my guts, and I've never discussed my ex-wife with anyone but them.

I can get up off of this barstool and stumble my way home right now.

Or start at the beginning.

"I started dating Charlotte when we were seventeen." Her legs shift toward me,
and I can almost feel her stare on the side of my face. "I'd known her since
elementary school, but something changed that year. She talked more, showed up
to watch us skate, flirted at parties… Anyway, I asked her out, and we were
together through the rest of high school."

"She went to U of M, and I went to State Tech. Jared and I shared an apartment,
but she practically lived there on the weekends. She'd been on the pill since we
were kids, but showed up crying one morning because she was pregnant. At the
time, I was working nights at the FedEx hub, not making shit."

Tanya delivers a fresh beer, and I take a long pull before starting in on the new
label. "We'd been fighting over stupid stuff and hanging out with our friends more
than each other, but it all seemed trivial once Mack was in the picture. I got a
second job and asked Charlotte to marry me. Jasper has always said she did it
intentionally, but I never cared about that. At the time, I loved her and figured it was

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always going to end that way anyway, so why wait?"

"How old were you?"



"It wasn't that bad. I graduated from fire school right before Mack was born. It
wasn't bad at all." I shake my head, trying to push away thoughts of lying on the
floor in that shitty old apartment with Mack on my chest when her stomach hurt
from colic. "Charlotte took a year off from school. I had a real job. It worked out.
We were lucky."

For a while, it was perfect.

"The good thing about my huge family is that it was easy for her to go back to
school. There was always someone to watch Mack if I had to work." My dad loved
his days with her. He'd take her to the library and then treat her to a milkshake.

"After she got her undergrad, Charlotte decided to go to law school, and she
excelled at that, like everything else she tried. Corporate law. She thought it would
mean an easier schedule and a job she could leave at work." The thought almost
makes me want to laugh now. "She took a position with a medical manufacturing
company, and we bought a little house in Cooper Young. The last Christmas we
were married, my parents planned a trip to Disney for all of us for the holiday. My
brothers and I swapped our asses off and managed to get the time off, but at the
last minute, Charlotte said she had to stay to help her team finish a huge project
before a deadline."

It's a damn shame Tanya wouldn't let me finish that bottle off. It would make the
rest of this easier.

Bella loses patience with the prolonged silence after I kill the last of my beer and
thump it against the bar. "So you didn't go?"

"Mack and I went. Charlotte stayed home." I sit back and wait for the familiar ache
in my chest that inevitably shows up when I think about that trip. It was the last one
with both of my parents and my brothers, though I didn't know it at the time. "The
day we came home, she acted completely normal until after we put Mack to bed.
Then she told me not to bother unpacking."


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"I thought she was pissed that we went without her. We'd fought since high school
whenever I spent time with Jasper or even my brothers. I told her she was being
ridiculous, and she told me to get the hell out."

"She made you leave while your daughter was sleeping?"

I nod. "I went to Paul's house, thinking she needed a couple of days to come to her
senses. I got hit with papers the next day." Things had already been in the works
long before that Disney trip was ever planned. It took me a while to figure that out,
years of hindsight. "I figured it was the seven-year itch, so I tried to talk her into
counseling. She refused."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not." Thankfully, Tanya delivers another beer. "My mom offered to watch Mack
on Valentine's Day, and I decided to give it one last shot."

I'm the first to admit that I was never the most romantic husband. Our typical date
nights consisted of pizza and a movie on the couch. I didn't give her flowers or
jewelry or take her to fancy restaurants. She never complained or asked for more,
so I assumed she was happy.

"I showed up at our house with flowers and dinner reservations for Paulette's." As
much as he didn't like her, Jasper still had called in a favor to hook me up. "She
was there with her boss, Peter." The motherfucker who'd shook my hand and
looked me in the eye at her work Christmas party the weekend before the trip to

I spare Bella the drama of the fallout. There was a lot of yelling, and I ruined their
date by packing the rest of my shit. The next day, I called my dad's lawyer. "He's
her husband now." She made sure of that by getting pregnant again before the ink
on our divorce papers had time to dry. Jasper called that one as well, although she
beat his prediction by a couple of months.

"Oh," Bella says.

"I know how it sounds. That's how it felt, too. One minute, everything was fine. The
next, my life had turned into a Springer episode. It settled down after the divorce.
She kept the house since I couldn't afford to. I got an apartment, and we shared
custody of Mack."

Charlotte was fair when she lived here. Mack stayed with me every time I had
three days off. We made the best of it. After a couple of years, we had it down to

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an art. Charlotte was busy with work and a new baby, so I was the one who went
on the field trips to the zoo and the Pink Palace. And when her fourth grade class
went to the Fire Museum, Dad worked it out so that he could be the one to give us
the tour. That one was her favorite.

And mine.

"We were okay. Everything was okay until my dad…" I swallow and close my eyes,
letting it all play out again in my head. There are calls you never expect to get – a
nursing home fire so big that four stations have to respond and then a dispatch to
a serious injury crash involving a Division Chief who was on his way. Every truck
in the area was busy with the fire… It took so long to get there.

"You don't have to talk about this if you don't want to." She turns and her knees
brush against my thigh so she can lean closer. "I think I–"

"You know what happened," I finish for her. Everyone in this city knows what
happened. The story ran on every news channel for a solid week. It was in the
Flyer and the newspaper. There wasn't a moment of peace until after the memorial
service. "The city forced me to go to grief counseling and talk to a therapist about
what had happened at the scene."

I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't look my mother, my brothers, or my
daughter in the eye. My father was alive when I got there and dead when I left. I've
had to live with that every day since.

"Three weeks after the accident, Charlotte told me that Peter had a job offer with a
prosthetics company in Seattle. Mom offered me a loan to pay for a lawyer, and I
filed for custody. Things got nasty after that, and Mack turned into a totally
different kid. My happy little girl disappeared, and things got so tense between me
and Charlotte that she would leave Mack with my mom and I would pick her up
there. We couldn't even be in the same room with each other. She and Peter were
fighting, because he'd already accepted the job in Seattle and the clock was

It wasn't the only thing ticking. And Peter picked the wrong night to show up at
Silky's to discuss the situation.

"Peter called the station one night, and when he found out I was off, he showed up
here and found me four shots in. Something he said rubbed me the wrong way,
and I lost my temper."

"How are you going to take care of Makenna when you can't even take care of

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He'd asked the one question I'd been asking myself, and the rage and
helplessness and grief took over.

"I punched him in the face, and he had me arrested for assault. Then he and
Charlotte used that and the counseling to kill any shot I had at keeping my
daughter. It was going to be a long, losing battle, and the person who would've
been hurt the most was Mack."

"So you let her go," Bella says. "I thought…"

Something in her voice makes me turn to finally look at her. "You thought what?" I

"She made it sound like you gave her up…" I'm not sure who's more confused, me
or her. "Rachel said you gave her up."

Rachel and her fucking mouth. No wonder Bella hated me. She thought I was
some fucking deadbeat. I ball my fists on the bar in front of me and stare at them to
keep from glaring at her. "I may be a shitty dad, but I would never give Mack up. I
spend every minute with her that I can."

"I know that now." Her voice is as soft as the hand she lays on my forearm. "Is that
why you think she hates you?"

Her fingers slide off when I raise my arm to grab my beer. "I know it is. Peter has
another opportunity. A year in Japan this time."

She's quiet for a long time, lost in her own thoughts while I sit alone drowning in

"The last time I saw my mom was my first day of kindergarten," she finally says.
"She drove me to school, walked me to my class, and told me she was proud of
me. I didn't cry like some of the other kids. She smiled and waved goodbye. Then
she went home to pack a suitcase and write a letter to my dad."

The last bit of her guard lowers with her chin until she's staring at her hands in her

"When we found out I was sick, Charlie wrote a letter to tell her and to ask if she
knew of any family history. I remember thinking when he sent it that she would
read it and come to make it all better." She laughs, but it's sad and bitter without a
trace of happiness. "It took a month for her to answer with a get well card. There

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was a note tucked inside that said she didn't know of any."

Until this moment, I was convinced that her mother was dead. The last bit of anger
over her assumption disappears. It's not like I didn't do the same thing to her last

"Where is she now?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. Charlie keeps tabs on her, but I stopped asking a
long time ago. I don't hate her, though." She looks up at me and touches my arm
again. "I have every reason to, but I don't." Her eyes water, but she stubbornly
bites her lip to keep the tears back. "I promise Mack doesn't hate you."

"I don't know how to fix this." Everything I touch turns to shit. It might be better for
Bella that it happened now with her instead of further down the road.

"You're a good dad, Edward. Charlie is a good dad, too. He did the best he could.
But the one thing I wish he would have given me was choices. For a while, my life
was chaos, and knowing that I had no say in it was the worst part. He was so busy
keeping me alive that he forgot to let me live."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you should ask Mack what she wants."

"You want me to make her choose between me and her mother?" I shake my head.

"The alternative makes her feel like you're not an option. You don't think that hurts
her?" She leans closer. "Believe me. It does."

I wave Tanya over to pay my tab. Bella sits and watches, and I hate the mix of
concern and pity on her face. "I'm good at hurting people," I tell her. "I'm sorry you
had to find out the hard way."

"Let me take you home," she says.

"I'm good."

"I've got it," Jasper says from behind her. "I'll take him."

"I don't need a fucking babysitter," I tell them, patting my empty pockets. "Tanya
took my keys a long time ago. I'll walk."

Jasper follows me out onto Beale and bothers me until I agree to let him drive me

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back to that empty fucking tomb on the river. The liquor and the demons catch up
to me when his car starts moving, and I have to close my eyes to keep from

What a fucking disaster.

I haven't done right by a single person in my life since the day my father died. I
take and take with nothing to give back. And instead of learning my lesson, I'm still
selfish enough to want more.

A/N- Rock bottom is an ugly place to be. But sometimes, it's necessary. I
love you guys for your sweet words and your frustration. Most of all, I love
you for coming back.

Sometimes, I want to share the entire playlist for this fic with you guys, but
I think waiting until the end might be better this time.

Take care, y'all. See you soon.


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*Chapter 11*: Lay It Down

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Somehow I make it to work on time Friday morning. Mom sends a text to let me
know that she's taking Mack to my place to pack a bag for this weekend since she
won't be back until Monday. She says that Mack is fine after last night's outburst.
Quiet and broody, but fine.

Just like her old man.

Only I'm not fine.

During my downtime, I call Jeff Jenks again to ask if it would matter if Mack chose
to be here.

"Hell yes, it would matter," he says. "The state recognizes the child's wishes at
twelve. It's not a closed-book guarantee, but it helps tremendously. We could file
earlier if your daughter wants to stay with you."

"I haven't talked to her, yet. It seems like a lot to put on a little girl."

"The courts don't see her as a little girl. She's almost thirteen and capable of
making informed decisions."

"I'll be in touch."

He sighs. "At some point, you're going to have to decide if you're in this or not,
Edward. Your ex-wife wasn't above playing dirty the last time. This can be as clean
as a whistle if Mack decides she wants to live here."

"I'll talk to her."

Mack is still asleep when I get to Mom's Saturday morning, so I catch a nap on the
couch while I wait for her. The smell of eggs and coffee wakes me a couple of
hours later. My stomach growls until I can't ignore it, so I throw off the blanket and
make my way into the kitchen.

Mom is sitting at the table, and Mack is standing at the stove with a spatula in her

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hand. She turns an omelet before sliding it onto a plate. She takes it to mom and
almost drops it on her lap when she sees me standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Dad."

She gets a mug from the cabinet and fills it with coffee, keeping her back to me.
Before I can tell her she shouldn't be drinking coffee at her age, she turns and
brings it over to me. "Are you hungry?"

"I could eat." I take the cup from her, and she nods, smiling a little.

"Sit down."

I take a seat at the island to be closer to her. She cracks eggs, and I sit back and
watch. "When did you learn how to cook?"

She laughs. "I got tired of Rice Krispies, so I taught myself."


"YouTube," she says. "There are videos for almost everything."


"It's not rocket science, Dad."

I wait until hers is done and then move to the table to sit with Mom. It's the best
omelet I've ever had. And the only time I've ever eaten spinach and liked it.

"Fresh vegetables taste better." Mack pours a glass of grape juice before sitting
next to me at the table. "Do you think we could go grocery shopping after you pick
me up Monday morning?"

If she's still upset, she's covering nicely. This is the most she's spoken to me since
she's been here. "Sure, we can do that."

"Whole Foods."


She's quiet through the rest of the meal, and when she's finished eating, she
clears the table. Mom watches over her coffee cup with a satisfied gleam in her
eye. It makes me wonder how much of this is Mack and how much of it is her.

I wait to ask until after Mack leaves the kitchen.

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"What did you say to her?"

She glances up from a word search. "We had a chat about respect."

"I wish you would have let me do that."

"When?" The paper hits the table between us. "When you were storming out of the
house?" My silence causes a tired sigh to escape her. "If that's the way you're
going to handle things, you're in for a long, hard road, son."

"I had a lot of time to think yesterday. A friend suggested asking Mack what she
wants, and my lawyer says she's old enough to decide."

"If you do that, I expect you to support her, no matter what she says. If you tell her
she can stay, I want you to make it happen."

"I know." The last thing I want to do is let her down again. Either of them.

"Paul was always independent. And we both know Jared is the mama's boy," she
says, resting her palm on my back. "But you… You were your father's shadow. I'm
proud of everything you've ever done, but nothing made me prouder than the way
you were with Mack." I stand to get away from her and the comfort she's trying to
offer. "I've tried to give you time. I've given you space. But you keep wandering
further and further away when she's gone. You can continue to do this alone, or
you can let us help you."

"You already do by keeping Mack. I can borrow money from my 401K to pay the
lawyer." I'd rather do that than borrow from the savings I have for Mack's college.
Most of the time, I contribute for groceries at the station or eat free of charge at
Silky's. I only have to pay for the booze there, so my bank account stays in the
plus every month despite the automatic deduction for child support. I keep the
Silky's money separate in a savings account for Mack. She probably won't need it
with the grades she's pulling, but maybe she can use it for dorms or daily
expenses. I worked my way through school, but it would be nice if she didn't have

"I'm not talking about money," she says.

Mack walks into the kitchen wearing a fitted white t-shirt and a tie-dyed skirt that
ends mid-calf. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail but still curly. This is the first
day she hasn't spent almost an hour straightening it since she's been here. She
looks more like the Mack I know, except for the skirt and makeup. It seems the
tomboy in her may be gone.

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"Do we have plans today, Dad?"

"No, not really. I told your mom that I'd drop you off at Carmen's around five. Why?"

"The Italian Festival is this weekend. Jane said they're going…"

I haven't seen her since Thursday, and I won't see her again until Monday. She'd
rather spend the day with my brother's family than me.


"Cool. Will you send Aunt Rachel a text to let her know we're coming? What time
do you want to meet them there?"

Choices. My brain works in absolutes, but according to Bella, Mack wants choices.
That was an invitation, and I didn't even realize it.

"Whenever you want to go," I say.

"The gates opened at eleven. We could go now, and they could catch up later."

"Are you ready?"

"I'll get my stuff."

I invite Mom to come with us, but she says she has plans for the afternoon. She
gets Mack's fully charged phone from the cabinet drawer beside the refrigerator
and places it in my hand. "Talk, listen, and try to have fun."

Mack rolls her own suitcase out to the car and waits for me to open the trunk.
"Thanks," she says.

The change in attitude since Thursday is like night and day. I'm starting to
recognize my Mack.

During the ride over to Marquette Park, she takes a small bottle from her purse
and applies sunscreen on her arms and face. I park at the Hilton Corporation, and
we take advantage of the free shuttle over to the festival.

She's quiet until after we're through the gate. "Can we check out some of the
booths?" she asks.

"Sure." I pull her phone from my pocket. "I'm going to give this back to you…" She
holds her hand out for a moment but lowers it to her side when I continue. "With

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conditions." She nods. "I don't want to see it at the table again, and that goes for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And when someone speaks to you, put it away and
pay attention to the conversation."

"I'm sorry," she says. "I didn't mean what I said the other night." She bypasses the
food vendors to examine the arts and crafts. "Mom waited to dump the Japan thing
on me until the night before she left for Aunt Susan's funeral."

I give her the phone, and she drops in into her purse without even looking at the
screen. "And you're not happy about Japan?" I ask.

"No. I have friends now. It took a while, but I finally found people I like, and now I
have to leave them, too. I don't like Seattle, but the time zone difference for Japan
is impossible. I don't know when I'll be able to talk to you, Jane, or my friends. And
that's if my phone even works over there."

"You're a lot like your grandpa. He hated moving around all the time when Poppy
was in the Navy. That's why he asked him to retire here."

"It sucks. I miss home so much already, and I know this is going to be even worse."

"I didn't let them take you away, Mack." She stops walking and looks up at me.
"There were circumstances... Things happened, and there was no way a judge
would have let you stay with me."

"I don't understand."

"And when you're older, I'll explain more. But for now, I want you to know that if I
could have stopped them, I would have." Her frustration is clear, but she doesn't
press it. "I called a lawyer Monday morning." She starts walking again, slow
enough for me to fall in step with her.

"About Japan?"


"Is there anything we can do?"

"There are a couple of options." I stop at a lemonade booth to stall. She watches
the woman behind the counter, squeezing lemons and measuring sugar. After I
pay, we continue to walk and people watch.

"What options, Dad?"

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"I could file for temporary custody for the year that your mom and Peter will be in
Japan, or I could file for permanent custody."


She stops again, making me wonder if bringing this up, here and now, in the
middle of a crowd and what could be a good, happy day…

"He also said that you're old enough to decide which parent you want to live with.
It's not a guarantee, but in most cases, the judge rules with the child."

"I could come home?"

It kills me that it's a question. She should know. "If that's what you want."

"What if I don't want to go back after a year?"

"Then you could stay."

"What about your life?"

I'm not sure what she thinks I do when she's gone, but I wouldn't go so far as to
call it a life. "You're it, kid." The best thing I've ever done and the one thing I don't
want to fuck up.

"Can I… I mean, does he need an answer right now? Can I think about it?"

"Of course you can. We don't have to do anything right away." She'll have a
chance to talk to Charlotte tonight, and that's okay. They should probably talk
about it before Mack tries to make a decision.

"I want to live here. I know that," she says. "But there's Toby. Mom and Peter have
been fighting a lot lately, and he… He's sweet, and I don't know how I feel about
leaving him."

This is what I didn't want to happen. Every choice has consequences.

"I have brothers," I say, trying to ease the guilt in her voice and on her face. "I
understand." If she chooses to stay with her little brother, it will hurt. But I can't
blame her for it. "Are things okay at home?" I don't care about Charlotte and
Peter's relationship at all, but it obviously affects my daughter.

She shrugs. "I guess. Peter works late almost every day, and Mom spends most of
the night calling him or texting him every five minutes. I spend every weekend with

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Josie to get out of the apartment, so I don't have to listen to them fight. If Mom was
smart, she'd divorce him instead of quitting her job to follow him to Japan."

"She's quitting her job?"

"That's the plan."

Her intense dislike for Peter is starting to rattle my bones. "Is Peter… Do you two
get along?"

She glances up at me. "Not really. Well, I guess. Like I said, he's not around much
during the week. And when he is, we ignore each other. I usually take care of
dinner, and I also have yoga and homework to keep me busy."

I'm thankful that boys aren't on that list of things keeping her busy yet. I remember
Paul bitching about Jane going boy crazy shortly after her thirteenth birthday. It's
around the corner for Mack, and I hate it.

We catch the end of Garibaldi's pizza-tossing demonstration, and my brother
shows up with his crew in time for lunch. Afterwards, Paul and the boys disappear
to watch the volleyball tournament finals, and Rachel decides to meet a friend over
at the stage for live music.

It leaves me with Jane and Mack, which is fine by me. They volunteer for the
Luigi's CaféGrape-Stomping Contest. I stand a few feet away, holding purses and
sandals, trying not laugh at the faces the girls make when they step into their

Charlotte is going to complain if Mack shows up covered in grape juice and in
need of a shower, but I'll take it in exchange for the smile Mack gives me. She
scrunches her nose and shakes her head, but she holds onto her support handles
with clenched fingers.

They laugh and shout to each other as they stomp their feet.

"She has your eyes," Bella says. Before I can turn around, she steps up next to me
and glances over at Mack. "Are things better?"

"I think so." Mack looks over again, and her smile slips when she notices Bella
standing so close to me. "It's hard to tell. Her moods change so quickly."

"Hormones," Bella says. "I was terrible at that age. It was my angry phase. If you're
lucky, in a couple of years, she'll move on to sarcasm." She smiles and looks at
Mack again, ignoring the blatant curiosity on my daughter's face. "I won't spoil your

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time with her. I just wanted to apologize for the other night."

"Apologize for what? I'm the one who got shitfaced."

"I didn't mean to imply that you were intentionally hurting Mack. I should have
worded it differently."

"I'm glad you were honest." I shift the pile of shoes and bags in my arm, wishing I
could touch her without dropping something. "I talked to her today, actually."

"What did she say?" Her head whips around so she can check my expression.

"She needs some time to think things over. She has a little brother. It's something I
hadn't even considered."

We stare at the girls, but they're too busy twisting and laughing to notice. In this
moment, Mack doesn't look like a girl torn between two families. She looks just as
happy as Jane.

"I hope you guys can work it out," Bella says. "I've got to be at work in a couple of
hours, so I'm going to find Rosalie and let you get back to cheering for Mack." She
turns to go but stops when I speak.

"I meant what I said the other night. It wasn't the Jim Beam talking." She looks over
her shoulder at me, and I keep talking. "I'm sorry I was an ass."

Her lip twitches. "You were an ass."

"I'm sorry if I ruined your night."

She turns and steps closer. "At the time, I didn't understand."

"I'm sorry."

"I wish you would stop saying that." She lifts up onto her toes to brush her lips
across my cheek. "We'll talk soon. Get your stuff worked out with Mack first.

It's not okay, because fixing things with her is important to me, too. I don't have a
chance to tell her that, though. Cheers erupt all around us when time is called on
the stomping contest. Mack and Jane climb out of their tubs, and Bella disappears
into the crowd, moving away from the stage.

"Who was that?" Mack asks when she comes to get her shoes.

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"A friend," I say, trying not to cringe. "She works at Rum Boogie and goes to school
with Jasper's girlfriend."

She nods and exchanges a look with Jane, who says, "She's kind of hot, Uncle

Mack's gaze shifts to me, so I just hum and nod a little. Her eyes narrow, but a
smile slowly spreads across her face. "You like her."

"He does," Jane says. "Look at his face. The tips of his ears are red."

"They do that when he's mad, too," Mack says.

Jane shrugs. "He doesn't look mad."

"Go and wash your feet off," I tell them. "It's after four, Mack."

Their laughter stops, and she nods. They get cleaned up with a water hose close
to the judges' table. One of the ladies gives each of them a gift certificate to
Lucchesi's for their participation.

We find Paul and the boys, and I leave Jane with them.

"Are you coming back?" Paul asks. "There's live music until around eleven."

"I don't know. I'll get a hand stamp and text you if I decide to come back."

"I wish we could stay," Mack says during the walk back to the shuttle stop. "That
was fun."

"Maybe you can talk Grandma into bringing you again tomorrow."


I wait until we're in the car to bring up Charlotte. "Do you want me to talk to your
mom about the custody thing? You probably need to talk to her tonight since she's
flying out tomorrow."

"No. I don't want her to ruin my time with Nonnie and Paw."

"Okay." There's plenty of time between now and August if she decides she wants
to stay.

"Can Jane spend the night next week? We haven't had a scary movie-thon since

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Letting them stay up all night to watch all of the Children of the Corn movies a few
days before Christmas had been a bad idea. Neither of them could sleep for days.
Rachel called me twice on Christmas Eve to yell at me, because it's hard to play
Santa when your oldest won't go to sleep.

"I don't know if Rachel will go for it."

"She will, because Jane makes Aunt Rachel watch scary movies with her when I'm
not here. She hates scary movies. Like really hates them."

"I know. She and your mom left the theater when we went to see The Blair Witch

She laughs. "And that one is so lame."

"If Rachel says yes, it's okay."

"Cool. I'll check Netflix this weekend and see what's playing."

As soon as I get my shit together, I plan to have a little chat with Rachel. I don't
mind her bitching at me, but I do have a problem with her bitching about me. We
should clear that up, because she's been my family since I was Mack's age.
Whether I like it or not, I'm going to need all the help I can get if Mack decides to

"Hey, Dad."


"I have lots of guy friends, and I don't kiss any of them on the cheek. Is that woman
your girlfriend?"

I don't know how in the hell to answer this question and not sound like a complete
douchebag. "Not really."

She tilts her head. "She is or she isn't."

"She isn't."

"But you're more than friends."

"Almost. I pis… um. I said something stupid and hurt her feelings."

She sighs dramatically. "Why are guys so dumb?"

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"I'm going to assume that's a rhetorical question." I glance over at her. "And since
when do you know so much about guys?"

"I read. A lot. And I watch movies."

"Why are you so interested?" I glance over at her when I make the turn onto
Carmen's street.

"I don't know." She studies the black SUV rental in her grandmother's driveway. "It
would be nice knowing you're not alone. I worry sometimes."

I park on the street and get her suitcase from the trunk. "Don't waste your time
worrying about me." This is one of the few times that lying to her is acceptable. "I'm

"Yeah." She turns away. "I'll see you Monday," she says.

"Bright and early."

She waves and walks up the driveway alone, waiting until I'm back in the car to
ring the doorbell. Charlotte opens the door for her and waves to let me know she's
got her. I pull away from the curb in acknowledgement.

If Bella's working the dinner shift, she'll probably be done between ten and eleven.
Showing up on Beale now would be pointless. I'd end up hugging a Jim Beam
bottle or crying in my beer again. Once was bad enough.

Since I've already paid, I go back to the Italian Festival and catch up with Paul and
Alec at the Bocce courts. They're not half bad and only lose their match by a few

By the time we meet the rest of the family for dinner, Jane has already convinced
Rachel to let her spend the night next week. It's amazing what two girls can
accomplish with cell phones and willpower.

The mosquitoes become unbearable around dusk, so we call it a night and part

With any luck, Bella won't have plans after work tonight. I have no idea what I'm
going to say to her, but I need to say something.

She's not out front when I get to Beale, so I stall outside the gate at Silky's until
she steps outside. The worry on her face when she catches sight of me makes me
feel like shit. Instead of disappearing into Silky's, I cross the street and wait for her

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to finish taking orders at the corner table.

"Hey," she says. "Did you and Mack fight again?"

"No. Charlotte is flying out tomorrow, so Mack is with her tonight."

"Oh. Cool."

"Can we talk when you get off?" I ask. "I know it's probably not what you meant by
soon, but…"

"I'm done at eleven tonight. Is that too late?"

"No, it's fine."

"I'll come over after I cash out."

Time is money around here, so I nod and let her get back to work.

Alice has cooled off since the last time I saw her. "Hey," she says when I take my
favorite spot by the wall.



I shake my head. "Coke."



I've got to be at work at eight, and I'm still feeling sluggish from Thursday. I'm not in
any shape for a bender.

Jasper comes outside after a while, and I fill him in on my talk with Mack.
"Charlotte isn't going to make this easy, you know."

"I know."

The chirp of a squad car and flashes of blue lights from the street draw the
attention of the audience away from the band. Drunk and disorderly arrests aren't
unusual for the Saturday night crowds.

Felix leaves his spot at the gate to walk over to us. "There's something going on

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across the street–"

Jasper and I are both off of our stools before he can finish.

There are two MPD cars parked on Third with lights flashing, and a small crowd is
blocking the front of Rum Boogie. I push my way through and catch sight of Bella
sitting on the sidewalk with Captain Mike on his knee beside her, pressing a
dishcloth against the back of her head. It's stained red and so is the back of her
pink t-shirt.

"What the hell happened?" I ask, kneeling on her other side. The old man nods,
hinting that I should take over. He moves his hand when mine slides into place,
keeping pressure on the wound. "I'm going to move this to look, okay?" Silence.

"Okay," she says. "Sorry. Blood makes me woozy."

There's a nasty gash on her lower crown. She winces when I move a clump of hair
to check the length of the cut. "I'm sorry. I know it hurts."

"My whole head hurts. My cheek is throbbing."

"Did she lose consciousness?" I ask Mike.

"I was across the street," he says. "It took a minute to get to her after she went
down. If she was out, it wasn't for long. A minute or less. She's been lucid. I tried to
convince her to lie down, but the blood made her sick, and she says it's not so bad
when she's sitting up."

"What happened?" I ask again, taking note of the reddish purple mark blooming
beneath her eye.

"They were fighting." He points to two guys sitting on the curb of Third with their
hands cuffed behind them. "She tried to talk some sense into them and caught an
elbow to the face. I didn't have the best view, but I think she hit the chair on the
way down."

"Why didn't you let Benny handle it?" I can hear the frustration in my voice and
want to strangle myself for it.

"Oh, what? Because I'm a woman?"

"No, because it's his job."

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She mashes her lips into a thin line and doesn't reply.

An ambulance finally arrives, and a truck from my station follows seconds later.
One of the guys brings me some gloves, and they give me space to take care of
Bella. Collin calls Mike away to get his statement, and Eric takes his place across
from me.

"They're going to have to put you in a neck brace for the ride," I tell her.

"Can we not and say we did?" she asks, staring at the blue and red lights and
watching the paramedics with the stretcher make their way over.

Before they get to us, a familiar face turns the corner, and Bella groans. "Who
called him?" she asks.

This must be Charlie Swan.

"I've been right here with you the entire time," I say. "It wasn't me."


Collin ignores her raised voice and continues his discussion with Mike while his
partner keeps an eye on the tough guys.

Lieutenant Charlie Swan stops a few inches away and leans over, bracing his
hands on his knees. "I called James," he says. "He's going to meet us at

"Why?" she asks. "Why did you do that? I'm fine. It's a bump on the head."

"He's your doctor. It's his job."

"Leaving his wife and baby at home on his night off is not his job. The ER is
perfectly capable of handling this."

"You know you're supposed to–"

"Lieutenant," I cut in, waiting for his glance to shift to me before continuing. "We
haven't finished assessing Bella's condition. The bus got here right before you did.
It would be helpful if you could give us room to work."

I'm not even on the clock, but my hands are covered in his daughter's blood, so he
listens and walks away.

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"Thanks," she says. "I can't believe they called him."

"Can you imagine what would've happened if they hadn't?"

She laughs, and then rubs her fingers over her cheek. "Ow."

"You're going to have a hell of a shiner."


"Are you on any blood thinners?" I ask.

"No," she says. "I don't need them."

"That's good. That means no CBC, and you can get away without an IV." She
smiles, and it causes her to wince again. "You'll need a CT scan to make sure you
didn't fracture your skull."

Renata and Eric take over the questions while I clean her wound with saline wash
and secure the gauze. When I'm done, we ease her down onto her back. She
glares at me as they put the neck brace on and again when I have to help them
logroll her onto the backboard.

"This is so unnecessary," Bella says. "You could've driven me there by now, and
we could've bypassed Charlie in the process."

"You'll get in much quicker this way." I expect her to argue when they put the head
blocks down and strap her to the board, but in a rare moment of acceptance, she
doesn't. "They'll give you something for the pain. You're going to need sutures."

She sighs. "This is going to be a long night."

It's certainly not ending the way I'd hoped it would. "A few hours at least."

"Still want to have that talk?" she asks. "I've got some time on my hands if you're
not busy."

"You want me to come with you?"

"You're much better company than Charlie."

Her father is standing a few feet away, talking to Collin. Since I can't zero in on her
relationship with him, I'm not sure if that's really a compliment. "I don't think he'll be
happy about that."

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She grins. "What? You're scared of my dad? I thought you were a badass."

"I'm going with you, but I doubt he'll let us talk much."

"Will you send him over here?"

"Yeah. Don't leave without me."


Collin sees me coming and pauses midsentence, giving me an opportunity to cut

"Lieutenant." I wait for Charlie to turn around to continue. "Bella is asking for you."

His grimace softens at the edges but comes back full force when he sees her on
the stretcher. "Thanks…" He holds out his hand to shake mine.

"Edward Cullen." His grip tightens, and he forgets about Bella long enough to look
me hard in the eye.

"It's good to see you again," he says.

I don't remember the first time, so I'm guessing we've done this before, only in
uniform. Two years ago. "Yes, sir." I break his grip and step out of the way so he
can get to Bella.

Benny walks over to give me Bella's purse and a clean Rum Boogie tee for her. He
apologizes for not getting there before she did. We both know it happens, but that
doesn't lessen the guilt when it does. I've got no business casting stones. He'll be
beating himself up enough as it is.

He lights a Camel, and my first instinct is to beg him for one. I pop a piece of my
personal crack into my mouth instead and wait for the nicotine to kill the urge.

"Which one of the fuckers elbowed Bella's face?" I ask.

Benny points to the second squad car. The guy in the back is leaning back in his
seat, watching the bedlam with a smug smile on his face.

He has no idea it was a TACT lieutenant's daughter he knocked around. Accident
or not. Even if Bella chooses not to press charges, Charlie will make sure the
drunk and disorderly and public intoxication stick. He won't be smiling when he
gets to 201.

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Charlie walks away from the ambulance when they start to load Bella. Renata
waves me over, so I say a quick goodbye to Benny and make my way over to her.

"She wants you in the back with us," she says. "Eric will drive, and I'll do the neuro
assessment on the way."

I hold a cold compress to Bella's cheek during the ride, but other than that, I stay
out of Renata's way. The guy from Gibson is waiting for us in the ambulance bay
at the ER.

He's her fucking doctor.

He looks surprised to see me but approaches the opposite side of the stretcher
instead of edging me out of his way. "A broken ticker wasn't enough? You're trying
to break your head now, too?"

"My ticker is fine," she snaps.

"Sorry. Bad joke." He grins. "I'll try to get you out of here as soon as possible.
Where's Charlie?"

"I told him not to come."

This is news to me. I'd assumed he'd be meeting us here.


"Not now," she says, cutting him off. "Get me out of this ridiculous neck brace."

"Okay, but you have to promise not to argue about a CT scan."

She looks up at me. "I've already been warned that it's coming."

"Okay, then."

He walks with us to the desk so Renata can hand over Bella's paperwork. After a
few minutes, she's moved to an exam room. Her roommate is what appears to be a
hundred-year-old man who's knocked out and snoring.

The doctor checks her vitals again before he removes the brace. "You're going to
need to change into a gown. I can send a nurse in to help…"

She looks over at me. "I think we're good."

He nods and takes her chart. "I'll be back in a few," he says over his shoulder.

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"My arm hurts," she says, rubbing it with her hand. "I think I hit it, too."

I walk over to her and turn her arm. "Your elbow is skinned, and you're going to
have a bruise."

"I'm going to look like I lost a boxing match."

"You already do."

"Will you help me?" she asks. "I don't think I can get my shirt off, and I don't want a

I don't really want anyone else to see her without her clothes either, so I walk over
and tug at the hem of her shirt. "Benny sent a clean shirt for later," I say, pulling the
fabric up slowly and taking care not to touch her. She's probably going to be sore
for a few days at least. I stare at her forehead to keep from looking down.

Being this close to her again is the worst kind of torture. I've seen her body in my
dreams many times since that night in her room. Now she's right in front of me, and
I can't even touch her.

She winces when she has to lift her arm, and I toss the stained shirt into the trash.
We fumble through getting her bra off, and I don't relax until I've tied the strings of
the gown at the back of her neck. Getting her pants off isn't as much of a struggle,
and everything is covered by the gown when I pull them away from her body.

Well, everything but the blackbird.

"Thank you," she says, leaning back against the pillow. "You have no idea how
much I hate hospitals. I hate needles. I hate blood. I hate tests. I hate all of it."

She sounds frustrated, angry, and forlorn all at once, and she looks like she's gone
ten rounds. "I don't blame you." I'd hate them, too, if I were her.

"James is my doctor. His little brother, Simon, has a scar, too. He was in the room
next to mine at Le Bonheur." She motions to her chest. "James was in college at
the time, but he and his sister, Riley, came to see Simon almost every day. Riley
and I are the same age. We became really good friends. She's still my best friend,
actually, but she met a guy in Knoxville and stayed behind when I left to come

"You don't owe me any kind of explanation," I say.

"I know that." She tugs the blanket up to her chin and shivers. "He's my friend, my

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doctor, and my best friend's brother, so you're going to have to get over whatever
problem you have with him, okay?"

I nod, figuring that's my best option at the moment. The voices on the other side of
the curtain are getting closer, and a few moments later, James says, "Knock

"We're good," Bella says.

"Let me get a quick look at that gash on the back of your head and see if it can
wait until after the CT." He helps her sit up, and watching the way he handles her
with care erases some of the animosity that bubbled up when he walked through
the curtains.

She winces and swears at him when he moves the hair to get a good look. "You're
going to need sutures, but it can wait until after the scan. You'll have to take the
hardware out of your lip for this."

Bella rolls her eyes at him before looking over at me. "I'll be back in a few."

"I'll be here."

Her buddy ignores me while we help her into the wheelchair he has waiting. She
takes the blanket with her, and they disappear down the hall. I use the sink in the
room to wash my hands and watch the red turn pink and disappear down the
drain, knowing I'll see it again as soon as I try to sleep.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. There are nine texts and five missed calls, all
from a number I don't recognize.


I send a text to let her know that Bella is okay and having tests done. She asks if
she needs to come here to take Bella home and stay with her tonight. I tell her to
stay put for now and promise to ask Bella what she wants when she gets back to
the room.

They're gone for more than a half hour. It's time enough for the exhaustion to set
in. This has been a long fucking day.

Bella looks miserable when they get back to the room. James gives her Lortab and
asks how she's getting home.

"Alice offered to come and take you home," I say. "But I'm already here, and I can

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call a cab for us if you say the word."

"That sounds much better. There's no reason for her to leave early."

Alice is fine with that decision and much nicer than I expect.

Bella closes her eyes and turns her head when James pulls out the needle filled
with Lidocaine to numb her for the sutures. Before I can overthink it, my hand
covers hers on her knee. She flips hers, resting her palm against mine and
squeezing a little when the needle pierces her flesh.

"How did you manage all of this ink?" I ask.

"It's different." She opens her eyes and takes a deep breath. "You know that."

"This would be a much prettier scar if you would let me shave the hair around this
cut," James says, already at work behind her.

"Like I care about that," she says.

He does a good job, gentle but efficient. "Are you on staff here?" I ask.

"Le Bonheur," he answers.

"He's part of the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program," Bella says. "I see him
twice a year for checkups, but my psycho father acts like he's my personal

"It's really not a big deal," James says, pulling off his gloves and tossing them into
the trash. "Go home and get some rest. There's a note with your discharge
instructions. I don't want you at work for a few days, preferably a week, but at least
a few days, Bella. Either job." He shakes his head. "Besides, you look like hell."
He turns to me and holds out his hand. "James Hamilton."

We shake. "Edward Cullen."

"Try to convince her to take it easy if you can." With that sage advice, he leaves

She's quiet during the ride to her house, with her head against the window and her
eyes closed. I'm almost convinced she's asleep until we stop in her driveway.

"Will you come in?" she asks.

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"Of course. Do you want me to tell the driver to wait?"


I pay him and help her out of the car. She searches her purse for her keys on the
way up the steps. When she finds them, she hands them to me. "It's the one
shaped like a guitar," she says, trailing off into a yawn.

Bub meets us at the door, weaves between Bella's legs twice, and then
disappears into the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Not really," she says. "I'm thirsty, though." We follow the cat, and Bella points to a
cabinet. "The glasses are in there."

"Do you have orange juice?"

"I think so."

"The vitamin C will help with the bruises."

A small, tired smile graces her lips. "Bouncer advice?"

I open the fridge and study the contents, looking for the juice. "My dad's. I stayed
black and blue when I was learning how to board."

"Hmmm. I should probably check you for scars."

I look over my shoulder at her to see if she's joking. She's not. But she's not
exactly flirting, either. Judging by her eyes, I'm going with high or too tired to know
what she's saying.

She drinks half of the juice in the kitchen and carries it with her, motioning for me
to follow her upstairs. "I smell like blood, beer, and hospital. I feel gross. I need a
quick shower. I hate to ask this of you, but will you stay in case I have trouble? I
won't be able to sleep like this."

She leaves the glass on the table next to the bed and motions for me to follow her
to the bathroom. Undressing her this time is even worse, because I have the
perfect view of the pale skin of her back in the mirror above the sink.

I close my eyes to keep from watching her step into the shower. Then I cross my
arms and lean against the pedestal sink, staring at the floor to avoid the possibility

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of that white shower curtain being too thin.

By the time she finishes, the mirror is covered in condensation from tiny steam
clouds. I stare at those and the door until she opens the curtains behind me. "My
hair is still gross. I'm sorry. I can't wash it for two days. Maybe Sasha can help me
figure something out tomorrow."

"I'm not worried about the way your hair looks. How does your head feel?"

"It hurts like hell," she says from right behind me. I'm surprised and a tad
disappointed that she managed to get into a fluffy white robe without my
assistance. "I can move now, so the shower helped."


"I'm tired." Her voice is weak, and she can barely keep her eyes open. She steps
forward and puts her palms against my chest.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No. This is nice. You've talked a lot tonight." She shrugs. "More than normal,
anyway." Her hands fall, and she steps back to cover a yawn.

"I'll set the alarm on my phone. I've got to be at work at eight in the morning." I
follow her into her bedroom and watch her pull the bedding down. "If you're
sleeping, I'm not going to wake you up when I leave."

"That might be the first time anyone has ever given me a disclaimer before taking
me to bed," she says. "I'm okay with waking up alone. I'm just tired of falling asleep
that way."

So am I.

I turn off the light and toe out of my tennis shoes before joining her on the bed. I'm
back in the habit of sleeping in pants and t-shirts since Mack is home, so shorts
and a tee are even better. Bella hasn't moved to take the robe off. She turns onto
her good side and faces me in the bed.

"I'm still mad at you," she says. "I've always been honest with you. I've told you
ridiculously embarrassing things about myself that very few people know." Her
gaze doesn't waver, and neither does her voice. "I understand why trust might be
difficult for you, but that doesn't give you a free pass to act like a jackass. If you
want to know something, ask."

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"I was jealous." She is a brutally honest person. The least I can do is be honest in

"You don't need to be." She blinks, yawns again, and then closes her eyes. "You're
the only person I'm doing this with, okay?"

"And what is this?"



I run my fingers over her cheek and then pull her hand into mine, letting my thumb
rest against her pulse. I watch her sleep until I can't keep my eyes open anymore.

And instead of blood, my dreams are filled with red poppies and silence.

A/N – I'm leaving in eleven days to take my kiddos to Harry Potter World
(Orlando) for Spring Break. I'll do my absolute best to get another chapter
done before we go, but I can't make any promises. I have to pack and clean
and all that jazz, so don't hate me if it doesn't happen. This is a much better
place to leave it than where we were, right? Lol.

Thanks for reading! I'll see you as soon as possible.



Oh yeah… How many of you lovelies are planning to attend the TFMU in
July over in Nashville? Let me know if I'll see you there. :)

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*Chapter 12*: Interference

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M for pre-reading. Hopefully, Nic is
enjoying a fantastic vacation right about now. She's earned it. Any
mistakes left are mine.

I wake an hour before the alarm is set to go off on my phone. Five consecutive
hours of sleep isn't bad for a split shift night. It's still dark, and I've got two hours
until I need to be at the station.

Bella is sleeping soundly, and I have a feeling that she will be for a while. There'll
be no Sunday bike ride this morning. At some point during the night, either she or I
moved. We're chin to forehead close, and I can feel her arms tucked against my

Leaving the warmth of her bed isn't easy.

Rosalie must have given her a ride to work yesterday, because Bella's truck was in
the driveway when we got here last night. I debate the difference between stealing
and borrowing in the time it takes to walk to the door and grab the keys from the
table on my way out.

There's no crowd at Donald's at 6:15 on a Sunday morning, and everything is
fresh and warm. It takes less than five minutes for the kid behind the counter to
pack up 6 dozen donuts, 4 dozen donut holes, and two blueberry cake donuts in a
separate bag. Black coffee "to go" and orange juice from the freezer section
complete the order. On the way back to Bella's, I call a cab to meet me there.

The house is still silent when I stop by to return the keys. Bub has joined Bella on
the bed. He glances up from his spot on the pillow I recently vacated. He watches
me lean over the table next to the bed to use one of Bella's pens to leave a note
on the bag.

I boosted your truck, but it was for a good cause.

I doubt she'll feel like doing much today. This way, she gets her donuts and orange

She doesn't stir when the cat drops down heavily onto the floor to follow me out of

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her room. He passes me on the top step, and I close the door behind me to keep
him away from her breakfast. A Yellow Cab is waiting out front, so I grab the rest of
the donuts from the porch swing and take off.

My car is still in one piece when I unlock the door at sunrise, and the guys are
happy to see donuts in my hand when I show up ten minutes early for work.

It's a slow morning for a Sunday. The midday lull is spent cleaning the trucks and
then gaming. I'm halfway through a COD mission with McCarty when Max calls out
my name. "There's someone out front asking for you."

"Fuck," I mutter, dropping the remote.

"What?" Emmett asks.

"Charlotte is flying out today." Mack must have decided to talk to her after all. I take
a few deep breaths and remind myself not to get pissed no matter what she says.

No fuckups this time.

Instead of blonde hair and heels, a black eye and a soft smile are waiting for me
just outside the garage.

"Hey," Bella says.

Sasha is in the driver's seat of Bella's truck, waiting for her in the parking lot.

"Hey. Are you deliberately ignoring your doctor's advice?"

"I dropped off my prescription at Walgreen's, and they said it would be a half hour
wait at least."

"So, you asked Sasha to drive you downtown?"

"Yes," she says. "To thank you for breakfast and to tell you that I'm taking my
doctor's advice." She lifts her arm and stretches it. "I'm taking the week off. From
both jobs. I haven't had any kind of break or vacation since… Well, it's been a

"What about the rent?" I smile and she does, too.

"I made more money in May at Rum Boogie than I did all of last summer at Molly's.
I think I'll be okay."

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"Good. You should rest, especially the first few days."

She nods, stepping closer and studying the MFD logo on my shirt. "You never
called or texted."

I've had her phone number for almost two weeks. At first, I didn't know what to say.
Then after last weekend, I wasn't sure if she still wanted me to call.

"I haven't taken you to dinner yet, either."

She looks up, fighting a grin. "No, you haven't."

"Do you think you'll feel better by Friday?"

"I'll be fine by Friday." She looks down at her shoes. "What about Mack?"

"I'm working Saturday, so she'll be spending the night with my mom or Jane."

"Text me this week to let me know what time."

"I will." I step closer and run my thumb beneath the bruise on her face. When I lean
down, her eyes close and her lips are sweet against mine for a moment. "Enjoy
your vacation."

"I'll try," she says, taking a step back. "You'd better get back to work, and Sasha is
probably ready to go." I nod, and she hesitates. "Thank you… for last night."
There's something different in her eyes, the way she looks at me. Something deep
and quiet, but real.

"You're welcome."

She nods, smiling and satisfied. "I'll see you later."

McCarty is blocking the door with his arms crossed, shaking his head as she
drives away. "How did you manage that?" he asks.


"She's with you."

"Yeah." I back it up with a set jaw and a hard stare.

"She said she doesn't date."

"She does now."

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He holds his hands up. "Whoa, man. I'm surprised. That's all. I think she's turned
down half the single guys in this station."

Maybe that friends thing wasn't such a horrible idea after all. I'm not sure when it
changed for her, if there was some moment I missed. "Don't tell me which half."

The afternoon is busy with traffic accidents before the Redbirds game and a small
kitchen fire at one of the mom and pop joints just off of Beale during the dinner

I manage a few hours of sleep at the station and a couple more on Mom's couch
Monday morning, waiting for Mack to wake up.

I'm greeted with fresh waffles and black coffee when I walk into the kitchen. Mack
is handling the waffle iron, and Mom is slicing strawberries.

"Good morning," I say.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Mom uses the knife to point to the butter and syrup on the

Mack is quiet. She forces a smile when I catch her eye but keeps busy until there's
a stack of steaming waffles on the plate next to the iron. "Don't forget about the
groceries," she says after settling into the seat next to mine.

"We'll go whenever you want to."

She nods and spoons blueberries onto her waffles before drowning them in
organic syrup. "Can we go to Target, too? We need a waffle iron."

"Sure. This tastes much better than Eggo."

A pleased grin spreads across her face. "Thanks."

"Since you're off Sunday, we should have a cookout to celebrate your birthday,"
Mom says. "Let's do it at Jared's house. He opened his pool last week, so the kids
will have more fun there."


"I'll need Jasper's phone number. If you don't give it to me, I'll message him on

"You're friends with Jasper on Facebook?"

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"Yes. His girlfriend is adorable."

"Alice?" I'm not sure adorable is accurate. It implies a sweetness that's missing, not
that that is a bad thing. I'm glad Bella has friends fierce enough to stand by her.

But that doesn't mean I want Alice at this birthday shindig.

"Yes, that's her name. Alice." She gives Mack a quick glance and then watches her
coffee cup as she raises it to her lips. "Mack said you have a special friend you
might want to invite…"

Special friend…

That little traitor. Mack shrinks in her chair and refuses to make eye contact with
me, focusing on her waffles with renewed interest.

"Mom, I'm turning 33, not 16. Let's make it family, okay?"

She frowns but nods her agreement. "Okay."

Mack clears the table when we're done and then rushes upstairs to get her stuff.
The minute we're alone, Mom pounces.

"At least let me invite Jasper. He's your best friend. He's family."

"I'll text you his phone number this week. But please don't ask him to invite anyone
else," I say. "This thing… It's new and it's complicated. I'm not comfortable
introducing her to Mack yet. It might not… We're just not there."

"Yet," she says, letting a small smile turn up the corners of her mouth. "You said
'yet.' I'll stay out of it."

"Thank you."

We discuss my schedule for the week until Mack comes back. Kim stops by with
her brood to see if Mom wants to go with them to the Children's Museum. It's an
implied plea for help if you ask me. I could barely handle one kid in that place.
Kim's got three, and one of them is still in diapers.

Mack and I hang around to spend some time with them while Mom gets ready to
go. By the time we leave, Elaine has planned a slumber party with Mack and Jane
(via text) for Friday night, and Kim has agreed to the plan.

When we pull away from Mom's house, Mack is smiling and satisfied.

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"How could you sell me out to Grandma?" I ask.

She laughs. "I was hoping she would bully you into inviting…" she trails off
deliberately, wanting more information.

"Bella," I say. "Her name is Bella."

"Well, you obviously needed some help with Bella."

"Actually, I'm doing okay without you and Grandma. We're going out Friday night."

"Are you serious?" she asks in disbelief. "I thought she was mad at you."

"She is," I admit. "It's okay to be mad at someone you like. This is coming out
wrong…" This parenting shit is so much harder than it should be. "Your friend
Josie – have you ever had a fight with her? Or maybe she hurt your feelings…?"

"Yeah. We've had a couple of small arguments."

"But you still cared about her. You still wanted her to be your friend. It's the same
with… adult relationships. I know you saw a lot of fighting when your mom and I
split up, and again right before you moved to Seattle. That's not…" God, I don't
want her to think that what happened between me and Charlotte is the norm. "I'm
sorry. I'm sorry we didn't handle it better."

She shifts in her seat, angling her body toward the car door to watch traffic. "I
talked to Mom Saturday night. Is it true that you were in jail?"

I accidently run a red light during the initial shock her question causes. For both of
our sakes, I pull over at Home Depot and park the car in the back of the lot. "What
did she say to you?" I ask. Knowing Charlotte, I need to do some damage control.

"You said there were circumstances. I wanted to know what they were, so I asked

"That doesn't answer my question."

"She said Peter went to talk to you, and you attacked him because you were

"I punched him, but I wasn't drunk." Impaired, yes, but not drunk.

Her eyes widen, and her lips part. "So you did go to jail…"

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"I spent one night at 201." I'd rather be a disappointment than a liar. "Paul bailed
me out around sunrise."

"I bet he was mad," she says quietly.

"He was, but not at me."

"At Peter," she says. "You had every right to punch him. I hope you kicked his butt.
I told them so in Nonnie's kitchen Saturday night."

"Mack, you can't talk to your mother like–"

"Why didn't you tell me?" She shakes her head, and I can hear the tears in her
voice, even if they're missing from her face. "I can't believe he had you arrested."

"I broke the law," I remind her. "I shouldn't have hit him. It wasn't the right way to
handle it. And it cost me you. I knew you would hate him if I told you." She tries to
interrupt again, but I keep talking. "I didn't want you to be miserable there."

"I am, though. And there's no way I can go back now. I can't live in the same house
with him anymore. I'm tired of feeling angry all the time. Honestly, Dad?" She looks
up at me, and the first few tears are blinked from the corners of her eyes. "I don't
want to live with her, either."

"You're mad right now," I say. "This is all new, and it hurts. It might not be the best
time to make a decision."

She looks up in confusion. "Did you change your mind?"

"No. I want you to live here with me. But you might change your mind when some
time has passed, and you start to miss her and your brother."

"I will miss Toby," she says. "But I won't change my mind."

"We have time, Mack. If you still feel this way in a month, we'll talk to the lawyer
together, okay?"


She sniffles and pulls down the visor to assess the damage the tears caused. I've
seen her mother do the same thing a few times throughout the years. No matter
how things ended, I can't bring myself to regret any of it. Mack is here because of

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"Do you still feel like shopping?"

"I'm sure a trip to Target would help cheer me up," she says, reapplying makeup.

"I'm sure it would." I start the car, and she grins through the rest of her sniffles.

We find an acceptable waffle iron, and the store has a great organic selection,
which eliminates the need for Whole Foods. I catch her admiring a couple of fuzzy
moon chairs in the main aisle across from the grocery department.

"Do you want one?" I ask. The pink one would match her new bedding.

"They would look awesome in my room," she says, eyeing the black one as well. "I
need an extra for Jane or Elaine when they come over."

"You're an extortionist. We'll get them on the way out."

Since I don't know what she can cook or what she likes to cook, I give her carte
blanche in the grocery department. I see a lot of fruit and vegetables in my future.
It's not horrible, though, because she also likes brownies and popcorn with movie
theater butter.

"Is Bella short for Isabella?" she asks when we're back in the car, heading toward
the river.

"Yes." I smile, remembering the curt attitude the night we met and the way Bella
introduced herself to me.

"It's a pretty name, but I think it's kind of cool that she goes by a nickname. Like

"She is cool. Like you."

She looks down at her lap to hide her smile. "So, what are you going to do on this

"I have no idea."

"Dad." Her mouth straightens into a thin line, a warning not to blow it.

"I'll figure something out by Friday."

It sounds much easier than it is. For the first time in months, there is nothing going
on this weekend. No festivals. No concerts. Even the Redbirds are playing out of

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The next few days with Mack are easy and relaxed, except for the constant
questions about Bella. She looks thoughtful when I mention that Bella is in
optometry school.

"That would be a cool job," she says. "Will that make her a doctor?"

"Yeah. An eye doctor."

She taps on her phone for a minute and talks as she reads. "It's only four years of
school. That's not bad. Wow. I had no idea that Southern College of Optometry
was a top ten school…"

"Bella has a friend who came here from New York for school."

"I'm going to bookmark this and research it more. I may have to add it to my list of
possible jobs."

"What are your other choices?"

"Vet, FBI agent, yoga instructor, astronaut…"

"Well, there's not much of a budget for space adventures these days, so you might
want to shelf that one. The others are cool. If you join the FBI, you're going to have
to get your old man a hoodie, okay?"

She laughs. "Yeah. Okay."

"So, you really like the yoga, huh?"

"I do. It helps me relax and clear my head."

"There's a place in The Square, close to Memphis Pizza Café. We could check it
out if you want to."

"You want to take yoga classes with me?"

"No." I shake my head. "I meant check it out for you. If you need a partner, talk to
Jane or one of your aunts. Maybe Grandma."

"Relax." She giggles and holds both hands out in front of her. "No offense, but I
don't want you in my yoga class."

"It's probably not cool to hang out with me."

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"It's not that. You'd disrupt class just by showing up. It would be hard to relax with
everyone ogling my dad."

"It's the ink. I can't help it."

"Sure, Dad. It's the ink."

I think Bella was wrong on the timing of the sarcasm phase. Mack was an early
walker and an early talker. Why not this, too?

She makes a few phone calls, and arranges for her and Jane to attend a class
tonight. Rachel and I agree to meet there at five to fill out the necessary paperwork
and release forms. She's going to check out the classes with them.

While Mack is busy talking wardrobe with Jane, I sneak out to the back porch and
finally tap Bella's number on my phone screen.

It rings a couple of times before her voicemail picks up.

"Hey. I'm going to be in your neighborhood tonight while Mack is at yoga. Maybe
we can talk about Friday over a couple of donuts, if you don't have plans. Just…
let me know."

I hang up and pocket my phone, hating how awkward that was and how stupid I
feel. The unease worsens as the minutes tick by in silence.

Almost an hour later, my phone finally vibrates with a text.

My treat. I'll be home after five.

Obviously a lot has changed since the 90s. I'm not sure how I feel about letting her
pay. Mom would swat me with a broom if she ever found out.

Rachel and Jane beat us to Overton Square, and Mack joins them in the waiting
area to fill out paperwork while I discuss the different packages available with one
of the instructors. They offer classes in a variety of skill levels, and they're open
seven days a week.

"I'll be back in an hour," I tell Mack once the necessary release forms are signed.
"Have fun."

She waves, and follows Rachel and Jane through a door to the back of the studio.

Bella's truck is in the driveway, and the twinkle lights are already on, even though

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the sun won't set for at least another hour. She opens the door wearing jeans, a
thin-strapped tank, and flip-flops. The deep, bright red on her toenails matches…
her. Her flowers, her flames, her glasses… her.

"Hey," she says, smiling up at me.

"Your eye looks much better." I step forward and lean down to kiss the skin
between it and her temple.

"I feel better." The hug she wraps me in helps settle the nervousness and
indecision from earlier. "I'm glad you called. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I
was having a late lunch with Charlie."

"Everything okay?" I'd expected the irritated edge from Saturday to have
disappeared by now, but it's still going strong.

She nods. "We don't see each other much, and he guilt-tripped me into it."

"Are you going to invite him in?" Sasha asks from her spot on the couch. "You're
letting the bloodsuckers in."

"No," Bella says. "We're going out for a few." She steps out onto the porch and
closes the door behind her. "Sorry." She glances at me. "I've had my fill of Sasha,
too. I need a break."

We stop at the curb, and she waits for me to unlock the passenger door and open
it for her. "You're frustrated."

"I'm not used to spending this much time with my roommates. I go to school. I work.
I study." She keeps talking during the drive over to Donald's. "I'm running out of
things to do. I've read five books, cleaned out my closet, and spent way too much
money shopping online."

"Anything good?" I ask after parking in the nearly empty lot.

She stares at me instead of opening the car door. "What?"

"You read five books. Were any of them good?"

Her cheeks turn pink, and she gets out of the car without a word. She doesn't
answer until we're inside, studying the contents of the case. "Yes. A couple of them
were good. One was fantastic, but it made me sob and put away a pint of
chocolate fudge ice cream. I'm going to kill Riley for telling me to read it."

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"You want to kill her for recommending a fantastic book?"

"It hurt."


She orders one donut tonight, the best one in the house. My buddies called it The
donut back in high school when we stopped here after skating
downtown on Friday nights. Strawberry icing and sprinkles.

"I'll take two of those, too, please." I shrug when Bella looks up in surprise. "I
haven't had one in years."

Coffee for me, water for her, and out of habit, I reach for my wallet when the kid
behind the counter rings us up. Bella gives me a look and pulls a ten from her
back pocket before I have the chance to blink. "My treat, remember?"

I shrug. "Had to try."

"What type of yoga is Mack into?" she asks, leading the way to a table for two
near the front window.

"There are different types?"

She smiles and nods. "A few."

"I don't know. It's the place over in The Square."

"Oh, Delta Groove. I've read good things about them in the flyer."

"She seemed excited about it."

"So things are still good with y'all?"

"Things are much better. She's speaking to me now, and she likes to cook."

"Did she learn that from you?" The question is so earnest it almost makes me

"No." I shake my head. "I only cook on grills, and that's rare. Most of the time, I eat
at Silky's or get takeout. She taught herself with YouTube."


"I'm serious. She's awesome."

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She leans forward in her seat, smiling bright and happy. "I'm glad things are good.
You deserve a good summer together."

I almost tell her what Mack said… about staying. It's complicated, though. Mack
might think that her mind is made up, but she'll miss Charlotte regardless of
whether or not she wants to. I know that from experience. I want her to think long
and hard about this decision.

And then I want her to choose me.

I want Mack to come home. And I want this thing with Bella, whatever it is.

But that conversation is too heavy for a donut shop, and I haven't even taken her
on a real date, yet.

Our hour ticks by quickly, and she smiles when I catch the door for her on the way
out. "You're so old-fashioned," she says. Then she glances at my arms and smiles.
"In some ways…"

"Or maybe you've gone out with dickheads."

She laughs, lips parted and blushing. "Maybe." After I unlock the car door for her,
she catches my hand and steps closer. Our fingers tangle when I lean down to
kiss her, and she uses her other hand to twist my t-shirt, pulling me until our chests
touch. "You can text anytime, you know."

I'm hoping the chops cover most of the burning on my cheeks. And thanks to Mack
and Jane, I'm also concerned about my ears. "I don't know what to say," I admit.

"Just say hi." More kisses, smaller and sweeter, even though her grip on my hand
keeps getting tighter. She gives a final squeeze and pulls away. "You need to get

My watch confirms it. "Shit. I do. I'm sorry…"

"Don't," she says, waiting for me to unlock her door. "Don't ever apologize for that.
This was a nice surprise. We're still on for Friday, right?"

"Yes. I've got Mack and Jane tomorrow night for scary movie night. I'll be taking
them to Kim and Jared's sometime Friday, but I'm not sure when yet."

"I'm going shopping with Rosalie tomorrow, which will probably be an all day event.
My only plans on Friday are to sleep late and then hang out with you." She
catches my eye and opens the door. "You can text me when you figure out a time."

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I hate not being able to walk her to her door or kiss her goodnight, but she makes
it easier by getting out quickly when I park at the curb in front of her house. "Bye,"
she says. "See you Friday."

Mack, Rachel, and Jane are waiting in the courtyard behind the building. "Where
have you been, Dad? You're late."

"Sorry. I got some coffee."

She looks at the screen of her phone. "Uh huh."

"I'm signing up with them," Rachel says. "Call or text if Mack ever needs a ride."

"I will," I answer.

Mack gets into the car and doesn't say anything while we idle, waiting to make
sure Rachel and Jane get to the van and out of the parking garage safely. She
plays with her phone, letting a twisted, devious smile sit on her lips.

We're almost downtown when she decides to break the silence. "Your car smells
like vanilla and flowers."

It smells like Bella.

"I took Bella with me for coffee. And donuts."

"I knew it," she says, tapping furiously on the screen of her phone. It vibrates in her
hand, and she laughs. "Jane texted back with the fist bump emoji."

"You two are going to give me grief tomorrow, aren't you?"

"Why would we do that?" she asks innocently.

Because they're nosey and pushy. It's in their genes. "I'm working on it."


A/N – I'm soooo sorry this took forever. This was originally a monster of a
chapter, so I decided to break it up. So, the good news is chapter 13 is
done. It will post later this week.

Happy Easter if you celebrate.

Happy 420 if you celebrate.

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And happy birthday, MrSC (just in case he ever goes all Sherlock Holmes
and discovers my secret identity ;)).

Thanks for reading, y'all. See you soon.


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*Chapter 13*: With a Little Help

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M for pre-reading. Any mistakes
left are mine.

Music – "These Arms of Mine" Otis Redding

The smell of banana pancakes wakes me Thursday morning around ten. Mack
sings "Happy Birthday" and makes me blow out the candle she's stuck in my
breakfast. Then she apologizes and tells me I have to wait to open my gift until
Sunday. Mom's orders.

Paul drops Jane off on his way to work. He's serving high risk warrants tonight and
meeting the rest of his team at the Central Station at four.

It's early in the day, but this is really the only time the girls can enjoy Beale. The
partiers and the curfew will make it impossible by the time our double feature at
The Orpheum ends tonight. Since the weather is still tolerable, the girls ask to skip
the trolley and walk up Main. They window shop until Jane spots the Stick Em
food truck parked on Monroe.

We get kabobs, veggies, and tea before circling back to Court Square to eat
dinner early on the steps of the park's gazebo. They sucker me into cones from
Maggie Moo's and eat ice cream on the way to Schwab's. Since the candy is
cheaper by the pound than at the theater, they load up on it for later.

At Mack's insistence, we walk over to Silky's for her to say hi to Jasper and for me
to get the free tickets he scored from his cousin. Tanya is having an early dinner
with Jason at the bar before her shift starts, but she drops her sandwich to stand
and give Mack a hug.

"You've grown a foot!"

"Not that much," Mack says, laughing and squeezing Tanya's waist.

Jasper makes the girls' day by letting them help him feed the goats. Alice shows
up for work as we're leaving. I introduce her to Mack and Jane as Jasper's
girlfriend, and she makes small talk with them by asking about our plans for the

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Nothing gets by Mack, and as soon as we're away from Silky's, she starts the
assault. "So, that Alice girl… She's Bella's friend from school?"


"Cool." Mack looks over at Jane for approval and, once she has it, returns her
attention to me. "What have you decided about tomorrow?" she asks.

"I haven't."

"Oh, my God, Dad." Mack puts her fists on her hips and stops in front of the Elvis
statue to let me have it. "You've had all week!"

"I know."

Jane steps between us. "I hate to break this up, but I really need to pee."

"Fine," Mack says, walking again. "But you're going to have to help me think of

"Okay. Fine, but I can't think when I have to go this bad."

They disappear downstairs to the restroom as soon as we make it through the
doors of The Orpheum. Luckily, they're still full from dinner and ice cream. We skip
the refreshment line and go straight to our seats.

Mack sinks into her chair and sighs. "I love this place." She whips out her phone
and snaps pictures of the stage, the chandelier, the galleries, and the balcony.
"Dad," she says. "You should bring her here."

"Oooooh. That's a good idea," Jane agrees.

"I don't even know what's playing tomorrow night. Isn't taking her to a movie

"Dad, look around." She waves a hand at the other members of the audience.

There are couples everywhere; talking and laughing quietly, holding hands,
walking in together with popcorn and drinks.

"But don't take her to dinner on Beale, since you both work there," Jane says.
"Where does she live?"


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Mack smiles at my answer. We may have been living in a crappy apartment over
by U of M when she was born, but almost all of her memories of "home" are from
our life in Midtown. "Take her to Dino's," she says. "It's casual but still cozy, and the
antipasto is amazing."

It's not a bad idea. Dino's is close to Bella's place and off the beaten Friday night

The girls quiet down when the lights are cut and the reels start turning.
Ghostbusters is an old favorite from their early days of watching scary movies.
During the intermission between movies, the families with young kids leave, and
the audience has been cut in half by the time we return to our seats. They've seen
Poltergeist, too, but that doesn't stop them from jumping in their seats a few times.

They're fine during the trolley ride down Main, but nervous and jumpy walking over
to Harbor Town. We make popcorn and settle in to watch a copy of The Shining
that Alec borrowed from one of his buddies. That one scares the shit out of them,
but they still haven't had enough.

"Goodnight," I say when Mack picks up the remote to find something on Netflix.

"Night, Dad."

"Night, Uncle Edward."

My bed is too lumpy, the sheets too cold and crisp. Moonlight creeps under the
edges of the blinds, and the muted tones of whatever horror flick the girls have
chosen to close the night with carry down the hall.

It's after one in the morning, but I still reach for my phone after tossing and turning
for God knows how long.


Bella's answering text is almost immediate.

Hey. How was movie night?

Instead of texting, I tap her number on the screen. She answers before the second
ring. "Hey."

One word. That's all it takes. We talk about the movies, the girls, their obsession
with horror stories, her day…

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Sometime after two, she yawns, causing me to do the same. "We should get some
sleep," I say. "I'll pick you up at five if that's okay."

"Five works for me. I'll see you tonight."

Falling asleep with those words echoing in my head is easy work. No dreams. No
voices. No blood. Nothing until the quiet stillness of morning greets me with the

I may have been the only one who slept well last night; so well that Mack was able
to move her moon chair into the corner of my bedroom farthest from the closet.
She's huddled under a blanket with her knees against her chest, sleeping.

What little baby fat she'd had left at Christmas is gone now, leaving defined
cheekbones behind. This is new territory for us. Last summer, she was
comfortable climbing into bed with me when the world scared her.

She's not a little girl anymore.

I blink away the burn that comes from thinking about how little time I have left with
her before she won't need me at all and how much I've missed these last two years
while she was away. If she still wants to stay after a month, then best of luck to
Charlotte and Peter. They're going to need it.

I'm not sure when she snuck in here, but it must have been late. I let her sleep and
pull her bedroom door closed to let Jane sleep, too. To keep from waking them, I
take my coffee and the newspaper to the patio to read about city budget cuts and
speculation about excess fat in the fire and police departments.

Everyone is an expert.

The girls come to life midmorning and make waffles, eggs, and turkey sausage for
breakfast. Mack packs her things while I clean the kitchen and give the place a
once over just in case things move here tonight after the movie.

We have lunch with Kim, Jared, and their kids. He loans me some trunks so I can
swim and hang out with them and with Mack for a while. She and Jane are vocal
about my date tonight, and it doesn't take long for Jared and Kim to ask questions
and tease. And of course, Kim extends an invitation to bring Bella over "any time"
to swim.

Code for "I want to meet her."

Jared smiles. "Yeah, Edward. Bring her over any time."

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I can't give him the bird in front of this many kids. Mom would kill me if all of her
grandchildren starting flipping each other off because of me. "So you can
embarrass me again?"

"Wait," Kim says. "You've met her?"

"She's the girl from Silky's…" Kim looks lost, so he continues. "The baseball game.
The night he broke up the fight."

"Oh, yeah," she nods.

"Do you tell her everything?" I ask.

"Well, I have to tell her something when she asks about you."

The afternoon flies by, and around four, Kim tells me to go inside and shower.
"There's nothing worse than the smell of chlorine," she says.

She's probably right, so I don't argue.

Mack is still out back swimming when I'm ready to go, but she gets out of the pool
and wraps a towel around her waist. She walks around the side of the house with
me and stands next to my car. "Good luck, Dad," she says. "Don't say anything
stupid this time."

"Thanks… I think."

"Love you."

It's the first time she's said it since she got here. She tries to back away, but I pull
her into a hug anyway. "I love you, too, Mack. I hope you know that."

She nods, squeezing my waist tightly before taking a quick step back. "You're
going to smell…"

"Don't care." I shake my head and open the car door.

"Dad…" She walks backwards, keeping her eyes on me.


"Have fun." With a little smile and a wave, she turns and disappears around the
corner of the house.

Bella is waiting on her porch swing, tapping on the screen of her phone when I pull

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into her driveway. She walks over and gets in on her own, smiling at me once
she's settled with her seatbelt buckled. "Hi," she says. "You've been in the sun."
Her eyes move, studying my face, my neck, my arms…

"I spent the day in my brother's pool."

"That's one thing I miss about my old apartment. I liked being able to swim."

"Which complex?"

"Not here. Back in Knoxville."

Now that I've been given an invitation, I ask questions. "Did you like it there?"

She nods, eyebrows creasing when I turn onto McLean. "I did. I stayed for almost
a year after I graduated."

The small corner lot Dino's shares with the mini-mart is full. I park on McNeil, and
as Bella walks beside me, I try to steal glances at her. The skirt she's wearing is
knee-length and black with small, bright red cherries all over it. The plain white v-
neck t-shirt she's wearing makes the color on her arms, brighter… bigger. "I
haven't been here since I was a kid," she says, slipping her palm against mine and
locking our fingers. "Charlie used to bring me every Thursday night for all-you-can-
eat spaghetti."

"So, what is it with you and Charlie?" I ask after we've been seated at one of the
tables in the back. "I've been trying to figure it out."

She laughs behind her menu. "So have I," she says. She sighs and lowers the
menu down onto the table between us. "We had a fight a couple of years ago. It
was bad, and we both said a lot of things we can't take back. There's something…
I don't know… broken. It's hard for me to be around him."

Just because I can ask questions doesn't mean I should, not when it makes her
lips turn down and her gaze shift to the table.

"Mack has added optometrist to her list of possible future jobs because of you.
She thinks it's cool."

Her head whips up, and she looks at me with wide eyes. "Does she know about
this?" Her hand waves between us.


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She nods and takes a deep breath. "Is she okay with it?"

I laugh. "She's fine with it. She told me not to blow it, actually." My hand comes up
to the back of my neck, and it's my turn to look at the table and wonder how red
my fucking ears are. Again.

"You're doing fine so far," she teases, brushing the side of her pinky against my
other hand on the wood between us.

"Why an eye doctor?" I ask, desperate for a change of subject.

"There's no gushing blood, no hospitals, and I can still feel like I'm helping people."

"That's your textbook answer. What's the real one?"

"I love eyes. You can tell a lot about a person just by looking into their eyes. It's
usually the first thing I notice when I meet someone. Too creepy?"

Considering the first things I noticed about her, I'd say not. "No. That's not creepy."

We talk more about her time in Knoxville over dinner and during the drive
downtown. Since we're actually going to The Orpheum, I park in her lot tonight.
She looks at me curiously, probably trying to figure out why I've brought us to

"Movie?" I ask, cutting the engine.

"At The Orpheum?" she asks.


"I've always wanted to go, but it's hard to get a Friday off in the summer. It was like
that even when I worked at Molly's."

The distance she used to put between us is gone. It's a problem, because every
time her arm grazes mine, I want to slip mine around her waist and pull her even
closer. "I bring Mack a lot. She loves this building."

"Dirty Dancing," Bella says, reading the marquee while I pay for our tickets.

"It's 80s week," I explain, beating her to the heavy wooden door and opening it for

"You can't go wrong with Swayze, although I'm sure Road House is more your

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"It is. That was Paul's favorite for a long time."

We have enough time to make a trip downstairs to the restrooms, get popcorn and
drinks, and make it to our seats.

"I'm a popcorn hog," she whispers after they cut the lights, handing me the tub she
insisted on paying for. "You should probably hold it."

More than once, our hands touch in the container, and every time, the ring in her
lip moves with her small smiles. The movie is much shorter than I remember it
being when I was a kid, and we're done and standing back on Beale before nine

"What now?" she asks.

"It took me all week to come up with the movie."

"Let's see if a band is playing at Silky's."

"Not Silky's," I say. "B.B.'s or somewhere neither of us will feel like we're working."

"B.B.'s sounds like fun."

There's always live music there, and tonight is no exception. It's standing room or
dancing space. Bella chooses the dance floor.

She's much better at it than I am, and she's willing to take water breaks when
there's a dry spell of slow songs. The last one of the night is a Redding cover.
Bella pulls me away from the wall and finds a spot for us on the edge of the crowd.

"This is my favorite Otis song," she says, linking her fingers behind my neck.

"It's a good one," I answer. She takes a step closer until I can feel her chest on
mine. "You like to dance."

She shrugs. "Most of the time." Then she grins. "I thought you didn't like it."

"I never said that. It's… You and Charlotte are the only women I've danced with."

She stops and leans back to look at me. "Ever?"


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Slowly, she starts moving again, feet first and then her body. "Have you dated
since the divorce?"

"Not much." I hug her closer like I've been wanting to all night. "My brothers' wives
have set me up a few times. Other than that, I haven't really dated since… Well,
Charlotte. I went out with a few girls before her but not many. I don't really know
what I'm doing."

"That's not very… encouraging."

"No, I mean, I know this." We're too close together for her not to feel how much
she affects me. "But I'm good at fucking things up."

"We all are when we're at the mercy of someone else's expectations." Her temple
touches my jaw, and she sighs when the last note fades. "Can we go?"

There's a line to get out with drunks pushing from all directions. I'm stuck behind
Bella, assaulting her lower back with my junk. If it bothers her, she doesn't let it

"Where now?" I ask when we reach the freedom of Beale.

"My roommates are home, but we could hang out at my place for a while."

"I'm closer, and my roommate is out for the night."

She threads her fingers with mine. "Okay."

We don't waste any time making our way back to the car. Between the dancing,
the walking, and that fact that it's mid-June in Memphis, we're covered in a light
sheen of sweat and humidity. Riding with the windows down helps during the drive
to Harbor Town.

"You can smoke, you know. This is your car, and you haven't touched one all

I reach into the console and pull out my gum. "I quit the day Mack got here. The
only time I've slipped was the night I unloaded on you at Silky's."

"That's great," she says. "I thought you were just being nice since you know I don't
like it."

"Nah. Trying to quit. I never should have started again."

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"How long?"

"Two years, this time. About five the first time, although I was underage and
sneaking them for a few of those years. I quit when we found out Charlotte was
pregnant." I pause to type in the code at the gate and drive through after it opens.
"Mack is going to be a teenager soon. I don't want her to make bad choices."

"She will, though hopefully not cigarettes or anything else that will hurt her."

She gets out after I've parked and follows me to my door for the first time. This is
different, too. I don't bring women here. A neighbor had to change his security
code for the gate three different times in one month because of clingy randoms.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask turning on the light and watching Bella take in the
white walls and sparse furniture.

"Sure." She follows me into the kitchen and stands near the sink while I examine
the contents of the fridge.

"We've got a bunch of organic juices thanks to Mack. Lemonade, grape juice, or
cran-apple. There's also green tea, bottled water, or Ghost River."

I pull one of the latter out for myself.

"I'll have one of those, too." Since mine is already open, I hand it over and get
another one from the fridge.

"I haven't seen you drink beer in a while," I say.

"I'm still on vacation. I've got nowhere to be in the morning. In fact, I don't have to
be anywhere until next Tuesday. A beer or two won't hurt me. Might help me relax."

"What's wrong?"

She shrugs and looks down at her beer bottle. "Just nervous, I guess."

"With me?"

"A little."

"If it's because of what I said, I really am sorry. I saw Charlotte before I went to
Silky's that night, and she told me about Japan… It's not a good excuse, but it's all
I've got."

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She shakes her head. "It's not that."

"What, then?"

"You scare me."

I take a step back and let my back hit the counter. That's not the answer I was
expecting. "Oh."

"Hey." She puts her beer on the counter and steps forward, resting every inch of
her body on mine. "Not in the way you're thinking." Her lips press against my neck,
and her hands slide around my waist. "This was unexpected. You were
unexpected. I had a plan…" More kisses from neck to ear, and her fingers slip
under the cotton of my shirt.

I want to ask her what kind of plan and why I don't fit into it, but her fingers have
travelled back to the front of my jeans. My train of thought takes a nosedive
straight to my dick when she gets her hand on it.

"We should talk," I mumble.

"After." Up… down… circling… "Your room or here?"

She needs to stop whatever the fuck she's doing with her thumb or it will be right
here, right now, and she'll be left disappointed.

"My room." I catch her wrist, and she pouts but works her hand out of my pants.

If she wants a tour, she's going to have to get it later since her lips don't leave my
neck as I walk her backwards down the hall and through my bedroom door. When
we get to the bed, I stop, unsure where to touch her or how. The bruise on her
face has faded to gray, but it's still there. There have to be others left over from her

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"Maybe we should wait. Your sutures…"

Her head tilts. "What were you planning to do to my head?" she teases with a
mischievous gleam in her eye. I let her push my t-shirt up and help her get it away
from my body. My shorts follow after she digs through the pocket and tosses my
wallet on the bed.

"I just… don't want to hurt you."

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"I'm a big girl. I can handle it." She gets on her knees on the bed and pulls her shirt
over her head. A fancy white bra follows it to the floor. The bead rings have been
traded for red barbells matching the cherries on her skirt and the tat beneath it. My
lips have time to close over her nipple before she wiggles away. "Fuck." Both of
her arms are behind her, and her whole body is tense. "My zipper is stuck."

"Turn around." I'll fix it or push the skirt out of the way. Whatever works.

A tug on the zipper loosens the material, and it falls to the bed trapped by her
knees. Before she can turn again, I kiss her shoulder and move onto the bed
behind her.

When my arm slides around her waist to pull her closer, she relaxes against me,
letting me kiss the skin where her shoulder meets her neck. The skin of her belly is
soft when my fingers make their way up to find steel. One isn't enough, so she
takes her other nipple between her own fingers and twists.

My lips move closer to her back where pale skin meets the end of ink at her
shoulder. She's wordless but breathing hard and pushing her ass against my cock.
As much as I want to turn her around and kiss her, keeping the pressure off of the
back of her head is a good idea until her sutures have been taken out. It doesn't
seem like she's in the mood for gentle, so this might be the best way.

She takes the hint when my kisses move lower and eventually starts to ease down
onto her elbows. The small of her back is ticklish, and she squirms and giggles
until I catch the hem of her panties and pull them down and over her ass.

The view of the vine and red poppies is different, but its effect on me is the same.
She jumps when my mouth teases the skin of her back just above her ass and
moans when my teeth graze the poppies close to her hip.

Since she liked it, I do it again and let my hand wander up her thigh until my
knuckles graze her pussy. I don't have to waste much time since she's pushing
back, coating my fingers and cursing softly every time my teeth nip at the flowers
on her ass.

Her body stills when I pull my hand away, and the only sound in the room is the rip
of the condom wrapper. She looks over her shoulder at me one last time when I
reach for her hips and guide her back towards me and meet her halfway. Slow and
steady, I have to close my eyes and really concentrate to keep from shoving.

"I'm fine," she says. "Please stop thinking and just fuck me…"

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She fists the sheets beneath her, and I pick up the pace and focus on the way the
creamy skin of her back looks with my thumbs nearly touching in the middle.

Her back stiffens, and her shoulders tense, so I slide one hand down to her clit
and work it until she buries her face in my pillow. "Is that good?" I ask. "Is that what
you wanted?"

"Yes. God, yes," she moans.

That's all it takes. My eyes slip closed, and everything else disappears except her
– the way she feels, the tightening in my gut, and the white-hot heaven between
her legs.

I let her use my bathroom, and I go to Mack's to clean up afterwards and handle
the necessities. She beats me back to the bed, and I'm happy to see her clothes
still scattered across my bedroom instead of on her.

"I'm not doing this with anyone else, either," I tell her, moving to stretch out next to

"I know," she says. Her head moves to rest on my shoulder, and her hand settles
on my pounding heart.

We fall asleep that way, with her curled against my side.

Blissful sleep is marred by McCarty's voice telling me to move out of the way while
sirens scream in every direction. A sharp pain shoots through my tongue, and I jerk
awake, jostling Bella's head in the process. It takes a minute or two to catch my
breath and rid my mouth of the metallic aftertaste of blood.

As quietly as possible, I maneuver away from her, freeing my arm in the process.

Fresh air and a piece of gum help. Not long after I've settled on the patio, Bella
slides the door open and walks outside in my t-shirt and her underwear. The
blanket Mack keeps on the couch is tucked under her arm, and without a word,
she sits down between my legs and leans against me on the lounger.

For a long time, we sit in silence staring at the lights of the bridge and watching
occasional headlights cross from one side to the other. Darkness turns to lavender
skies, and eventually the sun peeks out.

She keeps my shirt on and stuffs her bra and tee into her purse. Navy blue and

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the MFD logo don't match the cherries on her skirt, but I like it better – the way it
swallows her frame and makes her smell like me.

Instead of guilt, I'm almost glad she woke up. It gives me the chance to drive her
home, walk her to her door, and kiss her goodbye.

"Call me when you can," she says.

"I will."

A/N – You guys are kind of sweet and amazing. I love hearing your
thoughts. Thank you.

The next chapter is coming along nicely, so I'll hopefully see you soon.



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*Chapter 14*: Belated

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Instead of going to Jared's when I get off Sunday morning, I head to Mom's.
Getting any kind of nap at his house would be impossible. Too many kids.

Mom waves from the kitchen, yawning and pouring coffee at the counter. "Busy
night?" she asks.

"Not too bad. I didn't sleep much. Thought I'd catch a nap here before we go to
Jared's later. Is Mack still sleeping?"

She shrugs. "Don't know. She spent the night with Elaine again last night. Jane,

There's a tiny stab of disappointment finding out that Mack's not down the hall.
Friday night feels like a long time ago.

"I'm going to crash upstairs if that's okay."

"I'll wake you when it's time to go. You should be able to get a few hours in."

I sleep like the dead for the next four, too hard and heavy to remember anything
other than the sound of her knocking on the bedroom door around one.

She insists on taking her car, because mine is "too cramped" for her style. I'm still
tired, so I don't argue.

Jasper's FJ is already parked in front of Jared's house when she turns into his

"Just Jasper," she says, coming to halt behind Rachel's van. "He's working tonight
anyway. He can only stay for a little while."

"It's fine."

The kids are already swimming out back, and Mack gets out of the pool to walk
over and say hi. She sticks around, dripping and shifting foot to foot until Mom

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finally walks away to talk to Kim.

"Sooooo," she says. "How did it go?"


Impatient, she blurts, "Oh, my God, Dad. What do you mean what? Your date."

"Oh, yeah," I nod. "It was good."

"Good? That's it?"

"Perfect. It was actually perfect. Good call on the movie."

"Told you so. Did she like Dino's?"

"Yes. She used to go there with her dad a lot when she was a kid."

"Good." She smiles, clearly satisfied that I managed to take Bella out and not
screw it up. "Listen, Dad…" Her gaze drops to the ground between us. "There's
this thing–"

"Lunch is served!" Jasper shouts from his spot next to my brothers at the grill.

"What?" I ask Mack while the other kids moan, complain, and finally start exiting
the pool.

"Nothing," she says. "It can wait."

Jasper makes his way over to me after she deserts me for Jane. The two of them
whisper furiously. "Anytime two teenage girls are whispering in a corner, there's
bound to be trouble," he says.

"Mack is not a teenager." Looking at her, you can't tell. Her stance mirrors Jane's,
and there's a calculating glint in her eyes. "Yet."

"Man, I hate to break it to you, but she's got the smarts and wit of a college kid."

"Tell me about it."

"How did it go Friday?" he asks.

"Well, Alice didn't get a pissed off phone call this weekend, did she?" I slap him on
the back and get in line for the food.

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"I hear ya," he says, chuckling.

Whatever this thing is, it's mine and Bella's right now. She's not some conquest.
The word girlfriend doesn't sound right, either. The last time I had one of those, I
was a juvenile quasi-delinquent.

After lunch, he takes off to cover the night shift at Silky's. My brothers, nieces, and
nephews start a round of shoulder wars that Mack insists on entering. We win
three out of six rounds, and she swears it's the yoga and her Herculean upper
body strength, dogging it in my nephews' faces every chance she gets.

Alec pays her back accidently by clotheslining her off my shoulders and giving her
a bloody nose in the process. He apologizes over and over until she finally tells
him to shut up.

She gives him the evil eye as she walks up the stairs to get out of the pool,
pinching her nose between her fingers. "Jackass," she mutters under her breath.

"What was that?" he calls out.

Kim meets her on the lawn and waves for me to stay in the pool.

"I really didn't mean to catch her in the face," Alec says, eyeing me warily.

"I know," I tell him. "She knows, too. She'll get over it."

Kim can handle a bloody nose, but I still want to check on Mack and make sure all
that's hurt is her pride, so I climb out of the water and grab a towel.

Mack already has a bag of frozen corn on her face, and she's sitting on the
counter, leaning with her head tilted forward. She glances up when I walk into the

"You all right?" I ask.

"I'm going to kill him if he broke my nose."

"You'd be screaming and crying if he had."

She's fine. Pissed off, but fine. Rachel comes inside to see if Mack feels up to
cake, ice cream, and presents.

"Give me a few minutes to go to the bathroom," Mack says. She lowers herself to
the floor and leaves the corn on the counter.

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The moment her foot hits the top step, my sisters-in-law start in.

"So, how was your date?" Kim asks as she pulls two tubs of ice cream from her

"Good," I answer.

"How is Bella doing?" Rachel asks. "I always liked her."

"She's fine." Since she brought it up, we may as well get this over with now.
"Although, it's a miracle she even talked to me in the first place. She had this idea
that I was a deadbeat asshole who sold out his kid and gave her up so he could
nail barflies and live it up."

The ice cream scooper falls from Kim's hand to the ground. "What? Why on earth
would she think that? You're one of the best damn dads I know."

"Ask Rachel."

She turns on her. "What did you do?"

Rachel shakes her head. "I never said that."

"Kim, go outside," I say. It's time for me to start fighting my own battles. "We'll bring
the cake and ice cream when we come out."

She glares at Rachel while she's gathering paper plates, plasticware, and napkins.
"I'll tell the kids to get out of the pool," she says.

"Edward, I didn't say you gave Mack up," Rachel says the minute the back door
closes. "All I've ever said is that you gave up. There's a difference."

"Maybe you shouldn't talk about my personal life with anyone outside this family.
Ever." I hate to think of what her carelessness could have cost me.

"Okay. I'm sorry. One of the wives asked about you. You know how it is. Small
circles and media circuses." I cross my arms and stare at the floor while she talks.
"It was right after you agreed to let Charlotte take Mack to Seattle."

"I didn't have a fucking choice, and you know it."

"You did have a choice." If Mack wasn't upstairs, she'd have yelled that instead of
letting her voice drop. "Every one of us would have helped you. I don't give a shit
about one moment in a bar three months after–"

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"No. I can think of 50 potential character witnesses off the top of my head. There
were extenuating circumstances. Instead, you rolled over."

"I did what I thought was best for Mack. You weren't there all the time. The
fighting… It would have gotten worse and worse. Until what? Until we turned into
monsters she wouldn't even recognize?"

A door slams upstairs, which means Mack will be back any minute.

"I'm sorry," Rachel says. "We're not some 'normal' family. Our kids spend so much
time together… They're so close. Everyone was hurt in the process. None of us
escaped. And then we lost you, too."

"Next time, keep it in the family." I don't need her reminders. I know exactly what we
all lost.

"All right."

"Does my nose look bad?" Mack asks from the doorway.

"No," Rachel says. "Want to carry the ice cream?"

"Sure." She takes it and walks outside without us.

Rachel grabs the cake from the table. "I hope I didn't mess things up for you.
That's the last thing I'd want. I like Bella. I think you could be good for each

She knows something I don't. It's there in her eyes for a second before she walks
out, some secret understanding.

The family sings "Happy Birthday," and the kids demolish the cake and then jump
in the pool to clean the icing off of their faces. We let them swim while I open gifts
with Mack sitting next to me. There are a lot of gift cards for music, sporting goods,
and Starbucks. Like I'd drink that shit. Mack is a fan of the apple cider, so I'll give it
to her later when we're alone.

My brothers chipped in for a Red Birds season ticket for next year and tell me that
we need to spend more time together. I thank them instead of arguing, because
I've missed a lot of time with them, too – time I can't get back.

It's Mack's present that almost does me in. Her hands are fisted in her lap as I peel

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away the brown and navy wrapping paper. Inside a small black box, a silver pocket
watch rests on black velvet. A Dalmatian wearing a fire hat.

"I know you have Grandpa's old one…" Mack says, fidgeting and unsure. "You
keep it on your dresser. Maybe you could use this one. I mean, you don't have to–"

"It's awesome," I tell her, pulling her close enough to drop a kiss on her head. "I
love it."

"Oh, good." She relaxes and smiles. "I found it at Fremont Market, and it made me
think of you."

We hang out until the sun goes down; swimming, talking, and watching the little
ones chase lightning bugs. Mom asks me to stay the night, since it's late and I've
had a few. Too tired to argue, I agree and follow her and Mack inside when we get
back to her house.

It's early, but horsing around in the sun drained every bit of my energy, and the
small nap from this morning isn't cutting it. "I need sleep. I'll see you Tuesday
morning, okay?"

"Uh, Dad…" Mack says. "Jane and Alec are going to a three-day space camp in
Huntsville next week. It's Wednesday through Saturday morning. We called, just to
see… Some kid from Texarkana fell off of his horse last week and broke his leg. I
could go. I mean, I'd like to go. If it's okay with you…"

"Hanging on to the astronaut thing, huh?"

"For now," she grins. "I have some money saved up, but it's not enough. I called
Mom last night, and she agreed to pay half of the difference if you say it's okay
and pay the other half."

"It sounds like fun." The education fund can be put to use a little early.

"Is that a yes?"


She bear hugs me and squeals in the same octave she used as a baby when
something bright and shiny caught her attention. "Thank you. Thank you thank
you thank you. I have to call Jane." She pauses at the kitchen door. "I'll text you
the woman's number. You have to call tomorrow, though."

"I will."

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"Goodnight, Dad."


She disappears up the stairs and into my old room, closing the door behind her.

"She didn't want to ask you," Mom says from behind me. "She didn't want to be
away from you."

"She wants to be an astronaut." I shrug, shaking my head. "And half a dozen other

"Has she told you she wants to stay?"

"Mom." I turn to face her, knowing the hope will be there on her face before I do.
And it is. "She's angry with Charlotte and Peter right now. I don't want that to be
her reason."

"You're kidding yourself if you think it is. Goodnight, son. Be safe." She lingers with
her hand on my arm for a moment longer than normal.

"I will."

Mack and I handle the space camp business via text and phone calls during my
downtime Monday. Paul and I will drive the kids down together sometime Tuesday
afternoon and come back Wednesday after they're checked in. Mom and Rachel
will pick them up since both of us have to work Saturday morning.

After that's settled, I send a message to Bella.

Can I take you to lunch tomorrow?

It will be her first day back at work since the spill, and lunch is my only chance to
see her Tuesday. Her answer is immediate.

Pick me up at one?

If I was home, I could call her, hear her voice. There's no such thing as privacy at
the station.

I'll be there.

There's not much sleep to be had. We stay busy all night, and I only have time to
crash for three hours before it's time to shower. At five minutes til, I'm parked

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across the street from the clinic entrance, waiting and trying not to watch the door.

Bella and Rosalie walk out at exactly one.

Bella crosses the street when the light turns. Rosalie waits for her to get in my car,
waves, and disappears into the passenger seat of a Camaro.

"Hi," Bella says. "You look tired."

"I'll have plenty of time to catch a nap later."

"Oh, yeah?"

We agree on Molly's for lunch, since it's close, fast, and her favorite. On the way, I
fill her in on Mack's Huntsville trip.

"I'm jealous," she says. "I would've given an arm to go to space camp when I was a
kid. There was a girl in my grade who went every summer and loved it."

"How did you spend your summers?"

"With Riley when Charlie was working. Their mom cut her hours at work when she
found out Simon needed surgery. James was home from med school during the
summer months. There was always someone there to watch out for us."

Leah greets us at the door and lets Bella choose our table. We don't waste time
opening the menus, and she has our order before she walks away from us.

"Riley called Sunday. She's going to be in town sometime after midnight tonight
through Thursday morning. We're going to Beale tomorrow night if you want to
meet us there."

"Big crowd?"

"About the same as our normal crowd," she smiles. "Riley, her boyfriend, her
brothers, and their partners."

"And us?"

She nods. "And us."

"Okay." The only thing that stops me from popping a piece of gum is the arrival of
our food and drinks. Meeting the best friend is going to be intimidating considering
I've already made an ass of myself in front of her brother.

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"They're nice," Bella says. "They won't bite."

"Should I pick you up?"

"Well, we're having dinner with their parents first. Riley isn't here much, and her
family is really close. It's my only chance to spend time with her. You could be my

"Is this dinner… formal?"

"No," she says, shaking her head. "It's just dinner with the folks and then some


Instead of bringing the check with our meal, Leah leaves us waiting with empty
plates and glasses in need of refills. She ignores us until the rest of the staff joins
her with a buñuelo. They make their way to our table and a single blue and white
striped candle burns above the scoop of vanilla ice cream.

The staff (and Bella) sing, and everyone in the restaurant stares. I blow the candle
out before the last note, hoping they'll leave so we can get out of here.

"I can't believe you did that," I tell her once we're alone again.

"This is what happens when you try to keep your birthday a secret," she says
unashamed. "You should have told me. I would've done something special for you."

"You did." Instead of ducking out, I hand her a spoon and share the dessert.

She tastes like ice cream and honey when she kisses me goodbye at the clinic
door to return to work. "I'll see you tomorrow," she says. "Have a safe trip."

"See you tomorrow."

A wave of nervousness hits me square in the chest when I'm back in the car,
pulling away from the curb. These people are obviously important to Bella. I'd dare
say they're her family as much as they are Riley's.

The minivan is loaded with luggage when I get to Paul's house, and the kids are
ready to hit the road. Traffic isn't bad, since we make it out of Memphis before rush
hour and into Huntsville shortly after theirs ends.

We pick up burgers from a fast food joint a couple of blocks away from the hotel

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Rachel booked for us. It's high end with adjoining suites, so the girls can have
privacy. Alec is stuck bunking with us for the night and opts for the couch in our

It's still early, and the indoor pool is open until ten. The girls want to swim, but Paul
and Alec are wrapped in a baseball game on television. I'm too tired to swim but
not too tired to go down to the pool with them and watch the game on my phone.

Because I miss her and she might be wondering, I send Bella a text to let her know
we made to the hotel without any trouble. She's at home, watching some indie
movie with her roommates and getting clawed by her evil cat.

Again, I want to call and hear her voice, even if I don't know what to say. The
sound of people splashing and girls giggling kills the idea before my thumb can hit
send over her number.

When the girls are tired and ready to call it a night, I walk them up to their door and
tell them goodnight. Then I sneak back down through the lobby and out the main

It's 9:37 according to my phone, and Bella answers on the first ring.

"Hey," she says.


"No more swimming?"

"Not tonight. They're finally tired, and we have to be at the Space Center tomorrow
morning by eight. How was the movie?"

"It wasn't the best I've seen, but it wasn't the worst, either. It held my attention
between texts."

"I can't talk long, because I'm bunking with my brother and Alec; sleep is going to
be a challenge. I just wanted to say goodnight."

"I'm glad you called."

"Me, too."

"I'll be home from work around 5:30 tomorrow, and I'll need a few minutes to
change. Dinner is at six."

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"Meet you in the middle at 5:45?"

"Yeah," she says. "I think that will work."



A/N – I love y'all hard. Just wanted you know it. I'm going to be more
absent than normal on the social media stuff for a while. I've already got
some of the next chapter of this story done, part of a silly prom o/s written
that I'll probably never post, and I'm outlining some original fiction. And
that's just my hobby stuff! Lol. May is always busy with school ending and
all kinds of crazy going on. I'll see y'all soon, though.

Thanks for reading!



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*Chapter 15*: Whiplash

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Happy birthday, abadkitty! Thanks for being awesome and you. If you see
her around the fandom today, be sure to give her some love.

The girls wake us early Wednesday, banging into our suite like hurricanes in ballet
flats. Again, there's makeup and cute dresses, and I'm hoping they'll have to wear
bulky orange jumpsuits like in the movies. It's a co-ed camp. My only consolation is
that Alec will be there to keep an eye on them.

Mack sits next to me at breakfast and tries to find out what my plans are for the
next few nights while she's away. I know what she's digging for, and I'm not going
to give her the opportunity to lecture me about behaving tonight, so I keep quiet.
I'm nervous enough as it is.

Getting them checked in and settled at camp takes more than an hour. When we're
finally ready to say goodbye, it's rushed because they have an activity scheduled
in 15 minutes.

"I'll see you Sunday," Mack says, hugging me tightly with her head against my
chest. "Thanks again, Dad. This is going to be so cool."

"I hope so. Have a blast."

"I hope that wasn't intentional." She laughs and steps away. "Pretty lame, Dad."

"No. That's just one of those old timer's things."

"Good. I love you. Be safe."

"Love you, too. You be safe."

I tense, watching her walk away. In this family, those two little words have always
meant "just in case" and "please be careful" and "I love you" when all of those
things are too scary to say out loud. Leaving her like this isn't something I want to
get used to.

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"They'll be fine," Paul says. "I called and talked to the director about safety and
chaperones. They run a tight ship."

The trip home in a minivan is weird with no kids in the back to ask for bathroom
breaks and drink stops. He makes small talk for the first half, and waits until the
highway is free and clear to clear his throat to get serious.

"Rachel told me that you're upset with her."

"I'm not. Some stuff is just private, man, especially when it comes to Mack. If
something like that got back to her…" Considering how she felt when she got here
this summer, overhearing confirmation that I gave her up might have crushed her.
"She accused me of letting Charlotte and Peter walk away with her. I guess in
some ways I did, but not because I wanted to."

"I know. Rachel knows it, too. We've been together since you were eleven. She
worries about you more than you know. We all do."

"I'm okay. I'm good." I nod, because it feels true. Getting up is easy these days, and
I get to tuck my daughter in at night instead of letting a bottle keep me awake and
numb. "Mack thinks she might want to stay."

"Jane mentioned it. She's excited."

"She could change her mind."

"She could," he agrees. "But I don't think she will. She's been unhappy for a while.
I don't say much at my house, but I hear a lot. Mack never wanted to leave. She
only has Charlotte and her brother there. Even Charlotte's parents are here."

"I should call Carmen soon and make plans for Mack to stay with them some while
I'm working. She's all they have now that Susan is gone."

"That's a good idea. Charlotte's parents have always been cool."

"Yeah." They've always been on my side is what he doesn't say. Carmen called
and apologized to me after she found out what had happened with Peter. It wasn't
necessary, but she had always been like a second mother to me. There are some
things divorce doesn't change.

"I think Mom is doing better since Mack's been home. She leaves the house more,
does things."

"I don't know what I'd do without her. Rachel and Kim, too. Mack wouldn't be able

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to stay more than a couple of weeks if I didn't have y'all." Even Charlotte knows
that Mack is well cared for when she's here. She's seen and benefited from my
family enough to recognize that without an argument.

"What's one more kid, right?" He laughs. "If Dad could manage the three of us
every summer while working full-time, we can figure it out." He's quiet for a minute,
contemplating whether or not to cross our invisible line. We don't talk about Dad. "I
had a dream about him the other night."

His words are like lead, dragging me down… into my seat and my head. It's there
on the tip of my tongue.

Me, too.

All the time.

You have no idea.

Silence is all I've got.

"When you were a baby, he took us to the old Sears Crosstown to get weedeater
string and some tools he needed to work on Mom's car. They didn't have fancy
leashes for kids back then, so he told me and Jared to stay close. We had Coke
floats from the fountain and then played in the toy section for an hour while he
gave you a bottle." I swallow and look out the window, trying not to picture it in my
head. "It was the best trip until we got to the parking garage. He was having some
kind of trouble with the stroller after he stepped out of the elevator. I was blocked
in and couldn't get off. I remember the doors closing and being in there alone."

"He always said you looked like you'd seen a ghost after he hit the button and the
doors opened."

"I still take the stairs whenever I have an opportunity to. Anyway, I had a fucked up
dream about it, and I didn't even care, because he was there and his voice…"

"You and your brothers have done so well… made me so proud…"

All the fucking time. It's always there, somewhere in the back of my mind.

"I woke up and watched old home movies until Rachel found me on the couch," he

I know exactly how easy it is to spiral down memory lane. Only in my world, it's
twisted with metal and blood and other things I'm still not ready to talk about. As

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many times as my brother has helped me… listened to me… taken care of me…

All the things I could say stay firmly lodged somewhere between my throat and my

He turns up the radio and signals for the next exit. "We need gas, and coffee
would be good."

The last stretch of the trip goes by quickly with a conversation to firm up plans for
our trip to Heber next month. Rachel has lunch ready when we get back to
Memphis. Their youngest, Brady, is sulking over missing out on space camp. He's
not old enough to go yet, and Rachel says he's been complaining about it since
last night.

"I guess we won't be able to play laser tag this afternoon," Paul says, shaking his

"Laser tag?" Brady perks up and drops his sandwich on his plate.

"It won't be any fun if you're moping and sour." My brother leans back in his chair
to wait for it.

"Oh, I won't be sour. I promise. Please take me, Dad. Please."

"Finish your lunch and straighten up your room for your mom. Then, we'll talk."

That makes Brady happy. And Rachel.

After lunch, I take off to let them get on with their day, and since I have time to kill, I
stop for a haircut.

"Haven't seen you in a while," Senna says.

"I've been busy."

She stops inspecting the clippers in her hand to look up at me and smile. "Oh,
yeah? Good."

"Short again," I tell her. "It's hotter than hell outside, and it's not even July, yet."

"Got it."

I hit my place long enough to shower, change, and watch the clock until it's finally

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This time, Bella isn't on the porch, and Liam answers the door when I knock.

"Hey," he says. "Come on in. She's hunting for a missing shoe, so she'll probably
be a few minutes."

"Thanks." I follow him inside and wait by the stairs for Bella.

He walks down the hall and disappears into what I assume is his bedroom, closing
the door behind him and leaving me with the cat for company.

Bella doesn't keep me waiting long, and she greets me with her arms around my
waist and her lips on mine when she meets me at the bottom of the stairs. "I'm glad
you're back," she says.

"Me, too."

Bub surprises us both by jumping from the couch and latching onto my ankle with
his claws and his mouth.

"Cat," Bella says. "You're starting to piss me off." She leans downs to pry him off of

"It's fine. The only thing he made contact with is my boot."

"He's mad because I've gone back to work." She holds him out in front of her,
letting his nose touch the tip of hers. Then, she pets him behind the ears and
places him on the sofa. "Today, he skipped his litter box and opted for the bottom
of my closet and two of my favorite pairs of shoes."

"Not those, I hope."

"No," she grins. "Not these."

We walk to the car, and she lets me get the door for her this time. "Is their house
close?" I ask, backing out once the traffic is clear.

"Stay on Belvedere and go towards Central." I expect her to tell me turn on
Madison and again when we get to Union, but she's quiet. The houses get bigger.
The landscaping gets more and more pristine. Before I know it, we're in Central
Gardens, home of the three-story mansions she and I joked about a few months
ago. "Slow down," she says. "It's that one. Park behind the Passat. That's Simon's

If I had to guess, I'd say the house was built in the late 20s, toward the end of the

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neighborhood's boom. She opens her door and steps out of the car, but I take a
minute to get a piece of gum from the console. I'm having trouble imagining an
informal dinner in a house like this one.

Bella waits patiently on the sidewalk, head tilted and smiling while I get out of the
car. The black, sleeveless dress she's wearing is simple. But on her, it looks
gorgeous. She brings the color. I'm feeling massively underdressed in jeans and a
black t-shirt.

"Hey," she says, taking my hand and twisting her fingers with mine. "Trust me."

She stares up at me, watching… waiting.

I nod and pull her against me for a quick hug and let the smell of her hair help me
relax. Then I lead her up the walkway and wait for her to ring the doorbell. She
gives me a strange look before opening the door and walking inside with me in

The inside of the house is unbelievable; real wood everywhere – the floors, the
stairs, the banister, the built in shelves and mantles. Bella follows the sound of
voices and the smell of barbeque, guiding me through a dining room and a short
hallway into the kitchen. It's surprisingly small for such an enormous house. And
it's packed with people.

The only person I recognize is James, and he nods across the room when we step
inside. "Look who's here," he says. The woman tucked under his arm is the
redhead I remember seeing him with last fall, only her hair is shorter and she's
cradling a baby in her arms. "How's your head?"

"Hard, like it's always been," a girl with long blonde hair answers, stepping through
the crowd to get to us. She stops in front of me, eyeing my arms. "I'm Riley, and
you're going to have to let go of her long enough for me to hug her."

"Can't argue with that." I nudge Bella in her direction, and she laughs.

Two guys are leaning against the stove, watching it all go down. "All right," one of
them says, setting his beer on the counter next to a covered foil container. "My

Both of his arms are covered in intricate gunmetal gray ink, and he's got a bull ring
in his nose. He still looks enough like James and Riley for me to figure out that he
must be Simon. After their greeting, Bella confirms it and introduces me to his
partner Conner and James' wife Tori. Next are the parents, Arthur and Lilly

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Hamilton. Last but not least – according to Riley, anyway – her boyfriend, Stefan.

"Enough. Y'all are going to scare him," Simon says, reaching into the fridge. "Beer,

"Sure." I take the longneck he offers, twist the cap, and pocket it since I don't know
where the trashcan is. In some ways, this feels like my mom's house, especially
when the baby cries and James disappears with him for a diaper change.

"He's got two brothers, Simon, and he's a bouncer," Riley says, glancing at my
biceps. "I think he can handle it." She starts uncovering the food and taking paper
plates from a bag. Once everything is ready, she waves to the island in the center
of the kitchen. "The Bar-B-Q Shop is what I miss the most about living here. Well,
other than y'all, of course."

Bella laughs. "Liar. You miss the food more than us."

"You can't Skype with a sandwich." Riley waves for me to follow Bella in the food
procession, so I do.

I end up seated between Simon and Bella and directly across from James at the
dining room table. He holds the baby and gives Tori a chance to eat before making
a plate for himself. Dinner conversation is a fast-paced sport for these people.

During the meal, I learn the baby is almost a month old and that leaving him with
the grandparents tonight is a first. I also figure out that Riley and her boyfriend are
both veterinarians. They're considering a move to Memphis and interviewing at a
new clinic out in Eads tomorrow morning. Both of them are scheduled to work
Friday and Saturday, so they'll be heading back to Knoxville when they're done.

The baby is passed from person to person until Simon ends up with him. It's been
a couple of years since I've been around a newborn, so I can't help but admire the
kid. Bella helps Mrs. Hamilton clear the table, and I join in so I won't have to be left
alone with the others when they leave for the kitchen.

"How old is your daughter?" Mrs. Hamilton asks as she accepts a glass pitcher of
tea from me.

"Twelve. She'll be thirteen this fall."

"Such a precocious time in a girl's life. Not my favorite." She laughs and moves to
the door. "Not Charlie's, either, if I recall."

Bella agrees. "Not at all."

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"How is he?"

"Same old Charlie."

Mrs. Hamilton's smile slips, despite her effort to remain light. "Well, please tell him
we said hello."

Bella turns to me the moment she walks away. "See?" Her arms wrap around my
waist. "It's not so bad, right?"

"They're nice."

"Come on," she says. "Simon will tease us if we take too long. They're probably
waiting in the parlor."

"A parlor?"

"Sitting room, family room. You know what I mean. Lilly calls it a parlor."

"I can't get over this house," I say, shaking my head as she leads me down another
hidden hallway, past a small library. "It's…"

"Scary as hell in the middle of the night. Trust me." She squeezes my hand when
we reach the others.

I can see why they call it a parlor. The furniture is semi-formal, several wingback
chairs and antique sofas. There's a small piano tucked away at the end of the
room and not a single television in sight.

There's small talk while Tori feeds the baby with a nursing blanket draped over her
shoulder. When she's finished, she and James give his parents a rundown on the
nightly routine. When everyone stands, Bella and I get shuffled closer to the
fireplace, and a picture on the mantel catches my attention.

"Is that you?" I ask.

"Oh, God," she laughs. "I forgot about that picture. Yes, it's me. I went to Simon's
senior prom with him."

"My Catholic school wouldn't let me take my boyfriend," he jokes from across the

"You look so… different." Long, brown hair and pale, creamy skin everywhere,
untouched by ink.

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"That's my natural hair color," she says. "Something I haven't seen in years."

The girl in the picture is smiling, but it's not the bold pierced and confident smile I
know. She's pastels and uncertainty, young and untouched. But still so fucking
beautiful, and I want to know about every minute between then and now. Who she
is. What she's made of.

I'd also like to discuss the plan she mentioned, but tonight isn't the right time. I'm
hoping the fact that I'm here and meeting her pseudo-family means she's given up
on whatever it was.

We take my car and follow closely behind Simon and Conner until we get
downtown. He chooses to park in my normal lot, and the others follow behind us.
Since Riley is the guest, her siblings let her choose the venue. Blues City Café is
featuring a southern rock band, and she's more interested in original music than
blues covers tonight.

We're early, so Bella snags a round corner booth on the bar side of the restaurant,
close to the window and away from the stage.

I end up between Simon and Bella again, and he strikes up a conversation about
my tattoos. "Nice, clean work," he says.

"Thanks." He's got some serious ink on his arms, so it's a definite compliment.

"Any piercings?" He looks at Bella for an answer instead of me.

"No," I answer. "I've never really thought about it." I move my hand to Bella's thigh
and rest it with my palm on her skirt and let my fingers tickle her skin. "For me,
anyway." I've encountered a naval ring or two over the last few years, but nothing
as sexy as Bella's nipples or the way her lip ring feels between my teeth.

"Let me know if you ever change your mind," he says, handing me a business
card. "I'm gentle. Bella can vouch for me."

He's a professional piercer, and Conner is a dentist who keeps all of his ink on his
back and undercover. It hits me that both of Riley's brothers have likely seen
Bella's tits, albeit for much different reasons than mine.

Her hand covers mine on her leg, and she looks up at me. "I'm not opposed to you
being pierced… if you ever change your mind." She licks her lips and takes a pull
from my longneck. My grip tightens, and she scoots closer. Before I can slide my
hand under the hem of her skirt, the band walks out onto the stage and welcomes
the crowd before diving straight in with steel guitars and harmonicas.

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"You know I want to dance," she says, flirting and sliding away from me.

I nod and follow her when she exits the booth. This music is faster than what we
normally dance to, but Bella takes charge and keeps me from looking like an idiot.
I have to admit that I like it when the tempo changes and she turns in my arms,
swaying and letting her ass tease me mercilessly. The next song is a ballad, so
she fits herself against me and holds on until all I can think about is whether it's
barbells or bead rings tonight.

Before I can ask, Simon cuts in, and I bow out for a beer and a chance to get
myself in check.

Tori, James, and Stefan are the only ones at the table. I take the spot closest to
Tori and order another Ghost River when the waitress stops at our table.

"I hear you're a firefighter," Tori says.

"Yeah. I work at the station on Third."

"My uncle works on Union."

As usual, it's a small world. I've met her uncle a few times, and he's a nice guy –
quiet from what I remember. She's a local, and she works as a charity coordinator
for Le Bonheur. It's where she met her husband and, by extension, his family and
Bella. Le Bonheur operates similarly to St. Jude; no child is turned away because
they can't pay. Both hospitals rely on donations and fundraising.

"Were you in charge of the Gibson event earlier this month?" I ask.

James looks at me curiously and leans back in his seat.

"Yes," his wife answers. "But I went into labor 12 days early, so I missed it. Thank
goodness everything was already in place. My assistant was able to keep it going,
and James helped." She looks up at him, and he smiles.

"Don't listen to her," he says. "It was planned down to the last detail, and it was all

"Let's not forget Bella and Simon," Tori says as they approach the table.

Bella slides in next to me, sweaty and sexy and stealing my beer.

"What did we do now?" Simon asks, watching Conner and Riley dance across the

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"The auction," she answers. "You guys were perfect."

"Pfft," he grins. "You mean more interesting than your husband with his medical
terminology and boring suits?"

"I didn't know you were a public speaker," I say, leaning closer to Bella.

"I'm not," she answers. "They begged. It was a cool idea, though. Gibson donated
a dozen guitars to the hospital. Tori found local artists who were willing to work
with Gibson to design and personalize them. Then they were auctioned to the
highest bidder. There were some big name musicians there."

"Nothing loosens the wallets like survivor stories," Simon says. "People want to
believe in happy endings. They really feel like they're making a difference when it's
personal. I'll tell my story a hundred times if it helps save some other kid's life."

"Same," Bella says, using my beer to toast with Simon's.

Riley and Conner make their way back to our table, and Riley talks Bella into
sharing dessert with her.

"I don't know about this," Bella says to me. "Beer and ice cream might not be a
good idea."

It's Riley who ends up sick, though, before she even takes a bite of the steaming
apple dumpling. She covers her mouth and rushes away from the table, making a
beeline for the restrooms past the stage with Bella on her heels.

Stefan sighs, and Simon pulls the bowl to rest in front of him and goes to town.
"She's not going to want it now," he says. James and Tori give each other a look,
and then it's oddly quiet for the first time all night.

The table is cleared, and the band has wrapped the set by the time Bella and
Riley walk into the room. Bella stops her before they get to our table, taking both
of Riley's hand in hers and saying something that makes the other woman nod and
smile. Their foreheads touch, and Riley wraps her arms around Bella and replies.

They walk back to the table, and it's obvious that Riley is done for the night. She's
pale and looks like she could fall asleep where she stands.

We settle our tabs before walking out into the chaos of Beale. The tourists are out
in full force, snapping pictures and spilling beer on anyone who gets in their way.

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"Do you want to stay?" I ask Bella. "Maybe hit Silky's and say hi to Alice?"

"Not tonight," she says. "I think working the last two days is finally hitting me."


We say goodbye to the others in the parking lot and wish Riley and Stefan good
luck with their interviews.

Bella waits for me to unlock her door, but she pulls the handle open and gets in on
her own. She keeps her head against the rest and her eyes closed during the
drive back to Midtown.

"Is Riley okay?" I ask.

She nods. "She is." Beyond that, there aren't any excuses or explanations. Only

"Are you okay?"

"Just tired," she says, finally opening her eyes to watch the scenery go by.

"Are you busy tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow is my first night back at Rum Boogie. You should come by if you're not
busy." Her words are casual. And off.

Something isn't right.

She proves it when I park in front of her house. Before I can cut the engine, she
leans over in her seat to kiss my cheek. "Thanks for coming with me," she says.
"I'll see you tomorrow."

The door opens, and she's out of the car and halfway up the driveway by the time
my brain catches up. I wait to make sure she gets in safely since it's clear she
doesn't want company tonight.

It's true that she's probably tired after being off for more than a week and then
waking up early two days in a row. Going back to work is tough after a break like
that. But the difference between the Bella I picked up tonight and the one who
practically ran up her driveway to get away from me is what turns over in my head
while I'm driving home alone.

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A/N – You're probably tired of hearing it, but y'all are the best.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. I'm hoping I won't have to
cook, do any laundry, or wash any dishes tomorrow. That's all I want. I wish
the same for you.

Thanks for reading! See you soon.



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*Chapter 16*: Unburdened

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

The following chapter contains content which may serve as an emotional
trigger for some readers. Feel free to PM before reading if you have

I half expect a text from Bella when I wake Thursday morning, explaining what the
hell happened last night, but then I remember she's not scheduled at the clinic
today and is probably sleeping late.

Mack texts to tell me good morning and sends several pictures from their first day
at camp, including a selfie of her in a space suit. I can tell from her smile that she's
living the dream. I have a feeling astronaut is going to beat out all of her other
choices, at least for a while.

Since I'm too lazy to cook, I wander over to Silky's after the lunch crowd has
departed. If Bella is sticking with her old schedule, she'll be in around five and
work through the dinner rush.

Tanya is working the early shift tonight, so she can go the baseball game with
Jason, Jeff, and her sister-in-law later.

"Tell Jeff I'll be calling him soon. Mack and I are going to need an appointment."

She smiles. "That's the best news I've heard all week. I'll tell him as soon as I see

It turns out she doesn't have to. I spend all afternoon next to the fan, in the shade
of the bar, keeping her company during the lulls. Her family shows up shortly
before Alice and Jasper do, and Tanya introduces me to Jeff so I can tell him

His office will be closed on the Fourth of July but open every other day next week.
As much as I hate to bother him during his off time, his wife is gracious about it and
spends her time having a margarita with Tanya since she's off the clock.

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Jeff agrees to explain everything to Mack first and put all of our options on the
table for her. Both of us want her to fully understand the decision she'll be making
and the possible ramifications. If we're going to do this, I want it done right so
Charlotte and Peter can't find any loopholes.

I get so caught up in our conversation that I don't realize how late it is until Jason
tells him they need to leave for the game. Since it's 6:30, I walk out with them to
see if Bella has made it in yet.

The new girl is working the tables out front, so I make my way across the street,
say a quick goodbye to Tanya and her crew, and then make my way over to

"Is Bella working inside tonight?"

He shakes his head. "Nah. She called out. Lacy said it sounded like she had a
cold or something."


"No problem. How's her head, man? I still feel like shit about that."

"It's fine. The sutures are out, and she's good."

At least she was when I left her last night.

"I'm glad it wasn't worse," he says.

"Me, too. Listen, I'll see you later. I'm going to head out since she's not coming in."

"Tell her to get well."

"Yeah, I will."

The only cab in sight is a couple of blocks down Third. When the driver asks
where to, I answer immediately. "Belvedere, near Joe's."

Bella's truck is in the driveway, so I pay him and get out in front of her house. I
pound on the door a few times and push the doorbell just in case it's not broken
like I'd assumed.

Sasha opens the door, takes one look at me, and then glances over her shoulder
at Bella's closed bedroom door.

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"Is she okay?" I ask.

"She's going to kill me, but fuck it." She shakes her head. "Go on up." She reaches
for a set of keys on the table next to the door. "I'll be back later."

At the top of the stairs, I pause. Maybe coming here without an invitation is
overstepping, but I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. I need to see
her and know she's okay.

My first set of knocks is ignored. After I try again, Bella's voice carries through the
crack under the door. "Leave me alone, Sasha."

I try the knob, and it turns, opening to golden light and soft purple sheets with her
tangled in the center.

"Not Sasha," I say.

She rolls over on the bed to face me. "Hey," she says, voice scratched and nasally.

"Heard you were feeling a little under the weather." I walk across the room slowly,
studying her face with each step. "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine," she says, watching me take a seat next to her on the bed.

"You're not." The dark circles and puffiness beneath her eyes give her away. She's
been crying, maybe all day.

It takes a few long moments of consideration for her to agree. "No, I'm not. I will be,
though." The words lack conviction, but still, she tries. "I'm not good company right
now. I'll call you this weekend. I promise."

"I'm rarely good company, but you hang around…"

Her lips turn up, only at the corners, and not by much. But it's something.

"That's not true," she says. "I had the best time with you last night. Every time we
hang out, really."

"So you weren't upset with me?"

Genuine surprise clouds her face. "No, I was trying not to be upset… but not with
you or anyone, really. I'm sorry I made you feel that way." Her hand slips over mine
where it sits on the bed. "I swear it has nothing to do with you."

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"If it hurts you, it does." She looks down at the sheets between us. "Please talk to
me, Bella."

She sits up and moves to rest her back against the headboard, leaving a space
next to her for me. I kick off my shoes and follow her lead, leaving some space
between us.

"Riley is pregnant," she says. "She wants to come home."

"Is that… bad?"

"No, it's great. Both things, I mean. I'm happy for her, and of course I want her
home. I miss her like crazy. She wanted to tell me in person, although I don't think
she meant for it to happen while she was on the floor in a bathroom on Beale." Her
knees come up, and she wraps her arms around her bent legs.

"It reminded me a lot of my second semester of optometry school. I was sick
morning, noon, and night," she continues, staring at the open abyss of her closet
across the room but not seeing anything. She pauses to take a deep breath and
then shakes her head. "I never used hormonal birth control methods. The pill
comes with blood clotting risks… Condoms always worked for me. Until the one
time they didn't."

I almost wish she would cry, because this voice so devoid of emotion – so
detached – scares me.

"Never in my life did I want to be a mom." She shakes her head. "It's not on my list.
I never even considered it until there were two lines staring back at me. There was
this moment… I felt normal for the first time since I was nine. I could've been any
other woman who accidently got pregnant."

Given her history, I'm scared as fuck of what's coming next. Not for me, though. For

There is no child in Bella's life.

"I called James first. Before I even told Marcus. I was petrified. I'd never
researched it or asked about it, so I had no idea if it was okay. He told me he'd
work me in, so I went to see him, and we had a long discussion. I asked him for
honesty, and he gave it to me. Pregnancy causes cardiovascular changes in every
woman. There was a risk, but he considered it minimal. He was more concerned
with some of the medication I was given back in Phoenix when I was first
diagnosed. Charlie wanted to avoid surgery, so we tried medication first. Some of it

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was experimental and still in the trial phases. Of course, we're just now growing
up, and they're starting to discover what some of the long-term side effects are…
Birth defects, miscarriage…"

She pauses and reaches for the bottle of water on the table next to the bed. Her
hand is shaking when she lifts it for a drink.

"It made me think about me, about Ebstein's. The shittiest part of this condition is
that it's rare. There's not a lot of information or history. Sometimes they find it when
a person is a newborn. There are kids, like me, who get hit a bit later in life. It's not
uncommon for it to present in senior citizens as their bodies weaken through the
years. What's more frightening is the number of people who live with it their entire
lives and never know it's there. And they're out there. James has told me about
autopsies discovering it in people who died from something unrelated.

"I left his office feeling more confused than when I got there. 30 percent," she says.
"That was the best guess he could give me on the odds of Ebstein's, but he was
hopeful that I could have a healthy pregnancy. He recommended the best high-risk
OBGYN in the city."

Her head falls back against the headboard, but she still stares straight ahead.

"I didn't tell anyone for a week or so. Marcus was excited. He proposed." At that, I
glance over at her. She turns to look at me, "Marriage wasn't something I'd ever
considered, either. Please don't take this the wrong way, but getting married
because of a baby – the way my parents did – wasn't something I ever wanted. I
told him no."

"My feelings on it have changed drastically since 13 years ago."

"There were other reasons I told him no, not just the timing. He was disappointed
but still excited about the baby. Charlie…" She shakes her head and then rests it
on her knees, hiding her face and muffling her voice. "He hit the fucking roof."

"Because you got pregnant, or because you didn't want to get married?"

She straightens and faces the empty room again. "He told me to get rid of it," she
says bitterly. "The moment he found out about the risks for me, he told me to end

There's no way for me to defend him. "The fight?" I ask.

She sighs. "No. Believe it or not, that wasn't the big one. Still, who says that about

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their own grandchild? No 'congratulations.' Not even a smile."

My mother cried happy tears, and my father took me outside for a pep talk when
Charlotte and I told them about Mack. We were young and scared, but having
them in our corner made the future a fraction less petrifying. I'm beginning to see
why Bella's relationship with her father is fractured.

"The OB did an ultrasound at my first appointment. Since I found out late, I was
already at nine weeks. There was a good, strong heartbeat; 101 beats per minute.
Everything looked okay, but I made Marcus promise not to tell anyone until the first
trimester was over. All the books said it's the riskiest time." The sun sinks and
pauses, brightening the room momentarily and then leaving it washed in blue.
"Even though it didn't feel real, I put a black X on a calendar block every day. Nine
weeks became ten, and I read everything I could get my hands on: online forums,
medical journals, academic papers… Marcus said I was obsessing."

"You were scared."

"Worse. I was hopeful." She leans over until her head is resting on my shoulder.
"The timing couldn't have been any worse. I had three years left of school, and I
was figuring out that I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with Marcus, but I…"
Her voice cracks, and she stops.

It takes her a few moments to rein it in. She rubs her side and then lifts her shirt,
letting her fingers rest on the dragonfly. "Some dreams are too fragile to ever take
flight. Thirteen weeks and two days," she says. "It started with cramping and
spotting. Mother Nature wasn't even gracious enough to take care of it for me. I
had to go in for a D&C."

Hospital, needles, and blood. All the things she hates at the worst time. "I'm sorry,"
I say, slipping my arm around her waist to pull her closer.

"It is what it is," she says, letting her shirt fall into place. "I should have known
better. Charlie said as much when he stopped by Marcus' apartment to check on
me a few days later. I told him to get out. There isn't any proof that I lost the baby
because of my medical history, but I blamed him anyway for allowing them to give
me those meds when I was a kid." She exhales, and her body sags against my
side. "I know it isn't his fault. I know it in my head, but he got exactly what he
wanted in the end – me, safe and sound. Only now, I can hardly stand to be
around him. But he's still my dad, and I love him. He's the only family I have, that I
might ever have."

The note of finality hangs in the air between us.

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"No three-story mansions for me," she'd said.

"Does that mean you can't have kids?" I ask.

"No. It means I don't want to." She shakes her head. "I thought I knew pain from a
broken heart when I was ten. That was nothing. I can't do it again. It was a
constant battle in my mind between fear and love, and it was exhausting and
exhilarating and, in the end, crushing. I don't ever want to feel that way again."

I want to tell her that all of those feelings are normal for every parent. I still feel all
of those things now with an almost-teenage daughter on the loose. But I don't want
to discount her feelings or her choice, because for her, it was probably tenfold.
This woman understands death better than anyone. She beat it.

"I can't imagine." It's such a feeble thing to say, but I really can't.

"My plan was to look into adoption after I've graduated and settled into my career."

"Was?" I ask.

"Oh, man," she says with a smile in her voice. "You're going for all of the hard stuff
tonight, Cullen." Her fingers find mine on the bed. "I never considered what being
in a relationship would do to it. There was a 'no dating' rule, if you recall, and it
was in effect for a reason."

"Being with me shouldn't change your plans or what you want."

"I don't know if I'll ever want to get married, Edward. To anyone. It's not something
that's important to me. And if I do have children, I want to adopt. I know how much
family means to you… Not that I'm saying you were going to ask. I mean, we've
gone on two dates." She leans away, rushing through words and backtracking. "I
know it's too early to be talking about stuff like this. I'm sorry. I'm just emotional

"Stop," I tell her, grabbing her wrist to keep her from leaving the bed. "We should
talk about it." There are a few things we should talk about. "I don't mean this the
way it's going to sound at first, so you'll have to hear me all the way through,
okay?" I wait for her nod before continuing. "I didn't want to get married or become
a dad when I was 20. It wasn't something I sat around wanting or wishing for
before it actually happened is what I'm trying to say. I'm not sorry it happened. I
can't be because of Mack, but my feelings on marriage have changed. I know it
can be good. My parents, my brothers – hell, my grandparents – they all got it
right. Maybe it's me. And the thought of having another kid has honestly never

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crossed my mind, especially since the divorce."

"So you can't see kids in your future? Other than Mack?"

"I'm not saying that. I love kids. I love Mack more than anything, but I've seen how
easily things can…" Fall apart. Be taken away.

"Hey," she says, lifting her palm to my cheek and turning my face to hers. "I
wouldn't do that. I grew up without one of my parents. I know how much it sucks,
and I would never do that."

I nod, wanting to believe her. "I was worried, especially when you didn't show up
for work."

"I should have said something to you last night… explained more. But I know you
have so much to deal with already; Mack, your ex-wife…" Her eyes flash to mine
and then lower to stare at our hands. "Stuff." A small laugh escapes her. "God, I
shouldn't have said anything at all. We've gone out twice. Two dates, and I dump
all of this in your lap."

"It doesn't feel like two dates." Tonight is further proof that I barely know this
woman, but I feel more connected to her than anyone else in my life. "I want us to
be together, but it's never going to work out if I'm always the one taking, and you
can't come to me or count on me. I can't buy you big mansions, but I can listen and
hold you if you're upset."

"That's all I really need," she says, burrowing into my side again and resting her
head on my shoulder.

We sit for a while, wrapped in a silence more peaceful than heavy.

Her stomach grumbles loudly around the same time the room grows completely
dark. "When was the last time you ate?" I ask.

"Dinner, last night."

"Tell me what you like, and I'll call Mulan's. We can have it delivered."

"You'll stay?"

"I'll stay until you kick me out."

"I'd like to take a shower," she says. "I haven't left the bed all day. I feel gross."

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"You shower, and I'll get food."

She tells me what she wants and kisses my cheek before getting out of bed. When
she gets to the bathroom door, she stops and turns back long enough to say, "I'm
glad you're here," but closes the door before I can reply, "So am I."

A/N – I love you guys. Dearly.

Thanks for reading! See you soon.



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*Chapter 17*: Dreams

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Bella is fresh-faced with wet hair when she comes downstairs. Running shorts and
a white t-shirt leave her skin on display, and she looks better – like she feels

The food arrived less than five minutes ago, but it's still in the bag. I'm not sure
where she wants to eat it: curled up in her bed upstairs, in the small kitchen, or
here in the living room.

"Where?" I ask, holding up the bag.

"Here," she says, skipping the couch for the space on the floor in front of it and
between the table. "It smells fantastic."

I sit next to her, letting her take charge of the food. "I hope you're hungry. I ordered
soup and an extra sushi roll, just in case."

She leaves me long enough to get paper plates and silverware from the kitchen.
"Do you want a beer?" Her voice echoes through the house.

"Sure." She brings a longneck and a bottled water, and takes her spot next to me
again. "Benny said to tell you to get well. He was asking about your head."

She smiles, opening one of the containers of miso and setting it on the table in
front of me. "Did you tell him I'm fine?"

"I told him your head is fine. He's going to feel bad for a while, though, so I hope
you're ready for some ass-kissing."

"The only ass he'll be kissing anytime soon is Angela's."

"Finally?" I ask.

"Finally. He took her to dinner last week. She texted me right after he asked."

"Have you heard from Riley? How did the interview go?"

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Happiness lights her face, and she nods. "It went really well. The owners were
great about the pregnancy and said they would call in the next couple of days.
Arthur is planning to clean out the apartment above their garage this weekend. It's
been storage space since Simon moved out a couple of years ago. Riley wants to
buy a house, but she doesn't want to rush it, so they're going to stay there for a

"They're moving whether or not they get the jobs?"

"It looks like it. Stefan is from Kentucky, and he has no desire to move back home.
They've enjoyed Knoxville. Riley wants to be close to her family again. This week
was the first time she's seen Linc in person. I think missing her nephew's birth
really did a number on her and made her want to come home. Being pregnant
probably magnified it."

Over dinner, she tells me about Riley and Stefan. They met during the girls' junior
year of undergrad, and by the time Bella left to come back to Memphis, Riley had
already been living with him for more than a year. They're discussing a possible
wedding after the baby is born but not rushing it.

"Why did you say no? To Marcus?" I ask.

She ducks her head, letting her hair hide her face when she answers. "He's a
sweet guy, but there was very little… chemistry there."


"Yeah," she says. "I like sweet, gentle sex as much as the next girl, but sometimes I
need... Well, he had trouble getting physical, if you know what I mean, because of
this." She rubs the area under her left tit. Then she looks up at me. "I don't want to
be treated like a china doll every time. I want to be treated like a woman." Her
cheeks flush, and red blooms over her chest and up her neck as well.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

"No, there's not. Companionship is good," she says. "But it can be unfulfilling
without love or passion. We loved and respected each other, but we weren't in
love. It took something major for us to see it, and we ended things on good terms."

"What about the guy before him? The one you went to Europe with."

"Laurent," she says. "He was the opposite; all passion and no depth. We had fun
together, but neither of us pretended to want anything more than adventure and

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sex. He moved home to DC after we came back from Europe, and I moved back to
Memphis the next year."

"What about the first boyfriend?"

"Ah, he-who-shall-not-be-named," she jokes. "No, I'm kidding. Ryan was my first
and only heartbreak. I fell hard and fast, and he knew all the right things to say.
Most girls get that first reality check in high school, but I missed out because I
wasn't allowed to date."

"You went to prom with Simon."

"My father is an expert at reading people. Even though Simon wasn't out yet,
Charlie knew I wasn't his type. I think I may have been the only virgin at my high
school graduation."

"Probably not. Charlotte and I waited until the middle of our senior year to seal the
deal. Not everyone is humping like bunnies in high school."

"You lost your virginity to your wife?" she asks. "That's kind of sweet."

"Ex-wife," I remind her. "I used to think so, too."

She's quiet for a few moments, finishing her sushi. "I said no to Marcus because I'd
like to think it's possible to find all of those things in one person." Her eyes meet
mine. "Passion. Love. Friendship. It might be naïve, but I think it can happen."

"But you didn't want to date…"

"I thought a break might help me reevaluate things. School, my career, whether or
not I wanted to try to adopt and be a parent… I'm still figuring things out,
obviously." She glances up at me. "I didn't expect this to happen now, but I'm glad it

"What made you change your mind? About being friends with me?" I know why she
didn't want to be but not how we ended up here.

"I'm not sure how to answer that question," she says. "It wasn't one thing. I… You
respect people. You talk to Captain Mike like a human being, and I've seen so
many people treat him like garbage. Even when I was rude to you, you were polite.
Well, except for the time you made me stalk you with my car in the rain." She
smiles and lifts her water for a drink. "I think I knew before I found out you were still
involved in Mack's life. I could see how unhappy you were, and I hated it, even
though I didn't know why." She looks up at me. "Seeing how hard you worked so

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you could have extra time with your daughter…

"You beat yourself up over Mack and what happened, but even then, you were
putting her first."

"I should thank you," I tell her. "We're meeting with Jeff next week. Mack wants to
stay, and I never would have thought to ask her if you hadn't suggested it."

She smiles so beautifully that it's almost impossible to believe she was crying an
hour ago. "You're welcome." Her phone rings upstairs, and she holds up a finger.
"Hold that thought. It's probably Charlie. He's the only one who calls this late."

She gets up and takes the stairs two at a time but still doesn't get there in time. A
few moments later, her voice echoes downstairs. "No, I didn't go in tonight. I wasn't
feeling well… Just tired, Dad… Yeah, Saturday is good… Okay. See you then."

She brings the phone with her when she comes back downstairs. "Sorry. He
wanted to see if I'm free for lunch Saturday." Once she's settled next to me again,
she continues. "I'm trying," she says. "With Charlie. It's hard, but I'm trying. And I
should thank you for that."


"Yes, you." She bumps her shoulder against mine. "You've reminded me that my
dad is only human. We have some problems; he likes to try to control my life, and I
like to fight back. We're finally talking, though, and that's a start. So thank you."

"You weren't speaking before?"

"Not much."

The front door opens, and Sasha walks in. She looks us over, surveying the mess
we've made with dinner and how close we're sitting. "Hey," she says. "Trin called,
so I'm going to change clothes and get out of your way again. I'll be home
sometime tomorrow."

"Cool," Bella says. "I've got work tomorrow night, so I'll see you this weekend."

Sasha makes her way down the hall to her room, and Bella and I start closing
containers and cleaning off the table. Bub meets us in the kitchen, weaving
between Bella's legs and purring when she opens a cabinet to take out a can of

Once he's taken care of and the food is stored in the fridge, she leads me back

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upstairs to her room. "Do you want to watch TV?" she asks.

"It doesn't matter to me." I just want to stay.

We take our spots on her bed; backs against the headboard, arms touching. She
turns on a repeat episode of Counting Cars. "I think there's a marathon tonight,"
she says. "I know it's hokey, but I like their work. They do some cool stuff."

"They do turn out some badass cars."

The cat pushes the door open and hops onto the bed. He stops at the end, staring
at us intently before walking closer and plopping down between our legs. "I think
he hates me," I say.

"I told you. He hates everyone. He is, after all, named after the devil."

"I never had any pets growing up. Mom's allergic."

"I never had any, either. We lived in a duplex on North Parkway, and the landlord
was strict about pets." She scratches the patch of skin behind his ear, and he
purrs. "Bub is the realization of one of my earliest bucket list wishes."

"I'd love to see that list someday."

She shrugs. "You can see it if you want to."

As always with her, the curiosity gets the best of me. "Hand it over."

She leaves me on the bed with a sullen cat and walks across the room to the
closet. I have to lean over to keep her in sight, but it's worth it when she lifts up on
her toes to reach a box on a shelf. Her calves tighten, and I can't help letting my
gaze wander up to the red on her thigh.

"Here it is," she says, smiling when she catches me watching her. "Keep in mind, I
started this when I was nine."

The cat shifts onto his back when she takes her place next to us on the bed. A
folded piece of college-ruled notebook paper is what she hands me. It's yellowed
at the edges and crinkled like it may have been balled up. Maybe twice.

At the top of the page, written in bubble letters, are the words "Things I want to

The very first thing on the list is a kick to my gut, because it's written in obvious

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elementary school scrawl.

See Mom

There's no checkmark beside that one like there are in the margin for many of the
other things on the list: touch snow, have a pet, get my ears pierced, go to a
concert, kiss a boy, go to a water park, grow boobs, ride a rollercoaster, go
to high school, drive a car…

The handwriting on the page changes, showing maturity and an older, different

Graduate high school

Go to college

Get drunk

Go snowboarding

Meet Shaun White

Have sex!

Get a tattoo

On the right hand side of the page, there's a column labeled "places."

I've been to 4 out of 50 states, but Bella has touched the world. She's done Route
66, seen the Grand Canyon, and toured the White House. While New York, Disney
World, and Mardi Gras may be still be on her to do list, she's been to Loch Ness,
Greece, Italy, and all over Europe.

The notes on the page are what draw me in.

"Tell me about Delphi," I say.

The 1967 GTO on the television fades into the background as she tells me about
taking a mythology course her first year of college as an elective. She hit the
internet and fell in love with Greece and Italy, and it shows in her voice when she
tells me about someone called the oracle and the significance of Delphi, standing
outside the Acropolis, and gondola rides in Venice.

She admits there was no monster visible when she visited Loch Ness but says she

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took some beautiful pictures there. There's also a confession that the first and only
time she ever smoked pot was in a small café in Amsterdam.

Paris is less romantic than she imagined, Stonehenge gave her the creeps, and
England is cool. But if she ever goes back, she'll stay longer in Greece and Italy,
and skip the rest.

Listening to Bella talk makes me more determined than ever to make sure Mack
gets to do and see as much as possible. I want her to think outside the box this
way and crave the unknown, something I never took the time to do. If the moon is
what she wants, I hope she gets it.

Bella starts to yawn sometime during the third episode of the night. "I'm sorry," she
says. "I didn't sleep well last night, and it's catching up to me."

"Do you want me to leave?"

Bub butts his head against my thigh once and then again. His teeth scrape over
my hand when he rubs his mouth against my thumb until I pet him.

"No," she says. "I want you to stay… unless you need to go."

"I don't."

"Television on or off?" she asks.

"It doesn't matter to me. I can fall asleep anywhere and sleep through any kind of

"I bet you have to, huh?" She looks over at me. "I don't know how you do it,

I shrug. "I'm used to it."

I've been doing this for so long I don't even have to think about it anymore. If
there's a couch or a bed, I can fall asleep. The trouble is staying that way.

She falls first, and a few minutes later, the timer turns off the TV. I watch her face
while she sleeps, letting the steady beat of her pulse rest under my thumb while I
think about her list.

The simplicity of most of her wishes was humbling. But the words Be loved stood
out on that page and told me more about Bella than all the others combined. I wish
I knew how to tell her it's safe to check it off.

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I had no idea until tonight how much grief she's been carrying around inside her.
And I've been carrying mine on my sleeve, letting it rule me.

She shifts in her sleep, curling against my chest and tucking her head under my
chin. Bub grumbles, stands, and hits my hand with his tail on his way to the foot of
the bed.

Instead of nightmares or poppies, I dream like a horny teenager… of tits and
tattoos and fucking.

It probably has everything to do with the woman kissing the skin beneath my ears
and rubbing her nipples against my chest.

"Good morning," she says.

"What time is it?" I ask, opening my eyes and letting my hand slip down the back of
her shorts to cup her ass and bring her a little closer since what she's doing feels
so good.

"After nine." Her fingers move to unbutton my shorts, but I catch her hand.

"My wallet is downstairs. I'll be right back." I kiss her hair and start to untangle
myself from the sheets.

"I have an IUD now," she says quietly. "If you still want to get it, that's fine. I won't
mind, but I'm good. I'm covered."

Trust is many things in a dictionary, but it's also the little things she's done to show
me hers, like letting me sleep next to her and hold her. It's the big ones; letting me
take care of her when she was hurt, and handing over her heart and her dreams
last night.

And now this.

"I've been careful," I tell her, pushing the white t-shirt up and over her ribs.

She nods, gripping my shoulder when my thumb grazes a barbell and then letting
go so I can pull the material over her head.

"Where is the cat?" I ask, remembering what he tried to do to my foot the other

She smiles against my neck before I feel her words on my skin. "I kicked him out
before I woke you up."

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This time, I take it slow, ridding her of her shorts and underwear and letting her
help me out of mine. The last time we were together this way, I didn't have a
chance to kiss her. I can smell mouthwash on her breath, and I hope it's strong
enough for both of us, because I need her mouth.

She kisses back, minty-fresh and cool, letting me pull her lip and ring between my
teeth when I slip inside. I have to stop to focus on her tongue and her nails in my
back, because it's been a long fucking time since I've gone bare. The heat and the
wet are almost too much.

Her legs come up, knees bent, feet next to my hips, and her ass lifts in the
process. She wants me to move, so I do, still kissing and touching her everywhere
I can.


When she said she liked it sweet, she meant it. Her fingers tug my hair as we
move, pulling me closer and burying me in her kiss until we're both out of breath,
and I'm out of time. I try to lower my hand between us, but she pushes it away and
touches herself while I watch. Rubbing slow circles over her clit, occasionally
dipping lower, and as my pace quickens, so does hers.

Her eyes close, and her head presses back into the pillow when she comes, but I
keep mine open to watch her, and that's what finishes me off.

We're both covered in sweat despite the chill in the room, so I pull the blanket over
us while we recover.

"Breakfast?" she asks.

"I'm starving."

"Be right back." She reaches for her underwear and shirt, and puts on both before
leaving the bed for a trip to the bathroom. A few minutes later, the door opens. "Do
you want a shower first?"

If I take one now, it will eliminate the need to go home and take one later. "Do you
have regular soap that won't make me smell like flowers?"

"Yes," she says, rolling her eyes. "I have regular soap."


She stands in the doorway to watch me walk across the room to get to her, eyes

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focused on my torso first but slowly travelling down. When I stop in front of her,
she inhales deeply and then kisses my chest. "I hope I remember that view for a
very long time," she says.

I feel the same way about her in the shower. I love the view, but it's been so long
since I've showered with a woman, I'd forgotten how half of the time is spent
shivering and waiting for a turn under the water.

We eat muffins and drink coffee at a small table on her back porch. The yard is
small but cozy, a lot like the house. There's a small rose garden on the back fence,
some regular bushes and a few climbers.

"Do you like Midtown?" I ask.

"I like the quieter part of Midtown," she says after a horn blares on Poplar. "The
part I grew up in, over by Dino's. I say quieter, but it's not really." She stops for a
sip of coffee. "We lived less than a block away from the zoo, so it could get noisy
at times but not like here."

"I liked Midtown, too, compared to growing up out East. We grew up near White
Station, and you know how busy that part of town is."

"There's convenience in this area, though," she says. "I can use the trolleys here.
Sometimes I take them to work when I'm scheduled at the clinic. As much as I
wanted to drive when I was a kid, I'm not really fond of it as an adult."

"It's funny how that works."

She takes me with her to run a couple of errands, and I hitch a ride downtown
when it's time for her shift. I'm a bit surprised when she parks in my lot instead of
her normal one. "It's Friday night. The lot at the Orpheum will be packed with
moviegoers," she reminds me.

"You're right. I'm guessing your first night back is going to be a busy one." I wait for
her to walk around her truck to continue. "Are you sure you feel up to it?"

Her hands come up and settle on my sides. "I'm okay." She tilts her head back to
look at me. "I feel much better."


I kiss her goodbye here, with only the lot attendant as a witness. "If you're around
when I get off later, I'll take you home," she says.

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"Is that something you're interested in?"

She grins and kisses me again. "Definitely."

I'd go insane if I got a table at Rum Boogie and had to watch assholes make
passes at her all night, so I head for Silky's instead.

Alice and Mary are working the outdoor bar tonight, and the place is packed. It
takes a few minutes for Alice to greet me. "Hey," she says. "Beer or bourbon?"

"Beer and a Po'Boy."

"Got it."

The sandwich takes a while to come out, but it's hot and delicious when it does,
and the beer is hitting the spot. There's a bluegrass band playing tonight, no
covers – all original. They're the best I've heard in a while.

Jasper turns up around eight, off the clock and more relaxed than I've seen him
since tourist season kicked up a notch. "I saw Bella out there," he says after taking
the seat next to mine.

"Yeah. Tonight is her first night back."

"I heard she called out last night. Everything okay?"

I lean closer to keep this between us, since Bella's personal life isn't anyone's
business. "Her best friend is pregnant." That's a safe way to see how much he

His eyes widen for a moment, and then he shakes his head. "Man. That's got to be
painful for her."

"She's strong," I tell him. "Even when she's weak, she's strong." Stronger than me,
that's for sure.

"I won't argue that." The band closes and waves to the crowd. "Come on," he says,
vacating his stool. "Alice is working. Bella is working. Let's see what other bands
are playing tonight."

The sun is barely hanging on when we step out onto Beale. Bella is busy with a
tray balanced on her shoulder, weaving her way through the tables out front. Our
eyes meet across the street, and she smiles until a rude customer demands her

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Jasper gets us in with no cover at B.B.'s, and we spend an hour watching a jam
session between two old guys with guitars. Sometimes, simple is perfect, and
lyrics aren't necessary. After that, we hit Blues City and watch a new all-female
rock band perform. We're both happy at the end of the show when they tell the
audience their album is available on iTunes. It would be a shame if a band that
good wasn't signed.

Bella is waiting for me back at Silky's, having a late dinner and talking to Alice.

"Hey," she says, leaning over for a kiss. "Mmm. You taste like beer." She goes in
for another, letting her lips part this time.

"How was work?" I ask as she leans back to look at me.

"Not bad. I think I missed it while I was off."

"Beer?" Alice asks.

"No, I think I'm good," I tell her. I've got a nice buzz going, and I don't want to spoil it
by getting full-on drunk. "I'll take a water."

"Got it," she says.

We stay long after Bella pushes away her plate, talking to Alice and Jasper about
music and the cookout at his place on 4th of July. I'm going to be working, so I'll
miss it. I almost wish I'd taken the day off, because that would be a good place to
introduce Bella and Mack; lots of buffers like people, food, and a pool.

Holiday pay is too good to turn down, though, especially now that I have a running
tab with Jeff Jenks.

The crowd gets louder and a little rowdier when people make their way over from
a wedding reception at Gibson. Jasper sticks around to wait for Alice, but Bella
and I decide to call it a night.

Our hands are locked together as we walk to the parking lot to get to her truck.
"Come home with me," I say.

"Do you work in the morning?" she asks.

"Yes, but you can sleep late and lock up when you leave."

"That's not why I was asking." She laughs and squeezes my fingers. "Don't you
need rest?"

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By now, we've reached her truck, so I pull her to me and brush my lips over her
ear. "I need you more."

She won't let me touch her or kiss until after she's had a shower. I can't blame her
since she worked outside all night and smells like smoke, beer, and ketchup. I try
to wait patiently but still find myself staring at the bathroom door until she walks
out in nothing but a green towel.

She leaves it wrapped around her body, rolled down just above her tits, and keeps
it that way until she's helped me out of my clothes. She pushes me back on the
bed and settles with a knee on each side of my thighs, kissing me and teasing my
cock by dragging her pussy over it.

I tug the towel away so I can touch the barbells and lightly tug them between my
fingers and thumbs.

It's all her this time; taking me in, moving over me, and watching my face while I
watch hers. When she tires, I hold up my hands and she places hers in them for
leverage. Still, she needs more, so I put her on her back, scrape my teeth over the
skin on her neck, and fuck her like she's begging me to – harder and faster.

Her nails dig into my shoulders, and she says my name, two, maybe three times,
but I'm not sure because I'm lost in the haze of my release.

She curls up next to me after a trip to the bathroom and says, "I'd like to stay if it's
still okay."

"I want you to," I tell her with a yawn. "Mack won't be back in town until tomorrow
afternoon, and she probably won't be home anyway for the next few days since I
have to work."

"How does that work?" she asks. "I've been wondering if you get her up early to
take her to your mom's."

I give her the rundown. Mack likes to sleep late during her summer breaks. She's
more of a night owl. Even when she was a baby, she liked being awake at all
hours of the night, not just to eat or play. It's better for her to spend the night with
my mom or sisters-in-law so she doesn't have to suffer through a 6am car ride
through Memphis every time I have to work.

When I'm too tired to keep my eyes open anymore, I pull Bella closer to kiss her
hair, her face, and her lips. She kisses back, and this time, I'm the one who falls
asleep first.

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"Pray with me, Edward."

"Edward… Edward…" It's my name on Bella's lips that calls me back… minutes or
hours later; I'm not sure.

"Are you okay?" she asks, propped on her elbow and staring at my face.

I don't know. Sketchy images of flashing red lights and fragments of glass are
fading back to the recesses of my mind where they hide during waking hours.

"I have dreams." My voice is dry and scratchy from sleep. Clearing my throat helps
but not by much. "About my dad."

"I know," she says. "You talk in your sleep."

"I'm sorry."

"Would it help to tell me about them?"

"I watched him die." I close my eyes and try not to think of her studying me in the
darkness. "I tried… He said not to, but I tried anyway, and he died. Right in front of
me. Some nights it plays in a loop, like a fucked up silent movie. Other nights, it's
fragments and bits and pieces. I can taste the blood and gasoline fumes, and can
hear the sirens."

The city-issued SUV was sideswiped by a distracted teenager and collided with
four other vehicles before the dust settled. Of the three of us, Paul was the only
one man enough to read the full autopsy. According to him, it was a miracle that
Dad survived until I got there, let alone the few minutes he spent in purgatory with
me before he decided to let go.

"You were praying," she says, letting the tips of her fingers stroke my chest. "The
Lord's Prayer."

"He asked me to."

"In the dream?"


"I didn't know he was conscious at the scene."

"He was. Long enough to say…" So many things in so few words and then slip
away before I could convince him not to.

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"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." I don't sound convincing, not to myself anyway, but for the first time in a
long time, it feels like it might be.


A/N – Y'all are gorgeous. Thank you for reading.

See you soon.


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*Chapter 18*: Turning the Tables

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Leaving Bella sleeping in my bed is one of the hardest things I've had to do in a
while. She stirred for a moment when my alarm went off, blinked twice, smiled, and
buried her face in my pillow. The sheets rest at the small of her back, leaving
smooth, pale skin on display.

I listen to her breathe as I tug my boots on, tie them, and then kiss her shoulder
before I stand to leave.

Her voice stops me at the door. "Be careful, okay?"

She's on her side, raised but not upright. I stop and give her a grin. "I will. I'll call
you tomorrow."

"Sounds good." She buries her face in my pillow again, and I almost want to laugh
at the idea of her being here, in my bed, while I'm leaving for work.

She sends texts throughout the day, as does Mack. Bella asks if Mack had fun, so
I forward the pics to let her see for herself. Maybe if I help her get to know Mack
through me first, it won't be a big deal to meet her.

If Mack's going to stay and Bella is going to be in my life, I'll have to find a way to
maintain balance. It will never work if I try to divide myself down the middle.

And honestly, I'd like to wake up like I did this morning, with Bella in the bed next to
me, as much as possible. I know Mack likes the idea of me having a girlfriend in
theory, but the reality may be something different entirely. This is something I need
to ease her into, as well.

I start as soon as Mack wakes up Sunday morning at Mom's house.

"Hey, Dad," she says, rubbing her eyes and settling into the chair next to mine in
the kitchen.

"You okay?" I ask.

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"Yeah, I'm still catching up on sleep from camp." She yawns and reaches for the
box of cereal Mom offers her. "We stayed up talking every night, and they woke us
up at, like, dawn."

"But you had fun, right?"

"It was the best three days of my life." She perks up and tells me about all the
things she learned and tried. "And even if I don't become an astronaut, there are
tons of cool jobs with NASA, Dad. I'd like to go back to camp next year for one of
the full-week sessions. There are specialty camps, too. They're going to send an
email in the fall with a discount code for early reservations. Please, can I go? I'll
help pay for it. Aunt Kim is taking me and Elaine to a babysitting course through
the Red Cross before summer ends. I'll work and help pay for it…"

"We'll see, Mack. A lot of that will depend on where you're living next summer. I
saw the lawyer while you were gone. Not at the office or anything, but he's Tanya's
brother-in-law, so I met him at Silky's. He said he can see us one day this week if
you still want to."

She takes a deep breath and nods. "I do. I don't want to move again, and I don't
want to live with them anymore."

"Okay, then." I take the cereal and pour some into a bowl. "I'll call him Tuesday

Mom manages to keep her excitement silent, but the smile on her face beats
Christmas. I want to warn her to be wary. I am. I don't trust Charlotte and Peter to
do the right thing.

"So, what did you do while I was gone?" Mack asks me after giving Mom a quick

"I met some of Bella's friends Wednesday night, and then I hung out with her
Thursday and Friday."

The newspaper drops from Mom's hand to the table, and Mack gives me a toothy
grin. "Nice," she says. "Did you have fun?"

For a second, I'm stuck. Parts of Wednesday were a lot of fun. Bella was right
about that. As hard as Thursday night was in the beginning, by the time Bella fell
asleep, she was smiling. And Friday was good, from the moment I woke up holding
her until I fell asleep the same way that night.

"Yeah," I tell her, because for the most part, we did.

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"Paul told me that she's Charlie Swan's daughter," Mom says.

"Who's that?" Mack asks.

I finish chewing a mouth full of Life before I answer. "Uncle Paul's lieutenant."

She stares at me for a moment and then bursts out laughing. "Oh, that's
fantastic… She's a TACT lieutenant's daughter. And Jane thinks she's got it bad.
What's Bella's dad like?"

"I only met him once, and Bella was hurt at the time…"

Wrong thing to say. Mom immediately becomes concerned, and so does Mack. I
tell them the whole story and reassure them that Bella is fine now.

Kim calls and invites us to swim today. Rachel is over there with her kids already,
and Paul is working. Mom comes with us and spends her day in the shade,
watching her grandkids swim and spray each other with water blasters.

I sneak away for a few minutes to call Bella to see if she's interested in a late
dinner. She's already made plans with Alice, so we agree to try again Tuesday
evening. It's the first of three days off for me, and Mack will be home. It sounds like
Jane may be coming home with us for round two of scary movie night. Jane has
already been through one of those babysitting courses. They're trustworthy
enough for me to leave them for a dinner date.

Since Bella is busy, I crash at Mom's to get more time with Mack. I'm up and out
the door before either of them wakes Monday, and I don't have a chance to check
my phone until almost four Tuesday morning. Holidays are almost always like that.
Drunken people don't mix well with grills, fireworks, or firearms.

I catch a nap for a couple of hours at the station but still end up crashing hard on
Mom's couch until Mack wakes me up around noon.

"You've got to call the lawyer guy today," she says. "Don't forget."

"I will. I'll do that now."

Mom greets me at the kitchen door with coffee and my fully-charged phone.

"You look beat."

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"It was a rough night."

She pats my cheek. "You make sure you get some sleep tonight. The girls are old
enough to stay up on their own."

"Mom, stop. I'm fine." I hold up my phone and open the door leading out to the
garage. I need peace and quiet to talk to Jeff.

He answers on the second ring, puts me on hold to check with his assistant, and
then offers me an appointment at three on Wednesday.

"We'll be there," I tell him.

Mack and I spend our afternoon at Paul's. I help him change the oil on Rachel's
minivan, and Mack stays locked up in Jane's room listening to whatever it is they
think passes as music these days. Their love of boy bands can be laid squarely at
Rachel and Charlotte's feet.

"How's it going with Bella?" he asks.

"Good. Things are good," I answer. He nods absentmindedly, cleaning his hands
before reaching into the fridge he keeps out here for beer and leftovers. I decline
the longneck he offers and continue, "I think I'm going to ask if she wants to meet

"Whoa," he says.


"That's some serious shit, man. You've never introduced a woman to Mack. Hell,
you've never gone out with the same woman more than once since you and
Charlotte split up." He pauses to take a swig from his beer. "You've known Bella
since… what? April?"


"Oh, I'm sorry. March."

"Why are you being an asshole?"

"I'm not." He shakes his head. "Not trying to be, anyway. I've seen a lot of shit,
Edward. Do you know how many of my friends are divorced? The fucked up shit I
hear? It makes me thankful for my boring as fuck life. I just don't want to see you
get screwed over again. You're a whiny fucker."

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"No problem."

"Thing is…" I stop to think about the right way to say this. "I couldn't walk away
now if I tried. There's just something about her…"

"It's called pussy."

I smack his chest with the back of my hand. "It's not. I mean, yeah, she's hot as
fuck and beautiful, but she's smart and she's tough. Not like balls out, just… solid."

"I don't know what the hell you just said."

"I have a lot of respect for her," I say. "That should be enough for you."

"Okay." He holds up both hands, palms facing me. "Dude, I'm happy to see you
happy. Believe me. I've been worried about your sorry ass for a long time. But this
is the first relationship you've been in since Charlotte, and meeting Mack is a big
deal. If you think it's time…" He takes a pull from his beer and looks me in the eye.
"That's your call."

"Mack and I are seeing the lawyer tomorrow afternoon."

"Let me know if you need anything," he says.

"I will."

Jane comes home with us after a stop for yoga in Midtown. Bella is working at the
clinic, but I still spend the hour texting with her. There are long pauses between
her answers, and the thought of her wearing that lab coat with her hair pulled back
does things to me.

I tell her so in a text and then hold my breath after I hit send, wondering if she's
going to think I'm some kind of fucking pervert.

Only the lab coat?

I swallow and shift in my seat.


I think about it again after she answers.

I could make that happen…

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My reply is the lamest shit ever but necessary, since yoga class ends in 20

Jesus. Can we revisit this idea in the near future?

The wait for this answer is the longest, making me wonder if I took it too far, but
she replies as the girls come into sight across the street from the parking garage.


Bella has some freak in her, and it's going to be fun finding out how much.
Unfortunately, now is not the time.

Is seven good for dinner?

She answers during the drive back to my apartment, so I don't see it until after I've

Perfect. Meet you at Westy's?

My neighborhood. Well, not exactly, but The Pinch is as close as it gets without
actually being in Harbor Town.

Westy's is great.

Mack and Jane make some kind of vegetarian pasta but give me a pass once I
explain that I'm taking Bella for dinner and giving them the realm for a little while.

"Behave," I tell them when I'm leaving. "We're eating downtown, so we'll be close.
Call if you need me."

"We'll be fine," Mack says.

"Yeah, totally." Jane nods. "This is better. It will make the movie even scarier."

I wait on the other side of the door until I hear both locks click into place. I know in
my head that they'll be fine. Rachel and Paul started letting the older kids stay at
home alone for short periods of time more than a year ago, Mack included.

That doesn't stop the twinge of guilt I feel for leaving.

If Mack is going to live here with me, I'm going to have to learn to trust her. She's a
smart girl. Paul has given all our kids self-defense lessons for years. Jane and
Mack together could probably kick my ass thoroughly if they needed to, and I'm

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Bella's truck is parked across the street from the restaurant when I arrive, and
she's sitting at the bar watching the end of a Cardinals game on the TV behind the

"Hey," she says, standing to kiss my neck. "Do you want a table, or do you want to
sit here?"

"A table."

I want her all to myself or as much as possible in a crowded restaurant.

She orders a healthy rice and vegetable dish, and I get the biggest loaded burger
on the menu, since I missed out yesterday.

"How was Jasper's shindig?" I ask.

"It was cool," she says. "Some of the people who live in his apartment complex are
dicks about the pool, but other than that, it was great. I spent most of my afternoon
relaxing on a float. How was work?"

"It was busy."

"How did Mack spend the day?"

"She went to Jared's with Mom. He had to work, too, but the rest of the family had
fun without us."

The food is delivered with a fresh round of tea for both of us.

"We're going to see Jeff tomorrow," I tell her after we're done eating.

"Are you worried?"

"A little. For Mack."

"It must be tough for her."

"I'm not sure she realizes how this is going to change… well, everything, especially
her relationship with Charlotte."

"A lot of that depends on Charlotte," she says cautiously.

"True." I pull my phone from my pocket, double-checking to make sure I haven't

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missed any texts or calls. I haven't. "Sorry," I tell Bella. "Tonight's a first. I've never
left the girls alone before."

"What are they doing?"

"Immersing themselves in movies about demonic possession the last time I saw

She laughs. "How sweet."

"Yeah, they'll be up all night."

We stay long enough to share dessert, and then I walk her to her truck. It's hard,
because my place is only a few blocks away, and thoughts of her wrapped up in
my bed and under my body are still fresh from the last time we were together.

She steps into my arms, rising up on her toes to kiss me goodbye. "Good luck
tomorrow," she says.

"Thanks." My hands linger on her waist, and I feel like a stupid fucking teenager
for not wanting this to end.

The more I have her, the more I want her.

"Are you busy tomorrow night?" I ask. "Mack mentioned going to yoga since she
missed so many days last week. Maybe we could have dinner somewhere in your

"I'd like that," she says. "I'm scheduled at Rum Boogie Thursday and Friday, so
tomorrow might be my last chance to see you this week."

The girls are rooted to the couch with a huge bowl of popcorn and a bag of sour
worms between them. Both of them jump when I open the door to the apartment.

"Crap, Dad!" Mack's voice is near hysterics. "You scared the bejesus out of us."
Her hand covers her heart, and I grin.

"Sorry." My keys land on the bar in the kitchen, and I grab a longneck from the
fridge. "Is there enough popcorn to share?"

I'm not really hungry, but I've missed Mack these last few days, and I'd like to
spend some time with them.

"Sure, Dad," she says, shifting closer to Jane on the couch.

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I take the spot next to her in the dark, and Jane stretches out at the other end,
extending her legs over Mack's lap and resting her sock-covered feet in my lap.

We make it through Exorcist II with me barely able to keep my eyes open. I give up
before they start the third installment.

Mack stays in her room with Jane all night this time, and I have a missed call from
Carmen when I wake up Wednesday morning. I try to call her back but get her
voicemail. Since she didn't leave a message, I don't either.

We finally touch base after my shower when she calls back to see if Mack can
spend the night with her tonight. Part of me wants to say no. I haven't had any time
alone with Mack since before space camp.

I have to remind myself that Carmen hasn't seen her since Charlotte left. Mack has
missed her, too, and agrees to spend tonight with them on the condition that I drop
her off late this afternoon. We have a lot to accomplish today.

First on the list is a late breakfast. Mack makes fresh blackberry waffles for us. I
offer to clean up so she can pack and get ready.

The girls catch a late-morning yoga class, and then we take Jane home after a
quick trip to Target, where they swindle me into buying a few cheesy horror flicks
they find in a clearance section.

We arrive at Jeff's office a few minutes early, and Mack pulls her Kindle from her
bag. She seems relaxed and nonchalant while I'm fidgety and nervous.

Jeff introduces himself to her and shakes her hand after we enter his office.
Instead of talking to her through me, he engages her in conversation for a while
and asks about her interests and her activities in Seattle. She tells him about yoga
and how she's picked it up here as well.

When he's sure she's comfortable, he eases her into a discussion about why she
wants to come back here to live with me. He explains our two options, temporary
or permanent custody, and asks which route she wants to pursue.

She looks up at me after several moments of contemplation. "I want to come home,
Dad. Not just for a year… I love Mom and Toby, but I hate it there. I just want to
come home."

I nod and look at Jeff. "There's your answer," I say. "Let's do this."

He shakes her hand first, then mine, and assures me his staff will have the

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paperwork done in the next couple of days. Charlotte will be served in Seattle
sometime early next week.

On the elevator, I send a text to Bella letting her know about Mack's plans with her

Liam's best friend is in town, and they're hanging out at our house. Why
don't I come to you, and then we can decide what to do?

I like the way she thinks. At my place, it's just me and her – no roommates or
appendage-attacking cats.

I'll be home around six.

"Who are you texting?" Mack asks. There's a loud ping, and the doors of the
elevator slide open.

"Bella. She's going to come over tonight."

Mack's silence is hard to read as we walk across the parking garage to get to my

"Is she your girlfriend, yet?"

I laugh, stilted and forced, and unlock her door. "I haven't asked her, if that's what
you mean, but for lack of a better word, yes."

"Why haven't you asked her?" Her head tilts, and she gazes at me with honest
curiosity instead of getting into the car.

"I don't think I need to. We've agreed that we're together, and that's enough."

"So she is your girlfriend."

"If you say so."

She spends the rest of the ride texting with someone on her phone; Jane, I'm sure.
My guess would be they're discussing me and Bella.

Carmen is grateful and polite when I drop Mack off, and Mack hugs me for a beat
longer than normal before I leave.

"I love you, Dad," she says. "See you tomorrow."

"Love you, too," I say. "Call me whenever you want me to pick you up."

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Rush hour traffic on Poplar is a bitch and it takes me forever to get back to
downtown. I beat Bella but only by a few minutes.

I had every intention of taking her out tonight, but when I open the door and see
her standing there in jeans, a white tee, and flip flops… All I can think about is
kissing and touching her.

"Hey," she says, stepping into my arms and kissing my neck. "I'm starving."

Her stomach growls, reinforcing her words, and I give up the notion of bypassing
dinner to undress her.

There'll be plenty of time for that later. We have all night.

We decide to stay away from Beale. Neither of us is in a partying mood, so we
pick something close. She's in the mood for seafood, and I wouldn't mind some
spice. We end up at Flying Fish, relaxing at a corner table and people-watching
the tourists as they wander by the front window.

Bella has a beer with dinner and another before we leave.

We take the trolley to get to my place, and she holds my hand tightly during the
short walk across the bridge while I explain everything that happened in Jeff's
office today.

I offer her another beer from my fridge, and she accepts before making her way
into the living room and opening the curtains that hide the glass doors leading out
to the patio.

"You have an amazing view," she says.

I shrug, because it's cool but hardly the reason I decided to move here.

We choose a movie on Netflix and settle on the couch. Before the opening scene
is over, Bella pushes me back on the sofa and hovers over me as she unbuttons
my shorts.

"I'm sorry I don't have my lab coat with me," she says with a wicked grin.

My cell starts to ring the exact moment her hand makes purchase on my cock.


Someone has terrible timing. Charlotte's name flashes across the screen, and I

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reject the call. No way am I going to let her interrupt this.

Thirty seconds later, the phone rings again before I even have a chance to set it
down. Only it's Mack's name on the display now.

"It's Mack. That was Charlotte a minute ago. Something must be wrong." She nods
and takes care of my pants while I answer. "What's going on, Mack?"

"Dad," she says, tears in her voice. "I'm so sorry. Mom called to tell me Nonnie is
taking me to get pictures made tomorrow so they can order my passport. Dad, I
messed up. It made me mad, and I told her I'm not going to Japan."

"Okay," I say. "That's okay, Mack. She's going to find out anyway when she's

"I know, but I told her. I told her we went to the lawyer, and I told her I want to stay

There's a beep on the line. Charlotte's calling again. "It's okay," I repeat. "Look,
your mom is calling, and I should answer. You didn't do anything wrong. You're not
doing anything wrong, okay?"

"Dad, she's really, really mad."

The incoming call drops off, so I keep talking to Mack.

"You let me worry about that. For now, take the picture. Having a passport isn't a
bad thing. It doesn't mean they're taking you away. I'm not going to let that

She's silent for a few long moments. "Okay," she says. "I'm sorry."

Charlotte is persistent, and the phone beeps again. "Call me when you're ready for
me to pick you up tomorrow."

"I will," she sniffles.

Mack ends the call, and I sit with my phone in my hand letting Charlotte's name
flash on the screen. I'm not in a rush to answer. She'll hang up and keep calling for
an hour if necessary. It seems to be one of the habits she hasn't kicked since we
were kids.

"Charlotte is going to keep calling," I tell Bella. "If you don't want to hear this, you
might want to step out onto the patio. Mack told her what's going on, and she's

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"I'll be fine," she says. The phone rings again in my palm. "Don't make her wait."

I nod and lift the phone to my ear while accepting the call. "Hello?"

"How dare you?" Charlotte asks, her voice cold and calm. "What kind of bullshit
have you been feeding her, Edward?"

"Mack decided on her own. All I did was offer her a choice."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're the lawyer. Figure it out. You know as well as I do that Mack is old enough
to choose which parent she wants to live with."

She laughs. "You have no idea what you're asking for. Are you really prepared for
a teenage girl? She thinks you're perfect and faultless now, but try being an actual
parent to her and tell me how that works out for you."

"Mack knows I'm not perfect," I say. "She also knows I love her." There's dead
silence on the line, so I continue. "I had no idea how miserable she was there in
Seattle with you. She says you barely have time for her or your son, because
you're too worried about what your husband is doing behind your back. That's not
my problem or any of my business.

"Mack is my business, though. Say what you want. It's not going to change
anything. The papers are being drawn up, and I'll sign them as soon as they're
ready. You're not taking her to Japan."

"Edward, please." She changes her tone, knowing now that I'm not bluffing. "Don't
do this. I'm not going to be working while we're there. How am I supposed to pay
you child support if I'm not working?"

"You think this is about money?" I stand and pace the floor between the couch and
the sliding glass door. "I don't give a shit about child support. I just want my
daughter back."

"You know Tennessee will enforce it, whether you want it or not."

Always the bottom line for her. Even with our daughter.

"What was it you said to me…?" I ask. "Oh, yeah… 'That's the way it goes.'" I may
have gotten fucked in the divorce, but I'm done letting her fuck me over. "If you

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have any other concerns, direct them to my lawyer."

I end the call and toss the phone on the couch. Charlotte was rattled there at the
end. She just found out, though. It won't take long for her to gather her wits and
come up with a plan, I'm sure.

"Are you okay?" Bella asks.

"She's pissed." I lean on the frame surrounding the glass doors and stare at the
bridge in the distance. "This isn't over."

"No," she says, sliding her arms around my waist from behind to hug my middle. "It
isn't, but you have Mack on your side… your family… me. It's going to be okay."

I stand up straight and place my hands on hers, letting her assure me with the
warmth of her cheek on my back. "I hope so."

A/N – You guys are the bomb. I love hearing your thoughts. :)

Hope you have a lovely week. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon!


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*Chapter 19*: Ask

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

The Charlotte-front is still and quiet for several days. On Tuesday, Jeff calls to tell
me that she's hired a lawyer, and they're requesting our state-mandated mediation
the first week of August. It's the same week that Mack is scheduled to go back to

The motion we filed prevents Charlotte from taking Mack out of the country without
my permission, pending the outcome of the custody hearing. It doesn't prevent her
from taking Mack out of Tennessee since she's still the custodial parent. There's a
very real possibility that Mack might have to leave with her to go back to Seattle

Mack spends most of Wednesday pacing my apartment and vehemently refusing
to return with Charlotte next month. The argument carries over during the car ride
to Midtown for her yoga class.

"This doesn't feel right," she says. "She sent me a text yesterday to tell me she'd
sent off the paperwork for my passport. She's acting like I'm still going with them."

"You're going to need that passport. Even if things work out the way we want them
to, your mom will still get visitation. She's always been fair about our summers
together, Mack. You need to remember that."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you'll probably be spending some time in Japan next summer."

"I don't want to."

Bella's list comes to mind – the things she's done, the places she's been. "There's
a big world out there. Seeing some of it wouldn't be a bad thing."

"It's not just Japan, Dad. It's Mom. She doesn't listen to me. It's like my feelings
don't even matter. I don't want to be around her."

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"Parents screw up, too, you know." She opens her mouth to interrupt, and I stop
her with a look. "I'm not making excuses for her. I'm not happy about some of the
things you've told me, and I let her know it. But she's still your mom. Moving here
won't change that. Nothing will."

"You're going to make me go, aren't you?"

"I don't want to make you do anything. I want you to want to go. You don't have to
spend all summer there. Even if it's just for a couple of weeks, you should go.
Think about Toby. Do you really want to go a year without seeing your brother?"

"That's not fair," she grumbles, crossing her arms and turning to stare out the

"That's life, kid. He's part of this, too. You love him. You'll miss him. Just… think
about it before you make a decision, okay?"


She opens her door the moment I shift into park at the garage in The Square.
Rachel and Jane are already waiting across the street, so Mack waves and jogs
over to them. She's stubborn and thick-headed, like both of her parents. I'm
beginning to think teens are incapable of understanding "the big picture."

The sun is still bright and the air still muggy as I make my way up the back steps at
Memphis Pizza Café. Bella is waiting in a corner booth just inside the door. "Hey,"
she says as I slide onto the seat across from her. "You look frustrated."

"Mack can be very stubborn."

"Uh oh."

"It's not that bad. She–"

The waiter interrupts me to see if we're ready to order. He studies Bella's face,
then her arms, and repeats her order back to her with a cocky grin. My glare wipes
the smirk off his face when he turns to ask what I want.

His eyes off of Bella's tits would be a nice start.

I settle for tea and a sandwich to keep the peace. We only have an hour until
Mack's class ends and Bella has to leave to pick up Sasha at the airport.

After he walks away, Bella puts her hands on the table and looks at me. "She

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I explain my conversation with Mack and her reluctance to agree to spend time
with Charlotte next summer. Our friend comes back with my drink, and Bella
doesn't even glance at him. Instead, she's leaning forward, focused on my words.

"This passport thing is really bothering her for some reason."

"Everything is up in the air for her. That can't be easy."

"I know. I want to be able to tell her it will all be okay and promise her it will work
out. I mean, that's my job, right? Taking care of her, but…"

Her hand inches across the table until it's resting on top of mine. "You let the
lawyer explain it to her. That was the best thing you could've done. She knows
beyond a doubt that you want her and that you're doing what it takes to make it

Our food is brought out within minutes, and Bella distracts me by telling me about
her day at the clinic and her afternoon registering online for her classes next
semester. She watches the time on her phone the same way I do tonight, having
promised to pick up Sasha at eight.

Bella nabs the check when the server brings it out, refuses to let me pay "again,"
and takes care of it before I can put up a fight.

We walk down the back steps together and over to the garage.

"I've got work tomorrow, but I'd love to see you soon if you can swing it." Her work
schedule is as varied as mine now that she's back at Rum Boogie.

"It's moving weekend," Bella says. "I traded Friday off to hang out with Riley and
Simon. You should stop by their parents' house if you get a chance."

"I'm off Friday, and Mack and Jane are spending the night with my grandparents
out in Millington. Paul and I are taking them early, though. He has to be back
around five to get ready for work. Mom will get the girls Saturday, and then we're
leaving for Heber on Sunday. We'll be gone for a week, so I'd love to see you
Friday if later in the day is okay."

"Later is better, especially if you're free all night."

"Should I call you when I'm on my way?"

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"No. We'll be there all day, so whenever is fine."

"I'll see you Friday." I pull her to me for a hug and a goodbye kiss. She fists my
shirt and turns us so that her back is against her truck. "Bella…" Her lips move to
my neck before cold steel and teeth graze the stubble beneath my ear.

"Come over. Come to my place instead of going home after you take Mack to your
Mom. It doesn't matter how late." The grip she has on my waist is firm, but it's her
words that pin me, the want behind them.


She kisses me a real goodbye this time and pushes me back to open the door of
her truck. "Text when you're on your way."

I nod and lean through her open window for one last peck. "I will."

Mack, Jane, and Rachel step through the entrance of the garage as Bella's
taillights disappear at the exit. None of them make eye contact with me. They're
too busy smiling at their feet and whispering to each other.

"How was class?" I ask, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Good, Dad." Mack walks over to the Mustang and waits for me to unlock her door.
"It was fun. How was dinner?"

"Good. It was, ah… good."

"Call me," Jane says, waving to us before she gets into the minivan.

Mack waves her agreement and gets into the car. The first few blocks are filled
with silence between us while she finds something she considers acceptable on
the radio. Midtown disappears when I turn onto Sam Cooper, and she gathers her
courage somewhere around Nutbush.

"That was a heck of a kiss."

Immediately, I try to remember where my hands were when Bella was pressed
between me and her truck. Her waist, if I remember correctly, and Bella's were
trapped between us. Nothing too bad.

"I, uh… Didn't realize what time it was. I'm sorry."

"For kissing your girlfriend?" The teasing smile on her lips isn't lost, even though

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she's staring at her phone screen instead of me.

"No, not really."

She looks up at me and laughs. "Go, Dad."

"Look, Mack." I signal, exit the freeway, and wait until we're still at a stoplight to
continue. "I'm sorry about earlier. I know all of this has to be hard for you."

"I'm okay. I actually had some time to think and cool down during yoga, and you're
right. A visit might not be so bad. Not a long one, though."

"Okay. We can work out a compromise when the time comes. When they move
back to the states, we'll have to set up a regular visitation schedule. I don't want
any money from your mom, but the state will demand it if I'm your custodial parent.
She's not an unfit parent by any court's standards, so she'll be entitled to

"I don't think she'll care."

"Of course she cares." Somewhere, buried underneath the fake nails and business
suits, there's a woman who cried tears of sheer joy the first time she saw Mack's
face. Charlotte is misguided and has twisted into something different, but as much
as she loves money, she still offered to pay for half of space camp. On some level,
she had to have known how important it was to Mack.

It's easy to remember all of the petty, bitter shit she's pulled over the last five years.
But Mack has always given me Christmas and birthday gifts, and Charlotte had to
have helped. As much as I want to give in to the idea that she's a horrible human
being, every now and then, there are little reminders that the woman I loved
enough to marry is still in there, buried under a heavy layer of selfishness and

Whatever else happens, she'll always be Mack's mother. For that reason alone, I
can't hate her.

Mom is waiting for us in the kitchen with dessert. She sips coffee with her piece of
cake, but Mack and I opt for warmed milk with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. "This
is good." My slice is gone in four bites. "Can I take a piece to Bella?"

"Are you seeing her again tonight?" Mack asks, fingers at the ready on the qwerty
pad of her phone.

Mom glances at me. "Again?"

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"They had dinner next door while I was at yoga class," Mack spills. She spares me
a glance and a devilish smile. "You'd be proud though, Grandma." A quick wink is
the only warning I have. "He walked her to her car. We saw them in the parking

"Did you meet her?" Mom is on the edge of her seat, like my life is one of her
afternoon soap operas.

"No." The smile slips from Mack's face, and she turns her attention to her phone.

"She had to pick up her roommate at the airport," I say. Mack nods, and Mom
clears the table instead of furthering the interrogation.

I'd like to ease Mack's disappointment by promising to introduce her to Bella soon,
but it's something I need to man up and talk to Bella about first. I've disappointed
my daughter enough over the last two years. If I give her my word on something, I
want to be able to keep it.

When the nightly news comes on, I decide to leave for Bella's. Mack gives me a
hug and tells me she'll see me in a couple of days. She stares at the foil-covered
cake in my hand and shrugs. "Have fun."

"You, too."

During the drive to Bella's, I make up my mind to talk to her before I leave for
Arkansas with the family next week. Mack might have to go back to Seattle until
our court date. Jeff is doing what he can to prevent it, but if she does, I want her to
know Bella before she leaves.

Sasha answers the door when I knock. "She's upstairs."


"No problem." With a click of the remote in her hand, the characters unfreeze on
the TV, and whatever she was watching resumes as she settles on the couch with

I knock on Bella's bedroom door out of habit and twist the knob after she calls,
"Come in."

The bed is made, and the bathroom door is closed with no light beneath it. Bella
steps out of her closet in nothing but her lab coat. Well, and her red glasses. The
cuffs of the jacket are turned up unevenly, showing off the bolts on her wrists and
the red and black surrounding them. Her hair is pulled into a high ponytail, barely

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brushing her shoulders with each step she takes.

The blackbird is on display, and she's painted her lips to match. Deep crimson
against pale perfection. Everywhere I look.

Fuck. I think the word a hundred times, but my mouth is frozen along with the rest
of me. I'll pounce as soon as she gives me the green light.

"Is this what you had in mind?" she asks, stopping in front of me and taking the
plate from my hand to set it on the bedside table.

"Maybe better. The glasses…"

"I could tell that you liked them." She grins, raising a hand to stroke the hair at the
back of my neck.

"You could say that."

Her other hand works the button of my shorts, tugs the zipper down, and pushes
them over my hips. The conversation I need to have with Bella is going to have to
wait. I can't think past the tiny glimpses of her nipples as she moves to undress
me. My t-shirt is pushed up and over my head. And fuck if it doesn't feel good to be

I spent seven years in a marriage where sex was treated like a habit, a chore, or
an anniversary gift. I've spent the last few fucking strangers to remind myself that
I'm still alive. Before this, before Bella, I can't remember a time when someone's
intent was to make me feel good, to be what I want – not that she has to try.

Her hands push on my shoulders until I'm sitting at the end of her bed, feet on the
floor, with her standing between my legs. She leans over to kiss me, holding my
face in her palms and brushing her lips against mine, softly and sweetly. My hands
settle on the bare skin at her hips to anchor her.

The kisses change when her lips part and her tongue dips into my mouth, light and
teasing. Letting my hands roam her sides, knead her flesh, and cup her tits help
me keep my sanity by giving me something to focus on besides the growing need
to pull her down onto my cock and fuck her like an animal.

Bravery must be contagious. When my thumbs come into contact with silver bead
rings, I tug and wait for her reaction. It's a small shudder that intensifies as I pull
harder, and the slightest twist makes her gasp and arch into my palms. "That feels
so good," she says, breaking our kiss to lower her lips to my neck.

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My efforts to move my attention to her pussy are shut down before my hand can
make contact. She drops to her knees, resting her arms on my thighs. The way
she licks her lips as she stares at my cock makes a mess for her to run her tongue
over at the tip. She does and leans back on her heels, keeping her balance with
one arm on my leg and letting her other hand move from base to head.


It's the best fucking torture I've ever been subjected to. I'd close my eyes, but
watching her hand pick up speed…

She looks up at me when she makes her move, leaning forward slowly, and then
lets her eyes slip closed as her lips stretch over the head. I've always been
apprehensive about teeth near my dick, starting with a negative experience that
dates pre-Charlotte. Bella's only the third woman I've let do this.

Bella knows how to work her teeth, scraping occasionally but only on the upstroke
or for pressure when it's deep. The ponytail at the back of her head is a good focal
point when I need a break from the vivid red of her lips.

A small moan escapes her. My hand moves to her head, and she does it again,
causing the sweetest vibrations against my dick. The hand she's been sliding over
my flesh in tandem with her lips moves to rest on my thigh again.

It takes a moment for me to realize what she wants, but there's no mistaking the
pleasure in her sounds when my hand slides up to grip her ponytail and move her
head. She's all over the place, trying to squeeze her thighs together for relief.
"Fuuuck. You like this, don't you? Letting me fuck your mouth… Those beautiful
red lips… You want me to come like this? I think you'd like that."

"Mmmmm." She tries to nod, but I don't give her a break to answer. I don't think she
wants one.

"I want to. Dammit, I want to. But I want to fuck you more." I pry her nails out of my
leg and push her hand away. "Use your fingers to make yourself come first."

There's no hesitation. I can't see it, because I'm focused on her lip ring and
keeping a steady pace with the hand guiding her head. I can hear it though. The
sound of her fingers sliding over her skin, the high-pitched satisfaction that
vibrates in her throat, and the slight gagging afterwards because her concentration
is interrupted by her bliss…

"Up. Get on this bed and let me fuck you." Her face is flushed red, with loose

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strands of hair stuck to the dampened skin around her brow and ears. I help her
up and push the lab coat from her shoulders. "This is going to create a whole new
set of fantasies. Every time I see you in this jacket, I'm going to remember what
you just did."

"Good." Her voice is husky as she climbs onto the bed next to me and tosses her
glasses onto the table. Since her tits are mouth level, I keep her on her knees and
spend long moments kissing her nipples and pulling her rings between my teeth
until she hisses and grips my shoulder tightly. "I…"

"What?" I ask, pausing to speak the word against the swell of her breast. "Tell me
what you need."

"No more foreplay. I've missed you."

As much as I want to dedicate every minute of tonight exploring her body with my
mouth and hands, I've missed her, too. My forearm catches her around the waist,
and I move both of us up the bed and spread her out beneath me in the process.

The way her legs part and relax is a greeting. Still, I let two fingers trail past her
belly and into the heat to be sure that she's ready. "Jesus." My eyes close. "You
really fucking liked that."

She's already pulling me down onto her with her nails in my shoulders. I'm going to
have marks all over me by the time she's done with me, and I don't even care,
because it feels so fucking good when I finally slide in with one long stroke.

Her body moves with me, grinding and straining. Touching and teasing. Sharing
the air between our mouths, because we're fucking too hard to kiss.

There's enough light in the room to see her eyes – the way she's fighting to keep
them open. They close when I reach back to catch her leg behind the knee and
pull it forward. "Oh, fuck,"
she breathes, trembling and lost. Cool metal and crimson.

My lips surprise her when I let go of her leg to kiss her and feel the scrape of her
barbells against my chest. Her teeth and tongue and slick body against mine
trigger the orgasm I've had to hold back since she stepped out of her closet. When
it hits, I break the kiss, close my eyes, and ride it out until I'm completely spent.

She lets me crash long enough to recover, pushes lightly on my shoulder, and then
follows by turning onto her side to keep her chest against mine. She leans in to
kiss me and whispers, "I'll be right back."

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I manage to stay awake to catch her awkward shuffle across the room to the
bathroom, but the extra hours at the station sneak up on me before she makes it

At 6:30, her alarm clock wakes us both. Her limbs are tangled with mine, so it
takes a few moments for her to kill the noise. "Ugh," she groans. "It's morning

"Go back to sleep." I kiss the skin where her cheek meets her ear, and her arms
close around me.

"Be safe, okay?"

I nod and tighten my hold, accepting what she's giving but not saying. "I will."

She leans back onto her pillow with a soft smile on her face. "Friday."

"I'll be there."

Bub is waiting at the door, and he darts past me into her room. The little fucker is
already stretched out on my pillow when I pull the door closed behind me.
Everything is still and quiet other than the muted creaking of the stairs.

The day passes quickly, and I catch as much sleep as possible overnight. After my
shift, I crash on Mom's couch while waiting for Mack to wake up. By the time Paul
calls, we're both awake and ready to go.

Alec decided to tag along with the girls, and Elaine has joined them, as well. Four
grandkids. I hope Grandpa and Grandma can handle them. I tease them when we
get to Millington. "Life on the farm must be boring to agree to this."

"Oh, hush," Grandma says, setting a plate of oatmeal raisin cookies and a pitcher
of lemonade on the small table on their back deck. She pours a cold drink for each
of us and then relaxes in her chair. "We handled the three of you without any

Grandpa grabs her hand, twisting their wrinkled fingers together and resting them
on his thigh. "They're good kids," he says with a nod. "Never give us a lick of
trouble." He glances over at a small fenced-in portion of the yard next to their barn.
They've added two alpacas since the last time I visited and named them Laverne
and Shirley.

We sit and watch the kids try to coax the shy animals over to the fence. They beg,
plead, and make clicking noises, but the alpacas only stare at them in confusion

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while keeping their distance.

"Esme tells me you finally found a girl." Grandma never has been one to beat
around the bush.

She isn't as nosey as mom or my brothers' wives, so I answer directly. "Yes,

"Is she good to you?" she asks.

I choke on my lemonade thinking of how good she was to me the last time I saw
her. Paul looks amused when I nod, eyes watering and coughing. She reaches
over with her free hand to pat my back. "Yeah, Grandma. She's great."


Grandma is much easier than Mom, Rachel, or Kim, and at this point, Mack and
Jane, too.

When Grandma gets up to start dinner, Grandpa makes his way over to the barn
and brings out the golf cart he bought last spring. "Load up, kids!" he shouts.
"We're going to do a perimeter check before sundown."

He likes to ride his property line every day to make sure none of the fences are
down and everything is as it should be. A few of their neighbors have had trouble
with coyotes, so he likes to keep an eye out.

"We're going to head back to town, Grandpa. I'm working tonight and tomorrow
night to be off for our trip next week." Paul shakes his hand first and hugs him.

I do the same and then call Mack over to say goodbye. "I'll see you Sunday
morning," I tell her. "We'll hit the road first thing and be on the lake before you
know it."

"Are you going to let me drive one of Uncle Paul's jet skis?"

"No. You're not old enough."

"Come on, Dad."

"No, Mack."

"You're no fun." She pouts and gives me the evil eye for a moment before
wrapping her arms around my waist. "It's okay, though. I still love you."

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"Thanks, kid. I love you, too."

"Be safe," she says quietly, resting her head on my chest. Then she steps away
and backs up slowly. "Tell Bella I said hey." She nods and waves, turning on her
heel to ditch me for a ride with her cousins.

"At least she'll still hug you," Paul says as we walk back to the house. "I feel lucky
when Jane says hi to me these days. Enjoy it while you can."

Grandma hugs and kisses us both on our cheeks. "Here," she says, handing us
large Ziplock bags filled with cookies. "Take these with you. I've been baking for
two days, and your grandfather will end up in the hospital if they stay here." She
walks out to the front porch with us, watches until we're almost at the end of their
driveway, and then waves goodbye.

Paul cuts through town to avoid the clusterfuck of rush hour on the interstate in
Memphis. He drops me at Mom's to pick up my car. She's gone to a movie with a
friend, so I leave for my apartment to catch a shower before I meet up with Bella.

I smell like I've been at work and then baking in the hot July sun. It's a miracle
Mack could even stand to hug me. I feel better and almost human after a shower.

Bella's truck is parked in front of the Hamiltons' house, and so is Riley's car. There
are two cars and a small U-Haul truck in the driveway. Instead of knocking on the
front door, I walk around back to the garage and the apartment above it.

The door of the apartment is open, and the sound of voices and laughter carries
down the stairs attached to the building. Bella is sitting at the end of a small blue
sofa near the door with her legs tucked under her, fanning herself with a takeout
menu. "Hey," she says, smiling when she sees me in the doorway.


Riley, Stefan, and Simon stop their conversation to say hello, and Riley waves
from her spot in a funky net chair. "We saved a few boxes for you," she says.


She laughs. "The guys are just taking a break to help us figure out what to order
for dinner. Any preferences?"

"No, not really, but I have some cookies out in the car for dessert. My grandmother
made them."

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"I like him," Riley says, giving Bella an approving nod.

Bella grabs my hand and pulls me down onto the couch next to her. "I like him,
too." She leans in when my arm rests on the back of the couch, settling against my

My lips touch her hair. "Good to know," I say quietly.

They decide on pizza. Well, Riley decides on pizza. No one argues, since she
can't have sushi or any of the things Simon suggests.

It's Friday night, so the wait is insanely long. Bella helps me, Simon, and Stefan for
a while but ditches us when Riley's mom gets home to help her carry groceries into
the main house. Riley watches them disappear inside and corners me in the spare
bedroom during my next trip upstairs.

"Anywhere is fine." Riley waves at an uncluttered corner of the room. I set the box
in my arms down away from the others since it's labeled as fragile. "She really
does like you," she says, pushing the door closed with her back and leaning
against it.

I nod, unsure of what to say or where this is going.

"It's strange," she continues. "I've known Bella almost 20 years, and I've never
seen her so… affectionate with someone. It's not something she grew up with –
affection." She pauses, waiting to see if I'll respond. "Look, I'm not a cop or a
badass, but if you fuck her over, I'll have James kick your ass, bouncer or no
bouncer. He's a black belt."

"I'm not going to fuck her over. I… care about her."

She smiles. "Good answer. I was joking about the karate thing, by the way. James
is a total geek. He wouldn't hurt a fly." She turns and opens the door. "Make sure
you grab those cookies on your next trip down."

Bella is waiting in the living room, curious at the sight of me following Riley down
the hall until I give her a smile over her best friend's shoulder. I have an ex-wife
and two sisters-in-law. I've learned a thing or two by observing female friendships
over the years. They're either rock solid or skin deep.

Riley is a rock. It seems like her family has been that for Bella in ways that Charlie
couldn't. Both of her parents seemed to love Bella the night we had dinner here.
When we left to go to Beale, they hugged her the same way they did their children.

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"She isn't bossing you around, is she?" Bella asks.

"Yes, I am," Riley says. "I told him to get the cookies on his next trip down."

"Everything is about food with you now." Bella shakes her head.

"I want everything in sight. The trouble is keeping it down."

Bella slips her arm over Riley's shoulder. "I hear it gets better."

For a moment, Riley rests her temple against Bella's and looks tired. "I hope so."

"We'll get out of here soon, so you can rest," Bella says.

"I'm fine." Riley steps away when Stefan calls out that the pizza is here.

Bella stays true to her word. After dinner and dessert, we finish unloading the last
of the furniture from the U-Haul since it's due back tomorrow. The sun is evening
orange when we say goodbye to her friends.

"My place or yours?" I ask.

"Yours, so you won't have far to drive in the morning."

I follow her through Midtown until the buildings get taller and the lights get brighter.
Traffic downtown is bumper-to-bumper. There's a Redbirds game and a concert at
the amphitheater on Mud Island, adding to the normal Friday night mayhem.

We get separated at the light in front of 201. Bella makes a right at the light, but I'm
stuck behind two cars loaded down with teenagers.

Her truck is already parked in the extra spot allotted for my unit, and she's leaning
against my apartment door when I park.

"Took you long enough," she teases, bouncing in place while I unlock the door.
She makes a beeline for the guest bathroom and disappears with the slam of the

Too much sweet tea will do that, especially when a ten-minute drive turns into
thirty because of idiot drivers.

It doesn't take her long, and when she exits the bathroom, the pink swirling light
coming from Mack's open door catches her attention. She glances at me before
slowly stepping forward into the doorway of Mack's domain.

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"Cool room."

"She likes pink." I'm reminded of my promise to talk to her before my trip. "And
evidently, peace signs are making a comeback." She doesn't move as I take the
few steps down the hall to join her. Her arms come up to welcome me when I
reach for her. "When I get back from Arkansas, I'd like to introduce you to Mack."
She's quiet and still, relaxed in my arms. "She's curious about you, and it would be
nice… We could spend more time together if you knew each other. If you want
to… I know it's kind of soon–"

"I'd like that."


"Of course I'd like to meet her. I mean, I'm nervous and a little intimidated, but she's
your daughter. I want to know her."

"She's a good kid. You don't have to be nervous."

"Well, she might not like me. It's okay. I've been trying to prepare myself just in
case. I hope she will… But there's a possibility that she may see me as
competition for your attention."

"You've thought about this?"

"Yeah. I think about this." Her fingers trail across my chest, over my heart, and up
to my neck. "This thing that's happening with us… I think about it a lot. I think
about you, and Mack is part of you. That makes her important to me, too. I'm
honestly a little jealous that Alice has met her and I haven't."

"Why didn't you say something?"

She shrugs and smiles. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. It might take you a while
to see it, to trust me. I don't want to push you or rush things. I had a feeling you
would ask when you were ready."

"She calls you my girlfriend."

"Does that bother you?" she asks, the corner of her mouth turning up.

"No, not at all. I hope it doesn't bother you, either."

"I suppose calling you my boyfriend would be much easier than referring to you as
'this guy I'm seeing.' That's how I told Riley about us. Boyfriend is more functional

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than lover, encompasses more than just friend, and it's kind of hot."


"Sure. My boyfriend is a bouncer and a fireman. It's hot."

"I won't have time for Silky's if everything goes well with Mack."

She shakes her head. "Doesn't matter. I've already seen you in action. I can instant
replay it in my head anytime I want. I do miss you, though…"

"I'm right here. How can you miss me?" My arm tightens at her waist for emphasis.

"When I'm working. Every time I glance across the street, it's like something's
missing. It was nice being able to steal glances when you were busy." She leans in
to kiss my neck. "I also liked it when you walked me to my truck."

"Liar." I laugh. "You gave me shit every single time."

"Over the idea of it, yes. But the truth is I liked talking to you. It's okay, though. I'm
not going to be working two jobs forever. By this time next year, I'll be done with
school and Rum Boogie. Besides, this is better. Having Mack around is better for
you. It makes you happy."

"She'll like you. I know she will. She already thinks you're cool, and she's always
asking about you."

"I hope so."

Insecurity is rare for Bella from what I've seen. Mack's opinion of her obviously
matters. "Don't be nervous. Mack is a popcorn hog, too. If you can stomach scary
movies, you're a shoo-in."

"I guess we'll have to let you sit in the middle if we ever get to that point. You'll
have to hold it to keep us from fighting over it."

"I'm pretty sure I can handle that."

I'm also sure that it won't be an issue and that Mack will be thrilled to have Bella
around. I'll let Bella see that for herself, though.

A/N – Hey, guys. I'm sorry about the delay. It was a combination of factors
(writing the DH epi, working on an OF outline that took over my brain

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temporarily, kids out of school, and a general inability to focus). I'm back on
track, though, and feeling it again.

See you soon!


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*Chapter 20*: Brothers

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up. Thanks to Nic and dovelove1097 for pre-
reading. M, thank you for all the help with this one. Any mistakes left are

Thanks to Pearl Jam for writing "Sirens."

The sun rises too early Saturday morning. While I'm looking forward to vacation,
the thought of not seeing Bella for a week isn't a pleasant one. Her hand is tangled
with mine when I wake, my thumb settled on her pulse. For a while, I bask in the
steady beat and her peaceful breaths.

The clock ticks, winding down the time I have left with her before I have to leave
for work. Waking her may be rude, but I try to offset my bad manners by doing it
with soft kisses on her thighs.

"Mmm," she moans, eyes closed and back tensed. Her legs relax against the bed,
flexing as I trail my lips higher and higher.

The taste of her, of us, on my tongue ignites memories of last night… Her on her
stomach, gripping the sheets and saying my name. I try to be gentle in case she's
tender from the hard loving, but her fingers twist in my hair and her hips shift.

I kiss and nip, adding one finger and then, two until it's only her on my tongue,
warm and coming.

My lips move to the skin of her hip. I leave a kiss there, on her ribs, her nipple, and
settle at her neck. "Good morning."

"I like waking up with you," she says, turning her head to catch my lips with hers.
At the same time, she pushes on my shoulder until I'm on my back. Her body
follows until she's over me with a leg settled on each side, sinking slowly with her
eyes on mine and her lips parted.

She takes over with her hands braced on my chest. Her hair falls between us, so I
push it back and let my hand rest on her cheek. Watching her turn to press her lips
against my palm forces the words to the tip of my tongue.

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Instead of letting them fly, I pull her closer and kiss her, with lips and tongue and
both of my hands buried in her hair. Her grip changes; the pressure of her nails on
my skin combined with her small whimpers end me.

Her head drops to rest at the crook of my neck, and she slowly lowers the rest of
her body onto mine. She's still in my arms as the room brightens, and a glance at
the clock reminds me that I've got to move.

"The cell service is spotty in Heber. I may not be able to call you much this week." I
kiss the skin at her hairline and let my fingers trail down her side.

"When will you be back?"

"We're leaving Saturday morning, and we'll be back sometime early in the
afternoon. If you're not busy, we could have dinner together – you, me, and Mack."

"I'll find someone to trade with." She leans down to kiss me, catches my hand and
grips it between us. "I'll work every night this week if I have to."

"Don't be nervous anymore, okay?"

"I'll try."

I kiss her again and start to move away. "I've got to shower, or I'll be late. Go back
to sleep."

She yawns and nods. "I'll see you Saturday."

"Mack and I will pick you up around seven."

She's asleep by the time I make it out of the shower. To avoid waking her again, I
get dressed in Mack's bathroom and then leave as quietly as possible.

The morning is slow, but rush hour and sunset bring out the crowds.

We're wrapping up the scene of an accident on Riverside when a call comes in for
an officer down and possible hostage situation on Virginia Avenue. TACT and
MPD are on site and calling for as many trucks as possible. Since our call is done,
we're dispatched with one other truck to follow from our station. Union is sending
two, as well.

The street is closed off at Main, but an officer moves the barrier to let us through,
and Max eases down Virginia. He follows instructions, and parks behind several
squad cars and black Tahoes.

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"What's going on?" he asks, leaning his head out the window.

"Right now, we're trying to evac the neighbors. 911 got a call from this address
around 9:36." His hands rise to rest at his waist. "Little girl named Jessica said
mom's boyfriend was working his way through a fifth and beating the shit out of
mom. The girl locked herself upstairs. When the officers arrived, the suspect
opened the door, took a swig from his bottle, and pulled a gun. There was a bullet
in Collin's head and one in Mallory's thigh before either of them could get a shot
off. Mallory hit the ground and called for backup. The son of a bitch shot her again
while she was down – in the shoulder."

Collin just got married a year ago.

His bachelor party was at Silky's.

And soon, someone will interrupt his wife's night to tell her he's not coming home.

We knock on doors, tell people to get what they need, and encourage them to stay
with friends or family for the night if possible. The only neighbor who stays is the
owner of the house on the corner. His design is identical to the house in question,
and he's drawing a makeshift map of the inside for Charlie Swan.

Paul nods when he catches sight of me, and I return it. He's in full gear, tensed
and waiting for instructions like the rest of us.

Max finds out the girl is still on the phone and safe for the time being. No word on
the mom.

The debate goes on while we wait. There's a commotion at the end of the block.
This time, it's more than the normal band of news trucks and pushy reporters.

Several officers walk toward us with an ashen guy in khakis and a Best Buy polo.
They usher him over to Charlie and a small group of brass. The name Stanley
makes its way around… He's the kid's dad.

Poor bastard.

Paul directs him into the back of one of the SUVs when they're done questioning
him. It's a waiting game until three shots ring out across the night air. Hysterical
screaming from inside the house sets every one of us on edge. It's a female voice
crying, begging, and screaming in pain.

"We've lost the girl," a voice shouts. "She hung up when the screaming started."

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The front curtain moves every few minutes at random intervals, though not enough
to see who's maneuvering it.

More gunshots. More screaming.

Minutes feel like hours until someone finally makes the call. Paul and a few others
disappear through the gate of the back fence of the neighbors' house.

Where we're standing, nothing changes. The sirens are still flashing, and
everyone in view of the house acts oblivious. The curtain moves again at the front
window, and the corner of Charlie Swan's lip turns up. He barks a quick order into
the radio on his shoulder.

There's a crashing noise, shouting, a few rounds of gunfire, and a loud pop.
Flames rise above the back of the house and then disappear, but smoke billows
from the backyard.

"Paul." I start walking without thinking, forgetting this suit and why I'm here.

Max grabs me by the arm and pulls me with him, away from the house, the fire,
and my brother. "Wait, Edward. Wait."

Charlie is yelling and pulling on gear of his own. "This son of a bitch thinks he's
going out in some kind of blaze of glory."

"What are you going to do?" I ask. "There's a little girl in there. My brother could be
in there…"

"He tossed a Malotov cocktail onto the back porch."

"Meth lab?" Max demands.

"Possibly," Charlie answers.

"Where is Paul?" He avoids my question by turning his back on me. "What are you
going to do?"

"We've been told to wait for instructions." He nods and beckons the rest of his
team over.

"Whose?" I ask.

"The director's. He's on his way, talking to the mayor on the phone."

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He doesn't give me a chance to argue or beg. "The rear exit is burning," he says to
his men. "Keep his focus on the front. Fake him out if you have to. Cullen and
Masters are injured, and all of them are breathing that shit. Do what you have to
do to keep his focus on you."

"We have another truck on the way to Dutro, Edward," Max says. "They're a few
blocks out. McCarty, get over here." He waves Emmett over to us.

Max and Charlie lead us away from the others without being obvious. SUV doors
open, and men in head-to-foot black step out with guns at the ready. Charlie
wanted a distraction. They deliver, taking cover behind open squad car doors and
aiming at the front of the house. Every inch of it is covered.

We follow the same path my brother walked minutes ago: up the next door
neighbors' driveway, across their backyard, and onto the suspect's property. Four
dark figures are huddled against a storage shed on the opposite side of the house,
close to the trees at the street's dead end.

There's an old, dilapidated fence separating the property of the neighbor on Druto.
One section is sagging. Charlie points it out to Max.

"Get over there and check them out while we take care of it," Max says.

McCarty leads the way, careful to avoid the smoke from the still burning back
porch. Paul's helmet is off when I reach him, and his clothing is burned to most of
the right side of his body. The smell from the house and the sight of his bloody,
charred skin is almost too much.

"You're okay," I say. This time, it's to my brother instead of my father, but they both

The one in front of me. "I'm fucked."

The one I lost. "No, son. I'm not."

"This can't be happening." I settle my fingers on my brother's wrist, counting and
letting my eyes take in the damage. Second and possible third-degree burns on
his arm and neck. His pants and leg aren't nearly as bad, though.

He's breathing, and his pulse is good, considering. Masters is worse. Burns cover
his back, arms and legs included. He's minutes away from shock.

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"They're here," Max says from behind me. "They cut the lights and sirens three
blocks away. They're on the other side of the fence for cover. We're going to

Paul winces from his spot on the ground. "Make it quick," he says with his eyes
steady on mine.

I nod. "On three."

He counts it off, drawing a deep breath the second before he's over my shoulder.
Charlie waves us across the yard. The back porch is still burning with loud
crackles and pops, so we try to stay in the shadows.

Renata and Eric are waiting on the other side of the fence, along with another
crew I recognize from Union. They get a mask on Paul the moment I put him down
on the stretcher.

"Go," Max says to me. "Ride with them."

Paul shakes his head. He doesn't have to say what we're both thinking.

"There's still a little girl in that house." I look over my shoulder at the charred back
side of the structure.

"We're going," Renata says.

I stand rooted with Charlie, Max, and Emmett, tucked away in shadows and
darkness. We watch them load up and pull away. Moments later, the trees down
the block are lit red and sirens blare.

"Tell them we're going in," McCarty says to Charlie. "Max can keep the fire down
long enough for us to go in and get her."

"There's a mother, too," Charlie reminds him. "And they could both be dead. You
heard the shots… the screaming. What do you hear now, son?"

The only sounds left are flames and buckling wood.

"We lost contact with the girl." Charlie cocks his head. "Silence isn't good."

"How old is she?" I ask. "The little girl?"

Bella's father looks at the ground. "Ten."

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"This is what you can live with?" I ask. "She could be dead, or she could be in
there breathing in smoke and chemicals, hoping that someone is coming for her.
That's why she called us in the first place."

"Well, well. You are your father's son." He glares and locks his hands at his hips.
"There's a man in that house who has a gun. The same man shot one of our boys
and killed him in cold blood. He tossed a cocktail on four of my men, on your
brother. We have orders to stay put."

"What if it was Bella? What if you were in that SUV out front instead of that Stanley
guy?" If Mack was in that house, I'd want someone to go in and get her.

He lifts a hand to cover the earpiece he's wearing and walks a few feet away.
Instead of risking the noise of using the radio, he opens his cell when it lights in his


He walks further away to the corner of the yard, and it reminds me of Bella and the
way she always chooses corner booths. Charlie is boxing himself in and away
from us. Bella does it to look out the windows and watch the world around her.
That must come from her mother.

When the call ends, he stalks over to us. "They're going to start closing in on the
front in 20 seconds. Move." We follow him through the gate and back into the
shadows of the suspect's yard. "I've already had to send a car to Rachel's house
tonight," he says to me as we move. "Don't make me send one to Beale."

"What about the mayor?"

"It was his call. He's fucked either way. If we try and fail, he's fucked. If we do
nothing, he's fucked. Your guys are waiting to assist Max as soon as the threat is

"He's not going to surrender," Emmett says.

Charlie Swan draws his gun and holds it out in front of him. "I don't expect him to. If
we can get through the door and past the flames, it opens into the kitchen. It's a
straight shot from there to the window he can't stay away from. The stairs will be
on your right, connected to that same room. The room he's standing in right now
with a gun. If you can make it up those stairs, he'll either be dead or in cuffs when
you come back down."

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Two more TACT guys appear from the shadows of the next door neighbors' yard.
They fall in line behind Charlie, and he pushes forward over the threshold. Garrett
shows up with a powder extinguisher and an extra one for Max. If they can contain
it in the kitchen, we have a better shot of getting the girl and her mother out safely.

There's yelling. Charlie's voice. "Don't move!"

Multiple shots follow, but we keep moving to the stairs. Cheap honey-colored
carpet covers them, stained and smeared red from the bottom up to the last one at
the top. I try not to consider the possibility of a bullet in Jessica's head or her small
body being dragged down these stairs.

Emmett is three steps ahead of me when I call down to the others. "Any sign of the
girl down there?"

"Just him," someone shouts, gesturing to the body of the man who tried to kill Paul.

The smoke is thicker upstairs. A quick check confirms heat behind the first door to
the right, directly over the kitchen. The whole place is going to go up if they don't
handle the kitchen and get someone up here.

The blood trail stops at the end of the hall, behind a closed door. Emmett tries the
knob, but it's locked. Two hard shoves and he breaks through. I follow, trying to
catch the blood trail on the carpet. It's gone, and the room is empty.

On a hunch, I pull open the closet door, and catch a glimpse of pale skin in the
smoke and darkness. There's an unexpected pop and then a cramp in my side that
feels like a fire sent straight from Hell.

Screams follow but not mine. I'm on my knees, staring into the eyes of a petrified
little girl. She's the one screaming. I can see it, even though it sounds like it's
coming from a faraway tunnel. Her mother is propped up behind her, against the
back wall of the closet. Dead or close to it. Covered in blood.

"Edward." Emmett's voice.

"Edward." My dad's.

"Take them. Take them first." I push his hands away. He shakes his head, mouth
moving but no sound. "Do it."

I trained him well on how to follow orders. The only time he's ever refused was the
night my father died. I told him to let me go after he pulled me away from the
busted window of the SUV. He held me back when the jaws of life were done and

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my dad was laid out right in front of me on a stretcher, beaten and breathless. His
grip tightened as they started CPR, the right way instead of through a car window.

And when my knees hit the ground that night, his did too.

Like tonight.

"Goddammit." He gives me one last look and hefts the mother over his shoulder.
"I'll be right back," he says, catching Jessica around her middle.

A small handgun hits the floor beside me, and she cries "I'm sorry!" as they
disappear from view.

Every breath hurts, and I'm afraid to look down. I don't want to reach that moment
of acceptance that my father found.

"It's going to be okay. Ashes to ashes, Edward. Death is just a part of life. There's
nothing you can do, son. When it's time, it's time. You and your brothers have
done so well… made me so proud… Tell your mother I love her. No regrets."

He'd been telling the truth. He was okay. He knew he was dying, and he spent his
last few minutes trying to make me okay, to help me accept what he already knew.

But me… I have regrets.

I told Mack I wouldn't let Charlotte and Peter take her to Japan. It's a promise I
want to keep.

My anger and wounded pride have ruled my emotions when it comes to Charlotte.
Mack's feelings and well-being should have come first all along. Yelling and
fighting did nothing but hurt us all. There had to have been a better way.

If this ends badly, I hope Charlotte will do the right thing, and still let Mack see
Mom and the others. She's going to need Jane more than ever.

More than anything, I hope Mack will get to meet Bella. At least once. Once is
enough for Bella to tell Mack that I was going to make it happen, that I wanted it to

I should've made it happen.

I'm glad Bella is strong. I don't ever want her to look back and regret this… regret

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I should've told her.

Falling fast and hard runs in my family. That should've been my first clue that
Charlotte wasn't really the one, just a slow burn that never really flamed. Bella set
me on fire before I ever laid a hand on her. She was under my skin and tattooed
on the inside, clawing at parts of me I thought were dead.

A year ago, this wouldn't have sucked as bad. Bella's right. Hope is a killer.

But I'd still rather have it than not. I've been there before.

"Pray with me, Edward."

"Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name." My eyes close, and I try
to stay focused on small breaths.

"You keep praying, and maybe we'll make it out of here." Charlie Swan's voice is
the only warning I have before my body shifts and the pain in my side is finally
enough to knock me out.

Flashes of red. Shouts. A bright light. Emmett's face.

"The girl?"

"On her way to Le Bonheur with her father…"

The rest of his words are cut off by doors slamming and the familiar wail of sirens.
He moves above me with a trauma pad in his hands. Too tired to watch, my eyes
slip closed despite his constant requests for me to keep them open.

Mack's face.



A/N – I know. I'm sorry.

I'll see you soon.


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*Chapter 21*: My Dad's Girlfriend

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Mack POV

"Hey, Mack."

His hair is pushed back and tucked under a backwards ball cap today. It's still long
enough to curl up around the edges in a mess of brown.

"Hey, Seth." My hand flies up in a lame attempt at a wave, and Jane giggles next
to me, digging her elbow in my side. "Stop it."

He glances over his shoulder one more time and leans over to pick up his board.
Alec calls his name once before taking off down the ramp.

I wish Alec would crash and fall on his butt just once. All of the other girls are here
to watch him, and his ego could use a good knockdown. He's a gross doofus, but I
have to admit, I'm glad they all like him and not Seth.

Seth's too quiet for them. Too shy and too sweet. But he reads books, listens to
grunge music from the 90s, and he ollies and 360 hardflips better than Alec or any
of the other boys.

"Alec invited Seth to come to Heber with us," Jane says.

"Nooooo." If he goes with us, I'll have to hang out with him in front of Dad.

"He can't come. You can start breathing again."

"Thank goodness."

"Yeah, Uncle Edward would kill him for staring at you all the time."

A month ago, I would have argued and called her silly, but Seth asked for my
number the second time I came here with them. He's been texting me ever since.

It sucks that Alec is his best friend. And that he'll turn 15 right after I turn 13. If Dad

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stays true to his word, I won't be able to date Seth or anyone else until I'm 30.
Although, I don't know how he'll stop me after I go away to college.

It's not like I want to marry the guy. I just want to watch him skate.

Aunt Rachel lets us stay at the park past dinnertime. When the sun goes down,
she's waiting in the parking lot with Brady in the minivan. She doesn't feel like
cooking, so we stop and pick up pizza on the way back to Jane's house.

Alec calls dibs on the TV upstairs in the game room, so we're stuck sharing the
one in the living room with Brady and Aunt Rachel. Her phone rings midway
through a Disney Channel movie, and she gets up quickly to walk into the kitchen.

"Alec!" she yells a few minutes later. "Get down here!" She comes back into the
room and reaches for her shoes. "Get your shoes on."

"Mom?" Brady looks up in confusion.

"Put your shoes on now, Brady." Her face is covered in tears, and she's shaking.

"Mom," Jane says. "What–"


I don't think she's even listening to us.

Alec lopes down the stairs, pokes his head around the corner, and groans. "Jeez,
Mom. Where's the fire?"

The smile slips from his face after she bursts into sobs in the middle of their living
room. "Your dad… They're coming to get us."

Jane leans over slowly, slides on her Chucks, and ties them in silence while Brady
cries. "Is he dead?" she finally says.

Aunt Rachel shakes her head, and Alec walks over to her and hugs her. "Okay,
Mom. It's okay."

Headlights sweep across the front window, and Alec keeps his arm around Aunt
Rachel as she grabs her purse and keys from the table by the door. Brady is still
on the floor, wailing and confused, so I walk over and pick him up.

It's hard, because he's half as tall as me, but he wraps his arms around my neck
and doesn't let go.

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"Jane." She looks up at me from her spot on the couch, tearless but pale. "Come
on. They're here."

A black Tahoe is sitting in the driveway, one lone driver waiting for us. He blue
lights it all the way down Poplar, through every neighborhood I've ever lived in.
Aunt Rachel calls Grandma, and I feel selfish for choosing the skate park and Seth
over staying with her.

She's all alone and upset from what I can hear of Aunt Rachel's end of the

Even though I know Dad's working, I still try to call him. Instead of leaving a
voicemail about something this awful, I hang up and send a text.

Call me when you can, no matter what time it is. I love you. Be safe.

Maybe he'll get the message before he gets off tomorrow morning. Grandma might
have the number for his station. Maybe she'll call him.

He's just starting to get better from Grandpa. We're all starting to get better.

The driver and Aunt Rachel lean forward in their seats when we pull up at The
Med. I've seen the footage from outside the hospital the night Grandpa died. Jane
and I searched it on YouTube one night and then cried ourselves to sleep.

That was nothing compared to this. Police cars line the streets, blocking traffic on
the side streets so we can get through. There are six ambulances and two fire
trucks. I try to search the faces in the crowd, hoping that wherever Uncle Paul was
tonight was far away from downtown and my dad's unit.

Whatever happened must have been huge.

The truck stops in front of the entrance to the ER, and the driver leaves it parked
there, lights still flashing. Aunt Rachel takes Brady in her arms and walks in before
us. Max is waiting at the door with guys in uniforms like Uncle Paul's and…

And Emmett is here.

"Where's my dad, Max?" If Uncle Paul is hurt and my dad's unit is here, he should
be the one meeting us at the door.

Max looks at the floor.

"Where's my dad?" A dozen faces snap in our direction, but none of them are his.

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"Emmett?" Emmett stares at the floor in front of him.

"Mack," Max says, stepping forward and laying a hand on my arm.

"No." I shake my head. "Where is my dad, Max?"

"He's in surgery."

"Okay." Surgery isn't dead. Jane's dad is in surgery, too. Surgery is alive. "What

"Maybe you should wait until your grandma gets here…"

"Tell her now," Aunt Rachel says, voice steely.

He puts his hand on my back and moves us through the crowd to a small corner of
the waiting room. Aunt Rachel follows with Jane and the others. Before he can
start, Grandma walks in with another guy in an MPD t-shirt like our driver was

She sits next to me, listens to Max start from the beginning, and cries silently. The
rest of us are too… stunned to say anything.

"Edward and Emmett went up to get the little girl… None of us imagined… They're
waiting to get the story from her now, but somehow, she got her hands on a gun.
She must've thought… She was hiding in a closet with her mother. When Edward
opened the door, she shot him."

"Shot him? With a gun?" I stand, take a step, and then another. The room feels
really small, and there are people everywhere. "He's a fireman, not a cop! You let
him get shot?" I yell the last part in Max's face.

Someone tugs on my shoulder, pulling me back and away. "Don't do that." Alec
tucks me under his arm and refuses to let go when I try to push away from him. He
hugs me and lets me cry on his shirt. "You know how it works. We all know how it

Emmett pushes away from the wall where he's been leaning since we walked in.
He glances at me with red eyes, mouths the words "I'm sorry," and shoves his way
through the uniforms until he gets to the exit. A couple of guys follow him out at the
same time Bella is trying to fight her way in. Jasper is with her, and another guy in
TACT gear is on their heels.

She stops just inside the door, staring at me and waiting.

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This isn't at all how I imagined meeting the woman who managed to make my dad
smile and blush. I'd hoped for chips and salsa at Molly's, since she somehow
convinced him to go there again.

When she starts walking, I do too. We meet in the middle.

"Hi." She looks as petrified as I feel, but gives me a small smile.

"I'm Mack."


"Wow." No wonder she's had Dad tied up in knots. "You're even prettier up close."

"So are you," she says, eyes searching mine for a moment before hers water and
she looks away. "How is he?"

"He's in surgery. He was shot."

"I know." She nods. "My dad told me what happened. I'm late because he was held
up and I was already on my way home. He came to get me as soon as he could
get away."

"Your dad was there?"

She looks over at the man who came in with her. He's busy talking to Max and a
couple of other people. "Yes," she says. "He was."

I nod, trying to take all of this in. Nothing makes sense. My dad's been shot, my
uncle was burned, and I'm meeting my dad's girlfriend for the first time… without

"Are you okay?" she asks.

"No, I don't…" The tears start again, and I swipe them away with the side of my
thumb. "Do you…" I glance over my shoulder. Grandma is sitting next to Aunt
Rachel. Jasper is on one knee in front of her, talking to her and holding her hand.
"Do you want to meet my family?"

I need to feel like I'm doing something.

Aunt Rachel stands to hug her when we walk over to them, but she lets me
introduce Bella to Grandma. Before the word girlfriend is out of my mouth,
Grandma is on her feet with her arms around Bella, too.

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Alec stares at Bella, studying her arms and checking out her legs. He's so
preoccupied that he misses the dirty looks I give him.

Before I can slug him, Bella's dad comes over to us. He pulls Aunt Rachel and
Grandma away from the rest of us, and talks to them quietly. I take my original seat
next to Jane and invite Bella to sit with us.

Her dad walks over with Grandma, and stands in front of me and Bella. "I've got to
go for a little while," he says to her. "There are a few people who want to talk to
me. There's a lot to sort through, but I'll be back as soon as I can."

She leans forward and catches his hand as he turns to go. He pauses to look at
me and then her. "Thank you, Dad…" Her eyes water again, and she swipes at the
skin beneath them with her free hand.

The corner of his mouth turns up. "I'll see you soon."

A woman in scrubs comes over from the desk and asks if we'd be more
comfortable in the waiting room on the second floor. It's starting to get crowded
down here, and she promises to send someone as soon as there's word on Dad or
Uncle Paul.

A morbid shiver runs down my spine when Max leads us over to elevator, insisting
that family should go first. We fall in line next to each other the same way we did
after Grandpa's funeral on the way to the waiting limos.

That was the first time I realized that life isn't like the books I read. Limos aren't just
for proms and weddings.

Bella steps on with me, and I reach for her hand, gripping it to keep from
screaming and crying. She looks over at me, surprised, but she squeezes back
with a matching desperation.

She loves him. He may not know it. She may not even know it. But it's written all
over her. As much as I want to be brave, a few tears fall when we step out on the
second floor.

"My dad's been shot twice," Bella says. "Once in Arizona and once here in
Memphis. This place? They excel in trauma. You saw him downstairs… They fixed
him right up."

I nod and swipe at the tears on my face.

There's a fresh pot of coffee in the open lobby waiting area on the second floor.

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The TV is already tuned to the Disney Channel, and a sweet nurse is waiting for
us. She tells Aunt Rachel and Grandma where the nurses' station is, and repeats
the same promise we were given downstairs.

But for now, no news is good news.

The waiting area fills slowly as more and more people join us from downstairs.
Jane and I sit next to a window, and watch the flashing red and blue lights die out
a few at a time on the street below us.

We catch snippets of different conversations. They're enough to piece together
why Emmett is sorry and that it was Bella's dad who went up to get mine.

She's tucked into the seat next to Grandma's, talking to her and Aunt Rachel. She
catches me staring at her, and I duck my head like some kid with a crush. She's
brave like her dad. Maybe she's had more time to get used to stuff like this. I don't
feel very brave right now.

An older guy in scrubs steps off the elevator and calls Aunt Rachel's name. She
stands as he makes his way over to us.

He shakes her hand, introducing himself as some sort of specialist in the burn unit.
They had to remove burned material from some of Uncle Paul's body. He's
knocked out, and they're giving him IV fluids and pain meds. There's a collective
sigh of relief despite words like skin grafting and functional reconstruction.

He's alive, and he's going to be okay.

Jane hugs me tightly, and I want to tell her that's great. I want to look happy like
Alec and Aunt Rachel.

"I'll be right back," I say instead.

It's easy to slip away with all of them distracted. I've never been here before, so I
start walking. Away from the voices and happiness, down the hall, and finally, into
a ladies room.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.

Alec told me about his dad and yours. Are you okay?

Am I?

The text below Seth's is the one I sent to Dad… before I knew he was here.

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My back hits the bathroom wall. I don't think I am.

I was such a bitch to him when I got here. I wasted an entire week, pissed and

I told him I hated him.

I can't ever take that back. I should've told the truth – that I missed him.

I missed his laugh and the way he used to throw me up in the air. I missed his
happiness and the way the skin around his eyes crinkled when he smiled. I missed
his face. He was always clean-shaven before Grandpa died.

Now, I get it. I don't think I could live without my dad, either.

I end up on the floor with my arms around my knees. That's how Bella finds me –
covered in snot and tears. She doesn't say anything, just sits down next to me and
puts her arm around my shoulder.

"He'll be okay," she says. "If there's one thing I know about your dad, it's that he
can't stand to disappoint you."

"I feel so bad for not being happier about Uncle Paul…"

"Your grandma is still pretty upset, too. So are Rachel and the others. They're all

"I know. I'm being selfish again."

"I don't think you're selfish at all."

She sits with me until I can pull myself together. When we stand, she wets a few
paper towels for me to clean my face.

Uncle Jared and Aunt Kim are with the others in the waiting area. Their kids are
with her sister, and she's here to take Brady and the rest of us home with her.
Grandma spends 20 minutes arguing with me, Alec, and Jane, telling us to go with
her. We refuse to leave.

I'm not going anywhere until I see my dad.

My cousins feel the same. Brady is smaller and barely keeping his eyes open, so
Uncle Jared carries him out, promising to return as soon as they're safely out of
the parking lot.

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While he's gone, a different man in scrubs arrives by elevator and asks for the
family of Edward Cullen. My brain says get up, but I'm paralyzed head to toe.

Grandma does it for me. She walks over to me, and he follows.

The bullet went through his side, the edge of his abdomen and shattered one of
his ribs. They're still working on him, but it looks like there was very little damage
to his lung. The doctor says it's going to be a long recovery, but for now, he's okay.

He says it will be hours until we can see him. None of us move to leave when he
walks away.

A few deep breaths help clear my head, and I let it sink in. He's okay. And Bella's
right; he won't give up. I don't care how long it takes him to get better. He'll do it for

Bella stands and moves to the coffee nook. Her back is to us, but her hand is
shaking when she picks up the pot to pour a glass. It takes her a long time to stir in
sugar and creamer. When she turns, she walks over to me and Grandma and sits
down with us.

"It's probably going to scare you when you go in to see him, Mack." Bella says,
looking down at the cup in her hand. "There'll be tubes and stitches… IVs and
machines. Just try to remember that those things aren't permanent and they'll be
helping him."

I've only ever seen him healthy and strong. The thought of him helpless isn't
something I can reconcile in my head. I guess I need to before I go in there.

Uncle Jared comes back and Grandma pulls him aside to tell him about dad. He
nods and looks relieved.

It takes another hour or more for them to come back and tell us he's in recovery.
After that, I lose track of the time with my head resting on my arms propped by the
window sill. The traffic lights change from green to yellow to red and back again
more times than I can count. The headlights and taillights get fewer and farther

Jasper charms a few blankets from the nurses on duty and hands them out. Jane
and I share one. We fall asleep with our heads touching, huddled together out of
sheer exhaustion.

In the morning, we go to the cafeteria in shifts. Ladies first while Uncle Jared,

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Jasper, and Alec stick around the waiting room in case of news.

After a late breakfast, a doctor comes to get my cousins and Aunt Rachel. Uncle
Paul is awake. Jasper and Bella stay with me in the waiting room. Every time the
elevator pings, I stare at the doors and hope for the same news.

Doctors, nurses, visitors…

Grandma comes back before the others, anxious about news on Dad, but we don't
have any to give her. By early afternoon, Bella decides we've waited long enough.
She promises to get some answers and disappears around the corner.

The elevator pings again, and this time, a small girl with strawberry blonde hair
steps off with a guy my dad's age and a nurse. There's a white teddy bear tucked
under the little girl's arm. She glances around the room until the nurse gestures to

The girl takes a deep breath and steps forward, crying and shaking. "I'm sorry,"
she says. "Will you please give this to your daddy when he wakes up?"

Her father looks on helplessly, and it makes me mad. Mad that he brought her
here. Mad that he's standing there with her – that she has her dad – when she's
the reason my dad could have died.

"Please?" she says again. "He's my hero."

All the mad turns to tears when she says that. Because he's mine too. I know
exactly why he went in there for her.

I nod and take the bear when she holds it out again.

"My mommy is here, too," she says. "I'm praying for both of them."

"I will, too," I say.

Her father apologizes and leads her back over to the elevators.

Bella comes back a few minutes later with good news. Dad had a little fever this
morning, but it's gone now. We can see him, but only two of us can go in at a time.
She offers to wait with Jasper while we go first.

As much I appreciate the warning from Bella, I'm not sure it helps me or Grandma.
We both cry. A lot.

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There are tubes and dressings on his midsection, IVs, all of it… I watch his chest
rise and fall over and over, and let my eyes wander over the familiar color on his
skin; my flower on his neck. I hold his hand. It's warm despite the chill in the
hospital air. His cheeks have color, and I haven't seen him sleep this peacefully in I
don't know how long.

And I know. I just know he's going to be okay.

Grandma leaves me to go and get Bella. She wants her to have some time with
him too, and she wants to go and check on Uncle Paul again.

I don't expect to hear Grandma's voice again for a while, but she calls my name
softly from the door. Bella is with her, and she catches my hand when I meet them
at the doorway. She squeezes it and looks me in the eye. "Everything's going to be
fine, Mack."

Grandma nods and loops her arm through mine, leading me down the hall. "You
have another visitor."

Before I can ask who, we turn the corner and nearly run into Jasper. "Sorry…" He
steps aside, leaving me face-to-face with the last person I expected to see here.


A/N – I believe M's exact words when I sent her the last chapter were:
"Bitch, I didn't sign up for some Backdraft
or Ladder 49 bullshit." Lol.

She feels better now. I hope you do, too.

I'm off to TFMU for the weekend, so I'll see you lovelies as soon as


ps – Trust me… This isn't really a cliffie.

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*Chapter 22*: Mend

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Beep beep

"Boys, don't burn the popcorn. The movie is ready, and we're waiting…"

Beep beep

"Edward, wake up. You'll be late for school. Your mother cooked pancakes…"

Beep beep

"Holliday is up." Jared's voice, but the fingers wrapped up in mine are too small
and soft to be his.

"We could use a double," Bella says.

The beeping noises are steady… annoying. "Turn it off."

"Edward?" Bella's face is above mine. Her hair is pulled back, and there are
grayish bags under her eyes.

"Hey." I try to lift my hand to touch her cheek, but I'm tangled up in wires and tubes.
The beeping gets louder as Bella catches my arm and lowers it to the bed.

"Hey," she says.

"Finally," Jared says. "Dammit, man." He leans over and clasps his hands together
between his legs, ignoring the Cardinals game on the television behind him. "You
scared the shit out of me."

"Where's Paul?" The last time I saw him, he was on a stretcher, and they were
closing the door of an ambulance.

"He's two floors up. He's been going nuts waiting to hear that you're awake. I'll go
tell him you're alive and give you a few minutes with Bella." He stands, lets his
hand hover over mine for a moment, and then lowers it to squeeze my fingers. "I'll

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get Mack, and let her know, too."

"Where's Mack?" I ask Bella after he leaves the room.

"She's downstairs in the cafeteria having dinner with Charlotte."


She nods, squeezing my hand. "It's okay. Your mom and grandparents are down
there, too."

"What's she doing here?"

"She's worried about Mack… and you." Her eyes drop to our hands. "Please don't
worry about Charlotte. Jasper and I had a talk with her, and told her that we'll have
her removed from the premises if she starts any trouble."

I tug her hand, and she leans over until her cheek is resting against the side of my
neck. Her grip on my hand tightens. Hot tears fall on my neck and shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I can't hug her, but I still try.

She leans back to look at me. "I'm just really happy you're awake. When Charlie
told me what happened…" Her eyes slip closed, but that doesn't stop the tears.
"You were supposed to be jet skiing today." She tries to laugh but half-sobs
instead. "I kept telling myself you'd be fine. I needed to believe that, and Mack did,

"You've talked to Mack?"

She nods. "You're right. She's pretty amazing and so much like you."

"Is she okay?"

"She's better now that Charlotte is here."

"Come here." I tug her forward, so I can kiss her cheeks. "I'm sorry I scared you."

"It's not your fault. What matters is that you're going to be fine; as good as new in a
few months."


She nods. "Months, Edward."

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A nurse comes in, and eases Bella out of the way to check my numbers and ask
me a billion questions. She also gives me the basics but cuts off my questions with
promises that a doctor will be in this evening to give me more information.

I've got a couple of bum ribs, and my right lung took a hit. Other than that, I'm a
lucky a bastard. Bella explains that the .38 was registered to Jessica Stanley's
father. He'd given it to his ex-wife while they were married for protection when
she'd worked nights downtown at a call center. Jessica knew where it was hidden
and took it into that closet for protection.

"Is she okay?"

"There's not a scratch on her."

"Her mom?"

She frowns and picks at the sleeve of my hospital gown. "She's in a coma, but the
doctors are optimistic."

"That's good. I thought she was dead."

"She almost was."

"And Paul is going to be okay, too?" I ask.

"Yes. He's going to be out of commission for a while, like you."

"I can't sit around and do nothing for months, Bella."

"You can, and you will."

Before I can argue, Mack steps into the room.

"Dad…" She stops at the foot of the bed to stare at me with wide eyes and parted

Mom and Jared hang back at the doorway, and Bella steps away from the bed. "I'll
be back," she says. Her fingers linger, still tangled with mine until the distance is
too much. She doesn't want to leave any more than my mom does right now, but
they both know I need a minute with Mack.

Mack waits until they're gone and the door is shut to talk again. "Does it hurt?"

I shake my head. "Not right now." Tubes attached to IVs dangle from my arm when

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I lift it. "I'm guessing they're giving me really strong pain medicine."

She takes a few steps around the bed until she's standing in the same spot Bella
left. "It took you a really long time to wake up," she says, sniffling and brushing
tears from her cheeks.

"I'm sorry."

She reaches into the large shoulder bag she's carrying and pulls out a small
stuffed bear. "Jessica Stanley asked me to give this to you." She puts it in my hand
and keeps talking. "Her father brought her up earlier. At first, I was really mad at


"But then I was just sad that any of this happened. And she reminded me of
something important that I don't think I've ever told you." She sniffles, reaches for
tissues, and wipes her nose. "You're her hero, and you're mine. You've always
been mine." Her eyes close, and she sinks down onto the chair next to my bed.
When she opens them again, she stares at the bear in my palm. "That's why it hurt
so much when you changed after Grandpa died. I mean, even after you and Mom
split up, you were still you. You still laughed. You still carried me around on your
shoulders. You were still happy."

Her shoulders shake, and I'm not far behind her. The sting in my eyes gets
stronger with every word she drops. "It was almost like you died, too," she

At the time, it felt that way.

"I understand why now," she says. "It took them forever to tell us anything. Bella
told me you wouldn't give up, but I was still scared. I tried to think about what it
would be like if…" She stops to blow her nose and reach for more tissues. "And
then I tried not to think about it, because it was so awful."

"I'm sorry." I leave the bear on the bed and hold my hand out for hers. She grabs it,
and holds it so tightly that the medical tape pulls and pinches my skin. "I know I
checked out for a while. I don't have a good excuse. I wished I hadn't been there
when he died. It would've been easier." She looks up in surprise and stares at the
tears on my face. "I've wished it every day for the last two years, but now I don't
feel that way anymore."

That last conversation with my father should have been a freed balloon instead of

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the concrete block I've been dragging around.

"I wasn't really there for you after that. I know it, Mack, and I'm sorry. I've been
trying to be better. I hope I am better than I was."

She nods, squeezing my hand. "You are. You're much better."

"That's you," I tell her. "You and Bella."

Finally, she smiles through her tears. "No, Dad. It's you. This summer… It's like
you're back from wherever you were."

We're interrupted by an older man who introduces himself as Dr. Gerandy. Mom
follows him into the room and watches from a spot in the corner of the room with
Mack as he checks me over. He drones on about the trajectory of the bullet and
how lucky I am it was a kid pulling the trigger with her eyes closed. A few inches
up and to the left would've been much harder to fix.

He tries to lighten the situation for Mack's benefit, reminding her that the lung isn't
a horrible place to take a bullet, even though it sounds scary. They pulled the ET
tube this morning, which explains the scratchy, burning sensation in my throat, but
I'm stuck with the chest tube until my lung can stay inflated on its own. It could take
up to a week, but he seems to think it won't.

For now, doctor's orders are to sit up in a chair to avoid pneumonia, and he wants
me to start respiratory therapy tonight. We'll work our way up to walking and
strength building in a day or two. If I play my cards right, I can be out of here in a

He guarantees I'll be off for a while. I'll have to have clearance to go back to full-
duty, and it could be three to four months, though light-duty may be a possibility
sooner. He jokes and tells me not to worry – that this is what insurance is for – but
I'm like Bella; I've always worked. It's what I know.

"One step at a time, Edward," he says, tucking his clipboard and my attached chart
under his arm. "This can be easy, or it can be hard. That part is up to you. If you
give your body a chance to heal, it will be much better for you in the long run."

"I'll make sure he takes it easy," Mom says, shaking his hand before he leaves.

"You heard him say light-duty will be okay."

"I heard him say it's a possibility. I don't interfere in your lives often." She holds up
a hand when I open my mouth to interrupt. "This time, you and your brother are

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going to listen to me. You're going to listen to your doctors. You're going to rest
and follow instructions. I'll move you both into my house temporarily if necessary,
but you're going to take care of yourselves for your childrens' sake, for Bella and
Rachel, and for me."

She's sobbing, and Mack is holding her up by the time she finishes.

"Mom, I'm sorry."

She drops wearily onto the sofa near the window. "It's never what I expect," she
says. "When they called, I thought they'd made a mistake. I couldn't imagine how
Paul could be burned. Then I walked in downstairs and found out you'd been shot.
Please don't be stubborn. For once in your life, just don't."

"Okay." I'll agree to anything if it will stop the tears.

Mack exhales and pats Mom's back. "Grandma, you need sleep. Jasper told me
you didn't sleep at all last night."

"I couldn't," Mom says. "We'll go when Bella gets back."

"She's gone?" I ask.

"She went home to shower and pack an overnight bag."

"For what?"

"She's going to stay here with you tonight."

"That's not necessary," I say. She won't get any rest if she stays here.

"Bella wants to stay with you. Last night wasn't easy for her."

"She's really great, Dad." Mack leans forward from her spot on the couch. "She
helped me a lot."

"I knew you would like her. I told her you would."

"What do you mean?"

"Before this happened, I asked her to meet you. You and I were supposed to pick
her up and take her out to dinner this weekend."

She grins. "I want a raincheck. That sounds like fun."

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"As soon as I bust out of here, kid," I promise.

"Now that we've met her, you can't keep her away from us," Mom says.

"I'm not even going to try."

Jared rejoins us and updates me on Paul's condition and expected recovery time,
and Rachel pops in with my grandparents for a few minutes. Mack leaves while
they're visiting to go and see Paul for the first time, and check in with Alec and

The room clears when the respiratory therapist comes in. Only Mom stays, but
Bella comes in halfway through my session. Her hair is wet and twisted in a loose
bun, and she's toting a backpack on her shoulder.

I get distracted more than once watching Bella and Mom have a quiet conversation
in the corner. Occasionally, my mother's hand touches Bella's arm in affection or
enthusiasm, and the ease of it, of them together, is a reminder of all I've missed
while dragging my heels.

Mack comes back as soon as the therapist leaves. This time, she sits on the end
of my bed near my feet. "Uncle Paul has a message for you," she says with a small

"Oh, yeah?"

She nods. "When you're up for it, he challenges you to a wheelchair race."

"He must be feeling better," I say.

"He is. You're okay. He's okay. And the hospital is obviously giving both of you
some good stuff, because you both look terrible, but you're smiling and joking."

They stay until a nurse comes in. She tells them that visiting hours end soon and
starts recording numbers in my chart.

"We'll be back in the morning." Mom covers her mouth and yawns before waving

"How are you getting home?" I ask.

"Mom offered to wait and give us a ride," Mack says. "She's been working from her
laptop all day in the waiting room." She leans in to kiss my cheek since she can't
hug me. "I love you, Dad. I'll see you in the morning."

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She stops in front of Bella for a quiet goodbye and a hug. They're not strangers,
and it's a bit surreal to wake up to this.

After they've gone, Bella produces a pair of blue scrubs from her backpack.
"Rosalie brought these over. She thought you might want some cover while you're
here getting poked and prodded for the next few days."

"Please thank her for me."

The nurse turns her back while Bella helps me with the pants, and then they both
help me onto the sofa. The doctor and therapist want me to sit upright until I'm
ready to turn in for the night.

When the nurse leaves, Bella squeezes in next to me, cuddled against my good

"How did Charlotte even find out?" I ask. "I had her removed as my emergency
contact when we split up."

"Esme asked Kim to call her last night. She felt like Charlotte should know. She
had no idea Charlotte would get on a plane and come here."

"I'm sorry you've had to deal with her."

Her lips purse for a moment then she exhales. "She's been fine; quiet and
almost… meek. It doesn't match what I expected. In all honesty, it seems like she
just wants to be here for Mack. As much as I want to hate her for being an asshole
to you, at least she loves her daughter." I pull her closer until her head relaxes
against my neck and she sighs. "I am glad that we had the girlfriend talk before
this happened. It made introductions easier, and you'll be happy to know that
Jasper has been civil to her for Mack's sake."

"He's good when he needs to be."

"He is. He stayed all night and most of today, but he had to make an appearance
at Silky's this afternoon to accept some deliveries. He texted a little while ago and
said to tell you he'll see you tomorrow."

"My phone is at the station."

"I'll see if my dad can get it from Max for you."

"Your dad… I don't know if he told you or not, but he's the one who carried me out
of there."

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"He told me," she says. "He's been worried and texting all day to check on you. He
wanted to come by, but he's been busy with the director and the mayor."

"He's in trouble?"

"We're not sure, yet. There was a small meth lab in an old shed out back.
Apparently, Charlie and Max disobeyed orders when they went for Paul and the

"Emmett and I went, too."

"You were following orders."

"Did they really expect us to sit back and do nothing while they twiddled their

"Please don't get upset or worry. Charlie isn't stressing over it. He seems to think
they're trying to establish a stronger protocol for situations like this. That's all."

The volume of the television is turned all the way down, but my father's face on the
screen during the nightly news has me squinting to read the caption below it.

Tragic turn: Two injured in hostage situation are sons of fallen division

"This is like déjà vu."

"Do you want me to change it?" Bella asks.

"No. I'm okay. I hope Kim and Mom will ignore their TVs for the next few days. The
kids don't need to see this."

They replay footage from last night taken from behind the barricade; first it's the
little girl being put into an ambulance and then me.

"I've changed my mind. Let's turn it off." It's creepy watching it but having no
memory of it.

She uses the control on the bed to turn off the television and the lights in the room.
We sit together for a while, and the warmth of her at my side is a constant
reminder of things unsaid.


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She shifts and leans up to plant her lips against the skin beneath my ear. "Yes?"

"Yesterday morning, in my bed, I wanted to tell you that I love you." I feel her head
move and meet her stare. "I wanted to, but I'm a chickenshit, and I didn't."

"I loved you yesterday morning, too."

"And today?" I ask, tangling her fingers with mine on her lap. I've put her and
everyone else I love through hell over the last 24 hours.

"I love you even more."

A/N – The response to Mack's POV really blew me away. Thank you. You
guys are amazing. I'm so glad I had the chance to meet so many of you in
Nashville and hug your necks.

Thanks for reading. I'll see you soon.


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*Chapter 23*: Yield

Stephenie Meyer owns the Twilight parts.

Thanks to Iris for cleaning this up and to M and Nic for pre-reading. Any
mistakes left are mine.

Doctors and nurses come and go over the next couple of days. So do the visitors.

Charlie Swan brings breakfast for Bella Tuesday morning. He shakes my hand,
and stays to chat while she eats a bagel and sips coffee. Now that his
interrogation is over with, he's been given a few days off with pay while the
incident is reviewed.

Bella smiles. "Are you going to complain about the time off, too?" She nods in my
direction. "This one and his brother won't stop moaning about their forced

"Hell no." He smirks and takes a pull from a silver travel mug. "My truck is packed.
After I check in on Paul, I'm heading down to Sardis. I'll be fishing at the spillway by

"If you can find some real pants for me, I'll sign myself out AMA and join you." I'm
only half-joking. I haven't been fishing in years, and anything is better than another
day of soap operas and talk shows.

He catches the death-glare Bella gives me. "Maybe some other time," he says.

"My grandparents' property backs up to a lake out in Millington. They're friends
with the neighbors, and we have an open invitation."

"Open invitation, huh?" He nods his approval.

"My grandparents also have horses," I tell Bella. One of the early, still unchecked
items on her list was ride a horse. "I could teach you…"

"I don't know about that," Charlie says, moving his hands to his hips.

"Really, Dad?" Bella cocks her head and frowns.

"They're gentle horses," I say. "I trust them with my own daughter."

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He shifts from foot to foot, uncomfortable for a change. "I guess I'll have to take
your word for it."

Bella lets it slide, but he still leaves shortly after wishing me a speedy recovery.

"Well, that didn't go very well," I say once I'm sure he's had time to make it down
the hall and out of earshot.

"I thought it did," Bella says.

"I don't think he liked my horseback riding suggestion."

"I did, and that's what counts." She leans in for a quick kiss. "I didn't realize your
grandparents lived on an actual farm until your grandma showed me a picture of
Mack chasing a chicken."


"It's on her phone. I've also seen all of your nieces and nephews now, but I can't
remember all of their names."

"I have that same problem sometimes."

She laughs through a yawn, covering her mouth and stretching out on the couch.
Despite the coffee, she spends most of the morning napping. Each time the nurse
comes in, I hold a finger up to my closed lips.

Alice wakes her accidently when she brings in lunch for both of us.

"I've never actually known someone who's been shot," she says, eyeing the
bandages when the robe shifts.

"It's not something I recommend," I say. The pain Mack was expecting me to be
feeling caught up with me late Sunday night. It's still hanging around, and this
chest tube is annoying the shit out of me. I'm ready to pull it out myself. My doctor
wasn't amused when I told him that last night.

"He's a terrible patient." Bella smiles, pulls sandwiches and chips from a bag, and
opens a bottle of water for me. "Last night, he harassed his doctor. Today, he tried
to talk Charlie into helping him escape."

"Bored?" Alice asks me.

"You could say that."

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My day improves after lunch when the nurse comes to get me for x-rays. I cross
my fingers as they clamp the chest tube, hoping my lung will stay expanded on its
own so this damn thing can come out. I follow instructions, and let them twist and
turn me for the best angles and shots.

Mack and Mom have joined Bella and Alice by the time I get back to my room.

"Well?" Mack says before my wheelchair comes to a halt.

"Don't know yet," I tell her.

An hour later, I'm listening to one of the nurses give me instructions on how to
perform Valsalva's maneuver while another positions a disposable underpad, a
suture kit, gloves, and other supplies they'll need to remove the tube. Just
watching makes me glad that Bella and the others had to leave the room for a
while. I'm not an expert on heart surgery, but I know she had to deal with much
worse than an annoying chest tube. And she had to do it for much longer. She's
probably seen enough of this to last a lifetime.

When the morphine kicks in, I close my eyes and follow instructions. Inhale… Bear
down but hold it… In a matter of seconds, the coolness of the airtight dressing
pinches my skin. After they clean up and dispose of all the evidence, another
round of x-rays follows.

It's late afternoon by the time Bella and Mack are allowed back into the room. Mom
is upstairs with Paul. His doctor is giving them the game plan for the week.
Tomorrow, they'll be taking a patch of skin from his thigh to help repair his arm. It
doesn't look like the wheelchair race will be happening. He'll be stuck here long
after I'm released.

If my stats are good later, I may get to see him tonight.

Mack leaves early after apologizing and explaining that it's Carmen's birthday. She
agreed to have dinner with them and spend the night at her house with Charlotte.

"I'll be back early tomorrow morning," she promises. "Love you, Dad." She hugs me
and then waves to Bella. "See you later."

It's quiet for a few moments. Bella exhales, stands, and walks over to stand in front
of me. "Charlotte wants to see you," she says. "She's flying back to Seattle
Thursday, and she wants to talk to you before she leaves."


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"That's okay, too. It's not like I'm laid up on life support and she's coming to pull the

It earns me a weak laugh and a head shake. "I know. I don't trust her, though. I
can't help it." She leans down to brush her lips over my cheek. "You're doing so
well. I don't want her to screw it up."

"You think she'll use this against me?" I lean back and wave to my bandages.

"It wouldn't be the first time she found a weakness and twisted."

"When I talked to Jeff yesterday, he said not to worry. He's already gathering
copies of my medical files and sending paperwork to the surgeon. I'll be physically
capable of taking care of Mack by the time I'm released. Charlotte can't twist that."
I tug her hand, pulling her forward until she's standing between my legs.

She hugs me when I rest the side of my head against her middle, letting her
fingernails settle on my scalp. "She promised not to start any trouble, and I would
hope she wouldn't – for Mack's sake – but who knows?"

"I'll tell Mack to give her the okay to come tomorrow."

"I guess I could kill time in the cafeteria while you talk to her."

"Or…" I rest my hands on the back of her thighs and exhale. "You could go back to
work. You already missed today, and you haven't left this hospital since Sunday."

My eyes are still closed, but I can hear the smile in her voice. "Are you kicking me

"I want you with me all the time, but you've been here two days without a break. I
know you're not getting much sleep at night, because neither am I. You don't have
to stay. Go home. Sleep. Go to work and feel normal for a little while tomorrow."

"I don't want to leave you."

"You're going to be sick of me by the time I go back to work."

"Not true," she says.

"You could barely keep your eyes open today." I lift her shirt enough to kiss the
skin beneath her navel. "Please get some rest. I'm fine."

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She sighs. "Okay. I'll go home for tonight, but only because I'm too tired to argue
with you."

My doctor stops in, goes over my charts and x-rays, and listens to me breathe. He
gives me permission to ditch the pulse oximeter long enough for a trip upstairs to
see Paul. No more than an hour, though.

Bella grabs her backpack and offers to give me a lift – or in this case, a push – to
his floor on her way out. Alec is stretched out in Paul's room, and he sits up on the
couch when he catches sight of us.

Paul looks much worse than I'm feeling. He also looks relieved. "Man, it's good to
see your face," he says.

Bella leans down to kiss me goodbye, promising to see me sometime tomorrow.
She still hasn't decided if she's going to work or not.

I wait until she's left the room to grab a box of tissues and throw it at Alec's head.

"Ow." He rubs his forehead and leans over to pick the box up from the ground.
"What was that for?"

"Don't ogle my girlfriend."

"Seriously?" His brows lift and his head tilts.

Paul laughs. "Son, you're going to have to learn to be stealthier, or you're going to
get your ass kicked a lot in high school."

"I couldn't help it. She was right there in front of me." He holds both hands out in
front of him, palms facing each other and fingers curled.

"Why don't you go and get something from the vending machine?" Paul suggests.
"Maybe take a break from babysitting and call your girlfriend."

Alec stands, stretches, and steps into his flops. "That sounds like an excellent
plan." He tosses the box on the couch behind him and leaves without any fuss.

"He's 15," Paul says with a laugh after the door closes behind him. "He really can't
help it."

"I know. It's fun to mess with him."

We catch the end of the Redbird's game, sitting in silence, both half-stoned on

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pain meds and happy to be alive. The only thing that could make it any better
would be a couple of ice cold beers.

Maybe when we get out of here.

Alec gets revenge for the box to the head by "accidently" ramming me into a wall
on the way down to my room. I can't even give him grief, since I'd have done the
same thing if our roles were reversed. He comes by it honestly.

Bella sends a goodnight text not long after I'm settled in bed. It's not enough, so I
call her to tell her I love her and that I miss her already. She loves me, too, and
threatens to get in her truck and come back.

When Mack's goodnight text comes in, I answer and tell her that Charlotte can
come with her in the morning if she still needs to talk to me.

Another restless night passes with blocks of heavy sleep interrupted by nurses in
and out, checking my bandage and my levels.

Morning brings Mack with a smile on her face. "Mom's here," she says. "Out in the
hall. I'm going to go upstairs, and sit with Jane and Grandma while Uncle Paul is in
surgery. It will give you two a chance to talk. If you want to come up, text me when
you're done."

"I will."

I hear her voice after she steps outside the door, but I can't make out what she's
saying. A few moments later, Charlotte pushes the door open and steps into the

"Hey," she says, setting a large tote at the foot of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better."

"Thanks for agreeing to see me." She stands a few feet away, her gaze wavering
between the window and the empty cushion on the couch next to me. Instead of
sitting, she chooses to stand. "I was beginning to wonder if they were ever going
to let me talk to you." She fakes a small laugh. "Your girlfriend is very…

My instinct is to bite back, to tell her that Bella has had to deal with an unpleasant
side of me after a visit from her in the past. I've acted like the overgrown child
Charlotte has accused me of being time and time again, snapping at the bait. I'm
too tired to keep up.

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"She's also young," she says, digging in a little more.

"And more mature than you and I put together in some ways, Charlotte. What do
you want?"

"I've changed the return date on Mack's ticket back to Seattle."

Here it comes…

"School doesn't start there until September," she says. "So I changed her return to
the second week of August."

"You're letting her stay an extra week?" I wait for her nod to continue. "Why? Our
mediation is scheduled for the second."

"I don't think we'll need it. I've decided to speak to Mr. Jenks before I leave." She
walks over to the window and stares down at the street below. "Mack and I had a
chance to talk, and I don't think Japan is a good idea… for her."


Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and she's makeup-free. The dark circles
under her eyes and the oversized U of M t-shirt remind me of days long past. "I
had no idea she was so unhappy." She buries her face in her hands for a moment,
scrubs the skin of her cheeks to swipe a few tears away, and exhales. "I thought it
was normal hormonal changes. She stopped talking to me and wanted to be with
her friends more. I thought… that's what kids do. I had no idea she hated me so
much that she was trying to stay away from me."

"She doesn't hate you."

"Maybe not yet, but she will if I force her to go to Japan. She looked me in the eye
at dinner last night and said I would be taking her away from her whole family, like
I'm not her family." She stops and pulls a few tissues from the box on the table. "Do
you have any idea how much that hurt?" Her laugh is bitter as she shakes her
head. "She hates my husband. Hates him. She's spoken to him four times in the
last year. And Peter is no help. He ignores all of us, even his own son…"


"I know you don't care. You shouldn't. I'm trying to explain why it might be best for
Mack to stay with you for a while. There's been a lot of fighting lately, and that's
probably not going to change anytime soon since my husband's girlfriend is on the
team travelling with us to Japan."

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"Then why are you going?"

"What choice do I have?" She glances at me and then back out the window. "I
don't think anyone ever realizes they're making the biggest mistake of their life
when it's happening. If they did, they wouldn't do it. And when they're foolish, like
me, they do it big so it can never be undone."

"Don't say things like that. You have your son."

"And he has an absent father. You and I ran out of things to talk about long before
Peter came into the picture. He listened and paid attention to me. He was busy
moving up the ladder and going places while you were sitting around planning
another tattoo or watching ballgames with your brothers." Her voice lowers. "I
wanted to go, too. I wanted the adventure. I wanted something different. I had no
idea how lonely it would be."

"And yet you're willing to give Mack up?"

"I'm not," she says, glancing up with a hint of fire in her eyes. "I'm willing to grant
you temporary custody for the year we're in Japan, beginning in October when we

"Mack wants to come home permanently."

"Please, Edward. Don't ask me to do that. Things could be much different a year
from now."

"Or they could be the same or worse. It's not up to us anymore. Mack is old
enough to decide where she wants to be. At the end of one year, if she wants to
stay, I'll fight to keep her."

"I've decided that Toby and I will be flying home to see my parents for Christmas,
so I'd still like to have that day with Mack as planned. I'll get her in the morning,
though, so you can have Christmas Eve. Let's get through this year first and worry
about the rest when it's time. If you can agree to that for now, I'll call Mr. Jenks and
sign before I get on the plane tomorrow."

"You need to make sure everything is agreeable to Mack before anyone signs

"She wants to stay with you. For once, I don't think she'll argue with me."

"You know what I mean, Charlotte. She needs to understand that this would only
be for a year and that she'll have options when that time is up."

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She sighs, letting her gaze fall to the floor between us. "Okay."

"I won't push for child support," I say. I'm not in this for money, and I want her to
know it. "Maybe the state will go for the minimum."

"I'm not worried about that," she says. "Peter has money. He should have to pay
for something."

"I sure as hell don't want his money."

"Always so stubborn. If the state demands it, and you know it will, don't think about
where it's coming from. Use it for Mack."

"I don't like it."

"I'm not getting a job in Japan just to make you feel better."

"Fine," I say. "It's not like I'll have a choice."

She takes a seat in the chair across from me and pulls out her iPad. We discuss
dates, and she makes notes on her calendar. The conversation is strictly about
Mack. We're both confident she can handle a transfer during the school year.
Luckily, the schools here will have a fall break the week after Charlotte and Peter
are scheduled to move.

That will give me extra time to bring Mack home. Being off of work for a couple of
months might not be a bad thing. I can fly to Seattle to get her, and we can drive
back together with her things, maybe do some sightseeing along the way.

"You still haven't told me why you're letting her stay an extra week," I say when she
shuts off the tablet and puts it in her tote.

"She's worried about you." She arranges things in her bag instead of looking at
me. "More time means she can see that you're getting better and it won't be as
hard for her to leave. If I only have two months with her for the next year, I want
them to be good ones."

"It's hard," I say. She finally looks up, barely keeping her tears back. "Being limited
that way. Worrying…"

"I'm not worried. I know she'll be safe with you." She steps closer, reaches out for a
moment, and lets her hand fall to her side. "I've said some horrible things to you
throughout the years, but I've never accused you of being a bad father."

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"I've had my moments." Good ones. Bad ones. "No one is perfect, Charlotte." A
year ago, I would have spit the words at her in anger. Today, it's a tired reminder.
For both us.

"She has your heart. Lucky for me, she has your heart."

"Thanks for coming. Having you here really helped Mack."

She smiles, soft instead of conniving for a change. "Tell Mack I'll be back at noon
to meet her for lunch in the cafeteria. I'll talk to her then. See you in a few weeks."

"Hey, Charlotte?" She's almost to the door but stops to look back at me. "If
anything ever does happen to me…" One step at a time, she retraces her path
until she's standing a few inches away. "Please let Mack stay in touch with my
mom… with my family. They're hers, too."

This time she catches my hand in hers and squeezes. "I promise," she says. "I
know those words don't mean much coming from me anymore, but I swear I will.
Take care of yourself, Edward."

She turns and wipes tears from her cheeks as she makes her way back to the

"You, too."

My respiratory therapist shows up before I have a chance to text Mack. He says
everything looks and sounds good. With any luck, I'm days away from getting
sprung from this place.

I want to sleep in my bed. Or Bella's. I'm up for either. I'm sick of needles and

He wants to see how I handle walking longer distances, so he helps me with a t-
shirt, and escorts me upstairs to see my family and wait with them for news on my
brother. Kim has the younger kids at her house today, but everyone else is here.
Mom promises the therapist she'll get me safely back to my room later today.

Grandma stands and pours two cups of coffee. She brings one of them to me and
takes the seat next to mine. "I met your Bella," she says, patting my scrub-covered
knee with her hand. "She's quite lovely."

"She is," I agree.

"She seems rather fond of you."

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"I love her."

She looks up at me and smiles. "That makes me happy."

"What makes you happy?" Mack asks, sliding into the seat next to hers.

"Your father's girlfriend," she says. "He loves her. It's adorable."

"It is," Mack says, nodding. "They're really cute together. He kisses her like they're
in a movie."

"Oh, really?" Grandma turns in her seat to look at me.

"Wait." Mack puts a hand up and looks at me. "You love her?" Her eyes widen. "I
mean, I knew you did, but when did you figure it out?"

"A while back," I answer.

"Dad, you've got to tell her."

"I did. I told her the night I woke up."

A few tears fall, sliding over the scattered freckles on Mack's cheeks. "Good," she
says. "I'm not going to ask what she said. I already know."

"Whoa whoa. Why are you crying?" I ask.

"Because it's sweet," she laughs. Her phone vibrates in her hand, and she swipes
at her eyes before looking at the screen.

Jane walks over and takes the seat next to Grandma's. "What's with the giggling
and googoo faces over here?"

Mack smiles at her phone, taps the screen, and then blushes as she shoves the
device into her purse. "Dad's in looooove," she says, glancing at me.

"But we already knew that," Jane says.

"Now he does, too," Grandma says, patting her hand. "Men are a little slow, honey.
It wouldn't hurt you to learn that now, before you start playing the field."

"They're a bit young for that, Grandma."

My grandmother leans forward to place her hand on my cheek. "Time flies,
Edward. Sometimes, it feels like yesterday that your father brought your mother

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home to meet us." She turns and looks the room over, studying the faces
surrounding us in the waiting room. "And look at all I have now."

"Dad." Mack catches my eye and nods in the direction of the elevator.

Bella steps off, and immediately, her eyes scan the room, taking in the very same
faces my grandmother studied moments ago. When our gazes meet, she walks in
my direction, and the smile on her face gets bigger with each step she takes.

I stand and take a few of my own until she's in my arms. It's the first real hug I've
had since this whole mess started. She's gentle with her arms and rests her head
on my good shoulder instead of my chest.

"I tried," she says. "I went to the clinic and worked for a few hours, but all I could
think about was you. It's so good to see you walking around."

"It's nice to be able to ditch the chair."

She lowers her voice. "Have you talked to Charlotte?"

I nod. "It went… better than I expected. I haven't had a chance to talk to Mack yet,
so I can't say much, but it's good. It's going to be, anyway."

She nods. "Any news on Paul?"

"Not yet."

Mack moves over so Bella can have the seat next to mine. She greets my mom
and grandma with shy smiles and small waves. As the minutes tick by, she relaxes
in conversations with them, Rachel, Mack, and Jane.

I'm content to watch them; the strong ones. They say it takes a village to raise a
child. Maybe I'll get there someday, with these women pushing me to be better, like
them… for them.

Especially Bella.

I've been one step behind her since we started. Thank God she waited for me to
catch up.

A/N – One more regular chapter to go. *sniffs*

Thank you for taking this journey with me. I'll see you soon.

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*Chapter 24*: Days of You and Me

Stephenie Meyer still owns the Twilight parts. Since this is the last chapter,
I'll save the rest for the bottom.

I learn a lot about Bella in the days following my release from the hospital.

One, she can cook, and she's damn good at it. She grew up as a latchkey kid, and
like Mack, she took the initiative to teach herself. Instead of learning online, she
rode her bike to the library to check out cookbooks.

Two, she's a neat freak. She can't stand for the kitchen to be messy. After a meal,
she insists on doing the dishes and wiping down everything in sight before leaving
the room.

Three, she has a mother hen side, and it's a pain in the ass. She won't let me help
her, even though it's my kitchen she's cleaning up.

"Relax," she says. "I've got this."

It's hard to sit still on the couch and pay any kind of attention to the TV with her
legs on full display as she moves around in the next room.

By the time she finishes, I can't take it anymore. She bends over in front of me to
get the remote, unintentionally giving me the perfect view of her ass.

I snap.

"Oof," she says, landing in my lap – exactly where I want her. She tries to push
away from my chest, but I've got her locked down with my arms. "What are you

"I miss you."

"I'm right here."

"No, I mean I miss you miss you." It's been two weeks since I walked out of The
Med. I've been good. I've gone to every damn physical therapy and follow-up
appointment they've scheduled for me. I've rested, watched a shit-ton of movies on
Netflix, and played the dutiful patient.

Bella has spent most nights here with me and Mack, but tonight… Tonight Mack is

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sleeping over at Kim and Jared's. The girls wanted one last slumber party before
Mack leaves Sunday. We're all going to be there tomorrow anyway for her going
away party.

I've slept next to Bella night after night, with both of us in pajamas and her
touching me as little as possible. Every time I try, she pushes my hand away and
says, "Not yet."

Tonight is yet.

I think I'll go mad if it isn't.

She turns in my arms, sighs, presses her lips to mine… and pulls away. "Bella." My
fingers slide up her back and into her hair. I kiss her again, soft, with only lips.

She doesn't say no when I move my tongue to her neck. Instead, she tilts her
head, rests her fingers in my hair, and pulls me closer. "I miss you, too."

"Let's go to bed."

"It's a little early for bed."

"Not for what I have in mind." I scrape my teeth over her shoulder where her ink
begins and lower the thin strap of her tank for a clear path.

She tries to stifle a moan. "Uhhh… Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Positive. It's the best idea I've ever had." I mumble the words against her skin. "It's
been weeks. Three weeks today."

"Oh, I know. Believe me. I know."

"Then don't say not yet. I'm cleared for that kind of physical activity."

"Says who?" she asks, pulling back with a smile.

"Says my doctor and my physical therapist. I asked both of them yesterday. See?" I
pat my chest. "I'm good to go."

She laughs, shaking her head. "How romantic."

"Well, I can't carry you down the hall or perform any acrobatic moves once I get
you there, but I'm pretty sure I can keep up."

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This time, when she tries to get up, I help her. She tugs my hand, giving me the
green light to follow.

I have her out of her shirt and the buttons of her shorts already unfastened before
we make it to my room. She lets me hold her while we're walking, her back against
my shirt and my hands cupping her tits. My thumbs brush over her nipples, grazing
the cool metal of the bead rings.

The temptation is there to bend her over the bed and put both of us out of our
misery, but it's been so long. I really want to see her face, kiss her.

She seems to have the same thing in mind, because she turns in my arms,
presses her chest against mine, and drops soft kisses on my neck. I follow her
lead and help by leaning over when she moves to push my shirt over my head.

I end up on my back, stretched out with her above me.

She brushes her fingers over the bright scar beneath my ribcage. "Now we match,"
I say, catching her hand in mine.

She rolls her eyes. "Pfft. Mine's bigger."

I kiss the grin from her face until she leans back to sit up and take me inside. As
promised, I relax and let her do the work; the muscles in her legs straining, hips
moving, and hands gripping my thighs behind her.

She keeps her eyes on mine. I've seen disdain in them. I've seen wariness,
friendship, pity, and pain. Tonight, it's something different. "I love you," she says.

"I love you, too."

Sweet, slow, and carefully she loves me, leaning forward to plant a hand on each
side of my head. Her hair tickles my shoulders as I wrap both arms around her to
pull her down for a kiss.

I'm happy to take over when her body goes slack and she whimpers. My hands
move to cup her ass, and I use every bit of energy I have to push her to go again
with me.

Her breath comes in puffs against my neck while we recover.

"Are you okay?" she asks, moving off of me and settling at my side.

I turn my head to look at her. "I'm not even going to answer that." Satisfied

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exhaustion numbs every limb. I could probably sleep for a year.

I give her the bathroom first, and by the time I rejoin her in the bed, her voice is
thick, and there are tears in her eyes. "There was a moment, when Charlie
showed up at my house unannounced, that I wondered if I would ever have the
chance to do that with you again." She rests her head on my arm and turns her
head so our faces are nearly touching. "I prayed for the first time in two years. I
don't know if God's real, but I figured it couldn't hurt."

"I prayed, too."

She plants a series of light kisses across my collarbone, then rests her cheek on
my shoulder. "You haven't talked in your sleep as much. Is everything… okay?"

I pull her closer. She complies by throwing her leg over mine and her arm across
my midsection. "It was hard to convince myself it wasn't my fault. Keeping people
alive is what I'm trained to do. It's my life."

"You blamed yourself?"

"It was hard not to."

She's quiet for a long time. "I understand," she finally says. "But I know you. I know
you did everything you could do."

"I did." The words take me by surprise. I'll never be okay with the way that horrific
night ended, but it really was out of my hands.

A phone call from Mack interrupts us. My nieces and nephews are already back in
school, so this is Mack's first night away from home since the incident. The worry
is evident in her voice when she asks if I'm all right.

"I'm good. Bella's taking care of me. I'm fed, and we're relaxing. Stop worrying
about me and have fun."

"Okay," she says. "I'll see you tomorrow."


"She's worried," Bella says after I hang up.

"She doesn't want to leave Sunday."

There's a long moment of silence. Her finger traces lightly over my chest, and I can

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feel her breath against my neck. "I don't blame her. She has an awesome family
she's leaving behind."

"I hate taking her to the airport. When she cries, I have to pretend to be fine, so
she won't be upset."

She leans in to kiss my neck. "I'm sorry."

"This time will be different. It will suck, but at least I know she's coming back to

We don't leave the bed for the rest of the night except for kitchen and bathroom
trips. She pulls on one of my MFD t-shirts and cuddles next to me, sans
underwear, while we watch the History Channel.

My recovery time is impressive considering I'm technically still recuperating from a
gunshot wound. She lets me pull her on top of me, leaves the t-shirt on, and pins
my wrists down. Her face is pale gray in the glow from the television, and she
doesn't stop until we're both exhausted and finally ready for sleep.

She wakes before me, sometime after ten the morning. We settle for cereal, since
we'll be stuffing ourselves at Jared's house in a couple of hours. After a lazy
morning on the couch, we stop by her place long enough for her to drop off her
stuff, change into her swimsuit, and feed her demon cat.

She has to pry him off my leg again when we're leaving, and this time, I'm left with
battle scars. "I'm sorry," she says in the car. "He gets really pissy when I'm away
from home a lot."

"I'll live."

"Charlie said to tell you hello," she says. "He called while I was upstairs changing.
We're having lunch Monday, and he asked me to invite you."

"He did?"

"Yes." She draws the word out and glances at me. "He likes you."

"He doesn't even know me."

"He said you're a 'stand up' guy." She laughs, but it's hollow. "It doesn't hurt that
you already have a daughter and won't expect a kid from me."

"Hey." I catch her hand, letting her fingers cover mine when I have to shift. "If you

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want to be a mom, that's your decision, not Charlie's."

She's quiet for a couple of blocks, staring out the window. "Is that something you
would want?"

I think of the long nights with Mack when she was a baby… the smile on her face
when she took her first steps… the noise and the moments of sheer exhaustion…

"Yeah, I would, but it's not something I can't live without. It's certainly not something
I expect. A kid or two would be a bonus, not a deal breaker, and whether they look
like us or not doesn't matter to me."

Her grip on my hand tightens as her shoulders relax. "Maybe someday," she says
with a smile.

We have to park on the street when we get to Jared's. My grandparents made the
trip from Millington. Rachel's van is parked behind them, and mom's car is already
here, too.

"Wow." Bella sits frozen in her seat instead of opening her door. "I'm a little

"Why? You met most of them at the hospital."

"Yes, but I barely spoke to Kim, and I can't remember her daughter's name. This
time is different. They're all here at once."


"Right. Elaine. Okay."

"I'll be with you the entire time. I promise."

Her hand catches the door handle. "Here goes nothin'."

She grips my fingers tightly in hers as we walk up the drive and around the house.
Our plan of sticking together almost goes out the window when Mack spies us.

"Bella!" she calls. "The water's perfect. You have to swim with us."

"I'll sit on the ledge and put my feet in," I offer.

"Give me just a second, okay, Mack?" Bella points at Mom and Rachel at a nearby
table. "Let me say hello first."

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"Cool." Mack nods her agreement.

Grandma pats the seat next to hers when we get to the table. "Come sit by me,

Bella laughs next to me, causing my ears to flame. "Hey, Grandma." I take the chair
indicated, and Bella settles on my knee.

"Is he behaving, Bella?"

"Yes, Mrs. Cullen. He's happy to be out of the hospital. I think that's what's keeping
him in line."

"You're either going to have to call me Grandma or Ernestine, though I prefer
Nessie." She rests her hand on my arm. "I'm glad you're taking it easy. You work
too hard. All of you boys do. I feel like I never see you anymore."

"Before I go back to work, I'd like to bring Bella out to the farm one Saturday. She's
never ridden a horse, so I thought I'd teach her."

Her head turns, and she tilts it back to look up at me from under the brim of her
floppy, straw hat. "I'd love that. I'll make dinner, and you two can take Gilligan and
Ginger out for some exercise."

"Who?" Bella asks.

"Those are our horses, dear."

"They like to name their animals after TV characters," I explain.

"It takes much less energy than trying to come up with something creative for each
one. The pigs, the chickens, the alpacas…" Grandma laughs. "They all have

"That sounds like fun," Bella says.

Jasper and Alice arrive, inciting another loud round of greetings. They join us, and
Bella leans back against my chest to pay attention as Jasper introduces Alice to all
of my family, especially when he points out which kid is which in the pool.

I do a double-take when he asks some random for his name. The kid is leaning
against the side of the pool, and Mack is standing next to him... in the crook of his
arm, sides touching.

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What the fuck?

"That's Seth," Rachel says. "He's Alec's buddy."


Bella stands, temporarily blocking my view. "It's hot. Alice, do you want to swim?"

"Sure." Alice stands, pulls her t-shirt over her head, and tosses it onto the chair
she's vacating.

Bella hesitates, fingers twisted in the hem of her shirt. She takes a deep breath
and pulls it over her head. She holds it in, gritting her teeth when she unbuttons
her shorts.

It would be really fucking helpful for her not to make noises like that while she's
standing in front of me in nothing but a bathing suit. Unless she plans to sit on my
lap to hide this situation in my shorts.

I'm not sure why she's nervous. It's a tankini top with boy shorts. She looks good in
black with so much of her art on display.

"Bella," Grandma says. "Could you come here for a moment?"

Bella's eyes slip closed for a second. When she opens them, she plasters a smile
on her face and walks over to stand between us. I glance over my shoulder to
check on Mack. She's talking with Jane and Elaine in a corner. Seth is out of the
pool, standing with Alec a few feet away from the basketball goal.

"This is lovely," she says, inspecting Bella's thigh. "It reminds me of a song."

Bella's shoulders relax, and she smiles. "Me, too."

Finally, I get it. I had this moment standing in front of Riley's family's house. I'm not
sure Bella realizes how much my family already loves her. They're not going to
give a shit if she has ink on her ass.

I catch her hand when she turns to go. Even if we weren't surrounded, I still
wouldn't know how to say what I want to say to her, so I kiss her palm.

It makes her blush, and the corner of her mouth turns up. "I'll be okay with Alice
and Mack," she says. "You can stay here in the shade."

"He can help us cook," Jared says, dropping two large foil containers on the end of

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the table.

"See?" Bella backs away slowly. "You're needed here."

I watch her walk over to the diving board. She and Alice have a quiet discussion,
and eventually, Bella loses a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

She steps onto the board, walks to the end, and turns until her heels hang off the
back. Behind her, Alec catches the ball and holds it, waiting to see what she's
going to do. Seth shoulders him and takes the ball, forcing him back into their
game. Maybe he's not a little shit after all.

Bella jumps once, twice, and then launches herself backwards into a flip. Mack
and my nieces clap for her when she surfaces. Alice follows with a back flip, too,
turning the afternoon into a series of lessons. Mack and the girls want to do it, too.

Paul and I sit in the shade, and let Jared handle the grill. He's been running off at
the mouth about being the best cook for years. Today, he can prove it.

I keep an eye on Mack while she swims. She pays attention to Bella and Alice,
ignoring the basketball game completely. And Seth is too busy running on Alec to
pay her any attention.

Grandpa pulls a deck from his shirt pocket, shuffles them on the table, and says,
"Who's in?"

I'm glad we're playing for quarters, because he and Grandma take me, Jasper, and
Paul to the cleaners. No mercy for wounded grandsons.

Dinner is on paper plates, with kids spread out on blankets on the ground and
adults elbowing each other through chatter. It's noisy and crowded and perfect.
Dessert is even better, with Bella in my lap, sharing a piece of Mack's "See you
soon" cake with me.

Just after sundown, Alec and his friend go inside to play video games. Mack
stands, walks over to the trashcan to throw away her plate and cup, and stops to
look at the backdoor. She walks over to Jane, has a brief conversation with her,
and then glances over at me.


I ignore Jasper long enough to make sure Mack sits down. Once she does, he has
my full attention. "Chris scored these." He holds out a Ticketmaster sleeve. Inside
there are four tickets to an upcoming concert on Mud Island in late October. "I'd

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like to give two of them to Mack if it's okay with you. I think it might be a school

It's a band she sings along to every time we're in the car together. They're not bad.
"Sure. It's fine."

"The other two are for you and Bella. They're a few rows apart."

Bella thanks him, and I turn in my seat to call Mack over. Jane glances down
quickly at her phone in her hand. Before she can fire off a warning text, I nudge
Bella with my hand. "I need a quick trip inside."

She's caught up in conversation with Kim and lets me up without any argument.
"Don't touch that phone, Jane," I say when I pass her.

She drops it on the blanket in front of her.

The back porch opens into the kitchen, and they're right there in front of me – in
the middle of the room beneath the light – hugging. It's not as bad as I expected
but still too much.


She jumps back, pushing him away, and whirls to stare at me. "Dad…" She
glances over her shoulder at the kid behind her. He's a foot taller than her, and to
his credit, he stays put. "We were just saying goodbye." She reaches behind her
to grab the sleeve of his t-shirt to pull him forward. "We're friends." He glances at
her, clearly unhappy with the word. He realizes his mistake and tries to cover it by
looking down at his shoes until she speaks again. "This is my friend Seth."

He looks up. "Hi, Mr. Cullen."

I can see from here that the kid is shaking like a leaf, so I have mercy on him.
"Hello, Seth."

He stares, wide-eyed and wordless, unsure of what to say next. I'm not going to do
him any favors by helping him along.

Mack turns to face him. "I'll see you in a few months," she says.

He nods. "Yeah. Alec is probably waiting for me upstairs." He glances behind him
to make sure I'm not following as he makes his way out of the kitchen.

"Gah, Dad. Did you have to be rude?"

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"You were hugging a boy."

"I was hugging a friend and telling him goodbye. I know I'm not allowed to date until
I'm thirty." She grins, walks across the room, and passes me on her way to the
back door. "It'll be nice to have a few friends at my new school. They've already
started here, and I'll be the late-to-the-party transfer kid."

"He's just a friend?"

"Yes, Dad, maybe my best friend, besides Jane. He's nice, so don't be mean to

"Then don't hug him."

She laughs and walks outside, leaving me alone in the kitchen. By the time I catch
up to her, she's in the pool with her cousins, splashing and having fun.

"Everything okay?" Bella asks, giving me my seat and relaxing on my lap.

"Yes. No. Yes."

She turns to put her arms around my neck. "What's wrong?"

My little girl is growing up. She's probably been texting that little punk all summer.
He likes her. I can tell. "Seth."

Her mouth drops open in surprise. "Oh."


"Were they in there together?"

The look I give her is enough to answer her question, but I still answer. "They were
saying goodbye." She relaxes. "There was hugging."

She covers her smile with her hand. "I'm sorry," she says. "That's kind of cute.
Dumb but cute."

"Maybe I'll homeschool her."



She rolls her eyes and leans forward to kiss me. "I don't think Mack would be very

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happy with that idea."

"I know, but a dad can dream."

Seth wisely stays hidden away until the party ends and it's time for us to go. He
waves to Mack from a few feet away and maintains a healthy distance between

Mack is quiet in the backseat during the drive to Bella's house. She says goodbye
and moves to the front seat while I walk Bella to her door and kiss her goodnight.

We're almost back to my apartment when she finally speaks. "This has been a
really good summer, Dad." She looks up and backtracks. "Except for the part
where you got shot. That sucked."

"It did suck."

"You're going to be okay, right? Tomorrow… after I go?"

I pull into my spot and cut the engine. "I'm fine. I'm good, Mack. You really don't
have to worry about me."


We stay up late, watching scary movies and eating popcorn. When neither of us
can keep our eyes open, we call it a night.

"Night, Dad." She shuffles down the hall in front of me, waving over her shoulder. "I
love you."

"Love you, too, kid."

She's up a few hours later, banging pans in the kitchen shortly after eight. Her
flight doesn't depart until three, and I've promised to meet Charlotte at the airport
an hour prior. It's nervous energy causing the clamor in my kitchen. I know I should
get up and talk to Mack, try to calm her, but I steal a minute to relax and listen. It
will be quiet around here soon enough.

The smell of bacon and blueberry waffles is too much to resist, so I don't stay in
bed long.

"Good morning," I say when I catch sight of her in front of the stove.

"Hey, Dad." She's sullen and keeping her back to me.

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I sit at the table, keeping her company and giving her time to figure out what she
wants to say. She waits until breakfast is fully cooked to join me and start the

"Are you still taking me by the station to say goodbye to the guys?" she asks.

"Sure. We'll stop by on the way to pick up Bella. We should have enough time for
lunch at Molly's."

She perks up almost immediately. "That would be cool." Her mood takes another
turn, and she frowns. "Max is going to be there, right?"

I nod. "He should be. Why?"

She lowers her fork, and sets it on her plate before tucking both hands in her lap
and dropping her gaze to the table. "I should probably apologize to him."


Her face contorts into a wince. "I yelled at him the night you were shot."

I sit back in my seat, exhale, and try to figure out what to say. "You really think he's
mad at you?"

She shrugs.

"I promise he's not," I say.

"You should talk to Emmett." She pauses to take a deep breath. "He was pretty
torn up the night it happened."

"He did his job. There's no reason for him to be upset."

She looks up. "He was crying, Dad."



I've been there – that moment of figuring out that we're only human, that we can
only do so much. It's a spiral of questions and second-guessing; the quicksand of

"I'll talk to him."

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She nods her relief.

We make it through breakfast with no tears, but I hear her crying when I pass her
door on my way to my room and a hot shower. Over and over, I remind myself that
she's been through a lot these last few weeks, and leaving will be harder for her
this time. This is normal.

She's packed and waiting in the living room when I come out of my room. She lets
me carry her luggage out to the car, and doesn't say a word between my place and
the station.

The car is surrounded before I cut the engine. Mack gets their hugs. I get their
concern. Mack seeks out Max, and while she's busy, I ask around for Emmett. He's
in the kitchen, cleaning breakfast dishes and trying to avoid me.

"They've got you scrubbing this week?"

He looks up, nods once, and goes back to work.

"It's going to be awkward as fuck when I come back to work if you're going to act
like this."

"Like what? Like I left you bleeding to death in a burning house?"

"Yeah." I nod in agreement. "You did that." His jaw clenches, but he's quiet. "And I
would've done the same damn thing to you if I'd been in your shoes. It was your
job to get them out first."

"I know that, but Jesus, man. All I could think about was Mack and your mom and
all the shit your family had already been through… Your brother was in a fucking
ambulance. "

"Everybody's fine now. I'm fine; Paul, Mack, all of us."

"Thanks to Charlie Swan."

"And to you for sending him up."

Mack peeks around the corner. "Hey, Emmett."

He turns the water off, dries his hands, and then opens his arms for a hug. It
figures that he'd actually pay attention to her. She fills him in on the plan for her to
move here in October, and that brings a real smile to his face. Her happiness
about coming home is infectious.

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He walks out with us to the parking lot when it's time for us to leave to pick up

"Let's hang out and shoot some pool one night this week," I say, opening my car
door. "I think my wardens will let me out for a night."

He nods. "I'll check with Mags and make sure we don't have any plans. You know
how it is."

"Text and let me know."

"Have a safe trip, Mack. Thanks for coming by." Emmett waves with a few of the
others until we're out of the lot and out of sight.

At Bella's house, Mack gets out with me and walks to the porch. Bella opens the
door out of breath, with a towel on her head. "I'm running late. I'm so sorry." She
waves us in and closes the door behind her. "I went swimming with Riley at the Y.
I'll be ready in five minutes," she says before frowning. "Well, ten at the most."

"It's fine," I tell her. "We have time."

She gives me a quick kiss before rushing up the stairs. The cat comes bolting
down the steps after the noise from a hair dryer kicks in.

"Hi, kitty." Mack leans over to pet him as he twists his body around her ankles.

"Be careful," I say. "He's… not the nicest cat."

"Oh, he's sweet," she coos.

I can hear the loud purring from where I'm standing a few feet away. "His name is

Before I can stop her, she scoops him up and walks over to couch, settling with
him on her lap. I sit down on the opposite end, hoping he'll stay calm and not
scratch her arms to hell and back right before I have to take her to Charlotte.

Bella comes down the stairs, staring at the phone in her hands. "Seven minutes.
Not too bad." She shrugs and reaches for her purse.

Mack tells the cat goodbye, and Bella has to wrestle him at the door to keep him

The crowd at Molly's isn't too bad. Leah isn't working, and the guy who is must be

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new. He jacks up our order twice, but that's more time with Mack, so none of us
complain. She asks Bella questions about optometry school and the classes she'll
be taking this year.

Listening to them, I make up my mind to get a passport of my own. Charlotte is
only asking for two weeks next summer, since that's what Mack has agreed to.
Maybe Bella will be up for a celebration trip after she graduates, before she tries
to settle in as a full-time doctor. It might not be the moon, but I doubt Mack would
pass up a chance to go to Italy or Greece.

Charlotte is waiting for us at the Delta ticket counter. "How are you feeling?" she

"Much better now that I'm out of the hospital."

"Good." She glances at Bella and nods. "Isabella."

I have to hide a grin as Bella answers with a sweet smile. "Hi, Charlotte." I'm
guessing my ex-wife got a cold shoulder introduction similar to the one I did.

Instead of prolonging the small talk, Charlotte helps Mack check her bag and get a
boarding pass. She's nice enough to step away after that to give us a chance to
say goodbye.

Mack hugs Bella first, keeping her back to me and her voice too low for me to hear
whatever is passing between them. It's good, though, whatever it is. They're both
smiling and happy.

When it's my turn, Mack pulls me a few feet away and takes a deep breath. "So, I'll
see you in a couple of months," she says, twisting her fingers and staring at them.

"Hey." I tilt my head to get her to look at me. When she does, there are tears in her
eyes. "It's much better than four days at Thanksgiving, right?" She nods and
sniffles. "Try to spend some time with your Mom, okay? This wasn't an easy
choice for her. And she's your mother, so I don't want to hear about you being
disrespectful to her anymore, Mack. You know better than that."

"I'm going to try to be better to both of you, Dad. I promise."

"I love you, and I'll see you in October." I pull her into a bone-crushing hug, and
she knocks the wind out of me in return.

"I love you, too." She rubs her cheek with her shoulder to catch the tears, grabs
her backpack, and turns with a wave. "Please don't kill Seth while I'm gone."

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She walks over to Charlotte, and the two of them step into the line for the security
checkpoint. Once they're through, Mack waves one last time before she's lost from

Bella slides her arm around my waist, hugging my side. "October will be here
before you know it," she says.


This is much better than the last two end-of-summer trips I've made to the airport.
This time, I know Mack is coming back, and once she does, she'll hopefully be
home for good. And this time… I have Bella walking next to me through the airport
and out to the parking lot, reminding me that I'm not alone anymore.

Someone gives a shit about whether or not I come home at night. Someone has
faith that I won't let her down.

She braids her hair during the drive to Beale and uses a clip to secure it in a bun
when she steps out of the car. "I can't stand for my neck to be sweaty," she says.
"It's going to be a long night."

"Ah, that's right. The Elvis fans have descended."

She catches my hand with hers, and we walk together toward the neon lights,
laughter, and music. We part ways at Silky's with a kiss, but I hang around outside
with Felix for a while to keep an eye on her.

He gives me the stool with a reminder that it's Death Week. He stands close by but
in full view of the courtyard, since the whole block is shoulder-to-shoulder
crowded. It's 21 and up tonight, and undercover is going to be heavy until Friday.
He can help handle security, while I sit useless and stare at my girlfriend.

A group of tourists decked out in Elvis t-shirts swarm me, blocking my view of her
momentarily. They show their IDs, and I wave them in. The Rum Boogie tank she's
wearing is blue, one of my favorites, even though it's torture. I hate the way these
motherfuckers are eyeing her.

They stare at her skin, admiring the flames on her arm and asking questions about
the sleeve. She smiles and avoids, dancing away with her arm in the air, balancing
a tray above her head.

The crowd grows as the minutes tick by and the sun disappears. The heat stays,
and small strands of hair escape and curl against the creamy skin of her neck.
Every time she catches me staring, she smiles and adds some sway to her steps.

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"You know I'm not paying you, right?" Jasper says, stepping out onto Beale to
check the crowd.

"I'm just enjoying the scenery," I reply.

He laughs and nods his head toward B.B.'s. "Let's get a beer, listen to some

I wave to Bella and point up the street. She waves back, and I give up the stool to
Felix. "It's all yours," I say.

We listen to every Elvis cover imaginable until we know Bella and Alice are done
with their shifts. They're waiting for us at the bar when Jasper and I get back to
Silky's. The late band for the evening opens with Otis, and Bella grabs my hand.
"They're playing our song again."

"And you want to dance."

"Of course."

We stay for a while, long enough to dance under the stars until we're sweaty and
sticking together. Three, four songs maybe… I lose count. Being cooped up for so
long has taken a toll on both of us, so it's nice to be out and normal for a while.

"Your place or mine?" Bella asks on our way back to my car after we've decided to
call it a night.

"Either is fine as long as I wake up next to you."

A/N – I'm not even sure where to start with the thanks this time…

Thanks to evilnat and Fallingsnow Winter for two gorgeous banners.

Thanks to the ladies at TLS, FicSisters, Bookish Temptations, ADF, and
FicTease for lovely write-ups and/or pimping.

Thank you, Iris, for fixing my silly, repetitive mistakes and for being a
kickass friend.

Thank you, Nic, for pre-reading, always telling me like it is, and for being an
awesome friend.

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Thank you, Dovelove1097, for being an extra set of eyes on one of the
most important chapters I've ever written and for sticking with me since
TGAG days.

Thanks to all my Twitter buddies who RT my updates and chat with me.

I'll forever be grateful that what began as a hobby has granted me so many
wonderful friendships. I love you guys, dearly.

Thank you, M. You're the one who told me I could do this back in 2011. I'll
never be able to thank you enough for the faith, encouragement, and ass
kicking. You're the best friend and sister a chick could hope for.

Dear readers,

I know a lot of people don't care for kids in fic, so thank you for sticking
with me through this one. I'll be honest and say I was really nervous about
making Mack's role so imperative to this story. You guys amazed me with
nothin' but love for that kid. Thank you. Some of the reviews have brought
me to tears, in the best way possible. Thank you for sharing your thoughts
with me. Even if you've never reviewed before, thank you for reading, and
I'd love to hear your thoughts this time.

A lot of people have asked me what's next…

That's a hard question to answer. I don't have any plans to work on another
full-length fic anytime soon. I will always love Edward and Bella, but there
are other stories I'd like to tell, and I'd like for them to be mine instead of
Stephenie Meyer's. I have 5 current outlines for original fiction. I'll be
working on those for a little while and temporarily retiring from fic. I'll still
be working on that 80s high school fic when I need a break. If I ever finish
it, I'll post it. I know I owe DH readers babies… That's coming, too. I keep
my promises. There may also be a oneshot here and there, so keep me on
alert if you're interested.

If you'd like to be informed on the OF stuff, I've created a Twitter account
for it. There's no news to tweet, yet, but I'm hoping there will be someday.
You can follow Nan Lowe Author.

I'll still be reading and talking fic (and tweeting Pearl Jam stuff :)) at the
MrsSpaceCowboy Twitter account. If Facebook is your thing, you can find
me there, too as Nin MrsSpaceCowboy. Let me know if you want to be
added to my group. I post updates and stuff there, too. I'm not leaving y'all.

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Not at all.

Thanks for everything. I love y'all.

Nin (MSC)


Here's the soundtrack for Rest My Soul for those who asked for it (in order
of story progression)…

"Indifference" – Pearl Jam

"Pendulum" – Pearl Jam

"Wishlist" – Pearl Jam

"Come Back" – Pearl Jam

"Golden State" – Eddie Vedder & Natalie Maines

"All Those Yesterdays" – Pearl Jam

"Cover Me" – Percy Sledge

"Blackbird" – The Beatles

"Sleeping By Myself" – Pearl Jam

"Nothingman" – Pearl Jam

"Dust to Dust" – The Civil Wars

"These Arms of Mine" – Otis Redding

"Cover Me Up" – Jason Isbell (Thank you, 3 Sunrises!)

"Thorn in My Pride" – The Black Crowes

"This Woman's Work" – Kate Bush

"Sirens" – Pearl Jam

"Future Days" – Pearl Jam

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*Chapter 25*: Sweet Sixteen

Hiiiii. It's been a while. I've missed y'all.

This futuretake was written for the Fandom for Mental Health compilation a
few months ago. Someone's having a birthday…


Dad's always joked and called me a partier. Like it's my fault I was born at closing
time on the dot at 2:00 a.m. on November 2nd.

I've officially been sixteen for seven hours and six minutes, and I look exactly the
same as I did last night. Not that I expected to become a B cup overnight, but I
thought something would be different, that maybe I'd look older or smarter.

"Mack!" Mom's voice carries down the hall. "Our appointment's at 9:30. We need
to go."

Birthday mani/pedi.

Toby's sitting at the kitchen table with my grandparents, eating Golden Grahams,
and swiping the screen of his Kindle.

"Put that away." I lean over and kiss the top of his head. "Talk to Nonnie and Paw.
You can live five minutes without Five Night's at Freddy's."

"Happy birthday," Nonnie says. "Have some breakfast."

I grab a muffin from the plastic container on the counter. "Thanks! I'll have to take it
with me. We're getting our nails done before the party."

Toby grumbles a "happy birthday," turns off his tablet, and reaches for the bacon.
Paw stands to give me a hug before we leave. "We'll see you later," he says.
"Have fun."

Mom leads the way through the house and out to her car. She avoids most of the
traffic by taking Walnut Grove instead of Poplar, and we make it to Midtown with
two minutes to spare. Bella's in the waiting area already, makeup-free and nodding
off in her seat.

The bell above the door wakes her, and she looks around. She's not too tired to

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stand and walk across the room to wrap her arms around me. "Happy birthday."
She takes a step back to look at me and shakes her head. "Sweet sixteen. I can't
believe it."

The receptionist calls Bella's name, and we walk over to her desk. Mom and Bella
split the cost of the "party room" for our pampering today. Bella is friends with one
of the nail artists here. Well, she's her eye doctor, but they're friendly. This place
specializes in nail art, not just average manicures.

I choose brown and orange, and once the base is dry, a girl with pink hair named
Haiku uses nail gel and a special pen to draw leaves on both of my thumbs and on
my big toes. Bella chooses black for her polish and asks for bright red cherries
with long stems and a green leaf on each nail. Mom gets standard peach. She's
got a job interview this week, and the color matches the dress she bought
yesterday after hours of looking.

Mom doesn't want to, but she likes Bella. This is the first time we've done
something like this, but this is what I asked for my birthday, and neither of them
wanted to be the one to say no. We talk about Seth and tonight—my first real
date. We don't talk about Dad or joke about how he's handling it.

"Why don't you ride with Bella now?" Mom asks at the end of our hour. "I'll go and
pick up Mom, Dad, and Toby, and we'll meet you at Esme's in a little while."

I follow her to the trunk of the car to get my backpack. It's hard to remember which
clothes are at whose place. I'm still getting used to having both parents in the
same city and floating between two houses, so I keep a backpack of essentials:
chargers, makeup, deodorant, my journal, and an extra outfit.

Bella's in the Mustang today, which means Dad must've taken her truck to
Grandma's house. Now that Bella finally knows how to drive a stick, she borrows
Dad's car all the time. He took us to an abandoned lot and spent a Saturday
teaching both of us, although I took less time to get it than she did.

"Can I drive?" I ask. "My test is tomorrow, so I need all the practice I can get."

She tosses me the keys and heads for the passenger seat. "You can take the test
in my truck if you want to," she says.

I turn the key and close my eyes when the engine roars to life. "Either's fine."

Bella's easier to ride with than my parents. Mom and Dad like to keep up a
constant commentary of what to do and what not to do. Bella relaxes in her seat

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and lets me drive.

"Are you nervous?" she asks.

Since it's the quickest way to get to Grandma's, I turn onto Poplar. "About the test

"I meant your date. But are you nervous about your test?"

"Not really. You guys have let me practice a lot, and the Driver's Ed class helped. I
think I'll be fine."

"I think so, too."

"And, yeah…" It's also easier to talk about boys with Bella than it is with Mom or
Dad. She doesn't judge. "I'm nervous about tonight."

"I wish I could offer you some wisdom, but I never dated in high school. Seth
seems like a good kid."

"He is." Sweet, funny, smart. And it doesn't hurt that, between skating and his part-
time job at Home Depot, he stays in shape. "It sucks that Dad hates him."

She laughs. "Edward doesn't hate Seth. The other day, he actually complimented
Seth for curving the bills of his hats and for not wearing skinny jeans. Be patient
with him. He's trying."

"I know."

Bella's Explorer is parked right behind Poppy's Buick in Grandma's driveway. I
ease up next to the curb and stop in front of the house. "Excellent," Bella says.
"You're going to rock that test tomorrow."

We get out, and she waits for me to walk around the car before starting across the
lawn. "Dad's going to be cool about this, right?" I ask. Seth will be here in a couple
of hours, and Dad's had plenty of time to freak out and change his mind, even
though he's promised "sixteen"for the last year while all of my friends were busy
getting boyfriends. If he changes his mind, I'm going anyway.

But I really, really hate fighting with him.

Bella takes her time answering. We make it all the way to the front porch before
she puts her hand on my arm to stop me. "It's killing him, but he trusts you."

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"Seth's scared of him. And of Uncle Paul, too, now."

"I don't know a lot about teenage boys, but it sounds like Seth must like you a lot to
come over here today and spend time with both of them."

I duck my head and try to hide my smile. The last time I was with Seth away from
school was at Jane's house last weekend. Stolen kisses and some handholding,
texts and late night phone calls.

"He does."

The sound of a baby crying on the other side of the door gets Bella moving again.
I follow her into the house in time to see Dad lift a wiggling, kicking seven-month-
old out of my great-grandmother's arms. The crying stops the moment Carly's
nestled against his chest. He's her favorite person in the world.

"Happy birthday!" Grandma says as soon as she notices us.

Dad turns around, and Carly's twin sister, Cameron, squeals in Poppy's lap and
reaches for Bella. An unexpected rush of jealousy steams through me. Since I'm
not at home—at Dad and Bella's—full-time anymore, I don't get to see my sisters
every day. I mean, yeah, I get more sleep on the nights spent with Mom at Nonnie
and Paw's while Dad's working, but I'm used to noise and chaos, pacing and
helping feed babies at all hours of the night, and untangling tiny fingers from the
curls in my hair.

They could at least do me a solid and miss me the way I miss them when I'm gone.

But noooo.

They have pretty cool parents, and they seem to know it.

Dad walks over, stops beside me, and kisses the side of my head. "Happy
birthday," he says.

Carly turns her head and rests her cheek against his t-shirt. She butts her
forehead, grins so hard she drools, and then reaches for me. I drop my backpack
on the ground and take her slowly to keep her from getting too worked up. Since
the babies just finished a growth spurt, we're testing a new dosage of her blood
pressure medication.

"Thanks, Dad."

Now that his arms are free, he wraps one around my shoulder in a half-hug. Bella

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walks over with Cameron, who finally notices I'm alive and reaches for me, too.

"Why don't you sit with them?" Grandma says. "I'd love to take pictures. It's your
birthday, and you only turn sixteen once." She pulls out her phone every time all of
us are together, but I don't argue with her. Grandkids have always been her
favorite pastime. Retirement hasn't changed that, and her Facebook's full of
pictures of all of us, especially the twins.

I sit in the center of the couch with Bella on one side of me and Dad on the other.
The babies move between us, unable to sit still for too long. My great-
grandparents and my grandma all stand a few feet away, aiming their phones at us
and making the babies laugh. Cameron's short, blonde hair stands up in every
direction. Carly's light, almost white, side-mullet has formula dried in the tips.

The twins' patience runs out eventually, and we put them on the floor on a blanket
with some toys for playtime. Neither of them can sit up yet, but they like to roll until
they're facing each other and then "talk" to each other while pumping their chunky
little arms in excitement.

"How was work?" I ask Dad as we watch them.

"Long," he says, stretching his arms behind his head. "I'm glad it's over."

"Rough week?"

"No, but when I'm home, you're home." He tips his head back and closes his eyes.

"Take a nap while you can," I tell him. "The others won't be here for a while. I'll help
Bella with the babies."

"I'm good." He sits up straight and smiles. "I got some sleep last night at the station
—not a lot, but enough. How was school this week?"

"I made a C on my Algebra 2 test. I might have to start staying after school for

He laughs a little. "I would've been ecstatic about a C in Algebra," he says. "Talk to
Jared. He was a real boss in math."

"I'll ask him if he's up for it," I say. "Apparently, I've got some kind of brick wall going
on. Everything else is good."

"Good." He leans forward when Carly gets too close to the table and then relaxes
when she turns toward Cameron again.

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"I think I might try out for track." I started running with Bella two summers ago and
love it almost as much as yoga.

"That's cool," he says.

I almost laugh over the differences between his and Mom's reactions. When I told
her, she asked a million questions and gave me a lecture on time commitments.
After all that, she said it would look great on college applications and wished me

"Um…" He shifts in his seat.

Here it comes.

"So, what are you and Seth doing tonight?" he asks.

"A movie. It's a Sunday and a school night. Not much to do."

"At a theater, right? Not in his basement…"

"Oh, my God, Dad. We're going to the Paradiso. He's not dragging me off to a

"Home by 9:00."


"Fine. 10:00. It is a school night."

A horrible smell fills the room the same moment Jane and Alec walk in.

"Ewww." Jane waves a hand in front of her face. "Why do they do that every time I
show up?"

Carly fusses, then cries. Dad starts to get up, but I stop him. "I'll get it."

Jane scoops her up from the floor and leads the way down the hall. Grandma
keeps a changing table in her bedroom. Jane eases her onto the pad, walks to the
other side of the room, and falls dramatically onto Grandma's bed.

Carly kicks and grunts when I unsnap her onesie. I have to work to get it up her
body and clear of the mess before I open the diaper. The angry red scar on her
torso is jarring every time I see it, even though I was there in the waiting room with
Bella and Dad the day she got it four days after she was born.

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Before the ink was even dry on the adoption papers.

My parents knew it was coming. They'd known since the twins' mom was twenty-
one weeks along. That's when the original couple backed out. They didn't want a
kid that came with guaranteed heart surgeries. Twins are complicated enough
without all the extra.

Like bright green, slimy poop.

"Ugh." I try to cover my nose with my shoulder while holding onto Carly's legs with
one hand and wiping her with the other.

"Babies are so fucking gross," Jane says, staring at the ceiling fan above her.
"Thank God for the pill."

Even though I don't technically need the pill yet, I have to agree. I'm not sure Dad
and Bella realize that the twins have made every teen in this family super paranoid
and diligent. They're 100% the reason I asked Mom to go on birth control. The
regular periods are a bonus. She says I have to talk to Dad first and get him to

Bella said the same thing when I asked her and said I should to talk to my mom.

I was too ashamed to tell her I already had. So, for now, I've given up.

It's not like I'm in some big hurry, anyway. Jane's had crappy luck with the boys
she's been with. It seems like they all get really stupid after the deed's done. But
when it does happen, I don't want to end up with one of these for my own.

Carly's much happier once she's in a warm, dry diaper and her onesie is snapped.
She claps her hands and moves her head from side to side, dancing on her back
and kicking her feet in the air. She laughs and gurgles until I pick her up.

Both of her hands tangle in my hair, and she pulls until her open mouth moves
back and forth across my cheek. I'm covered in her drool when Seth and Alec walk
into the room.

"Gross, Mack," Alec says, waving his hand in front of his nose. "Say excuse me, at

"Ha ha." I toss the rolled up dirty diaper at him. "Take that outside."

He catches it instead of risking the chance of it busting open if it hits something.
"So fucking gross," he says, tucking his t-shirt over his nose.

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We follow him down the hall, and I'm surprised by how many people are already
here. Start times don't mean a thing in this family. Mom and my other family are the
only ones who actually show up "on time."

It's weird, at first.

But even Jane has to admit Mom is trying, and Jane hates her more than anyone.
"She's so much nicer since she's gotten rid of Peter."

"I know. She's a like a totally different person." We're out on the back porch—me,
her, the boys, and Elaine. "Imagine being thirty-six and alone for the first time in
your life," I say. "I mean, I love my mom, but she's done some fucked up stuff. I
think she's trying to figure out who she is."

Jane sighs. "I hope my mid-life crisis won't be as dramatic as your mom's. I'm glad
she's back here, though. I know you missed her."

I never thought I'd say it, but yeah, I did.

She missed me, too, and has spent most of the last year trying to get her shit
together for all of us. Toby won't admit it yet, because he still misses his dad, but
even he's happier now that it's over.

Grandma calls us inside for lunch. She knows Newk's is my fave, so she's given
me a catered lunch and party for my sixteenth. She also gave me a Simon gift card
for the mall. Most of my other gifts are more of the same: iTunes gift cards,
Amazon gift cards, a stack of used books from Seth, and some badass sunglasses
from Bella. There's nothing with my Dad's name on it when I'm done with the
enormous pile of cards, though.

He's been quiet today. It's not unusual for Dad, but it seems to get worse as the
afternoon passes.

"Can I have a second?" he says when the others start to wander away.


"Come with me." He puts his arm around my shoulder and guides me over to the
door leading out to the garage. We walk past Grandma's Nissan, Poppy's Buick,
and Bella's truck, and then he walks around to the driver's side of the Mustang.

He gets in.

I stand there for a second, wondering if I'm supposed to get in, too.

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I do.

He starts the car and messes with the volume on the new stereo he had put in a
month ago. After all my years of bitching, he finally has Bluetooth. It takes him a
while to settle on a song, and when he does, he turns the volume down to a low
hum, anyway.

"Your grandfather helped me buy this car on my sixteenth birthday," he says. "It
needed some work, but we fixed it up."

"I know." It's all I can think of to say, because despite whatever peace Dad found a
few years ago, he still doesn't talk much about Grandpa.

When he does, I listen.

"I've held on to this car for a long time." He rubs the steering wheel with his palm.
"It's almost twenty-five years old."

"It's still cool, though," I say.

He smiles, turns the engine off, takes the key from the ignition, and holds it out to
me. "Happy birthday."

I stare at the silver key, dangling from a ring on his finger.


"It's yours." He shrugs. "Well, if you want it, it is…"

"If I want it?" I laugh, maybe a little hysterically. "Of course I want it! But what about

"I need something roomier. We got a new Explorer for Bella, so I'm going to drive
her old one."

I sit, silent and stunned, staring at the black dash, breathing in worn leather and
faded smoke.

"Thanks, Dad." Tears are running down my face when I reach over to hug him. He
meets me in the middle with two strong arms and a scratchy face against my
temple. The chops have been gone for almost a year, since they turned on him
and went gray.

"I'll take you to get your license after school tomorrow."

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"Does Mom know?"

He points and nods. Mom and the whole damn family are outside on the lawn,
watching me cry like a baby. I get to see the moment Alec hears the news, and the
face he makes is priceless. He's been trying to buy this car since he was five.

"Do you think Alec will recover if I let him drive it once or twice?" I ask, only half-


Moms hold her hands out for Carly, and I can't look away. Bella hands my sister to
my mom, talking Mom through how to hold her. There's no hesitation, though.

It's a start.

I don't need them to be best friends. I just want more days like this.

"Are you okay?" Dad asks.

"Yeah." I open the glovebox to steal a Wendy's napkin for my face. "This is the
best birthday I've had in a really long time."


A black Tahoe eases into the spot behind us. I tense until I see both my uncles on
the porch and remember we're all here.

Bella's dad gets out and hesitates once he's out of the truck. He's freaked that my
huge family is standing around in the front yard and looking at the street. Can't
blame him.

He takes a few steps forward and shifts a huge pink gift in his arms. "Dad, is that
for me?" I ask. "Is he here for my birthday?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, he's Bella's dad. He's technically your family now. Is it okay?"

"It's cool. Really cool." I guess I never really thought of it that way. "I need a minute.
Can we just… sit?"

Charlie puts the box on the ground and takes Cameron from Aunt Kim. The baby
reaches for his mustache, and he catches her fingers and wags them in the air.
Everything's different now—again—but it's finally in a good way.

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"Okay," I eventually say. "I'm good." I stop him with my hand on his arm before he
opens the door. "This is better than anything I could've asked for. I love it, Dad. I
really love it."

The crinkles around his eyes are back, and he thinks they make him look old. I
think he looks happy. "After the test tomorrow, it's all yours."

Jane runs over as soon as I step out of the car. "I can't even believe this."

"You really didn't know?"

"None of us did! Well, Bella and Charlotte weren't surprised, but the rest of us
were freaking out."

Charlie nods when I finally reach the others. "Happy birthday," he says.

Jane helps me carry the box inside, and the family trickles in behind us. When the
family room is bursting at the seam, I rip the pink paper away, but the plain
cardboard box isn't giving anything away. I have to borrow a pocket knife from
Uncle Paul to cut the tape holding together the flaps.

There's an old record player inside. Nothing fancy, but super cool with big, retro

"Bella said records are in again and that you mentioned buying one with your
birthday money. This has been in my attic since we moved here, but it works."

"It's amazing," I say. "Thank you so much."

"There's a box of old records in the closet of Paul's old bedroom," Grandma says.
"Some were your grandad's, and some belonged to the boys."

It gives us an out from the adults for a while. Seth and Alec lead the way upstairs,
and some of the littles try to follow us up, but Elaine cuts them off at the top. Uncle
Jared offers to take them out back for a Nerf war.

The rest of us listen to hair bands and Elvis and some really old country stuff.
Jane and Elaine take the bed, Alec sits on the window bench, and Seth settles on
the floor with his back against the wall and me at his side.

"Your dad and Bella are goals," Jane says. "Seriously cute."

"Shit," Alec says. "Bella is goals."

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"Gross, man." Seth shakes his head. "She's your aunt."

"Not by blood."

"Stop messing up my fairytale, toad." Jane throws a pillow at him, but he catches it
and tosses it back to her. "She's, like, the taken-est newlywed ever. Did you see
her kiss that tattoo on his neck?"

"They're always like that," I say.

There's a knock on the door, and Dad pushes it open. "Time for cake," he says.

Chocolate with buttercream icing. And Seth's arm touches mine in the kitchen
while he sings "Happy Birthday" with my family. Considering how much I talk about
him, introducing him to Mom is awkward but necessary.

She doesn't stay long after ice cream. Nonnie and Paw need to stop at the grocery
store on the way home, and they're tired. Toby's actually upset when she calls for
him. He and Brady have been thick as thieves all afternoon.

Jane takes off early because she's got a date tonight with her work friends at a
Grizzlies game. Alec's working 5:00 to close, so he takes off right after she does.

Seth's too nice to ask me to ditch my party, but everyone else is, too, so that
makes my decision to leave a little easier.

"I think we're going to go," I say to Bella. Dad's sitting right next to her on the couch
with Cameron asleep on his shoulder.

He eases her forward, rests his hand under her head, and shifts her into Bella's
arms next to a sleeping Carly. "Okay," he stands. "Home by 10:00."

"I know."

We get through the kitchen, out the door, and past the Explorer. "Mack!"

Now? He chooses now to freak out and do this?

I turn around and watch Dad walk toward us. At the end of Grandma's car, he
stops. "Be safe," he says.

I brush my fingers over Seth's wrist. "Give me a second."

He walks away without me to cross the street to get to his car.

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I walk back the way I came and don't stop until I'm hugging my dad. "I will."

A/N – Thanks to M and Nic for prereading, to Iris for mad beta skills, and to
Jeannie and Meagan for all their hard work organizing the compilation.

I've been kind of absent lately, and I'm sorry for that. My only excuse is that I've
been writing all the things and still raising those crazy kids of mine. In case you
missed it, I wrote a book! It's called Higher Ground and it's available at Amazon,
Smashwords, B&N, etc. Search for Nan Lowe and you'll be able to find it.

I'm currently working on a YA novel. A country one. Sort of Down Home-ish, only
high school. Thankfully, it's almost done.

I've also had a chance to work on some fic stuff, so there may be a few things to
share soon. I hope so, anyway. :)

As always, thanks for reading.


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