Wolf Heart Arvel Amaya

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Book 3 of the Wolf Bonds Series

By Arvel Amaya

visit SUPERIORZ.ORG for more mm books

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Copyright Arvel Amaya 2014

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Chapter 1

"Bradley, promise me you'll come home for dinner tomorrow," his mother said over the phone.
Bradley rubbed the bridge of his nose and suddenly wished that his Bluetooth would start

malfunctioning. "Mother, are you playing matchmaker again?"

His mother sniffed. "I don't know why you insist on being so picky."
Bradley sighed as his mother started to go on and on about how he was thirty-two years old and

should have settled down by now. He tuned her out and concentrated on the road. He knew she was
just worried about him. He spent most of his time in his house on the edge of town. The only real time he
interacted with anyone was when he went into the clinic and since most of his clients were the furry kind,
human interaction was far and in-between.

He frowned. Maybe his mother was right. He hadn't been with anyone for months. He had decided

not to fool around with girls in Lotters since he had no desire to have them showing up on his parent's
doorstep. He could head up to Alexandria, but he hadn't found the time to go there.

"Even your father agrees with me," his mother said.
"What?" Bradley barked out.
If his father got involved then that would be trouble. He started to say as much when something ran

past his car. Instinctively, he slammed on his breaks and the car skidded. Instead of wrenching the
wheel, Bradley went with it, and slowly pumped the break pedal like he should have done in the first
place. Slowly, he managed to get a hold of the car and pulled over. He sat there for a moment and took
a deep breath.

"Shit," he said.
"Bradley? Are you okay? Did something happen?" his mother asked in a panic.
"I'm fine, Mom. Just something ran in front of the car, but I don't think I hit it."
"What? A deer?"
No, it hadn't been a deer. The flash of fur he had seen had looked like a dog.
"Mom, I'll call you back."
"Okay, just be careful getting home," his mother said.
"I will," he said and hung up.
He took a deep breath and got out of the car. He looked around the dark road. There was hardly

ever any traffic on this road. He looked around to see if the animal was still around. He didn't think he hit
it, but it might have gotten clipped. Searching around, he almost missed it. There was a slight movement
that made him pick it out. A pile of dark fur lay in a snowdrift. Bradley rushed over.

"Please don't be dead," Bradley said, his heart beating fast.
As Bradley hurried closer to the animal, he soon realized he had been wrong. It hadn't been a dog. It

was a wolf. Slowly Bradley stepped towards the wolf. A low growl poured from the animal, causing
Bradley to jerk back. The wolf tried to stand up and then flopped back down with a whimper. It started
growling again.

"Come on. I just want to help. I can't do that if you bite my head off," Bradley said softly. "I'm a vet."
The wolf's ears perked up and the growling stopped. That surprised Bradley. Maybe the wolf was a

domestic wolf. It would be rare, but not entirely surprising. Hoping that was the case, Bradley decided
to give it another try. He inched closer to the wolf. The wolf watched him with bright green eyes that

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caught the moonlight. It gave Bradley pause. For a moment those eyes pulled him in and then the
moment broke. Bradley mentally shook the moment away.

Now came the dangerous part. Trying to push down nerves, Bradley leaned in, getting close enough

that if the wolf decided to, he could rip Bradley's throat out.

"I'm going to move you. It's probably going to hurt, but I'll take care of you. Promise."
The wolf tensed and then nodded its head.
Bradley blinked. No way. It couldn't have just...
Bradley shook his head. He was reading too much into it. Hoping he wasn't about to get himself

killed, Bradley reached down and as gently and as swiftly as he could, lifted up the wolf.

The wolf let out a sharp yelp. Bradley stiffened, but the wolf didn't attack. Carefully, he carried the

wolf to his car. With a bit of finesse and luck he managed to open the back door and get the wolf settled

"Well that went better than I thought it would," he said, relief dripping from his voice as he shut the

door. Most people would have called him crazy for doing what he just did, but he'd never been able to
abandon a hurt animal. Bradley glanced back as he slipped into the driver's seat. The wolf watched him
through lowered eyelids.

"Just hang in there," Bradley said.
The wolf huffed and then closed his eyes.
Bradley was closer to home than the clinic and he wasn't sure what would happen if he brought in a

wolf to Lotters. Wolves had a bad reputation in town from some fiasco that happened decades ago. It
would just be better to take it home. Settled, Bradley drove home, glancing back at the wolf every once
in a while.

Once they reached the house, Bradley took the wolf to the garage that he had converted to a small

emergency clinic for animals he found injured on the side of the road, usually dogs, cats, and a few birds.
His mother often teased him that he just never was good at giving up on any animal he came across. The
same couldn't be said for people.

He laid the wolf down. It didn't give much of a struggle and that worried Bradley. Its dark auburn fur

was stained with blood. Quickly, Bradley checked the wolf over. It had been shot and the bullet was still
lodged in its shoulder. Hunters, had to be. They shouldn't have been in that area.

He gave the wolf a small sedative and then pulled out an emergency kit he kept on hand. He prepped

the area and then as quickly as he could, pulled out the bullet. He let out a sigh and turned to drop it in a
pan. He heard a distorted growl behind him. Bradley turned and gasped, jerking back in surprise.

The wolf writhed and stretched on the examination table. Its limbs grew longer and part of its hair

retracted. Suddenly it was like Bradley's vision went crazy. Two images - one a man and one a wolf -
hovering against each other. Then the image of the man engulfed the wolf. The wolf was gone. In its
place was a man. The man groaned and shivered.

What the hell just happened?
Bradley didn't have time to question it. The wolf...man was still bleeding. He grabbed the surgical

thread and returned to his patient and stopped. The wound. It was still there, but it wasn't as deep as
before. Bradley blinked and then watched as the wound very slowly began to mend itself.

"You've got to be shitting me," Bradley said, looking from the wound to the man in shock. Vaguely,

he wondered if he had actually crashed his car back on the road and was lying in a snow bank
unconscious and this was all a dream.

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"Cold," the man said shivering.
Bradley blinked and then he quickly glanced around. Everything there was for an animal, not a grown

man. "Just stay there. I-I'll be right back."

He hurried out of the room. He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm pretty sure that really just happened."

He tried not to think about it, because if he did he was sure he would freak out and right now the wolf or
man or whatever he was, was still a patient. He went to his bedroom and opened his closet. He

Would the man be up for putting on clothes? There was a loud crash. No time! Bradley reached

for a blanket and hurried back to the garage.

The man was draped over the edge of the examination table. He tried to stand up, but wobbled and

fell, barely catching himself. Bradley winced and rushed over to him. He wrapped the sheet around the

The man flinched and then looked up at him. "What did you do to me?"
"Nothing," Bradley said. "It's probably blood loss and the sedative I gave you to get the bullet out."
"I don't-" The man suddenly toppled over.
Bradley caught him.
The man tensed in his arms and started to pull away, but then stopped, sniffed the air and then

suddenly buried his face against Bradley's chest. He took a deep breath, taking in Bradley's scent and
relaxed in Bradley's arms.

Bradley wasn't sure what to make of that.
The man tilted his head back. His expression was sleepy and he could barely keep his eyes open, but

for a brief moment those green eyes met Bradley's.

Bradley sucked in a breath. Something electric shot through his body making every nerve stand on

edge and his breath grow tight in his chest. The feeling was so strong that for a moment everything else
stopped and a desire so raw went through his body that he couldn't help pulling the man closer to him. A
streak of possessiveness coursed through him.

The man smiled and closed his eyes. His head lolled to the side as the sedative tugged him into


Bradley's world twisted back into place, but he knew that it was never going to be the same. His

cock was hard and straining against his pants. Which was wrong, because this man was a patient... and
a man. Bradley sucked in a deep breath and then blew it out. He scooped up his now very human
patient and took him to his bedroom. He could have taken him to one of the spare rooms, but Bradley
told himself that his bedroom was closer and the bed was made. It sounded like an excuse, but he
ignored it.

Laying the stranger down in his bed, Bradley went and grabbed a large bowl from the kitchen and

filled it with soapy water. His hands were shaking, but instead of fear, or doubt, or any of the number of
emotions that would make sense in this situation, what he felt was an intense desire. He swallowed and
then went to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth, trying not to think past the tasks he needed to do.

Returning to the bedroom, Bradley moved back to the bedside. The man was fast asleep. Carefully,

Bradley pulled back the sheet. The man shifted and let out a soft sigh. So trusting. Bradley felt a stab of
guilt then firmly pushed it away. He couldn't control his reaction to the man, but he could control what he
did about it.

With a cool professionalism, Bradley began to wash away the dirt, blood, and sweat. He paused to

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check the wound, but it was nearly healed. He shook his head in amazement and finished up. Once the
man was clean, he got rid of the dirty sheet and tucked him into bed.

The man sighed again. His auburn hair brushed over his cheek as he moved. He was the most

beautiful person Bradley had ever seen. He couldn't help himself. Very gently, Bradley brushed his
fingers over the curve of the man's jaw. His skin was warm and supple. Another rush of desire went
through Bradley and he jerked his hand back.

Gathering himself, he slowly stood up and stepped out of the room. It felt like everything inside him

resisted the movement, but he managed to leave, shutting the door firmly behind him. His breath was
tight and his dick still hard. "What's wrong with me? I'm not even gay."

His cock begged to differ.
Running a hand through his hair, Bradley went into his study and pulled out a glass decanter of scotch.

He grabbed a glass and ice and splashed the alcohol on it. He took a long drink. Questions pounded
inside his skull, none of the answers he could come up with seemed real.

"This is impossible," Bradley said, his voice strained.
He needed answers, but the only one who could give them to him was the stranger sleeping in his

bedroom. He took another drink and waited for his patient to wake up.

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Chapter 2

Sidney jolted awake. He quickly sat up and was rewarded with pain piercing through his shoulder. He

clutched at it. Frowning, he tried to remember what happened. He had been running. It had been a full
moon so all the werewolf shifters had been drunk with it. Inhibitions lowered meant taking greater risks
and Sid had wanted to lose himself. It was always a bad idea for a shifter with werewolf blood to lose
himself on the full moon.

Sid ran a hand through his hair and looked at his shoulder. He had run for a long time, long into the

night and far from the others. Somehow he had found himself close to Lotters and running straight into a
group of hunters. Luckily, they had been the normal kind instead of the ones who wanted to wipe out
anything with werewolf blood flowing in its veins. Still, Sid had never been a lucky person and even a
werewolf shifter wasn't immune to bullets.

Eyeing the wound, Sid noticed it was closing up, which meant someone had taken the bullet out. He

looked around the empty room. It was someone's bedroom and from the look of it, it didn't look like he
had been brought back to Woodcutter Valley. Who found him? He sniffed the air and suddenly blurred
images rushed towards him. A man talking to him, soothing words, a scent that made him feel warm and
safe. He shook his head.

"A human," Sid mumbled to himself.
He couldn't stay here. He slid out of bed. Humans were bad news, especially since he was pretty sure

that when the man first found him he had been a wolf. Usually, on the rare occasion a human found out
about them, Chase and Sid moved away. They weren't too worried about being followed, since most
people wouldn't believe a person claiming to have seen a werewolf. This, though, it would be different.
They were part of a pack now.

I could kill him. Sid had learned a long time ago not to be squeamish about killing, but that didn't

mean he took it lightly. Besides, that might just cause more trouble. He would have to tell Dusk and see
what he suggested. He grimaced. Things just weren't going right with him. Tommy, the hunters, and now
this. It was like the universe was giving him one giant 'fuck you.' He supposed he should be used to it.

Sighing, Sid slid out of bed. He glanced back at the wound. Probably an hour longer and he'd be

good as new. Until then he needed to get out of this house, get deeper into the woods, and then
transform. He would have done it now, but an injured wolf could quickly end up a dead wolf. At least in
man form he was less likely to get shot.

Now I just need clothes. Sid walked over to the bureau and pulled out the first drawer, searching for

some sweatpants or something, when he heard noise coming from the door. His senses must have been
sluggish, because before he could react the door opened and a human stepped in.

He was a tall man, dressed in tan slacks and a light blue button up shirt that was loose at the collar.

His hair was pitch black and flopped over his head in a boyish manner. He wore thin glasses that gave
him a bookish look. He might have even been sort of nerdy if he wasn't stacked like a brick house.
Seriously, the guy was built like he was used to working out on a daily basis, in and out of the gym. On
top of that he was sinfully handsome.

Damn, too bad he's got straight written all over him.
The man had a tray in his hands and his blue eyes were wide in surprise. His gaze slid over Sid's

naked body and then quickly back up to his face. He seemed frozen in place, like he wasn't sure if he

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wanted to take a step forward or race out of the room.

Sid wondered if it had to do with the werewolf thing or because he was standing there completely

naked, giving the Clark Kent look-a-like a full frontal.

Amused, Sid crossed his arms and jutted one hip out. "Something wrong?"
"Ah, sorry, I mean, didn't mean to just walk in on you like that." He frowned, catching sight of the

open drawer. "What are you-Oh! Clothes."

The human stepped forward, setting the tray down on the dresser.
Sid took a step back and then froze. A scent so delicious wafted past his nose that everything else

sort of faded to the background. He had never smelled anything like it. For half a second he thought it
was the soup, but no soup could smell that good. The human was saying something as he leaned in to
grab something from the drawer, but all Sid could focus on was the scent that was wrapping around him.

The human straightened up with clothes in his hands. Sid ignored the clothes and pressed up against

the human. The man made a choking sound, but Sid ignored that too. Instead he pressed closer to the
man, clutching the man's shirt as he pressed his noise into his neck. He inhaled deeply of the tantalizing
smell coming from the man. He groaned.

The urge to touch skin was too strong to resist and suddenly he was tugging at the man's shirt and

pushing his hands underneath to splay over his hard stomach, sliding his fingers over warm skin. The
touch was electric and sent stabs of desire through his body. A soft whimper of need spilled from his

Mate. My mate. The thought pounded in his head, urgent, needy.
Suddenly Sid's hands were grabbed and tugged over his head.
He blinked in surprise and looked at the human.
My mate. The words meaning seemed to finally click in Sid's brain. It was like a splash of cold water.

No. No! I don't want a mate.

"Don't look like that," said the man in alarm. "It's not that you're not attractive. I mean, you're

gorgeous. It's just that-"

"I'm a wolf," Sid said, feeling a little stung at the rejection, even if he was glad the human had stopped

him before he had lost himself too much and ended up claiming him.

"I'm not gay," the man said and slowly let Sid's arms go.
Sid stared at him and then laughed.
The human blinked. "You're laughing."
"I turned from a wolf to a man and practically molest you and your response is, 'I'm not gay.'"
The man looked sheepish and then shrugged. "I guess I'm just dealing with it one piece at a time."
Sid chuckled and then pushed in real close.
The human started to back away, but Sid reached out and grabbed his shirt, keeping him in place. He

leaned forward and sniffed. "Well I think your 'not gay' claim might be pretty flimsy." He looked up at
the human with a sly grin. "I can smell your arousal. Plus there is this."

Sid snaked one hand down between the human's legs, squeezing the man's bulge. He felt a shiver of

delight course through his body. What was even better was that he felt a matching shiver slide through
his mate.

The human grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away. "Stop."
Sid met his eyes. "Why?"
The moment their eyes met something electric past through them. Sid gasped at the full force of the

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emotion and looked away. Suddenly all his playing around came to a halt, replaced by fear and desire.
He should leave, no matter how irresistible this human was he didn't want a mate. Mates were only
trouble and on top of that the guy was human. He started to pull back, but the human's hand tightened
around his wrist. He glanced back at the man in confusion.

The human's eyes were hot with lust and a possessiveness that scared Sid as much as it turned him

on. Before he could get his brain to function enough to react, the human grabbed his wrist and pushed
him backwards. With a swift grace, nearly as good as any wolf, the human had him on his back, pinned
to the bed. Sid wasn't even sure how a human had managed to move him from the bureau to the bed.

He looked up at the man, trying to hide his reaction under a sultry smile. "I thought you weren't gay."
A flash of confusion stirred in the man eyes. "Me too." He pushed up against Sid. The man's erection

rubbed against Sid's.

Sid bit back a moan.
"But you're right," the man said softly and his voice was pure dark chocolate. "I want you and you

want me."

Sid swallowed. He should've pushed the human off of him. For all the other's muscles and hot body,

Sid was still a wolf. He could have easily removed himself from the situation, but the feel of his mate
pressed against him was just too wonderful. He finally got why people would throw away their entire
lives just for this. Sid wasn't planning to fall into that trap. Still, he also didn't see a reason why he
couldn't enjoy himself, at least for one night.

He smiled and licked his lips.
The man watched his tongue travel over his bottom lip. He pressed harder against Sid.
"Then maybe we should have a little fun," Sid said with a sly grin.
The man looked down at him. Doubt flashed across his face even though his grip on Sid didn't loosen.

It was clear he was fighting his desire with probably a host of other concerns, his sexuality probably top
on the list. Still, this close, with the full force of the first taste of a mate bond it wasn't even a contest.

"How?" he finally asked.
Sidney grinned and leaned up a little, nipping at the man's bottom lip. "Why don't I show you?"

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Chapter 3

Bradley looked down at the man. His auburn hair was spread around his face like a halo. He might

have looked angelic if not for the predatory smirk on his lips. Even pinned down, the man was confident.
He wondered what it would be like to have him writhing under him, begging for release. Heat and hunger
coiled in Bradley's stomach at the thought. He couldn't figure out what was going on with him. He had a
man pinned under him and was hard as a rock despite thinking he was straight all his life. Sure, he
appreciated the male form, could even admit to himself that he thought some men were attractive, but
this was the first time he had gotten hard for one. The whole thing was bizarre, not to mention the truly
impossible aspect of the wolf turning into a man.

All those things clamored in his head for attention, but he still found himself nodding. He wanted this

man, wanted him so bad it felt like he would go crazy if he didn't have him. The intensity of the feeling
scared him. Every moment in the man's presence drew him in even closer.

"Show me," Bradley said.
"With pleasure," the man said, and before Bradley could comprehend what was going on, he was

flipped on his back and suddenly he was the one being pinned.

"Uh?" Bradley said, a trickle of doubt and panic finally pushed past the desire that had fogged up his


The man leaned down and nipped his bottom lip. "Don't worry. As much as I would love to feel that

hard cock inside me, I don't think we're quite ready for that." The man slid closer and reached up, taking
off Bradley's glasses. "Ready for some fun, Mr. Kent?"

Bradley blinked at him in confusion. Mr. Kent? Then it clicked. They didn't even know each other's

name. "It's Bradley."

The man straightened up, letting go of Bradley's wrist. "Nice to meet you Brad. I always appreciate

knowing the name I should be calling out."

Bradley blinked and then laughed. "Are you always like this?"
The man gave him a sly smile. "Like what?"
"I'll take that as a yes," Bradley said with a chuckle.
The man grinned and twisted around, putting Bradley's glasses on the nightstand. Bradley's gaze slid

over his body, lingering over the man's toned ass. The man turned, catching Bradley's stare. A wicked
gleam slid into the man's eyes, a moment before he was straddling Bradley's hips. His hands slid over
Bradley's chest.

"Like what you see?" he asked.
"Yeah," Bradley said.
The man's eyes widened, as if he were surprised Bradley would admit it. Bradley supposed he should

have been more reluctant to say so, especially with supposedly being straight, but Bradley had always
made sure to be honest about everything, even with himself, and right now he wanted this man more than
denials or pride.

"What's your name?" Bradley asked, trying to regain some control of the situation.
"Sidney. Sid for short and now that introductions are out of the way, let's get to the fun part, yes?"
Before Bradley could say anything more, firm lips pressed against his.
The kiss was electric, running down his spine and straight to his cock. No kiss had ever turned him on

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like this. No person had ever made him feel like he would do anything just to touch them. Sid licked at
Bradley's lips and Bradley opened to him. Sid dipped his tongue in, the squirming muscle brushing over
Bradley's tongue. It felt sinful and hot, and tasted indescribable. Bradley tangled his tongue with Sid's.
Bradley reached up and buried his hands into the silky auburn locks. The feel of them against his skin
was a teasing caress. The hot skin against his, everything, felt like it was all there to pull him closer to
madness, because he had to be mad. What else would explain what he was doing?

Sid broke the kiss, giving him a devilish smile. He ran his pink tongue over his lips. "You taste


Bradley couldn't speak, couldn't think. His gaze fastened on those bruised lips and he wanted more.

He tightened his hand in the man's hair and tugged him down, forcing Sid close for another kiss. Sid
made a startled noise as he was pulled back against Bradley. Bradley kissed him hard, claiming his
mouth with tongue and teeth. He licked the insides, tasting every surface, until he could memorize the
taste of him. Only when he felt himself growing dizzy from lack of air did he let go.

Sid collapsed against him, trembling. He pressed his face into the nook of Bradley's neck.
Bradley shivered as the man's breath played over his skin. Concern slid over the lust. He wondered if

he had been too forceful. "Sid, are you all right?"

Sid laughed darkly. "No. No at all."
Bradley felt a stab of guilt. He must have hurt Sid. He wanted to move away, but in order to do that

he would have to push Sid off of him and he knew if he touched the man he wouldn't be able to control
himself. He swallowed and started to apologize when Sid scrapped his teeth down Bradley's neck.

"Fuck. You're just too damn tempting," Sid said. He pushed up from Bradley and looked down on

him, his eyes hot with lust.

Bradley caught his breath at the sight. Sid's pale skin was flush, his lips bruised, and his eyes wild,

almost feral, as they looked down at Bradley. For a moment, Bradley felt a jolt of something primal go
through him. It felt like a mixture of fear and need. Bradley reached up, pressing his hand against the
other man's cheek.

"Gorgeous," Bradley said.
Sid's eyes darkened and he bared his teeth. "Mine."
The man grabbed at Bradley's pants, tugging so hard that he popped the button on the slacks and

ripped open the zipper. He slid his hand inside Bradley's pants and wrapped it around his cock. Sid's
grip was rough, but his hand smooth. It was a wonderful contrast that had Bradley arching up with a
groan. "Sid."

Sid's pupils grew bigger. "Again. Say my name again."
"Sid," Bradley said, his voice rough to his ears.
Sid moaned, arching up as if just the sound of Bradley saying his name was a caress down his body.
"Sid," Bradley said again.
Sid's moan was deeper, his breath came out in hot pants. He looked dazed and something else, like

he was straining against something inside him, ready to break.

Bradley found the sight fascinating as much as he found it hot. Carefully, he pushed himself up. He

reached for Sid's cock, wrapping his hand around the length. He had never touched another man's dick
before, but the feel of the hot flesh in his hand felt right and so very good. He squeezed Sid's erect shaft.
Sid groaned, arching up into his hand with a whimper. The sound sent a jolt through Bradley and pre-
come slid down his length, pooling against Bradley's hand.

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"Sid, I want you," Bradley said. His cock was hard and pressed against Sid's unmoving hand.
Sid shuddered and blinked liked he had been lost in a dream and was only now waking up.
"Please," Bradley said, his voice strained. "I need you to - ugh."
All thought was cut off when Sid flicked his thumb over Bradley's tip and began to stroke his cock.

Sid's hand squeezed as he slid up and down, providing a delicious pressure and easing teasingly up. His
hand slid slowly up as if he was trying to memorize Bradley by touch. Bradley mimicked his movements
with one little addition. For every upstroke he did a little corkscrew twist, something his old girlfriend
used to do to drive him crazy. Sid shuddered.

"Fuck," he breathed out. "Are you sure this is your first time doing this with a guy?"
Bradley couldn't help the smirk that tugged at his lips. "I'm sure." He ran his finger over Sid's slit.
Sid arched up with a gasp. The sounds he made were so damn wonderful. Bradley moaned and

leaned forward, pressing his forehead against Sid's. "Faster."

Sid's hand sped up and Bradley followed suit. The slap of skin filled the room, mixing with their

ragged breathing as they moved closer and closer to climax. Bradley stared down at Sid's slick hand,
wet with pre-come as he moved over his cock. The sight and the feel were almost enough to push him
over the edge, but he managed to hold back. As much as he wanted to come, he didn't want the
sensations to end.

Sid let out a loud groan as he pushed harder into Bradley's grip. "I need..."
Bradley gave Sid's cock a squeeze and ran his thumb over the slit.
Sid let out a whimper.
Bradley felt his balls tighten. He looked up. "Sid, what do you need?"
Sid pulled away a little then surged forward, pressing his lips against Bradley's. His tongue greedily

pushed into Bradley's mouth. The kiss seared through him, even more intense than the ones before. They
licked and bit and their hands never stopped moving. Bradley knew he wouldn't last much longer.

He felt Sid's body tense up. Sid jerked away with a shout. Then the man was coming, splashing white

seed over their hands. The sight of Sid coming sent a surge of possessiveness through Bradley. He
wanted to keep him, own him, dominate him. Suddenly he was pushing Sid down and lining his cock up
with Sid's, rubbing against the hot, velvet flesh as he moved closer to completion. Closer, closer, and
with a yell he came, spilled his release over Sid's cock and stomach. Sid reached up, digging his fingers
into Bradley's back, holding tight as if to keep him there, pressed against him, marking him with his seed.
The thought made Bradley empty even more come onto the man, until he felt like every drop had been
wrung out of him.

He collapsed on Sid, uncaring of the wet mess between them. He buried his nose into the crook of

Sid's neck, breathing him in. His scent was intoxicating. He listened to Sid's breathing even out and
eventually the man's hold on him loosened. Bradley knew he should probably get up. He was likely
crushing the man, but he liked the firm skin and solid angles pressing against him. He would have never
thought having a man under him would feel so good.

"Hey Kent, want to get off me?" Sid grumbled.
Bradley scrambled off him, looking sheepish. "Sorry." He frowned. "It's Bradley."
Sid shoved himself up on his elbows. "Well, Brad, still not gay?"
Bradley blinked at him and then laughed. "Not sure. In any case, I'm definitely bisexual."
Sid grinned. "That's me, bringing enlightenment to the masses."
"Masses?" Bradley asked. He wasn't sure he liked the connotations that went with that.

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"Figure of speech," Sid said and looked down at his stomach. He slid his hand into the drying come.


Bradley felt heat suffuse him and his cock tried to come back to life. "Um, let me..." He hurried off the

bed and went into the bathroom. Grabbing a washcloth, he wiped himself down, rinsed the cloth, and
brought it back out.

Sid raised an eyebrow when he saw the towel. He grinned and leaned back, tucking his hands behind

his head. "A little extra service?"

Bradley shook his head in amusement and walked over. He slid the towel over the mess. Wiping his

come from the smooth skin, somehow this felt even more intimate than the actual sex. He felt Sid tremble
under his hand.

"Cold?" Bradley asked, cleaning off the last of it.
There was a pause before Sid answered. "A little."
Bradley pulled away, crossing the room and tossing the towel in the laundry basket. He could feel

Sid's gaze following him around the room. He turned around and walked back to the bed.

Bradley tugged at the blanket. "If you're cold, you should get under the blankets."
Sid gave him a strange look and lifted his hips so Bradley could tug the cover from under him.
Bradley pulled the covers back over Sid.
Sid frowned and then laughed. "Patient care, Doctor?"
"No," Bradley said and climbed into bed. He pulled Sid against him. Feeling the heat of Sid's body

pressed against him. "I'm just a cuddler."

Sid stiffened in his arms. "You don't ask for much, do you?"
Bradley pressed his mouth against the back of Sid's neck, rubbing them against the nape of his neck.

"I'm a cheap date."

Sid laughed and slowly relaxed in his arms. "You're strange. Shouldn't you be freaking out?"
"I thought about that," Bradley said, mumbling against his neck. "But I decided I'll do that later."
"Oh?" Sid said with a chuckle. "Never met a man who scheduled his freak-outs."
"I'm unique," Bradley said, running his hand over Sid's flat stomach.
Sid snorted, but snuggled against him.
Bradley grinned and then stifled a yawn. The crazy day was catching up with him, combined with the

warmth of the man pressed against him and he was barely able to keep his eyes open. He actually
wondered why he wasn't flipping out, but something about this whole situation, about Sid, felt right. The
rightness settled deep in his chest, making everything else unimportant. Tomorrow, he'd think about it

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Chapter 4

Sid listened to the human breathe. The man had fallen asleep quickly and it was taking all of Sid's

willpower not to drift off next to him. He had accidentally found his mate, his

very human mate who

knew he was a wolf shifter. He sighed and then stiffened when Bradley mumbled in his sleep and pulled
Sid closer. For a moment, Sid relaxed into the warmth. The scent of his mate slid over him, beckoning to
him. Oh, how much he wanted this man. It was a primal feeling, something that had him whimpering in
need and his cock hard. If he closed his eyes he could envision Brad's hard cock sliding inside him, filling
him until he was crying out Brad's name. He shivered.

He bit down hard on his bottom lip, until he could taste blood. The pain helped to tear part of his

mind away. He didn't want a mate. They were trouble, especially humans. He only had to remember
what happened to Tae. The thought was like ice water being splashed on him. Slowly, Sid lifted
Bradley's arm off of him. The man's arm tightened as if he knew Sid was trying to escape, but with a sigh
he let up. Swiftly, Sid slid out of the bed.

Sid didn't bother with clothes. He hurried to the door and then froze. His heart was beating frantically

in his chest and there was this urge to turn around, to at least take one last look at the mate he was
leaving behind. He swallowed and forced himself to take a step forward. It was harder than he imagined
and the air in his lungs tightened painfully. Moving away from Brad was almost impossible. Almost.

With a determination built from deep-rooted stubbornness, Sid made himself walk away. It felt like

one of the hardest things he had ever done and he hadn't even completed the claiming. He gritted his
teeth and strode through the house and to the front door. He stepped outside, shutting the door firmly
behind him, and swiftly shifted. He padded a few steps forward, testing the movement in his shoulder. It
was healed, but a bit stiff. Nothing a good run wouldn't fix. He ran forward, trying to get his bearings. He
wasn't completely familiar with the area, but he could always feel the pull of his alpha. It was the same
pull that had drawn him and the other werewolf shifters to Dusk. It would always lead him to his pack.

Sid took another step forward and then turned and looked back. The house was quiet. His mate was

probably still asleep, unaware he was gone. It's best that way.

If the thought sent a painful throb through his chest, Sid made sure to bury it. After all, he had only

known the man for one night, even if he was his mate. With a firm shake of his head, Sid began to run,
trying to ignore the thing inside him screaming for him to go back.

It was morning by the time Sid made it back to Woodcutter Valley and he was exhausted. He wanted

nothing more than to flop down and sleep. He shifted when he reached town, finding the spot where he
had left his clothes during the run. He pulled them on and headed into town.

As early as it was, Dusk wasn't likely to be up. Though several of the pack members had jobs they

did in Lotters, most stayed in Woodcutter Valley. The town was basically self-sustaining. Most people
didn't even expect the Alpha to do anything besides take care of the pack, though Dusk was insistent on
getting a job anyway. Still, at least for now, Dusk got to sleep in and there was no reason why he
wouldn't be doing just that. It would give Sid a chance to get a couple hours of sleep before he had to
explain the clusterfuck that was his life.

Unfortunately, it was not to be. As soon as he stepped into town he saw two familiar figures talking -

Dusk and Chase. For a second, Sid considered dodging them, but then Dusk's head jerked up and

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whiskey eyes pinned him in place. He didn't look happy. Chase turned around, following Dusk's gaze,
and scowled. They both strode towards him and Sid could admit it was a little intimidating to have two
powerful wolves moving towards him with dark looks on their faces. But Sid never liked being
intimidated. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave them a teasing smile.

"Something on your mind?"
Chase glared at him. "Where the hell have you been?"
Sid didn't like Chase's tone. His smile widened, baring teeth. "When did I start having to check in with


A dark growl spilled from Chase's throat and he flexed his hands.
Sid shifted his stance. It had been a while since the last time he and Chase had gotten into a fight. It

only happened when they were truly pissed at each other. He wasn't sure why Chase was so angry, but
at the moment Sid didn't care. A good fight sounded just fine to him.

"You were hurt," Dusk's deep voice said, cutting across the tension between the two brothers. "Your

connection went weak. We've been looking for you since then."

Sid's eyes widened in surprise and he looked at Chase. Underneath the anger in Chase's eyes was

fear and worry. Sid deflated. He sighed and ran a hand through his auburn hair.

"Yeah. I was shot," Sid said.
They both looked at him in alarm.
"I ended up running near Lotters and came across some hunters. They were startled and one shot me

in the shoulder."

"Hunters," Chase said, his voice edged.
"Not werewolf ones," Sid said quickly. "The regular ones."
Both shifters seemed to relax at that, but Dusk still looked concerned. "You'll need to tell us what

happened. Follow me."

Sid's shoulders sagged. It looked like he wouldn't be getting any sleep after all. He followed Dusk to

the house he shared with his mate. Instead of going into the office, they were led to the living room. Sid's
eyes widened when he saw who was sitting there. Curled in a corner of the couch was Gael, Dusk's
mate. That wasn't unexpected, but sitting down across from him was Tommy. He bounced his leg up
and down as if he was filled with nervous energy. He looked worried. Sid felt his heart speed up and
then silently cursed himself for a fool. Of course Tommy would be here. He was the Beta now.

Beside him Chase knocked against his shoulder. He looked up and met his brother's eyes. "You're an

idiot," Chase said, keeping his voice low for only Sid's ears.

Sid flushed and looked away. Chase was right. Tommy had a claimed mate now. Sid was quite

aware how things like that went. Once a claim was set, there was no one else for the two mates. It
swiftly narrowed down to just them, so much that it could even turn into an obsession. For a moment his
mind turned to Bradley, the possessiveness in his eyes as they rubbed off together. He shivered and
firmly put Bradley out of his head. He stepped into the living room and sat down.

Tommy's gaze went to him and some of the worry left his face. He smiled and Sid couldn't help

smiling back. Yeah, he was definitely a fool. Still holding a crush for the Beta when it was clear the man
was happily taken. He looked down at his hands.

Sid jerked his head up and noticed Gael was looking at him.
Gael smiled. "I'm glad you're safe."

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Sid blinked. He wasn't sure how to take that. He wasn't used to so many people caring about his

well-being. It had always just been him and Chase. Being part of a pack was still so new to him. He
shrugged and looked away. "Thanks."

Dusk's voice rumbled through the room and everyone's attention turned in the direction of the Alpha.

He sat there with a naturally commanding presence, even though he was still fairly new to being Alpha.

"Sidney, tell everyone what happened."
Sid nodded and began telling them about how he ran into the hunters, how they panicked and shot

him, and then of meeting up with a human vet who took the bullet out when he was in wolf form. He
explained that after he was rested and healed he immediately headed back.

Gael's brow creased. "But hunters aren't allowed in the forest, even the one near Lotters. It's private


Everyone looked at Gael, everyone except Tommy, who was nodding his head in agreement.
"It's pack property," Tommy said. "A long time ago, one of the Alphas bought the land in order to

make sure there were no accidents."

"So you own all of this?" Sid said, astonished.
"We own all of this," Tommy said. "The pack. If we didn't anyone could come into the town and settle

down. It's sort of a family commune, so we can keep our pack separate and free from intrusion."

Gael smiled. "It's also how we maintain an almost self-sustaining town. Too much contact outside

could end up with visitors. For the most part, that's what the guard was for. To make sure we didn't
have any unexpected visitors." Gael turned to Dusk. "All we have to do is go up to Lotters and show
them the land deed and that should take care of things."

Sid shook his head in wonder. There was so much to learn about the pack and Woodcutter Valley.

Unfortunately, there was a little bit he hadn't mentioned yet.

Sid cleared his throat. "There is something else."
Everyone's attention was focused on him again. Sid tried not to fidget though he wondered if they

might throw him out for what he was about to tell them. It was his own fault for being reckless. He
straightened his shoulders and looked ahead, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"It's about the vet who pulled the bullet out." Sid took a deep breath, clenching his fists, and then said

the words out in a rush. "When he took the bullet out I shifted."

Silence cloaked the room.
"He saw you change from a wolf to a human?" Dusk asked.
Sid nodded. "Yeah. I couldn't control it." There was a hint of a plead in his voice and he quickly

clamped his lips shut.

"Fuck!" Chase said, his voice heavy with annoyance. "We're going to have to kill him."
Before Sid even knew what he was doing, he was on top of Chase, wildly attacking him. Loud growls

spilled out of his mouth and he bared his teeth. He could feel the wolf rising inside him, telling him to shift.
His lip curled.

"You stay away from him," he snarled.
Chase looked shocked. Chase was stronger than Sid, always had been, but Sid had taken him off

guard. Chase's eyes narrowed and with a low growl he shoved Sid back.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Chase asked as he pushed up to his feet, his body tensed as if

ready to fight.

Sid circled him. "Don't you dare touch him!"

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Chase stared at him in disbelief.
"Calm down, you two," Tommy said. "We're not about to kill anyone."
Sid growled and then looked at Dusk.
"No harm will come to your mate," Dusk promised.
Sid's wolf calmed at the promise from his Alpha while the other part of him swore. Just like that, Dusk

had figured out the human was his mate. He hadn't planned on telling anyone. Sid groaned and looked at
his brother.

Chase was staring at Sid and then he shook his head and started to laugh. "A human. You sure know

how to pick them."

Sid flipped his brother off and plopped down in his chair. "It's not like I get to chose my mate."
"Will he keep what he saw secret?" Dusk asked.
Sid straightened in his chair. "I think so, but I haven't claimed him."
Dusk met his eyes. "You need to make sure."
Sid nodded. "I'll take care of it."
Dusk studied him for a moment and then nodded. He turned to Gael and Tommy who had been

strangely quiet. They had worried looks on their face.

Sid frowned. "Something wrong?"
Gael and Tommy exchanged a look and then shook their heads. "No."
Well that wasn't suspicious. Sid frowned, wondering if the pack had something against human

mates, but Gael's mother was a human. She had even been mated to the previous Alpha. He wanted to
ask about it, but Dusk was speaking again so he turned his attention back to him.

"Tommy, I want you to go into town with Sid. See if you can get things settled with the humans."
Sid frowned. "What? Why are we going together?"
Dusk frowned. "This is your mess, Sid. You're responsible for cleaning it up."
Sid stiffened, but conceded. "I understand, Alpha."
Dusk nodded. "See about leaving town today."
Sid inwardly groaned.
"We can leave this afternoon. Sid probably needs some rest after the night he had," Tommy said.
Sid gave Tommy a grateful look.
Tommy smiled back at him, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes.
"That's fine. If you run into any problems, call me," Dusk said. "Now, I think we could all use some


With that, the meeting was dismissed and everyone spread out. Sid watched Tommy go with a stab of

regret. That's the kind of mate he had wanted. Someone strong and kind, who would look out for him.
A shifter, not a human.

"You've found your mate and you're still mooning over him," Chase said, shaking his head.
Sid shrugged and watched Tommy disappear out the door. He turned back to Chase with a grin.

"What can I say? I have a stubborn heart."

Chase scoffed. "Is that why you tried to take my head off when I suggested getting rid of that human

of yours?"

Sid's lips tightened and he didn't answer. Instead he stepped outside. Chase kept up with him easily,

his stride long.

"Pissy, aren't you?"

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"Fuck off," Sid said.
"Come on. Talk to big brother," Chase said, slinging his arm around Sid's shoulder. "So what's this

human like? He got a big cock?"

Sid sputtered and then laughed. "I told you I didn't claim him."
Chase gave him a toothy grin. "Yeah, but knowing you, you at least had a peek."
Sid grinned. "It's pretty big."
Chase threw his head back and laughed. "See, I knew it."
Sid couldn't help laughing with him. Despite how big an ass Chase could be, he always knew how to

cheer Sid up. They had been taking care of each other since the werewolf hunters had wiped out their
pack. It had always been them and Tae, then just them. In this situation, he and Chase would have
probably just left, but they had a pack now. For a moment a twinge of wistfulness went through Sid.

"Have you thought of just leaving here?" Sid asked. He didn't look at Chase.
Chase gave his shoulder a squeeze and then dropped his hand away. "Nah. I'm going to stay. There's

something I'm waiting for."

Sid frowned at his brother. "Waiting for?"
Chase gave him a wide grin. "Yeah. I can feel it coming. Not now, but soon. I don't intend to miss it."
Sid was confused, but Chase didn't explain further. It was like that sometimes. Chase had feelings

from time to time about things. His feelings had never been wrong.

"Besides, you got a mate to claim, don't you?"
Sid cringed. "Maybe I don't want to claim him."
Chase turned and looked at him, frowning. "Why? It's not about-"
"I've got my reasons," Sid said, cutting him.
There was a moment of tension, but for once, Chase didn't push. They walked the rest of the way

back in silence.

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Chapter 5

"Pete has been complaining about the dog. Keeps saying we might as well get a new dog, like a

German Shepherd. I tell him there's nothing wrong with Kingsley. Isn't that right, Dr. Lotters?"

"Right as rain," Bradley said as he continued looking over the yorkie.
The dog gave a pitiful whine, as if he was getting tired of Mrs. Andrews chatter just as much as

Bradley was. The woman sure could talk, especially when she was nervous. She loved the little yorkie
and had been worried about the dog since his leg was injured.

Bradley ran his hand down the dog's back. "It's all right boy. I'm almost done."
The dog gave a small bark and then bumped his head against Bradley's hand. Bradley laughed and

scratched behind the dog's ear.

"See, I told Pete. It's just he gets that way whenever he hangs out with his hunting buddies. He always

ends up coming in the house feeling like he has to strut all over the place and going on about what a man
needs." She gave a dignified sniff. "Well I told him he could tell me about his manly needs once he fixes
the sink."

Bradley smothered a smile. He would have felt sorry for Pete if he weren't such a blowhard. "I'm sure

Mr. Andrews will change his mind once he sees Kingsley bouncing around again."

"I certainly hope you're right. He was working himself up into a lather last night over some wolf he

said they shot."

Bradley blinked. "Wolf?"
She nodded and rolled her eyes. "A wolf? Can you believe that? More than likely it was just some

stray dog and they were too drunk to know the difference."

A streak of anger suddenly rushed through Bradley. Pete was bragging about hurting Sid. The urge to

go over to the general store and grab Pete up and shake him was almost overwhelming.

"Dr. Lotters?"
He turned and saw Mrs. Andrews giving him a worried look.
"I'm sure Pete didn't really shoot that stray. He's a horrible shot," she said.
Bradley figured Mrs. Andrews thought he was upset that Pete might have hurt some poor dog. Well,

he would be if that was the case too, but that it was Sid... He shuddered. Brad focused back on Mrs.
Andrews getting a look at her worried face and made himself calm down.

Bradley forced himself to smile. "I'm sure you're right." He lifted up the yorkie, handing him to Mrs.

Andrews. "I checked him over and the leg is just fine. He might not be as active for a while, but once he
gets used to the idea that his leg isn't going to hurt when he walks on it, he'll be running all over the

Mrs. Andrews looked relieved and she hugged the yorkie to her. The dog's entire body wiggled in

excitement and it licked her face. She laughed as sweet as a schoolgirl. The sight made Bradley smile.
That's what he liked about animals. The way they brought a smile to their owner's face, because nobody
could love like a pet could. Their love was always unconditional.

The thought brought a stab in his gut and Bradley turned. He leaned down and filled out the

paperwork for the visit. He handed the paper to Mrs. Andrews.

"You can just take that up to Sue and she'll check you out."
Mrs. Andrews said her good-byes and headed out of the office. As soon as she was gone, Bradley

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slumped down in his chair. He was exhausted, but at the same time his mind wouldn't let up. All he could
think about was Sid.

Last night, the feel of the man in his hand, his taste, it was haunting him. He could barely manage to

get through the day without a hard-on. He had never wanted another person as badly as he wanted Sid
and he had no idea how to find him. Bradley didn't think he was from Lotters. Sure, Lotters was big
enough that he didn't know everyone, but small enough that he at least would remember the face. He
had never seen anyone who looked like Sid. Then again he was a werewolf, so maybe he was hiding

Bradley groaned. A werewolf. He had sex with a werewolf. When he woke up in the morning with

Sid gone, part of him had thought maybe it all had been some really messed up dream, but one look at
the garage and the small tray with the bullet and he knew it had been real. It made the pain in his chest
even harder to bear, because Sid had been there and decided to leave. It felt like a part of him had gone
with Sid.

He wondered if what he was feeling was some sort of werewolf curse, because until now Bradley had

never believed in love at first sight. He pushed himself up, trying to shake the thought from his mind. He
took a deep breath. It all could just be that he was smitten with the guy that had given him his first gay
experience. That would be logical, just a hormones thing.

It would explain a lot. He never seemed to connect with women when it came to relationships. He

admired their beauty and enjoyed their company, but he never really felt anything deep for them. So
maybe all this time he had been fishing in the wrong pond. The thought calmed him a lot more than he
expected. Bradley had never felt the need to prove his masculinity and so it didn't freak him out as much
as he thought it would that he might be gay. Of course, the same couldn't be said for his parents, who he
was supposed to meet for dinner.

He groaned. "Could this day get any worse?"
Yeah, it could, because he had called to set up a meeting with his father this afternoon, because if Sid

was wandering out there as a wolf, Bradley was going to make damn sure he didn't get hurt again. The
thought sent a swell of purpose through him. He needed to focus on one thing at a time and right now
protecting Sid was on the top of the list. After that he would try to figure out how to find Sid and tell his
parents that he was gay. He smirked. At least this might actually stop his mom from playing matchmaker
all the time.

An hour later, Bradley was outside his father's office at City Hall. His father's secretary, Lisa, smiled

when she saw him.

"Hello, Dr. Lotters, your father is in a meeting. He'll be done shortly."
"Thanks, Lisa, and you can call me Bradley."
Lisa flushed and shook her head. "Not possible, Dr. Lotters."
Bradley laughed. "One day I'll get you to call me Bradley."
Lisa laughed. "I wouldn't bet on it."
Bradley grinned and sat down. He had known Lisa for five years now and she had yet to call him

anything but Dr. Lotters. It always made him feel awkward to have her call him that. She wasn't one of
his patients' owners so there wasn't really any need. Over time she had even come to his parent's house
for dinner. It didn't seemed right for her to stay so formal, but she insisted on it.

Thinking about that made Bradley think about tonight's dinner. He still had no idea who his mother

was going to try to set him up with this time. Maybe if he did he could nip the whole thing in the bud.

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Maybe he still could if he just told his mother his new revelation about his sexuality. He cringed at the
thought. He got the feeling that conversation wouldn't go well.

Bradley's thoughts were interrupted when the door to his father's office opened. Laughter spilled out

as his father stepped out with an older man. His clothes were casual, but definitely spoke of wealth. He
was a new face to Bradley, though with his father being the mayor, there were often people he didn't
know coming in and out. His father shook the stranger's hand and then the man was walking away. His
father turned to him.

"Well, come on in."
Bradley got up and followed his father inside his office. Chuck Lotters was a tall man with wide

shoulders and built like an ox. When you looked at him and Bradley there was no doubt they were
father and son, but where Bradley had an easy nature about him, his father had a dominating personality.
He was the type of person that filled a room with his presence. Bradley had never considered himself
particularly dominating or otherwise, well until last night. Sid definitely inspired something inside of him to
want to dominate. Which was not something he wanted to think about in front of his father.

"It's not often you come to visit me in the office, or at all," Chuck said.
Bradley grimaced. "I've been busy."
Chuck frowned. "Too busy to visit your family."
"It's not like that, Dad. Besides, I'm coming to dinner tonight, aren't I?"
"And how much arm twisting did that cost your mom?"
"Not nearly enough," Bradley grumbled.
His father blinked at him and then laughed. "Figured out about the blind date, did you?"
Bradley folded his arms. "What's to figure out? It's always a blind date."
"You know the solution to that," his father said and sat down. "Get married."
Bradley narrowed his eyes. "So, you're involved this time around?"
His father gave him a sly grin. "Sure am. I hand-picked this girl myself."
Bradley rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You know women aren't cattle."
His father chuckled. "Never said they were. But this particular girl has had her eye on you for a while.

I'm just playing cupid."

Bradley shook his head. He could protest all he wanted, but his parents weren't going to listen until he

met the girl. He would let her down gently when he saw her.

His father steepled his fingers together. "But I'm sure you didn't pull yourself away from your clinic to

talk about matchmaking. So what's the problem, son?"

Bradley frowned. "Hunters. A group of them were hunting in the woods. They shot a dog and I had to

fix him up. Last time I heard those woods were off-limits to hunting."

His father leaned back. "Of course they are, and for the most part people keep to the rule, but them

going out every now and then isn't such a big deal. They never bring anything back. It's good for the

"Just the same," Bradley said. "I'd rather not have to dig out bullets from hurt animals."
"You know, if you showed the same concern for the girls you date that you do for animals your mom

wouldn't play matchmaker so much."

"That's not the point," Bradley said, through clenched teeth.
His father waved his hand. "I know, I know." He sighed. "Fine. I'll look into it, but I don't think it'll be

a problem much longer anyway."

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Bradley gave his father a suspicious look. "Why is that?"
His father grinned. "Now that I'll be explaining tonight." He looked at his watch. "If that's all, I've got

to head to a meeting and you need to get back to that clinic of yours."

Bradley stood up. "And you really plan to take care of the hunters?"
"I said I would, didn't I?" His father said. "I'm a man of my word."
Bradley knew enough about politics to know to pay attention to how a sentence was worded and not

just the implied words behind it.

"You said you were going to look into it. I want more than just looking, Dad. I want it stopped.

They're not allowed to hunt there and from my knowledge, the mayor usually doesn't condone breaking
the law."

His father sighed. "Son, that sharp brain of yours is wasted with taking care of animals. Don't you

think it'd be better focused on taking care of people?"

"Not even a little bit," Bradley said firmly.
His father laughed. "Stubborn. You get that from your mom."
"That's debatable," Bradley said as they both walked out of the office.
When they stepped into the hall, he could hear an insistent voice and Lisa's cool tone as she fended

off whatever person who insisted on talking with the mayor.

"Help Lisa out, why don't you?" His father said and slapped him on the back. With that he hurried

down the hall.

"Hey, was that the mayor?" A familiar voice said.
Bradley blinked and turned to face Lisa's desk. There he saw two men. One was a tall handsome

black man and the other was the man he hadn't been able to get out of his mind all day.

Sid was looking past him, his attention intent on the mayor. He took a step forward with what looked

like every intention of going after the man, when suddenly his head snapped toward Bradley. Bradley
wasn't sure what he had done to grab Sid's attention, but now the man was looking at him. His eyes
wide and his lips parted in an 'oh' of surprise.

Just the sight of Sid sent heat rushing through Bradley's body. The need to reach out and press Sid

against the wall and taste those lips had him taking a step forward, when the man who had been talking
to Lisa stepped forward and gave Sid's shoulder a squeeze.

"Sid, is that a friend of yours?"
Bradley had the urge to rip the guy's arm off.
Sid simply smiled, the surprise already slipping away. "An acquaintance."
The words felt like a slap in the face. Just an acquaintance? Maybe for Sid that was all he was, but for

Bradley digging a bullet out of a person and hot sex pushed them past acquaintances. Bradley was going
to make damn sure Sid knew that.

"I think we're a lot more than that, Sid," Bradley said, stepping forward.
Sid met his eyes and there was surprise there and wariness. Bradley grinned, letting some of the heat

rise in his eyes. Sid quickly looked away. Gotcha. Bradley turned his attention to the man beside him,
holding out his hand.

"Bradley Lotters."
The man shook his hand and there was amusement dancing in his eyes. "Tommy Wright. So you the

mayor's son?"

Tommy's grip was firm, but not bruising. He obviously wasn't trying to get into a 'who's the strongest'

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contest, which Bradley admitted he was sort of disappointed about. He let go of Tommy's hand. "Yes,
though if you want to see him, you'll have to make an appointment through Lisa."

"Fuck," Sid said.
Bradley looked at Sid, raising an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"
"You're the mayor's son. This is just..."
Behind the desk, Lisa was giving them a strange look. Bradley figured it probably wasn't the best

place to talk, but there was no way he was going to let Sid get away from him again. It was just a matter
of figuring out how he was going to get Sid to stay around. It was obvious the man was trying his best to
pretend nothing happened.

Sid looked at him, frowning then turned to Tommy. "Let's just make the appointment and get out of


Tommy's brow furrowed. "That's in two weeks."
Bradley had an idea. "Well, I might actually be able to help you after all."
Sid whipped around to stare at Bradley, suspiciously. "How?"
"First, tell me why you want to see my father."
Sid narrowed his eyes. "You know why."
"Do I?" Bradley asked, meeting his eyes.
Tommy interrupted them. "The hunting. It's not allowed in that forest and we wanted to talk to him

about it."

Bradley could have told them he already talked to his father about it, but then Sid would just run away

if he thought the problem was dealt with. Besides, it wasn't quite fixed yet, so some extra voices to the
choir wouldn't hurt.

Bradley nodded. "All right."
He reached out and grabbed a post-it note off Lisa's desk. Lisa looked at them, obviously curious

about what was going on. He mumbled an apology to her, before scribbling down his number and his
father's address. "We're having dinner tonight at my father's house. You both can come as my guest. Be
there around six."

He held out the paper to Sid.
"Thanks," Sid said, taking the paper. His eyes searched Bradley's, as if trying to figure out what the

man was up to.

Bradley simply smiled. "I'm looking forward to it."

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Chapter 6

Sid and Tommy had left the hall and after some discussion they decided to stay in town instead of

taking the hour drive back to Woodcutter Valley. Since they hadn't eaten lunch yet, they headed to a
diner in town. It wasn't until the waitress came and took their order that Tommy said anything.

"So...that's your mate?"
Sid glared at him.
Tommy's held up his hands defensively, though his smile grew wider. "Hey, I'm just asking."
Sid scowled. "What exactly are you asking?"
"He looks like he's going to be a handful," Tommy said, shrugging.
Sid tried to squash down his irritation. Instead he shifted in his seat, putting one leg on the booth chair

and an elbow on the table. He gave Tommy a sly smile. "He's more than just a handful."

"Yeah, you can save that for your mate," Tommy said, rolling his eyes. "So, why didn't you claim him

before? It seemed like you two hit it off fairly well."

"How is that any of your business?" Sid said glowering as he shifted back in his seat.
Tommy frowned and shrugged. "I guess it isn't."
Sid looked at Tommy and inwardly cringed. He knew Tommy was just trying to talk to him. Ever

since things with Xavier, whatever fledging friendship they had crumpled away. It wasn't Tommy's fault
that Sid had been stupid enough to fall for him. It had been clear from the beginning that Tommy had
wanted his mate and his mate only. Sid had just fooled himself into believe that since Xavier kept
denying the claim that maybe there was a place for him in Tommy's life.

The waitress came back and set their food in front of them. Looking at Tommy's plate, Sid reached

over and grabbed a fry from it. "I don't want to claim him."

Tommy looked at him in surprise. "Why not?"
"Lots of reasons. He's human, I don't know anything about him, plus I'm not interested in a mate." Sid

took a bite of the fry, finishing it up before speaking again. "It's a good thing I didn't, since now we know
he's the mayor's son."

Tommy frowned. "Just because he's the mayor's son doesn't mean you shouldn't claim him."
Sid raised an eyebrow. "Are you kidding? I rather not have the whole town trying to skin me."
"That won't happen," Tommy said. "Besides, you told Dusk you would claim him."
"Not true," Sid said.
"I told Dusk I would handle things and I will."
Tommy snorted. "How?"
"I have my ways," Sid said, waggling his eyebrows.
Tommy stared at him.
Sid sighed. "I'm going to threaten him."
Tommy sputtered. "What? You're going to threaten him?"
Sid looked around. People were giving them glances. "Would you tone it down?"
Tommy looked around him and then lowered his voice. "He's your mate and the mayor's son."
"So? If it'll make him keep my secret that's all that matters," Sid snapped back.
Tommy shook his head. "Here I thought you were smart."

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"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" This time it was Sid's voice that grew higher, drawing more

attention their way.

Tommy reached across the table and squeezed his shoulder. "Sid, calm down."
Sid forced the anger down, but it didn't stop him from glaring at Tommy.
"Threatening your mate isn't going to work," Tommy said.
"I disagree. I can change into a wolf. I think that should be scary enough."
"He sure didn't seem scared of you today," Tommy pointed out.
Tommy was right about that. Even last night, the man had taken everything in stride, but he wasn't

planning on agreeing with Tommy. "I'll make sure to give him a reason to be."

Tommy frowned. "I don't know what you're planning, but it sounds like it's a bad idea and I can

guarantee it won't work."

Sid gave Tommy a searching look. There was definitely something Tommy wasn't telling him. "Why?"
Tommy shifted nervously. "Actually, that's something I wanted to talk to you about."
Sid reached down and took a bite of his grilled ham and cheese sandwich. "Then talk."
Tommy studied him and then seemed to come to a decision. "I heard from Dusk that his pack was

destroyed by the werewolf hunters when he was young, so he's been on his own most of his life. Is that
the same for you?"

Sid felt his stomach clench at the change of topic. He set down his sandwich and wondered just

where Tommy was going with this. "Pretty much, but I had my brother." And Tae.

Tommy seemed to notice how the subject bothered him, though Sid was sure anyone would be

bothered talking about the annihilation of their family.

"I'm sorry to bring it up like this," Tommy said with a shake of his head. "I probably could have done

that better."

"Probably," Sid said, keeping his voice light. "But since it's you, I'll forgive you."
Tommy gave him a wry smile. "Thanks."
Sid winked at him. "So you were going somewhere with this line of conversation?"
Tommy nodded. "From what I gathered from talking with Dusk, there's a lot you and the other

werewolf shifters don't know about being shifters. You were just learning about everything when the
Hunters came."

Sid nodded, looking around. No one in the diner was paying attention to them, but it still bothered Sid

to have this kind of conversation in public. Years on the run from Hunters had taught him to always be
on his guard.

"As much as I'm dying to find out what the point of this conversation is, do you think this is the right

place to be having it?"

Tommy looked around and then shrugged. "No one is paying attention to us."
"Humor me," Sid said, trying to not let on how on edge he was.
Tommy stared at him for a moment, and then signaled for the waitress.
Soon after, they were paying their bill and walking out of the diner.
"Please continue," Sid said.
Tommy opened his mouth and then closed it. "In a bit."
Sid looked at him curiously, but nodded.
Tommy went to the car, slipping inside.
Sid slid into the passenger seat. "Where are we going?"

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Tommy started the car. "To the Rochester Motel."
Sid's eyes widened in surprise and then he gave him a sly smile. "Oh, is that what you had in mind?

What would Xavier say?"

"He wouldn't say anything," Tommy said. "Because it's not like that."
Sid gave a long sigh. "Well a boy can dream."
Tommy drove to the motel. His face was scrunched up, like he was trying to concentrate on the road.
Sid thought that was odd, because the whole way up to Lotters, Tommy had been relaxed and talking

easily to him, which had been a complete contrast to the awkward drive he had been expecting, like the
current one he was in right now. Luckily, the drive to the motel was five minutes away. Tommy parked
the car, but didn't immediately get out. Instead he took a deep breath and turned to Sid.

"About what you said..." He trailed off.
Sid looked at him in confusion. "What I said?"
Tommy rubbed his forehead. "I guess not what you said, but what you're doing when you talk."
"And you lost me," Sid said.
"The flirting. I mean...you don't really mean it, right?"
Sid blinked in surprise and then looked straight ahead. He felt his heart beat frantically. "What brought

this up?"

"Xavier and I were talking."
Xavier. That explained things. Unlike Tommy, Xavier had caught on to how Sid felt since the very first

day they met. Sid tried to think of what to say and then sighed. "At first I did, but not anymore. You've
claimed your mate. I've let it go."

"I'm sorry," Tommy said.
Sid winced and looked at him. "What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong."
Tommy shook his head. "I did. I'm sorry for not noticing and for not taking your feelings seriously."
Sid wanted to slam his head against the dashboard. Maybe a concussion would make this

conversation be over faster. Gah, the way Tommy could say such things and actually mean it... If he kept
going, Sid would probably fall for him all over again.

Sid took a deep breath and then grinned. "Well, if you want to make it up to me..." He nodded at the


Tommy blanched and started fumbling. "Sid, I- I mean..."
Sid laughed and shook his head. "I'm joking." He opened his door. "I had feelings for you before, but

I'm over them. So let's just leave that in the past, all right?"

Tommy nodded. "Okay."
Sid stepped out of the car and shut it behind him. He felt like his heart had just taken a beating, but at

the same time he felt the tiniest bit lighter. It felt like those last words hadn't been a lie. Part of him was
over it, though he wasn't exactly sure when that happened.

An image flashed in his mind. Bradley pinned Sid to the bed, a flash of possessiveness in his eyes. Sid

swallowed and pushed the image away. Maybe he did know when the change happened after all and it
seriously freaked him out. A few hours with his mate had somehow managed to wipe away over a
month of pining. That was why he didn't like mates. It was like nothing that happened before mattered as
soon as a mate stepped into the scene - not friends, family, or even who a person was in their core.
Everything just simply changed, like with Tae.


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Sid blinked and looked up. Tommy was waiting for him. He looked concerned, which meant he must

have been waiting for Sid for a while.

"Sorry. I was just thinking."
"Must have been something pretty serious."
Sid didn't answer that. After all, the past was always serious. Instead he followed Tommy into the

motel, where Tommy got them two rooms, handing one key to Sid. Sid watched it all with mild curiosity.
As they headed to their rooms, Sid couldn't hold his tongue any longer.

"Want to explain why we're getting motel rooms?"
"Dusk suggested we stay the night in case you needed more time to claim your mate. I think he

thought your way of guaranteeing your mate wouldn't tell anyone about the shifter thing was different
from what you had planned."

Sid shrugged. "I get that, but why are we still checking in now that you know I have no intention of

claiming my mate?"

"I wanted to discuss that with you," Tommy said as he opened the door to his room and stepped in.
"I get it and I wanted privacy, but we didn't need a motel room for that, especially not two of them.

We could have talked in the car."

"We could have, but since we're having dinner here anyways we might as well stay the night."
Sid gave him a suspicious look. "Fine, but don't think I'm going to change my mind."
Tommy shook his head. "Why are you so set against this?"
"I don't want a mate. It's as simple as that," Sid said.
Tommy shook his head and sat on the edge of his bed. "I know that's not true."
Irritation flooded through Sid and he slammed the door shut harder than he meant to. "And how do

you know? You don't know anything about me."

"I know about mates, especially when it concerns a bond between a shifter and a human."
Sid went cold. "What do you mean? Why does it matter if he's human?"
Tommy nodded to the only other chair in the motel room. "You might want to sit down."
Sid sat down. He put his hands on his knees, digging his fingers into his jeans. "Well?"
Tommy sighed. "There's a lot you might not know about shifters and mates, especially without the

elders in your pack around to direct you after your pack was wiped out."

"We managed to get along just fine," said through gritted teeth.
"I can see that," Tommy said. "But there's still a lot you don't know about. Mates being the main one.

There are lots of different types of bondings between mates. The shifter and shifter bond is the most
common. With a mate, you want to protect each other, and there is no one else for you."

Sid snorted. "I beg to differ on that one. Cheating happens."
"Rarely," Tommy said. "And when it does it leaves the mates damaged. Cheating never happens when

a claim is in place."

Sid had to give him that. It was part of the reason he had given up on Tommy once Tommy had

claimed Xavier. "All right, so what does that have to do with me?"

"A bonding with a human works the same way, except it's much stronger and much more dangerous."
Sid blinked. "Dangerous?"
Tommy nodded. "When a shifter meets their human mate an automatic claim happens in them. No one

is exactly sure why, but we think it might have to do with an instinctive desire to protect a mate that
doesn't have the strength of a shifter. In any case, the claim is automatic and the desire to finalize the

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claim grows stronger and stronger until it is made. It can turn into an obsession if denied."

Sid swallowed. "You can't be serious. Are you saying I'm trapped in this mating?"
Tommy hesitated and then slowly shook his head. "Not exactly. Technically you could walk away. It'll

be like ripping your own soul out of if you do and you'll definitely have some mental effects, but you can
walk away."

Sid let out a sigh of relief. "Well that's not promising, but at least it gives me something to work with."
Tommy nodded slowly.
Sid frowned. "What? Is there something else?" Then it dawned on him. "The human. What happens to

Brad if I don't claim him?"

Tommy looked away. "Every human is different. They handle it in different ways, but the result is

almost always the same."

Sid stood up, his entire body tensed. "And what is the result?"
Tommy looked at him sadly. "They die."

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Chapter 7

Bradley's mother let out another heartfelt sigh as she directed her maid to set the table. It was the

latest sigh in a chorus of them since he had announced that he had invited two friends for dinner. It
wasn't the extra guests that bothered his mother and he hadn't mentioned to her that they were coming to
discuss the hunting issue with his father. The sighs were because his mother was worried about just how
this was going to affect her matchmaking plans.

"Isn't there any way for you to reschedule with them?" his mother asked.
"I thought you always wanted to meet my friends," Bradley said. "You're always talking about how I

should meet more people outside of work."

"I meant more female people," his mother said. "Read between the lines."
Bradley actually had known what she meant, but he figured playing dumb would be the best option

right now. "So you are saying you wanted me to bring a date? I thought you were playing matchmaker."

His mother glared at him. "You're twisting the situation."
"Sorry," Bradley said, sheepishly.
"It's fine, just as long as you don't think I'll let you get away with it. I've lived with a politician long

enough to know those tricks."

"I'm not a politician," Bradley pointed out.
His mother patted his cheek. "Then please stop acting like one." His mother turned back to the maid.

"It looks perfect Helena. Please notify the cook to bring out the food in about half an hour."

"Right away, Mrs. Lotters," the maid said, before disappearing into the kitchen.
Bradley's mother turned back to him with a smile. "Anyway, I shall forgive you for your impromptu

guests, because you're looking so handsome. You even discarded that lab coat of yours." His mother
squinted at him. "Your father didn't let on about who was coming, did he?"

Bradley flushed and straightened. "No."
His mother patted his arm. "Well, then, I'm glad to see you're getting in the spirit of things then."
The sound of the doorbell interrupted them. "Bradley, go and greet the guests. I'll be there in a


Bradley nodded, his gaze straying to the door with something close to excitement in his chest. It was

ridiculous, but he couldn't deny that the thought of seeing Sid again had been on his mind all day. As his
mother had pointed out, he had even tried to make himself more presentable.

"I'm a complete fool," Bradley said, running a hand through his hair. He was acting like a teenage girl

instead of a full-grown man. There was just something about Sid. He had never wanted someone as
much as he wanted that man. It sort of scared him, but it didn't stop him from being drawn to Sid.

Bradley walked to the door just as the butler opened it, leading in not just Sid and his friend, Tommy,

but also Lisa. Bradley smiled when he caught sight of her. She was dressed up in a pale blue dress and a
white jacket. She looked lovely. Not the usual business attire she wore, but as pretty as she was, it was
Sid that held his attention. He hadn't looked that different from what he had at city hall. The only change
was that he wore a soft cashmere sweater that seemed to make his auburn hair look softer and showed
off natural red highlights. Beside him, Tommy stood looking amused.

Bradley wanted nothing more than to drag Sid to the guest room and ravish him. His hands twitched

with the need. "Hello Sid, Tommy."

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For a moment his gaze lingered on Sid.
"Hello Bradley," Sid practically purred with a smirk.
Bradley's eyes darkened and his focus narrowed down to Sid. He wanted to slam Sid against the wall

and take what he wanted. He took a step forward.

Tommy cleared his throat. "Nice house you have here."
Bradley blinked and came back to himself. He smiled at Tommy. "It's been in the family for as long as

Lotters has been around." He turned away from them, his eyes meeting Sid's before turning on Lisa.

Lisa had a thoughtful expression on her face. It made Bradley wonder if his attraction to Sid was

obvious. It wasn't exactly a secret, but he hadn't had the chance to tell his parents about discovering that
he was gay. He got the feeling that it was something he would rather talk to them about in private.

He forced himself not to turn his attention back to Sid and instead focused on Lisa. "Lisa, no one told

me you were coming for dinner."

She gave him a small smile. "I think it was supposed to be a surprise."
Bradley frowned in confusion. "A surprise?"
Lisa tilted her head, amusement in her eyes. "Blind dates usually are, Bradley."
All at once it felt like all the sound was sucked out of the room. Lisa said his name. Lisa was the girl

his mother and father were playing matchmaker with. It was-

"Date?" Sid said and his voice cut through Bradley like a razor. "I didn't realize. Are we interrupting?"
Lisa laughed. "No. I think Bradley is just as surprised as you if that gaping look is anything to go by."
There it was again. She was saying his name so easily. The same woman who had refused to call him

anything but Dr. Lotters all this time. Bradley tried to regain his composure. "Sorry. I just didn't think my
parents would rope you into something like this."

Lisa simply smiled. "There was no roping in. I wanted to be here."
Bradley wasn't sure what to say to that, but luckily he was saved from saying anything when his

mother came in.

"Lisa! You look lovely." His mother reached out and squeezed her hand, before turning to Sid and

Tommy. "And you must be Bradley's friends."

Bradley nodded numbly. "Mom, this is Sidney and Tommy."
His mother gave him a look.
He winced. He knew she was berating him for not giving Sidney and Tommy's last name, but though

he had learned Tommy's last name when they were at city hall, he still had no clue what Sidney's last
name was.

"Dinner's in twenty minutes. Why don't we head to the parlor until then?" His mother said and then

hooked her arm with Lisa's and began leading the way.

Bradley turned to Sid. He looked relaxed, like Bradley having a date was no big deal. Maybe for him

it wasn't. After all they had only met yesterday, but even so Bradley felt the need to explain.

"It's not what you think," Bradley said.
Sidney smiled at him. It was nothing but teeth. "I doubt you know what I'm thinking."
Bradley begged to differ, but before he could say anything more Bradley's mother interrupted.

"Bradley, bring your friends. I'm sure your father would like to meet them."

Bradley felt a twitch of irritation, but nodded. "We'll talk later."
"I doubt it," Sidney said and pointedly walked towards Tommy's side, brushing against the man's arm.
Bradley narrowed his eyes. A growl rose up in his throat. He started to take a step forward when his

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mother once again called his name. He gave one more look towards Sid and Tommy. Sid smirked.
Bradley forced himself to push down the shock of possessiveness that went through him, making him
want to go there and tear Sid away from Tommy. Taking a calming breath, he turned.

"This way," he said, leading them towards the parlor. As he walked he calmed himself with the

knowledge that Sid was obviously trying to make him jealous (which was working perfectly). Yet, if Sid
was trying to make him jealous, then it also meant that he was jealous. Which meant that last night must
have meant something to him too.

When they entered the parlor, Bradley's father was there, having a glass of cognac. His mother

immediately went over and took his glass.

"After dinner," she said.
"You're always ruining my fun," his father grumped.
"No dear, I'm just ensuring everyone has just as much fun," she said lightly.
His father laughed and leaned in and kissed her cheek. "What would I do without you?"
"Hopefully we will never find out," she said.
His father grinned and strode towards Lisa. "You look lovely, Lisa. I hope Bradley said as much."
"He did," she said with a smile. "But thanks for checking."
"Good. Sometimes I wonder if the only thing Bradley sees is cats and dogs."
"That's not all I see. Sometimes, parrots and ferrets too," Bradley piped in.
"Smartass," his father said and then looked at Sid and Tommy. "So these are the two gentlemen that

were bugging Lisa for an appointment?"

Bradley winced. He had hoped his father hadn't recognized them. He stepped forward. "Yes, these

are my friends, Sid and Tommy."

"Hopefully they have last names to go with the first."
"I'm Tommy Wright and this is Sidney Telion." Tommy shook Mr. Lotter's hand. "We actually came

here on behalf of the new mayor of Woodcutter Valley."

"Oh? I wasn't aware there was a new mayor," his father said.
For a moment Tommy's expression grew sad. "Yes, the previous mayor died unexpectedly. It was a

surprise to all of us. Still, the new mayor is a good man."

His father nodded. "Well that's good to hear. So what brings you here?"
Bradley looked at the confident manner Tommy had with his father as he explained about one of their

town's dogs being shot by hunters in an area where hunters weren't allowed. He spoke with a practiced
ease that spoke of a man used to delegating political waters. On the other hand, Sid didn't say anything.
It was obvious that he was taking everything in. Behind that flirtatious personality hid the hints of a sharp
mind. This new aspect of Sid, made him want to dig in and see just what hid behind the facade.

"Have you known Sid long?" Lisa asked, pulling his attention away.
Bradley looked at Lisa and noticed she had a knowing smile on her lips.
"Long enough," Bradley said.
Lisa laughed. "Is that right?"
He chuckled and relaxed. "Well, maybe not that long. He was the owner of the dog that got shot by

the hunters."

"Oh," Lisa said. "And you decided to invite him to dinner to plead his case?"
Bradley flushed. "I'm not exactly happy about those hunters either."
"Of course," she said with a teasing smile. Slowly, her smile drooped. "I hope this whole thing isn't too

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awkward for you."

Bradley smiled at her. "It came as a surprise. I didn't expect my blind date would be you." He

hesitated, but decided it would be better to set some things straight while he still could. "Lisa, you're nice
and as blind dates go, I'm glad it's you."

"But?" she said and there was a hint of disappointment in her voice.
"There's someone else I'm interested in," Bradley said.
She blinked in surprise. "Someone else, but why didn't you say anything? If your parents knew they

wouldn't do this whole matchmaking."

"It's a recent development and not exactly official."
Lisa nodded in understanding. "Unrequited?"
"I hope not," Bradley said.
"Me too," Lisa said. "Unrequited love is the worst."
Bradley frowned. "I'm sorry Lisa."
She shook her head. "It's not your fault. I should have made my move sooner. Still, if things don't

work out I hope you will look me up, Dr. Lotters."

Bradley felt a small stab of guilt. "Call me Bradley."
She shook her head, and reached out and gave his hand a squeeze. "I think Dr. Lotters is fitting."
She pulled away and walked over to his mother. For a moment, Bradley almost wished he could

return Lisa's feelings. She was a good woman and she deserved someone to love her. Unfortunately, it
couldn't be him. He turned, his gaze meeting those bright green eyes of Sid.

Sid quickly looked away.
Bradley grinned.
A moment later, Helena came in, letting them know dinner was ready. They went out into the dining

room where the table was already laid out with a pot roast and several other dishes from asparagus
sauteed in butter to scallops. Once everyone had dug into their food, the conversation started. At first it
started simply enough and for the most part Bradley could ignore it. He was too busy trying not to stare
at Sid, who was sitting across from him. He was starting to doubt it was an accident. It was nothing Sid
was doing. He just kept drawing Lisa into conversation, peeling back little tidbits from her that seemed
to indirectly give Sid information about Bradley. Bradley would have been flattered, but the way Sid was
pointedly trying to ignore him, made him feel more wary.

That was when the conversation shifted.
"It looks like I have some good news and I think there's a little for everyone," his father said setting his

fork and knife down. "First off, Lisa here is going to be leaving me in September. She's gotten accepted
into law school at Harvard."

Bradley turned to Lisa in surprise. "Congratulations! I didn't know you were trying to get into law


Lisa nodded. "It's why I've been working for your father. I hope to one day go into politics."
Bradley blinked. He had known Lisa for five years and he had no clue about her goals or dreams. It

bothered him a little. He'd always thought his parents were exaggerating about how little he paid
attention to those around him, but he was starting to think that maybe they were right.

Around the table people offered their congratulations.
His father grinned and then clapped his hands together. "Now to my news. There has been some

trouble in Lotters. We haven't had much money coming in since the iron factory closed down. I've been

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trying to figure out a solution and it looks like I found one. I met with Mr. Jean Frick. He's a logger and
it looks like we have just the trees he wants. He's willing to pay a fortune in order to cut down the trees
near Lotters. With the money it'll bring in, it'll be enough to help fund some new business ventures and
give the economy around here the push it needs."

He nodded to Sid and Tommy. "And we plan to cut down that area where your dog got shot. It'll

mean you won't have to worry about hunters. Problem solved."

Bradley blinked in surprise. So that was the news his father was talking about. It did solve the hunting

problem just not quite in the way Bradley had hoped.

"That isn't going to work," Tommy said. His voice seemed to echo through the room.
Sid let out a sigh and rubbed his head.
Bradley looked at the two in confusion. Sure, he wasn't sure he liked the idea of loggers coming in

and tearing down the forest, but he couldn't dispute that the town need money.

His father frowned and there was an edge to his voice when he spoke. "Why exactly won't it work?"
"It's a good plan," Tommy said. "And I know you're trying to help your town, but the forest you're

talking about isn't owned by Lotters. It's property of Woodcutter Valley."

The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees at those words. Bradley's father gritted

his teeth, but he kept his tone polite. "And you have proof of that I assume?"

Tommy nodded and pushed up from his chair. He stood up, reaching into his back pocket and pulling

out a folded paper. He walked to Bradley's father and handed him what Bradley assumed was the deed.
Silence surrounded the dinner table as Bradley's dad quickly scanned over the deed. His frown
darkened into a scowl and his face turned red. He folded the paper back up and returned it to Tommy.

"I was actually planning to show you this deed when I came to your office today in hopes we can see

about stopping the hunting that was happening on our land," Tommy explained.

"I see," he said. "We'll have to discuss this new development."
"After dinner," Bradley's mother said quickly.
His father gave a clipped nod.
Bradley sighed with relief. His father would need the time to calm down. Tommy returned to his seat.

An awkward silence prevailed. His mother, ever the good host, decided it was time for her to change
the subject.

"So, Bradley, I think there are no complaints about my matchmaking this time around."
Bradley nearly choked on the piece of asparagus he had been eating. He cleared his throat and shook

his head.

"None at all," Bradley said cautiously.
Across from him he could feel Sid staring at him.
Lisa looked amused.
His mother brightened. "That's wonderful! And you too, Lisa, I hope Bradley has been good


Lisa nodded. "Dr. Lotters has been a perfect gentleman."
Bradley smiled gratefully at Lisa, but his smile dropped at her next words.
"Though, I don't believe Dr. Lotters and I will be a good match."
His mother blinked in surprise and even his father was pulled out of his scowling to pay attention to

what they were saying.

"Why ever not?" his mother asked.

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Lisa gave Bradley a sly smile and he suddenly knew what was coming next. He wondered if this was

her revenge or a way to distract everyone from the earlier tension.

"Dr. Lotters is involved with someone else," Lisa said teasingly.
"Someone else?" his mother asked, surprised. "This is the first time I'm hearing about this, Bradley."

She narrowed her eyes and he knew his mother was suspicious that he had made up an excuse to give
Lisa in order to not follow through with the blind date.

"There is someone else," Bradley said and couldn't help glancing at Sid, before forcing his attention

back to his mother. "We just recently met, so I haven't had time to tell you about it."

"Oh?" His mother asked, studying him. "Tell us about her. I'm sure everyone is curious."
First off, it's not a her. "We're still getting to know each other, so I can't really say much."
"There must be something, if you're already canceling dates because of her," his mother insisted.
Bradley inwardly winced. He hated talking around things. He preferred to be straight forward, but at

the same time he didn't want to cause a scene at the dinner table, especially with Sid sitting right across
from him. He reached up and rubbed his forehead. He knew his mom wasn't going to let this go. Bradley
glanced at Sid and noticed the man was looking at him with a mixture of amusement and annoyance.

Bradley turned back to his mother, but he wasn't seeing her. Instead his mind was focused on the

image of Sid wrapped in a sheet, pressed against him, a wolf that was now human. He had been
shocked and confused, but when their eyes met everything else faded away. "I guess if there is a way to
explain it is that there was just something between us the first time our eyes met...a spark or a
connection. It felt like something in me shifted and I would never be the same."

Silence descended over the dining room.
Bradley mentally went over what he just said and he could feel embarrassment slid through him, but at

the same time the words felt right. He wouldn't change a syllable.

"That was uncharacteristically romantic of you, Bradley," his mother said. "She must be quite the girl."
Bradley only smiled, looking at Sid from the corner of his eye.
Sid no longer had the amused look on his face. Instead he was frowning down at his plate, his gaze

completely unmoving.

After that, dinner quickly finished and his father signaled for Tommy and Sid to come to his office.

Bradley felt a twinge of disappointment at the sight of Sid's retreating back. He had hoped to get him
alone. He didn't want today to end with Sid running away again. Bradley still had no way of contacting
him. The only thing he knew about him was that he was a werewolf that lived in Woodcutter Valley. He
just decided to hang around the door of his father's office and drag Sid away when he came out, when
his mother cornered him. She started interrogating him about his so-called mystery girl.

After he managed to give her enough vague answers for her to be irritated, but somewhat satisfied she

sighed. "I wish you had told me about this Bradley. Poor Lisa. She must have been so disappointed."

Bradley felt guilty. "I'm sorry. It's just something that happened. I wasn't expecting it."
His mother studied him and took his hand, patting it. "It's all right, Bradley. Sometimes love just

happens. I'm just glad it finally hit you. I was a bit worried that you would seclude yourself all alone in
that house if it wasn't for me and your father."

Bradley smiled. "I'm sorry to worry you mother."
She huffed. "You should be."
He laughed and then glanced in the direction of his father's office door. "Do you think Dad is going to

be all right?"

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His mother's lips thinned into a hard line. "You mean if your friends are going to be all right." His

mother shook her head. "Really Bradley, to spring this on your father, especially at dinner. What were
you thinking?"

Bradley winced. "It wasn't planned."
"I could see that," his mother said and sighed. "I'll go and check on them in a moment. Don't worry.

But for now, I think you might have other things to think about." She nodded in the direction of the patio.
Lisa was stepping outside.

Bradley frowned and gave his mother's hand a squeeze before letting her go and heading to the patio


He didn't have to go far to find Lisa. Instead of taking the stone path down to the lounge chairs and

the built in pond, she was sitting on the patio swing by the rose bushes, gently rocking back and forth.
She looked lost in thought and, for a moment, Bradley hesitated to interrupt her. He wasn't sure what he
should say in this situation. Yet, there was something sad about her that made him take a step forward.

"Mind if I join you?" Bradley said.
Lisa jumped. "I didn't hear you."
"Then I'll consider it payback for dinner," Bradley with a laugh and joined her on the swing.
Lisa flushed and rubbed her hand over her dress, smoothing it across her knees. "Sorry, I didn't mean

to put you on the spot."

Bradley raised his eyebrow. "Oh? I was pretty sure that was exactly your plan."
She stiffened and quickly looked at him. He wasn't sure what she saw when she studied him, but her

shoulders relaxed and a teasing smile curled her lips. "Maybe a little."

Bradley chuckled. "Well you did a good job. Dinner might have been tense if you hadn't."
"Part of the job," Lisa said with a light laugh. "I have to be swift on my feet if I'm going to work with


"You've certainly got it down," Bradley said.
Their conversation slipped into a lull. Bradley tried to think of what he could say, but nothing sounded

right, so he stopped thinking and did what worked best for him.

"I'm not very good with people," he said, looking out into the night. The darkness was interrupted by

the golden lights of the lanterns decorating the yard. "No matter how much I try, I can't seem to manage
to understand people's feelings and because of that I sometimes miss the important things."

He turned to Lisa. She was looking down at her hands. Her fists were clenched in her lap. He looked

back into the darkness. "I guess what I'm trying to say is even if I miss things, it doesn't mean I don't
think they're important. It just means I'm dense." He smiled ruefully and then the smile slid away. His
expression grew serious. "They are important even if I can't feel them."

Lisa didn't say anything.
Bradley wasn't sure if what he said made sense to her, but he wasn't sure how else to say it. Then he

felt something warm brush over his hand. The touch startled him and he turned to look as Lisa clasp his
hand. She wasn't looking at him, but straight ahead.

There was a small smile on her lips. "You're terrible at this." She turned and smiled at him and her

eyes gleamed a little. "But thank you."

He gave her hand a small squeeze. "You're welcome."
The sound of the patio door being opened made Bradley turn and he saw Sid step out. Sid looked at

them and his entire body stiffened.

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"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," Sid said, looking away, his jaw clenched.
"It's all right," Lisa said, letting go of Bradley's hand. "I was just going inside." She leaned over and

kissed Bradley's cheek. "Good luck."

She stood up and walked past Sid and inside.
Bradley stood up and for a moment, Sid and him just stared at each other. "Sid-" he started, but

Sidney abruptly turned and started walking down the curving stone path. Bradley quickly followed him,
falling into step with him.

"So you two looked cozy."
"We were only talking," Bradley said simply.
"Oh? I didn't realize that talking usually involved holding hands. Not that I care," Sidney said, his tone

flippant, but with an edge to it. "That whole connection thing you were talking about at dinner was for
your parent's benefits after all."

Bradley reached out and grabbed Sidney's wrist and dragged him towards him. "No. Everything I

said was true."

Sidney glared up at him. "Really? Then what the hell were you doing outside with her?"
"Comforting her," Bradley said. "She was upset." Only realizing just how that sounded after he said it.
"Wow. Then maybe I should put in an order for the comfort special. I'm feeling a bit tense," Sid said

pulling away.

Bradley wrapped his free arm around Sid's waist, pulling him closer, slightly amused at Sid's obvious

jealousy. At least it meant Bradley wasn't alone in his affections. "That can be arranged, though this time
it won't be just a one-night stand."

Sid stared at him in disbelief and then yanked free of him. "Gah!" He strode furiously ahead of him.

"What is wrong with you?"

Bradley chuckled and followed leisurely behind him. "I met this man that I can't forget."
Sidney turned and glared at him. "You're an idiot."
"And you're jealous."
"Shut up!" Sidney said, walking a few more steps and then stopping.
Bradley could tell Sid would have kept walking if he could, but he had run out of path. There was

only the pond in front of him, surrounded by grass and trees. Bradley stepped behind him.

"I'm not jealous," Sid insisted, his voice tight. "I don't have a reason to be. You're just some guy I had

sex with."

Bradley felt a flash of pain at those words, but he pushed it down. He stepped closer to Sidney until

he could felt the warmth of his body heat.

"Then do you get this possessive over all your one-night-stands or am I just special?"
Sidney whipped around, seething. "You're not spe-"
Bradley grabbed Sid and pressed his lips firmly against Sid's, cutting off his words. Sid stiffened and

then his hand was around Bradley's neck as he pressed his body against Bradley's Sid opened his mouth
and Bradley's tongue thrust inside. Their tongues tangled in a struggle for dominance until Sidney was
rubbing against him. Small moans poured from Sid's mouth. The sound sent a wave of lust straight
through Bradley and he was soon achingly hard.

They broke apart, gasping for breath. Their eyes met and the connection sizzled through Bradley and

it was more intense than even the first time. He dove back down to claim Sidney's lips, taking him in a
bruising kiss as his hands roamed over Sidney's body, needing to touch every part of him, from the curve

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of his back to his tight ass. Everything, he wanted it all, and in his mind a little voice was saying over and
over again. Mine, mine, mine.

Then the kiss changed and Sid was pushing him away. Bradley started to pull him back, but Sid's

voice cut into his fogged brain.

"Someone is coming," Sidney said and started to pull away again.
Bradley tightened his grip on Sidney's wrist. "I don't care."
Sidney blinked in surprise and then shook his head. "What the hell? Weren't you straight just

yesterday? If they see us-"

"I don't care," Bradley said, his eyes meeting Sidney's. "To me, you are special."
Sidney's eyes widened and his face reddened.
"Dr. Lotters?" Lisa's voice came from behind the trees.
Sidney yanked away from Bradley and turned away just as Lisa walked around the curve.
Bradley forced himself to smile. "Yes, Lisa."
Lisa frowned, looking between Bradley and Sidney. "Your father is asking for you and Tommy is

looking for Sidney."

Bradley nodded. "We'll be right there."
Lisa nodded and turned back towards the house.
Bradley took a step towards Sidney, but he dodged and quickly walked past him. "We should get


Bradley wanted to protest, but he forced himself to keep quiet. He could tell some of what he said

must have gotten through. Right now, he needed to prepare to deal with his father. He was sure his
father was going to chew him out for springing Tommy and Sid on him and it was probably going to be
even worse once he told them that he'd fallen for a man. Bradley knew he might be jumping the gun by
telling his parents about how he felt about Sid, but Bradley never liked to pretend to be something he
wasn't. How could he go after Sid and prove he was serious, if he hid it from his parents?

Some things are worth it , Bradley thought as he watched Sid stride towards the house, all tight

energy and stubborn pride. The flush slowly faded from Sid's face. Bradley's stomach felt tight with
excitement. He grinned.

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Chapter 8

Sid wasn't sure what was wrong with him. His heart was beating frantically in his chest and his

emotions were all over the place. Since he had stepped into the Lotter's house nothing had gone the way
he had planned. The plan being to heavily warn Brad to keep quiet about the werewolf thing and give
Sid some time to think about what to do about the bomb Tommy had dropped on him. That plan hadn't
including making out like teenagers in Brad's backyard. Nor did it include a very pissed off mayor who
was planning to come to Woodcutter Valley and discuss the logging issue with the new 'mayor.' The
whole dinner had been a pain his ass. Even Tommy looked less than thrilled.

"Pretty stubborn family, aren't they?" Tommy said as he slid into the car.
Sid nodded with a sigh as he climbed in and buckled up. "That's for sure."
Tommy started the car and headed to the motel. "So how did things go with Bradley?"
Sid shrugged and looked out of the window. "
"Is that the jealousy talking? He did seem pretty close to that girl, but I don't think you have to worry."
"I wasn't jealous," Sid said. He didn't know why everyone kept implying he was. He was

just...annoyed at the situation.

"I guess that means you didn't claim him," Tommy said.
Sid frowned and glared at Tommy. "No, I didn't really have the opportunity to do that, unless you're

suggesting I should have fucked him on the dining room table. Somehow I thought that might come off as
a bit rude."

Tommy laughed. "Okay, okay. You don't have to be snippy." Timmy gave him a sidelong glance.

"You've been a bit sharp lately. Usually everything just rolls off you."

"Well I think I'm entitled to be a bit bitchy, since my life has been ruined practically overnight," Sidney

said, turning back to stare out of the passenger's window.

"You know, most people are usually happy to find their mate."
Sid narrowed his eyes. "I'm not most people."
Sid could feel the hesitation in the air and tensed.
"Want to talk about?" Tommy asked, gently.
"Not particularly, but thanks for asking," Sid said lightly.
Tommy grew quiet and for the rest of the car ride a heavy silence hung between them. Tommy still

didn't say anything as they got out of the car and Sid had to admit to himself that he was being a jerk.
Before Tommy went to his room, Sid reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a dick. It's just this whole thing has me on edge."
Tommy nodded. "I get it, but..." He hesitated and then continued. "I don't understand why you're

against having a mate and you made it pretty clear you don't want to talk about it, but it's important.
What I told you earlier is very real and you can't just walk away and pretend it doesn't exist."

Sid knew he was referring to what Sid had done earlier. When Tommy had told him that Brad might

die if he didn't claim him, Sid had simply opened the door and walked away. The urge to shift and just
run had been nearly overwhelming. He had never felt so trapped before. Even now, the urge to just walk
and walk and walk, until he was far away from everything made his skin itch.

"I get it, Tommy, I do. I just need time to take this all in. Even you and Xavier didn't do a claim right

away and you two were into each other from the beginning."

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Tommy nodded slowly. "That's true, but Xavier is a shifter. Bradley isn't and even I can see how you

both affect each other."

Sid clenched his teeth. "But that's not me! It's the whole mate thing. I..." he whirled away and started

walking to his room. "I'll think about it, okay? Just give me some time."

Tommy called after him, but Sid ignored him and stepped into his room, slamming the door behind

him. He paced back and forth across the room. He frantically turned over solutions to the situation, but
every time he thought about Bradley dying the breath seemed to freeze in his throat.

This was so screwed up. Ever since he found out about how mates changed a person he had been

avoiding it. Instead he tripped over his mate, only to find out that with humans it was even worse. Why
was this happening to him? He didn't want a mate. Already he wasn't sure what were his feelings and
what was the mate bond, because there was no way that one night with Bradley could make him feel so
much about one person. He knew nothing about Bradley.

"I need a drink," Sid said, pushing away the thought. He needed a drink and a good fuck, but the fuck

was pretty much out of the question. He seriously doubted that Lotters had a gay bar and he'd rather not
test out Tommy's claim that sex with anyone else but Bradley would turn him off. The thought of one
person having that much of a claim on his body and soul was enough to make him go mad. At least his
heart was still his.

So a drink it is. Sid stepped out of his room and considered inviting Tommy along, but then decided

against it. Right now, he wasn't up to dealing with Tommy's questions, especially when he was drunk. He
liked Tommy, liked him enough that with sufficient alcohol he might just tell him about Tae. Sid had
enough sense to know that would be bad. He had plenty of things screwing up his head to know not to
go around cutting open old wounds.

Instead Sid went to the front desk and got directions to the nearest bar. The nearest bar was called

Lucky Three and was a ten-minute walk from the motel. It was a bigger bar filled with mostly locals and
a few people who were from the motel. There was talking and laughing as people either argued about
the basketball game playing on one television or the hockey game on the other side or debated about
which sport was better. There were a few people already passed out drunk at some of the tables, while
others were already moving in that direction.

In any case, Sid wasn't really interested in talking up the locals. He ordered a beer and a shot of

whiskey and settled down at an empty table. He tried not to think of just how good it had felt to have
Bradley's hands sliding over his body as he kissed him and just how much he wanted to feel it again. He
ordered another round and wondered if he drank enough could he dull the part of him that wanted to
just give in and claim Bradley.

There was a scrape of a chair being pulled back and then someone was sitting across from him,

someone who smelled of hard liquor and unfulfilled lust. The lust caught him off-guard, because it was
pretty clear that this wasn't that type of bar. Sid looked up and met the man's eyes. He had wide blue
eyes that were dilated and messy dark blond hair. He might have been good-looking except for the
twisted smile on his lips.

"Look at that, a pretty face like yours, drinking alone. It's a shame."
Sid blinked and then looked around, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. There were a

couple of men, probably the guy's buddies, who glanced at them, laughed, and then returned to looking
at the game.

Sid smiled thinly as he turned back to his drunken company. "Is it? I find drinking alone always

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ensures I'm in good company."

For a minute the man looked confused and then he barked out a laugh. "Sharp tongue." He said and

then lowered his voice. "I wonder what else that tongue of yours can do."

Sid lifted his beer and swallowed down the last of it. Slowly, he ran his tongue over his lips. He

watched the man follow the action with his eyes. Then Sid leaned in close. "Sorry, not interested."

The man blinked in surprise.
Sid thought he would give the man time to let that sink in and pushed up from the table to go to the

counter for another round. Before he could leave, the man's hand snaked out, grabbing Sid's wrist. Sid
froze and he felt anger slide through his entire body. Who did this guy think he was? Sid turned cold
eyes on the man.

The guy didn't seem to notice. Either he was too drunk or too stupid. Sid was betting it was a mixture

of both.

"Hey," the man said, nervously. "I didn't get it wrong, did I? You're a...you know."
Sid's eyes narrowed. "A what?"
The man must have finally caught Sid's tone, because he shivered, but he still didn't let go. He seemed

to gather some courage from deep inside him to continue. Sid might have even admired him for it if not
for his next words.

"You know," he said, licking his lips and lowering his voice. "A fag."
Sid's insides went cold. "Are you?"
The man flushed and sputtered over his words. "No, I'm not a fuckin' fag. I-"
Sid slammed his free hand against the table, cutting the man's words off. He looked the man in the

eye, and gave him a sharp smile that was all teeth.

"Fuckin' fag, huh? I suggest you let go of my wrist and get the fuck away from my table, before I

break your damn arm, Mr. I'm-Not-A-Fag."

The man went pale and he let go of Sid's wrist.
Sid turned away. Some of the bar occupants were looking at him, but Sid ignored them and went to

the counter and ordered another beer and whiskey. When he turned back to his table it was empty,
which was just fine with him. He sat down, trying not be pissed off. Just how far did that guy have to be
in the closet to try to come on to him while denying he was gay? People were just so screwed up.

Sid threw back his shot, chasing it with a swig of beer. He sat the bottle down and there was once

again the scrape of a chair.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. Don't you know when to give up?" Sid snarled out as he glared

up at the intruder. When he saw who it was he gaped.

Bradley was sliding into the chair across from him with a wide grin. "Nope. I can be very persistent."
Sid snapped his mouth shut. His heart started to beat frantically in his chest. With effort, Sid schooled

his features into nonchalance. "I noticed. Want to explain how you found me?"

"A bit of deduction mixed with a gut feeling," Bradley said and tucked his fist under his chin. His

stared at Sid, his gaze unwavering. "I feel like I'll always be able to find you if I try hard enough." He
scratched his head. "Ah, I suppose that sounds a bit creepy."

Sid expected to feel trapped by those words. After all, it was the mate bond that was pulling them

together, dragging Bradley towards Sid whether he wanted it not. The feeling of being cornered in was
there, but a stronger feeling rushed through Sid's body. This desperate longing pushed and pulled at his
insides. He swallowed and reached for his beer, taking a swallow.

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"Well you found me. Now what do you want?" Sid said, trying to keep his voice cold as he sat his

beer back down.

"You," Bradley said. He reached over and slid his hand over Sid's, causing little shocks of pleasure to

climb up Sid's skin.

The touch was completely different from the other guy. It made him shift in his seat trying not to leap

out of his chair and jump Bradley. Damn, Sid wanted him. Sid pulled his hand away and tried to derail
the conversation and possibly knock some sense into Bradley.

"Better be careful," Sid said. "It won't look too good if the mayor's son is caught groping a man." It

was a reminder of how straight Bradley was supposed to be and just who he was. That should be a
bucket of ice water.

Bradley had the nerve to shrug. "I don't care."
For some reason that irritated him. Maybe it was because of the man earlier, but Sid lashed out. "Oh?

One night with me and you're suddenly out and proud. Give me a break."

Bradley met his eyes dead-on. "What if I am?"
Sid blinked and something tightened in his chest. His skin tingled in anticipation, though he couldn't say

why. "Bullshit."

Bradley grinned. "After you left I told my parents. They weren't too pleased. My mom was crying and

my dad threatened to disown me."

Sid stared at Bradley in disbelief. But there was sincerity in his expression, tinged with something sad

that made him pause. "Shit! What the hell, Brad? I never asked you to do that!"

"I know," Bradley said and reached up, cupping Sid's cheek. "But I want you to know I'm serious

about you and I can't do that if I'm hiding."

Sid's mind tried to take in what Bradley was saying, what he had done, just to show Sid he was

serious. It was fucking insane, but at the same time, Sid felt like his insides were melting. He closed his
eyes. "Damn, damn."

Bradley chuckled. "I hope that's a good sign."
"Give me a minute and I'll tell you," Sid said. The feel of Bradley's hand running across his cheek and

into his hair so felt good that for a moment Sid leaned into the touch.

There was a loud cry of outrage and Sid jerked in surprise as he remembered where the hell they

were. He looked around to see people shouting at the television, something about a call the referee
made. There were a couple of people looking at him and Bradley, whispering, but Sid ignored them. He
really didn't give a fuck what anyone thought. He had his own issues to worry about. He pushed back
from the table.

"I'm getting another round. You want something?" Sid asked.
Bradley smiled at him and it was both amused and hopeful. "Just a beer."
Sid nodded and went to the counter, trying to gather up his thoughts. So maybe he should tell Bradley

to get lost, but he couldn't make himself, especially after what Brad had done. He couldn't help feeling a
twinge of pride. To have a mate that would go that far for him was something. Yeah, if he had wanted a
mate that's the kind of mate he would have liked. He frowned. Problem was, he didn't want a mate. For
a moment, he had almost forgotten that.

He reached the counter and ordered two more beers and another shot of whiskey. Since Brad hadn't

specified what kind he liked, Sid just got Brad the same kind he was drinking. The bartender gave him a
weird look, but Sid ignored it. It either had to do with this being his fourth round or because of Bradley

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and his little display, in both cases that was none of anyone's business.

Sid turned around and began heading back to the table, when suddenly a hand gripped his shoulder.

He turned, coming face-to-face with his drunken admirer from earlier.

"Looks like you're not so lonely anymore," the man said, glaring. "What? You only like rich boys?"
Sid yanked away from him. "I don't think that's any of your damn business. Or do I need to reject you

a second time for you to get the hint?"

"Something wrong?" Bradley's smooth voice came from behind him and his arm slid around Sid's

shoulder. "You need something Zack?"

The drunkard, Zack, stared at Bradley's arm in stunned disbelief.
Sid hoped his face didn't have the same expression, because there was no way the action could be

anything but Bradley stating his claim...in front of the whole fucking bar. If he had any doubts before of
whether Bradley had been telling the truth about outing himself, they were gone now. "Shit, Brad. You
sure don't do anything halfway."

Bradley grinned and took one of the beers from Sid. "Surprised?"
Sid smiled. "I wouldn't say that." Fucking astonished would have been better phrasing, but Sid was

definitely not going to admit to that.

By the sly smile that spread across Brad's face, Sid got the feeling he might have figured it out


"Come on, how about we finish off these drinks and go somewhere to talk."
"Maybe, no promises," Sid said teasingly. Shit he was horny. Right now, if Bradley had asked to do

him in the bathroom, Sid would have said yes. It was like everything he said was just too damn right.

He and Bradley turned to head back to the table when Zack grabbed Bradley's arm, jerking him

back. "Are you fucking serious?" His voice rose high in a mixture of disbelief and anger.

The bar grew quiet and several people looked their way. Sid even noticed several of Zack's friends

from earlier standing up. Yet, none of that was important at the moment. What was important was the
drunk and aggressive male that had grabbed his mate's arm.

Brad's voice had a cold finality to it. He didn't even step away. "Yeah, I am."
Zack's gripped tightened on Bradley. "And you think it's all right? What the fuck? You just walk in

here and feel up some guy and everyone is supposed to just be okay with it?"

Sid felt the hair on his skin rise. He didn't want to agitated the situation. It wasn't just Zack. The whole

bar seemed to be waiting to surge forward and probably the only reason they hadn't was because
Bradley was the mayor's son. Still, that prick was touching Bradley, threatening him. Sid took a step

At the same time the bartender was telling them to calm down as he moved from behind the bar.
"I don't care if anyone's okay with it or not. It's no one else's business," Bradley said, as if he wasn't in

a bar of drunken homophobes.

Zack seemed to struggle with something, his face contorting into a desperate rage. He let go of

Bradley's arm only to step into his face, grabbing his shirt. "That's bullshit. That's-"

Sid didn't hear any more. His body just moved. He yanked Zack's hand away from Bradley and

shoved him back - or it was meant to be a shove. Instead Zack went flying into a table, glasses knocked
to the ground, beer flying, as people jumped back.

Sid's eyes widened. He probably used a little too much force. "Oops."
It was like a bell had been rung. The next thing Sid knew the bar erupted into chaos. One of Zack's

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buddies surged towards him, fist aimed at his face. Sid ducked and slammed his fist into the guy's gut.
The man stumbled back falling into another group of people that had been either coming forward to stop
the fight or join in.

Sid didn't have time to be satisfied with his handiwork before another person came at him. Suddenly

the whole bar was filled with people slamming fists into each other and Sid was pretty sure most of them
were too drunk to know, or even care, who they were fighting. The bartender was screaming and Sid
was sure he said something about the police, but it was hard to hear him.

All Sid knew was he needed to get Bradley out of there. Sid ducked beneath a swinging chair and

came up, looking for Bradley. In the process he got clipped by a moving fist and swung back,
remembering to hold back just before his fist impacted. Adrenaline was pumping through his veins and
he knew he must have been grinning madly. He finally spotted Bradley, not too far from the door,
slamming his fist into some guy twice his size and that was saying something since Bradley wasn't exactly

Sid rushed forward, ramming his shoulder into the guy and knocking him out of the way.
"Sid!" Bradley said, worry heavy in his voice. "You all right?"
"I'm prefect," Sid said with a wink and grabbed Bradley's wrist. "Let's go!"
Then he was dragging Bradley out of the bar. They had just gotten out the door when a police car

pulled up. Sid didn't wait around for the cops to get out, but dragged Bradley down an alley.

Bradley pulled away. "Follow me."
They ran, twisting down streets and alleys to who knew where. Sid's breath raced through his lungs,

not from exertion but excitement, as Brad hauled him towards a building.

Bradley hurried and took his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. "Come on. No one will

come looking for us here."

They stepped into a reception area. Sid looked around curiously at the pictures of dog and cats on

the wall. It wasn't hard to figure out where they were. "This your clinic?"

"Yeah," Bradley said, locking the door behind them. "We probably shouldn't turn on the lights, just in

case they send a unit to drive by."

Sid nodded. It was dark, but his eyes were good enough to see in the dark room, better than

Bradley's probably were.

Bradley stepped past him, obviously so familiar with the place he didn't need to see. "I'll take you to


Sid cut off whatever Brad was going to say with a hard kiss.
For a second Bradley stiffened in surprise. Only for a moment and then he grabbed Sid with a growl

and kissed him back with a wild press of lips and teeth. Sid opened to him, and their tongues danced
together as primal lust surged through Sid's body. His cock was achingly hard. The kiss was so good but
it wasn't enough.

Sid broke free and shoved Bradley hard against the receptionist desk. Bradley started to push back

towards him, but Sid put a firm hand on his chest. "Stay there."

Bradley arched an eyebrow, but didn't move.
Sid grinned and without further ado, dropped to his knees. He unbuckled Bradley's belt and unzipped

his pants as quickly as he could, yanking them down so he could get to the hard cock underneath and
Bradley was very hard.

Sid leaned forward, kissing the tip. He ran his lips down the length, burying his nose into the black

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hairs and taking in Bradley's scent. It was deep and musky, all man and lust, and his. He ran his tongue
up Brad's shaft, tasting his sweat and skin, then over the velvety tip, licking up a drop of pre-come as it
spilled from the slit.

"Sid, fuck," Bradley said, his body trembled from restraining himself.
Sid looked up at him, giving him a wicked smile, before mouthing over the head.
Bradley let out a strained laugh. "Evil."
Sid pulled away. "Definitely."
He slid the tip into his mouth again, sucking on just the head. Bradley moaned and then sucked in a

breath as Sid's hand slid down to cup Bradley's balls, squeezing and rubbing them as he took even more
of Bradley into his mouth.

Sid wanted to tease, but the taste of Brad's cock on his tongue had heat rushing through his body and

he couldn't hold back, greedily taking him further into his mouth. He wanted Brad to fill him and he sank
deeper on Brad's length, pushing past the gag reflex to have him. Until he could feel him deep down his
throat, cutting off his air supply with the thickness of his cock. Sid pulled back and then immediately
deep-throated Brad again, sliding off and on with loud slurping and whimpers. His own cock was hard
against his zipper.

"Sid," Bradley moaned, his hand sliding into Sid's hair.
Bradley didn't pull on his hair or forced him to take more. Instead he simply ran his fingers through

Sid's hair and said his name over and over.

So gentle despite the strength in those hands, he acted like Sid was something incredibly precious.

Sid's heart clenched and he felt something prickle at his eyes, but he ignored it, and instead sank deeper
into the scent of his mate. He moved deep until he couldn't take it anymore, and started bobbing faster.
He gave Bradley's balls another squeeze before dropping his hand down to the bulge in his own pants.

He unzipped and pulled his cock out, stroking himself off as his lips slid over Bradley's slick cock.
Bradley's hand tightened in his hair, before loosening again. "You're so sexy. I want so badly to come

in your mouth."

The words made Sid moan and he bobbed faster. Soft pants spilled from Bradley's lips and he

muttered a warning, but Sid didn't let up. Bradley's hips jerked up as come squirted form his cock and
down Sid's throat. Sid swallowed it down, drinking it until every drop was milked from his mate's cock.
He only released Bradley's cock when it lay limp and soft and then only reluctantly.

Brad looked at Sid as if he was the most amazing thing he had ever seen. "Sid, that was...."
"Fantastic? Mind-blowing? The best you've ever had?" Sid said, teasingly, his voice strained. He was

still hard.

"Yeah. All that and more," Bradley said. Then his eyes darkened. "I want to taste you."
Sid's eyes widened in surprise. Slowly, he nodded.
Bradley slid to the ground and pushed Sid back, moving to his cock. His breath played over Sid's

hard erection. "I've never done this before."

"It's all right, just...gah! Please..."
Brad chuckled and leaned down, giving him a tentative lick.
Sid shuddered.
"Beautiful," Bradley breathed out.
Sid wasn't sure what to say to that and then he didn't care, because Bradley's lips had wrapped

around his dick and were slowly sliding up and down his length. Moans spilled from Sid's mouth and he

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dragged his fingers over the linoleum floor, trying to keep himself from grabbing Bradley's head and
forcing him down, because it felt too amazing to be real.

It was clear it was Bradley's first time. He was clumsy, but eager and somehow, even though it was

nowhere near the most skilled blowjob he ever had, it was still the best because it was Brad doing it.
Brad. With a shock, his climax crashed through him. He came in Bradley's mouth before he could let out
a warning. His climax pulled at him, wringing every bit out of him as pleasure crackled through his body.

He heard Bradley choke a little, but he was too far gone to do anything about it.
It took him a moment to get back to himself and when he did he felt himself flush as he jerked up.

"Brad! Sorry, I didn't mean to do that!"

Bradley was looking at him with a satisfied smirk. "I'm glad I could make you lose control then."
Sid blinked and stared at Bradley. He didn't look pissed off or disgusted, simply happy that he had

given Sid pleasure. Sid felt his heart clench again, one of many times tonight, and he knew he was very,
very close to losing his heart to this man.

Sid took a long breath to steady himself. "You," he shook his head. "Do you have something I could

clean up with?"

Bradley nodded. "I'll be right back."
Sid nodded, not lifting his head, listening to Bradley go into the back He waited a breath and then he

was on his feet and racing out the door. He moved fast and ran. He ran faster than he probably should
of in a town that didn't know about werewolves, but he kept running. Desperately, Sid tried to outrun
the beating of his own heart, but no matter how fast he ran it was still there, loud and insistent. It no
longer beat just for him.

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Chapter 9

Sid had run...again. After last time Bradley should have expected it, but he hadn't. Sid had never

made any promises, but Bradley had thought there had been progress made. He was upset and
disappointed, but figured he would give Sidney the night to figure things out and then go over to his motel
and drag him out to breakfast. He had already called around and confirmed where he was staying. It
was a good plan or so he thought. Until he went to the motel and realized that Sid had checked out. A
few calls and it didn't take long to realize that Sid had ran all the way back to Woodcutter Valley. This
time around disappointment had turned to something close to anger.

He shoved it away, because as much as it pissed him off, Sid didn't owe him anything. Still, that didn't

mean he was going to leave it at that. If Sid was going to continue running, well Bradley decided it was
about time he started chasing him. After all, his receptionist had been telling him for a while that he
needed to take a vacation and he had never been to Woodcutter Valley. A slow smile slid across his

It took the majority of the morning to get everything straightened out. The other vet who worked in

the clinic seemed almost too excited about the news. She had been working in his clinic for two years
and this was the first time he had left the clinic in her hands. It made him wonder if his own intensity
towards his job had prevented her from growing in hers. It was something he would have to think about.
By the time lunch came around, Bradley was on his way out of the office when the clinic door opened.
There stood his mother.

"Bradley, it looks like I caught you just in time," his mother said, there was sharpness in her tone, like

he was thirteen and trying to sneak out of his bedroom window.

"Hello mother. I didn't expect you to stop by," Bradley said, wondering just what his mother had

planned. He wasn't delusional enough to think it was just a friendly visit.

"Sorry for not calling, but I wasn't sure you wouldn't run away if I notified you I was coming," his

mother said while causally adjusting her purse.

Bradley straightened. "I have no reason to avoid you mother. I haven't done anything wrong."
His mother looked at him with a sharp look. "Is that so? The sheriff would beg to differ. It seems

someone fitting your description was involved in a bar fight last night."

Bradley winced. That...well maybe he hadn't completely thought that through. He sighed and ran his

hand through his hair. "About that-"

"Lunch," his mother said, cutting him off. "That's why I stopped by. Why don't you join me? I think

we have a lot to talk about."

Bradley thought of making excuses, but like he told his mother he had no reason to run. He nodded.

"That's fine with me."

With a precise, elegant turn, his mother stepped out of the clinic. Bradley followed behind her, hearing

the voices of his employees muttering about Dr. Lotters and bar fights. He followed his mother back to
the house where lunch was already set up for them in the backroom next to the patio. Once the meal
was served, only then did his mother speak.

"I'm sure you can imagine our surprise to hear that you were in a bar fight and right after what you

said last night. I have to admit I'm a bit concerned."

Bradley took a bite of his Panini. "You don't need to worry, mother. I'm an adult. I can handle my

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own problems."

His mother frowned. "I see, but your father has taken care of the incident, regardless. After all this

doesn't simply reflect on you, but on your father as well. He is, after all, a politician."

Bradley stiffened. "I'm aware what father is. I admit that maybe the bar fight was an unfortunate

incident, but only the bar fight."

"I see," his mother said and sipped her wine. "Your father thinks you're going through a phase."
Bradley rolled his eyes. "Seriously? Don't you think I'm a bit too old for that?"
His mother glared at him. "I thought you were too old for bar fights, but that didn't seem to stop you

from starting one."

"Fine. Then I'll make it clear and we can stop beating around the bush." He met his mother's eyes.

"I'm gay. That isn't going away and I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not."

His mother dug her nails into the tablecloth. "All these years and suddenly you're gay? How can you

be sure?"

"Because I never felt this way about anyone except for him."
His mother studied him and then sighed. "Your father isn't going to be happy."
"And you?" Bradley said.
"I wanted grandchildren," she said with a shrug.
He had expected that response, but there was still a twinge of hurt. He had hoped...
"Oh, don't look so disappointed," she said and took another sip of her wine. "It'll take some getting

used to, but I'm your mother after all. As all mothers, I want my child to be happy foremost. Besides,
there's always adoption."

It took Bradley a moment to get what his mother was saying, but when he did he couldn't help

grinning. "Thank you."

She made a soft clucking sound. "Don't think it'll be so easy with your father."
"Things are never easy with him."
"As long as you are aware. So tell me more about Sidney."
Bradley's eyes widened in surprise. "How?"
His mother gave him a sly smile. "I have a sharp eye. After all, I'm the mayor's wife."
Bradley laughed. After that he managed to waylay his mother's questions about Sid. He didn't want to

get into any detail, not until he officially had something going with Sid beyond a couple of one-night
stands. So he made his excuses and promised his mother that he would get back to her about Sid once
he was back from his vacation.

His mother had been surprised to hear about his impromptu vacation, which set off another set of

inquires before Bradley admitted he was going to Woodcutter Valley. She didn't press him further than
that. Though his mother had, in her own way, accepted he was serious about Sid he knew she was still
trying to come to terms with her son's sexuality.

He left his mother's house soon after and went to his own to pack a bag. He was on the road in no

time, but going to Woodcutter Valley was more complicated than he had originally expected. He had to
turn around twice before he spotted the carport and took a chance it might have something to do with
the town. He pulled inside, surprised to see more than a dozen cars inside and space for more. Parking,
he stepped out and glanced over the cars, looking for some sign the carport was to Woodcutter Valley
or at least that one of the cars was Sidney's. The problem was he had never seen what car Sidney had
ridden in and there was not even a Woodcutter Valley High bumper sticker on any of the cars.

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Frustrated, Bradley was set to get back in his car and drive away when he spotted a trail. Curious

and a little hopeful, he grabbed his duffle bag and began following the trail into the woods. He wasn't on
the trail long before the sense of being watched began to climb over his skin. The further he went on the
trail the quieter the woods became around him. If it was just a nature trail then he silently hoped he'd run
into someone soon. They could at least point him in the direction of Woodcutter Valley. Bradley took
another step forward, but froze as he heard movement to his right. He whipped around, searching, but
there was nothing there. It sounded big. A deer? He tried to remember if there were black bears in the
area and really hoped there weren't.

He turned back to the trail and froze. Standing in front of him was a thin man with long brown hair and

a cold stare. Bradley hadn't even heard him coming.

"Um, hi?" Bradley said.
The man simply frowned at him. "This is private property. I suggest you turn back."
Bradley frowned and tried to not be bothered by the man's attitude. "Sorry, there were no signs. Hey,

can you tell me where Woodcutter Valley is? I've been driving down the road, but I can't seem to spot it

The man's eyes narrowed. "Why are you looking for Woodcutter Valley?"
Bradley bristled. "That's my business."
"Then I've got nothing to say to you," the man said.
Bradley started to protest when another man stepped out of the woods. This man was bigger, bigger

than even Bradley, and had wild auburn hair that spilled from a messy ponytail. A feral grin spread
across his face.

"Well now, it looks like we have a visitor," the stranger said.
Something about the man put Bradley on alert, but at the same time he felt excitement bubble up in

him at the sight of the man. The man might not have had the slender build of Sidney, but there was
definitely a resemblance. The man had to be some sort of family member.

"You wouldn't happen to know Sidney, would you?" Bradley quickly asked.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," the auburn haired stranger said, his gaze sliding over Bradley with a

predatory gleam. "Who's asking?"

The man with the cold eyes glared at the new arrival, but didn't say anything, simply waited.
Bradley hesitated. Sidney might have specifically told people he wanted to avoid him, but Bradley

didn't have many options at the moment, so he just went for it. "I'm Bradley Lotters. I'm a friend of his."

The man laughed loudly and stepped forward. "Bradley Lotters. You're much more than a friend from

what I heard." He slapped Bradley's shoulder. "Nice to finally meet you. I'm Chase. Sid is my brother."

Bradley nodded, taking note about the more than friends bit. Maybe Sidney wasn't as against him as

he'd first thought. "I figured as much. You two look a lot alike."

"I'm handsomer," Chase said with a wink then pointed to the other man who was looking annoyed.

"That's Xavier."

Xavier gave a clipped nod, before turning to Chase. "A word."
Chase sighed dramatically then winked at Bradley. "Give me a minute. Xavier's a bit of a stickler for


Bradley nodded slowly and watched Chase saunter off into the woods with Xavier. Bradley rubbed

the back of his neck and wondered what he had just gotten himself into. Xavier and Chase seemed to be
some sort of guards, but if so what were they protecting? What exactly was Woodcutter Valley? All

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types of thoughts about communes and religious cults popped in his head, but the thought that stayed in
the forefront was werewolves. He had assumed that Sidney was the only one, but with all this scrutiny
and how important it was to the mayor that there was no hunting on the grounds there had to be more
than just Sidney. Chase and Xavier were guards, but they had no weapons. Maybe they didn't need any.

"Shit," Bradley said under his breath.
"Something wrong?" Chase said, stepping out of the woods and back on the trail.
"No," Bradley said.
Chase studied him and then shrugged. "Well then, come on. I'll take you to see Sidney."
Bradley hesitated. "What happened to Xavier?"
"He went ahead. Like I said before, he's a stickler for rules."
Bradley figured that was supposed to make sense, which it didn't. Alarm signals were telling him to go

back to his car and drive away, because walking deeper into the woods with a stranger that seemed to
have a hell of a lot of secrets was just stupid. At the same time this was Sidney's brother and the only
way he could see the man again. Somehow he knew Sidney was close. Bradley took a deep breath and
followed Chase.

Chase chuckled. "Well aren't you brave." He gave Bradley a toothy grin. "Looks like Sidney has

decent taste after all."

Bradley refused to be intimidated. "Glad you approve."
"I never said that, but I suppose I don't have much say in the matter. Still it'll be damn good


Bradley gave him a sidelong look. "Sounds like I should be worried."
"Should be? If you aren't already then you don't have good instincts."
"Compared to a wolf, probably not," Bradley said, nonchalantly.
Chase raised his eyebrow and then laughed. "Guess you have good instincts after all."
Bradley smiled and tried to ignore the chill up his spine. Chase had pretty much confirmed he was a

werewolf like his brother and here Bradley was walking alone in the woods with him.

"Instincts will only get you so far, especially when it comes to Sid."
Bradley frowned. "Is that your roundabout way of telling me to stay clear of him?"
Chase shook his head. "Like I said before. I don't have much say. I'm just letting you know you'll get

a lot more than you bargain for when it comes to him."

Bradley shrugged. "Then I should be fine, because I don't really care what his baggage is as long as at

the end of the day we can be together."

Chase whistled. "Wow, look at all those pretty words you're spouting. Damn, panties must have been

dropping left and right with you around."

Bradley whirled around and faced Chase. "I get it. You're the protective older brother. You can drop

the asshole routine."

"Routine?" Chase said and waved down his body. "This is all natural."
"Fine," Bradley gritted out. "Think whatever you want, but I meant what I said. I'm here for Sid."
Chase nodded. "I believe you."
Bradley blinked in surprise. "You do?"
"Never doubted it, but you still don't know what you're getting into."
"Doesn't matter," Bradley said firmly.
"Maybe," Chase said icily casual "But if you hurt my brother I'll rip your head off...both of them."

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Bradley shuddered. "Shit, I believe you."
Chase grinned. "Definitely good instincts."
They walked the remainder of the way mostly in silence. Their walk was stopped as once again, two

people stepped out of the woods. It was Xavier and Tommy. Bradley felt a little relieved to see Tommy.
At least it was someone he knew, even if they met only briefly.

"The Al-uh...Mayor wants to see you," Tommy said. "Hope you don't mind a little detour before you

meet up with Sidney."

"That's fine," Bradley said, though as polite as Tommy might be, Brad didn't think he really had much

of a say. "It'll give me time to recoup before Sid starts tearing into me."

Chase laughed. "Man, I'll have to be there to see that."
"Troublemaker," Xavier said. His voice was softer than before and he seemed more relaxed. It was

completely different from how he been on the trail.

Chase winked. "Always."
"If you're done flirting," Tommy said and put a possessive arm around Xavier's waist. "Let's get

Bradley over to Dusk."

"Who said I can't flirt and walk at the same time," Chase said with a wide smile.
Tommy glared at him, but Xavier just laughed and leaned in closer to Tommy.
Bradley couldn't help staring a little. Everyone seemed so comfortable with each other. It was pretty

rare to see many gay men in Lotters. The ones there were usually an open secret and kept to
themselves. To see these three men interacting so easily, well he couldn't help wondering it the whole
town was this accepting or if he was meeting the exceptions.

Tommy led them into town. Chase kept his word and flirted with Xavier the whole time while

throwing digs at Tommy with a few spare ones for Bradley. By the time they reached the mayor's,
Bradley had figured out that Chase really was an asshole. A charming one, but nonetheless still an
asshole. He also figured out that the town obviously didn't get many visitors. There were people moving
about but almost everyone they passed stared at him. Some tried to be subtle about it, but it was clear
he was an outsider.

Bradley was surprised to find out they were meeting the mayor at his home instead of at the town hall.

He wondered if that was because he was the mayor's son or if Woodcutter Valley was just a bit more
informal about those sorts of things. In any case, Tommy knocked on the door and a small older woman
opened the door. She smiled at them.

"Come on in. You can wait in the living room." Her smile brightened when she saw Bradley and she

held out her hand. "So you're Bradley, right?"

He nodded. "Yes, thank you for having me."
"No problem at all. I'm Ellen Ross. I'm guessing you must be a bit overwhelmed by all this."
"Not really, but I have a lot of questions," Bradley said.
"I'm sure you'll have a lot more before we're done," she said with a soft laugh.
He followed her into the living room with everyone else. The entire room was filled with tension and

the tension just got worse when three others stepped into the room. Two of them he didn't recognize.
One was a slender dark haired man who looked amused and perplexed at the same time. The man
beside him seemed to be the complete opposite. He was huge, bigger than even Chase. His blond hair
was close cropped and his eyes a golden brown that seemed to take in everything. He had a presence
about him that screamed power.

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Yet, as intimidating as the man was, Bradley's attention couldn't help drifting to the man he came for,

Sidney. Sid had his arms crossed and it was clear from the look on his face that he was pissed off. Sid
refused to look at Bradley. Brad had expected that though he still couldn't help feeling disappointed
about it.

The big man stepped forward, snapping Bradley's attention before him. He held out his hand. "I'm

Dusk and this Gael. You already know Sid."

"Bradley Lotters," he said and shook Dusk's hand and nodded in greeting to Gale, before returning his

attention to Dusk. "You're the mayor?"

Dusk frowned and nodded, letting go of his hand. "You're the son of Lotter's mayor, correct?"
Bradley wondered why the man was frowning. "Yes. Is there something wrong? I get the feeling I'm

an intruder."

Dusk lips tightened. "You haven't done anything wrong."
The way Dusk said that made it clear that someone else had and by the way Sidney stiffened it

looked like he was it. Bradley was confused by that and felt a wave of protectiveness surge up in him.

"I'm sorry, but this is starting to feel a little strange. Can someone explain to me what's going on?"
Dusk nodded. "Please have a seat."
Reluctantly, Bradley sat down. The others followed suit.
"As you might have gathered, our town isn't like others," Dusk said. "It's on private property and you

need permission to enter it."

Bradley looked confused and he felt the word cult bouncing over and over again in his head. "Why?"
Dusk met his eyes. "I think you know why."
Bradley saw something wild dancing in those eyes and he knew he couldn't pretend like the thought

had been in the far recesses of his mind, beyond the possibility of a cult, of course. His gaze shifted back
to Sidney. "Werewolves."

Sid met his eyes and then looked away.
When he turned back to Dusk, the man nodded and leaned back in his chair with a sigh. "Not exactly,

but that is the core of it. There's a lot more to it, which I'm sure you'll learn in time. Until then, you'll be in
Sidney's care. How long were you planning to stay in Woodcutter Valley?"

"A week," Bradley said.
Dusk turned to Sidney. "You have a week to resolve this Sidney." He turned back to Bradley.

"Please make sure to follow Sidney's guidance and I don't need to tell you that whatever you find out is
not to go outside Woodcutter Valley."

"Yeah, I figured that. Not like anyone would believe me."
Dusk tightened his lips, but nodded. "This includes your friends or family."
"I understand," Bradley said. He didn't like hiding things from his family, but he wasn't stupid enough

to think that he needed to tell them about this.

"Good." Dusk looked at Sid. "Why don't you go ahead and get Bradley settled in."
Sid stiffly got to his feet and led the way out. The rest of the men stayed behind. Bradley was pretty

sure at least some of what they were going to talk about was him. He had really walked into some
serious trouble. He just wondered if he would have the opportunity to walk back out of it.

Sid led him to a small house. As soon as Bradley stepped inside, shutting the door behind him,

Bradley was slammed against the entrance wall.

"Why the hell did you come here?" Sid demanded.

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Bradley blinked. He still couldn't get used to such a slender man being so incredibly strong "For you."
"Didn't you get the hint? I didn't want anything to do with you. Are you some sort of stalker?" Sidney

gritted out.

Bradley felt a slash of hurt and shame go through him. "Is that really how you feel?"
Sid looked at him, opened his mouth, and closed it again. He shook his head and let go of Brad.
Sid laughed bitterly. "It doesn't matter anymore."
"What?" Bradley asked, worried that maybe he had been pushing too far. He was starting to feel like

maybe he had done something seriously wrong. "Sidney what is it?"

"Nothing. Just..."Sidney looked at him and then with a growl he grabbed Brad by the shirt and kissed


The kiss was intense and needy. Bradley couldn't resist it even as warning bells blared in his head.

Sidney's hand slid under Brad's shirt, leaving trails of hot desire across his skin. Bradley groaned and
reached down, grabbing Sid's ass and dragging him closer, rubbing his hardening erection against Sid's

Sid broke the kiss with a moan. Bradley took the opportunity to kiss and suck down his neck. Sid

dug his hands into Bradley's shirt with a soft keening sound, arching up against him. It was too much and
not enough. Bradley slid his hand down the front of Sid's pants, rubbing his palm against his growing

Sid cried out and then pulled away. Reluctantly Brad let go, disappointment running through him. The

disappointment was soon replaced with surprise as Sid began unbuttoning his shirt. He let it drop to the
ground, revealing smooth skin and toned muscles. Next he kicked of his boots. It was only when Sid
began unfastening his pants that Bradley managed to get his voice back.

"What are you doing?" Bradley croaked out.
"Getting naked," Sid said and shimmied out of his jeans and underwear, until he was standing there

completely naked.

Bradley's mouth watered at the sight.
Sid strode towards Bradley and ran his hands up Bradley's chest. "I want you to fuck me."
Bradley's cock throbbed, straining against his pants, but he made no move to remove his pants.

Instead he reached out and grabbed Sid, pulling his naked body flushed against his. Then he kissed
Sidney. He pushed his tongue into Sid's mouth, tasting every bit of him. Sid was stiff against him, but the
longer the kiss went on, the more Sid relaxed into his arms.

Brad broke the kiss. "You're the worst kind of temptation."
Sid grinned. "Believe me. I'm the best kind."
Brad chuckled and then kissed him again. As he kissed Sid he pushed him against the wall. He slid his

hand down Sid's body and then wrapped his fingers around Sid's cock. He began to stroke, keeping his
fist tight as he moved up and down Sid's length.

"I want you badly. So bad that it's taking everything I have not to turn you around and take what

you're offering."

Sid gave a breathlessly laugh as he arched into Bradley's grip. "Feel free to take. I have lube and

condoms, though condoms aren't necessary. Shifters don't carry diseases."

Brad groaned. "You are something else."
"Good, I hope."
"Damn good," Bradley said and sped up his stroke.

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Sid arched up. "Brad, fuck, I'm going to come if..."
Brad moved his hand faster. Sid arched into his hand and with a yell, came. Brad was sure there was

no sight more beautiful than Sid at this moment. His skin flushed, lips parted, and his auburn hair spread
around him with hints of red, gold, and brown. He was truly everything Bradley could ever want.

Brad leaned down and kissed those parted lips as he held Sid. Sid slumped into his grip as he came

down from his release.

"Idiot. I told you to fuck me," Sid said, his irritation subdued in the face of his orgasm.
Brad shook his head. "Not now."
Sid frowned and then narrowed his eyes. "You did this on purpose. You had no intention of screwing


Bradley knew Sid was getting the wrong idea. Before he could come up with a way to explain he was

shoved away.

"So why the hell not? Suddenly you don't want to fuck me? Or is that too gay for you?"
Brad grabbed Sid's arm and yanked him against him. "No! I want you. I'm crazy with wanting you,

but I don't want just that."

Sid started to pull away, but Brad hurriedly continued.
"I want all of you Sid. I don't want to fuck you and leave. This whole time it's been all about getting

off and it's been amazing, but that's not enough for me."

Sid broke free of him. He turned away. "Shit. Brad, why do you have to go this far?"
"You might not have noticed, but I'm not the type to go halfway."
Sid laughed and ran a hand through his hair. "That's for damn sure."
"I'm sorry Sid, but I want you, all of you, and I'll work hard to prove that to you, even if it means not

having sex with you to do it."

"You're an idiot," Sid said, still refusing to look at him.
"Maybe," Bradley said.
Sid sighed. "Upstairs second room on the left. That'll be where you're staying."
"Sid-"Bradley started.
"Just give me a minute, Brad. I just...need to think."
Brad nodded and turned and headed upstairs. He knew he had made the right choice, but for a

moment he couldn't help regretting it ...just a little.

"It'll be worth it," Bradley whispered to himself and went to his room to take care of his own little

problem alone.

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Chapter 10

The next morning Bradley rolled out of bed and pulled out some fresh clothes. Last night's adventure

with his own hand had been washed away in the shower last night, but he couldn't help feeling a twinge
of regret for not taking Sid up on his offer. There should be a rule against someone being so damn
tempting. The problem was that although it had nearly killed him to say no last night, he knew it had been
the right thing. Sid had a pattern of running away and if Bradley just let Sid walk over him, they would
never be able to build something more.

Assured of his decision, Bradley climbed down the stairs and to the kitchen He was almost there

when he heard the sizzle of bacon and someone humming. For a minute, he thought it was Sid and he
scrambled to think of something to say, when he realized that the humming didn't sound quite like him, he
stepped into the kitchen.

"Morning," Bradley said.
It was Chase. Cooking. Not exactly what he expected.
"You hungry?" Chase asked.
Bradley nodded. "Famished."
"Give me a minute and I'll have bacon and eggs ready. You can fix your own toast." Chase nodded in

the direction of a toaster.

Bradley took the signal and went to make them both toast. "So, you and Sid live together?"
Chase nodded as he hummed an off-key rendition of Hotel California, which Bradley wasn't sure if he

should be worried about.

"As long as I can remember, but I expect that will change with you around."
Bradley blinked. "We haven't gotten that far yet."
Chase laughed and raised an eyebrow as he gaze Bradley an amused look. "You sure about that?"
Bradley opened his mouth and then closed it. It was definitely heading in that direction for Bradley at

least. Since he met Sid, Bradley's world had been turned upside down and Bradley had proudly been
doing the tossing, flipping over his everyday life just so he could make sure Sid was part of it. What
exactly did he want to happen between them? This was definitely more than just wanting to date Sid.

Chase barked out a laugh, dragging Bradley's attention back towards the man.
"I think that was answer enough," Chase said and turned back to the frying pan. "How do you like

your eggs?"

"Over easy, " Bradley said as he took one set of toast out and put in another. "Thanks."
"No problem. I figure you'll need your energy for the day you're about to have."
Bradley looked up sharply. "What makes you say that?"
"You're in wolf country now. Or hasn't that sunk in yet?"
Bradley ran a hand through his hair, relieved that Chase didn't know about Sid and Bradley's

argument last night. "I guess it hasn't. I mean, I've seen Sid as a wolf, but a whole town of werewolves
seems crazy."

Chase gave him a toothy grin and his voice was deep with something dark and dangerous. "I can

demonstrate if you like."

Bradley stiffened and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He swallowed and forced himself to

calmly put the last of the toast on a plate. "Maybe after breakfast."

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Chase laughed and plucked up toast for himself and put it on his plate, then set Bradley's plate at the


Bradley felt his shoulders sag with relief and grabbed his toast and joined Chase at the table. He

wondered if there were a lot of werewolves like Chase around. If so, then he could understand why he
might need his energy.

He had just started in on his breakfast when he heard the sound of someone coming down the stairs.

His attention was pulled to the door. He was rewarded with the sight of Sid, and damn, what a sight it

Sid was in tight blue jeans that hugged his ass and a clingy t-shirt that emphasized his toned chest. As

Sid strolled into the kitchen, the shirt rose up, revealing a tantalizing stretch of bare stomach, before
sliding down in a game of hide and seek. Bradley's hands twitched with the desire to push his fingers
underneath and slide them over that hot bare skin.

"Good morning," Sid said, his voice slightly throaty from sleep.
"Morning," Bradley said, unable to resist taking a long look down the length of Sidney's body. He was

completely regretting letting him go last night.

When Bradley managed to force his eyes back to Sid's face and away from the way the jeans seemed

to hug his crotch, Sid was grinning knowingly at him. "Sleep well?"

"Uh, yeah. How about..." Bradley's words trailed off as Sid plucked up an apple, sinking his white

teeth into the red flesh, causing juice to trail down the corner of his mouth.

"I slept very well," Sid said and leaned against the counter, licking the juices from his lips.
Bradley couldn't speak or even move. He was pretty sure if he did he would grab Sid and tear off his


Chase laughed loudly, cutting through the tension that filled the room. "I don't know what you did

Bradley, but you are screwed."

Sid glared at Chase and it finally dawned on Bradley that Sid was doing all this on purpose. Maybe it

should have made him angry, but if anything it just made Bradley want Sid even more.

Chase laughed and pushed away from the table and his empty plate. He walked over and slapped

Bradley on the back. "Good luck." Then he left.

Sid sighed and pulled a chair away from the table, turned it around and straddled it. He watched


Bradley scrambled to think of what to say, but his brain was moving slow and kept drifting to the way

the muscles in Sid's slim body flexed and pushed against his clothes.

He cleared his throat. "Um, Sid, about last night. I-"
"I was thinking I could show you around town. Interested?" Sid asked, cutting him off.
Bradley blinked. "Yeah."
"Good," Sid said and started chewing on his apple.
Bradley watched him, entranced. Who knew someone eating an apple could be so erotic?
Finally, Sid finished and stood up. He walked over to the trash bin, throwing in the apple core before

turning back to Bradley. "Your food is getting cold."

"Uh, yeah."
Sid laughed and shook his head. "I'll meet you outside when you're done." Sid walked away with just

a touch of swagger.

"I'm an idiot," Bradley muttered to himself as his brain finally clicked on. He was starting to think

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turning Sid down last night might have just been one of the stupidest things he had ever done after all.
With one last sigh, Bradley turned back to his breakfast and hurried to finish it off.

He was passing through the living room to the front door when he caught sight of Sid from the

window. Leaning against the porch railing and looking off into town, Sid's eyes were unfocused and it
was clear he was thinking about something. He looked lost, almost unsure. Just the sight tugged on
Bradley's heart and he felt sure of what he needed to do. He stepped out on the porch and immediately
Sid's gaze darted to him. Sid pushed up from the railing and raised his arms in a long stretch that
emphasized his lean body.

Bradley couldn't have stopped himself from looking even if he wanted to. Mentally, he whispered to

himself, Stick to the plan. Stick to the plan.

Sid gave him a lazy smile that was all sex.
Bradley seriously wondered just how long he would last before he dragged Sid behind some bushes

and- No! If he continued with that train of thought neither one of them was going to make it past the

"You all right, Brad?" Sid asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.
Bradley let out a long breath. "Uh, yeah. It's just early."
"Early, right?" Sid said teasingly. He walked off the porch.
At that moment it clicked for Bradley. Sid was planning to keep him hot and bothered as long as

possible. "Shit."

Sid looked over his shoulder with a smirk. "Something wrong?"
Bradley opened his mouth and then shut it. He shook his head. What was he really going to say? If

Sid was going to tease him, Bradley was just going to resist. He had a plan. He knew what he was
doing. Or at least he thought he did. "No. So where are we heading to?"

Sid studied him for a moment before looking away and crossing the yard. "Just your basic tour of the

town. We're a pretty small community, so we basically only have homes and the essentials. We don't
even have a post office"

Bradley climbed off the porch and fell into step next to Sid. "So where do you get your mail?
"We have a mailbox in Lotters," Sid explained. "We have a guy who makes runs into the town daily,

and he picks up the mail from there."

Bradley frowned. "Isn't that sort of extreme?"
Sid peered at Bradley and then shook his head. "Not really." He turned down the street, pointing out

a big house that Bradley recognized.

"That's the mayor's house, right?"
Sid laughed. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."
Bradley looked at him confused. "What's so funny?"
Sid shook his head and stopped in his tracks. He turned to Bradley with a mixture of amusement and

annoyance. "You really don't get it?"

"What am I supposed to get?" Bradley said, feeling like he was missing something obvious.
Before Sid could answer, a voice called out.
They turned to see three men walking towards them. The one who called out was a short Hispanic

man built like a truck. Next to him were two other men, a dark-haired brunette with an easy, but tired
smile, and a bulky blond with kind eyes. Looking at them, Bradley couldn't help wondering if everyone
in town looked like they benched pressed school buses or if he just happened to meet those types. Of all

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the men he had ran into, Sid was the only one who hadn't been bulging with muscles, and he had seen
enough of Sid's naked body to know he was still well-built, very well-built.

"Sid! We missed you last night," the Hispanic man said as he slung an arm around Sid's shoulders.
"We? More like Alejandro couldn't quit whining about his precious Sid not being there," the brunette

said, with a chuckle.

Sid raised his eyebrows. "Oh?"
Alejandro just sidled up closer to Sid. "Can you blame me? All I get to see is Mitch's ugly face. It'll

make anyone cry for a glimpse of real beauty."

Sid laughed and flicked his hair. "Well then, go ahead and drink it in while you have the chance."
Bradley watched the scene play out with a mix of emotions. He could see that these were obviously

friends of Sid's, but it didn't stop the irritation that slid through him at Alejandro hanging all over Sid, or
the way Sid flirted back.

"Hey! Mitch's face isn't so bad," the blond said.
Everyone looked at the blond.
The blond flushed and looked down at his feet.
Alejandro barked out a laugh. "Your crush is showing, Scott."
The blond blushed harder.
Mitch reached out and squeezed Scott's shoulder. "Hey, don't be embarrassed. You just got good


Alejandro whistled. "Oh, is that how it is?"
Mitch glared at Alejandro. "Shut up."
Alejandro just grinned and then leaned over and rubbed his cheek against Sid's. "See, look at that

face. It's enough to give me nightmares. I need my pretty Sid to make it all better."

Bradley felt a muscle in his jaw twitch and he realized he was clenching his teeth. "Sid, aren't you

going to introduce me?"

Sid turned to Bradley with a smile and playfully pushed Alejandro away. He sauntered over to

Bradley, hooking Brad's arm with his. "Everyone, this is Bradley. Bradley, this is Alejandro," -he pointed
to the man he had been snuggling up with just a moment ago- "Mitch and Scott." He pointed to the
brunette and then the blond.

Bradley unhooked his arm with Sid's and instead wrapped his arm around Sid's waist, pulling him

close, before giving a toothy smile to the men. "Nice to meet you."

Mitch raised an eyebrow and Scott's eyes widened.
Alejandro just started to laugh. "Possessive, isn't he?"
Sid elbowed Bradley.
Bradley didn't let go. He just gave them a bright smile. "I am."
Alejandro laughed harder and even Mitch snickered. Scott was still gaping.
"Wow, Sid, you got yourself a live one there," Alejandro said when he had calmed down enough to


Mitch shook his head. "Come on. We should get going before Xavier gets on our case for being late."
Sid glared at Bradley, who still hadn't let him go, before looking back at the trio. "See you later."
They walked past, but as Alejandro came near he leaned in to Sid. "Good luck with that one."

Alejandro looked up and met Bradley's eyes. He gave a wicked grin and quickly pecked Sid on the

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Bradley growled and started to turn towards him, but Sid grabbed him tight. "Bradley, are you really

planning to start a fight?"

Bradley blinked. "Uh..."
There was more laughter and then Scott's voice came from behind them. "That's the human, right?"
"Shh, not so loud," and then their voices drifted off as they moved further away.
Bradley forced himself to relax. "Nice friends you have."
Sid chuckled. "Yes, so let's not attack them, okay?"
"I wasn't going to attack them, just talk to them." Bradley said, relaxing against Sid. Having Sid

pressed against his side felt good. Bradley brushed his fingers lightly against Sid's back.

"Sure you were," Sid mumbled. "They were just teasing you."
Bradley sighed. "Does that mean everyone knows about me?"
"News travels fast in this sort of town."
Bradley rolled his eyes. "I guess that means I better get used to things fast."
Sid shrugged. "You were the one that chased me down here. Not my fault you got more than you

bargained for."

Bradley was quiet. There was an edge in Sid's voice, one he didn't like. He pulled away and turned to

face Sid, meeting his eyes. "I don't regret it."

Sid looked at him, startled. Then he looked away, the hint of a flush on his cheeks. "I didn't ask if you


Bradley grinned. He liked this side of Sid, this stubborn, cute side. He leaned down and kissed his

cheek. "I know you didn't. I just wanted you to know."

"You're an idiot," Sid said, pulling away and walking around him
Bradley chuckled. "Maybe I am." He hurried to catch up to Sid and quickly took his hand.
Sid jumped in surprise and tried to pull away.
Bradley tightened his grip.
Sid sighed, but held his hand. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're pushy?"
"Nope," Bradley said. "So, those friends of yours... Are they werewolves too?"
"Shifters. That's what we're called. There used to be werewolves, but they've pretty much all been

killed off. What remains are shifters."

Bradley was confused. "But you change into a wolf."
Sid nodded. "Shifters change from wolf form to human form. Werewolves can do the same, but they

have a third form. It's a combination of wolf and human." He spoke softly, his voice sad. "It's a cursed

Bradley wanted to ask more, but he could tell something about the conversation bothered Sid, so he

let it go.

"So how many shifters are there in this town?"
Sid looked at Bradley and then shook his head. "God, you're dense."
"All of us, Bradley. We're all shifters, well except for Gael's mother."
Bradley blinked in shock. "What?"
Sid laughed. "Woodcutter Valley is a wolf shifter pack. And our so-called mayor is the Alpha. Do

you get it now?"

Bradley nodded and looked around him in a new light. So a whole wolf shifter colony an hour from

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Lotters and no one was the wiser. He felt like he walked into a fairytale or maybe a horror book,
except, so far, no one seemed too bad. Everyone had been friendly. It was just a bit of a shock. He
took a breath and then slowly released it. He turned to see Sid studying him.

"You okay?" Sid asked.
Just that little bit of concern made something inside Bradley unknot. "Yeah," he said, squeezing Sid's

hand. "I am."

Sid blinked and looked away, flushing. "Come on. You wanted to see the town, right?"
The tour around town wasn't elaborate. It was small and like Sid said, there wasn't much. Still, it

became clear that Woodcutter Valley was self-sustaining. Anything they couldn't do in town they drove
to Lotters or Alexandria for. All of it, it seemed, was in order to keep outsiders from coming into town.
It made Bradley wonder why they let him in. From what he gathered, Sid wasn't someone they would let
bend the rules, so why him? The more they went around town, the more often Bradley noticed people
staring at him. At first he thought it might be because he and Sid were holding hands, but then he noticed
the stares were directed at Bradley alone.

"Brad, let's go to the grocer's. I want to get food for dinner later."
He nodded. "All right."
Then Sid was dragging him towards the store and Bradley couldn't help grinning. After all the initial

fuss about Bradley taking his hand, Sid hadn't let go even once although he had plenty of opportunities.
It wasn't much, but Bradley considered it progress.

When they entered the store, Sid finally let go of his hand and began to search the aisles.
Bradley watched him. Sid looked so intent. "So what are you planning for dinner?"
"Not sure yet. Steak. I was thinking maybe beef tenderloin with asparagus." He tilted his head and

grabbed a basket. "Garlic mashed potatoes if I have time. You might have to help peel the potatoes."

Bradley blinked. "Peel potatoes...Uh, you can cook?"
Sid frowned and glanced at him before turning to several stalks of asparagus. "Yeah."
"Wow, really?" Bradley asked. He couldn't hide his surprise. It just didn't seem like Sid would be the

cooking sort.

"Yes, really," Sid said with a snort. "Not all of us had personal chefs."
"Hey! I went to college and had to fend for myself."
Sid grinned. "Oh really. So are you saying you can cook?"
Bradley cleared his throat. "I'll have you know that I'm a pro at mac and cheese."
"Oh?" Sid said, a smile curling his lips.
"Well, I can make it from a box," Bradley said. "But let me tell you, it is the best tasting boxed mac

and cheese you've ever tasted."

Sid muffled a giggle. "Is that so?"
Bradley couldn't help grinning at that little laugh. "Yes it is! People all over the dorm came from three

floors down just to have my mac and cheese. And that's not the only thing I can make."

Sid was nearly choking on laughter. "What else?"
"Ramen. My ramen is the most exquisite you've ever tasted out of a plastic pack. I mean, the things I

can do with those noodles should be illegal. I mean there was that one time I set the stove on fire, but
that's just the cost for perfection."

Sid started laughing and his voice rang out like music to Bradley's ears. He was sure there was no

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sound better in the world.

"Please, Bradley, remind me to keep you out of the kitchen," Sid said, wiping at his eye.
"Hey, I haven't told you about my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." he grinned. "Grilled of course."
Sid sputtered. "Sacrilege."
Bradley grinned. "Don't knock it until you've tried it."
Sid gaped. Bradley couldn't resist. He leaned down and kissed him.
For a moment, Sid didn't respond and then he was kissing Brad back.
In the back of his mind, Bradley was pretty sure he should break the kiss. They were in the middle of

a grocery store after all, but that just wasn't as important as the feel of Sid's soft lips pressed against his,
and when Sid's tongue flicked over his any thoughts of stopping seemed like the worst sin possible.

"Well, you two sure do work fast," the rich baritone cut through the moment and suddenly Sid was

pushing him away.

"Tommy!" Sid said, flushed. "What are you doing here?"
"What most people do at the store, shopping."
Bradley blinked at Tommy, giving him a slightly annoyed huff.
Tommy just looked even more amused. "As much as I understand you two's situation, I don't think

making out in the middle of the grocery store will go over well with the town."

"Can you be sure?" Bradley said with a grin.
Sid elbowed him. "Brad!"
Tommy just laughed. "I don't think I've ever seen you this flustered, Sid."
Sid crossed his arms. "I'm not. So you need something? Or were you just here to scold me?"
Tommy nodded. "I feel sort of bad about it, with everything that's going on with you two, but we need

some help down at the hall. We're short on staff. We need someone to help with lunch and dinner, as
well as clean up. Everyone insisted I get you or Chase, and Chase is out doing rounds."

Sid nodded. "All right. Have you guys decided on meals or do I get free reign?"
"Free reign as long as you keep within budget."
"What?" Brad asked, confused.
"They need me to cook," Sid said and then flushed. "You don't mind, do you?"
Bradley smiled. Sid was definitely excited. It was new and unexpected. He grinned. "Sounds good. I

guess that leaves me with cleaning duty."

"You don't-"
"That would help a lot," Tommy said, cutting Sid off.
Sid glared at Tommy.
"Really, I don't mind."
Tommy patted Bradley on the back. "Thanks. I was worried there would be a riot if I didn't show up

with one of them. Everyone is spoiled ever since they tasted those two's cooking."

"It's not our fault no one seems to be able to make a decent meal," Sid said and then held out his

hand. "Card please."

Tommy handed him the card. "Just remember to keep on budget."
Sid waved him away and then moved down the aisle to grab a cart.
Bradley watched him before turning to Tommy. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what was that

about our situation?" It seemed a bit much to Bradley that him and Sid (hopefully) dating was a

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Tommy frowned. "I guess that means Sid hasn't explained things to you."
"Explained what?" Bradley asked, feeling a streak of alarm.
Tommy shook his head. "You've got to talk to Sid about that. Sorry." He slapped Bradley on the

back. "See you around Bradley."

Then he beat a hasty retreat.
Bradley frowned and walked over to Sid. He wanted to ask what was going on, but when Sid turned

around to face him there was a wide smile on his lips and he was holding up two boxes. One was boxed
mac and cheese and another boxed stuffing.

"Which one?"
Bradley grinned. "Mac and cheese of course."
Sid laughed and shook his head. "The correct answer is neither. I'm going to show you how it's really

done." From there, Sid began to lecture him on the value of making food from scratch and Bradley
figured that his questions could wait for later.

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Chapter 11

"You are a menace," Sidney said in awe.
Bradley smiled sheepishly at Sidney. He was standing there, covered head-to-toe in flour. How a

grown man could accomplish such a feat Sidney was still trying to figure out. All around Brad was spilled
milk and broken egg yolks. All this from Bradley helping out with making chocolate chip cookies.
Michelle, who was supposed to be helping Bradley, looked just as amazed. Her eyes were wide and her
lips twitching.

"I'll just-"
"No!" the entire kitchen staff said.
Bradley's shoulders sagged and he looked up at Sidney like a kicked puppy.
Sidney sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "It's okay. Why don't you get cleaned up, then you can

help put the plates and glasses out.

Bradley looked relieved and headed to the bathroom.
"Wow, that was just wow," Ricky, his cooking assistant, said, shaking his head.
Sidney grimaced and then sighed.
"At least he tried," Michelle said, and part of a giggle escaped her lips.
Sidney chuckled. "Yeah." He clapped his hands. "Okay you two. Let's get this mess cleaned up. Then

Ricky, you can help Michelle with making those cookies. I'll finish up the meal."

They pair nodded and went back to work
Sidney had just checked on the pot roast when Bradley came back. His pants were stained and he

had taken off his sweater, instead just wearing the black t-shirt he had worn underneath. For a full
minute, Sidney simply stared. The man was sinfully hot and he wasn't even trying. And here Sidney had
been the one that had been trying to flirt and tease Bradley. It was revenge for last night. He wanted the
man so sexually frustrated that Brad was near bursting out of his pants. For the most part it had worked,
until the teasing had sort of gotten lost somewhere during the grocery shopping. Spending time with
Bradley was fun.

Sidney flushed and turned away, grabbing an apron, mentally telling himself to calm down. He already

had the mate issue going on, he didn't need to start crushing on Bradley too. Sidney winced at the
thought. Damn it. Was that what he was feeling?

He turned back to Bradley, who seemed to have no idea how he affected Sid. He handed Brad the

apron. "Here. " He nodded to a cart that held the plates and glasses. "Just take those out and put them
on the serving tables. You can do that without breaking them, right?"

Bradley straightened up, looking indignant. "I'll have you know that I never once broken my mom's

china. I can handle not breaking things."

"The eggs would beg to differ."
"Eggs don't count. They're made to be broken," Bradley shot back.
Sid stifled a laugh.
Bradley's eyes practically sparkled and before Sid could react, Brad leaned over and quickly kissed

him. Then he grabbed the cart and rolled it out into the hall. Sidney watched him wondering when his
plan had fallen apart.

Michelle snickered. "Looks like love."

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Ricky sighed. "I hope it's like that when I find my mate. Though preferably female."
"Breasts are wonderful," Michelle agreed.
Sid turned around and glared at the two. "Enough with the gossip."
Ricky hurried to get back to work, but Michelle just winked before turning back to the cookies.
Sid frowned and mumbled to himself. "It's not love."
The thought made his stomach twist into knots, but he shoved it away and focused on the cooking.

After that the time flew past. He finished up the food that entailed sautéed green beans, mash potatoes,
pot roast, hot buttered rolls, as well as a few dishes for people who might want something lighter. Once
he was done he assigned them each to serving tables, just before the rush came in.

Dinner was set up for all the shifters working on the perimeter that Tommy and Xavier made plans

for, as well as the scouts. On top of that, a lot of other wolves tended to drop by just wanting to share
the meal. Sid was always a little amazed at the sense of community the pack had with one another. It
had been awkward at first and he still wasn't used to it, but he had to admit it felt good to see people so
happy while eating his food.

When he had been on the road with Chase and Tae things had been touch and go. The food they had

often had to be stretched and were often scraps. Sid had started looking for ways to take the scraps
they had and make it more appetizing. That was how he first got into cooking and the happiness he got
whenever Tae or Chase would praise him had been one of his biggest joys as a kid. As they grew older
they were able to stay in places longer and have more than just scraps. Sid would experiment and he
found cooking helped to relieve some of his stress. When he was in the kitchen it was

his kitchen, a

haven where he could make something wonderful to share with his little bit of family.

He remembered how Tae would go grocery shopping with him when he got some extra money and

just throw things in the cart, daring Sid to make something with the ingredients no matter how crazy a
mix it was. That was before everything that happened with Tae, before their trio becoming a duo. It was
the second time Sid had lost a part of his family. He only had Chase now.

His gaze was drawn to Bradley who was helping clear off dishes. Bradley was a dilemma. If they

mated, nothing Sid said or did would stop Bradley from becoming part of his family. Could he handle
that? His family had dwindled down to him and Chase and no matter how nice and neat this pack thing
was, Sid wasn't going to even pretend to fool himself into believing they offered any sort of security.
After all, his entire pack, shifters who were strong with werewolf blood, had been practically wiped out.
How could he even hope a human could survive that? His gaze hardened. They couldn't. Yet, at the
same time, from what Tommy said, Bradley could die if Sid didn't complete the claim. It was like he had
cursed Bradley just by meeting him. Is that what having werewolf blood in his veins meant?

At that moment Bradley looked up. Their eyes met. Sid looked away. There had to be another


"Hey, Sid? What's wrong?"
Sid blinked and looked up to find Alejandro looking at him with concern. He shook his head.

"Nothing. I just got lost in thought."

Alejandro gave him a knowing look. "Sure you did. I'm guessing it has nothing to do with the human

you have following you around."

Sid scowled at him.
Alejandro laughed. "Nailed it." He slid around the serving table like he belonged there and wrapped

his arm around Sid's shoulder. "Come on Sid. Don't look so down. Finding your mate is supposed to be

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a good thing."

Sid's eyes widened and then he sighed. "Does everyone know?"
"Things get around fast when it comes to the pack." Alejandro bumped Sid's shoulder. "Man, don't

take it too hard. It's irritating."

Sid looked at him in surprise. "Irritating?"
Alejandro chuckled and shook his head. "I keep forgetting you and your bro were on your own, so

you don't know a lot about shifter culture. So here's something for you." He met Sid's eyes. "Most of us
are never going to find our mates. Finding your mate doesn't always happen. The shifter community is
small, so it's easier than in the human world. Still some of us are going to have to settle down and try to
make a life without a mate, but unlike humans we'll always know the person we are with isn't the one. A
lot of people here are pretty envious of you and the others who have managed to find their mates."

Sid took that in before looking at Alejandro with narrowed eyes. "Are you telling me to be grateful? I

didn't ask for this."

Alejandro raised his hands defensively. "Hey, it would be completely dickish of me to tell you how to

feel. I'm just saying that there is some good to this that you might not be completely aware of. Just, you
know, give it a chance."

Sid's lips tightened in annoyance.
Alejandro patted his back and started to move away, but Sid grabbed hold of his sleeve.
Alejandro stopped, surprised.
"What about you?"
"Are you going to settle if you can't find a mate?"
Alejandro gave a sad smile and shook his head. "Nah." He shrugged. "I thought about it, but in the

end I'm just too dedicated. Even if it takes until I'm old and gray, I'll be waiting for my girl to come along
and sweep me off my feet." He winked.

"Hey, it is what it is," Alejandro said. "I'm done with the talking, give me some of that home cooking

of yours."

Sid chuckled and served the food. He wasn't sure if he agreed with Alejandro. He would have been

happy to not have this constant need pressing against him. Even like this, busy with cooking and serving
food, he was aware of Bradley. His body turned in Brad's direction as if leaning towards him no matter
the distance. The sudden lack of control over his own life was nothing he had ever wanted.

"Sid, we're running low on rolls," one of the shifters in line said.
Sid blinked. "Oh! I'll go grab some more."
Quickly he signaled for Ricky to handle the main table and headed in the back. He grabbed the rolls

and began putting them in the basket. Then he stopped, he took a deep breath and tried to calm down.
Alejandro's words were getting to him. Not because of what he said, but because it brought up all the
issues he had with mates. He still hadn't told Bradley about any of it. How would Bradley feel?

Sidney turned around, startled by Bradley's presence. He had been so lost in thought about Brad he

hadn't even noticed the man had followed him back here.

He gave a shaky laugh. "What are you doing back here?"
"I was worried," Bradley said taking a step forward.

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Unconsciously, Sid took a step backwards, until his back was pressed against the table. "Why? I'm


"I just-" Bradley a small sound of frustration and grabbed Sid in his arms and kissed him.
Sid's eyes widened and then closed as he groaned into the kiss. The kiss at the grocery store hadn't

been nearly enough. Sid wanted this, thirsted for it. He grabbed onto Brad's t-shirt and pushed against
the hard body, molding himself to Brad. Their tongues slid against each other, slick and hot. It made
everything disappear except for this moment, with Brad's lips pressed against him.

They broke apart panting. Bradley sighed and rested his head against Sid's shoulder. "That was a lie."
"What?" Sid asked, confused.
"I didn't come back here, because I was worried. It was because I was jealous."
"Jealous? Why?"
"Alejandro was hanging all over you."
Sid blinked and then smiled. His whole plan was to get back at Bradley and here Brad was getting

jealous over something that meant nothing. Amused, Sid started to explain that despite the flirtation
Alejandro was actually very straight, but before he could Bradley was speaking again.

"I know he's your friend and I'm probably being stupid, but I can't help wanting to show everyone

you're mine. I know that's caveman thinking, but whenever I'm with you I just want to shove you against
a wall and ravish you. It kills me to hold back, but I want you to know it's more than just physical with
me. Something in me needs you."

Sid's eyes widened and his heart started beating fast. He reached out and covered Bradley's mouth.

"Stop!" He felt panic well up in him. He pushed Bradley away, needing some space. He walked away,
trying to calm himself.

"It's just too much. I can't-" He shook his head. "I need to get some air.
"What's wrong? Sid!"
But Sid was heading out the back door, refusing to look back. He pushed out the door, letting it slam

shut behind him. He sucked in air, but it wasn't enough. He tore off his clothes, throwing them to the
ground. Cold air nipped at his bare skin, but it was only a temporary discomfort, because then he was
shifting. The shift was smooth, like two becoming one for a moment, whole, before splintering off. Then
he was the wolf, and he was running. His paws slapped across the packed ground and into the woods,
chewing up ground.

He dodged trees and let the wind cut through his fur. Free and wonderful, nothing but the run was

important. Or at least it should have been so, but he could still feel the call of his mate. In fact the call
was stronger than before, burning through his veins. Sid ran faster. He ran until his breath was burning in
his chest and his muscles strained, but the thoughts were there, breathing into his mind with insistent

All the words Bradley said, everything he felt, was the mating claim. A thing that had reached out and

thrown both their lives into chaos and what was worse it was likely to kill Bradley if Sid didn't do
anything. Could he let Bradley die? He knew it was impossible. And a part deep inside that he had been
trying to ignore knew it wasn't just the claim that made it impossible. Bradley was kind, and all types of
wonderful, and the thought of hurting him involved a sort of cruelty that Sid didn't possess.

What was he supposed to do? The choices he had weren't even real choices. So that was it then? He

just had to accept it? Sid stopped in his tracks. He took a deep breath. The air rustled through his fur

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and he could smell the scent of pine mixing with snow and earth. The cold rubbed against him, but not
too harshly. For a second he let himself take in the moment, but even like this something felt wrong. He
felt wrong.

This moment was incomplete.
Incomplete because he wanted Bradley with him and no matter how much he ran from him, Sid still

wanted him. He needed to accept Brad and maybe Bradley would accept him back. Sid's eyes widened
at the thought. Was he afraid? Was he afraid Bradley wouldn't accept him when he found out about the
mating? Deep inside he knew the answer was yes and he wasn't sure if he would be okay if he were

Fuck, why do things have to be so damn complicated?
Him, his insecurities, all the grief and Tae's memory hanging over him like a shackle. Why couldn't he

let it go? Part of him wanted to, but the other, bigger part was scared.

Sid sat down on his haunches and let himself just drift for a moment. He rested in the silence, turning

over his thoughts until finally he let an answer settle around him. An answer that was the only answer
from the beginning. He would have to talk to Bradley and tell him about mates and the claim. He would
tell him and then, when Bradley was ready, he would complete the claim.

He repeated the thought over and over again, turning it over in his mind. Despite his misgivings,

something inside him clicked in to place. Maybe the situation wasn't ideal, but he couldn't help the shiver
of excitement and anxiety. All at once he wanted to go back to see Bradley. He wasn't sure how long he
had been gone, though from the way the sky had darkened it had probably been a while. He stood up
and turned back to the town.

Sid took his time getting back. It gave him time to think what he would say to Brad and come to

terms with his thoughts. He tried to be honest with himself. He was scared, he had his doubts, but a
strong part of him wanted this. He still felt the need to hold on to himself, to dislike the need he felt for
the claim to take over who he was. He wondered if he could balance that. He was determined to,
because no matter how much he wanted Bradley he wanted to stay himself as well.

By the time he returned to the hall, the building was dark. Sid padded to the back door, noticing his

clothes weren't where he left them. Someone must have picked them up for him. Hopefully they left them
inside, if not he had some spare clothes in his locker. Sid transformed and opened the door, shivering a
little as he stepped back into the kitchen. Sure enough his clothes were folded neatly on the table.

He pulled them on and as he did he heard noise coming from the main hall. Curious, Sid left the

kitchen and went into the main hall. His eyes widened at what he saw. Sitting at a table covered in
candles was Bradley. Sid took a step inside.

"Bradley I-" He took a deep breath. "I thought you would have headed back to the house."
Bradley shook his head. "Not without you." He looked down at the food-laden table. "Hungry?"
Just the mention made his stomach grumble and Sid nodded, walking over to Bradley and joining him

at the table. Bradley smiled, but didn't ask questions. Instead they ate in silence. It was a comfortable
silence, but heavy with unasked questions. It wasn't until they had both ate their fill, with the candles
dancing over them that Bradley spoke.

"I'm sorry," Bradley said.
Sid blinked in surprise. "Huh?"
Bradley looked down at the table. "I've been pushing you too hard. It's just... I don't want to lose

you, but I shouldn't be forcing my feelings on you." He took a deep breath and looked up at Sid. "I'll

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leave tomorrow, if that's okay with you. "

A wave of panic went through Sid and he reached out for Bradley, grabbing his wrist as if Brad was

going to disappear just that second. "No!"

Bradley stared at him, startled.
Sid flushed and forced himself to meet Bradley's eyes. "Don't go."
Visible relief ran over Bradley's face, but it was quickly followed by confusion. "Sid, I'm a little unsure

what's going on here. One minute it seems like you don't want anything to do with me and then the next
you're asking me to stay." His brow furrowed. "If you're feeling obligated-"

"No, that's not it," Sid said, cutting him off. "It's..." He trailed off. He still hadn't figured out the right

words to explain mates to Bradley. Finally he just decided to dive right in. "There's something I have to
tell you."

Bradley didn't speak. He waited.
"Relationships are different with shifters. I mean, we can do casual, but sometimes that's not an


Bradley frowned and started to speak, but Sidney rushed onwards.
"Wolves mate for life and so do shifters. We meet out mates and we're drawn to them until finally we

have to claim them. After that there is no one else for us. Ever. Once you're claimed you're stuck. Trying
to break it just drives you crazy. It can even kill you if you're really unlucky. I'm sorry," Sid said, looking

Bradley didn't say anything for a while. When he spoke, his voice was hesitant. "Have you found your


Sid glared at him and then realized from Bradley's lost expression he hadn't figured it out. "You, he

blurted out. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. "It's you."

Bradley's expression was stunned.
"I didn't mean for this to happen. Shifters have no control of it. I even found out some shifters never

even find their mates, but when they do it's an unbreakable bond. I'm sorry. I didn't mean trap you like

Bradley let out a sigh. "I don't feel trapped."
Sid blinked up in surprise. He studied Bradley's face. Brad seemed sincere.
"Really?" Doubt seeped from his voice.
Bradley nodded and grinned. "It sounds like shifters can meet their soul mate and recognize them right

away. Humans have been searching for ways to find their soul mate forever and even when they find
them they're still not quite sure it's real."

Sid turned over that idea. He had never though of it like that. In actuality it was a bit more

complicated than soul mates, but at the root wasn't that what it was? Could it be possible that the mating
wasn't something that controlled a person, but just revealed a connection that was already there?

Bradley's smile shifted and suddenly he was frowning. "Wait, is that how you feel?"
Sid considered lying, but he just couldn't. "A little."
A flash of hurt slid over Bradley, but it quickly vanished and he squeezed Sid's hand. "It must be a lot

for you to handle."

Sid laughed. "Not as much as you. How are you taking this in stride?"
"Probably because I don't completely get it. All I know is the man I've been falling for has just told me

that we're meant to be together. For me, that's all I need to hear."

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Sid sucked in a breath. "Damn it. You make it sound so easy."
Bradley chuckled and kept holding his hand. "It is for me, but it's not for you and that's all right." A

determined look crossed his face. "We don't need to rush things. Actually, I wanted to take things slow.
You are important to me and I want to show you that by getting to know you, and by courting you."

Sid laughed, but he felt his cheeks getting red. "Courting me? Do people even use that word


"I just did. Besides, I think it feels appropriate."
"So you want to court me?"
Bradley nodded. "I do."
"God you're such a sap," Sid said, but he felt some of the anxiety inside him melt away. "All right, fine.

You can court me."

Bradley beamed at him and then leaned over and kissed him. The kiss was slow and gentle, different

from the hot and lusty kisses he was used to. It was nice. When Bradley pulled away he was smiling and
to Sid's surprise he was smiling right back at Brad.

After that they cleaned up and headed back to the house. The whole time they held hands and once

they reached the house Bradley kissed him before heading to bed. Sid felt dazed and almost giddy with
everything that had happened.

As he lay down in bed, he whispered. "Courting."
He smiled and fell asleep.

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Chapter 12

The next two weeks involved Sidney bouncing from wanting to strangle Bradley, to feeling an almost

giddy sensation go through him just at the thought of Bradley. It was like nothing he ever felt before and
he was starting to be okay with that. The courting hadn't been perfect. There was one point where
Bradley tried to make him breakfast in bed. It ended with a grease fire. Sidney made it clear that
Bradley was eternally banned from the kitchen. Yet, Sid couldn't help melting just a little when Bradley
gave him a wounded puppy look as he handed him the burnt bacon and eggs he'd managed to salvage
from the wreck.

Still, there was one thing that was driving Sid crazier than burnt meals and kitchen disasters and that

was just how fucking gentlemanly Bradley insisted on being. Sid got it. Bradley wanted to show him
there was more to their relationship besides blowjobs and kisses that could melt his boxers off. For a
while it was good even, to know someone wasn't trying to get into his pants. But now, well, he would
really, really like it if Bradley would try to get into his pants. Seriously. Getting off by himself wasn't
cutting it.

Sid had never been one to hold back when he wanted something. That was clear, especially now,

since he had pretty much given into the mate stuff. He was just no good at fighting his desires and right
now there was no doubt just how much he wanted Bradley. Even now he could smell Bradley. A deep
scent that filled his house, letting him know exactly where Bradley was. Sid plopped down on his bed.
His body strained against the temptation to get up and go into Bradley's room.

Brad's scent was heavy with lust. Sid felt himself squirming as he gripped the bed. The claim tugged

inside his chest, begging him to take what was his. This aggressive side of him was something new. It
wasn't that Sid never took what he wanted, but when he did it was through subtlety and manipulation,
not this raw physicality that made him want to march into Bradley's room and slam the bigger man
against the floor. He wanted Brad's hard cock inside him, to ride him hard with slick sweat raining over
their bodies and the musk of sex filling the air.

Sid licked his lips and strained to hear the man. There was the sound of water and the scent was

weakened. For a moment Sid could take a shuddering breath and grab the threads of his control and
wrap it around him. But it lasted for mere seconds before the scent slammed even stronger against him
and without a doubt he knew Bradley was jacking off in the shower, not realizing just how much of an
effect he was having on Sid.

"Fuck!" Sid yelled and then he pushed off the bed, threw off his clothes, and headed into his own

bathroom. He turned the shower on cold and stepped under the icy drops. The freezing water cooled
the burning underneath his skin. It would have been enough under normal circumstances, but things
weren't normal. The claim was tired of waiting and Sid had to admit he felt the same. His dick throbbed
and he took the slender shaft in hand. He gave it a tug. His hand was rough and he sighed, before
grabbing some shampoo to help slick up his hand. Then he wrapped his fingers around himself with a
low moan.

His eyes fluttered closed as he began stroking himself. He wondered if Bradley touched himself the

same way he touched Sidney. Gently, but firm. He let out a whimper as he imagined Bradley's touch. His
strong hand tightening around Sid's cock, sliding slickly over him. Even with no experience with another
man, Bradley was strong and confident, that sweet, gentle side never leaving him. It was a combination

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that left Sid breathless. He had lovers who were gentle but weak, and lovers who were strong but brash.
He had never met anyone who could be both strong and gentle. It confused Sid even as it unraveled him,
leaving him addicted. He knew the claim was partly to blame, but he also knew, now, that it was more
than that. It was Bradley, with his easy acceptance of things that would have had others lashing out in
anger or falling apart all together. Bradley with his sheepish smile and persistent want of Sid. It didn't
make sense for someone so perfectly flawed to be everything Sid could ever want.

Plus, god, he was fucking hot. Just imagining the shower water sliding over all that hard muscle,

slipping between slick crevices, had his dick hard. He sped up his touch, groaning loudly, not even
caring if he was heard as he thrust hard into his hand. The man was pure sex in every way. Sid wanted
him so fucking bad. But it wasn't the hot body that finally pushed him over the edge. No, it was the
thought of the slow spread of those lips as he smiled. With a gasp Sid came, his seed splashing against
the shower wall as his entire body shuddered with release.

He sagged against the wall, staying there until the freezing water was finally too much. He turned it

off and stepped out of the stall, grabbing a towel and briskly drying himself off. He stepped into his room
and chucked it against the wall.

"That's it. We're fucking, tonight!"
Tonight was the celebration party for Tommy. It was to welcome him as the new Beta. They were

going, but by the end of the night he planned to get Bradley to fuck him. The thought made him hot and
filled him with trepidation. As much as he wanted Bradley, he didn't want to claim him. Not because he
was still against it. He already knew fighting against the claim was a battle he had already lost. No, the
problem was that as much as he had explained about mates and Bradley had taken it in stride, he still
hadn't told Bradley about the stakes that a human/shifter claim had. As understanding as Bradley had
been, Sid didn't think he would shake the whole 'death if I don't claim you' part off. Of course, Bradley
agreed to the mating, so Sid didn't have to tell him. Still, that didn't seem fair somehow, so he was set to
at least explain that part before completing the claim.

Feeling satisfied with that conclusion, Sid started to get ready for the party. He was almost done

when there was a knock on the door. Sid distractedly said come in. The door opened and for a minute
everything was quiet. Sid turned away from picking out a belt to see Bradley gaping at him.

"Wow. You're hot."
Sid flushed and turned away, grabbing the brown one with the gold buckle. "Don't sound so


"I am surprised."
Sid frowned and gave Bradley a sharp glare. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Bradley grinned and stepped closer to Sid. He quickly wrapped his arm around Sid's waist. "I

mean that I didn't think it was possible for you to get even hotter."

Sid felt his cheeks turning red and he buried his face against Bradley's broad chest. "How can you

even say that with a straight face?"

Bradley chuckled. "Because I mean it." He ran a finger over the side of Sid's hip. "Leather?"
Sid pushed away from Bradley, trying to force the redness away from his cheeks. He studied

Bradley with a critical eye. "Denim for you."

Bradley shrugged. "I don't have much else and jeans suit me."
"For a rich boy, your taste in clothes is incredibly limited." Sid's gaze roamed over the stylish jeans

and the deep wine colored sweater that was both expensive, but simple. It really did suit him. Sid ran his

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hands over Bradley's chest, dragging his palms over the outline of his muscular frame.

"Sid," Bradley said roughly.
Sid grinned and pulled away and began fastening his belt. "Ready to go."
Bradley visibly swallowed and nodded.
Sid grinned.
From there they went straight to the city hall, or at least what counted as city hall, where the party

was being held. It was the same place Tommy and Chase had battled it out to become Beta. Instead of
a crowd of tense people holding on by a threads, everyone was crowded around laughing and talking
with each other. It was amazing how easily the pack could accept the situation, but that was part of
being a pack. Despite disagreements, they were a family and by some strange magic, now Sid and
Chase were a part of that family.

A few people greeted them as they headed inside, several people even chatting with Bradley. At

first, many of the Shifters had been wary of Bradley. Besides Gael's mother, there weren't any other
humans in Woodcutter Valley. But over the past two weeks, after Bradley had extended his stay for
another week, people had warmed up to Bradley, part of that had to do with Alejandro, who seemed to
get a special type of joy out of riling Bradley up. Their friendship formed when Bradley managed to dish
out as much as he took. It also helped when Sid finally explained to Bradley that despite Alejandro's
flirtations he was actually only interested in women. Though Sid got the feeling that only relieved some of
Bradley's tension.

As they cut through the crowd, laughter mixed with Bon Jovi's "It's my Life," filled the room. As the

crowd thickened, Bradley wrapped his arm around Sid's waist. For a brief moment their eyes met and
Sid felt his heart speed up. He leaned into Brad's touch. Bradley chuckled, but Sid decided to ignore
that and just bask in his warmth.

Sid spotted Tommy with Chase. He grinned and dragged Bradley over to the pair. When Chase

saw them he smirked.

"Well aren't you two just so cute," Chase said and reached over to pinch Sid's cheek.
"Screw you," Sid slapped his brother's hand away. "We're past cute and way into hot territory."
Tommy laughed. "Is that a fact?"
"Damn right it is," Sid said with a wink.
"Hey, no flirting with the boyfriend in tow," Chase said.
Sid frowned at Chase. "I'm not flirting." He looked at Bradley to reassure him, but Bradley was


"Don't worry. I've seen what he's like when he really means it," Bradley said and gave Sid a heated


Whatever comeback that would have been on Sid's tongue was wiped from his brain at that look.

What the hell was that look? It sent shivers down his back. It was certainly not like any look Bradley
had given him before. Bradley met his gaze with an arched eyebrow. Sid found himself fumbling for
coherent thought when his attention was drawn away by Chase's laugh.

"Told ya. Completely smitten, like a teenage girl with her first crush."
Sid flipped off his brother as he hurried to get his brain to work. "So where's the ball and chain?"
"If you're referring to me, then I resent being called that," Xavier said as he stepped up next to

Tommy and handed him a cup.

Tommy took his cup and leaned over and kissed Xavier on the forehead. "Thanks babe."

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Xavier flushed, before crossing his arms and returning back to his stoic expression. "So, how are

things going between you two?"

"Worried?" Sid said, putting one hand on his hip. He couldn't help needling Xavier just a little, for

old time's sake.

Xavier took a sip of his drink and looked Sid dead in the eye. "Not even a little."
"Meow," Alejandro said walking over to them and joining in the conversation. "Do we have a cat

fight going?"

Sid glared. "We are not cats."
"And we're not fighting," Xavier said.
"So I was just imagining you two glaring daggers at each other. Gotcha."
Sid didn't justify that with an answer and turned away. He caught Bradley looking at him,

questioningly, and flushed. He chewed on his bottom lip. Shit, now he was going to have to explain. He
frowned, wondering just how it would come across. He would think about that later. He started to
suggest they grab something to drink when Alejandro grabbed Bradley's arm and started dragging him
towards the buffet table.

"Come on, human. Food's this way."
Sid blinked and started to follow when a hand gripped his shoulder. He turned and saw Tommy

standing beside him. Both Xavier and Chase had made themselves scarce. Tommy smiled. "Got a

"I get the feeling I don't have a choice," Sid said.
Tommy just smiled and led him towards the back of the room, further from the crowd, and more


"Sorry to drag you away from the party."
Sid folded his arms. "Whatever. What is it you want?"
Tommy frowned. "Why are you so hostile?"
"Besides being cornered for some sort of intervention?" Sid asked.
Tommy just looked at him.
Sid sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm just on edge, okay?"
Tommy sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I guess that means you still haven't claimed Bradley."
Sid huffed. "Don't get on my case, Tommy. I'm working on it."
"I get it, but I don't think Dusk is going to be happy when he hears about it."
Sid wanted to say it wasn't any of Dusk's damn business, except it sort of was. If Bradley was just

a normal shifter than maybe people would back off, but not only was Bradley human, he was the son of
Lotter's mayor. It complicated things.

Tommy reached out and squeezed Sid's shoulder. "Believe me. I understand all about needing time.

I mean, it took forever for Xavier and me to finalize our claim, but you really don't have that sort of time.
You might not have noticed, but all of us can see the strain on you."

Sid blinked in surprise. "Huh?"
Tommy grinned. "You're practically humming with energy and pheromones. It's sort of distracting."
Sid blinked and then blushed. "Shit. Uh, sorry?"
Tommy shrugged. "It's not bothering me too much. It has less of an effect on mated pairs. Still, it

might be a good idea to do something about it before it gets out of hand."

Sid looked around and he noticed that even away from everyone he was getting some hungry

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looks. He swallowed. "Seriously, this whole mate thing kinda sucks."

"You seem to be enjoying it from what I heard."
Sid started to deny it, but then stopped. He smiled. "Yeah, I guess I am."
Tommy looked relieved, but there was still a furrow of worry creasing his brow. "How is Bradley

holding up?"

Sid snorted. "Just fine. Too fine if you ask me."
"Yes. Seriously, what does it take to get a guy to fuck me? I'm a hot piece of ass. And with the

whole claim thing, he should be hungry to put his dick up my ass."

"And TMI," Tommy said, raising his hands defensively.
Sid grinned wickedly. "Maybe I should ask Xavier for advice. You know, since he did the whole

claim thing with you. Maybe positions or what's the best way to-"

Tommy swiftly covered his mouth. "Do you have no filter?"
Sid laughed and dragged Tommy's hand away. "Sorry, but you two are just too easy." He nodded

over Tommy's shoulder to where Xavier was scowling at them.

Tommy looked and groaned. "You really like getting me in trouble."
Sid shrugged. "I have to get my kicks somewhere."
Tommy shook his head, then his eyebrows went up and he smirked.
Sid started to ask him what the smirk was for when he caught a scent. He turned to see Bradley.

He had a thin smile on his face, anger flashing in his eyes as he stalked over.

"Looks like I'm not the only one in trouble."
Sid swallowed and started to explain as Bradley grabbed his wrist and began dragging him, down

the hall.

"There's an empty room off to the left," Xavier called out helpfully as he came to collect Tommy.
"Thanks," Bradley said tightly.
"What?" Sid asked, but didn't try to pull away as Bradley tugged him down the hall and into the


As soon as they were inside, Sid jerked his hand away. "Hey, you didn't need to go all caveman on


"Sid," Bradley growled out. Then suddenly Sid was being backed into the wall. Bradley braced his

arms on either side, trapping him.

"What the hell, Bradley?" Sid yelled, feeling his pulse racketed up. He wasn't scared, but something

inside him was suddenly on edge. He knew he shouldn't be turned on by Brad's sudden aggression, but
it didn't stop the wolf in him from wanting to bare his throat in submission.

"Do you still want him?"
Sid blinked in confusion. "Huh?"
"Do you want him? Tommy," he growled out.
Sid's eyes widened. "How-" Then he shook his head. "No. I don't. That's in the past."
Bradley looked at him, his expression unconvinced.
It pissed Sidney off and he shoved at him. "Fuck you! I thought you said you trusted me."
Bradley backed off and sighed. "I do trust you. It's just that Alejandro mentioned that you used to

be in love with him. And I saw you two flirting."

"Damn it! I'm going to kill Alejandro. Yeah, I used to be into Tommy, but the key words here are

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'used to.' You're my fucking mate."

"But you're not sure-"
"Well I'm sure now. I've been fucking sure since you gave me that whole spiel about courting and

almost burned my kitchen down. Man, you are so fucking thick."

Bradley's entire face brightened and then he reached out and grabbed Sid, hugging him tightly. "I'm


Sid let him hug him for a few seconds before pushing him away. He turned his back on him. "I'm

still mad at you."

"I'm sorry," Bradley said and sighed deeply. "It's just. Sometimes I can barely control myself

around you. It feels like I'm going crazy with wanting you."

Sid spun around, looking at Bradley in disbelief. "You're going crazy? What about me? I've been

trying to get you to do me for days and you keep insisting on just kisses and hand holding."

Bradley frowned. "You don't like it?"
Sid flushed. "Of course I like it. It's just that I would also very much like it if you'd fuck me. Like


"Now?" Bradley asked.
"Yes, here and fucking now."
Sid gaped. "Huh?"
"I said okay," Bradley said, taking a step forward, crowding Sid, and suddenly the entire room

rose 50 degrees.

Then he couldn't think, because Bradley was suddenly pressed against him. His tongue ravaged

Sid's mouth while his hands slid under his shirt. Sid wrapped his arms around Brad's neck and pressed
against him, wanting, no, needing more of him.

Bradley slammed them against the wall and thrust his groin against Sid's, rubbing their dicks

together. Sid whimpered, gasping as the kiss broke and Bradley placed hot kisses down the length of his
neck. He wanted so much. It was like everything was finally bursting out and Sid realized that even if he
wanted to stop, he couldn't. From the dark need that flashed in Bradley's eyes, Sid figured he was in the
same position.

Even that thought was wiped away as Bradley slid his hand down, giving Sid's cock a squeeze

through his leather pants, before sliding his hand to Sid's belt and unfastening it. He moved to the zipper,
pulling it down, releasing Sid's hard shaft. Sid was so ready. He couldn't even believe he was finally
going to get what he wanted, so when there was a knock on the door Sid tried his best to ignore it.

Unfortunately the door wasn't locked and Alejandro and Xavier came busting in.
"What the hell?" Sid shouted.
"Sorry!" Alejandro said quickly.
"We have to go," Xavier cut in, his voice cold and serious.
It was Xavier's voice that made Sid straighten.
Both he and Bradley turned around.
"What's wrong?" Bradley asked.
Xavier wouldn't look at him. His eyes were set on Sid and Sid knew something bad had happened.
"We need to get Bradley somewhere safe."

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"What?" Bradley asked, shocked.
Sid nodded and hurried zipped up his pants.
"We'll talk on the way," Alejandro said, his face pale. He wouldn't look at Bradley either, his nails

dug into his palm.

Bradley looked confused. Sid was too, but he knew it had to be urgent so he grabbed Bradley's

wrist and stepped out of the office.

In the hall he could hear a deadly silence followed by someone shouting. "Doctor! Where's the

doctor? We have-" Then tears, the tears of a man who'd had his heart ripped out.

Sid's entire body trembled. He recognized that voice. Mitch's voice. He had never heard Mitch

sound like that. He hadn't realized they'd all frozen until Bradley was moving.

"Bradley, where are you going?" Sid called after him
"Someone needs help," Bradley said, not even pausing in his stride.
"Shit," Xavier said, his voice tinged with apprehension. He ran after him.
Sid hurried too, but paused when he saw Alejandro, standing there, frozen.
Alejandro shook his head. "It's Scott. The hunters shot Scott."
Blood drained from Sid's face. "Hunters."
"Hunters from Lotters. Humans."
Sid gasped and then he was twisting around, rushing to where Bradley had gone. Bradley who was

unknowingly rushing towards a pack of angry wolves.

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Chapter 13

Bradley's eyes widened at the scene before him. Everyone was standing around. Their eyes wide with

shock as they stared down at Mitch. Mitch was holding a wolf against him. Blood matted its fur and
spilled down Scott's clothes and across the floor.

"Please, Where's the doctor?"
His words seemed to throw people out of their shock and everyone was suddenly moving.
"Where's Dr. Adams?"
"Isn't he at a conference in Alexandria?"
"Who did this to Scott?"
"Someone get the Alpha!"
The barrage of voices slid through Bradley's ears, but all he needed to know was the wolf needed

help. He rushed over, moving down next to him and was immediately shoved back.

"Don't touch him," Mitch growled. "You humans did this to him."
Bradley blinked, startled. He wanted to ask questions, but he didn't have time for this. The blood was

squirting and Bradley feared the wolf's artery might be served.

"I'm a vet and if you don't want Scott to bleed out in your arms, you'll let me help."
Mitch glared at him. Bradley met his eyes, not looking away. He felt fear sliding over him. Every

second was putting Scott in danger.

"Please, he doesn't have much time."
Mitch nodded and reluctantly gave the wolf to Bradley. "It's his leg." I tried wrapping it, but it won't

stop bleeding."

Bradley looked down. It looked like the bleeding had slowed, but hadn't stopped completely. He was

reluctant to unwrap the tourniquet until he had supplies."

"I'll need to suture the wound." He considered going to the doctor's office, but decided against it. The

wolf had been moved already and he didn't want to chance more blood lost. "Someone get me needle
and thread. I need it fast. Is there a first aid kit around here? I'll also need soap and water."

"I'll get the first aid kit," Sid said, his voice quiet, no longer having the bright enthusiasm he usually had.
Someone else said they would see about getting the needle and thread from the doctor's office.
Bradley raised the wolf's leg. He needed to stop the bleeding.
Sid was back fast, faster than anticipated, which Bradley was grateful for. Someone else came with

soap and water from the bathroom. Bradley hurriedly washed his hands. It would do no good to stop
the bleeding if he just ended up causing an infection.

"What can I do?" Sid asked.
"Open up the kit, and get the gloves out for me."
Sid did, handing them over.
Bradley slipped them on. From there his mind was completely focused on what he was doing.
"Mitch, I want you to keep his leg elevated, okay?"
Mitch nodded and held up Scott's leg. His hands were shaking, but Bradley said nothing as he asked

Sid to retrieve the bandages. From there Bradley made a new tourniquet, before removing the one made
by Mitch. This time the bleeding stopped.

It was a relief, but short-lived. Scott hadn't moved at all during the whole process. For all Bradley

knew the blood loss had been too much. Precious seconds were ticking by, so he couldn't focus on that.

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Instead he began cleaning up the wound and examining the area. The artery was nicked, not served, and
the bullet had passed right through, so he didn't have to dig it out. He just needed to suture the wound.

"Brad, we've got the supplies from Dr. Adams," someone said.
Bradley took the supplies and then he was unpacking it, sterilizing it, before sewing up the artery as

quickly as he could. Keeping the threads tight. Once he was done he nodded to Sid.

"Unloosen the tourniquet."
Sid did it without complaint as Bradley checked the stitches. They held and Bradley let out a hiss of

relief, before he continued working on the wound.

"Is he going to be all right?" Mitch said, his voice shaky.
Bradley quickly checked his vitals. His pulse was incredibly weak, but it was there. "We'll need to get

him a blood transfusion as quickly as possible," Bradley said. Now that the artery was closed it was
safer to move him. "I want to get him to a medical facility."

"We're ready when you are," Tommy said, as him signaled two shifters to bring over a gurney. They

lifted Scott carefully onto it.

Then they were moving swiftly and talking fast. "Does Dr. Adams have an assistant?"
"Yes, but she's also in Alexandria," Tommy said. "The only one here from his office is his


"What the hell? You're only doctor is gone and you don't have anyone else here?"
Tommy looked ashamed. "Shifters are strong. We rarely even have to see the doctor. Things like this

are rare."

"Shit! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Bradley said and he couldn't help how angry he was.

It was incredibly irresponsible. "I don't care if you're sturdier than the average wolf or human. Unless
you're all immortal you keep a doctor on call!"

"Bradley! Calm down. It's not Tommy's fault," Sid said and reached out and squeezed his arm.
Bradley felt his anger deflate a little, but it was still there, burning under the surface.
He didn't look at Tommy, just marched into the medical facility where a young twenty-something

hurriedly got them set up. Bradley's gaze swiveled to him. "You work here?"

"Y-yeah, I'm the receptionist."
Bradley nodded. "I want you to give me Scott's file. You know which Scott he is?"
The young man nodded and then he was gone.
"I can't stay," Tommy said. "Dusk is still in Lotters and the pack is restless."
Bradley nodded. "I understand."
They both turned to look at Sid.
Sid's lips tightened. "I'm staying here." He said, though he looked pale. "You need an assistant, right?"
Bradley felt relief and nodded "Thanks."
Then the receptionist was back with Scott's file and Bradley was moving as quickly as possible.

Luckily Dr. Adams was meticulous despite his lack in judgment in leaving Woodcutter Valley without a
doctor. He even had blood stored and so after finding out Scott's blood type Bradley was able to get
the transfusion started. Throughout it, Sid never faltered in helping him, though it was clear he had no
idea what he was doing. The receptionist, who was a nursing student, completed most of the tasks.

Throughout the procedure, Mitch came in just once. He took one look at Scott, paled, and left

without a word. Bradley would have liked to go after him and assure him, but he didn't have the luxury.
Bradley glanced at Sid. Sid nodded and quickly went after Mitch.

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Bradley wasn't sure how much time had passed, before Scott was stabilized enough for him to take a

break. It was faster than a normal person. In all honesty, with the amount of blood lost and how long it
took for Mitch to reach them, if Scott hadn't been a Shifter, he might not have made it. Still, he was
stabilized now.

Bradley sighed and cleaned up, before he slumped down in a chair. He sat there, exhausted and

relieved. The anger he had before had pretty much gone out. He still planned to talk to Dusk and Dr.
Adams when he got back. He was already making plans to see about staying in Woodcutter Valley until
Dr. Adams was back, when he heard the rush of footsteps.

Bradley looked up and straight into Sid's panicked face. Bradley was immediately on his feet and

rushed over. "What's wrong?"

Sid grabbed his wrist and began pulling him to the door. "We need to get you out of here."
Bradley frowned. "What? I can't leave. Just because Scott is stable doesn't mean-"
"Listen!" Sidney said. "You have to leave right now. The shifters are angry about what happened. And

right now you're a target."

Bradley blinked. "What?"
"Human hunters from Lotters did this and Scott wasn't the only one they shot at."
Bradley's eyes widened. "Are there more injured? I have to help."
"Will you worry about yourself?" Sid shouted, "You have to leave!"
Bradley blinked and then his shoulders stiffened. "No. I'm not leaving."
"Didn't you hear what I just said?"
"Yes, I heard you, but I'm not leaving. I'm the only doctor you all have right now. I don't care if

they're angry and need someone to lash out at. Let them, as long as they let me take care of them."

Sid shook his head. "You're going to get yourself killed."
Bradley leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I'll be fine."
Sid looked doubtful, but reluctantly nodded. "Just don't leave the clinic. Tommy contacted Dr. Adams

so he's on his way back from Alexandria."

"Then I'll wait for him."
"And after that you'll return to Lotters."
Bradley frowned. H didn't like the sound of that and started to protest.
"Please? Just until it cools down here. I don't want you hurt."
Reluctantly, Bradley nodded. "All right."
Sid looked relieved. "I'll go talk to Tommy and see if we can get the injured sent over."
Then he was gone and a few moments later, Sid came back with Tommy and five other shifters. None

of them were as bad as Scott, but they were all incredibly young. A boy that couldn't have been older
than thirteen was nursing his arm, while a girl around the same age hovered over him.

Bradley stepped in front of the boy. "What happened?"
Before the boy could speak the girl cut in, growling. "You happened! You, humans."
Bradley winced. "I'm sorry. This should have never happened, but we need to take care of him."
"I don't want you touching my brother. You've done enough."
"Cece," the boy said.
The girl didn't bend.
"I get it," Bradley said, trying to not let the strain of the situation get to him. "You have every right to

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be angry, but more than your anger, what we need is to make sure your brother is okay. And right now,
I'm the only doctor you have."

Cece glared at him.
"Cece," Tommy said.
Cece bristled at the command in Tommy's voice, but backed down.
Swiftly Bradley bent down to check the boy's shoulder. "What's your name?"
"Connie," the boy said, his face pale with pain, but otherwise he kept up a brave front.
Bradley examined the bullet wound., before grabbing some tweezers and a syringe. "Connie, the

wound doesn't look too bad, but the bullet is still inside, so I'm going to numb your shoulder and pull it

Connie paled even further, but nodded.
Bradley gave him a short shot, to numb the area.
"So Connie, where are your parents."
"Don't have any," Connie said. "Just been me and Cece. Scott's been taking care of us."
Bradley felt his gut clenched. "I'm sorry, but Scott's going to be okay. I promise."
"Yeah..." Connie said, glancing over at where Scoot looked unconscious, looking like he wasn't sure

he believed him.

Bradley wasn't really sure what to say. He dealt with animals, not people, but right now it was clear

Connie needed some assurance. His mind turned over what to say as he prepared to pull the bullet out.

"I'm going to pull it out now."
Connie nodded and Cece stepped closer to her brother, taking his hand.
Bradley dug out the bullet and then swiftly cleaned the wound. He considered what to do next. With

Sid the wound had closed up without any stitching needed, but Bradley didn't feel safe about just leaving
the wound open.

Decided he grabbed the needle and thread.
"You know," Connie said softly. "Scott saved me." He took a ragged breath, as if holding back tears.

"They shot me and I was down. The hunter came closer, about to finish me off when Scott jumped him,

Scott's going to be okay," Bradley said firmly and began stitching. Something Sid told him about

shifters came to mind and he hoped what he was about to say next wasn't just a bunch of bull. "Sid told
me that all of you are connected. That as a pack you can almost feel each other, like threads all
connected. Is that right?"

Connie looked confused, but nodded. "Yeah."
"Then why don't you try feeling for that thread connecting you to Scott. I'm sure, knowing you are

there and safe will give him some comfort." And what went unsaid was that it would also give Connie
some comfort to feel Scott there, unconscious but alive.

Connie looked unsure, but did as Bradley suggested. Brad finished up and checked Connie over for

any other wounds, when the boy's eyes snapped up and a wobbly smile spread across his face. "I can
feel him. I-I think he's going to be all right."

Bradley smiled. "Good, and good job. You're going to be all right."
When he turned to look to see who would need his help next, he caught Cece staring at him in

confusion, before she quickly looked away and turned her attention to her brother.

Bradley checked over the others, all teenagers, but the wounds were mostly superficial having already

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closed up due to their shifter blood. They all seemed mostly scared than injured. It looked like Scott and
Mitch had been taking them for a run when they came across the hunters. The group was made up of
orphans that Scott took care of. The runs were something he did with the teens to give them a bit of
freedom and teach them about their form.

Just the thought made Bradley simmer with rage at what happened to them. By the time Dr. Adams

showed up with his assistant three hours later, Bradley was ready to return to Lotters. He wanted to talk
to his father and put a stop to the Hunters. Before he could do more than give Dr. Adams a summary of
Scott's injuries, Chase was by his side.

"Let's get you out of here," Chase said, his voice urgent.
Bradley frowned. "Where's Sid?"
Chase's lips tightened. "Not here."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Bradley crossed his arms. "Where's Sid? I want to see him. I'm not

leaving until I talk to him."

Chase ran a hand through his hair. "Damn, you two really have to make things difficult."
Bradley narrowed his eyes.
Chase held up his hand. "Hey, this isn't my idea. That's my dumbass brother. He thinks with everyone

hot under the collar, if you two are seen together it might cause a riot."

"Is it really that bad?" Bradley asked.
"Tommy is taking care of most of it, but Scott's family."
"And I'm not," Bradley said, nodding. "I get it."
"Sorry, until you and Sid stop pussyfooting around and actually complete your claim, you're still an


Bradley almost regretted wanting to take things slow. "Fine, but I'm not staying away."
Chase grinned. "I wouldn't expect you to."
Chase led them out of the clinic. There were several hostile stares thrown in Bradley's direction, but

no one approached. Despite this, not everyone looked hostile. He caught sight of Cece glaring down the
crowd with all the stubbornness of a sixteen-year-old with a cause. Several of the other teens were there
too, standing at the edge of the crowd and making sure to keep a sharp eye. He wasn't sure how much
the teens could do, but it relieved some of Bradley's tension. Still, he didn't see the one person he really
wanted to see. He frowned and hoped like hell he wasn't making a bad decision by leaving as he

No, if he could talk to his father it would help. Then he would come back, no matter what. Still, he

found himself reluctant to leave and Chase kept telling him to hurry up. Eventually Chase led him to his

"There you go."
Bradley just stood there. "I-I can't leave."
Chase sighed. "God, you two are a bunch of damn fools. I swear." He seemed to come to a decision.

"Wait here, okay? I'll get Sid. You both can go to Lotters and hopefully you can actually complete your

Bradley grinned. "Thanks."
"Whatever. At least get in your car. I don't want any one attacking you while I'm gone."
Bradley nodded and got into his car, waiting for Chase to return with Sid.
While he waited in the car park, he heard the rumble of a car. He glanced over and then straightened

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in surprise. A familiar pickup truck was driving down the road in the direction of Lotters. It was Pete
Andrew's, the same person who had shot Sid. Even from here he could see, the truck was covered in
hunting equipment. A feeling of dread settled in his stomach. He glanced back at the trail that led to
Woodcutter Valley, but he saw no sign of Chase or Sid.

He could wait, but if he did he might lose Pete and Bradley didn't want to see any more shifters

injured. Biting his lip, he started the car and began following Pete. He tried to keep a good distance
between them so he would go unnoticed, but with the road being barren, he probably stood out.

So when Pete pulled his truck off the road, Bradley drove past. He drove almost half a mile away,

before looping back around. Bradley parked his car where he had seen Pete turn into the wood. He
stepped out and examined the ground. There were car tracks and it looked like more than just one.

Bradley reached for his phone with every intention of calling Sid when he realized that he didn't have

Sid's phone number. He didn't have anyone's phone number from Woodcutter. He swore at his
oversight and glanced at the woods. He could go back to Woodcutter Valley, but at that point they
might already be on the hunt. It would be better if he did something now. He had some weight as the
mayor's son.

Decided, Bradley stepped into the woods. As he stepped inside he saw Pete's truck and an SUV

parked further in, so they wouldn't be seen from the road, unlike with Bradley's car. Bradley couldn't
help feeling a bit confused about it all. Why were Pete and them hunting so close to Woodcutter Valley?
Before, where they had shot Sid had been on the outskirts of Lotters. There was the sound of voices
and Bradley froze.

"Shit! It's cold."
"Stop being a pussy and help me with these traps."
"Tell me again why the hell we're doing this. I thought we were supposed to be hunting?"
"This is hunting, dumbass," Pete said.
"Laying down traps ain't the type of hunting I do. I prefer shooting stuff."
"I'm going to agree with Ty on this one," another voice said.
Bradley crouched down and shifted his position, trying to get a good look at the scene.
"Listen, they asked us to use the traps, so we're using the traps. Got it?" Pete stepped forward, faced

three men. He recognizing two of them as Pete's hunting buddies. The other one was Zack, the same
one who had been hitting on Sid in the bar. He was sort of surprised to see Zack. The man hadn't been
one for hunting, but Zack probably got pushed into it.

Zack looked at Pete in confusion. "Them? What are you talking about? I thought we were just


Pete grinned. "Like I sad we are, we're just getting paid for it too. I have a client up in Alexandria that

would like a few wolf pelts."

Zack frowned. "That's poaching."
"No shit," Pete said. "Don't tell me you got some moral to do about it. You're the one who wanted to

go hunting with us."

"Yeah, but..."
Pete rolled his eyes. "Would you be a man for fucking once, shit."
Zack clamped his mouth shut and glared down at his feet.
"Then if there aren't anymore complaints, ladies. Can we get back to fucking killing some wolves?"
Before Bradley realized what he was doing he stepped forward. Suddenly three guns were pointing at

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him, while Zack fumbled with his. Bradley put his hands up.

"Hold it! It's just me?"
"What the hell are you doing here?" Zack asked, in surprise.
They lowered their guns.
"I think I should be asking you that," Bradley said, lowering his hand. "These woods are off-limits for


Pete frowned and then folded his arms. "Maybe you should mind your own. This isn't Lotters


Bradley shrugged. "That's true, but I am friends of the owners of this land and I know for a fact they

don't allow hunting on their land."

Pete glared at Bradley and Bradley noticed that he raised his gun just a little. For a moment he

wondered if this had been such a good idea. He was alone and no one knew where he was. But these
were men from his town. He might not like Pete, but they weren't murderers.

"Look, just get in your cars and drive away and I won't report you," Bradley said. "Is this worth jail


Pete stared hard at him and then lowered his gun. "Fucking busybody."
Then there was a sound and all of a sudden they were turning. Wolves suddenly surrounded all five of

them. The wolves growled and the men immediately lifted their guns.

"So now what?" Pete shouted. "Still want to do your self-righteous no hunting spiel?"
"Calm down!" Bradley said quickly. "They're not going to hurt us. Not if we leave peacefully."
"Are you sure about that," Zack said, his hands trembling.
"I'm sure," Bradley said, looking at the wolves, his eyes pleading. "We're just going to leave and they'll

let us. They're just trying to protect their home."

Pete looked at the wolves and then his gaze flickered to Bradley. "Are you sure about this?"
"I'm a vet. Trust me. Just back away, slowly."
Keeping their guns aimed at the wolves. They backed away, moving slowly towards their cars. The

wolves growled but didn't advance. Tension filled the air, both groups seemed to be waiting for the other
to do something wrong.

"Everyone just stay calm. They're leaving see."
Things were going smoothly when suddenly there was a sharp yelp. Immediately, Bradley knew it had

to be one of the traps. The wolves twisted around and a loud growl poured from one of the wolves'
mouth. It took a step forward.

"No!" Bradley shouted and rushed forward.
But it was too late.
Pete lifted his gun and fired.

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Chapter 14

Sid chewed on his bottom lip. He had been looking for Mitch and he couldn't find him or Alejandro.

He knew that meant trouble. He swore to himself. Indecision danced around him. He didn't know
whether to tell Tommy or go after them himself. Tommy was trying to keep most of the town down.
Many of the shifters had mentioned marching into Lotters and ripping the whole town apart. Sid might
have been right along with them if it wasn't for Bradley.

Scott was his friend. Seeing him in Mitch's arms, bleeding out had nearly ripped his heart out. He had

felt the pain and anger of his pack writhing over his skin. His family being hurt by outsiders, humans.
Then Bradley's voice as he demanded to work on Scott had snapped him out of the veil steadily sliding
over him. Bradley working on Scott, saving him. He had seen the sweat on his brow, the fear and
determination in his eyes and it crumbled everything else away.

Yeah, there were humans that deserved to have their throats torn out, but there were also ones like

Bradley. A man who stepped into a pack of angry wolves and refused to leave just so he could help
their injured. So as angry as he was he knew they needed to hold back and wait for Dusk. Sid ran his
fingers through his hair. He needed to tell Tommy, and then he'd go after them. He turned and hurried
over to where he had last seen Tommy.

Tommy had just broken away from a couple of angry shifters, calming them down and sending them

back to their homes. He looked tired, but determined. When he caught sight of Sid he immediately
rushed over.

"What's wrong? Is Bradley all right?"
Sid felt a shot of warmth that Tommy's immediate concern was for Sid's mate. At least if no one else

had accepted him, Tommy still did. He nodded. "Bradley's fine. I sent Chase to take him back to Lotters
after Dr. Adams arrived."

Tommy looked relieved. "Good. Some of the pack is ready to lash out on anything that is human,

even if Bradley was the one who saved Scott."

Sid shuddered remembering just how close they had been to losing him. He shook it off and spoke

urgently. "Tommy, I can't find Mitch or Alejandro."

"What?" Tommy said.
"I've looked all around and they're missing. I'm worried they might have gone after the hunters. Mitch

was with Scott, so he'll know where they were last seen."

"Shit, he's going to start another massacre."
"Massacre?" Sid asked, startled.
"Long time ago, it happened in Lotters, when Woodcutter Valley was still young. Before my time, but

I heard it was brutal. Hunters, the werewolf hunters, even got involved. I can tell you just how bad they
would be if this brought them down on us."

Sid's eyes widened. "Fuck!"
"Yeah, we'll have to-"
Tommy's phone rang, cutting him off, and he answered. "Dusk! We have a problem."
Tommy quickly explained what was happening and as he did, Sid turned away. He said what he

needed to say, he needed to go after Mitch and Alejandro. If they killed any of the hunters, then the real
Hunters would come and none of them would be safe. He hurried away, running towards the edge of

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town when Chase called out to him.

Chase strode quickly over to him. He grabbed his wrist and started dragging him towards the woods.

"Come on. Bradley's waiting for you."

"What?" Sid asked in confusion. "I thought he went back to Lotters."
"He refused to go without you and I don't blame him. He's your mate, do you really think he'll

abandon you in the middle of this chaos?"

Sid flushed, but yanked back. "I can't. I have to go after Mitch and Alejandro. I think they went after

the hunters."

Sid quickly explained what Tommy told him about the massacre and the werewolf hunters.
Chase's entire body grew tense. "Those fucking idiots!" He shook his head. "I'll deal with them. You

go to Bradley. It'll be safer for both of you that way."

Sid firmly shook his head. "Mitch and Alejandro are my friends. I have to help them."
Chase glared at him. "Which is more important. Them or your mate?"
Sid flushed but stood resolute. "They're both important."
Chase blinked and then laughed. "Damn, you've changed. Come on, we need to at least tell Bradley

to go. I don't want him standing around if the shifters are hunting humans."

Sid nodded and they quickly took the path to where Bradley had been. When they got there though,

Bradley was gone as well as his car.

Chase looked confused. "Huh? He left?"
Sid frowned. "Maybe he changed his mind?"
"Yeah," Chase said, but it was clear he was doubtful. "Maybe you should call him."
Sid nodded and fished his phone out of his pocket. He still had Brad's number from when they ran

into each other in the mayor's office. He opened it and rang him. The phone rang several times before
going to voicemail. Sid tried again, but still there was no answer. He put his phone in his pocket. Dread
began to fill his stomach. Something was wrong. He could feel it in his gut.

"What do you want to do?" Chase asked.
Sid frowned and turned over his options. He was probably worrying needlessly. If Bradley took his

car then it was likely he left of his own violation. It might simply be he was away from his phone or he
lost signal on the road. The area didn't have the best reception. Still, there was this nagging feeling.

"I don't know, but I can feel him. He's not too far away," Sid said. "Mitch and Alejandro are missing

and now Brad. It might be just a coincidence, but maybe if we find one, we'll find the other."

Chase nodded and just like that it was decided.
The two of them slid back into the woods and with no needs for words they shifted. It was dangerous

to be out in wolf forms, but it was faster. And right now they needed speed. They were already behind,
but luckily Mitch and Alejandro where regular shifters while Sid and Chase were werewolf shifters. That
meant they were bigger and faster.

They rushed into the woods, their paws barely touching the snowy ground as they moved. They

weaved between trees, moving so swiftly it was almost like they were flying. The shifters trail was hidden
and a normal hunter might have missed it, but they were wolves and more than that, pack. Even if they
didn't have the strength of the connection like Dusk and Gael, they were still tied to their pack.

They moved faster and faster, only stopping when they trail grew faint. Soon, Sid knew they were

catching up and with that realization was fear. It looked like Alejandro and Mitch hadn't gone alone.
They had seen tracks of at least four other wolves. And the closer they got there were other tracks,

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human tracks. Sid had almost walked across a trap laid out before he caught himself.

There was a loud snap followed by a howl. Sid and Chase sped up. The crack of a gunshot cut

through the air and Sid was afraid they were too late. They hurried forward and into a small clearing
where chaos ensued. A wolf was on top of a hunter, ripping into his coat. While another hunter was
running to his car while two wolves chased him. Then Sid saw Bradley. Bradley was struggling with a
man, fighting over a gun. Sid exchanged looks with Chase. Chase nodded and then he jumped onto the
wolf attacking the hunter, knocking him away. Sid rushed in grabbing the gun in his mouth and throwing
it out of reach.

Chase growled at the wolf, Mitch. Mitch growled back, but reluctantly backed down. The hunter

struggled back. Chase gave him a warning growl and he froze, his eyes wide as he stared at him.
Obviously frightened of the wolf that was almost three times as big as the wolves around him.

Sid turned away, leaving his brother to deal with the situation. Right now he needed to help Bradley.

Bradley and the Hunter were still fighting over the gun. Sid rushed over, intending to leap at the human
and knock him down. But just as he reached them, the human knocked the gun against Bradley's chin.
Bradley let go and stumbled backwards.

The hunter twisted around, raising his gun up just as Sid came into view. Sid's eyes widened as he

tried to slow his momentum.

The hunter grinned.
Then something was flying towards Sid. He twisted just as the gun went off.
Everything happened so quickly, so quickly it felt like he couldn't move, but he could see everything.

Bradley was leaping up. The bullet cut through the air towards Sid. Sid started twisting away, knowing
that he couldn't avoid the bullet. Then Bradley was in front of him and the bullet slammed into his chest.

They both tumbled backwards, hitting the ground.
For a moment the images slammed into his head, leaving him in shock. Then Sid was scrambling from

underneath Bradley. The woods were strangely quiet as Sid moved to Bradley. Blood. The scent was
thick in the air, and Bradley wasn't moving. He looked down at him. Blood was seeping from his chest.
It stained the white snow.

"I didn't mean to," A voice said nearby.
Rage infused Sid's body. Without even thinking he turned around and attacked the hunter. The hunter

fumbled for his gun, but Sid was faster. He leaped at the hunter, knocking him backwards, slamming his
full weight onto him. He grabbed the gun in his mouth, yanking it from the hunter's grip and tossing it

The hunter looked at him in fear. Sid growled into his face. He was going to rip him apart. He didn't

care anymore. Not about anything, all he wanted to feel was the man's flesh beneath his teeth. He struck
down, but before his teeth could sink into him a blur of fur rushed at him and he was knocked away. Sid
growled and snapped.

Enough! The voice echoed in his head, slamming into him with a force of a Mack truck. His entire

body stiffened and Sid was finally able to focus. He looked up and straight into the face of a wolf the
color of the setting sun. Dusk, his Alpha. Sid wasn't sure when he got here or how long, but he
immediately went limp. All the rage drained out of him and instead he was left with an overwhelming
grief. It blocked everything else.

Without any thought he shifted. Tears ran down his cheeks. "Bradley. He's...Bradley."

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Dusk climbed off of him.
Sid curled in on himself, not even caring that he was cold and naked. He didn't care about anything.

Bradley was gone.

No he isn't. The voice of this Alpha rang in his mind, firm, yet gentle. He's calling for you.
The words sank in slowly, but when they did Sid scrambled to his feet. The hunter he had attacked

was on the ground unconscious. He wasn't sure if someone knocked him out or if he had passed out
from fear. From the way Chase was standing over the hunter, he was thinking the former. Yet, none of
that matter as much as reaching Bradley's side. He rushed towards him. There was someone else
crouched beside Brad, but Sid barely took that in. He bent over Bradley and looked down at his pale
face. His blue eyes looked impossibly bright against his pallid complexion.

"There you are," Bradley said, softly.
"Bradley, you're alive," Sid said disbelief and hope rising up inside him.
"Yeah," Bradley said, softly. "You okay?"
Tears spilled from Sid's eyes. "Worry about yourself. You're the one who got shot."
"I'm fine...mostly," he said.
Sid laughed shakily.
Bradley smiled and his eyes drifted close.
Someone was pulling him off. "Sid, get a hold of yourself. We need to let the doctor look at him,"

Chase said.

Sid looked up and sure enough a wolf was rushing towards them, gripping a bag in his mouth. When

he was in front of them, the wolf shifted into Dr. Adams familiar form.

"Shit, this can't be real," a strangely familiar voice said not far from Sid.
Sid turned and only then did he realize that Bradley's father, the mayor of Lotters was standing

nearby. For a moment he wondered how he got here, before realizing he must have been with Dusk
when everything happened. His complexion was ashen as he looked with wide eyes from the shifters
then back to his son.

Sid wondered why he was here, but his attention immediately turned back to Bradley and Dr. Adams,

who were working quickly on him. His expression looked grim.

"Is he going to be okay?" Sid asked.
Dr. Adams didn't answer. Instead he met Sidney's eyes. "Help me get him to a car. We need to get

him back to the clinic."

His entire body felt stretched thin, but he swiftly helped the doctor as he barked out orders.
"I'll drive," Bradley's father cut in. The man looked desperate to do something, anything. Sid could


The more Sid looked at Bradley, the more Sid's heart felt like it was crumbling, but yet he couldn't

turn away. He felt like the moment he did, he would lose Bradley forever. So he kept looking at the pale
face that seemed only to get paler, and the still, still body.

Together they helped him into the back seat. It wasn't an ideal situation, but it was what they had at

the moment. Sid insisted on staying in the back seat while Bradley's father drove. As they rushed back
to Woodcutter Valley, Sid could sense Mayor Lotters' eyes on him, but he didn't care. He gripped
Bradley's hand, placing soft kisses on it and whispering over and over again. "Please, please..."

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Chapter 15

It was the third time Bradley had woken up in the clinic. The first time Sid had been there as well as

Dr. Adams. He realized he had to be back in Woodcutter Valley. He was so tired he could barely keep
his eyes open. He had smiled at Sid then had drifted off.

The second time his father and mother had been there. He had to admit he was happy to see them,

though a bit confused. They were obviously in Woodcutter Valley still, so he wasn't sure how they
managed to get in, but they were here. He spoke with them for a moment. His mother had cried a little
and his father had explained to him that there wouldn't be any more hunting done. He explained that he
and Dusk had come to an arrangement, but what that arrangement was Bradley couldn't remember. He
drifted off again.

This time when he woke Sid was sitting at the edge of his bed. His head was tilted to the side and his

eyes closed. His expression looked strained even in sleep. Immediately, Bradley wanted to pull him into
bed with him. So he did, or tried too. Instead it was more a weak pull. Sid woke up and immediately

"What are you doing?"
"Snuggling or trying to," Bradley said as he tried to adjust himself on the bed to make room for Sid.
Sid looked doubtful. "I don't think that's a good idea."
Carefully, Sid climbed into bed and molded himself against Bradley's side.
Bradley winced a little at the movement. Immediately, Sid stiffened and made to pull away. Bradley

loudly groaned. Sid froze and then settled back in place. It was a dirty trick, but Bradley couldn't bring
himself to feel anything but pleased. They sat there for a while, but Sid was still tensed against him.

"What's wrong?" Bradley asked.
"You were shot."
"I got better," Bradley said flippantly.
Sid growled and jerked off the bed. He stood over Bradley, glaring. "This isn't a joke."
Bradley sighed. "I know."
"Why did you do that? Why did you jump in front of a bullet for me?"
"It was instinct. I just couldn't watch you get shot."
"So that means it's okay for me to watch you get shot?" Sid shouted.
Bradley got quiet. "No, but if you're trying to tell me that saving you was wrong then I'm going to have

to disagree."

Sid slumped to the floor. "This-whatever it is, isn't going to work."
Bradley jerked up, wincing as he did. "What?"
Sid shook his head. "I thought you were dead."
Bradley started to sit up, but quickly realized it wasn't going to happen. He took a deep breath and

looked up at the ceiling. His next words felt like shards of glass ripping him up from the inside, but he
needed to say them, to know.. "Do you really mean it? Are you planning to give up on us?"

Sid was quiet. "No, I-I just don't want to hurt you anymore."
Bradley turned his head. "Sid, you being with me will never hurt me."
Sid fisted his hands against his eyes as his breathing grew ragged, obviously trying to hold back sobs.

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"How? How can you sit there with a fucking hole in your chest and try to comfort me? You-you idiot."

Bradley chuckled, though it hurt to do that. "I'm your mate, right? It's my job to make you feel better."
Sid stiffened and lowered his hands into his lap. "I can't help feeling like I'm trapping you."
"You're not-"
"Let me talk, Bradley," Sid said and then took a deep breath. He looked up and met Bradley's eyes.

"I love you."

Bradley sucked in a breath. Warmth spread over him at the words, but at the same time he couldn't

help feeling a moment of dread. He could feel the 'but' waiting to pass Sid's lips.

"But there's a lot you don't know. I explained about mates, but not everything." Sid looked like he

was mentally preparing himself before he spoke. "It's different with a human and shifter, especially a
werewolf shifter. If I don't claim you, you'll die."

Bradley blinked. He hadn't been expecting that. As he tried to wrap his mind around that, a desperate

silence surrounded Sid. Bradley focused on Sid. The man was once again staring at his lap. Bradley
couldn't see his expression and dread filled him. He took a shaky breath. "I'd rather die..."

Sid stiffened.
"Than force you to be with me," Bradley finished.
Sid's head jerked up and his eyes widened. "What?"
Bradley looked away. It was painful, but it had to be said. "I don't want to trap you Sid. I don't want

you to feel obligated to be with me."

There was silence and then Sid growled. "Are you an idiot? Didn't you hear me? I said I love you! I'm

the one..." He took a deep breath and balled up his fist. "I don't want to trap you."

Sid closed his eyes. "I'm not an ordinary shifter. I'm a werewolf shifter. Werewolf runs through my

veins. We're cursed. Our whole pack was killed off. We're constantly hunted and the people we love
are taken down with us."

Sid bit his bottom lip and when he spoke again, he was trembling. "Before we joined this pack. It was

just me and my brother, but before that there was Tae. Tae was my brother's best friend and I looked
up to him. He took care of me when Chase was trying to make sure we could survive."

"Our life wasn't easy, but I was happy. Until Tae found his mate, Elisa. She was a normal shifter. At

first everything was good, but then things started to go bad. We had to constantly move and his mate
hated it. Things grew strained and Tae changed. It was like the harder things became the more obsessed
Tae became with fixing things. Nothing me or my brother did could reach him."

"Then one day she ran off. Tae looked and looked for her. I was secretly happy she was gone,

hoping Tae would turn back to normal, but afterwards Tae found a note. A hunter had Elisa. He went
after her. We found out later and we went searching for him, but what we found."

He shook his head, just the memory made his stomach recoil "He was in pieces, his body spiked to

the ground with silver stakes. Elisa was over his body, screaming and crying. I took her away, while
Chase buried Tae."

"Afterwards, Elisa just kept getting worse and worse. Finally she lost it and killed herself."

Unconsciously, Sid grabbed Bradley's arm, digging his fingers into him. "Chase and I moved on, went far
away, but one day I was grabbing some money from Chase's wallet and I saw a picture of us. It was a
photo when Tae and Elisa were newly mated. Elisa and Tae looked so happy, like they found paradise.
It made me realize something."

Sidney looked at Bradley with desperate eyes. "All this time I had been blaming Elisa for changing

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Tae, but it wasn't Elisa and it wasn't Tae. Both of them had been happy normal people. It was us, what
we were, the werewolf blood that cursed everything we touch. Elisa and Tae would have been okay if it
wasn't for the mate bond holding them together, forcing them to stay when they must have known it was
better, safer for them to be apart."

He lowered his head. "I promised myself I would never complete a mating after that. I don't want to

see that happen again to someone I love. Never." Then he looked at Bradley with such anguish. "But
now I've found you and I feel like all the pieces of my heart I didn't know were missing are finally there
again. I want you so much, but if I keep you I know I'll take away all the good in you, but if I don't it will
literally kill you.

He hugged himself. "I'm so sorry for doing this to you Bradley. I'm sorry. I wish you had never saved

me back then."

Just listening to him was making his heart break. Bradley held his hand out to Sid. "Come here."
Sid hesitated, but he moved forward like he couldn't resist.
Bradley tugged on his hand, silently asking Sid to rejoin him on the bed.
Cautiously, Sid slid into the bed, half hanging off it. Sid slid his hand over the gown Bradley was in,

clutching it.

Bradley smiled, wishing he had the energy to hold Sid close. "I'm sorry you had to go through that

Sid. I'm sorry that something that should have been beautiful has become so tainted for you. But what
I'm not sorry about is having met you."

He turned his head and met Sid's eyes. "If you haven't figured it out, yet, I love you Sid. And I'm not

going to love you just when things are good, but even during the bad times. I'm never going to regret

Sid looked away. "I don't want you to hurt."
"The only way you can hurt me is by forcing me away from you." Bradley grabbed his chin, making

Sid look back at him. The action cost Brad, but he ignored the pain as best as he could. "Sid, you meant
it when you said you loved me, right?"

Sid flushed and nodded feverishly. "More than anything."
Bradley grinned. "Come on. Say it again."
"No," Sid said, flushing even more red.
Bradley laughed. "Stubborn." He laid back. "I love you Sid. As long as you love me back that's all I


Sid lay against him, gently resting his head on his shoulder.
They didn't say anything else. Bradley knew it didn't make Sid's fears go away, but it was all he had.

In time, he would prove to Sid that he wasn't going to go anywhere, even if hell came raining down on
them. He would always be happy as long as Sid was by his side.

As he drifted off, Sid's hand tightened in his shirt.
"I love you Bradley."
Bradley smiled.

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Chapter 16

"So my Dad and Zack saw you shift?" Bradley said.
"Yeah. The two other hunters were unconscious, and the other one had already driven away before I

shifted," Sid said with a sigh as he helped Bradley out of the car. Sid looked lost in thought and he
tightened his grip on Bradley.

"Not too tight," Bradley said, grinning at Sid. "I'm not going anywhere."
Sid flushed and reluctantly loosened his grip as he led Bradley towards his house. It had been five

weeks since the incident and in all honesty, Bradley probably could walk himself. Especially since it
seemed the bond between him and Sid had managed to speed up the healing process, according to Dr.
Adams. A fact that Bradley had pointed out to Sid multiple times, but Sid had insisted on babying him.
Luckily, Bradley was more amused than annoyed, and let Sid have his way.

"So what is everyone going to do?" Bradley asked.
"It's still up in the air. Dusk isn't too worried about your father. Based on some old historical accounts

Gael dug up, this isn't the first time the Lotters family has been involved with shifters. Plus with the new
school we're funding in Lotters, it looks like your town and Woodcutter Valley will be building a new
truce between them."

Bradley nodded. He had heard mention of the school from his father, but mostly news of it had come

from Connie. The kid had come to visit him often during his bed rest. He had been really excited about
the new school. He and many of the orphans would be attending and were curious about humans,
despite what happened. Cece and some of the older teens were suspicious, but Connie told him they
considered it an opportunity to spy and maybe help prevent something like this from happening again.

It gave him hope to hear that and it only got better when several of the town's shifters had stopped by

to check on Bradley. He had been flabbergasted by the new change of heart towards him, but once
word had spread about him taking a bullet for Sid, even though it didn't change the mistrust they had for
humans, it at least washed away the mistrust they had for Bradley. Even Mitch had apologized to him
during one of his visits to see Scott. Scott, despite being shot, didn't really seem to hate anyone. They
had been bunkmates, and Bradley really had gotten to know the shifter and how endlessly kind and
forgiving he could be. It was no wonder that everyone who knew him was so protective of the man.

Brad shook his head like he was trying to wrap his mind around everything that had happened to him,

and was still happening. "I wonder how Dad's taking this."

"I think he was more worried about you. You Lotters sure know how to plan out your freak outs."
Bradley chuckled and then grew quiet as they reached the door to his house. "What about Zack?"
Sid shrugged, not meeting Bradley's eyes. "I'm not sure, but you were shot."
"It wasn't Zack who shot me," Bradley said carefully.
They stood in front of the door. Sid looked down at his feet. "They've locked him up at Woodcutter

Valley jail until they can make a decision. He might not have been the one that shot you, but he saw me
and Dusk transform."

"Dusk too?" Bradley asked, surprised.
Sid nodded. "He shifted in order to stop me from ripping into Pete," Sid practically spitting out the

hunter's name.

Bradley reached out and squeezed Sid's shoulder. "Hey, I'm okay now."
Sid looked at him. "Yeah."

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Bradley grinned at him and unlocked his door, pushing it open. "Home! I sure have missed it. Way

better than being stuck in a hospital." Bradley stepped inside, pulling away from Sid as he did. It felt
good to finally be in his place again. And finally, he was well enough to do the one thing that had been on
his mind, this whole time. He planned to finally claim his mate.


Sid followed him inside. He watched Bradley move around his home, like he hadn't been shot. It was

true he had plenty of time to recover, but that didn't stop Sid from wanting to tell him to be careful. He
only just managed to check himself from doing just that. But the more he watched Bradley the more the
feeling that had been building inside him grew. Bradley's smile, the way he moved, the press of his
muscles against his shirt as he shrugged off his coat. The want was so strong it felt like a fever. A fever
that he been in full force with Sid for almost a week.

"I better get going," Sid mumbled out, turning to the door.
"Wait!" Bradley said and strode towards him. "Why are you leaving?"
Sidney had an excuse all ready, but his mind went blank as those blue eyes looked at him. There was

worry, but underneath it was a heat. A heat that was identical to his own.

"I-I should-" His tongue wouldn't work. He swore, trying to get control of himself. It wasn't like him

to stutter. He closed his eyes and tried to gain control of himself.

His eyes snapped open when he felt breath play across his ear.
"Don't go," Bradley purred out, his voice thick with lust.
Sid let out a small whimper right before he grabbed Bradley and quickly spun him around, reversing

their positions, and pinned him to the door. Sid crushed their lips together, hungrily tasting everything.
Bradley gave as much as he took, their tongues sliding against each other as they nipped and rubbed,
until they were forced to pull away, panting.

"Upstairs?" Bradley asked.
Sid's eyes widened. "What? You mean sex?"
Bradley laughed. "That's what I had in mind."
"But what about your plan to take it slow?"
"I think we're ready," Bradley said, then pause. "Unless you're not."
"No, no! I'm definitely ready. God, I've been ready for weeks." Sid shivered at the thought of being

able to finally feel Bradley's naked skin pressed against his. He wanted it badly, so bad he was having a
hard time restraining himself from dragging Bradley to the ground and riding him. Of course, that was the
problem. "But we can't."

Bradley frowned, concern reflected in his eyes. He pulled away, giving Sid some space. "What's


Sid felt his cheeks heat up, but forced himself to speak. "You're still healing."
"Seriously, it's been over a month, besides, Dr. Adams said our link has sped up the process,"

Bradley said then looked into Sid's eyes. "Which you already know. Tell me what's really wrong."

Sid chewed on his bottom lip. "I-I'm nervous."
Bradley eyebrows rose in surprise. "Why?"
Sid glared at him and then shrugged. "I just...a part of me is still worried that I'll curse you."

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Bradley chuckled. "You're not going to curse me."
Sidney frowned "After everything I told you, you still think that." He scowled." You know there's no

going back after this, no divorce."

Bradley grabbed Sid's hand and slowly pulled his fingers away from the tight fist Sid had them in. He

threaded their fingers together. "I do take this shifter to be my claimed mate." He lifted their hands and
kissed the back of Sid's. "Listen, Sid, I'm sure. I've been sure since you entered my life. We're mates
and nothing is going to change that."

"Yeah," Sid said smiling. "Wolves mate for life after all."
"Then trust me when I say I want this," Bradley said.
Sid took it in. He knew Bradley wanted to be with him and Sidney desperately wanted to be with

Bradley. He wanted the chance to prove to himself that even his cursed blood couldn't corrupt what they

"I trust you," Sid said.
A bright grin spread across Bradley's lips and then he was tugging Sid forward. Soon they were both

moving towards Bradley's room. On the way, Sid switched between panic and excitement. It was only
Bradley's hands threaded with his and the tiny, reassuring kisses he gave him that stopped Sid from

He had never felt like this, not even his first time had he felt like such a, well, virgin. But this is the first

time Sid had ever been with someone where sex meant more than just a good time.

They stepped into the room and before things could get awkward, Bradley pulled him into his arms,

kissing him deeply. He felt his entire body relax, the tension melting away. Suddenly it wasn't enough and
he was pressing against Bradley, his hands roaming over his body, touching his chest, his arms, his back.
Bradley grabbed his wrist and pulled back. Sid whined.

Bradley chuckled. "Clothes. I want to see you."
Sid nodded and took a step back, maintaining eye contact with Bradley as he slowly shrugged out of

his jacket. Then with a teasing smile he began to unbutton his shirt. Bradley's Adam's apple bobbed as
he swallowed, his blue-eyed gaze almost felt like a physical touch. With this, the last of Sid's nerves
began to drift away. He unfastened each button, taking his time, loving the way Bradley looked at him.
He had never been shy about his body and being able to have some semblance of control made him feel

The last button was undone and he shrugged off his shirt, letting it drop to the floor. He ran his hands

down his chest, thrusting out his pelvis as he went for his belt. With deft hands he undid his belt, tugged it
loose and threw it to the side. He went for his pants too, but stopped when Bradley stepped forward.

"Let me," Bradley said, his voice heavy with lust.
This time Sid was the one swallowing. He nodded.
Bradley stepped in front of him and then dropped to his knees, achingly slow he unfastened Sid's

jeans and pulled down the zipper. Even this small act had Sid half-hard and when Bradley leaned
forward and dragged his lips over his clothed erection, Sid cried out.

Bradley looked up at him and smiled, before hooking his fingers over Sid's jeans and briefs and

dragging them down. He pulled them down until he reached Sid's ankles.

Sid carefully stepped out of them, leaving himself completely bare.
For a moment, Bradley just looked at him, really looked.
He had never had someone look at him the way Bradley did, like Brad was memorizing every part of

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him. Then Bradley leaned forward, his breath sliding over Sid's dick, making him grow harder.
Tentatively, Bradley slid his hands over Sid's thighs, and then across his hips, He leaned forward and
kissed his inner thigh. Sid sucked in a breath

"I don't know what I'm doing," Bradley said.
Sid let out a breath. "You're doing just fine." His voice was hoarse.
Those tentative, but strong hands, slid over Sid's jutting hips, over the fine hairs surround his cock.

Sid's eyes traveled with those hands. His anticipation built and built, until Bradley wrapped strong fingers
around his shaft.

A moan spilled from Sid's mouth and his eyelids slid half closed. It was a simple touch, unsure, but it

made his knees weak. Bradley paused and then was moving again, his grip confident. Sid whimpered
and unable to hold back, thrust into his grip, needing more. He could feel desire climbing hot and fast,
but it wasn't nearly enough.

Abruptly Bradley stopped, taking one hand and holding Sid's hip. Before Sid could figure out why

Bradley stopped, his mate leaned forward and ran his tongue over the head of his cock. Sid had to stop
himself from jerking at the unexpected touch. Even with Bradley's strong grip, he ended up pushing
forward just a little.

Bradley backed off and then surged forward again, giving Sid another lick.
"Oh god, Brad, You are killing me here."
Bradley chuckled. "I'm pretty sure I'm not doing it right," Bradley said.
"Believe me," Sid said. "You're doing everything right."
Even if Bradley just licked him and did nothing else, he would be doing a whole lot of right. The sight

of him on his knees, holding Sid's cock and licking it like a lollipop was almost too much.

Bradley leaned forward and this time he didn't just lick. He put the tip in his mouth and sucked. Sid

felt stars explode behind his eyes and he reached down, lightly touching Bradley's head, restraining
himself from thrusting into the moist heat surrounding him.

"Fuck, Brad, fuck!"
Bradley chuckled, which was more like a muffled hum and this time Sid tightened his hand in his hair

before abruptly shoving at his shoulders.

Bradley pulled back, startled. His lips glistened with salvia. "What's wrong?"
Sid let out a small keening noise. "You!" He swallowed and tried again. "You need to fuck me right


Bradley's eyes widened and then he grinned, wickedly. His blue eyes practically smoldered. "All


Sid expected him to get naked, but instead he went to his nightstand and pulled out lube. Sid raised an


"Prepared, aren't you?"
Bradley flushed a little. "I researched. Before I came down to Woodcutter, I bought this and looked

up what to do, but I sort of chickened out at actually bringing them. I didn't want you to think I just
wanted sex."

Sid chuckled and reached up, to run his hand over Brad's cheek. "I think I knew from the beginning,

no matter how much I denied it, that what we had wasn't just sex. I tried to make it that way to distance
myself. I'm sorry."

Bradley's expression softened. "It's okay."

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Sid shook his head. "It's not." He leaned forward and kissed Bradley, soft and sweet, before breaking

away. "But I plan on making it up to you." His eyes twinkled and Sid spread his legs. "I think now would
be a good time to start, don't you?"

Bradley didn't need more than that. He hurried stripped. It wasn't the strip tease Sid had done, but

even so, it was like a birthday present being unwrapped. Bradley really was built. His entire body was
hard muscle and perfect. When he was naked, Brad climbed onto the bed and pulled Sid towards him,
kissing him long and deep.

"Please, Bradley, I want you to fuck me."
Bradley leaned forward and licked the curve of Sid's ear. "No. I'm going to make love to you."
Sid's eyes widened and then he could only shudder and whimper as Bradley began to drag his teeth

over Sid's sensitive neck. Sid expected things to be fast and hard and what he got was something
completely different. Bradley kissed and licked and touched every part of him. His hands and lips left
sparks everywhere he went. Bit by bit, Bradley was claiming him in a way that went beyond shifters and
mates, but was purely a statement of their love for each other. It made his skin heat up, made him moan,
and made him feel more vulnerable than he had ever felt before. It was scary, but at the same time he
found himself desperate for it. He reached out, gripping Bradley tight, shivering under the impact of each

This is love, his entire being said to him and he knew nothing so perfect, so beautiful, could ever be

cursed. And all the doubts he had, all the insecurities, just didn't matter anymore, because Bradley was
more than enough of everything. In that instance, Sid finally gave himself completely to Bradley and with
the knowledge that Bradley had given himself to Sid too.

"I need you."
Bradley kissed him, hot and heavy, before he reached over for the lube and condom.
Sid grabbed Bradley's wrist, stopping him. "The condom," Sid reminded Bradley. "We don't need it.

Shifters can't get... but if you want we can use it."

Bradley nodded and put the condom back. Then he uncapped the lube and Sid was spreading his

legs, longing for his touch. Bradley warmed the gel against his fingers and leaned forward.

"Tell me if I hurt you."
Sid nodded, though he knew Bradley wouldn't hurt him.
Gently, Bradley rubbed against his puckered hole and Sid gasped, wiggling against the touch.
"Please, I'm not going to break."
Bradley chuckled. "Sorry." Then he pushed his finger inside, slow, achingly slow.
It felt wonderful. The feeling of even just that single digit inside him drove him crazy. Bradley was

sliding inside him. The thought made his brain stutter and everything vanished except for the feel of
Bradley as he pushed his finger in and out of him, until Sid was pushing back.

"More," Sid demanded.
Bradley added a second finger, scissors and thrusting. It hurt a little, but it was a good pain. A few

seconds later Bradley added a third, pumping into him with his thick fingers. Sid's walls clenched around
the digits sucking them in as he met each thrust. Cries of pleasure and frustration spilled from his mouth.

"You're so beautiful," Bradley said, and his voice was filled with a heartbreaking awe.
Sid sat up, pushing himself further on the finger and leaned forward, almost bending himself in half as

he grabbed Bradley and pulled him forward, kissing him frantically.

"Inside me. Now!"

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Bradley smirked, but he looked like he was barely holding on. It felt good to know he was coming as

completely undone as Sid. Bradley pulled his fingers out and then quickly grabbed the lube, coating up
his hard dick. Sid lay back down, pulling his legs up.

Bradley's eyes widened and then he surged forward, pushing against his hole, until the tip of his hard

cock had breached him.

Sid whimpered and Bradley froze.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, fuck, just, more, please."
Bradley nodded, but he didn't thrust forward, instead he slid in, slowly, as if he wanted to prolong

every moment, to make Sid feel every inch of him. Sid felt like he was and it was frustrating and
wonderful, and terribly hot all at the same time. Then finally, Bradley was buried deep inside him and
they lay together, sweaty and panting.

Bradley met his eyes and said softly. "I don't think I can hold back."
Sid smiled. "Then don't."
It was like the words had released a dam. Bradley pulled out and then thrust into him, deep and hard.

Sid screamed. His body tight with pleasure. He held on to Bradley and wrapped his legs around him, as
they rocked together. Nothing could have prepared him for the feel of Bradley taking him. It was so
intense, every touch leaving an invisible mark.

It was almost too much and Sid clung to him, pressing his face into the nook of Bradley's neck.
"I'm going to come," Bradley said and started to pull out.
Sid tightened his grip. "No, inside."
Bradley's shiver and groaned. Then he was thrusting deeper inside, until his entire body shook and he

was spilling wet seed deep into Sid. The thought of Bradley coating his insides was enough to push Sid
over the edge and as he came he bit down, burying his teeth into the skin at Bradley's neck, letting the
claim seal them together.

His eyes widened and for a moment everything stopped. It was like his soul was looking into

Bradley's and at that moment he knew that it was going to be all right. Because Bradley's soul was bright
and beautiful and so, so strong. Strong enough to bear all the troubles they might go through, because he
loved Sid. And as he stared into Bradley's soul, he could feel him staring back into his. The claim tied
them together, but it was their love that made it possible.

Then everything came back into reality, slamming them down and they both were trembling against

each other, clinging to one another until their limbs gave way and they collapsed on the bed.

"Wow," Bradley said, once he caught his breath. "So that's a claim."
"Yeah," Sid whispered, stunned.
Bradley rolled off of him.
For a moment Sid felt cold, until Bradley pulled him into his arms.
"You're such a sap," Sid teased.
"The biggest," Bradley said proudly.
Sid snuggled deeper against him.
For a while they just laid there, in each other's arms.
"So..." Bradley said. "Am I moving to Woodcutter Valley or are we going to live in my house?"
Sid twisted his head around. "Presumptuous, aren't you?" He teased, smiling.
"Maybe," Bradley said, then quietly. "You don't have to."

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"No take backs," Sid said with a grinned and turned back around. "I was thinking we could split our

time. Half with the pack, half here. We'll have to work out the details, but later."

Bradley kissed his shoulder. "Later."
Sid closed his eyes and as he drifted to sleep he realized the 'where' didn't matter as long as Bradley

was with him.


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Excerpt from UNSEEN TOUCH

I took a deep breath and then nodded. We stepped into the interrogation room. As soon as we

entered, Micah's head jerked up. He looked from Jarrod to me. As soon as his gaze landed on me I felt
something electric shoot through my body. I tried to shove it down, but my pulse quickened and I
couldn't stop looking at him.

"Micah, this is a PCU consultant. He's a psychic and he's going to see if he can help you."
Micah didn't look away from, but he nodded. "Okay."
I glanced at Jarrod. He was frowning and I can tell he was having second thoughts. I sat down,

before he could change his mind.

As soon as I sat down, Micah leaned forward. "What's your name?"
Before I could think better of it, I answered. "Henri."
He smiled and his face lit up when he did. I sucked in a breath and felt my heart start to beat faster. I

glanced over at Jarrod who was frowning at us. I don't know if he figured out my reaction to Micah, but
I knew I needed to get myself under control.

"So you can't remember anything," I asked.
"Bits and pieces. I recognized my name when Officer Jarrod said it. And I remember other things, a

shop, that I'm in Orlando, but I can't remember much else."

I nodded.
"Have we met before?" Micah asked.
"We met at the crime scene," I said.
Micah frowned, but nodded, like he wasn't completely satisfied with that answer. "Do you think I

killed those people?"

"I don't know. Do you?"
He met my eyes and for a moment I saw a flash of gold. "I don't know."
I shuddered. That wasn't the answer I was expecting. "Let's get started." I tugged off one of my

gloves and held out my hand. "Give me your hand."

He slid his hand against mine. A shiver of desire slid through my body. He met me eyes and pinned

me with his gaze. His look felt like it was penetrating me, seeing all my secrets.

His lips parted and when he spoke it was in a whisper, meant only for my ears. "I can feel it, too."

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About the Author

Arvel Amaya is the author of His Own, Paranormal Crime Unit , Consent, Whatever You Want ,

and the forthcoming Outsiders series. Arvel wrote her first LGBT romance when she was in college
working on a degree in creative writing while participating as an activist in her local college gay alliance.
She's a firm believer in sexual freedom and finds erotica gives her a chance to explore all nuances of
sexuality, plus it's pretty damn hot. You can can sign up for her new release mailing at




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