Jamie Smart Salad Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

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The Top Ten Secrets of

Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

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The author and publisher of this book and the accompanying materials have used

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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart


Read This First



Who is this e-book for?






What is Instant Wealth?



#1 - A Metaphor That Can Make You Money



#2 - Your Millionaire Motivation and How to Activate It



#3 - Money Making Questions



#4 - The Magic Money Attitude



#5 - Prosperity and Purpose



#6 - The Missing Link Between Wealth and Happiness - Part One



#7 - The Missing Link Between Wealth and Happiness - Part Two



#8 - The Millionaire Success That Kick-Started Salad



#9 - The Magic of Thinking Big



#10 - The Language of Wealth



About the Author






©2008 Jamie Smart



All Rights Reserved



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

Read This First

Welcome to The Top 10 Secrets Instant Wealth. My name’s Jamie Smart. I’m an
NLP trainer, author, and creator of

Instant Wealth Cards


, and I’d like to say

“thank-you” to you for reading this e-book. I’d also like to ask you to please
send this e-book to your friends and colleagues,
because it will help them, it

will help me to reach more people, and because it will make you feel good too!
If you’ve been sent this e-book by someone else, then make sure that you sign

up for the FREE 52 week instant wealth tips that accompany it, here:


Once you do, you will be sent a new issue every week to give you tips to help you

be wealthy now. You can read each of these gems of wisdom in less than a
minute, but the lessons you learn will be enriching your life for years to come.

This book complements our

Instant Wealth Cards


. I’ll be referring to the cards

in the newsletter, but when you buy the cards and get the tips now, you can
unlock the massive potential this book reveals immediately.

If you want to really accelerate your learning, go to the Salad website and

order your own deck of

Instant Wealth Cards


. These cards are quite simply

the fastest way there is to develop your ability to be wealthy now. The insights

you’ll be getting from the newsletter complement the tips on the cards, so when
you have both, it will really turbo-charge your learning. For more information

about how you can learn fast just by playing cards, go to


©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

Who is this e-book for?

These e-book is for people who want to develop a positive, healthy relationship
with money, & increase their levels of wealth & wellbeing. No matter what your

financial situation, whether you're deep in debt or a millionaire already, I
personally guarantee you'll learn new ideas from this e-book that will improve

your financial situation and, more importantly, improve how you feel about it.
Only read this e-book if you want to change your relationship to money



For many more people, it's a time of mounting debts & money-worries. It

used to be the same way for me, but back in 1999, I had an experience that
changed my life.

I was chatting to a guy I met on a training course, & he was telling me how he

used to be in debt all the time, but that he changed the way he thought about
money. He explained that the key to becoming wealthy is the way you think, &

said "When you change your psychology around money, you'll become

That really got my attention. You see, when I arrived in the UK back in 1986, I

got a job as a computer operator on a very low salary. I was overdrawn at the
bank each month, & struggled to make ends meet. I decided that I needed to

earn more money. By 1999, I was living in London, working as a highly paid con-

I was earning more money each month than I'd earned in a year

back in 1986, but I was still struggling with my finances, in debt & over-

I told him so, & he said something that stopped me in my tracks. He said

"More money just amplifies a money problem. What YOU need to do is
change your psychology around money."
Then he asked me some questions.

He asked:

"Would you like to be able to earn more money, so you can have the
things & experiences you've always dreamed about
?" (I've always

been a fan of nice wristwatches & foreign holidays, so I said "Yes").

"Do you want to get rid of your financial worries, & feel good about
your money-situation
?" (I had a constantly nagging fear about money &
debt - it was almost like I was afraid to look at my financial situation be-

cause I felt so bad whenever I thought about it. I said "Yes" again).

"Do you wish you could get more time to do the things you want to
, & to spend with the people you really care about?" (It was another
"Yes" - I'd always dreamt about having time-freedom, & wanted to say

farewell to wage-slavery).

"Do you want to get out of debt & stay out of debt?" (A big "Yes" to
that one - as my income had increased, so had my debts - they were big-
ger & scarier than ever!)

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

"Do you wish you could give more to the people you care about?" (I
did. I wanted my family to have amazing experiences & feel secure in

themselves. Most of all, I wanted my children to grow up with a
healthy attitude to money

"Would you like to feel secure about your financial future?" (Of
course. I loved the idea of having the sort of financial security that would

allow me to really do what I loved.)

Then he said "You really can achieve true financial freedom. It's
easier than you think."

My new friend recommended some books to me, & I started reading everything I

could lay my hands on relating to money & wealth. That was a good start, but I
wanted to take it to the next level, so I started chatting to wealthy people - I

wanted to get direct experience of how they thought, so I could model them.

“In most cases, when people make more money, they get deeper in debt. This is why money

alone does not make you rich."

Robert Kiyosaki, multi-millionaire & author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Whenever I came into contact with someone wealthy, I'd offer to buy them dinner
in return for an opportunity to pick their brains. All of a sudden, my precon-

ceptions about wealth & wealthy people were being smashed to
I supplemented what I'd learned from them by reading books &

listening to audio programmes. Within a year I'd cleared my debts, & within two
years I'd quit my job & started my own business. That business tanked, but I

learned from it, & in 2003, I started Salad, & everything changed.

Earlier this year, I met top entrepreneur Shaa Wasmund. We got on like a house
on fire, & (as usual) I started modeling her beliefs. I got some great new distinc-

tions from her, & she happened to mention an exciting project she's involved in,
called Financial Detox, a business aimed at helping people sort out their fin-

ances & create genuine wealth in their lives.

The attitudes & actions in the financial detox approach matched my own discover-
ies & added some new distinctions.

She had a point. You see, most people don't have the time & opportunity to do

the amount of reading, modeling & experimenting that I've done. Most people
want to learn things in the quickest, easiest & most effective way possible.

Working with the Financial Detox team, I've created a set of cards and tips that
use the language patterns of NLP to install the beliefs, attitudes, motivations

& actions of wealthy people in your mind.

This e-book contains some of the most powerful of those beliefs and attitudes. As
you read this, you'll start to see the areas where these apply in your own life.

Read on, and later I'll show you a way you can accelerate your ability to put these
beliefs and attitudes to work for you.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

What is Instant Wealth?

People think you need money to make money, but what you really need is to

think and act like a wealthy person. Each time you read this ebook, read the tips
or play with the

Instant Wealth Cards


, you’ll effortlessly absorb more of the

beliefs, attitudes and actions of the wealthy.

Imagine being able to…

Earn more money

Avoid financial worries

Have more time to do what you want

Get out of debt and stay out of debt

Give more to the people you care about

Feel secure about your future

Achieve true financial freedom

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#1 - A Metaphor That Can Make You Money

Following the holiday season, many people are left with concerns about money.

As you may be aware, money & lack of it seems to be one of the big things
people worry about, argue about & sacrifice quality of life for. And while it isn't

everything, it is an important tool for achieving certain things.

With this in mind, I decided many years ago to transform my relationship with
money. I had always believed I needed to work hard for it, & that I would never

have enough. But as I learned NLP, I realised that my beliefs & attitudes towards
wealth were only ideas: they weren't reality.

I'd love to say that I was able to transform my beliefs overnight, but I didn't. My

relationship with my finances has been more of a journey than a sudden
revelation. But along the way, I've discovered many tools, techniques & ways of

thinking that have literally transformed my relationship with wealth, & allowed me
to attract far more of it into my life. So today, I'd like to share one of my

favourites with you.

You may already know how powerful metaphors are for human beings. A
metaphor gives you a way of thinking about something that's different to what

you're used to. Here's my favourite money metaphor:

Money's like a pet - treat it well

Money's like a pet. When you take care of it, play with it, & feel good about it, it
comes to you again & again. But when people ignore it, feel stressed about it, &

pretend it's not important, it avoids them.

How you feel about money will determine your relationship to it!

What happens when you imagine feeling good about money & managing your
financial situation? What would it mean if you enjoyed taking care of your

finances? As you continue choosing new, positive ways to respond to & increase
your personal wealth, you may be surprised at just how much fun you can have!

1) Ask yourself "What sort of relationship would I like to have with money?"

What you focus on increases

What you focus on increases. Many people focus on what they don't have, & have
bad feelings around finances. Those bad feelings actually attract more of what

they don't want!

When I first learned this idea, I started to pay attention to the feelings I was
having around money & finances. One day, I received a document from my

financial advisor to complete & return. I hate filling forms out, & I started feeling
stressed & angry that I had to do it. Suddenly I realised: I was associating bad

feelings with money!

Immediately, I stopped & remembered the pet metaphor. I started to make
myself feel good about it, & feel excited about changing my relationship to

money. I filled out the forms with a sense of gusto & enjoyment.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

People think "I'll feel better when I have more money, but actually, you'll

attract more money when you feel better"


Imagine feeling good about money, playing with it & enjoying having it
around you. You can visualise banknotes wagging their tails & jumping up

with excitement if you wish!

These days, I feel good about finances most of the time, but whenever a bad
feeling pokes its head up, I immediately remember the pet metaphor. I imagine

all those banknotes coming running up to me & jumping up for my attention, &
feel good about it.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#2 - Your Millionaire Motivation and How to Activate It

Everybody has what I call "millionaire motivation". If you ask them "Do you want

to be a millionaire?" most people will say yes. But for most people, they've never
discovered how to activate their millionaire motivation and start turning their

dreams into their reality. They avoid taking action, or make a start on their goals
then stop. Still others put in lots of effort, but find it a struggle. This week, I'm

going to show you how you can activate your millionaire motivation, and start
taking action.

But before we begin, I'd like you to imagine something.

Imagine that you're on holiday in a favourite location, having a great time,

relaxing and enjoying yourself. You happen to meet a super-wealthy person, and
start talking to them about money. You really hit it off with this person, and in

the course of conversation they tell you some of their beliefs & attitudes. Here are
some of the things they tell you:

"One of the keys to building wealth is controlling your spending & find new
ways to generate income."

"Develop an optimistic outlook and set goals that stretch you. Then work
towards those goals everyday."

"You don't need money to make money - you need financial intelligence to
make money."

As the friendship develops, this super-wealthy person says "I'd like to make you a
very special offer". They explain that they want to test some of their ideas about

wealth & motivation.

To cut a long story short, this wealthy benefactor offers you £1,000,000
to increase your financial intelligence, control your spending & find more

ways to generate income.

Imagine it. Would you be willing to do it? Would you sort out your financial
situation for a million pounds?

If you absolutely knew that the million pounds will be yours, how motivated

would you be to take action & start making changes?

How motivated would you be to start immediately?

Well here's the good news. This wealthy benefactor actually exists. It's you!

You are the source of the wealth in your life

Only you can truly change your financial situation

You have the power to create the financial future you desire

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

The reality is, you can decide now how much wealth you wish to create. You can

choose the level of millionaire motivation you desire. Then it's just a matter of
taking actions to move closer to your goal.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#3 - Money Making Questions

There's a short word that can help you improve your financial situation more than

you may ever have thought possible. While you've known this word for most of
your life, you may not have realised just how powerful it is. In fact, I didn't

realise until I read multi-millionaire Robert Kiyosaki's excellent book, Rich Dad,
Poor Dad.

In the book, Kiyosaki tells the story of his "two Dads": One of them was his real

father, a public servant who always struggled with money. The other was his best
friend's father, a businessman who lived a wealthy life building businesses and

retiring at age 40. Kiyosaki uses the story to contrast their attitudes & behaviours
towards wealth & money.

To sum it up, when he asked his "poor Dad" for something, he would get the

reply "We can't afford it".

I can't afford it

Can't is a powerful word. Many of us were told "We can't afford it" as children
when we asked for certain things. In fact, the word "can't" is one that continues

to infest the minds of many adults to this day, and it has an interesting effect.

When you say "I can't", the unconscious mind says "OK, let's move on".

For many people, deciding whether or not they can afford something is a matter
of looking at their income, their expenses & their available cash, & making a

decision on that basis. And in many ways, that makes sense.

There's only one problem.

When you say the words "I can't" your unconscious mind helps prove you right.
You can think of your mind as having two parts: a thinker & a prover. Whatever

the thinker thinks, the prover proves. If you say "I can't afford it", your prover
will sort & filter your experience of reality to prove that statement to be true.

When his best friend asked his father (Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad") for something he

would get a different response. His rich Dad would ask "How can we afford it?"

The money-making question

The human mind is creative, & you can access your creativity by asking 'how'


If you say "I can't afford it" you will prove yourself right. But when you ask "How
can I afford it?
" your mind starts the search for possible solutions.

If you say "I can't sort out my finances", you move on to the next thing, but as

you continue asking "How can I sort out my finances?" your mind starts to
generate possibilities.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart


Ask yourself "How can I inspire myself to massively improve my financial

As soon as you ask "How?" your unconscious mind springs into action & goes to

work for you. In fact, your unconscious keeps searching for answers, even when
you've moved onto something else. You might ponder the question above for 5

minutes in the morning, then suddenly the answer comes mid-afternoon, or even
the next day!


Ask yourself "How can I start using 'how' questions more & more each

What happens when you imagine yourself using 'how' questions in all the
situations where you used to say you couldn't?

Whenever I decide that I want something, I then ask myself "How can I afford

it?" & start looking for ways to do it. There's always a way, it's just a matter of
finding it.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#4 - The Magic Money Attitude

Did you know that one of the key attitudes for attracting money & building wealth

is also a key mindset for achieving great results with NLP? When I was first
running my business, I used to worry about getting people on training courses.

Sure enough, only a few people would turn up. This went on for months before I
realised a key fact: my attitude in this area (pessimism) was influencing the

results I got.

I changed my attitude to optimism, & I never looked back.

Develop an optimistic outlook

Experience shows that the most successful, fulfilled & happy people have an
extremely optimistic view of themselves & the world. Whatever the situation, they

tell themselves "You can do it".

Here's how it works: When you expect good things to happen, your brain starts to
find evidence to prove you're right to be optimistic. It's even easier to develop an

optimistic outlook than you might expect.


Say to yourself "I am an optimist", & notice what thoughts & feelings
arise. Whatever comes up, accept it by saying "Thank you".

If you're already optimistic by nature, great! If you've got more experience of

being pessimistic, that's cool too. This process will allow you to develop some new


Ask yourself "What are some of the good things that I can already notice
about my current situation?

You can think of both pessimism & optimism as "filters" through which you
experience the world. Pessimism can be useful on a very localised basis (for

instance, I always wear a seatbelt when I'm driving), but over the long-term,
optimism is the winning attitude. Why is this?

What the thinker thinks, the prover proves

You can think of the human mind as having two aspects: a thinker & a prover.
The thinker has "beliefs", our ideas & expectations about ourselves & the world.

The prover's job is to sort & filter information from all our experiences to prove
those beliefs to be true.

What the thinker thinks, the prover proves.

If a person thinks they'll always be poor, struggling, or "almost there", their

prover will prove those ideas to be true.

If you think "good things always happen to me", "my income is always
increasing" & "I experience more & more joy & happiness every day", your prover

will prove those to be true.

Happy, wealthy people have an optimistic outlook. Their thinker thinks wealthy
thoughts, & their prover proves it.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

Research shows that the world's most successful entrepreneurs all have an

extremely (some would even say unrealistically) optimistic outlook.


I know that some people will read this tip, then say something like this:

Example A) "I'm already £10,000 in debt, but Jamie said to be optimistic, so I'm
going to go to Harvey Nichols this afternoon & put £5000 worth of shoes & posh

frocks on my credit card, on the basis that everything will be OK."

That isn't optimism. Here's the optimism version:

Example B) "I'm £10,000 in debt, but Jamie said to be optimistic, so let's
assume I can go from being ten grand in debt to being ten grand in surplus within

the next 12 months. In fact, let's assume I can have a great time doing it, feel
really great about myself, & really enjoy the treats I give myself along the way."

Be optimistic about yourself, your world & what's possible for you. I promise you

- you're capable of far far more than you think you are. In fact, I sometimes tell
people "You can have a life beyond your wildest dreams." Here are the steps:

Decide what you want, how you'd like things to be.

Decide that it's possible for you to have this.

Decide that you deserve it.

Feel how you'll feel when you've got what you want.

Take action now!

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#5 - Prosperity and Purpose

I'm currently a participant on a mind-blowingly brilliant NLP Trainer Training

delivered by the wonderful Chris Hall. One of the concepts Chris has been
reminding us of is that there is some greater purpose for any goal or outcome.

Human behaviour is purposeful, and awareness of the greater purpose of a goal
or behaviour can be valuable.

Most people have certain prosperity & financial desires, covering a wide range of

possibilities, including:

Get out of debt

Pay my bills

Get a pay-rise

Save a certain amount per week or per month

Earn enough to buy x

Earn some passive income

Achieve financial security

Achieve financial freedom

Become wealthy & prosperous


Think about your personal financial goals & objectives. What is it that you
want? Choose a word or phrase (xxxxx) to represent the level of

prosperity you desire.

Take a moment to write down what it is you want. Studies show that people who
write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them, so give yourself this

valuable gift.


Ask yourself "What does it mean for you to have xxxxx?"

Human beings love making meaning, so find out what your desired prosperity
means to you. My answer to question one was "Financial Freedom", & when I

asked myself what it means, I got the following answers:

Free time to spend with the people I love, & do the things I love.

Greater learning opportunities - I can travel the world to study.

Choice. I can do whatever I want.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

I can take a year off work and go exploring.

Part of living my adventure.

I'm already fortunate to have many of these already (at least in part), so financial

freedom will be a way of experiencing even more of what I want.


Ask yourself "For what purpose, xxxxx?"

All goals are defined by purpose, & you already have a purpose for what you
want, whether you realise it or not. When I answered this question, here's what I


To just get my money situation handled.

Show to myself & others that anything's possible.

Set a great example to others (Eg. My children).

Create time for what's important.

Swim in the abundant ocean of the wealth of the universe.

Again, I encourage you to write down your answers. Scientists have proven that
writing something down activates different parts of the brain to just thinking it, &

it doesn't cost any extra!


Use your responses to create a purpose you're passionate about.

Purpose generates passion & possibility; discover a purpose you're passionate
about, & the results will follow. The most powerful purpose is one that's bigger

than you are - helping other people, e.g. I want to create financial freedom for
myself so I have the time & opportunities to teach others how to become


Of course, it's fine to include what you want for yourself in your purpose too.
When you take the time to find or create a purpose you're truly passionate about,

& get started, you'll suddenly start discovering the energy & motivation to make
it happen. You may even start to notice the universe conspiring to help you out!

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#6 - The Missing Link Between Wealth and Happiness

- Part One

Many years ago, I worked through an Anthony Robbins book and created a

'vision' for my life. The vision included all sorts of wonderful things, including
work I love, financial freedom, good health, loving relationships and the like. I

was absolutely certain that if I could breathe life into my vision, I would be

In the process, I fell into a trap which it took me years to escape from.

I'll be happy when…

We live in a society which tells us that our happiness is dependant on events
which are external & distant.

I'll be happy when I get the new job

I'll be happy when I find Mr / Ms Right

I'll be happy when I lose the weight

I'll be happy when my business is successful

I'll be happy when I get that new car / watch / TV / sofa / whatever…

I'll be happy when I'm rich

"If you are not happy while getting rich, chances are that you will not be

happy when you do get rich." - Robert Kiyosaki

I call the "I'll be happy when…" habit "Deferred Happiness". And on one level,
it makes sense.

We have desires for a reason. Our desires are part of how we tell ourselves what

to want. We don't all have the same desires - that's why different people want
different things. However…

I won't be happy until…

When you say "I'll be happy when…", there is an implication which runs along the
lines of "I won't be happy until…".

As human beings, we like what's familiar. If people get used to deferring

happiness, they tend to do more of it. They get used to the feeling of "wanting".
Then, one of three things happens:

They "put off" getting what they want, so they can stay with the familiar
feeling of not having it. This often takes the form of "struggle" or "trying",

as in "I've been trying to achieve this goal for years, but it's really a

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

They get what they want, but after a short time they lose interest in it (the
"9 day wonder", as my parents used to call it). This allows them to get the

familiar feeling of "wanting" again (Eg. "I thought that's what I wanted,
but I guess this isn't it either.")

They get what they want, then lose it again, returning them to the familiar
feeling of "wanting".

Be happy now

There is a simple (but not always easy) of escaping from the "Deferred

Happiness" trap.

Be happy now. Feel how you'll feel when you've got what you want.

Someone once said to me "Just for today, make up your mind to be happy. Most
people are as happy as they make up their minds to be." I told them that it's not

as simple as that - that there are issues which need to be resolved first. Turns out
they were right!


Think of something that you want. If it's one of those things that you've
been secretly saying "I just know I'll be happy when I get that" then so

much the better.

While we all "know" that happiness doesn't come from external things, many of
us (including yours truly) still sometimes act as though it does. That's OK. It's a

compelling illusion, fed by modern marketing, the media & various other sources.


Feel how you'll feel when you've got what you want. See what you'll see,
hear what you'll hear, & allow yourself now to experience the feelings
you're going to feel when you've got what you want.

The more you practice feeling what you'll feel when you've got what you want,

the more easily you'll find yourself attracting what you want into your life.

Next week, we'll look more deeply at how & why this works. In the meantime,
experiment with the idea that you can be happy now

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#7 - The Missing Link Between Wealth and Happiness

- Part Two

"I'm going to put my energy into getting what I want. Once I've got what I want,

THEN I'll focus on being happy."


Stop for a moment. Think about something you really want (Eg. a thing,
an experience, a state of mind). Ask yourself "Is this going to make me

The quote at the top of the article is what I used to say to myself, because

secretly I believed that once I got what I wanted, I'd be happy. I knew
intellectually that it wasn't true, but in my heart I still believed it, so I fell into the

trap we explored last week, deferred happiness ("I'll be happy when…", "I can't
be happy until…").

This week we're going to explore how this illusion works, & look at more things

you can do to break out of the deferred happiness trap, & live the life you desire.

Happiness is your birthright

Someone once said to me "Happiness is your birthright." It's not just for the few,
for the worthy, for the "righteous". It is for all of us, like the air that we breathe.


Pay attention to the air going in and out of your lungs. We take the air for
granted, and so we should. It does not have to be deserved, earned or

worked for. It is yours. No further qualification is necessary. You are
entitled to it.

It's the same with happiness. You may, however, have been conditioned into

thinking that happiness is conditional ("I'll be happy when I get x, y or z").

We have all been conditioned

We've all been conditioned, & that has benefits as well as disadvantages. If you're
a driver, you've probably been conditioned to stop when you come to a red light

or a stop sign.

But many of us have also been conditioned into believing the myth of "I'll be
happy when."


Ask yourself "What would it mean if I were to want what I want and allow
myself to be happy now?"

Here are some of the more worldly things I currently desire:

Financial freedom

A wildly fulfilling love life

My karate black belt

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

When I ask myself the question above, I get a relaxation in my body and a sense
of peace, but this was not always the case. In the past, my answer would have

been one of the following:

If I allow myself to be happy now, it would mean I'll never be motivated to
take action to get what I want.

If I allow myself to be happy now, it means I'm bad/selfish/lazy etc.

If I allow myself t be happy now, I'll have no sense of direction.

If I allow myself to be happy now, I'll just veg out & be a bliss-ninny.

I've just realised that I borrowed the term "Happy Success" from Michael Neill's
superb book, "You Can Have What You Want" - thanks Michael! He hits the nail

on the head when he says:

"The only reason you are ever unhappy is because you think you should

We've been taught that deferring happiness is the correct way to get what we

want & to live out lives. But here's the thing: Studies of the most fulfilled,
successful people show that they enjoyed every step of the journey rather than

waiting until the end.


If there's something you've been feeling unhappy about, ask yourself
"What would it mean if I were not unhappy about that?" Say "Thank-you"
to any thoughts or feelings that come up, & make a note of them.

Of course, it can be useful to defer gratification. It's fine to invest that £50

instead of buying those shiny new shoes, or save the cake until after you've been
to the gym. Deferring gratification can be very valuable, but don't defer


Happiness is very attractive. People like people who are happy. Happy people
enjoy a better quality of life… primarily because they are happy. The funny thing

is, you can meet happy people from all walks of life, in all circumstances, in all
financial domains. I've met my fair share of miserable millionaires, & of happy

paupers. Happiness is not index-linked.


Say "I now choose happiness. I am happy now." And notice what happens
in your body & mind. However your system responds to this statement,
say "Thank-you", then repeat the affirmation.

Another quote from Michael Neill to finish with:

"Whatever you can do with unhappiness, you can do better when you're


©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#8 - The Millionaire Success That Kick-Started Salad

In this tip, I’m going to share a secret that a close friend revealed to me over ten

years ago. He’d found out about it when he met a multi-millionaire, and asked
him what his secret was. You may be surprised by the simplicity and power of his

But first, I have an announcement to make: Salad is 5 years old this month!

Hooray!!! Thanks to all of you for helping us come so far. When I started Salad in
January 2003, I couldn’t have begun to predict all the twists and turns this

journey would take.

I’d love to tell you that I started with a detailed vision of what I wanted the
business to look like, but I didn’t. In fact, when I look back at what I had & what I

didn’t have, it doesn’t match up with what various business books led me to
expect. Here’s my list:

What I had (& still have)…

What I didn’t have…

A passion for NLP & language, &
the desire to share it with others

The desire to be true to myself &
have an adventure

A desire for financial freedom

A feeling that it might be possible
to create a business doing what I

The belief that people are capable
of far more than they think they


Some NLP skills

A PC with an internet connection

A credit card

Oodles of self-belief

A clear vision of my future business

Experience of running a business

A written business plan

A team of people

Marketing skills or experience

Immunity from self-doubt & fear of

A pile of cash

I didn’t have a detailed business vision. But I had the feeling that it might be

possible to build a business doing what I love, to share really great stuff with
people, and to achieve financial freedom in the process.


What’s something you’re passionate about? What excites you? What are
some of the things you really love doing?

It turns out that one of the characteristics of many people who have built
successful businesses is that they’ve built a business around something they’re

passionate about. But that’s not the secret my friend shared with me.

When I sent out my first NLP tip in January 2003, I made a commitment that I
would send it out every week from then on. Fortunately, I didn’t do the math,

otherwise the realisation that it meant I would have to come up with over 200
tips over the next 5 years might have put me off!

But I made a start.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

There are things you can learn while taking action that you can never learn by
thinking about it, so these days, whenever I’m getting hung up on the “How”, I

just say to myself “Make a start – take action”, and the path soon becomes clear.

In fact, “Take massive action” is a great tip for success, but it’s not the secret my
friend shared with me.

So it’s 5 years and 236 tips later. There have been many changes over the past 5


2) Stop for a moment, and look back to January 2003. What was going on in

your life? What are some of the changes & developments that have

happened to you and for you since then? Look at how far you’ve come.

Isn’t it nice to know that, in spite of whatever obstacles you may have faced,
you’ve made it safe and sound to now?

In fact, one of the keys to happy success is to measure your progress based on

looking back at how far you’ve come. But that’s not the secret my friend shared
with me either.

What the multi-millionaire said to my friend was this: Make a five-year plan.

He didn’t say how detailed his plan was, or what it contained. He just said that he

made a five-year plan, and then worked towards it. My friend told me this, and
when I started Salad, I remembered it.

My 5-year plan was this: Start a business doing what I love and sharing

it with people, & become financially free in the process.

OK – I didn’t say it was a DETAILED plan! You might even say it was more of a
goal than a plan, but there it is.

The reality is, I had absolutely no idea how I was going to achieve it, but I figured

the next step was to write an NLP tip. These tips now go to tens of thousands of
people around the world!

That was it. Yes, in the years since, I’ve created more detailed plans and action

lists, but I didn’t have them at the beginning. I had a five-year goal. People tend
to overestimate what they can accomplish in one year, & underestimate what

they can do in five years


If you have a dream, make a five year plan. You can make it even more
detailed than mine was if you wish! If you haven’t remembered your
dreams yet, start giving some thought to how you’d like things to be.


Take action! Have fun! Learn lots! You don’t need to know the details of
how your dream is going to become reality. Just keep taking the next
step, & the path will appear.

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#9 - The Magic of Thinking Big

The other day, someone recommended a book to me by David Schwartz, called

"The Magic of Thinking Big". I loved the title, and immediately went out and
bought it. I haven't finished it yet, but its central message really resonates with

me, and with something I once read by Michele Lisenbury Christensen. She said
that one of her biggest mistakes in business was trying to avoid failure.

I could really identify with this, because when I first started Salad, I was terrified

of making a mistake. It took a tremendous leap of faith to even use the name
'Salad' because it was so different to everything else out there. Almost without

exception, whenever I've been having difficulties in my business, it's been
because I've been trying to avoid failure instead of go for what's possible. Why is


Neurology is goal-seeking

Human neurology is goal-seeking, and negation is handled by the unconscious

mind in a different way to how it's handled in language. When someone says that
they don't want to fail in some way, we understand consciously what that means.

But the message they are sending to their unconscious is still one of failure (to
even understand the concept of failure a person has to make an internal

representation of it, and this is what the unconscious then uses to organise


If there is something you've been trying to avoid (failure,
rejection, poor results of some sort), re-state what you want as a


From "I want to lose weight" to "I want to be slim"

From "I want to get out of debt" to "I want to be financially

From "I don't want to lose this deal" to "I want to close this deal"

I know this is basic, but I'm still amazed at the number of NLP-
trained people I hear saying what they don't want instead of what

they do.

When I first learned this, it was a real a-ha moment, and I shifted all my goals
from being stated in the negative to being stated in the positive. So far so good,

and on one level this made a really big difference. But on another level, I was still
trying to avoid failure, and had just found a different way of talking about it.

See, my 'positive' goals had still been defined in relation to what I didn't want.

The conscious mind is comfortable with the concept and the energy of avoiding

failure. In business, I spent lots of energy getting people booked on trainings
because I was afraid of running a training with not enough people on it. In my

personal life, I focused on sorting out my finances because I was afraid of being
in debt.

Fear can be a useful motivator (often referred to as an 'away-from' strategy), but

it is not a useful focus for one's life. Some of the wealthiest people I know, people
who have vast personal fortunes, live in fear of poverty. Their happiness is index-


©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

The way to get out of this trap is to set a goal that is much bigger than avoiding

failure; to create a vision that is so inspiring that, even if it seems impossible, it
still lights your fire.

To achieve a goal like this, you need to let go of conscious control and trust your


I once heard Tom Peters (business guru) say "One of my favourite quotes is by
Mario Andretti who said "If you feel like you're in control, you're not going fast


This also applies to business and life. If you orient around avoiding failure, you're
conscious mind gets to feel like it's in control, but the results are typically

uninspiring. To quote Michele "The instant we set our intention on what could be
instead of what we want to avoid, we embark on a spiritual adventure".

For me, the spiritual adventure means trusting your unconscious. Check these


From "I want to lose weight" to "I want to be slim, fit & vibrantly healthy. I want
to look great naked, and feel fantastic, full of energy and life."

From "I want to get out of debt" to "I want to be fabulously wealthy, with an

abundance of all the good things in life, and making enormous contributions to
the world."

From "I don't want to lose this deal" to "I want to create amazing business

relationships that create genuine value for my delighted clients, and be
handsomely rewarded for it."


If there's an area of life where you've been trying to avoid failure,
stop and ask yourself "What could be? What would inspire me?

What would make me excited, take my breath away, and get me to
jump out of bed in the morning?

When I first learned about goal-setting, I was told that they have to be realistic. I

disagree. I insist that the big goals in my life be unrealistic. That makes it so
much more enjoyable when they show up!

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

#10 - The Language of Wealth

Did you know that wealthy people say different things to themselves than people

who struggle with money? Your thoughts & ideas guide your feelings & actions, so
what happens when you imagine having the thoughts, feelings & actions of

wealthy people? Oh yeah, & the levels of wealth of wealthy people too! In this
article, I’ll reveal some of the most powerful habits, attitudes & behaviours of

wealthy people, so you can increase your own wealth dramatically.

Increase your financial intelligence

People think you need money to make money, but what you really need is
financial intelligence. There are books, recordings, websites, videos & games that

can help you accelerate your learning. And as you begin to increase your financial
intelligence, you’ll start to see opportunities appearing that you just wouldn’t

have noticed before. You may even be surprised at how easily & automatically
you find yourself making better financial decisions & taking even more positive

actions. As your financial intelligence increases, so will your wealth.

1) Ask yourself “How can I really enjoy increasing my financial intelligence

even more today?”

Feel how you'll feel when you're wealthy

People move towards what they think about, & one of the most powerful ways to
guide your thoughts is to feel how you’ll feel when you’ve got what you want.

Stop for a moment, & allow yourself to imagine having the wealth you desire. As
you begin to imagine yourself enjoying the effects of the wealth you’ve created,

notice what you see & what you hear. And as you allow yourself to do this, feel
how you’ll feel when you experience that wealth. People like what’s familiar, & as

you start becoming more familiar with feeling wealthy, you will unconsciously
begin to take steps to bring that wealth into your life.

2) Imagine how you’ll feel when you’re wealthy. How will you spend your

time? What will you think about? Where will your focus be? Feel how you’ll

feel when you’re wealthy.

Activate your millionaire motivation

If a wealthy benefactor offered you £1,000,000 to increase your financial
, control your spending & find more ways to generate income, would

you do it? If you knew that the million pounds will be yours, how motivated would
you be to take action & start making changes? This wealthy benefactor actually

exists. It’s you! The reality is, you can decide now how much wealth you wish to
create. You can choose the level of millionaire motivation you desire. Then it’s

just a matter of taking actions to move closer to your goal.

3) Ask yourself “What level of millionaire motivation gets me really excited &

committed to taking action?”

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

Produce more than you consume

This is the key to creating wealth. If a person consumes more than they produce,
the result is debt & poverty. But as you discover additional approaches you can

use to generate more income than you spend, your wealth will increase. One way
of defining wealth is in terms of how long you can pay your expenses for without

working. If your passive income (i.e. money from sources such as investments,
businesses, royalties or property) exceeds your expenses, then you are financially

free. What happens when you imagine yourself experiencing financial freedom?

4) Ask yourself “How can I increase the value I create today?”

©2008 Jamie Smart



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The Top 10 Secrets of Instant Wealth

By Jamie Smart

About the Author

Jamie is author of The NLP Tip, an e-zine which goes to thousands of people
around the world each week (available from


), as well as the

creator of Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards


and many other products.

He lives in Leicestershire (UK). When he isn’t helping other people get what they
want, he likes going for long walks in the woods, listening to music and reading.


I’ve been fortunate to learn from a number of great NLP Trainers and other
innovative thinkers and teachers. Thanks to anyone whose efforts have made

their way into this work.

Specific thanks to…

Richard Bandler

John Grinder

Joseph Riggio

Eric Robbie

Jo Cooper

Peter Seal

Timothy Leary

Marianne Williamson

Michael Breen

Sháá Wasmund

Robert Dilts

Sid Jacobson

Jonathan Altfeld

Robert Anton Wilson

Ian Watson

Michael Neill

John La Valle

Paul McKenna

Christina Hall

©2008 Jamie Smart



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Jamie Smart is the CEO of Salad Seminars Ltd, as well as
the principal trainer. He spent much of the nineties leading

large, mission-critical business projects and change
programmes. In the process, he found that individual

change is the key to collective change, and became
fascinated with helping people achieve the results they want.

This fascination led him to NLP, and he has spent from 1996
to the present day learning from the finest teachers and

materials, and applying what he’s learned. Jamie is an NLP
Master Practitioner and is licensed by Richard Bandler and

the Society of NLP as a Trainer of Neuro-linguistic
Programming (NLP).

Document Outline


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