Jamie Smart Salad Show Me The Money Report

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



If the Secret's So Great...

Show Me The Money!

Discover the HIDDEN belief you need to shift to eliminate
the fear of financial insecurity, create a meaningfully
wealthy lifestyle, & start living a life you love, on-purpose

The most misunderstood substance on the planet...

There is nothing in the world more misunderstood than money. People crave it.
They work for it, are willing to kill for it & die for it. They mythologise it,
demonise it & fight wars over it. They blame it for their relationship problems,
& “know” that life would be better if they only had more of it. Some hoard it, &
fret over spending it, while others can't hang onto it no matter how hard they

Most people think of money like a magic wand that could solve all their
problems & give them lasting happiness & wellbeing, if only it was waved over
them. But the truth is that despite money playing an important part in our

Most people haven't got the slightest idea about
what money even IS, what it ISN'T, what it can do &
what it CAN'T do.

As a result, most people are DEEPLY SUPERSTITIOUS about money, & exhibit
bizarre beliefs & baffling behaviours where money's involved. These are the
inevitable result of having superstitions instead of real understanding (in the
same way that people in the dark ages exhibited bizarre behaviours because of
their superstitions about the causes of illness & disease).

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



The good news is, when you understand the TRUE nature of money (what it is
& what it isn't) you can let go of money-worries forever, create a meaningfully
wealthy lifestyle, & start living a life of financial freedom, happy & on-purpose.

And the best news of all?

You can start today, whatever your financial circumstances are, whatever
your financial history is, regardless of whether you believe it's possible for you
or not.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As you read this Special Report, I invite you to relax &
read it in much the same way you listen to a piece of music you like, i.e. read
it for a feeling. Instead of reading for intellectual understanding, you can read
with the express intention of being IMPACTED by what you're reading...

Because you're about to discover the BIGGEST money-myth there is...


"Once you realise you don't need anything, you're free to have whatever you

want." - Ian Watson

In the dark ages, people believed disease was caused by bad smells. They
wore perfume & carried small bunches of flowers to protect against disease
(the “pocket full of posies” in the children's nursery rhyme refers to the small
bunches of flowers people carried to protect against the plague).

We now know that plague ISN'T caused by bad smells – it's caused by tiny
invisible bacteria. But if you were to tell that to a medieval person, they'd look
at you like you were CRAZY.

People who lived in the dark ages “knew” that plague was caused by bad
smells. This false belief (which still persisted as recently as the 1850s) resulted

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



in sewage being pumped into the river Thames (where it wouldn't smell so
bad), leading to a devastating cholera outbreak.

This widespread FALSE belief led to needless misery, suffering & death. As
soon as people had a better understanding of the nature of reality (i.e. the
bacterial model), there was a MASSIVE & widespread improvement in quality
of life.

While it's easy to be amused by our ancestor’s misguided beliefs, it raises
some essential questions:

z What are the things we currently “know” to be true that result in

unnecessary misery, suffering & death because they're based on false

z What are the things WE accept as fact today, that our descendants will

laugh about, in much the same way as we smile at our ancestors' belief in
disease being transmitted by bad smells?

You might say “Well if I lived in medieval times & someone made a good case
for the idea that disease is transmitted by tiny invisible beasts, I'd believe it!”

But would you...? Would you really...?? Really...???

I'm not so sure about that...

My sense is that MOST people would respond with something like “Don't be
stupid! It's a scientific FACT that illness is caused by bad smells. It's OBVIOUS.
It's common sense...”

Here's another question...

z If you were to be presented with the evidence that one of the most widely-

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



held beliefs of modern society was in fact FALSE, would you be able to listen
with an open mind?

I hope so, because here goes. I've got to warn you – this is going to sound
CRAZY, but...

There's no such thing as financial security.

And you're about to discover why that's great news!

In fact, the most widespread & damaging belief of modern times is the idea
that our wellbeing, security & peace of mind come from the outside world, the
world of money, jobs, houses, property, relationships etc.

So let's look at it logically. What is “financial security”?

People define financial security (& financial freedom) in a variety of ways – let's
look at some of the more common of these:

z A feeling of security & wellbeing in the knowledge that you have savings,

assets & income streams which mean you never have to worry about money

z A sense of freedom, knowing you can do what you want to do, & DON'T

have to do work you DON'T enjoy in order to be OK.

z Feeling secure in the knowledge that you have enough financial resources to

pay for all your living costs, effectively for the rest of your life, i.e. knowing
you're always going to be “OK”.

So let's look at the underlying assumptions in these common definitions:

z There is such a thing as “the future”, & it's possible to make accurate &

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



reliable predictions about it.

z Worry & feelings of insecurity are the inevitable result of NOT having

sufficient savings, assets & income streams.

z If they don't have sufficient financial resources, people “have to” do work

they don't enjoy, or bad things will happen to them (ranging from having to
eat tins of baked beans by candlelight, to living in a cardboard box).

z The only way to prevent feelings of worry & insecurity is with sufficient

financial resources.

z The only way to prevent “bad things” happening is with sufficient financial


z The only way to have the freedom to do what you enjoy (& NOT do what

you don't enjoy) is with sufficient financial resources.

In the same way that our ancestors' incorrect assumption about the spread of
illness led to unfounded fears & counterproductive behaviours, our society's
limiting (& frankly INCORRECT) assumptions about money & the source of
security, wellbeing & peace of mind lead to a plethora of life-damaging
consequences, including:

z Fraud, robbery & theft

z Anxiety, money-worries & fear

z Relationship problems & divorce

z Toxic stress

z Under-performance at work

z Workaholism & burnout

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



z People feeling unfulfilled, & like life is meaningless

z Poverty & all its desperate consequences

z Struggle & strain

z Addictions & other “avoidance behaviours”

z People NOT living from purpose

z People doing jobs they dislike or even hate

To put the icing on the cake, these false assumptions actually PREVENT people
from creating & experiencing the meaningful wealth, security & quality of life
that we all desire.

The good news is that once you cast these limiting assumptions aside
& start seeing reality more clearly, you're going to find it easier &
easier to experience REAL security & peace of mind, & to create the
meaningfully wealthy life that is your birthright.

Let's look at these limiting assumptions one by one...

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



Limiting Assumption


There is such a thing as “the future”, &
it's possible to make accurate &
reliable predictions about it.

There are numerous examples where
people THOUGHT they had sufficient
financial resources, only to discover
their savings had been spirited away
in dubious deals years earlier. The
THOUGHT that they had money in
their pensions allowed them to feel a
sense of security, even though there
was in FACT no money there. There is
in FACT no such thing as the future.
What we call the future is a THOUGHT-
based construction. There is only ever
NOW, this present moment.

The only way to prevent feelings of
worry & insecurity is with sufficient
financial resources.

Nonsense. Many multi-millionaires
suffer from worry & overwhelming
feelings of financial insecurity, just as
many people with little or no financial
resources live with a great deal of
happiness & peace in their lives. Of
course, there are plenty of happy
millionaires & miserable poor people,
but that's just the point; there's no
causal connection between money &
security / wellbeing.

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



Limiting Assumption


Worry & feelings of insecurity are the
inevitable result of NOT having
sufficient savings, assets & income

Not true. There are numerous people
who have little or no financial
resources, & are not in the least bit
worried about it. In contrast, there are
people who have hundreds of millions in
the bank, & still feel worried & insecure
about their financial situation.

Feelings of security only ever come
from inside you. The BEST that money
can do is quieten down the insecure
THINKING that blocks people from the
feelings of security that arise naturally
from within them.

If they don't have sufficient financial
resources, people “have to” do work
they don't enjoy, or bad things will
happen to them (these “bad things”
typically range from having to eat tins
of baked beans by candlelight, to living
in a cardboard box).

Inaccurate. You don't “have to” do
anything. People regularly use this false
idea to justify staying in jobs they
dislike or even hate.

The so-called “bad things” that people
fear could happen are hallucinations,
the stuff that dreams are made of, but
people respond to them as though
they're real; as though their security &
peace of mind is genuinely under
threat. It's not that bad things don't
happen – it's that our sense of security,
freedom & wellbeing is not directly
linked to external circumstances.

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



Limiting Assumption


The only way to prevent “bad things”
happening is with sufficient financial

Life is a contact sport. Into each life a
little rain must fall. While there can be
value in making prudent financial
plans, the idea that this is a proof
against future calamity or occasional
feelings of insecurity is just not true.
Many people undergo personal
catastrophes & find themselves
experiencing vibrancy, aliveness,
peace & connection. Many Londoners
of a certain age claim their happiest
days were during the blitz in WW2,
when bombs were raining down on
their city. Many wealthy people are
miserable, suffering from drug
problems & worse. (Of course, many
wealthy people are happy, healthy &
living joyful lives. That's the point.
There's NO connection between
money & security / wellbeing.

The only way to have the freedom to
do what you enjoy (& NOT do what
you don't enjoy) is with sufficient
financial resources.

Again, not the case. While there are a
number of ACTIVITIES that become
possible with financial resources, the
idea that more money equals freedom
is another bizarre equation

Please understand: I think money is GREAT. I like money. It's
wonderful stuff, & a valuable creative tool. There's NOTHING wrong
with wanting to create vast amounts of wealth, including assets,
money & income streams.

It's also ABSOLUTELY FINE to plan for your future & make provisions for rainy

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



days etc – in fact I recommend it. There are all kinds of things you can do with
money that become a little trickier when you don't have any.

Where it gets DODGY is when you want to use money to create feelings of
security, peace of mind & wellbeing. And why is that dodgy?

Because it's UTTER NONSENSE!

The idea that feelings of security, wellbeing & peace of mind can come from
your financial resources is pure BALLOON JUICE.

The BEST that financial resources can do is quell the TOXIC THINKING that
blocks people from their naturally arising feelings of security, peace of mind &

The sad fact is that, for most people, these toxic beliefs actually stop people
from creating the wealth they desire, prevent them from enjoying the present
moment, or burn themselves out creating wealth that they don't even enjoy!

On the other hand, when you have a clear understanding of what
money is, what money isn't, what it can do & what it can't do, then it
becomes relatively easy to create the wealth you DESIRE, & enjoy it
every step of the way.

Your birthright; the default setting; a natural state
Feelings of security, peace of mind & wellbeing are your natural state. The only
thing that ever gets in the way of them is INSECURE THINKING.

Insecure thinking leads to feelings of insecurity. When people feel insecure,
they make bad decisions. When people feel a sense of security & wellbeing,
they make good decisions.

And when people are feeling insecure, they either...

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



z Find it difficult or impossible to generate financial resources, or...

z Generate financial resources, but keep feeling insecure ANYWAY!

There are countless cases of celebrities, multi-millionaires & business gurus
who live in TERROR that they'll run out of money. This fear spurs them on to
create more & more money & assets, but it doesn't work, because...

You can never get enough of second best!

If you're looking to the outside world to provide you with your feelings of peace
of mind, security & wellbeing, you'll NEVER find them, because that's not
where they come from.

So where does your sense of security & peace of mind come from?

It comes from deep inside you, from the FORMLESS aspect of you. Religious
people call this the soul, spiritual people call it the spirit, scientists refer to it as
the formless energy behind life. Call it Nature, Big Mind, the God within... It's
not important what you call it. What's important is that you recognise this as
the source of your peace of mind & security... your wellbeing & wisdom.

There's an old saying in the addiction field...

An addict is a person who tries to use a MATERIAL solution

to solve a PSYCHIC problem.

Whether it's alcohol, heroin, sex or chocolate, they're all examples of trying to
use something from the MATERIAL world to get a feeling that comes from the

So here's my boldest claim yet...

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



Anyone who believes their sense of security, peace of mind or
wellbeing comes from their financial resources is ADDICTED.

Western society is ADDICTED to the material world, looking to it for a sense of
security & wellbeing. But you can't find something when you're looking in the
wrong place.

Once again, THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH MONEY. It's a wonderful
tool for doing what it can do, but you can't use it for what it CAN'T do.

Money is USELESS for giving you a sense of security, peace of mind &
wellbeing. The best it can do is temporarily relieve the toxic thinking that
sometimes blocks you from experiencing the peace, security & wellbeing that's
already there within you.

So what IS money good for?

Money is BRILLIANT for creating. It's the ULTIMATE creative tool.

z When Richard Branson creates amazing new businesses, he uses money to

facilitate the process.

z When Anita Roddick set out to create the Body Shop, money was one of the

tools she used.

z When Bob Geldof wanted to fill bellies in Africa, he used money.

z When Madonna wants to make a new album, she uses money.

z When Steven Speilberg wants to make a blockbuster film, he uses money.

z When Steve Jobs set out to create the iPhone, money was a key tool.

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



I'm not saying that you need money to create things – you don't, but it can
greatly facilitate certain parts of the creative process, because...

The purpose of money is as a CREATIVE TOOL. That's what it's for!

If you want money so you can have a sense of security, you're using it for
something it doesn't really work for. Using it for this purpose will NEVER give
you the results you want. PARADOXICALLY, it also makes it a lot trickier to
generate wealth.

If you want money so you can create something, that's what money works
BRILLIANTLY for. As it happens, it's a lot easier to make money & generate real
wealth when you're using it for this purpose.

So there are 3 Essential Keys for eliminating the fear of financial insecurity,
creating a meaningfully wealthy lifestyle, & living a life you love on-purpose:

ESSENTIAL KEY 1 – Shift from an OUTSIDE-IN to the

INSIDE-OUT understanding of reality.

There are 3 simple steps you can take to start making the shift to inside-out
understanding, & initiate your own unique inside-out learning process:

Step A) Decide that this makes sense. Review this special report & come to
your own conclusions. Does it make sense to you that your security &
wellbeing can NEVER come from money / the outside world, & only ever
comes from deep inside your being? Once you've decided that this makes
sense, go to step B.

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



Step B) Determine that you'll get better results (including REAL wealth,
security, freedom & an improved quality of life) by shifting to an inside-out
understanding of life.

Step C)
Make this shift your number 1 priority. Take the time to decide that
the shift to an Inside-Out mindset is the most practical, effective &
rewarding way to create the life you desire in every area, & make a
difference in the world. Set a clear intention to shift to the inside-out
mindset, & make a decision that you're going to do it.

This isn't a trick or technique - it's about seeing the nature of reality more
clearly (just like the discovery of germs & bacteria wasn't a trick or
technique). The more clearly you're experiencing the nature of reality, the
better the results you'll get

ESSENTIAL KEY 2 – Master the creative process –

learn to be a creator

Your creative process is one of your most powerful resource when it comes to
creating real wealth & living a life you love. It also involves three simple steps:

Step A) Get CLEAR on what you want to create, for its OWN sake (E.g. “I
want to create a successful coaching business, because that would be
wonderful” rather than “I want to create a successful coaching business so I
don't have to go get a job.”) And how clear is clear enough? Clear enough
that you will know it when it shows up.

Step B) Make an HONEST assessment of your current situation, including
any doubts, concerns, limiting beliefs etc. (E.g. “I've got some good

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



coaching skills, have worked with 12 non-paying clients, got good results
with 9 of them, have a full-time job, I'm scared of starting a coaching
practice & failing, I sometimes doubt if I can do it, I don't know exactly
what to do next.”)

Step C) Relax, & follow your innate wisdom to guide you in taking the NEXT
STEP. You don't need the full plan. You don't need to know how you're going
to get there. You just need to know the next step, & when you're clear on
what you want to create & what the current situation is, your wisdom will
guide you in what to do next.

The Creative Process & Making the shift to the Inside-Out mindset are two of
the things I cover in-depth in my “If the Secret's So Great, Where's my Ferrari”
DVD Programme

ESSENTIAL KEY 3 – Increase your financial


It doesn't take money to make money – it takes financial intelligence. Wealthy
people invest time, money & energy in developing their financial intelligence.

Let me tell you about some of my wealthy friends who have a lot of financial

z I have a friend who once bought a shop & sold it on the same day, with no

money of his own, & made £30,000 in the process. He made

30,000 in

a day, with no money invested! How? Using his financial intelligence.

z Another friend of mine created an internet site with the idea that once she'd

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



created something wonderful, she'd sell it. She found a buyer & sold it for
MILLIONS. She knows the value of financial intelligence.

z One of my friends figured out how he could get PAID to own a Lamborghini!

He used developed then used his financial intelligence.

z One of my oldest friends discovered how to get PAID to go on training

courses with the people he most wanted to learn from. How? Financial

For more details on all these Essential Keys, go to


& stay tuned!

To your enlightened success!

Your friend,

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



If The ‘Secret’s So Great...

Where’s My Ferrari?

Uncover the hidden traps that can sabotage your efforts at self

improvement, and start living a life you love TODAY!

Would you like to make a great living doing what you love? This is your

opportunity to uncover Your True Life’s Purpose & find out how to

finally make it pay - guaranteed!

Take a moment to IMAGINE what your life would be like,

doing what you love

& being well-paid for your efforts...


having the TIME to do what you like, when you like…


having the MONEY to live the lifestyle you’ve always

dreamed of


having the FREEDOM to take as many holidays as you

like - without having to ask your “boss” first!


feeling totally fulfilled and waking up each morning, excited and

inspired because you get to spend every day doing what you love!

If you think you may be ready for that kind of life (whether you know what you
love to do yet or not), then join international trainer, speaker & entrepreneur
Jamie Smart in this 5 DVD Set as he helps you create the life you desire.

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



Don’t just take my word for it, read what just a few of the

people that attended the event have to say:

The weekend was awesome! I am back being authentic and glowing – so thank you

Jamie. The workshop was inspirational and also practical and has given me a huge

boost in moving forward and living my purpose – Ya-hoo! Have ready started getting

my Team together. Also an added bonus is that I met some absolute wonderful



What an amazing weekend without the “being-all-hyped-up-while-you-are-there-and then-

back-to-the-real-world” feeling! Jamie you are a true inspiration. I had a shift

deep inside of truly knowing that I am ok and perfect just the way I am.

From my place of peace I was able to obtain a continuous free client list from

someone I have been trying to work with for 4 years!!

I was also gifted a free holiday for 10 days which I really wanted but felt no attachment

to either way! So we are off to Villamoura for sun and sea!

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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



My clarity has been ever present except when it’s not and it feels great.

Thank you for being who you are and sharing your gift with us all.

Love and light


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©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money



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About Your Author

Jamie Smart is one of the world's finest Neuro-
Linguistic Programming trainers, and CEO of Salad.
Salad is a leading source of products for developing
your NLP skills & creating an amazing life you love.
Jamie is passionate about helping people discover
that they're capable of more than they think they
are, because they ARE more than they think they
are. His mission in life is to create a tribe of happy,
organically successful people living authentic,
fulfilling lives, making a great living doing what they

You can find the full range of Salad products at


Visit the blog at


to get more powerful tools, insights

and essentials keys.

©2010 Jamie Smart

If The Secret’s So Great, Show Me the Money




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