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Hour 20
Network Troubleshooters Just Wanna Have Fun
Curse you! You know our goal is to give you the opposite of what
you want! Since you want nothing we must give you everything!
-Mordac, "The Preventer of Information Services"
Scott Adams' Dilbert, September 17, 1998
Let's say you've been tasked by your boss to get good at network
troubleshooting. So far, she's been wonderful and has bought you this
book, sent you to a class or two, and things are just great. Only
problem is that nothing's broken in almost forever. It's as if the
network gremlins know that you're prepared for them and are waiting
until your guard is down-they're waiting until you forget the stuff
you've learned before they pounce.
Well, you can foil their crafty little plans by plying your
troubleshooting trade to help the masses have a little bit of fun.
This hour deals with stuff you'll need to know in order to play
various games and use non-work-related toys through your firewall or
proxy server. And why not? You've worked hard, you deserve it.
For those of you who've paged directly to this hour-don't! This hour
assumes that you've already engaged in the sweat involved in the past
19 hours and that you have a basic grasp of TCP/IP troubleshooting,
particularly the concepts involved in Hour 18, "In-depth Application
Troubleshooting," and Hour 19, "'Lots of Different People in Your
Neighborhood': Internet/Intranet Troubleshooting."
Seriously, learning how to use games (during your own time, of course)
and toys on the Internet is a great incentive to practice your
Internet and client/server troubleshooting. It teaches you how to
perform these types of troubleshooting techniques on a noncritical
basis-in other words, you're unlikely to get stressed out helping
somebody do something that's strictly optional. What's more, you're
then more of an expert at this type of troubleshooting technique when
real trouble arises. Let's face it, network troubleshooters and IT
(Information Technology) people, in general, have a bum rap for being
sociopaths. Helping people do fun things has the following benefits:
o It's enjoyable.
o It's a good learning experience.
o It's helpful in establishing a rapport with users.
o It's a way to avoid a Dilbert-like work environment.
As you'll see, configuring toys for use on your network combines a
knowledge of your network, the ability to dig into the network sockets
in use on your PC, and the ability to use dialog boxes. With that
said, let's dive straight into some common applications that people
tend to need help setting up on your network. Again, if you're caught,
or killed, the secretary will deny all knowledge of your actions.
Finding Your Firewall
First, you have to figure out whether you're using a proxy server or a
packet-filtering firewall. Assuming that you have a working browser,
it's no problem. Fire up your browser and load a fairly complex page
off of the Internet (one that takes more than a second or two to
load). Then get into a DOS prompt and type the following:
netstat -a > before.txt
Then type this:
netstat -a > after.txt
However, do not hit Enter yet. Switch to the browser and refresh the
page. Then quickly switch back to the DOS prompt and hit Enter. After
you do this, you'll have two files: before.txt and after.txt. The
difference between these files will show what additional sockets have
been opened when you refresh the browser screen-this will show you
whether you're using a proxy server or a packet-filtering firewall.
Let's say that you do this for a Web page at
C:\windows> fc before.txt after.txt
Comparing files before.txt and after.txt
****** before.txt
****** after.txt
Here's the rule of thumb: If you see a hostname that's different than
the hostname you were going to on the Net, you're using a proxy
server. (In the preceding example, you don't see a socket established
to socket 80 of Instead, you see a socket to; therefore, you're using a proxy server.) The hostname
you see is the name of the proxy server; the socket number is the
proxy socket number. You can use this knowledge to configure your toys
If you see a connection directly to the outside Web site, you likely
have a packet-filtering firewall. A packet-filtering firewall acts
similarly to a router; it will automatically route your request for a
connection to the outside, so you don't need to know the name or
location. Easy!
However, you do need to know the name of a proxy server in order to
configure your browser or any toys. Common names for proxy servers are
"proxy," "socks," "http," and "firewall," among others. You can, of
course, perform an nslookup to scan through your DNS names to see
probable names for proxy servers:
$ nslookup
Default server:
> ls -d
[] SOA
(1017 10800 3600 604800 86400) NS
ns A
ns A
ntserver A
mailserver CNAME
cotton A
socks CNAME
In this output, you can see that "cotton" is the real name of the
"socks" server, which is at However, it's probably less
effort to pick up the telephone, call corporate IT, and ask.
If you're responsible for all the networking at your shop, and you've
been handed an undocumented network, see Hour 24, "Reverse-Engineering
Somebody Else's Network," for more tips on how to explore services on
your network.
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