Moretti 2 Taming the Playboy

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A Dickerman/

Moretti Novel

By MJ Carnal

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s

imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2013 by MJ Carnal, author. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce,
distribute or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding rights, contact the

Cover photo by Eric Wainwright, Wainwright Images, Portland, Oregon.

Cover Model: Alex Michael Turner,

Book cover by Dawn of Dark Dawn Creations

First Edition August 2013

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked names and owners.

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For Mom, for always being my biggest fan.

For Alex, Eric and Bryson for making the book cover an adventure


For Levi, for kicking cancer’s ass

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Layla smiled up at Mark with tears in her eyes. She had been a Los Angeles resident for a total of
two hours and already, her life had changed. Her sister was pregnant. “I’m going to be an aunt.”

Mark’s smile lit up his face. Things might be a little rocky between her sister and Mark, but Layla
was convinced their love would weather any storm. She looked back at the ultrasound picture, wiped
her tears, and handed the photo back to Mark.

Her skin tingled. Ryan West, all six foot four inches of pure gorgeous muscle and sex, sat only inches
from her at the kitchen bar. The first time she had ever seen him, her heart did a back flip. The second
time, and most memorable by far, he held her close during several slow dances at a wedding and she
had stopped breathing. She fit in his arms like she had been made to be there. And a million thoughts
and hot dreams later, here he sat, smiling at her, warming her belly and causing goose bumps to take
over her arms.

The thoughts she had about him were crazy. Layla loved playing the field. She loved having fun and
living life and not having to answer to anyone but herself. Relationships weren’t part of the routine
for her. And they wouldn’t be now. But what she wouldn’t give to sink her teeth into this hunk of man
just once. Was he light years out of her league? Absolutely but it didn’t matter. If he gave her the
time of day, she would jump at the chance.

Layla glanced over at her luggage and back to the man that gave her butterflies. “Come on Ryan, be
my hero and help me get my bags up to my room. Make yourself useful.”

Ryan winked at her, picking up her four suitcases and following her up the two flights of stairs that
would take her to her new room. She walked in front of him and he couldn’t help but take in the
view. Her long black hair hung down the middle of her back and looked like silk. Her arms were
toned and covered in tattoos. She smelled like vanilla. He shook his head to clear his mind. She
was off limits. Not only was this Mark’s soon to be sister in law, but she was not the typical kind of
girl he slept with. She was strong and slightly aggressive. Maybe that is why his heart was beating
like crazy behind his rib cage.

“Did you hear me?” She smiled at him.

Busted. “I’m sorry. No. What did you say?” He was embarrassed as he put the suitcases down.

She stood there with a smirk on her face. “So I hear you’re the playboy of the group. Would that be
an accurate assumption since you weren’t even trying to hide the fact that you were just checking me

Ryan laughed. She was fearless. He liked that. “I like the view. I’d like it better if you weren’t
wearing so much.”

She pulled her tank top over her head and dropped it to the floor. “Better?”

Ryan sat down on the bed, crossed his ankles and laced his fingers together behind his head. “Getting
there. What else you got?”

Layla unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied out of them. She was now wearing nothing but her black
heels and a lace red bra and panty set. Ryan shifted on the bed trying to loosen his shorts that were

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quickly becoming too tight. She grinned knowing she was getting to him. “You doing ok there slick?”

Ryan’s hand went to the bulge in his pants. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone.
That smart mouth was his undoing. “I am better than ok.”

She took two steps toward him. “If that’s the case, you have exactly one minute to prove to me why
the girls fall at your feet.”

He launched himself from the bed. His mouth found hers and he moaned when she opened for him.
The kiss was full of desperation. He yanked the lace aside and his fingers found her, hot and ready.
Sliding two fingers inside her, he bent them forward and she almost came apart. “Holy shit.” She
panted as her legs became weak.

“What’s the matter? Nobody able to find that spot before baby?” Ryan’s eyes were hooded and full
of lust. He continued to pump into her, each stroke becoming slicker and more desperate.

Layla threw her arms around his neck to steady herself. Her breathing was erratic and her legs shook
beneath her. She felt the orgasm building and it was more powerful than anything she had ever felt
before. “I’m going to come.”

Ryan smiled and looked her in the eyes. “Isn’t that the whole point of this?” One more stroke and
that was all it took. She came apart around his fingers. He pulled them out, licked them and his brain
went wild. Her taste was amazing. He wanted her. And he wanted her now. “You convinced yet?
Or do you need more?”

“Am I convinced? Yes. Do I want more? Hell yes.” Layla was out of breath. She yanked at his
shirt, pulling it over his head and gasped. Ryan was muscle covered in muscle. His hard chest
begged to be touched. She reached up and touched some of the tattoos on his arms. He hissed as she
leaned forward and traced his nipple with her tongue.

“I don’t do relationships. I am not looking for anything. This is a one time thing. You ok with that?”
Ryan kissed her neck, her jaw and then tugged her ear with his teeth.

She fumbled with the button on his shorts. When it came loose, she shoved his boxers and shorts
down together and licked her lips as she ran her hand up and down his hard length. “Yes. Once. I
don’t want a boyfriend. Never have.”

He climbed off of her and pulled a condom from his wallet. She watched as he rolled it down his
erection. He was sex on legs and he knew it. She shivered remembering the orgasm he had given her
only minutes prior. “Hurry,” she pulled him on top of her and he entered her slowly. She bit her lip
as they started to move together in perfect unison.

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Chapter 1

Ryan pulled his shirt over his head and wrapped his towel around his neck. His ten mile run did little
to clear his head. His muscles ached but nothing compared to the ache in his chest where his heart
beat its betrayal. Pulling a bottle of water from the refrigerator, he opened the cap and chugged the
entire thing. Her memory haunted him.

He ran his hand through his sweaty, dark hair and threw his Red Sox cap onto his desk. He knew this
was nonsense. His days of partying with multiple women were his trademark. There was never just
one that stuck with him. He growled as he sat down at his desk. “This is ridiculous,” he mumbled to

It was simple. He lived by three rules. The first and most important rule, never get attached. The
second rule, work hard but play harder. And the third, one night stands meant one night. He didn’t do
relationships. That was plain and simple. The only commitments he made were to his family and to
his group of friends. If you didn’t fit into one of those groups, Ryan West was not a permanent fixture
in your life.

“I know that look.” Kevin Merck threw his towel at Ryan. “And I have never seen that look on your
face before. Who is she?”

Ryan looked up at his coworker and laughed. “You have lost your mind, dude. There isn’t a woman
in this world that could make me have a look.”

“It happens to the best of us, man.” Kevin laughed as he sorted the mail into stacks.

“It doesn’t happen to me. That is a well known fact. Did you forget who you are talking to?”

“Give me a break, West. I haven’t seen you hit a club or a chick in months.” Ryan shrugged and
picked up his mail. “Here. Enjoy.” Kevin threw a magazine on his desk and left the office.

Ryan held the August edition of Los Angeles Confidential Magazine and smiled. Staring back at him
from the front cover was a picture of him, taken during a photo shoot a few months prior. He chuckled
as he read the article.

Ryan West had moved to Los Angeles at the age of eleven. After his diagnosis of Leukemia, his
parents felt that they should leave the suburbs of Boston for a more holistic approach to a cure. He
had spent the first six months of his time in Los Angeles visiting healers, having acupuncture and
massage and becoming more ill. When the doctors gave his family the grim news that the Leukemia
was not responding, he underwent chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. His life had been
turned upside down. A whole year had been lost to aggressive treatments and after spending his sixth
grade year in a hospital bed, he vowed to never take life for granted.

Completely bald and with a battered body, Ryan took the halls of Beverly Vista Middle school by

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storm. His first day of school, he met a very outspoken Mark Moretti, a very wild Caleb Allen and
very reserved Rich Dickerman and became a permanent fixture of what the teachers called the Moretti
Brothers. He excelled at sports and academics and even at a young age, his focus on healthy living
never wavered. His zest for life was matched only by his love of the opposite sex. He made a pact
with his friends that they would live the high life together, promising to maintain bachelor status for
life. It seemed like such a simple idea to a young mind.

Ryan attended UCLA on a baseball scholarship and set his sites on the major leagues and the Boston
Red Sox. His sophomore year began with a health scare that required five rounds of chemotherapy
and marked the end of his college career. Being unable to play baseball, his scholarship was
dissolved and Ryan spent the remainder of what would have been his UCLA days, living with Caleb
and Mark and studying physical therapy at the local community college. He had made a career out of
physical fitness and had become one of the most popular trainers in LA.

Los Angeles Confidential had asked to interview him when they learned of some of his famous clients
and the difference Ryan was making through his non profit foundation, Save LA Youth. The reporter
had taken one look at him and fallen hard. His pictures scattered the pages of the article and adorned
the front page.

The cell phone rang and startled him. “Ryan West.”

Mark’s voice yelled through the phone. “How is my favorite celebrity today? Just picked up my
copy of the magazine. Why didn’t you tell us you got the cover? I walked right off the curb when I
saw your ugly mug staring back at me.”

Ryan laughed. “I hope you twisted your ankle.”

“Is that any way to talk to the man who has four tables reserved at Foxtail tonight at 8:00? Dinner and
drinks on me and Sophie. We will see you there.” Mark hung up without waiting for a response.

“You have plans tonight Kev?” Ryan yelled out into the gym. “Dinner and Drinks tonight at 8. I need
a new wingman.”

Tonight, he would get her out of his system. Tonight he would cuddle up to a warm body and remind
himself that he was a playboy. It was now or never. Ryan scrubbed his hand down his face. He
hoped she wouldn’t be there.


Ryan stepped into Foxtail right on time. His jeans hung low on his hips, showing off his narrow
waist. His red shirt hugged his shoulders and his muscles rippled underneath. His dark hair stuck up
on top, like he had just gotten out of bed and his brown eyes sparkled when he smiled. He turned
heads everywhere he went. He spent more nights than he could count bedding his female admirers
and had a black book full of midnight calls he could count on.

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Spotting his friends in the corner, Ryan waved. He ordered a beer and took a seat next to Mark.
Surveying the table, he took in all the smiling faces. When his gaze landed on Layla, he had to
swallow around the lump in his throat. This was going to be a long night.

“Congrats brother. We had no idea we were in the company of a VIP.”

“Bite me Moretti.” Ryan took a long pull of his beer. “I have been telling you assholes for years that
I am a legend.”

“And he’s humble.” Layla smiled and held up her beer as his friends laughed. “I might need a
personal trainer since I now live in the land of the beautiful.”

“Lay, you don’t need the kind of help Ryan can give you.” Mark put his arm around his soon to be
sister in law.

Ryan felt an overwhelming urge to growl. His lips formed a straight line and his eyes narrowed. The
green eyed monster had reared its ugly head and had taken a seat in Ryan’s lap. Clearing his throat,
Ryan looked at Layla. “I will help you anytime. I’m in the gym until six everyday and then can be
wherever you need me, whenever you need me.”

“That almost sounded like a come on. And seriously, Ryan, you cannot get near my sister. I won’t let
that happen.” Sophie sipped her water and rubbed her slightly rounded, pregnant belly.

“I hope it’s a come on. This man has turned into a monk. I don’t think he has gotten laid in weeks.”
Kevin chuckled.

Everyone looked up at Ryan. Layla’s jaw dropped. “Oh give me a break. My conquests are
legendary. And don’t worry, I am getting back in the game tonight. The waitress will be screaming
my name in about an hour.” Ryan winked at her as she dropped off some shots. She smiled back and
batted her eyelashes his way.

“What’s with the vow of celibacy?” Mark laughed.

Layla made eye contact with Ryan and blushed. Their secret was safe for now. But he knew they
could never make that mistake again. He would never settle down. He lived life to the fullest and
that did not include being tied down to one person. He guessed Layla was different. Her love of
adventure and family made her the perfect woman, for someone else. She loved children and had
dedicated her life to being an interpreter for hearing disabled youth. He would not have children. He
had watched his parents go through his illness with heavy hearts and a broken bank account. He
would not pass his genes down to another person.

The conversation turned to the article and his dedication to the youth of LA. His program had
provided free healthcare to the less fortunate. He worked side by side with the same doctors that had
saved his life nearly seventeen years before. Countless people worked tirelessly to make sure the
underprivileged had preventative health screenings and if cancer was detected, Ryan made sure he

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was available as a resource during treatment. Layla had listened and held her breath as she heard the
story of his Leukemia. Her face had paled as she heard about the diagnosis and the difficult time his
family had during treatment. She had winked at him when he made eye contact and watched him when
he wasn’t looking.

After more shots than Ryan could count and a belly full of terrible food, he stood and made his way to
the back of the club. His mind had stayed focused on Layla all evening. He had watched her mouth
as she spoke and her tongue as she licked her lips. Her dark eyes had met his a few times and held.
His temperature had risen and his pants had become tight. When he couldn’t breathe, he excused
himself to go splash some cold water on his face. It hadn’t helped. His brain was in overdrive. It
had been nearly eight weeks since the encounter in Layla’s room and there had been no one since.
His reputation for a new woman every night had gone out the window with one touch of her skin. It
was time to move on. He took a deep breath and headed to the door.

As he walked down the dark hallway, gentle hands grabbed his shirt and pressed him against the
wall. With total abandon, Layla’s lips crashed against his and her tongue begged for entry. He
moaned into her mouth and parted his lips. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and her
tongue thrust into his mouth. She pulled his bottom lip with her teeth and when he tried to move, he
found himself plastered against the wall once more.

“Layla,” He breathed. His breath was shallow and his heart pounded against his rib cage. “What are
you doing?”

“I want you. Right now. No more games.” She pulled him from the wall and into the door marked
‘employees only’. She turned the lock on the door and pulled her shirt over her head. He lifted her
and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She rubbed her body over his jeans and moaned.
Unbuttoning his jeans, she whispered. “Let’s do this.”

“Shit yeah,” Ryan moaned.

She pulled his shirt over his head and he lifted her skirt to her waist. He pushed aside her black silk
thong and his fingers drove into her with abandon. She gasped and gripped his shoulders. Her mouth
crashed to his lips and their tongues tangled in an urgent dance. His fingers pulsed inside her,
bending slightly and pushing on the place deep inside her that set her on fire. Her orgasm ripped from
her without warning, soaking his fingers and she slumped against him.

“God baby. I don’t think I could ever get enough of that.” Ryan panted against her neck.

“Don’t talk.” Layla handed him a foil packet and he ripped it open. She shoved his jeans down to
his thighs and positioned her core over his impossibly hard length. She moaned as she took all of
him. Her slick core tingled as he filled her. She bit her bottom lip as he began pounding into her.

As her second orgasm rocked her, she bit his shoulder and he growled. Her body pulsed around him,
squeezing him and encouraging him to let go. His breath became ragged as he pumped into her two
more times before erupting with his own pleasure. Heat poured between them and his hungry mouth
found hers again. He moaned as her tongue slipped into his mouth.

With shaking hands, he set her back on the floor and fixed her skirt. “We need to stop doing this,

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Ryan. I know we do. But I can’t help myself.” Layla smoothed the front of his shirt and sighed.
“What do you want to do?”

“I want to take you home. And I have never taken anyone home before.”

On her tip toes, she kissed him softly and purred. “I would like that.”

With his heart in his throat, Ryan watched as she walked away.

Chapter 2

Ryan made his way to the bar, giving Layla plenty of time to get herself together before he
reappeared. He glanced at the table and noticed her slide in between Kevin and Mark. Her face was
still flushed and her lips were swollen. She looked freshly ravaged and she was gorgeous. His
stomach fluttered so he looked away.

Annoyed with himself, he ordered a shot as one of his old conquests approached him. She sat down
next to him and took the shot the bartender offered Ryan. Laughing, he ordered them another round
and sat down next to the brunette that he had spent a night with during the early summer. He couldn’t
remember her name. He really didn’t care anymore.

She leaned into him, placing her hand on his thigh, and whispered in his ear. Ryan laughed as their
next round of tequila arrived.

Layla glanced at Ryan with a heavy heart. His flirtatious ways were endless. Even after their time
together in the employee closet, he couldn’t keep his hands off other females. She sighed. He had just
said he wanted to take her home. Shaking her head, she focused on the conversation between Mark
and Kevin.

“You ok kiddo?” Mark nudged her.

“Me? Yes, fine.” Layla blushed and waved him off. “I need a drink.”

Kevin waved the waitress toward the table, ordered some shots of Patron and patted Layla on the
leg. “Your wish is my command.”

The tempo of the music picked up and Layla swayed in her seat. The shots had gone to her head.
Kevin grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor.

“You look like you just lost your best friend. You can consider me your new one.” Laughing, Kevin
pulled her close and ground against her.

She glanced at Ryan. She had no right to be jealous but that didn’t stop her from fuming. He was still

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sitting at the bar with the brunette that she now hated with a passion. The woman was practically in
his lap. Fine! Two could play at this game.

She turned her back toward Kevin and arched into him. His hands grabbed her hips and swayed
against her. She looked over her shoulder and laughed as Kevin winked at her.


Oblivious to the amount of time he had spent at the bar, Ryan looked up and noticed Layla was no
longer sitting with his friends. His companion ran her hand up his leg and he shuttered as she touched
the top of his thigh. She purred and he held her hand still. He was weak. He knew that. His
breathing was staggered and he knew he had to walk away before he did something he
regretted. There were women all over the bar but only one of them had made her way into his playboy

He scanned the dance floor and found her in the arms of his best friend from work. He growled low
in his throat. They were sweating, as if they had been dancing a long time. Her hands were wrapped
around his neck and they were both laughing. He watched her arch into him. He watched her flushed
face smile at Kevin.

Kevin was no saint. Ryan had spent countless nights with him, bedding anything that moved. They
were single and free and lived every night to the fullest. They were one in the same. He couldn’t sit
idly by as Kevin ran his hands up and down her body. His hands curled into fists and he pounded the
bar. His drinking companion jumped as he got up.

Stomping onto the dance floor, he grabbed Layla’s arm. She tried to focus on his face but lost her
balance. She giggled and reached for Kevin to steady her. “How much have you had to drink?” His
eyes were blazing.

“A lot. And stop looking at me that way. You were having your fun with that slut up at the bar so
gorgeous Kevin decided to help me have some fun too.” She hiccupped and giggled again.

“Bro, how much did you give her to drink?” He shoved Kevin away lightly and waited for his

“No idea dude. We’ve been hitting the Patron. Now if you don’t mind, I would like to get back to
dancing with the most beautiful woman in the club.” Kevin grabbed for Layla’s arm but Ryan pushed
him away.

“Over my dead body, Merck.” Pulling Layla from the dance floor, Ryan led her to a group of couches
in a dark corner of the club. “Sit,” he demanded.

Layla plopped down on the cushions and stretched. Ryan sat down and pulled her into his lap. “Let
me explain one thing to you. I’m going to explain it only once. I want you Layla. And I know damn
well you want me too. And until we both decide we don’t, I expect you to keep your hands off my

That sobered her up quickly. She stood up and looked him in the eyes. “This is not a relationship,
West. You said so yourself that day in my bedroom. You wanted friends with benefits. No strings
attached. You don’t get to sit with some other woman and grope her while I look on. You have your
fun and I will have mine. If our paths cross, then great. But you will not now nor will you ever boss
me around. Are we clear?”

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Layla straightened her shirt, walked to the dance floor and pulled Kevin in close.


Ryan awoke early the next morning. His head pounded from his late night drinking binge after Layla
had left him at the club. He brushed his teeth and threw on his Red Sox cap. Work today would be a
bitch but he knew he would feel better after his workout.

Grabbing his ear buds, he locked his front door. It was already a hot morning. The sun was barely up
but he felt its fierce rays hitting his bare shoulders. He set his play list to his usual upbeat music. His
muscles screamed and his head pounded.

As he began to stretch, His mind raced with thoughts of Layla and Kevin. It killed him to see them
walk out of the club together last night. He prayed their departure was innocent. There was
something about that woman that had him all tied in knots. He had been an asshole. In the bright light
of day, he realized he had no right to her.

Grabbing his phone, he shot her a text before he started running. ‘I am so sorry about last night.
Forgive me?’

He ran his usual three mile route, weaving through a quiet area of town. His breaths were even. His
feet pounded to the beat of his music. Sweat ran down his back and he poured the remainder of his
water over his head. The run had done little to help him forget. He took his front porch steps two at a
time and looked at his phone. There was nothing from Layla. He would call her later. This was not

He showered quickly before heading to the gym. His anxiety was through the roof when he spotted
Kevin doing a training session with one of their regulars. He took a few deep breaths before
approaching him. He couldn’t blame him. Layla was gorgeous. And she certainly was not his
property. If he had any doubts about that, she had reminded him last night.

Kevin turned around and laughed when he saw Ryan’s pale face. “How are you feeling this

“Well, like a total asshole. My head is pounding, my mouth is dry as a dessert and my dick needs a
hell of a workout. Glad you asked yet?” Ryan put his things down in his office and walked back out
into the weight room. Holding his breath, he asked the question burning in his mind. “How was your

“I had a great time. Thanks for the invite. Your friends are really cool. And that Layla,” Kevin
whistled. “She is hot. I’d like to give that tight ass a work out outside of the gym if she’s game. I
look forward to going out with you guys again.”

The front door opened and both men turned. Ryan’s stomach dropped. Layla stood in the door, gym
bag in hand, and smiled at them. “Good morning boys. Ryan, I came to talk to you. You have a

Ryan shut the door to his office and pulled out the chair for her. Her eyes were clear and bright. He
wondered how she looked so alert after the night they had. “I’m glad you came.”

Layla blushed. “I got your text. I thought maybe you could apologize the right way.”

Ryan chuckled. “You’re right. I am so sorry. I am not a jealous person at all. But something

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snapped last night. I wanted to kill Kevin. I couldn’t stand seeing his hands on you after my hands
had been places I can’t stop thinking about.”

“How do you think I felt? We had just shared something amazing and you went right to the bar and got
close to another woman.”

Ryan stood and pulled her to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her and moved her hair behind
her ear. Her long neck was exposed and begged for his mouth. He kissed a line from behind her ear,
down her neck and across her collar bone. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I am
sorry if I made you question that. I never said I’m not an asshole. But I would do anything to get you
back up against a door.”

Layla’s hands ran down his back and stopped at his waist. Looking into his eyes, she purred as she
rubbed her body against his. “Not good enough. I think you are going to have to show me how sorry
you are.”

He moaned and stopped her hand as she reached for his shorts. “Tonight. My place. 8:00.”

Throwing a look over her shoulder as she shut the door, she smiled at him. “It’s a date.”

“Lay, wear something I can rip off.”


Layla pulled into the driveway of the cutest little house she had ever seen. Located on the outskirts of
the city, the ranch style house was surrounded by palm trees and blooming bushes. The small front
yard was well kept and clean. She locked her car and smiled as she walked up the front steps.

She knocked lightly and took a deep breath. “Hi.” She smiled at him.

He opened the door wide and she ducked under his arm. “Come in. I hope you haven’t eaten. I have
some steaks on the grill.”

He took her hand and led her to the backyard. There were two glasses of wine on the table. He
pulled a chair out for her and handed her a drink. She watched the sun set in the distance, the
reflection glowing off the pool. She took a large sip and smiled at the wine. “This is wonderful,
Ryan. Thank you.”

“You are the first woman I have ever had here. I’m actually a little nervous.”

Layla put her wine down on the table and stood. She walked to where Ryan had just sat down and
crawled onto his lap. Her fingers traced his bottom lip and he smiled. She kissed his neck. His head
fell back and he moaned. She bit his ear lobe. His hands tangled in her hair. She loved driving him
crazy. Her smile lit up her whole face as she leaned back to look at him. “You don’t ever have to be
nervous with me. But thank you for letting me be the first. Your house is wonderful.”

Ryan let out a nervous laugh. For all the nights he spent with women, he had never let it be personal
enough to share a part of his world. He had owned his house for about a year and had been so proud
when he was able to afford it. But sharing his most personal space was something he just wasn’t
willing to do. For all his stalking of Sophie, she had never walked past the front door. Heck, the
woman he considered his sister had never even been to his house.

Layla was different. He didn’t understand why, but he felt she just fit. He had known her such a short

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time but everything about her drew him in. Her dark hair and big, dark eyes were the things he
dreamed about. Her long legs and petite frame made him almost weak in the knees. And her tattoos.
Ryan sighed. Her tattoos set her apart from the plastic and fake women he usually spent his nights
with. “I will give you a tour when we are done eating.”

Layla ran her hand over his zipper, rubbed twice and undid the top button on his jeans. “Why wait
until after dinner?”

He picked her up, turned off the grill and led her to the bedroom.

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Chapter 3

Ryan laid Layla down in his bed. His heart raced. Every time he was with her, it was like the first
time. She reached for him, pulling him on top of her. He unbuttoned her shirt as she squirmed
beneath him.

“Tonight, Ms. Barringer, we are going to play a game. I want to see how many times I can make you
come before you beg me to stop.” She shivered. He smiled. This was going to be just as good for
him. “You ready?”

She nodded as he unhooked her bra and sucked a nipple into his mouth. She closed her eyes. His
fingers tugged her jeans open. A moan escaped her lips. Without removing her pants, his fingers
found her wet core. She was ready. The smile on his face was instant. He spread the moisture
around her hardened nub, rubbing in circles with his thumb. Her eyes rolled back and her orgasm
was immediate. “Oh my God, Ryan. More!”

“That’s one.” He tugged her jeans and thong from her hips. His tongue traced her toes, her calves
and the inside of her thighs. Her body tightened and he yanked her legs further apart. “Here comes

He buried his face between her thighs. His tongue dove deep, licking her folds. She was swollen and
slick. Finding her sensitive spot, his tongue circled wildly. She bucked off the mattress, grabbing his
hair. “I’m so close.” With one final flick, her release poured from her. The aftershocks were strong,
but he didn’t let up. She was panting, her legs quivering beneath him. One finger entered her,
followed by a second. She rode them with abandon. Her eyes met his and she pleaded. “Please.”

Increasing the pace, Ryan lifted his head. “Please what baby?” His fingers bent and he pushed into
her again and again. They hit her deep and found the spot that had quickly become her favorite place
to be touched.

“Please. Don’t stop. That’s amazing. More.” Her voice was barely a whisper. Her head thrashed
back and forth. “Holy shit.”

He smiled and sucked her clit into his mouth. Her body came apart. She screamed his name, her
body limp and boneless. That was three. She grabbed for his head. Her knees bent and pushed
together, making him lift his head to look at her. “Ryan,” she moaned. “please.”

“Please what?” His fingers continued their pumping. She was soaked. His fingers were slick. Her
breathing was ragged and her face was flushed. Heat poured from her body. The room was quiet
except for the sound of the pleasure he was giving her.

“I can’t take anymore. Please stop.”

He smiled. “You can do better than that.” He pulled his jeans down and rolled on a condom. “Get

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ready for number four.”

He slammed into her and she moaned. His pace was frantic. His body rubbed against her overly
sensitive skin and she dug her nails into his back. His lips met hers in a passionate kiss, tongues
dueling, teeth scraping. As his pleasure built, he forced it away. This was about her and he wouldn’t
give in until she came apart with him inside her. His strokes became deeper. He grabbed her ass and
pulled her up so he could fill her completely. She repeated his name over and over again as her core
became hot. He knew she was close.

“Come for me, Layla. Now.” His voice was demanding as his orgasm built deep within him.

She tightened her legs around his waist and she came. Her orgasm was endless, wave and wave
washing over her. He yelled her name as his own pleasure slammed through him. He collapsed on
top of her, both of them breathing heavily. She said something unrecognizable as he pulled out of her.
Her eyes shut tight and her breathing evened. Smiling, he pulled the blankets over her as she fell into


He watched her sleep. Her tiny snores filled the room. Her silky hair fanned over his pillow. She
was the most beautiful woman in the world. His heart sped up and he froze. He felt something for her
and he was terrified. For the first time in his life, a woman had gotten under his skin. He shook his
head. He would have to find a way to work her out of his system. Having feelings was unacceptable.

He walked into the back yard. Dinner was ruined but he didn’t care. He had been with lots of
women. His philosophy was let her get off once and he could let himself go. But, not with Layla.
Not with the woman that was currently asleep in his bed, in his bedroom, in his house. “Shit.”

He cleaned up the back porch, threw the steaks away and put the rest of the uneaten food in the
refrigerator. He slipped on his shoes and closed the door to the tiny third bedroom he had turned into
a home gym. He turned on the treadmill and hit the incline. If he couldn’t screw her out of his mind,
he would run until his body gave up.

Twenty minutes into the run, his legs screamed at him to stop. This was his third work out of the day
and his body let him know. He would hurt in the morning. But mile after mile, thoughts of Layla
drifted off and thoughts of sleep took over.


She awoke to a dark room. Reaching for Ryan, she found nothing but cold sheets. She slipped on his
t-shirt and set off to find him. Music blared from a shut doorway down the hall. She could hear the
pounding of footsteps on a treadmill. He was nothing if not dedicated.

She cracked the door open but he didn’t look up. His eyes were locked on the baseball game on the
flat screen hanging on the wall. Her heart leapt. He was gorgeous. If she had to describe perfection,

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it would be Ryan West. His muscles rippled across his shoulder blades with every step. His solid
legs were tanned. If there was an ounce of fat on him, it wasn’t visible. She watched his abs,
ripped. His arms, solid. She licked her lips. His sleeve tattoos were a turn on. She couldn’t wait to
ask him about them. She took a step into the room and the floor squeaked.

His eyes shot to the mirror and locked with hers. He grinned. His dark hair had become curly with
His eyes were so dark, they were almost black. His lips were sinful and why full, long eye lashes
were wasted on a man, she would never know.

“Did I wake you?” He hit the volume on the radio.

Her voice was barely a whisper. “Are you ok?”

He toweled off his hair. “Yes. I’m great. Are you ok?”

She smiled as he pulled her in for a sweaty hug. “I would say I am most definitely better than ok. I
should probably get going.”

“Stay. I am off tomorrow. We can spend the day together.” His mouth had a mind of its own.

Layla smiled. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Let me take a quick shower and we can talk for awhile.”

She giggled. “I’ll join you.”

Ryan took his time washing every inch of Layla. His hands were gentle and he kissed her and held
her against him. When they were through, he gave her a clean t-shirt and helped her get dressed. He
even let her use his toothbrush. He was so screwed.

“Tell me what some of your tattoos mean. I love them.” Layla traced the script B on his right arm.
“This is my favorite. I love the Red Sox.”

“Shit! Seriously?” His shock made her smile.

“Yes. I am a big Ellsbury fan. Hottest center fielder in the league.”

Ryan laughed. “That’s my girl.” My girl?

“What about his one? What are the initials in it?” Layla traced the orange ribbon on his wrist.

He took a deep breath and sat down on the couch. She followed and snuggled into his arms. “The
orange ribbon is leukemia awareness. I was diagnosed at eleven. We moved out here to get what my
parents thought would be the best treatment. I was almost twelve before my parents would allow

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actual doctors to treat me instead of all these holistic healers.” Another deep breath and Layla pulled
back to look him in the eyes. “I had a bunch of chemotherapy through a port in my spine. When that
didn’t work, I got a bone marrow transplant from someone I had never met before. Since then, we
have kept in touch almost daily. My life was saved by that transplant.”

“Oh, Ryan. I didn’t know it had been that bad.” She held him close and he let out the breath he was

“I was in remission until a little scare in college. Five rounds of chemotherapy later, I lost my
baseball scholarship and all hopes of playing in the majors. So,” He held his wrist out to her. “I had
this done the day I lost my scholarship. I wanted to remember the courage through loss and the person
who gave me my life back. Those are my donor’s initials.”

“That is beautiful Ryan. The tattoo and the story. It must have been so much to take in at that age. So
hard to understand.”

He patted his lap and she crawled on. “It was scary and it completely sucked. But honestly, I would
not change it for anything. Boston was a great place to grow up. We lived in Bay Village. But
moving to LA at eleven, wow. That was heaven. I was convinced I would be famous. An actor or an
athlete. I even gave rock star a chance but I can’t sing a note. I met some amazing people that took
care of me and helped me realize what a gift the cancer had been because it would make me stronger
than I could ever imagine. And it did. I gave up the scholarship and moved on to whatever was next,
becoming a better person everyday.” He laughed. “I go overboard on the health stuff. But it’s not
only my job. It’s how I have to live my life to try to stay healthy.”

“Was it hard starting school here after everything or did your parents home school?”

Ryan laughed. “Well, I was a really skinny bald kid with dark circles under my eyes in sixth grade
when I should have been in seventh. It wasn’t easy. I was bullied right away. But I met Mark in the
hall and he asked if I wanted to be friends. That was cool. By the end of the day, I was part of the
whole Moretti group. Caleb was my best friend for a lot of those years. His parents thought of me as
their other son and I spent so much time with his family. I thank God for them. Mark and Caleb took
me to chemo in college since we all lived together. And Rich would come down after every
treatment. They were my family. Even the bone marrow donor came down a few times and offered to
do it all again if I needed it. So it was worth some ridicule to get to where I am now. But someday I
would like to thank those bullies. They forced me to want better for myself. And if they could see the
twig kid they made fun of all grown up, I would thank them for turning me into the best trainer in LA.”

“I am so glad you had them. Life was mundane on the east coast. It was me and Soph against the
world. Basically the blind leading the blind.” She laughed a comfortable laugh and laid her head in
his lap. “What about the, are they vines? That are wrapped around your arm?”

He stroked her hair. “I guess you could call them vines. They represent breaking the chains to my
past. Just a reminder about not letting my past hold me down.”

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“And the star on your chest?”

Ryan leaned down to kiss her. “I got it when I bought my house. Told myself I would get one on the
other side when I did my next life changing thing. Something has to happen eventually. Right?
Enough about me Ms. Yappy. I want to know about you. Are you working out here in LA? What do
you do? What do you think of LA so far?”

She giggled. “Well, I am not working but have a second interview Monday to be an interpreter. I am
fluent in sign language and if I get it, I will work for a deaf non profit that offers their services to
people when they go to meetings, or doctors, or even church. ASL has always fascinated me and when
I was a freshman in college, I took my first class. I graduated with a degree in language sciences. I
worked for a hospital in Georgia but I think a non profit is more up my alley. I like LA ok. I missed
my sister terribly and once I saw Mr. Eye Candy, I figured I would stay around just for the view.
People are different here. And the pace is much faster. But I think it will be a good choice.”

“Did you leave anyone special behind?” Ryan picked at his fingernail.

Layla smiled. “Subtle. No. I didn’t leave anyone special anywhere. I have dated a lot. I have been
serious with exactly zero of them. I’m not a long term girl. But I am a fun while it lasts girl.” She
shifted in her seat. “But my friends back east are amazing. It would be fun for all of us to fly out
there for a long weekend. They would love you. You’d have them eating out of your hands.”

Ryan belly laughed. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. And I think you give me way too much.
Don’t count out a serious relationship someday. If Mark Moretti can do it, anyone can.”

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Chapter 4

“OK, do two more reps and you are done. See? Not so bad. You’re even smiling.” Ryan snapped
his towel at his new client and she blushed.

“If I get to work out with you every time, I will be fit before you know it.” She grabbed her water
bottle. “I enjoyed it, Ryan. Thank you.”

She stepped in to hug him so he opened his arms and gave her a tight squeeze. Nothing. She was hot
and he was hoping his body would respond. He watched her walk to the locker room and growled.
“Grrrr. Nothing.”

“What’s up with you?” Caleb stopped the treadmill. “You have been totally vacant for about a
week. You ok?”

“Shit, dude. I don’t know. I met this girl and she’s got me totally wrecked. I am screwed.” Ryan
threw Caleb a towel and shook his head.

Caleb stood there with his jaw dropped. “I’m sorry. What?”

“Don’t be a douche, C. You heard me.”

“No. I don’t think I did. There is a woman? One woman?”

Ryan glared at him. “I am not a fucking robot. Yes. There is one woman. And I am freaking the fuck
out so I would appreciate it if you stopped looking at me like I lost my damn mind and help me!”

Caleb threw his head back and laughed. Really laughed. The angrier Ryan became, the more Caleb
laughed. “This is too good, West. I guess it must be serious since you haven’t made one comment
about the size of her chest or the curve of her ass. Those are usually the first things I hear about.Does
anyone know?”

“Hell no. And they won’t know because you are going to keep your Irish mouth shut. And the size of
her tits are for me to know. You got it?”

Kevin jogged past them and met his client at the door. “Layla Barringer. How are you beautiful?”

Layla hugged Kevin and rolled her eyes as he whispered something in her ear. Ryan’s body
straightened. Caleb looked from Ryan, to Kevin, and back to Ryan. “No way man. Seriously?
Please tell me it is not Sophie’s sister.”

Ryan walked toward Layla with a grin on his face. Her face lit up when she saw him. She stepped
out of Kevin’s grip and into Ryan’s arms. “What are you doing here?”

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She mumbled into his chest. “Kevin offered me some training sessions. If I am going to blend in this
beautiful city, I figured I better take him up on them.”

Ryan shook his head and pulled her tighter. “You could never just blend in. You have to know that.
But why didn’t you ask me, Lay?”

She stepped back and looked him in the eyes. Her brown eyes sizzled and Ryan’s stomach jumped.
“I wanted to be able to concentrate. And there is something about being with you that makes it hard to
do that.”

Kevin pulled her out of his arms. “Come on Layla. We have some work to do.”

Caleb walked to Ryan and smacked him on the side of his head. “You are so screwed man.”


“Dude, grab me a beer while you’re up.” Mark yelled to Ryan as he walked out of the living room.

“Yes master. Anyone else need anything?” Ryan looked around the room at all his friends. Only
Layla looked up and smiled. He laughed and walked to the kitchen.

Game night at Moretti’s. It had been a tradition since they were young. In middle school, game night
meant board games and slumber parties and lots of soda. In high school, it was sneaking beers and
texting girls and sneaking out after midnight to hook up. Now it meant once a month baseball or
football games on the flat screen with dates and wives and soon to be families. Despite all the
changes life had offered, the Moretti gang always made sure their once a month tradition remained a

Ryan nudged the fridge closed with his foot and set the beers on the counter. He jumped when he saw
Layla standing there. It had been a week since he had seen her and his brain screamed at him to touch
her. She smiled and rubbed against him as she walked past him into the dark dining room. She
nodded her head to the empty room and he practically ran to meet her.

“Shhh.” She pulled his face to hers and crushed her lips against his. He pulled her up against him,
instantly hard. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Her core ground against his jeans and she bit
his lip.

“Fuck, Layla. Let’s go upstairs.” He whispered against her lips.

“We can’t. They will notice we’re gone.” She ran her hands under his shirt and smiled as his
muscles jumped beneath her fingers. “But if you want to hang afterwards, I will figure out a way to
get you up there.”

“Screw afterwards.” His fingers dove into her. “Next time you wear a skirt with no panties, you will
be spanked, Ms. Barringer.”

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She closed her eyes and buried her head in his shoulder. His fingers pumped into her, drenched by
her desire. He pinched her nipple and she moaned into his shirt. She fumbled to get his fly open but
his fingers were magic and she stopped as the first pull of her orgasm began to build. “Shit. Shit.
Shit. I want you inside me. Now Ryan. Please. I want you to come with me. Please Ryan.”

Mark’s voice rang out from the living room. “West. Where the hell are you? I’m parched.”

Layla whimpered and bit Ryan’s shoulder.

They heard footsteps in the kitchen and Caleb cleared his throat. “I got it Mark. He’s in the
bathroom. Stop your bitching.”

“Thank Christ.” Ryan unbuttoned his shorts and rubbed his hardened length between her folds.
“Caleb knows. Relax. He’s got it.”

As he ran himself through her wetness, she groaned. He circled her clit with the head and she
instantly crumbled. Her legs shook and her head fell back. She tried to stay quiet but a groan snuck
through her lips. He crushed his mouth to hers. Caleb continued to bang around the kitchen, trying to
cover their noise.

Ryan was panting. “We have to stop. I don’t have a condom.” He tried to set her down on the floor.

She reached into the back pocket of her skirt. “I never start something I can’t finish Mr. West. You
have ten seconds to burry yourself in me.”

He ripped the condom open with his teeth and slid it on in record time. He carried her to the dining
room table and set her down. His strokes were frantic. “I never want to stop fucking you. God you
are hot.”

“What the hell are you doing in there, C? Stop with all the noise. The sox are on damnit.” Mark’s
voice yelled out from the living room once more.

“Can I help you?” Sophie’s voice was closer.

“Come here Soph.” Caleb grabbed her and hugged her. There was whispering.

“I don’t care if all of them walk in here.” Ryan grunted against Layla’s lips. “There is no way in hell
I can stop now.”

Layla panted. “Don’t you dare stop. I am so close.”

Layla began frantically chewing on her bottom lip. Her breaths came faster. Ryan could feel her core
heating. Her orgasm ripped through her, spasms clenched Ryan and pushed him over the edge. His
body shuttered and he closed his eyes. “Fuck.”

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A minute later, their eyes met and they both smiled. Layla pushed him off her and straightened her
skirt. On her tip toes, she nibbled at the sensitive flesh behind his ear. “That was amazing. I expect
an encore performance in a few hours.” She giggled.

Ryan grabbed her arm as she walked by. “Can I take you out tomorrow night?”

Layla stopped. “I thought you didn’t do dates.”

Waving his arms around the empty room, Ryan laughed. “We just screwed on my best friend’s dining
room table while everyone is sitting in the next room. You’ve got me doing all kinds of shit I don’t

“Hurry up in that bathroom, West. It’s the seventh inning stretch.” Caleb popped the top of a beer
can. “Marco is on his feet.” He whispered around the corner.

Layla ran to Caleb. “Thank you Caleb. You aren’t such a douche bag after all.”

Ryan and Caleb both laughed as she ran into the living room and sat back down.


Layla and Ryan walked hand in hand along the pier. Her purple sundress blew in the early evening
wind. The sun was setting and the sky was painted with pinks and oranges and yellows. It was
breathtaking. But Ryan’s eyes remained fixed on her. She smiled at other couples as they passed.
She picked up a toy a child had dropped. She even patted the head of a straggly dog.

He stopped and turned her to face him. “You are amazing, Layla. Thank you for coming out with me
tonight.” His lips met hers, slowly and gently. He kissed her mouth, then her jaw and her neck.

He nibbled at her ear and she giggled. “Why, Mr. West. If I didn’t know better, I would think you
were coming on to me.”

He laughed and pulled her into a hug. “Not tonight baby. We did things totally backwards. Don’t get
me wrong. I have enjoyed every second of this more than you will ever know. But tonight, I just want
to kiss you goodnight and hold you and look at how beautiful you are. I have dessert at the house. I
want to sit on the back porch with you in my lap and feed it to you. I want you to stay with me

She melted into him. “You are so different than I imagined you would be. You are so different from
the Ryan I see when you are with your friends. It is refreshing.”

Tugging her toward the car, he laughed. “Don’t be too impressed. A new day starts at Midnight,
darling. All bets are off then.”

They laughed and talked on the way to Ryan’s house. He was so at ease with her. Their conversation

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flowed smoothly and his heart pounded in his chest. He had made fun of mark when he talked about
feeling like this. He had been sure to fight this feeling his whole life. But this was new. No one had
ever made him weak kneed. No one had ever pleased him the way she did. Their bodies fit together
perfectly. His hands knew every spot she loved. He knew every curve of her face. They even knew
what the other was thinking. He had known her such a short time and she had stormed into his life
like a hurricane. There was no turning back. He would keep his feelings hidden. The thought of
losing her terrified him. But the thought of a relationship, commitment and all the romantic shit he had
shied away from his whole life scared him even more.

“Where did you go? You were a million miles from here.” Layla smiled as they curled up together
on the couch. “Everything ok?”

His smile told her everything she needed to know. But he said it anyway. “I am better than OK. I am
happy, Lay. God that sounds totally sappy. Sorry.” His laugh was contagious. “Now that I have
made a fool of myself, I might as well ask. Are you happy?”

She smiled. “I am very happy.”

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Chapter 5

Ryan woke up with his arms and legs wrapped around Layla. She was so beautiful and he smiled that
she was his. This was the third night in a row she had spent at his house. Mark had started asking
questions about what she was doing at night and she had told him she was going out with a friend.
Ryan knew he would need to come clean. He didn’t like that they were hiding their relationship.
Relationship? He tried that word on for size. Sigh. Yes, relationship. She was stealing his heart
despite his best efforts to prevent it.

“Lay, I have to get up for work. Stay as long as you want.” Ryan whispered in her ear and kissed her

He showered in no time and threw on his basketball shorts and Red Sox cap. She stirred when he sat
on the edge of the bed to tie his tennis shoes. Her hands roamed up his back and tugged him down
onto the mattress. “You have to leave so soon?” She rolled on top of him, straddling his legs. “It’s
too early to leave this bed. I don’t think you have gotten the proper good morning yet.”

Ryan laughed as he rolled her onto her back, climbing on top of her and taking back the control. “You
are going to be the death of me woman. But, I can’t think of a better way to go.”

He tugged his shorts off and buried himself in her. They smiled and moaned and lost themselves for a
few more minutes. Today was the day he was going to tell his buddies. He was ready.


Work dragged on all morning. They had double booked his training slots and by the end of what
turned into an eleven hour day, Ryan was exhausted. The business at the gym had almost doubled
after the article about him ran. His personal training spots were full for the next two weeks. He had
cleared an extra day to work with a few of his celebrity clients.

He thought about Layla all day. She meant so much in such a short time. He was done fighting it. He
needed to let her know that she meant something to him. He wasn’t the marrying kind. And he didn’t
plan on ever taking that road. But a committed relationship with her seemed to sit well with him.
After years of shallow relationships and friends with benefits, he felt ready to commit to something.
And he believed in them as a couple.

The sun was starting to set as he drove to Mark and Sophie’s new house. His mind was racing. He
knew Mark would be protective of Layla. Their relationship had become rock solid in the short time
since he had flown her out to California to surprise Sophie at Molly’s wedding. So much had
changed since. Layla had helped Mark go through a tough time that was spurred on by a very jealous
Caleb and a huge misunderstanding. In the end, Sophie and Mark had found their way back to each
other and Layla had become a permanent fixture in Mark and Sophie’s new home. She would soon be
his sister in law. Ryan wondered if Mark would be supportive or angry. Sighing, he knew it would
be the latter. His playboy status would be the breaking point for Mark

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He took a deep breath and knocked. A minute later the door flew open. “Hey man, come in. This is
a surprise. Everything ok?” Mark led Ryan into the kitchen and handed him a beer.

Ryan looked out the back doors and saw Sophie and Layla swimming in the pool. He smiled. “Yes.
Everything is fine. I just needed a minute to talk with you if you’ve got it.”

“I always have time. What’s up?” Mark took a seat on the barstool next to him.

Ryan looked Mark right in the eye. “I’ve met somebody.”

Mark’s beer can slipped from his hand. “What?” They both grabbed some paper towels from the

“Really with the dramatics? Nice touch with the can slipping out of your hands. Why is this so
shocking to everyone?”

Mark laughed. “Do I really need to answer that?”

“No. I guess not. Just don’t bust my balls when I tell you the rest.”

Mark sat back down. “Well, now you’ve got my attention.”

Ryan paced the kitchen floor. Why was he so nervous? One more glance out at the pool and he was
ready. “It started out as just a one time thing. I helped her take some stuff up to her new place and we
hooked up. It was off the charts. Man, it was.. I will spare you the details. Of course, I was sure it
would end there. You know me, man. No repeat hookups. But she is so hot. And I started to actually
think about her. Then we reconnected the night you guys took me out to celebrate the magazine article.
We hooked up a few other times and now we have seen each other almost everyday. She has spent
this whole week at my place.”

Mark’s jaw dropped. “You let a woman in your house? To spend the night?”

Ryan laughed so loud that Sophie and Layla turned around and looked at him. “Dude, I can’t help
myself. I have started having all those pussy emotions that you and Rich always talk about. I have
turned into a chick. I am so screwed.” He ran his hands through his hair.

“My little boy is growing up. Sophie, get in here.” Mark yelled as the back door slid open. “Ryan
has lost his damn mind.”

“No!” Ryan tried to stop Mark but it was too late. “I wasn’t done. Shit. Come on in. You are going
to hear it eventually.”

“What’s happening?” Layla followed Sophie into the house.

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Mark stood up, cleared his throat and with a dramatic sweep of his arms, he said, “Ryan has met

“Shut up!” Sophie ran to him and gave him a hug. “When can we meet her?”

Ryan started pacing again. He looked at Layla and she blushed. She actually blushed. There may
have been a few times he thought she had blushed before but this was different. She was nervous. He
hadn’t seen this side of his confident and sexy bed buddy. She walked to him and wrapped her towel
more tightly around her. He looked down at her and she smiled. The room got quiet.

“No.” Mark stood up from the bar stool. “No no no no no. No way.”

Sophie looked at Mark, then back to Layla and Ryan. “What am I missing?”

“Marco, don’t kill me. You know I didn’t plan this shit. It just happened and now I don’t want it to
stop.” Ryan kept his eyes glued to Layla.

“Oh for the love of God. We are adults. We aren’t getting married. We just don’t want to hide it
anymore.” Layla’s eyes shot daggers at Mark. She threw her arms around Ryan and he leaned down
to kiss her. The kiss was deep and loaded with passion. It went on for what seemed like hours as
Mark and Sophie stared.

“Holy shit.” Sophie watched as Layla led Ryan up the stairs.


After rummaging through Mark’s dresser for something to wear to sleep, Ryan climbed into Layla’s
bed to watch television. Her room smelled like her, warm vanilla and sunshine. He chuckled
remembering Mark’s reaction. He was determined to prove he was worthy of her.

He put his arm around Layla and she buried her face into his chest. They sat in silence. He had never
met someone he could just be quiet with. It was refreshing. When they talked, they connected. But
when they sat quietly, Ryan could feel his stress and worry disappear. He was at peace with her.
She was home to him. She was his body’s other half.

“I need to tell you something. I know we agreed this would just be fun. But, Lay, I really like you.”
Ryan held his breath.

Her eyes went wide with surprise. She smiled at him. “I really like you too.”

He let out the breath he had been holding. “It seems early to feel this way. I haven’t done the
relationship thing before. But I would like to see where this goes.”

She kissed him. The kiss was slow and tender. He felt like his heart could explode. “I would love
to see where this goes. I’m not looking for forever. I know you aren’t either. But I think about you a

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lot during the day. That hasn’t happened to me before.”

Ryan laughed. “I think about you too.” He pulled her into his lap. A few strands of hair fell from her
ponytail and he swept them behind her ear. “You know that photo shoot I did for the magazine?
Well, the gym wants me to do a shoot to be one of the faces of the franchise. I have to be in Boston on

Layla squealed. “Ryan, that’s fantastic. You deserve it! You work hard and God knows you are the
hottest man I have ever seen. This is so great.”

Ryan just grinned. “Come with me. Come see my old stomping ground. And honestly, I have gotten
used to sleeping next to you every night. I’m not sure if this old sap can actually still sleep alone.”

“I wish I could. I have a third interview Tuesday. I really want this job. And I am almost positive
they are going to offer it to me. This interview is with the president of the company. I can’t miss it.”
She sighed.

“Fine. But you have to promise me that I can take you out to Boston someday for a Sox game. Maybe
you can meet Jacoby.”

“That would be a dream come true. You know I am marring him, right?”

Ryan tickled her and she screamed. “Lay, I will fight him to the death for you.”

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Chapter 6

Boston Logan Airport was crazy. The storms across the country had cancelled flights and re-routed
passengers to other destinations. Despite a two hour wait on the tarmac, Ryan’s flight had arrived
safely in Boston. Ryan had texted his childhood friend about getting tickets for the following night’s
Red Sox game and had confirmed his reservation at the Marriott. His itinerary for the two days of
photo shoots would keep him busy but he would make time to watch his team play. He would even
pull some strings to get Ellsburry’s autograph for Layla.

He grabbed his carry on and headed for the baggage claim. He would rent a car and head to the hotel
to turn in for the night. He jogged down the steps and noticed someone holding a sign that said “Ryan
West”. He chuckled thinking they had arranged a driver. He couldn’t see the person’s face hiding
behind the sign.

“I’m Ryan West.” Ryan cleared his throat. She dropped the sign and gave him a big smile. “Ari.
Holy Shit! What are you doing here?”

Aria giggled as he picked her up and swung her around. “Mr. West. If you don’t get more and more
handsome every time I see you.”

“My God. This is such a surprise. Why are you in Boston?”

“Well, when we talked yesterday, I decided to head up here and surprise you. I cashed in my frequent
flier miles and here I am. I couldn’t let you come all the way to the East Coast and not see you.” She
gave him a big kiss. Tears threatened to fall. “You are a site for sore eyes, Ryan. I have missed you
so much.”

“Where are you staying?” Ryan picked up his luggage and grabbed her hand.

“I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I just wanted to get here before you did.”

“You can stay with me. Come on.”

Ryan rented a midsize car and threw their luggage into the trunk. He watched her as she buckled her
seatbelt. She looked amazing. Her red hair was longer than he remembered. She had the remnants of
a sunburn she had gotten on the trip she had taken to Bermuda. Her cheeks were sprinkled with
freckles and he remembered the last time they had seen each other. He had sat in her bed and tried to
count them, joking with her that he couldn’t count that high. She was breathtaking and he loved her
more than he could ever express.

She noticed him smiling at her. “What? Did you miss me that much?”

“Hell yes!” He laughed and they made their way to the hotel. She had given him the greatest gift
anyone could ever give. She had saved his life. In one afternoon, she had become family. Her bone

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marrow had been the difference between having a future or saying goodbye.

After checking in and getting settled, he handed her the room service menu. “I am going to take a
quick shower. Order us whatever. No carbs for me. Gotta watch my girlie figure you know.”

Aria threw the menu at him as he stepped into the bathroom.


Layla was on cloud nine. She had been offered the translator position with the non profit organization
she had been drooling over. The money was even better than she imagined. She would work four
days a week, leaving her three days to soak in the California sun and help Sophie with that beautiful
baby that would be arriving in a few months.

There was only one person she wanted to celebrate with. Knowing he was in Boston, a phone call
would have to do for tonight. She would take him to dinner as soon as he got home. Grabbing her
purse, she pulled out her phone and dialed his number. Butterflies did their crazy dance in her
stomach as she thought of him.

It rang once, then twice. On the third ring, she answered. “Hello?”

Layla pulled the phone away from her head and looked at the display. The picture of him she had
programmed in stared back at her. “Um. I’m sorry. I must have somehow dialed the wrong
number.” She cleared her throat.

“No. You probably didn’t. Who are you looking for?” Her voice was so sweet, Layla wanted to

“I’m looking for Ryan West.”

“I’m sorry. He is in the shower. Can I give him a message for you?”

“No. No message. Thank you.” She hung up the phone and tears rushed down her cheeks. “Oh my
God.” She whispered to herself.

“What is it?” Caleb walked in from the pool where he had been editing a book. “Layla, are you ok?”

She wiped the tears from her cheeks and ran for the stairs. Caleb was right on her heels. “Slow
down. What’s wrong Layla?”

She was hysterical by the time she hit the third floor. “Caleb, leave me alone.”

“I can’t do that. What is happening?” He grabbed her arms, spinning her around to face him.

She collapsed into him. “I think he’s cheating on me.” Her sobs made Caleb’s heart break.

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“Sit down. Talk to me. Why do you think that?” Caleb led her to the bed and sat down next to her.

“I called him. A woman answered his phone. He must be at the hotel by now so that means someone
is with him. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I freaking out? I shouldn’t be this upset. I
didn’t expect us to be exclusive. I know I didn’t. But this sucks, Caleb.”

“Lay, slow down. There is probably a very logical explanation for all of this.” He stroked her hair
and she started to calm. “Listen, you saw first hand what happened when I jumped to conclusions.
Don’t assume anything, sweetie.”

“I knew this was too good to be true. I know his reputation.” She threw her phone against the wall
and it shattered.

“Take a deep breath and start from the beginning.”

Layla told Caleb everything. She told him how they had first met at the wedding and that even then,
he made her crazy. She told him about the times they snuck around and about finally admitting to
Mark and Sophie that they were a couple. She even told him that her feelings were so strong that she
couldn’t even begin to understand them. She was heartbroken after calling him. She had feared they
would eventually fall apart. But she had no idea it would be so soon.

Caleb picked up the pieces of her phone and set them on the dresser. He listened without
interrupting. He knew Ryan’s reputation but he also knew that Ryan was completely taken by her. He
had never seen his friend like this before. They had been friends since sixth grade and he could count
on one hand how many girlfriends Ryan had claimed. Caleb watched him watch her. He knew that
she meant the world to him. The goofy smile he got on his face was the only evidence he needed.

Once Layla had calmed down and splashed cold water on her face, Caleb led her downstairs for a
drink and more talking on the back deck. He held her hand. When they arrived in the kitchen, Mark
shoved his barstool back and stood up.

“Hell no.” Mark yelled. Sophie came running out of the laundry room when she heard him scream.
“Hell no, Allen. Get your hands off her. I will beat you within an inch of your life if you don’t stop
touching her right now. And Layla, shit. I am disappointed in you.”

“Dude, calm the fuck down.” Caleb stepped toward him.

Mark saw red. His anger spiraled out of control. “Don’t you dare tell me to calm down. This is not
where you stick your damn nose in and ruin another relationship. Ryan cares for you, Layla. What the
hell are you thinking?”

Layla put her hands on her hips. “Shut up Moretti. You are being completely irrational. It you had a
bad day, I’m sorry. But you don’t have a clue what the hell is going on. Stop yelling. I will explain.
You’re upsetting Sophie. Don’t upset your pregnant fiancé for shit sakes.”

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“Get Out!” Mark shoved Caleb in the chest.

Sophie jumped between them. She rubbed her hands over her swollen belly. “Honey, calm down.
What is going on? Stop yelling. Caleb came over here to help me finish editing my book. What is the

“Bullshit. He just came from Layla’s room. I will not sit back and watch you ruin Ryan’s relationship
like you did mine. You almost cost me Sophie. Get the hell out of my house.” Mark threw the front
door open and waited. “Get out.”

“Mark!” Sophie threw her hands in the air. “This is my house too. He can stay.” Her endorsement
for Caleb just fueled the fire.

Grabbing his keys, Mark stormed off to the garage. “Fuck this. If he stays, I go.”

He slammed the garage door shut. The Ducati was the first thing he came to. Screw the helmet. He
needed to get out and get some perspective. His heart pounded in his ears. Caleb had almost cost
him his future wife. He had followed her around, flirted, touched and played dirty. He would not sit
by and allow it to happen again. He revved the bike and tore out of the driveway.

The coast at dusk was a site to behold. The sun reflected off the ocean as waves crashed the shore.
Say what you will about Los Angeles, the beach was beautiful. Mark took a deep breath and pushed
the bike even faster. The fresh air cleared his head. It had been an awful day at work and an even
worse commute home. They had lost a large client today. In his heart, he knew his attack on Caleb
was misplaced. He needed to get over the harbored anger. His relationship with Sophie was
indestructible. It was time to let go of the past. He would apologize. Tomorrow.

He increased speed as he hit the stretch of road that ran along the ocean and by the time he swerved, it
was too late. The driver of the delivery truck was texting. He never saw him.


Layla, Sophie and Caleb ordered pizza and sat down for movie night. They had been shocked when
Mark had stormed out. Layla told Sophie what happened with the phone call and how Caleb had
followed her upstairs to talk. They giggled about Mark’s overreaction and knew that when he got
home, cooler heads would prevail.

The doorbell rang and Sophie ran to answer it.

Rich stood on the porch in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He had dropped Molly off and didn’t
think this was a phone call he could make. The drive over had been torture. He needed to tell Sophie
in person. His eyes were puffy. Sophie’s smile fell as soon as she saw the expression on his face.

“Rich? What’s wrong?”

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“Soph, can I come in for a minute?”

Hearing Sophie’s concern, Caleb and Layla walked to the door. Sophie knew in the pit of her
stomach it was bad. Rich’s face said it all.

“Honey. There has been an accident. You need to come with me.”

Sophie fell to her knees. Layla ran to grab her purse as Caleb pulled her from the floor. “What
happened, Dickerman?” Caleb’s eyes were wide.

“It’s Mark. It’s bad. He wasn’t wearing a helmet.” Rich grabbed Sophie’s trembling hand and led
all four of them to his car.

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Chapter 7

Layla ran down the hall of the hospital. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and her head spun.
Caleb grabbed her hand to steady her. She needed to know what was happening. Rich and Sophie
were two steps ahead, Rich taking special care knowing Sophie’s pregnancy could be in jeopardy.
Their pounding footsteps alerted everyone to their arrival.

Layla’s stomach lurched. The smell of alcohol pads and antiseptic made her cringe. The overhead
lighting all ran together as they raced down the long hall toward ICU. She didn’t know if he was dead
or alive. Tears streamed down her face. Caleb’s hand in hers was warm and strong. She clung to it
like a lifeline. She would fall away without it.

The locked doors to the ICU swung open and Molly stepped out. Her face was pale. Her whole body
shook. When she saw her friends approaching, she let out one long sob.

Noticing Sophie’s panicked look, Layla stepped forward. “What’s happening?” Tears rolled down
her face.

Molly’s eyes were vacant as Rich picked her up off the floor. “He’s in surgery. He... Oh God,”
Molly stuttered. “He fractured his skull.” Deep breath. “His brain is bleeding.” Deep breath.
“They said he wasn’t responsive when… He wasn’t responsive…”

Rich pulled her into him. “Sophie. We need to get you off your feet. You need to keep breathing.
Your baby needs you to be strong. Come sit over here. We all need to pray.”

They all grabbed hands and prayed together. Layla knew she needed to be strong for Sophie. The
thought of losing Mark was unacceptable. But knowing that her beautiful, pregnant sister needed her
strength far outweighed any other thoughts. She had almost reached the end of her first trimester and
she knew this was going to be rough. They couldn’t lose Mark now. Not when there was so much
ahead for all of them.

Noticing Kevin and Steve running toward them, Caleb’s voice broke into the silence. “Did anyone
call Ryan? He should be here.” He stepped away from the group and pulled out his phone. He took a
deep breath and dialed.

“It’s eleven o’clock on the East Coast and I need my beauty sleep. What’s up C?” Ryan laughed.

Caleb cleared his throat again. “Ryan.” He wiped the tears from his eyes and took a deep breath.

“What’s wrong?”

“Can you get home?” Caleb’s voice was barely a whisper.

“Yes.” One simple word was all Ryan could manage.

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“It’s Mark. There was an accident tonight. He’s in surgery but it’s serious, Ryan. You need to get
home as soon as you can.”

“I’m on the next flight out. I will be there in a few hours.” The phone went dead.


Ryan frantically repacked his suitcase. He had booked two seats on a flight that left Boston in less
than an hour. There was no time to waste. His hands shook. It’s serious. It’s serious. The words
rang in his head. A single tear fell down his cheek. Wiping it away, he took a deep, steadying
breath. Stay strong. Get home. His brain was screaming at him.

Aria stepped out of the bathroom. Noticing Ryan’s face, she froze. “What are you doing?”

Ryan’s breath shook. “Please put your shoes on. We need to go. There’s been an accident back
home. I have to go to LA tonight. Please come with me. I can’t do this alone.”

Aria grabbed her shoes and threw her things back in her suitcase. “Is it your dad? Your mom? What
happened?” She ran to the bathroom and threw their toiletries in her bag. They could separate them

“It’s Moretti. I don’t know. Caleb just said there was an accident. That’s all I know.” His hands
fisted at his waist. He couldn’t get his breathing under control. “Please say you will come with me.
You’ve always been my rock.”

Aria grabbed his hand and opened the door. “You don’t ever have to ask. Let’s go.”

She jogged down the hallway to the elevator. She kept pace with Ryan step for step. His face was
white as a ghost. She took his phone from his hand and found Caleb’s number. She shot him a
message before she put the phone into Ryan’s pocket.

‘It’s Ari. On our way. Flight leaves in 45 minutes. Land at 3:36 Am.’


Layla sat on the cold floor in the hallway. Her head throbbed. It had been seven hours since they had
arrived at the hospital. With very little news, she continued to pray. The overhead lights hummed.
The tick of the clock echoed in the silent hall. A shiver ran through her. Looking at Sophie, she
smiled. She was asleep, curled into Steve’s lap with one hand covering the baby. To say this wasn’t
fair was an understatement. The smell of alcohol hit her again and she gagged. She would never
forget this minute. The smells and sounds would haunt her for the rest of her life. Darkness seeped in
from the windows. Everything about this morning was bleak. She checked her watch. 4:00 am.
Another deep breath. The clock ticking. She thought she might go crazy.

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Caleb was asleep with his head in her lap. She absently ran her fingers through his hair. He never
stirred. His guilt had gotten the best of him and he had sobbed in her arms for what seemed like
hours. Despite her best efforts to calm him, the tears wouldn’t stop. He had gotten sick several times
but would not allow the nurses to help him. When he had finally fallen asleep, Layla had been able to

The elevator’s buzz announced Ryan’s arrival. He rushed through the doors and stopped in front of
Rich. “What’s happening?” Layla had never seen him so pale and exhausted. The woman with him
looked almost as bad.

Caleb and Sophie began to stir. “He is out of surgery. That is about all we know. He hasn’t woken
up. The nurse in the ICU said he was critical.”

“Holy shit.” Ryan slid down the wall next to Rich. “What the fuck happened?”

Caleb sat up. “He was out on the motorcycle without his helmet. He was pissed so he was probably
going pretty fast. A guy in a truck lost control and hit him almost head on. From what the police can
gather, Mark tried to swerve but it was too late. The guy in the truck is in surgery.”

Ryan put his face into his hands. Aria whispered in his ear and he pulled her into his lap. “How is
she holding up?” He pointed at Sophie who had fallen back to sleep.

The ICU doors swung open and the doctor walked out. They were all on their feet immediately. The
surgeon looked at all the faces and nodded her head. “Are you the Moretti family?”

“Yes,” Molly’s voice cracked. “I’m his sister. How is he?”

“My name is Dr. Turner. I am the neurosurgeon on call tonight. Mr. Moretti is in critical condition.
He has a nondisplaced skull fracture and a subdural hematoma. The surgery to fix the brain bleed
went well. We will need to do a CT scan in the morning to make sure he isn’t still bleeding. He has
a CSF leak and we may need to go in and repair that. The next twenty-four hours are critical. He
will likely need a few more surgeries. His left arm is shattered and he has some broken ribs. We
can’t do anything about his other injuries until he is stable. I can tell you this, he is very lucky to be

“Can I see him?” Molly wiped her tears.

“I’m sorry. We cannot allow any visitors at this time. We don’t know if he will regain
consciousness. If you would like to go home, we will call you with any changes. At this point, there
is really nothing we can do but wait.”

“We aren’t going anywhere.” Layla stood on shaky legs. “We will be right here.”


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Ryan scrubbed his hands down his face for the hundredth time. His eyes never left the doors to the
ICU. His hair stood on end. He popped his back and shifted Aria on his lap. The silent hall was
making him crazy. Looking at his friends, he sighed. Aside from the brief conversation when he had
first arrived at the hospital, they had all been silent. Everyone stared at nothing. He had glanced at
Layla several times and the agony on her face broke his heart. He popped his back again and Aria’s
sleepy eyes met his.

“You ok?” She whispered.

“I need to get up.” His voice was louder than he had expected and everyone turned to look at him. “I
need to do something. I can’t just sit here knowing Mark is in there fighting for his life. Shit.”

He unfolded his six foot four body and stood. Walking to the ICU doors, he took a deep breath and
pounded. A nurse answered the door with a look of hate. Ryan smiled at her and whispered. She
backed up and let him through the doors.

Rich chuckled. “Only West.” He looked at Aria and smiled. “Hey Ari. Come here sweetheart.”

Aria scooted toward Rich and hugged him tightly. “I am so sorry, Rich. I would do anything to take
this all away.”

“I know you would honey.” Rich hugged her back. His eyes met Layla’s and he pulled back in
surprise. Her eyes told a story that he didn’t quite understand. He cleared his throat. “You haven’t
met Sophie and Layla.”

Aria looked at Sophie. “Hi Soph. Ryan talks about you a lot. It’s nice to finally meet you.” She
rubbed Sophie’s leg and then looked at Layla. Her grin spread across her face. “Hi Layla. I’m
Aria. Nice to meet you.” She extended her hand but Layla wouldn’t take it.

Before Aria could react, the doors to the ICU swung open again. Ryan stood with Dr. Turner and
pointed to Sophie. “That is Mark’s wife. She’s pregnant. She should be able to go in. Mark would
want her in there.”

Dr. Turner extended her hand to Sophie. “I am so sorry. I didn’t realize Mr. Moretti was married.
Please, come with me Mrs. Moretti.”

Sophie stood on wobbly legs and followed Dr. Turner into the ICU. The doors closed behind them
and Ryan slumped to the floor. His breath left him in a rush.

“That was cool, Ryan. Thank you for that.” Molly gave him a half smile.

Ryan’s eyes met Layla’s and she looked away. Her fingers ran through Caleb’s hair as he slept on her
lap. His heart squeezed in his chest. He wanted to be the one lying in her lap. He longed to feel her
touch. “Lay,” his voice broke into her thoughts and she jumped. “Let’s go for a walk.”

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Tears filled her eyes. She shook her head no and looked down at Caleb. Ryan sighed. He knew she
and Mark were close and that she probably wouldn’t leave until she knew he was alright. He put his
head back against the wall and shut his eyes. They just needed an answer. They needed some hope.
He couldn’t watch his family fall apart.

“Why was he mad?” Everyone looked at Ryan in silence. “Caleb said he was mad.” When no one
answered, he got angry. “Why the fuck was he mad?”

Without opening his eyes, Caleb spoke. “Because he saw me coming down from Layla’s room.”

‘Code blue, ICU. Code blue, ICU’

Chapter 8

Ryan paced the length of his backyard. Everything was so screwed up. He had returned home to
Mark coding in the ICU and a hallway full of friends that had been looking at him with pity. Part of
him knew that Caleb would never betray him. But the other part, the part of him that had seen Caleb
fight Mark for the other Barringer sister, believed what Caleb had said. He had been leaving her
room. “He was leaving Layla’s room.”

“What was that honey?” Aria brought him a glass of water and put her hand on his shoulder to calm
him. “You are seriously going to wear the grass out. Did something happen to Mark?”

Ryan shook his head. “No. I am having a pity party for myself.”

“Well, stop. You are going to make yourself sick. You haven’t slept. I haven’t seen you eat. I
certainly haven’t seen you lift or run. So it is time to stop. You need to stay strong for Mark. So
whatever this is, it’s over.” Aria grabbed him by the arm to pull him to the porch.

“Look, Ari. It is horrible what Mark is going through. And I feel like a huge prick for even feeling
this way, but I really was starting to have some feelings for Layla. Maybe Caleb really is an asshole.
He tried to ruin Mark and Sophie. He was one of three people that knew about me and Layla. And
shit, I really thought she cared about me too.”

Ryan dropped to the chair and scrubbed his hand down his face. He hadn’t shaved in two days and
the roughness of his chin was somehow comforting. He blew out a deep breath and shook his head.
He had broken all three of his rules for Layla. He was kicking himself now. No way would he do
this again.

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“That’s bullshit. I have known Caleb almost as long as you have. Granted, I don’t know him nearly
as well but I do know the kind of person he is. And he loves you. No way in hell would he do this to
you. So pull your head out of your ass and go take a shower. You look like shit. And we are getting
out of this house, even if it is just to go back to the hospital.” Aria held the back door open for him
and watched him retreat to the bathroom.


Ryan’s shower had cleared his head. Aria was right. It was time to take charge. He needed to see
Layla. Their relationship was new and fragile. His anger for Caleb subsided and he decided to leave
judgment for when the truth was known. If she had been unfaithful, there was no coming back from
that. It had only been a few days since he told her he wanted to try to make a relationship work. And
despite the tension, he still wanted that.

Stepping from the shower, he made up his mind. He needed to stay strong for Mark and the rest of his
friends. Part of being strong was taking care of himself. His mind was set. He would go to the
hospital and visit Mark. He would find Layla, at the hospital or at her home. Today, they would
talk. Then he would spend his evening at the gym. He hadn’t been feeling well and he knew some
cardio would help.

Kevin had taken on Ryan’s clients at work with no complaints. He was working double shifts with a
smile on his face. When they had spoken, Kevin had reassured him that everything was fine at the
gym and there was no need to hurry back. Ryan was so thankful for him. He was quickly becoming
one of Ryan’s very best friends. He had become one of the gang and Ryan said a quiet prayer of

Ryan dressed in a pair of jeans and a fitted blue V-neck t-shirt. The sleeves of the shirt hugged his
muscles and the jeans hung loose on his hips. He tousled his hair with gel, making it stand up on top.
His dark eyes were darker with exhaustion but he smiled knowing that today he would set things


Layla sat in the waiting room staring into a cup of cold coffee. Her eyes were dark from lack of
sleep. She tucked her legs up under her oversized sweatshirt and put her head onto her knees. Her
black hair fell around her face like silk. She yawned.

Ryan watched her from the doorway. She wasn't aware he was there. He longed to touch her. She
hadn't spoken to him since he left for Boston. She looked at him like a stranger. A few nights ago,
she had lost herself in his arms. But today, this whole week for that matter, things were different. He
swallowed hard and the lump in his throat tightened. His heart got a work out every time she was

He cleared his throat but she didn't respond. "Layla, are you alright?" He stayed in the doorway. He

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was afraid the smallest step forward would push her away.

Her eyes met his. They were full of tears. "No. I'm not. What do you want?"

He wanted to kiss her tears away. She broke his heart. "What happened to us, Lay? What did I do?"

Anger flashed in her eyes. "You don't know what you did? I know we weren't a couple or anything. I
was just a little shocked by your ability to just move on."

"What are you talking about?" Ryan took a few steps into the room but her expression made him stop.
"Layla, I am drawn to you. I cannot stay away. I know it doesn't make any sense but it is like you are
a magnet and I just can't fight it. I thought we were in a relationship. We can talk about the situation
with Caleb in your room. Let's just move past this."

She stood up like a rocket. "Caleb in my room? Is that what you think this is about? My infidelity
with Caleb? If you had kept it in your pants longer than 12 hours, Caleb would have never been in my

"So it’s true? You were unfaithful? Seriously? With Caleb?" Ryan stepped back, his voice a little
louder than he expected.

"You have NO right, Ryan. No right! Don't you dare yell at me while you parade your little
conquests around. You made the choice to throw us away. What I do now is my business."

With that, Ryan stormed out of the room. He would not cry. He would not admit he had been hurt.


Ryan nodded at Dr. Turner as he entered Mark's room. The familiar beeping of machines was
somehow soothing. He had been to see Mark a few times each day. The hospital staff had taken great
care in making sure the room was comfortable and that Mark was cared for. The color on Mark's face
was still pale and it made Ryan shiver to think that this could be all they had left.

He lifted Mark's right leg, stretched it to the ceiling, bent it, pushed it back toward Mark and repeated
the process with the other leg. Being a personal trainer, Ryan knew the importance of keeping Mark's
muscles as strong as possible. Mark was religious about his work outs and lying in the hospital bed
was making him weak. He massaged his legs and repeated the stretches.

"Marco, I know you can hear me. I really need you man. Thank you for standing up for me with Layla
and Caleb. I don’t know what happened. This woman has gotten me so fucked up in the head. I sure
could use a friend. I need you to wake up."

Ryan shifted his focus to Mark's feet. He bent them up, pointed them down and moved each one side
to side. "I want to kill Caleb. I know how shitty that must have felt for you. I don't know what the
hell is wrong with him. But if I see him, I will kill him. Your life isn't worth this so I need you to

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fight. I know you need time. Dr. Turner said even if you wake up, they would put you back in a coma
for pain control. But I know you, man. You are a fighter and I don't want to see you like this."

Ryan repeated the same exercises with the right foot and then sagged into the chair next to the bed.
His eyes filled with tears. "I can't lose you man. It should be me. If anyone should be in the
hospital, it should be me. You stood by me through all of my treatments with cancer." He wiped his
tears away with the back of his hand. "Please don't leave me. I would do anything to take your

Dr. Turner stood in the doorway with her head tilted to the side. Her expression was soft. She
walked into the room and put her hand on Ryan's shoulder. "It's OK, Ryan. I believe he can hear you
too. He knows you are here. Stay as long as you would like. Can I get you anything?"

Embarrassed that he was caught crying, Ryan shook his head no and took Mark's hand. When Dr.
Turner left the room, he bowed his head. "Please God. Mark is the glue that holds us all together.
Please don't take him from us. Don't take him from Sophie when they finally have a chance to be
happy. If you need to take someone, take me instead. You have had so many chances to take me. I am

He laid his head down on Mark's chest and broke. He shed tears for all the years they had been

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Chapter 9

Layla stood at the vending machine buying her hundredth cup of horrible hospital coffee. It had been
three days. Three horrible days of touch and go, code blue, subdural hematoma, multiple surgery
hell. She had slept in a chair, on a couch, on the hard floor, but other than leaving for a shower, Layla
had stayed by Mark’s side every minute. She had promised Sophie she would stay. Her sister
needed rest and refused to leave him alone.

Mark was so pale. Cuts and bruises covered his body. Machines breathed for him. Tubes fed him.
His gorgeous green eyes were closed and his smile that lit up a room was gone. He had become her
brother the minute she arrived in LA. Everything about him was home. And no one had ever made
Sophie so happy. Their love was beautiful. She longed to find that same love one day. She had
thought for just a minute that Ryan could be her Mark Moretti. How stupid she had been.

Her mind flashed back to the last minutes she had spent with Mark. The guilt was killing her. If she
hadn’t called Ryan, Caleb would not have been comforting her. If Caleb would not have been in her
room, Mark would not have gotten angry. She had tried to make him understand. When he didn’t, she
had yelled at him. Her last words to him were hateful. This was her fault.

No. This was Ryan’s fault. She had fallen hard for him and he had betrayed her. Now he was
parading his perfect catch in front of all of their friends. He had left for Boston with a promise to
hurry back to her. It had been twelve hours before she was replaced. And the perky, little red head
followed him around like a puppy. She hit the front of the coffee machine.

“Is the coffee that bad?”

It was her. “Go away.” Layla grabbed her change and turned to walk down the hall.

“Wait,” Aria grabbed her arm. “Will you sit and talk with me?”

Layla fumed. “I cannot imagine we have anything to say to each other.”

“Please don’t walk away. I wanted to thank you.” Aria’s smile softened. She let go of Layla’s arm.
“I want to thank you for teaching Ryan how to love. He is so amazing and I can’t thank you enough.”

“I don’t know if you have noticed, but Mark is in there fighting for his life. And I really don’t feel
like playing nice with Ryan’s new toy. If you would excuse me.”

“Layla, wait.”

Layla stormed down the hall. Using her visitor’s pass, she walked through the ICU doors and set the
extra coffee down for Dr. Turner. She smiled when the doctor looked up from a chart. “How is the
patient this morning?”

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“Thank you so much. I needed this. Not much change but he is fighting. CT scan this morning
showed improvement. Hopefully he won’t need another craniotomy. I am amazed by the support
system you have. He is a lucky man.” Dr. Turner took a long sip of coffee. “Caleb is in with him.
He hasn’t left his side all night. Maybe you can at least convince him to eat something.”

“Thank you. I will do my best. He is hard headed that one.” Layla laughed. Was it ok to laugh?

“How long have you two been together?” Dr. Turner set the chart aside and smiled.

“Oh, no. We aren’t. In fact, a few months ago I hated his guts. I had a fight with someone I cared
about and Caleb was there to pick up the pieces. But then this accident happened.” Layla sighed. “It
was our fault Mark was upset. It was all a huge misunderstanding. I wish I could take it back.”

Tears fell down her face. Tears for Mark. Tears for Sophie. Tears for what might have been with
Ryan. She walked through the sliding glass door into Mark’s room. The beeping of the machines was
becoming too familiar. She set her coffee next to Caleb and crawled into his lap. His face was pale
and his hands shook as he wrapped his arms around her. “You need to go home, Caleb. Go take a
shower, sleep a few hours and take a break. I will stay with him. I promise I will call you if anything

Caleb shook his head. “We did this to him, Lay. How can I leave? It should be me lying there. I
would do anything to take his place.”

“I know you would. But you aren’t doing anyone any good making yourself sick. You need to at least
eat something. Please, Caleb.”

“You need to listen to her.” Caleb’s head snapped up at the sound of the doctor. His pulse quickened
but he ignored it. She put her hand on his shoulder and he tensed. “We are going to take some x-rays
and run some tests. You can’t be in here for that. This would be a good time to go get something from
the cafeteria. If you are going to stay here all day, I am going to insist you get something in your

“I can’t. I can’t keep anything down. If you don’t mind, I will just wait in the hall while you do the
tests, Dr. Turner.” Caleb looked back to Mark.

“It’s Jena.”

“What?” Caleb looked back at her.

“My name is Jena. I am going to have some food sent up for you.” Dr. Turner stepped out of the

“Holy shit, C.” Ryan’s voice startled them both. “You look like shit, man. And the good doc is still
checking you out. Did you get her digits? Two words for you. Balls deep.”

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Layla stood up and walked to Ryan. When they were only about a foot apart, she spoke. “Don’t be a
jackass. He’s devastated. This is not the time to be making jokes. Why don’t you run along and find
your little play toy and leave the adults to care for Mark.”

“Lighten up princess. It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. You think Mark wants you parading
around here with tears in your eyes?”

“You are a huge jackass, Ryan.” Layla spat.

“What the hell is your problem, Lay? I have been back three days and you haven’t said shit to me.
All your little smart ass comments can stop now. You have a problem with me? Let’s talk it out. But
stop being a bitch.” Ryan stepped around her and sat down across from Caleb.

“Guys, this is not the place.” Caleb snapped.

“A bitch? Really, Ryan? Is that the best you’ve got?” She turned her back to him. She would wait
until he was gone to sit back down. And with her luck, little Ms. Perky, man stealer would be along
any minute. Layla had had just about enough.

“Thank God we are in a hospital, Layla. Maybe we can have the stick in your ass surgically removed
while we are here.”

With that, Layla left the room.


Ryan slammed his front door. He fumed. Ripping off his t-shirt and jeans, he walked straight into the
back yard and dove into the pool. “Damnit” he yelled as he broke the surface.

“Rough day at the office dear?” Aria looked up from her magazine.

“Women suck. No offense.”

She laughed. “None taken. I called Rich a while ago and he told me Mark was stable. So what one
earth has you all worked up and floating around the pool in your boxers?”

She jumped into the pool and swam toward him. Her bikini was tiny and Ryan couldn’t help but
notice how much of a woman she had become. They had known each other for so many years. It
would be so easy with her. He pictured her in his life for the long haul. Yet, he couldn’t shake the
hold Layla had on him. It was pointless. She had changed in mere hours. Three days ago, he was
holding her and snuggling. Ryan West, snuggler. He chuckled. Never going to happen again.

He dove at her and dunked her. Sputtering, she splashed him with all her might. He grabbed her arms
and pulled her against him. She screamed and tried to break free. Her laugh was contagious. It felt
good to laugh. It felt good to feel something. He had been numb since the second he gotten Caleb’s

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phone call in Boston. His whole world had gone dark. He couldn’t breathe. He had spent three days
in a fog, unaware of anything happening around him. Friends didn’t die in their twenties. It wasn’t
supposed to happen that way. Not in a senseless moment of anger over what still was a mystery.

Tomorrow was a new day. Tonight he would cook for Aria, rent a movie and zone out. A good night
sleep might bring clarity in an otherwise confusing week. He would pray hard. He would even beg.
Shaking his head, he snapped out of his haze. She jumped on his back but she was too light to push
him under. Feeling her body against his, he straightened and froze.

“What’s wrong?” She smiled at him as he turned around.

“I don’t know. Shit. I actually felt guilty for a minute.” Ryan wiped his face.

“Honey, Mark won’t expect you to stop living. You have spent a bunch of time at the hospital and he
knows it. You need a break.” Aria ran her hands up and down his arms.

“You have to stop that.” He pulled away from her as quickly as he could. Her face fell but he kept

“Don’t you ever think about us? Like what if?”

Ryan swam to the side of the pool and pulled himself out. He sat on the edge and watched her. She
was beautiful and he loved her more than almost anything in the world. But she was like a sister to
him. “Ari, you know me. I tell you everything. I can hardly imagine why the hell you would even
think about something like that with me.”

“Everyone needs someone, Ryan. I could be your someone.” She ran her hands up his legs, stopping
just shy of his soaking wet boxers.

“Shit Aria, stop. I can’t. We can’t. I would never jeopardize what we have. You know I love you.
But not like….”

“Like you love Layla.” She interrupted.

Ryan laughed. “I don’t love Layla. We had some fun. But when I left for Boston, shit. I have no idea
what the fuck happened Ari. I actually liked her. She was more than just a fuck.”

Aria’s face turned serious. “She thinks we are together.”

“What? Why?” Ryan toweled off his hair.

“I stopped at the hospital this morning. She was standing at the vending machines getting coffee and I
tried to talk to her. She was horrible. She wouldn’t let me talk and called me your toy. I tried to stop
her but she walked off.”

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“This is bad.” Ryan ran his hands through his hair.

“There’s more.” Aria pulled herself from the pool and sat next to him. She grabbed his hand and this
time, he didn’t let go. “When I talked to Rich, he told me that Mark was really upset the night of the
accident. He said that Sophie had heard him screaming at Caleb about being up in Layla’s room.”

“Can we not ever mention that again? I don’t know what the hell that was about but she and I ended
the minute she took Caleb upstairs.” He stood up and pulled away.

“Ryan, stop. I guess she had been crying about you. Sophie says that Caleb went upstairs to talk to
her because she was so upset.”

Ryan went pale. “Why would she be crying over me?”

“She called you in Boston. You were in the shower. I answered your phone. I didn’t know about her
then. And I never thought about it again. Until today. I’m so sorry.”

“Fuck.” Ryan walked into the house.

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Chapter 10

Layla stretched out across the lounge chair. The lights of the city blurred into the background as she
closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had spent hours in the ICU and was thankful for the brief
reprieve she had while Sophie spent the evening there. It had been a dreadfully long day. With Dr.
Turner’s help, she had convinced Caleb to go home mid afternoon. The silence of the room after he
left had only made her feel more alone.

Her argument with Ryan replayed in her head. Her hurt and anger only made worse by his gruff
responses. It was time to move on. Their time together had been fun. But the harsh truth was she
knew it had only been a fling. She had known it all along. Her heart had betrayed her by wanting
more. At almost thirty, her heart had never given her hope of finding love. She had been determined
to live life to the fullest and never settle down.

Ryan had been different. The tears fell quickly and she wiped them away. The minute she had laid
eyes on him, even through the window of the gym so many weeks ago when she had gone with Mark to
buy Sophie’s ring, she had felt an unfamiliar tug in her chest. The second she had seen him at Rich
and Molly’s wedding, she knew she was in trouble. And that fateful afternoon, when she arrived in
LA to make it home, she had given in to her desire with no thought about consequences. Her brain
may have told her to run screaming but her heart had recognized that he was her other half.

The back door slid open with a thud, jarring Layla from her thoughts. She sat up at the sudden

“She’s my donor.” Ryan rushed to her, kneeling down in front of her. Noticing she had been crying,
his heart sank. He took her face into his hands. Her eyes widened as his lips crushed her mouth.
The kiss was passionate and long. When he pulled away, he was breathless. He put his forehead
against hers.

“Ryan,” Layla whispered, her voice betraying her.

“Lay, she’s my bone marrow donor. I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you didn’t know that. She told me
today that you thought we were together. There is nothing further from the truth. There has never been
anything between Ari and me.” His mouth found hers again, this time letting his lips show her
everything he was feeling.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Relief written all over her face.

“Aria has been a part of all of us for so long; I didn’t even realize you didn’t know that. Lay, I am so
sorry. It was so stupid of me not to realize it. With Mark hurt, I have honestly lost my mind.”

“Why didn’t you tell me she would be with you in Boston?” Layla’s hands trembled.

“Baby, I didn’t know. She surprised me at the airport. And we had barely checked in to the hotel

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when I got the call from Caleb. Everything happened so fast. And by the time I got home, you were
so distant. I was stupid to not figure it out. I just thought you didn’t want us anymore.”

A sob broke from Layla’s throat. “It was the exact opposite. I tried to call you that night. You were
the only person I wanted to tell my job news to. And she answered your phone and said you were in
the shower. Oh God, Ryan. I hated her so much. I thought she took you from me.”

“Lay, look at me.” He tilted her head up until her eyes met his. “I brought her here because she is my
family. She’s my home, Lay. I am here because of her. I was so terrified Mark would be dead by the
time we landed and that we wouldn’t know because we had been on the airplane. I needed someone
that knows me better than anyone. But when I saw you, with Caleb lying in your lap, I realized that I
want that person to be you.” He belly laughed and Layla looked at him stunned. “My God. What has
happened to me? You have turned me into such a girl.”

Layla laughed. She dove into his arms. “So, you got a little jealous of the sexy Caleb did you?”

“I was pissed. He looked a little too comfy there. And then he said he had been in your room.”
Ryan’s voice trailed off. He thought about Mark and shivered.

Sensing the change in Ryan’s thinking, Layla wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him.
“Nothing happened with Caleb.” Her tongue licked his bottom lip before begging for entrance. He
opened for her, tilting her head back and deepening the kiss. She held him tightly, allowing her body
to melt into his. His reaction was instant. She could feel his erection on the inside of her thigh. She
rubbed herself against him and he moaned. He bit her bottom lip as she wrapped her legs tighter.

“Let me love you.” Ryan’s voice was layered with need.

“Yes” was all she could say.

He pulled her shirt over her head. Her nipples strained against her pink lace bra. He wasted no
time. He pulled the cup down and took one nipple into his mouth as his hand gave equal attention to
the other one. She wiggled in his lap as heat pooled to her core. Her eyes closed and she whispered
his name. Her desire rose as the ache between her legs became a need. She nipped at his neck and
buried her hands into his hair.

He fought the urge to burry himself in her. He feared he wouldn’t last long with her grinding against
his lap. He laid her back against the lounge chair and removed her shorts to reveal the matching pink
lace panties. His eyes glazed with desire. Pulling the scrap of fabric aside, he kissed the spot where
she needed him most. Her moaned response spurred him on. She was heaven. She threw her head
back against the chair as the pleasure began to build. His tongue flicked back and forth over her
sensitive bundle of nerves. Her legs began to quiver. He knew she was close. Picking up speed, his
tongue circled and licked as he plunged his thumb inside her. She shattered around him, pleasure
pouring from her as her hands grabbed the sides of the chair. Wave after powerful wave hit her and
she whimpered.

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“I need you, Layla. I need you so much.”

Frantically, she sat up and unbuttoned his shorts. “I need you too.” She stood and pushed him onto the
chair. She kissed his neck as her hands stroked him. “Are you safe?”

His eyes met hers. “I’m not sure what you are asking me. I can’t think with you doing that.”

She giggled. “Are you safe? I want to feel you inside me. I don’t want anything between us. I want
to feel all of you.”

He stilled her hands. “I’ve never been with anyone without a condom. We need to be safe Layla.”

She climbed onto his lap. “I’ve been safe my whole life. You are different. I want you more than I
have ever wanted anything.” She straddled him, positioning herself over his erection and slid down

Her wet heat surrounded him. He almost exploded. He held her still. “Oh my God, Layla. You feel
amazing. Give me a minute.” He took a deep breath and she giggled. He stroked her clit with his
thumb and she instantly quieted. “Not so funny anymore is it?”

Her head fell forward and she began to ride him, hard and fast. He met her stroke for stroke and she
cried out as her pleasure began to build. She was so close. He could feel her body tighten. His body
begged for release but he held off waiting for her to let go. Her body was hot and frantic. He knew
he wouldn’t last much longer. “Come for me baby. I am right behind you.” He pounded into her and
she exploded around him. He yelled her name as he came hard inside her.

She collapsed onto his chest, her breath ragged and her body slick with sweat. They were quiet for a
few minutes as they just held each other. He kissed the top of her head and she smiled. “That felt so
good. I have never felt anything like that, Layla. Thank you for trusting me.”

“Thank you for letting me be the first you did that with. And for the record, we are never using a
condom ever again.”

His laugh was full of warmth. He kissed her hard and his body stirred. She pulled back and looked
at him. He laughed again and he stood up. Pulling her into his arms, he walked to the side of the
pool. “You are about to give me another first.” He threw her into the water and jumped in after her.


It was late but Ryan couldn’t sleep. Layla’s room was too hot and too bright. He tossed and turned
and finally gave up. Pulling on his shorts and shirt, he found a piece of paper and left her a note.


I have not left you. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to go visit

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Mark for awhile. If you wake up before I get back, please call
me and I will come right home.


He grabbed his keys and quietly set the alarm. Slipping out the front door, he started his car and
pulled out of the driveway. The ride to the hospital was silent. There were very few cars on the road
at this time of the morning. The street lights were few and far between, making the somber drive to the
ICU more grim.

Ryan yawned. He lacked sleep, he lacked nutrition. His head had been pounding for the past few
days. His back ached and he tried to stretch in the car. He knew if he was going to be of any use to
anyone, he would need to start resting.

He had heard Sophie come home about an hour before he had decided to get up. Her muffled cries
had reminded him that life was short and he had an absolute need to be with Mark.

The pull to the hospital scared him. He had only felt this way twice before in his life and both times
had been right before losing one of his friends to cancer. He shivered. His phone beeped as he
pulled into the parking garage.

‘I had a terrible dream about Mark. I am right behind you. Layla’

The dread he felt was overwhelming. He ran to the elevators in a sprint. His heart pounded in his
chest and his eyes burned with unshed tears. When the doors opened onto the third floor, he pulled his
temporary pass out and raced into the ICU.

He stopped short when he saw Dr. Turner running into Mark’s room. His whole body froze. The
doors opened again knocking him off balance. A strong set of arms reached out to steady him. He
turned and met Caleb’s gaze. They held on to each other for a minute before turning back to the
room. Ryan whispered. “Why are you here?”

Caleb swallowed hard. “I just had a feeling I needed to be here. You?” Caleb’s face went pale
when Ryan nodded at him.

Two nurses came running past and into Mark’s room. The ICU doors opened once more and Layla
came to a stop right next to them. “What’s happening?” Ryan grabbed her shoulders and she
stiffened. “No!” She yelled as she pulled free and ran toward Mark’s room. Ryan reached out to
grab her but just missed her arm. The echo of the machines screamed their betrayal. It was a sound
Ryan had only heard twice before. He dropped to his knees in the hallway.

Layla ran with all her might. She sobbed as she pushed through the wall of people surrounding Mark’s
bed. She gasped as she was met with the most beautiful green eyes she had ever seen.

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Chapter 11

Layla launched herself at the bed. The nurses yelled and tried to hold her back. Listening to the
commotion, Ryan stumbled through the door to Mark’s room. “Layla,” he yelled and pulled at her
waist. She kicked and cried and begged to be put down but Ryan held tight. “Calm down. Damnit!
Layla, stop.” She continued to scream. “Caleb, I need you.”

Dr. Turner’s eyes shot to the door. Her heart stopped when she saw him. Caleb walked in and tried
to make sense of what was happening around him. Ryan shoved Layla at him and Caleb threw her
over his shoulder and left the room. She continued to yell from the hallway. Caleb kept walking until
he reached the men’s room and walked inside with her. He flipped the sink on and wet a paper
towel. Pinning her to the ground, he placed the wet cloth on the back of her neck and straddled her
legs. “Layla, look at me. Take a deep breath.” Layla’s eyes flew all over the room in a panic and
she gasped for breath. Caleb ran his hands up and down her arms to calm her. After several minutes,
Layla began sobbing and hugged Caleb.

“I thought he was dead.” She cried uncontrollably. “He’s awake. Oh my God he’s awake.” Her
head slammed back into the concrete wall but she had no reaction. Her breathing so erratic that Caleb
worried she would pass out.

“Layla, it’s OK. Shhhh. It’s OK honey. I know you are scared. You need to breathe for me. That’s
my girl.” Caleb held her tight and she trembled and gasped. Her tears poured down her face and he
wiped them away as quickly as he could. He tucked her wet hair behind her ears and rubbed her
back. “It’s going to be OK. Please just breathe.”

“I thought we killed him.” Her voice was layered with pure panic. “I will never forgive myself.”

Hearing Layla’s voice, Ryan walked into the men’s room. She was trembling uncontrollably in
Caleb’s arms. He stood back and watched as Caleb held her and whispered in her ear. His legs were
wrapped around her and their bodies were impossibly close. Despite the situation, Ryan’s anger
flared. Part of his brain was pleased to see Caleb comforting his woman. But the other part, the one
that was in control at the moment, screamed at him to fight for what was his. He tried to control his
breathing. Caleb and Layla both looked up at him as he slid down onto the floor.

Layla scrambled out of Caleb’s grasp and crawled into Ryan’s lap. She hugged him, causing Ryan to
break down. Her hands clutched his shirt, pulling him as close as they could get. She kissed him on
the mouth and the neck. His anger over Caleb, his fear of losing Layla and the new information about
Mark that he was about to share with his friends, all bubbled to the surface. With shaking hands, he
smoothed Layla’s hair.

Her wide, chocolate eyes met his. She wiped the tears from his eyes. She calmed as soon as he
wrapped his arms around her. Sighing, she leaned her forehead against his. The desperation in her
face made him fiercely protective. She clung to him like her life depended on it. His heart thundered
through his chest. His stomach clenched. She kissed the remaining tears off his cheeks. He shut his
eyes and let her take care of him. And it was in that moment that Ryan knew he loved her.

Caleb met his gaze and Ryan shook his head no. Caleb instantly knew there was trouble. He grabbed
his phone from his pocket and called Sophie and Molly. It was time to gather the troops. Whatever it

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was that Ryan knew, they would all face it together. Molly had told him she would go to pick up
Sophie and spread the word to the rest of the group.

He walked down the hall and noticed Dr. Turner on her phone outside the ICU. Hearing Mark’s
name, Caleb stopped and stood next to her. When she hung up, she took his hand. Electricity shot up
his fingers and he hissed as he pulled away. Her face went blank as she looked down at her hand.

“What the hell was that?” Caleb stared at her and she blushed.

Clearing her throat, she centered herself. “You need to get your friends assembled. There is news.”


Dr. Turner smiled at the group of friends gathered in the hallway outside the ICU. “Sophie has gone
in to be with Mark. I would like to borrow Layla and Caleb for a minute if I may.” They followed her
back into the ICU. “Caleb, I would like for you to go in and sit with Mark for just a moment. Talk to
him. Reassure him. Let him know how much you all love him. Layla, if you would wait out here

Caleb stepped into Mark’s room. His eyes met Mark’s. Sitting down next to him, he took his hand.
Mark’s eyes followed Caleb. “Well, you gave us a huge scare Moretti. Glad to see your eyes open.
How are you feeling?” When Mark didn’t respond, Caleb looked up. “Is there a reason he isn’t
responding to me, Dr. Turner?”

“Jena.” She scribbled some notes in the chart and motioned for Layla to come in. “Layla, come on in
and talk to him.”

Layla walked in and smiled at Mark. Mark’s eyes widened and the fingers on his left hand reached
for her. “You are a sight for sore eyes, pretty boy.” She bent down and kissed him on the cheek.
There was very little response but a tear fell from Mark’s eye. Layla smiled at him. She squeezed
his hand and his fingers squeezed back. “Hi honey. I am so glad you are awake. You scared us.
Don’t you dare do it again. Sophie has been worried sick. But everyone is OK, especially that
gorgeous baby of yours.”

Mark’s eyes held Layla’s. He blinked twice and his fingers brushed against her hand again. Layla’s
smile was radiant and she beamed at his hand. A giggle burst from her lips and she covered her

“Come join me in the hall please.” Dr. Tuner turned to leave and Caleb grabbed her arm. The jolt of
electricity hit him again but he held on tight.

“What’s happening? Why can’t he respond?”

“He can.” Gathering the group again, Dr. Turner continued. “He is awake. We won’t know for sure
about deficits until we do some more tests. He isn’t speaking but he is able to follow simple
commands. We want to get him downstairs for a CT scan right away to make sure the Subdural
Hematoma is still resolving. If we cannot control his pain well enough, we will need to put him into
a medically induced coma until his body has had more time to heal. I am encouraged about his
reaction to you both.”

“He didn’t have a reaction,” Caleb hissed.

“He didn’t have a significant reaction to you. But it was still a reaction. He had a strong reaction to

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Sophie and Layla. I see this quite often. His memory is likely clouded and it is likely he doesn’t
remember the accident. But the argument leading up to the accident may be something he remembers.
It is my understanding that he was upset and trying to protect Layla. I can only assume that is why his
reaction to her was so strong. It is a waiting game at this point. We are going to be running some
tests now and when we’re done, I will only allow one person at a time to go into the room. I do not
want him overwhelmed. I would like to ask Sophie and Layla to stay and take turns sitting with him
tonight. But I am afraid I am going to have to ask the rest of you to leave. You can come back
tomorrow and I hope I will have some better information for you at that time.”

Groaning, the group turned to leave. Layla grabbed Ryan’s hand. “Please don’t leave. I need you
here with me. I can’t be away from you right now.”

Ryan smiled. “Of course, I’ll stay. Whatever you need.” He leaned in and gave her a kiss. He
wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. “I don’t want to leave you either.”

“I’m staying too.” Caleb looked over at Dr. Turner, Jena, and his heart melted. He smiled at her as
she stared back at him.

“One at a time. And I want to start with Sophie. Please be patient and do not show him you are
upset. I mean it, he cannot get upset. His blood pressure is finally regulated and we still don’t know
what damage has been done.” Dr. Turner led the four of them back through the ICU doors.

She sat at the nurse’s station and flipped through Mark’s chart. Her attention was pulled to the men
sitting across from her. Ryan was tall. She would bet he well over six feet. His muscular arms and
chest strained his t-shirt. His dark hair was messy and dark eye lashes framed his almost black eyes.
He was tanned from the California sun. He was simply gorgeous. There was no other way to
describe him. He was pure muscle, every inch more firm than the last. She had spent a few minutes
everyday just admiring his back. When he smiled, he smiled with his whole face. His sleeve tattoos
were works of art. His right arm was full of vibrant color. His perfectly straight teeth must have cost
him a small fortune, she thought to herself. She giggled as she pictured him charming his way through
life. He was the bad boy of the group and she knew that without question. Next to him, Caleb was
more reserved. He seemed to be distant and a little bitter. It made him mysterious. She liked a
mystery. His hair was lighter and his eyes were bright. A splash of freckles covered his cheeks and
he had a defined jaw. He caused a reaction in her body that she didn’t understand. He was what she
dreamed about. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. She could not feel that way about someone
so close to one of her patients.


With Layla and Sophie in the room together against the strict one at a time policy and Caleb finally
napping on the couch, Ryan walked to the nurse’s station and watched as Dr. Turner wrote the orders
for the CT scan. Her handwriting was too neat to be a doctor’s. She was overly pretty for someone
who lived her life at the hospital. Her dark hair was pulled off her face in a messy braid and her
green eyes never strayed from the chart. She smelled good and always looked so awake. She was
tall, tan and way too young. She hardly looked old enough to be a surgeon. But she had saved Mark
so he knew she was amazing. She was exactly the type of woman he would have tried to charm the
pants off of in the club. Those days already seemed like a distant memory. He smiled as he realized
Layla had become everything to him. Ryan cleared his throat and she jumped.

“Sorry. What can I do for you Mr. West?”

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“Ryan.” He smiled.

“Ryan. The charmer of the group from what the nurses tell me.” Dr. Turner laughed.

“They give me too much credit. But it did help us get back here the first night. So, that’s something.”

Dr. Turner closed the chart. “Yes. I understand Mr. Moretti is not actually married as was
previously discussed. But that secret is safe with me.”

“Speaking of secrets. You and Caleb, huh?” Ryan flashed her his drop your panties smile and she
never waivered.

“I am not sure I know what you are talking about.” She shifted nervously in her chair.

Ryan leaned down, putting his face close to hers. “I think you do, Jena. But that secret is safe with

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Chapter 12

Ryan finished with his last appointment of the day. He had spent half his day apologizing to clients
for cancelling appointments and the other half of the day pasting a fake smile onto his utterly
exhausted face. He felt feverish but shrugged off the discomfort and kept going. There had been
questions about Mark and even more about Layla. Word had spread fast that someone had stolen his
heart. His betraying sidekick, Kevin, had done little but fan the flames of the rumor mill. Chuckling,
he walked back to his office to check the schedule for tomorrow.

“So I have this new client. She is one hot piece of ass.” Kevin sat down across from Ryan and
chugged a bottle of water.

“Not interested.” Ryan didn’t even look up from his computer.

“Dude, she is seriously hot. Really tall with dark hair and brown eyes. And her lips..”

“Kevin, I am serious here man. I have a ton of work to do. I am really not interested.”

“You have become a shitty wingman.” Kevin stood to walk out the door. “So, you don’t mind if I
take a shot?”

Ryan laughed. “Go. Shoot. Get out of my office.”

“Thanks.” Kevin walked into the hallway and laughed. “Here she is now. Layla, you ready?”

Ryan’s hand slapped the desk and his chair slid back. Kevin belly laughed as Ryan emerged from his
office. “Take one step toward my woman and you won’t walk right for a week, Merck.”

Layla smiled at them as she turned the corner. Her gym bag thrown over her shoulder, she laughed at
Ryan holding Kevin back. “The two most handsome men in LA in the same place. A woman could
get used to this.”

“A man could never get used to you, that’s for sure.” Kevin laughed as he passed her. “See you out
here in five, Barringer. I suppose that would be enough time for West though.”

“I am going to kill that guy.” Ryan pulled her into his arms. “Hey baby. I didn’t know you were
coming by today.”

She wiggled her body against him. “See, the problem is, I have started dating this really buff guy.
And, I am so lazy that I realized in order to keep said really buff guy, I was going to have to get in
shape. For as much as I know he could get me in shape, the training I want from him is certainly not
something we could do in public.”

“You’re going to be the death of me.” He kissed her hard and hot. His mouth explored every inch of

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her gorgeous mouth. “I will see you at Mark’s. I promised Sophie I would come by and check on
some things. I’m going to run home and get Aria. You heading there after this?”

“I have to go into the office for a few hours. But I hope I see you there.” She smiled at him before
turning toward Kevin.


Layla had been at her job for a week. She had loved every second of it and was happy they had been
so understanding about Mark. It had been a week since he awoke. Not much had changed but his eyes
continued to flutter open throughout the day. His pain had been well controlled and his vitals had
stabilized. Caleb had continued to live at the hospital; His guilt driving him with no sleep and hardly
any meals.

Stepping into the foyer of the house, Layla heard the voices before she saw them. When she rounded
the corner into the living room, she wasn’t prepared for what she saw. “What’s going on in here?”
She giggled.

Sophie, Aria and Molly sat together on the couch, eating popcorn and looking out the sliding glass
door. All three girls looked up and shushed her. She looked outside and noticed Ryan and Kevin
shirtless, cleaning the pool. “Holy mother of God.” Layla slumped onto the couch with them and

“I feel like crap for sitting here. But I can’t help myself.” Sophie smiled for the first time Layla
could remember.

“I think I swallowed my tongue about ten minutes ago.” Aria cleared her throat. “It’s an ab parade.
It’s possibly the hottest thing I have ever seen. Look at the come gutters.”

Layla swallowed a piece of popcorn wrong. Tears rolled down her face as she laughed. “What the
hell is that?”

Aria laughed but never took her eyes off the backyard. “Ryan’s name for it, not mine. It’s the V at the
hips. I know. Disgusting. But I have never felt it was a more accurate description than right now.”

Molly smiled at Aria. “I now see why Ryan loves you so much.”

Layla fisted her hands. Her back tensed. She knew it was an innocent statement but the insecurities
she felt came crashing back. She took a deep breath and her eyes met Sophie’s. She instantly calmed.

Looking back out at Ryan, she sighed. His muscles flexed as he worked. She had never seen anything
so beautiful. Her cheeks heated as she remembered the last time they had been out at the pool. As if
he could sense her thoughts, he looked up and their eyes met. His dark eyes sizzled. She smiled and
he winked.

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“This might be a dumb question.” Molly cleared her throat. “Is something going on between you and
Ryan? I know he’s a flirt. But that look on his face? That’s different.”

Layla took a deep breath and looked at her friends. “I think I am in love with him.”


“So, based on that look, I would say everything is better in horny town again?” Kevin splashed Ryan
back to reality.

“Horny town? Seriously?” Ryan laughed as he put the net down and wiped his brow. “But I would
say, yes. Everything is definitely better in horny town.”

Kevin looked back at the girls. They were all watching their every move. He turned his back to them
and flexed. Laughing, he walked toward Ryan and shoved him into the pool. Ryan broke the surface
with a grim face and hopped onto the side. He coughed and Kevin noticed for the first time that his
face was paler than usual. “Are you ok?”

“Of course.” He coughed a few more times and got up. “I’m just a little run down from being at the
hospital so much I guess. I haven’t been feeling well. Hell, today I feel like total shit. Stop looking
at me like that. Honestly, Merck, there is nothing to worry about.”

The back door slid open and Layla walked outside. Ryan’s breathing instantly changed. She wore a
fitted dress that was more revealing than Ryan would have liked. He vowed no one would ever see
her in it again. Her heels clicked on the cement around the pool. He watched her long, tanned legs as
they walked toward him. She smiled and his heart stopped. “Hi baby.”

Layla cleared her throat and looked nervously between Kevin and Ryan. “Can we talk inside?”

“Of course.” Ryan toweled off his hair and followed her into the house and up the stairs. The house
had been too quiet the last two weeks. It felt empty without the laughter and joy it usually held when
they were all together in it. His breathing was labored when they got to the top of the second
staircase. His eyes narrowed as he realized his heart was pounding. Strange. He could run a few
miles without getting winded but the simple staircase and proven to be a challenge. He shook his
head and took a deep breath.

She sat on the edge of her bed and motioned for him to join her. His shorts were wet from the pool so
he sat on the floor in front of her instead. She smiled at him but her eyes were serious. “I need to talk
to you.” He nodded so she continued. “We were all downstairs watching the two of you working in
the backyard. Aria made this funny comment that made us all laugh. But then Molly said something
about it not being a surprise you loved her so much.”

“Lay,” Ryan interrupted but she held her hand up.

“I know. I know. But I got insanely jealous about a second after she said it. And I realized

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something that scared the hell out of me.” She reached for his head and hissed. “Ryan, you are
burning up. What’s wrong?”

He wiped his brow. “I don’t know. I am really not feeling good. I would love to continue this but I
think I am going to be sick.” He stood and walked to her bathroom. His body swayed and he grabbed
the door frame to steady himself.

“I’m going to get some Tylenol.” Layla went to her dresser and pulled the medicine from her
drawer. She ran down the stairs to get some water when she heard her sister’s scream. Her feet
barely touched the ground as she ran for Sophie. Seeing her in a ball on the living room floor, Layla
gasped. “What happened?”

Sophie held the phone out to her. She grabbed it and put it to her ear. Her hand flew to her chest as
she imagined the worst. “Hello?”

The voice was breathy and weak. “Hey sis.”

Layla screamed and jumped up and down. “Oh my God. Oh my God. Mark. Oh my God.”

There was a shaky breath. “Is Sophie alright?”

Layla just laughed. “Yes. She is already out the door. I am not even sure she has shoes on. God it is
good to hear your voice. You scared us so much. I am not sure Caleb has left your side for more than
a few hours. We are so sorry. You know that nothing happened between us, right?” She rattled on
the way she always did with Mark.

His voice was becoming slurred as his eyes shut. “Caleb is here now. Can you put Ryan on?”

Layla’s feet pounded up the stairs. She knew she didn’t have much time before Mark drifted back off
to sleep. When she entered the bathroom, she gasped. Ryan’s body lay limp on the floor. “Mark, get
Caleb here now.” She hung up and fell to the ground. “Ryan! Ryan wake up.”

She cried as she touched him. His skin was burning up and he was covered in sweat. She grabbed a
washcloth and soaked it in cold water before putting it on his forehead. He didn’t stir and after
shaking him a few times, her cries became sobs. She heard the floor creak and looked up just as Aria
came into the room. “I don’t know what to do.”

Aria grabbed the washcloth from his head and wiped it down his face. “Start the shower. Cold
water Layla. We have to get his temperature down.” She was so calm as she looked at him. “Now
Layla. Move.”

Layla stumbled to the shower and started it. She looked over at Aria with Ryan. She knew right
away. Aria loved him. Not like her brother or a friend she had saved. She loved him. Aria stroked
his face as her eyes filled with tears. She leaned down to kiss his forehead. Layla wanted to shout at
her to get away from him. She instantly forgot her anger when his hand twitched. A small moan

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escaped his mouth.

“Oh shit.” Caleb came running into the bathroom. He picked Ryan up off the floor and carried him
into the shower. “Damnit he is heavy. Why didn’t you call for Kevin? He’s just sitting downstairs.
Grab the door Layla.”

Layla watched as Caleb stepped into the cold shower and sat down behind Ryan. He cradled Ryan’s
body against his, making sure the water was hitting his chest. After several minutes, Caleb’s body
started to shake from the cold. Yet, he held onto Ryan and spoke quietly as Ryan began to stir. “This
had better be the flu dude. Get him some Gatorade or something. And some Tylenol.” Ryan’s body
lurched and he threw up.

Layla’s heart melted as she watched Caleb comfort him as he got sick. He never complained. As
Ryan’s body sagged back against him, he pulled him out of the shower. Layla held out a towel and
together, they pulled Ryan into the bed. Once the Tylenol was down and Ryan’s eyes closed again,
Layla turned to hug Caleb. She wrapped a towel around his shoulders and left the room to get him a
change of clothes from Mark’s room.

When she returned, Aria had climbed into the bed next to him and was kissing his neck. Layla shoved
the clothes at Caleb and stormed to the side of the bed. “If you would excuse me, Aria. This is my
room and that is my boyfriend you are lying with. I would appreciate if you got up. Right now.”

Aria huffed and stood to face her. “You don’t know him like I do. And you certainly don’t feel the
same way I do about him. You don’t deserve him. You aren’t good enough for him”

“Thank you for sharing your opinion. But I love him and you aren’t going to change that. Now leave.
Not just this room either Aria. Leave this house.”

Layla slammed her bedroom door and climbed into bed next to Ryan. He moaned and curled his body
into her. “I love you too, Layla” he slurred as he fell into a deep sleep.

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Chapter 13

“Can you tell me if Dr. Turner is on duty tonight?” Caleb shuffled his feet in the living room as the
nurse on duty went to get the good doc.

“This is Dr. Turner. How can I help you?”

“Dr. Turner, this is Caleb Allen, Mark Moretti’s friend.”

She interrupted him. “It’s Jena. And I know who you are Caleb. Everything alright?”

Caleb sighed. “Listen, Jena, I know this isn’t your area of expertise but Ryan is sick and he has been
lying in bed for the last 48 hours burning up. He has this huge issue with going to the doctor. And
honestly, after everything he went through, I don’t blame him. But I am really starting to get worried.
I didn’t know who else to call.”

“I get off in less than an hour Caleb. What is the address? I will come by on my way home.”

Caleb smiled as he rattled off Mark’s address. It may not have been the best circumstances to see the
gorgeous doctor, but he would use any excuse to see her again. Caleb smiled as he hung up and
headed upstairs to take his turn keeping watch over Ryan. He feared the worst but refused to admit it
out loud. He prayed it was the flu but his gut knew better.

“Caleb!” Layla yelled from upstairs. “I need you. He’s getting sick again.”

Caleb took the steps two at a time and stopped in the doorway. Ryan was throwing up into the
trashcan next to the bed. Two days. It had been two days and he hadn’t kept anything down. “You
ready to get up big guy?”

Ryan moaned. “I feel like shit. I really need to go home and get in my own bed before you guys get

Layla chuckled. “Oh yes. By all means. Let’s take you home and leave you alone. That isn’t
happening. And if I was going to get sick, I would have by now.”

“That’s what I am worried about.” Ryan whispered to Caleb and he slung his arm around his
shoulder and made his way to the bathroom. “You guys should be sick by now if it was contagious.
I’m going to have to suck it up and go to my fucking doctor.” He shivered as the cold air in the room
hit his damp skin.

“I have a doctor coming here in a few minutes. You aren’t going anywhere. Do you want me to help
you take a shower?” Caleb set Ryan down by the toilet and grabbed a clean towel.

“You are one of a kind, Allen. I’m sorry I ever doubted that.” Ryan braced his body against the wall

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as Caleb started the water.


“How long has he been asleep?” Dr. Turner sat on the bed next to Layla and checked Ryan’s pulse.

“About ten minutes. But honestly, he has been asleep for the better part of two days.” Layla smiled a
small smile. “Thank you for coming. It was asking a lot of you to come here. I will never be able to
thank you enough.”

The shower turned off and a deep, muffled voice yelled from the bathroom. “Lay, I need something
else to wear. My clothes are covered in puke.”

Layla stood and walked to the door. “I will be right back. I need to go raid Mark’s closet. Again,
thank you, Dr. Turner.”

Jena listened to Ryan’s heart and checked his pulse once more. His skin was ashen and he was well
on his way to severe dehydration. She whispered to Ryan about what she was doing and took his
blood pressure. The dark circles under his eyes told her he had been feeling bad for awhile. The
lymph nodes in his neck and armpits were swollen. When she pressed on his stomach, Ryan moaned
in his sleep. She took a deep breath. He needed an internist not a neurosurgeon. But until she could
convince him this was important, she would start an IV and get him hydrated.

“Lay, did you hear me? I need…” Caleb stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes widened. “Dr.
Turner. You got here faster than I expected you to.”

She looked up and froze. Caleb stood ten feet from her in just a towel. Her eyes roamed his body
and a blush crept up her neck. His skin was tan. The muscles in his chest and abdomen were perfect.
He was beautiful. That may not have been a word she used to describe most men but Caleb was
flawless. Her throat become dry and she cleared it several times before she could answer him. “It’s

His grin reached his eyes. “Jena. I don’t know how we will ever repay you for doing this for us.”

She laughed. It was the first time he had heard it and it was magical. “Trust me. Seeing you in that
towel is payment enough.”

Layla walked in and chuckled. She watched Jena watch Caleb. Good, she thought. Caleb needed
someone to take his mind off things and Jena was the perfect person to do that. She handed the clothes
to Caleb and as he slipped on the sweat pants, she looked back to Dr. Turner. “Jena, tell me, is there
a Mr. Turner. Or a soon to be Mr. Turner?”

Jena shook her head no but never took her eyes off Caleb. He threw the towel into the hamper and
grabbed his dirty clothes off the bathroom floor. He decided to leave the shirt off in case Ryan got
sick again. He was going through Mark’s clothes at a rapid rate. Tonight he would head home and

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pack a bag.

Ryan moaned again. “If you are done matchmaking, I really need something for the nausea.”

Dr. Turner turned to face Ryan. “How long have you been sick?”

Shocking both his friends, Ryan answered in a soft voice. “I have felt pretty bad for a couple weeks I
guess. I have had a terrible headache a little longer than that. Night sweats, bloody noses. I figured
it was the stress of Mark’s accident but that isn’t it is it?”

Jena shrugged. “Ryan, were you sick as a child?”

“Caleb, why don’t you take Layla downstairs and get Dr. Turner something to drink.” His eyes
pleaded with Caleb. She huffed but followed him down the stairs. When he could hear them talking
from a distance, he continued. “I had acute lymphoblastic leukemia as a child. I know this is asking
for the moon but what are the odds you could just draw my blood here instead of me going in yet? I
just need confirmation of what I think I already know.”

“Let me hang an IV and get you hydrated. You are going to need fluids for a few hours so I will teach
Layla how to change it. I’ll stay ahile and draw your blood before I leave.”

“How is Mark? Can we get him home anytime soon? I can hire a nurse.” Ryan coughed and a gag
followed right behind it.

Jena smoothed his hair off his face. “Yes. We can arrange that. But we need to concentrate on you
right now. Is there a reason you don’t want Layla to know what we are talking about?” She took his
hand and smiled.

He sighed. “I have spent two days in bed with a woman and haven’t had the energy to do anything
that I would normally do in bed with a woman. I love her, Jena. But she deserves more than a sick
boyfriend. And both of those things are secrets at the moment.”

Jena chuckled and leaned into his face. “Don’t worry, Ryan. Your secret is safe with me.”

Ryan laughed for the first time in a few days. “Touché, my friend. Touché.”

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Chapter 14

Ryan pulled himself out of bed and stood. Jena had been a life saver. Three days of fluids and anti
nausea medication, and he was standing on his own for the first time. A jolt of panic hit him. He
hadn’t asked about Mark and he had taken Dr. Turner away from the hospital more than once. His
friends had struggled to keep the faith as Mark fought for his life. The last thing they needed was to
add him to their stress.

His blood work had come back as he expected it would. The white blood cell differential had shown
there was a problem. Not a leukemia diagnosis but a diagnosis that something was wrong. Dr.
Turner had come by the night before to give him his results and he had sworn her to secrecy. An
appointment was made with his oncologist for the following morning. Today he would tell Kevin and
Aria. It made sense to have people to confide in that were outside his inner circle.

He showered slowly, basking in the warmth of the water and the joy of being out of bed. When the
water began to cool, he stepped out and dressed in a pair of Mark’s shorts. He sipped from a bottle
of water and looked at the clock. Four in the afternoon. The house would be empty. He made his
way down the stairs, taking extra care not to stumble. He felt weak and depleted.

He stepped into the kitchen and smiled. Caleb had Dr. Turner pinned against the wall. Her eyes
were wide as he whispered into her ear. Stepping toward the refrigerator, Ryan chuckled. The
couple jumped apart.

“Hell yeah. Carry on. I just need something to eat. Don’t let me stop you.” Ryan pulled the eggs
from the door and shut it.

“Someone’s feeling better. Let me fix this for you.” Caleb took the eggs from his hands as Dr. Turner
slipped into the living room.

“You lucky dog. She is a hot piece of ass. Did you tap that yet?” Ryan sat at the breakfast bar and
watched Caleb scramble the eggs. “I’ve been asleep awhile. How long has this been going on?”

Caleb looked at his watch. “Thirty seconds or so. But nothing to report. She is way out of my

“How about make me some of that, Allen.” The groggy voice filled the kitchen and Ryan’s jaw

“Holy shit, Moretti. When did you get home? Sit down. Let me help you.” Ryan jumped up and had
to grab the counter to steady himself.

“We make a great pair. Heard you had the flu. Let me limp over there myself. Just don’t touch me.”
Mark smiled but his eyes were vacant. “They sent me home today with a nurse. I am a prisoner in my
own house.”

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Caleb finished the scrambled eggs and made them both some toast and juice. He smiled as he
realized the world was becoming right again. Both men ate with slow, small bites. Ryan had lost
some weight but Mark was the shell of the person he had been. Caleb decided it was time to step up,
move in and nurse these two back to health. And it didn’t hurt that Dr. Turner would be more of a
permanent fixture in Mark’s house for a few days.

“If that isn’t the sexiest thing I have ever seen.” Layla’s voice caused all three to look. She stood in
the doorway with Kevin and Aria, a huge grin spread across both their faces. “Welcome back from
the dead, Ryan. I have missed you like mad.”

Ryan stood and hugged her tight. His lips were soft against hers, telling her everything he was
feeling. “I missed you too, baby.” He hugged her once more and his eyes met Kevin’s. He motioned
for the stairs and Kevin and Aria both nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

Ryan followed them out of the kitchen and up the first flight of stairs.


Kevin sat on the edge of the bed after Ryan had laid back down. He took a deep breath and looked at
his friend. “Is it back?”

Ryan nodded his head and Kevin’s face fell. “I need you both. My appointment is tomorrow at three
and I don’t want anyone else to know.”

“No!” Aria sat on the bed next to Kevin. “No. This can’t be happening. Not now. Not ever.”

“It’s ok baby girl. I survived it once. I can do it again. And I have you. How could I lose?” Ryan
pulled her to him and she curled against his chest. She cried openly.

“I will be there, brother. And my lips are sealed.” Kevin patted his leg and walked out of the room.

“I love you Ari. I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you for being here. And thank you for keeping
this a secret.”

“Ryan, you know I love you. So much more than you even realize. Whatever you need. Whenever.
You can ask for anything. I’m yours.”


Just after midnight, Ryan stepped into Layla’s room. She had been asleep for a few hours. Watching
her, his heart skipped. Her black hair spread across her pillow and her slow, steady breathing
calmed him. Her tattooed arms wrapped around his pillow and a tear fell from his eyes. He had
spent nearly thirty years alone. Never had he felt connected to another person like he did to Layla.
She was home to him. And she deserved so much better. He knew it wouldn’t be fair to make her

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take this journey with him.
He had finally found her only to lose her.

She stirred as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Go back to sleep baby.” He brushed her hair from her

Her sleepy brown eyes opened and she smiled. “I am so glad you are better. I missed you, even
though you were right here.” Noticing his tears, she stilled. “Are you ok?”

Ryan smiled. “I’m ok. I was just watching you sleep. I am a lucky man to be able to share your

She pulled him down to her. Their lips met and their tongues did their familiar, slow waltz. Her
body turned to liquid every time they touched. “Let me love you.”

Ryan let her take the lead. She pushed him down gently and removed his boxers. His skin was still
warm with fever but her body had missed him. She kissed down his chest and stomach, licking the V
at his waist. He instantly hardened. She smiled as she looked up at him through her lashes. Taking
him into her mouth, she gently ran down the length of his shaft. It was slow torture and Ryan moaned.
He reached down and stroked her hair as his eyes shut.

“Look at me, Ryan. I want you to know how much I want you.” Layla’s hands travelled up and down,
picking up speed. She took him deeper into her throat, taking all of him.

His hands gripped the sheets as she worked him into a frenzy. He was already so close. His legs
stiffened and he tried to pull away but she followed. “Holy shit you are good at that. Layla, stop.
You are going to make me come too fast.” His breathing became erratic as she picked up her pace.
“Oh God. Layla.”

“That is what I want. Come baby.” Layla shifted to her knees, deepening the suction. Her strokes
intensified and Ryan knew it was too late. His whole body shuddered as he moaned her name. Stroke
after stroke, she swallowed everything he gave her. His whole body tingled with his fierce orgasm.

Without warning, he flipped her under him and shoved into her. She was soaked and he hardened
again almost instantly. She wrapped her legs around him as he pounded into her, meeting him stroke
for stroke. His eyes were hooded and his body was covered in sweat. He was the hottest thing she
had ever seen. His muscles rippled in his abdomen as he pumped his body into hers. His dark eyes
were almost black as he looked at her, full of desire. His hair was messy, his skin tanned and his
tattoos turned her on. She was so far gone. There was no coming back after falling for Ryan West.

His strong arms wrapped around her as he laid his head against her neck. She came without warning,
bucking against him but the thrusts continued until he fell onto her, exhausted, sated and completely
depleted. He kissed her mouth gently and brushed the hair from her face.

He pulled back and looked at her. His eyes were soft. “Layla” was all he said and brushed his lips

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against her once more. There was no way he could let her go. In that moment, she was his home. He
knew keeping her around during his illness would be selfish. But if he let her go, he would have
nothing to fight for. When he looked at her again, she melted. He pressed his forehead against hers
and stared into her eyes. “I never thought this would ever happen to me but I am totally and
completely in love with you.”

“Say it again.” Layla couldn’t hide her grin if she tried.

“I love you.” Ryan’s grin spread across his whole face. “I love you. Holy shit, I love you.”

Layla laughed and kissed him hard. “I love you too, Ryan. More than I will ever be able to tell you.”

He rolled off her and pulled her into him. His eyes closed but the smile remained. His breathing
became steady and she knew he had fallen asleep. Ryan West loved her was the last thought she had
before she fell back into a deep slumber.

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Chapter 15

The oncology office of Dr. Michael Lahti was large and bright. Ironic since very few people
received good news here. Dr. Michael Lahti had been the youngest of his group of physicians that
treated his childhood cancer. They had remained in touch and Dr. Lahti was now one of the soul
providers of medical care for his children’s charity. It was déjà vu sitting in the office awaiting the

The doctor shook Ryan’s hand and sat behind his desk. “Not the circumstances I imagined when I told
you last week that I would see you soon. Aria, good to see you.”

Ryan sighed. “It’s back, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. But all the tests indicate that we need to start treatment now. This is AML or Acute
myelogenous leukemia. Because it is acute, it is progressing rapidly. I think if we are aggressive
with this, we have the best chance. There is a 40% survival rate and if anyone can beat this, I would
put my money on you. You are a strong person, Ryan. You have proven that time and time again.
And your ability to see the best in every circumstance is what makes you such a great roll model for
all these children to look up to.” Dr. Lahti leaned forward in a gesture to calm Ryan. “I have spoken
with Dr. Moore and we can start chemotherapy right away. Just say the word.”

“And the chemo would be how often?” Kevin asked in a quiet voice.

“The chemotherapy will be administered into the vein and not through the spinal fluid as before.
Treatment will be every other week so the body has a chance to rest. There is increased risk of
infection so we will have to monitor the progress very closely. Ryan, as before, you will likely lose
your hair after the first treatment. You will probably be sick and drop some weight. And we will
have to keep you out of public places while your immune system is down.”

Ryan looked at Kevin. He was quiet and as tears spilled down his cheeks, he wiped them away
rapidly. He had made the right choice in asking Kevin to come with him. Of all his friends, Kevin
seemed the most equipped to handle the news.

Aria had fallen apart the night before. Holding him tightly, she had confessed her feelings to him.
Despite not feeling the same, he would never find another person who could take her place. She had
been everything to him for so many years. She was the sister God hadn’t given him. She was his
shoulder to cry on when life wasn’t fair. And she was the reason his heart beat and his blood pumped
and his life had continued.

“If chemo fails, is bone marrow an option again?” Aria asked, wiping her tears. “I will do whatever
he needs.”

“Stem cell transplantation, bone marrow transplantation, you have several options. It is unlikely Aria
will be someone we can use again. But, don’t think that far ahead just now. We won’t even explore

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those options until we have a clearer picture of how your body will respond.”

Ryan took a deep breath and stood to shake his hand. “Let’s start as soon as we can. I have a lot to
live for right now and I am going to fight this with everything I have.”

They followed Ryan back out to the car. It was quiet as they tried to process the information.
Knowing that Ryan needed reassurance, Kevin spoke first. “I will cover some of your shifts and we
can figure out the rest. We will hire someone until you are better. And you will get better. I will be
here for whatever you need. Rides, meals, anything. And Aria could be a match again. He didn’t say
she wouldn’t.”

“Anything huh? Would you shave your head?” Ryan gave him a smile as they pulled into the barber


“What’s this shit? Did you join the military while you were out?” Mark laughed as Kevin and Ryan
came into the living room. “Did you guys lose a bet?”

Ryan rubbed his hands across his buzzed head. He already missed the hair he could tug into place.
“Something like that. Where is everyone?”

Mark looked at his watch. “Well, I am not really the babysitter so I don’t know for certain. But I
think Layla is upstairs taking a shower. Molly and Rich are in the garage checking out my new bike.
Sophie and Caleb are heading over now. Said they got a message you needed to see everyone.
Everything cool?”

Ryan threw his large body onto the loveseat. “It’s fine. It will be. Whatever. Shit.”

Mark looked at Ryan and Kevin. Both men looked a little pale. And both of them were sporting new
military cuts. Gone was the bold Casanova and the black haired playboy. Instead, Mark saw empty
expressions and heartbreak. His head pounded as he tried to process what he was seeing.

One by one, the group took a seat. The mood in the room was somber and everyone remained quiet
with their eyes frozen on Ryan. He shifted uncomfortably but when Layla sat beside him, his whole
world calmed.

Clearing his throat, he began. “We have been through some shit in the last few weeks.” The group
chuckled. “Having Marco home feels like everything is finally right with the world for a minute. And
I am sorry I have to ruin that. But this isn’t that minute.”

The front door opened and Jena tripped into the house. Seeing everyone gathered around, she knew
she was just in time. Ryan had asked that she be there so she had cut her shift short. “I am so sorry
I’m late.” She took a seat in front of Ryan on the floor and leaned back against his legs.

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Ryan put one hand on her shoulder. “It’s ok. Thank you for coming.”

He looked into the faces of the people he loved most. They were full of concern and confusion. He
held Layla’s hand tighter and sighed. “I haven’t been feeling well for awhile. I had a hunch but put
Jena in a terrible position and not only asked her to run some tests, but to keep it from all of you.
Kevin, Aria and I went to see Dr. Lahti today.”

“No.” Caleb sat forward and rubbed his hand down his face. “No man.” Tears formed in the
corners of his eyes and Jena rubbed his arm.

Ryan shook his head. “It’s Acute Myelo Leukemia. And it is aggressive. And I am going to need
every single one of you by my side while I fight this.”

Layla crumbled. A sob broke from her throat and she put her head down between her knees. Her
body shook as her tears came faster.

“Lay. I have something to live for. You make me want to fight. And I will. I will do it so we have a
future.” He pulled her into him. “You don’t deserve a sick boyfriend. You deserve everything. But
selfishly, I can’t let you go. I need you like I need to breathe. I love you.”

She shook her head and wiped her tears. “I will be by your side through this whole thing. There is no
one else I want. I will take you whatever way I can have you.”

“I am here. I will not leave you through this. I will do whatever you need.” Aria interrupted and
shot Layla a nasty look.

“So when do we start?” Caleb’s eyes were full of tears but his brave expression remained fixed on
his face.

“Right now,” Mark stood on wobbly legs. “Come on C. Looks like we both need a haircut.”


Layla stood in the shower. The hot water pelted her shoulders like a thousand needles hitting her
skin. But her whole body felt numb. She had let her guard down and fallen in love with the most
amazing man she had ever met. And now, a sick twist of fate threatened to destroy all they had. A
sob broke free of her throat. Her body sagged against the tile wall. Her head spun.

Her sobs drew Ryan’s attention. He stepped into the bathroom and watched the love of his life
destroyed by his news. Tears invaded his eyes but he blinked them away. He loved her and there
was no way he would let her be broken by this news. He would stay strong for her.

He stripped his clothes in a pile on the bathroom floor and opened the shower door. The steam
poured into the small room. The water was scalding and Layla’s skin was bright red. He pulled her
into his arms and she crumbled into him. She sobbed and her entire body shook. Ryan brushed the

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wet strands from her face. “Layla, baby. It’s ok. I’m here. We are going to be alright.”

Trembling, Layla dropped to her knees and covered her face. Ryan knelt beside her and took her face
in his large hands. Her eyes seemed to reach into his soul. She covered his hands with hers and took
a deep, shaking breath. “I love you so much, Lay. I never thought I would find you. God knows I
don’t deserve you but I will be damned if I will ever let you go.”

“Even now you are burning up. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to help you.” Layla dove
into his arms and buried her face in his chest.

“Just love me, Lay. That is all I need.”

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Chapter 16

Layla crushed her lips against his. She breathed in his scent, felt the warmth of his feverish skin, felt
the slick water drenched lines of his muscled back. She whimpered into his mouth as his tongue
joined hers. Her hands traced down his back and dug her nails into his firm ass. His arms tightened
on her hips and pulled her body against his. His erection brushed against her stomach and she felt the
familiar quiver in her stomach.

His arm reached around her back and spread her legs. Her breath hitched as two fingers dove into
her core. As he pumped his fingers into her, she bit his shoulder. She moaned and arched her back to
deepen his touch. His mouth found her breast, sucking hard on her nipple. Moisture flooded his
fingers as her orgasm neared. He growled feeling her excitement. He ground his erection through her
slick folds and against her bundle of nerves begging for release. Her head fell back. “Please Ryan. I
need you so much right now.”

He stood and pulled her up with him. He lifted her and pressed her into the tile. He held her still
with his weight against her and shoved into her. His pace was frantic, both of them racing toward
their release. She clawed at his shoulders and bit his neck. His heart pounded against his ribcage as
he looked into her eyes. Her lids were hooded and her mouth was slightly opened. Her moaning
made him impossibly hard and ready to explode. “Come for me baby. I can’t hold back.”

His thumb dropped to her clit and with just one stroke, she shattered. She screamed his name as wave
after wave pulsed through her body. She tightened around him and sent him over the edge. He
moaned as he took her mouth in a frenzy. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and she shuttered.

Leaning back, he smiled at her. She was everything to him. Her dark hair was soaked and clung to
her face and shoulders. Her makeup was smeared down her face and she had never looked so
beautiful. Her chocolate eyes were lazy and sparkled back at him. He traced the tattoos on her arms
and sighed. He had fallen for her. Hard. Gone were his shameful days of one night stands. Gone was
the playboy. And for the first time in his life, love didn’t scare him. “I’m gonna marry you someday,
Layla Barringer. Mark my words.”


Layla watched Ryan sleep. His first chemo treatment had gone well but the twenty-four hours after
had been rough. Ryan’s body had been completely depleted and his mask of strength had faltered.
Now asleep, his body was at peace. She rubbed slow circles on his back as her need to be close to
him overtook her. She had been by his side every second since the diagnosis. And there was
nowhere she would rather be.

Ryan shifted onto his side and pulled her into him. A small moan escaped him as she settled against
his hard body. “I love you.” He whispered before giving into sleep once more.

Her heart pounded in her ribcage. While sitting next to him during his chemotherapy, she had realized

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that he was everything to her. She couldn’t breathe when they weren’t together. Without him, there
was nothing. It wasn’t a feeling she had experienced before. Even her love for her sister, and her
newfound love for Mark and the rest of her new family, didn’t even come close to the intensity with
which she loved Ryan West.

A light knock sounded at the door and Aria entered quietly. “Hey Lay. Can I get him anything? Do
you need something?”

Layla looked at the redheaded beauty that Ryan thought of as a sister. Something about her just didn’t
sit well in the pit of her stomach. She had arrived during Mark’s accident, consoling Ryan when he
needed it and be the doting best friend. Ryan had asked her to stay through his illness but something
about Aria gave her the chills. Regardless, she loved Ryan and when Layla couldn’t be here, she
knew Aria would do everything to keep him safe. “We are OK for right now.” She whispered. “But
I have a client to meet in a few hours and I am going to need some help with him. Will you be

Aria smiled. “Whatever you need.” She closed the door lightly just after looking over her shoulder
at Ryan.

“Relax,” Ryan whispered feeling Layla’s body tense. “I can’t see past you, Lay. You are mine.” He
kissed her temple as she turned to hold him. Nuzzling into his neck, they drifted to sleep.


Hands ran up his sweat soaked, weak body. The fever had taken over about an hour ago and Ryan
shivered. He moaned, not sure if it was because the caress felt nice or the sickness was winning. He
felt his boxers being pulled down and he struggled to open his eyes. He hissed as warm lips
surrounded his thickening shaft. His back arched off the bed as the suction increased, drawing his
entire length into her throat. This time, he knew the moan was from pleasure. He gripped the sheets
in his fists and the speed increased. “Shit, Layla. Slow down baby.”

She moaned. Something wasn’t right. Ryan struggled to pull her up from under the covers but she
didn’t budge. He was so weak and he cursed himself for not being stronger. Thoughts swarmed his
fevered brain. He grabbed at her hair. Red. “Stop! Holy shit, stop.”

She sagged against him and moaned. “Please let me finish. I want you so much.”

“What the hell are you doing, Aria? Get off me. Jesus Christ. Get off me.” Rage filled Ryan’s eyes.
This was the ultimate betrayal. The thought hit him like a brick wall. He was cheating on Layla. “Oh
my God what have we done?”

“Ryan, relax. No one will know.” Aria lifted her head from under the covers.

“I’ll know. That is enough. I thought you were Layla. How could you do this to me?” Ryan shoved
his body out of the bed and grabbed his sweat pants that were hanging on the back of his chair.

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“It should be me sharing this bed with you. Not her. It has always been us. I have loved you my
whole life. I have waited and waited for you to give up on the one night stands. I have stood by and
watched you destroy the lives of so many women who wanted more from you. Every single one of
them fell hard and you never spared them a second glance. But you are different now. You are ready.
It’s my turn to make you happy.” Aria reached for him but he jumped out of her grasp.

His hands clenched into fists. “Aria, you cannot force love. One night stands were all I ever wanted.
Meeting Layla is what changed me. She made me ready.” His body slumped onto the mattress. He
burned with fever, his body aching and his heart broken. “You need to go. We can talk about it
another time. But you need to leave my house.”

“Don’t ruin us Ryan. Please.” Aria dropped to the floor in front of him, begging him.

“I didn’t ruin us. You did. I don’t know if we can come back from this. Oh my God. What if Layla
finds out? That is what will ruin me. Get out.”

“Ryan, please don’t do this. I’m sorry.”

The bedroom door slammed open and Layla stood rigid and red faced. “You heard him, you bitch,
get out.”

Ryan jumped to his feet. “Layla. I know this looks bad. Let me explain.”

“You don’t need to. I witnessed the whole thing. Get up off the floor now, Aria. I swear I will yank
you up by your hair if you don’t. Were you waiting until I got home to make your move? Waiting on
me to walk in on you? Did you think he would choose you?”

“Give me a break.” Aria laughed. “He needs me. You can’t run me off. I match his bone marrow
and he won’t let me walk out of his life. You don’t get to waltz into his life during the eleventh hour
and get everything I worked so hard for. I gave him life once. I intend to do it again. Then what,
Layla? You honestly think he will choose you after I save him again?”

“Aria, get your shit and get out of my house. I have loved you like a sister for as long as I can
remember. I have trusted you and confided in you. That is over. You broke us. Why would you do
that? Why?”

“Because I love you. And you need me. Choose me, Ryan. I have always been here. Please.”

“It will always be her. I will always choose her. What you just did was unforgivable. I am asking
you to walk away before more damage is done.”

Aria straightened her back and lifted her head. “You will die without me, Ryan.”

“Maybe.” He pulled Layla into his side. “But I will have nothing to live for without her.”

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With that, Aria stormed out of the room. Ryan turned to Layla and tears began to fall. “Layla, I don’t
know what to say. Please forgive me. I never wanted to hurt you.”

She took his hand and led him to the bed. “You didn’t do anything. I heard you say my name. You
thought it was me.” He put his head in her lap. “It killed me to see it happening. I was frozen. My
heart is torn in two. But when you realized it wasn’t me, God Ryan, I fell in love with you even

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I am going to spend the rest of my life proving that I do.”
Ryan kissed her and the rest of the world fell away.

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Chapter 17

Ryan braced himself against the door jam in the kitchen. His deep breath did nothing to calm his
nerves. The oncologist’s voice was muffled in the background as his world spun out of control.

“I’m sorry Ryan. Your body just isn’t responding.” Dr. Lahti shuffled some papers on his desk and
cussed. “It is time to consider what you want to do. We can look for a marrow donor or look into
stem cell treatment. But I strongly advise we stop the chemotherapy. I think we look at quality of life
now. I’m available any time. Think about how you want to proceed.”

“Yes sir. Thank you for calling. I will be in touch.” Ryan ended the call and looked at the blank
screen. It wasn’t working. It wasn’t working. The words echoed through his head.

“Ryan? Everything ok?” Layla stepped behind him and hugged him.

“Yes baby. That was Dr. Lahti. He just wanted to tell me about some options. It will all be ok.”


Mark shuffled through the dark house to answer the soft knock on the door. “Layla? What’s the
matter? Is Ryan OK?”

She hugged him and cried into his shoulder. “I forgot my key.”

Caleb yawned and walked up behind them. Seeing Layla’s tears, he grabbed her hand and pulled her
gently into the house. “Come on Lay. Tell us what’s happening.”

She followed Caleb into the living room. One small light illuminated the hospital bed where Mark
was still sleeping. His injuries were slow to heal but he was making progress each day. Dr. Turner
sat in the chair next to the bed making notes in Mark’s chart. Noticing Layla, she gave her a small
smile and put away the paperwork.

“He’s had three chemotherapy treatments. His body is destroyed.” Layla sobbed as she fell into the
couch. “He has lost his hair and his body is swollen from the steroids. He does nothing but sleep.
And today, Dr. Lahti called and said it isn’t working. Nothing is helping. What are we going to do?”

Mark settled into the couch next to her and took her hands. “Lay, I am so sorry but we aren’t just
giving up. We have to have options. What did the doctor say?”

“He wouldn’t let me talk to him. He is so defeated.” And by her body language and her voice,
everyone knew Layla was defeated too.

“What about Aria? Can’t we use her for marrow?” Caleb rubbed his tired eyes.

“You haven’t heard? Ryan sent her packing. After the first chemo treatment, he was totally out of it,
exhausted with fever. Aria climbed into bed with him and started..” Layla took a breath to steady her
voice. “She was under the covers. I can’t talk about it.”

“What?” Caleb and Mark said in unison.

“Ryan trains so many people, some of which are celebrities. We could get some good publicity and
organize a bone marrow drive. We can talk to the hospital and do it there in the auditorium. We’ve
done it before.” Dr. Turner grabbed her cell phone from the table and started to dial her boss.

“I can use our advertising department to get some interest. We will do everything we can, Layla. I

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promise you we will not lose him.” Caleb pulled her into his lap and she instantly relaxed. “Ryan is
the strongest person I know. He won’t give up without a fight. Defeated or not, he will not leave you
if there is any other option at all.”

“I have some favors I can call in with some of my clients. I’ll head into the office tomorrow for a few
hours. And don’t even give me a look J Dog. I will take the morning shift nurse so don’t panic.”
Mark smiled at Jena. “You are seriously cramping my style. Just so we are clear.”

“I am looking out for your best interests. And Mark, don’t call me J Dog. Ever.” Jena laughed.

Layla looked at her best friends. She would be lost without them. She knew her sister, Sophie, was
only weeks from delivering their first child and she thanked God for Mark every day. He had not only
changed Sophie’s life, but changed hers as well.

“We have the auditorium next weekend.” Jena closed her phone and smiled. “If there is a match to
be found, we will find it. Ryan is a fighter. I may not know him that well. But I know that to be fact.
What he needs from you is strength. It is what he needs from all of us. No panicking. Just be there
for him. Treat him the same way you did before. Don’t let this illness define him.”


Ryan awoke and reached to pull Layla toward him. All he felt were cold sheets. He focused on the
alarm clock. 4 AM. He checked the bathroom, the kitchen and finally the driveway. Her car was
gone. Panic shot through his body. It had been far too long since he had made love to her. He had
been destroyed by the chemotherapy. He had resigned from the gym, turning his manager title over to
Kevin. He hoped to one day be able to return but his gut told him differently.

He stepped into the kitchen and poured a glass of juice. Everything tasted of metal but he knew he
had to keep his strength up. His muscles screamed at him to use them.

The lights in the pool were inviting and he tested the water with his toes. Stripping his boxers, he
jumped into the water. His strokes were slow and his breathing heavy. His cough made it impossible
to put his head underwater for long. But the warm liquid surrounded him, making him weightless.
Floating on his back, he watched the stars above him. The rest of the world was asleep without a
care in the world.

His heart told him to fight. He had done it before. He had won the first battle. But his head told him
he was losing. In the end, it was his head that won. Tears fell down his face as he thought about what
would happen to Layla, to the whole Moretti gang, even to Aria. He felt like he didn’t have much
time left. His phone call from Dr. Lahti had told him everything he needed to know. The chemo
wasn’t working and the odds of finding a donor were slim. Selfishly, he wished he hadn’t sent Aria
away. But his love for Layla transcended death. She was everything to him and if these were truly
his last days, he didn’t want to spend them worrying about Aria. Or knowing Layla was upset.

“If those are tears in your eyes, wipe em. I am not here for a pity party.” Caleb’s voice startled Ryan
from his secluded bubble.

“What the hell? It’s four in the morning. You scared the shit out of me, Allen.” Ryan swam to the
side of the pool and took Caleb’s hand. He thanked God he was here because as weak as he felt, he
wasn’t sure he would be able to pull himself from the pool.

“Layla came by Mark’s earlier. She is really worried about you. Marco is in there tucking her in.
She fell asleep talking to Jena. Apparently these two have planned out your future, so get ready.”

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Caleb patted Ryan on the back and led him into the living room. “Bone marrow drive is set up for
Saturday starting at seven. So, take a shower at some point, get dressed and even if you feel like shit,
I want to see a smile on your face.”

“I’m going to have to second that. You need to get your ass out of bed for more than ten minutes. I
don’t care if you look like something out of the Walking Dead. You will be there Saturday. These
girls have been planning for about five hours. I think they woke up everyone we know.” Mark
limped toward Ryan with a smile on his face. “I miss you. I know this sucks. But I have faith, even
if you have lost it.”

Ryan broke. His body trembled as he collapsed on the couch. Mark and Caleb exchanged concerned
looks before flanking him on either side. Ryan leaned into Mark, all 220 pounds of tattooed muscle
crushing Mark’s beaten body. But Mark never grimaced. He wrapped his arms around him and held
on. “I don’t think I’m going to make it through this. I’m going to leave her alone. I will never see her
walk down the aisle toward me. I will never hold your son. I will never know what it feels like to
be a dad or a husband. I will never be able to make amends to Aria or the million other people I’ve
hurt by being an asshole. You have to promise me to take care of her. You have to encourage her to
love again and find someone who is worthy of her. Please.” Ryan begged.

“Listen to me. You are not going anywhere. We are going to stay by your side and fight for you when
you can’t. And when you think it is time to give up, we’re going to fight harder. This is not over.
You will do all of those things. And if things look dark, you marry her. You hold onto her with all
you have. You find something to live for and live damnit.” Mark’s body shook but his eyes stayed
dry. Now was the time to be strong. If Ryan couldn’t, he would for him.


Layla jumped awake to a crash coming from the bathroom. With her heart lodged in her throat, she
ran for the closed door. A second crash and a growl made her stop in her tracks. Glass shattered.
The faucet turned on and there was silence.

“Ryan?” Layla pushed the door open slowly. He was slumped over the sink, blood running down the
drain. The mirror was broken and toiletries scattered around the floor. His face blank as he watched
the crimson wash away.

Layla kept quiet. She knew there weren’t words that would comfort him. She turned Ryan in her
arms and pulled him into her embrace. Blood trickled from his fist, down her arm, and onto the
floor. She pulled the bath towel from the hook and wrapped his hand. Wide eyed, he watched her
every move. “I love you, Ryan.” She whispered.

The tears fell silently. His hands shook. “I need you. Make love to me.”

It had been a few weeks since she had felt his touch. His body weakened from illness, she had been
content just holding him at night. But tonight he needed more. She took his good hand and led him to
the bed. He smelled of chlorine and his skin was warm. She smiled down at him as she crawled on
top of him. He tried to switch positions but she stopped him. “Shh, baby. Let me make love to you.
Let me show you how much you mean to me.”

Layla pulled his boxers down his legs and threw them onto the floor. His hands came up to help with
her nightgown. She moaned as he caressed her breasts. She bit her bottom lip and straddled him.
Holding her breath, she slid down his length, taking all of him, marveling in the fullness. She rode him
slowly, memorizing his face, the way he smelled, the sounds he made.

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“I love you.” Ryan sighed. “I love you so much it hurts.” He pushed her onto her back, climbing on
top and sinking back into her.

He held her to his chest, kissing her neck and her jaw. His strokes were slow and full of passion.
The friction was perfect, his body grinding against her sensitive clit, her breathing becoming frantic.
She was so wet, allowing Ryan to slide in and out with abandon. His orgasm began in the base of his
spine, warming his belly. His pace quickened. “Come, Lay. I can’t hold back.” As he filled her
with hot liquid, she came apart around him, crying his name and kissing him on the nose, the cheeks
and finally the mouth. He collapsed onto her, short of breath and covered with sweat.

“Marry me.” Ryan whispered into her neck.

Her eyes went wide as she looked at him. “What?”

“Marry me, Layla Barringer. You make the most sense in my life. You have from the very first time I
saw you. I lived a long time before you. I don’t want to live one more day without you being my

“Ryan,” her eyes filled with tears.

“I mean it. Marry me. Tomorrow. I don’t want to waste any more time.”

“Yes!” She cried as he pulled her in for a hug. Ryan’s embrace said it all. If he didn’t have much
time left, he wanted to spend every day loving her.

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Chapter 18

Ryan and Layla held hands as they walked into the Moretti living room. Mark was watching
television and Caleb was stretched out on the couch editing. Sophie smiled at them as she walked
into the room, rubbing her belly.

“I asked Layla to marry me.”


“Did you hear me?” Ryan chuckled.

“Oh my God.” Sophie launched herself at her sister. “When? How? Give me the details.”

“We’re heading out shopping now and Layla wanted to drag Soph with her. The ring is going to have
to be amazing. You still have Lane’s number? I asked her in bed. I don’t think it was the most
romantic proposal.” Ryan chuckled but laughed harder at Mark’s response.

Mark’s belly laugh shook his whole body. “Romantic? No. But appropriate. Absolutely.”

“Suck my big one Moretti.”

“For once, your disgusting sarcasm is music to my ears.” Mark pulled Ryan into a hug. The heat of
his skin shocked Mark back into reality. This proposal was rushed because Ryan wasn’t sure he had
a tomorrow. “When are we doing this?”

Layla cleared her throat. “Tomorrow? Right away. Can y’all help us?”

Sophie sprang to action. “Piece of cake. Mark, call Rich and see if he is still a notary. He could
perform the service. Ryan, call Steve and see if he can DJ tomorrow night. Caleb, call Kevin. His
sister owns a restaurant downtown. We can have the service on the back patio. We can float
candles in the pool and put lights in the trees. I am so excited for you both. Oh shit. Ryan is going to
be my brother.”

Layla’s smile was hesitant. “Don’t go crazy. I don’t have a dress, we don’t have a marriage license
and we don’t have rings.”

Sophie took Layla’s hand. “Come with me. I have my dress upstairs. You can wear that. Who
knows if it will even fit once I pop this baby out. Let’s go try it on. When we are done, I would be
happy to go with you two to pick out the rings.”

As the girls made their way upstairs, Mark smiled at Ryan. “We’ve got this brother. This day will be
amazing. I promise you. And it will be a day that Layla will never forget.”


Layla stood in the full length mirror. The bridal gown was gorgeous. The beaded bodice hugged her
body like it was made for her. The length was perfect on her tall frame. She smiled as she ran her
hand over the sequin at the waist. She caught Sophie’s eye in the mirror. “It’s gorgeous Soph. But I
can’t wear your dress. It looks like it cost a fortune. And then if you wear it, it won’t be new. I can’t
steal your thunder. You and Mark have done everything for me.” Her throat felt tight.

“Lay, you are everything to us. And it’s just a dress. It can be replaced. Your happiness can’t.
Tomorrow is about you. And you deserve to be a princess. And you look amazing. Please wear it.”
Sophie watched as her attention returned to her reflection. The joy on her face did not match her
eyes. “You can talk to me about anything. You know that, right?”

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“He’s dying.” Layla sat on the edge of the bed. “He is marrying me because he’s dying. He hasn’t
told me that. But I know he has given up. He’s going to die Soph. What am I going to do without

“Look at me.” Sophie took her chin in her hand and forced her to make eye contact. “He isn’t gone
yet. And that means there is still a chance. Maybe Billy Joel is right and only the good die young.
Doesn’t that mean all these assholes we hang out with will live forever? He told Mark how much he
wanted to marry you and spend the rest of his life with you. And if that is six months or sixty years,
you wake up every morning and remind him what he is living for. Now get up and let’s plan this


The following evening was clear and breezy. Chairs were set up on each side of the makeshift aisle,
fifty in total. Three hundred floating candles skimmed the top of the pool and lights twinkled from the
trees. A large, white tent was set up in the corner of the yard, overlooking the Hollywood Hills.
Sophie had spent all afternoon setting up tables with simple centerpieces and greenery. Caleb and
Mark had installed a dance floor in the middle of the tables and Steve had borrowed the DJ
equipment from the station and was set up and ready to lead the party. Even Jena had helped the
caterers set up the champagne fountain. Despite the theory that Jena was there to make sure Mark
didn’t overdo it, her energy had pushed them all to make the space perfect. The sky was a blanket of
stars and the warm spring breeze smelled of jasmine.

Ryan stepped outside in a black suit and smiled. Everything was perfect. The space was perfect.
His friends were perfect. His life had been perfect. He sighed as he imagined pledging his life to
Layla. A few months ago, she had been just the brunette that had been spotted with Mark through the
window of the gym. Just days after, she had been the pretty woman he has asked to dance at Rich and
Molly’s wedding. She had taken his breath away even then. But not even Ryan could have imagined
that she would become everything to him. He laughed as he recalled their secret rendezvous the first
day she moved to Los Angeles. They had been afraid to make it any more than that first night. But
fate had other plans and Ryan found himself inside the stock room at the night club. He smiled
remembering Mark’s reaction to the news that he was in love with Layla.

Life hadn’t been fair for a majority of Ryan’s life. He had been through hell and back as a child and
lost so much during his first year of college with his cancer scare. He had fought back, worked hard,
achieved things no one expected and lived his life exactly how he had wanted to. And if life had
taught him anything at all, it was that Ryan West was a fighter and the path to forever may be a short
one, but it was one filled with love, great friends and had been an amazing journey.

“Ryan West, married before Moretti or Allen. I never thought I would see the day.” Rich smiled as
he patted him on the back. “I couldn’t be more proud of you. Layla is an amazing woman. You are a
very lucky man. And I am so glad that one of my other friends is joining me in marital bliss.”

Ryan laughed and shook his head. Rich had gotten married months before and it was his wedding that
allowed Ryan to hold Layla for this first time.

“Yes I am. I am a very lucky man.” Ryan smiled as Caleb, Mark and Steve joined them. “I will
never be able to thank you guys enough. I know this isn’t the ideal situation but you all treated it like
it was the most important thing in the world. I love you guys.”

“It is the most important thing in the world. It’s your wedding. And we are honored to stand by your
side tonight.” Caleb shook his hand and took his place next to Ryan.

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The women came out one by one. Molly led them out, followed by Sophie. Each woman wearing a
shade of purple. As Layla stepped into the back yard, Mark took her arm and led her down the aisle.
Ryan’s breath caught. Her hair was pulled back in a loose pony tail, curls falling around her face.
The twinkle lights in the trees reflected off her dress as she stepped toward him. With each stride,
Ryan’s grin grew wider. Tears formed in his eyes. She was going to be his. She was giving herself
to him completely. Their eyes met and Layla smiled that smile that lit up his world.

The two joined hands as Rich led them through the simple ceremony that would bind them together.
They smiled as they exchanged rings and laughed when Rich tried to lighten the mood. When it came
time for Ryan to say his vows, his hands shook and tears fell freely. Writing their own vows had
been the only option. Their love was so much greater than any words someone else could write.

“Layla, you are my everything. The first time I saw you, I knew you were different. I tried so hard to
deny it but I loved you the very first second I saw you outside the gym. You have stood by my side
through all of this. And maybe I don’t deserve it. Certainly, I don’t deserve you. But God brought
you to me when I needed you most. And I never knew love could be like this. Thank you for being
my wife. Thank you for loving me enough to give us a chance. I know this is quick but I don’t know
how much time I have left. And it would be my biggest regret if I didn’t become your husband. Your
beauty takes my breath away every day. Your heart reminds me of all the good in the world. Thank
you for loving me for the rest of my life.”

Layla wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at him. “Ryan, words aren’t enough to tell you how I
feel about you. I have loved every second of us. And I am going to stand next to you as you beat this
and we get our chance at happily ever after. I love you like crazy. You make me laugh and you make
me cry.” She giggled. “No one will ever love me the way you do. And believe me, I know how
amazing that is. You take my breath away. Looking at you then, I held my breath. Looking at you
now, my heart squeezes in my chest. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you that you are beautiful. But you are.
And I am not going to love you for the rest of your life, Ryan. I am going to love you for the rest of

As they were pronounced husband and wife, the crowd went crazy. The love story of Ryan West and
Layla Barringer had been a whirlwind. But their love was apparent to each person that knew them.

“Let’s dance!” Steve yelled into the microphone and people took to the dance floor.

Ryan held Layla close. “Wife.” He kissed her with all he had. “Thank you for loving me, Mrs.

“Thank you for choosing me, Mr. West. And don’t you dare give up. We have a long life ahead of
us. And tomorrow we WILL find you a marrow donor. And we can start our happily ever after.”

“I feel like I can conquer everything with you by my side.” Ryan spun his new wife around and they
knew that finally, the world belonged to them.

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Chapter 19

“Wake up wife.” Ryan kissed Layla’s neck and ran his hand down her stomach.

Layla stretched and smiled. “Are you feeling ok?”

“I want to make love to my wife. I’m sorry I was so tired last night. But they say a marriage isn’t
official until the husband makes his wife come three or four times. You ready?”

Layla laughed as Ryan climbed on top of her. “Well, by all means Mr. West. Let’s make this

He pulled her nightgown over her head and found her nipple. His tongue circled the sensitive flesh
and it quickly hardened. He tugged gently with his teeth and heat pooled between her legs. As she
pressed her legs together to get some relief from her throbbing need, She whimpered. His fingers slid
into her, instantly soaked with her desire. “Holy shit, Layla. You are always so ready.”

“Please don’t wait, Ryan. I know this should be romantic but I want you right now. I need you. Hard
and fast. I have missed you so much. My body misses you. Please.”

Ryan shoved into her and she cried out in relief. She dug her nails into his ass as he entered her.
Each stroke was deeper than the last. He pulled her leg over his shoulder and pressed the pad of his
thumb against her clit. Each movement of his body moved his thumb just a fraction and she screamed
as she shattered apart around him.

Her climax continued as he flipped her on top of him to take the lead. Fluid poured from her body,
down his erection, making each stroke slippery and deep. “Fuck Layla. Ride me baby. Holy shit. It
has never felt like this.” His hands guided her hips back and forth.

Her breathing became frantic, her strokes uneven, her eyes closed and she threw her head back.
“Ryan!” As she came, he held her still above him and pounded into her.

His orgasm felt as if it started at the tip of his toes. Pleasure shot up his spine, tightening his balls and
filling her completely. He growled as he emptied himself into her. He sat up and captured her lips.
His tongue made love to her mouth, hungry and frantic. He swallowed her moan. He could feel her
heartbeat in her core. She was hot and soaked. He gently rocked against her, his erection still rock
hard. She grasped his shoulders and moaned with desire.

“More,” he said as he continued to press into her and he drove her into a frenzy.


“Wow. I have never seen so many people come together for a bone marrow drive. On behalf of Ryan
West, and his wife as of about fourteen hours ago, we want to thank you all for coming out today. The
test is simple, a blood test and a cheek swab, and the samples will be tested to match tissue type for
Mr. West. You can choose to become part of the Match Registry for the National marrow donor
program to help other patient’s looking for a bone marrow match. The volunteers have more
information at each of the tables. I also want to thank Mr. Mark Moretti for his generous donation.
Each test costs the hospital roughly $52.00 and Mr. Moretti has offered to pay up to $250,000 to
offset the hospital cost. Again, thank you all for coming out. There are refreshments so please help
yourself. And without further delay, I would like to introduce you to Ryan West.” Dr. Lahti handed
Ryan the microphone and stood with his arm around him for support.

Ryan surveyed the room. There were at least two hundred people gathered in the hospital

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auditorium. Some faces were familiar from childhood, from the gym, from UCLA, and even from the
neurosurgery floor where they had spent their days a few months earlier praying for Mark’s recovery.
Yet, the number of strangers, both young and old, caused Ryan’s throat to tighten as he began to speak.

“I never imagined I would see so many faces today. I will never be able to thank you enough for
taking time out of your Saturday to come out and help us. Mark, man, I had no idea about the donation
and you never cease to amaze me. Always saving me. I love you.” Ryan nodded at Mark and smiled.
“My wife and I are humbled by all of you and I hope that if you aren’t a match for me, you will
consider being a part of the donor program. There are a lot of amazing kids out there fighting
diseases that can be saved by your generous donation. I see a lot of my LA Youth group here today.
A lot of these great kids need your help too. Before I start crying and embarrass myself, let me get off
this stage. You guys are the best. Thank you.”

For hours, people lined up to have their blood drawn, their cheeks swabbed and when it was over,
Dr. Lahti and Dr. Turner stood at the exit thanking people for their time and their generous gift. The
volunteers were exhausted by the amazing turnout. Ryan was sound asleep in one of the donation
chairs with Layla curled around him.

Caleb watched as the doctors exchanged notes on the success of the day. After several minutes, he
cleared his throat. Jena turned to him and smiled. “Everything alright Mr. Allen?”

“Yes, Dr. Turner.” He smirked. “How long will all this testing take? And what are the odds this will
produce the results we want?”

Dr. Lahti shook Caleb’s hand. “Results shouldn’t take very long. Our biggest obstacle now is that
Ryan has O negative blood. Although it isn’t the rarest, finding a donor for a patient that isn’t O
positive does become a little more difficult. We will type all the samples but there were roughly
twenty donors today that knew they were O negative. We spent additional time with each of them,
running through an extensive medical history. I assure you if there is a match out there, we will find
it. This disease has progressed more quickly than we expected so we are going to do everything we
can to give him a future.”

Caleb only nodded as he walked away. His heart sank as he realized there was nothing more he
could do. He looked back over his shoulder and locked eyes with Jena. She smiled a half smile but
even her encouragement didn’t help Caleb feel any better.


The following Sunday, the group gathered at the Moretti home for game night. The emotional
overload felt by everyone had taken a toll on the group. They embraced as they greeted each other.
Laughter was a welcome distraction for all of them.

Ryan’s jaw hurt from smiling so much. It was his first night away from his house in a week and he
made sure this was not a night of sorrow. Mark had finally returned to work after his accident and
Sophie was only days away from delivering their first child. Caleb and Molly had taken on extra
projects to allow Sophie to be available to Layla when life got too overwhelming. Layla had
resigned from her job to take care of Ryan full time. Rich, a few months away from being a father
himself, had moved Molly into a gorgeous home in the Hollywood Hills to be closer to the friends
they considered family. Even Kevin, who until a few months before had been a virtual stranger to all
of them, had come to Ryan’s home three days a week to run Ryan through some exercises to keep his
body in the best shape he could to be more equipped to fight.

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“Pictionary. That’s what the baby wants to play.” Sophie laughed as the group moaned. “Hey, this
could be our last game night for a few months. I don’t want to hear the bitching. Partner up.”

Griping, Caleb unpacked the Pictionary board as the front door slammed. “Why can’t we just watch
sports like normal pe…”

His sentence was cut short as Jena walked into the living room. It had been a week since he had seen
her. She had been on vacation and returned with a deep tan and a shoulder length hair cut that framed
her face and showed off her eyes. His heart stopped for the fraction of the second it took for him to
realize he was staring.

“J Dog,” Mark fist bumped her and she laughed. “Welcome back. Come in and join us. Looks like
Caleb here needs a partner. You up for the challenge?”

“You better believe it.” Dr. Turner patted Caleb’s arm as she took the seat next to him.

“Before we get started, Ryan and I would like to talk to you guys about something.” Layla stood up,
pasted on a smile and held tight to Ryan’s hand. “We love you guys so much. This night is a happy
one. We’re going to celebrate being together, laugh like hell and play the shit out of this Pictionary

Ryan laughed and squeezed her hand. “I love you baby.”

“We have spent the last week talking every minute of the day.”

“Well, not every minute.” Ryan grinned as Layla hit his arm.

“We have decided it is time to stop the chemotherapy. It isn’t working and it is just making him sick.
We’re going to spend the next few weeks doing all the things he has always wanted to do. We are
going to live every single day. No more tears and no more defeat. Dr. Lahti thinks we have a couple
of good months left and we aren’t going to waste them being mad. We both really hope y’all will join
us on some of our trips. Our home is open to you guys every day to spend as much time as you want
with Ryan. I just ask that you give us our nights together. I know this isn’t easy to hear. Believe me.
I’m not sure I even have any tears left.” She smiled at her husband with love in her eyes and her heart
in her throat.

“What you guys have done for me for the last twenty years has been more than anyone ever deserved.
I am so blessed that you are my family. We are going to need every single one of you. And God
knows that Layla will need you.” Ryan took a steadying breath. “I am counting on every one of you to
keep her strong. I expect your asses to get over there and cut the grass in the summers and keep her
busy, even with these stupid Pictionary games. And the day she tells you she has found someone else
that loves her even a fraction of what I do, I want you guys to stand by her and love him like you do
me. Because honest to God, if I have anything to do with it, I am going to send her someone amazing.”

“Fuck.” Mark scrubbed his hands down his face. “Give me a minute.” He walked away from the
group in silence. This was the moment he had been dreading, despite knowing it was coming. He
leaned his head against the living room wall. Sensing he had company, he looked up and locked eyes
with Caleb.

“It isn’t supposed to make sense Moretti. There isn’t an explanation for this. We can’t let our anger
get us lost. We can’t let him know that this is fucking ripping our insides out. Come back with me.
We can fall apart later. We have to be strong tonight.” Caleb extended his hand and pulled Mark into
a hug. “Deep breath. Let’s do this together. One step at a time.”

The men entered the living room and sat back down. Mark smiled at Ryan. “Sorry, man. Please

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“I know this isn’t what any of you want to hear. But I need to do this in case I don’t have another
chance. I have lived an amazing life. I have the best damn friends. Hell, look at my hot wife.”
Everyone laughed. “This isn’t the way I expected any of this to turn out. But it’s the hand I was dealt,
even if it is a really shitty hand. I don’t want a long, drawn out mourning period. Don’t do that to
yourselves. Remember me, the crazy, unruly, pain in the ass that and celebrate that. But above all,
please take care of my wife.”

Caleb cleared his throat. “West, you are a legend and that isn’t going to change when you are gone.
We promise you, no matter what, Layla will be alright. We will work together to do everything we
can to make life ok if you aren’t here. But you are still here right now. And I want to spend every
second we have left enjoying that. No more goodbyes. No more tears.” Caleb raised his beer and
looked around the room at his silent friends. Tears wet everyone’s cheeks, but he knew it was time to
remind them Ryan was still very much alive. “To Ryan West. The playboy that turned into a total
pussy with one slow dance.”

The friends all laughed as they sipped at their drinks. Layla’s eyes were full of love for her husband,
who pulled her into his arms. “I love you Mrs. West. For the rest of my life and then some.”

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Chapter 20

Ryan awoke to his doorbell’s non stop buzzing. He unwrapped his arms and legs from Layla and
rubbed his eyes. Four AM. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and headed to the door. He banged
into the wall and cursed. This had better be an emergency or he was sure he would use every last
ounce of energy to beat someone’s ass.

“Get dressed. The newest Moretti is on his way into the world. I’ll drive. Get Layla.” Caleb’s
voice was full of joy. “Did you hear me?”

“Yes. Lay, wake up baby. Sophie is in labor. We’ve got to go.” He called down the hallway.

Layla launched herself from the bed, grabbing the clothes she had set aside in case this happened in
the middle of the night. “Are you OK? Do you want to come with us?”

Coughing, Ryan pulled her into his arms. “Hell yes, I want to go. This changes everything and I’m
not going to miss it.”

They ran to the driveway and piled into Caleb’s Audi. The engine roared to life, the dash lit up and
they were off. Music filtered through the car but the words were drowned out by Layla’s constant
talking. She squealed and laughed and cried. Her sister was having a baby and for the first time that
she could remember, Layla longed to be a mother. She buried the thought as soon as it entered her
head. The future with Ryan would not include children. And even though he had asked her to move
on and live, she knew it would take a miracle to get her to open up her heart again.

Caleb threw his arm around Ryan as they jogged down the hall to labor and delivery. Mark and
Sophie had asked Ryan and Layla to be in the delivery room and judging by the phone call from Mark
on the way to the hospital, it would not be long before baby boy Moretti would be saying hello to his
extended family.

Mark had agonized over the decision to leave Molly in the waiting room. The rules were strict. Two
additional people and no exceptions. And even the charm of Ryan West hadn’t shaken the nurses.
Molly nodded and smiled understanding that Ryan needed this more than any of them. Mark had left
her with a lump in his throat but a smile on his face over his sister’s selflessness.

Ryan wrapped his arms over the shoulders of Caleb and Layla and his chest burned. “I am so excited
that my chest hurts.”

They laughed as they reached the nurses’ station. Ryan and Layla were led into Sophie’s room as
Caleb took a seat next to the rest of the Moretti gang. Today, their group was growing by one. And
there was no doubt in Caleb’s mind that this was the beginning of an amazing adventure.


Layla’s grin covered her whole face. She held Ryan’s hand and skipped into the waiting room,
meeting the eyes of everyone awaiting the news. She screamed and jumped up and down.

“Well?” Molly jumped to her feet.

“We have a baby!” Ryan yelled and fist bumped Caleb and Kevin.

“Six pounds, 11 ounces, 22 inches long and gorgeous. He has jet black hair and bright blue eyes and
he is wrinkled and mad and the prettiest thing I have ever seen.” Layla laughed and pumped her fist in
the air. In the face of death, there was life. And she knew this lesson would stay with her long after
her goodbye to Ryan. The world kept spinning and people welcomed miracles every day. Even

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though she was losing hers, there were so many things she needed to keep living for.

“I take it we have a baby?” Jena stepped into the waiting room and smiled at the exhausted group of
friends that had become a shining light in her life. “What did they name him?”

Ryan hugged Jena. “They haven’t told us yet. The doctor says we can all go in to see them in about a
half hour. I guess he will tell us then.”

Jena took the seat next to Caleb and smiled at him. “Mr. Allen.”

“Dr. Turner.” He laughed and hugged her. “I’ve been thinking about you a little bit. Done for the

She shook her head. “Just starting for the day.”

The waiting room door opened and Mark stepped in smiling the brightest smile he had ever smiled.
“Would you guys like to come meet my son?”

The group cheered as they followed Mark into the room. Sophie was exhausted but her grin told them
there was nothing but joy today. Mark took his son from her arms and kissed his forehead. “Guys,
Sophie and I would like to introduce you to our son, Mario Ryan Moretti.” He stepped toward Ryan
and placed the baby in his arms.

Ryan sobbed as he held him tightly. “Marco, Jesus man. That’s the most amazing gift anyone could
give me. Thank you so much.” Mario wrapped his tiny hand around Ryan’s finger and squeezed.
Ryan was mesmerized by the little miracle. “I love you so much Mario. You are going to be the most
amazing athlete and the biggest heartbreaker and a genius. I mean, hell, look at who you’re named
after.” He laughed as Mario yawned and fell back to sleep. He nuzzled his neck and smelled his
clean skin. He may not be able to give Layla a child, but his legacy would live on through the
children Sophie and Mark would have and he couldn’t be more proud.


Layla napped on the couch that afternoon, her body pressed against Ryan. He stroked her hair and
tucked it over her shoulder, kissing her neck. She sighed as she snuggled closer. “I love you so
much, Lay.”

“I love you too. You need to be resting honey. Are you feeling alright?”

“I have never been better. Everyone is happy, the baby is healthy, I am lying here with you. There is
nothing more I could want.”

She rubbed her hands up and down his arms. “I wish I could freeze this moment.” She rolled over
and snuggled into his chest. “Everything about today is good. Thank you for this minute. I will never
forget it as long as I live.”

“I’m sorry we won’t have a day like Mark and Sophie had today. I would do anything in the world to
give you that.”

She sat up and looked him in the eyes. “Don’t ever apologize for this. I could live a million lives
and I would never want anything more than being your wife.”

“Well, technically, Dr. Lahti didn’t say anything about not being able to enjoy the activities that make
a baby. Want to go try, Mrs. West?”

Layla laughed as she pulled Ryan toward their bedroom.

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Chapter 21

“Ladies and Gents, on the agenda this weekend is Catalina. I am loading the cars. We roll out in
fifteen.” Kevin pulled Ryan’s suitcase out the front door to load into the trunk. This was the second
weekend of what had been named the Ryan West World Tour. The decision had been made to spend
the weekends as a group, enjoying some of Ryan’s favorite places and discovering new locations that
would make lasting memories.

Two weeks ago, Ryan had informed Dr. Lahti that he was finished with chemotherapy and would be
living the remainder of his days loving Layla and trying to stay comfortable. He had weakened
considerably but his spirits were high. Naps had become part of his day but they allowed him the
energy to spend the evenings on the couch with Layla. They watched movies and laughed and held
each other. Despite the illness, he felt blessed.

“Do you remember when you asked me why I only had one star and I said I would get the other when
the next major life event happened?”

Layla nodded her head and traced his shirt where the star hid underneath.

“I need to get the other one. I should have gotten it the day I met you. I cannot imagine anything more
important than the first day I saw you. Will you take me to get it next week?”

Layla grinned. “Of course I will. And for the record, I saw you first.”

Ryan laughed as she pulled him from the couch. “I don’t think so. Actually, I think Caleb saw you

“Caleb did what?” Caleb walked into the living room to help Layla get Ryan to the car.

They both laughed. “Ryan seems to think you saw me first. I think I saw him first.”

“Um. No. I definitely saw you first. And I called Ryan over to look. But let’s not go there. That
was the start of the shit with Sophie and Mark.” Caleb frowned.

“Water under the bridge, man. It was a mistake but everything worked out the way it was supposed
to. Besides, you were so hung up on Sophie that you were thinking with your dick.”

“Nice.” Layla held the front door open for Caleb and Ryan. “I am in love with a caveman.”

Kevin continued to shove luggage into the back of Caleb’s car and his SUV. Mark and Sophie would
be missing the trip this weekend but the rest of the gang would be going, along with Caleb’s sister,
who had just moved to LA to do her medical residency.

As Ryan approached Kevin’s SUV, He noticed a car speeding down his road, tires squealing. The
car came to an abrupt stop and blocked the driveway. Jena jumped out and ran toward the group.

“Stop loading the car.” She was out of breath as she ran to where Kevin was loading the suitcases.
“Stop loading the car.” She panted.

“Jena? Are you ok?” Layla ran toward her, meeting her halfway and taking her hand. “What’s

We found a match!”

“What?” Ryan’s tired eyes widened and Jena burst into tears.

“We found a match. Right here in LA. We can do the procedure right away.”

“Oh my God.” Layla dropped to her knees and put her head in her hands. Her sobbing was a

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welcome sound to Ryan’s ears.

He knelt beside her in the driveway and looked up at Dr. Turner. His eyes were filled with hope and
joy. The expression that stared back at him was filled with the same. “What?”

Jena laughed and put her hand on his shoulder. “We found a match, Ryan.”

“I can’t believe this. I don’t know what to say.” Ryan cried as the rest of his friends circled around
him. “I can’t believe the kindness of strangers. I have a second angel giving me my life back.”

“An angel, yes. But, not a stranger, Ryan.” Jena knelt down to look Ryan in the eye.

“Then who?”

Jena locked eyes with Kevin. He had been quietly unpacking the bags from the trunk. He smiled as
their eyes met. Jena pointed, “Him.”

All eyes locked on Kevin and he smiled.


Dr. Lahti stepped into the surgery holding area. He smiled at Ryan and Kevin who had insisted on
opening the curtains between their rooms. “Well this is a sight.” He shook both their hands and
turned to shake hands with Layla, Caleb and Mark.

“I know I have spoken extensively to both of you but just a quick recap in case anyone isn’t aware of
what will happen today. Kevin, you will be taken back to the Operating room for a nice little nap
under anesthesia. We will be inserting a hollow needle into the pelvis and drawing marrow out for
the donation. You will be asleep a few hours. If you are feeling well enough to go home tonight, you
may. If not, we will let you go in the morning. You are going to be tired, perhaps a little nauseated
and most likely have a good bit of pain in your lower back. You can go back to work in about a week
if you are feeling up to it.”

Kevin nodded his head and smiled at Ryan. “You owe me bro. You know how much I hate needles.”

“Dude,” Ryan laughed. “At least you don’t have this huge tube sticking out of your chest.”

Dr. Lahti continued. “Ryan, your procedure is simpler but your recovery will be long. You will be
awake during the procedure. We will be inserting the marrow through your central line. Your
procedure will only take about an hour. The new blood cells should start generating anywhere
between two and four weeks. During that time, you will remain inpatient. We will give you
antibiotics and visitors will be kept to a minimum. I mean that this time. Each person that comes in is
a risk to you so we are going to be very strict about the rules.”

“I will keep them out. We are going to do everything we have to do to bring Ryan home healthy.”
Layla kissed his cheek.

The nurses arrived to give Kevin some medicine to help him relax. He said his goodbyes to his
friends as his eyes grew heavy and his speech slurred. Mumbling about loving Ryan and missing his
wingman, the doctor wheeled him out to the operating room.

Ryan looked around the room after receiving some pain medication to relax him for the procedure.
“Has anyone seen my beautiful wife?”

“I’m here baby.” Layla stepped forward and rubbed his leg.

He reached up and took her by the back of the neck, bringing her forehead down to rest against his. “I
love you so much woman. I don’t know what you did to me but I am totally whipped.” The group

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laughed as his eyes glassed over from the medication. “Go ahead and laugh. I never thought I would
give up being a playboy. These damn Barringer sisters must have some sort of magic shit. Do you
guys have a sister for Caleb? He would be screwed. We should really..”

“He’s high as a kite. If there are any secrets you want to know, Lay, ask him now. He doesn’t have a
clue.” Caleb laughed.

D r . Turner stepped into the holding area to wish Ryan luck. She smiled as she realized the
medication had put him in a drunken stupor.

“Speaking of secrets. There she is. The beautiful Dr. Jena Turner. She is smoking hot, don’t you
think so Caleb? Does anyone know where Kevin went? He’s giving me his bone marrow today.”

“Ryan, why don’t you shut your eyes and see if you can’t get comfortable?” Mark chucked as he gave
Jena a hug hello.

“Oh, I’m comfortable. I’m totally comfortable. This stuff is awesome. Can we get some of this for
home Dr. Tuner? My feet are so big. Does anyone else see how big my feet are? You know what
they say about feet. Caleb, how big are you feet? Do you have big feet?”

“Holy shit.” Caleb belly laughed as Ryan leaned over the side of his bed to stare at his feet. “He’s

“I’m right here. Hey, where’s Kevin?”

Layla wiped the tears from her eyes. She was laughing so hard her stomach hurt. “Honey, he is
already back in surgery.”

“He’s having surgery?” Ryan shut his eyes.****

Dr. Lahti stepped into the waiting room. It has been four hours since he had first taken Kevin into
surgery. The Moretti group was all present and accounted for, even the youngest member who was
two weeks old today. Dr. Lahti smiled. This was a family. Bound by blood or not, this group was
closer than most.

Mark looked up and noticed the doctor. “Did everything go ok?”

“Both men are resting comfortably. Kevin is awake and can have visitors now. He has already asked
to go home so I am sure he would appreciate some company so he doesn’t go stir crazy. Ryan has just
fallen asleep so I am going to ask that, aside from Layla, there be no visitors tonight so he can rest. I
appreciate being able to be a part of Ryan’s treatment. He is an amazing person and I am proud to
have known him the last twenty years. Take care of him. I have no doubt that this treatment will

Layla kissed Dr. Michael Lahti on the cheek and made her way up to the oncology floor. The walk
was quiet. The smell of alcohol pads hit her and she stopped cold. They had spent too much time in
hospitals this year. Butterflies took flight in her stomach as she reached his room. She put on the
scrubs the nurses gave her and washed her hands. It would be a long month but bringing home a
healthy husband at the end of it was priceless.

Ryan stirred as she walked in. His groggy smile reached his eyes when he saw her in the hospital
issued scrubs. “You are the sexiest nurse I have ever seen. Don’t tell my wife though. She would not
be happy to hear I was checking out the night nurse.”

Layla smiled noticing some color back in his cheeks. “Wow. You look really good. How you

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“Come here.” Ryan pulled her onto the bed next to him. “I don’t know if this will work but I have to
believe it will. We deserve a long and happy life, Mrs. West. But, as long as I have you, I will never
need anything else. You are my everything and no matter how much time we have, I am going to
spend the rest of my life loving you.”

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Epilogue - 3 months later

Dr. Lahti sat behind his desk and rubbed his forehead. Results from Ryan’s blood work littered his
desk. The afternoon sun blazed through the window, casting a shadow on his face. Removing his
glasses, he cleared his throat and looked up.

Ryan and Layla sat hand in hand across from him. Today was the day the blood work results were
back. Today he would know if the bone marrow transplant was working. A sheen of sweat broke
across Ryan’s forehead. It had been three months since he was released from the hospital. It felt like
his visits here were almost daily. The fevers had stalled after about six weeks and he was beginning
to feel like the old Ryan again.

“The most important question is how are you feeling?” Dr. Lahti closed the chart. “Are you having
Pain anywhere? Fevers? Night sweats?”

“No fevers for about six weeks I suppose. Night sweats are almost gone. I still have some pain in my
low back and my hips but for the most part, I am back at the gym part time and feeling pretty good.”
Ryan squeezed Layla’s hand and smiled at her. “Whether this worked or not, this extra time has been
a blessing.”

“And Kevin? How is he? I haven’t seen him in a few weeks so I want to make sure that everything is
going alright with him. No infection?”

Layla laughed. “Kevin is crazy as ever. He was back at the gym full time a week after the transplant
and is dating a few dozen women. Seems like he is the old Kevin.”

Dr. Lahti laughed. Picking up the results, he smiled. “Your blood cell counts are on the rise. I know
it is early but it looks like the transplant is working.”

Layla squealed and jumped into Ryan’s lap. Tears fell from her eyes as she wrapped her arms around
his neck. The breath she had been holding, for what felt like months, came out with a laugh. Running
her hand down his cheek, she kissed him lightly on the forehead. “I love you so much.”

He held her to his chest and looked at Dr. Lahti. “When will we know for sure? How long until the
word remission might be used?”

“We will keep a close eye on your progress. We will do a bone scan in about a month. We will
repeat the blood work every six weeks. I am hoping to consider this in remission in a few more
months. I am really proud of your strength, Ryan. And there isn’t a person more deserving of good
news. I am thrilled.”

“I’m not sure I have ever been happier. You are my everything. Now we have a chance to take a
deep breath for awhile. And we can just spend a few months living, baby. ”

Ryan cleared his throat. “Speaking of babies. Any chance that might ever happen for us after all the
chemo and radiation I have had?”

Layla’s jaw dropped. “The most important thing in the world to me is you. And if you are OK, I
don’t need anything else.”

Dr. Lahti smiled at them. They were a strong couple that others only dreamed of becoming. He
prayed they would always be this in love. “I think there is a very strong chance that if you want
children, you could have them.”

“We will start trying tonight. The trying is half the fun anyway.” Ryan laughed at Layla as she fake

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punched him in the arm.

Meanwhile, out in the hall, Mark patiently awaited the news. Standing outside the oncology office, he
took deep breaths and tried to keep a cool head. It had been two months since he had seen Ryan. They
had spoken on the phone almost daily but being quarantined in the house to avoid infection, Ryan had
played by the rules. Today was different. Today, Ryan would get his test results that told him if the
bone marrow transplant had worked. He shuffled his feet as he leaned against the wall.

He hadn’t let Layla or Ryan know that he would be here but he wanted to be the first to congratulate
them. He knew in his heart this would work. They had been through too much for it not to.

The hallway door opened and Caleb stepped through. “What are you doing here Moretti?”

Hugging Caleb, Mark smiled over his shoulder. “I wanted to be here when they got their results. I’m
sorry. But is that Mackenna Knight from high school?”

Caleb smiled. He had run into Mackenna about a month ago while he was out to lunch with clients.
Growing up as her neighbor, he had always had a crush on her. But they had lost touch when he went
off to college. “Yes it is.”

Mackenna approached and screamed when she saw Mark. She threw her arms around him.
“Moretti. It is so good to see you. I kept asking Caleb to call so we could get together. I heard you
were married and have a son. I am so happy for you.”

“You haven’t changed a bit Mackenna. It is so nice to see you. Are you living in Los Angeles? Are
you two dating?” Mark hugged her back but directed the question at Caleb.

“We aren’t labeling it. But we have been seeing each other for about a month.”

The conversation was cut short when Jena walked down the hall with a very nervous Sophie. They
hugged hello and all stood quietly awaiting the news. Jena made eye contact with Caleb and blushed.
She had heard through the rumor mill that he was seeing someone but coming face to face with her
was a different story. She was pretty and petite, exactly the type of woman she pictured as Caleb’s
type. Her heart still sped up at the site of him and she didn’t think that would change any time soon.

Caleb smiled back, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her. Mark looked between the two and shook
his head. The one lesson he had learned beyond a doubt was to follow your heart. Somehow, it
always knew best. And denying it what it desired most was pure torture. Caleb had spoken of Jena
on several occasions. And although Mark knew Mackenna had been a schoolboy crush, his feelings
for Jena were apparent.

The door opened and Layla and Ryan walked out. Ryan’s jaw dropped when he saw his friends lined
up in the hall. He took in their anxious faces. He was a lucky man. Not only was he getting healthy,
but he had the most amazing support system in the world. His friends were his life and now he could
live it again, with them by his side.

“Well?” Mark interrupted his thoughts.

Ryan smiled. Prolonging the news a little more only frustrated with them and he laughed when Caleb
growled. “Looks like you will be stuck with me for a lot more years you lucky sons of bitches.”

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Can’t get enough of the Moretti boys?

The Moretti Novels

Taming the Bachelor, the story of Mark Moretti, July 2013

Taming the Playboy, the story of Ryan West, August 2013

Taming the Boy Next Door, the story of Caleb Allen, November 2013

Taming Casanova, the story of Kevin Merck, January 2014

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Thank you so much to my husband and daughter. You gave me time to write (sometimes). I
appreciate the quiet evenings when I needed them. You are my world. C, I love that you keep telling
me you are going to write a book and put Alex on the cover. You make me laugh every single day.
Thank you for being mommy’s princess. You are the best thing I have ever done in my life.

Mom, always my cheerleader. Thank you for the party when the first book came out. Your
excitement and encouragement kept me going. I loved going to the SC Book Festival and having you
introduce me as your daughter, the writer. I love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for
loving me unconditionally every single day of my life.

Alex Michael Turner. What can I say? There are just no words. You are a beautiful person, both
inside and out. The photos for the book covers were more amazing than I ever imagined them. Thank
you for being one of my biggest fans! You shine on this cover and you are a wonderful Ryan West.
But no matter what, you will ALWAYS be my Mark Moretti. I have enjoyed our friendship more than
I can ever express. BOOM!! Find out more about Alex at

Ashley, I love you to pieces. Thank you for stalking me on nights when I didn’t want to write. Thank
you for remembering my characters and my scenes better than I do. You have earned your best friend
title this year for sure. Thank you for loving me enough to be there for me.

Eric Wainwright. I loved your photos before I met you and I love them even more now. Thank you
for giving me the hottest covers ever! Working with you in Portland was a dream come true and I
cannot wait to see what you do on the next books. Find out more about Eric at

Amanda, if I didn’t have you in my life, I would be lost. Thank you for making me laugh, making me
cry, and for being my number one Partner in Crime. Thank you for believing in my dream. PICs

To my readers. You amaze me every day. I wouldn’t be anywhere without you. I have loved hearing
from you, listening to your suggestions, hearing your stories and just being a part of your lives. Thank
you for supporting me and for loving these Moretti boys so much. I love our Facebook page and
being able to share my thoughts and teasers with you. You are all AMAZEBALLS!!

To Levi! Always a fighter, always motivating and the definition of a pure heart. Cancer didn’t stand
a chance against you kiddo!

And finally to my family of authors on Facebook. Our indie community is rock solid and I love our
cram sessions, writing marathons, emails, laughs and tears.

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About the Author

MJ Carnal lives in Lexington, South Carolina with her husband, gorgeous daughter and two loving
and super furry dogs. She spends her days in the world of neurosurgery but her nights in a world she
creates on paper. When she isn’t writing, you can find her watching episodes of The Walking Dead
with her hubby, having tea parties with Princess Caroline, Singing karaoke for anyone that will listen
and reading just about anything she can get her hands on. “Taming the Playboy” is the second
published book in the Moretti series but her first series was written at the age of eight and illustrated
with crayon.

She loves to hear from fans, fellow writers and book lovers. Find her online at

or on Twitter @mjcarnalauthor.

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Taming the Boy Next Door Chapter 1

“Are you really making me do this? No way I’m going to pull this off, Moretti.” Caleb shifted his
weight back and forth. The front porch light was off and he struggled to get his key in the lock.

“Just act surprised. Mackenna and Sophie have worked hard on this surprise party. Just jump and
smile.” Mark patted Caleb on the back and laughed. “You only turn thirty once and there wasn’t a
chance in hell they were going to let you off the hook. Let’s go.”

Caleb smoothed his shirt, ran his hands through his sandy hair and took a deep breath. “Fine. But
payback is a bitch.”

He turned the doorknob and entered his dark living room. He smiled briefly as he waited. As the
lights flipped on, they all jumped from their designated spots and yelled. Caleb laughed. He tried to
act surprised but seeing their faces, so full of determination, he couldn’t help himself.

“Did we surprise you baby?” Mackenna jumped into his arms.

Smiling, Caleb reassured her. “You did. Thank you for this. It’s amazing.”

Steve cranked the music and the party kicked into gear. People gathered in every corner of the house.
Drinks were flowing and laughter filled the room. His favorite people in the world were gathered in
one space. Caleb couldn’t help but feel blessed.

Growing up, he had been wild and rebellious. Being unruly made him the life of the party and the
loose cannon of the Moretti gang. And as his grades slipped and his all star status on the soccer field
was in jeopardy, reality kicked in. His UCLA days were spent studying and he graduated with honors
three years later. Now, he spent his days as one of the most prestigious editors in Los Angeles.

Mackenna had been the girl next door growing up. He had chased her nonstop through high school.
But the chase might have been more fun than the catch. They had been together for three months. And
although it had been fun, Caleb couldn’t commit himself fully to the relationship. He had been honest
with her. But she had told him it didn’t matter and that forever was something that happened slowly.
She had agreed to an open relationship when he found himself pulling away. Almost daily, his mind
wandered back to the days when Mark was in the hospital. The experience had been one of the worst
of his life. But the gorgeous Dr. Jena Turner had been a bright spot in those dark days.

“Did you hear me?” Mac’s slurred voice broke through his fog and she laughed. Losing her
balance, she fell into him. “Where were you just now?”

“Sorry.” He took a sip of his beer. “Why don’t you give me your drink and go sit down on the
couch? Andi could probably use a friendly face. She looks a little nervous.”

His sister, Andrea, had moved to Los Angeles a few months prior and was doing her residency in
oncology. After weeks of twisting her arm, she had moved into his guest room and Caleb loved
having her close.

They were from a traditional family. After thirty five years, his parents were still happily married
and that was exactly what he was looking for in a mate. Unfortunately, he knew Mackenna was not it.

He walked down the hallway toward his bedroom. He had to get out of his suit. He felt like it was
choking him. The door to the bathroom opened and she walked right into his path.

He bumped into her hard and she stumbled backwards. Caleb grabbed her arms to steady her. As he
looked up, their eyes locked. “Jena.” He breathed.

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“Happy birthday, Caleb.” She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“I didn’t know you were here.” He did not let go of her arms and she made no effort to pull away.

“I wouldn’t have missed it.” Her smile lit up her face and Caleb tried to swallow around his heart,
currently lodged in his throat and making it impossible to breathe.

“I miss seeing you. God, I think about you every day.” Her blush deepened so he kept going. “You
are more beautiful than I remember.”

His hands ran up her arms and he gently pushed her back into the wall. They stood almost face to
face. She was tall and tanned and her legs went on for miles. Her skin broke out in goosebumps
under his touch.

Her breathing changed. “I missed you guys too.” Her voice was sensual and smooth.

He leaned into her, pressing his body softly against hers. When she didn’t push him away, he pressed
harder. “You smell amazing.”

Her fingers wrapped through his belt loops and pulled him as close as she could. She knew he was
dating. Layla had told her they were not serious but she had stayed away to allow Caleb to explore
his feelings for Mackenna. The shots that Ryan had served her fueled her desire. She needed to make
her feelings known before her courage was lost once more. She could feel his arousal against her leg
and she longed to touch it. His face was so close. His blue eyes sparkled and his lopsided grin sent
butterflies through her body. She shivered.

“It’s my birthday. Do I get to make a birthday wish?” He wiggled his hips against hers and her eyes

“Yes.” She moaned.

“I want your lips. I stared at them for weeks and I have dreamt of them for months. I want to know
what they feel like on mine.” His hand found Jena’s hair and pulled her face toward him. “Can I have
that Jena?”

Mark cleared his throat and they flew apart. “I hate to interrupt. But Mac is drunk as hell and she has
just announced to the whole party that your penis is pierced and you like some kinky shit. Any way
you could come retrieve her? And please, for the love God, get that image out of my head?”

He looked at Jena and her eyes were wide. “I’m so sorry. I need to go handle this. Can I get a rain

She nodded her head but stayed silent.

Caleb laughed as he passed Mark in the hall. “From now on, I expect you to call me sir.”

Document Outline


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