Dick Does Jane Brynn Paulin

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Dick Does Jane

A Taboo Wishes Story

By Brynn Paulin

Resplendence Publishing, LLC


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Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 S Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Dick Does Jane
Copyright © 2011 Brynn Paulin
Edited by Christine Allen-Riley and Jason Huffman
Cover art by Les Byerley,


Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-358-4

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright
infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in
federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: August 2011

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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To the Tartlets: Lacey, Dakota, Carol, Mia and Bronwyn

I love our time together. You’re the best.

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Chapter One

Jane Harper couldn’t help but feel she was being setup. When her boss had come into her office and given her this listing to broker, she’d

readily agreed. Though the real estate market hadn’t been great, houses in this affluent neighborhood had always sold well, even in the recession.
Getting this property was a coup.

Until she’d spied the address, but by then it had been too late. Her boss had gone back to his office, and she was left staring at the address

of the home. A home she knew all too well.

845 Wolf River Drive. The residence of her ex-boyfriend, Dr. Dick Anderson.
Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she stared up at the white house with black trim. Rather than studying it for curb appeal, her mind was

firmly on the man inside. Constant jokes about their names aside, their three-month relationship had been comfortable at best. Bland at worst.

The night he’d asked her to move in to this very house, she’d refused then she’d broken things off. Dick was a nice guy. He deserved

someone who more than liked him, who was more than just content with him.

And Jane wanted sparks and fire and a man who made her shiver at the thought of sex. Commitment was optional.
Butterflies kamikazed around her belly as she reached for the door handle. She’d wanted to feel something like this whenever she

considered being with him. Heady excitement. Anticipation.

At the moment, it was merely nerves.
Stepping from her car, she paused a moment to steady herself on her navy high heels then grabbed her case from the backseat.

Swallowing, her mouth suddenly dry, she smoothed the skirt of her tailored blue suit. Her lace-trimmed white blouse and the satin trim on the
jacket’s pockets were the outfit’s only nod to femininity. The somewhat sexless armor was a defense against men who seemed to think getting it on
with their realtor was more than an urban legend. It would be an asset today against Dick. Being alone for the past four months made her vulnerable
to nostalgia.

The sex wouldn’t have been that bad. Better than none.
Mentally berating herself to stop, she headed for the front door. Heaven forbid he think she was afraid of him. He’d always been so nice. It

wasn’t until that evening when she’d told him just that—that he was too nice a man—that she’d seen a glimpse of the sort of commanding guy she
wanted. But that had been too late. And he’d just been angry, anyway. That powerful presence hadn’t been real.

The click of her heels on the cement reminded her of the part of the feminine outfit she couldn’t resist. Right now, she wished she’d worn

flats. Dick had a bit of a shoe fetish. Despite being epically dull, he’d had a thing for her shoes, and she’d often glimpsed him staring speculatively
at them. If only he’d acted on the fire she’d seen in his eyes. She’d always suspected he held something back. She’d never pushed. Maybe


held him back.

She didn’t need neuroses. She’d had her share of that in boyfriends before Dick.
He opened the door as she raised her hand to knock. Caught in his deep blue gaze, she could only stare. Dick was the most beautiful man

she’d ever met. That’s why they’d lasted three, sexless months. Looking at him made her all hot and wet, but looks weren’t something on which to
build a relationship.

A bit of his curling, dark-brown hair fell over his forehead to flop over his brow while his full lips curved into a faint smile. Though she couldn’t

pull away from his eyes, she’d had a momentary flash of his white oxford, open at the neck, and well-worn jeans. Though she didn’t look, it was likely
he wore brown loafers. This was his standard casual outfit. Being a well-made man, he wore it to perfection.

Dick was neither overly muscular nor lanky. Rather, he was fit without excess fat or bulging muscles, though he did lean to the latter rather

than the former. She’d appreciated that, enjoying a strong man beside her who didn’t frighten her with his hulking mass.

“Jane,” he simply said. Her middle shuddered with excitement—what the hell was this? Why now?
“Dick,” she replied. Neither said another word as time fell away, and the moment spun a web around them. Her fingers tightened on her

briefcase as a tingle of awareness washed through her chest.

She swallowed again.
This appointment was going to be hell.
Finally, he pushed the door further open. “Come on in.”

Said the spider to the fly.

With a slight nod, she slipped past him and into the dimly lit foyer. None of the house was particularly bright considering the huge windows

and the late spring sun burning over Northern Michigan that day.

The butterflies in her belly moved into formation, beginning a coil. Oh no…
Dick had drawn the blinds, turning them so only the faintest slits of light came through. He hadn’t turned on any lights. Overhead fans pushed

the cooled air back toward the floor, but as her knees wobbled, she felt prickly warmth creeping up her back.

“Where would you like to start?” he asked.

In the living room then maybe the bedroom or your pool or that massive tub in the master bath…

“The kitchen,” she murmured. “We can start with paperwork then you can do whatever while I wander around taking pictures for the listing.”
One side of his smile deepened, and he nodded.
“This way then,” he said, brushing past her and leading the way—as if she didn’t know. And why the hell did he still need to wear that

cologne? She loved the scent, and he knew it.

Because he likes it, Jane. Don’t go making this personal.

It stopped being personal when she’d broken up with him. Four months ago. He was in her past. She couldn’t go having second thoughts

now about what she’d been so sure of then.

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The kitchen was at the back of the first floor, overlooking a large patio and pool. The blue water appealed to her, an unhealthy lure at the

moment as the heat continued to flow through her. A quick dip would be delightful, but she’d have to settle for a cool shower at home in her tiny

She tore her gaze from the pool and looked at him, realizing suddenly that he’d been speaking to her.
“Yes?” she asked. “I was just thinking that the pool is a nice selling point.”
His head tilted up slightly as he gave a disbelieving nod.
She chose to ignore his look. “What were you saying?”
“I asked if you’d like a drink. A Coke? Water? Iced Tea?”

Or you?

She shook her head and pulled forms from her briefcase. “No, I should just get down to this.”
“And get it over with,” he replied quietly.
Her heart lurched a little, but she ignored that, too. What was


with her?

“This is the listing agreement,” she said as she took a seat and retrieved a pen from her bag. Dick took the seat kitty-corner to her and

pulled the paper toward him. “You’ll see the basic terms here,” she pointed to a spot then turned the page, “and this spells out our commission on
the sale. Beneath that is our right to exclusive listing, but it states that we’ll be putting it out on multiple databases to have the highest chance of

“Okay…whatever,” he replied. He sounded somewhat distracted and impatient.
“I’ll give you a chance to look this over while I take pictures and come up with recommendations. Do you know the home’s current worth and

do you have an asking price in mind? We’ll of course have an assessment done by one of our associates…”

“No idea,” he said.
“No problem. I’ll have some recommendations after we finish the walk-through.”
She pulled out her camera while she spoke and stood, feeling more comfortable now that business was underway. To her surprise, Dick

followed to his feet.

“I’ll come with you,” he announced.
Jane stared at him, desperately trying to come up with a reason why he shouldn’t. It wasn’t uncommon for a seller to want to walk through

with her. Normally, she wouldn’t mind.

“Don’t you want to look over the agreement?” she tried. “The sooner it’s done, the sooner I’m out of your hair.”
With the accuracy of a fiery arrow, his look sizzled straight to her core. “I’m not in any hurry, Jane.”
She licked her bottom lip as he silently underlined his intention to make things uncomfortable for her. She wanted to tell him she was in a

hurry, but the company behavior code forbade that. Every client received absolute attention.

“I have another showing,” she lied anyway, scrabbling for control.
“No, you don’t,” he replied. “I made certain of that when I asked for you. Come along,” he continued, taking her elbow in a steel-like grip. “We

can start upstairs and work our way back down.”

He’d asked for her? “You…asked for me?” she murmured, repeating her thought. “Why? That doesn’t make any sense. Why would you want

to have anything to do with me after…”

Dick raised a brow and shook his head. “I’m sure we’ll work together just fine.”
At the moment, her hormones were saying the same thing. She felt all trembly as her panties dampened. Unacceptable. She’d only be

disappointed. Desiring him had never been a problem. Still, her thighs tingled with the desire to feel him there, the abrasion of his manly legs
between hers.

“Ladies first,” he said at the stairs.
She shook her head, not wanting him eye-level with her ass as she went and nose-level with her unmistakable arousal. “Seller first.”
“Now, don’t make my mama angry with me for not treating a woman right.”
She turned to him, taking one step up the stairs so they were almost face to face. She crossed her arms over her chest, letting the camera

dangle from one hand. Time to cut the crap and drop the seller-realtor façade. They both knew damn well he had other intentions here. The
determined look in his eyes told her that—where had this man been when they’d dated?

“We both know your


wouldn’t approve of what’s going on in your head anyway. So let’s drop that line right now.”

“There’s the Jane I remember,” he laughed.
“What’s going on here?”
“You’re taking pictures.” Putting his hands on her shoulders, he turned her then leaned into her ear. His body pressed to her back, sending

tremors through her. “Now march upstairs and get to it,” he instructed.

She closed her eyes against the warm blanket of belonging falling over her. She


belong here—or to him. A job. She was just here to

do a job.

Rolling her weight to the balls of her feet and off her spiked heels, she jogged up the steps and away from Dick. She wasn’t letting him stare

at her butt while they made their way to the second floor—at least not at a leisurely pace.

“You’ve been working out,” he said, as he strolled to the end of the hallway where she was opening the door to one of the four bedrooms. It

had been setup as a guest room. The blinds were drawn. She’d have to open them for a good picture, but she didn’t want to be in a bedroom with

“Really, I can do this on my own,” she said.
“I prefer to be here.”
“Look, you can trust me,” she said in exasperation. “My company does a thorough screening of prospective employees. Criminal

background checks and honesty assessments. I’m not going to take anything.”

Dick shook his head. “I’m not worried about that, Jane. You’ve already taken the one thing I value.”
She closed her eyes, as tension continued its coil in her middle, sending sparks of arousal to her erogenous zones as he continued his

subtle suggestions.

“I’ll stay here,” he told her, leaning against the doorframe. “Open the blinds and take your picture. I don’t have much interest in this room


Now, what did that mean?
Her brow furrowed, she lighted the area then snapped pictures. The same cat and mouse game continued through the second empty

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bedroom. She expected him to try something in the master bedroom.

But he didn’t. When he did nothing more than stand in the entry and watch her, she decided he was just playing with her. Brushing past him,

she headed for the fourth room while Dick hung back.

The knob clunked but didn’t give as she tried to open it. Frowning, she tried again.
“It’s locked,” he said, near her shoulder. Reaching around her, he fitted a small key into the keyhole. Like the other rooms, this area was

dark. Pressed to her back, Dick reached for the light switch.

She grabbed the doorframe, lightheaded at the scene he revealed. Her eyes went wide at the sight of shackles, benches, paddles and a

plethora of other things she couldn’t immediately identify.

His breath was warm as it blew over her ear. “Jane…”
“Yes,” she whispered, still stunned and mesmerized.
“I have no intention of selling this house.”
Her stomach lurched, and she started to shake uncontrollably. “Then…w-why am I-I here?”
He nudged her forward. “I think you can guess.”

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Chapter Two

Dick suppressed a smile as Jane stared at his BDSM playroom. He’d made a misstep in holding himself back when they’d dated. She’d

always wanted more, and he’d felt she wasn’t ready to encounter this. He’d wanted to court her in a purely vanilla way, and it had totally backfired.
Leave it to him to find a girl into his lifestyle without even trying.

Since he’d entered the BDSM scene he favored, Jane had been the first woman he’d dated outside the lifestyle, the first one he hadn’t met


The Dungeon,

the club he frequented, or at a meet-up. The day he’d run into her at a Starbucks, he’d been looking for something different from

the jaded subs he usually played with and fucked. He’d known right away as Jane had sipped her coffee then immediately sputtered at the heat that
this was a woman he wanted in his life. Handing her a napkin, he’d struck up a conversation to ensure she wouldn’t rush off.

Before they’d left the coffee shop, he’d secured a date.
Now, still mesmerized by her, he watched her sink her teeth into her lip and distractedly push a strand of her dark auburn hair from her face

as she looked around.

The energy that had been zinging between them since she’d walked in the door today had been there from the start. He’d been a fool to hold

back. He hadn’t slept with her, knowing he couldn’t refrain from engaging in rougher activity and more dominant behavior while in bed. He’d been
sure she’d run; she wasn’t ready for his true bent. The night he’d decided to introduce her to his way of life, the fateful evening when he’d asked her
to move in, she’d stunned him by breaking things off. She liked him, she’d claimed, but the chemistry just wasn’t there.

A blind man could see the sparks between them. It was time to show her the real Dick Anderson. If it turned out Jane was terrified by the

prospect of BDSM, then he’d let her see exactly how good it could be. He deserved a real chance before she wrote him off. They both did.

So he’d spent the past months planning this moment. It was time to reclaim his woman—because there was no question she was exactly

that. Jane was born for his command. He’d seen it in the way fire had lit in her eyes when he’d let loose his nature on that last night. But she would
have been unwilling then, scared and unsure; that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted a willing, fully invested partner.

“Aren’t you going to take pictures?” he teased.
“What’s this?” she whispered. Shock caused her words to tremor.
“What does it look like?” he replied. He shut the door behind them, trapping them together in the room.
She spun and backed away. “You shouldn’t have bought all this…um, stuff to…” She tilted her head. “Dick, you’re a really nice guy. Some

woman will be thrilled to have you. You don’t need to do this to try to win me over.”

“You don’t know the real me.”
“I do. You’re about as dominant as…as…a breeze.”
He smiled, giving her the smug half-smile he knew got under her skin. “Even a breeze has power. Beware the coming hurricane, Jane. I don’t

want another girl. Not until I’ve had a real chance with you—”

“You had a real chance.”
“No, I didn’t.” He took her chilly hand and led her to the spanking bench. Hopefully, she was just stunned, and the cool skin wasn’t due to

terror. He didn’t sense real fear from her, just confused trepidation.

He brushed at the surface of the bench though it was dust-free since he’d known she’d be in here today. He hadn’t used his playroom since

before they’d gotten together. He’d been bored for months before he met her.

“I won’t have a real chance,” he continued, “until you’ve experienced the real me.”
“Dick…” she protested.
“Are you seeing someone?” He had to ask. She was a vibrant woman. It wouldn’t surprise him to find she had a man in her life; it would kill

him. But it was one of the only things that would deter him—that and her flat-out “no”. He would never force a woman.

What a heartsick sap he was, wanting Jane and no one else. The guys at

The Dungeon

would laugh their asses off at him. Well, not all of

them. His friends, Rob and Zach Colvin, one of whom owned the club, would completely understand his need for one woman. They’d found their
happily ever afters.

“No, I’m not,” Jane replied slowly. “I’ve been busy.”
He nodded. “This isn’t new equipment,” he said, rather than pursue his line of questioning. He knew what he needed to know. “It’s clean and

sanitized, but I can’t exactly buy new pieces of BDSM furniture between subs.” He shrugged. “It’s expensive stuff. I may be a doctor, but I’m not
independently wealthy.”

“I’d imagine it is,” she murmured. “Assuming I believe you—and I’m not going that far yet—when did you last use it?”
“A year ago…give or take.”
“That long?”
“I think it’s been retired long enough.” He was having a hard time controlling his body and remaining nonchalant about this. More than

anything, he’d like to have her naked beneath him, her soft body pliant and open to him. He wanted to play with her, tie her up and draw out her
pleasure, but first, he suspected it would be a fast, hard session of claiming. He’d wanted to fuck her since five seconds after he’d met her. He’d
waited too long.

And Jane was definitely aroused. He’d been trained to read his sub, to know her body language and gauge her excitement, willingness or

fear. He could see her needy state in her accelerated breathing, the flush in her cheeks, the dilation of her eyes as she blinked at him. She bit her
lip and glanced at the bench beside them, swallowed then looked away. Her eyes widened, and she sucked in a gasp when she discovered the
cuffs hanging from the ceiling.

“I think I should go downstairs and start on those pictures. I can’t include this…room…in the listing…” As if coming from a trance, she swung

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back to him. “But you’re not actually selling. This was just a setup.”

He tilted his head and unapologetically lifted an eyebrow. Her fingers curled, and he suspected she wanted to punch him.
“I should go then.”
Shaking his head, he advanced, stopping only inches from her. He took the camera from her limp fingers and set it on the bench. “Jane?”
“Yes,” she replied automatically. He saw the chagrin in her eyes as she breathed the word.
“Unless you say no, I plan to fuck you until the sun rises tomorrow then take a break and start again. I’m going to show you what I withheld.

Yes or no?” he prodded when her lips moved without a sound.

“One of those words. Open the door and discover what you’ve really been wanting, what I was too blind to see until it was too late. Yes or no.

Yes or no, Jane?”

Her gaze skittered, and he knew, despite her outward bravado, she was scared to make the leap, even if she wanted it.
He framed her face, holding her gaze on him. His stare pierced hers. “Just you and me. Yes or no. We’ll go from there.”
Still holding her, he didn’t wait for a response. He leaned forward and captured her mouth.

At the touch of his lips, something broke inside Jane. Something that had been seeping out since he’d answered the door. It exploded

through her now. As his mouth pushed hers open and his tongue slid inside, heat flooded through her. Her heart pounded, and her breasts seemed
to swell. She wanted to pull away the garment and feel him against her taut nipples. Her bra seemed too small as she tried to breathe and push
away her arousal. The awareness wouldn’t back down. A shocking shakiness cut through her, and she would have fallen if Dick hadn’t captured her

He steered her to the bench and sat her on the edge. Crouching before her, he rubbed his hands up and down her arms. She panted as her

vision dimmed. It was so hot in here. Why didn’t he have the air going?

“Jane! Breathe with me,” Dick commanded. “Listen to me, and try to match what I do.”
Desperately, she nodded and tried to catch up with him at the tail of his inhalation. Together, they took a few more breaths until she felt a

fuzzy calm encompassing her.

“Better?” he asked.
Damn, he was good at this. She nodded, unable to look from his eyes.
“Yes or no?” he prodded. “Out loud.”
She bit her lip and shot a look around the room. Sure, the idea of sex with him hadn’t excited her before because he’d been so…



. But how could he know this was what she’d had secret fantasies about? They scared her.


scared her. What if she started down a

path that led to destruction? What if they started something and he took away her freedom to turn back and run? What if he plunged her into a world
of sexual slavery where she forgot who she was? She’d read the

Story of O

. While it had titillated, it had also horrified her. She couldn’t go down

that path. But…

What if she discovered dark, horrifying needs inside herself?
The hard spark in Dick’s eyes told her this was no game. How had she missed this in him? Would he hurt her? She didn’t worry about

physical pain. She knew that could be part of the lifestyle. But emotionally. She’d been through so much as a poor, chunky kid. Humiliation wasn’t
part of what she desired.

His intense blue gaze probed her as if searching out the answer. “Jane…trust me. You know me.”
She shook her head. As much as she wanted to look pointedly at the equipment around them, his stare held her captive. Every fiber of her

being reached toward him, as if he were a magnet drawing the ions in her body and bending them to his will.

“Obviously, I don’t,” she managed to whisper.
His hand slid behind her head and drew her forward. Gently, he brushed his lips over hers, blowing away her preconceived notions of how a

Dom behaved and reminding her of what it had been like to kiss Dick. That had been nice. Comfortable. He’d always made her feel like something
precious to him.

What was wrong with her that she needed fire and spice and…being tied up and spanked?
As if sensing her thoughts, his fingers tightened almost painfully in her hair and his lips forced hers open. He rose and leaned over her,

pressing her back into the upper portion of the spanking bench. He wedged a knee between hers. Her straight skirt snaked up her thighs as she
parted to let him in.

A heavy warmth flooded her pussy. She needed him to fuck her. To finally fuck her and fill the emptiness that wept for him.
Instead, he straightened and a strangled moan of protest rumbled in her throat. Grasping her hand, he pulled her to her feet. Without waiting

for her permission, he shoved her blazer down her arms. His gaze caught hers, challenging her to protest as he lifted his hands to the top buttons of
her blouse. Choosing to go with this, she tilted her head slightly forward and fixed her eyes on the middle of his chest. Her hands stayed at her
sides as she complacently allowed him to strip her. He could do whatever he wanted.

“Very good,” he murmured, sending a ripple of pleasure through her. Who would have thought this was what she’d wanted? Yes, she’d

known she wanted things rougher and more passionate, she’d thought about being tied up and even flogged, but she’d never actually thought she’d
like submission so much. Feeling his command shook her. She knew she was trembling as she tried to remain still before him and let him lead her.

She sucked in a shocked breath as she realized that she’d made the decision to sleep with him with barely a thought. Generally, she

considered things to death. Not so now. But shouldn’t she be mulling over this situation?

“Stop thinking,” he ordered. “Just feel.”
His hand swatted down on her ass, pulling her outside of her head and into the sensations. Immediately, he finished unbuttoning her shirt and

sent it the way of her blazer. A quick, silent laugh followed as he regarded her camisole.

“So many clothes,” he said. “I’d complain, but the closer I get to your skin, the more feminine the pieces get.” He grasped the bottom of the

garment and pulled it free of her waistband. “I like peeling away your layers.”

She supposed he was talking about more than clothing. She wasn’t sure she wanted him to get to what lay inside her. The years had helped

her hide the scars that blackened her soul. People almost believed she was normal now. Anyone who hadn’t known her then


think she was Plain

Jane All-American girl.

No one knew about the chubby tormented girl who’d turned anorexic. They didn’t know about the teen who’d once loathed herself so much

that she’d done everything possible to make herself invisible. Even from her parents—especially from them. And boys…she’d been so afraid, even
when she’d been dangerously thin, that they’d make fun of her.

She’d been so horrified that day at Starbucks when she’d sputtered in front of Dick and given him the opening to laugh at her. But he’d been

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And what was wrong with her? Nice hadn’t been enough. She’d wanted more. She’d wanted his command, but she hadn’t known it then.
Her silky camisole ripped as he rent it apart then tossed aside. Sweet Jesus! Goose bumps skated across her body. This was good. So

good. He settled his hands on her bared midriff, unapologetic at ripping her clothes. And she didn’t care.

Could he feel the shaking inside her or the way her belly contracted with the surges of need running through her? Did he detect the blood

rushing beneath her skin to swell her pussy for his invasion?

“Are you wet?” he asked.
Heat flooded through her body. Wet was a bit of an understatement.
His fingertips arrowed toward her pussy. “When I touch you, will my fingers slide over you? Will your cream coat me?”
She moaned, his words sending even more arousal through her. She imagined his cock pushing into her passage and forcing apart the tight


“Answer me,” he growled.
Another burst of cream seeped from her. “Yes,” she answered, knowing her panties would be sodden with it.
“For me?” he asked.
“Yes,” she whispered.
Her brow furrowed as he stepped back.
“But I don’t excite you,” he said, his voice low and menacing.


He reached out and drew a fingertip along her sternum then down her torso to her navel. A trail of fire seemed to follow his touch as an

aroused shiver shook her.

“Or…” he offered. “Maybe, you were mistaken.”
She fought to rein in her breathing as it erupted from her in harsh puffs. Mistaken? An understatement. She’d been very, very wrong.
“I-I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t know.”
His finger trailed up to the front closure on her bra. “Yes or no? Last chance. And be warned that you’re in for a punishment for making me

ask so many times.”

Hadn’t she answered that? No, she hadn’t. Her tongue shot across her bottom lip. “Punishment?”
Damn…why did the idea of that make her all warm and shivery inside? He frowned and she knew she’d said the wrong thing.
She shook her head quickly. “I’m sorry,” she burst out. “Yes. I meant to say yes.”
He didn’t reply. His jaw was set as he gave a slight nod. His thumb flicked open the front closure of her bra. The garment gaped, and her

breasts tumbled free. She suppressed a moan as her taut nipples rasped against lace.

Dick tapped the bottom of her chin.
“No,” he snapped. “Don’t do that. I want to hear every sound. You’re not to hide your reactions from me. They belong to me. They’re mine.

You’ll give them to me—all of them.”

She swallowed and nodded, shocked by her deep arousal. Everything he said just made it worse. She was ready to beg him to have her go

to her knees. She wanted to be there, submitting to him, sucking his cock—

Dear heaven! What was coming over her? This wasn’t her.

Yes, it is. How often do you fantasize about this? How often do you imagine rough words when you touch yourself? Every time.

“The proper response is ‘Yes, Sir’,” he instructed. “When we’re in a scene that is how you’ll address me.”


A knot formed in her throat. “Yes…S-sir,” she managed, though barely. Her words were so soft, she barely heard them.

He slid her bra straps down her arms and let the garment drop to the ground. “It gets easier the more you say it,” he told her. “I expect you to

say it. Eventually, you might even call me Master. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, then immediately bit the corner of her mouth. Saying that out loud felt so dumb even with the intensity sparking around

them. She just hoped as she grew more comfortable it would flow more easily from her.

Geez! What was she thinking? She couldn’t think beyond one night.
“Addressing me that way affirms my command and reminds you of your submission.”
She didn’t need to be reminded!
He cupped her breasts, his callused thumbs sliding over the tips. Her head tilted back as she let her pleasure-filled sigh escape. It was a

good thing she only had one appointment tomorrow in the late afternoon, because she was thinking she’d let him make good on his promise to fuck
her until morning. Sunrise to the tune of an orgasm sounded like a really good idea—

She gasped suddenly as a shock of pain shot through her from Dick’s hard pinch on her nipples. Breathing heavily, she fought to stay still as

he held tight and twisted. Even through the pain, her cunt squeezed and her body reacted to his domination.

Good…it was so good…
When he abruptly let go, her breasts tingled with the blood flowing back to the peaks. She wanted him to do it again and again until he

pushed her over the edge of reason. Right now, she knew he could.

“Stay right where you are,” he ordered as she started to slide her hands to her throbbing breasts. “Put your hands at the small of your back

and your feet shoulder’s width apart. That is the stance you will take when you present yourself to me.”

She swallowed and nodded as he turned to walk away. After one step, he looked back at her. “Excuse me. Did you say something?”
Jane shook her head. She shuffled her feet apart and put her hands where he’d instructed, this “scene” as he’d called it becoming more real

by the moment.

“Really?” he asked. “Because I was sure you were supposed to say something.”
She closed her eyes. Crap. How would she ever remember to do the right thing? This was so foreign to her. “Yes, Sir,” she said quietly. “I’m


“Better.” He continued to a tall apothecary chest against the wall. From the corner of her eye, she saw him open one of the forty or so

drawers. When he pulled out something and pivoted back to her, she redirected her gaze to the floor.

“You have beautiful breasts, Jane. Round and firm. Your nipples pull so nicely tight.”
A blush crept up her face, and she wondered if she was supposed to say thank you. No one had ever complimented her breasts and she’d

sometimes wondered if they weren’t pleasing to a man.

“I have something to make them even tighter,” he said. “So tell me, sweetness. Have you ever tried nipple clamps?”

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She shook her head. “But I want to try.”
Her breasts practically throbbed for need of them on her.
“It’s a small word, Jane. One syllable.”

Damn it.

“Sir,” she added.

A little too little, a little too late.

She shook her head again, this time disgusted with herself. “I’m not cut out for


“I think you are. Absolutely made for it.” He circled her, and though she had misgivings, she stayed still and let her chin drop toward her

chest. She shivered as his finger trailed along her shoulder blades. The callused tips pulled over her thin biceps then around to the upper slope of
her breast. “Your knees are weak right now, aren’t they? You’re fighting to stay upright because everything in you wants to drop to the floor in
submission. You’re aching to feel more. To have the clamps, to perhaps feel my hand spanking you or my flogger splaying across your virgin skin or
my paddle reddening your ass and thighs.”

She whimpered behind her compressed lips as he spoke the truth of what roiled inside her. Every second she stood here, she lost more and

more of her grasp on anything but his touch, his voice and what he might do to her. It was a struggle to remember exactly why she was here. He
dominated her entire focus.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he said. He stopped behind her once more. Suddenly, his hands gripped her hips and he yanked her tight to the front

of his body. His erect cock pressed into her back.

She wanted that thick flesh inside her. She wanted him to bend her over one of the benches and pound into her. What would it take?
“Have you fantasized about trying these things?” he demanded.
“Y-yes,” she replied.
Dick sighed, his breath stirring the tendrils of hair near her ear, and she knew she’d forgotten again. Stepping back, he reached for her skirt

closure and unfastened the button. Prickles shot over her skin as the zipper lowered. The fabric skimmed over her bare legs to puddle around her
high-heeled pumps and leave her bare save for the lacy white panties that matched her camisole. She knew she looked good in the sexy yet
modest lingerie. He seemed to think so too as he stepped away.

Slowly, he circled her until he stood in front of her. Without a word, he grasped one of her nipples. A moment later, it was captured inside a

clamp. She gasped at the fire that blasted through her, the sharp pain both unbearable and sensual. Before she could react, he fastened a clamp
on the other tip and left her panting. This was what they meant by sweet agony. Pain but bliss. Her body stunned her with its reaction to the rapidly
changing ache. The sensation seemed to dull and morph, pleasure taking its place as the seconds passed.

Dick leaned into her and grasped her chin to lift her gaze to his. She blinked away the tears that had formed on her lids, not wanting him to

think she didn’t like this.

His thumb flicked at a stray tear as it rolled over her cheek.
“Too much?” he asked.
She shook her head quickly.
“On your knees, Jane,” he ordered, and a strange relief washed over her. He’d been right earlier when he’d said her body ached to submit

and kneel before him. She wanted this.

He kicked her clothes out of the way then steadied her as she moved to the position he’d requested, while keeping her hands where he’d

instructed. The movement pulled at her breasts and she groaned at the amplified sensation on her nipples. Need licked at her cunt, and she was
sure her panties wouldn’t withstand much more moisture before her cream seeped to her thighs.

As he stood over her and she stared at the prominent ridge in the front of his pants, she wondered how she’d ever believed this man to be

vanilla and boring in any way, shape or form. He’d done nothing but stoke her senses since she’d walked through his front door. Yes, he’d
orchestrated that, but he’d kept commanding her subtly then not so subtly until they reached this point. He was a dominant, and she’d been
oblivious. Even holding himself back, she should have sensed this.

And now, he stalked her. She was most definitely his prey…vulnerable. Desperately, she hoped this wasn’t a ruse to get even with her. She

was nearly naked while he was fully clothed. It reminded her of his superior position and worried her. He was in charge, and she would serve him.
Her fingers curled as she acknowledged she’d like to serve him by taking his cock in her mouth.

Dick moved closer, and she breathed in his masculine scent, wanting permission to touch him or open his pants. Instead, he walked behind

her once more. His fingers threaded tightly through her hair, pulling as he directed her forward until she was bent with her shoulders to the laminate
floor and her ass in the air.

He knelt behind her, his knees pushing apart her legs and his clothing brushing against her. It felt so right to have him over her. He kissed her

neck then made a path down her spine. Jane trembled wondering what he’d do next. This display of mastery over her body showed her far more
than the equipment had. How could she have missed this? Even if he’d held back.

But what if he was proving how far he could push her? It was suddenly too much, too overpowering, And as much as she wanted a man who

was alpha and commanding, as much as she’d fantasized after reading BDSM books, she wasn’t sure she was ready for BDSM in any form. And
she wasn’t sure she trusted Dick enough.

“Dick,” she whispered, purposely not calling him Sir now that her senses had broken through. “Please… Please stop.”
Everything had gone too far, way too fast.
With far more control than she’d ever seen in a man, he immediately pulled away and sat back on his haunches. His large, warm hand

splayed on her ass. She squeezed shut her eyes, ashamed that she couldn’t just rush forward into this. She was disappointing him and
disappointing herself. The exciting zing of lurid sensation on her nipples morphed to a sting that mocked her.

Why couldn’t she get past her hang-ups?
“You don’t want this?” he asked softly, faint frustration edging his words.
“I…” she did. She really did! “I…can’t. I have to be sure first. Please understand.”
He sighed. Gently, his hands smoothed over her shoulders and down her arms. Without a word, he pulled her upright to rest on her heels

then opened one of the clamps. It dropped to the floor with a light


as she gasped at the fire rushing into the tip of her breast. A moment later,

he released the other.

Her head dropped forward while she panted through it, and hot tears formed in the corners of her eyes. A sense of bottomless, hollow failure

gnawed at her.

“Fear is a horrible thing,” Dick said, running his palm over the back of her head.
“I’m not scared of you,” she muttered.
“I know. You’re afraid of what’s inside you, of where this might lead you and what you might find out about yourself.”

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She knew more than enough about herself. She didn’t want him to find it. Sniffling, she wrapped her arms around herself, even more

ashamed of not being able to just rush forward and give her trust.

“You know what I’m afraid of?” he asked.
That surprised her. She opened her eyes and turned to look at him. His image shimmered through her tears, and she tried to blink it clear.

Dick wiped them away with his thumbs.

“I’m afraid of you running from this. I’m afraid we won’t get the chance to have the relationship we were meant to have. But we can’t go

forward if you’re full of fear.” Rolling back on his feet, he stood. “Go home, Jane. Think about this and come back tomorrow night. I’ll leave your
briefcase and papers by the door.”

Without another word, he walked from the room, leaving her alone and defeated by her own inability to move forward. The nipple clamps

mocked her from the floor as she stood to gather her clothes. Walking from here right now would be worse than any morning-after walk of shame
could ever be, not because of what others would see but because of what was inside herself.

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Chapter Three

True to what Dick had said, her bag had been at the front door when she’d come downstairs. He’d turned on a light in the front hall since

twilight had been settling in on the city. The house had been silent, and he’d been nowhere to be seen. The whole atmosphere had sent a clear
message. They were done there. She was not to look for him.

Quietly, she’d slid through the front door and gone home.
It had been a craptastic night. She’d spent all evening beating herself up then had tossed and turned all night before resuming the self-

castigation the next morning. By five, as she was ushering a couple out of one of the homes she was showing, she was no more ready to go back
to Dick than she had been when she’d first left his home. Just thinking of him, her body throbbed with “what if”, but she was sure that would go away.
So after she’d waved goodbye to her clients, she pointed her car toward home and another fruitless night of self-berating.

She’d thought she was past these issues. She’d always had image problems and been afraid her body wasn’t good enough. Her mother

had fed that, always encouraging her to lose weight and kvetching about not having a beauty queen daughter and telling her she would have
succeeded at things had she been thinner—and it didn’t matter what Jane had failed at. Her weight was always at issue. The only time Jane had
pleased her mother was when Jane had been concentration-camp thin. Everyone had been worried that Jane was killing herself—everyone but her
mother and her sisters, who’d taken up their mom’s battle cry.

Jane had ended up feeling like a failure. She could never be enough—except too fat—or ever give enough. Nothing met expectations.
The only acceptance she felt was at the hands of her father. Vulnerable to her mother’s overbearing ways, he’d secretly been Jane’s ally.

He’d been so weak, subjugated by his wife. Jane hated it and vowed she’d never be with a man who was so soft. But did


want to give herself to

a man and let him be in charge? She thought it was natural, but she also wanted to be a person who was loved and cherished—openly—and who
had a right to her own thoughts and opinions.

Could she have that if she entered into a relationship with Dick, a relationship that would be far different from what they’d had?
It was the next afternoon when Jane realized she had to give Dick a chance, but she wouldn’t be the female version of her father. She would

not be a doormat. What she and Dick did would be for pleasure. For both of them.

She stared at her computer monitor as if a starburst of light had erupted right in front of her. Why had she twisted this all around? What she

could have with Dick was a world apart from anything she’d yet experienced.

That she wanted Dick wasn’t at question. She definitely wanted him, and now, she knew, he absolutely had it in his power to excite her. She

didn’t doubt he could keep her interested and aroused for a long, long time. It was his methods she questioned and, even more so, her reaction to

He was patient, strong, dominant and definitely in control of himself. His behavior when she’d asked him to stop told her that. How would she

withstand him and not lose herself? Did she even need to worry about that?

Resting her face in her hand, she admitted that wasn’t her top worry. She didn’t want to face her secrets or be out of control. It terrified her

right down in the pit of her belly. Even now, she felt it go tight as she thought of giving someone such power over her.

Her teeth sank into her lip. She wasn’t afraid of being tied up, of trying out his toys, of being flogged or spanked or anything along those

lines. After so many years of being strong since she’d left home, it was the unknown and knowing she had no control over what Dick would do. That
authority would belong to him. Could she handle that?

Her first inclination was no, but she quickly rethought that when a rush of disappointment punched her in the chest. Well, could she? A picture

of her kneeling before him, willing to give or take what he wanted materialized in her mind.

He’d touch her. He would love her, punish her, tease her, torment her, give her pleasure and pain.

He’d touch her.

He’d give her what she’d

never had. No one had touched in her home—it was only words, mostly negative, painful words.

She sat up straight, her hands settling in her lap, as a tingle started through her. Dick would give her the physical attention she needed. All of


Acceptance opened inside her like a slow blooming flower.
It wouldn’t be easy, and she’d have to fight herself, but she definitely wanted to try. She wouldn’t be running into it—Lord, she was already a

day late. That wouldn’t bode well. Still, she trusted him enough to believe he wouldn’t reject her if she showed up now.

She had to move before she started second guessing her faith.
Though it was only three, she packed up her desk and told the office’s administrative assistant that she was running over to the Wolf River

house to work on the listing.

Well, it was partially true, only there was no listing and she was stopping home first.
Fifteen minutes later, she sailed into her apartment and rushed to her bedroom. Twenty minutes later, she flew out again, dressed in her best

lingerie and a form-fitting, red dress with a square neckline and long sleeves. It made her feel sexy, despite the amount of skin it covered. The hem
brushed mid-thigh as she walked down the stairs in her favorite pair of black Christian Louboutin shoes. She had lots of heels, but Dick had always
favored “the ones with the red soles” so that’s what she’d chosen.

Her heart thumped crazily as she drove to Dick’s house then pulled into the driveway. He’d probably been at the house for an hour or so. His

medical practice closed early on Fridays, and he usually came right home. At one time, she’d thought it was just because he didn’t have much of a
social life and was…boring. She’d been so dumb. Maybe the man had simply wanted to relax.

Maybe that was just what he let you think. Maybe he was hiding his real social life from you. You’re not the only one with secrets.

Anticipation rode through her, but she no longer wondered if she was doing the right thing. It would be wrong not to pursue this, and that was

all that mattered. She was just a little late on the draw. Hopefully, Dick would easily forgive her.

Her legs trembled as she walked to the front door, hoping he wasn’t watching her from inside. She needed to see the unfiltered reaction in

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his eyes when he opened the door, not the schooled expression that would follow when he had time to think. As quickly as Dick’s brain worked, a
split second was ample time to corral his thoughts and reactions.

Geez, she was a mess and trembling like mad at the knowledge she’d see him again in a few moments. What would they do? What would

he do to her?

Her knees shook as she stood at the front door.

This is stupid

, she chided herself. This was Dick. She knew him. This wasn’t some random

guy. Still, her hand wavered as she raised it to knock on the door.

A whole day late.
The knock seemed to echo, ricocheting around her middle. Maybe she should just go home and chalk this one up to another Jane mistake.

Another on a really long list.

Don’t be a chicken.

Dick was offering everything she wanted.

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Behind her, a car puttered down the quiet road and kids ran through a sprinkler a few

houses away. As time passed, a strange sense of calm surrounded her. Her blood pressure slowed to match the slow buzz of the bumblebee flitting
about the lush blooms in the flowerbeds that ran the front of the house.

The calm was short lived. Dick’s footsteps sounded in the front foyer as he rushed for the door, probably thinking she was someone else and

that whoever waited was just about to walk away.

Would he reject her? She was late...
Dick had his cell phone to his ear and was bare-chested as he opened the door then stared at her. The faintest of sparks flickered in his

eyes then disappeared. Otherwise, he showed little reaction, positive or negative.

“Hey, Haydon,” he said, interrupting the person on the phone. “I’ve gotta go.”
Never taking his eyes from Jane, he disconnected the call and stuck the phone in his pocket.
“You’re late,” he said evenly, his tone devoid of any hint of his feelings on the matter.
This would be a good time to be a little submissive.
Jane hung her head and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Sir.”
“Hmm,” he responded, and Jane almost groaned. It was going to be like this. Dick wasn’t giving her an inch. Through her peripheral vision,

she saw his muscular arms cross over his chest. His feet were planted shoulder-width apart in what she could only call a commanding pose.

A quiver rippled through her womb. She wanted him to command her. To dominate her. To… Well, at the moment, to reassure her he wasn’t

sending her away because she was too late.

He didn’t tell her that. He didn’t utter a word, so when his hand shot out and captured her elbow, he took her by complete surprise. So did the

fact that she’d apparently slid her arms behind her back while she’d waited for him. Perhaps a point in her favor. She hoped so anyway.

Roughly, he hauled her into the house and slammed the door. His fingers bit into her arm as he pulled her toward his den.
Okay, he was mad, but was he at least glad she’d shown up, albeit a day late?
He didn’t even kiss her, and she didn’t think that boded well.
Jane didn’t say a word as she scrambled along beside him, rushing to keep up with his long strides as fast as her high-heeled feet could

carry her. Despite the dark, forbidding aura now emanating from him, arousal flooded her. She’d seen Dick’s loving, caring side. Now, it was time
to revel in his command. She understood without him saying so that they’d entered directly into the precursor to sexual activity when he’d answered
the door. This was a scene, and she was to behave accordingly.

He let go of her when she was standing directly in front of the desk he used at home. “Don’t move,” he told her.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Don’t speak until I tell you to, either.”
Her lips parted to answer, but she snapped them shut. Silently, she nodded. He was really pissed. Really, really pissed.
To her surprise, he left the room. She blinked and hazarded a look. He’d really gone! Well, uh…what was she supposed to do now?
Wait, apparently. Figuring it was probably best not to irritate him further, she held her position and studied the carpet. A few minutes later,

Dick returned. She felt his heat as he skirted her to circle the desk, but he didn’t touch her.

The chair creaked as he sat back. Furtively, she glanced at him. Her stomach dropped in disappointment as she saw he’d donned a T-shirt.

It stretched across his muscles, and at any other time, she would have been pleased by the sight. But the fact that he’d

put on

clothing didn’t give

her much confidence. He seemed none to eager to move things forward.

As he looked her, one ankle rested on the opposite knee. An arm draped casually across his thigh while the other was propped on the

armrest. A finger traced back and forth along his upper lip as he regarded her as if deciding what to do with her. Only, she was pretty sure he knew
exactly what he was going to do. Dick made split second decisions, slicing to the core of a situation with the precision of a surgeon. It was one of
the traits that made him such a good doctor. He knew his stuff, and he processed problems as quickly as a NASA computer.

Her stomach muscles clenched as worry plagued her. Was he playing with her, getting ready to send her packing? Did he want to see how

far he could push her? That had been her worry the other night, and it hadn’t left her.

Her vision blurred slightly, and she sucked in a shuddery gasp, realizing she’d been holding her breath.
“I didn’t want to start with punishment,” he said. “But I guess that’s how it will be.”
Biting the inside of her lip to keep silent, she nodded. She tried to keep the happiness off her face. She didn’t mind punishment—at least

she didn’t think she did—and it meant he wasn’t sending her away.

“Why were you late?”
Raising her gaze, she opened her mouth to answer then closed her lips. He hadn’t given her permission to speak. But… Her brows drew


“Two things,” Dick told her. “First, I’m not out to trick you. I asked you a question so therefore you can answer. Second, I’m fair. I may be the

Dominant here, but I expect us to be on equal footing. Well, equal-ish. I’m not out to crush your spirit. But…well, I guess there is a third thing,” he
observed with a mirthless, half-laugh. “I expect you to obey me when it comes to our sexual relationship. And right now, pretty much all our
interaction is just that. Sexual.” His fingers tapped on his thigh. “So why were you late? A whole. Day. Late?”

The nerves in Jane’s belly flipped so fast she wasn’t sure she could speak. “I…um…” Her shoulder lifted. “I was…not scared…but…not…

sure,” she told him. Her words stuck in her throat, and her face burned as she stuttered them out.

“You took an extra twenty-four hours to get here because you were unsure? Unacceptable, Jane. You will be unsure many times as we go

forward, and I’ll expect you to obey without hesitation. In this house, delayed obedience is disobedience. Understand?”

She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

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The deep resonance of his voice held more and more promise that she’d been forgiven her transgression and more and more promise that

he’d hold the control over her that she’d desired for years. It had never made sense to her, but she’d wanted it badly.

“In this case, I’ll let it slide. Mostly. Your concerns should have been discussed with me. Your failure to arrive yesterday, or even call, told me

you didn’t want to proceed. Do you think that was a good thing?”

Well, now she felt low—especially since she heard just the faintest iota of hurt in his tone. He’d told her his fear was that she’d run and not

give them a chance. Then she hadn’t shown up.

Nice move, Jane.

“No, Sir,” she replied in a small voice.
“So this is what we’re going to do.” The foot that had been on his knee hit the floor. Resting his elbows on his knees, he leaned forward and

pinned her with a stare. “We’ll get past this then go on. There will be punishment, Jane.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Looking forward to it, Sir.

She bit her lip. He was willing to move forward. And she’d probably get a spanking. The muscles in her

pussy tensed. She wasn’t scared. She wanted it more than she could explain—but the beauty was she didn’t have to explain to Dick. He

“First, there’s something else we need to do,” he told her. He opened a folder to the side of his desk and pulled out a paper. He placed it on

the blotter then pulled out a pen and laid it beside the sheet. “Come here, Jane,” he instructed.

When she did, he pulled her onto his lap. She almost moaned as warm pleasure prickled along her skin. Other than to wrap an arm around

her, Dick didn’t touch her as he moved the chair closer to the desk.

“The club I belong to provides these lists to anyone who wants them. It’s a good jumping off point for determining what can and cannot

happen in a scene. You’re fully aware of what constitutes a scene?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, knowing it was a D/s episode between them that might or might not involve sexual activity. She hoped there wouldn’t

be many that did not, because obeying him made her hot.

Quickly, she directed her focus to the paper—she already had one punishment coming and who knew what that would be. Though she was

anticipating it, she didn’t want to push too far.

“A few of the items have been blacked out,” Dick told her, pointing to one of the places on the sheet where black marker had obliterated the

text. “Those were things I absolutely wouldn’t do under any circumstances, and I didn’t want to scare you with them. You are to go through the
remaining items on the list and mark the things you’d like to do. Y for yes, X for no, and M for maybe. Okay? You need to be absolutely honest on
this. Embarrassment has no place here.” He stood with her in his arms then put her back in the chair. Bending, he kissed the top of her head. “Just
because I might have left something on there, don’t think you have to say yes. And don’t over think it. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

Be absolutely honest.

Jane blew a breath between her pursed lips as he closed the door. Picking up the pen, she scooted closer to look at

the list.

A lot of bondage, punishment and discipline were on it. Yes, yes, yes. Toys? Most definitely. Biting? She shivered and marked yes. Blood

was a definite no. She grinned and marked yes to role playing, too. Hoping it was okay, she put extra Ys beside playing doctor, school and police.

All those scenarios had her blood pumping. So far this looked like just what she’d imagined for so long.
Piercings and tattooing were definitely on her negative list. Exhibition? Maybe. Including another person? Maybe. No, that would be a yes.

The idea sent moisture into her cunt. But… Wait. Should it be a maybe or a no?

Don’t over think it.

Being completely honest, she crossed out the M and said yes. Once that decision was through, she easily finished the questionnaire,

horribly grateful nothing gross was on the list. She’d heard stories…

“All set?” Dick said as he returned.
She nodded and stood. “Pretty easy,” she said.

When can we get started? Now? How about now?

“Good. Now, I want you to go upstairs to my bedroom while I look this over. I left you instructions on the bed.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Jane,” he called, stopping her on the way to the door. Before she could turn, he was behind her. His hands cupped her hips, and he drew

her back against his body. His mouth pressed to her shoulder.

She trembled, loving the feel of him against her body.
“I can’t wait to finally have you,” he told her. “Thank you for being brave enough to come here today. Trust me, and you won’t regret it.”
She closed her eyes and turned her head into him. “I trust you, Dick. That was never an issue.”
Jane only hoped this new Dick was the real one. She didn’t know what she’d do if she committed herself to this and it turned out to be a

ruse. Quickly, she buried the thought lest he sense it, because the truth of the matter was she didn’t quite trust him. Not with her heart and soul. She
didn’t really trust anyone.

For now, though, she’d give him her body. The rest would come.

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Chapter Four

Jane was shaking by the time she got upstairs to Dick’s bedroom. Just as he’d mentioned, he’d left a note on the bed. Examining his bold

scrawl across the heavy stationery, she took deep, calming breaths. At the rate her arousal thrummed through her, she’d come the second he
touched her. How was it that she hadn’t been moved to sleep with him before? How on earth had she believed him boring? Idiot…

But there was no doubt she’d know the feel of Dick in her and over her before tonight was through.
He’d instructed her to take off her dress and panties, leaving on everything else. Afterward, she was to go to the playroom. Her teeth sank

into her lower lip. Despite the episode two evenings ago, he’d never really seen her naked. What if he wasn’t turned on? She shook her head. She
was being a nitwit. Now was not the time to fall into old insecurities. Hadn’t she spent years growing past this?

Steeling herself, she pulled open her zipper. Her dress seemed to cling to her as she peeled it off. A fine sheen of perspiration marked her

upper lip as her nerves raised her temperature. Impatiently, she swiped it away. Folding the garment in half, lengthwise, she draped it across the
plush armchair that sat across from the bed. The positioning of the chair gave her pause, and she couldn’t help envisioning Dick casually sitting
there while his sub lay across the bed, possibly pleasuring herself…possibly tied to the posts while a toy worked her over.

Knowing she had to get moving, she pulled off her panties, wadded them up then shoved them beneath the dress. A full-length mirror stood

nearby, and she paused to look at herself. Her bra barely covered the peaks of her breasts while the garter belt holding her stockings highlighted
her blemish-free ivory skin, especially that of her pussy which had been waxed free of her auburn curls. Would he like what he saw?

Turning, she looked at the smooth, white curve of her ass. Soon it would be marked. It embarrassed her a little that she couldn’t wait.

Embarrassment has no place here.

Right, tell that to the recovering cutter. The insides of her arms weren’t so blemish-free. If he looked

closely, he’d see the tiny white lines where she’d once given herself pain just so she could feel something. Anything.

That was a long time ago. A zillion therapy sessions or more ago. Recently, she’d discovered giving herself an orgasm was so much better.

But an orgasm and the pain he’d give her…

Jane smiled feeling a lot better and even more confident.
She ran her hands over her torso. This was exactly what she wanted. How often had she used her vibrator and imagined a rough voice in her

head, speaking coarsely? Spanking her? Disciplining her? Touching her…

The touching was most important. She’d imagine her blankets were hands all over her, rubbing her skin and holding her in place for her


Every single time. She didn’t get off unless she “heard” his voice. Dick’s voice sounded a lot like that when he commanded her.
Her nipples beaded against her bra as she thought of him talking dirty to her while he fucked her. She wondered if he’d talk to her while he

spanked her, too. She’d never find out if she didn’t move it and get to the playroom.

He waited for her when she entered the room, and she immediately slowed. Her hand dropped to cover her pussy.
“Don’t make your punishment worse,” he grated, sending a tremble down her spine. “You are never to hide from me. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir,” she replied, dropping her hand but wanting it over her more than ever. This was getting all too real, and seeing Dick like this, deep

in his role as Dom, turned her on more than she’d been the entire time they’d dated before. He’d done a hell of a job suppressing this side of him
before. She had no doubt this was the real Dick. No one could fake this with such confidence.

He was so…powerful. Her mouth was dry just being near him. While she’d undressed, he’d shucked the shirt once more and now stood

before him in his bare-chested magnificence. His cock was a prominent ridge behind the soft denim of his pants that hung low on his slim hips. She
wanted to follow the thin trail of hair from his navel to his cock. The sparse curls disappeared beneath his waistband, but she imagined them
cradling his arousal.

She shifted, squeezing her pussy as it reacted to her imagination.
Dick raised an eyebrow. “Is this how you present yourself?”


“No, Sir,” she replied, parting her legs and putting her wrists at the small of her back. She’d had so many things running through her

mind. This small detail had escaped her. Only, she supposed, it was a really big detail. And now, damn it, she had no defense against the insidious
arousal grasping her pussy.

He circled her, randomly trailing his fingers over her and raising goose bumps with each slide of his hand. “I’ve gone over your

questionnaire. I find we’re quite compatible. On most points,” he added. He stepped close, and she moaned as his heated chest pressed to her
arm. His smooth, hard skin felt so good against her. His lips brushed her ear. “But I’ll never share you. You’re mine, Jane. Completely


His hand came up and curved around her breast then jerked down the cup covering it. Immediately, his fingers took possession of the tip. He

pulled and rolled the supple point until her legs trembled and her head tipped back as she cried out. Sliding behind her, he yanked down the other
side of the bra and took that tip as well. Jane thought she might go mad as he twisted and tugged, wrenching taut the tension in her womb. Her cunt
was flooded with her need, and she felt a rivulet creep to her thigh as she drew close to orgasm.

Was she allowed to come? Did he have to command it or give her permission?
One of his hands slid down her torso. “Are you wet for me, Jane?” His fingers glided into her pussy before she could reply. “I see you are.

Very, very wet.”

He rubbed her clit while she whimpered and leaned into him for support.
“I’m going to come,” she gasped.
“No, you’re not,” he rasped and pinched her nipple. “Hold it back. Hold it back,


. You are a bad girl, and bad girls don’t get to come until

their masters say so.”

“Please,” she begged as two of his fingers pushed inside her.

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“Find a way to stop it, Jane.”
How could she when he was finger-fucking her and scraping against her g-spot? His thumb slashed repeatedly over her clit.
“No…” she keened, biting her lip as she felt her body drawing to the edge of release.
“If you come, I’ll punish you then send you home for the night,” he promised.
She barely heard him as she breathed frantically and tried to think of anything but the drive of his fingers and the sound of her arousal around

them. The wet sound combined with her helpless cries clawed at her, begging to free her climax. Her fingers flexed, desperate to clutch anything
that would detour her thoughts.

It was Dick’s rigid cock that filled her hands. Without asking permission, she opened his pants and shoved down his underwear enough to

take the solid column into her hands. Closing her eyes, she focused on the feel of its ridges and the smooth, ever-so-soft skin of the glans. Her
thumb pressed into the nickel-sized spot beneath the head, hoping he was as sensitive there as all men were purported to be.

Dick groaned, shoving into her grasp and proving he loved her touch. His fingers slowed as she stroked him, and Jane grappled with her

slowly returning control. She drew it around her while she continued to jack her hands along his cock. Instead of fighting her orgasm, she reveled in
the mutual pleasure.

She moaned in disappointment as he pulled his fingers from her cunt and his cock from her hands. With a sigh, she adjusted her stance. Her

abdomen was heavy with the intense need to fuck him. Couldn’t he just bend her over one of the benches and fuck her into next week?

His next words denied her. “Jane, go to the wall and pick your punishment device.”


Wasn’t denial of her orgasm enough? She didn’t like this one bit. But she wouldn’t change it either. Reluctantly, she admitted

a secret part of her


like it. It liked it a lot and had waited for this moment for a long time. There was no refuting the excitement still building inside


A tremble worked through her as she eyed the implements hanging near the apothecary chest. A kinda scary-looking whip, two crops,

floggers and paddles of varying size, shape and material… The variety set her off-balance.

Her eyes wide, she realized she’d made a bit of a misstep, not that she planned to change her direction. But she’d never fully thought out

pain and punishment. Wondering about being paddled and coming face to face with an instrument that could leave welts on her ass were two very
different things.

And she had to pick one.
“Go get a closer look,” he urged in a low voice. She heard a zip. If he was refastening his pants, he meant business.
She gnawed on the inside of her lip as she walked closer to the tools. Reaching out, she fingered the tails of one flogger. The wide strands

of leather were buttery soft. She took it off the wall and trailed it over her arm. It tickled, but she didn’t suppose that would be the case if Dick
wielded it with some force. She glanced back at him and the muscles that bulged in his arms as he crossed them and watched her. Definite power,
and a no on the flogger. For now.

Shaking her head, she replaced it. But what to choose? It wasn’t as if there was something here that wouldn’t redden her ass. And didn’t she

want that? She wanted to feel the aftereffects of Dick’s domination tomorrow when she sat…

Biting the corner of her lip, she shifted her gaze to the paddles. One in particular drew her eye. Medium-sized, it had a small painting on it.

Leaning closer, she examined the picture.

Yes… That was what she wanted. The woman had her hands tied behind her back while she rode the man. One of his hands grasped her

reddened ass while the other was knotted in her hair.

Her whole being vibrated as she pictured herself in that scene, Dick fucking her roughly.
She lifted the paddle from the hook that held it and weighed it in her hands. Medium weight. It would probably hurt like hell, but… No, this was

the right implement. Tightening her fingers on the handle, she turned on the ball of her foot and marched back to him. Holding out her hand, she
offered it to him.

“Hmm…” he murmured. “I’ve never used this one. I had it made while we were dating. Look at their faces.”
Drawing back her arm, she examined the paddle. Her eyes went wide as she recognized their faces.
“Nice choice,” he laughed and took the paddle from her. His other arm grasped her upper arm then hauled her toward a long, wide bench

that sat about even with her hips if she were kneeling.

Her heart pounded at his treatment, but he wasn’t hurting her. Even his grip on her arm was steely but not biting. Releasing her, he brought

his hand to her shoulder and firmly pushed her to her knees.

“Don’t move,” he growled. He set the paddle on the surface in front of her then walked away. She couldn’t take her eyes from it. She couldn’t

turn to see what he was doing. She could only stare at the short rectangle of shiny wood.

She startled as he took her arm again and pulled her once more to her feet. Temporarily. As soon as she was against the bench, she was

moved to her knees again. He pushed aside the paddle then leaned her over the padded surface.

She took a shuddering breath, and he paused. He didn’t say a word. To her surprise, she heard him set something down then he smoothed

his hand over her back. A few beats later, he pressed the backs of his fingers to her cheek. The silence continued, her breathing settling though her
nerves were thrumming wildly.

Dick moved behind her, and she heard the rattle of whatever he’d set down. When something fastened on her ankle, she pushed up on her


He shoved her onto the cushion with a splayed hand in the middle of her back. She groaned in frustration, but he paid her little heed as he

finished fastening a cuff around her ankle. Her leg was shoved to the side, and he shackled the other. Futilely, she tried to push her legs together,
knowing without looking that he’d placed a spreader bar between her legs. Her head dropped to the cushion. God help her. The arousal now filling
her was almost too much. She needed…

She didn’t know what she needed.
Yes, she did. She needed to come. She needed it in any way he chose to give it to her.
He pulled her arm straight out to the side and summarily cuffed her wrist in a manacle that had been hidden beneath the edge. Rounding the

bench, he stretched out her other arm and immobilized it as well.

She was completely at his mercy.

“Jane,” Dick said, tapping his fingers gently between her shoulder blades, “can you hear me? Jane,” he repeated when she didn’t reply.
“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, and he knew she was sinking into a place inside herself. He couldn’t have that. Not yet. He needed to set some

groundwork before they moved further, because once they started, they’d move at freight-train speed. This moment had been building for months.

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“Jane,” he started, using her name as a touchstone to draw her attention. “Are you scared?”
“A little,” she admitted.
“Are you scared of me?” he asked.
“A little,” she said again. “I…I don’t know this part of you.”
“You know me. Outside of sex, you know my likes and dislikes. You know where I stand on issues. You know how I spend my time. But, now,

know this. I will never harm you. I will always see to your wellbeing. I will always take care of you. And I will never let anyone else treat you poorly.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she said. Her voice sounded stronger. Good. She believed him. It was a giant step in the direction of trust.
“Sometimes, I’ll discipline you,” he told her. “It’s what I like—how I am—and what you need. You need that, don’t you, Jane? You need to feel

my control over you. Don’t you?”

“Yes…” she hissed, and he even didn’t care whether she called him Sir or not.
“Tell me what you want, sweetness,” he ordered, his cock hard at her submission and obvious need.
“You,” she replied. “I need you to…I need you to spank me. I want it so much… Then…I-I need you to fuck me. Hard. Please…please, Sir.”
He wanted in her so bad, he wasn’t sure he’d make it through this quick paddling. But he’d promised punishment and she’d get it. He’d

trained to be a Dom and to control his emotions and body. This was the first time he’d come this close to losing it.

Taking up the paddle, he ran his thumb over the handle and adjusted his grip.”I bet you like being naughty.”
“A little bit,” she admitted. “I like getting spanked.”
“You’ve been with men who spank you?” he asked, jealousy rearing its head. He knew she wasn’t a virgin, but he didn’t want to hear about

other men dominating her.

“Um…well…no,” she told him.
His brow furrowed. “Your parents spanked you?”
“Well, no…”
He couldn’t help grinning at knowing he’d be the first. He’d have to be careful, though. “So how do you know you like it?”
“I’m guessing.”
Guessing…? Shaking his head, he tapped her ass lightly with the paddle and was rewarded with a near full-body shiver as she reacted to

the touch.

“Your safe word is apple,” he told her. “Repeat it, please.”
“Apple, Sir,” she gasped, her breathing increasing.
“You know when to say it?”
“Good.” He knelt beside her. Drawing back, he lifted the paddle then brought it down with a resounding crack on her rounded ass. She cried

out, her body jerking. Her head lifted and her fingers curled, but she didn’t beg him to stop. She didn’t say the word that would stop him.

Again he brought the smooth wood down on her, this time slightly higher than the first pink stripe coloring her skin.

Fire! Her ass was on fire, but there was no way Jane was stopping him. She whimpered as the third strike landed square on her ass.

Fingers of heat threaded out from the abused flesh, creeping out into her lower back and down into her pussy and thighs. The jolts fed her arousal,
and she gasped as tension took hold of her pussy, sending tiny spasms along the walls.

She panted, sinking into herself and the pleasure/pain filling her body. How had she ever doubted Dick? This was perfect, exactly what she

wanted, and she’d almost thrown it away.

His fingers threaded into her hair, pulling back her head as he continued the paddling. Tears rolled down her cheeks. It was so much

sensation, more than she’d ever experienced. It was as if a dam was bulging inside her, threatening to crack and flood free.

“Oh God!” she screamed as the first strands of climax overtook her. But he’d said she couldn’t. She didn’t know if she could stop it. Her nails

dug into her palms as she bucked.

“Let it happen,” he ordered. The paddle smacked one more time, and Jane shrieked, her being tumbling over into an orgasm unlike any

she’d before experienced. It throbbed on and on, surging along her limbs as she tossed her head from side to side.

In the midst of it, she felt Dick behind her, and his cock shoved deep into her convulsing passage.
“Oh God!” she wailed again as he bent over her. His arm snaked beneath her, lifting her into the position he wanted while his cock pistoned

in and out and he kissed her neck.

“Yes, take me,” he growled. “You want my cock in you? You like my dick claiming you and making you mine?”
“Yes,” she cried. “Yes!”
“You’re mine, Jane. You belong to me.”
Tears flooded her eyes and she pressed her face to the bench as she nodded. Finally, for the first time in her life, she belonged. And it was

to the most stunning man she’d ever met.

Suddenly, his perfect teeth sank into her shoulder and she screamed again, tremors racking her body at the primal, animalism gripping


He was the alpha, and she was his.

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Chapter Five

“What’s this?” Dick asked.
Jane turned her head slowly to see what he was looking at. Her head was still muzzy from the climaxes that had taken her in the playroom.

Afterward, he’d unfastened all the restraints then carried her into his bedroom. He’d placed her on the bed, then proceeded to rub soothing lotion
into her ass and the places where the cuffs had held her ankles and wrists.

His thumb ran along a faint line on her arm then moved to another nearby.


Embarrassed, she tried to yank her arm away. No, not now. Not when she’d just found perhaps one of the most satisfying releases she’d

ever encountered.

“Jane, stop.”
Pressing her lips together, she stilled but couldn’t stop the choppy breaths welling up inside her.
“You used to cut,” he said flatly. No surprise. No condemnation. Just matter-of-fact. “You marked ‘no blood’ on your questionnaire.”
“I don’t cut anymore.”
“Counseling?” he asked.
“Quite a bit while I was in college. By my junior year, I couldn’t face a test without it.” It had been her only way to release tension. Eventually,

during counseling, she’d started substituting rough sex. She’d never told her therapist what she was doing, but the woman had to have suspected
something. She’d probed, asking leading questions, but even more ashamed of her new bent, Jane had never told her. But none of the men she’d
sought provided what Dick could. Spanking, paddling…even tying her up, they’d been halfhearted at best. A “love tap” couldn’t be called a
spanking by any stretch, and they just wanted quick, nasty fucks.

She had always been left wanting for the real thing—for real release and real BDSM.
Dick shook his head ever so slightly and terror seared down to her soul. He was going to reject her. This was it. He couldn’t be involved with

a cutter. He was a freaking doctor, after all.

“And now?” he prodded.
“Now, if I want to release tension, I make myself come.” Her face flamed with the admission, but hell, he’d told her that he expected truth.

Shaking her head, she looked away. “I should go.”

Better to leave willingly before he kicked her out.
Pulling free of his loose grip, she rolled from the bed and headed for the chair where she’d left her dress. He’d removed her bra, garter belt

and stockings when they’d gotten in here and had tossed them on top of her other clothing. God knew where her shoes were.

Tears pricked her eyes as she heard the bed shift under his weight. He moved silently behind her then his hands settled on her shoulders.
“Where are you going?”
She shrugged. “Home.”
“Why would you want me to stay?”
He turned her around. Slipping his hands around her waist, he pulled her close. His hand cupped her cheek. “Because you’re mine,” he told

her. “I promised you I wouldn’t treat you badly, and I wouldn’t let anyone else either. Including you.” His thumb stroked over her cheekbone. “You are
mine, Jane.”

She bit her quivering lip, her heart lurching under his tender, possessive gaze.
“Stay,” he murmured. He leaned forward and brushed his lips over her damp eyelids. “Stay. Come back to bed and let me show you how I

love you.”

Her gaze snapped to his.


He grinned, lopsidedly. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know. I was such a sap…”
“Dick,” she sniffed. She buried her face in the center of his chest and hugged him as tightly as she could.
“Oh, baby,” he murmured. His chin rested on the top of her head as he cradled her. Suddenly, her world shifted as he lifted her and took her

back to bed. He settled her in the middle then crawled over her. She gazed up at him, happiness filling her as he knelt on all fours, his arms and
legs caging her body.

Lifting her arm, he pressed his lips to the highest scar, midway along the inside of the limb, inches from her shoulder. Slowly, he kissed her,

darting out his tongue now and again, until she was squirming beneath him. She needed to feel more of him. All at once, his teeth sank into her and
she screeched in surprise. She gasped when he didn’t immediately let up and sweet pain listed along her skin.

Holy crap!
Slowly, he released her then ever so gently laved the spot.
“Don’t ever cut again. If you need release, you tell me. Okay?”
She bit her lip and nodded. Was it possible he accepted her? Or was this too good to be true?
“I need you,” she told him. Raising both arms above her head and resting them on the pillow, she opened herself to him, offering anything he


Understanding, he caught her wrists in his large fist. Her brow furrowed as he fished around at the headboard. Then she heard a faint rattle

and tilted her head to look. He had two leather cuffs attached to the bed. With a smile, she offered her arms, and he fastened the restraints around

Jane sighed contentedly. The short chain restricted her range of motion, but her arms weren’t held stationary. She arched languidly beneath


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“Hedonist,” he accused good-naturedly just before he lowered his head. His lips captured her nipple, sucking hard. She gasped as the

sensation tugged at her core, and her pussy liquefied. The chain holding her arms in place rattled as she tried to press into him for more.

“No…you’re my slave,” he murmured. “We go at my pace.”
His teeth scraped over her areola, and she whined. “Please…Sir…”
He lifted his head and chuckled. “Now, you remember what to call me?”
She grinned. “Yes, Sir.”
Dick rewarded her with a nip at her opposite nipple, and she shivered. Encouraged by her reaction, he set about torturing her—at least, that

was how she saw it. Starting at her neck, he kissed down the length of her body, skirting her cunt, as he tasted every bit of her. He paid particular
attention to some of her most sensitive places…the inside of her elbows, the underside of her breasts, the back of her knees, her insteps. Her toes
curled as he ran his tongue along the curve of her foot then up to her ankle while his thumb caressed back and forth just below her toes.

“Please,” she begged, though truth be told she’d probably said it a hundred times while he’d explored her. He’d ignored her every time. Now,

she was one giant nerve ending about to spark into oblivion. She needed him. Immediately!

Dick planted her ankles far apart and bent her knees.
“Don’t move,” he instructed.
If it got her what she wanted, she’d be glue!
And then he shifted between her thighs. She fought the urge to move as he parted her with his thumbs and dipped his head to her pussy. His

tongue made a long swath along her folds.


” Torture. Pure torture and he was proving he wasn’t just a Dom, he was a Master.

Her moan of pleasure sounded low and long as he continued lapping away her cream. His hand flattened on her belly to keep her still, and

she realized she’d been rocking up into his mouth.

“Mmm…all mine,” he growled.
She reached for him as he moved up her body but was frustrated by the cuffs that hampered her movement. She wanted to touch him, but it

upped her arousal that she was essentially at his mercy. It filled her with a strange sense of peace to have everything taken from her hands. Dick
called the shots and saw to her pleasure. She had only to receive.

If only she didn’t have to wait so long.
Reaching to the bed stand, he grabbed a condom packet and quickly took care of sliding on the protection. “Don’t move,” he told her when

she started to adjust her legs around him.

With a sigh, Jane put her legs back into position. Nice and open and waiting for him. She bit her lip. Could he see how wet she was, and not

from his licking? Her nipples were so hard they ached with her need.

“Good girl,” he told her. “Today is just about you taking and letting me give you what you need.”
He pressed his finger to her mouth, and she tasted herself on his skin. The heady scent of him mixed with her turned her on.
“You will see to my needs on other days,” he told her. “And if you believe what I’m doing doesn’t satisfy my desires, you’re wrong. Having you

beneath me, receiving all the pleasure I give and submitting is very fulfilling.” He kissed her neck, nipping at her pulse point, then nuzzled up to her
ear. “Being a Dom is about more than tying you up and spanking you or having you kneel before me and serve me. It’s not all about the equipment
and toys. It’s about your submission to me and my command over you and what you need.”

Jane stared at him, feeling herself cascade onto another plane of understanding. It was another world of existence where everything she’d

thought she knew morphed into something different.

Her punished ass skidded a little on the blanket as he pushed inside her so fast it stole her air. When he grasped one of those sore cheeks,

she moaned, her body clenching around him. How had she ever thought him boring? To think she could have had this…

“You like the pain,” he observed. She knew what he was saying without saying it. She’d read enough to know there were other names for

subs like her. Normally, she’d be offended by the language, but as he fucked her hard, she wanted it.

“Say it,” she begged. “Just say it. Please…”
Her hips jerked up into him, and he smacked her ass.
“Pain slut,” he ground out. His palm slapped onto the same spot again. Jane flinched, but shivered at the fiery sensation that spread from the

spot. The tension in her middle grew so tight, she feared the explosion that would ensue when it finally flew free. Her face squinched up as she both
reveled in and fought it.

Dick reached between them and pinched her nipple. His fingers worked over the tip while her cunt quivered around him on the brink of


She couldn’t hold out. “May I come?” she gasped.
“Ask nicely,” he replied, never slowing in his thrusts. A trickle of sweat rolled between his pecs, and she longed to press her lips to it. Her

wrists pulled futilely at her bindings, drawing her frustrated moan.

“Please,” she begged, unsure she could stave off the tiny ripples in her pussy as they threatened to grow beyond her control.
“Not. Nice. Enough.” His hand swatted the same sensitive spot, and she writhed. Her eyes squeezed shut.
“Sir,” she breathed.
“Yes. Come, Jane.



Immediately, her climax flew beyond her control. She screamed her release, arching beneath him. All the while, Dick clapped his hand onto

her behind. Each strike spiked pleasure deep into her core. It built and detonated like a fireworks finale, explosions piling one upon the other until
everything was out of control. She couldn’t see as the orgasm powered through her.

Wild mindlessness stole her. When she finally regained her senses, Dick was murmuring to her. His hands smoothed over her body as he

slowly moved in and out of her. The tension in his face told her he hadn’t yet come, and she wondered at his amazing control. Even now, her pussy
was clenching around him, milking that iron-like cock.

“Back with me?” he asked.
Wordlessly, she nodded.
He nodded. “Wrap your legs around me, and hold on.”
His solid hips between her thighs anchored her as he started deep digs with his cock. Her eyes rolled back as the rod scraped across her


“Stay with me,” he demanded. “Look at me.”

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Reluctantly, she refocused and stared into his blue-eyed gaze. It captured her and held her, and she knew he was fully claiming her.

Everything before this had been words and precursor. This was him taking full ownership of her. Making her…his slave. Just…



His gaze glinted, and she knew he saw her recognition of his Mastery. Just as quickly, his face crumpled. Heat filled her as he came, his

hands tightening hard onto her, and she suspected she’d have welcomed bruise marks in the morning. Immediately, her climax responded to him,
though much smaller than the last. Slowly, they rode the waves until he settled heavily over her. She took his weight as her right.

Sex with Dick was more than she’d ever dreamed it could be—with any man. They laid there in near-silence, neither moving though Dick

adjusted his weight and she mewled a protest. He kissed her over and over, sending beads of warm, content pleasure rolling through her. Quietly,
without comment, he released her wrists one at a time. His brow furrowed as he looked at them. His lips pressed to the slightly abraded skin.

Sliding away from her, he disposed of the condom in the wastebasket then fished around in the cupboard of the bedside table. Shortly, he

came up with a small bottle. The click of the lid was loud in the silence. He poured a small amount of lotion into his palm then warmed it between his
hands. Taking one of her wrists, he rubbed the cream into the flesh. Her skin tingled at the tender touch of his fingers. He repeated the action with
her other wrist. Afterward, she curled her arms into her while he kissed the faint marks on her hips.

“Roll onto your tummy, sweetness,” he coaxed.
“I’m okay,” she murmured. “Really, you don’t have to—”
“I want to,” he replied, drawing her hand to his mouth and kissing the middle of her palm. “Come on now. Over.”
His care was so foreign, she didn’t know how to handle it. She settled her chin on her arms and let it all sink in for sorting later. No one had

done anything like this for her. Her home had always had a policy of shrugs not hugs. Scrapes and bruises had been met with a suck it up attitude.
Dick seemed intent on soothing each inch of abused flesh. His large hands splayed over her sore ass as he gently worked in the tingly lotion. Not
leaving anything to chance, he moved down to her ankles and attended the skin there, though she was sure it was just fine and he’d already tended
her once.

A few minutes later, he settled beside her and pulled the comforter over them. Sleepily, she opened her eyes to look at him. She must have

been dozing. He smiled then lightly kissed her nose. His arms tightened as he pulled her to his chest.

“Thank you,” she sighed. “That was…good.”
“You were good,” he complimented her.
“I…yes?” It pleased her beyond her comprehension that he’d enjoyed their encounter—or should she call it “scene”?
“Yes,” he reiterated. “I’m very satisfied with you.”
There was that warm pleasure again. It reminded her of when she’d gotten gold stars in school.

Gold star for Jane in sex and submission,

scene one.

She grinned into his chest. “Thank you. I, um, you made me really happy, too.”
He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “We’re gonna be good together, Jane. I know it.”
His hand stroked up and down her back, and she wondered what he was thinking. Probably that she shouldn’t fall asleep and she should get

her ass out of his bed and go home.

She started to draw back. “I should—”
“Stay, Jane.”
She froze, and he pulled her back to her former position.
“Stay with me tonight,” he said, though she sensed a bit of question in it. If she said no, he’d let her go. She wasn’t afraid of his coercion.

She certainly felt cherished and protected in his embrace.

“I’d like that.” She really did.

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Chapter Six

Jane adjusted her sunglasses and smiled as she headed across the parking lot to Dick’s office. She was a little early, but they were going to

dinner after his last patient. Since her final appointment for the day had been in this area, they’d decided for her to meet him here.

A wall of noise hit her as she entered the waiting area. Apparently, there were lots of well-child appointments this evening. Dick had three

partners, and tonight was his night to leave at a halfway normal time. Some nights though, he was here until almost eight.

Over the past few weeks, she’d gotten quite familiar with his schedule. She’d had to. She spent more time at his house than she spent at

hers. Since the night she considered their real reunion, everything had been perfect. Just perfect. There was no other way to think of it. He gave her
what she needed, and she gave him what he did. They rarely disagreed though she had a habit of “misbehaving” on purpose.

She liked his punishments, and her ass had been sore more often than not lately. The “not” was the worst. Sometimes, Dick purposely

punished her by not physically punishing her. Sometimes, he even put her in the corner or time out. Once he’d even tied her to the bed and made
her watch while he pleasured himself. The whole time, she’d gotten more and more aroused, waiting for him to fuck her. Instead, he’d come then
climbed into bed beside her and left her tied up while they slept so she couldn’t take care of the deep need roiling inside her.

But she shouldn’t be thinking about that here. There were children all around her. Reining in her errant thoughts, she headed for the

receptionist desk. A pretty, brown-haired girl slid open the glass window shutting off the office area from the loud reception area.

“Can I help you?” she asked pleasantly, no doubt noticing Jane had no child in tow.
“I’m here to see Dr. Anderson. Can you let him know that Jane Harper is here?”
The receptionist nodded, her eyes chilling slightly. “Have a seat, and he’ll be right with you.”
Perplexed by the change in the woman, but shrugging it off, Jane turned toward the reception seating. There were a few empty chairs along

one wall, not too close to the play area and she chose the one furthest from the children. Settling her purse on her lap, she pulled out her eReader to
pass the time. Dick couldn’t leave for at least fifteen minutes or more.

“Nice,” a voice said across the aisle. “Way to ignore me, Jane.”
Jane’s gaze shot upward and landed on the irritated visage of her sister, Miranda. “Oh, hi,” Jane exclaimed. “I didn’t see you there.”
“Seriously? You looked right at me.”
She fought back a sigh. So, it was going to be like that. “I’m sorry.”
“So what’s wrong with you? Why haven’t you called me? And what are you doing here? This is pediatrician office. I doubt they can cure what

ails you.”

Don’t be so certain. A certain doctor here is just the medicine I need.

“I’m here to see Dr. Anderson.”

“Is he selling his house?” Miranda asked, always one to ask a million questions but barely listen.
“No. We have a date.”
Miranda’s lips parted, but no sound came out. She tilted her head. “He has a date. With you?”
“Does he know how screwed up you are?”
Jane sighed. “We’re all screwed up, Miranda. Even you.”
“I…” Miranda’s eyes got wide.

Oh, sweet Jesus. The waterworks. Save me.

“I can’t believe you said that. You know how rough I had it.

Why…even Jeffrey left me. All alone with the kids. He ran off with the babysitter. How cliché is that? The


“Oh Randa,” Jane sighed, looking around to see a few people had been sucked into the drama. She moved to sit beside her sister and put

an arm around her. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”

“He said I’m too high maintenance for him.”
“It took him ten years to figure that out?” Jane asked drily, looking over at her niece and nephew as they played on a playset.
Miranda shrugged off Jane’s arm. “Why do you always have to be such a bitch? Just because you’ve always had weight problems, and I’ve

always been thin doesn’t mean I have less feelings than you.”



that ten years is an awfully long time into a marriage to start singing that tune,” Jane defended. Tension strung through her. Why did

her sister have to twist everything Jane said?

“It is,” Miranda sniffled.
Jane looked up to see Dick at the door to the office’s inner sanctum. “Hi,” she said and grinned. Looking back at Miranda, she grasped her

sister’s hand. “I have to go, but I’ll call you.”

“Right,” Miranda replied in disbelief, pulling away her fingers as if Jane had crossed a line. An arm around the shoulder, touching a hand…

yeah that was over the edge of propriety in her family. But Dick was always touching Jane, and she was picking up on his habits.

“I will. Promise,” Jane told her, standing.
To her surprise, Miranda stood, too. “Introduce us.”
“You’re ashamed of me. No, wait, you’re afraid I’ll tell your secrets. Don’t worry. With those short sleeves, he’ll figure it out soon enough.”
Jane’s stomach twisted. She didn’t want any part of her old life—her family and her problems—touching Dick. He knew about the cutting, but

she didn’t want to mix past and present anymore. Still, he was looking at her in question as she had her hushed conversation with her sister.

“No, I’m not ashamed of you. C’mon and I’ll introduce you, then Dr. Anderson and I have to go.”
“Do you really call him that? Dr. Anderson,” she echoed in a haughty voice.
“No.” Jane walked over to the door where Dick waited. “Dick, this is my sister Miranda Free—”

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“Harper. I took back my maiden name,” Miranda jumped in.
“This is my sister,” Jane amended. “She’s here for an appointment, and she wanted to meet you. Miranda, this is Dr. Dick Anderson.”
“Dick and Jane?” Miranda giggled, shaking Dick’s hand. “That’s so sweet. I’m glad to meet my sister’s beau.”

Beau? Really, Miranda?

Jane thought.

“It’s nice to meet you, too,” Dick said. “Perhaps your family can join us for dinner one night.”
“That would be great,” Jane said quickly, moving to step through the door. “But I’ll call and set it up. We have to go or we’ll be late for our

thing, Dick.”

“Oh, right, yeah,” he replied, underscoring her faith in his quick mind. “It was nice to meet you, Miranda.”
In moments, he and Jane were safely behind the reception room’s door. Alone. He threaded his fingers through hers and led her down the

passage. He ushered her through a doorway and into a leather-appointed office with his nameplate on the desk. “I have a few things to do, but I
figured you could wait in here,” he said, looping his arms loosely around her waist.

“You have no idea how grateful I am for that.”
“You and your sister don’t get along?”
“Far from it. None of us do—except me and my dad.”
He kissed her nose. “Then I’m glad I could save you.”
“My prince in shining lab coat,” she sighed, pressing her cheek to his shoulder and breathing him in.
“More white than shining,” he laughed. “Have a seat and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Alone in his office, she looked around, thinking of all the ways she’d thought of playing doctor over the years. If Dick had one of those stirrup

tables and he


the kind of doctor he was, she’d ask him about acting out some fantasies, but that wasn’t to be. But maybe she could get him

to wear his lab coat at home with nothing else on one of these days.

He would. They always had fun together, even when he was deep in Dom mode.
Tonight, he was taking her to some “munch” thing—which frankly, knowing it was related to the BDSM scene, sounded a little obscene to

her. Dick assured her it would all be quite tame, just a group of his friends getting together but all of them in D/s relationships. It was at a public
restaurant so Jane was fairly certain things would remain PG.

“Deep in thought?” Dick said, startling her as he reentered the room.
“Just thinking about tonight.”
He closed the door then came around to crouch in front of her. His thumb stroked over one of the slightly raised scars on her arm. “It’ll be

okay. No stress, okay?”

“Okay.” Ribbons of warmth wove through her. Once she would have flinched away from anyone touching her scars, but Dick offered

complete acceptance. He didn’t regard her weakness with disgust.

“I have something I’d like you to wear,” he announced. Standing, he went to his desk and opened a drawer. A moment later, he came back to

her and squatted down again. He opened his hand. A velvet choker with a white, oval cameo in the center rested in his palm. No, it wasn’t a cameo
at all. An ornate Wedgewood blue swirl decorated the stone and formed the intertwined letters “DA”.

“Yes,” she replied. “It’s beautiful, Dick.”
He leaned forward and fastened it around her neck then kissed her. “Now, everyone else knows you’re mine. And they all know I don’t


She bit her lip. “At all? It might be fun—”
“You want a spanking, don’t you?”
She giggled just as a rap came on the door.
“I’m off-duty,” he muttered but rose to answer.
The receptionist stood at the other side. “I, um, have some files for you,” she said lamely, though there wasn’t a folder to be seen.
“I’ll sign them tomorrow. Annie,” he said as she started to turn away. “This is my girlfriend, Jane.”
Annie frowned. “We met up front.”
There was sadness in her eyes when she glanced at Dick, and Jane figured out the girl had a crush on him. She was probably a little

confused as to why he was with someone quite so plain as Jane.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jane,” Annie said, remembering her manners, then swung away toward the front of the office.
“Ready to go?” Dick asked.
“She likes you,” Jane replied, rising. “I think you disappointed her.”
He shook his head, a strange flush creeping up his collar. “I promise I don’t do anything to encourage it. There’s only one woman I want.”
She grinned and rose to her toes to kiss his cheek. “I believe you, but I also think you’re a little oblivious.”
“I’m not oblivious to anything about you,” he growled. He leaned to her ear. “I bought a new paddle at lunch today.”
A shiver of pleasure went through her. “My poor bottom.”
“Oh thank God you’re still here!”
They both looked up to see a harried doctor rushing toward them.
“What’s up, Haydon?”
“I got called to the hospital. They’re calling in all the peds they can. Bus accident. I need someone to cover the appointments here, so I can

go in—unless you want to. But it’ll be a late night, and this is usually your early day.”

Jane sighed inwardly though she showed no sign to Dick. She knew all the doctors here also specialized in surgical pediatrics. This was

part of being the girlfriend of a doctor. He got paged at all hours, though all the doctors rotated being “on-call”. She had to accept this.

“Jane, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she told him, touching her new necklace. “It’s part of the deal.”
“Go on, Haydon,” Dick said, probably knowing there couldn’t be a delay. “I’ll cover.”
He turned back to her, and she lifted her shoulder with a “whatcha gonna do?” smile. Who was she to complain when it came to saving

lives? “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“No,” he said. “You’ll see me tonight. Wait for me at the house. We’ll just have an evening in. Eat dinner, and I’ll text you some instructions a

little before I leave here.”

That sounded promising. “Yes, Sir!” she quipped and gave him a mock salute she was sure would bring later retribution. Hey, she had to

earn the paddle somehow.

* * * *

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As it turned out, Dick got roped into emergency work as well and didn’t get home until the wee hours of morning. Jane was sound asleep in

the middle of his bed and wearing one of his pajama shirts when he stole into the bedroom. His heart lurched at the sight of her, and he knew he
wanted to always see her here in his home and in his bed.

Giving her the collar today had been the first step. He wasn’t going to be a fool and rush forward—last time she’d rejected him when he’d

thought she’d say yes. So he was moving slowly, leading her into this life one bit at a time. Though he hadn’t asked her to officially move in, she was
here more and more often anyway. Eventually, he’d point that out and suggest they give up her apartment.

He suspected though that it might be a little bit of a safety zone for her right now. She still had a lot of hang ups and insecurities, and he knew

she didn’t see herself as the beauty she was.

Thanks a lot, Harper family

, he thought. Jane hadn’t told him a lot, but what she had mentioned about

her relatives and what he’d seen with her sister made his skin crawl. How did a child grow up and flourish in that environment? It was amazing Jane
was as well adjusted as she was now.

He also understood why she absorbed every touch, whether pain or pleasure. She craved it. She craved human interaction.
She also loved their play, and it turned her on,



She wasn’t the only one. With more force than necessary, he slammed down the new paddle and startled Jane awake. She sat up, blurry

eyed, and the shirt slid off one of her shoulders exposing a breast.

He steeled himself from pouncing on her right then and there. “So who were we today?” he demanded, getting in his role as Dom. “GI Jane?”
“Wh-what?” she asked, sleep still confusing her.
“That smartass salute.”
She grinned. “Oh.”
He put on a scowl though she amused him. Her antics pleased him more than he’d ever tell her. God forbid she found out. She’d go right out

of control.

“I want you naked and in the playroom in one minute.” Without another word, he got up and scooped up the paddle then headed there

himself. He heard Jane on his heels.

The room’s door was unlocked since he only locked it if there was a chance of company stumbling into it. Flipping on the light switch, he

marched inside and halted in the middle of the space. He dropped the paddle on a bench then started rolling up his sleeves.

Jane stopped just inside the doorway, biting her lip and looking adorably mussed. She’d followed his instruction and dropped the shirt

somewhere—probably in the hallway since she’d been right on his heels.

He raised an eyebrow at her, and she went to her knees before him.
“Drop and give me forty,” he said, playing on the soldier theme she’d started.
Her brow furrowed. “Forty…what, Sir?”
“Good question. Certainly not pushups, unless you’re lying over me.” He smiled at the idea of licking her breasts as she did a modified

version of the exercise. He’d save that for later. “I want you on your back and pushing those naughty fingers up into your pussy,” he told her.
“Slowly…forty times.”

She blinked at him in surprise then sat back on her heels. Leaning onto her hands, she moved to her back. She shuddered as the cold

laminate floor pressed to her skin.

“Knees up and apart,” he instructed. She’d reclined so her pussy faced him which was perfect. “Make it a good show, soldier.”
Her palm smoothed down between her breasts and over her belly to her waxed cunt. The lips were already pulling back with her arousal and

her wetness dripped along her folds. Slowly, she pressed one finger inside herself.

“Count them. Out loud,” he said. “And that schoolgirl single finger stuff doesn’t count. I know you can take more.”
Jane moaned and pressed another finger inside herself. “One,” she counted breathily, and he wondered how she’d make it even to twenty.

She pulled halfway out then pushed in and counted two.

“Uh-uh,” he interrupted. “All the way in and out. Start again.”

Where did he come up with these things? Jane shivered as she pushed her fingers inside herself once more, knowing Dick was watching

every move. Through everything they’d done, she’d never masturbated in front of him—or in front of anyone.

“Wait,” Dick said as she started to move her fingers again. She blinked up at him and saw him setting up a camera. “If you want to share,

we’ll share this way. I’ve opened a channel on the net and several of the guys from the club are going to watch you.”

Immediately, she covered her breasts. “What?”
“Uncover yourself. Now. This was on your list.”
“But…” She stopped when Dick glowered down at her. “Yes, Sir.”
He fiddled with the camera. “Aren’t you hot with the idea that they’ll watch you and probably jack off as you writhe there on the floor?”
Well, actually…she was. “Yes,” she whispered.
“Now,” he instructed, “do it again. Make yourself come. Give me forty, soldier.”
Jane could barely stand the fire flowing through her at the thought he was podcasting her to his club friends. Her hand reached to her pussy.

She moaned as she shoved her fingers inside again. She was enflamed enough that she easily found her g-spot, and she rubbed it as she finger-
fucked herself.

How high would she count before the men were coming all over their hands? Did they like this? Her hips lifted into her thrusts as she

reached twenty and her cream coated her hand. It was dripping to her ass as she imagined one of the men leaning in to lick her. Would he if he
were in the room?

Dick handed her a dildo, and she thrust it deep in her cunt, ripples working through her as she screamed out, “Twenty-one.”
Sweat coated her body, and she was slipping on the laminate floor as she fucked herself.
“You are mine,” Dick ground out as she hit thirty and her walls sucked greedily at the shaft forcing between them. Her legs trembled as she

fought to keep going. “Mine,” he said with each thrust.

She screamed, shooting over the edge and pushing the toy in and out of herself with no semblance of counting, no rhyme or reason. Nothing

but pleasure and knowing they were watching her. When she finally collapsed limply, Dick wrenched her up onto his lap.

“Now, everyone will see you punished,” he growled.
“No!” she wailed, fighting to get away and knowing she wasn’t going anywhere without saying her safe word. The paddle landed on her ass,

and her eyes just about rolled back in her head. It had some sort of smooth knobs on it. Dear lord…

Over and over, he brought it down on her behind until she was sure she wouldn’t sit for a week and fire launched up into her vagina with

volcanic force. She pressed her forehead into the bench. Everyone would see her come from the punishment. She couldn’t help it. She couldn’t stop

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Her scream echoed through the room accompanied by the continued whack of the wood against her ass. The paddle clattered against the

floor as Dick threw it aside. He turned her and shoved down his pants.

“Ride me,” he ordered.
His cock felt so much better than anything, and she shoved herself up and down his shaft. His girth stretched her like no dildo could, and he

was so warm beneath her. He clamped her ass, and she lurched at the pleasure/pain that accompanied it.

“Harder,” he demanded. She screeched as her clit ground into his pubis with each downward stroke. She was coming again, her walls

milking him with a grip so tight she could barely move.

“Yes,” she cried. “Oh…God…”
Suddenly, Dick pulled from her. His cum sprayed her belly as they both climaxed. “Jane,” he sighed, pressing his face into her shoulder.
“Mmm…” she responded, in a fuzz from the overwhelming encounter they’d just had.
“Do you have to work tomorrow?”
“I’m always working,” she murmured. A lot of her off-hours were spent taking calls, arranging showings and researching the market. “But, no,

I don’t need to go into the office tomorrow.”

“Good. So…spend the day with me tomorrow? And before you answer, you should know I have a family thing—but I’d love to have you with


A family thing. That stopped her with a cold wall of dread. If they were anything like hers, he could probably use her there for distraction, and

as much as she submitted in the bedroom, she was strong. She’d protect him from familial slings and arrows. Smiling at the thought of taking care
him, she cuddled closer. This powerful man did not need a protector.

“Yes, I’ll go with you,” she told him.
“Good.” He lifted her in his arms to take her to the bedroom.
“Don’t you need to shut off the camera?” she asked.
“Jane…” he laughed. “When will you remember? You’re mine. All mine. I don’t share. Even like that.”
She smiled into his shoulder. Such a bad man. “Yes, Sir.”

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Chapter Seven

It was still a strange sensation to wake in someone’s arms. Jane knew immediately that it was Dick who held her. She never felt disoriented.

It just felt right to have him holding her. Pleasure sank right through her. They’d made love several more times throughout the night, and despite his
careful aftercare, she felt it now throughout her body. Kind, commanding, gentle, rough…he always ran the gamut through their sessions, keeping
her continually on edge and off-balance. She couldn’t ask for more.

As she smiled, his hand traveled down her waist to her ass. Strong fingers clenched the well-paddled spot he favored, and she moaned.
“Mmm, good morning,” he said.
“Good morning,” she replied happily. It certainly was, and already, she was ready to have him over her again.
“Hungry?” he asked.
For food? Not so much. She shook her head as he rolled them so she was atop him. He nudged his legs between hers so she straddled


“Good,” he groaned as he slid inside her.
“Oh yes,” she sighed, rocking her hips as his cock stretched her. This angle hit spots other positions hadn’t. Dick took advantage of it to play

with her breasts. Each pull and roll sent reciprocal tugs to her core.

“Nice and slow,” he breathed as she started to speed up the movement of her hips. He felt so good in her pussy. It was difficult to follow his

order. She wanted to rush her movements and feel that length rubbing up and down her tender passage.

His hands clapped onto her hips, and she groaned as they impacted with her sore behind then held her perfectly still. Beneath her, he thrust

his hips upward. His cock slid easily in and out while she was held helpless above him.

“Please, Sir,” she whispered as her climax built then ebbed then built again as he adjusted then readjusted his drives.
“No, just hold yourself up on your arms,” he said when she bent to flick her tongue over his nipples.
She sighed. She just wanted to give him some of the pleasure he was giving her. A moan ripped from her as he pulled free just as her pussy

clamped around him.

“No condom, sweetness,” he murmured in her ear as he smoothed his hand down her back, waiting out her orgasm. The other reached

between them, and he shoved three fingers into her sodden cunt, fucking her with the hard pumps she’d wanted from his cock.

“Yes, yes…” she called, jerking into his hand as he gave her free rein to move. They kissed frantically as another orgasm washed over her.

As it receded, he pulled his mouth and hand free. A slight push guided her toward his cock.

Jane went willingly, needing to please him—so happy to have the chance.
He propped himself against his pillows, one arm bent behind his head.
She paused, looking up at him as she knelt between his legs. He looked like a prince awaiting the attentions of his concubine. She was

willing to comply. Deep pleasure, almost on par with her orgasms, filled her at the opportunity presented her.

His cock rose like a thick pillar from a nest of dark curls, the surface slick and glistening and the tip reddened with his arousal. The thick vein

twisting up it throbbed as he waited. She licked her lips, anticipating this.

Her eyes locked with his as she bent and opened her mouth. Immediately, her taste exploded across her senses. She moaned at the

overwhelming flavor of her mixed with him and just the slightest bit of rubber. Her lips closed around his tip as she sucked, watching him and
fighting back a smile.

Mr. Control’s breathing increased, and his lashes veiled his eyes as he buried his hand in her hair and pushed her down his length.

Frantically sucking and licking, she worked him, using his breathing and the pressure at the back of her head as an indication of his pleasure.

Her teeth scraped along the underside of his cock, and he jerked.
“Naughty, bad slave,” he muttered, but that didn’t sound like a bad thing so she did it again.
“Jane!” he gasped. Suddenly, he pulled her off him and across his lap. One of his hands held her wrists together near her head while a leg

came around to trap hers as she was arched over the other thigh. And he…oh God! He was spanking her. It was


good, she decided as his hand

rained down on her ass. She pressed her face into the sex-laden sheets, moaning and crying out as he punished her.

Heat flooded her ass and pushed her toward an orgasm that seemed both forbidden and Nirvana. The lava-like fingers flooded down into

her pussy and up her back as she struggled in his grasp. She didn’t want another orgasm when he’d had none—okay, yes, she wanted it. She
wasn’t a fool, but she wanted his pleasure more than she wanted her own.

“I’m sorry,” she cried as he reddened her behind.
Dick leaned down close to her ear. “Pain whore,” he whispered, and she understood. She hadn’t done a thing wrong. This was sex play,

entirely for her benefit. No… he liked it. That’s why they were perfect.

He kept on until her mind grew fuzzy and she shook from the razor edge sensation slicing through her and pushing away anything but her

connection with him. Her cream flooded from her as she heated to levels she couldn’t have dreamed of before. He was going to spank her until she
came, screaming his name, screaming for mercy, screaming for more. He liked that. She liked it more.

Just as suddenly as he’d drawn her across his lap, he slipped from beneath her and left her bent onto the side of the bed. His large hand

pressed to the top of her shoulders right below her neck and held her down. She heard him fumble for something beside the bed, but she couldn’t
see. An object was dropped beside her hip then she heard the click of a lid.

He’d gotten a couple things…
Before she could think, cool gel dribbled over her anus then Dick picked up whatever it was he’d dropped. She soon discovered it was a

vibrator as he pushed it up into her cunt. He flicked it on, and an extension buzzed against her clit.

“No…” she moaned as she got the full picture of what he planned. Carefully, she steered clear of her safe word. No way did she really want

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him to stop.

Dick dripped more lube on her then his fingers pressed into her ass, opening her passage for what was sure to come. The push of those

digits aroused her even more than the toy inside her. It was like nothing she’d felt before. Nothing…

Still holding her down, he lined his cock up with her rear. “You know what happens to bad, naughty slaves,” he growled.
“No…please…” she mumbled and pushed her ass up to him. He smacked it and shoved her hips back to the mattress.
“No. Pleading won’t save you now,” he grated. She heard the rip of foil. Moments later, slowly, so slowly, the head of his shaft breached her

opening and stretched her wider than his fingers had.

She moaned into the sheets. The illicit, torrid act rode through her like rampaging fire, destroying everything in its path. She was a roiling

lake of reaction, and he’d barely moved. Jane knew she’d die before Dick pushed all the way inside her. How did he have such control? Why wasn’t
he pounding into her?

“I own you,” he told her. “All of you.”
“Yes,” she cried. “Yes, Sir. Fuck me. Please!”
“Oh, I will,” he promised. “I will touch every part of you. I will make every part of you mine. Give me all of you, Jane. All your stress and worries

and fears…”

Tears streamed down her face at the overwhelming sensations while sobs shook her. She couldn’t stop them. Dick would break her strength

and her will and destroy her inhibitions. Already, he was deeper in her soul than anyone had ever gotten.

“Thank you, Sir,” she snuffled. She shook as he pushed deeper and filled her. Her fingers clenched in the sheet at the slight bite that

accompanied his movement. So good… All the sensations…down there…completely cleared her head. Nothing existed but the vibe in her pussy
and his cock slowly pistoning in and out of her ass.

“I know you’re scared,” he said, taking her by surprise.

Scared? What? Huh… Fuck me harder. Deeper… Please!

“I felt it last night when I mentioned my plans for today.”


“Remember this. The feel of me in you.” His hand smacked her behind. “The sting of your ass when I spank you.”
She moaned, totally surrendered to him. When he bent over her and his lips brushed her ear, a shiver coursed down her spine.
“Remember you’re


. I will always protect you. I will always give you what you need. Understand?”

“Yes,” she gasped as he gained momentum. “Yes, Sir.”
His teeth sank onto her shoulder, and the sharp, welcomed pain shoved her over the edge. She screamed as her cunt and ass spasmed.

Dick’s hips slammed forward one last time, and he grunted as heat poured into her.

Jane melted into the bed. She’d never move again.

* * * *

“I trust Dixon took care of these properly?”
Jane looked up in surprise as Dick’s sister, Syb, reached over and touched the faint bruises on Jane’s wrist while they were cleaning up the

kitchen. It shocked her, but so much had since she’d gotten here for the summer picnic to celebrate Dick’s parents’ thirty-fifth anniversary. This
family was the diametric opposite of her family. They were warm and “touchers”, all of them. She’d never had so many hugs or casual touches in her
life. Her skin was literally crawling with warm prickles, and it was the best feeling in the world—well, aside from what Dick, or Dixon to his family, did
to her.

“He put lotion or something on them,” she told Syb. Jane really liked Dick’s sister. She was a firecracker; there was no doubt about that.

Though Jane thought it might be a bit young for the woman’s age which seemed close to Jane’s, Syb dressed in an unusually youthful and sexy
style. Today, she’d pulled back black hair with blue streaks into two jaunty ponytails and wore a short denim skirt with a shorter white blouse that
ended a few inches above her pierced navel.

“Syb,” Dick said, coming into the room and putting his arm around Jane. “Doesn’t your job pay you enough to buy adult-sized clothes?” He

dropped a kiss on Jane’s temple. “Is she bothering you?”

Jane shook her head while Syb made a disgusted sound that was half growl and half sigh.
“I was just asking her if you’re taking care of her. It’s a


hazard. Making sure Doms are taking care of their subs—”

“How do you…? I mean…”
“Ignore her,” Dick told Jane, steering her toward the door and away from his sister. “She works at

The Dungeon

and thinks she knows


“I know you’re a dick,” Syb called, following them outside.


,” he returned. “Don’t you have an anime cartoon to model for?”


The Dungeon

?” Jane asked, bemused by the good-natured banter between the siblings. If she and her sisters had had a similar

conversation, the words would be dead serious and laced with arsenic.

“It’s a BDSM club,” Syb told her, slinging her arm around Jane and pulling her away from Dick. “You should come visit. I’ll show you around

and introduce you to some nice people.”

Jane was summarily pulled back to the safety of Dick’s embrace. “Over my dead body.”
“Geez, guys,” their brother, Oliver cut in as they returned to the table where everyone had chatted and enjoyed lunch. “Stop treating Jane like

a chew toy. Poor girl looks ready to sink into sub-space and not in a good way. You’re shocking her right into detachment.”

What the hell was with this family? That was


stuff. Good lord!

Dick brought her around in front of him and lifted her chin as he held her to his chest. “You okay?” he asked, examining her face.
“Your family is…” She bit her lip.
“Overwhelming?” he supplied.
“So different from mine. No one is this nice.”
“Hell, we’re not nice,” Dick laughed. “We fight all the time.”
“This isn’t fighting,” she whispered. She gave him a wan smile. “I like them, but maybe we shouldn’t tell.”
He grinned. “Oh sweetness, you’re gonna fit right in.” Cupping the back of her head, he kissed her deeply until Oliver started making choking


“Get a room!” Dick’s siblings catcalled.
“There will be no peace here,” Dick predicted, he threaded his fingers through hers and led her to the picnic table that sat beneath a huge

white-wood gazebo. His parents were down on the lakeshore just beyond it while his brother and sister were giving him hell.

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“They’re fun,” she said, before they went up the steps. He guided her to one of the benches and she sat, carefully hiding her wince at the

tenderness of her behind. She’d be reminded of last night’s escapades for a few days to come, she suspected. Last night


this morning, she

reminded herself, recalling the spectacular wake-up call he’d delivered.

Syb narrowed her eyes and glared at her brother. “You should have put some benzocaine on that.”
“Who’s the doctor here?” Dick snapped.
“Well, excuse me, Dr. Anderson, but the patient could cite you for malpractice.”
“He did use some,” Jane cut in.
“My God,” Syb exclaimed, staring at Dick again. “What did you use to paddle her? A tree limb?”
“Mind your own business, Syb. You’re just jealous because Kellon doesn’t spank you,” Dick retorted.
Jane couldn’t believe the bent of this conversation and was amused—until Syb’s eyes got wide and shimmery. The woman shot to her feet

and dashed off into the house without a word.

“Damn it, Dixon,” Oliver ground out. “She broke up with Kellon.”
“Oh fuck,” Dick swore. He shook his head. “I need to go talk to her. Jane, will you be—”
“Go,” she interrupted.
“She’s really broken up,” Oliver told her after Dick had followed his sister inside. “Happens.” He shrugged and a sadness in his eyes told her

it had happened to him and not that long ago.

“Wasn’t he into BDSM?” she asked.
“Sure he is. He’s even part of the security team at

The Dungeon.

He’s completely into the D/s lifestyle—except for the spanking, flogging,

paddling, anything corporal punishment part. Doesn’t make sense to me. Anyway…happens,” he repeated. “Two people think they’re on the same
wavelength then they find out they’re not and they stop agreeing on anything. Emotions run so high…” He shrugged. “Well, it doesn’t happen to
everyone. Look at my mom and dad.”

That was more information than she wanted to know about his parents.
“What is

The Dungeon

?” she asked.

“It’s a club. We’ve belonged there for years, and Syb works there. I don’t know how much longer she can hold out though with Kellon working

there, too. I’m just glad Dixon is back on track. He went through some pretty rough stuff not long ago. Wouldn’t talk to any of us about it, but some
woman trampled all over him. He holed up for awhile. When he came out, he was muttering about revenge—not that I think he’d do that. Anyway,
Syb and I are glad you like him for what he is. He’s never brought anyone to meet the fam before. He must be pretty serious. It was so weird before.
He was trying to be all vanilla and—Hon, are you all right?”

Biting her lip, she stared at the white plastic tablecloth covering the old wood picnic table. Dick had been trying to be “all vanilla” and she’d

happened. She’d almost killed the man he was, because she couldn’t accept him. She hadn’t seen the real Dick. And she’d driven him to revenge.

Shaking, she gathered herself. “I’m not really feeling great. I hate to ask, but do you think you could drive me into town?”
She and Dick had left her car at her apartment when she’d gone home to change. If Oliver took her into town, she could manage from there.
“Sure…” he said slowly. “Do you want me to get Dixon? He—”
“No,” she interrupted. “Syb needs him. I’m sorry I made her cry.” And at the moment, she was feeling so sad and utterly betrayed she didn’t

know what to think. She didn’t know if she could handle Dick and his full-on intensity. And he’d said he loved her. Liar!

“You didn’t make her cry,” Oliver replied and shook his head, his brows together.
“Not directly, but…I really need to get home and lie down. I’d really appreciate if you took me.”
“Okay…” Oliver still didn’t look convinced, but he ran down to tell his parents where he was going and that he’d be back soon. In minutes, he

and Jane were in his car and shortly, he dropped her at her apartment.

She waved goodbye and headed inside, but as soon as he was gone, she headed back to the sidewalk. She didn’t want to be alone right

now and she didn’t want to face her empty apartment. Sadly, she considered heading into the office. There’d be plenty to do there, but she didn’t
particularly want to sit in her office either. The sense of betrayal inside her was like acid eating through everything.

How could he do this to her?
Unable to think straight and unwilling to be alone, she decided to walk down the street to the movie theater. She could lose herself in a

mindless movie and forget all about Dick and his wonderful family and his jerk-face betrayal motives. She chose a movie that was purported to be a
comedy. And spent more time crying than laughing. The whole basis of the plot revolved around revenge and betrayal gone awry—and she didn’t
find it funny at all.

Sadness pervaded her soul as she walked home. Maybe she should never have broken off with him the first time, but that didn’t excuse his

behavior. Did spanking her give him a rush of pleasure at getting even with the girl who’d broken his heart? Did he think it was funny that she
actually got off on it?

She didn’t care. He was an asshole. Still, as she walked, she knew she should have confronted him today. She still needed to. She had to

tell him exactly why she’d taken off. She had to see his face when he realized she knew what he’d been up to.

He was going to be pissed.
She didn’t give a rat’s ass. She might be damaged goods with a crappy past and a shitty family, but she wasn’t a toy and he had no right to

screw with her.

She’d been right to think he’d be angry. As she approached her apartment, she saw Dick waiting on her stairs…just sitting there, waiting. He

actually saw her before she saw him. Like an immovable force he rose then planted himself in the middle of the sidewalk as if daring her to keep
walking and equally daring her to run away.

Her steps faltered then she resumed her pace. She’d have to face him whether she rushed to him or took a detour around the world. All too

soon, they were a few feet apart. She stopped just outside his reach, but he didn’t move toward her.

“Explain,” he ground out. “I don’t believe you were sick.”
“Your brother told me…”
“Olly told you


She was strong, she’d proved that in her years of healing after therapy, and she drew all that power around her to stand up tall before him

and his commanding presence. “He told me about the woman who hurt you so bad a few months ago.” She raised her eyebrow and glared at him.
“About your plot for revenge.”

Dick swore under his breath, and his stance softened. “I knew I should have punched Olly when he told me he’d driven you home,” he

muttered. “Look, Jane—”

“Don’t ‘look, Jane’ me. You set out to hurt me.”

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“No. I didn’t.”
“You never wanted revenge on me?” she snapped.
“Lo—” He sighed. “I’m not going to lie. I might have wanted that for a few minutes, but how childish is that? I—”
“I want you to leave now,” she interrupted. “I don’t want you near me. I don’t want you to call me. I want you out of my life.”
“Jane, listen!”
“No. I don’t trust you, Dick. I don’t trust you not to hurt me.”
“Do you think this doesn’t hurt?” he asked her. “Knowing I love you and that you don’t love me back enough to give us a shot, it hurts more

than before. You’ve seen the real me now. And it’s not enough. You don’t have faith in me.”

She flinched inwardly at that. She did love him, and he’d betrayed her. “There are other women—


women,” she told him on a rolling

barrage of fury. “Maybe they’ll have faith in you. You haven’t betrayed them.”

He shook his head. “Just believe me, Jane. I can promise you the world—and I would give you anything—and I can promise to always

protect you and be there for you, but I can’t make things right unless you believe in me.”

“You’re right. You can’t make things right. I don’t trust you. For this lifestyle to work, I have to trust you, right? Well…I don’t.” She fought back a

sob. So much of her being was protesting this. But without trust, they couldn’t go on, and she felt as if her soul were hemorrhaging inside her. She’d
really liked him before, but the past few weeks…

Oh, God, she loved him.
“Jane…” he murmured sadly and sighed as if the air was coming from his feet. His knuckles trailed along her cheek, and she cringed away.

His hand fell dead to his side, and his shoulders slumped. “Go inside. I’ll leave when I see you’re safe.”

Her head dipped, her arms wrapping around her middle to hold in the pain that wanted to explode from her and leave her a bloody,

wallowing mess on the cement. Not in front of him. She’d fall apart inside.

She shook her head. She’d survive this, too. It was what she did.
She turned and headed to the steps.

Dick watched Jane walk away, his heart thudding a death knell in his chest. Watching her go and not chasing after her and dragging her into

his arms was the hardest, most torturous things he’d ever done—and that included endless shifts as an intern when he was finishing med school.

Pain shafted through him as he watched her go. He waited until he saw the light go on inside her apartment then he allowed himself to trudge

to his car.

He could command her and love her and dominate her until the end of time, but if she didn’t trust him to care for her, it was nothing. Jane had

to work this out inside herself—even if it killed him.

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Chapter Eight

The razor blades had been sitting on the island between her kitchen and her living room for a week. Jane had opened them, spread them

out on the surface, touched them, pressed them to her skin, but she hadn’t cut herself.

She didn’t need to do that. She’d been gutted down on the street in front of her apartment.
The temptation was still there.
Pulling out a stool, she took a seat at the counter and aimlessly picked up one of the blades. It was so light in her fingers, and she knew the

sting it would bring as it sliced neatly through her skin. Careful of the sharp edge, she turned it in her grasp. She drew the edge along the inside of
her arm, recalling the sensation. A moment of pressure then such a release…

But it’s never good enough.

Angrily, she tossed the razor back on the counter. God damn Dick and his voice in her head and….and… How dare he take revenge on her!
This was stupid. She wasn’t going to cut, and she wasn’t going to piss and moan about Dick anymore. She was going to get her life in order

and move on.

Rounding the corner, she grabbed up her trashcan and used a piece of mail to swipe the blades into the garbage. It was time to clean up

this mess she was making. For good measure, she tossed the bags of chocolate and Fritos sitting nearby. She had to stop eating crap, too. At this
rate, she’d gain fifty pound eating junk because she was so mad. That would show everyone, wouldn’t it?

Stupid. Really stupid.
She didn’t have work today so she was still wearing baggy sweats and a holey T-shirt. Her hair wasn’t brushed, and she needed to shower.

There just hadn’t seemed much point in it. She shook her head. What was the point of standing up for herself if she let herself go to hell and didn’t
bother to buck up?

Enough of this. She’d get cleaned up then she’d head to the store and buy something that wasn’t junk food.
She plopped down on the chair again and buried her head in her hands. The stink of this situation was that Dick hadn’t tried to fight for her.

He hadn’t tried to defend himself and convince her she was wrong. Which proved she wasn’t.

She’d been furious last week. Enraged and ready to explode at him—she had actually. If he’d just grabbed her and made her listen…if he’d

sworn it wasn’t true, this could all be a bad dream, but just that…a dream.

“It’s not a freaking fairytale, Jane. It’s not

Dick and Jane Live Happily Ever After.

” Not together anyway. But she’d survive this. She always

did. She’d find someone to love her.

Like a burst dam, tears flooded down her cheeks. She didn’t want anyone else to love her! She wanted Dick, damn it. And she wanted him

to not be an asshole.

“Keep dreaming,” she muttered. Angrily, she stomped into the bathroom. First a shower, then the store, then maybe a pedicure and a

haircut. And finally, she’d track down this


place to find Syb and let her know she was sorry about last week. Even though she hadn’t

known about Syb’s breakup, Jane felt somewhat responsible for hurting Dick’s sister and she wanted that off her chest, too. She liked Syb, and if
Dick weren’t her brother, perhaps they could have been friends.

* * * *

“Oh my God, Jane, what’s wrong?”
Jane stopped dead center in the cereal aisle of the Super Thriftymart and turned to look at her sister. It just figured that Miranda would be

shopping today, too.

“What?” Jane asked, feeling a bit waspish and not wanting the usual putdowns that came with her family.
“You look like crap. What’s wrong?”
Right. Same old tune. “I always look like crap, remember, Randa. Fat, dowdy, plain, sloppy…pathetic.”
Her sister sighed and looked away, her chin crumpling as her bottom lip quivered. She drew it between her teeth. “I’m a bitch, okay?” she

admitted. “That doesn’t mean I don’t care when you’re obviously hurting. Did that doctor hurt you? I’ll kick his ass and change pediatricians if I have

Jane stared at her. What the heck had happened to Miranda?
“I know, crazy right?” Randa said. She sniffled, still fighting tears. “I hate this, you know? You and me always fighting. All the hate… I don’t

have any friends, Janey. I want you to be mine. And I never really meant any of those things I said. You’re my little sister. Of course, you’re beautiful.
Except for right now. You really are looking…peaked.”

“Miranda…I don’t know what to say…”
“Say you’ll forgive me. Please.”
“I… What happened to you in the last week?”
“Sitting alone in a big old house you earned by fucking a self-centered jerk affords a lot of time for soul searching. Yeah, I’m not feeling

charitable toward him,” she sniffed then wiped at her eyes and left a streak of mascara.”

“You’ve got…”
Miranda looked down at her hand. “Well, fuck it. Who cares anyway?”
“I do,” Jane said, making her decision. She pulled clean tissues from her purse, opened a bottle of water from her cart then dabbed away the

mess. “Trust me. I’ve spent plenty of time abusing myself because I thought no one cared. Don’t you start.”

Her sister caught her arm. “I always felt guilty about the cutting.”
“Why? You weren’t doing it. Besides, you had your own problems. We all did.” She took a deep breath and shoved the blackened tissues in

her purse. “I kicked Dick to the curb.”

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“Why? If I say so, you don’t look very happy about it.”
“I’m not. He was the best thing to come into my life. But…well, I broke up with him months ago and then we were having another try at it. But I

found out he just wanted revenge.”

Miranda narrowed her eyes. “How long were you apart?”
“About four months.”
“Baby girl, men don’t have that kind of determination. And he didn’t look at all like a man bent on revenge. He looked like a man in love—

even when I hit on him.”

“Randa!” And Jane had thought her sister had changed.
“Don’t be mad at me. It was stupid, and I was feeling ugly and lonely. I promise not to be so mean anymore. But believe me. That man loves


Jane wished she


believe it. Hope wouldn’t rise inside her. She was as empty and full of echoing pain as she’d been when she’d first

sent him away.

Miranda gave her an awkward hug then quickly stepped away. “Maybe he’s scared, too. You really are beautiful, and you’re terrifying when

you’re angry.”

“Dick’s not scared of anything.” Her big, tough Dom afraid? Not in this lifetime.
She looked up at her older sister, and for the first time in a long time they looked into each other’s eyes without being full of anger.
“Just give him a chance. He loves you, I promise. I’ll give you my youngest kid if I’m wrong.” Said child chose that moment to toss a box of

Cheerios down the aisle. Miranda sighed. “I’ll give him to you anyway,” she said hopefully.

Jane laughed. “No, but I’ll babysit and give you a break soon, okay? I’ll call you. Promise.”
After another uncomfortable hug, the sisters headed their opposite ways—Miranda seeming happier and Jane full of swirling thoughts.

* * * *

Her thoughts were still swirling as she headed for

The Dungeon

with her newly painted bright-red toenails and freshly shaped and

highlighted hair. Feeling a lot better about herself, she’d stopped home and put on a pair of red open-toed heels and a white sundress decorated
with red checks and a red belt.

Red… The color of love.

He loves you.

Did he? Could she trust her sister’s opinion? And how on earth would she broach that subject? She shook her head, and her hair bounced

nicely around her shoulders.

Syb first and she’d go from there.
She almost ran into a man who was barreling out of the establishment.
“Sorry—Oh, hey…Jane…” Oliver said. “Wow, you look amazing.”
“Thanks,” she said. He, on the other hand, had a black eye. She gestured toward it. “I’m afraid to ask.”
“Apparently, I have a big mouth.”
“Oh man…I’m sorry, Oliver.”
“It’s okay. I guess I was spouting crap—incorrect crap, too. He was really pissed.”

Because he loves you.

She added another stop to her agenda. After she talked to Syb, she’d go find Dick and sort this out. It was stupid for two people who really

loved one another to stay apart like this, each of them completely miserable.

Oh course, that was speculation on her part. He hadn’t attempted to contact her so… Well, maybe he was living it up.
“I’ve gotta go,” she said. “It was nice to see you.”
Oliver’s brow furrowed. It seemed she was always perplexing him. Well, God willing she’d be doing that for years to come. Stepping around

him, she headed into the so called


, aware of his stare on her all the way. A few inquiries led her to Syb who was in a large room called

the costume shop. Entering it, Jane got the impression that the people who came to

The Dungeon

were serious about their BDSM play.

“I’ll be right out,” Syb yelled from the far reaches of the room, and try as she might, Jane couldn’t see her.
“No rush,” she called. There was a rack of clothes near the center of the room where Syb also had a desk, and Jane distractedly looked at

them while she waited.

“How can I—Oh hey! Jane!”
Apparently, “Oh hey” was the Anderson family greeting. Jane grinned, thinking maybe she should pick it up if she stuck around. Hopefully,

she would be.

“I was just coming by to tell you I’m sorry about what happened the other day. I know it wasn’t directly my fault, but I feel a little responsible.”
Syb waved away the apology. “It’s not your fault. It’s not Dixon’s fault. It’s not even that much my fault. It’s the fault of that dumb lump who’s

sitting upstairs behind a security monitor and pretending nothing’s wrong between us.”

“Except that you’re not dating anymore?” Jane asked.
“Apparently, he thinks I’m going through a phase and he’s letting me. Whatever. I’m not waiting around for him.”
Jane shook her head. “It’s not that easy.”
She recognized this girl. They dressed differently but they were going through the same damn thing.
Syb sighed. “Never mind him. What about you and Dick? He’s being really pissy at the family, and that’s not like him. He’s not talking either.

Did you two break up?”

Jane lifted a shoulder and shrugged.
“Was he treating you bad? I thought so. I see Doms all the time who don’t do proper aftercare and their subs walk around acting like they

have the flu—”

“Dick took good care of me,” she interrupted. “It wasn’t anything to do with that.”
This family was so…close. She had a feeling Syb would go to bat for Dick at the drop of a hat—or take a bat to her. Before his sister asked

another question the door to the costume shop crashed open, and Dick came flying through the door.

“You’re not hooking up with anyone,” he exclaimed.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Syb back away and disappear through a door at the rear of the room.
Jane shook her head, drinking him in, Dick in full outraged glory. His eyes flashed, his nostrils flaring, as he stared at her and silently dared

her to try to go to another man.

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“No, I’m not,” she said, but he wasn’t listening as he stormed toward her.
“You’re mine, Jane. I’m not just letting you go. I’ve been really patient, but this has got to stop. I love you, for God’s sake!”
“I love you, too, Dick.”
“And I want you to come home and stay with me. I would never have sex with you and do what we did out of…revenge…” he said, trailing off.

“What did you say?”

Golden light seemed to fill her as she smiled up at the man she adored. “I love you. Sir.”
His eyes closed as if he were sending out a quick prayer, and he dragged her into his arms. “Don’t ever send me away again,” he

demanded. “When Olly told me you were coming here… Lord, Jane, my heart stopped, and it was barely beating without you.”

“I know you’re scared, but believe me, please. Yes, I was angry and I spoke words in anger to my brother way back when, but I never would

have acted on them. I’m not that kind of guy. I want you to trust me and believe in me. I’ll never lie to you.”

“Except to tell me a camera’s running,” she chided.
“That’s completely different. Play is play.”
She hugged him tightly, pressing her ear to his thudding heart and sinking into the pleasure of his embrace. He was the other half of her. The

dominant part.

Leaning back, she looked up at him. “I believe you, Dick. And I’m sorry I didn’t listen.”
“About that,” he growled.
“Are you going to punish me?”
He shook his head. “No.”
“Oh…” she murmured, disappointed. She’d been able to sit without a reminder of him for days.
He laughed. “Spankings aren’t really much of a punishment for you. Denying you is—but I can’t stay away from you tonight.”
“I couldn’t stand that. Not tonight,” she agreed. She needed him too much. She had to feel his arms around her while they assured each other

that they were together and that they’d stay together.

And she knew what he ultimately wanted. Her submission and her love. In their house. The place they shared together. He wanted them as


“Dick,” she whispered. “Take me home—to



“Are you sure?” he breathed. “There’s no turning back. I won’t let go easily.”
Thank God for that. She still had issues, even if she was working to resolve them. “I’m sure. I’m completely sure. I want you, Dick. I want to be


“Jane…” He grinned even though his piercing blue eyes looked a little shimmery. “How many times do I have to tell you? You’re mine. All


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“What are you doing the second weekend of September?”
Surprised at Dick’s question, Jane paused the process of brushing her hair and looked up at him in her dressing table mirror. He sat behind

her, on the bed. Leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, he watched her.

Things had been beautiful between them since he’d brought her home from

The Dungeon

six months ago. She’d moved in, and every day

he proved to her that revenge was the last thing on his mind—not that she needed proof. They loved each other, and their actions naturally extended
from that.

“I don’t know,” she said with a shrug and resumed brushing her hair. “It’s a ways off.”
“Do you think you can get vacation time?”
“I don’t see why not. What’s up?”
He shrugged, much like she had, and she smiled. They were picking up each other’s habits—some of them anyway. His small grin set her

heart beating faster, just as it always did.

“I was hoping you could come to a wedding with me.”
“Oh,” she replied, setting down the hairbrush and turning toward him. She was wearing one of his pajama shirts—he never wore them, so

she’d commandeered all of them when she’d taken residence. Now, the top drooped to the side as she moved, revealing the top of a breast.
“Whose wedding?” she asked, wondering which of their friends was tying the knot. Most were already married or not ready to take that step.
Perhaps it was a relative.

She blinked at him, then her head cocked. Did she mishear? “Dick?”
“And mine,” he added.
“Dick!” she exclaimed, flying from her chair and crashing into him. They tumbled backward onto the bed and he rolled her beneath him, his

hips wedging between her thighs right where she liked them. His mouth caressed the upper slopes of her breasts. She buried her fingers in his hair
as he kissed his way up her neck.

He lifted up on his elbows and looked down at her. “Is that a yes?”
She laughed. “Was there a question?”
Dick sighed as if much put upon, and she suppressed another giggle. They always had so much fun together, whether sensual or goofing off.
“I asked you to go to a wedding,” he said.
“Oh…that. Yeah, I think I can probably go.”
Shaking his head, he shifted his body weight then pressed her wrists to the mattress above her head. His cock lined up with her pussy and

slowly he pushed inside her to the hilt. Jane groaned at the total fullness.

Leaning down, he nipped at her shoulder with just enough pressure to send ripples crashing through her. “You’re mine,” he rasped in her ear.
“Yes, Sir,” she replied—and it wasn’t part of the games they played. This was their life, and he’d claimed her. Instinctively, she moved her

hips against him, wanting even more than the already perfect invasion.

“Jane Harper,” he said so quietly, so intensely, that she was forced to look into his blue gaze. It captured her and held her suspended with

him as he spoke. “I love you. Will you marry me? Will you be mine forever?”

She nodded, her teeth sinking into her lip. The joking had passed. This was serious. This was the rest of their lives. “Forever and a day.”
That might be long enough. As he held her stare and started to move, she revised her thought. Forever and a day would never be long

enough with this man she loved beyond all things. But it was a good start.

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About the Author

When it comes to books and movies, Brynn has one rule: there must be a happy ending. After that one requirement, anything goes. And it just might
in her books.

She lives in Michigan with her husband and two children, who love her despite her occasional threats to smite them. They humor her and let her
think she's a goddess...as long as she provides homemade chocolate chip cookies on a regular basis. Brynn has conducted workshops at several
writers’ conferences around the country and enjoys mentoring and meeting new people.

According to Brynn, her writing success can be attributed to an eclectic collection of music, her local road construction crews, a trusty notebook,
and of course, her husband, Mr. Inspiration, who puts up with a lot in the name of research.

Brynn loves to talk to her readers and can be found at www.brynnpaulin.com.

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Also available from

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Mr. Smith’s Whip by Brynn Paulin

Librarian Olivia McKinnion’s life rarely changes as she oversees the Brandywine community library and archives, but when Colin Smith takes up
residence to research his latest book, everything changes. She’s heard whispers of Mr. Smith’s whip and his dominant ways—whispers that make
her tremble with need for her secret wishes to be fulfilled. And more than anything, she wants Colin to show her the darker side of sex, bent over his
knee and begging for more.

Infernal Devices by Abigail Barnette

All Steamed Up: Book One

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The Two Aces. Victorian London’s most salacious secret, the club is a place where erotic fantasies are played out among clockwork automatons
and aether powered machines. Where nothing is off limits and the pleasures are as wicked as the imagination will allow...

Permilia Deering goes to The Two Aces looking for the sexual excitement that she knows she will not find with the man to whom she is affianced,
notorious cold-fish Wallace Sterling. On her first visit to the club, she meets the Ace of Spades, a masked stranger who drives her to heights of
passion she’s never dreamed possible—and makes her seriously reconsider becoming a mannerly society wife.

When Wallace Sterling first glimpses his fiancée standing outside The Two Aces, he assumes she’s uncovered his secret identity—the Ace of
Spades. But Permilia has no idea that her intended is living a double life, and Wallace worries that he’ll be out of the picture once she gets a taste
of what the Ace of Spades can offer her...

Las Vegas by Demi Alex

Determined to spread her grandmother’s ashes from the top of the Eiffel Tower, Angel embarks on a cross-country trip to Las Vegas. It’s not
France, but it’s all her budget will allow. Too bad the screened observation deck hinders her plans, and when she attempts to slip her hands past
the wire, the local authorities cuff her wrists.

With the last of her money used to pay fines and court fees, a complimentary food voucher leads her to a casino pub for a bite to eat. There, a late
night proposition arises. Baring her breasts for a bit of cash seems simple enough, but three intriguing strangers change the odds and raise the

Angel discovers she doesn’t need Lady Luck when she’s got the Luck of the Irish. Laying all her cards on the table, she bets on a passionate night
with Liam, Brody and Ryan. But come morning, the guys up the ante. The jackpot is tempting, but staying with the three men is the greatest gamble
of her life and requires that she go all in.

Will Angel fold and leave Las Vegas as she arrived? Or will she add her heart to the pot and meet their ante?

Possessing Eleanor by Tessie Bradford

Eleanor Lewis is perfectly content with her comfortable, quiet, relationship free life until she finds herself on all fours at the feet of Jackson Royce.
Eleanor is stunned by her instant and intense attraction to the power and confidence radiating from the devilishly handsome building contractor. He
scrambles her brain and heats her body to the boiling point.

Jackson always trusts his gut instincts. The ultra sexy woman sprawled on the floor is a sexual submissive. How intriguing that the all-business,
sensible shoe-wearing office manager has absolutely no idea. The moment he takes her into his embrace, he vows to possess her mind, body and

From their first sizzling encounter, through a whirlwind courtship, Eleanor discovers being possessed by a man who loves her absolutely is what she
had been searching for all along.

Transparent Illusions by Melinda Barron

Freelance writer Saffron Tyler needs work. When she offers her journalistic skills to Steele Publications, they suggest that she spend two weeks as
a submissive at Fingertip Fantasies, an exclusive BDSM resort that caters to the ultimate fantasies of any customer willing to pay for the high-end
service. She’s been tasked to come back with a titillating exposé guaranteed to enthrall the readers of Steele’s underground magazine,


But when Saffron arrives at the resort, she realizes nothing is as it seems, from the fact she doesn’t know where the resort is located, or anything
about the man she is submitting to—except she’s to call him Master, with a capital M.

What starts out as an undercover assignment soon becomes so much more. Immersed in the lifestyle, Saffron finds herself no longer acting the role
of the submissive, but actually wanting to be the perfect sub her Master believes she can be. When all is said and done, will Saffron take her
experience and her story and never look back? Or will she choose to stay with the man who commands her mind, body, and soul.

Heart of Ice by Brynn Paulin

Kai is perfectly unhappy with his life. Cast into a role as shop boy and forced into marriage to save his family, he sees nothing good in his future. In
fact, his betrothed, Gerda, seems to hate everything he enjoys. Especially winter and his attraction to dominating his partners. His prospects look
grim…until the Snow Queen arrives.

Wyn has spent her life alone, living vicariously through those who love winter. When she learns of Kai’s predicament, she knows she must save him.
If only she could save herself. She craves his dominance, but there’s one tiny thing standing in their way. No human can touch her without
experiencing chilly agony. And that might bring any relationship to an icy death.

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