151 Quick Ideas to Increase Sales
Talk Easily About Money: Pricing
People like doing business with confident individuals. One
way you demonstrate confidence and increase sales is by not
avoiding money talk. The three places many sales people get
tripped up in money talk are premature pricing questions, recog-
nizing add-on work, and details on getting paid.
How to Manage Premature Pricing Questions:
Tip 1: Tell your prospect in advance when you’ll provide a
price. “Today, I’m gathering information about your situa-
tion. My next step will be to bring you a price quote.”
Tip 2: Discuss key variables that impact pricing structure.
Several should be embedded in your discovery process anyway.
“One of the elements that impact our project is your time
line. Tell me about your expectations around timing.”
Tip 3: Plan in advance what you’ll say if the prospect asks
what you charge. “My price is typically a project price. I’ll
outline what the work looks like and run it by you. Once we
Caring comes from knowing.
The sales rep contacted his other customers in search of a
position for this woman. His solid standing with them influenced
the recommendation and he did this with full knowledge of the
risk that her replacement may not choose to use his print servic-
es. The woman was able to change jobs to a more family-friendly
work environment and, as it turned out, he didn’t lose the busi-
ness at the original account.