Lacey Thorn [Knight's Watch 02] Craving Sin (pdf)

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Craving Sin

A Knight’s Watch Story

By Lacey Thorn

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Craving Sin
Copyright © 2015, Lacey Thorn
Edited by Michele Paulin and Liza Green

Published by Lacey Thorn Publishing
PO Box 924
Peru, In 46970

Electronic format ISBN: 978-0-09963032-2-4

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted
work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain,
is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of

Electronic Release: September 2015

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely

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Craving Sin
A Knight’s Watch Story
By Lacey Thorn

Sinclair Eisley, Sin to those who know her, is ready for a change. She’s prepared to
put modeling behind her and spend some time getting to know her sister again. She’s
only planning on a long vacation until she meets a man who suddenly makes her
yearn for that ever elusive happily ever after.

Former military intelligence, scouted by both the FBI and CIA, Gilly Marston likes
his life just the way it is. He runs his bar and still dabbles in a few things on the side
when the mood hits. He’s big on safety, both his and others who need him.
Everything’s perfect until a gorgeous blonde walks in and knocks him on his ass,
making him crave a life of sin.

Someone else is craving Sin, as well. He’s been watching and waiting for the right
time to confess his love. He’s determined to have her, alive or dead.

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For Elizabeth and all the fans of the Knight’s Watch! Xoxo

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Chapter One

“Hey, Sin. A big envelope came for you a little bit ago. I left it on the table.”

“Thanks, Milly.” Sinclair Eisley threw her keys and purse on the side table and

placed a hand over her mouth to cover the yawn. She’d slept like the dead in the hotel

last night, but after a three-week shoot in the Caribbean, she was glad to be home.

“So, how’d it go?” Milly wanted to know. They’d met two years ago when

Milly had been at her first photo shoot. Sin had taken her under her wing, and the two

had ended up as roommates.

“I quit.”

“What?” Milly’s screech could have shattered glass or maybe, just Sin’s


“I told them it was my last shoot. I’m ready to move on and do something else.”

“Move on? To what?”

Milly looked at her as if she’d lost her mind. It probably seemed that way to the

other girl. She was just starting out in the modeling world. Fresh faced and full of

hope. Those days were behind Sin. Most likely, because modeling had never really

been her dream. She’d lucked into it through her sister, the one and only Andromeda

Eisley, former agent and manager to a plethora of A-list celebrities. Sin had met the

right people, been given the best opportunities and made a small fortune having fun

since she was fourteen years old.

That was one reason she was ready to call it quits. She’d never gone to high

school. She’d had private tutors for her studies. She’d graduated from a school that

catered to celebrity kids just like her and gone to a ceremony filled with a room full of

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strangers. There’s been no prom, no football games, no cheerleading tryouts. No

bonfires or picnics. At least, not those that weren’t part of an elaborate photo shoot.

For the first time in her life, she craved some normalcy. She wanted real friends

who had real get-togethers. She was twenty-seven years old. After thirteen years, she

was ready to leave it all behind, and maybe even follow her sister to Oklahoma City,

the place Andromeda now called home. Sin missed her big sister, and she could really

do with some family time.


She shook her thoughts away and focused on Milly. “I’m moving out, going to

see my sister for a bit.”

“You’re moving to Oklahoma?” Milly made it sound as if it was the end of the


From the moment she’d met Milly two years earlier, Sin had seen a lot of herself

in the girl. They’d connected, and before Sin realized it, she had a roommate. She

didn’t regret it one bit.

She laughed. “I don’t know. I’m just going for a visit right now, but I want to

give you plenty of time to find a roommate. I’ll have my stuff packed up and put in

storage until I decide what I’m doing.”

Milly bit her bottom lip. “Actually, I could ask Robbie to move in.”

Sin held her surprise in check. Robbie was one of the assistants who often went

on shoots with them. He was quiet but always helpful and willing to go the extra mile

for the models, supplying anything they needed. Sin had always found him sweet, but

she wouldn’t have guessed Milly had given him a second glance. The younger woman

stuck with the models. Robbie hung out with the other assistants and staff who

accompanied them on shoots.

“Well, congratulations,” Sin offered. “I didn’t realize you two were that close.”

Milly nodded. “He makes me feel…” She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know

how to explain it.”

“Your face says it all,” Sin told her with a smile. “I can leave the bigger pieces

of furniture here for you two if you like. Everything else will be either packed into my

SUV or storage by the end of the week.”

“You’d leave me your furniture?” Milly sounded stunned.

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Sin shrugged. It was just furniture. She honestly didn’t want the headache of

trying to store it then move it to wherever she decided to land. “You’ll be doing me a

favor. Trust me.”

“Thank you. You don’t have to move that quickly though, do you? Take your

time,” Milly urged. “You just got back. You’re almost asleep on your feet.”

Sin laughed. “You wouldn’t know I slept like the dead last night, but I did. I

think a tornado could have gone through, and I wouldn’t have known.”

“You’ve always been a sound sleeper during shoots,” Milly said. “At least, you

have since I’ve known you.”

“Comes from years of practice in falling asleep anywhere and everywhere.

Some shoots, we were lucky to get any rest.” She took in Milly’s outfit and lifted an

eyebrow. “Heading out?”

“New club opening up. I’m meeting Robbie and some of the other models there.

You could come,” she invited.

Sin shook her head. “No, thanks.” She almost laughed at the thought that went

through her head. Twenty-seven wasn’t too old to go clubbing, but it sure felt like it.

“Have a great time.”

Milly leaned in and gave Sin a quick hug before heading out. “Don’t forget your

mail on the table,” Milly called over her shoulder. “The guy said it was important.”

Sin shut the door with a wave and groaned as she flipped the lock. It was

probably something from her agent/surrogate big sister Pamela Winters, already

wanting her for another shoot. She’d been watching over Sin since she’d been

fourteen. The woman refused to believe Sin was really leaving. Sin grabbed her purse,

walked through the kitchen to grab the large envelope and a bottle of water then

headed to her bedroom. She needed a hot shower and a good night’s sleep. She’d deal

with Pamela and whatever she’d sent over later. One way or another, the woman

would have to understand Sin was serious.

She dropped everything on top of her dresser, flipping on the lamp beside the

bed and digging her cell phone out so she’d remember to put it on the charger before

she called it a night. Turning, she caught a glimpse in the mirror. God, she looked

tired. Her brown eyes weren’t as bright with the dark bags underneath. Her skin even

appeared sallow under her tan. She should head to the beach for a few weeks of

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nothing but sun and swimming, which was funny considering how “unrelaxing” her

recent trip there had been. She’d have to find something fun to do in Oklahoma.

Andromeda would know where to find the best massage, the best steak and the sexiest

men. Her sister had priorities. Sin appreciated that.

Thinking of her sister, she thumbed her phone unlocked and went to her

favorites list then hit the top one to give her sister a call. Andromeda answered on the

first ring.

“Well, hey there. I was just thinking about you.”

“Really?” Sin questioned. “I figured you’d be busy taking names and kicking


Andromeda laughed. “No one would dare bother me with the men suddenly

surrounding me. You’d be in heaven, Sin. Heaven.”

It was Sin’s turn to laugh. “That good, huh?”

“Complete testosterone high. Paisley’s fiancé, Bare, is pure alpha male. I damn

near swallowed my tongue when she introduced me. Then I met the rest of the


“The Watch?” Sin questioned.

“Bare works for Paisley’s dad, Jamison Knight, at Knight’s Watch. They do


“Like bodyguards or home alarms?”

“Both,” Andromeda said. “It’s made up of former members of the military.

From what I’ve seen, it’s a way for them to transition back from where they’ve been,

and most are fresh from foreign soil. It’s amazing. He gives them a job, a place to

stay, and there are even therapy sessions through his right-hand man, Tucker Wade.

They… They’re amazing.”

“Amazing, huh?” Sin snickered. “I’m guessing Jamison and Tucker have some

alpha hormones of their own.”

“Well, I wouldn’t… They don’t… It’s just a good thing they’re doing; that’s

all,” Andromeda stammered.

“Holy shit! You’ve got it bad. I don’t even have to see your face to know you’re

blushing. Which one is it?”

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Andromeda cleared her throat. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking


Sin’s jaw dropped open. “Oh, my God! It’s both of them! You kinky vixen you.

I had no idea you had it in you.”

“Oh, God,” Andromeda groaned. “You have no idea what I have in me. Hell,

even I don’t know anymore.”

Sin pulled her phone from her ear and stared at it. Did big sister suddenly sound

young and unsure? Had Andromeda ever been in such a position? Not that Sin

recalled. Her sister was the most self-assured woman she knew.

“Hello?” Andromeda called through the phone. “Are you still there?”

“I’m here,” Sin said, placing the phone back against her ear. “I…I literally have

no idea what to say.”

“Say that you’ve decided to jump off the jet-set lifestyle and come see me. I

miss you, and I could really use some sister time.”

Now that was really not like Andromeda.

“What’s going on?” Sin’s head spun. Her sister was sixteen years older than her.

“Oh, God! You’re not dying, are you?”

Andromeda snorted. “No, I’m not dying. Can’t I miss you?”

“I guess,” Sin said. “Are you okay?”

“Seeing Paisley again after what happened to her made me appreciate how

quickly things can change. She should have been happily married to Lance with kids

by now. That all changed when her mother hired someone to kill him.”

“I thought you said she’s happy with Bare.”

“She is,” Andromeda assured her. “God, the man worships her, and she lights up

at just the mention of his name. I guess, I’m just watching her with Bare, Jamison and

Tucker, and all the other members of Knight’s Watch and realizing what I’ve missed

out on. What we’ve missed out on. I’m forty-three this year, and other than money and

a solid reputation for a job I no longer want to do, what do I have? No husband. No

children. Hell, I don’t even have a lover.”

“That makes two of us, and it’s been a long, dry spell.”

“Same here,” Andromeda agreed.

“Even with all that testosterone?” Sin teased.

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“I’m looking. Trust me.”

“Start tasting.”

They both laughed. It felt good.

“I quit my job,” Sin confessed, sharing the reason she’d called. “Here I was

hoping you’d be okay with me heading to Oklahoma for a visit. Sounds like we’re

both in need of some sister time.”

“Of course, I am! But…you quit modeling? Is everything okay with you?”

“I’ve been thinking about it for the last year. I’m tired. It seems as if I’m always

on a plane, going somewhere or coming back from somewhere.”

“Are you sure that’s the only reason?” Andromeda asked quietly.

Sin thought of the letters she’d been receiving. She’d never told her sister about

them. She’d hired an investigator, but so far, nothing. They weren’t threats, so she

hadn’t gone to the police. Still, there’d been something about them that made her

uneasy. Maybe, it was the way the writer had confessed undying love for her. The

poems about her hair were a bit much, as well. Maybe, her admirer was the impetus to

her finally making the break with her job, but the thoughts had been there before.

“I guess I’ve been feeling the same as you. Wanting something more.”

“Okay, then,” Andromeda said as if it were all settled with that one answer. “I

still have a ton of boxes stored in my spare room. I’m planning to make it into an

office eventually, but I haven’t felt the need to push myself. Let me know how soon

you’ll be here, and I’ll get it all moved around. I can get a bed and other furniture and

have it all set up for you.”

“Um, I was thinking this weekend.”

“This weekend?” Andromeda’s voice screeched.

“Well, I’ll leave here this weekend. I’m planning to drive and take my time. See

some of the sights along the way. I’ll be there next week sometime.”

“Okay. I’ll make a list. Get everything done as quickly as possible.”

“I’ll stay in a hotel,” Sin told her. “I’m used to it, and I like it. Room service. No

curfew. No wake-up time. Gym, pool and usually a great bar close at hand.”

“You can’t stay in a hotel,” Andromeda argued.

“Can and will,” Sin said with a laugh. “We haven’t lived together for any length

of time since I was fourteen and took my first modeling job.”

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“But…I just… You should stay here,” Andromeda said.

“I appreciate the offer, but, seriously, Andy, how many bathrooms do you


“One,” Andromeda admitted and started laughing.

“Yeah, I don’t see us sharing one bathroom. Ever.”

“Okay. You’re right. I’ll send you a list of hotels that offer what you’re looking

for and will give you the best rate.”

“Sounds great,” Sin said and meant it.

“Call or text me when you hit the road. Keep me posted on where you are.”

“I will,” Sin promised.

“I can’t wait to see you,” Andromeda told her.

“I’m looking forward to it, too.” She covered the phone while she yawned so big

she thought she’d crack her jaw.

“I can hear you yawning,” Andromeda said. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you soon.”

“Soon,” Sin repeated. “Love you.”

“Love you,” Andromeda replied, and they hung up.

Sin put her phone on the charger and gave another yawn. She let out a groan and

began stripping on her way to the bathroom. Thirty minutes later, she emerged, steam

billowing out around her as she finished towel-drying her hair and fell into bed. She’d

pay for the wet hair when she woke up in the morning. Dropping the damp towel by

the bed, she climbed naked under the crisp, clean sheets and reached for the lamp.

Sighing as darkness cocooned her, she rolled to her side, grabbed the pillow on the

other side of the bed and hugged it against her chest. She was asleep in minutes.

* * * *

Sin never heard the creak of the door down the hall or the soft footsteps coming

toward her room. He paused in shadow, holding his exhale as he waited to see if she’d

heard him this time. He counted to a hundred before easing forward on a silent sigh

and reaching for her doorknob. He pushed the door slowly open and took in her

beauty. His Sin. His perfect Sin. He’d been craving her more and more lately.

He moved across the room, familiar with the placement of her items. He saw her

discarded clothes and sifted through them until he found her panties, snatching them

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up and bringing them to his nose. God, he loved the smell of her. He tucked them into

his front pocket. He needed them more than she did.

He shuffled over until he stood over her, staring. She was beautiful, though he

could tell she was tired. She should take better care of herself. Or better yet, let him

take care of her. He wanted to brush his hands through her lush strands where they

spilled over her pillow and down her back. He loved the deep gold and red tones in

her blonde curls, so reminiscent of the fire she ignited in him. He burned for her

constantly. Soon, he’d have her. Soon. But not yet. He wasn’t done wooing her.

When she’d left the airport earlier, he’d watched her take the bottle of water

he’d drugged out of her bag. He’d chosen her favorite water bottle on purpose,

knowing it was the one she always had on hand and drank from first. Still, he couldn’t

be a hundred percent sure she’d drunk it all, which made his overwhelming need to

see her extremely risky. It wouldn’t suit his purpose for her to wake up and find him

watching over her. He needed more time to show her how much she meant to him.

The letters, the poems, and now, the pictures he wanted to share with her were all

tokens of his deep love and adoration.

Tonight, he would need to be more cautious. There would only be time for a

quick in-and-out. Thank God, that silly Milly had conveniently left her keys lying

around. It had been so easy to slip off and make a copy of their house key. He was no

longer confined to sneaking in to check on Sin only when she was in a hotel room. It

wasn’t the same though. There, he could take his time, secure in his knowledge that

others on the shoot were prone to leaving her alone when she went to her room. She

was well-respected, and they all appreciated her need for downtime. He had a feeling

she did it just for him, so they could be alone together. Here, in her home, it was too

risky. There was no telling when Milly might show up again. She often returned with

her current lover, Robbie Morgan. He couldn’t risk being caught by either of them.

Only Sin would understand his need to be with her.

He reached for the sheet and carefully slid it down until it pooled at her waist,

watching for any sign she wasn’t sleeping as deeply as it seemed. She shifted slightly,

not moving onto her back but rolling enough that he had a perfect view of her breast,

and he froze. When her eyes didn’t open, he let his gaze drink her in. Her exposed

breast was so full and firm, the nipple soft in sleep.

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He wanted to touch her so badly his hand shook. He knew he needed to wait. He

had to court her. Keep sending her the love letters and poems he’d written. She was

waiting for him. He knew it. There were never any men around her. She was so pure.

The last thing he’d do was soil her before they committed to one another. For now, it

was enough just to see her. Plus, there were his pictures of her to keep him company.

He’d recently decided to send her some of the pictures he’d taken of her.

Modeling was her life, and he wanted her to know he was prepared to be a part of it.

He’d saved the best photos for himself then realized how selfish that was. The last

envelope he’d sent her had the ones he’d taken in her hotel room on the last shoot. It

had been so easy to get a copy of her keycard, too easy. She should be more careful.

Thankfully, she had him to watch over her now.

He licked his lips at the memory of that night. Her naked body had been on full

display for him. There were shadows in the pictures. He hadn’t wanted to use the

flash, afraid to draw attention to her dark room or even wake her despite the drug in

her system. There was no hiding her perfection though. Still, he’d waited until the first

rays of the morning sun had peeked through her window for the last shots. Her skin

had glowed in the early light. He’d framed several of those and placed them in his


He needed another full night watching her, touching her. He worked to control

his breathing as his body responded to thoughts of how it would be when they finally

made love. Perfect. It would be as perfect as she was.

Maybe, he should just…

He shook his head and lowered the hand he hadn’t even realized he’d lifted. He

gritted his teeth and reminded himself the roommate could be home at any time. He

couldn’t risk hiding again, not when he was almost certain the other woman wouldn’t

return alone.

She’d return with that assistant she was fornicating with. He fisted his hands at

the thought of the other man. It would suit him fine if Robbie and his whore both

disappeared. He hated Robbie, with his constant smiles and too solicitous attitude

toward Sin. He knew the other man wanted her. What man could look at her and not?

Then there was that stupid roommate. She wasn’t good enough to live with his

Sin, but he knew it was only a matter of time before all that changed. The moment to

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finally reveal himself and confess his love was fast approaching. It was getting harder

and harder to keep his hands from caressing Sin’s perfection. Even now, he shook

with his need for her. He’d promised himself he’d wait until the ideal moment then

take her away so they could consummate what was between them. That time had

arrived. He’d known the second he’d heard her say she was leaving modeling. She

would no longer share herself with the world. She was ready to be his and only his.

Soon, he’d touch her, take her and make her his in the way a man claimed his

woman. Soon.

She moaned and shifted again, turning fully on her side and sliding the cover up.

She kicked one leg free and moved it over the top of the sheet, exposing the feminine

curve of her hip and the rounded globes of her buttocks. So beautiful. So perfect.

Decadent and sinful. He planned to indulge very soon.

He reached down to rub himself through his jeans. Very soon.

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Chapter Two

Sin had everything done by Friday afternoon. She was free and clear, and it was

exhilarating to be so unencumbered.

She’d rented a storage unit and filled it with boxes and the few pieces of

furniture Milly and Robbie had decided not to keep. Then she’d packed what she

wanted with her in her SUV. Hell, it was so full she looked as if she were moving

instead of going on vacation. She’d taken care of having her mail forwarded to

Andromeda’s apartment and taken her name off the lease and utilities.

She’d thrown all her mail into a tote bag, including the envelope from Pamela,

planning to sort through it all once she’d settled in Oklahoma. There was no rush.

She’d already told Pamela no more shoots. It wasn’t Sin’s fault if the other woman

didn’t believe her yet.

It was a little over nineteen hours from LA to Oklahoma City. Sin held herself to

no more than six hours of driving a day and hit the city her sister now called home

early Tuesday afternoon. She would have arrived on Monday night, but she’d decided

to spend the night in Tulsa instead. She wanted to be rested and relaxed when she saw

Andromeda, so she’d stopped and opted for a late checkout.

Being relaxed had been the plan anyway. Then she’d exited off the turnpike

between Tulsa and Oklahoma City when her tire pressure light had come on. She’d

discovered there was no access to get back on the highway only after she’d veered off

to get it checked. At least, there had been a station to deal with the tire that had

required patching. The older man there had pointed her in the right direction and

warned her she might lose phone signal in some places.

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She turned off her GPS and counted on her sense of direction and his

instructions to get her where she needed to be. She’d traveled back roads, going

through multiple small towns, some with only a solitary flashing light. She was

somewhere on the outskirts of Oklahoma City when she saw a weathered building

with a simple sign reading, Gilly’s. She didn’t know if it was a bar or restaurant or

what, but at the moment, her bladder was too needy to care.

A few trucks and a single motorcycle dotted the lot. She gripped her purse then

looped it over her head to cross her body and rest on her hip for easy access. She

grabbed her keys, phone and a rubber band before locking up and walking as fast as

her bladder allowed toward the door. It opened to a dimly lit room, and her eyes took

a moment to adjust. She was glancing around, searching for a sign for the restrooms

when a voice called out to her.

“Bathroom’s in back.”

Sin turned her head to take in the guy at the bar and almost swallowed her

tongue. Well, hello, she thought, taking in the tall drink of water. He had wavy hair in

a deep chocolate color that hung just around his collar. It looked thick and sexy. She

couldn’t make out his eyes, but she felt them go over her as she stood just inside the

door. His smile was wide, inviting and made her think he liked what he saw.

“Back that way.” He pointed in the direction she should go, and she bit back a

groan at how stupid she must appear just standing there gawking at him.

“Thanks,” she mumbled and tried to take her time walking, knowing he was

watching her the whole way.

She prayed she wasn’t waddling like a duck as she tried to hold her legs together

and cross the room. If she just made it through this moment without embarrassing

herself any more, she’d be really grateful.

She breathed a sigh of relief as the door swung shut behind her. She forgot

everything else and bolted for a stall, working her jeans down as she went. No more

huge bottles of water while driving, especially when she was lost and there were no

places to stop.

She took her time washing up, splashing cool water on her face and blotting it

dry. She pulled out her brush and tried to tame her mass of hair before pulling it back

into a high ponytail. She took a critical look in the mirror, bypassing her light-brown

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eyes and dark, golden-blonde hair and studying the decreasing bags under her eyes

and the flush to her cheeks. Already, she felt better, lighter without all the baggage

that came with her lifestyle. Her old lifestyle.

Now, she could have a beer if she wanted, a thick, juicy burger, oozing with

extras, and maybe, a side of salty fries. She didn’t have to feel guilty about unhealthy

eating habits. There would be no punishing workouts to pay for consuming what she

wanted when she wanted. No fittings to prepare for. It was a deliciously freeing

thought, and she had a definite hop to her step as she left the restroom and headed

toward the bar and the gorgeous hunk drying glasses.

“I’m guessing that sassy step means you’re feeling much better now,” Mr.

handsome said, his eyes twinkling with humor. They were a unique shade of brown, a

deep, dark orange-ish-brown color that reminded her of a glass of cognac. They were


He leaned in, resting his forearms on the bar and propping his chin on top as he

looked at her. He had this delicious brush of whiskers over his face, as if a beard and

mustache were just waiting for permission to take shape. “That’s the second time

you’ve been overcome by my sexy looks. I’ll start blushing soon.”

She threw back her head and laughed. Usually, men paused and ogled her, yet

here she was doing it to him.

“I feel as if I should give you a wolf whistle, but I’m afraid I don’t know how,”

she admitted.

He pursed his lips, put a finger at each corner of his mouth and whistled loud

enough to fill the whole room.

“Well, thank you,” she said, dropping her voice to a husky tone. “I appreciate

you whistling at yourself for me.”

He laughed then, a deep, melodic sound that had her panties growing moist.

“That was all for you, honey. What can I get you?”

“Something cold to drink would be great,” she admitted. “Then maybe assure

me I’m heading in the right direction and not lost.”

“Beer, Coke or water?” he asked then continued before she could answer. “And

you’re not lost in my book. You’re exactly where you should be. Otherwise, we

wouldn’t have met. And that…well, that would have been a calamity.”

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“A calamity, huh?” She held her laugh in. Who said calamity in conversation?

“In that case, I’ll take a beer and a menu. Unless you don’t serve food?”

“For you, I’d cook it myself,” he swore, hand covering his heart. “But it just so

happens we do serve food and the kitchen is open. I recommend the burgers. Best

you’ll find around here.”

“Sold,” she said. “One with everything.”


She nodded.

“Let me put the order in, and I’ll be right back.”

He turned, and her gaze automatically traveled from his wide shoulders down to

his waist and the stellar ass moving away from her. Damn, the man was hot.

“I can feel you staring at my ass,” he called then glanced back to wiggle his

brows at her. “It’s okay. I watched yours earlier. It was mighty fine, too.”

She laughed again as he disappeared through a swinging door. Lord, she hadn’t

laughed this much in far too long. She could use more of… Hell! She didn’t even

know his name. She had to shake off the spell he’d apparently put her under and get it

together. No one had ever managed to have her staring the way he did.

He sauntered back in and headed toward her. His eyes were glued to her, never

straying from her face.

“Hey, Gilly! Bring us another round!” a voice yelled from behind her, and she

glanced back, startled to see a group of guys sitting at a table toward the back. She’d

never even noticed them. One held his beer bottle up to her in greeting, and they all

grinned. She blushed and felt the color climb from her neck up to her ears as she

closed her eyes.

Gilly grunted and thankfully took another round over to them, allowing her a

few minutes to peer around and see who else she might have missed—one table with

two men, heads low as they spoke, and another with a guy by himself. A shot glass

and bottle of something dark sat before him. The bottle was already half empty. He

never looked up a he threw back a shot.

“He’s harmless,” Gilly said as he moved back behind the bar. At her look, he

nodded toward the man she’d been watching. “He comes in here every day. He’s been

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nursing the same bottle for a while now. He’ll take three shots max. Then sit and lose

himself in his thoughts. Never bothers anyone. Keeps to himself.”

“That’s incredibly sad,” Sin stated softly. “So lost in the past, preferring the

bottle to what’s right outside that door.”

“Let me grab you that beer,” Gilly said, not commenting on her words. “Any


“Whatever you have on tap is good,” she said with a shrug. “As long as it’s cold,

I’m happy.”

“I would have pegged you as a woman who prefers wine or even one of those

fruity drinks that hides the alcohol,” he told her as he drew the beer.

“I’ve been known to drink both on occasion,” she offered with a smile then

paused. “Wait. Is that some type of bartender code for high maintenance?”

He grinned without commenting, making her think it was. Maybe, he was into

the high-maintenance type. If so, he’d be disappointed with her. Good Lord! What

was wrong with her? She was already thinking as if they’d see each other again.

“So what’s your name?” he finally asked as he placed a tall glass in front of her.

She let her eyes watch the drop of condensation sliding down the frosted glass,

leaving a wet trail in its wake.


“Oh, I’m all for sinning,” Gilly agreed then paused. She watched him blink, and

his eyes took on a sultry look. “Sin, huh?”

She nodded, taking a sip of the cold brew and sighing as it slid down her throat.

“I like that. I’m a devilish man myself. I crave dipping my toes in the sinful side

of life as often as I can.”

“Why, Gilly, are you trying to tell me that you’ve got a…” She paused,

searching for the right word. “Hankering for a dose of…” She paused again, letting

her glance flick over herself before meeting his again. “Sin?”

“A hankering?” he asked, with another of those sexy grins tugging at his lips.

“It’d be a calamity to leave you hanging,” she agreed.

He threw back his head and laughed aloud. His hands were on his hips, his chest

heaving as he howled. She just watched him, enjoying the uninhibited display of

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merriment. It was rare in her world to see people genuinely laughing the way he was.

She liked it.

“It is an absolute pleasure meeting you, Sin,” he said, when he managed to quiet

his mirth. “I’m glad you found yourself lost in my neck of the woods.”

“Me, too. I’m guessing, since you’re Gilly, you own this place?”

“Every inch of it,” he confirmed. “You’re welcome to get lost here any time.”

“Thank you. I might take you up on that. It depends on how long I’m here,” she

said, already thinking she’d like to see him again.

“Here’s hoping you have a long stay,” he offered, tapping his water bottle

against her beer.

They both took a drink, and she shivered at the contrast of the cold beer against

his very hot gaze. He finished his water, his throat working with each swallow, and

she shifted on her seat. Jesus! Everything about the man was a sensual feast for the


“I honestly have no idea how long I’ll be here. For the first time in a really long

time, I have no plans,” she admitted.

“What brought you to this area?”

“My sister. She lives here now. I’m supposed to meet her in a little bit at a place

downtown somewhere. She followed one of her clients here and decided to stay. Gave

up her job and is doing image consulting now for those who can afford her.”

Gilly had a look in his eyes. “You’re not looking for Knight’s Watch, by


“That’s the place,” she agreed, perking up in her seat. How they hell had he

pulled that out of thin air?

“You must be Andromeda’s little sister, Sinclair,” he continued. “Cover model,


She nodded. “Everyone calls me Sin, and my modeling days are a thing of the

past now. Wrapped up my last shoot, and now, I’m free as a bird.”

“Looks good on you.”

“Thank you,” she said. “So how do you know my sister?”

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“Actually Paisley Knight, better known as Paisley Ames, is the one I’ve heard

talking about you. She’s been excited for you to get here. Paisley thinks the world of


“My sister feels the same about Paisley. Is she your girlfriend?” She felt a pinch

of jealousy at the thought and almost laughed at herself. Jealous? Of a man she’d only

just met? That was definitely not normal behavior for her.

“No. God, no!” He looked shaken at the thought which made no sense. Sin knew

Paisley was gorgeous. “She’s engaged to my cousin—I guess my third cousin

technically, but we’ve never counted degrees of separation.”

That was right. Andy had mentioned Paisley’s fiancé was Bare. If the other man

looked half as good as Gilly, no wonder Paisley had fallen hard for him.

“Sorry. Now that I think about it, Andy did mention Paisley’s fiancé was named

Bare. “

“It’s okay. Paisley’s a beautiful woman, inside and out. Bare is a very lucky

man, and a very possessive one, too. I try not to bait the beast often.” He stopped,

shook his head then continued, “Okay, let me amend that. I do bait the beast every

chance I get. In my defense, no one else really does, and he needs it.”

“And who puts you in your place?” she whispered then held her breath at her

outrageousness. She didn’t even know the man, no matter how much she felt they’d


He opened his mouth for what she imagined would have been a witty and most

likely, sexy comeback when a voice boomed out, “Order up!”

Gilly jolted, making her realize he was as lost in her as she was in him. That was

great as far as she was concerned. He turned and grabbed two plates from the window

on the other side of the bar. He came around the side, motioned with his head for her

to follow him then headed toward a table.

After a slight hesitation, she grabbed her beer and walked after him. Yes, he was

still a stranger, but there was something about him that made her feel comfortable.

She went on the fact he knew Andy, was family to a man Andy thought highly of, and

had obviously already heard about Sin. She was interested in him and wanted to know

more about him. He set down both plates, jogged back to the bar, snagged two bottles

of water and was back in time to pull her chair out for her.

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“Thanks,” she said, and a shiver coursed through her when his fingers brushed

her neck. She refused to check her nipples or try to hide them with a well placed arm

that would only draw more attention. As it was, she felt the tips, hard and swollen,

pressing against her shirt, crying “look at me” loudly. All from a simple touch. Lord,

what would happen if he really touched her? All over touching? Skin to skin? There

went that shiver again.

“I thought I’d join you,” Gilly said as he took a seat across from her. “A

beautiful woman should never eat alone.”

She shook her head and picked up a fry. “So tell me how you got a name like


He groaned, reached for his burger and took a bite. She watched his mouth

work. Jesus! It was bad when even chewing was a turn on. What the hell was the

matter with her?

“If you keep watching me like that, I’m going to take you in the back for

dessert,” he murmured.


“Something rich and decadent, with a cream so wickedly sweet it’s practically a


Her gaze jerked to his, clashed and held. Lust rode high on his cheekbones.

She’d never had a one-night stand with a man she’d just met. Which sounded stupid

but was completely true. She’d had a few one-night stands with men she knew, men

she’d hooked up with once and once only for a night of shared pleasure. It was too

hard to date when you never knew what part of the world you’d be in next. Two years

ago, she’d had enough of that and stopped hooking up at all. It’d been a long dry spell,

and Gilly looked like a decadent oasis. What if he was only a mirage?

She blinked and shook her head.

“I’ve always been more of a salt person,” she countered then nearly swallowed

her tongue as the implication of her statement hit her. Oh, my God! Had she really

said that?

He grinned again. “You’re looking a bit flustered, and though it’s cute, I

definitely don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. Let’s eat, and I’ll tell you all

about my name.”

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He cleared his throat a few times.

“Just sit right back, and I’ll share a tale. Oh, what a fateful trip. It started in this

loving home with a van dubbed the S. S. Minnow.”

“Oh,” Sin bit her lip and shook her head. “No way.”

He nodded.

“My brother is Skipper, brave and true. My sister would be the movie star. If

there’d been another girl, I have no doubt she’d have been named Mary Ann.”

“Your mother really named you Gilligan?” She snorted then, unable to hold her

laugh at bay, but Gilly just nodded again. “Seriously?”

He shifted and pulled a wallet from his back pocket, flipping it open and

showing the ID to her. Gilligan Marston, brown hair, brown eyes, six foot one, two

hundred pounds, which was solid muscle from what she could tell. She glimpsed what

looked like a military ID on the other side before he pulled it back and slid it into his

pocket again.

“So your mother was a fan, huh?” she finally said.

“Obsessed is more like it,” Gilly retorted. “The woman drove us all bonkers.”

“But you love her,” Sin said. “I can see it on your face when you talk about her.”

“Love her madly,” Gilly agreed. “She died a few years ago. Cancer.”

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Sin said. “She sounds like she was a fun person to


“Thank you,” Gilly said. “She was. What about you? Any brothers or sisters

other than Andy?”

So, he didn’t know Andy all that well then.

“No. I was the surprise baby. My mother thought she was going through

menopause and instead found herself pregnant. There’s sixteen years between

Andromeda and me. People used to think she was my mom. Then after we lost our

parents, she sort of was. Big sister and mom all rolled into one. She helped me launch

a modeling career at fourteen, and I’ve been essentially on my own since then.”

“What? At fourteen?”

She shrugged. “I had a nanny of sorts. Pamela. She was my agent and babysitter

until I reached seventeen and convinced Andy I was responsible enough to go it solo.”

“Oh, I’m betting that was a bad choice on her part,” Gilly said.

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“I was perfectly fine. I got drunk in Paris, lost my virginity to a very dashing

painter and disappeared for four days. Andy was tearing the city apart by the time I

remembered to call and check in.”

“Shit. She’s here so I’m guessing she didn’t kill anyone,” Gilly said with a


“She was livid. Threatened to tag me with a tracer under my skin while I was

sleeping just so she could keep track of me. I slept with one eye open for months

afterwards afraid she really would.”

“And your French painter?” Gilly asked.

“Alas, he broke my heart.” She did her best at a dramatic sigh, clasping her

hands under her chin and blinking her eyes. “He disappeared after my sister

threatened to unman him, and I never heard from him again.”

“Coward,” Gilly muttered, making her laugh.

“What about you? Does your family live around here?” Sin asked.

“Skip lives here. My dad moved after mom died. Believe it or not, my sister is a

painter, currently staying in Paris.”

“Hopefully, she’s not breaking too many young hearts,” Sin offered with a

laugh. “What about you? Is there more to you than playing heartthrob bartender and

flirting shamelessly with women who wander into Gilly’s?”

“Heartthrob bartender, huh? I like that. I own Gilly’s, but my brother’s usually

the one overseeing everything.”

“My luck you were here today.”

“I’ll remember to thank him for dragging my ass in here this morning so he

could shoot the shit with his buddies.”

“So where would you normally be?”

“Home, working. I’m a security analyst.”

She wasn’t a hundred percent sure what an analyst did, but she would guess he

checked security systems for weaknesses. “Sounds exciting.”

“Keep thinking that,” he joked. “Just so you know, I don’t make a habit of

flirting with the women who come here. I’m nice, but I don’t cross the line. This place

is a sanctuary I won’t risk for the chance of a night or two of shared pleasure.”

“Should I feel special?” she asked.

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“There’s something about you,” he admitted with a shake of his head, and she

knew just what he meant. She felt the same about him.

Their conversation moved on to so many other random topics that her head

spun. Gilly asked her questions, and she found herself answering them again and

again. He was fun and engaging, and she shared more than she’d ever shared with

anyone else. He had a way of putting her at ease. The more she learned about him, the

more she wanted to know. Before she was ready, lunch had been eaten, and it was

past time for her to meet Andy. She was ready to excuse herself when Gilly stood

from the table.

“Let me take these to the kitchen, and I’ll be right back,” he said, gathering their

plates, her beer glass and the empty bottles of water. He was back quickly.

“As much as I’ve enjoyed talking with you, I need to get going before Andy

sends out a search party,” Sin said.

“I’ll walk you out and tell you how to get to Knight’s Watch from here,” he


She glanced around. “There are people still here.”

“Hey, Skip. Take over the bar for me.” Gilly hollered, and the man who’d

toasted her with his beer earlier stood and walked over to them.

“He called you to cover for him but stayed here?” Sin asked with a shake of her


“Every Tuesday,” Gilly admitted with a nod. “They hang out here. Food’s good,

beer’s cold, and it’s all on the house. Where else would they go?”

Add being a great brother to the list, and Gilly just kept looked better and better.

She’d appreciated his looks the moment she’d lain eyes on him, but the more she

spoke to him, learned about him, the more she found she genuinely liked him.

“Going to introduce me first or not?” Skip asked as he joined them.

Skip was maybe an inch or two shorter than Gilly and fair where Gilly was dark.

He had blond hair and gunmetal-blue eyes she’d bet might go full-on gray at times.

Their features were similar. Same eye shape, same nose, same firm jaw line. They

even stood the same way, arms crossed over broad chests, legs planted shoulder width

apart. And there was something in their eyes that made her think there was little they


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“Sin, my brother, Skip. Skip, Sin,” Gilly said.

“Nice to meet you, Skip,” she said and held out her hand to him. He surprised

her by bringing it to his mouth and kissing the backs of her fingers. Just a soft brush

of lips, but it delighted her.

“The pleasure is all mine,” he said.

He had an easy smile, but for some reason, she got the impression he didn’t

show it often. There was an air of sadness around him. She wondered if he realized it.

Gilly took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers, and tugged her toward the door.

A jolt coursed through her at his touch. She swore it short-circuited her ability to

think, and she prayed she didn’t look as if she’d let Gilly tug her closer to his solid


“Back in a few,” Gilly called to his brother then pulled her out the door.

“You really didn’t have to walk me out.” Lord, she could feel the gazes of Skip

and all his buddies following her and Gilly until the door shut behind them.

“I did. How else will I let you know I’m calling dibs on you,” Gilly said.

“Dibs?” she questioned, with another snort of laughter. “I don’t think anyone’s

ever had dibs on me before.”

“Their mistake,” Gilly stated. “Besides, we’ve already had a first date.

Normally, I’d see you home. In this case, I’m walking you to your car instead. I’m

hoping to kiss you before you leave, so you’ll think of me while you wait to see me

again. We’ll exchange numbers. I’ll text. You’ll text back. A little sweet. A little

naughty. Anticipation will build. You’ll call me saying you want to hear my voice.

We’ll talk. You’ll move our next date up because you don’t want to wait that long. I’ll

juggle my schedule because I’ll feel the same.”

“And our second date?” she asked, though she knew better. Her heart was

already beating a staccato rhythm. She wanted him, more than she’d ever wanted

another man, and he’d barely touched her.

“On our second date, I’ll take you home on the pretense I forgot something.

You’ll fall in love with my property and want to look around. I’ll offer to cook for

you, and you’ll accept. But we’ll both know the real reason.”

She was falling right into the trap he was setting and didn’t even care. “The real

reason?” Was that her voice so husky and breathy?

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“Sex. You’ll be thinking about it non-stop. Does he look as good out of his

clothes? And, honey, I look even better. I’ll be thinking it about you, too. Wanting to

see the color of those hard buds tempting me through your shirt, wanting to taste

them. But I’m a patient man. I believe in the chase. I believe in waiting and driving up

that want to a desperate level.”

“Oh, God,” she moaned, biting into her bottom lip.

“Feel that crackle in the air? The sizzle and burn along your skin? That’s us. The

pull between the two of us is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. If you’re as

willing as your eyes say, then I plan to indulge as long as you’ll let me.” He moved in,

still not touching except for their interlocked hands. “One taste will never be enough. I

won’t run either. I want you. I like the way it feels, the way my heart is beating out of

control just looking at you. You make me catch my breath. You make me ache with a

need no amount of self gratification will diminish. Does that scare you?”

She shook her head. “No.” How could she when she had the same urges toward


He pulled a card from his pocket and slipped his free hand around to slide it into

the back pocket of her jeans. She almost groaned as his knuckles brushed over her ass.

Then he lifted his hand, and spread his fingers wide against the small of her back,

urging her closer.

“My personal number’s on there. I’m hoping you’ll use it. Call or text, anytime.”

“Set up another lunch at Gilly’s?” she suggested.

“I was thinking someplace quieter and more intimate,” he whispered as their

faces drew so close his breath caressed her cheek.

“I guess there’s only one question left then,” she whispered.

“What’s that?”

“When’s the second date?”

His grin was feral, as if he were a big tom cat and she was a frothy bowl of fresh

cream. She bit back another moan and clenched her thighs as visions of him licking

her filled her head. At this rate, their second date would begin in about thirty seconds.

Where had Gilligan Marston been all her life? Then he leaned those few inches closer,

and all thought left her head.

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His lips brushed over hers at first, as if seeking permission to taste her. His

tongue traced her bottom lip, and she opened on a shaky exhale. He groaned. His hand

slid up to wrap in her hair, and he thrust his tongue deep. He ravished, stealing her

ability to breathe and leaving her clinging to him on shaky legs.

“Think of me,” he whispered after he broke their kiss. His lips were a gentle

caress at her ear now.

She shivered. Lust rode her hard. His erection throbbed against her thigh just as

her nipples pressed in hard points against his chest. Think of him? She wanted to strip

him naked and drown herself in him.

“Call me,” he said as he eased back from her. “I’m counting the moments until I

see you again.”

That’s right. She was leaving. Andy. She was going to see her sister. The one

she’d come to Oklahoma to see and spend time with. No man had ever left her in such

a state after one kiss. Jesus! She was still sitting behind the wheel, unmoving, as Gilly

turned and headed back toward the bar. It took her three tries before her uncooperative

hands would turn the key. She had it bad. Call him? She’d be lucky if she wasn’t

screaming his name in her dreams later.

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Chapter Three

She drove slowly toward Knight’s Watch, which was a good thing as Gilly’s

goodbye kiss still had her shaking in her skin. The man was lethal on her libido. Yep,

date two was going to be really damn soon. She was still debating how she’d ask

Andy about him when she found a parking garage and pulled in.

Gilly was still on her mind as she headed toward Knight’s Watch to meet her

sister. The man could definitely kiss, starting slow and sweet before licking inside her

mouth and setting her on fire. She’d never once felt as if she were out of her league,

but with him, she wasn’t so sure.

She entered the building still lost in thoughts of Gilly until a masculine voice

greeted her.

“Hello there. Welcome to Knight’s Watch.”

A gorgeous man straightened from where he’d been leaning against a circular

desk in the middle of the lobby, talking to the man sitting behind the counter. She

watched them both flick their gazes over her and knew she’d sparked interest.

Unfortunately, it was too late. There was only one man on her mind now.

“Hi.” She offered her hand with a smile. “I’m Sinclair Eisley. I’m here to meet

my sister, Andromeda Eisley.”

“You’re Andy’s sister! Great to meet you. I’m Jagger. I’d be more than happy to

take you to her office.” He led her away without even introducing the other man.

Jagger was the same height as Gilly, with ebony locks and bright, blue eyes. His

smile was engaging, and his demeanor put her immediately at ease. He was a man

who demanded a woman’s full attention with just a look. She could appreciate that,

but still, it was wasted on her.

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“I didn’t realize Andy had an office here,” she admitted, taking the arm he

offered and letting him lead her to the elevator. “I mean I know she’s been doing

some image consulting. I just didn’t realize she’d taken a permanent office.”

“Andy doesn’t see it that way, but Jamison does. You’ll get to meet him today.

Jamison Knight, the man behind Knight’s Watch.”

Sin was looking forward to meeting both Jamison and Tuck. She wanted to see

the men who had her sister so flustered.

“Andy’s told me a bit about it. About what you guys do here,” she said as the

doors opened and they stepped off.

“I’m here any time you want to learn more. We could talk? Maybe over dinner?”

Jagger gave her a hopeful look, but someone else answered before she could.

“Hands off, Jagger,” the guy said. “You’re Andy’s sister. Levi called up from

the lobby,” he said, obviously reading the question in her gaze. She assumed Levi had

been the man behind the counter.

This man speaking now had dark-brown hair like Gilly, blue eyes like Jagger

and was slightly taller than both of them.

“I am,” she confirmed. “Sinclair Eisley, but most people call me Sin.”

“Nice to meet you,” he told her. “I’m Barrett Locke—Bare to my friends.”

“You’re Gilly’s cousin.” She shook her head. Hell, no one even knew she’d met

Gilly. The man was still rattling her brain. “And Paisley Ames’ fiancé,” she added.

“Andy’s told me about you. It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’m guessing she stuck to my good points then,” Bare joked and grinned. “Just

spoke with my cousin, actually. He wanted to give me a heads-up you were on your

way here. Seems you made quite the impression on him.”

“He made quite the impression himself,” she murmured, ignoring the

speculation in both men’s gazes as they watched her. She could do nothing to hide the

telling flush that suffused her neck and face.

“Ah,” Jagger said, reading something in her face and putting a little more space

between them. “Gilly’s a great guy.”

Lord! Was she so obvious? She almost groaned. She was, and she knew it. It

was clear they both thought of her as Gilly’s now, which was disconcerting to say the

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least. She wasn’t sure what to say to dissuade them and wasn’t sure she even wanted

to, so she just kept silent.

“It was nice to meet you, Sin. Stop in and see us anytime,” Jagger said, moving

around them. “I’ll leave you in Bare’s hands.” He turned and headed down the


“The judge called again,” Bare called out before Jagger had taken more than a

few steps. “I put him through to your voicemail.”

Jagger sighed and glanced back with irritation plain on his face. “I’ll take care of


“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Sin said, watching the play between Bare

and Jagger before the other man walked away with no more than a brief nod. Tension

radiated from him, so palpable even thoughts of Gilly couldn’t prevent her from

picking up on it. Whoever the judge was, Jagger didn’t want to speak to him.

“No, we’ve all been looking forward to meeting you. You’re sister speaks very

highly of you,” Bare told her, bringing her attention back to him. “Her office is this

way.” He indicated the hall leading in the opposite direction of the path Jagger had


“She speaks highly of you, as well. All of you, really,” she said, falling into step

beside him.

“Andy is a welcome addition here. We’re hoping to talk her into staying with us

permanently. Knight’s Watch has a large clientele. Many of them could use her. She’d

certainly be a huge asset,” Bare added as they stopped in front of an open door.

“You’re here!” Andy squealed in a very un-Andy-like way as she came around a

desk to greet Sin.

Sin soaked in the sight of her sister as she crossed the distance. Her long, red

hair tumbled in waves around her face. She’d grown it out since the last time Sin had

seen her. It was to the middle of Andy’s back now, thick and vibrant. Her eyes were a

pale ice blue that contrasted dramatically with her hair. She looked happy, and that

happiness made her look so much younger.

“I’ve missed you so much,” Andy said, squeezing Sin close.

“I’ve missed you, too,” Sin agreed.

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They finally stepped apart, and Sin knew Andy was studying her as thoroughly

as she studied her sister.

“You look good,” Sin said. “Relaxed.”

“You look…” Andy paused, tilting her head as if she couldn’t put her finger on

it. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she seemed to come to some sort of conclusion.

Andy’s gaze flitted to Bare as her brows lowered into a glare.

“Don’t look at me,” Bare said with a laugh. “She met Gilly earlier. He

mentioned he’s hoping to see you again, Sin.” He looked directly at her, eyes

twinkling with such mirth she almost asked what Gilly had told him. “Something

about a second date?”

She flushed as she felt her sister’s scrutiny going over her again. “Thanks for the

information, Bare. I’ll be sure to get in touch with him.”

“You’ve met Gilly, had a date, have his number and plan to see him again?”

Andy questioned and glanced at the clock on the wall. “How long have you been

waiting for me?”

So much for her sister waiting to ask her about it in private. All Sin could do

was laugh. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you all about it later.”

Andy stared at her then nodded. “Over dinner. I thought we’d grab something

and go back to my place so we can have some privacy. I have to admit I want you all

to myself for a bit.”

“Sounds great,” Sin agreed.

“Remember dinner at our house Friday,” Bare said then turned to include Sin.

“Paisley and I just bought a house. We thought you’re arrival would be the perfect

excuse to have everyone over. Nothing big. Grilling out. We’ve got a really nice pool,

so bring a suit. Both of you,” he added, moving his gaze to Andy. “Head over

anytime. We’ll throw some stuff out to snack on while you swim then eat around


“Sounds wonderful,” Sin said. “Thank you for inviting me.”

Bare grinned. “So you’ll be there?”

“Of course,” Andy agreed for them both.

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“I’ll see you again then,” Bare told Sin then turned to leave. He paused in the

hallway and glanced back. “By the way, Gilly will be there.” She saw the twinkle in

his eyes before he turned and shut the door.

“Oh, my God!” Andy said. “You have to tell me everything.”

“You weren’t kidding about the gorgeous guys here,” Sin said.

“You have no idea. You’ve only met Bare and Gilly,” Andy warned.

“I met Jagger when I first came in,” Sin replied.

“That’s still only three. You’ll meet most of the rest of them tomorrow. There’s

Jamison and Tucker, Sterling, Seth, Levi, Marco, Rusty, Darren, and Pauly. Those are

just the ones I’m sure will be there and can think of.” Andy laughed. “It’s not even

about how good they look or how physically fit they are. It’s how they treat you.

These guys are all throwbacks to a different era. They’re real gentlemen. It gets me

every time.”

“I think I saw Levi when I first came in. Jagger was talking to someone behind

the desk.”

“That would have been Sterling, actually. Levi works in the security room. He

knows everything that goes on in this building, probably in the whole damn city. I’m

not sure, but I have a feeling he could be the real Bruce Wayne.”

Sin shook her head at this girlish version of her high-powered sister. Where was

the ball buster who left grown men quaking in fear? Sin liked the changes she was

seeing in Andy.

“What about the women?” Sin asked. “Surely, there are some of those working

here? It won’t just be the two of us and Paisley at this cookout, will it?”

“I think Marco is dating someone, so he’ll probably bring her. Darren is married.

He and his wife are adorable. Pauly just broke things off with his boyfriend. The rest

of the guys are solo. And, yes, there are two amazing women working here. I’m sure

Bare and Paisley invited them. Gwen and Samira. They’re great. You’ll really enjoy

them,” Andy assured her.

“That sounds like a lot of people,” Sin replied.

“You’ve never been shy a day in your life,” Andy admonished.

Sin laughed. “No, not shy, but I’m horrible with names.”

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“I promise you, they won’t care,” Andy told her. “It’s a great group. There

might be others who come in and out of Knight’s Watch, but those are the core.

They’ve been here the longest and help integrate all the new people. So far, Samira

and Gwen are the only ladies who’ve stuck around. It’s a testosterone-laced group, but

they’re easy to love.”

“In that case, I’m really glad I packed a few bikinis to bring with me.”

“Did you get to keep any from your last shoot?” Andy asked. “I really liked the

black-and-white, polka-dot one you sent me the photo of.”

“Actually, I have a pale blue one that will work fantastic with your eyes.


“I wasn’t planning to get in the pool,” Andy said. “Especially not when the other

women there will be almost half my age.”

Sin laughed. “You have a gorgeous body, and you know it. Why not flaunt it?

You’ve worked hard to keep yourself in shape.”

Andy waved off Sin’s words and wrapped her in another hug. “We can figure

out all that later. I’m so happy to see you. Let’s get out of here, grab dinner and head

back to my apartment.” She pulled back again. “Have you checked into the hotel yet?”


She hadn’t. Not officially, at least. The room was hers whenever she arrived.

She preferred to book via phone, pay by credit card, and have the convenience of

checking in at her discretion.

“Good! Let’s have a slumber party at my place. I’ve cleaned up and there’s

plenty of room. Promise. We can share the bathroom for one night. Plus, it’ll give you

time to tell me everything that’s been going on, and what you’re thinking of for the

future. Say yes!”

Sin laughed again. This was a whole new Andy, and Sin loved it.

“I can do that. I’ll just call the hotel and tell them I’ll be checking in tomorrow

morning instead.”

“Let me grab my briefcase, and we’ll go. What do you feel like eating?” Andy

asked as she rummaged on her desk, shoving papers in her case. “Chinese, Italian,

Mexican? There’s a sub place that delivers. Name your food, and I’ve got a menu.”

“Still not fond of cooking, huh?” Sin teased.

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Andy stuck out her tongue. “I’ll never understand how you learned to cook, and

I never did. You’re life was just as busy as mine.”

“But not nearly as stressful,” Sin countered. “Mexican sounds good. I had a

burger earlier at Gilly’s.”

“Oh, yes.” Her sister latched onto the subject of Gilly with relish. “You’ll have

to tell me how you ended up there. I can see from your face what you thought of

Gilly,” Andy teased.

“He kissed me,” Sin confessed.

“What? You’ve been here less than a day and already been kissed? Meanwhile,

I’ve been here months and nothing, nada, zilch.” Andy gave a forlorn sigh.

“It just happened. He…we…it…” Sin couldn’t complete a thought much less a

sentence. Just mentioning the kiss had her right back there, with his lips on hers.

“That good?”

“Oh, yeah,” Sin agreed. “I don’t think I’ve ever met a man like Gilly. At least,

not one who made me go all gaga the way I did. Oh, God, Andy. It was so


“I can’t wait to hear all the details. Where are you parked?”

“In a parking garage,” Sin said.

“Give me your ticket, and I’ll get Sterling to validate it on the way out. I took a

taxi this morning, so I could ride with you.”

“Sounds good. I want to hear all about you, too. Bare said they were trying to

get you to stay here permanently, in the office space. And I really want to hear more

about Jamison and Tucker,” Sin added with a grin. “Is there a reason you haven’t

kissed one of them yet. Or both?”

“Shh,” Andy urged as she opened the door again. “You never know who’s

lingering around here.”

“Not to mention the eyes and ears of a certain caped hero,” Sin teased, making

Andy laugh.

Sin linked her arm with her sister’s as they headed down the hall. Coming here

was the best decision she’d made in a long time. It felt so right. She and Andy had

always been close, but their age difference had played a defining role in their

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relationship. Now, they were both adults, and finally, the closeness Sin had always

craved was surfacing.

She’d laughed when Andy had said she was leaving behind LA and heading to

Oklahoma. She’d doubted her sister would stay longer than a few weeks. Andy had

surprised her, in a very good way. One look and Sin knew her sister was happier here

than she’d ever been anywhere else. Maybe, there would be enough happiness for Sin,

as well. Maybe, she could find something here.

Gilly’s face came to mind, and she almost groaned out loud. She’d be seeing

him again this weekend. Would he consider that their second date? Would she invite

him back to her hotel? Oh, Lord. She was back to thinking about sex with him,

anticipating it. She’d blame it on the long bout of celibacy, but she knew better. It was

Gilly. He was the first man she’d met in two years who made her want more than a

solitary bed, who made her want period.

“I’ll call in the food order from your car,” Andy said, pulling Sin from her

thoughts of Gilly. “I’m thinking I’ll do the variety sampler. There’s a little bit of

everything on it. It’s meant for more than two, but I won’t tell if you don’t.”

“Sounds great to me,” Sin assured her.

They paused at the front desk long enough for Andy to introduce her to Sterling

and get Sin’s parking pass validated.

“So tell me about the last shoot you went on,” Andy urged as they headed out of

the building.

Their heads were close together as they spoke over each other, laughing in turns.

Sin saw a man taking pictures out of the corner of her eye. For a minute, she swore he

was focused on her and Andy then shook it off. More than likely, she was just used to

being in the focus of a camera. She dismissed him without another thought and

hurried with Andy toward the car.

* * * *

He watched until they disappeared, snapping pictures the entire time. Thanks to

overhearing her conversation while he’d hidden in her house, he’d known just where

to find Sinclair. He’d expected her to arrive sooner than she had. He still needed to

make some calls and find out exactly where she was staying. Then it would only be a

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matter of time before he gained access to her room. Just the thought of watching over

her as she slept had his pulse racing and his groin tingling with a rush of arousal. She

was so helpless then, so in need of a protector. He’d be that for her, that and so much


The time was finally here. She’d belong to him before they left Oklahoma.

He headed back toward his car, whistling a joyful tune as he strolled. Just a little

bit longer, and she’d be his permanently.

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Chapter Four

Sin and Andy stayed up half the night chatting about everything which led to a

late start the next morning. After leaving a note for her still sleeping sister, Sin took

off. She was ready to find her hotel. She planned to check in, move some of her stuff

from the SUV into the room then take a long hot shower. Afterward, she would

probably give in to the burning desire to text Gilly.

She’d grabbed a suite, not knowing how long she’d be in town and liking the

larger rooms. They felt more like small apartments, only with daily housekeeping and

room service at whim. She accepted the hotel porter’s offer to assist her with

unloading her car, and soon, she had what she planned to take in on his cart. Another

employee moved her car to the hotel garage and would leave the keys for her at the

front desk, along with her parking pass.

She didn’t spend much time unpacking, just tossing her suitcases on the bed. She

dropped her bag with the unopened mail on the table and made a point of spilling it

out so she’d be visually reminded to open it soon. She couldn’t keep putting it off. At

this rate, Pamela would be calling to demand why she hadn’t heard from Sin yet.

A shower was next then the ever-important decision of what to do for the rest of

the day, though a nap was definitely planned. She thumbed through her phone’s

contact list where she’d already saved Gilly’s number and let her finger hover over his

name. Finally, giving in, she tapped the message icon. She stared at it until the screen

started fading. She grinned then laughed aloud. She had no idea what to say.

Somehow, she didn’t think it would be a good idea to admit she’d dreamed of him

during the few hours sleep she’d managed.

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Ten minutes later, the grin was gone and her bottom lip was sore from the way

she kept nipping it with her teeth. She was over-thinking, and she knew it. Finally, she

settled on a message.

Made it to Knight’s Watch yesterday. Thanks for pointing me in the right


She hit send before she talked herself out of it then groaned at how stupid it

sounded. The man had seriously rocked her world on its axis with that kiss, and she

was thanking him for directions? She’d be lucky if he responded. Her phone buzzed in

her hand, giving a tone that had her jumping and dropping it on the bed. Her heart

thundered in her chest. She almost pounced when it went off a second time.

Glad you made it okay. How was your night with your sister?

Had he been waiting to hear from her? He’d responded immediately. That had to

mean something.

We ate too much and talked all night.

Sounds fun. Big plans for today?

Nothing more than lying around the hotel room, napping and thinking about

Gilly. Not that she’d share that.

Settling in at hotel. After a few seconds, she added, You?

Heading into the city later. Feel like dinner?

Are you asking me on a second date?

She almost groaned aloud as she recalled exactly what he’d promised would

happen on their second date. He’d said he’d take her back to his house and they’d

make love. Was she ready for that? She was willing. Her damp thighs were testament

to that, but was she really ready to have sex with him?

Yes, he replied instantly. Dinner and conversation?

She took a deep breath. It didn’t have to go any further than she was prepared

for. Her problem was she couldn’t stop thinking of his kiss. She was afraid she’d

throw herself at him and beg him to take her. She shook her head. Dinner. She could

handle dinner in a public place. She readily admitted she wanted to see him again.

Friday seemed a long way off, and there would be a crowd of other people around


Sounds great, she finally sent back.

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Pick you up at 7. Italian?

Sounds perfect. Meet you in the lobby?

I’ll see you then.

She lay back on the bed and grinned like a loon. She was going to see him again

tonight. Her phone rang, and she thought at first it might be Gilly. The caller ID

showed Andy instead.

“Hey, you,” she greeted. “Sleep well?”

“You left before I even woke up,” Andy complained. “I was planning on brunch.

I have nothing on schedule for today.”

“I couldn’t sleep so I decided to head over and get checked in.”

“Any plans for today? I could show you some of the sites around the city.”

“I’m free until later this evening,” Sin said.

“What’s going on…? Oh, my God! You have a date, don’t you?”

“Gilly’s taking me for Italian,” Sin said. “Unless you had something in mind. He

just asked. I should have thought to check with you first.”

“Don’t you dare. Go out! Have fun! I’ll want to hear all about it.”

“Why don’t you come over here?” Sin suggested. “We’ll spend the day together

then you can help me figure out what to wear for dinner.”

“I can be there in about half an hour,” Andy said. “What time is Gilly picking

you up?”


“Plenty of time,” Andy said. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she added.

“Me, too,” Sin agreed.

* * * *

Sin and Andy spent the afternoon exploring the city and talking. Sin hadn’t

realized how lonely her sister had been. Hearing Andy talk now, she saw it clearly. It

stunned her to realize she’d been so wrapped up in her own life that she’d never really

paid attention to her sister’s. She’d assumed Andy was happy, assumed her sister had

the perfect life. It was amazing to see just how much they really had in common. It

made it so much easier for Sin to open up about her own life. They made plans to

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spend all day Thursday together then head to Bare and Paisley’s on Friday around


Apparently, Knight’s Watch was closing for the day on Friday. Andy said they

worked long hours, and Jamison was big on taking time off when they had some down

time. Sin still wanted to know more about both Jamison and Tuck but was willing to

wait. She looked forward to meeting them at Bare’s house and seeing how they

reacted to her sister. Were they as into Andy as she seemed to be into them? Sin

hoped so. The more she knew about them, the more she could help her sister decide

which one to pursue.

Sin was ready and in the lobby promptly at seven. She’d settled on a long

sleeveless dress with a light sweater over her arm in case it got cooler. Gilly was

waiting for her. He wore jeans with a button-down shirt and boots. He was just as

gorgeous as she’d remembered.

“You look beautiful,” he said as she joined him.

“Thank you,” she replied. “So do you.”

“Not sure I’ve ever been called beautiful,” he admitted with a grin that had her

laughing. “Ready?” He held out his arm.

She took it and let him lead her out of the hotel. His car was parked just down

from the main doors. He opened her door then leaned down to brush his lips softly

over hers before shutting it. She held her breath then blew it out as he crossed in front

then got in behind the wheel.

“I’ve been looking forward to seeing you since you drove away yesterday,” he

admitted. He started the car and pulled into traffic.

“Me, too,” she agreed. “Where’re we going?”

“A little Italian place I know. Great food. Great service. Hopefully, you’ll like it

as much as I do.”

She told him about her day with Andy while he drove. He listened attentively,

asking questions that let her know he was paying attention to everything she said. She

was still talking, filling the air with nervous chatter when they arrived. He walked

around and opened the door to help her out. He took her by surprise when he shut it

then leaned in and took her mouth in another of those wicked kisses that had her mind

emptying and her sex growing damp with need.

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“Don’t be nervous with me,” he whispered, nibbling on her neck.

“I’m not,” she said, but they both knew she was lying. She let out a shaky

breath. “Okay. I am.”

“Dinner and conversation,” he vowed. “That’s all tonight’s about.”

“That’s not how you described our second date,” she reminded him.

“When we make love, Sin, it will be because you ask me. I’ll encourage you, but

the decision will always be yours.”

She noticed he said when not if. Confident and oh, so accurate.

“Hungry?” he asked, stepping back and taking her hand again.

She nodded. Starving, but she wasn’t sure it was the food she craved most. It

was Gilly.

He was greeted by name when they entered, which made her think he came here

often. The speculative look in the waiter’s gaze made her wonder if Gilly brought

other women here or if she was a first. He answered her unspoken question once they

were seated with menus.

“I usually come here with Skip. It was my brother who discovered this place.

You won’t find better Italian anywhere else.”

The atmosphere was relaxing while still managing a level of intimacy. The

waiter only appeared to take orders and refill drinks. Gilly proved right about the

food. It was so delicious she found her appetite voracious. Not just for food either. He

was attentive and seemed genuinely interested in everything she had to share.

She found herself telling him all about the last shoot she’d been on over dinner.

He laughed as she recalled the beach setting where the sand had crept into places it

shouldn’t, especially when her body had been dusted with it to give authenticity to the

photos. She talked about the long hours, often up before sunrise to get catch the

lighting just right then doing some shots during late hours to capture the moon just

right. It made for long days.

Gilly told her about hacking for a living, which turned out to be a part of his job.

Some places hired him to see if he could break through their firewalls and access

information. It was a way for him to point out weaknesses to his clients then help

them shore up their cyber-defenses to prevent others from gaining the same access.

She found him extremely fascinating and felt as if there was so much more he wasn’t

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sharing. He spoke of his siblings with open affection. He did the same with Bare, and

Sin got the impression the two men were very close.

The evening went by far too quickly. It was after ten when they returned to her


“I’ll walk you up,” Gilly offered, but she shook her head.

“I want you,” she admitted out loud. “I like the way it feels,” she said, repeating

the words he’d spoken before their first kiss. “I want to savor it just a bit longer.”

He leaned in and slid his mouth over hers, not taking the kiss to the depth he had

before. This was soft and slow and so sweet it made her ache. It left her tingling and

craving the deeper kiss, craving him.

“Dream of me,” he whispered, and she nodded, remaining mute while he walked

back to his car.

She did just that and awoke to her body in the throes of orgasm. It was a first for

her. She’d never orgasmed in her sleep. At least, not that she was aware of. If

anything, it left her wanting Gilly more.

She and Andy spent Thursday together. They started with a late breakfast then

headed straight to the spa where Andy had booked appointments for the works.

Haircuts, mani-pedis, full-body massages and even a wax if Sin wanted it. With the

pool party looming for tomorrow, she opted for it. She wanted to look her best when

she saw Gilly again.

He’d been texting her throughout the day. She and Andy had giggled together

several times as Sin shared messages with her sister. Just the funny ones. Nothing

suggestive. It made her think this was how it might have been if they were closer in

age when they’d been growing up. Sin talked Andy into staying the night at the hotel

with her after their day. They ordered room service and watched movies on pay-per-


It was over the credits of the last movie when Sin finally made a confession to

her sister. “I think I’m going to have sex with Gilly.”

“Okay,” Andy said with a shrug. “Wasn’t that a given? With the way you guys

have been texting and stuff, I thought it was. I mean this is your third day here, and

you’ve already had two dates with the man.”

“Do you think I’m rushing things?”

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“Depends,” Andy said seriously. “Do you think you are? What are you

expecting? From Gilly, I mean.”

“I don’t know,” Sin said.

“Not true,” Andy countered. “You know what you want. Be honest. Do you see

him as a one-night stand you can brush off if you decide to leave here? Notice I’m

saying if and not when. Or do you see the two of you becoming more?”

“I…” Sin paused. “I want more than one night. I know it’s weird. I just met him,

but I really like him. I want to have sex with him. God, it’s almost embarrassing how

much I want him. It’s more than physical though. I’m genuinely interested in him. I

want to know more about him. I want to know him, period.”

“Then that’s your answer,” Andy said. “I’ll drive us over tomorrow. See how

things go. I’m okay if you ask him to bring you back here. The beds seem pretty


Sin snorted then hit Andy with a pillow. The two were laughing soon and

probably sounded worse than the conversation in a men’s locker room as they

discussed sex and the male anatomy. She fell asleep again with Gilly on her mind. She

was almost certain she’d ask him to bring her home tomorrow.

* * * *

He drove away from the hotel, knowing his love was safely inside with her

sister. He’d had a bit of a panic on Wednesday when he’d realized she’d left her

sister’s some time before he’d arrived. Luckily, the sister had led him right back to

her. He hadn’t been able to stick around any last night and couldn’t tonight, either. He

had family stuff to deal with. His uncle was becoming an issue he’d have to deal with

soon. The old bastard was demanding to know where he was.

He finally got back to the cheap motel where he was staying and closed himself

in his room. He took a shower then sat on the bed naked and took out his personal

stash of the photos he’d taken of Sin. So beautiful. So perfect. He couldn’t keep from

touching himself. He pretended it was her touch, her hand caressing him as her lips

kissed over his. The time was so close.

He pictured her beside him on the bed. She’d lounge naked, eager to let him see

her. He imagined her open to him, urging him to roll over and take her. She’d moan,

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acting shy though he knew she’d enjoy his touch. He’d awaken her, show her it was

okay to find pleasure at his touch. Together, they’d find ecstasy over and over again.

He’d have to be gentle. His Sin was soft and sweet, unaccustomed to the crude needs

of a man. He’d have to be easy with her until she was ready to accept every facet of

his needs. He didn’t doubt she would. She’d love him as much as he loved her.

Soon, he thought again as his hand stroked faster. Very, very soon.

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Chapter Five

Sin was a bundle of nerves and excitement when she and Andy hit the hotel

lobby. She would see Gilly again today, and if things went as planned, she’d have him

in her bed later. Her sister was dressed in khaki Capri pants with a dark-blue T-shirt

that screamed designer despite its simple cut.

“Did you remember to bring the bikini?” Sin asked.

“It’s in my bag,” Andy said. “I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“Well, I’m planning to enjoy the pool,” Sin informed her sister. “It’s hot.”

“I have to stop and pick up the trays I ordered then we can head over,” Andy


“Trays? How many did you get?”

“Two of the largest ones they have. I wasn’t sure what Paisley would have or

what others might be bringing,” she offered with a shrug.

Sin split off when they parked, heading to the wine store next door instead. She

picked up six bottles to take. It was a housewarming of sorts if she’d heard Bare

correctly at Knight’s Watch. Wine seemed a given.

Sin was awed when Andy finally pulled up in front of the house. They’d left the

highway and turned onto a paved road that led to a huge gate. Andy followed the path

once they were buzzed through, stopping in front of a sprawling, Spanish-style home

with an attached, three-car garage. There were still plenty of cars parked out front.

“Looks like we’re the last to arrive,” Andy said, shutting off the car and opening

her door.

Just then, the front door opened, and Bare walked out followed by three others,

all of them wearing board shorts with no shirts. Sin’s gaze skimmed past the middle

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two when she spotted Gilly. He wore a pair of green shorts and flip flops. The sight of

so much bare skin nearly had her swallowing her tongue. Jesus! He hadn’t been lying

when he’d said he looked good. A smattering of black hair covered his broad chest

and trailed in a straight line over a six pack of abs before disappearing into his shorts.

He was at her door, opening it for her, before she realized she’d been sitting

there just ogling him like a fool.

His grin melted her. “You’re staring again, darling,” he crooned. “Making me

feel almost naked.”

Her eyes dropped automatically to his shorts. A flush washed over her as

masculine laughter filled the air. She took his extended hand and let him help her out

of the car. He took the bag of wine from her and wrapped an arm around her waist,

tugging her close before dropping his mouth to her ear.

“You played a starring role in my dreams last night,” he whispered. “I’ve been

looking forward to seeing you again.”

“What is it about you?” she asked then groaned when she realized she’d said it


“Everything,” he promised, a wicked grin on his lips.

Andy cleared her throat, pulling Sin’s attention toward her and the two men

standing with her. They each held one of the trays Andy had ordered.

Sin could tell which one was Jamison Knight immediately. He had the same

black hair and green eyes as his daughter. It was easy to see where Paisley had come

by her good looks and why Andy was interested in him. Jamison was the same height

as Bare and definitely didn’t look old enough to have a daughter who was twenty-six.

“Sin, I’d like you to meet Jamison Knight and Tucker Wade. Gentlemen, my

sister, Sinclair.”

“Very nice to meet you,” Sin said as she moved from Gilly’s side and walked

over to stand beside Andy.

“Tuck,” the shorter of the men said. She judged him only an inch or two taller

than her five-feet-ten-inches. “We’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

Tuck had close-cropped, brown hair and reddish-brown eyes. Both men were

built, obviously keeping themselves in good shape.

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“I’ll introduce you to the rest of the yahoos when we get inside,” Bare said,

taking Sin’s arm and keeping her at his side as they made their way into the house. Sin

remembered Gilly saying he’d baited Bare and thought maybe it was a mutual thing

between them. The twinkle in Bare’s eyes said he was keeping her with him on


She took in the house as they went through. He promised her a tour later as he

led them down a long, tiled hallway that led straight through the middle of the house

and opened into a gorgeous kitchen. A vaulted ceiling with a skylight arched over the

center island, and the back wall was made up of glass, including the patio doors that

allowed for plenty of light.

“This is amazing,” Sin gushed, turning and taking in the counter space, stove,

multiple ovens and indoor grill.

“You like to cook?” Gilly asked as he set the wine she’d bought on the counter.

“She’s fabulous in the kitchen,” Andy answered before Sin could. “Plus she’s

picked up recipes from all over the world.”

“I’m not sure about fabulous, but I enjoy it,” Sin said.

Paisley walked in through the open patio doors, laughing at something, and bee-

lined for Bare. She wore a sea-green bikini that flattered her figure. The woman

practically glowed as Bare wrapped her against his side. She looked all-the-more

dainty standing next to him in her bare feet. The way he looked at his fiancée was

breathtaking. Sin would like a man to look at her that way. Her gaze automatically

searched for Gilly, and she blushed when she found him watching her. He made no

move to hide the fact she held his full attention.

“Andy, I’m glad you’re here.” Paisley glanced toward Sin and gave her the same

welcoming smile. “It’s good to see you again, Sin.”

“You, too. You have a beautiful home,” Sin replied. She’d had only met Paisley

a few times, long ago, but was happy to see her again.

“Wait until you see the pool. I fell in love as soon as I saw it. I hope you brought

a suit,” Paisley said.

“I did. Even talked Andy into bringing one I picked up for her on my last shoot.”

She met her sister’s gaze and grinned as Andy tried not to glare at her. Her sister

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would most likely kill her later, but it would be worth it to see the reaction her sister

got in that bikini.

“Why don’t I take you two to get changed?” Paisley offered. “Jagger’s taken

over the grill until Bare gets back out there. Dad, why don’t you and Tuck take those

trays on out? That looks so delicious. Thanks for bringing it, Andy. Gilly, take care of

the wine,” she called as she ushered Andy and Sin back into the hallway.

She opened a door to what appeared to be a bedroom. “There’s an attached

bathroom on the right. I’ve got towels and sunscreen outside. You can leave your

clothes in here. There are hangers in the closet or shelves in the bathroom, whichever

you prefer.” Paisley turned to Sin. “I’ll introduce you to the others when you come

out. Don’t worry. They’re all great. I have to warn you though; some of the guys were

looking up your photos on the web. You’ve got quite the fan club accumulated out


Sin laughed. “I’m flattered.”

“Good to hear. If they get annoying, just let me know. Sometimes, these guys

have no filter,” Paisley warned her.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Sin assured her.

“Okay, I’ll see you ladies in a minute. Oh, I left some wraps in the bathroom for

you. In case, you wanted one but forgot to bring it.”

“We’ll be fine,” Andy said and made a shooing motion. As soon as the door

shut, she turned and smacked Sin on the arm. “I told you I wasn’t sure I wanted to put

on a suit.”

“You brought it, which means you want to wear it,” Sin stated. “Put it on. Take

a chance. I saw the way you looked at them and the way they were looking back.”

“I didn’t think you were looking at anyone but Gilly,” Andy teased.

Sin stuck out her tongue, and they both starting laughing as they changed. Sin

had chosen a bright-red bikini that sat low on her hips and sported a halter-style top.

Andy’s bottom was French cut with a string top that let her sister adjust how much of

her chest she wanted revealed. The light-blue suit complemented her eyes and looked

great against her golden tan and dark-red hair.

“You look stunning,” Sin told her honestly.

“Thank you. I feel stunning. Hope this looks as good wet.”

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“Even better,” Sin assured Andy.

Andy grabbed a long-sleeved, white, fishnet-style cover up and pulled it over

her head. The effect was sexy with her bikini playing peek-a-boo through the material.

Sin tossed her bag on the floor, placed a rubber band for her hair on her wrist,

and grabbed a towel, which she tossed over her shoulder.

“Ready?” she asked.

“Gilly’s going to swallow his tongue,” Andy said.

“I’m afraid I’m the one who does that. The way I act when I see him, you’d

think I’d never seen a sexy man.”

“Have sex with him already! We both know you’re planning to,” Andy

exclaimed, making Sin’s jaw drop open.

“I can’t believe you said that!”

“You so are,” Andy stated. “Just let me know if you decide to disappear for a

few days this time.”

“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

“You’ll have grandchildren, and I’ll still bring it up,” Andy assured her with a


* * * *

Sin was laughing with her sister when she walked out wearing a tiny, red bikini

that had Gilly adjusting his legs to hide the erection that immediately sprang to life in

his shorts. God, she was beautiful. He felt a spark of jealousy as Jagger walked over

and threw an arm around her to lead her toward the grill where most of the group sat

and loitered, waiting on the food to be ready. He shook it off and took another sip of

his beer, staying where he was at a table with Darren and his wife Claudia and Marco

and his girlfriend Stephanie. Pauly was in the pool with Paisley, Samira and Gwen,

and it looked like Andy was headed that way. Gilly’s eyes were glued to the sway of

Sin’s ass though, and he was glad he had dark shades covering them now.

He watched her meet the rest of the guys and didn’t blame them for flirting with

her. The only exception was Seth who was polite but distant. The other man was still

warming up to the group even though he’d been with them for a while now. The rest

of them, including his brother Skip, flirted blatantly. Gilly just shook his head. She

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was his. She might not know it yet. Then again she might. The air had damn near

crackled between them from the first moment she’d walked into his bar. She wasn’t

the first gorgeous woman he’d met, but she was definitely the first one that made him

catch his breath.

He wasn’t looking for a one-night stand. He wasn’t even looking for a casual

affair. Something about her made him want it all. Either that or he’d been around Bare

and Paisley too long. He knew that wasn’t it though. It was Sin. One look and he had

seen his bachelorhood crashing around him. He knew a brief taste of her would never

be enough. The few kisses they’d exchanged had fueled his dreams to the point he’d

jacked off in the shower this morning. It had been far from satisfying.

“So that’s Andy’s sister,” Pauly said as he joined them at the table. “She’s cute.”

He ignored the rest of the conversation as Sin chose that moment to turn. He felt

a surge of arrogance as he realized she was looking for him. He was proven correct

when she met his gaze. The other men might wish she was with them, but her eyes

were on him. If he had his way, he’d have much more than that before the day ended.

He watched her excuse herself and cross toward him. She stopped by his chair,

introducing herself before he even had a chance. She instantly put the women at ease

then laughed and spoke with Darren, Marco and Pauly until they were relaxed, as


Casually, she reached for Gilly’s beer and took a sip while she talked with the

people around him. She’d just let everyone know where her interest lay without a

single word. As the conversation continued around him, she nudged his arm with her

hip until he moved it so she could sit on the arm of his chair.

He slid his hand up her back, loving the silky feel of her sun-warmed flesh.

Yeah, he had plans for later. He’d never been so eager for a party to end. If he didn’t

get control of himself though, he’d be forced to spend the afternoon in the pool,

keeping his hard-on at bay.

“So how did you and Gilly meet?” Pauly asked.

“I was lost,” Sin admitted with a smile.

“I still say you were exactly where you were meant to be,” Gilly countered,

seizing his beer from her and taking a pull.

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“So I was,” she agreed, and there was something in her gaze when she looked at

him that had his heart racing. It was the look of a woman who was thinking of sex.

He began listing the elements in the periodic table in an effort to calm his

erection and didn’t realize something was up until silence registered.

“Well?” Sin said as if she’d asked something and waited for him to answer.

Well, hell. He had no clue, but there was only one answer he’d give her.


Her grin was his first warning. The snickers of the others soon joined in.

“You are so dead,” Darren said then turned to his wife. “You ready to take them


She whooped, and they headed to the pool.

Before Sin could stand, Gilly pulled her into his lap. “What did I just agree to?”

he whispered.

“Darren asked if we wanted to play chicken in the pool. I said yes and asked you

if you’d be my partner.”

“Well, shit,” Gilly groaned. “Everyone knows he and Claudia cheat. You just

got suckered in.”

“We,” she amended. “You volunteered with me.”

“Have you ever played chicken?” he asked.

“No,” she admitted. “But it sounds like fun. How hard can it be?”

He grunted as he stood, tossing her in the air and making her squeal. “Just try

not to drown. I’m hoping to encourage you a lot today.”

“I’m not planning to drown,” she said with a laugh. “In fact, I’m hoping to

persuade you to take me home later.”

The invitation was there in her eyes.

“Hold your breath,” he ordered. That was all the warning he gave before he

jumped into the deep end with her in his arms. It was either that or give the rest of the

group a look at just what she did to him.

Sin was competitive. He’d give her that. She was a natural at chicken. At one

point, Marco and his girlfriend joined them then Bare and Paisley did, too. Gilly had

more fun than he’d expected. It was eye opening to see just how easily Sin fit in with

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their group. She was so at ease in her own skin that she instantly made those around

her comfortable.

She’d almost lost her top at one point and plastered herself against his chest

while she’d adjusted. He’d ended up with a raging boner while she’d been the first to

laugh at her near mishap, teasing that they’d almost seen more of her than they’d

wanted to. Gilly seriously doubted that.

By the end of the evening, there was no misunderstanding that he and Sin were

together. Jamison had even cornered him at one point and warned him not to hurt

Andy’s baby sister. Gilly didn’t plan to. Lord, the woman had him wrapped up in

knots. She’d seduced him steadily since the moment she’d arrived. Her smile, her

bikini, her laughter, even watching her with the others. It all drew him to her.

Andy hadn’t seemed surprised when Gilly had announced he was heading out

and Sin had begun making her goodbyes to go with him. In fact, no one seemed to

find it odd at all. Everyone embraced Sin as if they’d known her forever, as if she

were one of them, and Gilly guessed she was. He wanted her to be. It hit him that he

wasn’t thinking of just tonight. He hoped to get her to spend the weekend with him.

He was already sorting through his schedule for next week to see when they could get


“Ready?” she asked, coming to his side and slipping her hand into his.

“Yeah,” he agreed. He was diving into the deep end again, with her in his arms.

Only this time, he planned for them to drown in each other.

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Chapter Six

Sin had been on overdrive since the first moment she’d seen Gilly in his board

shorts and no shirt. She’d accepted that it was only a matter of time before the flames

of desire ignited into an inferno sure to melt their clothes off. She’d asked him to

come back to the hotel with her and nearly jumped out of her skin when he’d finally

announced he was leaving. He’d left it up to her as to whether she went with him. She

wasn’t sure anything would have made her stay there without him.

She’d hurried to say goodbye to everyone, saving her sister for last. She and

Andy had finally parted ways, her sister quietly advising Sin to use protection. It

would have been laughable if she weren’t ready to spontaneously combust from lust.

She and Gilly had remained silent on the drive, his finger trailing circles over

her thigh while she tried not to pant or attack him. There was no conversation on the

elevator ride up to her room, but the heat of their glances had her blushing. His hand

was solid on the small of her back as they crossed the last few feet to her door. He

took her keycard from her, and she glanced up in question.

“Should I stay or go?”

She licked her lips, knowing without a doubt what he was really asking. Sex or

no sex? She’d never been good at denying herself when she really wanted something.

She was certain she’d never wanted anything as much as she wanted him.


The door slid open, and they both stepped inside. He took care of the do-not-

disturb sign before closing it and flipping the security latch on top. His gaze seared

over her from top to bottom then slowly trailed back up.

“Are you sure?”

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She dropped her bag with her wet suit and pressed him against the door.

Skimming her fingers over his shoulders and down his chest, she grabbed the hem of

the shirt he’d put on and tugged it up. He helped her pull it over his head then took her

wandering hands in his. A growl left her throat as she took in Gilly’s perfection. With

a quick move, he reversed their positions and pressed her wrists above her head on the


“It’ll take me all night to ease my appetite for you,” he warned, nipping along

her throat to her ear. “But it will in no way sate this need I feel for you.”

“Too many clothes, Gilly,” she moaned, tugging at her wrists which he refused

to let go.

“Do you like this shirt?” The question was whispered as he nibbled her earlobe

and caressed her jaw with his firm lips.


“Too late,” he murmured and dropped her hands only to grip the neckline of her

shirt and rip it right down the middle. He jerked the material wide and bent to place

sucking kisses along the tops of her straining breasts.

“Fuck,” she moaned. Her panties were more than damp. That caveman move

had her so close to orgasm a cool breeze would be enough to send her over the edge.

He groaned, and she felt the hard clamp of his teeth through the lace covering her

nipple. Pleasure tore through her and had her rubbing the seam of her jeans against his

hard thigh as she rode the wave.

She was still panting when he swept her up in his arms. He glanced around, and

she pointed a trembling finger toward the bedroom.

“Jesus,” he said with a grunt as he maneuvered them into the room and to the

bed. “Watching you come is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I want to see it again,

with my dick buried so deep I feel every clench of that tight pussy.”

“Yes,” she agreed as they made quick work of stripping each other.

Naked flesh met and melded. His hands were everywhere. One finger tested her

readiness while he gripped her head and held her in place for his searing kiss. Nothing

had prepared her for a man like Gilly. She’d thought herself worldly, experienced in

sex. She was learning there was a difference between having sex and being with a

man like this.

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He devoured her lips, swallowing her cries of pleasure. The turgid length of his

cock rested along her outer thigh, and she kept wiggling, wanting him to move

between her legs, needing to feel him there.

His mouth worked down her neck once more, and this time when he took her

nipple, there was nothing to temper the heat of his intimate touch. His greedy pulls

had her clamping both hands in his hair and holding tight. He took his time, savoring

both breasts before moving over her trembling stomach and lower. She felt his breath

over the small crown of curls and heard his deep groan just before he spread her and

his head dipped forward.

He placed a soft kiss on her straining clit, making the tight bundle of nerves


“Gilly!” His name was a sharp cry as he settled between her sprawled thighs,

feasting on her and working her quickly toward another orgasm. “Please. Please.


It became a chant, the word spilling between gasped breaths as he gave and took

in equal measure. She had no idea what she was begging him to do, and it didn’t

matter. Gilly did what he wanted, and she was damn happy with his effort. Her lusty

cries saturated the air as she came again then again.

After her third orgasm, he glanced up her body to meet her gaze. His face was

damp from her, and even as she watched, he licked over his lips.

“You’re so tight around my fingers. I want to be inside you. Now.”

“Yes,” she breathed in agreement. It stunned her that he would still pause to

make sure they were on the same page before he went further.

She felt bereft when he left the bed to rummage through the chaos of clothes on

the floor.

“Don’t move,” he ordered, finally jerking his pants up from the floor and

grabbing a condom out of his wallet. “Need more,” he mumbled as he ripped it open

and rolled it on. “Should have gone to my place.”

“I’ve got more,” she informed him as he joined her again, sliding right back

between her thighs. “I grabbed some when Andy and I were out yesterday.”

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“I like a woman who’s prepared,” he bit off as he stroked the head of his

sheathed cock through her slick lips, tapping her clit before gliding back down to

lodge at her opening.

“Shut up, Gilly, and fuck me.”

He met her gaze, grinned then slammed deep with one hard thrust that left them

both gasping. Her nails bit into his back where she held him and her knees clamped

his hips as she lifted and opened herself wider for each plunge inside her. She was

close to coming again, could feel the telling swell of his cock inside her when he

withdrew and turned her onto her side with a muttered, “Not yet.” He lifted her top

leg, placing her foot on his shoulder and entered her again, slowing his pace as he

continued taking her.

“So good,” she moaned. “Don’t stop.”

“Want it to last,” he panted. His fingers rubbed between her rear cheeks, sliding

over her puckered hole with a whispered promise reflected in his gaze. She’d never

done that before, but she didn’t think Gilly would be one she’d want to say no to. If

anyone could make anal sex enjoyable, it would be him.

He pulled out again, and she rolled over onto her stomach at his prompting,

coming to her hands and knees in front of him.

“God, you have the most amazing ass,” he said, running his hands over her

curves before sinking deep inside her again.

His hands were tight on her hips, holding her while she fisted hers in the quilt

beneath them. He switched between hard and fast and slow and deep with an ease that

kept her hovering on the edge. She moaned and writhed beneath him, dropping her

chest to the mattress and shifting her knees just a bit wider.

“If you stop again, I’m tying you to this bed and riding you until I’m satisfied,”

she warned when he paused.

His warm chuckle washed over her.

“Maybe, next time,” he said, surprising her.

Before she could comment, he thrust into her, and she could tell by his breathing

he was close. She slid one hand down her belly and found her bud, strumming over it

until she came again, splintering and flying as pleasure rocked through her.

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Gilly bellowed her name as he slammed deep and held there. She was still

shuddering when he collapsed against her back, taking her fully onto the mattress. Her

legs slid down the outside of his. She swore she couldn’t feel anything other than her

pulse pounding fast as she sucked oxygen into starved lungs.

“You’re amazing.” He whispered a kiss across her shoulder as he moved off her

and dropped onto the bed.

She turned her head to glance at him, taking in the long line of his body, the

heave of his chest, and the sated look on his face. She lay there for a long moment

before the dampness between her thighs registered. There was a lot there. More than

should have been with a condom. She slid a hand down and groaned.

“So, how long since your last checkup?” she asked. “And have you had sex with

anyone since then?”

He laughed, moving to sit and roll off the bed as he spoke. “Little late for either

of us to ask those questions. Besides, I… Fuck!” He broke off as his eyes registered

what she’d already picked up on.

“Yeah,” she said. “Looks like the condom wasn’t Gilly-proof.”

“Christ, Sin. I’m so sorry. I’ve never had a condom break on me before.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Me, either. For the record, I’m clean. Last checkup

was before my latest shoot, which sent me out of the country. And you’re my first

lover in a couple years. So…” She peered up at him.

“I’m clean. It’s been months since I’ve had sex.”

“Then we only have one slight problem to worry about,” she murmured.

He lifted a brow in question, but she saw when it clicked in his head. “You’re

not on the pill.”

“No point when you’re not having sex,” she admitted.

“Fuck,” he groaned. “I’m so sorry, Sin. I would never do anything to put you at

risk like this.” He snorted. “I mean not intentionally since we both know that’s what I

just did. Shit, I wouldn’t blame you if you kicked me out and didn’t want to see me


“You used a condom. Unless you purposely picked one that had expired, I don’t

see how this is your fault.”

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“God, no!” he said, reaching for the wrapper he’d tossed aside and lifting it up.

He snorted again. “Still good for another year according to this. Fuckers.”

“It’s okay, Gilly,” she said. “It’s only once. We’ll just have to be more careful

from now on.”

“From now on?” he questioned, so much hope on his face. “I’m hoping that

means you’re not going to kick my ass to the curb for being an idiot.”

She grinned. “No way I’m not enjoying that again. You rocked my world.”

“Yeah, you did a whole lot of earth tilting yourself,” he admitted huskily.

“Let’s shower,” she suggested. “Then we can check out the box of condoms I

bought. I’ll call Andy tomorrow and see about an appointment with her doctor for a

new birth control prescription.”

“Not to get too optimistic, but does that mean you’re planning to stay in


“I’m not sure what I plan to do long term,” she admitted. “But I think we both

know there’s more between us than just this. At least, there is for me.”

“I definitely want to spend more time with you, both in and out of bed,” Gilly


“I can’t think of anything better than staying right here in Oklahoma, spending

some quality time with my sister and getting to know you a hell of a lot better, in and

out of bed.”

“I like the sound of that,” he agreed.

“Shower,” she said again. “Then we’ll try for round two. We’ll just have to pay

closer attention to the condom this time.”

* * * *

Gilly watched Sin’s ass twitch as she crossed toward the bathroom, and he

shook his head. He couldn’t believe she wasn’t ripping his head off over the condom.

Christ! What were the odds of a condom ripping during sex? It had to be slim. Just his

luck to be the winner in that pool.

“Gilly? You coming?” Sin called from the bathroom where he already heard

water running.

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“Yeah,” he called back then forced his feet to move in that direction. He pulled

the useless rubber off his dick and tossed it into the trash as he entered. Please let the

box she picked up be better. Had he been too rough? He skimmed his eyes over her

body, searching for any redness or bruising he might have caused.

“What are you looking for?” she asked.

“Did I hurt you?”

She laughed and shook her head. “If you did, do it again, please. All night if

you’re up to it.”

“I’m serious,” he said. “Was I too rough?”

“No,” she answered. “Now, stop. The condom broke. Whatever happens, I’ll

deal with it.”

We’ll deal with it,” he countered.

She gave him a look then shrugged those graceful shoulders again. “We’ll deal

with it,” she amended. “In the meantime, we’ll just be a little more aware in the

moment.” She frowned. “Though I’m not sure that’s possible with you.”

“I’ll be safe,” he swore. “It won’t happen again.” Maybe all the position

changing had created greater wear and tear?

“Stop worrying about it,” Sin ordered, tugging him into the shower with her and

sliding the curtain closed.

“How are you not worried?” he asked.

“What good would it do? We can’t go back and change what happened, and I

refuse to let it send me into a blind panic.” She leaned into him. “Maybe, if you were

someone else, I would be. I don’t know. I just know there’s something about you that

makes me feel like everything will be okay. And that sounds incredibly stupid even to


“Sounds perfect to me,” he argued. “I like that I make you feel that way. Any

chance I could talk you into going back to my place tonight? I’d hoped to get you to

spend the rest of the weekend with me.”

“That could be arranged. I don’t have a schedule to follow. I need to sort

through some mail before I go. I’ve put it off long enough.”

“Bring it with you. You can look it over in the truck,” he offered, his hands

busily washing over her skin.

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“What happened to the car from the other night?” she asked. That’s what he’d

taken her to dinner in.

“It’s at home,” he said with a laugh. “I keep a variety of vehicles. I have the

truck, a Harley and a boat. There’s no limit to the places I can take you.”

She readily believed that. Even now, his touch was transporting her. If he kept

this up, they’d never make it out of the shower, and she definitely had plans for after.

“I like your hands, but soap usually helps,” she said, reaching for the full size

bottle of body wash and loofah she must have put in there earlier unless hotels stocked

better items than he remembered.

He took both from her and made short work of lathering it up and moving it over

her skin. He started at her shoulders and slowly made his way down to her feet before

urging her to turn around and taking his time as he washed his way back up. Sheer

perfection. That’s what she was. He couldn’t wait to get her back to his house and see

her tucked into his bed. His heart stopped for a fleeting moment.

“You okay?” she asked, glancing at him over her shoulder as if she’d felt the

pause in him.

He nodded. He’d never taken a woman to his bed. He’d had a few ladies in his

home but made use of other bedrooms so he could leave them after they fell asleep.

He didn’t sleep with women, but he didn’t want Sin out of his sight. He wanted to go

to sleep with her wrapped in his arms and wake the same way.

Jesus! He had it bad. He’d meant it when he said they’d deal with things

together if there was a lifetime consequence from the torn condom. Of course, that

consequence would be a little person, a part of both him and Sin. Oh shit, he was

definitely in over his head when the thought of a child didn’t send him running.

Instead, it had him imagining what it would be like to make a family with Sin.

Bare had told him this was how it was with his fiancée, Paisley. He’d taken one

look at her and known no other woman would ever compare. Hell, Bare had waited

five years for Paisley to heal and be ready for a relationship. Gilly had always

wondered at how Bare could want someone that much.

Now, Gilly shuddered in understanding.

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He’d felt Sin’s pull as soon as she’d entered the bar. One look and he’d known

he wanted her. He’d thought to appease the itch, bed her, and enjoy her time while she

visited her sister.

Now, he feared it would never be enough. He didn’t want her to leave. He

wanted her to stay, not just here, but with him.

He watched the soap bubbles circle the drain and felt his bachelorhood going

with them. God help him, he was looking forward to whatever came next.

* * * *

He’d watched the man go up in the elevator with her. She’d seemed different,

almost as if she were more alive in a visceral way. The two of them had held hands

and exchanged looks she’d never given another man. Looks that should be his and his


He sat and waited, eyeing the clock and keeping track of just how long the two

of them were gone. What were they doing? Who was that man? Was he touching her,

claiming what wasn’t his to take? Maybe, she needed him to go up and make sure she

was okay?

He’d worked himself into a froth by the time Sinclair reappeared, once more

wrapped up in the man beside her. The dark-haired stranger seemed far too

possessive, his touch more intimate than it should be. Especially in a public place.

He frowned as he watched them leave the lobby, bag in hand. His lust bled into

anger as his perfect angel seemed to change right before his eyes…into a whore.

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Chapter Seven

Sin’s mind raced. She kept fixating on one thought. The condom broke. Holy

shit! The condom broke! She’d never had that happen before. She’d played it off,

maintaining a calm she didn’t feel in hopes of warding off a freak out from Gilly. He

hadn’t looked good when he’d realized what had happened. He’d been ready to jump

on the no-more-sex bandwagon, or at least, it had seemed that way to her. Something

was definitely wrong when she was more concerned about him becoming a one-night

stand than she was about faulty protection.

God! What was wrong with her? Sex in her hotel should have sated some of the

lust he’d ignited within her. Instead, it seemed to have lit a flame that only burned

hotter. One look from him and her panties were drenched. She’d been serious when

she’d told him he gave her the feeling everything would be okay. What was it about

him that made her so certain, so…comfortable?

Gilly was strong, but not just in the play of muscles under his skin. He possessed

an inner strength that somehow made him look bigger, taller, more solid in a way

brawn alone didn’t. Intelligence spilled from his eyes, as well as his lips. It was there

in the way he always seemed aware of everything going on around him. He was

genuine, putting on no airs. He was who he was and seemed perfectly okay with who

that person was. The way he wore confidence like a second skin was sexy. She’d

never met a man who could hold a candle to Gilly, and the last thing she wanted was a

casual affair. Everything about him screamed at her to stake a claim. She wanted him,

and she was almost certain it was for something far more long term than a few weeks.

In the past, she’d shaken her head in disbelief when her girlfriends had cried

love at first sight. As far as Sin was concerned, it didn’t exist. Lust, yes. Love, no. She

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wasn’t admitting she loved Gilly now. She didn’t. It was far too soon for so deep an

emotion. That didn’t mean she didn’t realize the potential was there. Her heart was

already as engaged as the rest of her, and she wanted Gilly badly. She’d laughed at

how bad her sister seemed to have it for not one but two men, and now, here she was,

falling deep for a man she’d only just met.

Was there something in the water in Oklahoma?

“Bottle of water?” Gilly asked as he walked into the spacious living room. He

held out a bottle, and she tracked the condensation with her eyes as a drop rolled

down the plastic and disappeared under his finger.

She snickered. She couldn’t help it. It was as if he was reading her mind.

“Sin?” he questioned.

“Sorry. Sure,” she murmured, taking the drink, opening and chugging half the

bottle before replacing the cap. Water or not, she planned to go with what she was


“Are you sure you’re okay?” Gilly asked, taking her hand and squeezing her

fingers with his. “I swear. I never would have purposely put either of us at risk like


“I know,” she assured him and finally admitted some of her nerves to him. “I’m

feeling a little anxious. My mind keeps playing what-if games. I meant what I said

though. It’s too late to worry and fret now.”

“There’s always the morning-after pill,” Gilly suggested softly.

“No.” She shook her head. “That’s not something I want to consider right now.

That doesn’t mean I’d expect anything from you if—”

“Stop,” he said, cutting her off midsentence. “I’m not planning to walk away

from you. Hell, I couldn’t even force myself to leave you at the hotel. Whatever the

outcome, I plan to be here. There’s something about you, Sinclair Eisley, that makes

me want to throw caution to the wind and jump in feet first. I’m not usually like that. I

know you’re special, and I want the chance to get to know everything about you.


“I’d like that,” she admitted. “I feel the same about you.”

“Why don’t we take tonight for us?” he whispered, tugging her into his arms and

holding her against his chest. He took the water bottle from her and dropped it on the

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couch without taking his gaze from hers. “We’ll go to my room and spend the rest of

tonight making love. Tomorrow, I’ll cook you breakfast then give you a tour of the

house and the rest of my property. We’ll spend the day just relaxing and talking.”

“What about the bar?” she asked.

“Skip can take care of it.” He brought her hand up to his mouth, nibbling over

her fingertips before licking and sucking one into his mouth. She groaned, clutching

his side with her free hand. He raked his teeth across her palm then placed a kiss in

the center. “Spend tomorrow with me. Just the two of us.”


He swept her up into his arms, dipping his head to catch her lips with his as he

walked. She had no sense of direction. She was so wrapped up in him. His taste. His

touch. His pure masculine scent that enclosed her. Nothing sounded better at the

moment than spending the night with Gilly Marston making love to her.

He headed down the hall toward the back of the house. They passed a stairwell

on the right that appeared to lead to a lower level then he stopped at the next door.

Gilly managed to open it without her help. There was a lamp shining beside his bed,

giving plenty of light as he crossed the room.

The space was huge and wholly masculine, filled with deep, warm shades that

surprised her. Gilly appeared to like color. The wood in the room was all a dark,

chocolate brown, but he accented it with bold shades of red, orange and gold. The

walls were a pale shade of cream that contrasted better than she would have thought.

He had one work of art on his wall that came in three pieces and took up the entire

space. It looked like a night sky lit by a vicious storm. There were crashing waves

along the bottom. The middle piece offered a bold slash of lightening that gave clarity

to the ferocity of the storm. It was incredible.

“My sister’s work,” Gilly said, nodding toward it.

“It’s amazing,” Sin said.

“You’re amazing,” he whispered and took her under again with his kiss.

They were slow and easy this time. Whether it was due to the previous

encounter or the aftermath of discovering a ripped condom, Sin didn’t know. Gilly

touched every inch of her, caressing her skin with fingers and lips as he explored. She

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returned the favor as much as he allowed, which was less than she wanted. He trailed

kisses along her inner thighs, the heat of his breath tickling over her damp folds.

“Stop teasing me,” she begged, and his warm chuckle washed over her.

Her hands fisted in the covers under her back, her legs shifting restlessly on the

bed when he finally bent and took her swollen clitoris between his lips. He rubbed his

tongue over it in a slow, sensuous circle then suckled gently before licking his way

down to her opening. He tongued her, working the slick muscle in and out of her in a

dance that teased at what was to come.

“Gilly, please!” she cried, her body shaking with lust.

He gave in with a harsh groan. His mouth ate at her. His fingers probed and

touched every intimate inch of her greedy sex. She panted and moaned, bouncing

between stunted whispers and gasping cries as he took her to orgasm and held her in

the throes. His face glistened with her pleasure when he finally rose from between her

thighs. She was boneless, sure she’d be unable to move even if the entire house was

on fire.

Gilly reappeared almost as quickly as he’d left, condom covering his straining

erection. He settled over her once more, using one hand to guide his length through

her folds until it lodged and pressed inside. Slow and easy, he took her, drawing out

each penetrating stroke.

“So good, Sin,” he whispered at her ear, lips trailing kisses between gasped

words. “You feel like warm silk fisted around my cock.”

She moaned in reply, neck arched back, pressing her breasts against his chest.

He dropped his head and took one tight nipple into his mouth, sucking hard on it

before switching to the other. Her knees grasped his hips, allowing her to lift into him.

His touch remained soft, each stroke no less pleasing for how gently he took her. This

was making love, and it left her emotional in a way she’d never been during sex. Sex

was sex, and she’d always been able to separate physical pleasure from emotional.

Sex was a biological need, and maybe, that was why she’d stopped searching it out a

few years ago. Maybe, she’d already started seeking the one person who would make

her feel more than the physical during sex? Maybe, she’d been waiting for Gilly?

She didn’t realize she was crying until he was there, kissing each tear away.

“Sin?” he questioned, pausing with his cock deep inside her.

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“Don’t stop,” she urged. “I just… It feels so…” She couldn’t voice her thoughts.

There were no words to describe how she felt.

“Shh,” he crooned. “I’ve got you. Let go, baby. Just let me love you.”

How was it possible for them to connect so quickly? This should be nothing

more than a sating of mutual lust. They barely knew each other. Yet, everything had

changed in the last few hours. Gilly rousing emotions and sensations no other man

had ever awoken within her. Maybe, there was something to be said for love at first

sight after all? And wasn’t that even more terrifying? There would be no way to

protect herself from Gilly.

“Gilly,” she moaned, lifting her face to him, needing his kiss as another orgasm


He slid his left arm under her shoulders, dropping onto her so their bodies

rubbed together from chest to groin. He held her to him, his other hand gripping her

hip as he moved just a little faster. His mouth took hers once more, their breaths

mingling as they fought to breathe through endless kisses.

They came together, clinging to one another, lips never completely separating.

He swallowed her cries and shared his with her. He reluctantly pulled back just

enough to drop his forehead against hers.

“I can’t imagine my need for you ever lessening,” he told her.

“I don’t want to terrify you, but I think I’m falling in love with you, Gilly

Marston,” she admitted.

“Terrifying would be if I were the only one tumbling.”

He dropped a kiss on her brow before pulling away, condom intact this time.

“Be right back.”

She watched him cross toward a door that must lead to an adjoining bathroom.

She shut her eyes, listening to the sound of running water as he cleaned up. She was

thinking she needed to do the same, but in the next moment, sleep claimed her.

Gilly walked back in with a warm, wet cloth only to find Sin already asleep. He

cleaned her gently, trying not to disturb her then tucked her under the covers with him

once he tossed the used cloth in the hamper. She curled right into him, one leg lifting

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to lay over his thigh while her head nestled against his shoulder. Nothing had ever felt

so perfect in his life.

In that moment, he knew without a doubt, he would make her his wife. His mom

had always said when he met the right one he’d know instantly. His mother had

always believed in fairytales and happily every after. Her death had stripped that

illusion from her children. Now…well, now, Gilly was starting to believe again.

He closed his eyes and inhaled the scents of Sin and sex. Nothing had ever

smelled better.

* * * *

He knew what she was doing. No matter how much he wanted to think she was

different, that she was special, her actions spoke out against her. She was a whore like

all the others, unworthy of his love and attention. She should have waited, should

have saved her affections for him. Now, he’d make her pay.

He palmed his newly gained keycard to her room as he walked down the

hallway to her door. He was sure to keep his head down, the bill of his cap pulled low

to hide his face from the security cameras. He’d been careful from the moment he

entered the hotel. His face would never clearly show on surveillance. He’d become a

master at hiding in plain sight. Just ask the models and photographers he worked with.

Most would only vaguely remember him. Few cared enough to take the time to know

his name.

He’d expected Sinclair to be different. She’d always smiled, always said thank

you when one of the assistants did something for her. Then again, she’d never referred

to him by name the few times he’d managed to be the one to help her. Maybe, he

should have focused on that more. Maybe, he would have realized who she really was.

He made sure no one was around before sliding in the card and unlocking the

hotel room. He shoved open the door then locked it shut behind him. Rage rode him

hard. He moved toward the bedroom where he planned to make sure she knew he had

been there. He dumped clothes, ripping them with his hands and tossing them

haphazardly when he was finished. Nothing was left untouched. In the bathroom, he

dumped her makeup and smashed perfumes. He used her lipsticks as pens, marking

the mirror and walls with the same blood-red word.

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He wanted the world to see her as he did now, as nothing more than a worthless

woman who willingly spread her legs for a man. That’s what she was. He’d been

fooled, but the blinders were gone. He finally calmed as the last lipstick broke off

against the dresser, leaving off the final letter of what he’d been writing. His gaze

moved over the room. She’d get the gist of it anyway.

Reaching inside his jacket, he took out the pictures he’d brought with him. He’d

taken the first one while she’d slept. The blanket was off, revealing every inch of her

perfect body. It was one he’d framed on his dresser at home. There would be time to

clean up those later, after he’d made her pay for leading him on.

He rubbed his gloved finger over the picture then placed it on the bed. He

reached for his zipper, took his erection in hand then eased the ache that filled him

every time he looked at her. He aimed his release to splash on the bed, on her picture

and the shredded underclothes he’d placed there. When he was done, she’d know

what he thought of her. He took his finger and placed a smear of his release over her

face. Whores deserved no less.

He didn’t care about leaving his seed behind. It wouldn’t matter. By the time

anyone knew who he was, it would be too late.

In the last few minutes, he’d decided she’d still be his. He’d have to purify her

first. She’d be just as beautiful in death as she was in life. Perhaps more so. He

realized now it was the only way she’d ever be his. He’d release her from the life of

sin she’d decided to live. Then he’d follow after her. One way or another, they’d be


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Chapter Eight

Sin had still been sleeping when Gilly had slipped from between the sheets.

He’d had to make a call he couldn’t put off. Otherwise, he would have stayed happily

where he’d been, in bed with her blanketing him. Instead, he’d tucked away his

morning erection as he’d gotten dressed. After his business call had wrapped up, he’d

called Skip to have his brother take over Gilly’s for the weekend. Skip had laughed,

called Gilly a lucky bastard then hung up.

Now, Gilly was making breakfast with hopes of surprising Sin by bringing a tray

back to bed with him. Instead, she walked into the kitchen dressed in one of his shirts

and a smile.

Damn! She took his breath away.

“Morning,” he murmured. “Hungry?” He half-lifted the pan from the burner to

indicate the eggs he was scrambling.

“Starved,” she answered. “Seems I worked up quite an appetite last night.”

He grinned. He’d woken her up twice more after they’d finally gone to sleep to

make love. He’d feel bad, but she’d returned the favor about an hour before he had to

be awake. She seemed as insatiable as he felt.

“Biscuits will be done in a minute. Bacon’s on the plate. Coffee’s fresh. There’s

cream and sugar on the table.”

“It smells delicious,” she said as she moved to snag a cup. She splashed cream in

then topped it with coffee and took a sip. He knew he had it bad when even that was

sexy. Her low moan of appreciation cupped his balls and sent a shiver trailing up his


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She crossed to him, snagging his shirt with her fingers and leaning into him. She

tilted her head up, and he automatically dropped a kiss to her lips as if they’d started

mornings like this for years.

“Morning,” she whispered. “I missed you when I woke up.”

“I was hoping to crawl back in with you,” he said, and her stomach growled.

Sin laughed. “I’m not sure I’d have the energy to do much without food.

Besides, we still have all day. Don’t we?”

“Absolutely. After breakfast, we’ll take the four wheelers out. It’ll be easier to

show you the property that way. Plus, there’s a camera I need to check up on.”

“Camera?” she asked.

“I should show you that, as well. The house and property are like a fortress. I’ve

got perimeter alarms and cameras facing all the main entrances, the back door, front

door, kitchen door, and one in the main room of the house.”

“Are you in danger, Gilly?”

“No.” He shook his head. “Just like to be prepared for anything.”

“So I guess you never have trouble with people knocking on the door to sell

stuff you don’t want,” she deadpanned, making him laugh. “Did Knight’s Watch

install everything?”

“No, I did it all myself.”

“Oh, do you work for Jamison, too?” Sin asked.

“I work with him if he needs me to, but no, I don’t work for him.”

“You were in the military, weren’t you?” she asked.

He nodded.

“What did you do?”

“I was Naval Intelligence.”

“So what did you do?” she pushed, not accepting his half-answer.

Gilly plated the eggs and biscuits then moved toward the table to join her before

he answered. “I was on a ship. There were a few intelligence officers on board. My

main job was to oversee the briefing and debriefing of the pilots and to sift through all

the information gathered from the planes’ radars and other electronic support systems

on board, especially when drones were sent in.”

“Wow,” she murmured. “I can’t even imagine how stressful that would be.”

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He shrugged. “I enjoyed my time in the Navy, but I was ready to come home.”

“So you’re from here?”

“From Oklahoma,” Gilly said. “I went to college then joined the Navy.”

“Why the Navy?” Sin asked.

“Bare was in the Marines, and Skip was Army. Navy seemed like a good fit for


“Do you miss it?”

“No,” he said. “I still dabble in a few things here and there. Mostly decrypting

data chips for the CIA. Sometimes for the FBI. The choice is mine, now. I prefer it

that way.”

“I thought you were sexy before, but knowing you’re probably the most

intelligent man I’ve ever met completely turns me on.”

“Yeah?” he asked with a grin.

“Tell me you read, and I’ll never leave,” she vowed.

“Almost always have a book,” he admitted. “I’m a huge horror fan. Mostly

Stephen King but some Straub and Koontz, as well. Love mysteries and thrillers. I’ve

even been known to read an occasional romance novel. Nora Roberts writes a great


Her smile was huge. “You are an amazing man.”

“And officially all yours since you’re never leaving,” he said with a wiggle of

his brows. “Now, eat before it gets cold then I’ll show you the rest of the house. After

that, we’ll go for a ride. I have quite a bit of land. I like my space.”

“It’s beautiful here. I can see why you chose it.”

“It’s never looked more beautiful than it does this morning,” he whispered, gaze

locked on her.

She reached out and ran her fingers over his cheek. He cupped her hand against

his face then turned to place a kiss in her palm.

“Eat,” he said again, his voice husky from the sensations her touch sent through

his body. He took a sip of coffee and admitted to himself he didn’t want her to leave.

* * * *

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The house held more than Sin had imagined, and the property was filled with

delights, as well. She especially loved the outdoor patio with sunken pool, hot tub and

built-in grilling area. Gilly was a man who liked his creature comforts but didn’t mind

roughing it when needed. There wasn’t anything she didn’t like about the man. He

was almost too perfect. He had a lot of acreage and kept horses on the property. He

also had several ATVs.

He offered her an ATV of her own to ride, but she’d opted to climb on his and

clung to him, arms wrapped around his waist, her chest snug against his back. She

loved having her arms around him, enjoyed the feel of their bodies pressed tightly

together. She’d done her best to seduce him while he’d shown her his land. She’d

rubbed her nipples against his back, let her hands slip lower and lower in the front

until she felt the heated length of him under her fingers. She’d wiggled, lifting up and

settling back down slowly, making sure her body stayed in contact with his as she did.

Finally, she’d pushed him over the edge. They topped a rise, and he pulled them

into the shade of a copse of trees. Her thighs still hummed with the vibration of the

motor after he shut it down and jumped off, taking her with him. He took her mouth

while he stripped her. He had her top bare and her pants and underwear dangling off

one ankle while he was still fully dressed.

“Gilly,” she moaned as he lifted her back onto the ATV so that she sat sideways

with him between her sprawled thighs.

“God, woman. You make me crazy to have you,” he groaned.

He must have planned a similar seduction though, as he pulled a condom from

his pocket and donned it quickly before thrusting deep. She was wet and ready,

eagerly giving around the girth of his shaft.

She should be sore with all the sex they were engaging in, but she wasn’t. He

had a way of making her respond to him, making her so hot that her body almost

sighed in relief when he entered her. She wasn’t sure of a lot in her life at the moment,

but she knew this was right. She and Gilly felt unbelievably right. She wouldn’t

question it or try to define it or obsess over where it was headed. She’d just give

herself to it and enjoy their time for all it was.

They both came with loud cries, unconcerned with the fact they were out in the

open. She could get used to having sex outdoors with Gilly. She was taken with his

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home and the safety it provided to indulge her sexual whims. Complete privacy

wasn’t something she was used to having. It was definitely something she could get

used to.

“I’d planned to talk you into skinny dipping and having sex on the patio,” he

admitted as he tucked away his spent cock and helped her tug her clothes back on.

“Gotta admit, this was better.”

“You can always seduce me on the patio later,” she promised.

He laughed. “Let’s head back, shower then go into town for dinner. Maybe,

we’ll have a midnight swim and the opportunity to make love under the moon.”

“Sounds perfect,” she whispered, accepting the kiss he offered and returning it

with interest.

She ended up showering while he returned a few phone calls he’d missed. The

way he pampered her in the shower before, it was probably a better idea for them to

bathe separately if they had any hope of making it out of his house. She was insatiable

when it came to him. She was already in a robe, towel-drying her hair when he walked


“I’ll be quick,” he said, dropping a swift kiss on her lips and stripping on his

way to the bathroom that adjoined his bedroom.

While Gilly took a quick shower before they headed into town for dinner, she

grabbed the bag she’d stuffed all her mail in then sat cross-legged on the bed, sorting

through it. She snagged the big envelope and ripped it open. She was surprised

Pamela hadn’t blown up her phone yet. The woman wasn’t known for her patience. If

Pamela sent Sin information on a particular shoot, she expected Sin to get in touch

immediately, regardless of where she was.

Sin dumped the envelope out on the bed, noticing at a glance that it was photos

and not documents. Something about them had her grabbing a few and lifting them

up. A startled shriek left her lips followed by a moan of disbelief. That disbelief was

quickly replaced by full-blown terror.

Pictures. Of her. All of them were of her. Alone in her hotel room. Sleeping.

Several were of her naked body hidden only by a thin sheet. One showed her breast

and the curve of her hip on full display.


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Her head jerked up at Gilly’s voice. She blinked at him in shock. He was

dripping water, a towel held around his waist. He glanced around the room, and it

dawned on her he must have heard her cry out.

“Pictures,” she whispered, unable to get anything else out.

She stared with mounting horror at the photos spilled across the bed. Someone

had been in her hotel room. They’d pulled back the covers and taken pictures of her

while she’d been asleep, while she’d thought she was safe. Exhaustion had sucked her

under and held her deep in sleep while someone had done this to her. Nausea hit her

hard, and she dashed for the bathroom Gilly had just vacated, retching until there was

nothing left to come up.

She was shaking when she returned to the bedroom and saw Gilly flipping

through the glossy eight-by-tens.

“I didn’t pose for those,” she murmured. “I had no idea.”

“You’re asleep in all of them,” Gilly stated. “Looks like a hotel room.”

“Yes,” she agreed.

“Someone broke in and took photographs of you while you were sleeping?” He

turned to glance her way then dropped the pictures back onto the bed and crossed to

her. He tugged her against his chest and held her tightly while she shook. “It’ll be all


“How could someone do this? How could I not even know?”

“None of that matters now. What matters is that it will never happen again.

Never. I promise you that,” Gilly swore. “When you’re ready we’ll look at the

pictures and see if you can pinpoint when and where they were taken. Someone had

access to you and your room. We’ll figure that out, and we’ll nail this asshole to the


He sounded so assured, so confident. Not “if” but “when”. His arms were a solid

weight around her, anchoring her in the here and now. She breathed in his fresh scent

and slowly calmed. It was only natural to reassert her independence and take control

of the situation when she did.

She pushed out of his arms and took a small step back, putting distance between

them. “Thank you. I need to call the police. If you give me a ride back to the hotel, I

can call from there.”

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Gilly stared at her for a long moment then shook his head. “I’m not dropping

you off somewhere so you can deal with this on your own.”

“I wasn’t sure you’d want me calling the police to your house.”

“I don’t. I don’t think you should call them at all. Do you really want a bunch of

guys passing around those photos of you?”

She blanched. “They’re police officers not frat boys.”

“They’re also men, and you’re a gorgeous woman.” He sighed. “What I should

say is if the police are involved, they’ll stir the pot and, most likely, tip off whoever

this is we’re looking for. They have to. Not involving them could be a lot safer for

you and might make it easier to find him.”

“Fine. There’s an investigator I’ve had looking into some letters and poems I’ve

been getting. I can call him instead.”

“There’s more?” Gilly demanded.

“I…I’m not sure it’s related.” Her mind screamed that it had to be. She’d felt

something off about the other mail immediately, enough to ask for help.

He tucked his fingers under her chin and tilted her head up. “What was it about

the poems and letters that made you hire an investigator?”

She shrugged, throwing her hands up in front of her. “I don’t know. There was

just something off about them. The way he described me. The things he said. They

made me…” She paused, searching for the right word.

“Nervous? Uncomfortable?” Gilly prompted.

“Yes,” she agreed. “That’s exactly it.”

“Do you have any of them or are they all with the investigator?”

“I have all the originals in storage. He has copies. He never found anything, and

it never escalated past the letters and poems.”

Gilly nodded toward the bed. “It escalated. You just didn’t know it. I’d like you

to give me this investigator’s name and number. I’ll have him send me everything so

we can go over all of it. I’m asking you to trust me. Protecting people—it’s one of the

things I do, and I do it very well.”

“I don’t want to build something with you while playing the damsel in distress. I

want you Gilly, but I want you as an equal.”

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“No, you don’t. Not anymore than I want you as an equal. We’re not equals.

There will always be things you’re better at and things I’m better at. That’s okay.

Hell, it’s perfect. Those qualities are what attracted us to each other in the first place,

without them even being spoken. You took one look at me and saw a strong, confident

guy who turned you on. Don’t punish me for being that guy now when you need me

the most.”

He was right. That was exactly how she’d seen him, and it had made her want

him even more.

“His name is Gary Busley. I’ve got his number on my phone.”

Gilly nodded. “I’ll call him and have him send me everything he has.”

The look on his face said he’d be saying a lot more. She easily read Gilly. He

thought the investigator had dropped the ball. He was probably right, if the pictures

turned out to be from the same person. She glanced toward the bed again, but Gilly

pulled her attention back to him.

“When was the last time you received a letter or a poem?”

“It’s been a while. I thought he’d given up or moved on to someone else, and

that sounds horrible,” she admitted.

“It sounds human,” he countered. “Do you remember anything specific from


“I blew them off at first. Then I got one where…” She looked up with wide

eyes. “He described me on the beach. I remember thinking it was eerie because the

things he went into detail about were things I’d actually done on the beach after a

photo shoot, when I’d thought I was alone. All the poems were mostly sexual in

nature. My body and what he’d like to do. How he’d like to touch me. It


“And your investigator didn’t find anything?”

She shook her head. “He said it was all too generic to trace. Common paper,

common ink, press and seal envelopes. No fingerprints. Nothing to lead in any


“Did he ever go with you on any of the shoots?”

“No,” she admitted. She should have pushed for that but hadn’t.

“Where did you get this investigator’s name?” Gilly asked.

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“One of the other models. She’d used him in the past for something and gave me

his card. I didn’t tell her what I needed him for,” she admitted before Gilly could ask.

“What are you thinking?”

“At best, he’s incompetent. Sounds like he didn’t have the time or resources to

devote, and instead of admitting that, he placated you with assurances he couldn’t

back up. It makes me furious. He took advantage of you. Who else is he doing that


“You’re right.” She grabbed her phone, unlocking her screen and swiping

through her contacts until she found Mr. Busley’s listing. “I’ll call him now and let

him know you’ll be taking over and I expect him to send everything to you ASAP.

Then I’ll let you tell him where to forward it all to.”

Gilly nodded and cupped her face again. “We’ll go grab some dinner while we

wait for him to get it all sent over.”

“It’s late, he might not—”

“He will,” Gilly said, cutting her off.

Her glance veered toward the bed again. “I’m not sure I can eat.”

“We’ll grab something and bring it back here, just in case you change your

mind. Then when you’re ready, we’ll sort through the documents and pictures.


She nodded.

“Give me a minute to get dressed, and we’ll make that call.”

She nodded again, her gaze on him but her mind straying back to the pictures.

The shock was wearing off a bit. Gilly was logical, and that helped to ground her

emotions. He couldn’t hide the rage burning in his eyes, though, and she knew it was

on her behalf.

She gathered up all the pictures and stuffed them back in the envelope. It did

little to help. She couldn’t get the images out of her mind.

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Chapter Nine

It was a long night for Gilly, but he was too angry to sleep. Actually, angry was

too mild a word for how he felt about what Sin was going through. He’d pushed her

hard earlier, pressing her to look at the pictures to see if she recognized anything

about the room. He’d hated every moment of it. Hated the fear and insecurity that had

marred her features but knew he didn’t have a choice. The best way to save her was to

figure out who was behind the pictures. So he had to know where she’d been in each

of them. Only she could tell him that. It had taken a while for her to focus. It had

killed him to see the fresh horror on her face every time they looked at a new photo.

Knowing someone had crept inside her room while she’d helplessly slept made him

want to kill. Finally, he’d pulled her into his lap and held her, stroking her hair and

arm while she struggled to give him the specifics of where and when each photo had

most likely been taken.

He’d carried her to bed when they’d been done and held her, trying to soothe the

worst of her fears with gentle touches and whispered assurances. As soon as Sin fell

asleep, he’d slipped out of bed. He’d had two phone calls to make.

The first was to Malcolm Ciccotori, an unlikely friend he’d made, who

happened to be in LA at the present. Gilly had met the former FBI agent when he’d

tried to recruit Gilly and wasn’t willing to take no for an answer. Eventually, he’d

persuaded Gilly to step in under the radar, to recover and interpret intel for the

government from time to time. That was before a bullet had taken Mal from the field

and led him to an early retirement instead of a desk job.

“Ciccotori.” Mal answered after the fifth ring, his voice gruff and irritated.


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“Gilly.” Mal’s voice warmed considerably. “How the hell are you? And why the

fuck are you calling me so late? Or early? Or whatever the fuck o’clock it is?”

“I’ve got a situation,” Gilly said. “I need your help with something.”

“Well, shoot,” Mal replied. “Count me in. What do you need?”

It said a lot about Mal that he’d volunteered without knowing what Gilly

needed. Something Mal and Seth had in common.

“I need you to check into a private investigator there in LA—or at least, a guy

claiming to be one. Funny thing is, I can’t find a PI license on file for him anywhere,

much less Los Angeles, California.”

“What’s his name?”

“Gary Busley. I’m sending you everything I have on him now.”

“What did this Busley do?” Mal asked.

“A close friend of mine hired him to look into some letters she’d gotten. He told

her it was a dead end, that there was no way to trace them back. Yet with one

generalized search, I came up with six potential names that should have been

investigated, especially since two of them were in direct contact with her.”

“Damn. So are we looking at a money scam or do you think he’s involved?” Mal


“My gut says money scam, but I’m not ruling out any involvement. We called

him last night to have all the letters forwarded to me. He did, and immediately offered

her a refund when I got on the phone. He was nervous.”

“How long ago did you talk to him?” Mal asked.

“Three, four hours ago,” Gilly guessed, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Shit,” Mal grumped, and Gilly heard rustling. “I better get my ass up and head

over there. Hopefully, he hasn’t pulled up shop and run.”

“I’ve got four addresses listed for him. They’re in the file I just emailed you.

He’ll be at one of them.”

“So what’s going on? I take it the letters escalated.”

“Pictures,” Gilly told him. “Ones taken without her consent or knowledge while

she was asleep in a hotel room.”

“Damn,” Mal muttered. “She okay?”

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“She will be,” Gilly stated. He’d see to that. “Let me know if you find anything I

should be aware of.”

“What’s your lady’s name?”

“Sinclair Eisley,” Gilly said.

“The model?” Mal whistled. “You’re one lucky son of a bitch. She’s gorgeous.

I’ll help you find out who’s stalking her. Give me an hour or so to find Mr. Busley

and get back in touch. We’ll decide what to do from there. Hell, maybe, I’ll head to

Oklahoma. California’s getting old. I could use a change of scenery.”

“Anytime,” Gilly reminded Mal as he always did when Mal mentioned coming

for a visit. Mal never did though. He was still self-conscious of his slight limp,

courtesy of a bullet to the knee.

They hung up, and Gilly went back to digging. In his initial search to see if there

were any arrest records that fit similar criteria to the letters, poems and pictures Sin

had received, he’d hit on six men within a seventy-five mile radius of where Sin had

lived in LA. Two of the six worked for the same modeling agency Sin had been with.

One was a photographer named Clay Michaels, and the other was an assistant who

went on shoots and ran errands for the models, photographers and staff. His name was

Oliver Gohring. Both men should have been thoroughly investigated when Sin had

asked for help.

He’d focus on them first then branch out to the other four. He’d keep widening

the search until he discovered the person responsible. Sooner or later, he’d find them.

He made no promises as to what he’d do then.

Armed with a little more knowledge, he made a second phone call. This one to

Seth Gunnerson. Seth was a recent addition to the Knight’s Watch family. Gilly had

met the other man while helping Bare protect his fiancée, Paisley. Something had

clicked between Gilly and Seth, and now, the two were friends. Despite the hour, Seth

picked up the phone immediately.

“Gilly? What’s going on?” Seth asked then listened in silence while Gilly filled

him in on everything. “Damn. Have you called anyone else yet? What do you need

from me? I’m off for the next few days, but I can extend it out for as long as you need.

Jamison won’t have any problem loaning me to you with Sin in trouble.”

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“I haven’t told anyone else here yet. I’ve got another friend checking into the

investigator Sin hired in LA right now.”

“So what’s the plan for me? Need me to fly out somewhere? Or do you think

this creep followed her here?” Seth asked.

“I’m not sure yet,” Gilly admitted. “I know I can’t lock her up here no matter

how appealing that sounds. She wants to tell Andy tomorrow.”

“Andy doesn’t know she had a stalker?” Seth asked then whistled through his

teeth. Gilly agreed. The other woman would be mad as hell.

“She was trying to deal with it herself and didn’t want Andy to worry about


“I can understand that,” Seth said. “So what’s the game plan?”

“I’ve got a consultation at Knight’s Watch tomorrow. I knew you’re off so I was

hoping you could stick close to Sin just in case this whack job did follow her here.

She’s planning to have lunch with Andy then pick up her things from the hotel. She’s

agreed to bring her SUV and the rest of her belongings back to my place. All the

pictures were taken while she slept in hotel rooms. This guy seems to have a knack for

getting into them. Neither of us is willing to risk him getting to her here.”

“How does a man gain access to a hotel room without any signs of a break-in?

Of course, I’m assuming Sin would have noticed if there had been and reported it.”

“I don’t know how he managed it,” Gilly admitted. “But I’ll find out.”

“I’ll be in the building when you two get there. Am I watching from a distance

or eating lunch with Sin and Andy?” Seth asked, not sounding put out by either


“I’m guessing they’ll probably want sister time, but that’s up to ya’ll. As long as

you stick close, it doesn’t matter to me. I want you with her if she goes to the hotel

before I wrap up my meeting. I don’t want her alone there. Not even for a minute.”

“Got it,” Seth agreed.

The phone beeped, letting Gilly know he had another call. The only person he

could think of was Mal. “Hold on a sec, Seth,” he said and clicked over to the other


“Our chicken flew the coop,” Mal announced in lieu of a greeting. “He’s not at

any of the properties. Looks like he packed a bag and hauled ass somewhere. The wall

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safe was left open at one place with a few odds and ends still in it. No idea where our

guy bolted. There’s enough here to hand over to the police though. He had quite a few

scams going. I didn’t find any hidey holes with pictures so if he’s involved, he took it

all with him. Honest opinion is he’s not the guy. He has all the letters and poems

scattered over the top of his desk. For what it’s worth, he made several notes about

them. Looks like he might have tried to start investigating but had no idea what the

hell he was doing. He certainly doesn’t have your skills. Want me to see if I can track


“I do, but I have a couple other names I’d like you to check out for me, as well.”

“The two guys who worked with her?” Mal guessed and didn’t wait for Gilly to

comment. “Give them to me.”

Gilly gave him the two main guys he was looking into, Clay Michaels and

Oliver Gohring. “These are the ones who work for the same company she did. Both

were on the shoots with her and had ample opportunity to slip in and take the pics.”

“Photographer almost seems too perfect of a suspect,” Mal said.

“Sin said to talk to Pamela Winters. She’s the one with access to where everyone

works and when.”

“I’ll be there when the doors open,” Mal said. “Which won’t be for another few

hours, at the earliest.”

“Thanks, Mal.”

“I’m sure I’ll find a way for you to pay me back,” he joked.

“I’m sure you will,” Gilly agreed then hung up and reconnected with Seth.

“I take it that was your other guy,” Seth said as soon as Gilly was back on the

line. “Did your PI run?”

Gilly sighed. “Yeah, he did. I can’t shake the feeling he knows more than he

admitted over the phone. Can’t put my finger on it. Just a feeling.”

“I’ve learned to trust those feelings,” Seth stated.

“Yeah,” Gilly agreed. “Thanks for letting me talk through all this with you. It’s

nice to have a sounding board. I’m going to climb back in bed for a few hours and see

if I can get a little sleep.”

“What time are you two going to head in?” Seth asked.

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“Meeting’s at ten-thirty. I’d like to get there a bit early. Sin wants me with her

when she talks to Andy.”

Seth chuckled. “Hoping you’ll deflect some of the explosion that’s sure to occur.

I can’t see that happening. Andy’s the protective type. You saw how she stepped in

and protected Paisley from press backlash when everything went down with her

mother,” Seth reminded.

“Andy’s a good person to have on your side,” Gilly agreed with a yawn.

“Go get some sleep,” Seth ordered. “I’ll see you in the morning. Let me know

what else you need, and I’m there.”

“Thanks, Seth. I appreciate it.”

“Anytime,” Seth said and hung up.

Gilly headed back to his bedroom, stepping silently into the room. He shed his

clothes in the dark and slipped under the sheet. Sin immediately rolled toward him,

cuddling into his side and lifting one leg up to curl over him. Her hot pussy pressed

against the outside of his thigh, making him bite back a groan. One hand traveled

down his chest until she found his shaft and palmed it, giving it a squeeze.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he rasped, though he enjoyed her attention.

“I woke up just before I heard the door open. I was dreaming about you.”

“Good things, I hope,” he growled, hauling her up onto his chest.

“Erotic things,” she purred, placing open-mouthed kisses along his throat and

shoulder. “I need you, Gilly. I need to feel you inside me.”

“Mmm, yes,” he agreed and rolled until she was underneath him.

He took her mouth, plundering and exploring with his tongue. His hands

touched every inch he could while hers caressed the rigid length of his erection.

“Condom,” he muttered and moved quickly off her to grab one. He was too

close, too primed and desperate to be inside her. He turned back to the bed, wrapper

gripped in his fingers ready to tear it open.

“Wait,” she ordered, already on her hands and knees before him. She reached

out, sliding her fingers around the head of his cock and gently tugging him closer. Her

tongue brushed the crown, flicking over and around the slit where pre-cum already

glistened. She moaned at his taste, and he swore his balls swelled with the desire to

drown her in more.

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“Sin,” he moaned as she wrapped those velvety lips around him and sucked until

the head popped into her mouth. “Baby, I’m on edge here,” he warned.

She hummed, and the vibration traveled down his shaft to settle in his balls. Her

fingers stroked his length while she sucked and milked him. He buried his hands in

her hair and held on, enjoying the way she worked his dick. His pleasure built until

finally, he tightened his grip and tugged at her hair to pull her off.

“Keep that up, and I’m going to come in your mouth,” he warned.

“Mmm,” she moaned, jacking the pleasure even higher.

“I want to be buried deep in your pussy when I come,” he crooned. “Turn that

pretty ass around here.”

She released him with a loud pop that sent another vibration coursing along his

shaft. She held his gaze while she lifted to her knees. She reached for him, pulling him

down for a scorching kiss that had him ready to come all over her. When she released

him, she nipped his bottom lip hard with her sharp little teeth before slowly turning

and easing her body back down until her chest was flush against the mattress.

He made quick work of ripping the rubber open and rolling it on. He palmed her

buttocks, trailing over them before he slipped his hands between her thighs and

pushed her legs wider. He slid a finger through her slit and dipped inside to test her

readiness. She was soaked with desire, already more than ready to accept him. He

pulled back, gripped his dick and pressed it against her opening. With a hard thrust, he

seated himself to the hilt, taking pride in the way she cried his name.

He fucked her hard and fast, unable to hold back. She took it all and still begged

for more. She rocked back into every thrust, pressing him deeper. He could tell from

her choppy breathing and moans she was getting closer and closer. He reached a hand

under her, cupping her mound and finding her clitoris. He rubbed the bud with his

thumb, and as his dick swelled with approaching orgasm, he pinched her clit between

his fingers and gave it a tug.

Sin came with a howl, her body shaking and shuddering beneath him. He rocked

deep three more times and joined her with a yell. He leaned over her, hands pressed

flat to the bed on each side of her as he struggled to catch his breath. She shook,

tremors still working through her as she gasped. She tilted her head slowly to the side

until her gaze met his.

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“You’re amazing,” she whispered.

“We’re amazing,” he corrected.

Taking a deep breath, he eased back, one hand gripped the base of his shaft as he

tugged free of her tight grip. He pulled off the condom and headed toward the

bathroom. He was just washing his cock in the sink when Sin peeked her head around

the doorframe.

“Mind if I come in?”

He shook his head, watching her in the mirror as she walked in behind him. He

grinned as her gaze slipped down to his buttocks.

“I see you looking at my ass,” he said.

“God knows you’ve spent enough time looking at mine,” she countered. “It only

seems fair.”

He laughed. He grabbed the washcloth he’d pulled out and offered it to her

while he towel dried himself. They changed positions, and he watched her gently

cleanse herself. It was…crazy to realize this was a first for him. Never in his life had

he actually shared a bathroom with someone unless they were showering together.

There was something intimate about it, which was a ludicrous thought considering

how intimate they’d just been. Still, it was there, and it cemented something inside

him. He wanted her here, with him, permanently. It was too soon. She had too much

going on. Yet, it felt incredibly right. Sin was it for him. Now, he just had to deal with

whoever was fucking with her and convince her he was worthy of a happily ever after

with her.

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Chapter Ten

They were out the door by eight the next morning. Sin knew Gilly was making

sure they’d have plenty of time to speak with her sister before his meeting. She

appreciated him being with her. It wasn’t that she was afraid of telling her sister what

was going on. It was more that Gilly made her feel as if everything would be okay,

and she wanted him to do the same for her sister. “I’ll introduce you to Seth again

when we get there. He’s going to hang out with you and Andy while I’m in the


“Why?” Sin asked.

“Until we know more about who we’re dealing with, it’s important to make sure

you’re safe,” Gilly said.

“So Seth is sticking with Andy and me when we go out to lunch? Is that really

necessary? I mean the pictures were dropped off at my home in LA. I brought them

with me to Oklahoma,” she reminded before Gilly could respond.

“I don’t want to take any chances,” Gilly said. “Please,” he added. “I need to

know your safe.”

She nodded, giving into him. How could she fault him for putting her safety

first? “I should probably try Milly again.” Gilly had urged her to contact her

roommate to see if she could tell them more about who had dropped off the envelope.

“If I still can’t get her, I’ll call Pamela and see if she knows where Milly is. I don’t

remember if she said she was going on a shoot.”

Gilly glanced at the clock on the dashboard. “Actually, you might want to go

ahead and call Pamela. I’ve got Mal heading to meet her soon about the two men I

told you about.”

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She shivered. She knew the photographer, Clay. He’d always given her the

creeps. He had a reputation for coming on to the models, and one or two had taken

him up on it. She’d caught him trying to snap photos of her once during a topless

shoot. In the actual photos, her breasts were either covered with her hands or she had

her back to the camera. He’d tried to snap one as she’d reached for her robe. She’d

threatened him then called Pamela to tell her she refused to ever work with him again.

Pamela had threatened Clay, saying she would destroy his career if he even looked

crossways at Sin again. She probably would have obliterated him if Sin had asked her

to. Instead, Sin had found herself in the position of protecting him. Had she been

wrong? Had that been all it had taken to make him become obsessed with her? To the

point he was writing letters and poems and sneaking in her room?

The other guy on Gilly’s radar was an assistant like Robbie. The assistants were

essential on a shoot. They helped keep things running smoothly, taking care of the

models, photographers and myriad other people required for one shoot. She couldn’t

place the guy Gilly mentioned, an Oliver Gohring. She couldn’t even picture his face.

Robbie usually worked with her whenever she needed someone. Most often, she took

care of herself since she was pretty low maintenance. She didn’t need much that she

didn’t bring or get herself.

Her phone rang as she reached into her purse to grab it.

“So I have tall, dark and handsome at my desk, wanting information on two

employees due to something going on with you. What’s up? Is this why you left?

Whose ass do you need me to kick?”

Pamela Winters was a no-nonsense woman. Sin didn’t even blink at the

greeting. Pamela had never been one for niceties. They took too much time and most

people didn’t give a damn how you were anyway. It was meaningless fodder thrown

out in passing.

“I’m not sure of everything right now,” Sin said.

Pamela cut her off before she could continue. “So tell me what you do know, or

pretty boy here isn’t getting jack shit from me. Not even a phone number for a hookup


Sin quickly brought Pamela up-to-date on the pictures, the PI, and what Gilly

had found. To say the other woman was pissed was a mild statement. She exploded.

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“How long were you fucking getting these letters? If you needed someone, I

should have been the first fucking person you turned to! Goddamn it, Sin!” She heard

Pamela try to muffle the phone, but her voice was so loud it did no good. Hell, even

Gilly could hear everything she said. “Don’t get your panties in a bind. You’ll get

your information when I’m done talking. Does Andromeda know what’s going on?”

Pamela demanded, obviously speaking to Sin once again.

“I’m heading over to tell her everything now.”

“Good. I’ll check my logs and send Boy Wonder here on his way then do a little

digging of my own. I don’t need your fucking permission to do any goddamn thing I

want to do.” She was obviously back to speaking to Gilly’s friend, Mal, again. “I’m a

grown-ass woman. What are you? Twenty?” Her raspy laugh filtered through the

phone. “The fuck you’re almost forty. Sit down, shut up and wait your turn. You’re in

my office, asking for my help. Show some respect. Now, where was I? Call me after

you talk to your sister. Have your friend send me a few copies of the pictures. I might

recognize the photographer’s style.”

“I didn’t even think of that,” Sin admitted.

“If you’d been thinking, you would have come to me to begin with. I would

have respected you’re desire not to let Andromeda know at first. I would have damn

sure hired a reliable investigator with a valid fucking license. But whatever. Get me

the photos. I’m in the office all day. Use my private line. And for God’s sake, be


Pamela hung up without another word.

“Shit,” Gilly said. “I’m really going to owe Mal for putting up with that


Sin laughed. “She’s a bit much. She runs one of the top modeling agencies in

LA. She didn’t get where she is by being nice and gentle. She’s loud, abrasive at

times, brutally honest and one of the best people I know. She’s also right. I should

have gone to her, but I didn’t want my big sister to know. I was trying to handle it on

my own.”

“I can send her some of the photos when we get to Knight’s Watch if that’s what

you want me to do.”

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“You brought them with you?” she asked, glancing around the car. He hadn’t

been carrying anything with him when they’d left his house.

“Just the less risqué ones,” he promised, nodding toward his cell. “I scanned

them into a secure file, easily accessible from my computer or phone.”

“Yes, send them to her,” Sin said. “She’s got an eye. If it’s anyone who’s

worked for her, she’ll know it.”

He nodded as he parked. He reached into the middle console and pulled out a

parking pass to hang from his rearview mirror. She guessed it had something to do

with the parking meters all along the streets here.

“Ready?” he asked, reaching over to give her hand a squeeze.

“Yeah. What is it about my big sister that always makes me feel like a teenager

who’s just broken curfew?”

“I think it probably has to do with the fact Andy’s more than just your sister.

She’s been a mother figure for you, as well. You don’t want to worry her or

disappoint her.”

“That’s exactly it,” Sin admitted. “I didn’t want her worrying about me any

more than she already does. She’s spent her whole life taking care of me. Even when I

wasn’t with her, she was always there in the background, taking care of every little

thing. I wanted to take care of this on my own. Andy deserves more than a life taking

care of other people.”

“I think that’s Andy’s choice,” Gilly suggested, and Sin nodded in agreement.

They walked inside with his arm around her, hand spread wide at the small of

her back. She liked it, being at his side. It felt natural.

The first person she saw was Seth. She’d vaguely met him at the cookout, but

he’d been content to sit and watch while the rest of them played in the pool. Gilly

introduced him again, stopping briefly to talk to him when they entered the building.”

“I hear you’re joining my sister and me for lunch,” Sin said.

“If that’s okay with you,” Seth said. “If not, I’ll keep my distance. I’ll be close,

but you won’t know I’m there.”

“I can’t imagine a guy your size blending in. I imagine you stand out in a

crowd,” she joked.

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“You’d be surprised,” he said in a tone of voice that made her pause. There was

a sadness about him. It was there in his eyes when a smile ghosted his lips but didn’t

linger or suffuse his whole face.

“You’ll join us,” she said. “Andy and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He nodded then headed down the hall while Gilly led her to the elevator.

“He seems sad,” she said once they were alone.

“He’s a great guy,” Gilly responded. “Someone you can trust.” That was all he

offered, and she let the subject drop without prying.

When they reached Andy’s office, the door was jerked open before Gilly even

moved his hand back from the first tap of his knuckles on the wooden surface.

“What’s going on?” Andy demanded, gaze fixed on Sin. She reached out, jerked

her sister against her and squeezed tightly. “Are you okay?”

Sin threw a glance at Gilly who just shrugged in confusion.

“What’s the matter?” Sin asked her sister.

“I’m sorry,” Andy said with a wave of her hand toward Jamison, Tuck and Bare.

“As soon as I got the envelope this morning, I called them. I don’t have the

connections here yet like I did in LA. I wasn’t sure what else to do.”

Gilly went immediately on alert. “What envelope?” he demanded.

“Here,” Bare said, holding it out to him.

Sin stood beside Gilly, watching him open the flap and slide the sheets out.

Pictures. Two of Sin sleeping and one of Sin with Andy on the day Sin had first

arrived at Knight’s Watch. Sin didn’t catch the last one, only the curse Gilly let slip as

he slid the others back on top.

“Are these all of them?”

Andy lifted a brow and glanced at Sin. “That’s all I’m willing to share.”

“Let me see the others,” Gilly demanded.

“I don’t think so,” Andy countered.

Sin felt as if she might throw up. She looked toward Gilly with panic. “He’s

here. He’s seen my sister. Oh, God. Why is he here?”

Gilly pulled her against his chest and held her tightly. “Shh,” he crooned. “It’s

going to be okay.”

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“He’s here?” Andy’s voice rose a bit higher as anger bled into her tone. “Who’s

he? Are there more pictures?”

“Are the ones you didn’t show of Sin in a hotel room? Sleeping?”

“What the fuck is going on here?” Andy demanded.

Sin pulled herself together and turned around. It was hard to show her sister she

was capable of taking care of herself when she was falling apart instead. She stepped

away from Gilly and forced her spine straight.

“Let me see the pictures,” she told Gilly and held her hand out to him. She saw

his reluctance even though he handed the photos and envelope to her.

“All of them,” she said to Andy.

Her sister’s lips tightened, but she turned to her desk, pulled out another

envelope then handed it to Sin. Sin glanced at those first. She could feel the fear

wanting to take over as she took in the two photos her sister had hidden. Her stomach

clenched with nausea as she felt the vicious violation of this person all over again.

These were worse, so much worse than the ones she’d been sent. These were horrific

in how they exposed her. She was completely unclothed in both of them. In the first

one, she was on her back, one leg slightly bent, showing a clear view of her pink slit.

The other one showed her on her side, both knees up, one pink nipple vividly on

display. She swallowed her nausea down and slid them away once more before

handing that envelope to Gilly.


“I’m fine,” she said, cutting him off. “Those were both from rooms I stayed in at

the shoots I already told you about.” She looked through the other pictures. The

candid shots of her were at the same beach shoot she’d told Gilly about. The one of

her and Andy outside Knight’s Watch tugged at her memory. “There’s something

about this one,” she murmured. “Oh, my God. I think I saw him. There was a guy

taking photos outside while we were walking to the parking garage. I remember

thinking he was taking one of us. Then I laughed it off as my ego talking.” She

glanced up at Gilly. “I saw him here, and I can’t tell you a damn thing about him. I

don’t know his hair color, his build, nothing. I skimmed over him. I remember seeing

him, but I didn’t really see him.”

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“It’s okay,” Jamison spoke up. “If he was outside here, there are cameras. I’ll

have Rusty pull the video feed from that day and go through it.”

“I’m on it,” Tuck said, heading toward the door. Sin didn’t miss the look he slid

over her sister or the way he brushed his fingers over her arm as he passed.

“Maybe, you should fill us in on the full scope of what’s going on,” Jamison

said to Gilly, but Sin’s attention was on the last photo, the one Gilly had tried to hide

from her.

It was another hotel room, but she wasn’t the centerpiece in this one. This one

showed a wall with bright-red lipstick smeared over it, spelling out one harsh word.

Whore. He was calling her a whore. Whatever his intentions before, it was clear to see

his anger now.

She forced herself to stop focusing on the word and really look at the wall. Her

breath caught.

“Gilly.” His name came out barely louder than a whisper, interrupting what

Gilly had been saying to the rest of the room.

“What is it?” he asked.

“This is here.” She pointed to the photo. “This is the hotel I’m staying in here. I

need to get over there.”

“I’m going with you,” Andy said and slid her arm around Sin’s waist. The look

on her face said she dared any of them to try and stop her, even Sin.

Bare moved. “I’ll make a call. Have them pull all video from the time you

checked in. It should show anyone leaving or entering your room.”

“I’ll have the meeting rescheduled,” Jamison stated as Bare slipped out. “Family

comes first.”

“I’m not—” Sin began, but Jamison cut her off.

“You are family, just as your sister is. We take care of our own.” He stopped

beside them. “Don’t be as stubborn as your sister,” he told Sin. “Gilly, why don’t you

walk with me.”

“I’d appreciate a few minutes alone with Sin,” Andy added, and Sin nodded

when Gilly looked at her.

Sin knew what Andy would say.

“Why didn’t you tell me what was going on?” Andy asked when the door shut.

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“I thought I could deal with it myself,” Sin admitted. “I hired a PI to look into it.

I had no idea anything else was going on until I opened an envelope of pictures at

Gilly’s last night.”

Andy opened her mouth then shut it, obviously changing her mind about what

she’d planned to say. “Are you okay?” she asked instead. “And don’t lie to me.”

“I’m terrified,” Sin confessed. “I had no idea anyone had been in my room with

me. What if he…did things to me? Touched me?”

“Is it possible you were drugged at any of the places the shoots took place?”

“I don’t…” Sin stopped. She’d been ready to say she didn’t think so, but she

wasn’t sure. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “If he could get in my room to take

pictures, he could have tampered with the water and sports drinks I favor on shoots.

God!” She wrapped her arms around herself and held tight. “What if he raped me?

Would I even know?”

“I think you might,” Andy countered. “You said you’ve been celibate for a

while. Think of how you feel after sex. Have you felt that way anytime when you

shouldn’t? A soreness you couldn’t explain?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.”

“It doesn’t mean it did, either.”

“I need to make an appointment. I want to be checked out to be safe.” She gave

a harsh snort. “Oh, God. What if I’ve exposed Gilly to something? I didn’t even think

about that?”

“You’ve been using protection, right?”

Sin felt the bottom drop out of her stomach.

“Sin?” Andy questioned.

“The condom broke. Once, but it broke.”

“Shit,” Andy said. “I’ll call my gynecologist’s office and have them get you in

as soon as possible. It’s going to be okay. Chances are he wouldn’t have touched you.

I mean if he were going to, why wouldn’t he have taken pictures of doing that? Or the

aftermath of that?”

“Maybe, he did but didn’t want to share those?” Sin suggested.

“After calling you a whore in that last photo? I can’t see that. I feel as if he

would have shown you being a whore if that were the case.”

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“When did you get the pictures?” Sin asked.

“They were delivered with a bunch of other mail first thing this morning.”


“Here, at Knight’s Watch,” Andy said. “Which makes sense since this is where

he took the picture of us.”

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Sin almost wailed. She felt guilty for wanting

to cry, “why me.” That made it seem as if she’d be indifferent if it happened to

someone else. She wouldn’t wish this on anyone. From letters and poems to pictures

to the possibility of being drugged and raped, her life felt as if it were unraveling

around her.

There was a brief tap at the door, and Gilly pushed it open.

“Ready to head over?” he asked.


“Seth and Bare have already left for the hotel. Seth’s checking out the room.

Bare’s going to look over any footage they might have caught of anyone entering or

leaving your room.” He walked toward her, cupped her chin and nudged her face up.

“It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

She nodded and walked with him from the room, but her head was still filled

with what ifs. The more she thought the sicker she felt. She’d gone from fear to anger

and now, back to fear. She was ready to wake up and have this nightmare disappear as

quickly as it had appeared.

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Chapter Eleven

Seth opened the hotel room door at Gilly’s knock. The look on the other man’s

eyes conveyed just how bad Seth thought it was. His jaw was a rigid line, his eyes

chips of ice. Anger radiated off him in waves, telling Gilly whatever had been done to

the room was bad. Seth threw a questioning glance toward Sin, obviously wondering

if she were up for it. Shit! Gilly hoped she was.

This recent event seemed to have hit her harder than the first one. Unlike earlier,

fear lingered in her eyes. He didn’t like it, hated to see it there and planned to wipe it

away as soon as he could. Of course, he knew why and understood. It was the two

pictures Andy had tried to hide from them. Thinking of some dirtbag viewing Sin like

that, while she was drugged and unconscious, pissed Gilly off. Wondering if the man

had touched her to position her like that made him want to kill. He held it together,

just barely, knowing both Sin and Andy were looking to him for strength and

reassurance right now. Jamison had headed toward the security office as soon as they

entered the hotel, leaving both women with Gilly.

“All the damage is in the bedroom and the master bath,” Seth informed them as

he led the way. “Sorry, Sin. He pretty much shredded or broke everything you had


Her gasp filled the air as they went into the bedroom. There were several small

piles of shredded clothes on the floor. The mirror on the dresser had whore written on

it in bright-red lipstick. The wall had similar words in the same shade. Perfume bottles

were crushed on the floor, and the smell of the combined scents was a bit

overwhelming. Seth stood between them and the bed where Gilly could just make out

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another pile of ripped clothes. He got the impression Seth was trying to shield the

women from seeing something.

Gilly kept his gaze on Sin as she pushed open the bathroom door with Andy

right behind her. Sin’s sister had yet to say a single word, but her face was red with

anger. Just the opposite of Sin’s skin, which was leeched of color, her brown eyes

dominating her face.

“More of the same in there,” Seth said quietly. “Makeup spilled all over the

counter, bottles broken and a lovely slew of words he seems to favor.”

“What are you hiding on the bed?” Gilly asked and moved around him. At the

sight, rage consumed him. His hands fisted at his sides.

The sick bastard had shredded her panties and bras then jacked off on them.

Even worse, he’d left another picture there and made sure to get some of his semen on

Sin’s face in the photo. Hell, it looked as if he’d taken the time to smear it over her

face. The sticky residue of his release was an even worse violation than the property

damage he’d done. “I’ll kill the son-of-a-bitch,” he swore under his breath.

“Bare’s pulled all the footage. He and the head security guard have been going

over it. The hotel agreed to keep things quiet for now. They don’t want the bad

publicity of a break-in in one of their rooms to get out,” Seth said.

“I’ll pay,” Sin said as she stepped out and joined them. Her arms were wrapped

tightly around herself. “It’s my fault. I’ll take care of making things right.”

“Fuck that!” Gilly roared, his anger growing as he saw her jump. “None of this

is your fault.”

“I’ll second that,” Andy agreed, voice hard and cold. “You didn’t ask for this.”

Sin nodded.

“Will you two give us a minute, please?” Gilly asked but knew without looking

Seth would. Andy, he wasn’t so sure of. She slid her gaze between him and her sister

before giving a slight nod and heading out. She stopped to give Sin’s fingers a

squeeze and murmured something to her. Gilly waited until Seth followed Andy out

of the room before walking over to Sin and wrapping her up against his chest. He was

careful to keep her back toward the bed. She was shaking, and he hated it. “What’s

playing out in that mind of yours?”

“I…” She looked up at him and shook her head.

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“I know what you’re thinking,” Gilly said quietly as clarity hit him. She’d been

drugged, posed for those fucking pictures. It was only natural for her to wonder if

she’d been further violated, if she’d been raped. Blind rage wanted to consume him at

the thought. It took all he had to keep his voice calm and soothing. “Chances are he


“He didn’t what?” she asked, but he saw the pretense for what it was. Shame. It

slapped him in the face in the way she wouldn’t meet his eyes, the way she seemed to

pull further into herself. He’d gut the bastard for this moment alone.

“Rape you,” Gilly stated bluntly. It was the only way he knew how to deal with

things, openly and honestly. “The pictures suggest a man who revered you. He

admired your body. Maybe, even worshipped you. They look almost as if he were

afraid to touch you and crack the illusion. Then there are the poems and letter. What

he thought you’d feel like, how he craved you. There’s nothing about how you felt or

tasted. He professed desire with no indication he’d already taken.”

“And this?” She gave a bitter laugh, the sound harsh in the room. “It doesn’t

look like he worships me anymore.”

“You’ve disappointed him,” Gilly said. “If he followed you here, to this hotel,

chances are he saw the two of us together. More importantly, he might have seen me

come up to your room, timed how long I stayed then watched us both leave. You went

from the perfect woman to a whore in one fell swoop. This is obviously not what he

hinted at in his mailings.”

“And now?”

“Now, I’d say he’s capable of anything if he gets his hands on you.” He met her

gaze. “Which isn’t going to happen.”

“You really don’t think he…” She broke off, but he didn’t need her to finish.

“I don’t,” Gilly confirmed. “I’ve worked a few cases with Mal when he was in

the FBI. I’m not a profiler, but I’ve worked with several of them. I’d say this guy

seems to be a classic psychopath. You were most likely on your long dry spell when

he meet you. You became this chaste, perfect woman to him, different from the others

around you. He fixated.”

“Now, I’m not,” she whispered.

Gilly shook his head. “Not to him.”

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“I want to get out of here. Do we need to stay? Can Seth and Bare take care of

this? I want to go home, Gilly.”

His heart stuttered when she said home. Had she even realized she’d referred to

his house as being her home? God, he hoped so. He wanted her to think of it that way.

He hadn’t realized how much until she’d said it.

“Yeah, we can get out of here,” he agreed, turning toward the door.

“Thank you. I just need to grab my case from under the bed.”

She moved while she spoke, and he was too wrapped up in the whole home

statement to move quick enough to intercept her. Her shriek filled the air as she saw

what he and Seth had attempted to hide from her.

“That bastard! That sick, fucking bastard!” She grabbed the edge of the

comforter and ripped it up and over the mess her stalker had left behind. She kept

shoving and rolling until the comforter was half off the bed. She kicked the mattress,

grabbed up a pillow and beat it against the bed, the wall and the dresser.

Gilly let her expend her anger. At least, the fear was no longer sucking the life

out of her eyes. She still trembled, but now, rage stormed through her. He preferred

this fire in her gaze.

“I’ll rip his fucking balls off. I’ll castrate him. Twisted fuck!”

A throat cleared from the doorway, and Gilly glanced over to see Bare, Seth and

another man peeking in. No sign of Jamison, and since Andy hadn’t barreled in at

Sin’s first shout, Gilly suspected she’d stepped out with him.

“Maybe, we should try not to break anything else,” the stranger suggested.

Sin whirled to confront him. “Seriously? You want to know what I’d prefer? I’d

prefer if some sick fucker wasn’t stalking me, snapping photos, breaking in to my

goddamn room and leaving his fucking wad on my shredded clothes!”

No one said a word. They all watched as Sin paced back and forth beside the


“Check and see if my case is under the bed,” she ordered Gilly. “I think I’ve had

enough today. If there’s anything else he’s done, I don’t want to fucking see it.”

“I’ve got it,” Gilly said.

She threw the pillow, knocking over a lamp that fell to the floor with a crash that

made the man who’d spoken earlier wince. Gilly guessed he worked for hotel

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security. Sin must have had the same thought. She stalked across the room and faced

him, shoving past Bare along the way.

“You have a problem with something?” she fumed.

“No, ma’am,” the dumbass said, but it was already too late. Sin was good and

pissed. Gilly preferred it to what he’d seen earlier.

Seth edged closer toward Sin while Bare just watched. Gilly knew perfectly well

that if Sin wanted to hit the other man, Bare would sit back and let her. Gilly jerked

the case out quickly and tossed it onto the stripped side of the mattress. His gaze was

on Sin who stalked the idiot into the other room. The guy must have finally realized

his mistake. Gilly left the case and followed them.

“You know what I have a problem with?” Sin asked but didn’t wait for a reply.

“Hotels with lax security.” She laughed again, the sound a little wild. “I seem to pick

them often. I mean, how else would this bastard get inside my locked room? Unless

you give out keys to anyone who asks. Do you give out keys to anyone who asks?”

“No, ma’am.” The guy looked around as if searching for the closest route to the

door and a quick escape.

“Then how did this man get in my room? Will you tell me that?”

“He stole the card off a maid’s cart,” Bare answered for the man. “They have

master cards that unlock every room so they can clean. He took it, headed straight up

here and came right in. No one saw him. The maid was putting up her stuff for the

night. She didn’t even realize the key was missing. We had to backtrack through

several video feeds to find him. He told her something that had her darting around a

corner to check something out. There’s no audio, so until we can get in touch with

her, we have no idea what he said. He was careful to keep his face away from the

camera. He wore a ball cap and kept it pulled low. There’s one shot of him outside

that gives a slight profile. It’s dark though. They’re working on trying to sharpen the

image more. They should have a copy for you to look at when you’re ready to leave.

Maybe, you’ll recognize him.”

Sin nodded then turned back to the security officer. “I’ve lost almost every

personal item I had in this room because a housekeeper was distracted? I don’t even

know what to say to that. He has a master key to every room in this fucking hotel?

Did anyone think of that?”

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“We’ve switched the master code. If he tries to use the card again, it will only

work on the door to this room. It will immediately trigger a silent alarm that goes

straight to the security office,” the officer assured her. “We’re so sorry this


That seemed to take some of the steam out of her. “Is there anything else you

need from me before I leave?” she asked.

“No, ma’am.” The guy took another step back. “I’ll head down and check on

that photo for you.” With that, he was out the door.

“I should feel sorry for yelling at him like that,” Sin said. “But I don’t.”

“Good,” Seth agreed. “He deserved it. How’s her bag, Gilly?”

Sin turned her full attention on Gilly.

“I set it down. Give me a minute to go check.”

“I’ll do it,” Seth said and headed back toward the bedroom.

“I’m ready to leave,” Sin said again. “I need a shower. A really hot one. I’m not

sure I can wash the stench of this off me, though.”

“You’re going to be all right,” Bare told her.

“I know,” she agreed. “Gilly won’t let anything happen to me.” She reached her

hand out toward him, and he took it, using the touch to pull her close again. He

dropped a kiss on her brow and just held her. She might see it as him offering her

comfort, and he’d gladly provide that for her, always. But the truth was he needed her,

needed to feel her against him. He needed the assurance that she was here with him

and that no matter how twisted and sick this fucker messing with her was, she was

safe and secure in Gilly’s arms.

He glanced up to see Bare watching him with understanding.

“You sticking around here?” Gilly asked his cousin.

“For a bit,” Bare said. “I want to make sure we get copies of all the footage I

looked through. I’ll have Levi work some of his magic to see if he can find anything

they couldn’t.”

“Forward it to me when you can. I’d like to take a look, as well.”

“No problem,” Bare said. “I already planned to.”

“Case looks good,” Seth said, coming out with the small suitcase in his hand.

“He probably didn’t take the time to look under the bed.”

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“At least, I have these,” Sin said, reaching for the luggage. Gilly took it first.

“What’s in here?”

“Swimsuits mostly from my last shoot. A few cover-ups, some flip-flops, some

paperwork, and a few other odds and ends. It’s the bag I took on my last trip. I didn’t

really unpack it. Just left it as it was, put it in my car then carried it up here to grab

suits for the pool party at Bare’s.”

The fire inside her was burning out again. She wilted beside him. He needed to

get her home. He’d pick up something to eat on the way back. She’d probably crash

for a bit after the shower which would give him time to do a little more digging. He

needed to find out who this guy was before he did something else. He’d told Jamison

to stick close to Andy. There was no way this guy would get near Sin at Gilly’s place,

but Gilly took the photo he’d sent of Sin and Andy together as a threat. If he couldn’t

get to Sin, he’d hurt someone she loved.

“Let’s go,” he said and put his hand on the small of Sin’s back to guide her out

of the room. “Anything you need to pick up before we leave town?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I already have most of my favorite stuff at your

house. I’ll have to grab some new clothes and stuff eventually, but not now. I just

want to get out of here.”

They stopped at the security office on the way down, meeting up with Jamison

again. Andy was speaking with the manager of the hotel. Gilly wasn’t sure if her sister

was reading them the riot act or making arrangements to have things repaired. He

didn’t plan to ask either.

Security was still working to get a clear shot of the guy so Bare promised to

send it to Gilly as soon as they did. Seth decided to stay with Bare until they had all

the video.

Gilly and Sin said their goodbyes and headed out. He was as ready to get away

from here as she was.

“I hate Bare staying there,” Gilly muttered as they pulled away and headed back

toward his house.

“Why?” Sin asked.

“I hate intruding on his time with Paisley,” Gilly admitted. “Bare watched over

Paisley for five, long years without her even realizing how much he loved her, and I

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watched him fall a little deeper in love with her one moment at a time. He didn’t date.

He didn’t even look at another woman. It was as if no other woman existed after he

met her. I’m not interrupting him now that he has her, unless there’s no other option.”

“The way you describe him makes him seem really romantic,” Sin said.

“The men in my family tend to like romance,” Gilly said.

“Really? So what’s your idea of a romantic date?”

“Once I know you’re safe, I’ll show you,” he promised. “You’ll need something


“Does that mean you’ll be wearing black tie?” she asked.

He nodded. “I have to warn you. I look sexy as hell in formal wear.”

“I’ve learned you look sexy in anything,” she countered.

“Do you know what I look sexiest wearing?” he asked.


He shook his head. “You.”

She smiled at him and reached over to touch his thigh. He dropped one hand

from the wheel to lace their fingers together, giving her hand a squeeze before resting

them on his leg.

“You’re safe with me, Sin. Whoever this is, he can’t get past my security. That I

promise you.”

“Are you going to catch him, Gilly?” she asked so softly had he not been so

attuned to her he might have missed it. He felt the shudder work through her again

and understood. He couldn’t push aside what he’d seen in her hotel room, either.

“Yes, I am,” he vowed.

“I believe you will,” she whispered then leaned her head back and shut her eyes.

He would catch the man who’d followed Sin to Oklahoma. He’d catch him and

make him pay for what he’d put her through.

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Chapter Twelve

A week passed with nothing else sinister being delivered. Sin had spent the

entire time at Gilly’s house, and though she really loved his home, it was starting to

feel like a cage. She needed to get out, to do something, anything. Gilly was reluctant.

He was sure there’d been no contact because her stalker couldn’t get to her. After him

walking her through all the security measures he had in place, she agreed.

Still, she was going stir crazy at the moment. She practically pounced on the

phone when it rang and caller ID showed her sister’s number.

“Andy, you’ve got to get me out of here.”

“Whoa. What’s going on? Did Gilly do something? I’ll kill that son-of-a-bitch!”

Andy exclaimed.

Sin laughed. “No. He’s been amazing. I just… It’s been a week, and I feel like

all I’ve done is sit and twiddle my thumbs.”

“Yeah, not really your style. But cheer up. How does lunch and some shopping


“Like heaven at the moment,” Sin replied.

“You haven’t even heard the best part,” Andy continued. “There’s a formal

affair tonight. One of the client’s of Knight’s Watch is retiring, and his party is

tonight. We’ve all been invited. He’s a bit of a kook if you ask me, but who the hell

am I to say?” Andy laughed. “So, black tie, and Jamison wants as many of us there as

can attend. Bare and Paisley will be there since the judge thinks it will be really cool

to have a celebrity in attendance. Tuck and Jamison are going. Jagger was the one

who worked with this guy so he’s going. Darren and his wife, Claudia, are going.

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Then me, you and Gilly. I’d say Seth, since he seems to be staying with you and Gilly

so much, but I doubt he’ll attend. He tends to avoid these things.”

“Seth is here now because Gilly ran out to the bar before I was up this morning.

He’s not staying with us, though. This place is a fortress. I don’t think I’d be any safer

if I was locked in Fort Knox.”

“Either way, I’m busting you out. Unfortunately, Seth and Pauly have both been

ordered to join us.”

“That won’t be so bad,” Sin stated. “Seth is great, and the one time I met Pauly,

he seemed really funny and charismatic.”

“Tell Seth to bring you here when you’re ready. We’ll all meet up and head out

together. Jamison will most likely have already texted or called Seth. So hurry up! I’m


“Gilly knows, right?”

Andy snorted. “As if anything to do with you isn’t cleared through him first. I

swear he acts like the two of you are married.”

Sin caught her breath at the thought of being married to Gilly. Her heart

galloped in her chest, and she had to sit down. Holy shit! They’d both been acting like

they were married for the last week. She’d fallen into a routine with him, and it had

seemed so easy, so perfect. He’d headed off to work at the bar. She’d spent the day

lounging by the pool, reading and being completely useless until it was time to start

dinner. Somehow, while she wasn’t paying attention, she’d fallen in love with Gilly.

Completely, madly in love with him, and nothing in her life had ever felt so right.

“Sin? You okay?”

“Fine,” she forced out. “I’m fine, just really excited.” She was. Thinking she

could fall in love with him and knowing she already had were two totally different

feelings. Now that she knew, she wanted to tell Gilly. Instinctively, she knew he

wouldn’t balk at her words. Unless she was totally off base, he felt the same. “I’ll be

there as soon as I can,” she promised and hung up.

“You okay?” Seth asked as walked in, book held in his right hand with a finger

tucked between the pages as if he’d been reading just before seeking her out.

She nodded her head.

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His gaze seemed to take in everything about her as if he were checking to make

sure she’d told him the truth. He was so astute that sometimes, it made her think he

read her the way he did the books he constantly carried with him. She wasn’t used to

being around men who were such avid readers.

“Jamison called,” he said. “I’m guessing that was Andy on your phone?”

She nodded again.

“Let me know when you’re ready, and we’ll head into town.”

She turned, planning to make her way back toward Gilly’s bedroom, and

glimpsed the cover of Seth’s book.

“Are you reading a romance novel?” she asked, unable to keep the surprise from

her voice.

“I finished the book I was reading,” he admitted with a shrug, and a grin ghosted

his lips. “Paisley must have left this one here. It’s a suspense novel, or I guess, it’s a

romantic suspense. Either way, I’m completely hooked. I’ve found a new genre to


She didn’t point out she’d read that author and knew the more erotic bent of her

stories. This was a whole new side to Seth. The more she learned about him, the more

she liked him.

She hurriedly took a shower and dressed, pulling her towel-dried hair back into a

high ponytail. She put on one of the two casual dresses she had then slipped her feet

into a pair of wedge sandals before going to find Seth. She might as well pick up more

things today. Clothes hadn’t been an issue since she hadn’t gone anywhere, but she

needed to replace the items she’d lost. Now was a good time to start.

If she’d thought about it, she could have asked Pamela to grab some stuff out of

storage for her and send them. She made a mental note to do that anyway. She’d tried

to check in with Pamela again but hadn’t been able to reach her the few times she’d

called. If Andy hadn’t heard from Pamela, Sin would call again tonight or tomorrow.

She and Seth met up with Andy and Pauly at Knight’s Watch and immediately

left for the shops Andy suggested. The afternoon sped by, and Sin and Seth were both

loaded down with bags by the time they headed back to Gilly’s.

Sin had found the perfect red evening gown to wear that was guaranteed to have

Gilly eager to get her back home. She’d been surprised when neither Seth nor Pauly

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had balked at going into the lingerie store with her and Andy. Pauly had even

suggested the perfect pieces to go under her dress then turned to do the same for


Sin hadn’t missed the way both men stayed close without hovering. She’d

caught both of them scanning their surroundings often as the group had moved

between shops. They’d avoided the mall, instead going to smaller, upscale boutiques

that probably made it easier for the men to do surveillance.

She’d picked up more than she really needed, but it had been so long since she

and Andy had shopped together she’d been carried away. She had an entire outfit for

tonight’s event plus four pairs of jeans, T-shirts, three pairs of shoes, some cute, baby

doll dresses, two black evening gowns, and some loungewear she’d picked up in the

lingerie store.

Seth grumbled good-naturedly about all her bags as they walked into the house.

Her gaze immediately zoned in on Gilly who leaned casually against the wall as if

he’d been waiting for them, and it hit her again. She loved him. She couldn’t hold

back her smile.

She dropped her bags and ran to him. His face lit with alarm then softened as he

read her happiness. She didn’t pause, instead jumping on him and wrapping her legs

around his waist. He caught her easily, both hands palming her ass as he met her lips

with his and plunged his tongue inside her mouth.

She vaguely heard Seth chuckle and say he was leaving, but her focus was on

her man and how good it felt to be wrapped around him.

“Mmm,” Gilly groaned as he broke the kiss. “I can’t imagine a more perfect

greeting than that.”

She cupped his face with her hands and gave him the words she’d never given to

another man after her father had died. “I love you.”

His pupils dilated as his eyes widened with surprise. Then his lids fell to half-

mast, and he took her mouth again with unrestrained passion. He turned them so her

back was pressed against the wall, locking her in place against him. The rigid length

of his cock pressed into the vee of her thighs, and she wiggled her hips, without nearly

enough friction.

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He pulled away again, dropping his head to her shoulder and breathing heavily

against her throat.

“Gilly?” she asked.

He lifted his head, and she swore his hands trembled where they touched her. He

eased her away from the wall, holding her in place against him then walking them

down the long hall toward the bedroom. He set her on the bed and dropped to his

knees in front of her.

“Gilly?” she said again, a little alarmed that he’d yet to respond to her


“I knew the moment I saw you that I wanted you in my bed. One conversation

and I knew one night with you would never been enough. Then we made love. I think

from that moment on, my heart has belonged to you. Coming here, seeing you in my

home, in my bed, I knew I didn’t want you to leave. I know it’s fast. You and I?

We’ve been in a whirlwind since the moment we met. Everything you’re going

through right now has played a part. Maybe, it’s why we’ve moved at warp speed. I

don’t know. I do know that I love you, Sin. I think I’ve waited my whole life for you

to walk in and claim me. I’m yours, honey. Forever and always.”

She reached for him, unable to do anything else. It was a slow, sensual dance as

they undressed one another between kisses and exploring caresses. Gilly procured a

condom, and Sin snagged it, taking her time tearing it open. She sucked the crown of

his erection into her mouth first, bathing it with her tongue and capturing the smear of

pre-cum off his skin. She worked his length deep toward the back of her throat once

then once more before letting him tug her away. Their groans of pleasure mingled as

she finally rolled the latex on him.

He turned them until her back rested against the comforter and he was nestled

between her thighs. He stroked his cock along her folds, the head tapping her clit with

every thrust. She wiggled, trying to adjust to each glide, greedy to have him sink

inside her. His mouth toyed with her nipples, sucking, licking and nipping without

really satisfying. He merely built her need higher until she was wound tight and

desperate for the one touch to send her over the edge.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered, his tongue flicking out to wet her

nipple again.

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“Inside me, Gilly,” she begged. “I need you.”

“Shh,” he crooned and worked his way down her body. He took a greedy suck of

both her nipples before nibbling over her quivering stomach until his hot breath was

over her sex. She waited with bated breath to feel the slide of his lips there, but he

turned his head and nuzzled her inner thighs instead.

Every exhale he gave was torturous. Each brush of his knuckles as he stroked

her everywhere but where she needed it was like a lick of fire over her sex. She ached

for him.

“Gilly, please!” she begged again, both hands diving down to lock in his lush


He gave in with a grunt, dragging his tongue up her slit and rubbing it over her

distended clitoris. She cried out, jerking her hips and lifting to meet his mouth. He

pressed her back firmly and held her there while he feasted on her. There was no part

of her sex that didn’t feel the caress of his lips or the flick of his tongue.

“You taste so good,” he moaned. “I could eat this sweet pussy forever.” He

pressed two fingers into her channel, thrusting them in rhythm with the strikes of his

tongue against her clit. “I love how slick you get, how you soften just enough for me

to slide in and feel you pulse around me. My fingers.” He pumped them in and out.

“My tongue.” He replaced his digits with the wet stroke of his tongue wiggling inside

her and rubbing along her inner walls. “Or my cock.” He rose above her, used one

hand to guide his shaft to her opening and slowly pushed deep.

“Yes!” she cried out as they moved together. She met his mouth with hers and

reveled in the taste of her pleasure on his lips and tongue.

He edged her up again and again but always left her dangling on the precipice

without allowing her over, without allowing her to fly. Her nails sank into his

shoulders. Her legs wrapped around the backs of his thighs. She clung and held,

meeting each thrust with the rise of her hips. When she finally came, he was with her

every step of the way. She cried his name as he moaned hers, his penis jerking as he

spilled into the condom while her sex squeezed and released around him. Long

moments passed before either of them could move or speak.

“I talked to Andy today about a local doctor here in town,” Sin said.

Gilly lifted his head and gave her a curious look. “Anything wrong?”

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“I should probably have another complete checkup, but I also want to get on the

pill.” She held his gaze. “I’d like to feel you without the condom between us. Just you

and me with no barriers,” she admitted.

He groaned, and his softening penis jerked inside her. He reached down to hold

the condom while he pulled out then stood to wrap it in a tissue and disposed of it in

the trash beside the bed.

“What do you think?” she asked when he didn’t respond.

He turned back toward her, and she caught her breath at the sight of him hard

again so soon. “I’d say my dick speaks quite plainly on how incredible that sounds.”

She came up onto an elbow and licked her lips. “Maybe, I should show you how

excited I am for that,” she offered.

He groaned, grasping his cock. “As tempting as that sounds, if we don’t hit the

shower, we’ll be late. I wish I’d never agreed to attend this party, but I knew you

needed a night out.”

She rose to her knees on the bed, and he surprised her by scooping her into his

arms and carrying her to the adjoining bathroom.

“I am looking forward to it,” she told him.

“I’m looking forward to coming back here and hearing you tell me you love me

again and again.”

She smiled and kissed his cheek just by his ear. “I can tell you that while we’re

there,” she whispered. “I love you, Gilly. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love


He groaned and set her on her feet by the shower. “Tell me again,” he


“I love you,” she said, and he took her mouth in another heated kiss. She felt his

reluctance when he finally broke away.

“I love you,” he told her. “Remember that when you get angry with me.”

She laughed. “When I get angry with you?”

She searched his face, and it hit her. He’d gone to Gilly’s several times this

week without taking her with him. He’d told her he wanted her safe, and his house

was the safest place for her. She’d never questioned that.

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“What happened? What haven’t you told me?” she demanded, hands falling to

brace on her hips.

“Damn, you’re gorgeous when you’re mad.”

“Oh, hell, no,” she told him. “That won’t work with me. What’s going on


He sighed. “There was a fire at Gilly’s earlier this week. I’ve been meeting with

the fire marshal over the last two days to figure out what happened. He’s determined it

was arson.”

“Oh, my God!” Her hand flew up to cover her mouth in shock. “He’s targeting

you now, isn’t he? He can’t get to me, so he’s attacking you.”

“Or punishing me for taking what he thought was his,” Gilly countered. “Either

way, it doesn’t matter.”

“It does,” she argued.

“It doesn’t. He can do whatever he wants to that bar. As long as no one is hurt, I

don’t give a shit. It’s just a building. It can be repaired. Hell, it can be rebuilt if it

comes down to it. You can’t.”

“I hate this. Hate that whoever this asshole is, he’s doing this to us.”

“He’s unraveling. He was sloppy at the hotel, leaving semen behind. At the bar,

he cut himself. It looks like he tripped and slammed into the wall. There was a minute

amount of blood and even a few hairs. They dusted for prints, but there were too many

there to differentiate. Still, we have enough DNA to nail this guy to the wall once we

find him.”

“No more secrets, Gilly. I know you want to protect me, but I need to know

what’s going on. All of it.”

“You’re right. This is hard for me. I’m used to stepping in and taking charge.

I’m a protector, and there’s no one in this world I want to protect more than you. You

were bored this week, but you weren’t afraid. I don’t ever want to see that fear in your

eyes again.”

“Don’t be so focused on me that you don’t protect yourself,” she warned. “I just

found you. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t,” he assured her, dropping a kiss on her brow. “Let’s take a shower

and get ready. I won’t keep anything else from you, honey. Promise.”

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She stepped into the shower and felt the warmth of him behind her as he joined

her. It seemed natural when he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back

against his chest. His lips nuzzled her brow, and his lips brushed her skin. They’d

weather this. She didn’t doubt that one bit. She just prayed her stalker was caught

before he did more damage.

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Chapter Thirteen

Gilly held Sin close as they swayed to the music. She fit perfectly against him,

as if they’d each been crafted with the other in mind. He’d schmoozed for a bit,

listened to Judge Grey’s prattling speech then gladly swept Sin onto the dance floor

when the music had begun.

She looked amazing in her dress. The red made him think of her hot bikini and

had him anxious to see what if anything she’d slipped on underneath. She’d gone to

another bedroom to get dressed, saying she wanted to surprise him. He’d been

tempted to go ahead and undress her to find out but knew she was looking forward to

the night out.

“I could dance with you all night,” she whispered as a photographer inched

around the edge of the floor, snapping photos of the couples on the dance floor. Each

flash made him remember the man they were trying to find. He was proving to be far

more elusive than he should have been.

“I could manage that,” he agreed as he nuzzled her ear. “Maybe, we can move it

to a more private venue though?”

Her laugh was low and husky. “Are you asking me for a private dance, Mr.


“Are you offering?” he countered.

“Maybe,” she said and winked flirtatiously at him.

She was playful tonight, flirting openly with him and only him. He found he

loved every moment of it. She was his, and he wanted the world to know it, especially

one particular sick fuck who thought he could harm her.

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Her fingers danced across Gilly’s shoulders, drawing his attention back to her,

and he pressed her closer against him. He couldn’t keep his hands and mouth off her.

It was as if hearing her say she loved him, saying the words back to her, had opened

some floodgate of need he hadn’t realized he’d been holding back. He’d always been

an affectionate lover, but this was beyond that.

Earlier tonight, the judge had asked Sin to dance, and Gilly had almost come

unglued. Possessiveness wasn’t normally in his nature. Maybe, it was her situation,

but he didn’t think that was all it was. He was just different with her. She didn’t seem

to mind. Other than that one dance and a short trip to the bathroom with her sister and

Paisley both joining her, she’d been at his side since they’d arrived.

There were several of the Knight’s Watch outside, watching the perimeter in

case Sin’s stalker tried to get to her here. Gilly almost wished he would. He knew Sin

was just as tired of this waiting game as he was. She hated being cooped up at the

house, and he realized it. Still, it was the safest place for her right now. Even she had

to admit that.

They stayed late, dancing and laughing. Their picture was snapped by every

photographer the judge had hired, and there were plenty of them. Gilly was prepared

to stay the entire fucking night. Then she cuddled up to him.

“Ready to take me home?”

“Whenever you’re ready,” he assured her.

“I think I’ve had enough socializing. I want to go home and let my man strip me

out of this dress and make love to me.”

“That can definitely be arranged,” he promised with a growl.

“Now, all I have to do is find him,” she teased, earning a nip from his teeth on

her neck that had her groaning and rubbing against him.

“Keep that up, and we’ll really give this crowd a show.”

She snickered, slipped her hand into his and led him around as she said goodbye.

He met Bare’s gaze and saw the slight nod while Paisley and Sin were talking. They

hadn’t seen any sign of the stalker. Gilly had been certain Gohring would at least try

to get to her here, and they’d have been ready for him.

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Andy joined them with Jamison at her elbow. Tuck had slipped away earlier to

help outside. Gilly had watched Sin watching them all evening. Andy had danced with

both men several times. She’d also danced with Jagger, Bare, and even Judge Grey.

“We’re heading out,” Sin told her sister. “Do you have a ride home?”

“I’ll take her,” Jamison said immediately.

“Thanks,” Sin said. “I’m worried about her.”

“I’m a big girl,” Andy stated. “I can tie my shoes and everything.” She took

Sin’s hand in hers. “Did you have a good time? I saw you two dancing.”

“It was a wonderful evening. I’m starting to feel like Cinderella though. It’s

close to midnight. Much longer and I’ll turn into a pumpkin.”

“Mmm,” Gilly murmured close to her ear where no one else would hear him.

She flushed a pretty pink, causing speculative looks to be cast his way. He ignored

them, staying completely focused on her.

“I hear you,” Andy agreed. “I think my feet might fall off if I don’t get home

and out of these shoes soon.”

They all glanced down at Andy’s feet and the stilettos she wore. They looked

similar to Sin’s. Gilly wasn’t sure how they even walked in shoes like that. They

looked like torture devices.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” Sin said and leaned in to kiss her sister. Jamison got a

hug then they finally headed out the door.

He stayed vigilant all the way to the car. He knew the others were watching,

could feel the eyes on them as he walked Sin toward where they’d parked. Still, he

was taking no chances.

The trip home was quick. She leaned across the console, resting her head on the

outside of his shoulder as he drove. He was sure she had fallen asleep by the time he

pulled in front of the house.

“Thank you for tonight,” she said when he turned off the car. “I really did have a

great time.”

“I’m glad,” he said, whispering a kiss over her lips. “We’ll have to do it often.”

“You really are Prince Charming, aren’t you?”

He snorted. “Not by a long shot, but for you, I’d try. I’d definitely try.”

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He dropped another kiss then went around the car to open her door. He helped

her out, shut the door then swept her up into his arms.

“Gilly! I can walk.’

“I want to carry you,” he said.

He sat her down briefly to open the door and reset the alarm code after they

were inside. Then he lifted her again and made his way down the hall to the bedroom.

“I’ve been waiting all night long to undress you,” he admitted.

She grinned. “I’ve been waiting for you to.” She turned and offered him her

back. He slowly eased down the zipper, eyes glued to each new inch of skin the

parting material revealed. He saw black, a mixture of lace and silk that hugged her

flesh. Lace bands held her stockings up on her thighs. He had no idea how she’d kept

them up all night without one of them sliding down her thighs. She turned, and he

groaned aloud. Her breasts were beautiful, the lush mounds practically spilling over

the cups while her nipples played peek-a-boo with the lace. Her panties molded

against her sex, and he saw the tease of moisture dampening the fabric. It made his

mouth water to taste her.

“God, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” he whispered huskily.

“And yours,” she added. “I’m all yours.”

“Come here,” he ordered.

He lifted her again, this time so that she could wrap those long legs around him

and hold tight. He cupped her ass and couldn’t resist dropping his head to pepper

kisses over her chest. She flung her head back, undulating against him. He felt the

tickle of her hair over his fingertips and turned in a rush, taking her to the bed and

rising over her.

They fucked, wild and ravenous as if it had been ages since the last time they’d

come together. He barely remembered the condom, donning it just in time. As heady

as the thought of slipping inside her unsheathed was, he would never do it without

them discussing it beforehand. Rationality sometimes didn’t exist in the heat of the

moment. God knew Sin alone had the power to make him stop thinking at all.

“Gilly!” His name tumbled from her lips as she climbed higher toward orgasm.

“I love you,” he whispered and felt her clench around him as she reached her

climax. He thrust faster, pumping his cock while she squeezed and milked him. When

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he came, it was her name being bellowed to the rafters. In that moment, no one

existed beyond the two of them, and for just a little while, Gilly’s world was utterly


* * * *

Gilly slowly eased away from Sin’s naked warmth early the next morning when

his alarm buzzed, letting him know someone had come through his gate. Only a select

number of people knew the code, so he wasn’t worried. Other than those few, no one

else would be able to get it. He tugged on jeans, zipping and snapping them. He took

one last lingering look at Sin cuddling up to his pillow and reluctantly headed out of

the bedroom. He arrived at the front door just in time to see Bare pull up and park.

“What’s up?” he asked as soon as Bare stepped inside.

“This was left for Andy. Messenger service. The guy had no clue who sent it.

We’re waiting to hear back from the manager of the delivery service. Tuck was at the

office and intercepted it so Andy hasn’t even seen it.”

“Fuck! More pictures?” Gilly took the envelope and opened it in the hallway. A

stack of glossy eight by tens spilled into his hand. “Shit! He was there? How did we

miss him?”

“There were several photographers there last night,” Bare reminded him. “Judge

Grey seems to like his picture taken.”

“Yeah, there’s something off about that guy,” Gilly said with a grunt as he

looked through the photos. They’d been great shots before they’d been messed with.

His head had been blacked out of them. Sin’s features had been altered until she

appeared almost garish. Her makeup had been darkened, and her dress was so bright a

red it hurt to look at it. What really disturbed him was the splash of red at her neck

and breast in the photos, indicative of her being shot or slashed in some way.

“The judge?” Bare asked as they moved toward the kitchen. He started coffee

while Gilly went through the photographs.

“Yeah,” Gilly answered absently. “Did you notice the daughter? Candace, I


“Candy,” Bare said. “Paisley talked to her several times. What about her?”

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“Did you see how she avoided her dad? She tried to keep as much distance

between them as she could. The one dance she had with him, she seemed stiff and


“I noticed that. Jagger seemed uncomfortable, as well. He left within the first

half hour. Stopped in, made an appearance and left. He hasn’t said much, but it’s easy

to see he doesn’t like Judge Grey.”

“Someone should find out why,” Gilly said. “I want a list of every photographer

working last night. This fucker was right there under our noses the whole time.”

“Already on it. Levi’s poring over the list as we speak. He’ll narrow it down and

get in touch.”

Gilly nodded, looking through the pictures again. “I hate for Sin to see these.

Shit, we had a good time last night. I don’t like the thought of those memories being

tarnished by this shit.”

“So don’t tell her,” Bare suggested.

“No secrets,” Gilly replied. “I promised her that after I told her about the fire at


“Sounds like things are getting serious.”

“She told me she loves me,” Gilly admitted.

Bare straightened. “And you?”

“I’m over my head in love with her,” he confessed.

“Damn,” Bare said, a grin taking over his face. “Damn,” he repeated then

grabbed Gilly, pulling him to his feet and hugging him tightly. “I’m happy for you.

Both of you.”

“She’s…” Gilly shook his head, not knowing how to define exactly what Sin

meant to him.

“She’s your Paisley,” Bare said.

Gilly nodded. “She’s my Paisley.”

“I wish your mom was here to meet her. She would have loved Sin.”

“She would have,” Gilly said. “After all this settles down, I’ll give Dad a call.

I’ll see if he and Ginger will come for a visit. I’d like them to meet Sin.”

“It’ll be good to see them,” Bare agreed.

“See who?” Sin asked as she entered the kitchen.

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She’d put on one of the lounging outfits she’d picked up when she’d gone

shopping yesterday. The pants were a cross between sweats and yoga pants, not quite

as form fitting as the latter but not as loose as the first. She’d paired them with a tank

that showcased her perfect breasts and had his palms itching to cradle them. God, he

wanted nothing more than to go caveman on her, toss her over his shoulder and cart

her back to the bedroom.

“I was talking about inviting my dad and sister for a visit,” Gilly said.

“That sounds great,” Sin said, helping herself to a cup of coffee from the fresh-

brewed pot. She poured a cup for Gilly and carried it to him.

He met her with a kiss, not caring that Bare was there. He needed the taste of her

on his lips more than he needed the coffee. “Morning,” he whispered at her ear.

“Morning,” she answered, dropping another soft kiss on his lips before moving

away with her cup cradled in her hands. The smile on her lips faltered then

disappeared when her gaze fell on the photos. “He was there?”

Her cup hit the table with a thud, coffee spilling over the brim as she freed her

hands to reach for the photos.

Gilly watched her face as she went through them. Anger. She went through them

again. A glimmer of fear she quickly smothered.

“He painted me to look like his current image of me,” she said. “The red’s

similar to the lipstick he used on the walls and mirrors of the hotel. He painted me as a

whore instead of splashing around the word this time.”

“I noticed the color choice,” Gilly told her and found himself moving around the

table toward her.

“How did we miss him?” Sin asked.

“He blended in,” Bare said. “He had to be one of the photographers at the event.

We were on the lookout for anyone outside, trying to get in. We didn’t think about

him already being there.” He held his finger up as his phone rang.

“Locke,” he answered, his gaze going to Gilly. Levi, he mouthed.

“Levi’s checking the photographers who were working last night,” Gilly

explained, slipping an arm around her.

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Sin nodded and handed him the pictures, picking up her coffee again. Gilly

shoved them back in the envelope they’d been in and dropped them back onto the

table. He ran his palm up her back. She glanced up and met his gaze.

“He’s not going to touch you,” Gilly swore and felt her relax against him. She

set her coffee back down and turned into his chest, letting him wrap her in his


Bare ended the call. “One of the photographers didn’t show up last night.

Another guy showed up, saying he was sent as a replacement. The judge’s staff had

no reason to question him, so they let him in. The original photographer was found

dead just a few hours ago. He was shot.”

“Oh, my God,” Sin gasped, her head whipping up to stare at Gilly. “He killed

someone to get to me.”

“Not your fault,” Gilly stated firmly.

“There’s more,” Bare warned. “The name this guy gave last night was Robbie


Sin shook her head, pushing away and turning to include Bare in her refute. “No.

I would have known if Robbie was there. I’ve known Robbie for years. He’s not

capable of this. He’s dating my old roommate. He moved in when I moved out.” Her

eyes widened. “I need to call Milly and make sure she’s okay. Shit! I tried to get in

touch with her to see if she could tell us more about the man who dropped the pictures

off in the first place, but I never even thought about her being in any danger. How

stupid am I?”

She barreled out of the room without another word, and Gilly knew she’d

headed toward the bedroom where her phone was charging. He let her go. He’d come

to the realization that she did much better when she was focused on someone else and

their safety instead of her own. He hoped Milly wasn’t in any danger. He knew Sin

would blame herself if anything happened to her roommate.

“Anything else?” he asked Bare.

“Levi’s digging for more. What about you? Did Robbie Morgan come across in

your search?”

Gilly shook his head. “But another guy did, one who does the same job for the

modeling agency. They were both in a position to have access to Sin’s rooms during

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shoots. The other guy’s name is Oliver Gohring. I gave his name to Malcolm to look


“You think he’s the guy?”

“At the moment, I’d lay odds on it,” Gilly stated. “There was something about

him from the beginning that kept making me look at him. He has three restraining

orders against him by women who said he stalked them. He had an arrest for putting a

camera in his shoe and filming women changing in dressing rooms. The boyfriend of

one of the women caught Gohring in the act. No time served. Community service.”

“What the hell?”

Gilly’s eyes widened. “He had a connection. Shit! Why didn’t I make the

correlation before?”

“What? What correlation?” Bare asked, following Gilly has he headed

downstairs to his office and computer.

Gilly’s fingers flew over the keyboard as he explained. “There was a PI who

helped Gohring. They tried to say he didn’t know there was a camera in his shoes. The

police were never able to find any tapes. Gohring claimed he was used without his


“What does that have to do with connections?” Bare asked.

“He was working with a PI. What do you think the odds are it’s the same PI Sin

hired to help her?”

“Fuck me,” Bare said, with a shake of his head.

“Milly’s not answering. Pamela’s not answering. No one is answering, and I’m

starting to freak out since we know he’s not opposed to killing others to get what he

wants,” Sin said as she joined them.

Gilly held his hand out to her as he stood up from his desk. “I think I might

know who this guy is,” he told her. “I need to call Mal, have him check something out

for me.”

“Who? Who is it?” she asked.

“Oli—” His phone rang and as soon as he saw Mal’s name he cut off and

answered it.

“I think I—” Mal began but Gilly spoke over him.

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“Oliver Gohring and Gary Busley,” Gilly said immediately. “There’s a

connection there, and if I’m not mistaken, Oliver is the one stalking Sin.”

“Bingo,” Mal said. “I’m sitting here at the police station with good ol’ Mr.

Busley now. He’s just a fountain of information. Oliver is his nephew. The two

cooked up a nice little scheme. Oliver sets up the models to think they’re being

stalked then suggests Gary helps them out. Seems everything was going great until

Oliver fell for your lady friend and became obsessed with her. She wasn’t supposed to

be one of their marks. Gary here said Oliver was pissed when he found out she’d hired

Gary to find him. I…uh…Gary was lying low at Oliver’s place. The photos. Shit.”

“Nudes?” Gilly asked and saw Sin blanch and close her eyes.

“Not just that,” Mal said. “Close-ups. He was quite enamored with her body. I

also found a stash of sedative drugs. Great way to make sure the person they’re given

to sleeps deep.”

“Fuck,” Gilly said between gritted teeth. “Does Busley know where this asshole

is staying here?”

“He says he hasn’t talked to Oliver since he headed to Oklahoma.”

“Let him know his nephew shot and killed a man sometime yesterday. If Busley

knows anything, he’s an accessory to murder.”

“Hell,” Mal muttered, and Gilly heard him relay the information. Busley started

shouting he didn’t know anything about a murder. It didn’t sound as if they’d get

much more out of him. It didn’t matter to Gilly. He had all he needed. Oliver

Gohring’s time of hiding was coming to an end. Now, they knew who he was. They

had his DNA. It was just a matter of time.

“Call me if you get any more out of him,” Gilly told Mal then glanced at Sin.

“And if you get a chance, can you check in with Pamela again? She’s not answering

her messages. Sin’s roommate, Milly Anderson, too. Sin said Robbie Morgan’s been

dating Milly and moved in when Sin moved out.”

“Got it. I’ll check on them as soon as I leave here,” Mal assured him.

“Thanks,” Gilly said.

“Talk to you soon,” Mal promised and hung up.

“Oliver Gohring’s the one?” she asked as soon as Gilly put his phone down.

“You’re sure?”

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“Positive,” Gilly told her.

She shook her head, obviously frustrated. “I can’t place him. There’s no image

that comes to mind when I hear his name.”

Her phone rang before he could respond.

“It’s Milly,” she said. “I need to take this.”

“I know you do, baby. Go ahead. I’ll be right here when you’re done,” he


She leaned in to kiss him then turned and stepped out of the office as she


“How is it this guy was close enough to slip into Sin’s room, but she can’t place

him?” Bare wanted to know.

“Sin said she mostly took care of herself on shoots. If she needed something, she

asked Robbie because she knew him and felt comfortable around him. She said there

was another guy who worked with the models, but she didn’t know much about him.”

“Oliver Gohring?” Bare guessed, and Gilly nodded. “The poems and letters,


“I’d think so. Seems he and Busley, who’s his uncle, had quite the scam going

there. Oliver set up the models, and Busley milked them for money while searching

for the person responsible.”

“So was Sin a setup, too?”

“I don’t think so,” Gilly said. “Busley seemed to think so, but Sin got Busley’s

name from one of the other models. According to what Mal found out, Gohring never

planned to involve his uncle with her.”

“I’ll call Levi and give him the name. We’ll get a photo out to all law

enforcement. There won’t be anywhere this guy can hide now.”

“Which might make him desperate,” Gilly said. “Desperate men do stupid


“So keep Sin under lock and key,” Bare stated.

“What if it’s not Sin he goes after?” Gilly asked.

“I’ll call Jamison and make sure he or Tuck is with Andy until we find this guy,”

Bare said.

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“The hairs on the back of my neck are bristling,” Gilly said. “I’ve got a really

bad feeling.”

“We’ll lock down and close our circle tight,” Bare promised. “He won’t get to

Sin or Andy.”

Gilly nodded, but Bare’s vow didn’t ease the tension in him. The words he’d

spoken earlier repeated in his head like a mantra of doom. Desperate men do stupid


Sin walked back in. “That was Milly. She and Robbie are fine. They’re in

Vegas. They got married. I wished them the best and said I was just checking in to

make sure she didn’t need anything with the house. I didn’t want to dampen their

bliss. I’m sure they’ll hear soon enough.” She headed toward Gilly and stood beside

his desk. “Now, who is this Oliver Gohring? Work your magic and find me a picture.

Maybe if I see him, I’ll recognize him.”

“It’s worth a shot,” Gilly told her and sat back down at the keyboard.

“Why would a guy I don’t know do this? I don’t think I’ve ever spoken to him,”

she said. “Why would he be obsessed with me?”

“Why wouldn’t he be?” Gilly countered. “You’re a gorgeous woman, both

inside and out.”

“Maybe, you smiled at him in passing one day, or he saw you being nice to

someone else,” Bare suggested. “It could have been any little thing that put you on his

radar then he took it to a whole other level. People like this don’t take much. It’s

nothing you did or didn’t do. It’s all in his head. Remember that. You’re not to blame

for anything.”

“Did you find a picture yet?” Sin asked Gilly.

Gilly typed on his computer, and eventually, Oliver’s picture popped up.

Ordinary looking guy. Light-brown hair, brown eyes, average height and build.

Nothing to make him stand out in a crowd. She stared at the picture for a long time,

and Gilly could see her trying to place him.

“I might have met him a few times,” she said. “If I did, I don’t remember.

Shoots are busy. There are so many people involved behind the scenes. It’s impossible

to keep track of them all. I had specific ones who worked with me, and I know all of

them by face and name. He wasn’t one of them.”

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“Mal found this guy’s house, Sin. He had pictures of you. Close-ups of your


“Oh, my God,” she whispered, and he stood, reaching out to take one of her

hands and link them together.

“He also had drugs. Sedatives that could have been slipped into your water to

make sure you slept soundly and didn’t wake up.”

Her free hand covered her mouth, and he knew what she was thinking.

“Don’t,” he said, pulling her against him. “Chances are, if he had, he’d have

explicit pictures of it, and Mal would have mentioned that first thing.”

“Andy suggested the possibility of drugs, and she said the same thing about him

taking pictures if he’d done more. I just didn’t think there was a real chance of me

being drugged, I guess.”

“We know who he is now,” Gilly reminded her. “It’ll be much easier to track

him at this point. With just a few keystrokes, I’ll have access to his entire life,

including finances. I’ll know where and when he’s used his bank or credit cards. I’ll

be able to lock onto his phone, too, and the first time he uses it, we’ll have him.

We’ve got him, Sin.”

“I hope so,” she said. “I’m tired of waiting to see what he’s going to do next.”

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Chapter Fourteen

Three days. That’s how long it had been since they’d discovered Oliver Gohring

was her stalker, and they still hadn’t found him. Somehow, he’d manage to go

underground. Gilly had flagged all of Oliver’s accounts as being stolen, so if he tried

to access any of them, it would send an alert to notify the police. Pings sent to his

phone didn’t go through. It was offline, meaning he was either sticking with landlines

or more than likely had a disposable. Sin was back to pacing Gilly’s house and slowly

going crazy while she waited and waited. She was so fucking tired of waiting. Though

Gilly wouldn’t complain, she knew he had to be, as well.

Mal had been in constant contact as he dealt with things in LA. Sin had spoken

with him twice when Gilly had been busy. She took comfort in his confident manner.

It sounded as if the investigator she’d hired wouldn’t be out of jail for a while. Mal

hadn’t been able to locate Pamela. Her office said she’d left the country to deal with

an issue, but they wouldn’t tell him where or what situation. He’d promised to check

into it more when he could.

Today, she’d talked Gilly into taking her into the city to meet Andy for lunch.

She’d agreed to go only to Knight’s Watch and nowhere else. Andy was ordering

lunch for them. Chinese this time.

The tension within the group was palpable. They were all on edge as they waited

for Oliver to make his next move. Seth and Pauly met them when they pulled up at

Knight’s Watch, and the three men surrounded her as they walked inside the building.

She knew what they were doing, but the truth was she didn’t want any of them taking

a bullet for her. She didn’t dare say that to Gilly, though.

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They’d had their first real argument last night. Gilly hadn’t gotten excited. He

hadn’t yelled, at least not with her. He’d remained calm and logical, which had only

irritated her more. It was hard to argue with a guy who refused to argue back. She’d

ended up behaving like a toddler throwing a full-fledged temper tantrum. She’d even

stomped her foot and yelled. The fact he merely looked at her and raised his brow had

her seething most of the night.

She’d gone off to the other room in a huff. Gilly hadn’t followed her. She’d been

incredibly embarrassed once she’d cooled down. It wasn’t his fault Oliver was

obsessed with her. It wasn’t Gilly’s fault they couldn’t find the man. Hell, she could

see how badly Gilly wanted Oliver caught and out of their life. It was there in the way

he kept her safe, in the way he spent long hours on his computer trying to find

anything that would point them toward Oliver. It was there in the way he spoke to

Seth or Mal or Bare or any of the men at Knight’s Watch.

She knew he would be vigilant for anyone. He was a protector. It was who he

was, and she loved that about him. Still, she knew this was different because she

wasn’t just any client seeking his help. She was the woman who’d fallen in love with

him, the woman lucky enough to have won his love. That was part of her outburst.

She was worried Gilly might put himself at risk to draw Oliver out. That was the last

thing she wanted. Knowing Oliver had already killed? It terrified her.

She’d wondered how Gilly managed to lock away his emotions. When she’d

finally cooled down and regained her sanity, she’d returned to the bedroom to

apologize. That was when she’d discovered Gilly had merely saved his raw emotions

and channeled them in other ways. She’d apologized to him, and he’d surprised her by

apologizing in return, which made no sense.

“For what?” she asked. “I was the one acting like a shrew.”

“For this,” Gilly replied and made quick work of ripping her clothes off her. She

might have helped him. She’d certainly been panting and begging him to take her.

He’d been…dominant, using her tattered shirt to bind her hands then holding them

over her head on the bed. It had made her wild. The sex? Rough. Erotic. Animalistic.

It had been all untamed passion. He’d left a few bruises where his touch had been

harder than normal. She’d left a few from her sharp teeth. Hell, she’d bit his chest and

drawn blood at one point. God help her, she wanted to do it again.

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He’d held her once they’d both come down from orgasm. Held her and

whispered how much she meant to him and how sorry he was that he still hadn’t

found Oliver.

She’d seen the anguish in his eyes and known he picked up on every minute

signal she sent out. He felt her tension, her unease, her fear and channeled it into an

impossible drive that kept him up late at night and still had him rising early in the

morning. He did it for her.

Gilly had been horrified to see her bruises this morning. She’d giggled and told

him she planned to pick a fight at least once every other week if that was the end

result. He’d threatened to just spank her instead. That had produced a wicked grin

from her.

“Definitely sounds like foreplay to me,” she’d teased.

Then she’d stretched, loving the way his gaze drank in the sight of her naked

body, and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. He’d joined her, and she’d

rewarded him by going to her knees and showing him just how much she’d enjoyed

the previous night’s play.

“Sin!” Andy’s voice snapped Sin out of the memory and had her blushing. Gilly

looked at her with a knowing smile tugging at his lips.

“There’s plenty of food in one of the conference rooms down here. I took food

for Sin and me up to my office,” Andy said to Gilly. “I’d appreciate a little alone time

with my sister.”

“That sounds great,” Sin said and turned to Gilly. “See you later,” she said,

kissing him softly then turning before he could say anything. They were in Knight’s

Watch. She should be as safe here as she was at Gilly’s house. Besides, she wasn’t

starting their relationship with asking his permission whenever she left the room. She

was an adult and despite the situation, he needed to know that.

“I’ll be down here when you’re ready to go,” Gilly told her, catching her

shoulder and turning her back to him. He kissed her more intimately than she’d kissed

him. He had her core aching and her nipples peaking under her T-shirt. When she

turned this time, he was all masculine arrogance, but she didn’t care. She loved him.

She and Andy didn’t say anything until they’d closed themselves in Andy’s


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“How are you holding up?” Andy asked.

“I just wish this guy would make another move,” Sin said. “I don’t want anyone

else hurt. But I want this over. I want him locked up and as far away from me as


“I agree,” Andy said. “Tuck and Jamison have been driving me crazy. I think

Gilly put it in their heads that I might be in danger. One or the other has been staying

with me every night.”

“And?” Sin prompted.

“And nothing,” Andy admitted with a shrug. “Nothing’s happened. Not even a

stolen kiss. Maybe, I’m reading it all wrong. Maybe, they’re not interested in me at


“There’s no way they’re not interested,” Sin argued. “Maybe, it has more to do

with them promising each other that nothing will happen unless you’re all three


Andy’s eyes widened. “I didn’t think of that.”

Sin shrugged. “Would you be with both of them?”

“Yes,” Andy said, followed by a quick, “No.” Then she bit her lip and nodded.


“Well, which is it?”

“Yes, and that makes me sound like a loose woman,” Andy moaned. “Plus, you

don’t want to hear about this with all you have going on.”

“I do want to hear about this, especially with all that’s going on. The last thing I

want is to obsess over the man obsessing over me. So, what do you plan to do?”

“About them?”

Sin nodded.

“I don’t know. I swear to God this is the first time in my life I’m afraid to be

aggressive and go after what I want. Who I want,” she amended.


“I’m not sure how I’ll fit in,” Andy said.

“I’m not explaining the birds and bees to you. You should know all the places a

penis can go by this point of your life,” Sin said.

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Andy stuck out her tongue. “I know that, smartass. I mean…” She stopped and

took a breath. “Promise this stays just between the two of us?”

Sin nodded again.

“I think Tuck and Jamison are into more than just me. I think they’re together.

You know, like…together together.”

“Okay,” Sin said with a shrug. “They live together. They’ve been together a

long time from what Gilly says. It would make sense for them to be more than


“If they are, they’re very discreet about it,” Andy said. “I’ve never seen any

PDA, though I did hear Jamison went pretty ballistic when Tuck took a bullet for him

during the press conference with Paisley. I guess Paisley’s mom hinted at something

between them to Paisley. She brought it up not too long ago.”

“So if they are, they’re discreet. You know how to be discreet, Andy. What are

you worried about?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “What if I can’t handle it?”

“What if seeing them together turns you on even more?” Sin countered.

Andy blew out another breath. “God, why can’t things ever be easy for me?”

“Easy is boring,” Sin said then laughed. “But I could use some easy myself right

now, so scratch that.”

“Things look like they’ve progressed with you and Gilly,” Andy commented.

“I’m in love with him.”

“Oh, Sin.” Andy hugged her close. “I’m so happy for you. Are you going to tell


“I already have.”


“He loves me, too.”

Andy’s eyes filled with tears. “Mom and Dad would be so happy for you.”

Sin’s eyes misted up, too. “Stop or we’ll both start crying.”

Andy sniffled and laughed. “Let’s kick off our shoes and eat,” she suggested.

They spent the rest of the time laughing and talking. Andy casually mentioned

wedding venues and the best time of the year to get married, and Sin tucked the

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information away for later. They were far from ready to say goodbye when Gilly

knocked on the door.

“Ready?” he asked Sin.

She bit back a petulant “No” and nodded instead. His gaze made her think he

knew anyway.

“It won’t be much longer,” he whispered as they headed down to the lobby. She

swallowed a grumble and merely nodded. He’d been saying the same thing for the last

three days.

Seth and Pauly walked them out again, along with Tuck this time. She paid close

attention to him and was fairly certain he knew it. He and Gilly were in the middle of

talking when she interrupted.

“You know, I’m really worried about Andy,” she said.

“We’re making sure she’s safe,” Tuck assured her. “Either Jamison or I stay

with her to make sure she’s safe. We won’t let anything happen to her.”

“I’m sure you won’t, but I’d feel better if I knew both of you were staying with

her. You know, more eyes and…stuff,” she finished lamely.

Gilly coughed in an unsuccessful attempt to cover a laugh. Seth and Pauly were

conspicuously silent. Tuck grinned.

“I’ll mention that to Jamison and Andy and see what they think,” he said.

She nodded but didn’t say anything else. When they reached the car, Gilly

walked around to the driver’s side while Tuck opened her door. He leaned in and gave

her a brief hug.

“Thank you,” he whispered in her ear before he moved back.

Andy might kill her, but it would be worth it in the long run if things worked out

between the three of them. She really thought they could.

“So setting you sister up with both Jamison and Tuck?” Gilly asked. “I’m

starting to think I need to listen to these chats you two have.”

Sin laughed. “No way. Girl talk is private.”

“As long as you only tell her how you worship the ground I walk on and want to

serve me and only me for the rest of your life,” he said.

“Serve?” she questioned with a raised brow.

“Too much?” he teased. “Revere? Sexually satisfy?”

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“That one sounds pretty good,” she agreed.

“Revere it is,” he said, making her laugh.

His gaze met hers briefly before flicking back up to the rearview mirror. They

went around a curve in the road and suddenly, Gilly tensed.

“Fuck!” he yelled. “Brace yourself!”

He fought the wheel, muscles straining. She grabbed the door bar with one hand

then reached toward him with the other. She heard the sickening crunch of metal, saw

Gilly’s body jerk toward her then the world began spinning around her.

She screamed once, maybe twice then lost her breath as the car felt as if it were

hit again. The renewed motion sent the car into another spin that made her stomach hit

her throat. At some point, the air bags deployed. Her ears were ringing. The metallic

taste of blood filled her mouth.

Someone jerked at her door, but she was too disoriented to turn her head and see

who was there. Had Seth followed them? All she could do was stare at Gilly slumped

over the steering wheel. There was blood on his face. She wanted to reach out to him,

to shake him, but she couldn’t seem to get her arms to cooperate. She wanted him to

open his eyes. Instead, he lay there, motionless and bleeding.

“Gilly.” His name came out on a groan. She struggled with her seatbelt, finally

managing to release it as her door jerked open with a grind of metal. Someone was

speaking to her, but she couldn’t make out what was being said.

She glanced up, but the sun seemed brighter, leaving whoever was trying to help

her cast in shadow. Hands tugged at her, pulling her out and away from Gilly. She

fought, or tried to, but it was no use.

“Gilly!” she cried his name again, reaching for him as she was pulled farther


“I’ve got you,” someone said, and her world faded to black.

* * * *

Sin awoke with her head pounding and her ears still ringing. It hurt to move, and

she found her limbs impeded anyway. Both her ankles and wrists were bound. The air

was tainted with the scent of mildew. It smelled wet, and as her hearing improved, she

made out the ping of water dripping into something.

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She slowly blinked her eyes open, keeping them slitted in case Oliver Gohring

was around. She had no doubt he was the one behind this. Who else would hit them

and take her, leaving Gilly behind? They’d been waiting for Oliver to make a move,

but none of them had expected this. She bit her lip to hold back a moan as she tried to

shift. Her arms were numb, but she didn’t know if it was from the accident or from the

way they’d been tied them behind her back.

When she ascertained she was alone, she opened her eyes wide and craned her

head, ignoring the shooting pain that ripped through it as she tried to look around. The

first thing she noticed was the pictures. He had them taped up on the wall. Her, on

every available space.

There were pictures similar to the ones she’d received. Her sleeping. She and

Gilly dancing. Then others were ones she feared Gilly’s friend, Mal, might have found

copies of in Oliver’s home in LA. Ones of her body. Her breasts and sex were vividly

captured in close-ups. It made her sick to think of him taking them, of how he’d

drugged and posed her as he’d wanted.

“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”

She jerked her head again, and this time, she didn’t bite back her cry of pain.

She could barely make him out, sitting in the corner of the room. He blended into the

shadows so perfectly it had been easy for her to overlook him.

“Oliver?” she croaked the question, ending with a cough that shook her body

and had her moaning in pain again.

“Are you hurt?”

“Yes,” she said. “Could you untie my hands? I can’t feel them.”

“No. You won’t need them. There’s nothing for you anymore.”

“What…?” She cleared her throat. Terror tried to grip her, but she shook it off.

“Please, Oliver. My arms hurt. I can’t concentrate on what you’re saying. Not like

this. You want to talk to me, don’t you? Make me understand?”

She was afraid he’d ignore her or tell her again it didn’t matter, but he moved,

coming toward her. She held her breath as he approached, her gaze glued to him. She

waited for the “aha” moment when she’d suddenly know him and remember talking to

him or something. There was nothing. She didn’t recall meeting him even once. How

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was that possible? How could he have become so obsessed with her when she

couldn’t even place him?

She bit back a whimper as he rolled her onto her stomach. He didn’t speak. She

only knew he was tugging at her bindings because she felt his arms against her back.

Then the pinpricks of pain, akin to angry fire ants, moved in her arms as feeling

returned. She moaned, wiggling her fingers. No matter how much it hurt now, she’d

need her hands to get out of here. And she was going to.

She had to get back to Gilly. She pictured him again, slumped over the wheel

with blood marring his features. Still and lifeless. She bit back a sob and forced

thoughts of him away. He wasn’t here, and as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t

help him right now. It looked as if she were on her own, and that meant she needed to

focus on herself right now. Hopefully, someone had found Gilly and gotten him to the

hospital. He had to be all right. She wouldn’t consider anything else.

“I thought you were different,” Oliver said as he paced the room. “But you’re

just like everyone else.”

“What do you mean?” she asked as she forced herself to sit up. Her arms were

sore but fortunately hadn’t sustained any serious damage in the wreck. She wiggled

her toes and shifted her legs, checking her lower extremities for any possible injuries.

Her right ankle throbbed, but she didn’t think it was broken.

Oliver stopped in front of one wall of pictures. “You have perfect breasts. Your

nipples are just the right size and shape. Symmetrical. The perfect soft shade of pink,

even when they pucker into tight buds.”

She swallowed bile. “Did you touch me, Oliver?”

He nodded. “I just wanted to touch you,” he said then glared at her as if it were

her fault. “You’re skin is so soft. Perfect. I knew when you didn’t shift away from my

touch that you’d been waiting for me, too. You were supposed to be mine. I waited. I

thought you were waiting for me. I touched, but I never took. You were supposed to

be mine and wait for me, too.”

She bit back the angry retort. She hadn’t moved because he’d drugged her!

Thank God, he’d admitted he hadn’t raped her, but there was no time to feel relieved.

She stretched down to touch her toes and worked at the rope there while his back was

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turned. Oliver ran his fingers over the photos, and she needed to hurry if she wanted a

fighting chance when he decided to turn his attention from the photos to her.

“But you were just teasing. You’re a whore like all the others.”

“The others?” she asked, gathering the loose rope up in one hand. As far as

weapons went, it wasn’t much, but her prospects were limited. She had to use

whatever she could find.

“I was always fascinated with pictures. I liked the idea of capturing something

so it would be forever perfect. No possibility of tarnishing or changing. I’m glad I

took these. Glad I could preserve the girl I thought you were.”

“I’m still her,” Sin cajoled. “What makes you think I changed?”

“I saw you with him!” The words were practically screamed at her. Spittle flew

from his mouth with each syllable.


“The man in the car with you?”

“He’s a friend, Oliver. A dear friend. That’s all.”

“You’re a liar and a whore,” he sneered.

“No,” she countered. “I promise. He’s just a friend. I was staying with him while

I searched for a place here in Oklahoma.”

“Why would you stay with him when your sister is here?”

“Her apartment isn’t big enough,” Sin told him. “So I stayed with a friend while

I hunted for a better place.”

He seemed as if he were considering it as he walked. Then he paused again and

glanced at the set of pictures in front of him, the ones of her and Gilly dancing.

“He stares at you like you’re his whore. Pictures don’t lie,” Oliver said. “Not

like people do.”

“He might feel that way about me—”

“Stop lying to me!” he screamed, cutting her off. “The pictures don’t lie! I can

see the way you look at him! Like he’s your savior. Where is he now? Huh? He’s

dead! I killed him.”

Her hand flew to her mouth, as sharp cry of anguish spilling from her lips. She

shook her head frantically back and forth. “No,” she denied in a choked whisper.

“Don’t worry, Sinclair. You’ll be joining him soon.”

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He moved again, stopping at the corner where he’d been sitting and picking

something up. When he turned toward her again, he held a gun in his hand. She didn’t

care. It could have been a toy for all she feared it at the moment.

“You killed Gilly?” Her heart was breaking in two. She couldn’t believe Gilly

was gone. Oliver had to be lying. He had to be.

He nodded. “There’s no one to save you now. We’re finally together. Just like

we were meant to be.”

“You weren’t hurt in the accident?” He didn’t look as if he were hiding any

injury, but how was that possible? Oliver alive while Gilly was dead. She couldn’t get

her last image of him out of her head. The blood. Oh, God, the blood on Gilly’s face!

“When I realized I’d have to take out his vehicle to get to you, I chose the truck

carefully. I especially liked the plow on the front. Perfect for giving more damage

than it takes. Worked like a charm. Gilly died, and you’ll never see him again.”

“But you said you’re going to kill me. That I’ll be joining Gilly. I belong with

him.” She did. She wanted him and only him.

He seemed confused by her words. “You belong with me. You’re meant to be

with me.”

“But if you kill me, I’ll be with Gilly again.”

He shook his head and smiled. “We’ll go together. If we cross over together,

we’ll always be together.”

“We won’t,” she argued. “You’ll have to shoot me first. So we’ll cross apart.

We’ll never be together, Oliver.” This whole conversation was ludicrous. She was

arguing with him over who she’d end up with when he killed her. He’d killed Gilly.

Oh, God! He’d killed Gilly. She tried to force thoughts of him away, but it was no

use. Gilly was as much with her as if he were standing right beside her. She sobbed,

biting her lip in a failed attempt to lock her anguish inside. Oliver deserved nothing

from her. Her gaze flashed back to him and hatred as she’d never known consumed

her. Her palms itched to wrap around his neck and squeeze until he was no more.

“We’ll be together!” he screamed. “Stop talking, and let me figure this out.”

She stayed silent for a bit, watching as he paced the room, searching for a

moment to catch him off guard. He kept stopping at the pictures of her and Gilly.

Maybe, they were the key. She wasn’t sure of what he was thinking, but it seemed like

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no matter what she said or did at this point, his plan was to kill her. It was time for her

to gather her remaining strength and find a way to take him with her. He had to pay.

“I’m sorry, Oliver. I’m just confused and scared.”

He glanced at her but didn’t say anything.

“Why didn’t you ever talk to me before?” she asked, taking a slow, tentative

step toward him. “I didn’t even know you liked me.”

He faced her, his gaze narrowing, making her think he knew she was closer than

she had been before. The hand gripping the gun trembled at his side. “You always

requested Robbie when you needed something. I was upset at first. Then I realized



“You didn’t want me to know you were watching me, that you secretly wanted


Holy shit! This guy was bat-shit crazy, and his crazy had gotten Gilly killed. It

was her. It all came back to her. Oliver’s obsession. Gilly’s death. The photographer

who’d been killed. It all led back to her.

“You wanted me as much as I wanted you. You should have waited,” he

screamed again.

She had no idea how to talk to someone in his state of mind. She tried to recall

every movie she’d seen or book she’d read, but her mind pulled up one giant blank.

No. Her mind was still focused on Gilly. What would he tell her to do now? How

would Gilly want her to deal with Oliver? Did she agree with him? Ignore him? Or

tell him she hadn’t been watching him? She thought it would be a really bad idea to

remind him again she hadn’t even remembered seeing him.

“I watched you, too,” he continued. “I saw the other girls take men back to their

rooms, but not you. You always went to bed alone. I listened to the other girls talking.

They laughed about you taking a vow of celibacy, about you waiting for the right


She hadn’t realized she’d been a topic of gossip, but it didn’t surprise her.

Several of the models had teased her for not hooking up when a guy was clearly


“I was waiting for the right man.”

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“I thought so,” he agreed, pausing in front of the pictures again. “But you waited

for the wrong one.”

He lifted the gun, and she knew he was going to shoot her. She’d been too slow,

taken too long to react. Her scream pierced the air just as he fired.

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Chapter Fifteen

The gun discharged three times. She cringed, waiting for the impact of each

bullet with her eyes squeezed shut. They never hit her.

The sound of a crash forced her eyes back open. The door she hadn’t even

noticed had splintered open. Seth filled it for one moment then dove across the room,

knocking into Oliver and taking him to the ground.

Paralyzed by fear, she watched them wrestle, the gun lost between their bodies.

It fired twice more and both men lay still.

Sin screamed and ran toward them, no longer frozen in place.

“Seth! Oh, God! Seth!”

He moved, shoving Oliver away from him. There was blood all over both of

them. She whipped her shirt over her head, pressing it over Seth’s torso, not sure

where he was bleeding but desperate to keep him alive.

“Don’t die on me. Oh, God, please don’t die on me!” she sobbed, her hands

shaking as panic began to close off her throat. Oliver had killed Gilly and now, Seth,

too. She should be the one dead. Not them. Never them.

Strong hands gripped her shoulders. She blinked several times before she Seth’s

face came into focus. His lips were moving, but she couldn’t hear him.

Finally, her senses all seemed to click back into place as if a veil had been lifted.

“I’m okay. Sin, I’m okay.” Seth kept repeating the words over and over until she

nodded and fell against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her while

she sobbed. As he held her, Seth shifted and reached out a hand to check something

then he was right back to holding her.

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“If you tell Gilly you took off your shirt then let me hold you like this, I will be

a dead man,” Seth warned, making her sob harder. Did Seth not know Gilly was dead?

That the man she loved was lost to her forever? “Hey, I was just kidding. You’re okay

now, Sin. I’ve got you.”

“Ol…li…ver…” she stuttered out between sobs.

“He’s dead,” Seth murmured. “He won’t hurt anyone again.”

“He…ki…killed…Gilly,” she sobbed.

“No,” Seth informed her. “He didn’t. I was behind you guys. I missed a couple

lights and had to wait. By the time I caught up, you’d been hit. I saw him putting you

in the car. I called for someone to help Gilly and managed to follow close enough

behind you that I figured out where he took you.”

“Gilly?” She hiccupped, trying to stifle her sobs.

“He’s at the hospital. He was awake and determined to go after you by the time

help arrived. Bare got there before the paramedics loaded him up. Gilly was desperate

to get to you. Hell, the EMTs threatened to use restraints on him if he kept fighting

their efforts to help him. Bare said he barely kept Gilly from bolting.”

“He’s alive?”

“Yeah, and mad as hell that he’s not the one here, saving you.”

She started sobbing again, clinging to Seth once more. Gilly was alive! He was

alive and at the hospital. Oliver hadn’t managed to kill him. Her gaze fell to where her

stalker still lay. He was dead, and Gilly was alive. Suddenly, her world made sense

again, which was a good thing as she doubted she was making any sense to Seth right

now. Luckily, he didn’t seem to mind. He held her, one hand stroking up and down

her back while the other cupped the back of her head. Her hands were fisted at his

shoulders, her head tucked into his neck. It was a few more moments before she got

herself together. Her emotions had run the gambit in a very short amount of time.

What was it lately with things happening so quickly for her? Falling in love with

Gilly, thinking she’d cost him his life and now discovering he was alive.

“Others will be here soon,” Seth told her, snapping her back to the room they

were in. “Do you want me to take any of these pictures down?”

The pictures. She’d forgotten about them. Her gaze skittered over the walls,

seeing the lurid photos displayed there. The shots Oliver had fired before Seth crashed

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in had been at the wall, specifically the pictures of her and Gilly dancing. Those had

really infuriated him.

“Can we do that?” she asked softly.

“No one has to see these,” he vowed. “You okay?”

She nodded, releasing him and allowing him to pull away. He handed her shirt

back to her. “You better slip this back on. Sorry, but it’s got blood on it now. I’d give

you mine, but it’s even more covered.”

He helped her pull it over her head then assisted her to sit on the side of the bed.

Now that her adrenaline was fading, her body hurt. She watched Seth move around

the room, pulling specific pictures off the wall. She didn’t let herself think about what

he saw, intimate pieces of her that should belong only to Gilly. Seth never said a

word, never cast a look her way as if comparing her to the garish display.

In that moment, she loved Seth. Not the way she loved Gilly, but more like the

love she had for her sister. She knew in that moment, if Seth ever needed anything

from her, she wouldn’t hesitate to help him.

He tucked the pictures inside his shirt. There were still photos of her on the

walls, but he’d removed the mortifying ones.

“I want Gilly,” she whispered, and Seth turned toward her. She heard noise in

the distance, growing closer. She had no idea where she was. All she knew was she

needed to see Gilly.

Seth scooped her up in his arms as people spilled through the door. She heard

their voices, their shouted questions but ignored them all. She hid her face in Seth’s

neck and let him field everything thrown at them.

At some point, a blanket was wrapped around her. She heard a familiar voice

and looked up to see Jamison Knight.

“Put her in my truck,” he told Seth. “Your car’s blocked in. We can come back

for it later.”

She glanced around. “Where is this place?”

It looked as if she were in the middle of nowhere. There was a decaying barn in

the center of the field to their left and no other building she could see.

“Where was I?”

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“He took you into an abandoned storm cellar. There must have been a house

here once upon a time, or at least somewhere close. I’m not sure how he even

managed to find this place. If Seth hadn’t been on his ass, I’m not sure we would have

found you,” Jamison said.

She shuddered, and Seth’s arms tightened around her.

“There’s an ambulance en route,” Jamison said. “We can wait for it or take you

on to the hospital.”

“I want to see Gilly,” she said again. “I need to make sure he’s okay.”

“He’s bitching up a storm but okay from what I hear. Tuck and Andy are

meeting us there. Your sister’s worried out of her mind and pretty frantic to see you.”

“I need to see Gilly,” Sin reiterated.

“Okay,” Seth murmured. “Get the door for me,” he told Jamison.

The other man held the door while Seth slid inside with Sin still in his arms.

Jamison shut it and moved around to the driver’s side, getting behind the wheel then

turning over the engine.

“We won’t get in trouble for leaving?” she asked.

“They have my number,” Jamison said. “They’ve been briefed. I’ll head back

once I drop you guys off. I’ll bring Tuck or Bare with me so we can get your car,

Seth. I’m sure the police will come by the hospital before you leave, Sin. Don’t worry.

Everything will be okay.”

She nodded and finally allowed her body to fully relax against Seth. “Get me to

Gilly,” she whispered and caught his promise to do so just before she passed out.

* * * *

Gilly was ready to rip off heads, but since Andy had stepped into the room, he’d

done his best to hold it together. The last thing she needed was to see him panicking

over Sin’s abduction. He needed information. Now. He should be out there, searching

for her, instead of stuck in here with a butterfly bandage at his temple and an

escalating headache.

His shoulder still throbbed like a son-of-a-bitch from where he’d been nailed by

the side airbag when Oliver Gohring had hit them. Gilly was still pissed he hadn’t

been able to maneuver quickly enough to avoid the collision. Luckily, he’d managed

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to evade enough to keep his injury to a minimum. The hit was hard, but it could have

been so much worse. He’d hit his head, managing to cut it and knock himself out just

long enough for Gohring to make off with Sin. The thought of her with Gohring

consumed him with anger. She’d trusted Gilly to save her, and when it came right

down to it, he’d failed her. Gohring had taken her right from the palm of his hand.

“Gilly, why don’t you sit down?” Andy urged. She been that way since the nurse

had walked in and proclaimed he had a concussion from the impact.

He hadn’t bothered telling her he’d had far worse in his life. His body pretty

much hurt from head-to-toe from the way he’d been tossed about during the collision,

and he knew from experience it would hurt worse over the following couple days.

Right now, he didn’t give a fuck. He needed to be out there, finding the woman he

loved. He needed to know she was okay, to see her and touch her. God, he needed to

hold her and make good on his vow to keep her safe. He needed that more than he

needed air to breathe.

“Seth’s got her,” Bare said as he rushed back into the room they’d tucked Gilly

into. Tuck and Andy stood in the doorway. Gilly knew it was intentional. Tuck

planned to make sure Gilly stayed put for now.

“Is she okay? Are they bringing her here? Is she awake? Did he hurt her?” The

stream of questions flew from Andy’s lips before Gilly could ask them. Tuck wrapped

an arm around her, pulling her back against his chest and holding her there.

“Bare?” Gilly prompted when his cousin didn’t respond fast enough. He probed

Bare with his gaze, searching for anything Bare might be trying to hide from them.

“Jamison says she was awake and moving when Seth arrived. They should be

here within ten minutes.” His gaze held Gilly’s. “She’s adamant she has to see you.

Jamison said she kept saying she wanted you.”

His heart paused for a moment then kicked into a frantic rhythm. Jesus! She was

alive. He prayed Gohring hadn’t managed to hurt her in any way. He owed Seth a debt

he could never repay. If not for the other man following them, Gohring would have

gotten away with Sin. They might have never found her, not alive anyway. Gilly

wouldn’t have been able to stop him. He could have lost her forever.

God, it was enough to make his heart stop again. He needed to see her, to hold

her and breathe her in. It hadn’t taken long for her to become his whole world.

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“Gohring?” Gilly asked quietly.

Bare shook his head. “He’s dead.”

Part of Gilly was elated to know the bastard was gone and would never be able

to prey on Sin again. Part of him was enraged that he hadn’t been the one to end his

miserable life.

“Did Sin…?” He couldn’t finish the question, but Bare was already shaking his


“He had a gun. He and Seth fought. Gohring didn’t make it,” Bare stated.


“He’s fine. Jamison said there’s a lot of blood on both Seth and Sin’s shirts but

didn’t want us to worry. It’s not theirs.”

Gilly nodded then paced like a caged animal as he waited for news of her

arrival. He was ready to shove by Tuck and force his way out of the ER room when

his brother barreled in, commanding Gilly’s attention. Gilly hadn’t thought to call

him. One look at Bare and Gilly knew who had. Skip scanned Gilly from head to toe

before hauling him close for a hard hug. Gilly bit back a groan of pain, seeing the fear

in Skip’s eyes and knowing he was reliving the car wreck that had claimed his

fiancée. It was the exact reason Gilly hadn’t called his brother. He knew the memories

these walls held for Skip.

“I’m good,” Gilly assured his brother before he could ask. “Banged up and

bruised, but good.”

“Sin?” Skip asked.

“On her way here,” Gilly said, and for the first time, relief filled his voice. “Seth

found her.”

“Is she…” Skip swallowed, seeming unable to ask the rest of his question. It was

a problem they seemed to share.

“She’s alive. That’s all I know right now.”

The lack of any other information was driving him crazy with worry. Had

Gohring hurt her? Had he raped her? What damage had he done to Sin in the time

he’d had her? What had she survived while Gilly had been forced to climb the walls at

the emergency room?

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“Dad’s on his way. Ginger, too. She’s in Paris so it’s going to take her longer.

Dad will be here early tomorrow morning. He took the first flight he could find.”

“They don’t have to do that,” Gilly argued. “I’m fine.”

“They’re coming,” Skip said, using a tone that warned not to bitch about it.

“Make sure they know I’m okay,” Gilly said. “I don’t want them frantic.”

“I will,” Skip promised. “I’ll go outside and call them now.”

“Are you okay?” Gilly asked softly before Skip turned away.

Skip swallowed, his glance moving around the room with all the emergency

equipment close at hand in case it was needed. His gaze fell on the bed Gilly had been

forced to sit on while the on-call doctor had checked him over. He had little doubt

Skip saw a different night and a different scene. One where people had worked

franticly to revive a twenty-three-year-old woman hit head-on by a drunk driver. The

woman his brother had planned to marry.

Gilly interrupted whatever memory tormented Skip.

“I’m fine, Skip. Get out of here. Go make those calls and check on Gilly’s for


“Need me to pick up anything?” Skip offered, looking relieved at the thought of


“Not that I can think of,” Gilly said. “I’ll call if I do.”

Skip hugged him again. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Me, too.”

Skip wasn’t gone more than a few minutes when a commotion started in the hall.

Someone yelled then he heard Seth’s voice, loud and clear.


Tuck and Andy were out the door mere seconds before Gilly and only because

they’d been standing in his way.

“Here,” they all shouted.

Seth appeared with Sin cradled in his arms. She was out cold, and God, there

was blood all over both of them. He was thankful for Jamison’s warning. Hell, even

with it, he felt a little desperate to strip her naked and make sure none of it was hers.

Seth must have seen the uncontrollable fear in Gilly’s eyes.

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“It’s not ours. It’s Gohring’s,” he said as he moved around Gilly, Tuck and

Andy to put Sin on the bed.

Gilly was at her side instantly, cupping her face, squeezing her hand and soaking

her in. He wanted to run his hands over her, to cuddle her close and never let her go.

Mostly, he wanted her to open those sweet, brown eyes and look at him. He needed to

hear her voice. Andy stood on Sin’s other side, Jamison and Tuck both hovering

behind her.

“Okay, clear the room,” the nurse who’d checked on him earlier said as she

walked in. “I need all of you out in the waiting room.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Gilly said.

She glanced up, mouth open to blast him until she saw who it was. She glanced

at Sin and nodded. She knew firsthand how frantic Gilly had been to get out and find

the woman with him. “No. You stay. The rest of you. Out. Now.”

“I’m her family. I’m staying,” Andy said firmly. One look and the nurse


“Okay, but really, the rest of you need to go. I can’t even move around the

room.” Jamison, Tuck and Bare left.

Seth tugged Gilly over to the corner and spoke softly while the nurse and Andy

stayed right by Sin’s side. Gilly kept his eyes glued to Sin as Seth told him everything

that’d happened.

“I owe you more than I’ll ever be able to repay,” Gilly told Seth. “She’s… I

can’t…” He shook his head, unable to voice how his feelings.

“I’m glad I was there,” Seth said. “There was a time I wasn’t. It’s not a situation

I’d wish on anyone.”

“Anything you need,” Gilly offered.

“I’m good. Take care of each other,” Seth said. “I’m going to take off. I need to

head back. Talk to the police. Grab my car. I’ll check on you guys later.”

“Thank you,” Gilly said, though the words didn’t begin to describe how he felt.

Seth nodded, squeezed Gilly on the shoulder then left.

Gilly had only turned his head from Sin for a moment as Seth had departed. The

nurse’s hello had him glancing quickly back. Sin’s eyes were finally open and locked

on him.

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“Gilly?” she asked, gaze wide and unblinking.

“I’m here,” he said, moving toward her. He sat beside her, and suddenly, she

was in his lap and wrapped around him. He wasn’t sure if he’d pulled, she’d jumped

or if it had been a culmination of both. The nurse said something, and Gilly knew she

wasn’t pleased. Andy said something, and the nurse reluctantly stepped back. He got

the impression it wouldn’t last long. Then Sin claimed his full attention again.

“I thought I’d lost you. He said he’d killed you. He said…and I…I thought you

were gone, that I’d never see you again. I love you, Gilly. I love you.”

“I love you, too. I’m here, baby. God, I’m so sorry I let you down. Just when

you needed me most, I failed you.”

“You never failed me. You couldn’t. I know you were the one who had Seth

following us. That was you. I’m here because you cared enough to make sure I was

protected, by you and others.” Her hands brushed through his hair and a sob left her

throat again. “I thought you were gone. Oh, God, Gilly. I thought you were gone.”

He pulled her close, uncaring of anyone or anything else around them. He held

her while she cried, stroking his hands over every inch of her he could reach. “I’m

here. Shh, baby. I’m here now. I’m not going to leave you.”

“Don’t let me go,” she begged.

“I won’t,” he swore. He was keeping her for a lifetime.

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Chapter Sixteen

Two months later…

“Andy’s still trying to get me to wait for her to put together something a little

bigger,” Sin said, but the grin on her face conveyed that she was as excited as Gilly


“It’s not too late to change your mind,” he offered.

“No. This is what I want. It’s where we met. Seems like the perfect place to take

the next step. How many people can say they were married in the first place they


“It is perfect,” Gilly agreed.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” she teased.

“Yes,” Gilly answered. “I’m so ready to spend all my tomorrows with you.”

“Now, if I can just make it through without getting sick, we’ll be in the clear.”

“When do you want to tell them?” He cupped his hand over her tummy where

their baby was already thriving, growing bigger and stronger.

“Not yet,” she said, with a shake of her head. “I want to keep it between just the

two of us for a little bit longer.”

“Anything you want.” He leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled back.

“Save that thought.” She bit her lip and giggled softly, a sound that made his

heart overflow with love. “You need to head inside. I’ll wait out here for Andy.”

Since Sin’s parents were both gone, she’d decided to have her sister walk her

down the aisle. Pamela had argued that she should, as well. She swore Sin and Andy

were the cause of every wrinkle and gray hair she’d dyed back to a glossy black.

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Instead, Pamela had taken over making sure everything at Gilly’s was ready and up to

her standards for an Eisley wedding. She’d run Gilly’s brother ragged and hired a

catering company, who was using his kitchen to prepare food for the reception after

the wedding.

It turned out Pamela had flown out to Italy at the last minute when three of the

cover models, two photographers, and a handful of other essential staffers had all

ended up with food poisoning. She hadn’t been happy when she’d found out her

personal assistant hadn’t shared the information, instead giving vague replies. She’d

fired the woman while still on the phone with Andy then hightailed it to Oklahoma to

check in on her girls.

Gilly had expected a motherly woman, but Pamela was only two years older

than Andy. Still, the woman had a commanding presence. It wasn’t just her good

looks and abundance of curves that would have most men salivating at her heels. It

was the way she walked into a room and took charge. She and Skip had butted heads

constantly, but Gilly noted Pamela had gotten what she wanted in the end. He was

glad, too. Gilly’s looked amazing. Thank God the fire damage had been easy to repair.

“Gilly,” Mal stuck his head out the door. “You need to get in here before Skip

muzzles the drill sergeant and does God only knows what to her.”

Sin laughed again. “Go. Have Ginger help with Pamela. She’s good with her.”

His sister was good with most people, but Pamela had taken one look at Ginger

and decided to take her under her wing.

“I’ll see you soon. I’ll be the one up front, waiting,” he whispered.

“I love you.”

“I love you, Sinclair Eisley.”

Sin grinned and shook her head. “Last time?”

He nodded. “Next time will be the first time.”

He took one more look at her before walking away. Her ankle-length, white

halter dress swirled around her whenever she moved. It was beautiful. She was

beautiful, and he couldn’t wait to show the world he was the lucky man she’d chosen

to spend the rest of her life with.

“Everything’s ready,” Bare said, walking up beside Gilly where he’d paused just

inside the bar. Hell, it didn’t even look like the same place. There was an aisle

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sprinkled liberally with rose petals, white chairs on either side. They’d somehow

managed to put together a white, arched trellis with roses woven through it. The

minister waited there with bible in hand.

“Nervous?” Bare asked.

“Not even a little bit,” Gilly swore. How could he be? He was marrying the

woman he loved, in the bar he’d built, surrounded by all the people they both loved. It

was perfect. It was crazy how life could be so good then one person walked in and

showed you the potential for something so much better. Sin was his better, his always,

his everything.

“Funny how that goes when it’s right,” Bare said and slapped him on the

shoulder as he turned to take his seat with Paisley.

Gilly walked to the front, greeted the minister again then shifted to scan over the

room while he waited for his bride to make her entrance. His father sat in the front

row with Ginger on one side and Skip on the other. Gilly let the sadness of his

mother’s absence wash over him but didn’t hold on to the emotion. She was still here,

a vital part of the love of her family.

Mal was there, sitting with Seth, and the two chatted like old friends. Gilly had

known they’d hit it off. Bare and Paisley sat with Jamison and Tuck and the rest of the

Knight’s Watch family. Several of Sin’s friends had flown out from LA, including her

former roommate, Milly, and her husband, Robbie.

The music began. Everyone rose and watched the doors for the most beautiful

bride in the world.

* * * *

“Are you okay?” Sin asked Andy as her sister’s eyes welled with tears.

Andy blinked them back as she nodded. “Just wishing Mom and Dad were here

to see you. You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”

Sin had to blink back several tears of her own. She took Andy’s hands in hers

and squeezed. “They’re here. I can feel them all around us. I see them in the amazing

woman standing beside me.”

A tear trailed down Andy’s cheek. “Damn it! I swore I wouldn’t cry today.”

Sin gave a watery laugh. “That makes two of us.”

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Sin’s emotions were all over the place lately. From what she’d been told at her

doctor’s appointment, that was normal during pregnancy. She still couldn’t believe it.

She was pregnant. One broken condom was all it had taken for her and Gilly to create

a brand new life. A nurse had told her accidents like that happened more often than

people realized. Sin had been offended and quickly corrected her. The baby was not

an accident. She was the hand of fate, granting her and Gilly the most amazing gift in

the world. She was a blessing. One Sin couldn’t wait to hold in her arms.

“Andy, I want you to be happy. Really happy. Take chances with your heart.

Forget all the what ifs and maybes, and go after what you want.”

“I…” Andy shook her head.

“Don’t let fear keep you from what you want. You’ve always told me to fight

for what I want. Now, I’m reminding you to do the same. Life is too short not to reach

for happiness when it’s so close at hand.”

Andy opened her mouth, shut it then nodded. “I’ll think about it.”

“Do more than think,” Sin urged.

The music began before she could say any more. She picked up her bouquet and

took Andy’s hand. She and Gilly had decided to do things a little differently. There

were no attendants. No best man or maid of honor. They’d asked Bare and Paisley to

sign as witnesses for their marriage certificate, and both had eagerly agreed. The

ceremony was just the two of them, which seemed perfect. Sin had always known it

would be Andy to walk her down the aisle. Andy had played almost every role in

Sin’s life. Big sister, stern parent, confidant and best friend. There was no one else Sin

would have wanted at her side as she took this walk.

Her gaze locked on Gilly the moment she saw him waiting for her. Everything

else faded away. The ceremony flew by. Vows were said, rings exchanged then finally

it was time for him to kiss his bride. He pulled her close, softly brushing his lips over

hers once then once more. Then his mouth crushed hers as he half-lifted her up into

his embrace. Her hands sank into his hair, holding him close, urging him to never let

her go.

They finally broke apart amidst laughter and applause. She heard the minister

introduce them as Mr. and Mrs. Gilligan Marston. Then he leaned close and

whispered in her ear.

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“I love you, Sinclair Marston.”

The first time. He’d told her the next time would be the first time. The first time

he told his wife he loved her.

“I love you, Gilligan Marston.”

He took her hand, and together, they turned to greet their family and friends.

Soon, they’d share more good news. For right now though, she had a craving for

Gilly, one she had no doubt would last a lifetime.

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About the Author

Lacey Thorn is a National Bestselling Author of over sixty erotic romances, including
the award winning Awakening Pride Series. She has a passion for romance and
demands stories that end happily. As a single mom to two teens and one pre-teen, she
knows exactly how easy it is to be pulled in multiple directions, always on the go.
There’s nothing better to relax with than a glass of wine, a hot tub of bubbles, and a
great book. So sit back, relax, and let her take you on an adventure destined to help
you unlace and leave the rest of the world behind.

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Also Available from Lacey Thorn

Jagged Hearts by Lacey Thorn

Knight’s Watch Book 1

Five Years Ago: Brutal Attack Rocks Entertainment Industry.

Paisley Ames can’t escape the headline splashed across every news outlet, a vivid reminder of
the tragedy that changed her life and still haunts her. Despite the passage of time, she can’t heal.
She can’t let in the man who might show her how to live again.

Barrett “Bare” Locke took one look at Jamison Knight’s daughter and saw a survivor. A woman,
fierce and strong. Too bad she doesn’t see it. He understands what it is to lose someone you love.
If Paisley will give him the chance, he’ll show her how to heal the jagged pieces of her broken

But someone doesn’t want Paisley to heal. They want her to remember…until they decide it’s
time for her to die.


Barnes & Noble:




Beautiful Dreamer by Lacey Thorn

A Knight’s Watch Novella

Two weeks ago, Chase Riley and her best friend were kidnapped, severely beaten, and left for
dead. Chase was the lone survivor but has been in a coma since she was found. The police, led
by her ex-boyfriend, Detective Phillip Wade, still have no idea what happened.

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When Phillip gets the call that his sleeping beauty is finally awake, he rushes to her side. There’s
just one little problem. Chase doesn’t recall that fateful night, and doctors aren’t certain if she’ll
ever remember. The woman before him is nothing like the laughing jokester Phillip once fell for.
This woman is quiet, cautious, and afraid.

Lines are crossed from the first moment he holds her in his arms and promises everything will be
okay. She doesn’t remember their friendly break-up over his inflexible schedule or her
uncertainty about marriage and the stress and pressure of being a cop’s wife.

He’s not the only one watching and waiting to see if she’ll remember. There’s someone else with
plans to make sure Chase goes back to sleep—permanently.


Barnes & Noble:




Waking the Beast by Lacey Thorn

Awakening Pride Series Book 1

The legend of the Paka Watu... Ever since she was a young girl, Abby Lane can’t resist the allure
of a cat shifter tribe forced to repress their beasts. On a trip to Africa, she discovers a coveted
piece of information—the name the pride leader assumed when he left his home—and she traces
his lineage to his descendant.

The sleeping lion... Utah Pearce can’t keep his gaze off the woman who slips into the bar every
night. Though not his usual type, she brings out the possessive instinct in him, making him battle
with himself as he tries to stay away.

Mine... Abby’s research never prepared her for the reality in front of her. The beast is waking,
and Utah is changing in ways both exciting and terrifying. He is possessive and dominant, and
when he finally claims her, neither of them will ever be the same.


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Other books in the Awakening Pride Series (in order):

Tempting the Tiger
Freeing the Feline
Saving the Beast
A Jaguar’s Touch
The Liger’s Mark

His To Bear by Lacey Thorn

The Holloways Book 1

Jaeda is all alone, desperate to find safety, and there’s only one place she can go. She’ll have to
run for the Holloway land and hope they’ll help her and not force her into a mating she doesn’t
want. With hunters hot on her tail, she isn’t sure she’ll make it. Until something carries to her
across the breeze, and she meets the bluest eyes she’s ever seen.

Holt never planned to stay with the Holloways. He was only there to offer temporary help. Then
a dream ran to him and threw herself into his arms. Her fear was palpable, and when she begged
him to protect her, he knew he wasn’t leaving.

He’d protect her, see to all her needs, and keep her right by his side. From the moment she
sought his help, she became his to bear.


Barnes & Noble:




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Document Outline


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