Awakening Pride 7 Unleashing the Beast Lacey Thorn

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Table of Contents

Title Page


Book Description


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

About the Author

Dear Readers

Also from Resplendence

Gems of Romantic Fiction

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Unleashing the Beast

An Awakening Pride Story

By Lacey Thorn

Resplendence Publishing


Gems of Romantic Fiction

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Unleashing the Beast
Copyright © 2015, Lacey Thorn
Edited by Michele Paulin and Liza Green
Cover Art by Les Byerley

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
1093 A1A Beach Blvd, #146
St. Augustine, FL 32080

Electronic format ISBN:


Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work
is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is
investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: November 2015

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely

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Book Description

Unleashing the Beast by Lacey Thorn

A Caged Beast...

Captured, tortured and left at death’s door, an injection managed to save Finn’s life and opened up a
whole new world. He’s no longer merely human. There’s a beast buried inside him just waiting to
emerge. Finn can’t remember what happened with the hunters, but the beast will never forget.

A Mate’s Love...

Laura’s mate is dead. She found him tortured and bleeding out, already knocking at death’s door. She
couldn’t save him, and it nearly killed her to leave him behind. She kissed his lips, offering comfort
and love even as he left her. Now, only one thing matters. Killing every hunter she can find.


Memories have been surfacing for Finn. The blood, the pain, and the soft kiss of a woman meant to be
his. He remembers her tears despite the fact she left him to die. He vows to find her. Neither of them
is ready for the inferno that ignites when they finally come face to face. With one touch, she unleashes
the beast, and nothing will ever be the same.

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The first book in this series came to me in a dream. I closed my eyes and there they

all were. Tah, Abby, the Professor, Reno and Logan. Then the others appeared and

the series continued to grow. Now, with book seven, I have a huge cast of characters,

and I love every one of them. I hope you do, too. There are many more stories to


All my love,


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Chapter One

Finn knew the moment the dream sucked him in but was incapable of stopping it. They’d been

coming fast and furious lately, so much so he was leery of closing his eyes even for a catnap.

He wasn’t himself in the dream. It was eerie the way he could see himself chained to the wall,

see his body being beaten and abused. He watched it all as he prowled the room as the animal he

knew was locked inside him.

“Had enough yet?” the leader growled at the Finn on the wall.

“That all you’ve got?” he asked, spitting blood onto the floor at the man’s feet.

“You’ve got balls for a human,” the man jeered. “Too bad, you chose the wrong side. Men

who make their beds with animals die with them.”

Finn knew they were hunters. According to his brother, Murphy, Finn had been captured,

tortured and almost killed last year. His friend, Zane, had shown him photos of the carnage they’d

walked into to rescue Finn. The hunters weren’t dead in his dreams, though. They were very much

alive and eager to make him scream.

Here, Finn was splayed like a bug on the wall, while men took turns using fists and knives to

search for answers he wasn’t giving. The way they openly spoke made it clear they didn’t plan on him

living. They’d almost succeeded.

“We’ll just let you rest for a bit. Give you time to reconsider that ‘I don’t know’ you keep

muttering,” one of the men sneered as he cleaned his hands on a cloth.

“Not muttering. You heard me loud and clear. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He stared at the Finn hanging on the wall, naked under the blood coating his skin. Had this really

happened? Was it his memory coming back?

“We found the transponder on you.”

A reminder. Always, the reminder of what Finn had taken. He’d asked Murphy about it and felt

guilt for his actions prior to being captured.

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“I told you. I found it outside of Santa Fe. I knew what it was, thought it might come in

handy. I didn’t know it was already activated.”

“You tell lies, Finnion Dockery.”

The Finn on the wall grinned despite two busted and bleeding lips and the swelling on his face.

“No need to be calling me Finnion. It’s just so formal. And we’re past that now.”

“Funny how that brogue slips in and out of your voice,” the man sneered.

“You just bring the Irish out o’ me,” Finn finally answered.

“Well, then, we’ll have to see if we can get more than blarney from you.” The man turned to

one of the other goons. “Go get the cables out of the truck. It’s time we stopped playing with Mr.


The dream changed then. He became a boy, running to keep up with his brothers as they headed

home. He wanted to grab the boy, hug him and tell him not to be afraid, but he was helpless to do

anything but relive the moment. He begged to wake up, not wanting to see his mother’s lifeless body

or the evidence of what she’d endured. Finn didn’t want to see the look on his brother’s face when

their father and older two brothers turned on Murphy, blaming him for her death.

Faces swirled. Scenery changed. He was on the wall again, only this time it was his father

beating him, his brothers jeering and taunting.

“You helped him, didn’t you, boy?” his father yelled, spittle flying from his mouth. “Helped

him put your mum in an early grave. For what? Your brother’s an animal. He should be put down

like one.”

The dream changed again. He saw Murphy as a boy, watching him with sad eyes while their

father and brothers beat him. He knew this was a memory. It was a day he’d never forget. When Finn

had tried to intervene, they’d broken his leg. Still, he’d struggled and fought, trying to protect his

brother who’d refused to protect himself. He’d almost lost Murphy that day. In some ways, maybe he

had. Heaven knew neither of them had been the same again.

The world tilted, and Finn felt himself falling. This time, he was back in the man’s body, prone

now, no longer on the wall. Pain racked him, and he knew he was dying. He felt a moment of regret

then prepared to give in. Until he heard her voice. His vision was dim, fading, but he could make out

blonde hair and green eyes, wet with tears.

“Why do I find you only to lose you? Why? Don’t leave me! Please, don’t leave me!”

She was sobbing, reaching for him. Her touch sent a jolt through him. He felt her hands on his

belly and wanted to tell her it was too late, but he couldn’t. Death was right there, waiting for him

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with wide-open arms. Then she kissed him.

“I would have loved you,” she whispered then her lips met his, the kiss warm and soft, though


His vision dimmed as if he were watching not through his own eyes but through those of another,

but he could see well enough to know she was walking away from him. Her head was down,

shoulders slumped. He watched her leave him there as his gaze dimmed and faded to black. There

was nothing until he gasped, lungs filling with oxygen as his heart beat just a little stronger.

* * * *

“Finn! Finn!”

Murphy’s voice jarred Finn from the dream, bringing him awake with a jerk as his gaze flew

around the car. Searching for her, always for her.

“Jesus! God! You scared the shit out of me. What the hell were you dreaming?” Murphy


“Don’t remember,” Finn lied, keeping his gaze focused out the window as he struggled to snap

himself from the lingering intensity of the dream. Was it a dream? Or was it memories? Had he really

met the woman who should be his mate? Had she really left him to die? So many fucking questions

circled in his head now.

“Stop. Just fucking stop already with the lies,” Murphy snapped. “Did you forget how close we

are? How connected we are? That shit inside you, making your heart race? Yeah, I feel that. You can

try to shut me out all you want, but with something like that, when your guard’s not up, I’m there

whether you want me to be or not.”

“Fuck,” Finn muttered, dropping his head into his hands. Murphy was right, and it galled him to

know his brother sensed the emotional roller coaster tearing Finn apart. At least, he hadn’t touched

Finn. Their connection at those times, when the link was wide open, allowed them to actually see the

other’s memory. He didn’t want Murphy seeing what his dreams held.

“You’re not sleeping well. You’re moody. Everyone thinks it’s the beast slumbering inside you,

but I know better. It’s not the beast. It’s something else, something that has you on edge. I’m worried

for you, brother.”

Finn opened his mouth then shut it before he gave vent to the pithy response. Murphy deserved

better. He always had. Better than the family they’d been born into. Better than the father who’d

disowned him, who’d blamed him for their mother’s death and almost killed Murphy. He deserved so

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much better than the life he’d been given. Still, Finn couldn’t imagine his life without his brother,

didn’t want to. They were as close as twins. Closer, actually, as Finn would know. He tried to shake

that thought away, but the guilt coated him like a second skin. He told himself repeatedly there’d been

no choice when it came to leaving Ireland with Murphy. His brother had needed him more than the

twin Finn had left behind. He took a deep breath and blew it out. He didn’t need the guilt of that

decision on his mind.

“Talk to me, Finn,” Murphy pleaded. “Tell me what’s going on inside you. You’re rubbing your

head again. Headaches? Is that part of the problem?”

“Yes,” Finn admitted.

“You need to—”

“I’m not talking to Diane. She’s incredibly pregnant and ready to have the baby within the next

four weeks. The Professor’s been busy working with that new shifter doctor who arrived after we

left. And before you ask, no, I’m not talking to some fucking stranger. I’ll be fine.”

“You’re not fine. That’s the problem,” Murphy countered.

“I’m getting my memory back,” Finn admitted, hoping to keep his brother sated by giving him

part of the truth. “Or at least, I think it’s memory. It’s all jumbled up.”

“The dreams?” Murphy questioned.

Finn nodded.

“So that’s why you haven’t been sleeping,” Murphy murmured. “Tell me about them. How long

have you been having them? My guess would be since we hit Oklahoma.”

Finn jerked his head up, looking toward his brother.

“Easy,” Murphy replied as if Finn had asked how aloud instead of in his head. “The restlessness

started there. It’s why I volunteered us when they needed someone to go check in on the Holloways.

There’s something about Oklahoma that has you on edge. I don’t know what it is, so I’m guessing you

haven’t pinned it down yet either.”

“No,” Finn admitted then changed the subject again. “I’m going to miss those bears.”

The Holloways were a group of brothers in Montana who were bear shifters. There weren’t

very many of their species left, and while offering shelter to several members of the pride, they’d also

opened their home to a mutual enemy. It still galled Finn to know a shifter would work with the

hunters, a group of people dead set on ending all shifters for good. Men, women, children, the young

or old. It didn’t matter to a hunter as long as blood spilled and a shifter’s life was ended.

“I’m glad Holt found some happiness there,” Finn said. “He deserves it.”

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“That he does,” Murphy agreed. “I think he and Jaeda will be happy together.”

Jaeda was a female bear shifter, who’d run out of the woods and directly into their friend Holt’s

arms. Funny thing was all the female bear shifters had been thought to be dead. Murphy and Finn had

been excluded from whatever was going on with the Holloways, but they’d seen enough to get the gist

of it. Someone from within the bear pack had helped arrange the attacks on the members, attacks that

began with the death of their alpha, the patriarch of the Holloway family, and supposedly ended with

the extinction of the females of the species. Jaeda’s arrival stated otherwise. So Finn and Murphy had

been given the boot, while Holt, as the new mate of a bear, was made one of their current alpha’s

inner circle.

“I’m going to miss Holt, too,” Finn said.

“Yeah,” Murphy agreed. “Now, tell me about these dreams.”

Finn sighed. He should have known Murph wouldn’t leave it alone. “They’re all a jumble of


“Jumbled images. Possibly memories. Headaches. Sleeplessness. Restlessness. And I can feel

your beast pressing you. My beast responds to it.”

“Shit, Murph.”

“We’re brothers. Our beasts are, as well. We’re the last two of our kind.”

“Are we?” Finn asked. “How can we be sure when we left home?”

“You know as well as I do that Niall and Alby were no shifters.” Murph argued, naming two of

their siblings.

“Well, we had to get it from somewhere. We both know that old bastard wasn’t one. Was mom?

Because I don’t think she was,” Finn told his brother.

“She must have been,” Murph stated, as stubborn as ever.

“Haven’t you once thought about it? How is it a full shifter and a recessed one came from two

fully human parents?”

“Don’t.” Murphy’s voice was hard and cold.

“You can’t keep ignoring what’s right in front of our faces,” Finn warned.

“We don’t know anything for sure. We only have suspicions, and they won’t do either of us any

good right now. Besides, we’re talking about you.”

“The hell we are,” Finn exploded. “What about Brenna? Have you forgotten about her because I

sure as hell haven’t. It nearly killed me to leave her behind.” He could still see his twin’s blue eyes,

like reflections of his own, pooled with tears as she’d reached for him.

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“You didn’t have to go with me, Finn. It was my punishment. Not yours.”

“Fuck that, too. If I hadn’t screamed my bloody head off, they would have killed you the same

way our mother was killed. Then I would have lost you both.”

“Fuck. We’re a right mess, aren’t we?” Murphy muttered.

They rode in silence for a ways. Finn figured Murphy was as lost in memory as Finn was. He

saw his mother’s face in his mind, heard the tinkling sound of her laughter as if she were beside him

even now. Funny how some things faded but others remained vivid even after the long passage of

time. He could still smell his mother’s perfume.

Another picture formed in his mind. Long, blonde hair and big, green eyes. The eyes of a cat. He

wasn’t sure where that thought had come from, but as soon as it registered, he couldn’t shake it away.

He knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that the woman he pictured was a shifter. He heard her voice

in his head, repeating the same line over and over again until it became a mantra. I would have loved


Then why the fuck had she left him to die? Why had she walked away? Murphy had told him

over and over again how he and Zane hadn’t been sure if Finn would even survive the trip to the

cabin in Colorado from the New Mexico hunting lodge where he’d been discovered. Murphy had

called it a miracle. Finn knew better. He’d survived because of a kiss, one that still tormented him.

Murphy’s phone rang before he could start in on Finn again. The caller ID popped up on the

dashboard, and Murph hit the button to answer. Tah’s voice came out in surround sound, filling the


“How far out are you?” Tah asked.

The alpha of their pride was a man both brothers truly admired and respected. So much so

they’d dropped everything when another Marine buddy, Reno, had put out an SOS, stating Tah needed

help and asking anyone who could to get in touch. Of course, “everything” had really been nothing.

They’d been roaming from place to place, bored and restless. Civilian life wasn’t what they’d

anticipated when they’d followed on the heels of the rest of their unit and left behind Marine life.

Reno’s call had been a lifeline of sorts for them, giving them direction and purpose they’d both


The call from Reno was the last real thing Finn remembered prior to waking up with the

Professor and Diane in his mug down in the Colorado labs. He’d known them but had no clue how.

They’d told him he’d almost died. Some days, parts of him wondered if maybe he’d been meant to


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Murph had filled him in on all that had happened between the call from Reno and when Finn had

woken up. He knew they’d met up with Tah and the group in Colorado, and that several of their

former Marine buddies were shifters just like Murph. He knew he’d been responsible for terrifying

Reno’s mate, Amia, and inadvertently, making her relive one of the most panic-inducing moments in

her life. He knew he’d left to try to make amends and to protect the rest of their makeshift pride from

the hunters closing in on them.

He knew Zane had helped to save his life, and he owed the man more than he could ever repay.

He knew Reno and Amia had both forgiven him, and he was humbled by their generosity. Above all,

he knew there wasn’t much he wouldn’t do for any member of their extended family.

He focused back on the moment and found Murph throwing him a concerned glance and silence

over the speakers.

“What?” Finn said.

“I asked how you are,” Tah replied. “Everything okay?”

“I’m fine,” Finn snapped and regretted it almost instantly. Jesus! What was wrong with him?

“Yeah, there’s a lot of fine going around. Ariel’s fine though she’s reverted back to avoiding

most of us whenever possible. Logan’s fine when I can tell he’s anything but fine.”

Ariel was a prickly little Tigress who’d arrived with Gideon and another shifter named Griffin.

Griffin was most at home running lab tests and basically doing anything the Professor asked of him.

The younger man had gone from dogging at Gideon’s heels to following the Professor around

everywhere. They were an interesting pair.

“Logan’s having no luck mending fences with his sister?” Murph asked.

If Reno was Tah’s right hand, Logan was Reno’s. The three men were tight as brothers. Logan

and Reno had bounced around after getting out of the Marines, searching for Logan’s baby sister.

Logan had been nuts about finding her. Said he had a bad feeling. He’d sent letters to her while he’d

been gone, but they’d all been returned to him. Then Reno had been shot outside a bar when he’d

stepped in to prevent a woman from being attacked. He’d woken up in the hospital and told Logan

they needed to find Tah. So Logan had set aside his search for his sister and followed Reno to find

Tah. Funny how that one decision had led him to his sister in the long run.

Finn had never met Logan’s sister, Laura, but he’d heard about her. He rolled his head on his

shoulders then shrugged them up around his ears to release some stress.

“…back now but hasn’t really spoken to Logan. I think having her so close and still so far away

is hurting him more than when he didn’t know where she was.”

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Finn zoned back in to catch the tail end of what Tah was saying.

“Give it time. Sounds like she has her own demons to slay,” Murph said.

Finn swore a growl of displeasure rumbled in his chest, and he shifted in his seat again. Murphy

threw him a startled look.

“What was—”

“We’re another couple hours out.” Murphy spoke over Tah. “I’ll check in with you as soon as

we get there.”

“Sounds good,” Tah said.

“I’m fine,” Finn snapped, glaring at his brother. What the fuck? Did Murph really think Finn

didn’t know what he wanted to see Tah about?

Silence seemed to hang thick in the air again.

“I think we’ll let Gideon decide that. Vic should be here any minute, too. I’ll let her know to

have Gideon stick close. I want you to see him as soon as you get here, Finn,” Tah stated.

Vic was another member of their motley Marine crew. She’d watched Finn’s back more than

once, and he trusted her to do it again. She’d wound up mated to Gideon, a Jaguar who’d been

passing through until he’d locked his teeth into Vic. Now, he stayed close to his mate. It turned out

Gideon knew his way around a lab and medical research. He’d proved a huge asset to their group. He

definitely had his hands full with some of the anomalies going on right now.

“I don’t—”

“That’s an order,” Tah commanded, his voice almost a roar. Then he continued in a calmer tone.

“It’ll be good to have you both back. I’m going to miss Holt. We all are.”

They would, but Holt was happy with his mate and the bear shifters. Finn was a little jealous of

him at the moment.

I would have loved you. He shook his head, not wanting to hear the phantom voice.

“I’ll see you both soon,” Tah said and ended the call.

Murph gave him another sharp look then returned his gaze to the road.

“So Ariel’s pulled back into her shell?” Finn asked, ignoring the look and the tension filling the


“Yeah, she doesn’t seem to have taken to Oklahoma any easier than you did. Now, tell me more

about the dreams,” Murphy said.

“What did you see that scared you?”

“You were thrashing a bit. You grabbed your leg then put your hand on your stomach. You

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whispered something. I didn’t catch it. Next thing I knew, you’re screaming loud enough to shatter all

the windows.”

Finn knew Murph was lying. There was no way he hadn’t heard whatever Finn had whispered.

“What did I scream?”

Murph glanced in the rearview mirror then over to the side then back to the road in front of them.

“Just fucking tell me what you heard,” Finn demanded.

“You were calling for someone to come back to you, not to leave you. Who’d you meet while

they had you, Finn?”

He gave a grim smile and turned to peer out the window again. “No one that I can remember.”

“That’s a lie, and we both know it.”

“What did I whisper? And don’t give me the bullshit answer that you couldn’t make it out.”

Murphy sighed. “Mine. You whispered the word mine. So I’m going to ask you again, brother.

Who were you calling out to? Who left you?”

Blonde curls and green eyes. The whispered vow floated through his mind. I would have loved

you. Then she should have fucking stayed with him! He tried to stifle his anger, knowing Murphy was

picking up on it. There were times he hated their connection and times he cherished it. It had saved

his life after all.

“Finn?” Murphy prompted.

“I don’t know,” he bit out. “I wish to God I did, Murph. I really wish I did.”

“We’ll figure it out,” Murphy promised.

Finn nodded, but he lacked Murphy’s certainty.

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Chapter Two

Laura knew she had to stop avoiding her brother, especially since Logan went out of his way to

be in her path every day. He was pressing for a confrontation with her, but she wasn’t ready. Not yet.

No one seemed to understand how hard it was for her. They all took Logan’s side, making a point of

telling her how he’d searched for her. No less than three of his friends had informed her of the letters

he’d written to her and how they’d all been returned. No one needed to educate her on how big a pair

of selfish assholes her parents had been. They probably still were. She knew them better than any of

Logan’s friends ever could, possibly even better than her brother did.

It was as if everyone expected her to throw away a lifetime of hurt just because Logan was

suddenly there. In a perfect world, maybe, but they all fucking knew there was nothing perfect about

this world. She was glad he was here, glad he was healthy and happy. She easily picked up on his

love for his mate. If anything, it made it even harder for her. As always, Logan seemed to be the

golden boy. No one had a bad word to say about him. He was perfect, utterly perfect, while she was

anything but. Her life was sheer hell, a fact she refused to share with anyone else. It was her burden to


She needed to see Gabriel or Daniel, if he was here. The brothers had saved her life. Gabriel

had found her staked to the ground about to be raped. The memory clutched at her chest, and bile rose

in her throat. She felt it as if it were yesterday. Stripped and spread wide, ropes burning her wrists

and ankles as she fought to break her bindings. She’d been drugged though, with the perfect cocktail to

keep her snow leopard deeply asleep while they did what they wanted to Laura.

Two male shifters had been with her. Both drugged with some type of aphrodisiac that had made

them lust for her. Though neither had been her mate, both would have fought to the death to take her.

One of them had. Thankfully, Gabriel had stopped either of them from getting to her. Those who

didn’t know him referred to him as The Angel, a savior of the people. She was one of the few who

knew how true that was. He was her angel. He’d saved her, and it was a debt she could never repay.

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Through him, she’d met Daniel and gained two brothers to replace the one she’d lost. At least, she’d

almost convinced herself of that.

“I’d like to speak with you.”

Laura almost cringed at the angry, feminine tone. She should have expected Logan’s mate to be

watching for her.

“I’m in a hurry,” Laura lied.

Clara waved it off. “I don’t care. You can damn well make time to speak to me.”

Laura arched a brow and glared at the other woman.

“I don’t want to be enemies,” Clara said with a hint of sadness in her voice. “I love him. Logan

means everything to me. He stepped into my life when I needed someone most. He challenged me,

fought me, fought for me. Most of all, he loved me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.”

“I’m happy for you two.”

Clara growled. “I don’t know what the fuck your reasons are for keeping this distance from him.

You know he wrote you. You know he searched for you. Yet, you still choose to punish him.”

“I’m not punishing him,” Laura argued.

“What would you call your behavior? Do you have any clue how much you’re tearing him


Laura shook her head, opening her mouth to deny Clara’s claim, but Clara spoke over her.

“You are. I want to be angry with you, but I can see you’re hurting too. Talk to him. From what I

see, your parents fucked you both over. Don’t let them destroy the relationship you could have with

Logan now. He needs you, and I get the feeling you might need him, too. If you do, he went for a walk

out by the house Isaac lived in. He’s helping Gabriel sort through all the papers there.”

Clara walked away before Laura could say anything, but the words her brother’s mate had

spoken struck deep. Laura was behaving like a child. More specifically, like the child Logan had left

behind when he’d joined the Marines. She wasn’t that girl any longer. She was a grown woman, one

who far better understood what her parents were capable of.

With leaden feet, she turned and made her way across the property in the direction of Isaac’s

cabin. It would take her a while to reach it on foot, but the walk would do her good, help her clear her


It was weird to admit, but she missed Isaac. He’d been a shitty father to Gabriel and Daniel, but

she’d always felt there was more to him. To hear Daniel speak, Isaac had been madly in love with his

wife and had lost everything when he’d lost her. To know he’d loved someone so fiercely made her

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think there had to be more to him than the gruff, old bastard she’d met when she’d arrived in

Oklahoma hot on Gabriel’s trail.

She scented Logan before he stepped into the copse of trees and stood facing her. Just looking at

him made her want to weep.

He held out his hand, opened his mouth, closed it then dropped his arm and shook his head.

“Don’t run. I’ll walk around. I didn’t know you were here.”

“Liar,” she murmured, but there was no heat to her words. “Your animal may still be dormant,

but I know you have the heightened senses. You knew I was here.”

He sighed and ran the fingers of one hand through his hair, the same sandy-blonde shade as hers.

“I just…” His voice trickled off, and he shook his head again. Without offering anything else, he

turned to walk away.

“Don’t,” she said and bit her bottom lip as he paused without turning back. “I’m not trying to

hurt you. I’m not trying to punish you.”

“Aren’t you?” he asked softly as he faced her once more. “Not that I’m blaming you. I know

what happened to you. Gabriel told me when you refused to speak to me. I know what our parents did.

Jesus! I’d give anything to go back and be there for you.”

She shuddered, wrapping her arms around her waist and holding tight as memories fought to

invade her mind. She couldn’t think of that, didn’t want to.

“The way Gabriel found you…” Logan tilted his head back, and she saw his Adam’s apple bob

in his throat as he swallowed convulsively. For a brief moment, she swore she saw tears glistening in

his eyes.

“He did find me,” she finally said. “He saved my life that day.”

“And I wasn’t there.” Pain radiated from Logan’s gaze. She saw it, and God help her, she felt

vindicated by it.

“No, you weren’t. You left. I stayed.” She shrugged her shoulders, as if that said it all.

“I wrote to you. I wanted to visit, to see you.”

“So why didn’t you?” she challenged. “I was ten when you left. Why didn’t you come home to

check on me even once? Especially when your letters were all returned?”

“I didn’t want to deal with dad’s bullshit. I didn’t want to have mom try her guilt-trip tactics. I

told myself you were okay. That they loved you. Mom always doted on you. I never… I didn’t…” He

blew out a breath and finally met her eyes. “I always thought there would be time, only…time got

away from me. Before I knew it, eight years had passed. As far as I knew, you were eighteen,

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graduating high school and going off to college.”

“So you wrote me off?” she raged.

“No! God, no! I just didn’t know what to say. Reenlistment came up, and I stayed there.”

“With the new group who’d become your family. I found a new family, too. I’m not sure I want

any part of my old one back.” She met his gaze head on. “Including you.”

He nodded and turned his head away. “Gabriel’s still at the house,” he murmured so low she

had to strain to hear it. There was a rasp in his voice. She’d hurt him. She could feel it but was

unwilling to do anything about it. He’d as much as admitted he hadn’t taken the time to check on her.

What was she supposed to say to that?

“I’ll try to stay out of your way,” Logan said. “This is your home. It’s been your home for a long

time. That doesn’t change because I’m here.”

She nodded, avoiding his gaze. She kept her head down, her focus on the ground until she knew

he was gone. Only then did she let out a shuddery breath and move on. Seeing Logan? It killed her.

He’d been her hero growing up. Everything she wanted to be. Strong, brave, invincible. God, it felt as

if her heart were being ripped in two. She loved him, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever forgive him for

not being there when she needed him most. What a fucking mess this was!

“Hey, there.”

She glanced up as Gabriel called out a greeting. He took one look at her and lost the smile on his

lips. He stepped closer and wiped away the tear she hadn’t even realized she’d cried. Then he tugged

her against his chest and just held her while she sobbed silently.

He’d reacted similarly when he’d first found her. He’d killed the man who’d tricked her into

going with him then taken care of the others who’d been with that man. He’d given the two drugged

shifter males a chance. The oldest had gladly taken it, continuing to fight the need for her tearing

through him. The younger hadn’t been able to. She’d never forget the roar Gabriel had released when

he had to snap that boy’s neck. She’d seen his rage and sorrow. He’d bound the remaining shifter, at

the male’s request, then finally turned to free her. His voice had crooned, low and soothing, as he’d

cut the ropes holding her down, exposing her to any who chose to look.

He’d freed her then backed away as she’d curled into a ball to cry. Slowly, she’d felt the stroke

of his hand over her arm, felt the shirt he’d removed from his own chest to drape over her nudity.

She’d sat up, holding her arms aloft while he’d dressed her as if she were a child. He’d taken one

look at her face and held his arms wide, offering the comfort she’d desperately needed. He’d tried to

be gruff over the years, tried to intimidate and even push her away, but in that first moment, she’d

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seen who he really was. And she’d claimed him as hers. As family.

“I can’t stand to see you hurting like this,” he whispered above her head. “Talk to me.”

“I can’t do this,” she admitted. “I can’t be here with him. I want to talk to him, to put the past

behind me. Then I look at him, and it all comes crashing back until I’m drowning in it. He wasn’t

there.” She lifted her head and looked up at Gabriel. “I needed him, and he wasn’t there.”

“Shh,” Gabriel crooned, pressing her cheek back to his chest. “I understand.”

It was that simple with him. She didn’t have to go into great detail and explain why she felt as

she did. Gabriel didn’t need that from her. He held her until she’d cried herself out then took off his

shirt and offered it to her. She took it with a grin and laughed at his expression when she blew her

nose on it. Finally, he led her to the porch, and they both sat on the steps.

“You’ve been restless for a while now. I know something happened when you went out while I

was gone. You won’t talk about it other than to say you met up with a hunting party and took them out.

I know there’s more to it. I’ve seen it in your eyes, in the way you take risks you know you shouldn’t.

Now, with Logan here… I’m even more worried about you.”

“I’ll be okay.”

“Funny, Logan said much the same when I asked how he was,” Gabriel told her.

“I know he’s a great guy. Everyone’s made a point of letting me know that.”

“He’s a selfish asshole who walked away from his family and never looked back,” Gabriel

stated with a grunt.

“He wrote letters. Mom or Dad must have returned them. I never knew.”

“So he wrote a fucking letter. Big deal. Did he come visit? Come check on you? Hell, did he

ever fucking call you?”

“No, but he was out of the country. It’s not like he was just up the road or something,” she


“Good, I’m glad you realize that,” Gabriel said then put his hand on her knee to keep her from

rising. “Forgive him or not. That choice is yours. But be aware of where he’s coming from. Did you

read the letters? Did you ask him about the things your dad said to him? Did you ask him what he was

going through?”

She shook her head.

“Maybe, you should. When you’re ready. You were a kid when he left, but he was a kid, too. I

get the impression he’s a lot like his sister when it comes to keeping things bottled up inside. And…”

“What?” she demanded when he stopped.

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“He’s sick, Laura. He won’t tell you that, and I’m not sure anyone else will, either.”

“What do you mean he’s sick?” she asked.

“He was injected with feral fever virus. At first, they didn’t know what it was doing. They

thought he was completely human. It shouldn’t have affected him at all.”

“He’s not human.”

“No,” Gabriel agreed. “He’s not, but his animal is deeply recessed. Mating didn’t bring it out.

The virus isn’t bringing it out, but it’s doing something.”


“They’re not really sure. His senses are all over the place. On par with ours one day and less

than a human’s the next. He has bouts of extreme agitation and anger where his mate is the only one

who can be around him. Then he gets really cold. His blood pressure bottoms out. He’s pale and

listless. For a while, he managed to hide it from everyone but his mate. He finally told Tah and Reno.

I’m sure the others all know at this point. The group seems to be big on having no secrets.”

“I don’t understand. No one knows what’s causing it?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Gideon doesn’t know. He said he’s never seen it before.”

“What about their doctor, Diane? Or the Professor?” Laura asked.

Diane was a biologist who’d specialized in zoology, but now she was the official doctor of the

pride Logan was in. She was mated to a panther shifter, Zane. He’d been in the Marines with Logan,

as well. Zane was only a half inch shorter than Gabriel’s massive six feet six-and-a-half inches and

had the eeriest colored eyes Laura had ever seen. Their bright yellow contrasted sharply against his

ebony skin. He seemed to treasure his blonde wife. His very pregnant wife.

The Professor was a college professor and former researcher who’d become a surrogate father

to Abby, the mate of the alpha, Tah. Apparently, Abby’s best friend was the Professor’s daughter.

Laura didn’t know much about her. She did know the Professor seemed to be the father figure for the

whole group. It was easy to see he cared about them and, from what she’d overheard, seemed willing

to do anything required to save them.

“They don’t know either,” Gabriel said.

“What are they doing for him?” Laura asked.

“Watching. Monitoring. Trying to see a pattern in the dips and spikes he takes. This is all new

territory. No one’s seen it before.”

“What can I do?” she asked when Gabriel kept staring at her.

“Do you want to help?” he asked.

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“I don’t want him sick,” she said, feeling a bit overwhelmed by her emotions. “I don’t… Yes, I

want to help.”

“I knew you’d want to, which is why I’ve already spoken with the Professor. He’d like to take

some blood and test it against Logan’s. You’re a full-blooded sibling. You should both have the same

animal DNA. Your sample would definitely give them a starting point for Logan.”

She nodded her head. “I’ll go give it today.”

“You know,” Gabriel said. “Daniel and I have been at odds for years. We’ve argued over

everything. Our dad. You.”

“I know,” she admitted.

“He resented me for leaving him here to deal with dad’s shit. I resented him for never seeing

dad as he was. We spent our time antagonizing one another and creating distance when we should

have been each other’s greatest supporters.”

Laura shook her head, knowing what Gabriel was getting out. “It’s not the same.”

“It never is,” he agreed. “But some things are. Family. Loyalty. Blood. The bond that exists

between siblings, if you’re lucky. I almost wasn’t. I could have lost Daniel when I invited Tah and the

whole group to come here. I could have lost him when I decided to deed this land to the pride.”

“Daniel loves you.”

“He does, and I love him. Even when I’m so angry I want to punch him, I still love him. At the

end of the day, I know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.” He ran his fingers down Laura’s cheek.

“So ask yourself that. Not if you can forgive Logan, but if at the end of the day, you’re happy he’s

back in your life. If the answer is yes, then start building a bridge instead of a wall.”

“I love you, Gabriel.”

“I know. I love you, too.”

“Good thing I’m not the jealous type.”

Laura watched as Gabriel got to his feet and moved toward his mate. Kenzie was petite at five

feet two inches but looked even tinier when standing beside Gabriel. He wasted no time hauling her

into his arms and up against his chest. Laura felt a jolt of loss as she watched him kiss his woman.

Love and passion surrounded them, reminding her of what she’d never have.

For a moment, she saw a bloody body lying on hard wood. Broken fingers, dislocated joints,

gashes and cuts, bruises, swelling and an open wound seeping a steady stream of blood. She’d been a

little bloodied and bruised herself from the way she’d attacked and killed the hunters in order to get

to him. She’d smelled him before she’d even seen the cabin where they’d kept him. She’d stalked and

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killed until no one stood between the two of them, only to find him broken and dying right before her


His hair had been so matted with blood she didn’t know what shade it actually was, and his eyes

were such a vivid blue she still saw them in her dreams. She’d pressed her bleeding hands to his

belly, hoping to staunch the flow of red from him, desperate to save him. She’d been too late. She’d

sensed his spirit ready to leave. Those eyes had looked at her, promising her things that could never

be. She’d kissed him, needing the caress at least once. She would have loved him. One look and

she’d known. She would have loved him, but instead, she’d mourned every day she was trapped here

without him.

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Chapter Three

Finn was restless. His body was primed and ready for anything, especially for sex. His cock had

been a hard ache since he and Murphy had arrived on the ranch in Oklahoma. His animal pressed

sharply against his skin, and he knew it could emerge at any moment. It flexed, scenting the air in

search of something just beyond their reach.

Finn scented it, as well. Illusive but stronger than it had been before. He vowed as soon as his

brother and the rest of them left him the hell alone, he’d search until he found the source. He wasn’t

sure what would happen once he did. Surges of anger, of lust, of a desire he’d never known before

shredded his control more and more with each passing moment.

Where was she? Had she been here all along?

“Finn?” He heard Murphy, but the animal forced him to ignore his brother and keep his gaze

skimming the land around them. The beast knew something it wasn’t sharing completely with Finn yet,

and it was somehow capable of blocking it from his brother.

“Finn!” Murphy yelled again.

Finn fought against the control of his cat and felt the strain of it throbbing at his temples as pain

radiated in his head.

“What the fuck do you want?” Finn all but roared, turning his head as he did and finding Tah,

Reno and Logan all standing with his brother. When had they arrived?

Tah cocked one eyebrow and shot Finn a penetrating look. Reno’s expression was neutral,

showing no sign of his thoughts, while Logan just appeared curious.

“I’d like to know what the fuck is wrong with you,” Tah said softly, enunciating each word. “We

can discuss it out here or inside, but mark my words, Finn. We will be discussing it.”

“Fine. Fuck,” he muttered, turning again and all but stomping up the steps and into the house. The

only thing that kept the door from slamming behind him was the group of men following him, his

brother hottest on his heels.

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He felt his brother’s concern. The shit was almost suffocating him. He knew Murph wasn’t

buying any of Finn’s assurances that he was okay. He wasn’t sure what had been said to Tah and the

others, but he was ready to find out.

He stepped into Tah’s office and inhaled deeply. The scent was here, too, and it was strong. He

heard the rumble of a muted growl as the others followed him inside then the click of the door


“Finn?” Murph gave him a curious look and shook his head.

“Give it a rest,” Finn snapped. “I said I’m fucking fine.”

Tah’s hands slammed on the desk, and a loud growl filled the room. “You want to explain to me

what has your hackles up to the point you’re growling in my fucking office? Why you’re snapping at

your brother? At me?”

Finn tried to open his mouth, a brusque comment hovering on his tongue, but the beast was there,

exerting enough will to keep Finn’s lips firmly closed. What the fuck was going on? His beast

shouldn’t have the ability to control him. Not like this. Not when they’d yet to merge. He growled,

fighting another round of man versus beast until he was once again in control. He glanced up, and they

were all staring at him with mixed expressions of surprise and worry.

Tah sighed. “We can see you’re not fine. You’re anything but fine. What’s going on with you?”

Finn wasn’t sure where to even start. His body was on overload. Dealing with his emerging

beast was sapping his control. Add to that the memories he was still unsure of, the pieces of his past

that were coming out to haunt him, and the illusive scent that put his beast in stealth mode while

sending waves of rage coursing through the man, and who knew what was wrong with him? Short

answer was everything. Everything was going on with him.

“Maybe, we should start by telling them both what’s been going on around here while they’ve

been gone,” Reno suggested.

Tah nodded and shot a glance at Logan.

“Something happened?” Murphy demanded. “And you didn’t tell us?”

“You were with the Holloways,” Tah replied. “Your focus needed to be there. Had it been an

emergency, I would have called you immediately.”

“What happened?” Finn asked.

“Me,” Logan stated.

Finn and Murphy both looked at Logan. He shrugged.

“I’ve been having some reactions to the feral fever virus I was injected with,” he admitted.

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“Shit, man. You okay?” Murphy asked while Finn was still processing.

“I’m fi—” He let the unfinished word hang in the air then spoke again. “I’m dealing with it.”

“What exactly are you dealing with?” Murphy asked.

Finn stayed silent. He suspected they were afraid that whatever was wrong with Logan was

happening with Finn, too.

“It started out with bouts of rage for no apparent reason. I was convinced it was just an

aftereffect of the virus. As long as I stayed with Clara, she could calm me down. We didn’t say

anything, figuring it would pass.” His gaze found Finn’s. “But it didn’t. Instead, other things started.

I’d spike a fever then get so cold I swore I’d never warm up. My senses would be better than Clara’s

one day then worse than they’d ever been the next. I have these adrenaline spikes that can only be

purged through a hard bout of fuc—” He stopped and shook his head. “You get the gist. Then I’d come

crashing down and almost pass out face first. Every time, it’s been my mate who brought me back.

Without Clara, I’m not sure I’d still be here.”

Finn’s chest rumbled, and their gazes flickered his way. How could he explain how he felt about

the mere word mate, knowing his had left him to die? “So is it the recessed beast? The virus? Or a

mixture of the two?” he asked instead.

“The Professor’s been doing tests since we got here, trying to see what’s causing it. Most likely

it’s a combination,” Logan answered. “He’s got both Gideon and Diane looking into it now.”

“I’m sorry you’re going through all this,” Finn said with sincerity. “I hope to God they figure it

out and soon.” He turned to look at Tah then let his gaze meet Murphy’s. “But that isn’t what’s going

on with me. I didn’t get injected with anything but the concoction the Professor made, which saved my


“That might not be true,” Reno argued. “When you woke, you had no memory of where you’d

been or the condition your brother and Zane had brought you back in. Hell, the last thing you

remembered was my call asking for help. There’s a lot you’ve forgotten, Finn. Most importantly, what

happened to you when you were captured and held by a group of hunters. We don’t know what they

did to you, other than almost kill you.”

“Hell, I remember exactly what you looked like when I found you in that cabin, the stench of

blood everywhere. I didn’t think you’d make it. I swore I’d lose you. It’s a miracle you survived,”

Murphy said with unshed tears glistening in his eyes.

A miracle with long, blonde hair and green eyes, Finn thought. Then he heard the echo in his

mind of the whispered words before she turned away and left him to die. I would have loved you. He

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shook off the memory and refocused on the present.

“You can’t tell me the Professor didn’t take blood before they treated me,” Finn challenged. “He

takes blood every five minutes it seems.”

“Not enough,” Tah answered. “There wasn’t time. You were in critical condition, and a

decision had to be made immediately in order to save your life.”

“He must not have found much of anything,” Finn said, “or you wouldn’t have let me go all the

way to Wyoming without saying something.”

“It’s similar to Logan’s but different at the same time. There’s something there. Some anomaly

even Gideon hasn’t put his finger on yet. Nothing that made us overly concerned since you haven’t

displayed any of the symptoms Logan has. Other than memory loss, you’ve seemed okay.”

Finn almost snorted at that. He must be a better actor than he’d thought.

“Until we arrived here,” Tah stated softly, making Finn’s glance move back to lock with his.

“You’ve been agitated since we got to Oklahoma. I don’t know why, and you haven’t said. I know

something’s going on though. And I know you’re far from fine.”

Finn dropped his head in his hands and gave his face a good rub before looking back up. He’d

grown out his facial hair while he’d been gone, opting for the lazy route and not shaving, and found

that he liked the scruff. There was something soothing about rubbing his palms over it, as if he were

feeling a part of the beast hidden inside him.

“Tell them,” Murphy said. There was a plea in his brother’s gaze. One that said this was the

home they’d be searching for since they’d been boys, tossed out and made to leave behind all they


“I think I’m starting to get some of my memory back,” Finn admitted, his gaze remaining locked

with his brother’s.

“That’s great news,” Logan said.

“I think,” Finn reiterated, placing emphasis on the last word. “It’s mostly dreams that seem to be

more than dreams. It’s all mixed in with other pieces of my past.”

“That explains why you haven’t been sleeping,” Tah said, and Finn heaved a sigh. Why did it

always seem like Tah knew everything that went on? Even when people thought they were hiding


“We all noticed,” Reno added, as if in answer to Finn’s silent question. “We’ve all been


“I’ve seen Amia’s face in my dreams. The pain I put her through,” Finn said.

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“We,” Murphy reminded.

“In the past,” Reno stated firmly. “We’ve all moved on from there. You thought you were

protecting us. Neither Amia nor I blame you for that. Either of you.”

Finn couldn’t forgive himself yet though. Not fully. Maybe if he knew everything that had led up

to that moment; but the full scheme wasn’t what he saw. It was only her face, leached white and filled

with horror. It was knowing he’d caused that look when he’d locked Reno’s mate in a small room and

made her relive being buried alive.

“I’m so sorry,” Finn said again.

“I forgave you,” Reno reminded him.

“What else are you remembering?” Tah prompted.

“Bits and pieces but they’re all jumbled together. When I try to force them, my head starts

pounding.” He absently rubbed his temple with his fingers. “It’s there. I can feel it. I just can’t access

it when I want to.”

“It’s coming back though, so don’t force it. Let it come as it wants to,” Tah said. “Anything

about your capture?”

I would have loved you.

Finn shook the words away.

“Torture. Pain. Questions. They wanted to know who I was protecting. Where you were hiding.”

He shook out his arms then rolled his head back and forth on his neck, stretching from shoulder to

shoulder. Blonde hair. Green eyes. Loved you… “At the moment, I don’t know what’s real and what’s

a dream.”

“I’d like you to go to the lab,” Tah said. “Let Diane take a look at you, and we’ll see if she can

figure anything out.”

“Is she up to it?” Finn asked, remembering how she’d been not too long ago. Pregnancy was

taking an emotional toll on her. Gideon had said it was from the hormone surges inside her from the

growing baby. Being human meant Diane needed regular infusions of her mate’s blood to help her

body with the high demands of a shifter pregnancy. The baby grew at a rapid rate, arriving in half the

time of a human pregnancy. This made a huge demand on the mother’s body, especially if she was


“She’s doing a lot better,” Logan said. “I just saw her a bit ago. Abby and Regan are over there

with her.”

“Diane has it in her head that Abby will be the one to deliver her baby,” Tah said.

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“Abby’s not a doctor,” Finn stated.

“No, but Diane will tell you she isn’t either and Regan arrived okay.” Tah’s eyes sparkled at the

mention of his daughter. The tiny girl ruled her father’s heart as much as her mother did. Hell, Regan

ruled them all.

“The lass has a point,” Murphy said.

“Yes, but we didn’t have a doctor then. We do now,” Tah reminded them.

Murphy shrugged. “What does Zane think?”

“Whatever Diane wants,” Tah said with a snort.

“And Abby?” Finn asked. “What does she think?”

Tah smiled. “She’ll do anything for Diane. The Professor’s agreed to be there, just in case. Dr.

Jensen will stick close by.”

“What’s your take on the doctor?” Murphy asked.

Dr. Jensen was one of the doctors who lived on the ranch. He’d been gone when they’d all

arrived from Colorado. Apparently, he’d returned a week after they’d buried Isaac, Gabriel and

Daniel’s father. Dr. Jensen cared for all the shifters in the area, no matter the breed, and more often

than not was traveling from group to group.

“He seems knowledgeable,” Tah said. “Gabriel trusts him. The doctor was visibly upset when

he found out about Isaac. He’s been sticking around since he arrived, only taking shorter day trips.”

“Do you trust him?” Finn asked.

Tah looked thoughtful. “I trust him not to betray us. He has a genuine affection for everyone he’s

worked on. You can hear it in his voice, see it on his face when he talks about the people he’s met.

He hates hunters. God knows, he’s saved many a life that might have ended if he hadn’t been there.”

“But?” Murphy prompted.

“I get the impression he’s waiting for someone or something,” Tah admitted. “Abby says he

watches Isaac’s house as if he expects someone to show up there. He’s worried. I can sense it every

time I’m around him.”

“Anything we can do to help?” Murphy asked.

Tah shook his head. “Not until he fills us in. Gideon and Vic are both keeping a close eye on


“Let us know if there’s anything you need us to do,” Murphy offered.

“We’ve got a reprieve right now,” Tah said. “I don’t know that it will last long. Let’s focus on

getting everyone healthy and strong while we have the chance.”

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“I should make a point of checking on my favorite tigress before I head to the labs,” Finn said.

“Know where she is?”

“Ariel stays close to Gideon or Vic lately. Since Vic went into town to pick up some stuff she

had delivered to Daniel. I’d bet Ariel’s in the labs with Gideon,” Reno said.

“Is she okay?” Murphy asked.

“Something has her spooked,” Tah stated, and Finn got the impression Tah had some suspicions

on what that might be.

“We shouldn’t have brought her here and left her the way we did,” Murphy said. “The lass is

hungry for family, even if she won’t admit it.”

“You needed to go,” Reno told them. “Ariel… Ariel needs to be here. She just doesn’t realize it


Finn knew how much Ariel wanted a family to call her own, a place to belong. The young

woman had had a rough life. He didn’t know all of it, but he knew she’d almost died. Clara’s Uncle

Thomas had found her, but it had been Gideon who’d really saved her. Holding her while she’d cried

after waking from nightmares. Finn had seen the fragile woman hidden behind a bravado of anger she

used like a shield to keep people out. He’d seen it and thought of another angry, young woman. One he

and Murphy had left behind in Ireland. One his soul longed to see again. He shook away those

thoughts but knew from the look Murphy tossed his way that his brother had already picked up on


“I’ll head over to the labs with you,” Murphy said, and Finn nodded.

Reno clapped Murphy on the back with one hand and squeezed Finn’s shoulder with the other

one. “It’s good to have you both back.”

“I want to hear more about Holt and this new mate of his,” Logan said.

“Jaeda,” Murphy replied.

“She’s a fireball,” Finn added. “She shook things up and had the Holloways in an uproar. They

weren’t pleased with her choice in mates either.”

“She chose Holt the moment she arrived on their land,” Murphy said. “I was there. She had eyes

only for him.”

“He sounded happy when I spoke with him,” Tah told them.

“He is,” Finn said and felt an ache in his chest. He wanted that happiness, wanted to taste it

deeply instead of the fleeting promise he’d been given before his mate had slipped away and left him

to die.

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“That’s all that matters,” Reno said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a sudden need to see my

mate and remind her why she loves me.” He gave a grin that had them all chuckling.

“Sounds like a plan,” Tah agreed. “I could do with some snuggles with my girls.”

Finn hadn’t seen Abby or baby Regan since he’d been back. Tah’s mate was an amazing woman.

It was through her that Tah had learned who he really was. She’d awakened the beast inside her mate

and started them all on this journey. There were times when she was the glue that kept them all


“I’d say that’s my cue to head over to see Gideon and find Ariel,” Finn said.

“I’ll go with you,” Murphy said once more. “You want to walk with us, Logan?”

“I’m good, but thanks. I’m supposed to meet Clara soon.”

They walked together into the main part of the house then scattered in different directions.

Murphy stayed at Finn’s side as they headed away from the house toward the labs Gabriel had built

on the property.

“Have you heard anything about her?”

Finn didn’t need Murphy to clarify who the her was. He knew his brother was talking about

Brenna. He shook his head. “You?”

“No,” Murphy admitted. “She’s been on my mind a lot lately, though. We should call and check

on her. Unless… Are you feeling something?”

“You know she and I have never had the same connection I have with you,” Finn reminded his

brother. It was funny how Finn shared a deep connection with a brother eleven months older than him

instead of the twin with whom he’d shared the same womb. That didn’t mean Brenna wasn’t always

on his mind, though.

He could still picture her back then, red curls bouncing around her face as she’d fought to get to

him and Murphy. She’d sobbed and screamed, biting and scratching at their father as he’d held her

back. He’d shed a few tears himself as they’d carried him to the car that would take him and Murphy

away. His leg had screamed with pain, the broken bone causing his pulse to throb there, but his heart

had ached the most. That was the last time he’d seen his twin. Their father had made sure neither Finn

nor Murphy could speak with her. Fortunately, they’d found someone who would sneak messages to

her and pictures to them. She’d grown into a beautiful woman, but the pictures showed a coldness to

her that hadn’t been there before they’d parted. It made them worry what hell she might have lived


“We couldn’t go back,” Murphy reminded Finn.

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“No,” Finn agreed. Their father had seen to that. Brenna had been a pawn in a game none of

them had understood, but the threat had been clear. If Finn or Murphy set foot in Ireland again, Brenna

would die.

“We’ll get her out soon,” Murph vowed. It was a promise they’d both made the day they’d left.

Unfortunately, the old bastard kept her fairly secluded and out of the reach of those who would help

Finn and Murphy.

They dropped the conversation as they entered the building that housed the medical facilities.

“You’re back!”

The feminine cry reached their ears, and Finn looked up with a smile as Ariel left Gideon’s side

and barreled across to them. She launched herself at Finn first then gave Murphy a hug. Finn

immediately noticed two things. She was thinner, and her eyes and face showed a lack of sleep. He

pulled her back to his side.

“Looking good, little tigress,” he lied. “What mischief have you been up to while we were


“Nothing,” she swore. “I’ve been good.

Gideon met his gaze and gave a slight shake of his head though a smile remained on his lips. He

knew something. Finn planned to find out what.

“Good to see you both,” Gideon said. “I’ve got orders for a full work-up on both of you.”

Murph grunted and scowled.

“I want to introduce you to Dr. Miles Jensen, as well. He’s downstairs. He’s a good guy. Human

but knows his stuff when it comes to shifters. He started out as a small-town doctor here and ended up

doubling as a vet when needed. Now, he treats mostly shifters.”

“How did Gabriel find him?” Murph asked.

“Actually, it was Isaac who brought him here. It seems they were friends. Miles was devastated

when he found out Isaac was gone,” Gideon said.

“And we’re trusting this guy?” Finn questioned.

“Give him a chance,” Gideon suggested.

“Well, let’s get this started,” Murph said then turned to Ariel. “You going to hold my hand, lass,

while they take my blood?”

“As if you need me to,” she said with a snort of humor. “I want to hear all about the bears

though. I’ve never met a bear shifter.”

“I’ll tell you all about the Holloways,” Finn said. “First, I want to hear what you’ve been doing

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since you got here.”

She made a face but walked at his side as they moved deeper into the building. Finn stopped

suddenly, sniffing the air, body tensing. The beast inside him pressed hard, demanding a release Finn

was incapable of giving. Despite what the others thought, his beast wasn’t repressed. Instead, it felt

as if it were leashed, and Finn hadn’t discovered how to unleash it. A rumble filled his chest, and he

knew from the looks the others were giving him that the growl filled the air.

“Where is she?” Finn demanded, the words warbled as he tried to speak through a clenched


Gideon shook his head. “Who?”

A door opened and a man stepped out, stopping abruptly as he took in the group in the corridor.

“Miles,” Gideon greeted.

Miles Jensen was medium height, maybe five nine, with dark hair and brown eyes framed by

glasses. His smile vanished as his gaze met Finn. Rage consumed Finn. Without thought, he backed

the doctor against the wall and snarled in his face.

“Where is she?”

“I don’t—”

His denial changed to a yelp when Finn grabbed him by the throat and lifted him onto his tiptoes.

Finn’s canines descended as he growled in the doctor’s face.

“I can smell her all over you. You have ten seconds to tell me where she is before I rip your

fucking throat out,” he warned.

The doctor jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “She went out the back. She was looking for her


With a leap, Finn was gone. He heard the yells behind him, knew his brother was rushing to

follow, but his mind was on her. She was here.

I would have loved you.

She might get the chance to show him that, if he didn’t kill her first.

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Chapter Four

Laura headed out of the main house. She’d been looking for Logan, but he hadn’t been there. She

wanted to let him know she’d seen Dr. Jensen. The doctor had taken several vials of blood and even

taken swabs from the inside of her mouth. She wasn’t sure what that was all about but had been

willing to do whatever he asked if it would help her brother. Gabriel was right. She needed to work

on building a bridge instead of a wall. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but she owed it to herself as

well as her brother to try.

She had just rounded the corner of the house when a roar rent the air. Something about the sound

froze her in place while her heart galloped in her chest. Her animal stretched inside her, pushing at

her skin as if seeking control. She shook it off. Nothing here would hurt her, and she needed to find


She continued walking, and another roar echoed behind her, though the sound was much closer

this time. There were shouts, and the sound of running feet, making her turn to see what was going on

and if she could help.

That’s when she saw him. Her lungs seized. It wasn’t possible. She’d been there as he’d taken

his last breath. She’d felt him slipping away. She wouldn’t have left him otherwise. How was he


She drank in the sight of him. His hair was red and looked so lush she wanted to run her fingers

through it. Blue eyes glowed bright, pulling her gaze there and holding it captive. Alive. He was

alive. Tears of joy and disbelief and startled surprise trickled from her eyes, and she took an excited

step toward him, stopping at the rumble of displeasure he gave. She forced herself to focus in on his

face and his manner as he approached instead of the giddy euphoria that tried to fill her. Still, the

same phrase repeated over and over in her mind. He’s alive! My God, my mate is alive!

His face shone with fury, and it was directed completely at her. He prowled toward her, almost

stalking her, and a trickle of fear raced up her spine. He looked as if he were ready to kill her. She

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opened her mouth and shut it. She didn’t even know his name.

“You left me to die,” he growled as he continued stalking toward her, and she began taking a

step back for every one he took forward.

“No,” she denied, shaking her head quickly. “You were…” Dying. He’d been dying. But he

hadn’t. He was here, in front of her, appearing to want her blood when all she wanted was to touch

him, to hold him.

“Alive. I’m alive, and I’ve been looking for you, mate.” The last word was a sneer of anger,

holding a wealth of promise, and none of it good.

There were people around them. Gideon was there, along with Ariel, the girl who often

shadowed him. Dr. Jensen was there, along with another red-haired man who looked too much like

her mate not to be a blood relation. She imagined they were brothers, perhaps even twins. All of them

seemed startled by this turn of events, and she didn’t see any help coming from them.

“I…” She couldn’t seem to finish a sentence, couldn’t breathe as he finally closed the distance

between them. Her back was snug against the house while he loomed over her, blocking her from

everyone else. She shook with the need to reach out and touch him again. He was…beautiful. Healthy

and healed when the last time she’d seen him his features had been distorted, his bones broken, his

body and face covered in blood while he’d knocked at death’s door. “How did you survive? I saw

you die. I felt it the moment you left me.”

“No,” he whispered, leaning close and scraping his teeth at her neck. “You left me.” The brush

of his canines had her jerking away from him. This wasn’t the touch of a mate, and it scared her.

His eyes changed in front of her. They glowed then faded a bit then glowed almost neon again.

Something was wrong with him.


She jerked her gaze from her mate and looked over his shoulder. Tah was there now, as were

Reno and Zane.

The man she thought must be her mate’s family moved closer to them. “Step away from her,

brother. Whatever you’re thinking, don’t do it.”

So the redhead was her mate’s brother. Finn. Her mate’s name was Finn. A growl at her throat

turned her attention back to her mate. She finally gave into temptation and lifted a hand to touch his

chest, resting her palm over his heart and feeling the steady beat there. She heard his indrawn breath,

felt the jolt of electricity coursing between them. He was warm and vibrant. She shook her head. It

wasn’t possible.

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“You’re dead,” she whispered. She’d been there. She’d pressed her hands against the bleeding

wound in his stomach, unsuccessfully trying to staunch the flow of blood. She’d failed.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m very much alive. I’m not so sure how long you will be. I want

to rip your throat out,” he warned with a growl.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. They were mates, destined to love only each other. She’d

thought that was lost to her. Yet, here he stood, but it was all wrong. She wanted him, but not like this.

Never like this.

“Finn.” His name was a whispered plea from her lips. “Please.” She swallowed, fear almost

choking her.

“I can taste your fear,” he murmured. His eyes were a bright, neon blue. His canines were fully

extended, and his body trembled where he held her caged in.

“Finn, are you okay?” She kept using his name, trying to initiate the bond she’d never thought

they’d get the chance to form.

“I’ve been dreaming of you. The way you walked in and found me. The touch of your hand, the

kiss you gave me and the whispered lie that you would have loved me.”


“You don’t get to whisper any more lies to me,” he snarled in her face. “Let’s see how things go

if the tables are turned. What do you think? Will I leave you to die if you’re lying there bleeding? Or

will I stick around and see if I can save my mate?”

She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, trying to hold back the sob building in her chest.

“It wasn’t like that,” she pleaded. “I would never have left you if I’d known you were alive.”

“Likely story now,” he rasped.

Heat poured off his skin. He shook, his whole body trembling. He kept gritting his teeth as if he

were fighting something.

“Finnion!” His brother was closer now, almost beside them.

She looked past her mate and saw the stunned looks on the faces around them. She’d said

nothing about meeting Finn, and it was obvious he hadn’t either. Would they all hate her as her mate

did? Could she blame them?

He leaned into her face again, his breath hot on her skin, his lips peeled back in a snarl. He

rolled his head jerkily back and forth on his shoulders, and she had the distinct impression he was

fighting with himself. What was wrong with him? What was going on?

“What’s wrong?” she asked Finn. Her animal butted against her control, pressing to be given the

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“Would you?” he demanded.

She shook her head. “What?”

“Would you have loved me?”

She swallowed. “I will love you. You’re my mate, my other half. I swear I felt you die.”

His hand gripped her throat, fingers tightening around her windpipe, and she gasped, her hands

coming up to pull at his hold. There was noise around her. Shouts and movement, but she barely

caught any of it. Her vision grayed, and all of her attention focused on Finn. She’d brought him to this,

brought them both to this.

“For…give…you…” she managed to gasp out as everything dimmed, and she felt herself

slipping away.

He released her with a roar. His brother held one arm, and it appeared Tah held the other. Zane

and Reno were both there, as well. Finn’s gaze was locked on her, and in his piercing look, she saw a

craving that had nothing to do with the desire for a mate. No, he wanted her dead.

She closed her eyes against the rage and let the darkness claim her.

* * * *

Laura came to with a jolt, her body jerking upright, her gaze scanning around her. Logan was

there, along with his mate, Clara. Gabriel and Daniel were both there, too, but the one man she

searched for was gone. She slung her legs over the side of the bed.

“Where is he?” she croaked, bringing a hand up to rub her throat. It hurt to speak, to breathe. No,

it burned.

“Whoa, take it easy,” Logan said as he came to her side and poured a glass of water from a

pitcher she hadn’t even noticed. “Drink this. Your throat must hurt.”

She nodded, taking the glass and slowly sipping the cool liquid. She couldn’t contain the

grimace that pulled at her lips and hated the way her bother reacted to it. Anger. It seemed she was

making everyone angry lately.

“What happened? Where’s Finn?” Laura asked.

“He threatened to rip your throat out,” Daniel said. “Thankfully, the rest of us weren’t willing to

let that happen.”

“What do you mean?” she rasped.

“I mean, what the fuck were you thinking just standing there? The man threatened you. He almost

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choked you to death,” Daniel roared.

She shook her head but stopped almost immediately as a wave of pain went through her neck.

“He wouldn’t really hurt me,” she muttered, eyes closed as she cradled her head. She had to believe

that. He was her mate. He might be angry, but he wouldn’t actually kill her.

“No one else seemed convinced of that,” Gabriel said.

She lifted her head again. “What happened? I saw…” She paused to clear her throat. “I saw his

brother and several others grabbing him. Tah and Reno and Zane, I think.”

“He was enraged, not acting like himself at all,” Daniel said.

“They took him somewhere to calm down,” Logan added. “He’ll be fine.”

“I should go to him,” she suggested, and everyone shook their heads.

“You need to sit and give your head a few minutes to clear,” Gabriel countered, his tone hard,

almost daring her to challenge him. Despite the fact no one mentioning it, she knew they’d been told

everything she and Finn had said to one another.

She cleared her throat again, wincing and taking another delicate sip. She was avoiding

discussing it, and she knew it.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I should have told you.”

“You think?” Daniel shouted.

“I think it’s past time you told us exactly what the hell is going on?” Gabriel demanded quietly.

“You’re mated to Finn? You didn’t think we needed to know that? And what did he mean when he

said you’d left him to die? You met your mate and left him?”

“Apparently, I’m a little too much like you,” she snapped then flinched as she saw him absorb

her jab. Guilt ripped through her immediately. That had been a low blow, especially for her.

“Gabriel, I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry.”

“You’re right. I did leave my mate. I left her so I could go save you from your latest death-wish

spree. Tell me. Is this why? Were you hoping to die so your mate couldn’t find you? Did what almost

happened to you cause that much damage?”

“No!” She shook her head vigorously. “No,” she said again more quietly, taking a deep breath

and releasing it. “I moved past that a long time ago.”

Logan reached for her hand and gripped it. “I’m so sorry, Laura. I should have been there for

you. No excuses. I should have kept searching for a way to find you.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to agree, but she bit it off. Hostility wasn’t the answer. Besides, it

didn’t matter. At the moment, nothing did but her mate. “It’s okay,” she said. “Where did they take

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“I think it’s best if you stayed away from him for a bit,” Logan said.

“I’m his mate,” Laura challenged.

“This is one time I think it’s safe to say having his mate with him isn’t a good idea,” Clara

stated. “In fact, it seems like you’re the last person who should be around him.”

Laura shook her head. That couldn’t be true.

“I want to know how you met him,” Gabriel interjected, drawing her attention to him. “When did

you have a chance to meet Finn?”

“It had to be when he left Colorado,” Logan said. “He took the transponder that had been inside

Reno’s mate, Amia. Diane removed it. Finn took it and left, hoping to draw anyone tracing it away

from us.”

“That’s when he was captured by a hunting party?” Daniel asked.

“Yes,” Clara answered.

Laura closed her eyes and saw Finn again, as he’d looked the day she’d found him. Had she

missed something? She’d swear she hadn’t. He’d been dying. She’d kissed him just before she felt

him slipping away from her.

“What I want to know is why Finn threatened to rip your throat out?” Clara pondered aloud.

“He wouldn’t have hurt me,” she told them again, though her raw throat would say otherwise.

The looks they gave her said they thought the same thing.

“Maybe if any of us had realized he was your mate, we could have arranged for a safe first

meeting between the two of you,” Gabriel admonished. “As it was, all we heard was a threat. All we

saw was him holding you against a wall, keeping us away from you, choking the life from you.”

“It makes no sense,” Clara argued. “If you’re really his mate, the last thing he should want is for

you to die. It makes me wonder what the hunters did to him while they had him. Finn was in really

bad shape when Murphy and Zane brought him back to Colorado.”

“Laura?” Logan called her name.

“I thought he was dead,” she whispered. “I thought I’d lost him.”

“That explains your death wish lately,” Gabriel said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I…” She broke off and shook her head. “I didn’t want to accept it. Telling you would have

made it hard to pretend it was just a dream.”

“For good reason it seems,” Clara observed. “Maybe, your animal picked up on what you


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“I need to see him,” Laura said again. The images from before overrode the more recent ones.

Blue eyes, red hair and a strong jaw line covered in a beard were hidden by memories of a face

bruised and broken, one awash in so much blood his features had been nearly obliterated. All but his

vivid-blue eyes.

“Let’s go check in with Tah,” Logan said. “He’ll have a better idea of how Finn is doing.

There’s a lot going on that you don’t know about.”

She wanted to ask, wanted to demand answers before they left the room, but knew Logan would

make her wait. She let him and Clara lead the way to the office Tah used, while Gabriel and Daniel

followed close on her heels. None of them moved fast enough to suit her. Finally, they moved down

the hall to where a door stood open as if they’d been waiting for her.

Tah sat behind his desk while Reno paced back and forth in front of it. Tah’s mate, Abby, sat

with Diane and Reno’s mate, Amia, on one of the long couches. A small playpen was in the corner,

and Laura had no doubt little Regan was in there. The baby was never far from her mother.

“Laura, how’re you feeling?” Tah asked as soon as she entered.

“I’m fine. How’s Finn?”

They all looked at her, and she felt as if she were under a microscope.

“How is it that Finn seems to think you’re his mate, when I wasn’t even aware the two of you

had met?” Tah asked.

Laura didn’t know where to start or how to explain how she’d found Finn then left him. God!

She just needed to see him again, to reassure herself this wasn’t all a twisted dream. Finn was her

mate, and he was alive.

Diane moved toward her, her stomach swollen with the child she carried. Abby hovered at her

side, as if she were prepared to step in if anything became too strenuous for the other woman to


Diane looked right at Laura. “Did you know Finn was taken prisoner by a group of hunters?”

Laura said nothing. The other woman’s expression said it all. Diane knew. Somehow, the other

woman knew exactly when and where Laura had met Finn. Though the others suspected, Logan even

mentioning it, Diane was the one to call her out on it.

“He’d been tortured and left for dead when his brother, Murphy, and my mate found him,” Diane

continued. “They managed to get him back to where we were in Colorado. Finn was barely hanging

on when he arrived. I thought he was going to die.”

Laura had thought the same. God, she’d left him there. What if she’d stayed? What if…

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She shook it off. She’d felt him die. She’d kissed him just before he took his last breath. The

only thing that had pulled her from him was the fact lives had depended on her. Had she known or

even sensed that Finn was still alive, she’d never have had the strength to walk away.

“The Professor had been working on something using shifter DNA,” Diane continued. “When we

were attacked by a hunting party set on killing Tah and taking Abby, Logan was shot along with Reno.

Reno healed quickly. Logan took more time.”

“But you have shifter DNA already,” Laura argued, glancing toward her brother.

“It’s recessed in me,” he answered, reminding her of what Gabriel had told her earlier.

“Nothing has pulled it completely out, not even meeting my mate. When I was shot, that side of me

didn’t kick in at all. It took me twice as long to heal as it took Reno. The Professor decided to see if

he could speed up the healing process for the humans among us. Finn was the guinea pig for it even

though the Professor knew Finn had recessed animal DNA. The drug made him heal so quickly

surgery wasn’t required, which was a miracle considering how he looked when he arrived.”

“Were there any side effects from the drug?” she asked.

“He lost his memory,” Tah said. “When he woke, he didn’t remember anything after the moment

Reno called and asked for help.”

“He didn’t remember being captured or…anything that happened there?” she asked.

“Not until recently,” Reno answered. “He’s been having dreams he thinks might be memories

mixed up with pieces of his past.”

“Did he say what he’s remembering?” Laura swallowed as they all seemed to dissect her with

their gazes.

“I’m willing to bet one is of a woman who looks remarkably like you,” Diane murmured.

She slowly nodded.

“He’s been having headaches, and Gideon’s been checking his blood work. Finn’s showing

spikes similar to what Logan’s been experiencing after being injected with an unknown quantity of

feral fever virus,” Tah reported. “Unfortunately, we have no idea what the hunters did to Finn, so we

don’t know what symptoms might be from them and what might be from the injection the Professor

gave him?”

“Is he…ill?” Laura questioned. “May I see him?”

“He’s definitely not himself,” Tah stated. “We all heard him threaten to rip your throat out. Then

we fought with a man who’s never been a threat to any of us. We fought to contain him, to protect you.

I have no idea what’s going on with him right now, and frankly, I’m not willing to let you do anything

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that might make things worse. I’m not certain he won’t make good on his promise to kill you.”

“He won’t hurt me,” she vowed.

“What about you?” Abby asked. “Will you hurt him?”

“I…” Laura broke off, unsure of what to say. She’d already hurt him by leaving him there after

she’d found him. At least, it sounded as if he’d forgotten her until recently. That was better than the

haunted memories she’d carried with her. “I don’t want to hurt him.”

Tah nodded. “You did though, didn’t you?”

“I found him,” she admitted. “I thought he was dying. I…” She shook her head. “I left him there.

I swear I felt him slip away from me, and I left him there. I left him and died a little more every day

just knowing he was gone.”

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Chapter Five

“What’s wrong with me?” Finn demanded when Gideon entered the room they’d shut him in.

Finn understood why they’d done it. Jesus, he’d tried to kill his mate. He’d blame the shock of

suddenly seeing her, but he knew there was more to it than that. Something was going on inside him.

He’d felt it when he’d been with her. The pain had made it seem as if his head would split open.

He’d fought against the rage churning through him. The more he’d fought, the more he’d lost

control. His body had been burning hot, and Laura’s skin had been so cool. He’d just wanted to touch

her then suddenly his hand was around her throat, squeezing, and the more he’d fought to let go, the

tighter his grip had become.

“I don’t know yet,” Gideon answered. “You’re no longer showing any of the markers for the

virus. This is something new, something we’ve never seen before. I don’t even know what to compare

it to. I need you to talk to me. Walk me through exactly what happened. Tell me what you were

thinking and feeling.”

Finn groaned, raking his fingers through his hair then gripping it and giving it a yank. “I wish to

fuck I knew.”

“Whoa, there. You’re eyes are flaring again. What’s going through your head?”

“I almost killed her. Why didn’t someone jump in sooner? You just stood there and let me attack

my mate!” Finn thundered.

“For one, none of us knew you were mated,” Gideon responded. “For two, none of us thought

you capable of what happened.”

“Obviously, you were wrong on both counts,” he said with a growl and began pacing again.

“You smelled her on Dr. Jensen,” Gideon prompted after a long moment.

“Before today, I wasn’t sure if she even existed,” Finn admitted. “She’s been in my dreams.”

I would have loved you.

“How did you know it was her you smelled?” Gideon asked.

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Finn shrugged. “I just did. I don’t know how. Maybe, it was instinct. She’s my mate.”

“You said she left you to die,” Gideon commented. “I wasn’t around when you were taken, but

I’m guessing it was when you were captured.”

He nodded. “I was dying. I couldn’t feel Murphy anymore, so I knew what was happening. I shut

my eyes for a moment. When I blinked them back open, she was there. I knew who she was

immediately. I thought it was evil of fate to show me my mate when I was dying.”

“So you thought you were dying, too?” Gideon asked.

“I was,” Finn agreed. “She brought me back then left me there to die all over again.”

“When she found you, what happened? What did you see?”

Finn closed his eyes. God, his head hurt so fucking bad. It felt as if it would explode.

“Finn?” Gideon called to him.

“Something’s wrong,” Finn managed to mutter. “Head.” He went to his knees, cradling his head

in his hands, moaning as agony ripped through him.

He heard the door open, was faintly aware of Gideon calling for help. There were footsteps, but

Finn was beyond caring. He was confident his head would explode off his shoulders. Whatever was

wrong with him, it would kill him.

“Finn! Finn!”

Murphy’s voice. Murphy’s hands reaching for him, holding him.

“Stay with me,” Murphy yelled. “Don’t leave me, brother. Who’ll watch over me?”


“Don’t worry, brother. If anything happens to you, I’ll kill her for you.”

Finn’s denial was locked in his head as his body convulsed. He gritted his teeth and yanked his

head back. His body was jerking, every muscle clenching as something shifted inside him. His body

burned, his joints popping, sending slivers of pain all throughout him.

He cried out, the words morphing into an animalistic hiss. His vision dimmed to a pinpoint of

space then widened, gaining a crispness he’d never experienced. He saw the fur of his beast covering

his skin as his body twitched with each shift as the beast emerged.

Everything clicked inside him as the transformation completed. Man and beast were one for the

first time. Finn gave a fierce growl, the sound vibrating through his chest and echoing in the room. He

turned his head to see the awe in his brother’s gaze then he nosed past Gideon and out the door. He

was back in the med center. He headed for the door and was surprised to see Dr. Jensen standing


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“I see you found your spirit,” the doctor said. “You look good together.” Then he pushed the

door open.

Finn didn’t look back. He ran, his beast fully in control as the man struggled to deal with

overwhelming emotions. He hadn’t been able to control the emergence of his animal. One moment,

he’d been sure his head would split in two. The next thing he knew, his recessive beast had taken


He realized now that was what he’d been fighting. His animal side had caused the intense pain.

The harder he’d fought, the more painful it had become. So much was shifting and changing inside him

as he and his lynx finally merged and became one. There was no longer an invisible barrier keeping

them apart. His senses grew and expanded beyond what they’d ever been, and he roared with the full

voice of the animal.

His first instinct was to find his mate and finally claim her as his. The animal fought him though.

Until they’d completed the merge, they might be the greatest danger to her. With one last roar, he was


Wind howled around him as he sped away from the labs and house, heading out over the plains.

He felt the dirt under his paws, smelled the plethora of scents suddenly coming alive and saw it all

through the sharp vision of his cat. Everything was so much clearer. He saw a mouse scurrying for

shelter a little over two hundred feet away, could hear the scampering of its tiny feet.

He settled into his stride and waited for his brother to catch up to him. From the beginning, he’d

known Murphy would shift and be hot on his heels.

You didn’t think I’d miss your first run, did you?

Murphy’s voice filled his head, and Finn realized their connection was even deeper in animal

form. Murphy pulled up at his side and nudged him to turn with a press of his head. Finn nudged back

and took the lead again.

I told you I’d be better at this than you, Finn teased his brother.

Murphy’s laugh filled Finn’s head.

Shut up and pay attention while I show you what a real Lynx can do.

With that, Murphy surged forward, leaving Finn to follow as they ran. They hit the patch of

woods that separated the majority of the land from where Isaac’s house still stood. Instead of cutting

straight across, Murphy turned so they ran the full length of the area. Here it was dense, the foliage

thick. There was a coolness to the air as the sun played peek-a-boo with the deep shadows. Animal

instinct took over, and the hunt was on as he and Murphy found a rhythm and moved together in

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perfect synchronicity. The walls Finn had struggled to build between them fell down.

In those moments, he felt all his brother had held back from him and knew Murphy sensed the

same from him. They’d always been close, closer than other siblings, closer than Finn was with his

twin sister. Now that bond was forged in steel. Not only could they sense each other. They could

communicate, and not in the same way as all shifters. There was a blending between them. Finn knew

what move Murphy would make before he made it. It was a unique bond Finn had never heard of

other shifters sharing outside of mates.

Dusk was falling when they stopped running. They’d gone in ever-increasing circles for the last

few hours. Now, there was a cabin off to the right, and Murphy turned toward it. Finn stayed at his

side, the scent telling him exactly who lived there. He had little doubt Murphy knew, as well. They

shifted in the backyard, and Finn reached for the door, pushing it open with ease then stepping inside.

“How did you know?” Finn asked Murphy.

“Tah mentioned it in passing,” Murph said. “Hers is the closest cabin to Isaac’s. Your mate

chose it herself. Tah wondered if she did it to keep tabs on Isaac for Gabriel and Daniel. Tah hasn’t

had a chance to talk to her yet because of all that’s going on between her and Logan.” He glanced

pointedly at Finn. “And now you.”

“I’d almost convinced myself she was an illusion,” Finn admitted with a sigh. “Why did you

bring me here?”

“I wanted to see if you’d react with anger now that you and your beast have merged. Do you still

feel the overwhelming desire to rip her throat out?”

Finn shook his head. “No. I don’t want to kill her.”

“Tell me,” Murphy urged.

Finn found a couple towels first, wrapping one around his waist and tossing the other to his

brother. After covering himself, Murphy took a seat at the table while Finn looked around. There was

a coffeepot on the counter while a teakettle sat on the stove. Did she drink both? Or was one here in

case a visitor wanted it? The kitchen was clean. No dirty dishes in the sink. No clutter on the counter


He took a deep breath and started talking to his brother.

“It’s all coming back to me,” Finn muttered, rubbing his hands over his head. “I remember the

call from Reno, the trip to Colorado and arriving just in time to help clean up the scum who’d tried to

kill everyone and take Abby.” He paced around the kitchen. “I remember Amia. God, I was a fucking

bastard, and I brought you along for the journey to hell.” He met Murphy’s gaze. “I remember taking

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the transponder. I wanted to lead them away from all of you, away from Colorado.”

“The hunters?”

“They found me in New Mexico. I knew they were there. There was no way for me to escape. I

tried to hide my wallet and anything else they could use to find out who I was. To protect you. They

couldn’t have placed me in Colorado, but I definitely would have led them to you.”

“What happened?”

“They shot me before they ever got near enough for me to see them. I saw the dart, felt the sting

of whatever they injected in me then I was out cold. I came to tied to a wall, naked. I was already

bleeding, but they waited for me to wake up before the real fun began.”

“They tortured you,” Murph said. “I saw the damage. The broken bones, the lacerations, the

knife wounds. I don’t need you to relive that for me.”

“But I am,” Finn muttered hoarsely, tapping his head. “It’s all up here in vivid color. I hear the

taunts, the laughter and jeers. I feel the blows, the way it felt as they broke my fingers one by one.

They hooked cables to my chest and attached them to some huge-ass battery. Every question brought

me a jolt if I didn’t give the answer they wanted. If I passed out, they threw water on me and laughed

when it made each surge of electricity that much worse.”

“Jesus, God! I want to kill every bastard that was there. I wish I hadn’t been robbed of that

honor!” Murphy exclaimed.

“She did it,” Finn whispered.


“Laura. My mate. She killed them.”

Murphy’s face shone with disbelief.

“They’d pulled me off the wall and tossed me in the corner. I couldn’t move. It hurt to fucking

breathe. I felt you searching for me, and I didn’t want you to feel anything I was at that moment. That’s

when we heard her. This fierce growl that had the men jumping to attention. They were excited,

reaching for weapons, and the leader yelled orders to take whoever it was alive.”

“How do you know it was her?”

“She’s my mate,” Finn answered. “I knew. I’m not sure how she did it, but she took out everyone

who was outside. We heard their screams. The leader headed out with three men. He left one inside

with me. That one came at me with one of the knives they’d used earlier to carve me up. He laughed

and told me they no longer had any use for me. There was better prey now. That’s when he stabbed

me in the stomach. The door flew open and several men ran in. They were bleeding and screaming

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over each other about the white beast. It was chaos. Then she stalked inside. I watched her

methodically take them out. First, she incapacitated the one who’d been with me, making sure he was

as incapable of attacking her as the others were. Then she went for the kill. She was ferocious, the

most beautiful animal I’d ever seen. The hunter who’d been with me had managed to regain the knife.

He caught her in the front paw before she ripped his throat out. My vision was fading at that point. I

was dying, and I knew it.”

“Did she see you? Did she try to help at all?”

Finn smiled. “I watched her change. I just remembered that. I thought I’d blinked, and she was

there, but I saw her the whole time. The vision of her, tangled blonde hair and big green eyes, has

haunted me every night in my dreams. She came to me, crying. She used her hands to try to stop my

stomach from bleeding, but it was no use. I think she felt me slipping away.”

“So she left you there? Left her mate to fucking die!”

Murphy’s anger poured off of him in waves as he stood, knocking the chair back and tipping it

over. Finn had felt that same rage several times when he wasn’t sure if Laura existed. He’d wanted to

find her and kill her. Hell, he’d told her when he’d seen her that he wanted to rip her throat out.

“I think I did die,” Finn said. “I think you probably felt it. I’m sure she did.”

“You were alive when Zane and I got there,” Murphy argued. “She left you there like that. She’s

not a fit mate for you or any man. If you want her throat ripped out, I’ll be happy to do it for you.”

Finn hissed. “She’s my mate. You’d be smart to remember that.”

“I’m the one who saved your sorry ass,” Murphy said. “She’s the one who left you to die.”

“Don’t make me choose between the two of you,” Finn warned.

Murphy snarled. “There shouldn’t be a fucking choice to make.”

“Murph.” Finn held his hand toward his brother, but Murphy shook it off as he tore out the back

door, tossing the towel behind him. He had shifted and was gone before Finn made it to the door.

“Fuck!” he exclaimed. The last thing he needed was a conflict between his mate and his brother.

He couldn’t choose between them. He wouldn’t. He needed them both helping to figure out what was

going on with him.

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Chapter Six

“What do you mean he’s gone?” Laura demanded.

Gideon wasn’t looking at her, his gaze on Tah as he answered her question. “His animal has

fully emerged. He shifted in the room and took off. Murphy followed him.”

“Three guesses who brought the beast out of recession,” Reno said, and Laura didn’t have to

look to know they all stared at her.

“I’d like to ask you a few questions, Laura,” Gideon said.

“Don’t you think I should be out there? Searching for Finn?”

“I think you’re the last person he needs to see right now,” Gideon admitted. “Plus, I’m fairly

certain Murphy isn’t a fan of yours right now.”

She understood why they were reluctant to let her leave. They were afraid Finn would be even

more of a threat to her in his animal form.

“Do we need to keep her away from Finn and Murphy?” Logan asked.

“No,” she said before anyone else could. “Finn’s my mate. I understand that you all have

concerns about that, but I don’t. We just need to deal with stuff, and we’ll be fine.”

“Which brings me back to my questions,” Gideon said. “I know you found him when he was

with the hunters. I gather from what was said that you found him after the hunters had left him for

dead. Where was he?”

“In a cabin of sorts,” she whispered, closing her eyes and feeling as if she were right back there,

experiencing it all again. “I went to him. I felt him slipping away from me.”

“Did you know he was your mate?” Tah asked.

“Yes,” she murmured. “I placed my hands on his stomach. There was so much blood there, more

than anywhere else on him. I saw the cut. I knew it was deep. I tried to stop the bleeding, but I

couldn’t. He was dying.”

“Were you injured?” Gideon asked.

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“A few cuts and bruises. Nothing like him. He was…broken. They’d…done things to him. The

marks, the blood, so much blood.”

“Why did you leave him?” Diane demanded. “When my mate’s life was on the line, I knew I’d

give anything to keep him safe. Why did you leave Finn when he needed you most?”

“He died. I swear. I felt him slip away from me. I felt him die, and it nearly broke me. His

bleeding grew sluggish. His heart—” Her voice broke on a sob that she struggled to hold in. “His

heart stopped beating. I gave him a kiss and forced myself to go. I didn’t…” She shook her head and

wiped furiously at the tears streaming down her cheeks. “I left to continue my search for a missing


“Did you find her?” Tah asked softly.

“Yes. I found her and two others, both males. I was able to help them.”

“I need to check a few things,” Gideon said. “I’m going to grab the Professor and go over this

with him. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I’ll go with you,” Diane said.

“Me, too,” Abby agreed before heading to her mate. Tah stood when she crossed to him. “I’m

going to leave Regan with you.”

Tah wrapped Abby in his arms and pulled her close, dropping a kiss on her lips despite

everyone who stood there. So much love radiated between the two. Laura wanted that with her mate.

She could only pray she hadn’t destroyed any chance of it.

“She’ll be fine. Her two godfathers are both here, as well,” Tah said.

Abby laughed. “She already has the lot of you wrapped around her finger. You guys spoil her

rotten. You don’t have to jump every time she whimpers.”

“Yes, we do,” Logan retorted. “I’ll slay all the dragons. Every princess has a guard. We’re


Laura remembered a time when she was little, maybe six. Logan would have been fourteen.

She’d had a nightmare and refused to go back to bed until her dad checked for monsters. Her father

had belittled her and ordered her back to bed. She’d gone back upstairs and sat quietly outside her

door, crying as softly as she could. Logan had walked over, scooped her up and swung her onto his

back. Then he’d gone in and checked every inch of her room. He’d also stayed with her, vowing to

slay any dragons that might come after her in her dreams.

“You were always good at slaying dragons,” she admitted and saw the surprise on his face at

her words.

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He didn’t say anything, maybe sensing her chaotic emotions and not wanting to upset this new

turn. Gabriel nodded at her, and a smile ghosted across his lips. Her life was such a mess right now.

A mate who wasn’t a mate, a brother she wasn’t sure of, a friend she’d wounded earlier with her

display of temper. Hell, after what she’d done with Finn, she wouldn’t be surprised if she was asked

to leave. She wouldn’t blame them either.

“Laura,” Tah called her name, and she blinked, realizing Abby, Diane and Gideon had left while

she’d been lost in thought.

“I’m so sorry,” she swore.

“No one blames you for what happened,” he vowed. “We’re just confused. Finn lost his memory

and wasn’t able to tell us anything. You didn’t share because you thought your mate was dead. I

imagine you were grieving.”

She had been. She’d felt broken inside, caring little whether she lived or died, and as Gabriel

had mentioned earlier, her actions had shown it. She’d taken huge risks and almost wound up killed.

If Gabriel hadn’t come after her, if he’d stayed with Kenzie, Laura would have died. Yet, she’d

thrown the fact he’d left his mate in Gabriel’s face earlier. She was a menace.

“Do you think Finn will ever forgive me?” Laura asked.

“I think there are a lot of things mates can deal with and still come out okay.” Reno’s mate,

Amia, was the one to answer. She rose from her seat and crossed to where Laura stood. “There’s a

reason the two of you are fated to be together. Trust in that.”

Laura nodded, though in all honesty, she wasn’t sure what she trusted anymore.

“I need to head back into town,” Daniel interrupted. He hugged Laura close, kissing her brow.

“You’re going to be okay. Promise. Just hang in there.”

She nodded, soaking up his warmth.

“Any more information on those files you found?” Tah asked him.

“Still looking into them,” Daniel answered, continuing to hold her close. “I’ll let you know as

soon as I know anything.”

“What files?” Laura asked, greedy for a distraction.

“Ones we came across while going through Dad’s stuff,” Daniel said. “I was planning to show

you but haven’t had time yet.”

Because she’d been a coward. First, she’d hidden from Logan, not wanting to see her brother,

much less talk to him. Now, it was Finn.

“What’s so interesting about them?” she asked.

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“It’ll be easier if you look at them,” Gabriel said. “I’ll bring them over first thing tomorrow. See

if you can figure out any of it. Most of it is written in some type of code. Dates, numbers and letters.

He had them all in a safe we didn’t even know he had.”

“They must be important then,” Laura said.

“We’ll get it figured out,” Daniel said. “You should head home. Have Gabriel walk you over.

Get some rest.” He ran his thumb under her eye where she knew the circles had grown darker with

each restless night.

“I don’t need anyone to walk me to my house. I know where it is, and I’ll be perfectly safe

getting there,” she retorted.

“Don’t take any chances,” Daniel said.

“I’ll walk her,” Gabriel said. “We can walk out with you.”

“Going home sounds like a great idea,” Tah said. “Just make sure you stay there. I’d feel better

if you didn’t go looking for Finn on your own. He’ll be back when he’s ready. Give him the time to

link with his beast and create the bond needed.”

“I’ll wait for him to come to me,” she promised.

“Laura,” Tah called as she turned to leave.

She faced him once more and lifted a brow in question.

“No matter what happens between the two of you, you’re still a member of this pride. I don’t

want you to think otherwise,” he told her.

“Thank you,” she whispered, afraid she might break down and cry in front of them. She clutched

the hand Daniel held out to her as if it were a lifeline and followed him out the door and down the

hall toward the front door.

She and Gabriel stood by Daniel’s county sheriff’s car. Daniel looked around, and she knew

who he was looking for though he never said a word.

“Are you okay?” she asked softly.

“I’m fine,” he said with a smile. “You just concentrate on making sure you are.”

She nodded and gave Daniel a peck on the cheek.

“I’ll see you later in the morning,” Gabriel told Daniel. The two brothers shared a look she was

certain had to do with her then Daniel got in his car and pulled away.

“I don’t need you to walk me to my house,” Laura said when she and Gabriel were alone.

“Maybe, I need to,” he said, walking away from her.

They walked in silence for a few beats before Gabriel stopped and turned to stand in front of

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her. “Do you want this man as your mate?”

She gave him a startled look. “Yes! God, yes! Why would you even ask me a question like that?”

Gabriel snorted. “You never mentioned him. Not even once. Plus you ran as soon as they arrived

and didn’t come back until after Finn had left to check in with the Holloways. Then today. Your mate

stated for everyone to hear that he planned to rip your throat out.”

“I left,” she emphasized the word, letting him know how much she didn’t appreciate his choice

of statement, “because Logan was here and I wasn’t sure I could handle seeing him. I needed time. I

had no idea my mate was here, or I would never have walked away. He’s my mate. I didn’t just leave

him there to die. I felt him die. I swear it.”

Gabriel nodded. “I don’t know Finn or his brother very well. I do know they’re very close. They

share a bond that mirrors the one formed between mates. They can feel each other. It’s how Murphy

was able to track and find Finn.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m warning you that, even if you and your mate get through this, Murphy may take longer to

win over. And I’m giving you this warning because it’s important that you do win Murphy over. You

don’t want to be the barrier that comes between them.”

Laura nodded. “I won’t be. I promise.”

Gabriel brushed her hair behind her ears. “Remember to take care of yourself. Don’t focus so

much on your mate, on Murphy or on anyone else to the detriment of yourself. I know there was more

that went on when I pulled you out of that last lab. I saw the wounds that were still healing. I know

they did something, and if you’re ever going to move past it, you need to tell someone. Me, Daniel,

Logan, your mate. Don’t hold it in.”

She nodded again, tears pooling in her eyes as she swallowed the rage that rose to the surface. It

would be her mate she told, if he forgave her. She couldn’t keep the truth from her other half.

“Remember one more thing,” Gabriel said.

“What’s that?”

“I love you. Daniel loves you. Your brother loves you. You’re not in this alone.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re sure he won’t hurt you?”

“He won’t,” Laura assured him. “Would you ever physically hurt Kenzie? Ever?”

“No,” he barked out. He looked toward her house in the distance. “I’m going to leave you here

then. I think you need to make the rest of this trip on your own.”

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She’d picked up the scent of her mate as they’d moved closer toward her house. Finn was there,

waiting for her. Gabriel must have picked up on it, too. Thank God, he was giving her the chance to

meet her mate on her own and not demanding he go with her to protect her. He dropped a kiss on top

of her head then turned to head back toward the main house.

“Gabriel,” she called out. He glanced back at her with a brow lifted in question. “I love you,


He smiled, nodded then continued walking, leaving her to venture the rest of the way alone. Her

heartbeat increased with every step. If her mate still wanted to rip her throat out, she’d bare it for

him. She took a deep breath and mounted the porch steps.

* * * *

Finn had planned to follow his brother, but he couldn’t force himself to leave. Not when he was

cocooned in his mate’s scent. It was everywhere, practically permeating from the walls of the house.

Despite his brother’s parting words, he knew Murph had brought him here for a reason. That reason

was heading this way now. He felt the pull between them as his beast reached for hers. She was here.

Laura. His mate. His.

He turned and entered her front room as she opened the front door and stepped inside.

“Finn.” His name was a whisper from her lips, but it hit his chest and almost sent him to his

knees. There was pain in her, seeping from every pore. He charged toward her.

“What is it? Who hurt you?” he demanded.

She shook her head, reaching for him with shaky hands but stopping just short of touching him.

Her eyes sparkled with tears that began to leak down her cheeks.

“I left you… I didn’t… I couldn’t… I don’t deserve you now. You should hate me.”

Finn stared at her. He felt a lot toward her at the moment, but hate wasn’t a part of it.

“Why did you leave me there?” Finn asked. “Why didn’t you stay with me? Even if you thought

it was only to be with me while I died. Why let me die alone?”

Her voice caught on a sob. “I thought I’d lost you. I felt you slipping away from me. I swear I

felt you take your last breath, felt your heart stop beating. Your eyes closed, and I felt as if the world

crashed down around me. I tore out of there and swore I’d shed as much blood as I could to avenge


“You kissed me,” Finn murmured, and she nodded, her lower lip trembling. “You looked at me

and told me you would have loved me. I’ve heard you whisper those words over and over again in

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my head. Did you mean them?”

“Yes,” she promised. “You’re my mate. My other half. Our love is written in the stars.”

Finn smiled at her choice of words. “Where did you go when you left me?”

“I was searching for another party when I came across the one that had you. A group of hunters

had taken a young female. I left as soon as the information came in. I knew there was nothing good

planned for her.”

“Did you find her?”

“I did. I managed to save her and the two males being held with her.”

Finn sensed there was more to her story than that, but they’d get back to it later.

“Would you have left me if you’d known I was still alive?”

“I tell myself that I would have. You were in no condition to go with me. I couldn’t sense your

animal at all. I knew I had a limited window to get to the girl.” Her watery gaze met his. “That’s not

the truth, though. If I’d known you were alive, nothing would have made me leave you. It was only the

burning rage of vengeance that got me out of the room in the first place. I don’t blame you if you hate

me. I hate myself.”

“You’re my mate,” he whispered. “I don’t think there’s a part of me that would ever be able to

hate you.”

“You should,” she swore.

“I thought I was dying, too. I thought you were a hallucination. Then I placed you as an angel.”

He reached out and brushed her tears away with his fingers. “There were tears on your cheeks then,


“I’m sorry, Finn. I’m so sorry. If I could go back, I’d never walk away from you.”

“And what would have happened to the woman you saved? Where would she be now? Dead?”


He could tell from the look on her face that more than death had been in store for the woman. It

made him wonder about Ariel. He knew she’d been attacked and left for dead, that was when Clara’s

Uncle Thomas had found her. Had she suffered something similar? Whatever she’d gone through, no

one had been there in time to save her. His mate had been there for the woman she’d helped.

“Then it was what you needed to do. She needed you to save her.”

“You needed me. My priority should have been you.”

He brushed his hand through the air as if brushing it all away. “I’m here now. We can’t look to

the past. We’re no longer those people. The important thing is we’re here now, and we’ve found each

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other again.” He took her hand and brought it to his bare chest, placing it in the center and holding it

there with his. “Touch me. Show me the truth of your words. Make me your priority now.”

He watched her catch her breath at the contact with his skin. Her palm trembled. He slid his

hands lower until he gripped her hips. He jerked her forward until she had to feel the hard length of

his cock against her stomach. Her eyes glazed with lust and need.

“I want to taste you,” he whispered, leaning down and flicking his tongue over the curve of her

shoulder then scraping his teeth across to her neck.

“Yes,” she moaned.

“I’m going to bite you,” he warned. “I’m going to grip your neck and sink my teeth deep until I

mark you as mine.” He added another scrape of his teeth before continuing. “Then I’m going to rip

your clothes off and taste every inch of you. I’m going to make you come over and over again. With

my fingers. With my tongue. And when you don’t think you can take any more, I’m going to fuck you

until the only thing you can feel is me. I’ll be all you see. The only sound you’ll hear is the harsh

sound of us breathing and the slap of our skin as we fuck. All you’ll taste is me. No one will exist

outside the two of us.”

She mewled, clutching him now and burrowing closer, seeking his touch. The hard pebbles of

her nipples rubbed wantonly against his chest as she lifted herself higher against him. He knew what

she wanted and cradled her hips, lifting and turning to press her against the wall. His groin pressed

between her thighs, and she wiggled, finally managing to dislodge his towel. She snaked one hand

down his chest, brushing across his abdomen, then wrapped her fingers around his shaft and gave it a

squeeze that had him groaning. She used her other hand to grip his hair and pull him toward her.

“I want something else first,” she demanded.


“Kiss me hello. Our last one was to say goodbye.”

“Well, then, consider this hello.”

He took her bottom lip between his teeth and sucked on it. Her mouth opened, her breath panting

as she stroked his cock. Her thumb ran over the head, smearing the drop of pre-cum he felt there. He

groaned and gave up teasing her. He took her mouth, sinking his tongue inside and finding hers. They

flicked and swirled, tangling and rubbing against one another. She sucked softly at his tongue as her

hand contracted and released just under the head of his cock, making him think of her sucking him

there. He pumped his hips, thrusting his cock into her touch.

Their kiss broke and resumed, separating only briefly to allow for them to inhale enough oxygen

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to go back for more. They ate at each other, her hand never losing rhythm as she continued to work


“One more thing,” she panted out when they broke apart again. She nuzzled along his beard to

his ear then lower along his neck. Her teeth scraped his skin as her finger rubbed over the crown of

his cock once more.

“Make it quick,” he ordered. “Or I’ll be coming all over you instead if inside you.”

He heard her rumble and dropped his gaze to hers. Her eyes were aglow, her canines extended.

That was all the warning he got.

“Mine,” she hissed and struck, teeth sinking deep.

It was his turn to hiss. His cock jerked in her hand and cum spewed from the tip, coating them

both. She pulled back, licking over the wound she’d left behind. She lifted her fingers, and he

watched as she sucked his cum from the digits. His spent cock immediately surged back to full length.

He dropped her to her feet, freeing his hand to grip her shirt. He ripped it wide and jerked it

down her arms.

“My turn,” he stated and flipped her around so she faced the wall. He yanked her shirt the rest of

the way down her arms, leaving it at her wrists and holding it together with one hand, effectively

binding her. He fisted his other hand in her hair and tilted her head to the side.

“Mine,” he rumbled and bent toward her exposed neck.

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Chapter Seven

The taste of her washed over his tongue as he bit into her flesh. It was the sweetest ambrosia

he’d ever suckled. She managed to free her arms but never pulled from him. Instead, he heard the snap

as she popped her jeans open. The slow glide of her zipper followed. He dropped his hands, gripped

the waistband and ripped the pants down her legs, taking her panties with them then falling to his

knees behind her. He freed her from her shoes then stripped the denim and lace off her legs. He

reached up and unclasped her bra before sitting back on his heels.

“Turn around,” he ordered huskily.

She did a slow turn, the straps of her bra falling off her shoulders as she did. She let it drop

beside them, revealing her body completely to his hungry gaze. She was beautiful, the most exquisite

woman he’d ever seen. Her breasts were high and firm, just big enough to fill his palms with a little

overflow. Her waist dipped in before flaring out at her hips. There was no hair on her mound.

Nothing to block the view of her slit, slick with desire.

He braced one arm across her hips then leaned in, inhaling deeply.

“Open your legs.”

She shifted them apart and moaned as he ran his tongue over her.

“Mmm,” he sighed. He kissed her plump lips, slipping his tongue between them and licking over

her. She was musk and salt with just a hint of sweet, a combination that made him hungry for more. He

sucked and flicked then used one hand to spread her lips wide, revealing the kernel of pleasure,

swollen and begging for attention. He lavished attention on it, working the bud between his lips,

flicking it with his tongue.

She purred, rubbing her cunt against his face. He worked one finger inside her, rubbing her slick

walls. She moaned, her hands latching into his hair, urging him closer. He thrust two fingers inside

her, scissoring them and stretching her. She was a virgin. He could feel it, and it awed and scared him

at the same time. Knowing no other man had ever tasted her, had ever found pleasure with her was a

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heady aphrodisiac.

“Finn.” His name was a sharp cry. “I’m going to come. Oh, God. I’m going to come.”

He gripped her clit with his teeth and tugged on it while he fucked her with his fingers. Her

pussy gripped him, squeezing and releasing as she rode his digits. She came with a low moan, and he

lapped every bit of juice from her. He slowly eased his fingers from her and replaced them with his

tongue, sliding it in and out to ensure he captured all of her release.

When she tugged at his head, he pulled back, leaving a kiss on her clit then nuzzling her stomach.

She panted for air, coming down from her orgasm, and he gave her the time she needed. He worked

his way up her body, placing soft kisses along the way. It was crazy the way he felt for her when he

knew so little about her. He wanted to though. He wanted to know everything.

“Where’s your bedroom?” he asked as he came to his feet in front of her.

“Down the hall on the left,” she answered.

Finn swept her up into his arms and followed the directions she gave. He was beyond ready to

be inside her. Her door was open, showing a rather large room dominated by a sleigh bed. The room

was dark, but he made out the emerald of her comforter and the dark wood that framed her mattress as

he shut the door with his foot and moved closer.

He eased her down, moving her to the center then coming over the top of her. Their mouths met

and mated again. He braced his forearms just outside her shoulders, holding the bulk of his weight off

of her. Her hands ran over him, from his shoulders, over his chest and down his abdomen until she

found his cock and stroked it. It was only natural to raise her legs and wrap them around his waist,

tugging him closer to her. Her sex brushed along his cock, coating him in her juices before leading

him to her opening. She met his thrust, both of them crying out as her flesh stretched and finally

submitted to his invasion.

He took his time, easing in and out of her sheath, letting her adjust to his length and girth. Laura

undulated, rising and falling with every thrust. She clutched at his shoulders, her nails scratching. Her

head was flung back, exposing her throat to him, making his teeth ache to taste her again. He shifted

his weight to his left arm and dropped his right hand to cup her ass, palming her cheek and holding her

steady. He increased his pace, thrusting a little harder and faster, surging deeper with each stroke. He

dropped his head to nuzzle her, drinking in the lusty whimpers and moans of pleasure she gave.

“Oh, God,” Laura panted. “Don’t stop. So close. So good.”

Finn licked over the mark he’d left on her and felt his cock grow thicker. He was close, as well.

“Hold onto me,” he urged as he rode her hard. He scraped his teeth over the mark then bit down

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again. She jolted under him, her pussy contracting as she came with a wail of his name. He slammed

deep and held there then pulled back and entered her again. His movements were jerky, losing all

rhythm as he approached orgasm. Her sex milked him, squeezing and releasing, fighting to hold him

deep as he plunged and retreated.

He came with a bellow, surging into her and pressing his pelvis tightly against hers. He felt each

spurt of semen as it left his cock and filled her, felt the heat of her as she accepted him. A sheen of

sweat covered them both, making their bodies slide as he let himself rest fully on her for just a

moment while he caught his breath. He worried he was crushing her and made to rise again when she

stopped him by holding him tight.

“Don’t move,” she whispered. “I like the way you feel against me.”

“I’m too heavy,” he said with a grunt, but he didn’t move. She was right. It felt good to lie skin-

to-skin with her. He stayed that way for a few minutes before wrapping his arms around her and

rolling them until she lay on his chest. He brushed his fingers through her hair while her breath fanned

over him.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered again, and he shushed her.

“We’ve been over that. Things happened the way they were supposed to. Tell me about the girl

you went after. You said you found her along with two other shifters.”

“Yes.” Her voice was a whisper. “There’s a specific group among the hunters that do field tests.

They find two or more males and a female. They… They strip the female and stake her to the ground

then use different types of drugs on the males to incite a frenzy of lust. The men will kill each other in

order to be the first to take her and…” She stopped, and he heard her swallow before continuing.

“They rape her, repeatedly, until the drug wears off. Many of the women don’t survive.”

Finn moved his hands from her hair to caress her back and shoulders, which had tightened as she


“Have you rescued many women from this?”

“A few,” she replied. “Some I didn’t reach in time.”

He kissed the top of her head. “There’s more. I can sense it. I know you were a virgin, but this is

more than someone else’s story. You were once in a similar situation, weren’t you?”

“I was young and had just graduated from high school. I’d hoped Logan would come, but he

didn’t show up. When I got home, my parents had left. Just packed up and left, saying it was best if

they weren’t around me. So I took off on my own. I met this guy, Erik, who knew what I was. He was

the first person I’d met who knew. My parents had refused to speak of it. Erik was willing to tell me

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things about myself. I agreed to go with him, eager to learn all I could.”

“He was one of the ones who did field tests,” Finn guessed and felt her nod.

“I went to sleep one night then woke up naked and staked to the ground, my arms and legs spread

wide. I was eighteen. Erik was there, along with two other men. They must have been following us. I

hadn’t even realized they were there. I had no idea how to control my senses back then. I’ve never

been so terrified in my life. Then they brought out two male shifters. They were tied up and just as

naked as I was. I saw the hunters give each of the men a shot of something. Erik explained to me

exactly what would happen. He taunted the men with me and what they could do to me. Slapping my

breasts and thighs, my…my sex.”

“Jesus!” Finn seethed, wanting to find this Erik and rip his head off.

“That’s when Gabriel found me,” she continued. “One minute, I’m crying, begging them to let me

go. The next, there’s this huge man who’s just there. He killed the two men with Erik instantly. Erik…

He released the two shifters, hoping to buy himself time to get away. Gabriel didn’t realize what was

going on at first. He went after Erik and snapped his neck when he caught him. The two shifters were

fighting each other, trying to reach me. One would paw at me until the other attacked. I wasn’t sure

who would get to me first. I wanted… I wanted to die. Then Gabriel was back. He stopped them. One

of them… He couldn’t control himself against the drug. He kept trying to attack me. Gabriel tried to

knock him out, but the guy kept coming back for more. It was the drug.” She lifted her head and met

Finn’s gaze. “Gabriel killed him. The shifter had lost all control. His sole focus was getting to me,

taking me. Gabriel had no choice. It was the shifter or me.”

“Thank God, he chose you.”

“He snapped the shifter’s neck. I don’t know what cocktail they gave that man, but it drove him

mad with lust.”

“And the other man?” Finn asked.

“He was a bit older, stronger. He managed to fight the drug and begged Gabriel to tie him up

until it wore off. He told Gabriel to keep me away from him.”

“Gabriel brought you back here with him?”

“No. He gave me directions to a safe place where I could find other shifters willing to help me.

I followed Gabriel instead. He was this larger-than-life shifter. He rescued me, made me feel safe. I

didn’t want to give up that feeling.”

“I don’t blame you,” Finn agreed. “Why didn’t Gabriel offer to take you with him?”

“He urged me to find my brother,” she admitted with a laugh. “He knew I was following him

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though, and he made sure I stayed close enough that he could keep an eye on me. I waited in town for

three days before I got the courage to follow him out here. Isaac met me and almost sent me running.”

“Gabriel stopped him?”

“Daniel did. Gabriel tried to keep his distance from me. I think he was afraid of caring about me

too much. Isaac drilled him about being the Angel and how Gabriel couldn’t have a mate or anyone

who could be used against him. He even urged him to distance himself from his brother.”

“Yeah, I could tell he was a great guy,” Finn scoffed.

“He never treated his sons well. Their mother died when they were young, and Isaac never

forgave them for it.”

“Forgave them?”

“They were supposed to be with her. She sent them away, and it saved their lives.”

“Isaac blamed them for that?” What kind of bastard…? He shook off the thought. He knew

exactly the type of bastard who would blame a child. Seemed as if he and Murphy had something in

common with Gabriel and Daniel.

“Isaac trained Gabriel to be this avenging angel of legend and pushed Daniel away. When I

arrived, they were so far apart, but Isaac just kept pushing them further.”

“I’m surprised you stayed.”

“I loved Gabriel and Daniel from the first. They became the family I longed for and took the

place of the brother I no longer had.”

“Laura,” Finn began, cupping her face, “I remember Logan speaking of you many times. He was

devastated when all his letters were returned. He even tried to call. We were limited to what we

could achieve while we were in the desert. I know he planned to find you when he came home. I

know he and Reno searched before they went to find Tah.”

“So I’ve been told,” she admitted.

“From what I’ve gathered, it sounds like your parents were real pricks. Do you know why Logan

joined the Marines?” Finn asked.

“Because our dad told him not to,” she replied. “He and dad butted heads all the time.”

Finn shook his head. “There was more to it than butting heads. There was…more. I get it though.

You felt abandoned by him. God knows my sister probably feels the same way.”

“You have a sister?” Laura asked.

“Yes. Brenna. She’s…my twin.”

“Where is she?”

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“Home in Ireland. I haven’t seen or spoken to her since Murphy and I left as boys,” he admitted.

“I think about her all the time, though. As I imagine your brother has with you.”

“What happened? Why did you leave?”

“My mother was murdered by a hunting party. My father blamed Murphy. He was the only one of

us who was a shifter back then. My father and older brothers were going to kill Murph. I tried to

prevent that.” He thought of the broken leg, how Alby had held him down while Niall had

methodically broken it. He pushed the memory away and continued. “As you know, my brother

survived. We were sent away and told we could never come back.”

“How can anyone prevent you from returning to Ireland?” she demanded.

“Easily. If we’re sighted there, Brenna will die.”

“I’m so sorry, Finn.”

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, loving the way she blanketed him. She

fisted her hands on his chest and propped her chin up to meet his gaze. Tears were in her eyes again.

“I can’t believe you’re here.”

She sat up, her legs widening to straddle his hips, snugging her sex against his groin. She bent to

him, taking his mouth with hers. The kiss was deep, seeking, a reaffirmation that this was real. That he

was alive, and she wasn’t a dream. He cradled her head, tilting her face for a better fit. Her pebbled

nipples brushed over his chest and his cock awakened, surging to life between her thighs and rising to

brush the swollen lips of her pussy.

“Make love to me again,” she said with a purr, rubbing her curves against him.

He gripped her hips, lifting her so she could position his cock at her entrance. She slid onto him,

and they both moaned at the sensations that coursed through them. She braced her hands on his

shoulders as she rode him. He reached up to cradle her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over the distended

nipples then pinching them lightly. He felt her pussy tighten around him and growled, lifting his head

and latching on to one pink bud and sucking greedily.

She quickened her pace, rising and lowering along his shaft and driving them both closer to the

edge. Their connection was growing. He felt her pleasure as if it were his own. He knew what she

wanted, whether it was more, less or something different, and he gave it to her. He felt her orgasm

approaching and sat up, changing the position. He wanted to make it last just a bit longer.

She turned her head, lying it on his shoulder and licking over the mark she’d left on him. He

brushed her hair aside, revealing the spot he’d claimed on her. He ran his tongue over it, rubbing over

the twin points where his canines had broken through.

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“Yes,” she moaned. “Again.”

He slid his hands to her thighs, holding her close while he surged up into her, filling her

impossibly deeper with his cock. Her nails stung as they pierced his flesh. They were both on the

edge, waiting to fly when they struck as one, their mouths gripping each other, teeth buried deep and

sending them soaring together.

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Chapter Eight

Laura woke alone. She hadn’t slept so well in far too long. Her mate had thoroughly worn her

out in the most delicious of ways. Her body ached, and she loved it. They’d turned to each other

twice more during the night and found pleasure together. Her mate was alive, and he’d forgiven her.

They still had so much to discuss and deal with though, starting with their brothers.

She purred as she stretched and reached for her robe, tying the belt at her waist before following

the scent of her mate to the kitchen. They had guests. Gabriel was one. The other’s scent was close

enough to her mate’s that it could only be one person. His brother. Murphy. Her pulse picked up as

nerves took over. Her mate might not hate her, but his brother most likely did.

Finn crossed to her as soon as she entered, and she knew he’d picked up on her emotions.

“Shh,” he crooned at her ear. “Everything’s fine.”

Part of her wanted to turn into him, to cling and absorb some of his strength, but she denied

herself that bit of cowardice. She’d stood on her own two feet for a long time, and if she wanted to

win the respect of Finn’s brother, it was imperative she remembered that.

She kissed her mate, a chaste press of her lips against the corner of his lips. “I’m good. Better

than good,” she added and gave him a smile meant just for him. His look was intense, and she wasn’t

surprised when he threw a look toward his brother. There was a rumble from the table, and she didn’t

have to glance over to know it came from Murphy. Finn and Gabriel’s growls filled the kitchen in


“Stop it!” she snarled. “I haven’t even had my coffee yet.” She turned her back to them, feeling

Finn moving between her and the table but refusing to comment on it. She ignored him when she

turned back, steaming mug in hand, and moved around him. “Want to tell me why you’re both in my

kitchen this morning? I was hoping for more alone time with my mate.”

Finn moved in behind her, pressing against her back and sliding a hand around her waist to rest

against her lower belly.

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“I told you I’d stop by this morning to go over the files we found,” Gabriel reminded her.

She nodded then cast a questioning look at Murphy.

“I’m here to check on my brother,” he snapped.

Finn grumbled in displeasure, and she slipped her free hand down, lacing her fingers with his

just below the belt on her robe.

“I understand you don’t think very highly of me.” She looked straight at Murphy, her gaze

unflinching despite his open hostility.

“You left my brother to die.”

“I thought he was dead. I know you don’t believe that, and I understand. I left, and you found

him. You saved his life, and whether you care or not, you also saved mine.”

Finn wrapped both hands around her. “He cares. My brother loves me. Trust me when I say he

knows how happy I am.”

She patted his hands but focused on Murphy as she spoke. “I know the two of you have a unique

bond. I don’t know if you can feel my emotions or not, but I promise you there will never again be a

time when I leave my mate. I swear this to you.”

“Actions speak louder than any words,” Murphy challenged.

“Then I prefer you consider me a liar,” Laura stated. “I never want my mate to be in that position


Finn’s lips brushed her cheek in front of her ear.

“That’s enough, Murphy,” Finn said, dismissing his brother. “Tell us about these files, Gabriel.”

“We found them when we cleaned out the cabin. These were hidden in a safe neither Daniel or I

knew our father had.”

“Isaac was as secretive as they come,” Laura offered.

“That he was,” Gabriel agreed. “These are marked with dates and times then a cryptic, alphabet

code. I don’t know if it’s initials or an acronym for something else or what. It could be almost


“How far back do the dates and times go?” Murphy asked.

“A long way,” Gabriel answered. “Some of these are from before I was born. Before my parents

were even together.”

“Is there anyone you can think of who might know what these mean?” Finn asked.

Gabriel shook his head. “Isaac didn’t have many friends.”

“Why do you call him Isaac sometimes and refer to him as your father at others?” Murphy asked.

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“My father preferred to be called Isaac, even by his sons. Especially by me. As the Angel, I was

to limit my personal connections.”

“Too bad for him, it didn’t work out like that,” Laura said. “Daniel moved into town, but he

didn’t go away. Adrian and the rest of the coyotes never went away. Then I showed up, and Isaac

couldn’t get rid of me either.”

“There must have been someone he trusted,” Finn argued. “He wanted to isolate you as the

Angel. That doesn’t mean he wanted to isolate himself. What about the doctor. I heard he and Isaac

were friends. Did you ask him about these?”

Gabriel shook his head. “I didn’t think about asking Miles. As for other friends?” He shook his

head. “Acquaintances maybe, but no friends. To be honest, I didn’t know he and Dr. Jensen were

friends. I know my father was the one to bring him here. But friends? I never saw it.”

“Sounds like maybe we need to talk to the doctor,” Murphy said.

“He’s a good guy,” Laura stated, not liking Murphy’s tone. “He’s saved a lot of people, helped

deliver babies, treated illnesses, operated to take out bullets and broken knife blades. Isaac may have

been the one to bring him here, but Dr. Jensen has more than proven his value to us.”

“She’s right,” Gabriel agreed.

“Then he shouldn’t have a problem answering a few questions,” Murphy countered.

“Give me a few minutes to get dressed. I want to go with you. Besides, knowing what I do of

your Professor, I’m sure Finn and I will be needed in the labs for blood samples.”

Finn groaned. “I’d say he has enough of mine to last a lifetime, but I know that won’t matter.

He’ll want to see what it’s doing now that we’ve mated.”

“I thought so,” Laura said, squeezing his arm and pulling it away so she could step free. “I’ll be

back in a minute.”

* * * *

Finn watched Laura head back to the bedroom. Murphy had brought a set of clothes for him, and

he’d dressed when he’d left their bed earlier. He planned to grab the rest of his things and bring them

to the house later. His place was with her. He sensed there was something she was still holding back

from him, but didn’t push. They still had much to learn of one another. He planned to ensure they had

a lifetime to do it.

“Murphy, I’d like to speak to you privately.”

Gabriel looked up and nodded. “I’ll go ahead of you three and speak with Tah. Meet us in the

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office when you’re through.” He paused, looking at Finn. “Laura’s one of the best women I’ve ever

met. She’s fierce and strong and as loyal as they come. She’s more than a friend. She’s family. Take

care of her.”

“I will,” Finn promised.

“I’ll see the three of you at the main house,” Gabriel said then left out the back door.

Finn stood for a beat then glanced at his brother. “Follow me,” he ordered and opened the door,

stepping into the yard. “You brought me here last night,” he reminded his brother. “You knew before

you left here that my beast and I had already accepted the fact she’s my mate. She’s a part of me now.

Our connection is bound to include her eventually, as it will your mate one day. I need you to let this

go, Murphy.”

“How do I let go of this? I’m not blinded by a mate’s eyes. She left you to die. She found you,

touched you and walked away.”

“She thought I was dead,” Finn reminded him.

“Yet you were breathing when Zane and I arrived.”

“Think back, Murph. What did you feel? Did you feel me dying? Even for a moment?”

“I felt you slipping away. I knew I was losing you. I feared we’d never make it to you in time.

Then I found you. I didn’t know if you’d make it back to Colorado and had no clue if they’d be able to

save you if we did. All I felt was you.”

“Then tell me. Let go of the fear you felt at the time. Push it away if you can. When you found me

was I still as weak as what you’d felt before?”

Murphy paused, his gaze searching Finn’s. “What are you thinking?”

“I’d like to speak with Gideon first, to see if it’s possible, but I believe my mate. I think I died. I

think she felt me slip away, tasted my last breath on her lips.”

“Then how?”

“Am I still alive?” Finn continued Murphy’s question. “I think she saved me. I think if she hadn’t

been there that day and come in when she did, you would have found a corpse instead of me clinging

to life.”

Finn heard Laura in the kitchen and knew she’d be through the door, joining them in a few


“Just think about it, Murph. For me. She’s my mate. I want the two of you to get along.”

“I’ll try,” Murphy said, and the door opened, drawing both their gazes to the woman who

stepped out.

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Finn caught his breath, overcome by the beauty of his mate. She’d pulled her long, blonde hair

back in a ponytail that hung down her back. Her green eyes sparkled, and her skin practically glowed.

He took full credit for the contentment that filled her. They’d loved throughout the night, and he was

already looking forward to being inside her again. If his brother and Gabriel hadn’t shown up when

they did, he would have awoken Laura with a touch sure to have her purring in pleasure for him.

“Save those thoughts for later,” she murmured huskily as she joined them. She leaned up and

nipped his jaw, making his cock threaten the hold of his zipper as he came to life in his jeans.

“Not too much later,” he returned and gave her a hard kiss before grabbing her hand and linking

their fingers. “We should be using the ATVs we brought to get around.”

“You too lazy to walk?” Murphy asked with a snicker.

“We have plenty of ATVs here. There are several in the barn,” Laura told them, ignoring

Murphy’s comment. “We can grab some when we go up to the main house. I take it Gabriel went


“He’s checking in with Tah,” Finn said. “They’ll probably have Dr. Jensen there when we


She nodded. “Are you staying at the main house, Murphy?”

He gave a slight jerk of his chin in answer.

“I understand you and Finn usually stay together. I have two other bedrooms, if you’d like to stay

at the house with us,” she offered.

“No,” Murphy barked, and Finn reached out and smacked him hard. Murphy glared but

explained his abrupt response. “I mean, the two of you have just mated. You should have time alone. I

appreciate the offer though.”

“You’ll always be welcome,” Laura said, and Finn admired her willingness to keep trying to

repair her relationship with his brother.

Finn needed to talk to Gideon more than he needed to hear what Dr. Jensen might say. If what he

thought was true, it would go a long way toward mending things between his mate and his brother.

They were two of the most important people in his world. He shared a deep connection with both of


He made his decision as they approached the medical building.

“I’m going to duck inside for a minute and talk to Gideon,” he said.

“I’ll go with you,” Laura said.

“No, go ahead with Murphy,” Finn said. “You know more about Isaac than any of us. You might

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think to ask something the rest of us wouldn’t. Besides, I’m sure Gabriel would appreciate you being

there. I’ll meet you both as soon as I can. I won’t be long.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her then trailed lips over to her ear. “Trust me.”

She nodded. “Gabriel’s probably called Daniel, as well. I should be there in case they find out

something else about their dad. Who knows what Miles might have to say.”

“Murphy?” Finn said but kept his gaze locked on his mate.

“She’ll be safe with me,” his brother said. “If you’re sure you can tear yourself away from her.”

Finn dropped another kiss on her lips, and Laura laughed. “I won’t be long,” he promised.

“You already said that,” she reminded him. “Are you sure I shouldn’t go, too? He’ll want a few

vials of my blood.”

“We’ll do that later. I just want to talk to him real quick, ask a couple questions.”

“Then go,” she urged. “I’m not going to disappear.”

He touched her one more time. She’d hit on exactly what he was thinking, which didn’t surprise

him. Every time he’d woken up last night, he’d reached for her, making sure she wasn’t another

dream. If she’d woken before him, she’d curled into him, touching his chest to make sure he was still

alive. It would take time before they were both able to let that need go, to trust in the here and now.

They would though, and Gideon might have the answers to help them.

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Chapter Nine

Laura felt Murphy’s tension as they walked on without Finn, but she didn’t feel hostility. At

least, he wasn’t trying to kill her.

“I’m not going to kill you,” he muttered, making her stop in her tracks.

“How did you know what I was thinking?”

“Shit!” he swore. “Finn was right. Stop and concentrate.”

He stared at her.

“Yes,” she answered his unspoken question. “I would give my life for him.”

“As would I,” Murphy answered aloud. “I always thought our connection with each other would

lessen when we met our mates and formed a bond with them. It appears it’s going to branch out and

include our mates instead.”

“So not only will Finn know what I’m thinking and feeling, but you will, as well?” she


Murphy’s lips twitched as he nodded.

“That could get really embarrassing,” she admitted and felt her cheeks flush with color at what

she and Finn had done the night before, the thoughts they’d both shared earlier.

“I don’t eavesdrop,” Murphy said, making her blush a darker shade of red. “You’re time with

your mate is private. You can block me from picking up on stuff, or I can shield myself. Finn and I

have become quite adept at it over the years, especially lately,” he mumbled then his gaze sharpened

on her.

“What?” she questioned. His intense gaze made her nervous.

“Will you do something for me?”

“What?” she asked him cautiously.

“Go back to that day. Open up to me. Let me see what you saw.”

“Will that work?” she asked.

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Murphy shrugged. “Only one way to tell.”

She closed her eyes, telling herself he didn’t realize what he was asking her to do, the pain he

wanted her to suffer again. She let her memories pull her back and didn’t even flinch when Murphy

slipped his arms under hers, grasping her elbows while she held his. She remembered the scent, the

cries she’d heard the closer she got. She remembered her beast taking over and the taste of her

enemies’ blood as she fought her way to him. Then there was Finn. Broken and bloody, his life

slipping away. She opened herself up to it all, though it broke her heart all over again.

“Stop.” Murphy shook her. “That’s enough, lass. He’s alive. He’s alive.”

She sobbed, burrowing into Murphy’s broad chest and taking comfort.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she said over and over again.

“Shh,” Murphy crooned at her ear. “It’s all okay. Everything’s going to be okay.”

A roar split the air, and Murphy muttered an expletive.

Finn charged toward them with Gideon right behind him.

“What the hell is going on?” Finn demanded, jerking her into his arms and holding her. “I’m

right here, baby. I’m right here.”

She clung to him, the memory still fresh and raw.

“Why would you put her through that?” Finn yelled at his brother. “I told you what I suspected.

You knew what I was going to ask Gideon.”

“I’m sorry, lass,” Murphy said, speaking to Laura. “I know what you felt, what you saw. I

believe you.”

Laura nodded. “It was worth it then.”

“What the fuck!” Finn practically vibrated with fury. “There was no reason for you to remember

that again. I felt how much emotional pain you were in.” He turned on Murphy, gripping his brother by

the throat. “If you ever put my mate through something like that again—”

“No!” Laura yelled. “Don’t say something you can’t take back. We have a connection, your

brother and I. I needed to show him what I saw when I found you, and he needed to see. Let it go,

Finn.” She pressed against him. “Please.”

“Let’s head to the main house. Miles is already there,” Gideon said. “Finn has an interesting

theory as to what happened the day the two of you first met, Laura. I think he might be right. I need to

go back and look at something in the blood sample that was taken when he first arrived back in

Colorado, but I know what to look for now. It would make perfect sense as to how he managed to

hold on for so long.”

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“Let’s go then,” Laura said, tugging at Finn. “I want to hear this theory, and I really want to be

there to see what Miles might say about Isaac. I’ve had this weird feeling since Gabriel told us about

the files.”

“What are you thinking?” Murphy asked.

“I’ve always suspected Isaac was up to something. Daniel said when they were boys, Isaac

would take these trips that would keep him away for days at a time. He was on one when their mother

was killed. Daniel said he continued taking them after she died, sometimes staying gone for weeks at

a time. Now, I’m wondering what all the trips were about.”

“Did he ever say? Did Daniel or Gabriel say?” Murphy asked.

She shrugged. “I have no idea if they ever asked him about them. You all met him. He wasn’t the

most loving of fathers.”

“He was a right bastard,” Murphy agreed. “Chances are he was up to lots of stuff we don’t know

about. Yet.”

“I’m afraid you’re probably right,” Laura said.

They fell into step again, Laura at Finn’s side, Gideon in front and Murphy right behind.

“I’m sorry,” Murphy murmured again.

Finn grunted.

“I’m not,” Laura said. “We needed to clear the air. Nothing would have worked as well as that.

I had no idea we’d share such a link. I’m glad we do.” She held her free hand out to Murphy and was

grateful when he took it. “It’s important to me for your brother to trust me,” she told Finn. “ I want him

to know just how much you mean to me.”

Finn sighed. “I don’t like feeling you hurt.”

“I didn’t either,” Murphy agreed.

“That makes three of us,” Laura said. “We’re all in agreement. See. It’s already made a


She’s a feisty one. Murphy’s voice filled her head.

“Keep it clean, gentleman,” she warned. “Remember this is three-way channel now.”

Finn laughed. “That she is, brother. I’m a lucky man.”

“You are,” Murphy agreed.

Laura felt the emotion behind Murphy’s words and knew he was still seeing the memory she’d

shared with him. She got the distinct impression that the Finn she’d left at the cabin hadn’t been the

same one Murphy had found when he’d arrived later.

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They reached the house and headed toward Tah’s office.

“Does any of it look familiar?” Gabriel was asking Miles as they entered.

Gideon crossed to his mate, Vic, who was on the other side of the room, standing next to

Professor Mueller. Tah and Reno were in front of the big desk Tah used. Gabriel and Miles stood

slightly in front of them. Gabriel had a file opened and was pointing to one of the papers.

“Birthdates, maybe,” Miles mused. “Some type of date…” He stopped midsentence, his eyes

obviously registering something as he read.

“What is it, Dr. Jensen?” Tah asked.

“This date. It’s the day my daughter left. These are her initials next to it. MQJ. Madison Quinn

Jensen. My Quinn. I don’t know what this is though. This other notation. HL-FT.”

“Your daughter left?” Reno said. “Was Isaac searching for her?”

Miles shook his head. “I don’t think so. If so, he never mentioned it to me.”

“Do you know why your daughter left?” Tah asked.

“We’d just lost her mother. Quinn wasn’t handling it very well.”

“Did she ever tell you why she left?” Laura asked.

“I haven’t heard from her since,” Miles admitted. “She blamed me for her mother’s death.

Rightly so. I’m the reason both of them were around shifters. I’d left them to head here. Quinn was

hanging out with friends. My wife, Sophia, was home alone when this group of hunters arrived. They

left a message for me that day. I packed up Quinn and contacted Isaac. He came immediately. I know

you all think poorly of him, but he was there for me when I needed him.”

“I don’t remember your daughter ever coming here,” Gabriel said.

“She didn’t. She left right after your father arrived. She’d screamed at me about how Sophia’s

death was all my fault. My daughter hated me that day. She wished I was the one they’d killed.”

“People say things they don’t mean when they’re hurting, Miles,” Professor Mueller said softly.

“Anger has to leave the body, and those we love almost always suffer the brunt of it.”

“I knew the risk when I agreed to work with Isaac and the rest of the shifters. Sophia and I made

the decision together. Quinn didn’t. I don’t expect to hear from her until she can find it in her heart to

forgive me. If she ever can.”

“Ah, Miles. If only we had the luxury of youth,” Professor Mueller said, coming over and patting

Miles on the back. “I lost my wife some time ago. Not a day goes by that I don’t still think of her. My

daughter. She didn’t leave me in anger. She went chasing her dream and was lucky enough to find it. I

miss her every day, but I can’t blame her for choosing to embrace the life she always wanted. The

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outcome is still the same though. She’s there, and I’m here, the same as you are. Let’s go have a drink

and reminisce as only the old can.”

The two men walked out, the Professor’s arm around Mile’s shoulders, leading the other man

away while the rest of those gathered watched.

“I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories,” Gabriel said.

“We all have ghosts we have to deal with,” Finn said.

“We need to look at those papers again. Jot down the dates and see if we can link them to other

people. People who’ve suddenly left,” Reno said.

“That code,” Gideon said. “HL-FT. I know I’ve seen it somewhere before.” He shook his head.

“I can’t place it.”

“Keep working on it,” Tah said. “What are you thinking, Reno?”

“Something just feels off to me,” he murmured. “Her mom dies. Violently, I’m sure. Then Isaac

shows up, and she leaves with no parting words for her dad. Anyone else find that a bit odd?”

“I do,” Gabriel said. “Are you thinking my father had something to do with her disappearance?”

“She was enraged. Emotions high. Riddled with the pain of losing her mother. What if Isaac fed


“And did what?” Vic asked.

“A human girl. Young and angry. Probably hungry for revenge.” Reno ticked points off on his


“Oh, my God,” Laura said. “He would have fed it the way he did mine when I first arrived.

Gabriel was always gone. Daniel was in town more than he was out here. Isaac would rant around

me, telling me what he would do if someone had done to him what they’d done to me.”

“Done to you?” Murphy asked, and she saw Finn shake his head.

“Tried to do to me,” she amended. “They didn’t succeed.”

“I never said a word to him,” Gabriel said. “How did he know what happened to you?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. He always seemed to know a lot of stuff. I guess I never really

thought of it before.”

“So he fed your need for revenge,” Tah said to Laura.

“Yes, he did. When the opportunity came for me to go after a hunting party while Gabriel was

gone, Isaac scoffed at me. He said I was too weak to take on a group of hunters, said I’d just end up

back the way I was when Gabriel first found me. He sneered and belittled until…”

“Until you left,” Reno said.

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Laura nodded.

“Those files are important. He wouldn’t have had them hidden otherwise. Someone knows

something. We just have to keep digging until we find that person,” Tah said. “The Professor will sit

down with Miles and keep him talking. If he knows more, even things he doesn’t realize he knows, the

Professor will find out.”

Laura didn’t think Miles knew any more. Bringing up his past, his wife’s death and daughter’s

leaving, had seemed to hit him hard. She felt sorry for the doctor.

“I see you’re still intact,” Tah said to her, giving her a smile.

“I told you he wouldn’t hurt me,” she replied.

“Fortunately, I see you didn’t hurt him either,” Tah agreed. “I’m pleased the two of you worked

it out. I admit I was concerned. You didn’t seem too happy to see her last night, Finn.”

“I think I know why,” Finn admitted and turned to include Gideon. “I’ve spoken with Gideon,

and he agrees it’s possible.”

“One thing first,” Gideon said. “Laura, Finn says he remembers you taking a knife in your paw

before you killed the last hunter.”

“Yes, I had a laceration across my palm after I shifted. I didn’t realize how deep it was until

later. It took a bit longer than it normally does to heal. I was so focused on getting to Finn at the time

that I didn’t even feel it,” she admitted.

“And you put your hands on Finn’s stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. Correct?” Gideon


She nodded.

“You said you felt Finn die?” he continued. “Did his bleeding slow down?”

“Yes,” she answered softly. “I felt him slipping from me. When the blood stopped flowing, I

guessed his heart had stopped pumping.”

“How is that even possible?” Reno asked.

“Laura’s telling the truth,” Murphy said. “She showed me.”

“She shares the same link with Murphy that I do,” Finn explained at the questioning looks Tah,

Reno and Vic gave them.

“Well, that could get real interesting,” Vic murmured.

“She showed me her memory of that day. I didn’t think it was possible, but Finn looked even

worse than when Zane and I found him. I’m not sure what happened, but she did see Finn die.”

“I think he did die,” Gideon said.

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“What?” they all asked in unison.

“He was already sliding down the slope. I remember Zane saying you’d felt something while

you were driving, something that made him think Finn wouldn’t be alive when the two of you found


Murphy nodded in agreement.

“Laura is his mate. She found him on death’s door. She ran to him, tried to save him, but he was

already in the process of dying. I believe his heart stopped beating, for a brief moment in time. I think

he died, and her blood brought him back. Actually, Finn mentioned the possibility, and I agree.

There’s more to it though. So much that makes sense that didn’t before.”

“I don’t understand,” she said.

“Your blood. It mixed with his when you put your palms on the puncture on his stomach. I think

you woke the beast inside him. You’d already left by the time Finn came back. I don’t think it was the

shot the Professor gave him that caused the memory loss. I think it was his beast’s way of protecting

him, not just from the torture but from the fact he’d met his mate.”

“Damn,” Tah said.

“You started getting restless and having headaches when we arrived here,” Gideon said, and

Finn turned an accusing look on Murphy.

“I might have mentioned it,” Murphy muttered with a shrug.

“It makes sense. The animal would have picked up on Laura’s scent. It must have driven your

beast nuts. Then you left, and I’m betting it wasn’t happy with you.”

“The headaches and restlessness grew worse,” Finn admitted.

“Was that when the memories started returning?” Gideon said.

Finn nodded. “Dreams. I wasn’t sure what was memory and what wasn’t.”

“She triggered it all. She saved your life, awakened your beast, and when you saw her again, she

unleashed it.”

“Then why did he threaten to rip her throat out?” Reno asked.

“He knew she was his mate, and I’m guessing he knew she’d left him. He felt the anger from the

beast and directed it at her. But the beast was angry with you, Finn. I think it was pushing for you to

let it fully emerge, but you weren’t sure of what to do. It was fighting you. Just before you changed,

you were angry because no one had stepped in to save your mate from you. You were worried for


“So my blood awakened his beast?”

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“And seeing you helped to unleash it.”

“It all makes sense when you put it like that,” Tah agreed. “So what about the shot the Professor

gave him? Are you saying it didn’t do anything?”

“No, I believe it assisted. It most likely helped the genetics kick in faster, lending a hand in Finn

healing quicker. It aided what already existed,” Gideon said.

“You saved my life,” Finn said, turning to Laura. “And you helped me unleash the beast and

become one with it.”

“I…” She shook her head, emotion overwhelming her. A part of her had died that day when

she’d felt him slip away, a big part. Since then, she’d just been going through the motions, more than

willing to risk her life to save others. She’d been ready to die. What if it had happened? She would

never have known Finn survived or the role she’d played in saving him. All those moments she’d

screamed inside, asking why she was still alive… Now, she knew and counted her blessings. Finn

seemed to pick up on what was going through her and pulled her into his arms and held her tight.

“I want to do a few more tests, but…” Gideon caught everyone’s attention when he paused. “I

think we may be on to something here. She may have given us a key we’ve been searching for.”

“What kind of key?” Tah asked.

“I think I might know something we can try to use to help Logan, a way that might allow him to

unleash his beast.”

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Chapter Ten

They spent the day in the labs with Gideon while he ran test after test, asking question after

question and driving Finn crazy. It didn’t help that Ariel hovered, shooting dirty looks at Laura the

entire time. His mate never commented on them, and she ignored Ariel for the most part. Finn found

himself losing his patience with Ariel even though she’d come to mean so much to him.

“Do you have a problem with my mate?” Finn asked Ariel.

“Finn,” Laura chided.

“Is there a problem?” Gideon broke off from what he was doing to join the conversation.

“That’s what I’m asking,” Finn said.

“Ariel?” Gideon asked.

“She left you to die,” she snarled.

“She saved my life,” Finn countered.

“I was there when you confronted her. I heard what was said, just like everyone else did. You

should have ripped her throat out.”

A rumble rose from Finn’s throat. Laura put her hand out, touching his chest and easing him.

“We didn’t know everything then,” Laura told Ariel. “I’m sure Gideon can fill you in on what

we’ve learned when the tests are done.”

“I know all I need to know,” Ariel sneered.

“Why do you hate me?” Laura asked. “At first, I thought it was because you wanted Finn to be

your mate, but that’s not true. Your mate’s right here, and you don’t want him.”

Finn felt a jolt go through him at that revelation, and it was obvious Gideon did, too, by the way

he jerked around.

“That’s not true,” Ariel said.

“It is.” Laura seemed to take Ariel’s reaction as confirmation to whatever she was thinking.

“You’re hurting him. I don’t know if you realize that or not. I thought maybe you were selfish, but I

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don’t think that’s it either. I think it’s fear.”

“I’m not afraid of anything,” Ariel challenged.

“We’re all afraid of something,” Laura countered.

“Your mate is here?” Gideon said. “Who is it?”

“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Ariel yelled. “I don’t have a mate.”

“We all have a mate somewhere,” Finn said.

“I don’t,” Ariel vowed.

“Why do you hate me?” Laura asked again.

“Because,” Ariel yelled.

“Why?” Laura pushed.

“Because he saved you,” Ariel screamed. “He saved you.” Sobs caught in Ariel’s chest, and

everything clicked in Finn’s head. The things Gideon had let slip about how Clara’s Uncle Thomas

had saved Ariel, how she’d woken up screaming. The way she avoided people. The way she clung to

those she trusted.

“Jesus, no,” Finn whispered, horrified.

“And no one saved you,” Laura said softly. “Oh, Ariel. I’m so sorry.”

“Stop it. Don’t look at me like that. I’m not broken. I am worthy. I didn’t deserve what

happened, and I’m not a victim!” Ariel turned and fled.

They all stood there for a long moment, processing what she’d said. Then Gideon moved.

“Let her go,” Laura said. “You can’t help her right now. This… What happened to her… She has

to work through it.”

“Thomas told her sometimes people get what they deserve. She woke up crying from one of her

dreams, crying about what happened to her.” Gideon looked at Laura, and Finn saw the sorrow in his

eyes. “I wasn’t there. I was the one who gave her comfort. Thomas told her some people were

destined to be victims.”

“He was pushing her to deal with what happened,” Laura said. “From what I see, she still

hasn’t. She won’t heal until she does.”

“Thomas shouldn’t have said those things to her,” Gideon admonished.

“Maybe, she needed to hear them,” Laura countered. “Maybe, he was trying to get her to realize

she wasn’t those things. So he told her she was.”

Gideon looked at her. “I never thought of it that way.”

“Tough love is hard, but it’s still love,” Laura stated.

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“She was so broken when Thomas found her,” Gideon said. “He brought her back and told me to

take care of her. She bled for days, cowering away from me at first. She’d wake up screaming. She’d

fight me, but I couldn’t leave her like that. I’d hug her and just hold her until she quieted. She’d beg

me to protect her, to keep them from touching her. Eventually, she got to the point that she’d wake up

crying out for me. Then she just woke up. I thought she was doing okay.”

“Dillion said she was expendable,” Finn said.

“Dillion?” Laura asked.

“He was the shifter who attacked when we were in Colorado,” Finn said. “He wanted to kill

Clara. Instead, he hit Zane and Logan with a strain of feral fever virus.”

“Jesus!” Laura exclaimed. “What happened to Dillion?”

“Ariel killed him,” Gideon said.

“Good,” Laura said.

“How do I help her?” he asked.

“I’m not sure you’re the one to help her,” Laura suggested.

“Do you really think she’s afraid?”

“I know what she’s been through. With one big difference,” Laura said. “Gabriel saved me.

Thomas was too late to prevent what happened to her. I can imagine what she survived, but I didn’t

experience it. I was lucky.”

Finn reached for her, pulling her against his chest. He couldn’t not touch her. Visualizing what

she’d told him, thinking what could have happened if Gabriel hadn’t shown up, knowing what Ariel

had survived. He felt sick. His beast raged for blood. He wanted to hunt down the men who’d hurt

Ariel and make each of them suffer.

“How would she not know fear after what she went through?” Laura asked.

“Who’s her mate?” Gideon asked, but Laura shook her head.

“That’s for her to tell you, not me,” Laura said. “I’m going to go check on her. She might not

know me, but I think she’ll relate to me more than anyone else here.”

“Be careful,” Finn said.

“I will,” Laura promised and gave him a quick kiss.

“I’ll come looking for you as soon as I’m done here,” he told her.

She nodded and headed out of the lab, leaving Finn with Gideon.

“She was raped,” Gideon said and swallowed.

Finn felt the bile rise in his throat as he nodded.

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“I knew; I just didn’t want to accept it,” Gideon admitted. “I keep thinking the worst of Thomas.

I let Dillion plant the seeds in my mind. Even Clara doesn’t think as highly of Thomas as she once

did.” Gideon blew out a hard breath and rubbed his hands over his face. “So many people are quick

to point out what they see as his faults. Then Laura comes along and puts it all in a new light. Maybe,

his methods weren’t perfect, but his heart was in the right place.”

“There’s good and bad in all of us, Gideon,” Finn said. “Thomas is the same. Look at everything

he’s been through. Losing his mate and child. Losing his brother. Being captured and tortured

repeatedly. Knowing that hunters were actively hunting for him, not just because of what he is but for

who he is. It all had to take a toll.”

Gideon nodded. “I told myself I would search for him once we got everyone here. I think I need

to keep that promise. I need to go look for him.”

“Talk to Tah about it. I know Clara wants to find her uncle. I’m sure Kenzie would, too. Our

numbers are growing. I’m sure it would be easy to get a group together to trace Thomas,” Finn said.

“First, I think Clara would appreciate if you helped her mate, and though, Laura might not say it, I’m

sure she’d agree.”

“She already gave blood to help us figure out a way to help him. You know, it was right in front

of me the whole time, and I never saw it,” Gideon admitted.


“Abby needed a transfusion to help her with her pregnancy. Diane is the same. The answer is in

the blood. It’s always in the blood. Laura’s blood woke your beast and saved your life. What if, all

this time, the one thing Logan needed was Clara’s blood?”

“Then we’re lucky,” Finn replied. “If it doesn’t work, you’ll keep looking. It’s what you do. It’s

what the Professor does. It’s what Diane does. We’re damn lucky to have you guys, and every one of

us knows it. Now, get back to work while I go find my mate,” Finn teased.

“You’ve got a good mate, Finn,” Gideon said. “Take care of her.”

“I plan to,” Finn answered and headed out. He opened himself up, but it wasn’t Laura he

connected with, it was Murphy. He felt his brother’s rage and sorrow and headed out at a run.

* * * *

Laura took her time searching for Ariel. She had an idea of where the other woman might have

gone but wasn’t sure. She didn’t know Ariel very well. She had mostly stayed by herself or stuck

close to Gideon or Vic. She avoided Daniel, and if what Laura thought was true, then she understood

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that avoidance much better. He had a hard road ahead of him if he wanted to reach his mate. Ariel

might have healed from the physical, but the mental and emotional pain she’d suffered were still


Laura found her in the barn, up in the loft. She sat with her legs dangling out one of the windows,

staring out over the land. Laura hesitated only briefly before taking a chance and sitting beside her.

She didn’t speak. Instead, she waited for Ariel to acknowledge she was there.

“I’d been on my own for a year when they found me. I was arrogant. Thought I knew everything,

but I never saw him coming.” Ariel reached for a loose piece of hay and began tearing it apart.

“They’re good at making you feel like they care about you, like they’re the friend you’ve been

waiting for,” Laura said.

Ariel nodded. “I was with him for three days before they…before it happened. I guess they were

searching for the males.”

“That seems to be the way it works,” Laura agreed. “Find the female then go from there.”

“How far did they get with you before Gabriel showed up and stopped it?” Ariel asked.

“I was staked out on the ground,” Laura admitted. “There were two male shifters. They’d

drugged them.”

“How many humans?” Ariel asked.

“Three. Two of them were lookouts while Erik made sure the male shifters stayed focused on


“He slapped at you, concentrating on your breasts and sex?” Ariel asked. “Showing them what

was on offer.”

“Yeah,” Laura agreed.

“There were three shifters with me,” Ariel said. “Two of them must have known each other.

They teamed up and killed the other guy. I’ll never forget the way they tore him apart. I was terrified,

wondering which one would be the one to come after me, but they didn’t fight one another. They

turned on me instead.” A tear dripped down Ariel’s cheek.

“I’m sorry, Ariel. I’m so incredibly sorry for what you went through,” Laura whispered and the

other woman shuddered.

“You know what I remember most about that day?”

“No,” Laura barely managed to get out. The pain Ariel was feeling was so thick, so strong, it

was as if it were another entity sitting with them.

“The way they kept apologizing as they took turns raping me. I could see the fury at what the

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drugs were forcing them to do in their gazes, but the hunger was there. They didn’t want me. I was just

the tasty meat laid out to entice the beast. I’m not even sure they realized what they were whispering

as they took me, but I still hear it in my nightmares. I’m sorry. Over and over again. I’m sorry while

they took turns tearing me apart. I hate that phrase. It makes me sick.” She glanced at Laura. “It was

the first thing Daniel said to me. He reached for me, and I flinched. It was instinct, even though I knew

who he was. He saw me panic. He cupped my face, and it felt so perfect. Then he brushed his thumb

over my lip and said he was sorry. Just that. I’m sorry. And I couldn’t run far enough away.”

“Oh, Ariel.”

“I lied earlier. I am broken. Some days, I think there are parts of me that will never heal.” Tears

streamed down her face. “The two shifters took turns raping me until the hunters decided it was

enough and killed them. Then they turned on me.”

Laura shook her head in denial. “Hunters don’t rape shifters. They wouldn’t soil themselves by

taking one of us.”

“They must not have gotten that memo,” Ariel told her, voice going hard again, and Laura

recognized it for what it was. It was Ariel’s way of locking it all inside. It broke Laura’s heart to

watch Ariel struggle to maintain control over her emotions. They bled through anyway. “When they

were done, they left me there to die. I wanted to die. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me,

to bury me so deep that no one would ever find me. Then Thomas was suddenly there. He was so

gentle then. I almost convinced myself that I saw him shed a few tears over me.”

“He freed you.”

“He wrapped me in a blanket and took me back with him. And gave me to Gideon. He was the

one who held me when I woke up from dreams so real I swore I felt them touching me. He was the

one who was always there for me. Gideon might not have saved me, but he helped me put myself back


“Did he?” Laura asked. “Because you don’t seem back together to me.”

“I don’t think all the pieces fit anymore,” Ariel said softly.

“Then make them fit,” Laura encouraged her. “Until you do, they win. You’ll always be that girl,

bleeding on the ground. And you’re so much more than that, Ariel. You deserve to be more than that.”

“I don’t know how to make them fit,” Ariel admitted, and it broke Laura’s heart.

“One piece at a time,” Laura told her. “One at a time.”

She held out her hand, offering friendship she wasn’t sure Ariel wanted from her. The other

woman stared at it for a long moment then slowly lifted her hand and took Laura’s. It was a start.

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Ariel went back to staring out at the landscape, but Laura turned and found her mate with her

gaze. She knew he’d heard what Ariel had shared with her. Just as Murphy had, though he remained

hidden somewhere in the shadows. Both men were enraged by what had happened. Even more, they

were hurting for Ariel, their heart’s breaking at what she’d endured.

Daniel needs to know, Finn said in her head, and she nodded. Ariel needed her mate to help her

heal, and the only way he could was if he knew just what his mate still dealt with. Daniel had had the

misfortune of saying the exact wrong thing to Ariel when he’d first seen her. Hopefully, it was

something they could get past. Daniel deserved happiness, and Ariel… Laura had a feeling she

needed to learn how to live again.

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Chapter Eleven

It was dusk by the time Laura and Finn made it back to her house. She’d sat with Ariel for a long

time, neither of them speaking. She sensed the other woman just needed someone to be there, so Laura

had stayed with her. Finn and Murphy had left at some point, but her mate had shown up immediately

when she’d left the barn. He hadn’t said a word, just pulled her into his embrace and held her. She

knew what he was thinking, though. If not for Gabriel, she could have suffered the same as Ariel had.

Laura had known she was lucky that day, but Ariel made her realize just how lucky.

“I want to hunt them down and kill everyone who was there,” Finn admitted once they were

inside. “Even the shifters.”

“They were drugged,” Laura reminded him. “They were victims.”

“It’s hard to remember that, considering what was done.”

She nodded. “I know, but they all three died that day. They were used then slaughtered. As for

the hunters, from what I’ve heard about Thomas, I can’t imagine he let this go unpunished.”

“You think he hunted them down?”

“I do,” she said. “He seems the type who would.”

“Yeah,” Finn agreed. “He does.”

“I don’t know about you, but I could use a hot shower,” she said, giving a big stretch that had her

rising on her tiptoes.

“Sounds good to me,” he agreed, wrapping his arms around her and tugging her back against his


“Does that mean you want to wash my back?” she questioned with a purr, lifting an arm to loop

around his neck. She needed Finn. Needed to feel his touch on her skin. Needed to wash away the

horror of what Ariel had shared with the exact opposite of it, with love and passion.

“Among other places,” Finn crooned, trailing kisses down her neck.

She turned in his arms and walked backward, leading him toward the bathroom. She reached for

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the hem of his shirt along the way, and they removed it together, tossing it aside and starting on hers.

They left a trail of clothes down the hallway, arriving at the shower wearing only their underwear. He

kept running his fingers along the lace edges of her panties while she bent to start the water. He took

advantage of her change in position and brushed his fingers farther under the lace, dipping between

her folds.

“Finn,” she moaned, catching her breath and arching her back to give him better access.

His husky chuckle washed over her just before a single digit pressed inside. She was panting by

the second stroke and begging by the third. She felt his breath at her hip then the tug of his teeth on the

lace as he pulled it , using his free hand to work the other side down. His teeth scraped along her rear

as her underwear lowered, finally dropping off her rounded curves until all that held them up was the

finger working her. She wanted them off but didn’t want him to stop.

He slid his finger free, but her moan of loss turned into a startled cry as his teeth nipped her

buttocks while he ripped the lace free. She jerked the lever up in response, turning the shower on and

feeling the mist hit her shoulders. His tongue flicked between the folds of her sex and had her crying

out, lifting on her toes to offer him what she wanted him to take.

“Not yet,” he rumbled, nipping her bottom curve again before standing behind her and jerking

her up with him. She felt the damp tip of his erection when he pulled her back, his hands making quick

work of her bra. She rubbed against him, feeling the smear of his pre-cum along her ass.

“Keep that up, pussy cat, and I’m going to fuck your sweet ass instead of that hot little pussy,” he


That thought shouldn’t turn her on, shouldn’t make her knees weak with the desire for him to do

that. She wanted Finn, any way he wanted her, every way he wanted her. And she wanted him with

equal measure.

“Shower,” he said and nudged her forward, following at her back until they were both cocooned

in the heated water and steam.

Skin grew slicker as they rubbed against each other. His hands skimmed over every inch of her,

somehow silky with soap suds she’d never seen him grab. His hands stroked her shoulders and down

her back in large sweeping glides then slid forward to capture her breasts and nipples before moving

down over her abdomen. He fondled the curves of her hips and ass, even sliding a finger along the

seam and tapping at the anus he’d vowed to claim before dropping to his knees behind her. He

stroked over each leg, working from her toes upward. He tickled behind her knees, but her laugh

turned to a moan as his hands slid up the insides of her thighs. His fingers stroked her folds, washing

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and exciting with every touch.

“Oh, God,” she gasped.

“Hand me the showerhead,” Finn commanded, staying on his knees.

Her arms were sluggish, her movements jerky as she complied, and she shuddered as he moved

it over her, rinsing her skin.

“Turn around.”

Her legs didn’t want to work, but need had her moving. His arm lifted, directing the spray over

her chest, concentrating the flow of water over each nipple, making them sting and tighten. He moved

back and forth over her stomach, skimming past her sex and focusing on her thighs and legs instead.

Finally, he trailed it higher, and she knew exactly where he planned to aim. Her head fell back, her

palms pressing against the wall as she prayed her feet would hold her up. Strong fingers spread her

lips, and warm water hit her swollen clit. She automatically tried to squeeze her thighs shut, but Finn

was there, his knees pressing against the insides of her feet, keeping them wide while his head moved


The water moved, hitting her thigh, and his mouth rubbed over her. He moaned, his tongue

flicking and working her sex, tasting and exploring every intimate part of her. He thrust it inside her

sex, fucking her with it before licking his way back up to her clitoris.

“I’m going to fall,” she whimpered.

“I won’t let you,” Finn said and pressed his forearm over her hips, anchoring her as he ate her


She heard the nozzle hit the tile but was immune to anything but Finn and what his mouth was

doing to her. Pleasure flooded her system and had her rocking her hips into his tongue, seeking the

orgasm that loomed just out of reach. She moved one hand, running her fingers through his red locks

and latching on. His whiskers added to the bliss, his mustache tickling her clit with every pass of his

mouth. Her gasps filled the air, and she dropped her other hand, gripping his hair with both hands and

grinding against him as she sought release. He chuckled then took her clit between his lips and sucked

hard, thrusting two fingers up into her channel and pumping them fast and deep.

“Finn!” she screamed as she came and was thankful he held her to him, keeping her from falling.

She had her eyes closed, trying to catch her breath, but felt every move he made as he stood,

careful to keep a hand firmly on her. She watched through slitted eyes, her hands braced once more on

the wall at her back as she took in the sight of her naked mate. His hands moved over his skin,

washing himself much faster than he’d cleaned her. He gave his thick cock a cursory stroke before

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reaching lower and swirling his palm around his balls. She wanted to be the one washing him.

“Next time,” he growled, responding to her thoughts as if they’d been spoken aloud. “If you

touch me right now, I won’t last to get inside you.” He reached down and grabbed the nozzle spraying

it over his skin to wash away the soap while she licked her lips and watched. “And I plan to spend

the rest of the night buried deep inside you.”

“Yes,” she moaned.

He re-hung the showerhead and reached behind her to turn off the cooling water. Somehow, they

made it to the bed. Her damp skin met the silk sheets then Finn was over her, in her, and nothing else

mattered. He was slow and easy, dropping kisses over her face and shoulders as he moved, and she

realized he needed this just as much as she did. Perhaps even more.

They clung to one another, taking their time, discovering all the little things about each other.

What touch elicited what response. What brought the most pleasure. Ticklish spots and erogenous

zones. They whispered endearments and made promises that would last a lifetime. Deep into the

night, he held her, wrapping her in his strength. She tried to give some of hers back to him.

“Are we staying here?” she asked.

“What do you mean?”

“In Oklahoma. Here.”

“I didn’t plan to leave Tah or the pride. This is where Murphy is. Is there…did you want to


“No,” she assured him. “I just found my brother again. I’d like to get to know him and his mate.

Then there’s Gabriel and Daniel. They’re like brothers to me, and I think Daniel’s going to need a


Finn nodded. “So you’ve forgiven Logan?”

“Gabriel said something that really hit home. He asked me if, when I shoved everything else

away, I was happy to see Logan. I realized I was. Listening to all of you talk about how he wrote to

me, how he searched. He’s no more to blame for things than I am.”

“I’m glad you realized that. We need family.”

“What about your sister?”

“Murphy and I have people watching over her. If the chance arises for them to get her out, they

will. Until then, all we can do is watch and wait.”

“Is she married? Children?”

“No. She’s refused every offer, and for some reason, our father has allowed it.”

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They lay in silence for a long while after that, and she wondered if he’d fallen asleep.”

“What are you holding back?” he whispered, his breath blowing across the top of her head

where she rested it on his chest. “I feel it, but I have no idea what it is. It’s hurting you. I want you to

know you can tell me when you’re ready.”

“I thought you were dead,” she rasped. “Nothing mattered to me anymore, and I took risks that

were stupid. Gabriel pulled my ass out of the kettle more than he should have. He’d yell and order me

to stay put here then he’d leave and I’d be off again. I’m the reason he left Kenzie behind. I’d gotten

myself in trouble so deep, I wasn’t sure even he’d be able to save me. I almost died.” She turned her

head to look up at him. “I wanted to. Now, I’m glad I survived.”

“Where were you?”

“I was intercepted by a group of hunters on my way back from a rescue. I was careless, or

maybe, I just didn’t care anymore. In my mind, you were gone, and life didn’t really hold much

happiness for me.”

“Laura,” Finn said and hugged her tighter. “Promise me you won’t do that again. If something

were to happen to me, I need to know you’ll hang on. Murphy will need you. Logan will need you.

What if we have children?”

She bit her lip. “They did something to me while I was in that lab.”


“They opened me up. I’m not sure exactly what they did, but they taunted me, saying they’d

managed to sterilize this one. That’s what I was to them. This one.” She lifted her gaze, blurry with

tears, and met his. “I might not be able to have children, Finn, and I have no one to blame for that but


“Shh,” he said. “It doesn’t matter. As long as I have you, it doesn’t matter. You do have someone

to blame. We both do. The ones who did this to you. Have you been checked since you’ve been back?

To see exactly what was done?”

“There was no reason before. It didn’t matter.”

“It does matter. I want to make sure you’re okay, baby. They could have done anything to you if

they had you opened up. We need to find out.”

“I’ll see Dr. Jensen in the morning.”

“I’d like Gideon involved, as well.”

“Any particular reason why?” she asked.

“He’s been held captive in the labs run by hunters. He might have a better idea what they’re

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capable of.”

“I didn’t realize that,” she said.

“It all came out in Colorado when he brought Ariel and Griffin to us.”

“Griffin? He’s the shifter who practically lives in the labs?”

Finn nodded. “Gideon’s plan was to leave them with us, get them settled and move on. Then he

met Vic and everything changed.”

“Mates have a way of doing that,” she admitted with a smile.

“They do,” he agreed. “Gideon told us about the things he and Clara’s Uncle Thomas did. Her

father, Michael, did, too, before he died. They spent time in several labs. Thomas had a plan to get

captured and somehow manage recon while they were inside. They’d find out how the labs work,

what drugs they were testing and escape with as much information as they could get.”

“How could he know they’d be able to escape? Have you ever been in one of those labs, Finn?

They’re highly guarded. There’s no easy route out.”

“How did Gabriel manage to get you out?”

“He had…” She stopped and sat up. “Oh, my God! He had a connection. A plant inside the lab

who was willing to get information out to him and help him get in to get me. Thomas must have had

the same.”

“If he did, Gideon wasn’t aware of it,” Finn said. “Otherwise, he would have told us.”

“I find Thomas more and more fascinating the more I learn about him,” Laura admitted. Her

mind spun, going back to when she was in that last lab. She’d been drugged most of the time and

didn’t recall much of what had happened during the time she’d been held. She remembered the pain

she’d been in when Gabriel had gotten her out. The wound on her stomach where they’d kept her open

so they could continually go in and do whatever they’d done.

“Whatever they did, we’ll deal with it. Together,” Finn swore.

“Something about that lab keeps nagging at my mind,” she told him. “I can’t put my finger on it.

It’s there, but I can’t access it.”

“Just relax,” Finn urged. “When the time’s right, you’ll remember. Any other huge revelations

you haven’t shared with me?”

“No. You know about my parents, my brother, how Gabriel found me, and now this. That hits all

the major points. What about you? Anything more I should know about you?”

“My connection to Murphy. A twin sister very few people know about. There was the whole

‘taken by a group of hunters’ thing, but you were there for the end of that. I acted out a lot when Murph

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and I were first sent here, and I almost went to jail a few times. Minor things. Fights mostly. I had a

bit of chip on my shoulder; felt like it was my brother and me against the world.”


Finn nodded. “There are times I still feel like I’m against the world, but I have a whole pride at

my side this time.”

“You have a mate at your side now,” she reminded him.

“As do you,” he told her.

“I prefer you a different way,” she murmured as she sat up, slipping her legs so she was astride

his hips. One slide of her palm and his cock went from half-mast to fully engorged.

He groaned and thrust up against her. “How’s that?”

She lifted onto her knees, positioned him at her opening then slid down his length.

“Inside me,” she said with a moan. “Deep, deep inside me.”

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Chapter Twelve

Finn stayed at Laura’s side while they walked toward the lab. While she’d dressed this morning,

he’d called Gideon to tell him what was going on. Gideon had said he’d meet them there, and Finn

felt Laura’s anxiety growing the closer they got.

“It’ll be okay,” he tried to assure her.

She nodded. “I know it will. I’m just nervous. Imagining what they might have done is one thing.

Knowing is something entirely different. What did you do?” Laura asked as the building came into

view. Gabriel, Daniel and Logan stood in front of it.

“I might have given Gideon a head’s up,” Finn said. “This,” he pointed at the three men who

turned and started toward them, “I’d blame this on my brother. Three-way channel, remember?”

“No, I didn’t remember,” she admitted with a groan. “I’m going to murder Murphy. Where the

hell is he?”

Conveniently shutting Finn out at the moment. Before Finn could say anything to his mate, the

others had joined them.

“Why didn’t you tell me what they did?”Gabriel demanded when they reached them.

Finn put his arm around Laura. “She isn’t sure what they did. That’s why we’re here.”

“Jesus!” Gabriel said. “I dragged you around with me instead of getting you to help.”

“You had a mate to get to,” Laura reminded him. “You’d waited long enough to go to her, and

that was my fault. Besides, there was nothing that could have been done at that point. Whatever they

did was already done.”

“Laura, I’m so sorry,” Daniel said. “I should have gone with you or followed you.”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” she said. “And you really need to stop saying your sorry all the time.


Daniel gave Laura a confused look.

“We’ll talk later,” Finn said to Daniel as she moved forward toward Logan.

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“Are you okay?” her brother asked her.

“That should be my question,” she replied.

“Clara’s inside with Gideon. I came out here as soon as I found out you were heading here and


“Is he going to give her blood to you?” Finn asked.

“That’s the idea,” Logan said. “I’ll be placed in a controlled environment with Clara close by.

In fact, I believe it’s the room you were in.”

Finn snorted. “Appropriate.”

“I hope it works,” Laura said.

“My mate’s looking forward to running with me if my beast manages to emerge. I have to admit

I’m curious to meet my animal.”

“You’re a leopard,” Laura said. “Snow leopard to be more precise.”

“I bet you’re beautiful in your fur. Better than my memory of the first time I saw you,” Finn said.

“I haven’t had the chance to see the animal in you since we mated.”

“Oh, yes, you have,” she purred, making Finn flush, and both Daniel and Gabriel clear their

throats. Finn was pretty sure Logan was trying to hide a laugh behind his sudden bout of coughing.

Laura didn’t even try to hide her snicker.

“TMI?” she asked with an unrepentant grin.

“We should head in,” Finn said instead of answering, pressing his hand against the small of her


“Wait, you’re not all going with me,” she said when Gabriel, Daniel and Logan moved to do just


“I have to go in anyway,” Logan said, moving ahead of them and grabbing the door.

“I’m not leaving,” Gabriel said. “Not until I know you’re okay.”

“Same,” Daniel agreed.

“I appreciate the gesture, but I’m okay. Whatever was done is done. And as soon as I know what

that is, I’ll let you both know. Promise.”

“Find Murphy,” Finn suggested. “I think he’s looking for you, Daniel. Something he wants to talk

to you about.”

“He’s inside,” Logan offered. “He was talking to Ariel.”

Finn saw Daniel flinch, saw the haunted look in the other man’s eyes. He hadn’t noticed before,

but Daniel was hurting. The man had the control of steel if he could hold back his beast from pushing

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the mating with Ariel. Finn wasn’t sure how Daniel managed it, but his respect for the man grew by

leaps and bounds.

“Tell him I’ll be at the house,” Daniel said. “I’ll check in with Tah on a few things while I wait

to hear what you find out.” He tugged Laura into his arms and hugged her.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Finn said. “We’ll meet you in Tah’s office when we’re done


“We’ll see you there,” Gabriel said, dropping a kiss on Laura’s head.

“Ready?” Finn asked, and Laura nodded, taking his hand and squeezing it.

“When are they going to try the blood therapy on you?” she asked Logan.

“Blood therapy?” Logan said.

“Isn’t that basically what it is?”

“She’s right,” Finn agreed.

“I told him to wait until they found out about you,” Logan said. “Clara and I want to be with you.

I… I’d like to be with you this time.”

Finn understood how Logan felt. There was so much he’d missed out on where his sister was

concerned. Moments he’d never get back. Moments he wished he’d been there for. It was the same for

Murphy. They understood all too well just how Logan felt.

Let him be there for you, Finn encouraged her through the link they shared. He needs this.

She nodded and held her other hand out to Logan. “I’d like for you to be there.”

Logan took it, and the three of them went inside together. Murphy stood with Ariel and Gideon

but turned as soon as they entered.

“Well, I think I’ll head out now,” Murphy said. “Sure you don’t want to go on that walk with me,


The other woman shook her head. “I’ll pass, but thank you.”

“I’ll see you later then. I need someone to run into town with me. I’ve got a million things I’ve

been putting off.”

“I don’t think—”

“Please, lass. You’ll be helping me out. You can’t mean to send me all by myself.”

Ariel laughed as Finn knew his brother had meant for her to. “Fine, I’ll go with you. I could use

a few things myself.”

“It’s a date then. We’ll grab some dinner while we’re there.” Murph made a production of

planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek that had them all laughing while she groaned and wiped at it.

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“I’ll see you both later,” Murphy said as he headed out of the room.

“I’ll go find Diane,” Ariel said and headed in the other direction.

“Diane?” Laura questioned.

“Dr. Jensen left last night,” Gideon said. “He said he needed to start rounds and check on a few

patients while there was still time. Diane is getting close to full term. We sent Griffin with him. To


Finn knew better. They’d sent Griffin to keep an eye on the doctor and find out the places he


“I’ll go ahead and get started if you’re ready,” Gideon said, indicating a table.

“What are you planning to do?” Finn asked, feeling a tremble run through Laura.

“Ultrasound first.” Gideon turned his attention to Laura. “I’ll take a look at your ovaries, uterus

and fallopian tubes. Make sure everything is intact. We’ll go from there.”

“Okay,” Laura said. “What do you need me to do?”

“Have a seat on the table, and we’ll lift your shirt up and pull your pants down just enough that I

can get to your abdomen.”

“He’s become an expert at it,” Diane said as she entered the room with Clara and Ariel. Her

belly was huge, making her look as if she were ready to give birth at any minute. “He’s been sworn to

secrecy, but he’s given me a few ultrasounds to make sure everything is good with me.” She placed

both her palms on her belly and rubbed slow circles.

“Are you sure you’re up to this?” Finn asked. “You look like you’re ready to go into labor any


“I still have a few weeks left,” Diane said. “You okay?”

Laura nodded at the question, but Finn felt her tension.

“Ariel, will you go check all the supplies in the room we’re using for Logan? We’ll want to get

started as soon as we can,” Diane stated.

“Sure,” Ariel agreed, leaving the rest of them there.

Finn moved toward the table with Laura. She must have known what they would do or at least

suspected since she’d worn a stretchy T-shirt and sweatpants. He helped her fix her shirt then

watched as she rolled the waistband down on her pants until they lay across her hips. He held her

hand while she took her spot on the table and leaned back.

“We’re ready,” he said.

Gideon walked over with a tube in his hand. “This will be a bit cold,” he warned just before

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squirting it onto Laura’s belly.

“More than a bit,” Diane said as she wheeled over a cart. She put the machine beside the table

and held up a wand. “This is what we’ll use to have a look at everything. Can you go over exactly

what happened? What you felt? Saw? What they said?”

Laura nodded, her grip tightening on Finn’s hand. “I was out most of the time I was there. There

was an incision on my belly. They left it open. Sometimes, I’d hear them talking about how lucky they

were to have a specimen like me. Young and healthy.”

“Did they say what they were doing?” Diane asked, moving the wand.

“She taunted me that they’d made at least one animal sterile.”

“What type of lab were you in?” Logan asked.

“I’m not sure,” Laura admitted. “What conversation I caught was about reproduction. They

seemed to want to find a way to prevent the animals from breeding.”

“One of the fertility labs,” Gideon said. “Jesus! HL-FT. Fertility trials. It’s a lab code. The last

notation on those lists Isaac had. It’s a code used within their society to designate what each lab’s

priority is. It was one of the first things Thomas picked up on it. It’s how he knew which labs we

needed to target.”

“So Laura was in a fertility lab? Does that mean Jensen’s daughter was, as well? That makes no

sense,” Clara said. “His daughter is human. Are you saying Jensen might be working undercover for

them? That Isaac found out?”

Gideon shook his head. “That’s not what I’m suggesting, at all. I’m just saying I think I know

what that code is now. As for what it’s doing on that list? I don’t know yet, and I’m not willing to just

guess. We have no idea what’s at stake.”

“How long did it take you to heal?” Diane asked Laura, drawing all eyes back to her.

“Days,” Laura said. “There was a lot of pain. I ran a bit of a fever. It wasn’t until we arrived at

the Holloways that I finally healed enough to move around. Why?”

Diane swallowed. “Did you have any issues when you were younger? Any major medical

conditions? Appendix removed? Or gallbladder? Any type of surgeries?”

“No,” Laura said softly. “Why? What do you see?”

“It’s more of what I don’t see,” Diane replied.

“Tell me,” Laura whispered.

“You have an ovary missing,” Diane said. “I’d need to take a closer look, but I’d say they didn’t

sterilize you. They harvested an ovary.”

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“Oh, God!” Laura moaned. “What would they want with my ovary?”

“I don’t know,” Diane said.

But they could all guess. Bile rose in Finn’s throat. They’d stolen something irreplaceable from

his mate. Something he was afraid the hunters would find a way to use against them all. Something

that would have the potential to destroy his mate. He couldn’t let it happen.

“We need to talk to Gabriel and find out about that lab. Where it is and what condition he left it

in,” Finn said. He’d go himself and burn the fucking place to the ground.

“Were there other people there with you?” Gideon asked.

“I don’t know for sure,” Laura admitted, her voice laced with shock. “Like I said, I was out of it

most of the time.”

“Do you want me to take a closer look at the other one?” Diane asked.

Laura glanced at Finn then nodded. “I do. I need to know if they did anything else. Why take one

ovary? Why not take both? Or even give me a complete hysterectomy? Why only one ovary?”

“There’s no use in speculating right now,” Gideon stated. “We’ll need to find out more about the

lab and what type of fertility work they were doing in it. That’s how we’ll figure out why they did


“When can you go in?” Laura asked Diane.

“Are you sure?” Finn asked his mate.

“I need to know,” she said. “I need to.”

He nodded in understanding. “Okay.”

“We can do it as soon as you’re ready,” Diane told them. “Logan, you don’t mind waiting, do


“Not at all,” he said. “I think it would be best if I went to Tah now and let him know what’s

going on. The sooner we know where to look, the better.”

“Montana,” Laura said. “I was in Montana.”

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Chapter Thirteen

Laura came to feeling groggy. They’d started an IV, and Gideon had given her something to help

her sleep while Diane had reopened Laura’s abdomen and taken a closer look at what had been done.

Laura wasn’t surprised to see her mate at her side, watching as she blinked her eyes open.

“What did she find?” she croaked, her throat dry.

“Here, drink this,” Finn said, holding out a cup to her with a straw in it. “It’s water. Gideon said

your throat would be dry when you woke up.”

She took a careful sip then another before pushing away the cup. “What did she find?”

“They made a clean cut, tying off your tube after they detached your ovary and removed it. The

other one looks fine. She couldn’t find anything else amiss.”

“I don’t understand. Why would they say they’d figured out how to sterilize if that’s all they


“Diane’s best guess is they weren’t done. Gabriel said your incision was still open when he

found you. Gideon suggested they might have been waiting to see how your body reacted to the

missing ovary.”


“Hunters have done experiments on our kind for a long time. Using drugs to try to control us or

change us or turn us against one another. You know what happened to Kenzie. She was born in one of

their labs, taken from her mother’s womb and injected with a blocker that was supposed to

permanently lock out her beast. She still hasn’t fully merged. One of the labs Gideon was in injected

the shifters with different drugs they were testing and pitted them against one another, making them

fight to the death.”

“Why do they hate us?”

Finn shrugged. “Who knows? We probably wouldn’t understand even if we did know.

Generally, hate doesn’t make sense. We’re different, a merging of man and animal that goes against

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what they consider normal.”

“I hope they destroyed my ovary. The thought of them keeping it makes me sick.”

“I know. That’s why Gabriel left with Kenzie, Murphy and Daniel. They’re headed back to

Montana to check out the facility the hunters held you in. Reno and Amia wanted to go, but he can’t

leave right now. Not with everything going on here.”

“What’s going on?” Laura asked, her body coming instantly alert.

“Logan is still having issues caused by his inability to merge with his beast. Right now, they’re

not sure what to do to help him. Zane’s focused on his pregnant mate and rightly so. I’m focused on

you. That leaves Gideon and Vic along with Reno and Amia who aren’t currently distracted by other

things. We can’t leave ourselves open to attack.”

“Why would Reno and Amia want to go anyway?”

“Amia’s from Montana. She knows the area well.” Opening his mind, he shared his memories of

everything he knew about Amia, including what had happened with him.

“She’s a Blane?” Laura questioned incredulously then caught her breath. “Oh, my God! They

buried them alive! How could they do that to Amia? Clara, too? To anyone? ” She took his hand.

“You didn’t know. You heard Amia say she was going to kill everyone. How could you know what

she meant? You were trying to protect them.”

“I locked her in a tiny room and brought back all her memories of being buried alive,” he


“And you died trying to make up for that. If I hadn’t been there…” She let the thought trickle off.

“You were there,” he reminded her. “I’d say that’s proof we can get through anything.”

“I believe we can,” she agreed and pulled him down for a kiss. He showered them over her

face, and she felt how much he cared for her. She’d known before she met him that she would love

her mate. Their kind were designed to live in a committed relationship with one person and one

person only. It wasn’t that way with all shifters, but it was for them. She’d worried she’d never meet

her mate then thought she’d lost him. She’d just found him again, and already, she loved him as if

they’d spent a lifetime together.

“I love you, too,” Finn said. “Time means nothing with the connection we share. I know you in

all the ways that matter. I know your heart and soul. I feel your joy and pain. I don’t just see you. I see

into you, just as you see all of me. We have nothing to hide, and that makes all the difference.”

“They call us the animals. Say we’re the oddity and need to be eradicated. They’re the ones

whose hearts are so filled with hate.” She shook her head and blew out a breath. “What did Gabriel

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“He had a connection at the lab just like you said. He was told you were hurt, but not what

they’d done to you, so it was a quick in and out. He didn’t check anything else while he was there. He

knows the lab’s location, and they’re going back to see if there’s a way for them to get in again.

Gabriel tried to reach his contact, but he isn’t answering.”

“Did they already leave?”

“They left as soon as they could get packed,” Finn said. “Gideon came up with two possibilities

for what they could be doing in those labs.”


“One is that they took your ovary and waited to see how your body reacted. They seem to

believe we can regenerate body parts. Gideon said they’ve removed limbs just to see if we’d grow

them back. The intention could have been to see how your body responded to the missing ovary. Take

it, monitor then go back in to grab the other once they knew for sure how you’d react biologically.”

“That makes sense, weird sense, but still. What was his other idea?”

“Taking your ovary to harvest eggs. They would need to do it pretty quickly after removing it,

which could explain why they only took one. To see if they could keep the eggs viable outside your


“Why would they do that? They can’t mean to use them! No! It’s not possible.”

He leaned down, pulling her into his arms and rubbing his hands up and down her spine. “I think

we both know they’re capable of anything.”

“But to take them and use them. They hate us. That just makes no sense. It doesn’t. The thought of

them using my eggs for anything. It makes me ill to even think about it.”

“Then don’t. Let’s not borrow trouble when we don’t know for sure. We’ll wait to hear from

Murphy when they know something.”

She knew he was right, but it was still hard not to freak out. Of all the things she’d worried

about while in the hands of the hunters, having her ovary taken had never once crossed the realm of


“How’re you feeling?” Finn asked, then clarified. “Physically.”

“I’m okay. We heal pretty quickly,” she offered with a smile.

“I thought we’d take it easy for the remainder of today. Stay here and let you relax.”

“I’m fine. You don’t need to take it easy with me.”

“I thought you might want to stick close to see how things go with Logan.”

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“Yes, of course, I do. How are they handling it?”

“Gideon took blood from Clara before we got here this morning. I’m not savvy on exactly how

it’s all going to work, but my best guess is they’re going to give him a transfusion like they did with

Abby and Diane. Looking at what your blood did for me and what Tah and Zane’s have done for

Abby and Diane during pregnancy, it only makes sense this might be exactly what Logan needs to

stabilize his blood and let his animal emerge.”

“I want it to work for him. I don’t know how serious his condition is right now. Feral fever

virus has too many strains to count. But I’ve just found my brother again, and I’ve been so wrapped up

in hurt and blame that I haven’t had a chance to tell him how much I love him, how much I’ve missed

him. I don’t want to lose him again.”

“If this doesn’t work, we’ll find something else to try. No one will rest until we figure out what

to do for him. He’s at the very core of this pride. We’re not going to lose him.”

She nodded and sat up in bed. There was a slight pull in her lower abdomen where Diane had

opened her back up, but it was already healing. Soon, she wouldn’t even have a scar to show for it.

Their bodies had such an amazing ability to heal, even if they didn’t regenerate.

“So what do you suggest we do while we wait to find out how things went for my brother?”

Laura asked.

“Clara gave me some reading material for you,” Finn said and held up the stack of Logan’s

letters. “If you’re interested.”

She took them from him. “I am. I should have read them when I first heard about them. I should

have taken the time to listen to him earlier.”

“I’ll help you get dressed then we can head to wherever you want to wait. Are you hungry? I’m

not a great cook, but I’m not awful either.”

“Why don’t we go to the main house? I can sit there and read. We’d be closer than if we went to

our place. Plus, I’m sure there’s plenty to eat.”

“Coward,” he accused, making her laugh.

It took twice as long for her to get dressed with him helping her. He had a way of touching her

that brought every nerve ending alive. With him there, the last thing she wanted was to put on her

clothes, but it wasn’t the time or place to entice him to do what she wanted.

They ran into Diane, Gideon, Vic, Tah, Abby, Reno and Amia on the way out. They were all

there waiting to see how things went with Logan. Laura was starting to appreciate the type of pride

she’d become a part of. Before coming here, it had been her, Gabriel and Daniel. Their friend,

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Adrian, had stopped in from time to time, but as a coyote, he didn’t stay long. Other shifters had been

in and out, but their pride had been the three of them, and Isaac had constantly tried to break it up.

Watching Tah and his group showed her the power of a larger group. They were building

something, something that had been lost over the years. Too many of their species hid, trying to blend

in with humans. Others had no clue who or what they were, only that they were different.

“We need to send people out, too,” Laura said.

“What?” Tah asked, making her realize she’d spoken aloud.

“I was thinking of how inspiring it is to see you, to be among you. There’s power in this pride.

Our species of shifter is scattered all over the place, but what if there was a home to go to, a place for

acceptance and answers? Maybe, this could be that place. Maybe, you could be that leader.”

Abby nodded, hugging her mate’s side, and Tah automatically pulled Abby even closer. “I’ve

said that from the start. He’s the tau.”

Laura looked at Abby, trying to decide what she meant. “Yes, I know he’s Tah.”

Abby laughed. “No, he’s the tau, t-a-u, the reincarnation of the leader of the Paka Watu.”

“The Paka what?” Laura asked, and they all laughed.

“A legend Abby followed that led her straight to me,” Tah answered. “Since then, we’ve found

out there are many legends about our people, but this one holds the most meaning to us. It’s the one

that awoke Abby’s curiosity and sent her on a search for me. I had no idea who I was then. No idea

what I held inside me.”

“Or what you’re capable of,” Abby added. “He’s always been a leader, a man people gravitated

to. I told him from the beginning he’s the key to bringing all the ailuranthropes together.”

“I’m guessing that means us,” Laura said.

“Were-cats,” Abby acknowledged.

“What’s your idea, baby?” Finn asked, bringing them back to Laura’s comment.

“I was thinking of what happened to me when I was younger and to Ariel. Hunters have people

who go out and actively look for young shifters on their own, searching for answers. They know

enough about us to seduce those shifters into following them. We try to rescue when we find out, if we

find out, but how many do we miss? And why can’t we do the same?”

“Send out someone to search for them and bring them back here?” Reno asked.

“Yes,” Laura said. “Why keep reacting and hoping we make it in time? Why not find them first?

There’s so much we could teach them, about themselves, what it means to be a shifter and what it

means to be part of a pride.”

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“I like the idea,” Amia said.

“Me, too,” Vic agreed.

“It’s definitely something to discuss,” Tah said. “But not something to walk into half-cocked. I’d

like to hear more about how you were approached, what was said, any clues you might have

displayed to send him in your direction. I’m not disagreeing with your idea of sending out our own

searchers. I think it’s exactly what we should be looking at. We need to have a solid plan in place

first and figure out a rotation schedule.”

“You mean volunteers?” Laura said and glanced at Finn. “We’ll go.”

Finn nodded, letting her know he supported her.

“I can’t imagine there’s a person here who wouldn’t volunteer,” Tah stated. “We have other

priorities, as well. One thing we can’t do is spread ourselves too thin. It leaves us open for attack.

We’re not exactly hidden here. We’ll wait until Gabriel, Kenzie, Daniel and Murphy get back. We

see if this,” he nodded toward the room where Logan and Clara were, “helps. We’ll stay close while

Diane approaches the end of her pregnancy. We’ll protect this pride. When the time is right, we’ll

implement ways to grow it.”

There must have been something on Laura’s face, maybe a smidge of disappointment in the delay

that she didn’t hide completely. She understood what he was saying. It even made sense, but the

adrenaline rush that had filled her at the idea was making for a huge letdown.

Tah reached out to her, touching her cheek with his palm. “Thank you, little sister. You’re an

asset to this pride. We’re lucky to have you.”

“I’m going to take Laura over to the main house,” Finn said. “She needs to eat. Healing burns a

lot of calories.”

“I’ll go with you,” Abby said. “I left Regan sleeping with the Professor watching over her.

She’ll be waking up soon and want to eat.” She turned to Tah. “I’ll bring her back with me. You know

she’ll be looking for her daddy.”

Tah purred, and Laura’s heart melted at the love he openly displayed for his wife and child.

Regan was a very lucky girl.

“I’ll go, too,” Amia said, turning and giving Reno a kiss. “Diane?”

“I should stay here,” she said.

“I can monitor Logan,” Gideon said. “You should rest while you can. You’ll be hopping once

you give birth.”

They shared a look, and Diane grinned. “I will.” She rubbed her belly. “Soon.”

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“Go,” Tah told her. “That’s an order.”

“I am hungry,” Diane told them. “We’re in luck. My mate cooked last night. He’s amazing in the

kitchen. Actually, he’s just amazing period.”

“Zane is fantastic in the kitchen,” Abby agreed. “Though I admit I conned Logan into cooking for

me while I was pregnant. Your brother is a master when it comes to cooking. I have no idea how he

ended up with these two.” She nodded toward Tah and Reno.

“At least, Tah is passable in the kitchen,” Amia said. “Reno burns everything.”

Reno laughed. “What can I say? I’m hot.”

Amia giggled and snuggled up to him. “Yes, you are.”

“That was lame,” Tah said with a shake of his head. “I expected better from you.”

“Don’t worry,” Abby said. “You’re still the alpha puss—” She broke off with a laugh as Tah

lifted her off her feet and kissed her quiet.

It was interesting to see this side of them, playful, loving and attentive. So different from what

she and Logan had grown up seeing with their parents. The opposite of what she’d seen with Isaac

and his sons. Affection had been frowned upon, and though she’d cared for Gabriel and Daniel,

neither of them had been real demonstrative. Here, with this group, it was a natural extension of who

they were. Not just with their mates, either. The guys touched just as often. A hug or shoulder bump or

clap on the back. They didn’t shy away from emotion either. I love you was something heard often.

She understood why her brother had chosen to stay with them over coming back home. She didn’t

blame him. Seeing this, being a part of it, she didn’t want to leave, either.

You’re home. Finn’s voice filled her head as his arm came around her, pulling her back against

his chest.

After years of searching for her place, questioning…everything, she’d finally found her mate,

her family and the place where she belonged.

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Chapter Fourteen

Laura sat alone at the table reading the letters a younger Logan had written to her. Each one was

stamped “return to sender”, a rejection she knew her brother had felt but ignored as the pile before

her clearly showed. The first few letters were filled with his boyish charm, painting a picture of

adventure that dwindled as they continued, as they went unopened. The bottom few hadn’t even been

mailed. Logan had written her a letter every year and added it to the pile, and through them, she saw

her brother grow from the boy she’d adored to a man she could respect.

There was so much love in his letters, all for her. She’d been so wrapped up in her hurt and

anger that she’d failed to think of what Logan had gone through. He’d found solace in his friends, and

through his eyes, she met them each again. Tah, Reno, Zane, Vic, Kenzie, Murphy and her mate, Finn.

There was even a letter from when he’d met Clara and how fast and hard he’d fallen for his mate. All

this time, Laura had felt abandoned and unloved. The truth was Logan had always loved her, and it

was there in black and white.

“Where’s Finn?” Abby asked as she came in with Regan on her shoulder.

“He went to help Zane with something,” Laura said, her hands cupped over the pile of letters.

“You okay?” Abby asked. Her baby girl gurgled, one fist at her mouth, the other wrapped in her

mother’s hair. “She just ate, but apparently, she has her dad’s appetite.”

Laura laughed. “Finn said you named her after Logan and Reno.”

“I did. I knew when I mated Tah it wasn’t just him I’d accepted into my life. The three of them

are a package deal. To love one of them is to love them all and that love spills out to encompass

everyone here. We’re a family. We watch out for one another, and they all dote on my Regan. She’ll

be the most protected shifter ever born. She won’t have to question who she is, what she is. Too many

shifters have to do that.”

“She’s a lucky little girl,” Laura agreed.

“Tell me something, Laura. When you look at my mate, what do you see?”

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Laura was surprised by the question. “Tah’s respected. Everyone listens to what he says, even


“Yes,” Abby said, patting the baby. “What else?”

“He always seems to know everything that’s going on.”

“He does because everyone here is important to him. Reno and Logan were his rocks when he

first started changing, when we had no idea what to expect. His world was turned upside down.

There was this crazy woman who’d been watching him across a bar for months and suddenly, he was

waking up in a cell with her. In that moment, his entire life changed.”

“You were the woman,” Laura said and Abby nodded.

“I was. We ran for our lives that day, and his first call was to Reno and Logan. They showed up

and didn’t bat an eye when he told them what was happening to him, the changes taking place in his


“They respect him,” Laura said again.

“More than that, they trust him, love him like a brother. When it came down to it they both saved

my life. There was a man who was a bit obsessed with me. He’s the one who took Tah and I captive.

He followed us to Colorado. Logan took a bullet in that attack. Tah did, too.”

“How did Reno save your life?” Laura asked though her mind was reeling. Logan had taken a

bullet. He’d mentioned being shot, but it hadn’t really clicked at the time. He could have died before

she had the chance to see him again. Her heart ached at the thought of that.

“Tah had a high fever. He went into a deep sleep and I was afraid he might not wake up. Reno…

he helped bring Tah back to me, putting himself at risk in the process. He put my mate before himself,

and I’ll always love him for that.” Abby’s eyes filled with tears which she blinked away. “That’s

what we do here. We take care of one another. When one of us is hurting, we all feel it. This is a good

group, a strong group, and we’re only growing stronger.”

“Strong enough to start making changes for the better?” Laura asked.

Abby gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Tah won’t stop thinking about your idea until he finds a way

to implement it. Just give him time. He’s not one to jump in without understanding exactly what we’re

up against.”

Laura nodded. “Gabriel’s always yelling at me about charging in to fight before I know what I’m

facing. It got worse after I thought I’d lost my mate. It’s part of the reason it was so easy for them to

capture me the last time.” She shook her head as the image of Finn tried to fill her mind again;

bloodied, battered and dying.

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“I’ve watched them carry Tah into a room more than once when I wasn’t sure if he’d make it. I

know the fear and devastation that courses through you. Our mates…they’re our world, as are the

children we create.” Abby’s gaze was tender as she gazed at her daughter, and Laura felt the warmth

of it. “Part of me knows Regan will be protected. I know that, but I still have nightmares. The things

I’ve heard…from Amia, Clara, Gideon,” she met Laura’s gaze, “you… How could I not? I look at my

daughter and see this perfect feminine, miniature of my mate. I can’t fathom anyone doing to her what

happened to you in that lab. We’ll get answers,” Abby vowed. “Tah… This pride… We won’t stop

until we know why they took your ovary.”

“Thank you,” Laura said. Abby’s voice rang with conviction. “Gideon said I was in a fertility


“He told us. He also thinks that might be the last few letters of the codes Gabriel found, a lab

distinction. They’re going to check on it when they get to Montana. Ariel’s back over at Isaac’s today,

searching through the rest of his stuff to see what she can find.”

“By herself?” Laura asked. She was really worried about the other woman.

“She needed the space,” Abby said softly, making Laura realize that she also knew Ariel’s story.

“We need to give her time, Laura. None of us have walked in her shoes. Not to diminish what you

went through, but not even you know the extent of what Ariel lived. She has so much anger and rage

and pain locked inside her. We all saw it but didn’t really understand the cause of it. I noticed

something between her and Daniel when we first arrived, but I never suspected. I know you’re

worried for him.”

“Daniel’s been like a brother,” Laura replied. At one time he’d hoped they could be more, but

they both knew they weren’t. While others might have indulged in each other while they were both

unmated, Laura wanted to save herself for her mate. She was glad she had.

“We have to believe she and Daniel will eventually find their way to each other, just like we all


“I hope so,” Laura agreed.

“Those are the letters Logan wrote to you?” Abby asked after a moment, nodding at the pile of



“I hope you found what you needed in them. Logan’s a good man, one of the best I’ve ever


Laura nodded, too overwhelmed with everything she’d read and discussed with Abby to know

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what to say. Abby seemed to understand.

“Feel like heading back over with me? This one wants her daddy, and I’m sure you want to

check on Logan as much as I do.”

“How long do Diane and Gideon think it will take?”

“It’s a wait-and-see game. We’re playing everything by ear, at the moment. The Professor’s still

looking into other options. He’s been running various tests on your blood, Finn’s, Clara’s and

Logan’s. He’s been working on it since you gave the first sample.”

“I thought you’d discovered the key was a mate’s blood,” Laura argued. “Isn’t that what Finn

and I showed?”

“If we’ve learned anything so far, it’s that everyone and everything is different,” Abby informed

her. “Logan wasn’t in the same shape when he met Clara that Finn was when he met you. Logan’s

problems didn’t start until after he and Clara had mated.”

“When he was injected with the virus,” Laura said, remembering what she’d been told.

“Yes, and it still didn’t bring out his animal. Tah’s beast surfaced with me. Logan’s didn’t with

Clara. Reno’s showed itself when he was shot. Logan’s didn’t. Everyone is different. Gideon’s able

to see it’s there, just like Finn’s. But it’s not the same. I understand that we all needed to try this. My

mate has barely slept since he found out what’s going on with Logan.”

“So you don’t think Clara’s the key,” Laura realized.

“No, not by herself. I think if she was, we would have already seen it. I’m with the Professor on

this one. I think the truth is in the blood. We need to look at yours in comparison to Logan’s. Maybe

even compare a sample of your blood mixed with your mate’s to a sample of Logan’s with Clara’s.

Hell, the key may lie in seeing how your blood changed Finn’s. His animal is out now. Why did his

respond to being mated while Logan hasn’t? They both were dealing with similar issues. Maybe

finding this out will allow us to help Kenzie more. If we can figure out what stimulates the animal’s

emergence, then we could potentially reverse the effects of whatever blocker they injected her with.

The answer is there somewhere. We just need to find it.”

“I’ll give as much as you need,” Laura promised.

“I know you will,” Abby said, patting Regan on the back. “Did Logan tell you the nickname he

gave the Professor?”


Abby laughed. “The Vampire King, because he’s always wanting more blood from us.”

“Well, he can have all of mine he needs.”

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“You say that now, but just wait. Soon, you’ll moan like the rest of us,” Abby teased. “You


“Good, you’re still here,” the Professor said as he bustled in, joining them. He was the same

height as Abby, just slightly shorter than Laura’s five feet six inches. His silver hair was thick and

sticking up in places as if he’d been running his fingers through it. He locked onto her. “You’re the

key. I knew it but couldn’t figure out how. Logan’s cure is in the blood. Your blood to be precise.”

“Why mine?” Laura asked.

“We need to go,” the Professor urged, waving them toward the door. “If my calculations are

correct, a transfusion of Clara’s blood will put Logan right back to where he was the night he was

given the virus.” He held up a vial. “I’ll need to give him this.”

“What is it?”Abby asked as they headed out.

“I’ll tell you when we get there. Best to explain it all at once. But this…” His palm tightened

around the vial in his hand. “This is the key to unleashing his animal.”

They walked into noise and chaos. The door to the room Logan was in had been flung open.

Growls, snarls and roars met their ears. Laura ran the remaining distance and pulled up short in the


Logan was strapped to a table. His eyes, so much like hers, glowed neon. Reno and Tah both

loomed over him, while Clara leaned down by his ear, whispering to him. Gideon drew blood while

Diane was watching a monitor. Vic stood between Diane and the bed that held Logan.

“We don’t need that blood,” the Professor announced as he entered behind her. “Get me a fresh

hypodermic, Diane. I’ve got exactly what Logan needs.”

“What is that?” Tah demanded then roared when Abby appeared in the door with Regan. “Get

out of here!”

“She’ll be fine. Everything will be fine,” the Professor said calmly. He walked over and started

opening drawers when Diane didn’t move. “An enzyme. That’s what it was all along. It’s not about

Clara’s blood, but about Laura’s. She saved Finn, and today, she’s going to save her brother.”

“What enzyme?” Clara demanded.

The Professor found a needle and pulled it out, tipping the vial upside down and piercing the

seal. “An enzyme unique to Laura and Logan. I didn’t realize it was there until I compared their

blood. She has it—an abundance of it. He doesn’t. There’s only a minute amount displaying in his

blood. I believe it’s the key to unlocking the animal inside of Finn.”

“Are you sure?” Tah demanded.

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“Have I ever steered you wrong?” the Professor demanded. “I wouldn’t be here, about to inject

him, if I had any doubts.”

Their gazes held before Tah finally turned to Clara. “What do you want to do?”

“I trust him,” she answered.

“At least, someone does,” the Professor mumbled. “Now, move out of my way.”

Logan was snarling, fighting to get free of the bindings holding him. He was pure animal rage.

“Logan, look at me. Concentrate on me. Hear my voice. I love you. You’re my heart and soul.

Do you hear me?”Clara’s voice was calm again, whispering in his ear.

The Professor filled the needle and injected it into Logan’s arm just as Finn and Zane charged

in. Zane zeroed in on his mate, taking Vic’s place, while Finn headed straight for Laura.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his hands running over her.

An alarm filled the air before Laura could answer.

“No!” Diane yelled, pushing against her mate and reaching for the monitors Logan was attached


“What’s happening?” Laura asked, her gaze bouncing all over the room, trying to take it all in.

“Logan!” Clara screamed, her terror and grief tearing at everyone. “Don’t you leave me! Don’t

you dare leave me! Logan! Logan!”

Tah and Reno began ripping off the bindings.

“Come on, pup,” Reno urged. “Don’t give up on me now.”

“Fight, Logan,” Tah demanded. “Dig deep and hold tight!”

They were falling apart. Diane was beating at the machines, somehow missing the button that

would stop the alarm, so the blaring noise continued. Zane had one hand on his mate, the other

reaching out to grasp the bed, holding Logan. Regan fussed in Abby’s arms, as if she were picking up

on the emotions overwhelming the room. Tah, Reno and Clara continued speaking to Logan as if he

could hear them. Gideon and Vic stood toward the head of the bed, and Laura realized they were

there to help whoever needed them. Logan, Clara or any of the others. Finn stood with her, his

presence the anchor she needed.

Her gaze moved to Logan. He was motionless. Clara clung to him, tears streaming down her

face as she sobbed his name over and over again. Tah and Reno both had moisture staining their

cheeks. They each held a hand, both of them commanding Logan to wake up. Logan remained


“Shh,” Finn whispered in Laura’s ear. “Don’t give up yet, baby.”

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She knew her mate felt the swirl of her emotions. She hated to think of him seeing the vision of

himself flashing through her mind. She’d watched her mate die, she couldn’t watch someone else she

loved do the same.

“Don’t let him die,” she begged. “You have to save him.”

“Give it a minute,” the Professor said.

“Logan?” Laura whispered, shaking her head in disbelief. Had her blood killed him? “I can’t

lose him, Finn.”

Her mate held her close. Every sob from Clara was like a fist hitting Laura’s heart.

“I need you, mate,” Clara cried. “I need you more than I need air to breathe.” Laura watched her

gaze lock onto Tah. “Don’t let him die. I can’t lose him. I won’t make it without him.”

“Give it time,” the Professor repeated.

“Do something,” Tah roared. The sound filled the room, temporarily overpowering the noise of

the machines. Laura’s animal responded, wanting to add her cry to his.

Reno growled and shoved the Professor out of the way. “I’m not fucking waiting. Stay with me,

pup.” He jumped on the bed, straddling Logan, and began CPR.

“Give it time to work,” the Professor yelled over them all again. “We’re lucky I made it here

before he took in too much of the pure blood. He would have crashed.”

“Before he took too much?” Diane challenged. “You made him crash. Whatever you gave him

did this. We’re losing him.”

“The fuck we are,” Tah muttered.

“We’re not going to lose him, but we definitely could have,” the Professor said. “We gave him

pure shifter blood, thinking it would help. With some it would. Not Logan, because he doesn’t have

enough of the enzyme needed to process it. It was like giving him an undiluted dose of pure

adrenaline. His heart wasn’t able to take it.”

“No,” Diane argued, looking horrified.

“I found the enzyme in Laura’s blood and was able to isolate it. This vial holds the key to getting

that enzyme into Logan’s system and allowing him to begin processing what’s inside him. I don’t

know why it was so decreased in him, but it should be taking hold very soon.”

“How soon?” Tah demanded while Reno continued chest compressions.

Suddenly, Logan surged off the table as if an invisible rope pulled his chest toward the ceiling.

Reno fell back, and Tah reached out to steady him as he moved from his perch atop Logan and slid to

stand on the other side of the bed again.

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“Logan,” Tah called. “Is he okay?” he demanded, not taking his gaze off Logan.

Logan’s mouth was open wide as he gasped for air, arms flung out to his sides as life flowed

back into him. Reno and Tah stayed close, giving Clara room as she moved from the head of the bed

toward the side. Laura noticed they remained near and figured it was in case Clara or Logan needed

one of them to step in and help.

“Logan!” Clara screamed and launched herself onto the bed with him, taking him back down.

His arms surrounded her, hugging her close while she ran her hands over him and peppered his face

with kisses. “Don’t leave me. God, please, don’t leave me.”

He groaned as she shifted her weight atop him.

“What? What’s wrong?” she asked.

“You let Reno do CPR, didn’t you?” he said. “He always breaks ribs. Bastard.”

“You’re welcome, pup,” Reno said, and Laura saw his hands were shaking.

“Let’s clear the room,” the Professor said. “I’ll leave this here. He needs an injection every

twelve hours until it’s all gone.”

“I’ll give you all the blood you need to make more,” Laura said, finding her voice.

“I don’t believe we’ll need it,” the Professor replied.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Logan muttered. “Am I fucking dead?”

“No,” Clara said, smacking him lightly on the shoulder. “And you better never be again. Why

would you ask that?”

“Because I can’t think of any other reason the Vampire King would turn down blood.”

* * * *

Laura stayed with Logan after everyone departed, leaving only her, Finn and Clara. She couldn’t

make herself go, not without clearing the air. Gabriel had asked her if she’d been glad to see Logan

again, and she’d decided she was. Still, nothing brought that home more than watching him almost

taken from her.

“He’s okay,” Finn whispered again at her ear.

“I know,” she said, but she could still hear that shrill beep from when he hadn’t been.

“Come here,” Logan said, holding a hand toward her. His other arm was wrapped around his

mate, keeping her tucked close to his side, where she’d remained since he’d revived.

Finn urged her forward when her legs didn’t want to work, and she grasped Logan’s hand in


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“It seems you saved my life,” Logan said, and Clara shuddered beside him. “Thank you.”

Laura nodded then shook her head as tears pooled in her eyes.

“Laura?” Logan questioned.

“Hey,” Finn said, moving in behind her until her back was braced against his chest.

“I can’t keep watching the men I love die in front of my eyes,” she choked out, tears falling like

rain from her eyes. “I can’t.”

“I love you, too,” Logan said, and the dam released.

She fell on his chest, sobbing. “I’m so sorry, Logan. I should have run to you as soon as I knew

you were here, not away from you. I hurt you. I wanted to hurt you because I was selfish. I blamed you

when you were just as hurt as I was. I was too blind to see it. I love you, Logan. I’ve never stopped

loving you. Never.”

“I know,” Logan said. “I could see it in your eyes. They’re always the way to find out our

secrets. You give yourself away.”

“Don’t leave me, Logan.” Laura echoed Clara’s earlier plea, reinforcing it with her own.

“Finn, I’m counting on you to remind her of this when she’s bitching and moaning about me

never leaving her alone,” Logan said, but Laura saw his grin.

“I will,” Finn agreed with a laugh then leaned over her to give Logan a big smacking kiss on the

cheek. “I’m glad you made it.”

“We should compare notes sometime,” Logan joked. “Did you see the white light everyone talks


“More like a darkness coming to greet me,” Finn replied. “You always were the good one of the


“You’re so not funny,” Laura said and reached over to smack Finn.

“You, either,” Clara agreed with a nip of her teeth at Logan’s jaw that made him moan.

“I think that’s our cue to leave,” Finn said.

“I’d appreciate some alone time with my mate,” Clara agreed.

“I’ll see you later,” Logan said to Laura, but his gaze was on Clara, an equal measure of love

and lust in it.

“Later,” Laura agreed and let Finn lead her from the room, being sure to shut the door behind


“I think I could use a little alone time with my mate, too,” Laura said.

“I like the way you think,” Finn agreed, sweeping her up into his arms. He bent giving her a kiss.

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“Are you okay?”

She knew he referred to what Diane had done earlier. She reached down and lifted the hem of

her shirt, revealing her perfectly healed stomach. “All better. Diane doesn’t use the solution they did

in the lab that slows healing. So why don’t you take me home and put that erection I can feel to good


“I like the way you think,” he said and headed out the door.

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Chapter Fifteen

Finn was primed and ready by the time he stopped the ATV behind her house. Laura had taken

advantage of her position behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and massaging his cock

with both hands. She jumped off and ran toward the door before he had the vehicle shut off. He

followed her scent, lust and need wrapping around him like the stroke of her skin.

He shut the back door and saw her shirt draped over the chair. He forced himself to go slow, to

enjoy the cat-and-mouse game she played. He picked up the T-shirt and held it to his nose, fisting it in

his grip as he moved toward the hall. Her bra was there, the scrap of lace out of place on the bare

floor. He scooped it up and kept walking. Her sweats lay just inside the bedroom door, shoes kicked

off beside them.

“I see you followed my breadcrumbs,” Laura said.

She stood naked by the bed, all lush curves and soft skin. He dropped her blouse and bra atop

the pants and reached for the hem of his shirt, jerking it over his head and tossing it aside as he toed

off his shoes.

“Did I miss a crumb?”

She gave him a questioning look then grinned. “You mean my panties?”

He nodded, popping the button on his jeans and lowering the zipper.

“I wasn’t wearing any,” she murmured, climbing onto the bed and crawling across it toward him

before rising on her knees to face him.

He groaned, shoving the material wide then tugging it and his underwear down his legs and off.

He gripped his cock with one hand, stroking his palm over the thick stalk while he prowled toward

her. She met him with a crash, gripping his shoulders and jerking him to her. Their mouths clashed,

biting and sucking at each other before she slipped her tongue between his lips and began a duel.

He was on the bed with her, urging her back, but she turned the tables, shoving him down and

coming over him.

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“I need to taste you,” she purred, licking over his skin, following a path down over his chest and

abdomen until her lips brushed the head of his cock. “I’ve been wanting to do this since our shower.”

She ran her tongue over the head, appearing to savor the pre-cum leaking from the slit.

“So good,” she mewled. “I want more.”

She wrapped her lips around the crown and sucked, one hand cupping his balls while the other

worked his shaft. He groaned, clenching his fingers in the sheets beneath him to keep from reaching

for her. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to tear her mouth away so he could fuck her pussy or if he

wanted to fuck her mouth and feel the back of her throat closing around him. It took everything he had

to leave the choice up to her.

“Both,” she promised, taking her mouth off but continuing to run her tongue over him. “I’m going

to give you both.”

She took him deep, somehow managing to take his full length and swallow around him.

“Fuck!” he cried out, one hand flying to the back of her head. He threaded his fingers through her

hair but forced his touch to remain light instead of holding her still while he took over.

She twirled her mouth around his shaft, her tongue exploring every inch of him. Up and down,

she went, driving him out of his mind with the pleasure she created. He couldn’t hold back much


“Baby, you need to stop,” he warned. “I’m going to come, and I really want to be inside you

when I do.”

“You are,” she murmured around him, sucking harder.

“God, baby.” He growled, pumping his hips up and loving the way she took him. “I’m coming.

Oh, God, I’m coming, baby.”

She moaned around his length, swallowing every spurt of semen. He shuddered as she worked

him, taking all he had to give. He went limp beneath her, completely spent while she licked and

purred like a content kitten with a belly full of cream. Her sharp teeth nipped him.

“A kitten with cream? Really?”

He chuckled. “You have to admit it fits right now.”

“For you, maybe,” she said. “You’re the one who’s content. I’m still waiting.”

He flipped them over, pushing up on his arms over her. “I should do something about that.”

“You should,” she agreed.

He took her mouth again, tasting himself on her tongue. There was something erotic about that,

and he wondered if she felt the same when she encountered herself on his lips.

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“I do,” she panted when he broke the kiss to move lower.

He skimmed across the tops of her breasts and latched on to one succulent nipple, taking greedy

pulls that had her clasping his head and pressing him closer. His mate was hungry for her pleasure,

and he planned to give it to her. He scraped his teeth over the tight bud before releasing it and moving

over to lavish the other with equal attention.

She thrashed her legs, pressing the cleft of her sex against him as he brushed his lips over her

stomach. He smelled the musky scent of her pussy, and it made his mouth water with desire. He

slipped his tongue between her plump folds and found the hard kernel of her clitoris and rubbed over

it. Spreading her wide with one hand, he really tasted her and explored every inch of her before

dipping his tongue inside and swirling it around her channel.

“Finn,” she moaned, her fingers clenching in his hair.

He returned to her clit, gripping it with his lips and tugging on it before letting go and blowing a

puff of air over it. He slid his hand down to thrust two fingers inside her and groaned at the way she

gripped him. Taking her to the edge, he held her there, kept her hovering, begging and pleading for

him to send her flying.

“Soon, baby,” he promised, rubbing his chin over her clit, knowing she liked the feel of his

beard against her there.

“Now,” she demanded, lifting into him. “Make me come.”

He gave in with a groan, granting her flight and reveling in her scream of his name as she

soared. He gave her no time to recover. His cock was fully engorged and ready to claim the second

part of her earlier promise to let him fuck both her mouth and her pussy.

“Yes,” she cried as he rose over her, spreading her thighs wider with his.

This was how he wanted her. Thrashing beneath him, clawing at his back and screaming for

more, always for more. He thrust hard, penetrating her sex with his and not stopping until his balls

tapped against her flesh. Her thighs clung to his hips, and her feet wrapped around the backs of his

legs. She moved her arms, sliding them under his and running her hands up to clutch his shoulders, her

nails digging for purchase.

“That’s it, baby. Hold on to me.”

She pulled herself up, licking over his neck and zoning in on the mark she’d given him.

“Not yet, baby,” he crooned. “I’m not ready to stop.”

It would be over if she sank those sharp teeth of hers into him, and he wasn’t ready to come

again yet. She felt too good, too perfect.

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“Turn over,” he told her. “I want to take you from behind.”

“Yes,” she agreed, releasing her hold on him so he could push himself up and off of her. She

rolled over, coming up on her hands and knees and glancing back at him over her shoulder. “Mount


He growled at her choice of phrasing, easily reading her wicked thoughts and knowing she’d

chosen the words on purpose. He gripped her hips, pulling her back until her lush ass bumped his

groin, his cock slipping between her rear cheeks.

“I want to take you there,” he warned, rubbing along her seam. “Want to lube that tight hole and

work my way inside, nice and slow.”

“Yes,” she agreed, pressing into him.

“Not yet,” he crooned, gripping his dick and moving it down to her sex. “I want my pussy right

now.” He drove deep, and they both cried out at the added depth. She dropped her chest to the

mattress, lifting her ass higher for his strokes.

“Harder!” she cried.

He tightened his grip on her hips, slamming his cock up her channel then slowly dragging it back


“Oh, God,” she whimpered. “Yes! Yes!”

He picked the pace up, riding her fast then forced himself to slow once more, giving her the

strokes she commanded. He slid one hand between her ass cheeks and rubbed his thumb over the tight

bud of her anus. He brought his hand up and spit on the fingers, using it to lube her back hole just

enough to slip the tip of his finger inside. She cried out at the small invasion, her pussy clamping

down on his cock, and he knew she liked the way it felt. He swirled the digit inside her, stretching


“Yes,” she moaned. “God, yes!”

He kept his finger there, holding it still as he rode her pussy.

“I’m close, baby. I’m going to come. Come with me. Let me feel your pussy milking my cock.

Take every drop of cum, baby. Let that pussy suck it out.”

She rocked back into him, meeting his every thrust.

“Fuck me,” she pleaded, and he knew what she wanted through the link they shared.

He pressed his finger deeper, impaling her on the digit then pulling it back and driving it in

again. She tossed her head back and forth against the mattress, hoarse cries leaving her lips to spill on

the air. His release built in his balls, and he knew he was on the edge. He dropped over her, trapping

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his hand between them and sliding the other one under to find her clit. He brushed over the bud then

pressed down and rubbed hard circles.

She came with a roar, and he answered with one of his own as his release spurted to fill her.

“Mine,” he rumbled and bit down on her neck. She jerked beneath him, and her pussy clamped

down like a vise, becoming almost painful as she forced more semen from the tip.

They collapsed on the bed, and he gingerly removed his finger from her ass. Laura groaned and

shuddered against him, as the slight movement seemed to trigger another, smaller orgasm for her. He

managed to maneuver them onto their sides, him snug against her back while they both recovered.

“You amaze me,” he rumbled.

“Mmm,” she agreed. “Shower and food. Then I can amaze you all over again.”

“Insatiable wench,” he teased.

She turned until she faced him. “I have another idea.”

He lifted a brow, waiting for her to continue.

“Shower, food then a run. I think your lynx should meet my leopard.”

“I like that idea,” Finn agreed. “I like that idea a lot.”

* * * *

“Follow me,” Laura told Finn before stepping out the back door in nothing but her skin. It would

be fur soon enough.

“I’ll be nipping at your heels,” he purred then jerked her against his chest and kissed her


They’d made love again in the shower and barely made it through dinner without pawing at each

other again. It probably didn’t help matters that they’d forgone putting on any clothing. There was just

something about her mate that made her want him constantly. He smiled, and she was wet with need.

One touch and she would do anything he desired.

“Just try to keep up,” she taunted when they broke the kiss.

He gave her ass a smack that had her giggling. She turned her back to him, giving a shake of her

backside as she took a few steps away. She took a deep breath, centering herself. She was nervous

for some reason. Probably because her mate was watching, was going to get his first real look at her


“I already love your spirit, baby. Show me.”

His words wrapped around her like a warm hug. She let her animal free and felt the burn as

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muscles stretched and bones shifted. Another deep breath and her animal was free and flying across

the ground. There was something about being swaddled in fur, senses ignited, that made everything

around her come alive. The moon was brighter. The air sweeter. Even the grass and dirt felt softer

beneath her feet. She glanced back at her mate and almost lost her footing at the love that shone back

at her.

He snapped his teeth at her hind leg, making her growl, and she swore she heard his lynx laugh

at her. Then he was off around her, running faster than a normal lynx would ever be able to. She

stayed with him, darting in front then around several times, teasing him. They played, enjoying the

night and each other. They ran the perimeter of the land now owned by the pride then slowed their

pace on the way back.

Finn stopped in the shadows of the brief woods that dusted the land. She followed him in and

flared her nostrils as he turned and began stalking her. She moved deeper into the shadows. She knew

what he wanted, felt his need and returned it.

She let him chase her, the lust rising higher with every capture and escape. Her animal craved

this type of bond, this sexual claim, and she felt his did, as well. The next time he cornered her, she

didn’t try to escape. She flashed her teeth, let a roar rumble in her chest as she issued a challenge for

dominance. If he wanted her, he’d have to take her by showing he was stronger. It was the only way.

They snarled and parried, snapping their jaws at each other and giving nips. Finn nudged her

with his head, pressing her to submit. Submission wasn’t in her leopard. He would have to prove his

dominance. She swiped at him, and he knocked her paw away, getting in her face and roaring. She

hadn’t even realized he’d maneuvered her until he moved behind her and there was no place for her to

go. He gave another roar and mounted her, plunging his cock deep and taking her at a fast and furious


She growled with pleasure, finally fully submitting to her mate. He’d proven himself capable of

protecting her, proven his strength and virility. He was everything she’d ever hoped for in a mate and

all she’d ever need.

Mine. His claim echoed through her mind. One she accepted and returned.


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Chapter Sixteen

Finn stood in the doorway, watching Laura and her brother as they talked. Logan looked so much

better, the most relaxed Finn had seen him in far too long. The last couple days had been good, and it

seemed the injections were working. Clara stayed snuggled next to him as if afraid to let him out of

her sight, something Finn understood. Since the moment he and Laura had finally come together in her

house, now their house, he’d been reluctant to stray too far from her.

“Stop hovering, mate, and come here,” Laura called out, making him grin.

“I stopped in to give you guys an update. Tah just heard from Gabriel.”

“What’d they find?” Laura asked, coming to her feet. Finn wished he had better news for her.

“The lab’s gone. Burned to the ground. There were four bodies left in the rubble. Murphy and

Daniel dug through the mess while Gabriel and Kenzie did a wider search of the area.”

“Anything?” Logan asked.

“Not a lot. They’re bringing everything they can salvage here where we can all help sort through

it. Gideon gave them a couple names to check in with while they’re there. Shifters he trusts and who

may have more information for us,” Finn continued. “Murphy took pictures of the wreckage. It’s hard

to tell if it was started intentionally or not.”

“The only reason they’d burn their own lab would be to hide something,” Laura said. “Four

bodies? I wish I could remember whether or not there were others there with me. I can’t imagine

Gabriel leaving anyone behind. It’s not like him. I wasn’t in great shape though. I would have been a

liability. Plus he was dealing with the fact he’d been forced to leave his mate behind.”

“There was plenty of time between when he rescued you and now, time to rescue others. You

can’t worry about that. It’ll drive you crazy,” Logan said. “Any word on the guy who helped Gabriel

get in and out?”

“Not yet,” Finn said. “It’s like he just disappeared.”

“I’m sure he had help with that,” Clara stated.

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“Are they heading back?” Laura asked.

“Probably tomorrow,” Finn said. “Murphy will call me later. They’ve got a few things they

want to follow up on while they’re there. Gabriel has a few connections in that area, but they’re pretty

remote. They’ll have to go in on foot, and he’s antsy with Kenzie still unable to shift if needed.”

“She’s a Marine,” Logan scoffed. “She doesn’t need to shift. She can blend into any environment

like she was born to it.”

“I’m sure she let him know that,” Finn said with a smirk. “I’m going to go check on Ariel and

help her look through the rest of the stuff at Isaac’s. I won’t be long,” he told Laura.

“Want me to come with you?” she offered.

“No, I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about, and I’m hoping to get a chance to talk with

Ariel.” She’d avoided him since she’d told Laura everything that happened. Finn wanted to make sure

she knew he was still there for her, too.

“I’ll see you soon then.”

He crossed to where she sat and leaned down to give her a soft kiss on the lips. “Soon,” he


With a nod to Logan and Clara, Finn left, grabbing one of the ATVs and heading toward Isaac’s

and Ariel. He found her, not in the house, but in the yard behind it. She didn’t even glance up when he

approached her.

“Find anything useful today?” he asked.

“The man was a packrat. I doubt much of this was useful past the eighties,” she said.

Finn laughed. “I thought I’d see if you needed any help.”

“I was just taking a break, getting some fresh air.”

“I’m sure it’s overwhelming at times, especially with your mate’s scent lingering in places,” he


“Don’t,” she warned.

“I never took you for a coward, Ariel,” he stated. “What’s going on?”

“I’m not a coward,” she hissed. “You have no idea what I’ve survived.”

“I do have an idea,” he told her. “Stop letting the past define you. We love you, Ariel. You’re

family. Don’t you know it kills us to know what you’ve suffered? How much we wish we’d been

there to stop them? To protect you.”

“It’s too late for that.”

“You’re right. It is. None of us can go back into the past, but we can learn from it. Laura has an

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idea, a way for us to try to prevent what happened to you from happening to others.”

“What is it?”

“She thinks we should send out teams to do what they do, to search for lone shifters in need of

help, in need of a home. There aren’t many choices for them now, not if the only ones looking and

offering aid are the ones trying to annihilate us.”

“Has she discussed it with anyone besides you?”

“Yes, and Tah thinks it’s a great idea. He’ll probably ask for volunteers.”

“I’ll volunteer,” Ariel said.

“He won’t let you go,” Finn said. “And if he did, I’d ask him not to.”


“Because you’re in no condition to help anyone else right now. You’re still dealing with what

happened to you. Plus, killing Dillon. You might act like it didn’t matter, but I can see the truth when

you think no one’s watching. I know what it’s like to take another person’s life, deserving or not. It

leaves a mark on you. Add in coming here and finding your mate—”

“I don’t have a mate,” Ariel whispered.

“You know that’s not true,” Finn said. “He’s a good man, Ariel. He could help you get through

all this.”

“Do you know why I can be with you and Gideon and Murphy and be okay?”

“Because you trust us and know we’d never hurt you,” Finn answered.

“Because you don’t want anything from me. A mate…has needs, and I can’t… I won’t… I’ll

never let a man touch me like that again. I can’t give Daniel what he needs.”

“How do you know that? Have you spoken with him?”

“No, and I’m not going to. Leave it alone, Finn.”

“They hung me on a wall and beat the hell out of me. There wasn’t a part of me they missed.

Fists. Knives. It’s amazing what we have the capacity to heal from, and still, I died. My body was too

broken to heal, and I felt myself slipping away. Then Laura came in. My mate. With one touch, she

saved my life. Don’t underestimate the bond mates form. Those bonds change lives, heal and even

bring you back to life.”

“It’s not the same.”

“You’re right. It’s not. I died on the floor of that cabin. You? You’re very much alive. Don’t let

your demons keep you from finding happiness. You deserve it. More importantly, remember it’s not

just about you. Every choice you make touches his life. In denying yourself, you’re sentencing him to a

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life without a mate. I’ll admit I don’t now Daniel that well, but he seems like a great guy. My mate

loves him as if he were her brother. That tells me everything I need to know about him. Give him a

chance, Ariel. Give yourself one.”

“I don’t think I can.”

“Gabriel said something to Laura that she shared with me the other night. For her, it had to do

with her brother, but I think it could apply to you.”


“Ask yourself if you feel better knowing Daniel is close. Not necessarily as your mate, but just

knowing where he is and that he’s safe and alive. Do you miss him? Are you worried about him? If

the answer to any of those is yes, start building bridges instead of walls.”

“I don’t—”

“Just think about it,” Finn urged. “Daniel seems to be a patient man. He hasn’t pushed you once

that I’ve seen. That’s more than I can say for most of us. Give him a chance. Get to know him. You

might discover there’s more to you than you think.”

She didn’t say anything, but he could tell she was processing what he’d said. That was a start, or

at least, he hoped it was. She needed to realize and really believe the words she’d said the other day.

She wasn’t broken. She was worthy. She didn’t deserve what had happened, and she was not a


“You ready to head back in?” he asked. “You can show me where you were working and where

I should start.”

She’d opened her mouth to reply when his phone rang. He knew who it was before he answered.

Murphy. She pointed to the house and headed inside, leaving him alone as he answered.

“What’s wrong?” Finn asked in lieu of a greeting.

“Remind me to stop volunteering for stuff,” Murphy grumbled. “Seems Daniel’s picked up your

mate’s previous death wish. If I manage to get his ass back there unharmed, it’ll be a miracle. Damn

fool nearly walked in front of a car today. Didn’t even notice.”

Finn would keep that tidbit of information away from Ariel right now. She’d only blame herself.

“When are you guys planning to head back?”

“We got a lead earlier. Gabriel and Kenzie are checking in with his contact. Apparently, it’s a

guy Gabriel rescued. He’s a bit of a recluse now. Daniel and I are looking into the new information.”

“Is that safe? Can you trust him to watch your back?”

“I won’t take any chances. If I feel like he’s putting either of us in danger, I’ll park him

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somewhere. His animal is battling him hard. I didn’t realize how much until this trip. He’s got a lot of

willpower, but it’s flagging. How’s Ariel doing?”

“She doesn’t think she’s worthy of a mate.” Not exactly how she’d put it, but that was the crux of


“He needs her just as much as she needs him. I swear with the way mating has been lately, I’m

starting to hope I don’t have one,” Murphy said.

“It’s all worth it when you hold the one you’re meant to be with,” Finn assured him.

“I’ll take your word on it for now. I wanted to give you a heads up about tomorrow. We’ll all

leave at first light then meet back up in the evening. Unless we find out something else, we’ll head

back the following morning.”

“I hear an ‘if’ in there,” Finn said.

“No ifs,” Murph said. “I’ll call you after Daniel and I get back. Already, we’ve been able to

speak with several people who’ve said it appeared the lab was in the process of moving before it

burned down. Gabriel finally made contact with the man who helped him slip in and out. He gave us

two possible sites for the lab relocation. It’ll be a couple hours drive to reach them, but we’ll see if

either of them pan out. We’re not leaving until we’ve exhausted any possibility for getting the

information we need.”

“Did the guy say anything about the information Isaac had?”

“Didn’t ask him. That’s where Gabriel and Kenzie are headed tomorrow. Gabriel thinks the one

he rescued might have an idea what they mean or at least be able to point us in a direction for


“I don’t like the idea of you guys splitting up,” Finn murmured.

“Tah said the same thing, but we’ll be okay. Daniel and I will do recon. If we find anything,

we’ll wait for Gabriel and Kenzie before we investigate further. Gideon’s making some calls. He

knows of some shifters who are close enough to assist, if needed.”

“Don’t take any chances,” Finn ordered. “I need you more than I need answers.”

“I know the feeling,” Murphy agreed. “I’m not as foolhardy and reckless as my younger brother,

and I like my skin too much to risk losing it.”

Finn snorted at that comment but let it go. “Have you encountered any hunters?”

“No, and that’s what’s so baffling. We should be in Blane territory or, at least, on the edges of

it. That lab your mate was in wasn’t the only one burned down either. There were several within a

three-city radius. It’s like they pulled up, moved and wanted to leave behind no traces.”

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“Why would they do that?”

“I don’t know, but I think we need to find out.”

Murphy was right. It was strange, but it gave Finn a measure of relief to know there were no

hunters in the vicinity. He knew firsthand just what they were capable of. The last thing he wanted

was for his brother to be in hunters hands.

“How’s Logan?” Murph asked.

Finn spent the next few minutes bringing his brother up to date on everything. He hated being

apart. It wasn’t often that they were, and the last time hadn’t gone so well.

“Just a minute,” Murph said, and Finn heard him speaking to someone else. “I’m going to get

going,” he said when he came back on the line. “We’re going to grab dinner and get organized for the

morning. I’ll call you when we get back.”

“Make sure you do,” Finn said. “I’ll see you in a few days.”

He hung up then headed into the house to work with Ariel. He’d stop into the main house and

make sure Tah knew everything then grab his mate and fill her in. He knew Murphy was doing most of

this for Laura. She needed answers, and his brother was doing his best to get them for her. Despite

what Murphy had said, Finn hoped his brother was lucky enough to find his own mate…soon.

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Chapter Seventeen

“Are you going to pace until they pull up?” Laura teased as Finn made another trek across the

front porch of the main house.

“Probably,” Clara teased. “You’d think he was Murphy’s dad.”

“Ha, ha, ha,” Finn replied, stopping at the steps and dropping to sit next to Logan. “Where’s

your guitar?”

“You still play?” Laura asked her brother. He’d played a lot when she was younger. He’d been

pretty good, too.

“I’ll get it,” Clara offered and was up and running. Logan watched his mate disappear into the

house and smiled.

“She bought one for me when we were in Colorado. I lost mine when Reno was shot.”

“Do you play it much?”

“I do,” he said as Clara popped back out the door with it in hand.

“Here,” she said. “I told them you were playing. They’ll be out in a minute.” She turned to

Laura. “Have you heard them all sing?”


“Logan, Reno, Tah, Zane, Finn and Murphy. They sound incredible. I could listen to them all

night long.”

Laura turned to her mate. “You sing?”

“I croon a little.” He held out his hand to her, and she rose, taking it and letting him pull her

down until she sat in his lap. He dropped a kiss on her upturned lips, and she snuggled into him.

“Just got off the phone with Daniel,” Tah said as he walked out. He was shirtless, broad

shoulders and bronzed flesh gleaming and drawing Laura’s attention.

“Careful,” Finn teased. “You’ll make me jealous.”

Laura laughed.

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Tah grinned. “Sorry. Regan spit up all over my shirt.”

“Where’s my favorite girl?” Reno asked as he and Amia joined them.

“Abby’s getting her cleaned up. They’ll be out in a minute.”

Logan strummed a few chords while they spoke.

“What did Daniel have to say?” Finn asked.

Tah sighed and dropped down on the steps by them. “He’s not coming back with them. Not out

here anyway. They’re dropping him off at his house in town.”

“And?” Laura asked, sitting up.

“He’s going away for a bit. He said there are a few people he should check in with, to let them

know about Isaac. Gideon and Vic are going with him,” Tah said.

“How’s Ariel going to handle that?” Logan asked. “She’s usually with Gideon or Vic lately.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her,” Finn said. “So will Murphy.”

“Am I the only one worried about Daniel?” Laura demanded. “He’s hurting, too. I know how it

feels when you think you’ve lost your mate.” Finn’s arms tightened around her. “I know that pain and

how it makes you not care if you live or die. That’s where Daniel is right now, and it scares me.”

“Vic and Gideon will watch over him,” Tah promised. “We’re all concerned about him. I don’t

think any of us knows what to do to help in this situation.”

“I think all we can do is wait and watch,” Abby said as she walked out to join them, Regan in

her arms. Tah took the little girl from her mother and cuddled her up against his chest. Logan and Finn

both leaned in to coo at her, and Laura’s heart melted. “And we’ll be here if—when—they need us,”

Abby continued. “I thought I heard something about music and singing.”

Logan began playing, and one by one, they all joined in. Laura snuggled against her mate’s chest

and let his low tenor soothe her. Her man had an amazing voice, but Clara was right when she said

they could all sing. They went from one song to the next without pause. Regan fell asleep on her dad’s

chest, her cheek pressed close, little fists resting under her chin. He had one hand braced along her

side, and her knees were bent, little butt in the air. What moved Laura was the way Tah looked at his

daughter as he held her. You could tell his little girl was the love of his life, she and her mother. It

was the same with all of them. Reno and Amia. Logan and Clara. Zane and Diane. Gideon and Vic.

Gabriel and Kenzie. She and Finn. Such a deep bond existed between mates. She wanted that for

Daniel and Ariel.

For Murphy. Her mate’s thought entered her head, and she glanced back and gave a nod. For


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She closed her eyes, listening to the music and letting her mind wander. The lab she’d been

taken to the last time was gone, burned to the ground. It still worried her that they’d taken one of her

ovaries. Diane had assured Laura she’d still be able to conceive. What concerned Laura though was

what they might have done with her ovary. Had they dissected it and gotten rid of it or kept it for some

other purpose? If she dwelled on it, she’d go insane. She had to remind herself they wanted to rid the

world of shifters, which meant they’d have no use for harvesting her eggs and keeping them. They

wouldn’t be viable unless they’d taken them immediately. Gideon had told her that.

They hadn’t found where the lab had been moved either. Amia worried that the Blanes were

coming south, following her. Laura had heard her tell Reno that Marcus Blane would never let her

leave. She knew from the memories Finn had shared Amia feared her father and worried that he’d kill

her mate and the members of the pride. Laura didn’t see the Blanes getting to them here. There was

nowhere for them to hide.

She must have fallen asleep. The next thing she heard was the low rumble of voices whispering

above her. Finn held her high against his chest. She had one arm wrapped around the back of his neck

and the other curled on his chest. She blinked her eyes open and saw Murphy standing beside them.

His gaze dropped to her, and he smiled.

“Hey there, little sister,” he said. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”

“You’re back,” she replied, looking around. “Where’d everyone go?”

“To bed,” Finn told her. “Which is where I’m taking you in a minute. I just wanted to check with

Murphy about Daniel.”

“How is he?” Laura asked.

“He’ll be okay,” Murphy said. “He needs to get away from here for a bit. I was letting Finn

know I’m heading back out with him.”

“You’re leaving again?” Laura asked, glancing up at Finn to see how he was taking it.

“I’m fine, baby,” Finn said. “Besides, you’d drive us all crazy with worry if you thought Daniel

might be by himself. This way, we have Murph watching out for him.”

“But…you two stay together,” she said.

“We’re connected,” Murphy reminded her. “We’ll always be together.”

“Thank you for doing this, for going with Daniel. It means a lot to me,” she said and lifted her

hand from Finn’s chest to grab at Murphy and tug him closer. She kissed him on the cheek. “Of

course, now, I’ll worry about both of you out there.”

Finn and Murphy laughed as she’d intended.

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“I’ll see you before you leave in the morning,” Finn said.

“I won’t leave until we do,” Murphy vowed. “Good night.”

He turned and walked into the house, shutting the door softly behind him and leaving her and

Finn alone.

“Are you sure you’re okay with him going again?” she asked her mate.

Finn laughed. “Yes, I’m fine. Murphy’s a big boy. He knows how to take care of himself, and

he’ll keep an eye on Daniel.”

“You’re not just staying for me. You’re staying for Ariel,” Laura realized.

“Someone needs to watch out for her, and someone needs to make sure she still has a mate when

she realizes how much she needs one. And how much her mate needs her, too,” Finn said.

“You’re a great guy.” Laura nuzzled against his beard, planting kisses along the curve of his jaw.

“Take me home and make love to me.”

“You read my mind,” he whispered and carried her to the ATV.

They reached the house in minutes and headed inside. Finn dropped the keys on the counter and

stalked toward her, scooping her back up in his arms and carrying her to the bedroom.

“I believe you said something about making love,” he said with a purr.

“I did,” she agreed.

He set her on her feet, and they took their time undressing one another, stopping to kiss and touch

as each piece of clothing was removed. He ate at her lips, his fingers stroking over her skin and

skimming a path down her body until he found her core. His touch was electric, sending jolts of lust

pulsing through her sex and leaving her slick with need.

“Finn,” she moaned.

“Shh,” he crooned. “Soon.”

He kept her on her feet, fingers teasing while he licked at her neck. His cock pressed against her

hip, leaving a damp trail along her skin. He dipped his head to the mark he’d left and sucked on it,

thrusting two fingers deep into her pussy at the same time. She came with a cry, her channel rippling

around him.

“Now,” she demanded, and he lifted her with a husky chuckle.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and gripped his shoulders, using them to give her the

leverage she needed to lift up while he positioned his cock at her portal. She sank down on him,

taking him inch-by-inch and making them both groan at the sensations coursing through them. Her back

hit the wall, and Finn planted one hand beside her head, the other staying on her ass, holding her

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steady while he fucked her.

It was so good. Incredible. The higher he took her the higher she wanted to go. She panted and

mewled, alternating between sucking at the mark she’d left on him and throwing her head back so he

could do the same to her.

He lifted her away from the wall, turning them again until he was sitting on the side of the bed.

He lay back, his hands gliding up her sides then cupping her breasts, thumbs rasping over her nipples.

“Ride me,” he ordered, and she did, rising and falling at a slow and easy pace that drove them

both wild. “Faster,” he urged, gripping her hips tighter.

She rode with wild abandon and sent them both into orgasm. He surged up as he came and

sucked at her skin, the mark sending fire through her and increasing the intensity of her pleasure. She

latched onto the one she’d left on him and felt him shudder beneath her as another spurt of cum was

milked from his cock.

She clung to him when he reclined back onto the mattress, holding him tight while her body

heaved and trembled, struggling to come down from the high he’d given her.

“I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you feel just like this,” he promised, his breath

panting above her ear.

“I like the sound of that,” she said, turning her head into his throat. His hands ran softly down her

back and over her ass before sliding back up. “I lied to you,” she whispered. “When I said I would

have loved you.”

“Yeah?” he questioned, not sounding concerned at her confession.

She propped her head up on her fist and met his content gaze. “I knew I loved you the moment I

saw you, and I still do.”

“I love you, too, Laura,” Finn replied. “You did more than save my life. You showed me the true

joy of living it.”

“I’ll make sure to show you the joy of it every day,” she swore.

“I like the way you think,” he said.

“Good, because I’m thinking we should do that again in a few minutes.”

His husky chuckle washed over her.

“Mmm, baby,” he crooned, rolling them over until she was under him. “I like the way you think.”

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About the Author

Lacey Thorn spends her days in small town Indiana, the proud mother of three. When she is not busy with one of them, she can be found
typing away on her computer keyboard or burying her nose in a good book. Like every woman, she knows just how chaotic life can be
and how appealing that great escape can look.

So, toss aside the stress and tension of the never-ending to-do list. For now sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride with Lacey. It’s your

Lacey loves to talk to her readers and can be found at Join Lacey on Facebook at:!/authorlaceythorn Or on Twitter at @laceythorn1. And feel free to email the author at

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- Gems of Romantic Fiction –

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