Awakening Pride 1 Waking the Beast Lacey Thorn

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Waking the Beast Copyright © 2014 Lacey Thorn

Book Description



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

About the Author

Also Available from Resplendence Publishing

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Waking the Beast

An Awakening Pride Story

By Lacey Thorn

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Waking the Beast
Copyright © 2014 Lacey Thorn
Edited by Andrea Grimm and Venus Cahill
Cover Art by Les Byerley

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-752-0

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or
distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright
infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is
investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal
prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: March 2014

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are
a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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The legend of the Paka Watu...

Ever since she was a young girl, Abby Lane can’t resist the allure of a cat shifter tribe forced to
repress their beasts. On a trip to Africa, she discovers a coveted piece of information—the name the
pride leader assumed when he left his home—and she traces his lineage to his descendent.

The sleeping lion...

Utah Pearce can’t keep his gaze off the woman who slips into the bar every night. Though not his
usual type, she brings out the possessive instinct in him, making him battle with himself as he tries to
stay away.


Abby’s research never prepared her for the reality in front of her. The beast is waking, and Utah is
changing in ways both exciting and terrifying. He is possessive and dominant, and when he finally
claims her, neither of them will ever be the same.

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This book came to me in a dream. I’ve wanted to write a series like

this for a long time but couldn’t decide on the right storyline. Then I

met Tah and Abby, and their story exploded in my head and

demanded to be shared. I hope you love it as much as I do! Huge

thanks to my beta reader, Melissa! She’s incredible, and I love her


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The Legend of the Paka Watu

Legend tells of a time when a tribe of nomadic people lived on the African plains. They were

strong and fierce warriors, taking only what they needed from nature and always giving back. The

Great Creator smiled down on the people and decided to give them a gift to show his pride in them.

Each member of the tribe would be blessed with a spirit guide who would share their form and

allow them to shift at will from animal to man. They became the paka watu or cat people. The tribe

leader accepted the spirit of the lion and lay the foundation for his pride. The spirits of great cats

called to the people from far and wide, and the people opened their bodies offering refuge. They

aligned with lions, tigers, panthers, jaguars, cheetahs, pumas, and leopards. All cat spirits who called

found safe haven.

The great pride leader, with his lion spirit, guided his people with strength and cunning. They

guarded the secret of the Creator’s gift from all others, understanding that jealousy and hatred could

brew from those who had no such gifts. But there came a day when the jealousy and hatred brewed

from within the people.

The gods found among the people a mabaya moja, or evil one, and denied him a spirit guide.

His jealousy grew until it consumed him. In anger he rose up against the tribe and sought their

destruction. The great lion spirit sentenced the evil one to banishment. His heart was heavy, for it

wasn’t just anyone he sent away. It was his eldest son who was denied by the gods. The boy was

consumed with a rage and hate his father had not realized was there.

And the lion waited and watched, always on guard against the mabaya, sensing he would


Then they came, with weapons of death and torture, the wawindaji kubwa nyeupe, or great

white hunters, led by the mabaya moja. The pride leader fought valiantly to save his people, but they

were outnumbered. His roar split the heavens when he fell under the weight of many spears, helpless

to save his pride as he lay broken and dying. Many of his pride fell with him that day, and their spirits

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cried out to the Creator who took mercy on them and sent chaos among the hunters, scattering them

from his people.

The pride leader’s youngest son, Tau, watched as the enemy fled. Then he searched among the

dead and dying, finding his father there. He let his animal guide lead him and shifted from man to lion,

so both could mourn the loss. He poured out his grief to the heavens, his roar shaking the earth as he

expressed his sorrow and anger. Then the night filled with the growls of many cats as the remaining

pride joined him. The Great Creator came to him in the night and told Tau what must be done.

When morning came, Tau went to his pride with a heavy heart and explained how the paka

watu must no longer be. It wasn’t safe for them to remain. To save the spirits that guided them, they

must do the unthinkable. They must sing their spirit guides into a deep sleep. The remaining pride

members would flee to different parts of the world, finding solace in blending with those around


Tau began chanting the words whispered to him in the night as his pride stood quietly and

waited. Each could feel their guides fading deeper and deeper inside them, until they were but the

warmth of memory in their chests. With hearts broken from sorrow, they bid each other safari ya

salama, safe journey. Each took a different path, walking alone on a voyage that would see them

spread across the earth. To protect them, the passage of time would allow the knowledge of what

slept within them to fade away.

But there was hope still in their hearts. For the Creator promised a time would come when one

who bears the mark of the beast would search out the new Tau. The marked one would wake the

beast, and the pride would rise again. There would even be those sent by the gods to watch over

them, generation to generation, offering guidance and protection when most needed.

But as with most things, there would be challenges as well. The hunters, though scattered,

would never forget the paka watu and what they represented. With each new generation, they would

seek to destroy the descendents, in hopes the Tau would never awaken.

Perhaps they should have searched for the one carrying the mark of the beast instead.

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Chapter One

From the journal of Abby Lane

I found the best story ever today when looking through old books in my mom’s office. I’m

hoping she won’t notice it missing, until I get the time to devour every word. It tells of the African

legend of the paka watu. Cat people! I can’t believe it! Since I first discovered ailuranthropy, I

wondered why I found them so enchanting. Most girls my age don’t care about things like

werecats. They’d laugh at me if they knew about my obsession.

I swear I feel a singing in my blood just holding the book. The more I read, the louder it is. I

celebrated, cried, raged, and finally mourned with them. I try to tell myself it is just a story, but

my heart screams differently. I wish I was one of them. What must it feel like to be able to shift

into the shape of a lion or tiger? Is that burning in my blood my spirit awakening?

Tonight I will dream of them, I just know it. I love them. I will keep them in my prayers from

now on. I pray I find them some day.

* * * *

Abby woke slowly, her head aching as the taste of sawdust coated her tongue and mouth,

making her gag. The room was fuzzy, and she panicked until she realized her glasses were missing.

She patted around the floor where she lay and found a warm body, a warm naked body, or at least the

part she was touching.

She pulled her hand back as if she’d been burned and thankfully hit her missing glasses. They

skittered over the floor, and she lifted up to crawl after them, expelling her held breath as she touched

them and brought them to her face. Her panic only grew as the room came into blessed clarity. She

was in a cell, and she wasn’t alone.

She glanced at the man she’d touched, and when she noted most of his clothes were missing,

leaving him in a snug pair of black boxer briefs, she quickly took inventory of herself. Thank God, she

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was still fully clothed in her jeans and T-shirt with the loose hoodie over the top. So, why was the

guy with her naked? And where the hell were they?

She focused back on the man, looking closely and gasping with surprise. Her pulse quickened

when she took in the bold lion’s head tattoo on his side beneath his right pectoral. There was only one

man who had that. Utah Pearce. Tah to his friends.

Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

What had she done? Why was she here? Why was he here? And why did she have an eerie

feeling this had everything to do with her and the research she’d been doing on therianthropy, or more

specifically her love of ailuranthropy?

She heard footsteps coming toward them and moved quickly back to where she had been lying

earlier. Her eidetic memory would ensure she was in the same position as before; the only change

was that her glasses were now hidden under her mass of hair where she could easily grab them again.

“They’re still out.”

The voice was gruff, masculine, and if she wasn’t mistaken had a bit of the south in it. Not deep

south. He didn’t live there, but he’d spent some time there recently, and long enough that it had left a

mark on his speech.

“I thought you said they would be waking up soon.” This voice was nasally, whiney.

“I said they should be waking up soon. The girl’s small. I didn’t give her much of the drug, but

who knows. He’ll be out for a bit longer. I gave him enough to down a lion.”

They both snickered at this as if it were some big joke, and the nauseous feeling she’d woken

up to only grew.

“We’ll give ‘em another hour,” Southy stated.

She remained as still as possible, though she felt as if she were close to shaking apart as they

began walking away. She listened to the sound of their retreating steps. One of them wore boots; her

money was on Southy as she’d dubbed him. Whiney was probably wearing the squeaky shoes she


She counted to one hundred after their footsteps faded then sat up quickly, shoving her glasses

back on as she crawled over to Utah.

“Utah,” she whispered as loud as she could, leaning close to his face as she shook him as

fiercely as she could. He was a huge guy at six foot five. She had no idea how much he weighed, but

it topped her hundred twenty by at least a hundred pounds, probably more. “Utah, you have to wake

up. Oh God, if there were ever a time I needed you to be the great Tau, it’s now. Wake up!”

He groaned and the sound seemed to echo in the room. She quickly glanced around, praying,

even as she listened for the sound of returning footsteps. She did her best to shush him, placing her

hands over his mouth as she whispered in his ear. “Shhh, Utah.”

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She almost squeaked when he jerked her to him, cupping her ass through her jeans. His nose

buried in her neck, and she felt his growing erection.

Holy shit! Utah was big all over.

“Utah.” His name came out in a hiss as he rubbed himself against her.

“Give me a second, baby. Let me wake up, and I’ll make you feel good.”

She couldn’t help the snort of disbelief that left her lips. Men like Utah didn’t make women like

her feel good. Not sexually anyway. She was so far from the tall buxom types he was fond of that it

was laughable. But, oh God, feeling him against her, she really wished she was his type.

Instead, she lay in his grip and watched as he blinked his eyes open. The dark brown orbs

widened as he took her in, and she knew by the dip in his smile when he’d placed her.

“Uh, Abby? What are you doing here?”

Yeah, guys like Utah didn’t do girls like Abby and wasn’t that a shame. She bet she’d be

awesome in bed if she had a lover like Utah.


She shook her less than moral thoughts from her mind and focused on what she should—

figuring out where they were and how the hell to get out.

“Utah,” she whispered his name softly. “We need to stay quiet. I don’t want the men to come


He shifted his gaze around. “There are other people here?” He eased her off him and that

glorious erection and sat up. He rocked a bit, and she put her shoulder against his side as if she could

hold him up by will alone if he started to fall over.

“Whoa. What the fuck? How much did I have to drink?” He held his head as he slowly looked

around. “And where the fuck are we?”

“I don’t know.”

He glanced at her, and she felt his eyes taking her measure. For a brief moment, she wished he

saw her as more than the nerdy girl who hung out at the bar surrounded by her papers as she munched

on nachos and coke. Hell, she didn’t even drink. But she knew all too well what he was seeing. Abby

Lane with her unruly mop of curls and faded blue eyes hidden behind the glasses she couldn’t see

without. His gaze dropped to her hoodie and baggy jeans, but she dressed for comfort, not to impress.

At least, that’s what she told herself.

“Please tell me I didn’t hurt you, Abby.” His eyes pleaded with her, reflecting the hope in his


“You didn’t touch me,” she assured him and swore the relief in his eyes didn’t hurt her pride at


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He slowly stood up, seemingly not the slightest bit awkward to find himself in only his

underwear and sporting some serious wood. Or at least he hadn’t been uncomfortable until he caught

her gawking at it.

Jesus, please don’t let her be drooling!

“Ummm, Abby.”

Her gaze slid back up to his, as he leaned down offering her his hand to stand up.

“I need your help here. I’m afraid I’m a little fuzzy. What happened last night? Why are we in a


She sighed and prayed he didn’t see the guilt in her eyes. She was afraid this was all her fault.

“I’m not sure. I woke up a little before you did. I heard two men talking about giving us some

type of drug to knock us out.”

“What the fuck? I’m sorry, Abby. I know I’ve pissed people off. I didn’t think any of them

would do anything like this. Was I giving you a ride home or something? Is that how you got dragged

into this?”

She shook her head. “The last I remember I was already home.”

Utah stretched and flexed, rotating his shoulders and neck as he worked out any kinks from

waking on the hard floor. She couldn’t help admiring the muscles he sported under the creamy café au

lait shade of his skin. Had he achieved it from tanning or was it natural? She wanted to think it was

natural, that if she tugged those short black boxer briefs off, he’d be just as tan there.

She watched him pace the cell like a caged beast and fell right back into the surge of guilt she

was struggling to repress. He thought he was the one who’d pulled her into this. She was sure this

was all her fault. Especially when Southy and Whiney had made the lion comment.

Her gaze flickered to his tattoo. She did have a fondness for lions, despite her history. Her hand

automatically rubbed her side.

“Hello?” Utah’s voice yelled out, echoing around them as Abby’s eyes darted about in panic.

“Oh, God. Don’t do that! Don’t bring them back. I’ve got a really bad feeling about this.”

He glanced over at her. She wasn’t sure what he saw, but he reached her side in two steps and

wrapped her tight against his chest once more.

“Damn, Abby. You’re shaking like a leaf. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m not going to let

anyone hurt you. I promise.”

“You have to listen to me,” she began, but her words died off as she heard the distinct sound of

the two men from earlier returning. And someone was with them.

“I thought you got the girl too.”

Two things went through her head at the sound of that voice. Utah’s much bigger body must be

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shielding her from their view, and she knew that voice.

Oh, God. This was all her fault. She should have never kept digging, searching for answers she

had no right to want. She’d brought this on Utah, and no matter which way things turned out, he might

never forgive her for it.

Utah turned, keeping her behind him as he faced the men.

“What the hell is going on here? Why are we locked up in here?”

“Abby, you in there, girl?”

She was too terrified to respond when Utah turned around to look at her with powerful arms

crossed over his chest and brows lifted in question.

“Abby?” His voice rumbled from his chest as he watched her. “I thought you didn’t know

where we are?”

“I don’t,” she swore, but she didn’t blame him for doubting her.

“No one likes a liar. You’ll have to excuse her.” The cell door opened as he continued talking.

“I’m Harlan Jones by the way. Abby and I are family.” He laughed and the sound sent a chill down

her spine. “I swear, she’d forget her head if it wasn’t attached. Scatter brained. That’s my Abby.”

Utah looked at her again, and she wanted to scream at him for even believing the nonsense her

father’s cousin was spewing. If Utah had paid attention to her as she had to him, he would know the

words for the lies they were. She forgot nothing. Ever. Eidetic memory, what most people referred to

as photographic memory, ensured there was little information she didn’t retain. Even the things she’d

love to forget.

“I’m not your Abby,” she almost hissed, letting her hatred of Harlan show on her face. It was an

emotion she couldn’t hide. He’d cost her everything she loved.

“And I was worried about you.” Utah shook his head as he turned from her.

She opened her mouth to remind him how he was in his underwear and that Harlan’s exact

words had been, “I thought you got the girl too.” Too. As in also. As in he’d meant to get both of them.

But who was she to hit him over the head with what should be obvious. Why, she’d lose her head if it

wasn’t attached.

“Sorry you got caught up in our family mess,” Harlan kept talking as he motioned Utah to step

out of the cell.

Her whole body tensed as Utah moved to walk out and leave her behind. This was wrong, so

wrong. He stepped out from the cell and stood in the open with them. Something was off, she closed

her eyes and let her mind see what her eyes weren’t focusing on.

“Utah!” she cried out his name as it registered.

He jerked toward her, and it was the perfect opening for them to strike. Southy and Whiney

stepped in and hit him on either side with a stun gun. She screamed as his big body jerked and shook,

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his eyes going wide. He took a step toward her, reaching out even as he fell.

“No!” She screamed again, moving toward him. Harlan shoved her back, knocking her to her

ass and shutting the cell door.

“Pick him up and chain him to the wall.” All pretense of the lazy, easy-going friend of hers was

gone. Now he showed his true colors, becoming the cold-blooded psychopath she knew he was.

“Don’t do this, Harlan. Please.”

“You know, I remember the first time you told me about the paka watu,” he said as he watched

his men go to work, manacling Utah’s hands and then using the chains to drag him on his back across

the floor to the wall across from the cell. “I thought you were the funniest little girl talking about

things you had no clue about. Figured you got your love of cats from your mom and dad. God knows

that was all they talked about other than you. Those damn cats they loved. Jake was never the same

after he married your mother. She never liked me, worked at turning him against me. But I tried to win

her over by paying attention to her crazy daughter and her stories of people who shifted into cats.

What do you call them?”

“Ailuranthropes,” she whispered, silent tears flowing down her cheeks as they fed the end of

the chains through hooks and pulled, until Utah was held with his arms spread wide apart on the wall.

They pulled the chains tighter, so his muscles were stretched and straining before attaching them to

another hook on the floor.

“Yes. Werecats. Such a funny thing for a child to be interested in.”

They each took one of Utah’s feet and spread his legs until they could lock the cuff at the other

end of chain around his ankles. He would be helpless now, completely at their mercy, and she was

very afraid Harlan had none.

“I always knew you’d never give up on your dream of finding them.”

“Finding who?” she asked, her eyes never leaving Utah.

“The descendants of the original tribe. It was your fixation.”

“I gave that up a long time ago, Harlan. It’s a legend. A really good one, but a legend


“You can’t lie to me. I’ve always been such an avid hunter. It’s in the genes.” His laugh was

edged with madness, and Abby felt her heart lodge in her throat.

“Then you’re crazier than I thought.”

His eyes were livid. “Go get my tools,” he ordered Southy. “I’m not crazy. I followed you. I’ve

been following you for years. I was there when you travelled through Africa, speaking of legends

with the local bush people. I may not speak Swahili like you do, but I had a translator.”

“You followed me in Africa?” She’d had no idea he’d been there.

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“I’ve followed you since you woke up in the hospital and went to live with your grandmother.”

He walked to the cell and leaned against it. A shiver went down her spine at the hate in his eyes.

“You should have died. It should have been you. Not Jake. Never Jake.”

“I know.” She agreed with him. Her father would still be alive if he’d just let her die instead, if

he’d just loved her a little less, if he’d not been the protective man he was.

“But then we wouldn’t be here having our little reunion.”

Southy’s boots thumped loudly on the stone floor, and Harlan turned from her.

“Did you get everything?” he demanded, and Southy grunted, as he pulled stuff out of the bag he

held for Harlan to inspect.

Harlan took the stuff from Southy, and Abby felt the blood drain from her face as she watched.

There was a stick that looked like it might shoot an electrical charge, like something they would use

on cattle. There was another club that reminded her of a police baton. Then there were the knives and


“Don’t do this. Whatever you’re thinking, I promise you, you’re wrong.”

“I’m right, Abby. And do you know how I know I’m right?”

She shook her head.

“Because you’re here. The legend says the one who carries the mark of the beast will awaken

the lion.” He walked over and pointed the prod at Utah’s tattoo. “The mark of the beast.”

“It’s a tattoo. It’s just a tattoo.”

“You don’t believe that any more than I do.”

“Oh, God.” She moaned the words as she watched a very dazed Utah start to come around.

“Don’t do this. Please, I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t do this.”

“You’re going to do whatever I want anyway,” Harlan promised as he turned his full attention

to Utah. “So how much do you think he can take before the lion emerges?”

“He’s not the descendent of the pride leader. For God’s sake, he’s white.”

“Not fully,” Harlan argued. “Besides the blood’s been diluted over time. He can’t be expected

to be pure still.”

“The alpha lion would have to be pure. Utah can’t be him.”

Harlan looked at her for a moment, and she held her breath, hoping he’d believe her. But after a

too brief moment, he smiled and shook his head.

“You’re lying. This is him. You go to the bar he works at every night just to watch him. You

don’t even drink. You pretend to look over your papers when instead you watch him. Searching.

Watching and waiting for the truth to show itself.”

She shook her head frantically. “It’s a legend, a myth. It isn’t real.”

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“All myths are founded in some form of truth. It’s what gives them the longevity to withstand


“No. It’s the fantasy that breaches the span of time. Nothing more.”

“Then why watch? Why focus on him?”

Utah was awake now. Abby could tell, though he kept his eyes almost completely closed. His

body was more tense, as if he were testing his bonds.

“I wanted him,” Abby said the only thing Harlan might believe. “I’ve been pretty much stalking

him, trying to work up the nerve to ask him out.”

Utah’s head jerked up then, as he looked at her in surprise. That was not what she wanted him

to do. Did the man have no sense of self-preservation? But Harlan had stopped and was completely

focused on her for the first time.

Then he started shaking his head slowly. “I don’t believe you.”

“Why not?” she cried out with frustration. “He’s absolutely sexy as hell. What woman wouldn’t

want him?”

Harlan glanced back at Utah then back to her. He shook his head again.

“You’re not that type of girl. Look at you. A woman who dresses like you is hiding, not trying

to attract a man.”

“Thanks,” she muttered unable to hide her hurt, though it was only the truth. “That doesn’t mean

I don’t dream about being with a guy like him.”

Utah was just watching her. She hoped he’d appreciate her efforts later if she could just

convince Harlan to let him go.

“Not yet. You don’t think like that. I know you.”

He turned from her as if she no longer existed and faced Utah with the prod in his hand. “Let’s

see if I can make you roar, lion man.”

* * * *

Utah was barely holding in his screams as the guy named Harlan hit him over and over again.

He’d thrown the electric cattle prod aside earlier in favor of the brute force of the police baton. The

two yahoos on either side of him were wearing brass knuckles and taking cheap shots at him as well.

Blood was trickling down his right side, washing the face of his lion tattoo in red.

Fuck, this hurt.

It didn’t help that Abby was in the cell across from him, screaming and crying. She cared.

God, he felt like the biggest heel in the world. He’d never realized she had a crush on him, and

he should have. Why else would she keep coming to the bar night after night? The nachos weren’t that

great, and neither was the ambience. It was a roughneck bar where most of the patrons rode Harleys

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like he did.

He blocked the pain from his mind, focusing on Abby instead. She was cute with her hair in

disarray around her. It was longer and thicker than he’d figured, and damn, it’d felt good against his

skin earlier when he’d awoken with her in his arms. So had her breasts, her nice full tits she hid so

well beneath the big hoodies and sweatshirts she seemed fond of. And that ass had fit in his palms

like it was meant for him. Abby had more secrets than just the crazy man trying to kill him. When they

made it out of here, he’d make her spill.

He felt the sharp prick of a serrated blade and glanced down to see Harlan tracing the mouth of

his lion with its edge.

Fuck, that hurt like a bitch.

“Maybe I need to focus on your spirit guide.” He sliced over Utah’s skin, and this time Utah

couldn’t throttle the cry of pain.

Spirit guide? This guy was bat shit crazy.

“Give me one of the stun guns,” Harlan ordered, and one of his goons jumped to get it for him.

“I want to hear you fucking roar,” Harlan screamed as he pushed the gun against the tattoo and sent

another charge through Utah’s body.

Utah roared. He threw his head back against the wall and roared for all he was worth. If the

fuckwad wanted a roar, he’d give him a fucking roar.

“We’re getting there.” The man sounded positively gleeful. “Give me the syringe! Give it to me

now. Quickly!”

“No!” Abby screamed across from him. “You’ll kill him, Harlan. For God’s sake! You’ll kill


Harlan turned back to Utah with a syringe full of something in his hand.

Utah thrashed as much as his bonds allowed. Fuck! What was the crazed man going to give

him now? He didn’t want to leave Abby unprotected. What would they do to her? Would they torture

her like they were him? He roared again, pulling uselessly at the chains.

“Yes! Yes!” Harlan exclaimed and drove the needle deep into Utah’s chest, pressing the

plunger down until it was empty.

“Tah!” Abby screamed the nickname he preferred.

He felt a burning in his veins, and this time when he roared, he swore the room shook. He

thought he saw a look of shock and terror on Abby’s face. Then everything went black.

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Chapter Two

From the journal of Abby Lane

I finally convinced Professor Mueller to accept me into the group heading to Africa! I

haven’t been this excited in so long! I wish my parents were here to share in my happiness. I miss

them so much. But I refuse to be sad today, even here in my journal. I want to celebrate! I want to

jump for joy.

Not only will this be my first anthropological trip, but I’m heading to Africa, the home of the

legend that has held me enthralled since I came across it as a child, the paka watu. In my head, I

know it is legend, the lore of ages past, people who become great cats can’t possibly exist. But my

heart screams differently, and I feel compelled to keep searching as if there is a voice inside me

crying out that this is my destiny, crying out I could be the key to waking them.

It is funny considering it was a lion who destroyed my life. Yet, still I love the lion and cast

no blame on the species for the act of a lion who was so hurt and wounded, driven by the fear and

fever that consumed and sought to kill him.

I will write more when I arrive. I am a last minute addition, and I must pack quickly!

Somehow, I know this trip is fated, and that it will change my life!

* * * *

I’m here. Africa. And it is just as beautiful as I imagined. We work long days, but I love

every moment. I’ve met some local bushmen, and they’ve invited me to visit. I plan to take them up

on it, even though Professor Mueller has expressly forbidden any of us to wander off alone. I’m

exhausted and falling asleep as I write this. Hopefully, I will have greater things to share soon.

* * * *

Oh, my God! I’ve found it. I’m almost afraid to confess this here in fear someone may find it,

but it is too great to contain inside me. I’ve found what I didn’t even realize I was searching for.

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The bushmen not only know the legend of the paka watu, but have an oral history of the legend far

greater and more in depth than anything I’ve read. Even better…THEY HAVE A NAME! I have a

starting point.

The pride leader left his native country on a ship bound for England, under cover of

darkness, claiming the identity of a man who would never be leaving Africa.

* * * *

Abby once again found herself kneeling over Utah, trying desperately to wake him. If she felt

more fear this time, it was only because of what she still couldn’t believe she’d seen. But there was

no time to process it all now. She’d deal with it later, when they were somewhere safe.

“Utah.” She shook his shoulders vigorously, not afraid of waking the dead man who was the

only one who still remained with them.

She almost felt sorry for Southy. When Utah had snapped the first chain, Whiney had taken off

yelling he wasn’t getting paid to die. Harlan had screamed at him to stop, even as he’d backed away

himself. But as another roar rocked the room and the second chain groaned at the force Utah was

exerting on it, Harlan had turned and run as well.

Only Southy remained and only because he had the compassion to open the cell door for her.

She had no idea what made him do the right thing in the end. Whatever it was, it had cost him his life.

She shuddered as the crystal clear vision of Utah exploding off the wall filled her mind, broken

chains hanging from his wrists and ankles. Southy had been reaching for her hand when Utah grabbed

him. Had the man meant to help her or use her as a shield against Utah? She’d have to figure that out

later, when shock wasn’t trying to shut her down.

Utah had flung the man hard against the wall he’d just torn free of. Then he’d crouched in front

of her growling. Southy had taken one look at Utah’s face and backed away in fear.

What the hell had they shot into Utah? She swore his eyes were completely golden, instead of

the warm brown they usually were. What was happening to him? Part of her was screaming she knew

exactly what was happening. She’d known, and it had terrified her, even as it had excited her.

“Utah.” She slapped him across the face, trying to wake him. Southy’s blood was creeping

across the floor toward them as it flowed from where his throat had been ripped out…ripped out by

Utah’s bare hands.

She’d screamed Utah’s name, making him turn as Southy dropped soundlessly to the floor.

Utah’s face and chest were splattered with blood, so much blood. The hot metallic smell of it seemed

to cover him. His eyes flashed brown, gold, brown, as he shook his head and took a step toward her.

“Abby.” Her name had been a mere whisper as he fell, losing consciousness at the most

inconvenient time.

She had no idea where Harlan and Whiney had run off to, no idea if or when they might be

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coming back. She had to get Utah up and going now. She didn’t have a clue where they were. She’d

ripped her sweatshirt over her head and used it to towel off the majority of blood from Utah. If there

were people outside, it wouldn’t be good to let them see him covered. He’d killed a man, and it

wouldn’t matter that he had only been defending himself, not with the vicious way he’d killed Southy.

Utah moaned.

“Utah, please wake up. Wake up. We need to go.”

His eyes flickered open, and she almost sighed in relief at the beautiful warm brown orbs that

greeted her. He was back.


“We have to go, Utah.” She tugged at him, urging him to rise. “They’re gone. We need to get out

of here before they come back.”

He glanced slowly around as he sat up. His eyes locked on Southy and he winced. “Jesus. What

the fuck? Why’d they do that?”

She just shook her head. He wasn’t ready to hear the truth, and she wasn’t prepared to tell him

yet. There were too many explanations that needed to be shared first. Besides, she needed Utah calm

and in control to help them get out of here. Telling him, “oh, by the way, you did that,” wasn’t going to

accomplish that.

“We have to go!” She let the fear fill her voice and eyes, and if a little of it was directed at him

as well now, she’d deal with that later.

He snapped to attention, standing and pulling her up with him. She took his hand and tugged him

in the direction she’d watched Harlan run off.

“This way. We have to be careful, Utah. This is the way they went.”

He took the lead, using his broad body to hide hers, forming a shield to protect her. She’d

imagined him often as her protector, but never in a situation like this, never with her actually in


“Stay behind me. No matter what you hear. Stay behind me.” He led them around the corner and

up the stairs, moving much quieter in his bare feet than she did in her boots.

How was she going to hide an almost naked Utah when they stepped out of wherever they

were? A fully dressed Utah would draw attention. In nothing but his tight black boxers? Anyone

remotely close by would be drawn to look at him.

“Stay here.” He pressed her against the wall when they reached the top of the stairs and the

closed door. He looked at her for a moment then bent and kissed her softly on the lips. He didn’t say

anything else as he crouched down and slowly eased the door open. Her lips were still tingling from

the brush of his when he disappeared.

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She counted to a hundred, twice, then twice more as she strained to hear. She wasn’t sure what

to listen for, running footsteps, the angry retort of a gun, a primal roar? She didn’t know what she

feared most, but nothing reached her, only the sound of her blood beating fast thudded in her ears.

Where was he? Was he okay?

She was just debating the necessity of following Utah through the door when it jerked open, and

he was there. She barely held back her shriek of surprise as her heart beat impossibly faster.

“Calm down,” he soothed, rubbing his hand up and down her bare arm. His gaze dropped to her

breasts, and she mourned the loss of her sweatshirt. It’d been one of her favorites. “We’re safe for


He’d found his clothes, and the feminine parts of her mourned that as well, though Utah looked

just as sexy in his jeans and black T-shirt. He wore black boots now as well. So why hadn’t she

heard him coming toward her? At six five and…?

“How much do you weigh?” The question spilled from her brain, off the tip of her tongue and

into the air around them.

His hand automatically fell to his flat stomach as if she were calling him fat. “Two-forty-five.”

And it was all muscle. There’d been no missing that fact as he’d walked around in his


“Why?” he asked.

“I didn’t hear you coming.”

He grinned, and if she didn’t know better, she’d actually believe he might be flirting with her.

“I promise you, honey, next time I come, you’ll hear me.”

She nodded her head. It was probably due to the stress she was under. She needed to calm

down her heart rate and breathing. She didn’t want anyone else to sneak up on them without her

knowing. “Are they here?”

He gave her a strange look, as if he were expecting her to say something else.

“What?” she asked. “Are they here?” she asked again. “We need to go.”

He smiled and shook his head, lifting a finger to brush softly against her cheek. “We’ll come

back to this conversation later, when we have more time.”

“What? Why?” Abby was almost choking on the terror someone would come in and find them.

Harlan and Whiney with more men and weapons. Or maybe the cops who would lock them away

when they found Southy downstairs. She couldn’t focus on anything else.

“Nothing.” He held his hand out to her, and she took it like the lifeline it felt like. “My bike’s

out there. Bastards must have stolen it. I still can’t remember anything past leaving the bar last night

after closing. I remember stepping out the back door and…nothing.”

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“I remember sitting at home in my favorite chair and closing my eyes. Then waking up here, in

that cell with you.”

“We’ve got a lot to talk about, Abby. First we need to get out of here. We’ll head to my place

first. We can call the police from there. My phone wasn’t with my stuff.” He glanced down at her as

he led them quickly through the building. Now she knew why it’d taken him so long to get back to her.

He’d not only dressed but explored as well. He never faltered as he led her to the exit.

“I don’t have my phone on me either,” she finally managed to answer. She’d have to convince

him not to call the police when they got to his place. Not when Utah would be the one arrested for

murder. She had little doubt Harlan would wiggle out of this with no blame.

Utah blocked her against the wall again, as he slid the outside door open and glanced around

the frame. “It’s clear. Let’s go.” He pulled her after him into an alley, where his big black bike sat

ominously next to a huge green industrial trash bin.

“I’m surprised no one stole it.”

He glanced back at her as he used the keys he’d tugged out of his pocket and popped open a

storage bin under the seat. “It was inside. I just moved it out. They must have been afraid of the same

thing.” He pulled a black helmet free and tossed it to her. “Put that on.”

He straddled the bike, his back blocking his movements until the thrum of the Harley’s motor

filled the air.

“Hurry up, Abby,” he prompted her, raising his voice to be heard over the bike. “Helmet and

jump on.”

She quickly put the helmet on and fastened it as she eased on the bike behind him. She’d never

ridden on a motorcycle before.

“Hold tight,” he urged as he took off.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and clung to him like a monkey, her breasts plastered

against his back, her head tucked against his shoulder.

It was a few minutes before she felt safe enough to blink her eyes open and lift her head a bit to

glance around. She had no idea where they were at first. Then she recognized the bar. He paused for a

moment in the alley outside the back door. She swore she saw him sniffing before he shook his head

and pulled away. He drove a bit further before creeping slowly into another alley and doing the same


“What’s your address?”

She gave it to him eagerly. She wanted her journals, her research, her laptop, and another

sweatshirt. All of it was awaiting her at her apartment.

He pulled into the lot of her apartment building, but merely slowed down long enough to do that

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deep inhale again. A rumble sounded in his chest, and she felt it vibrate through his back against her

before he took off again. The next stop was a bank.

“Wait here,” he ordered as he sprinted inside.

She was shaking and doing her best not to. What was going on? Why hadn’t they stopped at her

place? And had he really given a cat-like grumble that shook his chest? Or was her imagination

working overtime?

He was back just as quickly as he’d left and they were off again. He didn’t say anything. Just

drove and there wasn’t much she could do but cling to his back and watch the city fade behind them as

Utah headed out of town. Her butt and thighs were groaning by the time he pulled into the parking lot

of a motel. Not to mention, her bladder was begging for a restroom.

“Wait here.” He gave the order again as he walked into the office, leaving her on the bike.

“Wait here,” she mimicked in a very unflattering tone. She sat and waited and waited some

more, before jerking the helmet from her head and shaking her hair loose. “Sure. I’ll just sit here on

the bike, Utah. No, I’m good. Thanks for asking. Bathroom? No, my bladder is lined with lead and

can hold water like no one’s business. Am I sore from the ride, you ask? Why no, no, I’m not. I’m

sure I could ride for hours longer before the feeling is completely gone.”

A throat cleared, and she glanced up to see Utah looking at her with a spark of humor in his

eyes. She just glared, but had a feeling the full brunt of her displeasure was lost on him.

“We’ll stop here for the night. Grab some food and sleep. And talk. I need some answers,


He needed answers! He had no idea!

He stopped in back of the motel and parked the bike. Thankfully, he helped her off. She swore

she was still vibrating in places that really didn’t need to be vibrating while Utah was touching her.

Her legs were shaky, and he frowned down at her in concern.

“I’m sorry, Abby. I didn’t think.”

“I’m fine.” She forced her legs to move as normally as she could manage as she walked beside

him to the door of the room he’d gotten them.

He inhaled and seemed satisfied, at least enough that he swiped the card and pushed the door

open. The room at least smelled clean. She did a quick scan and headed toward the bathroom, shutting

the door firmly behind her.

“I’m going to run next door and grab some burgers and fries. Don’t leave the room. I’ll be


She ignored him as she turned on the sink faucet to cover the sound of her peeing. Just in case

he was waiting out there for her to answer him. When she finished, she washed her hands and

splashed some water on her face before using the hand towel to dry off.

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He was gone when she opened the door. They were going to need to have a talk about him

ordering her to stay while he left. She wasn’t a pet, and she wasn’t going to be treated like one. She

took in the huge bed in the middle of the room and did her best to ignore the fact it was the only one.

There was a dining style table and two chairs over by the window and a bedside table with a phone

on the side of the bed closest to the window.

Grabbing the remote, she turned on the TV sitting on the dresser across from the bed and

flipped through the local channels until she found one playing the news. No mention of a dead body

with its throat ripped out, and she was pretty sure a story like that would be all over the news if

Southy had been found.

She paced the room, leaving the television on to soothe her nerves, as she finally let her mind

replay what had happened.

Utah had ripped free of chains. Chains for Christ’s sake. And she’d checked them when she’d

released the cuffs from his wrists and ankles. They had been solid. His eyes had been pure gold and

angry, so angry. He’d roared, and it had almost taken her back to a day from her past she didn’t want

to revisit. But none of that compared to watching him grab Southy by the neck and fling him as if he

were a rag doll.

Though Utah had been slightly turned from her, she swore she saw claws emerge from the tips

of his fingers just before he ripped Southy’s throat out. But she’d held his hand several times, and

there’d been no claws. She’d cleaned the blood off with her sweatshirt and found nothing but his

hand, big and powerful, but with nothing more than close-cropped nails.

She shook her head. She’d have to let the memory go for now and focus on what she could

prove or disprove. She’d taken a good look at the remaining needles, and she thought she knew what

Harlan might have hit him in the chest with.


Why would Harlan give Utah a straight shot of adrenaline? It could have killed him. It should


She sat down on the edge of the bed. Oh, God. She’d been right. She clasped her shaking

fingers together and placed them in her lap. Utah Pearce was the direct descendent of the Tau.

She snorted. How many times had she heard his buddies call that name out to him?

Hey, Tah. You coming?

Tah, catch.

Bet you can’t tap that, Tah.

The last one about a leggy brunette she knew damn well he’d taken home with him that night.

The only thing that made her happy was that no matter how many times the woman came back around,

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Utah didn’t take her up on her offer again.

Damn, Tah, she’s eating you up with her eyes.

She blushed as that comment went through her head. The guy had been talking about Abby. But

Utah had just laughed it off and said she was probably looking off into space and he was just in the

general direction. It’d hurt a bit to know he couldn’t even tell when she was looking at him. She’d

been aware of every move he made. She’d been aware of the significance of them shortening his name

from Utah to Tah. Who shortened a four letter name anyway? It was already short. But they had and

there was power in that.

She rose from the bed again and decided to head back to the bathroom and the shower. She

should wash her clothes out as well, at least her underclothes. She didn’t have anything else to wear


* * * *

Tah walked in to the sound of the shower shutting off. Part of him wished he’d made it back in

time to step through the door and see if she’d let him join her. But he knew she wouldn’t. Abby wasn’t

the type. She was a lot more naive than the women he normally hooked up with for a night. They knew

the score whether they tried to make him think differently after the fact or not. He made sure they got

off, several times, before he took his, and then he moved on.

He’d never felt the need for anything more. Until Abby. She might think he’d been unaware of

her in that bar, but he knew every move she’d made while she’d been there. He swore she’d awoken

some primitive caveman hidden deep inside him. He’d warned the other men to leave her the hell

alone, and still, he’d sat back and watched, waited. He’d gone out of his way to appear to ignore her

when all he’d really wanted to do was preen and posture in front of her, demanding she keep her eyes

on him and only him.

He’d taken women home and gotten them off. But since Abby, he’d been unable to get off,

unless she was the one filling his head, which made it damn hard to fuck another woman. No woman

had ever gotten under his skin like this, and it was inconvenient to say the least.

He sat the food on the table and double checked the locks on the door, grabbing one of the

chairs and lodging it under the doorknob before pacing the room. It was like he couldn’t sit still, like

there was a caged beast inside him gnawing at his control. What the hell was going on? He needed

answers, and he needed them yesterday.

The door opened and Abby stepped through the steam, wearing the thick motel robe. She was

still using a towel on her hair, her glasses perched on that cute upturned nose of hers. She looked like

a fairy, like a fantasy, and his blood filled his cock as need tore through him.

Fuck! He’d wanted her for a while, but never quite this deeply. He wanted to take her, bend her

over the bed, and fuck her until she screamed his name.

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He loved the sound of his name on her lips, the caress she gave it with her voice. But it wasn’t

quite right. “Call me Tah, Abby. All my friends do.”

“And are we?”

He lifted his brow in question.


He nodded his head. Until he could convince her to be more, friends it was.

Her stomach growled.

“I brought food.” He pointed to the table, instead of pounding his fists on his chest like the

caveman he felt like. “I wasn’t sure what you wanted, so I just grabbed a few things. I had them put

the veggies separately, so you could put what you wanted on your burger, and there’s little packets of

ketchup, mustard, and mayo in there.” He pulled stuff out of the bags, his back to her, though he knew

every move she made as if he were watching. “I got fries, onion rings, and cole slaw.”

“Jesus, Utah,” she exclaimed as she took in the food. “Is it just the two of us or did you invite

the whole town?”

“Tah,” he corrected, not quite sure why it was important she call him that but understanding and

accepting that it was. He shrugged his shoulders. “I eat a lot.”

She ran those blue eyes over him from head to toe. He heard her indrawn breath as she took in

the bulge of the erection he couldn’t hide. He wanted her, and he was tired of pretending otherwise.

She cleared her throat and took the remaining chair at the table. She didn’t comment on his cock

as she pulled a burger toward her and opened the other burger boxes with the veggies, picking out the

things she wanted. Grabbing a packet of each condiment, she squirted them on before replacing the

top bun. Then she groaned as she took a bite and chewed.

Utah almost swallowed his tongue. He really wanted to be the cause of those little sounds of


“Aren’t you eating?” she asked as he stood there watching.

He nodded and went about fixing a burger for himself before sitting on the side of the bed and

devouring it. He grabbed another and had it finished before she’d managed half of hers. “Isn’t yours


She nodded as she swallowed the bite in her mouth. “Yes, but my appetite isn’t as big as yours.

You really pack the food away,” she noted as he grabbed the last of the four burgers he’d ordered.

“I’m a big guy.” Why did he feel compelled to defend his appetite?

Her glance flicked down to his straining erection and skittered away before she nodded in

agreement. “Yes, you are,” she added under her breath, but he heard her and couldn’t help the grin

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that pulled at his lips.

“Anything?” he asked, nodding toward the television.

“I haven’t seen anything about Southy.”

“Southy? You knew him?”

She shook her head. “His voice sounded like he’d spent some time in the south. He wore

boots,” she said it matter-of-factly as if that explained everything.

“The other one?”


He snorted at that. He’d be pissed if someone called him a name like that. “We need to talk,


She nodded her head and put her hand up in a poor attempt to disguise a jaw-shattering yawn.

He twisted his neck, working the kinks out as best he could. “Maybe we need sleep first,” he


Her gaze fell to the bed then moved to the table as she began gathering up the trash. “About


“About what?” he prompted when her voice tapered off.

She threw the trash away and turned to face him, picking up the towel she’d used on her hair

and moving to cross the room. “The bed.”

He stepped in front of her, blocking her way. “What about the bed?”

“There’s only one.”

“The motel doesn’t have any double rooms.” At least as far as he was concerned. He hadn’t


She narrowed her eyes at him as if preparing to call him a liar. He just crossed his arms over

his chest and stared down at her.

“I’m not comfortable sleeping with you.” Her voice was soft, and his gut clenched at the lost

look in her eyes, at the hunger he could see, as well as smell. She wanted him.

He moved in, running his hands up her arms to bury in her hair. Her eyes widened, but she

didn’t do anything to stop him when he lowered his head and took her mouth with his. He pressed his

lips to hers, licked over her bottom lip and nipped it softly with his teeth in an effort to get her to open

up for him.

When she didn’t comply, he worked his mouth along her jaw to her earlobe. His tongue flicked

the lobe before he nipped it with his teeth, and Abby gasped. He pulled back his gaze latching onto

the parted curves before he dove and took, his tongue surging past her lips and teeth to find hers and

wrapping around it.

She was up on her toes, reaching her arms toward his shoulders and all but climbing him as he

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bent to cup her ass and lift her into him. Her legs were around his waist, and he had her turned and

pressed against the wall without pulling from the warmth of her kiss. She jerked back from his mouth,

her head leaning back, exposing the slender column of her neck. He sank to it, grazing her flesh with

his teeth and stroking his tongue out to taste her.

He ached. His cock. His teeth. His heart. And it was all for her.

“Tah.” His name was a gasp from her lips.

He groaned and moved his mouth back up toward hers.

“Tah.” She turned her head, denying him. Denying them both.

“Abby.” He moaned her name, flexing his hips and pressing into her where her legs wrapped

around his waist. He felt her shudder, smelled the heat of her desire.

“Tah. Put me down please.”

His eyes snapped to hers, and he saw the denial there.

“You want me.” It was a statement, not a question, and she didn’t deny it.

“Not like this,” she said softly.

He slowly eased back from her, helping her as she unwrapped her legs and braced along the

wall as if needing the support to find her own footing.

“Like this?” he questioned. He wanted to roar with rage at the loss of her. He needed her.

Couldn’t she see how much he needed her?

“I may not be the most beautiful woman you’ve ever taken in your arms, but I’m most likely the

smartest. And I know.”

It just pissed him off that she discounted herself that easily. She was the most beautiful, in all

the ways that mattered. He’d just been too scared to admit it.

“You know what?” he asked when she shook her head and stepped away from the wall, tugging

the robe closer together.

He thought she wouldn’t answer him as she scooped up the wet towel and stepped into the

bathroom with it. But she faced him when she walked out. He could see the sadness in her eyes, and it

nearly destroyed him.

“That I’m worth more than one quick night in a cheap motel,” she whispered, moving to the

side of the bed and tugging back the covers. “I’ll give you the side closest to the door. The water’s

hot if you want a shower.”

He felt the need to roar again, and it took all he had to throttle it back. He stood and watched as

she pulled the covers over her body still wearing the robe. He turned toward the bathroom, hitting the

button to turn the television off as he did. He heard her murmured “good night” as he fought the urge to

slam the bathroom door shut behind him.

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The first thing he saw were her panties and bra hanging on a towel rack to dry by the sink. He

felt the rumble of displeasure in his chest as he pulled the cotton panties from the rod and brought

them to his nose. He could still smell her on them. And God help him, those panties were the only

thing keeping him from going back to join her on that bed and trying to seduce her.

He started the shower, tucking her panties in his pocket before sliding his jeans off. She was

right. She deserved so much more than this. Soon, he’d show her just how much she meant to him. He

had a lot to make up for.

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Chapter Three

From the journal of Abby Lane

I’ve found him, or at least who I think is the right person. He’s certainly big enough to hide

a lion inside. He’s almost six and half feet tall and so sexy he makes my teeth ache. I go to the bar

where he works every night just so I can see him, be close to him. I stick out like a sore thumb, but

I’m unable to deny my need just to be near him.

All those long nights of researching a genealogy not my own. The dead-ends and back

tracking, sifting through even the smallest crumb of information has led me here to him. What

would he say if I told him I know all about him? He’s been alone for so much of his life. I cried

when I read about his parents’ deaths when he was just a child. And to know he went to live with a

grandmother who’s now gone as well! Would he feel the same connection I do if he was aware of

how much we have in common?

I almost lost it when I heard his friend call him Tah. Does he have any idea the power

behind his nickname? Does he know he comes from the greatest Tau ever born? I want to tell him.

I want to follow him home and make him listen to all I have to share. I’d give anything to talk to

him and have him listen without looking at me like I’m crazy. But I don’t see that happening.

So I watch…and wait, as if I’ll know when the time is right to approach him, as if that time

will ever exist.

They call him Tah, and only I know how true that name is.

* * * *

Abby was fuming the next morning after getting dressed. Utah might play the innocent, but she

knew he was at fault. There was no one else here, and she damn sure hadn’t hidden her panties. But

short of calling him out on it, what could she do other than sit here at the table across from him, sans

panties, while they ate the breakfast he’d picked up.

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He’d moved the chair back to the table this morning. He sat across from her eating and

brooding. She’d been all but inside his skin when she woke up this morning, and he’d just held her

close, letting her rub against his straining erection as if doing her a favor. Fucking arrogant prick. And

now he had the audacity to act like it was her fault. He’d stolen the covers, leaving her no other

option than to cuddle close to him. Wasn’t her fault if her robe came loose, and he chose to sleep


Holy crap! He’d slept nude beside her.

“We need to talk.”

“I said I was sorry!” She all but yelled at him.

His teeth had been clenched when she finally woke up, and he’d told her to either fuck him or

move off so he could go in the other room and take care of it himself. She’d jerked away as if she’d

been burned. But damn, part of her had wanted to just let that hard cock fill her pussy.

And he’d gone to the bathroom and jerked off! What the hell! He had to have known she could

hear him. He wasn’t exactly quiet about it. Then he came out all dressed and whistling. Whistling for

God’s sake!

Oh, she’d stomped. She’d slammed the door. But she refused to take care of herself while he

was out in the other room listening. So she’d reached for her clothes, only to notice her panties were

missing. She’d dressed without them, only to slam the door open and find him gone. Gone! The

bastard. He was only living because he came back with coffee as well as breakfast.

“You could have used me if you wanted to,” he reminded her, making her growl at him.

And he laughed. The man seriously had no sense of self-preservation.

“Did you take my panties?” She blurted the question out without meaning too.

He looked shocked as his eyes skimmed over her. Then with a lifted brow, he taunted, “Why,

Abby, are you sitting across from me with no panties on?”

She blushed. She could feel her face flaming red with embarrassment. She wanted to hit him

hard, and she wasn’t normally a violent person.

He shook his head at her and looked upset at her obvious discomfort. “I’m sorry, Abby. I didn’t

mean to embarrass you.”

She nodded. It wasn’t lost on her though, that he hadn’t offered up the location of her missing


“We do need to talk,” he said as he pushed his breakfast containers away. He ate a lot of food.

“I need to know everything.” She could see him running his tongue over his teeth before he grimaced,

keeping his lips closed as he glanced at her. “I really need to know.”

“I’m not sure where to start.”

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“Start with Harlan. Who exactly is he? And why did he take us?”

She sighed. She remembered a time when she’d wanted nothing more than Tah’s undivided

attention, so she could tell him what she felt was the truth. But not like this. Not when he already had

to be questioning her involvement. Soon, he’d question her sanity as well. And there was nothing she

could do, but tell him.

“Harlan Jones is my dad’s cousin.”

“So he’s family?”

She shook her head adamantly in denial. “It takes more than blood to make family,” she

repeated the words she’d always heard her mom tell her dad.

Tah nodded. “True. Family are the people you choose.”

“Harlan was jealous of my parents. I heard him whine to my dad several times about how mom

was just trying to stir trouble up, to turn dad against him.”

“And your dad let Harlan talk like that?”

She looked up in surprise. She’d never thought of it like that, but obviously Tah had, and he

looked pissed about it.

“He loved my mom.” Why she felt the need to defend them was beyond her, but she did.

“Go on, baby,” Tah urged her.

She cleared her throat. It always threw her when he used one of those pet words on her, words

most men saved for the women they were with. Baby. Honey. Sweetheart. She wanted to be all those

things to him.

“That’s it. That’s who he is and how he knows me.”

“I’ll let it go for now, but I know there’s more to it than that. Now tell me about all this lion

talk and why he kidnapped us. I heard him talking to you when he thought I was out. I might not have

been able to control my movement yet, but my hearing was fine. He followed you to Africa? When

did you go to Africa? And why?”

“Two years ago. I went with a college group for an anthropological dig.”

“You studied anthropology?”

She nodded. “I’ve always been fascinated by cultures, especially the myths and lores they


“So tell me about it.”

This was it. This was when he would look at her as if she were a crazy woman. This was

where everything would change.

She took a deep breath before charging in. “I grew up around cats, big cats. My parents were

both vets who worked with exotic animals. They were called in many times to rescue large cats

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people took as pets and then realized they couldn’t take care of them. We’d pick the animals up, nurse

them back to health if they were sick, and make arrangements for placement of them.”

“Return them to the wild?”

She shook her head. “Not usually. Zoo placement if we could find one who had room. Mom had

contacts in Asia and Africa, and sometimes we’d send one to a wildlife preserve. Sometimes,” she

swallowed as a tear spilled down her cheek, “sometimes they were too broken, and there was no

choice but to put them down.” She wiped the tear away.

“Where are your parents, Abby?” He asked the question as if he already knew the answer. He

didn’t. He couldn’t.

“They died when I was a child.” Her hand rubbed under her right breast even as visions tried

to slam into her memory. Blood. Screams. Pain.

“Abby?” His hand touched hers, snapping her out of the past.

“I went to live with my grandmother. She was a great woman.”

He watched her for several long moments, and she prayed he wouldn’t push her. She didn’t

want to talk about her parents right now. Not right now.

“So tell me about this love of cats.”

She felt relief flood her system at his acceptance.

“Myths, legends, cats, and Africa. What do they all have in common?” he asked.

“The paka watu,” she whispered the words, watching to see if there was any reaction from

him. Was that a spark of yellow in his eyes? Or had she only imagined it?

Paka watu?” he asked.

“It means cat people.”

“Cat people, huh?” He looked amused.

“It’s also the basis of an African legend about a tribe of people gifted by the Creator with spirit

guides. Cats. And they shared their bodies with these cats, switching between human and animal as


“What happened to them?”

“How do you know something happened to them?”

“It only makes sense. Myths and legends rarely end in happily ever after.”

“They were attacked by hunters. Many were killed, and the remaining alpha lion knew that in

order to save his pride, they would have to put their animals to sleep and learn to hide. They’d no

longer be able to embrace the strength of their great spirit guides or even stay together as a pride.”

“That’s sad.”

She nodded in agreement. “But it was the only way he could save the surviving members of the


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“What happened? Were they ever seen again?”

She shook her head. “They disappeared, each going a separate way and blending in. The

animals were quieted and as time passed and one generation replaced the last, their spirits were often


She met his eyes and saw something there. Emotion? Sorrow? Utah felt something whether he

was willing to admit it or not.

“Let me guess. Somehow you think I’m the descendent of this alpha lion.” He laughed at the

look on her face. “I’m more than just a great body, Abby. I’ve got a brain up here too.”

He looked disappointed in her, and it made her feel horribly shallow. It was hard to sit in

judgment on him for stereotyping her when she had been doing the same to him. Damn him for calling

her out on it. That wasn’t very nice.

“I think you’re the descendent of the pride leader,” she answered him softly. “While I was in

Africa, the bushmen gave me a name supposedly whispered on the wind. It wasn’t easy, but with help,

I was able to research the descendent line. So many names and possibilities to weed through. I went

with instinct and followed it to the possibility of you or one other. I chose you.”

“What made me the lucky one?” he asked with a soft smile.

“There’s the mark of the lion on you.”

“My tattoo?” He laughed. “I found it when I was flipping through a book.” He shrugged it off as

if that was nothing.

“How many tattoos were in the book?” she asked him.

He shook his head and sighed. “A lot,” he admitted.

“But you chose that one because the lion means something to you. He’s your totem, your roho


“My what?”

“Spirit guide. Plus, there’s your name.”


“The one your friend’s call you. Tah. Do you know what Tau means in Southern Africa?”

He shook his head.

“Lion. The tattoo, your name, and…” She stood up and paced the room. “God, this is going to

sound crazy, but what does it really matter at this point. I saw you, and I felt pulled toward you.”

“That’s attraction, Abby.”

“No. Well, yes. But no.”

He laughed. “Which is it? Don’t spare my ego.”

“What woman wouldn’t be attracted to you?”

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“Don’t do that. I might not be as smart as you, but I know I deserve more than that.”

She paused. “You’re right, Tah. I’m sorry. I’m very attracted to you. But it’s more than that. I

watched you and couldn’t stop. It felt like I was waiting for something, some sign from you. I couldn’t

force myself away.”

“I felt the same way.”


“I know you thought I ignored you. I did a good job of making you feel that way. But I was

always aware of you. I told Logan and Reno I’d kick their asses if they hit on you.”

“I doubt you had to worry about that.” Reno was the friend who’d made the comment about her

devouring Tah with her eyes.

“You have no idea what you do to a man. You tie our guts in knots with lust then shoot us down

with that brilliant mind. How do I compete with that? How will I ever be good enough for a woman

as intelligent and beautiful as you? You deserve more than a bartender who spent eight years as a

Marine in a desert overseas. You deserve a man who can meet you on your own level.”

“Tah.” She felt her eyes fill with tears. Is that what he thought? That he wasn’t good enough for


“I watched you every night, Abby. Every fucking night. The way you tilt your head to the right

when you’re really studying something. The way your nose scrunches up when you’re concentrating.

The way you rub the spot just under your right breast when you’re worried.”

Her hand dropped to it and rubbed.

“I watched you, Abby. Just like you watched me.”

“I didn’t realize.”

“So, which one of us is really the clueless one here?”

“That’s not fair.”

“No, it’s not, but you can’t be mad at me for what isn’t true.”

“There’s more to talk about,” she whispered as he moved toward her.

“I’m suddenly not in the mood to talk.” He kept coming toward her until her back hit the wall

and he loomed over her.

“Things didn’t end so well the last time we were in this position,” she reminded him.

“I’m willing to try again.”

She glanced around. “We’re still in a cheap motel.”

He sighed. “Trust me. It’s not that cheap.”

She laughed. “We need to talk, Tah, before I lose my nerve.”

“I can’t see you ever losing your nerve.”

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“Something happened when they chained you to that wall. I think you know it. I think we need

to talk about it.”

She saw his tongue run over his teeth again behind his closed lips.

“Yeah, we need to talk about it.” He moved away from her and walked over to the window. He

opened the curtain an inch and glanced out at the parking lot where his bike sat. “I did that, didn’t I?”

He turned back to Abby. “I killed him.”

She nodded.

He sighed and hung his head. “What happened? You need to tell me exactly what happened.”

“You roared.”

“I know I roared. I had a sick bastard cutting me with a knife after torturing the shit out of me.

He wanted me to roar. I fucking roared.”

She shook her head. “I’ll get to all that in a minute. When he hit you in the chest with that

syringe full of adrenaline, you roared so loud you shook the whole building.”

“That’s what he gave me?” He rubbed his chest where the needle had pierced. “Fuck. I’m lucky

that shit didn’t kill me.”

“Not only that. Look at you. You were just beaten and tortured, shot full of adrenaline, drugged,

shocked, and knocked unconscious not once but twice.” She walked over and jerked his shirt up,

revealing his chest and the lion tattoo. “But look at you. There are no marks on you, not even from the

knife. Hell, you’re not even sore.”

He glanced down as if just now realizing what she was pointing out. “I’ve always been a fast


“No one heals that fast, Tah.”

He leaned his head back and sighed. “What else?”

She paced away from him. “He hit you with the needle and you…God, you…”

“I what, Abby?”

She turned to meet his eyes. “You changed, Tah. You changed. I swear your eyes turned a deep

golden yellow. Your back pulled away from the wall when you roared. And you were pissed. I’ve

never seen you that angry.”

“I was chained to a fucking wall.”

She shook her head. “It was more than that. Harlan turned to me. Oh, my God, I just realized

that. Harlan turned and yelled at me just before you snapped the first chain.”

“They must have been old.”

“I checked them when I took the cuffs off your wrists and ankles. They weren’t weak in any

way, shape, or form. And you snapped them.”

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Tah looked at her, flexed his shoulders, and then glanced down to look at his hands. He held

them out, turned them over, then curled them into fists. He took a deep breath and shook them out

again before glancing back toward her. “What happened then?”

“Whiney took off running. Harlan yelled at him to come back, but he was gone. He turned to me

again, and the second chain started groaning as you pulled at it. Harlan took off then.” She looked up

with excitement in her eyes. “He yelled at Southy to get me. I forgot that or was too much in shock to

remember it before. That’s why Southy stayed. He wasn’t trying to help me. He was trying to take

me.” Her eyes softened with emotion she couldn’t hide. “You saved me. You protected me.”

He walked over to her and pulled her firmly against his chest. “I’ll always protect you, Abby.

No one will ever hurt you again. And if they do, they’ll pray they hadn’t.”

She could hear the ring of truth in his voice, the sincerity. He cared for her. He rubbed her back

then stepped away again, twisting his head around on his neck as if trying to work the kinks out of it.

His hand rubbed over the back of it before dropping as he shrugged his shoulders.

“Are you okay?”

“How did I kill him?” Utah ignored her question.

“He opened the cell. He was reaching for me when you leaped from the wall and landed in

front of me in a crouch. You growled at him. My God, I almost peed myself when you did that. He

screamed when you reached for him. You took him with one hand. One hand, Tah. And threw him

across the room as if he were nothing, as if he weighed nothing. He muttered something about telling

Harlan to torture me next time, and you went wild. I swear I saw—” She stopped and looked at him.

“What did you see?”

“I swear I saw claws come out of your fingers just before you grabbed his throat and ripped it


They both glanced down at his hands. He flexed the fingers before curling them into fists.

“I know I sound crazy. I know none of this makes sense to you. But, Tah…I really believe that

you are a paka watu. You are the alpha lion, the pride leader.”

“You think the beast is waking up?”

“I think the lion spirit you were gifted with is emerging.”

Tah looked at her, shook his head, rubbed the back of his neck again, and then flexed his


“What’s wrong?” It finally dawned at her that he was uneasy physically, not just mentally. He

was agitated, rubbing and shaking, standing then sitting then up and pacing again. He couldn’t stay

still. “Tah?”

He looked at her, and for a second, just a brief moment in time, she saw the flare of yellow in

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his eyes before the warm brown took over.

“We need more information here, Abby, and we need it fast. I’m restless. It feels like

something’s inside me, and it’s trying to take over. I’m fighting to stay sane here. Hell, I’m fighting

just to stay here.”

“Oh God, Tah.” She went to him, but he held his hand up, warding her off.

“I’m hanging by a thread here. My senses are crazy. I didn’t stop at the bar, my house, or yours

because I could smell they had been there, that it wasn’t safe. The reek of this Harlan guy was all

over each location.” His gaze met hers, and she could see the desire he was feeling. “I’m barely

keeping my hands off of you, when I can smell the heat of your lust wrapping around my cock and

stroking it like I want your pussy to do. I can still taste your skin on my tongue, and my mouth is

watering for more.” His eyes were anguished. “I’m fighting, but I’m afraid if we don’t figure out

what’s happening soon, I’m going to lose it and whatever this is…some lion spirit or whatever…it’s

going to win. And you may not be safe.” He shook his head. “This other part of me wants you, Abby.

And I’m not sure how long I can control it.”

Every time the animal had emerged it had protected her, not hurt her. “I’m not afraid.”

“You should be,” he muttered. His body shuddered, and for the first time, his lips peeled back,

and she saw what his tongue kept tracing over. His canines were growing, elongating, and looking

more like the animal than the man.

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Chapter Four

From the journal of Abby Lane

I need to purge that day from my mind. If I could use bleach to scour it away, I would and

damn the consequences. I killed my parents, just as Harlan said. Grandmother made him leave

when she caught him in my hospital room, but he’s right. I’m responsible. They are both dead

because of me, and knowing that, accepting that, has the power to destroy me. It’s hard to shut out

the pain, but it’s the only way I can protect myself.

I wanted to see the lion. He was beautiful, so majestic and royal, even in his sickness. Mom

said he would probably have to be put down because of his primal rage. They had to shoot him

with a dart to even get in and rescue him. I hate the people who kept him like that. A cage much

too small and filled with the filth of his body’s waste. No wonder he was angry and untrusting.

Still, I ached for him. I wanted to touch him for just a moment, just to feel the warmth of his

skin on mine and know he breathed, just to offer him a comforting touch. He’d been out for so long

from the dart. I slipped away and went to him, feeling drawn like a magnet.

His head lifted when I touched his side. But not in anger, not in rage. He was just as curious

about me as I was about him. We had a connection. I could feel it humming between us. Then

Harlan screamed and grabbed at me.

I know the lion swiped his paw at Harlan. No matter what they say. I know he did. But he

was slow and weak and it hit me instead, as Harlan grabbed my arm and tried to jerk me away.

The paw caught the right side of my chest, and I felt the burn as my pale skin tore beneath the

pajama top I wore.

I didn’t mean to cry out, but the arm Harlan was jerking on was screaming as it separated

from the socket. And that’s when all hell broke loose. My parents came running. And the lion


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Those are the last memories I have before I blacked out from the pain. I’ll have a scar where

the lion’s paw caught me. Grandmother says I bear the mark of the beast that killed my parents,

and I know it hurts her. I hear her cry when she thinks I’m sleeping. I heard her tell Harlan to stay

away, that he would never be welcome in her home.

I know something more happened after I passed out. But no one will tell me. I’m young, and

they are afraid of how this will affect me.

But I bear the mark of the beast, and I swear it has made me stronger.

* * * *

It had taken Abby over an hour to get Tah to agree to what she needed. The stop at the bank the

day before had been so he could clear his account out. She couldn’t empty her own because she had

no purse or identification, except for one card she always kept hidden in the sole of her shoe. It was a

trick her grandmother had taught her. The woman had always been afraid someone would try to take

Abby from her, and she’d made sure Abby would have the means to get back if she could escape.

So after arguing with Tah that they needed supplies and more clothes than what they were

currently living in, she finally ripped her shoe apart and pulled the card free. It was an account set up

a long time ago by her grandmother. The name on the account didn’t really exist, though Abby had the

needed identification tucked away in a lock box. It contained all the money left to her by her parents

and her grandmother. It was a fortune.

Abby used the card all the time, just as her grandmother had taught her. That way if and when

she needed it, there would be nothing to set alarms off like there would be if a suddenly dormant

account was accessed. Abby moved thousands of dollars in and out of it every month, and she kept the

ATM card hidden in her shoe. Always.

She and Tah needed clothes, toiletries, a laptop, and something other than fast food. It wouldn’t

be the same as having her personal computer with all her favorites and her contact lists, but it would

have to do. It might take her a little longer to access what she needed, but she could do it.

Their first stop was the ATM, where Abby took out her limit for the day. They’d have to be

frugal and make it last for a few days before she could hit the ATM again. They’d also need a

disposable phone as a contact number. As she worried about how they were going to get everything,

she saw the library.

That had led to another long argument. She wanted to cut costs by accessing the computer at the

library, instead of buying a laptop, while he did their shopping, took it to the room, and then came

back to pick her up before the library closed. But Utah didn’t want to leave her alone. He’d even

growled at her. Growled at her!

She’d been no better, stomping her foot at him and thumping him in the chest with her fist. Then

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she’d done something that almost made her ashamed of herself. Almost, except for the fact it had felt

so good.

She’d rubbed against his chest, until he wrapped his arms around her.

“This is important, Tah. I might be able to contact someone who can help us. I can’t do that and

get all the supplies. I need you to help me. I need you. Please, Tah. For me. Please.”

He’d surprised her with a sound suspiciously like a purr before kissing her fiercely and

agreeing, only after she’d agreed to his order to keep her pert little ass inside until he got back. God

save her if the animal made the man even more dominant than he was.

Then he’d smirked and said he liked the idea of picking out her panties for her anyway. And

he’d flat out laughed when she’d demanded he get her a new sweatshirt. She was almost afraid of

what he would choose for her. But she’d just have to deal with it. She’d wear anything at this point,

especially since the pair she’d rinsed out were still missing.

It had been hard enough to get to a computer with no identification on her. She’d resorted to

tears and started blubbering incoherently about getting robbed while here on vacation and needing to

access her email, so she could contact a friend to cancel everything. Thankfully, the guy behind the

counter had been so busy staring at her boobs then freaking out over her tears that he’d set her up at a

computer station immediately.

She’d never used her boobs in such a way before, and it made her feel dirty. But she told

herself whatever it took. Tah was all that mattered, getting him the help he needed. She stayed away

from her personal email accounts, not knowing how far Harlan would go to try and find them, or if he

even was trying to find them. She still didn’t understand what his agenda had been. Since when had

Harlan cared about anything she’d spoken of as a child? And why would he follow her to Africa?

She might never know, and that was just something she’d have to accept. She sent a message to

Professor Mueller from yet another of the therianthropy forums they were both registered at. She’d

already been at this for two hours with no luck, but she refused to give up.

This site was one of the largest available, and she knew he frequented it. Her last name would

show when she sent a message, and she hoped the Professor was on to answer. She’d never suspected

when they first met just how much of a mentor he would turn out to be. Not only was he an

anthropologist, but he and his daughter Jess were big into the lores and myths of cultures. And Jess

was as into therianthropy as Abby was. They’d spent hours talking about shapeshifting, while Abby

and Professor Mueller had researched the genealogy that had led her to Tah. If anyone could help her

now, it would be them.

She felt her heart beat faster when he messaged her back instantly.

Mueller: Call me 7778123265895247

Lane: No access to phone yet

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Mueller: Tonight?

Lane: Yes

Mueller: …did you find what you were looking for

Lane: …yes…

Mueller: eyes are watching. not safe to say more here. tonight?

Lane: …yes…

She ended their contact before he could ask anything else. She might be getting as paranoid as

he was, but better safe than sorry. Plus, it had taken too much of her time before she’d found him. Tah

would be here any minute. She’d tell the Professor everything on the phone later. She had his number

written down, easily deciphering the code he’d used to send it to her. She just hoped Tah remembered

to pick up a phone.

“Holy shit.”

She looked up as the woman sitting at the end of the row of computers spoke out loud. Abby

wasn’t surprised to see Tah standing there. She watched him inhale, saw the twitch of his nose as if

something distasteful hit him before his searching eyes found her. One corner of his mouth lifted as he

curved his finger and motioned her toward him.

They were really going to have to work on his caveman attitude.

She closed her internet browser then did a quick delete of the history cache. It wouldn’t hinder

anyone if they really wanted to see where she’d been, but it would be enough to halt the average


The clerk stopped her and asked if everything was okay.

She did her best to ignore the growl behind her, but there was no ignoring when Tah stepped

forward and pulled her back against his chest.

“We’re leaving,” he stated clearly with a hard glare at the guy.

She would have laughed, except she could tell Tah wasn’t joking. He was getting territorial of

her and jealous. His palm moved to the small of her back and that easily he had her turned away and

heading toward the door. No one interfered or stopped them again.

As soon as they were in the parking lot by the bike, he pulled her against him and nuzzled her

hair, rubbing his cheek over hers and then licking at her neck.

“Tah? What are you doing?” she squeaked out, embarrassed by the public display.

“I need to be able to smell myself on you,” he informed her, as if that made perfect sense and

didn’t sound crazy as hell.


His mouth took hers, his tongue thrusting deep and fast as he found hers and sucked it into his

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mouth. She felt the sharp point of one of his canines and went back to explore it with her tongue. He

growled into her mouth, and she felt the rumble in his chest. His palm cupped her ass and lifted her

into him. If she didn’t help him get control, she was afraid she might just lose her virginity in the

parking lot.

She pulled her mouth away, panting as he moved to her neck. It shouldn’t have excited her to

feel the scrape of his teeth against her skin. But it did, and his deep inhale assured her he smelled just

how much it was affecting her.

“Tah, let’s go back to the motel.”

“God, yes,” he moaned as he patted her ass. She squeaked again when he lifted her off her feet

and put her on the bike. “I need you, Abby. I’m ripping apart with the need.”

His eyes. Brown, yellow, brown, yellow, brown. And was that a sliver of blond she saw in his


He thrust the helmet into her hands and straddled the bike in front of her. She barely had time to

put the helmet on and wrap her arms around his waist before they were roaring out of the lot and

heading back. She could feel the coiled tension in his body.

I need you, Abby.

His words were tearing her up inside too, tearing apart every excuse she was still clinging to

that would allow her to deny him, deny them, again. His whole world was changing. She could see

the changes occurring in him, but he was dealing with them. And what was happening that she

couldn’t see, changes hidden inside him and not visible to the eye. How could she refuse his need for

her? Especially when she needed him too.

No words were spoken as he parked the bike and helped her off. He laced their fingers as he

led her to the room. Another inhale and he pulled they keycard out and unlocked the door. His eyes

met hers as he held it open for her. Everything was about to change again, and she only hoped these

changes didn’t destroy her heart.

She heard the soft click as the door shut behind her, and she turned to watch him. He’d picked

up some type of safety bar and used it to secure the door before he turned to her. She licked her lips in

anticipation as he caught the hem of his T-shirt and almost ripped it as he pulled it off and tossed it


“Tah.” Her voice was breathy, husky, and she couldn’t stop herself from backing to the wall as

he stalked toward her.

“Strip.” The words left his clenched jaw as he dropped his hand to his belt.

She could see he was shaking.

“Too long,” he growled as he pulled the belt free and tossed it aside before going to work on

his jeans. “We were apart too long.” He rolled his shoulders and neck as he popped the button loose

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and tugged down the zipper. “I can’t be apart from you. It drives me insane with need, Abby.”

His eyes met hers. Brown with yellow swirling through them. She felt a tremor rock her core as

heat swept through her. His eyes dipped almost closed as he inhaled her lust. His lips edged back,

revealing the full length of his canines, and damn, if the sight didn’t make her pussy cream more. She

should be terrified.

“Abby, if you don’t want me to sprout those claws you thought you saw and shred your clothes

from your body, you really need to strip.”

Abby gulped as she bent to untie her boots and kick them off. Tah moved to the edge of the bed

and sat to remove his boots and socks. She reached for her jeans and taking a deep breath, pushed

them down her hips and off.

Utah growled as his eyes latched onto her bare pussy. She’d been so worried about him seeing

her scar, she’d forgotten she wasn’t wearing panties.

“I’m a virgin,” she whispered as he stood and moved toward her.

His head rolled again, and she swore his chest puffed out.

“Mine,” he rumbled as he scooped her into his arms and turned back to place her on the bed,

coming down over her.

His mouth took hers before she could say anything further. She knew better than to argue with

the primal claim he’d just made. Not when she could see the animal so close to the surface, as the

golden yellow that must be the eyes of the lion fought the warm brown of the man.

He only left her mouth long enough to jerk her shirt over her head. Then he was back, hot, hard,

and naked as his hands made quick work of her bra and tossed it aside. He burned her, setting her

nerves on fire with a lust she’d never imagined could exist. Her breasts were crushed beneath the

power of his chest as his hands explored and caressed her.

His mouth finally left hers, and she gulped in air, not wanting to pass out and miss a moment of

this. His teeth scraped over her neck again as he slid down until his hot breath fanned across her

aching nipple.

“Tah,” she moaned as he licked over it. One hand plumped her breast, holding it up for him as

he licked her. “Oh God, Tah.”

“Mine.” He told her and took her breast in his mouth.

The warm wet suction had her arching off the bed, pressing deeper into his touch. Both her

hands reached for his hair and cradled his scalp, scratching and holding him close. She knew she was

rocking her pussy up into him, fighting for a touch that would bring relief to an ache she’d never


He moved to her other breast and treated it to the same thorough attention. When he pulled

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back, they were even more swollen, the tips wet from his mouth. He pinched and tugged at her

nipples, making her cry out as her hands slipped to claw at his shoulders.

“Mine.” He informed her again, and she was helpless to do anything but nod in agreement.

His fingers brushed over her scar, and she felt torn in different directions when his gaze fell

there. Part of her wanted to hide it as she had all her life, since the day she awoke in the hospital with

it. But there would be no hiding from Tah. His mouth dipped, and he traced each claw mark with his

tongue, sending pulses of liquid fire to explode in her womb.

This time he whispered his claim against her skin as he nuzzled her there. “Mine.”

His touch left her boneless, unable to do more than watch as he skimmed over her belly,

pressing her legs apart. He shifted until he settled between her thighs, using his broad shoulders,

spreading her wide. He inhaled deeply and the pure pleasure on his face kept any embarrassment she

might have felt from registering. When his eyes met hers, they were a deep amber, a perfect blend of

the brown and gold.

“Mine,” he said as he watched her. He rubbed his face against her plumped folds, but made no

move to taste or touch like she wanted.

“Mine,” he said again and waited, searching her face for something.

“Yes,” she agreed, realizing he was waiting to see if she would deny him again. “Yours.”

That rumble left his chest again as he parted her and drove his tongue inside her pussy.

“Tah!” She almost came off the bed as she screamed his name. He pumped his tongue in and out

of her, fucking her with it, and though she’d had toys, nothing could have prepared her for the rapture

of his touch.

His thumb found her clit and rubbed over it. She came with another cry, his name spilling from

her lips. Tremors wracked through her as he purred against her, the vibrations keeping her lost in the

pleasure washing over her.

She was still gasping for air when he flipped her over to her belly, shoved a pillow under her

hips, and pulled her up to her knees, moving in behind her.

Oh, God. He would be incredibly deep like this. She didn’t doubt she could take him. Her heart

screamed she’d been made just for him. She was his just as he claimed.

His cock pressed into her and kept pressing until he filled her. He shuddered behind her as her

pussy contracted and fluttered around him, struggling to adjust to the newness of him inside her. His

hands were hard where they gripped her hips.

“Mine.” The growl left his lips just seconds before he began to move. Slow and easy strokes

quickly turned into deep, hard thrusts that had her dropping her head to the bed and clenching her

fingers in the covers.

He rode her hard, taking her as if he needed to brand her with his scent, and this was the only

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way he could accomplish it. Her mind was trying to make her acknowledge something, something she

might feel was important later, but she denied it, reveling in the sheer pleasure of being claimed by


That’s what this was. It was more than sex. It was a primal claiming as he fucked her senseless.

She didn’t think it could get better as she screamed with another orgasm. His body lowered

over hers, and she felt his breath at her shoulder. One hand fell forward to brace him as the other

shoved her hair aside before it dropped to the mattress too. She had only a moment before she felt the

scrape of his teeth against the muscle where her shoulder met her neck. Then he struck, his canines

breaking skin as he bit her and held her in place beneath him.

He came with a roar muffled against her skin as she shuddered and jerked under him. She felt

no pain, no horror at what he’d just done. She felt loved, desired, claimed. She felt mated.

He lifted one of his hands to cup just under her right breast, and she shuddered as his fingers

seemed to fit perfectly against the scars a lion’s paw had left in her skin. He pulled his teeth free, and

she felt her pussy clench, forcing another spurt of semen from his cock as he licked over the wound

he’d made.

“Mine.” He purred against her as he continued to lick where he’d bit.

Once again, she was marked by the beast.

He was rubbing against her, purring.


“You smell like me now,” he whispered as he licked over her again. “I smell like you.”

“Okay.” She wasn’t sure what to say about that, but it seemed important to him.

He sighed as he tugged his cock free and shifted to lay beside her on the bed, pulling her

against his chest as if even after what they’d just shared he couldn’t stand not to touch her.

“My senses are growing.”

She nodded against him, her hand resting on his lion tattoo as she snuggled into him.

“When I was out today, I could smell women’s lust. I’ve seen it before, but I didn’t realize it

has a smell, an awful smell. It made me sick to smell how those women wanted me.”

It pissed her off too. He must have sensed it because a growl rumbled up from his chest.

“I don’t want them, Abby. And knowing they wanted me made me angry. I got our supplies as

quickly as I could. I needed to be with you. I needed to touch you, to remind myself I belong to you.

Not because I didn’t remember, but to assure myself you did.”

Oh God, she was going to cry. He felt like he belonged to her?

“I can feel your brain spinning from here, Abby.”

She snorted and nipped his shoulder with her teeth. He grumbled and jerked her onto his chest,

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so he could see her face.

“We’re going to have to talk about these caveman tendencies you’re developing.”

“I’ve always been possessive.”

“I’ve seen you with other women, Tah,” she reminded him. “You’re not possessive.”

He growled as if her reminding him of the other women pissed him off. “I’ve always been

possessive of you.”

She opened her mouth to argue with him and stopped herself. The past was the past and if this

was going to work, they’d both have to understand that.

“I’m possessive too, Tah. You’re mine now, and I don’t share.”

He smiled at her, and if it melted her heart a little bit, then no one needed to know but her.

“I’m yours.” His hand stroked over her skin, and she watched his gaze fall to the mark he’d left

on her when he bit her. “Does it hurt?”

She flexed her shoulder and then shook her head. “It doesn’t.”

“I didn’t mean to bite you,” his brown eyes seemed contrite. “I couldn’t stop the urge. It was

like I needed to mark you in a way so that no one could ever say you weren’t mine. And even I realize

how insane that sounds.”

Without thought, she lowered her mouth to his chest and clenched her teeth in the top of his

pectoral muscle, just above his left nipple. She bit down hard and sucked his skin into her mouth. He

jerked against her and that sexy growl rumbled up through his chest again. His hands clenched against

her ass, and she felt the steel length of his erection before he flipped them over and spread her legs

with his knees.

She released him with a cry as he buried inside her once more.

“Mine, Tah.” She did a good job of growling at him. “Now I’ve marked you as well.”

He growled down at her, but she could see the pleasure on his face, the warmth in his eyes.

“Yours,” he agreed and took her to heaven all over again.

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Chapter Five

From the journal of Abby Lane

I dream about the lion. If I told anyone about these dreams, they’d have me locked away,

claiming insanity. But the dreams are there, and I swear they feel real. More like visions than

dreams. Maybe I am crazy.

In the dream, I’m surrounded by woods. There are trees and mountains, and though I never

see a house, I know I am home. Sometimes I walk alone. Then there are times I walk with a lion

beside me. He butts his head against my side as we walk, and I smile, brushing my fingers through

his mane. He is fierce and beautiful, but I have no fear of him, only love for him.

Once I dreamed of a child with golden hair and amber eyes that laughed up at me. And I felt

love, so much love pouring from me for this child. I can sense the man, but he always remains in

shadow, and I feel as if he represents the possibility that might exist if I make the right choices,

follow the right paths.

I sense he will come to me, and it will be up to me to save him. From what or who, I don’t

know. But I know if I do the wrong thing, he’ll die and the happiness I’ve dreamed of will never be.

Sometimes when I’m awake, I swear I can feel him there, in the mark of the lion’s claws on

my skin. It’s as if the lion was trying to tell me something when I was a child, but I didn’t have the

ability to understand. I still see his big sorrowful eyes in my mind, both in dreams and waking. And

I wonder how he really died.

I hope when the time comes, I will know what to do. I want the happiness. The man. The lion.

And the child. I want it all, and I know no matter what battles lie ahead I will fight to get it and

kill to keep it. That knowledge terrifies me even as it strengthens me. I will kill to keep it.

* * * *

Abby awoke with Tah’s erection nudging her ass. He was plastered against her back, one arm

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lying under her pillow while the other wrapped around her waist and held her close to him. He had a

leg between hers, his hard thigh pressing against her pussy. A tremor went through him, and she felt

the tremble of abused muscles, even as her pussy grew wet with desire.

She rolled in his arms and wasn’t surprised to find him blinking at her. She was happy to see

the warm brown of his eyes. His hand rubbed her ass, and his cock pulsed against her belly. There

was no way she could take him again this soon. She might be wet, but she was also sore. Before

yesterday, she’d only had a toy or her fingers inside her. Tah was bigger than both of those. A lot

bigger. And she’d taken him twice with little break between. She was going to need a little while

before they did that again.

But that didn’t mean she couldn’t do other things, things she’d been dreaming about since she’d

first laid eyes on him. With a gentle nudge from her, he rolled over to his back, and she licked her lips

as she let her eyes run over him. He was sheer masculine perfection, and he was hers. All hers.

She trailed her lips over his jaw, then along his neck, and down over his chest. She took

feminine delight in seeing the vivid mark on his skin where she’d bit and sucked at him. She hadn’t

pierced his skin as he had hers, but still, she’d marked him as hers. She licked over it, then latched on

and sucked the skin into her mouth again.

He purred under her, one hand clasping her head and holding her to him. When she released

him, she licked over his nipple, teasing it until the flat disc hardened and brushed against her lips. She

nipped it with her teeth and sucked it before moving over his chest to do the same to the other nipple.

“Abby.” Her name was a purr rumbling through his chest as she slid over to his tattoo.

She kissed him there, nuzzling against it and licking the lines of the powerful lion’s lips and

jaw. She nuzzled her nose against the one inked into his flesh. One final kiss there and she was sliding

lower still, her lips skimming over the flexing muscles of his incredible abdomen.

She felt the damp tip of his cock kiss her skin as she moved down. She turned and nuzzled

along the shaft, flicking her tongue out and tasting the rigid flesh.

“Mmmhmmmm.” It was her turn to purr as he growled and thrust his hips up at her.

“Abby,” he pleaded. “Don’t tease me.”

She cupped the taut sac of his testicles in one hand, while she wrapped her other around his

girth, so she could slide her palm along the velvet skin. She licked over him, tasting everywhere—his

balls, his shaft, and then over the mushroomed head already wet with a bit of pre-cum.

“Suck it, Abby,” he ordered her. “Suck my cock.”

She moaned as she opened wide and sucked the crowning head into her mouth. Her tongue

flirted around it, rubbing and tasting as she tightened her lips and fed on him. She used her hand on the

shaft, while she worked the head with her tongue.

“Fuck, baby. That’s it.” His fingers were wrapped in her hair as he exerted just a little bit of

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pressure while pumping his hips up. “Take more of me, baby. Let me in. Suck my dick. Suck it.”

She let him guide her, show her what he wanted and how to give it to him. She couldn’t take all

of him in, but he put his hand over hers and showed her how to work the rest of his shaft in tandem

with her mouth. She glanced up his torso and met his eyes with hers while she sucked him. It was

erotic and powerful, and she took satisfaction in seeing the pleasure she was giving him.

“Ahh, God, baby.” He groaned as he spoke, his hips pumping off the mattress to meet her mouth

and hands. “I’m going to come, baby. Feels too good. So good.”

She sucked harder, swirling her tongue and tapping it in the deep ridge under the head where it

crowned over the staff. His chest was doing that rumbly-growly thing he did as his fingers tightened

in her hair.

“I’m coming, baby. I’m coming.” He growled, throttling back a roar as the first jet of semen hit

the back of her throat and almost choked her.

He heard or sensed and tried to pull free but she gripped him with her teeth, holding him in her

mouth as he continued to come. She reveled in the taste of him on her tongue, the heated wash of his

release as it filled her mouth before she swallowed every drop down. Hers. It was all hers. And

though there might have been women before her, she would kill any woman who might try to take

what was now hers.


She reluctantly released him as he tugged gently on her head. She grinned up at him. “Not bad

for a first blow job.”

“The best blow job of my life,” he vowed, and whether it was the truth or not, she believed


She wasn’t surprised when he hauled her back up his chest and took her mouth with a heated

kiss. A man as confident and sexual as Tah wouldn’t care that she’d just swallowed his cum.

She lay on his chest for a long moment after, her chin propped up on one fist while she ran the

fingers of her other hand through his hair.

“It’s growing,” she noted out loud. “And I think you’re getting some gold streaks in here.”

“I’m changing,” he agreed. “And I can’t control it.”

She met his eyes. “You’ll be okay, Tah. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

He held her close. “Did you find any information yesterday that could help us?”

She liked the way he said us, admitting they were in this together. Then she jerked up as the

sexual haze he’d had her under finally lifted since they’d walked in the motel room however long ago.

“What time is it?”

He made no move to help her as she flounced around the room naked, searching for the clock

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before realizing she didn’t have her glasses on. And she could see. Not perfectly, but she could see.

Holy shit, normally she could barely make out shapes without her glasses.

“What’s wrong?” Tah was out of the bed, landing in a crouch in front of her as if searching for

whatever had frightened her.

“I can see,” she whispered, reaching down to pat his shoulder. “Holy crap, Tah! I can see.”

He stood up slowly, turning to look at her, and she saw whatever comment he’d been about to

say disappear as he reached up and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“You’re not wearing your glasses.”

“And I can see. What the hell did you do to me?” The words were out of her mouth and in the

air before her brain was engaged enough to stop them.

Tah flinched, and his gaze became hooded. She’d hurt him carelessly, and she hadn’t meant to.

“I’m sorry.” She moved into him, nuzzling her face against his skin and wrapping her arms

around his waist. “I’m just a little shocked here.”

His arms came around her. “I understand.”

Of course he did. Her vision was nothing compared to what was probably happening to him.

“Did you grab a phone yesterday?”

“It’s on a charger in the bathroom.”

“I contacted a friend of mine, Professor Mueller. He gave me his number and told me to call

him last night. I think he’ll be able to help us. If not, his daughter will.”

“What is he a professor of?”

“Anthropology, but he has a degree in biology as well. And his daughter Jess has multiple

degrees. Last I knew, she was working R&D with a pharmaceutical company.”

“You trust them?”

“She’s brilliant, Tah. I know she’s done research that involves using animal blood in humans

with hemophilia to see if it will help their blood clot. If anyone can help us figure out what’s going on

inside of you, it’s her. And Professor Mueller is the one who helped me find you.”

“He’s the one you went to Africa with?”

“Yes.” She nodded.

“Call him.”

Abby eased out of his arms and stepped into the bathroom to grab the phone. She punched in the

number from memory and wasn’t surprised when it was answered on the first ring.


“Hello, Professor.”

“Good Lord, girl. You scared me to death. Why didn’t you call last night? Did anything

happen? Are you okay?”

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“I’m fine. We just got a little sidetracked.” She did her best to ignore the way Tah lifted his

brow at her. She wasn’t telling the Professor they’d had sex instead.

“Is he with you? Is it safe to talk?”

“He is, and it is. I’m not keeping any secrets from him. Do you think you can help us figure out

what’s going on?”

“I’ve already put a call in to Jess. She’s married now by the way. Her relationship is

interesting, to say the least. But I think they’ll be able to give you some of the answers you’re looking

for. I contacted her last night. They’ve agreed to meet you at the cabin. Do you remember where it is?

How to get there?”

He was being vague, and that had her worried. Was he still afraid someone was listening in?

Those watching eyes he’d hinted at in the forum conversation? Or was he just being overcautious?

“I remember.”

“Good. Don’t say anything else. We’ll meet there. Don’t worry about anything you might see or

hear. Just go to the cabin. You’ll be safe there.”


“I have to go, Abby. We’ll talk later. Be safe.”

The phone clicked in her ear.

“Abby?” Tah drew her attention to him. “Is everything okay?”

“We need to head to Colorado,” she said. “There’s a cabin there. Professor Mueller wants us

to meet him and Jess there. She’ll be bringing her husband with her. The Professor said they’d be able

to help us. It was interesting.”


“I don’t know. He didn’t really say much. Just to go there and we’d be safe.”

“Was someone watching him?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “He’s always been a bit paranoid, or at least I thought so. But he

swore the whole time we were in Africa he could feel evil eyes watching us, and now I know Harlan

was there following me. So maybe he’s not so paranoid.”

“Did he say anything else?”

“He told me not to worry about anything I might see or hear.”

“What does that mean?”

“Your guess is as good as mine, Tah.”

He let out a low grumble. “Why don’t you take a bath and soak some of the soreness out while I

get our supplies together. I’ll leave some clothes out for you while I go grab breakfast.” He ran his

eyes over her body reminding her she was still naked while he’d at least pulled some jeans on, though

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they were pretty snug around the bulge at his crotch.

“There’s no way you’re horny again,” she sputtered up at him. “We had sex twice, and I gave

you a blow job just a bit ago.”

“Reminding me of that isn’t going to help it go down,” he grunted, reaching down to adjust


“Is this normal for you or…?”

He laughed. “I’m not sure what’s normal any more. But I’m telling you if you keep walking

around twitching that fine ass and shaking those gorgeous boobs, I’m not going to be responsible for

my actions.”

She sighed, caught between wanting him and knowing her body wasn’t ready for him again yet.

“Abby, I can smell you want me.” She blushed at that reminder. “But I can also sense you’re

uneasy. Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “I’m just a little sore.”

“Soak. Relax. I’ll pack up and grab some food. We’ve got a long trek today on the bike.” He

looked like he was debating whether to tell her something or not, and she narrowed her eyes at him.

“No secrets, Tah. If you want whatever this is to last, then you can’t keep anything from me.”

He jerked her to him, one hand going under her chin and lifting it. “Whatever this is? Are you

that scared, Abby? I know what I feel. I know I go crazy when you’re not here, when I can’t see you

or touch you. My whole world at the moment seems to be revolving around you and the primal

feelings I have for you. Any secrets I have are merely to protect you. Everything I am is all for you.

That’s the only thing I am sure of right now.”


Anything else she might have said was lost in his kiss. Her chest flattened against his as he

lifted her to him. She automatically brought her legs up to wrap around his waist, her hands gripping

his shoulders and holding on.

He’d been a part of her life when he was only a thought, a dream. Then he’d grown tangible

when she’d discovered a name and found him. At that point, he’d become a man to fuel her dreams

and fantasies. She’d listened to him laugh, watched him smile and joke with friends, and seen him

snarl in anger when someone got out of hand in the bar. But one thing had stayed the same the entire

time. She’d always been in love with Tah.

She clung to him, wanting to sink into his warmth and just be…be a part of him forever. As he

had morphed from dream to reality, her love had morphed from something pure and ethereal to the

carnal need of a woman for her man. And he was. Hers.

His lips moved down her neck, and she swore sparks flew through her when he licked over the

bite he’d left.

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“Mine.” The words rumbled from his lips, and she felt the vibration in his chest. God, the

things hearing that did to her.

“Yours,” she moaned.

Her agreement seemed to satisfy him. He clasped her midriff and braced her weight while she

unwrapped her legs from his waist, holding her while her feet slid down until they reached the floor

once more. She leaned against him for a long moment, his hands gliding over her skin, soothing and


“Go,” he told her. “I can’t leave while you’re standing here with me, and we need to get on the


She sighed and moved away. She’d just reached the bathroom door again when his next words

stopped her.


She turned to him.

“I’m going to need you again tonight.” He licked his lips as his gaze devoured her, and yet,

there was something more in his eyes. He was upset. For wanting her? For needing her? Or for

knowing that he wouldn’t be able to fight the need tonight? It didn’t matter to her.

“I’m going to need you too,” she whispered. A grin tugged her lips as she heard the purr rumble

up from his chest behind her. She was definitely going to need him too.

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Chapter Six

From the journal of Abby Lane

The Professor knows I’ve been sneaking away from camp. He called me into his tent tonight,

and I was afraid he would send me home. I can’t go yet. There are more questions I need to

discover the answers to.

Instead, he shocked me. He knows what I am searching for! He introduced me to one of the

other students traveling with the group. She is always with him, and now I know why. She's his

daughter, and they know the legend of the paka watu. Jess has been searching for information on

another legend, one about wolves, and has come across bits and pieces of the cat people in her


We share so much in common. I feel as if she is my soul sister, both of us immersed in

legends of the past and the belief that they are more than stories, more than tall tales spun before

a fire to entertain. We believe. For the first time in so long, I am not alone.

Professor Mueller and his daughter will help me. She’s hit a dead end on her project and

wants to work with me. I promised her I’d help her too. We spent the evening chatting as if we’d

been friends since birth, instead of meeting for the first time mere hours ago. She is by far the

most intelligent woman I’ve ever met, and I can see the pride in her father’s eyes when he looks at

her. Would my father have glanced my way with the same expression? I’d like to believe he would


Professor Mueller has warned us to be discreet and watch where we are when we talk. I’m

realizing he is a bit paranoid. He swears there is evil out there and it is watching us closely. He

urges us to be careful.

Jess and I laugh, but we relent at least in where we speak. We’re in the same tent now, and

she’s joined me on my nightly forays to visit with some of the bushmen. They seem drawn to her

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blonde beauty and effervescence. It makes them more receptive to talking with us. She seems to

have that effect on people. Where I am more quiet and introverted, she is bubbly and outgoing,

very much a people person.

One thing is certain. This trip was meant to be. No matter what answers I find here, or if I

only find more questions, I have found something I didn’t even realize I was missing. I’ve found

family in Jess and Professor Mueller. They have both accepted me into their inner circle as if I’ve

always been there. Jess says it is because I share their passion, and it makes me just as crazy as

they are.

* * * *

Abby paused with her shirt above her head at the knock on the door. It wasn’t like Tah to knock

on the door, but who knew how much food he was bringing back with him this morning. He’d

certainly burned a lot of calories with her the night before.

She pulled the T-shirt he’d purchased over her head. They definitely needed to talk about his

taste. Her jeans were snug and sat so low on her hips she was afraid to bend over for anything, in

case she ended up mooning the room. And the T-shirt, though plain, was v-necked, giving anyone who

cared to look a great view of her cleavage, which she had in spades thanks to the curve-hugging bra

he’d purchased. But God, it felt so good against her skin, along with the matching panties. He’d even

thought to pick up some thick white socks.

She cautiously pulled open the door and felt her stilted greeting dying on her lips as she took in

the two men standing there, the two very big men.

“Uhhhh,” the dark-haired one glanced at the number on the door before looking back at her. “Is

this Tah’s room?”

It only took her brain a few seconds to place them. Logan and Reno, the two buddies always

around Tah at the bar. He must have called them. Why hadn’t he told her that?

“He’ll be back in a minute.” She went with her gut and held the door wide, inviting them in.

Obviously, Tah trusted them or he wouldn’t have called, told them where he was, and had them join

him. “Come on in. You can wait for him here.”

Neither of them looked comfortable, and she almost laughed. They didn’t realize who she was.

She couldn’t blame them. She’d gotten a glimpse in the mirror earlier. The last time they’d seen her

she’d been in her normal baggy jeans and sweatshirt, her hair pulled back in a sloppy ponytail, and

glasses perched on her nose. Now she wore the clothes Tah had picked up for her, which left none of

her curves hidden. Her hair was long and loose around her, the curls still damp from washing it. And

her glasses were gone, no longer needed as her sight kept getting better.

Plus, she glowed from the time she’d spent with Tah. From his touch, his warmth, his love, or

his bite? It didn’t matter. She glowed with how he made her feel. Cherished. Precious. Needed. She

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didn’t think anyone had ever needed her in her entire life. But Tah needed her.

She blushed as they took in the obviously slept in bed. She wondered if the room smelled of

sex to them or if it just smelled that way to her.

“You can have a seat at the table.” She waved her head in that direction as she hurriedly pulled

the comforter up and over the mussed bed.

She could feel their eyes on her as she moved about the room, making sure everything was

picked up and ready to go when Tah arrived. She found his dirty jeans under the edge of the bed and

bent to pick them up. Her cotton panties were peaking out of the pocket.

She gritted her teeth as her anger fought with arousal. He’d had her panties the whole time!

Why did that thought make her sigh a little bit inside?

She felt a smile tug at her lips. He’d had her panties the whole time. Knowing that shouldn’t

turn her on. It really shouldn’t.

She heard the roar just before the door burst open as Tah crashed in. She went to her knees,

turning to face him as Reno and Logan came to their feet.

“Tah?” Logan questioned, and Abby could see the shock on his face.

Tah’s lips were peeled back in a grimace that allowed a full view of his elongated canines as

he backed toward where she knelt, a growl rumbling in his chest.

He snarled as Reno started to step forward, stopping Reno in his tracks.

“What the fuck, Tah?” Reno ground out, frustration and confusion showing on his face.

She stood up, barely making it around Tah before she found herself grabbed around the waist

and hauled up against his chest. She grasped his shoulders to hold on as her feet dangled off the floor.

“You really need to stop doing that,” she huffed, and the growl deepened. “And quit growling

at me. You invited them here. What did you expect?”

“I didn’t expect to come back and find them here in this room with you, while your lust filled

the air.” His voice resonated with anger.

She punched his shoulder without thinking. “Are you accusing me of something? Put me down!

Put me the fuck down, right now!”

He gave her a contrite look as he inhaled, and she knew he could smell beneath the anger to the

underlying hurt. He thought she might want someone else. As if that were even possible. Not for her.

There would never be anyone but Tah. He gingerly lowered her until her feet touched the floor again.

She stood in front of him, hands fisted on her hips and glared up at him. His jeans were still

dangling from one hand, while her panties were tucked inside the fist of the others.

“I let them in because you obviously called them, though I wouldn’t know that since you

conveniently forgot to let me know. Secrets, Tah. I tried to warn you about that.”

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“And your lust?” he demanded, and she did her best to ignore the discreetly cleared throats

behind her.

“I was trying to make sure we weren’t leaving anything behind. I found these under the bed.”

She jiggled his jeans in her hand before throwing them at his feet. “And guess what I found in your

pocket?” She dangled her panties up from one finger, no longer caring what Reno or Logan thought.

She was good and pissed now. “Trust me, I’ll never make the mistake of getting a little mushy or

turned on by the thought of you doing something like this again.”

She went to storm past him to the restroom, if for no other reason than to slam the door and give

herself a few minutes to calm down and deal with the embarrassment she was sure to feel soon. She’d

just dangled her panties in front of him, while his buddies looked on. But of course, he didn’t let her


She found herself trapped against the wall again, with him pressing tightly against her. And why

were her legs always lifting to wrap around his waist when he did that? She really needed to work on

that little reaction. He took the panties from her, and she did her best not to react as he stuck them in

the pocket of the jeans he was wearing now.

“You have got to stop just picking me up and hauling me around when you don’t like something.

I’m not a damn toy.” And damn it, she needed a few minutes to pull herself together.

He rubbed against her, his cock hard and heavy against the seam of her jeans. His head dropped

to her neck, and she swore he gave a soft purr.

“Tah,” she whispered his name. “You have to trust me or nothing else matters.”

“I’m sorry, Abby,” he said as he ran his lips over her skin. “I do trust you. I swear.”

His kiss was quick but thorough before he skimmed down to her neck again and nudged her

shirt over to lick over the bite. She shuddered against him as tremors went off inside her. She wanted

to hug him close, to touch him back, but she fought that need. It helped her to hear his friends moving

restlessly, reminding her she and Tah weren’t alone.

“Tah.” She pressed back toward the wall, not really putting distance between them, but letting

him see her need was there for him.

He looked up at her, and she almost gave in to the desire she saw in his eyes. But there was

more there, and that was what she needed to address right now, for both their sakes. There was fear,

and that emotion should never be seen in a man such as him. He should fear nothing, least of all what

she sensed he did fear. He had been afraid she’d rejected him, and that was something that would

never happen. Better to tell him now, to show him always, then to allow the fear to grab hold and

perhaps give someone a way to hurt him.

“Never doubt me again,” she warned him, her voice soft and firm. “I need you. Only you. There

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will never come a day when that changes for me. I am yours.”

She was lost in a pair of brown eyes with golden flecks that seemed to swirl and recede as he

shuddered and fought for control. She rubbed his shoulders and almost moaned at the sound of a purr

working up from his chest.

“Mine,” he growled.

She sighed, dropping her head forward to rub her forehead against his. “Even when you piss

me off beyond good sense,” she agreed, “I’m yours.” She patted his shoulders again. “Now put me

down. And what did you do with the breakfast you were going to get?”

* * * *

Tah slowly felt whatever was inside him quiet as Abby went about scolding him. Breakfast

was on the sidewalk outside. He’d smelled the male scents in the room with her, along with the scent

of him and Abby and the night they’d spent together. Then he’d scented her anger and lust. It had

nearly made him leap out of his skin. She was lucky there wasn’t more damage. As it was, they’d

either have to pay for the door or sneak out.

His friends’ humor wasn’t lost on him either. He could tell they had questions, and he planned

to answer them. He’d called them because they were two of the few people in this world he knew he

could trust. He needed them. Until he could get a handle on things and figure out just what the hell was

happening, he needed people he could trust to help watch his back and protect Abby. Mostly, to

protect Abby.

Watching her stomp around in a temper made him wish he’d heeded her wishes and bought the

clothes she’d wanted, instead of the ones he wanted to see her in. His dick was spike hard and

showing no signs of going down any time soon.

He needed to talk to Reno and Logan, but he wanted to do it without Abby around. He needed

to make damn sure they knew how much she meant to him. But he started going a little crazy every

time he was apart from Abby. And it seemed to only be worse now that he’d tasted her, been inside


The growl rumbled up from his chest, making Abby pause in her packing and give him a look

while Logan and Reno just stared at him. He needed to learn how to control it, but damned if he’d

figured out how yet.

“You might as well start talking to them while I’m here,” Abby finally said. “We both know

you might not want me here, but you won’t be able to let me leave.”

And he saw the shadow of hurt move behind her eyes. He felt it like a physical ache in his

chest. “I want you here,” he growled at her and didn’t like it one bit when she just cocked her hip out

and gave him a look that said she didn’t believe him.

“I’m hungry,” she reminded him. “I’m not at my best when I’m hungry.”

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“You’ve had more to eat today than I have,” he reminded her, loving the blush that covered her

cheeks as they both recalled her lips on his dick.


He loved the way her mouth spoke his name. In a whisper or shouted out, it just sounded

differently rolling off her tongue.

“I’ll feed you soon, Abby,” he told her. “Promise.”

“Abby? As in Abby Lane?”

Tah could feel Abby’s emotions as they tumbled through her eyes. She nipped her bottom lip

with her teeth and that hand automatically dipped down to rub over the scar that marred her perfect


“Abby, I’m sure you remember Logan and Reno,” he said.

She nodded and he fought the need to go to her, to take her in his arms and rub against her until

his scent dominated hers, marking her as his, and only his. He wanted to hold her and diminish the

uncertainty he sensed she felt. He was deeply afraid if he didn’t get a handle on this soon, he’d find

himself pissing circles around her and wouldn’t that just freak them out even more.

He was fighting within himself, and he wasn’t sure if he was winning or losing. All he knew

was Abby was the key to soothing the beast that fought inside him, and she kept Tah sane at a time

when he worried it would be far too easy to lose it.

“Good to see you again, Abby,” Reno offered with a smile.

I bet she’s a hot little bit under all those clothes.

He remembered the first week she’d shown up at the bar and Reno saying those words. Tah had

been surprised to find himself irritated enough to tell Reno to leave her alone. Remembering those

words now just pissed him off.

All eyes turned to him.

Fuck. He was growling again.

Abby crossed to him and put her arm around his waist, cuddling up to his side. God love her,

she knew exactly what he needed, sometimes before he did.

“I think maybe you need to start telling us exactly what’s going on,” Reno demanded.

“And what the hell’s up with that growl,” Logan added.

“Yeah,” Tah agreed. “Sit back down and get comfortable. This is going to sound about as

insane as it can. Just try to keep an open mind and hear me out.”

“We got your back,” Logan stated, and Tah didn’t doubt it for a bit.

They’d been Marines together and spent plenty of time guarding each other’s backs. But the

bonds formed in the situations they’d been in were forged in blood and lasted a lifetime, probably

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beyond a lifetime. He hadn’t batted an eyelash when Reno and Logan had shown up at the bar he

worked at and hired on. They were his brothers—along with the seven other team members Tah was

already considering getting in touch with if needed. That was part of the problem. He still was so

uncertain, and he hated it.

“Just listen. No matter how much you want to interrupt, to protest, or deny. Just listen and look.

I need you guys to hear me. I need you…”

“To believe him,” Abby finished for him when he let the last sentence hang in the air. She

rubbed her cheek against him, offering comfort and support.

What would he do without her? He prayed he never found out. He could feel the something

inside him agreeing.

“Abby and I were kidnapped.” He saw both his friends tense up but neither spoke. They were

listening like he’d asked them to. “He hung me to a wall and beat the shit out of me and plunged a

needle full of adrenaline into my chest.”

“Jesus, Tah.” Logan ran his gaze over Tah, and he knew just what his buddy was seeing. He

didn’t look like he’d been beat up just a few days ago, and he’d been purposely vague about the ways

they’d beat him. “A shot of adrenaline? You’re lucky you’re not dead.”

He cradled Abby as he felt her shudder against him. “I’m fine,” he crooned to her. No matter

the battle he waged inside and tried to hide from her.

“There’s more,” Reno prompted. “Hell, I can see the physical changes from here. There’re

blond streaks in your hair, maybe a little red too. I swear I think you’re bigger than you were, and

that’s saying something.”

“Then there’s the wicked teeth you’re sporting and that growl thing you seem to have down

pat,” Logan added.

“And was that fucking roar from you when you busted the door open?” Reno demanded.

“I swear I thought we were getting attacked by a lion or some other big fucking cat. Scared the

shit out of me,” Logan confessed.

“You have no idea,” Tah muttered.

“Maybe it would help if I told you a story first,” Abby said and, with a rub of her palm over his

chest, moved across the room to sit on the bed facing Reno and Logan.

“What kind of story?” Logan asked.

Tah couldn’t help himself. It was as if the beast inside him had a primal need to touch Abby

when any other man was around. Tah might trust Logan and Reno, but whatever was inside him didn’t

share in that. He crossed to them, lifted Abby up, and sat down, pulling her onto his lap. Abby just

sighed and settled back against his chest.

“Was that a fucking purr?” Reno asked with a grin and started laughing.

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“I love that purr,” Abby stated, and there he went, purring again, making Logan laugh as well.

Tah sat and watched as Abby spoke, sharing the legend about the paka watu or whatever it was

she called them. Cat people. She believed they existed, and so help him, he was starting to as well.

Nothing else could explain what was happening to him. He watched Logan’s and Reno’s faces,

searching for reactions to her words.

He could feel the beast crouching inside him. It felt like a constant battle lately just to keep

control. He swore there were times when it reached out and took over. Those moments, that loss of

control, terrified him more than he’d ever admit. And he was scared. Not for himself, which was the

funny part. Whatever was affecting him was working on Abby as well; now that he’d bit her.

His senses had always been good. He’d often had to pretend otherwise just to keep people

from acting differently around him. But now, they were so far off the charts he couldn’t pretend if he

wanted to. He could see clearly for a distance no man should ever be able to, especially at dusk or

early morning. His night vision was damn good too. His hearing was to the point he could listen to the

newscaster on the television in the room six doors down from them. He was fairly certain he could

hear further if he wanted to.

And the smells. He loved the smell of Abby, like sunshine and sex. He could live on the taste of

her and be a well-fed man. He admittedly enjoyed the ability to scent the smell of deceit and

rottenness on people, knowing instinctively who he could trust. Who knew such things had scents? But

they did, and he was learning all of them.

When the sales lady had hit on him when he went shopping for clothes for Abby, it had

disgusted him. He’d almost gotten violent the second time she’d rubbed her breasts against his arm. It

had sickened him, made his skin itch and crawl with the desire to tear her scent from him. He’d

almost taken Abby in the parking lot of the library in his need to feel her, to smell only her on his skin.

She belonged to him. As odd as the idea was to the man, he accepted it, knowing it was true.

And he belonged to her. That was just the way it was. She fit him as if she were made for him.

Physically, mentally, and emotionally. She understood and accepted him at a primal level no one else

ever would.

He stroked his hand through her hair as her fingers made lazy circles on his arm. They just fit.


“So, Tah’s the descendent of this lion guy of the paka watu and his lion’s emerging?”

Tah focused in as Logan voiced his question.

“Yes,” Abby answered with absolutely no hesitation. God love her, she didn’t care how crazy

they both probably sounded.

“And you believe this, Tah?” Reno asked, though both he and Logan turned to Tah, waiting for

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his answer.

Slowly, he nodded. “I’d be crazy not to believe it.” He flashed the canines again and let the

growl rumble up in his chest, not minding in the least when the smell of Abby’s pussy scented the air

around them. She really did like that growl. He bet her panties were damp with desire, and it was all

he could do to keep from kicking his friends out of the room and finding out.

“Well, okay then.” Reno nodded. “What do you need us to do?”

“You believe me?” Tah questioned, his gaze darting back and forth between them as he

squeezed Abby closer.

“You’ve saved my ass more times than I can remember with things you heard or saw or sensed

that none of the rest of us did. I’ve always known there was something different, something unique,

about you.” Reno shrugged his shoulders. “You’re a lion. I’ve always liked cats.”

Logan snorted. “I always thought I was more of a dog person, but whatever. I’m here for you,

Tah. Whatever you need.”

Tah’s body stilled as he tilted his head to the left, lifting his right ear as he zoned back in on the

television newscast several doors down.

“They found his body. The police are searching for a person of interest in the case.” He

glanced down at Abby. “You.”

“Why me?” She sputtered and he could see the fear in her eyes.

“Because Harlan’s not a stupid man.”

“Well, that’s debatable,” Abby countered. “But why have them looking for me. It’s not me he

wants. It’s you, though I’m still not sure why.”

“Because if they take you, they’ll have me. And I’ll do whatever they want to make sure you’re

okay. Don’t you know that? I’d do anything to protect you.”

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Chapter Seven

From the journal of Abby Lane

Here it is! I’ve discovered the story of what led up to the creation of what the books refer to

as the Legend of the Paka Watu. I’ve always wondered where the roots of the story came from.

Always so many questions burning my brain and no source for the answers. Until now.

The pride leader lost his young wife during the birth of their child. She labored for hours,

but the baby would not come. As she felt her spirit waning, she took a knife to her swollen belly

and cut her son free. The whole pride mourned the loss. Even the lands rebelled and famine struck

a deeper blow.

That was when a pale mwanamke, or woman, was found in the bush beaten and close to

death. The people took her in and nursed her back to health, though some whispered it was

another bad omen. She fought many demons as her body and mind struggled to heal. The fever was

strong, and many nights they prayed to the Great Creator to watch over and protect her as she

fought in the spirit world.

Then she awoke, weak of body and spirit, but alive. And with her waking, the land awoke.

The rains began and the people rejoiced. The pride leader came to see her and saw beauty in her

heart. Her laughter warmed him, and as his people grew to love her, so did he.

The family of his wife had another daughter and offered her often to take the place of her

sister, but though she was beautiful, the leader found no love in her heart and did not wish her to

mother his son. He took the pale mwanamke as his, and the Great Creator blessed him with

another son with skin pale like his mother and eyes of amber. They called him Tau after the great

lion spirit of his father. The land rejoiced with them. Food and water were plentiful, and the

people wanted for nothing.

Tau grew big and strong as his father, and more and more the people turned to him for

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answers when his father was busy or away. Only one sought out the eldest son. The one who felt

rejected by the pride leader, the one passed over when the leader took the pale mwanamke instead

of her. She plotted vengeance and weaved a web to see it done.

The older brother watched and waited, and as his aunt whispered in his ears, hate festered

and grew.

Then came the day when Tau reached manhood and spoke of a dream sent to him in the night

by the Great Creator. He was to be blessed with the same spirit as his father, a lion, fierce and


While holding the people spellbound, Tau shifted, taking the shape of the great lion he was

named for. The people celebrated, understanding the significance of his spirit guide even if Tau


Except for one, who still prayed for his spirit guide to call out to him. He watched and

waited, while his aunt whispered in his ear, encouraging his hate to fester and grow.

* * * *

“Abby’s going to need to ride with you guys. It won’t be safe for her on the bike, even with the

helmet on. They might have that information and be on the lookout for both of us, even if the news

claims it’s only her they’re looking for.”

“I’m not riding without you.” Abby glared at Tah. What the hell was he thinking or was he

thinking at all?

Tah sighed. “And I’m not taking the chance I’ll kill someone if we get pulled over and they try

to take you from me.”

“So ride in the truck with me and let Reno or Logan take your bike.”

All three men looked at her as if she was crazy. Reno and Logan she could forgive. They

weren’t up on the new Tah and how he took possessive to a whole different level. This idea of her

riding with his buddies might seem good now, but he’d busted down the door of the motel room

earlier when she was in here with them. He’d get them all killed if jealousy hit him at eighty miles per

hour on the road. And it would. Even now, he stood next to her, touching her. Any time they were in

the room together, he had to be touching her.

“I’m not letting anyone else ride my bike.”

“Then I’ll ride with you.”

“You’re not riding on the bike, Abby, and that’s final.”

All three male heads turned away from her as if that comment was the end.

“Then you’re not riding on the bike either, and that’s final.”

All three of them jerked back around to look at her, but she had eyes only for Tah. He was

pissed; she could see it in the way he slowly turned fully toward her and pulled her closer, lowering

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his head to meet her eyes.

“What did you say?”

Hmmmm. So possessive was okay as long as it was his decision to keep her glued to his side,

but not if she demanded it. If he wasn’t so on edge right now, she might challenge him over it. But that

would have to wait until later. She knew they needed to be on the road, putting as much distance

between them and Harlan as possible and heading to the safety she hoped they’d find in Colorado.

She wasn’t proud, but she was desperate. She let a whimper of distress leave her lips.

Tah instantly sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping her in his arms.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to go without you.”

“I’m going with you, Abby. We’ll just be riding separately. Don’t you trust Reno and Logan to

take care of you?” Tah glanced at his friends, and she saw his eyes narrow as if somehow one of them

had said or done something to make Abby upset.

“She’s going to get us killed,” Logan said as he nudged Reno.

She shook her head. “It’s not that. You trust them, so I trust them.” She leaned closer, rubbing

her nose against his neck. “What if I need something?”

“Reno and Logan will take care of you.” Silly man actually looked clueless.

Man, she sucked at playing these sexual games.

“I’m sorry, Tah.” She pulled away from him, not sure he was going to let her go at first. She

took a few steps toward Reno and Logan. “I didn’t realize you guys were such close friends that you,”

she cleared her throat, “liked to share.”

Tah growled behind her, and her lips twitched as she kept her back turned and ignored him.

Logan looked a little scared, but she got the impression Reno might know exactly what she was doing

and approved of her methods.

“I have to tell you I’m a little new to all this.” She chattered nervously. “Tah’s my first. I mean,

well…” She stammered a bit, suddenly embarrassed and unsure of just how far he might let her go.

“Abby.” Her name was a rough growl. She could hear the rumble of displeasure in his chest.

She turned around. “I just thought it was important to share some information with them if

they’re going to be taking care of me while you ride ahead.”

His lips peeled back from his teeth, flashing the elongated canines as he growled again.

“Is that supposed to scare me, Tah? Because I’m telling you, all it does is make me wet.”

He was just as shocked as she was when the words left her lips.

“Oh, shit,” Logan said behind her.

She heard Reno chuckle, but her attention was on Tah and the way his eyelids dropped to half-

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mast. His cheeks took on a ruddy hue as he inhaled deeply, drawing the scent of her in. Lust and need

ignited in his gaze. “Come here,” he commanded.

“I won’t ride without you.”

He growled again. “Reno can ride the bike. Now, come here.”

“I want Logan to ride the bike.” Logan was blond and wouldn’t be confused with Tah. Reno, on

the other hand, might not be as broad as Tah, but he was still a big guy with hair the same shade.

“Fine. Now get your ass over here.”

He was pissed. And horny. Her eyes dropped to the bulge in his jeans, and God help her, she

couldn’t stop her tongue from peeking out and gliding over her bottom lip. She walked to him, feeling

his gaze like a caress over her. Her nipples tightened and puckered, drawing his gaze. She stopped in

front of him and found herself turned and rushed into the bathroom.

He slammed the door and turned to lean down, meeting her eye-to-eye. “If you ever pull a stunt

like that again, I’m going to bare your ass, bend you over my knee, and spank you.”

Her pussy creamed at the surge of lust that thought sent through her. Tah’s nostrils flared as he

inhaled her need.

“Fuck!” He grunted, turning her so she faced the sink. “Brace your hands,” he commanded as he

reached around and unfastened her jeans, shoving them and her panties down around her knees.

She heard the rasp of his zipper and then the broad head of his cock nudged between her thighs.

“You push me past control,” he muttered just before he pressed in.

She did her best to keep her moan quiet as he slid through her slick heat and buried his shaft

deep. Her pussy flexed around him as her body stretched to accommodate.

Her eyes met his in the mirror as he slid almost out.

“Mine,” he growled and slammed back home.

She cried out with the pleasure that rocked her core. He gripped the hem of her shirt and lifted,

until she raised her hands and let him peel it off over her head. Her hands dropped back down to the

sink as he tossed the shirt and began a fast and furious rhythm. She rose up on her toes, wanting more,

wanting deeper, harder, faster. She was so close to orgasm. Just a little more.

“Tah!” His name was a cry from her lips. Both a demand and a plea.

That purr she loved rumbled up from his chest as he bent over her. She felt the slow swipe of

his tongue over the bite mark. Once. Twice. Then his teeth sank back in, and with a scream, she flew.

He released her with a roar as she felt the heated splash of his cum inside her. She shuddered and

shook as he jerked and spilled, laying his head against her as they both gasped for oxygen.

“We really need to talk about the fact you’re not using a condom,” she muttered when she had

enough breath to talk.

He growled behind her, scraping his teeth over the mark and sending another round of tremors

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through her. She was just getting her breath again when he tugged free and stepped away from her.

She lowered her head to the edge of the sink as he reached around her to turn the water on softly. She

should move, so he could clean up. She needed to clean up too.

He caught her off guard when he put one hand on the small of her back and used the other to

work a washcloth between her legs. She should be embarrassed, but she found it sweet instead.

“We really should be using condoms,” she told him.

He growled as she moved aside and began pulling her clothes on.

“I’m serious, Tah, and growling isn’t going to change that fact.”

He leaned his hips into the sink as he washed his cock. Then he dried it and tucked it away in

his boxer briefs before jerking his jeans up and turning to her. He bent to grab her shirt and handed it

to her, then leaned in, crowding her against the wall.

“There will be nothing between us. Ever.”


“Never, Abby. You will not get your way in this.”

“It’s my decision too!”

“Tell me you don’t love how I feel inside you. Tell me you want a barrier, separating my skin

from yours?”

She opened her mouth and then shut it. Damn him. She couldn’t lie to him. She wouldn’t.

“You are mine.”

“What does that have to do with using a condom?”

He shook his head. “Pay closer attention when we have sex later, and tell me if you think it will

work for me to use a condom.”

“What does that mean?”

“Let’s go, Abby. We’ve taken more time than we should have.” His fingers smoothed over her

cheek. “I need to get you out of here, need to get you somewhere safe, while we figure this all out.”

He bent close and rubbed his nose against hers. “I don’t think I’d survive if anything happened to


She shrugged off the embarrassment when they walked out and found Reno and Logan waiting

on them. She had little doubt they had heard well enough to know what had taken place in the

bathroom. But as she watched Tah toss his keys to Logan, she felt it was more than worth it. Tah

needed her safe, and she needed him safe…and sane.

Now, they were finally on the road. Reno was driving while Tah rode shotgun. Abby was lying

down across the backseat of the truck, a stolen pillow under her head, doing her part to appease Tah

by staying hidden. Logan followed them on Tah’s motorcycle, so Abby had gotten her way in the end.

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And she’d had another round of incredible sex before they left, making her pretty content right now.

Tah had one arm slung over the seat reaching toward where she lay, his fingers playing with a

long strand of her hair as he and Reno talked. She, on the other hand, was lost in the thoughts he’d

planted in her mind just before they’d walked out of the bathroom.

Pay closer attention when we have sex later, and tell me if you think it will work for me to

use a condom.

Now, she could think of nothing but his cock and having sex. And every heated look he sent her

way told her he was more than aware of that little fact. It was driving her crazy. She could recall

every position, every angle. The how, when, and where of it. But she couldn’t put her finger on what

he knew but wasn’t sharing with her. Something he expected her to realize on her own.

But how could she when he was her first? It wasn’t like she could compare him to another man.

She’d seen a penis before. She wasn’t so naive that she hadn’t watched a video or two and seen

plenty of pictures. But Tah was the only one she’d seen up close, the only one she’d taken inside her

body, sucked into her mouth. She had no comparison.

So, what was it? What was his body doing that made him think a condom wouldn’t work? She

let her mind go through the information she knew about lions mating.

Lions had barbs, sharp barbs that flared out all over the penis when he was inside his mate.

The barbs scraped along the female’s walls in an attempt to send her body into heat and make her

ovulate. It was pleasurable during the moment for the lioness, until the lion withdrew from her, barbs

still extended. This caused the lioness pain, which studies suggested was another way of forcing

ovulation so conception could occur.

She would definitely know if Tah had barbs. It would be hard to miss if he was scraping and

hurting her every time he pulled out. She shuddered. Please don’t let the animal emerge in that way.

She was growing way too fond of sex with Tah.

He glanced over the seat at her again, and she felt her heart contract. She loved him. Was in

love with him. She’d dreamed her entire life of finding him. And when she had, she’d thrown his life

into chaos. Here they were on the run because of her. Harlan would have never found him if not for

her. And she’d never even known the other man was watching.

What did he want with Tah? Obviously, Harlan believed her stories now and thought Tah was

the descendent of the alpha lion. But what did he want with Tah? Why had he tortured and shot him

with adrenaline? She’d always thought Harlan was mean and selfish, but she’d never thought of him

as smart. And what was the comment about hunting he’d thrown out to her? She couldn’t shake the

feeling that Harlan was just a finger of a greater hand that was reaching for them.

“Let me see the phone again, Tah. I want to ask the Professor to bring some of his journals and

collections with him. I’ve got some specific ones I want to look at.”

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“Here use mine,” Reno said and handed his phone back to her.

She quickly dialed the number the Professor had given her, but no one answered. He probably

wouldn’t answer again, since he’d told her to meet him. Pulling the number for his office from her

memory, she dialed it next.

“Professor Mueller’s office,” a woman answered, and she sounded like she’d been crying and

maybe still was.

“Is Professor Mueller in today?”

No question whether or not the woman was still crying now, as a sob carried over the phone.

“I’m sorry. I guess you haven’t heard. The Professor’s home blew up this morning. The police

think it was a gas leak. They…they found his body inside.” The woman began to cry harder. “I don’t

know why I’m telling you this. I shouldn’t be telling you this. I just can’t believe it. He’s gone. He’s


“Professor Mueller’s dead.” The words left Abby’s lips, and she could sense Tah turning

toward her.

“I just can’t believe it.” The woman was still mumbling when Abby disconnected the call.

She went numb. She could hear Tah calling her name, but she couldn’t respond. He was dead.

Because of her. Another person dead because of her and her obsession. How many more would die?

She thought of Reno and Logan, of Tah. Would she be the cause of his death too?

She would have to leave him. As soon as they got to the Professor’s safe house, as soon as she

knew he was going to be okay, she would leave. It was the only way to really protect him.

“Abby, look at me!” Tah’s command pulled her from the pain of her thoughts. “I don’t know

what you’re thinking, but forget it. This is not your fault.”

“He’s dead. I just talked to him this morning.” She laughed without any mirth. “I thought he was

paranoid.” She let her inner turmoil reflect in her eyes. “I just thought he was paranoid.”

“Pull over, Reno.”

She felt the truck move as he followed Tah’s demand. The truck had barely stopped when Tah

threw his door open and shifted the seat forward to reach Abby. He pulled her out and sat again,

cradling her on his lap in the passenger seat. “This isn’t your fault. So stop thinking that.”

She shuddered. Her teeth clenched as she fought to hold the tears at bay. Professor Mueller had

been her family. And Jess. How did she tell her friend she was the reason he was dead? They’d all

gone their separate ways after Africa. Jess off to follow a lead on her wolves and Professor Mueller

back to his papers and stuffy office. And she’d started her search for Tah. But she’d always known

they were there if she needed them, just as they knew she was.

“Abby.” His eyes flashed brown, yellow, brown, yellow. His shoulders twitched as he rolled

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his neck as if fighting to keep control. “I don’t know what’s going on or why I feel like you plan to

run. But I promise you, if you run, I will hunt you and find you. I will find you and do whatever I need

to, to make sure you never leave me again.”

Her eyes widened. How had he sensed that? “I don’t want to be the reason you die,” she


“Then don’t leave me, Abby. Never leave me. That’s the only thing that will kill me. You’re my

life. My reason to keep fighting. I’d lose everything if I lost you.” He kissed her softly on the lips.

“Do you understand me? I’d cease to exist if I lost you. There is no me without you.”

Her shoulders shook with the force of her emotions, and tears spilled down her cheeks. “I

won’t leave you. I promise.” He held her while she cried.

God help anyone who tried to use her to get at him. She wouldn’t run, but she would fight with

everything she had. And if the time came, she didn’t doubt she would kill to protect him.

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Chapter Eight

From the journal of Abby Lane

I’m at the bar again, watching Utah Pearce. I can’t stop myself. I may never find the nerve

to approach him, but I’ll never be able to deny my need to see him. There is just something

comforting about being in his presence, and knowing that occasionally, he looks my way and

notices me…even if it’s only for a brief moment.

He brings me a coke and nachos now without asking. I’ve ordered the same thing every

evening since I first came in. I’m nothing if not predictable. And isn’t that one of the reasons why

a man like Utah will never give me a second glance. Predictable doesn’t seem to be a quality that

attracts him.

It’s hard sometimes. To watch the women who come in and flirt with him. To know one of

them will probably get lucky and leave with him. I wish it were me. I sit watching and waiting, and

wish it was me he was taking home.

* * * *

Abby cuddled closer to Tah’s side in the sleeping bag. They’d finally stopped for the night. She

hadn’t been prepared for the tents and other camping gear Reno and Logan had brought with them, but

she was no stranger to roughing it. And as long as she was sleeping with Tah, it didn’t matter where

they were.

“How did you know?” The question had been running through her mind since he’d pulled her

into his lap and held her tightly, demanding she not leave him.

Tah sighed beside her, one hand wrapped around her back holding her close, while the other

played with her hair.

“I don’t know how to explain it, Abby. It’s as if whatever this is inside me knew what you

were thinking. It knew, and it was terrified.”

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She lifted up on her elbow, so she could see his eyes. “It’s your lion, Tah. How can you still be

in doubt?”

‘‘What am I supposed to do? I feel like I’m being torn in two. Every thought, every emotion is a

battle of wills. And it’s all happening inside me. I’m fighting in here.” He tapped his fingers against

his temple.

“That’s because you’re still fighting in here.” She rubbed over his chest above his heart. “You

have to accept him, or you’ll never be whole.”

“How do I accept what I find so hard to believe?”

She was shocked by the pain and rage she saw in his gaze.

“Do you know what I felt when Reno just shrugged his shoulders and accepted that I might have

a lion inside me, might turn into a lion some day? I felt rage. I hated him in that moment. The best

friend I’ve ever had in my life, and I hated him.”

“He loves you.” It was easy for her to see how they acted more like brothers than friends.

“Reno may talk about me saving his ass, but he pulled mine out of the fire more than once too.

His reflexes are better than any man I know. I swear he’s always known what I was going to do

almost as soon as I make the choice.”

“He sounds like a great friend to have.”

“He pointed you out to me more than once. I think he knew we’d end up together.”

“I don’t think anyone would have pictured the two of us together.”

“The first time he saw you, he told me to keep my eye on you. Said he just had a feeling there

was more to you than anyone would imagine.”

She gasped in surprise. “Reno said that? I remember him telling you I was looking at you again.

You said I was probably looking off in space.”

“I’m sorry, Abby. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I knew you were too good for a guy like me. You’d

stick around long enough for me to fall in love, then leave when you finally realized I would never be

at your level.”

“My level? What the hell does that mean?”

He was making her sound like a snob. Abby might be a lot of things, but she wasn’t snobby.

“You were right when you said you were the smartest woman I’ve ever met. I just assumed you

would want more than a jarhead.”

“Tah, I’ve wanted you since the first day I walked in the door of that bar and saw you. I came

in every day just to see you, to hear your voice. I would watch the women flock around you and wish

I could be the lucky one you took home that night.”

“You’ll be the only woman in my life, for the rest of my life. I don’t want anyone but you.”

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“I fell in love with the idea of you when I was just a child and you were no more than a story. I

fell in love with you as a woman who couldn’t seem to give up the little girl’s dreams that you might

exist. I walked in that door and took one look at you and felt my heart fall at your feet. Then I touched

you, held you, and I knew.”

He turned on his side, so they could lie face to face. “What did you know?”

“That no fantasy compared to the flesh and blood man. That no emotion compared to the love I

feel inside just looking at you.” She cradled his face in her hands and kissed him softly on the lips. “I

love you, Tah. All of you. Even the parts that scare you.”

“I love you, Abby. And whatever is in here,” he placed his palm against his bare chest. “It

loves you too. You seem to be the only thing we agree on.”

“What is it that scares you, Tah?”

“Other than the whole prospect of shifting into an animal?” he asked sarcastically, then sighed.

“Sorry. That wasn’t fair.”

“Tah, I may understand the possibility, but it isn’t happening inside me. I can only watch you.

And I’m scared.”

“I’d never hurt you. I swear.”

“I’m not afraid of you. I’m afraid for you. If I could fix this, I would. I did this to you.”

“How did you do this to me?”

“If I hadn’t kept searching and looking, then no one would have been the wiser. I’m the one

who couldn’t let it go, who kept searching until I found you. Then I couldn’t stay away.”

“I’m glad you couldn’t stay away.”

“But if not for me, you’d still be in that bar. And none of this would be happening.”

“Which means I wouldn’t be lying here with the woman I love tucked beside me. I’ll take the

unknown over the past any day as long as I have you.”

“What can I do to help you, Tah? How do I help you?”

He pulled her tighter and buried his face in her hair. “Just love me, Abby. No matter what

comes at us. Just love me.”

“Always.” It was a promise she knew she’d keep.

She lay awake long after Tah finally fell asleep. She had too many things on her mind.

Memories of her parents. Would she ever get the answers to what had really happened that day?

Harlan was the only one who knew for sure, but his story of the lion going crazy and attacking her

wasn’t true. The lion hadn’t been attacking her. So how was she to believe Harlan’s tale of how it

killed her parents?

And Professor Mueller… How did she forgive herself for pulling him into this? Had Harlan

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killed him? If he’d followed her in Africa, then he would know how close she’d become to the

Professor and his daughter.

Oh, God! Was Jess safe? Was she already at the cabin? Or was Harlan even now hunting her

down to get to Abby? What had she done?

She looked down at Tah, brushing his hair softly from his forehead. What would she do if

anything happened to him? She’d survived the loss of so much already in her life, but she didn’t think

she’d survive losing him. God, please don’t let her lose him.

She lay awake, finding comfort in the simple act of watching him breathe. He was so warm,

like a big electric blanket warding off the night chill. So strong and powerful. She was blown away

that he loved her.

It startled her a bit when his eyes just popped open. Brown with a swirl of yellow around the


“You’re awake,” she whispered.

“I need you.” He moved against her, and she felt the brush of his arousal.

“I’m right here,” she whispered.

It took some maneuvering, but they managed to strip without leaving the sleeping bag. Tah

rolled her over and used his knees to spread her legs wide. One hand dipped down between her

thighs, touching just the way she needed him to, while his mouth claimed hers in a heated kiss that

caused more liquid to spill and coat his fingers.

“You’re so wet,” he moaned as he slid his lips over her jaw and up to nip at her earlobe. “So

tight and hot. I can’t get enough of you, Abby. I want you all the time. Always.”

She moaned and arched up into his touch, rubbing her nipples against his chest as she rode his


“I want you too, Tah,” she promised, slipping her hand down to curl around his cock. “Now.

Take me now.”

She heard the deep rumble of his sexy purr just before he moved his hand, wrapping it around

hers where she griped him. Together, they rubbed him along the seam of her sex before pressing the

head against her opening.

“Yours, Tah,” she swore. “I’m yours.”

“Mine,” he growled, his teeth flashing, as he thrust deep.

“Yes,” she agreed, trying to muffle her cries against his chest as he moved inside her.

“Feel me,” he crooned. “Feel me, Abby.”

“Yes,” she cried out again. All she could do was feel him. Then his earlier comment tickled her


Pay closer attention when we have sex later, and tell me if you think it will work for me to

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use a condom.

She did her best to fight back the waves of pleasure that sought to steal her thoughts. It was hard

to focus on the feel of his cock without losing herself in the sensations drowning her. God, he felt so

good, rubbing along her walls. He was stroking every nerve to life, and her pussy was rippling and

clenching around him. God, what was he doing?

“Tah?” She couldn’t keep the slight rasp of fear out of her voice. What was happening to his


“Feel it? Feel how my cock is changing inside you?”

“Yes,” she whimpered as she felt her orgasm fast approaching. “I need to see,” she forced the

words out, though the last thing she wanted was for him to withdraw.

“Can’t stop,” he growled, fucking her faster, his cock surging deeper with each thrust. “Abby.”

Her name was a moan of pleasure on his lips.

“Tah!” There was no way to smother her cry. It was too much. The small swellings along his

cock were growing even bigger. They rubbed her walls, increasing the friction and sending her into a

cataclysm. Pleasure crashed over her, ripped through her, and sent her flying into an abyss.

“Feels so good,” he growled. “Too good.”

He lowered his head, and she felt the stroke of his tongue over the bite mark. Just that little

touch had the power to throw her higher. Then he bit, his teeth piercing her skin again and sinking in

to hold her in place as she felt the first heated splash of his cum. She shuddered and shook as tremors

coursed through her. She couldn’t focus on his cock, on the changes in it. She could only hold tight to

Tah in an attempt to keep from flying apart.

She was still trembling when he pulled his teeth free and licked over the bite.

“It’ll never heal with my constantly biting you there,” he whispered against her skin.

“It doesn’t hurt,” she assured him. “It feels…like nothing I’ve ever known. The pleasure

increases when you bite me. I can’t explain it.”

A throat cleared outside the tent.

“We’ve got another hour before we should hit the road again.” Reno’s voice was soft as he


“We’ll be ready,” Tah answered just as softly.

Abby lay beneath him, his cock still inside her, and tried to sort through what she’d felt. He

was still changing.

“I didn’t notice that the first time we were together,” she whispered.

He lifted his hips from her, pulling free and rolling to his back beside her. She turned to her

side, lifting up on her elbow to look down at him as she waited for him to talk.

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“It didn’t happen the first time.” He began to run the fingers of one hand through her hair,

whether to soothe her or him, she wasn’t sure. “I noticed it the second time. Hell, if I didn’t know

better I would have sworn I’d put on a ribbed condom. I don’t know what’s happening to me.”

She could hear the fear in his voice, and her heart almost broke. He should never be afraid of

himself. “The lion has these things called barbs or penile spines that are thought to be a means of

stimulating the female into ovulation. They scrape the walls during sex and are thought to be painful

for the female when the lion pulls free of her body. It’s all about forcing her body into conception.”

“You said it didn’t hurt you?”

“No, it’s pleasurable,” she assured him.

“So far,” he growled. “But who knows how it will keep changing. I could feel each spot

swelling more this time. And I can feel them along my entire shaft now. The first time I only felt them

along the top of my shaft, just beneath the head.”

He was worried. She could feel it rolling off of him like a heated wave.

“Well, aren’t I just a lucky girl,” she purred, running her fingers up and down his chest.

“How do you figure that?”

“I’m the only one with a man whose cock is built completely for my pleasure.” She leaned in

and kissed him softly on the lips. “And it is, you know,” she whispered as she licked along his jaw.

“Pure pleasure.”

He groaned and pulled her lips back to his, thrusting his tongue in and winding it around hers.

Both of his hands cupped her head and held her close. She speared her fingers through his hair just as

possessive in her desire to keep him near. Her lungs were burning for oxygen by the time he broke


“If it ever hurts, you’ll tell me,” he commanded. “I won’t hurt you. Ever.”

She nodded her head.

“Say it, Abby. Promise me.”

“I promise, Tah.”

“I feel like there’s a war going on inside me. Sometimes I don’t feel like I’m in control. I’m

afraid to sleep or let my guard down, in case something happens and I don’t make it back. It feels like

I’m ripping apart on the inside, like my body can’t contain whatever is happening to it.”

“We’ll get help. We’ll find answers.” No matter what it took, she would do anything to help


“All I know is the only time I feel like me is when I’m with you. As long as I can smell you,

touch you, I can breathe. The only time I’m not battling is when I’m inside you, feeling you grip my

flesh with yours.”

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“I’m here for you. Anything you need,” she promised.

“I can’t keep from touching you,” he growled.

“I love your touch.”

He shook his head. “It’s more than that. I take you, and I just want you again. I feel your skin

and my cock grows so hard I’m afraid it will burst before I get inside you. I ache and only you can

soothe me. I hunger and only you can satisfy me. I burn and only you can douse the flames. I need you

in ways that terrify me. I know that losing you would make me go insane, and I have no idea what

would happen then.”

“You’re not going to lose me. I swear.”

“And if Harlan comes back? With more men?”

“I’ll do as you say. I’ll hide or stay wherever you need me to. I won’t put myself at risk. I love


He shuddered underneath her, and she tumbled onto his chest when he tugged her closer,

wrapping his arms around her.

“There may come a time when you fear me, Abby.”


He placed a finger against her lips. “Neither of us can be sure of how all this is affecting me.

I’m changing in more ways than just the ones you can see and feel.”

“I’ve already told you, Tah. If it’s fear you see in me, then it’s fear for you and what you’re

going through. It’s not fear of you.”

“We can be at the cabin today,” he told her. “Do you still want to go there now?”

Now? Because Professor Mueller wouldn’t be meeting them there. Because he was dead. She

locked the pain away. She’d already cried. She had to stay strong for Tah. He needed her.

“Yes,” she answered. “He’d already contacted his daughter Jess and her husband to meet us

there. She’ll be able to help us figure out what’s going on with you.”

“Will she still help?”

“Of course she will,” Abby assured him. “Jess won’t blame either of us for what happened. It’s

not who she is.”

He nodded. “Then we need to get going. I can feel…” His shook his head, letting his words

linger unfinished. “I can’t shake the feeling I’m running out of time.”

Fear curled in her belly as every prayer she could think of went through her head. She closed

her eyes and thought of the Great Creator, the god of the paka watu, and she prayed. She prayed for

guidance and for protection.

Please don’t take him from me. Please don’t take him from me.

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It become a litany in her head, a prayer she couldn’t quiet.

Please don’t take him from me.

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Chapter Nine

From the journal of Abby Lane

I tried to force myself to stay away today, but I failed. It was late when I walked in. The first

thing I noticed was that Utah wasn’t behind the bar. I must have looked scared because one of his

friends came up to me and walked me to my table. He said he would get my nachos and coke right

out to me.

I wanted to ask where Utah was, but part of me was afraid to hear. Did I want to know he

was out with a woman, so I could torture myself with those thoughts all night? But I tortured

myself with them anyway. I kept imagining his strong hands stroking over some faceless woman’s

body. His touch would feel like heaven.

I stayed for an hour but couldn’t bring myself to touch the food. Somehow I knew it wouldn’t

taste the same without Utah there. He just made everything better.

Why do I torture myself like this? Who am I fooling? Even if Utah is the descendent of the

great Tau, it’s evident he has no clue. The beast has slept for so long, for so many generations, I’m

not sure if it can be reached. His animal spirit would be hidden so deeply inside him that it would

take something incredible to awaken it. And how would Utah handle that awakening? How would

it change his life?

I’m selfish enough to hope it happens. Vain enough to believe I could help him work through

it and embrace the lion. And then what? Where do I turn when he has all the help and information

I can give him and he walks away? I can’t imagine a day without seeing him and doesn’t that make

me the most pathetic of creatures alive…

* * * *

“We’re almost to the turn off Abby mentioned,” Reno stated as he drove the truck down the


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They’d hit Colorado an hour ago. Abby was lying in the back seat again, while Tah sat up front

with one hand dangling over his seat, lazily rubbing her arm. His fingers were warm and seemed to

leave a trail of heat across her skin.

“How long?” Tah asked, as he tilted his head and let his gaze meet Abby’s. She could see the

need in his eyes and tried not to squeeze her thighs together as her pussy clenched with desire.

What was going on? His sex drive was going through the roof. He wanted her constantly, and

she was just as bad. Whatever those bumps on his cock were, they had her wet and screaming for

more within a few strokes. Hell, they had her wet and ready at the mere thought of feeling them again.

But this couldn’t be normal. Tah was still hard after he came, ready and willing to take her again and


“Looks like another sixty miles,” Reno said, his head turning as if glancing toward a road sign

on the right.

“I need to stop before then,” Tah stated.

“Jesus, Tah!” Reno exclaimed. “Again?”

That rumble started in Tah’s chest as he gave a low warning growl.

“Fine. Fuck. Whatever.” Reno grumbled.

Abby blushed and for the first time was glad she was hidden in the backseat. Tah had made

them stop twice already. The first time Abby had been worried when he’d grabbed her hand and

tugged her after him. She hadn’t even blinked when he pulled her into the men’s room. She’d been

worried right up to the point he turned her around to face the wall, jerked her pants and panties down,

and began fucking her. She’d been boneless when they returned to the truck, and there was no hiding

what they’d done.

The second time they’d stopped she’d questioned if he was okay. He’d had to carry her back to

the truck after that encounter. Her throat was still sore from the screams of pleasure he’d drawn from

her. No matter how great his need was, he seemed to settle as soon as he was buried inside her. Then

it was all about her. He only let himself go once she was lost in her orgasm. Then his teeth would

lock into the bite mark and his cock, with all those wonderful protrusions, would swell further as he


“Tah?” The question was in her voice as she called his name. She didn’t want to discuss

whatever was going on in front of Reno, but she was concerned enough to try discreetly.

“I need you.”

Her face flamed red as Reno snorted as he drove.

“Are you okay?” she whispered the question, even though there was no way Reno couldn’t hear


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“It’s an itch I can’t scratch enough. I’m burning up.”

“They make stuff for that,” Reno offered. “Creams. Antibiotics.”

Tah growled again, this one not so low.

“Sorry. Bad joke. There’s a roadside park a half-mile up the road. Says no facilities though.”

“Stop there,” Tah ordered.


“Unless you want me to come over the back of this seat and fuck you while Reno listens, we

need to stop.”

Abby almost sat up to look at him. His breath was coming hard and fast, as if he were panting.

She should be embarrassed, but she wasn’t. Not yet. Not now. That might come later. Right now, her

only concern was for Tah.

“Turning off now. Hold on there, buddy.”

She could hear the concern in Reno’s voice as well.

The truck stopped and Tah threw open his door, jerking the seat forward enough to pull her out

after him.

“Just a sec,” she whispered. “I don’t have shoes on.” She hadn’t seen the point of keeping them

on when she was just lying down.

Tah tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold and took off walking.

“What the fuck? Again?”

She buried her head in Tah’s back as Logan’s words reached her. She swore her senses were

getting better too. She was almost certain her vision was better than 20/20 now. She could hear things

she shouldn’t be able to pick up on because of the distance. Her sense of smell was off the charts,

which wasn’t always a good thing. What worried her a little was the sensitivity of her skin. She was

only soothed when Tah was touching her. Logan had brushed by her earlier, and she’d jerked away

from him so quickly she almost fell.

It didn’t hurt. Not really. But there was a nausea inducing feeling that left her a bit clammy and

shaken. It had disappeared as soon as Tah held her close. He had sensed something but hadn’t pressed

when she told him nothing was wrong. The last thing she needed to do was upset him with the changes

taking place in her. He had enough to deal with.

He stopped so suddenly she almost squeaked when he eased her off his shoulder and her feet

hit the ground. She let herself keep going until she was on her knees in front of him. He’d walked them

off into a wooded area, but she didn’t glance around. Her focus was completely on him.

“Abby,” he moaned her name.

“Shhh,” she soothed him. “Let me take care of you.”

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She reached up and popped the button free then tugged the zipper down slowly over his

erection. He wasn’t wearing underwear, and his cock thrust out as soon as she parted the material.

She’d commented on it earlier, and he’d said his skin was sensitive. If he could be naked, he would

be. She didn’t think Reno would be okay with that one.

All thought left her mind as her palm wrapped around him and drew the mushroomed head

toward her mouth. A drop of pre-cum glistened there and she ran her tongue across him, tasting it

before opening wide and sucking the head in. He groaned as she sucked, her palm rubbing up and

down the shaft while her other hand slipped lower to caress the taut sac beneath.

His fingers sifted through her hair, gripping her scalp and holding her close as his hips began to

move. God, he was hot, so hot, and she was suddenly ravenous for the taste of him.

“Abby.” Her name was a purr of pleasure this time. “You feel so good, baby. Suck my cock.

Just like that, baby. Oh, yeah, use that tongue right there.”

She flicked her tongue under the head, finding the notch and tapping before swirling around the

head again. She was squeezing his shaft now, squeezing and rotating her hand as she worked up and

down. Tah was thrusting into her, fucking her mouth as he moaned.

She tried to pull back enough to notice a few things. His cock wasn’t changing physically while

she used her mouth on him. What she felt when he was buried in her pussy only seemed to happen

while he was there. Which made her believe the protrusions might have something to do with trying to

stimulate her body into ovulating, just as the penile barbs did in the lion. When she was ovulating,

would Tah’s penis become painful upon withdrawal just as a lion’s was?

“Abby, baby, I’m going to come,” Tah growled above her.

She sucked harder, her lips tightening as her hand pumped a bit faster up and down. His grip

tightened, and she felt the tug at her scalp as her hair was pulled. She moaned around him, enjoying

the pleasure/pain sensations it gave her.

He throttled back his roar as the first jet of his semen hit the roof of her mouth. She swallowed

and used her tongue to rub the sensitive notch as he gave her more of his seed. His taste was

unbelievable. Salty with a hint of something sweet. She couldn’t quite place her finger on what it

reminded her off, but it was there in the back of her mind. Whatever it was, she craved it, couldn’t get

enough of it.

He pulled back from her mouth, and she wasn’t surprised to see his cock still rock hard.

“Push your pants down,” he ordered. “Turn around on your hands and knees.”

She complied quickly, just as eager to feel him inside as he was to be there. What was

happening to them? She should be sore, unable to keep going, to keep taking him. But she wasn’t.

Hell, just a look from him and she was wet and ready to be mounted. And that’s exactly what he’d

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been doing today. Mounting her. Again and again and again.

“Hurry,” she urged, and her pussy clenched when he growled behind her.

His cock lodged at her opening. His hands gripped her hips, lifting her just a bit as he slammed

deep. Her cry challenged his purr as he began fucking her. Nothing had ever felt so good in her life.

The ground should be uncomfortable, at the least, even with her jeans bunched under her knees. But it

wasn’t even a consideration. All she felt was him. Around her. Inside her. Part of her.

“Harder!” she demanded, rocking her hips back into his every thrust. “Take me harder.”

He growled behind her as he shifted his body, coming over her. One hand slid under her,

sliding over her belly and down to the slick folds of her cunt. He found her clit and rubbed against it

before he used his thumb and index finger to pinch and tug on it.

She screamed again, her body tightening like a rubber band as her orgasm hovered just out of


“Tah!” she cried his name out, as he rode her hard and fast. Those bumps were back and bigger

than ever. Each thrust rubbed her walls, setting her nerve endings screaming with pleasure. It felt…

amazing, incredible, better than anything in the world. Nothing could compare to having Tah inside


He lowered his head to her neck, and she lifted a hand to jerk her hair out of the way, leaning to

the side so he could taste where she wanted him to. The first touch of his tongue over the bite mark

had lava flowing in her veins. Her pussy rippled around his cock, and her stomach clenched tightly.

He licked again and she could feel that invisible band tightening further, pressing her closer

and closer to orgasm.

“Bite me.” She growled the words at him, demanding what she knew her body was waiting for.

With a roar, he struck, his teeth sinking in as his mouth latched onto her skin and sucked. She

felt his cock swell even bigger. Her hands clawed at the ground as she slammed into her orgasm. It

didn’t just wash over her, it consumed her, throwing her so high, so fast, she didn’t know if she’d

ever come down again.

His cock jerked inside her as he filled her with blast after blast of semen. His teeth slipped

from her skin, and he licked over the permanent wound there.

“Mine,” he whispered it over and over again, as he continued to jerk inside her. He was

ejaculating more now than he had the first time he took her. So many changes, so quickly.

He kissed her mark once more before tugging his cock from her body. She knew without

looking he was still hard. She could feel it as he eased out of her pussy.

“Tah?” She glanced back at him over her shoulder and knew he could see the worry in her


“I’m fine, Abby,” he promised as he tucked his rigid flesh back inside the jeans he’d already

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managed to tug back up. “Are you okay, baby?”

She could see the fear in his eyes and knew it was for her.

“I’m boneless with pleasure,” she teased him.

He smiled down at her, helping her as she struggled to stand and pull her panties and jeans

back into place. Once she was finished, he scooped her up and held her high against his chest,

cradling her against him. She snuggled closer and swore she’d be purring if she could. She wrapped

one hand around his neck, playing in the strands that touched his neck. The once rich brown was now

streaked with shades of red and blond.

She kissed his jaw softly, and he glanced down to smile at her as he walked them back to

where Reno and Logan were waiting.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” She casually let her hand rub over the back of his neck. He was

more than just warm. How had she not noticed sooner? His skin was hot to the touch, and she’d bet

anything he was running a temperature.

“I’m fine,” he assured her again. “I’m sorry. I just can’t seem to be able to keep my hands off of

you. I want you constantly, and I get to the point where I can’t fight the need anymore.”

“It’s not a hardship to be wanted by you,” she said with a laugh, trying to ease the tension she

could feel in him. “How close did Reno say we were to the turn-off?”

“About sixty miles, maybe a little closer now.”

“We’ll have to park and hike a bit when we get there. I’ve only been there once. It’s remote and

not easy to find. Professor Mueller is paranoid.” She closed her eyes and felt Tah’s arms tighten

around her at the wash of pain she felt. “Was paranoid.”

“I’m glad he was paranoid,” Tah said. “I’m feeling that way myself lately.”

“What do you mean?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s like the hair on the back of my neck is standing on end

constantly. I swear I can feel eyes on me, but I can’t find them. And trust me, my senses are so good

right now I should be able to find them.”

She did trust him. If her senses were expanding and growing, she had no idea what his were


“‘Bout fucking time,” Reno muttered as they came within sight of the truck.

Tah growled and she wondered if Reno realized they could hear him. The way his eyes

narrowed made her think he might, which just brought up all kinds of questions about Reno. There

was just something about him she couldn’t put her finger on. But she trusted him. Mostly because Tah

did, but still.

“I think I know where we are,” Abby said as she looked around. It wasn’t easy for her to give

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directions while lying in the backseat, so she had to trust them to follow her guidance without

checking on them. “There’s a mom and pop store just up the highway, where we can stop and get

some supplies.”

“You don’t think this cabin will be stocked?” Logan was the one who voiced the question as he

stood up from his reclined position against the hood of the truck.

“It’s not really a cabin like you might picture,” she offered.

“What is it?” Tah asked.

“Well, it’s big, really big. Like a huge house set in the middle of nowhere. I have no idea how

many bedrooms are even there, but the downstairs alone has five.”

“Downstairs?” Reno prompted.

“There are four floors to it,” Abby said.

“What the hell was the Professor preparing for?” Reno asked.

“I’m not sure,” Abby offered with a shrug. “I’ve only been there once, and I didn’t see the

whole place while I was there.”

“Well, either way, let’s get going,” Reno stated. “Logan and I are going to switch out.”

“What’s up?” Tah asked immediately as he opened the truck door and sat Abby in the

passenger seat where he normally sat.

Reno shook his head. “I don’t know, but something has me damn twitchy, like I can feel eyes on

the back of my head, but I can’t track ‘em.”

Abby glanced at Reno. He felt it too?

“What’s the plan?” Tah asked as he turned his back, letting his hips rest against the seat

between her thighs. She leaned into his back, and he seemed to settle at her touch.

“I’ve been looking over the map while you were gone. There’s another turn off about fifteen

miles past the one Abby said we should take. If I take it, I can come in from the opposite side. Should

give me a chance to see if those eyes have wheels and if they’re following the bike or the truck.”

Tah nodded.

Reno glanced at him as if deciding something before he finally spoke. “I think Abby should be

in the front seat with you.” He held his hand up when a growl rumbled up in Tah’s chest. “Hear me

out. If we have a tail, they know she’s with us anyway, especially with all the stops today. They

already know she’s not on the bike. That only leaves the truck.”

“I won’t let them take her.” Tah was shaking with anger, and Abby did her best to rub against

him, trying to soothe him.

“None of us will let them take her, buddy,” Logan promised. “Reno looks most like you. If he

takes the bike, maybe they’ll think we made them. They might believe you’re going off on your own,

while we guard Abby. It will let us know who they’re really after.”

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“You can’t let Reno go off on his own. What if they get him?” So much for soothing Tah, Abby

thought as she began shaking.

“I’ll be fine,” Reno promised. “I know they’re out there.”

“If they think you’re Tah, they’ll know you’re aware of them.”

Reno smiled. “I’ll lead them on a merry chase before circling back to join you guys.”


“He’s right, Abby. It’s a good way of seeing who’s following and who they really want.”

“I don’t like this,” she huffed.

“I’m touched you care,” Reno stated with a grin that had Tah growling again. It surprised her

when Reno just laughed.

“I care because I know how much you mean to Tah,” she said.

Reno sobered. “Take care of him.”

She knew what he was saying, even if no one else wanted to admit it. If something happened to

Reno, he was trusting her to watch over and look after Tah. She nodded. She would give her life to

save Tah. More importantly, she would kill to save him.

Reno looked at her as if he knew just what she was thinking. It was a little disconcerting. But

she chalked it up to her changing senses and the way they were throwing her off balance.

“See you tonight,” Tah said, as Reno pushed off from the truck and headed toward the bike.

“And there better not be a single fucking scratch on my bike.”

Reno threw his head back and laughed as he straddled the motorcycle and started it.

Logan shook his head. “Let’s get in and get going,” he said as he walked around to the driver’s

side and slid behind the wheel.

Tah shifted, and Abby slid over to give him space to get it. As soon as he was in, she was

firmly tucked against his side, his arm around her, holding her close.

She snuggled in, feeling the heat pouring off of him. She was more worried about that than

anyone stupid enough to follow them. They weren’t alone and unaware anymore. It wouldn’t be so

easy to take them now that they were alerted that the threat existed. No, what she was worried about

was Tah and the way his body was reacting to the changes taking place inside him. She prayed Jess

would be there, when they arrived, and would be able to help them come up with some answers.

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Chapter Ten

From the journal of Abby Lane

I forced myself to stay home today. I didn’t want to take the chance of returning to the bar

and finding out Utah was still gone. I have to break this hold I’ve invented between us. There is no

“us”. There is only Utah, and standing alone on the other side of the room is me. I should know

better. Essentially I’ve spent my whole life alone, or at least on the outside looking in.

My parents loved me, but I remember all the times I spent watching them. The way they

loved each other, there were times when I really think they forgot I was there. I want a love like

that some day. I want to know when my husband looks at me, I am all he can see, all he desires in

the entire world. Foolish dreams.

My grandmother tried to help me when I went home with her from the hospital. But even I

knew I wasn’t the same. The laughing, carefree girl disappeared the day my parents died, and I

can’t seem to want to bring her back. I did my best to behave and be the good girl my grandmother

was always telling everyone I was.

I studied and learned, excelling and easily taking the top spot in my class. I didn’t join any

clubs or after school activities. Instead, I used the excuse that my grandmother needed me to help

her. I’ve lost track of the lies and reasons I told her as to why I came straight home. I’d tell her I

had too much homework, but it wasn’t school that kept me in my room all those nights


It was a love that even death couldn’t shake. A love for lions and the legend of the paka

watu. I knew my grandmother was afraid for me, and sometimes I wondered if she was afraid of

me. She taught me things, about hiding and fighting. She signed me up for a self-defense course

and encouraged me to learn how to shoot a gun.

I’m not sure what she feared, or even if that fear was founded. At times she was the sanest

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woman I knew. And sometimes, she made little sense at all. The only thing I’m sure of anymore is

that she loved me. She loved me, and all I could do was think of my parents and hope loving me

didn't kill my grandmother too. They said it was a heart attack that took her from me, but

sometimes I question that.

* * * *

“This is as far as we go,” Logan said as he pulled the truck to a stop along the dirt path Abby

had pointed out.

“We’ll do our best to camouflage it,” Tah said. “How far is the hike from here?”

“About three miles if I remember correctly. I was with Jess last time I was here.”

“Good grief. Was the Professor preparing for the end of the world?” Logan asked.

Tah growled and Abby realized he was picking up on her sadness. She shrugged her shoulders.

“I’m not sure what he was preparing for.”

“I’m sorry, Abby,” Logan offered with sincerity.

She nodded as she let Tah tug her out of the truck after him.

“Are you okay?” she asked immediately.

He grinned, but she could see the flush of the heat riding his skin and her worry only increased

as he nodded. “I’m fine. I think I might be able to keep from pawing all over you until we reach the


Logan laughed as he went around the back to start unloading the few supplies they’d picked up.

But Abby could see the control Tah was exerting just to hold himself together.

“I’m here whenever you need me,” she whispered softly to him. “Any time. Any place.”

He nodded his head and gave her hand a squeeze before he began looking around. “I’ll grab

some downed limbs and stuff to see if we can at least make the truck look like it’s been here for a bit.

I won’t go far,” he promised. “Stay close to Logan.”

Abby nodded as she watched him move away.

Logan was pulling supplies out and stacking them on the ground. He was opening backpacks

and packing them with the things they’d bought.

“Can I help?”

He glanced up with a smile and went back to packing. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to help

carry stuff. I only brought three packs, but with Reno coming in later, it would help if you took one.”

“I can carry a backpack, Logan. I usually don’t go anywhere without mine.”

He laughed. “Yeah, I remember you always lugging it into the bar with you.” He sighed as he

stood and shuffled from foot to foot while he looked around.

“Just spit it out,” she finally prompted, but she wasn’t prepared for the anger she saw in

Logan’s eyes when he looked at her.

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“What happened to him, Abby? What did you do? He was at work fine one night, and then he

didn’t show up the next day or the next. Then Reno gets a call that Tah’s on the run and needs help.

Tah. On the run. Never thought I’d see the day. Everyone loves Tah. Everyone. Then we show up, and

he’s practically jumping out of his skin, making animal sounds that scare the piss out of me and acting

like the most possessive man I’ve ever met. Tah’s never been possessive of women. He takes what

they offer and moves on. He’s restless that way. I’ve never seen him act the way he does when he’s

with you.” He stopped and shook his head, and Abby realized some of the hurt she was feeling at his

words must be showing on her face. “I’m sorry. I’m not knocking how he is with you. I want him

happy, and you seem to make him happy. I’m just trying to understand what the hell is going on here.”

“I love him,” she whispered, feeling suffocated by the guilt weighing her down like a blanket.

“I know you do, Abby,” he said with a sigh and the anger dimmed in his eyes. “It’s the only

reason I’m not pushing him when it comes to you. I can see how much you love him. I can see the

worry and the fear for him on your face. And I know that losing you would kill him.”

“Losing him would kill me, too,” she whispered, wrapping her hands around her waist and

holding tight.

He nodded. “I can see that too. This has just caught me off guard, and I’m worried. Really


“Me too,” she whispered. “Me, too.”

* * * *

Tah sensed Abby’s pain easily and made his way silently back toward her. It was easy to hear

the conversation between her and Logan. Part of him wanted to rip Logan apart for accusing her of

doing something to him, but he could sense his friend’s worry just as he could feel Abby’s. And he

wanted Logan to accept Abby and be her friend. If anything happened to him, then he needed to know

Logan and Reno would see to Abby.

As they went back to arranging the supplies they’d have to carry, Tah turned and grabbed the

first few limbs he saw on the ground and began dragging them back toward the truck.

“Jesus, Tah,” Logan grunted as he saw him. “I thought you were bringing limbs not the whole

damn tree.”

Tah turned and really looked at what he was pulling. Apparently his strength was increasing as

well as everything else. He’d have to be careful not to be careless and accidentally hurt Abby.

His body was already burning for her again. Her scent tickled his nose and had his cock

throbbing with the need to be back inside her. What the hell was going on with him? He’d always had

a lot of stamina, but nothing compared to how he was with Abby. His cock had been hard since he

woke up this morning wrapped around her, and no matter the number of times he’d taken her today, it

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showed no signs of settling down.

His clothes were itching the hell out of him too. He wanted nothing more than to strip to the

skin and stay that way. Preferably with Abby beside him just as naked. And he needed to get those

thoughts out of his head, or he’d never make it the last few miles without having to stop and take her


He was at the point where he believed Abby. The idea that there was a lion inside him was the

only thing that made sense at the moment. What else would account for all the changes happening to

him? The change in his teeth and cock were the biggest two as far as he was concerned. He was damn

glad Abby seemed to like the swelling ridges or bumps all over his cock. Honestly, though it felt like

heaven when he was inside her, it freaked him the fuck out.

All of it was freaking him out. He shouldn’t be able to focus and hear the things he could. His

vision, always above par, shouldn’t reach the limits it now did. And his skin was beyond sensitive.

He’d done his best to keep Abby as close as possible. Her touch seemed to be the only thing he could


“I’d say that’s enough,” Abby’s voice interrupted his thoughts as he dragged a few more limbs

in to help hide the truck.

Logan had a pack thrown over his shoulders. The thing had to weigh at least a hundred pounds.

Abby had a smaller pack on her back that still appeared too heavy for her to be carrying, and a third

pack sat on the ground in front of them.

Tah walked over, took the remaining pack, and pulled it on before holding his hand out to

Abby. “I’ll get that for you.”

“The day I can’t carry my weight is the day I’m dead,” she responded, and he couldn’t stop the

growl of displeasure that rumbled up through his chest.

“And you can stop that right now,” she said. “I’ve got this.” She leaned in and nuzzled her nose

against his chest. “I appreciate the offer though, and I promise I’ll tell you if it gets too heavy.”

He nodded. She knew just what to say to keep him from losing it.

“All right, Abby,” Logan said. “Which way do we head?”

“This way.” She pointed toward the right. “We go this way for a few miles. There will be a

tree with an old tire swing rope hanging from it. We turn there and the house is a mile further.”

Logan nodded and took off, leaving them to follow behind. Tah made Abby go in front of him

and then wondered if that was wise as he watched her ass twitch in her jeans. It shouldn’t be possible

for his cock to get any harder.

Logan set a quick pace, and Abby had no trouble keeping up.

Tah did his best to watch everything around them, but he mostly watched Abby’s ass. God, the

things he wanted to do to her ass. If she could read his thoughts, she’d be running as far and fast in the

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other direction as she could. And that thought conjured up ideas of chasing her and what he’d do when

he caught her. He was seriously fucked up and had no idea how to fix it.

He shifted his shoulder, trying to ease the ache centered between them. It had nothing to do with

the backpack and everything to do with what was inside him. If it was a lion, then it was itching to

bust free of his skin and run. He could feel it stretching inside him, and the damn thing seemed to want

command. It was a fight for Tah just to maintain control at times. It scared him. He was afraid if the

lion took over, the beast might not let Tah have it back.

He shook his head. If anyone knew the crazy shit he was thinking, they’d commit him in a

heartbeat. Well, anyone but Abby. She’d be down the hall from him in her own padded room. And

just the thought of her being separated from him had his skin itching and the beast inside setting his

chest to rumbling with a growl.

“You okay?” Abby stopped and turned around to face him. “The turn is still another mile


He took her in his arms and pulled her close. Dipping his head, he took her mouth with his,

thrusting his tongue deep and rubbing along hers. He slid both hands down to cup her ass and lift her

against her cock. She rubbed wantonly against him, and he wanted nothing more than to strip those

damn jeans down her legs and spread her wide.

She broke the kiss with as gasp, and he realized he needed air as well as they both gulped it in.

“Do you need to go off somewhere?” she whispered the question to him, and his heart soared.

This woman loved him so much. He could smell her pussy and knew she was wet for him. And that

was throwing him for a loop as well. Abby had been a virgin when he first took her. And they’d had

sex since then that would leave even a porn star sore. What was he doing to them?

He knew Abby was changing too. She hadn’t needed glasses since he bit her. Whatever was in

his saliva was getting in her and making changes to her as well. Plus, her sex drive was revving up to

match his. There was no way they could keep up this pace. So what was going on? How long would it

last? And would he and Abby be the same once it was over?


He could see the question in her eyes and finally got it together enough to shake his head. “I’ll

make it to the cabin, Abby. Promise.”

She nodded and took his hand, lacing their fingers together as she turned and tugged him along

behind her as she walked. They hit the turn and headed toward the cabin. He could feel Abby’s

excitement growing the closer they got. She seemed to put so much stock in the ability of her friend to

help them, and he hoped the woman lived up to Abby's expectations.

“It’s just ahead,” Abby said with a radiant smile. God, she was the most beautiful woman in the

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He loved her, and the strength of that love scared him. He’d never loved anyone the way he did

Abby. He’d loved his parents with a child’s faith and trust. Then he’d lost them and gone to live with

his grandmother. He’d loved her, but more cautiously. He was desperately afraid to love and lose

again, and his grandmother hadn’t been a young woman when she took him in. He’d lost her his senior

year of high school, just days before he graduated and left for Marine boot camp.

Not once had he looked back. And he’d built a wall around his heart to protect himself. Women

were soft and beautiful, meant to be cherished and respected. He took what was willingly offered and

moved on. Repetition built expectation, and he wasn’t a forever kind of guy.

His glance fell once more on Abby. Or at least, he hadn’t been before her. Maybe he’d just

been waiting to find her. Maybe the animal sharing his body had known things he didn’t, and

protected them both, even as he slept. At this point, he didn’t find any possibility preposterous.

“Holy shit! You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Logan’s comment drew Tah’s attention

toward him. He stood just a few feet up the path from Tah and Abby.

Tah and Abby hurried to reach him, and Tah shook his head as he glanced between Abby and

the sight in front of him. “A cabin, huh?”

Abby laughed. “That’s what he called it. I told you it was a hell of a lot bigger than any cabin.”

It was so big there was no way it should blend and look natural, but it managed to anyway. As

they stood there watching, a woman stepped out on the porch and lifted her hand in greeting. Abby

practically vibrated as she saw her.

“Jess!” she yelled and tugged away from Tah, practically running the last bit of distance to

reach her friend.

Tah was okay, until a man stepped around the corner of the house directly in between the two

women. A roar left his mouth before he could hold back, and he was sprinting after her. He was at

Abby’s side in an instant. He was fast, but it helped she’d stopped and turned around when he let

loose that roar.

“It’s just Jess, Tah,” she told him, reaching a hand out to rub his chest. “You don’t have to

worry about me.”

“I think he’s more worried about me, sugar,” the man said as he eased back toward the porch,

where the woman was heading toward them.

Tah could feel his lips peeling away to reveal his canines as he continued to growl, making a

point of staying between Abby and the man.

“Abby, this is my husband, Derrick.” Jess stepped next to Derrick and took his hand. Tah

watched as Derrick pulled Jess close to his side.

“He’s fine, Abby. You can trust him.” Jess assured them.

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“Did you hear Jess, Tah? You can trust him.” Abby’s eyes beseeched him to listen, and he was

trying. But there was just something about Derrick that rubbed him the wrong way. His scent was off.

“It’s okay, ladies. Cats and dogs have been fighting for years,” Derrick offered with another

laugh. “It’s going to take some time for the two of us to warm up to one another.”

“Cats and dogs?” Logan asked as he walked up to stand next to Abby and Tah. “I’m not sure

I’m ready to hear the rest of this conversation. Not yet anyway.”

Derrick grinned. “Come on in. We’ll show you to your rooms and let you get settled before we

talk.” His eyes seemed to size Tah up before he continued. “I think you got here just in time.”

Abby started up the steps, and Tah stayed right with her. He couldn’t help the way he

positioned himself between her and Derrick. It was an instinct he couldn’t stop. The growl was in his

chest as they passed the couple, and Derrick laughed again.

“Calm down there, pussycat. I’m not your enemy here. Hell, I might just be the only one who

can help you.”

“How do you figure that?” Tah stopped and glanced back at Derrick.

“No time like the present, huh,” he said as he turned to kiss Jess on the lips. “I’ll just go for a

quick run and be back soon.” He was tugging his clothes off as he moved away from them.

“What the fuck?” Tah said, trying to turn Abby away from the man.

“Stop.” She slapped at his hands, and the only thing that kept him sane was that he knew she

wasn’t lusting after the man stripped down to his underwear in front of them. She was curious.

“I love that underwear,” Jess yelled just before the whole world shifted out from under Tah’s


One minute the other man was standing there laughing, and the next he was gone and there was

a full grown grey wolf where he had been. The wolf turned and looked at them, and Tah swore it still

held Derrick’s grin.

Want to play tag?

What the fuck? Derrick’s voice filled Tah’s head as the wolf pranced then took off. Tah could

hear Logan sputtering beside him as much in shock as Tah was. And Tah was pretty sure only he had

heard the voice after Derrick changed into a wolf.

Abby glanced over at Jess with a smile. “I see you found your wolves.”

He knew at this point he should be more like Abby. She’d pretty much convinced him he had a

lion inside. But hearing it and starting to accept it was a hell of a lot different from watching someone

shift. Holy fuck!

Tah took it all in. His heartbeat was going crazy. He swore his muscles were burning as that

presence inside fought him again, trying to take control and force him to do what it wanted. But Tah

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couldn’t let go.

“Tah?” Abby’s voice was panicked and seemed to come from a very long way away.

His vision started to blur, and he heard Logan swear as the ground swung up to meet him.

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Chapter Eleven

From the journal of Abby Lane

I went back to the bar tonight just to see Utah. I managed to force myself to stay away for

three nights. They were the longest three nights of my life. I swear I started going through

withdrawal from him, and how obsessive does that make me?

I felt his eyes on me as soon as I walked in. I walked straight to my table on shaky legs, and

I was seriously afraid my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I swear Utah was there almost

before I was. He took my bag while I slid into the seat.

He was sick the other night when he was gone and asked if I had caught the bug that seemed

to be going around. I laughed and told him I did, and even flirted a bit saying I must have picked it

up from him.

He laughed with me and chatted. I felt like we were friends, like maybe for the first time

since I’d walked in here, he knew who I was. And he said he’d missed seeing my smiling face. He

missed me. So much for getting over my obsession.

Still, I think I floated home tonight. He’d noticed I was gone, and he said he missed me. I’m

not sure my feet will ever touch the earth again.

* * * *

Abby felt her heart freeze inside her as Tah hit the ground beside her.

“Tah!” His name was a scream piercing the air around her, and she couldn’t get to him fast

enough. “Tah.” Her hands were shaking as she tried unsuccessfully to turn him over.

“Abby, move.” Logan was there, trying to push her out of the way.

“Tah!” Abby fought the hands pulling at her.

“Abby!” Jess’s hand connected lightly with her cheek. “Snap out of it and let his friend move

him inside.”

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Abby let Jess pull her out of the way as Logan first rolled Tah over. Then with some

maneuvering, he managed to get Tah up and over his shoulder.

“Hurry up and lead the way,” he muttered. “He’s not exactly light.”

Abby could hear the fear in Logan’s voice.

“Christ he’s burning up,” Logan exclaimed. “Nice husband you got there, lady.”

“It’s not Derrick’s fault,” Jess argued.

“A fucking wolf,” Logan grunted. “I’m losing my fucking mind. I’m going to wake up and find

myself tied up in some mental ward.”

Jess laughed and even Abby had to grin.

“I saw it too.” Abby felt the need to tell Logan.

“No offense, Abby, but considering you think Tah’s a lion, that’s not exactly reassuring.”

“Didn’t you say you were more of a dog person?” Abby reminded him.

Logan just looked at her.

She snickered then. God, they all sounded crazy. It was crazy. But after what she’d just seen

Derrick do, she was even more convinced she was right and Tah was a descendent of the paka watu.

“There’s a couch just inside the door on the right. You can put him there. I’ll go grab my bag.”

Jess took off while Logan moved to put Tah on the couch.

Abby was kneeling beside him before Logan could even step out of the way. She clung tightly

to one of Tah’s hands while she pushed his hair off his forehead with her other hand.

“Tah,” she whispered at his ear as she leaned into him. “Can you hear me? I need you to wake

up now. You’re scaring me. I don’t like being scared, Tah. I need you.” She lay her head on his chest

and couldn’t hold back the tears that slipped free. “You promised you wouldn’t leave me alone. Wake

up, Tah. Wake up.”


She jerked her head up as Tah spoke her name. She planted kisses all over his face. “Oh, God,

Tah. You scared me. You really scared me.”

“I’m sorry, Abby.” Tah shifted as if getting ready to stand up.

“Lie still,” she said, leaning in to press against him. “You hit pretty hard when you fell. Jess

went to get her bag.”

“I’m okay,” he scoffed and rose up to sit on the couch, tugging Abby into his lap and hugging

her close. “I’ll always be okay as long as you’re with me.”

Abby heard the throat clearing behind them and looked back to see Jess glancing at her


“You were going to show us to a room,” Tah prompted huskily. His chest rumbled, and she felt

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the throbbing of his erection under her buttocks where she sat.

“Yes.” Jess nodded. “It’s just down the hall this way.”

Tah shifted and helped Abby stand before taking her hand and leading them in the direction Jess

was pointing.

“Abby, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Tah rumbled and his fingers tightened on hers.

Abby was torn. She had so much to talk to Jess about, none quite so important as whether or not

she’d heard the news about her father. But Tah was hot and though he wouldn’t admit it, wobbly on

his feet. She glanced at Tah and saw the surge of yellow in his brown eyes.

“Can we talk later? I just want to get Tah settled first.”

It showed how much he needed her by the fact he let her comment go without argument.

Jess slowly nodded. “Would you mind if I took a couple vials of blood first? Just to go ahead

and get started on some of the tests we’ll need.”

“We?” Tah asked.

“I’m more up to date on wolves as I’m sure you understand from seeing my husband. But my

dad called in a biologist who’s worked with several zoos with large cats. Her expertise is lions. She

should be arriving today as well. Her name is Diane. I think you’ll like her.”

“We have another one coming as well. I should have spoken to your husband, Derrick.” Tah

shook his head. “We may have been followed. I should go out there. Check on Reno.”

Jess shook her head. “Abby’s right. You hit hard when you fell. You need to rest. I’m afraid

we’re going to poke and prod you over the next few days as we try to figure out what’s going on and

how to help. I can see how concerned Abby is. Derrick can deal with whatever comes this way. He’s

not alone. He has one from his alpha pack with him. Someone is always on guard here.”

“Alpha pack?” Abby asked and lifted her brow when Jess blushed red.

“I’ll tell you all about it later,” Jess assured her then stepped around them to lead the way. She

stopped and opened a door. “Go ahead and sit on the bed. I’ll just grab what I need out of my bag to

get those blood samples and head down to the lab.”

“There’s a lab here?”

“There’s everything here,” Jess said with a laugh. “Dad had it built for me, in case I ever found

my dreams. Turns out my dream came with its own lab.”

“Jess, about Professor Mueller…” Abby took a deep breath as she tried to hold back the tears

that threatened to fall again.

“He’s fine, Abby. Promise.” Jess gave her a funny look as if she didn’t know what Abby was

talking about.

Abby shook her head. “There was an explosion. I called his office on the way here.”

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“I didn’t realize you knew. He wasn’t inside.” Jess sighed and looked sad. “My mate and his

pack have some pretty serious enemies. When those enemies found out I was with the pack, they tried

to threaten Derrick’s pack by using my family.”

“Your dad?”

Jess nodded as she began prepping Tah’s arm to take blood. Only Abby noticed the way he

flinched at Jess’s touch. “It was the only way to save him. Derrick had the other two members of his

pack take care of stuff and get Dad away. If they think he’s dead, they won’t come after him. He

should be here tomorrow if all goes well.” She finished up with Tah and turned to do the same to


“I was so worried,” Abby admitted. “I thought it was my fault.”

“Oh, Abby.” Jess looked so sorry, but then Jess knew how much Abby blamed herself for her

parents’ deaths. “I didn’t think about you blaming yourself. This was all arranged before you even got

in touch with him. I was planning to find you after we got Dad set up here. I never thought you might

call the office, or that they would say anything. I’m so sorry.”

“I got the impression the girl who answered the phone was young, and she’d just learned about

it herself. She seemed pretty shook up.” Abby heaved a sigh and smiled. “I’m just glad he’s okay.”

“He’ll be here wreaking havoc and sticking his nose in things soon enough,” Jess stated with a

soft laugh, as she pulled the needle from Abby’s arm and placed a cotton ball on the puncture wound.

Abby had done her best to hide the shudder of displeasure she felt at the other woman’s touch.

“We have so much to talk about. But I can see you need to see to your mate right now. I’ll start

some tests. Come see me as soon as you can, Abby. It’s really important.”

“I will. I promise.”

Jess hugged her close, squeezing Abby as if she couldn’t believe she was finally there. Abby

bit her lip to hold back a groan as her skin crawled from Jess’s touch. Then with a look that conveyed

to Abby just how much Jess needed to talk to her, Jess turned, gathered her things, and headed to the


“I’ll speak with the one who carried Tah in,” Jess said.

“Logan,” Abby offered.

“I’ll have Logan watch for Derrick, Reno, and Diane. I’ll let you know if we need you. Relax.

Rest.” She cast a glance towards Tah, and Abby could see a touch of confusion in her eyes.

Something about Tah was concerning Jess. It made Abby worry even more.

“I’ll find you as soon as I can,” Abby promised, as she shut the door after Jess.

“Lock it,” Tah ordered as she turned around.

He was already stripping out of his clothes. She licked her lips as she felt moisture coat her

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sex. She had no idea how her body wasn’t exhausted by all the sex they were engaging in, but it

wasn’t. She wanted him again every time he turned to her with need in his eyes. The word “no” never

once entered her mind.

She flipped the lock on the door and began stripping as she walked toward him.

“We should take a shower,” she offered as she stepped out of her jeans.

“After,” he growled. He stroked one hand up and down his erect shaft as he stood before her

naked. “I need you.” He grunted the words, and she sensed he was struggling to let her walk to him

and not just take her.

She shoved her panties down and kicked them off before reaching back for her bra and tossing

it aside. She knew what he wanted, how he wanted her. She climbed on the bed, letting her knees rest

on the edge and spread her thighs as wide as she could. Arching her back, she offered her wet folds to

him, letting him see how ready she was for him.

“Abby.” Her name was a moan of pleasure as he moved behind her and brushed his cock

against her cunt.

He ran the head through her folds, coating it with her juices before lodging it against the

opening of her pussy and pressing in. He kept going until he was completely inside, and she felt the

taut sac of his balls against her.

“Tah,” she cried out as pleasure rocked through her.

“So perfect,” he purred. “My salvation.”

Then he began fucking her. Each thrust swayed her forward on the bed. Her fingers were

clenched in the comforter, her nipples brushing over it as she tried to use the bed to stifle her screams

of pleasure. Tah’s hands gripped her hips as he fucked hard and fast. And his cock! Jesus, his cock

was even thicker, each protrusion raised and rigid as they rubbed along the walls of her pussy.

“Too good,” Tah growled. “Feels too good. Don’t want it to end. Want to always be inside


“Yes!” She agreed with him. “You feel so good. Don’t stop. Please! Don’t stop. Fuck me

harder. Oh, God, just like that. Just like that.”

He slid one hand along her belly to her clit and rubbed over it. Pleasure exploded inside her,

sending her flying into an orgasm. Her pussy rippled and tightened around his shaft, gripping it in an

attempt to milk his release from him as well.

Tah leaned over her with a roar. His hand slid from her clit up under her chest and lifted her up

enough for his teeth to find the spot he favored and bite down. Another orgasm ripped through her as

the pleasure of his bite threw her even higher. She could feel his cock almost locking inside her, due

to how swollen the protrusions were just before the first blast of his semen filled her. Again and

again, he filled her, and each time sent off another round of tremors, as her womb sucked up the heat

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of his release.

He was still locked inside when he lifted her against him and moved them up slightly on the

bed. One hand rested against her stomach now as he eased them onto their sides. She shuddered anew

at the slight pull against her inner walls with each movement. His cock wasn’t leaving yet, and she

swore she felt another small release of ejaculate as they settled onto the mattress.

“Tah?” she questioned.

“I don’t know,” he admitted, and she could hear so much in his voice. “We need to talk to your

friend or this Diane person she’s waiting on. See if they have any clue what the fuck I’m doing to


“You’re not doing anything I don’t want you to,” Abby assured him softly.

“My cock is locked inside you to the point I couldn’t pull it out if I wanted to. And I don’t want

to. I want to start fucking you again as soon as it loosens up enough to let me.” He laughed bitterly. “I

just had you and my damn dick isn’t happy. I’ve been hard all day. Every time we’ve had sex today, I

swear it’s only made my hunger worse.” His hips began thrusting slowly, his swollen cock tugging

but moving. The friction was incredible. “I need you, Abby, to the point I can’t stop myself. I’m

terrified I’m going to hurt you.”

“You’re not hurting me,” she moaned. “I want you just as much as you want me. My body is just

as ready to keep going as yours is.”

“And that scares me even more,” he admitted. “For some reason, I’m changing your body to

force it to accommodate mine, and I don’t even know how the fuck mine is changing. You should run

from me. As far and fast as you can.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she vowed as she lifted her top leg and slid it back over his hip,

opening herself wider for each thrust.

“I’m going to destroy you,” he said as he turned them, so she was lying underneath him.

“I’m the one who pulled you into this,” Abby murmured huskily. “I’m destroying you.”

“You’re saving me, Abby. Every time I touch you. Every time I sense your presence. You’re the

only thing capable of soothing the beast inside and giving me a moment of peace.”

“Tah!” His name was a cry as his thrusts increased, coming faster and harder. His cock was

still swollen, each rub along her walls stroking her higher and higher.

“God help me, I need you, Abby, and I’m scared this need might just kill us both.”

There was so much Abby wanted to say to reassure Tah, but all thought left as the pleasure

increased with every thrust. He had her flying into another orgasm within minutes. She knew his cock

had locked inside her again when he came.

She had meant to discuss this new development with Jess after Abby and Tah took a shower.

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They were both so exhausted, but Tah surprised her by taking her again under the warm spray of

water. Her legs were weak when he lifted her over the rim of the tub. He grabbed towels and dried

the two of them off. She was barely awake when he carried her to the bed, and she was out as soon as

her head hit the pillow.

He reached for her three more times during the night, and her body was always ready for him.

There was no possible way they should be able to make love as many times as they had in the last

twenty-four hours and not be incredibly sore. But they had, and each time seemed better than the last.

It was the heat that woke her late the next morning. Tah was burning up. No matter how she

shook him, he didn’t wake up. Not this time. He mumbled. He growled. But his eyes never opened.

She pulled his shirt on and ran out the door. And her new prayer ran through her head the whole time.

Please don’t take him from me. Please don’t take him from me.

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Chapter Twelve

From the journal of Abby Lane

I had another dream tonight. I was in the woods again, but the lion wasn’t with me. I was

running and the fear I felt stayed with me even after I awoke. My heart was beating so fast I

thought it might burst. I don’t remember much, except the terror that still has my hands shaking as

I write this.

All I know is the lion was gone…and somehow it was my fault…

* * * *

“Whoa, Abby? What’s going on?” Reno caught her as soon as she turned down the hall. He

must have been waiting outside.

“It’s Tah. He’s hot, Reno. Burning up. And I can’t get him to wake up. He won’t wake up.”

Reno nodded and for the first time it dawned on Abby that though his hands gripped her arms,

they weren’t causing her any discomfort.

“I’ll go grab Derrick and the doc. You go back to Tah. You should be with him.”

She nodded and turned to follow his advice. She wanted to be with Tah. Obviously Reno had

arrived at some point, and things must be okay, since no one had come in to tell them otherwise. Right

now, all she could focus on was Tah.

She moved back onto the bed with him and made sure the sheet was up around his waist. He

wouldn’t care, but she did. How silly was that? But she didn’t want anyone coming in and seeing him

naked. At least his cock was finally flaccid. She’d been wondering if it would ever rest. Come to

think of it, she wasn’t as horny this morning either. She’d met him every time he turned to her last

night and matched him lust for lust, need for need. This morning? She was content and energized,

which was really bizarre. She should be exhausted.

“Tah. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” She stroked her hand up and down his chest while she

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used the other to play with his hair. “Reno went to get Jess and Derrick. We’re going to figure out

what’s going on and make you better. I promise. We’re going to figure this out and you’ll be good as


“He’s fighting it.”

Abby glanced up at the new voice and met the emerald eyes of a man she’d never seen before.

“I’m Cody.”

“You’re part of Derrick’s alpha pack?” Abby remembered Jess saying he had someone here

with him.

Cody nodded as he moved toward the bed. “He’s running a fever. How long has the beast been

awake inside him?”

Abby thought back. “Not long. It hasn’t even been a full week yet.” Funny, it felt like it had

been months, years, a lifetime. She’d known him for a year, watched and wanted him. But it had only

been a week since Harlan had taken them and shot Tah with a straight dose of adrenaline.

Cody leaned in and inhaled. “Not a great week for this to happen. But it’s all worked out. He

just had a little too much to deal with at once. Doesn’t help he’s still fighting.”

“What do you mean?”

He sighed and shook his head. “I should probably wait and let Jess or Diane talk to you.”

“Just tell me.”

“You were ovulating.” Jess’s voice carried to Abby from the open door as she and Derrick

entered the room followed by Reno, Logan, and a woman that must be Diane.

“I was what?”

“Cody noticed it as soon as he smelled you,” Jess stated with a shrug. “It’s one of his many


Cody turned and grinned at Jess as she came to stand beside him. He reached up and rubbed her

cheek, making Abby’s mind explode with questions she’d get to as soon as she knew Tah was okay.

“So I was ovulating. I’m not now?”

“I’m pretty sure you’ve conceived. Your scent’s changed.” Cody laid his hand on Tah’s brow

as he spoke. “Jess told me you’re all new to this. I’ve read up a little on cats, thanks to Diane.” He

nodded toward the woman, confirming Abby’s suspicion that she was Diane.

“Do you know what’s going on?” Reno asked the question, and Abby was thankful he was

there. He’d moved to her side of the bed as if offering her his strength. She needed it. Her mind was

spinning. Tah was fighting, and she was pregnant. Her hand fell to rest over her belly. She was


“I’ll do my best to explain what’s going on with your mate. I’ve seen it happen many times.”

Cody’s voice was a beacon of calm to Abby.

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“Cody’s a doctor. He works exclusively within the wolf packs, though. I asked him to stay with

Derrick and me, instead of going to get my dad, because I thought we might need his help. I’m glad I

did,” Jess told her.

“Not every man or woman gifted with a spirit from the wild is aware of it. I’ve seen those born

with the knowledge, and I’ve seen those too afraid to accept it. I’ve watched some flourish, and I’ve

watched some die.”

“Oh, God,” Abby moaned.

“Tah’s not going to die,” Reno stated.

“Fuck no, he’s not,” Logan agreed.

“Right now, your friend is fighting a battle within himself. He and the animal both want control

and neither knows how to merge and share. This is what’s tearing him apart. The battle. The man’s

had little time to learn of the beast and even less to understand him. The beast has awakened and

claimed a mate. Abby. For some reason, he’s claimed you, and the fact that you were ovulating

increased his demand for dominance over the man.”


“Because you’re his. How did your mate’s spirit awaken?”

“We were taken. They chained him to a wall and beat him. Oh, God, they beat the hell out of

him then used a knife to cut him. Then they plunged a needle filled with adrenaline into his chest.”

“Jesus!” Jess exclaimed. “He could have died.”

“He should have died,” Diane countered, joining the conversation.

“The beast was already awake,” Cody stated. “What happened before they chained him?”

“I woke up locked in a cell with him. I tried to wake him up. I’d heard two men talking and

knew we needed to get out of there. I begged Tah to wake up. I said…I said if there was ever a time I

needed him to be the Tau of the paka watu, it was now.”

Cody nodded. “You called forth the beast. He sensed your fear and your need of him. You

awoke him when no one else even knew he was there. The lion claimed you that day. He fights to

keep you. I’m guessing you had sex multiple times yesterday.”

Abby blushed and nodded. Reno and Logan knew, and she was pretty sure Jess knew why Tah

wanted to be led to the room last night.

“He wanted to plant his seed in you, to bind you to him,” Cody said.

“So it’s not Tah who wants me, who needs me?” Abby whispered the question as she felt her

heart breaking. “It’s the lion?”

Cody shook his head. “It doesn’t work that way. The lion can’t mate without the man agreeing.

Just as the man can’t mate without the lion agreeing. I’m betting he’s turned to you many times since

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this started. Probably told you, you’re the only thing keeping him sane.”

She looked up at him startled. “Yes.”

“That’s because you’re the only thing they both agree on.”

“So what do we do, Cody? How do I help him?”

“I’m going to let the doc here take a look at him,” Cody said as he moved aside and Diane

stepped closer with a bag in her hand. “Derrick, you were able to reach him after the shift?”

“Yeah, I know he heard me in his mind. I didn’t realize how it would affect him though. Jess

said he passed out cold after I left. I knew his animal was strong. I didn’t realize the battle waging

inside him.”

“I’m so confused,” Abby murmured.

“Yeah, right there with you, Abs.” Logan sighed as he agreed. She felt a jolt at the way he

shortened her name. It made her feel accepted, like part of the family he, Reno, and Tah obviously


“What do we do?” Reno asked.

“We watch and wait. Let Diane make sure he’s okay physically. Have Abby stay with him and

talk to him, both the lion and the man. Derrick and I will shift and see if we can get inside his mind.

Talk to him. The rest is up to him.”

“I can’t lose him,” Abby whispered the words as she glanced down at Tah. He was her whole

world now.

“Tell him that,” Cody encouraged her.

“Okay.” Diane’s voice was soft as she eased down beside Tah on the bed. “I’m going to

apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge here. I’ve learned a lot from Jess and Cody on how

all this works, or at least how it does for them. I’m most familiar with the physiology of big cats,

mostly lions. But I’m not sure how that translates to this type of situation.”

“There are so many things I’ll share with you,” Abby promised. “Once he’s awake.”

“I’d appreciate it. Especially if others show up.”

“Others?” Logan asked.

“I’ll explain it all later,” Jess answered. “Nothing is certain right now. And there’ll be plenty

of time to go over it all later, once your mate is better.”

Abby nodded. “Why don’t you stay in here with me? I think maybe it will help Tah if he hears

everything you have to say.”

Jess looked at Cody, and Abby found herself doing the same.

He shrugged his shoulders. “It wouldn’t hurt.” He turned to the rest of the room. “I need one of

you to take guard outside, since Derrick and I will be trying to reach your friend.”

“I’ll go,” Logan said.

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“I’ll go with him,” Derrick offered. “You’ll have a better chance of reaching him on your own,

one-to-one. He felt challenged by me yesterday. I’m not sure he’d let me in again. I’ll take Logan and

show him around, show him the things to watch for. Adrian and Michael should arrive today with

Jess’s dad.”

“We’ve got some people coming in as well,” Reno said, and Logan turned to look at him. “I

made some calls. People we can trust. They’ll be trickling in.”

Logan grinned. “Be good to see the gang together again.”

Reno nodded in agreement.

“Sounds like we’re going to have a cabin full,” Jess said with a smile. “I’ll make sure there’s

something good for dinner. And plenty of it.”

Derrick turned to Jess before he left the room with Logan. His fingers brushed her hair as he

leaned in to softly kiss her on the lips. “I’ll be back. Call if you need me.”

“I will,” she whispered.

Diane was still checking Tah’s vitals and taking more blood.

“At least it shouldn’t be uncomfortable now,” Abby whispered.

“Uncomfortable?” Jess asked.

“Before this morning, it was uncomfortable to have someone else touch me. He felt the same. It

took a lot to let you get the blood from us last night.”

“And the hug?”


“You should have said something, Abby.”

“I missed you. I wanted to hug you.”

“And now it’s okay?”

Abby nodded.

“Probably has to do with the ovulation and the fact she’s conceived,” Cody offered.

Abby shuddered. “I’m a little freaked out about that.”

“Being pregnant?” Jess asked.

“No. The fact Cody knows I’m pregnant. I feel like that’s something Tah and I should have

known first, discovered together. I don’t even know if he wants kids.”

“I’m sorry,” Cody said.

“Tah will be a great dad,” Reno stated. “He’ll love any child you give him and count himself

the luckiest man alive.”

Abby looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “You really think so?” It meant a lot to her to

hear what Reno thought. She knew how close the two men were, like brothers.

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“I know so,” he assured her before turning to Diane. “Whenever you’re ready, I’ll head to the

lab with you, Doc.”

Diane nodded, but her concentration was completely on Tah. She patted Tah’s arm as she

stood. “I’m going to save you,” she muttered, as she grabbed her bag and turned to leave. And in that

moment, she made a friend for life in Abby.

“Let’s go. I want to check a few things. A lion’s body temperature runs higher, between 100.5

to 102.5. But his temperature is over that, about 104. His heart rate is fifty beats a minute, but that’s

okay. A lion’s is only forty beats normally, while a human’s is closer to seventy. So I’m going to

guess he’s within a normal range there.” She shook her head in frustration. “There’s just so much I

don’t know.”

“It’s okay,” Abby assured her. “I’m glad we have you.”

Diane focused on her and Abby saw the other woman’s eyes drop briefly to her stomach.

“There’s a lot I need to learn, and quickly,” Diane told her before turning and leaving the room

with Reno following.

Abby wasn’t sure why Reno was going with the doctor. She had no idea what he did outside of

the bar. She just hadn’t paid very close attention to him. She hoped it wasn’t that he didn’t trust Diane.

“I’m going to our room to undress and shift. I’ll stay outside the door, so I don’t spook him,”

Cody told Jess as he hugged her close. His lips met hers, and Abby hoped she wasn’t gaping as badly

as she thought she was when he turned and left her and Jess alone with Tah. Jess obviously had some

pretty big secrets of her own to share.

“Our room?” Abby asked once he was gone.

Jess blushed then laughed. “It’s a long story, and I promise to tell you everything later. But first,

I want to go over some of the stuff I’ve been able to come across. I found it when I was doing

research on my guys, but I think it could apply to your situation as well. Cody has been a fountain of


“Do you hear that, Tah?” Abby brushed her fingers along his cheek, including him in the talk.

“Jess may have some answers for us.” She kept touching Tah, but turned to look at Jess. “Do you think

he’ll be okay?” She voiced her greatest fear to the only real friend she’d ever had.

“I hope so,” Jess assured her. “I know that Diane will do everything in her power to make sure

he is. I know Cody will do everything he can. And I know that you’ll do whatever it takes to keep him

here with you. You love him.”

It wasn’t a question, and Abby nodded. “He’s everything to me.”

“I understand,” Jess whispered. “The thought of losing one of my guys terrifies me.”

“Both of them then?”

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Jess sighed and shook her head. “All four of them.”

“Four?” Abby was pretty sure her voice squeaked with surprise.

“I know how it sounds, but trust me, it’s the most beautiful relationship I’ve ever been a part of.

They love me, and I can’t imagine my life without them.”

“I’m happy for you, Jess.”

“Thanks. I’m happy for you too. You found your lion.”

“I can’t lose him.”

“Cody has been through this before with shifters who are unaware for one reason or another of

the spirit they share a physical body with. He’s helped many learn how to shift.”

“He said he’s seen some not make it.”

Jess nodded. “He’s watched some refuse to stop fighting and seen them die because of it. He

doesn’t talk about those a lot.”

“Do you hear that, Tah? You have to stop fighting and learn how to work with your lion. Stop

being stubborn. Listen to him. He’s you, and you’re him.”

“That’s exactly right. They are two parts of one whole. As my guys say, there isn’t one without

the other. Cody says sometimes the animal side will lay dormant, until their one true mate appears.

That person can call forth the beast.”

“He thinks that’s what I did?”

“Yes. But there was so much more going on. Tah’s beast went from being dormant to waking

with a vengeance. His mate was there, and she was in danger. Add to that the fact you were ovulating,

and it’s a sure way to turn the animal feral.”

“So the animal tried to take over?”

“Essentially. He would have fought Tah at every opportunity to protect you. He would have

needed you close at all times. And the need to bind you to him sexually would have been a dominant


Abby nodded. “We separated for a few hours. I went to the library to contact your dad while

Tah went to buy supplies. A woman hit on him and it drove him insane. He said he could smell the

lust on her and it disgusted him. He couldn’t get me alone and naked fast enough.”

Jess grinned. “So?”

Abby knew just what Jess was asking. “It was amazing. Absolutely, hands down, amazing. And

it only gets better.”

Jess grinned. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Do you hear me talking about how incredibly sexy you are?” Abby whispered the question to

Tah. She turned back to Jess. “I’ve noticed his eyes changing between his brown and a golden yellow

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Jess nodded. “They’re still separate right now. Anything else?”

“His hair. It’s been getting streaks of gold and red through it. He’s stronger than before. His

senses are off the charts. And there have been a few other things.”

“Such as?” Jess prompted when Abby stopped.

“His cock.”

“Ummm, what?”

Abby cleared her throat. “His cock has changed since we first made love.”


“Oh, God, I can’t believe I’m having this conversation.”

“I’m sleeping with four guys,” Jess reminded her with a grin. “Trust me. Nothing you say will

shock me.”

“His cock has these protrusions that remind me of the penile barbs on a lion. They’re not barbs,

but where they would be along the shaft of a lion, he has bumps that swell up and eventually lock him

inside me while he ejaculates.”

“You were ovulating,” Jess mused, while she nodded her head. “It’s the way of the beast to

ensure his seed has time to take root in your womb. Or at least that would be my thought. It makes


Abby nodded. “So do you think, now that I’m…” She stopped and glanced down at her still flat

belly. “I still can’t believe I’m pregnant. Can I take a test?”

“It won’t show this soon on a normal test. But trust me, if Cody says you are, you are.”

Abby looked down at Tah. “Do you hear that? We’re going to have a baby. A little mini Tah.”

Tah moved on the bed. Though his eyes didn’t open, his hand clenched in hers and his legs


“Oh, my God,” Abby exclaimed, sharing an excited look with Jess. “Tah, can you hear me?

Wake up, Tah! Wake up!”

* * * *

Tah could hear Abby calling to him, and he wanted nothing more than to open his eyes, pull her

close and hold her. A baby. She was having a baby. Pride and pleasure filled his chest. But something

held him back, kept him locked inside. And no matter how hard he fought against it, as it grew

weaker, so did he.

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Chapter Thirteen

From the journal of Abby Lane

What if all of this is meaningless? What if the legend of the paka watu is just that? A story?

A legend? I’m swamped with these “what if” thoughts today, and no matter how long I sit here, I

can’t shake them from my consciousness.

I think it’s Utah. When I first came here and started watching him, I couldn’t look without

picturing the lion I just know he holds inside him. I painted him with so many qualities of the

animal. Then I started to know the man and found out just how amazing he is.

I think I’m falling in love with him. I can confess that here. I’m falling in love with Utah

Pearce. It’s the man who fills my dreams now, the man I long to hold and call my own. And as the

man takes a firmer hold on my thoughts, the lion dream begins to fade toward the background.

I think that’s what scares me the most. Not that Utah will never look at me as more than a

friend or casual acquaintance, but that he has the power to make me give up a dream that has

consumed most of my life.

I think I love him.

Maybe it’s time for me to leave.

* * * *

Tah didn’t wake up, though he did continue to move restlessly. It was less like he was in a

coma state now and more like he was caught in a deep sleep. The fever had eased back a bit, but

Abby could tell Jess and Diane were still worried. Cody had tried several times to reach Tah, but

whatever he was going through wouldn’t allow the other man to connect with him.

Everyone was checking on her, seeing if she needed anything, asking if there was anything they

could do. Abby just stayed by Tah, refusing to leave his side that day and through the night.

“How’s he doing?” Reno’s voice pulled her attention toward the open door where he lounged

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the next morning.

“His fever’s gone down, but he still won’t wake up.”

Reno crossed the room and sat next to her on the bed. “I have an idea, Abby. Do you trust me?”

She looked at him and part of her felt a trickle of fear as she met his blue eyes. He was so like

Tah, except for those blue eyes. She’d always thought they were the same height, but being close to

them, she realized Reno was about a half inch taller. Similar builds, though Tah’s shoulders were just

a bit broader, his chest the subtlest bit wider. They both gave off strong vibes that proclaimed them as

dominant males. Watching them over the last week, she’d realized the difference between them and

Logan was they didn’t hide how dominant they were. Logan gave off the easy-going, happy-go-lucky

vibe of a boy next door. He’d fooled her for a bit into thinking he wasn’t as alpha as Tah or Reno. But

she’d spent her life watching people. Logan was good, but she could read him now.

“Abby?” Reno prompted her again. “Do you trust me?”

Tah trusted him. She knew beyond a doubt Tah trusted Reno with his life and hers. Slowly, she

nodded. “Yes.”

He slid his hand down and touched her fingers with his, tried to link them together. “Come with


She jerked her hand back from him. “I’m not leaving him.”

Tah kicked a leg out and both Abby and Reno glanced his way. She had just a moment to

glimpse the cold calculation in Reno’s eyes before he reached for her and jerked her to him.

“I think you did something, Abby. I think this is all your fault.”

She shook her head vigorously. “I never meant to hurt him, Reno. I swear.”

“I see you’re not denying this is your fault. He was better off without you. You’ve ruined his

life, Abby.”

She could feel the tears spilling down her cheeks as the guilt she kept inside began to eat at her

with Reno’s accusations. “I love him.”

“And look what your love has done to him. Look at him.” His hand cupped her head and forced

her face to turn toward Tah. “You’ve managed to do what even a war couldn’t do. You’ve taken a

great man and brought him as low as he can go. Broke him to the point he prefers lying here, instead

of waking up and being with us. Are you fucking proud of yourself?”

Abby sobbed. She tried to reach out for Tah’s chest, but Reno wasn’t done. He pulled her away

from Tah, and that was when real terror kicked in. She could feel her heart pounding furiously in her


“He doesn’t deserve you, Abby. Not a woman like you. You need to stay the hell away from

him. I’d say he’s making it pretty fucking clear he doesn’t want you or the kid Cody seems to think

you’re carrying.”

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“No!” she screamed. “He loves me.”

For a brief second, she thought she saw sorrow in Reno’s eyes, but it was quickly replaced by

anger as he glanced toward Tah’s form on the bed.

“He loves you?” His laugh was cold and cruel. “I can see how much he loves you. He lays

there sleeping while you cry. While I do whatever I want to you.” She watched his Adam’s apple bob

as he backed her up until she was trapped against the wall. “He sleeps or whatever the fuck he’s

doing while I have my hands on you. Think he’d mind if I tried you out, Abby? If I slipped my tongue

in your mouth, fucked my cock inside you?”

“Oh, God.” Abby almost screamed. Where was everyone? Someone had to be around to hear

her, hear what was happening? Surely Reno wouldn’t rape her!

“Tah’s gone, Abby. I’ve seen the way you two go at it. You need a man in your life. I’m going

to be that man.”

“No!” she shouted as Reno leaned into her. “Tah!” His name was a cry of pure terror.

A roar rocked the room. One minute Reno had her trapped and the next he was flying across the

room and hitting the opposite wall. Tah crouched in front of her. His eyes were full yellow, and she

knew it was more animal than man who’d come awake to protect her.

Reno rose slowly to his feet. Tah roared again where he was squatted down guarding her, his

eyes never leaving Reno.

“Letting the animal do the man’s job, Tah. I expected better of you.” Reno’s voice was hard as


She watched Tah shake his head. Glancing down, she caught the shift of brown and yellow,

physical proof of the battle taking place inside him.

“Mine.” Tah’s voice all but roared the claim.

“And this is how you protect what’s yours? Fighting with yourself and leaving her on her


“Mine.” A full roar this time, but Reno showed no fear as he moved from the wall.

“Then deal with your shit and don’t leave her alone again.”

Tah eased to his feet and crossed his arms over his chest. Neither man seemed to care that Tah

was naked. Abby tried to slip around him to at least get him a pair of his black boxer briefs, but Tah

wouldn’t allow it.

“You’re lucky I didn’t kill you.”

“Never going to happen,” Reno assured him with a cocky smile.

“Don’t ever threaten my woman again.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to bring you back.”

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“You terrified her.”

“And her terror brought your ass awake.”

“You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Reno, like a brother to me. But if you ever make me feel

like you’re a threat to Abby, I will kill you.”

Reno nodded. “I told Abby she didn’t deserve you, and I meant it. She doesn’t deserve the

person who lay in that bed. She needs a man who will be around to protect her, to love her. Either be

that man or let her find someone who will.”

“Mine.” Tah’s voice was so close to the animal Abby felt a chill race down her spine.

“And I’ll protect what’s yours with my life if needed. I’ll protect her even against you when


Tah’s head dropped to his chest. Abby leaned against his back, tilting her head so she could see

Reno across from them, as she wrapped her hands around Tah’s waist.

“You don’t have to protect me from him,” she whispered against Tah’s flesh.

Tah just nodded his head. “Thank you.”

“You’re fucking welcome. Don’t ever make me do it again. I don’t mind being the bad guy

when I need to be. But I don’t like scaring a woman. Ever.”

“I know. I owe you.”

“You do, and I’ll collect it someday. Now take care of your woman. Take care of whatever

fight is going on inside you, and let’s figure this shit out. I’ve got a twitchy feeling in my neck I can’t

explain or shake. Don’t fucking bail on us again.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Tah said as Reno walked to the door.

“I’ll give you guys a little bit of time,” Reno said. “I’ll let the others know it worked.”

“You planned this?” Abby asked with surprise.

“I figured the only way to pull him out was to make him think you were threatened. I was

banking on our friendship keeping him from killing me.”

“That’s a hell of a gamble, Reno,” Tah told him.

“I’ve died before,” Reno said with a careless shrug of his shoulders as he walked out, pulling

the door shut behind him.

“He’s died before?” Abby couldn’t keep the question from spilling out of her mouth.

“Two years ago, just before he showed up at the bar with Logan. He was shot, coded at the

scene, then again in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Logan said he coded twice during the

surgery to remove the bullet. When he woke up, he said it was time to hunt me up. So they came to

find me.”

Abby had a ton of questions running through her mind, but they all disappeared as Tah turned

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around. His cock was hard and just the sight of his arousal had her juices coating her walls in

preparation for him.

“I’m sorry, Abby.”

She went into his open arms and let him hold her against his chest. He lowered his head to rest

atop hers, and she could hear him inhaling her scent.

“Do you need me?” she asked softly when he just held her.

“I always need you. But if you’re asking if it’s that uncontrollable urge from earlier, then no. If

you don’t want to make love right now, I’ll be okay.”

“Did you hear me when you were out?” She eased back from him, so she could meet his gaze.

“I remember the sound of your voice, but not the words.”

“I was scared, Tah. I was so afraid you wouldn’t come back to me.”

“I’ll always come back to you, Abby, always.”

“You have to find a way to accept the other part of you,” she urged him. “I know you can do it.

I’m afraid if you don’t, I’m going to lose you.”

“I’m afraid of that too. I could sense things, and I wanted to get to you. But I couldn’t. And the

more I fought, the weaker I got.”

“No more fighting, Tah.” She took a deep breath as she prepared to tell him the biggest news of

their lives. “I need you now more than ever.”

“Why? What’s happened?” Tah was on full alert. His eyes scanned her from head to toe, and

when she still stood there in silence, he ripped his shirt over her head, stripping her naked and took

another look. “Abby?”

“I’m pregnant.” The words were a whisper, letting her insecurity bleed through. Would Tah be

happy? Angry? Disgusted?

His gaze fell to her flat belly before he reached out and placed his palm over her stomach.


Abby nodded. “They think that’s part of the reason for all the sex and the changes happening so

fast in you. I was ovulating.”

“So I wanted to make you pregnant, to what? Bind you to me?”

Abby nodded and almost collapsed at the look of horror on Tah’s face. He looked like he might

be sick.

“I’m so sorry, Abby. Oh, God, what have I done to you?”

She swallowed, but couldn’t stop the few tears that fell from her eyes. “You don’t want the


“What?” He looked shocked. “Abby, I forced you to get pregnant. You mentioned condoms, and

I ignored you, told you they wouldn’t hold me without even attempting. I gave you no choice.” He fell

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to his knees again and wrapped his arms around her, resting his check against her belly. “And I’m so

happy at the thought of you round with my baby, at you having my baby, a tiny little piece of you and

me. I’m so sorry, Abby. I don’t blame you if you hate me.”

She used her hands to grip his hair and force him to look up at her. “I love you, Utah Pearce,

and I can’t think of anything that would make me happier than to have your baby.”

“But I gave you no choice,” he whispered.

“I know you see yourself as big and strong and in charge, but have no doubt, Tah. If I wanted

you to wear a condom, you would have. No question. I couldn’t stand the thought of anything between

us either. I wanted you. You didn’t force me or coerce me into anything. I walked into this with eyes

wide open.”

Slowly, a smile spread across his lips. He eased his head back and placed soft kisses across

her belly. “A baby.” His voice was filled with awe.

“A baby.” She agreed and started bawling.

He surged quickly to his feet, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her to the bed. He sat

and held her while she cried. His hands stroked up and down her back while she snuggled against his

chest and let all the fear and grief of a lifetime finally pour out of her.

“I love you, Abby,” he told her over and over, as he held her.

“Don’t leave me again,” she begged. “Do you hear me?” She pulled back and thumped him on

the chest with her fist, then thumped his lion tattoo as well for good measure. “Both of you work out

what you need to. Just don’t do this to me again. I need you. Both of you. I love you. Both of you. And

I have a feeling this baby is going to need both of you as well.”

“I’ll figure it out,” Tah promised.

“Good,” Abby said as she wiggled in his lap. “Now make love to me. I’ve missed you.”

His smile was pure carnal invitation as he moved, easing her to her back on the bed and coming

over her. Her thighs shifted apart to make room for him. He bent to kiss her as his cock slid through

her slick folds and bumped against her clit.

She gripped his shoulders, her nails sinking into his flesh as he robbed her of breath.

“You’re body was made for mine,” Tah whispered as he kissed along her jaw toward her ear.

“Yes.” She agreed, as she lifted her hips to rub against him. She wanted his cock inside her,

buried deep.

“How did I ever make it without you?” he asked as his cock finally lodged at her opening.

“This,” he said as he thrust deep with one firm stroke, burying his shaft fully inside her. “You are my

heaven, my deliverance.”

He took the words she tried to say from her lips with another searing kiss as he rode between

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her thighs. It was slow and easy, evidence that the burning need, which had so recently consumed

them, was tempered. This was just a man and a woman making love.

“I love you.” She sighed against his neck as each stroke took her closer toward orgasm.

“You are my heart, my soul,” he whispered. “I am nothing without you.”

“You are everything,” she countered. “To me, you are everything.”

He glided in and out of her pussy, each stroke of his cock completing her in ways she’d never

imagined. Once he had been a dream, a vision more animal than man. Then he had been a man, flesh

and blood, daring her to toss her dream aside and see only him. Now he was Tah, her man, mate, and

lover. And he loved her. Inside her was the very real result of their love, a child, their child.

Part of her was terrified. They weren’t even sure of the changes taking place in him, much less

how those changes were affecting her as well. She hadn’t even had a chance to discuss how she had

changed with Jess. Jess most likely assumed Abby was finally wearing the contacts Jess tried to

convince her to try. But now there was a baby, a tiny life who would depend on them to know what

was happening.

She pictured a little boy who looked just like Tah. She wanted her baby, and she would do

whatever she needed to in order to protect him. Her gaze met Tah’s. And to protect his father.

“I love you,” she cried as the pleasure crashed through her and sent her flying. “Tah.”

“I’m here, baby. I’m here,” he crooned, holding her close as his thrusts came harder and faster.

“I love you, Abby. I love you.”

She felt his release filling her as he came with a loud purr. Though his tongue licked over the

mark she’d always wear on her skin, his teeth didn’t sink in this time. Perhaps that was something that

would only occur during times of ovulation as well. Who knew? His cock hadn’t reached the girth of

before either. She could feel the raised protrusions, but they were smaller, gentler, than the ones that

had locked him inside her last time.

Conception seemed to be easing the intense sexual pull between them. The need was there like

he said, but it wasn’t an endless ache inside her that only seemed to ease when he took her, when his

seed filled her. Perhaps now, they would be able to think more clearly, to find the answers they

needed. Perhaps now, Tah could focus on himself.

Maybe with the promise of new life, Tah would finally understand the importance of claiming

the other part of himself.

He eased from her pussy and shifted down so his head hovered over her belly. She felt the

brush of his lips then his cheek against her flesh.

“I love you, little one. I’m your daddy. I promise you I’ll always be here to love and protect

you and your mommy.” He lifted his head and Abby felt her breath catch as she met his gaze. Not

brown. Not yellow. A beautiful amber shade that was a perfect mixture of both. “I promise you,

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Abby. I’ll take care of you, both of you.”

She nodded her head as another tear fell. “I know you will.”

The words were meant for the man and the beast, and as the purr left his chest, she knew both

had heard them.

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Chapter Fourteen

From the journal of Abby Lane

I thought I saw Harlan today, but the man disappeared in the crowd before I could be sure. I

haven’t seen or thought of him in so long. Not since my parents death and my grandmother banned

him from my life. I once planned to track him down and demand answers about what really

happened the day they died. But those were the wishes of a little girl who lost her mom and dad far

too soon in life. The woman knows Harlan would only lie, that he is unworthy of the effort. for a second, I thought it was his face leering at me across the crowded street,

and for a moment, I felt fear. It gripped me until I found my way to the bar and found Utah behind

the counter serving drinks. His eyes met mine, and I almost thought he could feel my fright, that it

bothered him.

As soon as I saw him, it disappeared and I could breathe again. Funny how just seeing him

does that to me.

Now I sit here writing this and doubt I even saw Harlan. I’m not sure why he entered my

mind today, but I’ll push him aside. He has no place in my life now. He can’t take anything else

from me.

* * * *

Abby and Tah showered together before dressing and heading out of their room toward the

chatter they could hear in the house.

Jess was there with her dad, sitting on the couch they’d laid Tah on. Their heads were together

as they looked over the papers spread across their laps. Logan stood by the window, glancing out at

the late afternoon sun, talking softly to the man beside him. He was someone Abby didn’t recognize,

so she assumed he must be either Adrian or Michael, the other two men Jess had mentioned.

Reno and Cody were missing, but Derrick and another man who must be part of his pack sat at

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opposite ends of the other sofa talking. Everyone quieted as she and Tah entered the room.

“About damn time you were up and around,” Logan said as he walked toward them. Tah

embraced his friend, and they slapped each other on the back. “Never seen Reno so pissed.”

Abby thought of what Reno had done for her, for Tah, and felt her love for the man grow. She

still had so many questions about him, and she would want answers some day. But for now, she

needed to focus on Tah and the life they’d created. Her hands went to her belly. It was becoming a

habit whenever she thought of the baby.

“I see you’re doing much better,” Jess said, bringing her dad’s attention up from what he was


“Abby!’ he cried, surging to his feet, papers forgotten as they fell to the floor. He came to her,

pulling her into a tight hug. “So good to see you.” He ignored the grumble from Tah with a laugh.

“Now, none of that. Abby’s like a daughter to me, and I haven’t seen her in too long. Let me look at

you.” He stepped back, taking her hands in his and opening them wide as he glanced over her. “Jess

says they think you’re pregnant.”

“She is,” Tah confirmed.

“Animal senses,” Professor Mueller said with a nod. “Good. Good. I’ll want to have Diane do

a complete blood work up. Need to keep an eye on you and the young.” He made the comment more

as if he was making a note to himself than as if he were speaking to her or anyone else in the room.

“Have you shifted yet?” he asked Tah.

Tah crossed his arms over his chest and glared.

“Well, have you?” Professor Mueller asked again. It didn’t matter that he was under six feet

tall and Tah towered over him. Professor Mueller was rarely intimidated by anything. His curiosity

just seemed to take over and have him charging into anything.

“No,” Tah finally answered.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Though I’m glad I’m here to see the first time. I’m so envious

of you young bucks. What I wouldn’t give to trade places with you.” He stepped closer to Tah and

started poking at him. “So what’s going on?” He reached up and pulled Tah’s lip down displaying his

elongated canines. “Nice. Nice,” he murmured absently as he used a finger to poke at them.

Tah moved back, a grumble of annoyance passing his lips as he growled at the Professor.

Professor Mueller just laughed. “Can’t blame me for wanting to see for myself. Need to do a

more thorough work up on you too.”

“Where are your glasses, Abby?” As absent-minded as he often appeared, leave it to Professor

Mueller to be the one to call her out on not wearing her glasses.

“I don’t need them anymore.”

“Contacts? I never thought you’d get them.”

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She shook her head. “Since Tah and I have been together, my vision is better. I don’t need them


“Damn, that’s some powerful semen you have there. We’ll need to get you to fill a few cups

with it. Run some tests on it.”

Tah growled again.

“Easy there. You can have Abby help you get it. No saliva mixed in though, Abby,” he told her,

making her blush bright red.

“Dad, you’re embarrassing Abby,” Jess informed him as she moved over to them.

“Oh.” He glanced at Abby and blinked as if bringing her into focus. “I’m sorry, dear. I’m just

so excited. You’ve found your lion!” The Professor practically bounced with excitement. “And Jess

has her wolves. I’ve never been so happy. Not since Jess was born and they placed her in my arms.”

His eyes grew a little misty as he wrapped his arm around Jess and tugged her close to his side.

“So much to learn.” He glanced at Jess. “I’ll have to stay here for a while now. Abby and her mate

need me more than you and your mates do. I’ll stay and help Diane until we have a better idea. We

need someone like Cody, someone who knows about the shifting process, but we’ll just have to wait

for this one to get a move on and shift.”

Professor Mueller glanced at Tah who still stood there glaring.

“You’re not getting my semen.”

“Not like you’ll miss it,” Professor Mueller argued. “Besides, don’t you want to find out why

Abby’s changing as well?”

Tah flushed. “I think that has more to do with my saliva than my semen.”

“Saliva?” Professor Mueller was eyeing Tah’s mouth once more and showed every sign of

stepping forward and pulling at Tah’s lips again.

“I think it’s more about where he bit me,” Abby interrupted, distracting him like she’d hoped.

“He bit you?” Logan asked. “Damn, Tah.”

Abby turned and tugged her T-shirt aside to reveal the bite mark Tah had placed on her skin.

She glanced up in time to see Professor Mueller reaching a hand out to touch it when Tah stepped

between them with a low roar.

“You will not touch it.”

“Now listen here, boy,” Professor Mueller started to argue when Tah threw his head back and

let out a primal roar that brought all three of the wolves in the room to their feet, growls spilling from

their lips. “Interesting,” the Professor murmured, obviously taking mental notes again.

“Tah.” She turned, moving against his chest and cuddling close. His arms wrapped around her,

tugging her closer as he held her.

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“I don’t want anyone touching you there. I can’t explain it, but I can’t allow it.”

“The lion’s mark on her. Your beast isn’t as secure yet. Must be afraid I’ll do something to try

and remove it,” the Professor said. “I won’t, by the way. Looking at it, I doubt it will ever leave her

skin. But you’re going to have to pull it together, young man. According to Jess, you have a baby on

the way, and we need answers before that little one gets here. So you need to go outside and figure

out how to shift. Embrace your inner kitty and get it done. I need those samples, and I need them

now.” He was mumbling to himself as he left the room.

Abby figured he was probably headed toward the lab and Diane.

“Embrace your inner kitty,” Logan repeated with a snicker. “I always knew you were a pussy.”

Logan only laughed harder as Tah growled in annoyance.

“You do need to work on it,” Jess said as she glanced at them. “Dad brought some papers with

him. He has his own contacts in Africa and he’s found more about the legend of the paka watu. You

need to read this.”

“What is it?” Abby turned from Tah and walked over to help Jess pick the fallen papers off the

floor. Before she could sit, Tah was there pulling her down beside him, keeping her firmly at his side.

“What has he found?”

“What do you know about the legend of the paka watu, Tah?” Jess asked.

“Just what Abby has told me,” Tah answered. “And the little I could find about them on the

phone I purchased when we stopped. It seems to be a fairly obscure legend. Lots of discrepancies in


Jess nodded. “I think as with most things that are founded in truth, those involved try to

diminish them by planting false stories, by embellishing or changing them in some way.”

“Truth hidden amongst lies,” Abby said.

“Exactly.” Jess nodded. “The bushmen we spoke with in Africa had more insight into the story,

but we never thought to ask what if.”

“What if?” Tah asked.

“What if she found you? What if the great Tau of the cat people awoke?”

“What does it say?” Abby pulled papers toward her and started skimming over them. “Oh, my


“What?” Tah demanded.

Abby glanced up at him. “It says that when the Great Creator smiles down on the chosen

descendent of the alpha lion, he will send someone to wake the beast and bring his people forth once


“So you were sent to me.” Tah smiled down at her as his fingers toyed with her hair. “I like the

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sound of that.”

“There’s more here, Tah. It says that once you accept who you are, all of who you are and the

beast is allowed to fully awaken, others will follow.”

“What does that mean?” Logan wanted to know.

“It means his pack will awaken and one by one find their way to him,” Cody answered as he

and Reno stepped into the room.

“I don’t have a pack,” Tah stated.

Derrick laughed. “Even as a man, it seems you have a pack following you,” he said as he

pointed to Reno and Logan.

Abby couldn’t help but agree with him. She had her own feelings about that.

Logan lifted a hand and started rubbing against his teeth.

“What the hell are you doing?” Tah asked with irritation.

“Just checking to see if I’m getting those freaky teeth like you,” Logan quipped. “Being part of

your pack and all.”

Tah turned to glance at Reno who just shrugged his shoulders.

“You’re the one who took Logan in. I always told you he was an idiot.”

Tah laughed. “I left. I believe you’re the one who brought him back.”

Reno did that shoulder roll again. “He reminded me of a dog. They always need a keeper.”

Growls filled the room as Cody laughed.

“You are most interesting, my friend.” Cody nodded his head as he met Reno’s eyes. “We’ll

talk before I move on. First, I must see what I can do to help your friend.” He turned to Tah. “Perhaps

now that you’re awake we can walk and talk. See if I can help you to embrace the other part of


Tah sighed. “You guys really think I’ve got a lion in here?”

“Even you believe it,” Cody countered. He moved his gaze around the room. “Adrian. Michael.

Come with me. I want him to see how it is to be one with the spirit inside him.” He glanced back to

Reno. “Come with us, my new friend. Perhaps you will learn something as well.”

Reno grunted but stepped away from the doorway. “Let’s get on with it then.”

Tah turned to look at Abby.

“I’ll be fine,” she promised, leaning close to kiss him on the lips. “I’ll sit here with Jess and go

through all this. Plus, I really need to write down everything I can about what I’ve noticed change in

you and me.”

“Everything?” he asked, making her blush.

“I think it might be important,” she offered with a nod. “Especially if there might be others

coming this way. We need to find as many answers as we can, so maybe the next member of your

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pride won’t be as clueless as we’ve been.”

“I’m still dealing with the fact I have a lion in here,” he said, patting his chest. “I’m not sure

how I feel about having a whole fucking pride depending on me.”

She smiled. “I have faith in you.”

He kissed her again, sliding his tongue between her lips and making her toes curl before he

pulled back and stood. “I’m glad, since you’ll be with me every step of the way. It’ll be your pride as

much as it’s mine.” He turned to Logan. “Come on, Logan. You might as well go with us too.”

“Well, don’t I just feel the love,” Logan pouted.

They were all laughing as they left the room and headed outside. Abby felt her stomach flip

with nerves as she watched Tah disappear.

“He’ll be okay,” Jess assured her.

“If anyone can help him, it’s Cody,” Derrick told her as he came over to sit beside Jess.

“I hope so,” Abby said. “I just have this really bad feeling.” She shook her head as if she could

dispel whatever was making her uneasy.

She glanced at Jess. “I want to read all of this.” She motioned toward the papers now scattered

between them. “And any other research you or the Professor have come across that might help us.”

Jess nodded. “I’ll go grab some of the journals Dad’s collected. I think you’ll find them pretty

interesting. He’s picked them up from all over the world. He’s known for his love of old journals and

diaries. He’s the first person many old book stores and auction houses call when they come across


“How many does he have?” Abby asked.

“Rooms full,” Jess said with a sigh.

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Chapter Fifteen

From the journal of Uriah Blane

I know I have lost my mind. There are days I can barely function. My father is filled with

hate, and I swear I can feel the same emotion growing inside me, for a man I’ve never met and

probably never will. Dad says the day will come when this man’s family will rise again, and we

must be there to make sure they don’t succeed. I think he is speaking of murder, and that scares me

more than the demonic light in his eyes.

My mother is afraid. I can see it every time she looks at me. But is she scared of me or for

me? I’m not sure, but then I’m not sure of anything anymore.

* * * *

“You’re not trying, Tah,” Adrian scoffed, as he shifted from man to beast again with an ease

that made Tah pause and watch.

The man turned into the most beautiful black wolf Tah had ever seen. He’d seen Derrick shift

into a grey wolf, Cody turn into a white one, while Michael’s was a light color of brown. It still

baffled him. How had this become his life? Finding the things he once would have mocked as

ludicrous were real and avidly watching and trying to mimic them. Shifters existed, and he was one of

them. Or would be if he could ever figure out how.

“You’re still fighting your lion,” Cody told him patiently. No matter that they had been at this

for two days now, Cody never lost his patience. Reno never lost his patience. The same couldn’t be

said of the rest of them. Except for maybe Logan, who seemed to find the whole thing as exciting as

the Professor did.

“I’m not fighting him,” Tah argued, beyond frustrated. “It’s that damn smell. It’s throwing me


“Yeah, it’s singeing my nostril’s too,” Michael agreed. “Can’t smell anything else.”

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“Walk with me.” Cody didn’t wait to see if Tah followed or not. He just started, expecting Tah

to follow. “Why don’t the rest of you go for a run? See if you can find where the smell’s coming from.

Even you, Logan. I think you’re getting fat.”

Reno and Tah both laughed as Logan jerked his shirt up, checking out his rock hard abs in

search of a lump of fat.

“Come on, pup,” Reno said, using the name that seemed to stick to Logan since Reno had said

he reminded him of a dog. Luckily, Logan didn’t seem to mind.

Tah watched the three wolves take off as Logan and Reno set out at a jog after them. They were

all out today, and Tah could sense the restlessness in the wolves. There was something in the air, and

it was putting them all on edge.

“Did you remember to give more samples this morning?” Cody asked, making Tah’s chest


He jerked his head in a nod of affirmation. He hated the damn samples the Professor demanded

every morning. But he gave into them because he knew how much it meant to Abby. He’d do anything

for his mate. He should really see about asking her to marry him sometime soon. He’d already

claimed her, but he felt it was important they do things right, before the baby was born.

“So, all of you are with Jess?” he asked the question before he could think better of it.

Cody grinned. “She is the pack mate. We all love her.”

“Your pack shares a mate?”

Cody laughed. “Don’t worry. I believe it is unique to our alpha pack. I’ve never even heard of

other wolves who share as we do.”

“I don’t share,” Tah asserted. “I’d kill anyone who tried to touch Abby that way.”

Cody nodded. “It takes a certain mindset to lead the lifestyle we choose.”

“Then why do you?”

Cody looked thoughtful. “Survival.”

“But you just said most wolves don’t do it.”

“But we are the alphas. Each of us represents a specific wolf pack or breed.”

“Shouldn’t you each take your own mate? Seems like survival needs breeding to ensure a


“And we each will create a new line, with Jess. By uniting our packs, we strengthen our entire

species. By the four of us sharing Jess, we assure she is always protected, always loved. It is an

unselfish act.”

Tah swallowed. “I’m a selfish bastard then.”

Cody laughed. “As I said, it takes a unique mindset. But even you share Abby.”

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Cody nodded. “You do, with the lion spirit inside you. She comes first with both of you; it’s

often the only thing the two of you are in agreement on. The incident with Reno confirmed it and

allowed for a biological shift in you that accommodates the physical changes taking place. But in your

mind, you still struggle, and so does your spirit. The struggle weakens you both and keeps you from


“I’m trying.”

“I know you are, but until you embrace the lion as a part of you, a fully integrated part of you,

then you will be weak. And weak is not something you can afford with a woman and soon, a child,

depending on you. You must be strong in all things. To deny any part of you is to deny all of you.”

“I’m not denying the lion. Not anymore.”

“And yet still, you will not give him free reign inside you. Fear holds you back. You are afraid

if the lion breaks free of your control, then he will take over and you will find the Tah part of yourself

lost and held back by the lion’s control.”

Tah nodded as Cody’s words perfectly echoed his fears.

“What you need to understand is that the lion is you and you are the lion. There is no need to

control either part of you. Both can exist in harmony. It is that knowledge that will set you free. The

true core of your strength only comes when you unite both parts of yourself and hold nothing back.”

Tah shook his head, rolling his neck back and forth as he blew out a deep breath. “I don’t know

what else I can do.”

“You’ll figure it out,” Cody said. “I just hope it’s soon enough.”

“What does that mean? Do you think I might spike a temp again? Or is there something else you

think might happen?”

“I’ve seen many things in my life, Tah. I’ve seen men merge with beast and learn to run. And

I’ve seen them fight until they take their last breath. I sense the animal in you. He is strong, very much

the king he is proclaimed to be. But I see the man, and I don’t doubt you are just as strong, just as

regal. I see the struggle inside you. Will it kill you? Maybe. I don’t know. Your body has been through

a lot in such a short period of time. Answer me this. Does Abby love you?”


“The man or the animal?”


“And you love her?”

“More than my life.”

“And you find no fault in her? No lack of sanity?”

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Tah laughed. “Abby’s the smartest woman I’ve ever known.”

Cody nodded. “Then why do you not trust her?”

“I do trust her.”

Cody shook his head. “She loves you, all of you. This means she trusts you and the lion. Yet,

you still doubt, still fight. Why? If she accepts you as you are, then why can’t you?”

“Did you ever doubt your wolf?”

“Never,” Cody answered. “But then, I was born knowing what I was capable of, knowing who

I was.”

“A short time ago, I was content with my life. Maybe not happy, but content with being just a


Cody smiled. “You lie to yourself. You have always been restless, always felt like there was

something missing from your life. Known you were something more. Because there was.”

Tah shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe.”

“Tell me. Would you have preferred to come into this world knowing you were a mixture of

man and beast? That inside you beat the heart of a lion? Would it make it all easier for you?”

“Yes,” Tah stated emphatically.

“Then think of your child and what you can give him or her. You can bring your children into a

world like you would have liked. A father strong in his belief of who and what he is. One who will

teach and guide as well as love. A mother who isn’t divided between fear for her mate and fear for

her child. A strong pride that knows what battles lie ahead and how to face them. That is your choice

to make for your child. But it begins with you.”

Tah took a deep breath and nodded. “Let’s try this again.”

More than anything in this world he wanted to give that to his child. Security. Understanding.

Acceptance. Love. All the things his parents had given to him when he was young. The things his

grandmother had shown him. They were key to building a strong foundation, to making an environment

that would help any child to nurture and grow.

“Close your eyes. Feel your lion and center yourself with him. Let him guide you. Let him show


Tah did as Cody urged and prayed this time would be different.

* * * *

Abby poured over the last journal in the pile in front of her. The house was quiet with all the

men outside prowling the woods and trying to help Tah learn how to shift. He was getting restless

again. She could feel it, and it worried her.

The reading worried her more. She’d already spoken to the Professor about doing another

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genealogy, this time of the brother of the original Tau. But she had no definitive starting point for him.

A better choice would be to start with the names on some of the journals the Professor had gotten his

hands on. Those from hunters and watchers.

She wanted to start with Uriah Blane, the man who’d lived in the 1920s. There were several of

his journals. One from childhood and several from when he was an adult. There were gaps where she

wasn’t sure what had happened, but she could imagine. The written passages from the man he’d

become would give her nightmares. He’d grown to love the hunt, but not as much as he did the kill. So

blood thirsty and vengeful. For what? So much hate spilled onto the pages that she felt chilled by it.

People he had caught, tortured, and murdered simply because he thought they might be more than

human. It made her sick.

Some of the journals had given her hope though. Journals from those who claimed themselves

to be the watchers. It was all so crazy, so fantastic. She hadn’t gotten up the nerve to ask the Professor

yet, but she knew he was waiting for it, could see it every time he looked at her. She was a

descendent of one of the watchers. She was almost certain of it. It explained her inability to walk

away from the story, and why it had consumed her thoughts most of her life.

There were still so many questions that might never completely be answered. They could guess

or theorize, but some answers had been lost over time and might never be found. Still, they knew so

much more than they ever had.

The Professor and Diane were down in the lab, going over test results and deciding what else

they needed to run. Diane was concerned with Abby’s pregnancy. A lion’s gestation period was just

under four months, and they had no idea how, or even if, that would play a part in Abby’s pregnancy.

They were watching her closely, and though Abby knew it was necessary, she felt like a guinea pig.

Still, Diane said they were already able to track the changing hormone levels in her body.

Jess was napping, and Abby couldn’t blame her friend. Tah exhausted Abby, and Jess had four

mates to deal with. Good Lord. It boggled Abby’s mind. But Jess seemed happier than Abby had ever

seen her. It was obvious she loved her mates, and just as obvious they loved her. The four men were

devoted to Jess. Abby and Jess still hadn’t had a chance to discuss how Jess had finally found her

wolves and how she had ended up mated to four of them. But there would be time later.

Abby stood up from the bed, where she’d been reading and stretched. She could really use a

cold drink. She’d been reading longer than she’d planned, and Tah would get upset if he thought she

wasn’t taking care of herself. She smiled. He loved her. It still awed and amazed her that a man like

Tah could fall in love with her. She was by far the luckiest woman in the world.

She pushed the door open and headed down the hall toward the front of the house on her way to

the kitchen. Her mind was still on Tah and how lucky she was.

“Well, well.” Harlan’s voice was a douse of cold water. “I knew if I waited long enough,

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they’d all leave you alone. Just when I was wondering what room to search next, you come right

down the hall to me.”

There was a blur of movement in the doorway she'd just passed, and a hand slapped over her

mouth as she opened it to scream. She was jerked against a hard chest, and her frantic gaze locked

with the calculated one of the man she hated most in the world, Harlan. So much for Jess’s assurance

that they didn’t need a security system out here in the middle of the woods. They’d even laughed

together over anyone getting past their mates. Looked like the joke was on them. Where the hell was

Tah? How had anyone been able to get into the house without them knowing?

“Now, now, Abby. I don’t want you calling your lion until I’m ready for him.” He turned

toward the door to the living room, as another man stepped out with a rifle in his hand. “You have the

darts ready and loaded?”

The man nodded coldly. “We’re prepared.”

Three more men stepped out after him, and Abby felt her pulse skitter with fear. There were at

least five men with Harlan, four of them armed. If she yelled, she’d not only bring Tah charging to

her, but Jess’s mates, as well as Reno and Logan. Jess might get caught as well. Or Diane or the

Professor. What the hell was she going to do?

“Let’s take her outside. It’ll give us more room,” Harlan said as he and the four armed men

headed toward the front door, while she was dragged by the man holding her. “Where is your little

lion, Abby?”

She remained silent even when the hand disappeared from her mouth. She had to protect Tah.

She had to protect all of them.

“How did you find us?” she asked, trying to distract Harlan.

“We never lost you,” he said with a self satisfied smirk. “I admit, even I was surprised when I

found what he’d done to Johnson. Brutal the way he ripped his throat out.”

So Southy had been named Johnson.

“He threatened me. Tah can become enraged when someone does that.” She felt the man still

holding her flinch and hoped he was scared. She hoped they were all scared.

Harlan just laughed. “You can’t frighten us, Abby. We know all about what he’s capable of.

We’ve been hired to capture him and bring him in. Alive. You, on the other hand, they don’t care

about. You’re only alive because I want you.”

His lascivious grin made her feel dirty. “I have plans for you, Abby.”

“Are you planning to kill me like you did my parents?”

“I wondered if you knew what really happened that day. I’d convinced myself there was no

way you could since you never said anything to your grandmother about it. It’s the only reason I let

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her live.”

“I’ve always known you killed them.”

“I wasn’t sure if you were awake or not. It looked like you’d passed out. I hit your father first. I

wasn’t sure if I could slit his throat or not, but it was easier than I anticipated. Your mother, though.

She was something else. I always envied your father. I took her while he bled out.” He laughed and

Abby felt the bile lodge in her throat. It took all she had not to throw up. “I’ve always wondered if

you’d be as good a fuck as your mother was.”

“They never said she was raped.” The words were whispered past the horror that lodged in

Abby’s chest.

“Amazing what a little money in the right palms can hide,” Harlan admitted with a laugh. He

moved closer to her and cupped her breast through her T-shirt. “I’m going to enjoy fucking you. And

when I’m done, when I’ve finally had my fill of you. I’m going to watch as my men take turns with


Abby couldn’t help it. She leaned her head forward and threw up on him. Harlan jerked back

from her, but not quick enough to miss the first wave of sickness.

“You fucking bitch,” he screamed, striking out at her and catching her on the side of the head

with his fist. “You’ll fucking pay for that. I’ll shove my cock down your throat and give you

something to gag on bitch.”

Abby did her best to hold it together. The punch against her head had rocked her, leaving her

vision a bit hazy and making her dizzy. She whimpered, but managed to hold her screams inside. She

had to protect them.

“Who hired you, Harlan?” she demanded as she tugged against the hard hands still holding her.

“Someone who knows how to hunt lions,” he sneered. “And your little lion is going to suffer

before he dies. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you get to see every strike against him. I’ll let you watch

as they bleed him out. I’ll let you watch him die while I fuck you, just like your mother watched your

father die while I fucked her.”

“You disgust me,” she told him.

He licked his lips as he looked at her. “I’m going to enjoy breaking that spirit of yours. You get

that from your mother. Your father was weak. It’s why he fell for your mother. I handpicked him, you

know. I had plans to train him, take him on a hunt.”

“He was a veterinarian. He loved animals as much as my mother did.”

“I wasn’t planning to hunt animals. He would have balked, but once he tasted the blood of his

first kill, I would have turned him. His blood was weak from the man my aunt married, but I was

determined to save him. All that time befriending him, grooming him to join me. Wasted once he met

your mother. I could have killed her, but I swear the bitch had a sixth sense. Then you were born. I

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knew you would be their weakness. Finally, I’d get my revenge. I’d only planned to kill you. But what

happened that day was so much better than anything I could have planned.” He licked his lips. “It’s

one of my favorite memories.”

“Fuck you,” Abby yelled and sucked all the moisture in her mouth into a ball then spit it into his

face. The liquid hit his cheek and slid down.

He screamed, wiping at his face in disgust. “You fucking whore!” The word spewed with

spittle from his mouth as he struck out again. This time the hands holding her released her, and the hit

she took knocked her to her knees as she tasted blood. She saw the foot swinging at her and turned to

take it on her hip, protecting her soft belly and the child beneath it.

A roar rocked the woods around them. Primal and filled with anger. She swore she heard him

calling her name in her head.

The man who had been holding her backed away, and she could see the fear on his face as

another lion’s roar sounded, this one much closer.

“Grab the girl, you idiot,” Harlan screamed, as she did her best to move away. “She’s our

insurance. Spread out. Shoot anything that comes at us.”

The man grabbed her again, jerked her to her feet by her hair. His arms locked around her, and

this time she didn’t hold back.

She let a scream rip from her lungs to fill the air. She called to the one person she had no doubt

would save her.


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Chapter Sixteen

From the journal of Uriah Blane

I killed a man today. It wasn’t as hard as I’d feared. I find the human is the most

challenging of prey. My father has always stressed the importance of hunting, but until today, I

didn’t fully understand why he thought it important. Not until I captured my first human prey.

Father is sure he is one of the shifters my grandfather told him about. He is training me just as his

father did him, just as I will train my son one day.

I was afraid I’d embarrass myself when father gave me the knife and told me to finish the

man off. He’d begged for his life, never once admitting what he was. It sickens me to know such

abominations live within this world, but I am comforted by my father’s promise that there are

more like us, sent to rid the world of these creatures.

The man begged me to spare him. He was barely able to speak; that’s how swollen his face

was from the beating my father had given him. But I proved I am my father’s son. I slid the blade

across his throat and never even flinched as the blood sprayed across me, hot and smelling

metallic. I tasted it on my lips and my father laughed.

I am a man today. I have tasted the blood of my first kill, and I find comfort in my father’s

assurance there will be many more.

* * * *

Tah was focused on Cody’s words, trying to center himself with his lion when he felt the world

shift under his feet. It felt like he was in Abby’s head, and she was hurt. There were men around her;

he could smell the stink of their sweat and lust. He could feel her pain and fear. His mate and child

were threatened. He yelled out to her with his mind, and he swore she felt him.

One minute he was trying to find the beast inside and the next moment he was on fire. His

clothes ripped as his body changed, taking him to his hands and knees. Doubt and fear were gone as

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he become one with his lion. It wasn’t the seamless shift of one of the wolf pack, but Tah had done it.

He was one with his spirit guide. His roar rocked the woods as he took off back toward the cabin. He

knew Cody and the other alphas would heed his call and come to help him should he need them.

Then all thought left his mind when Abby’s scream pierced the air as she called to him. He let

another roar loose as he headed at full run to his mate. He could hear people screaming around him,

and it finally clicked in his head that he could hear the wolf pack speaking in his mind.

Slow down! Don’t run in half-cocked! Derrick was yelling at him.

You finally learned to shift. Don’t get yourself killed now. This was Cody, urging him to be


But Tah didn’t want to slow down. He wanted to get to Abby. And he wanted her now.

Tah. Fuck. Adrian’s attitude carried through clearly as the other man raced toward him. He

lowered his head and knocked into Tah’s side, throwing him off his feet. They rolled then got back


Tah bared his teeth at Adrian but kept running toward the house and Abby. Adrian drilled into

him again, shoving him over once more. This time Tah surged back to his feet with a roar of


Use your head, kitty cat, Adrian ordered. Otherwise, you’re going to get you and your mate


Tah shook his head, another roar slipping out as he fought instinct and tried to listen to what

Adrian was saying. He knew it was dangerous, but right now, Abby was the one in the heart of that

danger, Abby and his unborn child. And all that mattered to him was getting her to safety, regardless

of the danger to himself.

I’ll draw them to me. He tried to communicate with the wolves as they were with him. Get to


With that, he hit the edge of the clearing where four men stood with rifles aimed toward the

woods. He let out a roar and moved quick, falling back on the instincts of the animal as he weaved in

and out of the trees in an attempt to get the shooters to move, making them easier for the wolf pack to

get too. Divide and conquer was his motto.

Fuck. Here comes the pup. He’s going to get himself killed. Michael’s voice filled Tah’s

mind, and Tah lifted his head just in time to see Logan run in, screaming something about laughing in

the face of danger and then proceeding to do so in a crazy manner.

One of the shooters turned to Logan, but Logan was quick and had him down on the ground,

wrestling for control of the weapon. One of the other armed men turned toward them, his weapon

raised as if waiting to get a clear shot at Logan.

Tah took it all in as he ran through, weaving and darting, his eyes searching for Abby. Another

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roar as he saw the man holding her.

“Jesus! What is that? What the fuck is that?” the man holding Abby screamed.

“You knew we were hunting a lion,” Harlan yelled out, and Tah almost stopped and charged

him as hatred poured through his body. This was the man who had kidnapped them, beaten him, cut

him, and shot him with a dosage of pure adrenaline that could have killed him.

“That’s my mate,” Abby said with a smile. There was so much pride and love on her face. Any

doubt he might have still harbored of her fearing the lion disappeared. It was obvious she loved him

no matter if he stood on two legs or ran on four. “He’s going to rip your fucking throat out.”

She almost had him pausing again with her bloodthirsty words. The guy let go of Abby and

shoved her away from him before turning and taking off. Tah just caught the blur of a tail then a

scream as the man went down.

The gunman watching Logan went down next in a tangle of fur. Tah turned quickly and charged

at the one giving chase to him. It was quick enough to catch him off guard, and the man didn’t get his

rifle up in time to get a shot off before Tah was on him.

He sunk his teeth into the soft flesh of the man’s neck and bit into flesh and blood. A scream

pierced the air before Tah ripped free, cutting the sound off as blood sprayed around him.

He felt a dart lodge in his left front leg as he turned toward the last hunter. Then Reno was on

the gunman. Flying out of the woods with a kamikaze yell, he tackled the man from behind and took

him to the ground.

Tah turned toward Harlan and Abby. She was moving toward him when Harlan caught her by

the hair and jerked her back. Abby fought like a wildcat. A haze was wrapping around Tah, a fog

trying to claim him and drag him down. He turned his big head to see the dart piercing his skin and

knew it had to be a tranquilizer of some sort. Still he fought to get to his mate.

Logan came to his feet, but before he could lift the rifle, Harlan turned and shot him with the

pistol in his hand. Logan fell, and Tah roared as he watched his friend hit the ground hard.

Stay back! he yelled as he sensed the wolves getting ready to move in. He didn’t want anyone

else hurt because of him, especially Abby who now had that pistol tucked against her temple.

“Well, well, well,” Harlan exclaimed. “Abby was right. My boss will be pleased. They’ve

been searching everywhere for you. You’re going to make a nice rug.”

Abby screamed, as Harlan jerked her head back against his shoulder. Tah let loose another

roar, but it was weakened by the drug working through his system. He was fading fast, wasn’t sure

how much longer he could hold on before he collapsed and left Abby unprotected again. He seemed

to be making a habit of it, and he wasn’t happy about it at all.

He watched her hands slide back, gripping Harlan’s waist as she was thrown of balance.

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“You’ve got me at a bit of a disadvantage this time,” Harlan said, as he began pulling Abby

toward the tree line where Logan’s body lay. “But that’s okay. I think I’ve got something you want. So

I’ll just take her along with me. I’ll get in touch. And you’re going to do whatever I want to make sure

your girl stays alive.” He dug the gun against her head, and Abby yelled out again.

She tripped over Logan’s feet and went down on top of him, Harlan released her at the last

minute to keep from being thrown off balance with her. He quickly reached down and grabbed her

hair again, giving it a hard yank. “Get back on your feet, bitch.”

Tah roared as his front legs went out from under him. Harlan laughed as Tah fell, and Abby

shifted a hand toward Logan’s and took something from him. Tah struggled to regain his footing and

get to his mate, but found himself helpless for a moment to do anything but watch as Abby turned and

slammed her hand up into Harlan’s stomach, burying a knife to the hilt.

Harlan’s laugh become a scream as he released Abby’s hair to reach for the blade. The other

hand slowly lowered, moving the gun toward Abby. With a final roar, Tah called on everything he

had and lunged, taking Harlan to the ground. He felt the burn of a bullet just before everything went

black. The last thing he heard was Abby calling his name.

This time neither man nor beast could respond, but both were in agreement.

They would die to save her.

* * * *

Abby screamed as she dragged Tah off of Harlan. Blood. So much blood and she couldn’t tell

what was from Harlan and what was from Tah. Harlan struggled to lift the gun again, but Reno was on

him in an instant, catching him around the neck and twisting. She heard the crack and pop as his neck

broke and felt nothing but regret that it wasn’t her knife wound that had killed him. It would have been

a much more painful death, more befitting of what he deserved. What he’d told her about how he’d

killed her parents would haunt her for the rest of her life.

“Abby, snap out of it,” Reno ordered as he moved to Logan. “Find where that bullet hit Tah.”

“I can’t see anything,” she screamed. “There’s too much blood in his fur.”

The lion growled in pain and slowly shifted back into Tah. She jerked the dart out of his left

shoulder and then gasped as she saw the wound on his right side. She ripped her T-shirt over her head

and wadded it before shoving it against the wound.

“Let’s get them in the house,” Derrick ordered, as four naked males moved in to help carry Tah

and Logan.

Abby didn’t care that she stood there in her bra and jeans. She only felt numb. Here she was

again, praying not to lose Tah. It was too much. She wrapped her arms around her middle, comforting

herself and their baby as she watched them carry Tah away from her.

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“Here,” Reno’s voice reached her as he stripped off his shirt and handed it to her, slipping it

over her head when she just stood there and looked at him. “He’s going to be fine, Abby. He shifted.

Did you see that? You were right.”

She nodded. “He’s beautiful.”

“I’m going to tell him you said that.” Reno eased an arm around her waist as he began walking

her toward the house. “Did you hear Logan? ‘I laugh in the face of danger.’ I’m going to kick his

foolish ass when he’s all healed up. Said something about a lion king?”

Abby giggled a little hysterically as tears rushed down her face. “The movie. It’s a line from

the movie.”

“Whatever,” Reno grunted. “I’m still going to kick his ass for being stupid.”

“He loves you guys,” she whispered.

“He’s family,” Reno said with a shrug as if that explained everything. And maybe it did.

“I wanted to be the one to kill him,” Abby said.

He didn’t even pretend not to know what she meant. “You’ll be a great mate for Tah. I think you

might be more bloodthirsty than he is.”

She grinned. “You think so?”

Reno shook his head. “It concerns me that you take pride in that observation.”

“I think I love you, Reno.”

“Of course you do,” he said. “What’s not to love?”

“I need to go to Tah,” she said as soon as they stepped into the house.

“Why don’t you get cleaned up real quick first,” Reno offered as he led her toward the

bedroom she shared with Tah.

“I don’t want to get cleaned up, Reno. I want Tah.”

Reno sighed. “Abby, you’re covered in blood. Your face is starting to bruise. Tah was shot by

a tranq dart. Even without the bullet, he’ll be out for a while. I’m sure Diane is working on him. I’m

more worried about Logan.”

Abby glanced down at herself and realized the truth of his words. She was covered in blood.

Even the shirt Reno had given her had blood all over it.

“Tah will go ballistic if he sees you like this. Take a shower. Clean up and put fresh clothes on.

I’m sure Diane will want to check you out as well, make sure the baby’s okay.”

Abby’s hands went to her stomach. “He’s fine.”

“He, huh?” Reno asked with a grin.

Abby shrugged. “I want a little boy who looks just like his daddy.”

“God forbid he’s as hard-headed as his dad.”

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Abby smiled. “You’re a good friend, Reno.”

“I know, and you love me. We’ll keep that our secret for now.”

Abby giggled again, as she let Reno lead her once more down the hall toward her room.

He paused at the door. “I’m going to clean up outside. I’ll be right out there if you need

anything. Anything, Abby. Just holler for me.”

“He asked you to look after me, didn’t he?”

Reno smiled. “He wouldn’t have to ask,” he said as he turned away and headed back down the


She knew what he was cleaning up, and she didn’t envy him that task. She was shaking by the

time she entered the bathroom and shut the door behind her. It took two tries to get the water on and

adjusted to the right temperature. Her teeth were chattering as she stepped under the spray, and she

knew her body was finally reacting to what had just happened. She needed a minute, just a minute to

deal with her emotions before she went to Tah. He needed her strong, and right now she was weak, so

very weak.

She slid down to sit in the tub, wrapping her arms around her knees as she hugged them to her

chest. Tears mixed with the water as she let her emotions have free reign. She cried for her parents

and how they had died. For her mother and what Harlan had done to her before he’d killed her. She

cried for the child she’d been. She cried for the people she’d read about it Uriah’s journal, tortured

and killed for no more than a possibility of what they might have been.

She cried for Tah and the child she carried. Would they always be in danger? Is that how their

lives would be? Constantly on the lookout for hunters nursed on hatred and reared in blood and

death? Would it ever end? Would they ever just be a family?

Slowly, she eased back up to her feet and stepped further under the spray, letting it soak her

hair as if the water could rid her of the ghost of Harlan’s fingers there. Nothing was certain. She

needed to get to Tah. She’d wasted too much time as it was, but she’d needed those precious minutes

to shore up her strength again. He would need it, as would their child. They would both need her to be

strong, and she wouldn’t let them down.

There were plans to be made. Tah had accepted the lion, and if the rest of the legend followed,

then his pride would begin to awaken, and they would be drawn to him. She had preparations to

make, research to do, and a mate to take care of.

Taking a deep breath, she began washing the blood from her body. Only one thing was certain.

This was only the beginning.

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Chapter Seventeen

From the journal of Ebidiah Lane

I’ve watched over the man as best I can, as I was trained to. It saddens me that I didn’t

begin training my son in our family’s duty. Now it’s too late. I’m dying. I won’t make it back home

this time. The hunters found him, and no matter what I tried, I couldn’t get them off the man’s

track. I shouldn’t have stepped in, but I am just a shadow and nothing more. He is the sun. I can

only pray my sacrifice gave him the time he needed to get away, and he will hide better this time.

Maybe someday, one of mine will hear the singing in his blood and heed its calling. Then

once again, a Lane will watch over the descendent of the great Tau and protect him at all costs.

But for now, I can only pray, as I prepare to leave this world behind, and hope I have done enough

to earn my passage into the great beyond.

May the gods wish me safari ya salama.

* * * *

Tah was up and around in three days. Abby knew Diane was beside herself trying to figure out

what it was in his blood that allowed him to heal so quickly. Logan was still laid up in bed, driving

Diane crazy with his requests for some lion blood to help speed recovery up for him as well. The

doctor had finally thrown her hands up and yelled at Reno, telling him to deal with Logan. Reno just

told Logan to shut up and heal up, then left.

Two more of Tah’s friends had shown up the day after the incident with Harlan, at least that’s

how Abby classified it in her head. An incident she hoped never occurred again. Murphy and Finn

both red haired and obviously Irish to the bone had arrived and jumped right in to help Reno clean up.

Neither batted an eye when Logan recounted the event, complete with how Tah had shifted into a full-

grown lion. Of course, that might change the first time they saw it happen, no matter how much they

claimed it was just in their blood to believe in magic. But then Abby sensed there was more to the

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brothers than met the eyes.

She and Jess were able to talk, and Abby poured out all her joy and fear to her best friend. Jess

had held her, while she bounced between laughing, crying, and shaking with rage. Abby was sure the

hormone surges going through her were going to drive everyone away if she didn’t get a hold on them.

Jess shared a little about how she’d found her mates, and how they’d decided she was the key

to them uniting all the wolves into one pack. She’d hinted at some things, skimmed over others, and

basically told Abby just enough to appease her. Abby could tell her friend was worried and made

sure to tell Jess several times that she and Tah would help them in any way they could. Still, she

sensed a restlessness and unease in her friend.

It was no surprise when Abby woke up the next morning to a letter from Jess.

Yes, I snuck out like a thief in the night, but then, as you know, I’ve always hated goodbyes. I

wish I could stay, but the timing isn’t right. I’m part of a family now with my mates, and there is

still so much we have to do. I’ll visit as often as I get the chance, but they come first. I’m sure you

understand that better than anyone.

Who would have thought when we sat up late all those nights in Africa talking about our

dreams, they would come true? I always hoped and believed, as I know you did. And here we are,

each living what we always wished for. Funny how the reality is so different from the dream.

Better in every way, no matter the danger that seems to surround us.

I hope you have time to relax with your Tah before anything else happens. For all our

dreams, it isn’t an easy life we’ve chosen to take on. I’ve learned that even the best of dreams can

be dipped in nightmares. I only pray yours are few and far between. Wish the same for me. I’m not

sure which of us has more to fear. You with your mate and the promise of new life in your womb or

me with four mates. We both have much that can be taken from us. May the gods bless us both.

Read the journals and papers. Take the hunt to them before they send another group for you.

I’m sure you’ve already thought of this, but I thought I’d agree with you in writing. I know how

you can sometimes doubt yourself. Read all the papers. I think you’ll find answers you’ve been

looking for.

Above all else, remember that I love you. You are the sister of my heart, and I will always be

here for you. You have my number. Call whenever you need.

Take care of Dad for me. I can’t take him with me. It’s too dangerous. I never got the chance

to tell you everything, but someday I will. Until then, take care of your pride. I’m so happy you

finally have the family you’ve always deserved. May it continue to grow and prosper.


* * * *

Abby had put the letter aside and focused on Tah and Logan, as well as getting rooms ready for

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more people. Thank God the house had plenty of them. Reno said they should have three or four more

guys show up soon. There were many people who loved Tah and felt they owed him for saving their

lives. Abby understood completely.

Reno had taken over security. Abby had no idea what all he was doing, but Finn and Murphy

had jumped right in to help, and Tah was out there too. Three days ago he was shot, and currently, he

was out running around as if nothing had happened. It was enough to make her head spin.

He was something to see now that he was no longer fighting inside his own skin. His body was

relaxed, and it showed. He smiled. He joked. And just today, she’d watched him strip to the skin and

shift with ease into the big lion he was. He was beautiful, and he was hers. Her hands fell to her belly

as she watched the tree line for Tah.

“Your daddy is the best man in the whole world. I’m not sure how we got so lucky, but we did.

Some day you’re going to grow up, and he’s going to teach you everything he knows.”

“God help us all,” Logan said as he stepped out on the porch behind her, making her jump.

She rushed to get a shoulder under his arm and help him to sit. “What are you doing out here?

Does Diane know you’re here?”

“You mean Nurse Ratchet? Hell, no. I snuck out while she was busy somewhere else. Don’t

make me go back down there, Abby.” His big eyes pleaded with her. “I think Jimmy Hoffa may be

down there. She’s not the nice person you think she is. She tortures me, Abby. Torture.” He

whispered the last word before leaning back and closing his eyes.

Abby smiled and did her best to hold her laughter in. She knew the truth. Logan didn’t want to

be away from whatever was going on, and Diane kept reminding him he was human and it would take

longer for him to heal. When he’d pointed out how quickly Abby had healed, Diane had said it was

most likely from the bite Tah had placed on her. To which Logan had told Tah to just bite him.

It was sure to never be boring with Logan around. He really shouldn’t be up and moving yet,

but Abby wouldn’t be the one to yell at him and send him back in. She’d let Tah or Reno do that. Or

Diane if she arrived first. She really was quite the dynamo, though Abby couldn’t see her torturing


“Sit with me.” Logan patted the cushion beside him and Abby sat.

“Do you need anything?”

“A little lion to come take a bite out of me maybe, but as there’s only Tah, I guess I’ll pass for


Abby did laugh at that.

“It’s good to hear you laugh,” Logan said, opening his eyes to look at her. “It’s good to hear

him laugh. I was afraid for a while.”

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“Me too,” she admitted.

“Don’t tell Tah or Reno, but I’ve always been more of a cat person.”

Abby grinned. “I can tell.”

Logan smiled down at her before easing his head back again and closing his eyes. “I’m just

going to relax here for a little bit. Just for a little bit.”

Abby leaned her head back gently to rest along the back cushion beside his and closed her eyes

in companionable silence. Logan had the right idea.

“Should I be jealous to find one of my best friends sleeping next to my mate?”

Abby jerked awake as Tah whispered the words in her ear. He was squatted next to her in a

pair of the tight black boxer briefs she’d come to love so well.

Reno stood on the porch steps, looking at Logan and shaking his head. “Does Diane even know

he’s out here?”

Abby giggled. “No. He called her Nurse Ratchet.”

Reno’s lips twitched as he held back a smile. “She’s not that bad.”

“She’s phenomenal, and we’re lucky to have her,” Abby countered.

“I’ll let you deal with him,” Tah said as he rose to his feet.

“What are you going to do?” Reno questioned.

“I’m going to see to my mate.”

“I always get the raw end of the deal,” Reno grunted, but Abby could see the smile in his eyes.

She’d never forget how he helped her hold it together after Tah was shot.

She let Tah help her to her feet then walked over to where Reno stood on the middle of the

steps and leaned in to give him a kiss on the check. She could reach him easily from the top of the


“What was that for?” he asked, looking surprised and a bit embarrassed.

“For being you.”

“Reno, too?” Tah teased, crossing over to scoop her up against his chest. “I see I’ve been

neglecting my woman, and she’s looking elsewhere. I’ll have to remedy that.”

Abby flushed with excitement. They hadn’t made love since he was shot. She was more than

ready to have Tah take her to bed and remind her who she belonged to.

“You going to carry me in like that?” Logan asked Reno, as Tah carried her toward the door.

“Not in your wildest dreams, pup.”

Abby was still laughing as Tah shut the door to their bedroom behind them and crossed to the

bed. He eased her to her feet and began slowly undressing her. She lifted her feet as he bent to

remove her shoes and socks then unfastened her jeans and slid them down her legs. Her shirt was

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next, followed closely by her bra, until she stood before him in a pair of low rise black bikini

underwear. He brushed his hands along her shoulder and turned her so her back was to him.

“Abby.” Her name was a whisper along her spine, as his lips lowered and he licked over the

bite on her skin.

“Tah.” His name was a breathy moan. “I need you,” she said and realized it was the first time

she’d really said that to him first. He was usually the one saying those words to her just before they

made love.

“I’m yours,” he told her. He tugged her panties over her hips and pushed them down her thighs.

She shimmied her legs, helping the silk material fall to pool at her feet. “Climb on the bed, baby.”

Abby crawled up onto the mattress on her hands and knees. Tah ran his hands up the back of her

legs and cupped her ass cheeks before sliding his hands between her thighs and testing her readiness.

She was wet with desire and rocked back into his fingers as he thrust two inside her.

“God, Abby. You feel so good, baby. I swear I only want you more every time I have you.

You’re more addictive than any drug I’ve ever heard of.”

“Then take me,” she begged. She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Take me, Tah. I want to

feel your cock in me. I want you to fuck me.”

That growl rumbled up through his chest as his fingers tugged free, and he moved so his cock

nudged her opening.

“Yes,” she encouraged him. “Oh, God, yes. Fuck me, Tah. Fuck me like only you can.”

He plunged into her, sinking balls deep with one firm thrust of his hips. They both moaned at

how good it felt.

“Like you were made just for me, Abby,” he groaned the words out past clenched teeth. “Only

for me.”

“Only for you,” she agreed.

He gripped her hips and began fucking her slow and easy, his cock pulling almost free before

plunging deep again.

“Yes!” Her cries filled the air along with the sounds of their flesh meeting. “Tah! Oh, God,


“Mine,” he snarled as he bent over her and licked once more on her mark. “Mine.”

“Yours! Always yours!”

His teeth pierced her flesh as his cock penetrated her pussy over and over again. She came with

a scream of pure pleasure as he sucked at the skin his teeth held. Then he joined her with a roar as her

cunt rippled and squeezed his cock, milking the orgasm from him.

She let her body drop to the mattress when his teeth released her. She was gasping for breath

and boneless. Tah eased from her and gently lifted her to free the sheet before lying beside her and

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tugging her until she rested her head on his chest. She turned on her side to face him, and he slid a big

palm down to cover her belly.

“I still can’t believe there’s a little life in there, part you, part me.”

“It’s amazing.”

“I don’t have a lot to offer you, Abby. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring or the day after

that. I can’t promise you happily ever after.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I can promise that I’ll love you every day for the rest of my life. I’ll do my best to take care of

you and any children we’re blessed with.”

“Tah?” Abby felt her heart catch in her throat as she rose up on her elbow to meet Tah’s gaze.

“Marry me, Abby?”

She swallowed and felt her eyes fill with tears, even as she began nodding. The word was

stuck in her throat as emotion choked her.

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes,” she finally managed to whisper.

“I love you, Abby. You’re my whole world.”

“I love you, Tah. I’ve always loved you.”

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

That night she had the dream again, where she walked in the woods. Sometimes the lion walked

by her, and sometimes she held the hand of little boy who looked like a miniature of his father. Only

this time, when the man stepped out of the trees toward her, she could tell it was Tah. He was no

longer a dream of what might be. He was real, and he was hers, all hers.

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About the Author

Lacey Thorn spends her days in small town Indiana, the proud mother of three. When she is not busy

with one of them, she can be found typing away on her computer keyboard or burying her nose in a

good book. Like every woman, she knows just how chaotic life can be and how appealing that great

escape can look.

So, toss aside the stress and tension of the never-ending to-do list. For now sit back, relax, and enjoy

the ride with Lacey. It’s your world…unlaced.

Lacey loves to talk to her readers and can be found at


Join Lacey on Facebook at:!/authorlaceythorn

Or on Twitter at @laceythorn1

And feel free to email the author at

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Also Available from

Resplendence Publishing

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Document Outline


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