Sassy Mates 4 1 Sassy in Diapers Mily Taiden

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be

construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By

Latin Goddess Press

New York, NY 10456


Copyright © 2015 by Milly Taiden

Cover by Willsin Rowe

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except

in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Property of Milly Taiden 2015

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—For My Readers Who Love the Big, Sassy Heroines in My Stories


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This is a SHORT. This is NOT a standalone full length story. It is intended to be read in order after
you read:

Scent of a Mate - Book 1

A Mate’s Bite – Book 2

Unexpectedly Mated – Book 3

A Sassy Wedding – Short 3.7

The Mate Challenge – Book 4

This short follows the storyline of all the books stated above and there are things you won’t
understand unless you’ve read them already. Once again, this is a short and only meant to give you a
bit into Karla and Nate’s life as they adjust to parenthood. Enjoy.

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Karla Wolfe didn’t know if it was pregnancy hormones or what, but she spent her days crying,

trying for her mate not to know what was wrong with her. She’d been living with him, loving him, and

now carrying his children for months. Yet, she felt as though she was missing something.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The knocking pulled her out of her daydreaming, and she glanced down at her belly. Almost

time. Her babies were going to be there at any moment now. Dear god. Any moment now. She had no

idea how she could stop the feelings of fear over being a mother. Her own had not been the best at it,

so how could she be any better? What if it was in her genes?

She grabbed the leather hanging from the ceiling and tugged herself to her feet. Nate had

realized she’d gotten to a point that it was almost impossible to stand without someone helping her

up. So he’d gone ahead and installed a chain that hung from the ceiling and had a leather handle

attached, so she could haul herself up and out of her sofa without needing anyone there.

Grumbling about feeling like a giant blue whale, she waddled—yes, she waddled—her way

to the front door. By the time she got there, she was out of breath and ready for a nap. Upon opening

the door, she found her brother Kel standing there with a wide smile on his face.

“You look exhausted,” he frowned, the smile sliding from his lips. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and waddled her ass toward the kitchen. “Nothing. Want some coffee?”

“Sure,” he replied, following behind her.

She had made a fresh pot earlier for Nate. The poor sucker had no idea she’d been giving him

decaf. Screw it. If she couldn’t have caffeine, then he was going to be deprived along with her. Who

knew pregnancy could make a woman so bitchy? In fact, Kel could also have decaf while at her

house. She filled another mug.

“So, what’s wrong?” he asked again. “I can tell something’s wrong with you. You have these

two little lines that show up between your brows when you’re stressed out. Not really a frown, more

like nerves.”

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She lifted her brows and blinked. “You’ve been studying my facial features?” she asked, her

voice full of surprise. “Who are you, and what did you to do my brother?”

He laughed, taking the mug out of her hand. He passed her, going further down the counter to

grab the sugar and cream. “Nothing happened to me. But I have noticed the further along you go, the

quieter you get.”

She bit her lip. He was right. She’d refused to tell anyone other than Nate about the anxiety

attacks plaguing her. She’d sound like such an idiot telling her friends that she was stressed out

because she wanted to be a good mom.

“I’m just tired,” she grumbled, trying to sound convincing. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m

carrying around triplets. Life is anything but fun right now.”

Life was more like stressing her the fuck out. She had nightmares on a daily basis that she had

three kids crying all at once and she couldn’t get them to stop. Not just that, she had all kinds of self-

doubt when it came to being a mother.

“I know you, sis. You’re not telling me something,” he said, closing the distance between them

and giving her a side hug. He made sure not to touch her belly, because he knew she was weird about

people touching her. Maybe she was crazy. Other women raved about wanting people, even random

strangers, to caress their baby bumps, and she felt like they were invading her personal space. Not to

mention anyone touching her belly felt all kinds of wrong. Nate was the only person she didn’t mind

doing that.

“I’m just tired, Kel. Tired and still unsure about this nursery.”

“You guys still haven’t made up your mind?” he asked, raising his brows high.

“Don’t sound so surprised. Not like I’m due to give birth for another few weeks. I still have

time,” she said more to herself than him. Trying to convince her stressed-out brain that the lack of a

nursery wasn’t a big deal was not working. She had to stop worrying about making bad choices for

her children and get to work already.

“You’re usually very good about making decisions and sticking to them, Karla. What’s going

on?” He walked beside her to the living room where she once again sat down on the sofa by a

window. She shoved the book she’d been forcing herself to read for the past few hours away and

leaned back. Electricity shot down her back, numbing her leg. Cramps sucked.

She sighed and glanced at the kitchen counter. Dammit! She’d left her water bottle over there.

“If you get my water bottle from there,” she said, pointing at it, “I will smile more and nag less.”

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He laughed, jumped to his feet and rushed to get her drink. She envied his speed and agility.

Things were harder for her to do these days. Simple things like sitting, standing, sleeping. Heck, even

breathing was hard. Someone was pressing on her lungs at various times of the day.

“Do you want me to help you with the nursery?” Kel handed her the bottle. “I’m good with

organizing stuff.”

She knew that. He was a principal and a wonderful man. Her first instinct was to say yes, but

she couldn’t. Him helping was one thing. Her pushing herself out of doing her first task as a mother

was another.

“I’ll figure it out.” She took a gulp of water and cleared her throat. “So have you heard from


He nodded. Not looking at her was a bad sign. “She’s wanting to come out and see you.”

That was new. “Why?”

He gave a humorless smile. “She’s ticked off you’re not sending her money. I told her she’s

forbidden from coming near you or the children.” He finally met her gaze with a sad one. “I’m sorry. I

don’t want you stressing any more at the end of your pregnancy. I know you hardly get any sleep. The

last thing I want is for her to add to whatever is bothering you.”

She nodded. He was right. Still, she couldn’t stop the sharp, throbbing pricks in her heart.

Even though all her mother wanted was money, she hadn’t made the effort to call Karla and ask about

her grandchildren. That was the last thing she wanted for her babies’ future. A deadbeat grandmother.

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Nate glanced at his mother as if she’d grown another head. “You want me to what?”

Barbara rolled her eyes and tsked. “I want you to come and take a birthing class at the clinic.

And while you’re at it, a parenting one too.”

Mason and Aric glanced at each other.

“He’s the one having the babies. Why do we have to come along too?” Jake asked.

“Because,” Barbara growled, “in case of an emergency, you might need to help one of your

mates when the time comes. What are you going to do then? Faint at the first view of a head being

pushed out of a female’s privates?”

“Oh, mom!” Mason winced. “I didn’t need a visual.”

“Stop acting like children,” she snapped. “You all need to know how to help a baby be born.”

Nate turned to Ellie. “You’re coming too, right?”

Ellie lifted her brows and folded her arms over her chest. “I’m one of the people teaching the


Nate frowned. “You don’t even have kids!”

Ellie shook her head and glanced at Barbara. “Are you sure these are my brothers and they

weren’t switched at birth?”

Barbara sighed. “Unfortunately, I am positive they belong to me.”

“If it’s another way I can help Karla, then yes. I will be there,” Nate nodded. The last thing he

wanted was to upset his mother. Karla was already distant, and he wasn’t sure why. She was still

affectionate towards him, but it seemed as though she was closing in on her thoughts. Not sharing

whatever was bothering her. He knew she was stressing the three babies in a shot thing, but not much

they could do about that.

He waited for his brothers and sister to grumble their way out of the kitchen and followed his

mother to the yard.

She sat down on a picnic table and motioned him over. “Get your furry ass over here, Nate. I

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know that face.”

He grinned. “What face?”

“The one you make when you need my help but are not sure how to ask me. You’ve been

making the same face since you were a baby.” She leaned her arms on the table and swept a lock of

blonde hair behind her ear. “So tell me what’s going on.”

“There’s something wrong with Karla,” he said. Then he laughed at how stupid that sounded.

“I mean, there’s something worrying her, and I can’t figure out what. She’s very quiet, and I don’t

know what to do to help.”

His mother nodded. “Yeah, I’ve noticed. I went to see her, and she sat by a window the entire


That’s all she did when he was home too. “I tried to get her excited about the nursery, but

whenever I mention it, she gets pale and says her legs hurt or that she’s tired. I’m not really sure what

it is about the nursery that’s upsetting her.” He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “I won’t let

her do any work, I just want her input on the kinds of things she wants to see in there.”

“I think your mate is suffering from feeling overwhelmed by her upcoming motherhood.”

He frowned. “I thought women were born with some wanting-to-be-a-mother chip in their


“You did not just say that,” his mother mumbled. “I sometimes wonder how you boys got

mates to begin with.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, mom,” he laughed.

“Nathan Wolfe! Not all woman are born with the whole wanting-to-have-babies thing. And

even if we were, which we’re not, don’t you think you would be scared to death to have three kids in

one shot depending on you?”

“But that comes with time. I mean, I know we’re not perfect and won’t be perfect parents.”

His mom blew out a breath and glared at him. “Tell me something, son. Has your mate seen

much of her mother recently?”

He thought about it. Karla didn’t even like talking about her mother. He knew why, but he

didn’t see how that had anything to do with the nursery. “No.”

“It’s because her mother is not the best mother out there. That probably means Karla’s feeling

all kinds of insecure about being like her mother. She’s probably insecure and overwhelmed all at

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“Would that be a reason for her to have panic attacks?”

His mother’s eyes widened. “Panic attacks?”

“Yes. She’s woken up shaking a few times. Crying another. I’m not sure what’s causing it. She

says nightmares, but I know the difference.”

“Oh, honey. She needs help. She needs you and the rest of us to help her see that her future is

not dictated by her past. She also needs a massage!”

Fuck. His mom was right. He ran a hand through his hair. “So what do I do? I haven’t done the

nursery, trying to give her time to make up her mind on how she wants it to look. I want to make it

how she wants.”

His mother waved a hand dismissively. “I’ll get that information for you. You need to go take

that class with the others. I think you showing her you’re going to help her will really give her that

sense of partnership she needs.”

“But we are partners.”

She nodded. “Yes, but she’s the one carrying three kids. Not you. She’s the one unable to

sleep or eat or anything because of that. A person starts to think the responsibility is all on them after

a while.”

Leaving his mother to tend her garden, he went in search of Ellie. He knew she could help him

figure out how to get Karla to relax.

Ellie was on her computer, a ton of baby decorations on her screen. “You need me?”

He nodded. “I’m going to do the nursery for the babies this week, and I need you to do me a

big favor.”

She swiveled to face him fully. “Sure. Name it.”

“I need her out of the house for a day or two. I’m hoping that time will be enough to get the

place set up.”

“What are you planning?” Jake asked, walking into the room with Mason and Aric. “I can give

you a hand.”

“We can help too,” Aric added. “Family comes first. We’re all excited about the babies.”

Nate loved his family. He knew that Karla was struggling with not having anyone but Kel on

her side. He wanted her to remember his family was her family too.

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“I’ll get mom to get her out of the house overnight,” Ellie said, “but you’ll need to buy the

furniture and get it all set up before she brings her back.”

“So is this the baby shower you’ve been planning?” Mason asked Ellie.

Nate lifted his brows and stared at his sister. She grinned sheepishly. “I knew you wouldn’t

have the time for that. We have everything ready to go this weekend coming.”

He pulled his sister into a hug and sighed. “I don’t know what I would do without you all.”

“Well you don’t need to try and figure it out because you do have us.” Ellie hugged him back.

“So go get started with your massive furniture order, and I’ll set up the rest.”

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Karla returned from her impromptu doctor’s visit with the news that everything looked good.

Her doctor joked she would be able to sleep soon, except for the three babies wanting attention.

Karla didn’t see the humor in the comment. She opened her door with a groan. Her back was hurting,

and the leg cramps were getting worse.

The first thing she noticed were the rose petals on the floor. Nate. What was he up to? She’d

been so distant with him lately. Not on purpose, but she couldn’t stop herself. Every time she thought

of the responsibility of three kids on her shoulders, she started to hyperventilate.

“Nate?” she called out.

She followed the trail of petals to their bedroom. The door was closed, but there was an

envelope taped to it. OPEN ME. She smiled at the message. Her mate was bossy.

She really didn’t know why he was going through so much trouble to romance her. With how

tired and cranky she was lately, it was hard for her to really appreciate his hard work when it came to

being romantic.

Tugging the envelope gently, she tore it off the door, opened it, and pulled out a card.

Have faith in you. Have faith in me. Together, we can do anything.

Her heart melted at the lovely words. He must have seen the fear in her eyes lately. She

opened her bedroom door and smiled. The room was lit with candles. Pillar candles in a soft

lavender scent illuminated every available surface. The bed had been dressed in a lilac cover and

sheets. In fact, now that she noticed it, the room appeared to have been cleaned up.

Their bathroom door opened, and Nate came out in a pair of boxers and nothing else. Her

throat went dry. She loved seeing him naked. Or in this case, half naked. He had such a sexy body,

with muscles and abs she loved tracing with her fingers.

When she decided to trust her heart about Nate and their relationship, everything changed.

She’d grown up a big girl and was pretty used to her body. Nate’s love for her curves had given her

confidence a nice boost, but pregnancy had made her bigger than ever. She felt all kinds of

uncomfortable. Her body nurtured three lives, but at the same time, she worried she looked awful to

her man. The blaze of need in his gaze as he stared at her face helped ease her fears...and heated her

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blood to a sizzle.

“Come here, beautiful.” He cupped her face and kissed her. It was a soft nuzzling of his lips

over hers. Sweet. Nice. Not what she wanted. Along with the aches and pains, the panic and the fear,

she’d also lost some of her sex drive. Now, in what felt like forever, she finally felt arousal bloom

inside. She wanted him to touch her. To give her that warmth she got from their physical relationship.

He led her into the bathroom. More candles lit the area surrounding her large tub.

“Nate, you know I can’t go in the hot tub,” she sighed. She really wanted to have a hot soak,

but it was advised by her doctor to stop the hot tub usage once she hit the halfway mark. Unlike

regular pregnancies, shifter ones tended to be shorter. That didn’t make them any less uncomfortable

for the mother though.

He glanced at her, grinning at her frown, and proceeded to tug on her clothes. “We won’t turn

on the whirlpool, and it’s just warm water with scented oil. Nothing that will be dangerous.” He

caressed a hand over her cheek. “Trust me; I checked.”

Exhaustion pulled at her muscles, so she allowed him to remove her clothes. A loud sigh

escaped her lips as he helped her into the warm water. “This is so sexy.”

He barked a laugh. “Sexy? It’s only warm water.”

She grinned at his golden eyes. “I know, but my legs hurt. My back hurts. I want a nap, and I

have been a bitch to you lately. I’m sorry, baby.” She sighed. “I bet you didn’t expect I would be such

a pain in the ass once we mated, huh?”

He put a rolled towel behind her head. “You’re crazy. You’re pregnant with triplets. What do

you expect, to be happy all day? I’d be worried if you didn’t have any complaints.”

She leaned back in the water, her belly popping over the water line. He kneeled next to the

tub, grabbing her wet hand in his and lifting it to his lips. “I love you, Karla.”

“I’m sorry. I...” She glanced down at her body. She’d been used to being big, but now she felt

all kinds of weird. “Other people told me they felt sexy being pregnant,” she burst out. “I don’t. I feel

fat. Ugly. Heck, I feel like a beached whale on the best days.”

Her mind had focused on her appearance during her last stage of pregnancy, and she had

pushed her mate away due to feelings of inadequacy.

“Karla, look at me,” he ordered.

There was no escape. She glanced up and knew she was in trouble. The usual smile wasn’t in

his eyes. Instead, there was an openness she’d come to adore in Nate.

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“I’m not saying that because I need sweet words, Nate,” she rushed to add.

He leaned closer, bringing his head inches from hers. “You’re beautiful. Pregnant or not, you

are. You are the mother of my children. You’re losing sleep and enduring pain for our offspring. If

that’s not enough beauty, you look gorgeous pregnant.”

She glanced away from him, not really believing his words. “Nate...”

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“I’m not lying, sweetheart. I’ve loved your body from the first day I saw you. But this new

you? You represent everything I love in a woman. Beauty, sass, humor, honesty, and now you’re also

the mother of my children. You’re beyond sexy. Fertility has never looked this good on any other

female.” He closed the distance, bringing his lips to hers and kissing her the way she loved. Hard.

Rough. With that edge of desperation that made her wet.

He twined his fingers into her hair, gripping the strands and pushing her head back so he could

drive his tongue into her mouth. With quick swipes, he fanned the flames of her desire. She clutched

the tub with both hands, holding on and letting her need flow through their kiss. He growled, sending

vibrations rumbling down her body.

She loved Nate’s kisses. They were addictive. He managed to make her stupid and hot with

his lips. Passion grew in her chest, flowing down her body to curl at her core.

He cupped her breast with the other hand, tweaking her nipple gently. She sucked a breath in

through their kiss. God, that tiny flick of her flesh made her pussy quiver. Her back arched, and she

pushed her chest into his hand. Tearing her lips from his became a necessity. She struggled to get into

her lungs. She leaned her head into his hand. He kissed her jaw, licking his way to her earlobe.

“Do you want me to make you come?”

“Yes,” she gasped. She needed it. She’d been too stressed and worked up over so many

things. The one thing she knew would help her loosen up was his hands on her.

He glided his hand down, over her belly, and between her open legs. “I’ve missed touching

you like this,” he breathed by her ear. He kissed down her neck to her chest and sucked a nipple into

his mouth. Explosions of pleasure blasted behind her lids. His lips on her had to be the quickest shot

of liquid bliss in the world. It was beyond erotic.

“I’ve missed your touch, too,” she whimpered. He traced her pussy with his fingers. Not

penetrating. Not moving away. She was half-out of her mind with need to come. “Make me come,

Nate. I want to. I need to.”

He fingered her clit, rubbing lightly before gliding his digits into her pussy. Her body

tightened around his fingers. She ached with even more desire for him.

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“That’s it, sweetheart. Moan louder,” he rumbled on her breast.

He drove his fingers in and out of her pussy, slow at first, but then increasing in speed. His

tongue flicked back and forth on her nipple, twirling and nibbling lightly. Her pussy tightened around

his fingers. The tension inside her cracked so fast she was left dazed from the speed of her reaction.

He thumbed her clit, pressing hard and nipping her breast at the same time.

Pleasure unfurled inside her, until all she could do was cling to the tub as her body shook

from the force of her release. She gasped a scream, her muscles so loose she’d swear they liquefied

with every breath she took.

He kissed his way back up to her lips and brought his other hand to rest on her belly. She

couldn’t move. It had been exhausting to come, and now all she wanted to do was lay there. The

sound of her cell phone ringing pulled them out of their private moment.

Nate lifted his head away from her face and pierced her with his golden gaze. “I will always

want you.”

The way he said it, so decisive and not open for question, made her smile. “Always?”

He nodded. “Always.” He traced a long, angry, red stretch mark on her belly. She glanced

down at what he was doing with his fingers before meeting his gaze again. “When you’re pregnant.

When you’re not. When you’re youthful and when you’re old. Always,” he said solemnly. “My desire

for you is only beat by my love for you.”

“Nate, you don’t have to—”

“I know. I need you to understand. Every aspect of you is beautiful to me. And I will always

want you. Don’t question it. You’re my other half, Karla. I will never want another woman the way I

want you. I will never love another like I love you. You are the most precious person in my life.”

“Even with the babies?”

“If there were no babies, I’d still love you more than my own life.”

The phone rang again. He glanced over his shoulder and then back at her. “I’ll get that for you.

Lay there and relax. I’ll make you dinner.”

She had truly lucked out with Nate. Not only was he romantic in every sense of the word, but

he did things she’d never expected. Her heart filled with happiness. He loved her more than anyone

else. Now she needed to figure out how to give him and their children the best mate and mother she


He returned with her cell phone and a champagne flute. She grinned, “I can’t be drinking,” she

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He winked and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “It’s apple juice.”

She put the phone to her ear and sighed over his thoughtfulness. “Hello?”

“Hi, darling!” Barbara said. “How are you feeling?”

Karla leaned her head back on the towel pillow and sunk deeper into the water. “Tired but


“Wonderful. I saw this lovely painting of wolf cubs with their parents, and I wanted to buy it

for you, but I have no idea what colors you’re using for the nursery so I figured I’d ask.”

She closed her eyes and thought about the nursery. For once, the idea of the nursery didn’t

send her into a panic attack. Probably her sex-hazed brain cells weren’t focused on Karla being an

awful mother. “I was thinking of something in a cute zoo-animal theme. Nothing crazy. Something

boys and girls can grow in.”

“That’s right. You don’t know if you’re having boys or girls, do you?”

She grinned. “I know at least one is a boy, but we were told one of them couldn’t be seen. He

or she was being shy.”

“I think that idea you have is great. Imagine having the whole room set up that way. Three

cribs each set up and lots of cute baby animals.”

She let her mind roam over the possibilities. “I’d love to have a mural painted in the room.

Maybe even a quote about believing in yourself. I don’t know. Those are just ideas.”

“Well, they’re great ideas,” Barbara said. “I will let you rest, and go find that painting. You

have a great evening, and remember I’m here for anything you need.”

“Barbara, I wanted to ask you a favor.” She blurted out spontaneously. The idea occurred to

her that maybe if Barbara taught her how to be a good mother, like she was, Karla wouldn’t mess up

raising her kids.

“Sure. What do you need?”

“I want you to teach me how to be a good mom.”

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There was a moment of silence before Barbara replied. “You want me to teach you how to be

a good mother?”

“Yes. You’re the best one I know. I would appreciate your guidance.”

“Oh, Karla,” Barbara choked up. “That is one of the loveliest things anyone has ever said to

me,” she sniffled.

“It’s the truth. You’re an amazing mother. If I was half as good as you, I’d be happy.”

“Honey, all you need to do is trust your instinct when it comes to your children. And don’t let

them get over on you. They might think they are, but you will always know when you’re being played.

Kids are obvious.”

Barbara was right. She needed to trust her instinct and herself more. She was a teacher. She

knew kids. So maybe she’d have three who depended on her and Nate, but nobody was perfect. All

she could do was try her best, and that’s what she’d do.

Once she finished her bath, she wrapped her robe around her body and went into the bedroom.

Nate had placed a table in their bedroom and set it up for dinner. He’d really done a great job. She

sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for him to return from the kitchen.

When he did, she motioned him to her with the crook of a finger.

He raised a brow and grinned. “I think I’m about to like whatever you have planned.”

She smiled, watching him lower to squat between her legs. He pushed the sides of her robe

open and slipped his hands up her body, removing the material as he went. She kissed him, stroking

his tongue with hers. A low moan sounded in the back of her throat. Why did she let her mothering

worries push him away? How could anything be a reason to allow her to keep her mate at a distance?

It stopped now. She raked her nails over his arms, loving his muscles shifting under her fingertips.

He broke their kiss, licked his lips, and glanced down at her full breasts. “I want to lick my

way down your body. Then I’m going to spread your legs wide and feast on your pussy.”

A shudder racked her body. That sounded so good. Him licking her, fucking her. Him showing

her how much he wanted her now that she didn’t feel as desirable as she normally did.

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He kissed the corner of her mouth, raining kisses down her chin and neck. He continued his

way south, licking between her breasts, then nibbling on one of her nipples. Nate knew just how to

touch her. How to kiss her. How to make her body ache for him. She moaned, gripping his hand in her

fists and holding him to her breast. There wasn’t much relief there. Dammit!

She groaned, loving the feel of his tongue gliding down until he was between her legs. She

leaned back on the bed, glancing at the ceiling fan. She loved how careful he was with her, spreading

her legs open with care but still growling softly and telling her how much he loved the scent of her


“You smell so fucking good, Karla,” he groaned. “Sweet. Like dessert.”

She grinned. One of the things she’d learned with Nate was that lack of harsh scents was

better when she was with him. So she’d stopped wearing any perfumes. Apparently her body’s

natural scents turned him into a horny wolf. Her lids fluttered closed at the first swipe of his tongue

on her pussy. Breaths pumped out of her lungs in a rush. She gulped. Her body hummed with pleasure.

Muscles tensed with the joy of his touch.

“Nate, you have an amazing mouth,” she moaned.

It was one of the things she’d loved in her mate. He flicked, twirled, and twisted his tongue on

her clit until she went cross-eyed. Until all she could do was moan and beg for him to keep going.

Nothing else mattered when his mouth was on her sex, and he was licking and fondling her with his


He growled, sending vibrations shooting up her spine. Her belly quivered as tension gathered

in her core. She curled her fingers into claws in his hair, gripping his strands and trying to pull him


Nate knew just what to do to get her body to respond to his touch. He knew how to caress

areas she had no idea were so sensitive. How to lick her clit. How to fuck her pussy with his fingers,

curling his fingers into hooks to massage her G-spot. He knew that doing that would trigger sparks of

lust to shoot her over the edge.

“Oh, Nate!”

He nibbled and sucked on her clit. That’s all it took. One real good suck and she was a goner.

Her back came off the bed. She squealed, fighting to keep her breath at the same time her body let go

of the tension snapping inside her.

She tried to catch her body and stop her knees from shaking, with little success, until Nate

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helped her to a sitting position. He flipped a chair he’d set up for dinner, to face away from the table.

His boxers flew south as he shrugged them off in a flash. He stood naked and proud, his cock facing

up and hard as steel. She knew he was turned on, and she loved that she could do that to him. Every

day he wanted to make love to her so desperately was a testament to his desire for her. The fact he

wanted her whether she was big from being curvy or big being pregnant didn’t matter. He wanted her.

Then he sat down and winked. “Bring your gorgeous ass over here.”

She laughed and shook her head. “Only you would call my very large ass gorgeous.”

“I happen to love you and your large ass,” he said. “Now bring it here.”

She tried a sexy sway toward him, but was sure it was more like a sexy waddle. Not that she

cared at the moment. The blaze of need in his eyes was all she needed to see. She glanced at him

jerking his cock in his grasp. What a turn on. He palmed his cock, the entire time staring at her


He turned her to face away from him and helped her straddle his lap. She leaned forward,

holding herself up using the bed for leverage. Meanwhile, he guided her hips down until his cock was

at her entrance. Her pussy was soaked. She visualized him inside her. How good it would feel. How

much she’d enjoy it. There was no holding back then. She pushed down, taking his shaft into her body

and feeling him stretch her.

“Ah, baby. You grew tighter. Does it hurt?” he asked, his voice a low growl.

It did hurt some. Her body was weird lately, and she wasn’t as wet as she normally was, but

she ignored that and instead focused on how much she enjoyed sex with Nate. She shook her head and

pressed down again, taking more of him into her body.

“Oh!” she gasped.

Her body tightened around his. She took her time, lifting and dropping until she could take him

all the way. Until she sat on his legs with him balls deep inside her.

“That feels fucking unbelievable,” he snarled, gripping her hips and helping her wiggle on his


She leaned back, pressing her back to his chest and lifting his hands to her breasts. “Play with

my nipples,” she murmured. They were ultra-sensitive, and his touch managed to send her over the

edge every time. It was like shooting lightning down her body.

He massaged her breasts, kissing her neck while she moved on his lap. Fire danced in her

veins, increasing her pleasure tenfold with every rock of her hips on his dick. There was no quick,

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crazy fucking this time. It wouldn’t take her long to push over the threshold. This was a love-making

session meant to show her how much she was desired.

She knew that and loved him so much harder for it. He’d allowed her to push him away,

because he was probably under the impression she wanted space. But the moment she’d spoken of

feeling unsure about her sex appeal during pregnancy, he’d shown her that he could never get enough

of her. Like he did every time they were together. He killed those thoughts before they took up too

much space in her head.

“I love you, baby,” he whispered by her ear. “I love you pregnant. I love you curvy. I love you

every way there is to love you. You’re my everything.”

She wiggled harder. Her pussy sucked his hard cock, with every rocking motion she did. “I

love you too, Nate.”

He pinched her nipples, shoving her over the edge and into a sea of bliss. She screamed,

digging her nails into his hands as she came. Her vision blurred and reality ceased to exist. The only

thing she knew was the pleasure coursing through her veins, turning her muscles lax.

He stiffened beneath her, his cock pulsing inside her quivering sex. His howl caught her by

surprise. There was a breath, and he did a full-body shiver as he filled her with his seed. He held her

in his arms while they waited for their breathing to return to normal. She was still trying to stop the

shaking in her knees when he lifted her up and brought her to the bed. She met his gaze with a grin.

“What about dinner?”

He shrugged, making those gorgeous muscles call her attention. “I’ll bring it to the bed.”

“And anything else I want in bed with me?” She asked.

“What else do you want?” He said glancing at the table.

“You. In bed. Now.” She laughed at his expression.

“That’s the first time you picked me over food since you’ve been pregnant.”

She raised her brows. “Who said I was picking you over food. I’m picking you and the food.

There’s a difference.”

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Nate smiled at his hard work. He’d been able to paint what Ellie called the accent walls in

the nursery. Kel had hired an artist to create a mural of wolf pups with their parents lounging by a

river. The colors went perfectly with the furniture he’d found clippings of in Karla’s notebooks. She

might not have gotten with the planning process of the nursery, but the few items she’d clipped had

given him enough detail to do the entire place.

“Where do you want this glider?” Jake asked, helping bring the furniture into the room now

that the paint was dry.

“Over by that window,” he pointed, already visualizing his wife nursing their babies and

rocking them to sleep there.

Mason and Aric helped put cribs together, and Ellie focused on making sure the decorations

matched with the theme. Who knew putting a nursery together could be so time-consuming? He

wanted to make Karla happy, so if he had to do color coordination he would.

“So when are you telling mom?” Ellie asked while dressing crib beds.

“Telling her what?” He asked, placing mobiles in a pile by the cribs.

“That you married Karla in Vegas. While everyone was busy with Nic and Jake, you two

snuck off to do your own thing,” Ellie grinned. “I’m not hating, just saying. You’re gonna have to tell

mom someday.”

“Yeah, someday. As in not today. How did you find out, anyway?” He screwed a mobile in

place and moved on to the next one.

“That day, when you did it, I noticed you both wearing rings. You took them off afterwards,

but I’d already noticed.” She glanced down at his right hand. “I see you’re wearing them on the wrong

hand, but I know.”

Shit. It was only a matter of time before his mother noticed too. “Great.”

“Word of advice, tell her after she meets her grandchildren. She’ll be so involved being in

love with them that she will forgive you guys anything.”

Once the room was decorated, he left Ellie to handle the rest of the house to help make it nice

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and clean for Karla. Afterwards, they all headed for the parenting class. Ellie was going to teach the



They were standing in front of changing tables and toy babies when Ellie burst into giggles.

“What’s so funny, little pup?” Aric asked.

“You are all eyeing those babies like they’re aliens. Pick them up. They’re your babies for

today.” She gasped. “Jake! You’re going to rip your baby’s arm off holding him like that. Carry him

the right way.”

“It’s a toy, Ellie,” Jake replied, holding his baby by one leg now, while flicking through his

cell phone.

“Carry him the right way, or I will make you watch a video on real-life birthing. You’re lucky

mom let you guys off the hook on that one.”

“He doesn’t know how to carry a baby,” Mason said, “but I think we all know who’s a


“Mason, honey,” Ellie grinned, “If you don’t hold your baby’s head, he could have damage to

his neck.”

Aric laughed. “Yeah, we all know who the natural one is.”

“Oh, for crying out loud,” Ellie sighed. “Aric you can’t hold your baby between your shoulder

and your ear. He is not a cell phone.”

“It’s called multi-tasking,” he threw back.

“It’s called bad parenting. Hold your baby the right way, or I swear I will make all four of

you change real, stinky diapers.”

Nate glanced down at the baby he cradled in his arms and noticed a big wet spot on his T-

shirt. “My baby is leaking.”

Ellie burst into fits of laughter. “He needs a diaper change. He’s not leaking. He’s not a


“I bet I can change a diaper faster than the rest of you,” Jake yelled.

“Guys, don’t!” Ellie admonished, but it was too late.

Everyone threw their babies on the tables and started tearing the diapers off in a rush to the

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finish line. Mason finished first and lifted his baby, only to have the diaper fall off his body.

“Oh!” Jake gasped. “You’re disqualified. How can you not know how to put a diaper on a

baby?” He proceeded to show off his own baby.

Ellie folded her arms over her chest. “Jake, the Velcro is supposed to be on the diaper, not the

baby’s clothes.”

Sure enough, the front of the diaper slid down. At that moment, Jake’s baby sent a stream of

liquid straight into Jake’s face.

Aric lifted his baby next. “Mine is perfect.”

Ellie raised her brows and said nothing. Within a heartbeat, the diaper slid down the baby’s

legs. “You’re supposed to make it tight enough around his waist that it won’t fall that.”

It was Nate’s turn. He showed Ellie his baby, and she nodded.

“It’s okay?” he asked.

“Let’s just say I’m glad you’re the one with the babies. These guys need baby boot camp

before I leave them alone with any children.”

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Karla sat at her sofa and smiled. They’d gone off to a spa overnight, a gift from Nate for her to

relax. She was sad Ellie couldn’t make it, but it was so nice of Barbara and the others to go away

with her. Now, she and the others had just returned home, only to find she was being thrown an

impromptu shower. So many presents. The idea of a shower had not even occurred to her.

“It was so nice of you all to take me out,” she smiled. She’d gotten home not ten minutes ago,

and they had sat her down and kept her there, talking about the babies.

“You’re welcome. Just know we are very glad you’ve picked all of us as Godparents for the

babies,” Nicole grinned.

“It helps that there’s three. And I can do whatever I want. So each of them can get two or three

sets of Godparents, and I’m okay with that.”

Twinges of pains shot from her belly down to her uterus. They felt like cramps, only


“Uh-oh, you’re making a face like we’re keeping you from a nap,” Jordan said. “You really

tired? We can go.”

Karla shook her head. “I’m fine.”

Another set of sharper twinges made her tense in her seat.

“You don’t look fine,” Barbara frowned. “I can tell you’re in pain. What’s going on?”

Karla sighed. “I’ve been having cramps for a few days.” She used the leather strap to help her

to her feet. “I’ll be back, I just need to walk it off a bit.”

She took three steps before she felt a gush of warm water trickling down her legs. “I think I

peed on myself.”

“Oh, honey. Your water broke!” Barbara said. “Let’s get you to a hospital.”

“My water can’t break. Nate isn’t here. I’m not ready. We have no nursery,” she gasped at the

pain starting to make her belly tense. “Did I mention I’m not ready yet?!”

“Ready or not, those babies are on the way,” Emma grinned. “I think it would be better if we

took your ass somewhere we can get you pain meds, don’t you think?”

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Yes! Oh, yes. She could so kiss Emma. Pain meds sounded fan-fucking-tastic right then.

“Where’s your bag?” Jordan asked rushing from the bedroom back to the living room.

“What bag?” She asked, still wondering if she really hadn’t peed. Pregnancy was like a crash

course in learning all the things she couldn’t control in her body. “I haven’t used a handbag in the


“Not a handbag,” Nicole supplied texting on her phone.

“The one with your stuff for the hospital?” Jordan raised her brows like Karla was slow or

something. It wasn’t like she had babies all the time.

“It’s by the kitchen entrance. Easier to remember it,” Karla said, tentatively taking a step as

she watched more water raced down her legs. “I think I broke a faucet or something in there. Every

time I move more water comes out.”

Barbara laughed and guided her to the door. “Let’s get you to the hospital. Your babies want

to come out now.”

Stubborn little mutts. Just like their father. They still had weeks to go. She could only hope

everything was fine. “Where’s Nate?”

“He’s hunting with Caleb, but they’re going to meet us at the hospital,” Nicole said, jumping

into the back of the SUV Barbara had used for their overnight trip.

They raced to the hospital. By the time they got there, Karla could barely speak from the

constant slam of contractions assaulting her. She was taken to a private room and readied for

delivery. A doctor checked her cervix and declared she was going to be pushing very soon. Push. She

hadn’t even thought about that yet. Pushing three kids out of her body added a whole new level of fear

to what had already built into a Himalayan-sized mountain inside her. If that wasn’t scary enough,

Nate wasn’t there yet.

Gripping the metal bars on either side of her bed, she turned to Emma and screeched. “Get

Nate in here, or I will hurt him.”

He had to be there for the birth of their babies. He had to. Or she’d kill him. He’d better get

his ass in there pronto. How could he take so long? The one day she needed him on time. Wave after

wave of cramps came at a faster speed. She glanced at Nicole, her eyes filled with tears, “Where are

the pain meds?”

“I’ll handle this, dear,” Barbara said. She walked out of the room and returned shortly with

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two doctors and a nurse. “She needs pain meds and for you to check her cervix.”

A nurse put something in the IV. Her hope was it would work fast. Otherwise, she might kill

someone, or everyone. One of the doctors checked the fetal monitor and frowned. “One of your

babies is under distress.” He studied the printout of the heart monitor and glanced at the nurse and

other doctor. “We’ll need to get them out via C-Section or risk something happening during vaginal


“Where is Nate?!”

“I’m here!” He shouted as he ran through the doors to Karla’s side.

“Okay,” she breathed through a contraction. “Do what you need to do to get my babies out


The doctor nodded at the nurse. “Let’s prep her for the operating room.”

Everything was a blur after that. She was given a shot in her spine they called an epidural. It

numbed her body almost fully, but she was able to stay awake, which was kind of freaky. On the one

hand, she didn’t have the contractions killing her anymore, but on the other, she wouldn’t be able to

hold her babies as they were born.

Only Nate was allowed in the room with her. He sat beside her, holding her hand while they

pulled out her babies, one by one.

“Here’s Baby A. And it’s a boy.”

She glanced at Nate. “That’s our Matthew.”

He stood and took the scissors the doctor handed him to cut the umbilical cord.

“Now we have Baby B,” said the doctor. “Another boy.”

“Michael,” Nate grinned, moving out of her view to cut his umbilical cord.

“And finally,” the doctor laughed, “we have Baby C. And she’s a beauty.”

Karla gasped. She hadn’t expected a girl. Still, they’d picked out a few names just in case.


She waited anxiously for the babies to cry and get cleaned before Nate brought them by her

face, one by one. She kissed each one, wishing she could hold them before they were taken away.

* * *

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Karla’s lashes fluttered open. She’d fallen asleep in the operating room. She glanced around

the room and met Nate’s golden eyes staring at her. “Where are they?”

He pushed back a curtain separating her from the three little hospital cribs.

One by one, he handed her the babies to hold, until all three lay on her chest. She’d never felt

so happy, in love, and scared in her life. Knowing these little helpless babies depended on her only

made her more determined to be the best mother she could.

She hadn’t realized she’d been laying there, hugging the babies in silence until Nate spoke.

“Don’t cry, beautiful. We can do this. Together.”

She nodded and smiled. “I know. I trust us.” She frowned when she realized how quiet her

room was. “Where is everyone?”

He laughed. “Waiting outside for you to wake up, so they can come meet the babies.”

“Can we come in yet?” Barbara asked from outside. “I’d like to hold my grandchildren before

I get any more gray hairs.”

“Mother, you don’t have gray hairs,” Ellie laughed.

“And I’d like to keep it that way,” she countered.

Karla nodded. “Let them in. They’re our family. Nothing’s more important.”

* * *

“Nate what in the world are you doing? Are you sure it’s safe?” She tip-toed carefully, trying

not to trip since she couldn’t see anything.

“It’s perfectly safe. I just have a surprise for you,” he said, guiding her blindfolded through

their house.

He stopped after a few minutes and, by the sound that she heard, opened a door.

“Okay. I’m about to take the blindfold off, but before I do, there’s something I need to say.”

She gulped, her nerves getting the best of her. It was her first day home after almost a week at

the hospital. She’d developed a mild infection and needed a few extra days to recuperate. Her nerves

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were already stretched thin. She wanted to get on her bed and sleep. It was days like those she

wondered how she would be able to cope raising three newborns.

Thankfully, Barbara had offered to come in daily and spend the day helping out with the kids.

She’d offered to stay the night, but Karla didn’t have it in her to deprive her of sleep too. It seemed

her little babies liked to sleep, so it wasn’t too hard to get some rest once they were all sleeping. In

fact, Emma, Ellie, Jordan, and Nic were all eager to come babysit. It made her happy to see she really

wasn’t as alone as she’d feared.

“What did you want to say?” she asked Nate.

“I just want you to know that even if I didn’t think it possible, after watching our children

come out of your body, I love you more than I can say. There aren’t words to express how much I

thank you for what you’ve given me.”

She felt herself tearing up over his words. “What have I given you?”

“Love. Pure. Honest. Unconditional. And family. I could never ask for more.”

She reached out to cup his face and rose on her toes to meet his lips for a kiss. It was short but

oh, so sweet. A true expression of the love they shared.

The blindfold came off, and she gasped. “Oh, my!”

Her nursery was better than she could have imagined. She turned to him, tears streaming down

her cheeks. Stupid hormones. “You did this for me?”

“I love you. Your happiness is my happiness.”

She hugged him tight, letting the fear and tension drain away to be replaced with hope and joy.

They could be great parents. They had the drive and determination. They also had the family to help

them along the way.


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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Milly Taiden (AKA April Angel) loves to

write sexy stories. How sexy? So sexy they will surely make your ereader sizzle. Usually paranormal
or contemporary, her stories are a great quick way to satisfy your craving for fun heroines with curves
and sexy alphas with fur.

Milly lives in New York City with her hubby, their boy child and their little dog “Needy Speedy”.

She’s aware she’s bossy, is addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn’t, right?) and Dunkin’
Donuts coffee.

She loves to meet new readers!


Find out more about Milly Taiden here:





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If you liked this story, you might also enjoy by Milly Taiden:

Sassy Mates Series

Scent of a Mate Sassy Mates Book One

A Mate’s Bite Sassy Mates Book Two

Unexpectedly Mated Sassy Mates Book Three

A Sassy Wedding Short 3.7

The Mate Challenge Sassy Mates Book Four

Sassy in Diapers Short 4.3

Federal Paranormal Unit

Wolf Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book One

Dangerous Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Two

Black Meadow Pack

Sharp Change Black Meadows Pack Book One

Caged Heat Black Meadows Pack Book Two

Paranormal Dating Agency

Twice the Growl Book One

Geek Bearing Gifts Book Two

The Purrfect Match Book Three

Curves ‘Em Right Book Four

Tall, Dark and Panther Book Five (coming soon)

Other Works

Wolf Fever Alpha Project Book One

Fate’s Wish

Wynter’s Captive

Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1

Club Duo Boxed Set

Don’t Drink and Hex

Hex Gone Wild

Hex and Kisses

Hex You Up (coming soon)

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Hex with an Ex (coming soon)

Alpha Owned

Bitten by Night

Seduced by Days

Mated by Night

Taken by Night

Captured by Night (coming soon)

Match Made in Hell (coming soon)

Hellhound Needs a Mate (coming soon)

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would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated.

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Document Outline


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