Paranormal Dating Agency 9 In The Roar Milly Taiden

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Alivia Vela is a big girl tired of dating. She’s at the point of buying a frozen popsicle and being

artificially inseminated. Or she was until tall, growly, and oh, so sexy Karel shows up, saves the day,

and gives her a night she won't soon forget. That mouth…that tongue. Oh my.

Karel Yahgar needs a mate faster than he can snarl mine. He didn't expect to meet the perfect woman

for both him and his jaguar moments after arriving on earth. Now all Karel needs is for her to go with

him to another planet. That should go over well. If she doesn't decide he's crazy instead, which is

highly likely.

Liv is a born hardhead. She’s gonna need more than a pink ocean to prove she’s on another planet.

Where are the flying saucers? Then there’s the issue of convincing herself she’s not falling for the big

kitty. If her ovaries weren’t in agreement with her brain that Karel should be her future baby daddy,

she might find the will to stay away from his sexiness. While she tries to figure out that, she and Karel

have to work together to take down an unexpected conspiracy against the pregnant queen—Liv’s new

best friend.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be

construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By

Latin Goddess Press

New York, NY 10456

In The Roar

Copyright © 2015 by Milly Taiden

Cover by Willsin Rowe

Edited by: Tina Winograd

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except

in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Property of Milly Taiden

October 2015

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—For Sheri

You are priceless!

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Gerri Wilder, matchmaker extraordinaire, stared at the hologram of Karel Yahgar. In the years

she’d known Karel, she’d never seen him so serious.

“You need me to find you a mate?” she inquired with a frown, her curiosity piqued over his

intense look. Even through a hologram, she knew something was wrong.

“Yes,” he told her, sounding emotionally drained. “Urgently.”

She’d never seen him like this, and it worried her. “I have a lot of things to catch up on.”

She’d arrived at her apartment only moments before. Her mail was stacked high, and too many things

needed follow-up. It was impossible to leave so quickly without prepping things all over again.

Three trips in a row had been more than she had undertaken before. “It is going to be a while before I

can get back to Aurora.”

The admission brought a deep, frustrated frown over Karel’s eyes. Gerri realized he didn’t

want to give her more information so she sighed and shook her head.

“If that’s the case,” he said, his gaze directly at hers, “I will come to you.”

Her jaw dropped. She’d joked with him many times, trying to get him to visit earth and have

some fun on her side of the galaxy. As head of security for the king of Aurora, Karel worked nonstop.

Still, most times she saw him, there was an air of relaxation around him she didn’t see at that moment.

“You want to come here?” She glanced around her messy living room. There were special

apartments in one of her godson Noah’s properties specifically for those from Aurora to stay.

Karel stood tall and proud and gave a short, hard nod that reminded her of his military


“I guess we can figure out how to find you a mate here.” She bit her lip and contemplated

where the hell her list of prospective clients had been the last time she’d been home. “Karel,” she

said. His stress and sadness concerned her; it wasn’t like him to be so serious. “I will do my best to

help you as soon as possible.” She leaned forward on her seat. “I do need to know why the sudden

need for a mate. You said nothing about it when I was last there.”

He made a pained face and glanced away. “It’s my mother.”

“Ah, shit.” Gerri knew about the jaguars. Last she heard, Karel’s mother was dying. Her

illness was unexpected because it came on suddenly and she started to deteriorate immediately. Being

such a protective and important figure in Karel’s life, he’d do anything his mother asked as her final

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wish. “She wants to see you mated.”

“Yes. This needs to happen as soon as possible.”

Gerri nodded, now ready to ignore the mess in her apartment and help a son giving his dying

mother a final wish. Karel was a good man. Tall with a killer smile and hazel eyes, not to mention

muscles that could make any woman stutter.

“I’m in. I will do my best to get you what you need. Get your cute ass to this side of the galaxy

and I will arrange a place for you to stay.”

“You’re a lifesaver.” He finally smiled. There was the handsome man she had come to love

like family. “I will be in your debt if you help me.”

She laughed and winked. “I will help and you will most likely fuck up at some point. It’s what

men naturally do. Be warned. I will kick your ass if you make the lady I match you with cry.”

His hand slapped against his chest, mouth gaping. “I’m not heartless.”

She grinned at his flabbergasted expression. “Darling, you don’t have to be heartless to make

a woman cry. Most men do it because they use their penis to think.”

His lips quirked and eyes crinkled with amusement. “Not everyone is like that. Some men can,

and do, use their real brains.”

She twined her fingers on her lap. “I’ve lived through too many matches to know better.”

“Whatever happened to the benefit of the doubt?” He laughed.

“It died with the dinosaurs,” Gerri replied cheekily. “Now, let me go. I have to get your big

pussy an earth girl. And don’t believe the hype. Not all of them are easy.”

He nodded, a grin still covering his face. “Thank you.”

Yeah. Great. Now she had to figure out who in the world would mate a giant jaguar with hazel

eyes, a sexy body, and a face that made panties drop. Shouldn’t be too hard.

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Alivia Vela, or as her friends and family called her, Liv, glanced at the card in her hand. A

woman dropped it when she paid for wrapping paper in front of her at the card store. For an older

woman, she moved damn fast. Liv had just paid for the get-well card for her stepsister when she

noticed the woman’s card on the floor.

With big jagged letters, the business card was for a paranormal dating agency. Already signed

up to an infinite amount of dating sites, Liv wasn’t interested in keeping the card, but maybe the

woman needed it. Hell, maybe she was using the services and needed the website address.

Tonight she had a date with a man from a matchmaking site. Why had she allowed herself to

feel guilty about being single? Oh yeah, it was Monica, her stepsister. She meant well. But Monica

was in a happy marriage, and wanted to see Liv happy too. That was all well and good until she was

scheduled on endless dates with men who she had nothing in common with. Not a fucking thing.

The sun beamed on her face when she left the store. She slid the sunglasses on top her head to

rest on her nose, effectively blocking most of the annoying brightness.

Scanning the area, she searched for the older woman, her attention drawn to the bakery across

the street. She shouldn’t. Her health was important. As a large woman, she had done her best to eat

right, exercise all the time, and know her big curves were not due to poor health. She was just

vertically challenged in proportion to her weight.

It sucked that she was the only big girl in her family. Everyone else was stick thin and they

didn’t believe she took care of herself like she said she did. Oh, they nodded and gave her

sympathetic smiles, saying they knew she was doing her best. But when they thought she wasn’t

listening, she heard them whisper about her eating a cookie or a piece of cake like she’d broken some

rule about fat people having dessert.

The bakery called to her. She was PMSing and really wanted chocolate. It was that or run

over the next person who stared too long at her crop top that read “Nerdy, Dirty, Inked and Curvy.”

She’d loved it when she had it made but some of the disgusted looks really pissed her off. Apparently

big girls shouldn’t wear cropped tops. Too bad.

She eyed the bakery with a secret craving for its deliciously smooth and sweet concoctions.

Chocolate or murder. Stupid female hormones. They always did this to her. Every month, like

clockwork, she’d get cravings for chocolate and the need to find a man and get herself pregnant. She

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didn’t know why, but babies became a desperate longing at least two days every month. At thirty-six

years old, she knew the desire for children would only grow with time. Lately, the need for progeny

was the only reason she put up with the idiot dates Monica set up.

Monica and her children brought so much happiness into Liv’s life, but those were not her

kids. So she joined matchmaking sites to make Monica happy and to secretly search out a man willing

to have children. She was growing desperate, though. Soon she’d start researching sperm donors if

this dating stuff didn’t work.

The sweet allure of chocolate and cake won. Besides, she had a healthy chicken wrap for

lunch and she could really use the happy endorphins chocolate sent to her brain.

Mouth watering and stomach anticipating the taste of the delicious pastries, she crossed the

street. She pushed the door open; the scrumptious scent of cookies, cakes, and other sugary sensations

rushed to meet her.

“Hey, Liv,” greeted the owner and head baker.

“Hi, Aurelis.” She waved the hand holding the business card. Though she knew she didn’t go

to the bakery enough to be remembered, Aurelis had mentioned she was good with names, so Liv had

gotten used to being greeted like an old friend.

“How’s the dating thing going?” Aurelis asked, placing a piece of chocolate fudge, two

chocolate chip cookies, and a mini napoleon on a plate.

She’d made the mistake of being on the phone with Monica the last time she’d gone into the

bakery and Aurelis heard her whole conversation. “It’s, ah, it’s going.”

Aurelis gave a sad nod. “Coffee?”

“A latte, please.” She took the plate of sweets from Aurelis and sat at a table. The place was

empty, having passed the midday rush. Luckily for Liv, she worked from home translating English

books to Spanish whenever it suited her. Today, it suited her to take the day off and relax.

Aurelis came around the glass display case and brought the latte to Liv’s table. “I have a

friend you should talk to. She’s great at matching up people.”

She shook her head. “No, thanks.”

She was already regretting her date for that night and the last thing she wanted was to get

roped into more. Her wish would be to go back in time and ignore the help Monica pushed on her.

Aurelis patted her shoulder and left her alone. She glanced at the bits of dessert. These did not make

her weak.

She was a grown woman, allowed to have cravings and desires for sweets. It wasn’t like she

went overboard, but still, the nagging guilt she was being bad persisted. It was probably due to the

argument with her grandmother that morning.

“You’re getting fatter,” she’d exclaimed, disgust and surprise on her face. “I thought you said

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you exercised and ate healthy.”

“I do.” She didn’t like explaining herself to her grandmother. She had a one–track mind. Lose

weight. You must be doing something wrong if the weight didn’t come off.

Eat less. Workout more. Eat healthier. Her grandma had hammered those three rules into Liv’s

brain all her life. Until she wasn’t so fat, Grandma would not approve how she looked. No matter

how nicely she groomed herself or how well she dressed, her grandmother always destroyed her self-

esteem and dragged her back to feeling like that little girl looking for love.

So Liv said fuck it and got four tattoos and colored the tips of her hair purple. She wore cute

tops made for curvy women and felt damn hot in them. Grandma did not like this. Not even a little.

The door chimed and another patron walked into the bakery. Pulled out of her thoughts, Liv

growled. Every time she tried to enjoy something she’d worked hard to deserve, she ended up feeling

guilty. No more. She had to stop letting her past bother her. Fuck that.

She was an adult who worked out, ate well, and loved her body. She picked up the first

cookie and took a bite, moaning. It was divine. The amazing flavor combination of chocolate, sugar,

and other ingredients burst on her tongue. Aurelis created pure magic in the form of dessert.

“Hello, Gerri,” Aurelis said behind Liv.

Liv focused on her coffee and cookies, shutting out the world and relaxing. The more she

thought about her grandmother, the more determined she became to overcome the negativity. She

might be big, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t beautiful. Everyone had beauty in their own way.

Her grandmother didn’t understand Liv would never be thin. Perhaps there was something

about her body that held on to weight. She didn’t know and at this point, she no longer cared. She

liked her big, fluffy curves. She felt damn sexy with her nipped-in waist and wide hips. And her

boobs nicely balanced her physique into an hourglass. No. She wouldn’t let her grandmother upset her

any longer. Liv knew she was beautiful the way she was.

Sudden movement from the corner of her eye made her turn to Aurelis and the woman she

spoke to. It was the older woman from the card store.

“Excuse me,” Liv said.


“I think you dropped this in the store I was in a little while ago,” she told her and handed her

the business card.

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Liv noticed the woman eyeing her with interest. “I’m Gerri Wilder.” She gave Liv her hand to

shake. “Owner of the Paranormal Dating Agency.”

Liv gave her the clean hand she hadn’t used to eat. The last thing she wanted was to cover the

poor woman in chocolate. “Nice to meet you, Gerri. I’m Alivia Vela, but please, call me Liv.”

“Do you mind if I sit down?” Gerri asked, her look more intense by the second.

She hadn’t been wanting to spend time with anyone, but what the hell. The older woman had a

nice disposition and a welcoming smile. “No. Go right ahead.”

Gerri sat across from her. Her gaze roamed Liv’s face, her exposed arm tattoo and her

colorful hair. Unlike most people, Gerri appeared to like how different Liv looked instead of

frowning at her like she’d broken societal rules by doing whatever she wanted.

“Thanks for returning the card,” Gerri said, placing it on the table next to Liv’s plate. Why

didn’t she take it? She should put it in her handbag. Someone would eventually need it.

“You’re welcome.” She bit into the second cookie. Aurelis brought coffee for Gerri and a

plate with chocolate covered cream puffs. “A paranormal dating agency, huh?”

Gerri grinned, her blue eyes twinkling with humor. “Yes. You have heard of shifters, right?”

Who hadn’t? Everyone knew shifters were the badasses that shared the planet with humans.

They were built like Mac trucks. Tall, strong, and caught everyone’s attention. Men wanted to be

them. And women…well, women just wanted them. It was said shifters fucked like animals. Too bad

Liv had never had the luck to date one.

“Shifters. The sexy, growly men women die for a taste of. Those guys? I’ve heard of them.”

Gerri laughed. “Are you single, Liv?”

She nodded and sipped her latte. “Have been for thirty-six years.” She lifted her shoulders in

a careless shrug. “If my dating life keeps going downhill, I might buy myself a cat or ten.”

Gerri pushed a strand of blond hair behind her ear, her gold hoop glinting in the light. “Don’t

say that. You’re much too young and beautiful.”

“Well,” she sighed, “I’m giving up on men on this planet. I swear I’d have better luck with


“Why is it so hard for you to get a man?”

“Aside from the obvious?” she replied with a question.

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“What exactly is the obvious?” Gerri asked.

“My size. My hair, my tattoos. I get either the ones who think I am a super freak willing to take

on a gang of men or ones who think I am desperate and willing to accept any kind of treatment.”

Gerri sighed. “That’s just like men. Never really using their brains.”

“Men are generally stupid.”

“I agree with you there.” Gerri nodded. When she glanced at Liv’s face again, Liv noticed the

gold rim around Gerri’s eyes. She was one of them!

“Shifters sound fascinating, but you must have lines of women dying to hook up with one.”

“Listen, let me set you up on a date,”

She shook her head firmly. “No way. I have bad luck at this shit. People always give me the

‘good’ qualities of the man and then I find out the bad ones within five minutes of meeting.”

“I wouldn’t lie to you,” Gerri told her. “My clients want curvy women they can love. It’s that


Nothing was ever that simple. “Look,” she smiled at Gerri, “I really appreciate what you’re

offering, but my luck sucks balls. I mean, I’m at the point I might get artificially inseminated and

forget men altogether.”

Gerri’s brows rose and the interest in her gaze spiked. “You want children?”

She nodded. “More than anything.” She wouldn’t go into being raised by her grandmother and

treated like she didn’t belong in the family. No. This wasn’t the time for those conversations.

“What if I told you I can set you up with a shifter who wants a woman who wants babies too.”

Oh, that was a low blow. Children were her weakness. Growing up feeling unloved left her

wanting someone to love unconditionally.

“Really?” she couldn’t help but ask, her fingers circling the edges of the business card.

A knowing grin spread over Gerri’s lips. “One date, Liv. That’s all I ask.”

She swallowed the knot in her throat. “If it doesn’t work--”

“Then I will back off and even help you find the best place to get artificially inseminated.”

Gerri patted the hand she’d placed on the business card. “But wouldn’t you rather make a baby the

old fashioned way?”

“Hell, yes!” She laughed. “Especially if he’s good at it.”

“Good is not the word, darling.”

She raised her brows high. “If you get me a man who can make my knees buckle, I will skinny

dip in the local pond.”

Gerri shook her head. “Don’t make promises you will hate keeping later.”

“I’ve yet to meet a man who can get me all the way there.”

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Gerri frowned, a horrified look taking over her face. “Oh, child, please tell me you don’t

mean an orgasm.”

She giggled at the fact it was so sad that men couldn’t do that for her. Everyone must have

better luck with sex than she did if she went by Gerri’s reaction. “Don’t feel bad. I can give them to

myself, but sex is just not…it’s not been good to me. I think I am not relaxed enough, so it doesn’t


“So what do you do?” Gerri blinked. “You don’t…do you fake them?”

She bit her lip, her brows wrinkling and she nodded. “What else could I do? Not like I can get

up and walk away and be all ‘hey you didn’t get me to come so I’m out of here.’”

“That’s a damn shame. Don’t worry.” Gerri’s voice lowered. “The man I have for you… He’s

out of this world.”

Wow. Something about the way she said it made her skin tingle and her blood heat. Could

Gerri succeed where others had failed? She sure as heck hoped so. Now to deal with the date she

already had that night. That was a difficult one. Thankfully, they were going to a bar near her building.

Liquor would either solve or create more problems.

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Liv readied herself for the date as she stepped out of the elevator and bumped into a man.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she was grabbed by a pair of hands before she fell on her ass. She

glanced up, and up, to his heart-stopping face. What the fuck?

“Liv?” Gerri said with surprise. “You live here?”

Liv had a hard time detaching her tongue from the roof of her mouth. The man she’d bumped

into was walking with Gerri. He was big. Really fucking big. With all kinds of delightful muscles

shifting when he let go of her.

“Ah, yeah. I live here,” she said to Gerri, her gaze stuck on the man. His hazel eyes studied

her with open appreciation. Her cheeks warmed and her breaths came faster the longer he looked at


“Going out?” Gerri inquired with a curious smile.

“Across the street for another…” She bit her lip and watched the big guy’s arms flex. Oh, my.

“Another, uh, gathering.” She sighed, not wanting to say she was going on a date. She didn’t want to

say those words when such a mesmerizing male specimen stood in front of her. So close she could

touch him.

“Come on, Karel.” Gerri tugged on the big guy’s shirt. “Have fun, Liv.”

She nodded. Karel, the big guy, continued staring at her for a moment before stepping into the

open elevator then watching her the entire time the doors closed.

Her cell phone buzzed. It was her date. He was at the bar and waiting. Let the good times roll.

* * *

Liv glared at her date, Gerard, for the millionth time. He’d gotten it in his head that she was

playing games.

“When I said I’m not into being tied up and hit with a paddle, I meant that,” she snapped.

Instead of realizing her tone and look meant business, the idiot grinned and winked. “Sure

you’re not.”

She almost slapped a hand to her forehead. There really were people this stupid in the world.

She picked up her drink and glanced around the bar. Since it was right across from her building, she

felt comfortable having a few and crossing the street to go home. No need for anyone to drive her


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She sipped the last of her drink and noticed heads turning toward a corner. Two women sat in

front of her table, so she couldn’t make out what was going on. Music played and people talked

through the noise.

She hadn’t bothered to come to this bar in years since Monica got married and had her kids. It

wasn’t the same without someone to have fun with. Most of the time she stayed home. When she did

go out, it was usually with her neighbor Cassie who was traveling on business that week.

A couple waitresses stopped close to her chair. “Did you see him?” Her question was

directed at the other server about to take a tray from her. “Not yet. I’ll check him out now.”

“He’s fucking gorgeous. Big and muscular. I think he’s some kind of movie actor or

something. The eyes on him are beautiful. They glow this gorgeous gold that made me stand there like

an idiot for a while.”

That description sounded way too much like Karel. She scoped the bar, searching to see if he

was there. Her attention rushed to the corner that had been blocked before. Sure enough, there he sat,

a drink in one hand and his gaze firmly set on her.

“Do you want to go somewhere less crowded?” Gerard asked, intent clear in his eyes.

Not tonight, buddy. “No. I’m good here,” she lied. She’d been dying to go home before, but

now that she saw Karel, her attention had been drawn to his table. “I need to go to the ladies room.

I’ll be right back.”

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Karel watched her go. The one who belonged to him. Gerri had said human women didn’t

appreciate being spoken about that way, but he couldn’t help it. She. Was. His. Not a single doubt

existed in his mind that Liv was the one. He traveled from Aurora on an urgent mission and the first

woman he met was his mate.


She glanced at him, her gaze curious and puzzled. She entered a ladies restroom, her wide

hips swinging in a primal calling that made his beast growl. The man she’d been sitting with ordered

more drinks. Karel clenched his jaw. He hated that she was sitting with someone else, giving her

company to another when he was low on time and wanted to meet her. She should be with him, letting

him get to know her, giving him her time.

“Can I get you anything, handsome?” a waitress asked, pulling his attention from the man to

her. She leaned forward, the neckline of her shirt pressing tightly against her tits, pushing them up to

display more. “If you’re feeling lonely,” she said softly, placing a hand over his on the table, “I get

off at eleven.”

The scent of desperation and lust clung to the waitress. He’d done enough language and

custom analysis of earth people to know how they worked, especially in North America. From what

he deduced of the waitress, she wanted sex and he wasn’t interested.

“I’m fine, thanks,” he grumbled. Besides, if he wanted female company, the only one he

wanted in his bed was Liv.

The waitress pouted and shifted from foot to foot. Her heels had to hurt. He didn’t understand

how women wore anything that looked like a torture device. With her movement, he got a glance of

the man with his Liv.

From his seat, the man appeared to drop something into Liv’s drink. He glanced around as if

to make sure nobody caught him. That told Karel whatever he put in her glass wasn’t good. It was a

few minutes before his beautiful woman came out of the ladies room, her fingers pushing long shiny

strands of hair over her shoulder.

Her lush figure became a beacon to his eyes. Karel couldn’t look away from her. Her hips

swayed with every step. Her short dress flattered her waist and ass. The cold glass in his hand

slickened from the heat of his palm.

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She stood by the man. He grasped her hand. A slow, angry growl started at the center of

Karel’s chest, working its way to his mouth. Liv tugged her hand from the man’s grasp, sighing and

taking a seat. He pushed the drink toward her.

A new waitress stopped in front of Karel, blocking his view of what was happening with Liv

and the man.

“This is on the house,” the young woman said with a wink, her voice throaty and soft. “I hope

you like them.”

She placed a basket of meat in front of him. She’d called it chicken wings. He’d yet to eat, so

he was hungry, but at the moment, all he wanted was her to move out of his fucking way to see Liv

and the man.

“Thank you,” he rumbled.

She stood for a moment, not saying anything but staring at him. “If you need anything,” she

whispered. “Anything at all…”

He nodded. “I’m fine.”

She took her time moving to the next table, her gaze lingering on him.

Karel’s vision landed on the Liv’s table. It was empty. Alarm spread through his system like a

shot of tequila. He stood, tossing paper bills he’d gotten from Gerri onto the table.

A hazy red hue covered his vision. His anger came out of nowhere, clawing at his chest, and

pushing the animal inside forward.

Where did they go? Marching through the crowded bar, he tried to sidestep patrons laughing

and having a good time. He wasn’t a fan of loud noises and powerful perfumes, but he wanted more

time looking at his mate. His Liv.

When he got outside, he saw her jerking out of the guy’s grasp in the quiet street, not another

soul in sight.

“Let me go this instant, Gerard!” she snapped, her body tense and eyes spitting fire. “I swear

to god, I will make you sorry if you don’t.”

“What will you do?” the guy she called Gerard asked. “All I want is a goodnight kiss.”

“And I said no.” She yanked out of his hold, stumbling backward, her heel catching in a crack

in the parking lot. She fell against the car at her back.

Gerard laughed, looming over her. He was much bigger than Liv, making it easier for him to

intimidate her. “Looks like I’m getting my kiss after all.” He approached her fast, caging her with his


“I don’t want to hurt you,” she growled, her hands pushing at the big man. She tried kneeing

him in the groin, but Gerard defended quickly, stopping her move. “Nuh uh,” he warned. “That’s not a

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nice way to end the night.”

“You fucking idiot,” she hissed, but the sound of fear in her voice tore through Karel’s ability

to approach peacefully.

She glanced to her left and her gaze met Karel’s. Terror and anger flashed through her eyes.

The jaguar demanded to be let loose, to protect what was his. Liv. The shift transpired quickly, his

jaguar taking control of his body and Karel letting him.

Her eyes widened. He’d bet she’d never seen a shifter change. Bones reshaped and fur

sprouted over flesh. He landed on all fours and gave a loud roar. Time to play.

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Liv glanced at Karel as his body twisted and changed from a hulking gorgeous man to a giant

yellow and black spotted cat. A jaguar. Her breath thundered in her chest, no longer scared over

Gerard and his roaming hands. The clothing Karel had been wearing floated around him in tatters,

landing on the ground by the animal’s legs.

The jaguar roared, the sound piercing the quiet. This area of town tended to be deserted in the

middle of the night. There were only a few buildings in the area: businesses empty of inhabitants after

five p.m. Her apartment complex was the only residential construction for a few blocks.

She glanced around, worried about Karel getting into trouble trying to save her.

“You should get out of here, Gerard,” she ordered, her gaze back at the giant jaguar prowling

toward them.

“Are you fucking crazy?” He glanced over his shoulder, the roar catching his attention. “Is that

a lion?”

Catching him off guard, she shoved him away. He fell back, landing on his ass.

“Dumbass, it isn’t a lion. Lions are gold and have a mane,” she explained. Really, when she

saw Monica next, she’d give her a piece of her mind over the stupid idea to sign up to website dating

agencies. “That,” she gulped at the size of the animal and the way his eyes glittered liquid gold, “is a


She’d watched enough Animal Planet and National Geographic shows to know the difference.

She loved all big cats. There was a distinct terror associated with shifters, along with their animals.

At the moment, she felt wonder. This was a shifter. A man and an animal. He was beautiful in his

animal form, strong, big, and alpha. His canines shined and massive paws scraped the sidewalk with

each step.

“I’m calling the cops,” he shouted when he finally realized the beast was coming straight for

him. His hands shook as he crammed them into his pockets, taking a lot longer than expected to pull

out the phone.

A scream lodged in her throat when the jaguar leapt in the air, landing next to her date, a giant

roar sounding from him.

Gerard dropped the phone. His arms crossed over his face in a weak attempt to protect

himself. “No!”

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A woman and a man exited the bar via a side door. The woman glanced at the massive jaguar,

Gerard, and Liv and shook her head.

“Call Gerri,” she ordered the man. At Gerard, she yelled, “Don’t move. If you run, he will

hurt you.” She glanced at Liv. “You his girl?”

“What?” No, she wasn’t his girl. She barely knew the man.

“Listen, tell the kitty to back away. Say it firmly. He’ll listen to you.”

How could she know that? Liv bit her lip and cleared her throat. “Karel?” The jaguar turned

his head to pin her with golden eyes.

The woman shouted, “That’s good. Tell him to come to you.”

“Are you insane?” she hissed, her muscles locking into place, unwilling to let her move.

“He won’t hurt you. He shifted to protect you. We saw the exterior cameras in the bar’s


She licked her dry lips and nodded. “Come here,” she said softly.

“No. With authority,” the woman ordered.

The jaguar snapped his head around and growled at the woman. She gave Liv a “see” look.

“Karel!” Liv managed to keep her voice from trembling. “Come here and stand by me.”

The jaguar glanced at her. He lowered his head and took a single step toward her.

“This is all your fault!” Gerard screeched at Liv.

Karel’s jaguar snarled.

“Shut up, you idiot,” said the female bar owner. “Are you not seeing we’re trying to keep you


“What in the world is going on?” Gerri asked, showing up to the scene, her voice exhausted,

coming to stand beside Liv. She had a bath towel folded over her arm.

“We were on a date,” Gerard started.

“Shut up!” Liv yelled.

The jaguar turned back to Gerard, his head lowering to move closer to her pathetic date.

“Karel!” Gerri said with authority. “I told you about this.”

“Gerri,” Liv said, “he came to my rescue.” She pointed at Gerard on the ground. “This jerk

has a hard time understanding the word no.”

Gerri’s eyes glowed gold. She raised her brows and a feral look came over her face. “Did he

hurt you? Because if he did, I won’t help him.”

She shook her head. “No. He was just being a spineless dick.”

Gerri stared deep into her eyes, searching. “Are you sure?”

She bit her lip. Oh, how she wanted to kick Gerard in the balls now that he was down. “Yes.

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He caught me off guard.”

Gerri turned to the bar owner and the man who’d returned outside. “Handle him.”

Liv sucked in a breath, her stomach flipping with cartwheels. “Karel, come. He won’t touch

me again.”

The jaguar appeared to debate for a moment, his head swinging between her and Gerard.

Finally, he turned fully and closed the distance between them to stop in front of her.

The bar owner and her assistant grabbed Gerard, lifting him with ease and taking him around

the corner toward the darkened back entrance of the bar. “Come on, asshole. Don’t think we didn’t

see what you did to her drink inside the bar. We have friends who want to talk to you.”

Gerri stared between the jaguar and Liv. She rubbed a hand on the side of her temple. “Get a

move on, Karel. I expect this hardheadedness from Alyx. Shift back and let’s get you upstairs before

someone else sees a big ass jaguar hanging around outside a bar.” She rolled her eyes. “Like that’s a

natural occurrence.”

Liv’s eyes widened in shock, her entire body tensing with anticipation. Karel switched from

giant cat to big, muscled man. Oh, shit. He was a very naked man, too. She trailed her gaze from his

powerful legs to his muscular thighs.

“Oh, my…” she gasped, curling her hands at her sides. She so wanted to reach out and touch

him. That body of his was not average by any means and her fingers itched to get a single slide over

his tight flesh.

“Here,” Gerri stopped her from getting a good look at his cock by tossing the towel at him.

“Let’s get you upstairs before anyone else gets a peek at your package and wants to bid for it.”

Me! Me! Me!

Bad, Liv. She glanced at Gerri who winked at her, and her cheeks flushed with heat. The old

woman caught her staring holes into the towel.

His arms flexed as he wrapped the towel to cover his backside along with the front.

“Come on, Liv,” Gerri motioned. “Let’s take you home.”

Karel didn’t say much. The intense way he stared at her was unlike any look men had given

her. Excited energy coiled in her belly. She shouldn’t want to talk to him so soon after the horrible

debacle with Gerard, but she did.

* * *

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Karel took angry breaths, deeply and slowly. He had to calm the beast inside or he’d end up

shoving Gerri out of the way and taking Liv then and there. He could imagine Gerri’s outburst if he

did that.

“Have a good night.” Gerri smiled once Liv was inside her apartment.

“Thank you so much,” she said, her gaze caressing his chest. “I can’t tell you how grateful I

am that you came to my rescue.”

Karel gave a sharp nod.

Gerri tugged on his arm and they headed to his floor. “So…”

“That man tried to drug her,” he snapped. “I wanted to kill him. He shouldn’t be allowed to

live, trying to take advantage of women.”

“What?” Gerri growled beside him, her blue eyes flashed bright gold instantly. “Drug her?

Are you sure?”

“I’m sure! Now I understand why the humans you’ve brought to Aurora are in such disbelief

that a male can want to protect them when men here want to abuse them,” he said, voice filled with


Gerri nodded. “It is hard for women here. Especially bigger women. Not only do they have to

deal with society’s negative views of their bodies, but they have jerks like that one who think they can

treat them however they want.”

Karel paced the confines of the elevator until the door dinged and they walked down the hall

to his living space. Gerri had gone above and beyond getting him a place he could stay while finding

a female. He’d found his mate. Liv. Now he needed to get her home before his mother died.

“Listen to me,” Gerri started once they reached his door. “I know what you’re thinking, but

you can’t just ask her to go to another planet with you.” She gave him a direct look. “She’ll think

you’re certifiably nuts.”

“I need to take her with me now. Before my mother dies. She’s the one.”

“Of course she’s the one.” She sighed, pushing strands of hair behind her ear. “I’ve known

since I met her. But you have to take her on a few dates before you ask her.”

He clenched his jaw and entered his temporary living accommodations. It was nothing like his

home in Aurora. The walls didn’t adjust to his mood and the building was made of flimsy cement and

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paper called sheetrock.

“Have a good night, Karel.” Gerri kissed his cheek and pushed him inside. “Give her time to

get to know you.”

“I’ll consider your words.”

Her brows dipped in a glare. “It’s in your best interest. I’ll set up a date for you two.” She

sighed. “Now get some rest. You must be exhausted.”

He closed the door once she left, his jaguar wanting to be let out to prowl. Back in Aurora, he

could shift and let his animal roam. Let out the frustrations with a good run. Although the area backed

up to a large forest, he didn’t feel comfortable going out.

He showered. It did nothing to stop the anger that held his blood captive. He gave up, threw

on some pants and took the stairs a few floors down. His animal roared inside; the scent of his

woman invaded his senses. The closer he got to her apartment, the more he picked up her desire

wafting under her door.

Muscles tight, he stopped and breathed. His eyes shut and he leaned his head forward,

pressing his forehead to her door. She was wet. A soft moan made his head jerk. His cock grew stiff

with need. He didn’t scent any males in there. Another muffled cry and he was banging on her door,

ready to kill whomever was pleasuring her.

“Shit,” she hissed, her voice sounded far away. She had to be in her bedroom. “I guess we’ll

try again in a few,” she whispered. “I’ll be right back.”

What the fuck?

“Coming,” she yelled, her voice annoyed.

It took a few moments for her to open the door. The sight before him took his breath away. She

wore a red silk robe tied at the waist. The material hugged her curves, showing off the tips of her

hardened nipples. The scent of her arousal combined with the fresh lavender on her skin sent his

desire skyrocketing.

“Liv,” he said, his voice thick and rough with his animal. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, a small smile parting her lips. “Hi. I didn’t realize it was you.” She bit her lips

and checked out his naked chest. Her pupils dilated and a fresh scent of her need filled the air. “Do

you want to come in?”

Fuck, yes! He wanted to know who she’d been talking to, but more than that, he wanted a taste

of her. A single slide of his tongue on her pussy, a slow lap of her sleekness, and he’d be able to

leave her alone. For the night.

He marched into her apartment, taking in everything and holding back from what he really

wanted to do--fuck her against the door. After all, she was his.

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Liv pressed her legs together, hoping against hope he couldn’t see the moisture running down

her thighs. She glanced longingly at her bedroom door. Her blue vibrator waited on her bed, ready to

finish what they’d started. Now the vibrator seemed a poor replacement to satisfy the aching need that

grew with every thought of Karel. It’s what got her to pull out the damn thing to begin with.

“I apologize for my outfit,” she said, grasping the neckline of her robe. “I wasn’t expecting


He frowned, his warm gaze sliding down her body and stopping at her chest. Her nipples

hardened under his gaze, as if he had a direct link to their ability to feel excited.

“Don’t apologize,” he said in that rough voice that sent shudders to her clit. “You look


She glanced toward her open bedroom door and realized if Karel walked down the hall for

any reason, like to use the restroom, he’d see her sex toy lying out. She’d die if he knew what she was

doing prior to his visit. “Hang on a sec. I just need to do something real quick.”

She hurried down the hall into her bedroom, her blood buzzing with excitement. He was there.

In her apartment. Oh crap. And she’d been about to get herself off with one of her BOBs, thinking of


Glancing at the marvel of plastic on her bed, she rushed to pick it up. “I guess you and I will

have to get together later and see what you can do for me.” She laughed and turned to put it away. She

froze in place when she realized he’d followed her.

“Is that what you were doing when I got here?” He took a step into her room. The place felt

tiny with him in it. A glint of wild hunger grew in his eyes. She should be outraged, but she wasn’t.

The way he looked at her, like he couldn’t wait to devour her, made the hairs on her arms stand.

“I…yes,” she said, hiding the vibe behind her back. “You, um, should have waited in the

living room.”

He took another step closer. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you say to wait out there.”

She hadn’t said those specific words, but wasn’t that common knowledge when someone said

hang on?

“Show me the toy, Liv.”

Her body ached with a need so great, she could barely move. She shook her head and sat on

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the bed. “We…you…this…”

English? She forgot how to speak.

“This,” he said, coming closer still. “What about this?”

“I am,” she cleared her throat, holding the vibe in a death grip, “I am so grateful for your help

earlier, but I don’t do,” she brought her hands forward, waving between them, “this.”

His gaze locked on the vibe. Heat centered on her cheeks with a feverish touch. He moved

fast, getting to his knees and grabbing her hands before she hid them behind her. “Stop. You don’t

need to do anything. I know you want me,” he said calmly. There wasn’t a hint of boasting or

cockiness in his words. “I’m glad you don’t do this with others, but I’m not like anyone you’ve ever


She licked her lips. The words would have sounded ridiculous coming from any other man.

Who didn’t think they were different, right? But when a feral expression shifted his face, she knew he

was truthful. “Karel, we don’t know each other.”

“Everything is learned with time,” he said. “It is what you feel that you can’t question. Your

heart speaks, and you need to listen. Your body is telling you something.”

She knew what her body was saying. Get laid. Get laid now! But she wasn’t a casual sex type

of chick. There hadn’t been enough guys wanting to be with her that she’d gotten over her need to be

in a relationship for sex. “My body says a lot of things,” she replied. “I don’t necessarily do what it

wants. That’s how people end up in trouble.”

A slow grin split his lips that turned him from hot damn, he’s sexy to mega gonna be playing

with the damn vibrator all night hot. “You’re right. But what if your desire is reciprocated.”

Oh. Oh, my.

“Tell me something,” he curled his hand around hers holding the toy. “What were you thinking

when you used this earlier?”

The heat on her face scorched and she was glad she had caramel skin or he’d see a blush

down to her toes. His intense, possessive gaze demanded she answer him. “You.”

That single word lifted a heavy weight from her chest; a burden she hadn’t realized locked her

heart away. He took the vibe out of her hand, a curious look on his face as he examined the toy.

It was a regular blue rabbit with rotating head and metal beads. It sported a smaller bunny that

curved out to stimulate the clit. He pressed a button and the cock part of the vibe rotated. A low

buzzing sounded with the movements. He hit another button and the tiny bunny wiggled to life, the ears

shaking with the force of the vibration.

Her pussy clenched hard. She loved that he was touching her toy. God. That thing had been in

her right before he’d shown up. She didn’t dare tell him. Her jaw dropped when he turned the toy off

and lifted it to his face. He rubbed the side of the vibe under his nose and inhaled.

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His gaze pinned her. A low growl rumbled from him. “This smells like you.”

Lord have mercy. “It, um, it does?”

He blinked his golden eyes and swiped his tongue up the silicone. “It tastes like I know you

will. Sweet as honey.”

Holy shit, he was freakier than she realized. “You,” she choked. “Are you insane?”

He licked the bunny ears, pulling them out slowly. “Crazy for a taste of you. Does that make

me insane?”

“Freaky as fuck, yes. Insane? No.”

His sinful grin grew, and he came closer, pushing her knees apart and hooking a hand around

the back of her neck. “Good, because we’re about to get really, really freaky.”

She should say no. Send him home. Instead, she leaned forward, looking for the coming kiss.

Her pussy dripped moisture. She was so damn slick. Heat turned her puffy, aching folds shiny with


Her robe tie slipped open, falling to either side of her legs, giving him full view of her shaved

pussy. She didn’t have sex upon first meeting, but she also never wanted a man this badly. Screw it.

What her body wanted, it would get. Satisfying her needs for once wasn’t the end of the world.

She brushed her lips over his. Electric tingles shocked her to the core. That was a first. He

took her mouth, slowly at first, but quickly adding more pressure. He boldly stroked his tongue over

hers, curling, massaging, and swallowing every gasp she gave. The kiss grew demanding. Possessive.

He tasted her with a deep plunge that tempted and set aflame every cell in her body.

His hands slid up her large thighs, pushing them farther apart, and removing the open robe to

leave her naked on the bed. She lost control at that point, wrapping her hands around his neck,

meshing their faces. He devoured her mouth with his kisses, drugging and making her forget

everything but the here and now.

She’d never felt this starved. His hands caressed her body, covering every inch of her slowly,

as if committing her shape to memory. He moved his mouth to her jaw, licking and biting and

whispering dirty things. Placing her hands to either side of her on the bed, she gripped the comforter,

curving her back and pushing her chest out while shoving her hips forward and widening her legs

until she was on the tips of her toes.

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He lifted her breast to his mouth, licking and biting her nipple before sucking it deeply

between his lips.

“Ah!” she moaned, her belly quivering and pussy releasing more moisture.

He massaged her other breast, thumbing her nipple and tugging lightly. The pricks of pain

were enough to shoot fire to her clit. Her nipples were sensitive. She was ready to come from his

biting and pinching.

He pulled back, his gaze meeting hers. “You have such beautiful tits. I can suck on your

nipples for hours. That sexy cinnamon color makes me so fucking hard.”

She blinked and swallowed against the dryness in her throat. “Let me touch you.”

He shook his head, still fondling her breasts. “I get to taste and touch. You get to enjoy.”


“You are wet. So wet,” he rumbled, leaving a damp trail from her nipple to her belly. She

leaned back on the bed, grabbing two pillows and shoving them under her head. What a view.

In the past, she’d worried that her body getting turned on and sleek was a turn off for men. Not

so at that moment. He sounded like he was praising her for being so eager. Her pussy ached with


His gaze enslaved her, hands roaming to her pussy. “You might not realize this yet,” he told

her, “but you’re mine.” He spread her folds and rubbed his thumb on her clit. “Fuck, baby. Look at

your tight little hole clenching and searching for my cock.”

She yelped and moaned, her muscles tensed as he flicked his thumb over her clit again. “Oh,

dear god!”

Lust raged in her blood. She needed relief and needed it soon. With a loud moan, she tweaked

and tugged her nipples.

“You want me to ease the ache, don’t you?” His voice was rougher than before, almost

impossible to understand. “Want me to lick that delicious heat coming out of your pussy and fill you

with cock. My cock. Right?”

She nodded, her chest rising and falling with short bursts of air. He coated two fingers with

her and brought them to his lips. She watched, wide-eyed, as he inserted both into his mouth and

mmmm’d as he sucked.

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Goddamn that was all kinds of dirty and sexy.

He flared his nostrils and clenched his jaw. “Tasting you from my fingers isn’t all I want. I

want your sweetness right from the source.”

Her eyes widened as his head moved between her legs. He circled her entrance, licking and

swirling his tongue up to her clit. Buzzing sounds reached her. Suddenly, he was gliding the toy

between her folds, coating the plastic with her juices.

“K-Karel,” she moaned.

“That’s it. Moan for me,” he grunted. “I’m going to make you come hard, my love.”

She tried to ignore that he called her his love, but the word made her belly heat and her heart

trip. He pressed the vibe into her; the head rotated around her clenched pussy and rubbed against her


She’d never had a man use toys on her. She gasped and pushed her hips. The need for it to go

deeper controlled her movements.

“Your pussy’s so pretty.” He licked her clit, pressing his tongue on the little pleasure center.

“So pink and swollen. So fucking wet. You’re mine. I want your scent all over my face. All over my

cock.” He rubbed his mouth and chin on her pussy, his tongue curling and dancing over her hard

button. The vibrator went deeper. The head spun in her sheath, massaging her inner muscles.

Her nipples stiffened under her pulls and tugs. He rubbed a finger over her asshole. Then he

pressed the bunny side of the vibe over the rim of her ass. She gave a loud groan. With every thrust of

the toy into her pussy, the bunny side hit the entrance to her ass. The deeper the toy went, the more the

bunny pushed into her hole.

“Oh, my god,” she cried, her pussy grasping the vibrator so hard, he had to pull to get it out.

“Come, Liv. Trust your body and come on this toy and let me suck until I have your sweetness

on my tongue.”

She was on the edge, muscles tight with tension and legs shaking. Her pussy clenched, and a

loud, hoarse cry sounded from her as her release rode through her in an angry, forceful wave. It was

so good. Too good. She hurt from how hard she came. Her pussy leaked around the toy. One minute it

was there and the next it was out, replaced by Karel’s tongue.

He lapped at her climax, his tongue darting in and drawing every drop of her heat.

Shudder after shudder rocked her body. She breathed hard, her pussy felt empty. She wanted

him, and he’d heighten her desire tenfold. She sat up, not trusting her legs for a second. He met her

gaze, his mouth dewy from her climax.

He slid a finger ever so slowly between her folds, pushing into her and groaning when her

pelvic muscles sucked him in. “Even with all that, you want me to fuck you.” He licked his lips and

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glanced at her sweat-laden torso. “You want my cum inside you, coating your pussy and filling you

with my seed. Don’t deny it. I know what you want.”

Shame should have hit her. He was right. She wanted every word he said, but she didn’t feel

embarrassed about it. It was the opposite. She was more turned on.

“Not tonight, beautiful,” he said and pressed his mouth to hers, making her forget everything

but the taste of her pussy on his lips and how his tongue demanded hers to submit. It lasted only

seconds before he pulled back.

“Karel.” She winced at how throaty and needy her voice sounded.

He shook his head, the feral desire in his gaze all but making her beg. “Tonight was just for

you. You needed to relax. I sensed it. When you’re ready to give yourself to me, then I will fuck you,

sweet Liv.”

He cupped her cheek and stood, his erection pressing hard at his pants. There was a moist

spot at the center from his own needs. “I’ll take you,” he said roughly. “All of you. No matter what

you say to yourself, you’re mine. From the top of your head to your cute feet, every inch of you

belongs to me and I will claim you. No one else gets to touch you but me, beautiful.”

His words should worry her. He sounded so possessive. But instead, she rubbed her cheek on

his hand. “Stay with me.”

The whole world had gone to hell. How could she go on a date with some other shifter when

this one rocked her world to the point of seeing double?

He nodded. She shoved the blankets back and got into bed, waiting for him. He got on the bed

beside her, his big, muscled body a hard contrast against her curvier softer one. She curled her naked

body into his, loving how perfectly they fit together.

“Why did you come to my rescue at the bar?” she asked. She’d been eternally grateful he had

shown up. Gerard’s much bigger frame made it hard for her to get away.

“I saw him slip something into your drink. You didn’t drink it, did you?”

She growled. “That rat bastard. No, I didn’t. I learned a long time ago not to drink anything

left sitting with anyone you don’t know and trust.”

“I’m glad you knew better. I was ready to kill him for trying to take advantage of you.”

She pressed her body into his. God, he was warm. He was a human heat pump. He caressed

her back, sending tingles down her spine.

“Sleep, beautiful. I’m here to take care of you.”

She grinned. She didn’t normally have anyone offer to care of her, but he sounded so serious.

She felt bad telling him she could take care of herself. She had all her life.

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Karel paced the living area of Liv’s apartment. Something was wrong. He felt it in the depth

of his bones. His animal pushed for a shift, wanting loose.

The buzz of his communicator had him reaching into his pocket. Even though a smaller version

of what Gerri used, this one still showed a hologram of the person calling.

“Alyx,” he said, watching his best friend’s image appear in the darkened living room.

“Karel,” Alyx’s features were set in grim lines, “I have bad news.”

“How long do I have?”

Alyx met his gaze. “Not long.”

A very pregnant Bella came into view, curling her arm around Alyx. “I’m sorry, Karel. We

heard from your people that your mother really wants to see you.”

He nodded. His chest ached. Sorrow roped his heart, squeezing so painfully, he could barely

get air into his lungs. The Yaghar didn’t live in prides. They were one of the smallest tribes in

Aurora. Mothers protected their cubs fiercely against anyone, including their fathers. That’s what

happened with Karel. His mother had to kill his father the first time he tried to kill Karel because he

was a male.

He swallowed hard and glanced at the hallway where his mate slept. Human. He was

supposed to give her time to adjust to him. He had no time.

“I’ll be there soon.”

“We’ll be here, keeping things under control,” Bella said, her lips turning down in sadness.

He shut off the communication and pressed the button that connected him with his contact on

earth. He gave the man a brief rundown of his problem and told him he’d be ready to leave shortly.

Someone would pick him up to rush him to the portal.

He marched to Liv’s room and watched her sleep. He hated to do this. He sat on her side of

the bed.

“Liv,” he said, pushing the hair from her face and caressing her cheek.

She fluttered her lids opened and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“I have to go, right now. But I can’t leave you.”

She sat up slowly, her eyes wide with concern. “Where are you going?”

“My mother. She’s dying. She’s far away and I have to see her.”

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“Oh no!” She licked her lips and nodded, a deep frown covering her brow. “I’m really sorry.”

He grasped her hand, his heart pumping hard and unsure. “Come with me.”

She blinked. She didn’t say anything, but he saw the wheels turning behind her eyes. “How

long until you return?”

He shook his head, glancing down at their linked hands. “I don’t know.”

She glanced around the room. “I don’t know. I mean, we just met and things are going a

million miles an hour.”

He should have known Gerri was right. Humans didn’t understand being mates. She was his.

He didn’t want to go anywhere without her. “Do you feel it?”

Her tiny perfect teeth nibbled on her lower lip. “I do. I know there’s something here,” she

admitted with a soft sigh. “I just…I don’t know if it’s enough for me to go with you wherever you

need me to go. What if this is a fluke? What if I’m imagining the connection I feel?”

He brought her hands to his chest, letting her feel his beating heart. “This isn’t a mistake. It’s

real. I don’t want to leave you, but I have to go. Come with me,” he said. “Please.”

He watched indecision play over her features. She stared at his chest for a moment, silence

hanging between them. “I’m probably going to regret this, but I’m due a vacation anyway.” She met

his gaze and nodded. “Okay. I’ll come with you.”

He hauled her into his arms, hugging her tightly and kissing her lips. She opened her mouth in

an invitation. He’d get a chance to show his mate to his mother before she left.

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Liv dressed in a rush. She shoved clothes in a bag, half asleep and unsure what she was doing

was sane. She didn’t follow men. That wasn’t her thing. She’d heard of women who left everything

for a man, and she’d shaken her head and wondered what got into them. Yet here she was, doing it


Karel left to get his own belongings, saying there would be a car coming to get them in a few

minutes. She should be worried. She just met him. What if it was some kind of ploy to kidnap her and

sell her on the black market? Was there a market for big girls in the sex trade?

She picked up her cell phone and sent Gerri an email letting her know she was leaving with

Karel to visit his mother and be back in a few days. She wasn’t sure how far his mother lived. He’d

been evasive about it, just saying it was far.

It was the concern in his voice and fear in his eyes when he mentioned his mother that got her.

Maybe she was a softie, but meeting a man this close to his mother was unusual for her. Not a man

who was clearly alpha with a commanding presence. He was no mama’s boy, but he clearly loved his


Liv didn’t get a chance to be with her parents as a kid. Her mother and stepfather, along with

her baby sister, died in a car crash when she’d been small. Her sperm-donor father didn’t want to be

in her life, so she ended up depending on her grandmother.

Life could be brutal. She’d been saved from the crash because she’d been spending the day

with her grandmother. But living didn’t mean she got love. She’d always longed for a warmer family.

Her grandmother was not a nurturing person. She’d always made Liv call her by her name instead of

grandmother. All she’d wanted in her life was that perfect family some of her friends spoke of. Even

Monica’s mother seemed nicer, but she’d only met Monica a few years back, and at thirty-six, a

lifetime had happened before they were introduced.

* * *

Karel and Liv followed a man after going down the world’s longest elevator. She sensed

Karel’s worries, but the fact he held her fingers entwined with his reassured her that he was happy

she was with him.

Surveying the strange environment, she started to think they were going to an underground

train, until they reached a giant, brightly lit hallway with a bunch of doors. They stopped at the one

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with G. Wilder etched into the wood.

She glanced at Karel with confusion. “Why does the door have Gerri’s name, and what’s

behind it?”

The man guiding them opened the door and motioned them inside. Karel met her gaze and

cleared his throat. “I come from really far away.”

Yeah, no kidding. He was huge and his eyes had a distinct hazel color she’d never seen. This

wasn’t far from where she lived though. So how were they getting to his mother?

“How do you propose we get there.” She laughed nervously. “Teleport?”

He gave a quick nod. “Yes.”

“Wait, what? We can’t teleport. We don’t have that kind of technology, and quite frankly, the

fact you believe we can worries me.” She tried to tug out of his hold, but he held firm.

He pulled a ball out of his pocket. The sphere levitated in front of them, then moved several

feet away before expanding into a giant window. She saw an odd forest on the other side.

“Are those purple trees?” She frowned, interest overtaking her fear. “What kind of magic is


“Come with me,” he said again, pulling her toward the open window. “Let me show you how

beautiful my home is.”

“I’ve lost my mind. I must have.” She took steps forward and felt the pull of the window.

“What is that on the other side?”

“Nova Aurora,” he replied, readying to go through the opening. “You’ll love it there.”

She’d never heard of that city. It sounded Europe-ish. She didn’t believe they were teleporting

anywhere. No way. Then again, what if he worked for the government? She hadn’t asked what he did

for a living. He had that military feel with the big square shoulders and continuously serious face.

What if he did know something she didn’t?

Curiosity grew inside her. She took a step into the window and felt as if oxygen was being

pulled from her until she swore she was dying. She could hear Karel ordering her to breathe. She

wanted to snap at him that she was trying to, but something kept sucking out the air. She didn’t get a

chance because darkness took hold, taking Karel away, and sending fear crashing through her.

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Liv’s head pounded. She opened her eyes and blinked at the soft lighting and soothing sound

of crashing waves. They were at the beach. She sat up slowly and watched the shades roll up the

windows, letting light in. The walls, previously a pretty yellow-flower print, changed to a sandy

white in color and texture.

Her jaw dropped open as the room transformed before her eyes. “I died. I had to have died.”

She shoved off the incredibly soft covers, noticing she no longer wore the same clothes, but a super-

soft yellow pair of shorts and tank top.

She stepped on the warm stone floor and frowned. She had only seen stone like that in castles

she’d visited when she’d traveled with her grandmother. Where on earth were they? The air felt

crisper, cleaner than usual. She scurried to the large window and gasped.

“This is some kind of joke.”

“Good morning!” She whirled around to find a very pregnant woman standing at the bedroom


“I’m Bella. Welcome to Aurora.” Bella peered at the hair at the bottom of Liv’s ponytail. “Is

that purple? I love it!” Bella’s gaze roamed Liv’s sleeveless arms. “Oooh! What pretty ink you have.”

She blinked and glanced out the window again, watching the crashing pink waves hit the

sandy white beach. “Thank you. Are we in Europe?” she mumbled. “I’ve never heard of a pink ocean.


Bella laughed and shook her head. “No, that’s what I’m here to explain to you.”

“Where’s Karel?” she asked, worried that something happened to his mother and things were


Bella’s smile dimmed. “He’s making arrangements for you both to see his mom. He is the

chief of security here, but with me pregnant, Alyx, my husband, had Karel on babysitting duty

watching over me like I’m going to pop any second.”

Liv nodded. She hated to tell Bella, but she did look like she was ready to pop any moment.

“Where am I?”

“So you know how they say aliens don’t exist and there’s no life on other planets?”

A knot formed in the pit of Liv’s stomach. “Yes.”

“It’s not technically true.” Bella smiled.

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“Which part?”

“All of it. You’re currently millions of light years away on a shifter planet called Nova

Aurora. This planet is inhabited by shifter aliens.”

She glanced out the window again, noting the purple trees surrounding the area, and a sea of

rainbow flowers moving with the wind, creating a soft wave of multicolor. If she wasn’t on another

planet, then she’d been brought to some undiscovered part of earth. Highly unlikely.

“Have you been mentally evaluated, Bella?”

Bella grinned. “Trust me, I would have been the first person wondering what the hell kind of

joke this is, but I used to work for Gerri and I came here wide awake. It is probably harder since you

passed out mid-travel.” Bella shrugged. “I won’t ask you to believe me, because it’s something you

have to see for yourself. Just look outside. The oceans are pink. The forests are purple. Snow is blue!

I can go on and on, but this room alone should show you how far advanced this planet is,” she said,

pointing to the walls. “Mood walls. Everything changes based on your feelings and what you want.”

Okay, yes. That was unarguable. She’d seen the damn thing change in front of her eyes.

“This is kind of hard to believe, you understand. I was in my bed a few hours ago.” After the

most amazing orgasm of her life, she left unsaid.

“I come from earth, too.” Bella walked in and sat on a chair, sighing as she did. “I fell in love

with Alyx and this is now my home.” Her gaze pierced her with curiosity. “You obviously feel

strongly for Karel or you wouldn’t be here.”

That was true. She’d gone on blind faith where Karel was concerned; something she’d never,

ever done. She hadn’t even bothered to send her grandmother a message she was going away. Their

last argument left a bad taste in Liv’s mouth and all she wanted was to keep her grandmother at bay

for a while.

“I’m just having a hard time with this other planet thing.”

Bella nodded. “Well, think about it. Karel is probably taller and beefier than any man you’ve

ever dated. His eyes are a distinct color and he will do anything to protect you. Anything.” Bella

raised her brows. “Met many men like that on earth?”

That was easy to answer. No. She shouldn’t ignore common sense. Her mind told her Bella

spoke the truth. But how and why were answers she probably wouldn’t get until she spoke to Karel,

and even then, she might not be in agreement with what he said. But she was on another planet.

Another planet!

She glanced out the window again and gasped when she saw a dragon fly by. “Holy crap!”

“Yes, we also have dragons in this world. Very real dragon shifters.”

She was on another planet. Now was not the time to explore, even though she wanted to. They

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were there to see Karel’s mom. She wanted to support him. He’d looked so torn when he’d told her.

Someone knocked on the door and a tall woman entered with a tray.

“Ah, there’s our tea and cookies.” Bella sat up, eyeing the platter like she was going to

consume it all with her eyes.

Liv guessed the woman was a family member from the adoring smile she gave Bella.

“Enjoy,” said the woman as she left the room.

“Come on.” Bella turned to the table next to her where the tray had been placed. She grabbed

a thin bite-sized square and munched.

Liv’s stomach growled. She was starving. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been asleep, but

figured probably longer than shorter. “Let me go to the bathroom.”

Bella nodded, chewing on a green cookie. “There’s toiletries in there. Just wave your hand in

front of the lower part of the mirror by the sink.”

She rushed to the bathroom and noticed how bare it was. Wave a hand? She did, feeling

stupid until the glass slid open and a tray popped out with a brush, toothpaste, and a full grooming kit.

It was like the coolest five-star hotel ever.

Once she’d brushed her teeth and washed her face, she returned to the bedroom where Bella

sat, drinking tea.

“Great, you’re here. I was hoping you’d return before I ate everything. That was going to make

me feel all kinds of guilty.” She grinned.

Bella’s happy personality was hard to dislike. She had an infectious smile and made Liv feel

welcomed in the insanity of what was going on.

She took a seat on the other side of the small table and picked up a green cookie. It felt soft,

like a freshly baked oatmeal cookie. It smelled like one too, but it was green.

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“Try it,” Bella encouraged. “I promise it won’t be bad. I had to teach one of the cooks to make

my favorite oatmeal cookies. Alyx tries to make me happy however he can so he watched me make a

mess of the kitchens until we got them right.” She shrugged and the material of her top shimmered.

“The only thing is that flour here is made of green seeds. It was weird at first, but if it tastes good, I

don’t care about the color.”

Liv bit down and was pleasantly surprised by the flavor. It was better than an oatmeal cookie.

The fruit was sweeter and the dough softer, yet crunchy. “This is really good.”

Bella nodded and picked up another. “You’ll be hooked on these. My best friend, Charlotte,

lives in the ice mountains with her mates and she comes here just to eat my cookies.” She opened her

eyes wide. “That didn’t sound right, but you get the idea.”

Liv laughed and picked up a teacup. She sniffed, a bad habit she had, and tasted. The drink

was like lemon tea with a hint of honey. It was nice.

“So there’s other humans here?”

“Yes. There’s me, Charlotte, and her sister Rebecca, and now you,” she said excitedly.

“Becca and I are the only ones pregnant though.” Bella eyed Liv with interest. “For now.”

“Do you like it here?” she asked, changing the subject. No way she was getting into any baby

talks when she had no clue what the hell was going on.

“I love it,” Bella gushed. “Although, I’d love anywhere as long as I was with Alyx.” Her eyes

filled with love and a happy smile curved her lips. “It will suck when Alyx goes away in the next few

days. He’s got a big meeting with a bear clan on the other side of the planet and that means I get to

stay here with other guards but none as nice and friendly as Karel. I’ll miss him.”

A buzzing sounded had Bella reaching into her pocket. “Oooh! It’s Gerri!”

Bella pressed a button and a holographic image of Gerri showed up by the wall.

“Liv? Are you okay?” Gerri asked with a frown.

“Hi! I’m great. Well, now that I understand more or less what’s going on.”

“That boy is just as bad as Alyx,” Gerri muttered. Liv was sure she referred to Karel. “I told

him to give you time to get to know him. To talk to you first and explain the whole shifter planet

situation before dragging you off to Aurora. Did he listen? Hell, no.”

“To be fair,” Liv said, coming to Karel’s defense for some reason. “I don’t think any

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explanation would have helped. I mean it sounds crazy unless you’re actually here seeing things


“I know, darling. But in his haste to take you to his home, he forgot to make arrangements for

your stuff and your belongings.”

Oh, shit. She thought she’d be on vacation a few days. Not living here. On one hand, she’d

always despised the judgmental bullshit from the people in earth’s society, and by being on another

planet, she wouldn’t be subject to that anymore. On another hands, she would never see Monica or

her kids again. Or could she?

“Could I go back to earth to visit, if I wanted to?” she asked.

“Of course,” Gerri reassured her. “You’re not a prisoner in Aurora. You can come back

whenever you want. You will find the time difference will make things harder for you. But you should

never feel like you can’t return to earth.”

Would she want to, though? Maybe, maybe not. It was nice to know she had the option. Still,

she wasn’t as torn up about leaving her home planet as she thought. Her grandmother had always

acted like Liv was a bother. Her sperm-donor never made a move to get to know her. And even

Monica went months without calling, at times. The only person she’d miss was her neighbor. “Damn.

I have no idea what to do.”

Gerri grumbled, “I swear I will stop catering to shifters if they don’t start listening to me. I’ve

never met a more hardheaded bunch.” She rubbed her temples and shook her head. “I can handle your

stuff. Anyone you want me to contact?”

Liv thought about her grandmother but decided against it. “Give my stepsister Monica a call.

She can have someone get my things.”

“And what would you like me to tell Monica?”

“That I decided to live off the grid and will figure out when I want to get in touch with her.”

She glanced at Bella’s raised brows. “I always joke about doing that, but she never really thought I’d

do it.”

“Anyone else?”

“My neighbor Cassie. She will worry when I don’t show up for our weekly spa session.”

Gerri nodded. “Okay. If you think of anything else, contact me. And for the love of my

remaining hair, please try to control your men,” she eyed Liv and Bella. “I know it’s not an easy task,

but if you two don’t, I will be forced to start smacking people upside the head.” She grinned at them

and blew a kiss. “I’ll be in touch.” Her holo-image blinked out.

Liv didn’t get a chance to ask further questions. There was a slight knock on the door and it

opened slowly. Karel peeked his head into the room, scanning the bed and then the rest of the space

until he found her sitting, biting into another cookie.

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“Hi,” she said between bites. There was a lot she needed to discuss with him, but Bella being

in the room stopped her.

“Karel, I tempted Liv into eating with me. Are you ready to go?” Bella asked.

He gave a short nod. “Yes. I came to make sure you were feeling better.” He scanned Liv’s

face, his eyes filled with concern.

She nodded. “Are we going to see your mom now?”

“Yes.” The ominous tone of his voice made Liv’s belly ache and the cookies taste like

sawdust. It had to be hard for him to be away from his mom when things were so bad. Not that she

had any clue how sick she was, but he’d said she was dying. That was as bad as things could get.

“Let me shower and change and we can go.”

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“No,” Liv said emphatically. “I’m not teleporting. I’m sorry but there has to be another way.”

Karel glanced at the device in his hand and then back at her. “There is. We can take a

transport vehicle. I use mine for rare outings, but I keep it here at the castle.”

She smiled in thanks. “I just don’t think I can handle going through another one of those

machines again.”

“I understand. This will take longer, but we’ll manage to get there.”

She bit her lip. She shouldn’t be slowing them down, but if he wanted her to go with him, then

he’d have to change how they traveled. Her nerves were still jittery from the previous earth to Aurora


After a stop at the kitchen to gather packaged food stuffs, they went to a back wall of the

castle. He pressed his hand on a rock and suddenly the stone wall disappeared. She gaped at the

massive opening. It looked like an under-castle garage. There were very cool looking bikes with no

wheels on tripod type bases. The bikes were covered with a glass dome with openings on both sides

for people to get to the seats.

“That looks very cool but really fragile,” she told him, feeling the material under her

fingertips. The glass felt cool to the touch but really thin. She worried a strong wind would make the

whole thing fall to the side.

“It’s a lot sturdier than you think.” He smiled. Her gaze was riveted on the back of the bike

where he pressed at the glass and it slid open to show a compartment for their bags. That was one of

the coolest and weirdest thing she’d seen in her life.

After loading items from around the garage, he offered her a hand and helped her up the base

steps. “Let’s get you seated.”

She climbed into the back of the tandem unit, admiring the view inside the glass dome. He sat

in the front seat. The weight of his body made her seat tilt forward and she gasped as she curled her

arms around his narrow waist. His ab muscles contracted under her hands. Lord, he was fine and

warm. She rubbed her nose on the back of his shirt, happy to press herself against him.

A low groan sounded from the front. “Stop wiggling so much back there, or we won’t be

going anywhere except the floor.”

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She tried to sit still, but it was damn hard. How often did she get on a futuristic bike with a

guy who brought back the meaning of sexy and wanted to rip her clothes off? Not ever.

“Sorry,” she apologized. “We can go now.”

The bike lifted from the base and she tightened her hold on Karel. Oh good god. They were

hovering over the base, the bike rising higher into the air.

“This thing flies!” she squeaked.

“Yes,” he said and pressed a hand to hers around his waist. “It’s fine. You won’t feel a thing.”

No. But she’d see it. They shot out of the big room and into the forest so fast, she scrunched

her eyes closed, fear alive and well in the pit of her stomach.

“How are you doing back there?” he asked. “I sense your tension and it’s driving my jaguar

wild. This is going to be a long ride if you don’t enjoy it.” He sighed. “Open your eyes, my love,” he

said softly. “You’ll like what you see.”

She blinked one eye open and then the other, her gaze scanning the passing trees. Rows of

what looked like birchwood in multiple purple hues dropped light pink flowers over the ground. It

was like being in a magical land. The farther they went, the thicker the trees became. The ride was

seamless. Without wheels on the ground, there were no bumps. In fact, there was no noise at all. If

she’d kept her eyes closed, she wouldn’t have known they were moving.

“This is amazing,” she said to herself. “All the colors.”

“Just wait,” he said and veered to the left, taking a sharp turn which put them over a beach.

She saw the pink waves flowing onto the shimmery pale-yellow sand. Her fingers itched to touch it.

She glanced at the ocean. It appeared calm, but waves pushed to the shore with powerful

glides. She wanted to strip off her clothes and dive in. Or dip her toes. She wasn’t stupid. She had no

idea what the hell was in that water, and as pretty as it was, it scared her too.

They flew over the beach for a while. She was so mesmerized by the water and glittery sand,

she didn’t bother making conversation. She wasn’t fond of the beach unless she went somewhere like

the Caribbean. She loved beaches with trees by the water. She’d spent a lot of time in her childhood

visiting the Dominican Republic with her grandmother. She had a beach house in one of the most

popular resort destinations and took Liv often.

Many hours passed, sitting on the beach, watching the waves come in and the sun go down.

Liv didn’t know how to swim, but she still made sure to get in the warm tropical waters.

Her fear of drowning kept her from learning to swim properly. She glanced at the pink waves

again. She wondered if the water was very deep or at her knees like the beach in Tahiti.

Her grandmother loved to travel and being in charge of Liv meant she took her along. Tahiti

was like the Caribbean but a lot less commercialized and calmer. The water was crystal clear and her

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love of wading to her knees had been fulfilled.

“Your oceans are so pretty and pink,” she told him. “I thought oxygen in water made the water

blue on earth.”

“I don’t know a lot about earth, but here, our seas are pink because of a mineral that lives in

the sand. When combined with water, it lets out this color.”

“That’s amazing.” She pressed the side of her face to his back, loving the strength of his

muscles and how good he was about answering her questions.

“I’m glad you like it,” he replied. “We’re going to be spending the night close to the beach.

“Why?” She frowned. “I thought you said we would get to your mother’s fast?”

“We didn’t teleport. That would have gotten us to her within moments. By driving, we are

forced to a slower speed. It will take lots of hours before we get there and night is approaching.” He

slowed the bike. It didn’t feel like they’d been going that long, but she noticed the light that had been

high and bright before, had lowered to a soft dusky glow of the descending suns.

That was another thing. They had two suns. Both moving in tandem, giving the planet a bright

and light feel. She’d thought with twin suns, the temperature would be scorching hot, especially since

they looked to be way too close for comfort, but she’d been wrong. The weather was nice. The breeze

helped to make the area feel incredibly tropical. One of her dreams as a kid was to live on a tropical


Karel stopped the bike near a bushy trail. In stunned amazement, she watched the bike descend

over a flat patch of land, to rest on the ground.

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She closed her eyes and inhaled, taking in the moment. She was on another planet. The

vacation she’d been denying herself had finally come and it was literally out of this galaxy. Not to

mention she was with a man so hot, her skin sweat from just looking at him.

He slid from of his seat and helped her out. Wind ruffled the trees, whispering through the

branches and gliding its cool fingers over her skin.

He pulled her into the seductive cage of his arms and brushed his lips over hers. Little fires

broke out in her core, heating her from the inside. He glided his tongue over her lips. Tasting.

Probing. She opened hers in a soft sigh and he plunged in, his tongue immediately caressing and

curling over hers. She clung to him, her soft, curvaceous body pressed tightly to his muscular, harder


The kiss didn’t grow desperate, though she felt like she was. He kept it light, playful with a

hint of ownership. A reminder of who was in control: him.

She opened her eyes the moment he drew away, taking in his stubbly beard, and licking her

lips. She had a thing for men with stubble. On Karel, it looked like he’d just gotten out of bed and

with his short hair tousled from the wind, she had no issues imagining him in bed with her--doing all

the wonderful things he’d done before.

It felt a lifetime ago since then, but it had only been hours.

“I’ll set up our tent for the night,” he said and moved to the rear of the bike. He grabbed their

duffel bags and headed toward two giant trees with long crooked branches that intertwined creating

an X.

“That’s kind of up there,” she mentioned, making conversation. “Are your trees always so tall

and gnarly?”

He laughed and took a bunch of thin sheets out of his bag. “Yes. Aurora is very old. It is

common to find trees millions of years old.”

She stared at him in shock. She’d never heard of a tree being that old. She stopped asking

questions and instead focused on watching him.

He laid a sheet on the flat grass and frowned. If they were sleeping on that, she was in for a

rough night. But before her eyes, the sheet started to reshape, thickening and changing to look like a


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Holy shit! They wouldn’t have to sleep on the ground and she wouldn’t have to make the

acquaintance of otherworldly bugs. She definitely didn’t want any creepy crawlies getting friendly

with her mouth, nose, or ears while she slept.

Karel grabbed another sheet and hooked it to a corner of the mattress. The sheet stood straight

and twisted into a rope growing longer. While that one twined, he hooked another to the other corner

and let it twist. After all four corners had an attachment, together they reached toward the branches.

The cords lengthened and wrapped around limbs, lifting the mattress two feet off the ground.

She squatted to look under the mattress and noticed the bottom appeared to be sheet metal and the top

plush like a normal mattress.

“This is insane!”

“What’s insane?” he asked, standing back to glance at the hammock bed. He placed another

thin sheet on top and it extended over the mattress and thicken into a throw blanket. With a firm set of

his lips, he turned to her. “It’s not the castle, but we’ll be able to sleep. I don’t want you on the


She curled her hands at her sides to keep from throwing herself at him. “You have been

catering to me since I met you,” she said. “I could have slept on the ground, if necessary.”

He nodded, cupping her face and pinning her with his stare. “I know, but it is my honored duty

to make sure you never have to.”

Her heart thumped twice as fast in her chest. “Life isn’t always comfortable. There are a lot of

difficult situations we all face at one point or another. This would have been no different.”

“That’s true, but you’re important to me,” he reaffirmed. “It would be different if it felt like a

job, but making you comfortable and happy makes me happy.”

“I wish more people like you existed.” She sighed, remembering the difficult times she’d had

as a big girl with people, and even her family. “I’ve never been anyone’s priority.”

“You have gone through a lot,” he said, his eyes bright with that animal she knew lay beneath

the surface. “I can’t make your past disappear, but I can tell you that it doesn’t define you. The woman

you are is the woman you want to be.” He caressed her jaw. “Everything you went through made you

stronger. Taught you to be the woman you are. It helped to decide how you would approach the

world.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I wish more women like you existed, because

then other men would appreciate getting to know someone who has endured a hateful society filled

with negativity, but thrived as a person.”

“That’s probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me,” she mumbled, her throat filled

with emotion.

“It’s not meant to be nice. It’s the truth. This bed,” he said, pointing at the raised bed, “it’s a

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small luxury I can give you. I know you are unsure about me, about us. That’s okay. The fact you are

giving me a chance tells me all I need to know.”

“What’s that?”

“That you are more than my mate,” he replied. “You’re the woman I’ve been waiting for. The

one who won’t be easy all the time, but will make my life easier to bear.”

She licked her lips and cleared her throat. This was getting way too emotional for her. She

really liked Karel. More than liked at this point. She wanted him in her bed, and to spend lots of time

with him to see where things went.

“Do you have water?” she asked, in an attempt to take control of her body. Her hormones

were in a frenzy.

He gave her a look that told her he knew she was trying to divert his attention, but he let her

and reached into the open back of the bike for a jug. He pulled out a small plastic cup and filled it

before handing it to her.

She drank the cool liquid in two quick gulps.

“Come on.” He grinned. “Let’s go to the beach and watch the suns set.”

He brought his bag with him.

They sat on the beach, quiet for a long while. “Is the water deep?”

“No. This area has long, shallow slats of beach. Why?” He glanced at her tank top and shorts.

“Do you want to go in?”

Yes. She really did, but she was scared. This was a different environment. What if they had

strange animals in the water? Her fear of drowning made itself known at that moment.

He must have read the indecision on her face because he got up and yanked his shirt over his

head. Her attention stuck and stayed riveted on his contracting abs. He had such a gorgeous body. All

toned and muscled without being overly bulky. Though her caramel skin looked chocolaty compared

to his much paler one, he still made her mouth water. His pants came off next. Oh, my. He was naked.

Very, very naked. And hard.

She stared at his manly goods for way too long before lifting her vision to his face. A wicked

twinkle flitted through his eyes and a sinful smile spread over his lips. “Come on. You’ll love it.”

Yeah, she bet she would. She also loved ice cream and cake but both were bad for her. Ah,

what the hell. What was that saying? You only live once, or some shit like that. That was a good


She stripped, conscious of her naked state and the fact he stared at her like she was offering

her body to him for a meal.

The sand felt ultra-fine and soft between her toes, molding around her feet. She wiggled her

toes and lifted a foot off the sand. Her brow furrowed in confusion.

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“It doesn’t stick?”

“What?” he asked, glancing at her foot, appearing confused as well.

She grinned and lowered it to the ground, grabbed a handful of sand, letting it run through her

fingers, watching every single grain fall without leaving anything on her hands. “The sand. It’s not

sticking to me.”

“It won’t. That’s not how it works. Sand here is not clingy. I am not sure of the properties of

your earth sand, but the sand in Aurora will never stick to you.”

This planet got cooler by the second. She took his offered hand and walked to the edge of the

water with him. He held her in his grasp with enough pressure to calm her nerves. He wouldn’t let her


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Karel watched his mate dip a toe into the sea. Fear clung to her pores, but once he’d tighten

his hold on her hand, she’d calmed. To his pleasure, her entire foot went into the water. “It’s warm!”

He laughed at the wonder in her voice. “It is.”

He’d heard about earth beaches. Temperatures were usually cold, and even at the warmest

beaches, the water didn’t get to the heat levels they did in Aurora.

She stepped farther out, lifting a handful of the pink water. “It’s so clear,” she gushed. “I can

see my feet.” She glanced up to meet his gaze. “How come it doesn’t look pink when I scoop only a


“It only looks pink when you put a lot of it together. The amount of mineral in a large body of

water makes it look pink.”

Time passed with her asking questions and him answering as best as he could. He sensed her

fear the farther out they went.

“Why are you afraid of the water?”

Panic dashed through her eyes. She bit her lip and splayed her fingers through the now waist

high water. “I almost drowned when I was a kid.”

His chest tightened and his lungs burned. He’d almost lost her before he’d found her. “What


“My grandmother loved visiting new places. She had a lot of money from my grandfather’s

life insurance, so we traveled a lot. His company was managed by a board so all she did was collect

a massive paycheck every month,” she said, curling her hand into a small scoop and lifting water to

his chest. “We went to Costa Rica and had a great time. I was like nine or ten at the time,” she said,

her voice growing far with her memory. “I was zip lining with some of her friends’ kids. They’d

chosen to go over a river instead of just regular land because,” she snorted, “land was so boring.”

He curled his hands around her waist, holding her close while she spoke. “You don’t have to

tell me,” he said. The animal in him hurt from the amount of fear pouring from her.

“It’s okay,” she said. “I want to.”

He nodded, bringing scoops of water to her shoulders, watching the drops slide down her

chest, cling to her nipples before falling into the sea.

“My clip broke and I fell into the river,” she said, her voice low and shaky, as if she were

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reliving the moment. “I went down hard with a scream.” She gripped the sides of his arms, digging

her nails into his flesh. With every word, her hands gripped tighter. “The water wasn’t clear like this.

It was dark, muddy, and I couldn’t see anything. I panicked when I couldn’t get any air. Everything

was so dark.” She visibly gulped. “I tried to push my way up, but I was dragged down. Probably by

my own fear.” She shook her head and cleared her throat. “My lungs burned and I could feel my body

giving in to what would kill it. I inhaled water. I don’t recall what happened after that.”

He hugged her. There was nothing else he could do to comfort her after such a harrowing tale.

“Someone got you out.”

She nodded on his chest. “Yes. One of the tour guides jumped in after me, but it took him a

minute to find me. All that time I was under felt like an eternity but it had been less than a minute.”

He held her in his arms, their heads turned to face the suns offering their last rays before

darkness overtook and the twin moons bathed everything in soft light.

“Come on,” he said after a while. “Let’s rinse off by the mountain not far from here and get

something to eat.”

He took her along a pathway he knew to a small waterfall with a shallow heated spring. The

water came through the rocks, pooling around them, then returning into the mountain.

They stood under the water and he had to grit his teeth to keep himself from pressing her

against the rocks and taking her, but he wasn’t going there. Not until she wanted him to. He knew she

was still confused about him, and the last thing he wanted was to complicate it more with sex. That

meant depriving himself, which pissed off his jaguar enough to need a run. Maybe once she was


“What are we eating?” she asked back at their camp.

“I choose packed meats and cheeses,” he replied, handing her a towel to dry off with. His

cock ached as he stared at her wiggling while drying herself. It was going to be a long night.

* * *

He was drifting off to sleep, but Karel’s heart felt weighed by the sadness in his mate. He was

right. He could see she’d suffered throughout her life in the softness of her brown eyes. The way she

wouldn’t believe he genuinely wanted her forever still worried him. Why were earth women so

skeptical of true desire. Gerri warned him humans didn’t believe in fated mates. Women needed to

feel loved before they made a commitment.

He could only hope in the coming days, Liv learned to trust her emotions when it came to him.

To them. His little mate might not realize it, but he’d go to the ends of any galaxy for her. He’d fight

any creature in any world to keep her safe, and give himself to her without asking anything in return.

Now it was just getting her to believe in him. That was his biggest hurdle.

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Liv woke in the middle of the night with the desperate need to pee. She sat up in a rush,

blinking and glancing at the twin moons. She peered to her left and saw Karel on his side, his hand

inches from where she’d been lying. He’d held her when she first went to sleep, and now she had to

get up. In the damn forest, there was nothing but trees and darkness.

She slid off the hammock bed quietly, trying not to wake Karel. The last thing he needed was

for her to tell him she needed a babysitter while she peed. Earth girls can’t pee without a man. Right.


Good thing the grass on the back side of the beach was thicker or she’d worry about being

barefoot. Already she was imagining all kinds of critters crawling over her feet. She reached her bag

by the foot of the bike and grabbed a tissue from inside a pocket. At least she wouldn’t have to dry

with a damn leaf. Talk about living primitively.

She rushed into the bushes, not too far from the hammock bed and peered at the grass. Dammit.

Why did she keep thinking she’d have a snake slithering around her ass the moment she squatted? That

was so not conducive to wanting to pee. She shoved her shorts down and waited. And waited.

Finally, her bladder took the road less traveled and drained forever, sending trickles of urine while

she glanced around in fear of snakes or whatever could be in the grass.

Get a hold of yourself! This was not how grown-ass women acted in the middle of the jungle

on a new planet while trying to pee. What the heck did she know? She wasn’t a fucking expert in

intergalactic peeing.

After wiping, she tried to figure out what to do with the napkin. Keep it? Toss it? Yeah, all

she needed was a souvenir. Still, throwing it on the ground felt wrong. The area was clean of trash

and she wasn’t the kind of person to litter. She decided she’d shove it in her bag until she reached a

place to toss it. Hopefully nobody went into her duffle or they’d be totally grossed out.

The sound of crunching leaves made her squint into the darkness. Her breath caught in her

throat when she noticed twin golden spots glancing at her. Fear coiled around her heart. She stumbled

back, but the eyes came closer really fast.

She whirled around and ran, but only got a few feet into the open before an animal swiped a

claw against her leg. A scream tore from her throat as she fell.

She stopped herself from falling, reaching out for the tree in front of her. The animal swiped

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again, slicing through her same leg. She screamed louder, this time calling for Karel. Clinging to the

tree trunk she flipped around and stared at the massive beast. She couldn’t figure out if it was a pig or

a dog. It looked like a cross between the two with massive tusks and deadly talons.

A blur jumped in front of her. She recognized the massive cat immediately. Karel. Her jaguar.

Karel leapt for the big pig-dog and fought the animal. He swiped his claws and shredded

slices of the other animal’s side. Blood poured out of the pig and a loud piercing wail sounded from


The jaguar didn’t stop. He jabbed at the animal, biting and dodging the pig’s tusks. At one

point it looked like the pig would get his tusk into the jaguar’s side, but Liv held a broken branch and

slammed it over the pig’s body, calling its attention to her. That gave Karel the break needed to bite

the back of the pig’s neck and cling to him, puncturing holes into its side.

In moments, the crunching of bone filled the night and she watched Karel shift back to a man

covered in blood.

“Get on the bed,” he ordered with a deep and animalistic tone. “I’ll be there shortly.”

She rushed back. Once the adrenaline started wearing off, she winced at the burn coming from

the back of her leg. She couldn’t see it, but when she wiped a hand, it came back sticky with blood.

“Let me see,” his voice broke her thoughts.

“It’s nothing, just a scratch. Doesn’t even hurt,” she lied. The shit might be a scratch, but it

totally hurt like a bitch.

“Relax, love. Let me look at it. Lie on your stomach,” he told her softly. She did as he asked

and waited. He wiped something over the back of her leg and the burning stopped.

“What is that?” she asked, trying to look over her shoulder, only seeing his head bent over her


“A leaf from a medicine tree that helps heal wounds,” he replied. She felt his fingers press at

her legs. “This is going to feel warm.”

He wrapped something around her calf. The material felt soft and comfortable. “Is that it?”

“Yes, you can sit up now,” he said and grabbed her by the waist, helping her.

He’d placed one of the sheets around her calf. It shifted with her movements, but didn’t come

loose. She didn’t see a tie or butterfly clips holding it together. How did it stay wrapped?

He joined her on the bed, pressing her back on the mattress and curling a hand around her

face. “Please,” he said, gritting his teeth, his voice so low and rough, she could barely understand

him. “Don’t leave without me again. We have animals we hunt for food. They can be dangerous to

someone who isn’t a shifter.” He pressed his lips over hers hard, devouring her with his mouth.

Before she got a chance to really enjoy the meeting of their lips, he pulled back and met her gaze. “I

couldn’t live if something happened to you because I wasn’t there.”

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She nodded, her body warming from her need for him. She spread her legs, cradling his body

with hers. He pressed his erection into the damp crotch of her shorts. The adrenaline from her fear

and close encounter of the bitey kind changed into a blast of desire that burned from the inside.

He shoved her tank over her head, leaving her breasts bare for his view. Then he pulled down

the shorts, taking her panties with them. She was naked and open for him. The look on his face made

her feel beautiful.

She ached for him. Need pounded through her veins, seeking the release she knew only he

could give her. He draped his body over hers, his cock pressed on her leg, long and hard.

“You’re so soft,” he groaned, his mouth latching on to her nipple and sucking deeply.

A flood of moisture pooled at her pussy. “Karel, that feels amazing.”

He nibbled on her tit, twirling his tongue over her sensitive bud. She groaned as bursts of heat

seared her. He lapped greedily at her breast, seducing her with every flick of his tongue.

She raked her nails over his warm and smooth arms. His skin felt like heated silk under her

fingertips. She’d never paid this much attention to how a man’s body shifted or felt to her touch, but

something about Karel drew on her basic instincts: the need to touch, feel, kiss, and taste. All her

senses came alive the moment he put his hands and lips on her.

He continued to sweep his tongue over her chest, moving from one nipple to the other and

back, driving her mindless with need. Her lungs struggled to get air, breathing in broken gasps.

She bit her lip, her pussy fluttering, and another round of moisture left her folds, making her

slicker. He slid down her body, placing kisses on her round belly, rubbing his stubbly jaw on her

mound and finally pushing her legs wide and staring at her pussy.

Holding herself up on her elbows, she glanced at his head between her legs.

“Do you know what makes you different from other women?” he asked, gaze glued to her

pussy as she felt more drops of wetness leave her channel.

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“My amazing wit and great personality?” she joked and cleared her throat.

He met her gaze, his golden eyes full of fire and feral need. A shudder raced down her spine.

That proprietary stare he gave heated her.

“There’s no other woman’s pussy I want to lick but yours,” he told her. “No other pussy is as

beautiful as yours. So pink and wet.” He spread her lips wide, dipping a finger into her and coating it

with her heat. “I don’t want to fill another woman’s pussy. Yours is the only tightness I want to fuck

so hard, I leave skid marks from my cock.”

She gulped back a moan. Lord have mercy. “Karel…”

“You are the only woman I want to fill with my cock and spill my seed into. I want to see you

full of cum and get my cub growing inside you.” She shouldn’t like his words, but she did. She’d been

wanting a baby and hearing him say he wanted her pregnant struck her emotions in a way she couldn’t

explain. Another side of her came alive.

“Do it,” she encouraged. “Fuck me and fill me. I want you deep in me.”

He licked around her pussy, circling her clit and thrusting his tongue into her sex. A loud moan

tore from her throat. Her body spasmed with every lick he laid on her slick folds. He probed with his

tongue, lapping at her and drawing circles around her clit. Faster. Harder. With increased speed, he

growled on her pussy and sent vibrations rocking into her channel. Her belly clenched hard and

pleasure scorched her to the marrow.

She was shaking, her pussy contracting around nothing when he crawled up her body, pressing

the head of his cock into her. He didn’t push forward, just waited and cupped her face, holding her to

look into her eyes.

“When I fuck you, I’m making you mine.”

She took a harsh breath and watched the lines of his face tighten with need. “Karel, please.”

“I can’t stop the need to have you, Liv,” he growled. “Tell me you’re mine.”

She bit her lip and moaned, the head of his cock spread her pussy wide but by staying at her

entrance, he kept her feeling unfulfilled. She curled her legs around his ass, trying to use her feet to

push him into her. It didn’t work.

“I’m not moving,” he ground out. He sucked her lip between his teeth and nibbled on her

mouth. “I’m staying right where I am, teasing your sweet, slick heat and feeling your pussy suck at the

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head of my cock, until you admit you’re mine.” He jerked his hips a little, giving her a taste of what

was to come and pulled back.

“Once you tell me you’re mine, that this hot, tight, pussy is mine, I’m going to take you, fuck

you, own you, and stamp myself so far inside, you will never forget who you belong to.” He rumbled

the words, still caging her head with his hand.

The animal glowed brightly in his eyes and his features had gone from handsome man to

animalistic and wildly sensual. “Say it,” he encouraged. “Tell me you are mine and I will fill you

with my cock. Fuck your pussy raw. I won’t stop. I’ll fill you with cum. Fill you with my seed and my


He inhaled deeply. “Ah, baby. I know you want that. You want to be full with my cubs. I want

that. I want you birthing my children for the rest of our lives. You, and only you, I want for a mate. I

only need you to say what we both already know. You. Are. Mine.”

The image of him doing her had her pussy clenching and unclenching against the tip of his

dick. She wanted him so much. Who was she kidding? This man filled her brain with more than lust.

The idea of their babies took root in her heart with him as their father.

“Yes,” she moaned softly. “I’m yours. All yours.”

He pressed his lips roughly over hers, demanding entrance and thrust into her mouth with his

tongue at the same time he plunged with his cock. She didn’t expect the tension to snap inside her.

He’d gotten her so turned on with his words that with a single thrust her body unraveled.

He drank in the scream through their kiss, fucking her hard and rough, not stopping for a single

second. Not through her orgasm or the follow-up shudders. He thrust fast, deep, and pulled back just

as quickly, taking her pussy with wild, quick strokes. He sank his cock into her with swift moves.

Each faster than the last.

She couldn’t speak, could barely breathe. Her perspiration-slicked body allowed him to slide

farther into her. She pulled from their air-stealing kiss to gasp a breath. Feral grunts and moans came

from both. She dug her nails into his back, urging him deeper into her body. His shaft felt like a hot

branding iron scorching her inside. Her pussy was soaked with her need for him. With every thrust,

she soaked.

He grabbed one of her thighs and pulled it to his waist, giving a tilt to her hips. The move

allowed for him to rub against her hard clit with his pelvis. Two rubs and she went flying.

Her back curved off the mattress. A hoarse scream flew from her lips as contractions made

her pussy flutter. He tensed, riding the wave of her orgasm. Her pussy sucked hard at his cock. Her

nerve endings felt one hundred times magnified, until he slowed, taking shallow plunges and finally

tensing inside her. His cock pulsed, thickening with another orgasm coursing through her body.

Then he roared. A loud, wild sound of ownership with the word “mine” ushered from his lips.

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He brought his mouth down and scraped his fangs on her shoulder at the same time he bit his claws

into her leg, leaving a fiery scratch on her thigh. She came hard at the feel of his bite. So hard she saw

white spots dance behind her lids. It didn’t end there.

Hot spurts of semen filled her channel as he gave in to his own release. She loved it. Loved

feeling him inside her, coating the walls of her pussy with his seed for long breathless moments.

Maybe it was wrong of her but she hoped with every fiber of her being that he made her pregnant and

gave her the babies she wanted so badly.

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Intense satisfaction and pleasure filled Karel on his drive to see his mother. His heart felt full

to near bursting with joy when she’d said the words. She was his. Liv might still be wary of moving

into being his mate, but he could give her the one thing she wanted, children. She could, in fact, be

carrying his child at the moment.

They’d had sex enough times through the night at one point he’d only slid a finger over her

thigh and she’d opened mid-sleep. No hesitation. No question. Total access. The memory alone

brought a smile to his lips. She couldn’t deny it. Even her body knew not to fight what she wanted:


With every thrust, he found her pussy slick for him. She’d woken twice to his face between

her legs, lapping at the delicious honey she dripped from her slit. The more he had of her, the more he

wanted. Now all he needed was her to accept fate and they could continue getting to know each other.

“The terrain up here is flatter, I noticed,” she said, rubbing her cheek on his back and raking

her nails on his abs. His cock grew hard at the idea of her hands sliding a little lower and taking him

in her tiny grasp. He wanted badly to see her stroke him. To see her lips on his cock like she’d done

the previous night, sucking him off until he came in her mouth.

“Yes. The forest is still thick, but the land is less hilly than by Alyx’s castle.”

“The little cabins I see,” she murmured, her voice sounding confused. “They’re really far

apart from each other.”

“Jaguars don’t like to be surrounded by people,” he admitted. His kind were solitary and a lot

of times didn’t socialize. “We like our alone time.”

“Oh.” He heard the worry in her voice. “Are you like that? Like living alone and away from


The truth was he’d been a loner as a kid, but with befriending Alyx, he spent his teen years

surrounded by palace guards and Alyx’s parents. It felt second nature to be around people now.

Seeing how far apart homes were for his people, he knew this wasn’t for him. He liked living

in the castle and seeing Bella and Alyx on a daily basis. He liked training his men, and more than all

that, he liked feeling a part of the family. Alyx was the brother he didn’t have.

“My job at the palace means I am always around Alyx and his people. We are never far from

locals, other tribes, and towns.”

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“So you wouldn’t live like this…so…desolate?”

He saw where she was going. She was worried about moving to a new place with no one to

talk to. That was a hard adjustment for anyone. “No. I reside in the palace but when Alyx and Bella

go away, I have a house not far from the castle.”

“So you wouldn’t live way up here, right?” She raked her nails over his thighs, making him

lose track of the conversation.

“No. I could, if I wanted to. My family home has been up here and is closed off to anyone, but

I am not interested in being the typical jaguar loner.”

It was mid-morning by the time they arrived at his mother’s home. Though Keliana, his mom,

didn’t like being surrounded by people, he had been informed when he’d been at the castle, that one

of the castle servants had volunteered to assist his mother in her day to day life.

He helped Liv off the transport and met her worried gaze. “Don’t stress, love. She’ll adore


She snorted and her lips turned up in a grin. “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one meeting

the in-laws looking like death warmed over.” She pushed her long her back and patted the thick curls.

“I have bed head and I probably need a shower.”

He sniffed and shook his head. “You smell perfect,” he said, curving a hand around her waist

and pressing her soft curves to his body. “You smell like me.”

She laughed and slapped him in the arm. “Is that supposed to be a compliment? We both need

a shower.”

He didn’t debate with her. She was cute with her scrunched up nose sniffing her armpits.

“Come, my mother is waiting to meet you.”

She bit her lip and nodded. They headed for the cabin. It was small by most standards with

only two bedrooms. Nothing like the original family home. That had been a large, eight room cabin

ready to house an entire family.

With Karel’s father’s death, his mother left the house they’d shared for their short mating and

taken ownership of a small cabin her parents had gifted her. Keliana refused to live in the cabin her

husband tried to kill her son in. She promised him as a kid he’d never have to set foot in there again.

He wasn’t going to start now.

Liv pulled on his arm, stopping him from opening the front door. He glanced down at her

upturned face, memorizing every line of her beautiful visage as she gazed at him with more than just

lust. “Before we go inside, I want to tell you I’m willing to see where this is going. Us.”

He kissed her. How could he not when her eyes filled with love and desire. “I know.” He

licked the seam of her lips and felt his blood pump hard in his ears at her low moan. “You’re mine.

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I’m yours. Simple.”

A smile spread over her lips. “That is simple.”

He turned the knob and readied to see his mother, the one woman who until then had sole

ownership of his heart. Now she shared it with his mate. His Liv.

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Liv’s belly pitched. Damn nerves. She glanced down at Karel’s hand holding hers and felt

warmth flow through her veins. She wanted so badly to get him naked again. Really naked and fucking

her or even better, her riding him. Her nipples pebbled and her panties wetted at the memory of their

previous night. He’d taken her every way possible and damned if she hadn’t loved it.

“Not now, love. I won’t be able to stop thinking of your lips around my cock if you keep

pouting like that.”

She licked her lips and blinked at his blazing gold eyes. Sheesh the man had the stamina of a

super hero. Her very own super-shifter.

They entered the cabin quietly. There was a weird stench she’d never smelled before. She

frowned and followed Karel through the cabin to the kitchen. A woman went about doing the dishes.

She stopped and turned to face them. Her eyes widened with shock, but it was quickly masked with a


“You’re back. Your mother will be happy to see you,” she glanced curiously at Liv. “I’m

Tiana. I’m here to help Keliana for the time being.”

“Thank you, Tiana.” Karel sighed. “We’re going to see my mother.”

“She was sleeping the last time I saw her, but will probably wake now that you’re here.” She

started pulling pots out of cupboards. “I’ll make dinner.”

He shook his head. “Leave it. I’ll take care of it. You rest.”

Tiana nodded. “If you’re sure?”

“Positive,” Karel said. Liv followed behind him to his mother’s bedroom. She watched him

open the door quietly and walk in. Her heart went out to him at the pain etched on his face.

He knelt next to Keliana’s bedside and covered her hand between his. “Aayi. Mother,” he

called out, “I’m home.”

Keliana opened her eyes and glanced at him, a happy smile curving her lips. “I missed you,

my son.”

“I promise I won’t leave until you’re better,” he said, the vow clear in his tone.

Keliana nodded slightly and glanced past him at Liv. “Come here, new daughter. I’ve been

waiting to meet my son’s mate.”

She strode forward, sitting on the chair beside the bed. “Hi. I’m Liv.”

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“Thank you for coming, Liv,” Keliana breathed. “And thank you for putting that look of love

on my son’s face.”

Liv wasn’t sure about that, but she was glad Karel was back to spend time with his mother.

Her chest ached at how sad he looked. She swallowed hard at the cotton in her throat, tears filling her


“Don’t be sad, new daughter. When I’m gone, my son will have you and you will make him

happy.” She sighed and closed her eyes. “Now that I know he’s got a mate, I can stop fighting this

exhaustion and pain.”

“No,” Karel ordered. “You can’t. Don’t you want to meet your grandchildren?”

Wait, what? Liv blinked at Karel.

“She’s not,” Keliana smiled with her eyes closed.

“We don’t know that. She could be in a few days.”

Liv wanted to slap him upside the head for telling his mother he was working on getting her

pregnant. It was one thing to say that to her, but quite another to tell his mother.

“Good. Make some cubs, and I will stick around to meet them.”

Karel stood and kissed his mother’s cheek. “Rest, Aayi. I will be back later to spend time

with you.”

When they got to the door, Liv turned to glance at Keliana. With long blond hair and a pale

complexion, she blended in with the bed sheets. Her skin was ashen and her eyes had a dull yellow

that didn’t resemble the bright golden of Karel’s eyes. Clearly, whatever her illness, it was taking her


They went outdoors and walked around the cabin, where he showed his mother’s garden full

of flowers so big, Liv felt like a midget in a giant’s world.

They were colorful with mostly transparent leaves. Karel grinned when she approached one


“You can touch it. It won’t harm you.”

She glanced at the massive leaves where only vein lines and the outline of the leaf showed.

“This is amazing.”

“If you like those, you’ll love these,” he said, pulling her to another row of flowers. These

were just as big, but the leaves glowed.

“Oh, my god!” It was like a massive row of flower-shaped nightlights had taken over that side

of the garden. “This is so cool.”

She peered at the leaves, shining various colors, with their centers whirling like rainbows of

sparkling lights.

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“The Evening Lights are a favorite of my mothers,” he smiled. “She won’t cut them down

because they lose the ability to glow if you do. When I was a kid, we often camped outside amongst


That had to be an amazing time. For his mother to dedicate her life to him, and him having

such high regard for his mother was beautiful. Liv having never spent time with her parents felt pangs

of jealousy that she didn’t have those memories. All she had was her grandmother’s coldness to


She promised herself she’d never do that with her children. She’d be like Karel’s mom and

make happy memories. When the time came for her to go, her kids would remember her through the

fun things she’d done with them. That’s what life was about, making beautiful memories for the time

when loved ones were gone.

“Was it always you and your mom?” she asked, the need to know more about him grew. She

wanted to feel connected to him with more than just her desire for him. Even though she already knew

there were feelings, she wanted to get to know his life.

“Not for the first few years. When I was a kid, my father tried to kill me, but Aayi killed him


She gasped, her focus on the flowers gone to move to his face. “Your father tried to kill you?”

He nodded. They sat between the flowers. “Some jaguar males can be very insecure. They

want no other dominant males in their homes.”

She frowned. “Wait. Your dad tried to kill you as a little kid, because you would grow up to

be a dominant male?”

“Yes. He worried I would cause problems, and instead of waiting for that to happen, he

thought to dispose of me ahead of time.”

“Oh, my god!” She gripped his hands in her own, as if trying to make sure he was sitting in

front of her. “Your mom had to kill him?”

“Yes. She said she’d kill him again to save my life.” He met her gaze, his lips pressed into a

thin line. “You understand why Aayi is so important to me, right?”

She nodded. “I thought her name was Keliana?”

His features softened and a smile split his lips. “It is. Aayi is another way of saying mother in

our language.”

That made sense. “Okay. So you and your mom are really close then.”

He nodded. “Always. She owns half my heart.”

“Really? Only half,” she joked. “What about the other half?”

“That,” he said, raising a hand to rub his thumb over her lower lip, “part belongs to you.”

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“You don’t even know me all that well,” she murmured.

“I know all I need to about you, Liv. I follow my instinct and my animal would never steer me

wrong. You are the one. The only one.”

She loved and hated how sure he sounded. She wanted to feel that certain of things. But she

didn’t have an animal instinct inside. No, you have common sense and a heart telling you he’s your


“I’m glad we got back in time to see your mother,” she told him. With as close as they were,

she realized it would break his heart to be far from her if something happened. “We can get to know

each other better and you can spend time with her.”

He nodded. “I have to ensure the cabins are supplied with wood and hunt for meat, but I’m

able to show you around whenever you want.”

She glanced at the flowers in the area. “I can walk around and it wouldn’t be too dangerous,


“Yes. This area is very flat and the forest isn't as dense as farther out. We’re not going to see

the big animals that scared you by the beach.”

“You have to go far to hunt?”

“A little. I can run fast in my animal, so hunting isn’t a big deal. We do eat a lot of meat so

hunting is our way of life. It will mean I have to leave often to replenish our meat freezers.”

She understood. It would be selfish of her to expect him to stick around and baby her, not that

she needed that, while she got used to being here. She was a grown woman who had traveled the

earth. She could learn her way around Aurora too. “Don’t worry. I love walking and will make sure

to stick close to the cabin when I hike.”

He grinned, bringing his head down to brush his lips over hers. “I’ll make time to guide you.”

She laughed and cuddled closer to him. “By the time you’re ready to show me around, I’ll

have learned everything there is to know about this planet. Then maybe I will be your guide and show

you Aurora through my eyes.”

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Liv sighed as she headed into the cabin via the kitchen entrance. Tiana was putting drops from

a bottle into a cup of tea. She closed the bottle and shoved it into her pocket.

“Hi,” Liv said, watching the other woman jump at the sound of Liv’s voice. Didn’t shifters

have super hearing or something?

Tiana turned, a smile pasted on her face, her eyes frantically glancing around. “I was just

making Keliana some tea.”

“What kind of medicine is she taking?”

“Medicine?” Tiana looked at Liv like she was crazy.

Live nodded at the pocket Tiana put the bottle in. “The drops you used in her tea.


Tiana smiled. “Yes, medicine.” She turned back to the counter, not saying anything further.

That felt a little weird.

“Okay. Do you want me to take it to her?” she offered.

“No!” Tiana said and gripped the cup. “I’ll take it. I need to make sure she gets her afternoon

bath if she’s feeling better.”

“If you’re sure. Karel said you worked in the castle before you came here?”

Tiana nodded. “I was in charge of various guest rooms.”

“No wonder you keep this place so spotless,” she smiled. “Were you one of Bella’s


Tiana’s lips pursed into a thin line, her gaze turned cold enough to make Liv shiver. “No. I

wasn’t good enough for Her Highness. I attend the king’s cousin when she resides in the castle.”

Shit. She’d pissed her off. Guess she didn’t really like Bella. Weird, because Bella was a

sweetheart. “Let me take that. You look exhausted.”

Tiana was working too hard. Or she could be really stressed. Taking care of someone on the

verge of death was probably straining. Liv would make an effort to help now that she and Karel were

there. That morning, Keliana had sat up and looked better than the previous night. She wondered if

she had good and bad days.

Tiana turned away. “No. I got it.”

Liv watched her walk around her with the cup firmly in hand.

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* * *

That evening, with Keliana doing worse than before, they decided to sit by her bed and talk.

She appeared to want to listen in on their conversation and would comment every few minutes.

“You left to live at Alyx’s castle at what age?”

“When I was a teen. I was groomed to be the head of security by Alyx’s father.”

“It was one of the hardest things,” Keliana said softly. “To see my only child go and not know

if he would be okay.”

“Mother,” Karel grinned, lifting Keliana’s hand to his lips and giving her a kiss on her palm.

“You knew I was fine.”

That small move was enough to melt Liv’s heart. This was a man who knew how to cherish

his mother.

“Knowing and not seeing my son daily are not the same.” She glanced at Liv from her bed, her

pale yellow eyes dull with pain. “Would you not worry if your only child left you?”

Liv nodded fervently. “Hell yes! I’d probably spend a few weeks making sure he wasn’t in

any danger before I felt confident leaving him far away from me. Even then, I’d probably nag him to

death with phone calls and text messages.”

With her family history of having lost her parents, she’d probably never leave one of her kids

alone with anyone. Talk about serious separation anxiety.

Karel laughed and shook his head. “Don’t give her ideas, Mother.”

Keliana smiled and for a moment she looked much younger than before. “She’s good. I like

your mate. She’ll be a good mother to your children.”

Liv’s face heated with embarrassment. She’d be that nagging mother who never left her kids

alone for fear of something happening to them and her not being there to help. “I don’t know about


Keliana’s smile widened. “You’ll be a good mother. Good mothers worry and never forget

about their children’s welfare, even when they are far from them.”

Keliana’s brows furrowed in pain. She closed her eyes and took shallow breaths. “I think I

need some time alone, son.”

She opened her eyes again, caressing her hand over Karel’s cheek. “Take care of your mate.”

A knot formed in Liv’s throat. She watched Karel bend down and place a kiss on his mother’s

forehead before standing. He took Liv’s hand in his and guided her outside, heading for the porch at

the front of the cabin.

“I’m sorry,” she said. The words weren’t enough to express how badly she felt for him.

He pulled her onto his lap, cradling her and watching the sunset. “She’s right. You’ll be a

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great mother to our children.”

She hadn’t even given herself the chance to think too much about the future, but watching him

with his mother had sealed the deal. This was a man who knew how to treat a woman. He’d shown

nothing but love and care for Liv since he met her. How could she even consider for a second not

taking a chance on love.

Men on earth didn’t appreciate the woman inside her curvy body. They’d been too stuck on

her curves to really get to know her. Karel had gone straight for the woman hidden beneath the surface

and pulled her out.

“I love you.” Once she said it, she felt her heart fill with love for him.

He tipped her face to meet her gaze. “You do?”

She nodded. “Yes. I didn’t want to admit it, but it’s true.” She curled her arms around his neck

and pressed a kiss to his stubbly jaw. “You have wanted the real me from day one. There was never

any expectation of me changing to suit you. You didn’t want me to be something I’m not. And you

didn’t think of only trying to get into my pants.”

“I love you, Liv. Every single inch of you.”

She smiled. “I know.”

* * *

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Every day for the following three days went by in a painful wait. Keliana was better in the

morning and worse in the evenings. They’d get their hopes up daily, thinking it would be the day she

would get better but she only got sicker, her meals made her ill. On the fourth day, Liv noticed a


Liv made her way into the house from taking a walk when she saw Tiana holding a teacup.

“Hey, I thought Keliana only had tea at night?”

Tiana nodded, not meeting her gaze. “She does, but her stomach has been bothering her so

much in the evenings, I felt tea was a better way to start the morning than a heavy meal that could hurt

her raw throat.”

Liv nodded. That made sense, but why then did Tiana look so…guilty?

By midmorning, Keliana was sick earlier than usual. She could barely move and looked

worse than the previous day. Liv worried the tea had the opposite of a calming effect. She decided

she’d tell Tiana to skip it that evening and see if the lack of whatever she made the tea with would

help ease Keliana’s stomach.

She wished she had some chamomile and honey. She bet that would soothe Keliana’s stomach

more than whatever Tiana had given her.

She had just gotten dressed after taking a shower when she found Tiana in the kitchen making

tea again, the medicine dropper in her hand.

“Liv!” Karel yelled out before she got a chance to say anything to Tiana. Tiana dropped the

bottle in her haste to close it. A few stomps later and Karel was in the kitchen. “Oh, Tiana, there you

are. Let’s get you to the guest quarters. It’s going to storm shortly.”

Tiana glanced around, searching for the dropper that had fallen. Liv frowned, watching the

other woman closely. Why was she so flustered?

Tiana whirled around and nodded. “Let me just--”

“No time. If we don’t get you there now, you’ll be stuck here. Liv will take Mother her tea.

Come on,” he said, guiding her to the door. She gave Liv a final frantic look before heading out with


Liv glanced around the kitchen, getting down on knees and looking for the dropper. Something

strange was going on. Tiana’s fear had been real. Liv might not be a shifter to sniff distress, but she

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saw it in Tiana’s face. She reached in a small opening between a cabinet and icebox and felt the tiny

bottle at her fingertips.

She wiggled her fat little fingers farther into the hole and tried not to think about insects that

could be living there. The bottle finally came within reach. She hauled the little dropper out of its

hiding spot and sat back on her heels. She was surprised to see an English pre-printed label on the

bottle. Arsenate.

Why did that sound familiar? She sat on a chair, staring at the small bottle. She opened it and

sniffed. Nothing. No smell. The liquid inside was clear, but something told her this wasn’t good.

She thought back to a conversation she’d had with Aurelis at the bakery a while back.

“Did you hear about that woman who killed her husband? The baker? She gives us all a

bad name.”

“I don’t think I did,” Liv said, eating a cupcake. “What did she do?”

“She put arsenic in his coffee every day which killed the man slowly.”

“How did they figure it out?” she asked, no longer interested in the cupcake.

“The man’s son was studying medicine and found a bottle with arsenate. That’s another

name for arsenic. If he hadn’t found it, everyone would have thought her husband was just dying

from stomach issues like the doctors said.”

Liv frowned. “But wouldn’t that show in a test? Or in an autopsy?”

“If you’re looking for it. But given in small doses, you can kill someone and the world

wouldn’t know.”

Oh, shit. Tiana was poising Keliana! She had no idea how Tiana had gotten her hands on an

earth poison, but she was sure she was using it for the worst purpose, to kill Karel’s mother.

When Karel returned a few minutes later, she was sitting at the table staring at the small


“Liv.” She looked up startled, how had Karel gotten back so quickly. She had been so lost in

her thoughts, she hadn’t heard him return.

“I’ve called your name three times, babe. What’s wrong?” He sat next to her and peered into

her eyes.

She wasn’t sure what to say. How did she explain what she thought? “How much do you

know about Tiana? How was she chosen to help your mother?”

Karel frowned in puzzlement. “Why the questions about her suddenly? Has she offended you

or done something to slight you? The storm is bad, she most likely won’t be back until the day after


Liv sighed. She had to tell him, but didn’t know him well enough to gauge how he would act.

If she waited a bit longer, then the storm would be in full effect and he wouldn’t be able to go after

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the murdering nurse. She just hoped the storm would last long enough for her to calm him.

“You mentioned she came from the castle to help your mom with her, right?”

“Yes, that is what I was told. Why? What is going on, Liv?” She didn’t have to sense his

moods to see the confusion and worry slowly multiplying with each question.

“Promise me you won’t do anything tonight.” She knew her words didn’t make sense, but it

was all she could think to do.

“Liv, what is going on? Tell me what is wrong, I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me.” Karel

sighed. “Fine, if that’s what it takes to get you to explain, then I promise not to do anything tonight.”

Liv grasped Karel’s hand and held it tight. “There is no easy way to tell you this, so I am just

saying it.” Liv took a deep breath for courage. “Your mother is being poisoned.”

“What in the hell are you talking about. We don’t have poisons here.”

Liv could feel his anger like a living, breathing entity filling the room. “I saw Tiana putting

drops in your mother’s tea. She said it was medicine and I didn’t think anything about it, to be

honest. But tonight when you came into the kitchen, you startled her and she dropped this.” She held

out the small bottle and waited for him to process its meaning. “Do you know what that is?”

Karel stared at the bottle without saying a word.

“On earth the more common name is arsenic. It’s slow acting and nearly untraceable. It’s

colorless and odorless so nobody would know they were ingesting it until too late.”

Karel stood and roared in anger. Liv jumped up and stopped him as he headed for the door to

confront Tiana. “You promised to wait before acting. If you confront her now, you will kill her in

your rage and we won’t get any answers.”

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Karel nodded and returned to his seat. It didn’t take long before he was pacing the kitchen.

His jaguar wanted her blood. How dare that woman come into his mother’s home and try to kill her.

He had to fight to stay in control; the jaguar wanted out and was pushing hard.

“Karel. Listen to me. Your mother isn’t going to die. Now that we know, we can get her

help and she will survive.”

Karel heard her words, but it wasn’t enough to calm the tide of rage overtaking him. Liv’s

soft lips pressed to his. Instantly he felt his jaguar calming.

“Are you with me now?”

Karel let out a weary breath and moved to sit at the table. “I want to kill her, destroy her, to

make her wish she had never been born.”

“I know you do, but we need answers first.”

He knew she was right, but that was his mother lying in a bed, dying in the other room. The

woman who held the half of his heart that wasn’t Liv’s. The only person who gave up everything for

him, took care of him, and sacrificed for him. He would die to protect her. To sit here knowing the

person who was actively trying to kill his mother was only a house away was driving him insane.

“I intend to get those answers.” He stood and headed to his mother’s room. Hopefully she

would be awake and not in too much pain.

Liv grabbed his arm before he entered the room. “There is something else you should know.

The poison was being ingested in the tea. That’s why a couple hours after she drank it, she was

worse. She hasn’t had any tea since this morning.”

“Okay, what are you saying?” Karel didn’t understand. He wasn’t familiar with this arsenic

poison to know what this meant.

“The poison takes a few days to clear out of a human’s systems,” Liv patiently explained.

Karel turned and hugged her tightly. “Shifters aren’t like humans. We heal much quicker. If it

takes you a few days then it shouldn’t take us long at all. She could already be healing.”

Liv laughed. “That would explain why Tiana was upping the tea to twice a day. The poison

wasn’t working with her shifter metabolism like it would on me. She had to increase the dosage and

frequency for it to have the same effect.”

“By tomorrow then, she should have rid herself of all the poison.” Karel smiled and grabbed

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Liv for a bear hug.

“Yes, it sounds like it. She is still going to be weak, because she hasn’t had much food for a

while now, but she is going to get better.”

“You know what this means don’t you?” Karel said with an impish smile.

“No, what?”

“She will be here to see her grandchildren and maybe even her great-grandchildren.”

Liv smacked him. “Do you mind? I am not even pregnant yet, and you’re already having my

babies have babies.”

“Are you two going to stand outside my room all night, or come in and visit me?” Keliana’s

weak voice called out.

Karel laughed in delight at the blush that crawled up Liv’s neck and face. “What is that all

about? Why are you blushing?”

“She heard us talking about making babies,” Liv whispered quietly.

Karel smiled and pulled her into the room after him. “How are you feeling, Aayi?”

“Now that you are here, with your beautiful mate, how could I be anything but fantastic.”

Keliana reached a hand out and tugged Liv closer. “Come, sit next to me, my darling.”

Karel grunted and pulled a chair close to her bedside so he could be near both women.

“Have you replaced me already, Aayi? I am your only son, after all.”

Keliana’s musical laughter filled the room, bringing smiles to their faces. “That may be true,

my son, but as I heard you say a moment ago, she is the one giving me grandbabies and great-


“Aayi, stop teasing Liv. Look at her. She is turning as red as the leaves in spring.“ Karel

leaned over and gripped his mother's hand. “How are you feeling tonight?” He wasn’t sure how much

she heard while they were in the hallway talking, but he knew either way, he would have to fill her in

on the details.

“I am actually feeling better. A bit tired and weak, but my stomach hurts less than it did

earlier.” Keliana looked between Liv and Karel. “What are you two not telling me? I’m a mother; I

can sense these things, you know.”

Karel sighed, he should have known, in all the years growing up here, he never could get

away with anything. Even when he went to live at the castle, she could read it in his voice and facial

expressions. “We have some questions about Tiana and how she came to help you.”

“I was talking to Bella one day checking in on you and how she was doing with the baby. We

got to discussing her life on earth. I know so little about it, and to be frank, I had never been that

curious. She said some things that had me wondering though. She offered to send me some books

Alyx had in the library so I could read and pass the time.” Keliana paused and narrowed her eyes.

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“What is this all about. Why are you asking?”

“I promise we will explain everything, Mrs. Yahgar, but can you please tell us more. This is

extremely important.”

“My dear, none of this Mrs. Yahgar. You are my son’s mate, the mother of my future

grandchildren and--”

“Aayi, don’t say it,” Karel said with a stern but playful look.

“I was only going to say she was the woman who made you happy.“ She winked at Liv before

beginning again. “Anyway, what I was saying before my son so rudely interrupted is that you should

call me Aayi also. It means mom or mother, and I would love if you do me that honor.

“As to Tiana, I will answer your questions, but then you must answer mine. Bella had a

couple of the workers from the castle bring me the books and each time they came, they also brought a

treat. Tiana came a couple of times, but not every time.”

Liv chewed her bottom lip, pondering. “How soon after these visits began did you start getting

sick?” Karel looked at Liv in shock. It made sense to ask, but it had never crossed his mind.

“A day or two after. Why is that important? Oh, never mind. You will answer my questions in

your own good time.” She sighed and rolled her eyes at Karel and Liv.

Liv continued. “Tiana told me that she volunteered to help you with your day to day life. This

sounds more like she came to be your nurse, though. Did you know her before she started bringing

you the books and treats?” Liv smiled and leaned closer to Karel. His heart swelled with tenderness

for her. She may not admit it to herself, but her mind and body knew. She was his.

“No, I didn’t, and yes, she came to be my nurse until I recovered. That’s it. I have had

enough. Tell me what is going on?”

Karel sighed and nodded his head in agreement. It was time. “Aayi, Liv caught Tiana putting

a poison from earth called arsenic in your tea. That is why a few hours later you continue to be sick

each night.”

“I don’t understand. Why? I didn’t know her; why would she want to kill me?” Karel’s heart

hurt to hear the pain and confusion in his mother’s voice. She had never cause anyone harm who

didn’t deserve it. She was a protector and nurturer.

“We don’t know, but we intend to find out,” Karel growled. Liv’s hand wrapped around his

fist, instantly calming him and his jaguar.

“The good news is you won’t be getting any more of it. You’ll start to recover, and with what

Karel says about shifters, it won’t be long at all. Your biggest obstacle will be a lack of strength

from not eating much. In a week, I predict you’ll be back to full speed and raring for her blood.” Liv

winked and turned to Karel with a smile.

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“I don’t know what to say. I am kind of in shock. She seemed so wonderful and such a sweet

person. Are you sure about all this?”

Liv pulled the bottle out of her pocket and showed it to Keliana. “I saw her put it in your tea a

few times. It wasn’t until tonight when Karel startled her and she dropped it, that I discovered what it

really is. Karel had already taken her home; she doesn’t know I found it. When she comes back to

check on you after the storm lets up, we can get answers.”

“I think I need to rest and regroup after everything you have told me. It’s not every day you are

told someone is trying to kill you. Not to mention I now know I will indeed be here to see my baby

have babies, after all. This has been a rather exciting evening, hasn’t it.”

Liv stood and kissed her cheek before moving to leave the room. Karel watched and then

stood to do the same. His Aayi was right. Everything had happened so quickly, it was hard to process

it all. The only thing he knew for sure was his mother was going to live, and he owed it all to his

beautiful mate.

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“Damn it, she’s gone,” Karel growled as he stormed into the kitchen where Liv was making

breakfast. “I went over even though I promised to wait until the storm had cleared, and she is gone.

She must have teleported out as soon as I left her last night.”

Liv frowned and turned, waving a spatula at Karel. “You went out in this storm? You told me

it would only last a few more hours. Why did you have to go now? What if that spooked her to see

you coming in this weather? Did you think of that?” She turned her back on him, fuming. Men never

used their brains. She turned back to Karel. “Did you think of a good reason for going over there, if

she had been there?”

Never mind how lucky he was she was cooking. She had no idea what anything was in that

place, but after Keliana’s assistance, she was pretty confident she could make breakfast.

“Of course I did. I wanted to make sure she didn’t need anything,” Karel mumbled as he

looked around sheepishly.

“So you’re telling me that you took her home last night before the storm hit and didn’t make

sure she was okay and didn’t need anything?” Liv turned around again mumbling under her breath

about men and their lack of sense.

“I did ask, and she said she was fine. The cabin is well stocked.” Karel cursed softly. It took

her mentioning it before he realized the trap he had walked into. “You’re right, I wasn’t thinking

clearly. I just want answers. I want them now,” Karel growled and stepped forward to wrap his arms

around Liv’s waist. “She hurt my mother; I can’t let that go.”

Liv turned in his arms to face him. “I know and you don’t have to, but running over there in the

middle of the storm isn’t going to solve anything.” She bit her lip, trying to think of anything else they

could do. “Can you call your friend Alyx and have them see if she went to the castle. She probably

wouldn’t expect us to know she is gone already. She might have gone to get her things.”

“You are beautiful and brilliant. I hit the mate jackpot with you,” Karel said as he ran out of

the room. Liv laughed and turned to finish cooking breakfast. A few minutes later, Karel returned.

“Aayi isn’t awake yet. I am going to call Alyx. Will you stick around in case you think of something

I’m missing.”

Liv smiled and put Aayi’s plate in the warmer, then sat beside him at the table. She watched

as Karel pulled out a small handheld device. “What is that?”

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“It’s a communicator. It projects a hologram of the person or persons we are talking too.” Liv

was amazed, she had seen that on TV, but never in a million years did she expect to see it in real life.

She watched closely as he attempted to call Alyx without success. Disappointment flooded her, she

had hoped to see the thing work. Forget sci-fi, this was real life. If they had holograms that talked,

what else did they have?

“What about Bella? Maybe she can help us. Besides, women usually know what's going on in

their own homes more than a man would.” She laughed at the disbelief on Karel’s expression. “It’s

true. You men tend to ignore the house, assuming it runs on its own. Women pay attention and notice

things you all would miss. I’m not saying we are better, just that we each have our strengths.”

Karel grunted, bringing a smile to Liv’s face. Her jaw dropped when the call was picked up

and a real life hologram of Bella appeared in front of her. “That has got to be the coolest thing I have

ever seen,” Liv whispered in a voice full of awe and surprise. She reached out to touch the hologram

and was shocked when Karel slapped her hand away.

“What are you doing? She isn’t here; you can’t poke her.” Liv blushed as Karel and Bella


“It’s okay. I had the same reaction when I saw one the first time.” Bella turned to Karel.

“How is your mother?”

“That’s actually why we are calling.” Liv blanched at Bella’s reaction to Karel’s words. “No,

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean--” He sighed. “It’s already been a very long day. She is going to be just fine,

thanks to Liv here. It’s a long story and I promise to explain later. Right now we have something of

importance we need your help with.”

Liv watched as Bella let out a sigh of relief and wiped the tears from her eyes. They had

frightened the poor hormonal woman.

“It’s about Tiana. Can you find out if she returned to the castle? She left the cabin sometime

between yesterday early evening and now.”

Confusion clouded Bella’s face. It was clear she tried to understand what was going on. “She

left your mother? And disappeared? That’s what you are telling me? That’s incredibly

irresponsible!” Liv could feel Karel’s tension rise with each minute that passed. She knew if he

didn’t get answers soon he was going to regret his next actions, and even more so when Alyx found

out he yelled at his pregnant wife.

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“Yes, she disappeared. I caught her poisoning Aayi. We need to find her. Know what is going

on. Can you check and see if she returned to the castle?”

“Poisoning her? What…why? Let me call you back in a few minutes. Karel did you inform

Alyx?” Bella asked with a worried frown.

Karel sighed in frustration; waiting sucked. “He isn’t answering his link. Can you fill him


“He’s gone to the bears for the meeting. He left yesterday and won’t be back for a week. I

will leave him a message as well, though.” Bella signed off and disappeared from Liv’s view.

“You really do have the most amazing technology up here.” Liv stood and moved to the

counter. “I made breakfast.” She scrunched her nose. “At least I think it’s breakfast. Your mother said

these were eggs and the meat smelled close to bacon so…” She shrugged. “Here, you eat. I have a

tray to take to Aayi.”

As she walked by, Karel grabbed her around the waist and pressed his nose into her neck.

“Just in case I didn’t tell you yet today, thank you for everything.” He kissed her below her ear and let

her go.

She smiled over her shoulder at him and put a sexy sway in her hips. “I aim to please.” Liv

stepped forward, careful not to spill anything on the tray, and giggled in delight as Karel made a grab

for her again. She took off for the safety of his mother's room.

“Laughter is a beautiful sound, but not as beautiful as the smile my son puts on your face,”

Keliana said with a twinkle in her eyes. “Good morning, daughter. Something smells delicious.”

“Oh, good! Maybe I didn’t mess it up.” She grinned. “Good morning, Aayi. You seem to be in

a good mood. How are you feeling?” Liv placed the tray on the bed next to Keliana and waited as

she scooted into a sitting position.

“I feel rather remarkable, actually. I think I could out eat my son for once. I hope you made

lots of protein for me. My jaguar needs it to heal quicker.”

“Just so happens I did, but you have to go slow at first.” Liv placed the tray over Keliana’s

lap and sat back to help if needed.

“I can’t eat in the kitchen while you two are in here talking. What if my Aayi tells you

embarrassing stories of my childhood?” Karel asked as he walked in carrying two plates of food.

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“Here, love, you need to eat as well.”

Keliana laughed heartily at his words and turned back to Liv. “I will tell you stories, too, like

the time he got stuck in a tree. Can you believe my son, the jaguar, stuck in a tree.” Liv tried not to

laugh and looked at Karel.

“I did not get stuck. I have told you a thousand times, but will you listen to me? No, of course

not.” Karel grumbled under his breath about mothers embarrassing their only sons with such wild and

false accusations.

“No worries, Liv. I will tell you all about it and many other stories, but first, I must know

what you two are hiding from me.”

Liv sighed. So much for keeping her from stressing over the insane caregiver being on the

loose. “It’s Tiana. She’s gone. Karel went to check on her this morning, and she had disappeared.”

“I’m not surprised, to be honest. If I had dropped the bottle, I would have run. Too risky to

come back and play the odds one of you had found it.” Keliana lapsed into silence as she thought of

everything they had told her last night and this morning. “I still can’t figure out why she would want to

poison me. I’m just an old jaguar woman. No threat to anyone. Before she brought me books, I had

never even heard of her.”

Karel’s communicator buzzed, stopping all conversation in the room. “It’s Bella. Do you guys

want me to answer in here so you can listen?”

Liv grunted and looked to Keliana. “Is that a stupid question to you? ‘Cause it is to me.”

Karel tried to hide his smile. “Fine, I get it. Your sarcasm wasn’t needed.”

A moment later, Bella’s hologram appeared. “Hi, everyone. Keliana you look so much better

than the last time I saw you. I am so happy you’re improving and on the mend.”

“Thank you. I feel like a new person compared to a few days ago. Liv just prepared me a

protein filled breakfast and I already feel more like my old self. Before you know, I will be chasing

my grandbabies around.”

“Aayi!” Karel burst into laughter at the look on Liv’s face.

Bella’s jaw dropped in surprise at Keliana’s words. “Liv is there something you’d like to

share with the rest of us?”

“I am not pregnant.” At least, she didn’t think she was. She’d never been regular so she had no

clue. “Aayi likes to tease me, because she wants babies to play with.” Liv grinned in embarrassment.

She really needed to stop blushing. These two delighted too much in her reactions . “Did you find out

anything? Did Tiana come back to the castle?”

Bella’s smile fell from her face. “No, she didn’t. No one has seen or heard from her since she

went up to be Keliana’s carekeeper. I asked around, but no one is really that close to her. Nobody has

any idea where she could have gone. I’m sorry I’m not helping much.”

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Karel sighed and nodded. “It’s not surprising. If she was smart enough to run, I would think

she is smart enough not to return to the castle.”

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“Keliana, would you mind if I came for a visit? I would love to see you. Besides, I kind of

miss having Karel around too. He has been my constant companion for the last few months,” Bella


Liv nodded her approval of the plan, even though no one was asking her. She enjoyed her

short time with Bella and would like to know her better. “That would be wonderful. Yes, please do

come. As long as the teleport won’t be too much on you. I heard it didn’t sit well with you when you

first came here.”

Much like it had with Liv. Except it made Bella sick, where Liv just passed out.

“Karel has been telling stories. There’s no truth to any of them unless they are about how

awesome I am. Actually, being pregnant has had a positive effect on me. I teleport with ease now.

Must be the shifter genes in the baby lending me his or her strength. I need to finish a few things here,

but I should be there later this afternoon, if that’s okay with you.”

All three agreed and Bella signed off. Karel stood. He was going to call Alyx again and fill

him in on everything. He knew Bella well enough to know she would hide things to keep him from

worrying. Liv turned back to Keliana. “How are you feeling today really? You do look a lot better

than you did a few days ago.”

She smiled and patted Liv’s hand like Liv was a little kid in need of comforting. “No fretting,

love. I feel a 100 percent better already. I even think by tomorrow I will be walking and taking care

of myself. I can feel my strength returning in leaps and bounds. You know, we owe you a debt I can

never repay.”

“No debt. I will forever be grateful I was in the right place at the right time. Spending these

last few days with you and seeing the smile on Karel’s face has been payment enough. I am so lucky

to have met you both.” Liv paused and watched as Keliana fought to keep her eyes open.

“Now, Aayi, it’s time for you to take a nap and rebuild that strength you spoke of. I’m going

out for a short walk around the cabin now that the storm has let up.” She had cabin fever and was

excited to see what else was new and different in Aurora from earth. “If you need anything, just call


Liv leaned down and placed a kiss on Keliana’s cheek before walking out of the room with a

bounce in her step. She hadn’t been sure before, but was now. She made a very good choice in

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coming here. Now she had to figure out what to do with her sexy, growly jaguar who made her purr.

She went out to the garden Karel had taken her to on her first day at the cabin. She couldn’t get

over how beautiful and lush all the flowers were. The storm made the colors more vibrant than she

could ever have imagined.

“So you are the bitch who foiled my plans,” a shrewish voice called out, surprising Liv. She

turned to see a blond woman with flashing golden eyes staring at her with menace.

“What are you talking about? Who are you?” Liv looked around wildly for help, but she was

alone in the garden. Would this woman attack her in the open like this? Dammit this chick was big. A

lot bigger and clearly a shifter.

“You interfered with business that was of no concern to you. I will make you regret it. Watch

your back, human.”

“Liv, you out here?” Liv turned to see if Karel was close enough to rescue her from this

psycho. She looked back at the blonde to find her gone. Liv looked around, but there was no sign of

her. Karel came into view, and Liv wasted no time in sprinting and jumping in his arms.

“Babe, what's wrong? What happened?” Karel pulled her back slightly so he could look into

her face to assure himself she was unharmed.

“Some psycho just threatened me. She appeared and disappeared within seconds. It was

freaky as hell.”

“What woman? What did she look like? What did she say? She threatened you?” Karel’s

words ran together, he spat the questions out so quickly. The anger in his voice was unmistakable, and

for some odd reason, Liv found comfort in that.

“I have never seen her before. She didn’t give me her name. She said I foiled her plan and to

watch my back.” Liv stepped out of Karel’s arms, anger starting to push away her fear. “What the hell

is going on, Karel? Why is some strange woman threatening me?”

Karel sighed and pulled her back into his arms. “I’m not sure, but I will find out.”

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Liv leaned back in his arms and looked him in the face. “You know half the people on this

planet have been mean or threatened me. I thought it was going to be different here. You are so

advanced in so many ways, but people are just as rude. I guess I should count my blessing they

haven’t started picking on my weight yet.”

Karel growled in frustration. “You need to understand one thing. There is nothing wrong

with you. You are perfection to me. I love every, gorgeous inch of you. Haven’t I shown you that yet?

I don’t want to hear you say that bullshit ever again, you hear me.”

Liv smiled, took Karel’s hand and pulled him to sit on a bench in the garden. “I believe you. I

don’t mean to make you angry. I love my body, I really do, but after years of taunts, sarcastic barbs,

and flat out name calling, it starts to get to you. I love who I am. It’s others who can’t accept that.”

She swallowed hard. He had a feeling she was telling him more about her than in any previous



She shook her head “They made oink noises as I walked down the hall in school. They would

pretend to fall to the ground and scream out about an earthquake when I ran by. When I became an

adult, it was just as bad. Do you know what it’s like to go on a date and have him make inappropriate

innuendos because you are fat and don’t deserve better? At least according to him and many other

assholes on earth.” Fury filled her eyes and her lips thinned into a flat line while she recounted her


“You don’t have to tell me if you’re not up to it.” He hated the look of frustration on her face

as she spoke.

“No, it’s okay. It’s in the past. But that’s what makes me who I am. My life experiences. I had

one guy tell me he would take me home and show me a good time, but he would have to keep his eyes

closed the whole time.”

Karel grew angrier with every word she spoke. He had to let go of her hands so he didn’t

crush her fingers.

“I can’t help if other people are ignorant. I quickly learned to ignore them and not give them

my time. I am a big, beautiful woman, and I have enough confidence in myself to pay no attention to

my critics. I work hard and play hard. I take care of my body. Because earth society doesn’t see me

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working out and eating salads all day, then they don’t believe I give two shits about my health.” She

gave a dry laugh.

“Earth people don’t know anything about being human.”

She nodded. “Isn’t that the truth. But I love who I am.” Liv smiled and leaned forward to

place a kiss on his cheek. “I just thought people would be nicer here is all I meant. I didn’t mean to

upset you.”

Karel knew he was overreacting, but he hated seeing the pain in her eyes, hearing it in her

voice. She may love who she was, but he could tell those people had taken a piece of her with their

taunts. “I will spend the rest of my life showing you how beautiful, amazing, and desirable I find you.

You are my everything for now and forever. My jaguar and I chose you. And I’m glad you chose me.”

She grinned. “I’m glad we chose each other. Even if I feel like the past week has been a

whirlwind and more like a month than a week.”

He curled his arms around her and kissed her temple. “As to the people on this planet, don’t

judge everyone based on a couple bad seeds. We may be more advanced technologically, but we still

have assholes.”

Karel couldn’t sit anymore; he needed to move. He stood and paced in front of Liv. “I want

you to see that not only is our planet beautiful, but so are our people. We don’t judge based on

anything other than how they act and treat others. You have already proven in the short time you have

been here how wonderful a person you are. Please don’t be discouraged. I don’t think I could handle

it if you hated it here.”

Liv stood and moved to block his path. “You’re right. I’m sorry I judged all the inhabitants of

your planet by the few nasty ones I’ve met so far.”

Karel smiled and leaned down so his mouth was inches from Liv’s. “I don’t know if you will

believe this or not, but I love you. You are my mate.” He sealed his words with a kiss.

* * *

Karel left Liv to visit with his mother as he called Alyx again to fill him in on the latest

developments. He wasn’t sure who had threatened his mate, but it wasn’t going unchallenged. “Alyx,

sorry to bother you again so soon. Liv was in the garden at my mother's house and a woman

threatened her.”

“What did the woman say? I assume she was smart enough not to give her name,” Alyx

growled in frustration and rage. Mates were never threatened. Ever. “I left just two days ago. Why is

everything happening at once.”

“She didn’t give a name; that would be too easy. She told Liv she interfered and to watch her

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back. Nothing that tells us anything.” Karel sat in a chair and sighed. “I can’t figure this out. Why

would someone target my mother, and then threaten my mate. I don’t really have enemies.”

“There is something we are missing. I am going to cut my trip short and come back. It will

take me about an hour to wrap things here and I will be there.”

“Bella is coming to visit my mother and Liv. She should be here within the hour, as a matter

of fact.” Karel frowned. “I know she was well guarded at the castle, but I feel better having her here


For the first time since Karel had contacted Alyx, he saw a smile on his king’s face. “That is

perfect, I can see my mate, check on your mother, and we can discuss all that’s happened.”

Karel nodded and disconnected the call. In the space of just over a week, he was told his

mother was dying, found his mate, learned his mother was going to live, and discovered his mate was

threatened. It didn’t make sense. He couldn’t come up with one reason for any of this to happen.

Taking out his mother served no purpose he could see. What had Tiana hoped to gain?

Karel stood and searched for his mate. He needed to reassure himself she and his mother were

okay. Things were spiraling out of control and he wasn’t sure how to stop them. He walked into his

mother's room and stopped. “Aayi, look at you.” Karel couldn’t believe his eyes, she was walking

around the room in slow circles on her own.

“She said she was tired of laying down and needed a change. Next thing I know, she is

throwing her legs over the side of the bed and standing.” Liv could barely talk through her joyous


Karel gave his mother a hug. “I knew you were a fighter, you taught me to be one, after all.

Now you will definitely live to see my cubs grow and have some of their own.”

Keliana whacked him on the arm. “Cheeky buggar, aren’t you.” She did another circle before

stopping in front of Liv. “We have company coming shortly. I think it’s time I got dressed in some real

clothes and met her in the living room like a guest should be met. What do you think, my dear?”

Liv looked to Karel for approval before she answered. When he nodded in agreement, she

turned back to Keliana. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. What can I do to help?”

Karel smiled and stepped out of the room. His life was looking up. His two favorite women

adored each other and him. A knock at the door startled him out of his thoughts. With a smile, he

opened the door and greeted his friend. “You are looking rather…” He looked Bella up and down and

smiled when he saw the warning in her eyes. “Beautiful. Come in and have a seat. The ladies will be

joining you shortly. My mother has decided she felt up to visiting in the living room, and is--as she

put it—dressing in ‘some real clothes.’”

Bella smiled and smacked him in the chest with the back of her hand. “I know you well

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enough to know that wasn’t what you were going to say. Don’t even try to lie to me.” She reached out

and grabbed his hands with both of hers. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear your mother is

making a full recovery. I know how much she means to you.”

Karel squeezed her hands in return and gave a short nod. He couldn’t even begin to explain

how grateful he was to know she would live.

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Liv walked out with Keliana leaning on her arm for support. While feeling much better, she

was still weak and as stubborn as anyone Liv had ever met. She was determined to sit and visit like

proper company deserved, no matter how tired it made her.

“Keliana, you look fantastic,” Bella said as she gave her a hug. “I have been so worried.”

Keliana sat on the couch and smiled up at Bella. “No need to worry about me. You have cubs

and a mate to worry about now.”

Bella smiled and embraced Liv. “It’s wonderful to see you again. I can’t wait to catch up and

hear how my growly security head is taking care of you,” she said with a wink. All three women

laughed when they heard Karel growl and storm out of the room.

They spent the next half hour talking and laughing. It wasn’t long before Keliana was done in

and needed to rest again. Liv walked her back to her room and helped her get situated back in bed.

When she was leaving, Keliana’s soft voice stopped her. “I love you, child.”

Her throat closed and her heart filled with joy. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “I

love you too, Aayi.”

Liv finally had a mother she could love, and one that loved her for who she was. Liv never

expected to find that, let alone have to travel light years away for it.

“Are you okay?” Bella questioned as Liv reentered the living room.

“Oh, yes. Sorry. Just lost in thought for a moment. Would you care to take a walk with me. We

can talk and you can tell me everything you know about Karel that I can use to torment him later.”

The two women strolled outside and basked in the rays of the two suns. “It turned out to be a

wonderful day. I thought for sure with the storm being so bad we would be stuck inside until


“We got lucky, this was a short one. They aren’t always like that. To be honest though, there

are more days like this, with the suns shining, and the soft breeze blowing that even a rainy day can’t

discourage you. If that makes sense.” Bella laughed ruefully.

“I know what you mean.” Liv sighed and looked around at the beautiful trees. She didn’t think

she would ever get tired of looking at the different shades of purple.

Bella squirmed. “I don’t mean to pry, but I am dying to know. You and Karel? How are

things? Is it official, are you mated?”

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Liv laughed at the barrage of questions from Bella.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind at all. Something tells me we are going to be great friends. Yes, we

are mated. He is unlike anyone I have ever met before. I think I was in love the moment I saw him. It

took my head a little bit longer to catch up. It’s not often you meet a man you can laugh with, be stupid

and have fun with, and that body. Whoo baby, smoking. And after he shifted, I was sure there was a

puddle of drool on the ground.” Liv blushed when she realized what she had said. “Sorry, I tend to

get a little carried away when I think of ….. um…. certain things.”

“I have to admit, I know what you mean. These shifter men look better than any movie star

I’ve ever seen. Don’t let them know, but damn they could give the gods a run for their money in the

looks department.” Bella smiled and rubbed her protruding belly. “They are a fertile lot, too. It

won’t be long before you are in the same boat as me. Our cubs can grow up together.”

Liv smiled and nodded. The thought of having cubs scared her a bit, if she was honest. Karel

would make a fantastic father, she knew it deep down. He was too loving not to be amazing. Now if

they could figure out the threat, they could get started on those babies.

“What has you frowning? I know we just met, but I hope you know you can talk to me.” Bella

worried her bottom lip while she waited for Liv’s response.

“Now who is worried?” Both women laughed and looped their arms together like old friends.

“After we spoke to you this morning, I went into the garden and a woman showed up and threatened

me.” Liv explained the details, what little she had, and then they walked in silence, both lost in their

thoughts, trying to make sense of things.

“I haven’t been here long, so I don’t know what I could have done to mess up this woman's

plan. I don’t even know who she was.” Bella grabbed her arm and squeezed gently. Liv cocked her

head and listened closer.

“Do you hear that?” Liv asked in alarm.

“I think we better go back. Those don’t sound like friendly growls to me,” Bella said as she

grabbed Liv’s arm and headed toward the cabin.

They managed to get a few feet when two women ran out of the forest.

“Nadeeya!” Bella gasped. She curled a hand protectively over her belly. “What are you doing


“I’m finally getting rid of you,” Nadeeya, the blonde who threatened Liv earlier, spat. Her

problem was obviously with Bella.

Liv stood in front of Bella, placing herself between her new friend and the woman threatening

her. “I don’t think so.”

Nadeeya snarled, “You think you can stop me? You weak, little, human.”

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Tiana took a step forward. She didn’t say anything, but her shifting features spoke volumes.

“Got any good ideas?” Bella whispered. “I left my transporter in the house with my shawl.”

Yeah, no. They were fucked.

They watched the blonde shift into a huge lioness. She roared and lowered to an attack

position. Meanwhile, Tiana shifted into a bear. A fucking bear! Oh hell no. They had two huge

animals looking to make them kibbles and bits. Shit didn’t get any more real than that.

Tiana roared, stomping the ground on all fours next to the lioness. Another set of growls

sounded. Liv glanced over her shoulder and tugged Bella out of the way as a massive lion and jaguar

next to him leapt toward the lioness and bear.

“We need to move,” she yelled at Bella and pulled her to the safety of trees on their left. “I’m

guessing the big lion is your husband?”

“Oh, yeah,” Bella rushed out, trying to catch her breath. “And he’s pissed.”

“Well, it’s not every day some chick tries to kill his wife and their unborn baby.”

Bella snorted. “You’d be surprised how often it’s happened.”

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The huge lion took down the bear in one fell swoop. He roared, clawing the bear’s face and

moving so quickly out of her reach, she didn’t get a chance to grab him. The bear’s sharp claws

swiped at the lion, but he roared again and bit down on the paw trying to tear into him.

The jaguar leapt for the lioness. Though she was big, he was bigger. The two cats went head

to head. The jaguar snarled, digging into the side of the lioness. She tried to sprint away, but he dug

his razor claws into her hind quarters and pulled, ripping ribbons of flesh off her hide.

The bear reared up on two legs and gave a loud roar, swiping at the lion. He shoved her back,

slamming her to a tree and sending her stumbling.

“You’re right. He’s pissed,” Liv said. “Aren’t you worried he’ll get hurt?”

Bella turned to her with a grin. “Nope. Alyx is the biggest, strongest lion on this planet. And

Karel is the same for the jaguars. That’s why he is the head of security.” The jaguar slashed another

set of cuts on the lioness’s side and Bella nodded. “Those two female idiots don’t know who they’re

up against.”

“So the men won’t be hurt?” Liv asked, her stomach in her throat. The lion dug his claws in

the bear’s chest.

“Are you kidding? Those women will be lucky if Alyx and Karel stop before they kill them.

And with all that’s happened with Nadeeya and Alyx, I’m not sure he will stop, even if she’s dead.”

Another round of wounds and the lioness was red from bleeding. The jaguar’s paws were

bloodied and he appeared to have minor cuts. Not the lioness. She was weakening. She tried to fight

him off, but he was faster and stronger.

The lioness and bear stopped fighting almost at the same time. For a second, Liv thought the

lion and jaguar would continue tearing into the women, but they stopped. Alyx and Karel shifted. Both

bloodied and angry.

Nadeeya and Tiana shifted as well, but the women groaned and curled into balls. Alyx

marched over to Nadeeya, grabbed her by a torn bicep and hauled her to her feet. Karel did the same

with Tiana, unconcerned over her crying from the painful wounds Alyx inflicted.

“I can’t kill you,” Alyx growled at Nadeeya. “I want to, but you know the rules. So I have

something better in mind.” He turned to glare at Tiana. “Both of you.”

Liv frowned, watching the scene unfolding before her. “What are they doing?”

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Bella gasped. “Oh, shit. They’d told me about this. When someone does something heinous

and so bad they don’t want them in Aurora anymore, they banish them.”

Alyx dragged a wounded Nadeeya while Karel pulled Tiana toward the cabin.

“Where are they being banished to?” she asked. They followed the others at a safe distance in

case things got out of hand again. The last thing Liv wanted was for one of the women to get free and

go for Bella. She knew the men could handle them, but she didn’t want to take chances with Bella’s


“To a primitive planet,” Bella whispered and her eyes opened wide. “A scary one.”

When they got to the cabin, Karel went to the porch and picked up something, handing it to

Alyx. It was a transporter.

“What are you doing?” Nadeeya screeched, finally sounding scared.

“You two have given us enough grief.” He pressed buttons and a big oval opened like the one

on earth. “I hereby banish you from Nova Aurora.”

Nadeeya clung to Alyx, her eyes wild. “You can’t do this. I don’t want to go!”

Karel tossed Tiana through the opening, her screaming swallowed as she went through.

“I don’t care what you want,” Alyx told her. “Now you’ll live with the other outcasts from


He peeled her off him and shoved her into the opening, effectively cutting off her cries.

“What planet?” Liv wondered. “Where?”

“It’s a hunting galaxy. Filled with barren wastelands and animals we never even heard of.

Super dangerous,” Bella replied. “They’ll be some dinosaur’s midday snack.”

Wow. “Sounds like they’re going to have to work hard to stay alive.”

“Well, now they won’t have time to plot killing me,” Bella said.

“There’s always a bright side to everything.” Liv grinned.

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Liv and Bella went in to check on Keliana, while Karel and Alyx washed the blood off. Liv

peeked in Keliana’s room to see her wide awake and sitting up in bed. “Don’t sneak around, get in

here and visit with me. I want to know what all that fuss was I just heard outside.” Liv smiled and

pulled Bella in with her. They sat on either side of Keliana on the bed.

Bella smiled and gave Keliana a hug. “You are looking better every time I see you.”

“I feel almost back to normal already. Got to love these shifter genes. Liv here has provided

me with all the protein I can eat, and I am pretty sure the poison is out of my system completely. I

would even venture to say by dinnertime, I will be ready to eat at the table with the rest of you.”

“Did you eat everything? I can get you something if you’re hungry,” Liv offered as she stood

and headed toward the door.

“No, I am fine. Your mate took care of me before he and Alyx went looking for you two.”

Keliana peered from one to the other. “Where are those boys anyway? I want to hear what is going


“We’re here, Aayi. I figured you would be going crazy for answers by now,” Karel called out

as he and Alyx entered the room with big grins on their faces.

Keliana huffed and narrowed her eyes at Karel. “You aren’t sassing me, are you? You aren’t

too old to be taken to task, you know.”

Karel blushed and shot a look at the others who were trying not to smile. “Aayi,” Karel

pleaded, “you live to torture me, don’t you.”

“Someone explain what just happened.” Keliana looked from face to face waiting. “No one,

really? Was it that bad?”

Liv cleared her throat. “Aayi, I think it’s more that we are still piecing it together.”

“You know what they say, two heads are better than one. Or I guess in our case five heads.”

“This morning after I left you, I went for a walk in the garden. I didn’t know at the time who

she was, but a blond lady threatened me for ruining her plan. A few minutes ago the same lady came

out of the forest and attacked us. She wasn’t alone. Tiana was with her.”

Bella took over the story. “The blonde is Alyx’s cousin Nadeeya. She has tried multiple times

to get rid of me, so she can have Alyx for herself. After the last time, we sent her to her brother for

him to watch over her. It would seem we were too lenient.”

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“Alyx and I subdued the women and Alyx banished them,” Karel piped in with the last of the

story. “They went too far this time.”

Keliana sat back and thought for a few minutes. “One thing I don’t understand. How did Tiana

fit into all this and why was she poisoning me?”

Liv said, “When I was talking to Tiana, I mentioned that Karel told me she worked in the

castle. I asked if she was one of your assistants, Bella. She became extremely angry at my question

and said she wasn’t good enough to work with you. That she attended the king’s cousin. She was very

bitter. I remember being surprised because you were so sweet.”

Alyx cut in. “If I may, I have an idea as to why. Karel and I have been talking and we think it

was an elaborate plan to get to Bella. With her advanced pregnancy, I assigned Karel to stay by her

side. This made it impossible for Nadeeya to attack again.” Alyx rubbed a hand down his face.

“When you suddenly got sick, we believed it was just your time,” he added. “We didn’t stop to think

you’d gotten sick once she’d come here to visit with you.

“Nadeeya recruited Tiana to poison you to make Karel rush to your side, Keliana. Everyone

knows how loyal jaguars are to their mothers. It would seem she set it up to happen at the time I

would be away at the summit meeting with the bears. Bella still had protection, but it wasn’t people

Bella knew well, therefore they stayed back a bit and gave her more space.” Alyx paused to let that

sink in and Karel carried on.

“When Tiana dropped the bottle she must have assumed you would become curious and look

for it. She must have reported this to Nadeeya, who in a rage, came to warn you off.” Karel locked

eyes with Bella. “My only question is how they got Aayi sick to begin with. Was it your idea to send

the treats with the books?”

Bella gasped. “I was in the library picking books about earth for Keliana to read. Tiana

happened to walk in, or at least I assumed it was by accident. Knowing everything now, I have to

assume they were listening in on my conversations and knew what I was doing. Tiana offered to

deliver the books. She also mentioned she had been by the kitchens and there were some delicious

pastries fresh from the oven and maybe she could wrap a few as a nice surprise and perhaps make

some tea.” Bella turned to Keliana. “I am so sorry, it was my fault.”

“You can forget that right now. This was not your fault. It was those idiot women and their

petty vengeance. I don’t blame you or anyone else for this stupidity in accepting reality.” She reached

out and took hold of Bella’s hands. “Besides, if you think about it, due to their meddling I have a new

daughter who will be giving me little ones to play with sooner rather than later.”

Bella laughed when she saw how red Liv’s face became at her words. Liv smiled and looked

to Karel. He walked over and wrapped his arms around her. “Yes, Aayi. Soon, I promise.”

* * *

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Liv glanced at the dual moons from Karel’s arms and leaned her head against his shoulder. It

had been a few days and Keliana was almost fully recovered. “I’m glad your mom’s okay now.”

“She considers herself your mother, too,” he whispered against her forehead, placing a kiss on

her hair.

Happiness burst in her heart, filling her with joy. “I know. It’s nice to have someone I can

count on. Someone who actually sees me as a daughter.”

“I’m glad that makes you happy, love.” He curled his arms tighter around her waist, splaying

his hands over her abdomen. She didn’t think anything of it at first, but then he brushed his lips over

her ear. “Aayi will be happy to know she’ll get those grandchildren soon.”

She let the words sink in and then sat up in a rush, turning to face him. “What? That is not

cool, Karel. You know I’ve been dying for a baby.”

He laughed at her obvious annoyance. “No need to die or kill anyone, love. Your wish is

coming true.”

She gasped, glancing at his hands on her belly. “Are you sure? How could you know?”

“I know.”


He nodded. “Yes, really.”

She flung her arms around him, hugging him tightly, attempting to show how much she loved

him through the embrace. “I love you. I love you so much, I can’t even explain it.”

He slid a hand over her hair in a soft caress. “I know, beautiful. I love you too.”

She’d finally gotten the family she always wanted: a man who loved her, a mother, a good

friend, and even a baby. It didn’t get any better.

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With a sigh, Gerri knocked on Cassie’s door. She was exhausted and needed to find reliable

help or she’d end up killing someone. Those shifters were so demanding when they wanted


Cassie’s door flew open and a man ran out with a box in his arms.

“You’re fucking crazy, you fat bitch!” he screamed and ran down the hall.

Gerri’s brows flew up when a curvy blonde with angry gray eyes and caramel skin came out

of the apartment with a baseball bat in hand.

“Yeah, I might be fat and crazy,” she yelled, “but I’m not stupid.”

“See who gives you a job, now!” the man yelled rounding a corner toward the elevators.

“You’re fired.”

Cassie rolled her eyes and met Gerri’s gaze. “I’m fired, but I’m not the one needing medical

attention. He’s lucky he moves fast or I would have broken his ribs.”

Gerri frowned. “Why did you want to break his ribs?”

“Because he stole every cent I had in my savings account.” She shook her head, her shoulders

dropping. “I go away on a business trip and my own boss, aka my boyfriend, does that shit to me.”

She took a deep breath and sighed. “I have no job, no money.” She frowned. “And I have no idea who

you are.”

Gerri grinned. “I’m actually here to talk to you about your neighbor Liv, but I think I have

something better in mind. May I come in?”

Cassie glanced at Gerri for a moment. “Sure, not like you can make my troubles go away. I

swear,” she grumbled and stepped aside to let Gerri pass, “I wish I could just disappear and send this

whole planet to hell.”

Gerri snorted. “I think I can help you, Cassie. You see, I’m looking for an assistant…”

Keep Reading for the first chapter of Miss Taken! Milly’s sexy new series coming in January!

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Sneak Peek at Milly Taiden’s upcoming New Series…

Raging Falls

Miss Taken – Book 1

Waking up in some strange man’s bed was never big girl Kira Ardan’s goal for the day. Neither was

waking up naked. Wait, naked? Someone had a lot of explaining to do and soon.

Luke Lyen is at the height of his need. He wants a mate and he wants her now. Finding the woman

meant to be his brings out the lust he’s been fighting for days. If only she weren’t so stubborn, he

might be able to get her to understand she is his. Then they could move on with dirty, freaky loving.

The big lion is doing things with his tongue that makes Kira’s brain cells melt. It will take more than a

little danger to get this curvy woman to let go of her firm beliefs. She’s not interested in being

anyone’s MINE, but maybe he can convince her to be HIS.


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Kira Ardan glanced at the papers her brother handed her. She squinted, pushing her glasses up

her nose. “Wait, you want me to what?”

“Which part of what I said didn’t you understand?” Peter snapped. “I want you to check out

the land I want to buy.” His brows dipped in a furious scowl. “I heard the locals are angry that I’m

tearing down some trees to set up vacation cabins.”

She frowned, ignoring Peter’s attitude and flipping through the papers she had at hand. “You

haven’t even discussed this with the current owner of the land.”

He gave her a look like she was being stupid. “So? I’m offering him a lot more than that piece

of shit plot of land is worth. If he’s any kind of businessman, he’ll take it.”

She glared at Peter. He acted like he was smarter than everyone else and that annoyed the shit

out of her even though he was family. Thanks to her, he hadn’t been sued more than once. Her ability

to smooth over ruffled feathers kept his dumbass in business.

“You know, sometimes I wonder if you and I share the same genes,” she sighed. “Peter, I can’t

just show up on private property and survey it without the owner’s consent. I can get arrested for


Peter shrugged. “I don’t care what you do. Figure it out and get me photos of the area.”

She sat back in her chair, determined to talk some sense into her idiot brother. “You know,

just because Dad put you in charge of the company Mom left to me, doesn’t make you smarter. This is

my company.”

He raised his dark brows. “The fact he gave me control speaks of who he trusted more.”

She clenched her teeth, hating that her father had been such a jerk that she couldn’t control her

own company without having a male on command. Her lawyer had been very clear. She either got

married or her brother controlled Rakida Construction.

“I don’t give a shit who he trusted,” she snapped, angry at her father and brother. She stood,

pushing her chair back and hearing it scrape on the wooden floor. Her glasses fell forward so she

shoved them up the bridge of her nose for the millionth time. “Father only did that because he wanted

to force me to get married.”

Her father had always made it clear his daughter needed a man to take care of her. Since her

mother died when she was young, Kira had always been independent. It ticked off her father that his

little girl didn’t want to do the things he expected out of women.

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“Me getting this land deal would benefit you,” Peter declared with a mocking grin. “I don’t

give a shit if you never get married. As long as you don’t, I’m in control. If you die, I get it all. Don’t

get married. I’m still in charge.”

She squeezed her jaw, pain shooting from her teeth to temples. It wasn’t that she didn’t want

to get married. At almost thirty-seven, she realized her expectations of men might be higher than what

most men felt she should have. She fought the urge to take off her glasses if only to not see his

annoying face.

“I’m not getting married just to take the company from you,” she growled. “But if I do get

married,” she said, meeting his gaze, “you’re going back to your own fledgling company and leaving

mine to me.”

“And until then, I get half of everything I bring into your company,” he smiled coldly. “This is

what our padre would have wanted.”

“For me to depend on a man? Papá clearly had little common sense,” she said, her anger

rising with every word.

Sheets of paper scrunched in her grasp as she turned to leave his office. She didn’t hate Peter.

He was her brother and only acted the way he did because that’s how their father had raised him.

Besides, it took too much effort to hate anyone. Kira knew she’d never made her father happy being

an independent female. He expected her to grovel at his feet. He wanted power over her.

Her father’s mission was to make her marry or turn forty before she got control of her

company. She only had three years to wait for the latter option and the other was not happening. Not

with her relationship history.

She’d been engaged three times. Each ending with her sending her fiancé to hell. She didn’t

have the patience to handle men who thought they’d change her. It started with small comments or

remarks. Then it grew into full-blown commands. Kira didn’t like anyone ordering her around.

Though successful men, her exes always had a problem with something about Kira. That

something was usually her weight. As a big girl with big curves, they assumed she needed someone to

tell her to lose weight. Not the case. They soon realized she didn’t really care what they wanted her

to look like. She was damn happy with her figure. Rolls, flab, curves and every soft little jiggle that

made her who she was.

She marched into her office, ignoring everyone calling out her name and slammed the door.

People always wanted to talk when she was in a murderous mood. With a sigh, she kicked off her

heels and plopped into her office chair. Leather squeaking filled the room as she swiveled to face the

picture window behind her desk and the forest that lay just yards from the building.

She flipped up her black-rimmed glasses into her hair and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She

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swore she’d end up with a daily migraine if she didn’t take a vacation soon. Her temples pulsed with

a dull, throbbing pain.

Her door opened. She didn’t bother asking who it was. She already knew.


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New York Times and USA Today Bestseller

Hi! I’m Milly Taiden. I love to write sexy stories featuring fun, sassy heroines with curves and

growly alpha males with fur. My books are a great, quick way to satisfy your craving for paranormal
romantic comedies with lots of romance, heat, and happily ever afters.

I live in Florida with my hubby, our boy child, and our little fur baby “Needy Speedy.” Yes, I am

aware I’m bossy, and I am seriously addicted to shoe shopping and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.

Hey, I love to meet new readers, so come sign up for my newsletter and check out my Facebook

page. We always have lots of fun stuff going on there.


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Find out more about Milly Taiden here:





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If you liked this story, you might also enjoy the following by Milly Taiden:

Sassy Mates Series

Scent of a Mate Sassy Mates Book One

A Mate’s Bite Sassy Mates Book Two

Unexpectedly Mated Sassy Mates Book Three

A Sassy Wedding Short 3.7

The Mate Challenge Sassy Mates Book Four

Sassy in Diapers Short 4.3

Fighting for her Mate Book Five – Coming Soon

Federal Paranormal Unit

Wolf Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book One

Dangerous Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Two

Black Meadow Pack

Sharp Change Black Meadows Pack Book One

Caged Heat Black Meadows Pack Book Two

Paranormal Dating Agency

Twice the Growl Book One

Geek Bearing Gifts Book Two

The Purrfect Match Book Three

Curves ‘Em Right Book Four

Tall, Dark and Panther Book Five

The Alion King Book Six

There’s Snow Escape Book Seven

Scaling Her Dragon Book Eight

In The Roar Book Nine

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FUR-ocious Lust - Bears

Fur-Bidden Book One

Fur-Gotten Book Two

Fur-Given Book Three

FUR-ocious Lust - Tigers

Stripe-Tease Book Four

Stripe-Search Book Five

Stripe-Club Book Six

Raging Falls

Miss Taken Book One

Miss Matched Book Two - Coming Soon

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Other Works

Wolf Fever

Fate’s Wish

Wynter’s Captive

Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1

Club Duo Boxed Set

Don’t Drink and Hex

Hex Gone Wild

Hex and Kisses

Hex You Up (coming soon)

Hex with an Ex (coming soon)

Alpha Owned

Bitten by Night

Seduced by Days

Mated by Night

Taken by Night

Captured by Night (coming soon)

Match Made in Hell

Hellhound Needs a Mate (coming soon)

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