Paranormal Dating Agency 8 Scaling Her Dragon Milly Taiden

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Plus-size Rebecca is on a jaunt to another world. She had hopes of finding herself a nice, sweet

shifter like her sister did, but somehow she ended up attracted to a big, fiery dragon—a dragon who

isn’t looking for love. If only he didn’t have eyes that made her want to take her panties off and a

body that sent her hormones into a frenzy, life would be a lot easier.

Vikter Dragos is dying. His dragon couldn’t find a mate, and he’s at the end of his time. He’s fighting

his attraction for a sassy, curvy human, but it’s near impossible to stay away from her. If only she’d

been his mate, everything would be smoother. He’s losing control of his dragon and his emotions.

With Becca around, he doesn’t know what to expect.

Becca’s in constant confusion over Vikter’s hot-and-cold attitude. One moment he’s kissing her like

the world’s going to end, and the next he’s warning her away from getting attached. Figuring out how

to scale this dragon might take more patience than she’s got. When competition arises and Vikter sees

another wants Becca, he’ll face his feelings or risk losing her forever.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be

construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By

Latin Goddess Press

New York, NY 10456

Scaling Her Dragon

Copyright © 2015 by Milly Taiden

Cover by Willsin Rowe

Edited by: Tina Winograd,

Dee Carrell

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except

in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Property of Milly Taiden

September 2015

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—For My Readers

Thank you for the love and the encouragement. I couldn’t do this without you all. I love you.

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“Times are changing,” Vikter said, turning to face his much younger sister, Razzy. His chest

ached. He didn’t want to think of leaving her behind. She was just coming of age—not old enough to

search for a mate yet. The need to find someone wouldn’t hit her until later.

Vikter, on the other hand, had the opposite problem. His dragon had been desperately looking

for his mate, for the other soul that would connect with it and give him a reason for living. Without it,

the animal would disconnect from Vikter and eventually die. Dragon shifters needed the dual-soul

connection a mate gave them.

Razzy stared at him, her big purple eyes filled with sadness. “Vikter, there has to be

something we can do.”

He smiled at the irony of his life. He’d just gotten his best friend back. His fellow dragons

and the wolves were at peace after years of misunderstandings had ripped them apart. It was cause

for celebration, but gloom whispered through the trees and mountains of Dragosland. Vikter, their

leader, was dying. “I’ve searched high and low. There’s no one in this world for me.”

Razzy bit her lip. “What about the matchmaker? Did you speak with her?”

He sighed hard as he dropped onto his chair. He’d never felt so old in his life. His dragon

slept. His limbs felt heavy, and his body weighed him down. “I did. She promised to try, but we have

little time.”

He lifted a hand to scratch at the long beard he’d been ignoring. His hair had grown past his

shoulders. Vikter wasn’t vain, but this wasn’t him. He stopped caring for his appearance the moment

he realized he was close to his last breath from lack of a mate.


“Soon,” he said, hushing her with a look, “it will be your time. You will be in charge of our

people. I need you to train to be the fighter you have inside.”

She shook her head, pacing his office and ignoring his words. “I am not their leader, Vikter.

You are.”

“We are of the royal Dragos bloodline, Razzy. You will rule.”

“I don’t want to rule anything!” she yelled, storming out of his office, her long hair bouncing

down her back in a thick braid.

He didn’t bother going after her. There wasn’t anything he could say to change things. This

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was their destiny. His dragon already showed signs of weakening. It was only a matter of time before

he decided never to wake up again, leaving Vikter so empty, he’d die soon after.

* * *

Vikter glanced down at the lush land his family had taken care of for thousands of years, from

the deep pink oceans to the yellow mountains his sister loved to run and fly over with her friends. A

deep, painful ache took hold in his chest. Then, much to his surprise, anger blossomed. Acid-burning

fury shot through his veins. Life was so fucking unfair. Unconsciously, his hand slapped to his chest.

He gripped the ancient family heirloom dangling from his neck. A long, thick rope chain with

a yellow diamond a replicate of a miniature version of a dragon egg rested at the center of his chest.

The chain had been a gift from his father at birth. Unlike most diamonds, the one from the Dragos

house was shaped in the form of a dragon’s eye.

He gasped as the shift to his animal swept through him. It had been so long—months—since

he’d woken. The dragon had finally reappeared. The previous rage grew in Vikter. Anger over his

current position and lack of mate made him roar, spitting fire across the sky. Exhaling smoke, he shot

into the air and soared.

The wind caressed his animal’s body. It was exhilarating to feel the dragon once more. How

long would it last? He had no idea. He’d take whatever time he could with his other half.

Another loud roar sounded from his chest. The dragon blew another puff of fire into the clear

sky. He knew the animal was angry. He was angry too. Not much could be done about that. There was

no blaming anyone over his lack of a mate.

His dragon pulled away from him. The communication that had been so seamless before took

effort to understand now. It was a battle for control most days. Mainly the dragon was giving up on

life. Vikter had started to do the same.

He glanced down at the cleared forest. He moved fast and far. Below, another dragon caught

his attention. He folded his wings back and dove, his body bolting faster than normal. An angry, loud

thump sounded when he landed.

The other dragon drank from the cool springs flowing from the Ice Mountains. No need to shift

into his body to talk. They connected through their animals telepathically.

A red dragon lay by the edge of the springs, his claws digging into the soft grass. The dragon

glanced at Vikter, his gaze filled with surprise. “Vikter,” said his cousin, Drayken.

“Drayken. How are you?” Vikter asked, his dragon urged for another flight, but Vikter waited.

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Drayken’s eyes narrowed. “I haven’t seen you in months.” He sniffed, rubbing his face over

the back of his claw. “My mother has asked me many times about your health, but when I come over,

you’re never available.” He eyed his cousin with interest. “Glad to see you’re still doing well.”

Vikter shuffled his feet, tail swishing side to side so close to the trees, he felt the graze of the

leaves on his scales. “As you can see, I’m still here. In the event something happens, Razzy will take

over. She’s next in line.”

“She’s so young,” Drayken said. “Dragonlings are so reckless.” He stretched his wings wide,

the light filtering through his translucent, glittering flesh. “She should be more careful. We wouldn’t

want to have to find someone to take over for her.”

Vikter didn’t sense a threat in Drayken’s words, but he knew if given the opportunity, his

cousin would happily take over Dragosland. As long as Vikter lived and his dragon gave him the

ability to protect his loved ones, nobody would lay a hand on Razzy.

“How is your mate search going?” Drayken asked, his red eyes appearing brighter.

“I’ve stopped searching,” he admitted. They were shifters. Drayken would know if Vikter

lied. The last thing he needed was his cousin to feel any kind of sympathy over his problems. “Some

people are not meant to have a mate in their lives.”

Drayken’s only reply was a low rumble. “I’ll come by the castle in a few days.”

“Don’t. I’m fine. I don’t need you checking on me.” In fact, if they knew how much the

disconnection between Vikter and his dragon grew, they’d definitely worry. The animal had shut

down some of their links. Mental and emotional ties with the beast had grown distant. At this point, he

knew there was no finding a female. With his dragon this unstable, he wouldn’t even recognize his

mate if she stood directly in front of him.

Drayken stretched his neck, glancing at the sky. “Mother is worried over Razzy.”

“She’s fine. I watch over my sister,” Vikter growled.

“Yes, but for how long?” Drayken asked.

“For as long as I live!”

The angry roar came out with a plume of smoke. Fire burned at the back of his throat. His

dragon itched to get off the ground and go. He didn’t bother saying goodbye. The need to fly became

his sole focus. He kicked off, shooting through the sky, glancing at the colorful mountains where the

wolves lived.

His life might be ending, but he would teach his sister how to lead it all. Razzy needed to be

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tough. Her life would change soon.

A new wave of fury filled his chest. What should be making him happy—a mate—was

destroying him, all because he couldn’t find her. Why were Alyx and Brecc and Eros so different?

Why were they gifted one but he wasn’t?

He roared, letting his frustration out with a long trail of fire. He needed to stop questioning the

fates. Reality was, he didn’t have a mate. The bitterness in his veins grew. He would stay away from

his happy friends. He’d only impose on them with his deathwatch. It was time to focus on preparing

his sister for life after him. His soul was no longer important.

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Rebecca glanced around her room in the lion’s palace. She’d hurriedly taken a motion-

sickness pill when Gerri advised her that travel could get rough. The problem with her pills was they

made her incredibly groggy. At the moment, she was having a hard time not falling asleep before she

got a chance to speak to Bella or even Gerri again.

The damn room wasn’t helping. It changed colors. Even though Gerri had warned her, it

caught her off guard to see everything changing to look like a giant dragon lair.

The walls transformed into a stone texture, and the bedding and curtains turned shiny silver,

covered with tiny, golden dragons. It was the bedroom of her dreams. She pulled out her green-and-

gold stuffed dragon and laid it on the bed. There. Now it really looked like the best place to sleep.

A knock sounded at the door. She yawned and sat at the edge of the bed, taking hold of her bed

partner: her stuffed dragon, Hector.

“Come in.”

Gerri marched inside, glancing around the room with a grin. “I see you’ve made yourself at

home, huh?”

“I don’t know what the hell is up with this room. Where did it get that I want to be in a

dragon’s lair?” Becca asked, stifling another yawn.

“The room reads your mind and changes things to what you find most comfortable.” Gerri ran

a hand over the tiny dragons on the curtains. “I’m taking a guess here, but you might have a thing for

scaly creatures.”

Becca shook her head. “No. Not really.”

Gerri raised her brows and stared pointedly at Becca’s hands, where she held her stuffed

dragon. “Really?”

“Okay. Maybe a little. I find dragons fascinating,” she admitted. “They’re so big and

dangerous but beautiful at the same time. When I was a little girl, I used to dream of climbing onto a

dragon’s back and being taken to a land of happiness, away from the evil.”


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She grinned. “My parents. As a kid, I swore they were wicked.”

“That’s some imagination you have,” Gerri mused. “Will you have issues with your family

attorney handling the rental of your and Charlotte’s homes?”

“No. He’s really great. His father used to do our dad’s business stuff. And now his son,

Darren, has been great about doing what’s needed without asking questions.”

Gerri pulled out a chair and sat next to an antique table. She picked up a large pitcher and

filled two glasses with a red liquid. Becca stood, her body groaning from her sleepiness. She took

one of the cups Gerri offered and sipped.

“That’s Sidaii wine. It’s a favorite here.”

Becca tasted the sweet flavors of fruit but no liquor. “Are you sure this is wine? It tastes more

like punch.”

Gerri laughed. “Drink it really fast and see how quickly your face lands on the floor.”

She was tempted, but wouldn’t. Gerri hadn’t really dared her. One of Becca’s weaknesses

was she always took a dare, and usually got herself into trouble—like skydiving when she’d been too

chicken to jump off a plane, and bungee jumping when she hated heights. Oh, she’d done it, but she

hadn’t really liked it.

She’d continually gone against her better judgment just to prove she could do anything. It

hadn’t always worked to her benefit. Sometimes, she ended up hurt. One time, she wore roller skates

to show the kids she mentored that she could skate. Well, she couldn’t walk without tripping over her

own feet, much less skate, and she ended up with a broken wrist.

“Tell me more about this matchmaking business of yours,” Becca said, sitting back while

holding on to her drink with one hand and her stuffed dragon with the other.

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“It’s quite simple. Shifters of all kinds ask me to find them mates, and I do my best. Human

females ask me to help get the right man for them, and I find them shifters.”

“Is it always a shifter?” Becca asked, her curiosity spiking. Charlotte came to this planet with

Gerri and found herself not one, but two men she fell in love with. If that wasn’t a testament of

Gerri’s ability at matchmaking, she didn’t know what was.

“Yes. I run a paranormal dating agency, darling. Guys with fur looking for girls with curves.”

She raised her brows. “Curves?”

“That’s right. The men who use my services prefer big, beautiful, bold, confident women,”

Gerri replied. “I understand not all women will be confident with their bodies, especially with the

fiasco that is society on Earth. But having some love for their curves is a must.”

Becca nodded. “I understand that. So many women, and even men, have to deal with someone

constantly putting them down and making them feel like shit because of their weight. It’s nice to have

a service to get someone who won’t make you feel bad over the extra cushion in the trunk.” She

sighed. “Someone who actually wants the curves and the padding.”

“What about you?” Gerri asked. “Are you leaving a man behind?”

She shook her head and drank more wine. The fruity flavors warmed her belly and made her

feel even more relaxed. “Nope. Unlike Charlotte, who just had shitty luck with men, I can’t find one

who holds my attention. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve dated interesting guys, but they thought my being

with them meant I would spend all day at the gym, because they wanted me to lose weight.”

“Seriously?” Gerri asked.

She made a face of disgust. “Why do men do that? And not just men. Society as a whole. I’ve

had people stare at me while eating, like I’m breaking a rule, but they don’t know I’ve hiked four

miles. And honestly? I don’t think they’d care. I’ve even gotten jerks asking me ‘do you really want to

eat that?’”

Gerri’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding, right?”

She growled. “Do I want to eat that? Damn straight I do, asshole. But I have to admit, I held

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my composure and managed to only call the guy a jackass, because I actually wasn’t feeling very

good.” She took a breath to calm down. “The point is that, yes, I’ve had assholes I’ve been in

relationships with. They wanted me to fit their body standards, and I didn’t. That meant I got dumped

and told how I didn’t fit in with society’s views of beauty.”

“Tell me you didn’t believe them.” Gerri stared at her, waiting for a response.

“Sometimes, when I’m down, I wonder. But the truth is I have a lot of self-love for my curves.

I think I look good. So what if I have rolls, or chub, or flabby thighs? Damn it, I have batwings.”

“Really?” Gerri asked.

“Yes. You know, that soft skin on your arms that sort of wiggles and isn’t top-of-the-line

bicep perfect? Yeah, that. I got that. But on the plus side, I have a big ass.” She giggled. “Guys seem

to be fond of that.” She nodded at Gerri’s smirk.

“I bet,” Gerri laughed. “I know quite a few shifters who love some big curves. Are men’s

opinions important to you?”

She shook her head. “Not really. Despite what men think, I know I look good. I may not be

everyone’s ideal of beauty, but I’m my own woman, and one day, I’ll be someone else’s. A man who

deserves me. Who loves me as I am, without wanting a single thing changed in me.”

“Have all men been that way?”

She shook her head. “I have had a few nice guys, but it feels wrong to be with them after a

while. Like they don’t get me.”

“Wrong how?” Gerri frowned. “You’d think a good guy would make you feel good.”

“Right?” She scooted up the bed, bringing her back to the wall and curling her feet under a

pillow. “No, these guys haven’t been bad. We just didn’t emotionally connect. I want a man who will

make me feel things… Passion. Desire. Need. Not just expect to have sex because he’s there, you


“Oh,” Gerri nodded slowly, “I know. So why not give my services a try?” She winked. “You

never know what kind of smoking, fiery man you may end up with.”

She laughed at the way Gerri waggled her brows. “I don’t know if I want anyone I need to

carry a fire extinguisher for.”

“What are some of the characteristics you want in a man?”

Becca pursed her lips and thought about it. “I guess a man who will appreciate me. Who likes

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to laugh. Someone who loves to spontaneously take off and do things. I have a deep love for going to

new places, so that would be fun. I love to explore; that could be cool. Maybe he can like being

home, too. Someone who is comfortable and easy.” She laughed. “I think I want a dog, not a man.”

Gerri giggled. “I was about to ask if sex means a lot to you?”

She nodded. “Hell, yes! Puh-lease, like I’d want a man who’s not good at that. I want that fire

and smokin’ hot passion we spoke of earlier.”

Gerri nodded. “Sheet-burning sex, huh?”

“Oh, yes.” Becca nodded vigorously. “I’ll take that times five, please.”

“You might need that fire extinguisher for that, though. Does it matter?”

She grinned. “If he’s that good in bed, I’ll happily strap on a full fireman’s outfit and wait for

him to light my fires.”

“You seem to be pretty laid back over finding a man, not as frustrated as other clients I’ve

had. Why is that?” Gerri refilled her cup and offered Becca more wine, but she shook her head.

“I guess it’s because I have faith that I will meet the right man, someday. I know it may not be

today, tomorrow, or soon, but I will. There’s no way I’ll go through my entire life alone. I’m fun. I’m

nice. I’m cute, and I have a smoking-hot body. What’s not to love?” She laughed.

Gerri laid an elbow on the table and shook her head. “I really like you. I’ll find your man,

Becca. You’ll see.”

Becca yawned again. “No pressure. Not like he’ll die if he doesn’t meet me in the next few

days. I’ve got all the time in the world.”

“Oh, honey. You have no idea what’s in store for you.”

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Vikter growled and slammed a door on one of his underlings. The anger inside him had grown

like mold, eating through every moment of happiness from the past. Fury over his impending doom

was all he had left.

A knock sounded at his door. His dragon pushed at the skin. Lately the animal showed himself

more when Vikter found himself unable to control the rage.

“What?” he roared.

The door jerked open, and Razzy marched in, her gaze filled with disbelief. “Did you really

just yell at Rimond?”

He shrugged, turning away from her and pushing off the slice of guilt in his heart. Rimond had

been his assistant for years. He’d never disrespected Vikter. Vikter’s anger over his numbered days

was getting out of hand. “What do you want?”

Razzy narrowed her eyes. “I want you to get out of this room. You’ve been stuck here for

days. How in the world are you supposed to run this kingdom from your office? The change of

seasons is approaching. I want to host a ball.”

Vikter glanced out his window, his gaze on the rocky drop from the side of the castle to the

raging river below. “Do whatever you want.”

“You’ll need to host with me, Vik. You can’t just hide away from our friends,” she insisted,

her voice filled with concern.

“No!” He whirled around to face her. “I’m not interested in seeing any of their happy faces.”

She flinched, taking a step back. “Vikter,” she said softly. “What’s happening to you?”

He glanced away again. “Death. That’s what’s happening to me. Soon, I’ll be nothing but a


“Don’t speak like that, brother!” She gasped. “You know this is your kingdom. These are your

people. They would be lost without you.”

He shook his head, watching her sad expression reflected in the window glass. “Go, plan your

ball, Razzy. Don’t worry about me.”

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He’d stopped worrying about himself. When he’d been a kid, his father taught him that being a

great leader didn’t mean having to be there. Leaving a legacy was just as important. For Vikter, that

would be Razzy. She’d take his place when the time came. He hated that she’d have to start making

decisions for others and worrying about having to find a mate soon.

Razzy turned on her heels, stomping away and slamming the door behind her. He didn’t think

about following her. She’d learn to control her outbursts with time.

A loud thumping sounded at his door, followed by: “Vikter, open this door or I’ll push it


“It’s open.” He knew nothing he said would push Brecc away. There was none of that with his


Brecc entered, his brows dipping in a fierce scowl. “Why have you ignored all our

invitations? Charlotte feels like you’re angry with her.”

Charlotte, Brecc and Eros’s mate, was a beautiful human with a soft and loving heart. No

matter what he was going through, Vikter couldn’t take his frustrations out on her. She was innocent in

all this.

“I’m sorry, Brecc. I’m just not in the right mindset to be around others.” Especially mated,

happy others. He didn’t want to say how much harder it was to control his dragon’s fury lately.

Brecc marched farther into the room and threw the door behind him, shutting it with a harsh

click. “I understand all that. But we’re your friends. We’re here for you. Don’t hide. We can help.”

“No. You can’t,” Vikter snapped. He took a deep breath and curled his hands into fists, trying

hard to keep the change from taking over. “I have to handle this on my own now.”

“Give us a chance. Come over. Charlotte’s sister is coming in the next day or two. I’m sure it

would be nice to meet someone who’s not from around here,” Brecc said, shoving his hands into his

pockets. “We want to get you out of the mood you’re in.”

“You mean the I’m-going-to-die-in-a-few-days mindset? That’s kind of hard since it’s true,”

he said, voice filled with sarcasm.

“Razzy is hurting seeing you this way,” Brecc threw back. “Is that what you want? For her to

be thinking of your imminent demise forever?”

Fuck. No. That wasn’t what he wanted. What he wanted was his dragon to stop trying to

control him—for him to not feel all that anger. He wanted a lot of things he wasn’t getting at the

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moment. “I’ll talk to her.”

“Do that.” Brecc came closer, his gaze sweeping Vikter from head to toe. “Have you already

given up on life, my friend?”

Vikter growled, turning away. “My appearance no longer matters. There are more important

things to worry about now. None of them revolve around me.”

Brecc sighed and turned to go. “I understand. Just know I’m here for you. I’ve gotten one of

my best friends back now. I don’t want to lose you before it’s time.”

Vikter listened to Brecc’s strong footsteps as he left his office. Once he’d gone, Vikter sat

with a groan. Life was getting harder to handle. Even with so little time left, things didn’t get any


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Becca wiggled in the soft material Charlotte gave her to wear under her clothes. She had no

idea how her sister could live in icy mountains. It was damn cold up here. Becca’s ideal place would

be by the sea, or in a spa. You could never go wrong with a spa. Jacuzzis were her favorite. She

could spend hours in one, just letting the jets massage her all over.

“What are you doing?” Charlotte giggled, watching her from the bedroom door.

“Dancing in my pajamas,” she replied, wiggling her ass some more.

“They’re not pajamas. They keep you warm, so you don’t have to wear every piece of

clothing you brought with you.”

“Thank god for that. It’s cold as fuck up here. How the hell do you manage to stay warm?” She

flipped around with a huge grin. “Never mind. I know how you stay warm. Those two big, hunky men

who keep eating you up like you’re ice cream.”

Charlotte laughed. “At least they’re not looking at me like they’re lactose intolerant.”

She shook her head, chuckling. “So what are we doing today?”

“We’re not doing anything,” Charlotte said with a pout. “I’m sorry, sis. I have to go with the

guys to visit Brecc’s sister. Her little girl is teething, and apparently I’m the only one who can calm

her down. Just call me the Baby Whisperer.”

“You?” Becca gasped. “You were so not a kid person before.”

“She’s really cute,” Charlotte said.

“That’s fine. I can go for a walk and check out the area. It all looks nice from up here, but I bet

down by the river things are much prettier up close.”

“That’s right,” Charlotte agreed. “We won’t be gone long. If you want, you can come with us

or you can wait ‘til I return.”

“Nah. I’m good. I can walk and see the alien life.”

Charlotte slipped on a jacket. “They’re not really aliens. They’re shifters.”

“I know. It’s just fun to say aliens. I keep thinking something is gonna pop out of my chest and

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try to make me its momma.”

“You have issues.” Charlotte laughed, walking out of the room.

* * *

Becca had walked a lot—a heck more than she was used to. She pulled out a bottle from her

backpack and gulped on the water. She’d been tempted to fill the bottle with wine, but Charlotte

warned against it. Still, she’d had a few cups of the fruity punch before she left. Now she felt she

could take on the world. She wondered if it was a side effect from the wine or the height.

Ah, shit. She’d forgotten that heights made a person feel liquor a lot faster. Fucking hell. She

blinked, bringing the forest into focus. This was probably not a good time for her to realize she was a

little bit tipsy.

It wasn’t as cold in this area as it had been on the other side of the river, closer to the icy

mountains where Charlotte lived. The hills here were a soft yellow, covered with bright, burgundy

trees. She could see fruits high up on the branches, but had no idea what they were. Instead of

walking, she sat under the shade of one particularly giant tree and leaned back on the trunk.

The grass was thick and soft, a nice cushion to help her feel comfortable. She glanced at the

sky and smiled. Two suns. The bigger one was a bright yellow, while the other was more blood

orange. Both appeared to be really close to the planet. At first glance, her heart skipped a beat from

the thought that they were falling into Aurora.

A shadow appeared over the sun. She frowned, wondering what it was, until the distinct

image of wings made her jerk to a sitting position.

What. The. Hell?

In awe, she watched the animal glide through the sky. No. Not happening. This was a shifter

planet, but there was just no way in hell she was seeing what she thought she was seeing. This was

the product of too much wine. Dragons were mythical creatures. She’d never heard of one as a shifter

on earth. Never.

Her attention returned to her surroundings. The sound of shuffling between the branches made

her glance around, looking for what the made noise. Suddenly, a young girl appeared out of nowhere.

She met Becca’s gaze and squealed.

“You’re here!”

Okaaay. “Hi. I’m—”

“Oh, I know who you are. You’re Charlotte’s sister, Rebecca.” The girl grinned. “I’m Razzy.”

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“Hello, Razzy. Yes, I am Becca. How are you?”

“Great! I’ve been dying to meet you. Charlotte told me all about you and how you can’t be

dared to do things, because you actually do them.”

Out of all the things Charlotte could have told people about Becca, she’d chosen that. That

was her sister. “Yeah. I do have a bit of a problem turning down a dare it seems.”

Razzy laughed, her beautiful, purple eyes glowing. “I think that’s awesome. Shows you’re

confident in yourself.”

“And stupid. Confident and stupid.”

“No!” She laughed harder. “Don’t say that. I can tell you like to have fun. I do too. I love

Charlotte. She’s so nice. I don’t have many friends who give me good advice. I love having her so

close.” Razzy glanced around. “Are you sitting here for a reason, or would you like to walk with


More walking? She guessed it was easier going toward the warmer side than returning up the

cold mountain. Not to mention, she really didn’t want to climb.

“Sure, we can walk,” she groaned, her muscles aching as she stood.

“Come, you have to see the garden we have at the palace,” Razzy gushed. “We have the

prettiest rainbow flowers ever.”

She didn’t bother asking about another palace. Apparently each shifter nation had their own

leader, most of which lived in a bigger holding. If Razzy’s castle was anything like Alyx’s, she’d fall

in love all over again. Charlotte and her wolves lived in a massive cabin at the top of the mountains.

That didn’t mean it wasn’t the size of what most estates were on earth. It just had an earthier feel than

a castle.

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They followed a path of big red-and-yellow flowers that reminded her of sunflowers, only the

center of the flower was yellow and the petals and stem were red. She didn’t get too close for fear

her allergies would go crazy. She’d been taking her allergy meds since she arrived. Gerri told her she

didn’t need meds, because she should not have allergy problems in Aurora, but she didn’t want to

chance it.

“Razzy, you have the prettiest purple eyes,” Becca said when the girl smiled at her again.

“Thank you! Charlotte said the same thing. It’s so strange to hear someone else say that. Since

we all have different eye colors, it’s normal to see such variety.” Razzy picked up one of Becca’s

shoulder-length curls and rubbed it between her fingers. “I love the texture of your hair and the color

of your skin.”

Unlike Razzy’s paler complexion, Becca had a warm-cinnamon coloring that allowed for her

to tan nicely. “Thanks. I love the color of my skin, too. Not sure about the hair. You should see it

when it’s wet. It’s everywhere.”

Razzy sighed. “I wish my hair curled. It just falls in this long, straight, boring mess.”

“Darling, you have beautiful hair. I’d kill for the shine in yours.” She laughed at the irony of

life. “Isn’t that always how it is? We want what we don’t have.”

They neared a massive stone wall. A doorway appeared out of nowhere, and Razzy grabbed

her by the hand and led her inside. “Come on. You’re going to love the flowers.”

Doors appearing out of nowhere. Two suns. Weird colored flowers and blue snow. Yeah. She

really hadn’t had enough of that wine yet.

They crossed into an open courtyard. They passed people who stared at Becca with curiosity.

She stared back. Their eyes amazed her. Orange, blue, green, silver, pink, and every color of the

rainbow she had ever seen looked back at her. This was the most colorful planet in the universe.

Hallway after hallway they went until a giant opening brought them to a massive garden. She

gasped, her gaze busy taking in the beauty of the pristine garden.

“Holy shit!”

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Razzy chuckled. “You have the best reactions.”

“Are you kidding me? This isn’t just a garden. This is like every garden ever made put

together,” she whispered in awe. She took a few steps toward the closest flower: a deep green with

specks of red and pink and a blue stem. The flower was the size of her head. She lifted a hand to

touch it but stopped mid-way.

“What’s wrong?” Razzy asked. “Don’t you like the baby flowers?”

Becca snorted. “Baby?”

“Yes. They can grow in size. We call these babies, because they are hybrids and much

smaller. The originals grow in the wild and can be the size of a dragonling.

She’d never heard of a dragonling flower, so she wasn’t sure how big that was. “The flower

is beautiful, but I shouldn’t touch it. I’m allergic.”

“I promise they will not harm you. Our flowers do not contain the same pollen your earth

flowers do.”

She was tempted. After an internal debate, she leaned forward and touched the petals with the

tips of her fingers. “This is unreal. They’re so soft.”

“We have a bed of pillis,” Razzy said. “Come. I’ll show you.”

She turned to follow the girl and frowned. “I don’t know what ‘pillis’ are.”

Razzy stopped suddenly and lifted a hand to point in front of her. “That’s them.”

Becca’s jaw dropped. Tiny flowers with petals in every color ever created covered a large

section of the garden, making them look like they were a kaleidoscopic wave.

“Wow,” she gasped, her legs refusing to move, keeping her rooted to the spot.

“We call the bigger ones rainbow flowers. The babies are called pillis.” Razzy turned to her

with a wide grin. “I knew you’d love it. Charlotte loves these flowers. We don’t pick them. We

admire nature as it is meant to be. Unless someone is getting mated, to celebrate the union, we do not

kill plants.”

“Your planet is beautiful.”

Razzy nodded. “I love it. I’m glad you’re here. I hope you will come to my ball.”

“Ball?” she asked, still a little dazed from the walking, the wine, and the high altitude.

“Yes. Charlotte promised to come. We’re celebrating the turn of the seasons. Our people are

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coming out of sleep, and I think a celebration is in order.” Her lips tipped down and sadness filled

her gaze. “Mother loved having one every year when she was alive.”

Damn. How could she say no to that face? “I’ll be here. I think it’s a great thing you’re doing.

Keeping her memory alive with tradition.”

“Thank you!” Razzy’s eyes crinkled at the corners with her smile. “I didn’t think anyone else


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Becca glanced at the blanket she’d been given to wear as a dress. She had no idea how to

make something elegant out of it. The best she could do was tie the thing over her shoulder and go

toga-style. Her bedroom door swung open, and Charlotte waltzed in wearing a gorgeous gown in the

ice blue color of the mountains she lived on.

“Wow. You look amazing,” Becca said. “Meanwhile, I’m going to look like I’m wearing your

curtains to the ball.”

Charlotte frowned at the way Becca had draped the blanket over her shoulders. “What in the

world are you doing with that dress?”

Dress? The blanket was a dress? “Um…wearing it?”

Charlotte slapped a hand on her forehead. “I’m so dumb. I forgot you don’t know how to wear

these. I thought Gerri or someone in Alyx’s castle would have shown you how.” She rushed to Becca

and held the sheet under Becca’s arm. “Strapless ball gown in her favorite color.”

Becca gasped as the material tightened around her bust, fitting over her breasts and flaring

down into a gorgeous, golden dress. There was no need, or space, for a bra. “How in the hell did this

sheet turn into a dress?”

“It’s all artificial intelligence. Your favorite color is gold, and it picked a design that will

flatter your curves,” Charlotte said with a smile. “You look beautiful.”

Becca still couldn’t believe the thin sheet she’d been playing with had reshaped itself, and

even changed thickness and color, to become a gorgeous dress.

“I felt really bad for Razzy,” Becca said, putting on a pair of diamond studs she rarely used.

Her grandmother had given them to her on her sixteenth birthday. Their nana had been such a nice

woman—more caring to her and Charlotte than their own parents.

“I know,” Charlotte said. “If it weren’t for Razzy, I don’t think I’d be going anywhere near

that castle.”

Becca frowned, taking the shawl Charlotte handed her and watching it change to match her

dress. “Why not?”

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“There’s a lot of stress over there. I’d rather stay on this side.”

Becca nodded. But that poor girl was trying to do something nice for her mother’s memory.

They couldn’t leave her hanging, not when she was waiting for them to show up. “Come on. Let’s

visit with her and meet your neighbors.”

* * *

Becca gasped at the number of beautiful and colorful gowns she saw. Every color in the

rainbow, much like the flowers in the garden, filled the massive hall. She took a glass of wine from a

passing waiter and smiled a thank you.

“There’s Razzy,” Charlotte said. “She looks amazing.”

Razzy wore a beautiful A-line gown that matched her eyes. She glanced around the room full

of guests and made a beeline for them. “You came.” She hugged Charlotte first and then Becca. “I’m

so happy you two showed up.”

“I’m sorry Bella couldn’t make it.” Charlotte sighed. “Pregnancy can make a woman


Razzy nodded, her eyes sparkling with delight. “I can’t wait to meet their babies.”

Charlotte glanced away and then smiled at Becca and Razzy. “Give me two minutes. Brecc is

calling. He has that look on his face that scares most people. It’s his way of getting me to pay attention

to him.”

“Go on,” Razzy said. “I have Becca. We’ll have fun.”

“I’m a little afraid to hear that.” Charlotte laughed as she walked away.

Becca’s gaze roamed the massive hall. Decorated in silver and gold, it was truly fit for a king.

“This place is amazing.”

“Come on,” Razzy said, looping her arm with Becca’s. “Let me give you the grand tour. I have

something very fun in mind.”

They went down a hallway, farther from the mass of guests, and through a doorway that

appeared to be a quiet set of private rooms. “I don’t think we’re supposed to be on this side.”

Razzy giggled. “I have a dare for you.”

“Uh-oh.” She glanced around the long, dimly lit hallway. “Am I going to get arrested?”

Razzy frowned for a moment. Then she shook her head and laughed. “No. No getting arrested.

I just want you to go into the library and find the book with the woman on the cover and spine.”

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That was it? “A woman?”

Razzy’s eyes twinkled with humor. “Yes.”

“There’s a catch. I know there is. I bet there’s fifty books like that, aren’t there?”

“No, no. Just one. I’ll even tell you that the books are filed by color. The one you’re looking

for is black.” Razzy pointed down the hall. “Fourth door to your left.”

Dammit. The girl tempted her so much. “What do I get if I do this?”

“I hear you like dragons,” Razzy’s smile widened. “I happen to have a very cute purple,

dragon-eye gem that’s been passed down my family line. I will part with it for you.”

“Are you insane? I don’t want a family heirloom.” She shook her head. “I’ll do this, but no

giving me stuff that should go to your children.”

Razzy blinked her eyes wide. “Okay, but you’ll do it?”

Ah, hell. Of course she would. Now she wanted to see what was so special about the damn

book. “Yes.”

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Vikter took the back stairs, staying away from the guests and the majority of the castle

employees. He was in no mood to speak to anyone. The last thing he needed was to accidentally see

someone who wondered why he looked the way he did and decided to make idle conversation.

He stomped his way to his office. His dragon pushed at the skin, seeking to fly again. For a

second, he stopped at the door, his rage pushing him away. Something felt different about his space.

He entered the room quietly, wondering why his dragon roared internally. He scanned the

room until he found what he was looking for: the intruder. He watched a pair of hips swing side to

side as a woman in gold shifted from foot to foot.

“Holy shit,” she breathed. “I knew there had to be a catch.” She flipped through a page and

gasped. “Wow. I wish I knew a man with enough strength to do some of these.”

He frowned, wondering what she could be looking at. The scent of her arousal reached him.

Something turned her on. He wanted to know what that was. He took a step closer. Then another. She

wiggled her hips again, and that’s when he realized she was squirming.

“Oh my god! This chick knows how to have fun,” she choked. “Three guys? Who the hell takes

on three men? Half the time I can’t even deal with one without wanting to murder him.”

He frowned. She really loved talking to herself.

He wasn’t in the mood to play host and wanted the chick gone. The rage filling him pushed

away any other emotion. “You’re trespassing,” he said, his voice full of authority.

She whirled around, holding a large volume of sexual acts pressed to her chest. “Christ! Have

you ever heard of knocking?” Beautiful, big-brown eyes the color of soft honey, framed with thick,

dark lashes, stared at him. Her generous lips formed a slight pout.

She was breathtaking, and not just her rounded face with flawless brown skin. The curves

hidden under her dress sent desire shooting through him—something he hadn’t felt in almost a year.

He frowned. “No. This is my office. Why would I knock?”

She glanced at him, up and down, scrunching her nose in distaste. “Forget knocking, have you

ever heard of a brush? A razor?” She sniffed. “Cologne?”

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“Once again,” he said, his voice deeper than before. “You are trespassing. The ball is down

the hall.”

She winced. “I’m sorry. Razzy asked me to come in here and get a book.” She gave an

apologetic smile. “I didn’t think this was anyone’s office.”

“It is. Now, get out.” He heard the words come out of his mouth and wished he could take

them back. It wasn’t her fault he was angry with life. Watching her lovely dark features as she

continued to stare at him, he thought about how long it had been since he’d been with a woman. Too


Her perfectly lined brows flew up until he saw a spark of anger light her eyes. “Wow. You’re

in need of some manners.”

“I have manners.” He turned to point to the door. “You can get out through there.”

She blinked, gripping the book so tightly he saw her knuckles discolor. “I thought people on

this planet were supposed to be nice and happy. What the hell crawled up your ass and died?”

“You are trespassing where you’re unwanted,” he said, his rage growing. She took a step

closer to him, and through the cloud of fury and anger, his dragon got a whiff of her essence. The

animal pushed harder to be let out. Desire bloomed in him for the annoying stranger. Something about

her got to him. He’d lost a lot of himself in the need to keep his dragon awake. The only way to do

that was closing off all emotions other than anger.

A knock sounded at his door, and it opened to his cousin Drayken. He stared back and forth

between Vikter and the ball guest.

“I heard yelling,” Drayken said. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes,” Vikter growled.

“No,” the woman with the striking honey-brown eyes and tempting lips said. “I’m going to

need someone to show me back to the ballroom.”

Drayken grinned, showing more interest than necessary in the curvy goddess. “Allow me. I’d

be happy to show you back to the ball.”

He passed Vikter on his way to the woman. The ire in Vikter knew no bounds; he clenched his

hands at his sides. The dragon urged him to interfere, to yank her away from Drayken and rip his

cousin limb from limb.

She smiled at Drayken. Jealousy roared to life inside him. What did he care if she smiled at

his cousin? She wasn’t his. Another emotion tried to tug at his anger-filled heart, but there was little

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room for anything other than fury in Vikter.

“Thank you,” she said, taking the arm he offered. Then she turned to Vikter with pursed lips.

“Sorry about your office. I didn’t mean to intrude in your space.”

Her words and the hint of hurt he heard in her voice tried to call forth emotions he’d locked

away. His dragon huffed, pushing him to be let out.

Vikter watched Drayken escort the woman out of the room. He listened intently as they


“Hi, I’m Becca, Charlotte’s sister,” she said softly. “Thanks for showing me back to the ball.”

“Hello, beautiful Becca. I’m Drayken of the Dragos house. I’m happy to keep your company.

A lovely woman like yourself shouldn’t be alone.”

Their voices faded until he couldn’t hear any more of their conversation. Becca. Why did he

care? He shouldn’t. He’d closed off any and all thoughts of mating. But he could still be with a

woman. And Becca’s curves tempted and aroused him more than anyone had in a very long time…if


He needed to fly. His gut told him there was something he was refusing to see. It was harder

when his dragon could barely communicate with him. There was a broken link where his emotions

were concerned, not that he needed emotions. They would only weaken him now that he knew death

was imminent.

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Becca wanted to turn and give the guy who looked like he’d never seen a razor a piece of her

mind. How dare he talk to her like she should have known that was his space? Razzy was the one

who’d dared her, and she’d been stupid enough to fall for it.

She glanced around the ballroom but didn’t see the girl. She’d tuned out Drayken and his

suave Casanova personality. The guy knew just what to say to a woman. Unfortunately for him, Becca

was more aggravated over the other man than interested in talking to Drayken. Something about the

jerk stuck with her. His eyes. Behind all that anger and anti-social bullshit, she’d seen so much


They reached Charlotte and her mates; Brecc and Eros proceeded to have a conversation with


“Where did you go?” Charlotte asked. “I looked all over for you?”

“Your sister had the misfortune of walking into Vikter’s lair.” Drayken smiled. “Thankfully, I

heard him roaring at her and saved her from his clutches.”

Becca had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the way Drayken made himself sound like a

superhero. All he needed was a cape. She had shit handled and would have been fine without him.

Some men liked to be the center of attention.

Charlotte gave Becca the look that said we can talk later. Becca took the glass of wine

Charlotte handed her and sipped. She glanced at Drayken from the corner of her eye. His incessant

chatting had started to get on her nerves. The guy just didn’t know when to shut up.

She slowly backed away, until Drayken was so involved in his conversation with the wolves,

he didn’t realize she’d moved. Charlotte gave her a quick nod to indicate she was free to walk

around. What Becca should do was get some air. The ballroom was packed with people, and she was

starting to feel flustered. It had nothing to do with the annoying man in the library. Nope. Nothing.

She slid out a side door and took a path she swore would lead her to the gardens. She had a

pretty good memory, so she marched down the quiet rock-lined walkway without hesitating.

“Stupid man. Did he really think I was there to bother him?” she grumbled, almost tripping on

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a rock. Her shoes changed from heels to flats with a single thought. She couldn’t believe everything in

this place had so much artificial intelligence.

“Like he’s that cute,” she growled. She could barely see anything under the frazzled mop on

his head. Other than the piercing, gold eyes, she had no idea what he looked like. “He looks like he

needs a flea bath.”

She reached a circular area in the garden with a bench in the center. She sat, glanced at the

dual moons, and sighed. So far, she’d loved coming to Aurora. She’d seen how happy her sister was

with her two men.

In the past, she never would have thought it was truly possible for three people to be in a

happy relationship, but she’d seen otherwise with Charlotte.

Her thoughts turned to herself. Men. She would find a good man. She was positive she would.

There had to be a good one out there for her.

Breath caught in her chest when she saw a massive dragon flying overhead, fire shooting out

of his mouth. She gasped, her heart shooting to a galloping beat.

The dragon wasn’t going fast. She found herself mesmerized by the giant creature. She stood,

following through the woods to catch up with it. A loud roar and bright bursts of light guided her

along the dragon’s way. She’d never seen a dragon in her life—not a real one.

She started running, something she wouldn’t be caught dead doing, trying not to lose the

dragon. She slipped between trees, glancing up to follow the dragon. Nobody had mentioned dragon

shifters. Maybe they just had dragons, not shifter dragons.

There was an opening between the trees ahead. By the time she got to the area where she’d

seen the dragon descending, he’d already landed. Light from both moons allowed her to see the

amazing animal almost blending into the rocks lining the lake. She took a tentative step forward.

Leaves crunched under her feet.

The dragon raised his head. He’d been drinking from the lake. Big, golden eyes shined in the

darkness. She should be scared shitless, but she wasn’t. Instead, she found herself mesmerized. Her

entire life, she’d been dreaming of dragons. The mythical creatures had taken over her home and her

free time.

She’d done so much research, looking into the myths, the legends. They all pointed to dragons

not being real at any point in time. But this moment, watching that beautiful creature stare her down

with curiosity was beyond every one of her realities.

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“You’re real,” she whispered, taking another slow step toward the dragon. His scales

shimmered under the moonlight.

He didn’t move. He watched her with intense, golden eyes. She bit her lip, unsure what to do.

This was her biggest wish come true. A dragon in front of her. The dragon finally lowered his head,

to lay on one of his paws, and huffed. She hoped that was his way of relaxing and allowing her to

come closer, because that’s exactly how she was taking it.

“Hi,” she said quietly, clearing her throat and gripping the sides of her gown. “I’m Becca.”

The dragon sniffed.

“I guess you can’t tell me your name, huh?” She smiled. “It’s okay. You’ve got such beautiful

golden eyes. I bet you make all the ladies crazy, don’t you?”

She swore there was surprise in the big animal’s eyes. “I’m sorry. I let my mouth run away

from me.” She stopped a foot away from the dragon’s massive head. Her fingers itched to run her

hands over his scales. They shimmered brighter the closer she got. “Do you mind if I touch you?”

The dragon didn’t say anything…because it was a freaking dragon. What in the hell was

wrong with her? She kept waiting for him to say something like. ‘I’m gonna turn you into bar-b-que if

you get too close.’

She raised a hand to his face and slowly caressed the area around his nose. He closed his

eyes. She figured if he was anything like a puppy, he’d like being petted there. She grinned when the

dragon let out a breath. “I bet you like your belly rubbed too, don’t you?” He rumbled something, and

she’d swear he was saying ‘yeah, right.’

His giant eyes snapped open. It was like staring deep into a pool of swirling liquid gold. He

sniffed and opened his mouth. His big, spiky teeth were much closer to her face than she was

comfortable with.

“I hope you run free here.” She sighed. “On my planet, you’d be hunted by idiots and the

government.” She slid her hand over his scales. They were soft, something she hadn’t expected.

Walking around his giant paw, she caressed her hand over his body until she reached his belly.

The dragon eyed her with curiosity. His wings shimmered like the most delicate chiffon.

“You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.”

She lowered her head to place it on his belly and listen to him breathe. His powerful lungs

pushed her face with every breath. For a second, he tensed, then he sunk lower into the ground,

relaxing to her touch. She met his gaze and swore he saw into her soul.

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“Your eyes look so sad, and you look so lonely,” she whispered. “I know how that feels, too.”

There were no other words uttered. For a quiet moment, she listened to the dragon breathe. She swore

they had a connection going. She guessed her love for dragons throughout her life allowed her to find

a way to link with the creature without the need for words.

“Becca!” Charlotte’s voice sounded from the trees.

She whirled around, taking a few steps in the direction of Charlotte’s voice. “I’m right here!”

She glanced over her shoulder and saw the dragon take off in quick flight. “Wait! Don’t go.”

It was too late. He shot through the air, flying so fast into the darkness of the night, if she

would’ve blinked, she’d have missed it.

Within seconds, Charlotte, her two mates, and Drayken rushed from between the trees. They

glanced around until they saw her. Her heart sank. The dragon was gone. For a magical moment,

she’d felt so in tune with the creature. Now, she was lonely again.

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Vikter wasn’t sure what to think. He’d finally come to the realization he wanted her. The

human. Becca. The way she touched his dragon, so carefully and without a single trace of fear or

worry, had done him in. Even when she’d noticed his sharp teeth and realized he could have hurt or

even killed her with a single claw swipe, she’d stayed.

He glanced into the night. He refused to acknowledge his dragon calling for the human. Lust.

That’s what it was. He saw his reflection in the window and growled. This desire for her wasn’t

going anywhere.

Razzy slammed his door opened and raced inside. “Vikter!”

“Why did you send the human into my office?” he asked, his temper under control for the first

time in weeks.

He turned to face her and caught the flush of crimson on her cheeks.

“I’m sorry, Vik. I didn’t think you’d be in there. It was just a joke.” She made a guilty face,

shuffling foot to foot.

“Somehow I think this was your way of getting me to interact with our guests,” he said,

reading more into his sister’s features than she would have wanted.

She stopped, her brows dipping low. “You should have been there with me, welcoming our

guests and celebrating like mother would have wanted.”

He nodded. “You’re right. I should have been there.”

She opened and closed her mouth. “Really?”

“Yes.” He marched toward her, stopping inches from her. “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant. I

will try to give you more of the support you need.”

She threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. “No. I’m sorry. I know you’re going

through a hard time, but I have faith we’ll find your mate. Soon. I just know it.”

The image of Becca slipped through his mind. The dragon tried to convey something through

their link, but Vikter shut him down. He didn’t want or need emotional attachments to anyone. His

heart didn’t seem to care what he wanted. The very thought of Becca’s smile, her eyes…something

warmed inside him. An emotion he wasn’t really familiar with tugged at his heart.

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“I like Becca,” Razzy said. “Do you mind if I invite her over for dinner tomorrow?”

“I don’t mind,” he said, his body heating at the thought of having her near again.

“Good,” she sighed. “Drayken invited himself and Aunt Laina as well. The last thing I want is

to have to deal with those two alone.” She pulled back and met his gaze. “He likes Becca. That

should take his attention, keep him from annoying me.”

Vikter’s dragon roared to life at the mention of his cousin. Jealousy flittered through his veins,

firing a new wave of rage. He bit back a growl and instead focused on the fact he’d have his little

human back in his home. That was more to his liking.

“Are you ever planning on shaving again, brother?” Razzy asked, yanking on a clump of his

beard. “You’re so handsome; when I can’t see your face, I can’t tell if you’re happy or not.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Good. I’d hate for Becca to think this is how you look all the time.” She gave him another

hug and turned to go. She stopped at the door and glanced over her shoulder. “I don’t know what

happened, but I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

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Vikter picked up the tea he’d been given and waited for Gerri to show. He sat in the sunroom

of the castle of the lion king, Alyx. Massive windows brought the outdoors inside. The view of the

garden was better from this location than any other in the castle.

He had to talk to Gerri. She’d promised to find him a mate on her return to Aurora from her

last trip to get Becca. He’d given up on that and didn’t want her to waste any more of her time


“Vikter,” Gerri said, walking into the room. “So good to see you.”

Vikter stood and waited for the physical contact. Gerri had already told him she was a hugger.

As predicted, she embraced him and patted his shoulder.

“It’s good to see you too, Gerri,” he said, sitting back and watching her fill a cup with tea.

“I know I promised to help you sooner,” she said, adding sugar to the tea. “Who knew I’d be

going back and forth to earth so many times?”

He cleared his throat, not wanting to sound accusatory since it wasn’t her fault he hadn’t found

a mate within the time he needed. “I came to ask you to disregard my request.”

She frowned. “What do you mean? Forget about it?”

“My days are numbered,” he sighed. “Your time is better spent finding someone else a mate.”

She slammed her teacup on the table. “Are you seriously giving up on life, Vikter?”

He blinked, shocked at the change in the older woman. She’d gone from pleasant and sweet to

angry and demanding. Her voice rose to a growl.

“Not necessarily giving up,” he said, unable to stop the bitterness in his voice. “Not like I

have a choice.”

Gerri stood, shook her head, and walked to a window before turning to face him. “Look at


Vikter winced. He knew it had been a mistake coming to see her without cutting his hair or

shaving. “I’ve looked at myself.”

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“You hard-headed little fire-breather.” She glared at him. “You think any woman will want a

man who takes such little care in his grooming?” She shook her head. “I’m not saying a beard or long

hair is bad, but this,” she said waving her hand up and down in front of him, “is a mess.”

He jumped to his feet, not liking the way she spoke. “I’m not looking to impress anyone.”

“Clearly,” she snapped. “Forget about a mate for a second, Vikter. Have you stopped feeling?

Have you stopped desiring women? Lusting?”

Becca’s hips swaying in his office came to mind. Not fucking now. He so didn’t need that

while standing in front of Gerri getting torn a new asshole.

“My needs aren’t important,” he ground out. The fact that she made him question how Becca

viewed him didn’t sit well. “I came to tell you to stop the search for a mate.”

She lifted a brow. “Too late, you stubborn man-child. Although, any woman would have to be

a saint to want to deal with you looking like something the cat dragged in.” She lifted her gaze to the

ceiling and growled. “I swear to all that’s holy, I need to add stipulations in my contracts. Must. Use.

Common. Sense.”

Vikter let the barb slide and instead turned from Gerri. “I don’t know what to tell you. Even if

you found someone in time, I don’t think I’m in the right frame of mind to be anyone’s mate.”

She pursed her lips and glowered. “You listen to me, you scaly little boy. If you mess up my

match in any way, you’ll regret it. I don’t care what you want at this point. This is the misery inside

you talking. It’s the anger and frustration from what you perceive to be your upcoming demise.” She

folded her arms over her chest. “Hear me and hear me well. You will be mated. You will have a long

life. If at any point you start to think like this again, I will smack some sense into you until that brain of

yours is back in normal working order. Got it?”

He did. He didn’t want to give in to her manipulation, but the idea of Drayken getting Becca

because Vikter looked like shit didn’t sit well with him. It was time to go home and shave. He’d deal

with whatever female Gerri had in mind later. Becca consumed his thoughts. Only Becca.

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Becca glanced down the thousand-foot drop with trepidation. She really needed to say no

whenever someone dared her to do something. But it was like a disease. She wanted to prove she

could do whatever was asked of her.

“This isn’t really fair, Charlotte,” Becca yelled over her shoulder. “I don’t know anything

about these sheets.”

Charlotte’s giggles sounded behind Becca. “You said you’d do it. No backing out now.”

Becca growled. She didn’t know what the hell she was doing, but she knew Charlotte had

gotten the thin sheet to wrap around Becca’s arms and legs, meeting at her waist. She swore the sheet

wasn’t that big, but it had grown to fit around her torso and hung down her back like a homemade

parachute—a very flimsy one.

“Won’t you feel bad if I die trying to fulfill a dare?” Becca asked. “I’m your favorite sister!”

“You’re my only sister.” Charlotte giggled. “You’re not going to die, you wuss,” Charlotte

said. “Jump already.”

She prayed she wouldn’t land like a pancake on the icy ground and ran, jumping off the

mountain. A scream lodged at the back of her throat. She didn’t want to see herself die, but there was

no closing her eyes.

She dove, head first, going down fast and hard, and suddenly the thin sheet pulled back,

reshaping into a thicker material and filling with air; she was now floating.

She laughed uncontrollably. For a moment, she almost peed her pants from fear of dying.

Adrenaline replaced fear, and wonder over the landscape had her glancing everywhere on her


A big purple dragon came her way. She forgot all about the landscape and watched the shiny,

beautiful dragon. Much smaller than the golden one she’d seen before, the purple lowered to a landing

right where Becca was going.

She landed on her feet but her wobbly legs gave way, and she tumbled forward in the snow,

rolling until her body bumped into the dragon’s front claws, her head resting on its foot. It was then

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she noticed the purple dragon had a bag strapped around one of its talons.

Becca gasped, trying to catch her breath. “Oh, my goodness. You are such a beauty!” she


The dragon lowered its head and sniffed at Becca, then licked her entire face and half her

body in one swipe. Becca wiped at her face then raised a hand and petted the animal lovingly.

Excitement flooded her system. She couldn’t believe she’d come this close to two dragons.

“I can’t believe you’re purple. What a unique color,” she gushed.

The dragon moved back, and Becca watched, in shock, as the animal shrunk in size and its

limbs reshaped. Scales withdrew and were eaten by flesh. The pretty purple dragon turned into


“Holy shit, girl!” Becca jumped to her feet and slapped a hand over her mouth.

Razzy laughed and pulled an outfit out of her bag. She dressed quickly and then turned to

Becca. “You didn’t know there were dragon shifters?”

Becca shook her head. “No. But I have to warn you. I love dragons. Will your family be upset

if I kidnap you and take you to live with me? I promise to feed you.”

Razzy chuckled, sliding the bag over her shoulder and walking to Becca. “Vikter would

probably have something to say about that.”

“Yeah,” Becca grumbled. “I have no luck.”

Razzy pulled out a pair of suede-like boots from her bag and slipped them on. “I came to

invite you to dinner at my home.”

Becca was struggling to pull the sheet off her back when suddenly the thing came loose. It

freaked her out and excited her that the technology on this planet was much more advanced than on

Earth. “Dinner?”

She picked up the sheet and folded it, glancing up the mountain to the spot from where she’d

dropped. Charlotte said she’d be right behind her, but so far there was no sign of her.

“Yes,” Razzy said excitedly. “You can stay over if you’d like.”

“I don’t know.” She frowned. “Your brother was pretty pissed I was in his office.”

Razzy twined and untwined her fingers together. “I’m sorry about that. I honestly didn’t think

he’d be there. I wasn’t looking to get you into trouble with him. He’s usually a great guy.” Sadness

filled her eyes. “Lately, it’s been harder, because he’s dealing with a lot of personal stuff.”

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Becca wanted to ask what in the world would make a man so rude. “It’s fine. I’m sure he’s a

great guy.”

Razzy smiled wide. “He is. And he doesn’t normally look like that.”

Becca frowned. “Like what?”

“You know…” Razzy scrunched her nose. “…that hair. All over.”

“Ah, you mean like Cousin It?” She laughed at Razzy’s expression. “I guess he might be tired

of shaving.”

Razzy’s eyes went wide. “Oh no. Not Vikter. He’s got impeccable grooming. It’s why I’m so

surprised at his…lack of it lately.”

Becca wasn’t one to judge a man by his appearance. She’d dated enough nice guys who

looked like they were something the cat dragged in. It was Vikter’s attitude that she’d found


“Weeee!” Charlotte yelled from far above Becca’s head.

Becca turned and watched her sister land on her feet without missing a beat. “That’s not fair.

How did your legs not give?”

Charlotte chortled. “I’ve done this enough times to have it down to a science.”

Razzy rushed over to give Charlotte a hug. “Do you mind if I steal Becca for the night?”

Charlotte smiled at Razzy. “I’ll let you borrow my Becca whenever you want. There’s a small

fee for shipping and handling.”

Becca gasped. “You’d trade me?”

Charlotte nodded shamelessly. “Yep. Razzy’s cook makes the best cream cake ever. I’m in

love with it, and for another one of those yummy cakes, she can borrow you whenever she wants.”

Razzy laughed. “I’ll be sure to bring one when I pick up Becca later.” She hugged Charlotte

once more. “Be sure to bring a change of clothes,” she said to Becca. “We’re going to have a great


Razzy was such a genuinely nice person. Becca didn’t doubt for a second the girl would go

out of her way to ensure she had fun. It was Vikter who filled her thoughts. Even with all the hair

covering his features, his eyes had spoken to her.

She wasn’t sure if he’d been genuinely rude or, maybe, he’s struggling to deal with things. She

didn’t know what to think, but her heart told her not to judge him for his words. Lashing out at her

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intruding into his private space could be how he was handling things.

Behind the anger and the dismissive tone, she’d seen pain and sadness, and hadn’t been able

to stop thinking about him since. Why was he so sad? What had angered him? Vikter had caught her

attention. It was the depth of emotions she saw behind his eyes. The same with the big dragon. Vikter

and the big dragon pulled different parts of her.

The dragon reminded her of feeling alone when she’d been younger—even when her parents

were in the same home. Vikter’s pain and sadness were like the emotions she tried to hide from the

world. Acting like the feelings weren’t there, she smiled and moved on, when inside she felt

differently. Vikter masked his pain with anger. Becca, with smiles.

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If Drayken told her one more time how beautiful she looked, she’d hit him with her wine

glass. She really would. Manners be damned. Besides, she was on another planet. For all she knew,

hitting the idiot over the head with a glass of wine meant she wanted to have sex with him.

“I just adore your darker skin tone,” Laina said. Somehow the words didn’t come across as

praise. “It’s so…different.”

Great. That’s totally not a compliment when said with a frown that made her otherwise-pretty

face look hideous.

“I agree with Mother,” Drayken said. “Your skin shines with a lovely glow.”

She stepped away from him. The dumbass kept rubbing against her. If he did it one more time,

she’d cool his ardor with her wine.

“Sorry I was gone,” Razzy huffed. “Dinner will be served shortly.”

Becca hurried to Razzy and sighed. “I appreciate you inviting me to dinner. So far the

appetizers have been delicious.”

Razzy wrapped an arm around Becca’s side. “Our cook is the best ever. She’s been with our

family for centuries.”

Becca was dying to ask about Vikter. Would he show up to dinner?

“Don’t worry. I checked, and Vikter told his assistant he wouldn’t be coming down for

dinner.” Razzy grinned. “So no need to look worried anymore.”

Dammit. The idea of Vikter sitting in his room, alone and hiding behind a wall of anger, did

something to her. She wanted to offer to invite him down, but knew it was probably for the best that

he not show. Hanging out with Drayken was probably not going to be fun for any of them.

She really needed to stop thinking of Vikter’s eyes and how sad he’d been behind the wall of

animosity. She’d seen past the anger to something that was almost desperation. It killed her,

wondering if she could ease his pain. Something about him tugged at her heart, and she hadn’t been

able to push him out of her mind.

She stepped away to wash her hands before dinner. Razzy gave her directions to the nearest

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ladies room, which bypassed Vikter’s office. She’d been tempted to stop and peek inside, but instead

she kept going. On her way back, she stopped to glance out one of the large viewing windows at the

dual moons. They were so beautiful.

“Tired of the company already?”

She didn’t turn. There was no need. The sound of his deep, gravelly voice without the bite of

anger was new. The heat from his body warmed her back. He placed a hand to either side of her,

caging her against the window.

“I wouldn’t say I’m tired,” she said. “At least I’m not getting yelled at today.”

“I apologize for my behavior yesterday. You didn’t deserve my anger,” he said, his voice

moving closer to her ear.

She licked her lips, still glancing at the garden. Today, his voice sent delicious, wicked

thoughts through her brain. A hot shudder slid down her back.

“I understand. We all have bad days,” she said, clearing her throat. What? She understood?

Was she high? She should be antisocial right back, but she couldn’t. The mysterious man tempted her

to find out more about him.

“Thank you for agreeing to come to dinner with my sister,” he said. “She’s very excited to

have you over.”

She licked her lips and nodded. “I like Razzy. She’s a very sweet girl.”

“She’s so innocent,” he said, his breath hovering over her bare shoulder. “She doesn’t

understand not everyone is redeemable.”

She frowned and turned, her breath catching in her throat. Holy mother of hot men under a shit

ton of hair. Talk about deceiving. “You…you look different.”

His golden gaze raked over her face. This time, she saw the lust bright in his eyes. “I’m still

the same person you saw yesterday.”

She nodded jerkily. Yeah, but now he was hot as fuck, with the face of a fallen angel. Hot

damn! That shirt, opened at the top, showed off the muscles just below the material. “I’m sure you

are, but now I can talk to a person instead of Cousin It.”

He frowned and then nodded. “Ah, yes. A movie reference. I believe I am taller than Cousin


She grinned. “You are, but all that hair covering your face wasn’t really giving me the option

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to call you anything else.”

“Indeed.” He leaned forward, his body brushing lightly over hers. The reaction was

instantaneous. Her nipples pebbled tightly. She’d wanted him when he’d been covered in hair. Now

that he had his blond hair in short spikes and a smooth face showing his clean-shaven jaw, she had to

fight her hormones for dominance. No way was she going to hump him in the middle of the hallway.

For all she knew, that probably got her married to him on this planet.

“Are you…um…joining us for dinner?” she asked, hoping he’d say yes. She could stare into

his eyes all night while Drayken talked nonsense.

“Depends,” he said, his face lowering closer to hers.

Her heart pounded hard in her chest. Need grew wings at her core, demanding she touch him.

Kiss him. Go crazy and strip him.

“On what?” she asked, her voice a breathy whisper.

“On if you want me to.”

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She glanced at his mouth, then back at his eyes. “I don’t think I should be the one making those

decisions. I’m not sure how social you’re feeling.”

He raised a hand to her face, sliding a finger down her jaw and cupping her neck. “I’m feeling

social. Really social.”

Her throat went dry. She leaned forward, her body taking a mind of its own. Possessive need

filled his gaze, and a flash of triumph curled his lips into a grin right before his mouth crashed over

hers. Why was she letting a guy who pissed her off kiss her? She knew why. From the moment she’d

seen his eyes and been captivated by the sadness in them, she’d been caught.

His lips pressed hard on hers, his tongue sliding over the seam of hers, using her inhale to

dive into her mouth. Her body yearned for more of his touch. He glided his other hand around her

waist, pushing himself up against her.

She moaned into the kiss, taking more of his tongue into her mouth, loving the way he

dominated the kiss, how every caress felt like he was touching her from head to toe.

He took her lips like a man starved, and it felt so fucking perfect, so wonderful to have him

owning her body like she belonged to him. Breaths struggled in and out of her lungs.

“Becca?” Razzy called from down the hall. “We’re going to have dinner soon.”

He pulled back from the kiss, leaving them both panting for more. Her gaze ran down to his

shirt, where she had clumps of the material in her grip.

“Becca,” he groaned, pressing his erection on her body, “I’m ready to eat, but it’s not food

I’m after.”

Well, damn.

“Food is overrated,” said the woman who loved to eat. Right at that moment she’d give up

every meal for more alone time with Vikter.

“I want you, Becca,” he groaned, his hand holding her face captive. “I want to spread your

beautiful legs and feast on you for hours.”

She had to take a step back and process what he was saying. “I don’t know what brought on

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this change of heart after yesterday’s rude outburst,” she gulped, “but we really need to get to the

dining room.”

No way in hell was she acting like his dismissive attitude hadn’t happened. Okay, so maybe

she’d gotten a little carried away by her hormones a few minutes ago, but she was in control again.


He offered her his arm, but she worried touching him would just make her vulnerable again.

She shook her head and slid from between him and window. She started walking, feeling the heat of

his gaze burning her back.

Everyone waited by the large dining room table to take their seats. She met Razzy’s wide-

eyed gaze and smiled.

“Look who I found on my way back from the bathroom.”

Razzy blinked, glancing back and forth between the two. She knew there was no smeared

lipstick to worry about, but damn, the way Razzy looked worried her. Was it obvious what they’d

been doing?

She glanced over her shoulder at Vikter and almost drooled. His face, much clearer in the

dining room light, was even more breathtaking than at first sight. He had the chiseled features with a

stubborn chin and piercing gold eyes. But it was his mouth that made her belly clench. His lips, set

into that seductive smile, warmed her blood to a low boil.

“You’re back,” Drayken said, rushing toward Becca, only to stop dead when he got a good

look at Vikter. “Vikter. I didn’t expect you for dinner.”

Becca bit her lip to stop herself from saying anything. She knew Drayken’s accusatory tone

had sent the tension rising in the room.

“Do I need an invitation to have dinner in my own home?” Vikter snapped.

Laina cleared her throat, raising a brow high. “Of course not, Vikter. Dray doesn’t mean

anything by that. We didn’t expect you is all.”

Becca saw Razzy continue to stare at them like they’d waltzed into the dining room naked.

“Razzy, should we sit?”

Razzy nodded and glanced at Vikter. “Vik, could you show Becca to her seat?”

“My pleasure,” he said, his voice so close it raised goose bumps over her skin. He placed a

hand on her waist and guided her to one end of the dining table. He pulled a chair for her and helped

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her sit.

Vikter stood beside her until Drayken pulled Razzy’s chair at the head of the table before

helping his mother sit. Once all were seated, with Vikter beside Becca, dinner appeared to be starting

on a good note…

…until Vikter placed a hand on her leg. Becca cleared her throat and jerked her face

sideways to stare into his dancing, golden eyes.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“I’d be very careful what you say, beautiful.” He leaned into her side. “You wouldn’t want to

embarrass Razzy and ruin her special dinner. This table is full of very sensitive ears, and no matter

how low you say things, they can hear you.” He leaned even closer. “And that goes for any noises you


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She had a quiet stare-off with him, watching his features go from slightly bored to intently

seductive. A bowl of dark soup was placed in front of each of them, and Drayken asked Razzy a

question Becca missed due to the hand on her lap. Vikter slid his hand higher up her leg toward her

inner thigh. The pants she’d worn appeared to be perfect for whatever he had in mind. The stupid

smart material created slits, giving his hand access to her bare skin.

She gasped and picked up her wine, taking a big gulp to stop herself from moaning at the little

circles he made on her inner thigh. A hot shudder slid over her bare arms, up to the back of her neck.

She’d worn a soft strapless top to match the pants, and now she wished she’d worn a sweater.

Vikter grinned. “Thirsty, darling?”

That bastard. He wanted to play games with her after the way he’d treated her the day before.

She didn’t appreciate it. The closer he got to her crotch, the less she could look away from him.

“What do you think, Becca?” Razzy asked.

She glared at Vikter and then met Razzy’s gaze, telling her with her eyes she had no idea what

they were talking about.

“Should I cut my hair? Laina says yes,” Razzy added, helping her get caught up with the

conversation. “I love yours. It’s short, but not too short, so it’s still sassy.”

Vikter glided his fingers up by the edge of Becca’s underwear. She inhaled sharply. “I say go

for whatever you like, but I think your hair long looks beautiful. I would normally have mine longer


She was given a second’s reprieve when Vikter raised his hand to her hair and grabbed a curl

from the high ponytail she’d done. “Sounds like there is a story behind the short hair.”

Razzy nodded. “I was about to say the same. Why did you cut it?”

Dammit. She didn’t really want to talk about that episode, but now she had everyone at the

table staring at her with curiosity.

“It was a dare,” she said.

“You were dared to cut your hair?” Laina asked.

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“I wish,” she said with an embarrassed laugh. “No. I was dared to get extensions in multiple

colors for a Halloween costume last year. The extensions knotted so badly in my hair they needed to

be cut out. That meant my hair had to be cut. It was a really bad idea.”

“What kind of costume would require you to get extensions like that?” Drayken asked.

“It wasn’t really the costume itself that did it. But I don’t think the entire idea helped.”

“What did you dress up as?” Vikter asked, laughter clear in his voice.

“Cousin It.”

“Who?” Laina asked. It was hard to hear over Vikter’s booming chuckles.

“It’s a movie character from Earth,” Razzy grinned. “I’ve made Vikter watch The Addams

Family many times.”

Becca smiled at Razzy. “My goal in life is to find a man who will love me like Gomez loves


Razzy sighed. “Yeah, I agree. Those two have a love nobody can beat.”

“You should aspire for more than a copy of some silly movie relationship,” Laina said, her

voice chastising.

Becca opened her mouth to reply, but shut it quickly at the feel of Vikter’s hand in her crotch.




He’d gone straight for the goodies, slipped his hand under the slit of her pants, and pushed

aside her panties.

“Vikter!” she squealed, ignoring her new plate of food and picking up the wine again.

“Yes, darling?”

“What…um… Where do your people get such unusual eye colors?” She didn’t know what the

hell she was saying anymore. Words popped out of her mouth without warning.

“Our eye colors are dependent on our dragons,” Razzy supplied the answer.

“So you’re all dragons?” Becca asked, glancing around the table, until her gaze lingered on


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“Each and every one.” He grinned.

Becca sucked another gulp of wine and did the unimaginable. She widened her legs on her

seat, making it easier for him to touch her. Well hell, if he was going to do this, she might as well

enjoy it.

Vikter picked up his wine and sipped. She loved watching him lick his lips after a drink. She

wanted to be the one to suck the wine off his mouth. Dinner had never been this enticing in her life.

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Vikter watched the play of emotions cross Becca’s features—horror, shock, and pleasure. The

last appeared to be her body finally giving in to his ministrations.

He’d been consumed with being around Becca since he’d had words with her in his office.

The dinner had given him the opening to sit with her. To touch her. After the episode in the hallway,

he’d wondered if maybe she was his mate.

Could she be? He didn’t feel the instant connection from his animal with a mate like he knew

he would. It was disheartening but he had his answer. She wasn’t the one. The man in him wanted her.

Oh, so fucking bad. That would have to be enough.

He’d purposely sat so close to her and at an angle, so that it wasn’t noticeable he was

touching her. Fuck, how he wanted her. She pushed closer to his fingers, widening her legs so he

could reach the center of her heat. She was slick, hot, and ready.

Another smile grew on his lips. At the rate she drank the wine, he’d have to carry her to bed.

Her skin had to be the softest he’d ever touched. Smooth like the finest silk produced in the Nedar


She did another quick intake of breath, and his erection pressed at the fly of his pants. He’d

give up the few weeks he had left of life to get a taste of how good she’d feel wrapped around his


“Becca, would you like to join for the first flight of the season?” Drayken asked.

Vikter snapped his gaze to her face. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was breathing a hint

heavier than before.

First flight meant Drayken had ideas for Becca—something Vikter didn’t appreciate. He

couldn’t give her much, but he wanted her for himself, even if it was only for a short time.

“I’m sorry,” Becca said, sipping on her wine again. When she put the glass down, Vikter saw

her hand shake on its descent down to her lap. “What is a first flight?”

So far she hadn’t interfered with his touching her. Her hand landed on top of his. He

wondered if she’d finally pull him off her and stop his slow caresses around her clit. Instead, she

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pressed his fingers into her pussy.

The scent of her arousal curled around them like a fog. Oh, how he wanted her. She was the

perfect woman, but with the problems with his dragon, he knew it was bad timing for a relationship…

especially with what he knew his outcome would be soon. That didn’t stop his heart from developing

feelings. Feelings he didn’t share with the dragon. Feelings he knew wouldn’t solve his problems.

It wouldn’t matter if he fell in love with Becca. His dragon was the one who needed a mate.

With the link between them growing weaker by the day, he knew that was going to be impossible to


“First flight is when we change into our dragons, giving them control and flying over

Dragosland to see the season as it changes over our land.”

Razzy’s firm shake of the head made Vikter finally pull his hand from between Becca’s legs.

His sister’s annoyed glare told him she knew what he’d been up to. Vikter didn’t normally give a shit,

but he didn’t want Razzy’s dinner to go badly.

“I…” she cleared her throat. “Sure. Why not? I bet it will be fun.”

Vikter wanted to growl. He didn’t like the idea of Becca being held in Drayken’s grasp or

anyone else’s for that matter.

Once he decided to behave, the rest of the meal became a lot more interactive, with a lot less

heavy breathing.


Vikter had just changed from his dinner outfit when a loud knock sounded at his door. He’d

always been able to tell when Razzy was angry. She had the same three knocks in rapid succession

indicating her short patience.

“Come in, Razzy.”

She threw the door opened and rushed inside, slamming it closed behind her.

“What were you doing tonight, Vikter?” she demanded. “Becca came here as my guest, and

you were sitting there manhandling her like…like…a pervert!”

He would have laughed at her outrage if she didn’t sound so upset.

“I’m sorry, Razzy. I lost control of myself.” He lied. He knew exactly what he was doing. He

wanted to touch Becca, wanted her to spend the entire dinner thinking of his hand on her pussy.

She started pacing his room, her long hair flying around behind her. “I have never seen you

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so…intent on a female.” She stopped and looked at him. “You obviously want her.”

He nodded, not willing to deny it.

“So what the hell are you doing in here?”

Her words pulled a frown to his face. “What?”

She smiled. “You want her. She’s a wonderful woman. Why aren’t you in her room, you

know, seducing her?”

The last thing he’d expected was for his sister to encourage his pursuit of Becca, especially

knowing he couldn’t give any female forever at this point. “I can’t give her what most women want,

Razzy. I don’t have the time for a relationship with many years together. This would be one night.”

Razzy ran over to him, threw her arms around his neck, and hugged him. “You have one life,


He wasn’t sure what to say and didn’t get a chance to voice his confusion. She let go of him

and rushed out of his room with the same speed she’d arrived with.

Vikter knew his desire for Becca would be short lived. His dragon had shut down most

emotional connections and the ability to form bonds due to his limited time left. It was surprising he

found his desire for Becca to be so strong that it broke through some of the walls the animal erected in

his heart.

His desire for her burned in his veins like the hottest lava. He shouldn’t give in. Lusting after

a woman was dangerous when he had so little to offer, but he wouldn’t stay away.

He couldn’t wait any longer. He’d have Becca. Tonight. Now.

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Becca had never been so glad to strip out of her clothes and get ready for a bath. Vikter and

Razzy might be dragon shifters, but they lived in one of the most comfortable castles she’d ever

imagined. Top-of-the-line technology that adjusted to their guests’ comfort filled every room.

One of the things she’d come to love in Alyx’s castle was the mood sensors in the bedrooms.

Her room in Vikter’s castle was different. Not only was it larger, but it had the bathroom of her

dreams. She’d been dying to try out the giant whirlpool tub from the moment she arrived.

She’d had one of the maids help set it up for her with scented oils. Her sore muscles, from

hiking and walking in larger doses than usual, begged for a soak.

She took off her robe and sat in the steaming tub slowly. Neon lights lit the bottom of the

Jacuzzi. The front of the tub had a glass wall, which showed off her naked body. She didn’t really

care since she was alone in the room.

Water lapped around her body, covering her up to her tits. Jets massaged her back, arms, legs,

and ass. She wiggled around and gasped when one of the jets pumped water right between her legs.

Oh, my. That had serious potential. Holding on to the two hand bars, she leaned back. She

rocked her hips over the stream of water pushing hard against her pussy, until it was like a giant wave

vibrating over her clit.

Holy fuck that felt good.

A knock sounded at her bedroom door. She’d asked the maid for tea to help her sleep. With

the bathroom door closed, she didn’t worry about being caught using the tub like a giant sex toy. Now

she could get her freak on with the water jets.

“Come in,” she yelled. “Leave it on the table. I can serve myself. Thank you so much. Have a

good night!”

The bedroom door opened and closed, and she returned to her massaging jets. She shut her

eyes, giving in to the tingling water pushing at her clit. A slow heat started at the pit of her belly. She

wasn’t sure why or what caused it, but instinct told her to open her eyes.

Vikter stood by the bathroom wall, leaning back, watching her quietly.

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She should be alarmed he’d come into her space and hadn’t said anything, but she wasn’t.

Instead, seeing him watching her turned her on even more.

“What are you doing here?” she breathed, pushing her body under the water.

“I came for you,” he said. His gaze raked over her face and down to her chest. Her nipples

peeked from the water with the arch of her back. “You look even more beautiful now than you did at


She licked her lips, wishing she didn’t have a jet of water pumping at her pussy but at the

same time not moving away. “How’s that possible?”

“At dinner, I saw you fighting the need to moan and pant,” he said, taking a step toward the

tub. He sat at the edge. His soft pants and shirt looked like a pair of casual pajamas and not an actual

outfit to go out in. “Now, I can watch your reactions. There’s no need to hide them any longer.”

She gasped when the water massaged the area of her pussy that pushed her toward release.

“That is such a beautiful sight,” he said, his voice low and thick. “Your face. Your breathing.

Your tits lifting out of the water and offering themselves to me is exactly what I want.”

She gripped the bars, wiggling her hips and sloshing water. He leaned down, taking her lips

with his and dipping his hand into the water to caress her body. He cupped her breast, squeezing her

nipple and flicking a thumb over it. Her mewl of need sounded loud between their kiss.

He continued south, caressing her belly and large thighs before massaging her clit with two

fingers. Her body bucked, pleasure shooting through her so hard and fast, she shook with the intensity.

She’d never come so quickly from a man touching her. Never.

He’d done a few presses on her clit and drawn circles around her sensitive nub, and that’s all

it took? What the hell was wrong with her body? A scream lodged at the back of her throat. His

tongue pushed in and out of her mouth, showing her he was in control. He curled his tongue over hers,

sliding around her mouth like he owned her.

She bit his lip and sucked it hard as she rode the pleasure wave. He rumbled a low growl. It

made her desperate, hungry for him.

She let go of the bars and grabbed his shirt, yanking and tugging to get it off him. Lust clouded

her mind. There was nothing but him. Wanting him. Tasting him. Having him.

The sound of material tearing excited her. She knew he’d done it and loved that he’d joined in

her desperation. Soon, he was in the water, naked, sliding his body over hers. The bar of his cock

pressed between her legs. Her pussy throbbed with desire. He was big and hard, pushing at her

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entrance, ready to take her.

He pulled back from their kiss to stare deep into her eyes. “I don’t need water to know you’re

wet for me.”

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She gulped down a breath of air and nodded. “I’m not just wet. I’m ready. I want you in me.

Fucking me.”

She didn’t care how easy she sounded at the moment. All her thoughts had moved to her pussy

and the cock rubbing her entrance.

He lifted and pulled her body up with him. The jets continued beating around them. He sat on

one of the edges of the Jacuzzi and glanced down at her face. “Come here, beautiful. Bring me your


His rumbling tone shot shivers down her spine. There was a distinct possibility that if he

continued talking, she’d come from listening to him. That could be used as serious advertisement for

the planet. “Shifters so hot, they make you come with words.”

The giant tub could fit three people easily. Shiny white, with silver metal jets, it was the

ultimate Jacuzzi she’d ever been in. Like everything else in the room, the tub also had artificial

intelligence. A small bench seat slowly pulled from one of the sides, big enough for him to sit on.

She straddled him, lowering her body to his slowly. In the past, this would be the point she’d

wonder if her bigger body was something her partner found lacking. With her larger belly rolls, hips,

and arms, it was always a possibility. With Vikter, there was none of that.

“I can tell something’s on your mind,” he said, guiding her body down to his with his large

hands holding her waist. “Whatever it is, forget it. We aren’t stopping, and I’m not letting you go.” He

met her gaze with an amount of desire she’d never seen in a man’s eyes. “Tonight, you’re mine. You

belong to me.” He sucked her nipple into his mouth, nipping the tiny bud with his teeth.

A low moan escaped her throat. He pressed her down, until his cock was pushing at her

entrance again.

“Oh, god, Vikter,” she groaned.

He released her tit. His jaw tightened, and he pulled her onto his dick. The broad head of his

cock penetrated her, sliding into her body, stretching her muscles taut.

“Fuck, baby. You are so damn hot and slick,” he grunted.

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Once she was fully seated with him deep and thick inside her, she took a choppy breath.


A slow grin curled around his lips. “Not yet, darling. Soon.” He grabbed handfuls of her ass

cheeks and urged her to rock on his cock. “Yes,” he groaned when she wiggled in a way that let him

inch farther into her. He slid a hand up her back while holding her close to him with the other on her

ass. “I love your body, Becca.”

She thought he was being nice. It was a really great thing to hear in the middle of sex, but a

quick glance at his face told her he wasn’t just saying that.

Another wiggle and her body tightened unexpectedly. She gasped and sank her nails into the

back of his neck, clinging to him.

“You really do, don’t you?” she asked.

He leaned forward, kissing her lips and jaw, sucking his way down to her throat. “Yes. I

fucking adore every single inch of you. Your body—your curves—drive me crazy. Every dip. Every

sexy part. I want to bite and brand you. I want to stamp my dragon’s mark on you and let the world

know you’re mine.” He said, lifting her and slamming her down.

“Oh, god!” Her pussy contracted around his dick. His fingers bit into her hips, dropping her

on his cock.

“Fuck, you feel good. So fucking good and soft,” he said. “Every time I slide deep in your

pussy I feel surrounded by wet velvet.”

An inferno of need rocked her to the core. She gasped with every glide. Her body warmed,

melting from the inside. She’d had enough sex in her life to recognize good sex. This wasn’t anywhere

near good. It was holy fuck out of this world.

Tension curled around her spine, stopping her movements and turning her smooth rise and fall

into jerky motions. Vikter continued lifting and impaling her with faster speed. She bit her lip, digging

her nails harshly into his shoulders, positive she’d drawn blood.

His hands on her hips felt hot. Hotter than before. His cock grew thicker inside her. She was

close, so close to her release. She shut her eyes and let her body focus on feeling.

“That’s it,” he whispered, his tongue swiping at her mouth as she took tiny puffs of air. “Go

over. Let me feel you come.”

With a final slam, she ground her pussy into his pelvis, and she came. Her orgasm tore through

her like a Category 5 hurricane. Pleasure skated over her system, leaving her dazed, confused, and

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without any energy. Her muscles liquefied, and she forgot how to speak and breathe. Her pussy

grasped at his cock.

“Ah, fuck. Yes. You feel so good,” he grunted, gripping her hips and rocking her harder on his

dick. “So wet and tight.”

Shudders racked her core. His body tensed. White-hot need exploded in her belly. She needed

him to come. Now. To fill her with his cum and soothe the aching fire in her.

As if he’d read her mind, he plunged deeply into her one final time and held still.

“I wish I could have you forever,” he growled. His cock pulsed inside her, shooting streams

of warm semen into her channel. She couldn’t help herself, she licked up his neck, tasting him.

Perspiration and water turned their bodies slick. He didn’t pull out of her.

They stayed plastered together, neither moving. She couldn’t think straight. Catching their

breaths appeared to be a major job at the moment. She laid her head on his shoulder and shut her


He slid his hands up and down her back, caressing her body, not once bypassing her chubby

rolls. A slow grin spread over her lips. In the past, men had rejected Becca because of her weight.

She was a big girl with big curves, and that was fine with her—not so much with the male population

on Earth.

This wasn’t necessarily the body she’d wanted, but it was what she had, so she took care of it.

Unfortunately, weight liked her body, and it was damn hard to get rid of it, even with the active

lifestyle she led.

So she’d learned self-acceptance and self-love. It took a long time to realize people didn’t see

the real her without focusing on her body. She knew she was a good person, a woman filled with

positive thoughts and the firm belief that she’d eventually find her own happily ever after, just like


With Vikter holding her the way he was, she wondered if she finally had.

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“Becca,” Vikter said, his voice breaking through her dreams.

She opened her eyes and met his gaze. “Hmm?”

A slow grin appeared on his face. “I want to show you something.”

She debated tossing a pillow at him or getting out of bed. When she took too long to answer,

he picked her up as she was. She was naked and all wrapped up in the blanket they’d been sleeping


“What are you doing?” She gasped, struggling to get her arms out of the blanket to throw them

around his neck.

“I said I wanted to show you something, and you look like you’ll kill me for thirty more

minutes of sleep,” he said. He lifted her into his arms and proceeded to carry her out of the room.

“Vikter!” She pushed her hair away from her face and knew it was a total mess. “You do

realize I’m naked under this thing, right?”

He stopped mid-stride and pressed his lips to her lips. “I wouldn’t want you any other way.”

Her heart warmed with the softness she saw in his eyes. For a moment, there were no walls in

his golden depths—only caring and concern.

He marched up stairs, not once out of breath.

“Vikter, I can walk.” She ran her nails through the back of his hair, gliding her fingers

between his short locks. “I’m too heavy! I’m telling you, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

“No. You can’t walk, because I want to carry you.” He winked and lifted the corner of his lips

in a sexy grin. “You are so tiny. I don’t understand why you keep complaining about your weight.”

She didn’t know what to say. No way was she going to complain over a man finally finding

her small and enjoying her curves. She’d have to be stupid. “You make a good point.”

“We’re almost there,” he said, pushing a door open to the top of one of the castle’s towers.

There was a sofa and nothing else up there.

He sat down on the sofa and placed her on his lap, cuddling her to his chest.

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“It’s still nighttime,” she said, turning sideways to look into his eyes. “Did you want to talk

about something?”

A cool breeze rushed through the trees, rattling branches and making her press her body into

his. He hugged her tighter, rubbing his arms up and down hers. “I want to show you something.” He

glanced up at the sky and sighed. “In a few minutes.”

“Razzy’s a dragon,” she said, voicing the first thing that came to mind.

“She is.” He laughed. “We are the Dragos. Dragon shifters.”

She nodded. “So you’re a dragon, too.”

“I am.”

She bit her lip, wanting to ask more about that but deciding against it. She wondered how he

looked as a dragon. Was he like the big golden one she’d seen? Vikter was clearly a golden dragon,

from what they’d said about eye color. Razzy’s eyes were purple. His were gold, and Drayken’s

were red. It still weirded her out to think of his red eyes. It was so strange.

She nodded and glanced up too. “Wow. You have the most amazing night sky,” she gasped.

“The stars are really close. I feel like I can reach up and grab them.”

He laughed. “Those are our neighboring planets. They keep to themselves, much like we do.”

One particular star had a blue glow that made it appear like a night-light. “That’s a really

pretty one.”

“That’s Keiros. They’re a lot like us, but they don’t shift. They’re more of a warrior race.”

She leaned her head into his shoulder. “This is so surreal. I would have never thought I’d ever

be on a planet full of shifters.” She kissed his neck. “With such a sexy one holding on to me.”

“Why is that so hard? I’ve never been to Earth, but I find that from what Bella and Charlotte

have said, we have things in common.”

She shook her head. “Very little. Your planet is so clean. So beautiful and lush. On Earth,

there’s tons of garbage, and humans don’t know how to live without a million gadgets.”

“You don’t like gadgets?”

She shrugged. “I’m happy with a good book. Give me an e-reader or a paperback, and I can

be easily entertained.”

“What types of books do you like to read?” He appeared genuinely interested, so she didn’t

feel bad answering honestly.

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“I like horror. I like stuff that scares me.” He started laughing, the loud chuckled making her

bounce on his lap. “What’s so funny?”

“I never would have taken you for someone who likes horror. But now that I think about it, I

can see it.”

She raised her brows and stared at his face. “You can?”

He nodded. “I saw the murderous intent in your eyes the night of the ball.”

She tapped him on the shoulder in a mock slap. “You’re bad. What about you? What do you

like to do when you’re not yelling at women for entering your lair?”

His eyes shined in the moonlight. “I take care of Dragosland. It was my father’s job before me

and will be Razzy’s job after.”

She caressed the side of his scruffy face. She didn’t know why, but the feel of the harsh, little

hairs poking out of his jaw turned her on more than his clean-shaven look did. “You must miss your


He held her hand to his cheek. “I do. My dad was a great man. Loved by everyone. When

Brecc’s father killed him, I felt like my heart was being torn out.”

Her chest compressed with sadness. It had to be awful to witness something like that. “I’m

sorry. Your land is beautiful though. You’ve done a great job with Razzy as well.”

He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “You’re so generous. Giving me credit

for something my mother was responsible for.”

She smiled. “Razzy told me she was a little kid when things took place, and you had to take

control of everything. Don’t act like I’m mistaken.”

“Will you miss anything from Earth if you stay here?”

She glanced up at the sky, trying to control how fast her heart decided to beat when she heard

that question. She didn’t know if he was saying something about them. Did he mean he wanted her to

stay with him? God, she hoped so. He made her feel things, so many things. All wonderful and

exciting. “No.” She met his gaze. “I’d just as easily give up everything I had there if I found happiness


“Razzy mentioned you have a hard time with dares.”

She laughed. “Yes. I can’t seem to stop myself from wanting to take each one and make it a


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“What’s the silliest thing you’ve done on a dare?” He adjusted her, so she could lean her head

back on his shoulder.

“I wore a tutu for a whole day while running errands.” She laughed at the memory. “I had so

many weird looks. People asking me if I had a caretaker or if I knew what I was wearing.”

He chuckled. “Sounds like a very interesting day.”

“Hey, you can’t tell me you’ve never done something silly,” she said. “Start spilling.”

He shook his head, thrusting his fingers into her hair. He pushed the strands the wind had

shoved over her face back behind her ear. “I’m too busy to do anything silly.”

She raised her brows and blew a raspberry. “C’mon. I bet you have a naughty streak in you.”

Heat flared in his gaze. “Oh, believe me, beautiful, I definitely have a naughty streak. I can

show it to you when we get back to my bed.”

She inhaled a sharp breath at the way his features turned feral. Whoa! She saw the desire on

his face. “I will definitely take you up on that, but you have to tell me something silly. Come on. Open

up,” she whispered. “Give me your deep, dark secrets.”

He laughed and kissed her cheek. “You don’t see it, but you have such an impish smile.”

“You’re stalling.”

“All right. Okay.” He frowned in thought. “When I was a kid, Brecc and I caught my father

sleeping. My mother had given Razzy, who was a baby at the time, hair bows and things to play with

her toys.”


He nodded. “We put bows in my father’s hair while he slept. When he woke, he chased us

around the house until he caught us. Then he carried each of us on his shoulders and dumped us in the


She laughed, her eyes tearing from the image of him and Brecc as little kids soaking wet. “I

bet that was fun.”

“Not really.” He laughed. “It was the middle of a bad winter. We were freezing when we got

out, but my father had our blankets at hand, and we were warm within a few seconds. Still, it taught us

not to mess with him when he was asleep.”

“How did you two not freeze?” she gasped.

“We’re shifters. Our bodies are used to everything on this planet from a young age. Being cold

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was only a mild inconvenience. The chase was the fun part.” He smiled wistfully. “I had a lot of fun

back then.”

“Thank you for sharing that memory with me.”

He glanced ahead and smiled. “Look. This is what I brought you here for.”

She turned her face and squinted. “What?”

“That opening straight ahead, between the trees.” He lifted a hand and pointed where he

wanted her to look.

She glanced at the area. A bright-orange light appeared on the horizon. It moved up slowly.

Then a second, bigger yellow brightness shone from its right. She watched them both rise next to each

other, almost as if holding hands.


“It’s one of the things I like to watch. When you see them in the morning, they appear to start

out together and rise farther and farther apart. In the evenings, they reunite again.”

She sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder. Another reason to love the suns of

Aurora, even they were romantic. Once they were rising and separating, Vikter hugged her and kissed

her cheek. “Come on. I’ll take you back to bed, so you can continue your sleep.”

Sleeping would be that much better after her time with him. Maybe things were headed in the

direction she hoped. Maybe he’d been looking for more, too. She hoped so, because her feelings were

off the charts for the dragon.

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Becca woke with a smile. She stretched on her bed and sighed, letting her body go lax. The

scent of coffee woke her up. Coffee?

She jerked her eyes open and glanced around. Light filled her room. Unlike the previous night,

when the room provided dark colors to go with her long hours of sex with Vikter, the room was now

a pale yellow. Everything was bright and cheerful inside it: exactly the way she felt.

She hopped out of bed, ignoring her naked state, and winced. Damn that dragon had some

serious stamina. Her back hurt, and she could barely walk. She shuffled to the table where she saw

what looked like a coffee carafe with mugs waiting. Someone had been nice enough to bring her

coffee. Thank god.

She lifted a folded piece of paper.

It isn’t what you call coffee, but we’ve been told it smells and tastes like

it. I hope you enjoy it.


She grinned. A man who fucked her stupid and gave her coffee? All she needed was bacon,

and he’d be a keeper.

She poured the not-coffee into a mug and sniffed it. Definitely smelled like coffee, but with

more hints of cinnamon than she was used to. She added what smelled and looked like milk and

sugar. Then she sat to sip it with a sigh.

Someone knocked at her door, and she glanced down at herself. Shit. She was having coffee

naked. Not something she normally cared about, but clearly whoever was at the door might have

reservations about seeing her nude in her jiggly glory.

She threw on a robe and opened the door to a bright-eyed Razzy.

“Hi.” Razzy smiled. “Can I come in?”

Becca tried and failed to stop herself from grinning from ear to ear. It was silly, yes, but she

was excited about the time she spent with Vikter. She wanted more, to see where this could go.

“Come on in.”

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Razzy sat on a chair by the table. “I’m not sure if this is appropriate or proper, but I wanted to

thank you.”

She frowned. “What for?”

“For being here.” She stood and paced. Becca got the impression Razzy liked to do that when

thinking. “I hadn’t been able to get Vik out of that angry mood he’s been in.” She stopped and glanced

at Becca. “Suddenly, you and he have words, and now he has shaved, cut his hair, and is looking like

himself again.”

Becca raised her brows. She highly doubted that she was the reason Vikter had finally done

all those things. It looked more like he was going through something. But if she did have an impact on

his life to that extent, she was glad to help.

“I don’t know what to say,” Becca mumbled.

“Don’t say anything.” Razzy sighed. “I had to thank you…and warn you. I don’t want your

feelings hurt.”

Becca sat. “Warn me about what?”

“Vik. He’s…” Razzy’s pale face turned crimson with embarrassment. “He’s not interested in

being in a relationship. I don’t… No… I know how far things got last night, and if you’re anything

like me, you’re possibly wondering where this is going.” She bit her lip. “It’s not going anywhere. He

was clear about that. He wants you, but he’s not looking for long-term.”

Becca froze in place. She felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on her. She met

Razzy’s sad gaze and smiled over her shock. “I’m not getting any ideas. One night of sex doesn’t mean

we’re getting married or anything.”

Razzy shifted from foot to foot. “I don’t know how to make this better.”

She stood and shook her head. “Don’t worry. I’m fine. Do you mind giving me some time

alone? I want to get dressed and ready to head back to Charlotte’s place.”

Razzy nodded. “Of course. I can go. Are you sure you don’t prefer for me to stay and talk to


Hell no. She didn’t want the poor girl making excuses for Vikter. Looked like there were

players all over the universe.

“I’m fine. I just need to shower and change.”

Once Razzy was gone, she gulped down the coffee and slammed the bathroom door closed.

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She showered quickly and tried not to think how stupid she felt.

She’d actually done something with Vikter she hadn’t done before. She gave herself ideas

about the future—thoughts of a relationship and possible long-term commitment. Yeah, right. No

matter what planet she was on, a one-night stand was still a one-night stand.

She rushed to dress and pack her overnight bag. The longer she stayed, the angrier she got.

Not with Vikter. He hadn’t made any promises. She was angry with herself, for foolishly thinking

she’d have the same luck as Bella and Charlotte and that being on Aurora would mean she’d find a

great shifter for herself, too. Bullshit.

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Becca lifted the bow and arrow and took aim. Luckily, she had done this before and wouldn’t

look like a total idiot trying to best her new brother-in-law.

She shot the arrow, missing the target by three trees. Fucking hell. She’d never shot that badly.

She growled and glared at the bow. The urge to throw it on the ground and stomp on it hit her fast and


“Are you okay, Becca?” Eros asked.

She turned to face him, having forgotten for a second he was there, and pasted a fake smile

over her face. “Yes.”

He frowned. “Has Charlotte spoken to you much about shifters?”

Becca ground her teeth and shook her head.

“We’re able to sniff lies,” he said, his eyes filled with compassion. “I can tell you’re not


She did growl at that point. “I’m sorry. I should’ve been more adult about this, but I can’t help

being angry.”

He nodded, but she knew she made no sense. “Vikter?”

How he figured that out from her words, she had no clue. “He didn’t say he wanted a

relationship. So why did I go and start planning one? That’s not me.”

Eros put his bow down and walked toward her. “Come on,” he said, walking with her to a

picnic blanket they’d set out. Even though the Ice Mountains were cold, he’d taken her to a much

warmer area for target practice.

They sat, and for a moment he said nothing. She hoped he didn’t feel uncomfortable with her

need to vent.

“I’m sorry,” she started.

“No!” He shook his head and sighed. “Don’t apologize for what you’re feeling. There are a

lot of things I can’t tell you about Vikter, but the one I can tell you is that he’s a good guy.”

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She snorted. “A good guy who won’t say no to a booty call.”

He frowned. “Vikter is going through a difficult time right now. He’s having problems with

his dragon and coming to terms with personal issues.”

“You don’t have to defend him,” she said flatly. “He didn’t do anything wrong.” Hell. More

like everything right. He’d given her more orgasms than she was used to, and it had fucked with her


“Perhaps you should speak to him,” Eros suggested. “I think there are things only he can

explain to you.”

She quickly rejected the idea. “No. If he wanted to talk, then he would’ve come over by now.”

She heard the flapping of wings and glanced up. Sure enough, there was that big, golden

dragon she’d spoken to at the castle. They both stood to get a closer view of the creature.

She watched the giant beast land with a thump, a bundle of something wrapped around his

talon. Suddenly it started to shrink; scales receded and turned to flesh. She should have known:


Who else could have had those intense, golden eyes to match the dragon?

“Fuck!” She turned to face Eros but found herself alone. Great. Now he’d left her to deal with

Vikter on her own. The last thing she wanted was for him to realize she’d gotten ideas about the two

of them, not when he was clearly not interested in her in that way.


“Listen,” she looked away, “we don’t need to talk about what happened.” She turned to put

some distance between her and him.

“Stop,” he yelled.

She whirled around and glared at him. “Don’t come ordering me around. I’ve been patient

with your attitude and shit, so don’t yell at me.”

He stopped short and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to walk away without

listening to me.”

“You mean there’s more than what Razzy told me about you not wanting a relationship, just

one-night use of my body?” She folded her arms over her chest. “There’s more to add to that?”

He curled his hands into fists, clenched his jaw. The vein at the side of his gorgeous face

throbbed like a pulse. She wondered if it’d pop.

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“You don’t understand. It’s best to keep things casual.”

Oh, that fucking asshole. Casual. If she wanted casual, she had ten exes willing to give her

that. The whole point of finally giving in to the strange connection she’d felt with him was that she

thought things would be different.

“Fuck casual!” She stomped away.

“Wait,” he said behind her. “I’m no good for you.”

“Spare me your self-pitying excuses,” she threw over her shoulder. “If you weren’t good for

me, then you wouldn’t have fucked me last night.” She stopped and spun on her heels. “Oh, wait.” She

tapped her chin. “I get it. You are good for that, but not for anything else, huh?”

“No. Yes.”

She turned and continued marching forward. “Good to know you have this argument down


“Stop walking away,” he growled. “I’m trying to speak to you.”

She stopped again. “And I’m trying to ignore you. Get with the program.”

He curled a hand around her arm and pulled her to face him, making her stumble in the

process. He wrapped his other hand around her waist and pushed her against a tree. Her back was

plastered against the hard trunk, while he pressed his body to her front.

He cupped her face to keep her from looking away. “Listen to me,” he rumbled softly. “I want

you. I want you more than my next breath.” His hold on her face softened when she didn’t fight to

escape. “I’d give up whatever life I have left to be with you, but I can’t promise you forever.”

Lord. How could he say things like that and then expect her to act like they’d only had some

one-night stand? He was messing with her head and, fuck, with her heart too.

“What is it you want?” She breathed. “I don’t understand. I’m getting mixed signals, and it’s


Frustration filled his gaze, along with a flash of fire. He pulled away from her. “I want you.

Us. No expectations. No commitments.”

Her face burned as if he’d slapped her. “So good enough to fuck, but not good enough long-

term, huh?” She shook her head. “Fuck you, Vikter. You can take your offer and shove it.” She slid

away from the tree and glared down the path, where she saw Eros farther down. “Don’t bother

following me. I’m not interested in anything else you have to say.”

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She marched away, her body numb and her heart empty. She’d come to another world to be

treated worse than she had been on Earth. Great. Apparently there were jerks everywhere, no matter

the planet.

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Another burst of fire flew out of Vikter’s dragon’s throat. He couldn’t stop him. The beast had

taken control, and there was nothing Vikter could do, not that he could with how furious he was with

himself and the world.

The fading connection between him and the dragon grew fainter. At the moment, he felt as if

the dragon was trying to communicate, but he didn’t understand what the animal wanted. One thing

was for sure: the dragon was angry.

Vikter flew home in a rage. There, Brecc waited for him. He threw clothes on and met him in

his office.

“You do realize she doesn’t know you’re dying,” Brecc said the moment he walked in the


“Yes. I do. It’s best to keep it that way. The last thing I need is pity. If she wanted to be with

me she’d have agreed to my request.”

“Keep things casual?” Brecc winced. “Are you so out of touch with women that you really

expected that to work?”

“She’s smart. I told her I couldn’t. I didn’t say I didn’t want to be with her.”

Brecc shook his head. “Wow. What a play on words.” He marched to one of Vikter’s chairs

and sat, lifting his legs to place his feet on the ottoman next to him. “You should just tell her. She‘ll

probably understand that a lot better.”

Maybe. Or she’d look at him with a pity in her eyes that Vikter would never be able to live


“Are you going to the first flight?” Brecc asked. “Becca told Charlotte how excited she is to

see so many dragons flying together.”

Fucking hell! Stupid Drayken wanting the same woman Vikter did. “I don’t know.”

“You’ve never missed the first flight, Vik.” Brecc shrugged. “It’s not my business, but why

don’t you offer to take her on the first flight? Drayken won’t argue with you. We both know who rules

this family.”

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It used to be Vikter, back when he was in control of his dragon and his life. Another bout of

fire heated his throat. His dragon was angry once again, and he couldn’t figure out why. Unless he

was upset over the same thing Vikter was: Drayken and Becca on the first flight.

His office door burst open, and Razzy rushed inside.

“Vikter, this isn’t working,” she shouted, ignoring Brecc’s presence. “We’ve hurt Becca’s

feelings. She won’t look me in the eye anymore.”

His sister threw herself into his arms and started crying. “Calm down, Razz.”

“Don’t,” she sniffled. “Don’t tell me to calm down. She was my friend, and we hurt her


“Did she stop talking to you?” Vikter asked, patting his sister on the back.

“No. She’s being super nice and acting like nothing’s wrong, but I see the sadness in her

eyes,” she wailed. “We did that.” She pulled away from him, tears staining her cheeks. “We have to

fix it. You have to fix it.”

Great. Just what he needed. “Razzy, she’s fine. Trust me.”

She shook her head and pulled away from him. “She’s not fine, and if you don’t fix this then I


He watched her run out of his office. He ran restless fingers through his short hair and

growled. “Great. Fucking great.”

Brecc sat up and sighed. “I told you to talk to her. Tell her what’s going on. You’d be

surprised. She might be just what you need.”

He didn’t even know what he needed at this point. Between his dragon fighting him for control

and his emotional desire for more time with Becca, he didn’t know what to do.

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Becca fought hard not to roll her eyes in front of her undesired and unexpected guest.

“I said I’d go, Drayken. There was no need to come.”

He smiled and nodded. “I understand, but with it being just a few days away, I wanted to

make sure you would still join us.”

She glanced at Charlotte and bit her tongue when her sister grinned.

“I’ll be there. I promise I’ll show up.”

If he asked her again, she’d throw the piece of cake on her plate at him.

“Wonderful. There is one more thing I wanted to ask. Would you…would you ride on my


She frowned and shot another glance at her sister, who had her eyes wide and shook her head


“I’m not sure…”

“Think about it,” he suggested. “Just think about it. I have to go, but let me know before our


He left the house, and she turned to her sister. “What the hell did he mean?”

A new knock sounded from the front door, and she rushed to open it.

She blinked and moved back, watching Aurora’s favorite matchmaker waltz inside.

“Gerri!” Charlotte grinned and ran to hug the older woman. “Thank you for making the time to

come over.”

Gerri gave Becca a penetrating look and then shook her head. “Is it really so hard for people

to follow instructions?” She sat and huffed. “They ask for mates, I get them mates. Then they fuck it


Becca and Charlotte shared a look before sitting near Gerri. Charlotte leaned forward in her

seat. “What’s happened?”

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“That dragon!” Gerri snapped. “I have met my share of hard-headed males, but he takes the

cake.” She glanced at Becca. “If I didn’t know how you felt about him, I’d kick him off my client list

and move on to finding you someone else.”

“Whoa!” Becca said. “Vikter? Has he come to see you?”

Gerri nodded. “Try to keep up, child. Of course he has. A long time ago. Asking me to find his

mate. All roads lead to you.” She frowned. “But if he isn’t mated to you, then something went wrong


“I’m not his mate,” Becca said. “He doesn’t even want a relationship with me, much less a

long-term commitment. He was very clear about that.”

Gerri growled and slammed her hand on her lap. “Something’s wrong here, and I know it’s

not me.” She gave Becca a serious stare. “I will figure this out. And when I do, I will smack some

sense into that dragon. You two belong together.”

Nice to hear that, considering he didn’t think so.

* * *

Becca tried to think of a good excuse to not ride with Drayken during first flight.

Unfortunately, fear of flying was not a good one, because someone had mentioned to him she’d dove

off a cliff a week ago. So, yeah. Lovely.

“Tell him you feel sick,” Charlotte whispered.

“He’ll know I’m lying. He’s a shifter,” Becca muttered.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.” Charlotte walked beside her, appearing perfectly comfortable

in this new world.

“I’m just going to tell him the truth, and hopefully he’ll understand I’m not interested.” She

stomped on the grass. “Why didn’t you tell me before he showed up that my flying with him was so


Charlotte shrugged. “I didn’t know you said you’d fly with him. I thought you were going to


“I was going to watch, from his dragon’s grasp!” she huffed. “Just wait for me back there,”

she pointed at a large tree away from the people.

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The crowds gathered at the edge of a massive cliff where they’d all take off. She moved

around people, leaving Charlotte behind, and went in search of Drayken. She found him at the front,

speaking to a group of men. She smiled when she caught his attention and motioned for him to come


“Rebecca, I’m so glad you could make it. You’ll love the view from my dragon.”

She pursed her lips and started talking. “I’m sorry, Drayken. I didn’t know the ritual of having

a woman fly from your grasp or on your back meant she was special to you. Or that she would be your

partner.” She took a breath and went on. “I think you’re a nice guy, but I don’t like you like that.”

Cold fury sparked in his eyes. “I see.”

She’d tried to speak softly, so they weren’t overheard. “I’m sorry.”

Without saying anything else, she rushed through the crowd toward Charlotte, but too many

people started to shift, tearing out of their clothes, keeping her rooted to the spot. She watched in awe

as every color dragon she could have ever imagined took to the skies. Instead of going back to

Charlotte, she ran to the edge of the cliff to watch them fly as a group.

Greens, purples, oranges, red, browns, yellows, blacks, and so many hues and sizes, she had

trouble keeping track. She smiled wide, watching the group fly off together. She noticed a red dragon

turned around, headed back to the cliff. That person must’ve forgotten something.

She searched for Charlotte, spotting her off to the side. An expression of terror twisted Char’s

face. A shadow fell over Rebecca, taking away the sun’s warmth. She whipped around to see the

dragon swoop down, much too close. She ran, but was whisked up into the air, caged in massive


“Becca!” Charlotte screamed from the cliff.

Rebecca didn’t attempt anything as stupid as trying to get out of the dragon’s claws. They

were really high, and she was already hyperventilating from knowing she could be let loose and fall

to her death. She curled her arms around one of the talons and hugged it for dear life with her eyes


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It was ironic that she’d been dying to see the Dragosland from the skies, and now that she was

getting the chance, she couldn’t open her eyes. The dragon vibrated, and she swore she was going to

lose her breakfast. With a sudden dive, the dragon lowered until she was on the top of a tower. She

had no idea where, but she wouldn’t be able to get down until he let her.

He loosened his grip on her, shaking her off when she clung to his claw.

She glanced around the little space and then back and the dragon. “You son of a bitch! Get me

down from here.”

His reply was to shoot a burst of fire right above her head—not low enough to burn, but

enough for her to feel the heat. Great warning.

She didn’t know what to do. There were no cell phones in Aurora. She couldn’t call Charlotte

and tell her where she was, not that she knew. There was no GPS, and if there were, she wouldn’t

know how to figure it out.

A loud roar sounded behind her. The golden dragon with angry eyes she’d come to know was

Vikter shot forward above her head and charged Drayken.

Vikter bit Drayken’s wing. Drayken pulled away, snapping his teeth at Vikter’s dragon.

They fought overhead, slamming into trees. Cracking and crashing sounds of the trunks going

down exploded around them.

Vikter bit Drayken’s claw. They tumbled through the air, wings flapping noisily in the wind.

Vikter slammed his tail into Drayken’s side, the giant thorns slashing long gouges into the smaller


She gripped the stones making up the tower. Her heart pumped hard in her chest. She might be

pissed as hell at Vikter, but she didn’t want him hurt.

Vikter opened his massive mouth and bit down on Drayken’s foot. Drayken tried to shake him

off. They whirled in circles, making Becca dizzy with fear. Drayken thrashed his assault on Vikter. It

was horrible, but she wanted Vikter to win.

Drayken swung his tail around, bashing Vikter’s head repeatedly until he released Drayken’s


The massive dragon shot forth, slamming Drayken into the side of a hill. The ground shook.

She watched in horror as Drayken pounded his tail into Vikter’s side. Vikter let out an angry roar and

snapped scores of teeth on Drayken’s shoulder, striking his tail hard against Drayken’s wings. Vik

pummeled again and again, tearing a hole through one of Drayken’s wings.

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Drayken braced on the side of the mountain, then shoved Vikter off. The golden dragon’s wing

caught in a jumble of trees, keeping him stuck long enough for Drayken to make a getaway.

That rat bastard! She watched him struggle to fly with the hole in his wing. She swung her

gaze to where Vikter struggled to get loose. It took a few tries and a lot of growling, but he freed


Settling on the tower, he lowered his head for her to climb. After a few slips and slides, she

held tightly, holding on to his horns as best as she could.

He kept the ride smooth. Although she was scared shitless—no seatbelts on a dragon—she

managed to keep it together.

Once they arrived at his castle, he set her down in a clearing leading inside. She slid off and

watched him shift out of his dragon. She bit her lip to stop herself from gaping. She had a very clear

memory of his naked body, but under the light of the sun, his skin sparkled with perspiration. Muscles,

corded with tension, flexed and held her entranced.

“Thank you,” she said.

He gave a sharp nod and turned to the castle. She followed after him, trying unsuccessfully not

to stare at his sexy ass. She wanted so badly to slap his cheeks that she heard the stinging smack in her


They walked through the door, and a man, who she swore appeared out of thin air, handed

Vikter a robe. She glared at the idiot who give him the material to cover his amazing body.

He continued down a hallway, and she still followed. Why? She had no clue. He’d saved her,

and that meant something. He entered a room, and she went in. Too late, she realized it was his


She stopped a few feet inside. He didn’t. He continued to a massive wall of glass revealing

the outdoors.

She bit her lip and watched the robe come off. That’s when she noticed the scratches on his

back. She’d been so focused on his ass, she hadn’t seen them. Taking quiet steps, she shut the door

behind her and made her way across the room to where he stood.

“Thank you,” she whispered, wanting badly to reach out and touch him.

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Vikter fought the anger riding his veins. He’d wanted to destroy Drayken. His own family.

Even though Drayken told him he hadn’t been looking to harm Becca, Vikter’s dragon didn’t give a

fuck. He needed to be dead. If Vikter hadn’t gotten caught up in the tree branches, he’d have killed his


“You don’t need to thank me,” he said, watching her in the reflection of the window glass.

“Yes, I do. You saved my life,” she glanced at her hands and then at his shoulders. “No one

has ever done something like that before.”

“Been abducted by a lot of dragons in the past, have you?”

She jerked her gaze to his head and glared. “No. You know, you’re a real asshole,” she said.

“I let go of all the crap you said and try to show appreciation, and you’re still being a jerk.”

He turned to face her. Her eyes widened, her gaze clashing with his. “I’m a jerk?”

She nodded, taking a step to the side. “Yes. You are. I’m a pretty laid-back person, but you’ve

managed to piss me off at every turn since I met you.”

“I said you don’t need to thank me, and you don’t. I’d have fought him to my death if it meant

saving you,” he stated flatly.

Her brows drew down and she closed the distance between them. “Do you see what you are

doing?” She lifted a hand and poked him in the chest with her index finger. “You say shit like that and

then tell me you want to keep things casual.”

He grabbed her by the arms and pressed her against the glass. “I can’t give you more than that.

It’s impossible.”

Anger flashed in her eyes. “You know something? Fuck you. I’m done trying to understand

you. These games you play where you act like you want me more than anyone else, only to push me

away? They’re fucking exhausting, and I don’t have the patience for it. I’m going back to Earth.” She

wiggled to get out of his hold but couldn’t, so she glared at him harder. “Let. Me. Go.”

He should. He would only make things worse by holding on to her. She needed to distance

herself from him. But he didn’t care what he should do at the moment. Fuck being nice. He wanted

Becca. Her sweetness and understanding had ensnared his heart. “No.”

She opened her mouth, ready to say something he knew she’d later on regret. His head

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dropped, his lips taking hers in a hungry kiss—a kiss he’d been unable to ignore since the last time

he’d had her body in his grasp.

His need for her felt overwhelming, like he was losing himself without her. Every emotion she

pulled out of him had filled him with desperation.

She fought him at first, pushing his body, but her anger redirected the moment he plunged his

tongue into her mouth. A soft moan sounded from her. She raked her nails over his shoulders, gripping

and squeezing.

Lust hazed his thinking. He yanked at her clothes, tearing at the material and touching her

everywhere he could. Their kiss turned wilder, bolder. Tongues mated, he groaned, and she sighed.

He cupped the heavy weight of her breasts, grazing his thumbs over her nipples, tightening the tiny


Pulling his mouth from hers, he licked and nipped his way to her tits. She arched her back,

offering them to him. He laved her warm skin and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, God!” She gripped his short hair with one hand and his shoulder with the other.

There was so much beauty in watching her enjoy his mouth on her breast, sucking and fondling

until she squirmed from foot to foot. He let go of her tit, continuing his trek down to her soft belly. He

bit the smooth area around her belly button, licking and sucking the little hole.

“Ah, fuck, that feels good,” she mumbled.

He kneeled between her legs, mesmerized by the heat of her pussy and the delectable scent of

her desire.

He glanced up and licked his lips. Her beautiful curves glowed with perspiration. He wanted

to kiss his way up her body and claim every dip on her.

“Hang on,” he said.

She opened her eyes and looked around until she saw two leather straps hanging to either side

of her head. She looped her arms through the openings and gripped the leather tight.

“Vikter,” she moaned. “This will take little effort on your part if you keep me waiting much

longer. I’m so close.” She gasped when he ran a finger between her lips into her pussy. “So close.”

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Becca clung to the leather straps for dear life. She was going to lose her mind if Vikter didn’t

do more than tease her.

“I love your scent,” he inhaled and pressed his nose into her pussy. “I want to spend all night

fucking you with my tongue. Making you scream.”

Hell, yes! She could go for some, or a lot, of that. “Please,” she said breathlessly.

He grabbed one of her large thighs and draped it over his shoulder, making her pelvis tilt

toward his face. Then he did the same with the other, until her back was pressed on the glass, and she

was using the leather straps to hold herself upright.

Suddenly, he started to stand. She squealed. The leather straps shortened the straighter he got,

until he was standing at full height, her arms pulled above her head and his face in her pussy.

She leaned back farther, wiggling her lower body closer to his mouth. He held her up by her

ass cheeks, pulling her pussy flush against his lips, as if she weighed next to nothing. He didn’t even

lose his breath standing with her on his shoulders.

“Vikter,” she gasped. “Are you insane?”

He licked at her inner thigh and glanced up. “Why would I be insane?”

“I’m a really heavy girl,” she stated, matter-of-factly. “You’re going to hurt yourself holding

me up like this.”

A slow, wicked grin spread over his lips. “Heavy? Maybe on sarcasm,” he chuckled. “You’re

so small. I could hold you like this all day.” He rubbed his nose on her clit, and she saw stars. “I just

might, too. It’s a beautiful view I’ve got.” He nipped at one of her pussy lips and grunted. “And you

taste better than any sweet. Fucking perfect.”

She groaned. He tongued her pussy like he was reaching for her fucking soul. Her belly

quivered, and her pussy throbbed. She wanted him inside her. “Vikter, I need more. I need you.”

He rumbled, sucking her clit and sending vibrations shooting up her back.

“God, Vikter!” She couldn’t stop her hips from rocking. “I want you fucking me. Your cock

thrusting deep, stretching me until I can take no more.” She glanced down and met his bright, golden

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gaze as he pressed his mouth over her clit. “I want you to come in me. I want to feel you. All of you.

Every drop of your cum making my body your home.”

He sucked her clit harder, sending her over the edge. She gripped the leather and screamed,

angling her head back and pressing her pussy against his mouth. Tides of bliss shook her to the core.

She moaned through harsh puffs of breath. He lowered her slowly, the leather once again extending.

Once she was on the ground, he held her up by the waist until she was loose of the straps. She

curled her legs around his waist and pressed her mouth to his. Good god, the taste. It was sexy as hell

to taste herself on his lips.

She licked his mouth, his face, and jaw. Fuck! She wanted to lick him from head to toe.

“Take me to bed,” she ordered between kisses.

He turned, carrying her to the edge of his massive bed. It had to be twice the size of a regular

king, with enough space to hold more than a few bodies. Either he liked his space in bed, or he held

orgies on the regular. She’d rather think the former than the latter.

He placed her on the bed, and she scooted to the center, bent her finger motioning him

forward. “Come here.”

He smiled and followed her to the center of the bed. “Have something in mind?”

She licked her lips and stroked her gaze down his body. He had such an amazing physique,

athletic with enough muscle to make a woman drool. Her vision shot down to his massive erection.

Lord have mercy. He was hard, and beads of pre-cum gathered at the head of his cock.

“I have a very big something in mind.” She grinned. She pushed him back. His head hit the

pillows, and she knelt between his legs. She loved that look of confusion on his face.

“What are you doing?”

She lowered her head to his dick, licking around the rim. He groaned, and she smiled. “I’m

getting a taste of you.” She curled her tongue around his cock and licked up his shaft. “Mmmm.”

His hips bucked, pushing his cock into her lips. “Fuck. Your mouth is so hot,” he grunted.

“Your tongue is so soft and wet.” He pushed her hair out of his view and held it behind her head. “Do

it, Becca. Suck my cock with your beautiful mouth. Stroke your sexy tongue over me.”

She opened wide and took him down her throat. Well, as much of him as she could. The

reality was he was long and thick. Still, she enjoyed the feeling of him filling her mouth.

“That’s it. Suck me,” he said in a rough voice. “Do it, and I’ll fuck your pretty little pussy.”

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She pulled back, letting him slide out of her lips, full of her saliva. Then she took him in

again, farther than before. His cock hit the back of her throat, and she gagged.

“Yes,” he encouraged, gripping her hair tighter. The only sound to be heard was wet suction

noises from her. “That sound is so fucking sexy when you make it.”

She propelled back and swished her tongue over his slick length from side to side. He thrust

into her mouth, pulling and pushing her head over his cock. His body tensed. Instead of slowing, she

sped up. He grunted and lifted his hips off the bed, trying to go deeper into her mouth. She grasped his

shaft with one hand, jerking and sucking while she fondled his balls with the other hand.

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He sucked in harsh breaths, his abs contracting with each intake of air. She sucked and

pumped harder, watching his body tense to granite. A thought crossed her mind. She slapped her hand

on his thigh, scraping her nails into his leg in conjunction with her sucking and jerking.

He pulled on her hair hard as he came. A loud roar sounded from him as semen jetted out. She

sucked fast, some of it going down her throat, sweet as candy, but his thick semen filled her mouth.

She released him while he was still coming. She held his cock over her tits, letting the stream of his

seed coat her chest, down to her belly.

To her surprise, he didn’t go limp. He was still hard as a rock and looking ready to fuck her

into the next galaxy.

She kneeled back, glancing down at the mess covering her body. Driven by pure instinct, she

slid her hands over her chest, massaging his cum on her breasts.

“That is fucking gorgeous,” he growled, sitting up with a lot more speed than she’d seen in

him. “You want my scent on you, my beautiful Becca?”

She nodded, lifting a sticky finger up to her lips and sucking. “I love your taste.”

She didn’t ask how one second she was kneeling in front of him and the next he was carrying

her right back to the massive glass wall.


“I want to fuck you, my beautiful. I’m going to fuck you under the light of both moons.” He

placed her hands on the warm glass, pulling her hips back and spreading her legs wide. “I’ll fuck

your hot, wet pussy from behind.” He licked the back of her neck. “You’ll want me to.” He slid his

tongue down her spine, until he reached the curve of her ass. “There’s no denying it. You’ll want me

to make you scream.” He kissed her cheeks. “Make your legs shake and your pussy burn.” He spread

her ass cheeks and ran his tongue down to her hole. “To come inside you and fuck you until your body

can’t take any more.”

“Yes,” she nodded, her head dropping forward and her nipples already beaded tightly from

need. “Do it.”

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White-hot fire spread through her body as he flicked his tongue in circles over her asshole.

Goddamn, she’d never had anyone do that before. It felt strange and fucking awesome at the same


He growled, going down between her cheeks and back up to the curve of her ass. He placed a

hand on her hip, pushing his cock into her pussy. It was even better to feel him taking her this way.

Her pussy contracted around his cock as he slid into her.

“Ah, yes,” he groaned. “So tight.”

She choked on a breath, putting more of her weight on her hands. She angled her hips farther

back, pushing into his cock. He started slow but suddenly drove his cock into her ferociously. Hard.


She clawed at the glass, looking for leverage. He grabbed her arm with his other hand, fucking

her deep and rough. With every stroke into her, his cock rubbed a new angle.

“Yesss…,” she mumbled. Her pussy felt on fire. She was so close to orgasm but not close

enough. The hand on her waist moved to the front of her right hip, his fingers digging into her flesh.

Thrust after thrust, he claimed her with his cock. Dominating. Owning. Mastering her with

every drive.

The hand on her hip and arm heated. The closer she got to finding release, his hands turned

warmer on her skin. With another passionate drive, he plunged deep into her, pulsing inside her and

finally taking her over the edge.

She dropped her head forward on a scream. Her pussy clamped tightly around his dick. He

slowed his thrusts, tensing.

A loud roar sounded from him at her back. He spilled his cum deep in her contracting channel.

Her body and brain refused to work. It was a good thing he was easily able to pick her up and carry

her back to the bed.

She was taken aback when he pressed something and the wall of glass opened to let in a

cooling wind. Her breath was still choppy when he lay beside her, holding her close, letting the cool

air from the outdoors wash over them.

She needed to move on. Vikter might be the best man she’d ever met in bed, but emotionally,

he was tearing her apart. She wanted badly to be with him but refused to beg. If he didn’t want her,

then she wouldn’t mention it again.

He slid his hand over her belly and traced circles over her skin with so much tenderness she

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wasn’t sure what to think. Tomorrow she’d cut off all ties to the commitment-phobic dragon. Tonight,

tonight she’d keep him for herself.

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Becca glanced at the marks and didn’t know what to do. He’d marked her. Twice.

“Becca,” Charlotte called from the other side of her door. “Can I come in?”

She threw on a long-sleeved robe and opened the door. “What’s going on?”

Charlotte gave a sad look. “I’m sorry about you and Vikter,” she sighed, her shoulders

dropping. “I really thought he’d get his shit together and realize it’s better to have you for a short time

than not at all.”

Becca frowned. “Why would I want him for a short time? Am I not worth long-term?”

Charlotte’s eyes widened. “I… No. That’s not it at all. But you…you know, right?”

Becca shook her head. “Know what?”

“About his dragon and the mate thing?” Charlotte sat on Becca’s bed and started wringing her

fingers. “He needed to find a mate before it was too late. If he didn’t, his dragon would disconnect

from him and soon the dragon would die. And then he would too.”

“What?!” Becca gasped. “I don’t understand.”

“Well, you see, he didn’t find his mate. So that means he’s got very little time left.”

She gaped. “Why is it so important that he find this mate?”

Charlotte made a frustrated face and shoved long curls over her shoulder. “Normally, the mate

is the one woman he is destined to be with. Only she gets his mark, and she can save him.”

“Mark?” Becca asked, her heart beating at twice the normal speed.

“Yes.” Charlotte folded her legs on top of the bed. “When a dragon mates, he will instantly

mark his mate with the mark of his dragon. I’ve been told it’s different for each family, and it looks

like a tattoo.”

“You said instantly?” She frowned. The marks had taken days to show up on Becca’s arm and

hip. Like a photo being developed, the outline had showed up at first, then the faint color became

brighter and the image clearer. Within a week, she had what looked like two brand-new tattoos of a

golden dragon on her arm and hip.

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“Yep. Anyway, with Vikter dying, I didn’t think he’d be so hard-headed that he’d turn love

away to focus on death.” She inhaled loudly and let it out quickly. “You guys are so perfect for each

other. Even I can see it.”

Becca wasn’t sure what to do. On the one hand, she was glad she was Vikter’s mate. It meant

he wasn’t going to die. He’d mated and marked her, and now that meant he’d live. At least from what

she knew that’s what it would mean. On the other hand, she didn’t want to tell him.

He refused to love her, because of his situation. If he couldn’t accept his feelings for her,

without knowing she was his dragon’s mate, then what kind of relationship could they hope to have?

* * *

Vikter didn’t know why, but he felt different. His link with the dragon had started to

strengthen. Was this what happened at the end? The link helped him think clearer. He wasn’t angry,

and his focus shifted to Becca.

His office door burst open, and Razzy marched in with an angry scowl. “How could you,


She slapped her hands on her tiny waist and tapped her booted foot.

“What exactly did I do now?”

“You let her go. You let her go, and you love her,” she said. “Why?”

He’d been debating for days how to approach his need for Becca. It had grown every day she

was away from him. It wasn’t even the lust driving his thoughts anymore. It was emotions. His heart

ached for her, for her touch, her smile. He missed simple things like being near her.

“It wasn’t fair to keep her when I can’t give her the time she needs,” he said. It hurt him to the

depths of his soul, but he knew her attaching to him would be worse later on for her.

The anger in Razzy’s eyes was replaced with sorrow. “You’re a good man, Vik. But you’re


He didn’t get a chance to reply. She whirled around and headed out. Before she walked away,

she stopped at the door. “I’m going on a picnic with Becca by the giant rainbow tree. She doesn’t feel

comfortable coming here any longer.”

Her words stabbed him in the gut. The last thing he’d wanted was Becca to feel uncomfortable

in the castle. He paced his office, wondering when the thoughts of her would stop consuming him. The

answer was clear: never.

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Becca sighed. On one side, she had Charlotte, Gerri, and Razzy trying to make her feel better

about Vikter, and in the process making her feel worse. She didn’t want to talk about him or the fact

that the man didn’t want to commit to her, even if he thought he was dying. Then there was Laina

making stupid remarks every few moments.

“Aunt Laina…” Razzy grinned. “I said you could join us, because I thought you were right.

You shouldn’t be punished for what Drayken did, but can you stop trying to defend him every few

seconds. We aren’t interested in why he did what he did. He was wrong for abducting Becca.


Bam! Becca tried not to smile at the polite but firm way Razzy took down her aunt.

“I know, darling, but he is truly a good man,” she said, giving Becca a side glare. “Some men

just don’t know how to handle rejection.”

Becca’s anger rose. “Maybe you should have taught him he’s not always getting what he

wants,” she snapped. “Instead of looking for excuses for what he did.”

“Really, Razzy,” Laina stood. “You’re not letting some Earth whore speak to me that way, are


Charlotte, Gerri, and Razzy jumped to their feet. Becca was the last to rise.

“Whore?” Becca asked, between gritted teeth. “Where the hell are you getting your

information, you old hag?”

“I knew you had no shame,” Laina spat. “I knew you were letting Vikter manhandle you under

the table. We all knew.”

“Mother!” Drayken yelled, coming into view from between the trees. “I didn’t ask you to

bring her here for this.”

Laina rushed off to Drayken’s side. “I’m sorry, son. I don’t understand what you see in her.

Vikter’s already had her. He didn’t want her.”

“Say another thing, you crazy bitch, and I’ll forget you’re almost twice my age and show you

what an Earth ass-whoopin’ feels like,” Becca promised. “Go on. Say one more thing.”

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“Becca,” Drayken said, taking a step toward her.

Gerri and Charlotte rushed to stand in front of her. Razzy moved ahead of the line to get in

front of them.

“I promise I won’t hurt you,” he said.

Razzy turned to look over her shoulder at Becca. “He’s being honest. We’d know if he was


Becca met Charlotte’s worried gaze and Gerri’s angry one.

“It’s your decision,” Charlotte said.

“But if he tries anything,” Gerri added, “we’re right here.”

Razzy nodded. “I can fly.”

They were trying so hard to make her feel better, but Becca knew it was unnecessary.

She took a few steps forward and stopped some feet away from the others. She waited for him

to approach her.

“I’m sorry, Becca,” Drayken said, marching toward her. “I let my frustration and anger control

me. What I did was wrong.”

She nodded. “I appreciate the apology, but let’s just forget it.”

He took another step. “I was hoping you’d forgive me. I’d like to start again.”

He offered her a hand. She met his gaze. “I’m not looking for a relationship, Drayken. I’m not

the one for you.”

He closed the distance between them. “Just give me a chance. I can be your friend first, if that

makes you feel better. We can start slow.”

She shook her head and stepped away. “You don’t understand. I already love someone else.”

Anger brightened in his red eyes. “He doesn’t want you,” he spat. “He’s going to die.” He

continued closing in. “I want you. I want you for myself. Fuck Vikter. Once he’s gone you and I can

rule together.” He shot a hateful look at Razzy. “She’s no competition. I can take her out and we can

own Dragosland.”

“Are you fucking crazy?” She gasped.

He grasped at her arms. “Let me show you what it means to be appreciated. I will make you

my queen. Vikter’s going to die and I’ll be there to replace him when he does.”

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She didn’t make a struggling move. Not when her anger had gone through the rough. “You

think his dying will change my mind? That doesn’t make any difference where emotions are

concerned,” she said. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

He started to squeeze at her arms when Vikter showed up. He marched forward, yanked

Drayken off Becca and hooked a left, catching Drayken’s jaw and sending him flying in a full turn. He

landed on his ass, bleeding from his lip.

“Stay away from her,” Vikter growled. “She’s mine.”

“Vikter, you don’t want her,” Drayken yelled. “Besides, you’re as good as dead.”

Vikter dropped down to the ground, picked Drayken up by his collar and tossed him against a

tree. “Next time you touch her, I’ll kill you.”

A collective gasp went through the women.

“Hang on a fucking second here,” Becca retorted. “You can’t claim I’m yours and do your He-

Man session, then tell me you don’t want me.”

Laina rushed to Drayken in full screams. She turned to them, her voice filled with fury. “This

family is a disgrace. It would be too soon if I never see any of you again.”

Drayken wiped at the blood on his lips and leaned on his mother. They left, the others staring

behind them.

Vikter took his sweet time turning around to look at Becca. When he did, she was waiting for

his answer.

She glanced over her shoulder and saw Razzy, Charlotte, and Gerri quietly moving back to

give them space.

“Rebecca,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “I can’t stay away from you.”

“Nice way to get this going,” she said, raising a brow.

“What do you want to hear? That I love you?” he growled. “Yes, I love you. I don’t know

when or how, but I couldn’t stop the emotion from taking control of my heart. I tried to do what was

best for you by keeping you away.”

She shoved her hands into her loose-knit pants. “Why was that best for me? I would think if

you loved me, being with you is the best thing for me.”

He shook his head. “I do love you. Totally. So fully it hurts my soul to know I’ll leave you

alone.” He glanced at his hands and then back to her face. “I’m dying.”

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She cleared her throat, emotion clogging her airways, making her eyes well up with moisture.

“No, you’re not.”

He nodded. “I couldn’t find my dragon’s mate.” He shrugged. “But none of that matters,

because I found the woman I love. I found someone to fill my heart with love.”

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She tried to contain the tears, but it was damn hard with the things he was saying. “Vikter…”

“No. Let me speak. I was wrong in saying what I did. If I only have a few days to live, then I

want to spend them with you. No one else.” He gave her such a tender look, she didn’t know what to

say. “I may die tomorrow, but as long as I have you by my side, it’s okay.”

She started crying at that point. He finally realized he wanted to be with her whether she was

his dragon’s mate or not.

“You’re not dying, you hard-headed dragon,” Gerri said, walking up on them.

Becca tried to agree with her, but the knot in her throat was too big. She swallowed what felt

like sandpaper.

“Gerri,” Charlotte said. “Maybe we can wait until later to try and make him not give up on


“Yeah,” Razzy whispered. “He’s finally admitting his feelings.”

Gerri rolled her eyes and turned back to Becca and Vikter. “You,” she said pointedly at

Vikter, “are not dying.” Then she turned to Becca and grinned. “And you are much too smart for your

own good.”

Becca smiled through her tears and nodded. Gerri pushed back Becca’s long, flowy sleeves,

so everyone could see the golden dragon tattoo on her arm.

“You found your dragon’s mate, Vikter. She’s right here,” Gerri said.

Becca tried speaking again. “It’s true,” she met Vikter’s shocked gaze. “You’re not dying.”

“I didn’t see that on you when you were at the castle!” Vikter exclaimed, moving forward and

taking in her massive dragon mark.

“It took a lot of days to develop, but I have two,” she said, lifting her top to show him the one

on her hip.

He slid his fingers over the mark, curling his hand around her hips and hugging her to him.

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“I don’t understand,” Charlotte said, her tone more than a little confused. “If she was his mate,

why didn’t he instantly recognize her from the beginning? Isn’t that the norm?”

“Yes. Unless you’re dying,” Gerri said. “Vikter’s disconnect with his dragon and their fading

link meant the dragon couldn’t communicate with him like most dragons do. So while the dragon

knew she was his mate, Vikter didn’t. It wasn’t until the dragon marked her that it strengthen their

bond again and gave Vikter his life back.”

“Why,” Becca cleared her throat. “Why didn’t you mark me the first time we…ah…you


“He wouldn’t know.” Gerri grinned. “But I can deduce why. You see, for a marking to

happen, the link has to be solid, and both the man and the dragon in full agreement of it taking place. It

sounds like the weak link didn’t allow for it the first time.” She smiled. “But your continued time

together gave the dragon that extra strength to connect with Vikter and make it happen that last time.”

“Okay, now that we’ve got that figured out, why don’t the three of us go for a stroll,” Charlotte

said to Gerri and Razzy.

Gerri nodded. “I knew there had to be a reason for all this nonsense.”

Becca watched them disappear between the trees and glanced up at Vikter. “I couldn’t tell you

about it until I knew you wouldn’t reject me because you were dying.”

He nodded. “You’ve saved my life. In more ways than one.”

She curled her arms around his neck and kissed him. She’d missed him so much. The past

days had been so empty, and every time she glanced at her mark, a bout of sadness had taken over her


He pulled back, his eyes no longer filled with anger or frustration, or even sadness. There

was love in them. So much love.

“If I only had one day to live, I’d still choose to spend it loving you.”

She kissed him again. Harder. Deeper. There would be no dying for her dragon. It was time to

live. She pulled back and smiled.

“I love you, you big, grumpy dragon.”

He laughed. “So many nice words coming out of your beautiful mouth.” He caressed her face,

hooking his hand around her neck and holding her still. “I love you, Becca. I love your sass, your

humor, and most of all, I love your heart.”

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She hugged him hard, finally able to be happy with the one man she wanted. “You know just

what to say to get a girl to take her panties off, don’t you?”

He chuckled loudly. “I know just the spot where you can get a great view of the sky while I

get a taste of you.”

Yeah, he knew just what to say.

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Gerri stared at the mess her apartment had turned into while she’d been gone. Thank god she

had so many people helping take care of her stuff while she’d been in Aurora.

Dammit. She was definitely going to need another assistant. She’d managed to sit for five

minutes before her communicator from Aurora buzzed.

Now what? She pressed the button, and Karel, one of her favorite people, popped up in a


“Karel,” she sighed. “I just sat down. There better be a damn good reason for you to be

calling me.”

He nodded. “There’s someone here in urgent need of your services.”

Gerri sighed. It was always urgent. “Wonderful. Who is it now?”

His hologram stared straight at her. “Me.”


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A Letter from Gerri Wilder

Dear readers,

I understand your love for books is what keeps you coming back to PDA and Milly Taiden.

If you enjoyed this book, I urge you to please tell your friends, share the links, and help Milly keep

telling my adventures in matchmaking. Another way to show your support is to write a review on

Amazon. It doesn’t have to be long—just a few words can be a great way to encourage Milly into

writing more of my stories.

Do you have a question for me? Want to be matched? Check out Milly’s

Facebook page,

and I will answer questions as Milly allows with her crazy schedule. Who knows, your questions

may show up in the next letter from my part of Milly’s book.

Someone emailed Milly to ask if I ever planned on doing a dragon mating, well Scaling Her

Dragon was for all you wonderful fans who wanted it. Recently, someone requested I help find a

mate for Karel. We shall see…

Until next time. Now, I must search out a new assistant. Again.


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New York Times and USA Today Bestseller

Hi! I’m Milly Taiden. I love to write sexy stories featuring fun, sassy heroines with curves and

growly alpha males with fur. My books are a great, quick way to satisfy your craving for paranormal
romantic comedies with lots of romance, heat, and happily ever afters.

I live in Florida with my hubby, our boy child, and our little fur baby “Needy Speedy.” Yes, I am

aware I’m bossy, and I am seriously addicted to shoe shopping and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.

Hey, I love to meet new readers, so come sign up for my newsletter and check out my Facebook

page. We always have lots of fun stuff going on there.


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Find out more about Milly Taiden here:





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If you liked this story, you might also enjoy the following by Milly Taiden:

Sassy Mates Series

Scent of a Mate Sassy Mates Book One

A Mate’s Bite Sassy Mates Book Two

Unexpectedly Mated Sassy Mates Book Three

A Sassy Wedding Short 3.7

The Mate Challenge Sassy Mates Book Four

Sassy in Diapers Short 4.3

Fighting for her Mate Book Five – Coming Soon

Federal Paranormal Unit

Wolf Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book One

Dangerous Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Two

Black Meadow Pack

Sharp Change Black Meadows Pack Book One

Caged Heat Black Meadows Pack Book Two

Paranormal Dating Agency

Twice the Growl Book One

Geek Bearing Gifts Book Two

The Purrfect Match Book Three

Curves ‘Em Right Book Four

Tall, Dark and Panther Book Five

The Alion King Book Six

There’s Snow Escape Book Seven

Scaling Her Dragon Book Eight

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FUR-ocious Lust - Bears

Fur-Bidden Book One

Fur-Gotten Book Two

Fur-Given Book Three

FUR-ocious Lust - Tigers

Stripe-Tease Book Four

Stripe-Search Book Five

Stripe-Club Book Six

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Other Works

Wolf Fever

Fate’s Wish

Wynter’s Captive

Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1

Club Duo Boxed Set

Don’t Drink and Hex

Hex Gone Wild

Hex and Kisses

Hex You Up (coming soon)

Hex with an Ex (coming soon)

Alpha Owned

Bitten by Night

Seduced by Days

Mated by Night

Taken by Night

Captured by Night (coming soon)

Match Made in Hell

Hellhound Needs a Mate (coming soon)

If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review, even if it's only a line or two; it

would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated.

Thank you!

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