Paranormal Dating Agency 6 The Aion King Milly Taiden

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Isabella Barca is great at organizing—not so great at keeping her nose out of trouble. When Bella goes to work as Mrs. Wilder’s

assistant, the opportunity of a lifetime pops up: travel with Gerri to another planet, a shifter planet, and help Gerri find a lion king his mate.

Alyx Treyvaal isn’t known for being patient. A lion doesn’t ask for help. A lion doesn’t apologize. And he most certainly does not purr.

But once he meets Bella, he finds himself doing all of the above…except for purring. He will not purr.

With wolves stirring all kinds of trouble for them and a cousin who would like to shred Bella to ribbons, things are not simple for the

couple. Not at all. One thing’s for sure, when his mate is taken and threatened, the entire planet will hear the lion king’s roar.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be

construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By

Latin Goddess Press

New York, NY 10456

The Alion King

Copyright © 2015 by Milly Taiden

Cover by Willsin Rowe

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except

in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Property of Milly Taiden

July 2015

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—For Robyn

Without you, the end would have still been the beginning. I love you.

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Isabella Barca glanced at the door with trepidation. Her cousin, Tally, had spoken to Mrs.

Wilder on her behalf. Since Mrs. Wilder needed an assistant and Bella had just lost her temp job, it

seemed like a great fit. Considering Mrs. Wilder’s matchmaking business was growing exponentially,

Bella was worried about messing up for the lovely woman, not that Bella ever messed up due to lack

of work ethic. It seemed her inability to stop working on something until she felt it was perfect

annoyed some of her previous bosses.

The door flung open, and Mrs. Wilder looked her over from top to bottom. “Why are you just

standing there?” She frowned and met Bella’s gaze. “You’ve been standing there for the past five

minutes, and I have been giving you time to knock, but you didn’t. What’s wrong? Don’t you want the


Bella nodded jerkily. “I do. I’m sorry, Gerri,” she said, having already been chastised once

for calling her Mrs. Wilder. “I’m a bit worried about not meeting your expectations.”

Bella didn’t like office work. In fact, she hated it, but she was so good at being organized that

it was one of the things she’d learned without much effort. To work in an office, all one needed was a

good sense of organization and punctuality. And a boss who was never around to watch her obsessing

over perfection.

“Stop stressing. Come inside and let’s talk.” Gerri moved out of the way and motioned for her

to come in with her head.

“Thank you.” She slid her hands over her wide hips, wiping the gathering sweat on her pants.

As a curvy woman, Bella had always embraced her body. She loved it; whoever didn’t could go fuck

themselves. It was that simple.

Gerri’s apartment had been undergoing renovations. She’d opened up into the one next door

when the person had moved out not long ago, and now she had a much bigger space for her business.

All right. She could do this. She was great at organizing people. “You said to wear

comfortable clothes.”

So she’d worn a pair of super-soft cotton pants and a tank top. It was hot as hell, and she’d be

working in a very busy office filled with boxes.

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“Thank you for listening to my request,” Gerri said, as they headed through the opening to the

giant office she’d created out of the next-door apartment. “You really don’t need to dress up. You’re

doing so much hands-on work, especially with organizing the files and setting up all my things in an

orderly fashion. I don’t expect you to wear a suit for any of that.”

Stacks of boxes lined the other apartment, as well as chairs, two desks, and various electronic

devices—some she hadn’t seen before. They actually looked pretty different than anything she’d ever


“I’m staying over here and check on my mail while you sort through those boxes,” Gerri

pointed toward the desk. “Most of it is books. Later, once we’ve opened up some work space, you

can create new customer files.”

Bella nodded and glanced at the boxes piled on one of the desks. “Sure. Anything you want me

to be careful with?”

Gerri frowned. “No, just find a spot for everything. Make my life easier.”

She grinned. “You got it, Gerri.”

Gerri smiled and turned to her living room.

Bypassing mountains of books, Bella moved to the boxes on the desk. The first was labeled

“stuff.” Gerri could be so helpful. She opened it and rummaged through what looked like small

antiques that would look great in Gerri’s working area once they had the whole place set up. She

closed the box and moved to the next. Like the last one, it was labeled with just “IDT.”

She’d need to start a list of what the heck these labels meant. She opened the box. There was

what appeared to be a small tablet inside. She picked it up, brushed the dust off the screen, and stared

at it. Unlike most tablets, this one did not have any buttons.

She turned it to and fro, looking for a way to turn the machine on. Nothing.

“Do you want something to drink, Bella?” Gerri asked. The question made her jump and drop

the tablet into the box.

“Iced tea if you have it,” she called out, her hands shaking. She so needed to get ahold of

herself and cut out the bullshit. Gerri was going to think she’d never had a job in her life.

“Who in their right mind wouldn’t have iced tea when it’s as hot as fried hell outside?”

She giggled at Gerri’s sarcasm and picked up the tablet, set it on the desk, and pulled out other

items from the box.

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Gerri showed up a few minutes later with a large, sweaty glass of iced tea. “You are already

making progress, I see.”

She’d piled up a bunch of items on the desk, thinking to move them to drawers. Next she’d

tackle the books, since Gerri had a wall of shelving made for them.

“I’m going to get as much done as I can today.”

Gerri nodded with a grin. “Wonderful. I’m stepping out for a little while. I have to meet my

godson for lunch, but you do whatever you need to in here.” She glanced around the boxes. “Stay

away from anything marked ‘IDT.’”

She picked up a stack of books and moved them to the table by the shelves. “Okay. I’ll be


“Don’t feel bad if we don’t get enough done today. At least you got started. Things should

pick up now that you have.”

She loved that Gerri helped match curvy women with shifters—shifters who loved curves. It

looked like things weren’t going to work out with James. She might consider asking Gerri to match

her. As it was, she’d gone on four dates with James and had fallen asleep on two and zoned out on the


He had to be the most boring man she’d ever dated. But he was nice. Heck, even James’s

voice tended to make her sleepy—not that they were exclusive or anything. She’d made it a point to

tell James she wasn’t ready for anything serious and wanted to keep the door open for either of them

to date someone else they might feel more strongly about.

At first, James objected, but eventually he gave in and agreed. She was glad, because their

last date had been the worst so far. She didn’t see them going on many more.

Gerri had been gone for all of ten minutes when Bella’s attention was drawn back to the tablet

on the table. How in the hell did it turn on? She knew better than to touch it. She did. But did she

listen to the voice saying stop? No way. She was too interested.

She rubbed it all over, looking for anything to press or pull. Nothing. The glass felt different.

Not smooth like most screens. It was bumpy, with a strange feel to it. She pressed at the bumps,

wondering how anyone could look at that screen and see clearly.

Suddenly, the screen turned a bright blue. Oh, shit. She scrambled, trying to get the damn thing

to shut down, but nothing worked.

“Oh, no, no, no, no,” she groaned. “I’m not usually the person who gets fired on the first day

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for being nosy.” She rubbed the screen again, but the light only grew brighter. “Turn off, you stupid


Instead of turning off, words flashed on the screen, and a voice sounded from somewhere.

“Active communication, ready. Proceed?”

Fucking hell. Was the damn thing making calls without her knowledge? Fuck. Gerri was so

gonna kick her ass. Tally had warned her. She was one of those people who didn’t beat around the

bush. “Be careful with getting into trouble with Gerri. She won’t hold back. She tells it like it is.”

Great. Now she’d be the one having to tell Gerri she’d broken her machine.

“Active communication ready. Proceed?”

“No!” she screeched. “Turn off and stop trying to communicate, you stupid piece of shit.

Nobody here wants to talk to you.”

“Incoming communication. Would you like to listen now?”

For crying out loud. She was sure it’d end up being her first and last day on the job. After this,

there was going to be no way she could salvage the day. She searched the box she’d found the

machine in, hoping to find directions and maybe a way to turn it off.

A loud beeping sounded from the tablet. She couldn’t figure out how to shut it up. The thing

got louder and louder. She ran, almost tripping on the carpet, into the other apartment and shoved the

tablet under a sofa cushion. It muffled the noise but didn’t stop it. Her heart raced, and her fingers


She’d managed to catch her breath when the door opened and Gerri walked in.

“Ah, fuck!”

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Gerri raised her brows before they sharply drew down. “What’s that noise?”

She clutched at the cushion, willing the tablet to shut up with her mind. “Um, what noise?”

Gerri blinked and glanced down at the seat cushion. “The one coming from my sofa.”

“I...uh...don’t hear anything,” she mumbled.

“Honey, I probably have the best hearing in this entire building. Do you really want to go with

that answer?”

She sighed and picked up the cushion. The blaring noise made the apartment vibrate. “I don’t

know what the hell is wrong with this thing,” she yelled over the noise. “I can’t get it to stop.”

Gerri rushed forward and picked up the tablet, did something to the screen and the thing went

silent. “It’s an alarm. It means the call was urgent.”

“So it’s a phone,” she whispered.

“Communication ready. Are you ready to listen?” said the phone.

“Computer, this is Gerri Wilder. Please link,” Gerri replied, moving into the office and

placing the tablet on the desk.

The blue light returned, and an image shot out of the tablet, settling into a 3D visual of a man

with his arms folded in front of his chest.

“Wow,” Bella gasped. “That guy is huge!”

Gerri snorted. “Senior Officer Karel. How can I help you?”

The man glanced at Bella and then at Gerri. “Gerri. It’s been far too long since our last


“Indeed! How is King Alyx?” Gerri asked with a smile.

King? King? Gerri knew royalty? Holy crap!

“Frustrated. He requires your services.”

Gerri gasped. “Mine?” Then she burst into laughter. “I believe the last time I visited, he told

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me it would be a cold day in hell before he wanted my help finding a queen.”

Karel shrugged. “He has changed his mind. He wants to show the rest of the kingdom he is no

longer interested in leading alone. Searching on his own hasn’t gone well.”

Gerri chortled. “I can imagine. What did he do, order women to just show up and try to figure

out if one of them was the one?”

Karel sighed. “Yes. We spent weeks with him shaking hands and speaking to them. The lion

wanted none.”

“Yes, well, I’m not surprised. Alyx needs more than just a pretty face,” Gerri said, placing

her hands on her waist. “He needs someone who won’t be wowed by the fact he’s a king. More

importantly, he needs to find whomever his animal chooses.”

Since Tally was mated to two wolf-shifters, none of the conversation happening was strange

to Bella, except for the fact that there was a 3D hologram of the guy. Of course, with technology the

way it was, she wasn’t surprised by that either.

Tally had two men who loved curves. Bella stopped and thought for a second. A man who

loved curves. As a woman who loved her body, Bella had yet to meet a man who went crazy for

curves the way Mrs. Wilder promised her clients did.

Bella had enough curves for herself and anyone who needed some. She didn’t mind being a

big girl. She loved it. Her body was hers, and that was that. A lot of times, her parents tried to guilt

her about it, but she was pretty bold in telling them to mind their own business.

“Will you come?” Karel asked Gerri.

Gerri glanced at Bella. “I’m not sure. I’m training a new assistant. We have a lot of work. It

would serve Alyx right for me to just let him figure things out on his own.”

“Unless you want him to come down there and start searching, I suggest you rethink that

strategy,” Karel shrugged. He glanced at Bella. “Bring her along. I am sure it will be quite an

adventure. There’s a lot to see here.”

“I’ll think about it. I’ll get back to you in a few days, my time.”

“Thank you, Gerri. I hope to see you soon,” Karel said. The image was sucked into the screen,

and the tablet shut off.

“Sounds like you have a new client,” Bella said. “I don’t mind going with you if you need to

do an offsite visit.”

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Gerri laughed and patted her on the arm. “Come with me, Bella. I need to explain something to


Bella followed behind Gerri and took a seat on the same sofa she’d tried hiding the tablet in.

She watched Gerri pour a glass of whiskey. Gerri then brought it over and gave it to Bella. “Trust me,

you’re going to need this.”

Okay. She grabbed the tumbler and waited.

Gerri sat across from her, removing her shoes and placing her feet on her chair, something

Bella hadn’t seen her do before. “Gerri, you’re making me nervous.”

She’d visited Gerri’s home two times, and neither of those times had Gerri seemed so

preoccupied. In fact, Gerri was one of the only women she’d ever met who appeared to have her shit


“All right, so let’s give you some shifter history,” Gerri started. “What do you know of


She thought about it for a moment before replying. “That they’re strong. They live longer and

can change back and forth between animal and human. That’s about it.”

Gerri nodded. “That’s pretty good. Okay, so what if I told you shifters came to this planet a

long time ago and started mating with the humans and creating a new breed of shifters?”

She lifted her hand for Gerri to stop. “Hang on a sec. What do you mean ‘came to this planet’?

Where the hell did they come from?”

“Another planet. A shifter planet.”

Bella’s eyes widened. “Like an alien planet? Are these alien shifters?”

“If you must call it that, though it would technically be a shifter planet. The world is called

Nova Aurora. My ancestors came here. They established a shifter colony and started to blend in with

the humans. They mated and created the new breed of shifters you’ve come to know.”

“I don’t understand.”

“The shifters from Aurora are bigger, rougher, tougher, and a lot angrier than the ones on


She gripped the sides of her sofa seat in her grasp. “This king you’re going to help mate. What

is he?”

“A lion.”

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“An alien lion? Like an Alion?” She laughed at her own joke. The shit nerves did to her.

Gerri frowned. “A what?”

“An a-lee-on. Get it? A lion that’s an alien. An Alion.”

Gerri’s lips curved up in a grin. “I supposed. He’s a shifter. They all are.”

She gulped, trying to wrap her mind around what Gerri was telling her. A shifter planet. The

concept wasn’t difficult to grasp; it was the fact she’d never heard of it before. “Does our government


Gerri shrugged. “They know something. Not enough. Fortunately for the shifter nation, humans

are not as advanced. King Alyx has tried to keep them at bay. Earth doesn’t know how to reach what

they call aliens. Aurora, in their minds, would be full of alien life, even though Aurora is older than

Earth and we came here to bring humans knowledge. The government only knows of ships showing up

here in the past.”

She gasped. “Ships? Spaceships?”

“Yes. But for my trips to Aurora, I don’t use spaceships. Spaceships are archaic.”

She frowned. “Then how do you get there?”

“I open a wormhole.” Gerri scrunched her nose. “Before you ask, I have a machine that bends

time and allows me to travel from our galaxy to Nova Aurora. It’s like walking through time and

space, just taking a few steps and being on their side.”

Excitement bubbled in her veins. She had never heard of anything like that. “This all sounds

surreal. So are they shifters or aliens?”

“Shifters. And they are a lot older than humans.”

“But if they came before humans, how did humans come about?” she asked, completely


“Humans are, in a rare form, descendants from Aurora. Not fully. Aurorans came here and

bred with humans. They created shifters. The shifters we know today. Not all breeding ended up in

shifters. Some just advanced the human species. Smarter humans.”

She gaped at Gerri. “Holy crap!”

“I’m sure it seems unreal to someone who isn’t used to it, but my question is, do you want to

go on a short trip?” Gerri grinned.

“Hell yes!” She’d never really gone anywhere, because she was always so busy working. Her

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goal in life was to travel the world. Screw that. Now she could change it to the galaxy.

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Alyx Treyvaal slammed his fist on his thick, wooden desk, which had been passed down his

family for a few thousand years. The sound reverberated around his chambers, but he didn’t give a

shit. He was losing time, time to have been with a mate, all because of his stupid, picky lion. He

should have been mated with at least five kids by now. Instead, he was hosting mindless dinners and

parties, like this was some kind of fucking storybook romance.

“What do you mean she said she’d think about it?” he growled at Karel. The lack of humanity

in his voice didn’t faze his security chief. Karel raised a brow and shrugged.

“You already knew that was a possibility. You’ve been rejecting her help for years, and you

expect her to just ignore that and come to your aid?”

“Yes!” He gripped the wood on his desk, grateful tevali trees were stronger than even him. “I

am the king!”

Karel shook his head and glanced toward the ceiling. “Will you never learn? Gerri Wilder is

not your average matchmaker. She has a gift. She knows things, much like your mother knows things.

And because she knows who belongs with whom, she can decide if she wants to help or not. You

should not have insulted her the last time she offered to help.”

Alyx glowered at his friend. “She said I was being a spoiled brat.”

“She was right!” Karel sighed, sliding his fingers through his short, white hair. “You’ve

completely ignored all common sense and allowed your pride to dictate your actions.”

“I could have found my own mate!” he snapped.

“Oh, yeah?” Karel said sarcastically, raising his brows at the same time. “Doesn’t look like it

to me.”

“Get her here. I need her to help me with this. You don’t understand. I’m going to kill the

Elder Council if they keep reminding me of my duty to the shifter nation.”

Karel grinned unapologetically. “You knew the rules.”

“Yes. I knew I had to be mated by my hundredth birthday, but this is ridiculous. None of our

women have attracted me. Hell, not even the ones from the other clans. They’ve all hosted me to see

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if they might succeed in placing one of their own in the queen’s seat.”

“Yeah, it's easy to get somebody from another clan. But you know if any of them become your

mate, they will feel like they are above the others. We also have our own women who want to be your

mate, and you rejecting them and choosing someone else from the other clans would create a big issue

here.” Karel sighed and sat. “Not something we need.”

Alyx turned to the bar by his desk. He poured himself and Karel some of their favorite Sidaii

wine. “At this point I don't really care if one of our women is my mate or if it’s someone else. I just

want to find somebody who is. I am hoping Gerri can help with this. I'm really tired of having to keep

meeting people, doing dinners, and not knowing if I'm going to find the one.”

Karel gave him the ‘Really?’ look. “Well, that's your fault for having such a picky lion. You

already knew that would be the case when it came to your heritage.”

His parents told him how difficult it was to find the right mate. They suggested Gerri, because

she was so good at what she did. His mother told him it would be difficult for him to find the right

one in Aurora. Now he knew what she meant. If he didn't find someone soon, not only would he have

issues with the other clans, but his own council was giving him headaches.

“Your biggest problem is the fact that if you don’t mate by your birthday, you lose your ability

to breed.”

He raised a brow and handed Karel a glass of wine. “Thanks for the reminder. I didn’t really

need it.”

“I’m just saying. Hurry your ass up already.”

The royal family needed heirs. Someone had to be available in case something happened to

him. Ideally, he needed to have a couple of children to take the throne. That was the main problem.

Another problem was all the women visiting and dropping by to see if he’d changed his mind about

them. It was getting damn annoying.

“If we can get Gerri to come, I really think you'll have a better chance mating.”

He growled—something he’d been getting really good at. “I don't know what else to do. She

thinks I’m some kind of joke. Now I have to wait until she decides if I’m worth her time or not. This

is ridiculous. How in the world will I ever get to find a mate if she’s taking her sweet time?”

Karel nodded, his brow puckered in concentration. “Listen, I will give her another call. I will

express the urgency of the situation. But I'm pretty sure she already knows that you are, as they say on

Earth, ‘up Shit Creek without a paddle.’”

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Alyx rolled his eyes. “She taught you that, didn’t she?”

Karel grinned. “She’s fucking awesome!”

Alyx gulped his wine, the fruity drink sliding down his throat to ease some of his anger. “Real

fucking funny. All this just to find my queen. How hard can it be to find one woman to spend the rest

of my life with? You’d think it would be easier.”

“For most people it is, but you are a stubborn, annoying, pig-headed lion who can't figure out

what he wants.”

Alyx stood again, unable to sit still for long. He prowled around his office like a caged

animal. “Don’t hold back.”

Karel stood, placed his cup on a tray to be removed later by the staff, and faced Alyx. “You

know this is the kind of stuff you get yourself into. All you had to do was let her try her hand at finding

you a mate the first time around. Your mother advised you to. Instead of doing what others, who know

better, suggested, you had to be the big, macho man.” Karel shrugged. “Okay, now you get to

apologize to Gerri. I’m sure she’ll enjoy seeing you go back to her with your tail between your legs

asking her for help.”

“I'm pretty sure she'd love to see that, but I’m not going there. She either helps me or she

doesn’t. If she doesn’t,” he pressed a key that made a holographic image of Earth pop up in the center

of his desk, “I’ll go to Earth and find my own woman. If I can’t find one here, then I’m sure I can find

one there. Our people have done it for centuries. Why should I not be allowed the same liberty?”

“The fact that you’re thinking of going to Earth would probably scare the crap out of Gerri.

That might be what gets her over here. Either way, I'll remind her she doesn’t want you down there.

You'll scare the humans.”

Alyx glanced down at his body. “Not my fault I’m big.”

Karel barked a laugh. “Oh no, my friend, you’re not merely big. You’re huge. I don't think

they're used to seeing almost seven feet of pure muscle with hair like yours.”

Alyx glanced at the image of Earth. Maybe he should go there and see if his lion was attracted

to any of the humans. “Comes with the territory. I'm a lion.”

“You're more than just a lion. You’re the king. Unfortunately, being king also means you're

hardheaded and not willing to compromise, but you will for Gerri. She's coming, and you're going to

need to make sure she helps you.”

He did need the matchmaker’s help. Fuck! A relative of his mother’s best friend, Geraldine

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had a gift. She could sense in ways no one else could who would be the right match for shifters. When

they met, it was usually a done deal. Her last trip to Aurora had gotten at least fifty couples mated,

and all it had taken was the fall festival to get them all together. That had been the time she offered to

help him find a queen. He’d laughed at her and said finding the right woman would be a piece of


“It’s not so easy to find the right woman,” he mumbled the same words Gerri had said to him.

“What exactly are you looking for? Maybe I can help Gerri search for your woman.”

He doubted it. If he hadn’t met her in all his travels and events, then she was probably not

anywhere on the planet. “All I want is someone who will be with me. A woman who is not afraid of

taking charge. If she has to get her hands dirty, then so be it. Anything could happen in our kingdom.

You know our allies are our friends, but farther south things are rocky. We don’t go down there

enough. The tribes in the Ice Mountains dislike pretty much everyone.”

“So what you're saying is you want someone ready to fight? She definitely can't be afraid of

you.” Karel gave a long-suffering sigh. “You are very growly, but you're still a good guy.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“No thanks needed, Alyx. You really are a good guy. Stop stressing. We’re going to find you

the right woman. I know we are.” He pressed a button on Alyx’s desk, and a map of the southern Ice

Mountains popped up. “I’m worried about them.”

Alyx nodded, still pacing his office. “There has been talk that without a solid family, I’m an

easy target. Not to mention all I have are my female cousins. Very few want to take over. They don’t

want to handle fights or men debating with each other over watering holes. They find it tedious and


Karel glanced at the first rays of the setting golden sun. “Well, there's very little we can do

about that. Getting you mated can make sure you’re established. Your family will be solid, and there's

not going to be any question of who's in charge. The Ice Mountain Pack is angry. You gave the Tiger

Nation a piece of land that belonged to them, and now they see you as an enemy.”

Alyx always listened to his instincts. He sensed the danger for months now, had his guards on

alert and kept everyone watching the Ice Mountains. He should never have declined Gerri’s help. The

lion inside him pushed to get out. He sensed danger as well. Fuck it. If it came down to it, he’d call

and apologize to the mean old woman if that got her to come. There was no going around it. She had

to help him.

“Nadeeya keeps asking about your mate of choice,” Karel said, zooming into the Ice

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Mountains. Alyx couldn’t figure out how those wolves lived under year-round snowy conditions. It

was crazy.

“She keeps offering to help me find someone,” Alyx grumbled. “Even went as far as offering

herself if I run out of time.”

Karel made a face of disgust. “Okay, so I know a lot of tribes go as far as mating with family

members, but I thought we’d evolved past that.”

Yeah, no kidding. The idea of his own cousin, who was like a sister to him, killed any sexual

thoughts. “We have. It’s why I told her to forget about it. I’ll find my own mate.”

“If it’s getting like that, then I’m gonna beg Gerri to get her ass here.”

Alyx would have to call. Dammit! He hated it, but it looked like he’d have to apologize.

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Bella bounced on her heels in excitement. She’d had asked her best friend, Charlotte, to take

care of her little cat while she was gone. According to Gerri, the trip would be short in Aurora time,

but in Earth time she’d be gone for weeks, possibly months.

“So you’re saying you’re going away to help Mrs. Wilder match make a king?” Charlotte

asked, her hazel eyes wide with surprise. “I didn’t realize she was that popular.”

Bella grinned. “Yes. An Alion king. I bet you he’s stuffy and old, but I’m just excited to get

out of town. A whole new world. Literally.”

There was nothing Bella didn’t tell Charlotte. Hiding the fact that Gerri could travel to

another planet lasted all of ten seconds.

“I’m so jealous,” Charlotte sighed. Much like Bella, she was a big girl too, with big curves.

But Charlotte loved the winter and the snow. She traveled the world to go skiing and hiking in the

middle of the winter. It was the only reason Bella questioned her sanity. There was no catching Bella

doing anything in the cold. No fucking way.

“Maybe, if things go well, I can get Gerri to take me again, and we can take you.” She grinned.

Her face ached from how much she’d been smiling all day. Gerri had been particular. She’d said to

bring comfortable summer clothing, but Bella would have the choice to wear whatever the women

there did.

Charlotte perked up in her seat. She continued stroking Princess, Bella’s golden munchkin

kitty. Bella loved cats. If it weren’t for a rule in her building limiting pets to one per household, she’d

totally rock the cat lady title like it was nobody’s business. “I’d love to get away. Instead of spending

time with me, like he promised, my dad is once again letting me go on an alone ski trip this fall.”

“I’m sorry, Charlotte. Your dad sucks,” Bella grumbled. Not that her father was much better,

but she at least had great cousins like Nita and Tally. They were worth their weight in gold.

“What are you doing about James?” Charlotte asked, stroking Princess’s coat gently. The cat

purred and huddled into a little ball on Charlotte’s lap.

“I called it quits. Really, when a man is so boring you fall asleep on dates with him,

something’s wrong.”

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Charlotte giggled. “I’ll say. I could use him talking to me for a few hours. Maybe then I’d get

some sleep. I have been having the worse insomnia: up all night and exhausted all day.”

“You’re lucky you work from home,” Bella said, glancing at the clothes she had strewn

around the room. She stopped and gave Charlotte a serious look. “When does your book come out?”

Charlotte shrugged. “In a few weeks.”

“I should be back in time for us to celebrate. Your first Love Your Curves self-help book.”

Bella threw her arms around her friend. “I’m so excited for you! The fact you opened up about your

childhood to help others who have been fat shamed makes me so proud to call you my friend.”

“Hello? Did you forget the fact you helped write some of it?”

She shook her head. “Five chapters isn’t all that much. And all I did was help give you more

info in an area you weren’t sure about.”

“Whatever. You helped. It’s your book, too. Both our names are on the cover.”

Bella sighed and sat next to Charlotte and the pile of clothes. “Yes, but that’s because you

kept insisting. I told you I was happy to help.”

“Fuck that! You wrote a lot of words to help me out. The least I could do is give you the

credit you deserved.”

“You don’t need to give me credit, but thanks. I appreciate it.”

She’d had some seriously sucky relationships. Thankfully, she was done with all that. Now

she’d focus on having a better life and traveling with Gerri—all the while helping to keep the older

woman organized. The excitement for her trip returned tenfold.

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Bella glanced at the passing scenery with excitement. Gerri explained that when she opened a

portal, it sucked nearby energy. She didn’t want any undue attention, so they’d go to a friend who

worked at a power plant, and it wouldn’t be so weird.

The power plant was far out of the city in a place surrounded by deserted warehouses.

“Do you know if it's going to be cold?” Bella asked.

Gerri grinned. “You're fine. You remind me of a little kid going to a fair.”

She felt like it. She was going to another planet. The idea had yet to settle in her mind. Thank

goodness for Charlotte, who would take care of Princess and her bills and apartment.

“Am I dressed okay?”

Gerri nodded, glancing out the other passenger window. Their driver hadn’t said anything

since they’d gotten in the car. “In the northern forest, the temperature is great and stays in the eighties.

Even though there are two suns, you'll feel a lot cooler than a summer on the East Coast.”

The car wound through a long dirt road leading up to the power plant.

When they arrived, the driver opened their doors, and both women got out. Gerri wore a long peasant

skirt in sky blue that matched her eyes. Her white top was flowy and made out of a stretchy material.

Bella debated for a while before ending up in a pair of loose sweatpants made out of thin

cotton and a tank top that read “Curvy Girls Cuddle Better.” The tank showed off the brand-new

flower tattoo on her shoulder. She'd gotten it as a gift for her last birthday a few weeks back. A way

to celebrate being where she could finally say ‘fuck you, world’ and not care what others thought of

her. She'd finally stopped being afraid of trying something new. At thirty-five, she wanted to try new

things and stop worrying about consequences so much.

A tall, handsome man came out of the power plant with a huge grin.

“Gerri,” he greeted with a sigh. He lifted Gerri’s hand to his lips and gave her a kiss.

“Looking beautiful as usual.”

“Steven, stop,” Gerri laughed. “You do this every time I come.”

“I can't help it. You look beautiful every time I see you.”

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Gerri shook her head and turned to face Bella. “Steven, this is my assistant, Bella.”

Steven winked and offered a hand. Bella shook it and smiled. “Welcome, Bella. I assure you

that you’ll have a wonderful time on your trip.”

She could tell Steven was used to seeing people come and go all the time from the ease with

which he greeted her. “Thank you,” Bella said. “It’s nice to meet you, Steven. And I definitely look

forward to seeing new things.”

“Wonderful. I’m glad you’re excited. Aurora is a fantastic place,” he said then glanced down

at her shirt. “That shirt is absolutely correct.”

She grinned and nodded. “I know.”

“All right, Steven. Let's do this,” Gerri said.

Steven led them around the power plant. He pressed something, and the ground lifted and an

elevator opened. The three went inside. The elevator zoomed downward. For a second, Bella thought

she might be motion sick from how fast it was going.

“How far down are we?” Bella asked, feeling her heart in her throat.

“About a thousand feet underground,” Steven replied as the elevator stopped. Another button

lit up, and a hallway flooded with lights.

She was amazed at the setup—so sleek and well done. How in the world did the government

not know about this place? These guys had to be good about keeping their privacy.

They walked down the hallway to a door with Gerri's name. Bella blinked and glanced at


“I travel back and forth a lot,” Gerri said at the surprise on Bella face.

Gerri turned to Steven. “Okay, darling. See you in a few weeks.”

Steven pressed a button and locked them in a room. “See you soon. Good luck with the king.”

He spoke from the other side of the door, but they were able to hear him through speakers.

Gerri snorted. “The one who needs luck is Alyx.”

Gerri pulled a small, round metal egg out of her pocket. Bella stared. There was nothing else

for her to do.

Gerri whispered at the egg and let it go. It floated to the center of the room. A bright-blue

glow started from the egg and grew into a giant circle. It looked like a free-standing pool of clear

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On the other side of the water, she could see a forest in colors she’d never seen before. She

blinked and stared in awe.

“Ready?” Gerri grabbed her hand and walked toward the big puddle.

“Um, Gerri. I'm not going to drown, am I?”

“No. It’ll feel like being in an elevator going really fast, but moving forward instead of up. No

water is involved. You might get queasy, but that’s normal.” They stopped right in front of the circle.

Do you get motion sickness?”

“Yes,” she said, her stomach already churning with fear.

“Don’t worry. It’ll be over before you know it.”

Gerri took a step into the opening and pulled her along. Suddenly, a blast of cool air

surrounded her, followed by a hard, suckling motion. She gasped, almost afraid to take a breath.

Everything swirled around in high speed. Her heartbeat sped up. It was hard to get air into her lungs.

Gerri continued to pull, but her legs felt weighed down by lead.

The forest zoomed in. That didn’t matter. She couldn’t get oxygen. She opened her mouth to

scream, but nothing came out. It felt as if her airways had closed up. Fear clawed at her gut. She fell

to her knees and yanked out of Gerri's hold, trying hard to get a breath.

The thick, airless sensation left, and she sucked in oxygen hard.

She was on the ground, shaking and gasping for air.

Gerri kneeled next to her, taking ahold of Bella’s overnight bag. “Are you okay? I didn't

realize you suffered from panic attacks. If I’d known, I would have given you something to help with

the trauma of your first transport.”

“What?” She lifted her head from the ground and took a shaky breath. Her lungs burned from

the oxygen deprivation.

“I haven’t had a panic attack since high school,” she mumbled, trying to get back on her feet.

Gerri grabbed her by the arm and helped her stand. Her legs wobbled in her trainers.

“Well, you just had one, darling.” Gerri lifted most of Bella’s weight as if she was light as a

feather and moved along with her toward a rock for Bella to sit on. “What caused the one in high


Bella clenched and unclenched her hands into fists, trying to bring back the circulation into her

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fingers and stop the tingling. “Some guy invited me to the prom.”

Gerri grinned and pushed Bella’s long curls away from her face. “Honey, a date for the prom

isn’t usually a reason to have a panic attack.”

Bella’s shoulders felt weighed down by emotions she hadn’t experienced in far too long. “It

wasn’t the fact he asked me to the prom that gave me an attack.”

She glanced around, her mind still a whirlwind of confusion, but with every breath she took,

the fear she’d experienced slowly dissipated.

“Then what was it?” Gerri asked.

“He showed up at my house with a limo full of his friends,” she said, hating the reliving of the

story. Why had Gerri gotten stuck on it? “I was impatient and ran out of the house, not giving him a

chance to come and knock at my door.” She bit her lip. “Not sure if he would have, but anyway. I got

to the front, and all my neighbors were out taking photos of their kids getting ready to leave. He

popped half his body out of the limo and threw a balloon full of green paint on me.”

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Gerri gasped. “Oh, honey. That’s horrible!”

Not as horrible as living through it. “It stained my new, gold dress.” She gulped back at the

renewed dryness in her throat. “I stood there. In shock. Watching him laugh and yell at me over how I

could think he would really want to go anywhere with a fat girl.”

“That son of a bitch!” Gerri growled. “I swear, kids are assholes.”

She shrugged and let out a slow breath. “I know.”

“What did you do?”

She glanced up at Gerri and met the other woman’s concerned gaze. “I ran for the limo,

yanked him out of it by his tux, gave him a bloody nose, and then proceeded to have a panic attack.”

“That’s the fighter in you. I’m glad you didn’t let him get away with it.”

“I couldn’t even if I’d wanted to. The anger and hurt I felt were too great.” She pushed the

painful memories away and cleared her throat. Her gaze roamed the trees surrounding them. “There’s

so much color in this forest.”

Gerri laughed. “Bet you never thought you’d see a purple forest, did you?”

Not in this lifetime. “Let’s just say, I have imagined a lot of things, but never this. All these

different shades of purple and fuchsia are so awesome!”

“You think you can walk, or do you need help?” Gerri stood and offered her a pale hand.

“We’re not far from the main gate.”

Bella tested her feet. It was as if someone had attached weights to them, but she could walk

without the wet-noodle sensation. “I think I’m good.”

“All right. We’ll take you straight to your room, so you can rest and allow your body to adjust.

I’ll have someone bring you tea, and later we can explore the library.” Gerri’s enthusiasm came

through with her smile.

“Is it a cool library?” she asked, following Gerri through a myriad of branches full of pale-

purple baby flowers.

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“Honey, it’s an unbelievable library. Full of so many amazing books and artworks. You’d be

a fool to pass it up. And I know you like books.”

“I love books,” she said, excited.

“Exactly. So you’ll definitely enjoy this. Alyx’s desk and chair have been passed down

through multiple generations of his family.”

She lost her words when they saw a massive rock wall in front of them. “Do we have to


Gerri shook her head. She pressed her palm into the rock, and it reshaped to Gerri’s hand.

Then, the area disappeared before them.

“Holy shit!” she screamed. “That’s some serious alien stuff you just did.”

Gerri chuckled and led her through the opening. “Come on. This is the back of the castle.

We’ll go straight to your room, so you can relax.”

If she weren’t so tired, she’d check out the rest of the place right now. As it was, she followed

Gerri down a hallway covered in silk. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear she was in a women’s

wing. They didn’t encounter any staff, which was weird.

“I know you’re probably wondering where everyone is, but it’s dinner time, and everyone is

ensuring Alyx and his guests are taken care of.”

“Does he entertain often?” she asked, going up a flight of stone stairs. The combination of

stone, metal, and wood in every place she looked caught her attention. She hadn’t been to a building

boasting those elements working so seamlessly in design. It appeared the shifters in Aurora had not

just bred with humans. They had given them designs for the castles and temples many archeologists

dug up from prior civilizations.

In one hallway, things looked straight out of medieval times. They turned a corner, and it was

like blasting into the future: all metal and sleek lines. “This place is amazing.”

Another corner and a set of stairs, and they were now in a massive hallway that appeared out

of what she imaged Cinderella’s castle must look like. Giant gold-trimmed portraits lined the walls, a

man and a woman in one. There was no need for crowns. She knew those were the king and queen.

The golden eyes spoke for them.


They stopped in the center of the hallway, and Gerri opened a door, ushering Bella inside.

“Okay, this is your room.”

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Bella gaped at the room that had to be twice the size of her house. It was massive. A white rug

covered the floor, and the walls appeared to be letting off a soft-blue hue. While she stared, they

changed color to a white that matched the carpet. “Oh my god! Did the walls just change color?”

She glanced at the massive bed in the center of the room. It was decorated in a white and blue

trim comforter and more pillows than she’d ever seen.

“Yes. They’re mood walls. They sense your need to relax, so they’ve adjusted to a color you

find comforting. It seems white is the one for you.”

She blinked. This was way too much weird so early in the day. “Wait. Didn’t you say it was

dinner time? Didn’t we leave in the morning?”

Gerri nodded and put Bella’s bag on a fainting chair. She hadn’t seen one of those since she’d

been at her grandmother’s house.

“We did leave this morning, but this is another galaxy, Bella. I know it’s going to take you

time to adjust, but we have a lot of work, so get some rest.”

Bella nodded. “I’ll just take a nap; that should help.”

“Good. I’ll search for the king and let him know we’re here.” Gerri frowned. “I might be

caught up for a while. If you’re in the mood, you should check out the library. No one usually goes

there when the king has guests. It’s only one level down. In fact…” Gerri grinned. “It’s right below

this room.” She headed for the door. “If that doesn’t interest you, maybe take a stroll through the


“Oh, no! I’m so checking out that library the moment I wake up.” She headed for her overnight

bag. “Unless you need me for something else?”

Gerri’s smile grew. “Darling, you seeing that library is just as important as anything I’m here


“Thank you.”

Gerri opened the door and stopped. “Oh, before I go. There’re clothes in the closet for you.

Feel free to wear whatever you want. They were made for you.”

She widened her eyes. “Really?”

“Yes. Everything is in there or in the drawers. Have a nice nap.”

Once Gerri left, she rummaged through the clothes and found a pair of shorts and tank top

made out of the softest material she’d ever touched in her life, like cotton, but even softer. She

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couldn’t stop touching it.

It was like the first time she got a Brazilian wax. She couldn’t stop petting her crotch. It made

for an interesting walk down the middle of a busy street. Some people didn’t think it was a good idea,

but what the hell? She was soft as silk down there. Too bad she didn’t have a man who could

appreciate it.

There was a note in the bathroom. Everything was voice and mood commanded. She wanted a

bath, but decided on a shower. Apparently, the bathroom figured her need for a bath was greater,

because the tub was full of warm water and a scented lavender mist that made her want to fall asleep

then and there.

“This is too cool.”

The bath helped to ease some of the panic from the transport, but now she felt exhausted. She

wondered why Gerri had been so great with the whole thing. She guessed it was because she was a

shifter and stronger. Plus, Gerri did that transport thing all the time from the looks of it. Bella had

been on a plane a handful of times, and each time she ended up with swollen feet and needing a nap


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Alyx glanced at the men surrounding his dinner table. The wolves had shown up unexpectedly.

They wanted to talk to him about giving them back the river territory, but he’d already assured the

Dragos it was theirs. The Dragos were the dragon species inhabiting the south central part of the

planet which bordered with the Ice Mountains.

“Brecc and Eros,” Alyx sighed. “I can’t give you the White River.”

The Alpha and Omega glanced at each other. Used to getting their way, they didn’t understand

what his issue was with returning their river.

“We’ve had the White River for a long time,” Brecc said.

“I understand,” Alyx assured him. “But the Dragos are in need. They don’t have the ability to

withstand the temperatures your people do. They are in hibernation until they find a mate for their

leader. They need use of it.”

Brecc frowned. His white hair floated over his shoulders and coupled with his white coat of

fur; he appeared to be straight out of a blizzard. “We will share.”

Alyx nodded. “This we can do. I can give you both access, as long as you don’t attack them

for using it. It is their right as much as yours.”

Alyx wished he could read Brecc’s and Eros’s minds. He knew they wanted a mate badly, but

couldn’t find the right female. He snorted internally. Join the damn crowd. It appeared they were all

having shitty luck in love.

Karel entered the dining room with a massive grin on his face. “Excuse me. We have an

additional guest for the evening: Mrs. Gerri Wilder.”

Ah, shit.

“The matchmaker?” Brecc and Eros said in unison.

Gerri walked into the room with the air of a queen. Alyx saw the twinkle of triumph in her

eyes the moment he met her gaze. He stood, along with the others, to show respect.


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“Alyx,” she grinned, “Brecc and Eros, right?” she asked the wolves.

“Our pleasure,” Eros said. He glanced at Brecc with interest. “We were not aware you would

be here so soon since your last visit.”

Gerri shrugged. “It was a bit unexpected.” She made her way up to the seat Alyx pulled for

her. “Thank you.”

“Glad to see you made it back well,” he said.

“I’m great,” she said.

“How long will you be here?” Brecc asked.

Gerri glanced at Alyx. “I’m not sure. As long as it takes, I guess.” She turned to smile at

Brecc. “Sometimes, people have a hard time seeing things.”

Alyx opened his mouth to speak when his cousin, Nadeeya, showed up. She wore a

traditional, Aurora-silk scarf in a shade of gold twined into a dress.

“Alyx.” She nodded at him. Then she turned to Brecc and Eros. “Welcome back.” Her gaze

narrowed, and the smile faltered when she saw Gerri. “Wilder.”

Gerri lifted a brow. “Lioness. How are you?”

Nadeeya smiled. She proceeded to sit in a chair to Alyx’s right across from Gerri. “Can’t

complain. Alyx does a great job of taking care of me.”

Gerri’s lips tipped in a wide smile. “Then I am sure it will make it so much easier to find him

a bride.”

“What?” Nadeeya screeched, her eyes shooting daggers at Gerri. “He’s already searched high

and low. None are to his approval,” she said with disdain. “What can you possibly do?”

Gerri glanced at Alyx. “I can give him what he wants. A mate. A queen.”

“Will you be here awhile?” Brecc asked with interest. “We want to ask you some questions.”

Gerri nodded. “I’d be happy to speak to you after I handle what I came here for.”

“But, Alyx,” Nadeeye hissed, “why are you doing this? I already told you—”

Alyx glared at his cousin. “What I do is none of your business.” His voice grew deep and

angry with his animal. “Don’t question me again. You will regret it.”

Nadeeya slumped back in her seat. She shut her mouth and continued to glare at Gerri.

She was the youngest of his female cousins and prone to outbursts, but he wouldn’t tolerate

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them when he was conducting business.

“Tell us how you’ve been doing, Gerri. I love that you’ve given us the ability to send our guys

there to get time on Earth,” Karel said. He looked at Brecc and Eros. “You might consider visiting. I

had a great time the days I spent there.”

The wolves glanced at each other. “We will discuss it within the pack.”

Alyx was glad something had taken the angry look off their faces.

“Gerri, we need to talk,” he said.

Gerri’s eyes glowed the gold that said her wolf was close to the surface. “Alyx, I’m here to

help you. Would you prefer we discuss this in your office?”

He nodded. “Later tonight. We’ll sit down and see what we can decide.”

Karel motioned for more food to be brought out.

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Bella woke with a start. Her heart raced, and she was sweaty, her clothes clinging to her

body. She glanced down at the bedding. This wasn’t her room. Then she remembered. She was on

another planet. Holy crap! The room lights brightened the moment she sat up. It was weird as hell to

have a room adjusting to her moods and emotions.

She wondered what the room would do if she got horny. Would a TV pop out of the walls

showing a porn video and vibrators fall from the ceiling?

She laughed at her own stupidity. Vibrators. Right. This was a more advanced planet. She bet

the damn room would send her a man.

There was no sense of time, and she couldn’t figure out how late it was. All she knew was

that she was hungry and supposed to check out the library. She threw on a robe she found in the

closet. It had an awesome monogram of her initials, along with a lion on it. She had no idea how

Gerri had arranged for her to get monogrammed clothes in two days’ time.

She threw on a pair of slippers and peeked out her door. There weren’t any sounds she could

make out. She hurried down the hallway to the stairs she’d come up with Gerri and went down one

level. Instead of taking the turn that brought her to the second set of stairs, she made a right and went

down a hallway with giant windows to the outdoors. She stopped and glanced out. Her breath stilled

in her chest. There were two moons. How the hell were there two moons?

“This is some Twilight Zone type shit I got myself into,” she mumbled.

When she got to the area she felt was right around where the room she’d been sleeping, she

saw two double doors with the same lion emblem on them. She knocked. No noise came from inside.

Slowly, she turned the knob and pushed one of the doors. The room was like a museum.

Giant in size, filled with books and artwork she’d never seen. She rushed in and closed the

door behind her. Immediately, she browsed the cases of leather-bound books. Shit. They weren’t in

English. Careful not to hurt any of the bindings, she pulled one out of its spot on the shelf and glanced

at it. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear it was ancient Egyptian. How could they have ancient

Egyptian hieroglyphs in books?

The scent of food caught her attention. She turned to her left and saw a tray of meat, bread, and

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fruit sitting there. Gerri must have arranged for her to eat. Thank goodness, she’d been starving.

She took the book with her to the massive, wooden desk and sat on the biggest chair she’d

ever seen, which sat across from an even bigger one. She felt like Goldie Locks, except she was dark

as chocolate and her hair was definitely not golden.

The food didn’t look familiar, but her stomach growled and her mouth watered. She knew she

was hungry. She might get sick later, but she needed food now. There was a note next to the food.

Enjoy. -G.

Gerri was just awesome. At first bite, flavors exploded on her tongue. She chewed and

moaned with each bite. That whole travel thing had taken a lot more out of her than she realized. She

picked up a glass of what smelled like fruity wine and took a gulp. It was delicious. The flavors of

different fruits combined with what she could only assume was a different kind of liquor and shot

straight to her head. She couldn’t stop drinking it. It was addictive and so delicious. Once she’d had a

glassful, she put the empty cup down and picked up what looked like a strawberry, but of a deep blue


“What are you doing in here?” asked a deep, male voice that scared her half to death.

She dropped the berry and shot to her feet, her heart pounding so hard she swore it was going

to pop out of her chest. “Are you out of your fucking mind?” She didn’t bother looking at the man who

scared her. Instead, she bent down to pick up the fruit from the expensive-looking carpet before it

stained. “I can’t believe I almost messed up this carpet. It looks like it’s worth more than my entire

life savings.”

“Did you just curse at me?” asked the same voice, now with a note of shock.

She rolled her eyes and got up. “Yes, I cursed at you, but to be fair, you deserved it after

scaring the shit out of me. Hasn’t anyone ever told you to make noise so you don’t give a person a

heart attack?” Finally turning to glare at the man. “You shouldn’t…”

She gulped, forgetting what she was going to say momentarily when her gaze collided with a

giant. Holy shit. It was Bigfoot! And Bigfoot was sexy as hell. Weren’t giants supposed to be ugly?

She could tell the man was so tall she’d need a ladder to get up close and personal with his face.

With big broad shoulders and a mane of long hair the color of sand, he would not be someone

anyone could forget. Then there were his eyes, flashing a bright, golden hue she’d never seen in all

her thirty-five years. Unlike her dark chocolate skin, his was pale and glistened with sweat. Like he’d

been running around in his almost-see-through shirt.

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Her gaze dropped to his crotch and stayed there. She should look away. Look away. He was

staring at her, and she was staring at his dick. What the fuck was wrong with her?

“I shouldn’t what?” he asked. The soft rumble of his voice gave her goose bumps.

She fought her hormones for dominance, trying to remember why she’d been annoyed. The hint

of a grin on his face pissed her off even more. He knew she’d been staring at him.

“I almost destroyed priceless heirlooms. You shouldn’t scare people. I could have choked on

my food,” she snapped, glowering at the sexy bastard.

He raised a dark brow and glanced at the almost-empty plate. “Your food?”

“Are you hard of hearing? Because if I have to repeat everything I say, it’s going to take all

night telling you to make some noise so you don’t kill a person by scaring them half to death.”

He nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets, and took a careful step forward. “I’ll keep that

in mind.”

She pushed the uneaten food away from the book she’d been glancing through. “Is it your turn

to use the library?”

He blinked, his gaze filled with amusement. “I don’t usually ask for a turn.”

“That’s right. It’s probably available for people to come in and out at all times, no?”

The way he stared at her made her hot and uncomfortable—like she was a glass of that wine

she’d been drinking, all tasty and delicious. Men didn’t usually look at her like that, and it was kind

of scary and exciting at the same time.

“I have access all the time. Day or night,” he said slowly.

She took a step back, adding some space between her and the big, sexy man. “Well, uh, this is

a really nice library. Gerri told me to check it out. I think she’s probably off doing some serious

matchmaking already. I sort of feel bad for the king, though.”

He stopped mid-stride and frowned. “Why? He’s able to take care of himself. There should

be no need to feel bad for him.”

She snorted a giggle. “Have you seen Gerri? She’s going to make it her business to get that

guy a woman, whether he likes it or not.”

His lips pressed into a tight, thin line. “I know. She’s very hardheaded.”

“Ah, don’t be angry. I’m sure whatever she does, he’s got coming. She mentioned he was a

pain in the ass.”

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“Oh, the king is definitely a pain in the ass,” he agreed.

She nodded, feeling more at ease talking about a king to someone she didn’t know. “I see you

agree with Gerri. She said he’s difficult. Do you think he’s difficult?”

He shrugged. “Maybe. I guess it depends what it is you want from him. He likes things his

way. Without any excuses. He feels he could find his own mate without any help.”

“Did it work?” She blinked.

“No. Gerri was right. He needs help.”

She laughed and shook her head. “Can you imagine him thinking he could find himself a wife

and then failing?” She winced. “Ouch. I bet that didn’t sit well with him. Some big, macho guy failing

at what he was so sure he could do without any help? That’s gotta hurt.”

He continued watching her as she backed away farther, putting the giant desk between them.

“Are you afraid?”

She stopped and slapped her hands on her wide hips. “Hell, no! Why should I be afraid? Not

like you all eat humans.” She bit her lip and felt her blood run cold. “Do you eat humans?”

He barked a laugh that changed his features from darkly sensual to gorgeous and smoking hot.

“Maybe we do. You are tiny.”

She tapped her foot on the carpet. “I am not tiny. I’ll have you know I’m a big girl, thank you

very much. I’m considered quite big on Earth. In fact, most men don’t want a girl as big as me,

because this is not what society deems to be beautiful or sexy. So don’t you call me tiny.”

Another wide smile spread over his lips, sucking the air out of her lungs. “You’re growly and

feisty. I like that.”

Oh, brother. “I should go.”

He shook his head. “Why? It doesn’t bother me to have you here. Stay.”

She was so damn tempted, especially with the way he pushed the rest of the fruit to the other

side of the desk—the side with the massive chair lined with gold and a big lion’s crest in the center.

“I guess I can stay for a little while.” She offered her hand to him and smiled. “I’m Isabella.

Everyone calls me Bella.”

“Trey.” He said, grabbing her hand and lifting it up to his lips.

A hot shudder raced down her spine and shot straight to her pussy. “Nice to meet you, Trey.”

Thank god he couldn’t read her mind, or he’d know she was having some downright filthy thoughts

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about getting his gorgeous face between her legs.

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Alyx knew he shouldn’t lie to his future queen. He knew it, but she was there with Gerri—

there to help the matchmaker find him a wife. Well, too fucking bad. He wanted Bella, the assistant.

And the best way to get her was to trick her to see him as a random male instead of the king.

Was it wrong? Without a doubt. But he was still going to do it. Giving Bella his childhood

nickname wasn’t the best way to start a relationship with her, but he already did it and wasn’t taking

it back. The lion inside him pushed with a massive roar to claim his mate. She was the one. All it had

taken was Gerri showing up for his mate to appear. He’d never live it down.

Bella pulled back his chair and made herself comfortable on it. Seeing her in his seat did

something to him. It cemented the fact that this was the woman. She was it. Even if her scent hadn’t

immediately pulled his lion from sleep, her personality and wit transfixed him.

“You just got to the castle with Gerri, didn’t you?” he asked, wanting to know anything and

everything about her. His mate. His queen. The pounding of his lion’s incessant growling to stamp his

teeth marks on her and claim her was getting hard to ignore.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

The words hammered in his head. She glanced at the wine glass, and he immediately refilled

it for her.

“It was kind of a hard trip on me. I hope the king doesn’t think I’m rude, but I needed to sleep

so badly.” She lifted the glass to her lips and sipped. He clutched at the jar as he listened to her moan

while she swallowed. “This is so good. I swear to god, I’m going to need a recipe before I go home.

Or a barrel. Either works.”

Home? She was home already.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

He had to bite his lip to stop his growl.

“What happened with your trip?” He frowned, noticing the bruises under her eyes. She did

have a harsh trek. Normally blood vessels didn’t burst unless a person fought the gravitational pull.

She drank her wine in two gulps and sighed. “A frickin’ panic attack. That’s some crazy shit. I

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don’t normally get that.”

He made a mental note to send tea up to her room. “Are you feeling any better now?”

She grinned softly. The wine was getting to her. He saw it in the way her pupils dilated and

how she leaned her head on her hand. “I feel great. It’s pretty late, isn’t it? I can’t tell time so well

here. Not with two moons.” She laughed. “You guys don’t do anything half-assed, do you?”

He refilled her wine. “Not really sure what that means, since we have nothing to do with there

being two moons in Aurora.”

“I gotta tell you, that’s a beautiful name for your world.” She sighed and voiced it slowly,


“I like yours better. Bella.”

“I like how you say my name,” she said the words low enough that if he hadn’t had sensitive

hearing he wouldn’t have caught them.

“How is that?” he asked, his fingers itching to get a hold of her.

“You have this strange accent that is so sexy. How many languages do you speak?”

“Over three hundred. All our inhabitants speak almost every major language on Earth along

with some dialects. We are also familiar with other galaxy languages from nearby.” He met her gaze

and almost groaned at the scent of her desire. “Back to you, Bella. You are beautiful. It’s appropriate

for you.”

She shook her head. “You’re just saying that. Men don’t call me beautiful. Not that I need

anyone to, but they don’t normally say that. Fat, yes. Beautiful, no. Not that I don’t think I am


He hated that she didn’t see what he saw. “You shouldn’t debate the beauty I see. I don’t see

what others from your world, tainted by whatever they consider beauty, see. I see a woman with

beautiful hair that shines like silk and a body that makes everything in me hard. Your curves are not

just desired on this planet, they are preferred in a female. And everything from your hair to your waist

to your tiny feet makes me want to get on my knees and kiss every inch of your body. Not just that,” he

said, staring at her mouth. “I can tell you have a fiery spirit, and I like that. Don’t tell me the beauty I

see isn’t there.”

She blinked, leaning forward. “That might be one of the sexiest, most romantic things a man

has ever said to me.”

He leaned forward, meeting her over the edge of the table. “You deserve romance, Bella.”

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Desire clawed at his gut, pushing him for a taste of her. Her eyes filled with a sexual haze he

knew too well. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. All he needed to do was take what she was

freely offering.

“I think,” she licked her bottom lip, staring at his mouth, “I should go back to bed.”

His chest ached from how hard his animal pushed under his skin from the need to touch her.

He was two seconds away from pouncing over the desk and tearing the clothes off her body. The

material was so flimsy staring at it could probably get it destroyed. “I’ll walk you to your room.”

No way in hell was he letting her walk the halls with Brecc and Eros staying in the castle. The

last thing he needed was for one of them to become infatuated with his mate.

She stood and rubbed at the leather of his desk chair, her robe falling open to reveal her shorts

and a tank top that dipped low enough to show a big portion of her breasts. “This has to be the softest

leather ever made. I’m in love with it.”

Screw it. He’d give her the damn thing if he could continue watching her rubbing it and

making that face of pure pleasure.

He marched around the table, letting his lion guide him to her. They both wanted her. Now.

But he’d wait. It might fucking kill him, but he’d wait. She picked up the tray of leftovers and her

glass of wine.

“What are you doing?” He’d never seen a woman do that.

She raised her brows. “I’m dropping off this stuff at the kitchen before I go back. I can’t leave

a mess in this library. The king would probably have my head,” she giggled then opened her eyes

wide. “He’s a lion king. Like the cute little one in the movie.”

Alyx nodded. “I know.”

Her eyes widened. “I bet he purrs.”

“I don’t think so.”

She laughed and nodded. “All cats purr. I bet he purrs.”

“No. He does not purr. He’s a king. A lion king. He most certainly does not purr. An Alpha in

every sense of the word,” he said, describing himself as accurately as possible. “He is a leader, and

everyone looks up to him.”

Bella snorted a giggle. “I bet he’s old and that’s why he can’t get a girl.” She leaned into him,

whispering conspiratorially, “I bet he can’t get it up. He’s old and purrs. Like a kitty cat. A poor

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crotchety Alion king.”

“What?” he roared.

She giggled harder. “I’m sorry.” She brought her finger to his lips, shushing him. “They’re

going to catch us and send us to the dungeon. You gotta stop making me laugh.”

“There’s no dungeon here.” He finally realized she was drunk. The wine had gotten her hard,

so hard she was barely staying on her feet and mostly leaning on him, but she didn’t seem to notice.

He’d never seen a human woman drunk—not in person. He’d seen videos from everyone else who’d

traveled, but this was new. He took the plate out of her hand along with the wine glass. “I’ll take this

to the kitchens later.”


He picked her up, stopping her from falling on her face in the process. She gasped, wrapping

her arms around his neck, bringing her face mere inches from his. His cock turned rock hard at the

need he saw in her eyes. He got to her room in record time, once she told him where she was staying.

He didn’t bother telling her the room had been chosen for his future mate to use as her parlor. Instead,

he stopped by her door and continued to hold her in his arms.

“Nobody’s ever picked me up before,” she breathed. The scent of the Sidaii wine clung to her

lips. “You’re really big, Trey.”

“I am.”

A smile spread over her lips. Soft. Seductive. So fucking perfect he could only envision

kissing her then and there.

“I didn’t realize how much I like big.”

His heartbeat thundered so hard in his chest, he swore she would hear it and ask about it. “I’m

glad you find me acceptable.”

He was fucking ecstatic she liked his size. Most of the women in Aurora were used to big

men, but she was an earthling. That meant she was used to smaller men.

She leaned forward and inhaled. “More than acceptable. You’re hot as hell, and you smell so


She wasn’t from his planet, so he didn’t know how she could scent his mating pheromones,

but he liked it. No. He loved that she was turned on by his scent. Really turned on, from the way her

heartbeat increased and her body temperature rose.

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She rubbed her nose over his neck and inhaled again. “It’s so strange. Your scent reminds me

of how it smells after a rainfall. Like wet earth. I love it.”

Fuck waiting. Still, he held her in his arms. He leaned into the door of her room and inclined

his head in, taking her lips with his. Fire erupted in his veins and shot down his back. She gripped the

back of his head, digging her nails into his neck. Her taste was sweet, sexy, and more addictive than

any amount of Sidaii wine.

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Bella moaned. Her body heated to degrees she never imagined. Trey plunged his tongue into

her mouth and explored with the precision of a general. He sucked. He licked. He drove her mindless

with his kisses. Passion sizzled between them. Explosive. Desperate. The sounds of her harsh breaths

pounded in her ears. She couldn’t think straight if her life depended on it. All she knew was this giant

of a man was kissing her like it was the end of the world, and he had to get his fill. Like she belonged

to him. And she fucking loved it.

She pulled back from their kiss, gasping for air. He licked and nibbled down her throat to the

top of her breasts.

“Trey,” she moaned. “Come inside.”

He lifted his head and met her gaze. The gold in his eyes looked like molten fire. “Are you


She hadn’t been this turned on in...ever. “Yes.”

She flicked the knob and opened the door, all the while meeting his gaze. His features harsh

with desire had her hormones doing the mambo. The lines of his face grew more defined, with

sharper angles. She didn’t know why the fact he looked so animalistic made her super-soaker wet.

“I want you, Bella.”

She licked her lips, motioning with her head for him to take her inside. “I want you, too.

Preferably naked.”

A loud rumble sounded from his chest. He marched into the room, still holding her tightly in

his arms. With every step, he took her closer to the smoldering need taking over her body. The door

shut behind him. The white she’d previously seen on the walls suddenly changed to a dark burgundy.

The lights dimmed, and it was then she realized the bedding had changed color as well to match the

red of the walls.

“This room is so awesome.” She breathed harshly.

She wiggled in his hold, looking to switch positions so her legs were at either side of his hips.

He helped her, at the same time moving his hold to grip her ass. Once she was satisfied having her

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legs around his hips, he continued to the bed. He placed her on the cool, soft bedding with more care

than she would have liked. The entire atmosphere in the room screamed sex. She hadn’t had any in too


Sliding her hands over Trey’s strong arms set her hormones in a whirlwind of excitement. She

kissed him hard, begging him with her lips to cool the flames inside her.

He pressed the hard bar of his cock between her legs. She knew she was wet down to her

shorts, but didn’t give a shit. Having him so close to her pussy stopped her ability to breathe. And

when he rocked into her, she saw stars.

In a frenzy, she yanked at his shirt and continued kissing him with everything she had—with

every drop of desire and need rushing through her like a tsunami. Before she got a chance to get him

naked, he pulled back from their kiss.


She gulped air and glanced at his harsh features. “What’s wrong?”

He raised a hand to her face, caressing her cheek and gliding his thumb over her lips. “It’s not

the right time, ym Neevk.”

Was he fucking kidding? “What? Why?”

He rocked his hips again, and she moaned louder than before. “You’ve had too much wine.

It’s messing with your decision-making process.”

She frowned, blowing out a frustrated breath. “Are you insane? You asked me if I was sure,

and I said yes. Having wine or not won’t change how I feel right now.” She raked her nails down his

arms, enjoying the shift of muscles and the heat of his skin. “I want you.”

He was quiet for a moment, but he shook his head. She opened her mouth to complain again,

but he dropped, taking her lips in a swift kiss. Much to her aggravation, he pulled back again, his gaze

that much closer to hers, all fiery gold and hungry. This time, he slid his hand over her chest,

caressing her breast briefly. She bit her lip to keep from begging him for more. She thought he might

stop there and torture her with his hand on her nipple, but he didn’t. He continued down, skimming her


“I know you want me,” he rumbled, inhaling deeply and hard. “I can fucking taste how good it

will be to spread your pussy lips and fuck you with my tongue.” He slid his hand between her legs, up

her shorts, and shoved a finger straight into her. A loud groan slid from him. He took a sharp breath

and let it out slowly. “So wet. So fucking wet. It’s going to be amazing to get a taste of you.”

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“Why wait? Do it now,” she mumbled, her lungs struggling to get air with his finger deep in

her cunt. Oh, how she hoped he’d do it now. Do her now.

“When I fuck you…” His eyes flashed fire. “…and I will fuck you. Don’t think for a second

this is a rejection. This is me giving your body time to rest and your brain the ability to be clear for

what’s coming. When I get inside you, balls deep, I’m not stopping until I’ve stamped myself all over

you. Until I fill every bit of you with my seed. I won’t stop. Not until you are mine in every fucking

way possible.”

A wave of heat slid down her spine. The way he said it sounded like a decadent promise of

what was to come. “I’m rested.”

She wasn’t. Her muscles started to cramp from lack of sleep, but she’d give up sleep any

fucking day for a piece of the sexy shifter. It dawned on her that he had to be a lion like the others in

area. From what Gerri said, the king surrounded himself with his kind. Trey was a lion: a sexy-as-

hell one.

His lips tipped up in a sinful grin. “You lie, ym Neevk.”

Could he tell? And what did he keep calling her? “All right, I could use more rest, but I can

sleep tomorrow. All day. I want you, now.”

He pulled his finger back and shoved it in again, this time curving it to hit her G-spot, and

pressed his thumb on her clit. The combined move shook her to the core. He yanked on her tank top

with his other hand, pushing her tits out to full view. Her nipples puckered tightly.

“When I take you, you won’t be able to stand for days,” he whispered. “I want deep inside

you, Bella.” He bit down on her exposed breast. She gasped and shuddered, loving the new

sensations. “When I fuck you, when I own your body, the world will know you belong to me.”

Another slow glide in and out of her pussy had her squirming. He ran his nose between her

breasts, licking up and down. Then, he sucked one of her nipples between his lips. The heat of his

mouth enveloped her breast, warming her already-scorching body even more.

She gripped his shoulder, biting her nails into him. A loud rumble traveled from him through

to her. The vibration was so deep it shook her.

“Oh, god!” she gasped, pushing her hips into his fingers for deeper penetration and arching her

back to get him to suck harder.

He bit down on her nipple, eliciting a wild scream from her. He fucked her harder with his

fingers, pressing his thumb on her clit and flicking it. She groaned, clinging to him for support. Her

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hips bucked, and the tension coiling at her core unraveled in a breathless rush.

Her lungs fought to get air in. She blinked past the daze of languid pleasure and met Trey’s

gaze. He pulled his fingers out of her, lifted them to his mouth, and sucked on the moisture coating


She swallowed hard, trying to figure out what to say, but having a hell of a hard time

considering how freaking sexy it was to see a man do that.

“You taste as delicious as I thought you would,” he said, leaning forward and brushing his

lips over hers. She tasted herself. It revved up the need for him. Had she not been so tired, she’d have

pushed for him to get naked. He cupped her exposed breast with his hand and continued staring at her.

The fire in his eyes dimmed to a deep gold that fascinated her.

“Stay,” she said.

It wasn’t even about getting him naked anymore. Her body was exhausted from that single

orgasm. She wanted to be near him, wanted his heat surrounding her and making her feel relaxed.

One second she was staring into his eyes, and the next, lifted to be placed on the pillows. She

turned to face Trey at her right. “You move way too fast.”

He laughed. “I’m a predator. It’s what we do.”

He had to be a guard. That would make sense. The king would need men who moved that

quickly to defend him. Her new lion was brave and sexy. She sure hoped Gerri would take her sweet

time finding the king a mate. The longer she took, the more time Bella could spend with Trey.

He lay down next to her, pulling her over to place her head on his chest and have her lean into


“I never thought I’d actually consider a predator sexy. This world is messing with my rational


He pushed her tangled curls away from her face and laughed. “Predators, ym Neevk, is all we

have here.”

“I don’t know what that means, but it sounds so sexy coming out of your mouth. Is it an

endearment?” She glanced at his face.

“Yes. A special one.”

Aw, damn. The guy was a romantic. She sighed and smiled, closing her eyes and allowing

sleep to finally claim her. Tomorrow, she’d help Gerri with whatever she needed. For now, she’d

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enjoy spending time in Trey’s arms.

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“We have a problem,” Alyx said, pulling Karel into his office. He stopped at the view of his

chair. His queen had sat in his seat. She’d looked damn perfect in it too.

“What’s wrong?” Karel asked, looking around for the issue.

“My queen.”

Karel sighed. “You have to give Gerri time. She just got here, and the wolves are trailing her

like she’s gonna pop a mate for them out of her ass.”

Alyx grinned. He now understood the wolves’ desperation. Until Bella, he didn’t know how

he’d go about finally finding a mate. Now, he wanted nothing to get in his way.

“Let the wolves have their time with Gerri.”

Karel lifted a curious brow. “Why? What do you know that I don’t?”

Alyx laughed. “You sound like you did when we were kids.”

“I know you, Alyx. You don’t ever smile this much. Not unless you’ve got something up your

fur coat.”

Alyx shook his head and advanced for his desk. He sat down. The lingering scent of Bella had

stayed in the leather. He wouldn’t be able to work with her scent taunting him. “I have nothing up my


Karel marched over to Alyx’s desk. “Right.” He sat and sighed. Then he stopped and met

Alyx’s gaze. “There was a female in here.”

Alyx watched Karel’s eyes grow wide. “Karel—”

“Who is it? The scent is unfamiliar.”

Alyx clenched his teeth, hating that he had to thank Gerri for meeting his mate. “Gerri’s

assistant, Bella.”

Karel’s lips slowly widened into a full-blown smile. Then, much to Alyx’s disgust, he started

laughing. “This is too good to be true.”

“I see no humor in it.” Though he was happy he finally had a mate, he wasn’t looking forward

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to the know-it-all matchmaker giving him the “you see, you needed me” look.

“I do. This is awesome!” Karel continued to laugh.

“Don’t hold back, brother,” Alyx muttered to his best friend. He sat back, enjoying the

remnants of Bella’s scent drifting from his chair.

“Are you kidding me? Gerri’s going to take full credit for her assistant being your mate.”

Karel chuckled then stopped, his lips holding a grin. “Although, you should thank me, I’m the one who

told her to bring Bella along when I called her up.”

“Everyone’s a matchmaker,” Alyx grumbled.

Karel nodded. “Seems I got what it takes. Hey, while Brecc and Eros have Gerri busy, it’ll

keep them from getting too worked up over the river.”

“I am hopeful they will learn to share with the Dragos.” He knew the wolf pack wasn’t the

most social. They lived in the crazy, cold conditions no one else could handle to ensure they were left


“So what are you doing here?” Karel asked, his smile turning into a frown. “Shouldn’t you be

off mating your queen, showing her off to your people? Hell, maybe you should be making sure your

line keeps going?” He winked.

“She doesn’t know I’m the king,” Alyx admitted.

“What? What do you mean? Everyone knows you’re the king,” Karel said matter-of-factly.

“No. When they arrived, she was sick and took to her bed. She was in here when I came in

last night.”

Karel shook his head in confusion. “But you had to introduce yourself, no?”

“I told her my name was Trey.”

Karel gasped. “Are you out of your mind? Your childhood nickname? No one calls you that

anymore. Not since you were twelve and yelled at the top of your lungs that your name was Alyx and

you were the future king and if one more person called you ‘Trey’ they’d have hell to pay.”

Alyx winced, remembering his childhood outburst. His parents had dictated that he deserved

to be treated like the king he would once be. The nickname was retired, and he’d been called Alyx

ever since.

“I didn’t want her to feel strange about me being king. Besides, she doesn’t seem to be fond of

the king.”

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“What?” Karel looked even more confused. “She doesn’t know you.”

“Exactly. Humans have preconceived notions of royalty. I will show her the real me before I

explain how things work here. This way, she’ll understand when I ask her to stay.”

Karel’s eyes widened. “Ask her? You’re going to ask her?” He rubbed a hand over his beard

growth. “Something’s definitely wrong with you. Normally, you’d have said she’s going to stay here

and learn to like it.”

Alyx had thought of it that way at first. She was his, therefore she needed to stay with him.

Mates belonged together. His queen needed to be with him, to bear his offspring and allow him the

opportunity to make her smile for as long as they lived. But from the research he’d done, human

females didn’t appreciate being told what to do. They also didn’t like males making decisions for

them. Alyx was an Alpha, but he wasn’t stupid. If handling his queen like her choices were her idea

would get her onboard with his plans, then he was going with what promised results.

“I’ll ask when the time is right. And she’ll say yes.” He knew she would. Something inside

him realized she’d felt the need to be with him as much as he had with her. She might be human, but

her emotions had connected with his.

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Bella woke slowly. A smile spread over her lips. She hadn’t felt that relaxed in a long time.

She stretched in bed, moaning at the sensation of her muscles pulling taut. She opened her eyes to the

white room again. The shades were up, and the bright sunlight filtered through the gauzy curtains.

The blue was back combined with the white, giving the room an island look she loved. She

guessed her current mood was happy, like the times she’d gone on vacation to her family’s home in

the Caribbean. No wonder the room kept using a white and blue theme. Those were her room colors

in their island home. She was starting to love the room. She’d never felt so relaxed in her life.

Memories from the previous night rushed through her mind. She jerked to an upright position.

Glancing down, she saw she was dressed in the same pajama shorts but had lost the robe at some

point in the night.

Trey. The smile on her lips grew wider. He’d been amazing. The kisses. The touching. The

holy mother of dirty talking! He’d given her one of the best orgasms of her life without using a toy, his

cock, or his mouth. It was surreal.

A knock sounded on the door, and she jumped out of bed and ran for it. She yanked it open and

met Gerri’s smiling gaze.

“Good morning, Bella. You look much better today,” Gerri said softly.

Bella nodded. “I feel great.”

“I’m so glad,” Gerri said, staring at her intently.

There was no need to tell Gerri she’d been getting her freak on only hours after getting to the

planet. She could only imagine what kind of a slut she’d look like if she did. She opened the door

wider. “Want to come in?”

Gerri sniffed and smiled wider. “No need, dear. Looks like you just got up. I’ll have someone

bring you tea. I do have a meeting with the king and some wolves. Why don’t you explore this

morning? If I’m correct, this isn’t going to be a very long trip.”

Oh, damn. Gerri worked fast. “Okay. I’ll just jump in the shower and figure out my way to the

kitchen.” She bit her lip in thought. “Do you think they’d mind if I grabbed something to eat down

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“Don’t worry. I’ll have food brought up with your tea.”

“You are too awesome, but shouldn’t I be helping you with your search for the king’s wife?”

She felt guilty she wasn’t doing nearly enough to help out since they got there.

“You already are, darling. Enjoy yourself. I’ll see you later, for dinner?”

She smiled and waved as Gerri turned to go. “Thanks for bringing me, Gerri. I’m really

excited to be here.”

“I knew bringing you was the right thing to do. You’ll find this world is a lot more interesting

than Earth.”

She already had. She watched Gerri walk away and close her bedroom door with a soft click.

Then she ran for the bathroom. On cue, her shower turned on to the perfect temperature. A new loofah

awaited her. The only problem was there were no bottles of soap or shampoo. She ran out of the

shower, padding across the slick floor, and rummaged through her bag, looking for her comb.

She hadn’t traveled with most of her toiletries, as Gerri had indicated they had everything

she’d need. She returned to the bathroom and searched everywhere.

She got in the shower and sighed. Something dripped over her skin. Shampoo. Her head was

full of it. She washed it, wondering where the hell it had come from. Seconds later, conditioner fell

on her head, making it much easier to brush her long, tangled curls.

She pressed a button she hadn’t noticed on the wall, and a thin dispenser head popped out.

She put her hand under it, and a large dollop of what she assumed was body wash landed on her hand.

She picked up her loofah and washed her body with a lot more calm. She needed to remember this

place was beyond advanced. More than any hotel she’d ever stayed at.

After her shower, a glass wall slid open in the bathroom to display several kinds of body

lotion. They didn’t have names, just colors. She picked a blue one. There was no distinctive scent, but

she liked how silky it felt on her hands.

Rubbing it all over her body, she came to a conclusion. If her curves made Trey that crazy,

this planet was a heck of a lot better than Earth, any day. Not to mention the size of the man—he was

positively huge. Those arms. She sighed, remembering trailing her nails down his abs and feeling his

muscles constrict. His lips. Lord, there should be a warning on him. “Sure to make you wet” sounded


She pulled a long dress out of her closet, but couldn’t figure out how to put it on where the

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material wouldn’t fall like a big blanket. There was a knock at the door.

“Coming.” She opened the door and peeked out, seeing an older woman with golden eyes

staring back at her. “Hi.”

The woman smiled softly. “May I come in? I have your breakfast.”

She nodded and opened the door wider, allowing the woman to enter. She had on a dress in

the same soft material Bella found in her closet, but it was twined around her body in a way Bella

would never be able to do.

“I’ll just put this on the table,” the woman said, heading straight for the corner of the room,

next to the window. She placed the tray on the dark wooden top and turned to Bella. “My name is

Teva. If you need anything, just call my name, and the room will summon me.”

She blinked. “The room? This room?”

Teva grinned. “Yes. This room has artificial intelligence that connects with my quarters or the

kitchen. It will find me.”

Bella shuddered. “That sounds like a bad Liam Neeson movie: The room is alive. It will find

you. And it will kill you.”

Teva laughed. “If I my daughter wasn’t so in love with those movies, I wouldn’t have known

what you were speaking of, but when we went to Earth, it was one of the things she loved and made

us stream for her.”

She laughed. “Can I ask you to help me with this dress?” She glanced down at the material

hanging on her like a sheet. “I’m not doing something right.”

Teva smirked. “You didn’t wrap it correctly.”

She didn’t know what the hell that meant, but she opened her arms wide at Teva’s instructions

and allowed the woman to move the material across her chest like a tube top, taking away her ability

to wear a bra. She twined it loosely around her midriff and then wrapped it around her waist into a

long, flowy skirt. She did something so the material tied up at the curve of her ass.

Once Teva was done, Bella turned to the long mirror by the bathroom and gasped. She’d

never have figured it out. She felt almost naked in the dress. To make matters worse, it was see-


“Um, Teva,” she started, and watched as the dress changed color to a sapphire blue that made

her look amazing. The area around her breasts darkened, and the material became thick like a bra,

keeping her nipples concealed. “Let me guess. The material is intelligent too?”

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She nodded. “This color looks beautiful on you. I’m glad it is the one you chose.”

“I chose it?”

“Yes. The material changes to your desired color preference. When you looked at yourself in

the mirror, you thought about it being this blue. It also padded around your breast area to keep you

from feeling uncomfortable.” Teva smiled wide. “I’ll let you eat. If you need me, call.”

She wanted to ask more questions but realized the woman probably had more important things

to do than discuss Bella’s intelligent dress and how the hell it knew to cover up her nips. That was

some serious intelligence right there. What earth could do with nipple-covering dresses.

She twirled in front of the mirror. Her hair fell in long spiral curls that somehow didn’t frizz

like they normally did when she washed it. Whatever they had in their shampoo was a thousand times

better than what she had at home. She slid her hand down her side and smiled. Such a pretty dress.

Thankfully, she had a pair of black flip-flops that would go great. It was either that or a pair of

sneakers. Those wouldn’t look as nice.

She hummed toward the table and sat to eat. Next, she’d check out the rest of the place. She

saw gardens out her window and wanted to see the native flowers.

* * *

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Bella could lie to herself and say she hadn’t been looking out for Trey, but why bother? She’d

been looking around the castle to see if she saw him and even went as far as passing by the library,

but it was empty. She sighed and continued through hallways until she came upon an open room. It

was massive.

A woman stood talking to others. The moment she noticed Bella, she stopped, a frown forming

on her face, and headed straight for her.

“Who are you?”

Bella raised a brow and folded her arms over her chest. “Hello to you, too.”

“I asked you a question.”

“I realize that, but since you were rude, I don’t feel the need to answer it.” Normally she

wasn’t this easily aggravated, but the way the woman stared at her—like she was a peasant or

something—annoyed her. “Maybe if you told me your name, I’d be more inclined to tell you mine.”

At least five inches taller than Bella, the blond woman had golden eyes that flashed with

anger. She curled her lip in disdain. She was young, possibly in her late teens, early twenties, which

meant Bella was at least fifteen years the girl’s senior. “My name is Nadeeya. I am the king’s cousin.”

“I’m Bella. Gerri’s assistant.” The other woman’s eyes narrowed farther. Her porcelain skin

grew dark with an angry blush.

“You’re human,” she said, like that was a crime.

“Really? I had no idea. Thanks for clarifying that for me. Seeing as I’m probably the only

human on this planet, it’s so good to know.” Bella smirked.

“I don’t tolerate insolence,” Nadeeya hissed.

“Maybe you should try not being insolent. Practice what you preach. Grow up in manners

before you try acting like an adult. The first step is learning how to speak to people.”

“You stupid—”

“Bella!” She heard someone yell. She turned to her right, and the man from Gerri’s video,

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Karel, was a few steps away from her. “So good to see you in person.”

“Hello.” She grinned. “Nice to see you in life size.”

Karel nodded, offering her his hand. She shook it, and he stepped next to her, forcing Nadeeya

to move away from Bella. Karel glanced at Nadeeya, his lips forming into a tight line. “You’ve met

Alyx’s guest, I see.”

“She’s here with the matchmaker,” Nadeeya spat, her lip curling and displaying perfect, white

teeth. “There’s no need for her. Alyx knows—”

“Enough!” Karel roared. Bella’s eyes widened. A vein throbbed in the side of his cheek.

“What the king decides is none of your concern, Nadeeya. Remember that.” He turned to Bella with a

smile. “Have you seen the garden yet?”

Whoa, boy. There was some serious tension in that castle. No matter what planet you were on,

there was always going to be drama when you brought in bitchiness. “No, but I was about to go that


“Allow me to escort you,” he said, motioning for her to move ahead of him and completely

dismissing Nadeeya.

As they walked away, she glanced over her shoulder at the blonde. The woman stared at her

with enough hatred to make her uneasy. “She got a problem with humans?”

Karel shook his head. “She’s got a problem with not getting her way. She’ll learn soon enough

that Alyx has a mind of his own.”

“The Alion king,” Bella said. “In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight,” she

singsonged. “I wonder if he looks anything like our lions.”

“Alyx does look like a larger, stronger, fiercer version of a lion on Earth. Three times their

size. Faster. Angrier. And an all-around pain in the ass.”

Bella laughed as she walked. “You sound like someone who knows him well.”

Karel sighed. “Alyx and I grew up together. I’ve been his best friend and head of security for

as long as I can remember.”

“Does that mean you’re a lion too?” she asked, curious.

“I am actually born of the Yagura tribe. Your humans call us jaguars.”

She gasped. “You’re a jaguar shifter?”

He nodded.

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“I thought jaguars were solitary animals?” she asked, confused and interested to learn more.

“They are on your planet. Here, we have a high tolerance for living in groups. My parents and

Alyx’s parents were best friends. Naturally we grew up together. We are best friends. I became his

right hand. His security chief.”

“Charlotte and I are like that,” she said, thinking of her best friend. Since they were little girls,

they’d been there for each other. “She’s taking care of my cat while I’m here. She’d love to come

visit…” She sighed. “She loves adventures. Maybe one of these days Gerri will give me permission

to bring her along.” She glanced around the open courtyard that led into the garden. “This place is so

magical. I love the fact everything is so colorful. The trees are purple. Purple! And your flowers are

every color of the rainbow,” she gushed, glancing at the different flowers on their path. “Some of

these are several colors. How’s that even possible?”

He laughed and shook his head. “I couldn’t tell you. This is how it’s always been.”

She followed him down a path that had taller plants with flowers the size of her head. “I’m

usually allergic to certain flowers, but so far, I don’t feel anything bothering me.”

“Our atmosphere is a lot cleaner than yours. But if you experience any discomforts with

allergies or illness, let us know, and we’ll be sure to get you something to make it better.”

Her curiosity over Trey was digging a hole in her brain, and she couldn’t stop herself from

asking Karel about the lion. “Do you know who Trey is?”

Karel frowned for a second. Shit. Maybe she wasn’t supposed to ask. Dammit, but she wanted

to know where the hell he was.

“I do know him. Have known him all my life,” he finally replied.

“Is he around?” She tried for casual, but knew it came off as nosy.

“Trey is...” Karel trailed off and sighed. “Right ahead of us.”

She searched ahead but didn’t see anyone. Suddenly, the giant marched out from between the

trees. He zeroed in on them and sped up. Her heart did flip flops in her chest, and her temperature

shot out of orbit from the single hot look he gave her.

“Bella,” he said, the sound of his deep, rumbly voice waking every hormone in her body.

Karel turned to face her. “It was lovely talking to you, Bella.”

She nodded, smiling at Karel. “Thanks for showing me around.”

“My pleasure,” he said. “I’m sure I’ll see you later for dinner.”

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“Sure. See you later.” She watched him retreat and nod at Trey. That had to be some kind of

guy code.

She turned to face Trey, and he didn’t waste time. He cupped her face in his hands and

brought his head down for a kiss. She didn’t think to fight it. Hell, she wouldn’t want to. She rose to

her tiptoes and plastered her body onto his. She curled her arms around his neck and gripped his hair

between her fingers as if her life depended on it.

For long moments, nothing but their kiss existed—his lips on hers, his tongue rubbing over

hers, taming the flames of passion melting her insides. He dropped his hands down her body,

caressing her breasts and grabbing a handful of her ass to press her even closer to him in the process

lifting her off her feet. The rumbling sound of his groan turned her already-slick pussy wetter.

She pulled back from him, breathing hard and licking her lips. “I didn’t have any wine today.”

He chuckled, giving her another kiss before he put her back on her feet. “Did Karel take you to

see the waterfalls?”

She shook her head. “No. We’d only walked a short time before you showed up.”

“I’m glad,” he said caressing her cheek and grabbing her hand. “I want you to see how

beautiful the falls are.” His eyes lit up in the bright gold she knew meant the lion was close to the

surface. Tally had mentioned that enough times about her two men. “But I want to be the one to show

it to you. It’s a special place.”

Dear god, she was falling faster than a speeding bullet for the giant. His voice alone made her

knees shake. Now that she saw him again, more emotions clogged her heart. Yes, there was lust and

passion, but there was also joy at being near him. There was a strange happiness knowing he wanted

to spend time with her.

None of those things showed up in any of her previous relationships. After what amounted to a

day, she was ready to think long-term with a man she barely knew. She remembered her cousin Tally

and how she’d explained falling for Theron and Connor. “It was love at first sight,” she’d said to


At the time, Bella had laughed it off as her cousin being drunk on good sex. Really, with two

hot-as-heck shifters, how could she not be? But now? Could it be true? Love at first sight? Did it


Her heart screamed it did, she was experiencing it herself. But her brain, the much more

logical side of her, said no—this was just a side effect of being in a new, wonderful place with a man

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who made her see more stars than the fireworks during the Fourth of July.

“You’ve gone quiet on me,” Trey said. He guided her down a path between the trees.

“Sorry.” She smiled, leaning into him instinctively. “I was just wondering how it’s going for

Gerri finding the king a wife.”

“She’s currently busy trying to control two wolves who want a mate of their own,” he


“You sound happy about that. Don’t you want the king to find a wife?”

“The king can find his own wife.”

She blurted a laugh. “Not from what Gerri said. According to her, he’s hardheaded.”

“He’s not. Knowing what he doesn’t want doesn’t make him hardheaded.”

“That’s true. That just means he knows what he’s looking for. But he didn’t find what he was

looking for without her help. Maybe now he’ll realize getting someone to help isn’t the end of the


He stopped mid-stride and smiled down at her. Tiny flutters took hold of her chest. “You’re

right. A man needs to accept his mate’s help, even if he thinks he knows what he’s doing.”

She smiled wide. “Exactly. You should have a talk with the king. He needs to learn how to

share with whoever he picks for a wife. Sharing and communicating help relationships thrive.”

“Maybe I will,” he said, glancing back to the path with a frown. “Come, ym Neevk. We’re

almost there.”

She sighed, smiling at the endearment. She still hadn’t found out what it meant, but she loved

hearing him say it.

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Alyx fought down the beast inside him like never before. Every second he spent next to Bella

was another second his animal wanted to mate her, to stamp his mark on her and show everyone she

was his.

As they neared the falls, he couldn’t help but think of his parents. They’d left the castle to live

hours away in the Untamed Forest. Reserved for those seeking solace, the Untamed Forest wasn’t

inhabited by the realm.

When his parents stepped down from the throne, he’d taken control, but he still visited with

them regularly. He’d have to visit once he and Bella mated. He knew it wouldn’t be long before she

gave him a child.

He scented her breeding cycle approaching. Once she was with his offspring, he wouldn’t

have her traveling the rough terrain of the Untamed Forest.

They approached the rock covering the view to the falls. He guided her around the boulder,

and she gasped.

“Oh, wow.”

He loved the way her face lit up full of wonder. His chest compressed when she gave him a

soft, happy grin.

“Do you like it?”

“It’s... It’s amazing,” she whispered, nodding slowly.

He glanced at the falls, looking at them through Bella’s eyes. Three cascades of sparkling blue

water fell in steps into a pool no more than twenty feet away. Masses of flowers and birds

surrounded the falls in a picture-perfect image.

“Is the water cold?”

“No. That’s the thing about these falls. They’re naturally heated. Not like your hot springs, but

the water itself heats up as it falls into the pool.”

She slipped out of her flip-flops and picked up the bottom of her dress, showing off red-

tipped toenails. “I have to put my feet in.”

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He helped her sit on top of a flat rock where she could soak her feet in the pool. She glanced

up at him with an impish smile. “Come, sit.”

He hadn’t expected this. Sitting by the falls with Bella was more than nice. It felt right.

“Here,” she said, making a come-hither motion with her hands. “Let me help you get those

boots off.”

He frowned. “Why?”

She laughed. “You should see your face. Don’t you ever soak your feet?”

No. He’d never had time to soak in the pool and sit around with anyone before, not unless he

was in his lion’s body. His skin was usually the body busy running a planet and keeping different

tribes from going to war.

“I can do it,” he said, slipping out of the shoes that adjusted to his feet. He moved closer to

Bella, sliding his toes in the warm water and sighing.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” she said, leaning her head into his chest.

Good? It was perfect. To have Bella in his arms and know she was the woman he wanted was

better than any other feeling he’d ever experienced in his life. “I know it’s soon, but how are you

liking this place?”

She lifted her head and met his gaze. “It’s beautiful. I bet my best friend, Charlotte, would

love it.”

“Are you very close to your friends? Family?” He worried now that he hadn’t taken into

consideration the fact she’d have to leave it all behind to be with him. Everything she knew would be

reduced to a few trips throughout her life as queen.

“I’m super close to Charlotte and my cousins, Tally and Nita. But Tally is mated to wolves,

and Nita to a bear, so I don’t see them as often. Plus, Nita is having a baby, so she’s tired and stuff.”

She sighed and started drawing circles on his palm with her finger. “I miss them, but they have their

own lives. I still have Charlotte. She’s my best friend.”

“People are nice here,” he said in a pathetic attempt to make his world sound more to her


She gave a dry laugh. “Yeah. Okay. One out of the four people I’ve met so far is a bitch. Can I

tell you the odds of that happening are just like Earth?”

“Who was a bitch?” He was so glad there was a full library on Earth customs and dialogue,

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or he’d never gotten the term. Who was she referring to?

“It doesn’t matter.” She raised a hand to his neck and curled her hand around his head,

gripping his hair and pulling his face to hers. Far be it from him to reject a kiss from his mate. He’d

been dying to taste her again.

She swept her tongue over his lips and drove it into his mouth with an enthusiasm he found

sexy as hell. She wanted him. That alone woke the lion and sent a deep rumble through him.

She pulled back from their kiss, panting. Her eyes were hazy with need. “That’s really sexy.”

“What?” he asked, his mind focused on her, her curves, and the way she moaned.

“That growling thing you do.” She licked her lips, and her pupils dilated farther. The scent of

her desire thickened around them. “It makes me wet.”

He leaned into her, pressing their lips together and in the process, laying her flat on a bed of

thick grass. This kiss wasn’t like the sweet one she’d given him. This was his lion trying to take

control. He kissed her hard, plunging his tongue into her mouth and owning her. He took. And she

gave. She gave and met his ravaging kiss with her own hunger.

His control all but snapped when she spread her legs to cushion his body with her own. The

scent of her need turned him harder than he thought possible. Stinging bites raced down his arms from

her raking her nails from his shoulders to his forearms.

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Bella’s breaths pounded in her ears. Something changed in the kiss. It went from soft to

aggressive and possessive in a single tongue slide. Need flooded her system with a new kind of

desperation—a basic urge for more of him. All of him. Her pussy throbbed. She felt hot, wet; she was

aching for him to fill her.

He pulled from her lips, giving her a chance to gulp air. There was no stopping, though. He

glided down, kissing and licking long slides down her neck. Warm wind skated up her thigh as he

caressed her leg, pushing the material of her dress up to her hips. The move did nothing to relieve the

need she felt for him. It only turned up the fire flaming in her veins.

She gripped his hair between her fingers, holding on to him while he licked her chest. His hair

was soft, thick, and a color that fascinated her. She opened her eyes and glanced at him. He’d been

watching her.

The hand he had up her leg curled around the flimsy bikini she’d found in her drawer and

yanked. It tore with a hiss. She gulped, feeling his fingers part her pussy lips and press at her clit.

“Oh…god!” she moaned brokenly.

He didn’t stop; he flicked circles on the tiny, aching nerve bundle with the speed of one of her

sex toys. She gasped at his touch. He bit down on the tube-top dress, peeling it back with his teeth and

letting her tits out of the binding.

She arched her back, pushing her breast into his mouth, hoping for that suckling he did that

sent electricity careening straight to her clit. He sucked her nipple hard, biting and growling and

doing things with his tongue she’d never thought a man could.

The fingers on her clit massaged and then dipped into her sex—in and out, slowly at first and

then faster. Her muscles started to burn as she tensed, expecting the wave from her release.

It didn’t take long. He rubbed a wet thumb on her clit and sucked harder on her tit, rumbling

against her nipple.

“Oh, god. Yes!”

Vibrations shot through her body, pushing her over the edge. Her pussy clamped around his

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fingers, gripping and sucking with the contractions from her orgasm. Waves of warm bliss washed

over her.

He released her breast with a pop and met her gaze. His face was a mask of harsh lines. It

turned her on even more. She pushed him onto his back, straddled him, and smiled at his confused


“I haven’t gotten my mouth on your pussy,” he said. “That was my next step. I want you

coming on my mouth. I want to feel your sex grasp at my tongue and suck on it like it’ll do my cock.”

He licked his lips. “I want you wetting my face with how hard you come.”

A warm tingle raced to her pussy. “You can eat my pussy later. It’s my turn to play with the


He shook his head. “Bella—”

“Shhh.” She grinned, running her hands down his chest. “I like touching you. You’re so big.

That makes me feel so small.”

His eyes fired into the gold she loved, the animalistic one. “You are small. Small and


She shoved his shirt up. “Yeah, yeah. Now help me get this thing off.”

He laughed and yanked the shirt off in a single tug. Watching his muscles contract wherever

she touched made her already-aching pussy grasp at nothing.

“You like it when I touch you?” she asked, knowing full well he did. If the way he clenched

his teeth didn’t tell her, the way he breathed harshly with each touch did.

“Yes. Touch me more.”

She leaned over him, while he watched everything she did. Her first instinct was to run her

nose over his neck. Something about his scent drove her crazy. It was this place. It had to be. How

could she love that so much? She’d never noticed scent on a man before, not like this—a primal need

to rub herself all over him.

She moaned and moved down, licking a circle around his nipple. He gripped her hips, rocking

her over his erection. She bit down on his nipple unwittingly. The low growl he let out sounded like

he was close to losing control.

Licking her way down his abs, she nibbled on his belly button, surprised that he had one but at

the same time not. From what Gerri said, shifters from this planet were older than humans. Earthlings

were descendants of the mating of Aurorans and humans. That would explain why humans looked like

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them. The shifters from this planet had inhabited Earth. They mated humans to create a descendant.

His body tensed the farther she went. When she got to his pants, she was glad to see a single

button holding them up. She yanked on it and pulled. His cock sprang free from the pants, leaving her

staring at its massive size.

“I guess everything is proportionate on you,” she mumbled. “Good thing.”

He chuckled and looked from his dick to her face. “You look scared and excited.”

She grinned, glancing back at his cock. “I’m excited, all right.”

Tentatively, she raised a hand and caressed his long, thick length. She’d never take it all. No

way in hell—not without that wine that helped her relax. In fact, the longer she looked at it, the more

it cramped her oral plans. But he was too damn sexy to not get a taste. She wanted all of him. Maybe

not all in her mouth…she didn’t want a broken jaw on another planet, but she definitely wanted to

give him pleasure.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “You don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”

She didn’t bother replying. She leaned down and swiped her tongue around the head of his

cock. He was so smooth. So soft. Like velvet, but hard as steel.

“Ah, Bella,” he groaned. “Your mouth is so soft and wet.”

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She smiled and curled her fingers around his cock, pumping him from root to tip. At the same

time, she let her saliva slide down the head of his dick to give her something to lubricate with. She

sucked him between her lips, opening as much as she could, letting him slide to the back of her mouth

until her gag reflex kicked in.

“Fucking hell!” he rumbled. “My cock deep in your mouth is one of the sexiest things I’ve


She did it again. Her oral muscles contracted around his cock, sucking him hard. His hips

jerked, pushing him farther down her throat. She took her hand off his cock and bobbed her head over

him. He pushed her hair out of her face, clearing the view so he could watch her suck him off.

Wrapping her hair around his hand, he gripped the long curls and grunted.

“This, ym Neevk. Your lips are magic.”

She raked her nails over his contracting abs. The sound of him sucking a hard breath had her

pussy slick again.

Suddenly, he yanked on her hair, pulling her off his cock and lifting to a sitting position.

“Come here.”

She grinned, the fear over his size gone when she saw the desire in his eyes. She straddled

him, giving him the chance to help her kneel at the right spot. He pushed the skirt up and behind her.

The soft material did something she wasn’t expecting; it pulled back and scrunched up around her

waist, leaving them able to see her bare pussy.

He grabbed his cock at the root, guiding it to her entrance.

She saw the concern in his eyes fighting his desire. She didn’t want that. Fear had no place

here. She curled her arms around his neck and kissed him. She bit his lip to draw him quickly into the

kiss. The sound of his groan and his hands moving to grab her ass were her indication he’d forgotten

about his concern. Lust superseded everything at that point.

Instead of taking it slow and easy, she knew she was wet enough to take him—if not fully then

at least most of the way. She lowered into a sitting position, impaling herself with his cock.

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She yanked away from the kiss, moaning at the sensations coursing through her body. Waves

of heat set her blood on fire.

“Trey, Trey, Trey...”

“Fuck, Bella. I was right. You feel perfect around me,” he groaned.

Being on top allowed her to go down as far as she could to handle his size. A huge cock was

kind of hard to get used to, especially since her biggest vibe looked puny next to his dick. Her pussy

muscles stretched taut, but she was so turned on it took seconds before she loosened up, allowing her

to move.

He gripped handfuls of her ass and rocked her on his cock. She dug her nails into his arms and

wiggled her hips, taking him even deeper.

“That’s it, love. Squeeze my cock with your sleek heat,” he rumbled.

She rocked back and forth on him, loving the way he rubbed her insides, touching parts of her

no one has ever touched before. Her pussy muscles clamped tight around his cock.

“Oh, oh, god, yesss,” she mumbled. Tension wound fast in her core, seizing her ability to

move. He continued rocking her, gliding her up and down his dick. She let her head fall back, her

eyes closed tightly, and fireworks sparked behind her lids.

He licked the area where her pulse beat erratically at the base of her throat. “Let go.”

She was so close, so damn close to going over the edge. He took her breast into his mouth,

suckling hard on her nipple. Her body unraveled at light speed. She gasped, pressing her pussy down

to take him deeper. She dug her nails hard in his shoulders, clinging to him for dear life. Waves of

pleasure fell through her; it was like a fresh glass of water on a hot day. She screamed at how hard

her pussy contracted around his cock. Pleasure and pain mixed together, leaving her breathless and


He let go of her breast and tensed, gripping her ass hard. A deafening roar sounded from his

chest, shaking them both in the process. He continued to lift and drop her hard on his cock, until he

suddenly stopped. His cock pulsed in her pussy, thick, hot and hard. Jets of his hot semen filled her

channel with his seed. The longer he roared, the more he came.

For long moments, his cock continued coming inside her. Finally he stopped. She had never

felt as exhausted, out of breath, and relaxed as she did at that moment. They both breathed hard,

sucking gulps of air into their lungs.

He cupped her face and kissed her: a kiss full of tenderness and passion. The emotions she’d

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been trying to ignore flooded her heart anew. He slid his hands up and down her back, pressing her

into him as he leaned back on the grass so she’d lay atop him.

This was the kind of sex she’d only dreamt of—a man who wanted her body so completely he

lost control for her. That was all good, but it was the way he kissed her, so tender and loving, the way

he stroked her body like she was a goddess, that shoved a lump into her throat.

Here was a man who didn’t know her past or her bad habits and didn’t seem to care. The

connection between them almost felt like it had a life of its own. She was drawn to him so fully, she

could spend all day in his arms and be happy. This was so dangerous.

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Alyx righted Bella’s dress and watched her sleep. She hadn’t woken the entire time he’d fixed

her clothes or even while he put his own back on. He inhaled deeply, ensuring she hadn’t been hurt

while they’d had sex. He’d lost himself in her body. Hell, he’d roared loud enough to be heard in the

Ice Mountains. There were going to be a lot of questions when he got back. He glanced down at his

sleeping mate. A smile spread over his lips. He finally had her. The woman who owned his heart. His

mother had been right. Once he found her, he’d never let her go.

He picked Bella up, careful not to wake her, and carried her through the back gardens to her

room. He laid her on the bed and fought the urge to get in next to her. As much as he wanted to feel

her body pressed against his, he had to speak to Karel and the wolves.

He pushed her hair away from her face and watched her sleep for a moment. She was

beautiful. She might not see it, but he did. There was no evil in his mate. She was pure of heart, and

that made her even more beautiful than when he first laid eyes on her.

He slipped out of her room quietly, striding down the corridor. He was closing in on the stairs

when Nadeeya showed up. She smiled at him.

“Hello, Alyx,” she greeted, closing the distance between them.

“Nadeeya. How are you?” He continued walking, knowing full well she’d follow behind to

keep the conversation going.

“I’m good. Where have you been?” she asked, with a hint of irritation. “I’ve been looking for

you. Those furballs are ready to leave, and you haven’t been around.”

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face her. “Don’t. Ever. Question. Me.” He took a

menacing step toward her. He knew she saw the danger in his eyes, and she hastily scuttled back. “No

one ever questions me. Ever.” His voice deepened to a low growl. His vision changed to allow his

lion full control. He felt the shift at his fingertips. “I. Am. The. King!”

She nodded jerkily and took a deep breath. Her gaze snapped up to his eyes. Confusion was

swiftly replaced by anger in the depths of her eyes. He knew she probably scented Bella. He didn’t

care if that bothered her. In fact, he loved that others could scent his mate on him. “Alyx, I’m willing

to be your queen.”

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“Get out of my sight, Nadeeya,” he growled. “Now. Before I forget you are a female.”

She didn’t debate. She ran off, her long blond hair swinging as she went.

He let out an angry roar and marched to the library. Karel stood there; his brows flew up the

moment he saw Alyx.

“Did I hear right? Did you mate her?”

He shook his head. “No. I won’t do it without her knowing what she’s getting into. It’s one

thing to be here on a vacation. Quite another to leave all she knows behind for me.”

Karel nodded. “Very noble of you.”

There was a knock at the door, and Brecc and Eros entered. The Alpha and Omega pair were

as tall as Karel, but with much paler features due to their living conditions, not to mention their

heritage. Snow wolves had white fur, which meant white hair and pale skin.

“Alyx, we’d like to know how long the matchmaker will be here,” Brecc asked.

Alyx shrugged. “Not long. I believe she’s done her job.”

Brecc and Eros glanced back and forth at each other.

“Don’t worry,” Karel said. “I’m sure she’d be willing to come back and help you two out.”

Brecc shook his head. “We are in need of a mate. Her help is needed now.”

“Then talk to her while she’s here,”Alyx snapped. He rubbed a hand behind his neck. “Sorry,

I’m a bit frustrated right now.”

Brecc grinned for the first time since they’d been in the castle. “Now that is something I can

relate to. We have a lot of frustrations in the mountains.”

“Any of them annoying family members wanting to choose your mate?”

The wolves looked at each other. Eros sighed. “You could say that.”

“I think we need a drink,” Karel said, heading for the Sidaii wine.

“We’ve discussed the river situation, Alyx,” Eros said, meeting Alyx’s gaze with his pale-

blue eyes. “As long as the Dragos respect our space, we’ll respect theirs.”

Alyx nodded, taking the cup of wine offered by Karel. He gulped the wine and passed it back

for a refill. After the second cup, he sighed and headed for his chair.

“I’ll speak to the Dragos. The problem you might encounter is that they’re low on females, so

they’re suffering through some breeding problems.”

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The wolves nodded.

“We’re all suffering from the lack of mates,” Brecc admitted.

Alyx already knew the wolves were desperate. Much like Alyx, they had to find a mate by

Brecc’s fiftieth birthday, or a new Alpha and Omega set that could continue growing the pack would

be chosen. Brecc and Eros were a set—not related but would share a woman. This meant it was

twice as hard for them to find a female who agreed to be shared between the two. One of their pack

would be best, but when things got desperate, they started searching through other tribes.

“Rethink sending the matchmaker away,” Eros requested. “We need more time with her.”

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“Time for dinner.”

Bella woke with a start. She sat up on the bed, glancing down at the dress she’d been sure had

been up around her waist and baring her breasts. She met Gerri’s smiling gaze and frowned. “How

long have I been asleep?”

“I’m not sure, but I haven’t seen you all day, so I’m guessing a while.” She sniffed and smiled

wide. “Did you have a fun day?”

Did she ever. Best day of her life, by far. “Yes, it was great.”

No need to tell Gerri she’d been getting it on with one of the natives by the falls. Knowing

Gerri, she might hand her a box of condoms and tell her to have fun.

“I’m glad. Do you feel up to coming down to dinner?” Gerri moved to the closet where

Bella’s clothes hung. “I would like you to meet the king.”

Gerri pulled out a gauzy dress in deep gold and put it on the bed. “Take a shower and get

dressed. Tell the room to call for me when you’re ready. I’ll come get you, and we can meet his


“The hardheaded Alion?” She grinned.

Gerri laughed. “Believe me, darling. He will be thanking me by the end of the night.”

“You work fast, Gerri. Haven’t we been here for only two days?” She frowned. “I keep losing

track of time. There’s no clocks or anything in this place.”

Gerri nodded. “Something like that. We’ve actually been here four days. The hours are very

long compared to earth, which is probably why you’re always tired. Those four days are equivalent

to about an Earth month.”

Holy crap! She’d been gone a month? Damn, time was flying by.

“Don’t look so alarmed,” Gerri said. “The great thing about being here for extended time is

that you don’t really age like those on Earth. A year here is about ten years there, so you look thirty

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when you’re forty.”

“Is that how you stay so young?”

Gerri winked. “Something like that. I can’t give away all my secrets.” Gerri marched to the

door in a flowy blue dress that made her eyes pop. “Hurry. Dinner starts soon.”

She nodded and watched Gerri leave the room. She ran for the bathroom and took the world’s

fastest shower. Then she lotioned down and dressed. Thankfully, the dress Gerri picked was one

Bella had brought from her own clothes, so she didn’t need help trying to figure out how to wrap it

like Teva had done with her previous one.

She was sliding into her sandals when a knock sounded at the door. Crap. She’d taken too

long. She ran to the door and yanked it open. She didn’t get a chance to speak. Someone sprayed

something in her face, and instant darkness took hold.

* * *

“Are you sure this is the right thing to do?” Eros asked Brecc. He glanced down at Bella,

Gerri’s assistant, and sighed. They were not the kind to abduct females. Usually, they had a bevy of

them trying to make their beds a permanent home.

“Nadeeya said she was Gerri’s assistant. Gerri can’t go back without her. This will delay her

leaving, and we can get her to help us.”

Eros nodded. Still, he didn’t like the idea. Nadeeya wasn’t to be trusted. “I don’t know,

Brecc. She looks so helpless.”

Brecc stopped and glanced down at the sleeping female. “She does. But she is beautiful. I

want one like her. Do you think Gerri can do it?”

Eros shrugged. All they could hope for was to get Gerri’s attention and delay her return to

Earth. The hike up the mountain was one they were used to. The transport had taken them to the base.

Now they walked. Thick snowflakes fell around them in sheets of white. They were used to the

constant snow. The Ice Mountains were always cold and snowy.

“I still think we shouldn’t have taken her,” Eros said.

“You heard the king. Gerri found him a mate. That means she’ll leave. We need her.” Brecc

glanced at Eros, frustration clear in his blue eyes. “We need her to stay.”

He was right. Still, it felt wrong. “How long do you think she’ll be out?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve never used that before. I took it away from Tatiana when she was trying to

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spray it in her brother’s eyes.”

“You’re niece? She’s a baby,” Eros said.

“It’s supposed to help her sleep now that she’s teething. Alessandra mentioned it was


Eros sighed. But Tatiana was a shifter baby. Bella was a human. As it was, she’d been out for


When they got to the large cabin he and Brecc shared, they laid Bella on a guest bed and

waited to hear from Gerri.

Eros’s instincts told him trouble was coming. What they did, taking Bella, had been a bad

move. If they weren’t so far, he’d suggest taking her back. But he could tell they were coming for her.

He sensed it.

It was another hour before Bella woke. She frowned, rubbing a hand on her temple, and


“Are you okay?” Eros and Brecc asked at the same time.

She opened her eyes, nodded, and sat up. “Where am I?”

“You’re in the Ice Mountains,” Brecc replied. “We mean you no harm. We just need the

matchmaker to stay and help us. We know you work for her. We hope she will agree to help us in

exchange for giving you back.”

She blinked her chocolate-brown eyes wide. “You kidnapped me!”

“You’re not a kid,” Eros said.

She rolled her eyes and frowned harder. “Abducted. Captured. Snatched. Take your pick. I am

not where I’m supposed to be.”

Brecc grinned. “You are feisty.”

“Are you crazy? You have to... You have to...” She sneezed again, her body shaking hard.

“Take me back!”

“You’ll go back soon enough. We need her to help us.”

She sighed. “I’ll ask her to help you. Hell, we’ll stay and vacation for the summer if you want,

but you have to take me back. I think... I think...” She sneezed twice in a row. “I think I’m allergic to

something here.”

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“You will help us?” Eros asked.

“Gerri loves matching up people. I’m here to help her do that. Maybe she won’t need my help

with the king, but I bet we can find you guys a couple of girls and make you all happy like clams.” She

sneezed hard.

Brecc frowned. “Why clams?”

“It’s a figure of...of...” She sneezed again, adding a cough this time. “It’s a figure of speech.”

“Why are you crying?” Brecc asked.

She sniffled and wiped her cheeks. “I’m not crying. I’m tearing from the allergies and the


“We don’t need a couple of girls.” Eros grinned. Bella was so funny and cute, with her dainty

little sneezes and the way she wiped her cheeks from the tears falling from her eyes. “We just need


She stopped, blinked, and glanced back and forth between him and Brecc. “There’s two of

you, though.”

He nodded. “We will share a mate. We are a triad pack.”

She smiled wide and sniffled. “I know all about that. My cousin, Tally, is mated to two

wolves. The Alpha and Omega.”

Eros sighed. “So you understand how difficult it is to find a mate.”

She nodded, inhaling hard once, and then twice, before letting her breath out slowly. “That

one went away. Seriously, what do you all have in this cabin? I’m having the worst allergies ever,”

she sniffled. “I do understand. I promise, Gerri and I will help you.”

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Alyx readied to head to dinner when his library door burst open. Gerri’s face twisted in

anger. He’d never seen the matchmaker so close to shifting.

“Where is she?”

There was no need for names. He knew she was asking about Bella. “I left her in her bed this


Gerri curled her hands at her sides, pushing the wolf back and inhaling hard. “I told her to get

up and dress for dinner. I wanted her to meet the king.”

“What?” He jumped to his feet. “I hadn’t told her about being king.”

She clenched her teeth. “Too fucking bad. You shouldn’t have lied to begin with. Now, where

is she?”

“I take it she’s not in her bedroom?”

Gerri growled. “She’s not in the castle!”

His heart dropped to his stomach. She figured it out. She found out he was lying and left.

His throat closed up and he had to stop his lion from tearing through his skin. Did she run?

Fuck! He’d find her. Wherever the hell she went, he’d follow her and bring her back to this castle that

was no longer his home if she wasn’t in it with him.

The door flung open a second time. Karel rushed inside. “What’s going on? I heard yelling all

the way to the dining room.”

Gerri turned to face him. “Bella. She’s missing.”

Karel frowned. “That’s strange. She has been good about staying in the castle.”

“She wouldn’t know how to leave the castle walls. We came in through the back. There’s no

way she’d be able to leave.” Gerri glanced at Alyx. “Someone took her.”

“Holy fuck!” Karel gasped.

“What? What do you mean someone took her? Who would dare?” Alyx asked, his heart aching

and his lion roaring to be let loose.

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“The wolves. They just left a few hours ago.”

Alyx’s lion pushed at the skin. He’d let the animal loose soon. If the wolves wanted war, he’d

give it to them. Happily.

They raced up the mountain, anger guiding Alyx’s movements. His lion wanted out. When they

reached the cabin Brecc and Eros shared, he didn’t bother knocking. He slammed the door open,

knowing full well his mate was in there.


Gerri’s scream made the cabin shake. Bella ran through a pair of doors and sneezed before

she reached them. She stopped in front of Alyx, and he picked her up in his arms, hugging her hard

and appeasing his beast.

The two wolves came out from the back of the cabin, heading straight for them.

Alyx put Bella down and launched himself at Brecc, the Alpha. Though bigger and stronger

than the wolf, Alyx knew Brecc could fight hard. He tossed Brecc over his shoulder and broke a table

in the process.

“Alyx, wait!” Eros yelled.

“Are you crazy?” Karel shouted. “How dare you take a guest from the castle?”

“We meant no harm to Gerri’s assistant,” Eros said. “Nadeeya mentioned how if we wanted

Gerri to stay, maybe we should bring Bella here and ask Gerri for urgent help once she showed up to

get Bella.”

Alyx tossed a growling Brecc, growling right back and breaking a sofa behind him.

“We didn’t expect the king to show up to get her,” Eros added.

“King?” Bella asked.

Alyx turned to look at her. She frowned at Karel and Gerri before glancing at him, confusion

clear in her eyes.

“She’s his mate, you mutt,” Gerri snapped. “Of course he’d come get her.”

Brecc shoved him hard. Alyx lost the fight with his lion. Bones snapped, and the shift slid

through him, heating him from the inside.

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“He’s going to kill him,” Bella screamed. She watched in awe as Trey or Alyx or whatever

his real name was shifted into a big-as-hell lion.

He stretched to about nine or ten feet and had paws the size of Bella’s head. Alyx was


“He won’t kill him,” Karel said. “He’ll probably bite off an arm.”

She glared at him. Had everyone lost their minds all of a sudden? “Right. Because biting off

anything is a good idea.”

“He shouldn’t have taken you from the castle.” Karel shrugged.

She watched the massive lion leap for the huge, white wolf. They were not evenly matched at

all. While the wolf was huge, the lion was twice his size, easily.

“Trey, stop!”

“Alyx, dear,” Gerri said.

She turned to glare at her boss. “You knew?”

Gerri shrugged. “He’s your Alion. Yours. We can talk about that later. Right now, I think you

might want to stop him from killing my next client.”

Great. What the fuck did she look like? The lion whisperer?

The two animals wrangled back and forth, breaking every piece of furniture in their path.

Once she saw an opening, she jumped between them and screamed at the top of her lungs. “Stop!”

The lion and the wolf separated, each giving the other space and moving away to keep her

between them without allowing her to get hurt.

She turned to face the wolf. “Stay right there, Brecc. I know you’re big and strong, but you and

I both know you don’t want to fight. If you did, someone would be bleeding. This is your king. What

you did was wrong, but I forgive you, and I’m the one you took from that castle.”

She heard a low growl from behind and turned on her heel to glare at the lion—a lion bigger

than her. “That’s right. I forgive them for bringing me here. They didn’t mean any harm. They wanted

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help.” She glanced at Gerri. “Help we are going to give them, as soon as possible.” She pursed her

lips and stared deep into the lion’s golden gaze. “You think you can come here and try to save me and

things are going to be perfect? You lied to me.” She glanced down at her hands and then back at the

animal. “I appreciate you coming here to help, but as far as we’re concerned, I don’t know who you


* * *

Bella fought with the material one more time before giving up and throwing it across the

room. Screw it. She put on a pair of leggings and a tank top. She’d been sitting in her room, unwilling

to talk to Alyx, for too long. Someone knocked at the door, and she growled for them to enter.

Gerri walked in with her brows raised high. “I won’t ask if you’re okay. I can tell you’re not.”

“The growl gave it away?” She sat and let her shoulders slump.

“Not just the growl. The anger and disappointment is like a blanket at your door. It hurts me to

know you’re not happy right now, Bella.”

She shook her head. “It’s not your fault Alyx turned out to be a liar.”

Gerri nodded and pulled up a chair to sit across from Bella. “You asked me if I knew. Yes, I


“Why didn’t you say something?”

“I’ll explain something nobody knows about my matchmaking. When Karel called on Alyx’s

behalf, the image of you two popped into my head. I knew then that this was the place for you. That

somehow, some way, you’d end up with him.”

“So you’re saying I should forgive him?” She didn’t like the idea of just letting go of the fact

he lied.

“Oh, no. I’m not saying that at all.” Gerri patted her hands and smiled. “You and Alyx are

going to be together. You’ll have to go through whatever you go through, but at the end of the day, you

are his and he is yours. Nothing will change that.”

That deflated her anger by leaps. No way was she just going to let him slide on the lying. This

had to be addressed.

“You’re right. I love him.” She widened her eyes and stared at Gerri in shock. “I love the

lying lion.” She giggled at how stupid that sounded.

“It’s going to be fine, Bella.” Gerri’s eyes twinkled with mirth. “Trust your instincts.”

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* * *

Bella stormed into the library. Alyx and Karel were in deep discussion with two other men.

She folded her arms over her chest and raised a brow.

“We’ll be back later,” Karel said, ushering the others out of the library. “Nice seeing you,


She smiled sweetly at him and waited until the door closed before turning her wrath on the


Alyx leaned back on his desk, as if waiting for her to explode.

She took a few steps closer to him and scowled. “Why did you lie?”

She saw him debate with himself before he opened his mouth. “It wasn’t intentional. I didn’t

want you to have any preconceived ideas about me being king.”

“But you’d be okay with me having ideas about you being a liar?”

“No!” He stood, closing the distance between them and gliding his fingers through his hair. “I

didn’t think it would come this far.”

She blinked and turned to leave. “Okay, then.”

“Bella, wait!” He grabbed her by the arm and turned her back to face him. “That came out


She had been so close to walking away, but she loved him. She didn’t want to believe he

purposely lied to her, not caring how she’d feel. “Okay. Explain what you mean then.”

“When I told you my name was Trey, I didn’t exactly lie. I was called Trey when I was a kid.

My full name is Alyx Treyvaal.”

She nodded. “Alyx. You’re the king. The Alion king.”

“I am. The moment I saw you,” he motioned to the chair she’d been sitting in, “here, I knew

you were the woman for me.”

“How? How did you figure it out?” She needed to know so badly that she wasn’t the only one

helplessly in love, that her heart wasn’t the only one on the line. That this love at first sight thing was

real for him too.

He grabbed her hands and placed them flat on his chest. “Not only did my lion roar for you—

something he’s never wanted to do for another woman—but my heart felt full of all these emotions I

wasn’t even aware existed. From the very first look, I knew.” He picked up one of her hands and

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brought her palm to his lips and kissed the center. Her chest felt to near bursting with love. “I love

you, ym Neevk.”

“What does that mean?” she asked, her heart beating at her throat.

“I love you, my queen.”

She shouldn’t let him get her this fast. This easy. With those three simple, little words, he

destroyed her ability to stay angry. She saw it in his eyes. The emotions he’d spoken of, they were the

same she had filling her heart with joy just hours after meeting him. She leaned into him, gripped his

shirt by the collar, and tugged him. When he was millimeters from her lips, she smiled. “I love you

too, my lion king.”

He met her lips with a deep, soulful kiss—one that destroyed her brain cells and made her

pussy wet at the drop of a dime, a kiss that turned her into a complete slut for him.

She no longer cared she’d only known him a handful of days. Her heart had spoken.

He slid his hands down to her waist and under the tank top she wore, yanking the material

over her head. The bra was gone next. Her nipples fluttered into tight, little buds. Slowly, he kissed

his way to her chest, sucking one of her tits into his mouth. Her pussy slickened with need. A low

groan sounded from him.

“Alyx,” she moaned. “I love when you do that.”

Another rumble sounded on her tit. This time, it sent sparks to her clit. Her skin felt tight and

hot. He tugged on her pants, pulling them past her hips until they fluttered to the floor, along with her


The world shifted, and he had her on his desk, pushing her legs apart. He stared at her—from

her hard nipples, down her belly, to her wide spread pussy lips aching for his touch.

“You,” he inhaled deeply, “are fucking sexy.” He ran his fingers down her jaw to cup her

breast and flick his thumb over her nipple. He moved his other hand between her legs, fondling her

clit and making her whimper. “Feel that, Bella? Feel how slick and wet you are? Know what makes

you this way? Wanting me to fuck you.”

Lord, yes. She really did want him to fuck her. “Alyx, yes.”

He slid a finger into her pussy and her muscles gripped tightly. “That’s what I want. Your

slick tightness around my dick. You want it. Me, balls deep in you.” He grunted and pinched her

nipple. “Feel it, beautiful. That little tremble your legs are doing is going to be uncontrollable soon.”

He moaned. “I’ll take you. Fuck you. Eat your pussy like it’s my last meal and then, then I’m going to

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fill you with my cum and get you pregnant.”

She clawed at his shirt, wanting the thin but obstructive material gone. He stopped fingering

her pussy and took his shirt off.

“Thank you.” She sighed.

He met her gaze, his eyes golden and feral with his own lust. “Anything for you.”

A whimper left her lips as she watched his muscled body lower to bring his face between her

thighs. He pulled a chair behind him and sat, placing each of her feet on the arm rests at his sides.

The movement allowed her to scoot forward, leaving her ass barely on the desk, pushing her

knees wider. She ran her nails into his hair and got flutters in her belly when he started kissing his

way up her inner thigh.

“You’re not just beautiful,” he said between kisses, “your scent, that unique perfume that is

you, it drives me wild.”

She took a sharp breath. He was getting closer to her pussy. “Alyx...”

“You’re so pink,” he groaned. “So wet and ready for me to fuck.”

Good god, she was. More than ready. Ready enough to shove his face in her pussy and not let

him up for air. “Yes.”

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He breathed over her clit and glanced at her. “I’ve never wanted to watch my dick go in and

out of a pussy as badly as I do now. Yours.” He took a feather-light swipe of her clit with his tongue,

enough to get her to lift her ass off the desk, ready to bring her sex to his lips.

“To listen to you moan. To feel your pussy grip my cock.” He placed a kiss on her mound.

“To come inside you and fill you with my cum. Ah, baby. I want you full with my offspring. I want

you full of me.” He rubbed a finger around her entrance, driving her mindless with need. “I’ve never

wanted anything so much, Bella. Never have I wanted a woman like I want you.” He sucked in a


“Your pussy’s begging me to fuck it. Begging me to slide deep and make you mine. Asking me

with each grip to pound you so hard, you’re left incapable of walking. Incapable of talking. Unable to

fucking breathe.”

She choked on the air struggling into her lungs. “Do it.” She bit her lips and gripped his hair

tightly. “I want your tongue inside me. I want you to make me scream. Make me come. Please, Alyx.”

She hadn’t finished saying his name when he dropped his head farther and did a long, slow

lick from ass to clit.

Her back arched, and her belly quivered from the lightning bolts rushing through her. He

licked at her folds, groaning and rumbling. Her grip on his hair didn’t loosen. Her legs trembled.

Need grew in her core, twining the rope of tension that would bring her release. Another swipe of his

tongue and she saw stars. Unlike human tongues, his felt bumpy, and when he slid it into her channel,

it seemed to grow thicker and longer. He lapped at her pussy, growling and snarling with every drive

of his tongue into her.

“Oh, god. Oh. My. Fucking. God!”

His arms curled around her legs, holding her shaky thighs open and keeping her from

squeezing them closed on his head. She pulled his head closer to her sex. His tongue in her was like

having a vibrator fucking her. His nose pressed on her clit, rubbing it side to side and pushing her just

over the edge she was desperate to leap from.

A loud scream sounded in the room. It took her a second to realize it came from her. It was

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only with Alyx she’d ever been a screamer. Pleasure swept through her, cooling the aching heat and

taming the desperate yearning to have him inside. For a second.

Her legs shook hard. When he let go of them, she worried she’d be unable to stand. He stood,

his face wet with her orgasm. He licked his lips, and the lust riding her took control again. She

scraped her nails on his arms, pulling him close for a kiss. He gave it. Hard. Fast. Then he pulled her

off the desk and had her turn around to drape her upper body over it.

He caressed her back down to her ass and growled. “You have a beautiful ass.”

She glanced over her shoulder, watching him lick his lips again and stare at her cheeks like

they were a meal. “You have a beautiful cock. We’re even.”

The look of pure appreciation on his face grew. His hand came down with a stinging bite. She

gasped, her eyes widening at what he’d done.

“I’ve been wanting to do that since the first time I saw you.”

She opened her mouth to tell him she didn’t appreciate him slapping her ass, but he pressed

his erection between her cheeks, and she forgot all about it. Her mind focused on wanting him to fuck


“Alyx, god,” she mumbled.

He leaned forward, pressing his dick harder on her ass and grabbing clumps of her hair to tug

her head back. He kissed her shoulder and whispered by her ear, “I’m no god. But I’ll fuck you hard

enough that you’ll think you’re seeing him.”

Her pussy throbbed. “Yes, yes.”

She couldn’t see straight, much less remember how to breathe. Another stinging bite came

down on the same ass cheek as he thrust his cock into the seam of her ass.

“I want inside you.” The words were low, rough, and almost unintelligible.

Thank fuck! She was ready to get on her knees and beg. He pulled away, and she felt the

material of his pants sliding down the back of her legs. Then he grabbed her hips and hauled her rear,

pressing the head of his dick into her entrance. She was soaking wet and more turned on than from

using her vibrators twice in a row.

With a single-minded thrust, he plunged deeply into her, stretching her pussy muscles to the


Yesss,” she hissed.

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She leaned harder on the desk, scraping her nails on the surface and looking for something to

cling to. He yanked on her hair, tugging her head towards him, and placed kisses on her slick spine.

“Do you know how fucking hot it is that your pussy is clamping tightly around my dick?”

She blinked at the haze clouding her vision. “Tell me.”

“Every time,” he grunted, pulling out and driving forth. “I slide into your wet little cunt,” he

bit on her shoulder and thrust hard, making her get on her tiptoes. “My dick wants to come.” He dug

his hand into her hip and fucked her with increasing speed. “I want to feel that hot, wet suction your

pussy does when you come.” He rubbed his beard on the side of her neck. “Tell me to fuck you

harder. Tell me.”

She glanced over her shoulder, looking for his lips. A deep dive and his face came close to

brush his lips with hers. She panted for air. “Fuck me. Harder. Rougher. However you want.

Wherever you want.” She licked her lips and glanced at his mouth then at his deep, shifting eyes. “I’m


Those two words had an effect she didn’t expect. He roared and let go of her hair. Both his

hands squeezed her hips as he plunged fast into her; she slid back and forth on the desk thanks to the

perspiration all over her chest.

She gasped, unable to say anything. He thrust in and out of her in quick, harsh slides. Her

pussy grasped at his shaft. She felt her channel clench tightly around him as her orgasm flowed

through her.

“Alyx, Alyx,” she whimpered.

Multiple explosions rocked her core. Bolts of fire raced down her spine and centered on her

clit. Her pussy gripped him so hard it became painful. Her channel contracted like never before, then

it cooled. Tides of pleasure cascaded over her burning muscles, leaving her feeling lax and


Alyx roared louder than she’d ever thought possible. His nails dug into her hips. He plunged

once, twice, and stopped, biting on the back of her shoulder. A scream tore through her. Her shoulder

felt aflame. He scraped his nails from the front to the back of her hips, adding to the combination of

pleasure and pain she experienced.

His cock thickened inside her, spilling his semen and filling her with his heat. The longer he

came, the more he continued to roar. For some sick reason, she loved that his lion had made itself

known. It was official; she had issues.

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She gasped for air, grateful she lay over his desk or she’d have slid to the floor.

“Bella,” he said hesitantly.

“Hmm?” she mumbled, glancing over her shoulder at his worried expression.

“I scratched you.”

She nodded. “I know. You’re not really housebroken, are you? Mean little cat.”

His wide smile filled her heart with love. “No. I’m not, but it was necessary I scratch you.”

She sighed, still unwilling to move. “Some mating ritual, I take it?”


He slowly slid out of her body, leaving her feeling empty and wanting him back inside. He

helped her stand and proceeded to pick her up when her legs wobbled.

“Alyx,” she glanced at the pile of clothes on the floor, “we’re naked.”

He laughed and walked around his desk to press a button. The back wall of his library slid

behind a panel, revealing the room next to the library, which appeared to be his bedroom. “No need

to worry about being naked in front of anyone.”

He laid her on his golden sheets and climbed next to her, pulling her against his side. “Your

curves are for my eyes only.”

“I can live with that,” she said and yawned. “I’m” She sneezed. “I’m so getting a


He glanced at her, his brows dipping in a frown. “A cold?”

She sniffled. “Must be. I thought it was allergies, but I’m not sure anymore.”

She sighed, her eyes watery with another sneeze shaking her. Alyx covered them with a

blanket, and she snuggled into his side. She needed to get her allergy meds. Later. After a nap.

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Bella woke with her nose clogged. Yep. She had a cold. She shouldn’t have ignored the signs

the first day. She watched Alyx sleep. He was sprawled on the bed, his chest rising and falling with

his deep breaths. For a moment, she listened intently, because she swore she heard something coming

out of his mouth. She leaned closer. There. Her eyes widened, and she slapped a hand over her mouth

so she wouldn’t laugh.

He was purring.

It was so damn cute. That big guy with that massive body and a lion that could make a man shit

himself with a single roar…was purring.

She wanted to stay and stare at him , but she needed her allergy meds or she’d never breathe

again. She slipped on one of Alyx’s shirts and went out the door quietly, trying not to wake him.

Barefoot, she darted down the hallway and up the stairs to her room. She opened the door, and

the lights came on. The room was white again.

She rummaged through her bag when someone grabbed her hair and yanked.

“Ow!” She instinctively slapped at the hands tugging her hair and tried to get free.

“You stupid, stupid human,” Nadeeya hissed. “Alyx is mine.”

Bella struggled out of her hold and turned to face the lioness. “Isn’t he your cousin?”

Nadeeya raised a brow. “So?”

“Don’t you have rules against family hooking up?” she asked. Disgust swept through her, and

bile rolled up her throat. “You’re sick.”

“I am not sick.” Nadeeya glared. “It is very common for family members of the same tribe,

pride, or pack to mate.”

And they said incest was dead. She shook her head. “Alyx isn’t interested in you.”

“He would have been,” she said, her body twitching, as if getting ready to shift. “You got in

the way. Now,” she rumbled, “I’ll have to take you out.”

Bella moved back, but Nadeeya blocked the door. The blonde roared, and Bella gaped as

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Nadeeya’s body contorted. Bones broke and reshaped. Limbs elongated, and fur sprouted, leaving a

giant lioness baring her teeth at Bella.

Oh, shit!

She reached behind her and put a chair between them. The lioness leapt for Bella. She landed

on the chair, breaking it, forcing Bella to scuttle back fast. Bella tripped on a trainer she’d discarded

when she’d readied the previous day and fell on her ass. The lioness made a loud, angry noise Bella

could only take to mean she was in serious trouble.

“Alyx!” she screamed, instinctively.

The door burst open, and a big gray wolf tackled the lioness. Bella crawled to a different

corner, still unable to get to the door, and watched.

The lioness shook off the wolf, but the wolf growled and bit. It took the wolf looking at Bella

for her to realize who the wolf was: Gerri.

The room was not big enough for two giant animals and Bella. They bit and clawed at each

other. Her fear was that Nadeeya would hurt Gerri. Nadeeya was bigger, since she was a pure-born

shifter from Aurora. Gerri’s smaller stature meant she had to work twice as hard to get her swipes in

on the lioness.

There was nothing around Bella could use for a weapon. Nadeeya shook Gerri off her back

and sent her flying across the room. Bella saw the water jug they’d left on her side table. She picked

it up and threw it at the lioness.

Nadeeya had Bella in her sights again. Bad move. She darted to Bella and brought her head

right to Bella’s face.

Bella saw her open her mouth wide, showing off massive teeth. She inhaled and sneezed

multiple times on the lioness’s nose. She continued sneezing hard, until her eyes were watery and she

swore she was going to pee herself.

The animal jumped back, shaking her face and making strange noises. Bella watched Gerri

shift into her human body and laugh. She couldn’t figure out what was so funny. Then Nadeeya took

back her body and screamed. She tried to leave the room, but Karel and Alyx came in and grabbed

her before she got a chance.

“That woman!” Nadeeya screeched, wiping her face. “She spit her human germs at me!”

Gerri had slipped into the bathroom and grabbed one of the towels to wrap around her body.

“Your cousin just tried to take a bite out of your mate.”

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Alyx grabbed Nadeeya by the throat. “What?”

“I did no such thing!” She glared at Bella and Gerri. “Who will you believe, them or me?”

Alyx picked her up by the throat and flung her against the wall. “Get her out of here before I

kill her.”

Karel swiftly took Nadeeya out the door. The blonde didn’t bother saying anything, but she

took a final chance to glare at Bella.

Gerri rushed to Bella and helped her off the floor. Bella sneezed again. She wiped at the

moisture dropping from her eyes and met Gerri’s concerned gaze. “I have a cold.”

“People don’t get colds in Aurora,” Alyx said.

She sniffled. “Have you had a lot of humans here?”

Alyx shook his head. “Usually, when one of our people mate with a human, it’s on Earth, and

they make that their home.”

Gerri glanced at Alyx and then back at Bella. “Bella, nobody ever gets sick here.”

Um, what?

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Alyx didn’t know what to say. In all his years as king, or even as long as he’d known, no one

had ever gotten sick on Aurora. Death came from aging, usually after two or three hundred years.

Something had made his mate sick. Now he didn’t know how to fix it. She smiled at him

through glassy eyes and a red nose.

“You’ll need a doctor,” Gerri said. She turned to face Alyx. “We’ll have to take her to your


Not that his mother was a doctor—she was a seer and knew about herbs and natural remedies.

She’d loved reading how humans handled disease and would often take trips to Earth to help during

natural disasters.

He marched to Bella’s side, holding her close, listening to her sniffle. “Is there anything we

can do?”

Bella shook her head. “I really think I just have a cold.” She sneezed again. “Maybe, since I’m

the first human here, this might not be such a big deal.”

He doubted it.

“How often do you get these colds?” he asked, worried that she was going to be

uncomfortable for a long period of time.

Bella grinned and took the tissue Gerri offered her. “I don’t usually get sick unless it’s winter.

But I think visiting your friends on that cold mountain set it off.”

He knew it. The wolves. They had taken her from his home, and now she was sick because of

them. He’d never allow them back in his castle. They were lucky he’d signed the river pact between

them and the Dragos, or he’d give it to the Dragos.

“Alyx,” Bella said, tapping him on the shoulder. “You look ready to kill somebody.” She

raised her brows and shook her head. “You better not be having any ideas about the wolves. They’re


Alyx carried Bella to bed and waited for Gerri to get her something warmer to wear.

“You know,” Bella said as he put her on the bed. “I can walk fine. Even with a cold.”

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She wiped at her forehead and sniffled. “It’s getting hot in here.”

Fear clutched at his heart. He touched her head. She was on fire. Her skin burned hotter than

the two suns on the hottest day of the year. “There is something very wrong here.”

Gerri returned with a thick wrap. He covered Bella with it and wouldn’t allow her to walk.

She looked weak enough without them asking her to take unnecessary steps.

He took her to the transport that would carry them to the Untamed Forest. Bella slept for most

of the ride. He hadn’t seen his parents in months. He didn’t know how his mother would take meeting

her new daughter under these circumstances.

“Don’t worry, Alyx. She’ll be fine,” Gerri said, pushing up the wrap to cover Bella better.

“I never did thank you for coming,” he sighed. “I’m sorry I was so ungrateful the last time you

came and offered to help.”

Gerri smiled. “I forgive you, little lion. You have your queen now. Make sure she is always


He nodded. He’d give his life for his queen. “I plan to.”

“Did she touch anything you think could have had any strange effects on her when you took her

by the falls?” Gerri frowned. “She’s got a high fever.”

“No. She waded her feet in the water. That’s all.”

Their arrival at his parents’ cabin came late at night. His mother stood at the cabin door,

watching the transport land.

He picked up his mate from the seat and carried her out, straight into his parents’ living room.

He laid her on the sofa and turned to his mother, Alanna.

“Son.” She smiled, throwing her arms around him and giving him a tight hug. “What’s wrong

with your mate?”

He knew his mother would have known. Having a gift meant she was probably better

informed of what was going on than he was.

“She’s ill.”

Gerri rushed forward and hugged his mother. “So nice to see you again, Alanna.”

“Wonderful of you to bring my son his queen,” his mother said. “Thank you.” She smiled wide

at Gerri. “I’m glad you didn’t allow his childish words to keep you from helping him.”

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Gerri shook her head. “I thought about making him suffer, but I wanted to see Bella happy.”

“Bella,” his mother said. “She’s lovely.” She sat next to his mate and pushed Bella’s hair

away from her damp forehead. “Too bad your father is out hunting. He’d have loved to meet his new

daughter.” She gave Alyx a soft look. “He always wanted a daughter.”

“Can you tell us what’s wrong with her?” Gerri asked, leaning down next to Bella and his


“She appears to have a bug.” His mother glanced up at Alyx. “Did you take her to the falls?”

He nodded, guilt shredding him from the insides. It was his fault Bella was sick. He should

have known better. “It’s my fault. I took her there.”

“Calm down, son. She’ll be fine.” His mother tapped Bella’s jaw and felt her forehead. She

glanced at Gerri and motioned to the kitchen. “Make some tea out of the herbs in the green jars.”

Gerri rushed off to the kitchen to make the tea. Alyx bent down to hold Bella’s hand. “What

made her sick?”

“It was something small, Alyx. Minor. Normally, she wouldn’t have gotten sick, but her

system is...” She pressed her lips together as if fighting the urge to grin. “It’s changing. So her body

couldn’t cope with so much at once.”

He didn’t understand what that meant. He paced the living room. Gerri returned with the tea a

few minutes later. He helped Bella sit up, watching her open her eyes to smile at him and then at his

mother. “Oh, wow. He looks just like you.”

“Thank you, dear. That’s the highest compliment you could pay a mother,” his mom said.

“Here,” Gerri said, passing Bella a mug of tea. “Drink this.”

Bella sniffled and sighed. “The heat is opening up my airways. It smells so good.” She sipped

on the tea and swallowed repeatedly. “Tastes fruity.”

She drank the tea, and Alyx watched, his lion restless from the need to help his mate.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

His mother frowned. “It’s going to take more than thirty seconds for it to work, you know?”

Bella frowned, glancing around as if for the first time. “I don’t get why getting a cold is such a

big deal. I bet this won’t be the last time for a human who comes here.”

“She’s right,” his mother said. “Any others who take human mates will need to be made aware

that they run the risk of getting sick.”

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“I still don’t get how she got sick,” Gerri said. “This place is germ-free.”

His mother curled an arm around Bella’s shoulders, hugging her to her side. “Bella was bitten

by the Flower Tindle.”

“The what?” Bella asked.

“It’s like a ladybug from your planet. Under normal circumstances, that’s not going to make a

person sick.” She glanced at Alyx, her lips no longer suppressing the smile. “But Bella’s body is

changing, and her immune system couldn’t handle the bite and the new DNA flooding her body.”

“Excuse me?” Bella asked, looking totally lost. “You confused me with the ‘new DNA.’”

“You’re pregnant,” Gerri said. “Hah! Why didn’t I think of that?” She shook her head. “Your

scent changed, but I thought it was because you were inhaling the food and atmosphere here.”

Alyx’s heart sped up so fast he thought it might spring from his chest. “She’s pregnant?”

His mother nodded. “Very much so.”

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Bella curled a hand around her belly. “Holy shit!”

She’d gone from having a cold to “Holy crap, I’m going to have a baby!” in a few hours flat.

Alyx glanced at her. She couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. This had to be good, right? He’d

definitely mentioned wanting her pregnant at least once. He offered her his hand, and she stood, her

legs no longer wobbly, and left the cabin by his side.

They walked together, in silence through the quiet night, down a path that led to where they

could see the moons clearly.

At a rock, he lifted her to sit on the flat, smooth surface and proceeded to stand between her

legs, cupping her face in his hands.

“Alyx?” She was getting worried. He was so quiet, and his face gave nothing away. “This is

good, right? You want babies.”

He nodded, pulling her into a tight hug, and brushed his lips over hers. “I love you, my Bella.

Ym Neevk.”

She smiled and kissed him back. “I love you, too.” She met his gaze and sighed. “Can I tell

you a story?”

“You can tell me anything. I will always listen.”

She smiled. “Communication is important.”

“Yes. I was told by someone very intelligent that couples need to listen and talk. And trust

each other.”

“That is a smart person.” She laughed.

“What’s your story?”

She bit her lip, unsure how to begin. “For so many years, I lived on a planet where I was

reduced to the size of my clothes.” She slid a hand over his scruffy jaw, running her fingers through

his beard.

“I fought society’s rules for what they deemed to be beautiful. I didn’t want to be what they

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said I had to be. I learned to love my body long ago and never really thought I’d find a man who

would love me as I am.” She ran her other hand into his hair, threading her fingers through his silky


I didn’t want someone who would love me despite the fact I had curves and rolls and a belly

and jiggly arms.” She smiled. “Don’t shake your head. I do have all of those. I wanted a man who

wanted me exactly as I am.” She sighed and brought his hand down to her abdomen.

“A man who found me sexy and beautiful. A man who got hard because my body pleased

him.” She laughed and glanced up at the dual moons. “It took going to another planet to get my wish.”

“I do love you. Exactly as you are.”

She nodded. “I know. I never thought leaving my home planet would make me this happy.”

She threw her arms around him and kissed his neck. “Thank you. For making me your mate. And for

making me your partner.”

“So you are happy to stay here with me?”

“You couldn’t get me to leave even if you tried evicting me.”

He pulled back and cupped her face. “I would like one more thing.”

She blinked. “What?”

“To make you my wife. I looked up Earth customs. Would you marry me, Bella?”

She kissed him hard and giggled. “I will. I’ll marry you, my lion king.”

He leaned his forehead to her cooling one. “You don’t mind having my children?”

She frowned. “Why would I mind? I love you. I want your babies.”

He nodded. “Good, because I want you to have lots of babies.”

She raised her brows and leaned back. “Hang on a second. What’s ‘lots’ of babies?”

“Ten or twenty.”

She choked on her saliva and started coughing. “I’m sorry. I thought I heard you say ten or


He nodded. “I did.”

“Baby, you’re going to have to come back with a new offer. That deal has been declined by

the bank. I’m thinking more along the lines of one or two.”


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She almost felt bad about the way he scowled as if she were breaking his heart. “Let’s settle

on four and see how I feel after that. Who knows? You might convince me to give it another go.”

“Sounds like a good plan.” He pulled her closer and kissed her again. And all she could do

was lean into him and let him pleasure her. She loved his kisses. As far as she knew, she’d always go

weak for her lion.

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Gerri glanced at the travel opening to Aurora and grabbed Charlotte’s hand, holding her tight.

“Don’t worry, darling. This trip is going to change your life. I hope you like snow.”


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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Milly Taiden (AKA April Angel) loves to

write sexy stories. How sexy? So sexy they will surely make your e-reader sizzle. Usually
paranormal or contemporary, her stories are a great, quick way to satisfy your craving for fun
heroines with curves and sexy alphas with fur.

Milly lives in New York City with her hubby, their boy child, and their little dog “Needy

Speedy.” She’s aware she’s bossy and is addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn’t, right?),
and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.

She loves to meet new readers!


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Find out more about Milly Taiden here:





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If you liked this story, you might also enjoy the following by Milly Taiden:

Sassy Mates Series

Scent of a Mate Sassy Mates Book One

A Mate’s Bite Sassy Mates Book Two

Unexpectedly Mated Sassy Mates Book Three

A Sassy Wedding Short 3.7

The Mate Challenge Sassy Mates Book Four

Sassy in Diapers Short 4.3

Federal Paranormal Unit

Wolf Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book One

Dangerous Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Two

Black Meadow Pack

Sharp Change Black Meadows Pack Book One

Caged Heat Black Meadows Pack Book Two

Paranormal Dating Agency

Twice the Growl Book One

Geek Bearing Gifts Book Two

The Purrfect Match Book Three

Curves ‘Em Right Book Four

Tall, Dark and Panther Book Five

The Alion King Book Six

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FUR-ocious Lust - Bears

Fur-Bidden Book One

Fur-Gotten Book Two

Fur-Given Book Three

FUR-ocious Lust - Tigers

Stripe-Tease Book Four

Stripe-Search Book Five

Stripe-Club Book Six

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Other Works

Wolf Fever

Fate’s Wish

Wynter’s Captive

Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1

Club Duo Boxed Set

Don’t Drink and Hex

Hex Gone Wild

Hex and Kisses

Hex You Up (coming soon)

Hex with an Ex (coming soon)

Alpha Owned

Bitten by Night

Seduced by Days

Mated by Night

Taken by Night

Captured by Night (coming soon)

Match Made in Hell

Hellhound Needs a Mate (coming soon)

If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review, even if it's only a line or two; it

would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated.

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