Paranormal Dating Agency 7 There's Snow Escape Milly Taiden

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Curvy Charlotte just got invited to visit another planet—a shifter planet where her best friend is getting married to a lion king. If that isn’t

strange enough, two panty-melting hot guys are looking at this big girl like she’s a piece of cake, and they haven’t had dessert in years.

She shouldn’t be interested, but…girls just want to have fun, right?

Brecc and Eros need a mate before the Elders force someone on them. They’re getting desperate, and they hire Gerri to find them a

woman. She delivers curvy, outspoken, and gloriously sexy Charlotte. Now they just have to get her to stay. Forever. Simple. Not.

When Charlotte’s visit turns from cool sightseeing to getting her freak on with two shifters, things take a turn for the naughty. She needs
to figure out why Brecc is so distant and what’s the drama with the Dragos. Things escalate to the point she has to do her own growling

in order to be heard. She’s about to realize when two wolves choose a mate, there’s no escape.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be

construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By

Latin Goddess Press

New York, NY 10456

There’s Snow Escape

Copyright © 2015 by Milly Taiden

Cover by Willsin Rowe

Edited by: Tina Winograd

Dee Carrell

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except

in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Property of Milly Taiden

August 2015

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—For Dee

Thank you for the friendship, the love, and the encouragement. I love you.

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Charlotte Marzan stared at the older woman on her doorstep. It was way too early for prank

calls. “I’m sorry, who did you say you are?”

“My name is Gerri Wilder. I came with a message from Bella.”

Charlotte bit back a yawn and shoved the long, unruly curls away from her face. She looked a

mess. Nobody ever knocked on her door before noon. They knew better. They’d face injury and

possible death if they did, especially with her being unable to sleep lately.

She blinked. Gerri, wearing a pair of cropped pants and a flowy blouse like she’d been born

in them, was flawless. “Bella. My Bella?”

As Gerri’s new assistant, Charlotte’s best friend Bella had gone to another planet to help the

matchmaking woman find a lion king his mate. Bella was supposed to be gone for a few months. Not


Gerri grinned, glancing at Charlotte’s Hello Kitty pajamas. “I think King Alyx would disagree

with you on whose Bella she is. But yes, your friend, my assistant, and now, the queen of Nova


Charlotte pushed away the haze in her sleep-deprived brain, wishing to get Gerri into focus.

“Do you want some coffee? It’s just way too early for you to hit me with Bella being a queen. I need

at least three cups before any of what you’re saying makes sense.”

“Sure.” Gerri nodded, gripping a black tote bag in her grasp. “May I?” she asked, pointing

inside the house.

Charlotte stared for a second. “Oh, yes. Sorry. Come in. I don’t usually get visitors this


“A bit crabby in the morning, are you?”

“Crabby?” Charlotte laughed. “More like Michael Meyers resting bitch face. I don’t get

enough sleep, so waking me up when I finally do sleep can get people in trouble.”

“At the risk of being murdered, I had to wake you.”

Geez. She needed to wake up quickly, but she’d had serious insomnia lately, and the feeling of

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anxiety over something didn’t let her rest. Clearly it was taking a toll on her ability to think.

Bella would blame it on Charlotte’s lack of a sex life. It was a strong possibility, considering

she hadn’t really had sex since her divorce over a year ago. As things stood, her blue-bunny vibrator

was her best friend during those long, lonely nights.

If only whatever it was would happen already. She’d always been this way—sensing ahead of

time when a big change would take place, but unable to figure out what it was.

Gerri followed her into the living room. She was glad she lived the minimalist lifestyle, or

Gerri would have noticed she hadn’t cleaned up in forever. As it was, she would not invite anyone

into her bedroom. It was a war zone in there.

“Please sit,” she said, pointing to her powder-blue sofa. “I have an automatic coffee maker.

It’s already brewed. I just need to pour. Cream and sugar?”

Gerri nodded. “Thank you. Hold the cyanide.”

Charlotte grinned. “You’re spunky, aren’t you?”

“Darling, you have no idea.”

She headed for the kitchen and went on autopilot while she filled mugs with coffee, cream,

and sugar.

Bella had gone to Aurora, a shifter planet, with Gerri to help find a king his mate. Though the

information was top secret, Gerri allowed Bella to tell Charlotte. To the rest of her family, Bella sent

letters saying she was going on an extended vacation. Vacation. But then, how the hell did Bella end

up being queen?

She gulped the first mug in the kitchen while preparing Gerri’s and then took the pot and the

fixings to drink more in the living room. Her hands shook, making the tray tremble in her grip. This

was insane.

Bella leaving for another planet had been hard enough to understand, but now hearing her

friend was staying made Charlotte question what was real and what was fake. Charlotte prided

herself on logic. She needed tangible proof to believe what others told her. This came from parents

who constantly promised things and never delivered.

She sat, giving her mind a moment to focus, and glanced at Gerri. The matchmaker had a very

intense look on her face.

“So you have a message from Bella,” Charlotte said, gulping on her second cup of coffee.

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“Yes. She said she loves you dearly, but she’s staying in Aurora,” Gerri said, lifting her mug

to her lips and taking a sip.

“Hang on a sec. You mean she really is staying? Like forever? This isn’t a prank?” Talk about

being slapped with crazy news at the ass crack of noon.

Gerri put the cup on the coffee table and pulled out a tablet from her one-of-a-kind Hermes

bag. Charlotte would know it was one of a kind. Her mother had a collection of Hermes when

Charlotte lived in their house. Her mom worried more about her bags than her kids.

Gerri sighed. “It’s probably best if you talk to her yourself.”

Oh great. She’d get a chance to speak to Bella on another world.

What. The. Fuck.

She felt like she’d woken up in some kind of prank, and the joke was on her.

Gerri pressed on the ridged glass on the tablet, and a voice sounded.

“Communication ready.”

“Please connect,” Gerri spoke to the tablet.

Charlotte stopped her cup mid-way to her mouth and gawked at a hologram of Bella and two

other men in her living room.

“Is this thing on?” Bella asked, glancing at one tall, hunky guy.

“Yes, it’s on,” he said, cupping her cheek and gazing at her adoringly. “Karel, she wants to

see her friend.”

“Bella?” Charlotte squeaked. She gripped the sides of her seat. Her heart pounded like she’d

run a million miles, though the most Charlotte ever did was walk or hike. Running had a big-fat HELL

NO attached to it.

Bella glanced straight into what Charlotte assumed must be a communication device and

smiled. “Charlotte!”

“Bella!” Charlotte gasped. She saw her friend but could also see her furniture through Bella.

“Are you okay?”

Bella nodded, smiling widely and hugging the tall guy with the sand-colored hair almost twice

her size. “I’m wonderful.” She cleared her throat and bit her lip. “I’m glad you’re sitting, because

there’s something I need to tell you.”

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Charlotte slowly slid to the edge of her seat. “Okay?”

“I’m getting married!”

Charlotte gaped at her best friend. The happiness in Bella’s face came through, even though

she was see-through. “Oh my gosh! This is…” She almost choked on her own words trying to talk so

fast. Her heart tripped with joy for Bella. “How? What the heck did I miss?” She hopped to her feet

and rushed forward wanting to hug her friend over the wonderful news and then remembered it was a

hologram image of Bella. “I’ve got to see you!”

Bella laughed and wiped at her cheeks. “Oh my god. Stupid hormones got me crying already.”

“Hormones?” Charlotte frowned, the smile leaving her face and fear clutching her gut. “You

sure you’re okay?”

Bella’s radiant grin only grew wider. “Yes. I’m going to have a baby.”

Charlotte stumbled back, her knees giving way as she fell onto the sofa with a thump. “You’re


Bella nodded, excitedly. “I’m going to have a baby!” She made a frustrated motion with her

hands and pouted. “Dammit, Char. I need you here. I can’t do this without my best friend.”

“You don’t have to.” Charlotte instantly warmed to Bella’s words. Screw the fact that she

was hit with serious news before her third cup of coffee. “I’m sure we can find a way to get me there

with you. There’s no way in hell you’re getting married without me.”

Bella bounced on the balls of her feet. “I’m so happy to hear you say that. Gerri can arrange

for you to come. Make sure Becca takes care of your house and belongings. You might want to close

up the house and put stuff in storage.”

Holy hell. How long would she be gone? She’d been in such a funk missing Bella. After

almost a month without her best friend to talk to, she started getting depressed. Her sister, Rebecca,

busied herself with writing articles for the women’s magazine she worked at, leaving Charlotte

feeling alone without Bella.

“Okay. I can handle all that. I’m sure we can get that taken care of within a week or two.”

Bella sighed. “Oh, Char. I can’t wait to show you how beautiful it is here.” She opened her

eyes wide. “There’s one more favor I need from you.”

Charlotte didn’t hesitate. “Anything, chica. You know I’ll do it.”

Bella leaned into the big guy holding her and bit her lip. “I need a wedding dress.”

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She sucked in a hard breath. “Bella…”

“I know, I know. You hate shopping. But this is for me. All you have to do is find a dress

that’s my style, and we’re about the same big-girl size. If it fits you, it’ll fit me. Just give enough

space for him or her,” she said, pointing down to her belly.

Like Bella, Charlotte was a big girl with big curves. Also like Bella, Charlotte had learned to

love her curves and send society’s views on beauty to hell. Her latest project, thanks to the prodding

of Bella and Becca, was a self-published book that became an instant bestseller. She’d done it mainly

to let other women, who were treated like crap because of their size, know they were not alone.

“I’ll find you a dress. I promise.”

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Charlotte had gotten the majority of her belongings into storage in record time. She’d been

living off her savings while she’d written her book, and now that she’d had such amazing sales with

it, she hadn’t found the urge to get a job. She’d kept her house devoid of plants because she always

forgot to water them. There wasn’t much for her to do.

Ding. Ding.

She jumped at the sound of the doorbell and glanced at her two packed bags. Gerri had been

particular about asking her to keep things to a minimum, but had told Charlotte there was an area with

amazing snow and ice she’d probably want to check out. A lover of all things snow, Charlotte had

packed her winter clothes in hopes of visiting the colder area.

Ding. Ding.

“Coming!” she yelled, rushing to the front door. With a single yank, she opened it and saw her

sister, Rebecca, frowning in the entryway. The urge to slam it closed and shut her lovely sister out hit

Charlotte with the speed of a freight train.

“What the hell do you mean you’re going away?”

Ah, shit. She’d so hoped to get away without having to explain anything to Becca. If Charlotte

was the see-it-to-believe-it type of person, Becca was twice as bad. Anything shifter-related and her

sister would roll her eyes. Sure, Becca knew of shifters. Everyone did. Charlotte knew human

females mated to shifters. Bella’s family members had gone through Gerri to find mates in the past.

Rebecca didn’t think shifters were interested in human women.

“Come on in, hermanita.” Charlotte sighed.

“Don’t try being nice now. You’ve been ignoring my calls, Char. Where are you going? Why

are you giving me your important papers?” She gasped as she looked around the empty house. “Where

is your furniture?”

Charlotte met Rebecca’s gaze with a shrug. “I told you I need a break. I need to get away.”

“If you tell me you’re going to some strange swinger island to have copious amounts of sex, I

can understand that. But this looks like you’re moving away forever. You’re way too uptight lately.

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You need to get some in your life.” Rebecca laughed.

“Becca!” Charlotte chuckled. “No, I won’t be getting sex with ten guys at a time. Lord knows I

can’t seem to attract the right type of man as is.” She shoved her hands in her pants pockets. “And I

get some, thank you very much.”

“A drawer full of toys is not enough.”

Charlotte widened her eyes and shook her head. “How do you know it’s a drawer? More like

a trunk, but who’s counting?”

“Whatever. I swear, the lady’s dog next door gets it more than you.”

Charlotte gaped. “Duke? He’s fixed!”

Becca shrugged, still glancing around the almost-empty house. “Tell that to the way he

humped the mailman just now. Those two have something special going.”

Charlotte laughed. “You’re nuts. Besides, I think the mailman already has a thing with the cat

across the street. She jumps him every time they open the door.”

Becca raised her brows. “Maybe you should invite the mailman over for coffee. See if he

brings out the mating instincts in you. You need sex in your life. All these animals can’t be wrong.”

“If I could find a man who isn’t so full of himself that he sounds like he can suck his own dick,

I might have more sex,” she retorted. “Anyway, sex is the last reason why I’m going away.”

“Is it our parents?” Rebecca ground out, slapping her hands to her wide hips. “They’re

fucking up again, and you’re upset, aren’t you?”

Wow. Had it always been this bad? Her running off because her parents were never there?

Charlotte’s memories all consisted of wanting to get away—to climb a mountain, skiing or

snowboarding and clearing her head from the pain of another broken promise by their parents. To say

they hadn’t been there was an understatement. They’d had enough hired help that the girls were

watched at all times, but never anyone consistent enough for them to feel connected, loved, and cared


“No,” she was quick to reply. Her father’s lack of follow-through with any plans they made

had slowly killed her inside. Any love she’d had for her parents drifted away the more they showed

how little they cared to spend time with her. After further thought, she realized she’d started out

wanting to get away from the second book responsibility and their father. “I really just need a change

of pace. I’m tired. I’m depressed without Bella, and quite honestly, I think I’m hitting a mid-life crisis

or something.”

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Rebecca rolled her eyes. “You’re thirty-five. Thirty is the new twenty.”

“That’s all well and good, but I have a failed marriage and no real prospects in my life,” she

admitted. “For a thirty-five-year-old to feel this…old sucks. I need a clean slate.”

Rebecca sat down, worry growing in the depths of her eyes. “What is it you want?”

“I want what every woman wants. What I know I deserve,” she said. “I want to find

happiness. I lived in a loveless marriage for too long, with a man who never really gave a shit about

me. Who only saw me as someone to flaunt around his friends because our parents had money. He fell

in love with my bank account. Not me.” She gulped at the raw feelings in her throat. She’d never said

these things to her sister. She hadn’t said them to herself.

“Charlotte, I know.”

“No,” she shook her head, “you don’t.” For the first time, in a long time, she opened up the

feelings she kept hidden to herself. “Do you know how difficult it is to see happily married couples

and know that would never be me? Because even though my husband acted like he cared, I could see

in his eyes that the words were said for my benefit. Not out of honesty.

“It was hell to listen to our supposed friends tell me that my husband, the man who vowed to

love me, made fun of my body and weight thinking I wouldn’t ever find out.

“Worst of all, to live with the regret of knowing I wasted seven years of my life on him? That

it took me that long to grow the fucking balls to tell him to go fuck himself?” She licked her lips. “No.

You don’t know. I live with the regret of wishing I’d taken a stand sooner.”

“But you did. You got a divorce. You nailed his ass to the wall when he tried to take your

savings. You eviscerated him in front of his friends when you told them what a pathetic excuse for a

man he is. And that he had a tiny dick that he couldn’t keep up.”

Yes. She had done that. Anger and hurt had given her the balls to stop being a pushover.

Never again. Since she’d learned to stand up for herself, she’d never allow another person to put her

down in any way. Not for her weight and not for her body.

“You’ll find your happiness, sis,” Rebecca’s mumbled. Dammit, Charlotte had managed to

make her usually spitfire sister sad. “Hey, look at me. I have no man. I am doing okay.”

“You can take on the world Becca. I see it with every article you write. You give the best

advice. You empower other women every day.” She smiled at her sister. “That’s who you are. You

don’t take any bullshit from anyone. I love it. I love you. But you didn’t go through a divorce that

fucked up your self-esteem and your trust in men.”

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“No. I haven’t gone through that, but I have had horrible relationships. I don’t let them keep

me down. You can’t let that horrible marriage get the best of you. You’ve been rid of him for over a


“I know. But this is why I need a break. I need to go somewhere new. I want to meet a man

who will love me.” Charlotte motioned down to her body. “All of it. Every dimple. Every curve.

Every roll. I want someone who will want to strip me naked. A man who wants to look at my body

and love it as it is. A man who will make love to me so desperately, he won’t know how to handle

it.” She nodded. “That’s what I want. And I’m going to get it,” she said with assurance. “But for now,

I need to reset my clock. I need to get away. Have fun. See new places. That’s why I’m leaving.”

Rebecca offered her hand and motioned for her to come close. “I understand.”

“Thank you,” she said, sitting next to her sister on the single sofa she’d left in the house. “I

need to relax and have fun. That man, the right man, for me will come. Until then, I will travel and

spend time with my best friend.” She smiled at Rebecca and hugged her to her side, leaning her head

into Rebecca’s shoulder. “My other best friend.”

“Okay.” Rebecca sighed. “But if I don’t hear from you in a few months, I swear I will hunt

down this Gerri woman and make her take me to you. Do you understand?”

Charlotte laughed. What were the chances of that? Highly likely. According to Gerri, if she

stayed a week after Bella married, it would mean months in earth time. “Give it six months. I should

be back by then.”

Rebecca frowned. “What if I want to write you? Talk to you?”

Charlotte pursed her lips. “I don’t know yet. I’ll ask Gerri. She can get any message I have to

you. I’ll see what she says. Any messages can go through her.”

Rebecca shook her head. “I don’t like this, sis. But I understand wanting to break away from

this and going somewhere new to breathe.” She hugged Charlotte tightly. “I love you. I’m always

here. Remember, six months and I’ll come looking for you if I don’t hear any news.”

Charlotte hugged Rebecca hard. Now all she needed was to make sure she was back in that

time frame or Rebecca would harass Gerri until she knew where Charlotte had gone.

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Brecc stared at the Ice Mountains. Snow coated the high peaks. From their cabin atop the

highest level, he saw the scenery he’d come to love since he’d been a boy. The sharp throbbing at his

temples didn’t diminish with the hours being alone. The pressure was on. Get a mate. Complete their

triad. If not, elders would pick a mate and they would have to honor the rules of keeping whomever

was chosen. Whether they liked it or not.

“Brother.” A female voice sounded behind him.

He turned from the large glass window to greet his sister. “Alessandra? I didn’t realize you’d

be coming this way.”

Alessandra tossed her long white curls behind her shoulder and smiled. “I wanted to surprise


“Where is Tatiana?”

“Eros got his hands on her and she’s being shown the upstairs room you made for her to play

in.” She came closer, her pale blue eyes cloudy with concern. “You’ve found no one.”

He shook his head. “We are at the end of our rope. The matchmaker left but said she’d be

back soon. When she returns for the king’s wedding, she will help us.”

“That’s something, no?” she said, trying to inject hope into her voice.

“Not if she can’t help us.” The doom expanding in his chest didn’t allow him to feel much

more hope.

“Try not to think on it too much, my brother.” She walked to where he’d stood by the window

and stopped beside him. “Have you considered…earth?”

He had. The problem lay in his and Eros’s appearance. With their pale skin and white hair,

they tended to attract attention. Adding their size was a sure fire way to get them noticed by everyone.

Not something they were looking for. “We are leaving that as a final desperate measure. We’re not

looking to get media attention if we go there. Aurora is not going to be discovered because we went

to earth and they found us too interesting to ignore.”

“It’s hard when you guys look so imposing and big and well, sexy.” Alessandra laughed. “A

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great problem to have most of the time, but in this case it didn’t help you guys.”

That was the sole reason he and Eros hadn’t gone to earth to find a mate. He was pretty sure

from what he’d seen of Bella they could find someone their wolves would howl for.

“We’ll see what we can do with the matchmaker. I won’t allow anyone to tell me who to


“Brecc, don’t do this to yourself,” Alessandra pleaded.

“I’m an Alpha. In charge of a pack larger than some countries on earth and I need to listen to

someone else? No. Not going to happen.”

“You are so damn stubborn!” she growled back. “You need a mate. When you rose to Alpha,

you knew this was a possibility. Find your own or they’ll find one for you.”

“I refuse,” he snarled.

She gasped. “You can’t!”

“I do!” The room shook from the sound of his voice. “This is my pack. I make the rules,” he

growled. “My people follow what I say. I won’t be pushed into anything. I’ll find my mate my own

way. The elders can fuck off.”

He didn’t have much hope though. Fucking hell! Time was running out. In a few weeks, the

elders would come knocking and nothing they said would be valid other than having a mate to show

off. And there was no leaving his pack. He’d been born into a line of Alphas that didn’t quit over any

fucking thing, much less the lack of a female.

“How are things with the Dragos?”

He growled, the wolf immediately pushing to the surface. They were making his life

miserable. Not that Alyx had helped much with them. The king was too busy being happy to worry

about the Ice Pack and their river being taken over by the damn Dragos. For so long, the Dragos had

used a different source of water and now they wanted to own one of the major rivers the Ice Pack

used. “Not good.”

“You need to sit and speak with Vikter. He could push aside his frustrations and understand

how this need for the river can be a joint venture,” she suggested, turning to face the glass and the

mountain peaks.

“I don’t want to talk to him. Nothing was achieved before. Instead, we are ordered to allow

use of the river by Alyx like the fact we own it means nothing.” He curled his hands into fists. He’d

been tempted to visit the Dragos holding. But nothing was solved with violence. Not when it came to

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the fucking river.

“I still say you should. Talk to Vikter. He’s got his own stresses. Like Alyx, he’s approaching

his end of time in order to find a mate. Unlike Alyx, instead of being unable to breed, he’ll die. I am

pretty sure that’s damn stressful, if you ask me.” She blew out a breath. “Most of the adults are in

hibernation, except for the younger dragons who tend to wake earlier. Yet he still has to worry about

finding a mate or face certain death.” Her shoulders slumped. “It’s not even like he can fight it. His

dragon will die from the need to mate.”

That was the sole reason Brecc hadn’t brought his pack into the land belonging to the dragons

known as Dragos.

Alessandra turned to him, her eyes pleading. “Why don’t you talk? You used to be friends at

one time. I don’t know what happened, but you should figure it out. You’re both in the same boat. A

little understanding can go a long way.”

The idea made his muscles tense with anger. What Alessandra didn’t know about his broken

friendship with Vikter was best left in the past. Telling her would only open old wounds and make his

sister hurt unnecessarily. He’d figure things out.

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Charlotte sipped on her wine and waited for her best friend to come out of the dressing room

where she was getting fitted for her wedding dress. A dress Charlotte herself had bought and gotten

into to ensure it would fit.

Charlotte needed more than wine right now. Crazy how the people in this world told her the

wine would calm her stomach. Humans clearly weren’t marketing it properly. And she didn’t care

that it was still first thing in the morning. Well, it was back on Earth. Out in Nova Aurora? She didn’t

know anything other than the forest was purple and getting through the space travel opening thingy

fucked up her stomach. She’d been throwing up the previous night like she was nursing the worst

hangover since college.

“Princess held up a lot better than you did during the transport it seems.” Bella’s laughter

carried from the dressing room.

“Yeah, well she’s a cat. They’re used to crazy heights and dangerous stunts. It’s why she’s got

nine lives, remember?”

“True.” Bella sighed. “But I hoped you wouldn’t have the same issue I did. Getting sick


“I didn’t have a panic attack. I just felt like my muscles were weighed down hard, my head

started to hurt and then my stomach rolled with every step I took.” She sipped on the delicious fruity

wine they called Sidaii and leaned back on her lounger. “By the time we were through, Gerri almost

had to carry me, the bags, and the cat.”

As if on cue, Gerri, matchmaker extraordinaire, walked into the bedroom and smiled at

Charlotte, her bright blue eyes twinkling. “Is she done, yet?”

“Almost,” Bella said. “This is not that easy to put on.”

“I offered to help,” Charlotte shrugged. “But she’s a cabeza dura.”

Gerri chuckled. “Hard headed? I can see that about her.” Gerri took a seat across from

Charlotte. “Have you given any thought to what I asked you?”

“What did you ask her?” came from Bella.

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“She wants to match me up,” Charlotte replied and scrunched her nose. She picked up a long

dark strand of hair and twirled it in her fingers. Her dating life was non-existent. After that seven year

marriage went nowhere, she’d divorced and gave up on love. “I don’t know…”

“Do it!” Bella yelled. “She hasn’t been on a real date in forever. Maybe a nice shifter is what

she needs.”

“Really, Bella?” Charlotte laughed. “You make me sound like I haven’t been with a man in


“You haven’t!”

Gerri cleared her throat and lifted a brow. “It wouldn’t hurt to try.”

Ah, what the hell.

“I guess. I’m not opposed to finding a good man.”

Gerri raised her brows. “Or two?”

She choked on the wine she’d just sipped. “Excuse me?”

Bella laughed from the fitting room. “Some of the shifters come in pairs.”

“Seriously?” Charlotte blinked.

Gerri nodded with a slow smile. “I need to know you’re willing to give a set a try if they

happen to be the ones for you.”

Two men? The idea boggled her mind. She’d yet to meet one who was worth her time, much

less two. If Gerri could work that miracle she wouldn’t turn them away. “I guess. It might take some

getting used to though.”

“As long as you’re willing to give it a chance. Who knows what you’ll find here.”

Charlotte had been so happy to get off Earth. The pressure she was under to write the follow-

up to her self-help book on learning to live with big curves was getting overwhelming. She hadn’t

expected that kind of response.

All she’d done was write down her thinking on how society made big women feel and how

women living with curves needed to change their thinking to stop feeling inferior to anyone smaller.

Along with all the fame of her book, she’d been in the public’s eye. Something she hadn’t

enjoyed at all. She sucked it up and did what she had to in order to give big girls a voice. Rebecca,

had been harassing her about an interview for her magazine as well.

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Their last conversation hadn’t gone well. If only Rebecca could see the beauty of Aurora. The

gorgeous forest and how clean the air felt. So crisp. Even waking up to two suns had done nothing but

add to the charm of the alien planet.

“So?” Bella asked walking into the bedroom.

Charlotte and Gerri gasped in unison.

“You look…” Charlotte mumbled, rushing to her feet.

“Amazing!” Gerri said and stood as well. “Absolutely gorgeous!”

It was true. When Charlotte had tried on the wedding dress, she’d been eyeing it from a

friend’s point of view and knowing exactly how much Bella liked simplicity, she’d gone with a

strapless A-line dress that had a blinged-out sash at the waist. The sheer material went well with the

warmth of the forest where Bella lived, but the empire waist favored Bella’s growing baby bump.

“You look beautiful,” Charlotte said, watching Bella twirl. One of the walls changed into a

giant mirror, allowing Bella to look at herself from head to toe.

Charlotte still couldn’t get used to the fact everything seemed to be mood related. Her

bedroom had been colored in a soft pale yellow that reminded her of the roses her grandmother used

to grow in her garden. This was a good change for her. So much of her life had been spent allowing

others to hurt her with their words.

When she divorced her ex, she’d divorced the old Charlotte. Since then, she’d embraced her

own voice. Spoke her mind. She sure as hell wasn’t allowing anyone to make her feel like she used

to. Being in charge of her own life gave her the strength to be assertive and determined.

Life had been rough in the emotional sense. But the past few years of self-confidence in her

body and her voice had taught her to be more aggressive. Whoever didn’t like her self-assurance, her

body-positive ideas, or the fact she was a big girl, could go fuck themselves.

Bella rushed forward to Charlotte and hugged her. “Thank you for getting this dress. It’s


“I’d do anything for you. You’re my bestie.”

Bella’s eyes filled with tears. She sniffled and wiped at her eyes. “I’d do anything for you

too,” she said, clearing her throat and glancing at Gerri. “Find my best friend a good man.”

Gerri inclined her head in a regal nod. “I’m on it. Hopefully she’d able to tame anything that

comes her way.”

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Charlotte raised her brows. “I don’t know about taming, Gerri. I can’t even get my hair to do

what I want.”

Bella laughed, grabbed a handful of Charlotte’s curls and tossed them back. “Men are like

hair. You have to whip them into shape and before you know it, they don’t ever stray from their

rightful place.”

“Well, if men are anything like my hair, then I am in for a shifter that will pee on the carpet

and destroy my shoes like some horrible hair days,” she joked. “I’ve yet to meet one man who isn’t a

douche.” She raised a hand when Gerri opened her mouth. “That includes my father.”

“Shifters are not like human men.”

“Thank god for small miracles,” Bella said. “They’re straight out of a woman’s fantasies.

Alphas. Sexy. Romantic. And the sex…” she sighed. “Out of this world.”

Charlotte laughed at the over-dramatic way Bella spoke. She met Gerri’s amused gaze. “I’ll

have whatever you gave Bella.”

“Darling, we are going to get you a lot more than you ever expected.” Gerri laughed. “All I

ask is for you to have an open mind. It will help you along the way.”

Right. Open mind. Had she not had more than two glasses of the Sidaii wine, she’d worry

about the way Gerri said that.

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Brecc tugged at the neck tie. He hated dressing up.

“Leave it alone. You’re messing up Alessandra’s hard work,” Eros chastised. He leaned next

to Brecc. “What’s making you so anxious?”

He didn’t know. His animal was practically doing cartwheels inside. It was a hell of a time to

keep his wolf under control. “I hate these kinds of functions. I don’t like how hyped up my wolf gets.”

Eros chuckled. “You hate everything with any crowds. How you manage such a large pack is

beyond me.”

Brecc inhaled slowly. He pushed the tension out of his system with each exhale. “That’s why I

have you. I solve problems. I fight. You handle emotions.”

Eros nodded and met his gaze. “One of these days you’ll have to handle emotions as well,

Brecc. It won’t be something I can always do for you.”

Brecc didn’t do emotions. He did the job. He was an Alpha who took care of his people.

Emotions took up too much time and they didn’t always end up being easily explained. Someone

always got hurt. He preferred to handle logical problems, including war, than deal with emotions.

He took the glass of wine Eros offered him. “I’ll deal with it when the time comes. For now,

let’s focus on finding the matchmaker.”

Eros whipped his head around, looking through the crowd. “She’s here?”

“Yes. She returned a week ago to attend Alyx and Bella’s wedding.” Brecc glanced at the

tribes and packs from other parts of Aurora dressed in their finest. All had come to watch the king

marry a human. But it wasn’t the fact she was human anyone found interesting, it was their way of

showing respect for the new queen that brought them to the wedding.

The large ballroom in the palace, normally used for massive tribe meetings, held chairs and

flowers of the palest blue. The palace was so crowded, Brecc and Eros chose to stand by one of the

walls instead of taking their assigned seats.

The ripple of voices quieted until there was silence in the hall. Then, a lone figure appeared

at the back of the hall entrance. Brecc’s heart flip flopped. He fought hard to push his wolf under

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control. The animal yanked and pushed for release from his skin cage.

“Who is that?” He didn’t realize how rough his voice had gotten until some of the guests

turned to frown at him.

“I don’t know, but she’s having a strange effect on me,” Eros whispered.

Brecc gripped his best friend’s shoulder. “Could she be? Do you think?”

The closer the woman got to the front of the hall, the harder it became to stand still. She swept

her gaze around the crowd. Her dark chocolate skin was covered in a pale blue dress that did nothing

to hide the voluptuous curves underneath. Her curly hair had been pulled back and tied in a low

ponytail leaving the long strands hanging low on her back. She smiled softly and continued her

examination of the guests until her eyes locked on him. The pasted-on smile slid off her face, and he

sensed the shudder going down her spine.

Eros let out a harsh breath next to him. “Brecc? Did you feel that?”

“Yes. She is the one.” He gulped at the dryness in his throat. His muscles ached liked he’d

been in battle and shifted to heal.

“She’s human. I know she’s human.”

Brecc continued staring at her, his gaze never leaving her face. She stopped at the front of the

hall and faced the row of petals she’d walked on. Then, as if drawn by his gaze, she glanced at him

and Eros. There was no soft smile or flirty gaze. She just stared.

He wondered if she could feel their connection.

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Charlotte tried to keep her composure, but it was damn hard. The place was filled with giants.

If a fight broke out, she’d be shit out of luck. Nowhere to go but to the ground and crawl her way out.

Not a single person in that place was ugly. Male or female. It was weird as hell.

Then there were the two guys off to the side. They both wore the same brown outfits that

looked like a suit but cut differently. The necklines were straight and they fit the men like they’d been

made for them. What the hell did she know? They probably were.

She gulped and glanced at Bella who stood at the end of the hall. Music drifted softly and

everyone stood. Bella smiled at Alyx, who took his place to Charlotte’s left. Alyx’s parents stood

next to him. Not the usual earthly tradition, but she guessed it was something new here to have a


The two men continued to stare at her. She was fascinated by how good looking they were but

in such a different way. Their skin was pale with blue eyes that sizzled the longer they stared at her.

Each boasted white hair, one longer than the other.

She didn’t know what animal they were, but she was so curious. The one with the longer hair

looked angry, like he didn’t like something about her. He played a staring match with her for what felt

like forever and when she couldn’t take it anymore, she winked and blew him a kiss.

Take that! The look on his face: priceless. There was shock and confusion in his eyes. She

could swear she heard a growl sound from across the room. She couldn’t tell what the other guy was

saying to him, but she wished he would stop frowning at her.

The wedding passed in a blur. The entire thing went off without a hitch. She felt like she’d

been in a trance for most of it, her attention focused on the two men. Gerri played the minister role,

knowing exactly how to perform an earthly wedding.

Though things were mixed to fit Bella and Alyx, and include Aurora traditions, some of the

things added made the vows that much more special. Like the fact he promised he’d say at least one

beautiful thing to her every day. That had made even Charlotte smile.

Bella promised that she’d always smile when he kissed her good morning, even if she was in

a grumpy mood. That got a laugh from Bella and Charlotte since neither of them were a morning

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After the wedding ceremony, the doors opened to the gardens for everyone to take part in a

celebratory feast set up under the dual moons. She lost track of the two guys. Gerri tapped her on the

shoulder and walked with her to dinner.

“How do you like Aurora so far?” Gerri asked.

“It’s beautiful here. Reminds me of that feeling you get when you have the best dream and

wake up smiling.” She sighed, inhaling the scent of the sweet-smelling pale blue flowers that looked

exactly like giant peonies adorning the castle.

Bella had fallen in love with the flowers and the staff had made it their business to decorate

everything with them. “I’m still in shock we’re on another world.” She glanced at Bella sitting with

Alyx and his parents smiling and talking. “I’m so happy she’s found someone who loves her for the

amazing person she is.”

Gerri met her gaze and frowned. “Are you still interested in my services? I ask because you

are the first client I see to hesitate, and I want to reassure you.”

She’d been more than hesitating. Matchmaking was hard enough on earth. They were on

another fucking planet. She had no idea what these big men would do with her. Another glance at

Bella made the decision for her. The happiness radiating off her best friend gave her hope like she’d

never had for her own love life. “Yes. I’m interested.”

“Very good. How do you like snow?”

She blinked, the question catching her off guard and she hadn’t even had wine yet. Lord, how

she needed a drink. “I love the winter. Snow is my favorite. I like to ski and hike and just watch it

fall. It’s peaceful and beautiful.”

Gerri smiled. “I’m happy to hear you say that. I have friends who live in the Ice Mountains

and I think you might be interested in visiting the area. I won’t have anyone for you to meet just yet. If

you are interested, this is a great opportunity. Things will be quiet here and Bella will be gone with

Alyx for a few days.”

It sounded like a great chance to see some other areas of the planet. “How are the Ice


“Cold, but beautiful. When you look down from the highest peak, it looks like the other peaks

are covered in diamond dust. They glitter and sparkle with the light of the two suns. It’s very cold

there. You’d need to take winter clothes with you.”

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The view tempted her like nothing had. She’d visited enough mountain tops to know this one

was probably the best she’d ever see. “Yes. Sign me up. Tell your friends I’ll be happy to go for a

few days.”

Gerri’s eyes sparkled with humor and something else, something she couldn’t define. “Don’t

let them worry you. They’re big, but they’re nice.”

Right. Something she’d have to see to believe. People here were freaking huge. It was like

earth folk were the little people next to the Aurora shifters. She’d never felt as tiny as she did at that

moment, surrounded by all of them at once. That said a lot, considering she was the one who always

felt like she was stared at because she was such a big woman.

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Eros waited by the tree as instructed by the castle staff. He’d been trying to keep his animal

calm and stop Brecc from grabbing their little mate and taking off with her. Apparently, earth people

didn’t take kindly to being abducted. They didn’t need to get into any more trouble with Alyx.

The sounds of laughter and soft music filled the air. It did nothing to reduce his stress level.

He wanted so badly to get out of there. To find out his mate’s name and to take her home. With him

and Brecc. Where she belonged.

“There you are,” Gerri said, appearing from between the trees.

“Who is she?” he asked, desperate for information on the woman who would make him and

Brecc whole.

Gerri patted him on the arm. “Calm down. She’s unaware of your desires to mate her. You

will have to convince her of your feelings.”

He could see her through the branches, talking and laughing with Bella. Her smile lit up her


“What’s her name?”

“Charlotte. There are some things you should know. It would help you with getting to know

her.” He watched Charlotte lift the wine to her lips and let her gaze roam over the crowd. “She’s

been married before and comes from a very cold family.”

He frowned, turning to meet Gerri’s gaze. “She’s already mated?”

“No. She was married to some dickhead who thought he’d get her for her money and treat her

like crap. She needs honesty. She needs love.”

He could do that. They both could. The love part would require for Brecc to open up his

feelings and connect with Charlotte on a deeper level. That could be a problem.

“Do you think she’d be okay living in the mountains? She looks so frail,” he said, worried

over Charlotte’s silky-looking skin and bountiful curves. Hunger for a taste of her thundered in his


“Oh, for crying out loud,” she growled. “Not all women are weak just because they’re smaller

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than you. She’s a lot more resilient than you realize. Don’t treat her like a baby. She’s able to make

decisions and knows what she will and won’t allow.”

“When do we take her?” Brecc asked, joining them by the secluded tree.

“Don’t say it like that!” Gerri hissed. “You make it sound like I’m giving you permission to

abduct a guest and you know that’s a no-no, Brecc.”

Eros glanced at his partner. He knew what Brecc was thinking. It was part of their bond. He

would take Charlotte home. Nobody would get in his way.

“Fine, when should we escort her to our mountains?” Brecc drawled. The look on his face

said he had no patience for proper etiquette.

“Tomorrow morning. She’s going to be expecting you to take her for a visit.” Gerri poked

Brecc in the chest. “This is a visit. It is up to you to do whatever you need to convince her to stay.”

She poked him again. “Do you understand?”

Eros nodded along with Brecc. They’d wanted a mate for so long. Had waited with fading

hope and now that she was there, they wouldn’t do anything to push her away. Eros cleared his throat.

“We understand.”

“One more thing, she has reservations about being matched with anyone, as is. Two men

hitting on her at the same time would probably turn overwhelming.” She sipped on her wine and

leaned closer. “I suggest you both spend time with her together and alone. Get her comfortable with

you.” She met their gazes with her unwavering stare. “This is your chance to get the woman you’ve

been waiting for. The rest is up to you.”

A staff member approached Gerri and she quickly left. Eros still had many questions about

Charlotte. He wanted to ensure they didn’t fuck up and make her uncomfortable around them.

The urge to speak to Charlotte became too overwhelming to ignore. He glanced at Brecc. The

Alpha should be first making the first contact with their mate.

Brecc shook his head. “Let’s move closer, but I won’t speak to her without you.” He stared

firmly into Eros’s eyes. “We’re a team. I’ll have my time with her. Right now we need to work

together to get her to come to us. To be ours.”

It was part of their bond to want to include the other in everything they did. It was why they

shared women and would need a female who understood and wanted to be with both of them.

Eros’s heart thumped harder as they closed the distance between them and Charlotte. They

bypassed bodies and laughter, their animals focused on their prey. She glanced around, as if noticing

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their intent. She stood to go somewhere and was joined by Bella. They laughed and talked until Bella

noticed them.

“Hey!” Bella smiled. “If it isn’t the white wolves of the mountains.” She turned to Charlotte

and laughed. “These gentlemen are Brecc and Eros. Alpha and Omega of the Ice Mountains. Be

careful with these two. They like Earth girls.”

Charlotte smiled and offered her right hand. Brecc picked up her hand and brought it to his

lips. “You have no idea what a pleasure it is to meet you.”

Eros followed behind, lifting her right hand to his heart. “I have no words to explain the joy it

is to meet you.”

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Charlotte was tongue-tied for the first time in her life. The two hot guys, who now had the

names of Brecc and Eros, were hitting on her. In front of Bella. To make matters worse, Bella found

their flirting amusing. She kept elbowing Charlotte. Her side was going to be bruised if she kept it up.

“It’s…it’s nice to meet you both. I’m Charlotte.” Holy hot guys with white hair Batman! She’d

never been into the pale vampire look, but these guys weren’t skinny like vampires. They were big

and buff and had the most beautiful blue eyes that were eating her up like she was a freaking cupcake.

“Charlotte you should see where these guys live. You’d probably fall in love and never want

to leave.”

“If I may interrupt,” said a voice behind Charlotte. She whipped around to find another tall

man, watching her, Bella, Brecc, and Eros. A low growl made her glance at the two wolves.

Brecc’s eyes changed from their ice blue to glow a bright gold. The guy turned her on and

made her nervous. She couldn’t decide if he was someone she could feel comfortable around. Unlike

Eros, who had such kind and warm eyes, Brecc had such a cold seeming disposition that she got

chills staring at him.

“Vikter,” Brecc growled.

Charlotte glanced at the new guy. Vikter. She liked his name. He gave a sinful smile and

leaned into her, bowing close enough for her to get a whiff of him, before picking up her left hand and

bringing it to his lips.

“Hi,” Charlotte said automatically. “Pleased to meet you.”

“The pleasure…is all mine,” Vikter said.

There was no cologne or lotion. Just the pure scent of clean male. Her breath hitched. Vikter

was fucking hot. Not as hot as Brecc and Eros, but she wasn’t dead. Not that she was looking to hook

up with him. The wolves either. The past few hours had shown her how ill-prepared she was for


The wolves staring at her like she was Little Red and about to devour her made her realize

she needed to work herself into the dating scene again. Good thing Gerri had agreed to help her.

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“Vikter,” Bella laughed. “You’re going to make Charlotte blush. She’s not used to men kissing

her hands so many times.”

Damn straight. Usually they acted like she should be the one grateful they even spoke to her.

Vikter prowled around Charlotte, his gaze moving from Charlotte to the wolves. “I’m sorry, Bella. I

had no idea you had such a beautiful friend joining us.”

Bella hugged Charlotte to her side. “She’s here for a few weeks. In fact, she’s going to be

wanting to see as much of Aurora as she can.”

“Then by all means, allow me to offer you a visit to the Dragos land, lovely Charlotte.”

“No,” Brecc growled.

Charlotte blinked and frowned at him. Did he really say no? Like she had to ask someone

permission? Was he drunk? The fact he was bigger than her did nothing to stop the urge of wanting to

slap the possessive look off his face.

She realized Brecc and Vikter had some sort of dispute going, but she wasn’t going to be

dragged into it. “Excuse me,” she snapped at the giant wolf, “but I can speak for myself.”

Brecc glowered at her. His gaze dared her to say differently. He must’ve had a death wish or


She turned to Vikter with a smile, her anger simmering over Brecc’s words. “I’d love to see

the Dragos land. Thank you very much for inviting me.”

Bella squeezed Charlotte’s arm. “Before you leave, we’ll have you visiting as many places as


Charlotte moved farther from Brecc and Eros, allowing Vikter to stand across from Brecc.

The men sized each other up, but Vikter didn’t appear to have a care in the world. Had it not been for

the way his eyes shifted into slits, she would have believed he wasn’t bothered being near Brecc.

“I wanted to congratulate you,” Vikter said to Bella. “It was nice getting out and coming to the

warmer weather.” Gloom clouded his eyes.

She didn’t know why, but she felt bad for the dragon. Though handsome, he appeared to be a

lonely man. Something she could relate to in more ways than one.

“Do you want to visit while Bella’s away with Alyx?” she heard herself ask Vikter. There

was a sharp inhale from her left side. She assumed Brecc or Eros had something against that, but

Charlotte had good instincts. She didn’t get any negative vibes from Vikter.

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He eyed her for a moment. A wide smile spread over his lips, showing his perfect white teeth.

“I’d love to.”

“All right, gentlemen. I need Charlotte for some girl time before we go,” Bella said. “Thank

you all for coming. It was truly a fantastic day.”

Bella dragged Charlotte away from the men. Charlotte glanced over her shoulder and caught

all three staring after them. She made eye contact with Eros who offered a smile. She smiled back at

him and then at Vikter. Brecc’s features were stony and tight. She knew he was pissed but didn’t

understand why.

They got to Bella’s room in silence. Once Bella shut the door, she turned to face Charlotte

with wide eyes. “Holy shit!”

“Tell me about it.”

“Did you see what was going on there?” Bella laughed. “You were going to have those two

going into a fist fight over you.”

“Me? Hardly. They look like they’ve had issues for a while. I bet you one of them peed on the

other’s tree.” She snickered.

Bella went to change from her wedding dress into something more casual. “I’m telling you.

You’re going to be shoving them off with sticks soon.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Bella stuck her head out of the changing room. “You’re going to see the Ice Mountains

tomorrow so be ready to see snow. Gerri and I arranged for you to stay with Alessandra for a few

days.” Her head disappeared back into the changing room. “She’s part of the Ice Mountain pack and a

total sweetheart. She couldn’t be here today because her daughter is still really young and she is very

particular about taking her anywhere.”

Sounded like every other mother out there. “Thanks. I’m sure it will be great.”

She was so excited to see snow in Aurora. The entire planet was like a fairytale. Now if only

she could figure out why Brecc acted so possessively and what was going on between him and Vikter.

She knew there was something serious, but what?

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Charlotte carried an overnight shoulder bag with clothes and a lightweight coat. She was used

to low temperatures and a few days of snow wouldn’t kill her. She was supposed to meet her

transport and was late. Stupid room made it harder to wake up making the bed and everything in it so


She arrived at the garden out of breath to find Eros standing there with a wide smile. Her

heart did a flip and she grinned. He was such a cutie with those soulful eyes. “Hi! Sorry I’m late.”

He reached out to take her bag and shook his head. “You’re not late. How are you doing


“Good. I can’t get over how amazing the rooms are in this castle. They keep changing based

on my mood.” The previous night had ended with a headache. Her bedroom had toned down the lights

and darkened things to give her eyes a break. If it hadn’t been so peaceful, she would have been

freaked out over it.

She wondered what it would do if she had sex in there. Her gaze went to Eros. He was so

good looking. The smile and caring personality really pulled her in. She could totally envision him

making love to her slowly, seductively.

Then, to make things weird, her brain decided to think of Brecc. The jerk. How would he fuck

her? Rough. Hard. He’d probably kill her in the process. Her skin grew warm thinking about it.

Christ. She had problems.

“Our technology is more advanced than earth from what we understand.”

He guided her down a path that looked familiar from when she’d arrived with Gerri. “You

haven’t ever been to earth, right?”

He shook his head. “Brecc and I, we’d stand out.”

Stand out was an understatement. If they went to earth it would be like putting two delicious

Doberge cakes in the center of a bunch of pudding cups. No way to ignore their pale sexiness. Not

with that white hair and those baby blues that made her heart skip a beat.

“Where…um…where is Brecc?” she asked, curious when she didn’t see the other giant wolf.

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It wasn’t that she wanted to see him. She’d decided he needed to learn to stop frowning at her before

they had another conversation.

“He’s waiting at the site where we will transport.” Eros stopped walking and faced Charlotte.

“Brecc is an Alpha. He isn’t very in touch with emotions. He’s a fighter.”

She stared deeply into Eros’s worried gaze. “Why are you telling me this?”

“I think you should know. We will be spending time together. He doesn’t realize that you

might not think like our females.”

She raised her brows. Something about the way he spoke had her stomach turning into knots.

“I don’t understand. How do you mean?”

“Females in the pack enjoy their mate to make decisions for them.”

The word mate sent a cold shudder racing down her spine. “A what? A what? Where did you

get anything with mate?”

She knew all too well that people mated meant forever. Charlotte barely liked Brecc; for Eros

to say the word mate… That was some scary shit right there and she didn’t have any wine to soften

the impact.

“I’m sorry.” He frowned and ran a hand through his short white hair. “I misspoke. What I

mean to say is that females encourage males in the pack to speak for them. It is our way.”

She shook her head and marched next to him. “Sorry, buddy. For too long I didn’t allow my

voice to be heard. There’s no way I’m going to tolerate others making my decisions for me. I am not a

child. Brecc is not my mate, and he’s not my parent, and even then I wouldn’t let them tell me what to

do. He doesn’t have to speak for me. I have a mouth. I can do it for myself.”

They continued down a path of trees and bushes with flowers in every color of the rainbow.

There was a hint of lavender in the air or something like it. She couldn’t tell if it was the flowers or

something else. Eros had a calming effect on her. She’d been worried about visiting the mountains,

but now loosened up as she walked with him.

“How are you liking my world so far, Charlotte?” he asked. He walked a little faster than she

was used to and she found herself falling a few steps behind. She used the distance to check out his

ass. Because, why the hell not? But she swore he had a perfect ass under his suede-looking pants.

He turned to glance over his shoulder at her. The twinkle of humor in his eyes said he knew

exactly what she’d been doing. He slowed his steps, waiting for her to catch up.

“It’s beautiful. It’s just…gorgeous.” She sighed. “I bet the rest is just as pretty.”

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“If you stayed too long, wouldn’t your family worry about you?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Not really. My parents haven’t ever really cared much about me and my

sister.” She gasped, almost tripping on a rock. “What am I saying? Rebecca would have kittens if I

stayed here. She’d have to be able to visit or things could get crazy back on earth.”

“What do you mean crazy?”

She pushed the thick strands of hair over her shoulder. “My sister works for a magazine.

She’d totally write an article. Contact the government, Pentagon, and every news agency if she thought

something happened to me.”

He was quiet for a moment. “That doesn’t sound good.”

She laughed. “Don’t worry. As things stand, she knows I’ll be a while without communicating.

Your world is safe from her wrath.”

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Brecc stood by a giant trunk, taming the animal inside. He’d spent half the night up, angry and

frustrated with himself for speaking out of turn where Charlotte was concerned. Eros had told him he

would need to tone down his possessiveness. Good fucking luck with that one.

Aside from Alyx who was more like a friend than anything, nobody told Brecc to tone

anything down. He was an Alpha. He didn’t do soft and sweet. Fucking hell! Why did things have to

change now? Females from his pack knew the score. They knew how he was and respected him based

on his position. Why did his animal want a female who clearly didn’t understand the pack rules or


He paced around the tree where they would transport. Charlotte, with her generous curves and

piercing brown eyes, had pulled the dominant wolf out of him the moment Vikter had shown up. He’d

felt immediately protective of her and didn’t want his drama with Vikter to spill over to involve her.

The last person he’d thought to see at the wedding had been him. Not that Brecc should have

been surprised. Vikter was one of Alyx’s friends as well. He’d want to meet Bella in person, if he

hadn’t already.

Shuffling sounds in the distance indicated Eros and Charlotte were near. He picked up their

bags and waited for them to appear in his line of sight.

Charlotte’s smile slipped from her face when she saw him. A spark of anger lit her gaze and if

possible she turned him on even more than the previous night.

“Hello,” she said, her voice curt.

“How are you?” he asked, ignoring her tone and glancing down her beautiful curves to ensure

she was ready for travel. That and to check her out. She was fucking gorgeous.

“Good, thank you.” She glanced around, looking for something. “So where are we going?”

“You’ll need to put on warmer clothing first,” Brecc replied. Her clothes appeared warm, but

he would feel better if she wore the thicker jacket she had in her hands.

Once she’d slid into it and zipped it up to her chin, he nodded in approval. She rolled her

eyes, but said nothing. Next, she yanked out gloves from her pockets and a fluffy hat she shoved on top

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of her head.

He lifted his hand and pressed a button on his transporter and a wide circle opened to allow

them to cross thousands of miles in a few steps.

Charlotte gaped at the giant circle. Excitement sparkled in her eyes when she saw the snow

falling on the other side of the transport.

“Wow. That’s just amazing,” she mumbled.

“Are you ready?” Eros asked. The smile on his face told of the desire to finally have their

mate in their land.

She nodded and offered him her hand for the crossover. Brecc didn’t begrudge Eros the

ability to get her to connect with him so soon. Brecc already knew it wouldn’t be easy for him.

Women, especially earth women, wanted an emotional man. Someone who took time to question his

feelings and things Brecc normally didn’t have time for.

They crossed to the base of the Ice Mountains where a blizzard appeared to have started. The

wind howled and whirled loudly around them.

“Oh my god!” she squealed. “Your snow is blue! Is it always like this?” she asked no one in

particular. The excitement in her voice was palpable. She opened her gloved hand and caught

snowflakes, peering down at the tiny bits of frozen blue water. “They’re not like home. These are like

small pale-blue leaves in miniature shape.”

“Yes. Things here are not like earth,” Brecc said. Her intense gazing of the snowflakes

dissolving in her hands coupled with the smile on her face encouraged him and Eros. He hoped she

liked the mountains.

“It’s still so beautiful,” she muttered. “So very different and beautiful.” She glanced up and

met Brecc’s gaze. For a moment, she wasn’t guarded like before. Instead, he saw the genuine child-

like curiosity in her eyes.

“We have a bit of a hike,” Eros said, his gaze roaming her face. “Are you sure you feel like

walking up this mountain?”

She squinted towards the sky. “I have no idea. I can’t even tell how high this is. I can hike

some, but the truth is in this weather I won’t be very good.”

Eros nodded. “We’ll carry you.”

“What?” she gasped, taking a quick step back.

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Brecc moved closer, not stopping until she was safely in his arms.

“You’re insane!” she shouted over the howling wind, her voice getting shrilly from cold and

shock. “I’m going to break your back. I’m a big, big girl. Put me down.”

He glanced at her face, loving the ribbons of crimson on her cheeks. She was beautiful

anyway, but when she blushed she looked so innocent. “Relax. I can hike this mountain with someone

three times your size on my shoulder. You’re tiny and barely weigh a thing.”

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Barely weighed a thing? She questioned his sanity more and more each time he spoke. She

glanced at Eros who shook his head with a stern expression on his face. “Let us carry you, Charlotte.”

With her arms around his neck, she held on to him. She wore a pair of sweat pants that on

earth would allow her to stay warm while comfortable. Here, it was like she was standing outside

naked. She was glad when he started taking long strides to get her to the top of the mountain.

“It’s freaking cold, isn’t it?” she muttered, hugging Brecc tighter. The guy gave off body heat

like a furnace. She wanted to shove her face in the curve of his neck and hide from the growing


“Lean your head in so you’re not so cold,” he ordered.

She opened her mouth to argue with him over his tone, but decided against it. She’d traveled

all over earth and had never felt this cold in her life.

The trek up the mountain didn’t bother her so much once his body heat warmed her. After an

hour of hiking faster than she’d ever been able to, they reached a flat area where she saw what

appeared to be a town. Cabin after cabin set far enough from each other to have privacy but still close

to be in neat little rows.

“This is so cute!” The cabins all had chimneys and snow covering their rooftops. As they

walked along the main road, she saw faces gazing out the windows.

They got to the end of one road and took a lone path. After about five minutes of intense

walking, they rounded a bend and a big two story cabin came into view. The door opened and a

woman stood waiting.

She turned to Brecc, meeting his blue-eyed gaze dead-on. Geez, the man had eyes on him. She

could see the desire in his gaze, but she also saw the wall. As far as she was concerned, she wasn’t

looking to fix a man. She didn’t have time or patience for that shit. She needed someone who knew

what he wanted and worked just as hard to get it.

“You can put me down now.”

He stopped a few yards from the front of the cabin and put her on her feet. Her snow boots did

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little to keep her feet warm. Even though they were the best for climbing back on earth. This planet

had seriously cold weather.

She turned to the cabin and smiled at the woman. “Hi, I’m Charlotte. You must be


“I am.” Alessandra smiled and gave her a welcoming hug. “Let’s get you inside and warmed


They rushed into the cabin where the air was nice and warm. Like Alyx’s castle, it was

decorated with simplicity but everything made Earth’s antiques look like something out of a catalog.

The wood furniture looked hand carved with images one normally found in a museum.

“Are you okay?” Alessandra asked. “You’re staring around like you’re scared.”

Charlotte laughed, walked closer to the fire, and took the one seat she didn’t mind wetting

with the snow off her coat. “Your home is gorgeous, but everything looks so valuable and priceless.

I’m afraid to touch anything.”

Alessandra glanced at Brecc and Eros and broke into giggles. “Trust me when I tell you our

furniture can withstand anything. My little one is crawling and nothing has broken or fallen over.

You’re fine.”

That made her feel better. She unzipped her coat and handed it to Alessandra who had her

hand out for it. “Thank you.”

“I’ll get you something warm to drink,” Eros said, leaving through an open doorway where

she could make out the kitchen.

“That would be really nice,” Charlotte said, clearing her throat.

Brecc marched up to Charlotte and squatted in front of her, taking her hands between his and

blowing on them to warm them. Her body temperature shot out of orbit. He rubbed each hand between

his until they didn’t feel like ice cubes. She met his gaze, her body heated with arousal.

“That’s, uh, much better, thank you,” she said to Brecc.

Brecc stayed without answering for a moment then nodded. He stood and turned to

Alessandra. “I’ll take her bag to her room.”

Once he was gone and she was alone with Alessandra, she got a chance to really look at the

other woman. With long white curls and pale skin, she could pass for a family member of either man.

But from what she’d been told about the Ice Mountain pack, all the members had pale skin and white


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“Thank you for allowing me to stay in your home,” Charlotte said. Too curious to look around,

she stood and stretched, glancing at the lovely carvings in the furniture. “These are truly magnificent.”

There were scenes of wolves howling by the moonlight depicted in the furniture and carvings.

“They belonged to my parents. They handed it down to me as their sole female child. When

my brother mates, he will get some things I am supposed to pass down to his mate.”

She rubbed a hand over the wood. It was smooth to the touch. “You have a brother. Does he

live here with you?”

“No. He lives higher on the mountain peak next to this one. Brecc likes to be on his own.”

Charlotte whipped her head around so fast she almost got whiplash. “I’m sorry, did you say

Brecc is your brother?”

Alessandra nodded, her smile grew wider. “Yes. He is the Alpha.”

That much she knew. “How in the world is he your brother? You’re so…so…” Shit she didn’t

want to sound like a bitch, but the fact was he was so anti-social and Alessandra had been a

sweetheart so far. She couldn’t figure out why Brecc was so serious.

“Ah, yes. Different. Like I said, he’s Alpha,” she said like that explained everything.

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“Forgive me but I don’t understand what Alpha has to do with anything.” She followed

Alessandra into another room. It appeared to be a ladies sitting room with lavender sofas facing a

wall window that showed off the outdoors.

Alessandra motioned for her to sit and took a seat across from Charlotte. “He was raised to

repress the need to be emotional. Alphas do not worry so much about being in touch with feelings.”

She winced and glanced down at her hand before meeting Charlotte’s gaze. “Our parents were

divided on how they wanted their children to be raised. I spent my time with my mother, learning how

to heal severe battle wounds and deepening my emotional connection with the females of the pack.”

“And Brecc?”

She shook her head, her lips tipping down. “He spent his time with our father. Father was the

ultimate soldier. Before Brecc took over, father was in constant battle with the Dragos. He raised him

to be solitary.”

“He seems to get along with Eros,” she pointed out, now more curious than before over Brecc

and his distant personality.

“Ah, yes. That is because they are a pair. They have a very special bond.”

“Oh. I…” She frowned, figured that she got shit all backwards. “I think I was confused.” What

the hell was going on? She could have sworn they’d both been hitting on her, but now finding out they

were gay? Seriously?

“It’s quite all right.” Alessandra glanced at the door behind Charlotte. “Come in, Eros.”

Charlotte turned to see him standing by the room entrance, his gaze on her face. “I have tea for

Charlotte,” he said, bringing a steaming mug and placing it on the table next to Charlotte.

“Let me check on Tatiana. I’ll return in a few,” Alessandra said, standing and heading out of

the room.

Charlotte stood and moved to the glass window. She stared at the valley of trees and hills

below. It was late in the day so she couldn’t see the shimmering snow like they’d promised, but she

still got a great view of the picturesque blue snow-covered forest.

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The sound of the door clicking closed made her turn to Eros. A warm smile spread over his

lips. God. The injustice. She’d been fantasizing about kissing him and now she found out he wasn’t

interested in batting for her team.

He came closer, his steps quiet and sure. Their gazes met and held. There was no stopping the

warm lust heating her blood.

“How are you feeling? Warm enough?” he asked, his voice low and incredibly seductive.

She nodded, her eyes betraying her and sliding to glance at his lips. “Yes. I’m good.”

He stopped a few inches away from her, closed his eyes and inhaled. A low groan sounded in

the back of his throat. “Your scent is driving me crazy.”

She inhaled but got nothing. She’d showered and put on the basics but she’d been warned

against heavy perfumes, so she had no idea what scent he was talking about. “It is?”

He took another step and her back plastered against the glass. His eyes changed from the soft

blue to a bright gold that sent shivers down her spine.

“Yes.” He lifted a hand and cupped her cheek, caressing the side of her face with so much

care, one would think he was worried she’d break.

Her breath stilled in her chest. She licked her lips, swallowing at the knot in her throat. Shit,

but he was gay. She didn’t turn gay guys straight. She certainly had a hard enough time with men who

liked women. She tried to figure out if he liked her for her, or because he was thinking of a penis.

What were the rules with gay men? Maybe she should say she had no penis.

The way his chest rose and fell caught her attention. She saw how hard his breathing had

become. She wanted to kiss him so badly. Just one taste. Nobody needed to know. As if he’d read her

mind, he brought his head down and brushed his lips softly over hers.

Explosions rocketed in her chest. She sighed into the kiss and he deepened it, swiping his

tongue into her mouth to caress over hers. She raised her hands to his chest, gripping his shirt in her

fists. She’d been kissed many times in her thirty-five years, but never had she ever been kissed with

so much tenderness. He slid his fingers into her hair, pulling her face closer and holding her at an

angle to go even deeper.

Tension coiled in her belly and desire sent moisture straight to her panties. She let him take,

giving freely into the kiss. He glided a hand down to her breast, cupping one of her tits and fondling

her over her sweater. Her clit throbbed with the need to come.

She pressed closer, feeling the hard bar of his erection on her belly. Lord, that felt good. So

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good. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and watch him slide balls deep into her.

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He pulled back, taking ragged breaths and eating her with his gaze. “I knew you’d be perfect

from the moment I saw you. Your taste is addictive.” He pressed his lips over hers in a light caress.

“I want more, Charlotte.” He squeezed her breast, finding her nipple with the precision of a GPS and

pinching it.

The painful nip soaked her panties. She’d willingly strip to nothing and offer herself for his

taking at that moment.

“But,” she gulped, leaning closer and loving his lips licking her neck and ear, “what about


“He wants you, too.” Another lick around her earlobe and she felt her knees weaken and the

question surrounding his relationship with Brecc dove out the window. “I want to fuck you,


That sounded like a good plan. Fucking. Naked. Very promising and could be achieved if he’d

move his hands. “Yes.”

He thrust his hips, pressing his rock-hard erection into her belly. “I know you’ll be so soft.”

He licked again, his other hand gliding down to slide around her waist and stopping at her ass. “So

wet. So hot.”

The sound of a crying baby tore her from his arms. She stumbled away, almost drunk on her

feet from her need to be with him. Her pussy ached and tightened with desire. She sucked in a breath,

watching him curl his hands into fists.

“Don’t run from me. I would never harm you,” he said with that rough voice that did things

she’d never imagined to her body.

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. The door opened. Alessandra walked in

with a little girl in her arms. Like Alessandra, the baby had fine white hair and bright blue eyes.

“Charlotte, I thought you might want to meet Tatiana. She’s my baby.”

Charlotte glanced at Alessandra, pasted on a smile she wasn’t feeling and ignored Eros. She

rushed forward to see the baby. Babies liked her. They tended to fall asleep on her chest. Apparently

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big boobs were all the rage for infants.

She smiled at the baby. “Hi. You are absolutely gorgeous!”

The little girl gurgled, showing four little teeth and said something she couldn’t make out. She

leaned towards Charlotte and lifted her arms for her to take her.

“Whoa! Tatiana never does that. She dislikes anyone but me, Eros, or Brecc holding her.”

Charlotte knew Eros was staring at her. The heat from his gaze glided over her like a warm


She took the baby and sighed. Her ovaries decided to remind her she had no kids at that

moment. Good God! It hit her hard. The little girl smiling and nuzzling her face into Charlotte’s neck

stole her heart. Brecc chose that moment to walk in, his gaze zeroed in on her and Tatiana.

She’d been ignoring her biological clock for a while now. But being this close to a baby and

two hot as heck shifters was messing with her mind and hormones. If things kept up this way, she

might end up getting into Eros’s bed really soon. She chose to ignore the voice in her head telling her

she wanted to know just how wild Brecc could be.

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Eros got a taste of Charlotte. That wasn’t nearly enough for what he knew they’d develop with

time. His entire life had been ensuring the emotional health of the pack. It was draining work, but

massively rewarding. He loved every member of their pack.

“What do you think?” Brecc asked, his gaze focused on the road where they trudged closer to

the river.

“She’s got a kind heart. Lots of loneliness and pain in there, but she’s perfect.”

Brecc glanced at him with a closed off look. Sometimes, when his best friend did that, Eros

wondered if Brecc was trying to shut him out. It was unheard of. They were a team. Their bond was

deeper than any. With Charlotte as their mate, they’d open a link between the three of them like their

ancestors. It was the way of the Triad.

“I get the impression she doesn’t like me much.”

Eros chuckled, his gaze roaming the snow-coated forest. There had been talk of someone

being in trouble in the frozen part of the river. They went ahead to check to ensure the safety of their


“Oh, she likes you, all right. She just doesn’t understand you.” He tapped Brecc on the

shoulder. “You have to make an effort to connect with her.”

Brecc took a deep breath and frowned. The Alpha wolf’s animal sat just below the skin,

vibrating hard enough to allow Eros to feel it. “I will spend time with her. I can’t be something I’m


Dammit. That’s not what he was saying at all. “I’m not asking you to. I know she’ll be more

open to anything we propose if she feels you’re not so hostile towards her.”

“Hostile?” Brecc growled. “She’s the one who offered to spend time with Vikter. Vikter!”

Eros winced. “I know that bothered you, but she doesn’t know any better. Besides, Vikter isn’t

all that bad. He’s just bitter.”

Like Brecc was bitter. That friendship needed mending.

There was an opening of broken ice in the frozen side of the river. Eros shut his eyes, sending

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his wolf spirit to search for someone in the water. He snapped his eyes open and gasped hard, having

sensed the cold the person in the water felt and the slow death approaching.

“We have to hurry!” He rushed forward, tugging out rope they’d left the cabin with. Brecc tied

it around a sturdy, two thousand year old trunk. Eros moved to the edge of the river, closer to the

broken ice.

Brecc took off his boots and clothes, staying in his underwear. Once naked, he tied the other

end of the rope around his waist, where the rope attached to itself to keep from coming undone.

Eros sucked in a breath. It was cold. Even though they were natives to the Ice Mountains and

could withstand serious negative temperatures, they still wore warm clothing. However, Brecc would

need his clothes dry or they would take too long to heat when he got out.

“Be careful. She’s losing time,” Eros shouted.

Brecc dove straight into the broken ice. A shocking, cold sensation went through Eros from

his bond with Brecc. He was lucky. His clothing heated to warm him from the cold Brecc was


He was gone for about thirty seconds before he surfaced with a wet figure. Eros grabbed the

body and set the woman on a tree trunk. He pulled out a Farezi blanket. Known for being able to

warm in the coldest of temperatures, they both traveled with one in their pockets at all times. The

blanket was made of fine artificial intelligence that heated and thickened to help the wearer drive off

the freezing temperatures.

He covered the girl in the blanket while Brecc put his clothes on. The blanket voiced her


“Let’s take her back to the cabin,” Eros said, picking her up and rushing back to the house.

They walked into the cabin and found Charlotte and Alessandra drinking tea. He put the girl

on one of the sofas and moved the blanket enough to see her face. Her hair had gone from soaked to

damp with the heat from the blanket. He pushed the strands away and stared at her face in shock.

“She’s…fuck!” Eros mumbled. “It’s Razzy.”

Alessandra gasped. “Vikter’s sister?”

“Shouldn’t she be hibernating?” Charlotte asked with a frown. “I thought someone mentioned

dragons were in hibernation?”

“Most are. Younger ones tend to wake up earlier than the rest.” Alessandra replied. “Vikter

couldn’t hibernate anyways. His dragon is probably giving him endless sleepless nights.”

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“She looks really young,” Charlotte said. “What happened?”

“We aren’t sure,” Brecc said.

“Should we put her on a bed? Maybe get her out of the wet clothes?” Charlotte asked. The

sound of concern in her voice for a girl she didn’t know warmed Eros’s heart.

“Take her into one of the guest rooms, Brecc,” Alessandra ordered. “Charlotte and I will take

care of Razzy.”

Brecc picked up the girl, carried her into one of the guest rooms and put her on the bed before

moving to leave. He stopped by Charlotte’s side and grabbed her arm. “Be careful.”

Charlotte frowned and nodded. Eros sensed she wasn’t sure why Brecc said that. It would

take time to fill Charlotte in on the issues between the dragons and wolves. There was too much

blood and pain in their history.

He felt the rejection Brecc felt from Charlotte as if it had been him. They couldn’t have it. She

needed to bond with Brecc much more urgently than she did with Eros.

The life of the pack and the survival of Brecc and Eros’s bond depended on it. If she didn’t

bond with Brecc and Eros, the elders would set a mate for them. If that didn’t work, they’d lose their

link as a triad and a new one would be chosen by the elders, leaving Brecc and Eros to live a life of


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Charlotte helped strip Razzy of her wet clothes. The girl was unconscious and didn’t move or

respond to anything they said. Her long fire red hair dried in waves around a young pale face.

“She looks like a little kid,” Charlotte said as Alessandra rummaged through a closet,

retrieving a kimono-style, long robe.

“She is. She’s just turned twenty.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened. “Twenty? She looks twelve!”

Alessandra helped her get Razzy in the robe and the material heated until the girl was once

again covered by warmth. “Here, a person can live well into the hundreds. So twenty is a baby in our


Crying sounded from another room in the house. Alessandra frowned at the door, but Tatiana

didn’t stop.

“Go to her. I’ll stay here,” Charlotte said.

Moments later, it was only her and the girl. She sat, watching the rise and fall of the girl’s

chest when her eyes fluttered open.

Bright purple irises stared at Charlotte. “Who are you? Am I dead?”

Charlotte smiled at how shocked the girl sounded. “No. You’re not dead. I’m Charlotte.”

The girl’s eyes popped wide with surprise. “You’re from earth!”

She laughed and shook her head. “Is it, like, stamped on my forehead?”

The girl sat up, ignoring Charlotte’s hands trying to keep her still and sighed. “No. You’re so

beautiful. Your skin is so dark and lovely. We have many skin tones here, but nothing like yours.

That’s how I know.” She smiled. “Plus, I heard my brother telling one of his guard that he met a

lovely earth woman at the wedding.”

Charlotte helped Razzy stand. “How are you feeling? I’m not sure what happened, but you

were soaking wet when they brought you in.”

Razzy turned on her heel to face Charlotte. “Who is they and where am I?”

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“They are Brecc and Eros and you’re in Alessandra’s cabin.”

Razzy slapped a hand on her forehead. “Shit. Vikter is going to kill me.”

“Why? What happened?” Charlotte asked. Concern for the girl put her on alert. Razzy paced

the room, mumbling to herself about Vikter and a stupid feud.

Razzy stopped and gave her a look that broke Charlotte’s heart. “I argued with my brother

over the wolves.” She bit her lip and let her shoulders drop. “I told him I was tired of whatever the

hell was going on with him and them and I wanted them to be friends like when I was little.”

“Do you know what happened?” Charlotte liked Eros. Maybe she didn’t understand Brecc and

his cold disposition, but she knew he wasn’t a bad guy.

Razzy shook her head. “All I know is things changed when my father died. Vikter stopped

smiling. And Brecc didn’t visit anymore.” She sat at the edge of the bed, her head hanging forward.

Charlotte couldn’t take it. She sat next to her and patted her arm. “I know it’s rough, but don’t

let it get to you. Adult problems are sometimes not easy to resolve.” She pushed Razzy’s hair back

and cupped her chin to get her to look at Charlotte. “How did you end up wet?”

“I fell.” She pouted her lips and rolled her eyes. “Vikter got me so angry, I left the castle and

decided to make my way to the wolves to tell them they needed to talk to him. I chose the river

shortcut, which has been the biggest argument they have lately. It should have been simple to cross it,

but I guess I stepped in a soft spot and fell in.”

Charlotte gasped. “You fell in a frozen river? With as cold as it is out there?”

She couldn’t believe the girl didn’t die.

Razzy nodded. “I should have been paying more attention, but I was distracted by my anger.

My dragon tried to warn me, but I ignored her.”

Her what? Charlotte blinked at the girl and hopped to her feet. “You’re a Dragos.” How did

she not realize this child was a dragon-shifter?

Razzy laughed. “Don’t look so shocked. Everyone in Dragos land is a dragon.”

“I’m sorry. I’m a little slow on the uptake. Happens when I go too long without coffee.”

Charlotte yawned. “Plus I’m really tired from the weird hours in this place.” She sat next to the girl

and met her gaze. “Ah, honey. I know this sounds like total bullshit, but I bet things will work out.”

Razzy shook her head. “Not without help.” She stared at Charlotte, a new light brightening her

purple eyes. “Will you help me? This place is so miserable with everyone angry at each other. Help

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me fix it so they’re all friends again.” Her eyes filled with tears that dropped onto her cheeks, ripping

Charlotte’s heart into pieces. “I want my brother to smile again.”

Oh boy. So far, she loved everything she’d seen in Aurora, but she knew nothing of the local

gossip. Still, she felt so bad seeing Razzy crying over her brother, how could she say no? Maybe the

issue wasn’t as big as they made it out to be.

She’d attempt talking to Brecc and see if maybe he’d be more forthcoming with information.

She needed to figure him out anyway. It was driving her crazy. The attraction she felt for him was just

as powerful as the one she felt for Eros, but his aloof attitude pushed her away.

If the damn wolf didn’t turn her on so much, she’d just ignore his existence, but it was hard.

The fact these guys were supposed to be gay was another thing she needed to figure out. Eros had not

kissed her like he didn’t like girls. Her conclusion was they were bisexual. They had to be because

no way in hell she could be confused for a guy. Not with her curves, her ass, and her tits.

“Don’t worry, Razzy,” she said with hopeful smile. “I will see what I can find out for you.

Maybe things can be easily fixed.”

Razzy threw her arms around Charlotte’s neck and sniffled. “Thank you. I knew the moment I

opened my eyes that you’d be a wonderful friend. My dragon is never wrong about people.”

If only Charlotte had a dragon inside to help her figure out her feelings for the two wolves.

Shit would be a lot less complicated.

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Charlotte woke with a headache. She’d been awake half the night even though her room had

tried hard to help her relax. The events of the previous night were still clear in her mind. Eros took

Razzy home, back to the Dragos land. It took everything in Charlotte not to break down and cry with

the girl. She remembered being that age. Feeling alone and having no one. Even her sister had her

own things going on.

Poor Razzy. Her sole family member was distancing himself from her. Charlotte had to help


She put on her warmest thermal underwear, with a scrunched nose. Good thing she wasn’t

getting it on or she’d look like an old lady wearing these.

After dressing, she rushed to the living room and saw Eros headed to the kitchen, leaving

Brecc behind in the living room. She licked her lips, wishing he didn’t look so damn good from

where she stood and cleared her throat.

“You don’t need to make noise. I know you’re there.”

All righty then. The guy had some serious communication problems.

He turned to face her, his eyes in that cool blue that distanced him from the world.

“I was hoping,” she said with a wobble in her voice. Shit. She took a deep breath and let it

out slowly. “I was hoping to go out for a hike.”

He lifted his brows, his gaze roaming down her body and then back up, so hungry and filled

with lust, she started to feel hot in her layers.

“We’d love to take you for a hike. Do you want some tea?” he offered so politely she couldn’t

figure out what was up with him. “Eros will return shortly and we can go.”

“I had some already. Alessandra left it in my room, I think. Or someone did.”

His only response was a slight lift of his lips into a wicked smile. Lord those lips did things

to her brain she couldn’t even explain.

She’d been hoping to get him alone, but having Eros with them would help ease the

conversation. She found being around Eros soothing, something she couldn’t say about any other man.

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Once Eros was back, they headed out, taking slow strides. They walked a path in silence at first.

Then, as if Brecc’s curiosity had gotten the best of him, he started to ask her questions.

“You like the cold?”

She shivered but smiled. “I do. I’m thinking I must be a masochist because this is way more

than the cold I’m used to.”

Eros laughed. “Yes. We have seen many videos about earth and the different weather


Brecc frowned, worry pulling his brows into a deep curve. “Do you want to go back?”

“No way!” She shoved her hands deeper into her coat pockets. “I’m fine.”

“Eros said you have a sister who might worry if you stay too long. What about your parents?”

Both Brecc and Eros offered her a hand to help her over a branch. It surprised her they continued

holding after they got over it.

“I don’t really speak to my parents much.” She met his gaze and pressed her lips into a line.

“Not for lack of trying, either. They’ve just never been interested in being parents.”

“She holds it all in,” Eros said to Brecc. She did, but how Eros noticed was beyond her.

“That hurts you,” Brecc said in a low growl. “I don’t like it.”

She grinned at how angry he sounded on her behalf. “It’s okay. I’m used to it. They’re

probably not the worst parents out there. Neglectful, yes. Evil, no.”

It dawned on her that the hike was turning out to be very nice. Both men held her hand and

kept her engaged in conversation. If she were an adventurous woman, she’d wonder what she might

have to do to keep them.

Be adventurous. Take them both and run! Of course her brain would start fucking with her

when she was around the two wolves.

Eros pointed down a path of freshly coated snow. “Let’s go to the Crystal Cave.”

She had no clue what that was, but it sounded interesting, except she had never been inside a

cave. “Um, I don’t know.”

Eros frowned. “What’s wrong? I promise the Crystal Cave is beautiful.”

“Yeah. That sounds great and all, but I’ve seen a lot of horror movies. You don’t go into a


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Eros threw his head back and laughed, the laughter so rich and filled with joy that she smiled

despite her insecurity over going into the cave. “You are precious, Charlotte. This is not like your

earth caves.”

“Oh, in that case, okay. Let’s go.”

Brecc shook his head. “She’s not ready for that.”

There he went again. Making decisions for her. She bit her tongue trying to stay away from

getting hostile.

Eros came to the rescue. “She’s an adult.” He glanced at her, his gaze filled with heat and

promise. “Would you like to go to the Crystal Cave?”

She nodded at him and then at Brecc. “Take me.”

Fire flourished in Brecc’s gaze. “Fine, but if you can’t handle it at any point, just say so.”

She frowned but continued walking.

It took a moment before she saw the opening of the cave. It was big, but since she’d been

expecting something dark, it caught her off guard. The cave was lit inside.

“Is someone in there?” she asked as they got closer to the mouth.

“No,” Brecc answered. “There are bits of the cave where crystal replaces rock allowing

natural sunlight inside. It keeps the place light in the day. At night, it lets the light of the moon in as


They entered the cave and she stopped dead on her tracks. “Holy, wow!”

Across the expanse and walls, thick yellow crystals bonded with smooth white rock creating

pockets, or windows. One of the most beautiful natural formations she’d ever seen.

Naturally formed crystal spikes hung from the ceiling of the cave like stalactites. She winced

at the size of the razor points. “Would one of those fall from there?”

“None ever have,” Eros replied.

She strode forward, sliding her hand on the white stone and watching it turn pale yellow.

“This is a mood cave?”

“Yes,” Eros said. “I thought you’d like seeing it in nature.”

She was amazed. Her body heat rose suddenly and she found herself stripping off her coat and

hat. “It’s hot in here.”

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“The cave changes temperature to allow those inside warmth.” Brecc shoved off his

lightweight jacket.

She gulped the saliva gathering in her mouth. Boy, he was big and strong. She still didn’t get

how he and Eros walked around in next to nothing. Not that she was complaining or anything.

Hell, if it were up to her, she’d get them down to their birthday suits and keep them that way.

Of course there was that whole cold making certain things small. She blinked and her gaze shot down

to Brecc’s crotch. He didn’t appear to have problems with shrinkage.

Her gaze shot up to his face and heat crowded her cheeks. He had that sly grin on his lips. He

knew she’d been checking him out.

“We have something awesome to show you,” said Eros, yanking off his shirt. Well, shit. If this

is what he considered awesome she was so game. She blinked and tried not to drool on the spot. All

those lovely muscles contracted with every move he made.

“Oh? You mean there’s more?” She followed behind him, aware of Brecc standing too close

to her back and making her all kinds of jittery.

They went down a rocky path into an opening with a big crystal shining light inside. At the

center of the opening was a pool giving off steam. The closer they came to the pool, the hotter she got.

She stripped another layer, until she was wearing only her thermal top and ski bottoms.

She’d just taken off her sweater when she caught Brecc grinning openly at her. “Feel free to

keep going.”

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“We were hoping you’d want to get in for a swim,” Eros added, his gaze raking down her

body in a loving caress. “It’s really warm and nice.”

She guessed she could swim in her undies. It would be like being in her bikini. And she

wasn’t embarrassed of her body. In fact, she enjoyed wearing a two piece whenever possible. It was

the whole being almost naked around the two hottest men she’d ever set eyes on. She licked her lips

and shrugged out of her boots and thermal socks. Her ski pants came next.

The zipper on the side of her pants got stuck. She struggled to take it down, but the damn thing

wouldn’t budge. Brecc approached and leaned down to take the zipper out of her hands. She glanced

up and got stuck on the muscles he had on display. His pecs flexed and a tiny moan slipped out of her


She tried to cover it by clearing her throat, but a quick look up and she knew he’d heard her.

The zipper hissed as he brought it down. Lust crowded in her chest, almost stopping her from catching

her breath.

His eyes changed while she watched. From that blue she’d come to know to a bright gold.

“Brecc,” she breathed. “Your eyes.”

He lifted a hand, cupping her cheek, coming even closer. “You are so beautiful, Charlotte.”

“Let me help you get this off,” Eros said behind her, tugging down her pants the rest of the

way and pulling them off her legs. Left in her panties and bra, goose bumps spread over her skin. Not

because she was cold. She was turned on by them. Both of them.

“Do you like it?” Brecc asked, his voice low and raspy.

“Like it?”

He slid his fingers over her lips, gliding his thumb back and forth over her bottom lip. “When

we touch you?”

Her heart hammered hard in her chest. Like it? Was he fucking insane? She swore she’d died

and gone to her hottest fantasy heaven.

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Eros caressed his hands up her calves, moving higher and higher up her legs, until he reached

her waist. Her pussy throbbed with the need to be fucked. She hadn’t been this interested in sex in a

long time. A real long time. She raised her hands to his chest, feeling his body, and gasping at how

smooth and warm his skin felt.

She nodded. “I thought…” she glanced at his gorgeous chiseled features and sexy lips. “I

thought you two were a couple.”

Brecc’s instant grin sent butterflies fluttering in her chest. He leaned down, his lips barely

brushing hers. “We are part of an incomplete triad.”

“Triad?” she mumbled.

“Yes,” Brecc said, kissing the corner of her mouth, melting her brain cells. “We share a

female. And we want you.”

“Me?” Lord, give her strength. She was hearing things now. “You want to share me?”

“Yes,” said Eros from behind, his voice tickling the back of her neck. “We want to share you.

Pleasure you. Show you how good it can be with both of us.”

It was a dream. It had to be. This kind of awesome didn’t happen to her. For two gorgeous

men to choose her to set their sights on wasn’t something she was used to.

“Will you?” Brecc growled low, licking across her bottom lip. He slid a hand down, cupping

her crotch and groaning. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Charlotte. I want to eat your pussy and watch

you come on my face.”

“I like that,” Eros agreed. “I bet she’s even more beautiful when she comes.”

Charlotte gasped, her pussy soaking her panties. “I…”

“You’re thinking,” Brecc admonished. “Stop it. Go with your instinct. Feel.”

Feel. Oh. Fucking. Hell. If she felt any more she’d be a puddle on the cave ground. She did

what he said, though. She leaned into his face and gave him her lips. She’d been dying for a taste of

him. While her kiss with Eros had been sweet and sexy, Brecc taking her lips felt naughty and

dominating. He sucked on her tongue, pushing his own into her mouth and growling.

Her body flamed inside. He took her lips like he owned them. Sucking, thrusting, and snarling.

Her body all but disintegrated with the kisses. She dug her nails into his chest. His smooth skin made

her yearn for more contact. His hand on her crotch slipped into her panties and spread her pussy lips

apart, zeroing in on her clit.

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Her breath stilled. It was so good. So fucking amazing to have his fingers rolling circles on

her clit.

Eros slipped his hands around her, gliding up to her bra, and freeing her of the garment. He

cupped her heavy breasts and tweaked her nipples, all the while licking and nibbling on the back of

her neck, pressing his erection into her ass.

She moaned. The sensations going through her. So much at once. Her brain couldn’t keep up.

Her nipples beaded tightly against Eros’s pinching fingers. Brecc pressed his cock into her belly. Her

pulse thrummed wild in her ears. Eros pulled on her panties at the same time he licked his way down

her back. The soaked undies came off as her bra had.

Brecc pulled back from the kiss. She opened her eyes and noticed her hands had traveled

south to the waistband of his pants. She’d been trying to get them off, but had been unsuccessful. He

pressed a side button and the material flew south, leaving him naked and hard. His cock reached up in

a long thick rod. She’d never seen anything like it. The pants had literally shot down to the ground

without having to touch them.

She bit her lip and reached for him. So smooth and hot. Her gaze jerked to his face when she

heard him groan. The deeply etched lines in his face pulled tightly. A soft growl sounded from his

chest. So deep her hand vibrated.

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“Fuck, your hand on me feels great,” Brecc said, curling a hand around hers and squeezing his

erection. Showing her how hard he wanted her to stroke him.

“Come on,” Eros muttered behind her. “Let’s get you in the water.”

The two men guided her into the warm pool. It wasn’t deep, barely five feet but she enjoyed

the hot water on her body. Brecc kissed her again. Every time he did, it was as if he couldn’t get

enough of her taste. He groaned and thrust his hips into her.

Instinct pushed her to spread her legs. She wanted him. Inside. He picked her up by the waist

and sat her at the edge of the pool.

Eros switched places with Brecc and stood between her widened legs. He inhaled and let out

a loud moan. “I get to taste you now, sweet. I know you’ll be delicious.”

He leaned forward, sucking one of her tits into his mouth and fondling her pussy with wet

fingers. She screamed at how fucking amazing it felt. He bit and sucked and made her squirm. One

finger slid into her cunt. Then another. Soon he was finger fucking her deep and fast while moving

from one nipple to the other, stopping at the valley of her breasts to lick up and down her chest.

Brecc kneeled by her side, gripping her hair in his hand and sucking on her lips. With deep

plunges of his tongue, he fucked her mouth, reminding her how badly he wanted to fuck her with his


Another mind-melting kiss had their lips consuming each other. Eros licked her inner thigh,

moving closer to her pussy. Her belly quaked at how turned on she was. She reached out blindly and

grabbed a hold off Eros short white hair with one hand and Brecc’s cock with the other.

She clung to Eros’s hair, holding him close and dying for him to reach her slick pussy. With

her other hand, she jerked Brecc up and down with the same tight grip he’d shown her moments


Brecc yanked away from her lips, kneeling closer and putting his cock near her face.

“I want your lips on my cock, beautiful Charlotte,” he rumbled. “I want to watch you widen

your gorgeous mouth and take me.”

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She licked her lips and leaned forward, leaving a trail of saliva around the head of his large

cock. His size worried and impressed her. He was big, but she wanted him badly. In her mouth. In her

pussy. Everywhere.

Eros’s lips moved closer, licking a circle around her clit and sending fire shooting down her

back. He groaned, drove his tongue into her channel and pressed his face into her pussy. Her back

arched and she almost gagged on Brecc’s cock.

She took Brecc in and pulled him out, soaked with her spit while simultaneously tugging

Eros’s head closer to her pussy. He licked and sucked on her clit, fucking her with his tongue and

growling hard enough to make her whimper.

Her muscles tightened with her oncoming orgasm. She pulled back from Brecc’s cock, still

jerking him, but focused on the sensations Eros aroused in her with his tongue-fucking.

Brecc leaned down, moving his cock out of her hand and licking down her earlobe to her


“You look so good like that. Curves exposed. Pussy gleaming with your scent.” He bit her

shoulder and then kissed it. “Come, so I can fuck you.”

She mewled, digging her nails into his leg. Eros moved his licking to go from her entrance up

to her clit and back down. He’d add a growl here and there, pushing her closer to release.

“Brecc, oh god,” she mumbled.

“Yes.” He sucked her nipple, taking the stiff peak between his teeth and rolling his tongue

over it. “You taste so good. So hot and sexy.” He sucked harder. The sensation sent flutters to her clit,

where Eros sucked and shot sparks up her spine. “I want to fuck you. Eros wants to fuck you too,


God. Oh god. She gasped. Choked. Gasped again. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

“Oh, I will. I will slide deep into your cunt, sweet. I’ll fuck you until you can’t feel your

legs.” He nipped at her chest. “I’ll fill you with my cum and then watch Eros come all over your tits,”

he growled. “He’ll come in your mouth and spill onto your chest.”

Her mind pictured every word he said. She visualized. Lord, did she visualize both men

coming in and on her, taking her and pleasuring her while at the same time filling her with their seed.

Electricity exploded through her system, leaving her screaming and shaking. Pleasure sailed

from her pussy outward to each of her limbs. With every breath, a new wave of delight journeyed

through her blood. She was lucky that Brecc held her upper body up or she’d have fallen back into the

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Charlotte sat up, her mind a muddle of confused and aroused hormones. She met Brecc’s

hungry gaze with her own. She leaned into him, meeting his lips and sighing into his mouth. “Fuck


He pulled back, his gaze scanning her face for something. “I want to fuck you. I want to more

than fuck you, beautiful.” He kissed her cheek, a simple yet heart clenching move. Then he moved up

to lick her ear. “I want your hot little pussy wrapped around my cock so fucking badly, I can’t see


She nodded, her pussy clamoring for more. For him inside her. For both men.

Eros and Brecc switched places again. This time, Brecc pulled her into the pool, flipped her

on her stomach and bent her over the shallowest end of the pool. Eros took her seat and spread his

legs to allow her to lean between his legs, her face inches from his cock.

She met Eros’s gaze and the warm smile he gave her amped the desire at her core.

“You have such beautiful lips,” he said. “I love this position. I can watch your expression of

pleasure when Brecc fucks you.” He pushed her hair back, sliding a wet hand over her face. “Will

you take me into your mouth?”

She didn’t answer. Instead, she lowered her head and widened her lips to suck his cock deep

down her throat. She swooshed her tongue back and forth on the vein running down the length of his

dick as she pulled him out.

Brecc gripped her hips, digging his fingers deeply into her wide hips. He pressed his front to

her back, kissing his way up her spine until he reached the back of her shoulder. Pushing her long, wet

curls to the side, he proceeded to lick at the back of her neck.

“Your ass is so fucking gorgeous,” he said, grabbing handfuls of her cheeks and spreading

them open. “I bet you’ll be amazing. Wet. Tight. Perfect.”

She dropped her head, taking Eros’s cock down her throat once again. Brecc pushed the head

of his cock into her entrance. She curled her legs up and around his hips.

“How do you want it, Charlotte. Nice and slow or fast and deep?”

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Good god. She mumbled but he wouldn’t have known what she tried to say with a mouth full

of dick. Still, he drove deep, slamming his cock so far into her she was glad he held her by the waist

or she’d have bumped her head on Eros’s chest.

When he pulled back, she did as well, leaving Eros’s cock slick with spit.

“Ah, beautiful. You have such an amazing mouth on you. So tight and wet,” Eros groaned.

“Just like her pussy,” Brecc rumbled, once again going deep into her channel.

Eros pressed her tits together, sliding his cock between them and using the friction of Brecc’s

fucking to watch her wet body glide up and down his cock. She dug her nails into Eros’s legs, looking

for leverage. Tension coiled at the pit of her stomach. With every harsh drive, Brecc pushed her

closer to the edge of pleasure.

In. Out. Hard. Fast. Brecc didn’t let up. He intensified his moves in speed and depth. His

growls grew louder, wilder. Even his cock felt thicker in her pussy. She choked on her breaths, her

lungs tripping over themselves trying to get a breath.

Her pussy grasped at Brecc’s driving cock. “This,” he said, kissing her shoulder. “Is such a

beautiful marking.”

He was talking about an artistic set of wolf paws on fire she’d gotten some years back. She’d

always loved wolves, and having seen a painting of one surrounded by flames had given her the idea

for the tattoo.

“Thank you,” she gasped.

“I hope you don’t mind,” he nibbled on her shoulder. “If I add my own marking to your flesh.”

She had no idea what he was talking about. “I don’t mind.”

He could do whatever the fuck he wanted and she’d be okay with that. He pounded her pussy,

finally sending her flying with her earth-shattering release.

She screamed. What? Something unintelligible, but she screamed. Her pussy tightened around

his cock, sucking him deep. He bit her then, his teeth embedding into the back of her shoulder in the

same area she had her tattoo. One final thrust and he came inside her.

At the same time, Eros came on her chest, his cum shot up to her chin and slid down her neck

to coat her chest with his seed. Brecc continued coming, he pulsed in her channel, filling her with the

heat of his cum.

She was spent and strangely turned on by having had them both come in and on her at the same

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Eros slid his hands over her chest, massaging his cum on her tits. “I love that. Seeing my scent

on your chest.”

Brecc slid out of her slowly and flipped her over. With a hard press of his lips, he took hers

again. One short, quick kiss and he reeled back. “I knew you’d be perfect for us.”

She blinked at the hazy world and tried to bring it all into focus. It was hard. All she wanted

was to lean into his body and let him hold her. She swore he read her mind. The next thing she knew

he was pulling her out of the pool and laying her on a blanket Eros laid out.

The blanket went from a thin sheet to a thick two inch mattress. She lay there, sighing and

letting her wobbly legs adjust to what just happened. Before she could make sense of their actions and

the fact she actually wanted to do it all again, Brecc laid behind her, curving an arm around her waist

and pulling her ass flush on his cock. Eros took her front side. She kissed him and lay her head under

his chin. He slid one of her legs over his and caressed her thigh in small soothing circles.

No words were needed. Some kind of strange connection took place in that pool. She’d been

pushing away the notion of wanting two men at the same time. It wasn’t done in polite society. Yet she

had. And she’d enjoyed every second of it. She couldn’t fault her greedy hormones for wanting both

men either.

Eros was the sensitive, sweet guy every woman wanted in their lives. Then there was Brecc.

Good lord, Brecc. He was the bad boy that pissed a woman off and fucked her so good she’d burn his

clothes if he left her. Yeah. He was one of those mind-fucks that a woman couldn’t fight.

Her body sighed in happiness. She’d had them both. They both wanted her. What did this triad

thing mean? She needed more information. Ménages were not her thing. Hell, this was her first and

she had to admit it was fucking amazing. Now all she could think of was doing more with both guys.

Maybe being in Aurora would help bring out her freak side.

She started to fall asleep with the idea of finding men who loved her curves as much as she

did. Two in one shot. Holy fuck!

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Brecc sat at his favorite tree, unsure what to do. His father had told him emotions made a

leader weak. That Alphas had no room for that in their lives. So how was he to explain the feelings of

pleasure flooding his heart?

“What are you doing out here all alone?” Eros asked. He’d know that Brecc’s mind was in an

uproar. It was something Eros sensed easily. Not only from their bond, but as the Omega, his power

lay in the emotional health of the pack.

“Thinking.” He ignored the biting cold and continued staring at the frozen river.

“Weren’t you the one who told Charlotte to not think? To follow her instincts?”

He was, but that was her. She questioned what both Brecc and Eros knew was the right move

for her. She belonged with them. They’d make the perfect triad for the Ice Mountains.

“It’s not the same,” he muttered, sliding his fingers though his hair in agitation.

“No, it’s not. But then again, you didn’t follow rules did you?” Eros sat next to him, glancing

at his face. “You bit her.”

He couldn’t help himself. The wolf took control. He wanted to mark her. Fuck it all, so did

Brecc. She was theirs. It shouldn’t matter that he marked her. “It’s not like I mated her.”

“It’s as good as.” Eros sighed. “She’s going to be angry when she finds out.”

That would wait. He’d get to know her better before explaining what he’d done. “We’ll

explain in time.”

“We don’t have much time. The elders will come visit any day and how will we explain the

lack of a mate?”

“Forget the elders. We have a mate,” he said with a growl. “She is ours.”

“She hasn’t made a choice yet. We can’t take it upon ourselves to keep her here.”

Fucking hell! He snarled and felt the need for a shift push at his bones.

“Run your wolf. But when you return, take her and spend time with her. When the time comes

for her decision, it won’t be based on me. You’ll be the driving force,” Eros said. “I already know

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how she feels about me. We both do. It’s you she’s torn over.”

Brecc knew it. He didn’t particularly care for it, but he knew.

* * *

He reached the cabin to find Charlotte coming out to greet him. She glanced at him, her gaze

filled with questions. She wore a long wool coat with a white hat and scarf. Her mocha skin stood out

against the fabric. She looked beautiful. Everything about her captivated him. From her brown eyes,

to the long, dark curls hanging down her sides.

He stopped at the bottom of the steps to the cabin and smiled. How could he not when he’d

been thinking of her for hours? “Want to go for a walk?”

Relief filled the depth of her eyes. “Yes. I’d love that.”

He grabbed her gloved hand and held it. She didn’t attempt to pull back and he didn’t sense

any hesitation when it came to him being near her. Knowing she wasn’t trying to get away from him

made his heart expand. He’d been unable to stop thinking about her.

He took her to the river, close to the frozen area the kids in his pack loved to run skates on. “I

see you’re wearing less layers today.”

She laughed. “Yes. Alessandra showed me some of your clothing. It’s made for this kind of

weather and the material is super lightweight, but keeps me really warm.”

He pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and stopping to give her a kiss.

She wasn’t expecting it, so it made him smile to see her eyes widen and arousal brighten her gaze.

The kiss was quick and hot. Enough to make him grunt with the need for more. New emotions filled

his heart. Desire. Lust. And something else. A desire for more of her smiles directed at him.

Her lashes fluttered open and she gazed at him through hazy eyes. “Brecc. I don’t understand.

You and Eros have confused the shit out of me.”

He barked a laugh. “How did we do that?”

“I thought you two were…you know, a couple,” she stammered. “I didn’t realize you were

into threesomes.”

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He went back to walking, helping her along by holding her hand. “We’re not into threesomes.

We share females. Eros and I have always had a deep connection. Our bond ensures we have the

ability to lead the pack as best we can, but also have a triad relationship with a female.”

She bit her lip and frowned. “You mean to tell me you’ve always shared women?”

He nodded. “We’re linked. Have you not noticed?”

He waited for her to deny the connection they all felt by now. But she slowly nodded. “Yes. I

noticed. After yesterday, I could sense we were all closer somehow.”

“You’re the right woman for our triad.”

“That’s a lot to take in. I need to think about this. I’ve never even dated two men at once. How

would that even work?” The note of fear in her voice worried him. He wanted her to understand

they’d never hurt her.

“We’ll do everything in our power to make you happy at all times.” That’s the best he could

do without asking her to be their mate.

She glanced at the kids out in the river. “You’re so different from Eros. I feel like I don’t

understand what it is you want.” She met his gaze. “I barely know you.”

They continued their walk by the edge of the river. “I am not difficult. In the years since my

parents died, I have been in charge of the pack. That means I meet with my people as well as Alyx. I

lead them as best as I can.”

She shook her head. “I don’t think you understand. I need to know you. What do you do for


He frowned. “Fun?”

She gasped, her eyes going wide. “You don’t do anything for fun? That’s so sad.”

“There’s little room for fun in my life,” he said.

“Don’t say that.” Her features turned sad. He wanted to tell her to not feel bad for him, that he

enjoyed being Alpha, but he didn’t think that would calm her worries. “Come on.”

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He let her lead him onto the frozen river, ensuring they were standing on the thickest of the

ice. She held on to his forearms and giggled. “This is the frozen river.”

She laughed again. “Yes, I can see that.” She attempted to walk without slipping on the ice

and giggled harder every time she took a step. “This is also very slippery.”

“I don’t understand your point,” he said, realizing her shoes probably didn’t have the same

grip his did. With their technology so advanced, everything in Aurora had artificial intelligence. From

clothing to shoes. His shoes knew he was on ice so they changed to allow him better grip on the

surface. Hers didn’t.

She frowned when she took another step and he didn’t fall. “How come you aren’t sliding

around like I am?”

He smiled, his heart beating a little faster than before at the warmth and joy he saw in her

eyes. “My shoes have adapted to the terrain.”

“Fricking hell! I need your shoes.” She gasped and glanced down at his feet. “Do you think if

you get them to, they’d change into skates? Ice skates, I mean.”

He nodded. Two seconds later, his shoes turned into skates and he was gliding on the ice like

the children at the other end of the river, playing hockey.

She squealed and tried to take a few steps, only to wobble on her slippery shoes. He reached

for her, picking her up before she hit the ground and cupping her cold face in his hands.

“I don’t need to do anything to have fun,” he said to her. “Watching your face light up with

happiness does something I’ve never had happen to me before. I feel things.”

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Charlotte stared deep into Brecc’s eyes. His words made her heart pound loudly. Lord, he felt

things. She was feeling a lot of things too. Things she normally didn’t feel for two men.

“What…um…what kind of things?” she asked, drawing her face closer to his.

“Need,” he said, brushing a kiss over her cold lips.

Yeah. She knew all about need. Like the need to get him naked. “Oh.”

“Lack of control.” He kissed her again. This time he licked the seam of her lips and sucked on

her bottom lip.

Oh, boy. Lack of control was her middle name. When he and Eros stripped to near nothing,

she bought her self-control a one-way ticket to fuck-you-ville. “I see.”

“Ah, Charlotte,” he rumbled, kissing his way up to her ear. “I don’t think you do. No woman

has ever made me feel so desperate for her. To be with her. Around her. So complete when I’m with


No fucking way was she going to stay away from his sexy lips after he said that. She leaned

close, pressing their lips together. Her lust shot out of orbit. She wrapped her arms around his neck,

kissing him back for all she was worth. His lips took, savored her lips as if she were the most

delicious wine.

He slowly leaned back, meeting her gaze with his fiery gold one. “Come with me. I have

something in mind you’d like.”

He stopped for a moment and she watched in awe as his skates turned back into snow boots.

She really needed a pair of those. Shoes that transformed had to be one of the coolest things she’d

ever seen.

They turned away from the river, walking a different path.

“You said your dad raised you to keep emotions at bay,” she repeated his words.

He held her hand hostage around his arm and continued guiding her forward. “My father was

not very…emotional. He was a warrior. He loved my mother deeply. Too deeply. Jealousy has a way

of messing with a good relationship.”

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“In what sense?” She so wanted to know more about what made him the way he was. Her

interest had moved away from finding out about the dragons and focusing on learning Brecc, the man.

“There is no room for lies in the shifter world. We know if someone tells the truth or not. My

father refused to believe the truth even when he knew there was nothing else.”

She frowned. “You lost me.”

“Mother was good friends with Vikter’s mother. Great friends. When mother died from an

accident, father refused to believe the story he was told. He was stuck on believing someone killed

her. He hated Vikter’s father.”

She gasped. She knew there was more going on than he said, but she didn’t want to press. He

needed to open the doors and speak himself. The last thing she wanted was for him to accuse her of

minding his business.

“Some people don’t know how to believe what is right in front of them.” She shrugged. “It

took me a while to grow some balls and leave my ex.”

He glanced at her, his eyes burning with anger. “Your previous mate hurt you?”

“Not physically. Though sometimes, physical pain can be easier to handle than emotional,

verbal, or mental abuse. He destroyed me for a long time. Talking about my weight and calling me

Miss Piggy.”

“I understand a lot of men on earth stray from one mate to the next.”

She pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. “I know. My ex-husband didn’t just cheat, he

used every excuse in the book to treat me like I was nothing without him.” She laughed bitterly. “In

our case, it wasn’t jealousy. He was just using me. And for seven years, I let him.” She met Brecc’s

intense gaze and sighed. “I should have learned early on, but what can I say? I had hoped he would

change.” She snorted. “Change. Nobody ever changes for anyone else. They change because they want

to, not because anyone else does.”

Brecc shook his head, making his long white hair fly against the wind. “That’s not true. If you

didn’t like something about me or Eros, we’d change. Your happiness is our priority.”

She stared at him, her jaw hanging open, speechless. Men didn’t usually offer to change for a

woman. When they did it was because she nagged him to the point he found himself agreeing just to

shut her up. This was weirdly different and more than she experienced.

There was no more time to think about it. They’d gotten to the edge of a cliff. Below them sat

a valley of trees. She glanced down, staring at the beauty of it all.

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“Isn’t it amazing?” Eros’s voice sounded behind her.

She whirled around with a smile on her face, watching him approaching.

He leaned down to kiss her. She didn’t think, she kissed him back. The emotions she felt for

Eros were different than for Brecc. Eros tugged at the sweeter side of her heart. The side that loved a

guy who knew how to sit by a fire and hold her hand without needing to talk about anything.

Brecc, on the other hand, knocked down the door to the deeper emotions. The ones she shied

away from. Between the two of them, they’d captured her heart. Even more amazing was the fact they

were a team. Each encouraging the other when it came to her. It was strange and exciting and so damn

sexy, it boggled the mind.

“I’m glad you made it in time,” Brecc said.

She frowned glancing from one to the other.

Eros caressed her cheek with a heart-warming grin. “We have a bond. I know when he needs

me. Just like I can sense when you are distressed.”

“What are we doing here?” She turned to Brecc. The valley below seemed to be the area

holding his attention.

“We understand you like adventurous sports. On earth, you’ve been skydiving, no?”

She nodded. “How do you know?”

“Gerri got us some information on you. We wanted to make your time more enjoyable and so

thought to show you one of the favorite past times for the younger kids.” Eros grinned. “The ones who

can’t fly.”

Brecc pulled out the same blanket they’d used at the cave and laid it flat on the ground. She

watched as the blanket reshaped into what looked like a metal wing.

What. The. Hell?

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Brecc stood next to her. “Do you trust me?”

She gulped, unsure what to say. She loved daredevil stuff as much as the next person, but

something told her this was going to be unusual.

For a long moment, she stared deep into his eyes. It was the first time she didn’t see the ice

wall in his gaze. There were emotions there. Need, concern, desire, and something she daren’t hope

because she questioned the same feelings in herself.

She glanced at Eros. His soothing smile took the edge off her fear. Ah, what the hell? She bit

her lip and nodded slowly.

“I don’t know what you have in mind, but if I die, I’ll be really pissed.”

Brecc laughed loudly. She watched him lift the flimsy metal wing. The thing stood taller than

she expected.

“Don’t be scared, beautiful. I promise it will be fun.” Brecc offered his hand to her.

She took it and in four steps stood in front of the giant wing. He turned her around, the wing

flush to her back. Brecc stood to her left and Eros stopped at her right.

Something wrapped around her waist. Both men held her hand and walked closer to the edge.

Her heart started beating faster and faster. Bile hit the back of her throat. Shit. Fear crowded her



“Trust us,” they said in unison.

Suddenly, the floor fell away and the air sucked out of her chest. They didn’t fall like she

expected. Instead, the giant wing glided them out and above the valley. She saw the trees and winding

river. Two boys shifted into dragons and took off into the air.

She gasped. The closer they came to the ground, the more she wanted to stay up. The wing

glided seamlessly. For long minutes, she viewed a wider area of the valley.

They descended in giant circles over a patch of land she swore was way too fucking small to

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land on. She still swore she was going to die when they hit the ground, but she would go with a smile.

“This is amazing,” she yelled over the loud howling wind.

She turned to smile at Brecc. He lifted her hand to his lips and gave her a kiss.

“Do you like it?” Eros asked, squeezing her right hand.

“I love it!”

Once they were just feet from the ground, the wing turned soft, allowing them to land on their

feet. She didn’t realize just how advanced this planet was until now. A single sheet could do so much.

“It was…unreal,” she said, her heart thundering in her ears and adrenaline rushing through her

veins. She wanted to jump and squeal. She should have been worried over not wearing a helmet or

any of the necessary safety items used for these kind of things, but who gave a fuck? It had been


They landed in an open area, trees encircling the space. She took drunken steps away from the

men, her legs feeling like jelly.

Brecc folded the sheet into a tiny square and shoved it in his pocket. One would’ve never

known that little thing could do so much. She needed a few of those in her life.

“How are you enjoying your time here?” Eros asked her, his eyes full of sensuality. “Your

pleasure is our priority.”

Good lord, they knew just what to say. “Most men don’t say that. Especially not to big girls.

On earth, curvy women are not the most wanted.”

Eros and Brecc glanced at each other and then up and down her body.

“We are not on earth. And I’d lick every one of your curves until your taste was stamped on

my tongue,” Eros said.

Brecc approached her. “Don’t question our words. We want you. Naked. Spread open and on

display. We want every single curve on your body. Those little areas that make a woman insecure?

We love it. Your breasts, your hips, your thighs. All of it.”

She smirked and shook her head. “All of it?”

“All. Of. It.” Brecc said, rubbing a hand on her abdomen. “Your curves are part of your

beauty. Don’t let another person’s beauty standards cloud your thinking. You know we are not lying.

You can sense it.”

He was right. She knew they were being honest. She saw it in their eyes. She loved that they

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were so crazy over her body. She loved it and for men to love it too was just surreal. She wasn’t just

curvy. She had very big curves. She had rolls, she had jiggle and she had wiggle. But it all made her

who she was and quite frankly she didn’t have a problem with any of it. A wall she didn’t know

existed crumbled inside her heart. The genuine desire and lust of them for her brought the realization

that she could really stay in Aurora and have a good relationship with the shifters.

What was she thinking? They needed a mate. She needed a vacation. Rebecca would kill

someone if she didn’t return. Her sister was no joke.

She stepped away from them, her mind a mess of questions and desires. Of fears and hopes.

Neither followed. It was as if they knew she needed a breather. Space to think. She walked to the

edge of the clearing, touching the rainbow flowers she saw around her.

One of the most amazing things she’d seen in the alien planet had been the rainbow flowers.

They puffed out like giant open umbrellas and each leaf had a different color on it. She didn’t know

the official name, but she’d dubbed them rainbow flowers.

She needed to face it. She was falling hard and fast for the two shifters. While she’d been

skeptical of Brecc, his personality reminded her somewhat of her own. He’d been emotionally lonely

and she knew exactly how that felt.

The flapping of something in the air made her glance up. She cursed when she saw a giant

purple dragon swoop down. It came down fast. The dragon curled claws around her and took off so

fast she didn’t get a chance to really make out what was going on. Glancing through the claws, she

saw Brecc and Eros shift into white wolves and chase after the dragon that had her in its claws.

In mere seconds, she was too far gone to see them anymore. She didn’t try to get loose. She

didn’t have a fucking death wish. She’d wait until she was put down before she gave the dragon a

piece of her mind.

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Charlotte didn’t even realize she’d fallen asleep when she woke up in a rush. She was on a

bed in a giant room, decorated in frilly pinks and purples.

“You’re awake!” Razzy exclaimed.

Charlotte checked her body for injuries and frowned. “You brought me here?”

The young girl nodded. “I needed someone to talk to. I’d been flying by the valley of the

precious flowers when I saw you.”

“Precious flowers?” She rubbed a hand over her forehead, trying to make sense of what the

hell was going on.

“The ones with all the colors. They are called precious. We love them so much that we

dubbed them that way.” Razzy slipped her hands into the pocket of her pants. “I’m sorry if you were

busy, but I was so upset. I couldn’t think straight.”

“What exactly is the problem?”

“Vikter prohibited me from being friends with the pack,” she said. “I have many wolf friends.

This isn’t fair,” she snapped. “Why should I have to be unhappy because he and Brecc have drama?”

In that sense, Charlotte agreed. Brecc and Vikter’s issues should remain their issues. “Where

is your brother?”

Razzy’s purple eyes went wide. “Downstairs in his office. He won’t be bothered, right now.”

Too bad. Charlotte couldn’t very well argue with the kid. She needed to talk to an adult.

“Show me where his office is.”

Razzy bit her lip, a frown deepening over her eyes. “I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

“Honey, he’d be stupid to argue with me.”

The massive stone castle needed a fucking elevator. That and maybe a few walking escalators

too. Charlotte swore they’d walked for five minutes before they finally got to Vikter’s office.

Razzy stood back, walking away slowly. “You don’t have to do this. I can take you back. I’m

sorry I disrupted your time with your mates.”

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She blinked. What? “No, you don’t understand.”

The door handle moved and Razzy took off so fast she didn’t get a chance to tell the girl to


“Stop standing out there like a sulking baby, Razzy. Come inside,” Vikter said.

Charlotte pushed the door open, staring in wonderment at the giant library in the shape of a

massive dome. The glass ceiling allowed for the clear view of the night sky or the sunlight to brighten

the room.

“Nice office,” she said. The view inside was as amazing as the one outside.

Vikter swung around, a dark glower on his face and his lips tight. “How did you get here?”

“Your little sister is one very angry kid,” she said. “She needed someone to talk to so she sort

of picked me up and brought me here.”

He slapped a hand on his forehead. “I’m sorry. She’s going through a phase. She hates all the

rules and doesn’t understand I have a reason for everything.”

She took a few steps forward and another scan of the library. There were telescopes and maps

of interstellar stuff she didn’t have a clue about but looked super interesting. “What could your reason

possibly be to ask her to stop hanging out with her wolf friends?”

“There’s too much tension with the Ice pack,” he said, pointing to a seat. “Please. Would you

like something to drink?”

She sat on an antique looking chair that reminded her of Game of Thrones. Too bad she

couldn’t be Khaleesi. Unlike the queen of the dragons, Charlotte loved her wolves. Though right at

that moment she felt like a queen anyway. “I don’t even want to know how old this furniture is.”

He laughed, filling a glass with wine. “You don’t. It might scare you.”

She took the glass he offered and watched him prowl around his office. She could sense he

was agitated but tried to hide it. “Why the tension between you and Brecc?”

He stopped his pacing and met her gaze. “There was a time we were friends. Good friends.

Our mothers were best of friends.”

She sipped on her wine and watched the play of emotions go through his face. “What went


He started walking again, his long strides eating up the space in his large office. “His father.

The man lost his mind when his mate died. Not that I can blame him.”

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“So? What does that have to do with you two?”

He thinned his lips, a gold fire brightening his eyes. “His mother died in an accident. He

blamed my family. He already hated my father, so when she died, he decided to start a war between

our families.”

She gasped, placing the cup on a table next to her seat. Anticipation made her palms sweat.

“People were hurt, right?”

He nodded. “Brecc’s father showed up here. My father and his father fought. His father killed

my father.”

She put her face in her hands, her body wound tight over the revelation. So much pain and

anger. She couldn’t understand this in such a beautiful and mesmerizing new world.

The door slammed opened. She jumped in her seat, her head jerking to the side to see who

made the noise.

“Tell her what you did!” Brecc growled, his chest heaving from exertion. She noticed the

wind-tousled hair and the anger sparking in his eyes. Damn, he was even hotter when pissed.

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“Brecc,” she said, trying to calm the fury she saw in his eyes.

Eros ran in behind Brecc, the worry in his gaze disappearing the moment he laid eyes on her.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded. “I’m fine.”

“Tell her what you did,” Brecc said again. “Tell her how you dragged us into their war.”

“I did not!” Vikter roared. “It was an accident.”

Brecc turned to meet her gaze. “He killed my father.”

She glanced at Vikter. “You did?”

“It was an accident,” he said, sliding his fingers through his hair. “They were fighting. I was a

kid. I was upset seeing his father hurting mine. I shifted and the dragon took over.”

“He burned him to death,” Brecc spat. He rushed up to her side, taking her hand and pulling.

“Let’s go.”

“Brecc,” Eros started.

She yanked her hand out of his hold. “Hang on a second.” She frowned at Brecc. “You were

friends. I know that you’re both living with regrets over what happened. I don’t need to be a shifter to

see it.”

“Let’s go, Charlotte,” Brecc growled.

“No. Not until I’ve said what I need to.” She moved away from him, stopping in the center of

the room. “This planet was supposed to be different from earth. Better. But like earth, emotions rule a

lot of what people do, no matter where they are.” She glanced at Vikter. “I can see it hurts you to live

with the knowledge that your actions killed this friendship. All these years of regret,” she shook her

head. “How have you not forgiven yourself?”

He glanced away from her. “Things aren’t the same anymore.”

“This isn’t your business,” Brecc argued. “Leave it alone!”

Charlotte’s chest felt like it was caving in on itself. She’d been secretly hoping that Brecc and

Eros were interested in sharing more than a vacation fling with her. His words just now proved her

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opinion wasn’t needed or wanted. He was right. It wasn’t her business, but she’d lived enough years

in unhappiness to know it was a horrible companion.

“No!” She glared at Brecc, her own anger simmering from his words. “You are so selfish,”

she yelled at him, and turned to Vikter. “Both of you. Don’t you think that as neighbors the wolves and

dragons would find themselves being friends?”

Brecc’s eyes glowed gold. “Char―”

“Shut up!” she snapped at Brecc, ignoring the shock in his eyes. “You clearly don’t get told to

listen often enough. You’re going to listen now!” She took a breath. It was because of Razzy she was

willing to say anything. Seeing the girl so upset and depressed did something to her. It reminded her

of her own lonely youth.

“Your people and his,” she said pointing at Vikter, “don’t want to be enemies. They like being

neighbors.” She glanced at Vikter. “Your sister has friends she adores on his side.” She turned back

and forth between both men. “Your issues are spilling to make others miserable. You’re doing what

your parents did.” She shook her head. “You have the power to end this.”

Neither man said anything. She glanced at Eros who nodded at her, encouraging her to


“I grew up lonely. With parents who didn’t care. Do you know how hard it is on a kid? You

had each other.” She frowned at Brecc. “You had Eros and Vikter and friends. I had nothing. It sucked

major balls.” She turned to Vikter. “Don’t do that to your own families. Don’t make them lose their

friends and grow up lonely.” She took a step towards Brecc but stopped. “Let go of the past. Holding

on to it won’t change things. What you do now, that’s what’s important.”

“I’m not holding on to the past,” Brecc argued.

She rolled her eyes and clenched her jaw. “You know what? You want to be a dick and ignore

my words, fine. But I can’t stay here, knowing you two are going to destroy not just one girl’s life, but

many others in the process over your own selfish issues.”

“Charlotte,” Eros said quietly, “I can take you home.”

She nodded and marched past Brecc without a single backward glance. The rest of the way

back, she realized it had been too good to be true. Two men who wanted her was a nice fantasy, but

that’s all it was.

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Brecc watched the only woman he’d grown to care for in a long time walk away from him,

leaving him feeling empty and angry.

Vikter turned to face him, his usual mask of nonchalance gone and replaced with a frown. “We

fucked up.”

Brecc could argue with Vikter’s words, but he was right. They had fucked up. “I know.”

Vikter filled another glass with wine and did something he hadn’t done in a long time. He

walked over to Brecc and offered it.

Brecc met his gaze. There was honest regret in there. “Your mate isn’t just right, she’s really

good at making a man feel like a little kid.”

He was right. Fuck. She’d been right. Every word out of her mouth was like a punch to the gut.

He’d been living in the past, letting his anger over what happened destroy him as well as the

friendship he’d once had with Vikter.

“I’m a fucking idiot,” he growled at himself.

Vikter filled a second glass of wine. “Join the crowd.” He sat and motioned with his head.

“You might as well sit. She needs time to cool off.”

He hadn’t sat with Vikter in so many years. It was strange. He glanced around the massive

office he and Vikter used to play in and nodded. “I like what you’ve done to the place.”

Before, the room had felt dark and forbidden. Now that it was clearly Vikter’s domain, it was

filled with what he’d always liked. Telescopes, maps, and astronomy related books.

“Thanks.” Vikter shook his head and sighed. “I’m sorry.” He glanced down at his hands then

back up to Brecc’s face. “I doubt I’ll be alive long enough to have this chance again, so I want you to

know. I never meant to hurt your father that day. It was an accident.”

Brecc listened to Vikter, knowing the words coming out of his mouth were true and honest. He

felt like shit. He’d been just like his father. Closed off to the truth and unwilling to listen. “I know.”

“We were kids. I was still learning to control the dragon.” He leaned back in his seat and

glanced up at the domed ceiling showing the suns going down. “If I could go back, I would. I’d stop

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myself from losing the reins.” He frowned. “I’d give you your father back.”

Brecc’s throat ran dry. He’d been such a douche. For so long he’d held on to the anger and

pain of loss, blaming Vikter and making those around him miserable with his distance. But Vikter had

lost his parents too. Shortly after Vikter’s father died, his mother passed away. The loss of her mate

too much for her to bear.

Brecc leaned forward in his seat, putting his elbows on his thighs. “I’m sorry too. I should

have listened to you the first time. Not copied my father and done the same thing, held on to his


“For what it’s worth, I miss our friendship,” Vikter confessed.

He nodded. “I do too.” The truth was, other than Eros, Vikter had been his best friend. Almost

like a brother. He’d been in mourning for their friendship since his father’s death. He thought about

Charlotte’s words. About letting the past go. “Maybe we can start fresh. Let go of the past and look

into the future.”

Vikter sighed. “I’m glad you’re ready to listen. I don’t know how much of a future I have, but

I’m happy to restore our friendship.”

“You’ll find someone,” Brecc assured him. He believed it. When he and Eros had been at

their lowest point, Gerri came in and brought Charlotte for them. “Speak to the matchmaker. She can

get you a mate. She did it for us.”

Vikter rubbed a finger on his chin in thought. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try.”

“Trust me.”

Vikter gave a sharp dip of his head. “I’ll go to her tomorrow.”

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Charlotte paced the room she’d been given, ignoring the flowers Eros had brought her and the

tea Alessandra dropped off. She was livid. She wanted to throw something. Kick something. Fuck it,

she wanted to yell at Brecc and slug him at the same time. That…jerk!

She heard the door knock downstairs. Brecc. She’d had enough waiting around. She’d give

Brecc a piece of her mind.

Rushing down the stairs, she stopped mid-flight and walked when she realized it wasn’t Brecc

but a pair of older women standing by the doorway with Alessandra. The worry in Alessandra’s face

kept Charlotte from going back to her room.

“There she is,” one of the old women said. Her long white hair hung to her waist in curls. The

other woman appeared to be her twin, but her hair in a short stylish bob. They looked like polar

opposites except for the golden eyes.

“Hi,” Charlotte said, uncomfortable that everyone stared at her.

“This is the new mate?” the lady with the short bob asked, seeking verification.

“I’m sorry, what?” Charlotte asked.

Alessandra pleaded with her gaze for something, but Charlotte had no clue what.

“Hello, darling. My name is Kallyah,” said the lady with the long hair and a friendly warm

smile. “This is my sister, Lakyah. We are elders of the pack.”

“Nice to meet you,” Charlotte smiled, offering a hand to shake. “I’m Charlotte.”

Eros moved to stand by Charlotte’s side. For the first time since she met him, he appeared to

be worried.

“Hello, Charlotte,” Lakyah said. “You’ve made this pack very happy.”

She raised her brows, confused. “Why’s that?”

“By becoming the mate and fulfilling the Alpha Triad, we are not forced to seek a mate for the

Alpha Brecc and Omega Eros. Now we can move on with other matters that require our attention,”

Kallyah replied, her voice soft and melodic.

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Shock froze her system for a nano-second, but she controlled herself and smiled. “This is such

a beautiful planet. I’m sure you have better things to do than search for mates.” She gave the women a

smile. “Gerri Wilder is very good at finding mates.”

The women nodded, moving back out toward the entrance. “If we ever have this issue again,

we will definitely request her services,” Lakyah said. “It has been a pleasure to meet our new Alpha


“It’s been nice meeting you too,” Charlotte said, waving goodbye to the women.

She waited until Alessandra shut the door before heading up to her room to pack. She’d

strewn clothes all over in her earlier agitation. Now she picked up each piece and put it in her

overnight bag.

A knock sounded at her door. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Come in.”

Eros walked in. Concern filled his gaze. “Don’t go.”

She shook her head. “Don’t do that. You lied to me. Both of you.”

He approached her slowly. “It wasn’t a lie. We both want you to be our third, but we weren’t

expecting for them to show up before we got a chance to talk to you.”

She shoved clothes harder in her bag and glanced at him. His loving gaze did nothing to sway

her. She had been duped. “You two brought me here with an ulterior motive.” Her heart hurt from the

deception. “I trusted you,” she mumbled, pushing back the anger.

“I’m sorry.”

She gave a bitter smile. “Sorry didn’t do it. You and Brecc did. How did those women even

know I was your supposed mate?”

He glanced away from her. “When you were marked, Kallyah got a vision of you. It is always

that way.”

She zipped her bag closed and frowned. “Marked?”

“Brecc bit you. When we were in the Crystal Cave.”

“That son of a bitch! He did that on purpose,” she growled, her anger rising the more she

thought about it. “Take me back to Gerri at the castle. I don’t want to be here anymore.”

“Charlotte, let me explain,” Eros said. “You mean so much more than you realize.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want to hear it. First you people deceive me. Then Brecc puts my

ass back in its place by reminding me your business isn’t my business. Now you’re going to tell me

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you care about me.” She met his gaze, raw pain filling her heart. “Then why lie? I thought there was

no room for lies with shifters?”

“There aren’t.” He took another step toward her. “You know I feel what you do. I know

everything about you. From the loneliness you’ve experienced all your life, to the attraction you have

for me and Brecc. To the other emotions you refuse to acknowledge. I know.” He pressed a hand to

his chest. “It’s tearing me apart to know how much you’re hurting right now. Let me explain.”

“None of that matters. I won’t be in another relationship where I’m made a fool of. I’m not a

joke.” She pushed past him. “I’m sure Alessandra has a transporter or a way to get me to the castle.

I’ll talk to her.”

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Charlotte picked up the tea Gerri had brought into the sitting room back at the lion king’s

castle. She sipped the tea and sighed. “I don’t understand why you want to rehash this, Gerri. I

already told you that I can’t be in a relationship of any kind with liars.”

Gerri nodded. “I understand, but what if it was a genuine misunderstanding?”

“The bite?”

Gerri’s brows flew up. “You can’t tell me you don’t lose your control when you’re having

great sex. If you do then something is wrong with that picture.”

Heat gathered in her cheeks. “Fine. So the bite was all loss of control. Then why not tell me?

Why wait until the elders showed up and tell me I’m supposed to be their mate.” She frowned.

“Shouldn’t that be something I am asked, not assumed?”

Gerri nodded. “You’re right,” she said in a tight voice. “All I can say is that Brecc and Eros

knew from the first moment they saw you that you were the right woman for them.” She sighed. “They

were very impatient to take you home.”

“That’s just it. That was their home.”

“Did you not feel welcomed?” She leaned back. “Did you dislike it?”

God, no. She’d loved every second of the mountains. The snow. The air. The people.

Everything was so wonderful. Even the two men she missed like crazy. “No. I really enjoyed the


“So it wasn’t a matter of location. It was that you found out about their thoughts of mating you

from someone other than them.” Gerri stared deep in her eyes. “Am I right?”


“Now, let’s get down to it. Why is it so upsetting? Whether they told you or the elders, I have

a feeling you would have had this same reaction.” Gerri placed her cup on the table and lowered her

voice. “What are you afraid of?”

“Being hurt again,” she admitted. “Having been in a dead-end relationship before, I don’t

want to waste time again with liars, cheaters, or anyone who isn’t willing to be truthful at all times.”

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“They made a mistake,” Gerri said through clenched teeth. “They fucked up and while I agree

you have every right to be angry, I honestly think they love you.”

She shook her head. “They don’t love me.”

Could they? She had ignored the feelings she’d been experiencing from both men for days,

pushing the emotions away and trying not to analyze that they ran deeper than just lust.

“We do,” said a voice behind her. She whirled around, noticing the open French doors

leading out to the garden where both men stood, watching her.

“You two have a lot of explaining to do,” Gerri said, her voice sharp enough to cut steel.

Charlotte winced. “You harassed me until I could do nothing else but focus on finding the right

woman for you. I bring her to you and this is what you do?” Gerri glared.

Charlotte bit her lip to keep from laughing at the sulking expressions on Brecc and Eros faces.

Gerri had already explained their request for her to find them a mate and how Charlotte had seemed


“Let us explain,” Brecc said.

“Oh, you are definitely going to explain. To her,” Gerri snapped. “All you had to do was let

her get to know you. You two spend time with her. Explain how your world works and make the

woman happy. Was that so much to ask?”

Both men shook their heads.

Charlotte picked up her tea cup with nervous hands. The cup slid right through her fingers and

landed on her lap, spilling on her skirt.

She jumped to her feet, pulling at the wet material to keep the hot liquid from soaking through

to her legs. “I have to change,” she said, rushing out of the room. “I’ll be back.”

She paced her room for long moments in her robe, unsure if to go back downstairs or stay put.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

She glanced at her door. That was probably Gerri ready to chew her a new asshole for taking

so long changing her clothes when she should be talking to Brecc and Eros.

She turned the knob, ready to explain to Gerri but the two wolves stood there instead.

“Oh, it’s you two.”

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Brecc’s gaze did a slow caress down her body. “May we come in?”

She should send them to hell, but the heat in both their eyes sent shivers down her spine.

She slid the door wide and moved out of the way. “I guess.”

Brecc walked up to her giant window, leaning his body on the frame. Eros stopped at the

center of the room, his gaze searching hers.

“You are more than just a beautiful woman, Charlotte,” Eros said, taking the lead. “Yes, your

body is delicious and every curve is addictive, but the areas you keep hidden are what captivated


She blinked. “What areas?”

“You care about others. You speak your mind no matter the consequences,” Eros said. “Your

confidence. It is the sexiest thing you could ever possess. I fell in love with the woman who

understood that things can be different and still be perfect.”

Her heart expanded with those same emotions she’d been ignoring. That love she’d tried to

fight. Eros was the type of man she could see herself being able to talk to no matter the circumstance.

She loved that about him. She loved him.

“What he said is true,” Brecc said, gripping the edge of the window with his hands. “Those

are not the only areas I fell in love with,” he added.


He grinned. “Yes, me. I have feelings too.” He laughed at what she assumed was the outraged

expression on her face. “As much as you don’t think so, I do.” He pushed away from the window and

took a step toward her. “You have been through so much and could have been living a bitter life over

those experiences. Instead, you chose to become strong. To be happy with yourself.” He closed the

distance between them. “You made me see that I was living in the past.”

She shoved her hands into her robe pockets. “It’s not good to let that kind of anger destroy


He nodded. “You showed me that.” He lifted a hand to her face, pushing a long curl behind

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her ear and letting his fingers rest there. “You broke the wall closing my heart in, and filled it with

your smile.”

There was no staying distant over what he said. She cleared her throat, glanced at his lips and

then back at his eyes. “I didn’t do anything.”

“That’s the point. You were just being you. That’s enough. More than enough. You’re an

amazing person who stole my heart without even trying. Yes, when I saw you at the wedding, I knew

you were the right woman for my wolf. But the longer I spent time with you, it became clear you were

the right woman for me too. For healing my heart.” He caressed her cheek with his callused fingers. “I

love you, Charlotte.”

“Can you, will you, stay? Will you come be our mate and give us a chance to show you that

you’re meant to be with us?” Eros asked, having moved behind her. He wrapped his arms around her

waist, pressing his front to her back.

She closed her eyes for a second, thinking of all the things she should say. She didn’t belong

on that planet. She had her sister on earth. She had a book to write. Fuck, but all she could think of

was how good it felt to be with them both. How full of joy and love she’d been the past few days with

them on their beautiful mountain.

“Yes,” she heard herself say, going against common sense. “I’ll stay. I’ll be your mate,” she

said and finally opened her eyes to meet Brecc’s intense golden gaze. “I’ll be yours.”

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She gasped at the raw hunger in Brecc’s eyes. He swooped down and kissed her hard. There

was no chance to enjoy the passion flowing from Brecc’s lips to hers. No time to enjoy his hands

sliding down to cup her breasts. In a heartbeat, she was flipped over and Eros’s lips devoured hers.

He slipped his tongue between her lips, slowly claiming every crevice of her mouth. She

raised her hands to his chest, raking her nails down his abs. Her belly quivered and her pussy

throbbed with need.

Eros tugged at the tie around her waist, sliding the robe open while Brecc pulled it off her

body. She wore nothing under it.

He groaned, cupping the heavy mounds of her breasts in his hands and thumbing her nipples.

“These are so beautiful.”

She pressed her chest forward into his hands. Her blood sizzled as electricity traveled from

her nipples down to her clit. She moaned. The hair on her arms rose with her arousal.

“Do you like him teasing your tits?” Brecc asked, his lips rubbing against her ear and his

hands roaming down her back to grab her ass.

“Yes,” she groaned, sliding her fingers into Eros’s hair and tugging his head down to her

chest. “I want your mouth on me.”

His lips split into a sinful smile. “I want your nipples in my mouth too.”

He lifted her breasts to his lips and licked. “Mmm. So delicious.”

She leaned her head back into Brecc’s shoulder and glanced around. The room had changed.

Everything had gone from the light yellow to different shades of purple. The curtains had changed

texture into thick, woven drapes. Gold and fuchsia patterns became visible in the material as she

watched. The walls took on a dark purple color, almost black. Her lights dimmed. Everything in the

room screamed romance and sex. Even a quick glance at the bedding showed the plain quilt had

turned into a shiny satiny purple. She swore any second now Barry White would start singing ‘Let’s

get it on’.

“Do you like it? Do you want more?” Brecc growled.

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She moaned, forgetting all about the room and sighing in bliss. “God, yes. That feels good.”

Eros sucked her nipples, biting down and leaving them wet stinging points. He slid a hand

down, cupped her pussy and slid a finger between her pussy lips to her entrance and then up to her

clit. “You’re so wet. Slick and hot.”

Eros let go of her body to strip of his clothing. Then he pulled her to the bed and sat at the

edge. He placed her hands to either side of his hips at the same time Brecc hauled her hips back, until

she was leaning down, hovering over his cock.

She lowered, running her tongue over the rim of Eros’s cock and loving the low groan he let

out. He gripped her covers, lifting his hips to push his dick into her mouth. She licked around his

length, letting her saliva glide over him, turning him slick with spit.

Brecc ran his hands down her back, lowering to kiss her ass cheeks and spreading them open

to lick at her ass. She moaned, pushing out and shuddering at the sensation of his tongue over the rim

of her hole.

Her blood sizzled in her veins. Dots of sweat gathered over her skin. She bobbed her head on

Eros’s cock, taking him in and pulling back out. She suctioned her lips hard around him.

“Ah, beautiful. You have such an amazing mouth. So tight and hot,” Eros grunted.

Brecc slipped between her legs, coming around on his knees to face her pussy. He lifted her

big thigh over his shoulder. Her leg shook from his breath between her legs. She sucked Eros’s cock

harder, drawing a loud groan from him.

Brecc inhaled. “Fucking hell, you smell so good.” He ran a finger over her folds. “I can’t wait

to taste you,” he said, gliding his finger up and pressing into her hole. “I can’t wait to fuck you.”

She pushed into Brecc’s finger, feeling it slide into her ass. He licked at her pussy lips,

sucking and fondling her clit with his tongue.

She shivered, lifting her head and taking Eros’s cock down her throat, slithering her tongue

from side to side on his dick.

Brecc fucked her ass with his finger and her pussy with his tongue. The arm he had around her

thigh anchored her so she wouldn’t fall to her knees on legs that felt like jelly.

He pressed his face into her pussy, flicking circles around her clit. She reeled back for Eros’s

cock, unable to continue sucking him with Brecc pushing her closer to orgasm.

Eros grabbed his cock and jerked. He leaned into her face and kissed her. He delved his

tongue into her mouth, curling it over hers. Passion erupted in her chest, coating every pore with fiery

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She sucked on Eros’s lips, nibbling and licking down his jaw. Eros grunted and wrapped her

hand around his cock to continue jerking himself. A moment later, he went stiff under her, his cock

spurted streams of hot semen onto her hand.

Brecc growled. The rumble traveled up her body, shoving her over the edge and into a stormy

release. She screamed into Eros’s neck. Her body shook. She pushed down on Brecc’s mouth,

pressing her pussy tight to his driving tongue.

Eros helped her while Brecc got off the floor. She leaned her head into Eros’s shoulder.

Brecc pulled the bench in front of the bed sideways. He shrugged out of his clothes in the blink of an

eye, sat, legs spread and offered Charlotte his hand.

“Come here. I want your pussy wrapped around my cock,” Brecc murmured.

She went to him, her body a mass of nerves looking for release all over again. She climbed

over the bench and straddled him. Eros came from behind, grabbed her by the waist and helped her

slowly lower until Brecc’s cock pressed at her entrance.

“Do you know how we mate?” Brecc asked, his eyes glinting with passion.

“No,” she said. She leaned down and pressed her lips over his. “It doesn’t matter. Anything

you do to me, I’ll enjoy.”

He bit her chin. “You’re right. You will. We’ll both fuck you at the same time,” he said in that

low growly voice she loved more and more each day. “I’ll take your pussy and Eros will fuck your

ass.” He sucked her bottom lip between his teeth. “We’ll both bite you. Both come inside you.” He

inhaled at her neck. “Both become your mate.”

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She didn’t hesitate. Instead, she pressed down, taking his cock in one glide. She was wet,

soaked from her previous orgasm. His dick spread her open. Every inch she slid down, she felt full

and stretched taut.

“Oh, god!” she screamed. Her journey down ended once he was deep inside her.

He leaned back, pulling her with him. Eros spread her ass cheeks, drops of something slid

down her crack to warm her hole. She kissed Brecc. Their tongues dueled, each trying to possess the


Eros glided slick fingers into her ass. One at first. He worked it in and out, getting more of the

warm liquid into her hole. Then he added a second. Burning from the way he scissored his fingers

stopped once, what she assumed was lube, heated, taking away some of the edge from the third finger.

He pushed in and out, spreading the fingers open and then pulling them out.

“Yes,” Eros said. “Push into my hand.”

She hadn’t realized she was doing it, but she’d rocked back and forth on his fingers and

Brecc’s cock. Eros slid his fingers out and replaced them with his slicked up cock. He pushed the

head of his cock into her, going slow and smooth. It took in a while to get all the way in. He went

deeper with each small thrust. Then he propelled back and did it again. The lube he used heated more,

turning what would have been an uncomfortable experience into something erotic and arousing.

She pushed back into his cock during one of his thrusts, taking him faster all the way in and

gasping at the sensation of fullness. She couldn’t move. Both men were balls deep inside her. Her

pussy quivered on Brecc’s cock. She wiggled a little and felt her clit rub against his pelvis.

A rough moan sounded from the back of her throat. Eros held on to her by the waist and

propelled back, slamming back into her hard. From the front, Brecc lifted his hips and thrust into her

pussy, timing it so when Eros pulled back he plunged deep. When he reeled back, Eros drove into her


“Do you hear that?” Brecc said against her lips.

She swallowed against the sand in her throat. “What?”

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“The sounds of skin slapping. Of us taking you. Owning you.” He locked gazes with her.

“Your pussy and ass sucking our cocks. That is the sexiest fucking sound ever.”

She clung to Brecc, her lungs gasping for air as both men fucked her mercilessly. Tension

wound tight in her belly. So fast she didn’t realize she was coming until she dug her nails into his

arms, letting her body unravel while both men continued to drive in and out of her.

They pressed forward at the same time, Brecc licked her left shoulder while Eros, her right.

Two sets of teeth embedded in her flesh. A new wave of pleasure rushed through her. She screamed

loud, her pussy fluttering wildly on Brecc’s cock and her ass squeezing Eros.

She choked on her breaths. Her body softened but theirs stiffened and they growled against her

skin, both men coming inside her. Filling her with their seed. Making her their partner. Their mate.

Eros removed himself out of her ass, but Brecc stayed put, wrapping his arms around her

waist and carrying her to bed.

He gave her a soft smile. One she wasn’t used to from him. “I get to stay inside you. I don’t

ever want to leave the warmth of your pussy.”

She nodded. He felt great inside her. They both had.

“Don’t worry,” he said, as if reading her mind. “You’ll have us both again. As often as you

want. Individually or together.” He slid out of her slowly and left for the bathroom. Eros took his

place and cleaned her up with a warm cloth.

He pushed her hair away from her face. “Don’t worry, Charlotte. We’ll make you happy


She had no doubt they would. Now all she needed was to figure out what to say to Rebecca so

she wouldn’t send a SWAT team to Gerri’s house to find her.

Brecc returned to lay on her right. Eros took her left. She laid her head on Eros’s shoulder but

Brecc pulled her hips flush to his crotch, spooning her lower half.

“You’re ours now,” Eros said, the hint of a smile noticeable in his voice.

Brecc kissed her back and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. “There’s no escape.”

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Gerri eyed the letter in her hand. She had a feeling it wouldn’t be enough to convince Rebecca

that Charlotte was fine.

The door in front of her opened, and Gerri shoved the letter in her pocket.

“Hello?” Rebecca said with a frown. “Can I help you?”

“Hello, dear. My name is Gerri Wilder,” she said. “I have a message from your sister,

Charlotte. May I come inside?”

Rebecca nodded, giving Gerri entry into her home. Gerri followed behind her until they

reached a living room. The way the house was decorated made her smile and she knew then and there

that her instinct was right. Paintings and crystal figures in different sizes of one particular creature

adorned the home. Rebecca turned to face her.

“What can I do for you?”

“No, you can’t do anything for me. But I can definitely do something for you. Charlotte has

decided not to return from where she went to vacation. Before you freak out, I am more than happy to

take you to her.”

“Good. I’ll pack,” she said and rushed down a hallway.

Gerri’s grin widened. Rebecca appeared to have a love for big, scaly…dragons.

She wondered what her newest fiery client would think of that. Oh, well. They’d find out soon



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A Letter from Gerri Wilder

Dear readers,

I understand your love for books is what keeps you coming back to the PDA and Milly

Taiden. If you enjoyed this book, I urge you to please tell your friends, share the links, and help

Milly keep telling my adventures in matchmaking. Another way to show your support is to write a

review on Amazon. It doesn’t have to be long, just a few words can be a great way to encourage

Milly into writing more of my stories.

Do you have a question for me? Want to be matched? Check out Milly’s

Facebook page

and I will answer any and all questions you have. Who knows, your questions may show up in the

next letter from my part of Milly’s book.

Until next time. Now, I must search out a new assistant. Again.


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New York Times and USA Today Bestseller

Hi! I’m Milly Taiden. I love to write sexy stories featuring fun, sassy heroines with curves and

growly alpha males with fur. My books are a great, quick way to satisfy your craving for paranormal
romantic comedies with lots of romance, heat and happily ever afters.

I live in Florida with my hubby, our little boy child, and our little fur baby “Needy Speedy.” Yes,

I am aware I’m bossy and I am seriously addicted to shoe shopping and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.

Hey, I love to meet new readers so come sign up for my newsletter and check out my Facebook

page. We always have lots of fun stuff going on there.


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Find out more about Milly Taiden here:





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If you liked this story, you might also enjoy the following by Milly Taiden:

Sassy Mates Series

Scent of a Mate Sassy Mates Book One

A Mate’s Bite Sassy Mates Book Two

Unexpectedly Mated Sassy Mates Book Three

A Sassy Wedding Short 3.7

The Mate Challenge Sassy Mates Book Four

Sassy in Diapers Short 4.3

Federal Paranormal Unit

Wolf Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book One

Dangerous Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Two

Black Meadow Pack

Sharp Change Black Meadows Pack Book One

Caged Heat Black Meadows Pack Book Two

Paranormal Dating Agency

Twice the Growl Book One

Geek Bearing Gifts Book Two

The Purrfect Match Book Three

Curves ‘Em Right Book Four

Tall, Dark and Panther Book Five

The Alion King Book Six

There’s Snow Escape Book Seven

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FUR-ocious Lust - Bears

Fur-Bidden Book One

Fur-Gotten Book Two

Fur-Given Book Three

FUR-ocious Lust - Tigers

Stripe-Tease Book Four

Stripe-Search Book Five

Stripe-Club Book Six

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Other Works

Wolf Fever

Fate’s Wish

Wynter’s Captive

Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1

Club Duo Boxed Set

Don’t Drink and Hex

Hex Gone Wild

Hex and Kisses

Hex You Up (coming soon)

Hex with an Ex (coming soon)

Alpha Owned

Bitten by Night

Seduced by Days

Mated by Night

Taken by Night

Captured by Night (coming soon)

Match Made in Hell

Hellhound Needs a Mate (coming soon)

If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review, even if it's only a line or two; it

would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated.

Thank you!

Document Outline


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