Furocious Lust Shorts 4 Stripe Tease Milly Taiden

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Curvy Vanessa Soler, seamstress at her dad's strip club, never expected her father to bet her in a poker game. And lose! Now she's got

to deal with big, bad shifters wanting to claim the prize...ie her. On top of all that, she'll have to dance. On stage. Shit just got real.

Cash Tigris went to pick up a prize at a local curvy dancers strip club. What he found instead was the sexiest woman he'd ever seen

prowling on stage, dressed in an itty bitty tigress costume, wiggling her fake tail and giving him looks that made him ready to yell the

word: Mine!

Passion flows between them from the first look, thicker than boiling lava. But when she realizes who he is, will she give in to the need to

be his, or refuse to be any man's prize?

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be

construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Published By

Latin Goddess Press

New York, NY 10456



Copyright © 2015 by Milly Taiden

Cover by Willsin Rowe

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except

in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Property of Milly Taiden

April 2015

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—For My Girls

Teracia, Tonya, Jessica P, Jenn W, Sheri S, and Nicole V. Thank you for your support.

Love you!

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Vincent Tigris stared out his office window on the fiftieth floor of his high-rise hotel, Striped.

The lights of the adjoining hotels blinked down the Vegas strip. He loved Sin City. It was loud, crazy,

and it was where he’d made a living and gone from a tiger who’d left his father’s pride to strike out

on his own to the owner of an empire.

The sound of someone knocking on the door brought him back to the present. He knew it was

his oldest son, Cash. Owning multiple successful hotels was no problem for Vincent. Being a father to

three tigers that just didn’t want to settle down? That was harder to handle, especially when his mate,

Suzanne, left him in charge of helping their “boys” find the right women.

It was funny. Sort of. Maybe. Okay, not really. He’d puffed his chest out during the chat with

Suzanne the previous week, telling her he could do a better job finding women for his sons than they

did. His mate took him literally. Now here he was, about to send his first son to pick up his prize: a

mate. He could only hope the boy had some sense and realized he’d done this for the boy’s own good.

He scrubbed a hand over his jaw. Nah, Cash would probably want to return her the minute he realized

what his father had done.

“Come in,” Vincent called out. He turned to face the door.

“Father,” Cash said, marching into the office with the prowl of a predator. Pride grew in

Vincent’s chest. He’d raised his boys to be pure alpha males. Unlike his own father, Vincent had

allowed his kids to choose their destinies. He’d encouraged them to do as they wished. Cash had

taken over one of his hotels and managed it.

“Son. Come in. Sit. Sit.” Vincent went around his desk, walking to the bar to fix his son and

himself a drink, not that he needed liquor for what he was about to do. He was a strong man, and he

was doing this for Cash’s future. Thank goodness Suzanne wasn’t there, or she’d laugh at his inability

to say anything without a drink in his hand.

“Are you okay, dad?” Cash asked, his voice deep with worry.

Vincent turned to face Cash. “I’m fine.”

It was Cash who might not be fine once he realized what his father had done. He filled two

whiskey tumblers midway and brought one over to his son.

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Cash took the glass, his gaze intent and features impassive. “You needed me?”

“Yes,” Vincent said. He took a seat across from Cash, sighing as he got comfortable on the

large, black leather sofa. “I was playing poker the other day with some friends.”

Cash’s brows drew down, deepening his frown. “And?”

“I won something for you.”

“Dad, you know I don’t need anything.”

Not according to Suzanne. Suzanne felt all her boys needed a woman, and urgently, or she’d

be the only one amongst her friends with no grandbabies to bounce on her lap. Suzanne had said that.

Not Vincent. Nope. Nu-uh. Vincent had nothing to do with it. Not at all.

“Well, whether you need it or not, it’s yours. I won a prize for you. All you have to do is go

pick it up.” He refrained from using the word “her” so Cash wouldn’t become suspicious. As it was,

his son was giving him a strange look.

Cash sighed and nodded. “Alright. Where do you want me to go get this prize?”

“Charlie’s Bar,” Vincent said, standing and heading toward his desk. “He’s got it for you.”

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Vanessa Soler stared at her father like he’d grown a second head. “What do you mean you bet

me on a poker game and lost? What the hell does that mean?”

She gripped the chair in front of her with all her might. Her entire life she’d spent working at

her father’s strip club, first as a waitress and more recently as the costume designer. She did not do

the stage. Though Charlie’s was a different kind of joint, featuring curvy strippers, Vanessa had never

felt the need to go onstage. She wasn’t a dancer. She was the kind of person that could trip while

standing still. Stripping required more balance than she possessed.

“Lower your voice, hija!”

She huffed out a growl and pushed her stupid curls away from her face. “I will not lower my

voice,” she hissed the words. “You cannot just bet me on a game, Dad. What the hell is wrong with


“I’m sorry, Vanessa. I thought I had the winning hand. It was a given darling. At least he

thought so. It was a sweet deal. I thought we’d pay off the mortgage on the club. Open up a few more

clubs. Hell, the way it was set up, I thought we’d be rich.”

She glared at her father. Fury simmered her blood. “I don’t care what you thought. I’m not

doing whatever it is you promised whoever won. So figure your own damn way out of that problem.”

“Look,” her father began, his shoulders slumping, “I don’t know what to do. I already emailed

and called Mr. Tigris. I told him I would give him anything. You and your sister are my only family,

and I cannot do that to you.”

“But you already did!”

“Don’t you think I know that?” His gaze dropped to his desk. “I offered him the business.”

She gasped, her eyes wide with shock. “You offered him Charlie’s?”

He nodded. “He refused. Said you’d be perfect for what he needed.”

“Screw him. You can’t bet a person. That’s illegal. Even if you can bet all kinds of crazy shit

in Las Vegas, I’m pretty sure the police won’t allow you to bet a human being.”

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His gaze shot up to meet hers. The torture she saw in her father’s eyes made her feel a little

less angry. “Mr. Tigris has a lot of money, hija. He could do unspeakable things.”

“What? Like the mob?” She knew she should have been checking on her father’s weekly poker

games, but instead she’d been busy creating new dance costumes for the girls. It took every bit of

ingenuity and creativity she had to make the curvy goddesses, as she referred to the dancers, feel sexy

and look the part. Most big women weren’t like Vanessa. She loved her curves and wore whatever

she wanted that made her feel sexy at all times. A lot of the dancers came to the club looking to make

money but still feeling insecure. Vanessa turned into more than a seamstress. She was a friend and

confidant, and at times even a therapist who listened and helped them solve their problems.

“Not the mob. Tigris is too much of a by-the-book businessman for that.”

“He’s accepting a woman as a gambling win. That’s not by the book,” she countered.

“He’s different. He’s dangerous. His sons are too,” her father said, leaning back on his chair.

“Well goody for him. I’m not going to be some guy’s prize. No. Not gonna happen.”

Her father gulped and raised a shaky hand to his wrinkled forehead. “I’ll figure this out.”

Ah, fuck. Guilt. She knew he was old and sometimes did shit expecting no repercussions, but

betting his own daughter? She really needed to have him tested for senility. “Look, let me talk to the

man,” she heard herself say. What the hell was wrong with her? She knew what. She couldn’t let her

father deal with this on his own. “I’ll try to see if there’s any way he’ll take cash. I have savings.”

She did. She didn’t live an extravagant life, and most men who went to the club spent a lot of

money on the women. That meant she got crazy tips from the dancers as thank you’s for making them

feel pretty.

“I don’t want you to spend your money,” her father said.

Too late for that. She had a good amount of savings. She’d give it all up if it would erase the

frown from her father’s face. Plus, she was hardly a delicate flower who couldn’t get out of the

problem. She wouldn’t let any man touch her unless she wanted him to. She’d figure out what to do

about this. Her dad needed her to. He might not be the smartest man in the world, but he was her dad.

“Let me think about my money, okay?”

She patted his hand on the desk and sighed. Things were never boring at the club. There was

always something going on.

“There’s something else,” he said. There was more than a shiver of worry in his voice.

She frowned, waiting for what he’d say.

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“Gabriella can’t make it tonight. She asked me to have you call her.”

Gabriella had been with the club for a while now. Not as young as most of the women, she

didn’t mess around. She got in, did her spot, and left. She didn’t sit there and try to make conversation

with the clients like some girls. Gabriella was just a private person, so for her to ask Vanessa to call

her couldn’t be good.

She stood, took a breath, and let her shoulders drop. “Anything else you want to tell me?”

He shook his head, and she walked out of his office, ready to deal with whatever issue had

arisen with Gabriella.

She pulled her cell out of the back pocket of her jeans and saw ten missed calls from

Gabriella. Shit. There had to be some big emergency for her to call that much.

She dialed Gabriella back and waited, her heart hammering hard in her chest.

“Thank you for calling me back,” Gabriella said in a rush. “I’m sorry to have called you, but I

didn’t know who else to contact.”

“That’s okay. What’s wrong?” She could tell there was a lot wrong from the wobble in the

other woman’s voice.

“I...can’t come in tonight. My cat is sick, and I can’t leave her alone.”

“I’m sorry. Do you want me to get one of the other girls to fill in for you?” She’d done that for

the girls many times. Finding a last minute replacement was easy.

“Yes, please. My spot can’t go unfilled tonight.”

“Don’t worry. If it’s that important, I’ll fill in for you,” Vanessa joked. She hung up and

quickly got on the phone, dialing all the girls that were off for the night and asking them to fill for


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It became obvious quickly that things weren’t going to be easy. Most of the girls that were off

had plans, and the ones in the club were complaining about being tired. Charlie’s had a schedule for a

reason. They didn’t want anyone working more than a set number of hours.

She ran back to Charlie’s office, opening the door without knocking. “We have a problem.”

Charlie lifted his gaze up from his paperwork. “What now?”

“Gabriella can’t make it. If someone doesn’t fill in, we’ll have dead time.”

She hadn’t finished talking, and Charlie was already shaking his head. “Someone has to fill in

for her.”

“Easier said,” she snorted. “I joked around telling her I’d get up on stage for her, but

seriously, we have nobody.”

“No, you don’t understand. Someone has to get up on that stage. A top event promoter and his

friend are coming to the club. The friend happens to be a nightlife reporter in Vegas. We need this

place doing great.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She blew her bangs away from her face and stared at Charlie

in shock. His brows rose in hope.

No way. “Don’t even think about it.”

“You’re our only hope. These Ivy League students spend a shit ton of money whenever they

come here.”

That part she knew. Every time college let out for a break, Charlie’s turned into a mad house.

“You can’t really expect me to dance. I don’t know how to!”

Charlie chuckled and folded his arms over his chest. “You think I don’t know you’ve been

taking lessons?”

Shit. How the fuck? She hadn’t told anyone about that. She hadn’t been dancing to get sexual.

She did it as a form of exercise. It was fun, and she found it a lot more entertaining than walking a

frickin’ straight line on a treadmill like she was taking a sobriety test that never ended. “I don’t know

what you’re talking about.”

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Charlie sighed. “Your instructor happens to teach some of the girls here. She told me how

great you were doing in class when I called to enroll a few newcomers. You’re doing great, Vanessa.

You can help us out tonight.”

This was crazy. She couldn’t—shouldn’t—get on a stage. She was one of the first people to

wonder how the girls got up there and danced. “I can’t. No way.”

She turned on her heels and ignored his calls. She marched straight to her office on the other

side of the club, behind the scenes. She’d picked a small room behind the dressing area to use for

herself. A quiet spot where she could breathe and get creative at the same time. This wasn’t where

she sewed the costumes. This was where she came up with ideas.

With a flick of her wrist, she slammed the door once she was inside. She should not feel bad

for Charlie. He’d done this to himself. She’d asked him to sell the damn club a long time ago and

retire. At his age, he should be doing something fun, like fishing or living by the beach, not stressing

over bills and women not showing up for work. Now they both had bigger problems. But Vanessa

wasn’t going to think about that now. If she did, she’d break something. Preferably over her father’s


She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Charlie just wasn’t the kind of man to sit around

and play golf. He liked his club. It was his first and only business. He was proud of it, and she

couldn’t really fault him for wanting to stay there, leading the way. It was his bad business decisions

that frustrated her. She unclenched her fingers and stretched them out. Waves of cold shook her to the

core. She already knew what she had to do, but it didn’t mean she had to like it. She couldn’t even

worry about her father’s stupid bet anymore. She had to deal with the problem in front of her tonight.

That mess could wait til tomorrow or another day.

She glanced at her latest design, hanging from a clothes hanger on the wall: a golden tigress

outfit. She’d been to the zoo recently and was inspired by the colors of the tigers and their eyes. In

two steps, she was in front of the shiny spandex material. She’d created a short skirt and top to mimic

the fur on a tiger in color. She’d added a bra and panties with a tail to enhance the outfit. And to add a

naughty touch, she’d blinged out a collar with golden stones and added a long chain for the tigress to

be led around.

Well, at least she’d be the one debuting the costume. She had used one of the other girl’s

measurements to create the outfit. Though all the dancers at Charlie’s were women with large curves,

they didn’t get naked. They danced and stripped to a bra and panties.

A knock sounded at her door, and one of the girls poked her head in. “Hey, Nessa.”

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“Hi, Carmen. What’s going?”

Carmen eyed the costume, her smile widening. “I heard you’re dancing tonight?”

Great. Charlie must already be talking too much. Again. Would the old man never learn to quit

while he’s ahead? She decided to go with the truth. “I am.”

Carmen nodded. “Did you want some help with your makeup before I go?”

Shit. She’d forgotten all about the makeup. She was supposed to be a tigress. She’d need her

face painted. “Yes! How could I have forgotten?”

Carmen waved a hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you have a lot of other stuff on

your mind...like why you’re doing this.”

True. “Do you want me to come by your chair so you can do my face?”

Carmen gave the costume another longing look. “Yes. You can dress up first so your makeup

isn’t ruined.”

* * *

It was time. She’d been getting ready for the past hour, and now she needed to get the show on

the road. Already she heard the loud sounds of the college guys drinking and whistling to the dancers.

Her stomach rolled, and she thought she might be sick, but she pushed it back.

The music changed from hip-hop to a jungle theme. She stood behind the curtain, her fingers

ice cold from nerves. She’d made the lighting guy promise to try and blind her with them so that she

wouldn’t focus on the men watching her. Maybe by barbequing her retinas, she’d be able to get

through this without needing more therapy.

She was about to walk out on stage when the idea to get on her knees and stalk like a tigress

hit her. She dropped on all fours, once again ignoring how small that costume really was or how much

of her ass was on display, and waited for the curtains to open.

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Cash Tigris sighed and watched the young college kids make fools of themselves in front of

all the curvy dancers. He’d never been to Charlie’s before, but he knew now why the place was so

popular. The women were gorgeous. Full of curves and in daring costumes, they and danced to the


His father had said he’d won something for Cash at Charlie’s. He hoped it wasn’t a pair of

women’s underwear. Cash didn’t need nor want that. He scanned the crowd of humans and the

handful of shifters around. This wasn’t a typical strip joint. Charlie’s had the look and feel of a 1920s

gentlemen’s club. There wasn’t a single slim girl in the entire place—something he appreciated. He

was tired of watching women who had nothing to shake try to break a hip onstage.

The sound of the jungle music grew louder. Drums beat, and the stage lights flickered on an

off to a figure on all fours. Cash slipped between the men and sat at a front-row table, the one

reserved for his visit.

He could see clearly from there. The woman dressed in a small tigress costume had gorgeous

chocolate-brown skin and long black hair. He saw the fake blonde extensions mingling with her curls,

giving her hair an added black-and-gold stripe.

She her ass to the men, her fake tail swishing from side to side. She met his gaze. Desire

punched him in the gut. He knew she saw his eyes bright with his animal, but he couldn’t stop it. He

wanted her. As she came closer, her scent filled his lungs. Need blossomed hard and fast. She roared,

lifting a hand curled into a paw and bringing it to her lips. She slid her tongue over the back of her

hand and licked, her gaze firmly planted on him.

Fucking hell. He leaned forward, captivated by her smile. She was so close. He could reach

out and grab her, hold her. Take her home and fuck her. But he knew the rules. No touching the

dancers. She stood slowly, gliding her hands up her large legs, between her thighs, and up to her


The beat of the music turned into sounds of nature with a hint of jazz. A slow smile spread

over her red lips. Those lips drew him in like bees to honey. They were full and perfectly shaped.

Then, when she swiped her tongue over her bottom one and pouted, his blood rushed down to his


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She yanked on the slit on her top, showing off an impressive set of breasts covered by black

and yellow rhinestones. The top came off, and she her chest, making the material slide down her

arms. She tossed the top to the side and walked backward to a chair at the center of the stage. His

tiger roared under his skin, wanting near her. She was so fucking hot.

She sat, spread her legs, and leaned forward, grinding back and forth on the chair, rocking her

hips in a sexy motion that made it look like she was fucking the damn thing.

His cock stood rock hard. He’d never been turned on by a dance so much. He could

appreciate the beauty in any woman, but this woman, she pulled him in with her naughty smile and

held him entranced.

She glanced around the audience and then brought her gaze back to him. The sexy smile

broadened. She tugged on the side of her skirt, and the material spread open to reveal a pair of

panties in black-and-gold tiger print. She stood, bent over the chair, and shook her luscious behind for

the audience. A loud wave of whistles and catcalls sounded. The skirt went flying when she threw it

to the side.

A second later, she grabbed the pole at her back and held on as she did a twirl while at the

same time spreading her legs open in a straight line. It wasn’t the usual dirty show of a woman’s

privates. She was really dancing. She rocked her hips, spreading them to hold the pole between her

legs. Then she leaned back, shimmying to the music. The best part was when she curled her body

around the pole like a snake. He swore at that point she had no bones around her hip area, a thought

that made him even more turned on.

She dropped back on the ground, on all fours, gyrating her whole body. Every few crawls,

she’d stop and roar or lick her paw. Once she was right next to him, she shoved her knees under her,

glanced up at him, and winked. The music stopped, and the lights flashed off.

The crowd roared. He knew the kids were waiting to see if she’d take the rest of the outfit off,

but from what he knew of Charlie’s, this was not a strip joint like some others. The girls there

danced. From what he’d seen of the tigress, they danced fucking amazingly.

He got onto his feet and forgot all about the package he was supposed to pick up. Screw that.

He had a cat to find. He pushed to the side entrance where the dressing rooms were located. A

woman stopped him before he could get inside.

“Can I help you?”

“The tigress.”

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She raised her brows. “What tigress?”

“The one that was just dancing.”

She shoved him back, but he didn’t budge. “Look, sir. I don’t know who you’re talking about,

but you can’t come back here. Security will be back any second. This is a private area for the girls to


He hissed in frustration. He waited a few minutes, needing to know who the tigress was—the

one he knew he had to get a taste of. He loved women. He didn’t deny it. But this was the first time

his tiger pushed at him to get one too. The woman who danced on that stage had the explosive sex

appeal of ten nuclear bombs. He wanted to touch that gorgeous, brown skin and taste those ruby-red

lips. More than that, he wanted to look deep into her eyes as he slid inside her body and owned her.

He waited what felt like an eternity before the guard came back. The look on the guy’s face

told him he’d get nowhere. Instead, Cash headed for the bar. He motioned the bartender over and

hoped for luck.

“The tigress on stage,” he said.

The bartender smiled. “Wasn’t she great? She’s was fan-fucking-tastic up there, looking all

sexy,” the guy said with enthusiasm. Cash frowned. He’d seen how great she’d been on the stage. He

wasn’t sure he liked anyone else mentioning how good she was. “I’m amazed at how good she did.”

“Do you know where I can find her?”

The bartender glanced at his watch. “She should be headed to the parking lot by now. She’s

never here this late.”

He rushed off and left the guy talking, no longer interested in hearing how much he liked the

tigress’s dancing.

When he got out to the back lot, he saw the tigress, no longer in costume but with her face still

painted. She wore a trench coat and tried to get past a group of guys.

“I said let me by,” she ordered.

“Come on, baby,” one guy said. “You were so sexy up onstage. Let us take you out for some


She moved away before the guys could grab her. “I said no. Now get the fuck away from my

car before I kick your ass.”

Cash tried to rein in the tiger, but his animal wanted to hurt the men harassing what he saw as

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his. His mate. For the first time in his life, Cash lost control of the animal and shifted. The tiger

dashed off around the cars so he wouldn’t be seen.

“You? You’re going to kick our asses?” One guy laughed. “I’d like to see you try.”

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Vanessa readied to punch the skinny guy with the face of a goat when she heard a loud growl.

She glanced around the lot, but didn’t see anything.

“What are you waiting for? You think you can take me?” asked Goat-face.

She moved fast, curling a hand into a tight fist and slamming it into the side of his face. He’d

been busy trying to grab her and staring into the neckline of her trench and didn’t see it coming.

He screamed in pain and shoved her away from him and into another car. She stumbled back,

tripping on her own feet and hitting the side of the other car hard. His two friends lost the smiles on

their faces as they realized what she’d done. They went from happy to glaringly furious in two

seconds. She tried to stand but slipped again. Then, before she had a chance to blink, a massive

golden tiger jumped from the roof of a car onto the two men. The animal was huge, easily eight feet

long. He slammed one of the guys on the ground, holding him down with a paw, and bit the other.

Both men screamed. She glanced around, looking for the crowd of people that should surely

gather from all the screaming. The sports bar across the lot had the doors open, blasting loud music.

The sounds of patrons laughing and singing along diverted all attention from what was happening in

the back lot of Charlie’s.

Vanessa struggled to her feet, her knees shaking hard. She almost fell on her ass for a second

time. She leaned into the car for support and continued staring at the large tiger in awe.

He scratched one of the guys with his large claws and bit down hard enough on the other that

she heard bone-crunching sounds. She made a face of disgust and searched her pockets for her keys.

The ones she’d had in her hand just a few minutes ago. The tiger glanced over his shoulder at her, his

big, golden eyes staring deep into hers.

“Nice...ah...kitty. You’re a big kitty.”

The tiger lifted his paw and turned from the two men toward her. They scrambled to their feet,

one guy holding the other.

“You should go,” she said to the big cat. “I know you’re one of those shifters.”

She’d never been this close to one shifted, but she’d had a few friends date the wolf kind.

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Never the tigers. She had a feeling these were a lot more difficult to tame.

The tiger didn’t pay her any mind. Instead he stared at her, licking his massive jaws. Before

she could say anything else, the animal darted off into the woods of a large park filled with trees.

Dammit. Shifters were a brand new problem she didn’t need in her life. Why did she have to have a

damn soft spot for trouble?

For a second there, she’d almost been home free, and then guilt ate at her. The tiger had saved

her. She needed to make sure he was okay. And possibly, figure out if the tiger was the man sitting by

the stage, staring at her. She’d been able to make out his features because the glow in his eyes

captured her attention…and kept it.

She ran after the animal into the entrance of the park she knew well. It was the only one

around for miles. She swatted at cold, sweaty leaves and followed the brightness from the moon and

the color swooshes up ahead. The tiger moved fast, but not fast enough. She wondered if he was hurt.

“Come back!” She felt so stupid telling a giant tiger to come back. What she should be doing

is getting the hell away from him, but was she? Nope. It appeared she had a death wish.

She finally slowed down when she reached a slope in the park that led to a man-made creek.

Vegas wasn’t known for trees and forests, so this was the closest the city got to nature, and it was

amazingly taken care of by the local government.

She stopped when she reached the water’s edge. The creek was small. Like a little kid’s pool,

but she had no idea if it was deep or not. The animal stared at the water and then glanced up to meet

her gaze.

Her heart pounded in her ears, robbing her of the ability to think, much less speak. She

recognized his eyes as the guy from the club. She opened her mouth and closed it a few times trying to

get words out. Still, she made the effort.

“Who are you?”

The tiger remained quiet. He licked his nose, and though on a puppy that was cute, on this

massive animal, it made her all kinds of uncomfortable. His body started to change before her. Bones

and muscles pulled and shrunk so fast that if she blinked, she’d have missed it.

The guy was tall, like damn tall and built like a Mack truck. She had never felt so small in

front of a man before. And that was to say nothing of the body on him: lean lines and muscles galore.

Her blood heated as she stared at his nakedness.

For most of her life, Vanessa had dated guys who treated her nicely but had nothing going for

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them. Nothing. They were sweet and promised her the world. And never delivered. The previous

year, she’d vowed to find a man worthy of her love, one who was the full package. By making that

pledge, she stopped herself from dating the usual males. This meant she hadn’t seen a naked man in

almost a year, and she’d never seen one this good-looking.

“You can stop staring at me like that,” he said, his voice so sinfully low she got shivers. “I’m

not going to do anything bad to you.”

Um, okay. He definitely couldn’t read minds because something bad was the last thing on her

mind. Well, not really. She was thinking up a heck of a lot of bad things they could do together. Wow.

Who would’ve thought that depriving herself of sex would make her this desperate? She didn’t even

know the shifter.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to stare.” She glanced up to his face and struggled to keep her gaze

locked to his golden one. “Thanks for your help back there.”

He nodded, a slight lift of his lips showing his humor. “You’re welcome. It looked like you

almost had it all under control.”

She shrugged. “I come out of a club every night surrounded by drunk men. There is always the

possibility someone will turn stupid with liquor. Though some are really stupid without it.”

“Why did you follow me?” He took a step toward her, his gaze searching hers.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m sure those guys will tell the police a big-ass tiger

attacked them, but who’s gonna believe them? Not like you see tigers roaming the strip.”

“Thank you. I’m fine.” He took another step toward her, his abs contracting with each breath

he took. Jesus Christ. There was no way in hell she could stop herself from staring. He was a fucking

work of art.

“You...you sure?” What the heck was she asking?

He nodded. “I’m fine. Do you need me to take you home?” He glanced at her lips and then up

to her eyes.

She cleared her throat, her hands shaking from how turned on she suddenly was. “I’m fine.”

Was she really? She felt all kinds of hot, and her skin felt tight, like she was dehydrated even though

she made sure to drink lots of water all day.

“You run pretty fast,” he said, his gaze now lingering on her breasts, making her nipples

pucker into tight, little points.

“I didn’t notice. I was having a hell of a time trying to keep up with you.”

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Her breaths started coming faster the longer she stared at his face. He had amazing features—

a strong jaw and a commanding set of eyes. And those lips. Wow. Along with the rest of his body,

they’d kept her thoughts down to the gutter so long her mind bought real estate there.

“You didn’t have to come. I’m fine. But now that you’re here, I can’t let you go back alone.”

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She blinked, his words sinking in. “Excuse me?”

“I’ll walk you to your car. To make sure nobody is lingering in the area, trying to do you any


She should say no, but the draw to this primal man and his animal was unlike anything she’d

ever felt before. She wanted to talk to him and find out more about the tiger. More about shifters.

Heck, more about him.

“Okay. Do you...need to grab some clothes?” She glanced around, searching for an outfit or


“I tore them when I shifted. It’s fine. I’m used to being nude.”

She gulped. He might be used to being naked, but she wasn’t used to seeing anybody naked

that she wasn’t sleeping with. Even then, they weren’t this good to look at.

“Let’s go back, then. Do you want me to take you home?” The offer came out of nowhere,

leaving her shocked that she said the words. She did not know this man. He was dangerous with a

capital D.

She shoved her hands into her trenchcoat’s pockets. Nerves were making her antsy. She was

ready to start pacing between the trees. He walked quietly beside her for a moment and then replied,

“I’d prefer it if you allowed me to drop you off at your house.”

She tripped on a pebble and almost fell flat on her ass, but he grasped her elbow and helped

her stay upright. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand. You don’t have any clothes.”

She hated sounding stupid, but she couldn’t sit in his car staring at his junk. It would be too

tempting to sit there and talk to his penis to see if her words had any effect. She needed help. Mental

help, of the professional kind.

“I have clothes in my car.” He laughed. “I’m sorry nakedness distresses you.”

She frowned. “It’s not distressing.” Hell yeah it was! She just didn’t want to sound like a

prude. Who would have thought a woman who watches other women strip all the time could feel

weird having this hot-as-heck man walking beside her in his birthday suit.

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“I can dress and drive you home,” he said, shoving branches out of the way so she could pass.

“I don’t want to worry about someone following you. Or worse, doing something to you on your way


What a gentleman. A naked one. Only in Vegas. She sighed. She should have been rejecting

the idea from the moment it came out of his mouth, but her father didn’t call her hardheaded for

nothing. Vanessa liked to make her own decisions, and right now she had a feeling the tiger-man was

a lot nicer than he appeared. “I guess that’s not a problem. You did save me after all. What’s your



Wow. His parents must have been big gamblers. Who the hell named their kid Cash? “Is your

brother Check?” She laughed.

Oh, man. That was bad. She couldn’t help it. It was too easy.

He barked a laugh next to her. The sound was so sexy it made her all kinds of tingly inside.

“No, though I think that’s one of the best lines I’ve heard. Usually people think my parents must have

struck it rich right before I was born.”

She shook her head, her smile wider. “Imagine if they’d have gone broke. They might have

named you Debt.”

He laughed harder, and she couldn’t help but laugh along with him. He was so cute when he

laughed. The harshness of his features softened. He made her panties get wet and her heart race, and

not race like she was having a heart attack either, which she swore was the case the last time she tried

to run a marathon.

Once they reached the clearing that led to the back of the lot, she followed him to a dark

corner where a low-slung black sports car set. She didn’t know shit about cars, but she knew what the

hell a Bugatti was. She also knew she’d have to sell all her organs on the black market in order to

afford one of its wheels.

“Nice car,” she said, trying not to sound like she was nervous that just looking at it would put

a dent on the machine. He opened her door for her. She stopped to blink at the open door and then at

him. This was the first time a man, any man, opened a door for her. For a second, she wasn’t sure

what to do. Should she curtsy? Say thank you? Get down on her knees and repay with some oral?

Decision, decisions.

He cleared his throat. She shook out of the visual of being on her knees pleasuring him. She

really, really needed a mental evaluation.

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“Thank you,” she said, her voice low and shaky. She got into the car, keeping her eyes facing

forward and not on his cock. Nope. Not looking. She waited until the door shut before peeking out the

window at his ass. She could bounce pennies off those cheeks.

She twisted in her seat to see what he’d do next. He opened the trunk and pulled out a pair of

jeans and a T-shirt. In no time, he was dressed and getting into the driver’s side.

“What’s your name?” he asked, putting the car in drive and taking off.


He hadn’t given her his last name, and she wasn’t going to be nosy enough to ask, though she

has a pretty good idea he belonged to one of the many shifter clans in the area.

“Where do you live, Vanessa?”

She watched him handle the powerful car with grace and strength. Would he be like that with

a woman? All sexy, gliding his hands on her legs like he did on the wheel? This was getting out of

hand. She hadn’t realized how badly not having sex had affected her.

She gave him her address and thanked every deity she could think of that he couldn’t tell she

was ten seconds from flinging herself at him and asking to baptize his car the old-fashioned way. Like

in the back seat getting hot and heavy.

They were quiet for a little while, until he put some music on, that is. She almost broke her

neck when one of her favorite songs came on the radio.

“I so would not have taken you for an oldies kind of guy.”

He glanced at her with one of those grins that made her knees weak and wobbly. “I love

seventies, eighties, and old music. I like all kinds of music.”

She raised her brows. “I don’t believe that.”

He nodded. “I do. I like all music.”

She grinned. “You mean to tell me you rock out to Diana Ross at home and sing ‘I will

survive’ while cooking?”

He chuckled and gave her a side-glance. “You’re pretty creative, aren’t you?”

She nodded, rubbing her hands on the leather of her seat. The damn car was like a sex toy—

all warm and soft, making her excited just looking at it. “I have to be creative in my line of business,

or I’d lose my mind.”

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The smile dropped off his face, and his jaw clenched. “Do you enjoy what you do?”

She laughed. “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t. I live for my job. It’s the only fun thing I get to do.

Most of the girls I work with are awesome. The staff is pretty great at Charlie’s.”

He squeezed the steering wheel so hard she saw his already-pale knuckles turn white. “I see.”

“Yep. What do you do? No!” She yelled after she asked. “Don’t tell me. I can guess.”

He gave her a quick glance with raised brows. “Okay.”

“You’re a professional gambler. You’ve got a sixth sense about slots, and so you’ve made

millions playing.”

He shook his head. “You think I’m a gambler?”

She nodded. “I know I’m right. I’m pretty good at figuring out these things. You have that


“What face?” There was a note of surprise in his voice.

The I’m-going-to-fuck-the-shit-out-of-you-until-you-can’t-walk-a-single-step one, but she was

so not telling him that. “You know. That poker face that’s hard to read.”

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“Ahhh. So because of my face, you think I’m a gambler.”

“Come on. You can’t tell me I’m not right. I bet I am.” She giggled.

He chuckled. “I find your humor quite interesting, Vanessa.”

He did? This was her nerves talking. He definitely didn’t want to see her when she had a few

drinks in her. She was dangerous.

One more turn and they were on her block. The row of little houses in the private community

away from the hustle and bustle of the strip was like night and day. She loved living in Las Vegas but

hated some of the areas near the strip. There was so much crime and poverty around there. She

preferred to stick to this side where the streets were clean, her neighbors didn’t go gamble at the

grocery store. This was also a place she could have silence.

He stopped right in front of her house and turned to face her. “I’m glad you weren’t hurt


She nodded. She was glad, too. In a way, she was also glad he’d shown up, so she could

finally meet a tiger shifter. Those were the one kind she had yet to see.

“Do you want to come in for some coffee?”

Coffee. Right. Not sex. But wait, didn’t coffee always mean sex?

His eyes brightened to an amber color that held her entranced.

“I’m not sure me going in there would be a good idea,” he said, leaning into her.

Her heart tripped in her chest as she watched him come closer. Yes, it was. It was the best

idea she’d had her entire day.

“All I want,” he whispered, his lips so close to hers she smelled the hint of whiskey and

chocolate on his breath, “is to get you naked.”

She inhaled sharply and did something she wasn’t known for—she made the first move. With

a slight lean forward, she closed the distance between them and brushed her lips softly over his. It

was a quick kiss, one she had thought to pull back from swiftly. All she’d wanted was a taste of him.

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Her hormones had been doing the Harlem Shake from the moment she saw him naked.

A rumble sounded from his chest, shaking the hand she hadn’t realized she’d placed on his

shoulder. He cupped her face, holding her in place, while he drove his tongue deep into her mouth.

And dominated. The powerful kiss wasn’t like any she’d been given before.

He flicked his tongue in such an expert fashion she was moaning and leaning closer. Her mind

focused on his lips pressing hard over hers, his tongue driving deep and pulling back, twirling and

twisting and engaging her in a sensual play. Her stomach trembled as need coursed through her veins,

firing up every pleasure cell in her body. She moaned. Her nipples turned tight with arousal. She

sucked on his tongue and let her naughty side out to play, using her teeth and biting him as well.

He pulled back, tearing his mouth from hers and staring at her with glowing eyes while he

breathed hard. “You...”

She gulped. Wow. That was the best kiss of her life. She felt like she should get him a thank

you card or something. Every woman in the world needed to be kissed like that at least once in her

life. “Me?”

He licked his lips, and she almost came on the spot.

“Let’s go inside.”

Thank you, Jesus! She nodded jerkily and didn’t wait for him to open her door, hopping out of

the car on legs that felt like wet noodles.

He was faster than she expected. By the time she was shutting the car door, he was offering

his hand to help her up the step onto the curb. She met his gaze with a smile. Still a gentleman. With

fur. Nobody ever said life was boring in Sin City.

Her hand shook as she pulled the keys out of her pocket. For a few seconds, she fought the

door trying to get the key into the lock. He placed his much steadier hand over hers and helped her

out. With the door unlocked, she turned the knob and walked in. Anticipation burned a hole in her

stomach. She felt like a damn teenager. A thirty-five-year-old woman who’d had more boyfriends

than she admitted to her father was nervous. This was ridiculous. She turned around to face him,

ready to give him a tour of her place, when she was pulled into his arms and his lips came crashing

down on hers.

There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation in her. She gave up her body willingly for him. There was

something she was still trying to figure out. Cash was good looking, yes, but there was an aura of

command about him that reeled her in. The intensity of his gaze and the heat of his touch made her

thirsty for more of him. This was new. Different. Better than anything she had ever had before.

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The sound of the door being locked resonated inside her living room. Then he cupped her face

and continued to devour her with his lips. His sinful tongue drove in and out, daring hers to join in.

Pushing the envelope on her wicked thoughts. He moved forward, leading her back until her ass hit

her dining room table.

There, he picked her up by the waist and set her on the heavy wood. She was lucky the thing

weighed a ton, or she’d have been worried it would break with her weight. Vanessa knew her body

well enough. She was a really big girl, with real curves. Real rolls. Real hips and way more ass than

she needed. But she didn’t mind. Her body was her temple, and she adored it. Her mother raised her

to love herself. No matter what anybody else thought, she lived for her, not for the world. Her view of

beauty was the one that mattered. It was her humble opinion that she was a hot-as-hell curvy woman.

Cash pushed her legs open, pressing his hips into the curve of her crotch. Holy mother of big

cocks! His erection dug at her pussy. Big. Hard. Feeling it drove the point home that she wanted him

naked too. Again.

Raking her hands down his chest, she curled her fingers around the seam of his T-shirt and

yanked the soft cotton up and above his head. Her pussy clenched at the same time his abs contracted.

What a gorgeous sight. She glided her hands back down his stomach to the jeans riding low on his

waist. Lord have mercy. Even his hips pointed down to his cock. She tugged on the fly and yanked

down the zipper, biting her lip and meeting his gaze.

Her breaths pumped in and out of her lungs, burning with each drag of air she took.

“Go ahead, beautiful,” he rumbled, his voice so deep and gravelly she ached. “Touch me. Do


She gulped hard, keeping her gaze locked on to his, while she shoved his pants down his hips

until they fell around his legs. Her vision darted south so fast one would think she’d been forced to

look. His long, hard cock stood proud. She’d swear it was bigger than the last time she’d stared at it

—all of half an hour ago.

Her eyes widened as she watched his cock stiffen some more. A low groan rumbled up the

back of her throat. Lord, he was so sexy, especially those muscles on his hips plainly pointing down

saying “check out this piece of equipment.” She slid her hand over the velvety flesh of his erection,

loving the smooth-as-silk texture along with the steely hardness.

“Ah, babe,” he groaned. “You’re hands are so soft. So small.”

Hell no, she didn’t have small hands. He had a big cock to work with. It made her almost

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giddy to see a man that had a great body and something he could use that was bigger than an eraser.

Nothing worse than the sexy body/small penis problem she’d encountered too many times in her life.

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He grunted, bringing his body closer to hers and yanking at the tie around her waist holding

the trench closed. He peeled the coat open, pushing it down her arms and, for a nanosecond, keeping

her hands from touching him. She shrugged it off and brought her hands back to his long, hard length.

His hot shaft kept her mesmerized. The pulsing vein under his cock had her licking her lips, wanting

so badly to get a taste. She wanted to feel it quivering on her tongue. In her mouth. She wanted him

fucking her face with his dick.

His gaze fell on her breasts. Suddenly, she breathed harder. It was as if his single hot look had

made her swell with need. Her nipples brushed the soft material of the bedazzled bra, turning them

hard with each stroke.

For a second, she could do nothing more than stare at his features, at how he licked and bit his

lip. Her heart swelled with pride. Men didn’t usually stare at her body as if she were a fucking

goddess. She loved it. Every second of that lust-filled hunger in his eyes made her weak-kneed.

A loud purr sounded from Cash. She blinked, and the golden of his eyes had turned super-

charged bright. His lips descended over hers in a rough, rugged tasting. She could do nothing but try

to keep up. His hands went to her back, and in a heartbeat the bra was gone. He moved his lips from

sucking on hers to nibble down her neck, her chest, and attach to a nipple. He nibbled and licked. And

then he sucked. Holy fuck he sucked. It felt as if her clit and nipples were connected by some

unknown force. Every time he sucked hard, her clit twitched and her pussy slickened more.

She moaned, the sound breathy and needy. “Cash...”

Good lord, she needed something. Anything. Her body felt aflame from the inside. He slipped

his hands down toward her hips, caressing her belly in little circles until he reached the clips at either

side of her tiger-print panties. The sound of the metal unlocking joined the moans and groans between

them. He pushed her back on the massive table, tugging the panties from under her and leaving her

shaven pussy wide open for his viewing pleasure.

“Ah, baby.” He inhaled hard and pulled a seat in front of her. He dropped on the cushioned

dining room chair and licked his lips with a deep inhale. “You smell so fucking delicious, Vanessa.”

She didn’t know how true that was, but she’d take his word for it. Hell, at that particular

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moment he could tell her the sun was purple and she’d believe him. He placed each of her large

thighs over one of his shoulders, her feet laying flat on the top of the chair.

Her breath thinned in her throat as she watched his head descend between her thighs. He

licked up her pussy lips, spreading them open to flatten his tongue on her clit. The sensation was

extraordinary. Then, to make her even more desperate, he purred. The vibration sent shudders racing

up her spine.

“Oh, my god. I don’t care what that was. Do. It. Again!”

He chuckled softly, his breath hovering above her clit. “If you liked that, then you’ll love


He sucked her clit hard enough to make her ass come off the wooden table and drag a scream

from her dry throat. “Holy shit!”

“Mmm,” he groaned. “The wetter your pussy gets, the better you taste.” He glanced up from

her pussy, his face coated in her wetness. “I want you coming on my tongue next. Then and only then

will I fuck you.”

Such a hardship. She clawed at the table, her nails scraping at the wood, searching for

something to cling to. There was nothing. He lapped at her folds like a man starved, like her pussy

was the choice dessert for the night and he had a sweet tooth the size of Alaska. He pressed the tip of

his nose on her clit as he drove his tongue in and out of her. Every lick brought on new moans from

her, and new grunts from him. Her belly quivered. Tension rose in her veins.

“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Her muscles locked, waiting for the orgasm coming next.

He slid two fingers over her entrance, wetting them and then driving them into her channel. He

didn’t stop. He fucked her quickly, his moves driven as if he were grinding his hips into her sex. She

gasped, her body so turned on she could barely remember how to breathe. He fingered her and flicked

his tongue on her clit in quick circles so fast she swore there was a motor in his tongue.

“Oh, god!” Her climax blindsided her. She took hold of his hair to hang on for the ride. She

clutched at his short hair, gripping the blonde strands hard. Her hips rocked back and forth on his

face, her legs slowly gelatinizing. Waves of pure pleasure crashed through her, taking every ounce of

common sense with them. She gasped out a choked moan.

There was little time to catch her breath. He jumped to his feet and held her legs up around his


“I need inside you,” he growled.

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Hell, fuck, yes. She leaned all the way back on the table, until her back was flat on the top of

it and her legs were straight up on his shoulders.

“That’s it,” he said. “Now let me in.”

He pressed the head of his cock into her, the girth more than she’d had before. Hell, even the

length was something she’d only dreamed of after every disappointing small-penis boyfriend from her

nightmarish past.

She gripped the edge of the table when he lifted her ass. One slow, smooth drive and he was

in her. Filling her. Getting even harder than she might have imagined.

“Fucking hell, you’re so hot,” she said. “You feel like a steel iron inside me.”

He lifted his lips in a devilish grin. “No. You’re the hot one.” He pulled back only to slam

back in. Harder. “You’re the one with the pussy so wet and tight I can feel it contracting hard around

my dick.” Another pull back and she moaned for more. “Ah, baby. You aren’t just fucking tasty.

You’re perfect all around.”

She slapped her hands over her tits, tweaking and tugging on her own nipples to add a bite of

pain that she so enjoyed. “Do me harder, Cash.”

He bit his fingers into her thighs, holding them flat against his chest. “Harder, Vanessa?”

She groaned with each deeper drive. “Yes.”

“Just harder? Or do you want me to play with that hard little clit of yours too?” He breathed

out. “Want me to fuck your slick cunt?”

She rocked her hips. “Yes, yes. Fuck me all over.”

He pulled back and thrust deeper. She swore he was hitting her in areas no other man ever

had. “What about your sexy ass, baby? I want my cock in there,” he groaned. “I want your tiny anal

muscles gripping my dick so tight it feels like there’s not a single ounce of space between my cock

and your ass.”

She gulped, her gaze rising up to his face. “That sounds so fucking sexy.”

“Oh, no, beautiful. Sexy is the sight of your thighs jiggling every time I plunge my cock into

your sweet pussy, or the way you open your mouth and your eyes roll to the back of your head from

how fucking good it feels to have my dick inside you.” He pressed his lips into a tight line, his jaw

clenching hard. “Sexy is me licking you off after you come. Or you sucking my dick after I’ve come.”

Fucking hell. That all sounded better and better. “Cash...”

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“Sexy,” he breathed, “is pounding into your pussy and knowing you like it.”

She gulped back the moans riding her throat. “I do. I love every second.”

He nodded. “I know. And I’ll love every second of your pussy wrapped so tight on my dick.

I’ll come hard in you.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but he drove harder and faster into her. He pressed a thumb on

her clit, flicking it back and forth at the same time he fucked her.

Her back came off the table, and fire shot down to her pussy. A massive thunderstorm of

pleasure shook her to the core.

“Fuck!” He growled, his cock hot and deep inside her.

She lost the ability to control her legs. They shook with the force of her orgasm. His drives

slowed, until he was tense and jerking into her body, sending streams of semen into her channel.

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Cash glanced at his phone, a decision finally settling in his brain. He dialed Vanessa and



She sounded breathless. The reminder of her husky voice asking him to fuck her made him

rock hard and ready to go… Only he had nowhere to go. She was at work, and he was too.

“Hi, beautiful. Want to have dinner tonight?”

He waited anxiously for her reply, his tiger pushing at the skin and wanting to be stroked by


“I’ve got a crazy day today, so going out is really not something I’m in the mood for,” she

sighed. “But why don’t you come to my place, and we can eat take-out and watch bad movies?”

He smiled and loved that even though she was tired, she didn’t reject his idea completely.

“I know a great place. Do you like Chinese?”

“But of course! Dumplings, vegetable fried rice, and some orange chicken are my favorites.”

He laughed. “You’re not picky, are you?”

“Not really. Unless you give me some weird sauces, I’m good.”

“Good to know. No weird sauces, I promise.” He made a mental note to call ahead and order

at the best Chinese take-out place he knew. He swiveled in his chair, glancing around his office and

eyeing the stack of documents waiting for him to review.

“Great. I have to go, but I’m glad you called,” she said. “See you later.”

“See you later, beautiful.”

He sat there after the conversation ended with a smile on his face.




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“Come in.”

His father entered his office with a frown. “Cash, I need to talk to you.”

“What’s up, dad?” He asked, a lot more cheerful than he’d been earlier that morning for their

staff meeting.

“Have you gone by Charlie’s to pick up your prize yet?”

Cash shook his head. He’d forgotten about his prize and would go at some point in the next

day or two. “It’s not going to spoil if I wait, is it?”

His dad shook his head. “No. I’m just wanting to know your thoughts on the prize.”

He shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll like whatever it is. You did say it was specifically for me. You

know the kind of things I like.”

His dad nodded. “I really hope you like this one. I took careful consideration before deciding

on it.”

“Stop worrying, dad,” he said and stood. “I have stuff to do, but I’ll go pick it up in a day or


“Alright,” Vincent said. “Just remember I got this because I love you, son.”

He smiled and slapped his father on the arm. “I’m going out on the floor, dad. I’ll see you


* * *

Cash knocked on Vanessa’s door and had to stop himself from knocking again. The tiger was

making his presence known. He wanted to be near his mate…not that Cash had told her about the

mating thing yet. He wasn’t sure how much she knew and didn’t want to scare her.

She opened the door wearing the sexiest pair of boxer shorts and a T-shirt that read: “I like to

party, and by ‘party’ I mean read books.”

He laughed and handed her the flowers he had in one hand while carrying the take-out in his

other. “I’m guessing you like to read.”

She nodded and grabbed the bouquet, her eyes going soft as she stared at the blooms. “I don’t

like to read. I love to read.” She sniffed the tulips and sighed. “These are so beautiful.” Her gaze rose

to meet his. A wide smile covered her face. “Thank you.”

He didn’t normally feel so happy with a female saying thank you. Even his tiger purred under

his skin and rolled over, loving her praise. He’d taken a chance with the tulips and was glad he had.

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She clearly loved them.

“You’re welcome. They don’t compare to the brightness of your smile, but I hoped you’d like


She opened the door wider and motioned him in. “You’re such a gentleman, Mr. Tigger.”

He followed behind her, his gaze stuck on her fine ass and her hips swaying with each step.

“Did you just call me Tigger? Like the cartoon?”

She marched straight to the kitchen and opened a cupboard to pull out a vase. “I did. He’s my

favorite character from Winnie the Pooh.”

Thank goodness he wasn’t a bear, not that being compared to a hyperactive tiger felt any

better. He could only imagine the jokes if he’d been a donkey-shifter. Those guys had it rough. It was

a real pain in the ass.

“Feel free to put the food in the living room on the coffee table.” She grinned, her eyes bright

with joy. Seeing that happiness in them brought a new lightness into his heart. This whole mate

business was something he needed to get used to. This was the first time he and his tiger were in

agreement about a female. Vanessa, with her long, dark hair, sexy lips, and killer curves had super

charged his heart with the need to protect her. To love her.

Once they spread out the food on the coffee table and started to eat, she leaned sideways on

the sofa to face him. “So, what do you really do?”

He shrugged. “Nothing fun. I work at a casino.”

She picked up a piece of chicken with a fork and nodded. “I had a feeling. Are you a manager

or something?”

“I’m something, alright.”

She giggled. “You said that like the job is super boring.”

“No. I enjoy what I do. The casino has been my life for a long time. I grew up there. My

parents think it’s time I mated.” He laughed. “They’re pretty vocal about it.”

She chewed on her food and gave a small moan of enjoyment. “This is so good. I’ll have to

replace my usual Chinese food spot with yours. What exactly does ‘mated’ mean?”

“It’s when my animal and I find a single person we both agree would be the one for us.”

He watched her intently. Interest lit in the depths of her eyes. “Like a girlfriend?”

He shook his head. “No. More like a life partner.”

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“A wife?”

He nodded. “A mate is for life. The only woman for us.”

“So when you mate, do you have to go through any weird rituals?” She put her empty dish

down and picked up her bottle of water.

“I have to mark my mate. Different shifters have different ways.” He stared deep into her eyes.

“For my mate, I’d ensure I marked her so everyone knows she’s taken.”

She grinned. “Why not just buy her a ring?”

He winked and gulped down his own water. “Marks are permanent.”

“That’s true.” She licked her lips. “Probably a lot sexier too.”

He imagined gripping her hips and digging his claws into them, leaving his mark on her. She

would be his. It was only a matter of time.

“What about you? What do you like to do aside from working at Charlie’s? I saw a sticker on

your bumper for the local animal shelter.”

She shrugged. “Don’t tell Charlie, but that’s where I spend most of my time when I’m not

working. I love helping care for the animals that don’t have homes. I fund-raise a lot. The people

running it are nice, and it’s hard for them at times. Too many abandoned animals and not enough


His chest constricted from a flow of emotions he hadn’t expected. This woman wasn’t just

beautiful on the outside. She cared about others. Animals, babies, and the elderly were the most

defenseless kind in the world. He wanted to pull her into his arms and thank her for thinking about

those without a voice. Shifters were particular about giving to animal charities. Knowing this about

her only cemented his belief that she was perfect for him.

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Vanessa glanced at the drawings all over her desk and blew a strand of hair away from her

face. She put the pencil down, leaned back, and shut her eyes. A slow smile played across her lips.

Cash. She wanted to see him. They’d spent a few days going out regularly—from her place to low-

key dinners and even quiet drives out in the desert. Every second spent with him made her more

emotionally attached to the big, sexy, tiger.

She sighed and glanced at the costume they’d just delivered from the dry cleaners. Her tigress

dancing outfit. She gazed at the plastic covering hard before standing and starting to remove her

clothes to put it on.

A fun idea of visiting Cash at Striped grew in her mind. He’d mentioned having an office so

an impromptu strip tease could make both their day a lot more fun.

The Striped hotel was sleek and modern, with the feel of openness. It catered to shifters from

what she’d learned.

When she got to the reception area, a giant man stood there talking to some of the staff. She

waited patiently until someone noticed her and asked for Cash.

A man turned to face her, a frown marring his brow. “Who is asking for Cash?”

She smiled and offered her hand. “Vanessa Soler.”

The man’s eyes turned wide as he shook her offered hand. “You’re Charlie’s daughter.”

She laughed. “Wow. My dad gets around, I see.”

“Come, I’ll take you to Cash,” he said and guided her to an elevator. Dashes of insecurity

flirted through her. He stared at her for a long moment without speaking. The elevator dinged, and

they were outside a door. “Let’s go inside. I’m sure he’ll be back shortly.”

She nodded and followed the man into what she assumed was Cash’s office. “Thank you for

bringing me all this way.”

“You’re welcome.” He continued walking until he was in the center of the room. She

followed behind and placed the shopping bag she’d brought along with her on a sofa. “I’m glad to see

things worked out.”

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She blinked in confusion. “What things?”

“Your father and I play poker together often. You were my last win.”

Her stomach revolted from words he said. Win. He’d said win. Her mind whirled from shock

at first and then slowly stopped spinning to slow to a crawl. Her conversation with her father played

in her head and her throat went dry. She couldn’t breathe. “You’re Vincent.”

He smiled wide. “I am. And I am so happy you and Cash are a good fit. I’d worried his

claiming you might be difficult for you.”

She reeled back from the man as if he’d slapped her. Her gaze flew to the door that opened at

that moment.

“Vanessa, I swear I didn’t know,” Cash said, fury etched into every line of his face. “Dad, can

you go? We need to talk.”

Vincent nodded and glanced back and forth between her and Cash before walking out.

“Vanessa,” he said, closing the distance between them so fast she didn’t get a chance to run

when he grabbed her by the forearms. “You have to listen to me. I didn’t know who you were.”

“Liar!” she screeched, trying to pull out of his hold. “I don’t believe you! You and your father

are sick. Playing games with people’s lives is sick.”

“I don’t need to lie! My father told me he won something for me at a poker game with Charlie,

but he didn’t say what. Do you really think I would have just accepted a person as a prize?” he spit

out the words angrily. “Look at me, Vanessa. I am not that kind of person. You know I’m not.”

She jerked out of his hold, her anger at a level most knew to steer clear of. “Get away from


He grabbed her by the shoulders, yanking her to face him. “I will not get away from you,

Vanessa. You’re mine!”

“Like hell!” she spat. “You really think that some stupid bet means you own me?”

She tried again to give herself some distance from his tempting body, but he held onto her

hard. There was no getting away.

“No,” he growled. “The bet doesn’t mean I own you.” He glanced down at her mouth and the

light of his animal grew bright in his eyes. “You wanting to be mine does.”

She shook her head, feeling ridiculous wearing that stupid costume in his office. “No. I don’t.”

“Don’t fucking lie, Vanessa,” he muttered. “You’ve been mine from the moment I saw you

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dancing on that stage. I don’t even care that you’re a stripper!”

“You thought I was a stripper? Why did you think I was in the parking lot alone? The bouncers

walk the dancers to their cars.”

“I don’t frequent strip clubs. And I certainly don’t hang around the parking lot. This was a first

for me. You were dancing. You never said you did something else for a living.”

True. Still, she felt a damn fool. “This whole time we’ve been seeing each other, and you

thought I was going on a stage every night and taking my clothes off.”

“So? Taking your clothes off on that stage as a job doesn’t make you less of a person. It

certainly didn’t make you less in my eyes. You’re still the woman I want.”

Fucking hell! How could he say things like that now? Not judging her if she had been a

stripper was one of the sexiest, most romantic things a man could say to her. Dancers were people

just like everyone else. Most men didn’t get that. Cash did. “I don’t give a shit what your father

expected out of that bet, but I am not some object that can be passed down from person to person. I

make my own damn choices.”

He nodded sharply. “You’re right. You do. And your choice has been me from the moment our

gazes met. Don’t even bother denying it.”

Dammit! She had come here hoping to do something fun and sexy only to find out he’d been

the one to win her in a poker game. A damn game. Her anger pushed the hurt to the side.

“I didn’t know, Vanessa.”

She could see the honesty in his eyes. It soothed some of the fury heating her blood. “This

would never work.”

He let her go at that point. The wave of loneliness that rushed through her robbed her of her


She eyed the bag she’d brought with her. Shame heated her cheeks. She’d thought to give in to

a fantasy she’d been having lately, of him and her in his office. She’d even gone as far as getting lube

and new toys to make things more fun. Stupid idiot. She should have stayed her ass at Charlie’s. At

least there she wouldn’t have met Cash’s father and found out he was the one who won her.

“Vanessa...this changes nothing.”

She turned to the large window facing the casino from this level. She knew this was his office.

She saw it in every bit of furniture. She could even smell him. His scent had assaulted her from the

moment she’d walked into the space.

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“You’re wrong,” she said, not looking at him. “I’m just some girl your father got for you as a


She didn’t hear him come up behind her, but she sensed him. He wrapped his arms around her

waist, bringing her back flush to his front, so tight she could feel his erection poking her ass.

“You’re much more than a prize. You’re a beautiful, sensual woman with an amazing wit and

a smile I’d love to see every morning when I wake up for the rest of my life.”

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Her body heated at his words, and her heart flipped in her chest. Things between them had

been going so fast she’d worried they were making a mistake, but instinct told her they were perfect

together. Her heart told her the same. The truth was that her time with Cash had been more than just

fun. She’d enjoyed every second of being near him riding around and simple things like watching a

movie at her place. With everything they did, her heart opened up some more for the big tiger. Now,

she couldn’t imagine not being around him.

He brushed his lips over the curve of her neck. “Don’t make something between our fathers

about us. The connection between us established before I knew about you and you about me.” He

kissed his way up to her ear. “This is real. This is us.”

Yes. He was right. This was more than a bet. This was a shocking number of emotions that her

heart had decided belonged to Cash. She placed her hands flat on the desk in front of the glass,

pushing her ass out and cocking her head to the side to allow him more access to her neck.

“What do you say, beautiful?”

“I say you better get to convincing me to change my mind,” she rasped. A slow smile spread

over her lips. She couldn’t even sound like she was undecided. Her heart was too happy to give in

after the frustration from earlier.

He slid his hands up her tiger-print dress, pulling the skirt up to her ass and displaying her

matching panties.

“I love seeing you in tiger print,” he said softly. He yanked the panties down, and she kicked

them off her feet, making sure to keep the heels on. This fantasy was just beginning. How many times

had she already daydreamed of him bending her over and fucking her from behind? Too many to

count, considering she visualized it every ten minutes. He curled his hands around her waist, undoing

the knot of the wrap dress and getting it off her body in quick moves.

She saw the reflection of her naked body on the glass facing the casino. For a second, she

worried about someone looking up and seeing them. Her. Naked.

“Don’t worry,” he said, as if reading her mind. “It’s one-way glass. I can see them, but they

can’t look in.”

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Alrighty then. Back to the hot sex by the window session. “Good. I’m all for adventure, but

some things I’m not interested in.”

He licked the back of her shoulder. “These curves are for my eyes only. For my lips only. For

my cock only.”

She loved the sound of that, of him being the only man to have her. To love her. She widened

her thighs and leaned down on the desk, her nipples grazing the cool, smooth wood.

“Wait!” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “My bag. I brought something.”

“Don’t move,” he ordered and turned to the black, nondescript shopping bag, pulling out the

lube and the toy she’d set up before coming to see him.

He turned to her, his face tight with desire, prowling back over. Just watching him made her

pussy slick.

“Do you like it?” she asked in a breathy whisper.

He didn’t say anything. He placed the items next to her on the desk and proceeded to pull her

hips back. She turned to face the glass, watching him remove his T-shirt and keeping on the black

jeans she’d tried not to gape at. Then he spread her ass cheeks open and licked up and down her


She shut her eyes involuntarily, wiggling her ass on his face. He flicked his tongue around her

asshole, licking and dipping it into the rim of her ass. She clung to the small desk, pressing her upper

body flat on it. She was glad she wore the stilettos, or she’d have had a hard time standing with the

desk so high.

He bit on her large cheek, the sting only adding to her pleasure.

“Oh, Cash,” she groaned.

He circled her hole again, licking and sucking and pushing his tongue into her ass. She

couldn’t stand still. She wiggled a hand between her legs and played with her pussy. She was soaked,

needy, and ready to be fucked. Good lord, she felt ready to come just from him licking circles around

her ass. Who would have known she was so sensitive back there?

He moved his mouth away from her ass and stood. She heard his pants drop and his cock

press at her ass. A light tap and he grunted. “You have a sexy ass. I can’t wait to fuck it.”

She gulped and glanced over her shoulder at him. He met her gaze with a spark of burning lust

deep in his eyes.

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“Give me the toy,” she gasped. She needed something to help ease her desperation. She

leaned farther back, bringing a hand around her back and extending it to him.

He handed her the vibrator. She didn’t even need to look to know how to turn it on. Just as she

did, he squirted lube down the crack of her ass. The warm liquid seeped between her cheeks, coating

her asshole.

He dumped more of the lube on her and proceeded to finger her asshole.

His finger didn’t bother her. Though he was large, she’d been turned on by the idea of him

fucking her in her ass and was looking forward to having him in there.

“Fuck, baby. Your ass is tight. So tight.”

She bit her lip and moaned, rocking her hips on his fingers. The vibrator buzzed to life, and

she slid a hand between her body and the desk, pressing the head of the toy to her clit. She choked on

a gasp. It felt so good to have it vibrating on her at the same time he finger-fucked her ass.

“That’s it, beautiful,” he grunted. “Push your hips back and let me feel your ass hugging my

cock when I get inside you.”

She upped the vibration and circled her clit with the toy, not bringing it too close to her clit

but keeping it at a distance that still made her shiver.

He slid his greased-up cock between her parted ass cheeks, pushing himself into her. The

burning intensified with every slow movement of him pushing and pulling in and out of her. He did

tiny hip thrusts to get himself farther and then pulled back. With each small drive, he went deeper and

deeper, until his pelvis was flush with her ass, his cock deep in her hole.

“Fucking hell, that’s a gorgeous sight, Vanessa. My cock between your sexy ass cheeks looks


She gulped, her muscles tensing from her need to come. “Oh, god, Cash. Move.”

He propelled back and slammed into her. Her anal muscles quivered around his thick length.

“That’s my girl. Squeeze your ass around my dick. Fuck!” He groaned when she did as he

asked. “Do it again.”

She did. Repeatedly. Enjoying the sensations of his thickness filling her from behind. He

drove harder, faster into her, with single-minded precision. She bit her lip and clung to the desk,

listening to the sound of skin slapping. He gripped her hips hard, biting his fingers into her sides.

She placed the vibe closer to her clit, slowly sliding it up to her throbbing nubbin. Once she

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had it on her aching spot, she raised the vibration level and in less than a minute, she was gasping and

shuddering from the orgasm that built and broke through her.

“Cash!” she choked out in a broken scream, her body shaking from the power of her release.

He drove into her once, twice, three times and spread her ass cheeks to the point of pain, as if

he wanted to shove his cock so deep into her he needed to push harder than before. His claws dug

into her hips, marking her, holding her in place as he filled her hole with his seed.

“Fuck, baby. Coming in your ass feels so good. So wet.”

He jerked repeatedly for a long moment. When he slowly removed himself from her, she felt

his cum sliding out of her ass and crawling down her legs. She mumbled and tried to catch her breath,

but her lungs felt on fire and her heart pounded so hard she could barely hear herself think.

He turned her to face him. His golden eyes shone with the tiger’s wildness. She loved that,

loved seeing him as close to his animal as possible. Not only did it make for great sex, but it was so

fucking sexy to see. He picked her up in his arms and kissed her. “That was amazing.”

Yeah. It was. It was amazing and sexy, and if she could figure out how to get her legs to stop

shaking she would tell him to do it again. She swallowed hard and leaned her head into the curve of

his neck. “I can’t stand. I might fall on my face.”

He chuckled a laugh. “Don’t worry, darling. I got you.”

He carried her through a door to a bathroom attached to his office, and she allowed him to

clean her off.

One the other side of a different door was a giant suite. He helped her onto the massive sofa

facing the strip and lay by her side, tugging her into his arms.

She glanced up at his too-handsome face and smiled. “I can’t believe you thought I was a


His lips curled up in a grin. “I did. You did that dance so well I was sold.”

“Well, it’s good to know the lessons are working.”

He nodded, lifting her hand up to his lips. “They are. I hope you continue taking them. You’re

a natural.”

She’d continue taking the classes and dancing for Cash. He’d made the experience so special

and personal, she wanted to keep it between them.

“I can be convinced.” She laughed, lifting her lips to his for a kiss.

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“Are we talking sex or food?”

She giggled and kissed his chin. “Food. This time it’s food. Later we can talk about my knees

shaking all over again.”

“I can do that. I’ll feed you, beautiful. And then we can discuss where you want to live.”

“Don’t you think we should give it more time?”

He shook his head. “I know who I want for the rest of my life. My tiger knows. You’re it,

babe. You’re my mate,” he said. “You carry my mark.”

That’s right. He rubbed her hip, and the reminder of their crazy anal session came back. She

carried the marks of his claws on her hips. They were as good as being married from what he’d told


Somehow, the idea of having forever with Cash didn’t stress her out. Instead, excitement

bubbled through her. She had a mate. A man who would live for her and her alone. She smiled at the

idea of ever after with Cash.

It was going to be a fun ride.


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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Milly Taiden (AKA April Angel) loves to

write sexy stories. How sexy? So sexy they will surely make your e-reader sizzle. Usually
paranormal or contemporary, her stories are a great quick way to satisfy your craving for fun heroines
with curves and sexy alphas with fur.

Milly lives in New York City with her hubby, their boy child, and their little dog “Needy

Speedy.” She’s aware she’s bossy and is addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn’t, right?),
and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.

She loves to meet new readers!



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Find out more about Milly Taiden here:

Email: millytaiden@gmail.com







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If you liked this story, you might also enjoy the following by Milly Taiden:

Sassy Mates Series

Scent of a Mate Sassy Mates Book One

A Mate’s Bite Sassy Mates Book Two

Unexpectedly Mated Sassy Mates Book Three

A Sassy Wedding Short 3.7

The Mate Challenge Sassy Mates Book Four

Sassy in Diapers Short 4.3

Federal Paranormal Unit

Wolf Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book One

Dangerous Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Two

Black Meadow Pack

Sharp Change Black Meadows Pack Book One

Caged Heat Black Meadows Pack Book Two

Paranormal Dating Agency

Twice the Growl Book One

Geek Bearing Gifts Book Two

The Purrfect Match Book Three

Curves ‘Em Right Book Four

Tall, Dark and Panther Book Five

FUR-ocious Lust - Bears

Fur-Bidden Book One

Fur-Gotten Book Two

Fur-Given Book Three

FUR-ocious Lust - Tigers

Stripe-Tease Book Four

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Other Works

Wolf Fever

Fate’s Wish

Wynter’s Captive

Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1

Club Duo Boxed Set

Don’t Drink and Hex

Hex Gone Wild

Hex and Kisses

Hex You Up (coming soon)

Hex with an Ex (coming soon)

Alpha Owned

Bitten by Night

Seduced by Days

Mated by Night

Taken by Night

Captured by Night (coming soon)

Match Made in Hell

Hellhound Needs a Mate (coming soon)

If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review, even if it's only a line or two; it

would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated.

Thank you!


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