Hart Crymsyn My Guardian Cowboy

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My  Guardian  Cowboy  

Crymsyn  Hart  

Copyright  ©  March  2011,  Crymsyn  Hart  
Cover  art  designed  by  Sugar  and  Spice  Press  ©  April  2011  
ISBN  978-­1-­936668-­13-­7  
This  is  a  work  of  fiction.  All  characters  and  events  portrayed  in  this  novel  
are  fictitious  or  used  fictitiously.  All  rights  reserved,  including  the  right  to  
reproduce  this  book,  or  portions  thereof,  in  any  form.    
Sugar  and  Spice  Press    
North  Carolina,  USA    

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



Chapter  One  

Ethan   sat   at   the   bar,   staring   at   the   defoaming   head   of   his   beer.   The  

dark  beverage  used  to  elicit  so  many  feelings  in  him.  Now  it  was  a  means  
to  an  end.  He  had  been  sitting  there  for  hours,  tuning  out  the  music  in  the  
background.   Patrons   kept   popping   quarters   into   the   jukebox.   Poppy,  
modern   day   rock,   blared   over   the   speakers   followed   by   twangy   country  
songs  that  grated  his  nerves  with  each  note.  Each  time  the  quarter  slid  into  
the  slot  he  cringed.  No  matter  how  much  he  tried  to  block  out  the  tunes,  
his  mind  played  one  thing  over  and  over  again.  A  singular  thought  taunted  

What  the  fuck  had  happened?    
Earlier  that  night,  he  had  arrived  home  late  from  work.  He  had  hoped  

to  find  Simon  sitting  on  the  couch  waiting  for  him,  the  way  he  normally  
was  if  he  was  late.  Loosening  his  tie,  he  had  slipped  into  his  bedroom  to  
get  ready  for  a  shower.  But  what  Ethan  had  walked  into  stopped  his  heart.    

No,  he  couldn¶t  see  the  image  again.  It  brought  too  much  pain  to  his  

already   addled   brain.   He   squeezed   his   eyes   shut   and   shook   his   head,  
trying   to   clear   the   image   from   his   mind.   Where   it   had   all   gone   wrong?  
Why  hadn¶t  he  seen  the  signs?  Was  it  him?  Life  had  been  going  to  crap  
until  he  met  Simon.  His  lover  had  peeled  him  away  from  suicide.  The  few  
precious  moments  of  happiness  he  had  in  his  life  had  just  been  shattered.  
Everything  was  now  back  to  square  one.  What  would  happen  tomorrow?  
What   was   going   to   happen   five   years   from   now?   Ten   years   from   now?  
Nothing  else  mattered.  His  heart  was  broken.  His  soul  was  shattered.  

Ethan   gripped   the   handle   of   the   beer   mug   tighter,   contemplating  

drinking  the  whole  thing  down  in  a  couple  of  swallows.  The  heady  smell  
enticed  him.  He  could  already  taste  the  malty  liquor  on  his  tongue.  It¶d  be  
so  easy  to  imbibe  the  whole  drink  and  then  another.  And  then  one  after  the  
other  until   the  familiar  headache  started,  the  double  vision,  and  then  the  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



blackout.  He¶d  then  fall  into  oblivion  and  wake  up  on  someone¶s  couch.  
He¶d  lost  so  many  nights  to   imbibing   too  much.  Until  Simon.  His  lover  
had  awakened  him  from   the  stupor  he¶d  been  in.  Ethan  had  never  loved  
anyone   so   much   to   really   want   something.   That   was   when   he   put   down  
the  booze  and   got  into  a  program.   The  last   time   he¶d  been  in   a  bar  was  
nine  months  ago.  It  would  be  so  easy  to  throw  it  all  away.  Why  not  drown  
his  sorrows  once  more,  throw  caution  to  the  wind,  and  wake  up  in  some  
flea   bitten   motel   with   a   gigolo,   or   someone   he¶d   meet   at   the   bar   after  
hours  of  drinking?  

He  lifted  the  beer.  The  glass  was  no  longer  frosted.  The  coaster  it  had  

sat  on  was  wet  and  the  grains  of  salt  he¶d  sprinkled  on  it  glistened  from  
the   sweat   on   the   glass.   The   scent   enticed   him   so   much.   One   sip.   Simon  
would  say  it  was  time  to  call  his  sponsor  or  hit  a  meeting.  He  didn¶t  want  
to  fuck  up  everything  he¶d  worked  for  over  the  past  nine  months.  Fuck  it.  
He¶s  the  one  who  ruined  everything.  He¶s  the  one  who  drove  me  to  this.  

³You  sure  you  want  to  do  that,  cowboy?´  
Ethan   glanced   to   his   left   at   the   man   leaning   on   the   bar.   Typical  

cowboy,  chewing  on  a  toothpick.  Hat  pulled  down  over  his  face,  showing  
only   the   square   jaw   with   the   slight,   stubble   on   his   chin.   A   long   brown  
duster   brushed   the   peanut   strewn   floor.   The   shells   crunched   under   his  
weight   when   he   shifted   his   feet.   A   small   smile   curled   the   corner   of   his  

³Why  is  that?´  Ethan  asked  the  cowboy.    
The  other  man  leaned  over  the  bar  and  drew  a  beer  out  of  the  ice-­filled  

bin   below.   The   bartender   rushed   over.   The   cowboy   laid   down   a   five   on  
the  mahogany  bar.  He  twisted  the  top  on  the  bottle,  gripped  the  neck,  and  
then  knocked  back  a  few  swallows.  Ethan  eyed  him  enviously.  The  patron  
dragged  his  hand  across  his  mouth  and  set  the  bottle  down.  

³Because   you   look   like   a   starving   horse   ready   to   gorge   himself   on  

three   bales   of   hay.   I   take   it   you¶re   a   man   who   hasn¶t   had   a   drink   in   a  
while.  You  sure  you  want  to  go  down  that  road  again?´  

³Why   not?   My   world¶s   turned   to   shit.   Something   has   to   drown   my  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



sorrows.  Care  to  join  me?  I¶ll  buy  the  next  round.´  

He  lifted  his  hat  and  stared  Ethan  directly  in  the  eye.  At  that  moment,  

something   in   Ethan   melted.   Deep   green   eyes   peered   into   his   soul.   His  
hand   shook.   He   set   the   glass   down   and   tried   to   catch   his   breath.   The  
feeling   he   knew   this   man   overwhelmed   him.   The   man   smiled,   flashing  
him  a  mouthful  of  even  white  teeth.  Almost  too  perfect.  The  need  to  pick  
up  his  mug  and  take  a  long  swig  of  beer  enveloped  him,  but  he  fought  it  
off.   Hurt   overtook   him.   A   lump   of   emotion   formed   in   his   throat.   The  
cowboy  was  too  intriguing  and  what  he  said  made  sense.  Ethan  switched  
his  gaze  back  to  the  beer.    

³You  never  answered  my  question  from  before²you  sure  you  want  to  

do  that?´  

Ethan   studied   the   half   of   his   reflection   that   showed   in   the   mirror.  

Disheveled   brown   hair   adorned   his   head.   Blue   eyes   with   dark   circles  
underneath  them  stared  back  at  him.  Stubble  dotted  his  cheeks.  The  collar  
was  open  on  his  red  shirt.  His  black  tie  was  shoved  into  the  pocket  of  his  
pants,   dangling   from   the   barstool.   Ethan   glanced   back   at   the   cowboy.  
Those  amazing  green  eyes  captured  him.  ³So  what¶s  your  question?´    

³You  look  like  someone  who  could  use  a  good  cup  of  coffee  instead  

of   a   stiff   drink.   Why   don¶t   we   get   out   of   here?   Then   we   can   figure   out  
where  to  go  from  there.´  

Ethan  chuckled  and  shook  his  head.  He¶d  heard  that  line  before.  He¶d  

used  it  on  Simon  and  other  men  in  the  past  to  bed  them.  ³I¶d  rather  have  
the  beer  than  the  coffee.  Thanks  for  the  offer  though.´  

³But  you  do  need  someone  to  talk  to.´  
³And  you¶re  that  person  for  me?´  Ethan  asked.  
The   other   man   took   off   his   hat   and   set   it   on   the   bar.   He   ran   a   hand  

through   his   chestnut   hair.   ³I   can   lend   an   ear.   I¶ve   always   been   good   at  
listening.  At  least  that¶s  what  my  mother  always  said.´  

He   smirked.   ³Well   it   sounds   like   you¶re   just   a   standup   kinda   guy.  

Willing  to  help  anybody.´  

The   cowboy¶s   eyes   narrowed.   ³Not   anybody.   Just   those   that   need   a  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



hand  and  I  sensed  that   you  need   one  right  now.  Why  don¶t   you  just  call  
me  your  guardian  angel?´  

Ethan   couldn¶t   take   anymore   of   the   goody-­two-­shoes   act   from   the  

other  man.³Guardian  angel,  huh?´  

³I  don¶t  think  so.´  
He   slapped   his   money   down   on   the   bar,   pushed   his   mug   away,   and  

decided   it   was   better   to   have   that   cup   of   coffee.   Drinking   his   troubles  
away  wasn¶t  the  best  thing  in  the  world.  Ethan  grabbed  his  jacket  from  the  
back  of  the  stool  and  slung  it  on.  It  was  no  use  straightening  it  out  because  
it  was  rumpled  from  him  sitting  on  it.  The  cowboy  grabbed  his  arm.  

³Hey,  man,  leave  me  alone,´  Ethan  growled.  He  tried  to  pull  away,  but  

the  other  man¶s  grip  was  too  tight.  

The   hard   expression   on   the   cowboy¶s   face   melted.   ³I¶m   not   here   to  

pick   you   up.   I¶m   here   offering   assistance.   It   seems   like   you¶ve   had   a  
pretty  bad  day  and  you  need  someone  to  talk  to.  Why  not  take  me  up  on  
my  offer?  I¶ll  buy.  I  won¶t  say  anything.  I¶ll  just  listen.´  

Ethan   saw   the   sincere   expression.   A   deep   attraction   wound   around  

him   and   flushed   his   skin.   Something   about   the  man   seemed   so   familiar,  
like  he¶d  known  him  before.  He  gazed  around  the  bar.  No  one  else   paid  
them   any   mind.   They   were   in   a   world   of   their   own.   The   music   on   the  
jukebox,  another  twangy  song,  grated  on  his  nerves.  A  couple  leaned  over  
the  music  maker,  perusing  the   song  selection.  He  could  already  here  the  
cha-­chink   of   the   quarters   sliding   down   the   jukebox¶s   slot   setting   up   the  
next   four   songs.   The   aroma   of   stale   cigarettes   lingered   in   the   air.   The  
peanut   shells   cracked   under   his   feet.   It   was   just   a   matter   of   time.   If   he  
stayed  in  the  bar,  he  would  eventually  pick  up  that  drink.  Ethan  glanced  
over  the  people  playing  pool,  laughing  and  joking,  to  the  couple  nestled  in  
the  corner  sipping  two  glasses  of  wine.  Other  patrons  were  knocking  back  
shots   of   tequila.   A   small   group   of   frat   boys   were   partying   in   another  
corner.  Yeah.  It  was  best  that  he  stayed  sober  even  though  his  heart  was  
shredded  and  his  soul  was  stomped  on.  He  sighed  and  shook  his  head.  If  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



he  went  into  work  with  another  hangover,  after  his  last  warning,  he¶d  be  
fired  on  the  spot.  

The  cowboy  released  his  arm.  Ethan  studied  him.  He  saw  the  muddy  

boots  and  the  dirt  clinging  to  the  bottom  of  his  duster.  It  seemed  he¶d  had  
a  hard  road.  He  was  grimy  and  looked  like  he  needed  a  shower,  shave  and  
a   place   to   stay.   It   appeared   he   was   in   need   of   more   comfort   than   Ethan  

³Okay.  I¶ll  take  that  cup  of  coffee.  But  it¶s  only  coffee.´  
The  cowboy  smiled.  The  corners  of  his  eyes  crunched  up  and  a  small  

dimple  appeared  in  his  left  cheek.  It  reminded  Ethan  of  a  freckle  it  was  so  
dark.   Underneath   all   the   muck,   he   appeared   handsome.   Anyone   would  
have  him.  And  yet  no  one  was  coming  up  to  him.  He  wondered  why  that  
was.   Maybe   it   was   as   the   cowboy   said²he   was   his   guardian   angel.  
Whatever  the  reason,  Ethan  wanted  to  reach  out  and  touch  his  flesh,  but  
he  resisted  the  urge.  

³Good  choice.  Know  any  good  coffee  shops  around  here?´  
Ethan  nodded.  ³Yeah.  There¶s  one  right  around  the  corner.  I  guess  it  

works   out   that   way.   They   set   up   shop   around   a   bar   because   they   know  
when   the   bars   close   and   the   drunks   are   going   to   need   someplace   to   go  
sober  up.´  

³Yeah.  That  sounds  about  right.´  
The  cowboy  held  the  door  for  Ethan,  who  strolled  out  into  the  night.  

When  the  cool   breeze  hit   him,  it  lifted  his   soul.  He   glanced  at   stars  and  
instead  of  the  dim  lights  he¶d  seen  earlier,  they  were  bright  shining  jewels  
that  sparked  a  feeling  of  hope  deep  inside  of  him.  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



Chapter  Two  

They  walked  to  the  coffee  shop  and  Ethan  wasn¶t  sure  if  he  should  be  

talking  to   the  stranger.   It  almost   made  him   feel   like  he  was  cheating  on  
Simon,   but   then   he   remembered   he   wasn¶t   the   one   had   cheated.   The  
cowboy   was   nice   enough.   While   they   walked   a   couple   of   blocks   to   the  
café,   second   thoughts   invaded   his   mind.   Maybe   he   should   go   home   to  
Simon   and   confront   him.   Maybe   he   should   pack   up   his   stuff   and   find   a  
hotel   room   for   the   night.   Maybe   he   should   go   back   to   work   and   crunch  
more   numbers.   Anything   besides   sitting   down   with   this   stranger   and  
pouring  out  his  soul.  

A   voice   inside   his   head   urged   him   to   trust   the   cowboy.   That   maybe  

something  else  could  come  out  of  it.  Maybe  he  would  find  some  piece  of  
mind.  They  came  to  the  small  café  and  sat  down  at  one  of  the  tables.  A  
waitress  came  over  and  took  their  order.  The  cowboy  took  off  his  hat  and  
his  duster.  Underneath  his  jacket  was  a  black  t-­shirt  and  dark  blue  jeans  
that   had   seen   better   days.   They   were   tattered   and   frayed   at   the   seams.  
Ethan  could  see  the  worn  impression  of  where  the  other  man  had  kept  his  
wallet   in   his   front   pocket.   But   yet   again,   but   there   was   that   irresistible  
draw  that  kept  him  there.  

Maybe   he   is   my   guardian   angel.   Who   knows?   Who   the   fuck   knows  


Ethan   tried   not   to   stare   at   the   man   across   from   him,   but   it   was   hard  

because   his   alluring   green   eyes   kept   drawing   him   in.   The   waitress  
returned  with  their  order.  Coffee  for  him  and  what  looked  like  tea  for  the  
cowboy.  Taking  the  sugar  shaker,  Ethan  poured  a  generous  amount  of  the  
white  powder  into  his  cup,  hoping  to  camouflage  the  taste  of  the  beverage.  
He  tested  it  and  made  a  face  at  the  sweetness.  It  did  perk  him  up  a  little  
bit.  The  waitress   came  back  over   with   a  small  saucer  lined   with   lemons  
and  a  bear  shaped  container  of  honey.  Ethan  studied  the  cowboy  while  he  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



added  the  honey  to  the  tea.    

³You¶re  not  much  of  a  coffee  drinker,  I  see.´  
The  cowboy  chuckled  and  blew  the  steam  away  from  the  cup.  ³I  am,  

but  not  tonight.  If  I  drink  too  much  of  it,  I  get  really  hyper.  And  that¶s  a  
bad  thing.  So  we  were  going  to  talk«´  

Ethan  shrugged.   Now  might   not   be   a   good  time   to   go  into  all  of  his  

problems   with   a   stranger.   It   was   just   nice   to   spend   some   time   with  
someone   who   was   interested   in   him   and   listening   and   not   have   to   think  
about   everything   else.   ³It   doesn¶t   really   matter   now.   My   life   is   just  

The   other   man   placed   his   hand   lightly   on   Ethan¶s   arm.   ³There¶s  

always  a  point  to  everything.  Come  on,  I  told  you  I¶d  lend  an  ear.  So  why  
don¶t  you  tell  me  what  happened.´  

Ethan  looked  down  into  the  coffee,  stirring  until  small  bubbles  rose  to  

the  top.  The  image  of  Simon  and  his  new  found  sex  buddy  flashed  before  
his  eyes  while  they  were  grunting  and  groaning  on  his  bed.  Why  didn¶t  I  
see  it  with  all  the  late  nights  Simon  was  working?  I  just  thought  he  was  
working   late   at   the   firm   because   they   had   gotten   so   busy   lately.   Now   I  
know  better.  
All  the  excuses  of  late  night  business  meetings  and  dinners  
with  clients  was  Simon¶s  way  of  lying  to  him  so  he  and  his  lover  could  go  
to  some  hotel  room  and  shack  up  together.  Ethan  slammed  his  fist  down  
onto   the   wooden   table   causing   the   black   coffee   to   spill   over   the   white  

³Fuck.  I  should  have  seen  it  coming.  Why  didn¶t  I?´  
³Hey,   you   can   tell   me.   Guardian   angel,   remember?   I¶ll   listen   to  

anything.´  The  cowboy  squeezed  his  arm.  

Ethan¶s   heart   hiccupped.   The   sincere   expression   on   the   other   man¶s  

face  ate  away  at  him  until  he  felt  his  walls  crumbling.  ³Well,  basically,  I  
got  home  late.  I  walked  in  and  found  my  boyfriend  and  my  brother  in  bed  

³That¶s  horrible.  I¶m  sorry  to  hear  that.´  
He   shrugged.   ³There¶s   nothing   I   can   do   about   it.   Stupid   me   for   not  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



catching   on   sooner.   I¶ve   never   had   a   great   relationship   with   my   older  
brother   until   the   past   couple   of   years.   It   was   the   whole   gay   thing.   He  
couldn¶t   understand   why   I   was   dating   guys.   I   should   of   realized   that   he  
was  in  the  closet.  µExperimenting¶  was  what  he  called  it.´    

³Sometimes   we   just   don¶t   see   what¶s   right   in   front   of   us.   And   other  

times,   those   that   hide   behind   a   mask   don¶t   want   to   face   what   they   truly  

³I  guess  you¶re  right.  But²´  Ethan  started.  
³There   are   no   µbut¶s.   Sometimes   we   get   so   wrapped   up   in   our   own  

lives  and  things  just  happen.  There  is  no  rhyme  or  reason  to  it.   Think  of  
this  as  a  blessing.  Maybe  you¶re  supposed  to  be  with  someone  else.´  The  
other  man  glanced  at  Ethan.  

³Does  that  mean  you?´  
The  cowboy   gave  him  a  half  smile.  That   dimple  appeared  again   that  

Ethan  found  so  appealing.  ³Well,  I  didn¶t  say  that.  But  if  you  want  to«´  

Ethan  chuckled.  ³Yeah,  I  don¶t  think  having  a  one  night  stand  would  

be  a  good  thing  right  now.´  

³He  was  the  one  who  screwed  you  over.´  
³Yeah,  I  know.  I  thought  about  it.  However,  I  don¶t  want  to  go  down  

that   road   again.   Fuck   up   my   life   just   because   I¶m   hurt   and   want   to   lash  

³That¶s   a   good   thing,   but   he   is   the   one   who   betrayed   your   trust   and  

stomped  on  your  heart.  I¶ve  been  there.  Trust  me.  It  wasn¶t  the  same  thing  
exactly,   but   something   similar.   I   walked   in   on   my   lover   and   my   best  
friend.  It  still  makes  me  angry  just  thinking  about  it.´  

Ethan   saw   the   grimace   of   pain   flash   across   his   companion¶s   face.   It  

made  his  eyes  burn.  ³What  did  you  do?´  

The  cowboy  cocked  his  head  to  the  side  and  a  few  strands  of  his  hair  

fell   across   his   forehead   into   his   eyes.   ³There   wasn¶t   much   I   could   do.   I  
started  screaming  at  them  and  $QWRQLD«well  she  smiled  and  said  µoops¶.´  

³Oops!   What   the   hell   does   that   mean?´ :KDWHYHU KDG KDSSHQHG WR

him  seemed  equally  bad  to  what  happened  to  Ethan.  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



³It¶s  a  long  story.  One  you  don¶t  want  to  hear  right  now.  Remember,  

I¶m  the  one  lending  the  ear´  

Ethan   took   another   sip   of   his   coffee.   ³Yeah.   I   guess   you¶re   right.  

Thanks   for   the   coffee   and   lifting   my   spirits.   By   the   way,   I   didn¶t   catch  
your  name.´  

³That¶s  because  I  didn¶t  tell  you  my  name.´  
The  other  man  leaned  back  in  his  chair  and  stared  at  Ethan.  He  took  a  

lemon  and  squeezeGLWLQWR KLV WHD³,¶OOOHDYHWKDWWill  later.  Tell  me,  do  
in  on  your  boyfriend  with  another  man,  to  you  ending  up  at  the  bar,  to  us  

Ethan   shrugged.   ³I   don¶t   know.   Do   you?   After   everything   that¶s  

happened  to  me  today,  I¶m  not  sure  what  is  fated  or  what  isn¶t.´    

³, EHOLHYH WKDW WKLQJV DUH PHDQt   to   happen.   We   make   sacrifices.   So  

ZKDW¶VLWJRLQJWREH"&DUHWo  accompany  me  back  to  my  room?  The  hotel  
LVQ¶W IDU IURP KHUH´ The   cowboy   settled   his   hat   back   on   his   head   and  
of  his  hand.  The  gentle  touch  aroused  Ethan.  A  chill  wound  through  him  
that   touched   his   spine   and   caused   the   hairs   on   the   back   of   his   head   to  
stand  up.  

Ethan   wasn¶t   sure   what   to   make   of   the   offer.   Sure   he¶d   been  

propositioned  before,  but  circumstances  were  different.  They  had  only  just  
met.  His  heart  was  torn  into  thin  strips  and  strung  along  barbed  wire  for  
all   to   see.   The   attraction   Ethan   felt   for   the   man   was   undeniable.   Just  
thinking  about  the  prospect  of  fucking  this  man  hardened  his  cock.  But  he  
FRXOGQ¶W UHDFW   to   the   physical   impulses   scorching   his   body.   He   needed  
time  to  cool  off  and  get  his  head  on  straight  once  again.  The  cowboy  had  
been   right   about   one   thing.   He   was   his   saving   grace.   He   had   deterred  
Ethan  from  swallowing  that  beer  and  he  was  grateful  for  that.  His  timing  
had   been   perfect.   That   enticing   smile   and   kind   words   had   kept   him  
occupied.  The  cup  of  coffee,  sweet  and  watery,  had  sobered  him  up  and  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



he   could   think   straight   now.   The   hurt   he¶d   felt   on   the   discovery   in   his  
apartment  would  never  leave  him,  but  he  had  to  be  rational.  The  next  step  
was  to  go  back  to  the  apartment,  confront  his  boyfriend,  gather  his  things,  
and  then  move  out.  His  temper  frothed  underneath  the  surface,  yearning  to  
erupt   in   a   flurry   of   shouting   and   flying   fists.   It   would   be   so   easy   to  
resurrect   that   side   of   himself.   If   he   dug   up   the   past,   then   all   of   his   bad  
habits  might  return.  They  were  so  close  now,  scratching  at  the  door  to  be  
welcomed   back.   Ethan   shook   his   head.   If   his   anger   consumed   him,   he  
really  would  end  up  back  at  the  bar  and  drinking  himself  to  oblivion.  

The  lure  of  the  cowboy¶s  eyes  held   him  to   his   seat.   His  entire  being  

urged   him   to   say   yes.   He   could   see   them   entwined   together   on   a   bed,  
naked  and  sweating.  His  cock  buried  up  to  his  balls  in  the  cowboy¶s  ass,  
hearing  him  panting  and  begging  for  more.  Ethan¶s  dick  shifted  from  the  
fanciful  daydream.  He  gripped  his  length  and  readjusted.  He  shifted  in  his  
chair   and   fiddled   with   the   spoon   next   to   the   coffee   cup.   Another   image  
bombarded   his   psyche   of   the   cowboy   sucking   his   cock,   slowly   drawing  
him  into  his  mouth  and  twining  his  tongue  around  the  shaft.  It  would  be  a  
sweet  release  as  he  plunged  his  rod  into  that  succulent  mouth.  He  would  
thrust  into  him  faster.  The  cowboy  would  take  him  all  in  and  cup  his  balls,  
squeezing  them  ever  so  much  that  it  was  painful.  But   the  passion  that  it  
would  enflame  between  them  was  more  than  he  would  be  able  to  bear.  

Ethan  clenched  his  fists  and  pulled  his  hand  away  from  the  man  across  

the   table.   It   took   all   his   willpower   to   do   it.   When   the   contact   between  
them  was  broken,  his  mind  cleared,  although  the  effect  it  had  on  his  body  
remained.  He  was  overheated  and  needed  to  jack  off  to  obtain  some  relief.    

He  cleared  his  throat  to  remain  in  control  because  his  cock  felt  like  it  

would   explode.   No   man   had   ever   made   him   react   that   way.   Ethan   took  
another   sip   of   his   coffee   and   then   glanced   at   the   cowboy,   studying   the  
hem   of  his   collar.   If  he   looked   the   cowboy   directly   in   the  eye  again,  he  
would  lose  it.  Everything  in  him  tugged  at  him  to  look  at  those  green  eyes  
again.  Instead,  he  counted  to  three  and  then  replied.  

³It   might¶ve   been   fated   for   us   to   meet   and   for   you   to   pull   me   away  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



from  the  bar,  which  I  greatly  appreciate,  but  I  think  it¶d  be  best  for  me  to  
go  on  alone.´  

The  cowboy¶s  lips  straightened,  but  almost  turned  up  into  a  smile.  ³I  

appreciate  your  honesty.  ,IWLPHVZHUHGLIIHUHQWZRXOG\RXVD\\HV"´  

Ethan   was   suddenly   pulled   back   into   the   daydream   of   them   together  

once  more.  The  cowboy  was  behind  him.  He  squeezed  his  ass  cheeks  and  
parted  them.  He  used  his  own  spit  for  lube.  Then  he  slid  a  finger  inside  of  
out  and  then  slowly  slide  his  hard  dick  inside  of  him.  Easing  it  into  him  so  
he  could  feel  every  inch  of  the  hard  cock.  Ethan  bit  back  a  moan  and  tried  
to   hold   it   all   together.   He   closed   his   eyes   and   leaned   back   in   the   chair.  
tasting  him.  His  lips  surrounded  his   dick.  His  tongue  slipped  around  his  
length.  The  wet  mouth  enjoying  every  inch  of  him.  Ethan  yearned  to  feel  
that  now,  but  knew  better.  If  things  were  different,  he  would  be  fucking  

7KHFRZER\JULQQHG³,¶PJODGWRKHDUWKDW´He  slid  out  from  the  seat  

and   donned   his   jacket.   He   tipped   his   hat   and   stuck   out   his   hand.   Ethan  
took   it.   ³I   wish   you   luck,   my   friend.   I   will   pray   that   your   situation  
improves  and  your  heart  heals.´  

A   moment   of   panic   caused   Ethan   to   stand   and   go   after   the   cowboy.  

³Wait!´  He  touched  the  other  man¶s  arm.  

The  cowboy  turned.  ³Yes?´  

³Won¶t  you  at  least  tell  me  your  name?´  

³It¶s  Gabe.  Don¶t  worry,  Ethan.  You¶ll  be  fine.´  
³Will  I  see  you  again?´  
A  twinkle  came  to  the  other  man¶s  eyes.  A  mischievous  grin  grew  on  

his   lips.   He   took   Ethan¶s   face   in   his   hands   and   planted   his   mouth   on  
Ethan¶s.   The   cowboy   kissed   him   hungrily.   The   sudden   contact   of   those  
full,   sexy   lips   cDXVHG D PRDQ WR ULVH IURP (WKDQ¶V FKHVW.   It   took   him   a  
moment   to   react   to   it.   He   opened   his   mouth   and   returned   the   kiss,  
brushing  his  tongue  along  Gabe¶s  lips.  He  tasted  the  lemon  and  the  honey  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



from  the  tea.  Ethan  grew  lightheaded  while  he  surrendered  to  the  pleasure  
driving  through  him.  His  mind  was  once  again  filled  with  images  of  them  
together.   Of   Gabe¶s   lips   exploring   every   part   of   him.   Of   his   fingers  
trailing   along   every   line   and   curve   of   his   body.   In   those   stolen   seconds  
they  kissed,  Ethan  desired  nothing  more  than  for  them  to   be  together.   It  
became   his   purpose   for   existing.   Gabe   plunged   his   tongue   between  
Ethan¶s  mouth  and  caressed  his.  They  met  and  exchanged  embraces,  but  
the   cowboy   pulled   away   before   Ethan   could   take   any   more   satisfaction  
from  the  kiss  or  his  soft  touch.  

Gabe  brushed  his  thumb  over  Ethan¶s  lips,  wiping  away  the  remnants  

of  their  kiss.  ³You  never  know.  It¶s  in  Fate¶s  hands.  Remember  to  stay  the  
course.  You  don¶t  need  to  go  back  to  your  wicked  ways.´  

³What  happens  if  I  enjoy  being  wicked?´  
³You  know  what  I  mean.  It  was  nice  chatting  with  you,  Ethan.´  The  

cowboy  strolled  out  of  the  coffee  shop.    

Ethan   watched   him   disappear   into   the   night   and   then   sat   back   at   the  

table.  He  finished  his  coffee.  Their  conversation  rolled  through  his  mind.  
There  were  so  many  different  possibilities  he  could  do  now.  The  last  thing  
he   wanted   was   to   return   to   the   bar.   He   shoved   that   idea   from   his   mind  
completely.  He  would  never  go  down  that  path  again.  Gabe  had  given  him  
hope.   The   hurt   lingered   in   his   heart,   but   there   was   also   a   new  
determination.  He  knew  what  he  had  to  do.    

Ethan   clenched   his   keys   in   his   hand   and   drew   in   another   breath,  

released  it  slowly,  and  then  gripped  the  door  knob  to  his  apartment  only  to  
find   the  door   was  open.  The   fury  he¶d   felt  earlier   rolled  along  his   veins  
and  settled  above  his  heart,  burning  the  back  of  his  tongue.  But  he  pushed  
that  down  and  focused  on  what  Gabe  had  said  about  reverting  back  to  his  
past.   ,¶P QRW   here   to   thrash   Simon   or   my   brother.   ,¶P MXVW JRLQJ WR JHW
some  things,  hit  a  hotel,  and  focus  on  the  future.

He  stepped  inside  the  apartment  and  shut  the  door.  The  first  thing  he  

noticed   was   the   subtle   smell   of   patchouli.   Soft   music   drifted   to   his   ears  
from   the   bedroom,   but   he   couldn¶t   make   out   the   words.   Ethan   glanced  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



around  the  living  room  and  saw  nothing  amiss.  On  the  mantle,  above  the  
fake   fireplace,   were   silver   gilded   frames   of   him   and   Simon   showing   all  
their  happy,  now  meaningless  moments.  Everything  around  him  screamed  
Simon.  He  had  decorated  the  apartment,  chosen  the  light  peach  color  for  
the   living   room,   and   the   sofa   they¶d   made   love   on.   The   chairs   they   had  
fucked  on.  All  Ethan  had  brought  into  the  relationship  was  their  bed  and  a  
couple  of  boxes  of  books.  None  of  that  mattered  now.  It  was  over.  With  a  
hardened  heart,  he  marched  into  the  bedroom.  His  palms  were  sweaty.  His  
heart   beat   erratically.   The   pressure   of   a   rising   headache   pulsated   in   his  

In  the  bedroom,  Simon  sat  on  their  now  made  bed,  hiding  the  evidence  

of   his   earlier   indiscretions.   His   boyfriend¶s   solemn   expression   reflected  
the  mood  in  the  room.  Ethan  recognized  the  song  being  played.  He  huffed,  
went  to  the  closet,  and  pulled  out  a  suitcase  and  his  garment  bag.  

³What  are  you  doing?´  Simon  asked,  breaking  the  silence.  
Ethan   placed   the   open   suitcase   on   the   bed.   He   didn¶t   meet   Simon¶s  

gray  gaze.  Instead,  he  focused  on  arranging  what  clothes  he  would  need.  
³Packing  a  few  things.  Don¶t  worry.  I¶ll  be  out  of  here  in  a  few  minutes.´  
He  placed  his  clothes  inside  the  suitcase  and  then  made  sure  that  his  suits  
were  in  the  garment  bag.  

³Where  are  you  going?´  
³I  don¶t   know.  Someplace  far   away   from   here.´  Ethan  went   into  the  

bathroom  to  get  his  toiletries.  He  threw  them  into  a  small  traveling  case.  
He  went  to  go  back  into  the  bedroom,  but  found  Simon  leaning  against  the  
door  frame,  blocking  his  way,  hands  crossed  over  his  chest.    

³Why?  What¶s  the  matter?´  
Ethan  clenched  his  jaw.  He  fought  the  angry  devil  in  him  who  yearned  

to  roast  Simon  over  a  spit  and  see  his  skin  blister  and  crack.   ³I  saw  you  
earlier  tonight  with  Vincent,  my  brother.´  

Simon¶s  expression  didn¶t  change.  ³Sweetie,  I¶m  not  sure  what  you¶re  

talking   about.   Earlier   this   evening   I   was   with   Danielle   eating   dinner   at  
Winter.  You  would  love  their  sushi.´    

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



Ethan   shook   his   head.   The   lies   just   rolled   off   his   lover¶s   tongue  

without  even  the  blink  of  an  eye.  ³You¶re  fucking  unbelievable.  Did  you  
think  you  could  tidy  up  the  place  and  make  it  seem  like  you  were  waiting  
for  me  to  get  home  to  have  some  romantic  evening?´  He  pushed  past  the  
other  man  and  dropped  his  overnight  bag  into  his  suitcase.  His  gave  swept  
the  room  looking  for  anything  he  might  need.    

³Why  the  temper  all  of  a  sudden?  Do  you  see  me  getting  all  worked  

up  because  I  smell  the  beer  on  you?  Aren¶t  you  the  one  who  promised  me  
you   weren¶t   going   to   drink   again?   Now   you¶ve   gone   and   fallen   off   the  
wagon.   I   should   be   the   one   raving   about   you.´   Simon   squeezed   his  
shoulder.  ³We  can  get  through  this,  Ethan.´  

Ethan  suppressed  a  shudder  from  the  other  man¶s  touch.  His  stomach  

knotted  in  disgust.  He  jerked  away  from  Simon  and  faced  him.  He  pointed  
his  finger  and  jabbed  it  at  him,  but  dared  not  touch  him  in  case  his  fragile  
control  slipped.  ³I  have  not  had  a  drink!  Tell  me,  do  you  believe  your  own  
lies?  They  slip  from  your  tongue  so  well.  I  saw  you  with  my  brother,  bare  
assed  and  fucking  him  on  our  bed.  Both  of  you  were  moaning.  Obviously,  
you¶re  more  interested  in  him  than  me.  So  you  can  have  him.  I¶m  done.´    

Ethan  zipped  up  his  suitcase,  pocketed  the  spare  cash  he  kept  in  a  box  

on  his  nightstand,  slung  the  garment  bag  over  his  shoulder  and  walked  out  
of   the   door.   He   made   it   back   into   the   living   room,   a   few   steps   from  
freedom,  when  he  heard  Simon  behind  him.    

³Come  on,  E!  It  was  just  this  one  time.  It  won¶t  happen  again!´  
It   took   all   his   willpower   to   remain   composed.   He   didn¶t   turn   to  

respond.   ³Just   like   it   was   a   onetime   thing   with   all   the   late   business  
meetings  and  client  dinners.´  

³Some  of  those  were  re²´  
Ethan   whirled   around.   ³Some,   but   not   all.   How   long,   Simon?   How  

long  have  you  been  screwing  other  men  behind  my  back?´  

His   boyfriend   looked   down   at   his   shoes.   ³Three   months.´   When   he  

looked  back  up,  tears  glistened  in  his  eyes.  

³How  many?´  He  kept  his  voice  low.  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



³Twenty  maybe.  I  didn¶t  keep  track.´  
Hearing  that  cracked  his  heart.  The  one  man  he  had  ever  loved,  who  

had   pulled   him   from   the   hell   he   had   lived   in,   was   now   a   worthless,  
backstabbing,  piece  of  shit.  ³Did  you  wear  a  condom  with  them?´  

³Every  time.  I  swear.  You  know  I¶d  never  do  anything  to  hurt  you.´  
³I¶ll  believe  that  when  I  see  it.  I  guess  I¶ll  have  to  get  tested  again.  I¶ll  

be  back  for  my  things  later  in  the  week  when  you¶re  not  here.  I¶ll  contact  
the  building  manager  to  have  him  take  my  name  off  the  lease.´  

³You  can¶t  just  leave  me  in  this  place.  We  can  work  this  out.´  
³You   can   afford   the   rent   and   no²we   can¶t   work   it   out.   Maybe   if  

you¶d  come  to  me  earlier.´  

³You¶re  fucking  someone  else  aren¶t  you?´  Simon  exclaimed.  
Ethan  saw  the  hurt  in  Simon¶s  eyes.  ³Don¶t  try  and  turn  this  back  on  

me  when  you  were  the  one  who  slept  around  behind  my  back.  There¶s  no  
one   else.   If   you   loved   me   like   you¶ve   proclaimed,   you¶d   know   that.´  
Ethan  shook  his  head.  Enough  of  this  bullshit.    

He  left  the  apartment  and  headed  toward  the  elevator.  When  it  dinged  

on  his  floor,  he  glanced  back  toward  the  life  he  was  giving  up  with  Simon  
and   their   relationship.   A   weight   lifted   from   his   shoulders.   This   was   the  
right  decision.  The  past  would  stay  buried  and  the  horrible  events  of  the  
night  would  go  into  that  same  grave.  Tomorrow  would  bring  new  things  
and  a  new  light.  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



Chapter  Three  

Ethan  sat  at  the  coffee  shop  as  he  had  done  for  over  the  past  year  and  a  

half,   leaning   against   the   back   wall   with   a   perfect   view   of   the   door,  
watching   all   the   patrons   walk   by.   They   strolled   in   and   ordered   their  
complicated  beverages.  He  sipped  on  his  black  coffee.  It  was  better  tasting  
than   the   week   before.   Once   or   twice   a   week,   he   would   take   his   usual  
vantage  point  and  keep  an  eye  out  for  Gabe.  In  the  back  of  his  mind,  he  
knew  he¶d  probably  never  see  the  man  again.  Ethan  held  onto  a  shred  of  
hope  that  one  day  their  paths  would  cross  again.  If  not  for  the  very  least,  
to  show  his  gratitude  for  the  words  of  advice  Gabe  had  given  him.  

After   walking   out,   Simon   had   tried   to   reconnect,   saying   he   would  

change,   but   Ethan   knew   better.   Looking   back   on   their   relationship,   he  
understood  that  Simon  would  always  be  Simon.  He  was  so  wrapped  up  in  
himself  that  he  couldn¶t  see  past  the  end  of  his  dick.  

Simon  had  always  put  himself  first  and  twisted  Ethan  around  his  little  

finger.  They  always  went  out  to  the  restaurants  he  wanted.  He  decorated  
their  apartment.  Towards  the  end,  he  had  even  told  him  what  to  wear.  It  
had  all  happened  so  gradually  Ethan  had  never  noticed  it  until  he  was  out  
of  the  situation.  He  had  Vincent  to  thank  for  the  break  up.  Gabe  had  really  
given   him   a   bit   of   hope   not   to   go   back   into   the   train   wreck   of   a  
relationship.   Time   had   passed.   A   promotion   elevated   him   in   his   job.   A  
new   apartment,   which   he   decorated   the   way   he   wanted,   kept   him   sane.  
Over  the  last  eighteen  months  he  dated  others,  but  he  hadn¶t  slipped  away  
with   them   to   their   apartments.   When   they   suggested   it,   he   gave   them   a  
warm  smile  and  declined  the  offer.  

Whenever  he  was  alone,  the  images  of  Gabe  and  him  together  flashed  

through   his   mind.   His   succulent   mouth   closed   over   his   dick.   Ethan  
rammed   his   cock   deep   into   Gabe¶s   ass.   Just   thinking   about   it   made   him  
hard.  The  musings  were  sweet.  He  dreamed  of  seeing  the  cowboy  again.  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



%XWVRIDUKHKDGQ¶WAt  times  the  urge  to  drink  washed  over  him,  but  he  
never  indulged.  He¶d  go  to  an  AA  meeting  instead  and  remember  the  dark  
spots   in   his   memory   about   waking   up   in   another   man¶s   bed.   He¶d   even  
starting  attending  an  anger  management  group.  

Cars   whizzed   by   the   side   window.   Their   lights   reflected   off   the  

puddles  in  the  potholed  street.  The  chill  of  winter  rode  the  wind  and  sliced  
through  the  thin  walls  of  the  coffee  shop.  Ethan  shivered  from  the  frigid  
air.  He  kept  his  eyes  trained  on  the  cashier.  Outside  he  saw  a  man  with  a  
cowboy  hat  and  duster  walk  by  the  window.  For  a  moment  he  stayed  put,  
but   then   he   grabbed   his   stuff   and   exited   the   cafe.   It   took   him   a   few  
minutes  to  catch  up  to  the  man  as  he  wove  in  and  out  of  the  crowd.  The  
stranger  slipped  into  a  pub  on  the  corner.  Ethan  made  it  there  right  when  
the   door   shut.   His   hand   grasped   the   handle.   The   memory   of   that   night  
flashed  through  his  mind  where  he  was  about  to  take  a  drink.  Ethan  shook  
it  off.    

The  man  in  the  cowboy  hat  sat  in  the  middle  of  the  restaurant.  Ethan  

strolled  past  him,  restraining  the  push  to  look  over  at  him.  He  sat  in  one  of  
the  small  booths  near  the  back.  A  waitress  came  over  and  handed  him  a  
menu.  He  ordered  an  iced  tea.  His  gaze  skimmed  the  laminated  menu,  but  
he  focused  on  the  face  of  the  man  in  his  line  of  sight.  The  hat  he  sported  
was  low  over  his  face.  Ethan  couldn¶t  tell  if  it  was  his  cowboy  or  not.    

The  waitress  returned  and  asked  him  if  he  was  ready  to  order,  but  he  

wanted   a   few   more   minutes.   His   stomach   knotted   with   frustration   and  
anticipation.   He   was   playing   two   sides   of   the   coin.   Hope   the   other   man  
looked  up  so  he  could  see  if  it  was  Gabe.  Or  remain  planted  in  his  seat  and  
don¶t  approach  him  at  all.  He  didn¶t  want  to  do  either  and  remaining  in  the  
booth  wasn¶t  going  to  accomplish  anything.   (WKDQ¶V  throat  went  dry  and  
his  palms  began  to  sweat.  The  thunder  of  his  heart  pounded  in  his  ears.  It  
took  all  of  him  to  not  run  over  and  fling  off  the  cowboy  hat  so  he  could  
see  the  face  underneath,  more  importantly  to  look  at  those  alluring  eyes  of  
his.  That  one  particular  feature  haunted  him.  He  yearned  to  look  into  those  
eyes  again  and  woo  Gabe  this  time.  So  many  times  he  wished  he  had  gone  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



back  to  Gabe¶s  hotel  room.  They  would¶ve  had  the  night  of  their  life.    

He   refocused   on   the   menu   and   decided   on   a   bacon   cheeseburger.   It  

was  one  of  the  pub¶s  specialties.  Another  waitress  set  down  a  burger  and  
fries  before  the  cowboy.    

³The  way  you¶re  staring  at  that  hunk  over  there,  I¶d  say  you¶re  waiting  

for   something   to   ignite.   You«ahh«   want   me   to   send   him   a   beer   or  

Ethan¶s   eyes   widened   at   what   the   waitress   had   said.   ³Am   I   that  


The  woman  laughed  and  waved  her  hand.  ³Only  a  little,  but  I¶ve  worn  

that  same  look  you¶re  sporting.  I  don¶t  blame  you.  He¶s  got  a  nice  ass.´  

He  chuckled.  ³Yes,  he  does.  But  I  wasn¶t  staring  at  his  ass.  Thank  you  

for  the  offer,  but  I  don¶t  think  that  will  be  a  good  idea.´  

The  waitress  shrugged.  ³Suit  yourself.  I¶d  do  him.  How¶s  the  burger?´  
Ethan   eyed   the   sesame   seed   bun   with   ketchup   and   mustard   running  

down  the  sides  of  it  onto  the  plate.  A  large  knife  was  stuck  in  the  middle  
of  it.  Underneath  the  bun,  he  saw  the  rings  of  onions,  tomatoes,  and  the  
bacon   with   some   other   kind   of   sauce.   It   was   definitely   something   he  
needed  to  eat  with  two  hands.  A  man  sized  burger  Simon  would¶ve  said.  
When  they  were  together,  his  ex  only  gave  into  Ethan¶s  love  of  red  meat  
once   in   a   while.   At   home,   he   normally   fixed   turkey   or   chicken.   It  
appeared   the   cowboy   was   also   into   red   meat.   He   didn¶t   think   he   could  
date   someone   again   who   ate   salads   and   sushi.   Being   away   from   Simon  
had  been  a  wakeup  call  on  a  lot  of  fronts.    

He  thought  about  the  waitress¶s  proposal  to  send  the  other  guy  a  drink.  

Even  if  he  wasn¶t  Gabe,  it¶d  be  nice  to  have  someone  else  to  talk  with  if  
the   other   man   was   interested.   If   not,   he   would   get   a   free   beer   out   of   it.  
Besides,   Ethan   had   to   break   out   of   the   mold   and   get   past   Gabe.   He  
couldn¶t   hold   onto   him   forever   like   a   shield,   and   pray   he   was   going   to  
come  waltzing  back  into  his  life.  It  might  be  he  was  ready  to  move  on  and  
look  into  another  relationship.    

³It  looks  good,  but  I  haven¶t  had  a  chance  to  eat  it.  On  second  thought,  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



why   don¶t   you   get   another   drink   for   the   cowboy   over   there?   Whatever  
he¶s  drinking.´  

The  waitress¶s  smile  widened.   ³Now   you¶re  talking.   Let   me  know  if  

you  want  anything  else,  sugar.´  

The   server   walked   back   toward   the   bar.   After   a   few   minutes,   she  

walked  over  with  a  bottle  of  beer  for  the  cowboy.  He  glanced  up.  Ethan  
saw  his  face.  The  woman  pointed  toward  the  booth  where  he  sat.  He  froze  
when   the   other   man   lifted   his   hat   and   stared   straight   at   him.   It   wasn¶t  
Gabe.   Although   he   was   handsome   enough,   he   didn¶t   have   the   same  
dazzling  eyes  that  Gabe  did.  He  paled  in  comparison,  but  then  again  the  
lighting   was   horrible,   too.   The   cowboy   lifted   the   bottle   in   his   direction  
and  gave  him  a  small  smile,  nothing  more  than  a  lift  of  the  corner  of  his  
mouth.   Ethan¶s   blood   started   to   warm.   He   didn¶t   know   if   he   was   being  
invited   over   or   not.   He   grasped   the   knife   and   sliced   the   burger   in   half  
before  taking  a  large  bite.    

All  the  different  flavors  explored  in  his  mouth  from  the  combination  

to  the  bacon,  cheddar  cheese,  and  the  spices  they  used  to  flavor  the  meat.  
It  was  one  of  the  best  burgers  he¶d  had  ever  eaten.  Ethan  continued  to  eat  
and   pondered   what   he   needed   to   do   the   next   day.   He   planned   on   going  
shopping,  which  was  one  of  his  least  favorite  things  to  do.  He  needed  new  
clothes  and  was  going  home  and  watch  whatever  game  was  on.  That  was  
his  life.  Peaceful  with  no  more  drama  and  he  was  glad  of  that.  He  hadn¶t  
talked  to  his  brother  since  the  breakup  and  he  didn¶t  care  to.  His  mother  
had  tried  to  get  them  together  and,  bless  her  heart,  she  was  still  trying,  but  
he  ignored  her  attempts.  

³You   looked   lonely   sitting   here   all   by   yourself.   You   want   some  


Ethan  glanced  up  at  the  smooth  voice.  The  cowboy  took  a  swig  of  his  

beer   and   leaned   on   the   edge   of   the   booth,   waiting   for   an   answer.  
Swallowing  the  last  bite  of  his  burger,  he  nearly  choked  on  the  meat.  He  
washed  it  down  with  his  tea  and  gestured  for  the  other  man  to  sit  across  
from  him.  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



³You  okay?´  
³Yeah,´  Ethan  wheezed.    
In  the  better  light,  the  other  man  wasn¶t  plain  at  all.  Square  jawed  and  

tanned   skin   with   soft,   doe-­brown   eyes.   He   had   full   lips   and   a   broad  
forehead.  Blond  hair  spilled  out  from  underneath  the  hat  and  framed  his  
face.  He  appeared  to  be  in  his  mid-­twenties,  but  Ethan  couldn¶t  be  sure  of  
his  age.  

³Thanks  for  the  beer.´  
³You¶re  welcome.  Thought  you  could  use  another  one.´  
³How  about  I  buy  you  one  on  me?´  
³I¶m  good.´  
³No   really.   I   insist.´   The   man   across   from   his   signaled   the   waitress.  

³Get  my  friend  here  a  beer  and  another  one  for  me.´  

³Iced  tea  please,´  Ethan  corrected  the  waitress.  
³You  not  a  drinking  man?´  
³No.  Haven¶t  had  a  drink  in  two  years.´  
The  other  man  nodded.  ³I  can  respect  that.  I¶m  Shawn  O¶Malley.´  He  

stuck  his  hand  out  over  the  table.  

Ethan  took  it  and  was  surprised  at  the  warm,  firm  handshake.  ³Nice  to  

meet  you.  Ethan  Foster.´  

The  waitress  returned  with  their  drinks.  Ethan  smelled  the  beer  and  the  

aroma  turned  his  stomach.  He  didn¶t  miss  the  effects  that  alcohol  had  on  
him.  Bits  and  pieces  of  some  of  his  blackouts  were  coming  back  to  him.  
Some  were  the  faces  of  the  men  he  screwed.  Shame  filled  him  whenever  a  
new  face  popped  into  this  mind.  He  didn¶t  want  to  think  about  reverting  
back  to  his  old  ways.  The  more  he  was  alone,  the  more  he  realized  that  he  
wanted  to  be  with  someone  long  term.  It  was  time  to  settle  down.    

The  cowboy  raised  his  beer.  ³A  toast  to  meeting  new  friends.´  
Ethan  clicked  his  glass  against  the  beer  bottle.  ³To  new  friends.´    
It  wasn¶t  often  he  found  someone  he  could  relate  to  in  a  bar  and  buy  a  

drink  for.  Shawn  sipped  his  beer  for  a  few  minutes.  Ethan  watched  those  
lips   wrap   around   the   top   of   the   bottle.   His   tongue   twirled   around   it.   He  

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shifted   in   his   seat,   feeling   himself   harden.   After   a   few   moments   of  
watching  the  younger  man,  he  realized  it  was  all  a  show.  Shawn   slid  his  
hand   across   the   table   and   trailed   a   finger   along   Ethan¶s   hand.   The   hairs  
stood  up  on  the  back  of  his  neck,  but  seeing  that  spreading  smile  on  his  
face,  Ethan  knew  he  was  just  after  one  thing.    

³Why  don¶t  we  get  out  of  here?  My  place  isn¶t  too  far.  Or  if  you  don¶t  

want   to   wait   that   long,   I¶m   sure   we   can   find   an   empty   stall   in   the  
bathroom.   Fucking   in   public   makes   it   so   much   more   fun.   The   thrill   of  
being  caught.  The  danger  of  it  all.  What  do  you  say?´  

Ethan   pulled   his   hand   away.   A   scowl   crossed   Shawn¶s   face.   Little  

wrinkles   formed   at   the   corner   of   his   eyes   when   he   squinted.   A   flash   of  
fury  darkened  his  expression.  ³I¶m  not  looking  for  a  hookup.´  

³Really?   Coulda   fooled   me   when   you   sent   over   the   drink   and   kept  

undressing   me   with   your   eyes.   Yeah.   I   saw   you   staring   at   me,   thinking  
you   were   being   all   nonchalant   and   shit.   Fucking   prick   is   what   you   are.  
Whatever,   you   don¶t   know   what   you¶re   missing.´   He   slammed   his   beer  
down  and  got  up  from  the  booth.    

Ethan   didn¶t   respond   to   Shawn¶s   rant.   He   crossed   his   arms   over   his  

chest  and  waited  for  him  to  stop.  There  had  been  a  time  in  Ethan¶s  life  he  
had  been  just  as  brash  about   being  rejected,  but   that  was  a  lifetime  ago.  
Ten  years  ago,  when  he  was  in  college,  and  he¶d  go  to  the  frat  parties  and  
wake  up  the  next  morning  in  someone  else¶s  boxers.  That  had  never  been  
pretty.   When   he   was   angry   and   drank,   it   just   made   the   outbursts   even  
worse.  He  was  behind  all  the  drama  and  didn¶t  need  it.  

³Shawn,   why   don¶t   you   sit   back   down?   Everyone   is   staring   at   you.  

You   have   to   realize   that   not   every   time   someone   buys   you   a   drink   they  
want   to   have   sex   with   you.   I   might¶Ye   been   looking   at   you,   but   I   was  
hoping  you  were  someone  else.  Forgive  me,  if  you  misread  the  signals.´  

The  other  man  shut  his  mouth,  but  the  darkness  in  his  eyes  began  to  

smolder.   He   grabbed   his   beer,   took   a   long   swig,   and   then   dragged   his  
hand  across  his  mouth.  He  pointed  at  Ethan¶s  chest.  ³Whatever,  man!  You  
ain¶t  getting  any  of  this.  I  hope  you  rot!´    

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He   slammed   his   bottle   down   and   the   beer   sloshed   onto   the   table.   A  

few   small   drops   landed   on   Ethan¶s   cheek.   He   wiped   it   away   and   then  
dried   his   fingers   on   his   napkin.   The   other   man   walked   out   of   the   pub  
leaving  Ethan  empty  again.  He  sighed  and  ran  a  hand  through  his  hair.  It  
was  time  to  call  it  a  night.  He  laid  his  cash  down  and  stood  up.  

³It¶s  a  shame.´  The  waitress  came  by  and  took  his  dirty  dish.  
³Why  do  you  say  that?´  Ethan  asked.  
She   nodded   her   head   in   the   direction   Shawn   had   exited.   ³He   was   a  

cutie,  but  if  he  looked  long  enough  then  he  would¶ve  understood  that  the  
cuter   one   was   sitting   at   the   table.   The   young   ones   just   can¶t   get   it   into  
their  head  that  it¶s  not  all  about  them.  You  can¶t  reason  with  them.  Maybe  
you  want  to  get  out  of  here.´  

He   chuckled.   It   was   nothing   for   him   to   get   hit   on   by   women.   Many  

thought  of  him  as  handsome,  but  he  didn¶t  see  it.  He  just  saw  an  ordinary  
guy  when  he  checked  out  his  reflection  in  the  mirror.  ³Thank  you  for  that,  
but  I¶m  not  really  into  women.´  

The  waitress  smiled.  ³Can¶t  blame  a  girl  for  trying.  Don¶t  worry,  it¶ll  

all  work  out  for  you.´  

Ethan   shook   his   head   and   walked   out   of   the   pub.   The   waitress   had  

been  nice  and  his  revelation  about  wanting  to  settle  down  was  becoming  
more   and   more   stuck   in   his   mind.   There   was   just   one   problem.   Gabe  
haunted  him.  He  had  been  a  light  in   the  darkness.  Even  during  the  hard  
times   when   Ethan   never   thought   he¶d   find   a   new   apartment   or   when   he  
was  struggling  to  fortify  his  heart  after  it  was  torn  to  shreds,  Gabe¶s  face  
always   popped   into   his   mind.   Ethan   was   given   a   surge   of   hope   that   he  
knew  he  could  do  anything.  Overall,  Gabe  had  become  his  guardian  angel  
the  way  he  said  he  would.  

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Chapter  Four  

The   traffic   heading   to   the   clothing   store   was   gridlock.   Ethan   rarely  

ventured  anywhere  near  the  clustered  stores.  The  main  reason  he  had  been  
avoiding  the  particular  store  was  that  it  was  also  Simon¶s  favorite  place  to  
shop.  He  hoped  he  wouldn¶t  run  into  his  ex-­boyfriend  there.  If  he  did,  he  
wasn¶t  sure  what  he  would  do.  After  forty-­five  minutes  in  traffic,  he  found  
a   parking   spot   along   the   side   of   the   road   and   turned   in   before   anyone  
could  claim  it.  The  custom  clothing  store  wasn¶t  busy,  which  was  another  
reason   he   wanted   to   arrive   early.   Once   inside,   he   browsed   the   racks   of  
suits,  shirts,  and  pants  deciding  what  he  wanted.  One  of  the  things  he  did  
take  away  from  being  with  Simon  was  he  enjoyed  designer  clothes.  

³Can  I  help  you?´  the  salesman  asked.  
Ethan   turned.   ³Yeah,   I   needed   a   couple   of   new   suits   and   was  

wondering  what  you  had  in  casual  wear.´  

The  salesman  smiled.  The  dollar  signs  were  dinging  in  his  head.  Ethan  

could   already   see   him   working   the   numbers   on   his   commission.   They  
walked  to  the  back  of  the  store  where  he  began  to  show  him  a  few  of  the  
new  items  that  had  come  in.  Ethan  wasn¶t  too  impressed,  but  he  did  pick  
out   a   couple   of   new   suits,   black   and   charcoal   with   a   couple   of   red   and  
shirts,   and   ties   to   go   with   them.   The   salesman   ushered   him   into   the  
backroom  to  try  on  the  pants.  The  jacket  was  too  long.  When  went  back  
into   the   shop   where   the   tailor   starting   taking   his   measurements,   the   bell  
above  the  door  sounded.  Dread  descended  over  him  and  chilled  his  bones.  
He  resisted  the  impulse  to  see  who  had  come  in.  If  it  was  Simon,  then  it  
would  be  the  first  time  he  had  seen  him  in  four  months.  The  last  time  he  
had  run  into  him  was  at  a  dinner  party  with  some  of  their  mutual  friends.  
They   hadn¶t   talked   that   night.   Ethan   left   early   because   the   tension  
between   them   was   too   much.   It   also   didn¶t   help   he   had   shown   up   with  

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³Can  I  help  you?´  another  clerk  asked  the  newcomer.  
³I¶m  just  looking  thanks.´  
That   smooth   drawl   hit   Ethan   and   stopped   his   heart.   It¶s   just   a  

coincidence.  It  can¶t  be  him.  The  muscles  tightened  in  his  jaw.  He  curled  
his  hands  into  fists  to  keep  from  moving  while  the  tailor  lined  his  suit  with  
pins.  Silence  filled  the  shop.  Ethan  counted  his  breaths  and  wished  he  had  
a  mirror  so  he  could  see  who  else  had  come  into  the  store.  Any  reflective  
surface   would   do.   He   heard   the   scraping   of   hangers   on   racks.   The   soft  
rustle  of  a  jacket  hitting  jeans  came  to  his  ears.    

³Looks  good  on  you.´  
That   intoxicating  voice   was  right   next   to   him.  The  tailor  jabbed  him  

with  one  of  the  pins  and  muttered  an  apology.  Ethan  didn¶t  respond,  but  
glanced  over  to  the  voice.  He  saw  the  top  of  a  hat,  a  faded  and  even  more  
worn   jacket.   Frayed   jeans   hugged   his   hips   and   showed   off   his   muscular  
thighs.  The  tip  of  his  left  boot  had   a  small  hole  worked  into  the  leather.  
(WKDQ¶V   throat   went   dry.   His   heart   slammed   into   his   chest   and   he   grew  
lightheaded.  He  thought  he  would  pass  out  when  his  gaze  met  those  eyes  
he  had  so  longed  for  and  searched  for  amongst  a  crowd.  A  smile  turned  up  
on  those  full  lips  that  he  had  dreamed  about.    

³Thank  you,´  Ethan  answered.  He  stepped  down  from  the  platform  he  

was  on  and  let  his  eyes  drink  in  the  man  before  him.  Stubble  ran  across  
his  chin.  A  smidge  of  dust  ran  across  his  forehead  under  the  rim  of  his  hat,  
almost  if  he  had  just  ridden  across  the  country  to  be  by  his  side.  His  whole  
soul  burst  with  joy.  

³Why  don¶t  you  go  and  get  out  of  that?´  
Ethan   felt   his   face   redden   with   heat.   ³What?´   It   seemed   he   was  

flushed  all  over.  His  dick  was  already  hard.  He  wanted  Gabe  right  there  in  
front   of   everyone,   to   lean   him   against   one   of   the   racks   and   then   see   his  
bare  ass.    

Gabe   chuckled.   He   touched   Ethan¶s   hand.   ³I   can   see   the   thoughts  

flashing  across  your  face.  Go  get  changed  so  we  can  talk.´  

That  soft  caress  hardened  his  cock  so  much  he  had  to  take  a  minute  to  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



compose  himself.  He  grinned  and  then  hurried  into  the  changing  room.  He  
was  careful  not  to  pull  any  of  the  pins  out  of  the  suit  and  winced  when  one  
of  them  got  stuck  in  his  groin.  He  grunted  and  worked  out  of  the  pants  and  
had  his   own  clothes  back  on.  Taking  a  few  breaths,  he  walked  back  out  
into  the  store  to  pay.  Gabe¶s  bright  smile  greeted  him  when  he  came  back  
out  from  the  dressing  room.  He  needed  to  be  sure  that  the  other  man  was  
still   there.   Maybe   the   encounter   had   been   a   figment   of   his   imagination  
brought  on  by  the  infatuation  he  had.  But  he  was  there  and  he  was  real.  

After  paying  for  his  clothes,  he  stood  before  Gabe  who  was  browsing  

a  line  of  long  jackets.  Ethan  touched  his  shoulder  lightly.  The  grit  stuck  to  
his  skin,  but  it  didn¶t  bother  him.  All  that  mattered  was  that  he  was  there.  
The   light   in   his   soul   grew   brighter   by   the   second.   A   light   feeling  
enveloped  him  and  he  was  floating.  

³What  are  you  doing  here?´  Ethan  asked.  
³Just   had   a   sense   that   you   needed   me.   I¶m   your   guardian   angel,  

remember?´  He  laughed  and  tugged  on  Ethan¶s  shirt.  ³Why  don¶t  we  get  
out  of  here?´  

³I  think  that¶s  a  good  idea.  Do  you  want  to  come  back  to  my  place?´    
Gabe   eyed   him.   Ethan   tried   to   read   his   stoic   expression,   but   it  

remained   unreadable.   He   glanced   down,   feeling   idiotic   for   even  
suggesting   it.   He   didn¶t   want   Gabe   to   think   all   he   wanted   to   do   was   go  
back  to  his  apartment  and  fuck.    

³I  didn¶t  mean²´  
The   cowboy¶s   lips   broke   into   a   grin.   ³I   know   what   you   meant.   And  

yes,  I  would  love  to  go  back  to  your  place.  Would  you  mind  stopping  by  a  
food  store?   I¶m   feeling   a  little  peckish.   I  can   cook  a  mean  steak.   If   you  
don¶t  mind«´  

Relief   washed   over   him.   ³Not   at   all.   I¶m   just   parked   outside.   Come  


They  made  it  to  the  door.  When  it  opened,  Ethan  stopped  when  he  saw  

Simon  on  the  other  side,  hand  in  hand  in  with  Vincent.  Cold  dread  washed  
over   him.   He   backpedaled   a   few   steps   and   bumped   into   a   stand   loaded  

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with  shirts.  A  loud  crash  echoed  in  the  small  store.  Gabe  caught   (WKDQ¶V  
arm  and  held  him  up.  Simon¶s  smug  smile  dropped  when  he  saw  him.  His  
brother  didn¶t  meet  his   gaze.  Ethan  dusted  himself  off.  The  sales  people  
scrambled  to  pick  up  the  mess.    

³Wow,  look   who  it  is!´  Simon  exclaimed.   ³Is  this   the  new  boy  toy?  

He¶s  handsome.  A  little  rugged  for  you,  don¶t  you  think,  Ethan?´  

Gritting   his   teeth,   he   clenched   his   fists.   The   veins   in   his   temples  

throbbed.  His  therapist  had  told  him  this  was  one  thing  that  might  happen  
one  day.  That  he  would  run  into  Simon  and  he  had  to  control  his  temper.  
Silently,   Ethan   counted   to   ten.   Gabe   squeezed   his   arm   and   that   gave   a  
little  comfort  to  him.  

³You  must  be  Simon.´  Gabe  stepped  away  from  Ethan  and  extended  

his  hand.  

Ethan  half  expected  Simon  to  spit  on  it,  but  he  eyed  Gabe¶s  hand  first  

and  then  he  took  it  in  his  own.  If  he  squeezed  the  cowboy¶s  hand  too  hard,  
Ethan  couldn¶t  tell  because  Gabe  didn¶t  react.  Ethan  watched  his  brother¶s  
expression,   but   Vincent   kept   his   eyes   darting   around   the   room,   barely  
settling  on  him  and  Gabe  for  long.  The  guilt  in  his  expression  was  evident.  
For   a   moment,   he   felt   a   little   sorry   for   his   brother.   His   eyes   begged   for  
help  as  if  he  were  trapped  under  a  spell  and  he  didn¶t  know  how  to  get  out  
of  it.  The  way  that  he  had  been  when  he  was  with  Simon.  That  had  been  
so   long   ago   and   his   heart   still   ached   over   the   betrayal.   No   matter   how  
many  changes  he  had  made  internally.  

³It¶s   nice   to   meet   you.   I¶m   sorry,   but   Ethan   never   introduced   me   to  

you.  Have  you  been  fucking  him  all  along?´  

Gabe  chuckled.  ³That¶s  none  of  your  business,  but  no.  I¶ve  just  gotten  

back  into  town.  I  was  just  in  the  right  place  at  the  right  time.  Weren¶t  you  
the  one  Ethan  walked  in  on  while  you  fucked  your  boy  toy  over  on  their  
bed?  Who  has  the  heart  to  do  that  if  they  profess  their  love  for  someone?  
You   do   know   that   your   current   flame   is   struggling   to   find   a   way   out   of  
your   relationship?   You   still   haven¶t   changed   your   habits,   but   he¶s   too  
insecure  to  tell  you  how  he  really  feels  about  you.´  

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Simon¶s   smile   almost   broke   on   his   face.   Ethan   could   see   the   telltale  

signs  of  the  crack  while  the  corners  of  his  mouth  twitched.  ³I¶m  not  sure  
what  you  mean.´  

Gabe  pulled  him  a  little  closer.  A  moment  of  pain  flashed  in  Simon¶s  

eyes.  Happiness  burst  in  (WKDQ¶V  soul  seeing  the  man  being  put  out  of  his  
element   and   squirming   under   the   scrutiny   of   another.   Simon   deserved   it  
for  breaking  his  heart.    

³Of  course  you  do.  Just  like  you  know  they¶re  on  to  you  at  your  firm.  

All   those   late   nights,   finding   ways   to   move   money   from   this   account   to  
another   and   hiding   your   trail.   Your   bosses   know   what   you¶re   up   to.  
<RX¶YH  gotten  sloppy  and  the  trail  is  leading  back  to  you.  So  many  little  
numbers.   A   few   dollars   here   and   a   few   cents   there.   Watch   your   back.  
Everything  you  hold  dear  is  going  to  fall  down  around  you  like  the  house  
of  cards  that  you¶ve  built.´  Gabe  released  Simon¶s  hand  and  then  turned  
to   Vincent.   He   touched   his   arm   lightly.   Jealousy   ran   rampant   through  
Ethan  seeing  that  tender  gesture.  Vincent  met  Gabe¶s  eyes.  Tears  lined  his  

³I¶d  get  out  while  you  can.  If  you  stay,  you¶ll  get  caught  in  the  falling  

down   of   things.   He¶ll   pin   some   of   it   on   you   and   say   that   you   were   an  
accomplice.  Do  yourself  a  favor?  Already  he¶s  threatened  that  if  you  leave  
he  would  do  that,  yes?´  

³How  do  you  know  that?´  Ethan¶s  brother  asked.  
³It¶s  not  important.´  
Simon¶s  face  grew  redder  and  redder  the  more  Gabe  spoke.  The  veins  

in  his  neck  bulged  and  his  temples  pulsated.  A  small  tick  had  begun  at  the  
corner   of   his   eye.   Ethan   had   only   seen   his   ex-­boyfriend   like   this   a   few  
times  before.  It  wasn¶t  pretty  when  exploded.  He  didn¶t  want  to  be  around  
it.  Like  his  brother,  he  wanted  to  know  how  Gabe  knew  all  that  stuff.  He  
touched  his  shoulder.  

³Come  on.  I  thought  you  said  that  you  were  hungry.  It¶s  a  little  ways  

back  to  my  place.  We  should  leave  them  be.´  

Gabe  stared  at  him  and  Ethan  saw  something  in  his  eyes.  He  released  

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Vincent   and   then   his   smile   and   cool   demeanor   came   back.   The   tension  
eased  out  of  his  muscles.  He  tipped  his  hat  up  so  Ethan  could  see  more  of  
his   eyes.  His  brother  stepped  back  away  from   Simon   and  made   way  for  
them  to  pass.  

³Remember  what  I  said,´  Gable  said  to  his  brother.  They  left  the  store.  

Simon  made  a  snide  remark  to  his  brother.  

Ethan  glanced  back.  Vincent  winced  when  Simon  took  him  by  the  arm  

and  shoved  him  into  the  store.  He  did  feel  bad  for  his  brother.  Something  
inside  of  him  cracked.  He  wanted  to  go  back  inside  and  rescue  his  brother  
from   the   evil   ex-­boyfriend.   He   had   been   there   so   he   completely  
understood  how  Simon  was  so  sweet  to  begin  with.  Nice  body  and  kind  
words   until   he   began   to   manipulate.   It   had   been   subtle   at   first.   Buying  
clothes,  telling  him  that  what  he  ate  was  poison  for  his  body.  Decorating  
the  place  the  way  that  he  wanted  and  then  starting  to  choose  what  friends  
they   should   go   out   with.   Ethan   realized   now   that   he   was   only   replacing  
one   addiction   with   another.   That   was   the   only   reason   he   had   ended   up  
staying   with   Simon.   He   had   become   his   addiction   until   he   was   twisted  
around  his  little  finger  and  had  nearly  lost  himself  in  their  relationship.  It  
had  taken  the  dose  of  reality  to  see  him  fucking  another  man  to  wake  him  
up.  Now  he  was  completely  free.  

They  walked  to  his  car  and  climbed  inside.  Ethan  didn¶t  say  anything  

while   they   drove   toward   his   apartment.   His   mind   still   reeled   from   the  
encounter   he¶d   had   in   the   store.   It   was   all   very   surreal   that   Gabe   just  
happened  to   walk  in   minutes  before  Simon   entered.  He   fiddled  with   the  
radio  and  then  turned  it  off  again.  The  silence  was  getting  to  him,  but  then  
he  wasn¶t  sure  what  he  would  say  when  he  did  open  his  mouth.  

³What¶s  the  matter?´  Gabe  asked.  He  touched  his  leg  lightly  and  ran  

his  fingers  along  the  seam  of  his  jeans.  

Ethan   shifted   away   and   then   focused   on   the   road.   Having   Gabe   so  

close  to  him  and  touching  him  turned  him  on.  His  throat  was  already  dry.  
He  licked  his  lips  and  tightened  his  grip  on  the  steering  wheel.  The  cars  in  
front   of   him   were   backing   up   from   the   same   gridlock   that   he   had  

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encountered  before.  The  construction  that  had  held  him  up  the  first  time  
was  in  full  swing.  

³Ethan,  talk  to  me.´  
He  shook  his  head.  ³I  don¶t  know  what  to  say.´  
³You  had  plenty  of  things  on  your  mind  in  the  store.´  
³How  do  you  know  that?´  
Gabe   removed   his   hat   and   dusted   it   off.   He   ran   a   hand   through   his  

hair.   Ethan   tried   not   to   look   at   the   handsome   face,   but   he   kept   stealing  
glances   at   him.   The   way   his   hair   fell   across   his   forehead.   How   his  
cheekbones   caught   the   light   and   the   rays   of   the   sun   emphasized   the  
highlights  in  his  hair.  The  sun  made  his  tanned  skin  sparkle.  It  was  all  he  
could  do  to  not  pull  the  car  over  and  claim  those  lips.    

³I  know  a  lot  of  things,  Ethan.  Is  that  a  bad  thing?´  
³No.  But  to  be  honest  it  is  a  little  uncanny  for  you  to  show  up  when  

you  did.´  

His   passenger   laughed.   ³It¶s   fate   is   all.   You   needed   me,   didn¶t   you?  

I¶m  here  and  that¶s  all  that  matters.´  He  slid  his  hand  along  Ethan¶s  thigh  
and  stopped  just  short  of  touching  his  balls.  They  ached  with  the  thought  
of   what   would   come   next.   A   muffled   cry   left   (WKDQ¶V   lips   from   the  
promise  of  what  might  be  to  come.  

³Yeah,   I   needed   you.   But   I   have   so   many   questions.´   He   drove   into  

the  parking  lot  of  the  grocery  store  and  pulled  the  keys  from  the  ignition.  
³So  much  has  happened  since  you  left.  I  don¶t  know«´  Ethan  shook  his  
head   and   stared   at   the   front   of   the   grocery   store,   watching   the   people  
wander   in   and   out.   They   seemed   to   have   such   normal   lives,   but  
underneath   all   of   it   he   knew   they   really   weren¶t   normal.   Nothing   was  
normal.   They   all   had   problems.   Some   had   addictions   the   way   he   did.  
Others   were   skating   through   life   without   even   living.   They   just   existed  
without  having  anyone  to  love.  The  way  he  had  been  for  the  past  year  and  
a  half.  It  seemed  his  life  had  been  nothing.  Now  there  was  a  ray  of  hope  
with   Gabe   sitting   in   the   front   seat.   It   was   all   he   could   do   not   to   jump  
across   the   seat   and   taste   those   lips   after   he¶d   been   day   dreaming   about  

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them  for  so  long.  However,  something  stopped   him.   It   was  part  of  what  
Gabe  had  said  in  the  clothing  store  and  how  he  had  magically  appeared.    

³Let¶s  go  inside  and  I¶ll  get  us  something  for  dinner.  We  can  talk  later.  

I  promise  I¶ll  tell   you.  Or  maybe   I¶ll  show   you.´  He  placed  his  hand  on  
Ethan¶s   cheek   and   turned   his   face   toward   him.   Gabe   swept   his   thumb  
across  Ethan¶s  lips.  He  tasted  the  salt  of  his  skin  and  the  grime  that  was  on  
it.   Underneath   it   all   was   a   sweet   tang   he¶d   never   tasted   before.   Ethan  
opened   his   mouth   and   sucked   on   the   thumb   before   running   his   tongue  
over  the  tip  of  it.  Gabe¶s  eyes  lightened  and  he  pushed  his  thumb  further  
into  Ethan¶s  mouth.  

Ethan   leaned   over   the   seat   and   took   Gabe¶s   face   between   his   hands.  

The  stubble  pressed  against   his   palms.   It  took   all  of  him  not  to   strip  his  
clothes  off  in  the  car.  Gabe  withdrew  his  thumb  from  Ethan¶s  mouth.  He  
captured  his  lips  with  his  own  and  Ethan  was  transported  to  Heaven.  His  
being  was  engulfed  in  light  that  grew  from  the  center  of  his  soul  and  kept  
on   going.   The   soft   lips   that   kissed   his   were   gentle   and   yet   hungry.   One  
single  swipe  of  Gabe¶s  tongue  across  his  mouth  hardened  his  cock  until  it  
hurt.  He  cried  out.  Gabe  pulled  away  and  placed  a  hand  on  Ethan¶s  chest.  

³We  have  plenty  of  time  for  that  later.´  
³How  do  I  know  that  you  won¶t  go  away  this  time?´  
³Because  I¶m  supposed  to  be  here  for  you.  And  I  missed  you.  It¶s  been  

a  long  time  since  I¶ve  missed  someone  the  way  I¶ve  pined  for  you.´  

Ethan   looked   at   him   questioningly,   trying   to   figure   out   what   he   was  

talking  about.  ³You¶re  an  enigma.  I  want  to  crack  that  mystery.´  

³We  have  plenty  of  time.  Trust  me.  I¶m  not  going  anywhere,  I  swear.  

Now  let¶s  go  get  something  to  eat  for  a  couple  of  days.  I  don¶t  expect  us  
to  be  leaving  the  house.  I  want  you  all  to  myself.  Will  you  give  me  that?  
Let  me  wine  and  dine  you.  Make  love  to  you  the  way  no  other  man  has.  
Fill  the  hole  in  your  heart  that¶s  been  growing  since  I  left.´  He  kissed  him  
again  and  bit  his  lip  before  pulling  completely  away.  ³Trust  me.  That¶s  all  
I  ask.´  

Ethan  entwined  his   fingers  with   his   and  squeezed  them.  He  did  trust  

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Gabe.  Many  questions  brewed  in  his  mind.  For  now,  he  would  wait  until  
Gabe  was  ready  to  talk  to  him.  Besides,  there  was  more  to  the  other  man  
that  he  wanted  to  uncover  than  just  his  whereabouts.    


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Chapter  Five  

They  spent  almost  an  hour  in  the  grocery  store.  Ethan  realized  that  he  

hadn¶t   bought   groceries   in   a   while   either   and   had   been   surviving   on  
takeout   and  whatever  he  could   find  in   his   freezer.  He  was  out   of  frozen  
dinners  and  the  last  home  cooked  meal  he  had  had  was  when  he  had  left  
Simon¶s.  That   was  one  good  thing  about   him  was  that  he  liked  to   cook,  
even  if  it  was  mostly  healthy  and  consisted  of  no  red  meat.  Cooking  was  a  
hobby  of  6LPRQ¶V  that  helped  him  relax.  Little  by  little,  Ethan  had  learned  
that  the  classes  Simon  had  taken  were  actually  one  on  one  fuck  sessions  
with  a  cook.  In  exchange  for  the  lessons,  Simon  seduced  him.  He  had  told  
Ethan   that   the   chef   had   canceled   the   classes   and   moved   on.   Now   Ethan  
figured   that   the   chef   must   have   gotten   the   idea   that   Simon   was   dating  
some  else,  namely  him  and  the  other  guy  didn¶t  want  to  get  in  the  middle  
of  it.  He  wondered  if  that  was  the  same  with  Gabe.  If  he  had  anyone  in  the  
time   they   had   been   apart.   It   almost   made   him   jealous   to   think   of   Gabe  
with   another   man.   Then   again   he   didn¶t   have   any   claim   to   him.   Still,  
Ethan   was   curious,   but   Gabe   had   said   he   would   be   answering   all   of   his  
questions  later  that  night.  

After  the  store,  they  went  back  to  his  apartment.  Before  they  entered,  

Ethan  took  a  mental  stock  of  the  apartment  to  remember  if  it  was  clean.  
Simon  kept  the  apartment  clean  all  the  time.  Once  he  left  and  got  his  own  
place,  Ethan  hadn¶t  tried  to  keep  it  so  neat.  He  opened  the  door  and  they  
went  inside.  He  breathed  a  sigh  of  relief.  

Gabe   helped   him   until   everything   was   done.   ³Do   you   mind   if   I   use  

your  shower  before  we  start  cooking  dinner?  I¶ve  been  on  the  road  for  a  
long  time.´  

Ethan  glanced  up  from  the  refrigerator.  ³Of  course.  I¶ll  show  you.´  He  

shut   the   door   and   walked   Gabe   down   the   hall   into   the   bathroom.   Inside  
was  a  deluxe  shower  with  a  bench  seat  and  a  tub  beside  it.  It  was  one  of  

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the   reasons   he   had   rented   the   apartment.   He   took   out   some   towels   from  
the  closet  and  handed  it  to  the  other  man.  ³Take  as  long  as  you  want.´    

The   shower   turned   on   and   he   continued   to   put   the   groceries   away.  

Once   he   was   done,   he   put   the   shirts   in   his   closet   and   decided   to   get  
changed.  He  sat  on  the  bed  and  thought  about  their  encounter  with  Simon.  
Gabe  had  said  he  was  stealing  from  the  firm  and  soon  they   would  catch  
him.   How   would   he   know   that?   Maybe   he   worked   at   the   same   firm   and  
knew   about   what   Simon   was   doing
?   But   then   Simon   would   have  
recognized   him.   And   there   was   no   recognition   in   his   eyes.   Questions  
raged  through  his  mind.  Now  that  Gabe  was  naked  he  wanted  to  explore  
his   body.   He   thought   about   getting   undressed   and   joining   him,   but   the  
other  man  hadn¶t  invited  him  in.  Although  there  were  promises  made  in  
the   car   he   hoped   Gabe   would   keep.   Ethan   ran   his   fingers   over   his   lips,  
recalling   the   kiss.   Remembering   how   his   tongue   felt   touching   his.   Gabe  
had  tasted  sweet.  He  wanted  nothing  more  than  to  prolong  the  kisses  and  
the  soft  touches,  but  it  had  all  ended  too  soon.  

The  daydreams  about  getting  his  cowboy  naked  and  bare  assed  on  the  

bed  were  driving  him  crazy.  Ethan  had  never  desired  any  man  more  than  
he   wanted   Gabe.   The   lust   that   burned   in   him   was   an   itch   that   had   be  
scratched.  Now  that  Gabe  was  here,   and  being  his   angel,   he  didn¶t   need  
the  light  to  keep  out  the  darkness  that  had  haunted  him  for  a  long  time.  

I   can¶t   keep   sitting   here   obsessing   about   Gabe   when   he¶s   in   the  

apartment.   God.   He¶s   right   here   in   the   apartment.   He   shook   off   the  
thoughts  swirling  through  his  mind  and  then  focused  on  the  night  ahead.  
Ethan   changed   quickly   and   then   headed   back   into   the   kitchen.   Halfway  
down   the   hallway,   he   ran   into   Gabe,   who   emerged   from   the   steaming  
bathroom  with  a  towel  around  his  waist.  His  hair  had  grown.  The  glow  of  
the  bathroom  light  surrounded  him  like  a  halo.    

His  nipples  were  round  and  pert.  A  few  hairs  ran  a  line  down  his  chest  

and  stomach.  Ethan  licked  his  lips  and  couldn¶t  help  but  follow  that  line  
down  to  what  was  underneath  the  towel.  Everything  in  him  wanted  to  cup  
Gabe¶s  balls  and  feel  his  dick  harden  in  his  hand.  His  chest  tightened  with  

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the  anticipation  of  it.  But  he  kept  his  hands  to  himself.  Drops  of  wetness  
clung   to   *DEH¶V   face.   Ethan   couldn¶t   resist   and   ran   his   thumb   down   the  
other  man¶s  cheek,  wiping  away  the  errant  wetness.  

Gabe   didn¶t   move,   but   let   Ethan   touch   him.   His   skin   was   soft   and  

supple.  He  had  shaved  so  there  wasn¶t  any  more  stubble  on  his  face.  Gabe  
slid   his   hand   over   his   and   stepped   closer.   Ethan   realized   then   that   Gabe  
was  shorter  than  him  by  a  couple  of  inches  now  that  he  had  his  boots  off.  
His   golden   arms   were   muscular   and   firm.   Ethan   pushed   his   lips   to   his  
hoping  that  Gabe  wouldn¶t  mind.  He  pressed  his  mouth  firmly  to  the  other  
man¶s.  Gabe  grasped  Ethan¶s  arms  and  pushed   him  against  the  wall  and  
forced  his  tongue  into  Ethan¶s  mouth.  He  thrust  his  body  against  his  until  
Ethan  could  feel  the  hardness  of  Gabe¶s  cock  pressing  into  his  belly.  

Ethan  groaned  into  his   mouth  and  ran  his  fingers  down  Gabe¶s  arms  

feeling  more  of  his  muscles.  He  trailed  his  thumbs  over  the  pert  nipples.  
His   cock   stiffened   even   more.   He   raked   his   fingers   along   Gabe¶s   chest  
until   he   came   to   the   edge   of   the   towel.   He   hesitated.   Gabe   grabbed   his  
hand  and  then  stepped  away.  

³We  can   get   to   that  later.   I¶m   hungry  first   and   we  have   all  night   for  

other  things.  Don¶t  worry.  I  haven¶t  forgotten  about  what  we  started  in  the  
car.  All  of  your  hungers  will  be  appeased  tonight.  I  swear.´  

³I  didn¶t  want  to  push  this.  Us.  Since  that  first  night  at  the  bar  and  the  

coffee  shop,  I  haven¶t  been  able  to  get  you  out  of  my  mind.  I¶ve  tried,  but  
nothing  works.   I  haven¶t  hooked  up  with  anyone.  I¶ve  been  doing  better  
with   keeping   my   anger   under   control.   , KDYHQ¶W WRXFKHG D GURS RI

Gabe   nipped   his   chin   and   flicked   his   tongue   over   (WKDQ¶V   Adam¶s  

apple.  He  cupped  Ethan¶s  cock.  ³I¶m  glad  that  you  find  me  hard  to  get  out  
of   your  mind.   I¶ve  thought   about   you,  too.  Many   times  at   night   I¶G  find  
myself   dreaming   about   you.   Your   lips   wrapped   around   my   dick.   Your  
face  strained  in   passion   as   I  made   you  come.   I   want   to   see   you  do  that.  
Hear   you   call   out   my   name.   But   first   I   really   want   to   eat.   Let   me   get  
dressed   and   make   you   dinner.   We   can   talk   over   that.   I   don¶t   plan   on  

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letting  you  go  again.´  

³I  like  the  sound  of  that.  Do  you  need  any  clothes?´  
³I  was  coming  to  ask  you  for  some.  If  you  don¶t  mind.  At  least  until  I  

can  get  mine  cleaned.  It  was  a  hard  journey  to  get  back  to  you,  but  I  swore  
that  I¶d  do  it.´  He  stepped  back  from  Ethan.  

It   took   a   few  minutes  to  gather  his   wits,   but   when   Ethan  did,   he  led  

him  down  to   his  bedroom.   He  opened  the  closet  and  pointed  toward  the  
drawers.   ³Take   what   you   need.   I   think   we¶re   close   to   the   same   size.  
Although  you¶re  shorter  than  me  so  my  pants  might  be  a  little  longer.´  

Gabe  squeezed  his  ass.  ³That¶s  okay.  I  can  deal  with  long  pants.´  
Ethan  left  him  to  get  dressed  and  went  into  the  kitchen  to  wait.  It  took  

a  few  minutes   for  Gabe   to   rejoin  him.  He  went   into  the  refrigerator   and  
took  out  steak,  potatoes,  and  some  vegetables.  

³Do  you  need  any  help?´  
³No.   I  want   you  to   sit  and  let  me  make   you  dinner.   I  think  it¶s  time  

you  had  someone  take  care  of  you.  And  I  don¶t  mean  the  way  that  Simon  
did.  I  mean  really  take  care  of   you.  Someone  that  loves  you.´  Gabe  met  
Ethan¶s  eyes.  

Shock   of   hearing   those   words   ran   through   him.   The   tingle   of   the  

surprise   hadn¶t   left   him.   Not   even   Simon   had   said   that   he   loved   him.  
Ethan  had  said  it,  but  his  ex  had  never  reciprocated  the  feeling.  He  would  
grunt  or  gloss  over  the  word.  ³But  you  barely  even  know  me.´  

³I   know   you   more   than   you   think   I   do.   Maybe   even   more   than   you  

know  yourself.  I¶ve  been  there  for  you,  lurking  in  the  shadows  and  around  
corners.  Keeping  a  watchful  eye  so  you  wouldn¶t  get  in  trouble.  Leading  
you  along  paths  that  you  were  meant  to  follow.  Helping  you  get  your  life  
back  on  track.´  

³How  do  you  mean?´  Ethan  asked.  
Gabe   began   cutting   the   fat   off   the   meat.   His   brow   furrowed   for   a  

moment  and  he  drew  in  a  deep  breath.  He  poured  a  little  oil  in  a  pan  and  
then   began   to   cut   up   some   of   the   vegetables   that   they   had   bought.  
Mushrooms,  peppers,  onions,  squash.  Ethan  could  see  the  wheels  turning  

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in  *DEH¶V  head.  His  face  was  still  screwed  up  while  he  thought  over  the  
Ethan¶s  question.    

³When  I  first  walked  into  the  bar,  you  were  about  to  make  a  serious  

mistake  with  your  life.  Just  that  one  sip  would¶ve  set  you  on  a  downward  
spiral  that  you  wouldn¶t  have  come  out  of  for  years.  You  would¶ve  gone  
straight  from  the  bar  back  to  Simon¶s  house.  From  there  you  would  have  
gotten  the  dullest  knife  you  could  find  and  stabbed  him  repeatedly.  Then  
in  your  drunken  haze,  when  you  didn¶t  remember  anything,  you  would¶ve  
cut  off  his  manhood  and  shoved  it  down  his  throat.´  

Ethan  winced  at  hearing  that,  but  those  were  some  of  the  thoughts  that  

he  had  mulled  over  when  he  had  sat  at  the  bar  before  Gabe  had  stopped  
him.  Having  it  all  laid  out  before  him  made  it  sound  more  gruesome.  He  
nodded.   ³That   was  what   I  was  thinking.  How  did   you  know  about   that?  
Are  you  a  mind  reader?´  

³Would  it  bother  you  if  I  were?´  
He   shrugged.   ³I   don¶t   know.   It¶d   make   things   between   us   a   little  

strange   if   you   were   reading   my   mind   all   the   time.   How   would   I   know  
what  things  I  was  going  to  keep  to  myself  and  you  not  take  it  the  wrong  
way  if  I  got  mad  at  you  or  something?´  

Gabe  chuckled.  ³That¶s  something  to  be  concerned  about,  but  I  assure  

you   that   I   wouldn¶t   do   that.   And   I   can¶t   always   read   your   mind.   I   sorta  
have  a  knack  for  knowing  when  you  need  me.´  

³So  no  reaching  into  my  head  and  telling  me  what  I¶m  thinking  right  


³You  want  to  know  if  I¶m  going  to  fuck  you  or  if  you¶re  going  to  be  

on  top.´  

Ethan   smiled.   ³Something   like   that.´   He   felt   his   cheeks   flush   with  


³I  could  tell  that  just  by  looking  at  your  expression.  You¶re  practically  

drooling   over   me.   But   no,   I   can¶t   tell   what   you¶re   thinking   right   now.  
Except  that  I  can  answer  more  of  your  questions  if  you  want.´  

³Okay.  How  did  you  know  that  I  needed  you?  How  did  you  show  up  

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right   at   the   clothing   store   before?   It   was   like   you   walked   in   to   save   my  
day.  My  cowboy  in  shining  armor.´  

³Like  I  said  before,  I  felt  that  you  needed  me.  Really  needed  me.  Not  

like  before  when  we  could¶ve  had  that  one  night  fling  you  so  desperately  
yearned  for.  Look,  Ethan,  when  I  told  you  that  I  was  your  guardian  angel,  
I  meant  that.  I¶ve  been  watching  over  you  since  you  were  brought  into  this  
world  and  before  that.  In  lives  past,  when  I  tried  my  best  to  keep  you  safe,  
in  some  instances   I  failed.  Doing  this,  well,  I¶m  breaking  all  the  rules.  I  
couldn¶t   help   it   this   time.   You¶ve   had   the   same   hole   in   your   heart   for  
lifetimes.   I   couldn¶t   stand   by   and   watch   you   live   or   get   involved   in   a  
relationship  where  you¶d  never  truly  be  happy.  I  went  through  hell  to  get  
here,  but  well,  it  doesn¶t  matter.  I¶m  here  now  because  you  are  the  one  for  

Ethan   listened   and   some   of   it   made   sense.   At   times   he   had   felt   that  

there   was   someone   watching   out   for   him.   When   it   came   to   the   darkest  
moments  of  his  life,  he  hadn¶t  listened  to  the  protective  voice  in  the  back  
of  his   mind.  That   same   voice  had   given  him  the  nudge  to   go  into  anger  
management  counseling.  It  had  also  been  there   when  he  was  deciding  if  
he  should  get  a  drink  before  Gabe  had  walked  into  the  bar.  Although  he  
hadn¶t  listened  to  that  little  voice  and  had  ordered  a  beer.  Today,  he  had  
thought  about   getting  together  with  someone  forever.  All  he  had  wanted  
out  of  the  whole  world  was  Gabe.   It  seemed  he¶d  known  the  cowboy  all  
his   life.   He   listened   to   the   sizzling   food   in   the   pan,   watched   as   Gabe  
stirred  the  vegetables,  and  began  chopping  things  for  a  salad.  

³I¶ve   sensed   someone   guarding   over   me   since   I   was   a   child.  

Sometimes  I  heeded  it.  Most  of  the  times  I  didn¶t.  Lately,  now  I¶ve  been  
more   focused   on   my   life   that   voice   has   been   more   pronounced.   Every  
week  I¶ve  been  going  back  to  that  coffee  shop  we  talked  at  hoping  you¶d  
walk   in.   I   thought   I   saw   you   walking   by   and   got   up   to   follow.   This  
cowboy  went  into  a  pub.  All  he  wanted  was  to  hook  up.  The  hole  in  my  
heart   got   bigger.   I  knew  that   I  needed  to   be  with  someone.  More  than   I  
had   before.   I   wanted   it   to   be   you   with   all   of   my   being.   And   then   you  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



showed  up.´  Ethan  ran  his  hand  through  his  hair.  The  enticing  smells  of  
dinner  washed  over  him.  He  believed  Gabe.  ³I  take  it  you¶re  some  kind  of  
supernatural  creature.´  

Gabe  looked  up.  His  green  eyes  were  brighter  and  glowed.  The  longer  

Ethan   stared   at   him   the   more   the   glow   encompassed   his   body.   ³I¶m   an  

³Honestly,  I  thought  this  would  be  a  lot  harder.  That  you¶d  freak  out  

and  run  away.  Or  that  maybe  you¶d  tell  me  to  take  a  hike.´  

Ethan  let  his  words  mull.  He  thought  it  would  be  hard  to  accept  Gabe  

being  an   angel,   but  it  really   wasn¶t.   In  his   mind,  Gabe  had  always  been  
there  for  him  through  the  hard  times.  Be  it  his  influence  and  or  not,  he  was  
his  angel.  That  little  voice  which  he  had  listened  to  over  the  months  had  
always   been   Gabe¶s.   Witnessing   the   light   around   his   cowboy   didn¶t  
discourage   him,   it   intrigued   him   more.   Ethan   wondered   out   of   all   the  
beings   in   the   universe   why   Gabe   had   picked   him.   Why   would   an   angel  
choose  not  to  be  an  angel  anymore  and  come  down  to  earth?

The  aroma  of  dinner  filled  the  kitchen.  Gabe  put  the  finishing  touches  

on  the  salad.  When  everything  was  all  done,  he  walked  over  to  Ethan  and  
took  his  hands.  

³You¶ve  been  awfully  quiet.´  
Ethan  took  one  of  Gabe¶s  hands  and  turned  it  over.  There  were  only  

three  lines  on  his  palm.  One  line  cut  across  the  upper  half.  Another  curved  
around  the  meat  of  his  palm  by  his  thumb  and  another  line  that  stemmed  
from  the  second  one  making  a  large  M  on  his  palm.  His  was  filled  with  
offshoots   and   branches.   Small   designs   and   divots   ran   underneath   his  
fingers  and  there  was  even  a  freckle  in  the  center  of  his  palm.  They  were  
so  different.  Gabe  trailed  a  finger  over  one  of  the  lines  that  was  similar  to  
his  on  Ethan¶s  palm.  

³All   the   little   lines   represent   the   hardships   and   the   paths   the   human  

soul  has  to  endure.´  He  traced  the  curved  one  by  Ethan¶s  thumb.  ³This  is  
your  life  line.  It  shows  how  long  your  life  will  be.´  He  pointed  toward  a  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



deep  furrow  through  the  line.  ³This  was  the  decision  you  faced  when  you  
were  about  to  drink  and  you  chose  not  to.´  

³Don¶t  you  mean,  when  you  stopped  me?´  
Gabe  brought  the  palm  to  his  lips  and  kissed  the  middle  of  it.   ³No.  I  

didn¶t  stop  you.  Humans  have  free  will.  You  could¶ve  easily  taken  a  swig  
of  that  beer   while   I  chatted  with   you.  There   are   many   choices   you  have  
faced.  Another  one  is  if  you  wish  to  be  with  me.´  

³Of  course  I  want  to  be  with  you.´  
³Think  about  it.  I  won¶t  age.  I  won¶t  die  the  way  a  human  companion  

would,  but  I¶d  love  you  until  the  moment  you  drew  your  last  breath.´  

Ethan¶s  being  filled  with  light.  That  decision  was  easy.  He  placed  his  

hands  on  Gabe¶s  face.  ³I¶ve  loved  you  since  the  first  moment  I  saw  you.  
There¶s  no  choice  for  me  but  to  say  yes.  I  just  hope  you  can  deal  with  me  
when  I  get  older  and  not  being  able  to  pleasure  you  when  I¶m  all  shriveled  
and  hunched  over.´  

Gabe  broke  into   a  beaming  smile.   ³I¶ll  love   you  no  matter   what   age  

you  are.  Do  you  know  how  rare  it  is  for  an  angel  to  find  a  companion?´  

Ethan  slid  his  fingers  through  his  hair.  ³No.  Tell  me.´  He  drew  Gabe  

close  and  began  to  kiss  his  neck  and  the  side  of  his  face.  

³One  in  a  million.  Our  job  is  to  guide  and  never  interact,  but  I  couldn¶t  

stay  hidden  any  longer.´  Gabe  moaned  when  Ethan  slid  a  hand  over  his  
cock  and  began  to  undo  his  belt.  

³Because   I   desired   you.   I   wanted   you   all   to   myself.   The   thought   of  

you   finding   another   human   to   be   with   for   a   mate   drove   me   mad.   So   I  
broke  protocol  and  here  I  am.´  

³Will  you  be  punished  for  it?´  
³They  clipped  my  wings  and  told  me  I  had  to   remain  with   you  until  

you  passed  on.´  

³That¶s  a  hard  price  to  pay.  What  if  I  had  said  no?´  Ethan  worked  his  

belt  from  the  loops  of  his  jeans  since  Gabe  had  a  smaller  waist  than  him.  
He  jerked  the  belt  through  the  loops  and  finally  dropped  it  to  the  floor.  

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³Then  I  would¶ve  been  screwed.  But  I  hoped  you¶d  say  yes.  I  prayed  

you  would.  Don¶t  you  want  to  eat  first?´  

Ethan  studied  the  angel¶s  face.  He  saw  the  fight  in  his  eyes  not  to  give  

into  the  pleasure  that  gripped  his  body.  Ethan  dropped  his  hand  below  the  
waistband  of  the  angel¶s  jeans  and  ran  it  over  the  smooth  skin  of  his  cock.  
Gabe   drew   in   a   deep   breath.   Ethan   backed   up   and   licked   his   lips  
anticipating   the   taste   of   the   baby   soft   skin.   His   stomach   grumbled.   He  
sighed  and  pulled  away.  Too  many  temptations  surrounded  him.  He  had  to  
satisfy   one  hunger  before  he  could   indulge  in   the  other.   ³Dinner  it  is   as  
long  as  you  can  be  dessert.´  

³That  is  a  definite.´  
Ethan   got   up   and   released   his   cowboy.   He   grabbed   a   plate   and   then  

loaded  it  with  the  salad  and  the  stir-­fry.  It  smelled  heavenly.  He  wondered  
how  much  Gabe  knew.  He  took  a  fork  and  saw  WKHRWKHUPDQ¶V  expectant  
expression.   It   seemed   he   wanted   to   please   him   and   that   was   nothing  
Simon  had  ever  done.    

³Do  you  like  it?´  
³I   love   it.   Everything   melts   in   my   mouth.   You   should   be   a   chef.  

Wherever  did  you  learn  the  art?´  

Gabe   smiled.   ³Being   around   as   long   as   I   have   you   pick   up   a   few  

things   here   and   there.   Two   lifetimes   you   spent   in   Italy.   Great   food.   I  
learned   a   lot   there.   In   both   you   were   a   woman.   But   all   the   time   I¶ve  
remembered  a  lot  from  when  I  have  been  on  this  planet.´  

Ethan   ate   another   bite,   trying   to   believe   that   he   had   once   been   a  

woman.  He  chuckled  at  that.  He  could  only  imagine  himself  with  breasts.  
³How  long  have  you  been  watching  out  for  me?´  

Gabe   raked   his   fork   over   his   plate.   ³Twenty   lifetimes.   Since   the  

beginning   of   when   you   first   incarnated   as   a   mortal.   You¶ve   been   many  
things.  I  was  enthralled.  Over  many  lifetimes  that  thrall  turned  into  love.  
Every   relationship   you¶ve   had   has   never   fulfilled   you.   The   more   I  
watched   you,  the  more   I  realized  that   you  were  meant  for  me.  It  sounds  
foolish,  but  I  can¶t  stop  thinking  God  made  you  for  me.´  

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³It¶s  not  selfish.  I  think  you¶re  right.  Now  sit  and  eat.´    
Gabe  sat  down  and  began  to  eat.  Ethan  enjoyed  the  food.  It  was  hard  

to  believe  that  they  were  together  and  had  been  for  twenty  lifetimes.  But  
he  believed  he  did  need  Gabe  in  his  life  and  he  felt  completed  with  him.  
They  ate  the  rest  of  dinner  in  silence.  When  they  were  done,  Ethan  took  
the  dishes  and  set  them  in  the  sink.    

Gabe  wrapped  his  arms  around  his  waist  and  nipped  his  neck.  ³I  think  

it¶s  time  for  dessert.´  

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Chapter  Six  

Gabe  led  Ethan  into  the  bedroom.  Ethan  smiled  and  took  in  the  other  

man   before   him.   His   whole   being   glowed.   But   he   looked   past   the   blaze  
and  saw  the  soul  inside  of  the  man.  In  all  the  world,  an  angel  had  chosen  
him.  He  ran  his  ran  his  fingers  down  Gabe¶s  front  and  then  pulled  his  shirt  
up   so   he   could   take   it   off   over   his   head.   He   didn¶t   protest   when   Ethan  
carefully   traced   the   lines   of   his   six   pack.   Each   muscle   was   perfectly  
formed.   His   nipples   were   the   size   of   quarters   and   pert   when   he   ran   his  
thumbs   over   them.   +LV FRZER\¶V   skin   was   warmer   than   Ethan¶s.   But  
when  he  placed  his  mouth  over  one  of  his  nipples,  Gabe  cried  out.  Ethan  
swirled  his  tongue  over  the  nipple  and  pinched  the  other.  The  angel  leaned  
into  Ethan.  It  only  encouraged  him  more  to  take  the  pert  bud  and  nibble  
on   it   before   he   worked   his   way   up   from   there,   biting   lightly   along   the  
ridge  of  his  collarbone  and  then  claiming  those  most  sensuous  lips  for  his  
own.  Once  he  tasted  the  spices  of  dinner  along  his  lover¶s  lips,  Ethan  was  
enthralled   even   more   along   with   the   taste   that   was   uniquely   his   own.  
Ethan   didn¶t   want   to   taste   anything   other   than   Gabe   ever   again.   He   had  
never  believed  in  soul  mates  before.  Now  he  did.  Gabe  might  have  been  
an  angel,  but  they  were  somehow  cut  from  the  same  mold.  

He   peered   into   his   lover¶s   eyes   and   saw   the   delight   and   the   ecstatic  

smile.  Everything  he  had  ever  wanted  in  a  man,  he  had  right  there.  Now  
he  was  going  to  claim  it.  Gabe  noticed  when  he  had  pulled  away.  

³What¶s  the  matter?´  he  asked.  
Ethan  smiled.  ³Nothing.  I¶m  just  marveling  at  how  perfect  you  are  for  


³No  one  is  ever  perfect.  Not  even  angels.´  
³You  are  to  me.  Don¶t  ever  forget  that.´  Ethan  unzipped  Gabe¶s  jeans  

and   pushed   them   down   around   his   hips.   He   curled   his   hand   around   his  
lover¶s  length,  loving  the  weight  of  it  in  his  hand.  The  angel  was  hung  like  

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no  man  he  had  ever  seen.  Ethan  sank  to  his  knees,  and  placed  his  lips  on  
the   inside   of   Gabe¶s   thigh.   The   hard   muscles   trembled.   With   his   other  
hand,   he   cupped   his   lover¶s   balls   and   rolled   them   around   in   his   hand.  
Gabe  arched  and  pressed  his  cock  against  Ethan¶s  face.  His  hard  member  
had  a  mind  of  its  own  and  moved  in  Ethan¶s  hand.    

Ethan¶s   dick   hardened   the   more   he   enticed   his   lover   and   being   so  

close  to  him  now,  all  he  wanted  was  to  taste  him.  He  opened  his  mouth  
wide,  not   sure  he  could  accommodate  all  of  Gabe¶s  dick.  He  flicked  his  
tongue  over  the  tip  of  Gabe¶s  head,  feeling  the  soft  skin  with  his  tongue.  
A   drop   of   pre-­cum   settled   on   his   tongue.   He   swallowed   it   down.   He  
moaned   as   another   drop   flowed   down   his   throat.   Gabe   took   his   head  
between  his  hands  and  held  him  there.  Ethan  began  to  slowly  draw  him  in,  
wrapping   his   tongue   around   the   shaft,   and   sucking   him   into   his   mouth.  
Ethan   focused   all   of   his   attention   on   pleasuring   his   partner.   He   ran   his  
tongue   along   the   pulsating   vein   that   ran   along   the   underside   of   Gabe¶s  
cock  and  then  let  his  teeth  graze  it.  Gabe  squirmed.  He  pumped  his  hips  
into   Ethan¶s   face.   He   began   to   work   his   tongue   faster,   wrapping   his  
tongue  around  the  shaft  of  his  lover  and  drew  him  in  until  his  length  hit  
the  back  of  his  throat.  

³Oh  God,  Ethan.  Yes,  that¶s  it.´  
Ethan  redoubled  his  efforts.  He  pulled  him  out  and  even  though  Gabe  

tried  to  control  the  rhythm  between  them,  he  slowed.  He  wanted  to  draw  
out  the  pleasure  of  their  meeting.  For  the  first  time,  he  didn¶t  want  Gabe  
to  think  that  he  was  lacking  in  the  pleasure  department.  He  said  he  loved  
him,   but   he   wondered   if   this   was   the   first   time   the   angel   had   ever  
experienced   physical   love.   Or   maybe   he   had   been   with   a   human   in   the  
past.  Ethan  found  his  own  cock  hardening  with  the  small  pleasure  noises  
that   came   out   of   his   lover¶s   mouth.   He   squeezed   Gabe¶s   balls   a   little  
harder  and  felt  him  shiver.  

³Suck  me,  baby.´  
Ethan  chuckled  internally  and  then  began  to  suck  him  in  faster.  Gabe  

ran   his   fingers   through   Ethan¶s   hair.   His   nails   dug   into   his   scalp.   The  

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sudden  explosion  of  pain  made  him  groan.  When  he  did,  he  tightened  his  
hold   on   Gabe¶s   cock   and   then   he   drew   him   in   faster   and   faster,   taking  
control   of   the   rhythm   between   them.   Soon   Gabe   moaned   and   thrust   his  
cock   deeper   into   his   mouth.   When   Ethan   ran   his   tongue   along   the  
sensitive  skin  of  Gabe¶s  dick,  he  felt  the  warmth  of  his  lover¶s  seed  spill  
along  this  tongue.  He  swallowed  it  down.  Gabe  plunged  into  him  a  couple  
of  more  times  before  sitting  back  onto  the  bed.  

Ethan   swiped   his   thumb   across   his   mouth,   savoring   the   last   bit,   and  

then  crawled  up  beside  him,  laying  the  length  of  his  body.  He  walked  his  
fingers   over   Gabe¶s   chest.   He   loved   seeing   the   slight   sheen   of   sweat   on  
his  cowboy¶s  flesh.  The  golden  skin  glistened  with  nothing  more  between  

 ³You  are  so  beautiful.´  
Gabe  laughed.  ³I  don¶t  think  any  man  has  called  me  beautiful  before.´  
³I¶m   sorry,   but   I   can¶t   think   of   anything   else   to   call   you.   Handsome  

seems  beyond  that.  Angelic  is  well  and  good,  but  there  is  no  better  word  
for  you.  I  love  you.  I  love  your  taste  and  I  want  more  of  it.´  

Gabe  took  one  of  his  hands  and  placed  it  over  his  heart.  ³Thank  you  

for  your  kind  words,  but  you  were  not  pleasured  in  this  encounter.  I  feel  

Ethan   was   awed.   His   lover   was   actually   thinking   about   him   and   not  

just  himself.  It  brought  tears  to  his  eyes  to  think  that  his  lover  was  taking  
the  time  to  consider  him.  ³My  pleasure  was  just  that  of  being  with  you.  I  
don¶t  have  to  be  satisfied  all  the  time.  I  just  want  to  be  with  you.´  

His  lover¶s  brought  their  combined  hands  to  his   mouth   and  drew  his  

finger   between   his   lips.   Ethan¶s   eyes   fluttered   shut   as   Gabe¶s   tongue  
encircled   his   middle   finger   and   then   sucked   it   in   all   the   way.   His   hips  
bucked  forward  beyond  his  control.  The  simple  act  hardened  his  dick  even  
more.  His  angel  took  his  finger  while  Gabe¶s  other  hand  clutched  his  cock  
and  squeezed  it.  

³Fuck,  Gabe.´  
³Shh,  my  love.  I  can  make  all  of  your  suffering  go  away  it  you  just  let  

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My  Guardian  Cowboy                                                                                                                          Crynsyn  Hart  



me.´  He  released  his  finger.  

³Who  says  I¶m  suffering?´  Ethan  groaned.  
³You  will  be.  I  can  assure  you.´  Gabe  gave  him  a  devilish  smile.  He  

swore   he   could   see   horns   poking   out   from   his   forehead.   ³Lay   back   for  

Ethan  did  as  he  was  told.  Gabe  shimmied  from  the  bed  and  took  his  

jeans  all  the  way  off.  He  then  began  to  unbutton  Ethan¶s  shirt,  one  small  
button  at  a  time,  taking  his  time  while  doing  it.  The  soft,  feathery  touches  
drove   him   crazy.   He   needed   to   have   his   lover   covering   all   of   him.   He  
yearned  to  have  him  buried  inside  of  him  so  deep  that  they  weren¶t  going  
to   be   separated   again.   He   squirmed   on   the   bed.   Gabe   got   his   shirt  
unbuttoned   and   then   he   straddled   Ethan,   pressing   his   rigid   cock   against  
Ethan¶s.   He   reached   for   Gabe,   but   the   angel   waved   his   hand   and   Ethan  
suddenly  felt  his  arms  pinned  against  the  bed.  He  tried  to  move,  but  was  
unable  to.  

³What  did  you  do  to  me?´  Ethan  asked.  
³Just  a  little  show  of  my  power.´  Gabe  pressed  his  lips  against  Ethan¶s  

and   plunged   his   tongue   between   his   mouth.   Ethan   welcomed   him   and  
arched  his  body  against  him,  but  even  then  he  wasn¶t  able  to  move  more.  
The  pressure  that  was  on  his  whole  body  was  a  light  weight,  but  he  wasn¶t  
sure  if  he  could  take  being  immobile.  He  returned  the  kiss.  When  his  lover  
withdrew,  he  raised  his  head,  hoping  for  more.    

³Don¶t  you  trust  me?´  he  whispered  next  to  his  ear.  Gabe  took  one  of  

Ethan¶s  nipples  between  his  teeth  and  bit  down  on  it.  

³Yes.´  He  thrust  his  hips  upward  and  tried  to  do  more,  but  was  unable  


Gabe  began  circling  his  tongue  down  his  abdomen.  At  the  same  time,  

Ethan  felt  his  tongue  trailing  down  his  stomach,  he  also  felt  Gabe¶s  mouth  
pressing   on   his.   Then   all   over   his   stomach.   Taking   in   his   other   nipple  
while  he  placed  kisses  going  lower  and  lower  until  he  came  down  to  the  
waistband  of  his  jeans.  The  need  to  hold  his  lover  was  overwhelming.  He  
had  to  feel  him.  When  Gabe  pulled  down  his  pants,  his  cock  was  so  hard,  

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he  wasn¶t  sure  he  could  keep  control  for  much  longer.  Ethan  squeezed  his  
eyes  tight  when  Gabe  yanked  his  pants  off  and  then  his  boxer  briefs.  All  
the  while,  he  experienced  Gabe¶s  kisses  all  over  his  body.  

³Roll  over  for  me.  Show  me  that  yummy  ass  of  yours.´  
Ethan   found   the   weight   on   him   was   lifted,   but   not   all   the   caresses.  

They  were  still  going  strong.  When  he  rolled  over,  it  seemed  he  could  feel  
soft  feathers  moving  across   his   skin.   It   was  all  too   much  and  he  needed  
him.  Maybe  Gabe  knew  that.  Hopefully  he  did.  

He  rolled  over  and  got  on  all  fours.  Gabe  squeezed  his  ass  cheek  and  

planted  a  kiss  on  one.  Ethan   giggled  from  the  sudden   gesture.  Gabe   ran  
his   hands   along   Ethan¶s   back   along   his   spine   and   then   spread   his   legs  
wider.  Something  cold  ran  along  his  asshole.  He  shivered.  One  of  Gabe¶s  
fingers  slid  into  his  hole.  His  other  hand  clutched  Ethan¶s  cock.  Another  
finger  slid  inside  of  him  so  he  could  expand.  Simon  always  hated  being  a  
bottom.  He  always  wanted  to  be  on  top.  Ethan  loved  being  a  bottom.  He  
enjoyed  giving  pleasure  to  his  lover,  but  to  have  his  own  needs  fulfilled  
were  something  of  a  luxury.  His  angel  pumped  his  cock   into  him  a  little  
harder   and   a   little   longer.   His   balls   squeezed   together.   His   stomach  
muscles  contracted.  He  was  going  to  come  soon.  

³Are  you  ready  for  me?´  
³Yes!  I  need  you.  Please,´  Ethan  begged.    
Gabe  withdrew  his  fingers.  Ethan  felt  his  cock  slip  into  his  asshole.  He  

cried  out  at  the  first  push  of  his  dick  inside  of  him.  He  backed  into  Gabe  
and  felt  more  of  him  slip  inside  of  him.  The  pleasure  flowing  through  him  
was  building.  The  other  man  stroked  his  shaft  harder  and  quicker.  It  was  
more  than  he  had  ever  felt.  Gabe  thrust  into  him  all  the  way.  

Ethan   cried   out.   He   shut   his   eyes   and   let   the   bliss   wash   over   him.  

Gabe   dove   into   him   faster   and   faster.   One   hand   clutched   his   hip.   Gabe  
grunted.   The   sound   of   his   balls   hitting   his   ass   filled   Ethan¶s   ears   along  
with   his   heavy   breathing.   The   angel   trailed   his   hand   over   Ethan¶s   cock  
one  last  time.  Ethan  thrust  his  hips  forward  and  came.  

Gabe  drove  into  him  one  last  time  and  then  moaned.  He  collapsed  on  

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Ethan¶s   back.   His   power   wavered.   The   kisses   and   soft   caresses   ceased  
some,  but  he  still  felt  warm  hands  nursing  his  length,  keeping  him  hard.  
His   eyes   remained   closed.   Brightness   and   light   filled   his   inner   vision.  
While   it   receded   he   could   almost   make   out   the   outline   of   wings.   Gabe  
planted  kisses  along  his  back  and  nuzzled  his  ear.  

³I  love  you,  Ethan.  I  always  have.´  
³I  love  you,  too.´  
Gabe  pulled  out  of  him  and  rolled  over  to  lie  next  to  Ethan.  The  look  

on  his  angel¶s  face  was  one  of  pure  peace.  It  was  the  same  feeling  he  had  
in  his  soul.  An  inner  peace  like  none  he  had  ever  felt  before.  Snuggled  in  
the  other  man¶s  arms,  he  could  hardly  believe  they  were  finally  together.  
Nothing  would  drive  them  apart.  It  didn¶t  matter  if  he  was  an  angel  or  a  
man.  Nothing  mattered  just  that  they  were  together.    

³So  what  happens  now?´  Ethan  asked.  
Gabe  traced  a  design  over  his  chest.  ³Whatever  you  want.  I  can  cook.  

I  can  clean.  I  can  make  you  the  happiest  man  alive.  As  you  have  made  me  
the  happiest  angel.´  

³I  don¶t   want   to   turn   you  into  a  housemaid.   I¶d   never   ask   you  to   do  

that.  That  was  what  Simon  had  done  to  me  in  the  past.´  

³Then  maybe  I  can  become  a  chef  the  way  you  had  said.  As  long  as  

we¶re  together  that¶s  all  that  matters  to  me.´  

Ethan  claimed  his  lips  in  a  long  and  hungry  kiss  tasting  him  one  last  

time.  ³Together  is  all  I  have  ever  wanted.´  


The  End  


background image




Sugar  and  Spice  Press    

Where  romance  is  everything  nice.    


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