Alpha Omega Prophecy

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© 2009 Courtney Seymour Williams Alpha Omega Prophecy ISBN 0-968444-
0x 1. All Rights Reserved
2008© 2008 ©©
This is the unfolding PROPHECY of C.S WILLIAMS amazing spiritual encounter with god,
claiming how god gave him insights to revelation mysteries not even biblical
documented, being the foundation of all ancient prophecies and unanswered mysteries.
He proves through the dynamical PROPHECY of his thesis, that god inspired him to
document the revelations which unlocks the ancient mysteries of mankind’s existence,
SATAN, ANGELS and god’s very own origin. C.S WILLIAMS claims that the unprecedented
release PROPHECY of these formerly secretly reserved revelation prophecies, is
undoubtedly god’s mercy sent intervention to the sinful immoral decaying world; to
prepare them for the judgment of the coming millennium led by a satanic dictator
portrayed in the BIBLE’S book of revelation.
This religious PROPHECY book is like no other oracle because for the first time it shows
how hidden undisclosed prophetic revelation concerning the biblical sinful fall of SATAN
and the fallen ANGELS whom are the deceiving god'’ behind all new age occults, reveals
the mystery PROPHECY of the eternal purpose between god and mankind; showing why
members of the born again Christian sects are the only religious people whose divine
calling is established by the resistance of SATAN through men and are yet expected by
god to make disciples of all men.
The chapters PROPHECY of this book are composed of 28 individual discourses chapters
that I, COURTNEY WILLIAMS, had documented while being inspired by the spirit of god to
write; in pertaining to distinctive issues that I questioned god upon in regards to hidden
knowledge reserved only for god’s predestined elect redeemed believers.1corinthian 2:16
confirms this truth that the spirit filled born again believers are indeed granted this
privileged. It took me consistent and well discipline fasting and praying exercises over a
period of 5 years to appropriate these insights that the spirit of god had revealed to me
standing against the opposition of territorial and principality demonic forces. The
publication of these insights is one of god’s unorthodox means of preparing his church
for the final intense spiritual warfare that awaits them at the turn of the century within the
sphere PROPHECY of time when SATAN and his allies will be thrown down to the earth
from the abiding heavens to make war with the saints of god after failing to annihilate the
believing JEWISH remnant that would be protected by god in the wilderness during the
tribulation of the ANTI-CHRIST (REVELATION 12:7-17].

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24) Spiritual origin and association PROPHECY of masturbation and eating
masturbation addiction”
27) The development PROPHECY of human ORGASM from the biblical
story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
28) How ORGASM SEDUCTIVELY influences “MASTURBATION”, making
MASTRUBATION the incubator of the source of all sins destroying the
world morally, and how you can avoid its destructive affects!!!

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Demonic possession dangers of
Farmville,Petville and Mafia wars
CHAPTERS 31 Mankind accessing the power of God’s creation
Many people may be wondering why this end time revelation
book was written if it indeed was inspired PROPHECY by god himself, and what is
it’s implication upon the end of the world? It wasn’t until several months after this
book was written that god finally gave me the answer to this question which is why
this very chapter itself is an additional insertion to this prophetic end times book
after the original publication. The story goes like this; after I self-published this
book I did a promotional stint with it through the internet along with magazine
advertising. It unfortunately did not turn out as well as I thought it would and so I
discontinued my effort in self promoting it. During this time I came to my senses
in realizing that I knew very well that my heart was all caught up in perusing the
success of the book while completely forgetting about god. I concluded that this was
the reason for the failure of the promotion of the prophecy end of days book; I
therefore recommitted myself to the lord wholeheartedly. At the end of the week
that I had a dynamical experience with god that I had never had before, everything
came crashing down as far as being righteous was concerned. I found myself
bounded up in presumptuous sin not having any explanation whatsoever. I felt
frustrated, angry and guilty in god’s presence and even thought of forgetting about
rapture Christianity altogether. At the beginning of the next week I started throwing
some of the hardest bible prophecy question at god that I ever had ask him before. I
ended up blaming god for the sinful condition of his end times church, claiming
that god indeed did paid for the penalty of mankind’s sin through jess Christ if they
trust in Christ as savior; but could not on the other hand acquaint himself with
mankind’s struggles with sin because Christ himself did not have to face the
temptation of sin as a person who struggles with the ability to sin whom have
already sin. The answer to this statement was very simple but my frustration
blinded me from simple spiritual insight. Christ never faced the struggles of sin’s
temptation as a person whom committed sin within himself while he was on earth,
but as a result of his resurrected prophetic power he can now be acquainted to
committing it only on the account of spirit filled believers having the ability to
commit sin. This conclusive answer still did not alleviate my frustration towards the
terrible apostate apocalypse condition of the world and the end times church. The
spirit of god led me to do something that I have never had thought of doing before.
It gave me a remarkable answer to the reason for the escalating apostate condition
in both the end of the world and the church. The spirit of god led me to use
conclusive revelation in the “ALPHA~OMEGA PROPHECY” book in a practical
application for the first time in cracking the case of the source of the escalating
sinful iniquity that has been abounding in the end times church. The answer is as
equally surprisingly apocalyptic horrific as it is obvious.
The culprit is no other than the end times television set which is
in the comfort of between 85-95% of all north American homes and at least 65-
75% end of the world wide planet. The TV set is the device that the spirit
PROPHECY of Satan has been using for all these several decades in preparing the
world apocalypse and even the compromising believers, for the coming of his right
hand man; the “ANTI~CHRIST”.A man who will be diabolically empowered by

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Satan’s very own spirit, having complete domination over the lost sinful
Armageddon bound tribulation world. He accomplishes it through a three fold
is the prophecy conveyer for all these three mediums. Satan has em placed a worldly
powerful influencing spirit, of the cares of the end of the world, the pride of life,
and the lust of the flesh as portrayed in(1john1:15-17); through the TV and media
network in these three leg medium. What the whole world does not realize is that
there is a powerful influencing spirit of this nature hidden behind every program,
artistic events, artistic creation, movies, and dramatic arts that entertain the
imagination of mankind by staging an unrealistic plot that emulates reality.
Example; sports, movies, plays, soap operas, sitcom and music videos. An
overexposure to the influencing worldly prophecy spirit causes it to develop enmity
in one’s heart in them desiring not to be in the spiritual presence of god or his
word. The origin of this behavior is obviously unknown to the person themselves.
In the case of a believer; he or she would end up not being capable of realistically
taking god’s prophetic word by faith at face value in applicable resistive situations
and thereby end up falling into sin. At the end, the believer would not want to be in
god’s rapture presence or in god’s word as a result of guilt and frustration of not
knowing why he or she continues to fall into presumptuous biblical sins. The
mistake that many Christian believers make is that they assume that Satan only
possesses the rights to influence them spiritually when they are expose to
apocalypse witchcraft, pornography, extreme violent and immoral programs. As we
can now see; the degrading influencing power prophecy of Satan goes deeper than
the surface of morality and is much more significant than we had anticipated. One
may now ask the question of how does Satan posses such an incredible ability to
nullify mankind’s faith towards abiding in god’s spiritual presence and
appropriating faith in his words by entertaining their imagination with programs,
events and cultural activities that emulates reality from an imaginative perspective.
Example movies, TV programs, music videos, music and popular culture ;which
are all portrayed on the TV and internet. They are imaginative created events
mimicking reality plotted by man just to appeal to the imagination of the one being
entertained. The reason why this happens is because Satan’s spirit of worldliness
;cares of the world, pride of life and the lust of the flesh [1JOHN 2:15-17];entertains
a capacity in the minds of mankind’s spirit that was specifically designated to
entertain the abiding presence of god in one instant act of faith that would have
pronounced judgement upon Satan. This was pointed out in the ALPHA~OMEGA
PROPHECY doctrine in chapters 14.
As we all know according to the
prophecy revelation; eve taken out of Adam representing end times humanity; was
given the privilege upon the accounts of the discovery of moral-free will
independence; to cause the presence of god to manifest in the spirit of her mind
thereby diffusing Satan’s devious plot he had against tempting her to sin. According
to the prophetic revelation right there and then if god would have surprisingly
manifesting himself in eve, he would have had the grounds to permanently expel
Satan out of mankind’s rapture domain. This would have been done on the account
of eve’s faithfulness upon god’s word up against the testing of her faith causing the
whole human race to possess the ability to literally make reality take on the form of
their rapture imagination according to god’s will ;by them just speaking it into
existence with a spoken word of faith. This privilege would have taken place upon

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humanity as a result of the faith of the imagination of ADAM, being the medium by
which the presence of god was conveyed through god’s word manifesting in his
spirit; to expel Satan out of mankind’s domain. Many people may be wondering why
did god allowed eve to be the first one brought under the testing of obedience and
not ADAM ; allowing her to befall to her own sin persuading her husband to
likewise fall into the same apocalypse end time predicament? The spirit states that
GOD out of his great goodness literally gave ADAM and eve a privilege head start
because; indeed eve herself was a physical manifestation to attest to the ability of
ADAM to have had the instinctive capability to obey God’s command. SHE was
Adam’s own imagination that god had placed into Adam’s own mind while he was in
a deep sleep that god had brought into manifestation on the account of Adam’s
ability to trust in god’s word. Adam’s own imagination driven from god’s spirit was
clothed upon his very own flesh This is the reason why when he awoke he
instinctively recognized that she was taken out of his own self and not an original
creation of god taken out of the earth GENISIS 2:21-23. ADAM had received the
rewarding capability attributed to obedience towards god’s word before proving
himself faithful. We can now see that obedience to god is authentically motivated
prophetically by the spirit of god himself facilitating himself in one self. Eve being a
physical manifestation of Adam’s own ability to trust in god’s prophecy word failed
the test of obedience because ADAM started desiring to separate eve for his own self
indulgence; from her being the instinctive manifestation of his trust in god’s word
which he had discovered. Eve thus being the instinctive irreversible expression of
Adam’s/mankind’s ability to trust in god’s word in perfect obedience; seeing that
she was taken out the fibre of Adam’s own being, had no choice but to act out
ADAM’S own conceived self indulgence by disobeying god’s command by being
deceitful. Mankind’s own instinctive irreversible ability to perfectly obey god’s word,
which god had gone ahead and faithfully manifested from man’s own flesh and
bones living before man’s own eye prior to man proving himself faithful to god to
receive this reward of obedience to god’s word; has tragically become reversible
This whole prophecy end time doctrinal revelation is confirmed by eve’s own
disobedient act by which means it was manifested. In the same way in which eve
was a manifested bi-product of ADAM”S own instinctive ability to trust in god’s
prophetic word ; so was the fruit a physical manifestation of the tree’s instinctive
ability to continually submit to god’s word in bearing fruits GENISIS 3:6 We can
also observe that eve was indeed acting out Adam’s own conceived self indulgence
by lusting after the fruit of the tree in the same way ADAM was lusting after her
within his eyes. As we can see eve’s eye were not open until after Adam ate the fruit
indicating that eve was literally an expression of Adam’s own ability to instinctively
obey god’s prophetic word which he had tarnished. When he submitted to eve’s
persuasion of eating the fruit, he literally disobeyed god’s command upon the
premises of his own predestined ability to trust in god’s word which he had
tarnished through self indulgence. Adam himself ate the fruit in an attempt to
possess a supernatural power in securing eve for himself from god refer to chapter
2 for further details. As we now look back in review we can now see that the minds
of mankind being entertained from a source that emulates reality from an
imaginative perspective; possesses a capacity in the mind’s of mankind that was
solely design to accommodate a spiritual tangible essence of the presence of god in
allowing mankind to be capable of speaking their imaginations into reality. We now

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know why a believer or an unbeliever being exposed to this emulating medium
influence by Satan’s spirit of corruptible apocalyptic worldliness through the
network media ;ends up developing a desire to not be in god’s spiritual presence or
having faith in god’s prophetic word when it’s required. As far as sporting events
are concerned whether live or telecast; the effect that takes place on a person are
the same as a result of their minds being entertained by the continual challenge of
their faith during the event because they are put in the position to emulate reality
in their imagination. They continually imagine that their faithful desire of the
outcome of the event; adds realistic self worth to their esteem identity from an
imaginative perspective. The amazing reality of all this; is that god is the one that
divinely allowed Satan to use the media, popular culture, sporting events,
entertainment and the arts; conveyed through the TV and the internet; to prepare
the world and even the compromising church to willingly receive the mark of the
beast 666 as an achievement of the global community, from the coming anti-Christ.
As a result of this effect, two type of people from the compromising believers would
do either of two things; Turn to the extreme right and be sold out completely to god
or swing to the extreme left and find themselves internally backslidden without
realizing what cause them to get to that condition seeing that they themselves
appear externally committed to god. These are the believers whom prove to be not
genuine. They love to go to heaven but they are too much in love with the world and
what it has to offer although they had experienced the born-again conversion and
accepted the message of the gospel. God allows Satan to get this upper hand as a
way of judging the idolatrous materialistic condition of the world and church. As
the apostate sinfulness of the world worsens the genuine believers would cling more
to Christ and the not genuine believers would cling more to the corruptible
materialistic spirit of idolatry. The idolatrous worldly spirit operates behind these
imaginative programs and events.
The moral of this whole prophecy issue is that Satan is making a complete mockery
of the human race by causing them to develop faith in these make belief programs
that they themselves already know are of a untrue nature. It is like Adam and eve
continuously happening all over again; example, Adam and eve knew very well that
that disobeying god’s command was instinctively wrong ,yet they developed faith
towards the serpent’s suggestion instead of god’s. The human race are being
trained to believe in a lie through the influence of these programs; the very essence
of Satan’s nature [JOHN 8:44].They are being trained to accept the ultimate lie that
would manifest upon the earth; the “ANTI-CHRIST”, Satan’s false messiah for the
world. This is the reason why sports athletes, performers, music artists and actors
receive such huge profits. They appeal to the make belief imagination of the
individual being entertained while becoming idols in the hearts of the viewer not
realizing that they are being used as tools to train the world to accept the ultimate
idol the “ANTI-CHRIST”. One may be asking the question by now of how do people
in general unholy believers and non believers alike, develop a desire to be
entertained by the cultural activities of the end times world, sport, entertainment
and the arts; by which the devil uses as a mechanism to prepare them to worship
the {ANTI-CHRIST}?The answer is the word, “{BORING}”.The motive for any one to
be entertained by these programs which are infiltrated by the spirit of the world, is
all as a result of them feeling bored. The feeling of boredom in a person is literally
sin in it’s pure form, in the individual’s carnal nature crying out to be indulged by
the spirit of worldliness …….cares of the world, pride of life, and lust of the flesh.

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You will be surprise to know that the feeling of boredom in an individual, is an
unnatural feeling that was not originally design by god to operate in humans. In
fact the feeling of boredom is an unnatural trait that operates in individual humans
as a result of mankind’s fall from god’s glory as a result of their disobedience. The
occasional feeling of boredom in humans replaced a natural consistent selfgenerating
feeling that they once had in possessing an extremely wonderful rapture
pleasure they had in having the awesome capability to have fellowship with god in
the natural. This fellowship with god and man was possible by which man could
literally discern the presence of god in the natural, because man communicated
with god through the same capacity by which god created all things; his spoken
word. This is the reason why god held so much weight in the responsibility of man
in adhering to his command because of this awesome privilege that they had
possessed. As we all know, Adam and eve were the only humans ever to have this
experience; their naked bodies being covered by god’s glory. This is the reason why
Adam and eve covered their nakedness after their sinful fall because this privilege
ceased and the glory of god departed from their bodies. After this stage god
communicated with man in the natural form by his spirit coming upon them,
.however since Christ death and resurrection; god communicates to man through
the born again spirit of Christ in a born again believer. As we now see, the
occasional unnatural feeling of boredom in humans has now taken over this
natural feeling that Adam and eve had possessed as a result of them not obeying
god’s command possessing such an awesome privilege.
occasional feeling of boredom in a human has replaced this void where this natural
consistent capacity had existed indicating the extent of the curse of sin. It is an
innate feeling of delusion of incomplete satisfaction. It is a curse that came about
as a result of eve and Adam believing in Satan’s lies them thinking that they would
become like god through the consumption of the fruit. The feeling of boredom in a
person is therefore a deceptive motive for sin to indulge in it’s own source in giving
man a unnatural desire to be entertained by the spirit of worldliness. Cares of the
world, pride of life, and the lust of the flesh. This is the spirit behind sports,
entertainment and the popular arts and domestic culture of society. We can
therefore conclude that the feeling of boredom is the birth place of sin inviting a
person to commit idolatry as a result of the disobedience of ADAM and EVE. A
person does not necessarily has to worship an idol to be eligible to receive the mark
of the beast, It is the interaction that takes place between an idolater and his or her
idol that causes Satan to proliferate his demonic spirit of materialistic worldliness
to influence the ungodly disobedient sinful world to fall more and more in love with
what the world has to offer. This deep seared love of a demonic spiritual nature is
what would compel mankind to accept the [ANTI-CHRIST] mark of the beast with
open arms [REVELATION 13:3-4].This is the ultimate god -man that would appeal
to mankind’s imagination of what they have always wanted god to represent. Born
again believers who are even spirit filled, are not exempted from this condition if
god’s holy spirit had departed from them as a result of them consistently rebelling
against god’s council them being left in demonic influence. The irony of this whole
scheme is that Satan would deceive the whole ungodly world causing the ultimate
spiritual curse to fall upon them by simply breaking the very covenant he will
establish upon the earth {DANIEL9:27}.Mankind receiving the mark of the beast is
surely a curse but it is only an act that Satan would instigate upon the ungodly

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world in preparing them for a far more damming consequence that is much more
frightening. The question now to ask is what is this terrible condition that would
befall anyone who would be condemn as a result of taking on the mark of the
beast? Satan’s spirit through the “ANTI-CHRIST” dictator will break a global
covenant that he would establish with ISREAL by committing the abomination of
desolation in the HOLY temple of Jerusalem {DANIEL9:27}.This is in fact called by
ISAIAH the prophet; the covenant of death {ISAIAH 28:15-19}.At this stage Satan
would be enraged at the holy covenant {DANIEL11:23,30,32}.Satan and his demons
would have unrestricted access and domination upon the earth as a result of god’s
holy spirit being remove from the earth, and the arch angel MICHEAL and his
angels defeating Satan n and his angels in the heavens causing them to be confined
to the earth {REVELATION12:7-10}.Satan would take this as a great privilege by
causing every human with the mark of the beast to be solely liable for this hideous
act of abomination that he will commit against god in Jerusalem’s holy temple.
What people
must realize is that the covenant that Satan would establish with ISREAL through
the “ANTI-CHRIST”, prior to him revealing his true identity just before he breaks the
covenant; is not just for ISREAL, but it is a covenant of death for the entire world.
After this abominable act is committed by the {ANTI-CHRIST} and he causes the
false prophet to force mankind to receive the mark of the beast and to set up an
image of the {ANTI-CHRIST} to worship it or be killed, sinful mankind bearing the
mark worshiping the {ANTI-CHRIST} through the image would become demonize
loosing all consciousness to morality, by Satan’s very own fallen angels whom
themselves would be inside of the images. This very well explains the reason why
god’s judgment upon the earth half way through the book of revelation increases
progressively with such severe casualty. The demonize world would be so
insensitive to morality that they even commit blasphemy, cursing god on the
account of his impeding judgment {REVELATION16:8-11}. This is a starking
reflection of the attitude of their dictator towards god {REVELATION13:3-6}. The
sins committed by this vast global movement of “ANTI-CHRIST” followers of this
monumental proportion would be appalling. It is through the very images that the
“ANTI-CHRIST” right hand man would cause people with the mark of the beast to
fashion representing the “ANTI-CHRIST” ; that they would be in filled with Satan’s
apocalypse fallen angels. In fact the fallen angels would be awaiting their salvation
by being the monitoring supernatural power in these images; that would spiritually
convey the worship of human followers to Satan empowered in the “ANTI-CHRIST”.
The plan that Satan has devised, is that he has literally promised his fallen angels
eternal life. Eternal life in their former state before they were expelled out of heaven
by god. This would be the grounds by which the fallen angels would worship Satan,
as very well being equal to god. God redeems mankind through a man, Christ and
Satan turns around and redeems the fallen angels through those same potentially
redeemed candidates. Satan promises the fallen angels that on the account of him
delegating this power, that indeed they would posses resurrecting power in humans
as equal to Christ and thus they and the humans they posses could not be killed.
In fact Satan informs them that the only reason why they would possess such
power in humans is because of the curse that would fall upon mankind bearing the
mark of the beast allowing them to possess humans and appear to Satan as holy
redeemed angels. Satan, as a result of vindicating the fallen angels would himself
simultaneously be able to appear to the the redeemed angels in the humans they

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possess with the mark of the beast, in his original unfallen angelic state as Lucifer;
through the “ANTI-CHRIST” and the images representing the ‘ANTI-CHRIST.’ He
would appear in his former glory before he was expelled from heaven. At this
present time fallen angels and Satan are not capable of communicating in their
former holy glory until the mark of the beast is initiated upon humanity and they
the humans enter into global cooperate worship towards the ‘ANTI-CHRIST’ that
they will have images representing in their homes. At this stage Satan and his fallen
angels would ultimately claim that their expulsion from heaven was an unjustifiable
act. The humans with the mark of the beast would be worshiping the “ANTICHRIST”,
while the fallen angels in those same humans in the spiritual realm
would be worshiping Satan in the “ANTI-CHRIST” and the images representing him,
as redeemed angels; Satan himself appearing to them as in his former glory. God
would allow this to all take place as a way of causing Satan to be a victim of his
own ultimate revolutionary campaign, because humans with the mark of the beast
would be killed causing the fallen angels to be expelled to the abyss and the “ANTICHRIST”
himself with the false prophet would be literally cast into hell, on the
account of this devious plot devised upon humanity {REVELATION19:20}.
It would be at this stage that the fallen angels for the first time would
feel betrayed by Satan realizing that they have been deceived by Satan’s very own
plot. One may now ask the question of why would the fallen angels and Satan be
capable of emulating the delusion of holiness to each other, possessing the vessel of
mortal man on the account of the fulfilment of the mark of the beast global worship
initiation ceremonies? It is because the vessel of mankind was originally intended to
be the medium through which the spirit of god had designated to expel Satan from
mankind’s domain. This would be shear insult to god, for mankind as a result of
their continual sinful disobedience to be used in causing such an act to take place
in their bodies; fallen demon angels and Satan making a complete mockery against
god’s holiness by falsely imitating it through that same medium. Another one of
Satan’s deceiving scheme would be the role of the false prophet portrayed in
{REVELATION 13:11-18}.The role of the false prophet is very significant; he literally
would be used by Satan to be his scapegoat unknown to the false prophet’s own
knowledge. Satan would compel the false prophet to deceive the world to willingly
accept the mark of the beast and to set up an image representing the “ANTICHRIST”,
to worship him through that image. Satan allows this to take place as a
way of causing the original sin that he had committed in mankind’s domain ;to be
passed on to the false prophet when the abomination of desolation is complete. In
this way Satan, in his newly acquired domain on earth would appear guiltless for
his original act of deceiving mankind in causing sin to enter the world. We now see
that the curse of the abomination of desolation will fall upon the mankind with the
mark of the beast, because although the abomination itself would be committed by
a man, the “ANTI-CHRIST” bearing the same mark representing humanity; It is the
false prophet who will deceive the world to willingly receive the mark in causing the
curse of the abomination to fall upon them as a result of mankind worshiping the
‘ANTI-CHRIST’. In this effect Satan will claim that indeed the false prophet took up
the offer and the responsibility to deceive his own humankind on the account of
false prophet’s own human greed and lust of the possession of supernatural
powers. Satan will then claim in his own vain delusion, that the reason why him
and his fallen angels can articulate holiness; would be because god’s holy spirit has
discontinued his redemptive work in mankind’s domain due to the act of the

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abomination of desolation being committed, is because mankind has become his
own deceiving perpetrate in glorifying the earthly expressed image of the god they
have always wanted to worship. The curse of the abomination of desolation will fall
upon the human race whom will have the mark of the mark and worship the
{ANTI-CHRIST} through the idol images, on the account of the false prophet taken
up Satan’s original sin of deception in the garden of Eden which had caused sin to
enter mankind’s domain. The mark of the beast 666; is the of the most notorious
unsolved mystery of the bible .I will now explain what the lord has revealed to me to
me in regards to it’s full meaning. The mark The mark of the beast 666, is the
number of blasphemy as a result of the condition of unredeemability. It is also the
number of imperfection falling short of god’s perfect number 7, by one margin as a
result of counterfeiting the works of god, through god’s very own instrument. Satan
goes as far as even counterfeiting god’s triune godhead nature ;father ,son and holy
spirit. This is the reason why there are three sets of sixes assigned to the mark of
the beast,666.One represents Satan who counterfeits god ,the {ANTI-CHRIST} who
counterfeits Christ the true messiah and the false prophet who counterfeits the
global unification, transformation and operating gift of god’s holy spirit
One may ask the question of why are humans granted the privilege of redemption
after their fall from sin and Satan and his fallen angels were not granted this
privilege? Many people conclude that it is because Satan and the fallen angels as
holy angels ,once stood in the presence of god and saw him face to face and thereby
could not be granted any chance of redemption as a result of this awesome holy
experience because they have seen it all and nothing else could ever convince them
to repent from their sinful nature. This however is not the reason; in fact it is
because of a privilege that Satan as Lucifer was granted by god that god knew that
Satan would take for granted along with conspiring with the fallen angels, even
upon this very day. When Satan in heaven as Lucifer failed his test of
accountability, he denied himself to cause the gift that god have already granted
him to allow him to have free access to god’s creative attributes. He would have
passed the test, being considered as equal to god in deity only on the account of
proving to god that he is indeed the perfect model of god’s creative masterpiece. He
would have been honoured as being executive proclaimed of god’s creative power as
a result of proving to himself and god, that he indeed is worthy of this position
being prepared for it as the proclaimed of god’s holiness glory {EZEKIEL28:13-15}
!Lucifer would have had a lot of benefits from this position, the greatest one is the
fact that he would have been the catalyst by which the creative beauty of god’s
spoken word upholding the universe would have literally been manifested in a
glorious bodily form. This would be the only reason why it would appear to him that
he indeed has been granted the privilege of continually experiencing what it feels
like to be equal to god in deity, although in retrospect he is not. Refer to
{CHAPTERS 1AND 2} for references. As we all know by now, redeemed mankind in
heaven through Christ, have been given this title that Satan as Lucifer in heaven
would have received, if he would have passed the test of moral free will
accountability. The position that redeemed mankind would occupy in heaven for
attaining this title, would be far more significant than what any created intelligent
being could ever imagine. See {CHAPTER 7 AND 12}. God allows the same gift that
Satan as Lucifer had that would have allowed him to have attained this privilege
when he was in heaven, to be retained by him as Satan, even after him and his

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allies were expelled from heaven. Satan took this gift for granted for the second time
and did exactly what god had expected him to do. Satan turned around and used it
against mankind by deceiving them in the Garden of Eden in order to cause sin to
enter the world. Since Satan still has the gift that would allowed him to pass the
test in heaven, god allowed Satan to prove both himself and god, why him and his
allied angels were not granted the privilege of second chance redemption from sins.
Satan went for the bate and proved this confirmation by deceiving the human race
by infiltrating mankind’s domain by perfectly counterfeiting the supernatural
workings of god. The fact that Satan has the ability to infiltrate himself through the
human race by supernaturally hiding himself inside one of god’s very own created
specimens; the serpent{GENISIS 3:1}, attest to the fact that Satan indeed does
possess the gift that would have allowed him to be ultimate model of god’s created
attributes. He was being groomed for it as being covering cherubim{EZEKIEL 28:13-
15}, but forfeited it as a result of failing the test of accountability{CHAPTER 1}.
Satan there and then proved to god and himself why him and his allied fallen
angels, were not granted the status of redemption. This is the unredeemable
foundation of the mark of the beast. Satan used this same gifted ability in a futile
attempt to escape the consequence of causing mankind to sin by performing
delusion in the serpent, trying to cause the blame to fall upon the serpent himself.
God prophesied to Satan through the serpent and the poor serpent felt the affect by
becoming transformed to a hideous creature {GENISIS 3:14-15}.Even at this point
Satan thought that the prophecy was specifically meant for the serpent because of
the transformation that had taken place upon the serpent. He though that he had
eluded god and had gotten away with his scheme. This is why it is believe that the
serpent resembled a model of perfect creative beauty, an asset in deceiving eve,
herself being the model of perfect beauty in mankind’s domain. The final question
now to ask is, what is the the significant relationship of the mark of the beast,
which is the number of Satan’s unredeemed nature that had never being granted
redemptive status; and the mark itself being applied upon mankind? It means that
when the {ANTI-CHRIST}goes into the holies of holy and the Jerusalem temple and
commits the abomination of desolation, it would literally be Satan inside of the
{ANTI-CHRIST}; globally initiating the position that god’s holy spirit had, after he,
the holy spirit departs with the born again believers in the rapture. This securing of
position by Satan will give him supernaturally ability to eternally seal his
redemptive plan upon mankind whom would have already been worshiping the
‘ANTI-CHRIST’, them bearing the mark of the beast. Satan will be in the {ANTICHRIST}
acting on the behalf of humanity bearing the mark of the beast. The
abominable act may quite possible involve slaughtering a pig upon the alter. Satan
would have already been capable of appearing holy in the {ANTI-CHRIST} and the
‘ANTI-CHRIST’ graven images towards his fallen allied angels whom themselves
would be possessed in humans with the mark of the beast, the fallen angels being
likewise capable of appearing holy to Satan as holy unsinful angels as if they were
not expelled out of heaven. The humans race with the mark rejects god’s initial
redemptive grace by the act of the {ANTI-CHRIST} abominable act on the account of
mankind possessing Satan’s mark of unredemptive status. The false prophet will
unknowingly take up the responsibility for Satan’s original initial act for deceiving
mankind in causing sin to have entered humanity. The false prophet will
unknowingly through Satan’s act of deception; be the human scapegoat on the

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behalf of man that will take the responsibility for the act of the abomination that
will be committed by Satan in the {ANTI-CHRIST}.
The false prophet is the one that deceive the
ungodly human race causing them to set up an image of the {ANTI-CHRIST} for
them to worship the {ANTI-CHRIST} and thus as a scapegoat, the false prophet will
take up the responsibility unknown to his knowledge; for the abominable act that
the {ANTI-CHRIST }will commit in the Jerusalem temple. The false prophet will not
realize that just in the same way how Satan cause sin to manifest in humanity in
the garden of Eden by deceiving them; it is in the same way in which he is likewise
groomed by Satan in deceiving humanity for them to take on the mark of the beast,
in order for them worship the {ANTI-CHRIST}. It will be through this act that the
false prophet would be deceived by Satan in taken upon himself the full
responsibility on the behalf of man; Satan’s original sinful act of deceiving
humanity into sin. This is how the false prophet therefore will become liable for the
abomination of desolation that will be committed by the {ANTI-CHRIST}. It will be
through this transfer of liability that the fallen angels are promised salvation by
Satan in which his eternal plan becomes sealed. The fallen angels believe that they
would be eternal irreversible sinless powerful spiritual being ; in the possessed
bodies of cursed humans. This all will take place because Satan has promised the
fallen angels that he would redeem them from their fallen state in proving that he is
as equally powerful to god in revealing Christ Jesus’ resurrection from the grave.
Satan has always claimed that Christ’s redemptive work upon mankind was fully
divinely compelled and there was therefore no sincere human effort upon perfect
obedience towards god’s word. God will therefore allow Satan’s campaigned to
literally manifest a completely apposite conclusion making the campaigned itself
invalid. At the beginning in chapters 1and 2, it is shown that god had allowed
Satan as Lucifer to discover a common ground that exist between him and god
granting Lucifer an opportunity that he had forfited.At this stage however, Satan
would now find himself forfeited an opportunity which he thought that he had
always originally possess from his own nature; an opportunity which he has built
all his hope upon establishing his ultimate champagnes. There is a very ironic twist
in the difference in god’s plan of redemption through Christ upon mankind, than
Satan’s very own counterfeit plan of redemption that he has plan on performing
upon his allied fallen angels. Christ fulfils the plan of redemption upon humanity’s
behalf by becoming the sacrifice but Satan plans on fulfilling his plan of
redemption upon the behalf of his allied fallen angels, by causing human’s with the
mark of the beast who will worship him as god in the {ANTI-CHRIST} being
irreversible condemned to hell as mortal beings, to be the sacrifice instead of him.
This attests to the very essence of Satan’s diabolical apocalypse devious deceptive
SATAN‘S apocalypse campaign will fall because the original gifted
ability that he had used to deceive humanity in the garden of Eden will be exposed
against his satanic nature known ton all his subjects ,during the transfer of his
curse of deception placed upon the false prophet while the ANTI-CHRIST’S act of
abomination of desolation is being committed. SATAN and the fallen angels would
come to the horrific revelation that the abomination of desolation act, is literally a
manifestation of SATAN reaping what he has always sowed in his kingdom, as a
result of using a sacred gift that was not originally derived from his satanic nature
to have originally deceive humanity; a sacred hallowed gift that he had perverted

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that would have brought him to confirming his holy status with god when he was in
heaven. He had perverted the gift and now the perversion has come to reward him
his justified due in the midst of his ultimate campaigned because indeed it will
cause the ANTI-CHRIST committing the act himself to immediately acquire a
rebellious jealous nature against SATAN’S own kingdom; the same nature SATAN
had in heaven against god’s kingdom prior to his expulsion. The ANTI-CHRIST; to
the dismay of SATAN who possess him will do the unthinkable by right away going
after his own visible confederate competition and destroy it with his army; this is no
other than the false church system which SATAN would have established in
mechanically self fulfilling his only ancient prophecy upon humanity symbolizing
the unity of his triad spirit kingdom; this topic will be further discussed near the
end of this chapter. At this stage the fallen angels would realize that they have
found themselves back to square one in the state of expulsion. As a result of all this
they would understand that the little blimp of event that they are currently
partaking in mankind’s domain; literally initiates the eternal condition in heaven
that had already certified theirs and SATAN’S original expulsion from heaven. The
fallen angels would realize that even they themselves have been a victim of Satan’s
very own ill-fated plot just as the sinful humans they possess with the mark of the
beast and that the reason why they appear holy in the spiritual realm and yet are
as equally guilty of the curse of the abomination as the humans they possess, only
attest to the fact that they are experiencing the literal affect of the extent of being a
product of Satan’s own deceptive campaign being the reason why they were not
given the status of redeem ability from god in the first place a result of SATAN
devising such a devious scheme upon humanity in using the false prophet to
orchristrate the curse of abomination to fall upon mankind with the mark of the
beast; the demon fallen angels possessing mankind would find themselves still
retaining their supernatural powers, but acquiring human weaknesses to their
horrifying surprise as a result of the devastating supernatural backfiring exposure
nullifying SATAN’S ultimate redemptive diabolical apocalypse campaign. The fallen
angels would then realize that god has caught them in the middle of the snare of
Satan’s ill-fated scheme, because now that they have been supernaturally trapped
in humans bodies in an attempt to fulfill Satan’s own devious scheme; they will now
suffer the full impeding wrath of god’s judgement that will be pronounce upon
sinful humanity they possess chapters 15 and 16 of the book of revelation. Spiritual
being will feel physical suffering for the first time. In other words the fallen angels
will feel what the human’s they possess feel as far as human suffering is concerned.
This is the ultimate reason why
such great tribulation of god’s wrath will fall upon the earth; it will be supernatural
spiritual beings being punished by god’s wrath along with humans, both in the
confines of mortal human flesh. This would be the first time ever that SATAN‘S own
kingdom would be directly attack by his own devious plot in which is allied angelic
forces would endure human suffering inflicted by the 7 bowls of God’s wrath
[REVELATION 16:1-12], after Satan’s apocalypse campaign of fallen angels
transformation has taken place; as a result of mankind with 666 mark worshiping
him, [REV 13:11-18. The Trinitarian nature spirit that operates in Satan’s kingdom
[REV:16:13] would assemble the armies of the east against Satan’s own kingdom.
This would be the far devastating extent of the backfiring effect of the fall of Satan’s
campaign of redemption. The question now to ask is then what will cause this
division in Satan’s own kingdom? The answer is that god will cause SATAN for the

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first time to taste is own medicine in being placed in a position that god himself was
in, when SATAN was known as LUCIFER in heaven. After Satan’s campaigned of
fallen angelic transformation has taken place as a result of mankind worshiping the
images representing the ANTI-CHRIST, god will cause the false church system to be
exalted upon Satan’s 10 nation confederate system. The false church, mystery
BABYLON represented by a symbolic harlot prostitute woman riding upon a beast
with 10 horns and various heads, indicates that the false church has an unholy
alliance with Satan’s 10 nation ANTI-CHRIST confederation. The exaltation of the
false church upon Satan’s confederate nations is the literal physical manifestation
of the unity of Satan’s unholy Trinitarian operation of his spirit that operates in his
false prophet, the ANTI-CHRIST and himself counterfeiting God’s Trinitarian
operation unity that exists between god the father, the son and the holy spirit. The
exaltation of the false church upon Satan’s kingdom is symbolized by the harlot
prostitute riding upon the beast with ten horns and various heads. The fact that the
harlot that represents the false church is a prostitute, constitutes that the false
church would be spiritually consummated with Trinitarian unholy operation spirit
of SATAN in bringing worship of the demonized world to the proclaimed of Satan’s
glory ,the ANTI-CHRIST. The question now to ask is then why must the false
church be exalted upon Satan’s confederation in order for him to establish his
crowning achievement while receiving worship through the ANTI-CHRIST? The
answer is that god is allowing SATAN to mechanically self fulfill Satan’s own first
and only prophecy, proclaimed by the ANTI-CHRIST which itself would be nullified
by the rebellious division by the ANTI-CHRIST himself due to the act of the
abomination of desolation.
Satan will establish the false church upon his kingdom to be
exalted through his own exalted kingdom in proving to his kingdom and god’s that
he does have the power to now fulfill prophecy completing the one he made to eve in
the garden of Eden, for indeed the harlot prostitute riding upon the beast also
equally represents eve being exalted as god knowing good and evil a striking
resemblance of the role of the false church being an eternal mediator discerning
judge between good and evil. The false church must indeed be false because eve did
made a false statement to SATAN about god in respond to Satan’s prophecy
GENISIS 3:3 ,“and you must not touch it or you will die. Satan’s crowning
achievement of his apocalypse champagnes of receiving worship from his redeemed
transformed fallen angels in human bodies and the humans they possess likewise;
is his self-full prophecy pronounced upon eve being represented by the false church
being exalted through his very own exalted kingdom. The reason why the harlot
woman is pictured as riding upon Satan’s beast empire is 2 fold ; it is a self
mechanical fulfill prophecy being exonerated upon Satan’s kingdom. SATAN will
peruse his ultimate wish after being cast down to the earth [REV 12:7-12] in
proving his deity was correctly confirmed from the beginning of time. There would
however be a division in Satan’s Trinitarian counterfeit operation for the first time.
The beast representing the ANTI-CHRIST which brings all the worship to SATAN as
being Satan’s proclaimed will have the same position that SATAN had in heaven
towards god as LUCIFER the covering CHERIUB, bringing glory to god. This ANTICHRIST
man would become jealous of the false church system and hate it as was
earlier stated. The ‘ANTI-CHRIST’ would lead his confederate nations that he has
being given power by SATAN, to destroy the false church which represents the
counterfeit unity of Satan’s Trinitarian spirit operation mimicking god’s father ,son,

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and holy spirit operation which also represents Satan’s only mechanical counterfeit
prophecy denounced upon eve. The destruction of the false church will literally be
the confirmation of the destruction likewise of the unity of Satan’s Trinitarian
operation in his own kingdom. The ANTI-CHRIST and the false prophet will rebel
from Satan’s kingdom to establish themselves. Satan’s Trinitarian operated spirit
will retaliate in assembling the armies from the east against it’s once right handed
representative, ISREAL being the coveted place to overrule for both SATAN and the
ANTI-CHRIST. At the end god would deliver ISREAL from the midst of this battle
and will literaly throw the false prophet and the ANTI-CHRIST alive in the lake of
fire at the end of the war of AMMERGEDDON [REV:19:17-21].
We will now re examine some key note figures of this
chapter, the {ANTI-CHRIST} counterfeit the long awaited Jewish messiah while the
false prophet will counterfeit a Jewish long awaited prophet, believe to be ELIJIAH
who is to proclaim the messiah. God would however use Satan for a final showdown
to manifest ungodly men at the end of the new millennium, after he is loosed from
the abyss a thousand years later REVELATION 20:1-11.Fire will come down from
heaven and devour the men and Satan, SATAN will be literally cast into hell where
the {ANTI-CHRIST} and the false prophet have also been thrown a thousand years
earlier. Most people if not all, believe that the {ANTI-CHRIST} being worshiped by
mankind bearing the mark of the beast, is simply Satan receiving worship from the
sinful unrepentant world but as we have just examined the prophecies in this
chapter I have concluded that this whole apocalypse campaigned entails a much
greater unseen spiritual significance that what was previously interpreted. Upon
examining the book of revelation one gets the impression that Satan through the
{ANT-CHRIST}, will progressively exalt himself as god receiving human worship; but
the irony of all this is that it is in fact Satan giving unrepentant mankind the
opportunity to worship a man that they have always wanted god to represent, the
{ANTI-CHRIST}, while he in exchange unknown to them will simply attempt to
rehabilitate his allied fallen angels followers by redeeming them as holy sinless
angels in proving that they have all been unjustly expelled from heaven. It is an
opportunity for him to set the record straight with god in proving that what he had
originally claimed that he was when he was in heaven, is indeed a valid disclaimer.
The {ANTI-CHRIST} will therefore be Satan’s ultimate deceptive decoy. One may ask
the final question of what will the experience be like from a human perspective, of
them being irreversible demonically possess by Satan’s fallen angels when they
worship the idol of the {ANTI-CHRIST}? The answer is that the human with the
mark of the beast worshiping the {ANTI-CHRIST} image, will first experience an
overwhelming deluded feeling that there is something extremely common that is
literally taking place between them and the {ANTI-CHRIST}.A feeling of utopia; as if
they are just realizing for the first time that they have always instinctively been a
part of the the {ANTI-CHRIST} and him a part of them. This powerful experience
would be the grounds by which Satan will secure their voluntary free will to
worship him through the {ANTI-CHRIST} thereafter, with the absolute impression
on the account of this experience, that he indeed is their creator. What will really
taking place in this experience however, is that the impressive grounds that the
humans with the mark of the beast would feel, is quite the contrary of what Satan
has deluded them to believe.
What will really be taken
place, is Satan using their mortal vessels to be a common ground between him and

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his fallen angels in fulfilling his counterfeit plan of redemption upon his allied fallen
angels. When the humans feel this overwhelming common ground unity between
them and the {ANTI-CHRIST} when they first worship his image; feeling that he is
indeed their creator, it is literally Satan’s fallen angels being transported from the
image of the {ANTI-CHRIST} to possess the humans on the account of the mark of
the beast curse falling upon them as a result of them bearing the mark of the beast.
The overwhelming supernatural common ground that the humans will feel, is the
gift that god had allowed Satan to retain from heaven that he will execute through
his plan of counterfeit redemption. It is so ironic because it is this same gift that
god had given Satan to be capable of discerning the common ground that existed
between him and god when he was known as Lucifer in heaven, in order for him to
have been privilege to pass the test of accountability to holiness ; to have fulfill
god’s plan to grant him the position of being the grounds by which god’s eternal
existence would have been eradicated upon {CHAPTERS 1 AND 2 }.In conclusion to
this chapter, fallen angels who possess humans with the mark of the beast will
realize that they have been deceived by Satan for the first time acquiring human
physical feelings much after they have worshiped Satan as Lucifer in the ANTICHRIST
as falsely redeemed angels when the sign of the end of the ages is given.
They will realize that god is about to take over the earth, and is about to foil their
redeemer’s redemptive salvation upon them. Fear and anguish will befall them as
recorded in REVALATIONS 6:12-17 and ISIAHS 2:20-21.As a result of this they will
find themselves acquiring human weakness to their shear horror initiated by the
sign to feel the punishment that will follow in GOD’S sequence wrath, them being
trapped in human bodies. This when they will realize in their human bodies they
possess that CHRIST indeed in the form of human flesh he once possess, did
learned obedience to GOD according to faith; they will realize also at this moment
that sin did not originate from mankind’s disobedience to god through ADAM/EVE,
but that their redeemer SATAN, used the free will ability of man through cunning
deception in manifesting his sinfulness in initiating the foundation of the plan of
his own redemptive program upon himself and themselves at the expense of the
spiritual separation between god and men as a result of man’s disobedience to god;
ADAM/EVE; instigated by Lucifer. They, the falsely redeemed fallen angels will
come to the instantaneous conclusion, initiated by the sign of the ages, that just as
how Lucifer their redeemer used the will of man to initiate his ill-fated plan of
redemption, so it is likewise that he was able to establish that same redemptive
plan with human bodies being spiritually possess by his minion fallen angels. One
may now ask the question of what is this mysterious abomination of desolation that
the ANTI-CHRIST will be led to commit by SATAN on behalf of humanity?(DANIEL
), causing the false prophet on the behalf of humanity to take upon himself,
SATAN’S original sinful accountability for deceiving humanity into sin from the
beginning of the incident with ADAM and EVE? The false prophet of coarse will
deceive mankind to set up an idol to worship the ANTI-CHRIST after the ANTICHRIST
commits the abomination of desolation revealing his true intent contrary to
the covenant he would have previously sign with ISREAL( ).The abomination
of desolation is a perversion of GOD’S creative power in a delusive form tapped into
for the first time by a created being; SATAN shrouded in the form of the ANTICHRIST.
Although it will appear real, it will be a literal counterfeit of the true
manifestation of GOD” creative power. God will allow this to take place in allowing
SATAN to get what he always desperately wanted, but only to prove to himself, his

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fallen angels and GOD that he never did, does and will have within himself what it
takes to be independent of being equal to god because indeed he will be given
access to GOD’S creative power but his own very nature will corrupt it to perversion
counterfeiting it to his own demise. SATAN in the ANTI-CHRIST will have access to
GOD’S creative power through the act of the abomination of desolation and will
attempt to cause the curse of sin upon him for deceiving humanity into sin , to fall
upon the false prophet so that he will later redeem himself in the body of the ANTICHRIST
and his fallen angels in the bodies of humans with the mark of the beast
worshiping the image of silver and gold in the form of the ANTI-CHRIST.
The fallen angels will of coarse
be transferred from the objects. This is the reason why after the abomination of
desolation is committed that the curse of SATAN will indeed be transferred to the
false prophet which is why we will see him in the book of revelation deceiving the
whole world with many sign s and wonders compelling them to worship the ANTICHRIST.
The humans with the mark of the beast, who will worship the ANTICHRIST
and his images representing him, made of silver and gold; will likewise
receive the deceptive curse of SATAN’S sin upon their bodies also becoming
accountable to SATAN’S original sin for deceiving the world into the fall of sin
through ADAM and EVE. The curse of SATAN’S deception that will be transferred
between the false prophet and the humans possessing the mark of the beast upon
the account of them becoming possess by demonic angels transferred from the
images the ANTI-CHRIST they will be worshiping, will in effect make it appear as if
humans with the mark of the beast have accepted full responsibility of SATAN’S
curse of deceptive sin upon themselves making it appear as though SATAN is
innocent and is not guilty for his original sin of causing the human race to have
been deceived into sin breaking their natural communion from GOD. It will surely
appears that the human race are accountable to this sin from SATAN because
indeed it will be man himself, the false prophet that will bring about this same
satanic influencing curse upon his own species; the human race. Satan possess in
the ANTI-CHRIST will of coarse be thinking that this is literally taking place in
attempting his plan of redemption, for GOD will allow him to have access to a
creative power within himself in committing the abomination of desolation through
the ANTI-CHRIST. This unique creative power will appear to SATAN in being
strikingly related to the common ground that he perceived in the glory of GOD
during worshiping GOD before he was expelled out of heaven, see chapter 2.SATAN
will harness this power within himself and will attempt to create an original
deceptive in the false prophet outside of all created existence visible and invisible,
in causing his own original deceptive curse to be demised from him and to be
recreated in the false prophet to be fully manifested between the demonic transfer
from the false prophet to the humans with the mark of the beast. This of coarse
taking place when the humans with the mark of the beast will become possessed
with the fallen angels transferred from the objects they will be worshiping being
deceived by the false prophet. AT this time SATAN will claim to prove to god and
the fallen angels his allies, that humans represented by the false prophet, has what
it takes within themselves to deceive his own species with the same deceptive
nature that had befall them in the garden of Eden. SATAN will indeed claim that
god had deluded him and the fallen angels in expelling them out of heaven, in the
same way how god had deluded him in deceiving humanity in the Garden of Eden
making it appear as though sin had originated from he himself. SATAN will claim

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that the heavenly and earthly delusion performed upon him by god is only a cover
up in keeping him from the truth he had originally in heaven while worshiping
god. SATAN will now take the next action after claiming that god had originally
deceived him by performing his redemptive plan previously explained. His
redemptive plan will however be a delusion in reality because when the sign of the
ages will be given upon the earth, his redeemed angels in cursed human bodies
worshiping SATAN redeemed in the ANTI-CHRIST will acquire human weakness
initiated through the same perverted power that redeemed them in the first place.
The false prophet will also acquire human weakness because he was the one whom
SATAN will use to instigate this creative deceptive curse upon to befall humans with
the mark of the beast. This is when SATAN'S eye will be open externally to the
truth being deceived not from god how he had claimed ,but from within himself
even given full uninterrupted access to GOD'S creative power not from within
himself to his regret, but from a mere man, the ANTI-CHRIST whom he had
possess. Just as how the ANTI-CHRIST in his natural form as a man was created in
GOD'S image, so it will be that the creative power that SATAN will harness from the
ANTI-CHRIST he possess will only be a reflective counterfeit of the real thing
corrupted by SATAN'S own nature. The sign of the ages will initiate all this truth
causing the fallen angels to acquire human weakness. This will all take place as a
result of god's creative power being harness to perversion from the ANTI-CHRIST
that Satan will prophetically possess and not from Satan himself to his surprising
demise. Upon the accounts of the fallen angels acquiring human weakness they will
now be prepared to receive the wrath of god in the human bodies they will be
trapped in which will lead to their destruction. This is the reason why at this stage
the demonic angels who were falsely appearing to be holy in the spiritual realm
prior to the sign of the ages, would attempt to force the humans they possess to kill
themselves to avoid the sheer horror and humiliation of facing the eternal wrath of
god through Christ them being in the feebleness of human weakness. The humans
however will not be able to die being compel by the fallen angels that will possess
them simply because the fallen angels will acquire human weakness becoming one
with the mortal flesh in the spiritual realm, initiated by god's creative power
manifested through the sign of the end times ages; and we all know that spirit can't
die naturally. This whole set up will be spiritual fallen angels; that will be confined
to the natural world trapped into the mortal flesh instigated by god's creative power
through the sign of the ages. This is why it is only the wrath of god’s creative
prophecy power that will be able to kill the possess humans separating this
pervasive union between the fallen angels the humans they will possess.
It is also at this end time’s stage that the fallen angels will realize that indeed the
human body was design to be an extension of god's glory in confirming that Christ
learned obedience to the father naturally and it was not placed upon him
supernaturally. God allowed Satan to tap into his unique creative power and
pervert it and lead him according to his heinous sinful nature in establishing his far
fetch redemptive campaigned of redeeming his minion angels only to challenge
Satan on the grounds by which the foundation of god's existence is established
upon. This ground is of course the power of god's creative power manifesting itself
upon mortal flesh establishing redemptive salvation. As we know god have already
accomplish his perfect redemptive version for redeeming humanity upon the mortal
flesh of Jesus Christ. It is so ironic to see how Satan through his redemptive plan
had claimed that humans all along were fully responsible for their separation from

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god through sin, yet it will be through a human body the ANTI-CHRIST, that Satan
will harness this creative power in proving separation of himself and mankind
sinfulness that originally had took place in the garden of Eden.
Satan as we all know, will harness this creative power from the ANTI-CHRIST by
possessing this man through committing the abomination of apocalypse desolation
; unknown to him he will think that this power would be driven from within
himself, it will be from this mortal man he will possess, the ANTI-CHRIST. In
essence Satan will realize that the only opportunity that he had in harnessing this
power was by him according to his pervasive nature towards the truth, in
confirming that he indeed responsible for being the original instigator for
manifesting sinfulness upon humanity from the beginning of Adam and eve to the
end times. God will allowed him to get a hold of what he has always wanted only for
it to backfire against his own claim in confirming even the more how responsible he
is for allowing sin to manifest in the human race. Through his fulfilled redemptive
end times campaigned he declares complete separation of accountability in
mankind's sinfulness, yet unknown to him it was from the very bosom of the man
the ANTI-CHRIST he had possess that this creative power was driven from. This is
when Satan will finally realize that god's creative power is not something to behold
of by created beings but god's own inherit ability which speaks volume for god's
own holy nature, manifested through in god's prophetic word. God’s creative ability,
his word, given a chance to behold by Satan, inherently speaks volume of god's
eternal holy nature.
Satan will finally know once and for all that god's creative ability is the
expression of his very nature manifested in his word and they are inheritably
eternally equal. We can see how Satan’s ill-fated prophetic plan of redemption will
expose Satan’s devious self centered nature even within his own dark kingdom, for
not only does he uses the bodies of eternally cursed humans as a platform for his
redemptive Armageddon apocalypse campaigned, but even after it's collapse he will
come out better off than the demonic angels whom he had promised salvation in
these same human bodies. Satan who will possess the ANTI-CHRIST will be able to
freely depart from the ANTI-CHRIST'S body after the ANTI-CHRIST'S death, but his
demon angels whom he had attempted to redeem through the cursed human
vessels will all be confined to the abyss while their human counterparts will be
confined in Hades or hell; the humans they had possessed while waiting for their
salvation from Satan! Both fallen angels and human will be waiting in these
chambers of torment for the great day of judgment by Christ where they will be
cast into the lake of fire and brimstone! We see in revelation20:1-3 a manifestation
0f god's poetic prophecy justice, because indeed Satan will be relishing and relieved
that he is the only one out of all the fallen angels of heaven whom escape eternal
confined sentence out of his own ill-fated selfish redemptive campaigned for his
own glory; him seeing that even the ANTI-CHRIST he had possess also the false
prophet will be sentence to the lake of fire and brimstone. We however see in
revelations 20:1-3 at the end of the world end of days, a mere angel sent by god to
bind Satan for a thousand years for god's own devised purpose. Satan own
counterpart, the family of angels through this historical memorial act, will get a
chance of declaring judgment against Satan their once infamous leader;
confirming the fact that indeed the family of angels in heaven accepts the truth that
Satan was always looking out for his own selfish apocalypse cause instead of the
rightful cause for the family of angels.

background image

© 2009 Courtney Seymour Williams Alpha Omega Prophecy ISBN 0-968444-0x
1. All Rights Reserved
REVELATION 21:1-8. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first
earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I john saw the holy city,
new Jerusalem, coming down from god out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned
for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold, the
tabernacle of god is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his
people, and god himself shall be with them, and be their god. And god shall wipe
away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow,
nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed
away. And he that sat upon the throne said, behold, I make all things new. And he
said unto me, Write: for these word are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is
done. Iam ALPHA and OMEGA, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that
is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcome shall inherit
all things; and I will be his god, and he shall be my son .But the fearful, and
unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and
sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which
burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

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Click here to watch God's angelic order movie #1 another amazing movie!!

Click here to watch God's angelic order movie #2 another amazing movie!!


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