Alpha and Omega 4 Alpha Mine Aline Hunter

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Alpha Mine

Aline Hunter

Book four of the Alpha and Omega series.

A mating like no other.

Trey almost turned his back on his pack to claim Sadie—the stunning vampire who made him

whole. Finally, things have settled. But as an alpha, Trey’s always busy. Thankfully he has a woman

who’s more than happy to ease his frustrations, see to his every desire and give him as much of her as

he can take. He can’t wait to greet each day with his mate by his side.

Then Shepherds return to New York and start killing off shifters.

Sadie’s powerful enough to protect their people but Trey is determined to keep her safe. Until

other dangers arise—ones that could harm humans and immortals alike—and he needs her help when

things take a turn for the worst. To destroy their enemies, they’ll have to stand together. Even if it

means risking everything, including each other.

A Romantica® erotic paranormal romance from Ellora’s Cave

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Aline Hunter

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To the readers. Your support is a gift beyond measure. To my husband, who understands me in

ways no one else ever will. To my children, who understand when Mom has to work. To my beta
readers—especially Mom, Lori and Bells—who assist me in so many ways. And, as always, an
enormous wealth of gratitude to my amazing editor. Ann, I couldn’t do this without you.

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Chapter One

“Take one step in front of me and I’ll bust your ass.”
“Promises, promises,” Sadie Dumas murmured, grinning at her lover. Resting her hands on his

powerful shoulders, she placed her head against his nape, wriggling when she felt a flutter in her

Trey Veznor was everything she wanted in a male and more—sexy, powerful, authoritative.

They’d had their issues but worked through them. When it came to her he refused to bargain or
negotiate. She was the most important thing in his world. He made sure everyone knew it. Including
the members of his pack who had accepted her but had concerns about her vampire nature. Although
they’d only just been recognized as a mated pair—the official Alpha and Lupa of Trey’s pack—things
seemed to be taking a positive turn.

“I mean it.” Tilting his head, he met her gaze. His brown eyes flashed amber. “Stay behind me.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” she whispered and inched closer. Her heart pounded, his nearness

keeping her centered. “You’re the boss.”

He snorted softly and faced forward. “Don’t you forget it.”
Not likely.
Trey widened his stance and folded his arms over his chest. The leather coat he wore stretched

over his bulging muscles. Sadie shifted her feet and gazed past his broad body, sighing when his hair
caressed her cheek. He smelled as good as he always did, the heady woodsy scent calming her

A group of women approached the shop Trey and Sadie had staked out for the last thirty minutes.

Her heart slammed in her chest, her breath catching. “That’s them.”

The members of the coven only ventured out when they needed to collect supplies. She knew their

routine—having been a member of their enclave once upon a time—so she’d planned the evening
carefully. She and Trey had remained out of sight, standing in an alley across the way. It wasn’t hard
to stalk the coven. The magic shop had an enormous glass window that allowed anyone to see into the
place. She didn’t regret leaving them for Trey but she did want to know what the leader of the enclave
had been up to.

One of the vampires flipped back the hood of her coat. “There’s she is,” she rasped into Trey’s

ear, recognizing the person she’d come to see. “That’s Geneva.”

“You sure?”
Trey pulled out his cell, created a text message and sent it. Returning the device to his pocket, he

said, “Everything’s set. You ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”
Finally she’d get answers. It was time.
The head of the coven was up to something.
The pack had given her their trust and she didn’t want to betray it. With the danger of Aldon Frost,

a black mage vampire who’d attacked the pack, and the worry of Shepherds, religious zealots who

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believed shifters were demons, she didn’t want to leave any stone unturned.

Sadie had to know what Geneva was planning.
“Which one is she?” Trey asked.
“The brunette in front.” As always, Geneva had pulled her hair into a tight French twist with a

cascade of curls on the top. It made her look old, like a cranky schoolteacher. “The tall one.”

“She doesn’t look like much,” Trey said disdainfully. “One hit would put her on her ass.”
“Her physicality isn’t what makes her strong.” She exhaled softly, letting her senses take over. She

studied each member of the group, paying attention to their interactions with their leader. Everyone
seemed relaxed inside the magic shop, choosing things they needed. “You’ve seen what our magic can

“Thanks for the reminder.” Trey stilled, standing taller. “Our backup is here.”
Sadie ripped her attention from the women and gazed at the black Lincoln Navigator parked

beside the store. After she’d told Trey about Geneva, he’d insisted she talk to Ava Brisbane-Black
about the situation. As a powerful telepath, Ava could easily slip into Geneva’s head and get much-
needed information.

The downside was Ava was pregnant and her mate—the Omega of New York and one of the most

powerful shifters in the world, Diskant Black—was protective of his female and child. Despite
events that had come between Ava and Sadie, the women had struck a truce. Diskant hadn’t liked it
but he had agreed to let Ava monitor the coven for a few minutes while safely tucked away—by his
side—in a vehicle outside the magic shop.

Keeping calm, Sadie instructed, “Let’s go.”
“Keep that sexy ass behind me,” Trey growled and started forward.
They crossed the street, pausing only to let a car drive past. The people marching down the

sidewalk didn’t notice them, carrying on with life as usual. The coven liked to fly under the radar.
They only visited the shop during the week, after the sun had set and mortals were likely home with
their families. When they made it to the door, Trey pulled it open and stepped inside. Sadie followed,
staying close. The clerk didn’t address them, continuing his conversation with Geneva.

“They need to see me,” she told Trey telepathically. Likely Geneva’s thoughts were focused on

purchasing items, not on the things Sadie wanted her to think about. “We have to take them off

“Stay put.” Trey stopped beside a table with numerous delicate vials. With a well-aimed tilt of

his hip, he bumped the edge. A few of the glass containers toppled over. Everyone’s attention riveted
to them. Several members of the coven froze, their mouths dropping open. “There you go, mate.”

That was Trey. Ever confident and in your face.
“I stand corrected.” She peered around the room, making sure she made eye contact with the

vampires she’d once considered family. Then her gaze rested on Geneva. The female’s expression
changed from confused to furious. Grasping Trey’s arm, Sadie turned to leave. “Ava can get what we
need now. No need to stick around.”

“You,” Geneva said, glaring at Sadie and slamming a jar onto the counter.
Sadie hadn’t thought Geneva would bring attention to herself. The shopkeeper wouldn’t know

what was going on and in general it was a rule of the coven to keep personal matters private. Sadie’s

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plan had been simple.

Let Geneva see her.
Get Geneva’s thoughts flowing.
Let Ava do the rest.
So much for that.
“None other,” Trey drawled before Sadie could respond.
“I don’t want trouble in here.” The shopkeeper stepped around the counter. Mr. Limerick, old and

venomous as a rattlesnake. As someone who dabbled in magic, the mortal knew about supernatural
things. He could also smell trouble from a mile away.

“We’re leaving.” Sadie tightened her grip on Trey’s arm, taking a step back.
“Oh no you don’t.” Geneva was seething, her lips drawn thin. “You have some explaining to do.”
Sadie felt Geneva attempt to slide into her head. For the last week Sadie had worked with Ava to

build up a mental wall, keeping everyone out. It wasn’t easy. She had to focus, to train her mind to see
nothing but a blank slate. In doing so she kept important things in the back of her mind where no one
could get to them.

“Not here,” Mr. Limerick snapped, thrusting an accusing finger at Geneva. “Take that shit out of

my shop.”

“Get out.” Ava’s order filtered through Sadie’s head. “She’s already given me what you want to

know. She’s too focused on you to block her thoughts. The doors are unlocked. Come to the car.”

“We’re leaving,” Sadie informed Trey mentally and gave his arm a firm tug. “Ava and Diskant

are waiting. She’s gotten what we came for.”

“Whatever you say.” Trey walked backward, facing the enemy, his body tense as though braced

for attack. Sadie opened the door and guided him, taking slow steps. She homed in on the scents
around her, listening in the event anyone waited at their backs.

“Go,” Trey commanded the instant they were outside.
Sadie didn’t argue, striding for the Lincoln. She climbed into the back and looked past Trey—who

was right on her ass—to the shop. Geneva had followed, a sinister gleam in her eyes. Tearing her
gaze from Geneva’s, Sadie studied Ava. Trey climbed in beside her and shut the door. The Omega’s
mate was frowning, definitely deep in thought. After a moment she snapped out of it and nodded at

“Get us out of here,” Diskant instructed Zach, the pack Beta.
The car took off and Sadie leaned forward, eager for information. “What did you get?”
“She wants to know where Leigh is. She thinks you have her. She also thinks you’ve ruined her

plans. It pissed her off when she couldn’t read your mind. She knows she needs another protector
soon since you’ve stuck around. She’s aware she’s vulnerable.”

Thankfully the young vampire was long away from New York. It hadn’t been easy to let her friend

leave but Sadie had known it was for the best. The enclave Diskant had sent her to would ensure that
no one would be able to locate Leigh—even using magic. A good thing since Leigh was wanted by
not only the coven but by Aldon, a black mage vampire who wanted to use Leigh’s power for his own
gain. There were other issues as well, namely Leigh’s mating to Nathan. The former Beta of the pack

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had gone with her, determined to win her over.

It wasn’t going to be easy.
Leigh’d had a hard life. Given time, Sadie hoped, Leigh would come around.
“You said she has plans. What are they?” Sadie asked, focusing on the matter at hand. “Did you

get anything solid?”

“It’s something to do with control of the city. Some kind of magic and power she wants. Honestly

it didn’t make a lot of sense to me. I’m not sure how things work with your people. Are the covens at
war? Is there something she needs that you know about? Is it possible for her to gain more power?”

“Not that I know of.” Sadie’s job had meant protecting the coven. Oftentimes she’d overlooked

other affairs. They’d viewed her as a weapon, not someone who used her magic to benefit their cause.
“Geneva kept a lot of secrets. She gave orders and I carried them out. I was never sent to address a
white mage vampire or enclave. To my knowledge the relationships between all the covens is fine.”

“She’s afraid,” Ava said, resting back, a hand on her pregnant belly. “Seeing you spooked her.

She’d hoped you’d left New York. She didn’t expect to run into you. She also didn’t expect you to
openly embrace your relationship with Trey. That really caught her by surprise. She wonders if you
joined the pack and if they have accepted you. She’s afraid of what it means for her if they have. She
knows with werewolves at your back, she’s dealing with more than she can handle.”

“It’s none of her fucking business.” Diskant growled, resting a large hand over Ava’s. “Is the bitch

a threat? Or is it safe to focus on other matters?”

“We can focus on other matters but we need to be cautious,” Ava replied, love apparent in her

voice. “If she’s afraid of Sadie, there has to be a reason. It’s strange since Sadie is no longer in the
coven. There’s no reason to fear her but Geneva does. Sadie’s not a part of their lives anymore,
which makes me wonder why she’s so nervous.” After a pause she added, “She does want to control
the city. I heard a sliver of it in her thoughts. But I also felt it was a hope and not something that was
certain. She’s like a kid who wants a dog for Christmas but isn’t sure Santa will deliver.” Ava
sighed, sinking back in her seat. “I’d say the coven needs to be monitored. You never know for sure. I
don’t think we have to worry about Geneva sneaking around our circles. Werewolves scare her. She
was terrified of Trey. But I got a feeling she was as pissed-off too. It felt like she resented Sadie for
shattering her dreams.”

“Shattering her dreams?” Sadie hated being in the dark. Even more, she hated knowing she’d been

blind about Geneva for so long. “Is the situation important? Is she an immediate threat, or do you think
it can keep?”

“I think we have time,” Ava answered, nodding. “Nothing in her memories felt solid. It was more

like dreams of grandeur. She’s imagining a fairytale.”

“Good. We have more important shit to worry about.” Diskant gave Trey a sideways glance.

“Especially with Aldon on the loose.”

“Aldon knows Leigh is gone,” Sadie said, sadness tinting in the words. “He’d have been back if

he thought we had her. He’s powerful but he’s not stupid. He wants her. Not me.”

Aldon had already attacked Diskant’s compound once. Despite reinforcing security in preparation

for a repeat offense the vampire hadn’t reappeared. Everyone hoped he’d moved on, finding other
things to do with his time. Trey had installed Aldon’s home security systems, so he’d visited each
property after Aldon’s disappearance.

Each one was the same.

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No furniture. No adornments. Each domicile completely vacant.
Aldon—for whatever reason—seemed to have abandoned New York.
Diskant peered to the front of the car at Zach. “Any word on the attack in the Boroughs?”
“Only what I’ve told you. A few dead shifters, all tortured before they were killed. It’s clear

who’s responsible. They wanted us to find the bodies.”

A cold shiver ran down Sadie’s spine. Shepherds.
Trey leaned closer, his mouth breezing over Sadie’s ear. “Easy, darlin’.”
His effort to calm her had a different effect—it warmed her insides and made her pussy clench.

She didn’t want to be calm, she wanted to ride him like a pony. Which he wouldn’t mind, she thought.
Once they made it home he’d likely take her to their bedroom to prove she was safe. Sometimes she
thought he enjoyed reminding her of his willingness to protect her. He’d already asked her to show
him precious vampire secrets, wanting to stay one step ahead of the enemy. At first she’d been
hesitant—vampires were easier to kill than werewolves knew—but since her loyalty was to the pack
she’d agreed.

“That’s exactly what I’ll do. I’ll watch you work me hard. I’ll watch you slide up and down my

cock.” His voice whispered in her head. By now he found it easy to read her thoughts. Each time she
took his blood it deepened their connection. “I never want you to be afraid. I’ll do whatever it takes
to keep you safe.”

“You’re going to tie me up again, aren’t you?” The thought sent a wave of heat rushing through

her. “You like it when I can’t fight back.”

“No…” He put his hand on her thigh and gave it a squeeze. “I like giving you all the pleasure

you can stand. I want you to think about me.” He paused. “Only me.”

That wasn’t hard to accomplish. Whenever he was around she found it difficult to think about

anyone else. She settled in her seat, leaning into his side. Her life had changed in so many ways.

Yet she’d never been more content.

Trey lifted his hand from the softness of Sadie’s thigh and slid his arm around her shoulder. She

constantly amazed him—day after day. When it was time to face the pack she’d done so with dignity
and wit. The children adored her, the women had started welcoming her and things had calmed down
at Diskant’s home.

He frowned when he thought about Mary.
His brother’s mate had been wary of Sadie, if not unwelcoming. It wasn’t her fault, entirely. Mary

came from Shepherds—those who hunted down and killed shifters—and she was terrified of the
future. Not only due to her nature but because she experienced a constant fear of losing what she’d
never really had—a family and place to call her own.

In the beginning Mary had been hostile. She hadn’t wanted anything ruining her happy home. At

one point he’d wanted to go off on the female. Sadie had soothed and reassured him, explaining why
Mary remained so distant and curt. The girl was young and newly mated. Since her partner was a
shifter—Trey’s brother, Emory—her emotions were chaotic most of the time. Mary wanted to protect
the only people who’d treated her like family—Emory, Diskant and Ava.

“Maybe we should cancel the gathering,” Ava mused, looking at Diskant. “It’s probably not the

best time.”

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“The pack needs to feel united, Pinkie.” Diskant smiled at his mate, his eyes turning green. While

he had been born a werewolf, the Omega could shift into any form. Amber meant wolf, yellow meant
panther. The two often fought for supremacy in the male, meaning Diskant’s eyes constantly changed
color. “We’ve got everything in place. No one can get in without us knowing about it. We’re not
calling it off.”

Trey held back a groan. Despite the chilly weather the pack had agreed to gather at Diskant’s

house for a party—somewhat like a baby shower—to congratulate Ava and Diskant on their
pregnancy. True, it would be fun. When the pack got together and relaxed everyone had a great time.
Yet things weren’t perfect, not by a long shot. Shepherds had started leaving their mark. They had
decided it was time to return and kick things up a notch.

“Ava and I will be on alert,” Sadie reminded him calmly, using their mental connection to

communicate. “We’ll know if anyone is close. If we can find out where Thomas is no one will be
able to touch us.”

“That’ll be nice,” he conceded. “We’ll find the little fucker.”
It turned out their enemies had a mutual target in common—Ava’s brother, Thomas. The idiot

human had an amulet that had the power to multiply magic and abilities by unimaginable proportions.
So far they’d been unsuccessful in locating the human. It seemed Thomas had fled the States, hiding
out in another country.

“We’ve only been looking for a few days. Be patient.”
“You know I’m not known for my patience.”
She sighed and nestled her head in the crook of his neck. He breathed her in, loving how soft her

long blonde hair felt against his chin. This was what he wanted for them—safety, a place to belong,
security to live their lives in peace. Perhaps that would happen. He certainly wanted it to. But there
were so many variables to consider.

“Have you heard from Kinsley?” Trey asked Diskant, staring at the Omega. “Did he get your


“He got it,” Diskant grumbled. “He said he’d do what he could to help but he also reminded me

he’s dealing with personal shit. He gave me his word he’d reach out to his informants and share what
he knows when he gets word.”

Kinsley McGregor, the ultimate panther shifter and a male who had the respect of all cat shifters.

The man always had connections the packs could use. It blew balls that he had left when the pack
needed him most. Trey hoped the male sorted out his issues soon and got his ass back to the city.

“One step at a time.” Ava inserted herself in the conversation. “Now that we know Geneva isn’t

an immediate threat we can focus on Aldon and Shepherd business. This is good news.”

Good news, perhaps. But still shitty.
“We’ll have to start getting things ready for the party.” Ava addressed Sadie. “The food will

arrive tomorrow. I ordered the tables and chairs. I figure it’s best to do things outside. The house is
big but with the children it’ll be crowded. We can set up areas near the pool and let everyone wander
around. If they need to take a break they can rest in the entertainment room.”

“Sounds good,” Sadie replied.
Ava smiled and rubbed her belly. Diskant touched Ava’s stomach and a broad smile encompassed

his face. “She’s kicking again,” Ava said. “I think she likes the idea. I think we’re going to have a

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party girl on our hands.”

“Hell no,” Diskant growled. “She’s under lock and key. Permanently.”
As the couple exchanged playful banter, Trey turned his attention to his mate. He wanted the same

thing with Sadie—to have a child together. It was too soon to explore the idea. Research would need
to be involved. Werewolves could scent when a female could conceive but Sadie wasn’t a werewolf
and she wasn’t human.

Pushing the thought aside, he basked in the closeness of his female.
Sadie Dumas.
The only person who made everything right in his world.
Even when things seemed to be going to hell.

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Chapter Two

“Dinner’s ready,” Mary informed everyone as they walked into Diskant’s large kitchen, following

the delicious aroma of freshly cooked food. Emory was finishing off the table, putting glasses in their
proper place. “Take a seat.”

“I’m going to check in with the guards,” Zach said, excusing himself. “If you need me you know

where I’ll be.”

Everyone watched the male go and quiet filled the room. As much as they tried to bring him into

the house and make him a part of things, the heartbroken man preferred to spend most of his time

Zach had lost his mate. He mourned her absence.
Nothing would change that.
Before Sadie could dwell on Zach’s pain Mary’s puppy, Rocky, rushed to her. He’d grown by

leaps and bounds but he still had an adorable, wrinkled face. She nearly waved him off, not wanting
to make Mary jealous. Their relationship was bumpy. The first few meetings she’d had with the
woman had been less than promising. However—day by day—Mary had mellowed out. She didn’t
love the idea of a vampire living under her roof but she didn’t hate it either.

“Hello, cutie pie,” Sadie said instead, bending down to rub Rocky behind the ears. “What a sweet

thing you are.”

“Sweet my ass,” Mary grumbled. “He decided to chew off the corner of one of the cabinets.

We’re going to have to replace it.”

“It’s just a cabinet.” Ava shrugged it off. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I’ll get the wine,” Emory said, turning his back to them.
Emory was as cautious as his mate but had also found a way to settle down. It was wrong but

Sadie had listened to his thoughts. Despite his misgivings he was happy to see Trey content. True he
didn’t trust Sadie—not entirely—but he was attempting to try. She appreciated that.

“How’d it go?” Mary asked.
Ava started answering Mary’s questions but Sadie had a hard time paying attention. Trey—as

usual—had started his seduction the minute they walked into the home. He touched the indention of
her spine, tracked the delicate bone structure to her ass. Once there he cupped a rounded globe,
palming the mound.

Damn him.
She’d been so primed on the way home it wasn’t hard to get her giddy now.
And he knew it.
“Be good,” she reprimanded him, her laughter evident in the thought. “They cooked a big meal.

It’d be rude if we skipped dinner and went straight to the bedroom.”

“Who cares if we’re rude?” he thought back. “They’d do the same thing. I don’t want to wait.

You’ve been talking to Ava all day. I want me time.”

Before he could keep going she stopped paying attention to Rocky and hurried to the table. She

took her normal seat and waited for Trey to do the same. Each person followed suit and served
themselves. Mary had made steaks, potatoes and a multitude of vegetables for Ava. Sadie had always

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enjoyed food but had never realized how good it could taste. The coven generally ate bland things or
sweets. Ava and Mary had introduced her to the beauty of mixing things up.

“The things I’m going to do to you.” Trey didn’t touch his food. He rubbed a hand up and down

Sadie’s thigh. “Once I get you to the bedroom I’m going to lick every single inch of that sexy body
of yours. You’ll have to beg me to give you what you need.”

The mark he’d given her, the scarred imprint of his bite, tingled on her shoulder. Her nipples

puckered, her breasts suddenly heavy. She felt a gush of arousal drip from her pussy, making her
panties wet. He’d do exactly as he promised. They’d taken things to the next level, exploring all sorts
of devious things with each other.

“Maybe I’ll do all sorts of things to you,” she countered, trying not to squirm when Ava glanced

their way. Normally Ava didn’t listen to Sadie’s thoughts—not anymore—but she probably had a
good idea of what Trey was up to. Sadie tried to pull back, aware of herself and of her behavior.
“Behave. We have an audience. As much as I love giving you what you want I’m not an

Shifters didn’t give a shit about public displays of affection. They fucked when they felt like it,

even if others were around. While it was a turn-on to see a couple in a lusty embrace, she liked
keeping her sexual adventures hidden behind closed doors.

“That’s a shame,” he replied, his voice husky in her head.
“Do you think we need to worry?” It took Sadie a second to realize Mary was talking to her and

not Ava. Usually the woman kept a safe distance. “You know the coven better than we do. Should we
be concerned?”

“If Ava got the right information I’d say we’re fine,” Sadie replied. “Geneva is strong magically

but she’s not built for physical defense. She won’t do anything without backup. I’m sure she scouting
for a new member to take my position but until she has a new protector, she’ll be cautious. I’m not
sure what she’s up to with the coven. By most standards our enclave was weak. They could perform
powerful spells but it left them drained for days. It took a while for them to recover. That’s why they
wanted me around.”

“You’re sure your magic will keep us protected?” Mary didn’t sound convinced but she wasn’t

being a bitch. A very good thing. “How do you know someone like Aldon won’t breach the defenses
you have in place? He’s already done it once.”

“It’s blood magic. I’ll feel him if he returns. He won’t be able to sneak up on us like he did last

time.” Sadie refrained from adding it had been necessary to use a hint of black mage magic to
accomplish the goal. No need to give Mary a reason to fear her more than she already did. “In order
to break the shielding spell someone would need my blood—fresh and from the source—to come and
go whenever I allow it. They’d need my express permission to enter the domicile.”

It wasn’t an ideal spell by any means but it was the best she could do for now.
“By the way,” Emory said between bites of food, “I got a call from Larissa. Her son broke his leg.

It’s mending nicely but it hurts.” He gazed over at Sadie. “She wanted to know if you could help.
Maybe speed things up a bit.”

“Sure,” she said, happy to find some use in the pack. Larissa had been very kind to her so far.

With her healing skills she could speed up the damage from most wounds. “I’ll have him walking
normally in an hour or two.”

“I’ll let her know to bring him tomorrow,” Emory said and looked at Mary. He brushed his

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knuckles across his mate’s cheek, adoration in his gaze—as well as a hefty dose of lust. “You did an
amazing job, sweetheart. This tastes amazing.”

Mary’s cheeks reddened and she ducked her head. “Thank you.”
“I swear,” Sadie thought to Trey, “all you men think about is sex.”
“We have beautiful mates.”
His fingers drifted up and stopped an inch from her mound. “Can

you blame us?”

“We have sexy men in our beds every night,” she countered, trying not to imagine Trey in the

buff, “but you don’t see us acting like fools.”

“That’s not a nice thing to say at all.” His hand moved up, a slow and sensual glide. The tips of

his fingers caressed her sex. She was grateful for the cloth covering the table, keeping what he was
doing from everyone’s view. “I’m going to make you pay for that.”

“I’m going to send Zach and a few members of the pack to investigate things in the city,” Diskant

said, returning to business. “We’ll see if they can get any information. If they can pick up a scent we
might get lucky.”

“No one’s picked up anything on or around the property.” Emory put down his fork and his eyes

lightened a shade. “The members of the prides are starting to get antsy. We need Kinsley to get his ass
back here.”

“I’m sticking with Mary’s suggestion,” Ava chimed in. “We have enough room to get trained dogs

to guard the house and grounds. They’ll be able to pick up things cameras can’t. They pack can’t
watch over everything. There’s too much area to cover.”

“I’ll take care of them,” Mary offered, excitement etched in her face. Rocky had become like a

baby to Mary, so more than likely the woman wanted another pet. “We can make part of the barn a
kennel. I’ve called around to see how much it’d cost to make a few changes to the property. It’s not
overly expensive. I can work with a budget. And trained dogs come in several breeds so we can pick
ones that would work best in our situation.”

“You’re going to turn this place into an animal farm,” Diskant muttered. When Ava shot him an

annoyed look he sighed. Trey wasn’t certain but he thought Diskant resisted the idea since his own
pooch, Oscar, had been shot and killed by Shepherds. “Emory? Trey? What do you think?”

“I think it’s a good idea,” Emory answered immediately, siding with his mate.
“It can’t hurt,” Trey conceded. Dogs, while not directly linked to werewolves, were easily to

command. There was a connection that allowed them to issue orders and share images of what they
wanted with canines. The idea would be even better if they could get dogs with a direct genetic
connection with wolves. “Are wolf-hybrids available?”

“Yes,” Mary answered and hesitated, “but they’re more expensive.”
Trey nodded, considering the idea. “They can warn us if something’s nearby,” he offered. “And

we’d be able to communicate commands to them easily.”

“Call tomorrow about hybrids.” Diskant jabbed a piece of steak with his fork. “Find out how

much it’s going to cost. I need an approximate amount. I’ll also want to know how many will live
comfortably on the property. They won’t like being contained. They’ll need to roam the property.”

Mary beamed, visibly thrilled. “Sure thing.”
They ate the rest of the meal in silence. The men, despite being werewolves, had good table

manners. Sadie still marveled at that. She’d expected them to devour their food. Instead they seemed

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to relish every bite, taking their time as they chewed. When everyone had finished the men started
clearing the table. Sadie went to help and Mary grasped her wrist, stopping her.

“Can I talk to you?” Mary asked, her gaze darting to Emory. She released Sadie and whispered,


Damn. Things have been going so well. Has that changed?
Sadie hoped not, replying, “Sure.”
Since the pack had accepted Sadie, Mary had calmed in Sadie’s presence. But tension remained

between the women. Sadie had started to understand the cause. Mary wanted to protect the only thing
she had—the family she’d always wanted. For that reason she’d considered Sadie a threat. Time had
smoothed things over but their relationship was far from perfect.

Sadie left the kitchen and walked down the hall toward the large entertainment area. Stopping in

the center of the room, she rounded on Mary. “What do you need?”

“Emory’s shown me ways to defend myself but he’s bigger and stronger than me.” Mary folded

her arms over her chest in a defensive gesture. “I’m not like you and Ava. I can’t see when someone’s
coming and I can’t protect myself like you. I don’t want to be caught in a situation like I was before.”
She took a deep breath and said, “I wanted to know if you’d be willing to teach me a few things. I
need to know how to defend myself.”

Relief washed through Sadie, as well as a hint of shame.
When Aldon had attacked the compound he’d struck Mary. The young woman hadn’t been able to

do anything about it. Although Mary would never be able to take down someone like Aldon, there
were ways she could defend herself. This was a good thing. She’d waited for Mary to open up and it
seemed like she was finally getting her wish.

“Your mating made you stronger, didn’t it?” Sadie thought it had but she needed to be certain.

“And faster?”

“It has.”
“Good. That’s something to work with. And you can use your size to your advantage. I can show

you lots of things.” Hesitating for a moment, she questioned, “What does Emory think about this?”
Like Mary, Emory had his reservations when it came to having a vampire living under his roof. “He’s
not going to give Trey hell if we do this, is he?”

“He suggested it, actually,” Mary answered, skirting Sadie’s gaze. “He’s seen you fight. He

knows what you can do. He thinks it’s a good idea.”

Thank Goddess. Another miracle.
“You’re going with Ava to see the doctor in the morning?” Mary nodded and Sadie said, “We

have to get things ready for the gathering and you need to take care of calling about the security dogs.
It’s best to begin next week. How does that sound?”

“Sounds good to me.”
“Then we have a date.”
Sadie started to leave when Mary whispered, “Thank you.”
Another thing she hadn’t expected. “You’re welcome.”
Sadie waited for the conversation to continue. When it didn’t she started walking from the room.

She froze mid-step, taken by surprise when Mary hurried to catch her and reached out. She touched
her arm, drawing her attention.

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“I know I’ve been a bitch,” Mary blurted, taking a step back, keeping her eyes lowered. “I’ve

thought about how I’ve treated you. At first I believed I was doing the right thing. Now I realize it’s
only brought tension into the house. There’s no excuse but I wanted to tell you I’m sorry. We’re in this
together. It’s important to for all of us to be united.”

“Apology accepted. Don’t worry about it.” There wasn’t time for a grudge. The household had

more important things to worry about. “I’d have reacted the same way. You were only protecting the
people you love.”

“You have to understand. I’d die for Emory. He’s the most important thing in the world to me.”

Lifting her head, she stared Sadie in the eye. “And I worry about Ava. She always acts like she’s
strong but deep down she’s afraid. That baby means everything to her. If something affected her
pregnancy she’d never recover. Everyone in this home is my family. I’d do anything for them.”

“I get it. Believe me.” And she did, completely. With a small smile, she rested a hand on Mary’s

shoulder. “This is my family too. I’d fight and die for anyone in this house or anyone in the pack. I
accepted that responsibility and gave my word to care for all of you. When I make a promise, I keep

Since it was obvious Mary was uncomfortable, Sadie lowered her hand. “We’ll start working on

your training next week. By the time we’re done you’ll kick serious ass.”

“I hope so.” Mary laughed softly. “I’m tired of being the weak link.”
“You’re stronger than you think.”
Mary gave Sadie a smile and walked from the room. Sadie didn’t follow, trying to wrap her head

around what had just happened. Mary had finally reached out to her. Things were coming together.
Each day made things a little easier. With the trust of everyone in the home she could finally focus on
business. Since Geneva wasn’t an issue she could center her attention on other things.

First and foremost, they had to find Thomas. That way Ava could locate the Shepherds in the area.

After that was done Sadie intended to find Aldon. Of all the dangers they’d faced, the dark and lethal
vampire concerned her most.

“Darlin’,” Trey’s voice swept through her head, “Are you coming? Or do I have to come get


“You sound like you’re planning something.” A smile tugged at her lips. “What are you up to?”
“Come to me and find out.”
Goose bumps rose all over her skin. The man was insatiable. “I’m on my way.”

* * * * *

Trey waited behind the door, listening intently to the footsteps approaching the bedroom. Sadie’s

scent drifted to him—sweet, fresh, feminine. He’d let her have a chat with Mary, figuring if things
took a bad turn he’d hear screaming and yelling. As soon as the table had been cleared he’d gone
straight to their bedroom. It had been a hell of a day. They’d gotten up early to strategize and spent the
rest of the day discussing the possibility that Shepherds had returned to the city.

Still, he meant what he’d said.
He was going to make his mate pay for calling him a fool.
There’d never be a time when he was too tired to give her this.
The door opened and she stepped inside. He snagged her by the waist and closed the door with

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the heel of his foot. He’d already removed his shirt, socks and shoes, was clothed only in a faded pair
of jeans. All that was left was to strip her clothing off piece by piece.

“You’re such a—”
He cut her off, darting his tongue past her lips, claiming her mouth. She sagged in his embrace, her

hands gripping the arm he’d put around her midsection. Her long blonde hair tangled in the bristle
along his cheek, the floral scent of her shampoo drifting to his nose. He shuffled toward the bed,
wanting to see her writhing beneath him, to listen to her sexy little whimpers and cries.

Pulling his mouth from hers, he let her go and reached for her shirt. “You were saying?”
“Not a thing.” She exhaled roughly, panting for breath.
He bent down, removed her shoes and socks and reached for the button of her leather pants. She

immediately reciprocated, tugging at the buttons of his jeans. There were times when they took things
nice and slow. But that wasn’t for tonight. He’d been eager for her since she’d pressed her sexy little
body against him in the alley, her simple touch making his cock harden and throb.

She removed her bra and he kneeled and tugged her underwear down her lean thighs, pulling them

off when she lifted her feet to assist him. Rising up, he leaned forward. He glided his tongue between
her labia, flicking it when he reached her clit. Fuck she tasted good, all hot and wet. She gasped,
widened her stance and buried her fingers in his hair.

Given more room, he took his time lapping at her slit. Her cream coated his tongue, her soft sighs

music to his ears. He realized he wasn’t going to be able to prolong things in an effort to punish her.
His cock had been rock-hard all through dinner. All he’d been able to think about was ramming his
length inside her snug little cunt over and over until they came together.

“So fucking sweet, darlin’,” he rasped against her skin, giving her another lick. “I could drown in


Inching away, she sat on the bed and rested on her back. She parted her thighs—an open

invitation. “I want you inside me.”

Who the hell was he to argue?
Climbing over her, he fisted the base of his cock. He slid the tip up and down her crease, getting it

good and wet. Then he lodged the head at the mouth of her pussy, penetrating her that first little bit.
Putting his weight on his hands, he rose above her. She was beautiful. Her pale hair cascading over
the bed, her fair skin a stark contrast to his tan complexion. Her breasts were full, her pink nipples
pebbled and hard.

His gaze went to her face. He watched her as he pushed his cock into her heat. Her lips parted, her

large blue eyes dark with desire. When he was halfway in he pulled away, earning a groan of protest.
With a grin he returned, sinking inch by inch into her. Her pussy stretched around him, so tight he had
to force his way in. This time he didn’t stop, advancing into her, stilling when his balls rested against
her ass.

“Mmm,” she hummed, closing her eyes. “Hard and thick. I can feel you everywhere.”
“For you, mate.” His heart raced, his muscles trembling. “Only for you.”
He pulled his hips away and she arched her back. When he speared his length into her, her pelvis

shot up to meet his. He growled his pleasure, loving the way she moved with him. Bowing his head,
he sucked a pert nipple into his mouth. Her fingers wound in his hair, her nails scraping his scalp.

“Harder,” she whispered, bucking beneath him. “More.”

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He increased the suction and moved faster, pounding his cock into her pussy. Their skin slapped

together, the sound loud in the room. Once she’d been embarrassed about making noises, worried
about what the rest of the house would think. It hadn’t taken her long to realize the other couples were
equally as hungry for each other. Now she let go, giving herself over without hesitation.

Lifting up, she pulled him from her nipple and brushed her lips over his neck. “Love you,” she

breathed. “So much.”

“I love you too, baby.” Sometimes he felt like the endearment wasn’t enough. Love was just a

word. What he felt was so much stronger. He lived and breathed this woman, craved her nearness,
was determined that she always be by his side.

Their bodies clashed together, her tongue bathing the skin covering his vein. It was then that he

realized she wanted this as much as he did. He’d scented her arousal throughout the night but he
hadn’t realized how much she’d ached for him. He didn’t hold back, moving even faster. His balls
drew taut, his breath catching in his throat. As soon as she pierced his neck they’d come in a rush,
caught in a maelstrom of pleasure. He’d never experienced anything like it.

“Do it,” he ordered gruffly, wanting to spend his seed inside her.
Her small fangs scored his skin, the bite true and clean, a small prick against his flesh. He shook

all over as he came, muscles flexing, jerking as semen jetted from his cock. Heat rushed through his
body, a pulsing tingle winding down his spine. He didn’t stop thrusting, feeling her pussy clamp down
on him. She drew the blood from his flesh, moaning softly against his skin.

“Could drink you forever.” She sucked softly, drinking slowly. “You taste so good.”
She pulled her teeth from his skin and pressed her tongue over the punctures, slowing the bleeding

and sealing the wounds. He eased up, taking his time as he moved in and out of her. The smell of sex
covered the room, the scent one he always welcomed. At times like this he realized Sadie truly was
his. She hadn’t left him, even if she had every reason to. She stayed because she cared for him in a
way he didn’t deserve. He’d vowed to show her she’d made the right decision.

“If that was punishment, I’m going to misbehave more often.” She sighed and relaxed beneath him.

“In fact, I think I’ll make a point of pissing you off if this is what I can expect.”

“Smartass,” he growled, lifting away. His cock slid from her pussy and rubbed her thigh, leaving

behind a smear of semen along her pale skin. It might have made him a dirty bastard but he liked
seeing it there, knowing he’d marked her with his seed and scent.

Before she could move he’d pulled back the comforter and linens and reached for her. She

wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him closely, nuzzling his chest as he got her in place.
Once she was comfortable he spooned his body around hers, resting his arm over her waist. Bringing
his face to her head, he took a deep breath.

My female.
My mate.
“You’re going to have to forgive yourself at some point,” she said softly, placing her hand on his

arm. “I did a long time ago. The past belongs in the past.”

“You’ve been listening to my thoughts again.” She’d said she’d try not to, although she’d

confessed it had become a habit that was hard to break. It didn’t make him angry—far from it—even
though he wished at times like this she’d stay out of his head. “I’ve warned you that you might not like
what you find.”

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“I know I made the right decision.” She wiggled her ass and his semihard cock stirred. With a

quick flip she turned to face him, bringing her fingers to his cheek. “I’m right where I’m supposed to
be. I’m not going anywhere.”

“It wouldn’t matter if you tried.”
“Is that so?” Her full lips curved, her blue irises sparkling.
“Nope.” Kissing the tip of her nose, he warned, “I’d find you.”
“Say I did go and you managed to find me,” she teased, smiling at him. “What would you do?”
“Take you with me.”
“Even if I said no?”
“I’d drag your ass back kicking and screaming if I had to.”
“Kicking and screaming, huh?”
“If I had to,” he confirmed. He’d do whatever it took to keep her with him.
“So we agree.” There was laughter in her voice. “There’s no reason for me to go anywhere. You

want me here. I want to be here. I made the right decision.”

“Absolutely,” he whispered, holding her close. “I’m never letting you go.”
“That’s a relief, since I’ve decided to keep you.”
Her lids drifted shut and he studied her, his eyes sweeping over her delicate features. He loved

watching her sleep, knowing she trusted him enough to rest when she was most vulnerable. She knew
he’d keep her safe, watching over her. Grazing her cheek with the back of his hand, he basked in the
joy of calling this woman his mate.

He’d never let her go.
Not now. Not ever.
He’d die first.

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Chapter Three

Sadie opened her eyes, blinking several times to clear her vision. The sun would rise soon. As a

vampire, she could literally feel the slight drain it placed on her body, accompanied by a strange
tingle in her skin. Trey’s chest rose and fell, his breathing indicating he was fast asleep. She’d
acclimated to his schedule but had discovered he wasn’t an early riser.

Her eyes drifted to the stubble lining his cheeks and jaw, the growth heavier near his chin and full

lips. Gazing up, she studied the fall of his thick lashes against his cheeks. Her heart skipped a beat, a
profound ache building in her chest. She’d wanted him for so long—had dreamed one day it might be
possible—but she’d never thought she’d actually have him.

She remembered their arguments, hating the way she’d lashed out at him. True he’d deserved it at

the time but he’d tried to make amends. She hadn’t been prepared for him to walk away from his pack
for her. It had been shocking. He’d refused to back down when it came to their mating and had
informed his kind if they wanted his protection they had to accept the woman he’d bound himself to.

A vampire. So unlike them. Something they’d been taught to fear.
Carefully—making sure not to rouse him—she slid down the bed, pulling back the covers. She

studied the muscles in his chest, his abdomen, marveling at how perfectly he was built. Not too bulky.
Not too lean. His tan skin went beautifully with the ink on his arms. She’d been curious about that—
how a werewolf wouldn’t heal from a tattoo—only to find out they did heal but the ink, like with a
human, remained under the skin.

Knowing he’d wake the minute she touched him, she didn’t tease or proceed with caution. She

parted her lips and dipped her head, taking the tip and part of his length into her mouth. Trey stirred,
groaning and lifting his hips.

“Sadie.” He sighed her name and twined his fingers in her hair.
“Good morning,” she thought to him, sucking harder.
“Fuck,” he rasped, rolling his hips.
He hardened, growing thick and wide in her mouth. She used her hand to cover the base of his

cock, stroking him as she bobbed her head up and down. She tasted his semen, moaning when the
flavor burst in her mouth. His fingers tightened in her hair, his breaths coming hard and fast.

“You like this?” She knew he did but she loved teasing him.
“Hell yes.”
She grinned and kept going, moving faster, hollowing her cheeks. He hit the back of her throat and

she swallowed. He hissed, his thighs flexing. Just a little longer and he’d come. Knowing that, she
redoubled her efforts. She wanted to drink him down, to give this to him.

“No.” He growled the word, as though he knew her intentions.
With a hard yank he pulled her lips from his cock. He guided her up his body, his amber gaze

devouring her. Their lips met, tongues dancing together. She straddled his waist and got in position,
lining her pussy up with the iron-hard length of his cock. Releasing his grip on her hair, Trey reached
between their bodies and dipped the broad head into the entrance of her sex.

She sank down, her gaze on his face. His eyes brightened, his lips pulling back. His canines had

lengthened slightly and he ground his teeth together. His length filled her, stretching her wide. She felt
every inch as she kept going, working herself on his cock until her ass rested against the tops of his

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thighs. He moved his hand and bent his legs, bracing her back.

“Ride me, mate,” he ordered in a low growl.
There was no need to rush. So much had taken place in the last week. Right now he was hers.

There were no enemies to worry about. No discussions they needed to have. There was only him and
her, sharing an intimate moment. She loved the times they had like this, with nothing coming between

“Fuck you feel good.” Grasping her hips in his large hands, he ground his cock into her. “So warm

and tight. You have no idea what you do to me.”

“I think I do.” Placing her hands on his chest, she rocked her hips, gasping when she felt friction

against her clit. He pulsed inside her, his shaft touching all the right places. “Goddess, I know I do.”

With that she lifted up and came back down. Slow and intentional, wanting the sensations to last.

He let go of one hip and brought his fingers to her pussy. He got them wet and moved to her clit. He
manipulated the bundles of nerves, working the swollen nub. Heat built in her stomach, a jolt of fire
spreading through her torso. She could come like this but held back. Riding his cock, increasing the

“I want to feel you come.” Trey rubbed her clit, applying more pressure. “I want to see what I do

to you. Show me how good I make you feel, darlin’.”

Her resolve melted away. He felt too amazing inside her as his fingers teased her clit. She jerked

her hips each time she sank down, feeling the tip of his cock nudging her cervix. The fire in her belly
intensified. His fingers were persistent, taking her to the precipice. She rode the waves of pleasure,
reaching for what he was going to give her.

Almost there.
Arching her back, she cried out. Fire spread through her body, prickly like champagne fizzes

under her skin. Dizzying currents of pleasure swept over her, fiery licks of ecstasy traveling from her
pussy to her stomach, winding through her arms and legs.

“Beautiful,” Trey growled, stroking her clit and thrusting his hips. “Let me see how good it is.”
The blissful fog eventually lifted, the comforting warmth in the aftermath of orgasm leaving her

relaxed and sated. Trey’s fingers vanished. Holding her hips, he reversed their positions. He flipped
her onto her back. His cock never left her pussy, hard and firm inside her. He grasped her ass and
pulled back, inching away until only the wide head remained within her. Without hesitation he
slammed his length back inside, making her toes curl.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll feel me all day, Sadie.” She peered up, meeting his glowing

eyes. “That’s right. You’ll think about this all day. You won’t be able to walk or sit down without
thinking about me.”

He wasn’t easy, his movements hard and rough. Again and again he pounded into her, leaving her

gasping for breath. The way he positioned her allowed him to go even deeper. He bottomed out, the
tip of his cock constantly bumping the sensitive area inside her. She fisted the sheets in her hands,
watching him as he fucked her. Sweat coated his skin, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he

“Who do you love?” He pumped faster, rocking his hips.
“You.” Goddess help her. She lost herself when she was near this man. Bringing her hands to his

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chest, she dug her nails into his skin. “You.”

“That’s right.” Rolling his pelvis, he growled, “Me. You’re all fucking mine.”
His pectoral muscles flexed beneath her palms, his constant rocking bringing him closer to the

edge of the line. She could see the need in his face, was awed by the glow in his irises. Her belly
fluttered and she basked in the glow of it all, knowing she made him feel this way. Tendrils of hair
stuck to his temples, the back of his nape wet and slick.

With a final plunge he buried himself balls-deep, snarling as he came. His cock swelled, jerking

as he released inside her. Still he kept going, using enough force to send her body toward the
headboard. She loved it when he was like this—wild, untamed and out of his head. He gripped her
ass even harder, his fingers raking over her skin. A bead of sweat dripped from his chest and landed
on her belly. She wanted to reach down and rub the salty fluid into her flesh, marking herself with his

Finally he slowed, the violent motions becoming soft and tender. He remained inside her as he

lowered his torso, his lips searching for and finding hers. The urgency had fled, replaced by
tenderness that seared her heart. One minute he could be fierce, taking what he wanted without
excuses. The next he was like this, treating her like fine china, touching her with the sweet caress of
his fingers. She wanted to swoon like a hormonal teenager.

He was the only man—the one man—who made her feel like this.
She hadn’t been lying to him the night before.
If there was one thing she knew for certain it was this: she belonged with Trey.
She was right where she was supposed to be.

God, the woman undid him.
Trey lifted his head and gazed down, staring into the eyes of the only female who’d ever gotten

under his skin. He thought about her all the time, even when she was sitting right beside him. He
constantly thought of ways to make her smile and laugh, needing to know he was doing right by her.

Fuck knew he’d nearly screwed everything up.
“Come here, mate.” He eased his cock from her, taking care. Then he shifted to the side, slid off

the bed and gathered her in his arms. “After that I’m sure a shower sounds like heaven.”

“A shower sounds nice.” Her head rested beneath his chin, her hair soft against his chest. “Mmm,

this is the best way to start the day.”

Fucking-A it was.
He refused to let her go, craving the feel of her silken skin against his. Walking into the bathroom,

he flipped on the light with his elbow. Then he carried her to the shower, stepped inside but remained
out of the reach of the water and turned on the faucets. He waited for the temperature to heat, stroking
her hair, listening to her sweet purr of contentment.

“Hold on,” he warned, studying the steamy water and then he stepped into the spray.
“That feels wonderful,” she sighed and he reluctantly lowered her to the floor, keeping his arms

around her until she found her balance.

“Don’t make me rip apart the shower.” He swatted her ass playfully and reached for a bottle of

shampoo. “You know how I feel about competition.”

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She tsked at him and he started washing her hair. He enjoyed hearing her sighs, making sure he

massaged the fragrant suds into her scalp. After he finished he helped her rinse and started cleaning
her body. He’d long since stopped using a washcloth, preferring to use his hands to get the job done.
Her slim hands fell to his hips, her breasts rising as she inhaled and sighed.

“We have a lot to do today.” Parting her thighs so he had room to wash between her legs, she said,

“I know Ava’s excited about the party but I’m not so sure. It might not be a good idea.”

He paused, gazing into her face. Sadie was able to feel when things were off. She said it was an

odd inner sense of warning but she couldn’t describe it. “Have you sensed something?”

“No, it’s not that.” She paused for a moment. “Shepherds like sending a message in a big way.

There’s a reason they left bodies for us to find. They’re not hiding the fact they’ve returned and
they’re back to business as usual. It might be nothing but I can’t help but wonder if they’re showing us
their left hand so we don’t know what the right is doing. There’s too much we don’t know.”

Immediately he knew what she was thinking. He didn’t have to read her mind.
She’d broached this topic after Ava had found a money clip that belonged to Thomas at her old

home. Sadie’d immediately wanted to take the item to Leigh. Sadie’s friend—also a vampire—had a
very special power. By touching the object Leigh could take Sadie to Thomas. The mortal had a
locket in his possession that would allow Ava to read minds across enormous distances. With such a
powerful tool Ava could see any threat before it struck. But it wasn’t worth the risk to his mate, no
matter how much it might help the pack. Trey was certain Aldon was still searching for Leigh. Sadie
could put herself in harm’s way.

“No,” he growled, moving her against the wall. He cupped her chin and made sure she met his

gaze. “It’s not safe and you’re not leaving my side.”

“So we what? Wait here? See who else they kill? Let them ambush the pack again? How many do

you think they’ll take with them this time? So far it’s been the men and women. What about the
children I swore to protect?” She pulled her head back, a flash of anger in her eyes. “This is a
plausible solution. It won’t take me long to go. I can see Leigh, get her help, find Thomas and return
as soon as I have the zephyr.”

“We agreed we’d only do it as a last resort,” he reminded her, trying to stay calm. “We need you

here. Ava’s too far along in her pregnancy to protect herself. She needs you at the house to watch over
her. Mary shouldn’t take her to appointments when Diskant can’t travel. They need you. You should
make them a priority.”

“I think you’re being an ass,” she grumbled and stepped into the water to finish cleaning off the

soap he’d slathered all over her. There was no question about it, he wasn’t letting her leave, no way.
She could get angry if she wanted. Usually he lathered up every inch of her and she returned the favor.
But she wasn’t going to do that today.

Sadie—as much as he loved her—had one hell of a temper.
“If you say so,” he replied smoothly.
“I can take care of myself. We both know I’m capable of getting the job done. You just won’t let

me.” Finished rinsing, she faced him. “I can do this. You know I can. You’re being stubborn.”

He was being stubborn but for good reason. “We’ll talk about it later. Everyone will be up soon.

If we hurry we can make them breakfast.”

She slipped out of the shower without another word, leaving him alone. Yep, she was well and

truly ticked off. Oh well, she’d get over it. He wasn’t lying. Not entirely. They had the party to plan,

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new guard duty to establish and other things they had to prepare for before Ava gave birth. Everyone
needed her here.

With a sigh of his own, Trey washed his hair and reminded himself there was one small thing that

worked in his favor.

Sadie was easily riled up but she’d forgive him. Even if she disagreed with his decisions she

understood he feared for her. She’d seen pictures of the bodies they’d found and she’d been around
long enough to know what they were up against.

Fucking Shepherds.
One day—if he had his way—he’d kill them all.

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Chapter Four

Sadie turned from the pack members seated at tables, leaving them to gorge on the food placed

before them. The sun had dipped behind the trees thirty minutes before, the sky finally becoming dark.
The pool and security lights bathed the concrete in a white glow. She smiled when she saw Arkin
coming at her. The little boy had been the first to greet her when she met the women and children of
the pack. He’d made things a lot easier for her.

She’d barely made it to her knees when he crashed into her, wrapping his arms around her

shoulders. “Hi!” he expelled in a rush. “Guess what? I went to the store and got this.” He lifted a
chubby arm into the air, his little fingers clutching an enormous plastic sword. “I wanted to get a real
one but Mom says I’ll cut my arm off. Maybe you can talk to her for me. Or show me how to use it so
I won’t cut my arm off and she’ll let me have one. I want to be a warrior when I grow up.”

Little hellion. “We’ll see.” She rose, picking him up, making sure he didn’t hit her in the face with

his play weapon. “Why don’t you eat first?”

“I don’t want to eat.” He scowled, his lips puckering in a hilarious way. “I can get food anytime.

Besides, I’m not even hungry. I want to practice with you.”

“Arkin.” The boy’s mother, Helen, approached, sounding stern. “What did I tell you?”
“To leave Miss Sadie alone,” he grumbled and squirmed out of Sadie’s arms. “I just wanted to

show her what I got.”

“I’m sorry. I’m trying to teach him manners but so far they haven’t stuck.” Helen took Arkin by the

arm and he rolled his eyes. “He talked about you all the way here.”

Sadie wasn’t sure if the woman was annoyed by or happy of that fact. “It’s fine.”
“Come on, you.” Helen’s features smoothed as she looked at her son. “You can talk to her after

you eat.”

“Oh Mom,” he whined. “Do I have to?”
“Yes,” she informed him curtly. “Keep it up and you’re going to time-out.”
They walked away. Instead of following behind them, Sadie stayed near the gate.
Members of the pack greeted her as they came in but she knew they were wary of what she was.

Nothing to be done about that. Hopefully as months passed she’d gain their trust. She scanned the
trees in the distance. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. Guards had been scattered along the property
and Ava was keeping an ear out. It was a good thing the woman could use her ability to scan the
thoughts of those around them.

“You should join everyone.” Trey took her by surprise, appearing out of nowhere, wrapping an

arm around her waist. Bringing his lips to her ear, he whispered, “Some of them are wondering if you
lied about eating real food. They don’t think you can.”

Damn it. Glancing over at the tables, she noticed a few men and women watching her. “I can’t

stand watch and eat at the same time. I need to stay here.”

“The guards have it covered. Zach’s on top of things.” His hand fell from her middle and he

clasped her fingers in his. “Time to make a good impression. Come on.”

She relented, following him toward a table. Places had been set, complete with plates of food and

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utensils. Trey had made sure was everything was ready—which was thoughtful of him—but she
didn’t want to eat. She felt so edgy she worried she might not be able to keep the meal down. Despite
that she knew she was going to eat. A couple of bites wouldn’t kill her and the pack would relax if
she seemed normal. All of them found her need for blood repulsive.

Trey put his hand on her thigh, rubbing his fingers up and down her leg. “Go ahead. Dig in.”
The instant she picked up her fork the chatter around her stopped. She felt the weight of

everyone’s stares. They really were going to watch. Trey hadn’t been kidding. They truly believed
she couldn’t consume food.

Goddess, how embarrassing.
She went for the potato salad instead of taking the time to cut her steak into bite-sized portions.

She scooped up a generous forkful and popped the food into her mouth. The side dish was delicious
and soft, the faint flavor of green pepper bringing her taste buds to life. She savored the flavor, letting
it soak into her tongue. With a sigh she swallowed and went for another bite. Then she lifted her gaze
and gave everyone at the table a smile.

“It tastes wonderful.”
“Sure does,” a woman seated at the opposite end said. “I need the recipe.”
“Ava hired the caterers. Maybe you can get it from them.”
The tension eased, the men and women appeased. Normal talking resumed.
Trey leaned over, murmuring into her hair. “See? One little thing has the power to change a lot of

opinions.” With that he let go of her leg and dug into his food. Unlike her, he didn’t take time to enjoy
the flavors. He went at his dish like an animal, devouring the steak. He’d gone easy on her—giving
her normal portions—but his plate had been piled high.

She ate slowly and made sure she remained aware of her surroundings.
Most of the families had finished eating. Trey had warned her that the couples with children

would leave before the drinking started. That meant maybe another hour before the party was in full
swing. The women with children made sure dishes were clear of food before they allowed the little
ones to throw away their plates.

Trey finished his food in minutes. When she cocked an eyebrow, thinking he was a bit of a glutton,

he shot her a lopsided grin. “Relax, darlin’. Finish your meal. We’re not at an execution. Everything’s

Easy for him to say. Everyone trusted him to protect them.
She had to earn that level of respect and faith.
“I’m finished.” She’d managed to eat a little of everything he’d chosen for her.
“Finished?” He frowned at her. “You barely ate anything.”
“Unlike you,” she countered, “I don’t eat like a horse.”
He took their plates and stood. She watched as he went to one of the large trash cans and tossed

them inside. Rising from her seat, she smiled at the people at her table.

“Thanks for coming. It’s good to see you again.”
A few kept eating, giving her nods. She considered trying to talk to them—figuring that one day

she might know more of them by name—but decided against it. She’d made progress. No need to push
it. It was probably best to let them get to know her slowly so friendships weren’t forced.

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Moving away from the group, she went to Trey, who’d stopped to chat with a member of the pack

she actually knew. A sudden wave of relief allowed her to relax. This time she wouldn’t have to keep
her guard up.

“Hello,” Doc greeted her. The pack physician was always cordial and polite. “It’s good to have

everyone together.” He looked around until he found Diskant and Ava. “Have you made Ava slow
down? She needs rest more than ever.”

“Not much,” she admitted. “She’s stubborn.”
“Give her another month. She’ll be begging to put her feet up.” Doc pulled a bottle of beer from

the cooler beside him. “I’m going to make the rounds and say hello to everyone.”

As he walked away, something jarred in Sadie’s memory. There was one pack member she hadn’t

seen yet. “Where’s Larissa?” she asked Trey. “Did her son’s leg miraculously heal?”

“That’s a good question.” Trey frowned and rotated in a circle, studying everyone around them.

“She should have made it by now.” His shoulders tensed as he peered over at her. “I should probably
give her a call to make sure everything’s okay. I can get her number from the office.” His expression
changed, going from concerned to teasing and lustful. “Want to come with me? We can slip away for
a few minutes.”

“Not today, I’m afraid.” Rising onto her tiptoes, she pressed a kiss to his cheek. If he got her in the

office they’d be there for more than a few minutes. “I’ll wait here for you.”

His brow lifted and his lips curved. He glanced at the cooler. “You’re going to serve everyone


“Why not?” It wasn’t like she had anything else to do. Besides, it was a good spot to monitor the

property around them. “Maybe I’ll be able to talk to a few members of the pack in the process.”

“Just remember who you belong to if anyone gets any ideas.”
Rather than settling for her small display of affection he bent his head, palmed the arch of her back

and yanked her to him. Her gasp was caught in his mouth, his tongue winding out to glide past her
lips. She knew the pack was watching but she didn’t give a shit. She returned the kiss, clutching his
arms. Their tongues touched, parted and returned. Their bodies pressed together, his hard cock
nudging her belly. Her nipples hardened into points, a hot rush of wetness dampening her panties. He
growled, lowering his hand, cupping her ass.

It was then that she realized he wanted an audience.
He intended for the pack to see them like this together.
When he finally lifted his head she was breathless. “I’ll be right back,” he said, his breath warm

against her mouth. All she could do was nod, doing her best to keep her knees from buckling. His
fingers slipped beneath her chin and he forced her to look at him. “You have no idea how fucking
beautiful you are, all flushed and excited.” He inhaled and growled. “You smell so good, Sadie. Why
don’t you come to the office? I’ve had dinner. It’s time for dessert.”

“You’re incorrigible.” Her voice had changed, becoming deep and raspy. If he didn’t leave soon

she’d say to hell with it and take him up on the offer. “Go make the call. Make sure everything’s all

“Coward,” he said, teasing her. “Stay right here. I won’t be gone long.”
She nodded and he gave her a quick peck on the lips. She didn’t have the nerve to look at anyone

when he walked away, taking slow and steady breaths. She willed her heart to stop thundering in her

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chest. Her panties were so wet she was glad she’d decided to wear her leather pants and not denim.
Otherwise her arousal might have bled through her thin cotton underwear and stained her jeans.

In an effort to seem unaffected by Trey’s kiss she searched through the beverages. There were

plenty of alcohol-filled delights for the pack to enjoy, ranging from domestic beer to wine coolers to
imported stouts. She didn’t plan on drinking anything but she pretended to be interested, studying
some of the bottles of stout. She didn’t need to bring more attention to herself.

It’s bad enough that everyone knows how turned-on I am.
Something bumped into her leg and she stepped back. When she looked down she found Arkin. He

stood directly in front of her, sword in hand.

“I ate like you told me to,” he said, crinkling his nose.
“Didn’t you like the food?” Somehow she managed not to laugh. “You need to make sure you eat

good things so you grow up healthy and strong.”

“I’m already healthy and strong,” he informed her. “Will you show me how to use this or not?”
“Don’t you want to play with your friends?” Several of the children were his age. “You might

have more fun playing with them.”

“Nah, they’ll want to play sissy games. This party is boring.” Poking her with the sword and

gazing into her eyes, he asked, “Will you teach me how to use my sword or not?”

Crap. She didn’t want to tick off his mother, which she certainly might do by teaching him how to

fight. She also didn’t want to disappoint the little boy. What the hell do I do?

“Well?” he asked impatiently. “Will you show me or not?”
Thinking fast, she looked at the barn in the distance. “I have a better idea,” she replied, a plan

coming to mind. If Helen agreed this would be a far better way to entertain the rambunctious tyke.
“Are you any good at hide and seek?”

He lowered the toy and gawked at her. “Are you kidding? You sound like the other kids. That

game’s for babies!”

“No it isn’t.” She folded her arms over her chest and tried to look intimidating and arrogant. “I’m

the best at it, by the way. No one has ever been able to find me.”

“That’s ’cause you use magic,” he informed her matter-of-factly. “You cheat.”
“No sir. No magic. I’m just that good.”
“I could find you. Even if you did cheat.” He tapped the tip of his nose with his finger. “I have a

strong nose. Mom told me so.”

“Really?” Spotting Helen, she placed her hand on Arkin’s shoulder. “Why don’t we ask your mom

if we can play? If you’re as good as you say then I’ll see if we can play with the sword. How does
that sound?”

“It sounds like you’re trying to trick me.” Even though he sounded displeased, he didn’t argue. “If

you want me to be the first person to beat you at hide and seek, I guess I will. But you have to promise
after I find you we’ll do what I want to do.”

Hoping she wouldn’t regret it, she caved. “I promise.”
“Let’s hurry. I need to find you so we can have some real fun.”
He took off in the direction of his mother. Sadie weaved through the people in her path and no one

paid her any notice. Their lack of concern put a bounce in her step. Everyone has having a good time

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and they didn’t seem to care she was around.

Arkin made it to his mother, quickly sharing Sadie’s offer. Helen—appearing defeated and ready

to give in to the child—gave him a nod. He sprinted from her, coming right at Sadie.

“She said yes!” he screamed loud enough for everyone to hear. “I’ll race you to the barn. The

winner gets to hide first.”

With that, he bounded off. She didn’t even try to catch him. It was best if he hid first, so that she

could make excuses for not finding him. Although Helen didn’t seem to mind if he played hide and
seek, Sadie was certain she wouldn’t like it if her son learned to fight. She decided to do things
carefully, hoping to entertain Arkin until Trey made it back.

She hoped the phone call went smoothly. The sooner he came for her, the better.
Although she loved children, she’d discovered she was terrified of their parents.

* * * * *

Trey paced around the office. He’d called Larissa’s home several times with no response. Her

mate Jonathan wouldn’t have let her come to the party without him. Maybe they’d gotten a late start?
Jay’s broken leg might have hampered travel. Perhaps they’d had car trouble? But if so, why hadn’t
they contacted a member of the pack for assistance?

Returning to the Rolodex, he studied the paper.
No cell number was listed, only the home line.
Son of a bitch.
He had to decide what to do. Certainly he’d tell Diskant but there wasn’t any need to worry the

pack. More than likely things were fine. He returned the phone to the receiver and plucked his cell
from his pocket. Texting Diskant would make things easier. The Omega stayed busier than most so he
was constantly texting or talking on his cell.

He quickly typed what Diskant needed to know and pressed send.
That done, he strode from the office, eager to return to his mate.
A smile tugged at his mouth.
Sadie’d thought she’d get away with giving him a peck on the cheek as a token of her love in front

of the pack. The woman had no idea who she was dealing with. Males made sure everyone knew who
their mates were. It was part of life with werewolves—hell, with most shifters who lived in
communities—to take part in public displays of affection. Some shifters were so comfortable doing
so they didn’t have a problem having sex in hallways or in bathrooms. They couldn’t give a shit less
if anyone or everyone came across them doing the deed.

He walked from the office, down the hallway and toward the living room. As soon as he entered

he encountered Diskant. Leave it to the Omega to stay on constant alert. He chuckled and was moving
toward the male, when his sense of smell kicked in.

Alarm. Concern.
“What’s wrong?” he asked immediately, his euphoria gone.
“Ava was listening to the guards along the property line. One of them smelled something off,”

Diskant answered, his eyes turning an ominous shade of green. “He clearly scented blood not too far

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from the fence. He thinks it’s less than a mile away. He’s sharing the news with the other guards as
we speak.”

Fuck. “You got my text?”
“I did,” Diskant confirmed, growling. “I want you to go to them before anyone realizes what’s

going on. Ava’s distracting everyone outside with baby talk. We need to figure out what we’re
dealing with before they figure out something’s wrong.”

Trey didn’t even want to consider what they might be dealing with. “Where’s Sadie?” He wanted

his mate. Now. Beside him in order for him to watch over her. He could call to her mentally but she
was already nervous in front of the pack. He didn’t want to catch her off guard. “I’ll take her with

“Arkin’s got her attention. They’re playing hide and seek in the barn.” Diskant glanced at the door,

making sure no one was close to listen in. “She’s fine. It’s the pack you need to worry about. Haul ass
to the posts and see what’s going on. The guards are going to assemble when they know something’s
up. They’ll investigate the scent. When they do, they’ll abandon their posts and leave unmonitored
areas around the property. You need to get out there and make sure everyone stays in position.”

Double Fuck. “I want you to get Sadie and tell her to come to the house,” he told Diskant, fury

coursing through his veins. He worried about reaching out to her with telepathy. If he told her what
he’d learned, she’d probably rush Arkin back to his mother and phase to Trey. If anyone saw her do
it, they’d suspect something was wrong. “I want her close.”

“She’s fine, go talk to—”
“No,” Trey snarled, advancing on Diskant. “I want my mate. Here. Right now. Send whoever you

want to get her but make sure she’s close to the house. I’m not going anywhere until I know she’s
properly protected.” Staring the Omega in the eye, he said, “You’d do the same for Ava. I’m not
negotiating. As soon as she’s in the safe zone we’ll go.”

“Fine,” Diskant snapped, nostrils flaring. “But you’d better get a move on before anyone realizes

shit is going down. It could get very messy if they do.”

With a furious look at his friend and the Omega of the city, Trey stormed from the room. He made

it through the entertainment area and opened the door. His first destination? His mate. Diskant would
take too long. Trey had to find her first. Until she was with him, nothing else mattered. He stopped
short when he saw his mate handing an angry Arkin to his mother.

“You didn’t play with me,” he howled and slapped at his mother’s chest as Sadie handed him

over. “That’s not fair! You said you would. You lied!”

“I’m sorry,” she said soothingly, brushing her fingers over his hair. “I promise to make it up to

you. One day you can come over and we’ll spend plenty of time together. I have to do something right

She didn’t elaborate on the issue, leaving the boy behind. Relief slammed into Trey, so powerful

he nearly stumbled. She seemed alarmed, her brows furrowed, blue eyes a lighter shade than usual.
She rushed toward him, taking large strides.

“Something’s wrong,” she whispered when they were within inches of each other, her gaze darting

to those behind her on the pool patio. “I came as soon as Ava told me she needed me back at the
house. What’s going on?”

If only he knew. “I’m not sure yet.”

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“Ava told me I needed to get to the gates to the compound.” Sadie was all business. “We need to

get there before the guards start moving.”

“Relax.” He wrapped his arm around her waist. It’d be hard but they had to pretend all was well.

“We have to do this right.”

He led the way, nuzzling Sadie’s ear. To everyone, they seemed like a newly mated couple. They

moved through the pack. Some took notice but most didn’t. Trey directed his gaze to Ava. The female
stared back at him from her spot on the lounger. Diskant had joined her, appearing to be at ease. He
placed his hand on Ava’s stomach, talking about how excited he was to meet his child. The pack
members surrounding them laughed, asking if Diskant thought he was having a girl or a boy.

“This is how it should be,” Trey thought to Sadie. “We don’t need to cause panic. Diskant needs

to appear at ease.”

“I know but things aren’t good. Zach’s outside the perimeter. He’s found something.”
“What kind of something?”
Adrenaline flooded Trey’s system. “What is it?”
Sadie didn’t stop moving but she did look up at him. “I’m not entirely sure but we’re about to

find out.”

They continued forward, moving past the landscaping around the pool. They excited through the

gate, which had been propped open. Soon they entered the grassy area along the outside of the house.
They waited until they were out of sight before they rushed toward the primary entrance to the

A guard appeared, running right at them. “Hurry,” he huffed. “Come on.”
“What did you find?” Trey snapped. “Tell us.”
“I haven’t been told. I only know where you can find the group.” The guard motioned toward the

fence. “You’ll have to go about a half a mile down the primary road. You’ll find Zach there. He said
to get there was fast as you can. It’s urgent.”

The pack had already moved. Shit.
Trey kept in alignment with Sadie, his palms clammy, his heart thundering. He wasn’t a vampire

or telepath but he knew when something was off. He could scent the blood, not far away. And
whoever had been harmed also carried the taint of fear.

Was it a werewolf? A shifter?
Had he made it too late?
“Easy,” Sadie thought to him, the word a soothing caress. “You have to be calm. This is what we

do. Think with your head, not your emotions.”

This wasn’t good—so not fucking good.
“What aren’t you telling me, mate?” he growled at her, no longer using their mental connection.

“What’s up ahead? I have the right to know.”

“You will,” she glanced over at him, her eyes dark, “soon.”
Fuck that.
“What aren’t you telling me?” he snarled.
“We’re almost there,” she snapped in his head. “You’re going to make things worse. Listen to

me. There’s nothing we can do. Use your nose. Scent the death in the air. You’ll upset the woman
who needs us more than she needs to be. You’re Alpha so
be an Alpha. You don’t have the luxury of
worrying about what is about to happen. You have to think about the person who needs us. This is

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what she needs.”

“Who the hell is ‘she’?” he thought back, ready to throttle his female. “Answer me, goddamn it.”
In a few steps he had an answer. He saw Zach, who kneeled over a small form. Trey scented the

rust of blood in the air, saw that his Beta had taken the broken woman’s hand.

“Please,” she wheezed. “Please.”
“Don’t worry,” Sadie said and breezed past Trey, her entire focus on the woman. “It’s okay.

We’re here. We’ve got you.”

His mate kneeled next to the female and carefully brushed the dirty, sweat-crusted hair from his

pack mate’s face. The woman was missing skin all over her arms. A patch of flesh had been ripped
from her face, going from just beneath her eye to her jaw. Bullet holes covered her body—including a
large one in the center of her chest that oozed blood. He froze when he recognized the woman and
understood the enormity of the situation.

No. Fuck. Please, no.
He faltered, feeling as though his heart had been ripped from his chest.
“I’m going to take her thoughts,” Sadietold him through their connection. “She’s not long for

this world. She’s held on for her son. She has something she wants us to know. I sense it.”

“They have them. They took Jonathan and Jay.” Larissa’s nude body spasmed, her muscles flexing.

“You have to find them. They need your help.”

“I will,” Sadie said calmly, face attentive. She tried to console the woman, stroking the unmarred

side of her face. Her fingers carefully avoided the areas that were missing skin to reveal muscle and
tissue. “They’ll be safe. I’ll do whatever it takes to bring them home. I know what you know. You’ve
given me what I need. I give you my word. We’ll get them back.”

Larissa’s eyes lifted, boring into Sadie’s face. “How?”
“I read your thoughts,” Sadie whispered. “I’m sorry. It was the fastest way.”
Instead of anger, Larissa appeared thankful. “I understand.”
Then, second by second, the gloss faded. Larissa shook, coughing. Her body seized, her fingers

curving into claws. Sadie stopped touching her and a tear escaped her eye, trailing down her face.

It only lasted seconds but felt like hours.
“She’s gone,” Sadie murmured, breaking Trey from his stupor.
“Tell me you told her what she wanted to hear to make her feel better,” he snarled, fury radiating

from him. Sadie hadn’t been with the woman long. He wasn’t sure if she’d had a chance to get what
she needed from Larissa. He didn’t want to lash out but he was so ripped apart and devastated he
needed something—someone—to bear the brunt of his unstable emotions. “Don’t tell me you lied.”

“I would never lie.” Sadie lifted her head. “Her family is in the city. The last time she saw them

they were still alive.” Chest heaving, Sadie continued, tears winding down her cheeks. “They made
her husband and son watch while they hurt her. They wanted them to see her suffer.” She stopped
Trey dead in his tracks, her blue eyes turning almost white. “The time has come,” she told him, rising
to her feet. “I won’t stand by and let this happen. I have the ability to help your people. You can’t
keep standing in my way.”

His thoughts churned.

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Sadie could contact Leigh and find the amulet that would bolster Ava’s powers—but at what cost?

What if he lost her? What if she was killed in the process?

His stomach knotted, his heart stopping. He couldn’t lose her. Not again. He wouldn’t survive it.

He’d faced months without her and had lost all feeling. She couldn’t ask this of him. He couldn’t
allow it.

“The pack,” she said unexpectedly, interrupting his thoughts.
“The pack?” he repeated numbly.
“I know how you feel,” Sadie said, swiping the tears from her face. She moved to allow Zach to

cover Larissa’s body with his coat. Sadie bent down and closed Larissa’s eyes. “This isn’t about us.
It’s about them.” Grasping the hem of her shirt she raised her head, stared at him and directed his
attention to the mark on her shoulder. “I vowed to protect your people and I will.” With a sniffle she
said, “I love you, Trey. Goddess help me, I love you. But I won’t let others suffer when I can help.
Don’t ask me to.” Releasing her shirt, she whispered hoarsely, “Please. I can help. Don’t tell me I
can’t. Not now.”

“I can’t lose you.” It was a totally honest answer—and a selfish one. “I won’t.”
“Vampires believe souls mesh,” she said, taking a step over Larissa’s body. “That’s why certain

people mate. Even if one dies the connection is never broken. It’s everlasting. The ultimate bond. I’ve
heard stories of couples finding each other beyond time and death. Some of my people believe in
reincarnation, others say it’s a myth. I’ve chosen to believe that when you love it’s with everything
you have. But I agreed to become a protector. I wanted to help others. Then you came along and
changed everything.” Stopping before him, she placed his palm on his chest, directly over his heart.
“These are your people. Our people. Don’t ask me to abandon them in their time of need.”

Noises came from Trey’s back and he turned. Diskant had arrived with several werewolves. He

shouldered past the guards, storming toward Larissa’s body. “Get back to your posts,” Diskant
ordered. “Now.”

“Trey,” Sadie said quietly, cupping his chin, directing his focus to her. “We can end this. I can

end this. You have to have faith in me. You have to trust me.”

His eyes dipped to the fallen woman a few yards away.
He wanted to listen but easily pictured his mate dead on the ground.
Sadie was right. It was his job—his duty—to protect the pack.
Yet he put Sadie above everything. That was his primary directive. There wasn’t a single mated

male or female in the pack who wouldn’t feel the same. Once a shifter found the person intended for
them they directed all of their attention toward their other half.

Even though he was the Alpha of the pack he was no different.
“If that’s how you want to play it, I go with you,” he growled, prepared to dish out vengeance.

“You will not face our enemies alone.”

“If that’s what it takes.” Sadie remained composed. “We’ll figure this out together. But you have

to agree something has to be done. Look at what’s happened. Look at what’s been taken from us. It
won’t stop.” Sadie sighed, another tear appearing at her thick lashes and sliding down her cheek.
Moving closer, she whispered in his head, “Trust me, please. Diskant is here. He’ll know if you’re
not stable. Don’t say anything that could compromise our situation. We have to be united. We
can’t let him think for an instant we can’t handle this. Do what you’re supposed to and keep your

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anger in check.”

With everything that had happened, how did he have any other choice?
Holding his mate close, he faced the Omega.
His mate was right. One slip and Diskant would strip Trey of his title and pick someone else to do

the job. It was up to Trey to remain calm and focused. Hysterics wouldn’t help any of them.

Keep it together.
Don’t back down.
Sadie stroked his arm, giving him strength. He reveled in the feeling, wanting to bask in the glow.

She knew him better than anyone. A light touch settled the beast within him. If she wanted his trust,
he’d give it to her.

He took a step forward, keeping his head high.
With Sadie by his side he could do this.
Bracing himself, he stared right at Diskant and prepared for what was coming.
They’d take care of this, just as they always did.
One step at a time.

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Chapter Five

Sadie tried to remain calm, listening to the discussion around her. It had taken time to usher pack

members to their cars. Afterward Diskant had called for a meeting in the living room. Things had
gone well until Sadie had mentioned she could travel faster when she was on her own. Trey had
balked at the notion and everyone else decided to voice their opinion on the matter.

They wanted her to go to Leigh and return as soon as possible.
Trey wanted her glued to his side.
“You told me we would go together,” he growled. “That was the agreement.”
Sadie reminded herself to not to lose her temper. She felt Trey’s resolve. He’d never let her go.

“This is our family,”she reminded him yet again. “You’d risk their lives to protect me. I won’t let you
do that.”

“We need to find Thomas,”Ava said softly, frowning as she stared at Trey. “Sadie has all she

needs. If she can get Leigh to help this should be easy. We just need to know where Thomas is. With
the zephyr we can keep the pack from danger. Sadie won’t be gone long. Think about it, Trey.”

Sadie tried not to wince when Trey growled. She didn’t know Leigh’s precise location. However

Caden Stone—the only human member of the pack—had remained on standby awaiting Diskant’s
orders. She could meet with Cade and follow him to Leigh. Once there Sadie could easily
synchronize her thoughts to her friend’s.

“Leigh works fast and I know she’ll help,” Sadie said. “If I’m lucky I can be back by morning.”
Trey snarled, holding her close. In her mind Sadie heard him roar, “You gave me your word.”
Talk about being neck-deep in the shit.
She’d promised Trey they could work out an agreement and she’d meant it. But after she’d seen

Larissa—bloody, beaten and nearing death—she wasn’t sure if they’d be able to find common
ground. As Trey’s mate she wanted to be there when he needed her. That was the primary reason
she’d given him her word about taking him along with her. But they didn’t have time to pack
belongings into a car and take a trip.

Larissa had been brutally tortured before she’d been partially skinned. Her death had been slow

and painful. Someone was en route to collect articles of clothing that belonged to her husband and son
but it would take time. That meant Sadie would have to wait to see Leigh. She couldn’t—wouldn’t
allow the father or son to die because she’d been too slow. The truth was she had to go now, while
there was still a chance they were alive. She had something that belonged to Thomas. With the zephyr
he’d obtained, Ava could end all this.

“I’m not leaving you.” Pivoting, she spun to face Trey. Hair sprayed around his temples, his eyes

frantic in concern. Placing a hand on his cheek, she tried to reason with him. “I am coming back. You
know nothing could keep me away from you. This is the best solution to the problem.”

“You’re not a solution,” he growled, placing his large hand over hers. She felt the heat from his

skin. The glow in his eyes changed, taking on a feral and scary brilliance. “Don’t ask me to do this.”
She could hear how torn he was. “Put yourself in my position.”

“We don’t have another choice. I won’t do anything dangerous,” she vowed, studying him. “If

something happens I’ll phase back. Immediately. I won’t fight. I won’t take chances. I give you my

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“Please, Sadie.” As she met his eyes she heard the turmoil in his head. “Don’t push me past my


“I’m not trying to. I meant what I said. If something—anything—is off, I’ll leave.”
“A decision has to be made.”Diskant’s deep voice resonated in the room. “The pack knows

something’s wrong. They wouldn’t stop asking questions as soon as I got back and we told them we
had an emergency. They’ll want to meet with you in the morning, Trey. We’ll have to tell them why
we ended the party before it’d even gotten started.”

“Cade is waiting.” Zach spoke up, stepping forward. “He can meet with any of us. Right now. But

we need to make a decision. The enclave protecting Leigh only agreed to open the gates to their home
for a short while. Something to do with their magical shields. You can see Leigh but only if you leave
right now.” Shooting a look at Diskant, Zach warned, “If you don’t make a decision you’ll miss the
window of opportunity. They’ve tolerated Nathan’s presence for Leigh’s sake but if they find out
another member of the pack is at their residence they’ll flip. If anyone connects Cade to us they’ll
boot him and Nathan from the property.

“Nathan won’t leave,” Ava said. “You know he won’t.”
That couldn’t happen. Leigh needed to be hidden. The coven that’d offered Leigh sanctuary had

the power to keep her location a secret. If Nathan raised a ruckus they might ask Leigh to leave. “They
have a boy and his father,” Sadie told Trey, gazing into his smoldering whiskey-colored eyes. “If
they’re still alive I can help them.” Taking a breath, she repeated, “We can help them. Let me do this.”

“I don’t want you to go,” Trey whispered.
A vehement response, full of so much emotion.
Fucking Goddess.
Sadie tried to keep her head on straight and remember why she’d offered to see Leigh alone.

Traveling took time Jonathan and his boy didn’t have. This had to be done in a hurry. Although
Shepherds monitored the packs she believed they didn’t know about her arrival. That put the fuckers
at a disadvantage. She could find Thomas, get the amulet and hand it over to Ava.

No fuss, no muss.
I hope.
“I don’t want to go,” she responded, keeping the words quiet.“Don’t think of it like that. You’re

making it sound like I want to leave you. I don’t. I have to do this. Ava needs the amulet.”

Trey snarled, the sound ferocious, sending a warning spike up Sadie’s spine. In an instant Diskant

was on his feet, facing Trey. He pulled his lips back, revealing a hint of his long and sharp canines.
“You said you’d do what was best for the pack when you mated. You swore you’d put them first.
You’re not doing that now. You’re turning your back on them.”

“If Ava were in the same position,” Trey snarled in turn, turning his head away from Sadie, facing

Diskant and not backing down, “you’d do the fucking same! Say you wouldn’t. Tell me you wouldn’t
respond in the same way.”

“I would,” Diskant amended immediately but he didn’t back down. “But we’re not talking about

Ava. We’re talking about you and your mate. This is the position you accepted. This is the vow you
made to the pack when you introduced her to them. Don’t try to turn shit around on me.”

“Trey, stop,” Sadie thought to the one man who ruled her world, skimming her fingers down his

cheek. “This is the easiest way to do this. I know you don’t like it—neither do I—but it’s for the

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Trey’s irises changed color again, becoming gold.
If I lose you again I’ll die.
He hadn’t meant her to hear the thought but she did.
Her resolved drained away. He was so worried, so scared.
“You will not lose me. Give me a certain amount of time. I promise I’ll return to you before it’s

up. I can be what the pack needs. Let me prove my worth. We can keep them safe. They deserve
that much from us. Tragedy can be transformed into something else.”

He shook his head, dark brows furrowing. “Don’t leave me.”
“I will
never leave you. Not ever.” If it were within her power she’d remain at his side always.

You know how I feel about you. If it were up to me I’d stay with you every hour of every day. You
need to think about the woman who died because of what she was. Think about the father and son
who’ll die if I don’t go.”

“Cade’s ready,” Diskant said, his voice a low growl. “Does she stay? Or will you let her help?”
“Trey,” Ava interrupted. “Think about this. Think about this hard.”
Don’t want her to go. Sadie stroked Trey’s face, giving him time to sort through his emotions.

The thoughts weren’t meant for her so she tried to pretend she didn’t hear them. She could be hurt.
She could be
killed. Then where will I be? Something interrupted his thoughts—the wolf within him.
Think about the pack. You promised to be their leader. You’re failing them now. You’re being
weak. Our mate is strong.

Worlds collided—man versus beast—and she couldn’t keep up.
“I’ll come back,” she thought to him, petting his face, appealing to the man. “If there’s any

danger, any at all, I’ll come back to you.”

“An hour.” The words sounded as though they’d been ripped from Trey’s soul. “No more than

that. She has an hour to help you and then I want her back. No compromises. No last-minute changes.
If things don’t go down the way I want I’m out. You’re asking for more than I have to give.” His face
pivoted toward hers, bright amber-colored eyes softening. “That’s it, darlin’. That’s all I can do. I’ll
say no if you ask for more.”

“There’s no need. An hour is more than enough time.”
“Swear it.” Trey looked like he wanted to kill something.
“I give you my word.”

Trey took in his mate’s face, amazed by her delicate features. For someone who could dish out a

lot of damage she appeared so frail, so tiny. She was muscular yet slim. He could easily wrap his
hand around her biceps and touch the pad of his thumb to his pointer finger. He lifted his hand and
stroked her arm. Her skin was soft, her muscles firm and defined.

She’s so small. Too small.
What if something happened to her? He’d never survive her loss. He’d wither and die alone—

yearning for the feel of her touch, aching for a lungful of her scent. He didn’t want her to go. His
entire being ached at the thought of her loss.

“Don’t test me,” he snarled, unhinged by the notion. “I’ll lose it if you do.”

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“I won’t. I will be back.” She’d done so much to reassure him. “I will never leave you. Not


He had to let her go. Even if he didn’t think he could. “Your hour starts now.”
She pulled away, her absence leaving him blinded.
He already missed her scent.
The gentle brush of her hair against his chest.
The comfort of her presence.
“Hurry,” he whispered, wanting her to know how much she meant to him. “Get what we need and

get that ass of yours back to me.”

“Always,” she said quietly and thought, “Always.”
Diskant moved from Ava, shoulders broadening, eyes furious. “Are we on the same page?”
Was he? Trey paused, thinking it over.
He didn’t want Sadie to leave. His momentary decision had been rash.
“Baby.” Sadie’s thought echoed in his brain. “Don’t do this.”
“I won’t let you go
.” It was an instinctual response, given immediately. He felt his lips pull

down, his face heavy. “I can’t lose you. Do you understand? I can’t.”

“You promised me an hour.” She met his gaze, irises shifting from ocean blue to egg white.

“Give.” Her stare intensified. “Me.” She shifted closer, the white in her eyes nearly blinding. “An

“An hour.” The agreement was torn from him. “That’s it.”
“I need the phone.” Moving from him, Sadie reached toward Diskant. “Punch Cade’s digits and

hand it over.”

“What aren’t you telling me?” Diskant asked, appearing concerned. He handed the phone over.

“What’s wrong?”

“I have an hour, that’s what’s wrong,” Sadie growled, snatching the phone. “He’s right. If this

were Ava you’d never allow it. Think on that before you try to chew on his ass like a toy. You’re a
walking double standard.”

Trey faced the Omega, unwilling to back down.
Sadie listened to the phone for several seconds. Then she ordered, “Tell me where to be. Hurry

the fuck up.”

Diskant homed his attention on Trey, his gaze changing from dark to light. The Omega stared long

and hard, as though he had to measure Trey’s worth as Alpha. Over seconds Diskant’s shoulders

“She’ll be fine. Stop acting like—” Diskant didn’t get a chance to finish.
“Fuck you,” Trey snarled, staring right at Ava. “If things go sour I will take my mate and leave.”

Turning his attention to Diskant, he said, “You wouldn’t do less for your mate. Why should I?”

“You’re seeing this wrong.”
“Of course I am.” Trey met each argument head-on, itching for a fight. He moved toward Diskant,

furious and at the end of his rope. “This is about me and my mate. Not your or yours.”

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Anger escalated, tempers flowing.
Just as Trey reached the Omega, Sadie vanished.
He stopped mid-step, eyes growing wide.
She’d gone. As she said she would. He gritted his teeth, trying not to lose his shit.
She had an hour. That was it. With a simple look at the wall he had the time.
“One hour,” he snarled. “That’s it. If she doesn’t return I’m done. It’s over. You can fight your

battles on your own terms.”

“Is this what men do when they don’t get what they want?” Ava asked quietly. “Cut and run?”
“How’s this for an answer?” Trey spun around, facing the female. His gaze homed on her swollen

belly. “If it were your child, would you cut and run?”

Ava passed her hand over her tummy, scowling. “I know how you feel.”
“No,” he corrected steadily, ready for war. “You fucking don’t.”
“I have—” Ava started.
“A baby on the way,” Trey thundered, aware of what Ava was about to say. “Something Sadie and

I might not ever have. You’re lucky. You’re human. Imagine if you fell in love with someone totally
out of your race. It’s not what you think. Yes you’re human. But you have n o idea. You can’t even
comprehend what it’s like for us.” Trying to control his unstable emotions, he kept going. “Don’t
lecture me on cutting and running.” Flicking his head toward Diskant, he let her in on a secret. “Your
mate has made others do so on several occasions. That is the way it works here. Live, get the fuck out
of Dodge,” pausing for impact, he warned, “or die.”

“Trey.” Diskant advanced, his lips peeled back. “I’ll rip your head off.”
The two closed the distance to each other.
“Stop.” Sadie’s command drifted to them, faint but strong. “I’m doing this on the fly. I didn’t

want to leave without a kiss goodbye but I thought it might be best.”

“You’re there,” Trey thought to her immediately. “You made it.”
“I did. I’m also safe and sound. I see Cade. He’s across the way,”
Sadie replied, walking

toward her target, letting Trey see through her eyes. He watched each step, his heart lodged in his
throat. “This should be over quickly.”

“Sadie.” The thought was instinctual and unavoidable. “I don’t want you there.”
Sadie reprimanded him. “It’s not far. Leigh is shielded but we have spoken. She’s

about to leave the smoke screen that hides the house. Once I see her I’ll know where to go.”

“Don’t make me wait longer than you have to.” He wanted her by his side—now. “Test me and

you’ll regret it,” he threatened, aching for her nearness. “I’ll make you hurt for days.”

“I like hurt,” she thought back whimsically, advancing toward Cade.
“You won’t like my kind.”
Sadie’s motions slowed, her mind heavy, “I only have a little bit of time.”
He looked at the clock. “You have fifty-eight minutes, mate.”
“Those minutes are
He howled his fury when the connection with his mate was severed, wanting to drag her ass home.

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When she came back he’d punish her properly. She’d never disobey him, not a second time.

Leaving the area, he stormed down the halls.
Once he made it to his room—his mate’s room—he’d let loose.
God help her.
Her ass was grass.

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Chapter Six

“He’s not far,” Leigh offered, fingering the money clip Sadie had given her. She took her time,

rotating the object in her fingers, squinting. “I see things but I don’t understand them.” Sadie focused
when Leigh opened her mind to her. “I think it’s Mexico. Look at the temple. Doesn’t that seem

“I’m going to touch you,” Sadie warned and moved closer. The only way to get a firm visual was

to dip into Leigh’s head. “Let me see what you do. I swear I won’t intrude. Let me figure this out.
That’s all I want.”

“You’re welcome to what you need,” Leigh gasped. “No more than that.”
Sadie had managed to convince Trey to let her phase to Leigh but only under certain conditions.

She had to be cautious. If she died the pack would crumble. Since Leigh wasn’t following the object
directly—sensing the line that connected the owner of the item to a destination that only she could feel
—Sadie had to pinpoint Thomas’ location using visual imprints and the impression left by scents.

Easier said than done.
“Only what you give me. I swear.”
“Do it.”
Sadie slipped into Leigh’s head.
Big city. Open sky. Poverty. Trash. Faces littered with red dirt. Stray dogs. Broken cars with

flashy adornments. Dark skin. Liquor. Endless celebration. Rich and poor. She focused, searching for
small details. Humid weather. The stench of sweat and urine. Tequila. Lime.

Words spoken in Spanish.
“You’re right. It’s Mexico,” she murmured, holding on to the images. “I can see it. I recognize the


“He has the zephyr on him,” Leigh said, her shoulders sagging when Sadie gazed at her. “He’s

using it as a necklace. He changed the outside of the charm. He’s trying to hide it. He thinks that
makes him safe. Can you feel it?”

Sadie wanted to answer but couldn’t, trapped and silenced by visuals that swept through her head.

A church. Large. Rosy glass. Masses attending sermons. Worship. Love. Forgive. The tenants of the
bible. Which was important. The only place for many to seek refuge.

Keep searching. You know this place.
She expanded the connection, searching for a definitive landmark.
Images of people rushed through her head. Some rich but most poor. Children in ragged and

stained clothing. Tons of dirt and dust. A few men playing instruments for spare change. Bars located
on the road that led to a large church.

The image of a statue flashed before her eyes and Sadie held her breath.
Dear Goddess.
The Holy Virgin statue—cement that had been painted white, chipping apparent all over the

surface—situated across the way from Diablos Cantina. Tokens were spread along the base of the
statue. Crosses, pictures, knickknacks, stones, tattered jewelry. Nearby men and woman drank to
excess, drowning themselves with tequila. Shot after shot, until they could barely walk.

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Sadie jolted back into her mind, gawking at Leigh. “I know where he is.” The small city of El

Angelo. He wasn’t far from it. He went there often and drank excessively, like others from the locale.
She could scent the alcohol weeping from his pores. “I can get him. I’ve been there before. I know
where he goes.”

Leigh sank, her knees bobbling. In an instant Nathan was there, holding her upright. She let him

embrace her for a moment but then resisted. “I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. I’m only trying to keep you on your feet,” he corrected in a heavy growl. With a

sigh he stood upright, keeping her balanced. “Stop fighting me.”

Sadie let them argue and scanned her surroundings. Something had felt off since she’d arrived.

She wasn’t sure what it was. Her nostrils flared as she smelled the air. There wasn’t any sound but
something was definitely wrong.

Leigh tried to elbow Nathan in the ribs. “Stop being a bully.”
“I’m not being a bully,” he snarled. “I’m trying to care for you.”
Sadie studied the shrouded figures that had accompanied Cade, Leigh and Nathan. She hadn’t

expected company when Cade guided her to the magically shielded home where Leigh had been
taken. Yet for some reason Leigh had brought an entourage for the meeting. Sadie’s gaze swept over
the area. There were no streets or cars, only trees, grass and large patches of red earth. Cade had
warned the home had been magically hidden, informing her only those welcome to the domain had
clearance to enter. The spell cast upon the residence was a strange thing Sadie wanted to know more

She tried to home her magic, hoping she could sense the residence beyond the shield. After

several seconds she realized she couldn’t. The strength behind the spell was far too strong. She came
back to her surroundings, shaking her head. Aside from dirt and trees she couldn’t detect squat.

“You need to go back,” Nathan said. “You need to rest.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Leigh countered.
A hooded figure lifted its head, gazing at them. “Cade?” a feminine voice whispered. “Time’s up.

We need to go.”

Cade? Sadie frowned, staring at them. Why would the woman refer to him by his nickname? A

few members of the pack did but that was only because he’d been around for so long. He hadn’t had
enough time to make friends in the enclave in New Orleans.

“Shhh.” Cade hissed, waving a hand to shut her up. “Let them talk.”
Sadie knew that tone. Trey used it all the time when she ticked him off.
What the hell?
A man who’d lost his wife and child, was not being pissy? He sounded protective, almost

possessive. The look on his face mirrored his words, his steely eyes narrowed, lips pressed into a
thin line.

The hooded figure didn’t speak and remained composed, hands clasped in front of the waist,

fingers hidden behind long sleeves. Although the wind caused the hem of the clock shrouding her
body to sway there was no other movement.

Sadie turned to Leigh, studying her friend. Nathan had taken a step back but kept his female within

arm’s reach. The former Beta of the pack refused to move from his mate’s side.

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“I need to know more,” Sadie said. “What’s gone on here? What don’t I know?”
“I’d prefer to talk to you privately,” Leigh said and glanced at Nathan. “This shit is top secret. I

can’t talk about it in the open.”

“Nathan’s just trying to keep you safe,” Sadie reminded Leigh. “It’s not a bad thing. Plus he’s been

around. I’m sure he knows what you’re going to tell me.”

“How can you expect him to know what’s happening? He doesn’t even know me.” Leigh’s

feathers were definitely ruffled. “We can talk alone or not at all.”

“Don’t discuss me like I’m not here,” Nathan growled. “It’s rude.”
The pair stared at each other, their gazes locking. Electricity charged the air.
Unlike Sadie—who’d been born a vampire—Leigh had been changed against her will. Still, the

mating call for a shifter was like no other. Nathan wanted his mate and like it or not Leigh wanted
Nathan as well. Sadie could scent her friend’s arousal. Leigh might hate Nathan but she was attracted
to him. Anyone with a decent nose would be able to tell how Nathan affected Leigh’s body chemistry.

Then, in a split second, Leigh’s expression changed.
Sadness pulled at her lips, her brushstroke brows coming together. The brightness in her eyes

dimmed and her shoulders sagged. Nathan inched closer and reached out. She didn’t move away,
standing eerily still. He touched her, his fingers lingering on her arm. Leigh bowed her head, a soft
sigh escaping her lips.

Sadie gasped when Leigh’s memories burst through her head unexpectedly.
Instead of thinking of Nathan, Leigh recalled how she’d been changed. She had been traveling

alone on a late-night errand, clothed in simple street attire. Her boyfriend Brett had told her it could
wait but she’d liked to rile him up once in a while. One of her favorite things to do with her lover
was make up. Those moments were powerful and seductive. Leigh had known he’d give her hell once
she made it home.

Sadly, she had never made it back to her love.
One stupid decision had sealed her fate.
She hadn’t known what was wrong with the man with strange, glowing red eyes. All she’d known

is she thought she should try to help him. She’d approached him cautiously, asking if she should call
an ambulance. Then, before she could call out for help, the vampire had grabbed her arm and yanked
her into an alley. His fangs had struck, sinking deep into her flesh. She’d thought she was trapped in a
nightmare and told herself to wake up. The shock wore off and she felt the burning sting in her neck.
As blood rippled down her throat, he’d pulled his fangs free of her skin.

In an instant he’d bitten her again—harder this time.
“Don’t,” Leigh had begged, grasping at her assailant’s arm. “Please stop.”
She’d listened to his disgusting slurps, wishing she could disappear. When she’d felt lightheaded

she’d attempted to fight him off. He’d laughed, thrusting her arms aside. When she gave up he returned
to his meal, taking all he wanted. He’d offered no words or kindness, snagging his teeth in her skin,
drinking in huge swallows.

I don’t want to die like this, Leigh had thought. I just want to go home.
He’d finished and tossed her aside, leaving her slumped against the wall of the alley. Leigh had

been left bleeding on the ground—a victim for anyone else who might abuse her. Knowing she was
dying, Leigh had tried to crawl for help, dragging herself down the alley until the last of her strength

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The image vanished.
Sadie returned to reality, swaying from side-to-side.
Nathan appeared, redirecting Leigh’s thoughts.
Sadie didn’t have time to brace herself. She went under again, trapped in Leigh’s mind. Thoughts

and fantasies rushed forward, making it impossible for Sadie to break free. She was trapped in the
maelstrom, forced to experience Leigh’s feelings and longings.

Horror replaced desire.
Leigh thought of how it might be with Nathan. He was attractive, strong and powerful. He could

take her and make her happy. She was certain of it. He was more attractive than her former lover—
which made her feel guilty to admit—but she couldn’t deny it. It wasn’t fair to compare the two. Brett
wasn’t supposed to be as sexy as Nathan. There was no way a mortal could compete with a
werewolf. Where Brett was short and lean, Nathan was tall and covered in muscle. Her human lover
had been soft and sweet. Nathan would be hard and demanding.

They were so different, which made her want Nathan even more.
Stop. You can’t do it. You can forget the past.
Yes you can.
This thought was stronger. You need to move on.
Leigh wanted Nathan so bad it hurt. She longed to relieve his stress, wanting to give him what he

needed. The male yearned for her in a way Brett never had. She could live a new life, one that would
be different but happy, with Nathan.

She had to let Brett go.
She had to forgive herself, no matter how selfish it made her.

“Leigh,” Sadie rasped, trying to pull from her friend’s thoughts, struggling to talk straight. She

pressed a fist to her stomach, trying not to topple over. Leigh’s thoughts were louder now, pounding
in her head. “You’re projecting. I can’t think. Stop.”

Thank Goddess Leigh severed the mental connection instantly.
“I wasn’t paying attention.” She waited for Sadie to look at her and quickly tossed the money clip

to her. Her blue eyes darkened and she looked mortified. “I’m sorry.”

“What do you have to be sorry for? You’re the one doing her a favor.” Nathan didn’t let Leigh go

as he glared at Sadie. “What the fuck did you do?”

“Nothing,” Sadie replied, giving him a shrug.
“Don’t feed me bullshit.” His irises brightened, the beast inside him peering out. “What did you

do to her?”

“It’s okay. She didn’t do anything to me.” Leigh tried to reassure Nathan but didn’t look at him. “I

wasn’t shielding my mind. She got more than she needed. It’s my fault. I’m fine.”

“You’re upset.” His nostrils flared. “I can smell it.”
“Same shit, different day.” Leigh sighed. “Trust me. I’m fine.”
“He loves you, you know,” Sadie thought to her friend. “There’s nothing wrong with reaching

out to him. That’s what he’s here for. You think he doesn’t know you but you’re wrong. I guarantee
he’s paid attention to everything you do. He’s had to if he wanted to make you happy. He knows

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you’re hurting right now. He wants to help you.”

“Don’t,” Leigh whispered hoarsely, eyes brimming with tears.
Nathan growled and pulled Leigh closer. “Whatever you’re doing needs to stop.”
“She’s not doing anything.” Leigh swiped at her eyes and glared at Nathan. “It’s on me, not her. I

fucked up.”

“I don’t like it when you lie to me.”
“Too bad.”
“Listen up, you two.” Sadie took a step toward them. “You can play cat and mouse later.

Shepherds have their hands on a child. Goddess knows what they’re doing to him. They have his
father too. They’ll kill him before his eyes.”

Leigh blinked, frustration fading from her face. “A child?”
“Yes,” Sadie answered. “A little boy.”
“You’re certain?”
Sadie stared Leigh in the eye. “Do you think I’d have come here if I wasn’t?”
“No.” Leigh didn’t argue. Her youthful face seemed tormented. “I’m sorry. I’m still trying to deal

with everything. I’ve learned a lot the past couple of weeks but it’s been hard. You have no idea.”

“I want to.” She did, more than anything. “Tell me.”
“It’s not that simple.” Leigh’s gaze returned to Nathan. “I’m not sure I can.”
“Cade,” the hooded figure with a soft, concerned voice said again and inched closer. The long

hem of her robe skimmed over her dark boots. Those around her stepped back. “We need to leave.
Right now. Don’t argue. It’s not a request.”

Sadie felt a presence behind her and went into a crouch, rolling away from her assailant. Noise

erupted around her—a scream, gunfire and heavy growls. With a quick flip she faced the attacker
she’d managed to avoid. Her breath lodged in her throat, her heart sinking. She recognized her
kindred, noting how vibrant the vampire’s face was. Yet there was something different, something that
terrified her.

She saw death in his eyes.
It was like staring into a mirror of emotion, brimming with hate and misery.
“Get the fuck outta here!” Sadie removed her sword and faced the threat.
“You’re out of your league, bitch,” the vampire replied, gliding to the left. Before he put his foot

down a bullet tore through his face, taking part of his eye. He warbled, reaching for his head. The
wound started healing. “I’ll kill you all.”

Son of a bitch.
Sadie spun, searching for Leigh. That shot would have taken any vampire—white mage or black—

down. He shouldn’t have shaken off the injury so easily. Her heart thundered in her ears, her skin
prickling in awareness. More vampires appeared, surrounding them.

Holy Goddess, protect us.
These weren’t black mage vampires. These were something else.
The moved faster, their motions hard to follow.
A newfound prickle of awareness bloomed inside her, alarm bells sounding loud and clear. She

knew what they were. She was facing members of The Fallen. Not black mage vampires who were so

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powerful she’d assumed they had to be the monsters she’d been told about. She could have sworn
she’d killed several of them in the past. Not so. She’d killed the strongest of black mage vampires but
they’d never been this powerful.

How could I have been so stupid?
“Run!” she screamed, scrambling toward Leigh. The Fallen had finally come for the young girl,

knowing she could make them formidable with her talents. “Go!”

One of The Fallen advanced, coming at Leigh. Nathan tore into the vampire, his nails turning into

claws. He managed to get the vampire to the ground. His canines dropped, becoming fangs.

“You will stop!” The high-pitched order forced Sadie’s gaze from Nathan.
The caped figure who had spoken to Cade advanced on the vampires, the hood sliding from her

face. Red curls surrounded her shoulders, her purple irises nearly blinding. She was young, a mere
twenty or so years if Sadie guessed correctly. Cade kept shooting, aiming at the vampires around the

“Damn it! Get the fuck outta here! Cross the plane,” Cade commanded, biceps bulging as his

finger squeezed the trigger again and again. “Listen to me!”

A sharp cry from Leigh drew Sadie’s attention again.
Nathan released the vampire he’d been fighting. He snatched the one who’d tried to touch his

mate, his nails digging into the vampire’s shoulders. His elongated fangs stretched past his lips. He
went for the fucker’s throat. Blood spurted, covering Nathan’s mouth. Sadie tore her eyes from the
sight and looked around. There were at least half a dozen assailants. Most had formed a circle around
the hooded female, disregarding the bullets Cade fired at them.

“Leigh,” Sadie yelled, studying the cloaked female. The Fallen had a distraction, it was time for

her friend to leave. “Phase. Go while you still have time.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Leigh made it to her feet. “Nathan needs our help.”
Cade pulled another gun from a holster under his arm. The man was good and fucking pissed.

“Destiny!” He squeezed the trigger, hitting a vampire dead in the chest. It didn’t do squat. “Get the
fuck out of here!”

Sadie choked, trying to breathe as the air thinned. The earth shook, the ground trembling. Particles

of dirt rose all around her, creating a whirlpool of miniature swirling tornados. Several clumps of
dirt lifted from the ground, separated and joined the swirling masses of earth.

The hooded woman—Destiny—shifted her violet-hued gaze to Cade. In a blink her eyes rested on

the members of The Fallen. She opened her balled fists, splaying her fingers. She spoke in a language
Sadie had never heard. As she did she walked toward Cade. The particles of dust around Sadie
slowly moved away. The earth swept through the air, following Destiny. As it moved the dirt, chunks
of grass and small portions of soil took form.

Terra,” Destiny snarled. “Nutus.”
The earth turned, swirled and solidified—taking the shapes of creatures Sadie had never seen

before—and swarmed on The Fallen. The mounds of earth shrouded their bodies, covering them like
a cloud of bees. The vampires snarled and swatted at the creatures. Each time one managed to take a
chunk from the strange beasts the empty space mended. Cade seemed stunned. He stopped pulling the
trigger. His gaze flipped to Destiny, his grey irises confused.

Nil desperandum,” Destiny said, her voice soft and calm again. “The time has come to meet your

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maker. Every beginning must have an end.”

Leigh yanked Sadie’s arm. “Help me.”
She turned in time to see another vampire attack Nathan.
With three-to-one odds, the werewolf went down.
“Nathan,” Leigh screamed, trying to make it to him. Sadie rushed to do what she could, wanting to

assist. Leigh—to Sadie’s shock—kept hurrying toward the werewolf, her arms open wide. “Nathan!”

The vampire stared at Leigh and grinned. “He’s ours, bitch.”
In a split second the three vampires and Nathan vanished.
Leigh grasped empty air as she made it to where Nathan had once been, stumbling past her target.

Sadie rushed for the woman, determined to protect her. She made it to her friend, wrapping her arms
around Leigh’s waist. They had to get out. She wasn’t sure why the vampires had taken Nathan and
she didn’t have time to consider all the angles.

“Nathan,” Leigh repeated. After a pause, she asked, “Where did he go?”
“He’s gone,” Sadie said, moving Leigh toward the magical veil that kept the enclave’s residence

from sight. “We need to get out of here. Phase to safety. I’ll contact you when it’s safe.”

“He can’t be gone.” Leigh sounded truly dumbfounded, staring at the empty space Nathan had been

yanked from. “He was just here. I saw him. I almost reached him.”

“He’s not here now.” With a get-the-move-on shove Sadie ordered, “Teleport to a safe place and

don’t leave. You can contact me once you’re safe. We can talk then.”

Sadie felt an undeniable rush of magic drifting over her skin. The zing of energy was powerful and

terrifying, pulsing through Sadie’s body. It forced her back, putting her off balance.

Leigh was a white mage vampire unlike any other.
When she unlocked the magic inside her she was a force to be reckoned with.
“I’ll make them bring him back.” Leigh turned on her heel, facing the vampires who had attacked

them. “I’ll make them do as I say.” Sadie didn’t have a chance to stop the young woman who’d lost
everything yet fought her fate.

“As I will it,” Leigh snarled, her hand lifting, “so it shall be.”

He’s not gone.
A miserable crushing sensation squeezed Leigh’s chest.She’d refused to feed so her magic was

weak. Therefore she relied on sheer will. I won’t let him be.

She focused on the targets around Cade and Destiny. The magic inside her swirled, growing in

strength, taking on life. She reveled in the buzzing sensation, wanting it to become stronger. She
needed to be more powerful than she ever had been. Instead of fighting what she’d become, she
embraced it. The sensation intensified like hot wax scorching the inside of her body.

“On your knees,” she ordered.
Magic coursed through her, sharp tingles warming her body. The vampires howled in agony when

their knees bent backward and they hit the dirt but she didn’t care. They deserved what was coming to
them. If she had to she’d break every single bone in their bodies one at a time until they gave her what
she wanted.

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They’ll know where Nathan is. I’ll make them talk.
The stubborn man had protected her even if he shouldn’t have. Even when she’d pushed him away

he’d remained steadfast. Over time he’d become her shadow, often out of sight but never absent. Even
if she hated herself for it he’d earned a level of respect from her that she couldn’t deny. He’d tried to
show her how much she meant to him, time and again.

She hadn’t earned that amount of devotion but he’d given it to her.
I have to bring him back. He needs to understand why I’ve been so cruel.
It’s time to tell him the truth.
Initially she’d hated him because he’d made her forget about her first love. Then, over time, she’d

resented him for the feelings he’d created inside her. She’d thought that part of her—tender, loving
and carefree—had died a long time ago. The he’d come along and changed everything. In his presence
she’d felt a familiar stirring in her chest. Her heart would race every time she caught a glimpse of him
and her throat would go dry. She’d told herself it was simple physical attraction but she’d known

She wanted Nathan. She’d wanted him for a long time.
But she couldn’t have him.
Everyone who touched her was tainted. She had to push him away. Otherwise he’d be just like her

—living but not breathing, drinking but never tasting. He’d start to loathe his life simply because she
was a part of it. The misery she felt consumed her, sometimes so deeply she wanted to curl up in a
ball, go to sleep and never wake up.

She didn’t want that for him. He deserved better.
So she’d relied on her pain to keep him at a distance. She refused to talk to him, hoping he’d

eventually leave. But he hadn’t. Instead he’d kept her safe while also giving her space. Their
encounters were brief but she saw the passion in his eyes. Her body heated each time their gazes met,
betraying her time and again.

“Euplor,” Destiny ordered quietly, standing before the vampires who’d fallen at her feet. “Ashes

to ashes, dust to dust.”

The vampires, slowly but surely, started fading from sight.
“Stop.” Leigh refocused her power, wanting to keep at least one vampire alive.
Without a guide she couldn’t find Nathan and bring him back. She’d never forgive herself if he

died. She’d hated the need he’d created in her, wishing it would go away. She’d told herself she’d
amputate the electric and terrifying feelings if she could. Every single minute she spent with the man
changed her. She’d known she would crack soon. As much as she’d wanted him to go, she’d also
hoped he’d stay.

All he’d needed was more time to win her over and they’d both known it.
Exaudi,” Destiny said, purple irises blazing. “They answer my call.”
“I said stop!” Leigh focused on one vampire, using the last of her strength. She sent her will

through the fucker, ordering him to live. The others kept going, swept away piece by piece by the dirt.
The one Leigh targeted stopped fading, the space around him becoming clear. His skin oozed blood,
his eyes wild and bloodshot.

“You will not go,” Leigh told him, shaking as her energy waned. “You will stay.”
“Leigh,” Destiny snapped. “Don’t interfere. They will end us if given a chance.”

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“Nathan,” she gasped, hating the sapping of her strength. She didn’t know the woman well but

she’d learned Destiny wouldn’t turn her back on someone in danger. “They took him. He needs us.”

Destiny stopped staring at the vampires, met Leigh’s gaze and scowled. “Do you love him?”
Leigh froze, her brows coming together. “I don’t know.” In an instant she added, “I need him.

Please help me.”

Destiny didn’t seem pleased. “You love him or you don’t. Answer me.”
“I could love him,” Leigh rasped, heart pounding. “Give me the chance to find out.”
“So be it.” Destiny lifted one of her hands toward a nearby vampire. “You owe me an enormous

debt. I’ll expect payment when the time comes.”

Aside from the vampire Destiny motioned toward, the rest folded in on themselves. Their bodies

shrank and started falling apart. A few teleported, using the last of their power to flee while the
remaining few screamed. The earth swept them up, their bodies literally vanishing into thin air.

Leigh didn’t waste time, hurrying to the vampire Destiny had spared. “Where did you take him?”

she demanded. “Where is he?”

Cade stomped toward Destiny, his stance positively furious. “What the fuck are you thinking? Go

home. Right fucking now. Get out of here while you can. Don’t push me.”

“It’s too late.” Destiny sounded somber when she turned to Cade. “They know where I am. I can’t

stay. I’ll have to pack my things and leave as soon as possible.”

Sadie made it to her feet and Leigh saw her walking toward the group. “What the hell is going


There wasn’t enough time to talk. The vampires would be back. By now the magical shield around

them had to be fading. The coven wouldn’t take unnecessary risks. They’d close the magical barrier
to their home to protect themselves. There was only one option—to touch Sadie and share information
with her. She’d started toward her friend when Destiny stopped her.

“I have to leave,” Destiny repeated, the low threat in her voice demanding Leigh’s attention. “I

didn’t think my presence would matter. I thought the meeting with your friend would be safe. With
everything that’s happened I can’t remain in the open. The cat’s out of the bag. I’m no longer safe.”

“You think they’re after you?” Sadie snarled, glowering at Destiny. “I think you’ve been

misinformed. Do you know what Leigh can do? Have you any idea?”

You are the one who is misinformed. I’m well aware of what your friend is capable of.” Destiny

took a step back and tore her gaze from Cade. She peered down at the vampire, who was now
throwing up blood. “He doesn’t have long to live,” she informed Leigh. “I spared his life but you
have to hurry. The earth is determined to have him. He’s rotting from the inside out. Best get answers
while you can.”

“Des,” Cade growled, lips peeling back. “Go. To. Safe. Ground. Stop being a pain in my ass and

get the fuck outta here!”

“Didn’t you hear me?” she retorted, lifting her gaze to his. “There is no safe ground. Not for me.

Not anymore.”

“Damn it,” he snarled, advancing on her. “Would you listen to me for once? Is it really that hard?

Open your ears and listen for a change. You’re really pissing me off.”

“Since you’re not being logical, no, I’m not listening to you. And you’re always angry. It’s not like

your attitude is something new.” Destiny paused, looking around. “I meant it. I can’t return to the

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enclave. I have to leave. Immediately. They’ll have sensed my magic. They’ll send more to find me.”

Who will send more to find you?” Sadie interrupted. “What the fuck are you talking about? Why

is The Fallen after you?”

“I have answers to your questions,” Leigh thought to Sadie, reaching for her friend’s hand. It

would be easier to communicate if she merged their thoughts. “Open your mind and I’ll show you.”

Their skin touched and magic flared between them.
Leigh shared the few images she had of Destiny—the trickle of information she knew about the

woman. On the run, so powerful even the enclave feared her. She remained by herself most of the
time, with the exception of the guard who never left her side. Destiny could never be left alone. She
was too dangerous if she thought about certain things for too long. Her guard had left to run an errand
and never returned. That’s why Cade had stayed behind. He refused to leave until someone worthy
took his place.

“I thought I’d seen The Fallen before,” Sadie thought to Leigh. “I was wrong.”
A surge of horror slapped Leigh in the face. She’d been blind for so long.
Ripping her hand away, Sadie faced Destiny. “What are you?”
Destiny didn’t answer, gripping the edges of the hood pooled around her shoulders. “Nothing that

concerns you. Get the information you need from the vampire before he dies. Then you must go.
They’ll return. It won’t be long now.” Her face vanished beneath the hood but her red curls were
vibrant against her clothing, her purple eyes bright. “I’m leaving. Since Thorn hasn’t returned I’ll
have to keep moving. If he isn’t dead, he’ll find me.”

“Not so fast.” Cade’s hand shot out and he grasped Destiny’s arm. “You can’t leave without


The air changed, becoming heavy. Power radiated from the woman who seemed determined to get

under Cade’s skin. “I warned you not to touch me. It comes with a price.”

“And I told you what I’d do if you didn’t listen to my orders. The price you keep talking about can

kiss my shiny white ass. I’m not leaving you alone.”

“I’m not your toy.” Destiny yanked her arm free. “Don’t play with me.”
“Sweetheart,” Cade snapped, reaching out. His hand wrapped around Destiny’s arm a second

time. “We’re not at the playground, this isn’t hide and seek. If I ever decide to make you my toy,
believe me, you’ll know it.”

“Ass,” she hissed, glaring at him.
“So I’ve heard,” he replied coolly, not backing down.
“There’s no time for this,” Sadie informed them in an angry hiss. She marched to the fallen

vampire and wrapped a hand around his throat. “Where did they take our friend?”

“What do you think you can do? Kill me?” The vampire spat at Sadie, sprinkling blood on her

arm. “I’m already dead.”

“You’re not dead yet,” Sadie warned, clenching his throat with her fingers.
Abandoning Cade and Destiny—who continued arguing—Leigh went to Sadie and dropped to her

knees. Nathan had been gone for a couple of minutes. The sooner she found him the better. She didn’t
want to imagine what dark mage vampires would do to him.

She met the dying vampire’s eyes, staring into the blood-red orbs. “Show us or I’ll rip the answer

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from your head.” Her magic wasn’t strong now, her energy nearly gone. But she could bluff. He didn’t
know how weak she’d become. “I’ll take your mind for a ride and tweak it a little. Once I’m finished
you’ll process seconds so slowly you’ll think hours have passed. Imagine what you’re feeling and
multiply it by a thousand.” He was fading fast. Leigh could sense it. She attempted to slide into his
head, hoping she could make good on her threat. “Last chance.”

He tried to fight her but was so weak she found she didn’t have to threaten him. She rushed to take

what she needed, entering his thoughts.

Images—distorted and out of sequence—blurred through Leigh’s mind. Each moved so quickly

she couldn’t get a handle on what she was seeing. A darkened area. Large fires. Chained men and
women. Sounds accompanied the pictures. Pained screams. Constant begging. The high-pitched cries
of children followed by the agonized wails of women.

No. No. No.
It was an area for torture. A hellish abyss without hope.
Blessed Goddess be merciful.
The connection was severed—there and then gone.
Leigh came back to reality and found Sadie yanking her hand back.
The vampire started to dissipate as the others had, his skin scattering as his flesh turned to dirt. He

screamed and tried to rise, lifting his fading, ashlike arms. In a few seconds he turned into a particle
of earth, traveling through the air before drifting to the ground.

“The Fallen have taken him to a place we’ll never find,” Sadie said in horror and Leigh realized

Sadie had also gotten into the dead vampire’s head.

There has to be a way to find him. “Don’t say that.”
“Leigh.” Sadie kneeled in front of her, clasping her arms. “I’ve hunted them for years but I’ve

never actually seen one until today. That means they’re stronger than I ever gave them credit for and
they’re far more cunning. You do not want to go after them. You want to stay far the fuck away.”

“We have to find Nathan.” Leigh refused to consider anything else. “He’s part of the pack. It’s

your job to look after him.”

“You have to understand. He’s been taken somewhere we can’t follow. Even if we wanted to.”

Squeezing her arms, Sadie said, “You have to accept what’s happened.”

Accept what’s happened. Leigh hated those words.
She’d heard them over and over after she’d been changed.
She’d tried her best to listen, knowing it was for the best because she’d had no other choice. Each

day had dragged on, every hour empty and meaningless. Over time she’d found solace in the routine.
Although she hadn’t been happy, she’d been content, in her own way. She was apart from those like
her yet she had a place among them. Like a puppet, she’d let the coven work her strings, making her
do what they wanted.

Not this time.
Leigh pulled away from Sadie and made it to her feet. “Like hell I will.”

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Chapter Seven

Trey exhaled in relief when Sadie appeared. He’d felt ripped in two when she’d slipped from his

mind. He stormed toward her, eager to dish out a much-deserved spanking, when he saw the woman
she’d brought with her.

What the fuck?
“Leigh?” he questioned, studying the vampire. “Why are you here?”
“Don’t worry about that. Not yet,” Sadie said. “Leigh’s still shielded in the house. Aldon hasn’t

taken her blood so he can’t find her. I brought her with me for a reason. We’re safe. Don’t worry.”
Looking around the room, she warned, “I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?”

“The good,” Ava called out, rising from Diskant’s lap. The two had taken a seat in the living

room, waiting for word, while Trey had burned a path in the floor.

“We know where Thomas is. We can get the amulet.”
“And the bad?” Trey growled, no longer caring Leigh had arrived. With a quick flip of his arm

and wrist he wrapped his hand around her waist. He expected excitement to flare in her gaze—or
love. Instead she seemed anxious.

“Nathan was taken,” she answered, staring into his eyes. “The meeting didn’t go well. I told you

I’d leave if things took a bad turn. Trust me,” she paused, gazing at him, “they took a very bad turn.”

Trey’s stomach bottomed out. Oh shit.
Diskant entered the conversation. “Who took Nathan?”
“The Fallen.”
Sadie wasn’t nervous now. She was livid.
She tore her gaze from Trey’s and stared at the Omega. “I thought they wanted Leigh but I was

wrong,” she stated. “They came after the woman—the conjurer—you had Cade escort to New
Orleans. They’d have killed us if she hadn’t stepped in. You should have told us about her.” Sadie
reprimanded the male through gritted teeth. “We have a right to know when we’re dealing with shit
like this. Cade fled the scene with her and didn’t look back. I don’t know where he went. You just put
his ass in the line of fire.”

Fuck. A conjurer? Trey’s blood iced over.
If witches were bad, conjurers were worse. They had a shitload of power. They could control the

elements, bending them to their will. His stomach knotted and he went on full alert. Conjurers were
highly sought-after by dark beings, since they could share their power with those they chose as
guardians. Sadie shouldn’t have been anywhere near a person of that power. She could have been
seriously hurt.

“Cade went with her?” Diskant didn’t seem surprised.
Son of a bitch knows something, time to find out what he’s been hiding. “You don’t seem all that

upset, which doesn’t make sense. He’s a member of your pack. You know what a conjurer can do. “

“What Cade does is his own business, not the packs,” Diskant growled, narrowing his shining

green eyes. “When he’s ready to get the information we have for him he can come and get it. He
knows how to get in touch. The woman isn’t our business. The pack has cleansed its hands of her.”

“Cleansed its hands?” Trey growled, wanting to rip Diskant a new asshole. “Are you fucking

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joking? You know what a conjurer can do! What are you keeping to yourself, fucker?”

“I should kick your ass,” Diskant responded, balling his hands into fists. “You stupid son of a


“So you are hiding something.” Trey knew Diskant. To keep the balance the Omega often kept

things to himself. Trey recalled Cade’s leave of absence and put everything together. “You sent him to
protect her, didn’t you? You sent him on a mission. That’s why you haven’t bitched about his absence.
You knew where he was going.”

“Trey…” Diskant snarled his name, steadily approaching.
“Stop arguing. We need to get the necklace,” Leigh interrupted, stepping between the men. The

woman who had once flinched in the face of shifters had vanished, replaced by a bitch on a mission.
“None of that matters. We have to bring Nathan back and we have to do it now.”

“In case you haven’t heard,” Diskant turned on Leigh, “We’re dealing with Shepherds at the

moment. As well as other shit. Sit your ass down and shut up.”

“Don’t even go there.” Sadie gripped Trey’s arms, fingers furling around his biceps. She shifted

to the side to look at Diskant. “Stop fighting and pay close attention. The conjurer isn’t our concern at
the moment. As soon as we have the amulet we can take care of our primary mission. We just have to
go get it.”

“And that meant bringing her here?” Diskant waved a hand at Leigh.
“I wouldn’t have come back if I didn’t have to.” Leigh, to her credit, didn’t back down, although

her face revealed her edginess around the pack. The last time she’d been in the home Ava had
threatened her and made the visit hell on the young vampire. “Nathan saved my life. I won’t let him
rot in a shithole. No matter what you say, he deserves more than that.”

Good to see she’s finally stopped being a whiny bitch, Trey thought.
Sadie squeezed his arm, hard. “Don’t be an ass. I heard that.”
“What about Cade?” Trey grumbled, beyond agitated. He stopped focusing on the conjurer and

focused on his mortal friend. “Aren’t you worried about him? Can you imagine the shit he’s about to
face? He’s human. He can’t protect her or himself. He’s fucked.”

“I don’t have time to worry about Cade. Not right now.” Diskant also rose from the couch. “We

have to remove the threat of Shepherds before we can even think about Nathan or Cade. You need to
get the amulet as soon as possible.” Leigh opened her mouth to argue and Diskant shut her down.
“We’ll focus on Nathan once this is done. Shepherds have one of our children. Nathan would be
pissed if he found out we put his life before a child’s and Cade would kick us in the balls if he knew
we risked an innocent’s life.” Frowning, Diskant questioned, “Why would The Fallen want Nathan,
anyway. What purpose could he possibly serve?”

“Information.” Sadie stepped closer to Trey, their chests touching. “They must think he can lead

them to Destiny.”

“Who’s Destiny?” Trey communicated privately to Sadie, needing answers.
“The conjurer. Something was going on between her and Cade. I’ve never seen anything quite

like it.”

“I knew he was interested in a woman.” Trey recalled a conversation with Cade. The human had

definitely been distracted by a female. Trey just hadn’t known who she was. “What did he say?”

“There wasn’t any time for talk. While I dealt with Leigh he took Destiny and got the hell out

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of there. I came straight here. It was too dangerous to stick around.”

“How long will it take you to get the zephyr?” Ava asked, spreading her fingers over her stomach.

“Can you do it without hurting my brother?”

Trey tightened his grip on his mate. “I want to talk to you about this.”
“Not right now.”
She rolled her eyes at him and met Ava’s gaze. “It won’t take long and Thomas

won’t be a problem. We have a solid trace.” Ava had shown Sadie a picture so finding the man in a
crowd wouldn’t be difficult. “We’ll shadow him until he’s alone and get what we need.”

“I need to feed and we can leave,” Leigh interjected and edged closer to Sadie. “I need to be at

my best when we go.”

“Make it fast,” Diskant ordered. Trey lifted his head and the Omega was looking right at him. “We

can end this. Right now. Don’t be an asshole. Once Ava can read the minds in the city Shepherds
won’t be able to attack. We can find Jonathan and Jay and bring them home. Then we can worry about
everything else.”

As much as Trey wanted to argue, Diskant was right.
“Feed Leigh,” Trey told his mate. “Then meet me in our bedroom.”
Once Leigh had taken Sadie’s blood, Sadie would need his to replenish herself. During that time

he’d have a chance to talk to his mate alone. This shit was getting old fast. If Ava was capable of
defending the city he was going to demand time alone with Sadie, without bullshit interference. Once
he had it he was going to reverse the roles. Sadie’s vampire abilities would mean fuck all when he
had her tied up and squirming beneath him.

“Go on.” Trey released his female and gave her a soft shove toward Leigh.
Sadie gave him a sideways glance. “Whatever you say.”
They women hurried away and he had to force himself not to follow.
This was his job. It was also Sadie’s.
After this she’d no longer be in danger.
There was only so much he was willing to take.

* * * * *

Sadie ushered Leigh into a guest bedroom and closed the door. “I want to know what you’re

thinking,” she informed her friend, ready for a serious talk. Leigh had told Sadie she was phasing
back to Diskant’s home whether Sadie liked it or not. No longer whiny or jumpy, Leigh now seemed
forceful and determined. “Answer me or I’ll go for Thomas alone. You can sit here and starve.”

“They took Nathan because he was defending me,” Leigh answered, turning to face her. “You’ve

seen where they’ve taken him. Goddess knows what they’ll do. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself
if I didn’t try to get him back. He deserves better.”

“I thought you’d be happy to see him gone.” A bitchy remark but true nevertheless. “You’ve given

him hell since he told you that you were his mate.”

“He pushed too hard too fast. I couldn’t handle it. I tried to tell him that,” Leigh snapped, her dark

blue eyes forming to slits. “I wasn’t ready for what he wanted. I couldn’t give him what he needed.”

“And now you are?”
That gave Leigh pause. She blinked several times, taking in the question. Her tight shoulders

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relaxed, her brows easing apart as her scowl faded away. The harshness in her features softened.

“I’m not sure. I don’t know how I feel.” Her features softened and she whispered, “All I know is I

can’t leave him there.”

“If somehow we miraculously find him, his feelings for you aren’t going to change.” Nathan had

been through enough and Sadie was tired of dancing around the issue. “You’re going to have to deal
with them and stop being nasty to him. It’s not fair to either of you.”

“You love Trey, don’t you?” Leigh queried softly, the fight draining from her. “If you lost him,

would you be able to go on? I’m not talking about needing his blood either. I’m talking about how
you’d face each day. Think about how you’d feel.” Raking trembling fingers through her hair, she
continued, “I loved Brett. We’ve known each other since we were teenagers. I thought I’d spend the
rest of my life with him. After I was turned I went home. He wasn’t there at the time but as soon as he
came through the door—as soon as I smelled him—I wanted to sink my teeth into his throat. It scared
the hell out of me, so I ran. For several months I stayed in abandoned buildings and figured out what
I’d become. I went to watch him after I had a handle on my hunger. He was devastated at first. I saw
him cry a couple of times. But one day I went to our place and he was moving out our things. That
wasn’t the worst part.” Shaking her head, she lowered her eyes. “He had a woman with him. Their
relationship wasn’t platonic. I didn’t stick around after I saw them kiss for the first time.”

“He moved on?” The fury Sadie felt changed into sympathy.
“Yes, he did.” Leigh went to the bed and sat on the edge. “I was so mad when I found out. I

thought about going back and showing him why I’d vanished in the first place. But then I realized what
might happen to him if I did. I’d had a hard enough time accepting what I was. Hell, I didn’t even
know things like us exist. I didn’t want to put him through that. I knew it was best he move on.”

“If you knew this…” Sadie took a moment to phrase the question. She’d been in Leigh’s head and

knew the young vampire had feelings for Nathan. “Why did you push Nathan away?”

“Because he made me want.” A tear slid down Leigh’s pale cheek. “I’d been numb for so long.

Then he came along. Wanting is a dangerous thing, Sadie. If you let yourself go there you become
attached. Attachment leads to heartbreak. I’d sworn I’d never love another. I told myself it was better
if I never did. I was lucky to have had what I experienced with Brett. Most go their entire lives
without feeling the way I did. Then there was the guilt. I can’t even begin to describe how awful it

Shit on a stick. Should she be honest or lie?
She decided not to warn Leigh about Destiny and how the pack might react when they learned

about her. Not when Leigh was focused on Nathan and there was so much on the line. The big things
—things that could devastate the world—likely would take priority over locating Nathan. Leigh
didn’t need that information. Not unless the pack decided finding Destiny was a certainty.

“Leigh,” she offered cautiously, “you need to understand that if we find him he might not be the


Sniffing, the teary-eyed vampire gazed up. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that The Fallen are known for their cruelty. We might be able to save his life but that

doesn’t mean we can save his mind or soul.” Although she really didn’t want to impart the facts, she
had to. “They crave brutality and they thrive on the misery of others. It’s one of the reasons I felt no
guilt when I killed them.” Or though she had, she couldn’t believe she’d been duped for so long.
“They have no sympathy or compassion. They only experience joy and excitement when they are

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tormenting others.”

Leigh’s lids dropped, her lower lip quivering. “Then we need to hurry.”
“I’ll give you my blood on one condition.” Sadie pulled off her thin jacket and bared her wrist. “If

we get him back you’ll try to accept him. I won’t have him come here only to face your rejection.
He’ll have a hard enough time acclimating to the pack. He’s going to be different. He won’t be as soft
or sweet as you remember him. You’ll have to give him your support.” Leigh reached for Sadie’s arm
but Sadie stopped her. “You also have to give me your word that you’ll offer your assistance to the
pack if you decide to stay here. They’ll want you to accept the same terms I have. If you step out of
line your life is forfeit. I can’t watch out for you anymore. Other people need me now. You’re going
to have to find your own path and walk it.”

Seconds ticked by. Sadie wondered if she’d pushed too far.
“I give you my word,” Leigh offered softly.
Sadie lifted her hand and offered her wrist. Leigh cradled her forearm, fingers brushing her skin.

Like always Leigh bit carefully, sinking her fangs deep into Sadie’s flesh.

Only this time she didn’t take a drop or two. She drank deep.
Thank Goddess. She was finally coming around.
Maybe, just maybe, Sadie thought in relief, things are going to even out.

* * * * *

Trey finished speaking with Ava and Diskant and excused himself. He took his time walking to the

bedroom he shared with Sadie. Once inside he walked from wall to wall, back and forth, over and
over. Sadie couldn’t keep doing this to him. Even though he had endless years ahead of him, he could
feel her chipping away at his life. He hated the circumstances that kept her in danger. Ones he could
do nothing about.

He thought about what Ava had said as soon as Leigh was out of earshot.
“If this thing works we’ll never be taken off guard again. We can protect everyone in the city.

We’ll finally be able to keep the pack safe.”

Once he’d have gladly given up his life for such a thing.
The pack had always been his world, demanding all of his strength and dedication. Then a

captivating blonde creature with an attitude had stormed into his life and turned everything upside
down. One touch—a simple taste of her—and he’d been doomed. He couldn’t stop thinking about her
night or day. When he was awake he ached for her scent. When he slept he had dreams of fucking her
like a crazed animal, determined to mark her with his teeth, claws and scent.

What if Ava’s right? We won’t have to stay here. I can give my female the home she’s always

wanted. We can have a life outside the compound.

By taking an enormous risk, it might be possible to enjoy her fully. They could have a private life

for once. He could be playful in their home, teasing and open with her. There’d be no prying eyes or
sharp ears to hear them.

No more Shepherds in New York.
No more bullshit.
His thoughts drifted to Nathan and the wolf inside him snarled. They wouldn’t be able to have a

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happily ever after unless he found the man. Diskant had made that clear. Ava would figure out how
strong the amulet made her and with Leigh’s help they’d do everything they could to recover the Beta.
It was only right. Nathan had sacrificed everything for the pack over the years.

Not to mention he was one hell of a friend.
The door opened and he stopped moving. Sadie slipped inside the room, her skin pale, lips nearly

purple. She shook as she closed the door and dropped the coat in her hand. He made it to her before
she collapsed, furious when he saw the bruising at her wrist.

“What the fuck did she do to you?” he demanded, scooping her into his arms. Leigh had taken

blood from Sadie before but Sadie had never looked so worn-out afterward.

“Something I didn’t think I’d ever see.” His mate’s blonde head slipped back and he was shocked

to see a small smile on her face. “She fed, Trey. As in she really fed for the first time. She doesn’t
even look the same. I didn’t realize just how much she denied her hunger.”

He took care, bending at the waist, draping her over the bed. He yanked his shirt over his head

and went to her, taking a knee at her side, one foot braced on the floor. He’d intended to talk to her
but she needed a lot of blood to recover. Knowing that, he angled his head to the side and brought his
neck toward her mouth. She placed a hand on his chest, keeping him from lowering his torso. He
brought his head back and peered down, confused by her refusal.

“We have five or ten minutes,” she murmured, licking her lips, showing him a glimpse of her tiny

fangs. “Ditch the jeans. I want to have this with you before I go. I want to remember who I’m coming
home to.”

Son of a fucking bitch. He scanned her clothing. Most of the shirts and leather pants she wore

looked the same. “Do you like this outfit?”

“Not in the least.”
She’s going to be the death of me. “Hold still.”
He didn’t take precautions, extending his claws, ripping away her clothing though he took care not

to scratch her porcelain skin. Once she was gloriously naked, her breasts rising and falling as she
panted, he did away with his jeans. It took less than thirty seconds but even that was too long. His
cock had gone instantly hard, his balls drawn tight.

“I’m not taking it easy on you.”
He didn’t let the warning sink in, grasping her legs, parting her slim thighs. He situated himself

between them, growling when he saw her folds were swollen and pink. Taking his cock at the base,
he guided the tip to her slit. She was wet, meaning he didn’t have to get her ready. With a thrust, he
lodged his cock from head to hilt inside her.

Bucking her hips, she groaned. “Trey.”
“That’s right, baby.” Slowly he withdrew, feeling her slick, tight walls flexing around his cock.

“You wanted to remember who you’re coming back to? I’m going to make sure it happens. This pussy
is all mine.” He pumped his hips, fucking her hard and fast, lifting her ass in his hands to penetrate her
deeper. “You’re going to stop arguing with me and start listening, mate. It’s time you accepted who’s
the bottom and who’s the top.”

The wolf rode him hard, howling in his head. He felt his canines elongate, forming into sharp

points. She needed to feed. Even now she was barely able to meet his thrusts. But the animal within
wanted more. His eyes went to her shoulder, his gaze soaking in the scar tissue created by his bite—

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the one that had proclaimed his domination over her. Releasing her ass, he lowered his torso and
grasped her blonde hair at the nape. He forced her head to the side, revealing her unmarred shoulder.

She cried out when he bit down, still plunging into her pussy.
The rustiness of her blood splashed against his tongue. Her vaginal walls fisted around him, her

body trembling beneath his. Even though he knew the wound would heal when he fed her the wolf
basked in the claim, wanting to reinstate its possession. Wedging his free hand between them, he
found and rubbed her clit. In order to remain as he was he moved his chin slightly, giving her room to
pierce his skin to drink her fill.

“Take from me, baby,” he ordered mentally, thrusting harder.
Her cunt tightened around him, her muscles flexed and her fangs pierced his throat. He came with

a roar—the sound muted by the flesh against his lips. She followed him over, clawing at his chest, her
vagina clamping down. As she drank she sent him over the edge again. His dick pulsed, balls
throbbing as he came a second time. Her pussy milked his cock, draining every drop of his semen.

“This is the last time you leave me,” he informed her, pumping his hips, wishing the moment

could last forever. “Swear it.”

She moaned, the vibration sending a tendril of heat through his body. “I swear.”
It took effort to pull his mouth from her, forcing his canines to return to normal. He nursed the area

with his tongue, slowing his movements, giving her time to gain the sustenance she needed. If she was
going to go he wanted her at full-strength. As his mate it was his place to see to her needs.

Right now blood was all he could give her.
And he resented the hell out of it.

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Chapter Eight

There you are, you little son of a bitch.
Sadie remained as she’d been for over an hour—seated at an obscure table with Leigh, hoping for

a glimpse of Ava’s brother. She’d worried he might not show and she’d have to return the next
evening. Thank Goddess that wasn’t going to be an issue.

“He’s here,” she told Leigh, pretending to sip on a margarita.
“Which one?”
“Tall, tanned and skinny. He looks like he needs a shower.”
“That’s not saying much.”
Leigh put her glass on the table. “Most of the men we’ve seen look

like they are infested with lice and carry diseases.”

“Look closely. He has Ava’s nose.”
After a moment Leigh responded, “I see him.”
Alarm bells sounded when Thomas took a seat across from another man. This one—unlike Ava’s

sibling—was dressed well in a business suit. He had money and it showed from his tidy blond hair to
his expensive cuff links. She scanned the male, scenting the air. He smelled like a vampire but didn’t.
It was the most peculiar thing. It would take hefty magic to mask scent like that.

“Ava said he was trying to find a buyer for the zephyr. Likely his companion is looking to

purchase the relic. This might not be as easy as we thought.”

She tried to formulate a new strategy. Originally she and Leigh had decided to follow Thomas,

corner him, get the amulet and leave the man with a strong warning. Now she wasn’t sure that would
happen. Concern and guilt slapped her in the face. She’d sworn she’d be safe but she wasn’t leaving
without the zephyr. There was too much at stake.

“We should slip away and watch from outside.” Sadie slid money onto the table and looked at

Leigh. “I can’t read the man with Thomas. He’s blocking me. If he can do that he might be capable
of more.”
She paused, gauging the potential threat. “There’s a chance he knows why we’re here. You
need to go.”

Leigh glanced at the men from the corner of her eye. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
She rose, collecting the purse she’d brought along. Leigh had dressed for the occasion, donning a

flirty skirt and blouse. Sadie still couldn’t believe how different the vampire looked. Leigh was no
longer thin or gaunt. Her tiny form had taken shape. Rounded curves covered formerly bony
structures, her hips flared and breasts full. Her dark hair had also taken on a glorious sheen. Her face
had filled in, her skin radiant and smooth.

“Wait a minute or two and follow me.” Leigh strutted toward the back, her hips swaying

provocatively. “We’ll phase outside together.”

“Give me five,” Sadie thought, pushing away her concerns about Leigh. “I can’t read the other

man’s thoughts but I can read Thomas. I want to know what he’s up to.”

Leigh sauntered away, taking her time.
Determined to get the information she needed, Sadie pretended she was enjoying her tequila treat

and focused on Thomas’ mind. She wasn’t shocked to find he was tipsy, having obviously had a few
drinks prior to coming to the cantina. Therefore his thoughts weren’t clear.

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Please let him have the money. I need it. I can’t hold out much longer.
So he was trying to sell the zephyr, damn it.
There was no way she could leave. She had to keep him in sight at all times. If the necklace was

transferred from Thomas to the strange male, things could sour quickly.

Like she didn’t have enough to worry about.
“Leigh,” she immediately thought to her comrade. “Don’t wait for me. Go outside and keep

watch. It’s not safe for me to leave. He’s trying to sell the zephyr. If he hands it over I’m going to
have to intervene even if everyone in the place sees me.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Leigh didn’t sound convinced.
“Not really but it’s all we can do right now.”
She lowered her drink and peered over her shoulder.
Thomas had leaned over the table, talking quietly. The other male listened, nodding here and

there. When a server walked over to the table Thomas waved her away and waited until she was out
of earshot before he resumed the conversation. The man with him gave a nod and reached inside his
jacket. He removed a piece of paper and slid it across to Thomas.

Shit. An arrangement was definitely going down.
“I’m outside,” Leigh’s voice echoed in Sadie’s mind. “I’ll wait across the way. The only other

exit is out the back.”

No way would they get past her. “I have that covered.”
Sadie focused on Thomas’ thoughts. Again she only got glimpses. The male who’d met him was

named Deason. The man had negotiated a meeting via a contact and expressed an interest in the
zephyr. Thomas was almost out of money. He was also afraid to keep the necklace in his possession
any longer. For that reason he was willing to lower his selling price.

Again she tried to read Deason and came up empty.
Damn it.
Someone took a seat beside her and she heard a masculine voice purr, “You don’t look like you’re

from around here.” His cologne slammed into her nose, offensive and almost choking her. She didn’t
have to look at her would-be suitor. She knew what he was up to. “Can I buy you a drink?”

“I already have one,” she replied coolly, touching her glass, keeping her eyes on Thomas. “FYI,

I’m on my honeymoon. My husband needed to take a piss but he’ll be back any minute. I’d leave
while you can.”

The man left without another word and she said a prayer to the Goddess. While it was nice to be

appreciated as a woman, she wasn’t in the mood for flattery. It figured when she needed to work
she’d have a man who wanted to get a piece of ass.

“What’s going on?” Leigh’s voice slithered through her head.
“They’re still talking.” Although she noticed Thomas seemed pleased about something. A heavy

sense of foreboding rushed through her. The smile on his face could only mean one thing. “I think
they might have struck a deal.”

The men stood at the same time. Mr. Business Suit swiped at his lapels while Thomas adjusted his

grungy shirt. Yep, they’d definitely reached an agreement. Sadie remained where she was, giving
them time to get their things. They prepared to leave and Sadie gave Leigh a heads-up.

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“They’re coming out. Don’t let them out of your sight.”
“Consider it done.”
She gave them time, watching them go. When she felt it was safe she slid from her seat and

followed. Adrenaline made her nerves jumpy, her palms going clammy. Thomas wasn’t an issue but
his newfound friend might be. She couldn’t get a lock on what he was, meaning she had to proceed
with extreme caution.

“Sadie.” Leigh sounded worried. “There’s a big-ass car waiting for them. They’re heading to

it. What do you want me to do?”

Double shit.
Hurrying forward, she decided they couldn’t do this easy. “Stop them. Don’t let them leave.”
“I’m on it.”
A few people got in her path and she shouldered them aside. Only a few feet stood between her

and the door. Taking huge steps, she made it to her destination and rushed outside. Her gaze flew to
the expensive Cadillac. Then she noticed Leigh standing between the men and the car, her sapphire-
blue eyes brighter than normal, preventing them from leaving.

“Get out of my way,” Deason commanded, scowling at Leigh. Even standing several yards away

Sadie could feel his magic rise. He was a deadly adversary. They needed to get the necklace and get
out. “I won’t tell you again.”

The Escalade’s doors opened and two men stepped out. The air shifted, a breeze carrying their

scents to her nose. She drew a deep breath and froze, unable to move.

She knew then what she was dealing with. The male who’d met Thomas been able to mask his

nature but the others hadn’t done so. Her stomach dropped, her heart sinking. The situation wasn’t
simply dangerous. It had the potential to become deadly.

What were the odds? Twice in one day?
The Fallen.
“Get ready to do your thing,”
Sadie instructed Leigh. “I’m about to get the zephyr and we’re

out of here.”

People were around the dusty road but Sadie paid them no attention, striding for Thomas. She

phased, appeared behind him, reached for his throat and snagged the leather cord around his neck.
With a quick yank she had the zephyr in hand. She stumbled when power slammed into her, the impact
of the magic nearly too much. Her slip gave the vampire who’d met Thomas time to move, his face
contorted in rage as he came right at her.

“You can’t move,” Leigh commanded, magic radiating from her, the buzz of energy whispering

over Sadie’s skin. Sadie’s gaze darted to the vamps who’d climbed out of the SUV. It was apparent
they were trying to fight Leigh’s spell. Their eyes were narrowed, lips pulled back to reveal their
fangs. They pivoted, facing the vampire attempting to incapacitate them.

“You will not move.” Leigh cemented the magic with her will, her voice lowering an octave. “As

I will it, so it shall be.”

Before Sadie could breathe a sigh of relief she felt a hand wrap around her throat. She went for

her assailant’s wrist, firmly gripping the bony area. The necklace in her other hand flared, sending an
enormous hum of strength through her. Before she knew it the wrist beneath her fingers cracked, bones
mashing together. She hadn’t applied enough pressure for that. In fact, she had planned on spinning

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away to freedom but instead found Deason howling in agony.

Holy shit.
“Phase out,”
she ordered Leigh. “I’ll meet you at home.”
“What about Thomas?”
The question caught Sadie off guard and made her hesitate. If she left the moronic human the dark

mage vampires would kill him. That or they’d torture Thomas for any answers they might think he
had. That could lead The Fallen right to Ava and Diskant’s door.

Sadie let go of Deason and kicked him hard in the face. As soon as he hit the ground she snagged

Thomas by the arm. There wasn’t much time. She had to do this quick.

Staring him in the eye, she weaseled her way into his head. It was time to remove a few files from

his mental locker. It was too dangerous to allow him to remember anything. She made sure to wipe
his memories of Ava away, including his brief meeting with Diskant and the pack. Once done she took
care of his memories of the amulet, his trip to sell it and anything else that tied him to his sister.

“You’re going to get in that car and drive. In five minutes you’re going to ditch it, go to your pad

and get your shit. You don’t have family. You don’t have anyone. You came to Mexico to unwind but
now it’s time for you to go home.” If Thomas made it out he’d return to New York. Ava could deal
with the rat bastard then. It was quick job but she felt confident she’d altered his thoughts well enough
to protect the pack. Shoving him toward the car, she snapped, “Go on. Drive.”

He climbed in and she closed the doors. When the car took off she gave Leigh the all clear. “Let’s

get out of here.”

Leigh vanished and the vampires under her control tried to rush Sadie.
She closed her eyes and pictured home.
It was time to go.

* * * * *

The man in the dark coat walked past the cage, striding back and forth. The leather made a

scratchy sound each time it made contact with the man’s jeans, sending a bristle up Jay’s spine. He
told himself not to move, knowing it would only bring pain. His leg had been broken again, only this
time it was much worse. The bone hadn’t broken through the skin but he could see the way it pressed
against his flesh.

His eyes darted to the cage across from him and he met his father’s gaze.
So far the men had taken their venom out on his parent. Jay had watched, horrified, as his father

had attempted to shift only to be beaten to a pulp. He didn’t know what had happened to his mother—
gaining only a glimpse of her as he’d been slammed in the head with the wooden end of a shotgun—
but he kept hoping she’d managed to get away.

If she could get to the pack, someone would come to save them.
The man circled the room and Jay kept his head down. His parents had kept conversations about

Shepherds hush-hush but over the years he’d heard stories. He knew the males who’d taken them
killed shifters. Since they seemed to enjoy listening to him cry—taunting him and telling him he was
next—he’d decided to remain still and quiet.

It was the only thing he could do to spite them given the situation.

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Footsteps approached, coming down the stairs to the room they’d locked Jay and his father inside.

He’d memorized his assailants by their boots. This one was the only one in the bunch who chose
black ones. A chill crept up his neck, his breathing stilted. He knew this one’s name. The other men
treated him like the boss, showing him the upmost respect.

Nathaniel, also addressed as Anthony.
“They’ve gotten our message,” Anthony said quietly, stopping several feet away. “It’s time to

bargain. If they want these two back they’ll have to hand her over.”

“Are you sure they haven’t moved her?” the other man asked.
“I saw the little bitch myself.” Anthony’s voice changed, boiling with anger. “Apparently Little

Mary thinks if she stays put she’ll be safe.”

Mary. Jay knew that name. Emory’s mate.
The pack hadn’t wanted her around but Diskant had convinced them to give her a chance. Jay’d

heard about the tension in the pack but his parents wouldn’t answer any of his questions concerning it.

“What do you want to do?”
“What we came here for.” Anthony walked to Jay’s cage. “Toss them the bait. Even if they don’t

take it we’ll have an open shot. Mary knows the punishment for turning her back on family. As soon
as contact is established and things are in action you can get rid of our guest here.” Anthony squatted,
making it impossible for Jay not to see him. “You’re lucky, boy. We’ve decided to save your soul.”

Save my soul? “What?” he inquired softly.
“Once you’re rid of the demon inside you, you’ll be free. I can sense salvation around you. Your

death will be quick and painless. You’ll cross over in peace.” Anthony peered over his shoulder,
looking at Jay’s father. “I can’t say the same about him.”

Before he could say another word Anthony was gone. Other men appeared, surrounding his

father’s cage. He knew what that meant. They were going to try to force his dad to plead for mercy,
beg for the Lord’s forgiveness. He screwed his eyes closed, trying to be silent but it wasn’t easy.
With each horrible thud of flesh meeting flesh he finally grasped what was about to happen. The pack
would never make it in time. The men were going to kill his father. Then they would do the same to

They were going to die in his horrible place.
His bladder emptied, soiling his already-filthy pants.
The scent of his terror was so strong he had to hold his breath, otherwise he’d cover his tattered

shirt in vomit as well.

Why is this happening to me?
What do I do?
The answer was nothing. He was trapped and unable to run.
All he could do was hope and pray someone would save them.

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Chapter Nine

Sadie’s head swam when she appeared in Diskant’s living room, the amulet firmly in her grasp.

Mary was seated on the couch, reading a book. The female jumped to her feet, alarm evident in her
posture and face. Leigh appeared only a few feet away. She shook herself off and whipped around,
shooting Sadie an uncertain look.

“Emory!” Mary yelled, eyes wide as saucers as she stared at Sadie.
“Relax,” Sadie said, trying to shake off the power humming through her body. She knew one thing

—once Ava got what she needed from the amulet the thing needed to be stored in a safe location. It
was too powerful to hold for too long. Already she could feel the difference in her perception, the
way her powers multiplied. Hoisting her hand into the air, she informed the panicked woman, “We
got it. The plan worked.”

“Holy shit,” Mary said, taking a step back.
Suddenly the room went from empty to full. Trey appeared, hurrying toward Sadie. Diskant

followed with Emory on his heels. Ava wasn’t as fast but she appeared along with Zach.

“I’m not sure what’s going on here but you better move fast.” Sadie bypassed Trey’s open arms

and handed the amulet to Ava. “The Fallen know about the zephyr. Aldon won’t be our primary
concern for long. We need to find the Shepherds and take care of business before things spiral out of

“The Fallen?” Diskant asked in a low growl. “Again?”
“Your brother put a target on his head,” Sadie informed Ava, feeling a pang of pity. “I emptied his

thoughts and told him to retrieve his things and return home. If he doesn’t meet resistance along the
way he just might make it.”

“Might?” Ava asked, her voice a hushed whisper of fear.
“I couldn’t stay with him even if I wanted to.” Sadie felt Trey’s arms snag her by the midsection.

She welcomed his warmth, melting in his arms. “There were too many of them. Leigh held them off
but it was only a matter of time before they broke free and attacked. I had enough time to manipulate
Thomas’ mind and get him in a car. The rest is up to him.”

“I….” Ava swayed, gazing down at her hand. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”
“Pinkie?” Diskant was beside his mate in an instant. He steadied her, concern radiating from him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh God,” Ava whispered in horror. “There are so many voices. I can hear them, screaming over

each other.”

“Take it from her.” Sadie stared at Diskant as she gave the order. “She’ll have to learn how to

harness the power. It’s massive.”

Diskant didn’t ask questions, ripping the small trinket from Ava’s grasp. Instantly he gasped,

shaking his head, his entire body trembling. “What the fuck is this shit?”

“Something of nightmares,” Sadie said, relieved they’d gotten what they needed and could finally

start formulating a solid plan of attack. “It hit me hard as soon as I touched it. Give Ava a few minutes
and give it back. She’ll need to adjust in steps. There’s no way to jump right in.”

“What happened?” Trey asked, his breath caressing her ear.

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“Thomas arrived like we thought he would.” It was selfish but she didn’t speak for a moment,

taking comfort in his embrace. After a couple of seconds she continued, “He met with a man I
couldn’t get a read on. I figured out why when they stepped outside.” Her eyes drifted to Ava. There
was no easy way to say it, so she decided to be blunt. “He was going to sell the zephyr to The Fallen.
They were ready to take it from him. I have a feeling they weren’t going to pay him. Not in the way he
expected. As soon as they got their hands on it they’d have killed him. He’s lucky he kept it hidden. I
have to give him credit. It doesn’t look like much.”

Diskant gazed at the adornment in his hand.
Sadie’d been shocked as well. The amulet was attached to a leather cord and looked like

something a surfer might wear. Not at all what Sadie had expected. There was nothing special about
it, a simple piece of jewelry. Although it changed color it could have been any kind of jewel—an
alexandrite, a sapphire or even a topaz of some kind.

“It used to be in the center of a gold locket,” Ava murmured, studying the zephyr. “And it looks so

small. I remember how it shone on the front of Mom’s locket. I loved looking at it. Even though it was
small it always got my attention.”

“The size doesn’t matter. It’s the magic inside that counts.” Getting hold of herself, Sadie

straightened her legs. She didn’t move away from Trey but she was glad her knees didn’t feel watery
anymore. “What you have in your possession is powerful as hell. With it you’ll be able to hear
anyone with your telepathy. There might be a range but I imagine it’s big. You only have to work out
the kinks.”

“It’s enough to prevent an attack?” Diskant sounded cautious but hopeful. “Will she be able to see

our enemies coming?”

“See them? No.” Not in the way Diskant hoped for. “This is even better. She’ll be able to hear

them. She’ll know what they’re thinking.”

“What about the baby?” In a split second the Omega went from curious to wary. “I won’t let it hurt

our child.”

“It won’t hurt the baby.” Sadie understood his concern and hurried to ease his doubts. “It’s a

dangerous object but not to Ava. If it’s been in her family for generations, there’s a reason. More than
likely it’ll protect your baby. It’s his or her legacy. A foundation for the future.”

“I want to try.” Ava, having got hold of herself, reached for the jewel. “We have to find Jonathan

and Jay. I need to figure this thing out. I don’t have time to wait.”

Sadie caught the sideways glance Zach—the pack Beta—gave Diskant. She also noted the way

Mary frowned and took a step back. Emory twined his arm around his mate’s waist, a furious scowl
on his face. Her stomach knotted, an inner warning telling her something was very wrong. She attuned
herself to Trey, needing to know what she’d missed.

“What happened?”
“We got an anonymous call.”
Trey, usually confident and cocky, sounded deflated. “The

Shepherds told us what we could expect if we don’t hand Mary over. There’s a location they’ve
given us to meet. They’re going to kill Jonathan and his son if we don’t agree. We have one day to
give them an answer.”

“Son of a bitch.”
“Sadie and I can help you figure out the magic,” Leigh offered. “With the three of us it won’t take

long. A couple of days at most.”

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“As far as Jonathan and Jay are concerned, a couple of days won’t work,” Zach told Leigh,

shaking his head. “Shepherds got in touch. They want us to give them Mary in exchange for our pack
mates. They made it clear their offer isn’t open to negotiation. There’s a deadline. They expect us to
hand her over in the next twenty-four hours.”

“It’ll never happen,” Emory snarled, tugging Mary close. “Fuck no.”
Sadie felt as though she’d been tossed over a cliff, caught in a freefall. Things like these weren’t

easily solved. Ava needed to acclimate to the magic before she could home in on those she wanted to
find. Even with a few days it would be difficult to find those who held the father and son. Her mind
swam, awash in uncertainty. She’d sworn to protect the pack and she’d already failed.

“Where’s Mitchell?” Sadie asked, hoping the man they’d sent to collect Jonathan’s and Jay’s

things was nearing his return. “We don’t have to use the amulet. Leigh can find them easily.”

“Their house is gone,” Zach informed her. “It’s been burned down. Mitchell thinks the family was

watched long before they were attacked. The police are all over the place. Our people inside the
department can cover up what happened but until the humans leave Mitch can’t get within a hundred
yards of the place.”

Sadie felt the blood drain from her face. “No.”
“I can do this,” Ava snapped, her eyes shifting color. “No one can hurt me. I just have to

understand what I’m hearing. I’ve done this before.” Glancing up, she studied Diskant. “You wanted a
mate? Here I am. This is my job, just as much as it’s yours. I can figure this out. The sooner, the

“Ava mine,” Diskant warned in a low snarl. “Don’t even.”
“This is my family as much as it’s yours.” Ava moved from her mate, slapping at his arm. “Don’t

give me this macho shit. This is what I signed on for. We wanted the amulet and now we have it. I
want to work with Sadie and Leigh to sort it out.” When he tried to pull her close she pushed him
away. “Don’t try to bully me. Not this time. I’m telling you right now I won’t let that man and boy die
because you’re afraid of what’ll happen to me. What if that was our child?”

“I’ve told you before.” Undeterred, Diskant snatched Ava by the arm and yanked her to him so that

her bulging belly pressed against his body. “Nothing will ever mean more to me than you. Nothing.”

“I suggest that we take a few minutes and calm down,” Zach said calmly. “The Shepherds won’t

make a move until tomorrow. Options are limited but there’s a possibility we can get past this.
Besides…” Giving Leigh a distasteful look, he said, “We have The Fallen to deal with now as well.
It’s time to keep things in perspective.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Emory growled, narrowing his eyes at Zach. “Your mate’s life isn’t

on the line.”

A hush fell over the room.
Emory’s anger faded, an enormous amount of remorse replacing fury. He slammed his mouth

closed and lowered his head. At the same time Diskant stopped arguing, his eyes flitting over the
room as though he’d just remembered something important. Zach stopped talking, his eyes open but
seeing nothing. His shoulders lowered and the power radiating from the male faded.

“You’re right, I don’t,” Zach responded, his voice a shallow whisper. The male stopped arguing,

somber and still. “My mate is gone. I’ll never see her again. You know what it’s like to fear for your
mate but you have no idea what it’s like to lose her.”

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“Zach—” Emory tried to take it back but it was too late.
“I’m going to talk to the guards.” Zach righted himself. He shook his head, taking a deep breath.

Avoiding everyone’s gazes, he whispered, “Do whatever you want.”

Zach strode from the room. Diskant waited until he heard Zach leave the house before he turned on

Emory. “What the fuck, douchefuck?”

“I shouldn’t have said that.” To Emory’s credit, he sounded remorseful. “Things have been so

tense and—”

“And it’s time to work,” Ava said. “There’s no time to lose.”
“I want to talk to you, Pinkie.” Diskant refused to give her the amulet. “I want to discuss this


“Fine, I’ll see you in the kitchen,” she snapped. She lifted her head, looking at Sadie and Leigh.

“In thirty minutes I want you to meet me here. We’re going to figure this thing out.”

The couple departed and Sadie glanced at Emory and Mary.
Mary had placed her hands on Emory’s arms, stroking his skin. “Let’s go to our room,” she

offered softly. “Everyone needs some space right now.” She met Sadie’s eyes. “If you need me let me
know. I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

Leigh was obviously frustrated, glaring at Sadie. “You know we don’t have time for this.”
No, they didn’t. For fuck’s sake, they never had spare time when they needed it. But Ava was with

Diskant and until thirty minutes were up Leigh’d have to wait.

“Stay here,” Sadie said, grasping Trey’s hand. “We’ll be back.”
She didn’t bother to see how the order impacted Leigh. As much as she loved her sister-in-magic

Trey needed her right now. Hell, the entire pack did. As the Alpha Trey was in charge and Sadie
could sense he was off-kilter. They needed to talk without interruption.

Taking her cue, Trey grasped Sadie’s fingers and led the way. She didn’t argue, walking beside

him. Things weren’t going to get any better. The decisions they were about to make would extend or
end the lives of others.

As she strode from the room she said a prayer to the Goddess.
She needed calm.
She needed focus.
Trey could give her both.

Trey didn’t say a word as he guided his mate toward their bedroom, even though he wanted to rip

someone’s head off. As worried as he’d been for his female, he couldn’t help but focus on his
sympathy for Zach. Katie—Zach’s mate—was gone. They’d never fully bloodbonded, meaning their
connection hadn’t been permanent. The male had endured more than he should have yet he kept
moving forward.

Emory was a total piece of shit for saying what he had.
At the same time Trey understood his brother’s fury.
Mary was a Shepherd. They’d all known eventually her family would come back in order to end

her life. They had to. It was their way. So it was understandable that Emory was on edge. It was his
job as her mate to protect her. He could have been more cautious, addressing Zach in an

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understanding way but undoubtedly the wolf inside him wasn’t feeling generous.

He made it to their room and ushered Sadie inside.
His heart lodged in his throat, his stomach queasy.
If the roles were reversed he’d have been just as angry as his sibling. Shifters—especially of the

werewolf variety—always put their mates first. There was nothing more important. He’d forgotten
that for a brief time, shoving Sadie aside. Now he realized how important she was to him—a vital
part of his life.

He’d never be able to exist without her.
“Trey.” Sadie didn’t pull away, leaning her slim body against his. “This is some dangerous shit.

I’m not sure what’s going on but I don’t like it.”

He wanted to take her to bed, his wolf wanted to mark her yet again. He fought the impulse,

knowing now wasn’t the time. “Tell me.”

“Aldon was after Leigh because he wanted to find the amulet.” She sighed, leaning closer, her

sweet fragrance drifting to his nose. “Now I know other members of The Fallen know about it too.
That means it’ll be double the work. They’ll never stop coming for it. I tried to erase Thomas’
thoughts about Ava and the locket but something might leak out. We can’t take that risk. We have to
figure out where to go from here.”

“What are you thinking, baby?” He slid his hand along her head, letting his fingers drift through

her satiny locks. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“In thirty minutes I’ll have to teach Ava how to focus on thoughts and impressions. It’s easier said

than done. I felt how strong the zephyr is. She’s going to have a hell of a time.”

“But?” He felt her pause, could tell she’d taken a deep breath.
“If she can control it The Fallen won’t matter,” she conceded, moving closer to him, her lips

skimming over his shoulder. “She’ll be able to sense them coming. She might also be able to mask the
zephyr’s presence with my help. A bit of magic might work. I think we could pull it off.” She leaned
away, meeting his eyes. “There’s something else too.”

He didn’t like the way she looked at him. “What?”
“There’s a member of The Fallen who’s attacked us before. If Ava can get a line to his thoughts

we’ll have an ace in the hole. We might be able to use him to find Nathan.”

He knew where she was going with this—Aldon Frost.
His heart lodged in his throat.
The vampire had already hurt his female and the fucker was dangerous. Not so long ago Trey had

tried to rescue Sadie from Aldon. In turn Trey’d had his ass served to him on a plate. He didn’t want
his mate anywhere near the son of a whorehound who was powerful enough to take down two
werewolves at once. It would be like tempting the devil to make the next move.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“He can help us find Nathan,” Sadie repeated calmly. “The zephyr is strong enough. If she can get

a line to Aldon’s thoughts he might be able to help us. We can’t go searching for Nathan alone.”

Talk about a battle of right and wrong.
Nathan had been Trey’s Beta for so long he felt compelled to save the man. Yet he couldn’t help

but worry about his mate—the woman who would put herself in harm’s way. What if the magic went

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wrong? He’d heard about snafus in the past. There was zero guarantee things would work in their

“We focus on Jonathan and Jay,” he said, grasping her arms. His fingers dug into her skin, his fear

for her palpable. “We can figure out the rest after.”

“Trey.” Sadie’s face, instead of hardening and reinforcing her will, softened. “You know we’ll

never be safe. Not with the threat of Shepherds and certainly not with the threat of The Fallen.”

“We’ve survived for centuries as we have, fighting enemies isn’t something new.” A total truth.

Ever since Diskant had become the Omega of New York—at least until Diskant Black had met Ava
Brisbane—things had been fine. “You don’t know if the amulet will work. It could make things

“How?” She caressed his face with the tips of her fingers. “Aldon won’t have any idea that Ava’s

in his mind. That’s how strong the amulet is. If I wanted I could try to harness its power. There’s a
reason it’s so dangerous. We’re lucky it hasn’t fallen into the wrong hands already.”

Capturing her hand with his, he said, “You keep asking me to risk you. Do you have any idea what

that does to me? How would you feel if things were reversed? Would it be that easy for you?”

He was tired of feeling weak. Of not having the powers his mate possessed.
“Of course not.” Her fingers squeezed his, her blue eyes fierce. “I’m telling you, we can do this.

We have what we need. If Thomas shows up in New York the threat is over. They can’t get
information from him. They won’t know which end is up. This could be the beginning of the end. The
pack would be protected and so would we. This is what you’ve worked for. We can make that
happen.” Leaning forward, she skimmed her lips over his. “You and me.”

“It kills me each time you go.” He felt as though he lost a part of himself every single time. “I’m

supposed to protect you. It pisses me off you won’t let me. I’m tired of being left in the dark.”

“Good thing,” she whispered, the sweetness of her breath caressing his lips. “Because if I’m right

you won’t have to. I’ll be right by your side forever. No in between. Just the two of us.”

“Stop asking me to make decisions like this.” He’d been fair so far but he was tired of

compromising. “If I agree to let you help Ava I want you to give me your word you’ll do it here.
Period. You have what we need. I won’t watch you go again. The pack doesn’t mean shit to me
without you.”

“I’ll never leave you again unless I have to. We gave a vow to the pack. I can’t turn my back on

that. I understand your nature won’t let you do the same but this is what I signed on for. This is what I
do.” She squirmed closer and her chest brushed his. “And if you think about it, so do you. That’s why
we’re meant to be together. No matter what happens. We want to care for those who ask for
protection. I know you’d never turn our pack on those you love.”

“That’s why this is so fucking hard.” The admission was torn from this throat. “I don’t want to

lose you.”

“I’m glad to hear it because you’re stuck with me.” She let him go and dropped to her knees,

reaching for his pants. “Ava said thirty minutes. That gives us twenty-five or so. I’m game if you are.”

Her nails raked over his abdomen and he hissed. He wanted this as much as she did. He could

scent her arousal, drown in the sweetness permeating the air. It was the most delectable aroma he’d
ever experienced, going straight from his nose to his cock.

Letting his head drift back, he forgot about the argument.

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If the end came now he couldn’t think of a better way to go.

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Chapter Ten

Sadie knew time was short. She yanked Trey’s jeans to his knees, reached up and wrapped her

fingers around the base of his cock. He jerked and a pearl of semen appeared in the slit at the tip. She
drew closer, parting her lips. She took him into her mouth and sucked, working her hand over his
length. His taste burst on her tongue and she moaned. Knowing what he liked, she lifted her free hand
and grasped his sac.

Fisting his fingers in her hair, he rocked his hips. “That feels so good, darlin’.”
“Enjoy it while you can,” she thought to him, darting her head up and down.
“More,” he demanded. “Harder.”
She arched her neck and did as he told her, taking more of his length. She swallowed when he hit

the back of her throat, giving him more room. His growl got her hot, making her panties moist. She
kept going, bobbing her head, sucking on his cock. He tasted as good as he smelled—musky,
masculine and clean. She’d never get enough of this man. If she could she’d have devoured him

“That’s right,” he snarled, bucking his hips. “Damn. That feels so fucking good.”
“You taste so fucking good,” she whispered in his mind, sucking harder. “I want you to come in

my mouth. I want to have you like this.”

“I want to give you more.”
She ignored his mental reply, moving faster. She increased the suction, hollowing her cheeks. Her

fangs wanted to drop but she held the need back, determined to give him this. If she wanted she could
revive his strength after he came, making him hard in a split second with her bite. She could suck him
dry but give him strength. That was the beauty of their relationship.

Give and take, over and over again.
To her dismay he didn’t come, enjoying her ministrations, fucking her face. She let him take

control, knowing he needed it. He’d been through so much. This was his way to claim her. To mark
her as his. She yearned to be the woman he wanted and needed no matter the price.

“Enough,” Trey snapped, yanking at her head. When she didn’t pull away he growled and forced

her mouth from his cock. “I said enough, mate.”

Reluctantly, she let him go.
He let her hair go and snatched her by the waist. Hoisting her up, he warned, “I hope you’re

ready.” She gasped when he lifted her like she was nothing more than a baby. Her back hit the bed
and he was there, bearing her down, his face inches from hers. “You stay with me. No matter what.
Argue with me and I won’t give you this.”

He reached between them and grabbed his cock. The head rubbed up and down her slit, getting

good and wet. She wanted him like hell on fire. Her pulse pounded, her muscles tingling. Trey had the
ability to make her lose rational thought.

“Don’t tease me.” She meant it as an order but it came out softly, like the caress of wind over an

open field. Determined to be strong, she told him, “I need you.”

“You have me.”
He didn’t stop tormenting her, rubbing the head of his cock up and down her crease. She hissed

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when he made contact with her clit. If he kept this up she wouldn’t be able to remain calm. She wasn’t
lying. She needed him.

Like this.
Just like this.
“Please.” It didn’t matter that she hated to beg. When it came to Trey she had no shame. “I want to

feel you. I need you inside me.”

“I know you do,” he murmured, gazing down at her face. His eyes had shifted color, going from

light to dark. “Don’t worry, I’m going to give it to you.”

The wide head forced her vaginal walls to part. She gasped, needing more. No matter how many

times they did this she always felt eager. Ached to feel them connected like this. He gave her a small
portion of his length but not enough.

“We have about twenty minutes left,” she complained, arching up. “Better make the most of it.”
“You’re topping from the bottom.” Trey didn’t move, giving her nothing more than a simple taste.

“You know how I feel about that.”

“So punish me.”
His growl created goose bumps all over her body. “You asked for it.”
The first thrust seemed to sear her soul, his cock penetrating her hard and deep. She gasped,

thrusting her head back. He didn’t hold himself still, skimming his fingers over her ass. He trailed his
hands up her thighs, over her knees. She felt him grip her ankles, holding one in each hand. Without
pausing he lifted her legs up and rested her feet over his shoulders.

“Oh Goddess,” she rasped, aching as her pussy clasped his length.
“No,” he corrected, leaning down to look her in the eye. “Trey.”
She cried out when he let loose, riding her like there was no tomorrow, keeping hold of her

ankles. His hair scattered over his temples, his gaze full of lust and determination. The rocking of the
bed drowned out her whimpers, the steady thumping loud enough for the entire house to hear. Not that
she gave a damn. Everyone knew the score. When it came to shifters, sex occurred often. Couples
were often eager and loud. She’d heard Diskant and Ava—and Emory and Mary—rejoicing in union
on more than one occasion. If a woman was lucky—and a bit crazy—she could have all she wanted
and more.

Sinking into her, he growled, “That’s right.”
Her gums tingled and she felt her fangs drop. The sharp edge of one pricked her lip, causing a

slight sting, creating a tiny bead of blood. She started to lick at the small puncture, knowing it would
vanish as quickly as it had appeared. Trey beat her to her goal, releasing her ankles and bending
down. His tongue swept the blood away before the tip darted into the cavern of her mouth.

The kiss started sweet but it didn’t last.
In seconds he took control, gliding his tongue over hers, claiming her mouth. As he did she tasted

another smidgen of blood and recognized it. Trey’s blood tasted like heaven. She’d recognize the
heady flavor anywhere. Groaning, she savored the metallic burst in her mouth, letting it sink into her

“You want more, don’t you?” Trey’squestion echoed in her mind. “Ask nicely and I’ll give it to


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She attempted to take control of the kiss. “When it comes to you I want it all.”
“That’s not what I had in mind.”
His deep growl was muffled by her mouth. He captured her

wrists and forced her arms over her head, driving his cock into her, rolling his hips so she felt every
last inch of him inside her. His shaft rubbed her G-spot, making her squirm. “And you know it.”

He liked it when she begged. A good thing because she liked it too. “Please.”
“That’s all you’ve got?”
She heard the amusement in his head. “I thought you’d be more


“Please give me more.” A warm and welcome tingle in her belly built, the promise of climax

lingering just out of her reach. If she’d had more time she’d have appreciated him drawing the
moment out. Since that wasn’t an option she told him the truth. “I want to drink from you while you
come. Your blood tastes so good when you do. Please give it to me. I need it.”

“Well…” Even though he tried to keep his intentions to himself, she knew what he was about to

do. She enjoyed drinking from him as he climaxed and she knew he enjoyed the experience as well.
“That’s not even close to asking nicely but I can make an exception.”

Although he released her wrists she kept her arms over her head. His large body moved over hers,

his hips moving in a steady rhythm. She waited as his neck dipped closer, running her tongue over her
bottom lip. His scent hit her nostrils, spicy and sweet. The frantic beating of his heart sang to her.

Arching his head to the side, he presented his throat. “All for you.”
Somehow when he offered his blood freely it made the moment more intimate. She took care,

lavishing his neck with attention. He moaned, his cock gliding in and out of her pussy. When his skin
was ready, soft and wet from her tongue, she pulled her lips back and pressed her fangs against his

She’s going to be the death of me.
Trey rammed his length into his female and ground his teeth together. His balls slapped her ass,

her cunt sucking him in deep. He made sure to arch his back and rub his chest over her hard nipples.
On rare nights when they had extra time he enjoyed bringing food into their bedroom and keeping her
locked away for hours, taking her body just like this, bringing them to orgasm over and over again.

A spike of anticipation shot down his back as pressure built in his spine.
As soon as those sexy little fangs of hers pierced his neck, he’d be a goner.
“You smell as good as you feel .” Sadie scraped her teeth over his flesh and tightened her pussy,

flexing the muscles around him. “So, so good.”

Time to remind her who she was mated to. “Remember the last time you teased me? I thought

you learned your lesson.”

Once upon a time she’d pushed him too far, teasing him mercilessly. His wolf hadn’t liked that at

all. While playful, it wanted her total surrender. She hadn’t thought he’d put an end to their play to
teach her a lesson but he had. It was the only way to punish her, really. It had been the first time since
they’d been mated that he’d seen her so sexually frustrated. He’d reversed roles, forcing her to endure
hours of oral torture before he’d penetrated her again and let her come.

“There’s no way in hell I could forget that.” She bit down, her aim clean and true.
His sac went taut and his dick jerked as pain and pleasure came together. His breath caught in his

throat, a cry of completion muted as he tried to inhale. Fire rushed through his veins and his seed

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spurted from him, bathing his female’s womb. He felt her respond, coming right along with him as she
drew on his throat.

“So good,” she repeated in his mind.
“Fuck yes, it is.”
Retaining control of his body, he resumed his steady thrusting, wanting to make the release last

longer and feel better for her. He made sure to angle his body so the base of his cock stroked her clit,
giving her just enough friction to increase her pleasure. She wriggled her hips, found her sweet spot
and matched his movements.

“Fuck, you’re a hot little thing.” His mate had no shame when it came to sex and he loved that

about her. “I’ll never get enough of you.”

“Good.” The reply came out as a purr in his head, sending a thrill through him. “I feel the same


Her fangs lifted from his skin and he rocked faster, knowing what was coming—or rather, who

was coming. The instant she buried them into his neck again his entire body tensed, muscles flexing as
he tried to keep the pace as another climax bristled like licks of fire under his skin. He didn’t mute his
shout of ecstasy, the sound deafening in the room. This woman completed him in so many ways. She
gave as good as she got, always keeping him on his toes.

Her pussy clamped down on his dick and he felt her quicken.
“That’s my girl,” he growled, basking in the glow of their joining, moving his fingers to her clit.

“Come for me again. Come hard, Sadie.”

Then she was right there with him, riding wave after wave of bliss. He had to force his head to

remain in place but it wasn’t easy. No doubt reading his mind, she pulled her teeth from his throat,
licked the small wounds and turned to him. Their mouths met as their bodies came together, each
thrust just as enjoyable as the last, their tongues moving in tandem.

Her fingers curved around his biceps, her nails whispering over his skin. When she had hold, she

dug them into his triceps. Her chest rose, full breasts pressing against his sweat-slicked torso.
Despite not wanting the moment to end, he eventually slowed down, gently plunging into her sex,
wanting to change the mood.

“Give me your word you’ll only leave if there’s no alternative.” Fuckif he didn’t detest how

desperate the idea made him. “I want you to promise that you won’t go anywhere unless we discuss
and agree on it. Ava has the amulet. Your place is here.”

Warm feelings covered him from head to toe—happiness, elation and love.
Sadie’s feelings sent purposely through him.
“I promise.”
She ended the kiss, pulling her plump lips from his. Her blue eyes were dilated, slivers of her

irises barely visible. Her hand drifted from his arm and her fingers caressed his jaw. He closed his
eyes, high on her touch. Sometimes that was all it took to soothe the savage beast raging inside him.

“I know our circumstances aren’t ideal but I have a feeling things are about to change for the

better,” she whispered, stroking his face. “There’s finally a bit of light shining down on us. If we
make the right choices it’ll be blinding.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Don’t be so pessimistic.”

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“Then don’t be vague.” Capturing her hand in his, he tilted his head and kissed her palm. “When it

comes to you a feeling isn’t enough. I have to be certain. How sure are you?”

“More than sure.” He lifted his head and she gave him a smile he’d kill for. “I’m positive.”

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Chapter Eleven

“Open up!” Pounding came from the entrance to Aldon Frost’s home. “Or I’m breaking the door


He bit back a snarl and strode toward the noise. The timing wasn’t good. His female had allowed

him to seduce her but before he could seal the deal she’d thrown a wrench into his plans. Right now
she’d locked herself in a room and refused to let him inside. He’d been attempting to smooth things
over—trying to understand her—when the annoying hammering started at the door.

This had better be good.
There were only two people who knew about his hidden residence and neither would dare drop

by unless they had important business to discuss.

As he pulled the door open, Aldon greeted his unexpected guest. “Hello, Wren. I appreciate you

contacting me before you stopped by.” He sniffed when he took in the male’s clothing, finding that no
matter how hard he tried he couldn’t appreciate Wren’s love of cotton T-shirts, worn denim and
tattered leather coats and boots. At least he’d finally cut his hair. The long blond strands now fell to
his chin. “It’s always a pleasure.”

“And you call me melodramatic?” Wren strode into the room like he owned the place. Thankfully

it wasn’t totally unexpected. Aldon had endured his brother’s presence for centuries. If there was one
certain truth in the universe it was that the two lived to pester each other. “No, I wasn’t listening in on
you. Like I’ve said before, you’ve a nasty habit of talking with your face. Don’t ever play poker.”

Taking a deep breath, Aldon reminded himself that he didn’t see his sibling often—especially

when there wasn’t a dire situation they were focused on. Since Wren had decided to show up,
undoubtedly Valen wouldn’t be far behind. Events like this happened in doses—one brother showed
up, followed within hours or days by the other.

“Should we take a seat?” He waited to see what Wren would do next. Of the three brothers he

was the most laid-back. If Wren’s ass sank into the plush leather loveseat it meant Aldon had time to
figure out his next move.

“There’s no sense in hiding her.” Wren plopped down and sank back, resting his hand over the top

of the cushions. “We already know.”

Damn them. I shouldn’t be surprised.
There was no sense in denying it. “Is that why you’ve come?”
“Actually, no.” Wren didn’t appear at all bothered by the prospect of Aldon settling down.

Unexpected, as he’d now have a bride to care for. That would change several aspects of his life,
including his ability to assist his brothers when they needed his help. “I stopped by because a certain
problem has resurfaced.”

“Get to the point.”
“A few of our targets are dead.”
“How?” The people they killed—The Fallen—weren’t easy to destroy.
“They decided to fuck around with the conjurer. She’s been found.”
Not good. “Shit.”
“I got wind of the situation an hour ago. A few of them managed to escape before she could kill

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them. Word’s spreading fast. And that’s not the worst part.” Wren shifted from playful to somber.
“She hasn’t accepted a guardian. Her powers are undiminished. In fact from what I heard they’ve
gotten stronger. I’m not sure where she hid for so long but now everyone knows she’s untouched.
Everyone who can use her is planning to track her down. You know what that means.”

“They’ll force her to bond with one of them.”
“Mmm-hmm.” The sound came out as a growl rather than a whimsical noise. “We have two

options—find her and kill her or find her and make her choose a guardian. If a dark mage vampire
gets his hands on her we won’t be able to control the damage.”

“Where’s she now?” Aldon didn’t want to think about what would happen if a member of The

Fallen tapped into the conjurer’s powers. “Do you have any idea?”

“That’s why I came to see you, actually.” Wren leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees,

steepling his fingers. “When she was attacked she wasn’t alone. Werewolves were with her. And
that’s not all. Sadie Dumas was there too.”

Sadie Dumas—a white mage vampire Aldon didn’t want to deal with.
“She might know where we can find the girl,” Wren said. “You should contact her and get any

information you can.”

“Have you forgotten what went down between us?” He’d nearly killed the woman for interfering

in his plans. Fortunately she’d mated with Trey Veznor, a werewolf and pack alpha. Aldon had
assumed he wouldn’t have to worry about her nosiness any longer. A good thing, as the vampire had
no idea what she was dealing with. “Likely she’d try to attack me and I’ve have to put her in her place

“That’s where you’re wrong.” Wren smiled, revealing a hint of his fangs. “I told you a few

vampires managed to escape. It turns out they took someone with them.” Meeting Aldon’s gaze, he
informed him, “They snatched the pack Beta. Right now he’s locked away in a dungeon. He’s not
talking but it won’t take them long to get the information they need. You know how this works.”

Sadly, yes. He knew exactly how The Fallen worked.
Since he’d gone off the grid to deal with his Bride, he wasn’t up to speed on things. He hadn’t

visited any of the clubs or homes his enemies preferred to nest in.

“Where did they take him? Which location is he at?”
“You’re not going to like it.”
“I repeat,” Aldon snapped, taking a step toward his brother, “Where did they take the Beta?”
“Aurora Palace.”
Son of a bitch.
The Beta wouldn’t last long. Not there.
Those who visited the Palace were hardcore sadists. They enjoyed humiliating and torturing their

human slaves. Each time Aldon went to the place his skin crawled. At his age he’d seen a lot of bad
things. However the first time he’d visited that hellhole he’d been mortified. Some of the things the
vampires made their slaves do made him sick.

“You know where Sadie is.” Wren gave Aldon a hard stare. “It’s the easiest way to get details.

We need to know where the conjurer has gone. We have to get our hands on her before someone else

The door opened and Valen walked into the room. “I see I made it just in time.”

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Unlike Wren—who preferred blue jeans and cotton shirts—Valen looked like a cover model. He

enjoyed his leather coats and expensive suits. He kept his hair stylish and short, the honey-colored
strands on top styled into thick spikes. With his dark blue eyes, muscular build and enormous
presence, women couldn’t get enough of him.

“I’ve gotten him up to speed.” Wren rose from his seat. “We don’t have time to bullshit.” Peering

over at Aldon, he said, “You need to get to Sadie and find out what you can. The sooner, the better.”

“I can’t leave.” His bride was still barricaded in the bedroom. “I won’t leave Olivia without


“So that’s her name?” Wren grinned. “Where is she, anyway? Shouldn’t she be greeting the fam?”
“Let’s just say we’re just getting to know each other.” No way was he sharing he was having

problems with his woman. “She’s shy.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Valen interrupted. “We’ll stay while you go. We’ll keep her safe. It

shouldn’t take you long to get the information we need. Make Sadie an offer she can’t refuse. Offer
her a trade. Information for information. We need to know where the conjurer is. She needs to know
where she can find her pack mate.”

“And if she refuses?”
“Sweeten the pot,” Wren offered. “Tell her you’ll stay away from the pack and leave her alone if

she agrees to speak with you. Since she was there when things went down she has to know what kind
of danger the conjurer presents.”

“I still don’t think it’s a good idea.” True he could teleport to Sadie. But last time werewolves

had been crawling all over the place. He’d been forced to threaten the Omega’s pregnant mate to get
their attention. He wasn’t keen on doing so again.

“Good idea or not, it’s all we’ve got.” Wren looked pissy. “Say goodbye to your female and get

ready to go. We don’t have time to argue.”

Aldon fought the urge to throw something across the room. His brothers were right, there wasn’t

time to argue. If the conjurer fell into the wrong hands there’d be hell to pay. Over the last few
centuries he and his brothers had pretended to be members of The Fallen, using the dark magic they’d
been born with to add credibility to the ruse.

“What if she doesn’t know anything?” It was a possibility.
“Then we do what we do best.” The menace in Valen’s voice made his intentions very clear.

“We’ll go undercover and get answers elsewhere.”

Another idea Aldon wasn’t happy about. To go undercover he had to pretend to be a heartless

asshole who enjoyed the misery of others. Once he’d gotten a handle on things—shortly after he
started killing off black mage vamps with his brothers—he’d become desensitized to what transpired
when he attended bloodletting parties. Now he felt differently about his job.

After all, the first time he’d seen Olivia she’d been at Aurora Palace.
“I’ll talk to her.” Options were limited and few. Sadie would give him hell but he could take

whatever she threw at him. “But I have rules you have to follow while I’m gone.”

Wren laughed and Valen scowled.
“Don’t go near my bride,” Aldon warned, a growl creeping up his throat. “Everything is new to

her. She wants space. Keep your asses in this room and don’t you dare go sniffing around. When she
wants to meet you she’ll let you know. That’s her choice.”

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“She’s got you whipped already,” Wren chuckled. “The old ball and chain.”
“Leave him alone.” Valen shot a glare in Wren’s direction. “Shut your gob.”
Knowing he didn’t have minutes to spare, Aldon turned on his heel to leave the room. Olivia

hadn’t been nice the last few weeks. Despite being ill and needing his blood, she refused to let him
heal her. When he’d tried to argue, she’d shut him down. It was the weirdest thing. The woman had
been a blood slave at one time. She knew how things worked with vampires.

She was the oddest submissive he’d ever seen.
Sometimes he wondered if she was submissive at all.
To ensure she lived, he’d started putting drops of his blood in the wine he served with her meals.

Thankfully it had helped. Her skin wasn’t as yellow and she didn’t appear as thin as she once had.
Her violet irises were no longer dull and her curly hair—which she’d chopped off—had started
growing out.

Walking down the hall, he tried to get a handle on his emotions. He would not control her thinking

or manipulate her thoughts.

All he needed was time. Eventually she’d come to him.
She had no other choice.

Olivia Mitchell pressed her ear to the door. She could hear footsteps.
Shit. He’s coming to the room.
After Aldon had come to her job and had taken her away from everything she’d known she’d been

nervous but excited. She remembered the sexy vampire very well. When she’d been Conrad’s blood
slave, Aldon had tried to approach her master in an attempt to have one-on-one time with her.

Conrad—protective as always—had said no.
The two had had an agreement, one that benefited them equally.
Conrad, as beautiful as he was, had had no interest in finding a lover. He’d preferred sexual

exploits that came with no strings. In her situation—sick and dying from the tumor in her head—she
was the perfect slave for him. Unlike other vampires, he’d enjoyed conversation and companionship.
He’d even told her he considered her a friend. The memories she had of him were some of the most
precious in her life.

Then he’d died and everything had changed.
Aldon thought she was something she wasn’t—a blood slave used for the sole pleasure of her

master. She figured out just how dominant Aldon could be when he’d instructed her to take off her
clothes and kneel at his feet. He’d kept saying she was his now, that he’d brought her home. Since
she’d been around other blood slaves, she knew it was common for masters to seduce their slaves.

They saved their darker tastes for later—after a human had become trapped.
That’s when they initiated a bond with a simple bite.
One chomp allowed a vampire to locate a human if he or she tried to run. It wasn’t a smart move.

Once a runaway slave had been found they were punished in horrific ways. Other slaves were forced
to watch. The torture and degradation was meant as a warning. There had even been a few occasions
where slaves were killed to drive the message home.

She’d contemplated if Aldon was worth the risk. She was dying, after all. He’d been gentle—

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kind, even—and she’d hoped she could seek refuge with the vampire. Then, with one stern order, her
blood had run cold. She’d recognized the tone and had shivered as soon as she’d heard it. At that
point she’d known Aldon was no different than the rest of The Fallen. He’d lure her in, make her his
and force her to do things she didn’t want. She’d be property. As such—as a belonging—she’d have
no worth.

Conrad hadn’t been like the others. Certainly to keep up pretenses she’d had to give a couple of

blowjobs, follow the commands of other masters and perform cunnilingus a few times but that was it.
He’d made it clear she was his companion. He listened to her opinions and didn’t push her past her
limits. He’d engaged her in conversation and made her feel—even as a slave—as though she was

There was no reason to fear her prior master.
Despite offers and demands, Conrad made it clear her pussy and ass were his.
He knew her limits and didn’t push. He’d never demanded sex from her, even though she’d

wondered why on many occasions. Instead he’d engaged her mentally, asking about her life, wanting
to know her thoughts on matters. Their chats had always been filled with laughter and teasing. Most of
the time, when they didn’t visit the Palace, they’d been playful and happy. If she wasn’t reading to
him, she’d found ways to engage him.

They played chess, talked about history and enjoyed time together.
They even played pranks on each other from time to time.
She’d loved him so very much.
If Aldon made her a true blood slave she’d be forced to have sex with numerous partners, both

male and female. There’d be no banter or silly games. She’d be forced to participate in group orgies
that eventually turned sadistic. Vampires enjoyed knife play. They also loved doing things such as
forcing a slave to give oral sex to men who’d just engaged in anal sex. They liked to watch sex that
was bloody and filthy.

And that was just the tip of the iceberg.
A shiver shot down her spine.
The things she’d seen…she’d never forget them.
Luvena,” Aldon called through the door. “I’m coming in.”
Although she’d locked it, she heard him fiddling with the handle. A click told her he’d used a key.

She wasn’t ready to face him, not after she’d heard the person who’d come to his home mention
Aurora Palace. Listening to the conversation, she’d quickly realized the visitors were his brothers.

Once he broke her down, would Aldon force her to pleasure them?
He stepped into the room and suddenly it was hard to breathe.
The man was walking sex, so damn gorgeous it made her insides melt. She’d always thought he

was attractive. His long blond hair fell to his shoulders, his intense blue eyes vibrant and striking. His
features were in perfect proportion—large eyes, slim nose, squared jaw, full lips. His body was
equally sinful. He was much taller than her, his shoulders broad and muscular.

Flutters erupted in her tummy, her pussy becoming wet.
She stifled her desire, telling herself he could smell her arousal. When she backed away from him

he narrowed his eyes. She could feel his frustration. Tension filled the small space, weighing down
her shoulders.

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“I don’t like it when you look at me like that,” he said, closing the door. “I’ve told you there’s no

reason to fear me.”

“And I’ve told you I won’t be a blood slave.” He took a step toward her and she moved as far

away as possible, backing to the wall. “I won’t live that life again.”

“You are not a blood slave.” He’d told her this before but she didn’t believe him. Vampires loved

to lie to humans. “You’re my bride, Olivia. The only woman meant for me. There’s a difference.”

Difference my ass.
“I won’t become like you, so save the sweet talk.” She’d been friendly with slaves who’d been

changed. Once their beastly nature took over they too enjoyed torturing others. “I’ll never be like you.
I’d rather die.”

“It’s not what you think,” he said with a scowl. “If you’d stop pushing me away I can explain.

Things aren’t what they seem.

“I hope you know that line’s been used before,” she snapped. He continued his approach, getting

closer. She wished she could fall into the wall and disappear. “I’m not stupid,” she continued. “I’ve
seen what happens when vampires change their slaves. If that’s what you want you can forget it. It’ll
never happen.”

Making it to her, he slid his hand around the back of her neck. “Like I said,” he lowered his head,

placing his lips to her ear, “you’re not a slave. You’re far more than that.”

Tingles erupted on her skin, starting at her neck and venturing down her body. He smelled amazing

as always, his lips tender against her throat. He licked the shell of her ear and blew a steady flow of
air over the wet flesh. Her pussy clenched, her nipples hardening to points. She felt the dampness in
her panties, was aware of every single inch of his body, which was only inches from hers.

“Why are you doing this?” This was why she stayed away from him and locked herself in the

room each day. He was too much of a temptation. “Why won’t you let me go?”

“Because.” Inching closer, he cupped her ass and pulled her against him, letting her feel the hard

outline of his cock. “You belong to me.”

He pressed a quick kiss to her ear, let her go and stepped back. “I have something important I

have to do. I wanted to tell you to stay in our room. Don’t leave. My brothers are here and will be
right outside. As soon as I’m able I’ll return to you. Wait for me.”

“Why?” She didn’t expect an answer but she wanted to know.
His ice-blue eyes devoured her when their gazes met. “I don’t want you near them if I’m not


Her heart skipped a beat. Would they hurt her or something? “Why?”
“Because I’m a jealous son of a bitch,” he whispered, staring at her lips. “I’ll kill them if they get

too close.” He moved away, studying her. “Don’t leave the room. I won’t be gone long.”

There were so many things she wanted to say but she didn’t have the opportunity. He spun on his

heel and returned to the door. He vanished into the hall, the door closed and she heard the lock click
into place. She slid down the wall, taking a seat on the floor.

Aldon confused and frightened her.
The way he looked at her made her feel owned.
She was starting to wonder if perhaps he was being honest.

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The difficult part was taking the plunge and giving him a chance.

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Chapter Twelve

“There are too many thoughts.” Ava frowned, her eyes screwed shut. “I can’t hold on to a single

line to any of them.”

“Think about Jay. Picture his face. Try to find his voice.” Sadie reminded herself to be patient. As

powerful as Ava was, tapping into so many heads at once was bound to be confusing. She kneeled
next to the couch and moved closer. “If you can’t reach him then try to focus on Jonathan. Even if
they’re asleep you should be able to lock on to their thoughts. You can do this. Take deep breaths.
You’ve already come so far.”

Despite Diskant’s concerns Ava had managed to talk the Omega into allowing her to make use of

the amulet. The first hour had been the worst. As Ava had gasped and tapped into the magic held
inside the zephyr, Diskant’s face had gone red in fury. Ava’d managed to collect herself and
attempted to listen to Sadie’s instructions. So far they’d learned Ava could hear Thomas’ thoughts if
she tried hard enough, even at thousands of miles away.

Motion drew Sadie’s attention. Leigh had moved to the wall to watch. It wasn’t difficult to feel

the tension radiating from the anxious woman. Sadie had decided to let her come into the room
because, like it or not, the pack needed her. The moment Ava found the family they were searching for
Sadie and Leigh could enter her thoughts and get the information they needed. Once done they could
leave with the pack and find the father and son who were doomed to die otherwise.

“I only met them once,” Ava reminded her.
“That’s all you need.”
“Damn it,” Ava snapped after several seconds. “It seems like every single boy in New York

thinks about nothing but sex.” Forming her hands into teeny fists, she went back to work,

“You want to exclude happy thoughts. Go where it’s dark.”
“How about you back off and give her space?” Diskant stepped in, towering over them.
“How about you go find something else to do,” Ava reprimanded her mate. “You’re making me

more nervous than anyone else. Wash the dishes or something.”

“Shove it.” Ava didn’t mince words. “Go fold the towels.”
Diskant growled, advancing toward them but Sadie attuned herself to Ava. In her anger Ava had

latched on to something. Sadie knew she had. She could see the way Ava’s brows had relaxed and
her fingers eased open. A look of wonder appeared on her face.

“I hear him,” Ava said softly. “I can’t believe it. I hear Jay.”
Hell yes. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. His voice is faint but it’s definitely him. He’s thinking about what’s going to happen

next. He’s seen so much he doesn’t know what to expect. He’s just a child.” The awe was quickly
replaced by concern. “They’ve hurt Jonathan. He’s afraid.”

“You’ve found him.” It wasn’t easy to remain calm, not when they were so close. “Now you need

to reach into his head. Is he awake?”

Ava hesitated before she answered. “Yes.”

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“Then you can find him. Go through his memories. What do you see?”
Ava didn’t respond, eyes remaining closed. Seconds slipped away and turned to minutes. Even

though the devil in Sadie’s head told her to push, she remained silent. Ava could do this. She just
needed a bit more time. Truth be told, Sadie hadn’t thought they’d find Jonathan or Jay this quickly.
She’d anticipated it taking a day or two. Possibly longer.

“Son of a bitch.” Ava’s eyes flew open and Sadie was shocked at the venom seeping from the

woman’s gaze. “I know exactly where he is.” Ava’s voice deepened as she gazed at Diskant. Her
irises changed color. “They’re in West Village. They took them to Dougan’s. They’ve trapped them in
the basement.”

No wonder Ava was pissed.
Shepherds had for the most part destroyed the werewolf bar with a bomb. So many people had

died there. Of course Shepherds would find it a fitting place to hide. Shifters avoided it because the
burned-out shell of a building held too many bitter memories. It was the safest zone in the world for

For a moment Sadie was tempted to phase to the location. She knew it well, having ventured there

many times to get a glimpse of Trey before he’d known she even existed. Thinking of him back then
gave her pause. She rose from Ava’s side and went to him, wishing she could wash the anguish from
his face.

“They’re dead.” Zach spoke for the first time since they’d started, his voice a low, terrifying

growl. “I’ll gather the men and tell them to get ready.”

“Do it.” Diskant didn’t argue, his contempt and rage apparent in his posture and tone. He kept his

gaze on Ava as Zach left, watching her closely. “Can you tell me how many there are, Pinkie? We
don’t want to leave anyone behind.”

“He’s counted thirteen.”
“Our lucky number.” Emory’s voice sounded as throaty and dangerous as Diskant’s. Sliding his

arm from Mary’s waist, he moved to stand in front of her. “It’s time to settle the score.”

“Sadie.” Diskant severed the eye contact with Ava and looked at Trey. “I want you and Leigh to

stay here with Ava and Mary. A guard is posted but I’d feel safer if you went to the panic room and
stayed inside until we get back.”

“What?” At first she thought she’d misheard him. “That doesn’t make any sense. I can read their

thoughts…” She shut up the minute she heard herself speak.

Diskant didn’t need her to come along. With Ava he’d have a line to everyone’s minds inside the

building. Her eyes jolted to Trey and she realized he wasn’t about to speak up for her. The females in
the house needed her protection and it wasn’t as if she was in any position to argue. No matter how
much it hurt, no matter how horrified the notion of Trey entering into a den of danger made her, she’d
been given a direct order.

So this is how he felt each time I left him behind.
She felt like she’d been punched directly in the kisser.
“Emory.” Diskant didn’t spare Sadie a glance, ready to get shit done. “Make the necessary calls. I

want that block surrounded in the next thirty minutes. None of them get out. We have to make sure we
get our claws into every single one.”

“Done.” Emory pivoted and faced Mary. He ran his hand down the side of her face. When she

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started to talk he prevented her from doing so, placing a chaste kiss on her lips. Then, as quickly as
he’d spoken, he left the room.

“Trey, cover your end. Get your shit together and get ready to leave.” Diskant went to Ava.

Dropping onto one of his knees, he met his female’s eyes and rested his hand on her stomach. “Go
into the room and wait for me. I’ll need your help. If I don’t know you’re safe I won’t be able to

“I know,” she whispered, stroking his face. “I’ll go now.”
Sadie looked up at Trey as he approached. Her heart caught in her throat, her stomach churning.

She hadn’t felt this anxious or unnerved in a very long time.

“I’ve got to go,” he said softly, putting his hands on her hips. “I’ll be back. Keep them safe while

we’re gone.”

Telling him how terrified she was for his safety wouldn’t help matters so she kept the thought to

herself. Going onto her tiptoes, she wrapped her arms around his neck. She placed her nose in the
hollow of his throat, breathing him in. The ordeal was almost over but she didn’t want to let him go.

“I love you.” Even if he already knew it, she wanted him to hear the words.
“I love you too, darlin’.” He forced her away and looked into her eyes. “Don’t worry about me.

Our enemies aren’t going to know what hit them.”

I hope he’s right.
Their kiss was harsh, lips crashing together. She clawed at his back, wanting to get closer. Their

tongues touched and he groaned, his fingers on her hips digging into her flesh. Abruptly, he let her go.
She studied him, taking shallow breaths.

“I’ll see you soon.”
Instead of focusing on her aching heart she lifted her shoulders and went in search of Ava. They’d

bunker down and wait for news. With the pack on the move it wouldn’t take long to track the
Shepherds down.

* * * * *

Ava tried to get comfortable in the large recliner that had been placed in the safe room. The space

had been built under the house. It came complete with an entertainment system, small kitchen and a
half-bathroom. Although the room wasn’t enormous, it was comfortable and could easily
accommodate a dozen or so people.

Once again the amulet flared and she could hear everyone’s thoughts.
Mary was terrified for Emory.
Leigh wanted the pack to hurry so she could focus on Nathan.
Sadie wanted to reach out mentally to Trey but resisted.
It wasn’t easy to block them out so she did what came naturally—connected mentally to Diskant.

Before they shared thoughts, now she could almost smell the scents around him, was aware of his
emotions in a deeper way. The pack had everyone in place.

Soon they’d make their move.
She attuned her mind, searching for Jay.
In seconds she heard his thoughts. The child remained horrified, his fear palpable. His father had

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been beaten and thrown back inside a cage. The men warned that he had one final chance to denounce
the demon within him so he could find peace in the afterlife.

“Ava Mine.” Diskant’s voice drifted through Ava’s mind.
“I’m here,” she thought back. “What’s going on?”
“The building is surrounded. We took care of the guards around the perimeter. I need to know

how many people are with Jonathan and Jay.”

She expected it to be difficult to maintain the mental link with Diskant while she remained in Jay’s

head but found it was easier than she’d anticipated. She paid attention to the boy’s thoughts and tried
to manipulate them. Amazingly, it worked. He counted the people in the room. Then he focused on the
footsteps from the floor above.

“Five people are with him now,” she informed Diskant. “A few more are on the first floor.”
“We got our hands on five. If he’s right and there are thirteen we’ll need to capture the

remaining eight.” Diskant’s mood changed, his anticipation and need for revenge flooding through
him. “We’re about to do this. Hold on a little longer, baby. This’ll be over soon.”

She didn’t want to know how Diskant handled the Shepherds so she pulled out of his thoughts.

Right now, with her ability to feel his emotions, she’d end up in a dark place. Diskant was everything
she wanted in a man—loyal, loving and devoted—but he was also an Omega. He’d lost friends to
Shepherds. He’d nearly lost her to them as well.

When he got his hands on them he’d make their deaths messy.
She looked at the woman who’d taken a seat on the couch. The wait hadn’t been easy on any of

them. The last hour had felt like an eternity. “They’re about to go in.”

Sadie got up and started pacing the room. Leigh watched but didn’t join her. Mary clasped her

hands together, her face pale, features distressed. Her dog—Rocky—whined in his crate next to the
couch and looked at her.

“Shh.” She reached over and slipped her fingers through the bars. “It’s okay.”
“I can’t stand this.” Sadie looked and sounded frantic. She walked from the kitchen and returned

to the couch. “I’m going to go out of my mind.”

“Trey felt the same way when you left,” Ava reminded her. “You weren’t here to see him but I

was. It tore him up inside.”

“I know.” Running her fingers through her hair, Sadie sighed. “I don’t have the right to complain.

It’s just…”

“Agony,” Mary said.
Minutes crept by.
Sadie couldn’t make up her mind, sitting down only to stand back up and pace. Ava didn’t look at

the clock but she heard the steady clicking coming from it. Hopefully this wouldn’t last too much
longer. She wanted to slide into Diskant’s head but refrained. Likely she’d see things she’d never
forget. She rested her hand over her stomach and felt a strong kick in return.

Ava frowned when the zephyr in her other hand flared.
This time the thing felt electrified.
Current swept through her palm and up her arm. She hissed at the burn, wondering what in the hell

was going on. The baby kicked again—harder this time. Sadie gazed over, her brows furrowing.

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Leigh hurried to her feet, her gaze darting around the room. Rocky stood in his crate and started

“Do you feel that?” Leigh asked.
“Feel what?” Mary asked, visibly confused.
“We have company. The fucker is already inside the house.” Sadie rushed to retrieve the sword

she’d rested on the counter. “Goddess, don’t let this be happening now.”

Then, in the blink of an eye, their guest arrived.
Aldon Frost.
The enormous vampire stood between the couch and the kitchen, blocking Sadie’s path. Ava held

her breath, equal parts terrified and furious. The last time she’d seen the vampire he’d threatened to
kill her. She felt the beasts under her skin slither to life, what felt like fur brushing the underside of
her flesh. While she’d never shift, she contained each part of Diskant’s bestial halves. She was a part
of all the shifter races due to her mating with the Omega.

“Don’t move,” Aldon commanded, his voice eerily calm. His gaze drifted to Sadie then moved to

Leigh. “I’m not here to hurt you.” He gave Ava a sideways glance. “I’m here to exchange

“Are you soft in the head? Why the hell would we tell you anything?” Sadie remained in front of

him, her hands forming into tight fists. Her voice cracked. With the beasts inside her rising to the
surface Ava could scent the fear coming from the woman. “You’re not welcome here.”

“I know where they’ve taken your Beta.” Aldon didn’t move an inch, staring Sadie in the eye. “I’ll

tell you where you can find him but first I expect you to tell me everything you know about the
conjurer. I want to know where she is.”

“Fuck you,” Sadie snarled.
“Where is he?” Leigh sprang to action, striding toward Aldon, ignoring Sadie’s outburst. “Tell me

where to find him. Tell me now.” Ava felt the heaviness of vampire magic bristling over her skin. “As
I will it, so it shall—”

“Oh no you don’t.” Aldon’s magic rushed through the room, taking Ava’s breath away. He waved

his hand and Leigh reached for her throat. Her mouth opened and closed but she didn’t make a sound.
“Remain silent. Not another word.”

“You son of a bitch!” Sadie went for him, her fist poised to strike.
He moved out of her range, stepping to the side. Sadie recovered and went back at him. Mary had

moved from the couch to get between Ava and the fight in front of them. Leigh continued moving her
lips, her face turning blood-red. Rocky barked and snarled, lunging at the door to the metal crate, his
paws raking over the little bars.

Stupid woman. Never thinking before she attacks.
It took Ava a moment to realize the thought wasn’t hers.
What the hell?
She followed the mental connection, finding the source.
I don’t have time for this. Ignorant women.
She froze, identifying Aldon’s voice.

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Holy shit. She could read him.

Sadie lunged at Aldon, relying on her instincts. She remained light on her feet, ready for his next

move. Oddly enough he didn’t use his magic or abilities, skirting past her blows, using speed and his
agility against her.

I’ll kill the son of a bitch.
Determined to bring him down, she went at him again. It was a dangerous move. Generally she

stayed on the offensive, watching for attacks. Since Ava needed her protection she was determined to
defend the woman at all costs. Diskant would have her ass if anything happened to his mate.

“He’s bluffing.” Ava’s voice flittered through her head, sounding full of wonder. “And he’s not

lying. He’s telling you the truth .” Sadie moved back, standing in a defensive position. “The bastard
has been lying to us this entire time.”

“Lying?” Sadie pretended to punch at Aldon’s chin. It was easy enough. He kept pulling out of the

way before she could make contact. “What do you mean?”

“I’m in his head.” The awe in Ava’s mind was gone, replaced by confidence and determination.

“He’s here because he’s been sent for information, just like he said. He’s covering for his
brothers. He’s worried about a woman. His

“His bride?” Sadie nearly stumbled, dumfounded. “That’s not possible.”
“Oh yes, it is.”
Ava rose to her feet as she replied, standing with her hand over her belly. “He is

not what he seems. He never was. He’s been fooling us all along. It’s all been a ruse.”

Sadie had pulled her fist back when Ava yelled, “Stop!”
Sadie kept going, lashing out at the dark vampire. Ava could be wrong. She’d only just gotten her

hands on the amulet. There was a good chance she was out of her mind.

“I said,” Ava roared, her voice carrying over the noise, “Stop!”
Sadie took a step away. Aldon froze, glaring at her. She wanted to punch the fucker in the face but

listened to Ava. Despite obeying the command she remained in a protective stance, prepared to offer
her life in exchange for the woman behind her.

That was her job.
To listen. To protect.
To defend.
“Aldon.” Ava didn’t sound confident—she sounded sure as shit. “Did you think we wouldn’t

figure you out?” Sadie glanced over her shoulder and saw Ava grin. “I’m sure you didn’t. No one has.
Not for centuries.”

Riveting her gaze to Aldon, Sadie waited.
He didn’t give anything away but Sadie noticed he hesitated. “Don’t give me problems. It won’t

bode well for you.”

“Problems?” Ava laughed, moving closer, without fear. “You have no idea what I know, do you?”

Stopping right behind Sadie, she said, “I know everything, Aldon. One look inside that head of yours
told me everything.”

Aldon’s nostrils flared, pupils dilating. His eyes went to Ava’s small fist. “Impossible.”
“Are you sure?” Ava asked. Sadie noted the woman’s right hand clutched the zephyr, keeping it

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from sight. “Are you willing to risk everything on chance? Would you let Olivia go because of your

Aldon—as powerful as he was—showed a glimmer of weakness.
A surge of energy took Sadie’s breath away. Black magic oozed from him, making her skin itch.

He stepped back, his eyes narrowed.

“Don’t you dare threaten me or mine.”
“That’s not a threat,” Ava replied, advancing on the black mage vampire. “That’s a promise.”
“Where is Nathan?” Leigh repeated, her power infusing the room. Fueled by Sadie’s blood, her

abilities were magnified. “Tell me or I’ll kill you.”

“Kill me?” Aldon’s apprehension and outrage faded. “Then you’ll never get what you want.” His

gaze fixed to Ava’s hand and Sadie knew the cat was out of the bag. He knew Ava was in possession
of the charm. “You might have the zephyr but you’ll never get answers from me unless I want to give
them to you. Threaten me all you like, you’ll never get anything.” Lifting a hand, he whispered a spell.
Even if it wasn’t visible, Sadie felt the shield he erected around himself. “I could demolish this room
and everyone inside it while I remain safe and sound.”

“I’ve already been inside your mind,” Ava retorted, snapping, “Don’t even try to play that game.

You won’t hurt any of us.”

“Don’t be too sure about that. You might have memories you glimpsed when my defenses were

lowered but you’ll get nothing more. You hardly know anything about me.” Aldon shut down, his
eyes going from blue to black as night. “I’d suggest you stay out of my head. Go in there again and I’ll
make sure you never get out.”

Sadie felt the magic in the room amplify. Aldon wasn’t playing.
Ava.” Sadie’s heart pounded as she shared the thought, awareness creeping over her. “ He’s not

giving you an idle threat. He’ll do exactly as he says. Don’t push him. Take what you know and
keep it but for fuck’s sake don’t push him. Think about your baby. Think about what you’ll lose. He
would have killed us already if that’s what he wanted.

Ava might have the amulet but Aldon—as old and powerful as he was—could stifle Ava’s

newfound ability with ease. Sadie knew it with certainty, could feel it aching inside her. He’d crush
Ava in a heartbeat, trapping the woman in any hell he imagined. Sadie had been on the receiving end
of Aldon’s power. She knew how far it could go.

“Nathan is in Aurora Palace.” Ava went from vengeful to calm. “I have the information you

offered. Why should we tell you anything about the conjurer? You have nothing we need.”

“She represents death.” Aldon didn’t pause, offering the answer readily. “She’s unclaimed, her

power unlimited. She has no anchor to tether her. She can destroy everything,” Aldon motioned to
Ava’s belly, “including your child. And the Palace is shielded. Only those who feel the pull of the
dark can enter. You’d never find it.”

Ava started forward, eyes narrowed.
Sadie sent a thought straight to her. “Don’t.” Ava was new to supernatural things so she had no

idea what Destiny had the power to do. “The woman Cade is protecting has no one to filter her
power. Without a guardian, she’s unstable. He’s not lying. Destiny can and could destroy us all. I
saw what she can do. Don’t lose your temper.”
Sadie felt horror sear through her. She couldn’t
believe she was speaking on Aldon’s behalf. “She could end the world if she wants. That’s how

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dangerous she is.”

“What the fuck is a conjurer? I thought it meant a powerful witch,” Ava thought back and Sadie

felt the woman’s questions racing through her head. “What hasn’t Diskant told me? How bad is this

“She can control the elements. She can make natural disasters happen. She’s an anomaly, the

creation of witches. No one knows when they’ll arrive. They have the power to destroy of mankind.
She has to choose a guardian to protect her, shield her and take on a portion of her power. If she
doesn’t, the world is screwed. Conjurers are
always killed at birth. I have no idea how this one

“At birth?” Ava, even in Sadie’s mind, sound horrified.
“Yes.” Witches and warlockes didn’t take chances. “They drown them in the nearest river at

birth. They believe that’s the only way to save their souls so they might return untainted by the
magic they carry.”

“We don’t know where she is,” Ava said immediately, her gaze leveled on Aldon. “She’s with

one of our people but we haven’t been in contact.”

“You need to be in contact,” Aldon growled, pulling his lips back to show his fangs. “As of now.”
“We haven’t had time, dipshit,” Ava snapped.
Sadie wasn’t certain what to do. Aldon was a black mage vampire.
He was the enemy.
He could—and would—kill them all.
“It’s a lie,” Ava informed her mentally. “It’s all been a lie. He uses his abilities against others

of his kind. He’s been fooling everyone. He’s not what he seems.”

“What?” Sadie glowered at Aldon, taken aback. He might not have killed anyone yet but he was a

black mage vampire. None of them could be trusted. “He’d kill anyone to get his way. Why would he
lie? He’s using us for some reason.”

“Because it’s his calling. It’s what his family does,” Ava replied. “I’m not sure why. I didn’t

get the information. He cut me off before I could.”

“It doesn’t make sense.”
Black mage vampires were deplorable and evil. That’s how they became The Fallen. When evil

corrupted the last remaining good in them, they turned. They took what they wanted, when they

Why would Aldon go against his kind? What motivation could he have?
“Are you here because of your bride?” Sadie asked, suspicious. Maybe that was it. There was a

chance—however slim—that Aldon wanted the conjurer’s power for his own. “Do you think we can
help you as far as she’s concerned?”

“Frankly,” Aldon became angry, “that’s none of your business.”
“Actually,” Ava quipped, “it is our business.”
“Is the conjurer his bride?” Sadie thought quickly to Ava. “Is that it?”
“She can’t be,”
Ava answered. “He has his bride right now, at his home.”
Relief flooded Sadie, making her knees weak.
At least that wasn’t what Aldon was up to.

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“How do we get to Nathan? Where’s the place they’re keeping him?” Leigh interjected herself

into the conversation yet again. “Tell us how to get there. We need to know.”

A merciless gleam flowed through Aldon’s gaze. “I bet you do.”
More power fueled the air, Leigh’s and Aldon’s power merging. “I’ll kill you,” Leigh snarled.

“I’ll rip you apart.”

“Enough!” Sadie shoved Leigh aside and faced Aldon. As much as she didn’t trust the vampire she

knew he needed something from them. That gave them leverage. “Ava isn’t selling you bullshit. We
don’t know where the conjurer is. She’s with the human in our pack. We haven’t been in contact with
him.” She wasn’t sure she’d give the vampire the information even if she did have it.

Who knew what he’d do to the woman?
“He doesn’t want to harm her,” Ava informed Sadie. “I got that much from him. He’s worried

about the harm she could cause but he feels she’s an innocent. I think he’s trying to protect her
from harm. He wants to keep her out of the reach of others.”

“Are you telling me he’s trying to save her life?” That didn’t gel.
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you. I don’t understand all his thoughts but his emotions are

clear. He doesn’t want to be here. His mind is on the bride he left behind. He wants to leave as
soon as possible to get back to her.”

Giving Ava a sideways glance and hoping the woman was correct, Sadie returned her gaze to

Aldon. Perhaps they could bargain. While Ava had the name of the location Nathan was being held,
she didn’t have an address. “Offer us an exchange. We can give you the information you need when
we get it, so long as you do the same. As soon as we have word, we’ll share it with you. Scratch our
back and we’ll scratch yours.”

“Why should I believe you?” Aldon queried, amicable though somber.
“I don’t like the idea of a conjurer around any more than you do. She’s a danger to us all. As the

Lupa of the pack, it’s my duty to protect them.” Sadie wasn’t lying. She’d only encountered one other
in her life and it hadn’t been pleasant. Fortunately the male had found a guardian and settled down.
Without a balance conjurers were completely unstable. “I only found out about her recently. I know
what she can do.”

Aldon seemed to ponder her words. His blue eyes darkened, his shoulders tightening. He shifted

his gaze to Ava then Leigh. “I can read each of your thoughts. I know everything there is to know
about all of you. Inside and out. You deepest secrets and fears are right here.” He tapped his temple
and looked at Leigh. “You have the most to lose at this moment. You’re smart for worrying about the
werewolf with The Fallen. They’ll force him to do things that will make him wish he were dead. Are
you willing to trust these two? I wouldn’t recommend it. They don’t know what they’re up against. I

“Sadie can—”
“Do nothing. She’s lived her life based on lies. The leader of your coven made sure of that. Over

time she’s let her ego get the best of her. If she’d have been smart she’d have realized precisely what
she was fighting. With clarity she’d have easily seen beyond the deception. She’s not powerful
enough to take on The Fallen. How could she be? She wasn’t powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with
me.” He tilted his head. “You don’t have to stay with them, you know. You have another choice.”

“I do?” Leigh sounded gobsmacked. “What are you talking about?”

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“Come with me. We’ll obtain an object to locate the woman I’m searching for. I know the places

she’s been. It won’t be difficult. Show me where she is and I’ll take you to the Palace.”

“Trust us, please,” Sadie implored Leigh immediately. Although she didn’t turn, her attention

remained riveted to her sister in magic. “I would never lie to you. We can find Nathan but we have
to do this right. Even if you go with Aldon you won’t be able to get inside the Palace. They’ll know
what you are. You’ll be lucky if they kill you before they torture you. We’ll need someone on the
inside to help. “

“It’s Nathan.” She felt Leigh’s frustration. The vampire wanted to rip the entire room apart. “He

could die.”

“He will die if you don’t listen to me. So will you.”
Leigh paused. “I’m not leaving,” she whispered, lowering her eyes. “My place is here.”
“When you give me word on the conjurer I’ll give you the precise location of the Palace. Until

then, you have nothing.” Sadie felt Aldon’s magic flare again, his eyes glowing white. “When you’re
ready, call upon me and I’ll answer. But I suggest you hurry. If the conjurer is with a human he won’t
survive very long. And your werewolf doesn’t have much time. If they find out he’s of no use to them
they’ll use him for their pleasure. Hours will feel like days to him. He’ll wish he were dead.”

Just as Aldon had appeared, he vanished. Gone in the blink of an eye.
“I thought he couldn’t get in here,” Ava snarled, cupping her tummy. “You lied to me.”
“I didn’t lie to you.” Sadie wanted to scream but tried to remain calm. “He can always find me

without a spell but apparently he’s powerful enough to break my shields. If blood magic can’t stop
him, nothing can. No vampire has ever done that. He’s not one we want to fuck with. Mark my
words.” Sadie hesitated. It was probably time to relocate. “I’ll talk to Trey. We can’t stay here.”

“Too little, too late,” Ava muttered. “Diskant knows what’s going on. I tried to filter my thoughts

but he found a way in. He’ll be here soon and he’s going to kick you out and tell you to fuck off as
soon as he arrives. I’m not sure if I can help. He’s completely pissed.”

“Worry about house arrangements later,” Sadie said. She whirled around, staring at Ava. Diskant

had enough money to take Ava anywhere. “What the fuck do we do about this? Can you get in touch
with Cade? Can we find out where the conjurer is?”

“I don’t know.” Ava returned to the recliner and took a load off. “But we’d better figure it out.”

Sadie frowned and Ava informed her, “Diskant got into my head. He felt my fear and panic when
Aldon showed up. He knows shit has gone down and he turned things over to Zach. He’s left the bar
and he’s on his way here. Trey’s with him. They’ll be back soon.”

As if on cue one of the guards Diskant had left behind pounded on the door, “Open this fucking

thing!” he snarled, growling. “Right now.”

Damn it.
The wind left Sadie’s sails. So much for getting shit done.
She’d have to calm the savage beast.

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Chapter Thirteen

Diskant stopped hitting the Shepherd in his grasp. His stomach sank, an ominous and dark feeling

sweeping over him. In a flash he knew why he felt off. Something was wrong with Ava. His mate was
in trouble. A solid blow to the face knocked Diskant’s opponent unconscious.

“Pinkie.” He screamed the thought. “What’s wrong?”
“Can’t really talk right now.”
He expected her to sound frightened but she didn’t. His female—

brave and ferocious—seemed to feel confident. “Give me a minute.”

“Fuck that.”
He rose above his target, his chest heaving. The animals inside him roared and howled, wanting

him to shift and tear the man apart. He forced them back, maintaining control. Those around him—
many changed to werewolf form—killed off the people they couldn’t use but they didn’t do so
quickly. Their anger needed an outlet. He watched Zach, who’d taken an interest in one man in

The leader of the group. Anthony Shepherd.
With Jay’s help Diskant had been able to kill those the pack didn’t need. This one, however,

would be taken to a hidden location. In the future he’d be a resource they’d use. The male glared at
him, not backing down an inch. He hadn’t even taken a stand for his own men when the pack had

Diskant’s gaze drifted to Jonathan. The man had been beaten to a bloody pulp. His face was

bruised and battered, his eyes nearly swollen shut. But the man would survive. Jay had immediately
gone to his father’s side, wrapping his arms around his parent’s waist. Emory had moved them to the
stairs and covered the pair with a blanket he’d found nearby. Diskant had been relieved to see the boy
hadn’t been touched.

They’re safe. Get to Ava.
“Zach,” Diskant growled, turning to his Beta. “Have the rest of the pack shift back, clean up the

mess and get this fucker,” in three steps, Diskant grasped Anthony by the throat, “to his new home
away from home. Have Doc juice him up with some good shit before you leave. I know you want to
kill him but don’t. You’ll get what you want soon enough. You have my word.” Diskant could feel the
need to kill in Zach. The male wanted to tear Anthony apart. Motioning to the pack members around
him, he said, “Get a move on. Collect the dead. We need to get the fuck out of here.”

“What’s up, D?” Trey asked, his knuckles caked in blood. The Alpha gave the Shepherd at his feet

a solid kick in the ribs and met Diskant’s eyes. As soon as their gazes met Trey’s features changed
from infuriated to worried. “What’s going on?”

“Get Emory.” Diskant knew that if Trey exited with him Emory would follow them. The male

would know something had gone wrong at home. “We’ve got to split.”

“We’ve got this under control.” Ava’s voice appeared in his head. “Don’t worry.”
“I don’t think so.”
Diskant didn’t bother asking what this meant. “We’re on our way.”
He pulled his cell from his back pocket. With the stroke of a key he got in touch with the head

guard on duty at his home. “Get inside the house. Something’s going on,” he ordered but kept his
voice low. “Do it. Now.”

“Diskant…” Ava pleaded. “It’s fine. Trust me. I just need to know where the conjurer is.”

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The conjurer? “Why?”
“She can help us find Nathan.”
“I don’t give a shit about Nathan. I’m worried about you. What’s wrong? Don’t keep things

from me.”

“I’m not keeping things from you. I—”
“We’ll discuss this when I get there,”
he replied whenEmory appeared, standing beside Trey.

“Stay put. We’ll be there shortly. The guards are on their way. You’ll know when they get inside.
Let them in. You need protection.”

“Damn it.” Ava’s agitation seared through him.
He didn’t respond. His mate could read his thoughts easily enough. She’d know he was on his way

and wouldn’t focus on anything but returning to her side. Pivoting, he turned to the stairs. Trey and
Emory followed. He stopped when he made it to Jonathan and Jay.

“Doc is going to take you home to monitor your injuries,” he told Jonathan. “I’ll be calling soon.

Hang tight. We’ll get you settled in a safe place.”

Jonathan nodded, his head bowed.
Poor bastard. He’d lost his wife, had been shitkicked and had nearly died.
All while his son had watched.
“Take care of your dad.” Diskant made sure his instruction to Jay was softly spoken. He rested his

hand on top of the boy’s head. “It’s going to be okay. From here on in nothing bad will happen.”

“Okay,” Jay whispered, snuggling closer to his father.
They’d only been away from the compound for a couple of hours. Once they’d gotten the

Shepherds rounded up the attack had been easy. They’d managed to take them off guard, easily
overcoming them by sheer numbers alone. But during that time something had happened. Diskant
wasn’t sure what it was but the spike of fear from Ava had had him rushing up the stairs.

“What’s up?” Emory panted as they made it to the top floor.
“Something went down at the house. Ava said everything’s fine but we need to get home.” Before

Trey could butt in Diskant glanced at the Alpha. “Call Cade. I need to know where his sorry ass is.”

“Cade?” Trey seemed puzzled. “I thought you didn’t give a shit about him right now. You said

he’d come around when he was ready.”

“Just do it.” Diskant didn’t turn around, moving toward a side exit. The building remained in bad

shape but hadn’t been entirely destroyed. He shuffled past rubble and made it out the door. Their car
was only a few yards away, parked discreetly in the alley.

“Nice to talk to you too, Cade.” Trey had his cell to his ears, his irises glowing gold. He fell

silent as he listed to the person on the other end of the line. “Don’t talk shit. Where are you?” He
listened again for a couple of seconds. “No, don’t call me back. Answer the question.” Trey snarled.
“Where are you?” Another pause and he warned, “Don’t you dare hang up.”

Diskant studied Trey’s face as they neared the vehicle. He growled, gripping the phone in a tight

fist, and lowered his arm. “He said he didn’t have time to talk,” Trey shared. “He said he’d call

“He’d fucking better,” Diskant said. “Or I’ll have Leigh track his ass down.” Taking a look down

both sides of the street, he told the brothers, “I can get home faster if I change. You two follow me.

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I’ll take care of our girls.”

Trey nodded and slid into the driver’s seat. Emory quickly followed.
Diskant stripped off his clothes and threw them into the back of the vehicle. With a simple thought

he called on his beasts. One in particular fluttered inside him, ready to break free of his skin. He let
the peregrine falcon take over, lowering his body as his hands became talons.

As soon as the shift was done, he took to the sky.

* * * * *

“Put your stuff in the bathroom.” Cade pointed to the end of the room, feeling as though he was at

the end of his rope. He studied the woman standing at the door, frustrated when she didn’t listen.
“Damn it, listen to me!”

“Since I’m not deaf—unfortunately—I have to listen to you,” Destiny snarled.
She didn’t turn to him, waving her hand in a strange arc in front of the door. He’d seen her do this

before. When he’d ask what she was up to she’d replied she was working with runes. That was it, not
further explanation given. The hood over her head slipped, allowing him to see her beautiful face.
Her brows were drawn together in concentration.

“Ballista,” she said softly, her ass angled into the air. She pulled a knife from her belt, cut her

finger and etched a symbol on the door to the hotel room. “Factorem, visibilium omnium et

“What are you doing? Move away from the door.” He hated how she kept him out, refusing to

explain her actions. He also hated it when she cut herself for a spell. “Get your shit over here and
stand back. I can’t protect you if I’m standing behind you.”

I,” she rose to her feet and whirled around, “am protecting us, dimwit.”
His breath caught, his body fully aware of her.
Fuck it to hell. No woman should be that perfect.
He’d gotten glimpses of Destiny the first time he’d met her but the first time he fully saw her—

without her robe—he’d been a goner. She was slim and full in all the right places. Thin thighs, a flat
stomach but the most luscious breasts and ass a man could ask for. He’d been dumfounded when he’d
seen her, his mouth hanging open. At the time he hadn’t realized who she was.

Until he’d been knocked upside the head.
Her guards had set him straight, nearly kicking his ass. They warned him she was off-limits. They

let him monitor from afar but tried not to let him get too close.

Even then, he couldn’t stop thinking about her.
Constantly dreaming about her.
His mood soured and he felt bitterness lining his throat. This woman wasn’t Andrea. Even women

who shared his wife’s name—such as the bitch in Diskant’s pack—hadn’t come close to his lost love.
Andrea had been seductive and funny, using his weaknesses against him. She’d loved to laugh, make
fun of him and keep him on his toes. When they’d been together he’d wanted to kiss and coddle her,
keeping her as close as a cherished toy.

This woman made him want other—dark and devious—things.
Even if she was too young for him.

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Whenever she was around her wanted to ravish her silly. To overtake her, to make her beg. He

wanted to hear her pleas for him to let her come, to hear lust in her raspy voice. Sweet endearments
didn’t belong between them. They’d make love but they’d also fuck hard and fast until neither of them
could breathe.

He hated that voice in his head, the one that told him Destiny was special.
It made him remember his losses, think of those he mourned.
She’s too fucking young and you’re too fucking stupid.
Stop thinking about it. It’s never going to happen.
“In case you haven’t noticed,” he put his desire in check, studying the room, “I’m the one who’s

supposed to be protecting you. I can’t do that if we keep butting heads.”

“You couldn’t protect me if you tried.”
She started removing her cloak to reveal her body. He had to turn away. There wasn’t a single

inch of her he didn’t want to sample and savor. He wanted to run his tongue all over her skin.

“Whatever.” There was a sink at the back of the room. He needed cold water—right now—to

clear his thoughts. “Put your stuff where you can find it in case we need to ditch this place in a hurry.
We have to leave in the morning.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”
Even if she wasn’t aware of it her voice did all sorts of things to his body. He felt his pants tent as

his cock throbbed. It shouldn’t be like this, not with her. Not with anyone. He loved someone else,
someone who had left him long ago. He turned on the water and splashed it over his face, wishing it
would erase the heat flooding him.

It didn’t.
His phone vibrated in his pocket. Annoyed and on edge, he removed it and stared at the screen.

Damn. It was Trey. His lips twisted into a scowl. He’d known this call would come eventually.

“What the fuck do you want?” he answered.
“Nice to talk to you too, Cade.”
“I repeat.” Cade steeled his eyes forward, trying not to stare at Destiny. “What the fuck do you


“Don’t talk shit. Where are you?”
“Can’t really say right now.” Destiny had made it clear no one could know where they went. “I’ll

call you back.”

“No, don’t call me back. Answer the question,” Trey snarled. “Where are you? Don’t you dare

hang up.”

“This isn’t a good time and I can’t tell you where I am. Right now I’m on the move.” He’d tried to

do the right thing but he caught a glimpse of Destiny in the mirror. She was watching him as he talked.
“I’ll be in touch.”

He ended the call and knew he had to face her. When he did, she questioned, “Who was that?”
“Pack business.” It was best to keep his responses short and sweet. “I’ll call them when we

decide our next move.”

“Our next move should be you leaving,” she said softly, her purple irises darkening. “It’s not safe

for you. You shouldn’t be anywhere near me.”

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“I gave the enclave my word I’d protect you.” It had been easier to make the promise than he’d

thought. Destiny not only made him horny as fuck, she also brought back protective instincts. He’d kill
anyone who tried to touch her. Pulling the gun from the back of his jeans, he said, “You’re stuck with

Her purple gaze went to the sidearm. “That won’t do squat. The people who are hunting me will

laugh in your face if you think you can protect me with a gun.”

Shrugging, he checked the chamber and made sure the GLOCK was fully loaded. First thing

tomorrow he’d have to get his hand on proper supplies. Satisfied, he went to the bed closest to the

“We only have a few hours to sleep.” He didn’t remove his clothing as he got comfortable, resting

back on his pillow. While his erection had subsided, he didn’t want her to get a full-on view of him
when he was rock-hard and ready. He kept the gun in his hand as he closed his eyes. “I suggest you
use the time wisely.”

The moment she moved, he knew. She smelled amazing, like a bouquet of freshly cut flowers.

“I’m not a baby, you know,” she huffed angrily. “I can decide when I want to go to sleep.”

“You’re a baby compared to me.” He had at least fifteen years on her. He felt like a dirty old man

even thinking about it. “Stop arguing and rest. You’re going to need it.”

He heard the mattress springs croak as she sat on the bed next to his. “You don’t have to do this,”

she said, the mere whisper of her voice making his cock stir to life again. “I’ll find a safe haven. I just
need a bit of time.”

“Don’t bother lying to me.” The enclave’s mansion had been the one place she’d been safe. Now

she had nowhere. True, she had contacts. But reaching out to anyone could get her in serious trouble.
Therefore he had to use his connections and his place in the pack for assistance. He felt certain
Diskant could help. “It’s going to take more than time and you don’t have the resources to get the help
you need. I do. So again,” opening his eyes, he rotated his head on the pillow and looked at her, “get
some rest.”

She nibbled at her lower lip and he had to suppress a groan. He shifted his body slightly, knowing

if he remained on his back she’d see how hard she made him.

“Aren’t you afraid of me?” Her gaze rested on his. “Don’t I scare you?”
Fucking hell. His pulsating cock and dark desires fled.
“How could you?” he asked cautiously. The last time he’d broached the topic she’d turned from

him. “You won’t tell me anything about you. I had to see what you can do with my own eyes today.”
In truth, aside from knowing she had serious powers he had no idea why people wanted to hunt her
down. That was information no one had given him. “Are you finally going to explain what we’re
dealing with?”

“You said we’ll make to the cabin tomorrow?”
She shifted her weight, her breasts straining against her shirt. He had to focus on her question and

not on the mounds he wanted to palm. Ava had a place he’d visited before, nestled far away in
Tennessee. Once there Destiny could put up shields and he could set traps. It would be a safe location
to hide for a few days at least.

“We have to stop for supplies first.” They’d traveled the entire day. They’d reach the cabin—he

hoped—in the early afternoon. “But we’ll make it there if we move fast.”

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“Then I’ll tell you what you need to know when we get there.”
Destiny appeared older than her twenty-something years. Cade longed to reach out to her, to

stroke his knuckles along her cheek. The only reason he didn’t go to her was her constant warning—
no skin-to-skin contact. Ever. He’d touched her when clothing was between them but he’d never felt
the softness of any part of her body.

“Sounds like a plan, baby doll.” His response erased her worry and doubt. She pressed her lips

together, disgusted with him again. Good. It was better than seeing her upset. “Now cuddle up and go
to bed.” Just to tease her, he added, “Sleep tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

“Ass,” she muttered but did as he said, sliding under the comforter.
“So I’ve been told,” he responded as usual.
Minutes passed but he didn’t go to sleep. He waited, letting time move along. Only when he heard

her soft, even breathing did he let himself relax. He wanted to make sure she was actually resting
before he let himself drift off. She tried to act tough as nails but he’d seen how tired she was. Mile
after mile her shoulders had sagged and her lids had drooped on more than one occasion.

As he readied himself for sleep he pictured her beneath him. Soft and willing. Those vibrant

violet eyes of hers full of passion and lust. He’d tongue her nipples, stroke her clit and fill her with
his cock. He’d lick her all over. And once he was done he’d start all over again. He’d feel the sharp
bite of her nails, hear her whimper as he fucked her hard and fast.

He knew she wasn’t meant for him but he couldn’t help himself.
Every man had the right to dream.

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Chapter Fourteen

Sadie knew to not even think about inching away from Trey. He was good and pissed. She knew

he was going to give her hell for blocking him out of her head. She could feel the anger coming from
him, was aware of how tightly he clenched her waist.

I’m so fucked.
“I want you to get your things, Pinkie,” Diskant ordered. “We’re going.”
The moment Diskant had made it back to the house the women were put under constant

surveillance. He’d made his way to Ava and checked her over. Finding she hadn’t been harmed, he’d
asked what had transpired.

The Omega had blown his top when he’d found out about Aldon.
For the last thirty minutes Ava’d tried to explain the situation. Once more she started, “We’re not

going anywhere. You need to calm down.” She reached for Diskant but he didn’t come to her, running
a hand through his hair. “If Aldon had wanted to hurt us he could have. He didn’t even try.”

“He’ll tell us where Nathan is,” Leigh interrupted. “We need to get to him. This might be our best

chance to find him.”

“Shut the fuck up or get out of my house,” Diskant rebuffed Leigh. “We’re not making any deals

with that fucker.” Diskant went to his knees in front of his mate, his broad hand hovering protectively
over her stomach. “With this Shepherd business done it’s best to move. You need to have the baby
where it’s safe. No more chances with magic. I’ll call my parents. We’ll go to their place. It’s remote
and safe. No one can come within miles of their home without them knowing about it.”

“It’s safe here,” Ava replied. “You’re overreacting.”
Diskant stood, his body shaking. “Like hell I am! That bastard got into our home!” Whirling

around to face Sadie, he snarled, “You said he wouldn’t find Leigh. You swore it wouldn’t happen.”

Oh shit.
“Technically, he didn’t,” she said, grateful Trey stood at her back. Diskant wasn’t going to like

this part either. “He came for me. He knew I was with the conjurer when The Fallen attacked. He
came to me to find out where she is.”

“Trey.” Diskant didn’t bat an eyelash. “You just bought a new house. Bring all your shit and take

over payments for the property. I’m taking Ava tonight.” Shooting Ava a sideways look, he continued,
“With or without her permission. If you or your mate ever show up at our home, I’ll kill you both.”

Trey growled, his chest vibrating against Sadie’s back. “Careful, D. I’ll kill you for my mate as

quickly as you’d try to kill me for yours.”

“Everyone,” Emory yelled and everyone’s gaze went to him. “Calm down.”
Although Emory was always gentle with Mary, the instant he swept into the room he’d pressed her

against the wall. He hadn’t simply kissed her, he’d literally fucked her mouth in front of all of them,
drinking her in. Then he’d inspected her from head to toe. His entire focus—up until then—had been
on his female.

“This might not be a bad thing,” Emory said, ignoring Diskant’s glare. “Ava got into Aldon’s

mind, right?” He glanced at Ava and she nodded. “Diskant, she’s been trying to tell you what she got
in the exchange. Hear her out—without interrupting—and we’ll go from there. This back-and-forth
crap is a waste of time and energy. Think with your head, not your heart.”

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Sadie felt a hum wafting from Trey. “You’re losing it, D,” Trey snapped. “Get control of your

beasts. You’re letting them take over.”

When Diskant’s head turned she noticed his eyes were constantly shifting color. His fangs had

dropped and his fingers had formed into claws. “Don’t tell me what to do. My mate—my child
could have been killed.”

“That’s just it,” Emory offered quietly. “They weren’t. You know what he can do. He could have

easily killed Ava and Leigh, taken Sadie and left but he didn’t.”

“He knew I’d been inside his head.” Ava tried to work past Diskant’s temper. “He didn’t do

anything when he found out. I know things that put his mate in danger.” Diskant seemed to settle a bit,
gazing at Ava. “I know he’d kill for her. In a second. He blocked me out but I know it rattled him
when he found out I’d gotten into his thoughts. I know things he wouldn’t trust anyone with. There’s a
reason he doesn’t want us dead.”

“Which is?” Diskant growled.
“He needs us,” Ava answered simply. “I got a glimpse of his nature. He’s not evil, even if he

pretends to be. For some reason it’s important that he seem dark in nature. He’s black mage vampire
but he also seems to have good in him. It’s almost like it’s a cover of some kind. Something to do
with his brothers.”

Sadie took the knowledge in.
There was a black mage bloodline that, long ago, had branched off. Somehow they’d managed to

get control of their darker side and embrace the light. Rumor had it that they made it their mission to
destroy their evil brethren. Sadie had never encountered the vampires before but she’d heard legends
about them. If even half of the rumors were true they were the most powerful vampires in the world.

Was it possible? Was Aldon one of them?
Would the bastard actually trust Ava with that information?
“He’s one of the Ordained,” Sadie blurted, putting it all together. “No wonder he didn’t kill us.”
Her thoughts went back to her physical battles with Aldon. He could have easily crushed her. To

an observer, he had. But he’d taken care not to kill her. There was a reason he hadn’t ripped her to

It went against his calling to kill the innocent.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Diskant snarled.
“Aldon isn’t a black mage or a white mage vampire,” Sadie informed him, stunned by the

awareness of Aldon’s true nature. “He’s part of a line with both strains. They can call on white and
dark magic.”

“That doesn’t make any fucking sense!” Diskant, who’d calmed somewhat, went back to full-on

wrecking ball. “He attacked us. He tried to fucking kill you. He was going to kill my mate!”

“It was all planned.” Carefully plotted and executed for sure but a plan for certain. “Diskant,

you’re an Omega. You can control the beasts in any shifter. If you wanted to kill a shifter would you
give them any opportunity to get out of their predicament? Would you leave them a loophole so they
could worm their way out of their punishment?”

“What are you talking about?”
Ava—obviously tired of listening to her mate argue—rose to her feet. She wrapped her arms

around his back, her belly resting against his ass. “Listen to her, sweetheart. Please. For me. Calm

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“He did attack and it looked like he’d killed me,” Sadie said, squeezing Trey’s arm, aware of her

mate’s tension. “But that’s because he knows what I’m capable of. That’s why he kept me asleep and
didn’t kill me after he took me down. He didn’t need me to find Leigh. He could have easily followed
the coven. He used me to lure her out because if he’d engaged the coven there was a good chance
he’d have to kill someone to get his hands on her. He was trying to lower the odds of friendly fire. He
knew what he was doing.”

“He threw you at the barn.” Trey’s reply, though soft, came out as an infuriated snarl. “You

wouldn’t have survived.”

“That’s because he knew I’d react. I’ve had training. I knew what to do. He took my blood. He

knows the way I work.” Her father had taught her the transporting-out trick a long time ago. “Once I
was airborne it was safest to vanish and reappear in a safe place.”

“But your injuries…” Trey wasn’t convinced.
“Superficial.” True, when Aldon had torn into her chest with claws the wounds had been deep and

horrible. But Aldon had known they would heal once she drank. All she needed was blood to sustain
her. “The injuries weakened me but they didn’t kill me.”

“He tried to hurt Ava,” Diskant snapped, green eyes homed on Sadie.
“Another lie,” Sadie said. “He wouldn’t have harmed a hair on her head. He was bluffing. He

knew in her condition we wouldn’t call him on it.”

“He tried to kill Trey and Nathan,” Emory reminded her.
“He could have killed them very easily but he didn’t. He made sure to keep them from harm, even

if it meant he didn’t get his hands on Leigh.” Sadie couldn’t believe it. Aldon—the vampire her coven
had her track down to destroy—was one of the Ordained. “He can’t harm an innocent. No matter
what. The only time exceptions are made is when one death can save thousands of lives.”

“He did want the zephyr.” Ava was on Sadie’s side but Sadie knew the female was confused.

“There’s a reason.”

“Of course there’s a reason.” Sadie couldn’t explain it to them without linking them all mentally,

which she wasn’t keen on. Diskant was too tense and would blow her motherboard. “It has the ability
to cause great harm. He knows that. There’s a good chance we got to Thomas just in time. We’d have
to ask Aldon but I’d imagine he already knew who he was looking for. Leigh would have made things
simple but he wouldn’t risk harming us to get what he wanted.”

“His thoughts weren’t malicious,” Ava murmured, stroking Diskant’s chest, leaning against his

back. “When I was in his head he never once thought about killing us.”

“Because he can’t.” Sadie exhaled the words. “This changes everything.”
“Explain,” Diskant snapped, arms folded over his massive chest.
“We can use Aldon to help find Nathan. He’s been blending in both worlds. He can find Nathan,

tell us where he is and help us get him out.”

“You expect me to believe that?”
“I do.” And then some. “He’s worried about the conjurer because he wants to help her. If we keep

him up to speed on things and promise to deal with the issue he can’t refuse us help. He’ll have to
find a way to make it work.” Sadie wanted to grin but didn’t, not wanting to tick Diskant off. “That’s
another part of being one of the Ordained—they can’t say no if someone asks them for help. Not when

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it comes to matters like these.”

At least, that’s what she’d always been told.
“You’d better know what the fuck you’re talking about, mate.” Trey’s thought lanced through her

skull and she realized Trey had been listening to her thoughts. In the beginning of their mating he
hadn’t been able to. With practice he’d found a way to follow her line of thinking. “That’s right, I’ve
been listening. I believe you but D. doesn’t. He’s not kidding. He wants to leave tonight. He
refuses to put Ava in harm’s way again. It’s going to take some convincing.”

“Then we make a deal,” she thought back immediately. “Tell Diskant to leave with Ava. The two

of us can meet Aldon. If anything happens there’s no risk.”

“D., how about this?” Trey didn’t argue, trusting her. She wanted to kiss him. “I’ll take Sadie and

talk to Aldon. We haven’t gotten information from Cade but we will. If you want to take Ava
somewhere else then do it. I’ll call you after I know the score.”

“Have you forgotten about the Shepherds we took?” Diskant wasn’t thrilled with the idea. “We

need to get to their networks. It’s important to know where they’re hiding. That’s your job, Alpha.
You’re supposed to deal with them.”

“And I will,” Trey responded, “as soon as I get back.”
“Who says you can leave?” Diskant countered.
“I trust my mate. I trust her instincts. Since you have to pack I’ll make sure the visit is fast. I’ll be

back before you know it.”

“Thank you.” She took her former thought back. She didn’t want to kiss Trey, she wanted to go

onto her knees and worship him.

“Remember that,” he whispered in her head. “I’m still pissed at you for blocking me earlier.

You’ve got a lot to make up for.”

“And I will, gladly.” If submitting and begging him to forgive her was what it took, she was

totally on board. “I’m not wrong. Aldon has been playing cat and mouse. You knew him once upon
a time. You used to talk to him. Remember when you went to him for help with Shepherds? He
didn’t turn you away, did he? He agreed to help.”

She’s right. The thought wasn’t meant for her but she caught it. He asked for compensation. That

was it.

“Let them go to him.” Ava’s request was muffled by Diskant’s back. “I’m not leaving my home.

I’m staying right here.”

“We have to deal with the Shepherds first. Nathan would want that.”
“I agree,” Ava murmured. “But we have to deal with Aldon.”
“The sooner the better,” Sadie said. “The longer Nathan stays at the mercy of The Fallen the less

of a soul he’ll return with.” To spare Leigh added stress, she didn’t mention the dark vampires had
probably taken several pieces out of Nathan already.

“Jonathan and Jay are safe. I just need to get inside…”Ava paused, studying Diskant as though

reading his mind. “I need to get into Anthony’s head. Then we’ll know what to expect. Once I have
pictures, names and faces from him we can protect our home and get Nathan back.”

“Ava…” Diskant turned and faced his mate. His hands were gentle when they cupped her face.

“Don’t do this to me.”

“We promised to do all we can for her.” Ava took Diskant’s hands and put them on her protruding

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stomach. “If Sadie’s right and Aldon’s on our side we’ll be stronger.”

“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.” Despite the rumble in his voice Diskant softened

toward the only woman meant for him. “Don’t you remember what happened with Aldon Frost?” His
disdain at saying the name was obvious. “Do you even care?”

“Of course I care.” Leaning forward, she kissed his chest. “But I’m certain of this. If I thought I’d

put the baby in danger I’d be in the car with you right now.” Lifting her head, she peered up. “Why
don’t we take a few minutes and talk this over? We can meet back with everyone in thirty minutes. By
then I’ll have convinced you.”

Sadie scented Diskant’s immediate arousal. “Don’t bribe me.”
“It’s not a bribe.” Going onto her toes, she swept her lips over his jaw. “Let’s go somewhere

private for a few minutes. Or would you rather me,” her hand drifted down and stopped directly over
the growing bulge in his pants, “persuade you right here in front of everyone?”

“You’re killing me,” he grumbled, his anger ebbing away.
“Not yet, I’m not.” Ava grinned and pulled him down for a fast peck on the mouth. He growled

and she stroked his face, glancing around the room. “Take five. I need to have a serious discussion
with this guy. We’ll decide what to do and where to go from there.”

Sadie yelped when Trey swept her from her feet.
His lips brushed her ear, his threat harsh. “I’m going to give you hell for what you did. You’ll

never, ever, block me out of your head again.”

She’d done it for his own good and she didn’t regret it.
“Please,” she found herself hissing, “You have to understand.”
“Oh I understand,” he murmured in the shell of her ear. “I told you the rules. You knew what I’d

do. It’s time to pay, darlin’. Time’s up.”

Then she knew she was in trouble.

Trey moved fast, taking his mate down the hall.
When she’d blocked him out of her head his heart had nearly burst from his chest. He’d known

then—despite Diskant’s warning—something was very wrong. As he’d driven to the compound he’d
kept reaching out yet she never responded. Her ability to keep him out of her mind had confounded

More than that, it had pissed him the hell off.
He didn’t bother taking her to their bedroom. Instead he chose the first door they came to and

ushered her inside. “I’m close to losing it right now,” he growled, wanting to make his position
known, his wolf determined to dominate its female and remind her of her place. Placing a hand on her
shoulder, he turned her around and pressed her to the closest wall.

“You have no idea how pissed I feel right now. You will never do that to me again.” Keeping him

apart, worrying him to death. “Never, Sadie.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t have any other choice.” She didn’t look at him, gazing down. “I knew you’d

freak out and come back. I knew where you were and I didn’t want you to get hurt.”

“If something happens to you I will die,” he reminded her, uncaring of the harshness in the words.

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“I can’t live without you. You know that.”

She exhaled softly, keeping her head bowed. “I know. I was focused on everything that was going

on. I knew you’d feel my anxiety. I had to face Aldon without any distractions. I didn’t know what
he’d do.”

“Didn’t you feel me trying to reach out to you?”
“No. I knew you’d listen in,” she confessed. “So I started shielding my mind as soon as Aldon


Son of a fucking bitch. A growl crept from him. “I should bust your fucking ass.”
“I fully expect you to.” Actually, she expected he’d do far more than give her a harsh spanking. “I

told you I’m sorry and I mean it. You have to understand how it feels to worry about someone you
love. I didn’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I understand exactly how it feels, which is why I’m so fucking angry right now.”
There was no wriggle room. He was ticked and she didn’t blame him. “You can do whatever you

want to prove your point after we end this. It’s important that you know what we’re dealing with.”

“The Ordained?”
At least he appeared calmer. “Yes. They’re more powerful than most supernatural creatures. In

fact some think they’re a myth. I had my doubts, to be honest. Until tonight.”

“You sure Aldon is one of them?” Doubt lingered in the question. “It doesn’t seem possible. The

bastard tried to kill too many people.” Cupping her chin, he forced her to meet his infuriated gaze.
“Your coven sent you to kill him. You tried to kill him. Let that sink in. You need to realize what
you’re about to risk on a hunch.”

She’d seen what The Fallen could do. It had opened her eyes.
“The more I think about it the more certain I am.”
The first time she’d engaged Aldon she’d been weak as a newborn. Since Trey was the only

person who could give her blood—and she’d been determined not to go to him for help—she’d been
an easy target. Yet Aldon hadn’t harmed her. He hadn’t so much as struck her. Instead he’d taken her
to his home. While it was true he’d been using her as bait he could have seriously hurt her and
achieved the same result. Instead he’d put her into a deep sleep.

Which had made little sense.
Switching gears, she asked, “How many Shepherds did you keep alive? How long until we get

what we need from them?”

“Diskant decided to keep three.”
“Where are they?”
“With Zach. He took them to a building we own outside the city.” Another growl came from him, a

harsh rumble in his chest. “Are you changing the subject?”

“No, I’m thinking ahead.” Ava would be able to read their minds easily enough with the zephyr. It

probably would take her less than thirty minutes to get what she wanted from their thoughts. “We’ll
have to go immediately. Nathan doesn’t have long. I’d be surprised if he’s still alive.”

“He’s alive.” Trey’s irises lightened and turned gold. “I’d feel it if he died.”
“Ava could hear Nathan’s thoughts. She could—”
“No.” He cut her off. Diskant was already riding the line. “Diskant is at the end of his rope. I’m

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telling you right now not to fuck with the zephyr until the baby is born.”

“Then we have to get to Aldon.” Sighing and resting her fingers on his chest, she said, “I didn’t

want to say anything in front of Leigh but I’m sure Nathan’s already being tortured. More than likely
they think he knows where the conjurer is. They’ll do whatever it takes to get him to talk, even if he
doesn’t have answers to their questions.”

“Nathan’s tough.” Trey wrapped his fingers around her hand. “They won’t break him that easily.”
Shit. Should she tell him how wrong he was? “Shepherds skin their hostages, don’t they?”
A hesitation, then he answered, “Sometimes.”
“The Fallen do the same thing, only they allow their captives to grow their skin back. They like to

repeat the process, especially during the first stages of healing. It hurts worse. The nerves are easier
to hit. And that’s only the beginning.”

Trey’s brows came together, disbelief marring the beauty of his face. “How many times to do they

do it?”

“As many as they like. Usually their victims lose their minds. That’s when they destroy them. They

don’t feel pleasure if they know the person they’re tormenting is no longer aware of what’s going on.”

“They get off on it.”
“Yes, they do.”
“If what you’re saying has happened…” Trey inhaled through his nose, his lips drawn tight. He

lowered his head, gazing at their interlocked fingers. “He’ll go mad and his wolf will take control.
Once that happens—even if we save him, we’ll probably have to kill him ourselves. Unstable shifters
have to be destroyed. They’re not safe.”

“He’ll have Leigh.” Sadie fully intended to make Leigh stick to the bargain they’d made. “She can

keep him grounded.”

He might be too far gone.
Trey hadn’t intended to share the thought, Sadie was certain. But as close as they were—as upset

as he was—she heard him loud and clear. Right now her proud and courageous lover didn’t know
what to think. Nathan was one of his closest friends. The idea of putting him down broke something
inside him.

He didn’t want to think about it.
“We’ll have to give this a chance.” Leaning forward, she nuzzled his fingers. “We won’t know

until we try.”

“I’ll tell Diskant we need to hurry things along. After Ava gets what she’s after we’ll have to

relocate the Shepherds to a different location. The building they’re in is secure but isn’t meant for
long-term holding.” She felt him tremble, sensing his anger. “I’ll have Emory reach out to Kinsley.
He’s got plenty of places to hide undesirable people.”

“Trey…” As much as she loathed being the bearer of bad news she knew she had no other choice.

“Getting Nathan out won’t be easy. Werewolves can’t go into a vampire nest. I can’t either. That’s
why Aldon has to do it. If they sense a threat they’ll move him. If that happens there’s a good chance
we’ll never find him.”

“Maybe we should give them what they want.” The defeat in his voice squeezed her heart. “We

could track Cade and find the woman they want.”

“You might as well kill us all if you do that.” A conjurer bound to a member of The Fallen meant

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a death sentence for every innocent being in the world. “There’s only one way to do this. If we fuck
around we’ll hurt everyone we love.” She bent down so that he had to look at her. “We can
accomplish anything so long as we’re together.”

“You’re not leaving my side again. Ever.”
“No, I’m not.”
She wasn’t stupid. Shit could happen that might force her to eat those words. But until that

happened she refused to be apart from him. When she’d transported without Trey she’d felt she could
handle anything that came at her. It wasn’t until he’d gone without her that she’d finally understood
how awful it felt to worry about him. She wasn’t putting him through that again.

His lips skimmed her cheek. “Are you ready for this?”
So long as he was by her side she was ready for anything. “Yes.”
“Then brace yourself.” He kissed her softly, his lips heartbreakingly tender. As he pulled away he

warned, “You’re about to see how we deal with Shepherds. We don’t skin our enemies but we make
them suffer.”

Considering all the bastards had done to the pack, she shouldn’t care. Seeing Larissa’s body,

knowing the woman had been killed so viciously, meant she should have had zero qualms about
torturing the men responsible. No pain was great enough for murderers who killed women and
children without remorse. But torture was torture.

“They deserve whatever comes to them.”
“Remember that,” he whispered, taking a step back.
He guided her from the room and took her hand in his. As they walked down the hall a chill settled

over her. At her age she’d seen a lot. But there’d been something in Trey’s posture that left her
unsettled. She’d heard shifters weren’t kind when it came to Shepherds and she understood their
animosity toward the zealots.

The pack had rules when it came to revenge. The one hurt deepest would get first dibs on their

prey. Zach had lost his mate to them so he’d be at the front of the line. She’d been around the male.
Each time she’d felt his turmoil, been aware of his fury. He’d kept himself together but once the
floodgates were opened he’d unleash hell on the men. Sadly they were mortal and could only take so
much damage.

Diskant wanted to keep them alive.
The pack knew Sadie had the ability to heal with her blood and magic.
No wonder Trey had asked if she was ready to face the fire.
Blessed Goddess, this wasn’t going to be pleasant.

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Chapter Fifteen

“We’re going to kill you,” Zach snarled, getting into Anthony Shepherd’s battered face. “But not

yet. We’re going to take our time.”

Anthony spat blood from his mouth, his head teetering on his shoulders. “Hellspawn.”
Zach delivered another blow to Anthony’s face. The Shepherd’s nose had been broken, his lips

split in several places. Blood trickled down his face, staining his shirt. His hair was drenched in
sweat, his eyes swollen nearly shut. Since Trey and Sadie were going to see Aldon after they were
done with the Shepherds, Ava and Diskant had driven in another vehicle. He wished they’d hurry the
fuck up and arrive already.

He wasn’t sure how much longer Sadie could bear the strain.
Zach stopped punching, his knuckles stained red, chest heaving. “Fix him.”
Sadie released Trey’s hand and walked to the Shepherd. So far the injuries Anthony’d suffered

hadn’t been fatal so she’d only been required to use magic and not blood to tend to Anthony’s
wounds. Each time Trey could tell it sapped her strength and ate at her morality. She’d been trained to
help people, not to assist in their torture. He knew she wasn’t a saint and had done horrible things in
the past but he could see the way her hand trembled as she whispered a chant and brought her hand to
Anthony’s face. Seconds passed and the cuts slowly mended. Anthony’s swollen face returned—
almost—to a normal state.

“I don’t know how much longer I can do this ,” she told Trey mentally. “I know this man has

done horrible things but I don’t like being a part of this. It’s too much.

“That’s enough,” Trey growled. Sadie would do anything for the pack, which was why she’d

agreed to help but enough was enough. Zach lifted his head and looked at Trey. “Diskant will have
your ass if he dies before Ava gets here. You’ve had your time. Take five.”

Zach wanted to argue. That much was obvious. The male straightened and walked to Anthony.

With a deep snarl he spit in the man’s face. “Don’t think you’re safe. I meant what I said. You’re
going to die. When the time comes, you’re going to suffer.”

The pack members circling them were disappointed. Their eyes glowed and Trey scented their

bloodlust. Every single one of them wanted to tear into the Shepherds who’d been bound to chairs that
were bolted to the ground. Trey called on his wolf, letting the animal stir to life. He felt the change in
his body, knew the power of his beast oozed from him.

“I’m Alpha,” he warned them all. “You listen to me.”
The door to the room opened and Ava appeared. Diskant held her hand, keeping her close. Her

eyes flew to the Shepherds and she paled. Zach had taken a few swings at the others but their injuries
weren’t as severe. He’d busted their noses and probably knocked a few of their teeth loose but that
was about it. Anthony, on the other hand, had been well and truly beaten.

Zach’s interest, understandably, remained on Anthony.
Another set of footsteps drew Trey’s attention.
Jonathan walked just behind Diskant with Emory and Mary. His wounds had started healing, his

face and arms were still bruised but not like they’d been before. Trey peered over at the man and was
relieved to discover Jay hadn’t come along. The boy had been through enough. He didn’t need to see

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The group stopped beside Trey and Sadie. Mary remained behind Emory, her face buried into his

back, keeping her mate between her and the relatives who wanted her dead. Jonathan kept going,
moving toward the man on Anthony’s left. He stopped in front of him, gazing down. Then he formed a
fist and slammed it into the man’s mouth. Blood splattered, the Shepherd’s head snapping back.

“He’s the one who shot my Larissa,” Jonathan said. “He’s the one who cut her.”
Diskant pointed to Zach. “Unshackle him and take him to the other room. He’s Jonathan’s now.”
Zach did as he was told, forcing the Shepherd to his feet. He thrust the male forward, taking him

from the room. Zach paused in front of Diskant. “Remember what you promised me.”

“Trust me,” Diskant growled, his eyes turning green, “I’ll remember.”
Zach walked from the room with the Shepherd, Jonathan right on their heels. The door closed,

leaving the pack alone with the remaining two men bound to their chairs.

Trey pulled Sadie into his arms and turned her so her face rested against his chest. She could

handle what was about to happen but that didn’t mean he couldn’t comfort her. With a sideways
glance, he noticed Emory had done the same. The walls were thick but he was pretty fucking certain
the pack would hear—and delight—in the Shepherd’s screams when Jonathan avenged his wife.

“Pretty soon,” Diskant said calmly, studying Anthony, “you’re going to hear what happens to your

comrade. It won’t be pretty and it won’t be fast.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Anthony, despite being beaten with fists for the past fifteen minutes, didn’t

seem to care. “I’ll go to Him. My Father and Savior will be waiting for me. I follow His will.”

“If you say so,” Diskant replied with a shrug. The Omega bent over, whispering something into

Ava’s ear. She gave him a nod and let go of his hand. “You’re about to betray everyone you know and
love,” Diskant announced with a malicious grin. “We’re about to find out every single secret you’ve
ever tried to hide.”

“Spawn of Satan,” Anthony snapped. His gaze drifted to Ava. “Demon whore.”
Diskant started forward, a sneer on his face. Ava prevented him from going at the man, resting her

hand on his shoulder. “Don’t let him goad you. He wants us to kill him.” Spinning around, Ava faced
Anthony. “I don’t even have to touch him. I can hear him clear as a bell.”

“His name isn’t Anthony, it’s Nathaniel. He’s Elijah Shepherd’s son.”
A whimper came from Mary. Emory stroked her back and murmured in her ear. Trey could see the

woman shaking. His heart went out to her. Elijah had left Mary with many physical and emotional
scars. She’d been fortunate to survive the man’s wrath.

Ava didn’t turn, keeping her focus on Nathaniel. “There are small compounds existing in Idaho

and Florida. To be safe they sent several of their members out of the country. A few are in Mexico.
The rest are in Canada.”

Anthony paled. Then outrage crossed his face. “You scheming little bitch!”
“Oh but I’m not done,” Ava said, unperturbed. “There are a few in Essex but our friend here

managed to get out a warning call. Right now they’re racing for Canada.”

“Trey,” Diskant said quietly. “Make the calls.”
Although he didn’t want to let Sadie go Trey released her and went for his phone. There was a

border nearby and all the shifter packs kept members on hand to intercept people if they tried to cross
it. He dialed each of his contacts. All he had to say to each person he spoke with was, “Shepherds are
on the way”.

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They knew what he meant.
As soon as the calls were done he snaked his arm around Sadie’s waist. She leaned back, resting

against him. He placed his nose on top of her head, breathing her in. She smelled so sweet and felt so
good in his arms. He loved it when she trusted him like this, lowering all her guards.

“The packs hit them like we hoped they would. Mary’s map really helped.” Ava rested her hand

on her stomach. “Their numbers were cut in half. There aren’t many men left, mostly women and
children.” She turned her head and looked at the Shepherd beside Anthony. “Nathaniel didn’t have the
backing of the other groups. They wanted him to wait. They knew they needed to increase their
numbers. He took the few who were willing to go with him and came here to finish what his father
started. He thought he’d be able to get his hands on Mary.”

Mary started crying and Emory growled.
“Get out of our heads, harlot,” Anthony screamed. “You’re damned. The child you carry is

damned. You’ll never see heaven’s light.”

“Since I’m going to live forever…” Ava glanced over her shoulder at Diskant and gave the

Omega a small smile. Then she looked at Anthony. “I’m not really worried too much about that.”

“What else do we need to know, baby?” Diskant asked.
“There are probably compounds he doesn’t know about. A few families scattered. They’re not a

concern. At least not yet. There aren’t enough of them to cause any harm. They’re hiding and trying to
blend in. Some of the men who weren’t deep in the faith decided to leave the fold. They were too
worried about their wives and children.”

“Are there any more of them in my city?”
“No,” Ava answered. “For now the pack is safe.”
“What should we do with him, Pinkie?” This time Diskant didn’t pose the question calmly. He

sounded like he wanted a taste of his own revenge. “Kill them or keep him alive?”

“Since they want to die, I’d say to keep them alive.”
“Someone has to pay,” Diskant reminded her, his tone tender and loving. “The pack wants blood.

We owe it to them.”

“You only need Anthony,” Ava confessed. “The other one doesn’t know much. He’s a follower.

He takes orders. He hasn’t been in touch with the leaders at the compounds.”

“You and your baby are going to burn.” Anthony didn’t bat an eyelash. Even bound and

defenseless he sounded as superior as ever. “God will send you straight to Hell. There will never be
salvation. The demon within you will seal your fate. You’re doomed to suffer.”

“You first, asshole,” Ava shot back and moved away from Diskant so she could face Trey, Sadie,

Emory and Mary. “I know the locations, although you might want to speak with the packs in the areas
before you give them the order to attack. “You’ll be killing innocents. That’s not our way. We’re not

“You said they wanted to rebuild.” Diskant paused before he asked, “They’re waiting for their

sons to grow up, aren’t they? They’re hoping they’ll have the numbers they need once that happens.”

“Yes.” Ava stroked her stomach, visibly upset. “But they’re children. We can’t let the packs kill

innocent babies.”

The room fell silent, the members of the pack studying the Omega and his mate. Trey’s gaze flitted

over those who trusted him to protect them. He’d vowed to destroy anything that threatened them. But

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he couldn’t harm a child and he knew for a fact Sadie would refuse to assist him if the pack decided it
was for the best to end the Shepherd bloodlines for good.

“They teach them early,” Mary offered softly. She lifted her face from Emory’s chest, her eyes

splotchy and red. “It’s possible to save an infant and toddler but once a child is five or six they’re
told what they’ve been born to do. Some of them take longer. But after the age of ten nothing you do
will matter. They believe it’s the Lord’s work. By that point they’ll be willing to sacrifice their

“Even the women?” Ava asked. “Don’t they care about their children?”
Mary went from sad to furious. “Especially the women.”
“I’ll share everything, and I do mean everything,” Diskant said, staring directly at Ava, “with the

packs. Even if there are mostly women and children they have the right to know Shepherds are
nearby. But we won’t be the monsters they are. I’ll make sure none of the children are harmed.”

Ava nodded and Diskant gave the pack his undivided attention, striding past the group, moving

toward the Shepherds. He stopped in the center of the room.

“The threat here is gone. Return to your families, let them know they’re safe. We need to

reconnect. The pack needs unification. Prepare for a hunt. We’ll do it at my home. Schedule a date
and time and make sure everyone is aware so they can take part.” Conversations started, the males
around them sounding excited. The tension that had weighed the air faded away. Diskant, seeming
pleased by the response, gave the pack a grin. “You’ll have the blood you want soon enough.
Consider it something to look forward to.”

“A hunt?” Sadie’s question echoed through Trey’s mind.
“Diskant’s giving them the Shepherd Ava doesn’t need. The pack will meet at Diskant’s home

to shift. Then the Shepherd will be set free. They’ll hunt him down and tear him apart.”

She didn’t ask anything else, not that he expected her to.
In that moment Trey felt awful for forcing Sadie into his world.

Hunt him down and tear him apart.
It sounded like something The Fallen would do.
Sadie kept her composure. The pack had suffered numerous losses. They deserved compensation.

Her eyes drifted to the man who was doomed to die. He met her gaze with a hate-filled glare. Any
sense of compassion vanished. Even now, knowing he was going to die, the son of a bitch was smug.

“How much longer do we have to wait?” Leigh’s question jolted Sadie. She’d nearly forgotten

the vampire was outside in the car. “Are you almost done? We need to go.”

“I think we’re about to leave. Give us a few minutes.”
Whipping her eyes from the man, Sadie looked toward the group. Ava was watching her, her blue

eyes revealing she’d heard Leigh’s thought as well.

“Diskant,” Ava called out, getting the Omega’s attention. “We’ve taken care of this. It’s time to

deal with other things.”

Diskant’s elated expression became somber. With a nod at the pack he returned to Ava’s side. The

voices inside the room rose, making it easier for Diskant to instruct them without notice.

“Let’s step outside.”

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They walked from the enormous room, leaving everyone behind. Diskant made sure everyone had

followed before he opened the door, waved them past and closed it behind him.

“You have one shot at this,” Diskant told Trey. “That’s it. Nathan is family but we can’t risk the

pack. He wouldn’t want us to.” He reached into his pocket and retrieved a phone. “We’re not
returning to the house until we know if you’re right or wrong about Aldon. Call the number listed on
this phone after you’re done. If we don’t hear from you we’ll know things went south. Remember the
rules. I’m giving you an hour.”

Sadie got a glimpse of the device—a disposable cell. Shit.
Diskant meant it. If they didn’t get the job done, or they wrong about Aldon, or if they decided to

put Nathan over other pack matters, they’d have to strike out on their own. He’d find another Alpha to
replace Trey and go about business as usual. While Sadie and Trey could offer assistance in locating
Cade and the conjurer, anything that had to do with the pack was entirely off-limits.

“We have to go somewhere we can talk quietly,” Sadie informed everyone. While they could

honestly go anywhere to talk with the vampire, it would be best to do so out in the open. Since Trey
couldn’t teleport with her, they had to travel by car. “I’m thinking Central Park.”

“Two hours,” Diskant replied. “Not a minute more.”
“It shouldn’t take that long.” It wasn’t a total lie. If Aldon was what she thought he was he’d talk

shop and they could strike a bargain. If he wasn’t as evil as they wanted him to believe he wouldn’t
kill them on the spot.

“His bride’s name is Olivia,” Ava said. “Something’s wrong with her. He forced me out of his

head before I could see what it is. You might be able to use that if you need to.”

“Be careful.” Emory shifted from Mary’s side and hugged Trey. He patted his brother on the back.

“Don’t take any shit. If you have to get the hell out of there, do it.”

“Don’t worry,” Trey said, giving his brother a squeeze. “I’ve got this.”
The men parted and Trey returned to her. His hand ran down the length of Sadie’s arm, his fingers

skimming over her skin, creating a flash of heat in her tummy. Sadie brought their hands together,
basking in the warmth that radiated from his body. She tried not to think about what might happen.

Aldon was dangerous but she and Trey would be facing the vampire together.
“We’ll be in touch.” Giving everyone—what she hoped was—a confident smile, she started

leading Trey away. The building was old, paint falling from the walls. She’d understood why Diskant
had brought the Shepherds to the old building. The area had been abandoned and it was so dark and
chilly inside no one would consider using it as a temporary sanctuary.

“If something happens I want—”
Sadie didn’t let Trey finish, pivoting toward him. She released his hand and clung to his

shoulders, bringing her mouth toward his. Their lips touched. She felt his part, welcoming her in. She
gave him what he wanted, digging her fingers into his coat, thrusting her tongue into his mouth as she

“If something happens to you, it happens to me,” she thought to him, holding on tight. “We can’t

live without each other. That means we’re doing this together.”

“I want you so bad.” He cupped her ass, one cheek in each of his large palms. With a thrust of his

hips he pressed his cock against her. “If I could I’d turn you around and fuck you right against the

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“If we weren’t in a hurry I’d let you.”
She hated pulling her lips away, wanting to taste him forever. “We’d better go,” she panted, her

pussy drenched, breasts heavy and nipples sensitive. “If we don’t I’m not going to be able to tell you
no. Not a second time.”

With a growl, he brought her back to him. His thoughts drowned hers out.
She saw the images he fed to her—of him fucking her against the wall, his muscles straining as he

pounded into her. He’d put her arms over her head, keeping them trapped at the wrist in one of his
hands. He’d use the other to keep her balanced, his fingers firm and hard on her ass. He’d bend
slightly at the knees so that with each thrust he penetrated her deeper and deeper.

He dominated the kiss, grinding his crotch against her. Her clit pulsed, a wave of arousal

drenching her underwear. If she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist she’d feel every
hard inch of his length rubbing against her. It wouldn’t take much to make her come. That’s how much
the man turned her on.

This time he was the one to put an end to things.
She gazed into his eyes, her heart racing. “Why’d you stop?”
“Because you’re right.” He loosed his hold, breathing hard. “If I touch you again I’m not going to

be able to say no.”

Her legs felt watery as she followed him down the stairs. Even as she tried to collect herself she

felt the moisture at the apex of her thighs. Her clit continued humming as each step caused her panties
to glide across the bundle of nerves. She didn’t have to look at Trey to know he was equally sexed
up. She could smell his desire, was almost able to taste it.

One kiss and they lost all sense of reason.
The man was her kryptonite.

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Chapter Sixteen

“You’ve got to be joking.” Valen shot Aldon a baffled look. “You’re going to make a deal with

them? Have you lost your mind, brother?”

“I told them my terms. They have more to lose than I do,” Aldon replied, brushing off Valen’s

skepticism. “Their Beta is mated to the female I told you about, the one who can locate people with
objects. If anyone can track the conjurer down, it’s her.”

He didn’t elaborate on the female’s other gifts.
Sadie’s friend had an Ordained relative somewhere in her family tree. Likely someone who hadn’t

been born a vampire. When it came to pairings between vampires and humans that was known to
happen. Most of the time the parents changed their offspring when the time was right. Apparently the
time had never come for the poor soul who passed along his or her magic.

“You’re biting off more than you can chew,” Wren said. “Everyone is searching for the conjurer

now. There isn’t a vampire or warlocke in the world who would pass up the chance to find her.”

“There is one thing,” Aldon informed them. He couldn’t say for certain if his instincts were

correct but he had a suspicion he was on to something. “She’s with the human member of the pack.
He’s the one protecting her.”

“A human?” Valen laughed. “Are you serious?”
“Don’t count him out. I’ve seen him before. He’s not afraid to die. He’ll gladly put his life at risk.

The thing is, he’s out for himself. I’ve heard he lost his wife and is searching for those responsible for
her death. That kind of mindset wouldn’t be easily changed.”

“Unless he’s got the hots for a certain lady,” Wren chimed in.
“Exactly.” Aldon nodded and strode to the fireplace. “If she feels the same way this matter won’t

be so dangerous after all. Maybe we’ll get lucky. Perhaps she’s already decided on her guardian.”

“Did you mention this to your new friends?” Valen wasn’t playing anymore. His eyes, normally

dark blue, turned steely grey. “Do you think they might be able to speed things along?”

“They said they’d get in touch with their pack mate. I’m not sure if it’s possible. Likely he’s

aware of the danger if they’re located. He’ll put her somewhere and try to wait things out.”

“He can’t hide forever.”
“No he can’t.” No one could outrun The Fallen. Eventually the human would run out of luck. “But

she knows she has a small window of time and is out of options. Likely she’ll initiate a bond with
him. That would change the game. Stranger things have been known to happen.”

Aldon felt a shift in the air. Instantly he felt a burst of fear from Olivia.
He left the room without offering an explanation.
Since his return, he hadn’t felt anything from Olivia. That had concerned him but, then again, she

seemed determined to avoid him. More than once he’d considered breaking his own rule and invading
her mind. At least then he’d know why she feared him. He’d be able to understand her for a change.

He opened the bedroom door and the scent of blood swept into his nostrils. He rushed into the

room, past the bed. He followed the scent to bathroom. Olivia had fallen on the floor. Thick currents
of red poured from her nostrils. She was trying to stem the flow, shoving toilet paper against her face.

“What happened?”

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Her chin snapped up and her eyes flew open when she looked at him. “Oh God,” she whispered,

swiping at the blood. She appeared to be embarrassed. “What are you doing here?”

“This is my home, remember?”
Slowly, so he wouldn’t alarm her, he inched closer. She didn’t back away and he took it as a good

sign. Kneeling beside her, he placed his hand over hers. He studied her face and frowned. She hadn’t
fallen or hit her face. The nosebleed had come about naturally.

“You might as well hang up your hat. Good night and farewell. It’s been fun but it’s not been real

fun,” she muttered and sniffed. “I was told to expect this. Once it starts, time’s up.”

“Once it starts?” He stilled, unable to breathe. He’d known Olivia was dying when he’d found her

but he’d been certain the small amounts of blood he’d given her had kick-started the healing process.
“Tell me what’s wrong with you.” She’d refused to answer the question before. Now he wasn’t going
to give her a choice. Even if he had to threaten her. “No more avoiding the issue. Give me an answer
or I’ll take it from you.”

“I’m surprised you haven’t already.” She reached for more toilet paper. He noted her hand

trembled, her fingers struggling to remove the thin paper from the roll. She seemed deflated. “I have a
tumor in my head. It can’t be removed and it won’t stop growing. Apparently my time is up.”

“You’re not going to die.”
“Unless I let you change me,” her eyes lifted and rested on his, “which I’m not, by the way. There

isn’t a lot you can do to stop it.”

“How long?” He’d waited for answers, wanting her to give them freely. The patience he’d relied

on had been thrust aside. Everything inside him demanded he wrap her in his arms, put his lips at her
throat and force the change that would save her.

“How long have I had it?” He nodded and she said, “A little over ten years.”
Ten years. She’d been with Conrad during that time. She’d fed from the male, taking nourishment

from him. Aldon didn’t know why Conrad hadn’t bitten and changed her. It would have been the
safest way to secure her future. What he did know was she’d accepted sustenance and healing another

“You drank from another to stay healthy.” Red coated his vision, fury rising up. “Yet you refuse to

drink from me.”

“Don’t even go there.” If she noticed his anger she didn’t let on. “You don’t know anything about

my relationship with Con. You don’t have the faintest idea. Can we do this later?” The question was
muffled by toilet paper. “I’m busy bleeding right now.”

“No, we cannot do this later. My patience only goes so far.”
“Not my problem.”
“Aldon. We’re ready.” Sadie’s voice ricocheted through his head. “Come to us.”
Of all the dumb luck! He had to go but he refused to leave until he took care of Olivia. He

released the tissue and unbuttoned the cuff at his wrist. With a tug, he pulled his shirt back and ripped
his cufflink free. He didn’t take care biting into his arm. Blood flowed, spilling around his wrist.

“Take it and don’t argue.” He pulled the tissue from her hand, his gut cramping when he scented

the blood around her nose and mouth. She’d been suffering. She should have come to him. “I’ve been
putting my blood in your wine. You’ve already taken from me.”

“You what?”

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She tried to rise but he stopped her, grasping her arm. “I knew you were ill the moment I saw you

again. I’d hoped you’d tell me what was wrong on your own. I’ve waited for answers you refuse to
give me. When you left me no choice I had to intervene.”

After all they’d been through, he expected her to fight or lash out at him.
Instead she sank to the floor. She didn’t reach for his wrist, keeping her eyes downcast. Her eyes

glossed over, a soft breath seeping from her lips. It was the first time he’d gotten close enough to
scent her breath. As sweet as she smelled, he identified the death that wanted to consume her.

“Let me show you there’s nothing to fear.” Lifting his arm, he offered her his wrist. The flow had

ebbed but there was enough to provide for her until he returned. “I won’t hurt you, luvena.”

“Aldon.” Sadie sounded impatient. “Where are you?”
“Please, take it.” He offered his blood again. For his bride he wasn’t above begging. “It kills me

to see you like this. You don’t have to be sick.”

“I need time to think.” As though nothing had happened, she retrieved the toilet paper and swiped

at her face. “Give me space.”

If only he could. “You know there isn’t time.”
When she didn’t respond, resting like a doll in front of him, he slid his sleeve down his arm and

prepared to leave. After he spoke with Sadie he’d make sure Olivia understood what was going on.
Before he’d been tentative and cautious, wanting to give her time. A lifelong bond wasn’t to be taken
for granted.

He reattached the fastening at his cuff, uncaring that his blood stained his shirt.
Closing his eyes, he sought Sadie’s location and felt the shift in his center as he started to phase.

At the last second, just as he vanished, something jarred into him, setting him off balance. He couldn’t
prevent the transport so he held on, picturing Sadie, knowing he’d appear where she stood.

When he made it, he saw Olivia had come along with him. She hit him with her tiny fists,

screaming her head off. As he lifted his head from the ground, he saw Sadie and Trey gazing down at
him in confusion.

Olivia didn’t stop swinging, hell-bent on releasing her pain and frustration. Aldon had tricked her.

He’d given her his blood. And she’d been feeding right into his hands, thinking she should trust him.
She’d nearly been there too. Her body had betrayed her even though she knew she should stay away
from him. Desire had gained headway, clouding her thinking. She’d told herself it wasn’t her fault.
Not many women could deny a man as gorgeous as Aldon.

“You’re so full of it!” she snarled, going for his face.
“Calm down,” he commanded, reaching for her hands.
“Let her go!” a feminine voice snarled.
Aldon wrapped his fingers around Olivia’s wrists, preventing her from lashing out at him. In a

smooth motion he changed their positions, taking her from the ground. He rose with her in his arms,
keeping her trapped against him. She lifted her head, her gaze wild as she studied the landscape.

They weren’t in the bedroom.
Trees surrounded them, branches sweeping over her head. She took a deep breath. It wasn’t trick,

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unless he was in her head. She could smell the earth and leaves.

“What are you doing to her?” a woman yelled.
Olivia turned toward the voice and saw a pale, fair-haired creature standing beside a dark-

tressed, massive and muscular male. The woman was livid and the male beside her wasn’t happy.
Just behind them stood another woman who gawked at her, her eyes as wide as barrels.

“Trey,” Aldon growled, tightening his hold, addressing the male. “I’m sure you know all about

lover’s spats. Please keep your female in check. If you don’t I’m going to leave and you’ll see me
when you see me.”

“Her face is covered in blood,” Trey countered, staring at Olivia. “Doesn’t look like a lover’s

spat to me.”

“You’re mated to a vampire.” Aldon didn’t relent. “Things can get messy when we feed or share

blood. Think about it.”

The intimidating male took a moment to study them. Olivia wiped at her mouth with the back of

her hand, horrified at how she probably looked. Trey watched her, his gaze intense. He wrapped his
arm around the pale woman’s waist. “Sadie, darlin’, back off.”

“He’s hurting her.” As the woman—Sadie—said it, her lips peeled back and Olivia saw her

fangs. “She’s fighting him.”

Immediately the fight drained from Olivia.
The female was a vampire, no question. But the male obviously wasn’t. His skin was too dark, his

body too broad. He looked like a human who spent serious time on a beach and at the gym. So why
would the woman—a fucking vampire of all things—let him handle her like that? Vampires were not
weak but superior. Despite the man’s size the woman could easily take him down.

“What the hell is going on?” she asked, confused and uncertain.
“When I get you home,” Aldon whispered into her ear, “we’re going to have a very, very serious

conversation. Until that happens, don’t say another word.”

He didn’t let her go but did lower one of his arms. Even then she was completely aware of him,

feeling every inch of his body pressed against hers. Aldon was the most powerful vampire she’d ever
met. Conrad hadn’t even come close. She remembered how vulnerable she’d felt the first time she’d
seen him. Given a chance, he could rip anything apart with his bare hands.

“Do you mind telling me what’s going on?” Sadie asked, allowing the male to keep her in his

hold. “This wasn’t what I expected.”

“Extenuating circumstances,” Aldon replied coolly. “You called for me. Now I’m here. What do

you know?”

“We don’t know where the conjurer is yet but we’re willing to bargain,” the man behind Sadie

answered. “We need help to get Nathan back. A location is useless without it. We both know what’ll
happen the instant we cross the threshold.” The male tugged the woman closer, his dark hair blending
with the long blonde strands cascading down her shoulder. “They’ll kill us. You know they will.”

“That’s not my problem.” Olivia hissed in a breath when Aldon’s arm tightened around her. “We

had a deal. You tell me where the conjurer is and I tell you where to find your Beta.”

Conjurer? What’s a Beta?
“What’s going on?” she whispered, out of her element, terrified but needing to know. “Where are


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“It’s called Central Park, sweetheart,” Sadie answered and tugged on her earlobe, giving it a

shake. “Don’t bother whispering. I can hear you.”

“It’s rude to eavesdrop.” The words flew from Olivia before she could stop them.
“It’s also rude to keep people waiting and to bring uninvited guests to a party,” Sadie countered.

The male behind her growled and she gave him an innocent look. “What? It’s true.”

“Don’t start shit,” the man replied. “Play nice.”
“Trey…” Sadie rolled her eyes when he didn’t back down. “Fine, I’ll behave.”
He patted her ass, growling again. “That’s my girl.”
How was it possible? The vampire woman wasn’t taunting the man, nor was she pissed at being

reprimanded. At the Palace, if she’d offended one of the vampires she’d have gotten a nice slap
across the face. Aldon hadn’t corrected her behavior and so far everyone seemed to be normal. She
studied the male with the vampire.

No collar, so he wasn’t a slave.
“If you want us to help you,” Trey said, “You’re going to have to offer us more than an address.

You’re going to have to sweeten the pot. We need you to get Nathan out.”

“Again,” Aldon responded, “not my problem.”
“It will be.” The woman who’d been standing behind the pair stepped around them. “I’ll make

sure of it.”

“Leigh, fall back,” Sadie ordered. “Remember the plan.”
The woman didn’t, continuing, “Imagine what would happen if word got out about you. How do

you think The Fallen would react if they learned you’ve been making fools of them for centuries?”

“Do that and I’ll make sure they learn about the zephyr.” Olivia felt Aldon tense, his arm snug

around her. She felt nervous too. The woman addressing them was a vampire as well. Chances were
she’d do nasty things to get what she wanted. “That won’t be good for the pack. Not to mention…” He
paused and shifted his hips, allowing her to feel the length of his cock between the crease of her
bottom. This was the closest they’d been since he’d brought her to his home. Apparently he
appreciated the intimate, physical contact. “You have other things to worry about. Your former coven
will eventually become an issue for you. Geneva is a power-hungry creature. Sooner or later she’s
going to build a reputation in the city.”

“How so?” Sadie asked suspiciously.
“By joining with other covens. She wants to lead them all. It’ll eventually become a pack

problem, seeing as her kind are bedding down with werewolves. She’s found a tome filled with
spells to use against you. True, her arrogance will kill her. But by the time she’s gone the damage will
be done.”

Sadie’s irises turned bluish-white. “Bullshit. She’s terrified of werewolves.”
“Which is why she wants to use them. Familiars make your kind much more powerful, don’t they?

Can you see where I’m going with this?”

The blonde vampire paled. “She’s not that fucking stupid.”
“No? You don’t think so?” Aldon asked mockingly. “Take a minute. Think about it. Do you

honestly think a bit of fear will keep her from what she wants? Imagine what she could have
accomplished if certain members of her coven had stuck around.”

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“I can handle Geneva.” Sadie seemed to recover, though her voice trembled. “The bitch won’t

know what hit her.”

“I have no doubt.”
“Don’t change the subject,” Leigh butted in. “Will you help us or not?”
“That depends,” Aldon replied.
“You might look and sound like an asshole,” she countered, “but we both know you’re not one.

We’re asking for your help.” She hesitated for a moment and clarified, “I am asking for your help.”

“What do I get in exchange?” Aldon sounded calm but Olivia knew he wasn’t. Tension oozed

from him, his power like a steady hum whispering over her skin. “If I have to sweeten the pot, so do

“I’ll find the conjurer,” the woman answered. “You know I can do it. It won’t take much. The best

part is you won’t have to do a thing.”

“And when you find her, what will you do? As strong as you think you are, you’ll never kill her.

She can crush you in the blink of an eye.”

“I don’t want to kill her.” Magic suffused the air, coming from the vampire, and Olivia gasped. “I

want to help her. It won’t be easy, I’m sure. But if it means getting Nathan back I’ll find a way. I can
get to her and tell you where she is. We can keep her safe.”

“You’re fine with this?” Aldon asked Trey and Sadie. “Is this what you want?”
“Actually,” Trey looked and sounded annoyed, “this is news to me.”
“Leigh,” Sadie said quietly. “Think about what you’re offering. If you go we won’t be able to

protect you. You know the rules. The pack can’t be involved. Not in this. You know what Diskant

Pack? A cold spike rushed through Olivia. She really looked at Trey.
Tan. Huge. Growly.
Holy shit. A werewolf.
Her body trembled, her heart racing at full speed. She wanted to get away. She wanted to hide.

Vampires were bad. Were werewolves worse? Trey seemed to have Sadie under his control.

Perhaps he was what she should be frightened of.
“Easy, luvena,” Aldon murmured into her ear. “I told you all is not as it seems. The world is

bigger than you ever imagined. Maybe now we can have a talk and you’ll listen for a change.”

Oh yeah, she’d listen. “Okay,” she replied, her voice cracking.
“I have thought about it,” Leigh told Sadie and gazed at Aldon. “I can do this.”
“Can doesn’t mean should.” Sadie seemed doubtful.
“It’s her choice,” Trey said. “The pack is our priority.” His amber-hued eyes rose and he stared

right at Aldon. “That’s another thing. You’re not welcome at Diskant’s home. You’re never to come
there again. If you do we’ll tell everyone who’ll listen about you. We’ll spread the word through all
the packs. As soon as they find out what you tried to do to Diskant’s mate there’ll be a bounty on your

“You’re willing to tell them about your vampire mate?” Aldon tsked. “That won’t go over well.

Seems you have more to lose than I do.”

“If that’s what it takes,” Sadie said.

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“I have no interest in the pack or you for that matter,” Aldon spoke to Sadie. “I never did. If it

weren’t for Geneva’s scheming it’s quite probable our paths never would have crossed. You tracked
me down, remember? Everything that’s happened is because of your coven. Think about that.”

“Do we have a deal or not?” Leigh cut the conversation short.
“You’ll have to seal it in blood,” Aldon said. Olivia jerked when he released her. He shifted

away, moving before her. He took a protective stance inches from her body, his back almost touching
her chest. “I have to know where you are. I’ll expect to be able to find you whenever I want. If you
receive information I expect you to meet me and share what you know. That’s not negotiable.”

“Leigh,” Sadie said, obviously horrified. “Don’t.”
“I’ve made up my mind,” Leigh replied and moved from Sadie. She shifted her shoulders,

removing her jacket. The garment hit the ground and she kept coming. “The pack is safe. You can go
home and take care of them. You can’t talk me out of this so don’t try.” She stopped inches from
Aldon. “If this is what it takes, I’ll let you take my blood. But I have one condition,” she said, offering
him her wrist. “You start looking for Nathan right now. Get him back to the pack as quickly as

When Aldon touched the vampire a flash of jealousy crashed into Olivia. She didn’t like him

wrapping his arms around the woman’s arm, hated the way his fingers cradled her elbow and wrist. A
part of her wanted to pull him back and tell the woman to fuck off. It didn’t make any sense.

Why should she be jealous? He didn’t belong to her.
He struck, his teeth penetrating skin, and the woman hissed.
Olivia had to turn away, unwilling to see the ecstasy in the woman’s features. Having been around

vampires and the humans they fed on she knew the initial puncture hurt but was immediately followed
by pleasure. She’d seen slaves bitten time and again, so she was aware of what to expect. Surely it
was the same when vampires fed from one another. She waited to hear the woman moan, steeling
herself for the sound. No matter how hard it was, she wouldn’t let them know how she felt.

Envy. Jealousy. Anger.
No moans or sexy sighs filled the night. Only silence. In seconds Aldon lifted his head and

stepped back. Olivia glanced at the woman. There wasn’t an ounce of bliss in her features. In fact, she
seemed to be relieved it was over.

“I’ll be in touch,” Aldon said, turning his back on the people. Olivia gasped when he placed his

arms on her hips and tugged her to him. Lowering his voice, he told her, “Close your eyes. We’re
going home.”

Magic surrounded them, an endless blur of blue and black. The world shifted, vanishing without a

trace. When she opened her eyes they were back in the bedroom.

“What just happened?” A part of her thought perhaps it had all been a dream.
“I just made a deal that could kill me,” he replied, an edge of tenderness creeping into his voice.

His fingers drifted over her arm, his blue eyes locked on her face. “Unless you’re willing to help. Are
you willing to help me, Olivia?”

“How?” she asked, finding it difficult to breathe with him so close.
“By making yourself well. I can’t face my enemies if I don’t know you’re safe and healthy.” He

lifted her hand, kissed her palm and placed it against his face. “I need to know who’s waiting for me

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at home.”

“You’re not like the others.” Before she’d thought he was trying to trick her, now she knew he’d

been sincere over the last couple of weeks. Vampires took what they wanted, when they wanted. Yet
he hadn’t. He’d given her space, respected her choices and hadn’t forced himself on her. Not once
had he insulted or disrespected her. If he’d wanted he could have made her his slave or changed her
when they’d arrived at his home. Instead he’d done the opposite, giving her time. “You’re different.”

Her thoughts tumbled together, making her even more confused.
There were so many things that didn’t make sense.
“I don’t understand.” And she didn’t. At all. “This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be.”
Before they could continue the bedroom door burst open and two vampires appeared. Olivia

pressed closer to Aldon, desire turning to fear. The men looked just like Aldon—same blond hair,
equally blue eyes. He’d told her that his brothers were around. Apparently they were ready to be
introduced. Their gazes homed on her and both of the men hesitated. The one in denim gave her a
smile, his expression mischievous.

“No wonder you’ve kept her hidden.” Strolling over to her, the man took her hand from Aldon’s

face. “I’m Wren,” he drawled. “The brute standing in the doorway is Valen.”

He went to kiss her knuckles and Aldon pulled her away. “Don’t even think about it.”
“So selfish,” Wren said and looked over his shoulder at Valen.
“He always was, even as a child,” Valen responded and gazed at Aldon. “We wouldn’t have

barged in but there’s trouble.”

Aldon took a deep breath and peered down at her. “I need to talk to them. Why don’t you rest until

I get back?”

Rest? She didn’t want to rest. She wanted answers.
“You have to go now?” Right when she was finally about to figure things out, he was leaving her.

Not only was it frustrating, it pissed her off. “Can’t they handle whatever it is?”

“Oh I like her,” Wren laughed and winked at her. “Sorry, love. We wouldn’t take him if we didn’t

need him. Don’t worry. We’ll get him back to you as soon as we can.”

Aldon let her go and she immediately hated his absence, wanting to call him back. She watched

him as he walked to the door, hoping perhaps he’d glance at her over his shoulder. He didn’t,
stepping past his brothers into the hallway. Wren waited until Valen exited the room before he
reached for the handle on the door.

“It was nice meeting you, Olivia.”
Just like that, they were gone. She didn’t move to the bed, remaining where Aldon had left her.

Vampires, werewolves, danger, bargains, deals, danger—all the good stuff in less than an hour.

She could hardly believe it.
She’d officially stepped into The Twilight Zone.

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Chapter Seventeen

Sadie sighed, plopped down on the couch, leaned back and closed her eyes.
She could hear Trey in the hallway speaking to Diskant. They’d been on the phone since the

meeting with Aldon had ended. A few times Sadie had heard Ava complaining through the line,
ordering Diskant to take her home. Emory had given his two cents but Mary sounded equally annoyed.
Since the women usually got their way, it wouldn’t be long until everyone made it back.

The cushion next to her moved and she opened her eyes, seeing Leigh had decided to join her. The

woman was eerily calm. She didn’t seem upset that she’d pretty much given Aldon a window into her
life. A month ago the female would have gone nuts at the thought of such a thing.

It was amazing how hindsight and circumstance changed things.
Leigh rubbed her hands on her thighs. “I need something that belongs to Cade.”
Sadie sat up. Surely Leigh would stick around for a little while. “You’re not leaving now are


“I’m not coming back here until Nathan’s found. I’ve been nice to Ava but I don’t particularly like

being around her. She knows it too. It’s best if I stay away for a while.”

“You really want him back, don’t you?”
“I don’t want to hurt him more than I already have. I’m ashamed of the things I’ve done. Goddess,

I wish I could take back some of the things I said. If I could go back…” She inhaled deeply and
sighed. “Never mind. What’s done is done. I’m not the same girl anymore. I can only move forward.
It’s time to stop living in the past.”

“Where will you go? Do you have a place to stay?”
“Not really,” Leigh admitted. “I figured I’d crash at one of your apartments, unless you have a

problem with it.”

“You know I don’t.” Over the years Sadie had purchased a few apartments and condominiums to

use when she needed a break from the coven. They were completely secure. The only people who
were aware of their existence were Realtors and Leigh. “Which one do you want?”

“It depends. I might need to crash at more than one place. I don’t know where I’ll have to travel. I

figure I’ll sort everything as it comes.”

“How will you find the buildings?” Sadie could’ve slapped herself as soon as she asked. With an

item, Leigh could find every single place Sadie had ever been. “Never mind, it doesn’t matter.”
Leaning forward, she shrugged out of her coat and handed it over. “You need something of mine,
right? I’m sure this will suffice.”

“Yeah,” Leigh whispered, running her fingers over the leather. “It’ll do.”
Sadie heard Trey end his call and Leigh rose from the couch. “I’ll contact you when I can. If you

hear from Cade I need to know. Destiny’s hella strong. She’s going to shield him with magic. I’ll
probably be one step behind them most of the time. Eventually she’ll slip and I’ll find them.” Her
eyes drifted to Trey. “If you get word on Nathan I want to know. I’ll make sure Aldon holds up his
end of the bargain.”

“How exactly will you do that?” Trey asked.
“With this.” Leigh lifted her hand and opened it, revealing a shiny item. “I swiped it from Aldon

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when he took my blood. If he doesn’t do what he promised I’ll have to pay him a visit.”

“You took his cufflink?” Sadie grinned. Leave it to Leigh to surprise her yet again. “You’d think

he would have noticed.”

“He was too worried about his woman.” Leigh fisted her fingers around the little piece of

jewelry. “It seems vampires and werewolves aren’t different in that respect. I plan on reminding him
of that.” Tucking the item into her pocket, she said, “I need something of Cade’s.”

“Come on.” Sadie stood and went to Trey. “Give us a minute.”
“Everyone will be here soon. They’ll want to talk to us.” He swept his arm around her and

brushed his lips over hers. “Make it fast.”

“I will.” A small touch and sweet kiss and she felt like Silly Putty.
He slid his arm from her waist and she took a shaky breath. For now she had to give Leigh what

she needed. After they talked to Diskant and the rest of the household she would finally have Trey to

The thought alone made her insides tingle.
Leigh followed Sadie as she guided her toward the laundry room. Cade had left behind a couple

of T-shirts. Ava had folded them and placed them on the shelf. Sadie stepped into the large room and
retrieved one of them. Leigh quickly took the garment from her hands and, before Sadie could warn
her of what she might see, closed her eyes.

In seconds Leigh gasped and dropped the shirt. “Oh my god.”
“I wanted to warn you but you didn’t give me a chance.”
“S’okay,” Leigh said hoarsely. “I knew what happened. I just didn’t expect to see the aftermath.

No wonder Cade’s so mean.” Bending down to retrieve the shirt, she asked, “Do you mind if I feed
before I go? I know you provided for me already but it’ll buy me some time. I don’t want to drink
from another source until I have to.”

Leigh was afraid to drink from mortals, thinking she might change one. Sadie had shown her how

to take blood safely but Leigh remained cautious and upset by the idea. Since she’d given Leigh her
coat, all she had to do was pull her sleeve back. As soon as she had Trey alone she planned on easing
her own hunger. She wanted to make sure Leigh left in top shape.

“Take as much as you need.”
Sadie remained completely still as Leigh sank her fangs into her wrist. Just as she had the time

before, Leigh drank deep. Sadie closed her eyes, waiting for her friend to finish. A minute passed, the
seconds slowly ticking by. She felt her body sway and wondered if Leigh would take more than she
had to give. Thankfully Leigh eased up, swiping her tongue over the punctures.

As soon as she lifted her head and met Sadie’s gaze, she frowned. “I’m sorry,” she said, licking

blood from her lips.

“I’ll be fine.” Having nearly starved to death not too long ago, Sadie knew she’d recover from the

loss. “Trey’ll take care of me after we talk to Diskant and Ava.” Her fingers shook as she pulled her
sleeve down. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay and talk to them?”

“I think they’ll feel safer with me gone.” Leigh tucked the shirt and coat beneath her arm and

leaned forward to give Sadie a hug. “I’ll stay in touch. Keep your mind open. When things happen,
you’ll be the first to know.”

“I’m worried about you.” The idea of leaving Leigh—who had been so scared of everything,

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including what she was—didn’t sit well with Sadie. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I’m positive.” With a soft laugh, she said, “Time to put on my big girl panties.”
“Remember what I told you about your abilities.” Giving her a squeeze, she whispered, “Once

you figure them out, you can do anything you want. You’ll be stronger than I ever was. You need to
practice and gain complete focus. Take your time. Work on them every day. Don’t get frustrated at the
start. It takes time.”

“I will.” Leigh pulled away, taking a step back. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Being my friend, even when I didn’t deserve it.”
“You don’t give yourself enough credit.”
“Maybe.” Leigh appeared reflective. “Maybe not.”
Leigh phased out before Sadie could respond.
Goddess, look over her. Make her strong.
Whatever would be would be. There was nothing she could do for Leigh.
Not anymore.

* * * * *

Trey skimmed his lips over the top of Sadie’s head, her rose petal-soft hair like silk against his

face. She sighed and nestled closer to him, drawing her knees up. She’d been like this the last thirty
minutes, curled into a ball in his lap. He’d scooped her up the minute she’d returned to the living area
and taken her to the recliner. She was pale, her lips pink instead of red. He didn’t have the heart to
ask why she’d fed Leigh again. Not when he’d seen the fatigue etched all over Sadie’s face.

“I still don’t like it,” Diskant said, prickly as ever. “I don’t trust him.”
“I don’t either,” Trey replied. Even if the women felt Aldon wasn’t a threat, he wasn’t convinced.

“But it’s the only way to get Nathan back. If he tries anything Sadie can reach out to Leigh. Once he
knows we have the ability to locate him he’ll fall in line. He won’t risk the safety of his female.” He
was about to discuss what Aldon said about the coven when Sadie’s voice breezed through his head.

“Don’t. We’ll take care of Geneva.”
“They have the right to know.”
“Normally I’d agree but this is coven business.”
She stroked his chest, her fingers gliding over

his shirt. “I should have taken care of this a long time ago. It’s my responsibility to set things

“How do you plan to do that?”
“By doing my job. It’s time to remove the threat.”
“What about our Shepherd problem?” Zach asked, shifting his feet. Trey knew the Beta wasn’t

happy knowing he wouldn’t get his revenge anytime soon. “When will you make a decision on how
you’re going to deal with the remainder of their population?”

“After I speak to the Alphas in their area.” Diskant had reclined on the couch, his arm over the

back of the cushions. Ava had curled up at his side. “We have a lot to consider. There are multiple
possibilities. We have to iron out any kinks before we get started. Each pack will have to target a
compound with the same agenda. We have to be united and agree on how to handle things.”

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“What’s to iron out?” Zach stopped moving, glaring at the Omega. “I say we go in and kill them

all. Remove the problem and forget it ever existed. We don’t have to live in fear anymore. We don’t
have to lose the people we love.”

“There are women and children to consider.”
“You heard Mary.” Zach looked ready to throw down. “The women will back their men and they

teach their children to do the same. They’ll try to kill us if we let them.”

“Not all of them. Consider the source of our information,” Diskant snapped and reminded him,

Mary isnothing like her relatives. Likely some of the women stay in the compounds because they’re
afraid they’ll be hunted down and killed. As for the children…” Diskant frowned, troubled at the
thought. “The innocent deserve a chance.”

“And what if you have to separate a noncomplying mother from her child?” Zach asked. “Ever

think of that? It’s kinder to kill them quickly with those they know than to let them suffer alone as

Ava sat up, visibly infuriated at Zach. Diskant spoke before she could, a hard edge to his voice.

“There are couples in several packs who’d happily take them. Not everyone is fortunate enough to
have children.” Trey didn’t take it personally when Diskant glanced at him and Sadie. As a vampire
and werewolf, there was a chance they’d never have a child. “Maybe we can turn this situation
around, make it into something good. We can’t condemn children for their name or for what their
families have done to us.”

“Why should we be so merciful? They didn’t give Katie that courtesy.”
Trey narrowed his eyes at the Beta. He had a right to be angry but he was crossing the line. “If we

act as they did we’ll be nothing more than hypocrites,” Trey snarled. “We don’t kill innocent people,

“I know you’re upset,” Ava added, softening toward Zach, offering an olive branch, “but this is

something the Alphas will have to consider. With everything I’ve seen, I know we have time. There’s
no need to rush. We’re not Shepherds. We’ll never be. Ending a life—especially a woman’s or
child’s—isn’t something to be done lightly.”

“I know you want your due,” Diskant growled, eyeing the Beta. “You’ll get it during the hunt.

Everyone will get the blood they’ve waited so long for.”

Zach bowed his head, eyes downcast. “Where will we be housing our guest?”
“Anthony Shepherd has already taken been taken care of,” Diskant said. “He’s no longer your


Trey waited for Zach to explode. Emory must’ve felt the same way. He quietly moved away from

Mary, inching closer to Zach. Trey agreed with Diskant’s decision. There was no guarantee Zach
wouldn’t kill Anthony. One night, if his fury got the best of him, the Beta might slip away, find
Anthony and tear the man apart.

“You moved him.” Zach growled. “You’re keeping him from me.”
“It’s for the best,” Diskant replied, voice deep and menacing. “You don’t need to know where

he’s being kept. Not right now. If the situation changes I’ll tell you.”

Trey felt Zach’s wolf rise, the crazed beast ready to tear apart the room. Sadie stiffened, her entire

body drawn tight. Trey sensed her apprehension, knowing she’d bolt from his lap to put Zach down if
she had to. Emory took another step closer to the Beta, ready to take the male down. Sometimes the

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animal—when pushed too far—took over, even if a shifter didn’t want it to.

Another surge of energy carried through the room.
He’d used his ability as an Omega, calling on his wolf. As Trey expected, Ava merged her ability

with Diskant’s. The tiny woman closed her eyes, using her mental power to subdue Zach’s rage.
Sadie shivered as their united energy seared over everyone near the couple. Trey held her closer,
forcing his wolf to settle down when it felt the Omega’s call. There was nothing quite like the feel of
the couple when they came together. He knew it all too well since they’d used their connection to
calm his temper in the past.

“Back off,” Diskant ordered.
The wolves warred—Beta versus Omega—but it was a losing battle.
Zach fought, trying to maintain his connection with his wolf. For several seconds he growled,

hands in tight fists, his lips pulled back to reveal his elongated canines. Within seconds, however, the
man slumped and his shoulders sagged.

Trey almost felt sorry for the male.
“He brought it on himself,” Sadie told him, using their connection. “He has to let go of his

anger. It’s going to corrode him from the inside out if he doesn’t.”

“Could you control yours?” Trey queried, stroking her arm. “If I died and you had one of the

people responsible in your grasp, could you let him go?”

After a moment, she thought back, “No way in hell.”
“Emory.” Diskant’s voice lost the authoritative edge, dropping an octave, becoming soft. “Take

Zach outside. He needs some fresh air.”

Emory looked at Mary, his golden eyes loving as he gazed at her.
She gave him a small smile and whispered, “I’ll wait for you in our room.”
Emory grasped Zach arm’s and led him from the room.
Mary studied Ava for a moment. “You look exhausted. Why don’t I tuck you in so you can rest for

a while?”

“I’m okay,” Ava replied but despite the reassurance, she sounded tired.
“Go rest, Ava Mine.” Diskant got off the couch and lifted her from the seat. Her feet hit the ground

and she started to argue. He placed a finger on her lips. “It’s time to relax and take care of our little
girl.” He splayed his fingers over Ava’s stomach and a wide grin spread across his face. “Her kicks
are stronger every day. Let’s keep it that way.”

“I think all our mates should rest,” Trey said and repeated what Diskant had done. He rose from

the recliner, keeping Sadie in his arms. Then he carefully eased her down so she could put her feet on
the floor. Her eyes met his, her irises so blue they appeared almost black. “Why don’t you take a nice
hot bath? We only have a few things to talk about. I’ll be right behind you.”

His female—usually feisty—didn’t argue. “A bath sounds like heaven, actually.”
“Then hop to it.” He spun her around to face the other women and gave her a soft swat on the ass.

“I’ll see you soon.”

His eyes remained on her until she vanished with the other women around the corner. Knowing

she needed the break, he waited until he could no longer hear footsteps and looked at Diskant.

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“Where did you decide to send the Shepherd?”
“I managed to get through to Kinsley. He’s arranged to have him flown to one of his small islands.

Even if the fucker tries to run he can’t get away. He’ll be surrounded by miles of ocean.”

“Did he say when he might be coming back?” They needed Kinsley more than ever but the panther

shifter had packed up his shit and split without any indication of when he might return. “His shifters
are already getting lazy. It’s only going to get worse.”

“It doesn’t really matter, does it?” Diskant asked. “Shepherds aren’t an issue, at least not right

now. I told Kinsley I’d be contacting Alphas about the compounds we know about but he said he’s
busy and told me not to disturb him again unless it was an emergency.”

Even though Trey had never particularly liked Kinsley, the shifter had always been reliable. “I’d

like to know what’s going on with him.”

“You and me both.”
“Look.” Trey felt bad about betraying Sadie’s trust but he felt Diskant had the right to know what

they’d learned about the coven. “Apparently the leader of Sadie’s coven is up to more than we
originally thought. It’s not a pack problem but it might become one.”

“Just what we need,” Diskant growled, irises turning green.
“Sadie wants to handle it. I think we should let her.”
“When does she expect to handle it?” Diskant wasn’t pleased but Trey was relieved the man

wasn’t arguing. “I’d prefer it be dealt with quickly.”

“I’ll talk to her. She knows more about her kind than I do. The head of the coven is the one she’s

targeting. I have a feeling she’ll screw her head on straight after Sadie’s finished with her.”

“Fill me in when you know. Things are finally starting to turn around and I don’t want anything to

fuck with the flow. The pack has dealt with enough. I’ll be talking to the Alphas tomorrow about the
Shepherd situation. I texted several of them. We’re having a video conference tomorrow.”

“Sounds good.” Trey cracked his neck, feeling tired himself. “What about Jonathan and Jay?

We’ll have to find them a place. They’ll also need new things.”

“Ava’s on it.” Diskant smiled, shaking his head. “She’s going to order furniture and speak to our

Realtor in the morning. We’ll make sure they have a place where they can heal.” The smile faded and
he gazed directly into Trey’s eyes. “No bullshit. I want the truth. What did you get from Aldon when
you met with him? Should I be concerned?”

“From the looks of things he’s got his hands full with his mate.” Trey still wondered why the

woman had been fighting the vampire and also why her face had been covered in blood. “He didn’t
threaten us. More than anything he wanted to get the hell out of there. As soon as he made the deal
with Leigh he left.”

“You think he’ll keep his word about Nathan?”
That was a tricky question. “I believe he meant it when he said he would but I could tell he was

nervous about it. I think he’s worried he might be exposed.”

“But he’s going to do it?”
“He doesn’t have a choice. Leigh snagged an object that belonged to him. She can locate him

whenever she wants. Like I said, he’s having woman trouble. He probably wants to get to Nathan as
fast as possible so he can wipe his hands of all of us.”

“You honestly think she’s changed her mind about Nathan?” Trey didn’t blame Diskant for being

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cynical. Leigh had put Nathan through the wringer and they both knew it. “Trusting Aldon is one thing.
Believing she wants to truly help Nathan is another.”

“She let Aldon drink from her. I’d say that’s pretty damn serious.”
“She wasn’t the same this time around. No tears. No whining. If I didn’t know better I’d think she

was a different woman.”

“The time away seems to have helped. Maybe that’s all she needed.”
“Be that as it may, if we’re lucky enough to get him back in one piece I won’t let her treat him like

shit. Not a second time. It’s not my place to come between mates but she has to understand what
pushing him away has done to him. His wolf is likely near a breaking point.”

Trey had tried not to think about how Nathan would be if and when Aldon found him. The longer

he remained in the company of psychopathic vampires, the less likely the male would recover from
the atrocities he’d suffered.

“Sadie made Leigh give her word she’d do right by him. Only time will tell.”
Diskant took the information in. Then he nodded. “Keep trying to get in touch with Cade. I want to

know where the bastard is. If we find out it’s another bargaining tool. If Aldon wants the conjurer,
beating him to the punch might be best.”

“Will do.”
“I’m going to finish making calls.” Diskant rubbed his hand over his face. “It’s not going to be

easy to convince all the alphas to leave the compounds alone. Most will want to invade and destroy
them all.”

“Probably.” When it came to Shepherds, shifters didn’t have much sympathy. “I’ll be there to back

you. I think we’ll be able to reach an agreement we can live with.”

“You’ll need to talk to the guards tomorrow. They’ll need to secure the property and make sure

the hunt goes smoothly. I doubt our prey will get far but you never know.”

There was no way the Shepherd could escape. The pack would likely take him down in seconds.

Trey kept the thought to himself. “I’ll go over everything with them first thing in the morning. The last
time I checked the fencing and alarms were working perfectly.”

“Trey.” Diskant cupped the back of his neck, massaging the muscles. He seemed tense when his

eyes met Trey’s. “I don’t want to think I’m kicking you out of my place but I think it’s best if you and
Sadie move into the firehouse. If you want to buy it, I’ll give you a good deal. I still love the place but
it’s not home anymore.” Diskant glanced around, a small smile tugging at his lips. “I’m not a bachelor
anymore. This is where I’m supposed to be.” The smile vanished and Diskant was all business. “The
location would be great for you and Sadie. There’s plenty of room and with the way things are going
it’ll safe. The pack will appreciate you being nearby in the event they need you in the city. So would
I, for that matter.”

“I was actually going to talk to you about that.” With a majority of their enemies eliminated, Trey

was eager to have time alone with his mate. He wanted to finally start their life together without
bullshit coming between them. They could finally relax a bit and spend quality time with each other.
The firehouse would be a perfect home. There was plenty of room and Diskant had made sure there
were tons of amenities. Of course, he wanted Sadie’s seal of approval first. “I’d planned on taking
my mate house hunting but I’d be glad to see how she feels about your old place. We can move our
things out of here in a couple of days.”

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“The last year has been hell but it’s been worth it.”
An understatement if ever there was one. “That’s for sure.”
“Go to your mate.” Diskant pulled his cell from his pocket. “As soon as I shoot out a few texts and

call Kinsley’s people, I’m going to mine.”

“Good night, D.” The Omega didn’t have to ask him twice. “See you in the morning.”
Diskant nodded, his gaze affixed to the phone as he started texting.
Trey didn’t run out of the room but he didn’t crawl either. His feet flew as he walked down the

hall. He’d promised to spank Sadie’s ass but now, with everything finally under control, he decided
he’d take his time with her.

Once he made it to the bedroom he stepped inside and closed the door.
The smell of her bubble bath—vanilla bean with a hint of cinnamon—hit his nose and his body

responded. His cock swelled, his mouth watering at the thought of licking at her skin. Fuck he loved
that scent. It complemented his mate perfectly. He heard her sigh, followed by the steady ripple of
moving water. Right now she was probably resting her head on the back of the tub, her beautiful body
uncovered and ready for his touch.

He stopped at the bed and stripped off his clothes, taking little care, moving as fast as possible.

Any fatigue evaporated and lust took over. The woman had the ability to take him from a cuddly lover
to a ravenous sex fiend. Although Sadie was probably tired, sleep would have to wait.

Tonight—without the burdens they usually faced—he could love her right.
No more rushing or half-assed fucking in a hurry.
He planned on keeping her busy until dawn.
And he swore to himself he’d make sure she loved every minute of it.

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Chapter Eighteen

Sadie closed her eyes, grateful for the hot water that surrounded her back and eased the tension

from her knotted muscles. She’d heard Trey enter the bedroom and her heart had leaped in
anticipation. The past couple of days had been horrible for him so she wasn’t sure what to expect.
The man could be rough or tender depending on his mood, taking her fast and hard or slow and easy.

Which way would he choose?
With a sigh, she opened her eyes.
It didn’t matter. She loved him either way.
He appeared in the doorway, completely nude. She took time to appreciate the visual—starting at

his feet, moving up his muscular thighs. When she made it to his straining cock, she paused. The
length rose to his bellybutton, the head swollen and pink. It wasn’t easy to finish her visual appraisal
but she did. Her eyes traveled past the firm line where his hip flexors met his abs, forming a perfect
V. She gazed up, staring at his torso, taking in the sleeve tattoo on one arm and the smaller circular
one on the right.

“Like what you see?” he asked, voice husky.
“Hell yes, I do,” she whispered and met his gaze. His pupils were dilated, leaving only a sliver of

his amber irises. “You look good enough to eat.”

“If you’re a good girl,” he prowled toward the tub, footsteps silent, “I just might let you.”

Stopping at her side, he tilted his head and arched his brow. “Do you think you have enough room for
me in there?”

“Silly boy.” Rising up, she revealed her breasts and pulled her legs back. Bubbles quickly

surrounded her waist. “You know I always do.”

“Now you’re the one who looks good enough to eat.”
He stepped in, one foot at a time. Grasping the edge of the tub, she prepared to get on her knees.

She only needed to move a few inches to place her mouth around the head of his cock. He let her get
up but slid one hand behind her head. His fingers wound in her hair, holding her back.

“Not this time, baby.”
She had to crane her neck to look up at him. Inch by inch he lowered his body to the water. His

legs slid between hers, his feet cradling her ass. When he sank into the bubbles, water rippled along
the edge of the tub and a decent amount spilled out. He pulled her forward, bringing his lips to hers.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she went to him, snaking her legs around his waist.

Their mouths met, lips brushing together. “I’m getting slow and easy,” she murmured, relaxing in

his arms.

“Hmm?” He didn’t move away, looking her in the eye.
Sometimes, when she least expected it, she was reminded of just how much she cared for this

man. He’d entered her life and, even if she hadn’t thought so at first, changed it for the better.
Everything that they’d faced—good and bad—had brought them to the present. This was what they
were meant to be, a couple who lived or died together.

“Doesn’t matter,” she managed to say, lifting up just enough to wedge her arm between them and

grasp his cock. Her fingers wrapped the wide stalk and she felt it flex. She maintained eye contact,
not wanting to break their intimate connection, needing to see his irises change color as he lost

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control. “I want you inside me.”

“Good.” He breezed his lips against hers. “I want to be inside you.”
The head slid against her vaginal lips then notched at the entrance to her pussy. She slid down,

groaning when his fingers tightened in her hair. The pain went perfectly with the pleasure as her inner
walls parted for him. He pumped his hips and his irises changed, becoming yellow. She took the hint,
spreading her knees and arching her back. She took the remainder of his cock, stopping only when her
ass rested against his thighs.

Wanting to enjoy the moment, she started closing her eyes. A tug to the hair stopped her. She met

Trey’s lust-filled gaze and her sex clenched. “Who loves you, darlin’?” he asked, the words deep and

Is that even a question? “You.”
“That’s right. I do. More than fucking anything.” He rolled his hips and the water rocked around

them. “Who do you love?”

“A total barbarian.” She sighed and pretended to be annoyed. “A wonderful, delicious,

hardheaded, heathen caveman.”

“Mmm.” His hips stopped moving and she groaned. “Tell me about him.”
“Well…” Her lover might be able to stop the party but she knew how to get it started again. “He’s

got a body to die for, so he’s sexy as hell. But he knows it so he’s got an ego that’s out of this world.”
Releasing his neck, she rested her hands on his shoulders and braced her knees to move. “He’s also
bossy as hell and likes to give orders. He doesn’t take shit from anyone.”

Trey’s eyes never left hers. “What else?”
“Let’s see.” Tightening her muscles, she drew her body upward, feeling his cock rubbing all the

right places inside her. “He can be sweet but only when he thinks other people aren’t looking. He’s
also a smartass. He enjoys pissing people off.” She kept going, working her way free of his length.
“But deep down he’s a teddy bear. The growly alpha male shit is mostly for show. ’Course, he has to
be like that. He defends a lot of people. But once you get to know him you’ll wish you were in my
shoes. I’m a very lucky woman.”

“Is that right?”
Only the tip remained inside her, swollen and thick. She thought she might scream in anticipation.

She wanted to drive back down and keep him locked to her forever.

“Believe me, I’ve seen the way lustful bitches act around him. They fuck him with their eyes and

imagine how good he’d be in bed. I don’t blame them but it still pisses me off. They all want a taste.
But they can’t have it, because he’s mine.” It was hard to talk but she was determined to finish.
Placing a light kiss on his mouth, she said, “All mine.”

His hand slid from her hair and he snarled. His fingers dug into her hips, holding the flesh in a

viselike grip. He brought her down as he drove himself up, thrusting his cock deep. It was a good
thing she’d decided to brace her hands on his shoulders, otherwise she’d probably have tumbled back
into the water.

“Fuck yes, I am.” He brought his forehead to hers. He wasn’t watching her anymore. It felt like he

was branding a part of himself into her soul. “Just like you’re mine, Sadie. You’ll always be mine.”

As their bodies came together more water rushed from the tub and hit the floor. She rode the

waves, drawing him close, whimpering when he retreated. Her fangs dropped, her gums tingling. She

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fought the need for his blood, knowing she’d get what she wanted soon enough. She could feel the
presence of his wolf, knew that while Trey fucked her the beast inside him was awash in the glow of
their union.

The mark on her shoulder tingled, reminding her of her commitment to the man and the beast.

Usually she was the one to hand out love bites but tonight she wanted to feel his teeth buried in her
skin. Tossing her head back, she thrust her face to the side. Her hair swept behind her back, revealing
her shoulder.

A verbal invitation wasn’t required. He knew what she wanted.
He struck immediately, sinking his fangs into her skin.
Memories came back—of the night she’d lowered her defenses and allowed his mark to remain on

her body. It had been her choice but things had been different then. She’d accepted it because she
wanted the man and hadn’t been sure if she could have him at all. Left with few options, she’d jumped
blindly at her fate, hoping he’d be there when she landed. Now he had more than her hopes and fears
—he had her devotion and trust.

She whispered the enchantment she’d used that day that seemed so long ago. Her skin tingled and

itched, magic washing over her. Then she felt the shift in her body. Trey’s bite burned. The fingers
planted on her hips were painful. For the next hour or so she would be susceptible to harm. She
wouldn’t be able to take harsh damage to her body. She’d be frail and easily hurt. Her strength
remained but she’d be like a human soldier, easily killed with a perfect strike.

She’d bruise. She could be harmed.
Most importantly, her injuries would scar.
He must have sensed the change. His movements slowed. “Sadie?”
“Consider the first mark a promise.”
Of tomorrow. Of a future together. Of endless possibilities.

“This is the real deal. Everyone will see it and know what you mean to me.”

“I don’t deserve you.” If possible, it felt as though his cock got harder and wider inside her. He

did take more care with his teeth, keeping his head still. He eased his cock in and out of her,
becoming gentle. “But I’m a selfish son of a bitch and I’m not letting you go, so you’re stuck with

“I’ve wanted you for so long.” For months she’d fantasized about him, wondering what he’d be

like. Her nature had kept them apart. She’d been too afraid to approach him, knowing what the
outcome would be. “Sometimes all of this feels like a dream.”

He tried to mask his hesitation but she felt it. “Do you want to wake up?”
“Hell no,” she answered aloud, pressing her nails into his skin. Despite the sting in her shoulder,

she rolled her hips and got in the right position. Then she started riding him, setting a steady pace,
making sure there was constant friction against her clit. Warmth spread through her belly, tendrils of
fire racing through her veins. “I want this to last forever.”

I want this to last forever.
Fuck, he wanted the same thing.
Carefully—making sure not to tear her skin any worse than he already had—he eased his fangs

from her shoulder. The possessive side of him forced his gaze down, the wolf within wanting to see
its mark. He hadn’t tried to match his canines to the former bite scars. He wanted each distinct

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puncture to show on her skin.

Even though it made him an asshole, he loved seeing it.
Those marks warned his people she was his. She was special.
She was off fucking limits.
Flatting his tongue, he licked away the blood around the surface. Then he pulled back, wanting to

see Sadie’s face. Her cheeks were pink, her soft, marshmallowlike lips parted. Wet hair clung to her
arm, a few strands sticking to her sides. She leaned forward and swept her tongue across his lips,
removing traces of her blood.

“If this is a dream,” she asked softly, “do you want to wake up?”
He’d been with her when she was like this before—weakened by the spell that allowed her to

scar—so he carefully lifted his hips, spearing his cock into her hot, snug cunt. “Does this feel like I
want to wake up?” He lifted her away, pulling his hips back and repeating the motion, harder this
time. “Do you think I don’t want you just as much as you want me?”

“What can I say?” The minx was teasing him. He liked that. “A girl likes to hear she’s wanted

once in a while. We like to feel needed. Compliments are a bonus.”

“You’re wanted all right. If I didn’t have other things to do I’d keep you just like this. I’d make

sure my cock stayed right inside you. I’d fuck you so hard and so often you’d never forget who you
belong to.”

Mine. All mine.
For her he’d turn his back on everything he knew. He’d walk away from it all and wouldn’t look

back. He’d thought he might have to once. The altercation with Aldon had opened his eyes. The
decision had been easier to make than he’d thought. When he’d seen her wounded, with blood all
over her chest, he’d had enough. He wanted to shelter her, keep her safe and make her happy.

Without her, life meant nothing.
“Don’t do that.” She stopped riding his cock and started rocking her pelvis, grinding against him.

Her hands cupped his face, her light-blue eyes shining with adoration as she gazed at him. “You’re
here, with me. Don’t look back.” Stroking her fingers across his jaw she whispered, “Never look

His cock jerked, his sac feeling like it was going to burst.
Not now, not yet.
“With you here, how can I?” Knowing what she needed, he brought a hand down to their

intertwined bodies. He found her clit, swollen and hard, and started stroking it. “You’re so fucking
beautiful it makes me hard as hell.”

Her breath caught, her tiny fangs pressing against her lip. She wanted to drink from him but he kept

her from it, placing a hand at her nape, yanking on her hair, wanting to gaze into her face as she came
apart. He felt her muscles quiver, her pussy ripple around his cock. She felt her insides wind and
gripped his shoulders. Then her lids lowered, lashes fluttering, and she released a cry of ecstasy.

He took her in, watching her brushstroke brows furrow and relax. Fuck yes, this was exactly how

he wanted her. Her lips pursed, forming a tiny heart in the center. She didn’t stop popping her slim
hips, moving against him, pushing her clit against his finger. He kept moving as well, wanting the
pleasure to last for her. When he almost followed her over, he ground his teeth together.

This time it was all for her.

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As she came down, her breathing uneven, he released her hair and placed his palm on her back,

urging her closer. He tilted his head, offering her his throat. She sighed, moving closer. Her tongue
darted over his flesh, making his skin tingle. His stomach tightened in anticipation, his pulse

“Go ahead, darlin’.” This was why he’d waited to come.
One bite and he was a goner.
Her teeth sank into his throat and the pressure in his spine vanished, zinging to his balls, rushing

up to his cock. He spurted inside her, groaning as he spilled his seed. He felt lightheaded, skimming
over tempestuous waters. It was sex to the millionth power and then some, taking what he had to give
and then more.

She suckled and his cock jerked again.
He wanted her to drink him dry, to take all he had. That’s why he waited. This moment was what

he wanted, to give her what she needed. There was no other feeling like it. He adored the grasp of her
cunt, was eager for the feel of her lips against his skin.

“That’s right,” he rasped. “For you. I love the way it feels when you drink from me. I love

knowing I’m the only one who can take care of you.”

Her tongue caressed his bruised flesh. Like an angel claiming a lost soul. She took her time,

drinking him in, darting her tongue around the punctures. He’d seen how pale she’d been after she’d
fed Leigh. He knew she had to feel weak and tire. She needed this, more than ever. He’d wanted to
warn Diskant about her coven but she’d wanted to remove the threat herself.

Make sure she’s strong.
her strong.
Her tongue and mouth suckled, her lips keeping hold of his skin. Sadie was always cautious so he

let her go, let her take her fill. She’d be careful, she always was and he loved the feel of her mouth
against his skin. This was what she needed, what only he could give her. No other had that power.
His blood alone kept her powerful. Without it she’d die.

And the realization he provided for her made his cock swell once more.
She belongs to me. I’ll never let her go. She’ll never be able to leave.
Her sharp teeth lifted from his skin, her tongue skimming over his flesh. He welcomed the sharp

burn, wanting it to last forever. Like this, they were perfect. He wanted to feed her forever, cherish
her forever.

Love her forever.
He didn’t let her go, remaining deep inside her. Tonight she belonged to him. Things were straight

finally—between them.

“Trey?” She sounded curious but eager, gazing up at him. “What are you doing?”
“It’s not over, darlin’,” he replied. “Not even close.”
He dumped her on the bed, making sure he followed her down. His cock was hard as a rod and he

was determined to come inside her without her bite. Even when she was sated—after they’d drifted to
sleep—he planned to wake up every hour and take her again and again. They’d be tired in the morning
but it would be worth it.

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“Thank Goddess,” she breathed. “I thought you were taking it easy on me. I hoped maybe you

were breaking me in slow.”

“You hoped right.” He thrust his hard cock into her once then again, “I’m starting out easy and

sweet but I’m about to change the game.”

“Then by all means.” Her thighs parted, ankles burying into his ass. “Switch things up. I can’t


Fuck the woman went to his head faster than whiskey.
“Sadie,” he whispered, lowering her to the mattress. “You’re the best of me.”
“No, you’re wrong.” Her lips curved, giving him a glimpse of the smile he adored. “We’re the

best of each other. But only when we’re together. Just like this, with nothing to keep us apart.”

When she said things like that he wanted to pound into her pussy, ramming his length inside her.

He didn’t want to be nice or easy. He wanted to claim, remind of her of his obsession with her. He’d
never been this possessive over anyone or anything but he wasn’t apologizing for the feeling.

“Good to know you agree.” Otherwise he’d bust her perfect little ass.
“Oh yeah. For sure.” She thrust her hips upward, her pussy devouring his cock. “I know. I’ve

always known. You’re the one for me.” She rocked against him, eyes closing. “ You are where I will
always belong. With you I’m home.”

The woman left him speechless. Who the fuck was he to argue?
Giving himself over, he plunged into the wet heat of her pussy, breathing her in. She was sweet,

the cockrocking scent of her arousal making her even more delectable. Fate had given him a special
life, one he’d almost thrown away. He was ready to start living it. Day after day, with her by his side.
He worried about the pack, about Geneva, about things he knew nothing about. Yet he trusted his
mate. She was certain of what was to come. She knew what she had to do.

He’d stand beside her.
Provide comfort.
She’d do the right thing.
In the end she always came through.
Right or wrong, she believed.
That was enough for him.

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Chapter Nineteen

Leigh dumped the duffel in her hand on Sadie’s bed. She’d decided it was best to stay in New

York so she’d chosen the apartment Sadie used for emergencies. She wanted to explore but decided
not to. Thrusting her hands into her pocket she removed the cufflink.

At first she’d thought she’d use it as a bargaining tool. Now, after getting little to nothing about

Cade’s whereabouts, she knew she had to get the ball rolling. She closed her eyes and sorted through
the images in her head. As she did she looked for the face of the woman she’d seen at the park.

That was where she needed to go.
In seconds she found what she was looking for.
“This is probably one of the stupidest things you’ve ever done,” she said to herself, studying the

cufflink. “You’re probably going to get yourself killed.”

Returning the item to her pocket, she closed her eyes and envisioned the lavish domicile, complete

with a burning fireplace. The ground vanished from her feet, the world spinning around her. She lost
her breath the way she always did when she phased. As soon as she felt the solidity of the floor
beneath her she opened her eyes.

Holy moley!
Aldon lived in style. His furniture was expensive, the interior of his home neat and tidy. The

bookshelf across from her was completely free of dust. In fact, she couldn’t smell anything but orange
wood cleaner. Her gaze drifted over his posh and completely luxurious pad. Crystal ornaments
decorated end tables, his couch, sofa and recliner made of pristine leather. A large plasma television
had been bolted over the fireplace. Everywhere she looked she saw money.

He’s certainly done well for himself.
When he didn’t come around the corner to scream at her she frowned and quietly walked around

the room. A kitchen with a bar faced the living area, the stainless steel fridge and oak table and chairs
clean and without any nicks or traces of abuse. She walked from the room and studied the hallway.

There were four doors.
Two to the left, one to the right and one directly in front of her.
She inhaled and opened her hearing, scenting the residence, listening for signs of life. A shuffle

came from the room at the far end. Taking a deep breath and reminding herself this had to be done,
she slowly walked down the hall. The first door to her left was open and she saw a bathroom. The
other doors were closed but she assumed perhaps they were bedrooms.

Making it to the door she’d targeted, she grasped the knob and paused.
If she died, Nathan might lose his only chance at freedom.
If I don’t try, he could die anyway.
Her heart pounded, her mouth going dry. Guilt had driven her at first. Then the emotion had

changed. She had feelings for Nathan, ones she hadn’t allowed herself to think about. She wanted him
home where he’d be protected by his people. Thinking of him being hurt in any way made her heart

She opened the door, deciding it was best to confront Aldon now.
To her shock Aldon wasn’t there. But the young woman was.

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“What are you doing here?” the tiny blonde asked, immediately on alert. She faced Leigh and took

and stepped back. She tucked pieces of her short hair behind her ears and wrapped her arms around
herself. She was nervous and it showed. “Aldon’s gone but he won’t be gone long. You should leave
until he gets back.”

Leigh noticed the young girl—Olivia—had cleaned the blood from her face. Still something

seemed off about her. Drawing a breath, Leigh scented the air. For some reason she smelled traces of
death in the room. Perhaps Aldon had killed people here. But if he had, why would he bring his bride
to a room he’d probably murdered people in?

“You’re Olivia, right?” she asked, wanting to calm the woman.
“Uh.” Licking her lips, the woman answered, “Yeah.”
“I’m Leigh.” As edgy as Olivia was, Leigh wasn’t going to push it. She remained at the door,

staring at the girl. “Do you mind if I wait? I need to speak to Aldon.”

“Take a number,” the girl muttered, her jaw clamping down as she gritted her teeth. “There are a

lot of people who need to talk to him it seems.” After a moment, she said, “It’s probably best if you
wait for him outside.”

“I’d rather not.”
Olivia’s eyes flared, fear evident in her features.
Leigh added, “Conversation will make the time pass faster.”
“Sure,” Leigh said.
“With a human?”
“Is that wrong?”
“It’s…” Olivia studied her for a moment. “Strange.”
“You’re his female?” A stupid question but Leigh hoped to ease into a relaxed conversation.

“That’s why you came with him to the park?”

“I came with him to the park because I was pissed.” Olivia’s shoulders didn’t relax but at least

she was talking. “Why are you here? What do you want from him?”

Leigh struggled with how to answer. Did Olivia know about Nathan? Did she have any idea what

was on the line? Judging by Olivia’s reactions and odd behavior Leigh suspected she didn’t trust
vampires or strangers. Maybe Aldon had kept this piece of the puzzle away from the girl, trying to
alleviate her stress. The young woman was obviously jumpy as hell.

It can’t hurt to see.
“I’m here to talk to him about my mate,” Leigh replied, watching Olivia. “If you remember Aldon

promised to help me find him. I need to do that as soon as possible. The Fallen will destroy him if I

“I keep hearing all these things I don’t understand.” Olivia lowered her arms and the fear in her

eyes quickly shifted to anger. “Why would you need help? You’re a vampire. Go to them and tell
them you want him back. Is he your slave? There are rules about taking a slave from a Master or
Mistress. You can command your due and they’ll have no choice but to hand them over.”

What in the world was is she talking about? “Yes, I’m a vampire. But I have no clue what you’re

talking about. I’ve never had a slave. I’ve never seen a vampire with a slave.”

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“Why haven’t you killed me yet?”
The girl had lost her marbles. “I don’t want to kill you. And as a rule, I don’t kill people. I’ve

sworn I’ll never harm anyone unless I have to.”

Olivia narrowed her eyes. “You’re lying.”
“No, I’m not.” It was hard for Leigh to keep her temper in check. She didn’t like being called a

liar. Unfortunately, Olivia must’ve seen some bad things. Since she was Aldon’s Bride, Leigh wasn’t
surprised. “Vampires choose to kill. My coven would never have allowed such a thing. We feed
when we need to but we never harm anyone. They taught us how to feed carefully, without changing

“That’s a load of crap,” Olivia snarled. “I’ve seen what you do.”
“You don’t know me. You don’t know what I will or won’t do.”
“You’re a vampire. You’re all the same. It doesn’t matter what you say.
Leigh chose her words carefully. “I’m not sure about the vampires you’re talking about but I

assure you I’m not one of them. As for owning Nathan, if you met him you’d realize he will never be
owned. That’s how male shifters are. They’re possessive and consider their females a possession. If
anything he’ll be determined to own me.”

“S-shifter?” The girl’s eyes widened and she backed to a chair near the wall. The instant her

knees touched the cushion, she sank into the seat. “Werewolves, you mean?”

What in the hell? How little did this girl know?
“In his case, yes,” she answered, making sure not to move. So far things had gone well. She didn’t

want to fuck that up. “But there are many breeds of shifter. Cats, birds, reptiles, you name it.”

Olivia paled, her violet eyes full of terror. “I’ve never been around shifters. Are they like

vampires? Do they like hurting people?”

Hurting people?
“Where exactly did you learn about vampires?” From the sounds of it the introduction hadn’t been

pleasurable or easy. “Is that why you’re afraid of me?”

“It’s a long story I’d prefer not to share. But I’ve been to the Palace. I know what they do there.

It’s not for the squeamish. I learned everything I needed to know the first time I entered that place.”

She’d been to the Palace. Hope blossomed in Leigh’s chest. “You’ve been there? You know

where it is?” The questions didn’t stop coming. “Can you tell me what state it’s in? Do you know
where I can find it? Can you take me there?”

“I don’t know where it is exactly. But even if I did I’d never want to go back to that place.” Olivia

wrung her hands, shaking her head, staring at the floor. “I might be best for you to forget the man you
lost. Remember him as he was. You don’t want to go there.”

“Are you sick?” The rancid smell of death was coming from Olivia. Leigh realized it and felt

queasy. “Is that why Aldon took you from the Palace? Is that why he didn’t keep you there?”

“Are you kidding?” The laugh that came after the question was bitter. “Yes, I’m sick. But Aldon

has nothing to do with it. I hadn’t seen him for months. Then one day he shows up and brings me
here.” She lifted her chin, staring Leigh in the eye. “I won’t become like you. I’ll die first.”

Fuck. Olivia has serious issues. As soon as the thought struck her, her subconscious chimed in.

Like you don’t, hypocrite. Think about all you’ve seen. Think about all you’ve learned. This girl
has probably been through hell and is living with a vampire. You don’t know her story. You don’t

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know anything about her.

“You do know there are black and white mage vampires?” Leigh asked cautiously, trying to figure

the woman out. “Some enjoy the darker side of our nature but not all of us do. We’re not all the

“Is that because you’re in love with a werewolf?” Olivia seemed genuinely puzzled. “Is that why

you act so strange?”

“Being with a werewolf has nothing to do with it. This is who I am.”
Apparently Olivia—Aldon’s mate, Bride or whatever she wanted to be called—had seen some

serious shit. After what Leigh had been told, if the girl had been to the Palace, a place of depravity,
no wonder she feared vampires.

Leigh moved carefully, keeping her steps slow. She made it to the bed and took a seat on the edge.

“It’s obvious you don’t know a lot. Would you like some answers?”

Olivia, who’d been so horrified, stopped frowning. “About what?”
“Vampires. Shifters. The world you live in.”
“Aldon said he’d tell me but he had to go.” She nibbled at her lower lip. “I’m so confused. This is

all so weird.”

“How much time to do we have?” If Aldon was going to return at any second Leigh knew she’d

have to do a condensed version of what had happened to her. “Do you know when Aldon will be

Walls came up again, Olivia on guard. “Why do you want to know? Are you hoping you have a bit

of time to dose out shit I can’t take?”

Damn. How to answer that question?
“I’m asking because I wasn’t always a vampire. You’re nervous and I understand. So I’m willing

to give you my story so maybe you’ll understand why I’ve come here. I don’t know if I should start
with what happened to me and explain what I learned or if I should give you simple facts.”

Olivia frowned, appearing to consider things. With a slow nod she said, “I want to know

everything from the start. I’m not sure when he’ll be back. He had to…uh… He said he needed to take
care of a few things.”

“Okay, we’ll start at the beginning.”
Leigh propped her elbows on her knees, leaning forward. This wasn’t a story she liked telling but

it was obvious the other woman in the room was in the dark. As a young woman with a vampire who
wanted to claim her, it was only fair Olivia understood the magnitude of the situation. And if she’d
been around The Fallen perhaps, after Leigh had finished, Olivia might share a few things of her own.

“I decided to run some errands one night. It was late and I knew better but I thought I was eight

feet tall and indestructible. In retrospect it was a stupid decision. As I was walking in the dark I saw
someone and thought he needed help. It turns out he didn’t want to help me at all. He pulled me where
no one could see and attacked me.”

Gazing at Olivia, Leigh saw she had the girl’s undivided attention.
A part of her hurt for the young woman.
She was the same age Leigh had been when things had turned to shit.
“So there I was,” she said, going fully into her story.

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If she was lucky Leigh might become an ally and friend.
She’d definitely need one to have Aldon help her and find Nathan.

* * * * *

Aldon studied the mess in front of him.
Two Fallen vampires. Hacked to pieces.
He didn’t feel guilt for killing them nor did his brothers. But sometimes it was a messy affair. He

pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his bloody hands. These two had been targets for
decades. The only reason Wren had gotten word about them was they’d finally ventured out, hoping to
find the conjurer.

“Good riddance.” Valen kicked the earth, sending pieces of grass over the bodies. Soon the

corpses would wither away and vanish. Black mage vampires never retained their form after death.
They sank into the welcoming arms of the earth, disappearing as though they’d never been.

“What about the girl?” Wren asked softly, studying the female who watched them from the cage

she’d been placed in. More girls were in the basement near the house, having been used as either
slaves or receptacles of torture. “Should we let her go? What about the others?”

Wiping memories was tricky with mortals. Some forgot. Some didn’t.
“That depends,” Valen answered. “We’ll have to do this on an individual basis. You know the


Wren didn’t like it. His lips thinned, his eyes narrowing. “There’s a chance we could save them


“Brother,” Aldon said, a heartfelt regret nearly suffocating him. “I know how you feel but this is

how it has to be done. We can ease their suffering. If any of them are too far gone they’ll thank us for
easing their pain.”

Lorain had been one of the worst members of The Fallen in existence. The sadistic son of a bitch

loved to torment everything around him—men, women, children, animals—and felt zero remorse.
He’d taken to hiding once he realized he was being hunted. His brethren had laughed him off when he
started running off at the mouth, telling them he had a target on his back. They’d thought he was finally
breaking, his head going soft.

That also happened to some who let the dark completely consume them.
Aldon had gotten close once but by then Lorain had been so distrusting he’d left as soon as Aldon

had approached him. Even with Aldon offering a virgin up on a silver platter. It’d been a lie, of
course but Lorian hadn’t taken the bait. Unusual but not stupid, especially since the vamp knew his
time was up.

“That’s easy for you to say,” Wren growled, scowling at Aldon. “You’re about to go home to your

mate. You don’t have to deal with the fallout.”

“I wouldn’t leave if I didn’t have to.” That, at least, was the complete truth. Killing vampires was

one thing. Ending the lives of innocent mortals—who were too wrecked to save—was another.
“Olivia is sick. I have to make her drink before things get worse. I didn’t want to leave her to start
with. This has taken up more time than she has to give.”

“We’ll deal with it.” Valen shot Wren a look that ordered shut the fuck up. “Go back to her. I

could smell her condition. The sooner you deal with it the better.”

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If only it was that easy.
Olivia had wanted to talk but she hadn’t agreed to drink from him. He wondered how she’d react

when he sat her down and told her what he was—how he’d been pretending to be one of the evil
vampires who hurt humans the night they’d met. Would she believe him? Not likely. He’d seen the
fear in her eyes, had felt her tremble each time he enclosed her in his arms.

“If you need me,” he said, removing the last traces of blood, “you know where I am.” He wadded

up the cloth and shoved it into his pocket. “I’m sorry I have to go.” He gazed at Wren. “I know how
hard this is.”

Wren, despite his rough exterior, had an enormous heart.
“Go on.” Wren dipped his head, his shoulders trembling in fury. “I’ll save who I can. One day, if

we’re lucky, we can kill off every single one of them who do this.”

That had always been the hope. That was why they risked their lives.
To protect innocent people and end the lives of those who harmed them.
“Before you go,” Valen said, inching closer. “Be careful. You made a deal to find that werewolf

but when The Fallen notice Lorian’s absence they’re going to start asking questions. They’re going to
up security and everyone will be watched. Especially those who come, go and don’t stick around
long. You’re going to stick out like a sore thumb.”

Something I already know. “I’ll be careful.”
“Call if you need us,” Valen said, backing off. “Things are going to be sketchy for a while.”
More than sketchy, they might be deadly.
He pictured his home, eager to see Olivia. Blackness surrounded him, a vortex whirling around

his body. He landed in his living room, the fireplace still going. The wood was almost gone and he
knew he’d have to rebuild the flames soon. He stilled when he heard voices, going on full alert. His
nostrils flared, his senses reaching out.

Then he knew who had intruded in his home.
Stupid bitch.
He’d noticed the missing cufflink so he’d been aware Leigh might pay him a visit. What he hadn’t

counted on was her being so stupid so soon. If she’d been smart she’d have waited until a bit of time
had passed to come to him. Unless she had information about the conjurer to share he didn’t want to
hear anything she had to say.

He strode down the hall, silent as a cat. Ready to reach for the knob, he paused.
“I don’t know what he is,” he heard Leigh say, “but he’s not bad. I can tell you that much. My

people know when someone is trouble and they don’t believe he is. He’s hiding something but I can’t
tell you what. I don’t think you need to be afraid of him. He wouldn’t have agreed to help me if he
was like The Fallen.”

“He didn’t seem like them the first time I saw him.” Olivia’s soft lilt came through the door. “I

mean, I was frightened because I know they like to trick people. He kept staring at me and I wondered
why. Then he came over. He didn’t get a chance to touch me but I could tell he wanted to. I thought it
was all a game. I didn’t want to stick around. I wanted to leave.”

“How did you get out?” Leigh asked. “I’ve told you my story. Tell me yours.”
“It’s complicated,” Olivia answered after a moment. “Very complicated.”

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“If you don’t want to tell me about what happened to you, tell me what you think they’re doing to

Nathan.” Leigh’s voice took on a solemn, desperate edge. “I can tell you about white mage vampires
but I can’t tell you about The Fallen. I’ve heard stories and I’ve recently seen them so I know they’re
powerful. Aside from that I’m completely ignorant. I need to know what to expect. I have to know
how to save him. What will they do? Is there any chance he might be safe? Is it possible to get him
out? Could he do what you did? Is it possible for him to break away without assistance?”

“He can’t get out on his own. He’ll need help. And I didn’t go to the Palace often, only a few

times.” Silence followed and then Olivia said, “They’re cruel creatures. All of them. You’ve never
met a hardcore sadist if you’ve never been around them. They hurt things for the sport of it. It’s a
game to them. They don’t care if they kill or maim anyone in the process.” Olivia’s voice trembled.
“They like to make their slaves hurt each other. Sometimes they have them kill each other during sex.
It’s disgusting.”

Aldon decided it was time to intrude. He opened the door wide, letting it rest against the wall.

There wasn’t any need to hide. He knew who was in his home now. If necessary he could force Leigh
out. She rose from the bed, obviously surprised to see him.

“Why are you here?” He wanted to scream at her but kept his tone soft. Olivia didn’t need another

reason to be afraid of him. “Did you find the conjurer?”

“She has to be shielding.” Leigh faced him. “I was able to find the car they were in but it’s

obvious they ditched it. I took a few things they left behind but I wasn’t able to pinpoint a location. I
found the car in Princeton. I think they’re heading south.”

“That’s not information.” It was a starting point but nowhere near what he needed. “I told you to

contact me when you knew where they were.”

“I’m working on it.” Leigh glanced over her shoulder at Olivia and quickly returned her gaze to

his face. “I wanted to talk to you about Nathan. Is that where you went? Did you find him?”

Where he’d been was none of her business. “I had other matters to attend to.”
“She said you weren’t cruel. She told me you weren’t like the others.” Olivia placed herself in the

conversation, rising from her seat. “But that’s not how you’re acting. She’s worried and you’re giving
her the cold shoulder. You’re being an asshole.”

Luvena…” How could he explain where he’d been without horrifying her?
“Don’t sweet-talk me.” Like a lioness, Olivia walked to Leigh and stood at her side. “I have a

better understanding of things now. I knew you weren’t telling me everything but now I know you’ve
been keeping secrets.”

Damn you, Leigh.
“I had to go.” He attempted to defend his actions. “I wouldn’t have left you unless it was

important. Now that it’s over and done with we can talk.”

“Are you a white or black vampire?” Olivia asked, staring directly at him.
The question threw him. Just how much had Leigh said? “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Answer the question.”
His eyes darted to Leigh. He wasn’t going to explain his ancestry in front of the woman. The more

Leigh knew the greater the danger to her. Since he needed her to find Cade and the conjurer, he
wanted to make sure she had as little information about him as possible.

“Don’t look at her,” Olivia snapped and his gaze darted to her. She thrust a hand to her chest.

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“Look at me when I’m talking to you and stop avoiding my questions. Are you good or bad? Leigh
told me vampires come in two forms, so which is it? Are you light or are you dark? Why were you
ever at the Palace if you’re not as bad as the rest of them?”

“Leigh, you need to leave.”
“No.” Olivia grasped the vampire’s arm. “Stay.”
“There are things I can’t discuss in front of her.” He knew he sounded angry but he couldn’t help

it. Leigh had just put a dent in his carefully laid plans. He’d thought he’d return home, talk to his
bride, get her to understand him and—if he was lucky—get her to open up to him. Deciding to be
cautious he offered, “She can wait in the living room if it makes you more comfortable. We need to
discuss this topic alone.”

“You promised you’d go for Nathan.” Leigh didn’t move an inch. “You lied.”
“I didn’t lie.” Heaven help the woman if she didn’t stop interfering. She’d officially taken Sadie’s

place as the thorn in his ass. “Something came up. It was unexpected and I had to leave. I can start
searching for Nathan as soon as I speak to Olivia.” He narrowed his eyes, meeting Leigh’s fiery gaze.

After a few seconds Olivia released Leigh’s arm. “Go ahead. Make yourself comfortable. We’ll

figure this out. I need to talk to him.”

“Just hurry it the hell up,” Leigh said and Aldon knew the comment was directed at him. She

strolled toward him, exhaustion and worry etched in her face. Stopping by his side she whispered,
“I’m not leaving until I know you’re holding up your end of the bargain.”

He waited for her to leave the room before he closed the door.
Where the hell did he start? How did he explain himself to his bride?
“Good to see you’re making friends.” Even if he wasn’t one of them.
“She’s not so bad. I like her.”
It figured. “As you sure? She is a vampire.”
“Not like the ones I know. You never answered my question,” Olivia said. Damn. The mere sound

of her voice always hardened his cock and made his muscles draw tight. “Are you good or bad?
Which way do you fall?”

“I’m both,” he responded and pivoted to stare at her. “I was born with the ability to manipulate

light and dark energy. I’m capable of using either when I need to.”

“Are you a member of The Fallen?” He could scent her fear, the awful smell burning in his nose.

“Are you choosing light energy now because of me? Do you think that’ll win me over?”

“I’m not like them.” Not even a tiny fucking bit. “I never have been.”
“Leigh told me about vampires and shifters. She also told me how she was changed. She shared a

bit about the coven she lived in and how she met Nathan but she couldn’t answer questions about you.
She thinks you’ll do the right thing and help her but she’s not sure.”

“Do you want me to help her?” Getting Nathan wasn’t going to be easy.
Her shoulders sagged and in a blink she seemed tired. “If you can, I do. She’s scared to death. She

doesn’t know what to do or where to turn. That’s why she’s here. She answered almost all of my
questions,” she stared at him though her lashes, “at least those she had answers to. All she wanted
was to know how she could get to Nathan. She’s worried about him. She doesn’t care about anything

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That was where things got tricky.
As he’d taken down The Fallen he’d realized it would be harder than ever to get into the Palace. If

he arrived alone he’d been watched closely. True he’d always come and gone but he’d never brought
anyone along with him. That made him a loner in their eyes and loners were never completely trusted.

“It’s possible to save him but it won’t be easy.”
“I didn’t think it would be.”
“What if I told you I might need your help?”
“What?” Her confusion showed but her eyes were curious. “How?”
“By drinking from me, making yourself strong and coming with me to find him.” He didn’t like the

idea. In fact, he tried to talk himself out of it. He’d noticed her at the Palace, likely others would have
as well. But if she was by his side he’d blend in much more easily. Conrad hadn’t been questioned
for his possessiveness. It wasn’t completely unheard of for a dark vampire to feel stingy with a toy.
“It would save precious time. You and I both know Nathan doesn’t have much time left. You’re going
to have to trust me.”

“I’m not sure I can.”
He’d anticipated the response but it still hurt. “If you don’t, you’re going to die.” One step brought

him closer to her. “You want to help? This is one way you can. I’ll show you there’s nothing to fear.
You’ll never regret giving me a chance.”

“I hate that place.” She cringed, rubbing her arms. “I don’t want to go back.”
Truth be told, he didn’t want her anywhere near it either.
“I don’t blame you but that’s where he is.” Taking another step, he left inches between them. “I

won’t let anyone touch you, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

“Not even you?”
The woman was going to kill him. His pants were tented, his cock erect and straining. It would be

hell not to take her, feeling her legs around his waist, hearing her sighs and whimpers as he licked
every single inch of her body. Eventually that day would come, at least he hoped so. If she wanted
time and was willing to bend, so would he.

“Not even me,” he rasped. “Not unless you want me to.”
“You could have already. I wondered why you haven’t. I can tell you want to. I’ve seen the way

you look at me.” Her eyes shot up to his and quickly danced away. “It’s the same way you looked at
me the first time we met. Con said you wanted to take me. He thought you were going to start a fight
when he said no.”

Certainly he hadn’t been the first to ask. “How many times did he share you?” He didn’t really

want to know but he was curious. “Once, twice, a few times?”

“I told you, it wasn’t like that.” Her chest heaved, her perfectly round breasts straining against her

shirt. “I want you to give me your word that everything happens on my terms. If I drink from you I’m
not your slave. You have to agree that you won’t drink from me with my permission. I don’t want to
be bonded to a vampire again. If we exchange thoughts that’s all it’ll be. I don’t want you digging
around in my head and I don’t want you to manipulate my thinking. I want to be able to walk away
from you if that’s what I feel is best.”

Walk away? She was delusional. He’d never let her go.
“You’ll never be my slave.” Since there wasn’t any sense in repeating she was far more than that

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to him, he didn’t. “I won’t do anything you don’t want but if we go to the Palace—if you’re going to
do this with me—
you’ll have to let me touch you. You’ll have to welcome me anywhere and
everywhere I ask you to. You’ll have to open your mind to me at all times. Everyone will have to
believe you belong to me.”

“I’m amazed you haven’t dug around in my head already.” Again she seemed torn and uncertain.

“I’d have thought you’d have done that right away. Most vampires do. They like knowing how to fuck
people over.”

“I promised you space. I’ve tried to give it to you.”
“Which doesn’t make any sense. Why do you have to give me space? You could take what you

want. You could make me want it too. You don’t have to play nice. You hold all the cards.”

“I want you to come to me on your own terms. I won’t use force.”
Because you’re the woman I can’t live without. “Why not?”
“Con wasn’t like the others,” she confessed softly. “I assumed that maybe a few vampires might

have good in them. We didn’t spend a lot of time around others of his kind. He only went to the
Palace a few times a year to meet with his maker.”

Interesting. “Do you know why?”
“No, he never told me.”
“Yet you’re willing to go back there for Leigh? You’d have to face what you fear the most. You

know the protocol. You’ll have to wear a collar. You’ll have to follow my orders. No questions. No
attitude. You’ll have to give me total submission.”

She nodded, although it seemed to hurt her to do so. “I’m aware.”
“Am I reading you right?” He needed to be sure. “You’re really considering doing this? So far

you’ve kept me at arm’s length.”

“She didn’t say it but she loves the man they have.” Olivia sounded sad. “There won’t be much

left of him if he stays there long. I don’t even want to think about what they’re doing to him.”

“Then you know, if you decided to do this sexual acts might not be off the table.” Just saying that

made his dick throb. He might not fuck her in front of people but there might be times when it’d be
necessary to make use of her mouth or hands. “I can’t anticipate what’ll happen. I can only tell you I
won’t let anyone else have you. I’ll try to make things easy but there’s no guarantee.” He let that sink
in before he asked, “Is saving Nathan worth it? Is Leigh?” He lifted his hand when she started to
reply. “Don’t answer immediately. Consider what I’ve asked you. Really think about it.”

She did as he said, remaining quiet. After a couple of minutes she said, “No one should have to

stay in that hell.” When she peered up at him he saw the determination and grace he’d once admired
in her. The fire that sizzled in her eyes. “I couldn’t live with myself if I let him stay there knowing I
could have done something. I won’t have his torture and death on my conscience.”

“You realize Leigh could be using you. You don’t know her.”
“You’re right, I don’t. But she was human not so long ago.” Again she hesitated. “I saw you take

her blood. If she messes up you can find and kill her. I’m not stupid and neither is she. She knows
how dangerous you are. We both do.”

“To make sure we’re clear, you want me to go for Nathan?”
She nodded.

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“You want me to get him out, even if that means you have to help?”
When she nodded he shook his head. “I want a real answer.”
“Yes,” she sassed back. “Satisfied?”
Not yet but maybe one day, if she allowed it, he would be. “It’ll do for now.”
“How will you get to him? Where will you start?”
“I’m not sure. You know as well as I do the Palace is enormous. More than likely they have him in

the dungeon but I don’t know where. He could be in any of those rooms. They’ll want to keep him
tucked away where he can’t escape. As soon as I find him I can teleport him out. But I have to be
cautious. No one can know I’m involved.”

“Why do you go there?” The suspicion in the question was undeniable. “If you hate it as much as I

do why in the world would you return?”

“You asked how I’m different. Do you still want to know?”
Her breath caught. “Yes.”
“That’s how I’m different. I kill them, luvena. I hunt down the worst of The Fallen and make sure

they aren’t a threat to anyone anymore. I visited the Palace for information. I didn’t go there to play
and I didn’t go there to have a good time. It was always business.”

“Are you telling me you never fucked a slave?” Anger shone in her eyes. “I remember how you

approached Conrad. You’d have taken me then and there if he hadn’t said no.”

Could it be? Is she actually jealous?
“There were times I did things to blend in.” Things he wasn’t proud of. “As you know, having sex

with slaves is a small part of what goes on. If I turned down every offer I was given eventually
someone was bound to notice. If it makes you feel better I never harmed a woman. It goes against my

She exhaled roughly, her anger evident. “Will you do it again to fit in? If you have to will you

take one for the team?”

He wanted to grin. She was jealous.
“If you’re with me I’ll have no reason to.” He’d be too busy fending off vampires who took a

liking to his female. And he knew there would be several. Even without her long, curly blonde locks
—despite the fact she’d lost weight and some curve—others would find her extremely desirable.

He sure did.
“I’m asking because I won’t take part in an orgy. I won’t be used and disposed of when things are

done. I also won’t hurt people. If you ask me to do that I’m not sure I can. I had to once and afterward
I was sick for days.”

The way her voice cracked made Aldon want to find the fucker—Conrad—and strangle the

bastard. He knew how The Fallen enjoyed knife play. Sex had to come with a little blood in order to
be entertaining. He wasn’t sure what she’d been forced to do but if she’d been ill after the fact he had
a good idea.

“I’ll do whatever I can to prevent that.” Maybe taking her wasn’t such a good idea. Wren and

Valen would kill him if he blew his cover but soon he’d be closing the door on his past. As soon as
the deal with Leigh was done and the conjurer had been found he was taking his bride and vanishing
without a trace. That’s what he was supposed to do in order to secure her future. “I won’t take
advantage of your trust. I give you my word.”

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This time she came to him, closing the gap. She reached for his arm and took his wrist. With

practiced motions she removed the cufflink and peeled back his sleeve. She made sure there was
plenty of room, pulling the clothing back to his elbow.

“I want to talk to Leigh before we create a plan.”
It took a moment for him to realize she’d spoken in his mind. She sounded tentative and nervous.

Holy hell, she sounded even better in his head, her soft voice sending a hot spike to his cock. His
balls drew taut, his fingers itching to touch her.

If that’s what it took to feel her lips on his skin, her tongue sucking on his flesh as she finally

accepted his blood, he’d give her what she asked for. “As soon as we’re finished,” he thought back
to her, trying not to let his lust shine through. He brought his wrist to his mouth and bit down, shaking
his head slightly, making the wounds wider than normal. He then offered his blood to her, extending
his hand. “Take what you need. We can’t do anything if you’re sick.”

“It took several feedings to make me well last time.”
He pushed aside the green monster called envy. Conrad was dead. He was never coming back.

Since the vampire had been made, not born, his blood wouldn’t have been nearly enough to heal
Olivia. Made vampires weren’t as powerful as those who created them. Not to mention Aldon had
centuries on the bastard. A solid supply of his blood would heal Olivia, so long as she drank deep.

“It won’t this time.” He shoved his wrist closer to her mouth, his body shaking as he waited to

feel her soft little lips on his skin. “Drink from me, Olivia. Make yourself well. Then we can talk to
Leigh and sort things out.”

Although he didn’t like making a deal with the pack or Leigh, he realized it was a good turn in

fortune. Olivia might have hesitated or kept pushing him away otherwise. In seeing a werewolf and
speaking to Leigh Olivia had started accepting that maybe she’d been wrong about things.

Including him.
It was hard as hell not to stiffen up with the first caress of her lips. The heat of her breath caressed

his flesh, her tongue darting out to lap at the blood gushing from the surface. He held his breath, his
cock as hard as a hammer, his blood rushing through his veins. The air felt electric, the scent of his
female drifting to his nose.

Her mouth covered the wound, creating a tight seal as she sucked.
Fuck me.
He almost swayed, his knees wanting to crumple beneath him. Nothing had ever felt so good. She

sucked gently, using her tongue to increase pressure. Then he heard her swallow. His imagination
took over and he pictured her on her knees with his cock in her mouth.

Taking him deep. Sucking him hard. Drinking him down as he came.
When she moaned he almost lost it.
He gazed at the wall, trying to focus on anything but her.
The decision had been made. He wouldn’t take her near The Fallen. He knew he’d been blessed

and others would want a bit of what they’d think he enjoyed. With a collar and skimpy clothing Olivia
would be impossible to resist. There was also a chance she’d be recognized. It wasn’t unusual for a
slave to find a new master under certain circumstances but Conrad had been killed. Her involvement
with a lone vampire who rarely visited the Palace might raise suspicion. He’d kill anyone who got
too close to her. That would blow his cover to hell. It was best to go it alone at first and see what he

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could find.

He planned on talking to Wren and Valen before he left.
If he died he’d make sure his bride was cared for.
She’d never suffer or want for a thing.
He only hoped that someday—one day—she’d give him a memory to take with him in the event he

crossed over. That’s what he wanted to think about if he was going to die, picturing her writhing
beneath him even as he drew his last breath.

Perfect. Sweet. Sexy. Mysterious.
And his. Even if she never accepted it.
She would always be his.

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Chapter Twenty

“So we’re in agreement?” Diskant spoke into the speakerphone. “We’ll investigate the compounds

before we make any decisions?”

Trey paid rapt attention to the voices coming through the line. The Alphas had started out wanting

to kill the Shepherds—including the women and children—yet Diskant had managed to sway them. A
chorus of agreement crackled through the speaker, giving Trey a small amount of relief.

“If there are any signs of danger I want you to agree we can do what needs to be done,” the Omega

from Idaho—Taylor Roberts—said. “I don’t mind tiptoeing around but I won’t have danger in my

Many of the Alphas who’d accompanied the Omegas spoke at once, making individual comments

hard to decipher. That’s how it had been the past hour. When things got too out of hand Diskant had to
scream over them all. The chorus of sentences didn’t go away, each Alpha and Omega wanting a say.

Diskant glared at the phone. “I trust you to be fair. If things aren’t cool you’re free to make a

decision. But,” Diskant paused for good measure, “I’ll want to know why you decided it was best to
eradicate the compounds near you. You’ll be expected to explain why. We’re not killing women and
children for fun. All of you know how fucked-up that is.”

“Are you positive your information is solid?” an Alpha—Chuck Robinson from Canada—asked.

“How do we know this isn’t a setup?”

“Because I told you it’s good,” Diskant snapped in response. Trey knew Diskant wouldn’t reveal

his source, needing to protect Ava. “We still have two Shepherds on lockdown. Both of them have
been worked over. They’re not lying at this point.”

“Do you have to kill the second?” Gary Freemond, the Omega in Florida, inquired. “He might

have information we need. It’s best to keep him alive.”

“They destroyed a solid portion of my pack.” Diskant wasn’t playing games. Trey knew if the

werewolves on the other end of the line could see the strain on the Omega’s face they’d play hide and
go fuck themselves. “We’ll keep the leader alive. The other one is only a follower. He doesn’t know
shit and he will be given to the pack in a hunt. They’ve waited long enough for the blood they

“How long?” Chuck asked. “When is the hunt?”
“This weekend.” Diskant seemed to relax, resting back in his chair. “I’ve put out the word.

Everyone’s ready. You’re welcome to join us if you’d like.”

“It’s best we stay where we are,” Gary said. “We need to snoop around, see what we find. If the

information you’ve provided is sound we can make a move from there.”

“Sounds good to me.” Diskant rocked back and forth, wrapping his hands behind his neck. The

morning had been long and tedious. The man was nearing the end of his rope. “I suggest we check in
on Sunday. That’ll give everyone time to check things out and I’ll be free for the day. We can decide
what to do next after we talk.” Sighing and lowering his arms, Diskant kept going. “If anything
happens between now and then you know how to reach me. Trey’s also on call if you need him.
We’ve got our city covered.”

“I’ve heard rumors about that.” Chuck sounded off, as though he was anxious to broach a topic. “A

few of the packs around New York are saying he’s finally found his mate. Is that true?”

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“It’s true,” Trey spoke up, standing tall. He was proud as hell of Sadie and wouldn’t deny it to

anyone. “I’ve claimed her and the pack has accepted her as their Lupa.”

“So she’s one of us?” Chuck asked cautiously. “Rumor has it she’s human.”
Talk about relief. For a second he’d thought Chuck would say vampire.
“She’s a firecracker, that’s what she is,” he responded and was rewarded with chuckles through

the line. “She’s spent years training in self-defense. No one wants to piss her off. She had challengers
step up when I announced her position. She took them down without a problem.”

“Impressive,” Gary chuckled. “Can’t wait to meet her.”
Don’t be so sure about that. “After this shit is over, maybe you can.”
“So we call in on Sunday,” Diskant said. “How does twelve o’clock sound to all of you? I know

it’s early but with the time differences it only seems fair.” A few grumbled but no one argued. “Good,
then it’s settled. If you need me in the meantime give me a call. As you know my mate’s expecting our
first child so don’t panic if I’m not here. The packs are important but she’s my priority first and

One by one the Alphas said goodbye. When the call was finished Diskant pushed the button to kill

it. He rested his elbows on his desk, lowering his head. Trey had known Diskant since he was a pup
and he’d never seen him like this.

“Rough night?”
“I’m just ready to end this,” Diskant muttered. “Ava’s acting like she feels fine but I can tell she’s

not. She’s so tired I couldn’t wake her up this morning. That’s why she’s sleeping in.”

“It’s normal.” Even though Ava had mated to Diskant and therefore had a portion of his beasts

inside her, she remained human. “Let her sleep while she can. When the baby comes you’ll be
begging for sleep.”

“That’s what Doc keeps telling me.” Diskant reclined again, his eyes meeting Trey’s. “I know this

isn’t a problem at the moment but eventually the packs will find out you’ve mated with a vampire.
We’ll have to discuss that issue before it happens.”

“I know.” He’d known it for a long time. With things burning to cinder around them, he’d tried not

to think about it. “Let’s take care of what we need to and worry about that in a few weeks. Worst-case
scenario? I can leave with Sadie. We don’t have to stay here.”

“Ava said Sadie defended her against Aldon again. She said your mate put herself between that

fucker and herself.” Diskant cocked his head to the side. “I actually feel safer with Sadie around. It’s
going to suck when she leaves. She balances you out, takes care of that smartass of yours. Plus she’s
handy with that sword she keeps nearby. She does more good for the pack than bad.”

You think that now. Wait until the other packs raise a ruckus. “I’m glad you can see that. My girl

would die before she let anyone harm a member of this pack. Once she gives you her word, it’s gold.”

“Have you talked to Cade?” Diskant swiped his fingers across his face. “Have you heard


“Not yet.” Trey had checked his phone all morning. No calls. No texts. “I haven’t heard from

Leigh either. I checked Sadie’s phone too.” He’d done as he’d said he would, keeping his mate up all
night. Considering how tired he felt, he imagined she needed a break. He’d left her sleeping in their
bed. “There’s nothing from either of them. I’ll try to call Cade again in a few hours.”

“You know what’ll happen if the wrong kind of people get their hands on the conjurer,” Diskant

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growled. “Neither of us will be able to protect our mates or our people.”

“You should have told me about her.” Knowing Diskant had kept the information from him was

definitely a sore spot. “You shouldn’t have kept it secret.”

“Craig Newlander said it was important it remain hush-hush.” The way Diskant said the name

showed his disdain. The leader of the Villati—humans who collected information about supernatural
creatures and cataloged their findings—was a constant threat to the pack and everything that wasn’t
mortal. “I wanted to tell you but I didn’t think I’d have to. He said the enclave was safe.”

“Obviously he was wrong.” Trey inhaled, trying to steady himself. This was one thing he had—

but didn’t necessarily want—to talk or think about. “I haven’t gotten word about Nathan. Sadie told
me Leigh would keep in touch but so far there’s nothing.” His mind made him think the worst,
conjuring all kinds of despicable images. “He was already on the edge. Time with them will only
make him worse. I know he can control his wolf better than most, being a Beta, but we might have to
consider how it’ll be if he makes it home.”

“Do you think Leigh cares for him?” Diskant questioned. “Do you think she’ll help him? If he’s

fucked in the head he won’t be able to turn the corner without her.”

“Sadie says she does. I know Leigh’s been an absolute bitch and I still don’t care for her. But I

think she’s finally coming around. I think she’s letting go of the past.”

“Then we’ll see how it goes. If he’s bad off we’ll give her a chance to break through to him. If she

can’t we’ll have to put him down.” The intensity in Diskant’s eyes dimmed, his facial features
softening. “I know he’s your friend. Hell, he’s mine too. But we can’t have a crazy werewolf on the
loose. It’s not safe. Sometimes we have to make hard decisions.”

“I know.” And he did. Over the years Trey had made a shitload of difficult choices. “I don’t know

what to think. I’m not sure Aldon will keep his word.”

“If he doesn’t asshole vamps will take the responsibility out of our hands. I don’t want that but it’s

better than putting a brother down for something he can’t control.”

He whipped around and found Sadie rubbing her slightly puffy eyes. She’d tossed on one of his T-

shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. His clothing devoured her, eating her up. The collar of the shirt
slid from her shoulder, revealing her neck and the new mark he’d given her. He frowned as he stared
at the pants. One wrong move and they’d slide right off her slim legs. She’d obviously tied the elastic
at the waist super tight. She’d also rolled up the bottoms so she wouldn’t trip and fall.

“Morning, darlin’,” he replied, hurrying to her. “Why are you up?”
“Are you kidding?” She ran her hand over her hair. “You let me sleep all day. I won’t be able to

sleep at all tonight.”

Too bad she didn’t realize—yet—that had been his plan. Yes he was tired but not that tired. He

wanted a repeat of the evening before. With her at full speed he could enjoy her in so many ways.
Last night he’d taken it easy on her. This evening he planned to claim all of her. He’d ordered a few
things online to make their play more enjoyable. He couldn’t wait to see her face when he put a dildo
in her cunt and claimed her ass.

The thought alone made his cock roar to life.
He swept his arms around her and she sagged against him. “How’d the call go?”
“Decently,” Diskant answered before Trey could. “The Alphas have agreed to check the

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compounds before we make a final decision.”

“That’s good.” Sadie sighed, nuzzling Trey’s chest. “Any word from Cade?”
His stomach knotted. “Not yet.”
“Leigh can find Destiny.” Just like that Sadie no longer appeared sleepy. She didn’t let Trey go

but looked at Diskant. “She only needs a little bit of time. I felt how strong Destiny is. She’s going to
use heavy magic to conceal her whereabouts. Leigh’s only coming into her powers. She needs to learn
them before she can really use them.”

“Don’t worry about your friend.” Diskant seemed amused. “She’s not on my radar.”
Sadie turned her head, no longer caring about Diskant. Trey mouthed “thank you” to the Omega.

Thank God the man understood how stressed Sadie felt about Leigh. Trey knew it had been difficult
for her to say goodbye and let the young woman go.

“When you have a chance,” Diskant said to Trey, “you need to make sure all the members of the

pack know they’re invited to the hunt. We need to spread the word.”

“Already done.” While Sadie had snoozed Trey had retrieved the Rolodex in Diskant’s office,

returned to bed and spent a good part of the morning sending texts. “They’re aware. I told them to
meet before sundown. They’ll be ready to go.” He ran his finger down Sadie’s back, loving the feel
of her silklike hair. “Did you manage to arrange transport for Nathaniel? Zach’s still pissed. If you
keep the man in the city for long he’s bound to find him.”

“I’ve already spoken with George,” Diskant said and Trey felt another surge of relief. George was

Kinsley’s most trusted servant. The man always got things done. “Kinsley gave him instructions. He
came with a crew this morning. Nathaniel’s on his way to the island. He won’t be able to escape. It’s
isolated and even if he breaks free from his cell he’d have to swim for miles to another location. The
fucker will drown before he makes it.”

“So you didn’t speak to Kinsley?”
“Hell no.” Diskant appeared annoyed. “He’s still being an ass.”
So strange and very unlike the panther shifter. “Maybe he needs a break.”
“Don’t we all?” Diskant stood, pushing his chair from his desk. “I’m going to check on Ava. She’s

probably still asleep.”

“Come on, baby.” Trey bent his knees and wrapped Sadie in his arms, lifting her from her feet. He

cradled her like a baby. “Let’s go back to our room.”

She hummed her approval, nestling closer.
Fuck, she felt just right in his arms.
“Trey.” Diskant stopped him before he walked from the room. “Meet back here in a couple of

hours. We need to talk about a few things.” Trey frowned and Diskant mouthed “firehouse” and

That definitely put a smile on Trey’s face.
Soon he’d have Sadie all to himself.
He strode down the hall, past the living area and headed toward their bedroom.
“Why did you let me sleep so long?” Sadie, as a vampire, had never been an early riser. But Trey

knew she was aware things were serious and she always wanted to be up to speed on what was going
on. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

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“Because,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, “you were tired and I knew I

could handle it. You didn’t miss anything. Just a bunch of grumpy werewolves arguing over stupid

“But they’re going to leave the children alone, right?”
He caught the hitch in her voice. “The children will be fine.”
As soon as he made it to their room he moved toward the door and kicked it closed. The scent of

sex lingered in the space. He glanced at the bed. The sheets were messy, the comforter sprawled

“Would you like a bath?” he asked, wanting to make her comfortable.
“No but I would like a shower.”
He didn’t let her go, thrusting the curtain aside. He started the water, making sure it was good and

steamy. Once done he lowered Sadie to her feet and started stripping her bare. She hadn’t worn a bra
so that wasn’t a problem. She also hadn’t worn underwear. He hesitated when he saw her pussy.

Damn, she was swollen and red.
He remembered the spell, how she’d decreased her ability to heal.
Even with his blood he’d given her a rough ride.
As soon as she was naked he unlaced his boots, kicked them off and tore off his clothes. He

wanted to go inside that shower with her. They’d shared it many times. As he removed each layer she
studied him, her gaze appreciative. When his pants were gone she gazed at his cock.

They’d fucked the entire night and she still wanted more.
“We’re going to take it easy.” Guilt of his rough use hit him. He’d known how vulnerable she was

but he’d wanted her so much. It was impossible to hold his lust completely in check. “How are you

“The spell is gone,” she informed him. “I’ll be back to normal in no time.”
Although it wasn’t easy to be a gentleman, he got her into the shower. He used the soap she liked,

rubbing it into her skin, working up a lather. He started at her shoulders and worked his way down.
Her nipples were hard, the beautiful buds pointing at him. He wanted to taste but didn’t, crouching
after he’d cleaned her smooth belly.

He took care when he cleansed the tender area between her legs.
“Trey,” she whispered, placing her hands on his head. “I don’t hurt, you know.” Wrapping her

fingers in his hair, she forced his gaze up. “See?” she said, tilting her head toward her shoulder. “It’s
mending. I’m fine. Stop worrying.”

“I always worry when it comes to you.”
A smile tugged at her mouth, her eyes shining. “I know you do and I appreciate it but right now I’d

like to think about other things.”

He tried to fight her when she yanked on his hair but found she wasn’t lying. She was strong,

forcing him to stand. As soon as he was up she whipped him around so the steady stream of hot water
cascaded down his back.

“Time for a proper good morning.” She went to her knees and wrapped her hand around the base

of his cock. “When I opened my eyes I wanted to do this. But imagine my surprise to see you weren’t
there.” She pulled the stalk down, leveled the tip with her mouth and parted her lips. “This is what I

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Then she was there, her mouth all around him. She suckled, drawing him to the back of her throat.

She swallowed and he felt the pressure around the crown of his cock. Needing to touch her, he fisted
her hair in his hands. She moaned, holding the bottom of his dick, her hand firm as she glided her head
up and down.

Son of a fucking bitch.
“Sadie, baby.” Through the night he must have fucked her at least a half a dozen—perhaps more—

times. He’d lost count. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“A little bit of hurt is good,” she thought to him, moving her lips and mouth over the head and

stalk of his cock. “It reminds me of you. It makes me think about you all day and night.”

“Keep that up and you’re going to regret it.”
His wolf wanted nothing more than to fuck her hard. They had anal sex often and he loved it.

During those times he took total control. He knew he was dominant, the one who had control of the
situation. She’d always welcomed him, which made it even better.

“So that’s what you need?” As soon as she posed the question in his head her lips slid from his

cock. She reached for a little bottle on a corner shelf and handed it over. Baby oil was well and good
but there was nothing better than lube. “Take me there. I thought you were going to last night.”

In truth, he almost had. Fuck knew he wanted to.
“Sadie…” He didn’t want to hurt her. Yes she was healing but he wasn’t easy when he took her

anally. “You don’t have to do this.”

She snatched the bottle back, popped it open and squirted a large amount on her hand. Meeting his

gaze, she reached between her legs. He couldn’t help himself. He looked down, watching as she ran
her hand over her cunt and kept going, moving back until she reached her ass.

“I want you here.” She angled her wrist and he knew she was applying the slippery substance to

her rim. “I wanted it last night. It makes me feel like I belong to you. After you fuck me here I feel it
all day.”

So much for control.
He ripped the bottle from her and forced her around. She braced her hands on the wall, thrusting

the rounded globes of her ass back. He’d never get enough of her like this—eager and ready for him.
He continued where she left off, stroking the pucker between the globes. Even as hot as he felt he took
care as he eased his fingers inside her, making sure she was good and lubed.

“Goddess, that feels so good,” she sighed, arching her back.
“I’m about to make it feel even better.”
Once she was primed he coated his cock in the lubricant. With a flick of his thumb he closed the

container and tossed it to the bottom of the tub. He stroked his length, knowing how good it would
feel once he was buried inside her.

“You ready for me?”
Grasping his dick in the middle and getting a firm hold, he sank the tip into the soft, fleshy globes.

He knew when he found her sphincter. The small hole tensed and released, teasing him to enter. He
took his time, pushing forward. Little by little the muscle gave. The breath left his lungs when the tip
slid inside.

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This woman was unlike any other.
He had a feeling one day she’d make him lose his mind.

Sadie pushed back, gasping as Trey parted her. She’d never been one for anal play really. Not

until she’d met the man who completed her. Like this he felt superior, his wolf proud of taking
control. She let him dominate her, bearing down. He inched into her carefully. She’d realized an anal
orgasm was different but equally as good as a G-spot or orally stimulated one. When he sucked on her
clit and she came she saw stars. When he hit that special area inside her pussy she couldn’t think
straight. When he rubbed the right spot in her ass she saw stars and she couldn’t think straight.

It was an orgasm but different.
Unique and amazing in its own way.
“Yes,” she whimpered, pressing down, wanting to take him all. “Yes.”
It seemed to take forever. He pumped his hips, going so slowly she wanted to scream. Then,

finally, she felt his balls brush her pussy. She let herself feel it, taking it all in. It burned in the best of
ways, a slight tingle that made her want to rise to her toes.

“Don’t hold back.” She hadn’t been lying earlier. She was healing. He could fuck her raw and in

hours she’d be fine and dandy. “Fuck me, Trey. Claim me all over again.”

He growled, the sound vibrating in the small space. His cock withdrew, parting her yet again,

leaving her empty. She held her breath, waiting for it. When he returned he’d leave speckles before
her eyes. He hesitated when only the head remained inside her. She could hear him panting for breath.

“My mate,” he snarled and plunged into her. “Mine.
It wasn’t easy to take him. It never was but she relaxed.
His cock stretched her to the limit, forcing her to accept him. She kept bearing down, wanting to

give him this. She enjoyed it just as much knowing it got him off. There were times she could’ve
sworn he enjoyed anal play more than he enjoyed going down on her.

And the man definitely had an oral fixation.
“God you feel so good.” He didn’t stop moving, drawing back and thrusting in. “You’re so tight

here. I feel like you’re going to squeeze me to death.”

She reached down, stroking her clit.
Her nipples were harder than rocks, her pussy aching for more. She was so turned-on she knew

she’d come at any second. That was what Trey did to her. She loved his scent, the sound of the voice,
the way he growled and talked to her when they were together like this.

“Could do this forever.” He exhaled the words. “So good.”
She rubbed faster, feeling her insides clench.
A little bit more and she’d come. She only had to get there.
“No.” Trey ripped her hand from her pussy. “This is mine. I make you feel like this. No one else.”
Then his fingers replaced hers, slippery and amazing due to the lube. She moaned and let him go,

thankful when he put pressure on her clit, rocking her hips. Each time he came forward she moved
back, taking him deeper. He was so wide he filled her completely, so hard she didn’t miss an inch.

“Come for me,” he ordered, rolling the bundle of nerves between his thumb and forefinger. “You

have no idea how good it feels. That sweet ass tightens up and sucks me dry. That’s what I want. Give

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it to me. Give it to me now.”

Like a stick of dynamite, she exploded.
Her hands slipped on the wet walls, her muscles going liquid. She convulsed, gasping for air,

rotating her hips. He didn’t stop touching her, keeping the sensations going. Her ass was full of him
but she’d never get enough. She felt him move closer, his mouth against the back of her neck. As she
came his lips slid to her shoulder.

Yes, yes, yes.
He bit her, teeth sinking deep.
Another spasm shot through her, all the way from her head to her toes.
This bite wouldn’t leave a mark but she didn’t give a shit. She focused on the amazing tingles he

sent through her, opening herself to the warm fizzles in her belly. They spread through her, winding
through her torso, moving through her arms and legs. It seemed to go on forever but forever wasn’t
long enough. As the last mind-blowing current seared through her, he pulled out.

“Turn around,” he growled, whipping her toward him.
He placed a hand on her shoulder, forcing her to her knees.
The moment she felt the tub against her legs he came, spurting his seed on her breasts and chin,

coating her in his semen. He stroked his length, jetting his cum all over her. She arched her neck and
felt a splash of heat against her throat.

“So good, baby,” he groaned and she heard him sliding his hand over his cock. “So fucking good.”
When the noise dissipated, she gazed up at him.
There was a newfound heat in his gaze, his irises a bright shade of yellow. He let go of her

shoulder and twined his fingers in her hair. The pressure yanked on the strands, forcing her to her feet.

“I love you, Sadie.” His nose brushed against hers. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
Their mouths met, a meshing of lips and tongue.
She sighed, letting herself enjoy the moment. He tasted so good, masculine and clean with a hint of

coffee and sugar. Grasping his biceps, she hung on for dear life. She couldn’t imagine her life without
this man. Not now, not ever.

Without another word he stepped into the spray of water.
It coated her hair, soaking it wet.
Yet they didn’t stop kissing.
She leaned into him, finding his cock was still hard. Reaching down, she took the length in her

hand, wrapped her fingers around it and pumped her fist. Trey was far from done. He’d taken her ass
but now he’d want it all.

And she’d give it to him.
“You’re everything to me,” he whispered in her head. “Everything, Sadie.”
“You think so now?”
She tightened her grip, stroking him harder. “Just wait until you see what

I’m about to do to you.”

He stopped talking and so did she. They had a few hours left.
Diskant didn’t need him for a while and they’d been through so much. There had been so many

moments when she’d wanted to strip him bare and fuck him when she felt like it. To hell with

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obligation, the rest of the world could fucking wait.

He was going to make up for lost time.

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Chapter Twenty-One

Sadie watched the crowed gather, an edge of uneasiness building in her gut. She wasn’t a

werewolf so she couldn’t shift. Even if she could—as much as she hated the man the pack would be
chasing—she didn’t want to consider becoming an animal to tear someone apart.

In her case the sword was best. Quick and easy.
And it wasn’t nearly as messy.
Her eyes darted to the Shepherd who’d been tethered to a post near the barn. He wasn’t arrogant

or self-assured now. He looked scared as fuck. She couldn’t say she blamed him. He’d seen the
werewolves who’d passed him as they’d walked onto the property, finally realizing how deep in the
shit he’d become.

She shifted her feet, trying to be calm.
“Easy.” Trey wrapped his hand around her waist. “It’ll start soon and we can go.”
Even though she wasn’t eager about leaving, a part of her wanted to split. Her gaze drifted, resting

on Ava and Diskant. Since Ava was pregnant and Diskant refused to leave her the rest of the pack
would do the hunt alone. It was fine since Zach had agreed to accompany the pack. The Beta was
skittish and jumpy, ready to change and get his revenge.

“You know why we’re here,” Diskant said, taking his place in the center of the pack, keeping Ava

at his side. “I’d come with you but,” he placed his large hand on Ava’s growing stomach, “I’m
needed here. Enjoy the spoils you deserve. Take your time. We’ve secured the area. The night
belongs to you. Remember that. Don’t ruin this for everyone else.” Diskant stared at the Shepherd,
who looked like he wanted to piss his pants. “Take your time. Don’t rush. Play with your prey. Make
the moment last.”

Sadie wasn’t certain but she thought she saw Ava shiver in revulsion.
“It’s the way of our kind,” Trey told her mentally. “It’s what we do.”
Perhaps but it was still sick and twisted in a way. They were about to hunt a man and torment him

until he died. From what she understood he’d be fucked with. The pack would take a small bite at a
time. They wouldn’t relent, using up the hours ahead of them.

They wanted blood but they also wanted revenge.
“Hunt with us,” a man called to Trey. “You’re our Alpha. We need you.”
Sadie tensed. After they’d made love, she and Trey had decided it would be best to deal with

Geneva while the pack hunted. That way they could kill two birds with one stone. Although Sadie
knew she could handle Geneva alone, Trey refused to let her do so. She hadn’t considered the pack
asking for his participation in the hunt, figuring they would be focused on revenge and hunting the
Shepherd down.

So stupid.
“Someone has to watch over Diskant and Ava,” Trey replied smoothly, confident as ever. “I have

to stay here. Enjoy your hunt. You’ve earned it.” A growl—Trey’s growl—penetrated the night.
“Take a bite out of his ass for me. Make it count. Don’t the fucker off easy.”

Members of the pack howled their approval.
Then, before Sadie could understand it, they started removing their clothes.

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“It’s time,” Trey warned her. “They’ll turn the Shepherd loose and Diskant will announce the

hunt. Once that’s done we can visit your friend.”

Sadie wanted to argue, hating what was about to happen.
Then Ava appeared in her head. “The only person you have to worry about is Geneva. The other

covens don’t know what she’s doing. Take her out and the rest is cake. The man you’re feeling
sorry for doesn’t matter. He belongs to the pack. Don’t wimp out on us now.”

“Wimp out?” Sadie’s gaze flew to Ava’s. “Are you serious?”
Initially she’d thought she wouldn’t need to tell Ava or Diskant about the coven. Then she’d

realized she needed Ava’s help to figure out exactly what was going on. The exchange had been
easier than she’d thought. Diskant was relieved another hurdle would be tossed aside and Ava had
easily gotten the knowledge Sadie needed.

“Don’t forget what I am.” Ava met her stare, her sapphire eyes changing colors. “I will never

shift but I’ll always carry Diskant’s beasts. This is how the pack deals with things. Once this is
over they’ll take comfort and reassurance in their victory. It’s good for morale. And,”
Ava’s eyes
went to the Shepherd tied to the post, “he has it coming. He’s killed many of our kind. Don’t.”

The men and women finished disrobing and kneeled.
Sadie lowered her gaze, not wanting to watch. She knew the shift was fast for some but she felt

like she was violating them by watching something she shouldn’t see. Trey didn’t push the issue,
keeping her close. She was thankful for that. She’d have to shed blood tonight too. Maybe she was
getting too soft.

Howls carried through the night, a new energy in the air.
“Look at them,” Trey’s soft whisper in her head instructed. “This is who you fight for. This is

what you’re part of.”

Afraid but knowing she had to, she lifted her head.
Holy Goddess.
The men and women were gone, replaced by enormous animals. Each was beautiful in their own

right. They didn’t look like dogs. They also didn’t look like wolves. They were too big, too
ferocious. Even the smallest one would come to the middle of her chest. She’d seen Trey change but
she’d been so far gone at the time she hadn’t paid attention. Their coats came in multiple colors. So
did their eyes.

A pack of these beasts could kill anything in their path.
Diskant kissed Ava on the cheek and stepped away from her. He made his way toward the

Shepherd, his face unreadable. When he reached the man he lifted his hand. The nails at the end of his
fingers turned to claws. He gazed at the pack, a feral gleam in his eyes. His claws came down, cutting
the rope tethering the Shepherd.

“Run while you can,” Diskant snarled. “You won’t make it far.”
The man took off and Sadie could tell the pack wanted to follow. Diskant’s hand returned to

normal and he faced them.

“Remember what I said. Take your time.” Cocking his head around, he glimpsed the Shepherd,

who’d almost reached the trees. “Enjoy the hunt. The night is yours.”

The wolves took off, rushing for their prey. Diskant remained in his spot, watching them thunder

past. They vanished in seconds, darting toward the trees. Once they vanished, their low-pitched

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growls and snarls receding in the distance, Diskant returned to Ava.

“It’s time, baby,” Trey said. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
No, she wasn’t sure. But she felt this was necessary. “It has to be done.”
“Remember what I said,” Ava reminded her, using their telepathic link. “I’ve searched through

all the people you’ve shown to me.” Over the last week Sadie had made sure Ava knew every face
of her coven members, wanting to be sure. “Geneva is the one who has to go. She’s the one who’d
ruin everything. She’s not set things into motion yet but she plans on it soon. Take her out before it

“Get the car,” Sadie whispered, a heaviness pressing on her chest. Turning to Trey, she brushed

her lips across his jaw. “It’s time to go.”

He left and she stood there, worrying about what she was about to do.
As a protector, she didn’t harm innocents. But Geneva wasn’t innocent. If what Aldon had said

was true the woman wanted to turn shifters into familiars. That was a danger in itself. With that kind
of power Geneva could control the city. And it posed a serious threat to Sadie’s relationship with
Trey. If vampires started turning shifters into familiars the pack would be less likely to trust her as
their Alpha’s mate.

Diskant led Ava over and tilted his head. “This really bothers you, doesn’t it?”
“Of course it does.” What did he think she was? A ruthless killer? “I’m turning against my own.

Most of them won’t understand. After this I’ll never be able to face anyone from the coven. They’ll
talk. Others will find out.”

“Which means they’ll fear you. They’ll know you’re part of the pack,” Diskant reminded her.

“Trey was willing to risk it all not so long ago. For you he was willing to turn his back on us.

Maybe it was a former loyalty that bothered her.
Maybe she was simply tired of death.
“I know.” Doing this would cause white mage vampire covens to fear her. Perhaps even a few

black mage ones as well. That, in turn, would mean they’d avoid the pack. “I understand this has to

A horn honked and she nodded at Diskant and Ava.
“I’ll see you soon.” Whipping around, she headed toward the vehicle that would take her to the

woman she had to destroy. As a member of the pack, she had a duty.

Even if it meant going against her vows to protect those weaker than her.
Geneva had to go.
She’d finally pushed Sadie too far.

* * * * *

Trey pulled the car to the front of a building. Sadie’d said that was where the coven went on

Saturday evenings to fine-tune and practice spells. She’d been quiet through the drive and he hadn’t
tried to ask her why.

He could tell she was upset.
She didn’t want to hurt anyone.
“I know we promised not to leave each other,” she said, undoing her safety belt, “but it might be

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best if you stay here.”

“Not happening.”
He turned off the engine and prepared to follow her. If he had to he’d follow the woman to the

ends of the earth. She was smart enough not to give him hell, nodding as she climbed from the car.
They closed the doors and went to the entrance of the building. Once there she whispered an
incantation. Small circular swells appeared, moving from side-to-side. A lock clicked and the door

“The coven will be shocked,” she warned him in a hushed rush of words. “I have to do this fast or

they’ll try to concoct a spell.”

“Do whatever you have to do, baby.”
She led him inside and walked toward the stairs. The coven would be all the way up, where they

had things set. Her heart felt like it was going to burst from her chest. The sword at her back felt
awkward and heavy. She’d never experienced this kind of emotion. True she’d told Geneva she’d
come knocking if she had to but she’d never thought it would be like this.

You’re doing what you have to do. Balls up. Grow a pair.
When they made it to the top floor, she withdrew her sword. The circle for magic was at the far

end. Geneva usually stood closest to the exit, instructing or dictating spells. If Sadie played it right
this would be over lickety split. She grasped the hilt, knowing what had to be done.

It was Geneva or the coven. Or even worse? The pack.
As she reminded herself of that fact, she felt stronger.
“Stay with me,” she instructed Trey silently. “They need to see you.”
“I’m here.”
Since she wasn’t entirely heartless she made sure the coven, who were seated in a circle, saw her

in the entranceway. As she’d anticipated, Geneva stood behind them. They stopped chanting, their
gazes rushing to Sadie. Initially they were confused. That emotion gave way to fear. Several tried to
stand, hurrying to their knees.

Sadie moved toward Geneva, bringing her weapon around. She timed it just right, the blade

singing as it rushed through the air. The bitch hadn’t expected an attack but she tried to avoid the
sword. She moved fast but not fast enough. The tip caught the side of her neck, blood spurting from
the injury.

“What are you doing?” one of the coven members cried out.
“My job,” Sadie answered, bringing her arm back. “It’s my duty to dispose of those who plan to

harm the innocent.”

“Under whose authority?” another coven member demanded.
“Mine,” Trey growled, moving into the room. A collective gasp echoed inside the room and the

coven moved to get away from him, stumbling and crawling back. “Your leader has violated your
trust. She’s also a threat to my pack.”

Sadie tightened her grip on the hilt and approached Geneva.
If the accusations weren’t so severe and if Ava hadn’t confirmed what Aldon said had been true

Sadie might have done things differently. As it stood Geneva was beyond a simple warning. Sadie
had always known something was different about the leader of the coven. She just hadn’t known how
far Geneva would go to become the most powerful white mage vampire in the city.

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Suddenly she felt the hum of magic and knew Geneva was about to defend herself. Even though

she wheezed, Geneva tried to form words as she whispered. There wasn’t time to think. Sadie didn’t
have the luxury. Before the spell could take form Sadie brought the razor-sharp blade down hard and
fast. Her aim was clean, severing Geneva’s head straight from her shoulders.

Screams rang in her ears, the members of the coven horrified.
Sadie refused to look at Geneva, lifting her head, staring at the vampires across from her. Once

they’d been her family. She’d slept under their roof. Engaged in spells with them. Listened to them.
Protected them.

“I took a vow never to harm an innocent person. I do what I have to protect those weaker than us.

Geneva broke your trust with plans she made behind your back. She’s been making her plans for a
long time. If I hadn’t killed her she’d have brought warlockes and shifters to your home.” Their doubt
was apparent in their faces and postures. “You’re going to believe what you want to believe. I can’t
prevent that. I only ask you consider Geneva’s behavior the last few months. Did she talk to you about
changes in the future? Were you aware she wanted to bring other vampires into the coven?”

They remained silent but she saw the truth in their eyes. Geneva had to have been doing something

questionable. Most of the coven seemed to be thinking hard, diving back into their memories, which
meant at some point Geneva must have given them doubts.

“Reach out to other covens in the area. Ask questions. Some can confirm what I’ve told you.

Death isn’t something I take lightly. As a protector it goes against the vows I took when I was a part
of your home.” For a brief second her eyes darted to Trey, who’d taken a place at her side. “That
hasn’t changed, even if my circumstances have.”

“We’re done here,” Trey said and Sadie looked at him.
His eyes were glowing. He’d also let his fangs drop—apparently wanting to remind the coven

who and what they were fucking with. He reached for her weapon and took it from her. Without a
moment’s pause he went to Geneva’s body, wiped the blade clean on the back of her shirt and
stepped back. Sadie always cleaned her weapon on her prey but it had seemed wrong to do so in this

Once again Trey had seen what she’d needed and had given it to her.
“Here you go, baby.” He handed the sword to her and she quickly slid it into the sheath at her

back. “It’s time to leave.”

A part of her wanted to remain with the coven to explain. She felt obligated to tell them everything

and to put things on the table. But Ava had warned Sadie that Geneva was the one who’d come up
with the idea to strengthen her magic by using shifters. Sadie didn’t want to give the remaining
members of the coven any ideas. She didn’t think they’d do any harm but she couldn’t take
unnecessary risks.

“I’ll be keeping an eye on all of you,” she warned them, hating she had to resort to fear tactics to

keep them in line. “Don’t give me a reason to visit you again.”

“It’s not her you have to worry about.” Trey issued his own threat. “Next time I’ll be the one

taking care of business.” He growled, eyes blazing, lips pulled back to reveal a feral grin. “I might
bring a few friends along, just to show you I don’t fuck around.”

Sadie wanted out, feeling like the room was closing in on her.
Trey took her hand and she leaned on him, grateful as he led the way.

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This was something she’d never thought she’d have to do. Certainly she’d agreed to do whatever

was asked of her when she’d sworn to protect the coven but she couldn’t allow the primary member
of the group to create havoc. It not only put those living under the woman’s roof in danger, it also
posed a threat to everyone in New York.

They made it to the stairs and Trey released her hand and lifted her into his arms. She sighed,

relying on his strength, letting him hold her. Killing Geneva had taken the wind out of her sails. It
would take days—perhaps weeks—to recover. Any time she took a life it felt as though she lost a tiny
part of herself.

“We can rest easy now.” Trey placed his chin on top of her head and carried her down the stairs,

his gait quick and smooth. “It’s time to pack our bags and start from scratch.”

“Pack our bags?” Craning her neck, she looked up at him.
“I was going to wait and surprise you but I figured you could use a bit of good news.” His eyes

were still amazingly bright but he’d lost the fangs. “I talked to Diskant. I told him we’d enjoyed
visiting him the last few weeks but it’s time we had our own place to crash. We’ll start at the
firehouse. If you don’t like it there we’ll stay temporarily until we get a Realtor and you can choose
the place you want to call home.”

Home. Now that was welcome news.
“I’ll finally have you all to myself.” She liked that idea—a lot. “When can we move?”
“As soon as you want.”
“How about tonight? We can get our things tomorrow.”
“You greedy little thing.”
They made it outside and he didn’t put her down, carrying her to the car. Once he made it to the

passenger side he lowered her slowly, letting her gain her footing. Their eyes met and her insides
turned into a warm puddle. She was definitely greedy when it came to him.

“You don’t happen to have a set of keys to this place, do you?”
“It just so happens that I do.” Pulling her close, he murmured, “Are you excited to explore the

place? Or do you have other things on your mind?”

“Both actually.” She’d seen the firehouse from the outside but she’d never gotten the full tour. She

rested her hands on his chest, loving the heat radiating from his body. “If I like it there maybe we can
start christening the rooms.”

“It’s a big place, baby.” His voice deepened, the arms around her pulling her nearer to him. “You

sure you’re up for that?”

“I’m up for it.” And then some. She’d have him begging for mercy. Playing coy, she asked, “Are


In response he let her go and opened the door. As she climbed in he swatted her ass. “I’m going to

give Diskant a call and tell him not to expect us tonight. I’m sure he’s got things covered.”

“If the place is as big as you say, you’d better hurry up.” She licked her lips, letting her gaze rake

over his body. “The night is young.”

He slammed the door and pulled his cell from his pocket.
They’d bless every single room in that house.
When Diskant answered the call Trey didn’t mince words. “We’re heading to the firehouse. Don’t

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bother us unless you have to. Consider this our honeymoon.”

Diskant laughed, sounding happier than he had in a while. “Enjoy.”
He ended the call and hurried to get inside the car.
His mate had been through hell tonight. She was hurt and upset over what she’d done. Distraction

was a good thing, especially when he knew exactly which buttons she liked him to push. He wouldn’t
be slow or easy. Instead he’d let the wolf come out to play. He’d chase, tease, torment and drive her

By the time he was finished he’d be the only thing on her mind.

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Aldon studied the Palace from a distance. Most would see a simple, wooded area. They wouldn’t

be able to see the enormous mansion hidden by magic, with a lavish exterior and enormous white
columns lined along the front.

His skin crawled at the scent of blood, pain and death in the air.
Olivia had offered to come with him but he’d wanted to take a look around without her first. It had

been a few months since he’d been here. Sometimes faces changed. He wasn’t certain who he’d see

“Is that where it is?” Leigh asked, gazing into the distance.
Of course she couldn’t see it. Although she would eventually come into her powers she was still

too weak to explore her dark side. “That’s where it is,” he answered, formulating a plan. “You need
to move back a few hundred yards. Veil yourself. No one can know you’re here.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to find him?”
As much as he wanted to strangle the annoying female, he felt a rush of pity for her. The man she

cared about was locked inside what appeared to be a paradise. Only inside it was a den of depravity.
He wasn’t certain but he imagined it might be what hell would be like.

“I don’t know.” He prepared himself, wanting to get in and out of the place as quickly as possible.

“If I don’t return in a couple of hours go back to Olivia and stay put.” Knowing she’d argue, he added,
“Don’t bothering arguing with me about it. I never know what’s going to happen once I cross the
threshold. If it’s a good night I won’t be noticed. If it’s a bad one I could be there a while.”

“What if something happens to you?”
“I’ve made arrangements.” Wren and Valen weren’t happy with what he was about to do but

they’d given their word to watch over Olivia if something went wrong. He knew they’d keep their
promises. “Do as I’ve said. You’re too close. Move away from the property. Even if they can’t feel
you they can smell you.”

Without waiting for a reply, he started walking.
He called on his dark magic, allowing it to well up inside him. This was the tricky part—the one

thing he had to be careful about. Unlike white magic, which made a vampire feel uplifted and light,
dark magic was like a drug. If he wasn’t careful he’d get addicted to the high. Sometimes, even now,
it was hard to push the need for the powerful rush aside.

The darkness covered him, changing his scent, making him lightheaded. The sensation quickly

faded, leaving him horny and primed. The smell of sex and blood didn’t bother him so much when he
was like this. It made it easier to witness the things that took place around The Fallen.

As the hum of delicious energy thrummed through him, he let it increase. The guard at the door

saw him coming and narrowed his eyes. Aldon didn’t falter, continuing at the same pace. As he
neared the steps he climbed up slowly, taking his time, letting the vampire take him in. Just as he
stepped onto the large porch area he sensed the guard’s magic.

That’s it. Try to outshine me.
This was the reason Leigh and Sadie would never make it inside. Neither would Olivia as a

vampire. The Fallen immediately detected light in others. Once they did they took it and manipulated
it. Their favorite victims were usually happy humans with bright futures. They loved to tear them

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down, piece by piece.

Beauty, to them, was meant to be destroyed.
Aldon kept letting the darkness in him grow. He felt the changes in his body, the way his gums

tingled and his sense of morality started fading away. He was an animal, the ultimate predator. In his
presence none could survive unless he allowed it. His vision changed and he realized his irises had
shifted from blue to black.

That’s it. Come to me.
He took another step, heading for the door. Dark magic met dark magic. The guard tried to test

Aldon’s power, making sure he was truly one of The Fallen. When he did Aldon sent a surge of
energy at the male. The vampire reeled back in alarm. The push of the guard’s magic faded and he
moved aside.

Good man. That’s right.
Acting like he owned the place, Aldon walked to the door and opened it.
Immediately the scents overwhelmed him.
Semen, blood and sweat. Worry, terror and pain.
Then the most powerful fragrance drifted to his nose.
The Fallen were putting on a show this evening. Otherwise the smells, while powerful, wouldn’t

be so strong. He closed the door and walked past a couple in the entranceway, trying not to pay
attention to the girl who was blowing a vampire in front of everyone. That was tame compared to
other things he’d see. Oral sex? Might as well be at a children’s playground.

He strode past the double stairway that led upstairs, walking under the arch. Two doors stood

between him and his goal. The center room was the primary one for entertainment. Groans and cries
of pain came from the other side, the sounds of sex accompanying them. Another man protected the
door, standing just to the side of hell’s gates.

Again Aldon let the dark magic roll him under. His cock rose, his bloodlust coming on strong.

Normally he’d have forced it back but he let it grow. It had been so long since he’d been in the den of
lunacy he needed to fit in. Even then he felt semen ooze from the tip, slicking up the inside of his
tailored slacks.

Damn it felt good. Too good.
Like the guard at the front door, this one gauged Aldon’s darkness before he went to the doors and

opened them. The noises increased, pounding in Aldon’s ears. The desire inside him roared to life.
Along with it he felt the urge to bend someone to his will, to make them do whatever he wanted.

A full-blown orgy was taking place.
Many of The Fallen had taken seats on the couches around the walls, watching their slaves submit

to their will. Some of the mortals had knives in their hands. Here and there they’d cut, creating tiny
pools of blood along necks, chests and thighs. He noticed a few of the slaves were resting alone,
covered in clumpy blobs of red. They were dead and gone, left only to remind the slaves of their

He scanned the crowd. Some faces he recognized. Others he didn’t.
A house slave—one who didn’t belong to anyone but had become addicted to the youth and

vitality vampire blood gave her—came to him and dropped to her knees. She gazed up, her eyes

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wide, her full red lips pursed.

She’d made sure to dress as required, donning a see-through red nightie. Her face had been

painted, her cheeks pink, her eyelids and lashes drenched in makeup. Her long brunette hair had been
left loose, hanging like a curtain down her back. He knew the type. She wanted to find a vampire
who’d take her on, one she could truly call Master.

To most she’d be considered sexy as hell—cockrocking, even.
Compared to Olivia she looked like a worn-out tramp.
“Not tonight,” he snarled at her, narrowing his eyes. “I want something else.”
She took the order as he meant it. In a flash she rose and left him alone.
That was the one good thing about these little gatherings. The slaves knew when they weren’t

wanted. The female would probably keep gazing at the doors, hoping she might find a vampire who
found her worthy.

“Aldon,” a deep, throaty voice called. “It’s been a while.”
He turned, facing the male. Barnes Kosar. One truly sadistic fuck.
In order to fit in he’d had orgies with the male on occasion. He hadn’t killed anyone during the

sexual escapades but Barnes had. In fact he’d almost put Barnes on his must-kill list—until he
realized he needed the twisted bastard. He was one member of his kind who made sure to visit the
Palace often. His slaves came and went, most of them killed by Barnes himself. It had made Aldon
sick but he needed ties to those he loathed. Otherwise he’d never pinpoint the truly sick fuckers—
those who killed children and babies for pleasure—and destroy them.

“I’ve been busy.” Aldon glanced around, trying to look at as bored as possible. “I thought I should

take a break and see where the night takes me.”

“You didn’t like Hope?” Barnes asked, smiling slightly, showing his fangs. His dark eyes were

like onyx. “She’s perfect for a sadist. She takes what anyone dishes out and asks for more.”

No wonder she was still alive and didn’t have a master. The Fallen wanted slaves who feared

pain, not ones who enjoyed it. They thrived on misery. “She’s not what I’m in the mood for. I want
something special.”

“Such as?”
“Not sure yet.” He shrugged, playing it cool. Even as he did he had to keep his darkness in check.

The need to fuck and drink was almost unbearable. “I’ve gotten my hands on a few prizes but I’m
bored. I’m tired of the same fucking thing. I want something different. Something new.”

“Crescens got his hands on a virgin. She’s only thirteen,” Barnes offered. “He’s waiting for the

highest bidder for her. He wants whoever takes her to put on a show. His term is she has to die during
the event. Slowly, of course. He also wants to break her in properly. Since she’s never been fucked
there are plenty of places to open her up and make her scream.” The vampire gazed over his shoulder,
smiling when a woman yelped in pain. His gaze returned to Aldon. “Are you interested in something
like that?”

Crescens. The head of the household. The one man Aldon did not want to see.
“Not really.” A slave walked by with glasses of blood and Aldon snatched one from her tray. He

didn’t plan to drink it—knowing it probably came from some of the corpses on the floor—but he
could act interested. “Virgins are too easy. They break right away. They’re not worth my time.”


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He didn’t like talking to Barnes but tolerated him as he studied the room. The couches were

covered and another slave had stopped moving—a young male who’d had his throat cut. The human
who’d done the damage kept riding his cock, even though Aldon was certain it was limp.

“What else is going on? Are the rooms full? Is there anything I might like upstairs?”
Barnes thought about it. “There are few parties but if you’ve had a virgin and aren’t satisfied, I’m

sure they won’t please you.”

“Pity,” he said, lifting his glass. “Age makes all of this rather quaint, wouldn’t you say? There’s

no fun in it. Look around. I don’t recognize most of the people here. They’re young. They have no idea
what pain is.”

“True. Most of our kind have moved on to other things. I hear women with children are quite

exciting but it’s hard to find them. We have to wait for the right time. If you’d come last week we
could have given you what you need.”

The darkness inside Aldon swelled and he fought it, hating how he felt. The idea was repulsive

yet called to the void inside him. “How did it go?”

“Crescens threatened the infant unless the mother agreed to play. It lasted for a few days. Then the

baby got sick. The mother was useless at that point. She focused on the child, not her pain. We had to
end things when they were getting good.”

One day I’m going to rip out your heart, you sick fuck. “That’s a shame.”
“It was but there are always other women and infants. We only have to find the right ones. You

should visit more often. We had a teenage couple we captured making out in the woods. Now they
were fun to play with.”

In that moment Aldon decided he didn’t need Barnes that much.
His name was going on the brothers’ kill list.
“There is something a few of us know about downstairs,” Barnes said quietly, making sure no one

could hear him. “I’m only telling you because we’ve played together. I know you have a taste for the
macabre. It’s very hush-hush. If you know what I mean. It’s not sexual so if that’s what you’re going
for you won’t like it. But there’s pain involved. It’s rather unique actually.”

Hell yes. This could be it. “Hush-hush, is it? And unique? Must be special.”
“Come with me.”
Aldon placed his glass on a nearby table and followed Barnes toward the kitchen area. A few

bodies had been placed on islands in the center of the room, their heads tilted back. Slaves had
already cut throats and collected blood in overlarge pitchers. They didn’t look up from their task as
they drained the victims dry. What was sad was they all knew at any moment they could be on those

It was part of life at the Aurora Palace.
“Here.” Barnes guided him into the small area near the pantry. They stopped and Aldon leaned in

close. “You can’t repeat this. I’ll know if you do. Only a handful of us know about it.”

“You officially have my interest.” Aldon licked his lips, letting the darkness rise again, wanting

his eyes to be as dark as possible. “Tell me.”

“I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the conjurer?”
Aldon wasn’t sure how to answer but he went with his gut. “I’ve heard the rumors. Are they true?”

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“They’re true.” Barnes grinned, revealing bloodstained teeth. “We haven’t found her yet but

eventually one of us will. Most are out looking for her. That’s why tonight’s entertainment is below
par. The younger vampires don’t even know what a conjurer is so we’re keeping the information
secret.” Barnes hesitated, eyes slitting. “Are you here because of her?” He went from openly sharing
information to suspicious. “You won’t find her here and I don’t have information about her.”

“I haven’t had time to look for her but I’m not going to lie to you.” For once, his words were

sincere. “If I can find her I’ll take her. So would you.”

Barnes smiled. “Of course you would. We all would.” Glancing past Aldon’s shoulder, he studied

the slaves. “She’s still available. I can’t tell you more than that. What I can tell you is a few members
managed to get their hands on something when they sensed her in the open. They almost didn’t bring
him back but I’m glad they did. He’s been rather entertaining.”

He. Oh shit. This is it. “Who?”
“A shifter,” Barnes whispered.
“What kind?”
“We don’t know yet but we’re working on it.”
Aldon tried to act disinterested, scowling. Yet inside his heart thrummed and he went on alert.

“What fun are they? I’ve toyed with them before and it’s mostly claws and flash. They’re fun to fuck
with but they don’t provide proper enjoyment. In my experience they’re not worth the time.”

“This one is.” Sadistic Barnes sounded excited. “He was with the conjurer when our people

attacked. We’ve tried to break him but he refuses to answer our questions.”

“Why didn’t you rip into his head?” Crescens certainly could. “Why wait?”
“That’s the thing,” Barnes answered in a rush of words. “He keeps picturing another woman. Each

time we use our devices on him he pictures her. It’s not the conjurer, it’s the one he fought for when
they found him. They’re baiting him downstairs. I’m not sure how long he’ll last.” Leaning closer,
Barnes continued, “It doesn’t matter what we do to him—physical or sexual. He thinks of the woman
and he’s not here anymore. We think it’s his mate.”

Shit. Leigh had better stay away. “Have you found her?”
“Not yet. Crescens is looking. That’s why he’s not here. He’s searching for her right now.” Taking

another look around them, Barnes asked, “Do you want to see him? He’s made all of us think about
how much fun we could have with shifters. They don’t break like humans. They’re not easy to

“Maybe it’s luck.” Even as he acted disinterested his black magic warred with the light. He’d

love to see a man suffer, begging for mercy. Even as the thought came he called on the light inside
him, refusing his deplorable cravings. “They’re not all the same.”

“Come on.” Barnes—obviously offended that Aldon didn’t believe him—said and grasped his

arm. “He’s in the dungeon. We’ve done all sorts of things to him. Trust me, it’s worth a watch. You’ll

Aldon followed, letting the dark stay in control while he kept the brighter part of him on hand. He

wasn’t sure what he’d see but he knew one thing for certain.

Barnes was talking about Nathan.
The vampire led him down a hall to a hidden doorway. He opened a secret latch and guided him

downstairs. Lights showed the way, the spiral staircase taking them down. Aldon wondered why he’d

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agreed to do this. Each time he came to this place he wanted to welcome the dark part of his soul into
his life. He couldn’t have Olivia like that.

He’d hurt her.
Devastate her.
Possibly kill her.
They reached the basement and Aldon followed his guide. Snarls came from the end of the room,

savage and raw. He heard the sound of flesh tearing, followed by horrific whining sounds. As they
neared the cage built into the corner Aldon gazed past the bars.

Oh no. His heart sank.
This is what he’d come for but he hadn’t wanted it to be like this.
Never like this.
They’d thrown wolves into Nathan’s cage. The animals charged the man, who seemed torn. He

seemed to study them, his eyes flicking from one to the next. There were several dead ones at his feet,
their throats torn open.

They’re making him kill the animals that are part of him.
“Do it,” a vampire screamed. “Do it!”
A wolf snarled and charged. Nathan dodged, trying to get out of reach. When he did another wolf

pounced. Then they ganged up on him, taking him down. His shirt was long gone, torn to tatters at his
feet. Aldon heard a snarl and watched as Nathan rose and shook them off. The male raised his fists,
studying his opponents.

Aldon wasn’t sure if The Fallen could break him like this but there was a chance.
He reached out with his mind, trying to read Nathan’s thoughts. It wasn’t easy. The male wanted to

die, hating himself. He felt damned for eternity, despised himself. Yet, as Barnes had warned Aldon,
the image of Leigh was always there. He couldn’t get a read on his thoughts. Not at all.

For fuck’s sake.
The man would have already let the beasts kill him if not for her.
He didn’t want to leave her.
She was the reason he kept fighting.
“Kill them!” a vampire ordered. “Shift and rip them apart!”
Aldon wanted to gag.
They didn’t know what Nathan was. They were trying to find out. They were throwing animals at

him—hoping for the luck of the draw—and soon they’d advance to other creatures. They wanted to
figure him out. They needed to know what he was in order to find his mate. Once he shifted they’d
know where to look. They’d hunt werewolves down and kill them all to find the woman Nathan had
projected in their minds.

“Kill them,” another commanded. “Kill them all!”
Nathan tried to back into a corner. He didn’t want to fight the creatures he adored, that much was

easy to see. But it wouldn’t be enough for The Fallen. They’d want to see him shift. They’d have to
know what he was for certain.

“See?” Barnes sounded as arrogant and conceited as always. “He won’t back down. We’ve also

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thrown in a few big cats procured from a breeder but he didn’t give in. He doesn’t want to kill any of
them. He keeps trying to do the right thing but he won’t be able to forever. He’ll die if he does. And
he won’t die because of the woman he sees.” Barnes closed his eyes and smiled. “Can you picture
her? I can. She’s amazing. So strong yet so weak. I hope we find her. She’s so lovely and frail. She’ll
be so much fun to torment.”

Nathan kept fighting but not killing, keeping the wolves at bay.
“He’s a sight, for sure.”
What the hell did he do in this situation?
If he tried to get close and reach for Nathan he’d blow his cover.
If he didn’t the male would suffer in so many ways.
It was risky but Aldon let some of his light overcome the dark. He needed to know he could read

Nathan’s mind. That was why he was so powerful. The dark had a hard time reading good people. It
was a curse on them. Those who were good had an easier time plunging into the minds of others.
Aldon made sure to remain out of sight. He’d fought Nathan not so long ago. The male would never
trust him.

He thought quickly, trying to consider what he’d do if Olivia were in the same position. Instantly

he ditched that idea. If Olivia were in that cage he’d tear the bars apart and teleport her out.

What else is there? What can I give him?
Nathan needed something to give him focus. He had to have something worth fighting for. It wasn’t

easy and would drain most of his energy to do what he wanted. He studied the crowd, who were
focused on Nathan. Then he looked at Barnes. The male was equally excited, drawn to the scent of
blood and battle.

He only had one chance at this. There was only one way to reach out.
Aldon let his light and dark merge, allowing him to become what he was.
The Ordained—both light and dark.
The connection was instant, flooding him, searing through his body.
“Leigh is waiting for you,” he thought to Nathan, yelling in the man’s head. “She knows where

you are. She’s coming for you. No matter what you face, think of her. You can withstand the pain.
You can hold on. Be strong. She needs you and you need her. She’s worried about you.”
winced as the darkness attempted to pervade the light. It wasn’t abnormal, especially when he came
to this awful place. “Do not show them what you are. They want you to shift. They want to know
your breed. If they figure it out they will hunt her down. You’ve seen what they do. Imagine her
where you are. They’ll make you watch her die because they enjoy it.”

The darkness tried to fight him, lashing out at the light.
“Think of her,” he thought, screaming the command. “Think only of her. She’s coming. Help is


Aldon wondered if he’d been successful, his shoulders sagging in exhaustion as he severed the

connection. It wasn’t easy to mask both powers at once but he thought he’d done so. Staring at those
around him, he was relieved to find no one had noticed him. The blackness threatened to return,
wanting to claim him.

He pictured her face—her beautiful blonde hair. He tried to hear her voice, thought of her lips on

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his skin as she drank his blood. For a moment he felt a measure of calm. Then the dark tried taking
over again. The light vanished, fading to the back. Yet his bride’s face simmered in his brain,
reminding him of what was important. He could keep control even if he wasn’t entirely himself.

She’s mine. I belong to her. She’s what’s important.
With the black bleeding over, he wanted to fuck, hurt and kill.
Left with nothing else, he imagined her writhing beneath him, whispering his name. He wanted to

watch her come, taste her blood as she reached an amazing pinnacle of pleasure. He’d revel in her,
bask in her light and make her a part of him.

Nathan roared and went at the wolves.
Aldon came back to reality, watching the scene.
Nathan let his nails curve into talons but nothing else, ripping at the wolves that jumped at him.

One by one they went down, surrounding his feet, their blood seeping into the concrete. When he
finished he stood before the crowd who’d cheered him on. Instead of giving anything away his claws
receded and he stood before them, breathing hard.

“Fuck you,” he panted, chest heaving. “Fuck all of you.”
Aldon ducked behind Barnes. He couldn’t be seen. Not now.
But he knew he had his work cut out for him.
Nathan had heard him but he had to be freed soon.
Otherwise the male would go completely mad.
“Bring on the next,” someone snarled. “He’s going to break. Do it!”
Aldon turned his head and saw the cages. This time it was leopards.
Damn them.
“We’ll figure him out,” Barnes said, excitement all over his features. “Wait and see. He’s going to

bend and then he’ll break. Once that’s done we’ll find his mate and make him watch while we fuck
her and bleed her dry.”

Nathan tore through the leopards, lions, panthers and then dogs.
As Aldon watched he wondered if Leigh would be strong enough to bring Nathan back from the

brink. And as he did he knew he’d have to return to this horrid place. He’d have to come with Olivia
—his bride—and pretend to enjoy the massacre.

For once he felt the light on his side. It soothed him, gave him comfort.
He’d given Leigh his word.
As soon as he left he would call Wren and Valen. They had to save this man.
Even though they might lose their lives trying. He’d never been in a situation like this.
He had a feeling he shouldn’t have agreed to help. Their existence had to remain secret but now he

wasn’t sure he’d be able to remain in the shadows.

He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a reprieve from the scene.
This was only the start.
Soon things would take a turn for the worse.
The confidence he relied on took a definite hit.
He’d sworn he’d save Nathan but he might not be able to.

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The future, from this point forward, was uncertain.
His part in the battle had just begun.

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About Aline Hunter

Aline Hunter is the alias of multi-published author J.A. Saare, who has written stories featured in

horror magazines, zombie romance anthologies and flash fiction contests. Her work has a notable
dark undertone, which she credits to her love of old eighties horror films, tastes in music and choices
in reading, and has been described as “full of sensual promise,” “gritty and sexy” and “a breath of
fresh air.”

Currently she is penning multiple projects within the urban fantasy, erotic and contemporary, and

paranormal romance categories.

Aline welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her

author bio page



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Also by

Aline Hunter

Alpha and Omega 1: Omega Mine
Alpha and Omega 2: Enemy Mine
Alpha and Omega 3: Vampire Mine
Make Me Shiver
Kiss Before Dying
No Strings

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Print books by Aline Hunter

Alpha and Omega 1: Omega Mine
Alpha and Omega 2: Enemy Mine
Make Me Shiver

Ellora’s Cave Publishing

Alpha Mine

ISBN 9781419990823
Alpha Mine Copyright © 2014 Aline Hunter

Edited by Ann Leveille
Cover design by Willo
Cover photography Syneca
Model David

Electronic book publication June 2014

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