Brainy klasa 5 Short Tests Answer key

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key


Welcome Unit Steps 1 and 2 Short Test A

1 1 Write 2 Work 3 Listen


Classroom objects



Places in a town

crayon, ruler


socks, trousers

supermarket, cinema

Welcome Unit Steps 1 and 2 Short Test B

1 1 Point 2 Work 3 Write


Classroom objects



Places in a town

rubber, pencil


skirt, shorts

car park, bus stop

Welcome Unit Steps 3 and 4 Short Test A

1 1 an 2 can 3 my

2 1 Tuesday 2 Thursday 3 Saturday

3 1 speak 2 cook 3 drive 4 swim

Welcome Unit Steps 3 and 4 Short Test B

1 1 – 2 can’t 3 your

2 1 Monday 2 Wednesday 3 Sunday

3 1 speak 2 ride 3 tell 4 run


Unit 1 Lesson 1 Short Test A

1 1 Europe 2 Antarctica 3 Africa 4 South America 5 North America 6 Australia

2 1 Brazil 2 Canada 3 Norway 4 Egypt

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Unit 1 Lesson 1 Short Test B

1 1 North America 2 Europe 3 South America 4 Antarctica 5 Australia 6 Asia

2 1 China 2 Norway 3 Egypt 4 Canada

Unit 1 Lesson 2 Short Test A

1 1 Sarah isn’t ten years old. 2 We are from Australia. 3 Are they friendly? 4 I’m not from England.

5 Is Tom your friend? 6 My cousins are from Norway.

2 1 How old are you? 2 Where is she from? 3 What are they like? 4 What is his name?

Unit 1 Lesson 2 Short Test B

1 1 Tommy and Jack are eleven years old. 2 Is she from Australia? 3 We aren’t from England.

4 Sandra is my favourite cousin. 5 I’m not very funny. 6 Are you twelve?

2 1 Where is he from? 2 What is she like? 3 What is her name? 4 How old are they?

Unit 1 Lesson 3 Short Test A

1 1 jesień 2 winter 3 lato 4 spring

2 1 windy 2 freezing 3 sunny 4 snowy 5 foggy 6 wet

Unit 1 Lesson 3 Short Test B

1 1 wiosna 2 autumn 3 zima 4 summer

2 1 cloudy 2 hot 3 windy 4 warm 5 wet 6 sunny

Unit 1 Lesson 4 Short Test A

1 1 have got/’ve got, have not got/haven’t got 2 has not got/hasn’t got, has got/’s got

3 have got/’ve got, have not got/haven’t got

2 Have (you) got, I /we have 2 Has (she) got, she hasn’t

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key


Unit 1 Lesson 4 Short Test B

1 1 has got/’s got, has not got/hasn’t got 2 have got/’ve got, have not got/haven’t got

3 have got/’ve got, have not got/haven’t got

2 1 Has (he) got, he hasn’t 2 Have (you) got, I/we have

Unit 1 Lesson 6 Short Test A

1 1 me 2 Can 3 of 4 What 5 It’s 6 How 7 spell

2 1 What does thunder mean? 2 Can you repeat (that), please? 3 (I’m) sorry, I don’t know.

Unit 1 Lesson 6 Short Test B

1 1 Excuse 2 help 3 course 4 What 5 Can 6 repeat 7 How

2 1 (I’m) sorry, I don’t know. 2 What does different mean? 3 Can you repeat (that), please?

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Unit 2 Lesson 1 Short Test A

1 1 fence 2 window 3 block of flats 4 swimming pool 5 wall

2 1 behind 2 next to 3 on 4 under 5 between

Unit 2 Lesson 1 Short Test B

1 1 gate 2 door 3 fence 4 roof 5 block of flats

2 1 on 2 in 3 under 4 next to 5 in front of

Unit 2 Lesson 2 Short Test A

1 1 isn’t 2 a 3 an 4 aren’t 5 some 6 There’s 7 are 8 any

2 There aren’t any flowers. 2 There are some/a few houses.

Unit 2 Lesson 2 Short Test B

1 1 any 2 an 3 are 4 isn’t 5 some 6 There’s 7 a 8 aren’t

2 1 There are some/a few books 2 There aren’t any houses

Unit 2 Lesson 3 Short Test A

1 1 living room 2 dining room 3 kitchen 4 bathroom

2 1c – stairs 2d – hall 3e – basement 4f – toilet 5a – garage 6b – bedroom

Unit 2 Lesson 3 Short Test B

1 1 garage 2 bedroom 3 living room 4 dining room

2 1d – hall 2f – toilet 3b – bathroom 4c – stairs 5a – kitchen 6e – basement

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key


Unit 2 Lesson 4 Short Test A

1 1 Are there, there are 2 Is there, there isn’t 3 Is there, there is 4 Are there, there aren’t

2 1 What is there 2 many (beds) are there

Unit 2 Lesson 4 Short Test B

1 1 Is there, there isn’t 2 Are there, there are 3 Are there, there aren’t 4 Is there, there is

2 1 How (many dogs) are there 2 What is there

Unit 2 Lesson 6 Short Test A

1 a What b be c order d number e size

2 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 b

Unit 2 Lesson 6 Short Test B

1 a That b size c in d want e Can

2 1 e 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 c

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key



Unit 3 Lesson 1 Short Test A

1 1 sailing 2 dodgeball 3 windsurfing 4 table tennis 5 ice hockey 6 handball

2 1 exciting 2 dangerous 3 cheap 4 difficult

Unit 3 Lesson 1 Short Test B

1 1 windsurfing 2 basketball 3 dodgeball 4 handball 5 sailing 6 table tennis

2 1 easy 2 safe 3 expensive 4 boring

Unit 3 Lesson 2 Short Test A

1 1 more exciting 2 bigger 3 better 4 more expensive 5 easier 6 safer

2 1 worse than 2 more difficult than 3 more boring than 4 faster/quicker than

Unit 3 Lesson 2 Short Test B

1 1 faster 2 better 3 more difficult 4 cheaper 5 more exciting 6 bigger

2 1 more dangerous than 2 worse than 3 easier than 4 more popular than

Unit 3 Lesson 3 Short Test A

1 1 rakieta do tenisa 2 in-line skates 3 narty 4 ice skates 5 korki/buty do piłki nożnej 6 flippers

2 1 Goggles 2 tracksuit 3 wetsuit 4 surfboard

Unit 3 Lesson 3 Short Test B

1 1 deska do surfingu 2 football boots 3 okularki /gogle do pływania 4 tracksuit 5 łyżworolki 6
table tennis racket

2 1 racket 2 wetsuit 3 helmet 4 flippers

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key


Unit 3 Lesson 4 Short Test A

1 1 the longest 2 the heaviest 3 the most expensive 4 the oldest 5 the best 6 the cheapest

2 1 the worst 2 the most exciting 3 the easiest 4 the hottest

Unit 3 Lesson 4 Short Test B

1 1 the smallest 2 the easiest 3 the most expensive 4 the worst 5 the most difficult 6 the biggest

2 1 the best 2 the most boring 3 the sunniest 4 the oldest

Unit 3 Lesson 6 Short Test A

1 1 b 2 c 3 d

2 1 happy 2 for 3 Can

3 1 This is for you. 2 Many happy returns. 3 My pleasure. 4 They’re really cool.

Unit 3 Lesson 6 Short Test B

1 1 d 2 a 3 b

2 1 Many 2 Go 3 for

3 1 My pleasure. 2 Go ahead. 3 Many happy returns. 4 I hope you like it.

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key



Unit 4 Lesson 1 Short Test A

1 1a 2f 3d 4e 5b

2 1 tidy 2 vacuum 3 iron 4 wash 5 walk

Unit 4 Lesson 1 Short Test B

1 1c 2f 3e 4b 5a

2 1 take 2 dust 3 look after 4 wash 5 iron

Unit 4 Lesson 2 Short Test A

1 1 I hardly ever make my bed. 2 She is always very funny.

3 My brother and sister never walk the dog. 4 They are often very tired.

5 You sometimes look after your younger brother.

2 1 doesn’t take 2 feed 3 don’t iron 4 tidies 5 doesn’t make

Unit 4 Lesson 2 Short Test B

1 1 I usually dust the furniture. 2 We hardly ever iron the clothes. 3 My sister is always very happy.

4 Tom and Robert sometimes wash the car. 5 They are often very funny.

2 1 don’t tidy 2 vacuums 3 doesn’t dust 4 washes 5 don’t take

Unit 4 Lesson 3 Short Test A

1 1 takeaway 2 home 3 cereal 4 sparkling water

2 1 eat fast food 2 drink fizzy drinks 3 drink still water 4 five a day 5 eat sweets 6 pizzeria

Unit 4 Lesson 3 Short Test B

1 1 stall 2 canteen 3 five a day 4 fizzy

2 1 eat/have cereal 2 eat fast food 3 eat three meals a day 4 have lunch at home 5 takeaway

6 drink still water

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key


Unit 4 Lesson 4 Short Test A

1 1 Do you eat; No I/we don’t. 2 Does she tidy; Yes, she does.

3 Do Tom and Lucy have; Yes, they do. 4 Does Paul do; No, he doesn’t.

2 1 How often 2 Where

Unit 4 Lesson 4 Short Test B

1 1 Does he wash; No, he doesn’t. 2 Do Mary and Lisa have; Yes, they do.

3 Do you make; No, I don’t. 4 Does Izzy eat, Yes, she does.

2 1 Where 2 How often

Unit 4 Lesson 6 Short Test A

1 1 do 2 clear 3 cut 4 make 5 do

2 1 Can you 2 I’ll do 3 Can you 4 Can I 5 a deal

Unit 4 Lesson 6 Short Test B

1 1 cut 2 do 3 make 4 wash 5 set

2 1 Can you 2 I hate 3 instead 4 you do 5 do it

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key



Unit 5 Lesson 1 Short Test A

1 1 a/d 2 c 3 b 4 d/a

2 1 corridor 2 classroom 3 pitch 4 playground 5 cloakroom 6 library

Unit 5 Lesson 1 Short Test B

1 1 c 2 a/d 3 d/a 4 b

2 1 cloakroom 2 gym 3 playground 4 library 5 canteen 6 laboratory

Unit 5 Lesson 2 Short Test A

1 1 are playing 2 is not doing / isn’t doing 3 am not dancing / ‘m not dancing

4 is swimming / ‘s swimming

2 1 Is Robert running, he is 2 Are the children watching TV, they aren’t

3 1 Where is Lisa going now? 2 What are they singing?

Unit 5 Lesson 2 Short Test B

1 1 is reading / ‘s reading 2 am not playing / ‘m not playing 3 are not eating / aren’t eating

4 are riding

2 1 Are Ben and Paula swimming, they are 2 Is Alice doing (her) homework, she isn’t

3 1 What are you doing now? 2 Where are Dave and Robert going?

Unit 5 Lesson 3 Short Test A

1 1 history 2 IT 3 art 4 maths 5 Polish 6 geography

2 1b 2d 3c 4a

Unit 5 Lesson 3 Short Test B

1 1 Polish 2 art 3 biology 4 music 5 PE 6 history

2 1d 2a 3b 4c

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key


Unit 5 Lesson 4 Short Test A

1 1 am doing 2 have 3 ‘m not learning 4 isn’t studying 5 is watching 6 watches

2 1 Do you go 2 Is Susan doing 3 Are you buying 4 Does he play

Unit 5 Lesson 4 Short Test B

1 1 am having 2 don’t eat 3 ’m staying 4 finishes 5 is playing 6 plays

2 1 Is Mike playing 2 Do you go 3 Are Peter and Chris doing 4 Does Ann help

Unit 5 Lesson 6 Short Test A

1 1 mustn’t 2 sorry 3 important 4 rules

2 1 You must 2 You mustn’t 3 You must 4 You mustn’t 5 You must 6 You mustn’t

Unit 5 Lesson 6 Short Test B

1 1 must 2 sorry 3 giving 4 warning

2 1 You mustn’t 2 You must 3 You mustn’t 4 You must 5 You mustn’t 6 You must

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key


Unit 6 Lesson 1 Short Test A

1 1 stationer’s 2 bookshop 3 chemist’s 4 department store 5 newsagent’s

2 1 clothes shop 2 toy shop 3 greengrocer’s 4 baker’s 5 butcher’s

Unit 6 Lesson 1 Short Test B

1 1 baker’s 2 department store 3 clothes shop 4 butcher’s 5 toy shop

2 1 stationer’s 2 greengrocer’s 3 newsagent’s 4 bookshop 5 chemist’s

Unit 6 Lesson 2 Short Test A

1 1 wasn’t 2 were 3 was 4 weren’t 5 weren’t 6 was

2 1 She wasn’t 2 We were 3 I was 4 Mark and Adam weren’t

Unit 6 Lesson 2 Short Test B

1 1 were 2 wasn’t 3 weren’t 4 were 5 was 6 wasn’t

2 1 She was 2 We weren’t 3 Chris and Eric were 4 He wasn’t

Unit 6 Lesson 3 Short Test A

1 1 helicopter 2 underground 3 mountain bike 4 motorbike 5 scooter 6 tram

2 1 dangerous 2 busy 3 exciting 4 cheap

Unit 6 Lesson 3 Short Test B

1 1 plane 2 taxi 3 train 4 tram 5 underground 6 ship

2 1 safe 2 fast 3 expensive 4 busy

Unit 6 Lesson 4 Short Test A

1 1 Were, weren’t 2 Was, wasn’t 3 Were, were 4 Was, was

2 1 Where were they yesterday? 2 When was he in London?

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Unit 6 Lesson 4 Short Test B

1 1 Was, was 2 Were, was 3 Were, weren’t 4 Was, wasn’t

2 1 When was she in Rome? 2 Where were you last weekend?

Unit 6 Lesson 6 Short Test A

1 1 Have 2 size 3 Here 4 try 5 changing 6 How 7 much

2 1 too big 2 too expensive 3 too small

Unit 6 Lesson 6 Short Test B

1 1 in 2 What 3 are 4 on 5 over 6 is 7 How

2 1 too small 2 too big 3 too expensive

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Unit 7 Lesson 1 Short Test A

1 1 web page / website 2 radio 3 TV competition 4 czasopismo/magazyn 5 newspaper 6 talent

2 1 sports programme 2 game show 3 cartoons 4 serial / (TV) series

Unit 7 Lesson 1 Short Test B

1 1 film animowany/kreskówka 2 newspaper 3 teleturniej 4 web page/website

5 program sportowy 6 serial/TV series

2 1 talent show 2 TV competition 3 magazines 4 radio

Unit 7 Lesson 2 Short Test A

1 1 watched 2 listened 3 laughed 4 tidied 5 closed

2 1 My sister didn’t ask me for help with her homework.

2 My friends didn’t dance at the disco last night.

3 We didn’t carry the box into the living room.

4 You didn’t arrive in London last week.

5 He didn’t listen to the radio at breakfast.

Unit 7 Lesson 2 B Short Test

1 1 washed 2 hated 3 studied 4 asked 5 arrived

2 1 We didn’t like the new cartoon. 2 She didn’t watch TV last night.

3 He didn’t tidy his room last weekend. 4 They didn’t dance very well.

5 My brother didn’t try windsurfing last summer.

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key


Unit 7 Lesson 3 Short Test A






tennis court



2 1 spectators, stadium 2 athletes, track 3 winner 4 players

Unit 7 Lesson 3 Short Test B







running track


2 1 tennis court 2 commentator 3 swimmer, winner 4 spectators, players

Unit 7 Lesson 4 Short Test A

1 1 lost 2 won 3 sat 4 ran

2 1 didn’t go 2 Did you have, I/we did 3 saw 4 Did Tom do, he didn’t

Unit 7 Lesson 4 Short Test B

1 1 gave 2 saw 3 lost 4 won

2 1 Did she find, she didn’t 2 didn’t go out 3 Did you have, I/we did 4 ran

Unit 7 Lesson 6 Short Test A

1 1 read 2 took 3 bought 4 slept

2 1b 2d 3f 4c 5e 6a

Unit 7 Lesson 6 Short Test B

1 1 got 2 wrote 3 caught 4 bought

2 1f 2a 3c 4e 5d 6b

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key



Unit 8 Lesson 1 Short Test A

1 sixth, 3


, second, 21



thirtieth, 5



2 1 the seventh of May 2 the first of March 3 the twelfth of June

4 the twenty-seventh of September

Unit 8 Lesson 1 Short Test B

1 twelfth, 20


, first, 3


, fifth, 31


2 1 the second of June 2 the eleventh of October

3 the twenty-sixth of February 4 the fifteenth of April

Unit 8 Lesson 2 Short Test A

1 1 are/’re going to have 2 is/’s going to be 3 are going to help

4 am/’m going to buy 5 is/’s going to study

2 1 Susan isn’t going to travel by train.

2 I’m not going to stay at home.

3 My parents aren’t going to work next weekend. / Next weekend, my parents aren’t going to work.

4 We aren’t going to do shopping this afternoon.

5 It isn’t going to be sunny tomorrow.

Unit 8 Lesson 2 Short Test B

1 1 is/’s going to arrive 2 am/’m going to see 3 are/’re going to have 4 are going to play

5 is/’s going to make

2 1 We aren’t going to stay in a hotel. 2 She isn’t going to help us. 3 I am not going to see this film.

4 It isn’t going to be cold tomorrow. 5 They aren’t going to make a cake.

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Brainy Klasa 5. Short Tests Answer Key


Unit 8 Lesson 3 Short Test A

1 1 river 2 waterfall 3 cave 4 wood 5 sea 6 beach

2 1 path 2 island 3 village 4 hill

Unit 8 Lesson 3 Short Test B

1 1 lake 2 island 3 path 4 mountain 5 waterfall 6 river

2 1 beach 2 cave 3 road 4 wood

Unit 8 Lesson 4 Short Test A

1 1 Are you going to swim in the sea? Yes, I am/we are.

2 Are they going to climb the mountain? No, they aren’t.

3 Is Robert going to walk in the wood? No, he isn’t.

2 1 What 2 stay 3 When 4 eat

Short Test Unit 8 Lesson 4 B

1 1 Are we going to walk up the hill? Yes, we/you are.

2 Is she going to run on the beach? Yes, she is.

3 Are they going to have a party? No, they aren’t.

2 1 Where 2 eat 3 When 4 study

Unit 8 Lesson 6 Short Test A

1 1d 2e 3c 4b

2 1 ask 2 course 3 it 4 get

3 1 You shouldn’t swim in the river. 2 Is it OK to/Can I make a fire?

Unit 8 Lesson 6 Short Test B

1 1b 2e 3d 4a

2 1 Can 2 of 3 Is 4 be

3 1 Is it safe to swim in the river? 2 You shouldn’t/Don’t drink water from the river.


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