Statistical Revelations Seem To Disprove 'Flu Mania' Vaxxter

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Statistical Revelations Seem To Disprove 'Flu Mania' - Vaxxter


Statistical Revelations Seem To Disprove ‘Flu Mania’




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Vaxxter Staff


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When we fall ill in the winter season, we always refer to our sickness as, “the flu.” For most of us, we’ve accepted the
fallacy in terminology as a simple way to tell our sister-in-law that we can’t make happy hour. But the fact is, there are
more than 200 viruses and bacterias capable of creating “flu-like symptoms.” The media is making the flu be as deadly
as Ebola. But if you pay attention, many of these dramatically reported incidents involving “flu-like symptoms” are not
true flu. True flu is only caused by influenza viruses and influenza vaccines only prevent real influenza, the sickness
caused by influenza viruses.

Read that again. It’s important.

Influenza vaccines do not prevent influenza-like illness, the sickness caused by other bugs.

So how much true flu is out there?

The CDC has approximately 120 testing centers located throughout the United States. If an ill person goes into a testing
center, the practitioners there send nasal and throat swabs to the CDC for testing. Looking over at data from the


U.S. Influenz


Surveillance Report,

we can see that since October 2017 – the beginning of the flu season, the CDC has

tested almost 372,000 specimens. Of those, only 12.8% have been POSITIVE for influenza viruses.

This is actually LESS than what has been identified over the last 19 years where

only 15%

of influenza-like illness has

been caused by INFLUENZA VIRUSES. This seems to indicate that the flu shot is a perennial failure – failing to
protect you nearly 85% of the time…every year.

The major theme? “Flu-like symptoms” isn’t real influenza. The fake media is now pushing it’s “get vaccinated”
schedule by hyping fake flu.

Data Cumulative since
October 1, 2017 (Week 40)
No. of specimens tested 371,863
No. of positive specimens 47,689


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Statistical Revelations Seem To Disprove 'Flu Mania' - Vaxxter


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Here’s what Dr. Sherri Tenpenny had to say about the matter:

“What I’d like to know is what pathogen is causing the influenza-like illness? If only 12.8%
of those who are sick are sick due to influenza viruses, what is the virulent pathogen that is
causing 87% of the sickness?”

Additionally, we’ve recently reported on two peculiar cases of “flu-like symptom” which sadly, resulted in the deaths of
young persons.

One was a bodybuilder in

Pittsburgh who’s organs failed after being diagnosed with flu-like symptoms

. The second was


12-year-old girl in California who was misdiagnosed with influenza

based on “flu-like symptoms,” who ended up

passing away, similarly, from septic shock.

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Two healthy, young persons die from septic shock caused by “flu?” Only, one of them was determined to be a grossly
misdiagnosed. Is this parade of “flu death” in the headlines serving as a prelude of something big to come? The last
time they were this hysterical about influenza was

back in 2004.

They over-reported the number of influenza deaths in

children and the following year? They added the flu shot loaded with mercury to the pediatric schedule, starting at six
months of age.

Makes me a little nervous about what they’ve got up their collective sleeves.

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