Ellora's Cave Julia Templeton Home Town Hero

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An Ellora’s Cave Publication, September 2004

Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 787
Hudson, OH 44236-0787

ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-982-7
Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned):
Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC) & HTML


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Edited by Pamela Cohen
Cover art by Syneca.

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Julia Templeton

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This story is dedicated to my friends from overseas: Gail (England), Annamaria

(Italy), Ouarda (France) and Hans (The Netherlands). My world is a bigger, happier

place because you’re in it. Thanks for your support and friendship.

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Hometown Hero

Chapter One

“Let me see if I got this right? You’ve been fucking her for the past six months?”

Amanda said, trying to keep her cool as she stared at her fiancé, all the while pointing

to the twenty-two year old, red-faced flight attendant at her side.

Bob, looking equally flushed, sat beside his copilot in the cockpit, and swallowed

hard as he looked from Amanda to his young lover. “Sorry, Amanda.”

Sorry! That’s all you have to say is sorry?”

Ripping the two-carat ring off her finger, she flung it at him and without another

word turned on her heel. She grabbed the nearest P.A. and said, “Ladies and

gentlemen, your pilot, Mr. Bob Johnson, is a two-timing asshole who has a small dick,

and doesn’t know the first thing about foreplay. As of this moment our engagement is

called off, and Bob can go fuck himself. Have a nice day.”

Four hours later, Amanda entered the Upper Eastside apartment she shared with

two other flight attendants, and looked out at the bustling city below. The intensity of

the city never slowed. Everyone in a hurry to get where they were going, cabs honking,

the incessant sound of hammering due to never-ending construction.

She released a heavy sigh. In four days she would be thirty. Thirty and still living

with two women who globetrotted around the world, spending their lives living out of

suitcases. Granted, she had loved this life, and when Bob had asked her to marry him

on New Year’s, she’d talked about quitting and settling down in a house, probably in

Bob’s hometown of Boston.

Some dreams died hard.

She caught her reflection in the window. Her blonde hair was still in a ponytail,

though wisps of hair had fallen out, giving her a windblown appearance. Dark circles

under blue eyes stared back at her. Damn, she looked as tired as she felt. Rubbing her


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tense shoulder, she stared blindly out the window. In a matter of hours two of her

roommates would be home, and they would, as usual, want to go out clubbing.

Amanda was sick of clubs, drinking, dancing with strange men, coming home late

to the small apartment, only to find one of her roommates had invited someone home.

She’d take her blanket and pillow and make her way to the bathroom, where she would

cozy up on the floor…or in some instances, the bathtub.

She was finished sleeping in bathtubs while her roommates had one-night stands.

Glancing behind her at the sparsely furnished room that contained only a few items

she’d acquired over the years, her mind raced.

Maybe it was time to move home. Back to Oregon, to the small quaint town she had

been more than happy to leave at eighteen, but now at thirty seemed a perfect fit.

A small town that would welcome her with open arms.

She smiled to herself. Yep, it was time to go home.


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Hometown Hero

Chapter Two

Four weeks later, Amanda sat on the floor of her empty living room, in her new

home, a cozy “fixer-upper”, two-bedroom little granny house, complete with country

porch and large picture windows.

Thankfully her parents had been stockpiling furniture in their basement for the past

decade in hopes she would come to her senses and return home to Elm Creek. She had

shipped her boxes, which would be arriving today via UPS, and her brother’s friend

was picking up a U-Haul, and would help move the furniture from her parents’ house,


Upstairs, she heard her brother curse, and she smiled. Jeff, her little brother, had

been tinkering with the toilet for the past hour. “Mandy, why couldn’t you have bought

a newer house? Maybe one that was built in our lifetime.”

She laughed under her breath. “Because they’re too expensive and plus, they lack

character,” she called up the stairs, elated to be home, and hanging with her little

brother who had grown into a handsome young man while she’d been away.

“Hey, Dylan just pulled up with the U-Haul,” Jeff called out.

“Dylan Ryder?” Amanda asked more to herself than to Jeff as she headed for the

front door. The name Dylan instantly conjured up images of a cute dark-haired boy

with beautiful green eyes and an endearing smile. A boy she thought was awful cute for

being so much younger than her, and who also happened to be her brother’s best friend

since they were in elementary school.

The last time she’d seen Dylan he’d been about thirteen…and she’d been eighteen

when she left the small town of Elm Creek for New York, home of Happy Trails Airline.

As a loud knock sounded at the front door, Amanda ran her fingers through her still


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damp hair, trying to envision the man Dylan had become. Visions of a cute, boy-next-

door type made her grin.

The moment Amanda opened the door the smile vanished from her lips.

Wearing a sleeveless black t-shirt, faded-to-white Levi’s that hugged athletic thighs,

and scuffed work boots, the tall man standing on her porch looked nothing like the boy

she remembered.

Amanda swallowed past the lump in her throat as her gaze slowly crept up his

impressive frame to find herself staring into familiar green eyes that contrasted fiercely

with his dark hair. She had been right on one count—Dylan’s eyes were just as beautiful

as she recalled.

“Amanda, welcome home,” he said, a huge smile on his face, taking a step toward

her and extending his hand.

“Dylan, it’s been a…long time.” Her voice broke as she shook his hand, liking the

feel of the calluses against her palm. She was used to businessmen and pilots, whose

hand were as soft as hers were. There certainly wasn’t anything soft about this man,

except for his smile…

“About twelve years.”

“You look great.” That was a vast understatement. Time had been incredibly kind to

Dylan Ryder.

“Thanks, so do you,” he replied, and to her chagrin, she saw he had dimples as


“Jeff’s working on the toilet in the upstairs bathroom. The place needs some work.”

His dark brows lifted as he looked past her to the living room. “Nice. It has a lot of


“I think so. I feel fortunate to have found it.”

“And I live just around the block…in case you ever need anything.”

Her stomach tightened at that bit of information. “Really? That’s great.”


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Are you married? That was her next thought but she couldn’t bring herself to ask.

“How does it feel to come back to a small town having lived in a big city for so


His gaze was intense as he watched her, making her shift on her feet. “It feels good.

It really does.”

The side of his mouth lifted in a smile she remembered well from her childhood. To

her surprise, her heart gave a hard jolt.

“I’m glad you’re back, Amanda.”

The declaration surprised her, and even more amazing was the emotions that he

evoked in her as he watched her through those magnificent green eyes that were

framed by long, dark lashes.

She couldn’t get over that this was Dylan Ryder. Little Dylan Ryder! The boy who

had bent the frame of her brand new bicycle when he’d jumped it over the Newsom’s

hedge just minutes after she’d received it as a birthday present.

“Hey, buddy, did you even recognize my big sister?” Jeff asked as he came down

the stairs, instantly pulling Amanda’s attention away from her churning thoughts.

Dylan’s gaze shifted over her in a way that made the hair on her arms stand on end.

His lips curved and his brow lifted. “I still see the girl in the woman.” His tone was

silky soft, and Amanda forced her pounding heart to settle down.

“Well, you gonna leave him standing on the porch all day?” Jeff asked, giving her a

sideways glance before clapping Dylan on the back. “It’s not a bad little place, is it?

Needs a bit of elbow grease, but I figure between the two of us, it will be as good as new

before long.”

Dylan frowned. “The two of us, huh?”

“Well, you’re the one with the construction company, buddy,” Jeff said, winking at

Amanda. “In fact, care to take a look at this toilet upstairs? Damn thing is giving me a



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Before she knew it, Jeff was taking the stairs two at a time.

Dylan followed behind, but he stopped and met her gaze. “Do you remember how

mad you used to get when we’d always want to tag along with you and your friends?”

She nodded.

“You probably would have been a lot nicer knowing that years later we’d be

helping you renovate your house.”

“Funny how that happens, huh?” she said, her stomach tightening as his gaze

shifted from hers to her lips.

* * * * *

Dylan’s heart was racing like a runaway train. He’d thought that his crush on

Amanda was a thing of the past, but one look in those gorgeous blue eyes, he realized

he still had it bad for his best friend’s big sister.

And now she was home for good—living just around the corner.

For as long as he could recall he’d had a thing for Amanda Holladay. Though he’d

only been eight years old the first time he saw her, he still remembered how he felt at

that moment. He’d come home on the bus with Jeff, and they’d been sitting at the

kitchen table eating a snack when she walked through the door. There had been a heart-

stopping moment when their gazes locked. He’d never forget that stare or the way her

lips curved into a soft smile as she said hello.

Then the magic ended when her gaze shifted to the empty wrapper in front of him.

Her smile quickly turned to a scowl when she asked if he’d just eaten the last Twinkie.

Back then they had never spoken more than a few words to each other.

That was a long time ago, when they were kids. Now she was a woman—a fact he

was reminded of when he’d caught one glance of her in those faded blue jeans and

white tank top that only emphasized her full breasts.


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Hometown Hero

“You coming?” Jeff yelled, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Dylan would have much rather talked to Amanda, but instead he shrugged. “I’ll see

you in a bit, Amanda.”

Twenty minutes later, the leaking toilet was fixed, and Dylan followed Jeff

downstairs, into the kitchen where Amanda was busy lining the shelves. A small chunk

of hair had escaped her ponytail and it was all he could do not to reach out and touch

the strands that were neither blonde, nor brown, but a combination of the two, blending

together, making him think of a field of wheat. She was a little taller than most women

he’d dated, standing about six inches beneath his six feet two inches. A perfect fit, he

thought to himself.

“Hey sis, we’re gonna go by Mom’s and pick up the furniture,” Jeff said, already

heading for the front door. “We should be able to get it all into one load, but we’ll be a


“Okay,” she said, glancing at Dylan with a smile that made his heart trip.

“Shit. I forgot my wallet upstairs on the counter. I’ll be right back,” Jeff said, leaving

them alone.

“What?” she asked, smoothing her hair back.

“I just never expected to see you back here. I thought we’d lost you to the city for


Her smile slowly faded, and he wished he could take back the words. He’d heard

about her ex-fiancé, and knew she’d been hurt. “I love Elm Creek. I always knew I’d

come back.” Thankfully her lips curved and she shook her head. “I still can’t believe

how much you’ve changed.”

His heart pounded hard against his chest as an inner excitement raced through him.

“Well, I’m not at all surprised at the changes in you,” he said, his voice catching.

Her lips quirked. “I’m surprised you even remember what I look like.”


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Was she kidding? Every one of her features had been etched in his memory. She’d

been his fantasy for years and when she’d left Elm Creek, he’d been devastated. “I

remember when you were about fifteen, hanging out with some friends at the county

fair. You were wearing this yellow sun top and cutoff shorts with a little smiley face

patch on the right back pocket. A couple of my buddies and me followed you and went

on every ride you did.”

“You were stalking us?” she asked, a playful grin on her face.

“Not stalking really. We just thought you were cute.”

She snickered. “How old were you…ten?”

“Yeah, but I wished I’d been fifteen that day,” he replied, unable to resist having

heard the sarcasm in her voice. But now as she stared at him, her expression clearly one

of surprise, he wondered if it hadn’t been a mistake to speak his thoughts out loud.

* * * * *


Had he actually said he thought she was cute? Settle down, Amanda. That was years

ago, she thought, keeping her gaze averted. She was no longer that dewy-faced teenager

with stars in her eyes. She knew the reality of her situation. She was thirty, with no

boyfriend, and the new owner of a little fixer-upper house in the middle of a small town

with few job prospects.

But it was the right move. She knew it was. She just had to keep focused on the

house and her future, and forget about a certain gorgeous guy with dark hair and

sparkling green eyes.

* * * * *


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Three hours later she heard the boys pull up in the driveway. She glanced out the

window to see them coming up the front pathway carrying an entertainment center.

Racing for the door, she opened it. “Where you want this?” Jeff asked, nearly pushing

her out of the way.

“Over there.” She nodded toward the far corner. She stood back, taking in Dylan’s

backside. His ass was so tight, nice and firm. What would it feel like to have those tight

cheeks beneath her fingers as he made love to her? Weren’t younger men supposed to

be able to go forever? She’d been a virgin until twenty-eight and her boyfriend had

been ten years older than her.

Setting the entertainment center in the corner, Jeff looked at her. “Good?”

She ripped her gaze from Dylan, and she caught her brother’s smirk. Ignoring that

knowing grin, she nodded. “Perfect.”

Dylan’s cell phone rang. He flipped it open, glanced at the number and groaned.

“Must be psycho-bitch,” Jeff said, already heading for the front door.

“Afraid so,” Dylan said, switching off his phone and pocketing it.

“Girlfriend?” Amanda asked, surprised at the jealousy coursing through her at the

thought of a nameless, faceless woman who had a history with Dylan. A woman who

no doubt had shared his bed and been fucked senseless.

Just like she wanted to be…

“Yeah, Heather. How long has it been—six months, and she still drives by his

house.” Jeff shook his head. “He’s had to change his number umpteen times. Hell, I had

to change my number because she wouldn’t stop calling and telling me to tell Dylan

how much she loved him.”

“How long were you together?” Amanda asked, before she could stop herself.

Dylan looked almost pained. “About a year.”

“Is she from Elm Creek?”

“Originally, but now she lives up the river about twenty miles.”


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Well, at least psycho-bitch didn’t live in the vicinity. That was welcome news.

“You probably wouldn’t remember her, Mandy. She was a year younger than us, so

you were long gone by the time she entered high school,” Jeff said, a devilish smile on

his lips.

Amanda frowned. “Are you trying to tell me I’m old?”

“Well, you are thirty, where Dylan and myself are a mere twenty-five,” Jeff said,

pumping out his chest. “Smack in the prime of our lives, I would say.”

She’d love to smack something right about now, and it wasn’t just her brother’s


“You act as though five years is such a difference.” Though she said it to her

brother, she glanced at Dylan to see his reaction.

He watched her just as intently. His grin broadened. “Age is just a number.”


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Hometown Hero

Chapter Three

Dylan watched her with that devilish grin that made her blood warm. “Age is just a

number,” he said, walking toward her in that animal-like stride she loved. He lifted her onto the
kitchen counter, stepped between her thighs, and kissed her senseless.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling the length of his deliciously thick cock against

her heated center. “You want this?” he asked, unbuttoning his Levi’s so slowly she wanted to
scream. He unleashed his rigid length, his strong fingers curling around the impressive shaft.

His green eyes darkened as he rolled his thumb over the plum-sized head.

He kissed her hard, while pulling her shirt up, and making quick work of her bra. He stepped

away for only a second, flung the clothing aside, then unbuttoned her shorts. A heartbeat later

her shorts and panties went the way of her shirt and bra, and she was being lifted onto his

throbbing cock.

How delicious he felt buried to the hilt. He didn’t move, just held her there, while his tongue

stroked hers. Gently he rested her ass on the counter’s edge, and started to move, slowly, his

thick length nearly leaving her. Greedily she opened her legs wider and sought his cock, desperate
to keep him inside her.

“Mandy, you feel so good. So hot,” he said against her lips, cupping her ass, pulling her

tight to him for maximum penetration.

Her breath hitched as her body quickened, her climax starting in the very core of her, pulsing

outward until she reached for the stars.

She cried out his name as the climax claimed her. He gently bit into her shoulder as he came,

and she clung to him like a woman drowning.

He looked at her, sweat heavy on his brow, his lips curving into a sensual smile. “Wake up,

Mandy. You’re dreaming.”


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Amanda opened her eyes with a start. She looked around her room, and was

grateful to find she was alone, and Dylan nowhere in sight. Covered in sweat, she

shoved the sheets off of her and went straight to the shower, hoping the cold water

would help cool her libido. Damn the dream had been hot —and so real.

If only…

“Stop it,” she said out loud. She didn’t need to get involved with anyone, especially

her brother’s best friend. She needed to get the home improvements finished, get a job,

and get on with her life.

Then she could worry about a private life.

Keeping her thoughts focused on her future, and as far away from the dream as

possible, she finished her shower, and threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Making

her way downstairs, she went to the kitchen, put the coffee on, and leaned against the

counter, staring out the kitchen window where her elderly neighbor, Mrs. Newsom,

chatted with the mailman. She smiled. The majority of her neighbors were older…living

in the same place for decades.

And Dylan Ryder lived right around the corner.

Stop thinking of him! She ran her hand down her face. It was going to be a very long


She poured herself a cup of coffee, and set the carafe back on the unit to continue

brewing. The screen door shut and she turned, half-expecting to find her mother who

said she’d be coming by early. Instead, she nearly dropped the mug of coffee.

“Hey, Amanda,” Dylan said from the doorway.

She tightened her grip on the mug and tried to ignore her skittering pulse. A

difficult thing to do when Dylan was wearing khaki shorts and a white tank top that

clung to his impressive pecs and rock-hard abdomen, where a six-pack was defined

against the tight fabric.


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“Sorry to startle you. We yelled when we got here, but I think you were in the

shower. We’re working on the decking back here. We stopped by a jobsite and picked

up some extra two by fours we had laying around.”

“I’ll pay you for those,” she blurted, thinking of other things she’d love to pay him

for as well.

He’s too young for you, Amanda, her conscience all but screamed as visions of her

dream filled her—particularly where he’d stroked his long, thick cock with those long-

fingered, callused hands. Her gaze shifted down over his chest to the material that

covered his crotch.

Amanda released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, and to her

horror it sounded like a sigh. She faked a cough to cover.

“I was wondering if I could get a cup of coffee?” he asked, causing her to rip her

gaze back to his. “I could smell it from outside.” He watched her intently. Her cheeks

blazed. God, she’d been openly gawking at his package. How humiliating!

“Sure,” she said, grabbing a mug from the cabinet and filling it with the too strong


“Hey, are you gonna sit and talk all day, or am I gonna get some help here?” Jeff

shouted from the back porch, and for once Amanda was grateful for the interruption.

Dylan shook his head. “Listen to him. You’d think I’d been in here for more than

five minutes.”

She laughed nervously and handed him the coffee, hoping he didn’t notice her

trembling hand. “He’s always been impatient.”

“I’ll be right out,” Dylan called over his shoulder.

He looked at her for a heart-stopping moment, saying nothing, just staring, and

then he walked toward her slowly. Her heart pounded with every step that brought

him nearer. His clean, masculine scent permeated her senses and she backed into the

counter. The same counter in her dream—the counter where he’d fucked her.


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He reached out, his arm rubbing against her own as he leaned over her. Man, he

smelled delicious. A second later he stepped back, an apple in his hand. “Do you mind?

I didn’t get breakfast.”

Her throat was so tight; all she could do was nod.

“I better get back out there or he’ll come unglued.”

“Okay,” she said, her voice a high squeak.

* * * * *

Amanda was in her studio, sitting at her desk when she looked up to find Dylan standing

before her, naked. Her heart skittered with a mixture of alarm and excitement. “D…Dylan, what
are you doing here?”

He ran a long finger along the mahogany edge of her desk. “I can’t stop thinking about

you,” he said, his green eyes dark with passion as he walked slowly around the desk, his gaze
pinning her to the spot. She sat back in her chair, her stomach coiling in a tight knot.

“You shouldn’t be here, Dylan.”

The sides of his mouth lifted in a lazy, sexy smile. “Of course I should. I’m here to see to

your every desire.”

Her gaze slid over his impressive body, stopping at the dark trail of hair that led to his long,

thick erection. Liquid fire spread through her veins, low into her groin, making her wet, slick,

He stood before her now, his cock rising to his naval. The purple crown, engorged with

blood, bucked and jerked. She licked her lips. He was only inches from her face. “We shouldn’t.”
Even as the words left her lips, she leaned toward him, tasting him, her tongue stroking the salty

tip of his huge shaft.

Strong hands curled on her shoulders, pulling her closer, urging her on. While she pleasured

him with her mouth, her fingers grazed the hot skin of his legs, the fine hairs tickling her fingers
as she worked her way from ankle to ass. Hard sinew and tendon contracted under golden skin.


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His breath quickened, the thick muscle in his stomach clenching tight. She smiled inwardly,

her fingers grazing the cleft of his ass, finding the sensitive patch on his sac, stroking it.

“Jesu—” she heard his guttural moan. She took him further into her mouth.

He moved so quickly, the next thing she knew she was on her feet, bent over her desk, and

Dylan had slipped her pants down her legs.

The crown of his cock nudged her wet opening.

She gripped the desk.

He slid into her with a groan. She closed her eyes, savoring the delicious feel of him deep

inside her.

His warm lips touched the back of her neck. “You feel so good.”

Gripping her hips tight, he slid in and out of her, his motion fluid. She arched her back,

taking him more fully, more deeply.

A buzzing sounded in her ear. With a start, Amanda woke, her heart pumping

wildly, her body coiled tight.

Damn it! With a heavy sigh, she hit the snooze alarm.

It was an hour before dawn. Her room was still shrouded in darkness. She had

wanted to rise early this morning, to work out, and maybe get some drawing in before

the boys got here. And more importantly, she wanted to look good for Dylan.


Even now her heart still pounded like mad…and her body pulsed with need. Her

fingers crept over the soft skin of her belly, down to the elastic waistband of her panties.

She peeked at the closed door guiltily, almost expecting it to fling open.

It didn’t.

Her other hand cupped her breast through her cotton t-shirt, her fingers splaying,

rubbing a sensitive nipple. She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes, envisioning

Dylan like he’d been in the dream, naked before her, his long thick cock straining

against his belly.


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Thighs falling open, she brushed her fingers over her clit, circling it, once, twice,

again and again. Her breathing increased, growing more ragged with each stroke. She

pinched her nipple, the pleasure/pain intensifying the ache between her thighs.

Imagining Dylan entering her, she lifted her hips, her fingers pressing harder, faster.

She released a throaty moan as her body rocked, tightening, pulsing with her climax.

Once it passed she dropped her hands back to her sides, and stared at the ceiling.

She definitely needed to get Dylan Ryder out of her system…and fast.

* * * * *

It had been a long time since she’d been motivated to put pencil to paper, and now

that she was feeling the flow, she didn’t want to stop. Plus, drawing always calmed her.

She took a bite of her half-eaten bagel and a sip of black coffee. Luther Vandross’

voice serenaded her and she smiled. This was the kind of moment she had only been

able to dream about these past twelve years, where privacy had been a luxury. Not

now. Now she had all the time for herself. The time for her future, for her family.

Setting the pencil down, she looked at the likeness on the pad. Dylan in all his

masculine glory stared back at her. She grinned. It wasn’t half bad.

The studio door squeaked and she jumped.

Her stomach did a somersault when Dylan stepped into the room.

“I knocked but you didn’t answer. Tried the doorbell, but apparently it’s not

working.” He looked embarrassed for having walked in.

“That’s okay.” She tried not to think of the way he’d looked in her dream. Naked,

hard and hot. To her horror, her cheeks heated.

“I’ll pick up a doorbell for you today when we run to the hardware store.” He

looked hesitant, and in a way, vulnerable. Amanda thought he’d never looked so

adorable as he did at that moment. “Jeff’s on his way.”


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“Okay.” She glanced at the clock; shocked to find it was nine o’clock. The hours had

flown by. “Can I get you some coffee?”

Dylan’s gaze shifted from her to the paper, and she stiffened. What would he think?

Her heart hammered alarmingly, embarrassed to have been caught drawing something

so intimate, yet as she stared at him, she realized what the picture was missing.

The planes of his face were sharp, but almost too sharp in the drawing. Now as he

watched her intently, there was a softness that she hadn’t quite captured.

“What are you drawing?” he asked, walking into the room.

Amanda didn’t move. She couldn’t even breathe as he stepped up beside her. She

watched for his reaction.

His spine straightened.

Then he looked at her and all her fears were put to rest at the pleasure she saw on

his face. “Wow, you’re very good…and I’m flattered that you would choose to draw


“Thanks,” she replied, a warm glow working its way up her spine, knowing his

praise was genuine. “I still have some finishing touches. You know, it would be great if

you could pose for me.”

His eyes widened “Really? What do I have to do?”

“You can sit on the couch over there—and lose the shirt. You’ll have to stand in a

little while, but for now I’m just working on your face.”

“When will you work on my body?” he asked, a devilish grin on his lips as he

reached behind his neck and pulled off his shirt.

Damn, the guy had a body that wouldn’t quit. Broad shoulders, nice chest, six-pack

abs. Amanda smiled inwardly and started defining the drawing.

For the next thirty minutes she worked effortlessly, enjoying the opportunity to

stare at him, to take in every inch of his perfect form—and all for the sake of art.


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It was sensual having him there, posing for her. Despite his enthusiasm, she could

tell he was nervous as he watched her through those long, thick lashes. She would give

anything to know his thoughts.

“Tell me about your life…your hopes and dreams,” she said, hoping to ease his


“You know a lot of it. When I graduated, I started my own construction company,

and I’m still doing it now.”

She smiled. “Jeff says you have a lot of commercial accounts as well.”

He nodded.

“Where do you see yourself in the future? Do you plan to settle down?”

His eyes took on a faraway look for a moment. “Sure. I’d love to be married, have a

couple of kids…”

She liked that answer. “So…when did you move out of your mom’s house?”

She saw pain flicker in his eyes before he masked it. “I was seventeen, just out of

high school, when she married for the third time. The guy didn’t like me, and I couldn’t

stand him, so it was for the best that I left. The marriage didn’t last a year.” He

shrugged as though he didn’t care, but she knew differently. A child always needed its

mother, no matter what age. “Now she’s with Gerald, who’s not much better, but at

least he loves her, and he takes care of her.”

“That has to be a relief for you.”

He nodded. “And what about you? Do you want to get married and have kids?”

She glanced at him and smiled. “Yes, I want to be married …and have children.”

The sides of his mouth curved into that irresistible smile that made her nipples

harden. But his next question took her off-guard. “Do you miss him?”

She frowned. “Who?”

“Bob. The pilot.”

Damn Jeff! He never could keep his mouth shut. “Not at all.”


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His smile faltered. “Yet your face tells a different story.”

“I actually don’t miss him, or the life I was leading. True, I did love him, but I don’t

anymore. He wasn’t the right man for me, and New York wasn’t the right town for me.”

Unable to hold his intense stare, she looked down at the drawing.

“Maybe what you’re looking for is right here.”

She looked up abruptly to find him standing before her. His stare was so intense it

took her breath away. Slowly the backs of his fingers slid along her jaw, and down her

neck. “I always wanted to be with you, Amanda.”

He leaned over, his lips descended on hers, capturing them in a kiss that stole the

breath from her lungs.

She reached out to him, and he pulled her up, out of the chair and hugged her tight

to him, all the while his velvety tongue stroked hers.

“Hey, what are you guys doing?” Jeff’s voice permeated her senses, and she

jumped away from Dylan.

Jeff’s gaze shifted between the two of them. “Never mind. I see what you’re up to.”

His lips quirked. “I’ll just be downstairs.”

Amanda closed her eyes, relief washing over her.

Dylan bent down for another kiss. He smiled against her lips. “One of the downfalls

of moving home.”

He kissed her once more. “Dinner at my house tonight? Six o’clock?”

She nodded.

With a wink, he left her staring after him.


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Chapter Four

Dylan’s house looked like it could be photographed for a spread in Better Homes and

Gardens. When Amanda had originally envisioned his home, she thought along the lines

of the typical bachelor pad with beat-up, oddball furniture and pictures of beer logos

and half-naked women on white scuffed up walls. Not this house. Plush cream-colored

carpet filled the rather elegant living room where pictures of landscapes blended well

with earth-tone walls and a tan leather couch and recliner. The tables were all in warm

maple that matched the wood trim in the doorways and window frames.

“It’s not much, but it’s home,” he said, with a proud smile.

“I like it,” she said, impressed. “It’s comfortable yet homey, and a heck of a lot nicer

than my place.”

“Not for long. We’ll get your house whipped into shape in no time,” he said,

running his hand through his still damp hair. His biceps bulged with the effort, making

her stomach tighten and her blood boil.

He looked so hot. Gap jeans molded to strong thighs, and a bright white cotton t-

shirt couldn’t hide that wide chest, or those flat nipples she ached to press her lips to.

What she wouldn’t give to rip his clothes right off of him.

“Do you want to watch television?” he asked, motioning toward the couch.

“Whatever you want,” she replied, smoothing the front of her sundress. It had

taken her hours to decide what to wear. She didn’t want to be too dressed up, or too

casual. Plus, the cotton sundress would be easy to remove…if things went that far.

And she hoped they did.

He took a step toward her. “Oh, just one thing before we sit down,” he said, pulling

her into his arms and kissing her until her legs threatened to buckle.


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Amanda’s heart hammered against his hard chest as he pulled her up against him,

proving to her how much he desired her. “I want you, Amanda,” he whispered against

her lips. “For the longest time I’ve wondered what it would be like to make love to


His words thrilled her.

He put her at arm’s length. “I think you want me too, but maybe I’m wrong.

So…you have a choice, I can take you home right now, or we can go to my bedroom.”

The pulse in his jaw twitched, and she could feel the steady beating of his heart

against her own. Her lips curved. “Where’s your room?”

He grabbed the back of her head and kissed her hard, his tongue stroking hers,

devouring her. Amanda wove her fingers through his silky, damp hair, while her other

hand explored the muscles of his back, the high arch of his ass, the firm cheek. She

pulled him tight against her groin. He smiled against her lips, and then lifted her in his


Dylan could hear his heart pound. Every muscle in his body was tense with

anticipation. Amanda felt so right in his arms, and the way she kissed him, and touched

him, made him know tonight would be a night he would never forget.

He didn’t want this to be over in a matter of minutes—he wanted it to be

memorable. Her hands moved up his body, turning his desire up yet another notch. “I

need you, Dylan,” she whispered against his lips.

Kicking the door to his room open, he strode to his bed and laid her there.

She sat up on her elbows, watching him as he reached behind his neck and pulled

off his t-shirt. Her blue heavy-lidded eyes slid over him, making his pulsing erection

lengthen and harden. He unbuttoned his jeans, slid them down his legs, along with his

boxers, and stepped out of them. She patted the place beside her, biting her bottom lip

as though she were an innocent, when she knew exactly what it was she was doing.

Amanda’s heart was thumping so loud she was positive Dylan could hear it. He

was so virile, so…naked, and damn did he look good. She let her gaze slide from his,


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over his wide chest, the hard, flat stomach, the happy trail of dark hair that led to his

impressive cock. Thick, long, and throbbing.

She swallowed hard.

Her breath caught in her throat as he took the steps that separated them and

crawled onto the bed. She went to her knees. He kissed her slowly, his hands moving

down her body one minute, and then pulling her dress up and over her head the next.

He lay down, bringing her with him. Laying flat on her back, she watched as he ran a

hand over her breasts, his fingers toying with her nipples, making them hard and erect,

before moving down her stomach, to the elastic band of her white lace thong.

“Beautiful,” he said, kissing her navel before pulling the thong from her, kissing her

thighs, knees, shins and feet before flinging the underwear aside.

When he looked at her in that thick-lashed, slit-eyed way that promised great

things ahead, her heart began to pump wildly.

He crawled up her body, covering her with his hard length, his cock pressed

against her hot core as he smiled down at her. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited

for this,” he said, kissing her again, with a gentleness that surprised her. Impatient, she

ran her hands over his hard back, her nails lightly grazing the skin of his broad


Gentle fingers caressed her hard nipples, sending a flush of warmth between her

legs. Waves of sensation rippled through her as his lips left hers, making a path down

her throat, to her shoulder, to the tops of her breasts. Taking an already rigid peak into

his mouth he sucked slowly, his tongue laving her, tormenting her. She reached for

him, wanting to feel his length in her hand, but couldn’t as he moved further down her

body, covering her stomach with kisses, his tongue circling her belly button.

His eyes met hers as he moved lower. He kissed the inside of one thigh all the way

down to her foot, then made his way up again, starting with her other foot, working his

way to the insides of her thighs. She swallowed hard recognizing the wicked gleam in

his eyes as his tongue flicked over the very part of her that craved him most.


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“Dylan,” she whispered on a moan, her hands weaving through his dark hair,

urging him to continue. He was relentless, his tongue teasing her clit with such expert

skill she reached up and grabbed hold of the wrought-iron headboard for support. Her

fingers curled around the hard metal as he sucked, licked and laved her into a frenzy.

She had never in her thirty years experienced anything like it. Her thighs opened

wider, and he slipped his hands beneath her ass, pulling her closer, sucking, laving,

teasing. Her stomach tensed as the intensity began, pounding within her, demanding

release. Holding onto the headboard with one hand, her fingers clenched in his thick

hair. She looked down at him, eyes closed, long lashes casting shadows against jutting

cheekbones, his sweet, oh-so-skilled mouth, and his long tongue that was sliding over

her slick, swollen flesh. He looked up then, his eyes dark, so sexy. The stirring that had

started, coiled hard, hot, centered at her core where he stroked her slit yet again with

his tongue. “Yes,” she said, her heels digging into the mattress as the climax peaked, her

heart and body pounding in rhythm, rocking her, leaving her spinning and spiraling.

When her breathing slowed, she opened her eyes to find Dylan once again beside

her. He was propped up on one elbow looking down at her, an expression of complete

possession on his face. Her gaze lowered to his rock-hard cock that rested against her

hip. She reached for him, her fingers curling around the length. Satin over steel. She bit

her lower lip and bent down, but he stopped her. “I can’t wait, Mandy. I have to have

you now.”

He settled between her thighs, the tip of his manhood resting at her wet cleft. Her

hands moved to his hips, pulling him toward her, coaxing him. He kissed her softly,

enjoying the way her hands pulled at his hips, eager to have him inside her. Her climax

had brought his own need to a level that made further foreplay unnecessary.

“Please, Dylan,” she whispered against his lips.

He thrust inside her with a groan.

Dylan went completely still for a moment, wanting to relish the moment of being

inside her. Tight, silky, and wet, just as he’d imagined. He looked down at her blue


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eyes, so dark with passion. Her gaze shifted from his to his lips, and he smiled as he

kissed her. He moved slowly within her, wanting to take their time, to relish this first


Her head fell back with each stroke, baring her long neck. He kissed the wildly

beating pulse there, and heard the soft moan emanate from somewhere deep within

her. Her hips lifted, her rhythm increasing, telling him that she wanted it now, fast,

furious. His own need grew with each second.

Knowing there would be other opportunities to take their time, he matched her

frantic rhythm, and just as he felt her honeyed walls quickening around his cock, he

thrust three more times, following her to his own shattering climax.

* * * * *

“I hope you like chicken,” Dylan called from the kitchen.

Freshly showered and once again wearing her cotton sundress, sans thong,

Amanda smiled as she sat in Dylan’s living room, sipping the glass of wine he’d just

poured for her. “My favorite.”

“I thought so,” he replied, appearing at the kitchen entrance holding two plates,

looking far too sexy in his jeans and tight t-shirt, his dark hair curling at the collar.

“Dinner is ready, madam.”

The tiny eating area off the kitchen was dimly lit by candles; the crisp white cloth of

the table was accented by china and crystal. He pulled out her chair, put her napkin

over her lap, and bent to kiss her neck. “You look absolutely ravishing tonight.”

If he told her to go to the moon, she would. Lord help her, but she was falling hard

and fast for this man. She’d just had the best sex of her life, with the most gorgeous man

on the planet. Life didn’t get any better than that.

“Try it,” he said, taking the seat opposite her.


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She cut into the moist chicken, prepared to like it even if it was horrible. But it

wasn’t. It was wonderful, and she savored each bite of the juicy meat and light pasta.

“Who would have known you could cook,” she said, wiping her mouth with the linen


“Don’t tell anyone, I wouldn’t want to ruin my reputation,” he said with a smile

that was altogether too wicked.

They ate in silence for the next few minutes, serenaded by soft music playing in his

state-of-the-art stereo. Finished, she set her fork on the plate and glanced at his plate

that was near empty. Excitement rippled along her spine. She wanted him to finish,

wanted to move on to other things—mainly each other. It was a strange thing to desire

someone so much that it physically hurt—but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t wait to

get her hands on him again; to feel his hard body against her, his lips and sweet tongue

driving her wild, making her feel things she’d never experienced before.

“Be careful, I might burst into flames.”

Her gaze abruptly met his. She lifted her brows. “You look quite nice in that shirt

…but I think I like you better without it.”

Wiping his mouth with a napkin that he then tossed aside, he pushed back his chair

and stood slowly. Before she could blink, his shirt had gone way of the napkin.

“Better?” he asked, a dark brow raised as his gaze slid from hers to her breasts.

She swallowed and even managed to nod.

He took the candles off the table, followed by the plates, then the glasses. Amanda

sat glued to her chair, expectation racing through her.

When everything had been removed, he leaned over the table, his strong arms

braced on the thick maple. “Come here.”

She stood so fast her chair hit the floor with a thud. Rounding the table she was

before him in three strides. His hands moved up her thighs, past the hem of her dress.

When he felt her naked skin, he smiled wickedly. “You have no panties on, Amanda,”


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he said unnecessarily, squeezing her ass, pulling her up against him and grinding his

erection against her heated core. He slipped the dress all the way off.

Her legs weak, she grasped the table, her head falling back on her shoulders. He

kissed her throat, right where her pulse quickened, then made a slow path downward.

No inch of flesh went untouched as he pleased her with his mouth and hands. She

closed her eyes when he laved her navel, and sighed when his hot breath stirred the soft

curls at the juncture of her thighs.

“Sit on the table,” he said, his voice low, husky.

Oh my God…he was going down on her again?

Exhilaration coiled within her, centering in the very core of her.

Trembling, she did as he asked.

“Lay back and relax.”

To relax was impossible, but she lay back on the hard wood, and a second later her

legs were over his shoulders, his mouth and tongue exploring along her tender flesh

until he reached her hot center, teasing the tight nub at the core of her need. She

watched him tease her with that glorious long tongue that disappeared inside her slit.

That’s all it took.

Her climax came immediately, making her grip the edges of the table for support.

The sweet humming in her body increased as he became merciless in his quest to please


The need and craving intensified with each flick of his tongue and then it hit, like a

thousand shards of light coursing through her. Wave after wave of intense pleasure, the

likes she’d never experienced before today.

Damn he was good.

Though her limbs felt heavy, she was still throbbing with her need for him, wanting

him inside her desperately. With effort, she lifted her head. “I want you, Dylan.”


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His erection strained the fabric of his jeans. As he unbuttoned them, his cock sprang

free, huge and hard. An instant later he was inside her. He moved slowly, his strokes

long and fluid. Her thighs opened wider, wanting him deeper within her.

He pulled her closer, his fingers lightly digging into her hips. Her stomach

tightened as the familiar ache grew yet again—but still he didn’t quicken his pace. He

seemed to sense she wanted release, because he withdrew, just to the point his

cockhead rested within her.

She tried to lift her hips, but his hands held her firm.

Their eyes met—the darkness in his a sign that he was not finished pleasing her.

Her gaze shifted to where their bodies were just barely joined. As she continued to

stare, he thrust slowly within her, inch by inch disappearing into her.

His rhythm increased, until her head fell back, giving into the explosive climax once

again. She cried out his name, and opened her eyes just in time to see his head fall back

on his shoulders, the cords of his neck strain as he came with her name on his lips.


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Chapter Five

Amanda spent the night with Dylan and woke to an empty bed. She turned to the

space beside her to find a single rose, and a note in masculine handwriting. Amanda,

have a few things to get done this morning. Didn’t want to wake you. Help yourself to some
breakfast and I’ll see you when I get back. Love, D.

The only thing he failed to tell her was when that would be. A quick glance at the

clock told her it was almost noon.

Throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she stretched with a smile, then walked

to the bathroom and proceeded to shower. She felt a bit awkward taking such liberties

at Dylan’s house, but at the same time excited to know he felt enough at ease to leave

her alone in his home.

She took her time, blew dry her hair, put on some mascara and lipstick, the only

makeup she had in her purse, then went to throw on her dress when the phone stopped

her. She paused, not sure picking up would be such a good idea. After all, it might be

her brother, and then she’d have a lot to explain.

She walked toward it, then heard a beep as his recorder picked up. A voice came

from the other end. Amanda, I didn’t want to wake you, but I was afraid you’d leave. I’m done

here, and I’m on my way home. Don’t go…all right? She picked up the phone, but he’d

already hung up.

A thrill raced through her as she pushed the blinking light to hear the message

again. But instead of his voice, a woman’s came over the speaker—one that was

unfamiliar. Hey, Babe, this is Heather. I hadn’t heard from you for a few days…I missed you, so

I thought I’d call and see what you’re up to. Maybe we can go to a movie, or do dinner again like
we did last Friday, okay? I love you, Dylan. Call me!


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Amanda’s stomach turned. Heather—no—psycho-bitch, hadn’t heard from him for a

few days? And what was this having dinner on Friday? Had he lied when he said he

and this woman were over? Shit, the woman was still calling him babe and telling him

she loved him.

He’s had to change his phone number umpteen times. Isn’t that what Jeff had said just a

few days ago? Well, apparently not his home number.

Dylan’s voice followed Heather’s, the message that a moment ago had made her

feel exhilarated, lost its luster in the face of his deceit. She shook her head. “What a

fool,” she said to herself, avoiding the unmade bed where she and Dylan had spent

hours making love.

Her throat tightened but she refused to cry. She’d gone into this thing with her eyes

wide open, knowing with one look at his gorgeous face and body that he would be

sought after. Plus, what the hell was she thinking? He was young. Too young to settle

down. She needed to chalk it up to what it was. A fling, period.

And it wouldn’t happen again.

* * * * *

Unable to sit still, Amanda had put on her shorts, tank top and running shoes and

gone for a quick jog, knowing that it was one of the two things that relaxed her. Lord

knows she didn’t want to stare at a drawing of the very man she was trying to forget.

She picked up her pace, her heart pounding with each stride down the sidewalk of

her hometown, the memory of the phone call replaying in her mind. Her heart ached as

visions of Heather and Dylan thrashing about on his bed came to mind.


Cranking the volume higher on her Walkman, she kicked up her pace. She needed

to focus on her future. What in the hell had she been thinking starting a fling with her


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little brother’s best buddy anyway? Christ, she hadn’t even been back in Elm Creek for

a week!

With heart racing she turned the corner into her driveway and stopped short seeing

the object of her desire sitting in the rocking chair on her front porch.

Damn, he looked good. The black t-shirt clinging to his muscular body, his dark

hair a bit unruly, like he’d ran his fingers through it in frustration.

Was he frustrated?

Hesitating for only a moment, she took off her headphones and walked toward

him, wiping a hand over her sweat-drenched forehead.

“I thought I’d better stay out here just in case you decided to run right by,” he said,

the side of his mouth lifting in a tentative smile. “Amanda, I know you played back

Heather’s message.”

She schooled her features, playing it cool. “You don’t have to explain.”

They were only three feet from each other. He reached out to her, but she stepped

back. “I do have to explain.” He took another step forward. “Amanda, I’m not seeing

her. The only reason I had dinner with her last week was because she wouldn’t leave

me alone. I’d hoped that having a face-to-face would drive the point home.” He sighed

heavily. “Trust me, Amanda.”

She’d been burned badly once. She couldn’t do it again. “I thought you’d changed

your phone numbers so she couldn’t call.”

“And I have, but somehow, or rather, someone, keeps giving the numbers to her.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t erase my past any more than you can erase


He was sincere. She saw it in his eyes, heard it in his words. Plus, he was right. The

past was the past. Hell, a month ago she’d been engaged. “Do you mean it, Dylan?” she

asked, hearing the skepticism in her own voice.

“I swear it,” he said emphatically. “I want you, Amanda. Only you.”


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She took the steps that separated them, feeling silly for having drawn a conclusion

before even asking him. “I’m glad you came over.”

Relief was evident on his features, as his arms wrapped around her, his hands

possessively cupping her ass. “How about if we take the day off from renovating, and

go to the lake for the day? We’ll take a blanket, pick up some chicken on the way,

maybe a couple of inner tubes.”

“I thought Jeff was going to meet us here?”

“I’ll call him. Tell him to take it easy. Anyway, I think he’s probably over seeing the

new waitress at Denny’s.”

Amanda laughed under her breath and kissed him gently. “Thanks for last night.”

The sides of his mouth lifted in a sexy smile. “Watch it, I might just throw you over

my shoulder, and march into that house to make sweet love to you.”

“What’s stopping you?” she asked under her breath, kissing him again.

Before she could blink, he flung her over his shoulder, her face flush with his nice,

tight ass as he strode toward the front door and nudged it open with his knee. Her head

bobbed as he climbed the stairs, took a quick left, and entered her room. With a firm

slap to her ass, he flung her onto her bed, and started to rapidly undress. While she

watched, she took off her shirt, shorts and panties and lay back on her elbows. “I should

shower,” she said half-heartedly, watching him step out of his shorts.

“I like you this way. Perspiration clinging to your gorgeous skin. It makes me want

to lick you from head to toe.”

She smiled, her gaze sliding from his to the dark nest of curls and the hard length of

cock that throbbed and pulsed beneath. She pulled him down beside her, and kissed

each nipple, laving each, biting gently, before moving further down. He actually

trembled as she kissed his belly button, then moved down to take his cock into her

mouth. Swirling her tongue along the ridge, she took him deeper, noting the way his

fingers curled on her shoulders. Stroking his thighs with her fingers, she found the tiny


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patch on his scrotum that made his breath quicken and his hands on her shoulders

tighten further.

He grew longer and thicker at her ministrations, and she looked up to find him

watching her, his thick lashed emerald eyes so dark, so sensual, it made her cleft slick

with desire.

She sucked, licked, stroked, until his cock was stone hard. He lifted her with strong

arms, onto the floor before him. He kissed her, then slowly turned her, so her ass was

level with his cock. He bent over her, kissing the nape of her neck, her shoulder, the

small of her back.

His cock nudged her opening and she spread her feet a little. Then his hand was

there, teasing her hot core, his fingers sliding into her, first one, then two, his thumb

grazing her clit.

She lifted her ass, and arched her back.

Then she felt it, the plum-sized head of his cock at her entrance. He grabbed her

hips and entered her in one swift thrust, filling her completely.

Catching sight of them in her vanity mirror, she watched as Dylan made love to her.

His head fell back against his shoulders, the cords of his neck strained as he thrust in

and out of her.

Her body quickened, and she could feel, as well as see, his need, as his pace

increased, his hips thrusting faster, his grip on her hips tighter.

His thumb grazed her clit, and she cried out at the same time he came hard, pulling

her hips back, nearly bringing her feet off the floor.

Catching her breath, she looked up, and saw his reflection in the mirror. “Damn, I

don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you,” he said in a smooth-as-silk voice.

Pleased at the declaration, Amanda walked toward the master bath. “Care to join

me?” she asked over her shoulder, her gaze shifting over him before entering the bath

and turning on the shower.


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“Sweet Jesus,” she heard him say under her breath.

Amanda grinned as she stepped into the shower.


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Chapter Six

Dylan sat back on his elbows, a satisfied grin on his face as he watched the woman

who had come storming back into his life take baby steps into the lake.

“It’s so cold,” Amanda said, looking at him over her shoulder, as she took another

step into the cold water.

It was late afternoon, and they had spent the last couple of hours lying on the soft

blanket, talking about the past, the future, and the many dreams ahead of them. She

talked of getting a job, perhaps even starting her own small business. He thought of her

helping him with his business, maybe even moving in with him, marrying him.

He hadn’t been this happy in a very long time. His gaze shifted down her slender

form. She wore a blue bikini with board shorts, and as she bent over to get her hair wet,

he couldn’t help but go to her.

Slowly, his arms slid around her waist and she jerked back in surprise, her hair

slapping against his chest. She turned in his arms, her own encircling his neck.

With her hair slicked back off her face, her features were much more delicate,

almost fragile. His fingers slipped along her jaw, and then passed over her lips. He

could hardly believe that this incredible woman was his. At eight he had thought he

loved her, but what he felt then was nothing compared to what he felt now. He was

hopelessly in love with Amanda Holladay, and he didn’t know how to tell her. Blurting

it out didn’t seem the right thing to do, and saying it right after making love didn’t

seem appropriate either.

Hell, it had been less than a week since she’d returned to Elm Creek.

All his life he’d had a hard time expressing his emotions, and now when it was

most important to say what he felt, he was at a loss as to how to say it. He wanted her

with a desperation that scared him.


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“What are you thinking?” she asked, going up on the tips of her toes to press her

lips to his.

He pulled her tighter to him, wanting her to feel what she did to him. Her lips

curved into a sultry smile as she felt the evidence of his desire.

“I feel what you’re thinking,” she said with a deep-throated moan that made him

even harder. “But what else are you thinking?”

Her cheeks were a soft shade of pink, and tiny freckles sprinkled across the bridge

of her nose. “Will you spend the night with me again?”

Dylan clearly saw the hesitation in her eyes, and feared that he was moving way too

fast. Hell, he didn’t want to scare her.

He saw her glance over her shoulder, then scan the area. The few couples and

families who had been here had left a while ago, no doubt heading home to fix dinner.

Which meant they were alone.

She reached for the tie of his board shorts, and with a wicked grin, pushed them off

his hips. Her fingers curled around his cock, stroking him.

“Mandy,” he said in warning, lifting her in his arms and carrying her from the

water, to the blanket, where he dropped her on her feet. There was a small knoll, where

just beyond a gravel parking lot lay. He figured they should be able to hear anyone


“Lay down,” she said, motioning to the blanket. He did as she asked, and watched

as she untied her bikini top, flung it aside, then slid the board shorts and bikini bottoms

down her slender legs.

Water beaded her golden skin. His heart pumped wildly against his breastbone as

she straddled his hips, the thin strip of curls covering her womanhood, gleaming in the

sunshine. He reached up and cupped the firm globes of her breasts, his thumbs circling

the pink areolas, making them harder than ever.


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She smiled down at him, her blue eyes near slits as she sat up just slightly and

taking his cock, slid it into her slick passage.

He groaned as his length disappeared slowly into her, inch by inch. She rolled her

hips in a way that made him even harder. Pulling lightly on her nipples, he sat up the

slightest bit, and sensing his intent, she leaned forward. He took a diamond-hard nipple

into his mouth, stroking it with his tongue, grazing it with his teeth.

She increased her tempo, rocking against him, her arms cradling his head, her nails

raking his shoulders. The harder he sucked, the more frantic her rhythm until the

familiar tightening began, and he felt her tight channel squeeze his cock, pulling his

seed from him.

He rolled her over, and thrust hard, in and out. Her fingers dug into his back, her

thighs wide. With great effort he pulled out, the tip of his cock at her hot center. She

opened her eyes, her breaths ragged, her chest rising and falling with the effort. “Dylan,

fuck me.”

And he did. He drove into her over and over, and she met every thrust with a soft

moan, crying out as her body tightened. Then he felt it. The tightening of her sheath,

pulsing, milking him, pulling from him the greatest orgasm of his life.

Still trembling, he fell beside her, taking him with her, loving the feel of her body

intertwined with his own.

“I love you, Dylan,” she whispered against his neck, her hands running up and

down his back.

He went still. Had she just said what he thought she’d said?

He felt her start to pull away, but he held her fast. She had tucked her chin, but he

reached out and lifted it. Her eyes searched his, and he could see fear there.

“I love you, too, Amanda.”

The sides of her mouth lifted in a smile.

“Do you mean it?”


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Hometown Hero

He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her gently. “I always have and I

always will.”

* * * * *

Six months later Amanda sat in a chair beside her bed, looking at the man who slept

so peacefully. How beautiful he was in slumber. Long lashes casting shadows upon

well-defined cheekbones. Perfect lips slightly open, dark hair mussed from their recent

round of lovemaking. His long body, all muscle and sinew under gorgeous tanned skin,

gloriously displayed upon her new black satin sheets.

Her heart gave a hard jolt.

Lord help her but she loved this man. Loved him with a desperation that frightened

her. She twisted the ring on her finger. An engagement ring Dylan had given to her last

night over a candlelit dinner. On bended knee he’d asked her to be his wife, and when

she’d accepted, he took her in his arms, kissed her soundly, and then proceeded to

make love to her.

A night she would never forget. She’d never been so happy.

She smiled looking down at the drawing.

“What are you doing?”

She looked up from the drawing to find sleepy green eyes staring back at her.

“Drawing you.”

“You’d think you’d tired of drawing the same old subject,” he said, reaching an arm

out to her. “Come here.”

Needing no further urging, she put down her drawing pad and climbed into bed

with him. She molded to his long body, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’ll never get

tired of drawing you. In fact, I’ll never get tired of you.”


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Julia Templeton

He lifted her chin with gentle fingers. “That’s good to hear. Because now that I have

you, I’m never going to let you go.”

“I love you, Dylan.”

He grinned, a big dimpled smile that made her heart miss a beat.

“I love you, too, Amanda.”

Amanda snuggled into his warmth and fell sound asleep, knowing that she had

finally found the man of her dreams in the most unexpected place.



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About the author:

Julia Templeton has written contemporary, historical and time-travel romances for
magazines and book publishers and, most recently, romantica for Ellora’s Cave
Publishing. She also pens novels under the pseudonym Anastasia Black with writing
partner and fellow Ellora’s Cave author Tracy Cooper-Posey. Aside from her passion
for writing, Julia also enjoys reading, listening to music, collecting research books,
traveling and spending time with family.

Julia welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at
P.O. Box 787, Hudson, Ohio 44236-0787.

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Also by Julia Templeton:

Dangerous Desire

Kieran The Black

Now And Forever

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning
publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC
on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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