(Ellora's Cave) Marilyn Lee & Christine Warren & Mary Winter Pleasure Quest

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An Ellora’s Cave publication written by

Marilyn Lee, Christine Warren & Mary Winter

MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-517-1

Other available formats (no ISBNs are assigned):

Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC), & HTML

THE QUEST: HUNTER’S PASSION © Copyright Marilyn Lee, Feb 2002, May 2003.

RETURN FROM EXILE © Copyright Mary Winter, May 2003

THE OFFERING © Copyright Christine Warren, May 2003

All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave.
Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc. USA

Ellora's Cave Ltd, UK

This e-book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by email forwarding, copying, fax, or

any other mode of communication without author/publisher permission.

Edited by Cris Brashear, Karen Williams, Allie Sawyer, Jennifer Martin

Cover Art by Bryan Keller

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The following material contains strong sexual content meant for mature readers.
PLEASURE QUEST has been rated NC17, erotic, by three individual reviewers. We strongly
suggest storing this electronic file in a place where young readers not meant to view this

ebook are unlikely to happen upon it. That said, enjoy…

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Chapter One

Jemi Hunter stood in the middle of the dilapidated shack, shivering. A cold, damp

wind whistled through the many holes in what was left of the walls of the only building
still standing in the whole so-called town. Coming here had been just plain stupid, not
to mention superstitious. This was a hell of a way to spend Valentine’s Day: alone in a

long abandoned mining town several hours from home and the romantic evening her
boss, Mark LeFarr, had wanted to spend with her.

Used to women falling over themselves for the chance to be showered with

diamonds, spend long weekends sailing on yachts in the New England harbor, and
enjoying European vacations, the middle-aged telecommunications multi-millionaire
found her attitude strange. Such delights were only enjoyable in the right company. The
right company was no longer available to her. She sighed; at least not outside of her

Not that she ever dreamed of Cody anymore. Her dreams lately had taken on

frightening and inexplicable dimensions. In them, she had a new lover whose face was
never revealed, because he always took her from behind. His huge, hairy, bronze body
brought her incredible pleasure and joy. When she woke after one of those dreams, she
always wished it could have gone on long enough for her to turn and see the face of her
dream lover.

This hardly seemed the place to fulfill fantasies, but this was where the letter,

Cody’s letter, had instructed her to come. This was definitely not a good idea—unless,
of course, the letter really was from Cody.

Glancing around the interior of the building, with its rotting floorboards and

broken parts of tables and chairs, she decided it had once been a restaurant or a place
where miners had spent their leisure time gambling or whoring. Why would Cody
want her here? More to the point, how could Cody want her anywhere?

Five long, lonely years had passed since the accident. She’d watched in helpless

desperation as Cody struggled to recover. In the end, the massive injuries he’d
sustained in a police pursuit gone wrong had taken their toll. She’d lost him after just
two short years of marriage. Before he lapsed into the final coma, when he knew he
wouldn’t survive, he had promised to find a way to return to her. Now, according to

the letters, he had.

Remembering the anguish of losing him, she shivered again, her eyes filling with

tears. She had spent weeks sobbing uncontrollably, unable to fully accept the
condolences of Cody’s colleagues because she couldn’t accept that he was lost to her
forever. It had taken a full year before she could talk about him without dissolving into
helpless tears. Slowly, with the help of her friends, she had moved on with her life.

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Then, just as she was on the verge of deciding maybe her next-door neighbor, Jeff, could
be more than a part-time lover, the dreams had started. Shortly afterwards, the letters
began arriving.

She had come home to find the first letter with no stamp or postmark in her

mailbox at the beginning of the previous November. On recognizing the writing, her

heart had begun to pound wildly. The letter had said simply: I miss you. I’m working on a
way for us to be together again. Get ready

. After that, a new letter had arrived each week.

After each letter, she would experience another of the dreams where her dream lover
came to her. Before long, she’d been living for the letters and had begun to embrace the
dreams. Two days earlier, the last letter arrived.

Her dream lover had ravaged her all that night. She had lain in her bed, shuddering

with pleasure as he filled her with a huge, impossibly long cock and fucked her into
oblivion. She had clutched her pillow to her face to silence her screams of pleasure

when she came. When she opened her eyes, she’d screamed at the sight of the face of
her lover, who was definitely not human.

The next morning she’d awaken, tired and shaken, unable to recall what her lover

had looked liked or why she’d screamed. As she ate breakfast, she had sat staring at the
two rose-like, long-stemmed flowers with purple petals and red and green centers that
had come with the letter. The letter had instructed her to come to this place on
Valentine’s Day and ended with the promise:

The time for us to be together again has arrived, Jemi. Our being together again will

require that you be very brave and trust that I would never ask you to do anything that

would cause irreparable harm. It will also require a great sacrifice of you. If you long to
be with me as I do with you, come to me here on February 14


and we will enjoy a

wonderful and exotic Valentine’s Day that we can both cherish forever.

Cody, who loves you still.
She opened her long wool coat and looked down at the dark brown leather outfit

she wore. With its short skirt, halter-top, and long dark boots, she looked like
something out of a Hercules movie. She grimaced. Well, she would if her thirty-six-year
old body was more buxom and buff. She had let herself go somewhat after Cody’s

death. Well, hell. It was too late for regrets that she hadn’t started working out more
vigorously sooner. She’d have to work with what she had.

She smiled. Cody had always loved her in short, tight leather outfits with no

panties. He hadn’t minded the fact that she had a slight tendency to be overweight. He
used to say he liked his woman to have a little meat on her bones. When she’d
complained that her butt was too big, he’d grin and tell her it was perfect for clutching
as he ate her. He would then proceed to bury his face between her legs and give her the
most delicious oral sex she’d ever had.

She had come here today, hoping that somehow Cody had found a way to be with

her again. She shook her head. That was crazy. Cody was dead. Long dead. She was
going to go home and go straight to Jeff’s apartment. They would spend the night

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together and once and for all, she would put thoughts of Cody and what they’d lost out
of her mind and heart. And that went double for her dream lover.

A loud crash sounded behind her and she spun around. The wooden door hung

open on one hinge. In the fading light she saw a huge cat with the body of a beautiful
bronze panther but the dark golden mane of a lion crouched in the threshold. And she

knew why she’d screamed the night before.

Every muscle in her body, including those in her throat, froze. She couldn’t move.

She couldn’t scream. She couldn’t think of anything except the fact that she was about
to die.

Then, without a sound, the big cat leapt at her. Her legs gave way and she collapsed

onto her back. In an instant, the animal straddled her body. The big head lowered. She
felt the hot breath on her face. Looking up into the slanted green eyes, her throat
muscles relaxed and she opened her mouth to scream.

Jemi, don’t be afraid. It’s me, Cody. Trust me, Jemi.
The words were projected directly into her mind. This strange, huge cat could not

be her Cody. Yet, he felt familiar. He smelled familiar…he looked familiar…the long,
bronze body with the rippling muscles and the Hunter green eyes.

It’s me, Jemi. Trust me.
Trust me.
“Cody, I do trust you. What should I do?”
Trust me. I’m going to lay on you and cover you completely. It will be frightening,

but when you awake, we will be together again in a special place.

Heart thumping, she closed her eyes and held her breath as the big cat lay its body

on hers, covering her completely; suffocating her. When she opened her mouth to
scream, it was too late.

* * * * *

His sleek, thick cock emerged from its sheath. In the act of draping his big body

over the back of the female he held between his forepaws, he paused, his big-maned
head turned to the side. Jeroni, propped on her elbows in the damp grass several yards
to his right in the clearing of the forest, got a good, unobstructed view of his pink-
headed cock. Now why couldn’t she meet a two-legged male with a foot and a half long
dong? It was all well and good having a flexible, contracting pussy, but no matter what
the elder women of Volter said, when it came to cocks, bigger and thicker was definitely
better than small, short and slender.

Hunter settled over the female. Through the psychic bond she shared with the big

cat, Jeroni felt Hunter’s pleasure as he slowly pushed his length into the feline’s warm,
tight passage. Sighing softly, she lowered her upper body until she could rest her chin
on her folded arms and watched Hunter’s lean flanks pumping his length deep into the

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female’s tunnel. Ever since she could remember, watching Hunter mate had provided
her with a secret sexual thrill like no other. Now that the time for her life mating was at
hand, watching the big cat mate gave her an ever-increasing erotic high.

She licked her lips and smiled. Nothing Hunter liked better than a good, hard fuck.

Fuck? She frowned. What did fuck mean? She dismissed her confusion as she sensed

Hunter’s pleasure. Smiling at the sounds of the two cats mating, Jeroni rolled over onto
her back, pushed up her short leather skirt and touched a finger to the small knob above
her mating passage. Moving in time with the thrusts she felt through their bond, Jeroni
dipped two fingers between her thighs. The muscles of her cunt tightened and the walls
shortened until her passage fit like a glove around her fingers.

Through the bond, she felt the passion building in Hunter. His big balls tightened

and he bit into the smaller cat’s neck. With her eyes tightly closed, Jeroni’s fingers took
on the outline of a big pulsing shaft. She felt the sweet impact of every movement,

driving the satisfying length home with bruising force. The sweetness of the mating
drove Jeroni to the edge of delight. The walls and muscles of her tunnel clung greedily
to his thick hot dick. Delicious waves thundered through her. Her lips parted and she
shuddered as if she’d been pumped full of hot, tasty seed.

She collapsed back against the grass, slowly withdrawing her fingers from her

moist passage. Smiling and drowsy, she rolled over onto her stomach. She was going to
have to mate soon or the next time Hunter unsheathed his monster cock, she was going
to be hard-pressed not to grab it and get some for herself. Admittedly, the fact that it
was forbidden for a Volterian woman to mate with one of the fabled Carnivores from

Tern Terra, only added to her desire to do just that.

Hunter withdrew his sated cock from the beige cat and dismounted. On the other

side of the path, under a tree, lay a tall, slender female with long legs and pale skin. In
the light just before dusk, he could see the curly brown mat of hair between her open
legs. He sniffed the air. He could smell her need. She would have to mate soon.

His hunger temporarily satisfied, he padded across the trail and looked down at the

human female. He looked at her legs: they were long and strong. They had to be. He
had an impression of another human female and a huge tan cat. His parents. Straining

to reach the memory, he vaguely pictured his mother using her arms and long legs to
cling to his father’s flanks in an effort to keep her body pressed tight against his
underbelly as she slowly but gladly accepted the huge cock being steadily pressed, inch
by inch, into her.

Gripping the memory firmly, Hunter remembered how his father’s tail would whip

wildly and his head would toss from side to side as he rutted his long, thick cock deep
within Hunter’s mother’s human pussy. His mother’s legs would tremble and shake,
but she would hold on to his father’s body. She would sob uncontrollably as she came.

When the trembling, growling, and sobbing subsided, his parents would exchange

quiet words of pleasure. Then, with his cock still firmly embedded in his mate, his
father would gently lower his big tan body to the ground, roll onto his side, and they
would fall asleep, still coupled.

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Just before sleep took them, Hunter would approach. His father had been inclined

to growl at him after mating, wanting to be alone with his mate, but his mother would
reach out to him, stroking his head. Through her touch, the pleasure and joy his parents
found in each other would settle over him, making him feel happy and safe.

Allowing the memory to drift away, Hunter growled softly. That was the way it

was supposed to be between a Tern Terrian and his mate. That’s the way it should be
between he and his Jeroni. Now that Cody and she were with them, perhaps the time
when he could mate with her was at hand. If not, he would learn to shape shift and then
he would mate with her.

He glanced down at the woman lying near his paws. Already he could see subtle

differences in her. Her behind was more padded and her hair, usually dark and
straight, was lighter and showed a tendency to curl. Hunter felt a stirring in his chest.
After all the months of strain and struggle, it had finally happened. She was really

there—not quite as he’d seen her in the mist, but close enough.

But she wasn’t aware of him yet. He’d need to go slowly so as not to frighten her

again. He looked down at Jeroni. She breathed in slow and deep, but he knew she was
still awake. He laid his big body along side hers.

Hmm. Hunter, that was so hot. She sent the drowsy thought his way. She was so

tight and hot. Forest cats have good pussy.

Good pussy,

he echoed, his mind wandering to her. Bringing his thoughts back to

Jeroni, he had to resist the urge to lap at her sweet passage before burying his tongue
and his cock in her. Once, many seasons past, when he had come upon her in the forest

after her first mating, the smell of her seed-filled cunt had driven him into a mating
frenzy. With no foreknowledge that mating with her would be forbidden, he’d dipped
his tongue into her warm, creamy cunt.

After the first startled squeak of surprise, she had parted her thighs and lifted her

slim hips, granting his tongue easier access to her sweet pussy. Her smell and taste had
been incredible. Even now, his cock stirred in its sheath as he recalled that first
satisfying taste of her hot, moist pussy. As he had lapped and stabbed at her wet cunt,
their psychic bond had formed. When she had come against his tongue, his cock, hard,

hot, and heavy with need, had popped out of its sheath.

Tioni, the Seer, had come upon them just as he had gone down on his haunches in

preparation for sliding as much of his throbbing cock into her pussy as she could
handle. Tioni, her green eyes blazing, the dark brown pelt covering her body bristling in
the night breeze, had descended on them like a whirlwind, her right hand extended.
Hunter, with the big head of his cock pressed at the entrance of Jeroni’s pussy, had felt a
sudden paralysis seize him.

“Hunter, stop immediately,” the Seer had demanded. “Jeroni Teyer, close your legs!

You two must not mate.”

They had both obeyed the Seer’s demand. Still, Hunter had never understood why

it was okay for him to eat her pussy or to bottom mate with her, but wrong for he and

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his Jeroni to cunt mate. They both enjoyed her soft sweet lips on his cock and he loved
pushing his dick into her small bottom on those special occasions. His unselfish Jeroni
always pleased him, even when he didn’t come. Still, they both knew the natural order
of things was for them to cunt mate.

As a Tern Terrian Carnivore, his natural and preferred life mate was a human

female. But Tioni had warned that if they mated, they would set forces in motion that
would affect not only all of Volter Terra, but his home, Tern Terra, as well. Over the
succeeding seasons his desire to mate with Jeroni and her desire to accept his cock had
mounted, but they had abided by the promise they had made to Tioni not to.

He tossed his big head, shaking the memory clear. He eyed the human lying beside

him. It was difficult to think of anything but mating around Jeroni when her fragrant
cunt gave off her mating aroma. She was tired. He’d let her rest for a short time then
they would return to the hut stop so she could mate. While she did, if he could control

his jealousy, he would watch, and through their bond know some of the bliss of being
in her sweet pussy.

His sensitive nostrils full of her mating aroma, he settled down into an uneasy


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Chapter Two

The sound of the rain beating softly against the thatch of the roof roused Jeroni.

Lifting the animal skins from her naked body, she opened her eyes. She felt her mating
passage twitch as her gaze lighted on the tall, nude figure of the man feeding wood into
the dim embers of the fire alcove across the room.

The typical Volterian warrior, he was tall with broad shoulders, narrow hips, a tight

butt, and a shaft that was almost always hard and ready for action. Just the way she
liked her mating partners. Of course, like most Volterian males, his dick was only
average sized. She released a soft sigh. A starving woman couldn’t be too choosy and he
was bigger than most males. It was just that after having experienced the absolute
delight of being filled to the brim with a big, hard, luscious cock for well over two
wonderful seasons, these average cocks paled in comparison.

Over two seasons of a big, hard, luscious cock? When had she ever had that

pleasure? She frowned. When would she ever know that pleasure? Where had that
thought come from? She shook it off. It must be the fever. As Tioni was fond of saying,
putting off the mating brought nothing but misery and fever. Soon, her extended
ceremonial mating ritual would end and she must start the journey to Terra where she
would spend the rest of her life mating with just one man. One man. She felt the streak
of rebellion Tioni was always warning her against rising to the surface.

What was the point of being the only offspring of a Liege Lord if she were held to

just one life mate like any other Volterian woman? Especially when everyone said that
man had to be Tuteri, only son of Lord Liege Siano of the kingdom of Terra? Terrian

men were notorious for their small dicks and their lack of mating expertise. It was
rumored that their fabled mating inadequacy had led to the breakup of Volter Terra
into two separate kingdoms many hundreds of seasons passed. How could she, who
lived to mate, be expected to choose such a man as a life mate? The Gods of the
Mountains couldn’t have intended that.

Come to that, why was any Volterian woman held to one life mate anyway? If the

Gods of the Mountains hadn’t intended women to mate with whoever stirred them
sexually, why had they gifted them with a pussy that could either contract or expand to
the contours of a male cock, regardless of the size?

Why did Volterian women enjoy mating so very much if they were intended for just

one male? And why did that mate have to be human? She thought of Hunter’s mighty
dick and shivered. He gave her such pleasure when he tongued her or bottom mated
with her. Still, she knew unimaginable pleasure awaited their cunt mating. Oh, to have
her pussy on the receiving end of that magnificent cock. Gods of the Mountains. How
could that be wrong? As Tioni was fond of saying, questions for another time. Watching

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Hunter mate had driven her to a frenzy of need and now she needed to mate herself.
She tossed back the skins and lay on her back.

“Dioni,” she said softly.
The male turned and looked over his shoulder at her, his dark eyes taking in the

firm sensuous contours of her lithe body. Dropping her gaze to his shaft, she saw it

twitch. He knew the significance of the pink tips of her breasts tightening. “My Lady

“Leave the fire. Come attend me and we will make our own heat, my mighty


She licked her lips and watched eagerly as he came across room, his hard cock

bouncing in front of him. Her passage moistened. When he paused at the side of the
narrow, skin covered platform that served as the bed, she sat on the side, her legs

Palming her breasts, he dropped to his knees and buried his face between her

thighs. A nice jolt of pleasure shot through her as he began to lick at her sensitive flesh
with a skillful tongue. If it was one thing Volterian males were good at, it was tongue
mating. His tongue probed inside her, seeking out the secret spots just inside her inner
lips that sent pure lust bursting through her body. Within moments, she collapsed back
against the bed, her legs clamped around his head, her hips jerking upwards. He
brought her to several orgasms before lapping up every drop of her juice.

Hmm. What a talented tongue. Dioni was almost as skillful at tongue mating as

Hunter had shown himself to be that one blissful eve he had tongued her. But memories

of Hunter’s pleasing tongue weren’t going to help her now. Now, she needed to cunt

As she lay on her back, her legs splayed open, Dioni rose above her. Settling himself

between her legs, he shoved his hard dick in her expanded, gaping tunnel.

Dioni was a mighty warrior, but she could barely feel him in her. She sighed. She

was going to have to work hard to enjoy this mating. She ran her hands over his
muscled torso and encountered a jagged scar on his left shoulder. He had received that
wound when he’d leapt in front of her to protect her from a spear cast by one of the

Terrian raiders who had abducted her mother. Though only twelve seasons and new to
mating, she had rewarded him with an all night cunt mating that they had both
thoroughly enjoyed. Her ever-loyal Dioni deserved his pleasure. She would give it to

He lay his warm body on hers, flattening her big breasts under the muscles of his

chest. Her sensitive tips encountered the thick hair covering his chest muscles and she
sighed happily. Nice. He slipped his hands under her and cupped her butt in his palms,
wiggling his hips against hers.

“My Lady Liege. Please,” he begged, flicking the tip of his tongue against the big

nipple nearest him. “Contract.”

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She lifted her legs, bending them at the knees. The coarse hair of his groin brushed

against her sensitive clit and she shivered. Gods of the Mountains, but she needed this
mating. Closing her eyes, she slowly began to tighten and shrink her cunt until it fit
snugly around his cock.

“There,” she told him softly, stroking her hands down his strong, taut butt. “Is that

better, my faithful Dioni?”

“My Lady Liege,” he gasped. “Yes.”
His firm butt quivered under her hands and she smiled. That weak, pleading voice

was music to her ears and balm to her aching cunt. Nothing sweeter than hearing a
male beg for the pleasure she could give him. Well, nothing sweeter short of being
stuffed with a big hard cock that had belonged to a big, handsome police detective.

What was a police detective?
She frowned. The thought must have come from the off worlder Hunter had said

had come. Why had she agreed? Because he had asked it and she could deny her bond
mate nothing in her power to grant him.

“My Lady Liege?”
Dioni’s plaintive voice interrupted her musings.
She realized that her tunnel had reverted to its natural slack state. She quickly

tightened it around his shaft. He moaned and shuddered in appreciation and pleasure.

“You like that?” she teased.
“Yes, My Lady Liege,” he groaned, his voice full of mating need.
“And how does the mighty Dioni find my pussy?”
“Sweet, My Lady Liege,” he moaned. “Hot, tight, and so sweet.”
“And would you like more of my hot, tight, sweet pussy?”
“Yes. Please, My Lady Liege.”
“Then show me,” she commanded softly. “Show me how much you like my pussy.”
“Yes. Yes, My Lady Liege.”
He shuddered and began pumping his shaft into her tightened passage. Each time

he drove into her shortened channel, he groaned. Jeroni wrapped her arms around him,
closed her eyes, and let reality slip away.

She was no longer Jeroni Teyer of Volter, daughter of Liege Lord Donoun. She was

someone else…an off worlder called Jemi of a distant world called Earth. The cock
swelling and wildly propelling into her was much bigger and thicker…hotter…more
powerful. The arms holding her stronger. The face of her lover, smooth and dark…the
eyes a surprising and beautiful green. The body big, sleek, and dark. Cody. Her lover.
Her love.

It had been so long. So long since she’d felt the wonder of the forceful, demanding

cock quickly conquering her pussy. She clung to him and they fucked each other wildly,
biting and hissing as they fought for their pleasure.

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When she felt him shuddering, about to come before she was ready, she expanded

her inner walls, lengthening her pussy. One of her regular stable of lovers, Dioni knew
what to do. He pulled up hard on each upward thrust, brushing roughly against her
clit, while hungrily sucking at her breasts.

As her own pleasure thundered through her, she contracted and shortened herself

around his cock. She used her inner walls to massage and cling to his hot organ,
pushing him to the edge. Holding him tight within her body, they came together.
Shuddering and groaning, he pumped a full, warm load into her satisfied body.

Hmm. Nice. Very nice. She expanded her pussy and he pulled out of her. She

turned on her side and curled into a ball. He moved behind her, pressing tightly against
her. She felt his still hard shaft between her cheeks as he pulled the skins over their
sweating bodies. She drifted to sleep in his arms with a smile on her face. Gods of the
Mountains, she loved mating.

* * * * *

Although awake, Jemi kept her eyes firmly shut. Every time she opened them and

looked around, she imagined herself in some strange room with no electricity and a
curtain where the door should have been. An unusually large, paneless window
occupied one entire wall. Heavy dark curtains were pulled back to reveal what

appeared to be a verdant forest. Animal skins covered her naked body. Her naked,
satisfied body. Someone had made love to her. She sniffed the air. Recently.

The small room, bare except for the bed, a huge chest by the window, and a chair,

was redolent with the scent of satisfied lust. Candles sat in brass holders on the stone
floor on either side of the bed.

Who had she slept with and where was she? The last thing she remembered was

making the long drive to the abandoned mining town Cody’s letter had directed her to.
Things were blurry after that.

This was all a bad dream. If she lay still long enough, she would fall back to sleep.

When she awoke again, she’d be in her own bedroom—alone with her hunger for Cody
that still sometimes hurt like a fresh wound.

Only she knew this was not a dream. She was here, wherever ‘here’ was. Lying

there in a fetal position with her eyes closed wasn’t going to help a whole lot. Taking a
deep breath, she opened her eyes again and looked around for something to put on.
Near the window, draped across a low wooden chair lay a leather outfit even skimpier
than the one she had worn on Valentine’s Day. How long ago had that been?

A hazy memory of a big cat teased her. The cat in question had been at least ten feet

long. It had the sleek beautiful body of a panther, an unusual bronze coloring, the
striking dark golden mane of a lion, and the height of a horse. She frowned. Cats did
not grow that big, nor, as far as she knew, did panther-like cats have manes of any


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Her lips parted in a soundless scream. The head of the big cat from her memory

appeared in the open window. Oh, God! She scrambled off the bed. Her feet got caught
in the skins and she sprawled full length on the cold, stone floor. She heard a swishing
sound. She turned on her back in time to see the huge cat leap through the window.

In seconds, he stood over her, his slanted green eyes staring down at her, his hot

breath brushing her face. Oh, God, was he going to kill her again? That was it. He’d
killed her once…suffocated her and now she was…dear God, this wasn’t happening.

Jemi. Don’t be afraid. I know this body is frightening, but it’s me.
Jemi blinked up at the cat, confused. “Me who?”
Cody. It’s me, Jemi, Cody.
“Cody? But…how can this be? You’re a cat. You can’t be Cody. I’m losing my


The big head dipped and she sucked in a frightened breath as the cat’s tongue

emerged from his mouth and he slowly, deliberately licked each breast, making her
nipples immediately harden, much as they’d done when Cody did the same thing
during their lovemaking.

You still taste sweeter than any wine I ever tasted, my delicious darling. The big

head moved lower and sniffed her groin area. You’ve mated. Did he please you?

A hot wave of embarrassment covered her nude body. “Did who please me?”
Dioni. I watched you mate with him. Volterian males…their cocks are so small.
Okay. This was too crazy. She was naked in a place that looked like it belonged in

some medieval movie with a huge cat standing over her, sniffing her crotch, and talking

to her about sex. Not exactly talking, but somehow communicating with her. First, she
had to get away from this cat, then she had to find out where she was and what the hell
was going on.

You’re with me, Jemi. It’s taken me a long time, but I finally found a way for us to

be together again. I’ve missed you.

The tip of the warm, wet tongue touched her clit and she had to bite hard on her

bottom lip to keep from gasping with pleasure. “Please. Don’t do that again,” she
begged. Or she would dissolve into a helpless mass of need as she did when her dream

lover tongued her before making love to her.

The head rose and the green gaze met hers. I’ve waited five long years to taste you

again, Jemi. I’ve missed you and the hot, sweet love you surrendered so warmly. All
I’ve thought about during that time was making love to you again. Loving you. Licking
your big, beautiful breasts, plunging my cock into your sweet cunt. See how much I
need you.

A chill shot through her as a huge, thick shaft with a big pink head emerged from

the sheath on his belly. God Almighty, she’d seen that cock many times over the last
few weeks. She’d seen it in her dreams, felt it being thrust repeatedly into her body. Oh,

lord, she was looking into the visage of her dream lover. Panicking, she gasped and

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began trying to wiggle away from him on her back. A big paw on her chest
immobilized her.

“Oh, God, please!” She pleaded. “Let me go!”
<Let you go? Look at that magnificent cock. How can you turn that down? Stay still

and open your legs. We can handle every inch of that sweet prize.>

Jemi froze. That was a new voice, a female voice. She looked up at the cat. “Please.

Who was that?”

<Jeroni Teyer of Volter>

the female voice answered.

“Jeroni Teyer, kindly get out of my head!”
<No one speaks to the daughter of Liege Lord Donoun in that disrespectful

manner. I will have to show you the consequences of your folly! >

To Jemi’s horror, even when the big paw was removed from her chest, she had no

control over her body. The huge male moved forward, bringing his cock closer. She

couldn’t stop her legs from opening or her hands from reaching for the huge bronze
cock hanging over her head.

Jemi would have given anything to wake up back home. But in order to wake, she

first had to be asleep. And she was very much awake. There was no way she could have
dreamed all this.

She looked up at the cat. “Cody! If somehow that’s you, please make her stop.”
Jeroni, leave us.
<Leave you? Who are you? What have you done to Hunter? If you’ve hurt him,

there will be no place on the planet that will be safe for you.>

I’m here, Jeroni. Cody has not harmed me.
<Who is Cody? And who is this female in my mind? Hunter, what’s happening?>
Have no fear, Jeroni. We both have much to learn about my abilities as a Tern

Terrian Carnivore. Cody is the body sharer from another place beyond the Mountains
of the Gods that I told you about.

<A place beyond the Mountains of the Gods? There is no place but Volter, Terra,

Tern Terra, and the Mountains of The Gods.>

There are other places. I have seen them in the misty place. Cody and Jemi are life

mates from beyond the mountains. They’ve been separated for long seasons. I
encountered his wandering spirit in the misty place and I have vowed to share his spirit
in return for the gift of his body. Let’s leave him with his life mate.

<But Hunter, if he’s in your head, he has no body.>
He has none now, but my memories of my race’s abilities are beginning to surface.

Given time, I think I’ll be able to shape shift into his original body. Then, my Jeroni, you
and I can finally cunt mate.

<You know how much I want that, but I can feel her in my head and in my body,

trying to control it. How can we leave?>

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Through our bond. Reach out to me, Jeroni. Touch my mind. Feel my thoughts.

Come with me to the misty place.

<But you and Tioni said I should avoid the misty place.>
You will be safe there with me. The misty place is of Tern Terra, as am I. Trust me.
<Always, Hunter, but you said your mother used to warn you to stay out of the

misty place.>

I am older now. There are many pleasures and dangers there, but together, we will

be safe. Will you come?


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Chapter Three

Jemi felt the knot of tension that had formed at the base of her skull dissolve, then

the voice was gone from her head and she and the big cat were alone. She stared up into
the slanted green eyes that were so like Cody’s. The sense of well-being she’d always
felt with Cody swelled within her. Oh, God, could it be? Had Cody been her dream

lover after all? It hadn’t felt like Cody. Could her Cody be trapped in the body of this
strange, yet beautiful cat?

Not trapped, Jemi. Hunter is the only Great Carnivore from Tern Terra in all of

Volter and Terra.

“Tern who? Cody, I don’t understand. Where are we? What’s going on?”
This time when the big head dipped, she felt no fear. The warm, moist tongue

lapped lazily at her breasts, making her nipples tighten. The head drifted lower and her
cunt began to pulse as the rough edge of the tongue licked slowly at the outer lips of her

pussy. She sucked in a deep, aching breath as he flicked at her clit.

The big, golden head lifted. Her gaze met his green one and she knew that no

manner how improbable, she was lying naked on her back with her beloved Cody,
housed in the body of the huge cat, crouching over her. However, she also instinctively
knew that Cody had not been her dream lover. “Cody!”

Yes, it’s me, Jemi.
“Oh, Cody!” She reached out and clutched at the leg nearest her. “I don’t


I don’t fully understand it either, but we can talk later. Right now, I need to taste


“Taste me? You mean…?”
“I need to taste you.”
“I…oh, yes, Cody! Please.”
Brushing his big head against her crotch, Cody swiftly stabbed his tongue into the

depths of her hungry pussy. Oh, Lord, how she’d missed that sweet, hot tongue of his.
She moaned, allowed her legs to fall apart, and closed her eyes. Icy heat enveloped her
whole body as the tongue delved repeatedly inside her.

Her cunt seemed to be super sensitive. Every inch of her inner flesh his tongue

touched sent tiny, involuntary shivers through her pussy. She gave herself up to the
quick and intense explosion that rapidly approached. Her inner muscles tightened and
pulsed and then to her shock, she began…ejaculating. Cody slurped up every drop of
her moisture, gave her clit one final flick with his hot tongue, and slowly backed away.

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Jemi lay gasping, stunned by the force of her orgasm, not to mention the fact that

she had just ejaculated into his mouth. Not just come, but actually ejaculated. She
opened her eyes and her gaze was immediately drawn to the big cock hanging down
from his belly.

Gods of the Mountains, what a lovely sight. At ten inches erect, Cody’s cock had

been a thing of absolute beauty. Hunter’s cock was awesome. Her pussy began to cream
all over again as she contemplated parting her legs further, lifting her hips, and inviting
him to drive that sleek bronze monster as deep into her pussy as he could get it.

Okay, Jemi. Granted, you’ve accepted the fact that this is Cody, but he’s inhabiting

the body of a cat with a cock that looks at least fourteen inches.

<Eighteen long, thick, lovely inches.>
Jemi shook her head, aware that the last thought had been Jeroni’s rather than hers.
Listen up, Jeroni. Forget it.

She shot the thought back at the unseen nympho sharing

her body and her mind. Okay? It’s not gonna happen.

Oh, damn, Jemi, are you sure? I’ve waited so long to feel your hot pussy around my

cock again.

She blushed at the thought of having her body invaded by Cody’s now alien cock.

“But Cody, it’s not your cock and I’m not even sure this is my body,” she protested
weakly. This body felt tighter, firmer. Her breasts felt bigger, her nipples larger and
more sensitive. Her cunt felt…different. It felt alarmingly big and open…as if it actually
could accommodate Cody’s new, even more scrumptious looking cock.

This is my cock, Jemi, and that was your sweet pussy I just tongued. But you’re not

ready to accept all you need to know. Put your clothes on and walk with me in the
forest and I will try to explain everything.

As she rose onto unsteady legs, Cody’s head dipped and he flicked at her clit.
“Stop that,” she moaned, leaning into his side.
Your pussy tastes sweet. I want to mate with you.
Jemi gasped and jerked away. That thought had felt different. It hadn’t been Cody

speaking. “Who…who is that?”

There were several moments of absolute silence.
That was Hunter, Cody finally said.
“Hunter? Who is he?” But even as she asked, she knew the answer. Hunter was her

dream lover who came to her in dreams and fucked her senseless.

This is his body. He wants to fuck you.
“So I gathered,” she quipped, amazed that the thought didn’t entirely displease her.

Why should it when she’d been lusting after him for weeks and apparently the feeling
was mutual?

After giving Cody, or was it Hunter, one final, long lick at her cunt, she stepped

into her skirt.

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Outside the small hut—there was no other name for the small building—Jemi

looked at Cody. “Where are we? How did we get here? Are you real, Cody? Or am I
dreaming again?” She glanced down at the body she was “in.” This body had large,
firm breasts, long legs, a rather shapely, padded behind, and a very flat, taut belly. Nice
body. Too bad it wasn’t hers.

Walk with me, Jemi.
Cody turned and slowly padded down the dirt and leaf covered path in front of the

hut nestled in the clearing at the end of a forest trail. Happy, but confused, Jemi
followed the big male, enjoying the smell of the forest after a spring-like rain. Her Cody.
Her lips twitched. How fitting that Cody should come back to her in the body of the
huge bronze cat.

You always said you liked your men tall and dark, Cody quipped.
And Cody had been that. She glanced at the cat stalking beside her. He was that. “I

like you anyway I can get you,” she told him softly.

He responded with a soft lick to her cheek. Tell me about your life since we parted,

Jemi. How have you been? Have you been happy?

She sighed. “I was miserable for a long time after…but I tried to do as you asked, I

went on with my life. I’m the executive assistant to a telecommunications multi-
millionaire and I live in this really ritzy apartment complex and drive a custom
outfitted BMW. I have some really good friends and life is…okay.”

Your love life?
She thought of Jeff with his warm smile and understanding blue eyes. “I started

dating a guy in my complex about a year ago.”

Do you love him?
If she had, she wouldn’t have come running in search of Cody or been so fascinated

with her no longer faceless dream lover. “No, but I am fond of him. He’s warm and
sweet, and so kind.”

Would you miss him if you never saw him again?
She stared at him. Did that mean she wasn’t going back home? She was afraid to

ask the question. “Yes, but not in an unbearable way as I missed you.” She looked

around. “Where are we? What is this place? When is this place?”

I have no idea whatsoever if we’re still on Earth or not. Sometimes I think this must

be Earth at some point in time or space. How else could you or I have gotten here? But I
don’t even know when we are. From what I’ve gathered we’re in a feudal society with
two dominant kingdoms, Volter and Terra, both ruled by Liege Lords. We’re in Volter,
which is ruled by Liege Lord Donoun. Terra is across the valley beyond the Volter Terra

“How did you get here? Cody, I know you’ve always believed in life after death

and that there was life on other places beside Earth, but…you’re dead.”

Not anymore,

he responded, sounding amused.

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She shivered and bit her lip. For all she knew, she might be dead now too. She

pushed the thought away.

As to how I got here, I don’t know. After I…left you for the last time, there was

nothing but darkness and despair and a hopelessness that I’d never see you again. Then
suddenly I was in a misty place where everything I wanted I could have. I just had to

think about it and it was mine. I had everything I wanted, except you. My psychic path
crossed with Hunter’s. He was there hoping to find information on a way back to his
home. When he was ready to go, he convinced me that I needed to leave too.

“Why, if everything you wanted was yours there?”
There was an extended silence before he finally answered. There’s a price to pay for

getting everything you want. You lose a little more of yourself each time you enter.
When I pointed out that I had no body and couldn’t leave, Hunter said I could share

“And that was all it took?”
We both wanted it, so it was. At first, I felt frightened and trapped in his body

because we couldn’t communicate outside the misty place. It took awhile, but Hunter
and I finally learned to communicate. After that, we found a way to reach you.

Hunter had done more than ‘reach’ her. She wondered if Cody knew Hunter had

entered her dreams and become her dream lover.

I’ve not sure. I think it has something to do with Hunter’s being one of the

Carnivores from Tern Terra. They’re said to have all kinds of mystic powers. Hunter is

unable to tap into his fully because Liege Lord Donoun’s hunting party captured him as
a cub and his memories of his race are limited to vague impressions. But, Jemi, it’s
rumored that his race has the ability to shape shift. If that’s true, he might one day be
able to shape shift into my body.

The breath caught in her throat. “Do you mean there’s a possibility that you can

regain your own body?”

I’m not sure if I could actually regain it permanently because Hunter’s not sure.

However, I’m fairly certain that, given time, Hunter can shape shift into it for a time. All

the same, don’t get too excited. This may be as good as it gets, Jemi. Can you learn to
love a big tan cat?

She leaned into his side and kissed his shoulder. “Actually you’re more bronzed

than tan and like I said, I’ll take you anyway I can get you.“ She frowned. “What about
me? This body is very young and very tight. I’ve been trying to keep in shape lately, but
this is not my body, Cody. I’ve never had breasts this big or nipples this sensitive.”

No, Jemi. It’s not your body. It’s Jeroni’s.
“I…see,” she said softly, trying to come to grips with all that had happened to her.

Again, she was afraid to ask the question uppermost in her mind: where was her body?

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Her breasts are large, but incredibly firm. Her nipples are ripe and sweet to the

taste. Her behind is firm and round and have you ever seen such long, beautiful legs.
It’s a rather…stunning body, don’t you think?

Judging by the admiration she heard in his voice, he clearly thought so. “Cody, my

pussy…Jeroni’s pussy feels so…big.”

Big enough to mate with me?
Jemi felt the sheer lust behind Hunter’s question. She glanced up at Cody.
He gave a mental shrug. Hunter and Jeroni are natives of a society that sets large

store by pursuing sexual gratification. Hunter, as you know, has a huge cock and an
almost insatiable lust for pussy. Jeroni’s sexual appetite is a match for his.

Jemi licked her lips, her heart thumping. “Are you saying that she and Hunter


They’d like to be, but they’re forbidden.
“It’s just as well. She could never take him.”
Actually, she could. She has a unique vagina.
“Unique how?”
It can expand or contract to conform to her lover’s cock, regardless of the size. In its

unaroused state, her vagina is huge compared to a human woman’s. It might be a tight
squeeze, but she can definitely take us.

Us, huh? “And just how do you know so much about her pussy? Have you…Cody,

have you been with her?”

She bit her lip. There was no mistaking the regret in his voice. “No?”
No, but I know what Hunter knows. Well, some of what he knows. There are

portions of his mind shielded from me.

Like a little fact that he’d been dream fucking her for weeks? She shook her head

and concentrated on what Cody was saying.

He and Jeroni have been together since he was a cub. From him, I know she’s sweet,

kind, and giving.

Sweet and kind? Not exactly the impression Jemi had formed of her host. A sudden,

irrepressible need to suck Hunter’s cock seized her. “Cody, are you sure Hunter has
never fucked her?”

Yes…at least not with his cock.
“Then how?”
With his tongue. After her first mating, he tongue mated with her. Five seasons

have passed since then, but he still remembers and cherishes the experience as much as
he did when it first happened. Once a season, on their bonding date, he reams her.

Jemi had a vision of Jeroni lying naked on her back in the bough of a low standing

tree. Her legs were up and her behind thrust out. Hunter approached on his hind legs,

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his magnificent cock out of his sheath aiming at Jeroni’s bottom. A flash of remembered
pleasure battered Jemi’s senses as the first few inches of Hunter’s warm, pulsing cock
tenderly pierced Jeroni’s eager bottom. Gods of the Mountains.

Damn, this body and mind sharing was getting to be a bit much. She had ‘felt’ his

cock sliding into her behind. What’s more, it had felt damned good. She shook her head,

dismissing the memory.

She glanced at Cody, her face burning. “When does that happen?”
Once every season.
“Every season?”
Did I say season? I meant year. Sometimes being with Hunter gets confusing. Our

thoughts and desires sometimes intertwine.

She nodded. “Oh, I can believe that all right. But how can she let him…?”
I know the thought shakes you up, Jemi, but this is a different world with

completely different cultures and mores. Remember your Sociology 101. Don’t try to
judge Volter by Earth standards. Here humans and the Great Carnivores have been
mating for many thousands of seasons. It’s the natural order of mating. That’s why the
women of Volter have such large vaginas—they were intended to accommodate the
cocks of the Tern Terrians. You should know that Hunter and Jeroni enjoy their rare

“Yeah, I’ll bet he enjoys it, but how can she? Cody, do you know how big and thick

that…thing he calls a cock is?”

Actually, I do. It’s my cock now too. The only one I have, he reminded her.
“Oh, don’t misunderstand. I’m not judging them or their culture. I’m just having a

problem understanding how she can she possibly take him in her behind.”

Easier than you think. Her behind, like her pussy, is expandable.
Volter is like one of those pleasure planets from sci-fi movies with a healthy dose of

wars and raiding parties thrown in.

She shook her head. “What a place. So, she let him tongue her?”
Yes and they both thoroughly enjoyed it. Although they don’t call it love, they are

in love with each other. They want to fuck…just as I love you and want to fuck you
again, Jemi.

She frowned. Although Cody said all the right words, he didn’t say them with any

real feeling; at least not with her. When he talked of how sweet and stunning Jeroni
was, there had been a wealth of passion in him. When he talked of wanting to fuck her,
his tone was clinical, as if any cunt would do. On the other hand, when Hunter spoke of
fucking her, she felt the heat and passion of his desire striking an answering chord in

She bit her lip. She was probably being too sensitive. Of course, Cody still loved

and wanted her, as she did him. “You cannot begin to imagine how much I want you,

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but, Cody, I…you’re in the body of a cat.” Even as she protested, she couldn’t deny a
lecherous thrill at the thought of the big bronze cock torpedoing into her pussy. If Jeroni
could handle Hunter in her behind, she could certainly take Cody in her cunt. That is, if
she could get past the thought that Cody was now a cat. Granted, he was a big, sleek,
handsome cat, but he was still a cat.

You have to get past it because it’s me, Jemi. I need you and your beguiling pussy.
Again, his declaration lacked the passion and fervor Hunter would have put into

the same words. Still, she had gone to that small mining town to be with him. Of course,
she hadn’t counted on his being a cat.

He bent his big head and she instinctively turned and brushed her lips against his

face. This was her Cody and she would take him any way she could. Sighing, she
pressed her lips against his mouth. His whiskers tickled her nose as his tongue snaked
out. Gulping, she parted her lips and closed her eyes. His tongue touched hers and a

shock of pure lust shot through her whole body. She moaned and linked her arms
around his neck. “Oh, God, Cody, I’ve never had such a…delicious kiss.”

There’s more where that came from. I’m sharing this body with Hunter, but it’s

been so long and I need you, Jemi. Soon.

She pressed her cheek against his head. “Bear with me, Cody.” Still, even as she

spoke, she knew it was only going to be a matter of time before she found it impossible
to hold out against her need for him, even if his need for her wasn’t as strong. But how
could she possibly allow him to put that huge alien dick in her?

I’ll be gentle, he promised.
“With a weapon like that, you’d better,” she warned and released her hold on his


As they started along the path again, he suddenly stopped, rose on his hind legs,

and reached up to the branches of a tree above his head. He settled back on all fours
and extended his head. Between his teeth was the same rose-like flower with the red
and green center that had accompanied his Valentine’s Day letter.

Be my Valentine?
Tears welled in her eyes. “Oh, Cody! Of course I will.”
Happy Valentine’s Day, Jemi.
Smiling, she accepted the flower with one hand while linking the other arm around

his neck. He turned his big head and they shared a long, sweet kiss. God help her, but
she had missed him. “Oh, Cody! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my love.”

Your pussy smells sweeter than a forest cat’s. Don’t make us wait too long.
Placing the flower in her hair, Jemi turned a mock frown on the cat. “Hey, buster,

get something straight, if it ever happens, and with a cock the size of yours that’s a big
if, it will be me and Cody, not me and you. So you save your lecherous lust for your

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Cody and I share a cock, Hunter pointed out. If he gets to mate with you, it will be

my cock filling your pussy, Jemi, darling—this time for real.

She gasped.
That’s right. Those sweet dreams have given me quite an appetite for you…I will

feel and enjoy every movement of your sweet pussy closing around our cock. When

you come, I will feel your hot juice raining over my cock. Then I will come in you like
I’ve never come before and fill your cunt with my seed. You’ll like that. And trust me,
my darling Jemi, I will get some of what Cody calls your sweet ass too. I’m going to
love filling all your openings with my seed. You’ll love it—just as you did in your

The image created by his lustful words sent a wave of heat and hunger through

Jemi. She had loved it in her dreams and she wanted it now. The need to lift her skirt
and expose herself to him was hard to resist. Worse yet, she knew he could sense her

thoughts and desires. “That’s just plain Jemi to you,” she told him coolly. “Now do you
mind? Cody and I were talking.”

You mustn’t mind Hunter, Cody told her. Mating is very important here and

Hunter spends a large amount of time satisfying his huge sexual appetite. Three nights
ago, he ravished three mountain felines, one after the other. Earlier today he had two
forest cats. The last one had the best forest pussy he’s ever had. Still, no matter how
good the sex, he wants to mate with Jeroni.

And me, she thought with a secret thrill. “Yeah? Well, maybe she’ll let him one


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Chapter Four

“My Lady Liege.”
At the sound of the male voice, Jemi turned and found a tall, well built man with a

deep tan, naked accept for a Tarzan-type loincloth, trotting towards them. Noting the
sword scabbard hung across his nicely muscled chest, she drew back against the

comfort of Cody’s body.

It’s all right, Jemi. It’s Dioni, Jeroni’s personal guard and favorite lover.
Lover? Was there anything or any male her horny host didn’t do or want to do?
The man halted in front of her and went down on one knee, his head bowed. “My

Lady Liege.”

“What is it?” she asked warily, not sure how to address him. Where was Jeroni

when she was wanted?

He rose to his feet and lifted his head.
A sudden, delicious memory of this stranger lying between her parted thighs

assailed her. As he’d greedily sucked at her breasts, he’d clutched her behind in his
hands and pumped her clinging cunt full of hot, creamy seed. God Almighty. Her
pussy moistened recalling just how good cunt mating with this man was. It was all she
could do not to reach out, brush his scanty covering aside and fondle the semi-hard
dick she knew was hers, or rather Jeroni’s, for the taking.

“Yes?” she said weakly.
“Tioni, the Seer is at the hut stop. She says you and Hunter must return there

immediately, My Lady Liege.”

“Tioni?” She turned towards Cody, seeking guidance.
Hunter replied. Tioni is the Seer, he informed her cryptically, in an amused voice.
She cast a surprised look at the big cat beside her. In addition to a raging lust, the

damn thing had a sense of humor. “Thanks, Hunter, that was very…helpful.”

My pleasure, Jemi, darling, he shot back.
“Will you go ahead and tell her we’re on our way?” she asked, turning to Dioni.
“Will that be all, My Lady Liege?”
“Yes. No.”
He’d bowed his head and started to turn away. He stopped and turned back. “My

Lady Liege?”

Unable to stop herself, Jemi put her hand between the folds of his loincloth and

tenderly fondled him. She hefted his warm, pulsing flesh in her hand. His cock and

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balls had a nice feel and weight. Oh, damn. Nice. Very nice, indeed. No wonder she’d
awakened feeling sated after having been with this handsome hunk. She tightened her
fingers around his cock and felt it harden. Several drops of moisture fell from the tip.
She removed her hand and, smiling at him, she slowly licked her fingers. Hmm. Nice.

“Would My Lady Liege like me to…attend her?”
She recognized the eagerness in his voice; it mirrored her own. What had she

started? Now he was going to want sex—and rightly so. Hell, she wanted sex. Or
should she say some more sex?

Hey, Jemi. What are you doing? You are not sleeping with this guy. Stop thinking with

your pussy.

She jerked her hand away from her mouth and stepped back. “Not right

now,” she muttered, not quite meeting his gaze. “Later.”

“As you wish, My Lady Liege.” He bowed again and trotted off.
You should have fucked him,

Cody said, surprising her.

“What? Cody, he’s a stranger!”
He’s not a stranger to Jeroni. He’s totally devoted to her and she finds him

satisfying and skillful in bed.

“What? I cannot believe you asked me to come here and now you’re encouraging

me to sleep with a strange man.”

Jemi, you have to quickly come to the realization that this is a different place and

time. The rules we lived by don’t apply here. They can’t. Here you and I will do and
enjoy things neither of us would even have considered doing back home.

She wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that. Was that his way of telling her he

planned to lay other women? She wasn’t ready to think about that. She gave a little
shake of her head.

“Ah, just who is Tioni, the Seer?” she asked quickly, afraid Hunter or Cody or even

Jeroni would comment on her engaging in what would have amounted to a sexual
assault back home. Lord, what was happening to her?

“If it’s all the same to you, Hunter, I’d prefer it if Cody responded,” she went on.
Tioni is Liege Lord Donoun’s medium, but after Jeroni’s mother was taken in a raid

several seasons past, Tioni was assigned to help prepare Jeroni for the mating.

“What mating? And what do you mean by raid?” She glanced around, suddenly

uneasy. So far the countryside seemed particularly barren of both people and dwellings.
The forest trail they moved along could be harboring all manner of hostiles for all she

Don’t worry, Jemi. This section of Volterian Forest is set aside for Jeroni’s exclusive

use and is well guarded by order of Liege Lord Donoun. Any Terrian attempting to
reach this enclave would have been swiftly captured long before they’d penetrated this
deep, Cody assured her.

“But you said Jeroni’s mother had been captured in a raid.”

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That was before Liege Lord Donoun set up warrior parties around the boundaries

of Volter. There hasn’t been a successful raid here since Jeroni’s mother, Lady Teyer,
was taken.

“Was Jeroni’s mother returned?”
No, and Liege Lord Donoun has never been the same.
“I don’t understand. Didn’t he send warriors to rescue her?”
He wanted to, but both Volterian and Terrian raiding laws forbade it.
“Raiding laws? They have laws that govern raids?”
There are laws that govern nearly everything here. It was the only way to stop the

Blood Wars. Of course, if Jeroni doesn’t life mate with Liege Lord Siano’s son, Tuteri,
they may very well start again.

“Life mates? As in forever?”
“But you said she’s in love with Hunter. Yet, she has to mate with this Tuteri? I

hope she at least likes him,” she said, as the hut came into view.


never met, Cody told her.

“What? She’s expected to marry a man she’s never met and might not even like,

forget about loving? Volter is definitely in the dark ages. No wonder she has such a
huge chip on her shoulder.”

You think she has a chip on her lovely shoulders?
Lovely shoulders? She tightened her lips. Why didn’t she hear that same passion in

his tone when he thought of her? “You think she doesn’t?”

I know she doesn’t.
He didn’t seem to notice her coolness. She shook her head. Men could be so easily

blinded by passion. She no longer doubted that Cody had a real passion for Jeroni.
“Trust me, Cody. She’s carrying around a chip the size of the Rock of you know what
on those lovely shoulders of hers.”

You haven’t been here long enough to see the real Jeroni. She’s young, tender,

trusting and very, very sweet.

Yeah. Right. “How young?”
She’s seventeen seasons.
“Seventeen? She’s just seventeen?”
Seventeen is not the same here, Jemi. She’s packed a lot of living in those years. She

first tongue mated when she was eleven and then she cunt mated when she was twelve.

She stared at him, her eyes wide. “Cody! Twelve?”
Everything is different here, Jemi. You must remember that. Some Volterian females

mate as early as nine. She was ready.

<And Jeroni Teyer needs no pity from you, off worlder.>

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Sensing the unhappiness behind the haughty retort, Jemi softened. “I’m sure you

don’t,” she said.

I should warn you, Jemi, that Tioni is like no one you’ve ever met. It’s rumored that,

like Hunter, she is from Tern Terra.

“Like Hunter, huh? You mean she’s a huge, lustful cat with a smart mouth?” she

asked, sending an amused thought Hunter’s way.

I’ll show you lust, Jemi, darling, Hunter zinged back. When you let me…do what

Cody calls fucking…when you let me fuck you. He tells me it’s the best pussy in the
world. I’m going to get some of that good pussy for myself, Jemi, darling. You are going
to give me some. Soon. Aren’t you?

She stopped in front of the hut, breathing deeply. The sheer magnitude of his

undisguised desire for her made her so hot. Gods of the Mountains, she needed release.

Then let me give you some release, my sweet Jemi, darling, Hunter urged. My cock

is big, thick, and hard, just like you like cock. My tongue ain’t bad either.

Jemi sucked in a breath. Damn if he didn’t make the thought of surrendering to him

overwhelmingly irresistible. Unable to suppress her growing hunger, she lifted her skirt
and parted her legs. Hunter’s tongue snaked out. He lapped eagerly at her cunt several
times before sinking his long, pink, wondrous tongue deep within her. She moaned,
shivered, and backed against the wall of the hut. Hunter moved closer and began
jabbing his tongue into her. She grabbed his mane and pushed her cunt against his face.
Gods of the Mountains, but that felt so good.

Does my darling Jemi like this? Hunter asked softly. Is it as good as it was in your


Lord, yes! Yes! Oh, God, Hunter, your tongue is wonderful. Oh, please don’t stop.
Not until you come, my Jemi, darling. Come for me, Jemi. Come in my mouth. Let

me taste the real thing. Come for me.

With his tongue thrust deep within the confines of her cunt, he gently nipped at her

clit with his upper teeth. She let out a silent, helpless scream of sheer ecstasy and began
ejaculating into his mouth. While she whimpered and tried to calm herself, he leisurely

licked her pussy clean of her juices.

Hmm. Good juice. Good pussy,

Hunter told her and slowly withdrew his tongue from


“Oh, God,” she moaned softly. She linked her arms around his neck and they

shared a quick, sweet kiss. Oh, Lord, that had been wonderful. Even sweeter than in her
dreams. No doubt about it. This male was definitely going to become her real time

I can hardly wait, he told her.
<If you are finished enjoying a pleasure that was not rightly yours, we should go

in,> Jeroni snapped suddenly.

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Blushing, Jemi dropped her skirt. “It’s your pussy he tongued,” she said guiltily.
<But it was you he tongue mated with.>
She couldn’t deny that what had just happened had been solely between her and

Hunter. No Cody, no Jeroni. “I’m sorry,” she said.

<Oh, forget it,> Jeroni snarled, then Jemi felt her softening. <It’s all right. Hunter is

so majestic and sweet. How could you not want him? And he has a very nice tongue.>

“Lord, yes!” Jemi moaned.
She sensed Jeroni’s amusement and Hunter’s male pride. Males. They were alike

the universe over, she thought.

<And some day Cody and I are going to have some of these fucks you and Hunter

keep talking about,> Jeroni informed her casually.

She bit back a jealous snarl and remained silent. How could she complain after

what she’d just let happen?

<We must go in,> Jeroni said. <The Seer must not be kept waiting any longer.>
Jemi nodded and stepped through the open door and into the first of the two rooms

of the small dwelling Dioni had called a hut stop.

Dioni, standing on the other side of the fire alcove, went down on one knee. “My

Lady Liege.”

Jemi blushed and cast him a quick, embarrassed smile. “Dioni.”
The woman who stood by the small alcove in one wall that seemed to serve as both

a source of heat and fire for cooking, turned to face her. Jemi blinked. Perhaps woman
was the wrong word. Granted the being in front of her was definitely female and stood

on two legs, had two arms, and a head. Instead of clothes, a dark brown pelt covered
her body, including her small breasts, which had tiny pink nipples. A brown thong
covering her crotch area was her only concession to clothing. Her face had a light
covering of hair. Her mouth was wide, her eyes green and slanted like Hunter’s. She
was one of the most stunning creatures Jemi had ever seen.

There was an air of authority intermingled with a tenderness in her voice and

manner when she spoke. “Jeroni Teyer, the time has come.”

Jemi, still shaking from the realization that she fully intended to mate with Hunter,

tried to withdraw. She was blocked by the fact that Jeroni had beat her to it. <Coward.>
She sent the word toward Jeroni’s fleeting consciousness before turning to face Tioni. “I
don’t quite know how to tell you this, but—”

Tioni frowned, locking her gaze with Jemi’s. “Who are you? Where is Jeroni?”
Jemi nodded her head towards the door. “Last I felt of her, she was heading for the

hills.” Or maybe the misty place.

“And who are you?”
“Me? Well, I’m—”

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Tioni extended a fur-covered hand and the muscles of Jemi’s throat froze. She knew

the Seer was exerting a psychic influence over her. Somehow, she didn’t feel
threatened—even when she approached and placed a long-fingered palm over her

The Seer closed her eyes and bent her head. “You are Jemi Hunter of…Earth?” She

removed her hand and looked at Jemi. “What is this Earth?”

Jemi shook her head. “I don’t know where we are in relationship to Earth so I don’t

know how to explain it.”

“No matter. The time for the march to Terra has arrived. Our Lord Donoun has sent

a message that Liege Lord Siano has sent an ultimatum: the time for your life mating
has passed. There are raiding parties approaching Volter borders. Either you begin the
march for Terra, or Liege Lord Siano will attempt to enter Volter and take you by force
of arms in accordance with the treaty signed five seasons past by Liege Lords Donoun

and Siano.”

Jemi, sharing a fleeting memory with Jeroni, had a disturbing vision of fierce

warriors bursting through the breeched walls surrounding a large, stone building. After
battering a tall, handsome man unconscious, they had carried off a beautiful woman
with sad dark eyes.

She knew it was Jeroni’s memory of her mother’s abduction from her father’s arms

when Jeroni was twelve seasons.

She shook her head. “She wants to help, but she doesn’t want to mate with this

Tuteri,” she told Tioni.

“It is her destiny.”
“No. Her destiny is her own to make,” Jemi countered.
Jemi, this is not the time for your equal pay for equal work doctrine, Cody warned.

Jeroni must make her own decision.

She made it when she left me in charge of her mind and body, Cody, she retorted.

And even if she is willing to mate with this Tuteri, I am not.

It was my need for you and my will that got you here. You belong to me, Hunter

added. I might let Cody have an occasional fuck, but your pussy is going to be mine.

Dream on,

she told him. Then smiling with feminine satisfaction at the sheer lust

behind Hunter’s words, she turned to Tioni. “Jeroni isn’t here. It’s just me and I am not
going to mate with this Tuteri.”

Tioni projected a sense of menace. “Then the Blood Wars will start again. Are you

so selfish that you would condemn all to the Blood Wars just to avoid doing your duty
to your people?”

Jemi shook her head. “Wait a minute. These are not my people and I have no duty

to them. I don’t even belong here.”

“Then relinquish control of Jeroni Teyer of Volter now.” The Seer’s eyes narrowed

and she extended her right hand.

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Off to her right, Jemi saw Dioni start and whip his sword from the scabbard on his

back. He only managed one leap in the Seer’s direction before she swung around and
extended her palm in his direction. Gasping for breath, he dropped to his knees, his
sword clanging to his side.

Before she could rush to his assistance, Tioni turned back to her, her right hand

thrust out. Jemi felt as if something hard and cold had reached into her body and pulled
out all her vital organs. Gasping in agony, she collapsed to the floor. Cody! Cody, help us.

With her ability to breathe fading fast, she felt rather than saw Hunter spring past

her and bound towards the Seer. His big body brushed against the Seer’s arm, knocking
her outstretched hand aside.

Feeling as if a vise had released her lungs, Jemi sucked in several gusts of sweet,

blessed air. Thank you, Hunter. She sprang to her feet, instinctively snatching a knife

from a sheath on the outside of her right boot, and went into a crouching position,
extending the six-inch bladed knife in front of her. What she wouldn’t give for her
sword, but she hadn’t expected to need it in her special place.

Dioni retrieved his sword and staggered to his feet, breathing hard. Jemi felt

Jeroni’s concern for her favorite lover. “Dioni? Are you all right?”

“I am, My Lady Liege.”
He was clearly still shaken. She narrowed her gaze and turned her attention back to

Tioni. “How dare you hurt him!”

The Seer, knocked off balance by Hunter’s bulk, had swung around with startling

swiftness. She faced Jemi with both hands at her side, her eyes narrowed. Hunter
sprang around and put his big body between the two of them.

Tioni, Chief Seer of Supreme Liege Lord Donoun of Volter, Jemi of Earth means no

harm to Jeroni Teyer. She has not and will not hurt her. My Lady Liege fled of her own
accord and does not wish Jemi of Earth hurt. I, Hunter, elder offspring of Seeker, Sire of
Tern Terra, do not wish her hurt. I will not allow her to be hurt. Stand down and make
no further attempt to incapacitate her.

Listening to Hunter’s impassioned defense on her behalf, Jemi’s eyes filled with

grateful tears. She kept the knife extended, uncertain if Hunter would be able to hold
the Seer off. Although there had been no malicious intent behind Tioni’s sudden attack,
there had been tremendous power. It was a power Jemi did not wish to be used on

She placed a hand on his flank and stepped around him. It’s all right, Hunter.

Thank you, but she doesn’t want to hurt me. She just wants to make sure Jeroni is all

She felt a knot of tension at the base of her skull and then Jeroni was back. She

released her hold on their body and yielded the dominant consciousness to the other


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Jeroni slid the knife back in its sheath, squared her shoulders, and faced the censure

in Tioni’s eyes with an icy look of her own. “Seer,” she spat the word out. “I will deal
with you in a moment.”

She crossed the room to Dioni and touched his chest. “My faithful Dioni.”
“My Lady Liege.” He bowed his head and would have dropped to one knee, but

she grabbed his arm. “No. You’re too weak.” She caressed his cheek. “Always ready to
protect me.”

“I would gladly give my life in your defense, My Lady Liege.”
“How well I know that.” She reached down and gently cupped his cock and balls.

“But I prefer you alive and well. I value you, Dioni, both as a faithful protector and as
my favorite lover.”

He lifted his head and she saw a warmth in his dark eyes he’d never allowed her to

see. “My Lady Liege honors me beyond my deeds,” he whispered in a husky voice and

despite her efforts to stop him, he dropped to one knee.

She stroked her fingers through his soft hair, aware of a sensation that had nothing

to do with the usual mating desires she associated with her need of him. But thoughts
for another time.

“Rise, Dioni.”
He rose, but kept his head bowed.
She touched his head again and swung around to face Tioni.
“I, Jeroni Teyer of Volter, sole heir to Liege Lord Donoun’s dominion, am here, Seer.

Before you speak, understand this: as long as you are under my father’s subjugation,

never, ever lift a hand against my faithful Dioni again. I will not have him hurt.”

“Nor would I,” Tioni said, surprising her.
She watched the Seer turn her dark gaze in Dioni’s direction. “He is a stalwart,

faithful warrior and a generous, unselfish lover.”

Jeroni stared at her. Was that tenderness in the Seer’s voice for her Dioni?
Before she could decide, Tioni turned back to face her. “Who was that Jemi of

Earth? What have you done, Jeroni?”

“She’s the life mate of Hunter’s body sharer, Cody. She meant no harm.”
“Assure her that I intend none either. Had I intended to harm her, I would have.”
I would not have allowed it, Seer, Hunter interjected.
Jeroni stared at him. There was something different about Hunter. She’d never

heard him speak with such authority to Tioni.

To her surprise, Tioni made no effort to admonish Hunter. That too was different.

Tioni had been remonstrating with one or the other of them ever since she had arrived
in Volter.

“Would you have this world thrown into a Blood War on your account, Jeroni


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Jeroni tossed her head, sending her dark hair cascading around her face in an angry

cloud. “Would my father have me life mated to a Terrian male against my will?” she

Tioni’s gaze softened. “Jeroni, The Liege Lord’s love for you cannot be doubted, but

you took an oath to life mate with Tuteri.”

“That oath was taken five seasons past when I knew not the full import of taking it.

I cannot go through with it. I will not go through with it.”

“The cost of not following your oath would be catastrophic to both Volter and

Terra, Jeroni Teyer.”

“And following it will be catastrophic to me, Tioni. Does that matter to no one?”

Jeroni demanded angrily.

Tioni raised her left hand and Jeroni fell silent. “The caravan with your mating

regalia will arrive in seven sunrises. You have that long to reconsider your position,

Jeroni Teyer of Volter. I will leave you to think.”

She watched the Seer stop to speak to Dioni. After a moment, she gently stroked her

hand down his muscled arm before sweeping out of the hut stop.

Jeroni slumped back against Hunter’s bulk. <What am I to do, Hunter?> She turned

and wrapped her arms around his neck. <I will die before I give you up!>

I would not have you dead, he told her. Go, if you must.
<Without you? Never. I will not spend the rest of my life without you and my

faithful Dioni. What is the point of life without happiness and comfort?>

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Chapter Five

That night while Tioni and Dioni slept in the hut stop, Jeroni and Hunter, longing to

be alone, walked the forest trails lit only by the full moon and the stars. The night was
filled with the nocturnal sounds of stalking predators and their fleeing prey. Although
her only weapon was the knife in her boot, Jeroni was unafraid. The other predators

gave Hunter a wide berth. No Volterian male would dare to hunt Lady Liege Jeroni’s
bond mate.

When they tired, they found a big tree and bedded down under its branches. It was

a cool night and she shivered.

Hunter, lying on his stomach, rolled onto his side. Come close, Jeroni and share my


Needing no other encouragement, she scooted close, burrowing against Hunter’s

soft underside. She immediately became aware of his shaft hardening in its sheath, just
under his skin. She could smell his need.

She shivered again, this time from mating hunger. If she were going to be forced to

live in Terra without her beloved Hunter, she at least should get a chance to mate with
him before they had to say goodbye forever.

She extended a hand and touched the opening from which his cock would pop out

when he was aroused. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed feeling the pulsing of the big thick
cock mere centimeters from her eager fingers.

Jeroni, the Seer said we mustn’t,

Hunter warned, his thoughts and voice unsteady.

She continued to touch him. The head of his cock popped out and her heart began

to pound so fast, breathing became difficult. She reached a hand down and stroked
herself. <She doesn’t need to know.> She pushed up her skirt and rubbed her bare cunt
against the head of his cock. He shuddered, growled softly, and his whole glorious dick

popped out and bumped against her pussy. Sucking in her breath, she clasped the big
beautiful prize in both hands, guiding it towards her aching cunt.

“Jeroni Teyer. Hunter. Does your word mean nothing? Stop. Immediately.”
The two would-be lovers froze as the Seer appeared out of the forest and stood over

them, her right hand extended, her catlike eyes glowing in the dark night.

“I have to have him,” Jeroni protested. “I will have him.”
“It is forbidden for you to mate with him.”
“I will mate as I like! I want Hunter. He wants me. If I am to spend the rest of my

life with Tuteri, I will spend my last free nights filled with Hunter’s cock.”

“You will not. It is forbidden.”

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“By who?”
“You know that once you have cunt mated with Hunter, you will be of no value to

Tuteri or any other human male.”

“Then I will be of no value to Tuteri.”
The Seer’s hand moved slightly. Jeroni’s hands opened against her will and

Hunter’s big lovely cock fell from her grasp.

“It is forbidden for you to mate,” Tioni said again. “I will not allow it.”
Leave us, Tioni. I will not mate with her

, Hunter promised. Then, ignoring his agony of

need, he drew his cock back into its sheath.

“Give me your word as elder offspring of Seeker, Sire of Tern Terra and I will leave

you alone with her.”

You have it.
Tioni sniffed the air. “I can smell both your need and hers, but you must not cunt

mate with her.”

I have already given you my word, Seer.
Tioni dropped down to all fours, and trotted back into the night.
Feeling angry and full of frustrated desire and need, Jeroni tossed herself onto her

belly and allowed the tears to spill down her cheeks.

Jemi, feeling her pain, reached out to her. “Are you all right?”
<No! How can I be all right? I either have to go to Terra or risk being the cause of

the Blood Wars starting again.>

“Why did you say you would go?”
<I was twelve seasons, my mother had been abducted, and I did not realize the full

import of what agreeing to go would mean.>

“What would it mean? What’s the worst that could happen?”
<I’ll never see Hunter again.>
A jolt of revulsion shot through Jemi at the thought of never seeing Hunter again.

“Isn’t he going to go with you?”

<No. If he were, the leaving would not be so wretched.>
“Why isn’t he going?”
<Tuteri would not allow it.>
“Why not?”
<Terrian males are not very well-endowed. That is why they value Volterian

women so highly.>

“Don’t Terrian women have flexible pussies?”
<No. I know not why because once many hundreds of seasons past, Volter and

Terra was one land and the path to Tern Terra, Hunter’s home, was open. When the
Great Carnivores came down from Tern Terra, they would life mate with the women of

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Volter Terra. These matings were so blissful that soon every Volter Terrian woman
wanted to life mate with one of the Great Carnivores. Volter Terrian males, with their
average-sized cocks, couldn’t compete for women with the Tern Terrians. Soon, the
men of Volter Terra, jealous and fearful of losing all their women to the Tern Terrians,
began to hunt the Great Carnivores.>

<The Great Carnivores were near extinction when a warrior woman named Jeroni

Mier of Volter Terra rose up to try to save the remaining Carnivores. The Volter Terrian
men objected and Volter Terra split into two kingdoms, one with the men, and one with
the women. The remaining Great Carnivores escaped back to Tern Terra and sealed the
path. Still at war, both Volter and Terra residents took mates in raiding parties to
rebuild their individual sovereignties.>

<After Jeroni Mier’s passing, the two kingdoms started mating without raiding

parties, but remained two separate sovereignties. Then strange warriors came down

from beyond the mountains to war against both kingdoms. Volter and Terra formed
new defense alliances, and talk of formally uniting the kingdoms again by means of
marriage arose. My father and Liege Lord Siano signed treaties and I was informed that
it was my duty to marry Tuteri.>

<So you see, Tuteri, who is rumored to have an abnormally small cock, would view

Hunter as a threat. He would never allow Hunter to accompany me to Terra.>

Jemi took a deep breath. “Then why don’t you spend the next few days mating with

him, if you want?”

<Because it is forbidden,> Jeroni sobbed. <Once a Volterian woman cunt mates

with one of the Great Carnivores from Tern Terra, her pussy permanently conforms to
the contours of his cock, so that they both receive the most incredible pleasure from
mating imaginable. She would no longer be capable of providing mating pleasure to a
human male. >

“So this Tuteri would know if you mated with Hunter?”
<Yes. And once I go through the mating ritual with Tuteri, I will never know

mating pleasure again.>

“Why not? If he’s such a bad lover and you’re forced to mate with him, you’d be

perfectly justified, in my opinion, in mating with someone else—like Dioni.”

<If that were so, the leaving would be bearable, even without Hunter. It is not so.

While the male can go on to cunt mate with other females with pleasure, while her life
mate lives a Volterian woman can only experience mating pleasure with him. After I life
mate with Tuteri, I will no longer be able to enjoy mating with Dioni, and he’s been my
favorite mating partner since we first cunt mated five seasons past.>

Wonderful, Jemi thought sourly. Here they were in another place and time, and the

deck was still stacked in the male’s favor. Some things never changed.

“So what are you going to do?”
<What can I do but what I must? Volter has suffered much and I must not be the

cause of bringing more blood and grief to my father, who mourns my mother still.>

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“Like I said, Jeroni, with all respect to your father and your culture, I am not life

mating with this Tuteri.”

<You have no choice, off worlder. What I do, you do.>
“Yeah? Then you’d better prepare yourself to mate with the only Great Carnivore

left in the land because I fully intend to mate with Hunter.”

<You mean Cody.>
“No. I mean Hunter,” she said defiantly.
Jemi, darling. When? Hunter asked, beginning to pant. It’s forbidden for me to mate

with Jeroni, but not with you. Oh, I want your sweet pussy.

“Oh, God, Hunter, I want your cock!”
Hmm. Delicious thought. “No. Not now, Hunter.” She reached out a hand and

stroked his sheath. His cock popped out and she took it in her hands and gently began

pumping him. “Soon,” she promised. “Very soon, I’ll have to have this lovely cock
inside my pussy.”

As she spoke, she continued to gently massage him. Just the feel of the big warm

dick in her hands was a turn on. A shiver of need ran through her as she began to sense
his pleasure through the bond he shared with Jeroni. She smiled and leaned down to
kiss the area around his sheath.

He purred low in his throat.
You like that?

she asked softly, using feelings and thoughts to speak to him rather

than words.

Yes. Yeeesss!
His big dick began to pulse and shake in her hands and she knew he was about to

lose control. Pushing her skirt up, she positioned herself close and parted her legs,
exposing herself to him.

When he came, the first spurt hit her clit. Gods of the Mountains, that was nice. She

parted her legs farther and directed his big shooting shaft between her legs. His cum,
shooting in a strong stream, blasted directly into her mating tunnel.

Knowing she was full of Hunter’s seed was enough of a thrill to set off a nice

sensation in her pussy. Moaning and shuddering to a climax, she collapsed against his
warm underside, kissing his belly and wrapping her arms around his body. Oh, that was
nice. I think I could easily fall head over heels in love with you,

she told him.

There was a surprised silence from Hunter, then… Is this falling in love a good thing?
It’s a very good thing, Hunter.
Then I could easily fall head over heels in love with you too, Jemi, darling. Like

Dioni would die protecting Jeroni, I would happily die in your defense.

I’d rather you lived to mate with me,

she said, making no effort to hide her shameless

desire for him.

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She curled against him, rubbing his slowly deflating cock against her pussy’s

sensitive outer lips. What a lovely cock.

Lovely pussy, he told her. Hunter’s pussy.
Gods of the Mountains, yes!

She wanted to mate with him then and there, but she’d

experienced too much in one day. She was too weary to attempt to take on Hunter’s big

cock. She was drifting into an exhausted sleep when a sudden thought startled her back
to wakefulness.

“Cody? I hope you don’t misunderstand,” she said anxiously. “I still care for you,

but…Hunter…I could easily love…him.” Could? Who was she kidding? She was
already there—had been for weeks. “Can you understand that?”

I do. To her relief, he didn’t sound bitter. And now I know you’ll understand that

just as Hunter loves Jeroni, and yet longs to fuck you, I love you, but long to fuck
Jeroni’s tender, young pussy. It’s all part of this body and mind sharing.

Feeling relieved, Jemi nodded sleepily, even though she had a sneaking suspicion

the passion and lust she felt for Hunter had nothing to do sharing Jeroni’s body.

As my need for your sweet pussy has nothing to do with Cody sharing my body,

Hunter assured her.

Aren’t you going to tell me my pussy is tender? She teased.
It won’t be tender for long once I get in it.
She laughed, feeling thoroughly wicked and loving it. Promises, sweet promises.

One of these days, Hunter, it’s going to be you, me, and that big hard cock of yours in
my pussy sending me straight to paradise.

Pounding your pussy.
Gods of the Mountain, yes!
Very soon, Hunter.

* * * * *

A warm moist tongue licking her face woke Jemi. Opening one eye, she saw Hunter

standing over her.

Are you awake?
“I am now,” she grumbled, gave him a quick kiss, and got to her feet. She stretched

leisurely and stood admiring the clear, crisp morning. To her left, in the far distance, she
could see a beautiful range of towering, blue-capped mountains. With its fresh air,
beautiful flowers and exotic birds, Volter was a beautiful place.

Hunter butted her with his head.
She turned and squinted at him. “What?”
Give me a kiss.

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A thrill danced through her at the masculine demand. “I just gave you one,” she

pointed out.

I want another one—a longer one this time. I like kissing you, he confided.
Incredibly, she liked kissing him too, tickling whiskers and all. She turned and

linked her arms around his neck. They shared several long, deep kisses. It was during

those blistering, uninhibited kisses that made her wet that she decided she would let
him make love to her the first chance they got.

He drew his tongue out of her mouth and growling softly with pleasure, backed

slowly away from her. He tossed his maned head. I like that. I want another kiss. Kiss me

She grinned at him, but shook her head. “I’m not going to spend all day kissing

you. Get over it.” She ran her hands along his flank. “I’m hungry.”

For my cock?

he asked, his voice hopeful.

She laughed and lightly slapped his right hindquarter. “For food!” She looked

around. “And I need to use the facilities.”

What facilities?
“Hey, come on. You know.”
She felt his puzzlement, and blushing, she told him what she meant.
They walked back to the hut stop where Jemi headed for the small crude storage-

like wooden shed behind the other building. When she emerged, her hair and body
damp from her brief wash, she found Hunter pacing back and forth in front of the small

What took you so long?
“Hey, I had to go and wash. The facilities here leave a lot to be desired. Anyway,

what’s the rush? What do you want?”

A kiss.
“Hunter, I can’t go around kissing you all day.”
Why not?
“Look, this is your last kiss,” she told him, linking her arms around his neck.
To her surprise, he used his head to push her back against the side of the outhouse.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

Kissing you as much as I want,

he said triumphantly and brought his head close to


Jemi closed her eyes and parted her lips. As his tongue snaked into her mouth, she

shuddered and leaned closer. Lord, but he made her so damn hot. When they emerged
for air several minutes later, she pressed her face against his neck and caressed his
flank. “Hunter, please, no more kissing today.”

Why not? He sound confused. Don’t you like it?

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“I like it a lot and that’s the problem.” She stepped away from him, her breathing

labored. She glanced at his body and saw that the head of his cock was visible. She
licked her lips and quickly looked away. God, how could she want this cat so much?

He’s more than a cat. And you need to remember that you’re inhabiting the body of

a female who was designed to breed with his kind.

She swung around. “Cody! Where have you been?” she demanded. As she asked

the question, she suddenly realized that until that moment, she hadn’t felt Jeroni. Her
lips parted and she stared at Cody. “Oh, my God! You’ve been with her. You’ve fucked

She felt a wave of guilt emanating from him and caught an impression of a long

night of sweating, thrusting bodies spent in a place with swirling mists. “All night? You
fucked her all night?”

Don’t be angry, Jemi. She has a very sweet, tender pussy and I was so hungry for


“But how…? Hunter and I were here in the bodies. How could you two do

anything without us?”

One of these days, you have to get Hunter to take you into the misty place. Within

the mists many things are possible and all things are enjoyable.

So, she could get Hunter to take her into the mist, could she? She swallowed her

jealousy and turned away. “Where’s Hunter?”

I’m here.

He sounded subdued and she wondered if he too were jealous. There’s

someone I want you to meet after you feed,

he told her.

“Speaking of feeding? What can I eat?”
He indicated a large fruit-bearing tree across the narrow trail. That’s your favorite

morning feed in the forest.

She walked across the path and plucked what looked like an apple from the lower

branches. She cleaned it on her top and bit into it. The meat inside was sweet and juicy.
She smiled at Hunter. “This is delicious.”

So are you,

he told her, flicking his tongue at the juice running down her chin. She

ate two more pieces of the fruit and gave Hunter a sticky kiss. “Now. You wanted me to
meet someone?”

“Does My Lady Liege wish me to accompany her?”
She turned in surprise to see Dioni standing quietly in the door of the hut stop. She

smiled at him. “Good morning, Dioni.”

He bowed his head. “Good morning, My Lady Liege.”
She looked at Hunter. “Should Dioni come?”
No. I want you all to myself.
“Hog.” She looked at Dioni again. “I’ll be fine with Hunter, Dioni.”
“I will follow at a distance.”

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“No. There must be something you need to do for yourself.”
“I live to protect, serve, and attend you, My Lady Liege.”
She walked across to him, touched his cheek, and leaned up to kiss him softly on

his mouth. His lips were warm and gentle against hers. Smiling, she pressed closer for a
longer kiss. He surprised her by jerking back.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.
“My Lady Liege does not kiss her slave on the lips.”
“No?” Jemi cupped a hand against the back of his neck and moved her body

against his, allowing him to feel her breasts hardening against his chest. “That’s her
loss. In case no one told you, I am not Jeroni and I quite enjoy kissing you,” she said and
kissed him again.

After a moment of resistance, she felt his lips softening and moving eagerly against

hers. As their tongues met, she reached down and fondled him. He hardened against

her fingers and she surrendered to lust. Still kissing him, she managed to get her skirt
up and moved back against the outhouse. “Attend me.”

“My Lady Liege.” He brought his cock from his thong and holding it in his hand, he

looked at her. “Here?”

“Right here.” She spread her legs. “Attend me.”
He went down on his knees in preparation of giving her oral sex. But she was

already so hot from kissing Hunter that she didn’t need any more foreplay. “Rise, Dioni
and fuck me.”

He looked confused. “Fuck you?”
Impatient, she grasped his now fully erect dick, directed it at her cunt, and

swallowed him in one thrust. “Fuck me,” she urged. Wrapping her arms around him,
she kissed him, sucking gently on his tongue as she slowly tightened her inner muscles
around him.

“My Lady Liege,” he murmured into her mouth and began to make sweet love to

her. He was a passionate, yet kind and gentle lover. He caressed her clit, sucked her
breasts, and kept a hand cupped over her buns so that she didn’t have to worry about
splinters in her rear end. He did everything he could to pleasure her. She came first,

sinking her teeth into his shoulder as she exploded around him. When he followed soon
after, she held him.

“Oh, Dioni, you are such a sweet, sweet, lover,” she told him.
He shuddered and moaned into her neck. “My Lady…My Lady…so sweet and so

very good…so good…too good for your servant.”

Aware of Hunter’s growing impatience, she gave him one last kiss and pushed

gently at his shoulders. “You are not my servant, Dioni, and you are very, very sweet.”

He lifted his head and looked down at her, the warmth and devotion in his gaze

almost bringing tears to her eyes. “My Lady Jemi. I pledge my body and life to you. I

would willingly die in your defense, as I would for My Lady Jeroni.”

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Jemi stared up at him in dismay. Oh, Lord. Was it possible to be in love with three

males at the same time? Or was she just in lust with Hunter and now Dioni?

“Like Jeroni, I prefer you alive,” she told him, cupping his cock.
He hesitated, took a deep breath, and bent to kiss her.
She linked her arms around his neck and returned his hungry, passionate kiss. She

pressed close and felt him hardening against her.

“I beg your indulgence, My Lady. You have such sweet lips. Forgive my


“There’s nothing to forgive. I like kissing you.”
“Would My Lady like me to atte—fuck her again?” he whispered, trembling against


Although she was tempted to surrender to him again, she didn’t think Hunter

would stand and watch them make love again. “Maybe later.” She reluctantly drew

away from him. “Do something nice for yourself.”

He bowed his head. “As you wish, My Lady.”

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Chapter Six

She expected Hunter to be angry, but if he were, she could feel no signs of it as they

left the hut stop.

Why should I be angry? he asked. Dioni is a fearless, loyal servant. He has no lover

but Jeroni. He deserves his pleasure. Did you find him pleasing?

“Yes,” she said, averting her gaze. She longed to be able to blame her sudden

shamelessness on being in Jeroni’s body, but part of her had always longed to be wild
and uninhibited sexually. She’d just never had the nerve to do it—until now. She had
wanted Dioni and she still wanted Hunter. What was more, she was going to have him.

As they walked along the trail, the forest began to thin and the landscape flattened.

She saw a watering hole around which many animals lay. Several lions and tigers
rested in the shade of the trees to one side of the water. Seeing the big cats made her
realize just how huge Hunter was by comparison.

Never having seen any big cat outside of a zoo, she jerked to a halt and pressed

back against Hunter’s big body.

“Hunter, I don’t think this is a good idea. Those are…lions, tigers, and God only

knows what else.”

They won’t harm you.
“Says you. I’m not going one step farther.”
Okay, I’ll call them to us.
Jemi, I want you to meet Slayer.
She felt a warmth and deep affection emanating from him and turned to look at

him. “Who is Slayer?”

He is my elder offspring.
Jemi was aware of a particular breathlessness at the revelation. “Your offspring?

You have a son?”

Slayer is my elder offspring.
Great. So he had more than one kid. She looked back at the watering hole. Most of

the lions and other cats were dozing. There were several cubs that squatted and
growled playfully at each other. One cub, with a sleek tan coat and a striking dark

mane, caught her attention. Nearly the size of a pony, she knew immediately that this
frisky cub was Hunter’s offspring.

“He’s beautiful, Hunter,” she told him in a soft voice.

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He is an offspring worthy of his grandsire, Seeker. I want you to know him. I’ll call


“Wait a minute. What about his mother?”
Meka is his mother.
She had a brief impression of Hunter sliding his cock into a beautiful brown feline

and turned back to look towards the watering hole. The cat in question sniffed the air,
stood up, and began padding towards them.

Jemi gasped and ran around Hunter’s body.
Hunter made a series of low grunts in his throat. The lioness stopped and

reluctantly went back to the watering hole. Slayer broke away from the other cubs and
came charging across the ground. Hunter turned and trotted to meet his cub. When the
two cats met, Hunter butted the smaller cat with his head several times, then stood still
while his cub jumped at him, licking his face.

Jemi watched, then turned her attention to the lioness looking on, making low

growling noises. The streak of jealousy she felt caught her by surprise. Why should his
having a mate surprise her? With his sexual appetite, he probably had several mates.

After allowing the cub to swat at him several times, Hunter growled and started

back towards Jemi, who had retreated to stand with her back against a tree with a
bough low enough for her to leap up onto should the need arise.

Jemi, don’t be afraid, he told her. Slayer won’t harm you. I’ve told him you are my


“In your dreams,” she told him in a teasing voice, but kept her tense gaze on the

approaching cub.

Slayer bounded up to her and put his head under her short skirt.
“Hey,” she protested, drawing back. “Stop that.”
It’s almost time for his first mating, Hunter informed her. He wants some pussy.
“Well, he’s not getting any from me,” she said, pushing at the cub’s head.
Making a plaintive growl low in his throat, Slayer cast a pair of green eyes up at


She stared down at the cub. His coat was sleek, his mane luxurious. Like his father,

he was beautiful. She hesitated before extending a tentative hand. Slayer butted her
hand with his head, gave her cunt another sniff, and lay down at her feet.

They spent half an hour there by the watering hole, during which time Slayer

jumped and growled at them both with youthful glee. After a time, Jemi got up enough
courage to allow Slayer to sprawl across her legs. He looked at her with green eyes full
of wonder.

When she and Hunter left the watering hole, Slayer followed, until Hunter turned

and grunted at him. Giving a mournful growl of his own, Slayer turned, head down,
and slowly padded back to the watering hole.

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“He’s a delight,” she told Hunter when they were back in the vicinity of the hut


He is an offspring worthy to bear the blood of Seeker, Sire of Tern Terra.
She sensed the quiet pride behind the words. “And his mother? Is she a mate

worthy of Hunter?”

She sensed his confusion at her strident question. She paused and took a deep,

calming breath. “Does she have good pussy?”

Yes. Very good.
She turned and stared at him. “Really? Well, why don’t you go back there and get

some because you’re sure as hell not getting any of mine after that remark.”

Why are you angry?
“Because you’ve just told me what good pussy she has!”
I should have lied?
“No.” She ran a hand through her hair. “No. I don’t want you to lie to me.”
He butted her with his head. Kiss me.
“No. No more kisses, Hunter. Where is Cody?”
He is with Jeroni in the misty place.
He maneuvered her to this God-forsaken place and then he abandoned her and

went off to mate with some over-privileged teenager in a place he’d told her was not
healthy? Great.

He didn’t maneuver you here. I did.
When I met Cody in the misty place, I saw you in his mind and I wanted you. At

first he did too, then he started to want Jeroni more. I still wanted you. You’re here
because I willed it. Don’t be too hard on Cody. He’s spent too much time in the misty
place. He’s not the same man you knew.

“What are Cody and Jeroni doing in the misty place?”
They are mating. Kiss me?
Well, Cody wasn’t the only one who could go fuck someone else. She looked at

Hunter. “I’ll do more than kiss you. I’ll fuck you.”

She felt the absolute joy washing over him and felt her anger subside. She was

going to mate with Hunter. Not out of anger, jealously or revenge. She was going to do
it because they both wanted it so badly. She looked around. “So. Where do we do it?”

At the mating tree, he told her in a quiet, awed voice. I want to mate with you at the

mating tree where my great-grandsire first mated with his human mate.

Knowing there was no turning back, Jemi’s breath came in deep, aching gasps as

she followed Hunter along the trail and deep into the woods. Finally he paused by a
large tree with a moss covered trunk and a low bough. This is the mating tree.

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She put a hand on his flank and got a vivid flash of another human and feline

couple mating there many seasons earlier—Hunter’s parents. He was part human.

Does that matter?
“No,” she admitted. She suddenly knew that the only thing that mattered to her at

that moment was mating with this big beautiful male. She’d worry about the

consequences later.

Heart thumping, she looked around. She couldn’t see anyone else. “Are we likely to

be interrupted?”

No. It will be just you and me, my Jemi.
Her hands shook as she quickly removed the skimpy leather outfit and her calf-

length boots. She stood in front of him naked, her pussy pulsing as she noted the head
of his big cock peeking out of his sheath as he slowly panted.

He padded towards her. She took several steps back until she came up against the

tree. To her relief, the moss felt soft and yielding. Good. It would act as a cushion
against her buns. He moved in and extended his head. She linked her arms around his
neck and they began kissing. There was a different quality in their kisses now, an
awareness that these sweet, numbing kisses were a prelude to their first fuck. As they
kissed, she stroked her fingers through his mane and caressed his throat. Then leaning
back against the tree for leverage, she lifted a foot and began running it lightly back and
forth against his belly, near his sheath. Within moments, his cock, hot, hard, and fully
erect, popped out.

Growling softly, he broke their heated kiss. Bending his head, he began lapping

gently, leisurely at her cunt. He kept it up until she was soaked and moaning with
anticipation of a greater joy awaiting her at the end of his big dick.

I’m going to fuck you now, Jemi, darling, he told her. For real, finally.
“Oh, God, yes! Please!” she moaned and parted her legs.
He growled softly, rose on his hind legs and approached her. She got her first

daylight view of his fully erect cock. She could actually see the veins pulsing under the
thin bronze skin covering his shaft. It was huge and beautiful, like the rest of his body.
An uncontrollable rush of fresh moisture filled her cunt and she knew she was in for the

most incredible fuck of her life.

She reached out and clutched him in both hands. Barely breathing, she pushed her

hips forward. The big head of his cock pressed against her cunt and she bit down on her
lip at the thrill that shot through her body. Oh, Lord, this was going to be so good.

She pushed forward again and the first few precious inches of Hunter’s big,

beautiful dick pierced the outer lips of her pussy and brushed along her sensitive inner
flesh. “Oh, God!” she gasped and closed her eyes. Making grunting noises low in his
throat, he gently pushed forward, driving even more of his hot cock into her cunt. With
half his shaft embedded in her, she lost control.

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He remained still, poised over her, his front paws braced against the trunk of the

tree on either side of her body, sending her soft, warm psychic messages of affection
and pleasure as she shuddered and came, gushing over his cock. When the tremors
subsided, she opened her eyes and looked down. The sight of Hunter’s thick, sleek shaft
glistening with her juices and half buried in her stretched pussy was nearly enough to

send her into another orgasm.

She leaned forward and kissed the underside of his shoulder. Encouraged, he

pushed forward, easing more of himself into her. She moaned and clutched at his sides.
“Hmm. Hmm. Oh, Lord!”

A quiver radiated through her cunt. He growled, tossed his mane and pushed

gently against her. His big, warm balls slapped against her buns, and she realized that
every last inch of his cock was buried deep in her body. The breath was forced from her
lungs and she clung to him, kissing and licking at his under belly in a frenzy of half-

crazed passion and desire.

She was stuffed so full of him, she could barely breathe, and despite the fact that

she had already come once there was barely room for his cock to move inside her. She
could sense his anxiety and fear of hurting her. To encourage him, she tightened her
cunt around him. His big, powerful body shuddered and he began to make love to her,
moving his huge dick slowly and leisurely in and out of her body. Occasionally, he
would bend his head and lick at her neck and breasts while pushing deeply back into

She had expected him to rut in her, hurt her, come in her, and quickly pull out of

her. To her delight, it soon because apparent that he was determined not to hurt her any
more than necessary while he gave her as much pleasure as possible. The pleasure was
almost more than she could bear. His cock, pulsing and throbbing deep within her
pussy, caused awesome and intense sensations of pure bliss in her. The warm, loving
emotions and feelings he sent to her along the psychic bond they shared was as erotic
and arousing as their physical act of mating.

It was during that long, slow, sensuous, sinful and forbidden fuck when she lost

track of how many times her pussy convulsed and detonated around his huge

plundering cock, that she fell deeply and hopelessly in love with the big, handsome
Carnivore so devoted to pleasing and cherishing her. Feelings, wonderful and all
encompassing, suffused her.

And when he finally came, spewing what felt like a river of hot seed in her

receptive body, she had yet another incredible orgasm that shook every particle of her
being, filling her heart, mind, and body with complete and utter joy. Gods of the
Mountains. Pure, unadulterated paradise.

You are mine, Jemi Hunter of Earth,

he told her, as he slowly withdrew his cock from

her sated pussy. Mine.

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Her legs gave out and she collapsed against the tree trunk, gasping and moaning.

When he lowered his head, she weakly grabbed his mane and kissed him. He opened
his mouth and she sucked at his tongue. Yours, Hunter, she moaned.

Mine to kiss and mate with as often as I like.
Yes, Hunter, yours to do with as you please as often as you please.
Did you enjoy our first fuck, my Jemi?
You know I did.
It was good?
Oh, Lord, good doesn’t begin to describe how wonderful it was.
It was wonderful, but it wasn’t enough. I want more pussy. Now.
God help her, she wanted more of his cock.
He lowered his big body to the ground next to her, rolling on his back, his legs up,

his cock still hard and out of its sheath. She climbed onto his body, mounted him, and

slowly began riding his cock. He purred and thrust his powerful hips up, pushing
himself deep within the confines of her body.

She looked down and saw the outline of his cock under the skin of her taut flat

stomach. Gods of the Mountains, she had been born for the sole purpose of loving this
particular male. Hovering on the brink of yet another explosive orgasm, she fell
forward against his belly, causing his cock to shoot even deeper inside her. His tail
whipped around her waist and held her like an arm.

The sounds of his grunts and soft purrs fueled her passion. She stretched out a hand

to palm his big, hairy balls. She gave them a gentle squeeze and he exploded inside her.

In a matter of moments, they were both writhing in ecstasy.

When the world righted itself, Jemi lay sprawled on Hunter’s belly with his cock

still buried inside her. She whimpered softly and kissed his belly. Oh, Lord, I’ve never felt
anything half as good as that,

she moaned, rubbing her cheek against his body.

Purring softly, he rolled onto his side, being careful to keep their bodies locked tight

together. Hunter has the best cock in the world, he told her with a complete lack of

She laughed and kissed his underbelly again. I don’t know about all that, but it’s

certainly the best I’ve ever had, she admitted.

Better than Cody’s?
The question broke the mood and brought Jemi back to an awareness of what had

just happened. Sociology 101 notwithstanding, she’d fucked a cat. Twice—and loved it,
even when it hurt. His tail was still wrapped around her waist, his cock still firmly in
her pussy—and she loved that too.

Jemi, darling?

He sounded confused.

“Hunter, let me up.”
I’m not keeping you down.

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“You have your tail wrapped around my waist and your cock still in me,” she

muttered, her whole body suddenly burning with embarrassment. “Please remove your

She felt the tip of his tail brush against her buns, making them quiver before it

slipped away from her waist. “And your cock. Please remove it.”

I like it inside you. It’s good. Sweet. It makes me…happy.
“Please. Take it out, Hunter.”
But Jemi, darling, if you want it out of you, you only have to move away from me,

he pointed out.

She placed her hands on his underbelly and slowly lifted her hips. It seemed to take

forever for the last inch of his dick to clear her body. When it did, a rush of their
combined juices gushed out of her and onto his belly.

Blushing, she got to her feet. He bounded to his and came to stand by her, watching

her as she scrambled for her clothes. When she straightened, still naked with her clothes
in her hands, she saw Dioni standing across the narrow forest path. One look at his
crestfallen face and she knew he’d seen everything.

“I’m not Jeroni, Dioni,” she said quickly, trying to soften the blow.
“You’re in My Lady Liege’s body, My Lady Jemi.”
“But I’m not her.” She shook her head and bit her lip. Oh, God, she had a feeling

she’d made a mess. She knew from the way Dioni had looked at her after their
lovemaking that he was in love with Jeroni. It must have hurt him to see Jemi, in her
body, mate with Hunter, knowing she’d never be able to mate with him again. She

looked at Hunter and sensed his confusion. She couldn’t regret making love with him,
no matter what.

“Dioni, I know my pussy—Jeroni’s pussy can no longer give you pleasure.”
She saw the devastation in his eyes and sucked in a breath. God, she hadn’t

intended to hurt him. She walked across the path to him and touched his cheek. “I’m
not her.”

“You granted me the great honor of attending you too, My Lady Jemi.”
“I know and I enjoyed it as much as you did.” She reached out and fondled his cock

and balls as she nibbled at his sweet lips. “There’s still our ass,” she whispered.

His cock pulsed against her fingers and his breathing increased. “My Lady Jemi’s

ass belongs only to Hunter,” he murmured against her lips.

“Maybe Jeroni’s ass belongs only to Hunter, but my ass is my business and I’d be

pleased to have you fuck me there sometime.”

He drew back and stared at her. “You honor me, My Lady Jemi.”
She smiled and gave his balls a gentle squeeze. “I’ll be looking forward to

introducing your cock to my behind, but right now, Hunter and I need to talk. I’ll see
you later.”

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“I live to serve and protect you, My Lady Jemi.” He bent his head and walked

away, disappearing into the forest.

Still naked, she walked to Hunter, dropped her clothes, and leaned against him.
You’re sorry we fucked?
“No,” she admitted. “I’m not. I just wish Dioni didn’t have to get hurt.”
I wish that too.
His tongue lapped gently at her breast. She smiled. That was nice. Then to her total

surprise, he enclosed one breast in his mouth, gently sinking his teeth into the fatty part,
while allowing his tongue to brush against the nipple. Her legs shook and her breath
came in gasps.

He released that breast and gave the same attention to the other before extending

his head towards her. She linked her arms around his neck and they kissed, long, slow,
kisses of passion, desire, and devotion.

When they finally broke apart, her legs shook so badly she had to lean against his

body. “I need to go wash,” she told him. “In that small pond or lake we passed on the
way here.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Because I smell.”
He sniffed at her. You smell like pussy.
“That’s why I have to wash.”
Why? I like the smell of your pussy.
She looked at him and saw his cock had popped out of its sheath again. “Well,

you’ve had all the pussy you’re getting today,” she told him. She dressed quickly and
started towards the water.

Despite Jeroni’s expandable pussy, she felt sore and achy, but wonderfully happy.

At the water, she undressed and dove in. She leisurely swam several laps before turning
onto her back. With her eyes closed, she floated, a huge smile on her face as she thought
about what had just happened between her and Hunter. Hunter. Lord, what a
wonderful lover he was. Of course, with a cock that big, it would be difficult not to be a
fantastic lover. Still, the size of his cock and his sexual prowess notwithstanding, he was

the most exciting male she’d ever met and he couldn’t get enough of her. Heady

She heard a splash. She rolled onto her stomach and saw Hunter swimming

towards her, his green eyes dark and lecherous. She dived under the clear blue water
and saw his big, thick cock out of its sheath. Damn, didn’t he ever get enough?

Still, she swam towards the swallow water and lay on the bank. Smiling, she slowly

parted her legs, revealing her moist and ready passage to his gaze. “Still hungry,

I need your pussy. I’ve never had such good, hot, sweet pussy.

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“Then come get some more of my good, hot, sweet pussy,” she invited.
He swam over to her, went down on his haunches and aimed his cock at her lower

body. He was so hard and stiff that his dick went in without any guidance from her.

She moaned with pleasure, tossed her head back, and braced her arms against the

ground behind her. Groin to groin, they had a quick, rather hard fuck on the bank of the

water that hurt like hell. Despite what Jeroni said, a human cunt wasn’t made to take so
much cock, especially when it was repeatedly thrust into untouched depths with such
fervor and unrestrained passion.

His lust flowed over her in a series of wild tidal waves, totally submersing her in its

tempestuous wake. Her senses drowned in the wildness of their mating. How sweet
and wonderful to be so desired by this big, handsome, sexy male. How fantastic to be
able to satisfy his consuming lust.

I am your woman, Hunter. Want me. Need me. Have me. Love me. Fuck me. Fuck

me long and hard.

Oh, God, how he fucked her—hard and rough, purring deep in his throat, his tail

whipping wildly as his climax approached. She moaned and stroked frantically at his
sides. She thrust back at him and shuddered both with pain and pleasure each time he
slammed back into her. Suddenly, there was a burst of stars inside her closed lids and
she had the wildest orgasm of her life. When he came, he roared and laid his big body
over hers, thrusting deep and hard in her, hurting and nearly suffocating her. She didn’t
care. His sweet cock got better every time he slipped it in her. She dug her nails into his
sides and cried out like a cat in heat as he blasted his seed into her quivering body.

Finally, panting softly, he drew out of her. He gave her a gentle, tender kiss. I love


Smiling, she licked weakly at his mouth, crawled further up the bank, and fell into

an exhausted sleep, secure in the knowledge that Hunter, her lover and protector,
would watch over her.

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Chapter Seven

Jemi awoke on the bank of the water. She lay on her stomach with Hunter’s lower

body draped over her back, his hard cock nestled between her buns.

Are you finally awake? h

e asked eagerly, his cock beginning to pulse.

Like a woman could sleep with even part of your big body crushing her? You must

weigh close to…I don’t even want to think about how much weight is crushing me.
How about getting the hell off me?

Later. Right now, I want some pussy.
Damn, did he intend to fuck her until she couldn’t walk? You mean some more pussy.
All right, I want some more pussy. Give me some. Now.
Hey, didn’t anyone ever tell you that cats spend most of their time sleeping, not

mating? she asked, even as she wiggled her behind suggestively.

Cats in your world must be strange. I prefer mating to sleeping, he told her,

grinding his groin against her buns. Give me some pussy. Now.

What a one-track mind. You know Earth women like a little romance with sex.
All right. I’ll learn what this romance is and I’ll give you all you want. Now give me

some pussy.

Sighing with a combination of resignation and desire, she lifted her hips. Then she

reached back and guided him to her cunt. He carefully entered her from behind and
immediately engaged her pussy in a sweet, tender fuck.

Feeling his huge cock moving and rubbing against the inner hotspots in her pussy,

she moaned and thrust back at him. His big balls slapped gently against her buns each

time he drove his cock home. She wanted to talk to him, but she couldn’t find the words
to describe how being totally filled with his hard, ravenous cock made her feel. It wasn’t
just the physical sensations of extreme bliss that affected her so. There was also a sense
of oneness, as if making love with this male made her whole.

Sensing some of her feelings, he purred softly in her ear. Love you. Want you. Need


Then he gently bit into her neck and shoulders, being careful not to break the skin

as he thrust steadily but tenderly into her. Knowing she was being made love to by the
male she loved beyond reason, she surrendered body, mind, and soul to him.

Fully joined in all aspects, they moved in complete concert, his cock an extension of

her pussy. Their orgasms built slowly and deliciously, gaining momentum until it hit
them simultaneously and they exploded together as one. Afterwards, a feeling of
contentment like she’d never known settled over her, infusing her with a wonderful
and nameless glow.

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They lay on the bank for a long time, still joined, exchanging soft words of devotion

and need. Although sore, she loved that he remained in her after their lovemaking,
loath to separate before he finally withdrew from her. When he did, she turned and
looked up at him. You’ve ruined me, she told him. How can I ever find pleasure with another
male after mating with you?

He gave her a long, possessive kiss. That’s as it should be. You are my mate, my


She couldn’t deny the truthfulness of his assertion. Still, it was a sobering thought

to know she now wanted to belong to him solely. Where did that leave Cody and
Jeroni? Not to mention poor Dioni?

I’m starving, but not for your cock,

she said quickly, sensing his excitement at her


She had a brief swim to try to soothe her sore body, washed, and quickly donned

her clothes before Hunter could get any ideas. They started towards the hut stop.

“I’m not going to Terra,” she told him. Apparently, Jeroni wasn’t either because

neither she nor Cody had been heard from for hours. They were probably in the mist
screwing each other senseless. She suspected that they, like she and Hunter, had fallen

hopelessly in love, or was that lust? Whatever it was, it was too good to resist or

No. You are my mate and I will not give you up.
“What are we going to do?”
We’ll get Slayer and go to Tern Terra. We’ll be safe there and we can be together.
“But I thought the way was blocked.”
It is, but we’ll find a way in.
“How can you be so sure?”
I found a way out as a cub.
“What about the Blood Wars?”
Volterian warriors are strong. They can repel the Terrians. Once we reach Tern

Terra maybe we can get a raiding party to help. With sunrise, we will go for Slayer and
leave for Tern Terra.

“Won’t Meka object to your taking Slayer away?”
It’s time for his first mating when he would leave her anyway.
“What about your other offspring?”
She felt a sadness in him. They did not survive. There is only Slayer.
“Oh, Hunter. I’m so sorry.”
So am I, but there will be others.
He looked at her as he spoke and she blushed. Oh, Lord, surely he didn’t expect her

to…he couldn’t mean that. What about you?” she asked, quickly. “Will you miss

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Not while I have you. When we get to Tern Terra, I will teach you to mate with me

like my mother mated with my father.

She closed her eyes and had an impression of a human female clinging to the

underbelly of a huge tan cat with her arms and legs while the cat thrust wildly into her,
causing both their bodies to shudder and shake with their combined pleasure.

“I think I’m going to like that,” she said smiling. “What about Dioni?”
He can come with us. In Tern Terra there are she-cats with pussies made to please

human males. He’ll find a mate worthy of him there.

“What about Tioni? She’s going to be angry. We promised not to fuck.”
I promised not to mate with Jeroni and I haven’t. I didn’t say I wouldn’t make love

to you.

“She’s going to be furious. She may stop us, Hunter.”
He stopped and turned to look at her. She can’t stop me. I am of Tern Terra, just as

she is. I am elder offspring of Seeker, Sire of Tern Terra. I have ways to stop her if need

She thought he was dismissing Tioni far too easily but remained silent. After all,

surely he must know more about Tioni than she.

As they approached the hut stop, Tioni appeared in the doorway, her eyes dark and

stormy, her right hand extended menacingly. “What have you two done?” she
demanded. “What of your promise not to mate?”

Jemi shrank back against Hunter’s body at the other female’s fury, her hand

hovering over her right boot where her knife was sheathed. She was really going to

have to don her sword from now on. She frowned. She didn’t know squat about
wielding a sword. Jeroni was the swordswoman, not her.

I kept my promise, Hunter told Tioni. This is not Jeroni Teyer. This is Jemi Hunter

of Earth. I have taken her as my life mate, as is my right as a Tern Terrian. Stand down,
Tioni of Tern Terra. I, Hunter, elder offspring and heir to Seeker, Sire of Tern Terra,
command it.

Oh, damn. He’d done it now, Jemi thought. They were both going to be on the

ground gasping for breath in seconds. When poor Dioni, sworn to protect her and

Jeroni, felt compelled to intervene, he’d be quickly incapacitated too.

To her complete and utter amazement, Tioni dropped her hand, bowed her head,

and dropped to all fours. “As you command, Sire.”

Rise, Tioni,

Hunter said after allowing her to kneel before him for several moments.

She rose, but kept her head bowed, much as Dioni did when he was in Jeroni’s


Leave us.
“By your leave, Sire.” Tioni murmured deferentially and retreated to the hut.
Jemi stared at Hunter. “What just happened?”

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He sent her an amused thought. I am Hunter, heir to the throne of Seeker, Sire of

Tern Terra.

“Are you telling me your father is a king and you’re some sort of crown prince?”
He was silent and she felt him reaching out to Cody for guidance. After a moment,

he gave a mental shrug. I am elder offspring of the Sire of Tern Terra. When Seeker is

no more, there will be Hunter, Sire of Tern Terra.

“And what will that make me?”
My woman. Is that not enough?
“Yes. Actually, it is, Hunter, or should I say Sire or My Liege?” She grinned at him.

“Should I go down on my knee as Dioni does with Jeroni?”

It is customary,

he told her with no trace of humor in his voice.

“Oh, it is, is it?” she demanded, feeling her cheeks burn with agitation. “Why you

arrogant, high handed…if you think I’m going to bow to you, you’ve got another think


It is customary, but I would not wish it,

he told her his voice a mixture of

condescension and amusement.

Oh, it was just her luck to fall for a bigheaded male with delusions of grandeur. “I’ll

bow to you when hell freezes over,” she told him angrily.

Her outburst seemed to amuse him. We’ll discuss it when I return.
“When you return? When you return from where? Where do you think you’re


That is hardly the proper tone to take with your…crown prince, he told her, his

voice alive with amusement.

“If you don’t answer me, you’re going to be a crown prince, all right, because I am

going to crown you with the first heavy object I can lay my hands on,” she threatened.

Mating makes me hungry. I’m going hunting. I will be back tonight to kiss and fuck

you some more.

She shivered at the thought. Just see that you don’t mate with any forest cats while

you’re gone, she warned.

My cock is all yours, Jemi, darling, he told her meekly. May I have a kiss before I


Is the Sire Apparent of Tern Terra begging?
Yes. May I have a kiss?

All traces of merriment had vanished from his voice.

Flushing, she nodded. He used his head to push her back. When she felt the wall of

the hut stop at her back, he kissed her leisurely, nipping her tongue with his teeth. Then
using his tail to push her skirt aside, he rose on his hind legs and shoved against her.
She gasped as the big, pink head of his cock pierced her pussy lips.

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She pushed against his sides, trying to wiggle away. “Hunter! Wait! What do you

think you’re doing?”

He grunted and sent his entire hard length into her body, impaling her on him.

Showing you how much I love you.

She wasn’t prepared for him and when he began to fuck her hard and rough, it

hurt. Balling her hands into fists at her sides and gasping for breath, she felt the tears fill
her eyes and spill down her cheeks. When he bent his head to kiss her, she turned away.
Hunter, please. Stop. This hurts too much. You have to stop. Now. Please.

As abruptly as he’d entered her, he pulled out. He backed away from her. I did not

mean to injure you.

She felt his confusion and regret. I know, but Hunter, you can’t just back me up

against a wall and ram into me. You’re far too big for that. I have to know you’re
coming so I can get ready.

You’re angry.
I’m sore and tomorrow I probably won’t even be able to walk properly. Go hunting

and while you’re out, you’d better get some forest pussy, because I can’t take anymore

He kissed her gently. I don’t want any forest pussy. I want you. I’ll wait and I won’t

hurt you again. I promise.

She nodded, brushing her nose lightly against his. “I know. Go hunting. I’ll be

waiting when you get back.”

I love you, Jemi Hunter of Earth.
She smiled. And I love you, Hunter, elder offspring of Seeker, Sire of Tern Terra,

my crown prince.

We will discuss your duties as my subject when I return,

he told her, sending an amused

but affectionate thought her way.

“Dream on, buddy,” she retorted.
He made a low, rumbling noise deep in his chest and she realized he was laughing.
“Hunter, you’re laughing. How?”
Why not? My mother is a human, he reminded her. When we reach Tern Terra, I’ll

learn to shape shift into a human and mate with you in that form, as my father used to
do for my mother.

She surprised herself by shaking her head. “That might be nice, but it’s not

necessary. I can and do accept you, just as you are, Hunter. You don’t have to change
anything about yourself for me. You’re big, handsome, super sexy, and I love you just
as you are.”

Are you sure? I know that in your world humans and carnivores don’t mate.
She sighed. Cody had been right about just being here changing one’s perception of

things. “No, they don’t,” she acknowledged, “but then carnivores in my world can’t

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communicate with humans. Nor do they share the same level of intelligence with us, as
you do. Anyway, we’re not in my world. We’re here where Tern Terrians and humans
have blissfully mated for many hundreds of seasons. I can’t help or change how I feel
about you, Hunter. I love you and I don’t care who knows it.”

Her statement was greeted with a long silence. Finally, he bowed his head. You

honor and humble me, my darling Jemi.

She leaned forward and they exchanged a long, tender kiss. She caressed his head

and drew back, grinning. “I like you better haughty and horny as hell.”

As you wish, my sweet Jemi.
“I’ll be waiting for you when you return, my handsome prince.”
He turned and trotted off.
Man, but she’d never been so sore in all her life. But then she’d never made love so

physically or so many times in one day before. What she wouldn’t give for a Jacuzzi or
a removable, massaging showerhead. Still, as she watched Hunter disappear into the
forest, her smile widened. She’d had a great Valentine’s Day after all. She didn’t know if
or when she could return home. It didn’t matter because there was nothing waiting for
her there. Her only regret was that she hadn’t said goodbye to her friends or Jeff.

Cody had always believed that things happened for a very specific reason. She

looked around her. Maybe he was right because no matter what happened to her in this
strange new world, she was one lucky woman. She had two handsome males prepared
to die to protect her, and she had discovered a love like none she had ever dared hoped
to find.

Somewhere, on a primordial level, she knew she’d been born to mate with and love

Hunter. To think that she had spent so much of her life unaware of his existence and the
joy that awaited her as his woman…

She had loved and adored Cody and still did, but what she felt for him paled in

comparison with the depth of feelings she had developed for Hunter. Whatever new
experiences and adventures her future held, she would bravely face them with the big,
handsome male she’d fallen so desperately in love with at her side.

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Chapter One

The heavy weight of Ter’s arm pinned Rina to the bed. Turning her head, she

watched her lover sleep, his expression soft in repose. He lay on his side, his arm flung
across her abdomen, as if even in his sleep he wanted to keep her by his side. Lightly,
she brushed a strand of his thick coffee-colored hair from his forehead. His thick lashes
rested on his soft cheeks, and a hint of new growth shadowed his jaw. Lieutenant
Captain Terrastan Ilykianoiselle slept deeply, exhausted by the war games and their
sexual escapades earlier in the day. She smiled to herself, knowing that rumors flew

about the major sleeping with the sexy, up-and-coming younger officer. Still, that junior
officer had the most talented lips she’d ever known. Leaning over, she brushed her lips
across his forehead.

She gingerly slipped from the bed and donned a close-cropped shirt and sleek

trousers of a deep royal blue. Sliding her feet into house slippers, she gave Ter one last
look and stepped into the hallway. She closed the door behind her.

Wall sconces burned at nighttime levels, the low light enough to see by. Shadows

hugged the corners and doorways. She couldn’t get the conversation she’d overheard
out of her mind. Young Heir Androillellis Kardenasillianolos spoke with a member of

the Quintnyia, an elite assassin class. Snippets of conversation had drifted to her.
Phrases such as “father wouldn’t know” and “I deserve to be emperor” that sent shivers
down her spine. She knew Yelexian politics were cutthroat. She didn’t get to her own
rank of major without learning that prime lesson, but to openly hear the heir speak
about killing his father… It made her stomach churn.

She hovered in the shadows, trying to shake off that memory. Two days she had

mulled those words over in her mind, combining them with other rumors and hints that
flew through the Yelexian Military like long-range missiles. Closing her eyes, she

breathed deeply. That’s why I’m out here. To clear my mind.

Her pussy ached from Ter’s lovemaking, and her nipples, sensitive, beaded against

the fabric of her shirt—for a moment, she longed to turn around and slide back into bed
with him. Ter would make me forget about the threats to the emperor. She shook her head. I
can’t take the easy way out. It’s my job to keep the emperor safe from all threats, including those

from his son.

Rina forced herself to start down the hall. Physical movement always helped her to

think. The thick walls of the palace muffled most sounds. Not even the trill of a night
bird floated through the doorways. Behind closed, heavy doors, nobles and laymen
alike slept. Rina licked her lips nervously.

The hall forked ten paces ahead. Rina debated a moment, before deciding to take

the right-hand path down past the emperor’s apartments. A series of holograms

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depicting the Concordance’s first contact with Yelexia lined the walls. She enjoyed the
subtle reminder of why she had joined the military. To protect Yelexia from those who
would exploit her. Of course, the Concordance wouldn’t dream of exploiting the planet,
not with the amount of troops it sent to the coalition army.

The hushed sounds of slippers sliding over stone drifted down the hall. Rina darted

into the shadows, not wanting to be seen. If the emperor were returning from a late
night liaison, she didn’t want to know. The scuffing sound neared, and she peered
down the hall in the direction from which she’d come. A shadow moved towards her.

Her heart pounded. To her trained ears the cadence of the steps sounded wrong.

Had it been the emperor returning, he would have walked casually, not tried to slink
like a bottom-feeder. No, whoever walked down the hall was trying, in an untrained
way, to slip into the emperor’s wing.

There should have been guards posted. There weren’t. Emperor Kardenasillianolos

had them all dismissed from his chambers a cycle ago, citing that his grounds were
secure enough. Rina had heard rumors that it was so he wouldn’t be seen returning
from his frequent trysts. She scowled.

She pressed herself deeper into the shadow. The emperor might be waiting for the

person she now heard scuttling through the hall, and she didn’t want to catch the eye of
the emperor. As a major, she spent enough time in his company, and he’d made it clear
what she could do for her country.

Shallow breathing echoed down the corridor. The intruder—she had no illusions

that it was anything but—came nearly even with her. Even in the low light, the flash of

metal caught her eye. Instinct took over.

She swung from the alcove, grabbing the possible assailant by the collar. His

muffled grunt filled the corridor. Slamming him against the wall, she quickly grabbed
the weapon and tossed it aside.

“What are you doing here?” she growled. The clatter of the pistol sliding over the

stone floor of the palace sounded obscenely loud.

“Ungh!” The man grunted as she ground her knee into the back of his leg. The man,

taller than she by only a few inches, stood dumbfounded.

Rina grabbed his wrists. She pressed them into the wall. “What are you doing

here?” She made no attempt to keep her voice down. Somewhere in the distance, the
sound of a door opening filled the hallway.

“I live here! I’m coming back to my rooms.” The man tossed his head, sending the

hood of his cape falling away, revealing his face. Looking over her shoulder, he glared
at her. The pinched nose and long, almost feminine hair gave him away as the
emperor’s son.

“With a gun?” She glared at the weapon lying on the floor. The unmistakable

sounds of footsteps filled the air.

“It’s not mine!”

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Rina transferred his hands into one of hers and slammed his face against the wall.

“The hell it isn’t.”

“I didn’t see you.”

“I was admiring the holographs. I couldn’t sleep. What’s your excuse?” The partial

lie slid easily off her tongue.

“I…well…” The young heir never did lie well.
“What is the meaning of this?” Emperor Kardenasillianolos bellowed.
Rina turned to stare at him. He wore a robe hastily belted over his nightclothes, his

feet bare.

“Your Highness.” She bowed her head as best as she was able. “I found the heir

walking towards your apartments. He had a weapon and acted secretive. I did my royal
duty in preventing harm to you.” She spoke formally.

“And what were you doing near my apartments, Major Corvalano?” The emperor

stepped forward. “Did you come to discuss strategy?”

Rina forced herself not to swallow hard against the revulsion that turned her

stomach. “I couldn’t sleep, Your Highness. I have always found the holographs along
this hallway soothing.”

“I could show you my holographs sometime.” His husky voice slid over her like a

slimy caress.

Rina forced herself not to punch the emperor’s nose.
The heir struggled to free his hands. “Father, I meant no harm.”
“Really?” The emperor bent and picked up a small laser pistol that lay at his feet.

“Then this isn’t yours?” He arched an eyebrow.

“No, Father, it—”
The emperor raised his hand for silence. “Don’t lie to me. I know your intentions.”

He turned to Rina. “While in private I can thank you for this, you know I have to call
the High Council tomorrow. Rumors are one thing, but I will not have my son accused
of treason.”

Cold ice filled Rina’s veins. I’ve just saved his damn life. Fuck public opinion. She

brushed the blunt thoughts away and recalled her station. I’m a major in the army. He
can’t do anything to me. Why call the council at all? This could just be swept under the rug if he

She didn’t dare voice such thoughts to the emperor, not in such a way that

wouldn’t be insubordination.

“I can’t ignore that this happened. You’re a fine officer, Rina. I’d hate to lose you,

but it’s all in the council’s hands.” He turned to his son. “As for you, this will also make
the council aware of your actions. You’ll have plenty of years to rule once I die of natural

Until then, behave. I could always send you off-world, you know.”

The heir grimaced.

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“You can release him now, Major. Thank you.” Without waiting for an answer, he

turned and walked back down the hall.

Reluctantly, Rina let go of the heir. She noticed the emperor had taken the pistol

with him, and she knew she could easily best the heir in a fistfight.

“Stupid bitch,” he growled. “You’ll pay for this. I’ll see to it.”
Rina ignored his comments. She certainly couldn’t sleep now but knew she’d better

get back to the room she shared with Ter. Tomorrow would come soon enough without
her to worry about what might be. The council would decide what they would decide,
and the emperor had to abide by the decision, whether he liked it or not.

* * * * *

The stiff-backed chair did little to ease the tension at the base of Rina’s neck. She

stared ahead at the three men and two women who would decide her fate. They sat
behind a wide table, a single article of their ceremonial clothing worth more than she
made in a cycle. Only one, Councilor Manatanillion, wore his military dress uniform.
Sunlight shone through the open skylight to glint off the medals hanging on his chest.

Forcing herself to remain still, Rina sat motionless amid the heavy glares of the

councilors. These five people ruled Yelexia. Not the emperor. Not the heir. Only the
High Council ruled her people and by their judgment she would be bound. Behind

them sat the emperor, the crown of Yelexia on his head, the staff of office lying across
his knees. A single ring graced his hands, the seal of his office. He stared at her, his eyes
cold and hard.

“Major Corvalano bore malicious intent against a member of the royal household.

This cannot be tolerated.” The eldest female councilor, Lady Abanathiana, huffed and
waved her bejeweled hands in the air as she spoke. The light glinting from the gems
nearly blinded Rina.

“She did save the emperor’s life,” General Ascending Manatanillion said. “It is the

duty of every Yelexian solider to protect his rulers.”

Abanathiana pursed her lips.
“We cannot tolerate such a complete and total disregard for our royals,” Councilor

Jabawakanisellan retorted. He sat in his chair like a lump of dough, with two black
cloves for his eyes and a smear of jam for his lips. His tunic hung over his rolls, and he
eyed the pastries and pitcher of decandis juice like a predator.

The other two councilors remained silent, a gift that Rina treasured. She’d known

the High Council would feel this way, had lain in bed all night imagining the words
that fell from their lips like poisoned wine. Still, she did nothing to betray her fear.

Behind her, she felt the piercing gaze of Ter. He sat off to one side, and the

displeasure that had crept into his eyes last night remained. Without turning to look at
him, she imagined each scowl, each line in his handsome features. “You’re ruining your
career,” he’d told her last night. “You should have walked in the gardens. Somewhere

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safer than the royal hallways.” She’d sighed then, knowing the truth of his words, but
she’d never done the safe thing.

So now, she faced the five councilors.
General Ascending Manatanillion nodded in her direction. “We have debated this

topic for nearly two hours, yet we have heard nothing from the defendant. Major

Corvalano, do you have anything to say in your defense?”

She had much to say. That the Yelexian Intelligence Division did a piss poor job of

ferreting out the source of the rumors about the heir’s actions. That she shouldn’t be
accused of doing the very thing she’d sworn to do since entering the army. Instead, she
kept her features and her remarks neutral. “Thank you General Ascending
Manatanillion for allowing me to speak. I saw a threat to our emperor, and I acted upon
it. I do not regret my actions in saving our emperor. I am only sorry that the threat his
heir presented has brought us all to these deliberations. My distinguished record of

military service should speak for itself, Councilors. I do not bear anyone ill will, save
enemies of our beloved planet.”

Manatanillion nodded slightly. A hint of a smile showed at the corners of his

mouth. At least I have one person on my side. That’s more than I expected.

I cannot think about what will happen if they find me guilty of treason. Imprisonment at

best, execution at worst. If I die, I can see the faction against the emperor’s son turning me into
some kind of martyr. I hope the council realizes that possibility and acts accordingly.

“You should have thought of that before you attacked the heir,” Lady Abanathiana

growled. “I say we adjourn to discuss what to do with Major Corvalano.”

The other councilors murmured in assent. They rose to their feet, disappearing

behind a silver door set in the wall to the right of the emperor. From the foot of his

throne, a trumpeter stepped forward. He played three quick notes, and all in the room
lowered their heads as the emperor rose to his feet and followed the councilors out the

Rina remained sitting. Two house guards and two military officers stood in front of

her. The military officers looked disapproving. Rina suspected they’d been chosen for
their attitudes. The men glared at Rina, and she didn’t even bother to try to get up from
her seat. Behind her, the crowd rustled as people shifted in their seats and began to talk
amongst themselves.

After long moments, the bustle behind her settled down to wait, leaving a harsh

silence in its wake. Fear made her blood pound in her ears. Rina tried to focus her mind
away from the councilors debating her fate in some chamber deep in the bowels of the
castle. She looked behind her.

Ter still sat on the bench behind her. Not caring what the guards thought, Rina rose

to her feet. She leaned on the low railing that separated the holding area from the
observation benches. Reaching forward, she clasped her hand around Ter’s. The
warmth of his skin filled her, and for a moment, she allowed herself to think that
everything would be okay.

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“They’re threatening to take away my commission.” Ter’s harsh words cut through

her moment of happiness.

“Oh, Ter. No.”
“Whatever happens I can’t see you anymore.” He dragged his fingers through his

thick hair. “Damn it, Rina, you’ve put me in a hell of a place. I care for you, I really do,

but without my commission I have nothing. You know I can’t go back to the Anadar
Province… I refuse to eke out a meager living in the mines. My mother may not have
known which of the miners had been my father, but everything she did was to ensure
I’d have a better future. I can’t have you taking that away from me.” Emotion choked
his voice, and Rina squeezed her eyes closed against the sudden burn of tears.

A rustle filled the chamber, and Rina turned to see the councilors entering the room

once more. A guard suddenly stood at her elbow. “Major, you have to return to your
seat now.”

Rina nodded. The quick decision came fast, too fast to be anything good. She

clasped Ter’s hand. “I love you,” she mouthed as the guard pulled her back to her seat.
Once again, she sat ramrod straight. The heat rising in her cheeks made her tighten
down her emotions even further, bottling her fear and worry deep inside. The crowd
began to speak in hushed tones that quickly escalated into a dull roar.

The five councilors filed back into their seats with nary an expression to give the

verdict away. Even the general ascending looked somber. Rina sat straight in her seat.
Whatever the verdict, she would comply. If they sentence me to death, I will take
responsibility for my actions. There are those who feel the emperor’s son should be brought to

justice, but I doubt the High Council will want to enrage the entire military by killing me.

The crowd began to quiet down. The emperor came in and took his throne behind

the councilors. He glared at her, as if she alone had made his life a living hell. Not a
good sign, but Rina refused to dwell on what might happen. He had very little sway
with the council, acted really as only a figurehead, but one that must be protected at all

General Ascending Manatanillion raised his hands for silence. “Major Corvalano,

the High Council has debated your actions and the suitable punishment. You do
understand, that while you were protecting our emperor, we cannot have unsanctioned
military action against our royal family. You must be punished.”

Manatanillion’s words sent shivers down Rina’s spine. They can’t kill me. I’m a Major,

and if they punish me for doing my job, what are they going to do to the rest of the troops?


let none of her thoughts show on her face and instead stared at a spot on the edge of the
table behind which the councilors sat.

“It is the decree of the High Council of Yelexia that Major Rinathallindera

Corvalano is hereby exiled from Yelexia. She will retain her rank and the military
retirement already vested—however, she will receive no further assistance from
Yelexia. She is forever barred from this place. Major Corvalano, you have seventy-two
hours to leave.”

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“I’ll be gone in twelve,” she replied, giving voice to the fury rising within her. Her

heart ached to say goodbye to Ter, but she wouldn’t. Not after what he’d said to her.
He’d made his choice. She just hoped his career kept his cock hard and his balls tight in
the middle of the night. With her exiled from Yelexia, she sure as hell wasn’t going to
do it for him anymore.

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Chapter Two

Three and a half years later. . .

Rina turned the glass of Landellian ale in her hands, watching the light sparkle in

its orange depths. The mug easily could have put her under, had she decided to down
its entire contents, but instead, she watched the refraction of light. At least no one will
bother me if they think I’ve settled in for a good solitary drunk. That’s not the way of the Fuzzy


She sat alone at the bar.

Far enough from the door, Rina didn’t see the people moving past on the walkway

outside. The Fuzzy Neutron sat next to some establishments of even poorer repute, and
she really didn’t want to think about who or what was happening next door. But
humans and aliens alike needed their carnal pleasures.

On the other hand… A nice hunk of a pleasure slave might be exactly what she

needed. A dark haired one, she decided with a slight smile, one with broad shoulders
and a narrow, tight ass. Rina set down the glass of ale. Gods, I’ve been hauling cargo for far
too long. Why the fuck do my fantasies still look like Ter?

She shook her head, trying to dislodge her thoughts. She hadn’t seen Ter since the

day in the council chamber, nearly three and a half years ago. His betrayal stung less,
but it still hurt. We could have worked something out. He wouldn’t have had to give up his
career just because I became an exile.

She chased the foolish thoughts away with a swig of

her ale.

She’d given her crew the night off. They needed it. After hauling precious

Centrallian diamonds halfway across Concordance space, they all wanted to relax. Not
worry about thieves, cutthroats or bandits for one night. Tomorrow, she’d pick up her
cargo, a nice hold full of Vandebian wine and ferry it to Turas-9 for a party being

thrown by some wealthy fighter owner. Maybe she’d take in a fight while she was
there. The women on Turas-9 fought like fiends, and she admired their raw strength
and skill. She’d even had a chance to see the famed Eilahoriana from Yuelin fight once.
Too bad she retired last year.

Rina pulled her thoughts back to her more immediate concern. She needed to get

laid. Her cunt ached for the touch of a man’s fingers. As if the thought conjured up the
sensations, her nipples pebbled against the thin fabric of her tunic. Her pussy grew
damp, anticipating the sweet invasion of a hard, thick cock. Rina took another drink.

Perhaps later she’d find herself a pleasure slave. One that didn’t look the least bit like

* * * * *

Ter stepped inside the Fuzzy Neutron intending to get a drink and nurse his

sorrows. The High Council had given Rina a year to return to Yelexia and he only had a

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month left before they sent out the assassins. She hadn’t been hard to track, not working
cargo transport. A simply military request for the manifestos from her ships and her
flight paths, and he’d easily followed her to this station. Too bad he hadn’t seen any
sign of her for the last day and a half.

A woman sitting by the bar caught his attention. Rina, he thought for a moment,

before dismissing it. Twin combs held the dark fall of her hair swept into a subtle twist.
The last time he had seen her, Rina’s hair had fallen nearly to her waist. His cock
tightened as he remembered coiling the thick braid she usually wore around his wrist
and hauling her lips to his for a soul-searing kiss. He doubted this woman’s hair would
reach much farther than her shoulder blades.

She sat in shadow, her face hidden. The rainbow-hued tunic and trousers she wore

looked soft to the touch, and the fabric molded to her high, firm breasts and the sweep
of her long legs.

He thought for a moment about introducing himself, then shook his head. Although

he hadn’t been celibate, one woman still held his heart. He wanted to bring her back to
Yelexia as much for personal reasons as to fulfill the orders he’d been given.

Ter breathed deeply. The mingled scents of smoke, unwashed bodies and too much

perfume filled his nose. When he’d first taken the orders to bring Rina back, he’d filled
his mind with a daydream of her rushing into his arms. She’d come back to him, to
Yelexia, confessing her love and her forgiveness. That’s what he wanted the most. Not
her sweet, tight pussy wrapped around his cock—though he ached for that too—but her

The woman sitting at the bar turned.
The light hit her high cheekbones, outlining a straight, slightly tilted nose. Her full

lips parted as she took another drink of her Landellian ale. The breath left his lungs.

Her hair might be shorter, her body a little more curved, but without a doubt he

knew Major Corvalano. He remembered how she looked the last time he’d seen her,
nearly three and a half years ago, walking out of the High Council chamber. With her
head held high, her lower lip trembling, he knew what it cost her to walk away from

her home world. He’d almost done it himself to follow her.

He had to go to her. Her name was a compulsion in his blood. Ter stepped forward.

No few of the female patrons turned to watch him. He knew he looked good in his
military uniform with every crease crisp and his insignia on his collar and right breast
pocket. Not Rina. She didn’t turn to look at him, merely stared into her glass of ale as if
it would offer her the answers to all the questions in the universe.

She wasn’t drunk. He saw her posture, loose yet ready to move should the need

arise. She turned the drink in her long-fingered hands, a steady, thoughtful
contemplation. I should turn around and absolve myself of the situation. I’m too close.

The traitorous thought wound its way through his mind, and he brushed it away.

His duty. He hadn’t shirked it when he chose duty over Rina, and he wouldn’t begin

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He slid into the seat next to her, hiding his smile when she didn’t even look from

her glass. Her body posture stiffened. “Stay away from me,” her muscles said, but he
refused to listen. He allowed himself to drink his fill of her thick hair. The silken strands
had felt like heaven sliding over his chest and his cock. With the memory, his organ
sprang to life inside his uniform trousers, and he tensed his jaw.

She still held the ability to make his cock rock hard in less than a second. Only she

had been able to do that to him. He signaled to the bartender and ordered a flute of


* * * * *

Rina sensed someone watching her. She didn’t turn, not wanting to give him

signals she wasn’t prepared to follow through with. Probably trying to pick up a bed-
warmer for the night.

Such men disgusted her. She’d met her share of trolls looking for

any trollop they could put their dicks inside, and she hated the entire breed. They all
reminded her of the emperor’s offer to discuss “strategy” in his quarters. Both of them
had known that the only strategy that would be discussed would have been how to
quickly divest her of her clothing.

“Landellian ale, a nice drink for a lady,” a masculine voice said beside her. She

heard a touch of humor in its tones. For a moment Rina thought she had conjured a

dream, for when she turned her head, one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen
stood just inside the door. He wore the uniform of a Yelexian soldier, the black pants
and shirt interrupted by a yellow stripe down the sides and both arms. Light gleamed
off the pips in his collar, and a small, gold bar on his right breast pocket. Other medals
hung flat against his chest. He held a flute of barralberry wine. The thick, blue liquid
looked unpalatable.

She’d know that voice anywhere. She allowed herself a quick breath when she

realized he now wore the insignia of a captain major. He’d been a mere lieutenant
captain when she’d left. Obviously, he’d wasted no time in climbing the ranks.

Need punched her in the gut and sent a flood of moisture to her pussy.
Rina supposed she should stand up and walk away. After all, she wasn’t going to

finish her mug of ale and really didn’t want to be bothered right now, especially not by
the last man she wanted to see. Let him live in my dreams. I’m safe that way. The idea of
passing time with anyone from the Yelexian military turned her stomach. I’m an outcast
to them. I can’t go back home.

She set down her mug and sighed.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you,” he said. He moved to stand.
“That’s okay,” Rina replied, then wondered at the words as soon as they left her

mouth. “I was getting ready to leave anyway.”

“You haven’t finished your drink,” he said, though Rina heard the teasing note in

his voice.

“No human finishes a mug of Landellian ale,” she said with a chuckle.

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He joined her in laughter, the soft, throaty notes of his mirth washing over Rina.


she thought as she closed her eyes, it’s been way too long. Something twisted deep

inside her. He doesn’t recognize me. I don’t look that different, not even with the haircut and
the tan I got from working cargo docks around Radellias 3.

If I want to get laid

, she thought, I can go down a few doors and hire someone. I don’t need

to torture myself like this.

The muted lighting sent shadows over his face, his dark hair

cascading over his collar in a very un-military style. His broad shoulders filled out the
uniform shirt well. She couldn’t see below the waist, but suspected the rest of the

package looked as nice as she remembered.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t get your name.”
Might was well get this reunion over with.

“Rina,” she said, not divulging more. She

noticed his gaze sweeping past her loose tunic top and trousers made of fine silk. The
weaver had dyed the rainbow into the fabric, and the light shimmered from the colors
as they blended across her torso. Her black hair, a hallmark of hers, was still long
enough to be swept up into twin combs decorated with bright turquoise stones.

The dim lighting of the bar hid his features. Was that a flash of recognition she saw

in his eyes? “Terrastan,” he replied, “but I usually go by Ter.” He said nothing that

would indicate he knew it was she.

Well, that’s over with now.

She suppressed a sigh. I still remember teasing him that his

parents must have felt merciful, since they didn’t saddle him with one of the long, ceremonial

names that most Yelexians end up with.

The usual bar chitchat seemed trite. She really

should gracefully excuse herself and return to her ship. Better yet, rent one of those
pleasure slaves and stop imagining the way Ter’s long, tapered fingers would feel
running over her body.

“It was nice meeting you, Ter, but I really do need to be going.” She slid her

Commerce Chip into the slot in the bar, and it debited the cost of the drink. She rose to
her feet, half expecting him to stop her.

He kept his hands folded around the flute of wine. He looked tense, and for a

moment, she wondered if the pressure might break the fine glass. “Likewise,” he said,

and then turned back to his drink. His lips twitched, making her wonder if it was in

Rina walked from the bar, suddenly feeling adrift as she stood in the entrance and

watched pedestrians pass by. As she stepped onto the moving walkway that would
take her to her favorite pleasure slave vendor, she breathed a sigh of relief that Ter
hadn’t recognized her. Or maybe he had, and that was why he had walked over.
Whatever his motivations, he hadn’t made her stay. It wouldn’t look good for an army
officer to be seen with Rinathallindera Corvalano, the once-famous major from the

Yelexian army. She’d given up that life and really didn’t want to deal with the Yelexian

* * * * *

He should have stopped her. Ter watched the way the silk clung to her curvy

backside as she walked out of the bar. His gut told him he’d see her again. If his

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instincts told him it was so, he knew it would happen. Otherwise, he’d have to seek her
out. He wasn’t going to leave without telling her about the High Council’s decree. He
drank another sip of the thick liquor in his flute, smiling at the nearly untouched mug
of ale left at Rina’s place.

“Scare her off?” the bartender asked when he came to clear away the dirty glass.

Ter smiled. God I hope not. “An old friend,” he said and left it at that.
The bartender raised his eyebrow, but went back to the other end of the bar where a

group of young Vandebians with too much money and too little sense were playing
drinking games.

His cock ached. Damn it, but he could have done with a little warmer response

from Rina, but what did he expect? He knew her. She hid behind those walls until
someone, or something, crashed them down. The needless death of fifteen young
soldiers had led to a hand of poker and some physical consolation. He hadn’t let her

slip away since then, not until that damned day in front of the High Council.

He should just forget about her and find a willing pleasure slave. He wouldn’t. He

needed more than a simple release tonight. Rising to his feet, he debited the cost of the
drink from his card, and followed Rina into the station. Outside the door, he saw her
slip into Moragi’s Pleasure Palace, a higher-class pleasure slave dealer. The corner of his
mouth twitched. Apparently her itches needed to be scratched too.

He turned quickly away, not wanting to imagine Rina in the arms of another man,

and walked back towards his ship. Lead me not into temptation. I can find enough of it on
my own.

He repeated the Yelexian proverb on the way to his ship, a smile on his lips.

* * * * *

Rina stepped off the walkway at Moragi’s Pleasure Palace, a pleasure slave dealer

of the highest reputation. As she passed through the silk coverings obscuring the view
from outside, Moragi came to greet her.

“Rina,” she said, stretching out hands overflowing with jeweled rings, “it has been

too long. I have a new shipment in. You need to come and look.” Without waiting for
Rina’s reply, the portly woman grabbed her hand and led her through a door into the

Twenty men, all of them naked except for small loincloths of gold silk, lounged on

couches. The dazzling array of male beauty rendered Rina speechless for a moment.
Please, not one who looks like Ter. I want to forget about him for a little while.

A few looked up

at her entrance, but the rest remained unaffected. She saw one of the men, a Donalian
from his looks, openly appraising her. Rina liked the way his soft, nutmeg hair fell over

one shoulder and the bronze hue of his flesh. She ached to find out if his cock were as
golden as the rest of him.

Moragi must have seen her glance for she smiled knowingly. “That one is a good

choice,” she said, and with a crook of her finger the man stood and strode over to them.

He paused in front of them and held out his hand, palm up. Moragi pressed a med

dispenser to his wrist and a soft hiss filled the room. Rina never knew everything the
tiny med dispenser contained. Something to sterilize the men, she knew, though she

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also had her own dermal patch to prevent pregnancy, and something to kill any
diseases she guessed. Perhaps a performance enhancer, since the man’s cock had
already begun to swell beneath his loincloth. With a nod, she gestured to the door in the
back of the room.

“Shall we?” he asked, the timbre of his voice sending shivers down Rina’s spine. He

held out his arm for her to take, and she looped her hand through it, and they walked
through the door and into the hallway. It seemed positively novel that this man she’d
purchased would act so gallant around her, though that was why Moragi’s men were
highly sought after, along with their reputations for being excellent lovers.

Rina chose the first open door, remembering the soft green tones of the room. They

closed the door behind them. This is always the awkward part. She turned to him and saw
the man looking at her. Desire shone in his eyes.

Abruptly she felt she had to reach up and touch his smooth jaw, to see if it really

was as smooth as it looked. She did, sliding her hand up the column of his neck to rest it
on his cheek. She stroked her fingers across the line of his jaw, across his strong chin.
The skin felt as smooth as glass beneath her touch, and she wanted to know if the rest of
him felt as good. Lightly, she brushed her thumb across his lips.

He stood there, allowing her ministrations, not touching her until she gave

permission. Such was the pleasure slave protocol that she could have brought him to
orgasm and he couldn’t even reach out a single finger to explore her body like she
explored his. Rina saw him clench his fist at his side.

Ter never allowed his passion to be restrained. Oh, they had tried. She had

handcuffed him to the bed once with his own handcuffs. His cock stood at attention,
begging for her touch, but she ignored it. She had kissed the tips of his toes, working
her lips and tongue over his legs, then around his hips to cross his torso and trail a path
to the ends of his fingers. She laved each inch of his exposed skin with her tongue,
tasting his flesh until he had begged her to suck his cock. Her pussy gushed with
moisture at the memory.

I have to put Ter out of my mind. That’s why I bought this fine specimen.

She caressed his chin, across the cords of his neck, down to his chest, enjoying the

changing terrain of his skin. No hair marred her path—another delightful feature of the
Donalian people.

Beneath the gold silk she saw his erection. A side effect of the injection or of her

caress, Rina didn’t know. She slowly caressed his taut, hard stomach, pausing where

the fabric touched his hips. A groan rumbled low in his chest.

The sound vibrated through her, pebbling her nipples into tight little buds. Her

pussy clenched. Yes, she thought as she reached around him to undo the fabric, this is
what I need.

The silk fluttered to the floor with barely a sound.

He stood in front of her, aroused and ready for her every pleasure. Rina pressed

herself to him, delighting in the feel of his jutting cock against her stomach. She arched
into it, and the hiss of his breath from between his clenched teeth inflamed her more.

“You can touch me now,” she said.

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The standard words released him, and he reached around her to clasp her to him,

her arms circling his neck for support. Rina wrapped her legs around his waist, and
with quick strides, he carried her to the bed. He kissed her.

His lips didn’t give her the tentative touch of a new lover. Instead he devoured her,

a sweep of his tongue forcing her to part her lips and allow him entrance into her

mouth. Rina clutched at his back, her hands rising to twine themselves in his hair. She
rubbed against him, the thrust of his tongue making her want the thrust of his cock.
With her tongue, she stroked him. She sucked in a quick gasp of air, before pulling his
tongue deeper into her mouth and sucking it until he growled against her lips.

He laid her on the bed. She fell back, and he leaned over her. A quick tug and her

tunic went flying over her head, revealing her naked breasts to the dim light. He
skimmed his lips over her flesh, and Rina lifted her breasts to his eager mouth. He
pulled a nipple into his mouth, teasing her with tiny bites.

She closed her eyes. It might have been Ter’s teeth tugging ever so gently on the

turgid peak. Her hands slid down a back muscled from hard labor, and in her mind, it
was Ter. Her cunt ached. In her battle to forget about Ter, she’d lost.

The slave released her breast, her nipple sliding from his lips with a pop. His lips

skirted down her stomach, towards the thatch of dark hair at the juncture of her thighs.
Rina parted her legs for him, her moan echoing in the room. His hair caressed her
thighs, the silken, brown strands so dark against her space-paled skin. With his tongue,
he lapped her as if he were a cat enjoying the richest of creams. Rina purred. Oh, how
she wished it were Ter.

His hands spanned her waist. The warmth of his fingertips pressing into her skin

mirrored the heat in her pussy. At the first press of his tongue against her clit, she
bucked her hips into his face. She pressed her lips together, trying to restrain the moans
rising in her throat.

Once more, she tangled her fingers in his hair, pressing his lips to her cunt. She

wiggled beneath him, trying to find the right angle for his tongue. Ter instinctively had
known the right movements, the time to thrust and the time to lick.

“Ah, yes,” she gasped.

He moaned his approval of her wanton movements, his tongue thrusting into her.

His hands reached up her body to cup her breasts. Rina bowed, her body nearly torn
from the bed by the force of her passion.

She whimpered. “I need…”
“Shhh,” he said, pulling back long enough to make that soothing sound. “Come for


Who is the master and who the slave?

she wondered as his tongue began circles around

her clit. Easily, she imagined Ter kneeling between her legs, his tongue darting around
her hardened bud. The slave pulled away, making her cry out, but his hand replaced

his lips, and his fingers slipped into her one at a time. At the second finger, she clenched
her inner muscles against his hand, wishing it were the longer, thicker penetration of
Ter’s cock.

“Fuck me,” she sobbed.

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He said nothing, merely pulled his body over hers. Bending down, he kissed her.

His lips claimed hers, his tongue thrusting between her lips. Rina moaned and offered
herself to him. Her legs rose to wrap themselves about his waist. She felt him, just the
tip, but enough to send a cry spiraling from her lips. A tilt of her hips, and he slid just

The slight penetration seemed to destroy his control. Tremors ran down his body,

and with a groan, he sheathed himself completely inside her. He held still for a single
moment. A heartbeat passed between them, then Rina clenched her nails against his
back. She knew the half-moon furrows filled with blood; the metallic scent hung heavy
in the air. Rina inhaled it.

He withdrew.
Rina moaned.
He slammed forward. Tremors radiated from Rina’s sex, like ripples on a pond, and

she couldn’t stop the cry that sprang from her lips. She clenched him with her inner
muscles. The single motion sent a jolt of sensation through her, obliterating all further
thought. Suddenly there was the slide of skin against skin, the cries of passion, and
nothing but the sticky sweaty world of a pleasure slave room.

She moved against him, frantic now as her own release hovered perilously close.

She came in a pounding orgasm that left her gasping for breath. “Ter!” she whimpered
as she wrapped her arms around the slave, pressing against the hard planes of his chest.
Only Ter had ever made her come so completely, and for a moment, she forgot that the
man above her had been bought and paid for.

He stopped moving, waiting to take his cues from the customer.
“I want you to come.” She held him tightly against her, the inner muscles of her

vagina clenching around his hard cock. Slowly, she arched against him. He bumped her
cervix, and his breath hissed from between clenched teeth.

He withdrew, but only for a moment, then plunged into her. Already, Rina felt her

own climax building once more, and she thrust furiously against him. She wondered if
the drug made it difficult for him to attain his release, so she snaked her hands down
his back to his buttocks. She clenched the hard globes, slamming him deep inside her.

He moaned, his release arriving with a painful cry. His body stiffened atop her, and

she felt him bathe her insides with his come. As he collapsed on top of her his breath
shuddered in and out of his lungs.

Rina smiled. I may not have forgotten, but I had a hell of a fuck.

* * * * *

The airlock door closed behind Ter as he crossed the threshold into the ship he’d

borrowed from a friend. Seeing Rina again made him wish he’d brought his own, with
its single bedroom. But no, he had to do the noble thing and bring the one with two
bedrooms. His cock hardened even more as he strode to his bedroom. Reaching for the
top shelf hanging over the bed, he pulled out a secured box. Unfastening the latch, he

spread the contents on the bed.

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Holoframes with pictures of Rina spilled onto the comforter. He sat on the bed. A

crystal containing smaller, grainy surveillance photos he set aside. A large photo, taken
shortly after they’d met caught his attention. Together, they had attended a reception
hosted by one of the leading Generals. Rina wore a black sheath, split to her thigh, and
spiky heels that made her legs look impossibly long. Her breasts threatened the

confines of the low-cut dress, and a necklace of sparkling Yelexian sapphires lay nestled
between her cleavage. Every eye that night had been on her.

Ter closed his eyes. As if it were yesterday, he remembered taking her home on his

arm, both of them a little tipsy from too many glasses of wine. He’d indulged himself in
the fine barralberry wine offered, while Rina had drunk some bubbling Vandebian fruit

Once they were home, he had gently peeled the dress from her shoulders and

kissed every exposed inch of her skin. In his trousers, his cock pulsed painfully, pulling

him back to the present. With one hand, Ter unfastened his pants. His shaft sprang
through the opening, its head a deep purple. He closed his right hand around it,
squeezing gently as he shuffled the pictures with his left.

From the middle of the pile, Rina’s military photograph slid to the floor. The frame

clattered against the floor of the ship, a metallic sound. Ter let it go. He focused on some
smaller frames, in which he’d put pictures of Rina and him from various military

Stroking his cock, he remembered getting ready for each event. Rina always hogged

the bathroom, dressed in her bra and stockings, and he would work around her while

he shaved and combed his hair. Of course, it usually got messed up again, and they
arrived fashionably late no few times, but they arrived at the function…eventually.

He pumped faster, rubbing his thumb over his swollen cockhead. Closing his eyes,

he pictured Rina standing before him, her breasts cradled in soft, white silk. Her
stockings ended mid-thigh, the garters forming a frame around her partially shaved

He spun her around and leaned her against the bathroom counter. Parting her legs, Rina

thrust her pussy at him, and he stroked it with a finger. Sopping wet. Her juices flowed over his

digit, and he brought it to his mouth and sucked greedily. In the mirror, he watched Rina’s eyes
widen.She turned so she faced him.

He rubbed the pad of his finger over her full, lower lip, then dipped his head to taste her. She

tasted of her own juices, salty sweet and the fruity flavor of her lipstick. Mmmm…so good.

Rina wrapped her arms around his neck. She lifted her legs, until her ankles were locked

behind his back and her pussy rubbed against his cock. “Fuck me, Ter,” she purred in his ear.

“That’s an order.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, nipping along the column of her neck. He surged forward,

burying his cock to the hilt inside her. Her pussy clenched around him, so tight and hot he forced

himself to slowly withdraw, lest he come right there. Bracing her against the counter, he thrust

forward once more.

Her voice surrounded him. Breathy moans and mewing cries echoed off the interior of the

small bathroom. The smell of sex filled his nostrils, and he slid into her with a harsh groan.

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He loved having Rina like this, all wet and wild on his counter, or in his shower. His ship

boasted a water recycling system so they could twine themselves beneath the shower spray and
feel real water cascading over their naked bodies. Rina clenched his shoulders, slamming her

body against his. She fucked like she did everything else, taking what she wanted and not caring

about the consequences.

A groan rumbled deep in his chest. Ter thrust harder into his hand, squeezing his

cock with ball-breaking pressure. The deeper he got into his fantasy, the more he
wanted Rina. He wanted her naked before him, her feet on his shoulders while he
fucked deep inside her sweet pussy.

His balls tightened. His shallow pants filled the room. Groaning aloud, he

remembered how Rina felt when she came. Her pussy squeezed his cock like a vise,
shuddering around his body. She’d cling to him, sometimes biting his skin.

He stroked faster. The soft sounds of sex filled the room. His back bowed, and his

orgasm rushed through him. Beneath his hand, his cock pumped, his come sliding over

the edge of his fingers. With his eyes closed, he imagined being buried balls-deep in
Rina, listening to her breathy moans as he came deep inside her. Yeah, that’s what I want.
I want to fuck her until she agrees to come back to Yelexia with me, even if I have to throw her

over my knees and spank her cute ass until she begs.

It sounded like a good plan, though he

doubted the major would ever let him do it.

He waited while his breathing returned to normal. Rising from the bed, he crossed

the few strides to the bathroom and cleaned himself up, tossing the towel onto the small
stack of dirty laundry. He quickly fixed his clothing.

He wanted a second look at Rina. A need to see her burned inside him, and with a

last, longing look at the pictures on the bed, he readied himself to reenter the station.

The nightlife shifted as only the die-hard barflies filled the bars and restaurants

now. The patrons in the Fuzzy Neutron turned more towards drinking and carnal

pursuits and loud music pulsed from the opening. Moragi’s Pleasure Palace was still
open, he noticed with distaste, and wondered if Rina were behind those walls, fucking a
slave right now.

On his second circuit of the station he saw her. She stepped out of Moragi’s, her

hair falling loose around her shoulders. Too far away to see her features clearly, he
imagined the blush of lust across her cheeks, her lips bruised from hard kisses. She
turned and saw him. He saw her pause, imagined that he saw the flare of recognition in
her eyes, then slowly turned and walked away. Tomorrow he would pay a visit to her

ship. Then, she would return to Yelexia with him, where she belonged.

* * * * *

Rina hadn’t intended on seeing anyone as she walked out of Moragi’s. I could have

used the slave a few more times. He certainly was good, but I want to get up early in the

morning. I want to depart. The sooner the better.

She stepped onto the walkway to head

back to her ship. Few other pedestrians filled the station at this time of night. She saw a
tall man in a military uniform. Ter, she realized as she moved closer. At this distance,

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she had a hard time discerning his features, but she thought he looked haunted. Only
Ter would torture himself like this.

Let him ponder this little meeting. By tomorrow I’ll be gone. As much as I care for him, Ter

is in my past. He has to stay that way.

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Chapter Three

Rina shifted restlessly in her sleep as the dream began to overtake her.
She stood before Ter wearing only a dress in a shade of purple so dark it looked

nearly black. The strapless bodice barely restrained her breasts, pushed up with layers
of lace and padding. Ter’s eyes seemed glued to the twin globes rising above the rich


“We have to leave in fifteen minutes,” she said, turning away from him to stare at

herself in the mirror. With a practiced hand, she began to apply makeup, sneaking
peeks at Ter standing behind her.

He looked handsome in his suit pants. His shirt hung open over his bare chest. A

recent boating trip had given him a burnished gold tan, and Rina forced herself not to
lick her lips as she admired the rippling muscles beneath his tawny skin. When we
come home from this party, he’s going to fuck me hard. She saw the bulge of his

erection behind the pants, and her palms itched to circle around the thick shaft. Trying
not to squirm in place, Rina finished applying her lipstick.

Ter moved behind her. He stood so close she could feel the heat of his body

radiating through the thin material of her dress. As he nuzzled her neck, he wrapped
his arms around her and drew her tight against his body. His hard cock pulsed against
her ass.

Will I never get enough of this man? No other lover touched her as deeply as Ter.

She wiggled her buttocks against him, delighting in the groan that rumbled from his
chest. His thumbs unerringly found her nipples, tweaking them into an aching hardness

through her clothing. Her pussy became slick with need.

“If I fuck you fast,” he growled in her ear, “we can still make the reception on


His words inflamed her. Leaning forward, she allowed Ter to lift the skirt of her

dress and wad it around her waist. She wore no panties beneath her garters. She never
did. With a practiced finger Ter stroked her shaved cunt.

Rina wiggled against his fingers. “Please,” she whimpered, her hands reaching back

to touch him. Awkwardly, she brushed his rib cage, but she touched him and that was
enough for now.

Ter plunged a finger inside her. Her slick walls closed around his digit. He worked

her easily. His thumb brushed against her clit drawing a long shudder from her.

“Fuck me, Ter.”

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He disobeyed her order, and Rina wished she could invoke the authority of her

rank to force him to shove his magnificent cock inside her. She ordered him, but they
both knew it was play. Outside of military matters, she knew better than to pull rank.

Ter nipped her neck. The sting of pain forced her pleasure to ebb, just as he had

intended. He pulled his hands away and Rina heard the sound of his trousers sliding to

the floor.

“Do you know how much I want to put my cock inside you?” Ter asked. “Oh Rina,

you’re so hot for me too.” He moved so his cock scarcely brushed her. Rina thrust back,
wanting to fuck his cock.

“Please,” she whimpered. Her pussy tightened. She wanted his fingers, his tongue,

his cock—it didn’t matter—inside her.

Ter thrust forward. He buried himself to the hilt, deep inside her aching cunt.
“Yes,” she hissed from between clenched teeth.
Ter reached around her. He flicked his fingers against her clit. In his arms, Rina

shuddered. She bucked on his cock, wanting the hard and fast rhythm that only Ter
could give her. Yes. Oh fucking god, yes. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. The
exquisite slide of Ter inside her body nearly made her orgasm. His fingers stroked her
clit, never hard enough to push her over the edge. Her body hummed with a need for
an orgasm—

The thump of boots in the hallway just beyond her pillow forced Rina from the

dream. She groaned, knowing that her dream of Ter had drenched her pussy. Her hand
stole beneath the sheet, a light caress against her stomach, until the springy touch of her

pubic hair stopped her. What am I doing? I haven’t thought about Ter in months, and then he
shows up and bam! I’m masturbating over a dream.

Reluctantly, she pulled her hand away

and wiped her fingers on the sheet.

Rina breathed deeply. If she wanted to get an early start, she needed to get out of

bed. Usually she was awake before her crew… Damn, I should have fucked that pleasure
slave a few more times

. Stretching in the bed, she pressed her hands against the wall

behind her head, her toes touching the end of her bunk. The sheet tangled around her
naked body, and she reached down to throw it off with a harsh growl.

Seeing Ter hadn’t helped her mood much. Instead it had rekindled old emotions

she’d long kept buried. “C’mon, Rina,” she said to herself, sliding her legs off the edge
of the bed. “You have better things to do than moon over that bastard.” Sucking in a
deep breath, she closed her eyes and pretended that her words were true.

When she opened her eyes, she still didn’t believe. She stared across her small cabin

into the mirror hanging on the wall. Her eyes, red-rimmed from lack of sleep, looked
back at her unconvinced. Her hair, once down to her buttocks, now hung around her
shoulders, a tangled mass of black strands that reminded her of the Gwrinns nests on
Yelexia. The huge black birds tended to shred their feathers to make their nests,

tangling the fibers together until they stayed. Taking a deep breath, she rose to her feet
and walked unsteadily towards the bathroom.

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Fifteen minutes later she emerged dressed in a clean flight suit, her hair pinned

back into a large clip carved from pale pink Eisha stone. Ter had bought that clip for her,
she realized belatedly, yet she refused to take it out of her hair. Squaring her shoulders,
she prepared to face the day.

Her intercom buzzed, and Rina leaned over and punched the red button. “Yes,” she

growled, thinking there had better be a damn good reason for the interruption. Her
crew knew she didn’t like being disturbed so early in the morning.

“Rina, I think you ought to come down here, “ Erstan, her first officer, said. Worry

filled his voice.

“Where are you?”
“Pilot bay,” Erstan tersely replied.
“Be right there.” She hit the red button again, then raced from her quarters. Erstan,

having been a Free-lancer about as long as she had been alive, always meant what he

said, and if he said that then she needed to be there. Although her ship, the Everdeens,
boasted more room than some ships had, it still took her less than five minutes to reach
pilot bay.

She halted in the doorway. Erstan stood next to the controls, his face a mask of hate.

Across from him stood Ter.

“Thank you for calling me. I can take it from here,” she told Erstan, clearly

dismissing him from the situation. No need for him to get caught in the crossfire.

Erstan arched his eyebrow at her, but said nothing. Her old friend knew more than

he let on, which was just fine with her as long as he kept quiet. He nodded once then
disappeared back into the ship.

Rina wasted no time in worrying on where he was going, or if he would tell the

other members of their crew. Drexell and Kanise had been with her since a few months
after her exile and could handle themselves.

Rina turned her attention to Ter. He looked as handsome as he had last night,

dressed in his military uniform. Within the better lighting of her ship, she tried not to
focus on the pips and gold bar proclaiming him a captain major.

So he no longer needs to pilot his own ship. He could stay on Yelexia and work

with the High Council. Which probably explain why his gorgeous coffee-colored hair is
curling around his collar. Her fingers itched to caress the silky strands, and she resisted
the urge to ball her hands into fists.

Her heart did a funny flip-flop just looking at him.
Rina forced herself to breathe calmly. He looked unconcerned to be standing on her

ship; she would endeavor to do the same about having him in her ship. Just forget the
past. That’s all it is, the past.

“Captain Major Terrastan Ilykianoiselle, what can I do for you?” Rina asked.

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Ter arched an eyebrow at her use of his full name. “Free-lancer Rinathallindera

Corvalano,” he said, “or shall I call you Major Corvalano.” He wrapped his tongue
around the impossibly complex Yelexian names, turning her unwieldy moniker into a

“Or maybe Rina?” His voice dropped a notch, and she fought an urge to close her

eyes against the velvet slide of his voice across her nerve endings. She remembered that
tone from long nights of lovemaking, whispered endearments spoken in the dark.

“What can I do for you, Captain Major?” Rina asked again. She refused to be drawn

into his game of cat-and-mouse. Ter had loved games; oftentimes they had ended a

match by making love, the victor getting to be on top. She usually bested him at

the common strategy game—the thought brought a rise of heat to her cheeks. I have got
to quit thinking of these things. That’s over now. When High Council forced me to make the

decision I made, he refused to follow. His loss, not mine.

“The High Council wants to see you, Rina.”
“And you offered to bring me in?” She raised her eyebrow in disbelief. “How long

has the High Council wanted me? Ever since I left?” She snorted. “You’ll have to come
up with a better excuse than that, Captain Major. My cargo bays hold nothing illegal,
you’ll find all my routes registered and affirmed. I’m doing nothing wrong, and I’m not
allowed to go home. Remember?”

He blanched a bit at her tone, quickly recovering his composure. “You’ve done

things, Rina, that no Yelexian officer has ever done. You accepted your exile, but the
High Council wants you back. You will come home, Rina. If it isn’t with me, then it will
be with someone else, but you are coming back to Yelexia.”

“Bullshit,” Rina spat. “I owe the High Council nothing. They took my life from me.”

She stepped forward, inches from Ter. “In fact, I think they owe me a hell of a lot. I
didn’t ask for them to send me into exile, but I’ve made the most of it. I’m sorry your
career was more important to you than—” She bit off the words that she had longed to
shout at him ever since that day in the High Council chamber.

She steadied herself. “Now tell me why you are here.” She growled at him, furious

at him for showing up again at this station. A glance at the ship’s chronometer told her
that she was scheduled to depart in twelve hours. Not soon enough.

Hurt flashed across Ter’s features. “Power has shifted at home,” he said in a soft

voice. “Emperor Kardenasillianolos passed away. His son has the throne.”

Rina gasped, her mind drawn back to that night when she’d cornered the heir

against a wall and watched the pistol go spinning down the royal hallway. She
wondered if the emperor’s love for his son hadn’t caused his own death.

Ter stepped forward. He dipped his head, and for a moment, Rina thought he

might try and kiss her. Her lips tingled. She tried to pull her gaze away from his
sensuous lips. “I volunteered to find you. I wanted it to be someone you knew, not a
stranger.” Ter cupped her cheek, caressing the skin with his thumb.

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Heat seeped from his hand into her flesh. The movement of his thumb against her

skin reminded her of other touches, softer touches that Ter had given her. Her lips

“I can’t believe he wants to bring me in front of the High Council,” Rina said, her

voice barely a whisper.

Anger spiraled through her, and she yanked her gaze away from Ter’s lips. “If I

hadn’t foiled his assassination attempt on his father, someone else might have. The
council should have been thankful, but instead they ordered me to leave.” Her voice
rose. “I guess the emperor forgave his son for trying to assassinate him. I should have
let him die, but no, I did my royal Yelexian duty, especially as a major, and this is what
I have become. I’ll make no apologies for it, and the new Emperor Kardenasillianolos
can fuck himself.” She balled her hands into fists at her sides. Fury raced through her,
so forceful that her body shook. All thoughts of intimacy with Ter fled beneath the


Ter laid his hands on her shoulders. “I know why you feel that way. The emperor’s

throne isn’t the only power that has shifted though. The High Council has changed.
Secretly, some voice the very opinion you just did, that the former emperor should have
killed his son. You have to come home.”

“Why?” Rina snapped the word at him.
“Because, if you come home of your own free will, then the emperor won’t send

someone to kill you. The new emperor gave you one solar year in which to return. The
year’s almost over, Rina, and a well-placed friend told me that the emperor plans to

send the Quintnyia after you, and he’ll do it without the High Council knowing.”

Rina forced her mouth to close. The Quintnyia were the highest-trained assassins

that the Yelexian Empire had. For the new emperor to send them after her meant that he
was worried indeed. Most likely worried that she would finish the job his father should
have done. Her hands trembled.

“Damn it, Ter. I can’t subject my crew to that.” Rina released a pent-up breath and

closed her eyes. “I’ll go. I’ll go. Just give me a moment to tell my crew, okay?”

Ter nodded. “I’ll wait right here, and then I will escort you to my ship.”
Rina looked solemnly at him. Without another word, she turned and walked away.

Ter hadn’t said anything of how he felt. The tenderness of his touch seemed cruel in
light of the reason why he was bringing her back to Yelexia. Does he still think of me like I
think of him?

With him standing before her, it seemed easy to let the years fade away.

She swallowed hard and battled the fear rising within her. I never thought I’d go back

to Yelexia again. I just hope the High Council hasn’t decided to execute me.

It seemed a harsh

sentence, but out in space, she felt so far removed from the political intrigues of her
home world. They could very well be bringing her back just to kill her.

Her crew met her halfway down the hall. “Is it really true?” Erstan said. He

punched his fist into the palm of his other hand. “I’ll kill that bastard, Rina, I really

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Rina laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. “No need to kill him, it’s the truth. I know

what I did. They already sentenced me to exile. You all know that. I’m sure I’ll be back
before you can miss me.” She forced herself to grin. “I’m going to put Everdeens into
your capable hands. Keep her safe for me while I’m gone.”

“I’ll take care of her for you, Captain. We all will.” Behind Erstan, her two other

crewmembers nodded. “You do what you have to do. We’ll be waiting for you.”

“Thank you,” Rina replied.
Once inside her haven, she leaned against the door. Deep inside, she had known

this day would come eventually. Taking a deep breath, she pasted on the emotionless
façade she wore as a major and willed her grief to subside then began to methodically
pack a travel bag.

Her few belongings fit neatly into a carry case with room to spare, reminding her of

all that she had lost. As a major, she remembered, her office had been full of mementoes

taken from planets and star systems far away. Her medals, now packed in the pack she
slung over her shoulder, used to hang in a lighted display case across from her desk.

It’s time I go back. I want to go home.

Squaring her shoulders, she opened the door and

stepped into the hall.

Her crew was nowhere in sight, a blessing that Rina silently appreciated as she

made her way back to pilot’s bay and the man who waited to take her home. She hated
long goodbyes.


Rina wanted to snort in derision, but she couldn’t. She had loved Yelexia like

a child loves a mother, still did, and her love of country had brought her to this

predicament. Closing her eyes, she longed to see the cyan sunsets and indigo skies of
her home. Forcing herself to walk at an even pace, not too slow nor too fast, she stepped
into the pilot’s bay.

Ter waited. He still stood, his hands relaxed at his sides, and she wondered if he

had stood there the entire time. Probably, she thought, remembering his sense of honor.
He wouldn’t sit in the Captain’s chair of the Everdeens, not unless she invited him to. An
image crossed her mind, of the two of them piloting this ship through space. They’d
take what cargo they wanted, what orders they wanted, and when they didn’t, they

could curl up in her bunk and make love.

She shook her head, ridding herself of the thought. Even if he would ever accept

such a mission, her crew would never accept him on board. He was Yelexian military,
everything she’d trained them to be wary of. I still care for him. What if it’s more? The
thought filled her with dread. I can’t face another broken heart. I cannot let him hurt me a
second time.

“I’m ready,” she said, her voice softer than she intended.
Ter looked up at her words. His gaze softened. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice barely

more than a whisper. “For what it’s worth, I really don’t want to do this, but it would
hurt a hell of a lot worse if the emperor had you murdered.”

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He hadn’t given a declaration of his love, but Rina didn’t want one either. Not right

now, anyway. Maybe later they could speak about their feelings. His gruff words called
her attention to their shared past. Rina forced herself to smile. “I don’t have any
intention of getting killed,” she said. “Though I am glad that it would hurt if I died.”

“Let’s go,” Ter ordered, his voice gruff.
Suddenly, her three crewmembers appeared in the pilot’s bay. They stood at

attention, heels together, hand raised to forehead in salute. “Captain Rina, I’ll take good
care of her for you,” Erstan said.

Erstan hardly ever called her captain, and now he’d done so twice in one day. On

board, she forced them all to call her by her name, just Rina, and now, tears stung her
eyes anew at the honorific he had bestowed upon her. “At ease,” she said. “She’s all
yours, Erstan. I’ll be back one day to claim her.”

He nodded once, but Rina didn’t miss the warning glare he gave Ter. She stepped

forward, towards the hatch, and Ter fell into step behind her. She felt his presence, a
solid wall at her back daring her to turn around and rush back to her ship.

As they passed through the open air lock, the currents of air teased his cologne to

her nose, and she inhaled the musky scent, produced only on Yelexia. She wondered
what it had cost him to bring a supply of it with him. The scent reminded her of nights
making love, and of curling up with pillows, still infused with his scent, after he had

Rina stopped at the end of the corridor, unsure of where to go. The Everdeens lay

behind her, and she felt like she hovered on the edge of two worlds. Ter halted beside


“My ship isn’t far from here. Follow me,” he said, then turned to the right.
Rina followed him, noticing they were heading towards the part of the station that

docked smaller vessels. That Ter would hunt her in anything smaller than her ship
seemed out of character. As a captain major in the military, he would have had his pick
of ships in which to track down the notorious Yelexian major. In fact, he now outranked

She watched his broad back as he strode down the corridor, noticing that the

military shirt emphasized his broad shoulders. The pants, although a loose cut, seemed
to cup his buttocks, and the sight of his firm ass nearly made her groan aloud. In her
mind, she imagined wrapping her arms around him. She’d slide her fingers over the
smooth muscles of his back. Then, she’d reach down and grab his firm ass.

Face it, Rina finally admitted to herself, you’ve been wanting to fuck him ever since

you saw him in the bar last night. Hell, in your dreams, you did.

Ter turned again, and Rina found herself walking down one of the long docking

arms that stuck out from the station like a pin in a cushion. Only the smallest of vessels
docked here, ships that held one, maybe two people at the most. Rina’s heart pounded

in her chest at the prospect of being in such close proximity to him.

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About halfway down the arm, Ter stopped. “Here we are,” he said, “the Oderis.” He

quickly typed in an access code on the panel beside the door, and the airlock rushed
open. She followed Ter inside, then waited for the door to close behind them. The door
to the ship opened, and Rina stepped inside.

At first glance, the Oderis looked larger than most single-man vessels. A rich green

carpet stretched before her, and she saw the pilot’s controls to the left. To her right,
three silver doors stood in a semi-circle, leading most likely to the head and sleeping
quarters. The decor looked standard, as if Ter hadn’t had time to personalize the ship

“She yours?” Rina asked. Most Captain Majors owned their own vessels for

vacation trips and personal use. She doubted Ter would be any different. The only
reason she had owned the Everdeens was sheer luck and a good bargain.

“On loan from a friend. My ship only has one bedroom.”
For a moment, she wished he’d brought his ship instead. Trying not to let the

disappointment show in her face, she said, “That was very nice of you.”

Ter stepped closer to her. He stared down at her, desire burning in his eyes. “I

didn’t want to be courteous,” he said, his voice a husky rasp against her sensitive
nerves, “but I did want to keep my balls.”

He reached down and caressed her cheek.
Rina tried not to turn into his touch, didn’t want to close her eyes to savor the feel

of his skin against hers once again, but she did. The instant his flesh touched hers it felt
like coming home. Her lips parted, and Ter rubbed the pad of his thumb over her lower


Without thinking, she touched it with the tip of her tongue.
Ter gasped. “Damn it,” he growled, though Rina wondered if he chastised himself

more than her. His thumb slid away, only to be replaced by the hot pressure of his
mouth. His lips settled on hers as if he owned them, and perhaps he did. She had
fucked many men, but none had held her heart like Ter still did. With his tongue, he
traced the outline of her lips, then slipped inside her mouth.

At the first touch of his tongue against hers, Rina moaned. For the moment she

didn’t care that he had come to take her back to Yelexia. Ter kissed her.

After three and a half long years, Ter kissed her like he’d never left.
She leaned into him, one hand on his chest. Beneath her palm, his heart raced. Her

nipples pebbled against his chest. Ter swept his hand down her back, cupping her hips
and drawing her even closer to him. His hard cock pulsed inside his trousers, pressing
against Rina’s belly.

Rina cupped the back of Ter’s neck. She held him to her, afraid that if she let go he

would leave her again. Pressing her body against his, desire thrummed through her
veins. She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and have him fuck her right there

in the entryway. The thought sobered her.

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She pulled back. “Ter?” she asked hesitantly, still not quite believing that after all

those years he still kissed her with the same passion he had shown while they had been
together. She brushed her thumb across his lips and heard a groan deep in his chest.

“Gods, Rina, it’s been too long,” he said. “I’ve been a fool thrice over, I swear. Do

you know how many times I’ve sat in my office, remembering the feel of your sweet

body around mine.” He dragged his fingers through his hair. “I wanted to come and get
you, to find you, but something always stopped me.”

“What?” Rina asked, her voice soft. His words sounded as if through a fog, and she

couldn’t quite believe what she heard. “You chose your career, though.”

“I know. Damn it, how I know. Do you know how I made rank so fast?”
Rina shook her head, mute.
“I volunteered for the most dangerous missions. I put myself in the line of fire more

times than I’d ever care to count again. As long as I was focusing on trying to stay alive,

I couldn’t think about you.”

Rina gasped. His words evoked images of him risking his life in firefights that

would make a seasoned solider blanch. The thought of him in such danger sent a stab of
pain through her. “Do you know what it did to me, Ter, last night, when you didn’t
recognize me in the bar?”

Ter shook his head. “I recognized you, honey. Then, I saw you walking out of the

pleasure slave house. I thought you didn’t recognize me.” He chuckled harshly. “If I
had asked you come back to my ship and fuck me instead of that slave, would you

Rina squeezed her eyes closed. “Yes,” she said.
Ter crushed her to him. His arms wrapped around her, pressing her against his

chest. Rina inhaled his warmth, the spicy scent that belonged to him. She hugged him
back, her palms flat against the strong muscles of his back. She knew the exact number
of months it had been since she had run her palms along his bare back, feeling the
muscles flex as he plunged his cock into her. She shivered.

“I don’t know what the future holds, Rina,” Ter whispered. “But will you make

love with me?” His husky voice caressed her ears, her heart.

“Yes,” Rina said, not caring about tomorrow. Right now she wanted to relish being

in Ter’s arms again. Later, she would worry about what it meant and if they really had a
future together.

Ter kissed her then, his lips full of passion and hunger. His kiss reminded her of

their early days together, then his hands skimmed her sides until he cupped her breasts
and she remembered how good his touch felt. With his thumbs, he caressed her nipples,
turning the tight peaks into aching buds. He kissed her everywhere, her forehead, her
nose, her eyelids, her cheeks, and her lips, but mostly her lips. He worshiped her
mouth, using teeth and tongue to raise the tide of her passion. Her pussy ached to be

filled, seeping wetness into her pants.

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Ter pulled his lips away. “The bedroom,” he said. His ragged breathing filled Rina

with a sense of power. His hard cock translated the depth of his hunger for her, and
Rina reveled in the feeling.

She nodded, and Ter stepped away long enough to lead her towards one of the

three doors. Ter opened the door, revealing a standard ship bedroom. A bed, big

enough for two, filled one corner, while shelves and drawers built into the opposite
wall provided space for clothing and possessions. A smaller door leading into a small
bathroom sat opposite of them.

Ter led her to the bed. He remained standing, his fingers playing along her shirt. “I

don’t want you here if you don’t want to be here,” he said.

Rina looked up at him, noticing the worry in his eyes. He wanted her, his arousal

and his kisses told her that much. She didn’t know for sure, but his words made her
wonder about his intentions. He had been the one to leave her before, not the other way

around. But now, he spoke from something more than the heat of a one-night stand,
something more like love.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be,” she said. “And I’m not just here because

the emperor might send people to kill me. There are many ways to foil assassins, and
mind-drugging sex with you isn’t one of them. I’m here because I want you.” She didn’t
mention that she couldn’t promise him tomorrow, only right now.

“Thank god,” Ter replied. He swept Rina into his arms, pressing her against his

body. He kissed her, his lips devouring her.

Rina moaned against his lips, her hands stroking the contours of his back and sides.

She slid her hands down to his buttocks and squeezed them gently. Rocking herself
against him, she felt the hard length of his cock pressing against her thigh. She caressed
his hip, working her hand closer to his erection.

Rina cupped him through the fabric of his uniform pants. Beneath her hand, his

cock twitched. She squeezed gently, drawing a moan from his lips. She pressed a kiss
against the hollow of his neck, licking him gently.

Ter unfastened the buttons of her blouse. Looking down, Rina realized that his

hands shook and the thought that he was as moved by their lovemaking as she sent a

fresh wave of pleasure through her. As he bared her skin, he pressed kisses to it. He
nibbled her flesh, his teeth and tongue toying over the skin revealed by her open shirt.
At last, he shoved the tails of her shirt out of the way, and Rina let her arms fall to her
sides so he could shove the garment off her shoulders.

Ter reached around her. He unclasped her bra, letting the material fall forward.

Slowly, he drew the straps down her arms, then watched as it floated to the floor. He
reached out and caressed her nipples with his thumbs. “Beautiful,” he breathed,
stroking first one nipple then the other.

Instantly, her nipples hardened into twin peaks that ached to be touched. Ter

cupped her breasts, gently squeezing, and Rina fought hard not to fall forward into his
embrace. Liquid warmth filled her pussy.

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Ter sat her on the bed. He moved between her parted thighs and knelt. Rina looked

down at him. Ter parted his lips, his tongue darting out to caress the end of her finger.

Rina gasped. Ter circled her digit with his tongue, and Rina felt the touch all the

way to her cunt. He reached up and took her wrist, lightly pulling her hand away.
Leaning forward, he kissed her stomach, pressing light kisses against her flesh. His lips

moved over her, his tongue darting out as if to sample the flavor of her skin. Threading
her fingers through his hair, Rina could only hold onto him. The force of her desire held
her immobile under Ter’s ministrations.

She moaned as his teeth scraped along her skin. Her pussy responded with a flood

of moisture, and she knew that Ter must smell her arousal. The musky aroma tantalized
her nostrils. Ter unfastened her clothing, slowly parting the fabric to reveal her panties.
Rina leaned back on her elbows.

Ter paused. He looked up at her, tugging at her pants. Raising her hips, Rina

helped him to undress her, and soon, she lay naked before him.

It feels like I never left.

Goose bumps rose on her skin. Matured by the passage of time

and battles fought, he looked like Anvolinisinite, the Yelexian God of lust and war. In
all the statues of the deity, he was portrayed standing spread-legged, his cock at
attention, a great sword in his hands. A primal urge filled her, and she licked her lips
with anticipation.

Lust coursed through her body. Her blood pulsed heavy through her veins, her

body pounding to a beat that only Ter could create. He lightly stroked her outer lips,
the silken slide of his finger through her moisture enough to make Rina close her eyes.

She parted her legs further, offering her pussy to him.

Ter slid his fingers inside her cunt. He parted her labia, stroking along the length of

her sex. He traced a path around her clit, his fingers never quite touching the most
sensitive part of her. Rina moaned in frustration.

Her vaginal walls clenched against his fingers, then Ter slid them lower. He paused

at her entrance.

“Do you want me inside, Rina?” he asked.
“Yes,” Rina answered. Her breath hissed as Ter circled her opening with his fingers.

First one, then a second, slipped inside her. Rina moaned.

Ter stroked rhythmically, his thumb working counterpoint against her clitoris. Rina

lost herself to the sensations. Her world narrowed down to the hand in her pussy,
working her furiously towards orgasm. Waves of pleasure radiated through her body.
Her nipples tightened even further into little peaks, begging for Ter’s mouth to pleasure
them. She arched beneath his hand, tiny moans of pleasure erupting from her mouth.

“Come for me, Rina,” Ter said. His whispered words scraped across nerves already

raw from passion. He worked his hands faster, inserting a third finger into her vagina.

“Yes,” Rina moaned. Her hips bucked off the bed, driving his fingers deeper inside

her. He stroked the sensitive flesh just behind her pelvic bone, and a long shudder

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darted through her body. Reaching up, she cupped her breast in her hand, rolling the
nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Another shudder raced through her. “Yes!”

Ter pressed her clit harder. He massaged it directly, using flicking motions of his

fingers to drive Rina wild beneath his hand. She tightened her muscles around his
fingers, not wanting to come quite yet. Ter flexed his fingers inside her, giving her no

choice but to surrender to the pleasure as it washed over her. Coming, she moaned, her
hips bouncing on the bed.

Her muscles spasmed, one long release that had her keening his name.
Slowly, Ter withdrew his hand. He undressed.
Rina watched as he bared his body, still lean and muscular. Soft whorls of chest hair

ran between his pectorals, narrowing into a line that directed her gaze down to his cock.
It was as large as she had remembered it, rising from a nest of dark brown curls. Not
even last night’s pleasure slave had been as exquisitely rendered in flesh as Ter. She

licked her lips.

Her gaze caught his, held it, until he devoured her body with a single look, just as

she had done his. He stepped from his pants, then stood naked before her. “My
memories didn’t do you justice,” he whispered.

The soft words filled Rina, wrapped around her heart and threatened not to let go.

She moved so she lay lengthwise on the bed, thighs spread, waiting for him. “Make
love to me, Ter,” she answered.

“Oh yes,” he said, “that I will do.” He lay down on the bed, moving to the cradle of

her thighs. Bracing his weight on his arms, he looked down at her. With gentle lips he

kissed her. His lips moved softly across hers, never demanding only asking. When his
tongue slipped between her parted lips, she moaned, and only then, did he press the tip
of his penis against her.

Ter slid into her wetness. He moved slowly, delicately, as if he thought her a rare

flavor to be savored. Rina arched against him, drawing him deeper into her pussy. She
clenched her muscles around him, holding him tight. He thrust his full length into her,
then stilled.

Rina opened her eyes. Above her, Ter hovered, poised on his arms, careful not to

crush her. Buried inside her cunt, his cock felt like heaven, and for a moment, Rina
cared not where she went, only that Ter impaled her once more. She tilted her hips,
delighting in the groan he made.

He pulled back. Just as slowly as he had entered, he slid his length out of her. Rina

cried out at the emptiness in her cunt, her hands digging into his back, trying to hold
him inside her. Ter smiled, then thrust forward once more.

He plunged into her, each stroke harder than the last. Rina clutched at him, her

body rising to meet his, begging for a release that seemed just out of reach. She wanted
to come, wanted to feel Ter coming inside her, so when the first ripples of her orgasm

washed over her, she went joyously, crying out his name. He pounded into her, and

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Rina felt as if she were drowning in the swirling vortex of his passion. Rina clung to
him, her body shuddering, even as his strokes ignited her passions once more.

“Yes,” he cried out as the tremors subsided. He slowed, then looked down and

pressed a kiss to her lips. “This time, we’ll do it together.”

He brushed a strand of hair from her forehead, and followed the motion with his

lips. Lying beneath him, she looked thoroughly and well fucked. He tasted her, tongue
delving deep into her mouth. She clung to him, as to a life raft, and far inside her body,
his cock twitched, fully hard once more.

Without waiting for a reply, he began to thrust again. She matched him stroke for

stroke. He groaned at the sensation of her hot, wet pussy enveloping his shaft. Rina
pumped her hips beneath him, grinding her mons against him. Ter cried out, a hoarse,
wordless shout. Oh god, I want to make this last. Hang on. Just a little longer. The first
shudders of Rina’s orgasm raced through her, and she pressed herself against him,

clamped her cunt tight around him.

“Oh Ter,” she moaned as her pussy began to tighten again with the beginnings of

another orgasm.

Ter stiffened. He buried his cock deep inside her, his balls tight with pressure. His

release burst through him, forcing swirls of color to dance before his eyes. With a low
growl, he let his orgasm ride him. His cock pumped hot seed into her, igniting another
series of spasms from deep within her. Rina pressed her face against his chest, then
collapsed against the bed.

Moments later, Ter collapsed next to her, his body still joined with hers. He lay

there, thinking about the woman in his arms and how he never wanted to let her go

Ter didn’t feel a need for words, and apparently Rina didn’t either, for she didn’t


Gradually, Rina’s breathing returned to normal, and she lifted her head to look at

the man who had haunted her dreams for many years. Inside her, he hardened once
more, his body telling her eloquently that it had been too long for both of them.

“I won’t abandon you this time,” he said softly. He reached over and brushed a lock

of her hair from her forehead. “I promise you that.”

Rina exhaled. “Thank you,” she whispered, then bit her lip to keep from speaking

further. Where do we go from here, she wanted to demand, but didn’t. She took a deep
breath and released it.

“I’ll resign if I have to, but I won’t let them harm you. You did what was right. I see

that now. The High Council will see it too.”

Rina nodded, afraid to speak. No words of love had passed between them, though

it seemed that he had come to terms with what had happened so long ago. She turned
to Ter, gliding her hand down his chest. “For now, Ter, just make me forget.” Through

the hull of the ship, she felt the vibration from a nearby ship’s thrusters. Coming or

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going, she didn’t know. She pressed her lips to his, content to be lying in Ter’s arms
once more.

Later, she’d deal with her return from exile. Later, she’d deal with the High


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Chapter Four

Rina couldn’t take her eyes off the planet in the distance. Yelexia. Home.
In the three days it had taken them to reach here, neither she nor Ter had broached

the subject of their relationship. With the ship on autopilot, they spent most of their
days in the bedroom, getting to know one another once more. Ter never seemed to tire

of her. A single glance and his cock stood at attention, hard and ready, just as a single
glance from him could make her pussy wet with desire.

Rina tried not to think of the future. From what Ter had said, once they arrived on

Yelexia, she would be shown to her quarters. The following day the High Council
would convene to discuss her fate. Only this time, the emperor looking down at her
from the dais behind the council would be the heir she’d once accused of treason.
Shivers darted down her spine.

The emperor had died of natural causes. She reviewed the documents carefully. The

coroner’s report showed a massive heart failure, something his line had been known
for. No drugs were present in his system, and he died alone in his rooms. It certainly
appeared that there had been no foul play at the time of the emperor’s death. If he had
been assassinated, it had been discreet.

Clouds swirled in the cyan atmosphere. The land, a dark metallic gray and rich in

minerals, also created a beautiful counterpoint to the sky. Tears stung Rina’s eyes at the
thought of being home again.

Ter stood behind her. He rested a hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently. “You

know, no matter how many times I come back, the sight of our planet never fails to

move me.”

Rina nodded, not trusting her voice to speak.
“We should be landing in a couple of hours. I’ll let you know when its time to strap

in, but if you feel like it, you can always come up to the bridge.”

“Thanks,” she said. “I think I better go back.” Something to keep her hands busy, so

she didn’t think too much about what would happen once they landed.

Ter seemed to understand. He brushed a soft kiss against her lips, then turned and

walked back to the small bridge of the ship. Rina watched him go, trying to quell the
trepidation in her heart. What have I done? Her muscles ached from their frantic

lovemaking the night before. It had been almost as if they both knew that the end was

Swallowing hard, Rina turned and walked into their shared bedroom. The second

bedroom sat undisturbed. She glanced at her small case. Almost everything was

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She lingered over folding her clothing, creating a pile that would have done the

military proud. Taking her time, she stowed the precisely folded articles in her travel
bag. Closing her eyes, she paused in the middle of the room. From the bathroom, she
smelled the faintest trace of Ter’s cologne, a reminder that he had been on this ship
longer than she.

Better get this over with.

She opened her eyes and squared her shoulders. She walked

toward the bridge. She wanted a full view of Yelexia as they approached. After all, it
might be the last view she’d ever have.

On the bridge, Ter nodded to her, then motioned her towards a chair. A smaller

bank of controls sat in front of her, the blinking red light telling her that Ter hadn’t
activated her console. He didn’t need to. He had flown larger ships by himself, she was
sure, yet it stung a bit that he wouldn’t welcome her help in landing the craft. She’d
been in the military, had the same training as he did. Did he not trust her? She tried to

ignore the question swirling in her mind, yet found she could not.

Rina watched as her home world grew larger on the screen. Sudden tears pricked

her eyes, and she furiously blinked them back. I will not cry. Not over Yelexia. She drank
in the sight of the world that she’d not dared get close to during her exile, even though
the council never said she had to stay away, merely that she couldn’t live on its mineral-
rich soil. Only now, with Ter accompanying her, did she feel like it was time she
returned. At the time, she wanted to get as far away from the council and the man who
had betrayed her. The Fuzzy Neutron on the Caprinian Station had been as physically
close to Yelexia as she had gotten in the years since her exile.

The ship’s communications crackled. “Oderis, you are cleared for landing on field

five. Please remain in your ship and await further orders.”

Rina stiffened at the words. The Yelexian government took no chances.
“Understood,” Ter replied. He turned to Rina. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she lied. She didn’t expect a warm welcome, though the near hostility in

the flight controller’s voice startled her. Without waiting for orders, Rina buckled the
safety harness around her.

Ter began the descent into the atmosphere. The view screen blinked out, leaving

Rina without the ability to see her home world. Beneath her chair, the ship bucked as it
came through the atmosphere, and although she had flown for most of her life, it still
unnerved her.

Although it felt like hours, it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes before the

ship leveled out. The view screen returned, giving Rina a glimpse of her home. Beneath
the ship, mining towns and camps scattered throughout the mountains gave the first
hint of civilization. The capital, Yelenin, rose on the horizon, a cluster of buildings that
could be seen for miles around.

Rina’s stomach lurched. She tried to attribute it to the descent, though Ter piloted

the ship with textbook perfection. Trepidation filled her, and she tried to keep her
thoughts positive.

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The slight bump of the ship landing jarred Rina’s thoughts back to the present.
“We’re here,” Ter announced, though the sudden loss of motion could have

confirmed that for her. He signaled the flight controller that they had landed safely and
unbuckled his harness.

Rina followed suit.
“It will be okay,” Ter said. He rose to his feet and crossed the bridge.
“Will it?” Rina asked. “You don’t know why the council wanted me back. If you

did, you would have told me.”

Ter sighed, his bluff called. “You’re right, I don’t know what the council wants with

you, but it will be all right. Whatever happens, it will be all right.”

“Not if they execute me.”
“Do you think they really would do that?”
Rina shrugged. “I don’t know. The emperor is supposed to be a figurehead, but

what if he was able to sway enough members of the council? You said yourself the
political climate had changed.”

Ter shook his head. “It isn’t—”
The whoosh of the door opening cut off his thoughts. Rina turned to see the

intruder. Three Yelexian soldiers stood in the doorway. If they wanted to overpower me,
they should have sent more than three men.

“Captain Major Ilykianoiselle, thank you for bringing the exile back to us,” the

foremost soldier said. By the insignia, she saw he was a Captain, just one rank below
her. He turned to her. His salt-and-pepper hair made him look old for his rank, and
Rina immediately pegged him as an officer who would never make higher without
something sensational. Having an exile return and then “attack” certainly would be
sensational enough to boost his career. She had to give him no reason to provoke


“Thank you for meeting us, Captain. Please show us immediately to our quarters. I

have much I need to discuss with High Council,” Ter ordered.

Rina tried not to start at his words. What could he have to discuss with High

Council, other than their heartfelt talks and mind-blowing sex? She pursed her lips,
then quickly relaxed her expression into one of neutrality as the Captain looked in her

“Beg your pardon, Captain Major, but I have orders to escort only the exile to her


Ter looked at her. He could insist on accompanying them, she knew, but to do so

would undermine the Captain in front of his men. Besides, Ter might not want anyone
to know the extent of their relationship. Surely, people remembered, but since he’d
risen in the ranks so quickly, apparently their relationship had been conveniently

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“As you wish. I assume someone will bring my baggage,” she said, not looking at


“Yes, Major,” the Captain said.
“Very well then.” Head held high, she walked towards the Captain and followed

him out of the ship. She didn’t look back at Ter. Once she knew what would happen to

her, she would think about their relationship. Not before.

Taking a deep breath, she focused her mind on where she was going. A suite of

rooms in the palace. The last time she’d been there, she had been exiled. She couldn’t
help but wonder what would happen now.

* * * * *

Ter watched Rina leave with a sinking heart. She didn’t even say goodbye, merely

squared her shoulders and walked out of his ship. His life, too? No, she wouldn’t do that.
Not to him.

He waited until she’d left then sank into the captain’s chair of the ship.

What have I done?

Already, his body ached for hers. In his heart, he’d opened doors

he’d wanted to keep closed. After tasting the pleasures of her body, he doubted he
could ever let her go again.

Ter rose to his feet again. He crossed the ship and grabbed his two bags out of the

bedroom. He stared for a moment at Rina’s bags, wondering if he should take them, but

decided against it. Someone would be back for her belongings, the Captain had said,
and he didn’t know which rooms were hers. He’d find out, as soon as he got settled. The
bags would be a good excuse to find her.

Ter shook his head. He didn’t need excuses to find Rina. Tonight, he would come to

her and she would realize how he felt about her. Swinging his bag over his shoulder, he

Now that he stood on terra firma again, he took long moments to take in the

beautiful sky. White puffy clouds looked painted on the cyan sky. In the distance, the
rolling red and brown hills that comprised the start of the mines towered over the flat
ground on which the palace was built. Other ships sat on the landing fields, mostly
smaller personal vessels.

Ter started across the field. The sun warmed his hair, and he wished he could just

lay in the sunshine like a big furmarup. The furry house pets were known for curling up
in the closest available beam of sunlight. Instead, he had work to do that would likely
keep him inside the palace walls until well after sundown. Ter frowned.

He’d brought Rina back. That’s what the High Council wanted. Why they wanted

her back, he didn’t know. Not even the highest-ranking Generals were privy to the
reasons behind the High Council’s actions. Could I have betrayed her a second time? He
forced the thought from his mind. He refused to believe that was the case. I will do
everything within my power to protect her.

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His long strides carried him across the landing field and to the guard station that

blocked the entrance to the palace. He stopped beside the view screen image of the
guard and the retinal scanner.

“Captain Major,” the guard said in recognition. He gestured to the scanner.
Ter recognized the soldier as a young lieutenant from his home district. He nodded,

knowing that until the scanner identified him, he wasn’t allowed to say anything to the
guards. He looked at the shimmering red light as the scanner confirmed his identity.

“Identity confirmed. You have a good flight, Captain Major?”
“I did, yes, Lieutenant Wenistarillion. Everything going well for you?”
“Yes, sir, it is. Thank you.” The door whirred as the locks were released. “Have a

good day, sir.”

Ter nodded once more to the young soldier, then disappeared inside the palace. The

doors clanked shut behind him, almost reminding him of a prison. He stopped at the

desk just inside the door and obtained the location of his suite of rooms. He didn’t ask
about Rina. Most likely the servant manning the desk wouldn’t know. He had other
ways of finding out.

He started towards his rooms, satisfied to have the suite he preferred when he

visited. Not too far from the landing fields or from the main governmental offices, he
seemed to always be in the middle of things. It would make it easier to sneak out and
visit Rina too, as the corridors outside his rooms were always crowded with people,
even late at night.

Another retinal scan let him into his rooms, and Ter set his baggage down just

inside. A light on the communications console just inside the door blinked steadily.
Haven’t even been here an hour and already I have a message.

Trying hard not to frown, Ter

punched the button. General Ascending Manatanillion’s face looked back at him.

“When you arrive, Captain Major, please reply to this message. I wish to speak with

you.” The message cut off.

Ter sighed. I didn’t anticipate hearing from him so soon. He punched the button to

return the message, not caring that his bags still sat around his feet. What he wanted
was to have himself a flute or two of the fine barralberry wine that he always had

waiting in his rooms. The visage of General Ascending Manatanillion filled the screen.

“Captain Major,” he said. “Congratulations on a successful mission.”
“Thank you,” Ter replied. “What can I do for you?”
“Please come to the Oval Room at your earliest convenience for debriefing.”
Ter masked his sigh. He’d known he’d be debriefed, didn’t expect less from the

Yelexian military, but to have the summons come so soon felt heartless to him. “I will,
under one condition.”

“Yes?” the general asked.
“Where is the major being kept?”

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A sly smile curved the general’s lips. “Suite B9, and I made sure you had access,” he

replied. “I’ll see you in the debriefing room.” Without waiting for an answer, the
general disconnected the conversation.

Ter smiled. Her suite wasn’t that far from his, meaning that once he finished

debriefing, he could shower, change and be at her room in less than half an hour. “At

least the general made it worth my while,” he muttered to himself. Tossing his bags on
the couch, he turned and headed for the Oval Room. At least he was on the friendly
side of this mission. He wouldn’t have to tell them everything.

* * * * *

Rina looked around at her chambers in disbelief. She expected a holding cell, not a

small suite of rooms that looked more posh than the ones she’d shared with Ter a
lifetime ago. A single sitting room and bedroom, along with a bathroom made up the
suite of rooms, but what it lacked in space it made up for in riches. The tub looked deep
enough to seat three in comfortably, and a separate shower stall stood in one corner.
Her sitting room overlooked the main flower garden, resplendent right now with
purple and red blossoms. A small patio outside provided a quiet, beautiful place to sit.
It all appeared so normal, so comfortable, but she didn’t doubt for a second that the
room was bugged. She didn’t care.

A soft chime announced the arrival of the servants with her bags. She opened the

door to them, taking her two small packs from the young man without letting him
inside. He turned and darted down the hall.

Rina stared at the room, trying to decide why the government placed her here,

instead of in a holding cell. It would be easier to keep watch on her, plus it would
probably cost less in surveillance. Rina shook her head. At least she had a nice room, for
however long it lasted. A part of her wondered where Ter was staying. She forced the
thought from her mind. He’d done his duty. Let him leave her in peace. It wouldn’t

hurt her so much that way, and if the council executed her, it wouldn’t hurt him as
badly either.

* * * * *

Ter showered and dressed in record time. Standing before his mirror, wearing a

pair of black leather pants a girlfriend whose name he no longer remembered had
bought for him, he combed his hair away from his face. He shrugged into the matching
vest, and on any other night he would have said the look was too much. The man
staring back at him from the mirror looked as if he could order the moon on a platter,
and tonight, he would. A small military restraint pack bulged the back pocket of the
pants. Ter smiled. He added a dash of his favorite cologne and decided to go find the

He turned heads in the hall as he walked to her suite. He noticed them out of the

corner of his eye, not really paying attention. He saw a few raised eyebrows too, and he

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inwardly chuckled at that. Tonight, he would make Major Rinathallindera Corvalano
completely and utterly his.

He paused at the door to her suite, letting the scanner admit him. Stepping aside, he

forced the trepidation he felt away, secure in the knowledge that Rina wanted him.

The soft sloshing of water caught his attention. A feminine sigh filled the room,

followed by the lapping of water against the sides of a tub. She couldn’t be. The image
of Rina lying naked in the bathtub hardened his cock. For a moment, he allowed himself
the tantalizing thought of her surrounded by frothy bubbles, the pearlescent orbs
hiding her body beneath the water. Or would she forego the bubbles so her flesh lay
wet and naked beneath the water.

Ter stifled a pained moan. He walked towards the source of the sound, quickly

catching a glimpse of her through the open door to the bathroom. She lay so her back
faced the door, her head tilted back on a soft pillow. One hand clenched the side of the

tub, the other out of sight beneath the water. Soft waves danced on the top of the water,
where no bubbles floated.

What was the hand doing? He had to know. Stepping forward, he stopped just

inside the door. He used the soft splashes and the rugs on the floor to muffle the sound
of his boots. Ter peered into the tub.

He nearly groaned aloud. The black curtain of her hair fell over the edge of the tub.

Over her shoulder, he saw her hand moving between her parted legs, her fingers
stroking her labia.

Rina moaned.
Ter swallowed hard. His cock threatened to explode in his expensive leather pants,

but he dare not call attention to himself. Not if it would make her stop.

Her fingers moved faster. Beneath the water, he watched her hips buck, her fingers

sliding in and out of the slick folds of her pussy. Her breasts bobbed in the water, the
entire image making her look like a famed watanylia, a seductive siren who lived in the
rivers and lured men to their deaths. Rina’s lips parted in a silent invitation.

Just a few moments longer.

He wanted to savor the image of her.

She came. A low moan erupted from her throat, her body shuddering beneath the

water. Ter watched, certain he had never seen anything so beautiful in his entire life.
After long moments, she stilled, a contented sigh rolling from her lips.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, his voice husky from desire.
Rina gasped and whirled to face him.

* * * * *

Recovering from one of the best orgasms that she had ever given herself, Rina laid

her head against the edge of the tub and released a happy sigh. The bath, along with her
leisurely masturbation session, had completely relaxed her, and she knew she would

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sleep well tonight. The communication had already arrived with the particulars for
tomorrow’s meeting.

“You’re beautiful.”
She could have sworn she’d just heard Ter’s voice, but she was secure in her suite of

rooms and hadn’t authorized anyone else to have access. Rina’s heart leapt into her

chest. Still, she’d know that voice anywhere. She gasped, whirling around to see Ter
standing in the doorway.

He looked magnificent. A short leather vest covered his broad shoulders. Snug

leather pants covered his legs, and an impressive erection bulged against the fly. Those
pants couldn’t be comfortable. The look ended in dark, military boots.

Rina’s mouth went dry. She’d dreamed of seeing Ter like this. Her pussy clenched

and her nipples beaded as if she hadn’t just masturbated herself to completion.

“How’d you get in here?” Her voice sounded less steady than she would have


“I have my ways.” Ter shed his vest. His hands paused at the waistband of his

pants. He kicked off his boots and shed his pants. He strode towards the bathtub.

Rina watched him walk towards her, a figure of male perfection. Soft tufts of hair

started between his pectorals, then arrowed down over a ripped abdomen, erupting in a
nest of curls that surrounded his massive cock. His erection nearly touched his stomach,
and Rina went molten inside to think that she caused it. Allowing her gaze to slide over
his strong thighs and muscled calves did little to cool her libido. From head to toe, Ter
was the finest male she’d ever seen.

She started to move away from the edge of the bathtub. Ter grabbed her arm. “I’m

not going to let you get away,” he said.

He stood so close that she turned around and smiled at him with a cocky little


“Who said anything about leaving?” She pressed her lips to the underside of his


Ter groaned, then gently pulled her head away. “Don’t do that, baby. I want to

make this last.”

He knelt with an ease that reminded Rina of the tweaks of her old war injuries.

Caressing her cheek, he leaned forward and kissed her. His lips moved across hers, a
soft caress of flesh against flesh. Rina wrapped her hands around his biceps, feeling the
muscles tense beneath her palms. Control radiated from him, an iron will that could
make rank privates drop and give a hundred…or drive her mad with desire. Against
the cool tile of the tub, her nipples pebbled.

Ter showed no sign of ending the kiss. Beneath his touch, she parted her lips. Ter’s

tongue swept across her full, lower lip, dipping inside to taste the sweetness of her
mouth. He tasted of barralberry wine. Rina never liked the sweet berries, unless they

were on Ter’s lips. He must have had a glass before coming here. Courage, maybe. The idea

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that Ter would need courage to come and see her made her care for him even more. He
doesn’t want to lose me.

She swallowed hard. I don’t want to lose him either.

Deep-seated caring rushed through Rina. Rising to her knees in the tub, she ran her

hands over his arms, up his shoulders, until she could cup the back of his neck. She
worshipped his mouth with hers. Her tongue stroked his, an invitation to further

exploration. Her fingers tangled in the silken strands of his hair. Rina moaned.

“Please,” she whimpered as she pulled her lips away from his to gulp much needed


Ter rose to his feet. He stepped into the tub, then seated himself against the back,

his long legs stretched towards hers. Rina smiled. Moving to him, she straddled him,
her pussy hovering over his cock. She reached down and wrapped her fingers around
his cock.

Ter groaned. He leaned back, the needy sound that emerged from his lips touching

Rina to her core. She stroked him, her fingers touching him from base to tip.

“Oh Rina,” he whispered. Reaching for her, he cupped his big hands on her waist.

He caressed her hips with feather-light strokes.

Rina wanted him to touch her pussy. It burned for him, her juices mingling with the

water of the bathtub. She wriggled against him, but Ter’s hands on her waist kept her in

He leaned forward. Ter fastened his lips on her nipple, sucking it greedily into his

mouth. Rina tightened her hold on his cock as pleasure coursed through her veins. With
his tongue, he teased the bud into a tight point. Her other nipple pebbled, and Ter

palmed it with his hand.

Rina shuddered. He hadn’t even touched her cunt yet and she felt like she was

going to come. Her hips rocked back and forth, her pussy clenching on empty air. With
fingers and lips, Ter drove her mad.

She snaked a hand over his chest, feeling his nipples harden beneath her touch. She

wanted to touch him everywhere, wanted to give him as much pleasure as he gave her.
Sliding one hand between his legs, she fondled his balls, rolling the sac gently in her
palm. With one finger, she stroked the sensitive skin just behind and was rewarded by

Ter’s low moan against her breast.

He pulled his lips away to kiss the top of her other breast. “Fuck, I thought I could

wait.” He grabbed her waist and settled her over his erection.

Thrill spiraled through Rina. Slowly, she lowered herself so that the tip of his cock

pressed against her swollen flesh. He reached between them and flicked his fingers
against her clit.

Rina could wait no longer. In a single motion, she sheathed herself on him. Inside

her, he pulsed, hard and ready, and she squeezed her muscles around him.

Ter growled. “Keep that up—”

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She silenced him with a kiss, her tongue invading his mouth like his cock invaded

her body. She began to move. Rotating her hips, she lifted herself off of him a little at a
time, until Ter wrapped his hand around the side of the tub. She saw his white-
knuckled grip, felt the control in every rigid line of his body.

He wanted to fuck her hard and fast. She wouldn’t let him. Not yet anyway. Right

now she wanted to be in control of the situation. Strategic moves in a battle of lust.
Slowly, she trailed her fingers over his chest, pausing just above his cock. He stared at
her fingers. His harsh breathing echoed in the bathroom.

Rina trailed her fingers back up his chest and smiled. She lowered herself over him

once more. The slide of her skin against his nearly took her breath away, and in that
moment, Ter wrested control from her. He clamped his hands on her waist, sending his
cock surging into her with a tilt of his hips. He set a pace that left her gasping. Small
tremors, a precursor to her orgasm, darted through her body.

Rina closed her eyes. She leaned forward, taking him deeper. Whatever happened

tomorrow, she wanted to keep this. The feel of his hard cock inside her, the sounds of
their mingled breathing, all of it surrounded her and filled her with warmth.

Ter changed the angle of his thrust, brushing against a sensitive spot inside her. The

realization came crashing down on her. She loved Ter. She had loved him, still loved
him, and would always love him. Tears, quickly banished, stung her eyes. Turning her
head, she pressed tiny kisses along his neck and jaw.

Her breath hitched. Her body tightened around his. A few more quick thrusts, and

Rina came. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, her body convulsing around his.

“Oh, god, Ter,” she gasped. As her orgasm washed through her, it didn’t matter that
Ter hadn’t said he loved her. He cared. She knew he did from the touch of his body. His
lovemaking spoke more eloquently about their relationship than anything.

Ter thrust once more, then stiffened beneath her. With a low roar, he found

completion. His hot seed filled her, and draped against his shoulders, Rina relished the
feel of his orgasm as it moved throughout his body.

They sat twined together for a long moment. Slowly, Rina raised her head and

brushed her lips against his. “What do you say we try and make it to the bedroom?”

She kissed his cheek. “That is if our legs will support us.”

Ter’s grin was all the answer she needed. Rina rose to her feet. Water sluiced over

her body, and to Ter she looked like a water goddess come to life. As she stepped out of
the tub, he reveled in the view of her naked body. He groaned softly as she wrapped a
large, fluffy towel around her body, then handed one to him as he stood. He draped the
towel around his hips.

He glanced down at his pants lying on the floor. The military restraint pack had slid

partially out of his pocket. A smile quirked the corner of his lips as he bent under the
guise of drying off his legs and tucked the restraint pack between the towel and his

skin. Rina didn’t even notice.

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He watched her bend over, his gaze following the lean curve of her back over her

rounded buttocks and down her long legs. Her pussy peeked from behind a nest of
black curls, and his cock twitched at the sight of her plump pink lips. Rina stood, then
reached between her legs with the towel.

“Let me,” Ter said walking up behind her. He wrapped his hand around her, then

slowly moved the towel over her stomach. Leaning against him, Rina closed her eyes,
and he heard her soft moan of pleasure as the towel dipped between her legs. He
stroked her pussy, working the soft towel in circles over the black fleece hiding her sex
from view. Working the towel farther, he stroked her lips, then slipped between them to
brush the nubs of fabric over her clit.

Rina gasped. She grabbed his wrist, stilling his hand. She didn’t say anything, just

lifted his hand away from her sex. Turning, she stroked the bulge in his towel and
grasped his hard cock through the material. She squeezed gently, her hand never

straying from his cock to the restraint pack still tucked into the waist of the towel, then
sashayed out of the bathroom.

Ter followed her right into the bedroom. Grabbing her wrists, he turned her body

and pinned her against the wall. The towel fluttered to the floor, revealing her naked
body once more. Ter thrust his knee between her legs, forcing her to spread them. He
nipped tiny kisses along her shoulder blades. Keeping one hand on her wrist, he
unfastened the towel, bringing the military restraint pack to her hands. He flipped it
open and quickly fastened a tie around her wrists. “Now,” he growled in her ear,
“you’re mine.” He rubbed his cock against her ass for emphasis.

Rina looked over her shoulder and smiled. At the first clasp of the restraints around

her wrists, she suppressed a shiver. To give herself over to Ter and his ministrations
seemed the perfect way to forget about the High Council meeting tomorrow. Whatever
happens, at least I’ll give him this memory.

She wiggled her ass against him, feeling his

hard cock jerk against her.

Ter led her towards the bed. Even in restraints, she draped herself across the

coverlet, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes. His gaze lingered on her breasts
with their upturned nipples. She parted her legs, tempting his gaze to lower, so he

could see her pussy, wet with desire for him.

He moved closer to the bed. Rina sat up, then leaning forward slid her lips over the

length of his cock. She sucked greedily, swirling her tongue around the head and
probing the tiny eye with it. Resting her bound hands against his abdomen, she pulled
away long enough to slip them beneath his balls and fondle him.

Ter’s husky groan echoed in the bedroom. “You—have—to stop,” he gasped out. In

her hands, Rina felt his balls tighten and knew his release was close. She smiled around
his shaft, gave him one final lick, then pulled away.

“Anything you want…master.” Her nipples hardened even more as she said the

words. Rina licked her lips.

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Ter shuddered visibly. His cock jumped. He stared at her for a long moment, and

Rina knew he couldn’t believe she’d just called him “master.” During their relationship,
she never had done so, though there had been plenty of give and take in their sexual
play. Rina parted her legs as wide as they would go. Her pussy ached to be stroked, and
she clasped her restrained hands together, then leaned back on the bed with them

stretched above her head. Get a look at this.

Ter did. He tossed the restraint pack on the bed beside her. It landed with a soft

thump. Rina glanced at it, before raising her gaze to clash with Ter’s. Heat sizzled along
her nerve endings. With one hand, Ter flipped open the restraint pack.

He removed a small silver disk, activating it with the press of this thumb. The disk

began to hum, and Ter laid it gently between her breasts. Rina closed her eyes. Pleasant
warmth seeped into her from the disk, the slight vibration against her skin drawing her
attention to her breast. She tried to lift her hand, and found she couldn’t. Panic flared in

her eyes.

“What is this?” She swallowed hard and tried to raise her torso. From the shoulders

down, she couldn’t move. She thought she recognized the device as a prisoner
stabilizer, but how or where Ter could have gotten one eluded her.

“It’s a prisoner stabilizer,” he said, confirming her thoughts. “I did a little MP work

trying to ferret out a bad officer.” He shrugged. “I never turned my kit in. Figured it
would come in handy someday.”

“You’ll take it off if I ask you to?” Rina said, her voice shaking more than she liked.

Somehow, being rendered immobile on the eve of her meeting with the High Council

scared her more than she wanted to admit.

Ter nodded. “Of course, and I won’t do anything to hurt you. You know that don’t

you, my loderie?”

Rina nodded, and at the use of the Yelexian word for beloved, her fears relaxed


“Good.” Ter crawled onto the bed between her knees. His cock jutted before him,

and Rina couldn’t keep her eyes from the thick shaft. Her pussy ached. Fear and the
Prisoner Stabilizer held her immobile, and she wondered what Ter would do.

Leaning forward he pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. “See,” he said, “that wasn’t

bad at all.” Then, he scooted to the end of the bed.

Picking up her right foot, he held it in the palm of his hand. With the tip of one

finger, he traced the contours of her sole, pressing hard enough so he wouldn’t tickle
her. The gentle ministrations soothed Rina, and some of her fear began to ebb away.

Ter massaged her foot gently. He took care to work along the arch of her foot, then

between her toes. Raising her foot, he pressed his lips against the bottom.

Shivers rocketed through her. She never would have thought her feet would have

erogenous zones. Ter ran his tongue along the undersides of her toes, swirling it into

the sensitive skin between. Rina swallowed hard. The slight tickle from his tongue only
heightened her sensation. Slowly, he drew her big toe into his mouth and sucked.

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Rina let her head fall back. Pleasure hummed through her body. If Ter wanted to

make her forget about tomorrow, he was well on his way. The draw of his lips on her
metatarsals tugged at her pussy, and it answered with a rush of moisture. Ter slid her
toe from his mouth with a soft pop. Then, he picked up her other foot.

He repeated his actions, until she wanted to writhe in ecstasy. The touch of his lips

and fingers on her feet seemed too much, yet not enough, all at the same time. He
started to crawl on the bed, and Rina caught a glimpse of his still-hard cock. How did
he manage it? He looked ready to explode. The fact that he put his pleasure aside for
her only aroused her further.

Ter nibbled on her ankles. He swirled his tongue around her anklebone, a ticklish

spot, and had she been able to move, Rina would have pulled her leg away. He caught
it, then began to lick and nip a trail up the front of her shins. He dipped his tongue into
the hollow from when she had smacked her leg on a space shuttle when she was small,

pressing firm kisses against the reminder of the wound.

Lifting her leg in the air, he traced a path up her calf with his tongue, lightly biting

the firm muscle. He licked the back of her knee, drawing a tortured gasp from her.

She couldn’t move, not unless Ter moved her, and the fact that her entire body lay

at his mercy burned inside her. He released her leg, then started up the other one, the
slow, methodical ministrations bringing her close to orgasm.

Ter reached for the restraint pack again. He grabbed a contraband probe, the kind

that was used for full-body cavity searches. Telescoping it, he placed the rounded knob
against her pussy.

Rina cried out. She longed to clench her vaginal muscles around the smooth shaft,

dying to feel anything inside her. Slowly, Ter pushed it inside her, bit by bit. Rina
whimpered at the exquisite torture.

“Fuck me, Ter,” she moaned. “Please, just fuuuuuck me.”
Ter shoved the probe in a bit farther and chuckled. Finally, he buried the device

inside her, the control knob on the end pressing against her labia. He flipped a switch
and the probe began to widen.

Rina tried to buck her hips against the invasion. She still couldn’t move. Her breath

came in tiny pants.

Ter thought his cock would explode. Watching Rina try to move against the probe

turned him on so much he worried about having an orgasm right there. He turned a
dial on the end of the device, watching as it began to vibrate inside her hot, tight cunt.

Rina screamed. The sound echoed in the room, and with a hoarse cry, she came. He

wanted to feel her pussy clench tightly around his cock, but instead, watched her
shudder. He’d done this to her, and he wanted to do it again.

He doubted she thought much about the High Council meeting, but he wanted to

drive every thought except him out of her mind. Leaving the probe inside, he trailed his

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lips over her stomach. Dipping his tongue inside her navel, he stabbed at it twice. He
reached between her thighs and pressed the probe tight against her body.

He swiped his tongue along one distended nipple.
“I can’t take much more,” Rina gasped. Rigid shudders shook her body once more,

and he knew she was going to come again.

He pulled her nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard against it, tapping his tongue

against her nipple in a steady tattoo. With his other hand, he cupped her breast,
palming it.

God he wanted to fuck her. He rubbed his cock against her mons, then lower, until

the probe vibrated against both of them. A low moan rumbled from his chest. He bit
lightly on her nipple, laving it immediately afterwards with long strokes of his tongue.

He wanted to be inside her so bad he ached.

Rina thought she was going to die. Unable to raise her limbs, at the complete mercy

of Ter and the contraband probe inside her, she cried out as wave after wave of her
orgasm washed over her.

Ter pulled away. He turned off the probe, then slowly pulled it from her sopping

cunt. Moisture dampened the blanket beneath her ass, and she shuddered again to
think how thoroughly Ter aroused her.

Ter spread her legs wider, forcing her pussy completely open to his gaze. She

watched him drink in the sight of her, then reach out and slowly rub his fingers along
her outer lips. “Are you ready for me?”

Rina nodded.
Ter moved over her. His cock brushed against her, her labia parting to enfold him.

He sank into her wetness, groaning at the sensation of his pussy wrapping around his

Rina wanted to move. She whimpered, unable to even wrap her arms around him

and hold him tightly against her. Buried deeply inside her, Ter flexed his hips. He
pulled out, slowly, until just the tip of him rested inside her.

“Release me,” Rina said. “I want to touch you.”
Ter reached between them and turned off the stabilizer.
As soon as she was released, Rina wrapped her legs around him, her heels digging

into his buttocks. Arching her hips, she sheathed him inside her. Ter groaned.

“I…want…to…make…this…last.” He punctuated each word with a thrust of his


Rina matched his pace. They moved together, two bodies so lost in each other that

they became a single entity. Contracting her muscles around him, Rina wished she
could hold him inside her forever. They came together, over and over again, until Rina
clamped her hands on his shoulders. She shuddered, her entire body quaking with the
force of her orgasm.

“Ter,” she cried out.

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He stiffened above her, his cock pulsing deep inside her cunt. Rina clung to him as

she sucked in gulps of air, trying to calm her racing heart. She noticed Ter doing the
same and pressed a kiss against his lips. Dragging Ter down beside her, she nestled into
his arms. With her ear pressed against his chest, Rina listened to the sound of his heart
beating. She thought she’d never heard a more wonderful sound, and lulled by his

presence, fell into a deep sleep.

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Chapter Five

Another stiff-backed chair, another council meeting. Rina tried not to let her mind

flash back to that fateful day a little over three and a half years ago, but her memories
refused to be steered from that track. Then, as now, the viewing seats were full of
spectators wanting to see the return of the infamous Major Corvalano. Before her sat the
five members of the council. Of those that she had seen before, only General Ascending
Manatanillion and Lady Abanathiana remained.

Three new council members, two women and one man, sat before her, and Rina

only knew the name of one of the females, a military officer, General Lyrianaisolla
Bahdaraniaselle. She noticed that the general wore a coveted Star of Glory, a medal

given for exceptional valor that saved many lives. Rina thought it a good sign. Her own
Star of Glory sat in the case of medals back in her suite of rooms. She should have worn
them today, but hadn’t. I’m a civilian now. The council has access to my military records. The
other two looked like civilians.

Behind her, she felt Ter’s gaze on her back. They’d spent a long, exhausting night

making love. Ter had left shortly before dawn, telling her she needed her sleep and he’d
only distract her. He spoke true, even if it did sting to watch his back as he slipped from
her bedroom. The click of her suite door sounded ominously loud.

He’d given her an encouraging look when she’d entered the chamber though,

which was more than he had done before. She took a deep breath and promised herself
that when this was all said and done, she would talk to him about her feelings, about
them. So long as he doesn’t choose his career over you again. The taunt in the back of her
mind voiced her worst fears. Ter could easily choose his career again. He was a captain
major now, when they next met, would he be a general? She didn’t want to think about

Behind the Councilors sat the emperor. Androillellis Kardenasillianolos sat behind

the councilors. Unlike his father, he dressed opulently, in the expensive robe of office. In

addition to the signet ring, he wore enough jewels to rival Lady Abanathiana. His blond
hair, always worn long, curled around his face in an effeminate style that Rina didn’t
think was becoming on an emperor. His doll-like face looked painted, and he looked
bored. The emperor glared at her, and Rina resisted the urge to glare back. Just remember
that he’s a figurehead.

He didn’t hold much sway with the Councilors, though he could

speak on her behalf if he wished. Fat chance of that happening.

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* * * * *

She looked brave. Ter sat behind Rina’s left shoulder, watching the proceedings.

They had just returned from a lunch break, before which the Councilors spoke about
precedent and why they had exiled Rina in the first place. It turned his stomach.

The last time he had sat in this room, watching Rina before the High Council, he’d

only thought about his career, how much he would lose, but Rina had lost more. She’d
been a major, by now she definitely would be a general, if not the higher-ranked general
ascending. The Yelexian military rewarded bravery and there wasn’t a braver person he
knew than Rina.

She looked calm, dressed in a black pantsuit that she must have worn to official

functions before. She’d swept back her hair in the twin amber combs he’d given her
during their return to Yelexia. Her major’s ring graced her hand, the only military
insignia she wore. He glanced down at his own ring with its captain major’s band just
above it. He never thought he’d ever wear one of these, but he didn’t want it if it cost
him Rina.

After this, he had a meeting with his immediate commanding officer. He had no

doubt as to the content of that meeting. They want to talk me out of renewing my
relationship with Rina. I’m sure rumors of our reunion have already spread.

He frowned, but

quickly smoothed his face into indifference. That wouldn’t happen. He wasn’t a naive

lieutenant captain anymore. He’d retire from the military before giving up his
relationship with Rina and the brass would just have to accept it. As soon as she’s finished
here, I’m going to tell her.

He allowed himself a moment to remember their lovemaking last night. After he

released her from the restraint pack and they’d recovered their strength, she’d made
love to him so tenderly that he almost worried that it was a good-bye. Her lips had
kissed every inch of his body, and when she’d taken his cock into her mouth, sucking
him deep, he’d thought he would die of pleasure right there. Somewhere between when
he picked her up on her ship and now, her feelings had shifted, definitely for the better.

* * * * *

General Ascending Manatanillion focused his gaze on Rina. “Now,” he said, “we

come to the crux of the matter. Major Corvalano, as you know, the council did not make
the decision to exile you lightly. Neither did we make the decision to reconsider our
actions lightly either. However, in light of some new information that has come to our
attention, we wished to reconsider the matter.”

The emperor scowled.
Rina wondered what new information, thinking perhaps that the Intelligence

Division finally found hard-core evidence of the emperor’s plots against his father. It
would not surprise her to learn this, only that the council might be willing to reconsider
its actions.

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Lady Abanathiana looked dismayed. Surely she wouldn’t want to have any of her

decisions reconsidered. The other general had a soft smile on her face, and Rina
wondered if she might have been behind the push to reconsider her exile. If so, then
Rina wanted to meet this woman.

“Major Corvalano, should the exile be lifted and you were allowed back on Yelexia,

what would you do with your life?” Manatanillion asked.

The question startled her. Could this be a test? Perhaps checking to see if I would want

my old rank and position back?

She thought for a moment. “General Ascending

Manatanillion, first please let me tell you that I would welcome returning to Yelexia.
She is my home, and I have longed for her during my exile.

“As you are probably aware, I have established a small shipping company,

transporting small, valuable goods. I would continue my work. I cannot abandon the
crew that even now watches over my ship. Although I regret the loss of my military

career, I do not seek to return to it. Not only would this bring confusion among the
ranks, which I will not abide, but it is a life that is closed to me now. I would seek
opportunities elsewhere.” Rina hoped her words pleased the council. She hadn’t really
thought about what she would do, but once she began speaking, the words flowed.
Truly, she didn’t want to return to the military, not with them knowing that she was a
returned exile. It would only bring further difficulties. She loved her planet enough to
leave it; she loved her military career enough to let it remain in the past.

“Thank you,” the general ascending said.
“You would not wish to return to the glory of your career?” Lady Abanathiana

demanded. “You were a major. I hardly believe that it be true.”

Rina raised her head. “Believe what you will, Councilor Abanathiana.” She nodded

slightly. “I know the harm it would cause not only my superiors, but those who would
carry out my orders. I will not bring such disorder to the Yelexian Military.”

The female general nodded slightly.
The other two Councilors looked bored, and Rina wondered if they had even been

brought into the discussion at all.

“But I never—” Lady Abanathiana said, her words cut off by the emperor, shuffling

his robes behind her.

The emperor rose to his feet. “Lady Abananthiana is right. I cannot believe that

Major Corvalano would reject her military life so readily. Is that not a greater crime
than the treason she perpetrated against me?”

Murmurs of agreement rose from the crowd behind her.
Rina stiffened. A chill darted down her spine.
“Our emperor has spoken true. Not only has Major Corvalano wished our emperor

harm, but now she rejects the very institution who gave her the skills she now uses to
haul cargo.” The sneer in Lady Abananthiana’s voice made it abundantly clear what she

thought of the cargo hauled by the Everdeens.

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Manatanillion slammed his gavel on the table until silence reigned in the council

chamber once more. A scowl marred his face. “Lady Abanathiana, you have made your
opinion on the subject abundantly clear.” He turned his attention back to Rina. “I’m
sure you are aware of the dilemma we face now. Please retire to your suite and await
our decision.”

Rina nodded once, then rose to her feet. Keeping her back completely straight, she

walked towards the door that would lead her to the hall outside. There, she knew
guards that had stood in front of her, nearly invisible during the hearing, would escort
her to her suite of rooms. She didn’t want Ter to see that. Now, they flanked her as if
she were a common criinal ready to bolt.

Rina ignored them as she strode towards the door. Once outside, two more guards

fell into step in front of her and led her towards her suite of rooms. Dread unfurled in
her stomach. Why so many guards if they don’t wish to harm me? Swallowing hard, she

hoped that whatever the verdict, she had a chance to speak with Ter before it was
carried out.

Ter watched Rina leave. His heart ached to go to her, but he knew that wouldn’t be

allowed. Not until the verdict had been announced. As soon as Rina left, the Councilors
filed out of the room, followed by the emperor. Ter sighed. He wouldn’t learn anything
staying here. He had a meeting with his commanding officer.

* * * * *

Rina stared at the garden outside her patio doors. She remained inside, the guards

gently telling her she wasn’t allowed outside until the verdict had been read. What if it’s
execution? Will they let me outside to smell the Yelexian air one more time before they kill me?

The thought made her somber.

She’d packed up her belongings, then with nothing further to do stared outside,

pointedly ignoring her guards.

In the gardens, two military officers walked together. The two men must be having

a heated conversation, for they both spoke with their hands, making quick gestures. The
elder of the men, his hair shot through with silver at the temples, shook his head.

The men turned.
Rina gasped. She had been sitting backwards on the chair, leaning against the back

as she stared outside, and now she gripped the back of the chair in a tight grip. The
heavy scrollwork in the metal hurt her fingers. She didn’t care.

Ter walked with what could only be a higher-ranking officer, and they argued. Ter

shook his head, an almost violent scowl covering his face.

I can’t put him through this. I can’t.
The communications console chimed.
Her decision formed in her mind, one that made her blink back tears as she rose

from her seat and walked over to the communications console. If she lived, she’d leave.

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She had to for Ter’s sake. It couldn’t have been more obvious that they were arguing
about her. They could have been arguing over a hundred different topics from
personnel decisions to troop movements, but Rina highly doubted it. No, the only
reason why he argued with a superior so soon after the council meeting was because
they spoke about her. Because she loved him, she would leave.

Rina hit the button on the console. General Ascending Manatanillion’s visage

appeared on the screen before her.

“General Ascending,” she said with a brief, crisp salute.
“Major Coravallo,” he replied. “The council has reached its decision.”
Rina’s heart pounded. “So soon?” Her exile decision had taken less than an hour.

She’d been waiting not much longer than that. Sweat glistened on her palms, and she
fought the urge to wipe them on her trousers. Her mouth, suddenly dry, refused to
form any more words.

“Fear not, Major. The council has decided to rescind your exile. There will,

however, be conditions that will need to be met.”

“Anything,” Rina breathed. In the space of a heartbeat all her dreams came true,

except one. She couldn’t share this with Ter. As much as she might want to, it would
only hurt him in the long run. He would never forgive her if this decision cost him his

“For a period of one year, you will be monitored with a small tracking device. I

have taken the liberty of sending a physician to your suite with the injector. He should
be arriving shortly.”

Rina sighed. She should have expected something like this. Even though they

rescinded the exile, her government still didn’t trust her. That fact galvanized her
decision to leave.

“Thank you, General Ascending.”
“It’s the least we can do, Major. I’m very sorry you ever got caught up in any of

this. I am aware that your ship is still docked at Caprinian Station. If you like, I could
have a small military shuttle ferry you there, unless you have other arrangements. I’m
afraid that given the circumstances, we can’t give you a small transport ship to use.”

Rina nodded. The Yelexian government kept small transports available for visiting

dignitaries to use. If they loaned her one of the smaller vessels, it would be endorsing
her actions, which the government would never do. “I understand. Thank you. I’d like
to leave as soon as possible.”

The general ascending looked thoughtful for a moment. “Very well, then. I’ll make

sure a ship is on standby. Once the physician has administered the injection, your
guards will be dismissed. Good luck.”

“Thank you again. This means a lot to me.” She hoped he thought the tears that

stung her eyes were tears of happiness. Rina wiped them away as she went to grab her

bags. Piling them in the middle of the room, she waited for the physician.

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He showed up a few minutes later, dressed in a long, white coat over a white shirt

and trousers. In his arms, he held a small, sterile case, inside which, Rina knew was the
injector. He looked her up and down. “Major Corvalano,” he said, a slight frown on his

“Yes, sir,” she replied.
“Sit over there.” He gestured to the chair she had vacated. “This will take just a


Rina sat, rolling up the left sleeve of her shirt. The physician removed the injector

from the case and pressed it against her bicep. A slight sting, then he was returning the
equipment to its case. He waved a small wand over her arm, nodding to himself when
he heard a steady beeping tone.

“You may feel sore for a few days, but the transmitter is working already. In a little

over a year, it will dissolve in your system and be passed through normally.” Without

waiting for a dismissal, he picked up his case, turned and left her suite of rooms. The
guards followed shortly thereafter.

Rina sat in the empty room. She sucked in deep gulps of air, steadying her nerves.

In the gardens outside, Ter still spoke with the officer. He shook his head, not looking
happy in the least.

“I love you,” she whispered at the window. Hitching her packs on her shoulders,

she pressed her hand to the window. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, but you
don’t deserve the stigma of being with a former exile.” Sniffing, she turned, and walked
out of the suite.

Her eyes had dried by the time she reached the landing fields, and a young

lieutenant escorted her onto a ship. She stowed her gear in a secured cubby designed
for such things, then sat in a seat and fastened her harness. Ter had taken his time
returning her from the station, she knew. This trip should take a little under a day, and
she would spend most of her time secured in her seat. She’d spent many a mission
strapped into her seat, leaving only to use the facilities.

Through the headset one of the crewmen loaned her, she listened to the gentle

banter. With a wistful sigh, she closed her eyes. I did that once, so very long ago. Of their

own volition, her thoughts turned towards Ter, and she wondered how he would take
the news of her leaving.

* * * * *

Ter’s wrist communicator chimed, and he raised a hand to cut off the general in

mid-sentence. “I’m sorry, but I have to get this.” He flipped the lid on his

communicator. The face of General Ascending Manatanillion stared back at him.

“Captain Major,” he said.
Ter saluted. “General Ascending, how may I help you, sir?”

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“I thought I would let you know personally of the council’s decision. We have

rescinded Major Corvalano’s exile. She will be monitored for a year, but is free to visit
any part of Yelexia she wishes.”

Ter released a breath he’d been holding. He had hoped, prayed even, for this

decision, but to hear it come from the Councilor directly filled him with relief. “Thank

you, General Ascending. It means a lot to me that the council has made this decision.
Do you know where I could find Major Corvalano to convey my congratulations?” He
spoke carefully, sure that the general ascending had an idea of their relationship.

To his left, General Ascending Monrovianaisscowled.
“I’m afraid she has requested transport to the Caprinian Station. A ship is waiting

on standby for her.”

“Thank you, General Ascending,” Ter replied. The councilor nodded once, then

disconnected the transmission. Ter turned toward the general by his side. “I regret,

General Ascending Monrovianais, that we cannot continue this conversation. You know
my decision on the matter of Major Corvalano. I will not discontinue our relationship
just because some people aren’t comfortable with a captain major consorting with a
former exile. I love her, General Ascending. That hasn’t changed since I was a
lieutenant. I loved her then, and I sure as hell love her now.

“You know as well as I do that the major was a hell of a soldier. She saved many

lives, and if the military cannot look past an error in judgment by our High Council,
then I may need to reconsider my position within it. Now, if you will excuse me.”
Without waiting for an answer, Ter sketched a salute in the air and bolted for Rina’s


He found it empty. He cursed, the Yelexian words foul and pithy. Please let me reach

her in time.

He turned and raced for the landing fields. Each step, he prayed that the

ship hadn’t left yet. Just give me a minute to tell her how I feel.

His heart weighed heavy in his chest as he turned the corner to the landing field.

Each moment that passed was agony. He had to reach her, the gods couldn’t be so cruel
as to take her away now that he’d found her.

Ter skidded to a stop beside the guard station. “Is Major Corvalano’s ship still

here?” he demanded.

The guard consulted his list. “The ship that was carrying her departed five minutes

ago, sir.”

Fukin,” he growled. “What kind of ship did she leave in?”
“A Class A personnel transport, sir.”
“As a captain major, I requisition a Nova Flyer. Have it ready for me immediately.”

The small Nova Flyers were used to ferry diplomats. The ships came with full offensive
battlements and were capable of much greater speeds than the Personnel Transport
ships, even a Class A.

“I’m sorry, sir, but the only ships we have available are Nebula Fighters.”

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“Even better. I’ll take one to depart immediately.” He grinned, imagining Rina’s

face when she saw him chasing her down in an elite fighter. The Nebula could easily
overrun the personnel transport, even if it took another hour for it to be ready.

“Fighter bay K8 Red, sir.” The guard saluted. He punched in commands on his


Ter returned the salute, then took off at a dead run towards the fighter bays. He

didn’t care who saw him as he raced across the landing fields. He had a woman to
catch. Hang on, Rina. I’m coming.

* * * * *
Loss formed a lump in Rina’s throat. She refused to cry in front of the soldiers, but

that didn’t stop her from staring out the small observation window at the form of
Yelexia growing smaller and smaller in the distance. Why did I have to do the noble thing?

Why couldn’t I have said the hell with Ter’s career and thrown myself at him?

She knew why.

Because if anything happened to his career, she would never forgive herself.

I’m making the right decision. I’m making the right decision.

She repeated the words in

her mind, trying to convince herself that it was true. It had to be. Leaving Ter on Yelexia
was probably the hardest thing she’d ever done in her life. What she wouldn’t give
right now to be in his arms.

It would never be. She should have seen that from the start. He was a captain major,

on track to continue his illustrious career. She’d already seen how the High Council had
reacted to her. Most of the young soldiers on the ship seemed polite enough, but she

suspected that was more out of deference to her former rank, than any personal
feelings. One of the first things any young soldier learned was how to be polite to
higher-ranking officers, even when they were hated.

The headset crackled. “Nebula fighter closing fast. Shall we take evasive

maneuvers, sir?” The pilot spoke to the Captain who sat just a few feet away from her.

Could it be Ter? The thought almost made her bolt upright, but she forced herself to

remain seated. Not in a Nebula Fighter. More likely a training mission that doesn’t even
concern us at all.

“Just make sure we stay out of their way, Lieutenant,” the Captain replied.
“Yes, sir.”
Silence reigned in the ship, and Rina fought back a bitter wave of disappointment.

Once I get back on the Everdeens, I think I’ll take us far away from this. Ambassador
Lordin of the Rinyan people offered me a job ferrying some precious cargo they had.
Maybe I’ll take him up on his offer. It would get us far away from Yelexian space,

“Sir, fighter asking for permission to dock. Apparently we’re harboring a fugitive

and a traitor.” He turned to stare at Rina.

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This time Rina sat straight up. Her heart hammered in her chest. She shook her

head to deny it, but the Captain leveled her with a glare. “Don’t say a word, Major. I
didn’t like playing nursemaid, but you have a good record. Don’t blow it now.”

Rina clamped her lips shut. Bile rolled in her stomach. It burned to think that the

council had reneged on their decision less than a day after they had made it. She

wouldn’t trust them ever again, the slimy bastards… If she lived.

“Permission granted,” the Captain replied. “If you’re not flying this ship, I want

you on guard duty.” Seven soldiers turned to face Rina.

She swallowed hard. Beneath her, she felt the ship decelerate until it stood dead in

space. Rina tried to keep her heart from pounding. She glanced at the exits. There has to
be a way out of here.

Not far from her chair, a pry bar sat fastened in its cradle next to the

auxiliary door. One weapon. Not good against ten soldiers with long-range weapons,
but better than nothing.

A soft clank filled the air, and their ship lurched. Rina reached for her safety


“Don’t,” the Captain ordered.
A hiss filled the compartment as the seal between the two ships pressurized, then a

soft whir as the door opened. The Captain turned and saluted the incoming soldier.

“Captain Major, you may take the prisoner.”
Rina flicked open the safety harness. Captain Major? Why would they send one

soldier, of such high rank—

She gasped. Whirling in her seat, she watched as Ter strode down the corridor.
“Thank you, Captain.” He didn’t even look at the other soldiers, only at her, sitting

in the chair. Rina bolted to her feet.

“Ter,” she gasped. “What are you doing here?”

He said nothing, merely walked with that sexy stride of his until he stood in front of

her. She saw he wore his full military uniform, complete with medals.

“I won’t let you get away a second time,” he said. Cupping her cheek, he pulled her

lips to his. He kissed her, his tongue delving between her parted lips to stroke her own.

Slowly, she caressed the hard planes of his back. I can’t believe he’s here. Pulling him

against her, she kissed him back. Salty tears of happiness ran down her cheeks. He did
come back for her; he really did.

Ter dragged his lips from hers. “I love you, Rina. I will not let you walk out of my

life a second time.” He pressed his lips against her forehead. “Please tell me you’ll stay
with me. Please tell me you’ll be my wife.”

“Your what?” She pulled back and looked into his deep, blue eyes. “What about

your career?”

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“If you don’t mind being married to a captain major soon to make general, then I

don’t mind.” He grinned. “Please say yes.”

“Oh, yes. Ter, yes!” She flung her arms around his neck. “I thought you wouldn’t

want me. That I’d be bad for your career.”

He kissed her deeply. “I made that mistake once. I won’t make it again.” He turned

to the Captain. “Thank you for taking care of her, but I’ll make sure this mission is

Behind them, ten soldiers cheered.

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Rina ached. It had been two long months away from Yelexia while she hauled some

top-secret cargo for Ambassador Lordin. She didn’t even know what she ferried. The
boxes all sat secured in her cargo hold, temperature controlled and padded against just
about every bounce and jostle a space flight could offer. At last, the freight had been

unloaded at Caprinian Station.

She’d passed Moragi’s on her way to the Fuzzy Neutron. I don’t suppose I’ll be

visiting her place anymore.

She felt fond nostalgia in her heart for the pleasure slave

dealer. Inside the Fuzzy Neutron, she sat at a table with her crew. Erstan sat across from
her, with Drexell and Kanise taking either side. They shared a bottle of vintage
Vandebian wine.

“You know I’ll take good care of the Everdeens,” Erstan said. “I promise not to work

the boys here too hard.”

Drexell laughed good-naturedly. “Yeah right. You were hell when the Captain,

here, was gone.” He smiled, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Kanise, the quiet one of the bunch, chuckled softly.
“I promise I’ll check in on you, okay? Besides, it’s only for a few months. You can

depart from Yelexia after the wedding. I have some real cushy jobs lined up for you
during the honeymoon. We’ll touch base then, all right?” Rina said.

“You’ll have to pry her from my side first.” The deep voice could only belong to


Rina looked up. “How’d you know…?”
Across the table from her, Erstan grinned from ear-to-ear. She glared at her first

officer. “Erstan!”

Squealing with joy, she threw herself from the chair to wrap her arms around Ter’s

neck. She kissed him, opening her mouth to the caress of his tongue.

His strong arms wrapped around her and hauled her against his body. His hard

cock pressing against her stomach inflamed her further. At last, she pulled her lips

“I’ve missed you so much,” Rina said, when she could breathe again.
“I know.” He pressed a kiss against her forehead. “If your crew doesn’t mind, I

think I’ll return you to Yelexia on my ship.”

Drexell snickered. “We could probably stay here and drink for a week, boys, and

we’d still beat them there.”

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The three men around the table laughed heartily. Rina flushed and felt the tips of

her ears turning pink.

“They do have a point.” He brushed his lips across hers. “You’ll find your bar tab is

paid for tonight,” he told Erstan. “I trust you can keep them entertained.”

“Yes, Captain Major,” he said, saluting his Captain’s fiancé.
“Good.” Without waiting for a reply, he wrapped his arm around Rina’s waist. He

bent his head low, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine. “You and I have
some catching up to do.” He punctuated his sentence with a flick of his tongue against
her earlobe.

Rina snuggled against him as Ter led her away from the bar. Behind her, the crew

made ribald comments and catcalls at her, but she didn’t mind. Finally, she had
returned from exile.

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Chapter One

“I didn’t mean to hurt him,” Eve Cartwright repeated for the hundredth time in half

as many minutes. She kept her face impassive as she stood before the tribunal of
Protectorate judges, but inside she was thinking how in another three questions she’d
be wanting to hurt him all over again. Just to vent some of this frustration.

“It doesn’t matter if she meant to or not,” the “he” in question snarled. “The fact

remains that Major Cartwright seriously injured another member of the Protectorate
Security Force during a routine training exercise. She’s a menace, and she damned well
doesn’t belong in an elite unit like the Investigations Bureau.”

Eve glanced over at her accuser and stifled a snort. Captain Jon Hench cradled his

formerly broken wrist like a baby bird, even though the regenerators had already
knitted the seven fractured bones back together. It would be sore for a while yet, but it
wasn’t like the whiner sported any of the more permanent damage Eve had longed to


“If I may point out, Your Honors,” she said, her tone firm and steady and betraying

neither her contempt for Hench, nor her dislike for having to explain her actions to the
judges. Call her crazy, but she didn’t enjoy being treated as if she were a criminal
instead of a Detective Major in the PSF that had ordered said training exercise. “Captain
Hench may be a member of the Security Force, but in this exercise, he was playing the
part of a rebel squad leader who had taken a Vice-Protectorate as hostage. I reacted
precisely as the situation would have warranted had this exercise been an actual
maneuver. When my opponent began to struggle, I applied due force, and when he

threatened me with a weapon—which is prohibited under the rules of the exercise—I
increased the force to mete an appropriate response.”

The judge on the left of the bench sent her a piercing glare. “You believe breaking a

fellow officer’s wrist constituted an ‘appropriate’ response?”

Eve gave a curt nod. “Within the context of the exercise, he was not a fellow officer.

He was a rebel soldier with a p-force stunner and a hostage.” And he grabbed my tits
when I pinned him to the deck of the holochamber,

she added silently. “I stand by my

actions, and believe I would do nothing differently if given the opportunity.” Except
next time, I’d step on his balls, too, and grind them into porridge.

“You see!” Hench shouted, rising from his seat and looking ridiculous with his arm

pinned to his chest. “She has no remorse! She could have killed me, and she’d probably
show as little reaction as she does now.”

Not true. If I’d killed you, I’d be doing my happy dance.

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High Judge Loret shifted in his center seat and frowned. “Please, Captain, refrain

from these outbursts during our proceedings. You had your opportunity to present
your accusations, and the defendant must be allowed equal time to offer her
explanations.” He nodded to Eve.

She shrugged. “I’ve told you what happened. I acted in accordance with my

training and with the circumstances of the exercise. It is regrettable that Captain Hench
sustained an injury, but I stand by my actions. If Your Honors believe I should be
disciplined, I will abide by your judgment, but I will continue to say that I acted in the

“We find your lack of remorse somewhat troubling, Major. Likewise your service

record concerns us.” Loret glanced down at his terminal, frown deepening. “There
seems to be a pattern of increasing disregard for rules and authority here over the last
six months. Would you care to comment on this?”

The question didn’t surprise her, just stiffened her spine. “No, sir.”
“Major Cartwright, we must confess we are baffled by your attitude. You entered

the Security Force on the first day of your eligibility and served with an unblemished
record for ten years. Every one of your superiors had nothing but praise for you. Until
August of last year. From that date, your record is full of minor infractions and
disciplinary notices. Have you no explanation for any of it?”

“My response to each charge is noted in my record, sir.”
Eyes fixed straight ahead, she stood at attention in the center of the chamber, still in

her dirty, sweat-stained camouflage uniform. Her spine stayed rigid as a pole, even

though the itch just below her left shoulder blade threatened to drive her crazy.
Discipline had carried her through her training and then through the ranks of the
Security Force almost as fast as graft or bribery would have, so she wasn’t about to
abandon it now. She gazed at the Protectorate seal that decorated the wall behind the
judges while they conferred on their decision. She didn’t hold out much hope for a
positive outcome.

It would have been easier, she reflected, to just shoot herself in a vital organ with a

stunner set on max, than to destroy her Security Force career through the long, drawn

out method she’d been using. Political suicide might be just as effective as a stun pulse
to the heart, but it took a hell of a lot longer. Six months and counting.

Before August, Eve had been in her glory—deep undercover completing an

assignment to flush out a group of rebellion terrorists from an arms market on Hanta
Prime. Unfortunately for her career aspirations, her commanding officer had seen fit to
order her to lead her men straight into a trap a green cadet could have seen coming
from fifty quarks. Naturally, she had refused to obey the order. Naturally, General
Mokollik had threatened her with court martial, and naturally, she had called him an
irresponsible, brain-dead son of a bitch. The next step in the natural order of things had

involved the ambush being revealed—followed by a few really tense hours in close

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contact with the rebels—the General being reprimanded and Eve’s name going onto the
great galactic shit-list maintained by the Protectorate’s powers that be.

In the six months since the incident, Eve had been twiddling her thumbs and

wasting her time doing none of the work she’d been trained for. Instead of working
undercover in the camps of the Protectorate’s numerous enemies, gathering vital

information and doing some bloody good, she’d been babysitting ambassadors, serving
as a glorified courier and training in exercises she’d completed one-handed before she’d
ever left the Security Force’s Investigator Training Program. Right about now, she was
bored, bitter and bitchy, so she cut herself some slack for not bowing down and kissing
the judges’ feet in abject regret.

The fact that she’d never been good at kissing either feet or asses had a lot to do

with her standing here in front of the tribunal, actually. If she just bothered to pucker
up once in a while, their response to Hench’s injury would have been less like a trial

and more like hearty congratulations. The captain had been emotionally and sexually
harassing women on and off the Force as long as anyone could remember, and Eve was
hardly the first to attract the sort of attention that had earned him his broken wrist. She
didn’t think her average-height, average-weight, average-coloring looks deserved that
sort of attention. True, her job kept her body lithe and strong with slim, graceful
muscles, but the man saw firm female forms every day of the week. Hers shouldn’t
have attracted undue attention.

Then again, she reflected to herself, from what she could tell, the only thing a

woman needed for Hench to want to harass her seemed to be a pulse. Which was a pity,

because if he’d confined himself to hitting on women lacking that particular attribute,
he might have received a warmer reception than seven newly fractured carpal bones.

Stifling a sigh, she resisted the urge to shift her weight onto one foot while the

judges continued to whisper behind the protective sound barrier above the bench. The
Powers knew how long it would be before they reached their decision, or what the
decision would be. Whatever it was, Eve just wanted it reached soon so she could get a
shower, a change of clothes and a hot meal. She wasn’t even particular about whether
she got them in her own barracks or in the PSF officer’s detention center. A night in the

pokey would be worth the satisfaction of hearing those seven little snaps and seeing
Hench’s face blanch the color of week-old porridge.

She started to entertain herself by imagining giving the captain seven matching

fractures on his other wrist when the sound barrier dropped and the tribunal turned on
her once again.

“Major Cartwright,” Loret said, “It is our duty to weigh every fact at our disposal in

order to decide on a proper judgment in your case. Your lack of willingness to speak in
defense of your record leaves us to rely on the testimony of your accuser and the notes
in your jacket, and we hardly need to tell you that the most recent entries are far from

flattering. You were warned where such continued disregard for regulations and
authorities would lead.”

Straight to hell, she thought. So it’s a good thing I prepaid my ticket, right?

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A commotion at the entrance on the other side of the courtroom interrupted the

judge’s next comment. Giving into the urge to see what it was, Eve turned her head just
far enough to see the last nail in her coffin stride across the chamber and into the
witness circle. Across the space, General Achem Mokollik met her gaze with an
impassive one of his own.


she thought, facing forward again and training her eyes straight ahead. The

cavalry just arrived, but it’s the other guy’s cavalry.

“I wish to address the court.” Mokollik’s voice, loud and harsh, made Eve’s skin

crawl. Something nasty rolled off that man in waves, some sort of energy of malice or
something. Whatever it was, it always made Eve want to stay as far away from him as
humanly possible. As it was, she instinctively braced herself against the something as
the judges turned to the General.

“You believe you have something meaningful to contribute to these proceedings

before we pass judgment, General?”

Eve saw Mokollik nod out of the corner of her eye. “I do. In fact I have a proposal to

make to the court.”

Gritting her teeth and holding her breath, Eve braced herself for reassignment. One

of the warnings Loret had mentioned a few minutes ago had told her just what
Mokollik planned to propose. The Assignment wasn’t one any female agent in her right
mind would look forward to.

I guess that means I’m officially not in my right mind.
“This is hardly the first time Major Cartwright has run amok of Protectorate Law,”

Mokollik reminded the tribunal. Eve had to stifle the urge to thank him for his help.
“And her superiors on the PSF are quite aware of her propensity for making trouble

and flouting orders. Rest assured, we are keeping, and plan to maintain, a close watch
on the accused.”

How sweet. And to think I didn’t get you anything.
“However, as much as the PSF would support the idea of seeing Major Cartwright

forced to account for her behavior, I regret that we cannot afford to lose her skills at this
time. As you know, rebellion forces have been escalating the frequency and scale of
their attacks against the Protectorate. They pose an immediate and substantial threat
against the freedom and security enjoyed by the two hundred federated worlds of the
United Interstellar Protectorate. The threat cannot be ignored and the danger cannot be


The rhetoric wasn’t new and hardly surprised Eve. All it did at this point was bore

her. And make her faintly queasy. She honestly just wished he’d get on with it. Being
publicly dishonored by the very profession you’d dedicated your whole adult life to
serving didn’t need drawing out. She kept a wary eye on Mokollik and kept her mouth

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“The Protectorate Security Force has recently determined that the threat from the

rebellion may be preparing to launch a strike on the penal colony at Rauka where
several of their most important leaders are being held pending Protectorate trials. It is
our belief that this strike is being organized and abetted by a free trader, operating
under a non-political merchant freighter’s license in strict violation of Protectorate law.”

The general delivered his speech in the sort of war-mongering, rile-up-the-masses

voice Protectorate officials usually reserved for political rallies and executions, but the
information sounded promising. He was gearing up for a big finish, one Eve had a
sneaking suspicion she wouldn’t like.

“We are aware of the seriousness of the rebel threat, General Mokollik,” Loret said,

furrowing his brows into an expression of stately concern. “However, I am afraid I
don’t follow how it pertains directly to the major.”

Mokollik glanced at Eve, and the cold, malicious gleam in his pale, unsettling eyes

made her insides cringe. “Major Cartwright may be a troublemaker, but she’s a
competent agent at a time when we need all the investigators we have.”

The high judge frowned in earnest now and sent Eve a disgruntled glare. “General,

I’m going to stop you here before you go any further. If you intend to ask the tribunal to
excuse the major from disciplinary action, I’m afraid you’ll be wasting your breath. She
needs to learn that there are rules in this world she must follow, no matter how much
they conflict with her personal whims.”

Mokollik’s smile twisted into something truly ugly and deeply disturbing. “I have

no desire to spare Major Cartwright from disciplinary action; however, I would ask that

it be delayed for a short time pending the completion of a particular assignment. One
that will make use of her…unique talents.”

Eve felt his gaze slide over her uniformed skin like clammy fingers and suppressed

a shudder of distaste. That look had very little to do with her UC training and a hell of a
lot to do with her tits. Ick. She shuddered to think that gaze might contain any attention
more personal than the kind with which he routinely cursed all female agents, but she
couldn’t help thinking he seemed especially creepy today. Who had spiked his protein
pack this morning?

“You realize this is highly irregular, General.”
Mokollik turned back to meet Loret’s frown. “I do, but quashing the rebellion must

be our highest priority, and Major Cartwright is going to help us do just that.”

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Chapter Two

In her five years as an investigator with the Protectorate Security Force, Eve had

worn many covers. She’d posed as an assassin, a smuggler, a pirate, a diplomat, a
courier, assorted grungy peasant types, and even royalty. She’d cheated, lied,
manipulated and stolen for the greater good, but she had never whored for her cause.

That was about to change.
“Posing as an Ankharan nitara will put you in very close contact with your subject.”
Colonel Burton seemed oblivious to the double entendre in that sentence, but then,

she supposed it could be a self-defense mechanism. She couldn’t picture him wanting to
have sex on the brain while he informed one of his officers she’d be posing as a sex
slave during her next undercover assignment.

She sat in the interview chamber at the PSF Headquarters, Sector 12 Prime,

wondering what the hell she’d gotten herself into, and why the hell she’d agreed to it.

Not that she’d had much choice, but somehow that thought didn’t lend her the amount
of comfort she supposed it should.

“And may I ask who the subject will be? Since I’ll be in such close contact with him,

after all.” She kept her voice neutral, but her mind raced. There were close to a dozen
men at the top of the Protectorate’s High Suspicion list, and any one of them would be
worth the PSF’s while to bait into this particular trap.

“At this moment, we believe our efforts will be best spent investigating a supposed

freetrader. Michael Taggart.”

Eve froze.
Burton nodded. “I presume you’ve heard of him.”
Eve could barely hear anything over the pounding of her heart. “Everyone has,” she

finally said, as she forced her grip to relax on the arms of her chair. “He’s number one
on the HS list. They’ve designed training exercises around his fighting style.”

“Precisely. He’s a threat, but one against whom we’ve had no proof. Until now.” He

referred back to his computer screen. “Your immediate goal is to access the computer
systems on Taggart’s ship and plant the false data about the Rauka prison. It’s all on the
chip I’ve given you, cleverly concealed to appear as a communication from known rebel

leader, Rose Grant. We’ve digitally replicated her image and linked it to a sonically
mirrored voice recording. The technicians who developed it have assured us that it will
be impossible to detect as forgery.”

Impossible. Right.

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“With all due respect, sir,” Eve managed, hoping the colonel wouldn’t guess how


respect she really felt was due him at that moment, “I fail to see why such a plant

couldn’t be accomplished by a tech at a fuel station or something. It seems to me that
the potentially long-term mission you’re talking about might be something less than
strictly necessary.”

Burton blinked like a fruit bat in fluorescent lights. “Well…ahem…the…uh…the

long-term goal, of course, is to collect sufficient evidence against Captain Taggart to
warrant an arrest on grounds of treaty violation, conspiracy to commit treason and
lending aid to the rebellion.” He smoothed a glistening palm over his receding hairline.
“Due to the sensitive nature of the mission, you’ll have to rely mainly on your own
training and intelligence. The Protectorate can’t afford a nasty public relations backlash
if this mission becomes common knowledge.”

Eve forced her initial reaction down and pursed her lips. “Which translates as,

‘You’re on your own, so don’t expect any support.’ Correct?”

Colonel Burton frowned. “I wouldn’t put it that way…”
“Oh. So I’ll have back-up, equipment and supplies as appropriate to someone of my

rank on a covert op?”

“This is not an ordinary operation, Major.” Eve watched as the man all but

squirmed in his seat. “We’re talking about some delicate situations here.”

“I see.”
“You’ll be allowed to use your own name, sort of,” Burton said after a brief,

awkward silence. “Officially, you’ll be Evenaril, which is a traditional Ankharan name

meaning ‘soft welcome.’” He paused, blinked down at the terminal he was reading
from and coughed. He gave a discreet tug at his collar before continuing. “Apparently,
that’s a name that’s been given to nitarai in the past, though it’s not currently considered
to be in vogue. You’ll be known by everyone other than the Princeling himself as his
newest nitara, recently released from your training by the temple mistresses. Prince Jaru
knows what’s going on and will see you’re treated according to Protectorate customs of
citizen rights until such time as you leave his custody.”

“And then?” It felt a little like shooting fish in a barrel, but she couldn’t resist

taunting him, just to see if he had any real concept of the assignment he was sending
her on. “You’ve just told me I’m going to be posing as a sex slave on a planet so
culturally removed from the rest of federated space that it barely made it into the
Protectorate. So I’m supposed to not worry what’s going to happen to me when I do
‘leave his custody?’”

Colonel Burton shifted in his seat. “Yes, well, ahem.” He cleared his throat. “Once

you leave the palace, you’ll be considered to be deep undercover, so of course, contact
between you and other representatives of the PSF will be strictly prohibited. Anything
of the sort could potentially compromise the mission.”

“Unlike the whole ‘become a piece of property, allow myself to be given as a gift

and then spend however much time the PSF sees fit to order serving as a sex slave to a

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man who’s basically a space pirate and is suspected to be a rebel conspirator’ thing.
Which apparently is the mission.”

Burton crossed his arms over his chest, tucked in his chin and shrugged.

“Infiltrating Taggart’s operation is crucial to preventing the rebel assault on Rauka that
we believe is being planned. Lives may be at stake here, Major Cartwright.”

“Forgive my lack of a gung ho spirit, Colonel,” she said, her eyes narrowing so far

she was surprised she could still see, “but I’m the one who’s going to be saving those
lives by giving blowjobs to a criminal. You want me to do a little happy dance?”

The colonel’s face turned a flagrant shade of puce, his mouth flapped open and shut

like a fish, and he stuttered for a full thirty seconds before he managed to lodge his
protest. “Major!” He looked about as shocked as an old virgin at a public orgy. “I see no
cause for your crudity. This is a serious military exercise, and of course we at Security
Force Command expect you to conduct yourself in a manner suited to your rank and


“Yeah, well, I’ll be sure to salute on my down strokes.” Shoving herself out of her

chair, Eve gave the little creep a sardonic salute on her way to the door.

She kept her expression blank all the way back to her quarters, and even then, she

carefully scanned for surveillance and disposed of the two tiny bugs as they deserved.
In the toilet.

Only then did she collapse back onto her bunk and groan.
She wondered what the PSF would have been prepared to do next in its quest to

force her to resign her commission. Short of actually selling her to sex traders, she

couldn’t think of a lower blow, not that this sort of thing surprised her anymore.

Eve glanced down at the tiny compuchip in its durable plastic case and swore. Even

with the last six months of her life leading her here, this assignment felt a lot like the
Powers’ way of introducing her to a turning point in her life. Via an armored field boot
to her backside. She hadn’t been ready for this, but it looked like the Powers didn’t care.
It was time to make a few calls and see if she could make something good come out of
this nightmare assignment.

Still scowling, she took a deep breath and blew it out through pursed lips before

getting down on her knees and reaching for the slim, silver case hidden in the slot she’d
made beneath the bed frame. “Never say die,” she muttered, popping open the catches
and lifting the narrow lid. “And for damned sure never say uncle.”

* * * * *

“If I wasn’t right for this assignment to begin with, they should have given it to

someone else,” Eve griped, resisting the urge to rub the skin of her cheek where it still
tingled from the application of the nitaral tattoo the cover coordinator had ordered.
Undercover was one thing, but she had forgotten how little cover this particular
assignment would be affording. “There’s no way I’m letting you play with my tits.”

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Samantha Krall, the cover artist in charge of effecting Eve’s transformation from

PSF major to Ankharan nitara, grumbled something vaguely obscene and glared at her
recalcitrant subject. “I don’t want to play with them,” she snapped. “I just need to make
them a little bigger.”

“Bigger? For godsakes, I already have trouble getting uniforms to fit, and you want

to make them bigger?”

Samantha planted her hands on her hips and dug in her heels. “Since the average


you’re going to be standing next to is at least three to four sizes larger than you,

yes. I do.”

“No way.” Eve brushed aside the instrument tray that had been positioned over her

stomach and sat up on the table. She swung her legs over the side and jumped to her
feet, ignoring the way her muscles and skin protested their recent treatments. “You’ve
already lightened my skin, sculpted my muscles, redistributed my fat cells, widened my

eyes and taken off every callus I’ve ever had. Enough. If I don’t make the grade now,
I’m not ever going to, so you can lay off.”

“Don’t take your crap out on me, Cartwright,” the artist growled, seeming

oblivious to the fact that the woman she scolded was three inches taller, twenty pounds
heavier and infinitely meaner. Not to mention that for a living, Samantha altered
peoples’ appearances using the latest in cosmetic surgery, make-up, prosthetics and
cellular manipulation, while Eve altered peoples’ appearances by planting her fist in
their faces. “I’m not the one who assigned you to this, but I’m damned if I’ll let you
keep me from doing my job. If you botch this operation, it is not going down in history

as being my fault.”

Crossing her arms defensively over her more than adequate breasts, Eve glared at

her co-worker and normally her friend. “I’m not going to botch anything. Everything is
going just like it’s supposed to. I just don’t see why the breasts I have—which have
never gotten any complaints before, by the way—are suddenly not the breasts I need.”

“They’re fine for everyday, Eve, but this is a special occasion,” Samantha said. “You

need something bolder for this.”

“Can’t you just make me some sort of top that would make them look bolder?”
Samantha raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. “That could work. If you were

going to be wearing a top, that is.”

Samantha sighed, crossed over to the computer terminal on the other side of the

room and typed in a command. In a moment, the large viewscreen mounted beside it
had gone from a blank square to an image of a breathtaking woman with perfect
features and a lush, sensual body designed for absolutely nothing more than giving
pleasure. She was also naked except for a gauzy veil that hung from a jeweled belt,
covering only about six inches of skin at the front and back of her body. “A typical

Ankharan nitara.”

Eve shrugged, still sulking. “Yeah, so? I’ve seen them before.”

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“But you clearly haven’t paid attention. Nor, apparently, have you done your

research yet.”

The sarcasm in Samantha’s voice had Eve narrowing her eyes. “I’m scheduled for a

subliminals session whenever you decide you’re done playing with my tits.”

“Then let me give you a crash course,” the artist said, turning back to the screen.

“The nitarai are very highly trained and extremely valuable members of a slave class on
the planet Ankhar. They are raised from childhood for a life as the sexual servants of
the ruling elite on their home planet, and as—”

“Gimme a break, Sam. I know all that. Save the spiel and let me—”
“And as such,” Samantha continued, talking over her friend as if the other woman

had never spoken, “they have evolved into a highly specialized race of their own. Only
the most sought after nitarai are allowed to breed, and then their offspring are
disqualified from carrying on the tradition if they prove less desirable than the

standard. They’re farmed out as household and public servants instead.”

Eve’s scowl deepened, and she looked up at the viewscreen with a sneer. “And we

still let the slimeballs into the Protectorate. Is it any wonder there’s a rebellion

Walking over to stand next to the screen, Samantha began to point to it like a

professor lecturing to a class of future alien culturalists. “Standards of beauty among
the Ankharans are surprisingly similar to those of Terran-descended humans, though
considering the currently accepted theories in evolution, it’s not such a huge shock.”

“Look, can we skip the Intro to Cultural Comparison bit and finish my lame cover

before I’m too old to carry it off?”

“Like most known humanoid races, the Ankharans value ultra-femininity in their

women, especially in nitarai. If you look, you can see that in the exaggerated silhouette
of this example. The hips have a distinct flare, and the breasts are large in comparison to
the figure’s narrow torso.”

“That doesn’t mean I’m going to let you puff mine up like a couple of balloons.”
“Coloring is less important to the Ankharans than the overall dramatic appearance

of the nitarai. In other words, they aren’t particularly partial to blondes or brunettes, but

they do prefer women with dramatic coloration, like very dark hair and very pale skin,
or vice versa.”

Eve glanced down at her newly lightened skin tone, all traces of tan gone. She

wouldn’t have minded that so much if it hadn’t meant that her freckles stood out in
sharp relief now, after she’d spent her entire life trying to get the damned things to
blend in. Frowning, she decided to see if Sam could smooth those out too, while she
was at it.

“Eye color is the same,” Samantha continued. “They like dramatic jewel tones, but

since they don’t quite have our level of technology, they haven’t figured out how to get

them on a consistent basis, so they settle for what contrasts well with the overall
package. Hair, though, is always kept long. The female offspring of nitarai are forbidden

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to cut their hair until they are reviewed at the age of thirteen. At that point, if they’re
released from training, the hair can be cut, but those who are selected to go on as future

must continue to let it grow. Eventually, when the nitara is ready to enter service,

it’s usually trimmed to a length between her buttocks and her knees for convenience’s

Imagining the tangles, Eve made a face and ran a hand through her own short,

brown curls. She imagined the hair thing would be next on Sam’s list, and she wasn’t
looking forward to it. At least it wasn’t summer on Ankhar. The thought of all the heat
that hair would trap in made her wince.

“As I’ve said, breasts are always large.” Samantha glanced pointedly at Eve. “And a


in service is forbidden from wearing any garment that may conceal them. The

traditional garb is the open skirt shown here, which is called a lya. The belt it hangs
from is generally decorated with the sigils and colors of the owner, and the facial tattoo

she receives shortly after birth to signify the household into which she is born will later
be altered to identify the master she serves.”

Just the sound of words like “owner” and “master” made Eve twitch. “All right!”

she shouted, throwing up her hands and stalking back to the table in the center of the
room. “I don’t have time for this lecture. Do whatever the hell you want to me. I have to
be at the subliminal lab in three hours.”

With a satisfied smile, Samantha clicked off the viewscreen and headed back to her

subject and her tools. “Glad you feel that way, because we’re going to need every
minute of those three hours just to make you presentable.”

Eve shot her friend a last glare before closing her eyes. “Just so long as you realize

that whatever you do to me today, you’re undoing the minute I get back. Got it?”

“Got it. Now shut up and let me play with your tits.”

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Chapter Three

The minute Eve stepped off the shuttle onto Ankharan soil, she knew she had

entered a whole new world, but she didn’t realize it was hell until two hours later.

“I am Jinilliana,” the woman said when two burly and brick-stupid guards had left

Eve in the harem and locked the doors behind them. “I am Prince Jaru’s nitarana and

thus I am responsible for you until you are given to your new master.”

The woman looked as happy about that as Eve was. The nitarana had long masses

of brown hair, lightly streaked with silver, and pale blue eyes. She looked to be about
forty—though an extremely well-preserved and perky-titted forty—and wore one of the
sourest expressions Eve had ever seen outside of her mirror.

“I do not approve of an outsider posing as one of our most sacred jewels,” Jinilliana

continued, as if Eve couldn’t have guessed that, “but so the Prince has decreed, and so it
shall be. Let us have a look at you.”

Oh, goodie. Let’s.

Eve schooled her expression into an impassive mask and stood still

while the other woman circled slowly around her.

She felt self-conscious enough about her new appearance without some madam

with a power complex staring at her. Considering what she’d looked like two days ago,
the way she looked today still scared her every time she passed a mirror, and if she
judged by the public corridors she’d passed through on her way to the harem, the
Ankharan people had a great fondness for mirrors.

After so many years, Eve had gotten used to looking at the body puberty had given

her, so this one donated by Protectorate cover artists took some getting used to. Instead

of the trim and toned body of a security officer, she now had to adjust to the reflection
of an ultra-feminine sex slave with enormous tits and enough hair to clog the warp
engines of an Alpha class battle cruiser. Truthfully, if the breasts weren’t threatening to
throw her back into a muscle spasm, she’d almost be inclined to say the hair was more
annoying. Her usually short, manageable, light brown curls had metamorphosed into a
teeming, twining mass of vibrant tendrils, seeming to encompass every color in the
human hair spectrum, from lightest blonde to deepest brown to fieriest red. It was kind
of cool to look at, she could admit, but if she had a pair of scissors, she’d hack it all off in
a nanosecond.

Though come to think of it, she reflected as the nitarana moved back to face her and

scowled, if she had a pair of scissors she might put them to a gorier and yet infinitely
more satisfying use, after all.

“Adequate, I suppose,” the woman said. “Certainly not on a par with our native

daughters. I suppose an offworlder might be fooled, but it is a good thing you will not

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be expected to serve an Ankharan man. He would cast you aside in a moment to find a

worthy of his ownership.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard you people aren’t real keen on women with brains. Sorry to


The words, uttered through a smile that had more to do with bared teeth than good

humor, had little effect on the harem mistress. Jinilliana just pursed her lips and turned
away, gesturing for Eve to follow. “Come. We have much work to do if you are to fool
even a blind offworlder into believing you were born into the Prince’s house.”

Teeth gritted, but at least now hidden behind a scowl, Eve followed the other

woman from the harem’s spacious entry hall and into the harem itself.

The inner doors opened into a courtyard lush with plant life and bustling with

activity. Women lounged around on pillows and beside an enormous fountain and the
pool into which it fed. All were Ankharan, all were half-naked, and all looked at Eve as

if she were a particularly fascinating little insect.

“Haven’t they ever seen a woman in real clothes before?” Eve grumbled, as she

hurried behind Jinilliana through the courtyard and down a hall on the other side of the

“No. They have not, for it is forbidden here.” The nitarana led the way into a large

room and closed the door behind them.

The room was private and empty, except for a series of the cushions the Ankharans

used for seating, and the first viewscreen Eve had seen since she’d landed. She looked
around the chamber then back at Jinilliana. “What do we need privacy for?”

“For your education.” The older woman crossed to the viewscreen and

programmed something into the terminal beside it. “I imagine you will be difficult
enough to instruct without added distractions.”

Eve’s eyes narrowed. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Jinilliana turned to face Eve and did some brow-raising of her own. “I have met

offworld women like yourself before. They have all been arrogant, unfeminine affronts
to nitaral femininity.” Her gaze raked over Eve’s black trousers and matching knit
pullover. “I see nothing to convince me you are different.”

“Yeah, well, not all of us can be sour, overblown blots on the history of women’s

equality, now can we?”

With their positions clear, the two women stared at each other for a long moment

before Jinilliana shrugged. “As I said, such offworld attitudes can stand in the way of
learning about our culture. I thought the privacy would aid you while you watch the
presentations we have prepared.”

“You’re too kind.”
“I have duties to attend while you watch,” Jinilliana said as she headed for the

door. “I will be testing you on the principles illustrated in the training. What you are

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going to learn in a few hours before a viewscreen normally takes a nitara six months of
training with the temple mothers to achieve. I suggest you pay close attention.”

Eve waited until the door closed before making a satisfyingly obscene gesture at it.

The idea of that kind of high-handedness from some man’s fuck toy really got her goat.
The woman made sex slave training sound as demanding as the courses Eve had taken

when she’d joined the force, and that was damned unlikely. Still, locked in a room with
no place to go, she might as well watch the damned vids. It would kill time at least.

She barely had time to drag an especially big pillow to the front of the viewscreen

before the show started and her ass hit the padded square with a thump.

Holy Powers! This is frickin’ porn!
Eve stared wide-eyed at the images on the screen as the lights in the room dimmed

automatically and the computer gradually added sound to the vid it played for her. She
struggled briefly to reconcile herself to the idea that this was educational footage. It

looks more like deleted scenes from

Debbie Does Delta V… Um, is that what I think it is?

It had to be, because given the context of the activities on the screen, nothing else

made sense. Not that the activities on the screen made much sense to her either, but she
had to have some point of reference.

She watched in stunned silence as the video began to spin a story of the training of

the perfect nitara. They called the girl Liashana when they spoke to her at all, which
wasn’t often until she and six others were selected from among all the teenaged girls in
her master’s house to begin her training in earnest. Very earnest, from the looks of it.

At least Liashana had been born with the physical attributes Eve had lacked, so

there was no cellular modification going on for her. Nope, they went straight to work
with young Lia, which made Eve frankly uncomfortable, but apparently filled the girl
with pride and delight. Somehow.

Eve sat forward on her cushion, watching with mingled fascination and repulsion

as the temple mistresses took Lia from her home and brought her to their training
facility on the outskirts of Ankhar’s capital city. The things Lia experienced there drew
Eve into a world she had never imagined, one where women saw nothing unusual in
their status as glorified playthings, where fathers were known only to sons, and the

language provided no word for daughter. She didn’t quite understand how a woman
could take pride in the sort of life a nitara lived, but Lia obviously did so. She applied
herself studiously to her training, training that made Eve’s eyes widen and her ass
squirm on the cushion. She’d never imagined a class of women, all three-quarters
naked, all on their knees before life-sized statues of aroused men being trained in oral
sex techniques as if they were being trained in flower arrangement. It boggled her

But if the classes in oral sex, sexual positions, Ankharan sexual etiquette and nitaral

deportment boggled her mind, the last part of the three-hour vid shattered it.

As her training came to an end, the cameras followed Lia as she learned her owner

(her biological father, even if Ankharan custom failed to recognize the relationship) had

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sold her to the man who would be her dashim, her master. Eve tried to understand the
young woman’s sense of excitement, but was still struggling with it when the vid cut to
Lia’s offering ceremony.

Here, the temple mistresses had informed their charges, the newly released nitara

met her master for the first time even as she pledged her life, her body and her

independence to him. Here she subjugated herself to him to prove her “worth” as his
personal servant. Here she took all the things she’d learned in those eye-opening classes
and put them to use for the first time.

Eve held her breath as she watched Lia step proudly into her dashim’s receiving

room. She could almost imagine herself in the girl’s position, breasts bared, hair like a
curtain down her back, pussy barely concealed by the light gauze of her lya. She felt the
weight of a golden belt around her own hips, the shift of air against her own skin as if
she were the one who crossed that soft expanse of carpet separating her from the man

who had bought her.

She felt the same carpet under her knees as she knelt at his feet, bowing down to

rest her cheek on the floor mere inches from his slippers. She felt the stretching of her
shoulder muscles as she extended her arms out to the sides, palms up to signify her
defenselessness against him.

The loud crack of his clapping hands made her jump just as Lia’s muscles jerked on

the viewscreen. She had become the girl in the vid, and she watched so intently she
barely noticed her hand sliding inside the fabric of her trousers to burrow between the
lips of her dripping pussy.

The dashim said something traditional and commanding, but Eve’s mind barely

registered the words. Her focus remained on their actions as Lia rose gracefully to her
feet, eyes modestly cast down, and spoke her response even as her hands reached for
her master’s trousers, opening the fastenings and lifting his cock from the fabric prison.

The man was only half-erect, but Eve was positively dripping. Her moisture coated

her fingers and made them slip smoothly over her engorged clit. Her fingers worked
tight circles around it while Lia finished undressing her dashim and stepped back to
wait for his orders. They weren’t long in coming.

“Down,” dashim ordered, his voice low and musical with the cadence of the

Ankharan language. The room’s clever speakers made him sound as if he spoke directly
in Eve’s ear. Her breathing became faster, heavier, her fingers moved more quickly as
she imagined herself in Lia’s place. Eve’s master had a different face, his features
harder, more angular than those of a man of Ankhar, but the expression he wore in her
mind showed just as much arrogance.

She—Eve? Lia? Eve could barely tell the difference—obeyed instantly, dropping to

all fours on the floor in front of him, back arched, head bowed. Waiting to please him.

He reached down, buried one lean hand in her hair and dragged her head up until

she strained to meet his eyes. His own shone with excitement and arousal as he grasped
his cock in his free hand and guided it to her lips.

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She opened to him immediately, humming happily as she sucked him deep. He had

not given her permission to look away, so she kept her eyes on his for a long,
uncomfortable moment until the pressure of his hand in her hair changed, forcing her
further down on his cock, sliding the swollen head deeper into her throat. She gratefully
set about pleasing him, her mind consumed with his taste, his scent, the feel of him in

her mouth, filling her, feeding her. She laved her tongue along the underside of his
shaft, growling low in her throat until the sound vibrated through her palate and
around his hard flesh.

When her lips brushed against his fingers, he released his grip on his shaft and used

both hands to grip her hair, guiding her motions into the rhythm he desired. He pushed
deeper on every stroke, fucking her mouth with a steady rhythm while she grew hotter
and wetter. She felt desperate for him, needing him inside her pussy, plugging up the
vast emptiness in her body, but her dashim had other plans, and his wishes took


Drawing his cock from her mouth on a groan, he grabbed her hand and yanked her

to her feet, dragging her across the room to a low table. She felt the familiar weight of
his callused fingers guiding her to her knees, pressing against her spine until she lay
draped over the table with her knees balanced on a cushion on the floor. He stretched
her arms high above her head and ordered her to keep them there, spread her thighs
wide until she sprawled lewdly open before him. She shivered, feeling the cool wood
press against her heated skin, smelling the fresh, waxy scent of the furniture polish
mingling with the sharp tang of her own arousal and the spicy musk of her dashim’s


He knelt behind her, pressing against her until his cock slid between her thighs and

nudged her dripping entrance. His chest draped warmly over her back, surrounding
Eve with heat and earthy, male intent. He wrapped the trailing length of her hair
around one fist and pulled her back toward him as he began to press slowly inside her.

“Welcome to my house, my jewel,” he whispered against her ear, and she felt his

breath teasing her skin. “May your service be long and rewarding.”

On the screen, male flesh began to pound steadily into female, but Eve’s eyes had

closed, her head thrown back, her fingers buried hard in her cunt as she gasped against
the need that consumed her. It had been too long since she’d felt the touch of her lover,
and the changes Samantha had wrought in her body still left her overly sensitized and
restless. The vid had pushed her over the edge. Lost in the scene she’d been viewing,
she pictured her own body draped over the table, pictured a familiar male body
pounding into her from behind. She’d never submitted to a man the way she’d seen the

do, couldn’t fathom why it should leave her aching and desperate, but it did. She

needed release, needed it badly.

She thrust her hand faster, teeth clenched, hating the fact that her fingers couldn’t

come close to filling her. She wanted to be filled and stretched again.

Wanted, damn it, to be the nitara in the vid, with her own dashim ramming

relentlessly into her.

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Hovering on the precipice of orgasm, she shoved her fingers deep into her cunt and

brought her other hand down, pinching her clit between shaking fingers, rubbing and
tugging until her breath stopped and her pussy clenched and she went sailing over the
edge, coming in time to the ecstatic groans of the figures on the viewscreen.

For several long minutes she lay there, dazed, her hands still pinned tight between

her clenched thighs as she wondered what the hell had just happened. Since when had
she gotten hot over the idea of being some man’s fuck toy?

Wiping her hands on the damp skin of her abdomen, she jumped to her feet and

tugged her trousers back into place. For Powers’ sake, she was here to do a frickin’ job,
and she’d damned well better get it done before she started to believe this male-
superiority crap.

As soon as she was back in civilization, she decided, she was getting her head

examined. Before it was too late.

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Chapter Four

The subliminal tapes that had been piped through Eve’s sleep cycle for two days

running had taught her the Ankharan language so thoroughly, she could converse with
philosophers and street thugs with seamless grace. They had shown her enough
intricacies of culture that she could dine with kings—if nitarai were allowed to do that

kind of thing—and they had informed her of so many different animal and plant forms,
she could teach an Ankharan biology seminar. But not a single one of those tapes had
taught her how to control her temper when Prince Jaru looked her over like a twenty-
credit whore and asked if she wanted to join his harem for real.

Of course, it didn’t help that her temper still hadn’t subsided after that damned

training vid incident.

Fighting back a snarl, Eve forced her head to bend with deferential grace, which

wasn’t easy considering she still hadn’t quite gotten used to the weight of the extra

meter of hair Samantha had crafted for her. “You honor me with your invitation, Your
Eminence,” she bit out through clenched teeth and a syrupy-sweet fake smile. “But I am
afraid my duties to the Protectorate prevent me from accepting so high a measure of

The princeling shrugged, his narrow shoulders jutting out beneath the heavy

golden fabric of his ceremonial robes. His hands curled in the hair of the nitarai who sat
obediently at his feet, and he leaned back in his cushions while a third slave brushed his
hair from his forehead and pressed her huge, bare breasts against his arm. Looking at
those overblown attributes, Eve could almost think Samantha had listened to reason

and not made her tits as big as custom dictated. But then she felt the newly familiar
twinge in her protesting back muscles and resumed plotting to make someone pay.

The prince’s muddy-colored gaze ranged over her again, sweeping insultingly over

her from head to toe. She knew that on Ankhar, he had every right to ogle any nitara he
damned well pleased, but she didn’t have to like it. She had the fiercest urge to give him
the finger, but knew that would be about as culturally acceptable as giving into her
desire to cross her arms over her naked chest and mug one of the princeling’s guards
for his leggings. She’d never have guessed how drafty a damned palace could be until
she’d entered this one and been dressed in the traditional lya of a nitara.

Her clothing consisted of the beaten gold belt carved with a geometric motif that

signaled her supposed origins in the prince’s house. The spaces for jewels and other
decorations lay bare, waiting for her new “master” to provide them. The white gauze
“skirt”—and she wanted to laugh every time she called it that—seemed to shift and
sway in an invisible breeze, probably the same breeze that kept her nipples perpetually
hardened. Of course, she figured the new piercings that decorated those protrusions

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might have something to do with the hard thing, but she wasn’t feeling all that picky
about assigning blame at the moment. Her shit list now boasted a population in the
thousands, and the tech who had driven the intricate gold circlets through her
anesthetized nipples wasn’t even her chief target. Oh no. She had a chief target firmly in
mind, the person responsible for her place in this mission, and she couldn’t wait to see

the bastard again so she could wreak havoc on him.

“Very well,” Jaru said in the high, rolling tones of the Ankharan language. Despite

the tongue’s naturally lyrical quality, he sounded like a three-year-old deprived of a
sweet. “If you won’t be staying, then at least stay out of the way and quiet until your
new owner gets here. No matter who you might think you are, I’ll not have anyone
saying that a nitara of my house was so ill-trained as to call attention to herself while the
Prince tried to conduct business.”

Only an incredible exercise of will and the distraction of Jinilliana taking her arm

and leading her to a cushion beside and behind the Prince’s seat kept Eve from shooting
the little jerk a glare sharp enough to earn her a beheading. She was afraid her tongue
would be scarred from biting it so hard, but at least it kept her from saying something
she’d regret.

Well, I probably wouldn’t regret it, but only because I’d be too dead.
Settling down on the cushion, she caught herself trying to cross her arms and forced

them back to her sides, ignoring the curious looks the prince’s other nitarai were
shooting her way. “It’s not real,” she muttered to herself, earning even more curious
stares. “I can get through this.”

She really hoped she was right about that. Somehow the bright idea she’d had

about making something good come out of this mission didn’t seem so bright when she
had the tits and the lack of clothes that went along with it. How could the hasty plan
she’d concocted there in her rooms at PSF headquarters possibly apply here and now in
the field?

She dwelled on that thought throughout the morning while the Prince held court,

which didn’t help her relax any. She half-listened to the conversations around her, but
she kept her eyes trained firmly on the doors to the massive great hall. She knew at any

minute Taggart could walk through the door and her game would begin in earnest. It
would have been nice if the Force had scheduled her a little more time to get over her
culture shock, but apparently they thought that going from a culture where she held a
position of power to one where the only positions she could legally hold were sexual
and vaguely acrobatic shouldn’t faze her.

And therein lies the bugbear known as job dissatisfaction. Ain’t it a pisser?
Forcing her expression to remain vacuous, as the nitarana had instructed—though

she hadn’t used that precise adjective—Eve glanced at the women around her and
wondered if any of their vacuous expressions were as forced as hers. After all, could

anyone really stay content—or even non-homicidal—in this kind of life?

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She tried not to squirm and tried not to think about the traditional show of

submission she’d have to display when the prince gifted her to her new “master.” A

born and raised might have no problem with it, but just the thought made Eve

feel vaguely nauseated, so she added thinking about it to the list of things she was
trying not to do, and that left her with nothing to do, except contemplate her navel and

the state of this stupid mission.

Scowling on the inside, Eve turned her hard-won placid expression to the hall and

watched as the household slaves finished setting up the long feasting tables on either
side of the central aisle that lead to the prince’s dais. As soon as the last flower had been
arranged and the last cushion plumped, the guards flung the doors open to admit the
throng of nobles and nitarai waiting to enter.

She honestly couldn’t get used to the sight of all those mostly naked women with

their eyes demurely downcast and their exaggerated bodies kept a careful two feet

behind and to the side of their owners. She supposed she should be grateful Ankharan
custom didn’t require the slaves to be collared and chained, but somehow she couldn’t
bring herself to it. Slavery was slavery, and subjugation was subjugation. Her
thoroughly modern, Protectorate-born mind just couldn’t wrap around the idea of a
person as property of another person based on nothing more than an accident of birth.
It was way too weird.

Of course, so was the idea that in a few minutes she would be the property of

another person based on nothing more than this stupid assignment. And the minute her
subconscious tried to point out she hadn’t been complaining while she masturbated to

the images in the training vid, she knocked the sucker back into the ether with a mental
stunner blast and went back to ignoring that little incident.

“Do you recall your instructions?” Jinilliana’s voice hissing in her ear jolted Eve

back to reality and made her mouth tighten.

“Yes,” she whispered back. How could I forget? I saw it on disc, and that kind of

porn costs an arm and a leg in the civilized world.

Jinilliana studied her though narrowed eyes but gave a curt nod and trained her

gaze back on the gathering crowd. “Good. The ceremony will begin at the prince’s

command. Be ready to answer his summons with great speed. His guards are ungentle
with disobedient nitarai.”

Gee, I can hardly wait.
Forcing her chin a notch higher, Eve perched on her pillow and almost wished they

could hurry up and get this whole thing over with.

Be careful what you wish for.

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Chapter Five

Eve had about ten seconds after that thought flitted through her head before the

doors swung open again, and two new figures joined the throng. She had to tilt her
head at an odd angle to see through the crowd, which was on its feet, applauding as the
newcomers appeared in their midst. One figure seemed to draw their attention like a


Michael Taggart.
Eve recognized his face as well as her own. Almost any officer in the Protectorate

Security Force would have, considering he and the man at his side constituted the two
most closely watched freetraders in the known worlds. His unproven but widely
rumored smuggling had amassed him quite a healthy fortune, they said, but the
Protectorate kept a close eye on him because of the ties they suspected he had to the
expanding rebel forces. Women kept an eye on him for an entirely different reason.

The man could redefine the word “yum.”
Six feet and two inches of rock-hard muscle decorated a body that looked like it had

been sculpted by aesthetic specialists, though all accounts denied it. No one should be
that perfect through simple genetics, but Taggart was. His powerful frame concealed a
keen and aggressive mind that could only be glimpsed through occasional sparks in his
stormy grey eyes. Combine all that with hair so thick and dark no man ought to keep it
to himself, and Taggart had earned almost as much notoriety from being a sex symbol
as he had from being a criminal.

Eve still counted that as a point against him.
Of course, if she were to dislike Taggart based on his looks, she’d have to draw the

same conclusion about his companion, Eric Deacon. Deacon possessed the brawny,
bulging muscles of a ring fighter—an occupation he’d supposedly tried in his youth—
but his quick wit and talent with a star chart made him a better navigator than a brain
basher. Not that he still wouldn’t bash in the brain of anyone dumb enough to piss him
off, but these days, people talked more about his exploits with women than with other

Even larger than Taggart, Deacon had so many muscles he should have looked

clumsy, but nothing seemed to take away from his inherent grace. Coffee-colored skin

shifted and rippled when he moved, and his whiskey-bright eyes caught the attention
of more than one nitara in Prince Jaru’s chamber. Deacon gave them all a broad wink as
he halted beside Taggart in front of their host.

The men swept Jaru a pair of bows Eve would have called mocking, but that the

prince seemed to like, judging by the way he preened. No one else in the room seemed

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to notice the traders’ air of sarcasm, either. The tables that lined the chamber’s central
aisle overflowed with Ankharan nobility, and they all looked on the new arrivals as if
they were some sort of minor deities. Yeah, the gods of big egos and illegal trading.

Taggart seemed to be waiting for a break in the commotion before he spoke, but it

didn’t come until the prince held up his hand, gesturing for silence.

The trader looked around the assemblage with a raised eyebrow before turning

back to the prince. “I wasn’t expecting a party, Jaru. Is this all for little ol’ me?”

Eve sat up a little straighter on her cushions. The sarcastic tone in Taggart’s voice

didn’t seem to fit with the image of benevolent messenger of hope the natives had
painted of him. Since her arrival, Eve had heard all about the good, kind and generous
Taggart who was coming to Ankhar on a mission of mercy to deliver needed vaccines
to a people who had just diagnosed their first cases of Elsen’s Virus. This man’s voice
didn’t make him sound like a benefactor. It made him sound like a pirate.

It made her wonder what he was up to.
It hadn’t been hard to understand why Jaru would honor Taggart with a gift of a


for bringing the medicines, considering the seriousness of the health threat. The

last know Elsen’s Virus outbreak had been on Diego Prime and had killed three-
quarters of the planet’s population before it had been contained and vaccines
administered to the survivors. If there was more than an isolated case on Ankhar, a sex
slave or twenty was a cheap price to pay for treatment that could prevent the same
thing from happening here. Too bad Eve had to be the damned sex slave in question.
Why couldn’t anyone think of a better way to accomplish this mission? One that doesn’t involve

me, Taggart and Ankharan pledging rituals.

The prince rose from his seat and strode down the steps from his dais to stand

before his guests. “You are not usually one to refuse festivities given in your honor,
Captain Taggart.” He eyed the other man with his lizard-cold gaze. “Surely you do not
mean to tell me you are displeased with this humble offering from my people?”

“Not at all.” Taggart hooked his thumbs in his belt, right above where his sidearm

would have hung if he hadn’t disarmed before entering the palace, and met the prince’s


So much for subtlety, Eve mused.
“I can always enjoy a good party,” the trader continued, “but your people didn’t

need to go to these lengths. After all, you and I already agreed on a price for my

From her vantage point, Eve could see both Taggart’s face and the prince’s, and she

could see the prince wasn’t happy. Since she could guess exactly what Taggart’s price
was, an unhappy prince failed to surprise her. Jaru didn’t strike her as the type to give

up anything with good grace, not even things that didn’t really belong to him.

Jaru pulled himself up to his full, if unimpressive height and glared at his people’s

savior. “Your gall astounds me, Captain. Our nitarai are treasures among our people,
not some sort of commodity to be demanded in payment for a debt.”

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Taggart’s expression remained amused and mildly curious. “How nice for you.

And I can assure you I’m honored to be a little harbinger of progress to the Ankharan
culture.” Behind the humor, his face hardened, and his smile turned more feral than
friendly. “Change happens, Jaru, and a deal is a deal.”

They faced off like duelers for a moment before Jaru broke, cutting their eye contact

and turning away from the smuggler. “The Monarch of Ankhar does not renege on his
promises, or his ‘deals,’ Captain. You will receive that which was promised you.”

The prince strode back to his seat and clapped his hands. Unfortunately, Eve

hesitated a second too long, because two guards moved forward, each taking her by an
arm while she scrambled to her feet. “Hey, watch it,” she mumbled under her breath,
only to be promptly ignored. The men didn’t even give her the chance to straighten
her—ha!—skirt before they half-lead, half-dragged her from among the other assembled

and toward the top of the dais steps. Depositing her in front of the prince with an

unfriendly shove—probably trying to remind her of her “place”—they backed away,
leaving Eve with an almost uncontrollable urge to glare at someone, and the prince was
her only available target. Bastards.

A discreet cough from Jinilliana reminded Eve of the proper protocol she’d learned

in her crash course. It also threatened to upset her tenuous scowl-control mechanisms.
Mentally counting to ten, she took a deep breath and swept the prince a shaky version
of a nitara’s traditional bow of obeisance, bending low from the waist until her nose
touched her legs and her hair swept a veil against the marble floor. It was an annoying
and slightly painful pose to maintain, but she preferred it to the bow she’d be expected

to give to her new owner. Gritting her teeth, she waited for the clap that would tell her
she was allowed to rise. Damn it, he’s prolonging this deliberately just to keep my ass on
display in front of this whole roomful of people. Bastard.

At the sound of the clap, she straightened carefully, feeling the blood rushing out of

her head where it had just pooled. She kept her face blank, but the smug expression on
Jaru’s had her cursing up a storm on the inside. The little shit.

He looked over her head to the smuggler at the bottom of the dais. “Here is your

promised price, Captain,” he sneered. “A nitara from my own house. I believe this one
is called…” He paused, as if searching his memory or consulting a crib sheet.

He waved his hand at Eve in a shooing motion, and she resisted the urge to bite his

lazy fingertips, nodding her head in deference instead. Taking a deep breath, she turned

on her heel and padded on bare feet down the long stairway to the main floor of the
reception hall.

In the silence of the room, even the sound of her soft skin against the cool marble

seemed to echo, as did the gentle chiming of the tiny bells the nitarana had ordered
woven into her hair. When she stepped off the last stair, she moved forward with
gritted teeth to stand directly before her new “owner.” Or, new potential owner,
anyway. According to Ankharan custom, since she was being given away as goods in
return for services, Taggart could just decide he didn’t like the look of her and demand

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the prince give him someone else. Of course, if he did that, she thought she might have
to kill him.

Keeping her eyes on the empty space just beyond Taggart’s right shoulder, Eve

assumed the nitaral equivalent of at attention—the presentation pose. Shoulders
squared to thrust her breasts forward, she kept her head up so that her face remained

clearly visible for inspection. Her screaming back muscles stiffened into a rigid
broomstick posture, and her arms were held out and away from her body. Her feet
were braced shoulder-width apart, and her pelvis canted slightly forward. She felt like a
piece of produce on display at market. In fact, what she looked like bore some striking
similarities to a juicy plum.

Even though she wasn’t looking directly at him, Eve could sense Taggart’s eyes on

her and caught the movement of his arms folding tight across his muscular chest as he
leaned back to survey his payment. He made small, non-committal humming sounds

while he looked her over, and out of the corner of her eye Eve thought she saw his lips

“I don’t know, Jaru,” Taggart finally said, shaking his head and tilting it to one side.

“She looks a little…scrawny.”

“Her breasts are perhaps a bit too small,” Jaru agreed, making Eve and her back

muscles ready to cheerfully tear out his kidneys, pump them full of thirty pounds of
dead weight and sew them to the front of his chest to see how he liked it. “But she
possesses a most unusual coloring, you must admit. Her hair appears as a rainbow of

precious metals, and her entire body might have been dusted with gold shavings. It is a
rare mark of beauty among my people to have such gilded skin.”

So that’s why Sam refused to do away with the freckles, she thought, her face

expressionless. I’m still going to hurt her if I see her after this is all over. Her and a few
hundred other people.

“Yeah, well, not among mine,” Taggart countered, beginning to walk around her in

a slow circle, examining her from all angles, like a statue he might contemplate
purchasing. “Nice ass, I suppose, and the face isn’t bad, but still…” He trailed off. “I’m

just not sure.”

Give me ten minutes alone in a locked room with the rebel asshole and a golf club,

and I’ll make him sure.

“My nitarana assures me this one is well trained to please you, Captain,” she heard

Jaru say in the sort of voice she hadn’t heard since she bought her last used indi-shuttle.
“And, of course, coming from my own house, she is as fine a specimen as you are likely
to find anywhere on Ankhar.” When the rebel only grunted and continued his perusal,
Jaru’s voice turned even oilier. “Would you perhaps be willing to allow Evenaril to
demonstrate her training?”

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Taggart had circled completely around her by then, so she saw the look of interest

on his face when he tore his gaze from her “too small” breasts and turned back to Jaru.
“What did you have in mind?”

Me? Oh, I thought something simple. You know, vivisection. Dismemberment.

Blinding. The basics.

“Why not allow her to perform her Offering ceremony?” the prince suggested.

“Perhaps by demonstrating her talents, she can persuade you where my words fail to
do so.”

The slow somersault her stomach performed in that moment almost cracked Eve’s

façade of cool composure. Last night’s vids had shown her exactly what the Offering
ceremony entailed, and it was not something she wanted to do, especially not in a
roomful of people. All morning, she had been clutching frantically to the reassuring
thought that if Taggart accepted her as his payment without argument, the formal

Offering would never have to happen.

Arrogant prick. He’s getting a highly trained, genetically modified sex slave, and

he’s got the nerve to bitch that I’m not good enough? I ought to rip his balls off and
wear them as earrings.

Still standing in front of her, Taggart looked directly at Eve, his stormy grey gaze

meeting her glinting hazel one and holding on like a pair of pliers. Her tactic of staring
into space shattered, Eve watched warily as his lips curved into a slow, crooked,
sensual smile that made her nipples tighten and her hands clench into fists.

“Now that,” he murmured, his voice so low and gravelly, she wondered if he meant

for anyone other than her to hear him, “has definite possibilities.”

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Chapter Six

Staring into those heated grey eyes, Eve stood helpless while everything spun right

out of her control and into some weird hell dimension where everything she’d been
hoping would never happen had suddenly become a reality. Over the chaos of her
thoughts, she heard the prince clap his hands, and she stood silently by while two

guards trundled forward bearing a thick sitting cushion and a small carved box, both of
which they presented to Taggart before moving silently back to their stations.

Taggart ignored the cushion, but accepted the box with a wicked smile, and Eve

found herself staring helplessly at the damned thing. She knew precisely what was in it:
her symbolic shackles. The new decorations for her lya that would mark her officially as
a piece of the trader’s property, along with a portable skin-inker to complete her small
facial tattoo with Taggart’s mark.

That is so frickin’ barbaric!
Deciding the part of her that currently wanted to snatch the box out of Taggart’s

hands and brain him with it probably didn’t want to think about what else was inside,
Eve tore her gaze away and turned it back to the man before her. He nudged the
cushion out of the way with the toe of one booted foot and stood in the middle of the
floor with casual arrogance, looking more princely than the prince. His black neoleather
pants and vest didn’t mesh with his image of respectable freetrader, but they went a
long way toward bolstering the one of pirate, as did the wicked grin on his face. Eve
focused on that grin rather than on their audience of the prince and his entire court, all
of who currently watched them with avid curiosity. She could deal with mad a hell of a

lot easier than embarrassed. Especially with Taggart being so Powers-damned helpful.

“Any time you’re ready, babe,” he smirked, leaning down to place the box on the

floor between his feet and folding his arms across his broad, half-bare chest. “I’m not
sure about you, but I’m willing to have my mind changed for me.”

Are you willing to have it beaten to a bloody pulp until it runs out your nose?
Taking a deep breath, and figuring it was a good thing nitarai were forbidden to

carry weapons, Eve called on all the undercover training she’d ever received and got
down to what she did best—becoming someone she wasn’t.

Her personal objections to the entire nitaral system refused to go without a fight,

but Eve shoved them aside. She locked them up alongside the memory of how much
that system had aroused her during the training vid, making very sure neither thought
would interfere with her mission. She’d been assigned to Ankhar to do a job, and she’d
do the damned job, like it or not. She’d been an agent too damned long to let her
personal discomfort interfere with her assignment, no matter how repulsive she might
find the situation. As she looked at the man in front of her, she couldn’t help imagining

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all sorts of possibilities for that situation, a few of which bore a startling similarity to the
Perils of Liashana, and none of which repulsed her. She studiously ignored them.

Keeping her mind on the job and her eyes on Taggart, Eve slipped into her role and

became the smuggler’s prize, a bounty about to be offered up to its claimant. Her dyed-
red lips curved in an inviting smile, the smile Ankharan law forbade her from offering

to anyone but her owner, and her muscles relaxed into a fluid, taunting ripple that
carried her across the short distance separating her from Taggart. She saw his eyes
spark just before she sank into her bow of obeisance. Sleek muscle flexed under a cover
of feminine curve as she sank to her knees and spread them wide before her master’s
gaze. The soles of her feet pressed together behind her, and her back arched to keep her
balance as she slowly lowered her shoulders to the floor, stretching her arms to the
sides and laying her cheek against the cool, slick marble.

Her heart beat against her chest until she wondered why the sound didn’t thud

rhythmically against the floor, but she waited patiently for her new owner to
acknowledge her bow. Feeling the cold surface of the marble pressing against her bare
breasts, she wondered if he waited because he knew a few more seconds of the chill
would draw her nipples into tight little points that would greet him when he let her
rise. She would hardly put it past him.

“Impressive balance, but not quite a scale-tipper.” His voice rumbled above her,

and Eve felt her skin draw tight in response to the nearly tactile sensation. “What else
have you got?”

The sharp clap of his hands released her, and she straightened up, sitting back on

her heels with her lya veil pooled between her spread legs and her breasts thrust out
before her. She raised her chin and met his gaze, trying very hard not to think about the
vast difference in their heights or the little voice in the back of her head that kept trying
to tell her that being owned by Michael Taggart might not be all that bad.

Telling the little voice to shut up and die, she gave him a small, curving smile and

kept her voice at a purr as she gave a fitting response. “I have everything you require,

, for all that I am is yours, and all that I have I offer unto you.”

She saw his eyebrow quirk, his mouth twist at her use of his anticipated title. “I got

that much, babe, but we haven’t settled on whether or not I’m really going to be your
master yet, have we? I’m not sure you’re quite what I’m looking for.”

Gritting her teeth, Eve tilted her head and gazed up at him through thick, dark

lashes. “I am whatever you wish me to be, dashim. Only tell me what you desire, and I
will provide it.”

Taggart heaved a theatrical sigh that made Eve want to reach forward and squeeze

his balls in a vise grip. Her fingers actually twitched.

“It’s a nice offer, babe, but I’m not sure that’s possible. Like I told Jaru here, I’m not

sure you’re quite…built to spec.” His expression probably wanted to look regretful, but

the avid enjoyment there ruined the effect. “To be blunt, honey, you just don’t have the

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She couldn’t keep her eyes from narrowing at that, but she distracted Taggart by

rising to her feet and cupping said endowments in her hands. Holding them aloft like a
sacrifice, she took a sliding step forward until they brushed against the sinewy length of
his forearms. “For you I would be perfect, dashim, but surely there is something here
that would be pleasing to you.” Her lids dropped to half-mast and her tongue darted

out to moisten her red lips. “Surely if the taste and feel of your slave pleases you, you
cannot send her from you?”

With the prince silent behind them and the crowd murmuring around them,

Taggart looked down at the plump mounds displayed before him and uncrossed his
arms. “I don’t know,” he murmured, already bending toward her, “but it can’t hurt to

Smooth and sure, his mouth closed over one tight nipple and tested the strength of

Eve’s training and resolve—her training not to break from her character and her resolve

not to moan in pleasure. She managed both, but barely.

The man had the mouth of a sorcerer, hot and strong and absolutely magical. He

sipped from the distended peak as if it were a goblet, scraped his teeth over the ruched
surface as if it were an exotic sweet. The subtly menacing motion made her breath catch
and her fingers tremble against her own skin, while her body heated in places she’d
much rather have kept cool. They weren’t inclined to listen to reason.

Eve jumped at the prince’s shout, but she didn’t drop her hands, and Taggart didn’t

move his lips. He continued torturing the breast he held captive with flicks of his

tongue and slow, deep pulls of his mouth. The only sign that he heard a thing was the
muscled arm he slid around her and the firm, callused hand that cupped her ass to hold
her close against him. That hand kneaded, and Eve shuddered.

“Evenaril, you disgrace me!” the prince bellowed, inspiring a surge in the whispers

of the crowd. “For a nitara of my house to play the whore for a man who is not yet even
her master is an insult to my honor. Step away from him!”

If you think I can walk right now, you’re insane.
She opened her mouth to reply, but intelligent thought deserted her when Taggart

slid another hand under the thin veil of her lya to cup her damp pussy. He scraped a
nail gently against the sensitive skin there, and she locked her knees to keep them from

Okay, this is all supposed to be make believe,

she reminded herself, pausing to gasp

when his probing fingers slipped between her slick folds to rim her weeping entrance.
It’s not real. Just make believe.

And she kept telling herself that, even as his scalding

mouth withdrew from her breast only to close again around its neglected twin. Then,
she just moaned.

At the sound, the whispers of the crowd turned into rumblings, and the prince

shouted loudly for silence. “Leave him, Evenaril.”

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Hard fingers bit deeply into the pale skin of her ass and that mouth drew more

strongly at her breast to keep her in place. As if she had any intention of moving. His
wicked touches did make her struggle with control for a few extra seconds before she
could maintain enough breath to speak. “I cannot obey, my prince,” she gritted out,
forcing her mind to focus on making a mental star chart of the Perth system instead of

the unknown galaxies Taggart’s fingers currently charted between her thighs. “I have
offered myself to this man and will serve him with all faith and humility until he
releases me from my bonds. As he is the blood in my veins, I can do none other.”

Blech! Do these women actually believe this crap when they…Ah!

A clever twist of his

wrist sent Taggart’s fingers sliding high and hard within her until Eve could barely
remember what she ‘d been thinking. When they…um…aw, hell.

“Your offer may have been made, woman, but it has not been accepted.”
Her eyes opened on the sharp report of clapping hands. Since her own still cradled

her breasts like Taggart’s midnight snack, and Taggart’s hands were still—Oh,

—doing the most wicked things to her body, Eve figured the prince must have

done the clapping. She knew she’d figured right when two looming members of the
prince’s guard moved toward her and the preoccupied smuggler in front of her. They
got about five yards away before Eve saw Deacon step in front of them to block their
path. The enormous, imposing figure kept her from seeing the reactions of the guards,
but half a second later, Taggart slipped a third finger into her quivering pussy and
pressed his thumb high and hard against her clit. After that, she couldn’t see a bloody
damned thing, because her eyes were closed and her head was lolling back on her


The shout brought a stir of chaos to the room and a gathering of tension for a

heartbeat before Taggart pulled away from her breast, releasing her nipple with a last
affectionate lick, and looked over her head at the prince. “Relax, Jaru,” he said, one
possessive hand on Eve’s ass, the other, even more possessive hand, still buried
between her legs. “No need to get cranky. I’ve changed my mind. I think I’ll take this
one after all. So where do I sign?”

If Eve hadn’t been undercover, and if the object of her PSF assignment hadn’t had

his fingers buried hilt-deep in her cunt, she might very well have shoved those words
down his throat, along with a few of his own teeth. Instead, she maintained her
brainless façade and tried to keep her thighs from clenching around him.

“I do not appreciate your little jokes, Captain,” Jaru hissed, eyes narrow as a

viper’s. “While you are in my court, I expect you to behave according to the laws and
customs of my people.” His gaze dropped to Taggart’s hand pressed high between
Eve’s legs. “Do I make myself clear?”

Taggart grinned. “As day.” His fingertips gave one more tortuous slide through the

slick heat that surrounded them before withdrawing to pat Eve’s hip affectionately. “I
say we get this show on the road.”

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Eve used the break in the tension to drop her ridiculous offering posture and turn

so that she could keep both Taggart and the prince in sight. At the moment, she didn’t
trust either of them.

The prince definitely looked the unhappier of the two. Taggart’s shit-eating grin got

on her last nerve, but the prince’s stony expression bore watching. She eyed it like a

barometer before a hurricane as Jaru settled back into his cushions and waved his hand
to silence the continuing buzz of the crowd. “As you say, Captain, let us begin the
ceremony of acceptance.”

“With pleasure.” Taggart grinned and scooped up the small box Jaru’s guards had

handed him before settling on the cushion he’d kicked aside earlier. Eyes glinting with
pleasure, he locked his gaze with Eve’s, snapped his fingers imperiously and pointed to
the floor at his feet.

Someday, I will make this overgrown bully pay for this, Eve vowed silently even as

she glided serenely to the place he had commanded and knelt before him. I don’t care if
I have to come back from beyond the grave to do it. I’ll make him pay. For all of it.

Her hands rested palm-down on her spread knees, and her eyes stayed modestly

downcast as she presented herself before her new dashim. Never mind that inside, she
was calling him names that a whole host of cultures considered too offensive to
translate. In this case, it was not the thought that counted. When he quirked one of those
slashing dark brows at her, she took a deep breath and began to recite the words
Jinilliana had drilled her on so often since her arrival. Eve had told her about the
sublims, but apparently the nitarana didn’t trust something so offworld to get the job

done right and made Eve prove over and over that it had.

“I present myself before you, dashim, a humble servant of your pleasure. As

unworthy as I am, I beseech your acceptance and protection of this lowly nitara. My
charms are few and my needs many, but all these I would forsake for the honor of
service. To be nitara without dashim is to be the heart that does not beat, for my master is
the blood in my veins, the breath in my lungs and the vigor in my limbs. He provides
me with all that I need, for what he does not provide, I do not require, and I give him all
that I am, for what he does not accept has no worth and is best forgotten. All that I am, I

offer to you, dashim, though it be low and base before you.”

When she got the whole thing out without gagging, she gave herself a mental pat

on the back and braced herself for the traditional response. Peeking up at him through
the veil of her eyelashes, she saw one of the prince’s advisors standing at his shoulder to
prompt his response. The delay before he spoke made her ache to squirm, but if she had
been still before a Protectorate tribunal, she’d be damned if she’d squirm in front of
Michael Taggart.

“A man is truly a man who has means and inclination to harbor the insignificant,”

he rumbled, his voice so low and rough Eve could almost ignore his words and listen

just to the sound. Almost, but not quite. “Through his generosity of house and spirit, he
declares himself mighty. Through the works of his hands and his mind, he struggles to
improve his line and his people. To do all these things without comfort would be to

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struggle like the rain against the pull of the soil, unnatural and futile, for the nitarai
were created to give man solace and to comfort him in his need. As nitara was created
for dashim to master, so you were created for me to own, and so I accept you now into
my house, Evenaril of the Prince’s House.”


A quick thrill of satisfaction raced through Eve as Taggart said the words that

bound them by Ankharan law. She might hate every damned thing about this
assignment so far, but the vows they’d just taken meant she might just be able to see
this farce through and accomplish the mission after all. Go me!

She kept her triumph in a headlock and completed her part of the ceremony by

bowing low before her new dashim until her forehead touched the cool marble and her
back muscles threatened to give out. Protesting muscles or no, she held still until
Taggart tangled his fingers in her hair and lifted her head from the floor.

“I hope you have more talents in that mouth than making pretty speeches,” he

murmured, his mouth curving in a wicked smile as he traced her full lower lip with his

“We will all discover that this night.” Jaru’s voice shattered the arch of tension

between them, and Taggart turned to scowl at the prince.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Jaru gazed down at them, the picture of noble innocence. “Just what I said. We will

all know what talents her mouth possesses before your sealing night is finished. Since
we must witness the consummation of your acceptance, I should think we will know
much about both of you before dawn.”

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Chapter Seven

Eve forced herself not to cheer when Taggart turned on the prince with a snarl.

“You’re not witnessing a damned thing.” He pushed himself to his feet and laid a
protective hand on Eve’s head. She took several slow, deep breaths and reminded
herself that attempting to bite off a finger or two was not in character. It still took a great

deal of willpower to refrain. “I accepted the nitara you offered, and she’s mine now. End
of story.”

Jaru smirked. There just was no other word for it. “I am afraid Ankharan law says

otherwise, Captain, and you have already agreed to be bound by Ankharan law. If you
had accepted the woman without protest, that would indeed be the end of it, but once a
protest was launched, you forfeited the right to a private consummation. I am afraid
that our laws cannot consider this ownership formalized until we have witnessed the
proof of the union.”

“No one is going to watch me fuck my woman.”
“No one wishes to watch, Captain, I assure you.” The prince waved a dismissive

hand and continued on, seeming oblivious to the desire to do him bodily harm that
radiated off Taggart’s tense form. “You will have the privacy of our finest acceptance
chamber. But there will be three witnesses listening from behind the soft wall to be sure
all proceeds as it should among a newly bonded nitara and dashim. Now, would you
care to feast with us first, or would you prefer to be shown directly to the acceptance

Eve could hazard a guess at what Taggart would probably prefer to do, and it had

little relation to either food or going anywhere. It had a lot of relation to fists, faces and
ruining perfectly good dental work, but assaulting a prince in his own palace never
rated as a particularly smart thing to do, so he just stood there and fumed. Eve,
meanwhile, busied herself plotting up ways to maim Taggart that he would never have
considered using on the prince.

Who says women aren’t bloodthirsty by nature?
“If those are my choices,” Taggart finally growled, since Eve’s cover precluded her

from doing so, “I vote we get this over with. Where’s this damned acceptance

Seeming content to ignore his guest’s lack of manners, Jaru clapped his hands and

summoned forth four guards, along with three other noblemen and Jinilliana. Eve
raised her eyebrows at the overkill factor, but kept silent. Again. Or still.

“My advisors will bear witness to the acceptance,” Jaru said, “and my nitarana will

be present to observe that her protégé behaves as she has been trained to do. All will

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report their observations to the court in the morning.” He looked down at Eve and
Taggart, and his mouth curved in an oily grin. “I wish you fair evening, my friends.”

Taggart didn’t bother to return the pleasantry. He just grabbed Eve by her upper

arm, pulled her to her feet and turned to his navigator and second in command. He
kept his tones low so as not to be overheard, but he held Eve in such a firm, close grip,

she couldn’t help hear what he was saying.

“…not sure I like this.” The two men bent their heads close together so Taggart

could speak in little more than a rumbling whisper. “Something’s up, and I don’t like
up. Keep an eye out. I need you to play pretty in here during the banquet, but make
sure you’re at wherever they’re taking us by oh-three-hundred standard. Got it?”

Deacon nodded and the two men briefly clasped hands, gripping palm to palm like

arm-wrestlers. Their eyes met, and Eve knew information had just been exchanged
there that even she hadn’t heard. Before she could get too curious, Taggart broke away,

nodded curtly to the prince and marched grimly after their escort.

They traversed wide stone corridors to the acceptance chamber with Taggart

silently fuming and Eve just as silently biting her tongue. It had become a reflex since
she’d gotten to Ankhar, and she was even a little afraid she’d end up with oral scar
tissue before this Powersforsaken mission finally wrapped itself up.

She padded along at Taggart’s side as the guards led them from the public area of

the palace and into the prince’s residence. She recognized the long, ornately decorated
hallway that led to the prince’s living quarters and the harem on one end, and the
chambers reserved for visiting high officials on the other. They stopped about midway

down the hall, and Guard One threw open a heavy, carved door to gesture them inside.

The room was bigger than the bridge of most cargo freighters and a hell of a lot

more decorative. Huge, jewel-paned windows in the walls and ceiling let in the natural
blue light of the Ankharan moon, making the gilded wall murals spark and glisten.
When one of the nobles escorting them flipped a switch, golden light spilled out of
dozens of wall sconces, revealing the true luxury of their surroundings. Lush, richly-
colored carpets covered the marble floors, mirroring the colors of the elaborate
weavings that covered the walls. Beautifully carved furniture offered separate dining,

sitting and sleeping areas, the last of which was dominated by a bed large enough to
sleep twenty.

Knowing Ankharan tradition, Eve thought sourly, it probably has.
“Nice digs,” Taggart commented, pulling Eve along behind him as he stepped into

the chamber. “But all we really need is a bed. And a wall. And maybe a table, about so
high.” He tapped the side of his palm against the very top of Eve’s hip, oblivious to
how close he came to drawing away a stub.

The aristocrat looked equally unamused. “The prince would offer no less than the

finest he has to offer to such an honored guest. Food has already been ordered for you,

and here you will have comfort and privacy.”

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Taggart’s grin twisted into something slightly less good-natured. “Where I come

from, we don’t call it privacy when someone’s standing right there listening.”

“As Prince Jaru explained, we will not be in the room with you.” Ignoring the

aggression plain on Taggart’s face, the man, who never bothered to introduce himself,
strode over to the left-hand wall of the chamber and pulled aside one of the decorative

hangings. “We will be here, in the room beyond this wall. A very clever design and the
use of amplite ore allow the sound from this room to be magnified as it filters into the
next. We will be able to hear the sound of your voices as clearly as our own. Clever,

Inconvenient as hell, no?
“Yeah, brilliant,” Taggart growled, making his displeasure obvious.
The nobleman simply raised his eyebrows. “Come now, Captain. You did not seem

to be so modest when you made use of your nitara before the entire population of the

Prince’s court a few minutes ago. I find it difficult to believe you are as bashful as you

“What I am is annoyed. I don’t like being ordered around, even if the order might

be to do something I would do anyway. It’s part of my charm.”

Eve refrained from snorting, but had to distract herself to make it work. Taking her

eyes off Taggart and the prince’s henchman, she watched as house servants—the

-in-training who hadn’t made the cut—carried in trays of food and drink and set

them on a low table before exiting as silently as they had entered. No one but Eve paid
them the slightest bit of attention.

“Yes. So I see. However, these are our customs, and I am afraid not even the prince

can flaunt them.” The nobleman spread his hands in a gesture of helplessness, and
offered Taggart a serene smile. “You will have all the privacy we can afford you until
morning. Nitarana Jinilliana, myself and Counselors Hahn and Kiin will be in the
witness chamber. At the second hour of the morning sun, the guards will bring you
back to the prince’s chamber for the accounting.”

The man gestured to his companions, and the little group headed for the door

flanked by the four guards. “We will leave you alone with your nitara now, Captain.

May you have joy of her.”

“Wait a minute,” Taggart barked, halting the group before it reached the door. “I’ve

got a crew waiting for me on my ship.”

“They will be made comfortable,” the man assured him. “Servants have already

been dispatched with food and drink for their pleasure, and your navigator will have
the honor of dining tonight with the prince before he is led to his own chamber to rest.
All will be seen to, Captain. You may be assured of that.”

Backing out of the room, the nobleman pulled the doors shut behind Jinilliana, the

click of the lock echoing in the cavernous room. The smuggler and his sex slave were all

alone, assured of staying that way until two hours past dawn.

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Half a second after that knowledge sank in, Eve turned to face her new dashim and

raised her eyes to meet his. Taking three steps forward, she wrapped her arms around
his neck in a blatantly seductive move and pressed her lips against his ear. “I hope
you’ve got a plan to get us out of this, Tag, because if not, I just might kill you myself.”

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Chapter Eight

She spoke in a barely audible whisper and tried to ignore the shaky quality it gave

to her threat. Chewing out your partner because he’s just fouled up the plan you’d
concocted together less than a week ago lost some of its effectiveness when you worried
about your voice traveling more than a couple of centimeters, but damn it if he didn’t

deserve it.

When she’d contacted Tag from the encoded communicator in her quarters at PSF,

they’d had to do some quick thinking. This assignment made it clear that her position
on the force had gone from uncertain to dangerous and she needed an immediate out.
Since Mokollik had been kind enough to arrange their rendezvous, they’d decided to
take advantage. The plan had been for Tag to deliver the vaccine, claim her as his prize
and get her and the rest of his crew off Ankhar. Along with their intact skin, they’d be
carrying the compuchip she had loaded with a lot more information than Burton and

Mokollik had ever authorized. Said plan did not include performing public sex for the
delectation of a half-dozen alien perverts, and she told Taggart that in no uncertain
terms, wimpy whisper or no.

In typical Taggart fashion, his answer consisted of that killer grin and a large

helping of sexual harassment. Before the last word escaped her, he had her plastered up
against him like a suntan in July while he cut off any further speech by occupying her
tongue with his own. He tangled the fingers of one hand in the heavy mass of her hair
and cupped the other around the firm swell of her ass, kneading restlessly for about
three and a half glorious seconds. That was how long it took her to get one limb

untangled enough to try kneeing him in the balls. Unfortunately, the bastard still had
the reflexes of a cat.

He pivoted, blocking the blow with his hip, then slid his legs between hers and

pulled her hips hard against his. She saw his grin widen just before he slid his cheek
past hers and pressed his mouth to her ear. “Temper, temper,” he whispered,
amusement plain in his voice. “We don’t want to make our audience suspicious, Major

“Speak for yourself,” she hissed back, reaching up to try and pull him away by his

hair. “Right now I’m not sure I wouldn’t cheer if they chopped off your head and used

it as a football.”

He nipped the sensitive skin below her ear. “I missed you, too, sweetums. Now

how about you be a good nitara and kneel down for me.”

After the shit she’d been through in the past forty-eight hours, Eve wouldn’t have

admitted she missed him if every single p-force stunner in the Protectorate army were
pointed at her head. No matter how fast her heart raced at seeing him again.

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“How about you kiss my ass, you son of a bitch? You almost ruined the whole

damned plan with that ‘not good enough’ bullshit. What the hell were you thinking?”

“I was getting into character,” he murmured, laving his tongue against the skin

pinked by his teeth. “And trying to keep our little friend Jaru from getting suspicious.
You might want to try that yourself before Happy and his voyeuristic friends come

knocking to find out why they aren’t hearing anything interesting.”

“They wouldn’t be listening if you hadn’t pulled this stupid stunt in the first place.

It’s kind of killing my mood here.”

“Just lie back and think of the Rebellion.”
For that, Eve dug her newly lethal fingernails hard into his scalp. “Very funny. But

it’s your fault we’re in this mess, Mr. IHaveAFoolproofPlan. So what do we do now?”

Taggart sighed, the sound a rush of breath against her ear. “I don’t suppose I could

persuade you to kneel down and play Good Little Nitara, huh?” The blow landed

silently but forcefully against his lower spine. He grunted. “Guess not.”

Taggart dropped both hands to cup her ass and lifted her higher against him until

her legs wrapped easily around his waist and his erection pressed soft neoleather
against her barely-covered pussy. She locked her ankles together behind his back and
tried to pretend the six weeks she’d spent back at Protectorate command hadn’t left her
horny enough to sexually harass him right back. “Plan B?”

“Not yet.” Gripping her ass securely, he walked them toward the enormous bed

until he could set her down on the heavy, wooden foot rail. It kept her at the same
height, but left his hands free. They immediately glided up her back in lazy strokes.

“First question is, do you have the chip?”

Eve fought back a shiver at the familiar sensation of his strong, callused fingers

playing over her bare skin. “Of course I have it. I endured five months of Protectorate
bullshit before they’d give me that chip. Would I have come all the way here and let
anyone make me look this ridiculous if I didn’t have what I stayed all that time for?”

She felt his mouth curve against her skin. “I don’t know. I kind of like the new look.

These tits of yours are pretty sexy.” His hand slid around to cup one impressive mound,
and his thumb tugged gently on the ring in her nipple. Just that little pressure on her

sensitivity-enhanced breasts was enough to make her moan. “And I could become real
fond of the jewelry.”

“Don’t get used to them. Plan B?”
“More like Plan A-and-a-half.” His fingers explored the nipples he couldn’t see

with his mouth pressed close to her ear, smoothing and tugging the nubs kept proudly
erect by the metal circlets that ran through them. “We’re still out of here before dawn,
but we have to wait until most of the place is asleep before we’ll have a decent chance.
If we made a break for it now, we’d be dead before we got out of this room.”

“So we’re waiting for Deacon at oh-three-hundred. What time is it now?”
“About twenty-two hundred.”

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Eve shifted her grip on his shoulders. She really wanted to convince herself that the

tension and anticipation she felt all came from the adrenaline rush of a complex
mission, and not because she kept picturing him in the leading role of that training vid,
with herself as his newly purchased toy. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quite dumb enough
to believe it. Every knotted muscle, every soft flutter in her cunt and hitch in her breath

was because of Taggart, plain and simple. The man went to her head faster than liquor,
had since the first time she’d met him, in that ridiculous debacle of an ambush on Hanta
Prime. With Mokollik driving her team inexplicably head-on into the hands of the
rebellion, Eve had ended up toe to toe with the infamous smuggler and suspected rebel
sympathizer. But she’d never expected to end up lip to lip.

Not that it had happened right away. A lifetime of loyalty and service to the

Protectorate couldn’t be overwritten in a single encounter, but when there were already
cracks in her gung ho armor, it didn’t take much for her to see the truth of the

Protectorate’s actions through rebel eyes. When the evidence of Protectorate evil
surrounded her, it got even easier. And when those rebel eyes in question belonged to
Michael Taggart, her illusions hadn’t stood a chance. It had taken him almost two
months of following her on every ridiculous assignment she’d pulled since Hanta, of
contacting her on secure channels, of presenting evidence no one with a brain could
refute before the last of those illusions had been shattered, but in the end she realized
that more good could be done in ending the Protectorate’s interstellar dictatorship than
in fighting to extend it. Once she’d reached that point, landing naked under Taggart
had seemed like a natural progression.

He seemed to think it would be pretty natural now, too.
“What are we supposed to do until Deac gets here?” she asked, squirming a little to

discourage his persistent fingers on her nipples. If she could just keep her mind on
business, she might make it out of this mess with her sanity intact, not that Taggart
seemed interested in helping. “I’m way too wound up to sleep. How ‘bout you?”

“Sleep is definitely not on the agenda,” he murmured, nuzzling his cheek against

hers until the prickle of his beard stubble rasped against her skin. “We can’t risk any
slip ups right now. This mission is way too important. With the information you’ve

brought us on that chip, the rebellion can accomplish in a couple of months what it
would take us two or three years to do otherwise. We have to do anything and
everything in our power to make sure we get ourselves and that chip back to base
safely. You realize that, don’t you?”

He pulled back just enough for their gazes to meet, and in spite of her cranky

temper and the indignity of her current position, Eve nodded solemnly. She did know
how important this was. If it weren’t for that knowledge, she never would have allowed
herself to wind up in her current situation—half-naked on a foreign planet where all
but three other people believed her to be the legal and sexual slave of the man in front

of her.

Taggart read the truth in her eyes and nodded before tightening his arms around

her again and leaning forward to whisper in her ear. “Good. Then you know we’ve got

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to stay in character until Deacon gets here. We have to go through with the

Every one of Eve’s muscles drew up tight as a bowstring, and her fingers clenched

hard in his hair. “What did you say?”

He sighed, the exhalation rustling the tendrils of her hair. “You know we have to,

Eve. It’s not like we have a choice. If we keep talking like this, someone is going to get
suspicious and come in here to see what’s going on. In fact, I’m betting they’re already
wondering what’s up. We’ve been in here for a good fifteen minutes, and we haven’t
exactly given them a lot to listen to.”

“So maybe I’m a quiet lay.”
His snort sounded loud, since it came from about three millimeters away from her

eardrum. “You are not, and I know it. You scream and moan like a banshee. It’s sexy as

“They don’t know that.”
“No one who’s ever looked at you would think, even for a minute, that you’re a

quiet lay. Baby, you’ve got ‘screamer’ written all over you.”

“You can’t tell that sort of thing just by looking at someone.”
“Can, too.”
“Can, too.”
“Cann—damn it, would you cut it out? I’m serious.”
“So am I, baby.” His arms tightened around her in emphasis. “We can’t afford to

take a risk. We’ve got to play this out like we’re really a visiting merchant captain and
his new sex slave, and we’ve got to do it so they can hear. We don’t have a choice.”

Eve went very still and spent a tense few seconds fighting very hard not to give in

to the truth of his statement. Damned logic. In the end, though, she couldn’t argue with
what she knew to be true. This was her job. It might be her first job for the other side,
and it might be a job she’d rather not be doing, but half a life of working undercover
meant that when it came down to it, Eve would do what needed to be done.

“I hate not having a choice.” When she spoke, her voice was soft and sullen, but she

took a deep breath and forced most of the tension out of her limbs. “Why couldn’t you
pose as the sex slave?”

“Wrong planet.” He planted a sweet, soft kiss beneath her ear and hugged her

tightly. “But I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

“This is bigger than a few stinking flowers and dinner in a fancy restaurant,” she

warned him. “I expect sexual favors.”

“You got it.”
Kinky sexual favors.”

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“Anything you want, baby.” His hands stroked her back, more to sooth than to

arouse. “As soon as we get home, I’ll give you all the kinky sexual favors you can
handle. But right now we have a job to do. Are you with me?”

Eve dismissed her last wistful thought of immediate escape, and released her grip

on his hair. “Nobody else damned well better be,” she muttered. If anyone would be

having sex with Taggart during this mission—or any other mission, for that matter—
she’d make damned sure it was her. “Okay. I’m ready.”

“Good girl. Stay with me, okay? Remember, this is all just make believe.”
Before she could even nod, Taggart released her and stepped back from the bed,

leaving her perched on the foot rail, shivering at the loss of his heat. She watched as he
folded his arms across his chest and assumed an insolent expression, but she still hadn’t
expected him to slip into his character quite so fast. Or quite so comfortably.

“Come over here and get on your knees, babe,” he drawled just loud enough to be

overheard, “and lets see if that mouth of yours is half as clever as it looks.”

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Chapter Nine

Kinky sexual favors and chocolate,

Eve revised, sliding off the foot rail and crossing the

few short paces to stand in front of her partner. Real chocolate. Not that synthetic crap,

“Well?” Taggart demanded, crooking one eyebrow imperiously. “Are you going to

be a good little nitara for me, or do I have to tell Jaru the deal’s off?”

No longer bothering to hush their voices, Eve knew their audience could hear what

they were saying, but no one could see them. She took advantage of that by glaring at

Taggart in a completely un-submissive way before sinking gracefully to her knees
before him. “I shall be whatever my master requires, dashim.”

Her narrowed eyes and sugar-sweet tone clashed a little, but Eve didn’t really care,

and it just made Taggart grin. “Good answer, babe, but why don’t you go ahead and
suit actions to words?” He reached down to the front seam of his pants and pulled the
fastening, spreading the leather open to reveal his erect cock. “What I require right now
is for you to wrap your lips around my dick and get to work.”

If he hadn’t punctuated his ridiculously offensive words with an amused wink and

an affectionate caress to her cheek, Eve would probably have wrapped her teeth around

him instead. But underneath the macho bluster was the old Taggart, and she knew for a
fact that the old Taggart had a cock that was truly worth sucking. Not to mention that
she’d been fantasizing about doing this very thing since that damned vid. She licked her
lips and wondered just how long his blowhard routine would last once she launched
her own blowing routine.

Lips curving into her first genuine grin in forty-eight hours, Eve reached up to wrap

her smooth, de-calloused hand around his shaft, pressing the tip of her thumb firmly
against the underside of the head. She heard his breath hiss in between clenched teeth,

saw his eyes narrow, and decided maybe one night of playing sex slave wouldn’t be so
bad after all.

“Whatever dashim wishes,” she murmured just before she opened her mouth and let

the moist warmth of her tongue dart out to tease the flushed tip of his erection. “I live
only to please dashim.”

Taggart appeared to be too busy biting back a moan to reply.
“I thought we were supposed to make noise,” Eve whispered, taking hold of a long

curl of her hair and brushing it back and forth across his straining cock.

He looked down at her mischievous expression, and his eyes narrowed. Sliding a

hand around to cup the back of her neck, he corrected her. “You’re supposed to make

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noise. Start with humming.” Then he drew her forward until the head of his cock
knocked softly against her smiling mouth.

He tasted like musk and heat and sweetness, and Eve felt her own eyes drifting

closed as she parted her lips to take him inside. The smooth texture of his skin and the
thick firmness of his flesh filled her mouth, slid over her tongue and made her moan

with pleasure. When she tasted his familiar flavor, all the nonsense about master and
slave faded into the background and they went back to being Taggart and Eve,
partners, lovers and friends. The hand guiding her slowly back and forth along his
length didn’t force or threaten. It was a warm, comforting presence and an erotic

Beginning to hum like he’d asked, Eve savored the exotic taste of him, the feel of his

broad, smooth cock filling her mouth. She took him deeper, until the head brushed the
back of her throat on every down stroke, and her tongue teased his tiny opening on

every withdrawal. Legs braced wide, he arched his hips forward, trying to slide deeper
into her moist, hot grip. His free hand brushed her hair from her face and glided over
her skin to rest possessively on her pale throat. The dominant gesture should have
reminded her of all the things she hated about playing the nitara, but instead it sent a
shiver racing through her and pulled her nipples tight.

Just as her hand traced a slow path up his inner thigh and reached for the heavy

weight between them, his fingers clenched in her hair and pulled her mouth free of his
cock. It reared between them, glistening with her saliva, dark red and hard with need.
“Not bad,” he growled. “The mouth works for me, but now I want to know about the

pussy. Will it close around my cock half as tight as it did around my fingers?”

Eve licked her lips and hoped like hell he wasn’t expecting a coherent answer to

that question, though if her cunt clenched half as tight as her thighs were currently
doing, she thought she might do him an injury.

“Come here.” He pulled her to her feet and half dragged her back to the bed, this

time pushing her face down onto the mattress.

The sweet chime of her hair bells seemed odd compared to the rough action that

had set them to ringing. Eve turned her head so her cheek rested on the plush covers,

allowing her to breathe. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Taggart looming
behind her, a dark, imposing presence having way too much fun with this whole
master-and-slave thing. That really shouldn’t have surprised her. After all, Taggart
naturally dominated everyone and everything in his life, so the idea that he might enjoy
dominating a bed partner wasn’t all that far-fetched, but he’d never tried it with her
before. Maybe because he’d sensed her natural reluctance to give up the control drilled
into her by years in the PSF, or maybe because he thought she’d hate the idea.

Then again, it could just be because they’d always had so little time together in the

past that they’d never progressed beyond the need to get naked and get busy as soon as

humanly possible. Having to conduct a relationship in little blocks of an hour or two at
a time so that no one from the Protectorate found out about them wasn’t exactly

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conducive to elaborate sex games. From the look she glimpsed on Taggart’s face, he
appeared more than happy to change that now.

She felt him flip the rear veil of her lya up and out of the way. Then she saw him

step forward and felt the smooth glide of neoleather pressing her legs apart. She spread
them wide and let him move between until his hips pressed firmly against her ass and

his cock rode intimately in the crevice there.

“I can see why folks around here keep you dressed in these flimsy skirt things,” he

said, his voice wicked and seductive and amused. “They get my vote for the
convenience factor alone.” He ran one finger along the bottom edge of the gold belt,
tracing an imaginary line over the sensitive skin at the small of her back until her hips
shifted restlessly beneath him. “And I’m beginning to think it’s a better idea than I’d
originally guessed.”

Eve heard the hint of self-satisfaction enter his voice and stiffened, but he was fast.

The bastard. Before she could even begin to guess his intentions, he grabbed both her
wrists, pulled them together behind her back and used the long, thin strip of her veil to
bind them. She opened her mouth to protest and drew in a short and angry breath
when she realized she couldn’t say a damned thing about it, not with the prince’s
henchmen listening from the next room. Instead, she had to content herself with non-
verbal communication, twisting one hand into a fist and extending the middle finger
high and straight above the others. Taggart laughed.

“You know, I think this look suits you, baby,” he said. “All tied up and no place to

go.” His hands slid past her elbows to close around her waist, lingering to knead the

soft valley there before sliding up over her ribcage and snaking forward between her
and the giving mattress. Hot, strong fingers closed around her breasts and squeezed
gently, tightening her nipples and her lips simultaneously. The urge to spit a volley of
curses at him nearly overwhelmed her.

Taggart leaned forward, pressing against her hands and the length of her spine

until his mouth found her ear and his teeth gave a quick tug to the soft lobe. “You have
no idea how many times I’ve fantasized about having you at my mercy like this, Major.
Pictured tapping in to those fantasies you lock away inside you, the ones you like to

pretend don’t really exist.”

Her head snapped around, bells chiming, until she could speak without being

overheard. “So now you’re a frickin’ mind-reader? You have no idea about my
fantasies, Taggart and don’t presume that you do.”

“I know more about you than you think. Evenaril.” He pulled back slightly, no

longer making an effort to be quiet. He slid one hand away from her breast, over the
curve of her ass and down between her legs, plunging two fingers deep into the wet
heat he found there. “I know you were made for pleasure, made to lie beneath me, all
warm and soft and giving.” His fingers twisted, scraped, and the contractions in her

pussy rippled through her body until even her teeth clenched. “I know that lying
beneath me turns you on, makes you hot, makes you drip with wanting me inside you.”

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He leaned forward again, this time touching his tongue to her spine above her

bound hands and licking a slow, tortuous trail up to the nape of her neck. There, his
teeth closed around the sensitive skin until she shuddered and a tiny moan escaped her.
“I know you weren’t half so hot before I tied your hands behind you. I know you’ve
never been this wet…” Two probing fingers retreated, withdrawing from her pussy,

making her clench and murmur a protest. Three fingers slid back, stretching, filling,
making her shiver and moan in pleasure. “I know you’ve never been this hot for
anyone, for anything, in your life. Have you, Evenaril?”

Eve’s head reeled, brain and muscles melting under his clever hands and wicked

mouth. She’d never felt anything like this, never imagined she would want to until she
got to Ankhar. Who would have thought she’d relish being dominated by a man, by
any man? But this was Taggart. Taggart who had turned her on the moment she’d seen
him. The man she trusted enough to betray her government for, the man she intended

to spend her life with. Maybe that was the key. Maybe she could find pleasure in
surrendering not to a man, but to Taggart? Maybe her trust in him let her give in to
urges she’d never known she had.

Oh, Powers! Maybe she was thinking too damned much.
The fingers buried in her cunt seemed like the center of her universe. She lived for

the deep thrust and flex, the feeling of being stretched and pushed higher and higher up
some slippery slope. Until she felt the hand at her breast move, felt his fingers flex, and
the tip of his smallest digit hooked inside her golden piercing and tugged.

“Taggart!” She cried out, helpless. The sharp pull of sensation shot from her nipple

to her clit like lightning, the sweet pleasure-pain making her writhe beneath him. Then
his finger slipped out of her and she whimpered, pressing back against him, wordlessly
begging for more.

He denied her, his hand settling on her bare ass in a manner that felt both soothing

and threatening. “That’s not how a nitara addresses her new master, is it, Evenaril?”

Eve pushed her hips back against him and whimpered. She heard his words

through a fog, couldn’t seem to focus on them, or on anything but the need to have him
inside her. Her pussy felt cold and empty without him.

“Is it, Evenaril?”
The question, spoken firmly, didn’t do much to penetrate her fog, but the sharp

smack to her unsuspecting ass sure as hell did the trick. She reared up like a cobra,
shocked and angry, ready to tear a chunk out of whatever body part he happened to
place in her way. “What do you—?”

His hand shot from her breast to her mouth before she could finish forming the

words, and the action probably saved both their skins. Eve had completely forgotten
about their audience in the next room in her rush to rip Taggart a new orifice.

“Is it. Evenaril.”
His emphasis on her make-believe name brought her back to reality and reminded

her that while the game they were playing might be intimate as hell, it damned sure

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wasn’t private. She needed to remember that her cover was even more important than
the feeling of being fucked by this man.

But she’d get him for that smack.
She parted her lips and ran her tongue briefly over his palm. His hand squeezed

once affectionately and lifted.

“No, dashim,” she said, struggling to keep her voice meek and humble. “I apologize

for my impertinence.”

“Good girl.” He returned his hands to their former occupations—one tugging and

twisting at the rings decorating her super-sensitive nipples, the other thrusting deep
between her legs into her needy cunt. “Now tell me what you want. What do you want
me to do to you, babe?”

Eve moaned, her hands twisting futilely against the fabric binding them, her hips

thrusting to take him even deeper into her pussy. “I want you to take me, dashim. I need

to feel you inside me.”

Taggart hummed and screwed his fingers deeper, simultaneously pulling hard at

her nipple. “I’m already inside you, babe. Can’t you tell?” He curved the tips of his
fingers into blunt hooks and scraped them roughly over her inner walls.

Eve threw back her head and cried out, a long, breathy moan. She wasn’t sure if the

ringing in her ears came from her bells or her arousal. It took three tries before she
could speak. “No, dashim. I want you to fuck me.”

A pinch tightened around her other nipple. Fingers withdrew, thrust again. “I am

fucking you.”

Kinky sexual favors, chocolate and massages. Several massages.
“Your cock,” she managed around a series of broken whimpers and gasps for air. “I

want your cock to come inside me and fuck me, dashim. Take this pussy and make it

She felt him pause, felt his muscles bunch and tense against her and almost smiled.

She would have smiled, if she weren’t so busy trying to keep from following up her
traditional speech with something incredibly un-nitara-like. Such as, “If you don’t hurry
up and fuck me in the next thirty seconds, I will make you regret it until your dying


She shouldn’t have worried. It only took five seconds before Taggart slipped his

fingers from her pussy, withdrew his hand from her breast and closed both hands
around her hips. He pulled them a few inches further off the bed until it supported her
only from her waist up. Her feet planted firmly on the floor gave her a tiny bit of
leverage, and she used all of it to thrust herself back against him.

“This is my pussy,” he finally growled, shifting his hips until the hot, broad head of

his cock pressed against her opening, both a threat and a temptation. “It will always be

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He thrust forward on a grunt, a primitive sound to mark a primitive claiming. Eve

gasped, her fists clenching and twisting in their bonds as she forced herself to relax for
his blunt intrusion. His cock tunneled inside her, inch after heavy inch, forcing her
passage to stretch wide in submission. She’d forgotten how big he was, forgotten the
stark reality of taking him inside her body, the familiar sting when he breached the tight

ring of muscle at her entrance, the breathtaking rush of sensation as he sliced deeper.

His possession gave a brutal kind of pleasure. Feeling him breach her cunt again

after an absence wasn’t easy or comfortable. It didn’t feel like a key fitting in a lock, but
an invasion, a conquering presence forcing her cunt to make way for him. The sensation
always made her moan, always made her muscles clench and her pussy weep in
helpless pleasure. Maybe that meant she really had those submissive tendencies buried
somewhere inside. After all, what sort of woman gloried in a lover who caused her
discomfort before giving her pleasure?

“Mine,” he grunted, thrusting his hips hard against her to seat his cock to the hilt

inside her grasping pussy. He filled her to overflowing and it was all Eve could do not
to beg him to give her more. “Hot, wet and mine.”

Powers, she hoped so!
He withdrew, making her cunt collapse behind him. Then, fingers flexing in the

padding of her hips, he thrust forward again. “Thank you, dashim,” she gasped. “Your

is made worthy by your attention.”

His response, an inelegant grunt, preceded a deep inhalation and gave her all the

warning she got before he began to fuck her in earnest. He pounded her cunt like a

battering ram, hilting over and over in her clinging flesh. The impact sent up a chorus
of tiny bells that rang to mark every deep shove. His fingers bit deeply into her hips,
holding her in place for his possession.

Eve thrust her hips back at him, taking everything he had to give and glorying in it.

Her senses sharpened, making her acutely aware of the brush of his pubic hair against
her ass, the tension in his thighs when they slammed against hers. She heard his breath
rasping in his throat and the soft grunts he made with each thrust. The damned bells so
close to her ears sounded like claxons. She felt the nubby texture of the bedclothes

teasing her sensitive nipples, smelled the heavy tang of musk and sex in the air
surrounding them. She heard the whimpers ripped from her own throat, the harsh,
uneven soughing of the breath he was stealing from her.

In all her life, she’d never felt anything this intense. Whether it had to do with the

situation or the modifications to her body or the presence of the man in her cunt, she
couldn’t tell. Frankly, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the shimmering mirage of
her orgasm she could glimpse on the horizon before her. She reached out to it, clamping
her pussy tight around Taggart’s cock, egging him on with soft, breathy cries and
rolling undulations of her hips.

“Please, dashim,” she gasped, her back bowing as she pressed her shoulders into the

mattress, hunching her body to press harder against him. “Your nitara begs you!”

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He thrust faster, harder, until the force of his cock pounding into her helpless cunt

forced her onto her toes beneath him. “Tell me!” he growled. “Tell me what you want.”

“You!” she cried, thinking frantically that if he couldn’t tell that much, he was

beyond help. “I want you, dashim! Come inside me. Honor me with your come.”

He roared, his muscles clenching hard against her. He threw his hips against her

with brutal force, fucking her like an animal, primal and desperate. The impact knocked
her feet out from under her, leaving her pinned between his cock and the bed, helpless
and ecstatic. One final thrust butted his cock firmly against her cervix and the shock of
pain and pleasure sent her over the edge. She exploded around him, cunt spasming,
body bucking as she screamed long and loud. He followed quickly, pouring his come
inside her even as he continued to dig into her pussy with short, hard strokes. He thrust
for endless minutes, prolonging the agonizing pleasure for them both, making the
world recede and the primitive connection between cunt and cock the only thing that


She wasn’t quite sure when it ended, only that at some point his thrusts slowed to a

gentle rocking that continued after he lifted them both on to the bed and curled his
warm, damp body around hers like a blanket. He quickly untied her hands and she
snuggled back against him. She shifted restlessly until his hand closed around her thigh
and pressed it forward, easing her part of the way onto her stomach and making more
room for himself between her legs. She sighed then, feeling drowsy and content and not
particularly interested in the niggling sense of unfinished business in the back of her
mind. Her body felt sated and warm, and her pussy fluttered in easy little ripples

around the cock still embedded inside her.

With his weight half over her, Taggart was better than a blanket, and Eve reached

up to grab his arm and wrap it snugly around her. He went one better, insinuating his
hand between her breasts, draping his palm over the lower one until his fingers could
toy idly with her nipple ring.

“You okay?” he breathed into her ear, punctuating the question with a tender brush

of his lips.

“Oh, yeah.” She felt better than okay. She felt invincible, as if she could take on the

entire Protectorate single-handed. In that moment, still soft and wet with Taggart’s
loving, she could do anything.

“Good.” She felt the loss of his heat, then the shift of the mattress as he pushed

himself to a sitting position and swung his legs to the floor. “Be a good little nitara and
shake the tingles out of your arms while I go fetch that ceremonial box.”

Eve’s eyes flew open. Anything but that.

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Chapter Ten

“What the hell are you talking about?”
Taggart shucked his pants and looked back at her as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Reaching out, he pulled her up against him and spoke into her ear. “Insurance,” he
murmured. “Just in case we can’t get out of here tonight, we need to cover our bases.

We need to decorate your belt and finish off your tattoo.”

Eve scowled. “Damn it, I thought we were finished with this crap.”
“Just this, then we can get a couple hours of sleep until Deac gets here.”
Their gazes met, and she studied his serious expression for a minute before sighing

and flopping back onto the bed. “Whatever you require, dashim.”

Taggart gave her an attagirl wink and a pat on the hip. “Stay right there,” he said at

a normal volume. “If I’m going to keep you around for a while, I have to make sure
everyone else knows to keep their hands off my property.”

Eve rolled her eyes, but entertained herself by watching the shift and play of muscle

in his butt as he strode across the room. The man had a truly tasty ass. In fact, the sight
of it—combined with the aftermath of truly righteous sex—left her feeling just mellow
enough to play nitara for another few minutes.

“Surely no one would think to challenge a man as mighty and fearsome as you,


” she said in her most innocently submissive voice. This time she had to fight the

temptation not to gag, but to laugh at the way Taggart’s head whipped around in
shock. “Your enemies must tremble with fear at the sound of your name.”

She saw the glint of humor enter his eyes and barely had time to wonder if she’d

laid it on just a little too thick when he settled back onto the bed beside her, setting the
small wooden box on the pillow near his hip.

“You know it, babe.” He leaned back against the headboard and crossed his long

legs at the ankle, looking as arrogant as the prince and far more tempting. “But it never
hurts to play it safe. Besides, it’s not every man in the system who can afford a genuine

. I want people to look at you and figure I must be even better than they thought.”

Eve rolled her eyes and pantomimed sticking her finger down her throat, but

Taggart just grinned wider.

“So how ‘bout you bring that sexy little skirt of yours over here and let me fix up

that belt with my colors?”

“Oh, dashim, I am honored to bear your mark.” She hoped the breathy sound of her

voice sounded more like reverence than derision if their audience was still listening. She
padded to stand beside the bed, figuring it would be easier to fit the jewels into the belt
of the lya that way than if she knelt beside him on the soft mattress.

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Taggart wiggled his eyebrows. “Yeah, I know you are.”
She curled her hand into an open fist and moved it back and forth a couple of times

before reaching for the box. He slapped her hand away and shifted the box to his lap.
Smiling, she snaked her hand between cool wood and hot skin and wrapped it around
his cock, repeating her earlier motion, only this time her fist was full of hardening shaft.

Taggart’s eyes went heavy-lidded, and he sent her a smoldering look as he flipped open
the box to examine the contents.

“Well, well. Now isn’t this interesting.”
She eyed his wicked expression and grew instantly suspicious. Unable to demand

to know what he meant, she leaned forward and peered into the box herself. It
contained just what she’d expected. A set of six golden stones that looked like topaz—
probably chosen as Taggart’s colors as a reference to the name of his ship, the
Sovereign—a set of gold gauze veils for her lya, several bottles of ink and the tattoo

inker that would be used to complete her facial design. But none of those had put the
shit-eating grin on Taggart’s face. No, his cock had hardened and his mouth had curved
because of the small, unexpected object he currently rolled between his broad fingers.

A third gold ring, of the same design as the ones decorating her breasts, but smaller.

She frowned.

“They’ve already taken care of your nipples,” he said, staring at her with heated

intent. “So where do you think this ring goes?”

Eve felt her eyes widen and her pussy clench. She could almost have sworn she felt

her clit shrink to the size of a grain of rice in terror. “No. Damned. Way.”

She mouthed the words at him, but since his eyes bulged at the tightening of her

fingers around his cock, she figured he got the message.

She loosened her grip, and he cleared his throat. “Maybe we’ll take care of that

later. How about these jewels first?”

“Whatever you wish, dashim.”
He pulled her closer by her belt, helped her straddle his lap as he kept up some idle,

ridiculously arrogant chatter that Eve tuned out. She watched as he fitted the three front
gems into the proper spaces on the belt. She wasn’t sure quite what held them there, but

they seemed secure enough once they were in place.

Taggart sat back to survey his handiwork. “Not bad, babe. I think I like this look.”
Eve rolled her eyes, but if she were honest with herself, she’d have to admit she

liked it, too. It freaked her out a little, but somehow the sight of his colors adorning her
belt made her happy.

Damn, I need a vacation.
“Okay, babe. Time to do the other side.” He turned her around, but stopped her

with a hand on her bottom and wicked grin when she would have straddled him again
with her back to him. “Uh-uh. Not that way. Just bend over my lap, babe and point this

pretty ass right up at me.”

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She complied with the lift of an eyebrow. If he thought her ass was pretty, she

might as well give him a good look at it. Moving with the lazy, sensual grace of a
trained nitara, Eve knelt beside him on the enormous bed and slowly lowered her torso
until her body draped over his lap like a blanket. She could feel the hard, hair-
roughened muscles of his thighs under her belly, the hot, insistent press of his cock

against her hip. Squirming unnecessarily, she shifted position until he planted one hand
squarely in the center of her lower back and pressed her down.

“Right there, babe. Now be still.” She looked back over her shoulder at him, but he

wasn’t looking at her. His gaze roamed over her rear end, and she canted it up to give
him a better view. He used his free hand to brush her lya out of the way, then slid it
very slowly over the pale, silky skin. The teasing caress made Eve tremble, and she saw
her arousal mirrored in his gradual smile.

“Very nice.” He spoke in a gravelly rumble that Eve swore she could hear with her

cunt. It vibrated through her, more powerful than a sex toy, and she thought about how
much money he could make just recording his voice for use as an erotic enhancement.
“I could get to like this view of you, babe. Though it does give me a few…ideas.”

His hand stilled on her skin, bleeding warmth into her. She remembered the

abbreviated spanking he’d given her earlier and blushed to feel her pussy gush at the

He laughed, dark and rich and low, as if he knew her thoughts. “But there’s time

enough for that later. Right now, we’ve got other things to do.”

He took his hand away and she felt him add the remaining three jewels to the back

of her belt. When he finished, he sat her up, guiding her leg back over his hip until she
straddled him again, her hips settling comfortably on his thighs.

“All shall be as you wish it, dashim.” She purred the words, leaning forward to

brush her lips against his, trailing them down his throat and over his chest to flick
against his nipple. She felt his muscles ripple, heard the deep intake of his breath, the
sighing hum of pleasure.

“Mm, look up at me, babe.”
She did so reluctantly, nibbling briefly at his nipple before sitting up straight and

crawling closer to him. She eased forward until she felt his cock slide through her slick
folds and nudge her entrance. Pressing herself against him from lips to groin, she
rocked her hips in a primitive rhythm, caressing them both. Her tongue swept over his
lips, between his teeth, tangled with his own and urged it out to play. He buried one
hand in her hair to hold her to him and in pure Taggart style he seized control of the
kiss and devoured her.

Eve whimpered, opening wide to his invasion, suckling his tongue with fervent

greed, needing the taste of him like water. He growled as he plundered, using his entire
mouth, lips, teeth, and tongue, to make her crazy. Damned if it didn’t work.

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When he pulled away she cried out and swayed toward him. Only his hand in her

hair held her back, and when she reached for him, he swatted her away. “No. Keep
your hands to yourself. I want you to stay absolutely still until I tell you otherwise.”

She moaned a protest, but dropped her hands to her sides and gripped fistfuls of

blanket to restrain herself.

“Good girl. Now don’t move.”
She didn’t move, but let him move her. He released his grip on her hair and

grasped her hips with both hands, lifting her a few inches off his lap and bringing her
back down in a smooth, forceful motion that left her impaled on his amazing cock.

Taggart groaned in agreement and released his grip. “That’s it, baby. Now stay

perfectly still. I need a steady hand for this.”

Eve opened her eyes on a broken grasp that ended abruptly when she saw the

tattoo inker in his hand. “Wait!”

“No.” He emphasized his blunt denial with a telling glance and a subtle thrust of

his hips. “You’re mine now, Evenaril, and you’re going to wear my mark for everyone
to see.”

She shivered, her internal muscles contracting around him, making them both suck

in unsteady breaths. Eve’s eyes drifted shut, and she trembled from head to toe. Her
arms ached to wrap around him, and her pussy ached where it did. She gritted her
teeth and clenched her thigh muscles to stop herself from rising along his thick shaft,
riding him hard and fast toward climax. She thought it might be the hardest thing she’d

ever done.

“Stay still.”
“Yes, dashim.”
She did her best to keep perfectly still when he pressed the tip of the inker lightly

against the half-finished design of her nitaral tattoo, but there was no way she could
ignore the feel of his cock filling her. He was too big, stretched her too deliciously. She
could control the movement of her arms and legs, and the shifting of her hips, but she
couldn’t keep her cunt from rippling around him. Her inner muscles clenched and

released in delicate waves, suckling him like a thirsty mouth, and Eve saw the evidence
of his reaction in the narrowing of his eyes and the deliberate, rhythmic control of his
breath. But his hand remained steady and the inker moved with slow, careful
deliberation over her skin, leaving a tingling trail of copper-gold ink in its wake.

She was silent for a few minutes, struggling to gain control of her breathing and her

desire, until the tension drove her crazy. “What is it that you mark me with, dashim?”

She couldn’t tell from the motion of his hand, but she hadn’t expected to after the

experience of getting the first part done at the beginning of the assignment. The golden
spiral of Prince Jaru’s house had felt more like a golden scribble when the tech had

inked it onto her cheek.

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“You’ll see in a few minutes. Be patient.” He glared at her when she squeezed his

cock deliberately. “And behave.”

Eve groaned, but complied. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing,

instead of on the thick length of his cock, or the painful tightening of her nipples. She
breathed slowly, intently, matching her rhythm to his. If he could keep from coming

while he finished her tattoo, so could she. Even if she died trying.

He worked in silence, ignoring the way she gasped and moaned whenever he

shifted to ink a new spot. He seemed not to even notice their physical connection, even
though he stayed more than hard enough to maintain it. When Eve began to entertain
fantasies of yanking the inker out of his hand and raping him, he parted his legs,
forcing hers wider in turn and bringing her down another fraction of an inch on his
shaft. She felt the head knock against the back of her pussy and the crash of sensation
tore a strangled scream from her throat.

“Almost done,” he murmured, and when she heard his level voice she debated

cursing his children and his children’s children. How could any man be so fucking calm
while fucking?

“Please, dashim,” she whimpered, willing to play nitara if it would help. Shit, she’d

be willing to play mud wrestler and street sweeper if it would get him to move. “I
cannot wait any longer. I need you to fuck your pussy.”

“In a minute.”
She felt the inker lift off her face and her eyes popped open to see Taggart leaning

back to eye his artwork critically. Her lips parted in a snarl. “Now, dashim!”

Bracing her hands on the mattress for leverage, she managed three quick, hard

thrusts that brought her to the brink of orgasm before he grabbed her hips and dragged
her to a stop.

“Not so fast, babe,” he growled, squeezing a warning. “Don’t you want to see my

handiwork first?”

Not as much as I want to see you. Naked. Being flayed alive by little old ladies with

blunt crocheting hooks.

She bit back the words. “Of course, dashim.”
He reached into the box and pulled out a mirror, holding it up until she could see

her cheek reflected in the small frame. He’d drawn a heart rising from the golden spiral,
a delicate thing surmounted by a sovereign’s crown. The skin still tingled where the
inker had touched, but Eve thought it looked perfect. Her frustrated anger faded a little.

“It is beautiful, dashim.”
“I think it’s pretty cool.” Setting aside the mirror, he scooped up the entire box of

supplies and deposited it on the table beside the bed. The movement shifted his cock
inside her, pressing it against her walls until she thought she might have to threaten
him with death if he didn’t let her come soon. When he sat back up to look at her, she

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poured every one of her emotions into her eyes—including the violent ones—and saw
his eyes widen in response.

“Now that’s done, what do you say we get back to focusing on what’s important?”
Eve shot him a killing glare. “Very wise, dashim.”
He grinned and leaned forward to lick her lips. The motion sent his cock surging

deeper and her blood pressure surging through the roof. “Thanks. Are you ready, then?
Do you want to come now, baby?”

Desperate, she grabbed his face in her hands and held it steady while she tried to

telegraph the dire consequences she would wreak on him if he didn’t send her over that
very moment. “Yes.”

His hands drifted up from her hips to cup her breasts, thumbs drifting over her

aroused nipples, snagging the rings just enough to make her crazy, but not enough to
send her over the edge. She added his children’s children’s children to her list.

“Okay then. Come for me.” He breathed the words into her ear, and without

grinding, without thrusting, without moving a single other muscle in his body, he
opened his mouth and stroked his tongue over the surface of her tattooed cheek and
sent Eve screaming into the most intense climax of her life.

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Chapter Eleven

“We got trouble.”
Not the most pleasant words in the world to wake up to, especially when they came

from less than an inch in front of your face and your lover was still plastered close
behind your back with his cock half-buried inside you.

“What’s up?”
Apparently Taggart had gotten the same wake up call because he asked the

question in a toneless whisper that carried no further than it had to and betrayed not a
hint of sleepiness.

Eve opened her eyes and blinked to find Eric Deacon leaning over her, so close they

could have kissed. As much as she liked him, she pulled back a few inches and
frowned. “Is it oh-three-hundred?”

The navigator shook his head and pressed something into her palm. She looked

down to see small black circles, one the size of her smallest fingertip, one about half as
large. The sight clicked her directly into work mode, and she sat up, all drowsiness
forgotten. She seated the speaker bud in her right ear and removed the seat from the
smaller circle to expose the adhesive that glued it to the corner of her mouth. “What’s
going on?”

The high-tech sound system allowed them to hear each other clearly even when

they spoke in the same toneless whispers she and Taggart had used at the beginning of
the night and connected them to the communications system on Taggart’s ship. The
man himself was already off the bed and pulling on his clothes.

“The excrement is hitting the air-propellant system,” Deacon said. They’d never

bothered to turn the light off last night, so Eve could clearly see the expression on his
face, a mix of ready tension and wry humor. “An unexpected visitor just entered
Ankharan air space and requested permission to dock.”

“Your buddy, General Mokollik.”
Eve swore. Just what she needed. Here she was, naked and sticky from a marathon

fuck fest, and before she could sneak away like they’d planned, the creature from her
worst nightmare had to show up and turn everything into a moment from the fubar hall

of fame.

“This is not a good sign,” Taggart said. “Only reason for him to show up here is if

he planned to turn this double cross into a triple.”

“That’s what I figured.” Deacon lifted a satchel he’d apparently brought with him

and set it on the bed next to Eve. He glanced over at her and lifted one dark eyebrow

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but thought better of making a comment. Instead, he reached into the bag and pulled
out a small bundle of fabric and handed it to her. “Thought you might need this.”

“This” turned out to be a lightweight, black nightsuit, perfect for breaking and

entering. Or in their case, breaking and exiting. Grateful to see real clothes again, Eve
shook it out and stepped into it, pulling the stretchy material up over her legs and hips

before she frowned. The usually skin-tight fit drooped and bagged around her, which
would be a liability if they ran into trouble and had to fight their way out.

“What’s up with this, Deac? The damned thing is at least three sizes too big.”
Deacon grinned and pulled a small arsenal out of the bag, handing Taggart a

stunner, a blast launcher and a wicked-looking knife. “Just put it on, Major, and I think
you’ll understand my thinking.”

Scowling, Eve pulled the top of the suit up and shoved her arms into the sleeves.

Then she reached down to close the front seam and swore. The bottom of the suit might

be three sizes too big, but the top barely closed at all. Her damned artificially enhanced
tits were straining the material at the seam in a way they never had before. “Shit.”

Taggart glanced up from sheathing his knife and grinned. “Looks like a good fit to

me, Major.”

“You’ll both pay for this. I hope you realize.”
The bastards just grinned wider and went about their business. Deacon supplied

Eve with her own stunner, as well as a compact throwing knife which she tucked into
the boots he’d also supplied. At least those were her regular size.

“The bird’s docked and General Happy transported directly to the palace. I suggest

you get your asses out of there now!”

The announcement from the ship sounding over their ear buds got all three of them

into action. Shouldering his pack, Deacon gestured to the rope dangling from one of the
ceiling windows. “Up, up and away. If Mokollik is already in the palace, that gives us
six and a half minutes to get gone.”

Taggart looked over at Eve. “You have the chip?” She nodded, which made him

frown a little. Still he didn’t ask anything further, just headed to the rope. “Let’s move.”

They sent Eve up first, launching her from Deacon’s shoulders to give her a head

start. She shimmied up the rope in a couple of seconds, pulling herself onto the palace
roof with easy grace. Deacon and Taggart followed in rapid succession, moving silently
and easily onto the roof.

“It’s over a click to the docks from here,” Deacon said, as they crouched in a semi-

circle in the moonlight. “We can’t risk bringing in a shuttle, so we’ll have to hoof it.”

“Fine,” Taggart said. “The sooner we get out of here the happier I’ll be.”
They moved across the roof as silently as shadows, headed for the rear corner of the

palace and the escape route Deacon had already mapped out. Another rope took them
to the ground, and they turned toward the docks for the last leg of their escape. That’s

when all hell broke loose.

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Less than three meters from the palace wall, a shout ripped through the quiet night

air, sounding an alarm.

Taggart’s shout drowned out Eve’s pithy observation and sent all three of them

bolting for the docks. Cries echoed behind them as lights flicked on around the palace,
and guards began to pour out of the building after them. A glance over her shoulder
showed Eve they all seemed to be wearing palace uniforms, and she frowned. If
Mokollik was already in the palace, why weren’t his troops following them, too?

She got her answer when they broke out of the wooded palace gardens and onto the

stretch of road that separated them from the docking station and Taggart’s merchant
cruiser. Mokollik and a small band of five PSF soldiers stood in the middle of the road,
blocking their escape route. The three of them skidded to a halt, each uttering some

truly creative curses.

“How nice to see you again, Major Cartwright,” Mokollik said, and even across the

small distance separating them, Eve could see the foul, triumphant grin on his face.
“And I see you’ve brought your friends along this time.” He nodded, taking a step
forward in front of the soldiers so he could better meet her angry gaze with his soulless
one. “Yes, I know all about your rebel sympathies, Major,” he said. “Though it was kind
of you to provide me with the proof I needed to see you executed as a traitor.”

“You’re one to talk, you slimeball,” she shouted back, ignoring Taggart’s orders to

hush. “I’m not the one who sent your own troops into an ambush just because you

disliked the squad leader.”

Mokollik made a tsking sound. “I used to think you were a bright woman, Major,

but I find I’m feeling quite disappointed in you right now. I didn’t want you dead
because I disliked you. I wanted you dead because losing your squadron would have
turned my victory on Hanta Prime into a public relations goldmine. I would have
gotten a vice-protectorship out of that, if not for you.”

Eve’s jaw clenched in fury as the truth sank in. “You filthy shit,” she spat. “You’d

cause the deaths of a hundred and fifty good soldiers just so you could put avenging

them on your resume?”

The general shrugged. “If you hadn’t ruined it. But it’s no matter.” His eyes

narrowed even as his smile widened. “When I bring in a traitorous Protectorate officer
and two wanted rebel sympathizers, I’ll get that vice-protectorship after all. All you
need to do is surrender.”

Eve glanced up at Taggart and scowled. “Got any bright ideas? We sure as hell

can’t go around them.”

The smile he gave her was sharp and feral and not a little bit bloodthirsty. “Then I

guess we’ll just have to go through them.”

She heard Deacon sigh. “That’s your brilliant plan? Man, I need to get me a new

assignment. Working for you is getting to be hazardous to my health.”

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Taggart shrugged. “You got a better suggestion?”
“No, but that doesn’t make your idea any less shitty.”
Eve blew out a frustrated breath. “Boys, can we focus here, please? Our ride out of

here is just about a hundred yards due west. The man I’d most like to flambé and serve
to ravenous hoards of pygmy wharf rats is about thirty yards due west. We need a way

out of here.”

Taggart shrugged. “So let’s make one. On three.”
Deacon apparently wasn’t in the mood to waste time counting.
They launched themselves forward as one, crossing the distance between them and

the troops in seconds, their stunners blazing a trail.

At first, Eve tried to keep low, but her overblown endowments kept trying to topple

her off balance, so she had to content herself with being really quick on her feet as she

dodged stunner fire and bulldozed her way toward the ship. The idea wasn’t to defeat
the soldiers so much as to get past them and onto the Sovereignty in the same number of
pieces as they’d had before. If the powers were with them, they just might manage it.

Quick feet and all, she still swore like a dockhand at a backwater starstation when a

particularly well-aimed blast nearly got her in the forehead. As it was, she threw herself
into the dirt just in time for the edge of the pulse to singe the curls piled on top of her
head and set those damned bells ringing again. The minute I get my hands on a real blade,
this stupid, idiotic, Powers-bedamned hair is history!

She heard Taggart’s roar even over the blare of the stunner fire, and looked up from

her place in the dirt just in time to see Mokollik’s boot headed for her skull. She rolled
out of the way, the instinct born of training kicking into gear as she slipped just out of

range. On the way past, she thrust out her own foot, catching him in the vulnerable spot
behind the knee to make it buckle. It didn’t bring him down, but it made him stumble,
and that gave her a precious few seconds to recover herself.

Flipping herself to her feet, Eve dodged Mokollik’s fire, and ducked low, coming in

under his guard. Bastard though he was, the man was a general first, and he adjusted
instantly, ceasing fire and swinging down hard at the back of her head. She dodged, but
the blow still caught her shoulder and sent her stumbling several feet away and cursing.
Her stunner flew out of her hand and landed in the dust with a clatter. “Shit! That is so
gonna bruise.”

Taggart’s second scream sounded even less happy than the first, but a quick look

around assured her there weren’t any boots aimed at her skull, just a high-powered
stunner aimed at her heart. She froze with one hand extended toward her stunner.

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“I’m fine!” She screamed to be heard over the sounds of the raging brawl, but she

didn’t take her eyes off the general. She straightened slowly. “Shut up and let me
concentrate, will you?”

“I don’t think concentration is going to help you, Major.” Mokollik stepped toward

her, cold eyes gleaming, and smiled his smarmy smile. “I think it would take a miracle

to help you now.”

“Don’t be so damned melodramatic,” she said, wondering why the hell he hadn’t

pulled the trigger already. If she were in his position, she’d be toast by now. She noted
his grip on the stunner before her eyes flicked to the commotion behind him.

Mokollik seemed to be successfully blocking it out, but he probably should have

been paying more attention. Taggart and Deacon were busy kicking his men’s asses.
Two already sprawled across the road surface unconscious, and the other three looked
in serious fear for their health.

Then Taggart brought both clenched fists down on the back of one man’s skull and

Eve made some mental revisions. Make that the other two.

“So, you’re doing what?” Eve asked, shifting her attention back to the general, even

as she mentally judged the distance between her and her fallen weapon. “Waiting for
the miracle to happen? Or have you decided on a new career as the stereotypical villain
who spills all the details of his plot, giving his enemy just enough time to get away.”

If anything, Mokollik’s smile just got wider. And colder. And creepier. “Not at all,

Major. What you fail to grasp is that contrary to what you believe, I am the hero of this
particular piece. Or, I will be just as soon as I bring you back to the PSF for trial and

execution.” He lowered his stunner and made a great show of flipping the safety as if he
had nothing more to fear. “And your time has already run out.”

Eve heard Taggart’s shout even as she turned her head and saw what all the cursing

was about. The first group of palace guards had broken from the tree line and were
charging full tilt toward the rebels.

“You see, Major, I don’t need to tell you how I will win, because I’ve already won.”
Eve saw the smug satisfaction in his lizard-pale eyes and snarled. “Not quite, you


Without warning, she dove and rolled, grabbing her stunner and coming up

shooting. Her first blast landed just where she’d aimed it—right between Mokollik’s
arrogant, misogynistic legs. He fell screaming.

“Halt in the name of the Prince!”
Eve glanced over her shoulder, saw the guards less than twenty feet away and

closing, and re-aimed her stunner at them. “Fat chance.”

Taggart reached her side a heartbeat later and closed his hand around her arm,

tugging her back toward the ship. “There are too damned many of them,” he snarled

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even as he squeezed off a few blasts of his own. “We’ve got to make a break for the

Eve looked at him like he was crazy. “Why don’t we just paint big fat targets on the

back of our suits? Like hell!”

He ignored her protests, as did Deacon who grabbed her other arm and began to

assist in dragging her back toward the ship. “You may be a major in the PSF, Eve, but
right now, Tag is your commanding officer, so I suggest you listen to his commands!”

Pinned between two much stronger and equally determined men, Eve felt like

screaming. Instead, she swore with every foul curse she could imagine while they half
carried her toward safety.

The palace guards didn’t give up. They swarmed closer, multiplying like locusts as

more and more men rounded the bend in the road and headed toward them, stunners
blazing a trail. Eve opened her mouth to state the obvious, namely the three of them

weren’t going to make it to the ship before the guards caught them, when she saw
Deacon turn his head and exchange macho looks with Taggart. She saw Tag respond
with a stare and a curt nod before Deacon released his grip on her arm and pulled out a
blast grenade.

She froze. “Wait a minute? What the fuck is going on? Deacon, what are you


He gave her a grin, white teeth flashing against dark skin. “Nothing I can’t handle,

buttercup. Now be a good girl and go with the boss. I’ll meet you back at base later on.”

Taggart grunted and picked up his pace, dragging her more quickly toward the

ship. She let him for about two seconds before she exploded. “Shit! No way! Deacon,
there’s no fucking way. We are not leaving you here, no matter what macho bullshit you
have planned. Now get your ass over here and follow us!”

Taggart wrapped his arm around her shoulders and covered her mouth with his

hand even as Deacon sent her a jaunty wave and turned to head back toward their
pursuers. She kicked and struggled like a wild thing, but Taggart held fast and kept
moving. While she watched helplessly, Deacon pulled the pin on the grenade and
launched it over the heads of the front troops, cutting them off from quick

reinforcements before he lowered his head and charged, breaking through their ranks
like a linebacker.

Eve screamed, the sound muffled by Taggart’s huge palm, and he paid her enough

attention to shake her into silence. “Would you shut up and move, you little idiot?” he
growled. “Deac knows what he’s doing, and he damned sure wouldn’t appreciate it if
you went charging after him like an undergrown babysitter. He can take care of himself.
In fact, I’ll bet you a hundred he makes it back to base no more than three hours behind

The lecture didn’t make Eve feel any better, but it did knock some sense back into

her by reminding her that Deacon was a soldier, and any decision he made to take a
risk, he made knowing full well what the consequences would be. He wouldn’t take

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kindly to her trying to do something stupid, like save him. Still, she had to swallow past
a lump in her throat before she could respond.

“You’d better be right,” she said, relaxing into his hold, “or I’m going to shove that

credit chip so far up your ass, you’ll be sneezing fivers for a week.”

Taggart gave her an understanding grin. “Big words, little girl. Now move your


He stopped dragging her and she started running. Over the din of the battle and the

roar of Deacon’s battle cries, she heard a strange, yet familiar voice.

“Stop them!” As clichés went, Mokollik’s was no more original than his arrogance,

but he made up for it with volume. And an extraordinarily high pitch. “I want them
stopped! Alive or dead, I don’t care! Just keep them off that ship!”

“Too damned late.” The growl in her ear was accompanied by the Sovereignty’s

hatch opening in front of them. Taggart planted a hand in the center of her back and

pushed her toward it.

“Would you stop that!” she said, shrugging the touch away even as she raced up the

ramp ahead of him to where engineering tech Murphy stood giving them some cover
fire. “I am not some damsel in distress, you moron! I know which direction I should be
running in!”

“Then move your pretty little ass in it, Major!” Taggart thundered up behind her

and shouldered her out of the path of a stunner blast. “Murphy, get this damned hatch

“What about Deacon?”
“We’re leaving the concealed pod,” Taggart ordered, shoving Eve aside and turning

to fire at the guards outside. “He’ll be an hour or two behind us. Tops. Now get it

“I’m on it,” the tech said, already ditching his weapon in favor of the computer

terminal at the side of the entry hold. “It would help if you two would stop bitching at
each other long enough to get out of the damned way!”

Taggart pressed Eve back against the wall at the side of the hatch and leaned

outside to squeeze off a few more rounds. “We’re clear! Close it! Shit. Wait a second.”

Another blast was followed by a scream and the thud of flesh meeting ground as the
soldier tumbled off the ramp and onto the soil. “Okay. Now we’re clear.”

“Got it!”
The hatch hummed as it went to work, retracting the metal ramp and sealing the

entrance from any further passengers. The faint sound of curses and more stunner fire
echoed against the hull of the ship, but nothing short of full cannon fire would dent the

armor. As soon as the last bit of moonlight had been cut off, Murphy gave

a loud sigh of relief. “Sealed and locked, Captain, and we’re powering up for launch. I
already sent up the orders to arrange for the pod. We’ll drop and anchor it out of sight.

We’ll be in space in another three minutes.”

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“Good,” Eve said. “In that case, you can get the hell off me, you bastard!”
She shoved hard and sent Taggart reeling backward from his crouching position to

land on his ass.

“What the hell is your problem?” he demanded, glaring down at her.
“You, you arrogant son of a bitch. What the hell were you trying to pull out there?”
“Nothing! I didn’t do a Powers-damned thing. Staying behind was Deac’s idea.”
From the other side of the hold, Murphy gave a discreet cough and muttered

something about seeing them later before the interior door opened and he headed into
the main ship’s corridor. Eve barely noticed.

“I’m not talking about Deacon. He’s an idiot, but he’s an adult idiot and a soldier.

He can make his own decisions. But you, you rebel bastard, you treated me like a kid,”
she said, scrambling to her feet so she could glare down at him for once. “Like I was
some sort of fluff-brained idiot who didn’t know which way to run. I’m a well-trained

soldier, for Power’s sake. I don’t need you to dictate my every move!”

“I wasn’t.” He stood as well, quickly turning the tables back on her, towering over

her petite frame. “I was trying to get us the hell out of there. I’d have done the exact
same thing if you’d been one of my crew. Not being confident in you had nothing to do
with it.”

“Bullshit. You were acting like I really was a damned nitara, with no skills other

than salaaming when you enter the room and giving blowjobs on command.”

Taggart opened his mouth, closed it again and took a deep breath. Then his mouth

curved into a grin and his eyes dropped to her breasts. “You know damned well I don’t

think of you that way,” he said, all the bluster and defensiveness gone out of his voice.
“In fact, this ‘rebel bastard’ has a hell of a lot of respect for you, Major. Even if you did
act like a girl when Deac decided to stay behind.”

She slammed a fist into his ribs, but it lacked the bone-crunching force she would

have put into it a few minutes ago. Already, the ebb of adrenaline stole the heat from
her anger. “I am not a girl, dumbass, but I am a major, and I will make you go after
Deacon personally if he doesn’t report back on time.”

“No, you were a major, sweetheart, and you won’t have to make me do anything. If

Deac gets into trouble, I’ll be the first one after him.”

She folded her arms across the breasts he still eyed and worked up a scowl. “If I’m

not a major any more, what the hell am I? The rebellion didn’t say anything about a
demotion when I signed on.”

“Guess you’re just a garden variety rebel bastard. Like me.”
“Garden variety, my ass, General Taggart.”
“What can I say? The bonus for recruiting a PSF Major is pretty hefty.”
She made a face. “I bet. But I’m still waiting to see what I’ll get out of it. After all,

now that I’m going to be the most wanted fugitive in Protectorate space, I ought to get

something for my trouble.”

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“Hey, I thought I was the most wanted fugitive.”
“You didn’t just steal the plans and operation codes for the highest security prison

in the Protected worlds. Get used to being second best.”

He gave a theatrical sigh. “Damn it, now I’m going to have to seize control of a

planet or something, if I want to get back on top.”

“A big planet.”
“I’ll run that by Rose when we report in. She might go for the idea.”
Eve sighed and rolled her shoulders to try and relieve some of the tension. “So,

really, since I’m officially defecting way ahead of schedule, will the old deal stand?
Rank for rank and straight into field ops?”

“I don’t see why not. Unless you wanted to go in a different career direction.” He

grinned and traced his finger over the swirling design on her cheek. “After that
performance yesterday, I could give you a hell of a recommendation as a sex slave…”

Eve started to launch another attack, but got distracted when Taggart reached for

the front seam of her suit and began to ease it open over her breasts. With the rush of
adrenaline gone from her bloodstream, she managed to take a deep breath and quirk an

“What can I say?” she shrugged. “It’s a gift.”
“Hmmm.” Taggart’s answer was non-committal, but his hands were certainly

committed to easing the tight nightsuit from her body. “You’ve got a whole bunch of
gifts. And let me go on the record right now as saying I appreciate every single one of

He bent his head to her breast and closed his mouth around her pierced nipple,

tangling the tip of his tongue in the ring and tugging it rhythmically as he sucked. Eve
buried her hands in his hair on a moan. “Don’t get too used to these particular gifts,”
she managed to gasp even as her knees turned to jelly and a hot burst of liquid
dampened her cunt. “As soon as we get back to base, I’m getting my own tits back.”

Taggart released one nipple, kissing his way across her chest to the other. “Good. I

like yours better.” He finished pushing her suit off, letting it puddle on the floor
beneath her as he lifted her off her feet and guided her thighs to part around his hips.

“Good answer, Captain.” Eve released her grip on his hair and wrapped her legs

tight around his hips. Her hands slid over his shoulders and chest to ease between them
and pull open the front of his pants. When her hand curled around his erect cock, she
hummed in pleasure and stroked it firmly for a few seconds before guiding the tip to
her pussy and sinking slowly onto him. “You’ve just won a prize.”

Taggart sucked hard at her nipple for a moment before pulling back to catch the

ring in his teeth. He tugged sharply, sending a bolt of pleasure through her that
tightened the grip of her thighs and cunt around him. “Great. I can’t wait to have my
Major Cartwright back.”

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Eve let her head drop back as she tightened her muscles and began to rise and fall

on the hard length of his cock. She didn’t notice he was moving until she felt the cold
surface of the wall at her back and the heavy weight of Taggart’s body pressing into

“I love you, Eve,” he whispered against her ear as he began to rock high and hard

against her, driving his cock through her tender flesh with short, digging thrusts. “The
real you, not some cover you wear for an assignment.”

She gasped and moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him

close, feeling her pussy clench and release around him. “I love you, too, Tag. Love you.

The orgasm slammed into her without warning. She didn’t get a sweet slow build,

but an explosion of heat and sensation. Her pussy rippled around his cock with frantic
pulses and he groaned in her ear, pounding harder and faster into her clinging heat.

Half a dozen thrusts later he tensed like a spring and shuddered, his entire body taken
over by his climax, his cock jerking inside her as he spilled jet after jet of seed into her
welcoming body.

He stood shivering in her arms for a few tense minutes, and Eve stroked her hands

soothingly over his back, feeling the thin film of sweat that coated his muscles. He felt
perfect in her arms, strong and warm and deliciously hard. She pressed a tender kiss to
his shoulder, her tongue darting out to taste his musky, male flavor.

“So do you think we should get married?”
Her head jerked up and Eve blinked at him. “What?”
“You know, say the whole, ‘I do’ thing and live happily ever after. Should we?”
He sounded so calm and relaxed about it that Eve didn’t know what to think. She

frowned. “Is that what you want?”

He grinned. “It doesn’t matter to me. I mean, I already own you, so a wedding

seems kind of redundant—” She thumped her fist into his spine and he grunted. “I plan
on waking up next to you every night for the rest of my life. Marriage could work with

Eve pursed her lips, fighting a smile. Not the most romantic proposal she’d ever

heard, but it would do. Personally, she was more interested in actions than words.

“I could be persuaded,” she said, letting the grin begin to peek out. “With the right

sort of incentive.”

Taggart’s mouth made a wicked curve and his eyes dropped to her breasts. “In that

case, I’d better move fast. These things are a hell of a weapon in my arsenal. I might as
well use ‘em before you give ‘em back.”

Eve sent him a mock glare even as she tangled one hand in his hair and used it to

guide his mouth back to her sensitized nipples. “Yeah, enjoy ‘em while I’ve got ‘em.
They’ll all be gone by this time next week.”

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His tongue reached out, hooked dexterously in the loop of a nipple ring, and

pulled. Eve felt the tug deep inside her pussy and moaned. “Mmmm. I love it when you
do that. Do it again. Harder.”

Taggart obeyed, moving to the other nipple, licking it affectionately, then grasping

the ring in his teeth and giving it a series of short tugs. Eve’s pussy clenched and began

to shiver around the cock that remained buried inside her. “Think you could keep the
piercings? We haven’t had a lot of time with them, and they do give me ideas…”

He tugged again, and Eve whimpered, beginning a slow, rhythmic undulation of

her hips. “Maybe,” she gasped, as she leaned forward to touch her lips to his. “I’ll think
about it.”

Taggart grinned, capturing her mouth in a deep, hungry kiss before pulling back

and nipping playfully at her lower lip. He released her hips and closed his hands over
her breasts, kneading the full mounds with insistent pressure. “While you’re thinking,”

he purred, “think about this.”

Then his fingers closed around the small gold rings and twisted, and Eve couldn’t

think about anything at all.

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Also at Ellora's Cave

The Talisman

Ghost Touch

Fantasy Fix

Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.



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