Teachers Pet Marilyn Lee

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Teacher’s Pet

ISBN 9781419912757
Teacher’s Pet Copyright© 2007 Marilyn Lee

Edited by Helen Woodall.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

Electronic book Publication September 2007

This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written
permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Marilyn Lee

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Marilyn Lee

Chapter One

Devlin Jordan stood in the doorway of the classroom, staring in appreciation at the

lone occupant of the room. Although he didn’t have a full view of her face, his instincts

told him she was one of the loveliest women he’d ever seen. He guessed she was about

five foot seven, with clear, milk chocolate-colored skin. Her lips were sensuous-looking,

her hair, short and naturally curly. What looked like a delightfully full-figured body

was clothed in a pretty dress that cupped her big breasts. The dress fell in graceful folds

around her shapely calves.

When she turned from the blackboard and spotted him, he found himself looking

into a pair of golden brown eyes that sent a feeling of warmth and welcome all through


Her slow smile turned her pretty face into a beautiful one. When she spoke, her

voice was soft and slightly husky, rolling over him like a silken caress. Damn, but she

was exquisite. “You must be Mr. Jordan.” She crossed the room with her hand

extended. “I’m Javen Manning.”

He felt a shock of desire as they shook hands. Her hand was soft and he longed to

raise it to his mouth and plunge his lips in it. “I’m Devlin Jordan. Sorry I’m late. My

plane was held up in Boston and I—”

“Yes. Your wife told me you were running a little late.” She nodded to a chair next

to her desk. “Please have a seat and we can discuss Brittany’s progress.”

He waited until she sat before sitting next to her desk. “Actually, she’s my ex,” he


She looked up from the papers on her desk. “Excuse me?”


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“Wife. We’re divorced.” He stole a quick look at her ring finger, which bore no

signs of having been recently occupied. “Janet’s my ex-wife. I’m not married.” He’d

never been more thankful for that fact.

“Yes. Of course.” She glanced down and handed him a sheet of paper. She smiled.

Powerless to do anything else, he smiled too.

“I think you’re going to be very pleased with Brittany’s grades this reporting

period, Mr. Jordan.”

He found that he couldn’t look away from her. Her smile enchanted him, as did her

warm, direct gaze. A rush of desire ran through him. What would it be like to have her

gasping in passion against his lips as he made love to her? His gaze settled on her

mouth. Her lips were certain to taste as sweet as they looked. He wondered if she were

amenable to learning the seductive art of sexual persuasion. His cock stirred as he

considered the possibilities.

He had been happily single since he and Janet had divorced eighteen months

earlier. Their divorce had been amiable and they had maintained a friendly

relationship. Still, after ten years of marriage, he felt no pressing need to settle into

another serious relationship so soon.

On the other hand, marriage to a woman who shared his sexual fantasies would be

quite an experience. But even if Javen Manning had no more interest in his brand of

sexual seduction than Janet had, the thought of a brief fling with her aroused him. He

looked into her eyes again and changed his mind. He didn’t think one night with her

would be enough.

“Mr. Jordan? Are you still with me?”

He nodded slowly, considering his chances of leading her down the sexual path of

his choice. “Ah. Sorry. My mind wandered.”

“From the look on your face, it wandered to a very happy place.”

What would she say if he told her what he’d been thinking? She’d probably be

highly indignant. Just because she wore no ring, didn’t mean she wasn’t already taken.


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And he had no idea how she’d feel about dating a white man. Come to think of it, with

his history, he had no business wanting to date her. He allowed his gaze to sweep

briefly over her. When she smiled, she was breathtakingly beautiful. Of course there

was a man in her life.

Just looking at her left him longing to kiss her full lips. That was one of the first

things he’d noticed about Shakia when they’d met in their freshman year of college. For

months after she’d dumped him, he used to lie in bed remembering and missing the

feel and taste of her lips. A woman with a naturally full mouth had always been a big

turn on for him.

But this woman was not Shakia. How likely was she to appreciate being gawked at?

He took a deep breath and forced himself to look away from her. “Ah… You were

saying about Brittany’s grades?”

“She’s one of the brightest and most intelligent eight year olds I’ve had the pleasure

of teaching. I’m positive she’s going to do well in her new class.”

“Ah, yeah…right. She’s looking forward to entering the gifted program, but I know

she’s going to miss being in your class.”

“Well, I’ll miss having her, but this really is the best move for her. I’m sure you and

Mrs. Jordan will be even more impressed with her grades next report period. Do you

have any questions, Mr. Jordan?”

“Yes. Are you seeing anyone?”

She arched a brow. “I beg your pardon?”

Damn. He hadn’t intended to reveal his interest so soon. Besides, he was there to

discuss Brittany’s move to a gifted program, not to come on to her teacher. He raked a

hand through his hair. “Do you have any conferences scheduled after this one?” he

asked smoothly.

“Oh. Oh.” Her brow cleared and she laughed. “For a moment, I almost thought you

were about to ask me out.”


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He laughed with her. “I didn’t get much sleep last night, I’ve had meetings all

morning before I flew home earlier this afternoon and I’m bushed. I know I’m not

making much sense.”

“Then if you have no questions, I won’t keep you.” She handed him Brittany’s

grade sheet and rose. “I’ll let you get home to your bed.”

He rose and engulfed the hand she extended in his. “Thank you for waiting for me,

Ms. Manning. I’m sure you should have been out of here a while ago.”

She smiled, her warm eyes twinkling with tiny highlights, her hand soft and warm

in his. “Brittany thinks you walk on water, so I was eager to meet you.”

“Does she? That’s not the impression she gives when I ask her to do something she

doesn’t want to do.”

She laughed. “Well, here it’s ‘my daddy said this’ and ‘my daddy said that’.” Her

smile widened. “I’m afraid her classmates have grown tired of hearing how tall, strong

and handsome you are. Did you know she tells everyone you have the prettiest eyes

and nicest hair in the world?”

“No. I didn’t.” He bit back the urge to ask how she felt about white men with blue

eyes, dark hair and a raging lust for her. If things went as planned—and they usually

did—he’d get the chance to know her intimately very soon.

“I’ve heard so much about you. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Jordan.”

“She talks about you, too. She said you were the most beautiful teacher in the whole


She paused and looked at him. Just for a moment, he wondered if she would ask

him if he agreed with Brittany’s assessment of her. Instead, she flashed him a slight

smile. “She’s very kind.”

“And truthful,” he hastened to add.


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The tiny lights in her eyes flickered and for one long, cock-stirring minute, they

gazed into each other’s eyes. He made no effort to hide his interest. She gave an almost

infinitesimal, but unmistakable, shake of her head.

He swallowed his disappointment. Ah, well. There would be another time to gauge

her interest. He gave the hand he still held a gentle squeeze. “Meeting you was a

definite pleasure, Ms. Manning. I suppose it is Ms. and not Mrs.?”

Their gazes met and briefly locked again. The swell of desire he felt for her

surprised him. If she didn’t share this unexpected attraction, he was going to be in for a

big letdown.

“No, not Mrs.” She tugged at her hand.

He reluctantly released it.

“Good night, Mr. Jordan.”

So she wasn’t interested in his not-so-subtle attempts to come on to her—at least,

not yet. Her lack of interest would make the coming chase even more exciting. He

folded Brittany’s grade sheet and slipped it into his inside jacket pocket. “Good night.”

She nodded.

Halfway to the door, he glanced over his shoulder and found her looking in his

direction. “Ms. Manning?”

“Yes? Do you have a question after all?”

“Yes. Can I walk you to your car?”

She smiled. “Thank you. Yes.”

He stood watching as she put the papers on her desk into a dark leather briefcase.

She crossed the room to the door. She flicked out the light and walked past him. As she

did, her perfume, soft and appealing, teased his senses.

They left the building in silence and walked out into the cool night air. She stood

just outside the doors in the parking lot, staring up at the stars, while he stared at her.

The desire he felt for her was almost palpable. She had to be aware of it.


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She turned to smile at him. “I love the night sky.”


She shrugged. “Oh, I don’t know. I suppose because under it, anything I can dream

or imagine is not only possible, but also very probable. That’s rather a heady feeling.”

She laughed suddenly. “Sorry. Sometimes I get carried away.”

“If you love the night sky, you must love camping.”

“I’ve never been.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing. There’s nothing quite like lying in the

country with the stars overhead.” Except making love under the stars, but he could

hardly say that to her. “You feel at peace with the whole world.”

She sighed. “Sounds heavenly.”

He stared down at her and had to press his lips together to keep from inviting her

to go camping with him. Sexual persuasion notwithstanding, he first had to get his foot

in the door before discussing making love under the stars.

She gazed up at him, a slight smile on her pretty face. “Was there something you

wanted to ask me, Mr. Jordan?”

How could he when she continued to remind him of the distance between them by

calling him “Mr. Jordan” with every other breath? He shook his head. “Not at the


“Oh. Well. My car’s over there.” She pointed to a dark, two-door coupe.

He gazed at her right hand. “That looks heavy. Can I get that for you?”

“My briefcase? Why, Mr. Jordan, it’s been a very long time since a male wanted to

carry my books. Thank you.”

He took the briefcase from her and found it exceedingly light. They walked to her

car in silence. She opened the door and turned to look at him. “Well, thanks. Good


“Are you?”


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She reached for her briefcase. “Am I what?”

“Seeing anyone?”

“After you? No.” She grinned at him. “Or I’d hardly be getting in my car to go


He had a feeling she knew what he meant but had decided to give him an out he

didn’t want. He wanted to know if she was already involved with anyone. “That’s not

what I meant.”

“Isn’t it? What did you mean?”

“I meant were you seeing… Is there someone special in your life? A significant

other…whatever the current term is…a boyfriend or a man.”

A smile twisted her lips. “Well, if there were someone special, it wouldn’t be a

woman,” she told him.

“Glad to hear it.”

“Are you?”

“Does that mean there’s no man in your life at the moment?”

“That’s a very personal question, Mr. Jordan.”

“My name is Devlin and I know it’s a personal question.”

“Why do you ask?”

“Oh, I think you know exactly why I ask,” he countered.

She looked up at him, her dark eyes shooting off tiny lights. “Do I?”

“Yes. I find you…”

He watched the tip of her tongue dart out to wet her full, sensuous-looking lips.

“What? You find me what?”


She took a deep breath. “Do you really?”


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“Yes. You are an extremely beautiful woman but I’m sure you already know that.

You must be used to hearing it from every man you meet.”

The slow, wide smile that lit her pretty face made him suck in his breath. “Hardly,

but it’s nice to hear from you, Mr. Jordan. Very nice. Now if I could have my briefcase?”

He gave it to her. “Is that a yes? You’re seeing someone?”

She slipped into her car. After a moment, the driver’s side window slid down and

she gazed up at him, a provocative smile on her face. “Actually, I’m not.”

“Thank God.”

Her laughter, a soft, husky sound, teased his senses. “You’re very direct, aren’t


“Beating around the bush doesn’t get you anything but beat. May I call you?”

She sighed. “I tend to think I’d really like that, but I’m not sure it would be a good


“Why not?”

“Have you taken a good look at me, Mr. Jordan?”

“Not as good as I’d like, since I’ve always been told it’s not polite to ogle a woman,

but it should be obvious that I like what I have seen.”

“Do you have a thing for full-figured black women?”

He supposed he’d always had a “thing” for black women, but he’d never been

particularly attracted to a full-figured woman before. “Well, I didn’t…until tonight.”

Her smile widened. “Are you always so smooth?”

He grinned. “I am when I meet a beautiful woman.”

“You make it hard for a woman to say no.”

“Then don’t.”

“Maybe I won’t.” She reached in her handbag and handed him a card before she

started her car. “My numbers. Good night.”


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“I’ll call you.”

She nodded. “I’ll look forward to your call.”

Resisting the urge to push his luck by bending and kissing her, he stepped back and

watched her drive away. It was as he reached his car that he realized that not only

hadn’t he asked a single question about Brittany’s grades or her impending move to the

gifted program, but he hadn’t even glanced at her grade sheet. Some father he was.

He unfolded the grade sheet and grinned as he saw all the perfect marks. He

reached for his car phone. Several moments later, an excited voice shrieked in his ear.

“Daddy! Daddy, I was just thinking about you.”

“Hi, sweetie. I know you were about to go to bed, but I just wanted to call and tell

you how much I love you.”

“I love you, too, Daddy.”

“I got your grades tonight.”

“How’d I do, Daddy?”

“You did excellent, sweetheart.”

“Are you proud of me, Daddy?”

“Of course I am, but sweetie, I’d be proud of you even if you hadn’t done as well. I

love you and will always be proud of you, Brittany…no matter what.”

“Oh, Daddy. That makes me feel so good inside. I do love you.”

“I love you, too, sweetie.”

“I miss you, Daddy.”

“I miss you, too, honey.”

“Are we still going to the zoo on Sunday?”

“We sure are. Now I’d better let you get to bed. I love you. Good night.”

“I love you, too, Daddy. Night.”


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He hung up, his thoughts drifting back to Javen Manning. His cock stirred and he

sighed. He needed a fuck. Would she be likely to oblige?


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Chapter Two

Javen smiled nearly all the way home, thinking of Devlin Jordan. It had been a very

long time since she had been so attracted to a man at a first meeting. She hadn’t been

particularly interested in a white man since college. But the tall, handsome, blue-eyed,

dark-haired Devlin set her sexual passions on a quick boil.

Although she didn’t usually date her students’ fathers, as of Monday, Brittany

Jordan would no longer be her student. And there was something about the way Devlin

Jordan looked at her that made her feel as if she were one sexy mama.

Recalling the look in his eyes as they said good night at her car, she grinned. His

blue eyes had practically been shooting off lustful sparks from the moment she turned

and saw him in the doorway of her classroom. Men generally found her attractive just

as she was, so she had never spent too much time agonizing over the fact that she

apparently was always going to be full-figured. She’d always had her share of dates,

but it had been several months since she’d ended her fourteen-month-long relationship

with Marc Alison.

Thinking of Marc and what she’d probably thrown away, she frowned. He had

been a considerate companion, gainfully employed and handsome. More to the point,

he’d been generous with flowers, love notes and displays of affection. He had swept her

off her feet and into his bed within three months of their meeting. In bed, he had

satisfied her physical passions.

He was everything a woman could want in a man. She had convinced herself she

was more than a little in love with him. Yet when she lay alone in bed at night, she

found herself longing for a love and passion that would overwhelm her senses and

sweep her up into a vortex of emotions she could not control. She wanted to meet a man


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who would set her soul on fire and make it impossible for her to do anything but fall

madly, passionately in lust and in love with him.

She knew that would never happen with Marc. Yet, the practical part of her urged

her to forget her wild yearnings and settle for the love and devotion of a good man. Her

inner woman wouldn’t allow that—at least not until she’d had one last, wild fling.

She wanted marriage and at least two children, but she wanted to have them with a

man who turned her world upside down. Marc had expressed a willingness to wait

while she sowed her wild oats, but he was too good for her to use in that way. She had

rejected his proposal. Lately, she had begun to think she’d been a fool for walking away

from Marc—until she turned and saw Devlin staring at her.

One look into his blue eyes and all the passion and flaming need she’d longed for

with Marc had flared in her. Clearly, she’d met the man to have one wild fling with.

When she’d had her fill of Devlin, if Marc were still interested, she’d settle down and

never look at another man.

But before that happened, it would be very nice to be wined, dined and romanced

by a handsome man who clearly thought she was an exciting woman. She didn’t delude

herself into thinking she and Devlin Jordan could or would have a serious, long-term

relationship that might lead to her ultimate goal of marriage and children. Still, she

liked the idea of a short, steamy tryst with him that would satisfy her need for a

feverish, lust-filled affair.

The phone rang as she entered her apartment. She put her briefcase on the hall

table, kicked off her shoes and picked up the phone, expecting it to be her friend Keisha.

“Hey, girl,” she said.

“Hi,” a deep male voice answered.

“Oh.” She hesitated. “Mr. Jordan?”

“Actually, this is Devlin.”

“Oh.” She smiled. “Hi.”


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“I know it’s short notice, but I wanted to ask you to have dinner with me tomorrow


“Tomorrow night? You’re a fast worker.”

“I’m eager to see you,” he said. “Are you free?”

She discarded any thought of playing hard to get. She was old enough and

confident enough in herself and what she wanted and needed, not to have to play

games. “Yes, I am.”

“May I take you out?”

“I’d like that,” she admitted.

“So would I. When can I pick you up? Do you have any plans for the afternoon?

What do you like to do? Where would you like to go?”

“I have some papers I have to grade in the morning and maybe part of the


“You need to work on Saturday?”

“Sometimes. I tutor in my spare time, which sometimes requires me to work after

hours. Would you like to come over? We could have sandwiches and listen to oldies.

Do you like oldies?”

“That depends on the oldies.”

“Motown,” she said.

“Oh. The good oldies,” he said.

“Yeah.” She grinned. “So you want to come over around twoish?”

“Yes. Can I bring anything? Wine…dessert?”

“Just bring yourself and a healthy appetite.”

“I’ll see you then.”

“Good night.”

“Good night. Hey. Wait a minute. I don’t know where you live.”


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“It’s on the card I gave you,” she reminded him. Then, still smiling, she hung up.

She stood at the phone table, lost in thought for several moments, before she shook her

head and went through to her bedroom. She undressed, ran a tub full of her favorite

bubble bath and sank into the warmth, closing her eyes. A picture of Devlin Jordan’s

handsome face formed in her mind. She didn’t dismiss it.

She had a feeling she was going to enjoy getting to know him in the biblical sense

sooner rather than later. From the way he’d looked at her, she had no doubt that’s what

he wanted. Although she’d dated a white guy briefly in college, she had never slept

with any man who wasn’t black. The thought of allowing Devlin Jordan to make love to

her sent a definite and undeniable surge of desire through her. And the thought of him

fucking her increased the heat in her tenfold. Sometimes she liked it soft and sweet, as

in making love. Other times she liked it rough and hard, as in fucking. There was

nothing as sexy as a raunchy fuck with a handsome, skillful man.

* * * * *

The next afternoon, she was halfway through grading the essays of the middle

school students she tutored on the side when her apartment bell rang. She looked at the

clock over her bedroom door. Twelve-oh-two. In another hour or so, she would need to

change from the comfortable sweats she wore and put on her face to prepare for Devlin

Jordan’s arrival. She shook her head and rose from the desk in a corner of her bedroom.

If she was going to sleep with him—and she was—she couldn’t very well keep thinking

of him as “Devlin Jordan”.

Barefoot, she walked to the apartment door and flicked her intercom switch. “Yes?”

“Hi. It’s Devlin.”

“Devlin?” She glanced down at herself. The sweats weren’t only old, they were

baggy and worn in several places. She wore no underwear and her breasts sagged. Her

nose was probably shiny and her lips bare. “You’re too early. I’m not dressed. Go away

and come back later.”


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“I know I’m early, but I couldn’t wait any longer to see you. Let me in.”

“Not likely.”

“I’m a desperate man,” he told her, his voice deepening. “I barely slept a wink last

night for thinking of you. If you send me away, I’m liable to have an accident. Do you

want that on your conscience?”

He hadn’t slept a wink for thinking of her? He certainly said all the right things.

“I’m not dressed and I don’t have on any makeup.”

“Neither do I.” He sounded amused. “And the thought of your not being dressed

doesn’t distress me in the least. In fact, the thought holds definite appeal. Let me in.”

She turned and pressed her back against the door. He would see her like this

eventually. But she was definitely not at her best now and she wanted their brief fling to

be as perfect as possible. If she rushed she could probably be presentable in twenty to

thirty minutes. She had a sexy new pink silk blouse and—


She liked the way he said her name. And she loved his eagerness to see her. Still,

she needed to at least put on some underwear and some lipstick. She wasn’t about to let

him see her with her breasts hanging like this and—

“Javen? Let me in. Please.”

She pushed away from the door and took a quick look at her reflection in the mirror

above the hall table. Her eyes sparkled, her face felt hot. Her stomach churned. She was

damp between her legs. She wanted to see him. More, she was eager to find herself

sprawled on a bed with him lying between her legs, his cock buried balls-deep in her

pussy, his lips either crushing hers or wrapped around one of her breasts.

Once they’d spent their first night together he would see the real her. If he saw her

without makeup now and still wanted her that would bode well for their relationship.

His eagerness to see her increased her desire to begin their sexual relationship.

Accepting her unabashed lust left her feeling wonderfully free.


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She released the front door lock. Her apartment was on the third floor and

moments later, a knock sounded on her door. “It’s Devlin, Javen.”

She took a deep breath before she opened the door. He wore a white pullover and

dark trousers under a short, open jacket. He looked far too sexy and handsome to

appreciate her dressed as she was. She should have made him wait.

She spoke before he could. “I hope you’re satisfied. I planned to put on a new outfit

and to be perfectly made up and smelling of my favorite perfume when you arrived.”

She grimaced. “See what you get instead for arriving two hours early?”

His gaze went first to her lips and she only just managed not to squirm. Without

lipstick, her lips were two-toned. She saw his eyes darken as he noted her breasts,

clearly braless under the old top. His gaze remained on her breasts for a long time

before he looked into her eyes. “You look…ah…”

“Tacky? Unappealing? Braless—”

“Good enough to eat whole,” he interrupted. “Especially the braless part of you.”

Watching the slow, sexy smile spreading across his face, she decided the natural her

must not be so bad after all. “Hi, Javen,” he said.

Delighted that the sight of her not-so-firm breasts excited rather than turned him

off, she relaxed. She gave him a warm, lingering smile. “Hi, yourself.”

“I come bearing gifts to entice you.”

The gifts in his arms included a bottle of wine, a colorful bouquet of flowers, a box

of expensive chocolates and a large, red apple.

“So I see. And very nice gifts, too.” She stepped back and he entered, closing the

door with his foot.

She picked up the apple and took several bites out of it, enjoying its sweetness. “I

am suitably enticed.” She grinned. “This apple is a nice touch. Are you trying to give

me a message?”


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“Absolutely. You’re a teacher and I’d love to be your pet.” He nodded at the apple.

“Is that as sweet as it looks?”

She met his gaze, noted the clear desire and extended the apple. “There’s only one

way to find out.” She turned the apple around to the unbitten side.

He turned the apple back to the side she’d eaten from and bit into it. He locked his

gaze with hers as he chewed. When he’d swallowed, he ran his tongue over his lips.

“Well? Is it sweet?”

“Yes, but surely not as sweet as I’m sure you are.”

She smiled. Oh, she was definitely going to like being romanced by him. She bit

into the apple before offering him another bite. They finished the apple before she took

the flowers and wine from his arms. “I’ll put the wine in the fridge and the flowers in

water.” She nodded toward the living room. “Would you put the chocolates on the

table there? And please make yourself comfortable while I change.”

He put the chocolates on the table. “Don’t change on my account,” he said.

She turned back to face him and arched a brow. “Of course I’m going to change on

your account. I plan to put on an outfit that will completely dazzle you and knock your

socks off.” And hopefully make his cock very hard. She sucked in a breath at the

wanton thought.

He smiled. “I’m already dazzled and I’m not wearing any socks. But if I were, I’m

sure they’d have been knocked off the moment you opened the door.”

“You’re serious.”

He nodded slowly, looking into her eyes. “Oh yes.”

Her feelings stunned her. At thirty-two, she had imagined herself in love a few

times, most notably with Marc. But never had she felt so right with a man so soon after

meeting him. There she was without her face. Her breasts hung halfway down her ribs.

Instead of being embarrassed, the look in his eyes and the husky quality in his voice


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made her feel as sexy as hell. It was almost as if they’d grown comfortable with each

other during the course of a long, intimate relationship.

“Thanks, Devlin, but this isn’t the impression I wanted to make.”

His gaze went to her breasts. “Trust me, Javen. It’s a very pleasing impression.”

“Oh, you have a way with words.”

“I mean it.”

“I think I’m going to like you.”

He grinned. “I’m counting on that.”

Ill bet you are. “Well, I’m not going to have you staring at my breasts all day.”

“What if I promise not to stare?”

“I wouldn’t believe you,” she told him.

He laughed. “Okay, but I think you should know that if you put on a bra, you’re

going to greatly diminish my pleasure in the day.”

She smiled. “I’m sure you’ll learn to cope.”

“My coping skills are almost nonexistent,” he warned. “You could really be

damaging my psyche if you put on a bra. You wouldn’t want to do that, would you?”

“You can hardly expect me to flop around like this all day.”

“Can’t I? Why not?”

Their sexual banter heightened her excitement. “Because sooner or later you’d be

tempted to touch.”

“Probably so.”

“You admit it?”

“Since it’s obvious, what’s the point in denying it?”

The question left her momentarily speechless.

He tilted his head. “Why would that be so bad? Are they off-limits?”


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The huskily voiced questions sent a coil of heat all through her. Worse still was the

desire the words invoked in her. She struggled to control the impulse to give him what

he wanted. “You don’t think I plan to let you play with my breasts on a first date, do


“Well, not before we’ve been introduced. But afterwards, why not?”

“Introduce you?”

“Yes. I’d love to say hello.”

Just as she would love to say hello to his cock. “You can do that when I return.”

“I’d love to meet them in their natural, unencumbered state.”

Her nipples hardened, her face flushed and a surge of desire sizzled through her.

She wet her lips. “Believe me, I will introduce you.”


She shrugged. “Soon.”

“There’s no time like the present.”

She forced herself to shake her head. “The living room is to your right, the balcony

just beyond that. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be back in about twenty minutes.”

She turned away.

“Wait a minute.”

She moistened her lips before she turned to face him. “Yes?”

He sighed. “I apologize if I’ve embarrassed you or stepped out of line.”


“I don’t want you to think this all just about sex.”

That’s exactly what is was all about, but she wouldn’t object if he wanted to shroud

their mutual sexual attraction in more socially acceptable terms. “It’s all right. I’ll let

you know if you step out of line.”

He grinned. “So? Can I say a quick hello to the lovelies before you put them away?”


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Her stomach muscles tightened. A flood of desire filled her pussy. “That would be a

very bad idea.”

“I think it would be a great idea. I only want to say hello.”

“With your eyes? Or with your hands and mouth?”

He raked a hand through his hair. “Does it matter?”

She’d always done what was expected of her. So her answer should have been an

unequivocal yes. But she’d never felt truly free to surrender to what her aunt would call

her baser instincts. After all, not many parents at the private school where she taught

would welcome an adventurous grade-school teacher instructing their children.

She savored the idea of doing the unexpected. The thought of him touching her

breasts on a first date sent a surge of sexual hunger through her. Just once, it might be

exhilarating to do something wild and unexpected like “introducing” her breasts to this

handsome man who excited her sexual passions as no other man ever had.

She felt almost lightheaded with a swell of primal passion. Without stopping to

consider the consequences, she lifted her top and revealed her breasts.

He sucked in a breath. “Oh…damn. They’re large.”

The breath caught in her throat. “Do you like large breasts?”

He lifted his gaze briefly to hers. “Ever met a man who didn’t?”

“As you can see, without a bra, they sag in the most awful way.”

“Awful way? Are you kidding? They’re beautiful.”


“Oh hell, yeah.”

“You think so? Don’t most men like those round, perfectly portioned globes the

movie stars have?”

“I don’t know what most men like. I only know what I like and I love what I’m


She flashed him a quick smile.


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“So what?”

“So can I touch them?”

She stared at him. This nonsense of baring her breasts for him had gone far enough.

Yet the raw sexual tension between them left her longing to engage in even more

wanton behavior.

“Javen? Can I?”

She wet her lips and whispered one word.“Please.”

In a flash, she found herself pressed back against the wall with his big hands on her

waist, his gaze locked with hers. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

She felt hot, needy and incapable of thinking clearly. She just wanted to feel. It had

been a very long time since she had felt this level of sexual exhilaration. She wanted to

savor and increase their mutual desire. “I know you make me feel beautiful.”

“You are beautiful and so damn sexy.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“Have you ever met a man who didn’t?”

“At the moment, your opinion is the only one that matters,” she told him in a

totally shameless voice.

“Oh hell, you know how to stroke a man’s ego.”

She smiled up at him and deliberately licked her lips.

“You make me so damned horny.”

She tingled with desire as he brought his hands up from her waist to cup them over

her breasts. A jolt of electricity shot down her spine. He hefted her flesh in his palms,

seeming to delight in their weight. “How could any man not fall in love with these big,

beautiful delights?”

As he spoke, he lowered his head. He did it slowly, giving her time to object. She

remained silent until his lips brushed across her breasts. Then she moaned. “Oh.”


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The tip of his tongue touched her nipples. She shivered, leaned against the wall, her

eyes closed, her mouth moving silently.

His warm, insistent lips moved against her flesh with a feverish intensity.

Heat and need sizzled through her. She bit her lip to silence the single word

struggling for release, more.

He kissed her breasts again and then settled his warm, voracious lips over her right

breast. Moisture rushed between her legs. She cupped her hands over his shoulders.

He began a gentle sucking motion so potent her legs shook.

He alternated sucking her right and left breasts until her nipples pebbled into hard,

aching peaks and her pussy gushed. Her hips jerked forward in silent entreaty.

She gasped, moaned and made no protest when he slid a hand down her belly.

He lifted his head. “Look at me.”

Obeying the soft command, her eyes fluttered open. She saw her desire mirrored in

the blue gaze staring down at her. “You tempt me to take liberties I know I shouldn’t.”

He gently squeezed her breasts. “If this is more than you’re ready for, now’s the time to

say so.”

She forced herself to speak past a lump of desire. “This is our first date.”

He rubbed a thumb over nipple. “And?”

“And I don’t go all the way on a first date.”

“Damn. Why not?”

His palm seemed to burn the skin of her stomach. She longed to part her lips and

invite him to explore further. “I don’t.”

He sighed. “Fine. You’ll tell me when you want me to stop.”

“And will you?”

He bent his head and nibbled her ear. “I might.”

She should have stopped him then. Instead, she moistened her lips and waited.


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Correctly interpreting her silence as permission to continue, he slid the hand which

rested on her belly into the top of her pants. She heard his breathing quicken as he

discovered she wore no panties.

She bit her lip and shivered as his questing fingers quickly found their target—her

pussy. After the briefest of pauses, he slipped first one finger and then a second one into

her already slick opening.

“Oh. Oooh.” A wave of heat shot through her. It had been several long months

since she had felt anything in her pussy other than her own fingers. No longer able to

repress her natural urges, she moved her butt against the wall, spreading her legs to

give him greater access to her aching core.

Bending his head to her breasts, he took advantage of the new position to slip his

fingers deeper inside. Sliding his other palm around and down her bottom, he cupped

her ass. As he gently finger-fucked her, he sucked, bit, licked and kissed her breasts.

The touch of his lips on her breasts, along with the sweet thrusting of his fingers in

her aching pussy, consumed her—enveloping her in a sensual world where the need to

come was paramount. She was so hot and excited, it only took a few strokes of his

thumb against her clit to make her clasp his head close against her breasts, sigh in

ecstasy and cream his fingers.

Even after she came, he continued to gently pump his fingers inside her and suckle

at her breasts. The motion of his thrusting fingers created a hunger for his cock. But it

was so nice to have him soothe her all the way through her orgasm. As she slumped

against the wall, trembling with the afterglow of her climax, he removed his fingers

from her. Giving each nipple a last, lingering kiss, he lifted his head.

“Look at me.”

Though she longed to keep her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sweet aftermath of

her climax, as before, she obey his command to look at him.

He pushed her sweats down over her hips.


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She sucked in a quick, excited breath when he cupped his hands over her behind

and pressed his body against hers. She felt his cock through his trousers and trembled.

His blue eyes, dark with lust, stared down into hers.

She supposed he wanted her to jerk him off, which was only fair. Besides, she was

eager to say hello to his cock. She licked her lips and raised her right hand. Before she

could palm him, he kneeled in front of her.

She blinked down at him. “Do you want me to kneel and jerk you—”


“I don’t understand.”

He looked up at her briefly before centering his gaze on her pussy. “Don’t you?”

“No. If you want me to—”

“I want to taste you.”

He gripped her hips, leaned forward and touched the tip of his tongue to her clit.

A fresh jolt of desire shook her body.

Removing one hand from her hips, he parted her wet, outer folds. “Damn, you have

a pretty pussy.”

“It aches,” she whispered.

“Then let me assuage your ache.”

“Please do,” she pleaded.

He dragged his tongue along her slit before he slipped it inside her.

“Oh.” She moaned, closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall, shaking.

He ate her slowly, his lips, tongue and fingers probing her.

Her belly tightened and clenched with a wave of pleasure. And then another. And

another. She clenched her fingers in his hair, rotating her hips frantically as she felt

another climax building in the pit of her stomach…just a few more thrusts away.


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He thrust his fingers deep inside her pussy and pressed his tongue against her clit.

Her world tilted and then blew apart. She gasped and pressed his face against her

pussy as she came.

He cupped his hands over her ass and kept his lips and tongue moving against her

as she shuddered through her second orgasm.

As the last shock of desire left her body, he pressed a quick kiss against her wet

pussy and rose. He pressed against her.

Javen wrapped her arms around him and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder.

He stepped back and lifted her chin. “Look at me.”

She opened her eyes.

He caressed her cheek. “Damn. I enjoyed that.”

Javen moistened her lips. “So did I.”

He gripped her hips and smiled down at her. “I aim to please.”

She sighed with pleasure. “And you did.”

Devlin stared at her in silence.

“It was good.”

He arched a brow. “Only good?”

Her cheeks burned. “Okay. It was more than good,” she admitted.

“That’s better.” He grinned. “It would feel even better out in the country under the


She leaned back against the wall, licking her lips, her pussy still exposed. It amazed

her how comfortable she felt with him. “Are you inviting me to go camping with an

ulterior motive?”

“Ulterior? No. I want to take you camping and make love to you. I readily admit

it.” He palmed her ass, slowly rubbing his lower body against hers. The feel of the bulge

in his pants sent a jolt through her.


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He bent his head and brushed his lips against the side of her neck. “I would love to

have you lying naked under the stars, full of my cock.” He slipped a finger between

their bodies and inside her.

She moaned softly.

“Love under the stars is a fantastic experience. Of course, what we just did was

pretty fantastic, too.” He glanced toward the living room. “You know, the balcony will

suffice in place of the country.”

“What?” She shook her head. “You can’t expect me to have sex on the balcony.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t think the parents of my students would appreciate finding out I’d been

caught fucking on my balcony.”

“You’re surrounded by tall trees and forest. Who’s going to tell them? A jealous


He had a point, but she decided it might not be wise to admit it. “Maybe another


“Why not now?”

“Look, I’m going to be fair. I’ll please you, but—”

He withdrew his finger, pulled her sweats up and stepped away from her. “That’s

not necessary.”

“You’ve lost me.”

“I’ve said hello. That’s all you agreed to. I’ll let you go change.”

She frowned. “You don’t expect me to—”

“I know what just happened was more than you bargained for. It was certainly

more than I’d planned to do—at least when I arrived. I won’t pretend I don’t want to

sleep with you. I do, but I don’t expect it to happen today and I don’t expect anything

else except oldies and something to eat.”

“But you’re aroused. I felt your cock.”


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“Yes. I’m aroused and when I’m really aroused, when I really want a woman, it’s

not her hand I want to feel about my cock.”

She swallowed quickly before she spoke. “Oh. Well, I suppose I could suck—”

He shook his head. “That would probably be very nice, but that would only make

me want your pussy that much more.”

“My pussy?” She shook her head. “It’s our first date, Devlin and—”

“And you don’t do that on a first date.”

“No, but I don’t want to leave you with blue balls either.”

“I’ll survive.” He glanced toward the living room. “I’ll be waiting when you


“Are you sure? I could—”

“Unless you’re offering me your pussy, I’m very sure.”


He pressed his fingers against her lips. “It’s okay. You didn’t ask me to pleasure

you and you shouldn’t feel guilty because you’re not ready to sleep with me.”

She nodded and turned away. Why should she be disappointed that he’d shown no

interest in having her jerk him off? He was probably trying to show her he could be a

gentleman. Too bad all she wanted was to get her hands on his cock. Just her luck to let

her hair down with a man intent on showing her he could control his passions. “Make

yourself comfortable. I’ll be back shortly.”

“I’ll be here.”


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Chapter Three

In the bathroom, Javen removed the sweats and stood staring at her naked body for

a long time. She smiled, confident that he found her imperfect body sexy. She turned on

the water. Wait until he felt her pussy clamping like a vise around his cock. Still

smiling, she stepped into the shower. Even with cool water cascading over her head,

she felt hot and excited thinking about what she’d allowed him to do already. God only

knew what he’d expect, or she’d let him do, on their second date.

Instead of shaming her, the thought ignited her passions anew. She was not going

to pretend she didn’t want him. If they ended up in bed on their second date, so much

the better. The sooner they hit the sack, the sooner she could get her need for a wild

fling out of her system. Then, if fate was kind, Marc would still be in love with her and

still want her.

As she dried off, she decided to wear the new mauve two-piece pantsuit Keisha, a

designer and tailor, had made especially for her. The shell had a built-in bra that made

the most of her large breasts and the pants front flattered her less-than-flat stomach,

while emphasizing the swell of her rather hefty behind.

She imagined Devlin’s big hands running over her behind. She shivered and tossed

the panties in her hand aside. She was so hot for him her pussy was in danger of

flooding again. If she wasn’t careful, she would rush naked into the living room, spread

her legs and beg him to fuck her hard and long.

Unfortunately, she was not yet ready to be that uninhibited. She got dressed,

applied her makeup and sprayed on her favorite scent. Studying her reflection in the

full-length mirror in her bedroom, she decided she would do rather well. She slipped

on a pair of two-inch heels and the pair of diamond studs her aunt had given her for her

last birthday and eagerly went into the living room.


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Devlin, seated on the loveseat, listening to a soft, soulful love song, rose at her

entrance, a slow smile spreading across his handsome face. “Wow. You look lovely.”

She smiled, warmed by his sincere compliment. “Better than before?”

“You looked lovely then, too,” he assured her. “Especially with that sweatshirt

pushed up around your neck and your hips and pussy on display.”

Her pussy on display? Her cheeks burned and yet the words excited her. Still, this

hussyism was going to take some getting used to. She moistened her lips. “You know, I

think I’m quickly going to grow to like you,” she said. “Even if you did arrive before I

could finish grading the papers.”

He shrugged. “What can I tell you? I really wanted to see you.”

“I’ll forgive you this time, but you’d better not try it again.” She playfully poked

him in the chest. “A woman likes to look her best at all times.”

“You’d look good in anything,” he responded, his gaze locking on her breasts.

“Even better in nothing.”

“Hey.” She poked his shoulder. “My eyes are up here.”

He laughed and shrugged. “So they are.”

“You’re talking to my breasts again.”

“I know, but if you recall, we’ve been formally introduced.”

She laughed and ran a hand over her hair. “I can’t believe we’re having this


“Me, either, but this feels right.”

She nodded. “That must explain it. This is so strange and yet it feels natural. I mean,

we’ve just met and not only are we talking as if we’ve known each other for years, but

you’ve had your fingers and lips places no other man ever has on a first date.”

“I’m flattered.”


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“You should be. I don’t want you to misunderstand what happened between us. I

don’t usually go around exposing my breasts and allowing myself to be fingered and

pleasured like that until I’ve known a man for quite a while.”

“How do you explain allowing me to do it?”

She suspected all her years of denial had caught up with her and she was suffering

through the worse case of lust she’d ever experienced. She met his gaze and swallowed

the words. “I don’t know.”

He touched her cheek. “You are so damned sexy and beautiful, and you excite my

passions and make thinking rationally around you next to impossible.”

She shook her head. “You don’t have to explain. Brittany told me you were thirty-

eight. I’m thirty-two. I think we’re both old enough not to pretend. And I have to admit

I like this feeling of being out of emotional control.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “I guess it’s pretty obvious what I’d like.”

She swallowed quickly. “I guess it’s equally obvious that I’d like the same thing.”

He lifted one of her hands and brushed his lips across her knuckles. He turned her

hand over and pressed sensuous kisses against her fingertips. “That’s a relief. I barely

slept last night for thinking about you and I sure as hell am not likely to sleep much

tonight for the same reason.”

She smiled and gently pulled her hand away. “I think that’s enough honesty for the


“We could go even further and have even more to talk about.”

“Or we could save some for later.”

“Why would we do that?”

She shrugged. “Because if you make me come one more time, I’ll be your sexual

slave for life.”

He grinned. “That’s going to happen sooner or later anyway.”

She sucked in a breath. “You’re very sure of yourself, aren’t you?”


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He shrugged. “Would you prefer I wasn’t?”

One if the things she’d liked best about Marc was his willingness to view her as an

equal partner—especially in bed. So why did Devlin’s sexual confidence excite rather

than annoy her? “No.”

He smiled and caressed her cheek. “That sweet honesty of yours is going to come in

handy later.”

“Should I ask what you mean by that?”

“Only if you’re ready for a brutally honest answer.”

She hesitated. Was he serious or just teasing her? She decided she’d been

adventurous enough for one day. “So, Devlin. Have you had lunch?”

He laughed. “Playing it safe?”

She flashed him a quick smile. “Was that a yes or a no?”

He shook his head. “You were supposed to feed me.”

The look in his dark eyes assured her he was thinking of more than food. But then,

so was she. Still, she gave a little shake of her head. Letting him finger her and suck her

breasts was one thing. Engaging in the fuck she wanted with a rather alarming urgency

was another. No matter how much she ached for it, that was not going to happen before

their second date. “How does ham and cheese sound?”

“Any chance of getting roast beef instead?”

She smiled. “It just so happens I made a quick trip to the market this morning after

my run and picked up some.”

“Ah, a woman with foresight. This is going to get interesting.”

“Hmmm. Wheat bread okay?”


“Mayo and lettuce and tomatoes?”

“Just mustard.”

“A beer?”


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He shook his head. “I never drink when I’m going to be driving.”

“Wise man. Then it’ll have to be ginger ale or water.”

“Ginger ale is fine.” He paused, his gaze catching and holding hers. She saw

unmitigated desire in his blue eyes. “I don’t suppose there’s anything else to go with

that sandwich?”

“Like what?”

“Can I be blunt?”

She nodded. “Yes. I like blunt talk from handsome men.”

“In that case, I need a fuck.”

So did she. Nevertheless, she shook her head again. She was horny, not crazy. “I

think we both know I’m inclined to give you that fuck.”

He arched a brow.

“I’m just not going to give it to you on a first date.” She briefly pressed a hand

against her lips. “Look, I know that must sound ridiculous after what just happened—”

“Even though I really want to sleep with you, I can understand your no sex on a

first date rule.”


“Sure.” He thrust his hands into his pants pockets. “How about this? I could sit

awhile, leave and come back and then it would technically be a second date,” he

suggested. “And we could fuck like the proverbial bunnies. Would that work for you?

Do you fuck on second dates?”

She laughed and poked at his shoulder. “Do you have any idea how cute your

eagerness is?”

“Cute?” He grimaced. “A man doesn’t much care for being told he’s cute.”

“Okay. How does handsome sound?”

“Sexy or irresistible would sound better.”


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She studied him. His shoulders were wide, his hips narrow. He was handsome,

sexy and irresistible. “You’re that, too. Now do you want to have a seat while I make

the sandwiches?”

“I’d come keep you company.”


“Well, if your kitchen is small enough, I could manage to accidentally rub against

your butt and maybe nibble at your neck while you make the sandwiches.”

She closed her eyes briefly and leaned back against the wall. “Stop it. Please.”


“I just showered and you’re making me hot all over again.”

He moved in front of her and leaned his body against hers. “Hot enough to jump in

bed with me on a first date?”

She opened her eyes and looked into his dark gaze. “Devlin, we’re both old enough

to know better than to jump into bed so fast.” The feel of his cock against her caused her

voice to drop an octave.

He stroked a hand down her cheek. “We’ll use protection.”

“Yes. We will, but not today.”

He sighed and moved away from her. “Ah, well. You can’t blame a man for trying.”

“No. I actually liked that you did try so hard.”

“Well. So what are we having for lunch, again?” He smiled and she found it quite

impossible not to return his smile.

They made the sandwiches together and then carried them out onto the balcony.

She picked up her sandwich, glanced around and smiled.

“What’s that wicked smile all about?”

She shook her head. “I was just thinking…wondering.”

“What? Where we’re going to make love out here?”


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She put her sandwich down. “Maybe.”

He grinned. “Eat up. If I get my way, and I nearly always do, you’ll need your


She took a bite out of her sandwich. She chewed in silence and swallowed before

she spoke again. “So? Who is Devlin Jordan?”

He shrugged. “Just a guy.”

“Oh, come on. You can’t expect me to hop into bed with a man I know nothing


“What would you like to know?”

“What do you do for a living? What kinds of things do you like to do for fun or


“I think you know what I’d like to do for pleasure—fuck you.”

A fresh wave of heat rushed into her cheeks. “Other than that.”

“I’m a regional manager for a software company. I travel a fair amount. I like

oldies, sci-fi movies, Westerns and slow dancing. I jog, play tennis and camp out

whenever I can.” He sighed. “I’ve even been known to allow myself to me dragged to

the opera.” He shuddered.

She laughed. “Not to worry, Devlin. I’m not particularly fond of the opera.”

“That’s a relief. Now it’s your turn, Javen. Why aren’t you married?”

She hesitated. If she told him about Marc, he might think her fickle and easy. If she

didn’t, he might think she wanted more from him than she did. Even though their

relationship would be short-lived, it was better to be truthful. “I came very close.”

“How close?”

“Very, but I’m sure you don’t want to hear about that and him.”

“Yes. I do want to hear about it and him.”

“Okay. He proposed and I nearly said yes.”

“I almost feel sorry for him. He must have been disappointed.”


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She sighed. “I did my best to let him down easily.”

“How long ago?”

“Six months ago.”

He tensed. “That’s not so long ago. Why didn’t you marry him?”

“There was something I needed to do first.”

He arched a brow. “You mean you still plan to marry him?”

She looked into his gaze. What would he think of her if she admitted everything?

“I’m considering it if he still wants to marry me afterwards.”

To her surprise, he didn’t ask her after what. He asked instead, “Are you in love

with him?”

She’d spent months telling herself she did love him. And she did. Didn’t she? “I

care for him and I have deep feelings for him. That’s love. Isn’t it?”

“Is it?”

If she truly loved Marc, would she be so eager to hop into bed with Devlin? “I

thought it was. If it’s not love, it’s close enough.”

He sat back in his seat, his eyes narrowing. When he spoke, his voice held a hint of

cold steel. “Are you engaged?”

The question annoyed her. “If I were, you wouldn’t be here.”

“Then what the hell are you talking about?”

“I’d rather not talk about it. How I feel about him is not important to anything

that’s going to happen between us.”

He reached across the table to clasp her hand in his. “I have news for you, Javen.

Either we talk about it now or I leave. I do not sneak around with other men’s women.”

“I’m not his woman.”

“And yet you’re sure you’re in love with him and you’ll probably marry him



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“You’re making me sound like an airhead.”

“Convince me you don’t belong to another man.”


“Or I’m leaving.”

Her lips tightened. She’d never responded well to ultimatums. She should show

him the door. And she would, but there was no way she was going to let the only man

to really rock her world out of her life so easily.

“I’m waiting, Javen.”

What was it about him that made her incapable of responding to the tone of

command in his voice? She told him about her relationship with Marc.

“And you expect him to just wait while you sleep with other men and then gladly

take you back?”

The censure in his voice and the ice in his gaze angered her. She snatched her hand

away from him. “Don’t make me sound like some floozy sleeping with everything in a

pair of pants. Men have last flings. Why shouldn’t women?”

He gave her a long, silent stare.

She tightened her lips. “I was honest with him. I didn’t ask him to wait. And since

we’re being so damned honest, it’s really none of your business, Devlin. All you need to

know is that I am not engaged, pledged, or in an exclusive relationship with anyone

else at the moment.”

“And yet you say you love him?”

“Men in love have last flings.”

“I’m sure some do, but not all. When I fell in love with Janet, I had no interest in

any last fling or any other woman.”

That’s how she’d always expected to feel when she fell in love. So why didn’t she

feel that way with Marc? And why was she working harder to convince Devlin of her

feelings than she’d done with Marc?


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She shrugged. “Your wife was fortunate.”

“Are you still seeing this guy?”

“No. I was honest with him. He knows I need some space, but I didn’t ask or expect

him to wait. If he does, fine. If he doesn’t, I’ll deal with it.”

“So you just want sex? No romance or anything serious?”

Her face burned. “Are you interested in anything serious?”

“I don’t know what I want beyond getting to know you in the biblical sense.”

She decided that was his way of telling her not to look for anything serious from

him. But that was okay because she wasn’t looking to get serious with him. She just

wanted to experience the thrill of a sleazy, no-holds-barred, no-commitments-required

fling with a man who was slightly taboo. At least, she knew her Aunt Liz, who had

reared her, would find the thought of her having an affair with any man who wasn’t

black highly taboo. “Then I guess we’re on the same page.”

He gave her a speculative look. “Possibly.”

“And what does that mean?”

“We’ll see.”

“And I’m supposed to be satisfied with that answer?”

“For now? Yes.”

“And what if I’m not?”

He arched a brow and leaned across the table to stare into her eyes. “I think I’ve

already mentioned the fact that I nearly always get my way, Javen. Unless you’re ready

to play hardball, let’s leave that for now.”

What the hell did he mean by hardball? And why the hell didn’t she just come right

out and ask him? She shrugged, but remained silent.

He didn’t gloat or show any sign of triumph. If he had, it would have been enough

to awake her spirit.


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“So, Javen. Tell me how you and I are going to be spending some of our spare time


Thank God her explanation had satisfied him. She smiled. “I love dancing, reading

and going to yard sales.”

“Yard sales?”

She nodded. “Yard sales are a surprisingly good source for finding vases.”


“Yes. I collect them.”

“Any particular kind? I mean, you wouldn’t want a modern vase bought from a

department store, would you?”

“It would depend on what it looks like. I’m not really into the actual monetary

value as much as I’m into whether I like it or not. I have quite a vase collection. I’ll show

them to you sometime if you like.”

He nodded. “I think I would.”

“Are you interested in vases?”

“Absolutely not, but I am interested in you.”

She took another deep swallow from her glass. There was something wonderfully

exciting about a man who made no secret of his unabashed lust for her. Her smile

widened. “As I am in you.”

“I love a woman unafraid to admit what she likes and wants.”

“Well, that’s me—since yesterday anyway. Believe it or not, I’ve always been on the

reserved side.”

He grinned. “I have that effect on women.”

Oh, he was confident. “So, tell me about the women in your life,” she invited.

He recaptured her hand. “Even in casual relationships, I’m a one-woman man.

There’s only one.”


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She stifled a sigh. She knew it had been too good to be true that he was completely

single. “Does she know you’re here?”

“Yes, she does.”

“And she doesn’t mind?”

“Why should she?”

Her lips tightened. “Why shouldn’t she?”

“I got her permission to come.”

“Did you really?”

He nodded firmly, his eyes twinkling. “Yes. Really.”

She frowned. He was enjoying himself. He was selfish and his woman was foolish

for looking the other way while he chased other women. She deliberately pulled her

hand from his. “And did you get her permission to say hello to my breasts and to

pleasure me?”

“Believe it or not, I did.”

So he’d been that sure of her? Her face burned and she regretted having allowed

him such liberties so soon after having met him. “Just what kind of woman is she?”

“Well, she has the most enchanting smile I’ve ever seen and she is one of the most

gorgeous women I’ve ever met. Just thinking about her gets me hot.”

“Really? Is that all?”

“You sure you want to know?”

“I’m not a child or fickle. I usually mean what I say.”

He shrugged. “Just thinking about her makes my cock rock-hard.”

If his present woman was so damn perfect and understanding, what did he want

with her? “Tell me about this paragon of yours who makes your cock so rock hard.”

His lips twitched and she decided that if he dared smile, she would be hard-pressed

not to read him the riot act before she tossed him out on his hard buns. “I’d like to, but I

don’t know much about her yet.”


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She arched a brow. So he was the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am type. “Why not?”

He shrugged. “I only met you last night.”

Surprised delight warred with annoyance. Annoyance won. She pushed her plate

away and looked at him. “I think there’s something we should get straight now,



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Chapter Four

Devlin sighed and sat back in his chair, raking a hand through his hair. He’d

overplayed his hand and pushed too hard too soon. She wasn’t ready. Damn. Now he’d

need to backtrack a little and bring her along slowly. “Am I about to be tossed out on

my ass?”

To his relief, she quickly shook her head. “On the contrary, I think we should start

as we mean to go on.”


“We should clear the air and not spend any time playing games.”

“Some adult games can be fun, but okay.”

“I’m going to be very frank.”

“Please do.”

“I want to have a no-holds-barred, no-commitment-required, sleazy affair with


He stared at her, annoyed. “You want a sleazy affair?”

Although she looked more than a little embarrassed, she nodded firmly. “Before I

settle down, I want to do something slightly wicked.”

Man did she have issues. “Javen, neither of us is married or seeing anyone special.”

“What’s your point?”

“I can only assume you think an affair with me would be sleazy because I’m white.”

She sighed and shook her head. “Don’t misunderstand.”

“I think I understand perfectly.”

“No, you don’t. I’m not the one who would think that. The aunt who reared me

would think it. I’ve always gone out of my way to do exactly what she expected and


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wanted me to. A sleazy affair with a black man would be frowned upon, but tolerated

as long as I didn’t flaunt it. One with you would completely scandalize her.”

He felt a knot in his stomach. She wanted to flaunt him at her aunt and she

expected him to be okay with that? Not damned likely. “So—”

“I can see by the look on your face that I haven’t explained myself properly. I don’t

consider interracial relationships sleazy.”

“Then what did you mean?”

“I consider relationships that don’t involve any feelings and have no expectations of

ever evolving into anything real, as sleazy.”

What the fuck? He didn’t like that explanation any better. “And that’s what you

want from me?”

She sighed. “I know that sounds bad.”


She shrugged. “But that’s what I want and I’m sure it’s not far from what you were

hoping for, either.”

He considered her in silence. If that was really all he wanted, why was he already

losing sleep over her?

“You look a little shocked.”

The last thing he’d expected was to have her propose a relationship based solely on

their sexual desire for each other. He should have been delighted that she apparently

would have no problem with his not professing emotions he didn’t feel, but he was

aware of a rather strong streak of disappointment instead.

“I’m not shocked, but I am a little surprised,” he admitted. “I thought I’d have to

wine and dine you for several weeks or even months before we’d get to the point of

having this conversation.”


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“I want to get married fairly soon and start a family. After I’m married, I plan to be

faithful forever. So if I’m ever going to do anything Aunt Liz would find scandalous, it

needs to be now.” She smiled slightly. “You interested?”

Not as interested as he’d been before she bluntly told him all she wanted from him

was sex. He arched a brow. “Since you’re feeling pressed for time, you want to rethink

that annoying ‘no sex on the first date’ thingy?”

She laughed and shook her head. “Nice try, buddy, but no.”

He shrugged. “Well, you can’t blame me for trying.”

“My turn again.”

He nodded. “Okay. Shoot.”

“What happened between you and your ex?”

Why did women always want to rehash dead relationships in gruesome detail?

“We grew up and apart.”

“But what happened?”

“She said I’d changed and she no longer felt comfortable with our sexual


“Really? What were you asking her to do?”

“She said I was too domineering.”

He watched a spark of interest flicker in her dark eyes. “Were you?”

“I know women like to think that relationships are, or should be, fifty-fifty and that

might sound nice in theory.”


“But in the real world, it’s a fact one partner is going to be more dominant than the


“So she wasn’t into being submissive?”

“Not only was she not into being submissive sexually, she wanted to dominate me.”


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She tilted her head. “Isn’t being sexually dominated by an aggressive woman a

male fantasy?”

“Maybe some men would get off on that. All I know is that sure as hell wasn’t in

my game plan.”

“So that’s it? You weren’t asking her to do anything kinky?”

Her voice caught on the word kinky. He watched her face. “Do you have a special

interest in kink?”

She shrugged. “Me?”

“Yes, Javen, you.”



She shook her head. “I think we should understand each other, Devlin. I’m not

knocking the women who love it, but I have no desire to be tied up or spanked in the

name of domination. Aunt Liz didn’t rear no submissive.”

“No? Have you ever tried it?”

“No and you might as well know that I don’t plan to try it with you.”

He suppressed the urge to tell her she was protesting too much. “It might interest

you to know, Javen, that there are means of sexual domination that do not involve

spanking or restraints.”

“Isn’t that another male fantasy? Handcuffing a woman to a bed or bondage rack

and spanking her ass until she begs for it?”

“You sound contemptuous.”

“I’m not. It’s just not for me.”

“Have you ever been spanked?”


“Then how do you know you wouldn’t like it?”


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“I know because the very idea turns me off.”

Then why were her eyes sparkling? “I’d love to introduce you to a technique I call

the seductive art of sexual persuasion.”

“Thanks, but no matter what pretty term you use for it, I have no desire to be

sexually subordinate to anyone, Devlin. I’m one of those annoying women who insist

on being on equal footing with my partner—especially in the bedroom.”

“Were you on equal footing with this guy you almost married?”

“As a matter of fact, I was.”

He nodded. “I thought as much. So tell me, Javen, did that work for you two?”


“Did it?”

She lifted her chin. “Yes, it did.”

“It worked so well that you say you love him and yet you rejected his proposal.

And now you’re here with me.”

The flush spread across her face. “If you think I have some secret desire to be

dominated by my lover, you’re mistaken.”

Her flushed cheeks, erratic breathing and dark eyes dancing with excitement belied

her words. He wasn’t into cuffs or spankings, but there were few things more sexually

exciting than an intelligent, beautiful woman willing and eager to submit to his


His cock stirred at the thought of experiencing such a relationship with her—even

on a short-term basis. Long-term would be more ideal, but he’d settle for what she was

willing to give, at least for awhile. Maybe later, when she’d realized how liberating and

stimulating sexual submission could be for both partners, she’d be ready to admit the

idea did arouse her.

He considered her in silence. Little did she know she’d already begun down the

path he intended to lead her when she’d bared her breasts for him. In fact she’d taken


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several leaps down that road when she’d allowed him to pleasure her on their first date.

Guiding her into complete sexual submission was going to be a very sweet proposition.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

He brought his thoughts back to her and smiled. “Would you like to dance?”

“So that’s it? Conversation over?”

“Yes.” He rose, walked around the table and offered her his hand. “Let’s dance.”


Turning a sweet, sexy smile on him, she rose and nearly floated into his arms. She

rested her cheek against his shoulder. He held her close, loving the feel of her breasts

against his chest and the solid feel of her weight against him. How had he never noticed

the allure of a full-figured woman? He decided now was a good time for another lesson

in the seductive art of sexual persuasion.

He slid one hand from her waist, down past the waistband of her slacks to cup over

her ass. His hand encountered her warm, bare flesh again. He smiled and caressed her

soft skin. She shivered and pressed closer. He slid his other hand over her other cheek,

drawing her closer.

She looked up at him. “I don’t usually dance like this on a first date.”

He grinned down at her. “I should hope not, but this feels right.”

She nodded and linked her arms around his neck.

They slow danced in silence for over an hour. He was hard-pressed not to kiss the

color off her lips each time she looked up at him with those soft, warm brown eyes of

hers that seemed to look right into his soul and capture his heart.

If he weren’t careful, he could find himself in over his head with a woman who had

no real interest in him. If he had half a brain, he’d get the hell out of there and never

look back. But with the alluring scent of her perfume filling his senses, he doubted his

ability to think or behave rationally where she was concerned.


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Aroused and impatient again, he brushed his lips against her ear. “Take your slacks

off so I can say a proper hello to your pussy.”

“You already did that.”

He squeezed her ass. “I want to say it again.”

“That’s not a good idea, Devlin.”

“Why not?”

She lifted her head and looked at him. “Because if I do, it would take an act of God

to keep your cock out of my pussy.”

His hands stilled on her ass. “I’d never use force.”

She shook her head. “That’s not what I meant, Devlin. I meant I’d be the one

fighting to get you inside me.”

He moved his right hand around her body and slipped a finger between the slick

folds and into her moist pussy. “Then let me fuck you.”

She shuddered and pushed against his shoulders. “Not on a first date.”

He sighed. Clearly he’d pushed as her far as she was prepared to be pushed. “Okay,

but you’d better accept the fact that this pussy is soon going to be mine to do with as I


She shook her head. “Just maybe you shouldn’t be so damned sure of yourself,


Rather to his surprise, he found her hot-cold act exhilarating. Getting her to submit

to him would be a challenge they would both enjoy. “Oh honey, get real. We both know

this is going to be my pussy,” he insisted. He took her hand and placed it over his groin.

“And this is going to be your cock to do with as you like.”

She caught her breath and drew her hand away from him. “I think we’ve been

uninhibited enough for one day.”

He reluctantly removed his finger from her and stepped back. “Don’t expect me to

wait too long for something we both know is going to belong exclusively to me.”


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She turned away from him. “Dream on.”

He slapped her on her ass and laughed at her gasp of surprise. She whirled to face

him and he drew her close, sliding his hands down her body, under her slacks and over

her ass.

She made a soft, incomprehensible sound and slid her arms around his body,

holding him close.

He closed his eyes and pressed his face against her cheek, surprised that, for the

moment, he was content to just hold her close. Part of the thrill of the seductive chase

was the anticipation of his lover’s final, wanton submission. Before he left her two

hours later, he sucked her breasts and fingered her into another climax.

Then he went home and took a cold shower. He was still horny, but he resisted the

urge to masturbate.

* * * * *

Lying sleepless later that night, Devlin imagined he could still taste her breasts

against his lips and tongue and feel the warmth of her lovely, large bare ass against his

palms as they’d danced. When he finally fell asleep, he dreamt of rushing down a long

church aisle. She lay naked on her back on the altar, her long, dark legs spread wide,

exposing her pretty pink pussy.

When he reached her, they briefly exchanged vows, he disrobed, turned her onto

her stomach, spread his body on top of hers and, with their guests looking on, plunged

into her pussy. As she moaned and shuddered under him, he repeatedly fucked her

hard. When he finally rolled off her, his cum trickled down the side of one dark thigh.

He sat up in bed, his heart pounding, half expecting to find himself in a church.

Recognizing his own bedroom, he sank onto his back, breathing deeply. If he was going

to start dreaming of marrying her, he might already be in over his head. Rolling over

onto his stomach, he buried his face in his pillow, willing himself not to think about her.

It took a while for him to slowly drift back to sleep.


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When he woke again, it was daylight. He stumbled out of bed and headed for the

bathroom. Standing in the shower, his thoughts turned to Javen. He was going to need

to get her into bed soon or he’d explode. He again withstood the urge to masturbate.

Despite all her denials, he suspected she had more than a passing interest in sexual

domination. He was going to save his passion for her.

Resisting the urge to call her after showering, he ate, dressed and went to pick up


“Daddy.” She greeted him with warm kisses and a hug.

“There’s my pretty girl.” Engulfing her in his arms, he pushed thoughts of Javen to

the back of his head. Today belonged exclusively to Brittany. “Happy to see me?”

She nodded. “I’m always happy to see you, Daddy.” She tilted her head and looked

at him. “Are you happy to see me?”

“Oh yes.”

“We’re going to have a good time today, Daddy.”

“Yes, we are. Are you ready to go?”


After spending the day at the zoo, he took her to her favorite restaurant, where they

had burgers, fries and milkshakes. She told him about a new doll she wanted for her

upcoming birthday. He took out his PDA and allowed her to enter the name of the doll

on his to-do list.

She smiled at him. “There. Now you won’t forget.”

“No. I won’t forget.”

Only after he dropped Brittany off did he allow himself to think of Javen again. He

longed to call her, but decided revealing just how badly he wanted to sleep with her

would make dominating her sexually more difficult. And he was determined to

indoctrinate her into the art of sexual persuasion. He would allow her hunger for him to

simmer awhile before he made his next move.


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* * * * *

“So you really like him, huh?”

Javen nodded, lifting her gaze from her salad to look at Keisha, who sat across from

her on her balcony a few evenings later. “Yes. He made me feel so beautiful and sexy.”

Keisha arched a brow. “Newsflash, Jai, you’re a lot more than pretty.”

She shook her head. “No, I’m not, but he makes me feel as if I am. And Kei, the

moment I turned from the blackboard and saw him staring at me, I immediately felt at

ease with him. When I looked into his eyes, it was almost as if we’d known each other

forever. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way with another man.”

“Whew. That sounds serious. So what happened when he came over?”

“He’s an amazing man. He doesn’t seem to care that my breasts sag and I don’t

have a tiny waist or a flat behind.”

“And how would he know your breasts sag? I’m assuming you had on a bra.”

Belatedly realizing she’d revealed more than she’d planned, she shrugged. “Part of

the time.”

Keisha tilted her head. “Are you telling me you walked around in front of him

without a bra?”

“Well, you know I don’t wear one when I’m home alone. He arrived early and

insisted on coming in.”

“And? Putting on a bra would have been too much trouble?”

“Okay. So I wanted to gauge his reaction. Besides, it was only for a few moments

and then I went and showered and put the girls away.”

“By that time he’d already had an eyeful of those bad girls, huh?”

She smiled. “He seemed to like them.”

“Did they like him?”

Recalling the feel of his mouth and hands on her sensitive breasts, she nodded. “Oh

yes, they do.”


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“Even after I put them away, he spent a good part of the day talking to them.”

“Is that all you two did?”

“Well…no.” She moistened her lips and told Keisha what had happened between


“Holy hell, Jai. You let him do all that on a first date?”

She flushed. “It didn’t feel like a first date. It felt…it felt natural.”

“Apparently not.”

She bit her lip. “Do you think it was a mistake?”

“I think if you don’t want to find yourself in love with him, you’d better be careful.”

“In love with him?” She shook her head. “That’s not going to happen.”

“Really? When have you ever let any man get so close to first base so quickly? I

think this Devlin has the potential to rock your world big time.”

“That’s not what either of us wants.”

“You don’t sound that certain and besides, just because you don’t want anything

serious doesn’t mean you won’t find yourself in love with him.”

Javen silently chewed a forkful of salad, her thoughts on the information she had

found while surfing the internet the night before. “Kei…do you know anything about a

sexual discipline called the ‘seductive art of sexual persuasion’?”

A smile curved Keisha’s lips. “Into sexual dominance, is he?”

She moistened her lips and tried to project an air of nonchalance. “I think he is.”

“You think?”

“Okay. I know he is. Satisfied?”

Keisha grinned. “Hey. I’m not the one flopping around the house without a bra


Javen grimaced.


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Keisha laughed. “Are you going to see him again?”

She shrugged. “I might.”


“Okay, I am, but he is not going to dominate me in any way.”

“If you know that’s what he likes and you’re not into it, why are you seeing him


“You know, you have a very annoying habit of asking sensible questions at the

most awkward times.”

Keisha nodded. That’s me all right. So why are you seeing him again?”

“Because he’s a handsome hunk who finds my sagging breasts and flabby ass


“He’ll be clamping nipple rings on you and spanking said ass in no time. Hmmm. I

wonder if he’ll use his hand or a paddle or flogger.”

Javen frowned. “He won’t be using anything on me. I told him I’m not into that.”

“You really think that’s going to stop a man into sexual domination?”


“The more you tell him you’re not into something, the more determined he’d be to

make sure you love every second of being dominated.”


She shook her head. “Don’t worry, Jai—when you discover you like spanking, I

won’t say I told you so.”

A wave of heat rushed into her cheeks at the thought of Devlin’s big, warm palm

raining blows onto her bare ass cheeks. “He said he’s not into spanking.”

“That’s what they all say until you bare your ass and the next thing you know,

they’re spanking it until each cheek stings like crazy and then they’re fucking it like it’s

their first and last anal fuck. And you know what, Jai? You’ll love every second of it.”

“You…you like it?”


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“Like it? No. I love it.” She pressed a hand against her chest. “There’s nothing like

having your lover tug on your nipple rings while he spanks your ass until it begins to

sting…all while thrusting into your pussy. And if he puts a pussy ring on you or talks

you into getting your clit pierced…” Keisha closed her eyes and shuddered. “Girl, the

world around you explodes in a way you can’t imagine.”

“So the spanking and possible piercing do what?”

Keisha opened her eyes. “Both heighten your pleasure.”

Javen swallowed slowly. “That’s what I read on some of the sites I surfed last night,

but I didn’t believe it.”

“Believe it. Jai, you’re about to enter a whole new world of sexual sensations. Don’t

fight it. Let him dominate you and enjoy it every second.”

Aware that she was aroused, Javen blushed and averted her gaze.

Keisha laughed. “When are you seeing him again?”

“I don’t know.” She stirred her iced tea. “Actually, I thought he’d have called by


“How long has it been?”

“A week.”

“Hmm. Sounds like he’s given you a taste of pleasure and now he wants to get you

hot and bothered for him before he calls you again. Let’s turn the tables on him.”


“Why don’t you call him?”

“Because I…” Recalling just how intimate they’d been with each other, she sighed.

“I guess it’s a little late to worry about looking too eager, huh?”

Keisha smiled. “Maybe just a little. Look, there’s nothing wrong with your calling


She nodded. “I think I will.”

Keisha leaned forward. “What was his kiss like?”


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“He didn’t kiss me.”

“What? He didn’t kiss you with all those natural juices flowing and the ass-

grabbing going on?”

“It’s because of the sparks we didn’t kiss. If he had kissed me, we would probably

have ended up in bed.” She grinned. “We’d probably still be there now.”

“I have a feeling one of these days you two are going to find yourselves head over

heels in love.”

“Why? Isn’t Jeff spanking your ass?”

“Oh yes, that lovely man is.”

“The last time I checked, you weren’t in love with him. Why should I fall in love

with Devlin?”

Keisha shrugged. “Jeff had to wine and dine me for four months before I

introduced him to my pussy. You dropped your drawers for Devlin on the first date.

We are talking major-league commitment on the horizon.”

“Okay, so I acted like a first-class hussy with him.”

Keisha shook her head. “Hey. Wait a minute, girl. I never said that. There’s no

reason why you shouldn’t finally get a little wild. But no. Jeff and I are not in love.”

“And Devlin and I aren’t going to fall in love.”

“Why not? Because he’s not black?”

“That’s not the only reason. I have nothing against interracial marriages.” She fell

silent, remembering a tall, slender, gray-eyed guy she’d dated for one semester in

college. Although they had both wanted it, she hadn’t been ready to surrender her

virginity. After spending a summer at home in separate cities, they had began seeing

other people when they returned to college. Over the years, she had often regretted not

having had the courage to follow her desire and her heart.

Although she didn’t imagine herself in love with Devlin as she had with Chuck, she

wasn’t about to make the same mistake. This time she was going to follow her desire.


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At the moment, she desired Devlin. Still she wasn’t going to lose her head or her

perspective over him. “Don’t forget I was wild about Chuck Tower in college.”

“And let’s not forget you were afraid to sleep with him.”

“That wasn’t because he was white.”

“Wasn’t it?”

“No. Back then, I was young and idealistic.” She smiled. “I actually thought I was

going to manage to save my virginity for my wedding night.”

Keisha smiled. “Hmmm. We both sort of lost that battle, didn’t we?”

“Sometimes I wish I hadn’t, or at least I wish I’d had the courage to surrender it to

Chuck. I think he was my first real love.”

“He had dark hair and light eyes like this Devlin of yours. Sure you’re not

confusing the two?”

“Positive. They look nothing alike. They are nothing alike. Chuck was practically a

boy. Devlin is definitely a man. The only thing they have in common is their skin color

and I’m mature enough now that I’m not going to allow anything to get in the way if

I’m attracted to a man.”

Keisha nodded. “Yeah. Of course, your Aunt Liz may have something to say about


She shook her head. “No, she won’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because he’s not going to be around long enough for them to meet.”

“Looking for a short, steamy affair, huh?”

“Yes. By the time she makes her next unannounced visit, Devlin will be history.”

“Oh. Well.” Keisha sipped her iced tea. “Well, maybe I’ll get a chance to meet him

before you two have sex and wave bye-bye.”

Javen grinned. “Maybe…but don’t count on it.”

Keisha grimaced. “Killjoy.”


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She laughed.

* * * * *

Later that night, Javen sat propped up in bed, grading compositions, when her

phone rang. She grabbed the cordless phone lying on the bed next to her. “Hello.”


Her heart thumped. “Devlin. Hi.”

“How are you?”

“Better now. I was beginning to think I’d lost my charm.”

“There’s not much chance of that happening.”

She smiled. “Glad to hear it.”

“Are you free for dinner tomorrow night?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Great. Where would you like to go?”

“I like Italian.”

“I know just the place. I’ll see if I can get a reservation. When would you like to

have dinner?”


“I’ll call you late tomorrow morning.”


“Unless you’re not busy now.”

She wet her lips. “And if I’m not?”

“I can be there in less than thirty minutes.”

“With what goal in mind?”

“Don’t you know?”


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Probably to see if she’d hop into bed with him on a second date. Not that she could

blame him after her shameless behavior. Still, it wouldn’t do to allow him to be too sure

of her too soon. “I’m grading papers. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“What’s wrong?”


“The temperature of your voice has dropped a good twenty degrees. I thought we’d

agreed we weren’t going to play games.”

“We did and I’m not playing games.”

“Then I want to know what’s wrong.”

“Nothing. I’m just busy.”

“You didn’t like my response to your question.”

“I asked a question and you answered it. End of story.” She bit her lip. If he pushed

her, she’d probably lose her resolve. She spoke before she could. “I really need to get

back to these papers, Devlin.”

“I’m willing to give you what you need and want, Javen, but that requires that you

be honest with me and yourself.”

So now she was dishonest?

“As much as I’d like to, I can’t read your mind.”

“I don’t recall asking you to.”

“Then I need you to tell me what you want. Do that and I’ll do my best to give it to


“At the moment, I want to get back to grading.”

He swore softly. “Fine. You do that. Good night.”

Good night? He was giving up that easily? So much for sexual domination. “Good



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After she hung up, she gave an annoyed shake of her head. The surest way to make

him quickly lose interest was to start acting like an immature teenager. She was a

woman. She needed to stick to her decisions—once she’d made them.

Two hours later, as she was about to slip into a bubble bath, a large bouquet of

mixed flowers arrived. Her heart raced as she read the accompanying card.

If you want romance after all, it will be my pleasure to romance you. DJ.

She smiled. It seemed he was as intelligent as he was handsome. She put the

flowers on her bedside table. After her bath, she fell asleep with their scent tickling her


She woke the next morning in an excellent mood, eager to see Devlin. They spoke

briefly when he called to tell her the arrangements he’d made for dinner. She spent two

hours choosing her outfit for their night out. With that done, she spent an hour lying in

a bubble bath, thinking of Devlin and deciding just how far she was prepared to go

with him that night.

He arrived with another lovely bouquet of flowers.

He looked so sexy in his dark suit, her heart raced.

He smiled down at her. “Hello.”


“These are for you.”

She smiled and accepted the flowers. “They’re beautiful, Devlin.”

He stroked her cheek, then tipped up her chin. “So are you.”

Was he finally going to kiss her? “I’m glad you think so.”

“I do. You are so beautiful, you take my breath away.”

She stared silently up at him, her lips slightly parted.

He pressed the ball of his thumb against her lips. “Damn, Javen.”

“What?” She asked the question in a breathless rush.

He dropped his hand and stepped away from her. “We should go.”


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Disappointed, she frowned. “Devlin?”

He shook his head. “Trust me, we should go—now.”


“We have reservations.”

She touched his arm. “What’s wrong?”

“If you’re not ready to sleep with me, we should go because right now…I’m so

damned hungry for you…” He pulled her apartment door open. “Let’s go.”

She sighed. Should she give him what they both wanted? She hesitated briefly

before putting the flowers in water and following him out into the hall.

She struggled for something light and conversational to say to ease the tension

between them. In the end, she decided sometimes silence really was golden. The only

sound in his car on the half-hour drive to the restaurant was the soft jazz from his car’s

stereo. Each time she glanced at him, she found him looking straight ahead. Still, she

knew he was as aware of her as she was of him.

He parked the car and slipped out. She watched him walk around to the passenger

side of the car. He opened her door. He looked grim—as if being with her was a chore.


She took the hand he offered her and slipped out. As she did, she deliberately

leaned against him, making sure he could feel her breasts pressed against his body.

He gripped her arms and stared down at her. “Don’t start anything you’re not

prepared to finish tonight, Javen.”


“I’m not some boy who can’t control himself until you’re ready for sex.”

“I know and I appreciate that, Devlin.”

“Yeah? Well, you should also know that I’ll be damned if you’re going to tease me

all night and then try to send me home frustrated.”

“You’re jumping to conclusions, Devlin. If—”


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“Hear me out, Javen. If you’re going to start rubbing against me, you’d damn well

better be prepared to deliver—tonight.”

She stroked a hand down his chest. “Someone’s in a bad mood tonight.”

He released her, raking a hand through his hair. “I’m not going to be teased and left

with blue balls. You want to be romanced first, fine. I’m perfectly willing and happy to

romance you, but I’m not going to be teased.”

Chastened, she averted her gaze. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tease you.”

“The hell you didn’t.”

Okay, so she had intended to tease him a little, but she thought it better not to admit

that in his present mood.”

“If you want sex now, fine. You know I’m more than ready to give it to you. If you

don’t, act like it. Make up your mind which way you want this evening to go, Javen,

and then stick to your decision.”

Face burning, she walked past him toward the restaurant. She’d deserved his

reprimand, but it still stung.

He fell into step beside her. His arm brushed hers before he reached for her hand.

His fingers closed around hers, bringing her to a stop. “I’m sorry for being so curt.”

“But you meant what you said?”

“Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”

How could she? “No.”

He squeezed her hand. “No?”

“Okay, it did throw me a little, but you’re right.”

He lifted her hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles. “Let’s just be straight

with each other, Javen. I’ll wait until you’re ready—just don’t try to jerk me around. I

can control myself, but if you push me too far, you’d better be prepared for the


“Which would be?”


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“I might find honoring your ‘no’ more difficult than either of us would want me to.

So don’t play games with me.”


“Good. Now that we understand each other, we can relax.” He grinned suddenly.

“Second date.”

She smiled. “So it is.”

“How far are you prepared to go on a second date?”

“You’ll have to discover that for yourself. Now how about that Italian meal you

promised me?”

“Coming up.” He linked his fingers through hers and they walked into the

restaurant hand in hand.

They discussed music as they ate. “There’s an oldies show coming up in about six

weeks. It’s a little late, but should I try to get tickets?”

A warm glow settled over her. He expected to be still dating her in six weeks. She

nodded. “Yes.”

“Don’t you want to know who’s going to be there first?”

“I know the most important person who’ll be there.”



He sat back in his chair, studying her face. “You keep talking like that and I’ll be

tempted to kiss you breathless right here.”

Her gaze moved to his firm, chiseled lips. Imagining them moving against hers sent

a rush of heat through her. “So who’s stopping you?”

“Good question.” He pushed back his chair and rose.


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Chapter Five

“Devlin.” She looked around the crowded restaurant in a panic. “What are you


“I’m going to kiss you breathless.”

“No. Not here.”

He sank back in his seat, his dark gaze locking with hers. “You’ve been warned

several times tonight about playing games with me, Javen. The next time you say

something provocative you’re not prepared to back up, I’m going to follow my natural


She nodded. “I know and I’m sorry.”


She shrugged. “I don’t usually flirt, but it feels so natural with you.”

“So will sleeping with me.”

Javen swallowed slowly. “I…I think you’re right. It will come naturally.”

“And quickly?”

She nodded again.


She moistened her lips. “I…well, I need a little time.”


“You said you wouldn’t rush me, Devlin. You said—”

He reached across the table to place his hand over hers. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m

hot and horny as hell and I want an answer now. When?”


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Staring into his eyes, her desire to sleep with him overwhelmed her. Why should

she play games and deny them both what they wanted? She’d kept her cardinal rule

and not slept with him on a first date.

Javen moistened her lip. “Tonight. Now.”

“You’re sure?”


Tiny lights seemed to dance in his eyes. He looked away from her, motioning the

waiter over. After he settled the bill, he took her hand in his. Feeling breathless and

excited, she walked hand in hand with him to his car.

Seated inside, her heart hammered and she couldn’t seem to swallow the lump in

her throat. She closed her eyes, leaning her head against the headrest. Did she really

want to sleep with a man she hardly knew on a second date? No matter what he said,

he was bound to think she was easy. Did she want that? How long would he hang

around after he got what he wanted?

She opened her eyes and glanced at his profile in the dark interior of the car. She

curled her hands into fists. “Devlin?”

Keeping his gaze on the road ahead, he groped with his right hand until it settled

over hers. “I won’t hurt you.”

She didn’t know if she believed that. “Devlin, I don’t think I’m ready to—”

“The decision was yours, Javen.”

“I know and—”

“And now I’m going to insist you stick by it.”

“I plan to, but I’ve never slept with a man on a second date.”

“There’s a first time for everything.”

“I’m not ready.”

“Yes, you are. And if you really think you’re not, I’ll just have to persuade you



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“I don’t want to be persuaded.”

“Of course you do and that’s just what I intend to do.” He squeezed her hand. “Just

trust me not to hurt you and leave everything else to me.” He released her hand and

settled his hand back on the steering wheel.

She stared through the windshield. “I know what I want, Devlin.”

“So do I—me. And you’re going to get me…tonight. And I’m going to get every

dark, luscious inch of you.”

He sounded so certain he would get what he wanted. Her stomach churned. Her

mouth went dry. The certainty that he would soon be lying on top of her sent a rush of

moisture between her legs. A sort of quiet excitement settled over her. This was what

she’d wanted the moment she saw him staring at her with that hungry look in his dark

blue eyes. Why should she pretend she wasn’t ready for it, when they both wanted the

same thing?

And what was so wrong about allowing him to persuade her? Just this once, it

might be exciting to surrender complete control of herself to a lover. She caught her

breath, excited by the idea that he was no longer prepared to take no for an answer.

She settled in her seat. “Tomorrow…will you still…”

“Want you with a hunger I can barely control? Yes.”

She smiled, feeling wanton and sexy. “You sure know how to make a woman feel


“You have no idea how much I want you.”

“I will if you tell me.”

He sighed. “I’ve never felt this level of hunger with any one else.”

She turned to stare at his profile. “I’ve never allowed any other man to… Not this


He recaptured her hand with his right one. He turned his head briefly toward her.

“You won’t be sorry. I promise.”


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“Confident, huh? I love a man who’s confident.”

“Then you’re going to love me, honey.”

Lord, she hoped not. Suffering major lust for him was fine. Loving him was not.

Once she got Devlin out of her system, she hoped to marry Marc.

An hour later, with the moon providing the only light, they danced in her living

room. For all her pent-up hunger and eagerness to sleep with him, she liked that he

hadn’t stripped her and jumped her bones the moment they were alone. The slow

dancing served to keep her level of anticipation high while allowing her to savor the

idea of how they would be spending the rest of the night.

She sighed softly. With her eyes closed, her cheek against his shoulder and his arms

cradling her, it was easy to pretend she was with a man who wanted more than sex

from her. She frowned. Not that she wanted any more than that from him.

He moved one of his hands from her back to her chin. “Look at me.”

She opened her eyes.

He stroked a finger against her cheek. “You are so sexy and beautiful.”

She pressed her hands against his shoulders. “Devlin?”

He shook his head. “No more talking, Javen. I’ve waited as long as I intend to. It’s

time to claim what’s mine—you.”

She shivered. Yes. It was time she became his.

He bent his head. He nipped at her mouth, gently raking his teeth along her lips.

She moaned and leaned closer as his warm, insistent lips settled over hers.

A tingle shot through her. He kissed her slowly, urging her to part her lips. When

she did, his arm tightened around her. His tongue invaded her mouth, in search of hers.

She had never quite mastered the art of French kissing and so had never particularly

enjoyed it, but jolts of desire shot through her and she lost herself in him and the sweet

but demanding kisses he pressed against her willing lips.


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She stroked her fingers through his hair. He kissed her over and over, as if he

wanted to brand the taste of his mouth on hers. The feel of his tongue, sweeping into

her mouth, stroking hers, flooded her senses with wonderful, new sensations. Within

moments, she was wet and eager to surrender completely to him.

Had he drawn her down to the floor, she would have eagerly parted her legs and

welcomed him into her body without further foreplay. But he went on kissing her while

cupping and massaging her breasts through her bodice. Her nipples hardened. Her

need to feel him between her legs and in her pussy heightened until it felt like a

powerful hunger, demanding to be fed.

“Devlin…” she gasped against his mouth. “I’m ready now. Take me. Please.”

He lifted his lips from hers. “Look at me.”

Her eyes fluttered open.

“It’s time you learned who’s in control here, Javen. That would be me. I’ll decide

when to claim my treasure—your pussy, which now belongs exclusively to me.”

She blinked up at him, confused. “You’re going to make me beg?”

“I’m going to make you wait until I’m ready to take you.”

“But I—”

He shook his head. “Silence, Javen.”

Aware of a ripple of excitement racing through her, she acquiesced.

His fingers moved along her back, undoing her buttons. He drew away and slipped

her blouse off, tossing it aside. He removed her bra next.

She stood in front of him, burning with the need to be fucked senseless.

Holding her bra, he locked his gaze on her breasts. “Oh, damn, Javen. They’re even

lovelier than I remembered. These lovely globes were made for one purpose—to be

adored by me.” Tossing her bra aside, he settled his mouth over one of her nipples.

“Oooh.” A jolt of pleasure danced down her spine. She closed her eyes, lost in the

most sensual experience of her life.


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“It’s only going to get better,” he whispered.

She clung to him, helpless to do anything but want him…need him.

He cupped her breasts in his hands. “Now I’m going to make you mine.”

He kissed, nipped and sucked first one nipple and then the other until her pussy

flooded and she sobbed with pleasure. She was a breath away from begging him to stop

torturing her and fuck her.

She parted her lips.

He pressed his fingers against her lips and shook his head.

Taking slow, deep breaths, she closed her lips.

He smiled and only then did he remove the rest of her clothes.

Naked and trembling, she waited. She fought the urge to plead with him, afraid if

she spoke, he’d respond by prolonging her torture. Yet when he made no move to touch

her, she extended a hand. “Devlin?”

He stood staring at her in silence for several long moments, his breathing quick and

labored. His almost palpable desire for her heightened her passion until she felt almost


He caressed her breasts. “You are so beautiful.”

“And hungry for you, Devlin. Please? Have you made me wait long enough?”

“Yes.” He stroked a hand down her body to her vagina. He touched a finger against

her clit, sending a jolt through her. “It’s time to fuck.”

Instead of tearing off his clothes, as she hoped, he undressed, slowly.

She sank her teeth in her bottom lip. Feeling almost overwhelmed by her desire, she

rubbed herself as she watched him. He moved his shirt, revealing his taut, muscular

body with its hairless chest and washboard abs. When he removed his pants and briefs,

she noted his long legs. Her gaze went to the length protruding from the mass of dark

hair at his groin.


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His fully aroused cock was a beautiful sight. The big head of his thick length,

glistening with moisture, beckoned to her. Reeling from a powerful desire she could no

longer control or deny, she reached out and touched his cock.

He felt smooth, hard and silken against her fingers. She caught her breath. She had

to have him. “I need you now, Devlin.”

“Then take me. I’m yours.”

Finally. She took his hand and led him from the living room. In her bedroom, she

got in bed and lay on her back. She spread her legs wide, in a wanton and unmistakable


He stood over the bed, staring down at her for what felt like an eternity. Just when

she was about to grab him and try to forcibly drag him on top of her, he caressed her

slit and slipped a finger inside her.

“I’m so ready, Devlin. Please.”

He nodded and moved away from the bed. She watched impatiently as he retrieved

a small foil package from his pants and quickly rolled the condom over his cock. Then

he joined her on the bed, lying between her thighs. She felt his cock, hard and warm

against her body. A wave of lust thundered over her. She shuddered and closed her

eyes. “Fuck me. Now. Please.”

Balancing his weight on one extended arm and bent knees, he brought the head of

his shaft to rest against her entrance.

She sucked in a breath in eager anticipation of feeling him plunging into her.

He rubbed the head of his cock along her slit, sending waves of pleasure through

her. “You’re very wet.”

She wiggled her hips impatiently. “Devlin. Do it. Shove it in.”

“I will—when I’m ready.”

“Then get your ass ready now.” she demanded.

He laughed and slid his cock along her inner thigh.


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She clenched her hands into fists. “If you make me wait any longer, I’m going to

change my mind.”

“The hell you will.”

“I will.”

He shook his head. “It’s too late for that, Javen. I have no intentions of allowing you

to change your mind. This is going to happen—on my terms. The sooner you accept

that reality, the sooner I’ll be inside you.”

She bit back a frustrated retort and nodded curtly instead.

“That’s right, honey. Accept the inevitable and surrender to me.”

She nodded again.

He rested his chest against her breasts and leaned down to press a long, demanding

kiss against her lips. The tip of his tongue touched her mouth. She parted her lips and

welcomed his questing tongue inside, raking her hands down his back.

His big hands stroked along her body, sending electricity sizzling through her. The

feelings coursing through her overwhelmed her senses. She felt as if she were drowning

in his sweet, addictive kisses and loving every second of it.

He dragged his mouth away from hers, rubbed his cock against her slit and then

sucked one of her breasts into his mouth. Holding her hips in his hands, he kissed,

licked and bit her breasts until a fresh rush of moisture flooded her pussy. She lay

moaning under him. “Please,” she begged. “Please…fuck me now. Please. Fuck me.”

Lifting his head from her breasts, he shifted his body, bringing his cock back against

her slit. He rested his weight on his extended arms. “Look at me. I want to see the look

in your eyes when I take possession of your pussy.”

She opened her eyes. “Devlin.”

“You want to be fucked senseless?”

She was on fire with hunger. “Yes. Yes.”

His dark eyes were aflame with lust. “Then do as you’re told.”


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“I will, but please. Make love to me.”

“After the way you’ve teased me, I’m going to fuck you hard, not make love to


She tugged at his hips. “Do it. Now.”

“Keep your eyes open.” He drew his hips back slightly and then plunged forward.

A blast of heat and lust rushed through her as he slammed balls-deep into her with

one powerful movement. “Oooh.” Finally. She slipped her arms around him.

“Oh God. You’re so hot and tight,” he whispered. He looked into her eyes. “You

have such lovely skin…you’re so beautiful and sexy. So sweet. You make me so hot for


Her aching pussy full of thick, hot cock, she gasped, locking her legs around his

thighs. Determined to ensure he slid every inch of himself inside her pussy, she closed

her hands over his ass and mindlessly ground her hips against his. “Fuck me.”

“I will—when you tell me who you belong to.”

“You. I’m yours. Do what you want with me.”

“I intend to.” He slid his hands under her body, against her ass, drew his hips back,

claimed her lips and sent his length plowing back into her. Her pussy on fire and her

heart flaming with lust, she surrendered the last vestige of control. She closed her eyes

and clung tightly to him as he fucked her to a quick, explosive climax that was so

powerful, she sobbed softly as she came.

The world dissolved into nothing and there was just his wonderful cock thrusting

in and out of her…so deeply…so sweetly…prolonging her orgasm until she wasn’t sure

where the first ended and the second began.

He tore his mouth away from hers, fastened his lips on one of her breasts and

continued fucking her through her second orgasm. He kept his movements long, deep

and pussy-pleasing hard, rubbing against her clit with each downward stroke. The

force of his fucking took her breath away and kept her passions high.


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Just as she shattered into another climax, he groaned, stiffened against her, dug his

fingers into her ass and exploded.

No man had ever given her such a completely delicious, totally raunchy fuck.

Feeling drained, she weakly stroked her hands over his damp back.

He lay in her arms, resting his full weight on her, his face pressed against her neck.

“Oh damn, Javen, I think I’m in love.”

She laughed weakly, loving that she still had a pussy full of cock. “Good pussy,


“Exquisite pussy.” He lifted his head and stared down at her. “You are

exquisite…and so is this pussy, which now belongs to me.”

She pulled him back down into her arms. “Hmmm. I haven’t felt this good


“How long?”

“How long? Well, not since…” She frowned. “I…I’ve never felt this good after sex.”

He lifted his head again, gazing down into her eyes. “Neither have I. A man could

become addicted to you and be in over his head before he knew what hit him if he

weren’t careful.”

Despite her intentions of keeping their relationship strictly physical, she smiled.

“Oh yeah? So what’s your solution?”

“To be very careful.”

“Oh yeah?” She nibbled at his shoulder. “You think you can manage that?”

“I nearly always do what I set out to do.”

She kissed his damp shoulder. “Maybe so, but there’s always a first time for


He kissed her neck. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Never mind. I don’t want to talk.”


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He lifted his head and looked down at her. “What do you want? Tell me and I

might make an effort to give it to you.”

She grimaced. “My hero.”

He laughed and nipped her nipples.

She caught her breath. “While you’re being careful, you want to do it again?”

“Hell yeah.”

She slipped her arms around his neck. “This time…I want to be made love to.”

He pulled out of her, discarded the condom and returned to her arms. He nuzzled

her breasts. “You know what I want?”

She laughed, feeling satisfied, yet still unashamedly hungry. “More tight pussy?”

“Something even better.”


“Are you mine?”

“I’m lying nude under your naked body. Isn’t that obvious?”

“Obvious is nice, but I require proof.”

“How can I prove what you should already know?”

“By surrendering completely to me.”

“I just did that.”

“No. You didn’t.”

She pushed at his shoulders. “I don’t know what else you want.”

He slid off her and lay on his side, facing her.

After a moment, she turned to face him. “What do you want?”

“The final proof that you belong to me.”

She recalled Keisha’s spanking and anal sex remarks and caught her breath. Was he

about to demand she give him anal sex? “What more can I do to prove it?”

“Give me more pussy.”


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He pressed a finger against her lips. “Let me finish.”

She nodded.

“This time without a condom.”

She blinked at him. “Without a condom?” Her heart raced and a jolt of fear shook

her body. “Surely you’re not asking me to have unprotected sex with you?”

He slipped a hand between their bodies, inserting several fingers inside her.

“Asking? No.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh God, I’m I glad I misunderstood you.”

“Yes, you did. I’m not asking for unprotected sex, Javen.”

“Good because—”

“I want to come inside you this time. So I’m demanding it.”

The thought of feeling his bare cock fucking her and have him ejaculate deep inside

her well-fucked pussy made her wet. For several, wild, wanton moments, she was so

tempted she nearly said yes.

Then she forced herself to think with her head instead of her greedy pussy. If all

went well, she was going to marry Marc. As delicious as she found the idea of

unprotected sex with Devlin, she couldn’t afford to risk a possible pregnancy with him.

While Marc would overlook this fling, he would not overlook or forgive her having a

baby with another man.

“I’m waiting for your answer, Javen.” He leaned forward and muzzled her breasts.

“Are you prepared to give me what I want?”

God, please let him be in a reasonable mood. “I’d love to, Devlin.”


“But I can’t.”

“Why not? Afraid it will ruin your chances of getting back with your ex?”

When had she become so transparent?


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Although she generally believed honesty was best in a relationship, she decided

that this time might be an exception. She slipped her hands from his stomach up to his

chest. “You have no idea how much I want to give you what you want.”

“What’s stopping you?”

“I told you, I’ve spent most of my life doing what was expected of me. Sleeping

with you this soon is a huge step for me. Bear with me, Devlin. Let me take one step at a

time.” She rested her hands on his shoulders. “I’m not ready for that.”

Now he would insist she obey or he’d leave. And then where would that leave her?

He rotated his hips, allowing her to feel his cock slowly hardening and lengthening

against her thigh. “Are you sure?”

She shuddered with lust, but knew she dare not surrender to the insane desire for

unprotected sex. “Yes.”

“You know, honey, sooner or later, I’m going to have you without a condom.”

Why did she almost believe him?

“So why not cut to the chase and let me enjoy you that way now?”

“I can’t. Not yet.” If she had any sense, it would never happen. She tensed, waiting

for his response.

He made a low, indistinct sound before he spoke. “Okay.”

A wave of relief washed over her. “Okay? Really?”

“Yes…for now.”

She sucked in a breath and watched as he rose from the bed. He crossed the room to

retrieve another condom from his wallet. He paused by the bed, holding it out to her.

She sat on the side of the bed, deliberately keeping her legs open, exposing her

pussy to his voracious gaze. Smiling at the look of hunger in his eyes, she palmed his

cock. His flesh pulsed warmly against her fingers. She gently squeezed him, longing to

taste him.


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She hesitated before she lifted her gaze to his. “Devlin?”

He shook his head.

She caressed his length. “Why not?”

“Because I said no. Isn’t that reason enough?”

Damn him. How much more of his domination nonsense did he expect her to

swallow for the sake of meaningless sex?

“Isn’t it?”

Breathing hard, she nodded curtly.

He leaned down and lifted her chin so he could see her expression. “I didn’t hear

your response.”

“No, damn you, it’s not.”

He laughed. “I’m going to enjoy winning your total surrender.”

“In your dreams.”

He laughed again and kissed her lips. He caressed her breasts and smiled. “Let’s go

back to bed.”

Her anger and frustration vanished. Who said he had to have everything his way?

She opened the package and slowly rolled the condom over his length. Once it was

covered, she went down on her knees, clasped a hand over one hip and took him into

her mouth.

Instead of pushing her away, as she half expected, he groaned. “Oh damn, sweet,

that feels so good.”

Pleased, she closed her lips around him.

He cupped his hands over the back of her head and surged forward, sending his

shaft farther into her mouth. Closing her eyes and savoring the scent of his groin, sticky

with their combined juices, she took his entire length between her lips and gave him a

slow scorching suck that had him shuddering and groaning to a climax within minutes.


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She kneeled with her cheek pressed against his groin, as the last shudder left his

body. Only then did she sit back on her heels. “Did you enjoy that?”

“There’s a price to pay for such disobedience, Javen.”

“So? Maybe I’m willing to pay it.”

“Confident. Aren’t you?”

Smiling, she removed the condom and got in bed.

Joining her, he pressed his body against her back, cupped her breasts in his palms

and kissed her ear. “Tell me about you.”

His husky, deep voice was barely above a whisper. He’d be asleep within minutes.

“What do you want to know?”


She told him about losing her mother to cancer at ten and her father’s marriage a

year later to a woman who resented her because she bore a striking resemblance to her


He hugged her. “Oh honey. I’m sorry.”

She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder.

“What happened? Since you said you were reared by your Aunt Liz, things must

have gotten worse.”

She sighed. “Neither one of us wanted to work at getting to know each other or

getting along. So I was sent to live with Aunt Liz.”

He stiffened. “Your father chose her over you?”

“It’s not as bad as it must sound. He was caught between both of us.”

“He resolved that dilemma by choosing her?”

“He loved her and if I’d been willing to try to like her, he would have let me stay

with them. He tried hard and felt guilty when it became clear we were never going to

like each other.”

“So he ships you off to live with your aunt?”


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“It wasn’t like that, Devlin. I hated seeing him with anyone other than my mother

and I resented the fact that she was alive with my father while my mother was dead. I

did not want to live with them.”

He caressed her back. “Things were better with your aunt?”

“Aunt Liz was strict, but loving. She reminded me of my mother.”

“So your life with your aunt was—”

“Was very strict, but fairly happy. When I missed my mother the most, she’d hold

me and sing to me—just as Mom used to. So just for a moment, I could close my eyes

and pretend I had my mother back. I’ve always called her Aunt Liz, but in every way

that matters, she became my mother.”

“I’m glad you had that comfort.”

“I did. Of course that didn’t stop me wishing for more freedom, which I explored

once I left home for college.”

“Did you enjoy college?”

“Oh yes. That’s where I met my first real love.”

“Tell me about him.”

She shook her head, aware that she was in danger of revealing all her insecurities.

She hadn’t relived the pain of losing her mother in years. She’d come within a heartbeat

of telling him far more than any casual lover needed to know.

He gently squeezed her breasts. “Go on.”

“Why? You’re practically asleep and I’m not making any sense.” And she was

afraid she’d revealed too much.

He blew against her ear. “I don’t care what you’re saying. I just love the sound of

your voice. Talk to me. Tell me everything I’ve missed in your life.”

“Hmmm. A man who actually wants to talk after sex instead of just rolling over and

going to sleep?” She turned in his arms, rubbing her back against his chest. “A woman

could get hooked on a man like you.”


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“Yeah?” He pushed her onto her back and lay on top of her.

She caught her breath. He was aroused again. But then so was she. Who knew

talking about her childhood could be so exciting? She parted her legs, but stiffened

when he rubbed the head of his bare cock along the length of her slit. She pushed

against his shoulders. “Condom,” she whispered.

“Stopping to put one on will destroy the mood.”

She laughed. “Nice try, but if you don’t use a condom, there won’t be any mood to

destroy. Condom, lover.”

He groaned, but slid off her. Several moments later, he returned to the bed and

eased his cock into her.

She held his hips as he leisurely filled her. When they were groin to groin, she

shuddered. “Dear God.”

He laughed, moving slowly in and out of her. “This does feel good, doesn’t it?”

She slid her hands over his ass. “I’ve never felt anything anywhere near this


He nibbled at her bottom lip. When he spoke, he sounded pleased. “Good cock?”

“Exquisite cock.”

“It’s even better unsheathed.”

She laughed and wrapped her arms around him. “Nice try, but this is…oh

Lord…this is good enough. Hmmm. Make love to me…love me.”

“I think I do,” he whispered against her lips.

“You think you love me or my pussy?”

He thrust deep into her. “Both.”

She closed her eyes. What difference did it make if he loved her or not, as long as he

didn’t stop making love to her? Moaning, she lost herself in him, content to allow the

delicious feelings they shared to overwhelm her.

“More. Harder, Devlin. Please.”


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He responded by shortening his strokes so he didn’t go as deep, but went in more

often. She liked the change. Her stomach muscles clenched, she gasped and exploded.

He gripped her hips, hurting her, and thrust roughly into her several times in rapid

succession until he groaned, laid his full weight on top of her and came.

As they lay in each other’s arms, kissing and cuddling after coming, he licked her

neck. “Damn, I’m exhausted.”

“Me too.”

He hugged her. “Each time with you is better, but next time, I want unprotected


“Dream on,” she murmured and drifted to sleep.

Later, she woke to find him sprawled on his stomach with one muscular leg tossed

over her thighs. She eased from under his leg and sat up. Slipping out of bed, she went

into the bathroom. When she returned to the bedroom she resisted the urge to turn on

the light and stare at him.

She slipped into bed. He turned onto his side and reached for her. It was only when

he’d drawn her into his arms and settled his body against hers that she realized he was

still asleep. “Javen.”

She smiled and settled in his arms, pleased that when asleep, he dreamed of her

instead of some nameless hussy.

“Yes. You’re sharing Javen’s bed, honey. And I’ll be here when you wake to give

you a little morning sugar.”

* * * * *

“This is something I need you to handle personally.”

Devlin raked a hand through his hair and considered the man seated at the head of

the conference room table. Normally he didn’t mind traveling, but the thought of

heading out to the East Coast for several weeks to oversee the beta testing of new

software didn’t sit well with him.


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After spending the night with Javen, the last thing he wanted was the width of the

country separating them for several weeks. Nevertheless, when the executive vice

president of development asked him to personally oversee a project, it wasn’t really a

request. “Of course, John.”

“Good. With you on-site, we can get this software on the market on time, bug-free.

When that happens, there will be huge bonuses for everyone involved and even more

promotional opportunities for you.”

Great. He smiled. “Sounds good.”

“When can you be ready to leave?”

“As soon as I can get a flight.”

“That’s taken care of. You’ll fly out tonight on the president’s personal jet. You

leave at nine tonight. Any questions or concerns I need to know about?”

He would have preferred leaving on Monday morning, but he’d never allowed his

personal feelings to interfere with his job. He wasn’t about to start now. Besides, it

wasn’t as if Javen was interested in anything other than sex. She’d either want to see

him when he returned or she wouldn’t. If she did, great. If she didn’t, he’d just have to

change her mind.

“Actually, if I’m going to be gone for several weeks, I’d like to leave tomorrow

night. That will give me a chance to spend a few hours with my daughter.”

John nodded reluctantly. “Okay. I’ll make arrangements to have you picked up at

your house, eleven p.m. tomorrow. I’m sure that will give you plenty of time to say all

your goodbyes.”

He nodded. “Yes.”

John smiled. “Good.”

Devlin rose and left the conference room. In his office, he called Janet.

“Brit’s going to be so upset when she learns you’re going away again.”

“I know. That’s why I was hoping she could spend the night with me.”


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“Pack her clothes and I’ll take her to school in the morning.”

“Okay. When will you pick her up?”

“Six tonight?”

“I’ll have her ready.”



After he ended his call with Janet, he summoned his staff for a meeting. He

returned to his office just after four-thirty. He called Javen but got her cell phone’s voice

mail. “Hi, honey, it’s Devlin. We have a crisis situation at work. I’ll be leaving

tomorrow night for the East Coast. I’ll be gone for several weeks. I’ll call you when I get


Brittany spent the night at his house. After she fell asleep in his arms in the rec

room, he carried her to her bedroom. He showered, donned his pajama bottoms and

went to bed. He lay thinking of Javen for hours before he finally drifted to sleep.

After dropping Brittany off at school the next morning and making a concerted

effort not to accidentally bump into Javen, he went to his office. He spent the day

working, although he frequently found his thoughts turning to Javen. Finally, he gave

up all pretense of working and just sat thinking of her.

He glanced at his watch. It was just after three. He called her cell phone and was

pleasantly surprised when she answered. “Hello?”

“Hi, honey.”

“Devlin, this is a nice surprise. Where are you?”

“At the office.”


“You sound disappointed.”

“No. I thought you’d be on your way to the East Coast.”


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“I’m leaving later tonight.”


“Are you busy? Can we have dinner tonight?”

“I’d like to, but my Aunt Liz is here. She arrived unexpectedly last night.”

“Where is she staying?”

“With me.”

There went his half-formed hopes of spending a few hours with her. “I don’t

suppose she goes to bed early? I’m not leaving until eleven tonight. Could we meet for

a quick drink?”

“She’s leaving tomorrow afternoon, so she expects to spend the entire evening with

me. I’m sorry, Devlin.”

Then why didn’t she sound contrite? It annoyed him that she didn’t seem to care if

they saw each other before he left. “Fine. Enjoy your evening with your aunt.”


“I have to go.” He put the receiver down and turned to stare out his office window.

Way to go, Devlin. Behaving like a petulant kid will take you real far. He sighed. He shouldn’t

be feeling this raw after just two dates. Maybe this trip was providential. Putting some

distance and time between them might be just what he needed. He was in real danger of

losing his heart to a woman who definitely did not share his feelings.

His doorbell rang several hours later as he lay in his darkened bedroom, forcing

himself not to think of Javen. He glanced at his bedside clock. It was seven o’clock. He

rose and went to the front door. The peephole revealed a sexy black woman who took

his breath away.

He opened the door. “Javen. What are you doing here?”

She pushed against his shoulder. “Are you letting me in, or have I pissed off Aunt

Liz for nothing?”


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He took her hand and pulled her inside. He closed the door and engulfed her in a

bear hug. “Oh, honey.”

She slipped her arms around his neck. “While I admit I love having you call me

honey, I didn’t come for sweet-talk.”

He smiled down at her. “What did you come for?”

She pressed against his shoulders. When he loosened his grip, she slipped a hand

between their bodies, cupping him. “This. If you’re going to be gone for several weeks, I

thought I’d better get a little cock to tide me over.”

“Oh damn, I love it when you talk dirty.”

She laughed. The warm, intimate sound only served to increase his desire for her.

The level of his need for her frightened him. This woman could rip his heart out and

leave him shattered and broken if he weren’t careful.

If he had half a brain, he’d send her packing. Instead, he led her to his bedroom and

quickly undressed them both.

He stared at her, lying on his bed with her long legs open, ready for him. She was

pretty, cheerful, confident and sexy as hell—in short, everything he liked in a woman.

He more than liked her. He was fast becoming obsessed with her.

He moved over to the bed and crawled between her legs. Her pussy lips were thick

and luscious-looking and nestled inside a luxuriant growth of dark hair. He parted the

slick folds and inhaled deeply. “I love your scent.” He slid down on his stomach,

rubbing his face against her pussy. “You smell heavenly.”

She curled her fingers in his hair. “Taste me. Put your tongue in me and eat me.”

“Are you giving me orders, Javen?”

“No. I’m asking.”

“That’s not good enough.”

“Fine. I’m begging. Are you happy?”

“Very.” He tilted her hips and kissed her lips. He slipped a finger inside her.


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The soft sound sent a tingle through him. He added another finger and, thrusting

gently, touched the tip of his tongue to her clit.

“Oooh.” Her fingers tightened in his hair. “Oooh, Devlin. That it’s. Don’t stop.

Don’t. Eat the pussy that belongs solely to you, lover. Eat me.”

Settling his mouth over her pussy, he ate her slowly, enjoying her soft cries,

shuddering hips and the fragrant smell of her aroused pussy, which now belonged to

him. When she came, crushing his face against her pussy, he lay savoring the taste and

scent of her natural juices.

When she quieted down and released her hold on his head, he slipped off the bed.

She made a small sound of protest and turned on her side to watch him. “Where are

you going?”

“Not far.” He got a condom from his drawer, went into the bathroom. When he

returned, he slipped on the rubber, climbed back into bed with her.

She smiled and rolled onto her back with her legs parted.

He slipped between her damp thighs and thrust his cock balls-deep into a slick,

tight pussy.

He shuddered and pressed a quick, hard kiss against her warm lips. “Damn, you

feel good.”

She tightened her vaginal muscles around him. “Then stop talking and start


“If I had more time, I’d make you pay for your insolence.”

She ground herself against him. “Too bad you don’t have more time.”

“You like to live dangerously?”

“Yes or I wouldn’t have dared Aunt Liz’s wrath to come fuck you.”

“Then let me reward you for your bravery.”

“Please do.”


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He gripped her hips and pushed his tongue into her mouth.

She moaned and clutched his ass.

Driven by a need to make her come as quickly as possible, he thrust his cock in and

out her—fucking her hard and fast.

She turned her head, moving her mouth from his. “Oh God, lover, you feel so


He thrust into her again—deeper this time.

“Oh. I love having you on top of me and I love the way your cock feels inside me.

Fuck me.”

He silenced her with a hard kiss. She parted her lips. He deepened the kiss, sucking

her tongue into his mouth.

She shuddered under him, her pussy tightening around his cock.

He withdrew his cock and then slammed it back into her pussy.

She stroked her hands down his back, eagerly moved her hips in time with his and

kissed him with a passion that sent him over the edge within moments. As he came, she

clutched his ass and filled his ears with a lustful adoration of his abilities as a lover that

kept him coming. Finally, when he collapsed against her, she held him close, gently

caressing his back.

Damn, the woman knew how to destroy a man’s natural defenses. He burrowed

against her and lay still, enjoying the warmth of her body bearing his weight.

After lying under him in silence almost long enough for him to become drowsy, she

suddenly slapped his ass.


She bit his ear. “You can sleep while you’re away. Put on another condom and fuck

me again.”


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He didn’t need any more encouragement than that. Slipping off her, he removed

and discarded the used condom in the trashcan by the bed, applied a fresh one and rose

to his knees on the bed.

She rolled onto her back and frowned up at him. “Devlin?”

“Get on all fours with your back to me.”

She kneeled, facing him. “Why?”

“Do as you’re told. Turn around and get on all fours.”

She hesitated. He waited, staring into her eyes. Then he softened. Although he was

determined to teach her to obey without question, he wanted to create an environment

where she felt comfortable enough with him to extend that level of trust to him.

“You should know that while I’m determined to have your submission, I’ll never

do anything to hurt you, Javen.” He smiled. “Now do as you’re told.”

She nodded and got on her hands and knees, facing away from him.

He sighed. She’d obeyed, but her body was rigid with tension.

“Relax, honey.”

She tossed a quick glance at him over her shoulder before turning away. This time

he noticed her shoulders weren’t as tense.

He moved behind her. Leaning over her, he held her hips and peppered her ass

with soft, moist kisses.

She sighed and wiggled her ass.

Releasing her hips, he gently raked his teeth over her cheek. As he did, he reached

around her body to finger her slit.

She released a long, satisfied sigh.

She was wet and ready for him. Smiling, he planted a last kiss on each cheek and

rose over her. He gripped his cock, slid it between her cheeks.


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When she gasped, he realized the source of her earlier agitation. She’d feared he

wanted anal sex. He pressed his cock against her pussy. The urge to plunge deep inside

her was difficult to overcome.

She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Devlin?”

He waited in silence.

After several moments, she made a small, frustrated sound. Then, pushing her hips

backward, she slowly impaled herself on his cock.

He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. When he felt her big, round ass against his

groin, he released the breath he hadn’t been aware he’d been holding. Fully sheathed in

her, he cupped her hips again and leaned over her back to kiss her neck.

“Oh. I like this position.”

He eased his hips forward so he could feel the full weight of her ass against him.

“You have a very nice ass.”

She wiggled her ass. “Oh. Yes. I love this deeper penetration and how full I feel.”

“I aim to please.”

She turned her head and smiled at him. “Please me.”

“I will.” He pressed a quick kiss against her lips and began to fuck her slowly. He

slipped his hands from her hips to hold her ass as he slid his cock in and out of her

pussy. He enjoyed watching her cheeks ripple each time he slid home—driving his cock

deep into her upturned cunt.

Watching his cock appear and disappear between her round cheeks heightened his

pleasure. He shortened his strokes and tightened his grip on her. He withdrew from her

body, leaving all the head inside her. Then, eager to be buried inside her, he shot his

hips forward, powering his cock back into the sweetest, most addictive pussy he’d ever


With his cock sliding in and out of her, he felt a level of satisfaction and pleasure

that far exceeded anything he’d ever experienced. Each time her vaginal muscles


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tightened around his cock, welcoming it back, he felt a need and desire to cherish and

protect her.

He reached around her body to rub his thumb against her clit. She moaned. Her

thighs shook. She shuddered and exploded around him.

Her convulsions around his cock drove him over the edge. He pushed her onto her

stomach, lay over her climaxing body and fucked her hard—several times—until his

own orgasm rolled over him with enough force to leave him trembling on top of her, his

lips moving soundlessly against her neck.

She made a small protesting sound. He rolled onto his side. She did the same and

they embraced, lying entwined.

She shivered. He reached down, removed his condom with a handful of tissues,

and pulled a sheet over them.

“This is nice, but we can’t afford to go to sleep or you might miss your flight.”

“I know. I just want to lie here and hold you for a little while.”

She kissed his shoulder and settled against him. “Sounds like a plan.”

Two hours later, he reluctantly allowed her to pull out of his arms and get out of

bed. He turned onto his side to watch her picking up her clothes. Her back was to him

and he had an excellent rear view of her. She looked lovely from every angle.

He kicked away the sheet over his body and rose. He moved behind her, cupping

his hands over her breasts. He rubbed his groin against her ass cheeks. “Damn, honey,

you have the most beautiful ass I’ve ever seen.”

She took one of his hands from her breast and pressed it between her legs and into

her pussy. His cock stirred. “I don’t know about that, but I’ll bet it’s the biggest you’ve

ever seen,” she teased.

He laughed and kissed the back of her neck. “You are one big, beautiful woman.”

“You’re just saying that because it’s true.”

He turned her in his arms. “Yes. It is true and I’m going to miss you.”


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She caressed his face. “Make sure you do, Devlin. My pussy and I will be waiting

when you return. Make sure you don’t go sticking your cock into any strange hussies

you meet on the street or pick up in a bar.”

He buried his face against his neck, hugging her. “I’ll save it for you, baby.”

“You’d better.”

He lifted his head to look down at her. “I will. See that you do the same.”

“You can count on that.”

“I’ll do that.”

She sighed. “I have to go.”

He tightened his arms around her. “We’re going to be apart for weeks. Stay with

me until eleven.”

“I’d love to, but I can’t. Aunt Liz will have a cow as it is.”

“Let her.”

“Devlin. She was the only stability and love I had in my life after my mother died. I

have to go.” She kissed him and pulled out of his arms.

Unwilling to let her go so easily, he slid an arm around her waist, pressing his groin

against her ass. He parted her legs slightly and positioned his cock between her cheeks,

at the entrance of her pussy. With just one quick push he could be inside her again—

this time with nothing between them.

She stiffened. “Devlin. Don’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re not wearing a condom.”

He licked the back of her neck. “That’s the whole point. I want to fuck you without

protection—just once.”


“Why not?”


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She jerked away and turned to face him. “Why not? Are you serious? We’re both

too old to behave irresponsibly, Devlin. I am not about to risk getting pregnant just so

you can have your jollies, is why not.”

“You said you wanted children.”

“I do, but I want them after marriage.”

“Before or after marriage. What’s the difference as long as they’re loved and


“It makes a difference to me. In my family, we marry first—and then get pregnant.

I’m not looking to change those values.”

He shrugged. “Fine. Keep them. If you get pregnant, we’ll get married.”

She shook her head. “When I get married, it’s going to be because I’m in love, not

because I’m pregnant.”

“So you want to do the marriage thing first?” He raked a hand through his hair.

“We can do it that way if you insist.”

She tilted her head, her gaze locking with his. She licked her lips and then shook

her head. “I suggest you start thinking with your head instead of your cock, Devlin.

Marriage between us is out of the question.”

He sighed. That’s probably what his old college girlfriend had thought and why

she’d dumped him. “Why?”


He nodded. “Yes. Why is marriage between us out of the question? We’re both

emotionally free, sexually compatible and old enough to know what we’d be getting in


She shrugged. “Just like that? What about love?”

He put his hands on her hips and drew her into his arms, rubbing his erect cock

against her. “I think I’m in love with you.”


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She shook her head, pulling away. “That’s sweet, Devlin, but it’s lust you’re feeling.

Not love.”

He compressed his lips. “What? Don’t you think I’m old enough to know the

difference between the two?”

“Yes, I do, so don’t talk to me about love after two dates and a few fucks.”

She’d clearly made up her mind not to have a meaningful relationship with him. All

she wanted was meaningless sex.

He sank on to side of the bed, staring at her. Damn, he was in trouble.

Her face softened. She moved to stand between his legs, pressing her lips against

his hair. “I didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but we have to keep our perspective. Sex

with you is more incredible than anything I’ve ever felt.”

He looked up at her. “But?”

“Who says there’s a but?”

“There’s always a damned but with you, Javen.”

Her lips tightened. “Fine. It’s incredible, but it’s still just sex.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist. “This is not just about sex, Javen. We both

know that. To prove it, we’ll get married before we fuck without a condom.”

She trembled, moving her lips against his hair. “Devlin. The very idea is crazy.”

“So? People do crazy things all the time.”

“We don’t even know each other.”

“We know enough…we’re sexually compatible—”

“That’s not enough to base a marriage on.”

“Okay. You’re right.”


“So we’ll get to know each other later.”

“That won’t work.”


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“Why not?”

She moistened her lips and swallowed slowly before she spoke. “I…I don’t…I don’t

love you.”

He released her and looked up at her. “You will before long. I’ll fuck you until

you’re as mad about me as I am about you.”

Her lips trembled and he waited for her to agree. The moments passed and she

narrowed her gaze. “You’re thinking with your cock, Devlin. Just be thankful I know

that, or you’d find yourself engaged.”

“If I didn’t want that, I wouldn’t have mentioned marriage.”

“You’re only making this…generous but ridiculous offer because you think that’s

the only way I’ll have unprotected sex with you. I can’t marry you and I’m not having

unprotected sex with you.”

“Oh yes, you will.”

“Please, Devlin, be—”

“It’s clearly not going to happen tonight, but it will happen, Javen.”

“No. It won’t. Now I really have to go.”

“I’m serious, Javen.”

“So am I.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek before moving away from him.

Watching her step into panties he knew were damp with her juices, he was hard-

pressed not to drop to his knees and eat her pussy one last time. She attempted to put

her bra on several times before she tossed it angrily onto the floor and reached for her


He rose, picked up her bra, moved behind her and put it on. She caught her breath

but made no protest as he fastened it and pulled the straps over her shoulders. He bent

his head and pressed a kiss against that spot behind her left ear he had learned was one

of her erogenous zones.


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She shuddered and reached her hand between their bodies to cup his cock. “Oh

God. Don’t.”

He ran his tongue along her hot spot. “If you really mean that, release my cock.”

She moaned, squeezed and tugged on his cock, but finally released it and pulled

away. “I mean it, Devlin.”

Getting her to submit to his sexual domination was going to be more of a challenge

than he’d thought. Too bad he didn’t have to time to press her until she submitted now.

He stepped away from her.

She finished dressing and walked quickly toward the bedroom door.

He followed her out to her car. “I know you’re eager to go, but we need to talk

before you do.”

She sighed and placed a hand on his chest. “Please don’t make this any harder for


“We need to talk.”

“There’s really nothing to talk about.”


She pressed her lips together, shaking her head. “This is difficult for me to say, but I

think that maybe we should make this a permanent goodbye, Devlin.”


She nodded.

He swallowed hard. Still, when he spoke, his voice was little more than a husky

croak. “Had your fill already?”

“Not really.”

He cupped a palm against her cheek. “Then why won’t I see you in a few weeks?”

“Because we want different things. Right now, as sleazy as it might sound, I just

want a brief fling with a man who’s willing to view me as an equal partner. You want


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unsafe sex and you want to dominate me. While I’d admit I’m glad we met and slept

together, I prefer a man who doesn’t want to change me into a sex slave.”

“You think that’s all I want from you?”

“I’m not sure, but I’ve never done unsafe sex, Devlin and I’m not starting now—not

even to keep you interested.”

How like a woman to dump a load of meaningless shit on him when he didn’t have

time to deal with it. “Okay, fine. Forget what you insist on calling unsafe sex for now.”

“What would you call sex without a condom?”

He shrugged. “A commitment.”


“A commitment. Believe it or not, I generally don’t have sex without a condom. I

learned my lesson during my senior year in college when the girl I was dating thought

she was pregnant. She wasn’t, but that taught me the value of protection. Janet is the

only other woman I’ve slept with without protection. And when Brittany was three,

Janet decided she didn’t want any more kids and insisted I start using condoms. You

know how old Brittany is. That’s the last time I’ve had sex without protection. So if

you’re worried about STDs—”

“Aren’t you?”

“Do I need to be with you?”

“No. I’ve never slept with a man without a condom.”

He refrained from telling her there was a first time for everything. “Then, apart

from worrying about getting pregnant before marriage, why would it be unsafe?”


He shook his head. “Never mind. That will come later. For now, we’ll continue to

use condoms.”

She shook her head. “I think we should end this before someone ends up hurt.”

“I won’t hurt you.”


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“And I wouldn’t intentionally hurt you, but this is getting too intense too quickly.”

“I thought you wanted an intense experience.”

“I do. I do, but I don’t want to end up in love with you.”

“How likely is that to happen?”

“I don’t know. I’m afraid to find out.”


“Because I don’t want to be your sex slave.”

“It’s going to happen, Javen, and you’re going to love every second of it when it


“I’ll admit I toyed around with the idea for awhile, but that’s not who I am. You

want something from me I’m not willing to give you.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to take it.”

She narrowed her gaze. “I wouldn’t count on that happening, Devlin.”

“I already told you I nearly always get what I want and I want you.”

“You’re going to have to get what you want from someone else. I have to go.” She

stretched up and kissed his cheek. “Have a safe trip and thanks for a wonderful time.”

His chest felt tight and breathing became difficult as if she’d snatched the air out of

his lungs. “Javen—”

“I’m sure you’ll meet lots of lovely ladies who’ll be happy to be dominated by you.

Goodbye, Devlin.” She got in her car and started the engine.

He stood watching until she drove her car off his street. Feeling like a fool for

having mentioned marriage to a woman he’d only seen a few times and then being

rejected, he returned to the house to shower and prepare for his trip. She’d been right

about him thinking with his cock instead of his head.

He would use the time while he was away to regroup and rethink his strategy.

Hopefully, when he returned, it would be with a clearer head and a better plan. Despite


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all her objections, there was no way she was not going to become his sexual possession.

He’d do whatever he needed to do to enslave her.


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Chapter Six

Javen only drove a few blocks before she parked her car on a quiet street not far

from Devlin’s house. She sat in the darkened car, clenching her hands into fists, waiting

for her heart to stop pounding. Devlin’s unexpected offer to marry her if the need arose

shook her more than it should have. The attraction between them, while extremely

satisfying and breathtakingly sweet, was sex-centered. No finer feelings motivated their

shared desires and passions.

He had no place in her future plans, nor had he any real desire for a long-term,

permanent relationship with her. Recalling him lying in her arms after sex, murmuring

that he thought he was in love with her, she closed her eyes briefly. He’d made the

confession after sex when he was still thinking with that delicious, addictive cock of his.

She gave an angry shake of her head and opened her eyes. Any woman foolish enough

to believe such a sex-induced declaration was asking for heartache.

Besides, had he somehow really fallen so unexpectedly in love with her, surely he

would have objected when she told him they shouldn’t see each other again. His silence

was ample proof he was in lust rather than in love with her. Taking several deep,

calming breaths, she started her car and drove home.

She entered a quiet, dark apartment and leaned against the closed door. Thank God,

she wouldn’t have to face Aunt Liz until the morning. She pushed away from the door,

then gasped as the foyer light came on. She blinked several times before she saw a

small, slender woman with lovely dark skin and dark eyes standing in the living room


“Aunt Liz. I…I thought you were asleep.”

“I was beginning to wonder if you planned to spend the night with him.”

Heat rushed up her cheeks. “With who?”


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“Your lover.”

“My…Aunt Liz, I—”

“Don’t bother denying you’ve been to bed with a man, Javen Marie. I know you


Great. “How?”

“There’s a sexual glow a woman gets when she’s been in bed. And you, Javen

Marie, are glowing. And I can smell sex on you.”

She closed her eyes briefly. Had she not feared surrendering to Devlin’s desire for

unprotected sex, she would have taken the time for a quick shower before she left him.

That was a mistake she would not make again—especially when Aunt Liz was on one

of her unexpected visits. “I see.”

“Is he going to marry you?”

Had he been serious? Surely not. Adults just did not fall in love so quickly. Lust

came quickly. Love came slowly after one knew enough about a lover to actually fall in

love. “It’s kind of late and I’m really am not in the mood to talk about my love life

tonight, Aunt Liz.”

“I reared you with enough self-respect that you know better than to allow yourself

to become any man’s plaything. If he doesn’t want to marry you, you don’t climb into

bed with him. I thought I’d taught you that much.”

If Aunt Liz had had her way, she’d still be a virgin waiting for Mr. Right to come

along. “Aunt Liz—”

“Were you with Marc?”

She stifled a sigh. Why had she made the mistake of allowing Marc to talk her into

introducing him to Aunt Liz? “Actually, we’re not seeing each other anymore.”

“Oh, Javen Marie. You let a man who clearly loves you and wants to marry you slip

through your fingers just so you can take up with one who doesn’t love you?”

When she didn’t answer, Aunt Liz’s lips tightened.


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Javen closed her eyes briefly. Lord, she was not in the mood for a lecture about

being loose with countless men. “Aunt Liz, please remember that I am adult capable of

making my own decisions.”

“And of making your own mistakes.”

She sighed. “Yes. I make those on my own, too.”

“Say you’re telling me I have no right to care enough about you to ensure you don’t

become some man’s—”

“No. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m just tired and upset.”

Her aunt’s face softened. “Upset? Did he get what he wanted and then dump you?

If he did, he’ll have to answer to me.”

“He didn’t dump me. I know you care about me and I love you for it, but I can’t

talk about it or him right now. Forgive me, but I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Aunt Liz.”

She kissed her cheek, moved down the hall and closed her bedroom door. She

undressed in the dark and slipped into bed.

Had Devlin been serious about feeling more than lust for her? She doubted it and

yet surely love at first sight wasn’t a complete myth. Who was to say they weren’t so

sexually compatible because they’d fallen in love with each other at first sight?

They? Her stomach churned. She liked what she knew of him. She liked the way he

looked. She liked his smile and loved the way she felt lying under his big body. Feeling

her pussy stretched over his large, hard cock while he crushed her breasts under his

chest and attempted to kiss the color off her lips was priceless. Granted, just thinking of

him left her wet and hungry, but that added up to lust. Not love.

Once she got him out of her system, she’d get back on track. In a week or two, she’d

call Marc and hope he could forgive her. If he could, by the time Devlin returned she

and Marc would be engaged and there would be no possibility of rekindling the flame

that burned so hotly between her and Devlin.


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To her dismay, she felt tears pricking her eyes. She rolled onto her stomach and

pressed her cheek against her pillow. She blinked the tears away. Get a grip on yourself,

Javen. Youll be fine without him.

It took several hours before she finally drifted into a restless sleep. In the morning,

she woke to the realization she had cried in her sleep. With thoughts of the previous

night spent with Devlin haunting her, she rose and took a quick shower. After dressing,

she made coffee and took a cup to the living room where Aunt Liz had insisted on


Aunt Liz took one look at her and tightened her lips, but to Javen’s amazed relief

remained silent. Grateful not to have to listen to another lecture, she hugged her aunt.

“Can you stay a few days more?”

“Yes. I’ll stay, Javen Marie.”

Javen blinked back tears. “Thank you.”

Her aunt kissed her and held her tight. “Whatever it is, we’ll get through it


She nodded and clung to her aunt.

* * * * *

Devlin stood in the adult boutique, studying the selection of what the sign called

Intimate Apparel for Adventurous Lovers. One particular ensemble caught his eye. He

glanced at the saleswoman who stood watching him. “Does it come in a larger size?”

The woman’s brow rose. “That is large, sir.”

“It’s not large enough.” He shrugged. “I have a beautiful, full-figured woman who

would look even lovelier in that.”

She smiled. “I see. I could order it, but it would be quite expensive.”

“She’s worth it.”


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Her smile widened. “Unless you want to wait at least a month, you’ll need to

consider a special-order fee. If you like, we have a selection of apparel that comes in

full-figured sizes that are less expensive than special ordering this would be.”

He shook his head. “I want this one. If I pay the special-order fees, could I get it

within a week or so?”

“I doubt it. It will take at least two, maybe three weeks.”

“Okay.” He took out his credit card. “Then I’ll take it.” After he left the boutique, he

got in his rental car and headed for a flea market in the neighboring state of New Jersey.

He’d been told the stalls there sometimes had unusual items. He wanted to find an

unusual item for the unusual woman in his life. After three hours, having found an item

he thought would suffice, he got back in his car.

Feeling the need to talk to a female who was always glad to talk to him no matter

when he called, he opened his cell phone and called Brittany.


Hearing her happy voice, he smiled. “Hi, honey.”

“I’m so glad you called, Daddy. I have so much to tell you. Do you have time?”

“Yes, sweetie, I have time. Tell me all your news.”

* * * * *

Javen spent the first two weeks after Devlin’s departure reassuring herself she was

not in love with him. Before long, she would no longer spend each night hoping that

each time the phone rang, it would be him. Surely this lying sleepless at night, longing

to lie in his arms with his bare cock buried deep inside her aching pussy, could not go

on for much longer.

On a number of occasions, she was tempted to call Marc. But if she did that, there

would be no going back. There would be no possibility of seeing Devlin when he



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Four weeks later, Javen spotted Brittany Jordan waiting in the bus line. She paused

for several moments, her practical side arguing with the wild, wanton side of her. The

practical side lost. She pasted a smile on her face and approached the aide overseeing

the bus line.

“Hi, Lara. Can I have a word with Brittany?”

Lara smiled. “Sure.”

Javen walked along the line, stopping next to Brittany. “Hi, Brittany.”

“Hi, Ms. Manning.”

She put a hand on Brittany’s shoulder. “Walk a little way with me?”

Brittany nodded.

They moved several yards from the bus lines before she turned to look down at

Brittany. The innocent look in the child’s eyes gave her pause. She had no right to use

Brittany’s regard for her to pump her about Devlin. But how else could she learn if he

was still away without revealing her interest in him to him?

“How’s your new class?”

“It’s fun. Mrs. Michaels is nice, but I do miss you.”

“I miss you, too, Brittany. How’s your mom and your step-dad?”

She shrugged. “Okay, I guess.”

“Good.” She moistened her lips. “And your dad?”

“Daddy’s away on another trip.”

“Then you must really miss hearing from him.”

“I miss him, but he calls every night.” She smiled. “Daddy says he can’t sleep

unless he’s talked to me.”

So it was just her he no longer had time for. Still smiling, she nodded. “Well, I just

wanted to see how you were doing. Your bus will be coming. We’d better get you back

in line.”


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She walked Brittany back to her line and said goodbye. Later that night, she and

Keisha sat in her kitchen over coffee spiked with rum.

“So what did you expect?”

Javen wrapped her fingers around her cup. “I expected him to call.”

“After you told him you didn’t want to see him again?”


“Get real, Jai. What man would call after being kicked to the curb like that?”

She slammed her cup down onto the table. “A man who claimed he was in love.

That’s who.”

“But you told him it was just lust.” Keisha shrugged. “Maybe he decided you were


She glared at Keisha. “You know, this isn’t what I had in mind when you offered to

come over for tea and sympathy.”

Keisha smiled and touched her hand, which lay clenched against her cup. “Don’t

overreact. We’re friends because we are, and have always been, straight with each

other. The man told you he loved you and you told him he was in lust. If I were him, I

wouldn’t call you, either.”

She sighed. “So what am I supposed to do?”

“Depends on what you feel. What do you feel? Really.”

“I don’t know.”

“I think you do.”

She shook her head. “You know, Kei, sometimes you are a royal pain in my ass—a

big pain.”

Keisha grinned. “Well, I’d have to be a big pain, considering the size of that ass of


Javen laughed. “And you know how to hit a girl with the truth where it hurts



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“What can I say?”

“Devlin likes this big ass of mine.”

“Does he?”

She recalled him lying on his stomach, caressing, massaging and kissing her cheeks.


“Has he been slapping it yet?”

“No. I told you and him I wasn’t into that.”

“And I told you, you don’t know what you’re missing.” Keisha waved a hand. “But

never mind that right now. What are you going to do about this Devlin situation?”

“If he’ll still have me, I’m going to marry Marc.”

“Hmmm. You’re lying awake at night lusting for Devlin, but you’re going to marry

Marc if he’ll still have you?” Keisha nodded. “Yeah. Sure. Makes perfect sense to me.

Go for it. I’m eager to see how being married to one man when you’re in love with

another one works for you.”

“I am not in love with him.”

“Of course you’re not. Keep telling yourself that until you actually start to believe it,


“It’s true,” she said quietly. “It’s been four weeks and I haven’t heard a word from

him. I’m ready to get on with my life.”

Ignoring the skeptical look on Keisha’s face, she turned the conversation to the

latest mystery novel by her favorite author.

Keisha gave her a give-me-a-break look but followed her lead.

When Keisha left, Javen had a long soak and went to bed. Having made her choice

to pursue her relationship with Marc, she slept soundly for the first time since she told

Devlin their brief relationship was over.

Several days later, Javen came home to find a dozen roses and a large, square box

outside her apartment door.


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She smiled, her thoughts immediately turning to Devlin. Opening her apartment

door, Javen placed her shoulder bag and briefcase inside on the table before she picked

up the flowers and the box. Putting the box on the foyer table, she plucked the card

from the roses.

Dear Javen,

After several weeks, Ive decided you were right in insisting what I felt for you was lust

rather than love. I want you, and you want a sleazy affair, so lust puts us both on the same page.

In the spirit of unmitigated lust, the presents I sent you should have arrived by now. One I

hope youll find worthy of adding to your collection. The others Im sure you and your new

partner in sleaze will enjoy.

I hope you find everything you want with the man of your choice. Have a good life.


Her pounding heartbeat left her breathing erratically. So it really was over between

them. She tossed the roses in the trash and sank down onto the nearest chair in the

living room. He’d finally agreed with her—just when she was almost ready to consider

that she had been wrong and maybe he did and could have fallen in love with her.

Sometimes life was so unfair. She shook her head. If it was one thing Aunt Liz had

taught her, it was to make her own destiny. She glanced at the card again.

Have a good life.

“Don’t you worry about my life, Devlin. I intend to get everything I want out of


Realizing she had no idea what the box contained, she went to the kitchen for a

utility knife. The large box contained one long, flat box and a tall, square box. She

opened the taller of the two boxes first, waded through the packing bubbles and lifted

out a beautiful clay vase with an African motif.

Tears filled her eyes. Not only had he remembered her fondness for vases, but he’d

actually taken the time to go looking for one for her. She hugged the vase against her


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chest, knowing it would become the favorite of her collection. Blinking back the tears,

she placed the vase on the table and opened the long, flat box. Inside, nestled under

crushed red tissue lay a pair of handcuffs, covered in soft, supple leather.

Under the handcuffs lay another layer of tissue. She pulled it back, revealing a

leather-and-mesh bra-and-panty set. She held up the bra. Where the cups should have

been were two leather holes through which her large breasts would protrude. The

panties had no crotch, which would leave her slit exposed.

Her cheeks burned as she imagined herself standing in front of a lover with her

breasts sagging and her pussy exposed like what Aunt Liz would call “some too hot-to-

trot, low-class hussy on the prowl.” Clearly Devlin expected her next lover to treat her

like a slut and to dominate her.

She gave an angry shake of her head. No one did anything to her she didn’t fully

want. And she didn’t want or need Devlin telling her how to dress for her lover.

“To hell with you and your present, Devlin.” She tossed the handcuffs and panty

set in the trash on top of the roses and stalked through her apartment to the bathroom.

She ran her bath, added her favorite salts, undressed and slipped into the warm,

scented water.

She lay with her eyes closed, willing herself not to think of Devlin. Through sheer

force of will, she turned her thoughts to Marc. Minutes later, she felt tears on her cheeks

and realized she was thinking of Devlin again.

When she got out of the bath an hour later, she wrapped a towel around her body

and went to the living room where she took the panty set and handcuffs out of the


Face it, Javen. Youre hopeless. You say you want to marry Marc. Maybe you do, but youre

clearly not ready to stop thinking about Devlin. Nothing short of a miracle is going to help you.

So pray for one.

* * * * *


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Keisha smiled when Javen showed her the underwear and handcuffs a few days

later. “He wants those bad girls of yours always on display and your pussy easily

accessible when he’s ready to fuck.”

“Even if we were seeing each other again, I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of

dressing like a whore.”

Keisha shook her head. “A whore? Get a grip, Jai. There’s nothing wrong with

dressing provocatively for your lover. Sex games help keep a relationship exciting and

on the edge.”

Javen stared at Keisha. “We’ve known each other since grade school and I never

knew you were into sexual domination.”

Keisha shrugged. “I wasn’t, until this handsome, big-dick guy introduced me to it.

Now I love it. With the right partner, it can be the most incredible experience.”

She tensed. “You’ve practiced it with more than one partner?”

Keisha nodded. “Yes. The exciting thing about it is that even the same act is

different with each person.”

She could see the excitement in Keisha’s eyes and swallowed slowly. What if Keisha

was right and she was missing out on a wonderful experience? “What other kinds of

things have you done?”

“Are you sure you want to know?”

She nodded.

“If you’re not interested in it and you’re not seeing Devlin again—why?”

“Are you going to answer my question or not?”

“Sure. The biggest eye opener for me was the discovery that I like anal sex.”

“You do? What if your lover has a big cock?”

Keisha smiled. “The bigger, the better. I love a big, hard cock sliding up my ass

while my lover finger-fucks my pussy. Girl, there is a whole wonderful world of sexual

pleasures available that Aunt Liz didn’t tell you about.”


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She thought of Devlin trying to fit his thick, rigid length up her ass and shuddered.

A wave of heat rushed to her cheeks as she realized she was shuddering with lust rather

than revulsion.

“Maybe I’ll begin to explore some of them.”

Keisha grinned. “Maybe? I’ll bet your ass is tingling just thinking about Devlin

making backdoor love to you.”

Her pussy convulsed at the thought and she flushed.

Keisha touched her hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll share everything I’ve learned, so when

he’s ready to slide into your ass, you’ll know how to make the experience work for you

both and not just him.”

She wanted to protested that Devlin’s big cock wasn’t getting anywhere near her

ass, but she was too busy savoring the delightful thought of sharing what would be, for

her, the final taboo with Devlin.

“I don’t think I have to worry about that. He hasn’t called me once since he left.”

“Who can blame him?”

She frowned. “That remark isn’t that helpful, Keisha.”

“I know. I’m sorry, but if you and he have any hope of rekindling your romance

when he returns, you’ll going to need to face facts, Jai. That means you’re going to need

to admit that you kind of like the idea of being sexually submissive to a big, handsome


She shook her head. “Keisha—”

“No, Jai. Don’t interrupt. Regardless what your aunt might have taught you, there’s

no shame in submitting to your man. Admitting who you are and what you want can

be wonderfully liberating. You’ve been respectful and proper long enough. It’s time to

let yourself go and for once, do what feels right—regardless of what your aunt would



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* * * * *

The first thing Devlin did on arriving home after two months on the East Coast was

pick up Brittany for an overnight visit. He fell asleep just after their dinner of pizza. He

woke several hours later to find her sitting beside him.

“Hi, Daddy.”

He smiled. “Hi, honey. I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

“It’s all right. Mommy said you’d be too tired to see me tonight.”

He pulled her onto his chest and hugged her. “I’m never too tired to see you,


She grinned. “That’s what I told Mommy.”

“And you were right.”

“Ms. Manning will be glad you’re back, Daddy.”

His hand on her hair stilled. “Ms. Manning? What makes you say that?”

“She asked me about you.”


“Weeks ago.” She sighed. “Do you like her, Daddy?”

“She seems very nice.”

“She is. I think she likes you. She looked real funny when I told her you called me

every night. Why do you think she looked like that, Daddy?”

“I don’t know.” He lifted her to her feet. “It’s time I put you to bed, young lady.”

“But I want to talk about you and Ms. Manning.”

He sat on the side of his bed and looked at her. “What makes you think there’s

anything to talk about?”

“She likes you, Daddy. I could tell. Do you like her?”


She sighed and her shoulders slumped. “I was afraid of that.”


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“Why? I thought you liked her.”

“I do, Daddy, but I thought maybe you and Mommy would get back together.”

He lifted her onto his lap. “Sweetie, your Mommy has already remarried.”

“I know.”

“I thought you liked Steve.”

She linked her arms around his neck. “I do, but he’s not you, Daddy. I like him and

I like Ms. Manning, but I wish things could be like they used to be with it was just you,

me and Mommy.”

He hugged her. “That would have been nice, sweetie, but even though your

Mommy and I don’t love each other anymore, we still have something very important

in common.”


He lifted her chin and smiled down at her. “We both love you very much and

always will—no matter who else we fall in love with.”

“So you and Mommy aren’t getting married again? Ever?”

“No, sweetie, we’re not.”

She bit her lip. “Are you going to marry Ms. Manning?”

A better question would be would Javen marry him? “If I do, you’ll be one of the

first people to know.”

“But I want to know now, Daddy.”

“I’ve already given you the only answer you’re getting now, young lady. Now it’s

time for bed. Okay?”

She sighed. “Okay, Daddy.”

He carried her to her bedroom and tucked her in before he showered and sat in the

darkened living room, smiling. Maybe absence did make the heart grow fonder. He

sure as hell wanted Javen as much or more than ever before. Did he dare risk his heart


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with her? Or should he find himself a woman who would willingly submit to him? He

decided he’d find out soon enough.

The next morning, he and Brittany had pancakes and sausages before spending the

afternoon at an amusement park. As he and Brittany got off the roller coaster, a tall

blonde with smoky gray eyes pushed a piece of paper into his hand. He read it while he

waited outside the ladies bathroom for Brittany.

Im single and looking. If you are, too, call me. Julie.

Smiling, he tossed the paper into the nearest trashcan and took Brittany home. Only

then did he allow his thoughts to turn to Javen. It seemed an eternity since he’d held her

in his arms and kissed her sweet lips. He ached for her, but decided he’d wait a few

days before calling her.

Two days later, he returned home to find Javen’s car parked in front of his house.

He took several deep breaths before he got out of his car. She got out also and they met

in front of his house.

She looked sexier than ever in a pretty, tailored pantsuit. He suppressed the urge to

snatch her into his arms and kiss her senseless. He waited for her to speak.

“Devlin. Hi.”

He nodded, smiling slightly. “Hi.” He bit back the urge to ask her inside. If she was

going to be his sexual sub, she should make the first move, with the full knowledge of

what that would entail.

“Ah…do you have any plans? Can I come in for a few moments?”

“Actually, I do have plans and I’m a little pressed for time. Did you…leave

something inside?”

He watched the color rise to her cheeks. “No.”

“Then what can I do for you?”

Her beautiful dark eyes shot angry sparks at him. “Do you have to make this so

difficult for me?”


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“Make what difficult? You were the one who said you didn’t want to see me again.”

“I know what I said.”

“So do I. What I don’t know is what you want or expect from me now.”

She compressed her lips. “A little courtesy would be nice.”

“If you want courtesy from ex-lovers, maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to keep

tossing us aside like some much garbage.”

“I didn’t toss you aside.”

“The hell you didn’t.”


“Look. Ending our relationship was your choice, Javen.”

“Well, what if I’ve changed my mind?”

Warm satisfaction settled over him, but he resisted the impulse to smile or pump

his fist in the air. “Have you?”

“Actually…no. I want the same thing I wanted the last time we saw each other.”

Oh, the mean-spirited little bitch knew how to burst a man’s bubble without

breaking a sweat. “Meaningless but safe sex?” He shook his head. “Thanks but no

thanks, Javen. If that’s still your goal, throw out the outfit I sent you and go find your

old lover.”

“What makes you think I haven’t already tossed it in the trash?”

“If you had, you wouldn’t be here trying to have everything your own way.”

“You have no right to say that to me.”

“Oh, I know just what you’re planning. You think I’m going to play your game? I’m


“What game?”

“You’re here because you still want to fuck me, but you’re still trying to keep your

options open with your ex. Well, honey, that’s not going to work. You’re going to have


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to choose between us. I do not share my woman. And if you choose me, you know what

my terms are. If you choose him, so be it.”

She flushed, her eyes shooting daggers.

“Now if you’ll excuse me.” He moved around her but paused when she moved

with him, blocking his path. “Javen—”

“I didn’t come here just so you could humiliate me, Devlin.”

“I have no desire to humiliate you. But that doesn’t mean I have to allow you to use

me either.”

“Use you?”

“Yes, use me. You want a relationship that’s based strictly on sex. I want one that

actually means something and will lead to something meaningful and permanent.”

“You’re making me sound like some back-alley tramp.”

“I’m stating the facts, Javen. As you said, as long as we want such vastly different

things in a relationship, there’s really no point in trying to pursue one with each other.

Now will you kindly step out of my way?”

“No. I’m not leaving until I get what I want.”

“And what the hell is that?”

“A few hours alone with you.”

“That’s not going to happen again—not unless we play by my rules this time.” He

caressed her cheek. “When you’re ready to let him go and commit to a serious

relationship with me, let me know. If I haven’t found myself another lover, we might be

able to arrange something.”

“So unless I’m ready to have unsafe sex with you—”

“I’m no longer interested in your safe, meaningless sex.”

“So I have to be ready to…let you dominate me?”

“In a word, yes.”

“Fuck you, Devlin.”


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“That’s something you’ve done for the last time, Javen.”

She sucked in an angry breath before she turned and stormed back to her car.

He stood watching her drive away. She was really going to make him work for her

submission. Smiling at the thought of the joys they’d explore once she surrendered, he

walked inside his house. He had taken a long shower and changed into sweat bottoms

when the doorbell rang.

He wasn’t expecting anyone. Nor was he in the mood for company. He ignored the

ringing bell and headed for the rec room. The bell rang again…and then again.

Swearing softly, he moved to the front door. “Who the hell is it?” he demanded.

“Who the hell do you think?”

He paused with his hand several inches from the doorknob. He closed his eyes

briefly, took several deep breaths and opened the door. He stepped back and, without

quite meeting his gaze, Javen stalked past him. He closed the door and turned to face

her. He smiled. “Back so soon, honey? I thought it would take you at least a week to

come to your senses.”

Her lips tightened. “If you’re going to gloat, I’ll…I’ll—”


She shook her head. “Please don’t gloat.”

“Why are you here?”

She balled a hand into a fist and hit it against his shoulder. “Why are you so

determined to make this as difficult as possible for me? Isn’t it enough for you that you

did your best to humiliate me and I came back anyway? You’re not going to be satisfied

until you rip every thread of my resolve from me, are you?”

He pushed her hand away from his shoulder. “If that’s what you really think, what

the hell are you doing here?”

“You know why I’m here.”


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He knew why he wanted her there. “What are you prepared to do now that you’re


“Devlin, you know—”

“I want to hear it.”

She sighed and lowered her lids. “I’m here on your terms.”

“Look at me.”

She lifted her lids. Under the willingness to submit to him, he saw a spark of

defiance that hinted that her submission would probably not be absolute—at least not

immediately. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

He caressed her cheek before cupping his palms over her face. “You do realize that I

have no intention of using a condom?”


He swallowed several times. If she’d come back prepared to have sex without the

benefit of a condom, then surely she was ready to admit that what they shared was

more than sex? He studied the tense expression on her lovely face and decided that was

just wishful thinking. She was probably willing to risk sex the way he wanted because

she was on the Pill or had taken some other measures.

“Then far be it from me to gloat.” He took her hand in his and drew her into his

arms. He held her close, pressing his lips against her hair. “I missed you.”

She lifted her head and frowned up at him. “Then why the hell didn’t you call me?”

Oh yeah. Her defiant streak was alive and well. “You said we were through.”


He swallowed the laughter struggling to be released. “Didn’t you mean it?”

She pressed her fist against his shoulder. “I’m here now about to behave in a very

sexually irresponsible way. Does that sound like I meant it?”

“How was I to know I shouldn’t take you at your word?”


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She opened her fist and placed her hand against his chest. “While you were away,

did you—”

He shook his head. “I didn’t sleep with anyone and I’ve got the blue balls to prove


She sighed and rested her weight against him. “I waited and waited…hoping you’d


He lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. “Had I known that, I would have. I took

you at your word.” He slipped his hands under her waistband and cupped his hands

over her big, bare ass. He grinned down at her. “Next time I’ll know better, won’t I?”

Her eyes flashed and her lips parted. He bent his head and kissed her, trapping the

indignant words on her warm, sweet lips. She moaned and returned his kisses with a

hunger that made his cock ache.

After several moments, she pulled away from him. “There’s something you should

know, Devlin.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m not one of those women who like alpha males.”

He laughed and drew her back in his arms. “The hell you don’t. This time we are

playing by my rules, Javen. And I am definitely alpha, honey.”

“If you think—”

He pressed his fingers against her lips. “I don’t think anything. I know what’s going

to happen between us from now on.” He stepped away from her and quickly stripped

her and then himself. Although her dark eyes shot sparks at him, she made no effort to

move away when he rubbed the head of his cock along her outer lips. Locking his gaze

with hers, he kept up the sensuous motion until her natural fluids seeped out to coat his

cock head.

She was ready for him. He spread his legs and bent his knees. He resisted the urge

to shove his hips forward and burrow deep inside her. He wanted their first time as


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committed lovers to be slow and special. And he wanted to give her one last time to


She moistened her lips and remained still, her dark eyes dancing with desire and a

hint of fear.

“It’s all right, honey. I love you.” He whispered the words against her mouth and

slowly sent his hips forward, lodging the pulsing head of his cock just between the

velvety softness of her pussy lips.


He closed his eyes briefly in an effort to control the rush of emotions he felt. Then

he eased forward again, sliding more of himself into her wet, hot slick tunnel.

“Oooh.” She shuddered, grabbing his hips, trying to draw him deeper.

“Oh…please. More…dear God, Devlin, give me more.”

There could only be one first time when they had unprotected sex and he wanted to

make the experience unforgettable for them both. He resisted her efforts and inched

slowly into her tight, hot channel. When they were finally groin to groin, he slid his

hands over her big, warm ass and pressed his mouth against her full lips. He moved in

and out of her slowly, determined to savor this first sweet delight.

He had every inch of himself buried in the intriguing woman he’d fallen hard for

the moment he saw her. With her hands raking down his back, her pussy joyfully

welcoming his cock back on each downward plunge, he was in heaven. Each time he

bottomed out in her, she moaned against his lips and sucked hungrily at his tongue,

almost as if she were sucking his cock.

It became more difficult to hold his explosion at bay. He just wanted to surrender to

the hunger raging inside him and blast his cum into her. But he would not come until

he had satisfied her. He trembled with the effort to hold on to the last ounce of control.

Sweat ran down his back. She suddenly cried out, ramming her hips into his. Her pussy

clasped and convulsed wildly around his cock.


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Finally he could let go. He moved his hands to her hips, crushed his mouth onto

hers and fucked her hard and deep, driving his cock inside her pussy in a frenzy that

was part lust, part raw emotions he could no longer control. Within a minute, his

orgasm crashed over him like a tidal wave and he slammed his cock as deep into her as

he could and shot jet after jet of cum inside her.

The intensity of his climax made his knees buckle. Still coming, he leaned heavily

against her, biting and nipping at her lips and tongue, lost in a storm of pleasure like

none he’d ever experienced. She held him, trading hot, demanding kiss for demanding

kiss as her greedy pussy squeezed the last drop of cum from his cock.

Feeling emotionally drained by the force of his release, he drew out of her and

collapsed to his knees. She lay on the carpet and drew him down into her arms. He

settled between her legs, burying his face against her neck. “Oh, damn. I love you.” His

voice was husky, almost inaudible.

Her soft, caressing hands smoothed him.

They lay in silence while he recovered before he drew them both to their feet and

led her to the bedroom. Once there, they tumbled onto the bed together. She parted her

legs and he thrust forward, slowly slipping deep inside her moist, cum-filled pussy.

She linked her legs over the back of his, held him in her arms and rotated her hips

against his. “Love me, Devlin. Make me yours.”

He nibbled at her neck. “I do and you are.”

“Love me,” she whispered again. “Like only you can.”

Feeling that was as close as she was prepared to come to admitting how she felt

about him, he made love to her again. He did it slowly, kissing her neck and ears,

sucking her breasts, holding her ass and keeping his strokes long, deep and measured.

He enjoyed feeling the sexual tension building inside her body. He felt it in the nails

she raked down his back…in the desperate way her hips jerks against his…in her sweet,

soft moans each time he slid his cock back inside her until finally her thighs shook, her

pussy convulsed, and she exploded under him.


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He held himself still for several moments, whispering softly to her as she came.

Then, when he could no longer control himself, he pushed his cock deep into her hot

pussy and came in her.

As he did, he found himself trembling in her arms and chanting that he loved her.

He loved her. He loved her.

Finally exhausted, he drifted to sleep in her arms, content with the knowledge that

despite her failure to confess to being in love with him, she wanted more than sex.

Whether she was ready to admit it or not, she was his.

Several hours later, he woke alone in bed with a hard-on. Following the sound of

running water, he made his way to the master bathroom. Javen, wearing one of his

shirts, was bent over the basin, splashing water onto her face.

The shirt ended just below her lovely ass. Gripping his cock, he moved behind her

and parted her legs.

Surprised, she started to straighten. “Devlin—”

“Too late to protest,” he told her, bent her back over the basin and thrust his cock

into her pussy.

When he was fully seated inside her, he straightened her up, caressed her lovely,

large breasts and fingered her clit. They were facing the mirror and he smiled at the

look of delight on her pretty face.

He licked her neck. “Open your eyes so we can both see our expression as I fuck


He watched her blush as she opened her eyes and met his gaze in the mirror.

He eased his cock out of her and then slipped back inside.

She moaned and rotated her ass against his groin.

As he started to fuck her hard and fast, her eyes started to flutter shut.

He pinched her nipples. “Keep your eyes open.”

“I can’t. I’m about to come.”


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“Keep them open,” he insisted and shoved his cock into her hard.

Her soft gasps of pleasure as his groin slapped against her big ass excited him.

When he felt her thigh begin to shake, he rubbed his thumb against her clit.

She shuddered, closed her eyes and came.

The endless quaking of her vaginal muscles squeezing and massaging his cock

pushed him over the edge. “I’m about to come,” he grunted, stabbing his cock into her.

“Open your eyes and watch my expression as I fill your sweet pussy with my seed.”

Her eyes flickered open. He struggled to keep his open and locking his gaze with

hers in the mirror, he blasted his cum deep into her warm, receptive pussy.

She pressed her ass back against him and squeezed his cock, forcing the last drop of

cum from it.

He groaned and slowly eased his cock out of her.

She turned in his arms and smiled up at him. “Damn, you know how to fuck a


“Not just any woman. My woman.”

She sighed and yawned. “Let’s go back to bed. I want to fall asleep in your arms.”

He slipped his arm around her and they returned to the bedroom together and fell


He woke late the next morning alone in the house. She had left without waking him

or leaving any message. Oh well, he would have to work at getting her to admit how

she felt. Recalling her lack of inhibitions the night before, he smiled. Wringing that

admission from her might not be easy, but he planned to make sure they both enjoyed

every second of the challenge.

He rose and headed for the shower, eager to see her and repeat the previous night’s


* * * * *


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Javen lay in a tub full of warm water and slick bath oil, resting her neck on a bath

pillow, staring up at the ceiling. After twelve years of responsible sex, she had allowed

Devlin to come in her repeatedly. When she had gone back to his house, she had half

believed that she would be able to talk him into using a condom, as she had each time


Instead, she had capitulated like some silly teenager who foolishly thought she

would not get pregnant. And she had loved every second of the night spent with him.

So instead of staying around to see what pleasures the morning would bring, she had

waited until she was sure he slept soundly before sneaking away in the night.

Sometime during the night of endless fucking…no. He had been sweet, warm,

tender and considerate of her needs and feelings. He had made love to her. And

sometime during the night, she had come to believe he really was in love with her. Only

a man in love could create such emotional turmoil and joy. She wanted him sexually

more than she’d ever wanted any other man. But if her response to him was strictly

physical, why hadn’t she married Marc when he’d proposed?

Like Devlin, Marc was handsome, sexy and a great lover. Yet their lovemaking had

never left her willing to do almost anything just for another opportunity to spend a few

hours in his arms. Marc had touched her physically, but never touched the raw, aching

core of her heart as Devlin had…as Devlin did.

Surely that added up to love and not just lust. But if she loved him, why had she

fled from him the moment he was asleep? And why didn’t he come after her? He must

surely know by now how much her feelings and need for him left her at his mercy.

Where did they go from last night? She closed her eyes, recalling how he had filled

her pussy with his hard cock and her ears with whispered words of love and devotion

that left her sobbing with a combination of pleasure and fear. Where did they go?

Did she continue to have unprotected sex with him and risk allowing him to

dominate her in a way she’d never allowed any man to do? Or did she flee to the

relative safety of Marc’s arms? Marc had always accepted her as an equal. And that’s


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what she’d demanded and always wanted. Wasn’t it? If so, why had she enjoyed Devlin

dominating her so much?

She gave an angry shake of her head. She’d always known what she wanted and

gone after it. Okay, so she wasn’t quite sure if she wanted a safe future with Marc, or an

unpredictable but exciting one with Devlin. Whichever the future held, she wasn’t

going to find it lying in the bathtub.

She rose and returned to her bedroom. She dressed in a dark pink, elegant pantsuit

that highlighted all of her assets, and left the house. Halfway to her parking spot, she

froze. A familiar dark SUV pulled into the parking lot and cruised to a stop beside her.

The driver-side door opened. The proverbial tall, dark and good-looking ebony

hunk got out. She swallowed slowly, feeling a flush of pleasure. “Marc. I was just on my

way to see you.”

A warm smile spread across his handsome face. “I knew you’d come to your senses,


“Come to my senses?” She blinked. “What? What are you talking about?”

“Your Aunt Liz called me and told me you were ready to be my baby again.”

Javen gasped. “She did what?”

“You said you were mine for the taking—as long as I showed you who was boss.”

“What? She said that?”

He nodded.

“She had no right. I—”

He smiled and swept her into his arms. Before she could protest, his warm, full lips

descended on hers. Her passions stirred as he drew her close to his body. His tongue

pushed between her lips and inside her mouth. Feeling him slowly lengthening against

her as he kissed her breathless, she gasped. Lord, she had forgotten how he could

devour her lips until her pussy dripped. And oh, damn, but the feel of his heavy cock

pressing against her made her wet.


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As always, with just a few kisses, he had her ready to melt into a helpless puddle at

his feet. Still, the responses he created were strictly physical. Her heart remained

untouched by his heated, demanding kisses. Finally, she knew she could never belong

to him again.

The desperation of his kiss told her he still possessed deep feelings for her. Fearful

of hurting him, she gently disengaged herself. As she did, she became aware of another

vehicle stopping close by. She wiped the back of her hand across her mouth.

Embarrassed at being caught in such a passionate embrace in public, she looked around

Marc’s shoulder—right into Devlin’s cold blue eyes.

Heat rushed up her cheeks and her heart thundered in fear and horror. “Devlin.”

Marc turned to face Devlin and the two sized each other up in silence before Marc

looked at her. “Who is this? Your ex-fling?”

Javen moistened her lips. “He’s—”

“Ex, hell. I’m the man she comes running to when she wants soul-destroying,

condomless sex. You are clearly the ex around here.”

Her face burning, Javen stared at Devlin, not quite believing what she’d just heard.

Marc turned her to face her, a stunned expression on his handsome face. “What the

hell? You’re not only sleeping with this guy, but you let him touch you without


Devlin closed the distance between them and stared coolly at Marc. “What? You’ve

never had the pleasure? You don’t know what you missed and now you never will.”

The pained look in Marc’s dark eyes cut her like a knife. Devlin had just gone out of

his way to be cruel to a man she’d never wanted to hurt. She’d been on her way to tell

Marc she was in love with another man so he’d know not to waste any more time

hoping she’d want to resume their relationship. She’d planned to let him down gently.

Now, thanks to Devlin, he must think she was easy and cruel.

She swung around to face Devlin. “How dare you? You have no right, Devlin.”


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“The hell I don’t. I drive up and find you allowing another man to kiss you and you

expect me to play nice?”

“I expect you to get the hell out of my face.” Angered at his lack of remorse at

hurting Marc, she slapped him. “I never want to see you again, you selfish bastard. Do

you hear me?”

“Loud and clear.”

She sucked in a breath at his unexpected answer. Damn him for never doing or

saying what she expected. “I mean it.”

“Sure you do.” His tone mocked her.

Damn him. She slapped him again, gave Marc a look that asked forgiveness and

turned and ran back to her apartment. Neither man followed her. Inside, she lay on her

bed, feeling flushed, angry and confused.

Surprisingly, she didn’t cry. After a while, she rose and undressed, then slid back

into bed. Within minutes, the nearly sleepless night took its toll and she fell asleep.

The ringing phone woke her several hours later. Groaning, she rolled over and sat

up. She glanced at her caller ID. It was Devlin. She walked into the bathroom and

closed the door as her answering machine greeting began.

She showered, dressed, packed an overnight bag and left the apartment. If Devlin

showed up unannounced, he would not find her sitting home like some lovesick

teenager. Half an hour later, she stood outside Keisha’s apartment door.

“Jai. You look… Trouble in paradise, huh?”

“Paradise? Hell is more like it.”

“Come on in and we’ll sort things out between us.” Keisha reached for her

overnight bag and urged her inside. They sat in Keisha’s ultra-modern living room,

sipping hot toddies.

“Now. Tell me what’s wrong.”

She told him of the confrontation outside her apartment building.


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Keisha’s eyes widened. “Oh hell. He actually told Marc you two had unprotected


“Yes. Can you believe that selfish bastard? It was awful. Marc looked so hurt and

stunned and he…” She stopped and took several deep breaths. “He behaved like

some…silly…backward…alpha male out of some Seventies romance novel who

thought he owned the heroine just because she was stupid enough to drop her drawers

for him.”

“So naturally you slapped him and told him you never wanted to see him again,


She sighed, noting the surprise in Keisha’s voice. “Okay, I know I had no business

slapping him, but he had no business deliberately trying to hurt Marc.”

Keisha shrugged. “Maybe not, but put yourself in his place. What if you’d arrived

at his house and found him kissing the breath out of his ex’s lungs? Don’t tell me you

wouldn’t have been spitting fire.”

“Well…maybe I would have, but—”

“And you wouldn’t have been overly concerned about the feelings of the woman

kissing your man.”

“Okay, I’d have been pissed.”


She took several sips of her drink. “But Marc deserved more consideration than


“From you…not necessarily from him. He doesn’t owe Marc anything.”

“I know that, but he won. He didn’t need to rub it in Marc’s face.”

“Hey. He’s a man. What do you expect?”

“So you think I overreacted?”

Keisha nodded. “Slapping him was way out of line.”


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“I know, but I was so angry and he just stood there looking so smug and sure of

himself. I know he expects me to turn up at his house, begging.”

Keisha’s lips curved upward. “Hmmm. Begging for sex?”

She flushed. “It’s not going to happen.”

“Why not? Aren’t he and the sex worth it?”

She gave an angry shake of her head.

“Look, Jai, let’s be honest. You, he and I know one unassailable fact—you are his

woman. Now, if you want to make him chase you down like the alpha male you say he

is, he’ll probably enjoy that.” Keisha arched a brow. “You’ll probably enjoy it, as well.”

“He’s not getting away with being inconsiderate and exposing me to—”

“If I were you, I’d go home, put on something sexy and skimpy and go hunting for

him. Then give him a long night of unbridled lust and hot, drenching sex he won’t ever


A wave of heat rushed up her neck at the picture Keisha’s words conjured in her

mind. “And what will that get me besides dominated?”

Keisha grinned. “It’ll get you laid by a man who loves you. If you beg enough, he

might even spank your ass before he fucks you there. What more can a woman ask than


“This isn’t just about sex, Kei.”

“I know that, but let’s face it, girl—good sex ain’t easy to come by. And when you

meet a handsome man who gives it to you and as a bonus who loves you, I ask again,

what more can a woman ask for?”

What more, indeed? Okay, so he wasn’t perfect. Neither was she. He loved her. She

no longer doubted that. And she could no longer deny she loved him. Nothing else was


She sighed. “Aunt Liz is not going to be happy.”

Keisha shrugged. “Too bad.”


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“Kei. She’s already disappointed that I teach at a private school.”

Keisha frowned. “Look, you know I think she’s an okay woman, but why should

you work at an inner-city school for peanuts when you can get paid some of what

you’re worth at a private school? It’s not as if you’ve turned your back on the inner city.

You tutor low-income kids for free. What more can she expect?”

“You’re making her sound unreasonable.”

“Sometimes she is. Just because she reared you doesn’t give her the right to dictate

how you live your life or who you fall in love with.”

“She doesn’t do that.”

“Maybe she doesn’t, but it’s not for lack of trying. What right did she have to go

behind your back and call Marc? If you want someone to blame for his getting hurt,

blame her.”

“Keisha. She didn’t mean any harm.”

“She never does, but she always manages to interfere in your life and interrupt your


“She doesn’t.”

“Oh yes, she does, which is why you were afraid to sleep with Chuck and why

you’re now refusing to admit you’re in love with Devlin.”

“I’m not refusing to admit it. I do love him.”

“Then what are you doing sitting here whining and keeping us both from our men?

Grow a backbone, Jai. Stand up to your aunt and go tell the man you love you love


“I can do that.”

“Then why are you still sitting here talking about it instead of doing it? Get your ass

in gear and get out of here.”

“You think I won’t. Don’t you?”

“Prove me wrong, girl. Get moving.”


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Javen put her glass down.

Keisha arched a brow, smiling slightly. “Going somewhere?”

“Yes. To track down my alpha male.” She kissed Keisha’s cheek. “Don’t get up. I’ll

see myself out. And thanks, Kei.”

“That’s what friends are for. When you two have made up and are lovey-dovey,

come back and share all the sexy details. Okay?”

She nodded. “Okay.”

* * * * *

Devlin sat in his car waiting when she pulled into her parking space. Hands

shaking and heart pounding, she got out of her car. He alighted from his. Without a

word, he pressed his cheek against hers, locking her in a painfully tight embrace.

She endured the bear hug for several moments before she pulled away. “We need

to talk.”

“Out here?”


Inside her apartment, he leaned against the locked door. “Where have you been?”

“If you think I’ve been with Marc—”

He shook his head. “I asked where you’d been, not where you hadn’t been.”

She tilted her head. “How do you know I haven’t been with him?”

“Because I left his house an hour ago.”

“Left his…oh, no.” She clutched his arm. “Is he all right?”

He smiled. “Of course he’s all right. What do you think I did? Kicked his ass?”

“This isn’t funny. You’d better not have bruised him.”

“Bruised him? Where do you get your ideas? I didn’t do anything to him. We just


“About what?”


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“You. What else?” He sighed. “Poor guy. He’s still in love with you.”

She sighed, leaning against him. “I didn’t deserve him.”

“I know.”

She jerked away from him. “What?”

He grinned. “You don’t deserve me either.”

“I don’t… You conceited… Marc is worth two of you.”

“Yeah? Then why am I the one about to spend the night with you?”

Her cheeks burned. “For two cents, I’d slap you into next week.”

His smile vanished. “No, you won’t. I’ll never hit you and I don’t ever expect you to

even try to hit me again, Javen.”

She nodded. “I won’t. I’m sorry about that. I don’t usually go around hitting

people.” She caressed the cheek she’d struck. “I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

He pulled her into his arms, rubbing his groin against hers. “Convince me.”

She stiffened against him. “If you think, for one moment, I’m going to—”

His lips crashed down on hers. He curled his fingers in her hair and kissed her until

she was wet and trembling with hunger.

“Oh, Devlin—”

“Sometimes, my pretty wench, you talk too damn much. I’ve taken all the shit and

backtalk I intend to take from you.”


“Take your clothes off and be prepared to be fucked into submission.”


He pressed his fingers against her lips. “Now, woman, or I might be tempted to

paddle that large, lovely ass of yours when you’re naked. And if I paddle it, I’ll have to

fuck it to make amends.”

She caught her breath. “Fuck my ass?”


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“An ass as large and lovely as yours was made to be worshipped and fucked by a

man who loves you. Get naked, woman. Now.”

Javen, who decided she could be submissive when the situation demanded it,

happily obeyed. When they were both nude, he led her into her bedroom, positioned

her on the bed on her stomach with her legs spread wide.

She moaned and shuddered. Dear God, there was no feeling as wonderful as what

she was about to experience—having her pussy stuffed full of his hot cock. She pressed

her cheek against the bed and wiggled her ass at him. “Fuck me.”

He grabbed her hips, raked his teeth against the hot spot behind her ear and fucked

her with a savage hunger that left her sobbing during back-to-back orgasms. As she

exploded for the second time, he rolled them over until she lay on top of him, her back

pressed against his chest. He prolonged her orgasm by playing with her clit until he

shuddered, bit into her shoulder and shot his cum inside her. When he finally withdrew

from her, she closed her legs tightly, wanting to keep every drop of his seed inside her


Later, after they’d taken a shower together, they lay in her bed in the dark, talking.

“Devlin, when you saw me with Marc…he didn’t…I mean we hadn’t—”

“Made love? Yes. I know.”

“You do? How?”

He caressed her ass. “Because you belong to me.”

“I don’t belong to you or anyone else.”

“The hell you don’t.” He pinched her ass.

“Ouch.” She decided that now was probably not a good time to push him. “When

did you know you loved me?”

He brushed his lips against the top of her head. “Do you believe in love at first



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She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder. “No. I think true love takes a while to


“Maybe it does most of the time. But not with you. I think I fell in love with you the

moment I saw you. I knew then you were going to be everything I wanted in a

woman—beautiful, sexy, spunky, good in bed and capable of making me forget every

other woman I’ve ever known.”

“Oh, Devlin. That’s so sweet.”

“I mean it.”

“I know. Now I have a confession.” She pulled out of his arms, sat up and turned

on her bedside lamp.

He sat beside her. “So? Confess already.”

“I love you.”

He arched a brow. “You call that a confession? Tell me something I don’t already


“What do you mean, you already know? How could you?”

He grinned and cupped her breasts in his palms. “I knew you were in love with me

when you stopped insisting on a condom.”

“I never stopped insisting on one. You just turned alpha on me and stopped

listening when I insisted on one.”

“Same difference. If you really didn’t want it, you wouldn’t have allowed it. I knew

when you did, you were in love with me.”

She tightened her lips. “You are one smug bastard. I’d—”

He eased her onto her back. He slid his body over hers, resting his weight on his

hands and knees. “You’d what? Beg me to make love to you?”

With him so close, she longed to surrender to what felt like an endless hunger for

him. Before she did, she had one final concession to make. She pressed against his

shoulders. “I need to go to the bathroom first,” she whispered.


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He rolled off her. “I’ll come with you.”

“No.” She scrambled off the bed.

He sat up. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing. Just stay there.”

“And if I choose not to stay here?”


“Okay, as long as you don’t take too long.”

She nodded and hurried from the room. Ten minutes later, she returned to the


He lay on his back with his hands behind his head, his cock swaying an inch or so

above his thigh. “Devlin…I think you’ll want to see this,” she called softly.

He opened his eyes, swore softly and vaulted to his feet. He crossed the room and

looked down at her.

She stood trembling in anticipation, watching the play of emotions in his eyes as he

studied her breasts protruding from the black leather holes of the cupless bra. His gaze

moved over her stomach to rest on her slit, exposed by the crotchless mesh-and-leather

panties she wore. She held up the handcuffs, her heart racing.

“Oh damn, honey, I knew you’d be breathtaking in them.”

“My breasts sag and my ass is hanging out.”

He laughed. “I love sagging breasts and don’t get me started on your lovely ass.”

“What about these?” She offered him the handcuffs.

“Are you prepared to wear them for me while I become acquainted with your ass,


She nearly reeled under a strong wave of lust at the thought of being handcuffed as

he took her anal virginity. Moisture trickled out of her pussy. “I…I… Yes.”

He took the handcuffs and tossed them aside. “We’ll save them and your luscious

ass for our first fuck when we go camping.” Taking her by her waist, he inserted a


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Marilyn Lee

finger inside her. “I know just what this sweet, wet pussy is missing.” He pressed

against her, nibbling her lips. “Would you like some cock now, honey?”

She parted her legs. “Yes, please,” she whispered.

He led her to the bed, stretching out on top of her. “You are perfect and I love you

so much I ache,” he whispered, peppering her lips with kisses. “The only way love with

you could get any better is if we were making love around a campfire with the moon

and stars over ahead, looking on with envy because you belong to me.”

“Only to you,” she gasped.

“You readily admit this pussy belongs to me and that you’re not only my woman

but sexual subordinate?”


“You submit to my sexual domination, knowing full well that one of these days I’m

going to fuck your lovely ass?”


“Have you ever had a cock in your ass?”


“Why not?”

“I’ve been saving it for you.” she whispered, rotating her hips against his. “My

pussy…my ass…everything I have is yours for the taking, Devlin. Everything. I’m

yours to do with as you like.”

“For how long?”

“Until I’ve had my fill of you and…” She slid a hand between their bodies. “And

this big, hard, wonderful cock.”

“And how long before you’ve had enough?”

“Not long.”

“How long is that?”

“Maybe fifty or sixty years, tops. After that? You’re out of here, boy.”


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Teacher’s Pet

“Dream on, you sweet, sexy liar. You and I both know you’re never going to get

enough of me or my cock.”

A spark of independence surfaced briefly. “God, I hate it when you turn alpha on


He laughed. “Yes, I can tell.” He licked her breasts until her nipples hardened.

Oh damn, that felt good, but she needed more. “Fuck me. Please.”

He lifted his head and looked down at her, his eyes dancing. “My, aren’t you the

submissive begging for cock.”

A wave of heat covered her body. She lifted her hips. “Please. Put it in me. Fuck


“What if I’m not ready to fuck you?”

“Please, Devlin.”

“I love it when you beg for my cock.”

“Well, I’m begging for it. Give it to me. Please.”

“Gladly, my baby.” He placed his cock at her crotch and eased forward with

maddening slowness.

She closed her eyes, clutching his ass as he slowly impaled her on his hard length.

His warm lips moved over her breasts and his arms clasped her close. Although she

had begged for a fuck, he made love to her. As he lingered over his lovemaking,

allowing her climax to build slowly, a hunger to taste the cock giving her such pleasure

tightened her belly. His leisurely lovemaking heightened the intensity of her

approaching climax. She clung to him, her pussy shuddering around him and decided

that maybe this submissive shit wasn’t such a bad thing after all. Nothing that felt this

good could be bad. Then he hit her hot spot and her entire world blew apart.

There was no thinking after that—just wonderfully sweet, intense feelings…and

love…endless love…as only a happily sexually submissive woman could experience

under the tutelage of the sexy man she gladly accepted as her sexual master.


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Marilyn Lee


“You look content.”

Javen smiled, reached across her kitchen table and clutched her Aunt Liz’s hand.

“I’m in love with a wonderful man who meets all my needs and who loves me. I’m

more than content. I’m very happy.”

Her aunt looked at the engagement ring on her finger. “So this Devlin, he’s—”

“The man I love. I’m going to marry him, Aunt Liz.”

“Keisha tells me he has blue eyes?”

She nodded. “Yes. He’s white.” She frowned. “Keisha told you? When?”

“When she called me last week. She told me you were in love and asked me to be

happy for you.”

So that explained why her aunt had shown up at her apartment just an hour after

Devlin had left to go tell Brittany he was going to marry Javen.

“Aunt Liz? I love him.”

She nodded. “I can see that. I’ve never seen you looking so lovely…so like your

mother did when she came to tell me your father had asked to marry her.”

“And you were happy for her?”

“Yes. I could see they were in love with each other.”

“So are Devlin and I. It would mean so much to me if you’d give yourself a chance

to get to know him before you decide you don’t like him.”

“Not like him?” Aunt Liz frowned. “I won’t pretend that I’m not a little

disappointed that things didn’t work out for you and Marc, but all I’ve ever wanted

was for you to be happy. I can see that you’re happy with him. That’s enough for me.”


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Javen stared at her. “You mean you’re prepared to like him? You’ll give us your



“Oh. Aunt Liz.” Her eyes filled with tears and she rushed around the table to

embrace her. “Thank you. I know you’ll love him when you get to know him.”

Aunt Liz drew back and smiled at her. “I wouldn’t go that far, Javen Marie, but as

long as he loves you and makes you happy, he won’t have to worry about my tanning

his hide.”

Javen laughed and hugged her again. “Come into the living room. I’ll call him to

see if he can come meet you.”

Three hours later, Javen stood anxiously and watched as Devlin turned on the

charm with her aunt. Within minutes of their meeting, Aunt Liz was seated on the

loveseat beside Devlin, sharing tales of Javen’s childhood with him.

He sat watching her, giving her his full attention and asking all the right questions.

They talked for hours. Javen left them alone while she prepared dinner. As she cooked,

she sighed over the fact that she and Devlin would be sleeping in separate beds and

houses that night and for as long as Aunt Liz remained in town.

During the meal, Devlin and Aunt Liz talked and laughed like old friends.

The phone rang as they sat over coffee in the living room. She noted Keisha’s cell

phone number on the caller ID before she picked up the phone. “Hi, Kei.”

“Hey, girl. I’m five minutes away.”

“You’re coming over? Devlin and Aunt Liz are here.”

“I know. See you in five?”


She hung up. “That was Keisha. She’s on her way.”

To her surprise, Aunt Liz patted Devlin’s arm. “Then I’d better get ready.”

“Ready for what?”


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Aunt Liz rose. “She’s coming to pick me up.”

“You’re leaving tonight? But I thought…I hoped you’d spend a few days in town

before you went home.”

“I am, but I’m spending them at Keisha’s place.”

“You are?” She moistened her lips. “You always stay with me when you’re in


Aunt Liz nodded. “I know and I’d planned to stay with you this time—until Keisha

pointed out that as a newly engaged couple, you and your charming young man would

want to spend some time alone.”

Javen blinked. “And you agreed with her?”

Aunt Liz smiled. “Not at first, but she pointed out that there’s a place and time for

tradition but that it was time I updated my outlook. So I agreed to stay with her.”

Half an hour later, Javen and Devlin were cuddling naked in her bed.

“I’m think I’m going to like that friend of yours,” he told her as he stroked her


“Hmmm. As long as you don’t like her too much.”

“Jealous, huh?”

“Me? Jealous of you? Dream on, Devlin.”

He laughed and rolled her onto her back. He parted her legs and slipped a finger

inside her pussy. “Just for that, you get to go to sleep without cock tonight.” He rolled

onto his side with his back to her.

“The hell I do.” She leaned over and pushed him onto his back. She rose over him,

gasped his cock and slowly lowered her hips onto him. She sighed softly as his hard

length inched up into her pussy.

Full of cock and happy, she grinned down at him. “Now what have you got to say

for yourself?” she demanded.


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Teacher’s Pet

He cupped his hands over her ass and smiled. “I love a woman who knows what

she wants and goes after it. Ride me, baby.”

Happy to obey the soft command, she lifted her hips and rode him fast and hard

until they exploded within moments of each other.

Afterwards, as she lay on top of him, she smiled, looking forward to the delights to

come as he taught her the fine art of total sexual submission.


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About the Author

Marilyn Lee lives, works, and writes on the East Coast. In addition to thoroughly

enjoying writing erotic romances, she enjoys roller-skating, spending time with her

large, extended family, and rooting for all her hometown sports teams. Her other

interests include collecting Doc Savage pulp novels from the thirties and forties and

collecting Marvel comics from the seventies and eighties (particularly Thor and The

Avengers). Her favorite TV shows are forensic shows, westerns (Gunsmoke and Have

Gun, Will Travel are particular favorites), and mysteries. She loves the old Charlie Chan

mysteries. Her all-time favorite mystery movie is probably Dead, Again), and nearly

every vampire movie or television show ever made (Forever Knight and Count Yorga,

Vampire are favorites). She thoroughly enjoys hearing from readers.

Marilyn welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Marilyn Lee

Bloodlust 1: Conquering Mikhel Dumont

Bloodlust 2: The Taming of Serge Dumont

Bloodlust 3: Forbidden Desires

Bloodlust 4: Nocturnal Heat

Bloodlust 5: Midnight Shadows

Bloodlust: All In the Family

Full Bodied Charmer

Moonlight Desires

Moonlight Whispers

Nights of Desire

Playing With Fire

Pleasure Quest

Return to Voltar

Road To Rapture

Shifting Faces

The Fall of Troy

The Talisman

Trina’s Afternoon Delight

White Christmas

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you




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