It's Been Ten Years

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It's Been Ten Years




I darted into the bathroom off of the high school gym. I ran to one of the sinks and leaned on
it, praying that I wouldn't throw up. I was shaking hard. My stomach was churning. My
thoughts were muddled.

Breathe, Bella. Just breathe, I told myself as I looked in the mirror. Oh. My. God.

Just then, Alice came running into the bathroom. "Bella, are you alright?" she asked as she
came up to me and starting rubbing my back.

"He's here," I said lifting my eyes to meet hers in the mirror. "I can't believe he showed up at
the reunion."

Alice gave me the tight lipped smile that let me know she understood how I felt. "I'm so sorry,

Chapter 1: The Beginning

I stopped the truck at the door to Newton’s Sporting Goods.

“I’ll have my truck back this afternoon, right?” She looked at me with her beautiful brown

“I promise, Bella,” I replied. “I’ll drive it over as soon as the squad car is back from

She placed her hand on the door handle and paused. “Please promise me, Jake, that you will
take it easy on Seth today.”

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I planted a kiss on her cheek. “Bella, love, I will do my best.”

She nodded at me with that tight lipped smile. “Thank you.” She got out of the truck and
paused again. “And, Jake? Please don’t forget about tonight.”

I lightly chuckled at her request. As if I could forget. “I already have it on the calendar. Don’t
worry.” She shut the door. I waited for her to walk into the store before I drove away.

I can’t believe that she would think I could forget all about tonight, I thought laughing to
myself. I was very careful to make sure I only had a few things on my agenda with the
intention of being home early.

I figured the longest part of my day would be the drive out to the Rez at Sam’s request to help
investigate a string of burglaries that have been going on out there. I already had a feeling
who was the one responsible for the minor B&Es. I had one suspect and one suspect only in
my mind… Seth Clearwater.


Thirty minutes after I dropped Bella off, I was finally pulling into the station. Sometimes I
really hated that Bella’s beloved truck couldn’t go fast and took forever to accelerate to a
decent cruising speed. I had tried and tried to talk her into letting me get my hands under the
hood for some major fixing, but Bella refused. She didn’t want to change a thing.

I got out of the truck and before I could place a foot on the first step leading up to the station,
Embry came bolting out of the door towards me. “Dude, you won’t believe what’s been going
on here so far today.”

I was a little panicked. “What happened, Embry? Why didn’t someone call me to let me know
there was an emergency?”

Embry looked at me like I had lost my mind. “There’s no emergency.”

“Then what’s all the fuss about?”

He had a shit eating grin on his face. “The new dispatch operator…”

“What about the new operator?”

“You have got to meet her. You won’t believe it.”

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. The last operator, Matilda, was 70 when she got the job. I
can only imagine what grandma-type old lady they hired this time around. “Please tell me
she’s not in her 70s as well,” I groaned.

“Jake, it is total opposite of Matilda. You are going to cum in your pants when you see this.”

I playfully pushed his shoulder. “Wouldn’t happen,” I said. “I am married to the most
beautiful woman this side of Kitsap and you know it.” I started walking up the steps.

Embry followed along like an excited kid a Christmas who knew everything everyone was
getting. “You’ll change your mind when you see her.”

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I walked into the station. I looked over towards the dispatch station. I saw Matilda sitting
there gumming her sandwich. She smiled at me with her mouth full of food and nodded. I
nodded in return.

“I don’t see anyone but Matilda, Embry.” I walked to my office.

Embry followed along. “She was here a minute ago. Maybe she’s in the break room. I
promise she is nothing you are expecting.”

I stepped into my office. “I’m going to get some work done. I need to review those files
before we head out to the Rez. Make sure no one disturbs me. And let me know the second
the car is ready.” I don’t think Embry heard a thing I had said. He was busy eyeing the
dispatch station. “Embry, did you hear me?”

Not taking his eyes away from that area, he answered, “Yeah. Car, files, Rez… got it.”

As I shut the door, I said, “When you jizz in your pants, make sure you clean up, alright?” He
turned then and looked me as I clicked the door shut.

I chuckled to myself as I walked to the desk. I sat down and picked up the top file on a small
stack in front of me. I flipped through, looking at crime scene pictures of a smashed window,
a broken cash register, and some muddy footprints at the small store on the Rez. There was
nothing unusual or out of place about the pictures. It looked like a typical, textbook robbery.

I placed the file on my desk. I picked up the next one and flipped through it. Same type of
crime scene pictures; bashed-in door, muddy footprints, drawers of a dresser that had been
rifled through.

I went through five folders all containing the same type of photos, showing the same type of
minor crime, all within the past few months out at the Quileute Reservation. They all had the
same MO with a window or door being bashed the fuck in, and a spot where money was kept
being rifled through and destroyed. There were never any fingerprints found.

So, what was I looking for?

I really didn’t know. Maybe I was looking for something that would point directly to Seth so I
could arrest him. Or maybe I was looking for something that would clear him and I could get
busy finding the real criminal. Between the two, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to happen more.

I know Bella would want me to find out that it was someone else. She loved Seth like her own
baby brother. She still watched out for him. She didn’t want to believe that he could do
anything that could hurt anyone. But, she wasn’t here for the beginning of it all. She never
saw all of the things he has done to make him my one and only suspect.

I was sitting at my desk, running all of the options over and over in my head. B&Es could be
pretty basic; open and shut.

As I was writing the last of my notes, something happened. I couldn’t describe what it was,
but something was pulling at me to get up from my desk.

I slowly pushed myself back from the desk. I stood up and walked to my large office window.
I spread the blind slats apart and glanced toward the dispatch station.

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Fuck me seven ways to Sunday. What I saw just floored me. I never expected anything like
this. Not here. Not in this station.

I assumed she was our new dispatch operator. She was something not of this world. She had
beautiful long auburn colored hair that fell down over her shoulders in curly tendrils. Her eyes
were like amber with glitter trapped in then. Her full, pouty lips smiled at Matilda when she
sat. She was wearing a very tight brown sweater that pushed up and accentuated her bouncy

Embry might have been right about me cumming in my pants. Fuck me she is hot!

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I was startled by a tap on my window. Embry was
walking by and said rather loudly, “I told you. Make sure you clean up when you’re done.”

She looked up from her desk towards me. I quickly dropped the slats and reached over to the
bar and twisted it to shut the blinds. I sank down in my black leather sofa, just hoping I didn’t
look like some sort of idiot spying on her like that.

For some reason, I still felt like I was being pulled out towards the dispatch station. I really
felt the want… the need to go out and be near her. Why am I feeling like this? Why do I just
need to be with her? It’s just not normal… is it?

Just then, there was a tiny little knock on my door. That urgent feeling was stronger as I got
up. I had to have that door open now.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you. I wanted to introduce myself.” It was her. She was even more
beautiful up close.

I shook my head to try and clear the wanton thoughts from my mind as if I were some sort of
etch-a-sketch and I was caught drawing a pair of squiggly boobs on it. Why is she getting to
me like this?

She took my head shake as a sign that I didn’t want to be bothered by her right now. “I am so
sorry for interrupting you. I’ll come back when you are less busy.” She turned to walk away.

“No, you don’t need to leave,” I barked at her. I grabbed her hand. There were instant sparks
between us when we touched.

“Sorry, Chief. This sweater causes a lot of static electricity.”

I smiled at her kindly. “It’s fine. I didn’t mind it at all.” I dropped her hand. “Please come in
and have a seat at the desk.”

“Thank you.” She blinked those sparkling amber eyes at me as she sauntered into my office.

I was about to shut the office door, I caught a glimpse of my wedding ring. I instantly thought
of Bella and a tiny ping of guilt ran through me as I thought about our plans for the night. I
left the door half-open on purpose as I walked to my desk and sat in my chair.

I gave her the usual introduction speech I gave everyone. “I’m Chief Black. You can call me
Jake. It’s nice to have you aboard here at the station.” Well, except that part about calling me
Jake. I must be really horny, because I have never told that to anyone here before.

She smiled with those pouty lips. “Thank you for the warm welcome.”

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“How is your first day going so far, Miss…?” I couldn’t believe I hadn’t gotten her name yet.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I am Renesmee Masen.” She looked at me through her long lashes.

Fuck me. Why does she have to look at me like that? I rubbed my thumb along my wedding
ring in the inside of my hand. Remember. “Welcome to the Forks PD, Nessie.”

She smirked and said, “I usually go by Ren.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Ren. I don’t know why I would just start calling you Nessie.”

“That’s alright, Chief Black. I sort of like hearing that name being spoken in your voice.” She
blinked at me while she bit her lip.

Is she? No. Wait. She’s flirting with me. I rubbed my ring again. “So you don’t mind me
calling you Nessie?”

“Not in the least, whatever you want to call me.”

I cleared my throat. “So, I hope everything is going smoothly for you so far.” I was squeaking
like Peter Brady singing, “When it’s time to change.”

She giggled at my squeaking. “Yes, Matilda has everything pretty organized. I’ll have
everything down in no time at all. Everyone here has just been so kind and helpful; I can’t
believe everyone’s hospitality.”

As she was speaking, my eyes wandered down to her breasts. I couldn’t help it. They looked
like they were going to pop out of that sweater at any moment. She took a deep breath, and I
held mine in anticipation that they would.

“…and Officer Call… um… Embry has been the nicest of everyone so far.”

I looked into her eyes when she said Embry’s name. “He has, huh?” A wave of jealousy
washed over me. I don’t know why. I had no reason or any right to feel this way, but I felt
jealous of Embry.

“Yes, but then again, we really haven’t talked much yet, Chief Black.” There she goes batting
those eyelashes at me again. “I mean, Jake,” she added with a coy little smile.

That was all it took. Hearing my name uttered from those pouty lips of hers… I had a full on
raging boner. I cleared my throat and tried to discreetly readjust myself. “Well, seems like
you’re coming along well then, Nessie.” I got that out with the Peter Brady voice again.

Thankfully, Embry interrupted lightly knocking on the door. “Jake, Dowling’s called and the
cruiser is ready. You want to go now?” He looked at Nessie and winked at her.

His action did not sit well with me at all. “You can go, Embry. I’ll be out there in 5 minutes or

Nessie turned back to me and said, “I’ll let you go, Jake. I need to get back to the phones

As she stood up, I was quickly scribbling on a piece of paper. “Nessie, before you leave, I
need to make sure you have my phone numbers.”

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“I already have your number on the dispatch list.”

“No. These are my personal cell and home phone numbers. They’re just in case numbers.” I
handed her the paper. “You know, in case you need anything off hours or anything.” I picked
up a file folder and started looking through it.

She gave me a quick nod and said, “Thank you. I guess I’ll go now.”

“I’m sorry; I just need to look over this file one more time before Embry and I head out
today.” I wasn’t trying to be rude and not escort her out of the office, but I couldn’t stand up
with the boner still at attention.

“Yes, Chief Black.” She left the office and went back to the dispatch station.

I exhaled and put my head on the desk. What the fuck was that? I gave it a moment of
thought. She gives me a boner. She flirts with me. She is gorgeous. Why am I so attracted to
her? Why do I need her?
I just had to calm down. I started slowly breathing in and out, trying
to concentrate on something else to get my erection to fall. I couldn’t rub one out; I didn’t
have the time, and on top of that, I had the night with Bella. I promised her. Think crime
scene… footprints… bashed-in shit…

“So, are you over your hard-on yet, Chief Black?” Embry asked.

I lifted my head and looked at him. “Not funny, Officer Call.” Talking with Embry helped the
boner go into retreat. It was almost better than a cold shower. “Here, take the files and meet
me at the truck.”

“Alright.” He grabbed the files from me. “See you in five? Maybe ten? Does it take you
longer than that?”

“Leave!” I growled at him.

I heard him laughing until he was finally out the front door of the station.

Jake stopped the truck in front of Newton’s. I really didn’t want to go to work today; I would
have preferred to stay home. Maybe Jake could take the day off and we could spend the whole
day together. Maybe Alice and I could go shopping. Anything but show up to this hell and
deal with everything rotten here.

“I’ll have my truck back this afternoon, right?” I asked.

He looked at me with his dark smiling eyes. “I promise, Bella. I’ll drive it over as soon as the
squad car is back from Dowling’s.” He gave me that sweet smile that he does when he wants
me not to panic.

I was about to open the door to get out when I felt I should request one more thing before
leaving. “Please promise me, Jake that you will take it easy on Seth today.” Jake really had no
faith in Seth at all. I had that one simple request because I knew in my heart that Seth wasn’t
at fault.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Bella, love, I will do my best.”

I nodded at him just hoping that he actually listened to my request. “Thank you, I said while
getting out of the truck. I had to ask him one more thing. “And Jake? Please don’t forget
about tonight. “

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He chuckled at me. “I already have it on the calendar. Don’t worry.”

When I reached the door of the store, I glanced over my shoulder to see Jacob staring at me.
It’s so sweet that he still watches over me like that, I thought. I went inside to start another
day in hell.

When I walked in, Jessica was standing behind the checkout counter talking on the phone to
Lauren, from what I could tell of her conversation. She waved at me as I walked by. I nodded
my head in her direction and kept on my path to the offices in the back of the store.

The offices were all empty but one – Mike’s office. I tried to sneak by the closed door so I
wouldn’t make any noise. It was much easier to avoid Mike altogether than to have to face
him this early in the day.

But my luck intervened, and I tripped over my own two feet. I knocked right into his door. I
froze. I had no idea how just standing there would help me avoid Mike, but I figured it would
be better than me trying to run away and winding up falling flat on my face.

Just as I had expected him to, Mike opened the door. “Hey, Bella. Good morning. You’re
early today.” He had that smarmy leering look that I detested.

“Hello, Mr. Newton.” Couldn’t I just have one day where I could sneak by quietly?

“Bella, we have known each other since high school. You can call me Mike. I don’t mind.”
He put his arm around my shoulders.

I rolled my eyes. I really didn’t want to call him anything but Mr. Newton. He always
assumed that when I did call him Mike, that I was trying to lead him on. I wanted to avoid
that situation at all costs. “I know, but you are my boss, and I would just feel better if we kept
it professional.”

He rubbed his hand up and down my shoulder. “Bella, I may be your boss, but we are closer
than employer and employee. We dated once. Remember?”

Yeah, as if we really ever dated. I went with him to the movies one time. And Jacob was with
us. It wasn’t even really a date. It was more of a group of friends going to the movies. There
was nothing more than that between us. Ever!

“I’ll stick with calling you Mr. Newton.”

Mike squeezed me tightly. “That’s alright Bella, you’ll come around.” Then he winked at me.
Eww. “I’ll come down to your office later and talk with you about those store openings that
we have planned within the next fiscal year.”

I took a step away from him I said, “Alright, later then.” I walked as quickly as my clumsy
feet would allow. I made it to my office – shutting the door making sure it was locked – I
slumped at my desk fighting back tears.

I don’t have to deal with Mike much longer, I thought. Tonight is the night that Jake and I
start trying for a baby. When we conceive, I can quit this fucking job. I can quit Mike Fucking
Newton and his stores. I can quit Mike Fucking Newton and his leering. I can quit Mike
Fucking Newton and his passes. I can quit Mike Fucking Newton and his innuendos. I will be
a free woman.

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I took a deep calming breath and turned on the computer. Maybe getting to work would put
me at ease.


About an hour later, my blackberry buzzed. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a text
message from Alice.


Hey, Bell! Can you talk right now?

So I texted back:

Not really. M due any minute.

She replied:

Promise U can make it 2 the store after work.

I answered:

I’ll try. Depends on when J brings my truck back.


If I have 2, I will pick u up.


Alright, A. I’ll get there. Promise.


Thanks, Bell. U won’t B sorry. Later.

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I don’t know why she was so insistent about me trying on a new dress she had made for me.
But, if I didn’t go, she would have Jasper and Jake track me down and drag me there, kicking
and screaming.

It’s not like I even wanted to go next week. I really just wanted to stay at home with Jake. I’d
even take a visit with my dad over this torture they were forcing me into.

The reunion. What was the point? I see my best friend, Alice, almost every day. Jake didn’t
graduate the same year as I did, so I have no idea why he was as vested in all of this as he is.
The only person I even looked forward to seeing is Angela. She and Ben Cheney got married
not long after high school. They have been travelling the world doing missionary work for her
father’s church.

Unfortunately though, I heard that they may not even make it back in time for the reunion. So,
the only ones I would want to see are possibly not going to be there. I really don’t want to
have to fake smile my way through the night talking with people I didn’t really care about. I
had to deal with Mike and Jessica daily, and Lauren never really did like me. I wanted to
avoid Tyler Crowley since our sexcapade incident in college. And last I heard, Eric Yorkie
was some sort of big shot in the music industry. He would probably be more annoying than

Then there’s him. I have been trying to not think about him for ten years now. And although
he has never really left my mind, I feel like I am finally over him. I have moved forward with
my life and I no longer have breakdowns when I think about him. I have actually been…

I guess the whole thing was really a moot point. I mean if he were coming he would have told
Alice, or she would have heard news from Carlisle or Emmett. And so far, with one week left
until reunion time, there had been no word from him.

Thank God.


I finally managed to get back to work when Jessica came running into my office. “Oh my
God, Bella. You will never believe what I just found out,” Jessica said excitedly.

I don’t know why she always picked me to gossip with. We haven’t been buddy-buddy in
quite a long time. I put my pen down and looked at her. “What did you find out, Jess?”

She was giddy and bouncing with excitement. “Tyler proposed to Lauren last night. They are
getting married. Isn’t that great?”

Lovely. Tyler and Lauren. She already hated me enough for him dumping her to date me.
“Really. That’s great.” All said with false enthusiasm. Lauren better not find out about the

“You haven’t heard the best part yet.” Jessica had a huge grin on her face that reminded me of
the cat who ate the canary.

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“What is that, Jessica?”

“Lauren asked me to be her Matron of Honor.”

Fake smile. “That’s great, Jess. Congratulations.” I picked up my pen and went back to work
as she rattled on with something about greens and pinks… something about designer gowns…
something about waiting a year… I don’t know. She was just too easy to tune out. It must
have come from years of practice.

“Alright, Jessie, Bella and I have work to do.” Mike said as he walked in. I looked up as he
gave Jessica a quick hug and patted her tummy. “Go rest and take care of this little boy.”

She tapped him with her hand. “Mike, we don’t know what the baby is yet. She could still be
a girl you know.”

He swatted her behind as she walked to the door. “Just go lay down in my office. We can go
out for lunch and discuss boy’s names.”

“Girl’s names,” she said shutting the door.

He sat in the chair across the desk from me. “So, was she prattling on about Lauren’s and
Tyler’s wedding?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes.”

“She’s just a little excited about it. I think Lauren is the last single friend she has. It’s going to
be a long road until that wedding actually takes place.”

“I’m sure,” I agreed turning my attention back to my spreadsheets.

“So, Bella, we need to discuss the upcoming store openings.” He reached his hand across the
desk and placed it on top of mine.

I stopped writing and looked at him. “Really, Mr. Newton,” I said stressing the Mr. Newton.

He shot me the innocent baby blues. “What Bella? Why do you always over react? I just
wanted your attention.” He withdrew his hand.

I looked up at him. “Alright, Mr. Newton, you have my undivided attention. What exactly
about the store openings do you want to discuss?”

He smiled at me. “I love when you are insolent with me, Bella.”

Fuck. Figures this sort of thing would turn him on. “Alright, Mr. Newton. Let’s talk.”


For two hours, I went through all of the tax advantages of when and where the new stores
should be. I covered all of the disadvantages of opening in certain areas. I covered the
positives and negatives of the numbers of locations throughout the state. I did my job

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Not with any help from him though; I tried to keep it all business. He wanted to make it all
pleasure. I would say something, he would turn it into something else. If I said something that
could have been turned into something sexual, he went there with it.

I was sick; just sick of him being like that with me. If I thought it would help get the whole
idea out of his system, I would just fuck him. But, I knew that it would hurt the situation more
than help it.

And poor Jessica. She was always clueless to the whole thing, living her life,thinking that
Mike was perfect in every way possible. She never knew that he cheated on her. Or if she did
know, she never said anything about it.

By the end of the meeting, it was agreed that we would be going on a few business trips to
visit various locations for possible stores across the state. At least on the trips, Mike was a
little more behaved, but I think that was in part to Jessica coming along with us on every trip.
And though I hated spending all that time with Jessica, I was very thankful for her coming

“So, we will be heading over to Kennewick to check out three or four possible locations and
monetary benefits and detriments of those locations throughout the Tri-city area.” He stood
up. “Is that time line alright with you, Bella?”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Newton. That should work out for me.” I closed the file shut on my desk.

Mike leaned over me. “And, Bella,” he said.

I looked up at him, making sure that I was leaning back so he couldn’t glance down my
blouse. “Yes, Mr. Newton?”

“Jessica won’t be able to come with us. Dr.Gerandy has her on strict rules as far as travel goes
while she is pregnant.” He looked down at me with the smarmy smile. “If you know what I

There was a knock on the door. Thank God. Mike instantly stood upright.

“Come in,” I quickly said.

The door opened and Jake walked into my office. “Am I interrupting?”

“Well…” Mike started to answer, but I cut him off.

“No! Not at all Jake!” I just about yelled it loud enough for the whole store to hear.

“Okay, Bella,” he answered back loudly with wide eyes.

Mike looked back and forth between Jake and me. “Well, I am going to check on Jessica.
Bella, make sure you have those dates input into your calendar. It’s important to me… to the
future of Newton’s… that you come along on the trip.” He headed for the door.

I stood up and answered in my usual flat tone, “Yes, Mr. Newton.”

Mike reached the door and gave one glance back at Jake and me. I made sure he saw me take
Jake’s hand in mine. “I’ll talk to you later, Bella. Nice seeing you, Jacob.” He left.

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“Bye, Mike.” Jake chuckled and looked at me. “I think it’s hilarious that you call him Mr.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I like to keep it all professional.” I walked over and shut the door to
my office.

Jake followed me and when I turned around he snapped me up into an embrace. “I love you,
Bella. You keep me laughing.” He kissed me so softly.

“So, you got the cruiser back?” I asked.

He held up the keys to my truck. “Here you go, like I promised.”

I took the keys from him and kissed him one more time. “Thank you.” I walked back to my

“What was all of that talk about a trip?” Jake asked me as he sat in one of the chairs.

“Oh, Mike wants me to go along with him in a few months over to the Kennewick area to
scout out locations for stores.” I walked over to Jake and sat in his lap. “I’m hoping by then, I
can’t go.” I gave him a quick peck.

“That’s the plan,” Jake said. “Does Mike know about us trying for a baby?”

“No. It’s not really his business until the time comes for me to put in my two weeks’ notice.
Until then, it’s just between you…” I gave him a small kiss on one cheek. “Me…” Another
small kiss on the other cheek. “And Alice.” Last small kiss on his lips.

Jake looked at me. “You told Alice?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “She is my best friend, Jake. I’m sure you told Embry.”

“Actually, I haven’t said anything to anyone,” he stated smugly.

“Well, I’m sorry. You know Alice and I talk about everything. It’s what we do.”

He gave me a huff and slightly shook his head. “I know. You and Alice are like a package
deal.” Then a sly smirk appeared on his face.

“What’s with the look?” I cautiously asked.

“I was wondering if the package deal could be extended… in my favor… if you know what I
mean,” he joked winking at me.

I hit his chest and he started laughing. “Not even funny, Jake.” I stood up from his lap.

“You can’t blame a guy for trying,” he chuckled.

That’s so Jake. I smiled at him. “So, are you heading out to La Push, now?”

“Bella, I didn’t want to have to talk about this right now. I just wanted a few private moments
with my wife before I went back to work.”

“I’m sorry, Jake. I’m just so worried about Seth. You know that.”

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He stood up from the chair. “I know, Bella, but you don’t need to worry so much about him.
He’s a grown man making his own decisions. He needs to start taking responsibility for his

“But…” I wanted to give Jake all of my thoughts of why Seth wasn’t the one responsible for
all of the things happening out at La Push, but I didn’t think it would have helped any.

Jake grabbed me around the waist with his large hands. “Bella, I want to leave everything on a
happy note. I don’t even want to discuss anything tonight when we are at home, alright?”

I looked at him. His dark eyes were looking back into mine; pleading with me not to go on
with my Seth speech. I gave him a nod. “No more Seth talk today.”

He smiled. “That’s my Bella.” He kissed me longingly… lovingly. “I’ll see you later tonight,
Bell.” He opened the door and left.

Please take it easy on Seth.


I walked out of the front door of Newton's. Embry was waiting for me behind the wheel of the
squad car which was parked at the curb. I opened the door on the passenger side and got in.

"You ready?" he asked.

I took a deep breath. "Ready as I'll ever be."

He put the car into drive, and we were off.

"So, Jake, you never did tell me what you thought of Renesmee." He had that fucking shit
eating grin again.

What could I say? I could say that she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I could
say that she made me harder than a steel rod. But, I wouldn't. I would just keep my thoughts
to myself.

"Jake! Are you alive over there?" He tapped my arm.

"Both hands on the wheel, Officer Call." I said. I thought it would be best to keep the boss
face on, stern and unwilling to give out information.

"You have no thoughts at all?" He just wasn't going to let the subject drop, was he?

"What do you want me to say about her?" I wasn't going to tell him what I really thought. I
wasn't crazy. I knew he couldn't keep any secrets.

"Jake, dude, come on. You have no opinions? None at all?" He glanced over at me to see if he
could tell what I was thinking.

I kept my face stern and my eyes forward. "My thoughts? She's nice. She seems to be fitting
in at the station."

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"She's nice? What the hell is that? You didn't think she was fucking beautiful?"

I looked out of the side window. I was afraid my face would give away the fact that I thought
she was damn attractive. "Yeah… I guess you could say she's pretty." I squeaked on the word
'pretty'. FUCK! I kept looking out the window.

"Pretty. Yeah." He paused for a second then added, "Is that it? That's all you have to say about

No. I kept my face turned away from his. "That's it." That time, I was able to keep my voice
stern and under control.

"Jake, you are a lying piece of shit," Embry said. "You can't even look at me and say that you
only thought she was pretty."

I turned to look at Embry, just to prove him wrong. I had myself under control. I wasn't going
to give him any reason to doubt what I was saying. Boss face on. "She is pretty and that is it.
Case closed, Embry." I turned my face back toward the window, letting out a quiet breath of

Embry laughed. "You are so wrapped up in your own little world. I can't believe that you
didn't notice that her tits were about to fly free from the top of her sweater. And the way they
bounced when she walked. The way her ass…" He just rattled on and on.

I was getting angrier with every derogatory word he said. I couldn't figure out why I was
feeling that way. I was happily married to my Bella. She has been the object of my love since
I was in tenth grade. She was my wife. We were planning on starting our family. But there was
something about Nessie that overruled everything else in my life.

Fucking beautiful Nessie…

"… and those lips. I'm willing to bet that she could…" Embry rattled on and on.

"Embry!" I yelled. I couldn't help myself. The rage I felt over his remarks about Nessie
overpowered me.

"What?" He snapped back.

Cool it down, Jake, I told myself. I took a deep breath. Keeping my tone steady I said, "Shut
the fuck up and drive. I won't talk about N… the new dispatch operator. If you want to talk
about the case we're working on then, by all means, open your mouth." Boss face was in full

Embry looked like a hurt puppy. "Alright," was all he said.

Embry and I rode the rest of the drive to the Rez in complete silence. The quiet drive seemed
to take forever. I used my time to 'look through the files' again. Although, technically, I was
thinking about Renesmee.

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Damn Embry had to rattle on and on about her tits and ass. She was gorgeous. I wanted
nothing more than to see her under me while I drove into her. I wanted to see her amber eyes
rolling into her head as she came. I wanted her to moan my name from those pouty lips.

A voice broke into my thoughts. "Is this the correct turn?" Embry asked. "I can't remember."

I looked up. "Yeah, this is it."

Embry turned the squad car onto a little dirt road. And when I said little dirt road, I actually
meant two trails carved into the ground from the wheels of cars that have traveled through
here before.

"I can't believe you don't remember the way to your half-brother's house, Embry."

"I have only been to Sam's house once since he moved out here."

"I know, but this is the only dirt road off the main road. It's not that hard to remember… Dirt
road off main road." I doubt he could miss my sarcasm.

He rolled his eyes as we continued to travel along the winding road through the large fir,
spruce, and madrone trees. In the distance, a modest sized white house appeared. It grew
larger as we got closer. Finally, Embry pulled up to the house, bringing the car to a stop at the
end of the driveway.

We got out of the cruiser. We walked up to the white house. I gave the red door a quick rap. A
moment later, Emily opened the door. She was as beautiful as she had ever been. Having
children had not ruined her figure.

"Hello, Jacob." She greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. "Embry! I didn't know you would be
coming out with Jake." She squeezed him tightly.

"Hello, Emily," Embry said. "Nice to see you, too."

"Please come in and have a seat." Embry and I walked into the living room and took a seat; I
in the barco-lounger and Embry on the couch.

"Is Sam here?" I asked. "I know he was expecting us."

"He is out back with Adam. Would either of you like something to eat or drink while you

Embry looked right at me. I rolled my eyes at him, fully aware that he wanted to have some of
Emily's cooking. "No, thank you," I said and shook my head.

"Alright then. I'll go get Sam." Emily walked through the house, and a moment later we heard
the back screen door slam shut.

Once she was gone, Embry shot a dirty look at me. "Dude, why can't we eat? We already
missed lunch with the switching of the cars and stuff. I am star-ving!"

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"I knew you wanted something to eat," I chuckled. "We are out here to look into Seth's
crimes, not eat Sam and Emily out of house and home."

Embry huffed at me with a dirty look on his face and fell back into the couch with his arms
crossed over his chest.

I laughed at him. "You are such a baby."

The screen door slammed again. "Uncle Embry!" Adam, Sam and Emily's oldest son, came
running into the living room and jumped onto the couch. He was covered with dirt and there
were pine needles and leaves stuck on his clothes and in his hair. "Why do you never come
see us anymore?"

"I've been busy policing Forks. Why are you so dirty?" Embry hugged Adam with the manly,
one arm, I'm-hugging-you-but-not type hug that ended with the obligatory noogies on the

"Ouch!" Adam yelled. "You don't have to be so mean, Uncle Embry."

"Hey Adam, you need to go clean up," Sam said walking into the living room.

I stood up as Sam approached me and shook his hand. "Sam."

"Thanks for doing this for us, Jacob."

"Dad, I want to stay with you and Uncle Embry."

Emily walked though. "Sorry guys," she said as she took his hand. "Come on, Adam. You
don't need to be in here. Let's go get you cleaned up."

He stood up off of the couch. "Hold on, Mom." He looked at Embry. "Can you make it to my
birthday party this Sunday?"

"I don't know, Adam." Embry was definitely playing around with the kid.

"Pleeeeeeease, Uncle Embry. Pleeeeeeease!" Adam fell to his knees. "I am begging you with
every fiber of my being." That kid was a real ham.

Embry laughed. "Alright, you win. I'll be there."

"Thank you!" Adam got up off of his knees and jumped into Embry, giving him a hug.

Embry let out a squeak when he did that. "You're welcome," he said in a shrill tone.

Emily pulled Adam off of Embry. "Come on, let's get washed." Before she took Adam down
the hall, she mouthed to Embry 'I'm sorry.'

I laughed. "Got you right in the bull's-eye, huh?"

Embry closed his eyes tightly and nodded.

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"Sorry, Embry. You know how much Adam loves you." Sam was trying hard not to laugh.

Embry waved us away. He wasn't going to answer. He just wanted some time to recover.

I turned my attention back to Sam and the matter at hand. "So, Sam, why am I here? I can't
believe that the council agreed to this."

"Well, we are all at our wits end about who is doing these crimes and why. I talked to the
council about bringing you into tribal affairs. I made the clear valid point that even though
you don't live here on the Reservation, and you didn't marry within the tribe, you are still a
member of the Quileute nation. It runs in your blood. I convinced them that you can help us
find out who is doing it, and let us handle and decide the punishment."

I leered at him. "I don't know about the punishment issue. I mean I am out here on behalf of

"Jake, you have to give us the right to decide punishment," Sam said. "These crimes are
happening out here, not in town."

He made a valid point, but my superiors wouldn't be happy to know that I was dedicating man
hours to crimes outside of our jurisdiction. "Alright. I'll help, but you understand that if any of
these crimes happen off of the Rez, I am going to make sure the one responsible falls into my

Sam nodded. "Agreed."

"Do you want to take me around to the scenes and let me look at them first hand?"

"Of course," Sam said as he walked to the front door.

I looked at Embry, still on the couch recovering from his direct hit. I suppressed a smile as I
said, "Give me the keys. I'll take Sam out and look around for myself. You can stay and eat,

Embry nodded. He held out the keys to me and said, "Thanks."

I followed Sam out of the house.

We drove around the Reservation, visiting the four burglarized houses first. It was all pretty
much the same thing. The owners had cleaned the scenes, so there wasn't much left to look at
and examine with my police trained eye.

But, when we arrived at Quil's store, it looked like a tornado had hit it. The front window was
completely gone. The door was splintered and opened. I could see that some of the shelving
had been destroyed. I put the car into park.

As Sam and I walked to the front door, Quil walked around from the side of the store.

"Hey, cuz," I said. "This looks horrible."

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"Hey, Jake. Yeah. I haven't even tried to clean anything up yet. I thought you might want to
look around before I did."

"I see you've been watching CSI again." I smiled.

He shrugged his shoulders at me. "Yeah, Miami version. It's the only thing that I can catch on
TV anymore."

"Yeah. That and watching those bikini clad girls is as close to porn as Claire will let you get."
He chuckled at my jab. "Let me get my gear. You guys don't touch anything." I walked to the
back of the cruiser and pulled the evidence collection kit out of the trunk. I kneeled on the
ground, opened the case, and took out my camera. "I'm going to take pictures before we scour
for evidence."

I walked up to the front window and snapped about ten shots of the window frame, with
different zooms, taking care to notice the dents that look liked someone tried to pry the
window out with a screwdriver. Seth is a real moron. He can't even do a simple B&E
, I thought.

Next, I went to the door and snapped off about another twenty shots. I zoomed in on the lock
of the door and the door jamb making sure to get the angle just right so you could tell by
looking at the photos, the door was kicked out from the inside.

I turned around to Quil and Sam who were standing out in the parking lot. "Do you mind if
we enter through the back of the store?"

"Not at all," Quil said.

"Sam, can you grab my bag, please?" I asked and followed Quil to the rear of the store.

"Did you notice anything out of place along the exterior of the store, Quil?"

"Nope. Nothing. It's just all strange. Only the front door, the register, and windows were
fucked with," he said rather sadly.

I looked along the store as we walked. Nothing. I scoured the line of trees. Nothing. We
arrived at the back door. I scrutinized everything. The dumpster was untouched. The windows
looked untouched. The door was perfect. Nothing seemed out of place or even fucked with

Sam arrived at the back door with my case. I took it from him. "Thanks, Sam. I am going
inside. You both wait here. The fewer items that get messed with in there, the better. I am
going to take pictures first. Then I will see if there are any fibers, hair, fingerprints, anything
that can help get this solved."

I looked at both of them. They nodded at me and I made my way inside.

I walked slowly through the small stock room taking inventory of everything on the shelves.
Nothing seemed odd or out of place.

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I walked by the office and stopped in the doorway and really examined the room. Everything
seemed in order. Nothing was odd. I glanced over in the corner and noticed the safe in the
wall. I walked through the office to get a closer look at it.

There were no marks on or around it like someone was trying to pry it open or pull it out of
the wall. There was nothing unusual about it. Taking out my duster brush and powder out of
my bag, I carefully dusted the safe for fingerprints. I could only see two that were clear
enough to get a good image. I carefully taped those to the cards for comparison back at the

Next, I walked into the main store. The counter was torn up and the register had been bashed
with the drawer having been forced open. Trying not to disturb anything, I walked over to the
counter I took my camera out and snapped fifty images of the register from several different

In the last zoom, I noticed something in the cut metal that looked like a shirt fiber. I took out
the necessary utensils and extracted it. Before I put it into the evidence bag, I looked closely
at it and saw that there appeared to be a small arm hair with the fiber. Pay dirt.

I dusted the register for prints, but there was nothing.

I walked over to examine the front door making sure to photograph the muddy footprints on
the floor before I walked through them all. On the door, there was one rather large footprint
right in the middle. You could even tell the perpetrator had been wearing Nikes. I taped a
paper ruler next to the print. The damn print measured 13" long. Seth's shoe size, I thought.
Got you, asshole.

I checked the door for prints. Nothing. I took more photos of the window and the glass. I took
a picture of the large rock that was used to shatter the window into oblivion. I took an
evidence bag and used it to carefully pick up the rock and get it wrapped up for further
analysis at the station.

"Quil, you have really got a mess to clean. I am so sorry this happened to you and Claire," I
said as I walked through the back door.

"Thanks for coming out, Jake. I really hope you found some evidence to get whoever is doing
this." Quil looked ragged.

"I managed to find a few pieces of evidence. I do need you and Claire to come out to the
station within the next few days to let me get comparison prints for the prints that I found."

"Alright, we will," Quil said as we shook hands.

I turned to Sam. "Last stop, Seth Clearwater's house?"

Sam looked down and nodded to me. Much like Bella, he didn't want to think of Seth as the
responsible party for this either. He started walking back to the front of the store.

"Later, Quil. Let me know if Bells and I can help."

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"I will Jake. Thanks again." He patted me on the shoulder.

I turned and walked the side of the store that I hadn't checked. I made sure that I scrutinized
everything as I walked. Again, there was nothing to note.

Fifteen minutes later, we were winding our way through the forest on another small dirt road.
This road was bumpier and curved as we climbed the side of the mountain. I could barely
make out the tiny grayish brown shack among the tall trees.

I stopped the car and Sam and I got out.

I looked at Sam. "Are you sure this is where Seth lives?" I hadn't seen Seth outside of Charlie
and Sue's house. I had no idea he lived in such squalor.

Sam nodded at me. "It's really sad, Jake. He never gets out much and really doesn't talk to
anyone. He pretty much keeps to himself and never leaves his house."

I rolled my eyes at the term 'house'. This was more of a hideout for Seth, a sympathy getter,
really. There was no way in hell Seth would intentionally live like this.

Sam followed me to the door. I knocked on it and said, "Seth Clearwater. It's Jacob Black,
Police Chief of Forks PD. I need to ask you some questions."

We stood there waiting. Sam gave me a look of disbelief. "I can't believe you are going about
this like that."

"I have to keep it official while I ask him questions about the crimes. I don't want anything to
be taken out of context if this ever winds up in court." More like when it winds up in court.

Sam shook his head at me. "Come on, Seth. Open the door, please. I am here with Jake."

A few moments later the door creaked open. I was floored at what I saw. Seth was looking at
me; half squinting from the clouded brightness of the day. He was tall and lanky, but looked
even worse than the last time I saw him. His face was sallow and he didn't look good at all.

He cracked a small smile at Sam. "Come in," he said in a weak voice and turned to walk back
into the shack.

Sam walked in and I followed him. Seth sat on a small couch and Sam sat next to him. I
decided that I was going to stand. From that vantage point, I was able to see almost the whole
shack. I scanned the shack for evidence as I talked.

"So, tell me, Seth, where were you last Thursday evening between nine and two at night?"

"Well, you know that I had dinner with Charlie and Sue."

I looked right into his eyes. "I also know you left at seven thirty that night. So what the hell
did you do after that?"

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"I came home and watched some TV before going to sleep." He was trying to look innocent,
but I wasn't buying any of it.

"You didn't stop off for any liquor or beer?"

"Jake, no. You know I haven't touched anything since I got out of rehab the last time."

"No drugs around anywhere? Are you on something now?"

"Jake…" Sam said with a stern look.

"Jacob, no. I just told you I haven't touched anything since I left rehab. Why don't you believe

Good Lord! Is he going to cry? I could see him looking at me with glossed eyes. "Seth, we all
know that you have fallen off of the wagon numerous times. Why should I believe you are
sober now?"

Seth jumped up from his seat. "Fuck you, Jacob! I have been sober for over a year now and
you still want to hold onto the past. I am no longer a fuck up. I am trying to get some sort of
life back, but people like you are making it too hard for me. Shit!" He sat back on the couch
and glared at me. A rogue tear fell down his face, but I knew it was all a show.

"Okay, let's say you are all sober, free and clear of any alcohol and drugs. What are you doing
to get money for food, electricity, rent?"

"I do odd jobs around La Push. I have been helping Paul reroof his house this past week."

Sam nodded. "It's true, Jacob. He's been out there every day working with Paul."

"Alright, so you have been out during the day with Paul. What about your nights? Where do
you spend that time?"

"Well, you know I visit Charlie and Mom two to three times a week and when I'm not there, I
am here watching TV or listening to music. You won't let me visit with Bella."

"I'm not asking you to bring my wife into this. And I know you are with Charlie and Sue until
eight at the latest. That gives you a lot of fucking down time alone. No witnesses. No
girlfriends. No normal friends. All alone, right, Seth?"

Seth started breathing hard. His hands clinched into fists. "What the fuck do you want me to
say, Jake? I am damned. I am here alone every damn night. I masturbate every night because
no fucking girl wants to get near me. You're right, Jake! I have no fucking life. No one wants
to fucking give me a chance. I am in hell."

Sam stood up. "Jake, I think you have what you need. Can we go now?" He walked into me,
pushing me towards the door.

"Oh, boo hoo. Poor Seth fucked up his life. Fucked over everyone that ever cared about him
and wonders why he is having a hard time right now."

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"Come on, Jacob." Sam managed to get me to the door.

"Oh, and Seth. I will be comparing evidence I found at the store to information on your
record. I will find out it was you. Don't leave the area. I will be back for you soon."

Seth stuck his middle finger up flipping me off. I bolted towards him, and Sam pushed me
back. "Jake, you have done enough! Let's go!"

Reluctantly, I exited through the door. "I'll be back, Seth!" I yelled one last time before Sam
clicked the door shut.

"What the fuck was all of that, Jake?" Sam shouted when we were far enough away from the

"I was trying to scare him. I was trying to get a confession by being the 'bad cop'."

Sam glared at me. "Yeah, well, it didn't work. I think you have made Seth feel worse than he
already did." He opened the door to the cruiser and got in.

I shook my head.

As if Seth were innocent… he has everyone wrapped in his web of lies.


"Oh come on!" I yelled as the soda machine spit my dollar bill back out at me for the third
time. I took the bill and ran it back and forth against the corner of the machine trying to make
sure it was flat. I pushed the bill into the slot one more time. It went all the way in, and came
right back out. "Shit! I wasn't thirsty anyway."

"Here, let me get that for you." Oh Lord, Mike.

"No, Mr. New…" I started, but he didn't let me finish.

"Bella, it's fine. I got it." Mike walked up behind me and placed his left hand in the small of
my back and leaned into me as he pulled my dollar out of the machine. He handed me the
dollar and placed one of his own in the machine. And, of course, right away the bill went in.
"You may make your drink selection now, Bella."

"Thanks," I said flatly as I selected Diet Dr. Pepper.

As I bent over to retrieve my drink from the machine, Mike ran his hand over my ass. "Bella,
I am surprised you drink diet soda. Believe me, you don't need it."

I stood up with my soda in hand. I rolled my eyes at him and said, "I'll keep that in mind, Mr.
Newton. Here, take this." I handed him my dollar and walked off.

"Bella, I said I would take care of it," he angrily said jogging after me.

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I got inside my office and shut the door, but Mike stuck his leg in the way and the door
bounced back open. He stepped inside my office.

"Sure, Mr. Newton, come right in," I said to him with a sarcastic tone. I started to get my
things together to leave for the day.

Mike walked over and slammed the dollar bill onto my desk. "I said I would pay for your
drink, Bella. All you had to do was say thank you. You don't have to be such a bitch all the

I glared at Mike. I hated when he gave me the 'You're such a bitch' speech. I seemed to get
that particular speech once every couple of months. I think he was trying to make me feel
guilty for keeping things on a business level. It never worked though.

"Mr. Newton, I gave you the dollar to be nice," I remarked. Besides, I didn't want him to think
I owed him anything… ever! "Now, if you don't mind, I have an appointment to get to. It is
after hours, you know."

He stepped back from the desk and said, "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning."

I picked up my bag. "Good night, Mr. Newton." I walked by Mike who was standing by my
desk, and he pulled at my arm. I turned towards the door and gave him a how-dare-you look.

"Bella, one more thing," he said smiling mischievously at me again.

"What's that?" I said, glaring at his hand on my arm.

He dropped his hand. "Are you going to the reunion next week?"

I shrugged my shoulders at him and said, "Not sure yet. Why?"

"Well, if you do go, would you please call me Mike?" he asked, his baby blue eyes pleading
at me.

"I'll think about it," I said sharply. Yeah, right. That answer is no. I am going to avoid him like
the plague.

That mischievous grin grew on his face as he said, "Thanks, Bella. See you tomorrow."

He patted my butt as I walked out of the office. I wasn't sure if I should take that as another
pass or more like a team player sort of swat. Mike Fucking Newton.

I walked through the front of the store. Jessica was busy talking on the phone... again. I sped
up my walking hoping she wouldn't see me. But as usual, my luck intervened, and I walked
into an end cap knocking over the display of hiking packs.

Jessica turned and looked right at me with a surprised expression on her face. "Hold on a sec,"
she said to whoever was on the other end of the line. She put the phone to her shoulder. "Hey,
Bella, are you going to be at the reunion?"

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That's exactly what I didn't want to happen. I looked at her and answered just like I did with
Mike; I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I really don't know yet. Why?"

"Just wondering," she said, putting the phone back to her ear. As I picked up the hiking packs,
I heard her say, "She's not sure yet, Lauren… Yeah, I know, but you really won't have to talk
to her."

I rolled my eyes and rehung the last few hiking packs. I picked up my computer case, darting
for the door before Jessica could ask me anything else.

I walked up to the front of the quaint little dress shop. In the window, there were three dresses
on mannequins. The one that caught my eye first was a little green number. I was hoping
Alice made me something like that – beautiful ruffled skirt, v-neck that wasn't too low cut at
all, and a beautiful sheer bow cascading down one shoulder finished off the dress. I took a
deep breath, hoping for the best, and walked inside the store.

Alice ran up to me and gave me a hug. "Bella, finally. I was thinking you weren't going to
make it in time. Jasper is going to be here any minute."

"I told you I might not make it. You really didn't have to wait for me," I said and gave her a
small squeeze back. "So, where's this dress you want me to try on." Please let it be the green

"Wait right here, and I'll get it for you." Alice danced off in her usual fashion completing a
pirouette as she entered the back of the store.

It's not the green one, I thought with a disappointed sigh.

A moment later, Alice came from the back carrying a garment bag. She hung it on the hook
and said, "Wait until you see this one Bella. I have designed the perfect dress for you."

"Can't wait." I tried unsuccessfully to sound positive.

"False enthusiasm is not a currency accepted in this store, Bella," she chimed as she unzipped
the bag. She slid the bag back exposing a sapphire blue dress.

"Blue? Alice…" I said, not wanting to hurt her feelings. She didn't know that I really hated
that color. It was his favorite color.

"I know, Bella. Blue isn't a color you normally pick for yourself, but I know that you will look
so beautiful in it."

I nodded at her. I would listen, and then I would figure how to get out of wearing that dress.
Maybe Jasper could help me out with this one. He knew, after all, why I avoided the color

"I want you to look your best. And this color is perfect for you. At least try it on, alright? For
me?" She gave me her excited little kid smile.

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"Oh, alright, Alice. You win." I think she knew she would win this one because she surely
didn't seem surprised by my answer.

She squealed. "Yes! I had a feeling you would say that." She pulled the dress off of the hanger
and handed it to me. "Go try it on. I want to make sure I get it pinned so it will be ready in
time for the big night."

I took the dress from her and walked into the back dressing room. I got undressed and slid
into Alice's dress and studied myself in the mirror. Alice knew what she was doing. The color
really was perfect for my skin tone and hair color. The cut was flattering against my figure
with a v-neck cut similar to the green dress. The length was perfect with the hem stopping
right above my knees.

"Bella, are you going to come out so I can pin it for the final alterations?" Alice asked. From
the sound of her voice, she was just bursting from excitement.

I walked into the front of the store and stood in the middle of the angled mirrors on a wooden
step stool. "I don't know about this," I said.

"Oh, Bella, you look beautiful. I knew the color would be perfect on you. It's my mission to
make sure that you are the best dressed woman at the reunion; apart from me, of course," she

As Alice was pinning away, I just had to ask her something that had been on my mind since
the whole notion of a reunion was brought to my attention. "Alice, have you heard from…
Him… at all?"

She looked at me solemnly with her golden brown eyes and replied, "Bella, if I had heard
anything, I would have told you. You know that, right?"

I thought about it for a second. "I don't know," I said being honest with her. I wasn't sure if
she would say anything or not.

She stopped pinning the side seam and looked up at me. "Bella, you know that I would tell
you. I was with you through the rough times. I took your side over his, remember?"

"I know that. I'm just not sure I can handle seeing him. I am just worried that he is going to be
there." I took a few deep calming breaths, just like Jasper taught me so many years ago.
Slowly in… Slowly out… I didn't need to have a panic attack right now.

Alice resumed her pinning. "I asked Carlisle and Esme about it. Neither of them has heard
anything from him since he returned from Brazil almost a year ago. You are going to be
totally fine that night. No Edward."

I cringed at hearing his name spoken. Edward. It was amazing that after all the time that had
passed, it could still tear a little hole in me with every mention. Slowly in… Slowly out…

"Sorry, Bella. I didn't mean to…"

"I know," I said between calming breaths. "I just had to know for myself."

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Alice stood up and evaluated the material around my torso. "The darts are perfect. No loose
fabric to fix. I have to say, I am rather proud of myself for having it just about perfect." She
smiled obviously pleased with her seamstress work.

Jasper walked into the store wearing a smile. He looked at me and said, "Bella, you are the
most gorgeous woman in here."

Alice cleared her throat noisily. "Ahem… I'm here too, Jazz," Alice said, tapping her foot.

Jasper broadened his smile walked up to Alice and scooped her up into a hug. "I know that,"
he said and gave her a small kiss before putting her back down. They were always so loving
and sweet with each other.

"Can I change now?" I took a step down off of the stool.

"Hold on, Bella. Let me go get something that I bought for you to wear with that." Alice said
as she ran off into the back of her boutique again.

"Jasper," I said with panic in my voice, "She has me in a blue dress. I don't want to hurt her
feelings, but I don't want to wear this."

Jasper's eyes were full of sympathy. "I knew you might feel that way. I didn't want to betray
your confidentiality by telling her about your aversion to blue."

"You could have. I would have been fine with it," I said as I started breathing faster.

"Bella, deep calming breaths. Here…" He took my arm and guided me to sit on the stool. "I
know why you are feeling like this, but we have made so much progress. Let's try not to go
backwards. Okay?"

Slowly in… I nodded at him. Slowly out

"You are finally living your life. This is one of the last few hurdles we have left. I know you
are afraid, but if you can go the whole night in this dress, you will have won such a huge
battle," Jasper said lightly rubbing my back with his cool hand.

"What if he's there, Jasper? How can I deal with that?"

"You won't be alone Bella. Jake will be there with you. Alice and I will both be there with
you. And as far as I know, he will not be there. If for any reason you don't feel comfortable, I
will personally take you away from there; no questions asked."

I looked up at Jasper to see him smiling at me; he had such a way of making me feel at ease
about stressful situations. That's why he was my favorite therapist of all the ones I have been
to. I looked at him and said, "Thank you, Jasper."

"So, you'll wear the dress?"

"Yes, I'll wear it," I said as I cracked a small smile. "I can do this."

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"That's my girl," he said and stood up just as Alice danced her way back into the room.

"Here you go, Bella." She said shoving a plain rectangular box into my hands.

I looked at the box, then to her and said, "Um, Alice…"

"Oh, God! Just open it ,Bella, before I open it for you," she said bouncing up and down with

I opened the box. I was shocked to see a pair of very high heeled black shoes – maybe in the
four inch range – in the box. "Alice, are you intentionally trying to kill me?"

"What?" She actually seemed shocked by my question. "Bella, they are perfect for the dress. I
had my friend in Seattle make them especially for me. I can't have you walking around in
your sneakers while wearing my creation."

I glanced at Jasper who nodded slightly at me in response. I looked back at Alice and saw the
deflation of her smile. Shit! "Next time could you pick something with less than a two inch

Alice's smile grew again as she asked me, "Is that a yes? You'll wear them?"

I nodded and answered, "Yes. But, you need to understand that I may be clinging to you all
night so I don't fall."

Alice jumped up and down with excitement. "Oh, Bella! I am so excited. I can't wait until
next week. We are going to be the best looking alumni there!"

Jasper wrapped his arm around her waist. "I'll agree with that," he said and kissed her neck.

"Okay, Bella, go take off the dress, and I'll keep the shoes for you. I don't want you to
'misplace' them." She took the box from me as I stood up.

Fuck! There goes that plan.

I sat looking at our food getting cold. I watched the flames flicker and dance on the quickly
melting candles. I checked my watch again.

Where is he? I thought. Jake knew about tonight. I reminded him this morning. He promised
not to be late.

I ran through all sorts of scenarios as to why Jake was almost two hours late coming home. He
could have been stuck out in La Push with the investigation. He could be writing traffic
tickets. The new dispatch operator could have broken her old lady hip. I would accept any
excuse from him with the exception of questioning Seth.

I checked my watch again. Shit! Two hours and five minutes.

I stood up from the table. I picked up both of our plates that held our now cold dinner and
walked them to the sink. I walked back to the table and blew out the half melted candles.

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As I walked through the house turning off the lights, I was trying not to cry. I was
disappointed that the perfect night I had planned hadn't happen. I was feeling sick. It was
really unfair of Jake not to be home on time; especially without telling me that he would be

A little bell went off in my head. I didn't even check my phone. I ran to my purse and pulled
out my Blackberry. I checked missed calls. None. I checked texts. Nothing new. I even filtered
through my emails. Not a word from Jake. Disappointed, I tossed my phone onto my purse. A
few tears ran down my cheek.

I turned off the last living room light. I was about to walk upstairs, when the front door
opened, and Jake walked in.

He looked right at me with burning passion in his eyes. He walked up to me and kissed me. It
was rough and hungry. His mouth crushed mine; his tongue forced his way into my mouth. It
played and tangled with mine.

Unexpectedly, Jake scooped me up in his arms. Not breaking the passionate kiss, he
proceeded to carry me up the stairs.

As soon as we were in our room, he placed me on my feet at the end of our bed. I slid his
jacket off of him and unbuttoned his uniform shirt. He unfastened his holster and dropped it to
the side on the floor. I unfastened his pants and cinched down his underwear to his hips.

He began kissing me again, him forcing his mouth to mine. He hungrily kissed me as he
slowly undressed me. His lips wandered down my neck as he unbuttoned my blouse and
tossed it to the side. He kissed back up my neck as he unfastened my skirt and let it fall. His
mouth was back on mine as he unhooked my bra and removed it from me.

He guided me back onto our bed. I let him lead me back until I had my head on the pillow. He
removed his uniform shirt, then pulled off his tight t-shirt, exposing his muscular chest. He
cinched his underwear down further and kicked out of them as he moved on top of me.

He returned to kissing me hungrily like he couldn't get enough of what I was giving him. One
of his hands played with my breast; lightly squeezing and teasing my nipple. His knee went
up between my legs to open them, and he slid his hand slowly down my torso.

I arched into him as his hand hit the wet spot of my panties, and he moaned into my mouth.
He took his finger and slid it into my panties and tugged down hard. I could hear tearing
sounds as he pulled. I made sure my hips were lifted so they wouldn't rip completely, but I
was too late. He had them torn completely away from me.

He grabbed my leg and hitched it up over his hip. His breathing was heavy and erratic. He
maneuvered himself to be at my entrance and looked into my eyes. That passion was still
burning in them. We kept the eye contact as he slid into me, and I let out a small moan.

He positioned himself to be over me. His burning eyes never left mine. He started moving his
hips against mine. I quickly mimicked him, and we were in a rhythm.

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With every thrust, he became more and more ravenous. His thrusts were quick and deep. He
was uncontrollable. He was an animal. My breathing became erratic. He was plunging so
deeply into me; like he had never done before.

It felt so wrong… so dirty… so good.

I looked up at him hovering over me. I could barely control myself as he barreled into me,
hitting hard into my very core. I could feel the height of ecstasy become more overpowering. I
was losing control. I arched up into him as I closed my eyes. I could feel that I was on the
verge of coming, and I just let go.

"Jake," I quietly moaned as I came to orgasm.

He thrust himself into me one last time and shuddered. He lowered himself on top of me. His
breath was erratic and warm on my neck. His chest felt so hot on my breasts. He gently kissed
me. His hunger was gone with his orgasm.

"I love you," I quietly whispered to him in between the soft loving kisses.


"Tanya, have you seen my suit?" I asked as I was looking though the stacks of boxes.

Shit was everywhere. Boxes were stacked floor to ceiling throughout our Boston town home.
I couldn't find anything after the packers came through and packed everything. It really pissed
me off that they even packed everything in the section of my closet that I told them not to

"Tanya? Are you even listening to me?" I walked into our bedroom.

She was there wearing her ear buds, bopping her head to whatever tune she was listening to
on her iPod as she packed her suitcase. I walked up behind her and tapped her on the

She jumped and turned to look at me as she pulled the buds out of her ears. "Lord, Edward,
don't do that to me."

I chuckled at her. "Keep the volume down and I won't have to scare the crap out of you."

"I'm trying to pack. What is it that you want?" she asked, sounding rather irritated.

"Well, Miss Denali," I answered wrapping my arms around her, "I was looking for my suit. I
need to get it packed and I can't find it anywhere."

"I think you mean Dr. Denali," she corrected me.

"Excuse me, Dr. Denali," I corrected myself, playing along. "Have you seen my suit?"

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"Dr. Cullen, I have not." She wrapped her arms around my neck as she stepped up onto her
tiptoes and kissed me. "This is why I tell you that you need more than two suits. You look so
handsome in a suit. I think you should get into the habit of wearing one at your new job."

"You know I prefer to wear my scrubs while I am working. I am not buying a hoard of suits
for the new job; I absolutely refuse," I declared.

"Well, I think the movers packed your suit in a wardrobe box somewhere. Looks like you'll
have to buy at least one more," she giggled. "Sorry babe."

"'Sorry babe?' That's all you can say?" I picked her up into my arms and kissed her.

She giggled again. "Umm… Make sure you get a navy blue one that will compliment your
beautiful green eyes."

I quirked an eyebrow at her and said, "I think you had something to do with my closet getting
all packed up for the move."

"Who, me?" she asked innocently as she showed me her angelic blue eyes and threw in the
matching smile.

I carried her over to the bed and playfully tossed her onto it. She landed in the middle of it
with her strawberry blond curls bouncing everywhere. Her laughter filled the air as she
virtuously asked, "Dr. Cullen, what are you doing?"

I took my t-shirt off and tossed it to the side of the room. "I think you know exactly what I am
doing, Dr. Denali." I pounced onto the bed next to her and laid back. I placed my hands on her
cheeks and pulled her over to me. I lifted my head slightly, my mouth met with hers, and gave
her a deep, meaningful kiss.

She climbed on top of me, straddling my hips, and leaned down, stopping her face mere
centimeters over mine. Her curls fell around us, creating a curtain.

I lifted my head and began kissing her again. I slowly slid my hand from her hip up
underneath her shirt. A groan escaped from me when my fingers discovered she was bra-less
under her t-shirt.

I could feel her smile around my lips. "Surprise," she whispered into my mouth.

"Fuck, Tanya, why do you do that?" I asked, feeling thrilled about the missing undergarment.
She knew how much I loved it when she did that.

She sat upright on top of me. I could feel the heat between her legs on my cock, causing me to
groan again. She took off her t-shirt and her small breasts blissfully bounced around. I reached
up with one hand, gently cupping her as I started lightly massaging the raised nipple with my

"Just wait until you get your other surprise," she said with a sly smile. I watched as she untied
the drawstring on her sweatpants.

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I skeptically looked at her and was shocked when I took my other hand and slid my fingers
under the band of her pants to investigate. "Fuck! No panties either, Tanya?" That was all it
took for my cock to solidify and become rock hard.

"I had to wear the matching set," she replied innocently.

"Well, I think I need to see said matching set," I voiced my opinion. I took both of my hands
and cinched down the top of her pants. She helped me to remove her pants and resumed her
position on top of me.

"You like?" she asked, holding out her arms to show off her ensemble.

I could feel through layers of my clothes, the heat radiating from her. "What do you think?" I
replied as I held her hips and arched up into her, making sure she could feel the full effect of
my hard-on.

She let out a small sigh with my action. She reached down and quickly unfastened my button-
fly jeans. Tanya looked me right in the eyes as she moved down, pulling my pants and boxer
briefs along with her.

She crawled back up towards me, never dropping her eyes from mine. She sat directly on top
of my cock and I could directly feel how hot and wet she really was. I took her hips with my
hands and moved her back and forth on me. She was so ready for me to be inside of her. She
lifted herself slightly and I slid right into her. "Oh, fuck. You are so hot," I growled in a deep,
low voice.

I laid my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes for just a moment.

When I reopened them, it all began.

There she was…

Her beautiful long brown hair was flowing and swinging with every movement. Her hard
nipples were barely peeking out through the strands of her hair. Her bewitching, deep brown
eyes were staring back at me, so full of love and affection. Her fingers were lightly running up
and down my torso as she moved her hips back and forth. Her supple pink lips were moaning
my name as I pushed further up into her, making sure that my cock was deep inside of her.

She was so beautiful. She was everything to me. She was my world. She was my love.

I adored seeing her on me. I treasured hearing her say my name over and over. I cherished
seeing her eyelids flutter as she came on me. I loved sitting up and hugging her tightly to me
while I came deep inside of her.

"Thank you," I whispered while kissing the base of her neck.

"You're welcome," Tanya's voice awakened me back to reality.

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The hot shower afterward felt so good. The warm steam I inhaled was soothing and relaxing. I
stood there with my hands pressed firmly against the tile in front of me and let the water wash
over me, hoping to erase some of the guilt I felt.

Fuck me. Why do I still think about her every time? After all these years, she is still in my

After ten minutes of deep thought in my steamy sanctuary, there was a knock on the door.
"Edward, babe, your dad is on the phone," Tanya yelled to me.

"Okay, Tanya, tell him I'll be out in a minute," I replied as I started to quickly lather up with
soap and rinse off. I quickly shampooed my hair and turned off the water. I inhaled the wet air
one last time and wrapped a towel around myself before leaving the bathroom.

"Here he is, Carlisle," Tanya said, walking up to me. She held out the phone and I took it from

"Hi, Carlisle."

"Edward. Are you packed and ready for the move?" Carlisle was being his usual dad self.

"Yes, Dad," I answered with attitude. "The packers came today and packed the entire house

"Good, I'm glad. I can't wait for you to get here." Carlisle paused for a second before he spoke
to my mother, "Yes, Esme. I was just about to tell him that." He took a deep breath before
adding, "You and Tanya are more than welcome to stay with your mom and me until your
belongings get here, Edward."

"I don't know, Carlisle. I mean we really don't want to impose on you guys," I said hesitantly.

"It's not an imposition at all. You could have your old room, and I'm sure Tanya would rather
stay here instead of an impersonal hotel. Yes, yes… Esme says, 'Please.'" Carlisle sounded
like he was almost begging. I'm not sure if my mom was twisting his arm on the issue or if he
really wanted it that way.

I looked at Tanya and she looked back at me with a large smile. The guilt I still carried ran
through my system so I gave into their request telling Carlisle, "All right. We'll stay with you
and Mom."

"That's wonderful, Edward," Carlisle exclaimed, sounding thrilled.

So maybe Mom didn't twist his arm too much after all, I thought before I asked, "Carlisle,
have you told anyone about this situation yet?"

"No one but your mother and I know what's going on, Edward. If anyone finds out we knew
something and didn't say a word, I can always say that I was under strict orders from the
hospital board not to say anything until they made it public that you were coming in as head
of Emergency."

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I nervously ran my fingers through my wet hair. I took a deep breath before saying, "I really
don't want anyone knowing anything about this until it's the right time."

"I know, son. Alice thinks we haven't spoken since last year. I believe Emmett thinks the
same thing," he reassured me.

"Thanks, Carlisle."

"You're welcome Edward. We really can't wait for you to get here. Esme and I are looking
forward to meeting Tanya."

"Tanya can't wait to meet you guys either. We'll see you in a couple of days. Bye, Carlisle and
please send my love to Mom."

"I will. Goodbye, Edward."

I hung up the phone and turned to look at Tanya. "They can't wait to meet you."

She was still smiling at me when she replied, "I know; I heard. I can't wait to meet your
family." Then, her smile disappeared as a serious look overtook her face and she asked,
"Edward, have you told them that we are engaged yet?"

I walked into the closet and started drying myself. I went to my suitcase that I had packed
before the packers arrived to get some of my clothes. I started dressing as I answered,
"Umm… sweetie, I haven't told anyone yet. I just want them to meet you and fall in love with
you first."

"Edward, you are such a chicken! I can't believe you haven't told anyone. Are you ashamed of
me?" she continued, sounding distraught.

I wasn't ashamed of Tanya; she was gorgeous, smart and caring. She was a perfect woman.
"No, of course not, Tanya," I answered her as I stepped out of the closet fully dressed.

"Then why haven't you said anything to anyone about us?" She glared at me as I walked into
the bathroom with my towel.

I casually shrugged and said, "You know me, I like to surprise people."

After I hung my towel up, I turned to see her waiting for me by the bathroom door. She
wrapped her arms around my torso and hugged me tightly. "I know… my man and his

I kissed the top of her head and in my very best Ferris Bueller voice said, "That's me."

She giggled, "You better go get your new suit before the tailor closes for the night. It's almost
five thirty."

I raised both of my eyebrows at her. "Navy Blue?"

She smiled and nodded. "You are going to look so handsome."

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One of the great things about living in our neighborhood of Boston was that I could walk
almost anywhere to get whatever I needed. Those walks were great because it gave me the
time to think.

As I walked and thought, I would run my fingers through my hair. It was comforting, it was
soothing. It made me feel better. And after almost a year here, it was sort of an old habit.

So what did I think about on this walk to Aro's Tailor Shop?

Her – again.

I had used the excuse of wanting to be head of Emergency at my father's hospital to go back.
But I had to be honest with myself. She was the real reason I wanted to be back in Forks. I
wanted to refresh my memory of how gorgeous she was. I wanted to see her so she would
cease being just a dream to me.

To make matters worse, I was coming up with ways to initiate a casual run in with her. I
constantly imagined different locations for said run in. My favorite scenario that I came up
with would be the one where I 'accidentally' came across her at the hospital.

That one always wound up with me on top of her; making love on a gurney in some dark
private corner away from everyone. Her eyes were burning passionately as they stared into
mine. Her lips moaning my name low enough so I was the only one to hear her. The deep
meaningful kisses we would share that would be so loving.

Fuck! Why do I do this to myself? I thought. Alice and Emmett have both told me that she's
moved on and I should leave everything alone. I can't just leave it alone. I have to see her. I
have to be near her. I have to try and get her back.

So, what happens if they are all right? What happens if she has truly moved on and is happy
without me in her life?

Well, I have Tanya. I will marry her and have a happy life with her – as happy as I can be
with Tanya.

Why did I have to make Tanya the easy out? I didn't feel good about doing that to her. I guess
I forgot to leave Prick Edward behind when I left Forks.

I made it to the door of the shop. I walked in and was instantly greeted by Aro. "Dr. Cullen,
how are you?" he asked with his Italian accent. The older man stepped around the counter and
shook my hand.

"Hello, Aro. I need to get a suit."

"Yes, yes. Miss Tanya already had one picked for you."

I rolled my eyes. Of course she did. "A navy blue one?" I asked.

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"Yes, sir. Let me get it." He went to one of the long cedar closets that lined the back wall of
the shop and pulled out a garment bag.

"Here," he said handing it to me, "you go put this on, and I will get it marked for altering."

I walked into the changing room and opened the garment bag. I put the suit on and examined
myself in the mirror. I did look good in the navy. Blue was my favorite color after all.

Seeing at myself in that suit made me have a flashback…

The last time I looked like this was when she and I were at prom. I wore my navy blue suit and
she wore a beautiful low-cut gown in the same color. She looked like an angel sent from
heaven. I remember how happy and sparkling her chocolate brown eyes were. I remember her
long hair falling down, curling into tendrils over her shoulders. I remember hugging her
tightly to me, inhaling her floral scent, and never wanting to let her go.

"Dr. Cullen, is everything alright?" Aro asked, lightly tapping on the door.

"Yes, Aro, just give me one more second," I called out to him. I glanced at myself one last
time and went out to see Aro waiting for me near the full-length mirror; tape measure in hand.

I walked into the townhouse carrying my newly tailored suit. It was the last time I would be
entering this home. In a matter of moments, Tanya and I would be leaving for the airport.
Three and a half hours after that, we would be landing in Seattle. A three-hour drive after that,
we would be arriving in Forks.

I was hoping the walk would have me calmed by the time I returned home but my thoughts, as
they usually tend to do, wandered right into her arms. I had myself all riled and anxious. I was
excited to see he and although I knew I wouldn't see her that night, I was aware it would be
soon that I would be laying my eyes on her for the first time in ten years.

"You got your suit?" Tanya asked, wheeling her suitcase into the living room.

"Navy blue, tailored, and ready to be worn." I replied holding up the garment bag.

She walked up to me and took the bag from my hand. "I'll go put this into your luggage. Is
there anything else we need to do before we leave?"

I looked around the empty room. "I think the movers took everything. The suit was the last
thing on the list," I said.

She kissed my cheek and walked up the stairs.

I followed her up the steps and into our room for the last time. "I guess we are just waiting on
the cab now."

She zipped up my hanging case. "The cab should be here any minute," she shrieked in an
excited tone.

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I walked up behind her and hugged her. "I take it you're excited then?" I inhaled the scent of
her hair. I didn't do it on purpose. She always smelled like strawberries, which was such a
sweet, potent scent that always hurt my stomach.

She leaned her head back into my chest. "I am so very excited. After two years, I am finally
going to meet your family. We are going to be starting a life together. One day, we will be
starting a family."

Fuck me. With every sentence that came out of her mouth, I was feeling more and more
rueful. I hated that I was using her like this. I hated that I was lying to her in the grand scheme
of things. I just wanted to make sure that my ass was covered in case life didn't go as planned
when I returned to Forks. Prick Edward.

The taxi's horn echoed throughout our empty town home.

"The cab's here." Tanya said. She turned and gave me a quick peck. "Here we go!"

I picked up my bags and followed her down the stairs. She met the taxi driver at the door. He
took her bags for her and she ran out behind him.

I stopped and looked around the empty town home one last time. A small smile appeared on
my face.

I'm on my way home – to my family, to my friends, and most importantly… to her.


It was an awful flight.

First, Tanya wanted me to help her join the mile high club. She just wouldn't keep her hands
to herself the whole fucking flight. I wasn't thrilled with her constant groping. She didn't give
up until we were about fifteen minutes out from landing. Talk about role reversal.

Second, the man behind me was such an asshole. He was kicking my seat the whole flight. I
thought one of the finer points of first class was more leg room. That's what I get for thinking.
Every ten minutes or so, I would feel a smack into the back of my seat. It was horrible.

Third, the flight attendant wouldn't serve us our drinks. Every time the bitch went by, I would
try to stop her, and she kept on her way. I went the whole flight without a beverage of any
sort. I just wanted a fucking Heineken. I would have taken anything alcoholic to help me
relax… to keep my mind where I wanted it. I didn't even get a cup of water.

I am going to check out the perks of flying first class to see if anything has changed since my
last flight. Someone will be getting a call about this.

When the rental car pulled up to the curb, I decided to let Tanya drive. I hated driving
anyway, but my main motivation was that I wanted her hands kept at ten and two instead of
all over me.

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At least that plan worked. Tanya was surprised that I let her take the wheel. She was more
than thrilled to be driving the newest model BMW x5 through the scenic beauty of
Washington. She even took a CD out of her computer case, put it in the player and sang along
with it as she drove.

I'm not quite sure when I fell asleep, but about an hour and a half through the drive I was
awakened by my iPhone buzzing. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at it. I had a text
message from Emmett.


So, what's going on? I haven't talked to you in a while.

I looked at his text bubble as I ran my fingers through my hair. What the fuck should I tell
him? I didn't want him to know that we were going to be in Forks in about an hour.


I was toying with the idea of taking a trip soon.


Really? Where were you thinking about going?


I don't know. Maybe the northwest United States somewhere.


You thinking of coming to visit Rose and me in Seattle?


Not really.


You aren't going to the class reunion are you?


Why would I want to do that?


You better not show up, Edward.

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If I wanted to go, I would.




What if I did? What if I went to my ten year reunion?


I know your reasons for going, Edward, and it's wrong!


Wrong? I'm just toying with the idea of going.


If you fuck with Bella, Edward…

Reading her name in that text bubble sent a little shock into my heart. I didn't like to use her
name. It hurt to think of her and what I did to destroy her all those years ago.


What? What would you do?


I will kick your ass.

I rolled my eyes at that one. As if he could kick my ass. He may have the muscles, but I have
the speed.


Yeah, we'll see about that. I'll be sure to let you know if I decide to go.


She has finally moved on with her life. Leave her alone!

I ran my fingers through my hair as I sat looking at his last text bubble.

'She has finally moved on with her life.'

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He was forcing that down my throat again. I didn't want to believe it. I refused to believe it.
She and I should be together. It was always meant to be that way, but I was too selfish and too
stupid to realize it before.

"What are you typing over there?" Tanya asked.

"Huh?" I quickly hit the home button to hide the messages.

"What are you typing?" she asked again.

"Oh, typing. Emmett was being the typical ass that he always is. He got mad when I wouldn't
tell him what I've been up to lately."

"Edward, you know he will be thrilled when he finds out that you've moved back here."

I looked out the window. Yeah. He'll be thrilled enough to kick my ass… if he ever gets a hold
of me.

After another hour of riding through the forests and mountains of Washington, and hour of
thinking about Emmett's last comment, my mind was back to thinking only of her. I wondered
if she may actually be thrilled to see me after all this time. I thought about seeing her bright
smile as she said my name for the first time through her pink lips. I thought about the
appropriate way to greet her. Would she react happily if I gave her a hug at our first meeting?

Interrupting my thoughts, the annoying GPS voice chimed in with, "Right turn ahead." It
reminded me of one of those infomercial operators that blab on and on every night.

"Is this the right drive, babe?" Tanya asked. "It's awfully small."

"Yes, this is it. Carlisle and Esme love their privacy." They hadn't really changed anything.
The drive looks small and tiny as it always had. It was still flanked by tall, moss covered trees
on both sides.

As she took the drive slowly, I kept looking for it. My heart was beating wildly with the
excitement and anticipation of seeing it again after all these years. Then it came out of
nowhere – my home.

It looked just like I had remembered it when I had left so long ago. It was the same large
white house with black shutters flanking the front windows. The three stories of my home
stretched tall above us as we drove closer to it.

Esme hadn't changed a thing. The front of my home was the same with beautiful ferns and
plants surrounding it. They were still all so neatly manicured.

The gorgeous green of the plants on that bright white of my house reminded me of the time I
accidentally tossed her bra out of Carlisle's office window when we had sex on his desk. I was
naked and had gone out to retrieve it from the middle of the fern bed.

The porch in front was exactly the same. It made me think back on all of those times that I
kissed her. The first time I felt her up, we were sitting on the wicker chair at the far end of the

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porch. She was in my lap, kissing me with her hands in my hair. I reached my hand up her
shirt and slid my fingers under her bra. I remember being shocked when she didn't stop me.

As the car came to a stop, I looked at the black front door. After all these years, it still had the
white scratch on it from when I kicked the door open.

It was the weekend that Carlisle took Esme on vacation to an island somewhere and left us
kids here alone. Emmett went to stay with Rose in Seattle. After a lot of begging on my part,
Alice stayed over at Angela's house that night.

She came over in her truck that Friday night. When she stepped out, I pulled her bag out of
the back of the truck. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the front door. I started
kissing her on the porch. I had to open the door somehow, and kicking it was a good idea at
the time. I remember continuing to kiss her as I carried her inside the house. She and I went
up to my room on the third floor. That was the night we had lost our virginity to each other.

"What are you smirking at?" Tanya asked as she put the car into park.

"I'm just happy to be here again."

She kissed my cheek. "Aww. Edward, you are too cute."

We stepped out of the car. I waited for Tanya to walk around to me. She stood by my side and
took my hand. We looked up at the house.

"We're finally here," I said. "Come on. Let's go meet the parents."

I placed my hand in the small of her back as we walked up to the front door.

I woke up suddenly, sitting straight up in bed. I was covered with sweat. I couldn't catch my
breath. And, I'll admit, I even had a few stray tears running down my face.

I had been dreaming of her again. I wiped the tears and sweat from my face. I glanced over at
Tanya, who was still peacefully sleeping away. I ran my fingers through my hair. Shit!

It was dark outside. The moon was cloud covered,making any natural lighting very dim. I
glanced at the clock. Midnight. I stood up and grabbed my pajama top from the end of the bed
and put it on.

Tanya moved and I froze. Once she settled down, I quietly left my old bedroom and shut the
door behind me. I walked down the two flights of steps to the kitchen.

I opened the refrigerator and dug through it, hoping to find a midnight snack when I found
some left-overs from dinner. As the refrigerator door was closing, a beautiful green bottle
caught my eye. Heine! I grabbed it and shut the door.

I placed everything on the kitchen island and hit the button to turn on the small light that hung
down over the breakfast bar of the island. I walked around and sat on the stool. The first thing

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I did, was pick up the cold green bottle and opened it. The sound of vacuum packing was
wonderful. I took a small sip. Oh wonderful Heineken! I opened the plastic ware and used my
fingers to pick up a piece of the broccoli rabe we had left over from dinner and savored it.
Mmm… Esme's cooking.

I felt a little tap on my shoulder and choked on the piece of broccoli rabe in my mouth. "Shit!"
I turned to see Esme startled and looking at me. "Mom! I didn't mean to say that."

"Edward, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." She took the seat next to me. She patted
my leg and smiled.

Another thing I really missed… Seeing Esme's caring smile.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No. I hardly ever sleep when your father works the night shift," she answered me. "I wanted
just to have a moment of alone time with my baby boy."

I ran my fingers through my hair. I hated when she called me that, but I loved that she called
me that. "So…" I took a sip of my beer.

"Edward, I am so happy you are here with us again."

"I am thrilled to be here, Mom. I have missed you and Carlisle so much."

"I know. Bi-yearly visits and phone calls weren't enough for me." Her golden brown eyes
looked at me with a pleading look.

"What?" I asked leery of what she was about to request of me.

"So, are you going to call Alice or Emmett soon and let them know you are here? Maybe tell
them about the situation before it becomes public."

Hand to hair. "Oh, Mom! Why do you have to go there? I just want to get everything settled

Esme reached over and moved my hand from my hair. She took her fingers and straightened
out the strands. "Edward, they are your brother and sister. They love you. I think it's only fair
that you tell them before they find out some other way."

"Mom, I'll get to it in time. I just want to enjoy my time here before saying anything. You
know that they'll turn everything sideways, and I don't want to start shit with them. You know
how they get about…"

Esme nodded at me as only a mother could. "I understand. I know that one day you will
finally put the guilt of the whole mess behind you." She finished straightening out my hair
and smiled again. "I'm sure they would love to meet Tanya. She is a lovely girl."

"I'm glad you think so." I took a long sip of my beer.

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Maybe it was the tone I used... Maybe it was the look on my face… It was something that I
had done that prompted her to ask, "You don't think so, Edward?"

I looked away from Esme and said, "Don't get me wrong, Mom. I love Tanya."

"But…" she added, prompting me to try and finish my thought.

"But I don't know," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Tanya's just not…"

She looked at me with sad eyes and finished my thought with the beautiful name. "Bella."

I cringed at hearing her name. I picked up another piece of the broccoli rabe and put it in my
mouth. I nodded slightly, putting my hand into my hair again.

"Oh, sweetie. You never really get over your first love. But time will make it better. You are
doing so much better now than you were a few years ago." She reached over and hugged me.
"I think Tanya is just the girl to finally help you move on. Since she has come into your life,
you have been a much happier person."

I pulled my hand back from my hair and glanced at Esme. "You really think so?"

She smiled her motherly smile at me. "I know so, Edward," she stated.

"Thanks, Mom."

Esme kissed the top of my head and said, "I'm going up to read until Carlisle gets home.
Make sure you clean up, okay?" She stood up.

I nodded. "I will. Love you, Mom." I gave her a smile.

"Love you, too. See you in the morning, Edward."

I sat back on the stool and enjoyed what was left of the rabe and the Heineken.

I am home again. I should've never left.


I looked in the mirror at myself. God awful suit. I couldn't believe Dr. Hale was making me
go through with this evening.

Dr. Hale talked with me about the whole thing a month ago.

Come on, Jacob, Bella needs your love and support, he had said. If she goes through with this,
she will have faced and overcome a major hurdle that she has been avoiding in her life. I feel
that when that night is over, she will have finally won back her sanity from the horrid
memories, the dreams, and the night terrors. Everything will be as it should.

How could I say no to help Bella? Dr. Hale knew I couldn't do it. That's how I got conned into
all of this. What a fucker!

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And now I stand here in this suit. I look like someone about to go on trial and plead to the jury
to see his side of events. I promise I am innocent. I chuckled to myself.

"Well, at least you look handsome. Look at me," Bella said, walking out of the bathroom in
her tightly cinched robe.

I rolled my eyes. "Bella, I look like an idiot in this thing."

She walked up to me and straightened my tie. "Seeing you in that suit reminds me of our
wedding day." She stepped up on her toes and kissed me on the cheek.

"It does?"

"Mmm hmm." She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Maybe we should stay home tonight
and reenact our honeymoon."

I chuckled. "Bella, don't tempt me." I kissed her forehead.

"Why not?" She was slowly inching her lips toward mine. "You know, we could…"

The doorbell rang.

"I bet that's Alice," I said. I reached behind me and unhooked her arms from my neck. "I'll go
let her in."

The doorbell rang again.

I stepped away from her. She begged me with the most pathetic little voice, "Jake, you know
you don't have to get that."

I kept walking as I replied, "I have to answer it before Alice breaks our door bell."

She just had to add one last comment. "You're missing out on a wonderful night, you know."

After the third ring, I answered the door.

"Hello, Alice… Dr. Hale. Please come in."

Alice was bouncing from excitement. She sprang inside, almost tripping on the garment bag
she was carrying. "I have Bella's things."

"She's upstairs waiting for you. You know the way."

"I do," she chimed. She was dragging the garment bag, a box, and a make-up utility kit with
her. "We'll be down in a little bit."

"Take a seat, Dr. Hale."

"Thank you, Jacob." He walked by me into the living room. "You know, you can call me

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I knew that, but I wasn't comfortable with him. There was something about the way he made
you feel all homey and at ease with just mere words. I didn't like it. "I feel more comfortable
sticking with Dr. Hale."

"Whatever works best for you, Jacob." He sat on the couch. "So, how are you? How is work?
Are you coping well?"

I politely smiled when he started with the psycho-babble, mumbo jumbo questions. I fucking
hated those kinds of questions. "I am well. Work is good. Everything is fine." I was proud of
myself for being able to keep it short and sweet.

"I wanted to talk with you about tonight. Do you remember the reasons and rules for tonight?"

Before I could even reply, he was already running down the entire list. I just sat and nodded. I
half wished someone would call with some major emergency so I would have to leave and not
deal with any of this.

"Please don't forget that it's all about Bella tonight," he said in his calm, soothing voice.

As I answered "Yes, sir" my cell phone rang. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled it
out. "Excuse me a moment, Dr. Hale."

I walked into the kitchen before I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I wasn't expecting a call at all.

"Hi, Jake."

Oh fuck me. It was her soft voice on the line. I cleared my throat. "Hello, Nessie." I kept my
voice low so Dr. Hale wouldn't be able to hear me. "Why are you calling? You do know that
Embry is covering for me tonight, right?"

"I know that. I saw the note left for the evening dispatch." She took a deep breath. "So, are
you all ready to go to the reunion tonight?"

She's checking on me. What a turn on! "Yes. Just about to leave."

She giggled in my ear. "I can't believe that you are old enough to go to a ten year reunion
already. You don't even look that old."

"Oh, it's not my reunion. I am going in support of a friend," I said. I looked around to see if
the doctor might be listening. As far as I could tell he wasn't.

"Your friend is very lucky to have you. You are so sweet."

Her voice reminded me of a phone sex operator. I could imagine her sitting there in her sheer
nightgown twisting her hair, licking those pouty lips as she talked to me. I had to clear my
throat again before I could speak. "Thank you." What kind of stupid remark was that?

"So, what are you wearing to the reunion, Jake?"

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"What am I wearing…?" Deep exhale. "A basic grey suit."

She giggled in my ear again. "I bet you are so handsome in that suit. You have got to get a
picture for me, okay?"

"Um… sure." I was going to get a semi from just listening to her seductive voice. To make
matters worse, she was flirting like crazy with me.

"Here she is," Alice's voice chimed from the top of the stairs.

"I have to go Nessie, alright. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright. Don't forget the picture. Bye."

I hung up the phone, walking to the bottom of the steps. I watched as Bella descended down
the last few steps. I smiled at her and held out my hand.

She placed her tiny hand in mine. "Thanks. I'm not sure about the color or anything."

"Bella, you are beautiful in blue." I nodded at her and smiled.

Alice's smile grew larger. "I told you, Bella. Blue is yourcolor."

I pulled her away from the stairs and led Bella into a twirl. "Let me really look at you." I
looked at her as she spun around. Her hair was perfectly styled into falling curled tendrils. Her
make-up was light and not heavy. The dress was low-cut enough to see that her breasts were
perky and bouncy. Her legs were long and beautiful. "Um… Bella?"

She stopped her spin and looked at me. "What?"

I looked at her bare feet and asked, "Where are your shoes?"

She raised up her hand, her shoes dangling from their ribbon ties. "Here," she answered in a
flat voice. "I don't want to put them on until we are at the reunion. I think it will be safer that
way." She nervously smiled.

Those shoes surprised me. They were definitely what I would call 'fuck me' heels. Bella never
wore 'fuck me' heels. I raised my eyebrows and said, "Nice."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Thanks."

Alice was bouncing up and down on the balls of her toes. "Come on, guys. Let's go. We need
to leave now so we can be fashionably late and make the grand entrance. Otherwise we'll just
be really, really late, and I can't have that."

She pulled Bella with one hand and Jasper with the other. Bella looked at me, pleading for me
to help her. I smiled and followed behind them, only stopping to pick up Bella's shoes and
making sure the door was locked.

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I parked Bella's truck in the parking lot of Forks High School.

For some reason, she insisted on taking her truck. I wanted to argue with her, but Dr. Hale
reminded me that we were to do anything to make sure Bella would be comfortable. So I gave
in to her demand.

I walked around to her door and opened it. She swung her legs around and faced me. "Jake,
would you please help me with the shoes?"

"Of course I will." I took one of the shoes from her and placed it on her foot. I tied the ribbon
securely. I took the other shoe and did the same. I checked out my handy work. Her legs were
elongated and gorgeous in the 'fuck me' heels. I looked at her and said, "Very nice."

She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around my neck securely. "Yeah, right," she said
and kissed me.

I lifted her out of the truck and set her on her feet. She wobbled and I caught her before she
could hit the ground. "Be careful, Bella. I don't need you breaking your neck."

"Thanks for that, Jake." I could tell by her tone that she was less than thrilled about having
those shoes on. "You're going to help me walk, right?"

"Of course." I wrapped my arm around her waist. "Come on. I see Alice jumping around over

"Just go really slow and whatever you do, don't let go of me," she said. She was grabbing my
jacket so tightly that her hands were bright white next to the grey of my suit.

It took us fifteen minutes to walk over to Alice and Dr. Hale. Honestly, it would have been
quicker if I had just carried her. I probably should have. Bella was holding on for dear life and
I was supporting almost all of her weight.

"It's about time, Bella," Alice chirped.

Bella glared at her. "Sorry I'm so slow, Alice. It's these shoes that you made me wear."

"You don't have to be so snappy." Alice was taken down a peg.

"Bella, let's take a deep calming breath. Everything will be alright." Dr. Hale was doing that
calming thing that really creeped me out. "Inhale deeply..." Then he would pause before
saying, "Exhale deeply."

Bella did as she was told. She smiled slightly after a few deep breaths.

"Good." Dr. Hale placed a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. "Do you remember
my promise?"

She nodded.

"That promise is still in full effect, alright?"

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She nodded again. "I think I'm ready."

"Yes! Come on." Alice took Dr. Hale's arm and linked hers through it. They entered into the
gym ahead of us.

"What promise was he talking about?" I asked.

"Nothing major," she answered. "Just covering my bases, that's all."

I wrapped my arm around her waist again and she clung to me for dear life. We walked into
the gym.

"Would you like a drink, Bella?" I stood up from the table. She shook her head in response
and went back to discussing the slums of South Africa with Angela and Ben Cheney and
Alice and Dr. Hale.

I walked over to the bar. "One shot of whisky," I ordered from the bartender. He poured my
shot and set it in front of me.

After I took my drink in my hand, I leaned against the bar and looked around the gym. It
reminded me of a kid's birthday party. There were blue streamers and gold balloons
everywhere. There was a grouping of chairs and cloth covered tables under the basketball goal
at one end of the gym. In the middle there was the bar set up on one side and a buffet line set
up on the other. Then, at the opposite end of the tables, there was a DJ table and lighting set
up for dancing.

"What do you think, Jacob?" Mike walked up to the bar and ordered himself a drink. "Jessica
and Lauren designed and decorated everything in here."

"Reminds me of a party," I answered. No point in giving him my personal feelings about this
ugly decorating fiasco.

He picked up his drink and downed it. "So, where's Bella? I haven't seen her yet tonight."

I nodded towards the tables. "She's talking with Angela and Ben Cheney."

He looked in the direction where I nodded. "Oh, they're here? I'll get Jess and take her over
there." He set his glass back on the bar. "Thanks, Jake," he said, setting his hand on my
shoulder as he walked by.

I rolled my eyes at him. I downed my shot and ordered another. I studied all of the people in
the crowd as I leaned against the bar with my shot in hand.

I recognized some of the people here.

I knew Mike and Jessica. I wished I didn't as they were as annoying as hell.

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I knew it was Eric something over by the DJ board with the headphone half on his head and
going through some CDs. He was some music wiz. Bella always called him 'Annoying Little
Music Rat.' That name always had me chuckling.

I saw Tyler Crowley. I had never talked with him nor did I care to. I only knew that he wanted
to date Bella once. I never asked for the details. I just knew he wanted her. What a loser!

Now there is someone I recognize! What the fuck is he doing here?

Embry just walked in through the door of the gym. He was in full uniform. He looked like a
lost kid at the fair as he scanned through the crowds of people.

I downed my second shot and walked over to him.

"Embry, what in the hell are you doing here?" I asked when I walked up to him.

"Oh, Jake, thank God." His voice was full of worry and panic. "I wouldn't have come here,
but this is an emergency."

I glared at him and half jokingly said, "It's not about N… Renesmee, is it?"

"No, Jake. This is serious."

I looked at him more closely and noticed that he had been crying. "What is it?"

"My mom's boyfriend…"

"What about him?"

"He beat the shit out of her tonight. He took her car. She refuses to have the ambulance called.
I have got to get out to the Rez. I need to make sure she's alright and try to get her to go to the

"I understand, Embry." I gave him a pat on the back. "If you need my help, call me."

Embry nodded. "I'm so sorry that you're back on dispatch tonight."

"Don't worry about it. You take care of your mom. Dispatch is nothing. What are the odds
that something major will happen tonight… in Forks of all places?"

"Thanks, Jake. And again, I'm sorry." Embry turned to leave.

"Hey, Embry," I said.

He turned back to me. "What?"

"Remember, you can only shoot in self defense. Don't go after him to kill him."

"I doubt I'll be the one to find him. Thanks, Jake."

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I turned around in time to see Bella falling towards me. I reached out and caught her for the
tenth time that night. "Bella, I thought you were talking with Angela and Ben."

"Well, Mike and Jess came over to the table and took over the conversation with talk about
families, children, and dresses. Did I just see Embry leaving?"

"Uh… Yeah. That was Embry."

"What's going on? Why was he here?"

"His mom needs him in a personal matter. He was letting me know that I was back on call for
the night."

Bella's expression was one of pure panic and fear. "Jake… What... Why…"

I pulled her close to me and hugged her. "Bell, don't have a cow. I won't leave unless it is an
absolute emergency. I've told you that."

She looked up at me. Her face was flushed; her eyes filled with tears. Her breathing was

"Bella, we're in Forks. What big emergency is going to happen here?"

She nodded and I helped her back to the table.

I checked my watch. We were finally down to the last hour of the reunion. Most of our little
group had moved over to the bleachers. Angela was talking with Bella and Alice about who
knows what. Dr. Hale was over playing poker with a few guys at one of the tables. Ben was
over talking it up with the 'Music Rat'.

I was leaning back behind Bella not really paying attention to anything. I glanced towards the
door. I saw this drab guy in a navy suit walk into the gym with a damn fine strawberry blonde
on his arm. She was a sight. She had a naughty school teacher vibe going on with her tight
knee length skirt, buttoned blouse, and glasses. I would love for her to school me, I thought as
I chuckled.

Bella turned to me. "What's so funny about building a school for an Ecuadorian Quichua

"I wasn't even listening to your conversation, Bella. I was totally thinking of something else."

"Oh..." She went back to her discussion with the girls.

It could have been a few minutes later, it could have been twenty minutes later… I know at
some point my phone went off. I took it out of my jacket pocket.

"Jake..." Bella was staring at me with those panicked eyes.

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"It's probably nothing. This is my personal line, remember?" I looked at the display. It was the
same number that Nessie had called me from earlier. "Hello."

Nessie was crying into my ear. I could barely make out what she was trying to say.

"Okay. Okay. Calm down. What's going on?"

Bella looked at me. 'What? What is it?' She kept mouthing at me.

"Okay, look, you get out of there right now! I am coming over." I snapped my phone shut.

"Jake, no! You promised." Bella grabbed for me.

I grabbed her hand and looked sternly into her eyes. "Bella, I have to go; there's a robbery in
progress. Alice and Dr. Hale are still here if you need them. The night is almost over. I
promise that I will be home as soon as I can. Alright?"

She wiped a few tears from her cheek. I dropped her trembling hand. She grabbed for Alice
and looked away from me. She was pissed.

I'm coming, Nessie. I'm coming.


I stepped out of the shower, reached over, and grabbed my robe. I quickly put it on and
cinched it together tightly.

Tonight is the night. It's been ten years.

I leaned back against the door and inhaled the steam deeply. Breathing in that humid air really
helped me to relax enough to think about the evening rationally.

Alice has spoken with Carlisle and Emmett and neither of them had heard anything about
Him coming to visit or coming to the reunion. Jasper has told me the exact same thing. They
wouldn't lie to me. I should have nothing to worry about.

I kept telling myself that over and over, but there was something else… something inside of
me… an instinct that maybe I had every right to be worried. I took one last deep breath before
I finally opened the door to start the proverbial ball rolling on the last step of what would be
my total freedom.

I stepped out of the bathroom. Jake was standing in front of the full-length mirror, checking
himself out. He gave a small, adorable chuckle that made me wonder what he was thinking

"Well, at least you look handsome," I said, walking towards him.

I saw him roll his eyes. "Bella, I look like an idiot in this thing," he said.

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I noticed that his tie was crooked. He was still like a little boy when it came to suits. I walked
up to him and adjusted the knot slightly to make it neat. Doing that made me feel a little
nostalgic, so I said, "Seeing you in your suit, reminds me of our wedding day." I gave him a
small kiss on the cheek.

He looked surprised that I had said that. "It does?"

"Mmmhmm. Maybe we should stay home tonight and re-enact our honeymoon." I reached up
and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Bella, don't tempt me." Jake chuckled and kissed my forehead.

I slowly moved my lips towards his. My intention was that maybe I could get his mind on
other things. We could spend the evening together, making love all night long. "Why not?
You know, we could…"

I didn't even get to finish my thought because the doorbell rang. Alice.

"I bet that's Alice," he said as if he read my thought. He reached around behind his neck and
unhooked my arms from him. "I'll go let her in."

The doorbell rang again. Alice needs to learn patience.

He stepped away from me as I implored, "Jake, you know you don't have to get that."

"I have to answer it before Alice breaks our door bell."

I gave one last attempt at a guilt trip by saying, "You're missing out on a wonderful re-
enactment tonight, you know."

A few minutes later, Alice poked her head into my room. "Who's ready to get all dolled up for

I looked around the room and answered her with, "No one here. Try the next house over."

"Very funny, Bella," she muttered, entering my room with her arms full of things I guess she
felt were necessary to get me ready.

She set the cosmetic bag and the box with the pair of "neck-breaking" heels on my bed. I
watched as she hung the garment bag on the post of my full length mirror. She then turned to
me with a grin that could rival the Cheshire Cat's.

"I think we will work on your make-up first. That way we can make sure the creation you'll be
wearing will be perfect and not have any make-up spots on it," she chimed as her hands
quickly and efficiently unpacked the contents of the case.

"Alice, it looks like you brought an entire studio with you," I remarked after witnessing her
unpack the twentieth item.

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She rolled her eyes as she unfolded a small bag for just brushes. "Don't be silly, Bella. I only
brought the essentials."

She removed some brushes from their pouches and started applying a base with the mineral
powders. She dusted my forehead and said, "I'm glad to see you took my advice and kept your
eyebrows plucked. That will save me some time. Thank you."

"It wasn't fun," I quickly answered her before she could brush powder into my mouth.

"No one said that beauty was all fun and games," she answered me. "Now, just relax and let
me do what I do best."

I sat quietly as Alice flittered around me, applying different powders and colors in her own
pre-determined order. I closed my eyes, relaxed and let my mind wander.

My mind traveled down a path I had never really ventured down before. I wondered about
what He was doing these days. I wondered if he followed through with becoming a doctor. I
wondered if he was married. I wondered if he had children.

Children. I bet his children would look just like him with the same copper-bronze hair flying
about and those beautiful green eyes. I would also bet that he was a great father to them too.

I thought back to the time we went to the children's' ward in the hospital for our community
service project for school. He played and smiled at the children. He helped one poor little boy
who couldn't move his legs get out of bed to get to his physical therapy. His smile didn't quit
that day.

What I wouldn't give to have a family with him.

"I know. It's exciting that you and Jake are finally trying," Alice trilled in her high pitched,
excited voice.

My eyes popped open and my heart skipped a beat. I hadn't realized that I said that out loud. I
nervously smiled and said, "I know. I can't wait to have a family." Thank God she thought I
was talking about Jake.

"Quit smiling weird, Bella. I can't get this color on your lips," Alice said, trying to place the
pink filled brush to my mouth.

I held very still and let Alice finish her artistry on my face. I didn't close my eyes again. I was
too afraid that I was going to go back there and visit with Him again.

Thankfully, it wasn't long before Alice said, "I'm done." She stepped back from me to admire
the full scope of her work. A large smile appeared on her face. "Bella, you look mah-velous.
Now, let's get you into that dress."

I carried the garment bag into the bathroom. I checked out Alice's handy work in the mirror as
I put on my undergarments. I look like a princess, I thought and smiled. I slipped into the blue
dress that Alice designed for me.

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I looked in the mirror one last time before heading out to have Alice fasten the back for me. I
saw myself standing there in that blue dress, pink lips, long flowing hair and it hit me. I
looked just like I did on prom night.

Shit! Prom night! I remember how handsome he was in his blue suit... his gorgeous green
eyes staring at me – so full of love. I remember inhaling his masculine scent of citrus and
wood. I remember hanging onto
Him for dear life so I wouldn't fall in the heels that Alice
made me wear that night. I never wanted to let him go. Ever.

"Bella, do you need any help in there?" Alice's excited voice woke me from yet another
daydream about him.

"I'm coming out. I just need you to fasten the back for me," I answered as I opened the door.

Alice looked at me with a huge grin spread across her tiny face. "Oh, you are gorgeous," she
said with a dreamy tone. "Turn around and let me fasten you." She quickly fastened the dress
for me.

"Let's get this over with," I said, my voice full of dread.

I took a few steps towards my door when Alice chimed in with, "Oh Bella… your shoes?"

I looked down at my feet and turned to look at Alice. I rolled my eyes when I saw her there
holding up those 'neck breaker' heels, tapping her foot at me. "Alice, are you really serious
about those?"

"Yes!" she answered quickly. "They go with the dress. Now put them on."

There was no way I was going to make it down the stairs in those things. It would have been
guaranteed that I would fall and kill myself. "How about if I just carry them and put them on
when we get there?" I begged.

She stood there, tapping her little foot away as she thought about it. "Alright, but I do not
want to see hide nor hair of any of your Converses."

"Give me the shoes," I said flatly while holding my hand out.

She walked by me and placed the straps in my hand so that I could carry them. "Come on,
Bella. Let's go show you off."

Jake parked my truck in the parking lot of the high school. I couldn't believe I won the truck
argument. I wonder if Jasper had something to do with my victory.

There were two reasons I wanted to take my truck to the reunion.

First, our other car was not in running condition. Jake was trying to vamp up something in it.
The engine was in pieces across our garage. His only option to me was riding in the police
cruiser. I was not going to do that. I hated it when Charlie shuttled me around in that thing
before I had my driver's license.

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Second, my truck would barely hit a decent cruising speed. I knew taking it would add about
another five to ten minutes on the drive over. I was in no rush to get to the school, so the extra
minutes would buy me some extra sanity time.

Unfortunately, my luck ruled. The lights were all in our favor, so there wasn't much stopping
and starting. Jake was able to maintain a decent speed and we got here exactly when Alice
wanted us to be here.

Jake walked around and opened the door for me. I swung my legs over in front of him, gave
him my puppy dog eyes, and asked, "Jake, would you please help me with the shoes?" I held
the shoes out for him to grab them. No way was I going to put the 'neck breakers' on myself. I
would to have had to either hitched up my leg and flash everyone the goodies, or bend over
and have my boobs fall free from the v-cut of the dress.

He smiled at me and said, "Of course I will." He took one of the shoes from me and placed it
on my foot. He laced the ribbon up my ankle and tied it with a bow. He repeated the action
with the other shoe. He stood back from me and quirked a smile. His eyebrows rose up as he
commented, "Very nice."

I leaned forward and tightly wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yeah, right," I said and gave
him a kiss.

He lifted me out of the truck and set me on my feet. When he let go of me, I wobbled and he
caught me before I could smack into the concrete. "Be careful, Bella. I don't need you
breaking your neck tonight."

My heart was pounding from the scare. "Thanks for that, Jake. You're going to help me walk,

He smirked at my question and said, "Of course." He wrapped his muscular arm around my
waist. "Come on. I see Alice jumping around over there."

I tightly grabbed his jacket and said, "Just go really slow and don't let go." I was leaning into
him, putting all of my weight on him to make sure I wasn't going to fall.

It took us fifteen minutes to walk over to where Alice and Jasper were waiting for us. We
were going slowly as Jake almost carried me across that parking lot.

"It's about time, Bella," Alice said. She was so excited. It was driving me insane. And that's
not a far drive at all for me.

"Sorry I'm so slow. It's the shoes you are making me wear," I complained, frowning at her.

"You don't have to be so snappy." Alice had a hurt look on her face.

Fuck. Now I feel bad.

"Bella, let's take a deep calming breath. Everything will be alright," Jasper said in his calming
tone that I adored. "Inhale deeply," he paused for a moment then continued, "Exhale deeply."

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After a few of those breaths, I smiled. I felt much better knowing that Jasper really cared
enough to put Alice on pause for a moment.

"Good," Jasper said placing his hand on my shoulder as he leaned down to look into my eyes.
"Do you remember my promise?"

I nodded in response. Of course I remembered the promise. It was that promise of his that
made me okay with being here.

"That promise is still in full effect, alright?" he said, smiling.

I nodded again and took one last deep breath. "I think I'm ready."

"Yes! Come on." Alice took Jasper's arm and linked hers through it. They entered the gym
ahead of us.

"What promise was he talking about?" Jake asked, looking puzzled.

"Nothing major. Just covering my bases, that's all."

He wrapped his arm around me again. I leaned into him, clinging for dear life. I didn't want
my entrance to include a face plant onto the gym floor.

We made our presence known as we walked into the gym.

I actually was having a great night at the reunion. I managed to avoid Mike and Jessica. Tyler
kept Lauren away from me for reasons I knew. And the best part was that Angela and Ben
made it to the reunion.

I ate some of the buffet which was decent. I gave Jake my order and he kindly retrieved the
food for me so I wouldn't have to try and navigate in those heels with a plate of food in my

After a while, the alumni and their others were spread out across the gym. I stayed seated at
the table talking to Ben and Angela most of the night. Jake stayed by my side. So did Alice
and Jasper, but they were too busy staring intently into each others' eyes to partake in the
conversation that revolved around the slum areas of South Africa.

We had to have been talking for thirty minutes or so when Jake stood up from the table and
asked, "Would you like a drink, Bella?"

I shook my head at him. I wasn't going to do any drinking with these shoes on my feet.

I returned my attention back to Angela. "So, it's true that families live in those one room
shacks? That is so heart breaking."

"It is. We were there on behalf of the national chapter of our church affiliation to try to get the
South African government to allow us some land to try and build better housing for these
families," Angela explained.

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Ben jumped in with the technicalities of the laws of South African government. I was
listening, but not paying as much attention as I probably should have.

Instead, I was watching my Jake at the bar. He was leaning on it, looking so handsome in his
grey suit. The bartender gave him a drink and he stood there holding it. I wondered what was
going through his mind at that moment as he glanced my way.

I felt like a stupid high school girl when our eyes met. I looked away all shy and unable to
keep a gaze locked with his.

When I glanced back up at him, I saw that he was talking to Mike. He said something and
nodded towards me.

My jaw dropped. I am going to fucking kill you, Jake, I thought as I saw Mike walk towards
our table.

I watched as he made a loop to pick up Jessica from her blathering with Lauren and Tyler.
She picked up Mike's hand and they made their way my table.

I was fucking trapped! I couldn't leave because of these damned heels. Last thing I wanted to
do tonight was to talk to Mike Fucking Newton.

They stopped at our table. Jessica squealed at the sight of Ben and Angela. They exchanged
hugs and started talking – Jessica about her impending family, Angela about her two year old.

Mike took the seat Jake was in. He leaned next to me. "Hello, Bella. How are you tonight?
Are you having a good time?" He was smiling at me with that fucking mischievous smile.

I just smiled at him. I knew he wanted me to call him Mike. He was waiting for it like a lion
that had his prey trapped in the perfect spot.

I kicked Alice, who was sitting on my other side.

"Ow. What is it, Bella?" Alice glared at me.

I slightly nodded towards Mike Fucking Newton giving her the eye signal to talk to him so I
wouldn't have to.

She got the cue and said, "Hi, Mike. How is everything?"

Mike looked like he was lost. He tossed a few glances back and forth between me and Alice.
"Uh… I am doing well," he said with a surprised tone. "I hear you're designing Lauren's gown
and the bridesmaids' dresses."

That got Alice talking excitedly. And of course, at the mention of dresses and wedding
gowns, Jessica and Angela jumped in. Mike sat there looking defeated.

I beamed with joy. Mike Fucking Newton was cock blocked by Alice.

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I leaned back to enjoy my small victory and noticed that Jake wasn't at the bar anymore. I
scanned the gym looking for him. A moment later, I saw him at the entrance talking with

The elation I felt over my win was quickly replaced with panic. I knew something was wrong.
I knew I had to find out what it was.

I studied the path from my seat to the door. The path was littered with tables and chairs which
was a bonus for me. I could lean on them as I walked.

I slowly stood up from my chair. Jasper stood up and held out his arms for me to support
myself on. "Thanks Jazz," I said, waving him off. "I think I can do it."

He nodded and sat next to Alice who was still prattling on about Lauren's gown.

I scooted on my feet to the next table over and leaned on it. I carefully and slowly 'crawled'
my way through the tangle of chairs and tables making sure that I was holding on for dear life.

I made it to the last table and noticed that I still had about ten feet to go before I would be at
the door. I stood up making sure I had some balance before I took my first step.

When I felt balanced enough, I slowly took my first step. My ankles and knees wobbled to
and fro like I was a newborn deer taking its first steps. With every step, I would pause and
wait to make sure I was balanced again before proceeding.

I saw Embry turn and leave. I was five steps away and just went for it. I stumbled forward
hoping to catch Jake before he left.

Jake turned around at the same moment I started to fall. Using his quick reflexes, he reached
out for me and caught me just as I was about to kiss that gym floor. "Bella," he said,
surprised, "I thought you were talking with Angela and Ben."

As he lifted me up, I said, "Well, Mike and Jess came over to the table and took over the
conversation with talk about families, children, and dresses. Did I just see Embry leaving?"

"Uh… Yeah. That was Embry."

"What's going on? Why was he here?"

"His mom needs him in a personal matter. He was letting me know that I was back on call for
the night." He looked so sad when he said that.

My jaw dropped at the thought of Jake having to leave me. "Jake… What... Why…"

"Bell, shh. It's alright. I won't leave unless it is an absolute emergency. I promise," he assured
me, hugging me tightly.

I could barely breathe. My heart was pounding in my ears. I could barely see through the
wells of tears in my eyes.

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He looked at me like I was a silly little girl and said, "Bella, we're in Forks. What big
emergency is going to happen here?"

He had a point. I think of all the years Charlie was Police Chief, he was called out on three
nighttime emergencies. I nodded to him. I didn't speak because I knew I would start bawling.

Jake wrapped his arm around me again and helped me walk back to the table.

I had finally made it through almost the whole night. There was one hour left of the reunion. I
had heard others make plans for after parties, but I wasn't going to participate in that.

The tables were virtually empty. The buffet was packed up. The bar was busy, as was the
dance floor.

Angela, Alice and I thought it would be a good idea to go sit on the bleachers and continue
our discussions. Jake walked me over as I clung to him again.

I urged him to go play poker with Jazz and a few of the others, but he wasn't game. I asked
him if he wanted to hang out with Ben and Eric at the DJ table. He declined that as well. He
just sat by my side. And, I have to admit, I loved that he did that for me.

Angela was talking about South America and building schools for villages down there. Alice
would chime in with her visits to Brazil and talk about some of the tribes she had encountered
there. I mostly sat and listened. I really had nothing to offer, as I had never been outside of the
United States.

Angela was explaining how in desperate need one Indian tribe was, when I heard Jake
laughing. I turned to him and asked, "What's so funny about building a school for an
Ecuadorian Quichua tribe?"

He looked at me innocently and said, "I wasn't even listening to your conversation, Bella. I
was thinking of something else."

"Oh... alright, then." I was feeling bad that he didn't go with Jazz. At least then he could have
had some fun.

Ten minutes later, Jake's phone rang. I turned to watch as he took it out of his jacket pocket. I
was feeling panicked. "Jake..."

He reached over and patted my leg. "It's probably nothing. This is my personal line,

I nodded and waited to see what was going on as he answered his phone.

"Hello?" He paused for a moment. I could hear a shrieking voice, but I couldn't make out any
words. "Okay. Okay. Calm down. What's going on?"

Jake looked at me.

"What? What is it?" I mouthed to him.

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He leaned forward and almost yelled into the phone, "Okay, look, you get out of there right
now! I am coming over." He snapped his phone shut.

"Jake, no! You promised," I said, grabbing for him.

He grabbed my hand and his eyes bored into me. "Bella, I have to go. There is a robbery in
progress. Alice and Jasper are here if you need them. The night is almost over. I promise that I
will be home as soon as I can. All right?"

What was he saying? He's leaving me behind? I felt a few hot tears run down my face.

He dropped my hand, turned, and jogged towards the gym door.

I reached out for Alice. I couldn't say anything. I just wanted to leave.

Alice hugged me and said, "Bella. It's alright. Let me get Jazz and we'll leave."

She pulled her phone out of her purse. I watched as she typed and sent a text to Jazz.

Across the gym, Jazz jumped up and collected his money from the table. I watched him walk
towards the bleachers.

Before Jazz could get to us, Jessica and Lauren showed up with a woman I didn't recognize.
She was gorgeous with her long, curly, strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. She was skinny
as a stick and very angelic looking. Even with the glasses she was wearing, I felt plain next to

Jessica started the round of introductions. "Tanya, this is Bella, Alice, Angela," she said,
pointing as she named us. "Girls, this is Tanya Denali. Dr. Denali. She is going to be taking
over for Dr. Gerandy as head OB/GYN at Forks Hospital."

"Hello," she said to us. "Nice to meet you." She shook each one of our hands.

Angela asked, "Are you new to Forks?"

"Yes, I am. I just moved here with my fiancée," she answered looking around. "Where did he

"I think he was talking with my husband, Mike, at the bar," Jessica said.

I moved my head to look around Jessica and looked at the bar. I didn't see Fucking Newton

"Anyway, he is from Forks and really wanted to move back here. When that position opened
up in my specialty at the hospital, I felt it was meant to be." She paused for a moment, looking
intently at Alice. "I know you, don't I?"

Alice shook her head slightly. "No, I don't think so. How do you think you know me?"

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Jasper came up to Alice and hugged her. She introduced him to Tanya and asked, "Do you
two know each other? Maybe that's why I am familiar to you. Jazz is a psychiatrist. Maybe
you know him from med school?"

Tanya looked at Jasper. She shook her head and said, "No, that's not it. I have seen you
before, Alice."

It all happened in slow motion.

I was reaching down to pick up my purse from the bleachers, so I could stand up and get the
hell out of the gym. While I was leaning over, I heard it. It was Mike's voice saying, "Finally,

Then I heard Tanya say, "There you are, babe. Let me introduce you to everyone."

I stood up with my purse in hand and looked towards Tanya.

My eyes connected with His. Those dazzling, shimmering, emerald green eyes that I had
spent ten years trying to forget, were staring back into mine. His hair was still the same
copper-bronze disheveled mess that I knew and loved. He smiled that glorious smirky smile
of his.

"Edward," quietly fell out of my lips.

I then heard Alice screech, "Edward, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Hi, Bella," he said, smirking, never dropping his gaze from mine.

Alice jumped to her feet. She screamed again in her high pitched trill, "You don't talk to her.
You need to leave right now. Do Carlisle and Esme know you're here? Does Emmett know
about this?"

Alice and Edward started arguing. Jazz grabbed Alice's hands and held her down when she
started throwing them about while she yelled at Edward.

Everything I had been afraid of happening, was actually happening at that moment. I knew I
couldn't stay there. I managed to get up and stumble my way down to the gym floor. I brushed
past Edward quickly as I made my escape.

I felt sick to my stomach, so I stumbled my way to the restroom. I had to cut behind the DJ
table to get there. As usual, my luck intervened and I tripped on some cables and fell. I
screamed out as I hit my head on the table on the way down.

The whole gym got quiet.

I felt the blush fly into my cheeks as I knew they were looking at me. I managed to get myself
back on my feet with some help from Ben and Eric. I took a step and screamed out in pain.
My left ankle was hurt from the fall. I slowly hobbled my way to the door of the restroom.

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I could hear the yells of Edward calling my name. Alice was yelling his name and mine.
Jasper was yelling at Alice.

I didn't pay attention to any of it. I just wanted in that restroom. I managed to slip inside
before they could reach me.

Fuck! Edward is back! Fuck!


"Shit!" I flung my legs off of the side of the bed as I sat up. I leaned forward with my hands in
my hair and rested my elbows on my knees. "I can't fucking believe this! Shit!"

Tanya scooted up against me, pushing her breasts into my back and wrapping her arms around
me. She sympathetically whispered in my ear, "Babe, don't beat yourself up about this. You're
a doctor. You know that this sort of thing can be common."

"Fuck, Tanya! This is the first time in my life anything like this has happened to me. And it's
been happening for almost a week now," I growled while shaking my head.

"You're under a lot of stress, Edward. I understand." She ran her hands up and down my chest
to try to calm me as she said, "Look, you've started working at your new job. We signed the
lease for our house and bought our cars. The movers have been delayed due to storms in
Chicago. A lot of stressful things have been going on within the past week. You are under a
lot of pressure right now with all of the sudden changes. I don't blame you for this, not at all."

I took a deep breath. She was right. At least I wanted to believe that she was right. I knew
what the real trouble was. It had nothing to do with moving, car purchases, or my job. It all
had to do with… Her.

Being in my bed every night brought back a flood of memories that I thought I had
successfully buried years ago. The ones of all of the times we were together – fucking,
making love – here in my room.

I could still see her on my bed looking at me, her hair splayed out across my pillows. I could
still smell her wonderful floral scent that gave me such a magnificent head rush. I could still
hear her whisper to me that she loved me and wanted no one but me for all of eternity.

And Tanya was just not… Her.

I sat there on the edge of my old bed, in my old room. My fiancée sat with me trying to make
me feel better about the fact that I couldn't get it up for her. And all I could think about was

"Are you listening to me, babe?" she asked me in a soft voice.

"I was just thinking how fucked up this all is," I responded with agitation.

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Tanya kissed my neck and said, "Why don't you go shower? I know how relaxing a hot
shower is for you. Besides, we need to start getting ready for tonight if you are still serious
about going."

I removed my hands from my hair. I turned my head to look at her and gave her a small,
probably pathetic, smile. "I'm sorry, Tanya."

She hugged me tightly as she spoke those few words that made me feel worse, "I love you,
Edward. It's not your fault."

I gave her a quick peck and stood up from the bed. "I think I will shower now," I said,
grabbing some fresh underwear and a t-shirt from the drawer of my dresser.

"I'll lay out your suit and pick out what I am going to wear." Tanya stood up from the bed and
slid into her robe.

I dashed across the hall to my bathroom with my t-shirt and underwear in hand. I locked the
door behind me. Turning on the hot water, I started the shower. With my items laid out on the
bathroom counter, I leaned forward on my hands, staring at myself in the mirror, my green
eyes staring back. All I could see in them was deceit. I hated myself for continuing to lead
Tanya on like I was.

I am still that same Fucking Prick Edward, I thought. Check that. I am such a flaccid non-
Fucking Prick Edward.

I continued the stare down with myself until the mirror fogged over with steam and I could no
longer make out anything in it.

I stepped into the hot shower. As usual, I leaned forward with my palms on the tiles, letting
the hot water wash over me. I bent my head down to get my hair wet, and it hit me.

A memory…

She was there. It was the morning after our first night together. We were showering. She had
just lathered soap all over me. She stepped up onto her tiptoes to kiss me, pressing her breasts
into my chest. We were slipping and sliding against each other. As we kissed, our hands
explored each other's bodies. My body reacted as any teenage boy's does, and I was hard in

The water was pouring over the both of us, rinsing all of the soap away. She let her hands
slide down my slick chest. I watched as she followed her hands' path down my wet body with
her lips, kissing me.

Suddenly, her hands stopped on me… on my shaft. But, it didn't stop there.

She began pulling gently on me. She let her mouth continue kissing down my body; her mouth
stopping just above her jerking hands. She looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes that
were fluttering from the water droplets that were hitting her face.

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I watched as she smiled at me then proceeded to kiss the tip of my cock. She stuck out her
tongue and traced down my length and back up. She looked at me one last time before closing
her eyes. She carefully slid her mouth over my tip and then gently slid down until I was in the
back of her mouth. She pulled her head back, stroked my appearing shaft with her hand, and
applied some suction with her mouth. She continued doing that – slowly at first, working up
into a fast, yet gentle pace.

I leaned forward with my hands flat against the tiles, the water running down my back so that
I was shielding her. I intently watched as her pouty lips worked their way up and down my
length while her dainty fingers stroked me.

I couldn't help myself and after a few minutes I moaned, "I'm about to cum." But she didn't
stop. She kept on her task. I groaned loudly as I shuddered hard, releasing every drop into
her mouth while she swallowed it all down.

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Edward, are you alright? Are you sick, babe?" Tanya asked, her voice panic stricken.

I stood leaning in the shower spray so that the water was running down my back. My left hand
was flat against the tile, pale white from pressing so hard against it. My right hand was on my
cock, near the tip, with some cum on my index finger.

I knew right away that she heard me groan. I had no idea that I did that out loud. I stood up
and let the water rinse me off and answered, "I'm alright, Tanya. I'm just fine."

"You sure? We don't have to go tonight, you know."

"I'm positive. I'm doing just fine."

"All right, then. Just make sure you save me some hot water, babe," she said, still holding
concern in her voice.

"I will. I'll be out in a minute," I replied.

After washing and rinsing off, I resumed my position against the tiled wall of the shower. I
tried to let the running hot water soothe me, but it wasn't helping. I took a deep breath of
steam-filled air.

"I am fucked."

I just finished descending the two flights of stairs in my house, when I heard Esme say,
"Edward, you look so handsome in that blue suit."

I turned to face her as she walked towards me from the kitchen. "I feel like a fool in this
thing," I said, rolling my eyes.

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She smiled as she reached out and straightened my tie. "You look just like you did on your
prom night," she commented.

I nodded. "I know. I thought about that when I was trying this thing on at the tailor's."

Esme stepped back from me and looked me up and down. "My baby boy, you are dashing."

"Thanks, Mom," I heavily sighed and rolled my eyes again.

"Don't give me that look, Edward. I am being serious. Just let your mom beam with pride for
a moment, alright?"

I hugged her and said, "I love you."

"I love you, too," she said, squeezing me back. She took a step back from me with a
concerned look on her face.

"What is it?" I inquired, running my fingers through my hair.

"Are you sure about going to your reunion? You still haven't talked to Alice, and I'm worried
what will happen when she sees you."

I dropped my hand and smirked at her. I couldn't believe that she was worried about Alice and
me meeting up.

She leered at me before asking, "What are you smiling about? Aren't you worried about
causing a scene?"

I lightly chuckled before answering her. "Mom, you are worried about nothing. First, we are
going fairly late in the evening. By the time we get to the school, there will only be about an
hour left to the event. Alice may have already left by then."

She thought about my point before replying, "Continue…"

"Second, even if Alice is still there when I arrive, she may not see me," I explained. "Third, if
she does see me, you know how she is about making sure everything is perfect. She wouldn't
lose her self control. She may even listen to what I have to say. Actually, this may be the best
way to tell her I am back… permanently."

Esme looked at me, taking in everything I was saying. I could see she was weighing the points
I made in her mind. After a few moments, she smiled and nodded at me. "My baby boy is so

"Mom, why do you have to call me that?" I asked as she hugged me one last time for the

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I drove my new Volvo into the school's parking lot. I looked around at the parked cars. They
were all arranged exactly as I remember the layout of the lot. It all seemed so vaguely
familiar, yet so entirely different.

As I made the loop around to find a spot to park, I saw it… Her truck. I couldn't believe my
eyes. She still had that same blasted red truck that I remember her loving so much.

I parked my car right next to it. I couldn't help myself. I half wished that we would have a
casual run-in after the reunion was officially over. I was hoping that I would at least get an
up-close glimpse of her.

"What are you smirking about this time?" Tanya asked me. "You seem to be smirking like
that a lot since we've arrived here."

"It's just all coming back to me," I answered, putting the car into park and turning it off. I
leaned my head back and took a deep breath.

Tanya reached over and put her hand on my leg. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I want to do this." I took another deep breath before I turned my head to look at her and said,
"I need to do this."

We got out of the car and walked over to the gym entrance. She stepped through the door. I
took a deep breath and followed her in.

She stopped and looked at me. "Where should we go?" she inquired.

I stood looking around the gym. Everything looked almost just like it did on prom night,
except it was cheesier with the streamers and balloons everywhere.

The tables were empty except a few with some of the "husbands" playing cards. The buffet
line was shut down. The bar was fairly crowded with a mix of people. The dance floor was
full of people dancing to music that was being played and mixed by Eric… I couldn't
remember his last name.

Then I glanced over to the bleachers at the far end of the gym near the dance floor. There
were little groups of people just chatting, probably catching up on old times. As I scanned
through the people, I saw one of the women in a small group of four turn around briefly to
look over at the tables.

I recognized my sister right away. And wherever Alice was, She was sure to be not too far
away. I looked in the vicinity and for sure, up one row, there She was between Angela and
some neanderthal that I didn't recognize.

My heart almost stopped. She was more beautiful than I had remembered her being. I wanted
to run over and sweep her up into my arms, never to let her go again.

"What do you think? Should we dance or hit the bar?" Tanya asked with a touch of
excitement in her voice.

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"The bar," I said and started walking.

I ordered Tanya a strawberry margarita, her favorite drink, and a Coke for myself. The
bartender made the drinks and set them on the bar in front of me.

I turned around with our drinks and handed Tanya hers. "Thank you, babe. Do you want to go
mingle?" she asked.

"Not really. I think I'll wait here by the bar. I want to scan over the gym and see if I recognize
any of my old friends."

She kissed my cheek and reminded me, "You have to be in the ER at six tomorrow morning.
No alcoholic beverages for you."

"I know, Tanya," I said, sarcastically jingling my glass at her. "That's why I ordered a plain

"Okay, Mr. Sarcastic," she remarked loudly, "I am off to mingle." She walked off, making her
way into a small crowd of people standing by the dance floor. She started talking to two
people I remembered – Jessica Stanley and Lauren Mallory.

I leaned against the bar, sipping my drink. My eyes went straight back to the bleachers to
watch Her. She sat so still listening to Alice and Angela's discussion. Then, I saw the
Neanderthal put his hand up and rub her back.

My first impulse had me wanting to remove his fucking arm from his body and using it as a
club to bash him over the head. It was wrong to feel like that, but something in me snapped. I
hated seeing someone else touch her in that way.

I gulped down the last of my Coke and turned around. "Can I get a rum and Coke, please?"

The bartender whisked away my glass and began making my drink.

"Edward Cullen! How the fuck are you?" a familiar voice asked paired with a slap on my
back. "I haven't seen you in… what…"

"Ten years," I finished his sentence for him in a flat tone as I turned to face him. Of all the
people here, I was greeted by Mike Fucking Newton first.

"Yeah… that's about right… something like ten years," he stated.

"No, Mike. It's been ten years exactly," I corrected. I was hoping the deep, flat tone of my
voice would run him off like it used to.

It didn't.

Instead, he laughed and said, "Same old Cullen. So, how's life been treating you?"

"Good," I answered and picked up my drink.

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"What do you do?" he asked with a large smile on his face.

The fucker is persistent. "I'm the head of the ER at Forks Community Hospital," I said in a
very uninterested tone just before I swallowed my drink down and ordered another one.

"Yeah, that's pretty cool, I guess. I now own my family's sporting goods chain. We are about
to open ten new stores in the state within the next year. I was considering expanding outside
of Washington within the next couple of years. Did you know that I got married to Jessica

I rolled my eyes. Great. I figured they would have wound up together. I picked up my second
Rum and Coke and drank it down. I wondered if he knew I wasn't really listening to his

That was until I heard the name…

"Bella Swan. Well, she's Bella Swan Black now. She works under me every day… if you
know what I mean," he said jabbing my ribs with his elbow and winking at me.

It took everything I had to not react to him. I hated that he still talked like that about Her. He
had no right to talk about her like she was some sort of easy piece of ass.

I squeezed the glass in my hand, turning my knuckles bright white before slamming the glass
onto the bar and cracking it slightly. I narrowed my eyes at him as I took a very deep breath
and growled, "I'm going to the restroom. Don't follow me."

He looked at me with his wide blue eyes full of fright and nervously said, "All right."

I stormed away towards the back of the gym before I could do some real damage.

I splashed some cold water on my face and looked in the mirror. I had managed to calm
myself enough to think clearly again. Mike Fucking Newton was the same asshole as always.
Time didn't change how much of an asshole he was either. And for some reason, he still
thought of her as some sort of Holy Grail of sexual conquests.

I walked out of the restroom. I saw Mike, with his back to me, talking to Crowley. I was
hoping to slip by undetected. I was on a mission to have my "casual run in" with her.

I took a few steps into the gym from the hall where the restrooms were located towards the
back of the dance floor when Crowley called, "Cullen!"

I grimaced and said, "Hey, Crowley," before starting my way towards her again.

They walked right in my path, making me stop in my tracks. I looked beyond them to the
bleachers where I last saw her. The brute was gone. She was talking to Alice. Alice started
typing on her phone. I recognized the strawberry blond hair belonging to Tanya and saw that
she was talking with Jessica, Lauren, Alice, and Angela.

"I was on my way over to meet my fiancée over there at the bleachers," I explained, trying to
make an easy escape.

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Crowley turned and looked towards the bleachers and said, "What a coincidence, Cullen, I
think I see our ladies over there, too."

"Let's go get our gals," said Mike.

I followed Crowley and Fucking Newton over to the bleachers.

"Finally, Jess," Mike said with the worry of a little boy who lost his mom as if he were trying
to find her for quite a while.

"There you are, babe. Let me introduce you to everyone." Tanya wrapped her arm around me
and kissed my cheek.

Crowley wrapped his arms around Lauren who was giving me her trademark 'Scowl of Death'

I cinched out of Tanya's arm as I glanced up to see her. She was bent over retrieving
something, so I let my eyes quickly trail up and down her body. She was as angelic as ever,
especially now that I could see her up-close.

Her hair was the same dark brown with slight reddish pink highlights. She had the same tiny
waist that I loved to wrap my hands around when I would lift her up to kiss me. Her legs were
just like I had remembered when I thought about them wrapping around my waist.

My eyes were working their way back up her body as she stood up. I noticed the "fuck me"
heels that Alice probably made her wear. She was wearing the same color dress that she wore
to our prom. Her breasts were still beautiful, small and bouncy. Her lips were the same glossy
pink as always. Her eyes…

Fuck me… Her eyes!

My eyes locked with her beautiful chocolate brown eyes that I had spent ten years trying not
to forget. They were so deep… so bewitching with their gold flecks. They didn't look away.
They mesmerized me.

My heart leapt with elation as I could barely hear her murmur my name with her pouty lips.

That's when Alice screamed at the top of her lungs, "Edward, what the hell are you doing

I smiled, and never taking my eyes away from hers, I calmly said, "Hi, Bella."

Alice jumped to her feet and started screaming in her high pitched voice, "You don't talk to
her. You need to leave right now. Do Carlisle and Esme know you're here? Does Emmett
know about any of this?"

Tanya interrupted with, "That's how I know you. I've seen your picture at Carlisle and Esme's.
You're that Alice… Edward's sister."

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"You're staying with our parents? I can't believe that they would allow this!" Alice shrieked.

She went to slap me when some guy reached out and grabbed her hands. "Alice, you don't
want to hit him," he cautioned in a very easy, calm voice.

"Yes, I do, Jazz. Let me go!" she yelled.

Bella stumbled down from the bleachers and rushed right past me as fast as she could in the
'fuck me' heels. I inhaled and got a nose full of her floral bouquet, making my heart leap
again. I watched her cross the gym to the back wall to make it around the dance floor. I
guessed that she was headed to the bathroom for an easy escape.

Alice was still screeching at me, "Edward, leave it to you to fuck Bella up even more. What
the hell is wrong with you? We told you she moved on with her life. You need to fucking
leave her alone."

Then Tanya started yelling at me, "Edward, what the fuck is going on? Who is Bella to you?
Why is she such a boiling point between you and your sister?"

I watched Bella as she tried crossing behind the DJ table. She tripped and wobbled a little too
much. I saw her fall and hit her head fairly hard.

I started walking away from the screaming and yelling chaos of my sister and Tanya, and
made my way towards Bella. "Are you alright, Bella? I am coming to help you," I called out
to her trying to make my way through the dance floor.

"Alice, don't," I heard coming from behind me.

"I have to help her, Jazz. I need to get her away from him. Please let go of me," Alice's voice
was on the verge of crying.

"Let me go with you, then," he said.

I saw Bella stand up and take a step forward. She wobbled again and screamed out in pain
with such a sharp squeal that it stabbed right into my heart.

I walked faster, yelling out to her, "Bella, stay put. Let me check your ankle and your head.
Let me make sure you are okay."

Alice was right behind me yelling out, "Don't listen to him, Bell. Jazz and I are coming to
help. Don't listen to him."

"Bella, don't listen to the Pissed-off Pixie! Just sit down and let me make sure you are okay."
Then I turned to Alice and growled, "Alice, I am a doctor. I just want to help her. She needs to
sit and let me examine her."

"It's alright, Edward. I am a doctor as well. I can help her. She trusts me."

Who the fuck was this guy talking to me about Bella like that? I thought.

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I saw Bella make it into the restroom and shut the door.

I reached the door just as it closed. I leaned my head forward onto the door and closed my
eyes. I lightly knocked and said, "Please, Bella, I just want to help."

No answer.

Alice and Jazz made it to the door not long after me. Alice leaned against the door jam on her
shoulder and said, "Bell, Jazz and I are here. Can we come in?"

Still no answer.

Then Jazz added in a very calm tone, "We are here to help, Bella. Can you let one of us in,
please? We just want to make sure you are okay."

Tanya came running up to us. "Edward, I want to know what this is all about. Why has
everyone lost their minds all of a sudden?"

I didn't look at her. I didn't pay attention to Alice and the strange guy she called Jazz. I just
leaned forward with my head against the door with my eyes closed.

I love you, Bella. I am sorry. I want you back.


I finally managed to calm myself down. My breathing was returning to normal. I just stood
there, looking at myself in the mirror. The gash on my head was bleeding badly. The
throbbing in my ankle was worse.

Alice and Edward started arguing on the other side of the restroom door. They were arguing
about him being here at the reunion. Alice was all over him about being back in Forks.

"Grab him!" I heard her yell.

Just then, Alice came running into the restroom. "Bella, are you alright?" she asked as she
came up to me and started rubbing my back.

"He's here," I said, lifting my eyes to meet hers in the mirror. "I can't believe he showed up at
the reunion."

Alice gave me the tight-lipped smile that let me know she understood how I felt. "I'm so
sorry, Bella."

"I just can't believe that he's here," I said as I shook my head back and forth, making myself
very dizzy in the process.

"I had no idea about this at all, Bella. If I knew, I would have said something. You have to
believe me."

"He's here," I repeated as I tried to concentrate on Alice's hazy reflection.

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Alice looked at me puzzled. "Bella, are you alright?"

"Shit!" I cursed and darted as fast as I could into the nearest stall where I threw up. I slid
against the wall down to the floor near the toilet. "Alice, can you get some help?" I asked in a
weak voice. "I feel like I am going to pass out."

"Let me grab, Jazz," she quickly replied.

As I leaned my head back against the wall of the stall, I listened as Alice and Edward started
arguing again. This time I concentrated on what they were saying in hopes that I could keep
my mind off of how nauseated I was.

"Alice, come on. Just let me in there." I could hear that Edward's tone was not angry. It was
more desperate… almost worried.

"Edward, I think you have done enough to her for one night," Alice shrilled. "I am not letting
you in there. You will not upset her any more than you already have."

Tanya's voice interrupted with, "Let's just leave. Everyone knows you're back and working at
the hospital. Goal accomplished."

Alice, in her sarcastic tone, chimed in with, "Yeah, listen to your… fiancée is it?" Alice was

"I am not leaving until I can examine her," Edward growled in a low, scratchy tone.

"Jasper is a doctor as well and he will take care of Bella," Tanya pointed out. "We should
really be going now, Edward."

"Fuck, Tanya, he is a psychiatrist," Edward angrily replied. "He may have some medical
training, but I am a fully trained medical physician and …"

I leaned my head back against the stall wall. Everything was getting much quieter. The colors
I could see were going dim. My head was spinning. I closed my eyes for a small moment.

"Bella, are you alright?" It was Jasper's soothing voice.

"Mmmhmm," I answered quietly.

I felt a hand on my shoulder shake my body. I opened my eyes and saw Jasper with a very
worried expression on his face looking at me. "Bella, you need to try and stay with me. We
need to make sure you don't have a concussion. Do you know who I am?"

I looked at him. I couldn't understand why he was talking to me like I was a toddler. It was
hard to look at him. His face started to swirl around like he was in a blender, just mixing away
into a blur.

"Bella, stay with me," he instructed. "Do you know where you are?"

"Mmmhmm," I replied again.

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"Alice, let Edward in here," Jasper yelled.

"You want me to what?" Alice shrieked. "I am not letting him in there."

"Alice, I need him in here. We have got to get Bella to the hospital," Jasper explained. "She is
losing consciousness and I need help getting her to her feet."

"Jas…" Alice started to say, but Jasper interrupted her.

"If it weren't important to Bella's well being, I wouldn't ask you to do this! Let Edward in here
now!" I think it was the first time I had ever heard Jasper yell.

I heard the whoosh of the door swinging open and Alice telling Edward, "The only reason I
am doing this is because she needs you… the doctor you."

"She's over here, Edward," I heard Jasper calling.

I felt one hand on my shoulder being replaced with another colder, gentler hand. Another
chilled hand went to my cheek, and I heard his velvety voice ask, "Bella. Can you open your
eyes and look at me? Can you tell me today's date?"

"Hmm," was my answer. "I'm glad you're here, Edward."

He lifted my eyelids and looked into my eyes. "Jasper, you're right. She may have a
concussion. She'll definitely need stitches on that gash." I could feel a trail of goosebumps as
his chilled hands traveled down my body. He picked up my wrists and paused. "Shit, Bella.
What did you do?" His voice trembled, almost like he was fighting the urge to cry.

Jasper's relaxing voice entered with, "That's something that will have to be discussed at a later
time, Edward. Right now, we need to take care of this situation."

Edward continued to run his hands down my legs to my ankle. He carefully, gently untied my
shoe and removed it. I could feel him gently pushing on my ankle. "It doesn't feel broken, but
it could be fractured. We'll have to get x-rays of her ankle as well. Help me get her to her

I felt Edward's two hands quickly untie and remove my other shoe. Then I felt two sets of
arms wrap around me and help me to my feet. I wanted to lie back down, so I started to reach
down to steady myself.

"No, no, no, no, Bella! I need you to open your eyes and stay with me, love," Edward said
pulling me towards him. "Jasper and I are going to help you walk to the car. Just make sure
you lean on me instead of stepping on your hurt ankle."

Then I heard, "Bella, we are going to take you to the emergency room and get some x-rays of
your head and ankle. Alice and I will be with you the whole time. We will also try to call Jake
and let him know where we're taking you." Then Jasper added, "Everything will be all right

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I opened my eyes as they started forcing me to walk with them. I leaned all the way into
Edward as he instructed. His heavenly aroma of citrus and wood swept into my nose. I woke
up enough to feel my heart jump with the thrill of inhaling that scent again. At that point, I
just wanted to fall into him and let him carry me away.

I am not quite sure what happened. When I opened my eyes, I saw Edward and Carlisle
talking in a corner. Jasper was nodding along with whatever Carlisle was saying. Alice and
Tanya were sitting on the side of the room talking to each other. I couldn't make head or tails
of anything either group was saying. They all just kept their tones low and quiet.

I was feeling much better. I sat up and realized that I was still a little dizzy. "Ugh, my head," I
groaned. I felt a tiny hand on my back and glanced over.

Alice was at my side first. "Bella, you still look beautiful. I wish I could say the same for my
creation." Her hand went to a small spot on the dress just below the strap. "I don't even think
seltzer would help at this point."

I cracked a small smile at Alice. "Thanks for the concern, Alice." My head was pounding and
I reached up with my hand and felt a little row of bumps on the left side of my forehead.

"Bella, be careful. You don't want to accidentally pull out any of your stitches," Carlisle


Carlisle nodded and explained, "You have about twenty-three stitches right there," Carlisle
said pointing to my forehead. "There are thirteen internal and ten external. I sewed it like that
to minimize scarring as you heal. Would you like to look before I bandage over it?"

I hesitated and thought before I answered. Instinctively I would have said no, but I just had to
see the damage that I managed to do this time. "Let me just take a quick look," I said to

He handed me a small mirror and I looked at myself. The stitches ran along a small one inch
line just below my hair line. "You did a wonderful job, Carlisle. Thank you," I said handing
the mirror back to him. "So, I can go home now?"

"Bella, we still need to get some x-rays of your ankle done before you are discharged,"
Edward added.

I looked around the room. Japer, Alice, Edward, Tanya, and Carlisle had all of their eyes on
me. "May I speak to Carlisle and Tanya alone please?" I asked looking at Jasper. I knew he
would understand my request and usher Alice and Edward out of the room for me.

Jasper gave me a small nod and said, "Come on Alice. Let's take Edward down for some

Alice went along with Jasper, but Edward stood at the end of the bed looking puzzled. "You
know, I think I should stay here with Bella."

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Carlisle laid a hand on Edward's shoulder. "Son, go with Jasper and Alice. Get some coffee,
get cleaned up. You start your first shift in a few hours."

"Carlisle…" Edward began.

Carlisle interrupted him, "Edward, please. If we need you, we'll page you." He gave a small
smile to Edward.

Edward turned and walked to the door of the small room. He glanced back at me; his face
held the look of defeat, and he left the room.

Carlisle walked over and shut the door for privacy. He turned back to me and asked, "So,
what is it Bella? Why did you need to talk to Tanya and me?"

"I am worried about the x-ray," I said.

Carlisle lightly chuckled, "Bella, you've had x-rays before. Why are you worried about…?"
He stopped the question mid sentence when he looked at Tanya. He looked right back at me.
"Bella, are you saying that you're pregnant?"

"Well, not exactly. Jake and I have been trying, but it's only been three weeks or so. But, there
is a chance… that I could be. Well, right at the beginning of being pregnant. If I am, I
wouldn't want the x-ray to do any damage to the baby."

Tanya smiled at me and sat on the end of the bed. "Bella, everything will be fine. Fetuses are
only affected when you expose them to ten rads of radiation or more. The x-rays you need are
going to expose you to only seventy-five millirads of radiation at the most. There would be no
damage done to the baby if you are pregnant."

I looked at Carlisle and back at Tanya. "Are you sure? This won't cause any harm to the

"You get exposed to more millirads from being out in the sun. I promise that everything will
be fine," Tanya said.

"Bella, if you are really worried, we can shield your abdomen while we get those x-rays
done," Carlisle added. Carlisle gave me his calming smile. His smile in itself was like a
miracle cure; it always made me feel better.

"Dr. Denali, would you please go order Bella's x-rays? Notify the tech that there may be a
potential pregnancy and we need to take the precautions for that."

Tanya stood up from the bed. She nodded to Carlisle. She looked back at me. "Bella, if there
is ever anything you need, just call me. I'll give Alice my card with my work and cell on it."

I watched as she left the room, her sweet strawberry scent still lingering behind. She gave one
last smile and shut the door behind her.

"Carlisle, you can't tell anyone what we talked about. Not even with…" I stopped right in the
middle of my sentence. I still couldn't get his name out.

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Carlisle sat next to me in the doctor's chair. "I won't tell Edward or anyone else about your
impending pregnancy."

"Thank you," I smiled. "Can I ask you something?"

"Bella, you know you can ask me anything," he replied.

"Why didn't you say anything about… Edward… being back in Forks?"

Carlisle's pen stopped dead. He slowly looked up at me. "I was under orders not to say
anything by the hospital board."

I looked at his face. It was stern. It was unlike Carlisle.

"Carlisle, I know you are lying to me."

He went back to writing in my chart. "Why do you think that, Bella?"

"Because you're a terrible liar. Your face gets stiff and shows no emotion at all," I pointed out
to him. "You knew he was here and you didn't tell Alice or anyone? You didn't think I would
like to know… at the very least, that I would like to have been prepared?"

Carlisle stopped writing on my chart. He shut the file. He didn't look at me, but I could see the
pain on his face. "I am sorry about all of this, Bella. Maybe if I told you… Jasper… even
Alice, you wouldn't have wound up in the emergency room tonight." He looked apologetic as
he continued, "But, you have to understand that Edward is my son. I thought I was doing the
right thing by keeping his secret. I had no idea that he was planning to show up at the

I nodded at him while I nervously bit my lip. Why was he back after all this time? Was he still
in love with me? Does he know I am married?
Why did he want to keep it all a secret? There
were just so many things I wanted to ask Carlisle about Edward, but I didn't… I couldn't.

And as if Carlisle knew what I was thinking, he added, "I think Edward just didn't want
anyone to overreact to his coming back to Forks. You know how Emmett protects you. You
know how Alice is when it comes to him. He has grown up a lot. He will be running the ER
here. He is now engaged. Edward seems to be very happy in his life. I only hope you will be
okay with all of this."

"I'll be fine, Carlisle. I have moved on with my life. I have Jake. We are starting to build our
family. I am going to be just fine." I was only hoping my voice sounded as confident as I
wanted to be in that moment.

There was a knock on the door. An orderly poked his head into the room and said, "I'm sorry
for interrupting, Dr. Cullen. I need to take Bella Black up to x-ray."

Carlisle patted my leg. "You'll be just fine, Bella," he calmly spoke and smiled at me as the
orderly propped open the door.

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As the orderly wheeled me through the halls, I caught a glimpse of Edward sitting in the
waiting area with a cup of coffee in one hand while combing through is hair with the other.

I wanted to know what he was thinking. I wanted to know what he was feeling

What is going through your mind, Edward?


I was almost carrying Bella on our way to the car from the gymnasium. I made Jasper and
Bella stop a few times to make sure she was still awake and talking, even though she never
gave answers to the questions that I asked her.

We finally reached the lot. After a small argument with a half conscious Bella, an unforgiving
Alice, and a furious Tanya, it was decided that Alice and Tanya would ride together in Alice's
car. Jasper would drive my car and I would ride in the backseat with Bella to make sure she
kept her foot elevated and remained awake.

I was glad Jasper volunteered to drive my car. I did not want to ride with Tanya and have an
awkward talk at this point. I also didn't want to ride with the pissed-off pixie either. Alice
would have chewed me a new asshole times ten before we could get to the hospital.

I climbed into the back of my car and had Bella situated with her head in my lap so I could
more easily keep an eye on her. I draped one arm over her body so she wouldn't roll with the
car's movements. I had my iPhone in my other hand. I pulled up the contact list and pushed
Carlisle's name.

After a moment, he answered the phone and I explained everything to him. He asked some
questions that I just did not want to answer at that moment – questions concerning why I went
to the reunion in the first place. I managed to skirt them by telling him that I had to keep
talking to Bella to keep her awake. He assured me that everything would be ready and I hung
up the phone.

I glanced down at Bella and noticed that her eyes were closed. "Bella? Bella?" I lightly jostled
her as I called her name to make her wake up. "Stay with me. We are almost to the hospital.
Can you recite the alphabet to me?"

She looked at me with groggy eyes and asked, "Remember, Edward?"

"What am I supposed to remember, Bella?" I replied to her, running my fingers through the
curls of her soft hair.

She had a drunken smile on her face. "I love you, Edward. I love you."

"Bella, are you all right?" Jasper questioned from the driver's seat.

"Edward, I want you back. Please come back to me. Don't go," she said in a quiet, desperate

Inside the car was dim; the only lighting being provided by the streetlights as we passed.

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I leaned over to look into her dark eyes. I kept running my fingers lightly through her hair. I
wanted everything she was saying to me to be true, but I knew better than to take it to heart. I
knew it was the head injury and pain she were experiencing that was making her say these
things she wouldn't normally say. "Bella…"

She lifted her small, warm hand and placed it on my cheek. She rubbed it back and forth
across my stubble making a scratchy sound. "I love you. I want no one else but you for all of

Those words…

She used to say those exact words to me every day. They ran throughout my body like little
tingles of electricity, bringing me to life. I missed hearing those words. I never thought I
would hear them from her lips ever again.

Even though I knew in my head it was just another thing she was saying under duress, my
heart wanted to believe every single word. I couldn't help myself, and I smiled at her as I
whispered to her, "Bella, I think you hit your head a little too hard."

When we reached the hospital, I directed Jasper to park in my space. He got out of the car and
opened the backdoor. He reached in and carefully pulled Bella towards him. "Bella, we are
here at the hospital. Do you remember what doctor you like here?" he asked in a soothing
voice while situating her on her feet.

Bella leaned into Jasper and answered, "Oh my God, Jasper. He left me… again! He left! He
isn't here."

Jasper glared at me as he shut the door. "It's all right, Bella. He's coming back. I promise."

I got out of the car and walked around to them. "Bella, I'm here. Let's walk into the hospital.
Can you tell me what color your car is?"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and cried out, "Edward, you came back! Oh, you
came back!"

She lost her balance as she flung her arms towards me for a hug. Jasper grabbed her before
she could fall. "Bella, let's go inside now," he directed.

We walked Bella into the hospital through the main emergency doors. Carlisle was waiting
for us on the other side of the entrance vestibule. He smiled at Bella when he saw us. "Hello,
Bella. How are you doing today? Do you know what day of the week it is?"

She looked at Carlisle from between Jasper's and my arms and smiled with that same drunken
smile she had earlier. "Carlisle, Edward's home! He's here. He's with me."

"Yes, Bella, I can see that," he politely played along. Carlisle gave me a serious look as he
went to take my place. "Let's get you int-"

"No! Don't make him leave!"

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Jasper whispered to her, "Bella, Edward isn't going to leave. He's staying right here with you.
I promise."

She seemed to be calmed almost instantly by Jasper's words. She took a deep breath in and
exhaled loudly. She repeated the action twice more before saying, "Don't let go of me,
Edward. Don't let go."

"I won't, love. I'm right here." I kissed the top of her head, making sure I took a moment to
inhale her wonderfully sweet, floral scent.

"Bring her into exam one," Carlisle instructed, still giving me that angry dad look – the one
that was stern and worried at the same time.

Jasper and I walked Bella into the room. I picked her up and gently placed her on the exam
table. She reached up and placed her hand on my cheek again. "Thank you. You are my
knight in shimmering armor."

Carlisle walked into the room. He pulled his pen light from his pocket and checked her eyes,
while he grilled her with questions. "Bella, can you tell me what happened?"

"I love Edward more than anything," she answered, confidently.

"She was running, tripped and fell into some DJ equipment and had her ankle wrapped in
wires," Jasper explained for her.

"We need to get the gash on her head cleaned and stitched up. She is inappropriately
responsive to most of the questions we have asked her. We need a cranial x-ray to make sure
that she didn't do more damage than the gash on her forehead. Her left ankle is also swollen
and bruised. Upon the physical examination, I didn't feel a break, but we need to x-ray that to
make sure there's not a hairline fracture," I detailed for him.

Carlisle pulled me to the side of the room. "Son, you aren't on call tonight. I can also see
you've had a drink or two. Just let me handle this."

"Carlisle, you can't be serious about this. I'll be on in just over six hours from now. I had two
drinks, and they were small drinks. I'll take a sobriety test if you want. Just let me take care of

In a serious tone, he snapped back, "I will not put this hospital at risk by letting you work
right now."

"Dad! I can't believe you're doing this. I just want to help her."

"I think you have helped enough, Edward."

I rolled my eyes. Hearing that from him, in the tone he used, I knew right away what had
happened. "You spoke with Alice, didn't you?"

"Edward, I will let you stay in the room against my better judgment, because it seems that is
what Bella wants right now. I will not let you do anything but stand by her side."

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I thought about it for a moment. I glanced back to Bella, who was watching me with such a
happy, yet still very drunken smile on her face. I couldn't leave her, so I gave in. "Alright, I
will just stay by her side."

I resumed my position next to her and held her hand. I was going insane watching Carlisle do
everything for her that I wanted to do. He checked her reflexes, and continued grilling her
with easy to answer questions. He asked her to touch her fingers to her nose. He asked her to
try to reach down and touch her toes.

Then he spoke in a calm, quiet voice, "Bella, I need to talk to Edward and Jasper for just a
moment. I will have them back to you immediately. Do you understand?"

"I will do anything for Edward, Carlisle. Anything," she responded, looking directly at me.

Carlisle and Jasper both looked at me with great disbelief. I knew that they couldn't believe
what Bella was saying, and neither could I. I looked back at Bella, who was still staring at me,
waiting for a response. "We are going to step out of the room for a just minute, Bella. Stay
right there. I promise I will be back."

"Don't leave, Edward," she begged me. "Not again. Don't leave."

She looked so hurt… not just physically, but emotionally. It killed me to see her like that,
knowing I was the reason behind it all.

I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Hoping that Jasper and Carlisle couldn't hear
me, I quietly said, "I'll return in a few minutes, love. I will be back at your side when I finish
my talk with Carlisle and Jasper. If you want, I'll leave the door open and stand so you can see

Her reply was a nod.

I motioned to Carlisle and Jasper. We walked out of the room and as I had promised, I left the
door open and stood so that she could see me.

"Well, the good news is that Bella's injuries aren't as bad as I first thought," Carlisle started.
"She doesn't seem to have a concussion, but at the worst she has a mild one. Her ankle doesn't
look that bad to me. What concerns me the most right now is her proclamation of love
towards Edward."

"It's her response to extreme stress and pressure," Jasper explained, "not to mention the pain
she is experiencing. We all know how Bella is when it comes to blood. I am surprised that she
hasn't passed out yet. It's her mind's way of blocking out the trauma."

"Well, we need to get her head wound cleaned and sutured as soon as possible. I am planning
on sedating her to do that. Is she on medication?" Carlisle asked, looking at Jasper.

"Medication?" I looked at Jasper. "What type of medication?"

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Jasper glanced at me before turning his full attention to Carlisle. "She hasn't had the need for
meds in almost two years. As far as I know, she hasn't even had an aspirin within the past six

"All right, I'm going to get the nurse and we'll get started," Carlisle said and walked around
the corner.

"Jasper, what medication? What information am I missing? What the fuck happened to her?
What about her wrists?" I inundated him with questions that I wanted answered immediately.

"Edward," Bella called from the room.

"We'll talk about it later," Jasper said, patting me on the shoulder as he walked past me into
the room.

I followed Jasper back into exam one and resumed my place by Bella's side. I picked up her
warm, little hand in mine. I let my fingers wander down to her wrist and traced the set of scars
that were there.

Carlisle and Jackie, the ER nurse, entered the room. Carlisle filled a syringe with something
to sedate Bella, while Jackie prepped the tools and threads for her sutures. I watched as
Carlisle inserted the needle into Bella's arm and inject the sedative.

Bella turned her head into me and squeezed my hand tightly. I leaned down and whispered
into her ear, "It's all right, Love. They are just going to fix that wound on your head."

"Don't ever… leave… me… again," she whispered back to me just before the sedative took

"Why in the hell did she want to talk to Tanya? She doesn't even know Tanya." I leaned back
in the chair in the waiting room. I couldn't believe that Bella didn't want us in there for
whatever talk she wanted to have.

Jasper walked by me and handed me a cup of coffee. "I'm sure she feels more comfortable
with a female physician."

"Thanks," I said, taking the cup from him. I took a small sip. "Will you just tell me what's
going on with Bella?"

Jasper took a deep breath and shook his head as he said, "I didn't think you would ask me to
do this. Being a doctor yourself, you know that doctor-patient confidentiality lets me tell you
only so much."

I can't believe he is going to try and pull the confidentiality shit on me." Are you being
serious, Jasper? You understand that I can just go pull her medical records."

"What exactly is it that you want to know?"

"Can you tell me about the scars on her wrists? Can you talk about the meds she's been on?
Can you give me something to help me understand?"

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"I can tell you that the scars are about nine and a half years old. There's not much more that I
can tell you. Not without Bella's permission."

I looked him directly in the eyes. "Jasper, don't dick with me. I have seen scars like that
before when I did my residency at Bellevue in New York and this past year in the ER at
Boston General. I know what they are. I know how they got there. I want to know if I am the
reason they exist."

Jasper looked away from me and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Edward. I… I just can't tell you

"I'll tell you," Alice said, walking around the corner into the waiting area. She approached the
chair next to Jasper and sat next to him.

"Okay, Alice, tell it all to me. I want to know everything. Every little detail that you have, I

"Alice, I'm not sure Bella would want you saying anything," Jasper interjected. "I don't think
it's your place to tell him."

"Jazz, he needs to know. You may not be able to say anything because you are her therapist,
but I can say something as her best friend and his sister." Alice glared at me.

"Just tell me, Alice." I instructed, as I sat my coffee on the table next to my chair.

She looked at me with sadness and anger in her eyes. I fully expected the pissed-off pixie to
throw every insult my way, as she laid the details out before me. I was waiting to be called
every derogatory name under the sun.

But, surprisingly, she didn't do any of that. She told me matter-of-factly, "Bella went through
some tough times during our freshman year in college. She was trying to get over you. It
wasn't easy for her.

"The October after college started, she began drinking. Not just partying or the typical 'I'm in
college now' drinking, she was binging. She'd be gone days and show up at our dorm room
not knowing where she had been or what she was doing. I tried keeping her closer to me. I
tried making sure I knew she was safe, but my efforts were just wasted. She started popping
pills behind my back and not long after that, it would be the pills in addition to the drinking."

I started to feel weak. I had no idea that she dealt with my leaving so badly. Hearing all of this
was making me feel sick. I bent forward with my elbows on my knees and my hands running
through my hair.

"I'll never forget that night, Edward," Alice went on, "when I found Bella in our bathroom.
She had been missing for a few days. The campus police had been looking for her. I arrived at
our room and the door was unlocked. I walked in and there was a low light coming from our
bathroom." Alice was shaking and tears were rolling down her face as she continued.

Jasper wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Alice, you don't have to
relive this right now," he quietly said to her.

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She didn't listen to Jasper; she just kept talking through hitched breath. "I walked in and found
her in a tub full of water and blood. There was blood pooled on the floor. She was still
conscious, but barely. I called for help. She lost consciousness right before the EMTs arrived.
She almost died. And yeah, Edward, she was dying because of you. She no longer wanted to
live her life without you."

I looked at Alice. Jasper was hugging her tightly. I discreetly wiped the tears from my face
and stood up. I finally understood everything she went through. I finally knew the reason why
she was so angry with me. I reached down and pulled her up to me and hugged her tightly.

"Alice, I am so sorry. No one told me about any of this. If I had only known, I would have
helped," I mumbled, while still hugging her tightly.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me back. It was the first time in over ten years
that she hugged me.

"Please don't do anything that would make her want to do that again. Please, Edward," Alice
begged, squeezing me tighter.

"I will never hurt Bella again," I answered in a low, quiet tone. I glanced over and saw Tanya
walk into the waiting area. She leaned against the wall and gave me a small tight-lipped smile.

I let go of Alice and she sat in her spot next to Jasper. I sat back in my seat and picked up my
coffee. I leaned forward again, cup of coffee in one hand and fingers in my hair with the

Tanya took the seat next to me and rubbed my back.

I didn't listen to what she was saying. I didn't speak to her. I didn't look at her.

I couldn't.

I could only think of Bella and how fragile she really was, both mentally and physically. It
finally dawned on me why everyone had acted they way they had towards me, especially
when I would mention her name. I finally knew why Emmett had made the threats that he did.
I understood why Alice had never wanted to see me in Forks again.

I am so fucking sorry for ever hurting you like I have, Bella. Forgive me.


I watched as the doctor put the finishing touches on the bandage.

"How does it look? Is it bad?" she asked, looking at me with her gorgeous, sparkling eyes.

I took her hand in mine and examined the bandages. I looked at her and said, "Your hand is
going to heal just fine."

"Thanks, Jake," she said sarcastically as she smiled at me.

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"I'm being serious here, Nessie," I said, giving her a wink. I turned to the doctor and said, "Is
she done?"

"Yes, Chief Black," Dr. Graham said. "The shot we gave should help fight off any infection.
You were very lucky the glass missed the muscles and bones in your hand, Miss Masen. You
should have your hand checked out by your doctor to be on the safe side. We can forward
your x-rays over to him."

"Thank you, Dr. Graham," she said.

I placed my hands on her waist to help her down. She held onto my shoulder with her one
good hand as I gently helped her to her feet from the exam table.

"Thank you, Dr. Graham," I said and shook his hand.

I escorted Nessie out into the hall. I kept my hand on the small of her back as we navigated
our way through the different halls. We were a few turns away from the emergency room
entrance when I heard a familiar voice come from behind me.

"Jacob, it's about time you got here. We have been calling and calling. Do you ever check
your messages?" Alice's voice shrilled.

I dropped my hand from Nessie and turned around to see Alice bounce her way towards us.
"Uh… Alice? What are you doing here?" I asked uneasily.

"Well, if you checked your messages, you would have known that we brought Bella into the
Emergency Room with a gash on her forehead… and a possible broken ankle," she informed
me in her squealing, angry tone that raked on every one of my nerves. She glanced at Nessie
and back to me. "So if you didn't know about Bella, why exactly are you here?"

"You knew I had an urgent call about a breaking and entering in progress. This is Renesmee,
the victim and witness to the crime. I had to make sure that she was safe." And just because
Alice gave me that accusing look, I had to stress to her, "It's my job to make sure she is safe
before I leave her alone, Alice."

She rolled her eyes at me. "That may be, but your wife needs you as well. We are all waiting
for her to be finished in x-ray. Come on, I'm sure Carlisle will want to talk to you about her
condition." She motioned for me to follow her.

Renesmee looked at me. Her eyes were distraught. "Your wife? Jake, you have a wife?"

I nodded. "I thought you knew that, Ness."

She shook her head at me. "How was I supposed to know that? You don't wear a ring. You
have been giving me all of your attention lately. I thought you were really interested in me."

"Nessie, can we talk about this later? Just… Please don't close me out right now, all right?"

Her eyes were full of tears. She slightly nodded and choked out, "We will talk later."

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I reached out for her, but she wouldn't allow me to touch her. I turned to walk to the waiting
room. She just followed along – slowly, sadly.

I looked around the room and saw Alice sitting up against Dr. Hale with his arm around her. I
looked across from them and recognized the same drab, navy suit guy from earlier and hot,
naughty teacher sitting by his side.

"Jacob, good! I'm glad you've arrived," the familiar voice of Dr. Cullen said from behind me.
"Bella will be thrilled that you are finally here."

Navy suit guy stood up and asked, "Is her ankle alright? Can I at least look at the x-rays,

Who was is this fucker and what the hell did he want with Bella? I thought.

Dr. Cullen must have seen me scowling at navy suit guy, because he jumped in with, "It's all
right, Jacob. This is my son, Edward. He is the head of the emergency room."

"Hello, Jacob. Nice to meet you," navy suit guy said, sticking out his hand for me to shake it.

So, this is the infamous Edward Cullen? I cannot believe that this is the guy who destroyed my

I looked at his hand. I reluctantly placed my hand in his, making sure to squeeze it tightly.
"Nice to meet you, Edward," I growled at him.

Edward pulled his hand away from mine. I was a little surprised that he didn't wince in pain. I
mean I am fairly well built and can bench two fifty. He looks thin and barely able to bench a
green bean.

I turned my attention back to Dr. Cullen. "What happened to Bella?"

"She had an accident at the reunion. There is a deep wound on her forehead that we cleaned
and sutured with both internal and external stitches. The x-rays we took of her ankle should be
down any moment now. Would you like to see your wife?"

I nodded at Dr. Cullen as I turned to Nessie. "Ness, please sit and wait until we are finished. I
want to drive you home and make sure you are safe."

She still had tears in her eyes as she looked into mine. I could tell that she was weighing her
options between leaving me behind for lying to her, and having a safe return home. She
eventually nodded at me and slowly sat in one of the chairs.

I bent over and softly whispered, "Thanks, Ness."

I followed Dr. Cullen into the exam room. Bella was lying back on the exam table. Her left
ankle was propped up on a pillow. Her head was bandaged on the left temple.

Only my Bella could pull something like this off, I thought and lightly chuckled.

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Bella turned and looked at me. "Jake, you're here! God, I have been so worried about you. Are
you okay? What happened?"

I walked over to Bella and took her hand. "I'm fine, Bella. I just had to make sure that the
scene was secured and the victim was taken care of. How are you?"

Dr. Cullen interrupted with, "I am going to track down your x-rays, Bella. I'll be back to you
and Jacob in a few minutes." He left the room and shut the door behind him.

"Jake, he's back," she whispered, closing her eyes tightly so she wouldn't cry. "Ed… He's
back for good."

"Did he do this to you, Bella?" I asked with my jaw clenched.

Her eyes popped open with my question. "Jake! No! You know my luck. This is all my

I shook my head and tightly balled my fists. I wanted to believe her; she was accident prone,
after all. But there was just something – something in my gut –that told me she almost killed
herself trying to get away from him.

"Jake, calm down. I am telling you, that I did this to myself," Bella insisted. Of course she
would take all the blame, because that's who she was.

"Good news, Bella," Dr. Cullen said as he re-entered the room, followed by Edward. "There is
no break nor are there any fractures in your ankle. Thankfully you merely twisted your ankle.
We're going to wrap it and give you an ice pack. All right?"

Bella smiled at the news. "Thank you so much, Carlisle."

"I'm going to let Edward bandage your ankle." Carlisle smiled at us and left the room.

Edward said, "Let me get it wrapped so you can be on your way."

I watched Bella as she looked towards Edward who was pulling out a bandage from the
cabinet on the wall. I watched as Edward wheeled over to the foot of the bed on his little
doctor's stool. I watched as he quickly wrapped her ankle with gentle hands. When he was
finished, I watched as he looked up at her and their eyes met.

"All done, Bella. Is that too tight?"

She shook her head.

"Did you want me to remove your hospital bracelet before you leave?"

She shook her head again.

"All right then. We should send a pair of crutches home with you. Just make sure that you
keep your ankle elevated as much as possible over the next few days," he instructed, giving
her a large grin.

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"Thank you… Edward," she barely mumbled in a dreamy voice.

There was a small knock on the door. I looked up and hot naughty teacher poked her head into
the room. "Am I interrupting? May I come in?"

That brought Edward and Bella out of their bubble.

Edward cleared his throat. "Please, come in Tanya. Bella is finished here."

"If you don't mind, Dr. Cullen, I would like to talk to Bella and her husband alone," she
requested of him.

He looked back at Bella one last time and gave her another smile. "Of course, Dr. Denali." He
patted Bella's leg and quickly left the room.

The hot naughty teacher shut the door behind him. She walked across the room to me
extending her hand. "Hello, I am Dr. Denali, head of OB/GYN."

Her introduction set me back a little. "OB? Is Bella pregnant?" I asked, totally in shock.

"Jake, we only just started trying," Bella laughed.

"I'm sorry, but the introduction threw me off for a minute." I took Dr. Denali's hand and
introduced myself. "I am Jacob Black, Bella's husband and Chief of Police."

"Nice to meet you," she smiled at me. "Bella isn't due for to test for another couple of weeks. I
wanted to make sure that I gave you a prescription for pre-natal vitamins." She reached into
her pocket and pulled out the prescription slip. "Even if you don't get pregnant this cycle, you
should really be taking these as you are trying to get pregnant."

Bella took the prescription from the doctor. "Is there anything else that I should be doing?"

"Not at this point. Just make sure that you call me when you get that positive pregnancy test."
She smiled and flipped her strawberry blonde curls back from her face.

She went into the hall and returned with a wheelchair. She locked the wheels. "Would you
like help, Bella?"

"I'll help her," I responded. I reached down and scooped Bella up into my arms. I carried her
across the room and gently placed her into the chair, while the doctor lifted the leg support to
keep her foot elevated.

The drive was stifling. The air was so thick in Bella's truck. I wanted to roll down the
window, but as it usually did in Forks, it was pouring rain.

We rode most of the way home in total silence. She wouldn't look at me. She didn't want to
hold my hand or let me touch her. She sat looking out the window while she twirled the
hospital bracelet on her wrist. So, I guessed that this was what angry Nessie was like.

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We were about five minutes away from Nessie's house when she finally spoke to me. "Is it
later yet?"

My response was a simple, puzzled, "What?"

"Can we talk about the marriage thing now?"

My heart dropped from my chest into my stomach. "Ness, I never meant to lie to you. I am
married, but…"

"But it's not how it looks? But my marriage is already shot to hell? But we are getting
divorced? But what, Jake? I have heard it all before," she blurted out angrily.

"I have no excuse, Ness. I can't explain it. There is just something about you that pulls me in.
I can't control it. I just feel drawn to you," I explained.

She finally glanced my way when I pulled into her driveway. Her amber eyes, usually full of
happiness, were looking sad and distraught. "Jake," she whispered to me from her pouty lips.
"I don't want to be the office whore. I don't want to be the fucking home wrecker that destroys
your family. I don't want to be some random bitch in your long line of extra-marital affairs."

I nodded with each sentence she spoke. "I understand. I'm so sorry about this." I edged closer
and closer to her as I spoke.

"What are you doing?" she questioned, pushing me back with her hands on my chest.

I stared deeply into her eyes trying to communicate silently how much I really loved her. I
could see her anger melting away, being replaced with the desire she held for me. I knew that
she understood.

I reached around her and pulled her towards me. "Ness, I want to be with you more than
anything. Wrong or not, it's only you that I want," I softly uttered as my lips lingered over

I pulled her tighter into me and put my mouth to hers. Her full lips pressed tightly against
mine. Our tongues met and tangled. My hand slowly slid up her back bringing her closer to
me. She gave a little moan into my mouth, and as she did that, I could taste how sweet she
really was.

She was just such a fucking turn on. I wanted her more. I was about to pull her back to be on
top of me…

"Fuck! Embry's here," I grunted. I sat upright and adjusted myself to hopefully hide my
protruding boner.

Nessie sat up straight in the passenger seat. She fluffed out her hair with her fingers and
straightened out her shirt. "How do I look?"

"Absolutely fucking beautiful, Ness," I replied with lust in my voice.

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There was a knock on the window. I turned around to see Embry standing there like a
drowned dog. I stifled a laugh as I cracked the window open.

"I'm here!" he shouted at me.

"Embry, why the fuck are you yelling? I can hear you just fine."

"Okay… I'm here," he repeated with attitude, but in a normal volume.

"I need you to do a perimeter sweep of the property and then check inside and make sure no
one is there."

"Are you fucking with me, Jake?" he asked, shivering in his t-shirt and jeans. "It's pouring
rain out here."

"You should have brought an umbrella," I retorted. "Just do what I asked so Renesmee can get
into her house."

Embry glanced past me at Nessie. He gave a deep huff, signaling that he was going to do it
without an argument. He went off into the dark yard, disappearing into the blackness.

As I rolled the window up, Ness asked, "So, you're just going to kiss me and leave? No more
talking about this?"

I turned and saw a few tears roll down her face. I placed my hand on her cheek and wiped a
few of her from her face. I pulled her closer to me and spoke in a soft calming tone into her
ear. "Ness, I promise you we will keep talking about this. I'll make everything right." I placed
my lips to her jaw just below her ear.

She pushed me away from her and through tears, yelled, "It's not going to happen, Jake. You
are not going to try to sound remorseful and get away with lying to me."

"Ness," I started as Embry knocked on the passenger window.

Nessie rolled the window down. "Is everything alright, Officer Call?"

"I would ask you the same," he answered. He poked his head into the truck. "Hey, Jake, it's all
clear… inside and out. I did find this just outside of the house, though." He stuck his arm into
the truck and held out a leather circle.

I took it from him and looked at it. I recognized the leather bracelet right away. "Thanks,
Embry. I know exactly what to do with this."

He pulled his head out of the window and popped open the door. "Let me help you out of
there, Ren."

She turned to face at me. I think she wanted me to do something, maybe say something? I'm
not quite sure what she wanted from me. I tried to read her eyes.

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"It's going to be fine, Ren. I'll be here to protect you for the night." Embry reached for her
hand and picked it up. "Let's get you inside."

She still had her eyes locked with mine as a little wave of evil ran through them. She slyly
smirked at me.

What are you thinking, Nessie?

"Thanks, Embry. It will be nice to have you stay with me for the night." She stepped out of
the truck and instantly clung to Embry.

I watched as she walked with him into her house. She turned in the doorway and I could see
her staring in my direction. I knew she was looking right at me as she turned off the light and
closed the door.

I rolled up her window and gave thought to how Ness was leaving things with me. I started
the truck. As I waited a moment for the truck to warm up, I realized that I could hardly blame
her for her reaction.

As I backed out of the driveway, I gave the house one last look. Through her front window, I
could see Embry taking off his shirt and handing it to her while she gave him a towel.

I stomped on the gas pedal. The tires spun on the wet road kicking back pebbles and mud onto
Embry's car. Doing that made me feel a little better.

On the drive home, I thought a lot about how fucked up the night was…

I left Bella to help another woman.

It's that other woman that I am intensely attracted to. She now knows that I am married and
probably won't ever want to be with me, not that I could blame her.

On top of that, I left my best friend with her. My best friend that is horny for anything with a
pair of legs and a pair of tits. The same best friend who would fuck her in a heartbeat, if the
opportunity presented itself.

The kicker is that on top of everything, my wife's ex is back in town. The one man she had
tried to kill herself over. The one man she had been trying to get over for ten years now.

Is she over him? What the fuck was that look they shared? It was like nothing else in the
world existed. Why does that fucking scare me so much? Why does it make me jealous?

I reached my driveway and turned off the truck. I leaned forward with my head on the
steering wheel.

I love Bella with all my heart, but I am drawn to Nessie more. So, why does it bother me to
see Bella and that imbecile interact like they do?

I no longer wanted Bella for myself, but I didn't want anyone else to have her.

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Especially Edward Cullen.


I cannot believe that Jake left with his witness and left me here to depend on someone else to
get me home.

I sat in the wheelchair in the middle of the waiting area. Jake just left. I was hurt that he just
left me here to wait on Alice and Jasper to take me home.

"I brought you some water," Edward said holding out a cup for me. "I figured that after three
hours here, you might be a little thirsty."

I took the cup from him. "Thanks."

He sat in the chair next to me. I could feel him watch intently as I guzzled down the cold

"Bella, I…" Edward started to say, but Tanya walked in around the corner and interrupted

"Hey, babe, I just got paged up to delivery, so I won't see you for a while. I'll come down and
find you before I go."

"That's all right, Tanya. I was planning to go home and change out of this suit before my shift
started anyway."

"I think you should just keep the suit on," she smirked at him. "If anything, I wish I could be
there to help," she said as she lovingly kissed the top of his head. "It was nice meeting you,
Bella. Later, babe," she called out as she left the room.

"Bella, I…" Edward started again.

"Are you ready, Bella? Jasper's waiting in the car," Alice interrupted, walking over to the
wheel chair. She reached down and unlocked the brakes. She started pushing me through the
halls of the emergency room.

I was feeling a little guilty about the whole situation, so I asked her, "Are you sure you want
to wait for Carlisle to take you home? I really hate the thought of you waiting here while I
play ball and chain to Jasper as he sits with me, waiting for Jake to get home."

"I can take Bella home, Alice," Edward offered for the third time since Jake left.

Alice blatantly ignored him. "You are not a ball and chain, Bella. No. You're more of a klutzy,
accident prone, fragile little human. I wouldn't classify you under burden at all."

"Alice, I said I could take her home," Edward repeated again in a louder, sterner tone.

Alice stopped my chair just a few feet away from the door. She turned to Edward and jabbed
at his chest with her tiny little pointer finger. "You know, Edward, I was almost going to let

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you back into my life after the way you helped Bella tonight. But your insistence on this issue
is making me second guess my decision. You know I don't like to second guess myself. You
promised that you wouldn't hurt Bella again."

Jasper must have noticed that Alice was shoving against Edward. He ran in and wrapped his
arms around her, pinning down Alice's arms just like he did in the gym. "Alice, why are you
back to threatening Edward?"

"Jazz, just put me down! I'm not finished with him yet," she squealed while squirming in his

"Alice, I don't want to hurt Bella. I feel like enough of an asshole already."

"And you should," Alice seethed.

"Alice, sweetness, stay calm," Jasper said, speaking in his low, soothing tone. "I don't think
Edward's intentions are as bad as you're making them out to be. He's trying to save you from
what could be hours of waiting."

Edward nodded along. "Exactly, Alice. I'm just trying to help."

Alice relaxed a little. Jasper slowly released his bear hug like grip from her. She stood tall and
straightened out her dress. She took a deep breath. "Okay. I have one suggestion as to how we
can solve this. I think we should let Bella decide."

"That's a very rational thought, Alice," Jasper proudly said.

I sat in the wheelchair with all three of them standing and gawking at me, waiting for me to
decide. I could see what each of them had in their minds. Alice was pleading with her golden
brown eyes that I use my senses and not get anywhere near Edward. Edward was intensely
staring back at me trying to send the message into my head that I should go with him. Jasper
had his therapist face on, meaning that he would accept whatever my decision was, but he
would make sure I knew his thoughts and feelings about my decision.

My heart was racing. My hands were shaking. I was afraid to tell them what my decision was.
I would definitely be hurting one of them, and making one of them happy. I knew that my
answer would definitely shock all three of them.

I took my deep calming breath and trying to keep my voice strong, I gave my decision. "I
think Edward should be the one to take me home."

Edward's jaw dropped in awe. "Really, Bella?"

I nodded.

Alice looked at me with great disappointment. "Bella, maybe you did hit your head a little too
hard tonight. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you aren't well enough to decide for yourself."

Jasper tapped Alice with his elbow. "Alice, she has made her decision. Let's just accept it."

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"I'll go get my car and bring it around," Edward said in excitement and ran through the door.

"Hold on. I want to talk to you," Alice called after him, following him out of the door.

Jasper looked at me. Surprise was definitely written across his face. He squatted down next to
me so we were eye to eye. "Bella, I am not quite sure that you are ready for this. The timing is
just… feels so off."

"Jasper, take a deep calming breath," I instructed him.

He looked bowled over by my command. "Bella?"

"I want you to understand why I made this decision. I have thought this through. Do you
remember telling me that my last hurdle would be for me to be able to wear blue again
without having a breakdown or panic attack?"

He nodded.

"You were wrong. I mean, at the time, it seemed right to make that statement. But now, I
understand what my last hurdle truly is. My last hurdle is this… seeing Edward,
communicating with Edward… just being near him again. If I can survive interacting with
him, I'll be released from whatever hold he has on me. I mean… look, I can already say

Jasper sat all the way onto the floor. He took in my words as I spoke and when I was finished
sharing my revelation, he was absolutely stupefied. He looked as if he was finally seeing the
light at the end of a very long tunnel. "Bella… you are one hundred percent correct in your
assessment of the situation. I can't even think of an argument for any of it. Just promise me
that you will call me if you feel even the slightest bit distressed," Jasper begged me.

"I will, Jasper." I proudly smiled at his comment. I was rather proud of myself for figuring it
all out on my own.

"There's your ride," Jasper announced as a bright light shined through the glass doors. He got
to his feet and pushed me through the automatic doors. "I am so proud of your self-realization
tonight, Bella."

Hearing those words come from Jasper, made me feel confident… I could do anything on my
own. My ghost of Edward is finally fading away.

He stopped the chair right next to the silver Volvo XC90. Of course this is Edward's car, I
chuckled to myself as I thought back to the car he had when we dated – the silver C90. His
taste in cars hasn't changed much over the past ten years.

Alice hopped out of the front passenger seat. She came up to me and hugged me tightly.
"Don't let him get to you, okay? I'm only a phone call away if you need me."

"Alice, I think Bella will be just fine. I can explain everything to you later."

Edward walked around the front of his car. "Would you like to stretch out in the back, Bella?"

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"No. I'll be just fine riding up front."

Edward made sure the wheels were locked on my chair. He scooped me up gently into his
arms and quickly and efficiently placed me in the front seat. He took the seatbelt and reached
around me.

"I have it, Edward!" I yelled out in a panic.

He looked shocked at my screaming. Jasper took a step forward. Alice jumped at the sound of
my shrill tone.

"I didn't mean it like that," I apologized as I could feel the heat of the blush covering my face.
"I'm fine. I just really wanted to do it myself and not be even more of a burden."

Edward smiled. "I'm going to return the wheelchair and I'll be right back to take you home."

I watched as he disappeared through the hospital doors.

Alice looked at me. She gave me the "Give me a call" hand signal.

I nodded to her and smiled.

Next thing I knew, Edward was in the car. "Are you ready, Bella?"

I nervously chuckled and said, "As ready as I'll ever be."

I looked out my window to see Alice and Jasper embracing. He whispered something and
bent over to give her a kiss. They are just so sweet.

The drive home was filled with awkward glances toward each other. The silence was
horrendous. It was only interrupted by the sound of raindrops and my occasional direction to
turn left, turn right, or go straight.

By the time we reached my house, the rain was working its way into a steady downpour.
Edward pulled his car into my round-a-bout driveway and stopped by the front door.

"Do you have your keys handy?" he asked.

I opened my bag and pulled my key ring out.

Edward took the keys from me and said, "I'm going to open the door so I can get you straight

I watched as he walked around his car to my front door. He fumbled with the keys trying to
find the corresponding key for each lock.

By the time Edward was finished unlocking and opening my door, he was soaked. He walked
straight to my door and opened it.

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I started to put my good foot out and he jumped in with, "I've got you, love." He quickly
scooped me up into his arms and kicked his car door shut as he carried me into my house.

"Just like old times," I commented, thinking back to the night I had lost my virginity to him.

He smirked at my comment. "I know," he replied, staring into my eyes.

I felt bedazzled by the flecks in his green eyes as they danced wildly. The sheer elation of that
had my heart racing. I could barely eek out the words, "You can put me down now."

"You're supposed to go straight to bed… doctor's orders," he teased with that trademark
devilish smirk on his face.

I thought for a moment. "Okay, you are going to have to get me there. It's the first door on the
left at the top of the stairs.

Edward just smiled. "Got it," he said as he adjusted me in his arms, pulling me closer into his
body just before he started up the steps.

I hugged him tighter and leaned my head into his shoulder. I tried to be discreet as I inhaled
his heavenly scent. His aroma was better than I had remembered. I didn't hesitate to inhale
more of his intoxicating woodsy citrus scent as he carried me up the stairs.

And I swore he was doing the same thing. As he stepped up the last step, I noticed that he
leaned his head down. He nuzzled into my hair and I knew I heard him sigh just after he
inhaled deeply.

I began to run my fingers through the wet hair at the nape of his neck. I opened my eyes and
looked up into his. His face was mere centimeters from mine. Our noses were barely
touching. His breath was cool, sweet, and minty – just as it always had been.

His face lingered there for an eternity. I closed my eyes as his lips brushed against mine when
he asked, "You said the first door?"

I could taste his breath in my mouth. His taste was pure ecstasy. I wanted to pull him in to
kiss me. I was so close to doing it, but my mind had a fleeting thought of my husband… of
my Jake. I pulled my head back from him. "Yes."

He exhaled loudly like he was being awakened from a trance. "First door." He carried me into
my bedroom. "Which side of the bed?"

"Don't you remember?" I asked, being a touch flirtatious.

His smirk reappeared when he replied, "Of course I do, Bella. I wasn't sure if you'd be okay
with me to remembering such a lewd detail."

He walked me around to the left side of the bed and carefully laid me down. He arranged my
pillows so that I would be propped upright in bed. Then he picked up a few of the toss pillows
and arranged them so that my ankle would be elevated.

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"How's that?" he asked, stepping back when he was finished propping me up. "Are you

"Very much so," I answered while yawning.

"Would you mind if I pulled the chair closer to the bed?"

I shook my head.

He pulled the chair half way to my bedside from the other end of the room. He took off his
suit jacket and mumbled, "Good riddance," as he looked at the water stains.

"I see you're still not fond of suits."

He laughed as he sat into the chair. "Not at all. I can't believe you remember that."

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's not a fact that is hard to forget. The only time you wore a suit
was to prom."

He laughed again and nodded in agreement.

Then we hit a small bout of awkward silence. He looked at me and I glanced away. I would
look back to him and he would smile. I wanted to know what was going through his mind.

"So," I said breaking the deafening silence, "You and Tanya are…?"

He nodded at me. "Yes."

"Congratulations. When's the big day?" I asked, trying to keep up the small talk and trying
even harder to avoid the return of the awkward silence.

"We don't have a date set yet."

"Why is that? It seems a little weird to me," I remarked. I had a strong feeling that I was the
reason behind it.

I watched as he leaned forward and ran his fingers through his damp hair. I noticed that he
still did that when he was uncomfortable. I felt that maybe he was afraid to tell me what was
really on his mind. My heart skipped a beat at the possibility of what he really had on his
mind at that moment – he still loved me.

He sat up before finally giving me his answer. "I just wanted to settle in and reacquaint myself
with Forks."

"Oh," was my very disappointed response. "That does make sense."

I knew in my heart that he wasn't telling me everything. His actions spoke louder than his
words. So I was left to wonder…

Am I the real reason you've come back, Edward?

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Edward and I managed to small talk our way through almost an hour. We skirted the major
issues, and I was more comfortable with that. We wound up having a lot of laughs as we took
a stroll down memory lane.

"Do you remember the shaving cream bomb?" he asked, smiling like the Cheshire cat.

"The one you set off in Emmett's room?" I giggled.

"You know, Emmett still remembers that one very well. I still get death threats from him on

"Well, I hardly blame him. You managed to cover him, his room, and Rosalie in one fail
swoop. He was definitely busted for having Rose over that night." I thought for a moment and
remembered another detail. "Didn't Carlisle ground him for life?"

Edward chuckled and said, "Oh, believe me when I say that he is still working off that life

"I want to know how you weren't in trouble for your participation in the whole thing."

He shrugged at me. "Maybe it's because I'm their favorite adopted son."

I rolled my eyes at him and gave him a sarcastic, "Yeah, that's it, Edward. That's the whole
entire reason."

He laughed and leaned forward with his hand on my knee. "You know it is."

I looked down at his hand on my knee and what I saw surprised me. It was in that moment
that I realized that he had been slowly moving closer to me as we were talking.

He noticed me looking at his hand. "I am so sorry, Bella," he apologized, quickly removing
his hand from my knee.

I looked at him and saw that he was a little panicked. Or maybe it was more like he was
worried about hurting me. I gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Don't apologize. I'm fine
with it. I'm not freaking out. It's fine."

He placed his hand back on my knee. "Bella, I…" he said and paused. "I…"

"You what?" a deep voice asked from the direction of the bedroom door.

I turned my head to look in the direction of the voice. Jake's voice. He was standing in the
door way with his arms crossed in front of his body. His eyes were focused on Edward's hand
on my knee as he was glowering at us.

Edward removed his hand as he looked at Jake.

"You what?" Jake repeated.

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"I have to go. I need to go home and get changed before my shift starts. I have an hour left."
Edward stood up and pushed the chair back across the room and picked up his suit jacket.
"Don't forget to take some ibuprofen in another hour, Bella. Also, make sure you call or come
back to the hospital if anything changes for the worse."

Edward walked to the door of our room as Jake held his authoritative position in the doorway.
Edward stood looking at him holding an authoritative position of his own. Neither of them
was budging.

"Jake, please," I blurted out. I couldn't believe he was being an ass and not letting Edward

Jake rolled his eyes at me before stepping to the side. "I'll walk you out, doctor."

The tone of Jake's voice gave me the chills. He used that tone with only one other person, and
that was Seth. I hated that tone. It was deep, growling… just so full of hate.

I heard Jake slam the door shut and lock it. I counted the steps as he walked back up the stairs.
He strode into the room like a rooster in the hen house – just arrogant and full of self-

"So, why was he here?" Jake asked me while removing his tie. "Don't you think he took the
term 'attending physician' a little too far?"

"He offered to stay with me until you got home," I explained. "You know… injured person
over here."

"Well, why him? I thought Dr. Hale was bringing you home."

"Because he offered and he was just being nice, Jake. There's nothing more to it. Why do you
have to make this an argument?"

He sat in the chair and removed his shoes as I spoke. When I asked him the question, he
stopped mid-shoe and looked at me. "Bella, I know what he did to you. He practically
destroyed you. Do you think I want to find you in a bathtub full of blood?"

I was floored by his statement. "Jake…" I gasped. "How could you say that to me? What the
fuck is going on with you tonight?"

Jake walked into the bathroom. He didn't give me an answer. He instead brushed his teeth.

I had tears running down my face. I didn't know what the hell was wrong with him. If
anything, I should have been the one to be angry. He did leave me alone at the hospital, after
all. He could have waited with his witness and have Embry meet them at the hospital instead
of driving her home himself. He should have stayed with me.

I followed Jake with my eyes as he walked out of the bathroom and laid his suit jacket across
the chair. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off.

"Are you going to answer my question or are you just going to ignore me?"

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Jake pulled off his t-shirt and flung it on the floor and walked over to me. "I thought maybe
you'd like to have this," he said reaching into his pants pocket. He pulled out a leather circle
and tossed it at me.

I looked at it as it landed on the bed beside me. I picked it up and studied it. It was a hand
tooled leather bracelet. I knew right away who it belonged to? "What did you do to Seth,

He glared at me with his dark eyes. "I did nothing to Seth."

"Then, can you explain to me why you have the bracelet that I gave him for Christmas?"

"It's a funny story, really," he said with a sarcastic chuckle.

I shook my head. "Would you mind telling me this funny story?"

"Oh, Bella, you will love this," he started, still laughing evilly. "That bracelet you have in
your hand is evidence in the case that was opened tonight."

"What are you talking about?"

"See, Embry found that bracelet by N… Miss Masen's house while doing his perimeter

I looked at the bracelet in my hand and back to Jake. "Jake, you're not saying Seth did it, are

"I think you hold the answer to that question in your hand, Bella."

I sat up and through my tears asked, "So, you're totally blaming Seth for this. I know you are
wrong, Jake. Just wrong."

He looked at me like I was being absurd. "Of course you wouldn't believe it. What more is it
going to take to convince you, Bella?" He walked over to me and snatched the bracelet from
my hand.

"Is this why you are in a bad mood? Is it because you knew we would argue about Seth?" I
asked as my crying picked up.

He rolled his eyes at me again. "It's not Seth, Bella. I have learned that we will just never see
eye to eye on the Seth issue."

"So, what is it? Is it that Edward was here?"

He let out a huff and shook his head in disbelief. "I just can't believe you let him in our home.
After everything you have worked on, you just let him in here."

"My doing that was my final test. He is out of my system now. I am over him," I explained
through my tears. "I can't believe you're jealous."

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"Hah, I have no right to be jealous? I've seen the way you two look at each other. I've seen
how you both fall into this bubble and nothing else exists. You may not realize it, but you still
hold very strong feelings for that man."

"Jake, whatever it is I don't do it intentionally," I justified – not just trying to convince him,
but myself as well.

He walked over to the bed and picked up his pillow. "I don't want to deal with this right now,
Bella. I have a lot of things on my mind. I'm going to the couch."

My breath hitched as I started to sob uncontrollably. "Jake… please… don't."

He left, shutting the door behind him.

I lay back on the pillows that Edward had arranged for me as I tried to think about what
happened. I was trying to figure out the fine messy details in my mind.

I reached to my nightstand and picked up my BlackBerry. I filtered through my contacts until
I found the one name I was looking for. I dialed the number and listened as it rang three times
before it was answered.

"Hi, Jasper," I said in between sobs. "I'm sorry that I woke you, but I need your help."

"Hey, Bells."

I woke up to the sound of Charlie's voice. I rubbed my eyes and looked around my gray room.
Charlie was sitting in the chair across the room from me. I glanced at the clock to see that it
was two thirty in the afternoon.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked, still half asleep.

"Jake called us this morning to let me know about your incident last night."

"So… you just came over?" That was very unlike Charlie.

"He mentioned that he was going to be working a case all day, and Sue over heard everything
and insisted that we come for a visit… and bring you some food since you are incapacitated,"
Charlie explained.

I glanced around the room. "So, Sue is…"

"Down in the kitchen cooking away."

"Oh... and where's Jake exactly?"

"He left about an hour ago. He said he has a lead on a major case."

"But, it's Saturday," I said.

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Charlie looked at me. "Well, Bells, there are no Saturdays when it comes to police work. You
are just very fortunate that Forks is still relatively small and not much happens here."

I nodded at him. There was no point in arguing with Charlie when it came to police work.

"Hello, Bella," Sue said in her quiet voice. "I brought up your lunch." She walked over and
placed the tray of homemade chicken soup and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches in front of

Charlie got up and reached over to the tray. "Those sandwiches look good, Sue."

Sue smacked his hand and warned him, "Don't you touch those. I made them especially for
Bella. There are a few downstairs on a plate on the kitchen counter that you can eat. I don't
want you getting crumbs all over Bella's room, Charlie."

Charlie smiled at me. "Sorry Bells, I'm going to go have some lunch. I'll be back up when I
am done." I knew he would choose to eat over staying with me while I ate. That was Charlie –
he hated to hover.

"I'm sorry about that, Bella," Sue apologized. "I should have fed him before we came over."

"It's alright, Sue. I know how he is."

She nodded to me. "I'll leave you with your lunch, Bella. Call for me if you need anything."
She left the room and shut the door behind her.

As I sat eating through my delicious lunch, I ran over the events of the previous night. It was a
long, bizarre night full of events that made no sense to me. Jake was acting all crazy and out
of control and I couldn't figure out what I could do to help fix the situation. Seth lost the
bracelet that I gave him and now Jake thinks he is a felon. Edward… Edward is back… in
Forks. I actually spent time with him without feeling stressed or suicidal.

I heard the door bell ring, and I heard Sue answer the door. I could barely hear her say, "She's
right up the stairs, first door on the left."

I wondered who it was that was coming to visit me. I knew it wasn't Alice. She was busy
designing Lauren's gown and working a mock-up. If it were Jake, the doorbell wouldn't have
rung. Seth knew where my room was. No way would Fucking Newton show up here. I could
only think of two other people that would visit me… Carlisle… and Edward.

My heart leapt at the thought of Edward checking on me. I was hoping that he would stop by
to check on me today. It was so wrong to wish that… and maybe that's why Jake flew off the
handle like he did.

The knob on the door turned. "Edward," slipped out of my mouth.

"Not Edward," Jasper said.

"Oh… um… hi, Jasper," I said with a nervous smile.

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"Is that all you have to say?" Jasper asked, shutting the door behind him.

"No. I just thought you would be Edward… um… because… he was going to check on me
today," I explained.

Jasper pulled the chair next to my side of the bed. "I have been worried about you, Bella. You
were supposed to call me back when you woke up."

I swallowed the bite of my sandwich. "I just woke up. I was going to call you as soon as I was
done eating."

"Well, I have been trying to decipher your call last night. It was hard to understand what you
were saying in between sobs. Did Edward do something to upset you? Is that what started the

"No, Jasper. It wasn't like that. Edward and I were actually getting along. We kept our
discussions light and airy… just small talk and remembering some outrageous moments that
we shared."

Jasper sat back and looked at me. I could tell he was processing my tone, my body language,
and my words. "Then it was the Seth thing?"

I shook my head. "I don't know, Jasper. You know how Jake and I are just not on the same
page when it comes to him."

"So, give me your thoughts. Why do you think Jake went after you like he did?"

"I don't know; I mean it could be Edward's mere presence. Then when he came into the room
last night, Edward and I were laughing… and he had his hand on my knee."

Jasper looked astonished. "His hand was on your knee?"

I nodded and nervously bit my lip. "Yes. But, I don't think that his hand was the catalyst of
the argument."

Jasper leaned forward. "So, what do you think was the catalyst?"

I blinked as tears welled into my eyes. "I don't know. I keep going over it in my mind. He was
distant last night while we were at the reunion. He seemed to be tired of being near me. I can't
figure it out."

Jasper handed me a few tissues. "Bella, let me give you some of my thoughts on this. Maybe
he was having an off night. Maybe the stress of this case is starting to get to him. Maybe it is
as simple as the fact Edward has come back into your life and you easily allowed him to do

I wiped a few tears from my face and looked into Jasper's blue eyes. "I know you are trying to
help me with your suggestions, Jasper, but there's more to this than the basic reasons you are
giving me."

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"You really feel that way?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

I nodded. "Everything in me tells me that I am right. I don't know how to handle this Jasper.
What do I do?" My breathing hitched as my crying picked up. I was trying to keep my tears
wiped from my face, but I was unsuccessful.

Jasper got up and carefully sat beside me on the bed. He moved the tray to the side table and
in his soothing tone, he calmly said, "We will figure this out, Bella. We will." He wrapped his
arms around me and slowly rocked me as I cried into his shirt.

"Promise you won't tell Alice about any of this," I begged of him.

"I won't tell her anything you don't want me to, Bella. I promise," he whispered.

As I continued to cry, Jasper's shirt quickly became stained with my tears.

How did things get so fucked up so quickly?


Thirty days after that man came back into her life and she just let him right in without
thought. Thirty days of me using my car's rebuild to help with avoiding her. Thirty days later,
and my car's rebuild is almost finished.

"Will you hand me that wrench?" I asked, holding out my hand.

"Which one do you want?"

I glanced around the hood of the car and looked at the line of wrenches on the ground. "The
same damn one I have been using all night, Embry."

He picked it up and handed it to me. "I swear, lately you have been getting so fucking crabby
when you work on your car, Jake," he commented.

"Well, this is the last thing. Once I finish putting the carburetor in, she is finished," I said,
snatching the wrench from him.

"Thank God," was his smart ass reply.

"Hey, Jake, you have any dip to go with these chips?" Paul asked as he walked into the

"Don't talk to Jake right now, Paul. He's being a fucking crab," Embry warned.

I peeked around the hood to see Paul stuffing my potato chips into his mouth. "Couldn't you
bring your own food?"

"No," Paul said, spitting out potato chip crumbs as he spoke. "Rachel never lets me have

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"Maybe I should tell her you are eating my chips." I glared at him.

His jaw dropped showing me the half chewed chips in his mouth. "Come on, bro. You can't
do that to me," he said, choking down the chips. "Look, I'll buy you a new bag and give them
to you at the picnic later today."

"You'll buy me two new bags?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Fine. Two new bags of whatever chips you want. Just don't tell Rachel."

"You are so whipped, Paul," Embry laughed. "What the fuck happened to you?"

I laughed along with Embry while Paul stood there glaring at us. "I want two bags of those," I
instructed as I pointed to the almost empty bag in his hand. "Just drop them off here before
you head out to the picnic."

"You're not going to the Cullen's Fourth of July picnic?" Embry asked.

I began tightening the last series of nuts before I answered. "I don't think that Bella and I will
be going this year. It's the whole 'Edward Cullen is back' thing." Yeah, it was that… and the
fact that I was hoping to be able to head over to Nessie's while Bella was moping around the
house. I wanted to impress upon her that I was working on making her the only woman in my

"Alright, I'll find an excuse to tell Rachel that we have to stop here first," Paul said, heading
back towards the opened garage door. "I'm going to go grab a beer. Do either of you want

"No, thanks," Embry replied.

"Don't drink all of my beers, Paul," I yelled to him. "And don't wake Bella." I went back to
tightening the last few nuts.

"I can't believe you and Bella aren't going. I was hoping Ren and I could hang out with you

I stopped tightening the last nut when he said that. I stood up and looked at him. "You and

"Uh… yeah," he said as if I had already known that piece of information.

"What?" I shook my head. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "When in the hell did this

"Jake, calm down. There are no rules that say that she and I can't go out on a date."

I repeated my question to him. "When did this happen, Embry? When did you and N… Ren
start dating?"

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Embry eyeballed me. "We haven't been dating really. We've been talking more since that
night I kept watch at her house."

My heart dropped. I couldn't believe that he and Nessie had been getting closer. The image of
her with him made my blood boil with jealousy.

"And?" I prompted him to finish.

"And what, Jake? Alice invited her to the picnic. She asked me to go with her and I agreed.
That's all there is to it."

I stood there just seething at what I was hearing from him. My body was being overtaken with
envy. "I think you need to go now, Embry," I growled in a deep voice.

"But, the car…"

I didn't let him finish his statement. I interrupted him with, "Take Paul and go."

"What the fuck is with you all of a sudden?"

"I'll see you at the picnic later," I said.

Embry left the garage and walked into my house through the back door.

I shut the garage door. I paced around my car and processed what I had heard. I couldn't
believe that Ness was avoiding me and making a play for Embry.

Was she doing it to make me jealous? Was she really interested in Embry? I would definitely
have to talk Bella into going to the picnic. I had to talk with Nessie and find out what was
going through her mind. I had to know if there was no longer a chance for us to be together.

"It's such a nice day for a picnic," Bella said, looking at me as I parked the car in the Cullen's
driveway. "I'm glad you're finally finished fixing up your car. The drive was nice with the top

"I told you it would be great to have a convertible, didn't I?"

She nodded along with me. "Yes, but you do know that this is the first and probably last day
of sunshine that we'll have in Forks in quite a while."

"I do, but on that one sunny day a year, we'll go topless."

She tapped my chest with her hand as she murmured, "Behave, Jake."

I snickered when she did that. It was the first time in a long time that we had interacted in that
way. In that moment, a small wave of guilt washed over me.

As she opened the car door, I grabbed her hand. "Bella, I don't want to force you to go
through with today."

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She glanced back at me and said, "I told you before, Jake, that I wanted to come. I don't know
why you keep thinking that I don't want to be here for Alice's biggest soiree of the year."

I glared at her and told her in two words the exact reason I thought she might not want to be
here. "Edward Cullen."

She rolled her eyes at me. "You have got to let that go, Jake. I told you, I am finally over him.
Besides, the whole town will be here. The odds that I am going to run into him are relatively

She exited the car and proceeded to walk up the drive to the Cullen's house.

Let the good times roll, I thought sarcastically.

All in all, the picnic had been going well. Bella kept disappearing between having talks with
Dr. Hale and helping out Alice and Esme with food and drinks. I barely saw her.

While Bella was busy, I managed to sneak away a few times. I was on a mission to win
Nessie back. It would take some flirting and a lot of begging to get back on her good side – at
least to have her talking to me again.

Then it happened…

I had been looking for Bella for almost ten minutes. I asked Charlie, Esme, Rosalie, Dr.
Hale… almost every guest at the party if they had seen where she went to. No one knew
where she went off to or how long she had been gone for.

The one thing I did notice on my search for her was that Edward was also nowhere to be
found. I refused to believe that she would go off with him. There was no way she would do
that, but then I thought back to the night of the reunion… how they looked at each other…
how they were in their own little world.

My gut feeling said she was with him.

I walked up to Embry and pulled him away from the group of people he was talking to.

"Dude, what the fuck?"

"Embry, have you seen Bella?" I asked.

"Yeah, about ten minutes ago. She was walking into the woods with some guy," he answered
me pointing to the far side of the yard where the forest met the lawn.

"Some guy?" I questioned. "Who?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. He was about six foot one, red brown hair. He sort
of looked like a GQ model."

"Edward Cullen?"

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"I don't know. Why? What's it matter?"

"Edward Cullen is her ex."

"She took off with her ex and her ex looks like that?" He was laughing as he finished with,
"Oh, Dude, that is a major burn."

I snarled my lip at him. "I'm going to go find her. If you see her, call me and let me know
where she is," I ordered as I started walking the direction that Embry pointed.

When I made it to the edge of the yard, I noticed a small trail that led into the trees and
decided to follow it. It led down a small hill and ran parallel to the stream. I stopped there and
looked closely at the ground. I recognized Bella's shoe print. Converse. It was pointed in a
direction that led up a small branch off of the main trail.

I followed it, hoping that I was right about it being her print. I followed the trail seeing
another print as it went up a hill. I climbed the hill and noticed that the trail led up to a circle
of trees. I was almost at the top of the hill, and that's when I saw them.

My Bella was with Fucking Cullen. He had her up against a tree and was leaning down with
his lips barely touching hers. I heard him say, "I love you, Bella."

I died in that moment. I knew that Fucking Cullen had somehow managed to win her back
from me. It killed me to know that I lost her to him of all people… after everything that man
was responsible for.

And in that same moment, I felt liberated in knowing that the door was wide open for Nessie
and me to be together. I no longer had to squelch that desire that burned in me.

I turned and followed the trail back out of the woods. I stormed into the Cullens' yard and
poured over it. When I saw what I was looking for, I quickly made my way through the
various crowds of people scattered throughout the lawn.

"Nessie, would you please come with me?" I asked, pulling her hand.

She apologized to the people she was talking to and followed me. "Jake, what is going on?"
She asked. "I have never seen you in such a state before. It scares me."

I didn't answer her. I pulled her through the small picket fence and through the front yard. We
walked down the driveway. I pulled out my keys as I approached my car.

"Get in the car, Ness," I directed her.

She didn't ask me any questions and did as I ordered her to do.

I got in and started the car. I drove through the crowded drive back to the main road and from
there I got onto the 101 and drove north.

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The sun was setting as I found a small, private meadow just south of Port Angeles and parked
the car. We had been parked, sitting in silence for almost thirty minutes before she finally

"Jake, what is going on? Why did you drag me out of the picnic like that?"

"I had to leave and I didn't want to leave alone." It was a stupid answer, but it was the truth.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I caught them," I growled as I started pacing around the car.

She got out of the car and walked towards me. "You caught who?"

I looked at her and snarled, "My wife and that... that… fucking asshole!"

"Who are you talking about? Just please calm down and talk to me." She grabbed my hands
and made me stand to face her.

I looked down to the ground. I couldn't look at her. "She was with Edward Cullen."

"Edward Cullen?" she asked, sounding rather shocked.

I nodded. "Why did you ask it like that? You have a crush on him, too?"

"No. It's not like that. I was just surprised to hear that name."

I pulled my hands away from her and resumed my pacing. "She was with him in the woods.
They were kissing. I heard him tell her that he loves her."

Nessie stood watching me pace around. After a few moments of thought, she finally spoke.
"She didn't say that, did she? Are you sure about what you saw?"

I pounded my fist on the hood of the car. "Ness, she had her hands in his hair. She wasn't
trying to fight him off. The way they were against each other was indecent. There was no
mistaking what was going on between them."

I leaned forward on my car, resting on my hands. I couldn't understand why she would choose
him. I kept going over what I saw in my mind; half hoping that Nessie was right about her not
wanting him.

Again, I couldn't deny what I saw – her lips against his, her body pressed against his, her
hands in his hair.

Nessie wrapped her arms around my torso. I felt her cool cheek through my t-shirt when she
leaned her head against my back. She squeezed me tightly and sighed.

And from that I knew – I could finally have her free and clear.

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I turned around to face her and lifted her chin with my finger. I slowly leaned my head down
and kissed her. She didn't fight me off. She didn't try to pull away. She returned the kiss –
slowly at first, then a little more intense.

I pulled her back with me onto the hood of my car. She climbed right into my lap as we
continued kissing. She ran her hands underneath my t-shirt and traced my muscles for just a
moment before she removed my shirt.

I returned the favor to find she was wearing a pink sheer bra. I groaned as I pulled her into my
chest. I put my lips to her neck as I unhooked her dainty undergarment and peeled it off of her
before tossing it into the tall grass of the meadow.

She reached down and fumbled with my belt. I helped her undo the buckle and she helped me
remove my pants. She grabbed me and began stroking my cock. She leaned down and kissed
it gently. I could feel her tongue trace the tip before sliding it back into her mouth. She looked
up at me and smiled as I let out a small groan.

She kept on pleasuring me orally, and although I was enjoying it, I wanted to enjoy her more.
I lifted her head when she removed her mouth from me to catch her breath. I leaned my head
down and kissed her again pulling her up into me and cinching down her shorts in the process.
I pulled her hips into me. I groaned again as I easily slid into her.

We made love on the hood of my car as the sun set. We kept going through the fireworks
show as the lights and booms went off overhead. We enjoyed each other intimately until I
could feel her squeezing around me in orgasm, bringing me to fruition.

She fell into me trying to catch her breath. I hugged her closer to me while trying to catch
mine. We just embraced like that under the stars until it was too cold to stay that way.

Finally Nessie is all mine.


It was like the whole town was here. Cars lined my parents' drive along the right side. It was
nerve-wracking trying to navigate the slender drive alone, but the car obstacles made me
almost panicked.

I let out a breath of relief as I finally made it to the back garage. Just like Esme had promised
me, the fourth door was left open. As I pulled into the garage, I had a small flashback to the
vehicular copulation that took place in this very spot – in a silver Volvo no less.

"There's that smirk again," Tanya noticed. "You get that smirk a lot when you are at Carlisle
and Esme's house."

I tried to sound blasé as I said, "It's nothing, Tanya."

I got out of my car. I noticed that in the spot next to me was a black BMW M6 convertible –
Emmett's new car. He has contacted me quite a few times since he bought it last month.
Mostly to brag about how expensive and awesome it was. I was very tempted to slam my car
door into his a few times, but I didn't want to ruin my car.

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I escorted Tanya into the house. She was carrying a bottle of wine and I had the cheese
platter. I told her that it was really unnecessary to bring anything, as my mom and Alice tend
to overdo parties – especially their Fourth of July picnic. But Tanya insisted that we bring
something and not be rude.

I was about to knock on the front door when Alice flung it open. "I knew you would be the
next to arrive," she shrieked in excitement.

I rolled my eyes at her and asked, "Has the whole town arrived yet for your 'little intimate
soiree', Alice?"

"Just come in Edward. And you didn't have to bring the cheeses," Alice said looking at the
platter. "We have plenty of everything."

"We also brought some wine," Tanya said, stepping around me while holding out the bottle.

"Thank you. That is such a sweet gesture." Alice took the platter from me. "Tanya and I are
going to put your gifts in the kitchen. You have a walk around, Edward. Most of the guests
are in the back."

Alice led Tanya to the kitchen. I looked around the living room. There were some random
faces that I recognized from the hospital and around town. I walked over to the open French
doors and leaned against the jamb. I looked beyond the porch into my parent's massive
backyard. I ran my fingers through my hair as I scanned through the faces of the guests to see
who I recognized.

I recognized quite a few people. Bella's father was talking with a smaller Native American
woman. Emmett and Mike were tossing around a football with a few other guys. Rose was
sitting by Jessica and placing her hand on Jessica's protruding belly. I looked by the large tree
in the back corner of the yard and saw Bella's husband. He was sitting on a blanket talking
with a fairly beautiful woman. I recognized her from the hospital the night of the reunion.

There was something about them. Something that was odd about how they were interacting
with each other. It wasn't right…

He'd take her hand and she would pull it away. Then she would touch him in an intimate
way… like running her hand up and down his chest. They would laugh. He would lean into
her and she would press up against him.

I didn't like what I was witnessing at all. How could that fucking asshole be like that with that
woman? What about Bella?

Then I realized that Bella might not even be in the yard. I decided to go through the house to
see if she was inside helping Esme and Alice. She has always acted more like a hostess rather
than a guest.

As I was in the back hallway near the kitchen, I heard Carlisle talking to my mom and sister.
"Esme, I've been kicked out of my office," he whined.

"Good. I'm glad. You need to mingle with the guests," Esme told him.

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"So, Jazz and Bella finally managed to kick you out?" Alice tried stifling her laugh. "You
know, Dad, I agree with Mom. You should go mingle. Here, take Tanya out and introduce her
to some of the people of Forks."

I heard Carlisle mumble something as I dashed up the back staircase to the second floor. I
quietly walked through the hall until I was close enough to Carlisle's office to hear what was
going on with Bella. I wondered if it had something to do with her Neanderthal of a spouse.
Maybe it had something to do with me.

"I don't know, Jasper," I could hear Bella. "Things are worse between Jake and me. He is
more distant now. He's angry with me all the time. He avoids being home or at least being
with me when he is at home. He spends more time in the garage with his car now than he does
with me. Of course now that his car is finished, I wonder what the next thing will be that will
preoccupy his time."

"Bella, I just have to ask again... Do you think Edward is the cause of Jacob's actions towards

"No, Jasper. Not at all. I haven't spoken to Edward in almost a month. I missed him at the
hospital when I had my stitches removed. I haven't even mentioned his name out loud until
now," Bella told him.

"What about Seth being arrested?"

"That happened two days ago, Jasper, and Jake didn't even have the balls to discuss it with
me. Charlie called to tell me about the arrest and that it would be another couple of weeks
before the hearing to have his bail set."

"I don't know what it is then, Bella. Do you think Jacob would like to try a therapy session
with me? Maybe we could try a couples' session with the both of you."

"I don't know, Jasper," Bella said, sounding totally defeated.

"Well, you talk to him about that and let me know."

There was a long pause. I couldn't hear either of them. Then the door knob started to turn. I
dashed up the front staircase to avoid being seen.

As I hit the last step, I heard Jasper tell Bella, "You're right. We'll have to try to keep Carlisle
out of his office for the rest of the day."

I walked into my old room. Looking out my window over the back yard, I saw the fucking
Neanderthal and the bimbo break apart. I watched him walk around the edge of the yard until
he saw Bella. Then he made a bee line to her with a fake smile on his face and gave her a
small kiss on the cheek.

Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks…

Fucking Neanderthal is cheating on her!

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I sat on my bed and ran my fingers through my hair. What should I do? I could tell her, but I
really don't have solid evidence of his cheating on her. I know she would accuse me of trying
to tear them apart so I could have her to myself. But not telling her when I had a suspicion
would be just as bad.

I stepped out onto the back deck and scanned around the yard until I found exactly who I was
looking for. She was talking with Esme, Charlie, and Emmett.

I slowly walked over to them and caught Emmett and Charlie discussing baseball. Emmett
was telling Charlie how much he loved playing for the Seattle Mariners and how it was a
dream come true. He even offered Charlie box seats for a home game.

"Am I included in that offer?" I asked, finally arriving at their small circle.

Charlie stood looking at me in disbelief. Bella stepped in and said, "Dad, you remember
Edward, don't you?"

He looked solemnly at me. "Edward." His voice was hateful when he said my name.

"Hello, Chief Swan. It's been quite a while." I said holding out my hand to shake his.

Emmett grabbed me around the neck and bent me over. As he rubbed my head with his free
fist, he said, "I see you don't listen to mythreats. Didn't I ask you not to come back here?"

"Emmett, I can't breathe." I choked out.

"Emmett, please let go of him," Bella pleaded.

After a moment of rubbing a bald spot into my scalp, he finally let go of my neck. He gave
Bella a large smile that showed off his dimples. "Anything for you Bella."

"Charlie, let me take you over to the grill. You know Carlisle still can't grill a thing without it
turning to charcoal," Esme said, pulling Charlie away from the group. She looked back at
Emmett and me and said, "You boys had better behave."

Emmett and I both nodded at her. We spoke in unison as we do when our mom tells us to
behave… "Yes, Mom."

I turned my attention back to Bella. She had a smile on her face that I hadn't seen since we
were teenagers.

"You two are just like you always have been," she observed.

I laughed at her comment; Emmett scowled.

"It's cute," Bella added with a giggle.

"So, Bella, has Edward been giving you any trouble since he's been back?"

She shook her head at him. "Not at all."

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"What about the incident at the reunion?"

She huffed before she answered, "Emmett, that was my luck intervening. Edward did nothing
but help."

He contemplated her statement before coming back with, "But he was the cause of it, right?"

"You don't have to protect me like I am a child. I can take care of myself."

"I can't help it, Bella. You're like the little sister I never had." He gave her the dimpled smile

She wrinkled her brow as she questioned his statement. "What about Alice?"

His smile dropped. "Um… just don't tell her that I said that. She'll hand my ass to me on a
plate," he joked as he turned his attention to me. "Speaking of ass handing…"

"What?" I asked, innocently.

"Don't I still owe you a pummeling for something to do with shaving cream? Do you know
that Rose is still washing it out of her hair?"

I looked at Bella, who was biting her lips together so she wouldn't laugh. "I told you he didn't
forget that." I turned and started running from Emmett.

And he came right after me. He chased me through the yard before stopping to catch his
breath. "Edward… I can't… believe… that you… can still… outrun… me," he huffed
between breaths.

Rosalie walked up and handed him some water. "Em, how many times have I asked you to
forget about the shaving cream? It was years and years ago. Drop it." She started to drag him
to the buffet table and quickly turned back and waved. "Come on, it's time to eat." Then she
added, "Hi, Bella. Sorry about Emmett."

I turned around to see Bella behind me with a cup. "I brought you some water."

"Thanks," I said as I took the cup from her and gulped down some water. I noticed her
looking around the yard. I had a feeling that she was looking for cheating Neanderthal man,
so I distracted her by asking, "Bella, would you mind if we had a talk?"

She looked at me. I could tell she was unsure about my request. "Um… sure. What did you
want to talk about?"

"I don't want to talk here. Would you mind if we went somewhere more private?"

She looked around the yard. I couldn't tell if she didn't want anyone to know that she was
going with me or if she was hoping to find someone so she wouldn't have to go with me.
"Uh… I don't know about that." She was trembling like a frightened child.

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I took her hand and looked directly into her eyes. "I'll understand if you don't want to go,
Bella, but there are some things that I need to say to you."

She stared back into my eyes. She nervously bit her lip as she contemplated going with me.
After a moment she nodded and allowed me to lead her down the steps and into the yard. She
continued to let me lead her along when we hit a small path at the edge of the yard.

We maneuvered our way down the small trail. We walked parallel with the stream for a few
moments before heading back up a small hill into a grove of trees. I stopped our little walk

"It's been a long time since we've walked this trail together," she said.

I studied her face. She was still nervously biting her lip. Her eyes were wide and full of fear.
She was still trembling.

"I know," I responded. I kept with just small talk so she would be at ease.

"Is the cabin still back there?" she asked looking behind me.

"Just around the bend behind those trees. You can still see it through there." I pointed through
the tiny opening between some tree branches.

"I see it. It looks exactly the same."

I couldn't take it anymore. The anticipation of finally getting the guilt off of my chest
overtook my senses and I blurted out, "I'm sorry, Bella… for everything,"

She looked at me. Her face was instantly panic-stricken. "What did you say, Edward?"

I walked up to her and took her hands in mine. "Bella, I am so sorry for what I did to you. I
wouldn't blame you if you wanted to hate me for all eternity."

"What you did to me?" she asked, confused and afraid. "I don't know what you're talking
about, Edward."

I flipped over her hands and traced the scars on her wrists with my thumbs. "These, Bella. It
just… It kills me to know that I am responsible for… I never meant to leave you in such a

A few tears fell from her face. "Edward, it's all in the past. Please just leave it at that."

"I can't. I have to tell you that I have been just as miserable without you in my life. I should
have never left you." I stared deeply into her tear filled brown eyes. "Bella… I love you. I
have never stopped loving you. Not one day goes by without a thought of you."

She pulled her hands away from me. She turned so that I couldn't see her face. Then she softly
spoke as she walked away from me. "It's all in the past, Edward. We have both moved on with
our lives. I have Jake. We are starting a family soon. You have Tanya. You will be marrying
her. It is what it is."

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She stopped by a tall moss covered tree and I walked up right behind her. "That's not how I
want things to be, Bella."

She turned to look up at me. "Then how do you want things to be?"

I leaned forward with my hands on each side of her head trapping her against the tree. "I want
us to have a family. I want us to be together. I want to be with you, Bella."

I could see in her expression that she wanted everything that I wanted, so it took me by
surprise when she said, "I am going to tell you again. It's too late for any of that, Edward. You
had your chance and you gave it up. We have our own lives now."

I leaned down so my face was next to hers. I leaned into her and whispered, "I hear what you
are saying, Bella. I know you want to believe every word you are telling me, but your eyes are
telling me that you are in total agreement with everything I am saying."

I pulled my head back from her. I wanted to wait a moment. I wanted to give her a chance to
react to what I had just said.

She looked at me with such a fierce passion burning inside of her. Her deep chocolate eyes
were bewildered at my insight. Her lips were barely parted, but she didn't say anything.

So, I took the opportunity. "I love you, Bella."

She continued to stare at me with her eyes fully burning. I wanted to know what she was
thinking. I wanted to hear her agree with me. It was the first time I wished I could read her

I leaned down, stopping my face mere centimeters away from hers. I could taste her sweet
breath as she exhaled. I closed my eyes as she had a moment before.

"I love you, Bella," I repeated with my lips just barely brushing hers.

She brought her hands to the nape of my neck and twisted her fingers into my hair – just like
she used to do when we kissed. She didn't move for a moment. She paused with our lips
barely touching, our breath mingling, almost as if she wanted to savor the taste of us together.
"Edward… This is wrong. I'm married," she whispered into my mouth.

I hesitated a moment. I thought carefully about my next words. "I know you want me as much
as I want you. Are you ready to admit that I am right, Bella?" I whispered to her. "I will love
you more than that Neanderthal ever could."

She slowly removed her fingers from my hair. She looked right into my eyes. The burning
desire was more prevalent than before.

Then I felt it…

The sting of her hand as it slapped against my cheek.

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"You don't know Jake at all. I love him." She turned and stomped down the trail disappearing
through the trees. "I'm going back to the house, Edward," she called back to me. "Let me
know when you are ready to grow up and accept things for what they are."

I smiled as I moved my jaw side-to-side. I put my hand to my cheek. I could feel the heat
coming off of the point of impact.

"That was one hell of a slap, Love," I mumbled, "but I saw it in your eyes."

I know you still want me.


I made it to the medical offices and parked my truck. Then, I arranged the rearview mirror so
I could check my eyes to make sure they weren't too red and puffy.

It was only 1:49 in the afternoon and it had already been such a long, bad, shitty day.

I made it up to the second floor to office number two seventeen. Opening the door, I walked
into the small waiting area. The receptionist was sitting at her desk and was reading a black
covered book with a torn red ribbon on the cover. She looked up at me for a moment and

I returned the smile and sat in the chair in the corner of the room. There was a Vanity Fair
sitting on the table next to me. The cover caught my eye with this absolutely fucking gorgeous
guy on the cover leaning back on a bed. I picked it up to give it a read while I waited to be
seen by the doctor.

As I was finishing the article about the hottest vampire in the entire world, a woman came out
from the office. She was crying and had her head buried in tissues as she left.

"Mrs. Swan Black, you may go back now," the receptionist informed me.

"It's just Mrs. Black," I corrected her.

She politely smiled and went back to reading her book.

I walked into the office. "Your assistant still cannot get my name right," I remarked, shutting
the door behind me. "I would say that I'm sorry for being late, but your last patient just left.
So technically, that makes you later than me."

"Have a seat, Bella," Jasper said. "I'm sorry for being late this time. If you need to get to
work, I can reschedule a visit after hours or at your house later tonight."

"That won't be necessary, Jasper. I had already called in to work today. I wasn't feeling like
myself anyway."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Bella," Jasper said. "So, how was court today? Or should I even ask? It
looks like you've been crying."

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I rolled my eyes at him. "It was filled with stupid legalities; they denied Seth his bail today.
The judge wouldn't hear my testimony about the fact that there was more than one of those
bracelets out there. He wouldn't listen to Paul's testimony that he was over at his place during
one of the burglaries. He wouldn't accept any testimony." Then I added with a mocking voice
and finger quotes, "No character witnesses at this time."

"It's not all that unusual for them to delay that type of testimony, Bella."

I rolled my eyes at Jasper with a huff. "Well now, they have the trial set to start in a few
months. Until then, Seth has to sit in jail."

"How does that make you feel, Bella?" Jasper asked scooting the box of tissues on his desk
near me.

I pulled a few tissues out of the box and dabbed at a few tears. "It… it just… it outright
fucking sucks. I know in my heart he is innocent, but it seems the rest of the world wants him
to be the guilty party."

Jasper leaned forward, and calmly said, "Don't fret about it. They'll find the real perpetrator
soon and Seth will be free to go."

I smiled. Jasper was bringing me back to feeling easy about Seth – just like I knew he would.

"So, how are other things?" he asked, trying to find out what else I had on my mind.

I sat and thought for a minute…"Well, Jake is still being a bear with me. His attitude hasn't
improved since the Fourth. I think our marriage has hit the steep downward slope I was
hoping to avoid." I grabbed another tissue out of the box. "We just aren't the same anymore."

"Would you like to detail that for me, Bella?" he asked picking up his pen and notepad.

"Well," I started, "you know he just left the picnic without me. What I still haven't detailed for
anyone is that he didn't show up at home until the next night. He was just gone. I still don't
know where he was or who he was with, if anyone. He wasn't answering his cell phone.
Embry didn't know anything when I called him, asking if he had seen Jake. His sister, Rachel,
hadn't heard from him either. Then eight o'clock that Sunday night, he comes strolling into the
house like nothing is wrong."

Jasper scribbled away in the notepad. "Did you confront him about his disappearance?"

"Are you fucking kidding me, Jasper?" I asked, shocked that he would even suggest
something like that. "He was already acting so strange. I didn't say anything, because I really
didn't want him to take off again. I didn't want to piss him off with any accusations. I didn't
want an argument. I just wanted to be with him. I felt guilty enough."

He stopped writing and looked at me. "Guilty? Why would you feel guilty? What am I

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Freudian slip. I was caught. I started to feel dizzy so I held on to the desk and took a deep
calming breath. "Okay, Jasper, I'll tell you, but this cannot go beyond these walls. I do not
want Alice to know anything about this."

"Bella," Jasper said reaching across the desk and holding my hand, "I have told you a million
times that unless you tell me otherwise, I will not speak of anything that is said between us…
not to Alice, not to anyone."

I bit my lip and nodded at him. "Okay, let me think for a second." I put my free hand to my
head and took a few more calming breaths.

"Take your time, Bella. Whenever you're ready…"

I sat biting my lip, not quite sure of the best way to say it. "This is about Edward and me. It's
about something that happened between us."

Jasper tried not to look shocked or surprised, but for once, he wasn't hiding it well. Even his
usual laid-back tone had disappeared from his voice, replaced by a worried one as he said,
"Go on, Bella, I'm listening."

I sat for a few moments before I barely whispered, "Edward and I kissed… sort of."

Jasper shook his head. "What did you say, Bella?"

I looked directly at Jasper and repeated in a slightly louder voice, "Edward and I kissed. We
sort of kissed." I paused for a moment before adding, "Twice."

Jasper let go of my hand and leaned back in his chair. He rubbed his forehead and asked,
"Wait a minute… you and Edward sort of kissed… twice?"

I nodded at him. I nervously bit my lip as he inhaled deeply. I was just waiting for whatever
judgmental comment he had.

But, he didn't say anything except, "When did this happen?"

"Well, the first time was the night of the reunion. He took me home and carried me up the
stairs. He stopped at the top of the stairs. Our faces were so close. Our lips were even closer.
So many memories came flooding back to me. I wanted to… I so wanted to kiss him, Jasper."

Jasper leaned forward and picked up his pen and notepad and started writing. "And the second

"The second time…" I repeated his words back to him. I took another deep calming breath.
"The second time was on the fourth. We went for a walk down a path that we used to walk on
all the time. We stopped in a little circle of trees. He apologized for everything between us
and he told me he loved me. He had me up against a tree. And just like before, our lips were
slightly touching. And again, I wanted him to do it. Maybe that time I wanted it even more."

Jasper took a deep breath as he was writing away. "So, he almost kissed you and you wanted
him to? Is there anything else?"

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I shook my head.

Jasper exhaled deeply and kept writing away in his notepad. "I wish you told me about this all
sooner, Bella. Maybe this is the key to unlocking the mystery of why Jacob is being like he

"You think so?" I asked. "He's acting crazy because I almost kissed Edward? But, he doesn't
even know that."

"It's not just the fact that you almost kissed him, Bella, it's also the fact that you wanted
Edward to kiss you so badly. Maybe Jacob sensed that something happened between you and
Edward. Maybe he sensed that you weren't opposed to Edward in any way, shape, or form.
You get it?"

"So Jake could feel the closeness that Edward and I shared… even though nothing happened
between us?"

Jasper nodded at me. "There is something that happens when you and Edward are near each
other. You two share such a strong connection. Sometimes to the outside observer, it seems
that there is nothing else that exists but you two. I witnessed that myself the night of the

I brought both of my hands up and covered my eyes. I knew that there was something
between Edward and me, but I thought I did well at hiding it from everyone else. If Jasper
recognized this attraction between us, who else would know? Charlie? Alice? Carlisle? And if
they knew, then definitely Jake knew.

My jaw dropped. That switch had finally been turned on in my head with the realization that
Jacob had been right the entire time. "He knew it. He knew it from that first night I saw
Edward. All I did was deny the entire notion, but he knew it. Oh God."

I tried to inhale, but I couldn't force the air to enter into my lungs. All of a sudden, I felt so
nauseated. "I'll be back, Jasper." I ran into the office's restroom. I stood over the toilet just
feeling so sick to my stomach. I became violently ill, emptying the entire contents of my
lunch into the bowl.

I stayed in the restroom for a few minutes waiting for the queasiness to pass. I splashed cold
water on my face and took a few deep, calming breaths. I just had to recompose myself.

"Okay, Bella. I need you to pull yourself together. This isn't the end of the world," Jasper said
from the other side of the door. "Why don't you come on out, and we can talk about how to
fix the situation."

I opened the door to see Jasper leaning against the wall. He held out his arms to me. I
accepted his hug. "We can solve this problem, okay?"

I nodded and walked back into Jasper's office, sitting in the same chair. I inhaled deeply one
more time and then asked, "Jasper, I want to fix everything with Jake. I need to fix everything
with him."

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Jasper sat in the chair beside me. He turned me to look directly at him. "I think that you
should sit Jacob down and have a serious talk with him face-to-face. Get everything out in the
open and let him know about your true feelings for Edward. Make sure you emphasize that
you still love Jake, and things haven't changed there."

I listened to Jasper's advice. It made perfect sense. The big question that loomed was would
Jake listen to everything I had to say?

After flipping through all of the cable channels for a third time, I finally turned off the
television. I stood up from the couch and stretched while I glanced at the clock and noticed
that it was already ten thirty – Jake still wasn't home.

I had been sitting on the couch, waiting almost three hours for him to arrive home. Well,
except for another few bouts of nausea that had me in the powder room on my knees because
my stomach was all in knots; my nerves were all frazzled.

I kept going over and over in my mind what I would say to him about Edward. I kept trying to
figure out the best way to start the talk... the talk that would either make our marriage stronger
or rip apart the last few threads that were holding us together.

Either way, I had to tell him that I loved him and was devoted to him no matter what I felt
towards Edward. He just had to believe everything I would say.

I turned off the lights and went upstairs to our room. I got into bed, making sure that I had
myself centered on it in case I was asleep when Jake finally came home. The plan was to be in
a spot that he would definitely have to wake me up – no matter what.

I didn't even need the plan though. I didn't fall asleep. I just lay on the bed, staring into the
darkness towards the ceiling.

The only sound in the room was faint rain drops outside of my window. The only light was
from my alarm clock. The only smell was a faint scent of my lavender lotion.

I lay waiting for what felt like an eternity when I heard the tumblers on the front door's lock
click. Jake had finally made it home. I glanced at my clock to see that it was almost 1:30 in
the morning.

He was like a cat burglar, sneaking through the dark as he entered our room. He walked
straight through the dark room into our bathroom. He very quietly shut the door before he
turned on the light.

I watched his shadow move through the light coming from under the door. I listened as he ran
the water in the shower then heard the hamper door slam closed, followed almost immediately
by the shower door shutting.

I laid there in the same spot I had occupied since I first got into our bed. I listened as he
turned off the shower and began humming while brushing his teeth. I froze, unable to even
breathe, as he slowly opened the door.

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He walked across our room to the closet in his towel. I knew that because I could see the
clock light reflecting off of it. He stepped into the closet and quietly shut the door before
turning on the light. His humming resumed as his shadow danced from under the door as he
got dressed.

After a few moments, he turned off the light and quietly stepped out of our closet. He slowly
walked over to the bed and gently started to pull his pillow out from under my head. I knew
then that he would be moving to the couch.

Before he could fully rescue his pillow, I decided it was time to make things right with him,
so I said, "Stay up here tonight, Jake."

He jumped out of his skin. "What the fuck, Bella?" he yelled. "Why in the hell are you still

I could feel him sit on the bed as he reached over to his nightstand and turned on the small
light that was there. He turned to look at me, giving me such an accusatory look.

Sitting up on our bed, I took a deep breath and decided to just put everything that was on my
mind out there for him to see. "Jake, I really think we need to talk," I started. "I want you to
let me finish with everything I have to say before you make one comment about anything."

I paused for a moment and waited to see if he was going to actually listen. When he didn't
move and didn't utter a sound, and he began looking intently at me with his dark eyes, I knew
he would do what I asked.

"Okay, I'm not sure what the best way is to start this so I am just going to go for it." I closed
my eyes and told myself to stand my ground – one way or the other I just had to be strong and
get it all out. "Jake, you have been sleeping on the couch every night for just over a month
now. We have been falling apart since the night of the reunion.

"I have been going over so many reasons trying to find the one specific thing that started this
rip in our marriage. I've been over it so many times, and I think I finally know what it is that
is tearing us apart."

"Bella, I…" Jake started to say.

I interrupted him with "I want to get this out, Jake. Just let me finish."

I looked at him waiting for his response. He just blinked at me. So I continued.

"The night of the reunion, when you came home, you seemed livid. I know you saw Edward's
hand on my leg. I know you witnessed us getting along fairly well. I'm sure it shocked you
seeing me accepting his presence with such ease.

"I have also finally come to realize that you were right that night. There is a very strong
connection between Edward and me. I didn't know it at the time… or I was denying it… or
maybe I just didn't want to admit it, but there was a connection. You were correct in your
assessment of us.

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"But, that's not all. That night, when he was helping me up to our room, we almost kissed. But
we didn't. Nothing happened between us. We moved on quickly from that minor slip. We just
practiced our small talk and thought back to some good times that we had.

"And I thought everything was behind me, but then we went to the picnic. And I know… I
know… I wanted to go to the picnic. Maybe I was hoping to spend some time with Edward,
but you were going to be there, so I didn't think of it being more than just wanting a friendship
with him and it would be fine. And then it happened…

"Edward wanted to apologize to me for being the cause of all of the troubles in my life. He
took me into a small private area of Carlisle and Esme's property to talk. I know I shouldn't
have gone off with him like that… but when he is near me, I can't think straight.

"We were in the woods; it was just the two of us. I don't know… I can't resist him. We almost
kissed for the second time. It was close and I really wanted him to kiss me. His lips were
touching mine… but all we did that day was talk. Nothing else happened between us.

"You have got to believe me, Jake. I admit I wanted it to happen, but both times, I came to my
senses. I thought about you, and everything that we have. I thought about how much I cherish
what we have together. And that erased everything I was feeling with Edward.

"I'm only telling you all of this because I want this riff between us to go away. I want you to
sleep up here with me again. I want you to spend time at home again. I miss you, Jake. I love
you. I want us to be us again."

The whole time I was talking I studied Jake's eyes go from pure hatred and anger to
something I had never seen before… something that I couldn't figure out. It scared me.

And as I sat, waiting for him to process the information that I had lain before him, I noticed a
tear well up in one of his eyes.

And then he opened his mouth…

I hope you are going to say that everything between us will be right again.


Bella explained in great detail the events the happened between her and fucking… Edward
Cullen. I couldn't believe everything that I was hearing. She was fully admitting that she was
still attracted to him. She was coming clean about the 'almost kisses' she shared with him. But
in the same breath, she was declaring her love and devotion for me.

The whole time Bella was explaining the situation between her and Edward, I admit, I was
starting to feel like the whole thing was all a nightmare and I was finally waking up. But the
nightmare just didn't end because I was awake. It was worse…

I was the one having an affair with a woman – a woman with whom I was already
emotionally involved. And that was a bigger problem.

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I couldn't just turn my back on Nessie at that point. It was already settled in my mind that
Bella and I were over when I saw her with him in the forest. I had already spoken to a lawyer
about filing for divorce. Ending my life with Bella was already in the works.

Not just that, but I was already making future plans with Ness – things like taking a weekend
trip to Seattle, possibly going on a larger vacation this winter, maybe moving in together by
the time the divorce was finalized.

I had been so pissed that I didn't question anything that I had seen. I didn't think about it
beyond the quick assumption that I had lost Bella to that man. Acting on impulse was
something I had never done. It just went against all of the training I've had over the years.

When Bella had finished explaining her side of the story, it hit me how quickly everything
became fucked up. There was no denying that she held some of the blame for the whole mess
– her actions towards Cullen. But in that same thought, I knew that I was to blame and I felt
wretched about it.

It took everything I had in me not to cry as I spoke to her. "Bella, that's a lot of information to
process all at once. Let's go through this piece by piece. That first night, the night of the
reunion, you and… Edward almost kissed, but you didn't, right?"

She was nervously biting her lip as I spoke. She looked away from me as she gave a small
nod in response to my question.

I inhaled deeply before asking, "And at the picnic, you went off to a secluded spot with
Edward and kissed him. Am I right?"

She was still chewing away on her lip as she shook her head. "We never kissed, Jake. Not
once," she whispered to me, looking down at her hands while she fiddled with the blanket.

"So, you never kissed him on the Fourth of July, but you really wanted to?"

She looked at me. Disappointment was written across her face – the disappointment she had
in herself for her feelings. She nodded again and looked away from me.

"Nothing happened? Nothing at all? There was nothing more between you and Edward
beyond some shared feelings and some almost kisses?"

"That was all, Jake. I promise. I realize it was wrong for me to keep it a secret like I did," she
spoke working her way into a faint whisper by the time she finished with, "Please forgive

I sat looking at her. All of this emotion was stirring around inside of me. I felt sick knowing
that she never cheated on me. And it hit me – hard – if she ever found out that I cheated on
her, I would destroy her. I would be no better than Cullen.

I noticed that she was looking at me with a puzzled expression on her face. She was trying to
figure out what I was thinking. "We're going to be okay. Right, Jake?" she quietly asked as
she leaned forward into me, hugging me tightly. She rested her head on my shoulder.

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I didn't respond. I didn't move. I just let her cling to me until she fell asleep. I softly laid her
back onto the pillows. I noticed a small tear in the corner of her eye and gently wiped it away
with my finger. I made sure she was covered with blanket before I picked up my pillow and
made my way downstairs to the couch.

I was already having a bad day because I was so wiped out from having only slept a few
hours. I wanted to make sure I was up and out of the house before Bella woke up. If she knew
I had slept on the couch again, it would have destroyed her. She was already feeling bad for
her actions, and I didn't want to make it worse for her.

Leaning back in my chair, with my feet propped up on my desk, I was desperately trying to
wake up by sipping on a cup of hot, black coffee when Embry came into my office.

"Jake, you will not believe what happened," he said in urgency.

"I don't know. What happened?" I replied before taking another sip.

"Seth is innocent. He's not the one pulling the heists around the county."

I sat upright and set my mug on my desk. "What the fuck are you talking about? We have all
this evidence that points directly to him," I snarled.

"Last night, over near Lake Pleasant, there was a robbery at the town market," Embry
explained. "Same MO as the robbery at Quil's store."

I shook my head. "It's just a coincidence – a copy cat. We have our guy."

"Jake, it's not a coincidence," Embry fired back tossing a stack of papers on my desk. "Look
those over, here are some pictures and the report that the Sheriff up there faxed to us.
Everything is the same as our cases down here. The front window bashed the fuck in. The
front door kicked the fuck out. Only the register was touched – not the safe, not the inventory,
just the register. You can't deny it, Jake; it's perfectly mirrored from what has been happening

I casually flipped through the reports and pictures pretending to study the pages. I had other,
more important things on my mind. Things that were more important than this case in another

There was a slight knock on the door to my office. "Excuse me for interrupting, Chief Black,"
she said poking her head into my office. "May I see you for a minute?"

I stood up from my desk. "Yes, of course, Miss Masen. Please come in. Officer Call was just
leaving the office."

Embry's jaw dropped as he glanced at Nessie and then back to me. "Dude, we are in the
middle of discussing this."

I escorted him to the door. "We really have nothing to discuss, Embry." I slammed the door in
his face, closed the blinds on the door and turned to have Nessie fling herself into me, pushing
her mouth to mine in what was the most lustful kiss I've had in a long time.

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"Ness, you have to calm down," I said, pushing her back.

She reached up and ran her finger across my lips as she licked hers. "I can't help myself, Jake.
I really need you," she moaned softly. "I wouldn't be in this state if you had stayed the whole
night at my house."

Oh, God! She says stuff like that just to get a rise out of me. Be calm, Jake. Don't let it get to
you today.

I cleared my throat. "The last thing I need right now is a nooner," I told her, pushing her back

"What is the deal with you today, Jake?"

I walked back to my desk and made myself comfortable in my chair by propping my feet on
top of it and leaning back. I thought for a brief second of the best way to answer her. "I have
had a really long, bad night."

She walked around behind me, reached around to the front of my shirt, and unbuttoned the top
two buttons. She slid her hands underneath my shirt and leaned into me with her breasts
pressed up against my neck. "Jake, you're all tense. Why is it every time I turn you over to
your almost ex, you come back to me all stressed out?"

"It's not like that at all, Ness. It's just some things have been brought to my attention and… I
just don't know how to handle the situation."

She leaned her head down as she pulled my collar back from my neck. She placed her warm
lips right under my ear and gave a soft kiss. "Jake, I am here for you. You know I can help
you handle your… situation," she murmured into my ear with a light giggle.

Fuck me! Her double entendres are such a turn on.

I couldn't give into her today. I took a deep breath in as I strained to keep control over myself.
"Ness, I can't" I said. "I have too much to do today."

She stood upright and said, "Like what? Your laptop isn't available." She closed the computer
and removed it from my desk, placing it on top of the filing cabinet behind her.

"Ness, I'm not joking. I have work to do," I sternly told her. "Let's not do this right now."

She glimpsed at her watch. "It's lunch time Jake. I think you can take an hour off for lunch."

I grabbed her wrist and looked at her watch. "Nice try, Ness. It's 10:30."

She straddled my lap as I kept hold of her wrist lightly. Her fingers quickly became busy
unbuttoning my shirt. "So you'll have lunch a little early today." She leaned forward to kiss
me. It was as lustful as her previous kiss, with her hunger for me intensifying as our tongues

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I pushed her back and tried explaining to her that things were too busy, but she retorted with,
"You remember that little gift you gave me?"

Of course I did. It was the laciest set of La Perla lingerie that the department store in Port
Angeles had. I looked directly into her eyes and groaned, "You didn't…"

Before I could finish the sentence, she took my hand and slid it underneath her skirt. A groan
escaped from me as I could feel, not only the lace of the dainty pink set I bought for her, but
how ready she was for me.

And that was all it took for me to give in to her demands.

We were sitting on the couch in my office. We were exchanging small soft kisses. She and I
had just gotten dressed. She had her legs on my lap and I was running my hand up her thigh
underneath her skirt. My hand hit her bare hip, and I playfully glanced her way.

"Feeling better now, Jake?" she asked in between the small kisses.

"Mmm hmm," I answered. "You were right, Ness. I did need an early lunch. I am sorry that
your panties met an untimely demise, though."

She cracked a small smile, her pouty lips slightly parting, and said, "You'll just have to buy
me another set of La Perla. I think I would like a black set this time, and you won't be allowed
to rip them off of me." She leaned towards me and planted her lips to mine allowing me to
savor her sweet honeysuckle taste.

"Excuse me, Chief Black," an elderly voice called out, followed by a knock.

Ness pulled her head back. She looked disappointed as she said, "Looks like work calls."

I tenderly removed her legs from my lap as I walked to the door and unlocked it. "Yes,

"I am so sorry to interrupt you, Chief Black," she apologized while looking at Ness behind
me. "The Sherriff from Lake Pleasant is on line four. He wanted to talk to you about the
robbery over there last night."

"Let him know that I'll be with him in a moment," I ordered. "Thank you."

She gave Nessie a dirty look before heading back to her desk.

"Why the hell did she do that?" I asked as I turned to Nessie.

Nessie shrugged her shoulders as she teased in a quiet voice, "Maybe she's just jealous that
she can't fornicate with the Chief of Police."

I tried my hardest not to laugh at the absurdity of her statement. "Fornication? That's a big
word for such a pretty girl."

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She walked towards the door with the expression of a cat who managed to eat the canary. She
paused right by me and whispered, "You have work, Chief. I'll catch you when I come in for
my shift later." She discreetly kissed my cheek and sashayed her way out of my office.

I spent the better part of the afternoon talking with the Sheriff about the burglaries that have
been occurring around Clallam County, referring to them as 52-20s and 52-25s. He informed
me of similar 52-20s that happened near Lake Crescent, Piedmont, and as far away as Ozette
over the past few weeks.

After he was finished detailing five recent crimes, I finally agreed to meet with him and
review the crime scene. He was inviting the Chief from Port Angeles along, too, since they
had suffered a similar crime the night before.

I finally hung up the phone and lay my head on my desk. I had to come up with the best way
to tell Bella that I wouldn't be able to make our plans for that evening.

Then, my office door slammed shut causing me to sit straight up in my chair. I saw Embry
locking my office door. I glared at him as he came over and sat in the chair directly across
from me. "What the fuck, Embry?" I scoffed.

He looked at me with pure rage and hatred. "Maybe I should ask you that. What the fuck,

The way he was acting took me by surprise. He had dissention in his voice. His eyes were
boring right into me like he was trying to kill me with the look alone.

"What's going on, Embry?"

He rolled his eyes at me. "As if you can hide it anymore, Jake."

I shrugged at him and said, "What am I hiding?"

"I have it all figured out. I know what's been going on." He crossed his arms in front of his
chest and glowered.

I nervously cleared my throat and in a low-key voice asked, "What am I missing, Embry?"

He let out a sharp huff before he gnarled, "I can't believe you would do it to Bella. And with
someone I was interested in, too."

I took a deep breath. I felt nervous, but kept my cool. "Embry, just calm down," I said trying
to keep the boss face on. "What exactly are you talking about?"

He shot me an angry glare and spoke through his teeth. "I'm talking about the fact that you
and Ren are fucking."

My jaw dropped; my ears were ringing with the nervous pounding of my heart. My secret was
officially out. I had been caught. And I was caught by my best friend. I tried to maintain my
composure as I played it off. "What? You're fucking nuts! How could you come up with such
an absurd idea?"

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"Jake, I am not as stupid as you wished I was. I knew something was going on when the only
time Ren showed any interest in me was when it seemed you two were fighting."

I laughed at his comment. "That's ridiculous, Embry."

He quickly retorted, "Really? You never wear your ring anymore."

I looked down at my hand to the empty ring finger. I quickly dropped my hand down to hide
it. "You know I lost my ring in the garage somewhere."

Embry ignored my statement and continued with his thought. "That night I kept watch at her
house, it seemed like you two were in a deep heavy discussion. I could tell by her mannerisms
that she was angry with you. Then she's clinging all over me while you were in sight. Was
that the night she found out you were married?"

I sat staring at him as he went further.

"For that whole month, she seemed angry with you. I noticed that she seemed to flirt with me
only when you were within earshot. She never accepted a date with me until she heard me
talking to CJ about him taking your shift on the fourth while you were going to the picnic at
the Cullen's place."

"It was then she asked me to go with her. I was fucking through the roof, Jake. I thought that
maybe I had managed to make her see what a catch I am. But, later that day, she had just
disappeared. I didn't even get a message that she was leaving. Funny thing is, you also
disappeared that day. Just gone. Bella was worried sick about you. She called me Sunday
morning and although she didn't say it outright, she was trying to find out where the fuck you

"I also tried calling Ren during that time. I wanted to see what I had done to her that would
have her running off on me without a word. She didn't answer either. All day long I tried both
of your cell numbers with no success. Then, later that Sunday night, all of a sudden, you both
reappeared from whatever Bermuda Triangle you were in. Then it hit me. The two of you had
to have been together that whole time.

"Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that there have been times you and Ren will
disappear for a few hours. Sort of like this morning…"

I lightly chuckled and said, "That's an outrageous fairy tale you've spun, Embry. You should
send that to the Penthouse forums. The whole idea of Ness…" I stopped speaking right there.

Embry was sitting across from me with his arms still folded across his chest and he was
glaring at me. I couldn't deny it anymore. He knew everything. He saw us for what we were –
adulterous lovers.

"I'm sorry, Embry."

He shook his head at me and said, "I don't need your apology, Jake. I can't devote all this to
just one woman yet. I still have some playboy time ahead of me. The person you should be

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apologizing to is Bella. I can't believe you would cheat on her when she loves you with all of
her heart."

I let out a howling laugh at his inept observation.

"What the fuck is so damned funny, Jake?"

"Bella doesn't love me with all of her heart. She still has a very large piece of it devoted to

He rolled his eyes at me for the second time, "You are so full of shit, Jake. She is married to
you, not to GQ model boy. I think you are just trying to make it all copasetic in your mind to
keep on going with Ren." He stood up from the chair, walked to the door, and paused just
before he opened it. He shook his head and said, "You need to fix this, Jake. You have to tell
Bella, break it off with Ren… just something to make it all right."

He gave me a disgusted look and mumbled, "I've got to get out of here. It creeps me out to
feel the sex oozing from the walls," as he left the office.

I exhaled deeply. I picked up the phone and called Bella.

How did everything become so fucked up so damn fast?


"Hello, Bella Black," I answered my phone.

"Hey, Bella," I heard Jake's voice greeting me.

"Jake! Why are you calling my work phone? Did you finally decide to go to dinner with me
tonight? I made a reservation for us at La Bella Italia over in Port Angeles."

"Bella, that's not why I called," he replied. "I was calling to do the opposite."

"The opposite? What's the opposite of going to eat dinner?" I asked.

"Me, cancelling the evening we sort of had planned?" he questioned back. "I'm really sorry,

"Why are you cancelling? I thought that tonight was going to be the night we rebooted our
marriage." I was feeling distressed that he was cancelling on us again.

"I wouldn't do this if it weren't important, Bella. I have to make a trip up to Lake Pleasant to
meet with the Sheriff up there. He had a robbery last night and it's very similar to the one at
Quil's store."

"You think it's related?"

"I'm not sure if it's related or not. It could be as simple as a copy cat."

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"Are you saying that if this is the same, Seth would be proven innocent?"

"That's not exactly what I'm saying."

A small smile crept onto my face at the thought that I was right about Seth's innocence. "But,
this could be the break we need. Seth would have to be set free."

I listened to his angry breathing while I waited for him to answer me. "Yeah, if it works out
that way. But don't get your hopes up, Bella. Like I said, it could just be a copy cat."

"Whatever you need to do to prove Seth's innocence. We can have dinner out some other

"All right, Bella." Jake sounded defeated – almost unhappy – about the possibilities that were
opening up. "I'll be late tonight. Don't wait up."

"Be safe, Jake. I love you," I told him.

He hung up the phone without a reply. That stung just a little. Not only did he cancel on us,
but he didn't even say that he loved me. I think it would have upset me more if I hadn't been
so hopeful in the clearing of Seth's name.

I dabbed a tissue to the corner of my eye, wiping away a tear. I had no idea why I was so
emotional – so disappointed – over Jake cancelling. I put it into my mind to not be upset by
making plans to do something with someone else.

I picked up my Blackberry and went through the contacts. I dialed the first number listed –
Alice. The phone rang… and rang… and rang. Finally it went to voicemail. Alice's chipper
voice greeted me and explained that she was in Seattle for a few days buying fabrics, but I
was free to leave a message at the beep.

Great. I hung up the phone. In the midst of trying to take care of the Jake mess, I had
forgotten Alice and Jasper telling me that they would be heading out of town for the week.

I huffed deeply. I brought up my contact list again. I went through name after name trying to
find someone that might want to hang out for the evening.

Then I hit the name that made my heart leap – Edward Cullen. I studied his name as my finger
ran over the screen where his name was listed. I couldn't remember entering his information
into my phone, but there it was clear as day. I thought about calling only briefly before
turning off my phone and laying it on my desk.

I picked up my pen and started back to work. After a few moments, I glanced at the phone –
sitting there blank, lifeless, yet calling me to use it. Screw it, I thought and grabbed my phone.
I filtered through the contact list again and found his name. Next thing I knew, I was calling

"Hello?" his velvety voice answered, sounding so tired.

"Hi, Edward. This is Bella."

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"Bella?" His voice perked up when he spoke my name. "Is everything all right? Are you

I smiled when he asked me that. I could hear the care in his voice. After Jake's dull tone that I
had been dealing with lately, it was nice to feel that someone really did care.

"No. Nothing's wrong," I answered a little unsure.

He paused for a moment before asking, "Why are you calling then?"

I hadn't put any thought into how or what I was going to ask him, so I just went with a basic
offer. "I was wondering if you weren't busy tonight… Would you like to grab a bite? Maybe
catch a movie or something? You know, just as friends."

There was silence on his end of the line. I instantly thought that maybe I had crossed the line
by asking him to go out. He was engaged after all. He did still want me, but he knew that I
wanted to keep whatever we had between us on a 'just friends' level.

After a long period of silence, I asked, "Edward, are you still there?"

"Oh, I am so sorry, Bella. I was just taken aback by your invitation. I would love to go…" he
finally responded.

"But…" I added. It felt like he was going to say no, and I did feel disappointed by the thought
of that.

"But what?" he asked.

"That's what I was asking you… You said, 'I would love to go' and kind of left it dangling."

"I'm sorry you misunderstood. I would love to go out with you tonight, Bella. What did you
want to do?"

"I have an idea or two. We can discuss it when I pick you up. Say around six thirtyish?"

"Uh… yeah. That's perfect actually. My shift is over at six. I can shower at the hospital and be
ready by then."

The hospital… His mention of that gave me a thought, so I asked him, "What about Tanya?
Would she like to join us?"

"It's kind of you to offer, Bella, but Tanya is in Alaska visiting her sister, Kate."

"Okay. Well, I guess I'll see you around six thirty, Edward."

"Six thirty, Bella," he confirmed. Then in a small whisper, he said, "I can't wait to see you."

I don't think I was meant to hear that, but, again, it was wonderful to hear.

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I went back to work, but it was difficult to concentrate. Thoughts of Edward kept floating
through my mind – everything from trying to decide specifically what we should do, to
thinking about what I should wear. I felt like I was in high school again; anticipating our first
date the afternoon he asked me out.

I remember that perfectly. We were in gym. Edward was too cool to actually participate in
any activities. He, along with Alice and a few others, hung out on the bleachers watching the
rest of us losers suffer through basketball. I had noticed that he watched me quite often during
gym since the day I had first arrived at Forks High School.

The day he asked me out was the first day Coach Clapp made me play basketball. I was trying
to coordinate dribbling the ball and making my way down the court, when I fell and tossed the
ball straight to Edward. He caught it just before it could hit his face. He walked up to me and
handed me the ball. He said that he had never seen such a klutzy girl before and it was "such a
fucking turn on" for him. He asked if I would like to go to the movies in Port Angeles
sometime during the upcoming weekend.

I remember answering right away with a yes. I couldn't help myself. There was no way in hell
I would say no to the most gorgeous guy in school – with his disheveled mess of hair and
those piercing green eyes.

"Hello… Bella… are you in there?" Mike asked wildly flinging his hand in front of my face.

"What do you want, Mike?" I asked, exasperated by the very presence of him.

He stood upright – almost tall and proud. Then he said in a shocked tone, "You called me

My jaw dropped. I never meant to do that. I had the feeling that there were so many doors
opened by that name dropping from my mouth. "Mr. Newton, how long have you been

"You're going to start with the 'Mr. Newton' now? You're such a fucking tease, Bella."

I was thrown off. I should have paid more attention to my surroundings instead of
daydreaming about Edward. I am going to be paying for that one slip for a long time to come.

"Bella, are you feeling alright? You are zoning out again."

I took a deep breath. "Why is it you came in here?" I asked, hoping to change the subject.

"Oh, I came in to talk to you about the final arrangements for the trip next week."

We spent the next hour completing the Excel forms so all we would have to do is input
information as we received it. We went over maps and finalized meetings in Kennewick with
the possibility of two more in Pasco and Richland. That would make four meetings in two
days. It was going to be one hell of a busy trip.

"One last thing, Bella," Mike said, standing up from my desk.

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I took another deep breath. "What's that?" I cautiously asked. I was hoping that he had
dropped the whole 'Mike' subject.

"I forgot to tell you that we're staying at the Red Lion Suites."

"Oh, okay. I'll get that into the expense report. Of course, I can't do much more than add the
name until we get the receipts for the rooms."

Mike's face suddenly became serious. "I guess I need to mention that they only had one room
left… a single queen suite with a pull out. The river races are going on next week. Everything
is booked solid."

"Are you kidding me?" I couldn't believe that Fucking Newton decided to do that. There was
no fucking way I was going to share a room with him. I'd rather sleep in the fucking car over
share a room with him.

I was about to tell him that very thing when he started laughing. "Bella, I'm joking with you. I
booked two adjoining queen rooms… one for you, one for me. Jess will be coming along.
You should bring Jacob along. We could go out for dinner the night we're there."

I fake laughed along with him. "I'll talk to Jake about that," I responded as the fake laugh
faded. "Thank you for offering to let me bring Jake along."

He reached across the desk and rubbed my shoulder. "Not a problem, Bella. I've got to get
going. Jess and I have an appointment with a decorator to pick fabrics for the baby's room."

I nodded and smiled at him as he dropped his hand from me and turned to leave. He paused at
the door. Without looking at me, he said, "You did call me 'Mike' you know. You should
make it a habit."

Yeah, I'll get right on that, I thought sarcastically.

I blinked my eyes. The room was darker than I had remembered it moments ago. I lifted my
head off of my desk and looked around my office. I picked up my phone and turned it on to
see the display read six o'clock.


I got up from my desk, grabbed my purse and made my way to the restroom. I pulled out a
travel toothbrush, my hairbrush, and some lip gloss and went to work. I rushed through
everything, but when I was done, I looked totally refreshed.

I ran out to the parking lot to my truck, started the engine right up and began the drive to
Forks Hospital.

Thankfully, Newton's was only a few minutes away from the hospital, even in my truck. I
pulled into the lot and made it to the patient pick-up area just in time to see Edward walk out
of the doors in what seemed like a slow motion strut. He flashed me his playful, devious
smirk when he saw me sitting in my truck.

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He reached the door and opened it. "Bella, are you sure you want to take your truck?"

"Absolutely," I answered him.

He shook his head and lightly chuckled as he climbed into my truck's cab.

"I was thinking we could head over to Port Angeles."

The smirk was in full force as Edward said, "That would be great, Bella."

As we were driving up the 101, Edward and I were talking about all sorts of things. It wasn't
at all awkward. It was almost like we fell into our old selves – completely comfortable with
each other.

"Does this thing still not get above five miles per hour?" he asked, stifling a laugh.

I looked over at him. "Hey. Don't hate the truck. She has been a really good truck, haven't you
baby?" I said rubbing the dash.

Edward laughed. "Same old Bella. What else hasn't changed about you?"

"I still hate Newton," I answered. "I accidentally called him Mike today. I think he creamed
his pants when I did that. You should have seen how cocky he looked."

"What? You called Fucking Newton by his name? You haven't done that since the eleventh
grade… and that was before you knew better." He was laughing hard as he spoke.

"I know. I know. I think I opened a can of worms today."

"I am willing to put money on it," he retorted. "Fucking Newton will be thinking about today
every time he fantasizes about you while jerking off."

"Ugh! Don't say that Edward," I groaned, shivering at the thought of Mike using me in a
sexual fantasy.

He laughed his musical laugh. It was such a contagious laugh; I couldn't help but to join him.

After a moment of laughter, things became quiet. It was horrible… awkward… thick. I was
about to just blurt out whatever… I don't quite know what I would have said. Thankfully
Edward spoke for me…

"Why did you ask me to go out with you tonight?" He was running his hand through his hair
and didn't look my way when he asked. He was being nervously shy – and that was the cutest
thing ever.

"Well, Jake called and cancelled our evening out. I don't know… it was supposed to be our
marriage rebuilding night. But he called, and… and I took his excuse, because he was going
to be working on something that would prove Seth's innocence," I detailed. "You know Alice
is out of town. You were the last one left."

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He took his hand out of his hair and looked at me. His face had surprise written all over it.

And instantly, I felt so bad. I quickly apologized. "Edward, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that
at all."

A big smile grew across his face. "How do you think I took it?"

"Well, I didn't mean that you were a last resort. You were actually the second person I called
after Jake cancelled and I remembered Alice was out of town. I just thought…"

He laughed again. "Bella, quit apologizing. You actually called me for a friend's night out. I
thought after the slap in the woods, you would never talk to me again. And then you called
me… and well… I was so relieved that I didn't fuck up everything between us again. Even
though I can't have you, I still want you in my life. I'll accept friendship over hatred any day."

I cracked a small smile. His words made me feel so much better. The guilt I had over the fact
I might be leading him on, melted away; replaced with what I had hoped was a renewed
friendship between us.

We eventually made it into Port Angeles. I drove through town and parked in the closest lot
nearest our destination. We got out of the truck and began our trek through the streets of Port

"So where are we going?" Edward asked.

"Well, if it's okay with you, I thought we would eat first and catch a movie afterwards."

"Ahh, the traditional 'dinner & a movie' friend's night out," he commented. "It's exactly the
evening I wanted."

"I'm glad you approve. I was thinking we could eat at La Bella Italia. I wanted to try it."

"Italian food?"

"Is that alright? I don't remember you not liking Italian food."In all of my efforts to forget
him, I was worried that I had indeed forgotten him.

"Perfetto," he answered in a spot on Italian accent.

"There it is," I said, pointing to a small, white brick building across the street from us.

Edward placed his hand in the small of my back as we crossed the street. He escorted me up
the steps to the door. He even held the door wide open for me.

I stepped inside and walked straight up to the hostess. She glanced up at me, but didn't say
anything before returning to her reservation log.

"Excuse me, miss, we would like a table," I requested.

She continued writing in the log, and was being a total bitch… just ignoring us.

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Edward leaned down to her hostess stand. "Miss, would you mind? We would really like a

She looked up at him, and her mouth dropped open. It took a minute for her to do anything
more than stare before she finally said, "I am so sorry, sir. The phone has been ringing off the
hook for reservations for tonight. Let me see what I can do…"

She scanned through her list. She checked her watch and scanned through the list again. She
finally looked up, past me, straight to Edward and said, "You don't even know how sorry I am
to say this, but we don't have anything available right now."

I interrupted and said, "There should be a reservation for Bella Black at seven fifteen."

She scowled at me and went through her list. "No reservation for you, Miss Black. There was
one, but a Jacob Black called in and cancelled it."

I turned to Edward. "I had no idea, Edward. Is there somewhere else you'd like to go?"

Edward flashed his charming grin at me before leaning down to the hostess stand again.
"Miss, isn't there anything we could do to get us in tonight?"

"Let me see what we have." She scanned through her list for the last time. "We have two spots
open. One at nine thirty… and the last one at ten."

Edward looked at me. "Would you like to go to the movie first, then come back and eat."

I nodded at him and smiled.

He turned back to her and said, "We'll claim the ten o'clock spot. Put it under Edward."

"Yes, sir. Ten o'clock." She giggled at his charming ways.

He turned to me and held out his arm. "Come on, my dear, we have a movie to catch."

I linked my arm through his and we walked out of the restaurant.

As we were walking to the Port Angeles Six Plex, Edward asked, "What is with this smile you

I looked at him and answered, "I forgot that you can charm your way into anything. I saw that
her log was booked solid. There were no spots left."

Edward beamed with pride and shrugged slightly. "It's a gift."

"Well, Jake would have thrown a fit, and we would have eaten somewhere else anyway. I
miss the luxury of being with someone who manages to get what they have their mind set on

We both laughed and then that awkward silence reappeared.

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"What movie would you like to see, Bella?" Edward asked when the theatre was in sight.

"I was leaning towards Love Spelled Backwards Is Love."

"Rom Com, huh?" he asked quirking an eyebrow at me.

"I just couldn't handle sitting through Tomorrow and Forever. I am not in the mood for
something so heavy in romance and drama. I opted for the lightest, breeziest movie out right

"Light and breezy," Edward murmured, smirking slightly.

When we arrived at the theatre, I stood in line with Edward. Until that moment, I hadn't
noticed that our arms were still linked from the restaurant. It sort of surprised me that we
could be this close without being overly drawn to each other. Maybe I really was over him.

We finally made it to the ticket booth. "I need two for Love Spelled Backwards Is Love,

The teenage boy on the other side of the window clicked the intercom button and said, "Sorry,
that's sold out."

I look at Edward and asked, "Which one do you want to see?"

"Is a suspense thriller okay?" I nodded and he turned to the kid and asked, "Two for

The kid shook his head and clicked the intercom again. "Sold out."

Edward looked back to me. I resigned with a huff, "Two for Tomorrow and Forever."

The pimply faced teenager leaned all the way forward, clicking the intercom button, and said,
"Let me save you two a lot of trouble. Every movie here is sold out… except Face Punch."

I looked at Edward. He stared back at me. Then we both laughed in unison and said, "Two for
Face Punch."

It was going to be the best worst movie ever.


I sat down at the ER desk completely and utterly shocked at what had just happened.

I was just coming off of a thirty-six – meaning I ate, drank, and slept my way through three
days of working at the hospital. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but it was really an empty
shift. I was used to Boston where a thirty-six meant only two to three hours sleep and drinking
so much coffee that Colombia's supply would be depleted by the end of the shift.

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My Forks thirty-six had consisted of four visits, only one of those was considered major – a
motorcyclist who flat-lined on the way to the hospital, to never be resuscitated. The rest were
minor injuries and people with summer colds.

I was looking forward to getting off of work and having a few days to myself. I had just
finished giving a prescription to a mom of a three year old that came in with a high fever. It
turned out that he just had an ear infection. A few doses of antibiotics, and he would be
running around in no time. Like I said, minor visits.

Then, out of the blue, I got the call… from Bella. Of all the people to be calling me, she was
the last one I expected to hear on the other end of the line. She had called to ask me for a
friend's night out sort of thing. Of course, I agreed.

I was counting the minutes to my shift being over and done. I was checking the time
repeatedly, only to watch it crawl along slowly. The anticipation of spending the evening with
her was torture.

It hadn't been this bad since our first date. That time, we were supposed to go to the movies
on a Saturday night, but I couldn't wait to be with her. I showed up hours early and sat in my
car. I watched Bella through the windows of her house as she went about her day. I watched
as she started getting ready for our date. She came out of her bathroom wrapped up in a purple
towel and closed the blinds… or at least she thought she had. I could see every inch of her
milky white skin from the waist up when she dropped the towel to get dressed. I was instantly
turned on by her naked form. I was thankful that I had an hour to "relax" from my excited
state before it was time to pick her up.

"Doctor Cullen, wipe that smirk off of your face. It's time to work. The ambulance is pulling
into bay one right now," Jackie said, interrupting my thoughts.

With a deep huff, I went off to work on a logger who managed to saw through his hand.

As my shift was finally ending, I rushed to the locker room to shower. I set a land speed
record for the fastest shower in the world. I got dressed in even less time.

The excitement over seeing Bella just pulsed through me like I had received a shot of
adrenaline. It was a fantastic high. I hadn't felt this energized in so long.

It didn't surprise me to see her sitting in her truck when I walked out of the hospital. I
chuckled at the thought of how much she hasn't changed. She was the same Bella as always.

She wanted to drive over to Port Angeles, and I wasn't going to argue with her. I was going to
go along with whatever she wished to do. Tonight would be her night. I wanted it to be a
'perfect date' in her eyes… and hopefully I would be considered perfect to her once again.

As she drove us up the 101, it seemed that every car was passing us on the highway. "Does
this thing still not get above five miles per hour?" I was trying hard not to laugh. I knew how
defensive she was about her truck.

She gasped at me and said, "Hey. Don't hate the truck. She has been a really good truck,
haven't you baby."

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I couldn't help myself. I laughed hard at her statement. "Same old Bella. What else hasn't
changed about you?"

"I still hate Newton," she answered. "I accidentally called him 'Mike' today. I think he
creamed his pants when I did that. You should have seen how cocky he looked."

My laughter continued as I responded to her. "What? You called Fucking Newton by his
name? You haven't done that since the eleventh grade… and that was before you knew

She looked defeated. "I know. I know. I think I opened a can of worms today."

"I am willing to put money on it. Fucking Newton will be thinking about today every time he
fantasizes about you." I know I do.

I noticed that she shivered as she thought about my statement. "Ugh! Don't say that Edward!"

I kept laughing. She was still my Bella deep inside. Nothing about her had really changed
over the time we had spent apart. She still had her little quirks that were such a fucking turn
on. She still valued the same things. Even her bubbly giggles still warmed my heart as she
joined along in laughing with me.

A moment later, our laughter subsided. Things became awkward quickly.

I decided to take the opportunity to ask her something that had been on my mind since she
called me. I just wasn't sure how to ask it, but I had to know her reasons for wanting to be
with me. She was livid when she left me in the forest on the Fourth. She hadn't called or said
anything about me to anyone – mainly Alice – since then.

As in my usual fashion when I get upset or nervous, I ran my fingers through my hair, and
decided to ask her outright. "Why did you ask me to go out with you tonight?" I couldn't even
look her way when I asked; worried that it was a mistake on her part.

"Well, Jake called and cancelled our evening out. I don't know… it was supposed to be our
rebuilding us night. But, I took his excuse, because he was going to be working on something
that would prove Seth's innocence," she explained, laying out all of the details before me.
"You know Alice is out of town. You were the last one left."

I removed my fingers from my hair, in complete shock. Did I hear her right? Of all the people
she knew, she wanted to spend the evening with me. I may have been the last one left for her
to call, but she actually wanted to be with me.

I'm not sure what expression I had on my face when she glanced my way, but she
immediately apologized, "Edward, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that at all."

I smiled at her. She continued to amaze me. It figured that she would apologize, thinking she
had said something wrong. "How do you think I took it?"

"Well, I didn't mean that you were a last resort. You were actually the second person I called
after Jake cancelled and I remembered Alice was out of town. I just thought…"

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I had to laugh again. She was being so absurd. "Bella, quit apologizing. You actually called
me for a friend's night out. I thought after the slap in the woods, you would never talk to me
again. And then you called me… and well… I was so relieved that I didn't fuck up everything
between us again. Even though I can't have you, I still want you in my life. I'll accept
friendship over hatred any day."

I meant every word of that. Spending time with her was bliss. It aroused something in me that
was getting harder and harder for me to ignore. Watching her squirm was as much of a
fucking turn on as me being her protector.

I glanced over at her and noticed that she looked like a large weight had been lifted off of her
shoulders. She seemed… I don't know… elated? Maybe she was more relieved that I would
accept a friendship over nothing with her and seeing her that way made me feel so happy.

I think things between us are finally headed in the right direction.

We sat through an hour and forty-five minutes of Face Punch. The whole movie was rather
ridiculous – between the dialogue and the horrible effects. It was sheer torture to actually

But, being with Bella made the movie so much better. She and I would whisper comments to
each other. We laughed and made faces. We kept getting shushed by a few people who were
actually trying to watch the movie, and that would make us laugh a little harder. We
connected in such a way that we hadn't in a long time.

As we were walking out of the movie, she offered me her arm as I did to her at La Bella Italia.
I linked my arm through hers and we walked our way back through Port Angeles to get to our
dinner reservations.

"I cannot believe we actually sat through that crap," she laughed. "I'm drained."

I laughed along with her sweet, silvery giggle. "I am truly surprised that we left with the same
IQ that we entered with. That movie was so stupid!"

"You want to know the sad thing?" she asked, glancing up at me.

"There is something sadder than that movie?" I playfully retorted.

She nodded and admitted, "I think Jake would have loved it."

I guess Neanderthals are easy to amuse, I thought. As bad as I wanted to say that, I didn't.
Instead I stuck with the basic, "Really?"

She nodded again. "He loves that stupid, gory action type of movie. It's all fun and games to

"Well, thankfully it's not the dialogue that would attract him." Then in my best imitation of
the deep voiced male lead, "Both of you drop your friggin' guns or I'll blow both of your
friggin' heads off."

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Her laugh rang like bells. "You should be in Face Punch 2," she commented. "You could
blow all three of their friggin' heads off."

I rolled my eyes at her and impishly said, "Yeah, because I am such a male lead type of guy.
I'll get right on that and call my agent first thing in the morning."

Our laughter mixed in the air. We were having such a wonderful time. I was so sorry that the
walk to the restaurant wasn't a little longer.

We had arrived at the restaurant and walked up the steps, still arm in arm. I opened the door
for her and escorted her to the hostess stand where the hostess was leaning, tapping her pen
against the reservation log.

"Edward with a reservation for two at ten o'clock," I said, flashing my charming grin to the

She giggled into her hand. "Yes, I remember. You're a few minutes early, but if you'd like a
booth instead of a table, we have one ready."

I kept the grin on my face. "That would be wonderful."

She collected a couple of menus and led us through the restaurant. We wove our way through
the busy tables to the back side of the dining room to the booth. She laid the menus on the
table, winked at me, and said, "Here you go. Dave will be your waiter this evening. Enjoy
your meal."

Bella leaned over to me and whispered, "You know she keeps looking back at you."

"Bella, I can't control my powers of charm and charisma," I nonchalantly told her.

"Yes, you had her at the word 'Miss,'" she giggled. "I guess all women are helpless to your

"Not all women," I said, smirking and looking directly into her beautiful deep brown eyes.

I could see that she wanted to say something, but the waiter showed up and placed two glasses
filled with ice water in front of us. "Hello. I'm Dave and I'll be your server tonight. Can I get
an appetizer to start you with?"

She picked up the menu and scanned through quickly. "Is there anything you'd care for

"I don't see anything that calls out to me," I answered scanning through my own menu.

"Well, what can I get you to drink tonight?" Dave asked. I looked up and noticed him intently
staring at Bella.

"I'll have a glass of the house red wine," Bella answered him, not looking up from her menu.

"Make that two."

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"I'll be right back with those," he said, walking to the waiter station near the kitchen.

"Apparently, love, I am not the only one who can charm the pants off of someone," I
murmured to her.

She looked up from her menu with a puzzled look on her face. "What are you talking about?"

"The waiter," I replied. "He was ogling you."

She hit my arm with the back of her hand. "Edward, you are so full of shit. He was not."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Bella, he was staring at you the whole time he was here. Here he
comes with our drinks. Just watch."

Dave-the-waiter set our glasses of wine on the table next to our respective water glasses. His
gaze was fixed upon her as he asked, "Are you ready to order yet?"

Bella gave me a fleeting look before turning her attention back to the waiter. "I'll have the five
cheese ravioli."

"And you, sir," he asked, not once looking away from Bella.

"I'll have the mushroom ravioli," I answered.

He took our menus, the whole time his eyes were fixed on Bella. "I'll be back with your
orders." He walked away from the table while still staring at her. He almost ran into a few
other diners that were getting up from their table.

"Do you see how powerless he was to your immense beauty?"

"You got it wrong, Edward. He was obviously looking at you," she laughed.

"You wish," I joked back.

"Yeah, I do actually. He's a little weird," she said, picking up her glass of wine. She took a
small sip and spit it right back into the glass.

"Is there something wrong with your wine? Let me get the waiter for you." I looked around to
flag down Dave-the-waiter.

"No, Edward, there's nothing wrong. I just remembered something and changed my mind
about drinking wine tonight." She leaned back and picked up her napkin and dabbed the
corner of her mouth. All of a sudden, her jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

I reached over and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Bella, what's wrong? It really was the
wine, wasn't it?"

She didn't blink. She didn't speak. She just sat there staring off into space.

So, I asked her again, "Bella, love, what's wrong?"

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I could barely make out her words as she whispered them. "He's here. What the fuck is he
doing here?"

I looked around and turned my attention towards the direction she was looking – the counter
where called in orders were to be picked up. And there he was… her fucking Neanderthal of a
husband, standing with flowers in his hand and paying for an order.

I immediately turned back to Bella. I thought that maybe I could distract her by asking
something random, so I asked, "So, how's your dress from the reunion night? Did you get that
blood stain out? I have some tips that might help with that... although that was a while ago."

Bella glared at me. "I see my husband picking up food at a restaurant when he is supposed to
be working, and you ask me about a dress?"

I exhaled in defeat. "Bella, I was just trying to change the subject. The second I spotted

She looked at me, smiled a small understanding smile and quietly said, "I know. You were
trying to distract me. That's sweet, Edward, but it doesn't change the fact that Jake is here
when he told me that he would be working in Lake Pleasant."

"Well, Lake Pleasant isn't that far from here. You know, maybe he is working. Maybe he's
just picking up some food for the work session. We do that all the time at the hospital."

"What about the flowers he's holding? He needs those for work?"

I couldn't think of a good argument for her point. "Yeah… that is a little suspect, but Bella,
you can't jump to conclusions."

Dave arrived at the table with our ravioli platters. He carefully set them on the table. Then
again, while staring at Bella, he said, "I hope you enjoy your ravioli, miss."

"Thanks, we will," I responded to him.

As Dave was leaving the table, Bella slid down in the seat.

"What are you doing?"

"Fuck!" she yelled in a tiny whisper. "He saw me… us... Fuck!"

I looked behind me to see that he was gone. I leaned over to her and tried to put her mind at
ease. "Bella, he left. I know that he didn't see you… us. If he had, I think he would have come
straight over to the table to find out what was going on. Come on, let's just enjoy our evening.
We have been having a great 'friend's night out' so far, right?"

She nodded. After some coaxing, we resumed our evening. The tone between us had changed
some. I think she was feeling guilty for being with me instead of staying home alone,
wondering what her husband was doing – well, more like who he was doing – and how long
he would be working for.

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She didn't laugh at my jokes about the creepy waiter and the drooling hostess. She didn't
accept a trade of platters through half of the meal. She didn't even touch her drinks that I
ordered for her to replace the rancid wine.

Looking at her nervously biting her lip, I knew in my heart that she had been crushed.

I decided then to end our 'friend's night' early. I had the waiter pack up the food for us to take
home. I paid for everything quickly, and got her out of there.

The tone between us had changed. It hurt me knowing that her husband was dicking around
behind her back, but I still couldn't say anything. I just didn't have the evidence.

She drove me back to the hospital parking lot. We talked some on the way back to Forks, but
it was all just so wrong. She mostly asked questions about what that Neanderthal was doing in
Port Angeles. She kept asking why he had flowers for a work thing.

I gave her the best answer I could come up with that wouldn't destroy her. I loved her too
much to do that to her. "Maybe he was picking up food and flowers to surprise you because
he felt guilty about cancelling your date tonight."

She thought about my comment and pushed her truck to its limits, speeding as fast as that
thing would go, to get back to Forks before he knew she went out without him.

She pulled up next to my car. I got out, praying that I was right about him surprising her, even
if it meant that I couldn't have her. She couldn't be destroyed like that again.

Yet, there was something telling me, deep in my gut, that he wasn't even home waiting for
her. I knew it in my heart.

So, I stood there smiling and waving like an idiot as she drove off.

He's fucking around behind your back, Bella. I wish I could tell you that.


When I got home after dropping Edward off at the hospital, I opened the door fully prepared
to be honest and tell him the truth… I was with Edward.

But, as I looked around the house, he wasn't there. I checked the machine and saw no
messages had come in. I sat on the couch, and resigned myself to the fact that Jake had seen
me enjoying dinner with Edward. He was mad at me and didn't want to face me.

Something else for Jake to be mad at me about.

I stretched out on the couch and laid back, trying to relax. I had decided to wait for him to
show up at home so I could explain my side of the story.

He never showed.

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I woke up at five the next morning. There was no sign of him having come home anywhere. I
was devastated, but I went about my day making sure everything was ready for our trip.

I had just finished wrapping a small oblong box and placing it into my suitcase. I shut the lid
and locked it down. I set it on the floor next to the other suitcase that was packed.

After both suitcases had been carried downstairs and placed by the door, I walked into the
living room and waited for Jake. I had one last chance to get him to agree to my terms before I

"Hey Bella, you ready?" he asked, walking in through the front door.

I walked up to him, determined to get my way. "Jake, please, I am begging you. Won't you
please come with me?"

Jake shook his head at me and said, "I'm sorry, Bella. I can't. You know why."

"Come on, Jake. I need this. We need this. It's only a few days, and you'll be back. Embry can
handle things at the station while you're gone.

"Embry won't do anything for me right now," he said angrily. "Besides, he's gone on vacation.
You know that."

"What about CJ? He can watch over the station," I said, tossing another idea his way.

"CJ can't authorize or do anything in these investigations that we have going on across the
county. That's my job, and I have to stay here and do it."

I gave up. There was no point in arguing with Jake on this. "You want it like that? Then,
fine!" I stormed by him and picked up only my suitcase on my way to the front door.

Jake drove me to Newton's and parked the squad car. As we sat and waited for Mike to show
up, neither of us spoke. We didn't even look at each other.

I wanted to tell him everything I had on my mind. I wanted my questions answered. I wanted
to be us again.

After some time, Jake finally spoke. "I am sorry, Bella. It's this whole robbery case, and Seth,
and…" He trailed off.

I tried not to cry as I told him, "I understand that there are tons of things going on right now,
Jake, but I think that you forgot about the biggest thing of all… us." A few tears escaped and
rolled down my cheeks, but I kept my voice steady as I finished my thought. "We have the
chance to go and be together for a few days, and you chose work instead. I get it. I'll talk to
you later."

I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. I retrieved my suitcase from the back seat and
slammed that door shut, too. I walked to the steps in the front of the store and sat my suitcase

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Jake looked at me and I turned away from him. The tires squealed as he quickly drove away.

Good riddance.

I took my ring off and dropped it into my purse. I sat on my suitcase and pulled out my phone
to call Jasper. It went straight to voicemail. The sobbing started as I was leaving him a

"Jasper, Jake turned me down flat. Not only do I not get answers to my questions that I talked
to you about over the weekend, we won't have our time together. I don't know what to do
anymore. I give up on Jake. This was the last straw."

And with that, I hung up the phone.

As I was wiping away my tears, Mike Fucking Newton pulled up to the curb. He got out of
his black Mercedes S7 and walked around to me. "Where's Jacob?"

"Police duty called," I answered while trying not to start crying again.

"Well, let me get your suitcase then, Bella. You can get in the front seat."

He took my suitcase and as he was walking to the trunk I asked, "The front? I thought Jessica
was coming along."

He lifted the bag into the trunk and replied, "She was coming, but Dr. Denali put her on bed
rest. Something about possible hypertension and swelling with the pregnancy.

That's twice I've been fucked today.

I almost didn't go. But, I wasn't going to let Jake get the best of me. I wasn't going to let
Fucking Newton win. I was going to start living my own life. I got into the car and fastened
my seatbelt.

We hit Seattle about three hours later and my phone began ringing.

I looked at the display and was relieved to see the name…

"Hi, Alice," I answered the phone.

"So, how's the trip so far?" her chipper voice asked.

"Oh, you know… green, bridge, more green, ferry, Seattle… so far," I answered.

"So, how does Jake love the trip?"

"He's not," I abruptly answered. My heart broke a little when she asked that. I thought I could
just go on without him, but it really hurt thinking about the fact that he wasn't with me.

Alice was silent. Then she asked in the saddest voice I have ever heard her use, "He didn't go,
did he?"

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"No." My answer was flat and cold.

"Bella, I am so sorry," she muttered. "If you're alone while Newton and the wife are out, you
can give me a call tonight."

"Nope. I'll probably be in a business dinner tonight, Alice," I said, hoping she would
understand what I was intending by the statement.

And she got it. "You and Newton are alone, aren't you?"


"Bella, are you going to be okay with all of this? Do you want me to fly back up there to stay
with you?" she asked, her voice full of concern as she knew that Fucking Newton had a thing
for me and was constantly hitting on me.

I tried to sound confident for her benefit as well as mine as I answered, "I'll be fine, Alice.
You stay with Jasper in Phoenix. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay, Bella. You know we're here for you if you need us. We're just a phone call away."

"Thanks, Alice. I know. I promise to call later when I get there." I hung up my phone.

"So, everyone is checking up on you, huh?" Mike inquired.

"Not really, Mr. Newton," I replied. "Alice just wanted to make sure that I would call her
since we haven't had the chance to hang out lately."

I yawned and closed my eyes. I was extremely tired. I had stayed up almost all night trying to
talk Jake into coming along with me.

I drifted off to sleep as Mike was saying something about the Olympic Mountains.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Plain as day, I saw him. He walked right by me in the hotel lobby,
but he didn't say a word.

"Jake, Jake," I called, sprinting after him.

He didn't acknowledge me. He kept straight on his path to the hotel's elevator bay.

Maybe he didn't notice me. Maybe he can't hear me over the sound of the fountain.

He stood by the elevator. I thought I would finally be able to catch up to him. He was going to
be so surprised that I was right behind him.

The door popped open. Inside was a beautiful auburn haired woman. She was wearing a
black, sheer La Perla negligee. I could see the smile on her face at the sight of Jake. The only
thing I couldn't see clearly about her was her features beyond the smile.

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"Jake! Jake!" I screamed, hoping that he would hear me. I ran faster, but I was making no
progress in reaching him.

I watched as Jake stepped into the elevator. The smile on her face went from joy to sultry…
maybe even seductive. He sauntered up to her and placed his hands on her hips. He leaned
down and I could hear her whisper to him, "Jake, you're such a bad boy."

He leaned his head down and placed his lips to hers as the elevator doors shut. I ran right into
the doors screaming…


I woke up and sat upright in my reclined seat. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. The
eastern side of the state was really bright with sunlit skies. I looked around at my

I was still in Mike's S7. Mike was still driving through the state of Washington. We were on
our way to the Tri Cities – Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco – for our meetings.

"Is my little sleepy head dreaming about her sweetie?" Mike asked, talking in his baby talk

I didn't want to talk about that dream. Not with him anyway. So instead, I moved us in
another conversational direction. "What time is it?"

"It's almost one. We've made some good distance while you were napping. We'll be at the Red
Lion in just about thirty minutes. We should have time to check in and freshen up."

I pulled my blackberry out of my purse. I had twelve missed texts and messages from Alice
and Jasper… and nothing from Jake. Knowing that he hadn't tried calling or texting me really
broke my heart. I didn't know what I was expecting though. The way I left him this

But, he still should've called… or something.

"Anything good?" Mike inquired as I put my phone back into my purse.

Trying to sound as indifferent as possible, I said, "Not really."

As we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, Mike suggested that I should be the one to
check us in while he took care of the luggage. I agreed, because that logical decision would
save some time. I might even have enough time to try and call Jake… at least leave him a

I walked in and met the manager at the reception desk. I gave him our names and mentioned
Newton's Sporting Goods. He went to work typing everything into the computer.

After a few moments, he said, "Here you are Mrs. Black. You have room number 217 and Mr.
Newton has room number 222." He handed me the corporate credit card and the two, clearly
marked room key cards.

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"I thought the rooms were supposed to be adjoining," I asked as I studied the hotel map that
was under the glass top of the counter.

"Yes, that's what Mr. Newton had requested. Unfortunately, we were unable to fill that

Fucking Newton!

I thanked the manager and left to meet Newton at the elevator bay. As I walked towards him,
I was thinking of how many different ways I could rip his fucking head off. I was going to
make sure he knew that he was cock blocked by the hotel.

I stopped right behind him as he was facing the elevators. I opened my mouth to say
something, and couldn't.

I overheard him telling Jessica, "I miss you too, lovey. I wish you were here. I'll call you

He hung up the phone and turned around. He was startled to see that I was right behind him.
"Are we set, Bella?" His blue eyes were wide and innocent.

I smiled politely and answered, "Yes, Mr. Newton. Here is your key card. Your room number
is two twenty-two."

When we arrived at the second floor, I led the way down the hall, following the directional
sign that pointed to the rooms. Mike followed along wheeling the suitcases.

I stopped at my room. "Your room is down the hall on the right," I pointed out to him just
before I took my suitcase.

Mike stopped cold in the hall. He checked at my room number on my slip, and compared it to
his. "Um, Bella… I thought our rooms were supposed to be adjoining."

A small grin crept across my face. "Sorry, Mr. Newton. The manager apologized about the
rooms. He informed me that we received the last two rooms they had available for the night."

Fucking Newton look destroyed. "Oh… Well, meet me downstairs in fifteen."

"Yes, Mr. Newton. I'll be down in fifteen minutes," I acknowledged.

I walked into my room and set the suitcase on my bed. As I unpacked my toiletries, I pulled
out the small, wrapped box that I had planned on giving Jake. As I turned it around in my
hands, a tear ran down my cheek. The thought of not giving Jake this gift devastated me. I
knew it was something he would cherish more than life itself. It tore me up not to be able to
go through with my plan.

I carried my toiletries and the box into the bathroom and arranged them on the counter. I
checked my hair and make-up in the mirror, just before I left to hit the meeting.

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It had been a really long afternoon. Fucking Newton and I met with two different commercial
real estate brokers in two different cities in the period of four hours.

On the drive back to the hotel from Pasco, Mike and I had agreed to have a business dinner in
the hotel's restaurant. We ate and discussed the two location options for building a new store
as well as revitalizing an older building. I covered the monetary benefits and detriments of
both plans. It was decided that we would take our time and go over the third option before
finalizing any offers.

The meeting lingered into the late evening. Fucking Newton was up to his fifth Jack & Coke.
I sat and listened as he rambled on and on about nothing in particular – between Jessica and
just random shit in his life.

He had just received his sixth drink when I decided that I wanted to go up to my room. It was
almost nine and, although I had a long nap in the car, I was wiped out.

As Newton downed his sixth Jack, I said, "I'm going upstairs now, Mr. Newton I'll meet you
at nine so we can discuss some things before our meeting tomorrow." I stood up from the
table and turned to walk away.

Newton tightly grabbed my wrist and in a drunken slur asked, "Bella… doll… can you get me
to my room?"

I looked at Fucking Newton sitting there all glassy eyed and slightly swaying back and forth. I
took pity on him. "Sure, Mr. Newton. Let me help you up."

He clawed all over me making his way to his feet.

As I led him to the elevators, he swayed and swaggered. I tried a few times to help him steady
himself. It took some real work just to get him in a standing position long enough to make it
to the elevators.

I leaned Mike against the wall while we waited for the lift to arrive. "Just stay right there
while I get my key card," I instructed him.

"Ssssssokay, Isabella. I have a card," Newton said, pulling out his wallet. He managed to get
the card out before dropping his wallet, spilling money everywhere.

"I'll get that," I said. I bent over to pick up his belongings when I felt it – a hard smack right
on my ass.

I told myself that he didn't know any better, because he was plastered out of his mind. I just
gritted my teeth and said nothing.

The doors to the elevator finally opened. I helped Mike stand while we waited for the other
guests as they exited.

"Come on, Newton," I huffed, dragging him into the elevator. I pressed the 'two' button and
the doors shut.

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"Bella, you have gotta quit rocking that bodacious ass," he slurred, getting progressively
louder with each spoken word.

I let that comment go without a response, too. He was just drunk and I saw no point in making
matters worse by opening my big mouth. I only had to endure his actions for a few more
minutes. Then, I could disappear into my room and relax.

The bells chimed when we reached our floor and the door slid open.

I pulled on Newton's arm and he followed me into the hallway. He zigzagged between the
walls of the hall towards his room. I took the key card from his hand and slid it into the lock
on the door.

It was when I turned my back to him, that Newton leaned into me and said, "Bella… can you
help… me dressssssss? Oh… undressssss?"

His breath was filled with alcohol. The smell alone made me feel sick to my stomach. I
exhaled deeply, trying my hardest not to throw up in the hall.

I pushed back on him with my elbow and sternly told him, "Mr. Newton, I think you just need
to go in and go straight to bed. I'll schedule a wakeup call for seven thirty." I flung the door
open and reached inside to turn on the light. "Good night."

I began walking back down the hall in a quick pace. I heard his door click shut and breathed a
small sigh of relief.

As I slid my card into the lock of my door, I felt something press against me. It was Fucking
Newton. I gagged when I got a whiff of the alcohol as he breathed against my neck.

"Bella, you are such a fucking cock teasssssse," he slurred into my ear.

I swallowed nervously. "Mr. Newton, you need to go back to your room. It's late and I am
dead tired."

I felt his hot lips on my neck as he reached around me and opened my door.

"See what I mean?" he asked, his words jumbling together as he spoke. "Fucking whore cock
tease. Why the fuck can't you call me Mike again?"

Newton moved me forward into my room. He stumbled in behind me, making sure that the
door clicked shut.

My hands were shaking hard. My heart was racing so fast, I could barely hear over the
beating. My stomach was churning more and more with each passing second. I was so scared
of what was about to happen.

"Mr. Newton, please, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying right now," I said,
trying unsuccessfully, to sound calm and in control. "Come on. Let's get you back to your
room and get you into bed."

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He untucked his shirt. "Why go to my room when we have a bed right here?" He staggered

I stood as still as a statue as he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my check and
drunkenly whispered, "When are you going to stop denying this attraction we have between
us? Huh, cock tease?" He pulled at my blouse, ripping a few of the buttons off of it. He slid
his hand inside and cupped my breast.

I instantly panicked. I pushed him back from me and yelled, "Mr. Newton, you really need to
stop this, right now!"

"You love to tease me don't you, Bella?" he asked, coming towards me again.

I fell back onto the bed. I began screaming at the top of my lungs, hoping that one of my
neighbors would hear me. "Mike, stop! You need to stop now!"

He lay on top of me on the bed. He placed his lips to mine.

Jake, I really need you! Call me now, please!


It's been one long, fucked up day.

I still hadn't heard anything from Bella about what happened with that Neanderthal. I can only
assume that everything went well between them since I hadn't heard anything to the contrary.
Maybe he really did get her flowers and dinner.

Then, Tanya and I had a huge argument over my impotence issue. She was finally starting to
understand that I was only unable to get it up with her. She walked in on me in the shower…
in the middle of my release.

I was angry because I knew I had locked the bathroom door, but she had managed to
somehow get into the room anyway. She flew off the handle when I jumped down her throat
for walking in without a warning. She yelled back that I was some sort of insolent asshole for
masturbating instead of fucking her.

As she left for work, she yelled that I needed to make the choice of being with her or being

I was leaning towards being alone.

Later that day, I was about to change into my scrubs for my night shift in the ER when my
phone rang. I was puzzled when I saw who had called on the display. Why the fuck are you
calling me?

I answered the phone, "I wasn't expecting to hear from you."

"Edward, I need your help," the desperate voice said on the other end of the line.

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"What's going on? What happened?" I was in a panic. I had never heard such worry and
despair in that voice before.

"It's Bella," Jasper said.

"Jasper, what's going on? Why are you so fucking worried?" I was freaking out. After the way
she left our date the other night, my first thought was that maybe she had tried to kill herself
again. "Please… tell me what's going on. Is Bella alright?"

"Edward, I need you to be calm and level headed right now," he said. He wasn't sounding at
ease himself.

"Just talk to me, Jasper."

"All right. Give me a moment to get my thoughts straight." I listened as he deeply breathed to
calm himself. "I have tried numerous times to talk to Bella today. She left a message this
morning before she left for her trip with Newton."

He called me over that? "Yeah… I know that Jasper. It's a business trip." I was starting to feel
at ease.

Jasper took another deep breath before resuming his explanation of his urgent call. "Well,
before she left, she had a fight with Jacob and went alone to Kennewick. The problem is that
Alice said that Jess didn't go either. I have called. I have texted. Alice has done the same…
numerous times with no response from Bella. That's not like her at all. She has never gone
without returning some form of communication for longer than an hour."

"Okay… Jasper, if you are concerned on the fucking Newton front, you know she can handle
herself," I pointed out. "She has always managed to keep him in place."

Another deep breath. "Edward, there are things that you don't know."

"What don't I know?" I asked as my fears came creeping back.

Jasper sat silent on the other end of the line. I couldn't even hear him breathe. Moments felt
like days in that silence before Jasper spoke. "What I am going to tell you falls under that
doctor patient confidentiality clause, Edward. I am only going to tell you, because I am
extremely worried about her well being. You cannot let anyone know about this."

I took a deep breath. "I understand. I won't say a word."

"Bella has had many issues with Newton. He has forced himself on her numerous times, but
she has always managed to blow it off. You know, things like 'He was drunk' or 'He was upset
over a fight he had with Jessica.' Stupid little excuses like that."

"Well, Newton has always been like that with her. I've seen her smack the crap out of him for
less," I chuckled, hoping the tension would ease.

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"She hasn't been like that with him since you left her, Edward. She doesn't stand up for
herself. Not to him, not to anyone. Bella lost her ability to maintain self-confidence when you
disappeared," Jasper said with his voice trembling as though he were about to cry.

Lost her ability to maintain self confidence… I instantly felt like shit when he told me that. I
destroyed a part of what made Bella… the Bella I knew… who she was. Trying to calm
myself by rubbing my forehead, I asked, "So, what exactly is going on?"

"Well, between the Newton issue and the fighting with Jacob, I am worried that she will do
something drastic…"

I finished his sentence for him. "To herself… like trying to kill herself again."

There was no answer on the other end. After another round of long deafening silence, he
finally spoke, "I didn't want to say that, Edward, but yes, I am concerned about that very

"What exactly do you need me to do? I'll do anything."

"I wouldn't ask this of you Edward, but you know I am at that conference in Phoenix. Alice is
here and she's worried that she cannot get there in time."

"Anything, Jasper, just tell me," I ordered as fear ran through me.

"I want you… Alice and I need you to go to her hotel in Kennewick and make sure she is

I didn't even take the time to think about how my shift would be covered… how I would get
there… The only thought in my head was praying that Bella would be fine. "I'll go, Jasper.
Tell Alice that I am going. Umm… Do you know where she is staying?"

"The Red Lion Inn in Kennewick. Thank you for this Edward. Alice says thank you so much
and she'll owe you forever."

"Tell her not to worry. I'll call when I get there, Jasper."

As I was hanging up the phone, I could hear Jasper tell Alice, "Edward's going, Alice. Just
calm down. Everything will be alright."

My head was spinning. My stomach felt queasy. I sat on the couch and ran my fingers through
my hair while I thought of the best way to get to Kennewick.

Driving would take hours, and from the desperate tone of Jasper's voice, I might not have
hours. Flying… Fuck… Flying would have me with a layover in Seattle for hours… The
major reason Tanya and I drove here from there.

Fuck! Why can't I think?

Then it hit me.

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Shit! Another fucking red! Why is it that I have managed to hit every single fucking red light

I was on my way to help Bella. I was in a rush to get to the airport. Esme had called her
retired pilot friend and he said he would fly me to Kennewick. With Alice's help in explaining
the situation, Carlisle offered to cover my shift at the hospital for me.

There I was… almost seven thirty that night. One bad thing after another that day…

I had just hung up my iPhone. I left Tanya a message that I would be going out of town for
the night. I didn't get into the reasons behind it. I figured that there was no point to it after our

I was sitting in my car at the fourth red light on South Forks Avenue. I felt like I had been
sitting at that red light for hours. I looked around, fully intending to run the light. That's when
I saw the Neanderthal exiting the café.

He was casually strolling out the front doors, his arm hooked around the same auburn haired
woman I had seen him with on two other occasions. They were laughing and enjoying each
other's company. The whole thing was just… just so fucking wrong.

They stopped by a red car and he opened the door for her. She hugged him. He reached
around and grabbed a handful of her ass. She sat in the car. He bent over and kissed her.

It wasn't just a small friendly peck. This kiss was passionate… hungry. She had her hands
around his neck pulling him into her. He followed along.

A horn honked from behind me. I looked at the light to see that it had finally changed to
green. The horn honked again. I glanced back to the Neanderthal and met his gaze straight on.

From his guilty expression, he knew that I had caught him with the other woman.

The light had turned red again. I sneered at him and drove away.

I was half hoping he would chase me down for a ticket. Then, I could have the opportunity to
fucking kill him for what he was doing to Bella.


I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw no sign of the Neanderthal. I knew he didn't want to
confront me. Not at that point, anyway.

A forty-five minute flight down… a small drive to the hotel left to go.

The whole flight was nerve wracking. The anticipation of what I would find in the Tri Cities
had my stomach in knots. It didn't help that I called before take-off with no success of
reaching her. Right after we landed, I was on the phone calling her… again with no luck.

I made it to the car rental at almost eight thirty. They assigned me some god-awful sub-
compact that I was way too tall for. But, I figured better that, than trying to catch a cab.

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On the hour long drive to Kennewick from Pasco, I called Alice.

She had been crying to the point that she couldn't inhale without severely hitching. I tried to
calm her. I told her that I had arrived and was on my way to Bella's hotel. She could barely
tell me that she had been constantly trying to call Bella, but was only being sent straight to
voicemail. I hung up the phone as she had managed to cry herself into a vomiting fit.

I drove as fast as that fucking sub-compact would let me. I swerved on the damp bridge over
the river. I almost rear ended an SUV when I got into the city limits. I drove like a maniac, but
I had good reason for being so fucking careless.

I pulled into the parking lot of the hotel at just after nine o'clock. I didn't bother locking the
door to the car. I don't even know if I shut the door all the way. I left the keys in the ignition. I
didn't care. I had only one thing on my mind – Bella's well being.

As I reached the glass door, I slowed myself to a walk. I regulated my breathing. I had to
regain some sort of composure if I wanted to make sure they gave me the information I was
about to ask for.

As I stepped into the lobby, I scanned the reception desk looking for just the right… Then,
there she was – a young female employee – just what I needed to get Bella's room number.

I casually walked up to the desk right in front of where she was standing. I put on my best
flirtatious smile and said, "Excuse me, Miss. I was wondering if you could help me."

She giggled into her hand. "Yes, sir. Welcome to the Red Lion. What can I do for you?"

I leaned on the counter to be eye level with her. I flashed the grin and explained, "I was
supposed to have a business meeting with a Mrs. Bella Black today. I was unfortunately
detained and couldn't make it. I know she is supposed to leave tomorrow, and I would really
hate to have her leave without us talking about the business venture. I was wondering if you
could tell me what room she's in, please."

She typed Bella's name into her computer. Then, she blinked her green eyes at me. The smile
dropped from her face. "I am so sorry, sir. I cannot give out that information," she answered
as she glanced over her shoulder to a man in the corner of the reception area.

I glanced his way and could see by the name tag that he was the manager. With him watching
over everything, I was going to have to get her room number another way. Then it hit me…
"Would you be able to give me her extension number so that I may call her to say that I am
here?" My smile was turned up a notch, just a flash of teeth.

She glanced back at the manager and back to me.

I leaned a little more towards her. "Please? I have been trying her cell and receiving no
answer. This meeting we had scheduled was very important."

"Just the extension number?" she asked. She wrote the number on a piece of paper and handed
it to me.

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"Thank you, miss," I said, still smiling. "Would you please point me to the courtesy phone?"
She pointed to the side of the lobby opposite the elevators.

I took the paper and walked towards the phone. I glanced over to see the manager talking to
her and darted for the stairwell. Stepping inside of the door, I glanced at the extension
number… 217.

I ran up the stairs to the second floor. Things were in a haze. Before I knew it, I was running
past the elevators, following the signs to Bella's room.

I heard an ear piercing scream followed by "Mr. Newton, you really need to stop this, right
now!" It was Bella's voice. I followed another scream to the door of her room.

The number 217 stared at me with its blackness from the door. I pushed on the door and it
didn't budge. I pounded on the door. There was no answer.

"Mike, stop! You need to stop now!" her voice yelled from inside the room.

My head was spinning. I tried the handle again and I saw it…

Her key card was in the lock.

I pulled it out and reinserted it. The green light flashed and I flung the door open. I could see
Newton's legs dangling off of the end of the bed. Bella's legs were squirming about as her
words became muffled. I stormed further into the room. I saw Newton on top of Bella, forcing
his lips to hers. In that moment, anger overtook my body and I had lost all control.

I reached down and pulled him up off of her, throwing him into the dresser. He fell to the
floor with a cracking of wood and a loud moan. I bent down and pulled him up by the collar
of his shirt. I pulled my right hand back into a tight fist. I was about to unleash my fury on
him when I felt two small hands wrap tightly around my bicep.

"Edward, don't," Bella said in the softest of voices. "He's drunk. He doesn't know what he's

I turned to look at her, my eyes squinting in pain over what I saw.

She was a mess. Her hair was like a haystack; straw flying everywhere. Her beautiful brown
eyes were swollen and red. She had black tears running odd paths down her cheeks. There
was a touch of blood on the corner of her mouth.

"Please, Edward, don't," she pleaded again.

I let go of Newton's shirt. "What room is he in, Bella?" I asked, trying to control my actions as
she had requested.

She wiped a few tears from her face. Glancing at her black stained fingertips, she answered,
"Two twenty-two."

"I'll be right back, Bella. I'm taking Newton to his room."

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I turned to see that Fucking Newton had passed out. I put one of his arms around my neck,
one of my arms around his waist and pulled him into the hall. I dragged him down to room
number 222. I set him upright against the door and left him there.

Bella watched as I dragged him down to his room. She gasped in horror as she witnessed my
actions. "You're just… going to leave him there?" she asked, full of fright and guilt.

I walked up to her and gently pulled her into the room behind me. I grabbed the key card out
of the door and let it shut as I pulled her to the middle of the room. I turned to face her. My
heart broke seeing her in the state she was in.

I placed my hand to her cheek. "Bella, look at you," I said softly. "After what he's done to
you, you still worry about him like that?" I wiped some of the black stained tears from her
face with my thumb.

Her breath hitched. "Edward," she quietly whispered.

I pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly. My heart was still beating wildly. Not just
from the jolt I got from rescuing her, but also from holding her tightly like that again.

As she returned the embrace, she began sobbing uncontrollably.

I rubbed my hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her. "It's all right, Bella. I'm here for
you now."

Nothing like that will ever happen to you again. I promise.


Bump, bump... Bump, bump... Bump, bump...

I had my head resting on Edward's chest. His heartbeat was a soothing, calming rhythm in my
ear. It was relaxing me so much; I was desperately fighting the urge to fall asleep.

It had been a few hours since Edward dragged Mike off into the hallway… a few hours that
he held on to me. Of course, I held onto him tightly, balling my fists tightly into his shirt.

Right after it happened, we didn't speak about anything. We just embraced tightly. At one
point, I sat on the bed. He wrapped me in the blanket just before he sat beside me. I scooted
up against him in a tiny ball.

I thought for sure he was asleep, but then he jostled his arm. I picked my head up. "Edward,
am I making you uncomfortable? Do you need me to move?"

He pulled me tighter. "No, love. I was just trying to reach my phone. You stay right where
you are."

I placed my head back on his chest and went back to listening to his rhythmic heartbeat. I was
still fighting the urge to sleep. "Edward? How did you know I was in trouble?"

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I felt his body stiffen when I asked him that. "It was a coincidence."

What a fucking liar! I had given it some thought while sitting next to him in the dark hotel
room. "So, Jasper sent you to check on me?"

He held his breath just before answering, "Don't be mad at him, Bella. He and Alice were very
worried about you."

"I'm not mad," I said, yawning and closing my eyes. "I'm just confused. Why would they send
you to come after me and not Jake?"

He was silent. I thought I felt a small hiccup in his chest. Then he softly said, "Maybe Jacob
was busy with that case."

"You want to know something?" I asked.

"What's that, love?" he answered, his voice trembling.

"We had a fight right before he dropped me off. I yelled at him for choosing his work over our
marriage. I was angry. There were things I wanted to talk to him about. I even had a gift for
him. I know he would have been thrilled with it, too." I wiped a few tears from my face and
then admitted, "I feel so guilty about the whole stupid fight."

Edward sat silent. I felt his arm tighten around me as if he was trying to console me.
"Sometimes things like that happen, Bella. You don't need to feel bad about anything. He was
wrong for not putting you first."

I wiped more tears from my face. I was hoping to catch them before they could hit Edward's
shirt. I didn't want him to know I was crying again.

But, I knew it was too late. He pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head.

Was that a tear I felt dropping from him?

His voice was shaky when he spoke, "You want to know something?"

"What?" I asked, my voice muffled by his shirt.

"Tanya and I had a fight, too. She was pissed because she had caught me… in the shower…"

"Doing what men do in the shower?" I asked.

I could feel him nod as he quietly answered, "Yes."

That did it. He had me laughing. "Edward, you are so full of shit, but thank you for the

He kissed the top of my head again and quietly said, "You just rest now, Bella. I'm going to
text Alice and Jasper and let them know you're okay."

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I saw the light from his phone drift away into darkness as I finally closed my eyes and gave
into the overwhelming desire to sleep.

"Bella… love…" Edward's velvety voice entered my dream, waking me up.

I blinked my eyes. It was lighter, but there was still no lighting turned on in the room. I lifted
my head and realized I had spent the entire night up against Edward.

"It's almost eight," he said. "I wasn't sure what time you had to be awake this morning. I
apologize if you are going to be late."

I sat all the way up. I stretched my arms above my head. "I'm good and on time, Edward. I
have a breakfast with Newton at nine. We have to plan the next meeting in Richland and
make arrangements to put in an offer or two before we leave. I just need to shower and pack."

I turned to look at Edward for the first time that morning. He was a mess. His usual coif of
arranged chaos was flattened on one side and sticking out on the other. His gorgeous green
eyes were sad and had dark circles outlining them. His shirt was stained with black and blood.
Despite all of that, he was still radiantly handsome.

"I am sorry about your shirt, Edward," I apologized.

He glanced at his shirt. "It's nothing but a shirt. I can get a new one." He took a deep breath
and continued, "I am worried about you though. Are you sure that you don't want to come
back with me right now? I hate the thought of leaving you with Fucking Newton." He growled
that last part through gritted teeth.

I shook my head at him. He was being senseless. "I'll be fine, Edward. The whole situation
was only because he was drunk. I am willing to bet that he doesn't even remember a thing
about last night."

Edward sat up. He reached his hand out and cupped my chin. "Bella, look at you. You look
battered. Your lip is swollen from a bite. You have a bruise on your arm. I can't believe that
you are just going to let him get away with this."

I pulled my head away from his hand. "My lip is swollen, because I bit it trying to turn my
head away from him while he tried to kiss me. As for the bruise, I get them all the time. I can
walk through a room and get a random stray bruise on my arm. It's not as bad as you are
making it sound."

His hands went into his hair. I watched as his eyes squinted as if he were in real pain. He took
a deep breath and said, "Bella. I want you to be safe. I don't want him to touch you ever again.
I feel that I need to protect you."

"You don't, Edward."

He opened his eyes. "Against my better judgment, I'll fly back alone, but I have one condition
that you must agree to."

"What's your condition?"

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"Promise me, Bella," he began. "I want you to promise me that if he lays a hand on you, that
you will fight him off with everything you have. Don't let him force anything onto you that
you don't want." His voice was deep and demanding as he spelled out his condition. His eyes
bore into mine as though he was trying to force great strength into me. His hands were balled
into fists as though he were resisting the urge to hurt Newton himself.

I picked up one of his fists. I worked my fingers under his to unclench them. I gently ran my
fingers against his palm, before I said, "I promise, Edward. No… I swear. I will fight him off
if something like this ever happens again."

He stared into my eyes. I felt as if he was trying to read my thoughts… to see if I were lying
to placate him. After a moment, the corners of his mouth perked up. "You get in the shower
Bella. I'll pack your things… if that's okay with you."

I nodded and got started with my day.

After my refreshing shower… after I had gotten dressed… I walked out of the bathroom and
handed Edward the last of my things. He took them from me and placed them into my
suitcase. Everything had been packed and ready to go.

"Would you like me to take your suitcase back?" he asked.

"I'll take it. I don't want Newton to know that you stayed the night with me… if he remembers
that you were here at all."

He nodded and looked as if he was going to say something, but he was interrupted by a knock
at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Bella, it's Mike. Are you ready for breakfast?"

"I'll be right out, Mr. Newton. I'm just finishing my packing," I yelled through the door.

I turned to Edward. "Please stay hidden until we leave. Check out isn't until noon, so you are
more than welcome to stay here until then."

He nodded and smiled.

I went forward pulling him to me. His scent of citrus and wood washed over me, and I found
myself on my tiptoes, gently pressing my lips to his. I backed up from him, paused a moment,
and turned to pick up my suitcase. As I left the room, I made sure to quickly shut the door so
Newton wouldn't have a chance at seeing Edward.

It had been one hell of a long day. The meeting in Richland took about an hour and a half
longer than we had planned. We spent another three hours putting in two offers on two
different locations. We had been confirmed and signed final paperwork for one of those
before finally leaving the Tri Cities around three that afternoon.

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The drive was quiet for the most part. Newton called Jess a couple of times. He found out that
she went into Tanya's office once to be monitored. Thankfully, though, she had been released
after a few hours of being on an IV to rehydrate her.

Other than that, Newton and I didn't talk much. I wondered what exactly he could remember
from the previous night. I didn't want to open that can of worms, so I kept my mouth shut.

When we did talk, it was about business. He wanted more information about one other
location and the implications of deciding to do a third store in the Tri City area. I laid it all out
for him in easy to understand terms. It was like the previous night had never happened.

When we were done, I reclined the seat and decided that I would sleep. I hoped that Jacob and
I could have some real time together when I got home, so I wanted to make sure I was well
rested. It was then that I realized that I had left his present in the bathroom of my hotel room.

I'll have to pick up another one on my way home, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

This time, there were no dreams.

Hours later, I woke up, feeling something running up my leg and under my skirt. I lifted my
head and looked down. Mike was running his hand up my thigh.

I grabbed his hand and pulled it off of me. "What the fuck are you doing, Newton?"

He pulled his hand away from me and innocently answered, "Bella! You're awake."

"Uh… Yeah. What the fuck?" I was livid knowing that he was taking advantage of me.

"Bella, I have no idea what you are talking about." He was keeping up the innocent act.

I sat up, neglecting to raise my seat. "Newton, you know what you were doing. I want to
know why the hell your hand was running up my leg and under my skirt."

"Oh, that…" he replied. "I thought I saw a bug crawl up your leg. I didn't want you to get bit.
I know you're allergic to most bug bites and I was thinking of you."

I glared at him. He was such an asshole. "Newton, you know that's not what you were
doing… and I am not allergic to insect bites."

He laughed trying to play the whole thing down. "Oh, I must have you confused with
someone else then."

I laid back into the seat and closed my eyes. I kept telling myself we weren't that far away
from home and the nightmare would be over soon. I ran through my breathing exercises. He
was not going to get the best of me. I refused to let him do it.

Moments later, I heard Mike mumble that we were finally on the 101.

I started to relax, knowing that in a short amount of time, I would be home.

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Then, I felt it again… something running up my leg. My eyes popped open to see Mike
reaching up my skirt again.

With all of my strength, I grabbed his hand tightly. "Damn it, Newton! Keep your fucking
hands off of me!" I screamed at him.

"Bella, are you saying that you don't like this?" he asked slyly.

I pushed his arm back to his side of the car. "No, Newton. I don't like this. Not at all!"

"Bella, you are such a cock tease," he said.

I froze, hearing that come from his sober mouth. I could barely mumble, "What did you just

His blue eyes were menacing as he looked at me, "Oh, come on, Bella. Are you actually
telling me that you can't remember that kiss we shared last night?"

My heart was pounding in my ears. My hand was severely trembling as I placed it to my lips.
Fucking Newton remembered everything. I was trying to catch my breath to say something,
but no air was coming into my lungs.

He had a sly grin scrawled across his face. "Bella, that kiss…" He paused for a moment and
licked his lips. "That kiss was absolutely the best fucking kiss I have ever had."

"Mr. Newton?" Those were the only words I could get out of my mouth. I was too scared to
get anything else out.

He reached over and squeezed my knee. "I only wish I could remember what happened after
that kiss. Was it as spectacular for you? Did you enjoy me driving into you?"

I swallowed hard. Running through my breathing exercises, my mind went to Edward. I
thought about the promise I had made him. I couldn't disappoint him again. I was going to do
as he asked and fight Mike off tooth and nail.

After one last deep breath, I pulled Mike's hand off of my leg for the third time. I bent his
fingers back as hard as I could while I yelled at him, "Newton, keep your fucking hands to

He pulled his hand back from me. "Bella, what the fuck! You want to break my fingers?"

"Yes!" I hissed at him.

He looked over at me. Fury was all over his face. "God damn it, Bella! Grow up! I have no
idea why you are so resistant to the idea of us. You fuck me last night and now you are better
than I am, you cock tease?"

"You only wished you had fucked me last night!" I screamed back at him. "You fucking
passed out! You didn't do anything more than put your lips against mine!"

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"You are such a lying bitch! You don't want your husband to know what a fucking whore you
are! So now, you are going to deny everything?" He reached over for my head and I ducked
out of the way.

"There's nothing to deny, Mike! Nothing happened!" I laughed a small evil laugh and added,
"I wouldn't want to fuck you anyway! You're probably the type of asshole that couldn't hold
his load long enough to satisfy a woman! I am thoroughly surprised that Jessica got pregnant
by you!"

He glared at me, his blue eyes full of rage. He reached over again and grabbed my hair. "What
did you say, you fucking…"

"Mike, the road!" I yelled out as I saw that the car was starting to swerve and miss the turn.

Mike let go of me and grabbed the wheel with both hands. He was trying to get the car under
control, but it was too late. We were flying off of the edge of the road and down the side of a
steep hill.

Green flashes in the headlights flew by the car. Mike was lifting his leg repeatedly to slam on
the brakes, but we weren't slowing at all. I was screaming as Mike tried shifting the car into a
different gear.

Nothing was working.

We were out of control.

Just before us, in the ray of the headlights, a large green mass appeared. It grew and grew. It
was a large tree, standing its ground.

Mike tried to swerve, and we hit the tree head on…

I tried, Edward. I tried.


Now this is what I am used to waking up to…

There was a light rumble of thunder in the distance. It was light enough to tell that it was
morning, but the overcast skies made the room fairly dark. I looked around the room to see
that I was still in Esme and Carlisle's cabin.

I sat up and stretched my arms over my head. I noticed that the fire in the grey stone fireplace
was burning low. Inhaling deeply, I got a whiff of fresh coffee brewing. I stood up and
walked across the great room into the kitchen area. There was no sign of Edward, but, the
coffee was brewing and there were two cups sitting next to the coffee maker.

He must have set the timer to make it first thing.

As I poured the steaming hot coffee into a cup, I ran over the events of the previous night. I,
for the life of me, couldn't figure out what happened.

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I remember quickly going through the green forest to Carlisle and Esme's cabin on the back
corner of their property. As we walked, Edward was beside me, explaining that he brought me
here for rest and relaxation. I really didn't want to come here. I wanted to be at home with
Jake… in our house… in our bed. But Edward put on that charming smile and begged me to
come here for my own good. As it usually goes with Edward, I couldn't resist him. I gave in
almost immediately.

Then from there, it gets hazy…

I know he took my things downstairs to the spare room. I vaguely remember him and me
sitting on the couch. I was cuddled up against him, listening to him read a story by Stephen
King as the roar of thunder bellowed around us. His scent was so masculine and inviting. His
voice was so luxurious and velvety.

Maybe at that point I fell asleep? I just couldn't remember anything beyond that.

I left my coffee on the counter and went back to the couch to grab the old quilt that Edward
used to cover me with the night before. At least I can assume that he did. I couldn't think of
any other way I came to be wrapped up in it.

I walked back through the kitchen to pick up my coffee before heading out to the deck. I
looked through the windows of the French doors and saw that everything was wet, but it
wasn't raining anymore. I quietly opened one of the doors and stepped out onto the deck.

The deck was huge. It was almost the size of the entire first floor of the cabin. I looked around
for somewhere to sit and saw a dry spot on the railing near the wall of the house. As I got
closer to the railing, I noticed that it was wide enough to sit on. I set my coffee down and
climbed up onto the railing, making sure the blanket stayed wrapped around my shoulders.
When I felt I was safe enough, I picked up my coffee and made myself at home by situating
myself so that I was leaning back onto the house and my legs were stretched out and crossed
in front of me.

I pulled the coffee up to my nose. I breathed in the vanilla cream vapor rising from it – just
enjoying the scent mixed with Edward's scent that was embedded in the quilt. The aromas
mixing together were utterly heavenly.

As I sat enjoying deep inhale after deep inhale, I looked around taking in the scenery. The
dark gray clouds hung low overhead, patting the tops of the trees. To the left, a small field
rose above the horizon on a hill. Everywhere I looked, there was lush greenery. Absolutely

I started going over the evening again in my head. When exactly did Mike drop me off from
the trip? Where is Jake? Did he send Edward for me? How did I get out here to Esme and
Carlisle's house?
There were so many pieces that were missing from the previous night.

I heard the door creak, so I glanced over to see Edward stepping out onto the deck. He was
only wearing his red and black check pajama pants. No shirt… Oh, his chest.

He looked over at me and gave me that glorious smile of his. That same charming one he gave
me when he talked me into staying the night here with him.

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Just friends. That's all. Nothing more, I reminded myself as my heart went wild over the sight
of him.

I watched his every move as he walked towards me. He was about half away across the deck
towards me when his smile went from slightly amused to totally devious… almost perverted.

I swung my legs down to hang in front of me so that I was directly facing him. I set my coffee
on the railing. I'm sure I had a puzzled expression. I had no idea what he had in his mind.

He wasn't saying anything. He stayed his course, keeping that devious smile on his face – his
glorious smirk that grew – as he got closer to me. He looked like a lion about to pounce on a
juicy lamb.

I was frozen in my place, mesmerized by him. Words weren't coming to me. My heart was
racing faster and faster – like that lamb's as it tried to outrun the lion. I was the prey
mesmerized by the lion.

When Edward reached me, he did something I never expected him to do. He placed his hand
on my thigh and rubbed up towards my hip and then down towards my knee, leaving behind a
trail of goose bumps.

Just friends… Right?

Edward grabbed my leg and wrapped it around his waist. He reached up with his right hand
and placed it behind my head. His piercing, dark, emerald green eyes filled with blazing
golden sparkles. His devious smile grew even larger, if that were possible. He slowly leaned
into me, keeping our eyes locked.

My eyelids dropped and my heart stopped as I inhaled his scent.

His smooth lips pressed to mine. His tongue slid along my upper lip and I opened my mouth.
He touched his tongue to mine. My first taste of him in so long... it was pure ecstasy.

I instantly gave into my desires. I pulled him in closer, wrapping my arms around his torso.
My legs wrapped around his waist. I wanted us to melt together – never to be separated again.

And then, as if he heard my very thought, his left hand slid up my leg, past my thigh, and
under my nightshirt. It slowly continued its upward path until it found a home in the small of
my back. He was pulling me into him, almost picking me up off of the railing.

At first his kiss was playful… almost teasing me. But when he pulled me in tighter, molding
me to him, there was more of an edge to this kiss. He was the hungry lion and I was his
delicious lamb.

How long had we been kissing – our first kiss in over ten years – passionately like this?

I didn't really care. I just never wanted it to end.

But then suddenly, he did stop.

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Edward and I were leaning into each other… our foreheads touching… our noses touching…
our eyes closed… our bodies still locked together. We were just trying to catch our breath.

We were only like that for mere moments, when he finally spoke. "I'm so sorry."

His words sent a panic through me, but I kept my eyes shut. I was trying to convince myself
that I didn't hear him correctly. I kept my hold on him. I couldn't say anything. I didn't want
him to go further. I didn't want him to leave.

"Bella, I'm sorry I did that. I couldn't help myself anymore."

I slowly opened my eyes to look at him. Oh, God, he thinks he made a mistake. Okay. Calm.
Just breathe. In… Out…

His green eyes, filled with sorrow and guilt, looked right into mine as if he was trying to read
my thoughts. The dancing sparkles in them had died.

In… Out… In… Out… At least we were still holding each other tightly. That's a good thing,

"I would understand if you wanted to leave right now," Edward asked, his voice full of
sadness. "Do you want to leave?"

Keeping my eyes locked with his, I shook my head.

He took a deep breath and spoke, "I know I don't have any right kissing you like that. I know
you're a married woman. Although, your husband isn't smart enough to know what he has
with you. I know I am wrong for wanting you. I know that I am more wrong for even thinking
of asking you to give it all up for me."

Edward dropped his gaze. His hands fell and I let go of him. He turned away from me and
began walking towards the French doors. "I am sorry. I can only defend my actions by saying
that I love you. Right or wrong, Bella, I love you."

My mind regained some sort of control and I jumped off of the railing and ran to him. The
power of speech returned to me. "Edward, wait!" My voice was full of fear. I was afraid that
his guilt would have him go away from me again… forever.

He paused by the door, and that's where I caught up to him. I picked up his hand from the
door knob. I kept my hold while I ducked down trying to get him to look at me. Can you even
tell my heart is breaking right now?

When his eyes finally focused on me, I spoke, "Edward, you can't leave. I admit it. I did want
you out of my mind… out of my life forever. But once you came back into my life, I
discovered that I can no longer live without you."

Edward just stood there looking down at me from all of his six foot one glory. "You would
still want to be friends with me even though I just forced that kiss onto you?" Edward
laughed. It wasn't a laugh of humor. It wasn't a laugh of elation. It was a laugh of disgust.

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"Apparently, you don't understand what I'm trying to say." I looked at him.

He dropped his gaze from me and didn't speak, so I continued.

"As you have become my friend, something else has happened. It's something I have been
trying to justify in my head for a while now, Edward. I realized that I can't go through it all
again. It was too hard the first time. The thought of doing so, just hurts so much. I love you. I
want nothing more in this world than to be with you. But…"

I trailed off there. Was he even listening? Was this all just some pointless rant on my behalf?

Then he spoke. "Jake."

I nodded. "I really don't want Jake to hate me for leaving him. And at the same time, it pains
me that I can't be with you now. I'm so confused. I'm torn between a man that I am married to
and a man that I have always loved more than anything in the world. I just don't know what I
should do. What would be best? What would be right?"

My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking as I desperately wanted him to
understand exactly how I felt.

He slowly lifted his head to look at me. A little of the sparkle had started to reanimate in his
eyes. "You love me," he said, stupefied.

"I do. I absolutely love you with all of my heart."

He picked up my hands in his, keeping his eyes with mine, and repeated, "You love me."

"Yes, Edward. I love you."

"And, the only reason we can't be together…"

"Is Jake," I finished his thought for him. My heart was breaking. "Edward." I squeezed his
hands a little tighter so maybe he wouldn't leave. "If I could find a way to make sure I
wouldn't destroy Jake, I would leave my whole life behind to be with you. I love you that

He put both of my hands into one of his and placed his free hand under my chin. "This is why
I have come to love you as much as I do. You do so much for others before doing anything for
yourself. And, because of that, your inner light burns so brightly. I can't get away from it. I
don't want to get away from it. I don't want to be away from you ever again." He dropped my

Edward leaned down and kissed me for the second time. His lips were so soft on mine. He
was just as sweet tasting as before. The kiss was slow that time. He was being so loving and
thoughtful in that kiss.

I admit, I did miss the edge and raw passion of that first kiss, but this was just as heavenly. I
wrapped my arms around him as he pulled me closer to him. I wanted so much more than this.

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All of a sudden, we were wet. The clouds just above our heads finally opened up and started
pouring rain all over us. That rain was bitter cold, almost like liquid ice.

We didn't care, we stood there… wet… together… embracing… loving. I could have died in
that moment feeling like I had already experienced heaven.

Then Edward scooped me up into his arms. "Are you alright?"

I just looked at him. I was shaking uncontrollably. The only answer I could give him was the
chattering of my teeth.

He carried me inside and sat me down by the fire place. He tossed a few pieces of wood into
the fire, making the flames dance higher and burn brighter.

I sat rocking and severely trembling. I rubbed my hands over my arms. "D-d-d-d" Was all I
could say. I couldn't even get his name out for the life of me.

"Shhh, love, it's all right." Edward softly said as he reached over to me. He began unbuttoning
my drenched nightshirt. "I'm only going to get this off of you. Then I'm going to run and get
you a towel to dry you off."

He fidgeted with the buttons. I couldn't tell if he was nervous about undressing me or if I was
shaking too hard for him to grip the buttons well enough. It took some time for him to undo
them all.

He reached his hands up to my shoulders and slid his fingers under my shirt. His eyes met
mine and his breath hitched.

I fell forward onto him. My lips went directly to his in a passionate kiss. My hands twisted
into his hair as I pulled him closer for a much deeper kiss.

He pulled me back with him onto the tan, furry rug that was in front of the fireplace. He slid
his hands under my shirt, resting them on my back. He moaned as the kiss intensified.

Moments of us pressed against each other, had us both excited. I took one of my hands and
reached down, tugging at the drawstring of his pants.

He took his hands and pushed my head back from his just enough to see my face clearly.
"Bella, are you sure this is what you want?" he asked, panting as he tried to catch his breath.

"More than anything," I heavily breathed.

The smirk appeared on his face just before he pulled me back to him. He finished removing
my still damp shirt and tossed it on the hearth. He unhooked my bra and another deep moan
escaped from him as his fingers slid across my breast while removing it.

I sat up on him and grinded against him, feeling how hard he had become. My finger travelled
down his lightly haired happy trail to the top of his pants. I looked directly into his eyes as I
slid my fingers under the band and touched the slippery tip of his penis. I swirled my fingers
around his tip, making him almost growl with pleasure.

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He took his hands and cinched his pants down, just passing his hips. I watched his erection
bounce as it was set free.

Keeping my eyes with his, I licked my lips and bent down. I kissed just the tip, barely
touching it with my tongue. I slowly slid my mouth over him as I gently pulled on his shaft
with my hand. I heard an exhale of pleasure come from deep inside of him.

He twisted his fingers into my hair as I slid my mouth down his length for the second time.
He arched up into me as I traveled down for the third time. His grip tightened in the strands of
my hair as I applied suction to him while taking his length into my throat.

My mouth was coming back up to the tip and Edward lightly tugged up on my hair. I paused
for a moment just feeling him in my mouth. Reluctantly, I met his silent request and lifted my
mouth off of him.

He pulled me back up to his awaiting mouth and kissed me lustfully. He trailed his hands
down my body, stopping when he reached my panties. He paused for a small moment just
before he slid a finger under one of the sides and ripped it loose.

His long fingers wrapped around me and barely touched my wetness. He began bucking
against me, making himself slippery in the process. His movements gradually became
faster… harder. I began tingling from the friction and could feel myself swelling with the
anticipation of him being inside of me.

He lifted me back from him as before – just so he could see me. He looked deep into my eyes
with a deep appetite and so full of love. He had the smallest of smirks just as he started to
enter me.

He disappeared as my eyes rolled into my head. He was so deep inside of me… right at the
perfect spot… right in my very core. I heard a sigh escape from me.

He became more fervent hearing my moan. His movements became insatiable… more intense
as he moved in and out of me. He grabbed my hips as our movements coordinated.

I sat up on him, making him slide deeper into me. I trailed my fingers through his wispy chest
hair. I stared into his eyes. I could feel the tingling intensify.

He sat up, placing his hands on either side of my head and kissing me so passionately.

He was so deep inside of me, just hitting that very right spot. He was swelling with each buck
on him and I lost the last of my self-control. I moaned into his mouth as I came into orgasm.
He pulled me closer as he deeply plunged into me that last time before peaking himself.

We kissed softly, slowly catching our breath. I let him stay inside of me and held tightly to
him. I wanted to cherish the moment as though we may never get the chance to be together

We had been laying together on that tan, furry rug for hours without speaking to each other.
The fire was back to a smolder in the fireplace.

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Edward was lying on his stomach; his head was resting on folded arms. His green eyes were
dancing and full of life. He was slightly smirking at me. His skin glistened and sparkled in the
low light of the fire.

I could only stare at the heavenly creature that lay before me. He was perfect in so many
ways. I never wanted our time together to end. I wanted to spend this moment in eternity.

Then strangely, Edward was fading away. A bright light was washing over him. It was getting
brighter and brighter. I went to reach for him and I couldn't feel him. Then he was gone.

"Edward, where are you? I can't see you."

"I'm over here!" a voice yelled from beyond the light.

Edward, please come back to me!


I can't believe I stood there watching her leave with Fucking Newton. I knew she promised to
fight back if he tried anything with her again. I knew she was serious when she made me that
promise. But deep down inside of me something ached… I couldn't help but to feel like I
should stay and make sure everything would be okay.

But I promised her. I was finally settling back into her good graces and the last thing I wanted
to do was break a promise that I made to her. So, against my better judgment, I let her go.

When that door clicked shut, I began thinking over everything again; I replayed the whole
night in my mind.

I thought about finding that asshole on top of her. The rage I felt seeing that still echoed
throughout my body. My heart wrenched as she cried into my shirt for almost an hour while
her fists tightly twisted into the material. I almost lost it when she asked about her fucking
Neanderthal of a husband. Thankfully the room was virtually black and she couldn't see that I
was crying as I wanted nothing more than to tell her everything – from my suspicions to what
I had actually witnessed.

I couldn't do it though. I didn't want to be that guy. I would have been a petty asshole kicking
her while she was already down for the count.

Then finally, she fell asleep. I listened as she slept. She would mumble something about
Jacob. Then I would hear my name. Then whimpers that tore at my soul. She didn't sleep
peacefully at all and knowing that made me feel sick.

I regretted waking her that morning. That whole hour we had together just rushed by –
between the showering and the packing – and I felt like things were left unfinished between
us. There was so much more to say…

And then, out of the blue, she kissed me. I knew it wasn't a romantic or lustful kiss, but there
was something in it. I wanted to say she still cared deeply for me, but if I were going to be
rational about it, I would say it was merely a thank you kiss.

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I got up and went into the bathroom. I clicked on the light and saw myself in the mirror for the
first time that morning. My bronze hair was wild and all over the place. My green eyes looked
like I had received a few blows from Newton with the dark circles enclosing them.

I looked like shit; I felt like shit.

I quickly washed up in the sink. As I patted my face dry with the small hand towel, I noticed a
small, wrapped rectangular box on the counter top. I picked it up and turned it around in my
hand. It was definitely Bella's. Her sweet floral scent was all over that wrapping paper. I put it
in my pocket figuring that she would like to have it back.

If anything, it was a great excuse to see her sooner rather than later.

I made it back to Forks around two that afternoon. I went straight into the hospital from the
airport. I saw no point in going home. I had to work… or just do something to keep my mind
off of Bella, Fucking Newton, and her Neanderthal husband.

"Hey, Carlisle," I said as I passed him while walking into the locker room.

He looked up from the chart he was scribbling away in and said, "Alice called and told me
that everything was fine with Bella. You've made me so proud. Thank you for taking care of

I smiled at him and walked into the locker room. I didn't feel the need of going into the finer
points of what really happened. As far as Alice, Jasper, and now Carlisle knew, Bella was
really sick and I took care of her. That's all I felt they had to know. I would leave it up to
Bella to say something about what really had happened, if she felt it was necessary to do so.

I walked into the locker room and took my time unbuttoning my shirt. I wadded it up into a
ball and was about to throw it out… and I stopped. I let the shirt unfold in front of me. It was
covered with her blood and her tears. It was her. I don't know why I felt that I should keep
it… I hung it neatly in my locker.

I took the small box out of my pocket. I could feel myself smirking as I gave thought to what
was in the box. I inhaled her sweet floral scent one more time, before placing it on the shelf in
my locker for safe keeping.

I finished dressing in my scrubs and shutting my locker. I sat on the bench and thought about
Bella kissing me for the third time that day. I could still feel her soft lips against mine, and in
thinking about it, I rubbed my finger across my lips.

"I see you're back, Edward," Tanya said, storming into the locker room. I figured Carlisle had
told her I was back. "You have that same stupid smirk on your face, too."

She surprised me coming in like she did. "What the fuck, Tanya? I thought you were at home

"I would be if my fiancé were there, but you know, he disappeared last night." Her blue eyes
were full of fury. Her strawberry blonde hair was blazing about as she spoke, as if she were
on fire.

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"Tanya, I'm sorry, but I had to help someone who was in trouble," I tried explaining the
reason so that maybe she would turn the bitch down a notch.

"Is that all you have to say to me, Edward?" She stood over me, hands on her hips, burning
into me with her gaze. "We have a fight yesterday where I gave you an ultimatum and you
take off? Does that mean you've decided?"

I sat in front of her glaring back at her. I took a deep breath before saying, "You know, Tanya.
I do care about you, but I can't do it anymore. I am not in love with you. I don't think I ever
have been. I thought that maybe I could fall in love with you over time, but moving here…
encountering the one I really do love from time to time… I can't do this anymore. I can never
fall out of love with her."

Her face dropped as the impact of my words hit her. "So, you love, Bella. Has it always been
her? The whole fucking time I was a back-up plan for you?"

"How did you know…?" I started to say.

Tanya turned and slapped me. As she stared into my eyes, she said, "I suspected as much from
that night at the reunion, Edward. I've seen the way you look at her. You get that same
damned smirk all the time when her name is mentioned. I'm guessing it's pretty much
whenever you think about her. I am not as stupid as you want me to be." She pulled the ring
off of her finger and tossed it into my chest. "Take it. I don't want it anymore."

"Tanya, I… I…" I couldn't think of anything to say to her.

As she opened the door, she paused. Without looking at me, she said, "I expect that you will
move out of my house soon."

"I'll start on that tomorrow. I'm sorry, Tanya."

"Save it, Edward. I'm just glad it came out now instead of sometime in the future after we had
a life together… a family." And with that, she left the room and my life.

I was going into hour seven of my shift that night. I was dreaming for another usual slow
Forks night in the emergency room.

Ten after ten, that dream faded and the nightmare began.

A call came in about two victims injured in a car wreck off of the north 101. I had prepped
two trauma teams and had the rooms ready for their arrival. Carlisle was generous enough to
be on standby to help out … an extra pair of hands, if needed was how he put it.

I stood by the two teams in the ambulance bay putting on my gloves as we waited for the first
ambulance to arrive. There was a current in the air – fear mixed with exhilaration.

The first ambulance arrived. The doors popped open. "This is the minor injury from that
accident. The more severe case is coming in after us. They had to get her stabilized first," the
driver said as he helped open the rear doors.

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I instantly kicked into ER doctor mode, directing the first team to take the patient and get
started. I wanted to be on hand for the second, more serious victim that was coming in.

As the gurney's wheels hit the ground I looked closely at the patient. The blond hair with a
touch of blood, the blue eyes, that fucking grin… Newton!

I lunged at him, yelling, "What the fuck did you do Newton? Where is she?"

The driver wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away from Newton's gurney.

Witnessing the lunge, Carlisle ran out and yelled, "Edward, what the hell has come over

"God damn it, Newton!" I screamed out as I tried struggling away from the EMT.

Carlisle looked as team one wheeled Newton into the ER. He ran up to me and put his hand
on my shoulder and begged, "Edward, please. You need to be calm right now. What's

I felt a tear run down my cheek. "Fucking Newton!"


I finally pulled away from the EMT. I paced back and forth in front of Carlisle. My hands
fisted into my hair. "Oh, fuck me. Fuck me!"

Carlisle and the team stood silent, watching me pace back and forth, swearing to the Gods in
heaven above.

"Fuck!" I yelled out one more time as I punched my fist into the air.

The EMT walked to Carlisle and said, "He just went crazy. I mentioned that the second injury
was still en route because she needed stabilization and he screamed at the guy."

Carlisle nodded to him, patted him on the shoulder, and directed him inside. He walked up to
me. He kept his voice calm and steady as he spoke to me. "Son, I know that this is upsetting,
but you have to remain calm."

I stopped pacing and looked at him. "It's Bella, dad. The second victim is Bella."

He nodded at me sympathetically. He instantly understood why I was acting crazy. "For
Bella's sake, you have to remain calm. Why don't you let me…"

"No!" I yelled just before taking a deep breath. "I'll do it. I can take care of her. If anyone is
going to save her…" I couldn't finish my thought.

The second ambulance was backing up into the bay.

I motioned for the team to follow me. Before the ambulance could fully stop, I was pulling
open the doors and climbing into the ambulance.

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There she was.

Her hair and face were covered with blood. The EMT had her bagged and connected to a
monitor. Her heartbeat was low, but still there. I took another deep breath, fought back the
fear and tears, and went to work.

The team and I got her into trauma one. I unfastened the belts that were holding her onto the
gurney. We lifted the under sheet and moved her over to the table. I directed Jackie to find
where the blood on her head was coming from. I told another nurse to get her pressure linked
into the monitors. The third was told to get a line and a drip going.

I peeled back the sheet covering her. Her torso looked fine under her torn blouse. No cuts
were visible, but there was severe bruising. I would definitely have to check for internal

I kept peeling back the sheet. Everything was moving in slow motion. I uncovered her to her
knees and noticed a large pool of blood under her hips. Fuck me! There was so much blood. I
had Jackie help me cut her skirt. Her panties were soaked. We removed those. There were
clots coming out of her and blood was spilling everywhere.

"Someone get Denali!" I ordered at the top of my lungs. "Jackie, I need some O neg now!" I
went back up to Bella's head. I stroked her bloody hair and tried to see if she was at least a
little aware of what was going on. "Bella, love, can you open your eyes? Please…" Nothing.
No response from her. No movement at all. Even her usual sweet floral scent was faint, being
replaced by the iron smell of her blood.

I stopped for a moment. Everything that was usually second nature to me, felt so foreign all of
a sudden. I couldn't think straight. What do I do? I was about to call for Carlisle to come in
and help when Tanya showed up.

She walked right in and looked at me. I nodded to the table. She looked to Bella and looked
back at me.

"Please, Tanya," I said. It was all I could manage to get out at the time.

"Help me get her into stirrups," she directed.

The others and I quickly set up the table. I took one of Bella's limp legs and carefully placed it
into the stirrup while the nurse did the same with her other leg.

Tanya did a quick exam. She sat back and said, "She lost the baby and she's bleeding out.
We've got to get her up to surgery and get it stopped."

I was horrendously shocked. "Baby?"

Tanya stood up as the nurses prepared to wheel Bella out and up to surgery. She nodded at
me. "Yeah, Bella was pregnant. She called me the week before last, right after she had a
positive test. Her first appointment was tomorrow, as a matter of fact."

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A wave of nausea washed over me. I stumbled backward into the wall, peeling off my gloves.
She was pregnant.

I took another deep breath. "Tanya, please don't let anything happen to her. It would destroy
her if she couldn't…," I begged, looking up at her with tears in my eyes.

She looked at me grabbing the end of the table. "I'll do everything I can," she said in
monotone and left with the nurses running Bella down the hall.

She was pregnant! Fucking Newton!

The anger moved into my body replacing any concern or fear I had. I stormed into trauma two
to see Fucking Newton sitting up on the table with a leering smile plastered across his face. I
darted for him, when Carlisle intervened, jumping in the path between Newton and me.

"You don't want to do this, Edward. Not now," he said, pushing me away from Newton.

I pointed around Carlisle and spoke directly to him anyway. "I swear to God, Newton. I
fucking swear to God! I want to know exactly what the fuck happened. What the fuck did you
do? She has already lost her baby. If she loses her life, I swear…" I couldn't finish. The anger
was going to get the better of me.

Carlisle had managed to push me to the door. I turned and stormed out of the room. I went
straight to the locker room. I walked in and paced back and forth for a moment; my hands
returned to fisting in my hair.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck!" I was on the edge of hyperventilating. I had to calm myself. I removed my
hands from my hair. They fisted tightly by my side.

Before I knew it, I punched my locker, creating a huge dent in the door. The door flew open. I
looked and saw her gift that I had set on the shelf. I picked it up and inhaled her sweet floral
scent. I sat on the bench and twirled it around from hand to hand.

"Fuck it," I murmured as I tore open the box. I dumped out the contents into my hand—a
positive pregnancy test and a note.

I opened the small piece of folded paper. It was written in her messy, yet perfect handwriting.
I smirked at the thought of her scribbling away as I read it…

To Jake: A gift you will cherish as we begin our NEWLIFE!

That's all it took. I broke down instantly crying like a little boy who was lost without a sign of

Carlisle walked into the locker room. "Edward, what the hell is going on with you? Why are
you acting out like this?"

I couldn't even look up at him. I began confessing everything to him…

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"Where the fuck do I begin?" My hand clutched at my hair while the other squeezed the
pregnancy test tightly.

"Okay… Yesterday I went to help Bella."

"Yes, you said she was sick."

"She wasn't sick, Carlisle. She was in the middle of being raped by that asshole out there. He
was on top of her. I pulled him off. I should have finished him right then and there, but Bella
begged me not to, and I fucking listened to her. I knew…"

I paused trying to catch my breath between tears.

"I knew I should've stayed with her. Everything in my gut told me to stay with her. And I let
her go.

"She promised me that she would be safe.

"I got back, and I broke off the engagement with Tanya. I just couldn't stand being around her
anymore, especially knowing that Bella's asshole of a husband is fucking around behind her

"I thought for sure Bella and I could finally be together again. The way it should have always
been. The way it's meant to be!

"And then, here she is… half dead… losing something that I know she wanted so dearly…
that baby… she's bleeding out…" I couldn't finish as I started sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't
look at Carlisle once the whole time I was talking.

My father – being the great man that he was – only said in the most compassionate of voices,
"Why don't you get cleaned up, Edward. Go up to the waiting area and wait for Bella to come
out of surgery. I am going to try and track down your sister and Bella's family. I have already
called your mother and she is on her way."

I nodded, still not looking at him. He left the room quietly. I was left to sit and listen to myself
sob. I looked at that pregnancy test in my white fist. I squeezed it harder and tighter, until it
snapped into two pieces. Using all of my strength I threw the pieces across the locker room.

I wasn't sure how long I stayed in the locker room. I was mentally kicking myself for not
following my instincts and staying with Bella. I hated myself for letting everything get this
fucked up – not just with Bella, but with Tanya, Fucking Newton, Neanderthal…

I should have it tattooed on my head – Prick Edward.

I heard a soft knocking on the door. I lifted my head to see Esme poking her head into the

"May I come in Edward?" she asked, in the sweetest, softest mom voice.

I nodded.

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She walked in and sat beside me on the bench, wrapping her arm around me and squeezing
tightly. "Edward, why haven't you gone upstairs?"

"I can't do it, Mom. I just can't go up there. If I lose Bella again…" I stopped to keep myself
from bawling. "I can't live without her, Mom. I need her to live so I can live."

She kissed the top of my head. "Edward, don't talk like that. Bella wouldn't like to hear you
talking like that. You need to think positively in times like these."

Esme always managed to say the right things to change my mind set.

"Come on. Let's get upstairs."

We were in that waiting room for hours. As Bella's family and friends convened, Esme would
greet everyone with a hug and positive words. My mother was the hero of us all.

I was amazed at her ability to organize and keep everyone calm and positive.

She made sure coffee was served to those that wanted it. She helped people to their seats. She
passed out tissues to those who were crying. She offered her caring smile.

She hugged Charlie for minutes while he cried – he cried! – into her shoulder before his wife
took him to a chair to sit.

She talked with Jasper and Alice and arranged to meet them at SeaTac. She had also arranged
to meet Emmett and Rose there at the same time.

My mother was usually an amazing woman, but in a crisis… she was the bond that kept
everyone together.

My father came into the waiting room looking solemn as he scanned through those of us who
were waiting to hear about Bella. Everyone turned their attention to him eagerly waiting to
hear some news.

"There's still no word on her condition," he said sadly. "I'm sorry, I wish I had something
better to say right now."

My father dropped his head. I could tell that Carlisle was trying not to cry. My mother took a
cup of coffee to him. She kissed him on the cheek and walked with him to a chair, smiling
slightly at me and nodding as she walked by.

Seeing Esme like that with Carlisle made me think of Bella. She possessed that same strength.
I saw it when her mother died. She comforted Charlie in much the same way.

Bella, you are strong. You can pull through this.


I got tired of waiting in that damned waiting room. The air was thick with sadness and worry.
Most of the others in that room were either crying or trying their hardest not to.

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I volunteered to walk my mom to the elevators. She was heading out to SeaTac to pick up my
brother and sister and their significants. She smiled her motherly smile at me just as the doors
were sliding open.

She reached up to straighten my hair. "Edward, please stay strong. Everyone in that room
needs to have a shoulder to cry on right now."

"I will mom," I said and kissed her cheek just before she stepped into the elevator.

As the doors slid shut, I turned around and looked in the direction of the waiting room. I
couldn't take the thickness of despair that hung over everyone in there, so I decided to walk
the halls. I needed to try and work off my nervous energy.

The waiting was killing me more than anything. I hated being on this side of the doctor
patient relationship. It was torture not knowing anything beyond the fact of where Bella was.

I strolled slowly through the halls thinking back to everything Bella and I had shared.

I thought about the time she gave Fucking Newton the black eye. It was her second day in our
school. It was an accident, of course, that happened in Biology class. She was trying to pull a
stuck slide out of the microscope and it came free. Newton was bent over behind her and got
an elbow right in the eye.

That was the moment I fell in love with her clumsiness. I think that was the same moment
Fucking Newton thought he could have her as well.

After that, I had taken notice of her around school. She had managed to have one accident
prone incident after another. It was such a fucking turn on for me. I felt like I could be her
protector and she could be my fragile little human. I loved the thought of being her hero.

Then came that first day Coach Clapp made her play basketball in the gym… I almost got a
broken nose. Thank God I have über quick reflexes and caught that ball. I asked her out that

I couldn't believe my luck when she said yes almost right away. Everyone at the time thought
that I was dating Lauren. That was mostly due to Lauren spreading the word that I was hers. I
thank the heavens that Bella never listened to rumors.

We had our first date that weekend. We had our first kiss that night. We didn't go beyond that
until almost a year later. She wanted everything to go slowly and I only wanted to make her

That first time in my room was wonderful. The third time in my parent's cabin in front of the
fireplace was heavenly. That fifth time in my dad's office… was thrilling. The exhilaration I
felt that time in her bedroom with Charlie showing up unexpectedly from work and almost
catching us in the throes of passion. Then all of the times in my car… in the woods… the
school bathroom…

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I could probably list every single time she and I were together in that way. I have yet to
experience such an emotional and physical high like that since. Maybe that's why I still try to
capture some of that ecstasy by thinking about her while I am with another woman.

All of a sudden, I felt a thud. I looked up to see that I had walked right into the doors that lead
into the surgery area of the OB/GYN wing. I gave thought to the fact that she was right on the
other side of those doors fighting for her life.

As I leaned back against the wall and slid down, my hands went to my face, covering it so that
others wouldn't see me crying again. Thoughts of her were still running through my mind
when those same doors opened. I glanced up to see Tanya walking out.

I stood up immediately and asked, "Tanya, what's going on? Is she…?"

"She's alive. I found the rupture in her uterus and managed to close it. The bleeding has
slowed, but it's still too early to tell what's going to happen. Right now, she's in recovery.
She'll stay there until I feel she's stabilized enough, then we'll be moving her to ICU."

I reached out and hugged Tanya. "Thank you so much, Tanya. I know that everything
between us… well… I know I hurt you, but I want to say thank you." Then I whispered into
her ear, "Thank you."

She hugged me back and coldly said, "It's my job to save lives, Edward. You make it like I'm
a saint for saving the one you love." She stepped back, looking at me with disgust. "Is her
family here?"

"Her father is in the waiting room with my dad." I answered.

"What about her husband?"

I gritted my teeth. She intentionally made sure to stress the fact that Bella was still married. I
just answered pretending not to notice, "No word from him yet."

"Well, I am going to tell her father what's going on."

I watched and waited for her to turn the corner. I pushed open the doors to the surgery area
and walked into the hall and found the big white dry erase board. I scanned through the names
until I found Black written in all caps next to a number seven and a bunch of numbers listing
her vitals.

Being that it was an old habit, I went straight to the scrub sink and washed my hands and arms
thoroughly, immediately after, putting on some latex gloves and then a mask. I walked to the
small glass enclosed room with a blue curtain for a door and pushed the curtain aside to find
her lying on the recovery bed. I stepped into the small room and closed the curtain.

My second nature had kicked back in as I checked through all of the monitors for her vitals. I
picked up her chart and flipped through it. Her pulse was still weak, but stronger than it had
been before. Her blood pressure was still low, but picking up slowly. I looked at what Tanya
had written about the tear in her uterine wall. It was approximately a one inch tear in the
lower right quadrant of her organ. They had it stitched and blood vessels were repaired. I saw

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that Tanya had written that she may not be able to conceive again because of possible scarring
from the repairs that were done.

I took a deep breath and returned her chart to the end of the bed. I looked at her… my fragile
little Bella… I wanted nothing more than to be the one who could save her. I felt as though I
let her down.

I noticed the small metal, wheeled stool on the other side of the bed. I walked around to it and
sat down. I picked up her small, pale, left hand in my gloved hands and studied her hand
closely. I noticed that her ring was gone. I was almost sure they took it off of her before
surgery, but as I thought about it, I couldn't be one hundred percent sure that she was wearing
it in Kennewick.

I glanced up to look at her face. Her bloodied, matted hair was enveloped in the hospital issue
paper hair-netting. Her eyes had been taped shut with medical tape. She still had the tube
sticking out of her mouth even though she was breathing on her own. Her forehead had a
small gash on it in the exact same place as the night of the reunion. There was a bruise on her
left cheek.

She looked so battered and beaten.

I began talking to her. I was hoping that the sound of my voice would make her want to fight
for her life.

"Bella… love… I know you must be so scared right now, but I am here for you. I'm not going
to leave your side unless you order me to do so."

It was painful to see her lying there with no response. I half hoped that she would wake up
and yell at me to leave and never return. I would take that. It would mean that she still had
some sort of fight in her.

"There are so many things I still want to tell you. I guess I should start with the fact that
Tanya and I are no longer together. The engagement is over. It's my fault really. I was only
with her in case you didn't want me. I am such a prick for doing that to her.

"I don't know why I screw over women the way I do. I still have never forgiven myself for
leaving you. All I have ever wanted is to be with you. I know that you may never forgive me,
and I have no real excuse for not returning before now."

I played with her limp fingers as I continued…

"That first year I was gone was pure hell for me. Every day I thought about you. I thought
about seeing you curled up on the forest floor in the pine needles as I left. I thought about how
I hurt you. I often thought about what you were doing and who you were with…

"It didn't help that everyone kept telling me that you were fine. They emphasized that you
were happy and had moved on with your life. Alice and Emmett both told me repeatedly that
you no longer wanted me in your life. Carlisle said you were moving on and dating other

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I took a deep breath. "And, like an idiot, I believed their every word.

"I feel sick about that. I had no idea that you went through such a horrible time after I left. I
can't even fathom how much you were hurting at the time. No one clued me in about the
drinking and drugs and… the suicide attempt.

"If I had known, I would have come back. I really would have. If I could go back now and
redo everything, I would. I would give it all up and do right by you."

I took another calming breath, just like I had seen her do a million times.

"It wasn't easy for me being without you. It was sheer misery for me to hear that you were
dating other guys and were happy without me. That's the only reason I excelled in college. It's
the reason I graduated early. I buried myself in my studies to try and get over you and the fact
you were happier without me.

"I even left the country after graduation, thinking that it would help. I went to Brazil in the
Doctors without Borders program. That's where I met Tanya. She was helping the less
fortunate women in São Paulo. We met my first week there when I helped her birth a breech
baby in a small shack.

"The whole week after that, I noticed what a kind and caring person she was. She always
helped in any way she could. She put others before herself.

"She reminded me so much of you and how you were when we did our community service
project. I saw how gentle you were with that little girl who was on chemo. I watched as you
held her in your lap and read her stories. You were so motherly and loving with her.

"It's who… you… really… are."

I put my head down. The tears came flowing out of me again. The thought of her with that
little girl… then the thought of her no longer being pregnant… it all overwhelmed me.

"Edward," a soft voice said as a hand lightly squeezed my shoulder.

I looked up to see Tanya standing over me. She had a sympathetic smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, Tanya. I just couldn't take not knowing anything. I just came in to check on her

She interrupted me there. "Edward, you're fine. I just need to check on her."

I nodded to her. "I read her chart," I said bluntly. "Do you really think that she will never be
able to conceive again?"

"I don't know, Edward. There is going to be a lot of scarring. It's going to be difficult," she
answered as she checked the monitors and scribbled in the chart. "It's something she and her
husband will have to deal with in the future."

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She finished writing in the chart and looked at me, "She's been improving over the past few
hours. Looks like we can move her to ICU now. I suppose you'll want to help with that?"

"Of course," I replied. I felt better knowing that Bella was improving.

Along with two nurses, Tanya and I wheeled Bella through the halls to the ICU. Four
hallways and three automatic door ways later, we wheeled her into another small glass
cubicle. At least this one had a window that overlooked the parking lot and a sliding glass
door to allow for privacy.

As the nurses got the monitors plugged into the outlets, I peeled the tape off of her eyes. Then,
I carefully peeled the tape that was steadying her breathing tube from her face. I slowly pulled
the tube out. I gently lifted her head and removed that God awful hair netting and whispered
to her, "I am going to wash your hair out for you, love."

As I threw out the tapes, tubing and paper, Tanya scribbled away in Bella's chart. "Only one
visitor at a time, Edward," she said. "That means you'll have to leave when the others come in
to visit."

I rolled my eyes at her. I hated when she talked to me like I was a toddler. ""Yes, Tanya… I
know the rules."

As she was leaving the room, she said, "I'm going to send in the others who want to visit. One
at a time, Edward."

What a bitch! I thought as I rolled my eyes.

The glass door shut, and I pulled a small chair that was in the corner up to the side of her bed.
I picked up her tiny, warm hand and held it tightly as I studied her face. I smirked as I thought
about her being my Sleeping Beauty.

"Love, your friends and family are going to come in now. They are going to talk to you. I am
still going to be here for you and I won't leave. I'll just be on the other side of the glass door
over there." I paused for a moment. Then in a demanding tone, I added, "Not unless you wake
up right now and order me away. Come on… tell me to go. Order me away!"

I watched her for some sort of response. Her face was still calm. Her hand was still limp. No
reaction from her at all.

There was a small tap on the door. I turned to see Charlie poke his head into the room. "Can I
come in, Edward?"

I stood up right away. "Yes, sir. I'll leave you and Bella."

I stood on the other side of the glass and listened as Charlie talked to Bella. I listened as he
apologized for Jacob not being there. I listened to him as he begged her to wake up and talk to
him. I listened as he broke down and cried.

After a few moments of listening to sobs then silence, Charlie stepped out of her room. He
glanced at me and said, "Help her get past this, Edward. Please."

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I was shocked. Charlie was the type of man that did not ask for help. He must have been
feeling wretched to ask for that help, but I knew it was worse than that though… he asked me
for help.

It took a moment for me to compose myself. I had never seen Charlie like that before. Even
when Bella's mom had died our senior year, he wasn't this down and out. "I'll do everything I
can. I'll take care of her, Charlie."

He patted me on the shoulder and left.

After a few moments, I had calmed myself and walked back into my spot at Bella's side. I
patted her leg and spoke to her again. I was hoping to evoke something in her to make her
wake up and talk to me.

"Bella, that was Charlie… your dad. He loves you so much. Did you hear him? He wants you
to wake up. Do you understand that he was crying?" I watched her face for something. I saw
her eyes barely flutter. Beyond that… nothing.

"Edward," Carlisle said startling me.

"Carlisle, she's not waking up. I don't understand it. She should be awake by now."

"Edward, I know you're worried. I understand why you are questioning her recovery, but you
also know it could be days before a patient recovers consciousness, especially when they've
been through a trauma like she has."

I took a deep breath, knowing that he was right. "I know, Carlisle. I was just hoping for
something more."

"It's understandable." I started to stand when Carlisle put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't get
up. I just came in here to let you know that your mother has picked up your brother and sister.
Everyone will be here in a few hours. You should probably get some sleep now before they
get here."

"I'm not leaving until she's awake, Carlisle. I promised her I wouldn't." I held her limp hand

"Well, I'm going to go home and get cleaned up. Call me if anything happens. I should be
back around the time your mother gets here. You need rest. Please try to get some."

"Yeah," I replied looking at Bella as her eyes fluttered again.

The door shut after Carlisle left. It was Bella and I again. Just looking at her… helpless…
there on that bed… something came over me.

"Bella, you know I love you more than anything else in this universe. There is something that
I want you to know. I can only hope that it makes you angry and you fight for consciousness."

I watched her, hoping and waiting for a sign that she was hearing me. Her eyes didn't flutter.
She didn't move.

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"It's about your husband…" I took a deep breath and said a quick prayer that my plan would
work. "I think he's cheating on you."

No movements at all.

"I take that back, Bella. I don't think he's cheating on you, I know he is cheating on you." My
heart was pounding. I finally told her. The question was, did she hear me?

I leaned back in the chair and ran my fingers through my hair and explained, "I've seen him a
few times with this other woman. Then, I saw him kissing that same woman that night I went
to see you in the Tri Cities. He grabbed her ass like he wanted to pull her into him and fuck
her there in that parking lot. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I didn't want to make that night
worse for you than it already was." Then I finished with a whisper, "I should have just told

There was still no movement from her.

"Just wake up… wake up and tell me that I am a fucking liar. Wake up and tell me that you
hate me for trying to pull you and your husband apart. Wake up and tell me that I am being a
fucking prick and trying to ruin your life that you worked so hard to have."

I choked back some tears and whispered, "Please, Bella, just wake up."

She laid still. Her chest was moving up and down as she breathed. There were no eye
movements at all.

I sat back in the chair, holding her hand, and watching as she peacefully slept.

A few hours later, I was helping the day nurse wash the blood out of Bella's hair. We had just
finished rinsing out the medical smelling soap. I handed the nurse a towel as I carefully and
gently picked up Bella's head. The nurse dried her hair and began combing it out.

"I wish you loved me like that," Tanya said with tears welling in her eyes.

The nurse nodded at me to let me know that she could finish up with Bella's hair on her own.

I softly laid Bella's head onto her pillow. I walked with Tanya to the outside of the glass cube.

"Tanya, just let it go. Please."

Tanya wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. "I know you only loved me because I was
caring like her."

"What?" I asked, surprised. "Where did you hear that?"

"I overheard you talking to her in recovery. It hurts knowing that you never loved me for me."
She turned away from me, probably so I wouldn't see her crying. "Not like that anyway. At
least I understand it all now."

"Tanya, please…" I reached for her shoulder and she shrugged me off.

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"There's nothing to say, Edward. I understand your reasons, but I still hate you for using me
like you did for all these years."

"Whether you want to believe it or not, I am sorry."

"Save it. I was coming by to tell you that I'm going home to get some sleep. I'll be on call so if
anything happens; I'll be here in minutes."

"Thank you again, Tanya," I said in the softest of voices. "It means a lot that you were here
for her."

"Yeah, you already said that," she shot back at me. "I understand that you can't come collect
your belongings today, so I am going to pack all of your shit into boxes for you. I'll even
bring them to your car."

She left me standing there by the door to the cube.

I didn't hold her actions against her. I didn't hate her for being a fucking bitch with me. I
deserved worse.

"Doctor Cullen," the nurse said from inside the room.

I walked into the room to see Bella's eyes fluttering wildly.

"I just finished her hair, and she started doing this."

"It's fine. It's just reflexes," I said as I walked to my usual spot at Bella's bedside. "Thank

The nurse left and the door shut.

I picked up Bella's hand and said, "Hey, love, I only stepped out for a minute. I'm back now.
Do you want to say something to me?"

Her eyes stopped moving. She was still again.

Please, love, wake up!


I hated the way I left things with Bella. She was upset and her pestering made me all the more
pissed. She kept whining that there were things that she wanted to talk about with me. I knew
the way she was being was brought on by Dr. Hale and I refused to have her psycho-babble
me into a conversation. I was almost sure that she was going to bring up Nessie.

It was definitely brought on by the way that Embry left things the other day. I knew he loved
Bella like the sister that he never had. It's why I lied to her about him being on vacation. I
figured that he would tell her about Ness and the affair. I just wanted to put off that
conversation until later. Much, much later.

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Bella was upset, but being Bella, she would be over it soon enough.

I had other things on my mind. I had planned to take Ness with me up to Ozette. I had a
meeting with the Chief of Police and I thought it would be a nice little get-away for us. I had
booked a room at the small motel on the lake. I even bought a nice little something to surprise
her with.

I had planned to spend my day locked away in my office because I didn't want to see Embry. I
knew that Ness had the day off and was planning for our night away. And with the exception
of Bella's tantrum, it was going to be peaceful.

I was trying to compile all of the information of these breaking and entering crimes from all
over the county into one cohesive file, when there was a pounding on my door.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Open the door, Jake," Embry said.

Damn it. I got up from my desk and walked over to the door. "What is it, Officer Call?"

"Open the door, Jake," he repeated in a growl.

I opened the door against my better judgment because I didn't want the whole station to know
that we were fighting – much less what we were fighting about.

Embry stormed in and sat on the chair at my desk. "What the fuck is going on, Jake?"

"Embry, I swear. Why do you always bust into my office and curse me the fuck out?"

Embry glared at me. He was seething as he said, "So, you're taking Ren to Ozette?"

I was shocked. "How the fuck could you possibly know that?"

"Jake, you're an idiot. She fucking told me. She said that I would have to cover for you
tonight because you were both going to Ozette… I assume it's under the guise of getting
information on the burglaries."

"Well, yeah, we have to get that information. Seth's lawyer requested all of the files. It's my
job to compile that. Now, if you don't mind, I need to get home to and pack."

Embry clenched his fists. He stood up, glaring at me. He walked up to me, his face almost
touching mine, and said through clenched teeth, "I am going to tell Bella about this, Jake. You
can't keep fucking Ren behind her back. She has a right to know."

I tried to play it off like he was being absurd. I chuckled, "Embry, cool your jets, dude. I am
just going to work on the case for a few days. That's it, nothing more. I would have asked you
to go, but I need you here in case something goes wrong. I'll be back the day after tomorrow."

Embry's jaw tightened. "Jake, you know I know things. I will cover for you with the job,
because it's my job. Don't expect for me to cover for you with Bella. Do you really think that

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she is going to buy the fact that it takes two days to drive up there and back? If she asks, I will
tell her everything."

"Only if she asks you about where I am, right?"

His hands tightened into fists and his arms went rigid as if he were trying his hardest not to
punch me. His jaw tightly clenched as he spoke through his teeth. "You're a fucking asshole.
I'm going home to get some sleep, since I'll be doing your job tonight." He left my office,
slamming the door behind him.

I paced around my office for a moment. He was right about one thing… Bella would ask
about where I am if I'm not here when she gets back.

I walked over to my phone and picked it up. I started dialing her cell phone number. Half way
through the numbers, I changed my mind and hung up the phone. If I called her cell, she
would be calling me day and night while I was gone. Probably to make sure I was okay. The
last thing I wanted was for her to be calling me while I was with Ness.

After another moment of thought, I picked up the phone and dialed my home number. The
machine picked up as expected. I cleared my throat as I listened to our happy voices announce
that we were unable to answer the phone and leave a message.

After hearing the beep, I spoke, "Bella, this is Jake. I'm sorry that I couldn't pick you up, but
the case is whipping my ass. I have to go to Ozette for a few days to investigate more crimes
that are similar." As I spoke, I thought of the perfect thing to say to her. It's the one thing that
would keep her from calling me tomorrow night. "Yeah apparently, there is a gang or
something doing these crimes. Looks like Seth is innocent after all. I'll call you when I get
back into town."

I hung up the phone. A sense of relief ran over me. I knew that she wouldn't call as long as
she understood that I was working for Seth's freedom.

I went home later that afternoon and I had just finished repacking my small bag. I went to my
dresser and pulled out a small rectangular box that was wrapped in pink paper. I set it right on
top of the packed items and zipped my case shut.

I drove over to the café to meet Ness. We were going to grab a bite before our drive up to

The best part about our dinner was that Ness loved the thrill of being openly discreet about us
as much as I did. Throughout our meal, we would tap each other under the table. I would
squeeze her knee. She would look at me though her long lashes with a strictly "come fuck
me" look. I would lick my lips in such a way that she would giggle and motion with her
tongue to get closer to her.

We had finished eating, and as I paid for the meal, I arranged to leave in a separate car from
Ness and pick her up at her house. I explained that it was the best way to do things – keep it
all discreet.

She was fine with that. I walked her out of the café and down to her tiny red car.

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"Blowjob in the cruiser?" she asked, giggling.

"Who said we're taking the cruiser?" I looked at her and crooked an eyebrow and playfully
asked, "Are you saying that you would be into that?"

She lightly laughed at me again and nodded. "Your wish is my command. Is that what you

Fuck me! I love when she gets like this!

We reached her car and I opened the door for her. "That won't be my only wish, Ness."

She reached over and hugged me. I returned the hug. I had her positioned in such a way that I
could grab her ass and pull her into me without looking like we were about to fuck right there
in the parking lot.

She laughed again and sat in her car. She looked up at me with a sly smile on her face. "Come
here, lover," she said, motioning to me with her finger.

I licked my lips as I bent over to be close to her face. She reached around my neck and pulled
me closer. Her soft lips hit mine. I leaned down into her making sure we were in the car so no
one could see us. I moaned into her mouth as our tongues met.

That was when a loud, blaring horn sounded. It scared the shit of me. Ness jumped.

I stood up and looked around. Thankfully, it wasn't someone behind Ness waiting for the spot.
I glanced over to the intersection and saw him sitting in his stupid, shiny, silver Volvo.

Edward Fucking Cullen.

The horn sounded again. He looked directly at me and I knew from the look on his face he
saw everything. He saw Ness and I kissing.

Oh shit! He's going to tell Bella everything.

I glared at him. He leered at me. The second the light turned red, he drove off. I should have
hopped in the squad car and gone after his ass. I could arrest him for reckless driving with a
possible DUI, but I didn't. If he was going to tell Bella, then I didn't want her to think I was
guilty. Fucking Cullen would twist it to be that I arrested him only to keep him from telling
her everything.

I figured I would just make my way to Ozette with Ness as planned. At least enjoy my few
days with her before the shit storm hit.

The next morning, I woke up to a beautifully naked Ness lying next to me. The small amount
of morning sun coming in through the window of our motel room reflected off of her milky
white skin.

I reached over and rubbed her shoulder. Her skin was so soft. I scooted closer to her unable to
resist the urge of wanting to be up against her. I leaned into her and lightly kissed her

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shoulder. I continued laying a trail of kisses up her collar bone, to her cheek, and stopping just
before her smiling lips.

"Good morning, Ness. Did you sleep well?" I mumbled against the corner of her mouth.

She lightly laughed and said, "I tried to, but someone kept me up all night with their raucous
love making."

"Raucous, huh? Well, I guess we should call the manager and get a new room."

She turned her head so that her lips met mine. "Don't you dare. I didn't say it was a bad thing."
She kissed me deeply, passionately. She was hungry for me. She slid her hand down my chest
stopping just above my cock. Her fingers danced around, teasing the tip.

I laid back and let out a moan. I loved how she kept me aroused with the constant taunting
and flirting that she was doing.

She looked at me and licked her lips.

I had no idea what she was going to do. The anticipation was killing me. She blinked at me
looking all innocent and … and the fucking alarm went off.

"No…" she said in a disappointed groan.

I reached over and turned off the damned thing. "We have an hour to get ready and go, Ness."

"I am so sorry, Jake," she said, lying back onto her pillow.

I propped myself up onto my elbow. "It's not your fault, Ness, at least we have tonight."

"Yeah, but it's just not the same." She sat up and dropped her legs over the side of the bed.

"Well, since you are being such a good girl right now, maybe I can say that I have a little
something special for tonight."

She turned to look at me. Her hair bounced around everywhere. She blinked at me with her
wide, innocent golden brown eyes. "What did you do, Jake?"

"Well…" I rolled over and pulled the small pink rectangular box out from under the bed. I
rolled back over and held it out. "It's a little something… sort of an apology gift for
destroying something special of yours."

Her expression was pure shock. She took the box from me and shook it by her ear. "What is

I casually shrugged and said, "Open it."

She tore through the pink paper and pulled the lid off of the box. Her mouth dropped open
when she saw her gift. "It's a La Perla negligee. Jake, this is beautiful. I can't accept this from

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I sat up and pulled her to me. "You have to. I ruined your last gift. I can't have you live
without a small token of my love for you."

"Oh, Jake, thank you," she squealed in excitement. "This is exactly what I had asked you for.
You remembered." She tossed the box onto the bed and flung her arms around me, squeezing
tightly. "Thank you," she repeated. She planted a meaningful kiss on my lips.

I groaned into her mouth and I grabbed her gyrating hips, stopping them from moving and
said, "We have to get ready, Ness."

She blinked at me. "Promise we'll pick up from here?" she asked.

"Absolutely… with one exception," I teased.

"What's that?" she innocently asked.

"You have got to be wearing your gift."

"And you won't be allowed to rip it off of me…" She bit her lip and paused for a moment
before continuing with, "Well, maybe you can."

We had spent the whole day with the Chief of Ozette. He was a very detail oriented man. His
four reports were at least twenty pages thick each – between the evidence pictures and all of
the handwritten details.

He took us to each of the crime scenes and explained everything as he found it. He detailed
exactly what was taken and what evidence there was. A whole day with the anal retentive
chief… it was exhausting!

It was almost eight that night when Ness and I finally got back to our room. I set the stack of
files on the table and sat in the chair. "I really don't feel like going through all of this right

"Then, don't," Ness said, winking and walking by me with a small bag in her hands. "I'm
getting cleaned up before we eat."

"Alright. I have to change anyway," I said.

As she shut the door to the bathroom, I emptied out my pockets. I noticed for the first time
that my phone had died. I tried and tried to turn it back on with no luck.

"Ness, have you seen the plug for my phone?" I asked through the bathroom door.

"Sorry, Jake, I haven't," she answered.

I dumped out the contents of my bag onto the bed and shuffled through everything. I still
didn't find my cord. Then I remembered putting it into my jacket pocket. I went over to my
jacket and pulled it out right away. I plugged in my phone. I had a twelve hour wait until I
could turn on my phone again.

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Ness stepped out of the bathroom. I turned to look at her. "Holy…" was all I got out.

She was leaning against the door. Her hair had been clipped back into a sparkly clip. Her eyes
looked seductively at me. She put her finger to her lip bottom lip and asked, "I take it you like

She was wearing her gift. She was smashingly beautiful in that sheer black La Perla negligee.
Her nipples were perked and pushing through the thin material.

I slowly sauntered up to her and I wrapped my hands around her hips. "I don't like it, not at

She gave me a surprised look. "What don't you like about it, Jake?"

I leaned down and groaned, "I don't like the fact I'm going to have to break a promise I made
to you."

"What's that?" she asked in a sweet little voice.

"I am going to have to rip this off of you," I sneered.

"Jake you are such an animal," she whispered just before I kissed her.

The next morning, I quietly got up trying not to wake Ness.

I had just stepped out of the bathroom, when I glanced at my phone on the table. I walked
over and turned it on.

My phone went crazy in my hand. Beeps and buzzes were so frequent, that they were almost
on top of each other. I had almost forty-three messages logged before the phone calmed in my

I pulled up the message list to see that I had about twenty from Embry alone. I figured that he
was calling to say that he spoke with Bella when she got back into town. There were a few
from Alice and Dr. Hale. I figured that Edward told them about what he saw.

But, then I noticed messages from CJ and Charlie. That had my curiosity peaked. They
weren't the type to casually call and leave messages.

I pushed the first one with Charlie's name. Then I heard his voice… I instantly felt sickened
over the tone he had. I had never heard Charlie like that before in my life. He sounded like he
was crying and couldn't catch his breath.

"Yeah… uh… Jacob… Um, this is Charlie. I don't know what's going on, but we have been
trying to call all night. Bella made it through surgery, but her condition is still vague. Um…
please get to the hospital as soon as you can. Before she…"

And he stopped there. I heard him sob and the message went silent.

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I walked over to the bed and sat hard on it. I went back through the message list and started
from the beginning – about nine thirty the previous night. The first call was from Embry.

I sat listening, just horrified at what I heard message after message. Bella had almost died in a
car wreck. She had to have surgery to control bleeding, but was currently in a coma.

The room was spinning. I couldn't catch my breath. I felt sick…

I dashed for the bathroom and threw up green-yellow bile into the toilet.

"Jake, are you alright?" Ness asked from the bed.

In between heaves, I said, "Just get packed. I'm fine."

What did I do? I'm on the way Bella.


I cannot believe that Edward disappeared like that. Where did he go? Am I dreaming? If I am
dreaming, why am I not waking up?

"Here…" I heard a voice calling. "The car is down here, Embry."

I saw a bright light flash into my eyes for the second time.

The voice sounded shocked as it yelled, "Holy shit! Embry!"

"What is it CJ?" I heard Embry's voice ask from further away.

"Fuck, Embry! It's Bella Black!"

"What did you just say?" Embry's voice sounded shocked.

"I said it's Bella!"

More bright light flashes as the closer voice asked, "Bella… Can you hear me? Can you say

Well of course I can, CJ. Can you quit shining that fucking light in my eyes? Oh my head
hurts so badly.

A few moments of silence were followed by, "Sir, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think I just hit my head," Newton answered.

"All right, sir. We have ambulances in route and the fire department is coming as well. We're
going to get you out of here before the tree fully snaps."

Then the light was gone.

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Tree? What tree? Fucking Newton! What happened? I paused, waiting for a response. Are you
going to answer me? Why the fuck aren't you answering? What's going on?

Another round of silence…

Then I felt arms wrapping around me and pulling me up. I was instantly strapped down. I felt
the straps digging into my legs and arms. Then I was moving up again, bumping around from
side to side.

I finally stopped moving and I could hear people talking, mostly men. I just couldn't make out
what anyone was saying.

"Bella, sweets, are you okay? Can you answer me?" Embry's voice asked softly in my ear.

I'm fine. Just tell me what the fuck is going on?

"Still no answer," Embry said, disappointed. "CJ, have you talked with Jake yet?"

I am answering you, Embry! Why aren't you talking back? Why is no one telling me what is
going on? Please Embry… what's happening to me? Where's Jake?

I felt a small jiggle and then everything went pitch black.

The next thing I could hear was the wonderful velvet voice ask, "Bella, love, can you open
your eyes. Please…"

I'm trying to, Edward. It's not happening though. What the fuck is going on? Where the hell
am I? How did you get here? Where did you go?

Then nothing again... no voices... no one was there. I was alone.

After spending some time in the darkness all alone, I suddenly felt a large, cool hand wrap
around my hand. Then, I heard Edward's velvet voice interrupt the silence again. "There are
so many things I still want to tell you. I guess I should start with the fact that Tanya and I are
no longer together. The engagement is over."

Oh, Edward, I am so sorry. What happened? Are you all right? Did Tanya just leave you? Are
you going to answer me?

"And, like an idiot, I believed their every word," his voice said, as it came back into hearing

What did you believe? Was it something to do with Tanya and why you aren't together? What

"It wasn't easy for me being without you. It was sheer misery for me to hear that you were
dating other guys and were happy without me."

What? I was never happy without you in my life. Who said that? My life was miserable
without you, too. Please answer me, Edward.

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"Love, your friends and family are going to come in now."

Where the fuck am I? Why are people visiting me? Edward, please tell me what's happening.

Then Edward's voice was gone… replaced by Charlie's…

"Bells, I am so sorry about all of this. I still haven't talked with Jacob. I don't know where he
is," my dad's scratchy voice said. "Can you at least try to wake up? For me, please?"

I am awake, dad. Where are you? I can't see you at all. Did you leave?

"I know I haven't been the best of dads, but I tried in my own warped way, I guess. I know
things weren't easy when your mom and Phil died. I am so sorry for everything, Bells."

Dad, what are you saying? I understand that you did what you could. Renee and Phil dying in
that plane crash wasn't your fault. Stop apologizing. Are you crying? I'm here. I'm fine.
Please stop crying. Dad? Charlie?

It tore at me to hear my father crying. He was a tough old codger, and hearing him like that
was just… wrong. And then, to make things more confusing, off in the distance, I could
barely hear him as he begged for Edward's help.

Then the velvety voice returned to my side. "Bella, that was Charlie… your dad. He loves you
so much. Did you hear him? He wants you to wake up. Do you understand that he was

I caught a small glimpse of Edward. I know that, Edward. I don't understand… Charlie was
crying? Why is he asking you for help?

Then, the last thing I heard him say was, "It's about your husband."

What about Jake, Edward? Just tell me. Please. Did Jake die? Is that where he is?

Everything fell into blackness again.

I looked around the blurred whiteness. No one was there. Edward had left me. I was feeling
panicked, and then I heard him.

"Hey, love, I only stepped out for a minute. I'm back now. Do you want to say something to

Yes, don't ever leave me again. I don't want to be alone. Can you at least answer me this
time? Please?

I could only feel his cool, gentle hand wrap around mine, and I was just going to have to
accept that. It was better than nothing. Better than being alone again.

"Bella, I am going to have some flowers sent up here. This room needs some brightening up,"
Esme's motherly voice said. "I can't have you waking up to this dull and drab room."

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Thanks for offering, Esme. Wait… What happened to my room?

"Mom, you have done plenty. We don't need to have a garden in here before she wakes up,"
Edward said from somewhere beyond Esme in the darkness.

"Don't listen to him. I will have this all ready for you," she said, patting my hand.

Thank you.

I could see a flash of golden yellow before my eyes.

Then as it all blurred into grey, I heard Carlisle say, "Looks like the stitching I did a few
months ago was a waste. I see I might have to make a complaint about this one. They should
have used more internal stitches. I'm afraid it's going to scar."

My second dad, Carlisle. You don't have to worry about anything. I don't care about a small
scar. Can I ask you something?

There was no response.

Instead after moments of silence, I heard Embry's voice again.

"Hey, sweets," he said, in his cheery voice.

Embry, I thought you were on vacation. Why are you here? Where is Jake?

"Still no word from Jake. I thought at least he would have responded by now. I never
expected him to do… be like this with you. I promise to keep trying to get a hold of him for

Where is he? Did something horrible happen to him?

I thought finally I was going to get some answers, but then Embry's voice trailed off as he
started speaking again.


"Hey Bella," a husky voice said, waking me. "Of course you would wind up in the hospital
again. You pulled me out of a game in Florida… and we were crushing the Marlins."

Oh, Emmett! You're here! I'm sorry about the game. Did you say I was in the hospital?

No reply.

Then I felt the cool hand on mine again. His voice came back. "One day, I will get Emmett
back. He finally got his payback for that shaving cream. I'm hoping he drops it now. He just
punched me in the shoulder… hard! God, my arm hurts."

I am so laughing right now, Edward. I love you guys. Can I help with the retaliation?

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No reply again, but I caught a glimpse of him. The sun was shining through his hair creating a
brilliant bronzed halo around his head. I could see a small smile on his face. He was my angel.

Then blackness... no voices… no cool hand on mine... nothing but silence and loneliness…

"Bella, I should give you a makeover while you are out. That way you'll be gorgeous when
you wake up," Alice's peppy voice said.

"No makeovers on unconscious people, Alice," Edward's voice warned from far away. "You
don't think Bella wants to wake up feeling like you used her as your own personal Barbie doll,
do you?"

"Shut up, Edward. She would love waking to my make-up artistry," Alice chimed back. Then
I could hear her whisper, "He's just jealous because he looks like he was run over himself."

I was run over? Is that what happened? Alice, can you even hear me? Can you at least tell me
where Jake is?

"Oh, Bella. I love you. You are my sister, and I don't want to lose you."

"Alice, come on. Jasper is waiting for his turn," Edward's voice said, still from a distance.

I felt a tiny hand pat my leg as Alice said, "I'll be back soon, Bella. I'll be bringing at least
some gloss for your lips so they won't dry out."

After a moment of silence, I caught another flash of Edward as he was leaning down to me.
"Sorry about Alice, Bella. You know how hard she is to reign in sometimes," he whispered
into my ear.

I know, but I do love her. I'm glad she was here. Edward, I just want to know something…

And as if he had finally heard me, he patted my leg and said, "… anything for you, Bella..."

When will you be able to hear me? When can I get some answers?

"I will do my best to keep Alice under control."

That's not what I fucking asked at all.

A moment later, I caught a glimpse of Jasper. He was talking, but I couldn't understand one
word of what he was saying.

Jasper, please speak up. What did you say?

Then I heard him loud and clear, "I can't believe everything that has happened. I am so proud
of you for standing up for yourself. I'm sorry it landed you in here, though."

I stood up for myself? What?

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Then I remembered a small piece. Oh… I fought with Newton in the car, but that still doesn't
explain everything.

And in that moment, I heard Jasper's soothing voice in my ear. "You should be proud of
yourself. You have improved by leaps and bounds. I hate to say it, but Edward coming back
into your life has been a good thing."

I know, Jasper. Can I just ask, why has no one talked about Jake? Did something happen to

I felt a pat on my leg followed by, "I'll be back in a while, Bella. You keep hanging tough."

Bye, Jasper.

I guess I fell asleep… I didn't hear anymore voices. I couldn't feel any touches.

I was alone again. I tried to figure out why I was with Edward and not Jake. I gave thought to
the fact that maybe Jake died when I was run over. My Jake had died and no one wanted to
tell me.

I decided at that point that I had to find a way to snap out of this odd fog I was in. I had to talk
to someone about Jake to make sure he was alright.

Then a voice entered into my consciousness, "Bella, love, it's been a long while since you
were awake. I am so sorry about all of this." Edward sounded so sad. "I should have stayed
with you. I should have never left you with… Newton."

Edward, you can't beat yourself up over this. I made you go. I didn't want to be babied
anymore. I am a grown woman. It's about time I acted that way.

"I almost killed Newton. I really wanted to." Edward yawned and continued, "You know that
I love being your protector. It's still such a fucking turn on that you are still my fragile, little
Bella." He yawned again. His words were getting slower as he finished speaking. "I still…
love… you… Bell…"

I guess he fell asleep. He didn't speak after that.

I was only aware of the sound of a beeping and deep breathing out beyond me… somewhere
out in the darkness.

After some time, I opened my eyes. I sat blinking for a moment. It was the first time in a long
while that I could see my surroundings clearly. I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them
again to make sure that I was really awake.

The room was dark except for one light dimmed low. Flowers were piled high on a table on
the side of the room near the window. There was a slight flickering of grey across the ceiling.
I looked over and noticed a small television up in the top corner of the wall was on but I
couldn't hear it.

Oh, great! I am still not fully awake. I still can't hear anything.

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Then I paused.

I realized that I could hear a slight beeping over the right side of my head. I turned my head to
see a stack of machinery with blipping lights and large numbers. There were a lot of wires and
tubes falling from those machines.

I looked down at myself. The tubing was attached to my right arm; the wires ran under a
hospital gown. I was tightly tucked in under blue hospital blankets and white sheeting.

I turned my head further and saw his head on my left leg. His bronzed hair was everywhere.
His eyes were closed. His long eyelashes were kissing his stubbly cheeks. It looked like he
hadn't shaved in a week. I couldn't remember ever having seen him look that disheveled
before. I was confused about why he looked so ragged.

I tried to pick up my left hand and couldn't move it. Edward had his hand tightly wrapped
around mine like he was holding on for dear life. After some work and maneuvering, I
managed to free my hand from his. I reached to his cheek and rubbed the long stubble. It
tickled my hand so much; I let out a small giggle.

Edward's gorgeous, deep green eyes popped open. He slightly lifted his head and looked at
me, his hair sticking out everywhere. He blinked a few times as a look of relief washed over
his face. A small smile crept across his face.

"Edward… Can you hear me?"


The warmth of her touch radiated on my skin, so much it felt like I was sunning on a beach
when she smiled at me. She had a wonderful glowing aura around her. She was like an angel,
floating just before me.

"Bella, I love you so much. I can't believe that we are finally together," I said, as I smiled at

She turned and started moving away from me. She giggled her vibrant, silvery giggle.

"Bella, where are you going? Wait for me, please," I called out to her as I began running. But
she was way too fast and I couldn't catch her before she disappeared.

I opened my eyes to the realization that I had been dreaming. I looked at Bella and swore she
was finally awake. I lifted my head slightly, blinking a few times to make sure I was seeing it

"Edward… Can you hear me?" she asked in the softest of voices.

"Bella?" I asked in disbelief. "You're awake?"

"Yeah… I guess. What happened? Why am I in the hospital?"

I sat more upright and looked at her. "Don't you remember anything?" I asked.

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"I remember fighting with Newton, and then everything after that was… it was like I was
living in a fog. I don't remember much... just that a lot of people were talking to me and not
answering anything I asked."

"How are you feeling now, Bella?" The doctor in me woke up. I stood up and pushed the
button for the night nurse.

"I feel wretched. My head is killing me. I am so sore all over." She looked exhausted and

I was torn between putting her at ease and keeping her awake to talk with me. There was so
much I wanted to tell her while she was conscious. But looking at her laying there in pain, I
couldn't do it. I reached up and lightly rubbed her cheek with the back of my hand. "We'll take
care of you, love," I whispered.

She looked at me with a puzzled look. "Edward?"

"What, love?"

"Where is Jake? Why isn't he here? Did he get hurt, too?" She looked so worried and upset.
Her pressure began to elevate.

I reached over and pushed the call button for the night nurse again. Come on… answer back.
She's not ready to hear this yet.

The night nurse walked into the room as I stood there pumping the call button with my finger.
"Dr. Cullen, you can stop pushing the button now."

I turned to look at her. "Mrs. Black is awake and lucid now," I said. "We need to get Dr.
Denali here."

"Um… Dr. Cullen, Dr Denali isn't on call tonight. Dr. Morgan is," the nurse, whose name was
Irina, nervously explained to me. "Dr. Denali left explicit instructions that she shouldn't be

My jaw dropped. That bitch! "Look at me, Irina. I don't give a shit what Denali said, you
make sure she knows that her patient is awake. There are things that we have to talk about
with Mrs. Black."

"Yes, Dr. Cullen," she said, bowing her head down as if I were the king of the hospital. "Is
there anything else I can do for you right now?"

"Yes, Irina. I need you to administer fifty milligrams of Pentazocine Talwin running a
schedule IV, alright. I am going to note that in her chart."

"Yes, Dr. Cullen. I'll be right back with that." She ran out of the room.

I picked up Bella's chart off of the end of the bed. I made note of the pain killer, dosage
amount, and schedule duration. When I finished my notations, I looked up to see Bella staring
intently at me.

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"What?" I asked, unsure of why she was staring.

"You are still looking out for me," she said in amazement. "After everything, it's like nothing
has changed at all."

I cracked a smile at her, and replied, "You know what a fucking turn on it is for me to be the
one who watches out for you."

She blushed, smiled and looked away. "I know," she whispered.

Irina walked back into the room with the medication. I watched as she walked over and
injected it into Bella's IV. "This should work in a few moments, Mrs. Black."

All of a sudden, Bella looked panicked. "Edward, I can't have this medication."

"Why is that, Bella?" I asked, although I already knew everything.

"I'm pregnant," she answered.

Irina looked at me with a guilty expression across her face. I nodded for her to leave. I turned
back to see her scrutinizing my expression.

"What's going on, Edward? What happened? Did some…th…?"

The medication was in her system and knocked her out. I leaned forward, kissed her forehead,
and whispered, "Sleep well, my love. I promise everything will be explained later."

I woke up and stretched my arms above my head. My neck was sore from sleeping in the
chair again – my new daily ritual. I checked the time on my watch and saw that it was almost
seven in the morning.

I sat beside Bella for another few hours, watching as she slept. It bothered me that she looked
so worried as she slept. I listened as she mumbled incoherently. It tore at my heart and soul
knowing everything as I did – between the loss of her baby and that dick wad cheating

She deserves so much better in her life.

I sat running my hands through my hair. I was trying to think of the best way to tell her
everything without making her want to resort to drastic measures to cure her emotional pain.

Maybe I could talk Jasper into being here when she was told. Maybe I could try to have
Charlie and Carlisle here. Definitely I could have my mother here. Most importantly, I could
be here for her. That is if she wanted me here.

I would have to have it all figured out before she woke up again. I pulled out my phone and
texted Jasper to see who he could get here for support. I didn't give him the reasons, but I did
try to stress that she was going to need the love and support of her family later that morning.

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"Still here, Edward?" I was startled and looked up to see Tanya walking into the room. "What
is this … day three? Don't you ever leave her side?"

I let out a huff. "God, Tanya. Put the bitch away, I'm not in the mood. There's too much that
needs to be dealt with today. Have you read over Bella's chart?"

"Yes, I noticed that you ordered the pain killers. I have also checked her and she has lighter
bleeding now. That's a good sign that things are healing quickly. Her vitals are strong."

"I appreciate everything you have done for her."

"You keep telling me that, Edward, and I really don't want to talk about it anymore. There are
more important things that we have to cover right now. She needs to be told that the baby is

"The baby is gone?" Bella's groggy voice interrupted. "Gone?"

"Bella, I…" I looked at Bella who had tears in her eyes and sadness on her face. What could I
have said in that moment to help?

"Bella, you're injuries were great. There was a tear in your uterus that caused you to lose the
baby. I am sorry," Tanya said her voice actually sounding sympathetic.

I walked over and sat next to Bella on the bed. I was fighting back tears of my own as I
watched the tears fall freely down her cheeks.

"I'll let you talk to her, Dr. Cullen," Tanya said uncomfortably as she left the room.

I lifted Bella's chin with my finger. "Bella, I was hoping to wait until later today to talk with
you about the horrendous thing that has happened. I was hoping that Jasper and the rest of
your family and friends would be here before you found out."

"I lost the baby. Oh fuck!" she said and covered her face with her hand as if she were hiding.

I reached around her carefully, pulling her to me and hugging her. "Shhh, love, I am here for

"Edward, you don't understand. That baby was my last shot at saving what I had left with
Jake," she cried into my shoulder. "He's already so distant, and now that the baby is gone, I'm
afraid that he'll be gone, too."

My heart was breaking for her. She had no idea – not even inkling – that her husband was
fucking around behind her back even though I had told her the day before. She just thought
they were growing apart as couples sometimes do.

"Bella, everything will work out soon. I promise," I said, as I softly stroked her hair trying to
comfort her the best way I knew how at that moment.

"What the hell is this?" a loud booming voice asked from behind me.

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"Jake?" Bella's voice asked, surprised. She looked up at him, wiping away her tears with her
finger. "You're okay?"

I cleared my throat and stood up from the bed. He was glaring at me. I returned the hard stare
to the son of a bitch. He had real balls to look at me the way he did.

"What's going on?" he asked looking back and forth between Bella and me.

I walked over to the door way to be face to face with him. I folded my arms in front of my
chest. We stood looking into each other's eyes, neither of us budging.

"What exactly did you tell her, Cullen?" he growled at me.

"I told her nothing, Black" I gnarled back.

He jabbed his finger into my chest. "You fucking told her didn't you?"

"Told me what, Jake?" Bella asked.

"I didn't say a thing," I sternly told him. I half smiled an evil smile, because it wasn't going to
be long before he gave himself away.

"Dr. Denali told me, Jake. Don't blame Edward for this."

Jake finally stepped around me into the room. "Denali? What exactly did she say?" he asked,
glaring back at me.

In between sobs, Bella choked out, "I am sorry, Jake. I lost the baby."

"Baby? What baby?" he asked, holding his angry gaze on me.

"Your baby, Jacob. She was pregnant with your baby," I answered and stormed out of the

I stood on the other side of the open glass door. I wanted to know what was being said, but I
couldn't take hearing him lie to her… her apologizing for everything when she did nothing
wrong… I couldn't do it. I left before my anger could get the best of me.

I checked my watch. He had been in there for just over an hour before finally leaving the
room. As soon as he stepped out of the doorway, I walked up to him and asked, "Did you
finally tell her the truth?"

"What the hell do you want me to say, Cullen?" he asked, already on the defensive.

"Amazing! You let her sit in there and take all of the blame for everything that went wrong
between you two? You sat there as she tore herself up for losing that baby and said nothing?"
I was growling between my clenched teeth. My fists were balling tightly by my side. My
breathing was erratic. I was desperately trying to control myself.

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"She's been in an accident, Cullen? What the fuck? You think I want to make everything
worse right now?" I noticed that his fists were clenching as well.

"I think you need to be honest with what you've done. Own up to it! Be a fucking man, why
don't you?"

"Me? You want me to be a fucking man and admit everything? What about you Cullen? What
about the fact you fuck over your fiancée because you want my wife?" he yelled back to me.

I pointed at him as I retorted, "You don't even know me, asshole. Where the fuck do you
come off?"

An evil laugh came out of his mouth. "I don't know you? You fuck over Bella and leave her,
making her resort to drastic measures. You disappear for years with no word to her at all. You
didn't bother to try to find her when she was in the hospital, miserable, and on suicide watch.
Your own siblings didn't want you back in her life. And now, you show back up and try to get
her to leave me. You have tried to force her into kissing you, doing nothing but confusing her
more… all because you still claim to still be in love with her?"

I interrupted him there. "You have the audacity to accuse me of trying to steal her? You're the
one fucking around behind her back. You have been avoiding her making her feel like a piece
of rotten shit. I have only been there for her, listening to her as she tries to figure your actions
out and putting the blame on herself." My breathing was hard and jagged as I paused, forcing
the urge to hit him out of my system before finishing with, "I think you need to look in a
mirror and see why she's running back to me."

He reached out with his fist and punched my cheek with his left hook. It took a second for me
to realize that it actually did happen as I moved my jaw side-to-side.

I lunged forward and punched him in the gut. He pulled his fist back to swing at me, but I
blocked him again before hitting him with an uppercut.

He reached out and grabbed my shirt with one hand and punched my chest with the other that
was fisted. I returned with a right hook, right into his jaw.

"Fucking asshole!" he yelled, pulling his fist back as he readied for another punch.

"Fuck you… you cheating Neanderthal!" I retorted back as I swung low for another gut
punch. "She deserves so much better than you."

"You think you're better for her than me?"

He had my shirt and was pulling me in for another punch. I braced for it, ready to be hit again,
but nothing happened.

The next thing I knew, Emmett came out of nowhere and pulled him into a full nelson. Jasper
was behind me, pulling me back as well. Jake writhed in Emmett's grip, as I tried to escape

"Edward, this needs to stop! What's going on here?" Jasper asked, upset with the situation.

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"Dude, Jake, calm yourself!" Emmett ordered, his voice booming through the ICU.

I tried to pull myself out of Jasper's grip, but he was stronger that I thought. "This asshole is
fucking around behind Bella's back and accuses me of trying to tear them apart," I said,
angrily pointing at that Neanderthal.

"What?" Jasper asked, extremely shocked with what he heard.

"What are you doing to Bella?" Emmett asked in a loud, angry voice.

Carlisle exited the elevator and the nurse ran up to him pointing at the four of us. He was just
in time to stop what would have become an all out street fight – Emmett, Jasper and I versus
that asshole.

"Jacob, you go in with your wife," he instructed. "You three come with me."

As the Neanderthal walked by me, he rammed his shoulder into mine. I stood still for a
second and took a deep breath while trying to resist the urge to turn around and beat the ever-
loving shit out of him. As I inhaled, I got a whiff of an unfamiliar perfume. In that moment, I
knew exactly why no one could reach him for almost three days. He was off with the other
woman, doing who knows what while Bella was fighting for her life.

"Asshole!" I grumbled, trying even harder to keep myself under control.

Carlisle pulled the three of us down the hall to an empty room. He shut the glass door and
pulled the curtains closed for privacy. "I am so disappointed in you three, but most of all in
you, Edward. You know better than to fight. We're in the ICU for God's sake. People are
fighting for their lives here and you pull this shit?"

"Dad…" I started.

He held up his hand and said, "I don't want to hear it, son. I am going to have to take this to
the board. We can't allow this type of behavior in our hospital staff."

"Dad, Edward's not to blame," Emmett said. It was the first time in – well, ever – that he stood
up for me. "Jasper and I stepped off the elevator and saw Jacob punch Edward. He was
fighting just as much."

"It's true, Carlisle. It looked as though Jacob threw the first punch," Jasper agreed. "Edward
was only trying to protect Bella."

Carlisle stood looking at the three of us, shaking his head. "I still can't allow this type of
behavior to go unpunished. Let me talk to Jacob and see if he wants to file a complaint against
you, Edward."

"I'm willing to own up to it," I said arrogantly, and after a moment of thought, I finished with,
"and if he files a complaint, I'll have to file one with the police. He did throw the first punch,
after all."

"Let me talk to him and see if we can't avoid legal troubles," Carlisle huffed and left the room.

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Jasper shut the door behind Carlisle and turned to look at me. His eyes held so much sadness
in them. "Edward, you wouldn't lie about this, too, would you? I mean you did lie about what
happened in Kennewick."

"Jasper, I…" I took a deep breath and rubbed my forehead. He was right about my lie so I
began explaining, "I only said what I did about Kennewick, because I wanted Bella to be the
one to talk about what happened. I didn't feel that it was my place to tell everyone she had that
altercation with Newton. I wanted her to deal with it on her own."

"I can't believe Jake's cheating on Bella," Emmett said. "I mean… for the longest time, he had
her on a pedestal. She was treated like a goddess by him... for him to do that now… I just
can't believe it."

"Guys, I'm not lying. I saw him with my own eyes. He was hugging and groping that girl
outside of the café in town."

"What girl?" Emmett asked, almost growling the words.

"I don't know her name," I answered. "You might remember her, Jasper. She was in the ER
that night of the reunion when we brought Bella in for the stitches."

Jasper was deep in thought. I could see him running over that night in his head. Then the light
clicked on and he said, "The one from the burglary? That girl?"

I nodded and said, "That very same one."

"Edward, come on, maybe the angle was wrong. Maybe you wished you saw him groping
her." Emmett refused to believe the facts I was presenting.

"Em, I saw them kiss. It wasn't a light friendly peck, this was full on fucking porn tongue
going on between them," I explained. "I saw it myself, while I was sitting at the red light by
the café. He probably would have fucked her there in the parking lot if he could get away with
it. And that wasn't the only time I saw them."

"This happened more than once?" Jasper asked. "When?"

"It had to have been going on for a while. They were flirting and playing around at Alice's and
mom's party on the Fourth," I answered. "I didn't say anything, because at that time I just
didn't have proof beyond some flirting."

Emmett studied me, carefully looking over my expression as he thought about my words.
After a moment, he balled his fist and said, "You're serious? I am going to fucking kill Jake

"Emmett, please keep in mind that Bella doesn't know yet. She just found out about the baby
and is hurting so much already," I pleaded with him.

Jasper added, "We'll all take it slowly with her. We don't want her sliding away like she did
before, all right?"

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Emmett nodded. "It won't be easy, but I'll keep myself in check, I promise."

Emmett, Jasper, and I walked back to her room. She was sitting on the bed, crying into her
sheet. Her breathing hitched as she looked up at us. She reached out for me unable to speak a

I went straight to her bed and sat beside her. I wrapped my arms around her, being easy not to
jar the wires and tubes. She squeezed me tightly, and for the second time in a week, she cried
uncontrollably in my shirt.

The Neanderthal wasn't in the room. I automatically assumed that he left with Carlisle to file a
complaint against me. I fully expected to have a black mark in my file by the end of the day
and I didn't mind if it meant that I would lose my job.

It will all work out for the best, love. I promise.


"Jake, don't you think we're driving a little fast," Ness asked me.


"Can you at least tell me what's going on? Please?" she begged.

"It's Bella," I answered, shortly and bluntly.

"What about her now? Will she never stop coming between us, Jake?" Ness asked with a ping
of jealousy in her voice.

"She's in the hospital fighting for her life," I answered nonchalantly. "She was in a car wreck
the other night."

"I'm sorry, Jake. I didn't mean to be so angry, it's just…" Then as a light clicked off in her
head, she said, "I guess that means the divorce is getting put off indefinitely?"

"Yeah. Looks that way," I said in a cold flat tone.

I hated that my plans were being put on hold. In that same thought, I hated that Bella was on
the brink of death and I wasn't there for her. I would be the asshole in the situation – no matter
how you looked at it.

I felt Ness's warm hand on my shoulder lightly rubbing up and down. "I am so sorry, Jake. I
know you're upset."

I took my left hand and touched hers. "Thanks, Ness. I'm glad you are as understanding as
you are."

An hour later, I was dropping Ness off at her house. "I love you, Ness."

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She leaned over and kissed me with her soft, luscious lips. "I love you too, Jake. Please call
me as soon as you know something."

"I will," I answered her. I watched from the car making sure she entered her house safely
before driving as fast as I could to the hospital.

I had no idea what happened beyond Bella being found in a car down a steep slope. No one
called after Charlie's upset call where it sounded like he was crying. Was she even still alive at
this point?

I entered the hospital and went straight to the empty admitting desk. I looked around and saw
no one. I was half tempted to reach over to the computer and type in everything myself.

I had my hand over the desk, when an older woman walked from around the corner, and said,
"May I help you, sir?"

"Yes, my wife was in a car wreck a few days ago. I need her room number please."

"Oh, Chief Black, nice to see you again. Who is your wife?"

"Hello, Gert. You remember Bella, don't you?" I asked with no patience for the woman at that

"Oh, that's right. Bella… Bella… Bella Black, right?" she asked placing her reading glasses
on the end of her nose.

"Yes, Gert. Bella Black."

She typed away in the computer. She stopped, ohhhed and ahhhed for a moment as she read
the screen, then went back to type frenetically. Finally she told me, "She's in the ICU wing on
the second floor. Room thirty-seven. When you hit the second floor, just follow the blue

"Thanks Gert," I said and ran off to the elevators, relieved that I wasn't told that she had died.

I did as she explained and followed the blue signs throughout the halls of the second floor. I
noticed as I walked through the halls, that there were also signs for OB/GYN ward that were
leading me to the same place. I thought it was odd, but I didn't put too much thought into it at
the time.

I should have though.

When I finally made it to Bella's room, I stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't believe what I
was seeing. That fucker Cullen was sitting on her bed and hugging her tightly.

Why the fuck can't he ever leave her alone?

"What the hell is this?" I demanded in a loud, authoritative voice from the doorway.

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Bella looked frail and pathetic in that hospital bed. "Jake? You're okay?" she asked wiping
away her tears.

I glared at that motherfucker as he stood up from her bed. He gave me an evil stare like I had
no right to be there. Arrogant asshole!

"What's going on?" I asked as I glanced back and forth between him and Bella.

That's when he walked up to me – in my face. He stood not dropping his glare from me and
folded his arms as if he were the HBIC… Head Bastard in Charge.

I returned his smug, holier than thou glare and waited for him to answer me. He wasn't going
to scare me. I knew that he was playing his hand and I refused to back away from him. He
wasn't going to win this game.

"What exactly did you tell her, Cullen?" I growled, even though I knew exactly what he had
told her and why she was crying into him like that. The fucking asshole just couldn't wait to
tell her what he saw.

"I told her nothing," he explained to me through clenched teeth.

I jabbed my finger into his bony chest. "You fucking told her didn't you?"

"Told me what, Jake?" Bella asked looking so sad all of a sudden.

"I didn't say a thing," he retorted back while bearing an evil smile.

"Dr. Denali told me, Jake. Don't blame Edward for this." Bella was always standing up for
him. Just hearing her do that for the millionth time raked on my nerves.

Wait a minute… Denali? I couldn't believe he was chicken shit enough to have his fiancée tell
Bella his side of the story. Bella would trust her over Cullen – no question about it.

I walked over to her bed, and keeping my eyes on Cullen to watch his reaction, asked,
"Denali? What did she say?"

She broke down crying. She could barely talk as she said, "I am sorry, Jake. I lost the baby."

Holy Fuck! Did she just say…

"Baby? What baby?" I asked in horror while glaring away at Cullen making the same threat
over and over. If it was yours I am going to kill you.

That's when he said, "Your baby, Jacob. She was pregnant with your baby," leaving Bella's
room when he finished.

It hit me like a ton of bricks… My baby.

I turned to Bella to see that she was still sobbing into her blankets. I carefully sat next to her
and wrapped my arm around her.

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"Baby?" I asked again in total shock. "Bell, why didn't you say something about this before?"

She looked up at me. Her eyes were bright red and tears were flowing freely down her cheeks.
"I tried to, Jake. I wanted to tell you on the trip to Kennewick." Her breath hitched, and she
continued, "I even had a positive test all wrapped up in a box. That's what I wanted to tell
you, Jake. That is what was so important."

I felt like a heel that had just stepped out of a pile of dog shit. She wanted to surprise me with
a precious gift like that and I blew her off. That makes me the biggest asshole to walk the face
of the earth. Well, second, Cullen will always be number one.

"I am so sorry, Jake. I made everything go wrong. I fought Newton and now…" she said
between wiping away tears.

"Wait a second. You fought Newton?" I asked. "Why were you fighting with him?"

"He tried forcing himself on me again. I made a promise to Edward to fight, and I did."

"Ed-ward?" I asked slowly. Asshole Cullen was the reason that my baby… our baby was no
more. I could feel the tension rise in me as the need to beat the shit out of him grew.

"I wouldn't hate you at all if you were mad at me; it's my fault," she whispered.

I hugged her closer and sat with her until she was cried out. "You just need to calm down, all

She nodded. "Just promise me you won't leave."

"Did Cullen tell you that I would leave you?" I asked, fully aware that he saw me and Ness…
worried that he would have said something by now to explain my absence.

"No," she answered quietly. "He hasn't done anything wrong."

"Did he have Dr. Denali tell you that?" I asked, trying to confirm that she was told.

"No. They aren't even together anymore," she said. "Why are you asking? I thought you
would want to leave because I lost the baby. We've been growing apart for a while and it was
the last thing that could have kept us together."

"Don't worry about that right now, Bella. Let's worry about getting you well, first."

As I sat with my arm wrapped around Bella, comforting her, so many things were flying
through my mind.

Nessie and I would definitely be on hold for a while. I couldn't leave Bella now, not in her
current state anyway. I would have to figure out a way to keep Ness happy and make sure that
Bella didn't try to opt for a way out.

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I was also going to have to press charges against Newton for his role in this mess. Embry had
to have the reports filed by now, so I could pull them to find out more about what happened
that night. I owed that to Bella.

There was something that was bothering me more than the Ness issue and Newton. I kept
going back to what Bella said – to that piece of advice that Cullen had given her. She kept that
promise to him. The whole idea of instigating a fight with Newton… that was all on his head.
He was going to pay for what he's done.

The rage in me boiled and I couldn't stay with her anymore.

"Bella, I need to go talk with some people. I'll be back in a minute," I said, standing up from
the bed. "I'll be back soon. I promise."

She nodded to me and cracked a small, helpless smile.

I walked out into the hallway. I saw Cullen pacing around a few doors down. He noticed my
presence in the hall and stormed towards me asking, "Did you finally tell her the truth?"

Asshole! "What the hell do you want me to say, Cullen?" I asked, grinding my teeth as I
spoke. He had no right to be like that with me.

He was wild. He clenched his fists and spat, "Amazing! You let her sit in there and take all of
the blame for everything that went wrong between you two? You sat there as she tore herself
up for losing that baby and said nothing?"

"She's been in an accident, Cullen. What the fuck? You think I want to make everything
worse right now?" I balled my fists as I spoke, trying my hardest to resist the urge to punch
him, but I was going to be ready to fight if that's what it came to.

He shot back at me, "I think you need to be honest with what you've done. Own up to it! Be a
fucking man, why don't you?"

The nerve of this guy talking to me like that. "Me? You want me to be a fucking man and
admit everything? What about you Cullen? What about the fact you fuck over your fiancée
because you want my wife?" I yelled as the anger wound its way through my body.

He waved his finger at me accusingly and said, "You don't even know me, asshole. Where do
you come off?"

I laughed at his small attempt to be alpha male in this situation. "I don't know you? You fuck
over Bella and leave her, making her resort to drastic measures. You disappear for years with
no word to her at all. You didn't bother to try to find her when she was in the hospital,
miserable, and on suicide watch. Your own siblings didn't want you back in her life. And
now, you show back up and try to get her to leave me. You have tried to force her into kissing
you, doing nothing but confusing her more… all because you still claim to still be in love with

He interrupted me, seething as he spoke. "You have the audacity to accuse me of trying to
steal her? You're the one fucking around behind her back. You have been avoiding her,

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making her feel like a piece of rotten shit. I have only been there for her, listening to her as
she tries to figure your actions out and putting the blame on herself." His head twisted
sideways as if he were trying to crack his neck before he growled, "I think you need to look in
a mirror and see why she's running back to me."

That was it. I couldn't take his smugness anymore. Self-control be damned. I pulled my fist
back and punched him right in the jaw with my left hook. I was surprised to see that he barely
moved with my punch. He stood there moving his jaw side to side, when suddenly he lunged
for me, punching me in the gut.

I had my fist pulled back, just about to wail on Cullen, when he blocked my punch and had
his turn with a jab into my gut. I grabbed his shirt with one hand and punched him in the chest
with the other. He swung and right hooked into my jaw.

"Fucking asshole!" I yelled, feeling the blood flow into my mouth from my cheek.

He swung for my gut yelling, "Fuck you… you cheating Neanderthal! She deserves so much
better than you!"

I reached out in front of me and grabbed his shirt again. I pulled my fist back and was about to
toss a blow to his face when these huge arms wrapped around me from nowhere.

In that moment, I noticed that Dr. Hale was pulling Cullen back from me. "Edward, this needs
to stop! What's going on here?"

I struggled to get out of the death grip that was holding me in place.

"Dude, Jake, calm yourself," Emmett ordered from behind me. He was the one that had me in
a full nelson, immobilizing my arms.

Dr. Hale was holding Cullen as he pointed at me as he yelled, "This asshole is fucking around
behind Bella's back and accuses me of trying to tear them apart!"

"What?" The good doctor was shocked.

"What are you doing to Bella?" Emmett's voice boomed into my ear. He was pissed.

Dr. Cullen ran over to us. Thankfully, he stopped his sons from hitting the Chief of Police. I
was ready to fight them, though.

"Jacob, you go in with your wife," he told me. "You three, come with me."

I walked by Cullen, making sure to tap hard into him with my shoulder. I watched him take a
breath as if he were trying his hardest not to hit me. He seethed anger as he glared at me.

His father took them down the hall. I turned and walked back into Bella's room. I was
surprised to find her sitting up in her bed. She was staring at me with sheer disgust on her

"Bella, what's wrong?" I asked.

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"Is it true, Jake?" she demanded, glaring at me.

"Bell, is what true? What are you talking about?" I asked as my nerves went wild.

"Don't fucking act innocent with me," she hissed. "I heard what was going on out there, Jake."

"What did you hear, Bella?" I couldn't believe I was asking that. She heard Cullen. She finally

"Jake, I heard what Edward accused you of and I want to know if it's true." She started her
breathing exercises as the numbers on her machines went wild. "Just tell me the truth, for
once. Quit fucking with me," she begged as her eyes filled with fresh tears.

My heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. She was demanding that I would be honest with
her. I never wanted her to find out… Well, not like this anyway. I wanted to tell her in my
own terms, in my own time, not while she was in a fragile state in the hospital.

"Jake, are you going to answer me or are you trying to come up with another lie?" she asked
between deep inhales and exhales.

"Oh, fuck, Bella. Yeah, there is someone else," I confessed.

"Who is she? How long has this been going on behind my back?" she asked, demanding more
answers that I just didn't want to get into at that moment.

"Bella, calm down," I said moving towards her. "Just lie back and let me call the nurse in for

"Get away from me. I don't want a fucking nurse, Jake," she growled. "I want honest
answers… now."

I hung my head in shame, unable to look in her direction. It was wrong for me to deny her her
answers, but I just couldn't look at her as I fed them to her. "I don't want to tell you who she
is. I don't want you sending your dad, Embry or anyone else after her."

"That's a fucking cop out of an answer, Jake. Does she even know you're married?"


"How long, Jake?" she asked, her voice breaking on my name.

"Nothing really happened until the Fourth."

"The Fourth… of July?"


"That's where you disappeared to? You went off to fuck someone else?"

"That's not how it happened, Bella."

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"Then tell me, Jake. Tell me. How did it happen?"

"I saw you and Cullen in the forest that night. I saw that he had you pinned against that tree. I
saw his lips on yours."

"I told you about that," she shot at me. "You knew nothing happened between us."

"I didn't know that for about a week, Bella. I thought you two were kissing… and more. I had
decided to move on."

"Quick rebound, lover boy," she said with a sour tone. "This has been going on for almost…
ten weeks, and I had to find out like this?"

"I'm sorry, Bella. This is not how I wanted you to find out. I am sorry, but you know, it would
have never happened if you hadn't allowed Cullen to come back into your life so easily. You
bear some of this burden, Bella."

Her eyes narrowed as small tear escaped and ran down her cheek. "How dare you place the
blame on me," she hissed through her teeth. "You bear all of the blame for this. I have been
nothing but honest with you."

"Really? Tell me, Bella, how do you really feel about Cullen?"

She looked away from me, unwilling to answer my question.

"You can't even answer that. I know you still love him. You have always loved him more than
me… it just took his return in your life for me to realize that. I was never as perfect as he was
in your eyes. I was always your second choice. Sometimes it sucks knowing that you are
never number one to someone you love so much."

She turned her head and glared at me. "Get the fuck out now, Jake."

"You want me out?" I asked.

"I never want to see you again, Jake. I want you out of my room; I want you out of my life! I
don't want you talking to Charlie! I don't want you talking to Seth! I don't want you to harass
Edward!" She finished by screaming, "Get the fuck out! We are over!"

There was no point in arguing with her in that moment. Her machines were blipping wildly
and she was so upset. It would have done more harm than good.

So, I let her think that she was right. I left her room. I left our life. I left her.

I walked out of her room and almost into Dr. Cullen.

"Jacob, I want to talk to you for a moment," he said.

"It's not really a good time," I replied. "Can we talk later?"

"Well, I want to apologize for my son. He should not have fought with you."

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I looked up at him and saw that he was truly concerned. "I'm fine, Dr. Cullen. I don't want to
file a report here or at the station."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes. It was all a misunderstanding anyway," I answered stepping beside him and walking to
the elevators.

"Well, if you change your mind, Jacob, you have seventy-two hours to file a complaint with
the hospital."

The doors slid open and I stepped inside. "Not necessary, but thank you." I assured him,
pushing the button.

A month had passed since that day. Bella had yet to talk to me without having the lawyers
present. The divorce was almost final… just days away.

"A few more days," Ness said; as she leaned down to kiss my cheek.

I looked up from my breakfast and smiled. "Are you excited?"

"More than anything," she giggled back as she began wrapping glasses and placing them in a

We were packing for a move to Olympia. I resigned my position as Chief the same day Bella
threw me out. Not long after, I was hired on as Deputy Chief over there. Ness quit her job to
come with me. We would have left sooner, but we were waiting for the divorce to be

"I'm going to get ready for court," I said, stuffing the last bite of my breakfast in my mouth
and getting up from the table.

"You want some help?"

I groaned. "There is nothing I would love more than that right now, but I've got to get to court
in an hour."

"Later then?"

I wrapped my arms around her and said, "Definitely," just before kissing her. "Are you feeling
okay this morning?"

"Yes. Why?" she asked apprehensively.

"I would like you to go with me. I'll definitely be out numbered and would like some sort of
support," I explained.

"I'll go with you. I don't like the thought of you being out numbered."

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As I showered and got ready as she dressed and did her make-up. The whole time I was
thinking how awkward being in that court room was going to be. I wasn't sure if I was ready
to see anyone… of course, I had no idea who would be there. Facing Bella was something I
wasn't ready for.

When we arrived at the courthouse, Ness linked her arm with mine and walked with me into
that room. I was shocked to see not just Bella, but almost the Cullens – Edward and Emmett,
Dr. Hale and Alice, Charlie, Embry. It seemed the whole town had shown for this.

I didn't speak to any of them as Ness and I took our seats behind the Prosecutor.

The judge entered and called things to order. Not long after, Seth was brought in, wearing his
blue prison garb, and was seated at the defense table. I testified that the evidence didn't point
to Seth being the perpetrator of the crimes across the county. Not long after, the judge
dropped all charges against Seth, letting him go free.

Bella looked the happiest I had ever seen her. She was all smiles as she hugged Seth. I
overheard her tell him that they would celebrate at Charlie's when he got there. I'm sure that I
wouldn't be invited.

Ness and I stayed back from the group, sitting in our spots, until they had left. When I was
sure that they had gone, I helped Ness to her feet and we walked out of the room.

Unfortunately, Bella was still in the hall, quietly talking to Dr. Hale with no one else around.
Our eyes met as she glanced my way and I could tell that she was upset. I noticed that her
eyes darted to Ness and back to me as she mumbled something to the doctor.

I grabbed Ness' hand and, taking a deep breath, we walked towards them. As we passed them,
I didn't say a word to Bella. Nor did I look her way.

As I opened the door, Bella said, "You don't have anything to say to me?"

I turned to look at her. "What should I say, Bella?"

Bella shrugged out of Jasper's grasp, walking up to me. "Why didn't you say something

"About what, Bella? What should I say?" I asked.

"You're moving. My dad told me you're leaving in a few days," she replied. "You could have
said something about the fact that…" She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm
herself. "I can't… she's pregnant."

"After everything, I didn't want to upset you."

"How far along are you?" she angrily asked Nessie as she looked around me.

Ness answered, "Almost sixteen weeks," as Dr. Hale reached for her and said, "Bella, please
don't upset yourself."

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"Sixteen fucking weeks? That's two weeks behind where I would have been if…" She had
tears running down her cheeks.

Dr. Hale was trying to pull her away but she managed to wiggle out of his grasp.

"This is fucking not fair, Jake!" she screamed. "It should be just me and you… We were
supposed to have a baby… not you and some skank from work! I hate you! I fucking hate

As Jasper was pulling Bella away from me, Edward came running in through the doors.
"What the fuck is going on here? Jacob, why are you upsetting her? Haven't you ruined her
life enough?"

"Me? She started talking to me first, Cullen. I was only being polite," I retorted.

He stepped closer to me. "Being polite doesn't mean flaunting your pregnant girlfriend in
front of her."

I got in his face. "I'm not flaunting anything. I had to come to court today."

"You didn't have to bring your girl along. It's like your rubbing that baby in Bella's face."

"I was doing no such thing!" I yelled.

"If you don't get away from her…" he threatened.

"Edward, please don't fight," Bella said as Jasper kept his grip on her.

I glared at him and growled, "You'll what? I highly doubt you could kick my ass, Cullen."

"Hey, hey guys," Charlie yelled running out of the office. "Come on. This isn't the time or the
place for this behavior."

"It's alright, Charlie. I was just leaving," I said, taking Ness' hand and walking out of the door.

"Two more days," I said to Ness as I got in the car. "Just two more days until the divorce is
final and we can go."

She smiled at me. "I know, Jake. I love you."

"I love you, too," I said, putting the car into gear.

In the rearview mirror, I saw Bella walk out of the courthouse, Edward and Jasper holding
onto her, and crying. I felt bad for her. She was still devastated over losing the baby… losing
her life.

And it was all my fault.

I never wanted it to end like this.

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Through the blur of my tears, I saw as Edward walked into the room, following just behind
Emmett and Jasper.

I reached out for him. He walked over to the bed and sat beside me. He embraced me tightly,
yet gently and let me cry into his shoulder as he brushed his fingers through my hair and
quietly said, "It's all right, Bella. We are all here for you."

I had never experienced such a whirlwind of emotion before. I was devastated over the loss of
my baby. I was humiliated upon finding out that Jake had been cheating on me. But the
strongest of those was the love I still had for Edward.

I had no idea I still felt that profoundly passionate towards him. I had worked so hard over the
past ten years to bury or deny what I truly felt.

I wondered if he even cared like that for me anymore. After all, anytime we were near each
other the past few months, I forced friendship over love down his throat. So, the burning
question became, could he love me again?

The next few weeks had gone by at a snail's pace.

It only took a day before divorce papers showed up in my hospital room. Edward spent almost
thirty minutes telling off the delivery man. Jasper was by my side as I began to read through
the settlement. Emmett promised that he would go kick Jake's ass for me… all I had to do was
say the word.

They were being sweet, kind, and so supportive. They made me feel special and loved. It was
something I hadn't felt in so long.

Charlie spent almost every day visiting me. He didn't mention Jake once during any of his
visits. He kept that talk light, avoiding touchy subjects like how I was doing. Most of the
time, he wound up talking with Emmett about the upcoming post season Mariners' games.

On some of those visits, Sue would come along with my dad and bring me some of her home
cooked food. Edward always refused to let me eat any of it, saying that the hospital diet would
be better for me. But after some being bribed with some food, he gave in.

Embry came to visit me every now and then. He was always so kind and nice to me. Only
once did he mention Jake… and that was because he was apologizing that he didn't get the
opportunity to tell me first. He did bring me news that Jake had done extra work to make sure
that Seth's case would be thrown out.

He left that day, telling me the court date would be on my birthday. I begged Edward to let me
go and after some bargaining, he agreed.

"I have some conditions, though," he said.

"What conditions?"

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"You have to let Jasper and I escort you to and from the courthouse."

"What? That's crazy," I said. "You have already missed so much work, and Jasper can't be on
Bella-watch all the time. He's here whenever you're not. Alice is going to kill me," I

"Bella, I won't budge on this. If we can't be with you, then I can't let you go."

"Why?" I asked, noticing that he was truly concerned.

He shook his head and mumbled something before answering, "Jake will most likely be there,
Bella. I don't want you to be alone before, during, or after you see him. I know that you put on
a brave face, but I also know that his actions wounded you."

I reached over and picked up his hand. Looking deeply into his eyes, I pointed out, "I have
you. That trumps any heartbreak I feel."

"Then you won't mind if I'm there for you." He knew he had me as that smug smirk of his

"Yeah, you win," I agreed, giving into his demands.

The day before my birthday, I was released from the hospital. Esme and Carlisle graciously
allowed me to move into their cabin on the back of the property. I had a feeling that Edward
had to have been behind that idea.

"It's for the best," he explained as he drove me to the cabin. "You will have Carlisle and I
close by in case something happens. You aren't fully recovered yet, you know."

"Edward, you worry too much. I can stay with Charlie. I can go back to my house. I'm not a

"I just want you to be safe," he said. Then he smirked, placed his hand on mine, and glanced
my way. "You know what a fucking turn on it is for me to be your protector."

I could feel myself blush and turned to look out of the window at the green forest going by. "I
know," I quietly replied.

When we got to the cabin, he turned off the car. "We're home."

I playfully asked, "We?"

"Um… yeah… I guess I forgot to tell you that I live here… in the cabin."

"So, we're moving in together?" I asked.

He just shrugged his shoulders and got out of the car. He opened the door for me and picked
me up into his arms. Kicking the door shut, he carried me up the stairs and to the door, where
I turned the knob to open it.

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As he carried me over the threshold, I sighed. It was something I had always dreamed about –
the day Edward and I would be married, starting our lives together. There was nothing I
wanted more.

"Welcome to your new home, Bella," Edward said, his lips next to mine.

Instead of resisting, I pulled him to me and kissed him… It was everything I had remembered.
He tasted as sweet as ever. The passion was still there. It was heaven and I never wanted to

"Surprise!" a bunch of voices yelled from the living room.

Edward set me on my feet and helped me walk to the couch to be greeted by everyone.

"Happy move-in day and birthday!" Alice chimed as she sat by me on the couch, holding out
two presents.

I looked at her. "Alice, you know I don't like big parties for my birthday."

"Well, I figured that this year it would be okay… since you almost didn't make it to your
birthday," she explained.

"Well thanks, Alice," I said, unable to argue her point. "Thanks everyone!"

The party got under way…

I was surprised to see that Angela had showed. She gave me a gorgeous beaded necklace that
she made with the women of a tribe in Ghana.

Emmett and Rose showed up. They gave me tickets to a post season game in the owner's box,
making sure that I knew Edward, and Charlie were invited to go with me. Then Rose began
babbling on and on about their new house in Seattle. Emmett and Edward traded insults,
starting with Emmett teasing Edward for making the first move as soon as we were in the

Carlisle and Esme gave me a beautiful handmade quilt. Esme was worried about me staying
out here and the lack of sufficient heating in the cabin. That prompted Emmett to add that
Edward could keep me warm on his own.

My dad and Sue had arrived. They gave me a digital camera. My dad apologized for the fact
that they had bought it before the accident.

I had to assure him that it was a great present and not to worry about it. Deep down I knew
why he felt bad, but it was all in the past. Maybe I could take pictures of Alice as she modeled
her outfits or something.

Around seven, Edward began chasing everyone out of the cabin. He was insistent that I get
some rest so I could go to court the next morning.

Everyone left except Alice and Jasper who sat in the living room with me.

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"Bella, Edward, we wanted to give you something," Jasper said, smiling like an idiot. I had
never seen him like that before.

Edward sat next to me and asked, "What?"

Alice's hands quickly jutted out, holding an envelope. "Here. It's for both of you," she
squealed in excitement.

"Um, Alice, you already gave me so much," I said, looking to Edward. "We can't accept this."

"You have to," Jasper ordered. "This has nothing to do with birthdays, moving in, anything
that we have been celebrating."

"It's really for Jazz and me," Alice added.

Edward took the envelope and opened it. He pulled out two airline tickets and an itinerary. He
looked at me, puzzled, and I just shrugged.

"We want you there," Jasper said.

"We're getting married on an island near Brazil!" Alice happily screamed.

My jaw dropped and I looked at Edward.

Edward looked leery. "You know that Bella can't go anywhere for quite a while," he informed

"You're an idiot, Edward," Alice said. "The trip isn't until next July. We just wanted to make
sure that you both could be there."

"You're finally getting married?" I asked. "Congratulations. I'm so happy for you."

"And I want you to be my maid of honor," Alice said. "And since I know my stupid brother
won't let you go alone, Jazz and I thought maybe he could be best man."

"Thanks, I guess," Edward replied, unsure.

"What about Esme and Rose? Won't they be upset that you're doing this all without them? I'd
have thought for sure that you'd want a big to do, Alice."

"Well, Rose can't go. She'll be busy with… the… new…" Alice stopped.

"What?" I asked looking at everyone.

Jasper moved beside me and put an arm around my shoulders. In his calming voice, he said,
"She's having a baby, Bella."

"Well, that's great," I muttered, trying not to sound upset. "She and Emmett are finally going
to have a baby. That explains the new house… and her weight gain."

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I felt Jasper squeeze me. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Jasper. I'm happy for them. I'm happy for you and Alice. It's all good news around
the Cullen house today. It's just that…"

"What? You can say anything. We're here for you," Jasper assured me.

Alice agreed and picked up my hand. Edward rubbed my leg and whispered that he loved me
and would be here for me.

"Am I going to have to do fittings… again?" I joked.

Alice rolled her eyes. Jasper hugged me. Edward decided that it was time for them to leave,
and they would have our answer to the trip later.

The next morning, Edward, Alice and Jasper showed up in my room. Alice was carrying a
box with a ribbon around it. She set it on the end of the bed and began jumping up and down
in excitement.

"Happy Birthday, Bella!" she squealed. "Quick, open your gift."

I looked at Edward as he rolled his eyes. Jasper just shook his head and mouthed, 'I'm sorry,

I pulled the box closer to me and untied the ribbon. Inside the box was a beautiful blue
sweater, a white shirt, and a pair of khakis.

"I bought it for you to wear to court today," she said. "Do you like it?"

"Thank you, Alice." I smiled. "I'm just thankful you didn't go overboard."

"I originally wanted to make you another dress, but Jazz intervened."

"Thank you, Jazz!" He winked at me.

Edward walked over to Jazz and said, "We'll leave you to get dressed, Bella."

They left the room and Alice was left to help me get ready for court. As she laid the clothing
on the bed beside me, she asked, "How are you really feeling, Bella?"

"Nervous," I replied. "I hope Seth is cleared of all of the charges"

"I'm sure he will be," she stated confidently as she helped me into a pair of socks. "I know it
won't be easy for you, but we'll all be there for you."

A few hours later we were in the court room, waiting for the hearing to begin. Charlie sat
beside me, telling me that the whole case was a load of crap and would be surprised if it didn't
get thrown out.

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Edward sat on my other side, tightly hold my hand. He kept looking at me to make sure that I
was okay. I loved that he took his duty of protector seriously.

Jasper and Alice sat behind me, leaning forward with a hand on my shoulder on occasion to
know that they were there for support.

Emmett came in and sat next to Alice, saying, "Sorry I'm late. Rose wasn't feeling well."

I turned to see Alice elbow him and rub her arm. "Emmett, shut up."

I smiled at him. "Morning sickness can be a killer. Tell Rose I said to feel better. Oh… and
congratulations to you both."

"Thanks, Bella," Emmett assured me, grinning as he does. "I'll tell Rose, too."

Moments later, court was called to order. The judge heard testimony from witnesses. Seth's
lawyer turned in evidence proving Seth's innocence. Eventually Jake took the stand.

I didn't look at him the whole time. Instead, I kept my eyes on Seth or on my lap. Edward
squeezed my hand tightly. I felt Jasper's hand on my shoulder. I knew my friends and family
were supporting me. I knew I could make it through without having a breakdown.

It wasn't long before the judge threw out the case and we were jumping up with joy.

I hugged Seth tightly. "I knew they couldn't make any of those bogus charges stick."

"Thank you for always believing in me, Bella," Seth said.

Sue hugged Seth and Charlie shook his hand and announced, "There's a celebration for you
tonight, Seth."

"We're all going to be there," I added.

"We'll meet you out front after the processing," Charlie told him.

As we filed out of the courthouse, I noticed that Jake and his girlfriend were staying seated in
the back of the courtroom. Walking by their aisle, I looked right at them. Jake had her hand in
his. But that wasn't what shocked me. What shocked me was that he had his hand on her
protruding belly.

The second we left the room, I grabbed Jasper's arm and whispered, "His girlfriend is

Jasper looked at me and nodded. "Alice, why don't you take the car? I'll ride with Edward and

"Okay… I'll meet you at Charlie's then?" She smiled at us.

Jasper nodded.

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"I'll go get the car for us," Edward said.

Jasper leaned me against the wall. "Breathe, Bella."

"She's pregnant," I mumbled, trying to see Jasper through the tears. "Is it even possible?"

"I don't know, Bella. This is a shock to both of us," Jasper replied, trying to keep me calm.
"But, let's try to put this on the level of people get pregnant. You know how happy you were
for Rose?"

I nodded.

"Let's try to accept it on those terms."

"That's a fucking stupid thing to say, Jasper. Rose is like my sister. She is just some… hussy
that wormed her way into my husband's arms and tore us apart. How can I be happy for that?"

"I'm just trying to keep you calm, Bella. I don't want you getting overly upset; too much stress
is not good for you. You're still healing."

Over Jasper's shoulder, I saw the door to the court room open. Jake and his whore stepped out
and walked down the hall towards us. He didn't look my way as he passed us. He opened the
door to the courthouse and I couldn't let him go without a word.

"You don't have anything to say to me?" I asked him angrily.

He turned and looked at me. "What should I say, Bella?"

I moved out of Jasper's grasp and walked up to the bastard. "Why didn't you say something

"About what, Bella? What should I say?" he asked as though he were totally innocent.

"You're moving. My dad told me you're leaving in a few days," I pointed out to him. "You
could have said something about the fact that…" I paused for just a moment and took a deep
breath to get myself back on track. "I can't… she's pregnant."

"After everything, I didn't want to upset you," he explained in an attempt to placate me.

I was done with him. I looked at his whore and asked, "How far along are you?"

Ness answered, "Almost sixteen weeks."

Jasper reached for me and I felt his fingers brush my arm. "Bella, please don't upset yourself."

"Sixteen fucking weeks! That's two weeks behind where I would have been if…" At that
moment, tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Bella," Jasper grabbed for me again, but I wiggled out of his grasp.

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"This is fucking not fair, Jake! It should be just me and you… We were supposed to have a
baby… not you and some skank from work!" I yelled, the anger taking me over. "I hate you! I
fucking hate you!"

Jasper finally had a grip on me and was pulling me back from Jacob. In that same moment,
Edward came running in through the doors. "What the fuck is going on here? Jacob, why are
you upsetting her? Haven't you ruined her life enough?"

"Me? She started talking to me first, Cullen. I was only being polite."

He stepped in between me and Jake. "Being polite doesn't mean flaunting your pregnant
girlfriend in front of her."

"I'm not flaunting anything. I had to come to court today," Jake said, stepping up into
Edward's face.

"You didn't have to bring your girl along. It's like you're rubbing that baby in Bella's face,"
Edward growled at him.

"I was doing no such thing!" Jacob growled back.

"If you don't get away from her…" he threatened.

"Edward, please don't fight," I interrupted, worried that he would get arrested.

Jacob glared at Edward. "You'll what? I highly doubt you could kick my ass, Cullen."

"Hey, hey guys," Charlie yelled running out of the office. "Come on. This isn't the time or the
place for this behavior."

"It's alright, Charlie. I was just leaving," Jacob said. He picked up the girl's hand and walked
out of the door.

"It's alright, Charlie. Jasper and I will drive Bella to your house. We'll see you there." Edward
escorted me out of the courthouse.

We stopped at Jasper's office on the way to Charlie's. The three of us sat on the couch and
talked. Well, it was more Edward and Jasper talking to me and each other.

After a moment, I finally asked Jasper, "Is it okay if I talk to Edward alone for a moment?"

Jasper looked at me, then Edward, and back to me. "Alright. I'll be right outside if you need

Jasper left and shut the door behind him. Edward looked at me, confused.

"What is it, love?" he asked me softly and hugged me tightly.

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It had already been such a bad day for me, but that question burned in me. I had to know if I
was running to him because I was hurt and alone, or I was running to him because he wanted
me to run to him.

"Edward?" I whispered into his shoulder.

"Yes, love," he answered in a whisper as he softly stroked my hair.

"Edward, I have questions. There are things I have to know so I can move forward from all of

He nodded as if he knew exactly what I was going to say or do. Or maybe he was just being
caring and compassionate like I always knew he was.

I took a deep cleansing breath – slowly in, slowly out.

"Edward, I need to know everything," I said, looking into his deep green eyes as though I
were trying to read his soul. "I have to know everything."

He hesitated for a moment, swallowing hard. "What do you want to know, Bella? I will be
honest with you, but I will stop this if you get upset. You don't need to be getting upset and
putting yourself at risk."

I took another deep cleansing breath. What should I ask first?

After moments of sorting out the questions in my head, I decided to start with the beginning.
"When you left me in the forest all those years ago, did you really want to leave me behind?"

He dropped his gaze from mine and mumbled, "In all honesty, at that time, I thought I was
doing the right thing by trying to become something I had dreamed of becoming for so long.
You know that I had the dream of being a doctor long before Carlisle and Esme adopted me."

He looked back into my eyes and continued with his thought, "But, that being said, I was
miserable without you in my life. I hated myself for giving up something that I loved so
much. I wanted to come back to see you so many times, but my family kept telling me you
were happy and had moved on. I decided to not try to come back into your life and ruin what
happiness that I thought you had."

He flipped my arm over and lightly rubbed the scars on my wrists. "I guess we both know that
you weren't really happy at all."

I looked down from him. "Are you saying if you had known that I wasn't happy, you would
have come back for me?"

"In a heartbeat," he whispered.

"What about Tanya?" I asked. "I can't be the reason you two would break up. I can't be that
type of woman… that home-wrecker bitch type… like…."

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He shook his head and hesitated before saying, "You aren't the reason for Tanya and me
splitting. She was never the right one. She just wasn't… you."

"You and Tanya are over because of me?" I asked.

"No. Tanya and I should have never been. You aren't the reason we split. I take full
responsibility for our break up."

I took my hand and placed it into his. "What does that mean for us? Is this our second

He looked at me puzzled. "What?"

"I want to know if you love me… unconditionally and irrevocably. I want to know if we are
going to be together after everything. Do we have a future?"

He took a deep breath. He stared into my eyes and sternly answered, "Bella, I love you. You
are the only one I have ever loved. I have never wanted to be with anyone else, but you."

A rogue tear wandered down my cheek. He wiped it with his thumb as he slowly leaned
forward. He placed his lips to mine and with great care, tenderly kissed me.

"Don't ever think otherwise," he whispered in a low, quiet voice.

Another tear fell. That tear was different for me that day, as it was one of not sorrow, but
great joy.

Almost twelve months had passed since that day.

Jake and I were officially divorced and he had moved away not long after that. I felt relieved
that I didn't have to watch him and his family around town. Just knowing that he was happy
made me so sick to my stomach.

When he left, Embry was promoted to Chief. He did everything in his power to make sure
Mike was held responsible for the accident. He was definitely my hero.

Seth moved in with Charlie and Sue. With Jasper's help, he got enrolled in college. He was
going to work on becoming a counselor for troubled teens. It was a natural progression for
him. He told Jasper all about the younger inmates he met and took under his wing. Jasper
helped him see that it was his calling.

For me, thought, it was great to see him living with purpose again. He never forgot his
troubles, but he put them to good use to help others.

Jasper and Alice finally made their union official and Edward and I were both there to witness
their ceremony. It was the best time of my life.

When we got back home a week after that, we were greeted by an angry Esme and Rose. It
was apparent that they hadn't been told about the wedding like I had thought. They were so
mad about not being able to throw a lavish wedding. Alice, being one of those girls that could

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not pass up something like that, told them that they could throw the most exquisite wedding
on hers and Jasper's one year anniversary.

Alice already had us in for the first measuring for the dresses she was designing.

We're still ten months away from her big day.

Rose was throwing a fit about being measured so soon. She complained that it had only been
five months since baby Ben had been born and she was still working on losing that baby fat
from her waist line. I thought she was being ridiculous. She was rail thin and gorgeous.

Baby Ben. He was a sweetie. He looked like a mini Emmett; so much so, his nickname was
Mini E. And like his dad, Mini E was strong. He was already crawling and pulling up on
everything. (We had a pool going for what age would he start walking. I had seven months.
Fingers crossed I would win that one.)

Carlisle and Esme were always offering to take Mini E for Emmett and Rose, especially when
the Marlins had away games. They even flew to a few of Emmett's games and would watch
Mini E while Emmett and Rose would go out and paint the town red.

They made wonderful grandparents in their retirement.

They were also so kind to me. It was nice living out in their cabin. It was usually quiet and
peaceful with most of the noise coming from the occasional thunder storm or the small stream
that ran behind it at the bottom of the hill.

Esme and Carlisle even had a private drive put in, so I wouldn't have to hike to the cabin from
their house.

The best part about living out there was that I was closer to Edward.

He was living in his old room on the third floor. I, along with Emmett, usually made fun of
him for living back with his parents. He hated the taunting.

I knew his reason for living there though – me. He wanted to be close to me at all times. He
moved after I was fully healed, stressing that he didn't want to push me into anything too fast.
We had agreed that we would take things really slow between us. That was mostly at my
urging though. I didn't want to jump out of one marriage and into another. He was amazing in
that he understood and followed every rule I made. He never forced anything onto me. Never.

I couldn't believe that he even followed my no sex rule. He knew I had a lot of healing to do
physically from that accident. He seemed to fully understand my need for the emotional
healing from Jake doing what he did, as well.

The best part was that Edward didn't even act like he cared whether we ever had sex again. I
think he was genuinely happy just to be with me.

And I loved him so much for that.

But, it did happen though… that night Alice and Jasper got married.

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Edward and I were finally together as it should have always been – lovingly, passionately, and
adoringly. I remember that it hurt so much physically, but it felt so good emotionally. If I
could have loved him more, I would have.

We became almost one entity that night. It was bliss.

"Hey, Alice, can you drive me to my lawyer's office today?" I asked after she answered her

"Are you okay, Bella?" she asked in her vibrant tone.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I keep trying to kick that flu and it's not going."

"Oh, God. I hope it's not contagious. I have no time to get sick. I am working on nine

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see it. "Alice, four of those dresses are yours… for
your second wedding… and that's still just over ten months from now."

"Okay, I have five dresses that need my attention. How long will the visit to the lawyer take?"

"I'm finally signing the settlement papers, so I can't imagine more than thirty minutes or so," I

"Oh, all right, Bella," she said. "I'll be there in an hour."

"Thanks Alice." I hung up the phone and spent the hour getting dressed, doing my make-up,
and making one call.

Crap. Edward's voicemail. "Hey, Edward. I'm just about to leave. I hope you don't mind me
calling. I am still not feeling well so Alice is coming to take me to the lawyer's. I can't believe
that I am finally getting this behind me. I love you… Bye."

As I hung up the phone, Alice pulled in front of the cabin and honked the horn. Perfect

We arrived at the lawyer's with minutes to spare. I had Alice stop about twenty times between
the cabin and the office building just so I could empty the contents of my already empty
stomach. Dry heaves were the worst thing ever.

I asked Alice to wait for me in the reception area as I walked into Mr. Marcus' office.

"Good afternoon, Bella. Shall we be done with this today?" asked the fragile old man.

"Yes, sir," I said as I sat in the chair he directed me to sit in.

Over the next thirty minutes, Mr. Marcus covered everything from the basics to the very fact
that by signing the settlement agreement, I would no longer have any rights to sue Mike
fucking Newton over the accident or anything else stemming from the events of that time

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I initialed signifying I understood. I initialed and signed about twenty more pages before it
was all said and done.

"Well, Ms. Swan, you will no longer have to worry about working ever again.
Congratulations," he explained, holding his old man hand out to me.

I shook his hand and managed to squeak out a "Thank you, Mr…" before a huge wave of
nausea washed over me.

I instantly got up and ran into the reception area. I made a mad dash for a nearby potted plant
and emptied my stomach again. After the third heave, I could finally sit up and breathe.

"Oh God, Bella, you're worse. Look at you. You're all pale. I'm taking you over to the ER,"
Alice insisted.

"Alice, I'll be fi-," I got out before heaving again.

After a few more heaves I was helped to my feet. I apologized to Mr. Marcus about his potted
plant. He assured me it was fine as he directed his secretary to throw it out.

Alice helped me into her car. She drove like a mad woman to the hospital. Well, when I
wasn't making her pull over.

She helped me into the ER, stopping once by the trashcan by the door.

We walked through the doors to the admittance desk.

"Can I help you?" the woman behind the desk asked.

"I…Oh God…" I ran over to the trash can. Nothing but the dry heaves again.

Thankfully, Alice was there. "Yes, I need you to page Edward Cullen. He needs to see her
right away."

The nurse glanced over at me as I clung to the wall for support. She looked back to Alice and
said, "I'm sorry, ma'am. But Dr. Cullen is in with a patient and we have others ahead of you.
You'll have to sit and wait."

I took a few steps to one of the rows of chairs.

"You can't just tell him we're here?" she asked, her tone hitting a higher note than I've ever
heard her hit before.

"I'm sorry. It's first come, first served," explained the woman.

I fell to my knees and started heaving again.

"Bella?" Alice asked, running towards me.

"Alice… help…" I begged between severe hitches.

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"Can she be seen by whatever doctor you have available? She is sick!" Alice shrieked.
"Edward! Bella's here!"

I guess she thought calling for him would help. It didn't. All it did do was make the woman
angry and bitchy as she led us back to meet with the nurse practitioner.

As I lay on the exam table, the nurse practitioner asked all sorts of the basic questions. "What
symptoms do you have?" "How long have you been experiencing the symptoms?" "What
have you eaten recently?" Yada. Yada. Yada.

Alice was my guardian angel while I was lying on that table. She helped me answer most of
the questions since every time I opened my mouth, I about gagged. She hovered protectively
over me while I had my temperature taken, my blood pressure checked, and my ears, nose and
throat checked.

"Everything looks normal," the NP said. "I am going to draw some blood and see what that
tells us."

Alice held my hand while she took blood from my arm. "Could you hurry? She doesn't like

"No one does," the NP remarked as a wicked grin appeared on her face. After a moment, she
said, "All done. I'm going to run this down. We'll have some results shortly." The NP left the

I kept very still on the table as I closed my eyes. I felt tired. Worse yet, I could feel the nausea
coming back.

"Shhh, Bella," Alice said, rubbing my arm lightly with her tiny cool hand. "I'm going to go
find Edward. He can't be too far from here."

"No." I didn't want her to leave, and I didn't want to have to explain further for fear of
throwing up again.

Alice totally understood. "All right, Bella. I'll wait until we know more."

She continued to lightly rub my arm. It felt comforting. I was falling asleep.

"Bella?" His wonderfully, velvety voice was so full of worry.

"Edward, it's about time? Did the admissions bitch let you know we were here?" Alice asked.

"I caught her name on the desk," he said, pushing by Alice to be by my side. "Bella, are you
still sick?"

I nodded.

"Here, let's sit you up," Edward said, putting his hand under me. He gently lifted me upright.

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I love you. You are my knight in shimmering armor. I smiled at him and put my hand to his
cheek. I still wasn't going to talk for fear the heaves would return violently.

"Edward, can I use your office? I need to reschedule a fitting that I have set for this
afternoon," Alice said. "I'll be right back."

She bounced her way out of the room. I knew she didn't have a fitting until later that evening,
but she wanted to give us some privacy. I loved her for that.

"Why didn't you call, love? I would have had you into a doctor's office instead of being stuck
with Jane."

I gave him a furled brow. What's wrong with her?

He looked at me and smiled as if he knew exactly was I was asking him. "Don't get me
wrong, Jane is a great NP, but she is a real stick witch. It seems she likes to inject medication
over prescribing oral meds. Sometimes, I think she gets off on putting people in pain."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead and whispered, "You don't have to worry about her.
I'll make sure she prescribes your meds if at all possible."

I smiled into his chest and tried my hardest not to laugh as I thought about the grin she sported
while taking my blood.

A moment later, Jane the NP walked back into the room. "Oh… uh… Dr. Cullen. I wasn't
expecting to see you here. I have this patient."

"I'm not here to be her doctor," he said. "I'm her support since my sister left."

"Oh, well, I have a few of the results back," she said as she flipped through some papers. She
looked up at me and asked, "I think we should talk about your results alone."

I shook my head.

"She wants me here, Jane. I'm staying," Edward told her.

"Well, I guess I'll talk to both of you, then," she said, nervously. "Congratulations, Bella, you
are pregnant."

"What?" I asked in total shock. "That's impossible."

The nausea came back and I was heaving violently.

Edward held the receptacle in one hand while holding my hair back with the other. After the
second heave, Edward threw out the receptacle and got a wet towel and washed my face off.

"You alright now, Bella?" he asked.

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"I think so," I answered. I sat waiting to see if the nausea would return. After a few moments
of feeling better, I said, "That's impossible. I can't be pregnant. I've had an accident and there
is a lot of scarring. I was told I couldn't get pregnant."

"The test here shows you are pregnant," Jane said, handing Edward the small stack of papers.

He quickly flipped through the papers. His jaw suddenly dropped. "Bella, you're pregnant."

"I'll get you the name and number of an OB," Jane said uncomfortably, as she made a quick
exit from the room.

Edward turned to look at me. He was in total shock. He smirked as he said, "Bella, you're
going to have a baby."

I picked up his hand and looked into his eyes. I could feel a huge smile spread across my face
as I emphasized, "We're going to have a baby… our baby."

We are going to be a family!


"Bella, I have to do this," I said, carrying on of the suitcases to the door. "You are doing much
better and you're right, we should take things slowly."

"I didn't mean for you to leave your home," she replied. "I should be the one to leave."

I chuckled. "You're not leaving. This is as much your home as it is mine."

"Actually, it's Carlisle and Esme's home," she pointed out while giggling.

"Well, I'll be up at the main house. I can be here in minutes if you need me."

She wrapped her arms around my chest and squeezed me tightly. "It's not the same thing as
having you here." She looked up at me and smiled. "Thank you for doing this, Edward."

I lay my hand on her cheek and stroked her cheekbone with my thumb. "Anything for you,
love." I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. "I'll call you when I get there."

She giggled at my joke and watched as I put my luggage in the car. I got in and began the ten
minute drive to the main house. The whole time my mind was on her.

The second I walked into the house, my mom gave me a hug. "It's going to be nice having my
baby boy here."

"I love you too, mom," I said dismissively as I set my luggage down.

"Edward, are you sure that you want to live in your old room? Your father and I know that
you are an adult. You didn't have to leave Bella all alone out there."

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"Mom, it's not like that. Bella's been through so much with the accident, and her divorce just
being finalized… I just don't want to push her into anything she's not ready for yet."

She smiled and rubbed my arm. "I know you're trying to do what's right, but I also know that
the love you two still have is something most of us will never know. It won't be long before
you are back with her."

I rolled my eyes as I felt a blush on my cheeks. "Alright, mom. I'm taking my stuff upstairs."

It was the beginning of May, and Bella and I were going on our first date. I had asked her a
few days before when I found out I had the night off from the ER. She agreed on the
condition that we do something simple.

I suggested dinner and a movie, as I thought about the night we had in Port Angeles the
summer before. She was so happy for most of that night – nothing but smiles laughs and
flirtatious giggles.

I always felt that night wasn't complete. She was upset by seeing her ex buying flowers and
food. She left in such a hurry only to be disappointed by him. I wanted to fix it. I wanted her
to have a real date with a happy ending.

I picked her up at six that night and drove her to Port Angeles. I parked the car in the same lot
we had parked in on the other date and we walked directly to the theatre. Just like before,
every movie had been sold out except one vampire love story that we just really didn't feel
like sitting through.

Since our reservation wasn't until nine, I offered her my arm and asked, "Would you like to
walk around town?"

"That would be nice," she replied, wrapping her hand around my bicep. "We have the worst
luck with movies, don't we?"

I looked at her. "I wouldn't say that our luck is bad. Instead of watching some movie, I can
watch you." She blushed and looked away from me, prompting me to add, "I still love it when
you do that."

She smiled and shook her head shyly. "Still the charmer," she murmured.

I laughed at her comment. I try, I thought.

After crossing the street and walking past a few shops, Bella asked, "Can we go in there?" She
was pointing at Tattered Pages, a new and used bookstore.

"Anything you want, my love," I answered as we walked across the street.

As we stepped inside the shop, Bella's beautiful brown eyes widened with delight as she saw
the rows and rows of books. It warmed my soul to see her so happy.

"Let's go to classics first," she said, pulling me behind her.

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I watched her as she went through the shelves of books. She smiled when she happened upon
a leather bound edition of Wuthering Heights. I watched her fingers dance through the gilded
pages of the book. When she finished, she checked the price on the back of the book and her
eyes widened. She slid it back in its place on the shelf.

"Let's find Romeo and Juliet. I'm curious to see what editions they have."

We walked through the shop browsing the selection. The whole while, Bella had a look of a
child at Christmas. She had quite a wish list by the time we were done walking the store.

As we were leaving, I opened the door and was backed into by a man pulling a stroller.

"I am so sorry," he apologized.

"That's all right," I said. "Let me get the door for you."

"Thanks." He rolled the stroller and turned around.

Bella's jaw dropped. My teeth clenched. Standing in front of us was none other than Jacob

"Jake?" Bella asked in a whisper.

"Oh… uh… Bella," he answered.

"Why are you here, Jake? I thought you moved to Olympia," she asked, taking deep breaths in
between the sentences.

"Well, JJ and I moved back to La Push," he explained, nodding at the stroller.

"Why?" I asked angrily as I raked my hand through my hair.

Jake just rolled his eyes at me, then looked at Bella and answered, "Ness and I aren't together

"Why are you here, Jake?" Bella asked again.

"Sam wanted to set up a policing system on the Rez, so I offered to help set it up and run it,"
he told her.

She looked into the stroller at the small baby. "And this is JJ?"

"Jacob James," he answered. "He's two and a half months old."

She smiled. "He looks just like you, Jake. I can't imagine that your ex would leave behind
such a precious gift."

"She thinks I cheated on her while she was at the end of her pregnancy." He rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. This is my weekend to have him. I'm working to have full custody, though. La
Push would be a great place for him to grow up."

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"It would," she agreed. "Just whatever you do, do not let him go cliff diving."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I remember."

She laughed along with him, and I cleared my throat. "Bella, love, we have a reservation to

She nodded. "Sorry, Jake. We have to go. Take care of him. He really is a gift."

"Thanks, Bella," he spoke calmly while glaring at me. "Maybe we'll see you around."

I pulled her out of the store and quickly down the street. She was almost running to keep up
with my stride.

"Bella, I am so sorry about that. I had no idea he was…" I began, growling every word.

She interrupted me. "Edward… please stop. Don't do this."

I stopped and turned to face her. "What?"

"Look," she started, pausing to take a deep breath. "Didn't you see it?"

"What? The fact that he has to bring his baby in a store and flaunt him like that..."

"Edward," she said, grabbing my hands. "Look at me. I can't believe you didn't see it."

"What are you talking about?"

"The look in his eyes... it was just so sad, Edward. Jake is miserable," she explained.

I looked into her eyes and felt like a dick for getting so jealous so quickly. "I'm sorry, Bella. I
just… and he brought in…" I just didn't know what to say.

She smiled at me. "I know, Edward. It's still tough dealing with the fact that I won't be able to
conceive, but you know what?"


"I have you and that's all I ever wanted in my life," she said, standing on her toes and leaning
into me for a kiss.

And of course, I obliged.

After a moment our lips parted and she looked into my eyes with the biggest smile I had ever
seen on her face. I could only smile back.

"Besides, being pregnant is overrated. We could just adopt a beautiful little girl," she giggled

"You never know, we could adopt a boy," I retorted.

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She rolled her eyes as we began walking to La Bella Italia. "Whatever. I think you need to
have a baby girl. It would be hilarious to see you wrapped around her little finger."

"Oh, well that's settled then, we're adopting a boy. I can't handle the thought of her dating
when she gets older. No way. She would never be allowed out of the house."

The rest of that night was spent talking about our future together.


The end of July was… Well, I can explain how it was the best time of my life to date.

Alice and Jasper dragged Bella and me to St. John in the US Virgin Islands for the last two
weeks of July. We borrowed Carlisle and mom's private cabin on a small private island just
south of St. John. Alice and Jasper took the big cabin, leaving the smaller one for Bella and

The first few days of our stay, Alice dragged Bella along on shopping trips and lunches. Jas
and I just hung out on the island, hiking, diving, and watching baseball on the satellite… He
had become the brother I have always wanted – always listening, arguing without force – total
opposite of Emmett.

On day three, the girls went to a few shops while Jasper and I went snorkeling. As we were
sitting on the end of the dock, putting our fins on, Jasper asked, "How are things with Bella
going? She hasn't made an appointment with me in a month."

"Bella is doing wonderfully, Jasper. She's the happiest I have seen her in such a long time," I

"I'm glad to hear that. I know she's happy, but I still worry about her. I'm sure it's sad that I
still care for her like that."

"It's not. Without you, she probably wouldn't be here," I pointed out as I slid on the last fin. I
took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair.

"What do you want to ask, Edward?"

"How did you…" I looked at him, my hand half through a run in my hair.

"I can just feel the nervousness coming from you," Jasper explained. "Just ask already."

"Well, I wanted your opinion," I said, running my hand through my hair again. "I've been
thinking about asking Bella to marry me."

"That's great, Edward. I'm sure Bella will be thrilled when you do," he replied.

"You don't think it's too soon? I mean… it hasn't even been a year since her divorce. You
don't think I'm rushing things?"

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"Not at all. You are acting on feelings that you two have shared for so long," he said and
chuckled. "Honestly, I'm surprised you two haven't moved things along faster."

"Well, I want her to take the lead. Whatever she says, I'll do. I'm not going to force her into
something she isn't ready for," I explained.

"Well, I know she won't push things forward herself, so a little nudge from you won't hurt."
He paused for a moment and added, "But, I will let you know now, she is like a sister to me
and I will protect her if I have to."

"Understood." Then something popped into my head, "Speaking of sisters… You know Alice
is my sister and if you hurt her, I will take you out."

Jasper laughed. "Right."

"Am I forgetting anything else in the brotherly speech category? I don't want to leave
anything out before you get married tonight."

An evil smile grew across his face and he began making suggestions. "What about the sex
talk? Do you have any advice for me? Is there a certain position that I should stick to tonight?
I don't want to fuck up the wedding night festivities… Or maybe I do want to fuck up."

He was howling with laughter as I grabbed my goggles and jumped into the water. "I can't
believe you went there, Jasper!"

About an hour later, I surfaced for some air to see Bella and Alice sitting on the dock. I swam
over, followed by Jasper.

"Are you done shopping?" I asked, watching as Bella made a face like she was dying.

"We are officially finished," Alice stated proudly. "Look what we found for Mini E." She held
up a tiny little souvenir t-shirt and added, "Isn't it just the cutest thing? So, are you two
finished with your swimming? We have two hours left to shower and get ready."

Jasper cracked a huge smile. "Can't we just do it now?"

"I'm not marrying a frogman," Alice said. "I hand-picked your outfit and you will be wearing

"Yes, ma'am," Jasper played along and winked at her.

Alice stood up and pulled Bella's hand. "The girls have the big cabin; you boys get ready in
the smaller one."

Bella looked back at me, pleading with her eyes for me to rescue her. But with Alice, there
was no way to rescue her without losing my manhood.

Jasper and I took turns showering and getting dressed. Alice wanted to keep it simple, which
was a shock to me. She had picked out nice dressy casual clothing for us to wear – as simple
as cotton Dockers and a white button up shirt.

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As it got closer to the time for the minister to arrive, I was antsy. I couldn't wait to see Bella. I
could only imagine what Alice had picked for her to wear. No matter what she wore, she
would be beautiful. I thought about what she might look like at our wedding… walking down
the aisle towards me to finally become tied together for all of eternity.

"Did you light the torches?" Jasper asked, bringing me out of my day dream.

"I did. Are you ready?"

"I've been ready for a while," Jasper said. "Alice has always had my heart. This just makes it

We walked down to the dock to see the minister climbing up off of his boat and walking
toward us. We greeted him and took him to the west side of the island where the sunset
ceremony was going to take place.

Once Jasper and the minister were ready, I ran up the path to the cabin and knocked on the
door. "We're all ready and waiting for you by the shore!" I yelled.

"Alright," I heard Alice's chipper voice answer.

I ran back and said, "They'll be here shortly."

Not long after I took my place at Jasper's right hand side, I turned around and watched Bella
emerge from the tree line and walk down the path.

My. Heart. Stopped.

She was gorgeous. Alice picked a sapphire blue sundress that complimented her porcelain
skin beautifully. Her hair was long with curled ends and one tendril draped over her shoulder.
As she came closer, I could see the golden flecks in her eyes dancing in the evening sun. Her
cheeks were rosy, like she was blushing about something. It was so fucking hot. Her lips
glistened pink and I licked my lips in anticipation of having mine on hers.

When she stopped walking and took the small bouquet of orchids from Alice, the minister
began the ceremony. I know I should have been paying attention, but I couldn't take my eyes
off of her.

The sun was setting behind me, casting a beautiful glow onto Bella. The minister began
reading the vows and our eyes met. I couldn't take my eyes from hers as he read. It was like
we were taking those vows ourselves with the slight nods and our gazes never dropping.

When the 'I dos' were complete and the minister left, Alice and Jasper retreated to their cabin,
leaving Bella and me alone on the beach with the full moon above. I took her hand and
walked with her along the water's edge.

"I'm happy Alice and Jasper finally tied the knot," she said with a smile on her face.

"They are perfect for each other," I said.

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She wrapped her arm around mine and leaned into me as we walked. "It's a pretty night."

"Is it? I hadn't noticed. I was too busy taking in the beautiful view," I teased looking down at

In the light of the full moon, I could see her turn red as she blushed at my comment.

She nudged me and said, "Stop it, Edward."

I laughed. "I just had to see you blush. You know I fucking love that."

At that moment, she noticed that we were passing our cabin. "Um, Edward, shouldn't we go

"Not right now," I answered. "I have something special planned for us tonight."

"Really? What could you have planned?"

"You'll see."

We walked through the tide arm and arm around to the southern side of the island. I led her
around to the small hidden cove where I had set up a cabana and a fire pit. I wanted the night
to be something special.

"You did all this?" she asked as I led her into the blanket-lined cabana.

"All for you, my love. You get comfortable while I light the fire."

After three unsuccessful tries, Bella called over to me, "You know, it is warm. You really
don't have to start that."

"I just wanted it to be perfect," I pouted as I laid the lighter on the ledge of the pit.

"Edward, just being with you is all I need," she replied patting the blanket beside her.

I took a deep breath, walked to her, and looked at her.

"Right here." She patted the blanket again.

I didn't move, instead I just stared down at her.

She sat up and asked, "What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath and knelt down beside her, picking up her left hand in my right hand. I
looked into her eyes and before I could say anything she mumbled, "Edward?"

"Bella, I have always loved you," I began keeping my gaze fixed upon her. "After everything
you and I have been through – both together and apart – I know that we are meant to be. I feel
it in my heart and in my soul. I want to make the commitment to you… I want to pledge my
love to you… I want to spend eternity with you."

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I took another deep breath, and at the same time, her breath hitched.

"Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever. Would you do me the
extraordinary honor of marrying me?"

A tear fell from her eye and moments later she choked out the words, "Yes, Edward."

I could feel my smile grow like never before. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a
sapphire and diamond ring. As I slid it onto her finger, I said, "You have made me so happy."

I looked into her eyes as she looked at her ring. She looked back up to me, tears welling over.
I pulled her to me and kissed her.

"Thank you for saying yes," I whispered after kiss broke.

"I love you," she said and leaned forward kissing me again.

I lay back, pulling her along with me, as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around her to keep her
close to me. She trailed her hand down to the waist of my pants and began rubbing me. I
moaned into her mouth; her touch aroused me.

Her breathing became jagged as she moved to get both hands on the button of my pants. For
one brief second, I recovered my self-control and grabbed her hands. "Bella, what are you

"I think you know," she replied softly as she pulled her hands out of mine.

Before she could get at my zipper, I grabbed her hands again. "Bella, love, please…"

She rolled off of me and lay against me. She began unbuttoning my shirt and kissing my neck.
"I love you," she said between pecks.

"Bella, stop," I ordered.

She flopped onto her back and looked at me like she was a child and I had just stolen her
puppy or something. "You don't want me?" she asked.

"I want nothing more."

"Well, then," she said, rolling back against me and starting with another button as she kissed
my jaw.

I grabbed her hands again. "Bella, please don't do this."

"I want this… I want you."

"This is not why I proposed tonight. That wasn't my intention."

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Her eyes narrowed. "I understand that, Edward. I want this though. I've wanted this for so
long now. I'm ready… physically, mentally… please don't deny me this." She took her hand
and placed it on my face, turning it so I had nowhere else to look but at her.

Her eyes were dark and lusty. She smiled the smile of an angel. Her breath was sweet as she
quietly pleaded, "Please, Edward… I want this to be our night… out here on the beach, under
the full moon… just you and me as one."

I could see that she was serious. I wasn't going to tell her no. I would just take it slow and
easy so I wouldn't hurt her physically.

I pulled her to me kissing her slowly. As her hands returned to unbuttoning my shirt, I slid my
hands to her back and unzipped her dress. My fingers fumbled as I began unhooking her bra.

I was nervous as a virgin. It was excitement for being with Bella again mixed with concern
that it was too soon for her to do this. I kept taking deep breaths, trying to keep a level head
and not rush. The last thing I wanted was for this to hurt her in any way.

She moved on top of me and sat up. I helped her pull the dress over her head. She helped me
unhook her bra. She moved in slow motion as it slipped off and I saw her for the first time

She went to cover herself with her arms, blushing slightly, and I grabbed her hands and said,
"Don't. You look beautiful."

I sat up and kissed her, her breasts pressing against me. I let a moan escape and she giggled. I
trailed kisses down her neck and working my way lower. She sighed as I sucked a nipple into
my mouth, lightly nibbling on her just after.

Her hands went into my hair and twisted into the locks. She controlled my movements,
making sure that I gave each peak its own attention all while grinding on me. She brought my
head up and her lips met mine, needing and hungry.

I gently guided her back, carefully positioning myself over her. Her hands went to my pants
and quickly unzipped them. She slid one inside, and began stroking me through my
underwear. I let out a guttural growl and pushed against her hand, wanting to feel more. I
knew she got my cue as I felt her fingers slide into my waist band and tease my cock more.

She and I worked together, cinching down my underwear and pants until I could kick them
free. The kissing never stopped while I untangled from my pants. She would nip at my ear. I
would taste her neck. She would trail little kisses along my jaw to my Adam's apple. I would
lick her lips and taste her over and over.

I carefully settled myself between her legs, my cock pressing against the wetness of her
panties. There was nothing I wanted more than to dive right into her and feel her on me, but I
was going to make it about her.

Then, as though she read my mind, while our lips stayed pressed together, she took my hand
in hers and led it down, resting it on the wettest spot. She pulled her hand away from mine

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and began grinding on my palm. Her panties were damp and hot, and I could feel that she was
swollen and ready.

I groaned again as my dick twitched with happiness. Being very careful, I slid a finger under
panties and felt her. She was so hot and felt so good – I was about to cum right there.

I stopped kissing her and sat up with her legs beside my hips. She opened her eyes and looked
horrified as she saw me staring at her. Her hands quickly covered the scar that went from her
belly button down. She turned her head and was clearly embarrassed.

"Love, don't be like that," I said in hopes that she understood that I didn't give a fuck about a

She kept her head turned and wouldn't look at me.

I leaned forward and kissed her abdomen just above her hands. I kissed the same spot again as
I reached for her hands and took them in mine. I slowly made my way down, planting small
kisses as I moved her hands. She reluctantly let me keep going down.

I kissed my way down her scar to her hips and her panties. I let go of her hands and tucked
my fingers underneath the band on each side. As I pulled them down, I kissed lower and
lower until I peeled them off of her.

Unable to resist, I slid my tongue along her, tasting her sweetness. She arched up and grabbed
my hair, wanting more. I complied with her wishes as I licked her up and down a few more
times, before parting her and sucking her clit into my mouth. She moaned and it made me
hungrier for more. I flicked my tongue against her pink pearl a few times and sucked it back
into my mouth.

She moaned and wouldn't let my head move from its position. It didn't take long before she
was screaming out my name and shuddering from her orgasm.

When she finally regained control of her breathing, she tugged at my hair lightly, pulling me
back up and kissing me deeply.

"I… want you… now…" she mumbled in between kisses.

I looked at her as I positioned myself at her entrance. The heat coming from her was
incredible, tempting me to jump right in. It was going to take everything I had not to go at her

I held my breath as I moved forward and slid into her slowly. As I did, I watched her eyes roll
and close. And a moment later, they crinkled as though she were in pain.

I pulled back and said, "Sorry. I'm so sorry."

Keeping her eyes closed, she shushed me. "More big boy."

I slid back into her, relishing the heat and feel of her. I was enjoying the moment and trying to
make sure I took it slowly. It didn't take long before we had a slow rhythm going.

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She was everything I had remembered and more. The way she felt against me – on me – was
something my memory couldn't compare to. The love I had for her was greater than ever. I
knew that it was only going to get better from there.

After some time, she opened her eyes and stared into mine. Our rhythm picked up and she
arched up into me, allowing me to go a little deeper. I could feel her walls begin to tighten
around me. Her eyes became hooded and she moaned deeply. She spasmed around me and I
lost all sorts of control, grunting and cumming before laying myself against her.

We kissed over and over while our breathing became controlled and I fell out of her.

Two more times that night we made love. In between we held each other, kissing and
professing our love for each other, eventually watching the sunrise in each other's arms.


It was about a month before I moved back into the cabin with her.

We took things just as slowly as ever – mostly at my urging. We hadn't made love since that
night. It's not like I didn't want to, I was just so worried about her health. She made me
promise that I would give into her wishes. I only said soon… I never specified a date.

Bella and I took our time making our engagement public knowledge. She wasn't ready for the
world to know, fearing what others would think of her getting engaged to me… so soon after
her divorce from Jake. And although I wanted to shout it out to the world, I kept my mouth
shut and let her tell everyone in her own way.

Mom gave us big hugs and kisses saying, "I knew this day would come. It's about time."

Carlisle was thrilled. He pulled me aside later that night and said, "See son, I told you if it was
meant to be, it would happen." I told him the route on the way sucked and he laughed.

Rose and Alice began throwing dates, ideas, and wedding plans at us immediately. I guess
Alice had volunteered herself to make the dresses and set me up to make the suits. Of course
Alice would take it all over.

Emmett was thrilled, punching me in the shoulder. "Finally the fucktard put his head on
straight," he bellowed and I rolled my eyes. He gave Bella the bear hug of death. Rose had to
threaten his manhood for him to put her down.

Jasper quietly congratulated us. He gave Bella his full blessing, with promises that he would
be like her brother and watch out for her no matter what. Later that night, he had me alone in
the back yard, giving me the big brother if you hurt her I'll kill you speech. I laughed and
rolled my eyes… and that somehow led him to start talking about his and Alice's sex life
again. I immediately ran off to find Bella.

I wish I could say that Charlie took it as well as my family did. He wasn't thrilled with me, but
after Bella went for groceries with Sue, he gave me a talk. It boiled down to him thanking me
for taking care of her and even though he didn't like me; he saw how happy I made her. He
also promised to shoot my nuts off if I ever did anything to hurt her.

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I swore that I would never let anything bad happen to her… ever.


The Wednesday after Bella's birthday was going along like any other. She wasn't feeling well
for the third week in a row. I urged her to make an appointment, but she kept putting it off. I
begged her to come in for blood tests since I couldn't detect a fever, sinus infection, ear
infection… I went through everything, but still couldn't figure out what the problem might be.

I was surprised to find her name on the emergency admin list as I walked by the desk to drop
off a chart. My heart went wild with worry as I ran down the hall to her room. I walked in to
find Alice quietly talking to her and trying to keep her calm.

She left Bella and I alone, making some sort of lame excuse. I loved her for that. I looked at
Bella and could tell that she was not feeling well. She was pale and sweaty. I felt horrible
seeing her like that.

While we waited, she kept giving me looks that I had to interpret as though I could read her
mind. I explained that I wouldn't let Jane inject her with anything and we would work on
getting some meds, when Jane walked in.

After a small argument with Jane, she told us Bella was pregnant. I was in absolute shock.
The thought that she might be pregnant never even entered my mind… considering
everything. She was pregnant.

"Bella, you're going to have a baby," I said with a large smile spreading across my face.

She picked up my hand, looking into my eyes. I could see the surprise and elation running
through them. "

We're going to have a baby… our baby."

Then suddenly the spark flickered and disappeared from her eyes and it scared the shit out of

"Bella, love, what is it?"

"What if everything isn't alright? I mean… I have scarring… and what if the baby can't grow
right… or…"

I interrupted her right there. "Shhh, Bella… It's going to be alright. We'll make an
appointment with the OB. You need to be calm. It's better for the baby… all right?"

She nodded and the smile returned to her face and she threw up everywhere.

A few days later, we found ourselves at Dr. Garrett's office. (He took over Tanya's position at
the hospital when Tanya moved to Alaska to be with her sisters.) Bella was anxious and I was
no help to her. I was just as nervous as she was.

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We were called back and the doctor did the exam and confirmed Bella's pregnancy. As he did
the ultrasound, she looked utterly amazed. "Look at that. See that little flicker right there?" he
asked pointing at the screen. "That's your baby's heartbeat. 147 beats per minute. There is the
head. There is the rump. He or she is measuring 1.6 cm long, putting you at around 8 weeks.
The baby looks great. You're due around April fifteenth. Congratulations."

"What about the scarring? Will that hurt the baby?" Bella asked.

Dr. Garrett pushed a button on the machine, causing all sorts of colors to appear over the
screen like it was a weather satellite image. "The blood flow seems just normal. Your little
baby has managed to find the best spot to make a home. As the baby grows, the placenta will
grow. We'll keep a close eye on it, but you really have minimal scarring. I can't see that it will
be an issue."

Bella smiled and turned to look at me. "Our baby is beautiful."

I fell into the wall with one hand on my heart and one in my hair. "I can't believe it's going to
happen." I glanced at the screen and looked at the small flicker. That was our baby.

"Here you go, Ms. Swan. Here are your baby's first pictures," Dr. Garrett said, handing her
copies of the ultrasound scans.

She was glowing as she scanned through the pictures. "The baby is beautiful."

I had so much love for her in that moment. I went over and kissed her. "He or she looks just
like you."

She laughed and returned the kiss.

Alice found out that day. Of course, Bella told her only because she drove her to the hospital.
I'm sure Jasper found out that night, but he didn't say anything about knowing until we told
him almost seven weeks later.

And as expected, Alice freaked and wondered what would happen to all of her wedding plans
– her second and ours. I told her to just calm down… the baby would be here months before
her and Jasper's vow renewal. I don't think it calmed her any.

My parents were jumping for joy. My mom was ecstatic that she would have a grandbaby
closer to her. Carlisle was just as thrilled.

We told Rose and Emmett just before Christmas. Rose gave Bella the biggest hug and they
began comparing pregnancies right away. Emmett came over to me, punched me – of course,
and said, "So, you finally did the deed? Was it everything you had imagined all those times
you whacked off?"

Leave it to Emmett to ruin everything.

Telling Charlie was a whole different experience. We invited him, Sue and Seth over to my
parents' house for Christmas dinner. Bella was showing, but Alice helped her mask the bump

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with draped clothing. I had a talk with Alice and Emmett about keeping their mouths shut
until Bella told Charlie.

After dessert, everyone went into the living room. At Bella's request, I played Charlie's
favorite Christmas song on the piano. Bella sat next to him on the couch and began telling
him everything.

"Dad, Edward and I have some news," she said, beaming.

Charlie glared at me and flatly replied, "Mmm hmm. I figured as much."

Bella looked surprised as she glanced back to me and then to him.

"I saw the ring on your finger, Bells. So the engagement is official now? When's the date?"

"Well, Dad, you knew we were engaged," she replied, puzzled.

"I was hoping it was a joke," he grumbled.

"It was never a joke, Dad."

"A guy can hope, can't he?" he gruffly jested. "So, what's the news?"

Bella sat chewing her lip and fidgeting with her hair. It was a very uncomfortable silence until
finally she spoke. "Um, Dad? Um... I'm pregnant."

Charlie sat, glaring at her. "Edward and I are going to have a baby?" she finished with a
question tone in her voice.

"I knew it," Sue said, jumping up from the chair she was sitting in and rushing to Bella and
hugging her.

Charlie's eyes narrowed at me, causing me to swallow nervously and my fingers to miss a few
keys. He looked at Bella and his features lightened as a small smile appeared. "Bells… I
thought you couldn't…"

She interrupted him. "I know, dad. But it was meant to be – Edward, me and a baby."

"Congratulations, Bells," he said and then mumbled to himself, "Grandpa Charlie… I like

Later that night, he pulled me into the backyard and questioned me like the policeman he was,
"So, you knocked up my baby girl?"

"That wasn't my intention," I answered nervously with thoughts of him chasing after me with
his shotgun running through my mind.

"Well, you have managed to take care of her so far, and I want to thank you for that, kid. Just
tell me… will she be alright going through this? I… I couldn't handle losing her."

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"Her doctor and I are watching her and the baby very closely. I wouldn't let anything happen
to either of them. I will do everything I can to keep her safe."

He patted me on the shoulder and replied, "I know you will, son. You've done an excellent job
so far. Thank you."

"You're welcome… Charlie..." I responded , confused and surprised that he actually called me

As he walked off, he pointed out, "I never said you could call me Charlie." I heard him
chuckle as he walked inside.


Bella was in her third trimester and very much the pregnant woman. She was having the
oddest cravings. She waddled when she walked – which was the fucking cutest thing ever in
my opinion. Her hormones were all over the place, crying over the craziest things.

And I loved every moment of it so far.

I came home early that night to surprise her for Valentine's Day. I told her I had to work, but
really I wanted to surprise her. I walked to the bedroom door that was cracked open and,
before I could enter, I heard her voice. I froze.

"Jasper, Jake was crying. I have never seen him like that before," she said.

He didn't reply, so I knew she was on the phone with him. She was quiet for a bit and then
began talking again.

"Well, Alice and I were at the bookstore in Port Angeles, picking up that book I had on order.
We went down to the café for some drinks and Jake was there talking to a Port Angeles cop
and having lunch.

"When Alice went to the restroom, Jake came up to the table and sat across from me. He
asked about how I was. He wanted to know about the baby, so I told him. He broke down
right there, Jasper."

More silence.

"He apologized for treating me as he did. He begged me to go back to him. I told him that I
was with Edward and we were going to have a baby. He said that Edward could never love
me as much as he did. He said we could raise the baby as JJ's little brother or sister and he
wanted us to be a family."

My teeth clenched and my fists balled. I couldn't believe my ears.

"I told him no way in hell would I ever go back to him. He told me that he was miserable. He
played the 'my son needs a mommy' card. He was practically begging me to come back to

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I told him that Edward is the only one I want to be with. I told him we were engaged, happy,
in love…" she trailed off.

Upon hearing her say that, I couldn't bear to listen to anymore. I would no longer have to be
jealous of that Neanderthal. She only wanted me.

I quickly and quietly dashed back to the front door and opened it. "Bella! Are you here?" I
called. "Surprise!"

She opened the bedroom door and smiled. "Edward? You got off tonight?"

She waddled over to me and hugged me. I leaned my head down and kissed her passionately.

"What was that for?" she asked as our lips parted.

"Because I love you so much," I answered and kissed her again.


We were quickly approaching the end of March. Bella and I were in full swing, making sure
the nursery was ready as well as car seats, clothing... everything that little baby boy… or
girl… Cullen could ever want.

"Are you sure we should take this to the hospital?" she asked, holding up a tiny blue onesie.

"Absolutely," I answered. "He doesn't want to come home in some sort of pink frock."

"Well, she would love what your sister picked out for her," she giggled.

"We should have just found out what the baby was and saved ourselves a lot of packing."

She zipped up the tiny suitcase and replied, "No. We agreed that he or she will be a surprise."

I rolled my eyes. "Surprise. Whatever."

The doorbell rang and I answered the door to see Emmett fireman carrying Mini E and Rose
rolling her eyes at them.

"We're headed out to Seattle, bro," Emmett said stepping into the cabin.

Rose ran into the living room and sat beside Bella on the couch. They quickly began talking
about the baby's kicks and her newest craving of rare cooked meat and how I wouldn't allow
her to eat any of it.

Mini E twisted around in Emmett's arms and reached out for me.

I smiled and took Emmett's little clone into my arms.

"For some strange reason, he seems to like you," Emmett teased.

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"Of course, he's Edward Cullen. Everyone must love him," Alice said, walking into the cabin,
followed closely by Jasper.

"Why are you here, Alice?" I asked her.

"I had to say goodbye to my favorite nephew," she answered.

"He won't be in another month. Bella will be having our boy, and you will love him way
more," I pointed out.

She rolled her eyes. "It's a girl," she chimed just before giving Mini E a kiss on the cheek and
running over to Bella.

"What is it with them and babies?" Jasper asked, taking Mini E into his arms.

I shrugged. "I have no idea. Why is it they group together like that and talk about all sorts of
wrong things?"

Emmett nodded. "I don't know. If I have to listen to one more morning sickness or bathroom
story, I will scream."

"Alice wants a baby now," Jasper said. "Well, she wants one after our recommitment this

"Dad Dad," Mini E said in his cute little baby voice, reaching out for Emmett.

Emmett took him into his arms and replied, "Oh fuck… between the three of us, we're never
getting out of baby hell."

"Um… Edward?" Rose called.

"Yes, Rosalie?" I asked.

"I think you need to come check Bella."

"Rose… I'm good…" Bella groaned as she began her breathing exercise.

"She's not good, Edward," Alice interjected. "Don't let her fool you."

"I think she's in labor," Rose pointed out. "She's having contractions every seven minutes."

I walked over, followed by Emmett and Jasper, and saw Bella's hand bright white and
clenching the arm of the couch.

She let out a groan and a moment later began yelling. "I'm fine! They're Braxton-Hicks. I had
the same thing last week. I'm fine Rose!"

Rose looked right at me. "See… she's irritable. It's labor."

Alice jumped up and down, clapping. "The baby's coming!"

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Bella took a few deep breaths. Then she growled through clenched teeth, "The baby isn't due
for another month yet. This isn't it!"

I kneeled down beside her and placed my hand on her abdomen. It was tighter than it had ever
been before.

"Bella, where are the pains this time?" I asked.

"They start low and go up, but they did that before," she answered.

I looked up at Jasper and could see he was thinking the same thing I was. She was in labor.

"Bella, let me take you to the bedroom and you can lie down. If these keep up, I'll check you
or we'll head over to the hospital, alright?"

She looked at me and nodded. Suddenly, she winced. "Oh no," she whispered. "Something's

She stood up and there was a trail of clear fluid running down her leg.

I looked at her in shock.

"Bella, your water broke," Rose said, smiling. "Darling, this is it."

Alice squealed. "I'm going to be an Aunt!"

I couldn't breathe. The whole room began spinning. I leaned forward trying to think of what to
do next.

Jasper jumped in and helped.

"Rose, you and Emmett go up to the house and let Carlisle and Esme know that we are taking
Bella to the hospital," he said, calmly.

"See you there, Bella," Rose yelled.

"Bro, you need to think. Sitting there will not help Bella," Emmett said, kicking at my ass.
"She needs you now."

My eyes went to him; he smiled and nodded in Bella's direction. "I know you can do this,

"Alice," Jasper said. "I need you to call Charlie and meet him at the hospital. I'll drive Edward
and Bella in the Volvo. I'll meet you there."

She danced her way over to him and they kissed. "Be careful, Jas."

"I will," he replied, kissing her again.

"Edward, take Bella's side and I will get the other," he instructed.

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"I'm fine, Jasper. I can walk myself," Bella groaned while half-bent over clutching her

Jasper kneeled down so he could look into her eyes. "Bella, let us help you. We only want to
make sure you aren't uncomfortable. Okay?"

She nodded and reluctantly let us wrap our arms around her.

We had stopped four times before reaching the door. Her contractions were coming sooner
and sooner each time and lasting for a good minute before relaxing.

Jasper looked at me, worried, and I nodded at him. I knew exactly what he was thinking… we
won't make it.

"Bella, what if we went into the bedroom and made you comfortable?" I asked.

She angrily glared at me. "Edward Cullen," she growled between clenched teeth. "You don't
want to fuck with me right now. I want to get to the hospital… immediately."

I looked to Jasper for help and he asked her, "Wouldn't you rather get comfortable here? Your
contractions are really close, Bella."

Her head whipped around and she spat, "You, too? Why the fuck…" She doubled over,
groaning in intense pain.

Five minutes apart. Jasper and I practically carried her to the Volvo. I instructed Jasper to ride
in the back with her since he had a way of making her calm, and I would drive… because of
the two of us, I could get us there faster.

I started the Volvo and peeled out of the driveway. When we hit the main road, I punched the
gas, taking the car up to fifty-five. Bella would have been proud that I kept it at ten over the
speed limit; I just wanted to keep my family safe.

As we neared the town, Jasper yelled to me, "Edward, pull over!"

I hit the brakes and pulled to the side of the road. "What is it?" I asked turning to see Bella's
head on Jasper's lap, and trying to breathe.

He looked at me. "She wants to push."

I shook my head. "No. Not here."

I reached back and picked up Bella's hand. "Love, can't you wait? We're about half way to the

She was panting as she looked at me and shook her head.

I turned around in the seat and hit the button to turn on the flashers as I pulled further off the
road and told Jasper to call for an ambulance.

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As Jasper made the call, I jumped out of the car, ran to the cargo area and pulled out our
picnic blankets. Stopping for a moment to take a deep breath, I opened the back door.

"They're on the way," Jasper informed us as he tossed his phone into the front seat.

"Help me lift her," I ordered, unfolding the blanket.

He lifted her hips and I slid the blanket under her. I pulled her panties off and tossed them on
the side of the road before lifting her left leg and propping it on the back of the seat. I lifted
her right leg and propped it on the driver's seat.

"Bella, I'm going to check you right now, okay?" I said.

She nodded and held her breath.

"Bella, you need to keep breathing. Let's breathe together," Jasper said calmly. "Deeply in….
Deeply out."

As he repeated with the exercise trying to relax Bella, I slid my fingers into her and found the
head of our baby. "The baby is about to crown."

Jasper nodded at me, saying, "Let's do this, Bella."

Placing my hand on the top of Bella's abdomen, I waited for the next contraction. The second
it turned rock hard, I said, "Push, Bella." Jasper lifted her and Bella took a deep breath, her
face reddening and contorting. Jasper was counting as I guided the baby with one hand while
keeping the other on her abdomen.

"The baby's crowning," I informed them and after a few more moments, added, "That's
beautiful, Bella. He or she is almost here. Stop pushing."

Jasper laid her back and whispered, "Let's breathe."

After a few breaths, her abdomen became rock hard, and I instructed her to push again. She
did as she was told.

"The head is out now. I need you to stop pushing for a moment."

She moaned and screamed in pain. Jasper rubbed her shoulders and kept talking to her, trying
to keep her calm. I took the baby's head in my hands and ran my thumbs down the nostrils,
gently squeezing out the fluid in them. I then stuck my finger in the mouth to make sure it was

"Okay, Bella, one or two more pushes and you are done. You are doing fantastic, love."

Jasper then added, "You're almost there, Bella. You can do this. You have it in you. Just a
little more."

Bella nodded.

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"Push, Bella!" I encouraged.

Jasper lifted her and coached, "Push, push, push…"

Bella's head was red and she grunted and pushed.

I gently guided the baby out. Once the shoulders were free, the rest was quick. Bella let out a
big breath of relief once the baby was out. Jasper laid her back and told her that she did
wonderfully and how proud he was of her. I quickly tied off the cord and went to work on the

I rubbed the baby's chest, trying to get it to breathe. The baby was limp as I flipped it over
onto its abdomen, head lower than the rump, and rubbed up its back trying to expel any fluid
in its lungs.

"Jasper, what's going on?" Bella asked, weak and scared.

Jasper tried to calm her. "Sometimes it take a moment before…"

I glanced at Jasper and shook my head.

"Keep at it, Edward," he encouraged.

I rubbed up its back for the tenth time, worrying that it wasn't going to start breathing on its

The ambulance pulled up then, along with Embry in his squad car. The emergency workers
jumped out and began their work, getting out the gurney and collecting the supplies. Embry
laid out flares on the road and watched for traffic.

And the baby began crying then.

"Oh, thank God," I mumbled as I flipped the baby over. I took the extra blanket I had laid on
the floor of the car and wrapped it around our baby.

I glanced up to Jasper and he nodded at me and smiled. Then he lifted Bella slightly. "There's
your baby."

"The baby looks just like you… absolutely beautiful," I said just before the EMTs arrived at
the car.

She reached out for our little bundle and I placed the baby into her arms. She cradled it
against her; tears were running down her face.

Jasper doted all over Bella and the baby as I cut the cord and delivered the placenta. One
EMT bagged the placenta and cord to be checked out at the hospital, while the other prepped
the gurney for Bella. I held our baby while Jasper helped the EMTs get Bella out of the car.
The second she was belted to the gurney and in the back of the ambulance, I handed the baby
back to her.

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"Edward, I'll drive your car to the hospital," Jasper said from behind me.

I turned and smiled. "Thanks so much... for everything, Jasper."

He nodded and chuckled. "I'd shake your hand or something, but you are covered with baby
ooze. There's a reason why I went into psychology."

I rolled my eyes at him and chuckled, "See you there." Then I jumped into the back of the
ambulance, sitting beside Bella and our baby.

We arrived at the hospital and the EMTs wheeled Bella and the baby out of the ambulance
and into the hospital, the whole time Bella holding the baby in one hand and my hand in the
other. She was absolutely glowing and happy… the most beautiful I had ever seen her.

As we entered the doors, we were greeted by all of our friends and family. They stood around
us just staring between the three of us.

"So now I know what took so long," Seth said, sporting the biggest smile.

"It surprised us," I replied.

"I am proud of you, son. You did an excellent job at delivering your baby." Carlisle was

"Hey, I helped," Jasper whined, walking into the ER.

Alice ran up and hugged and kissed him. "You did wonderful, too."

Esme gently hugged Bella. "I'm sorry I missed it, but I am glad that you are both doing well."

"The baby's eyes are dark. They look like they may be your color, Bella," Sue pointed out.

"I'm a grandpa," Charlie choked out, trying not to cry. He cleared his throat and sniffled.
"Maybe I should step back. I wouldn't want the baby to catch my cold."

"You're fine, Grandpa Charlie," Alice said. "I'm sure it's not contagious."

"So," Emmett began, chuckling lightly. "Are you a man or are you whipped?"

My brother was an idiot sometimes... well, all of the time. "What?"

Rose rolled her eyes. "It's his way of asking if you had a boy or a girl," she explained. "So? Is
it a boy or a girl?"

Everyone's eyes were on us as they anxiously awaited the answer.

I looked at Bella and slightly nodded. I wanted her to be the one to give the news. She smiled
and looked at our family as she bit her lip.

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"Well…" She paused, just knowing that she was causing everyone torture. I could tell she was
enjoying it. "It's a girl."

The family cheered and hugged each other and then hugged us.

"What name did you go with?" Alice asked, causing the family to get quiet again.

"I'll let Bella tell you since she picked it," I said.

"I wanted to name her after both of my dads."

"Oh please don't tell me you named her Charles," Charlie groaned.

Bella laughed. "No, Dad. Her name is Carlie… Carlie Masen Cullen."

Our family celebrated as they followed us to the OB ward. They were all smiles – every last
one of them. I couldn't remember a time where they were all together and that happy.

Bella was glowing. She was smiling and honestly the happiest she had ever been. She kept
hold of my hand while grasping our sleeping baby with the other. I wanted to remember her in
that moment always.

Our daughter. Our sleeping little beauty. She looked so much like her mother. I couldn't
believe that Bella didn't see how much they looked alike. I definitely would have Charlie
teach me to a shoot. I had to be prepared for those boys that would eventually come calling
for her.

They day wound on and the family left so Bella and Carlie could rest. I carefully laid my little
angel in the small bassinet that was next to the bed. I watched as Bella drifted off to sleep, one
hand on mine and the other on the plastic, hospital crib.

Never in my wildest dreams, over the past eleven years, did I imagine that we would be where
we are. I couldn't imagine my heart being so full of love, not just for Bella, but for a girl that I
barely knew.

As I drifted off to sleep, I could only think…

I don't care that I'll probably be whipped. I'd do anything for them. I am blessed to have them
in my life. I will never , again, take that for granted. I love my girls.


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