T A Chase Following his Footsteps (Rags to Riches #3)

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A Totally Bound Publication

Following his Footsteps

ISBN # 978-1-78430-026-5

©Copyright T.A. Chase 2014

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright April 2014

Edited by Rebecca Douglas

Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination

and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or

places is purely coincidental.

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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs

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Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road,

Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This

story has a heat rating of Totally Sizzling and a Sexometer of 2.

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Rags to Riches


T.A. Chase

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Book three in the Rags to Riches series

Being just like his father is what scares Winston the most.

Winston Tennant came to New York to work. After burying himself in his job for the several

years, he’s afraid he’s becoming like his father. Cold and indifferent, Winston’s father only

wanted his son as a way to continue the family line. When Winston came out, he was

disowned. His best friends do their best to keep him from his father’s fate. And when

Winston meets Patrick Gaverson, he thinks he just might have found the man who can take

his mind off his work.

Patrick Gaverson never imagined that Winston Tennant, head of the London office of

Bellamy International, would be interested in a mere personal assistant like him. Yet after a

not so subtle set-up by his boss and his best friend, Patrick finds himself on a date with

Winston. He discovers that Winston is a lot more down to earth than Patrick thought.

Falling in love so quickly shouldn’t be easy, but Patrick’s willing to take a chance that it will

last more than a week.

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To my readers. It’s because of you that I continue to write about all the crazy characters in

my head. Thank you to my editor and all the wonderful people who work to make my books

as clean as possible.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following

wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Big Gay Ice Cream: Big Gay Inc.

Brooks Brothers: Retail Brand Alliance

Saks: Saks, Inc.

Gucci: Kering

La Grenouille: La Grenouille

Perrier: Nestlé Waters, Nestlé S.A.

Rolex: Rolex SA

Magic Mike: Warner Bros. Pictures

Skype: Skype Technologies S.A., Microsoft Corporation

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Chapter One

“How do women do this?” Patrick flopped back on the couch, arms and legs flung

haphazardly as he tried to focus his spinning head.

“Do what?” His twin sister murmured from where she sat at the dining room table,

surrounded by papers and magazines.

“Keep all this wedding crap straight.” He motioned at the entire living room area

covered in paper, fabric and flowers. “It’s madness. Obviously the wedding coordinator gene
skipped me when I was born. But apparently you got whatever gene women get so they can
organise a wedding in three months without freaking out.”

She snorted. “The only reason I’m organised is because I’m used to multitasking. Some

women get the wedding gene. Some don’t. Why do you think I’m still not married, despite
Mom’s best efforts? And besides, you should be used to doing five things at once, working
for Bellamy.”

She had a point.
“Why is this so complicated? Why couldn’t Ion and Adrien just elope like normal

people?” Patrick shook his head.

“Adrien’s mother would kill him if he did that,” Patrice commented. “Besides, there’s

nothing society loves better than a big, gay wedding.”

True. Adrien’s mother had thrown herself into the planning with abandon. Yet she’d

been very good at listening to what Ion and Adrien wanted. She hadn’t got out of hand so

“Unless it’s Big Gay Ice Cream, and that’s where I think we should go now. I need a

treat after going through all these bridal magazines.” Patrice shoved a pile of them away
before turning to glare at him. “Why in the world did you agree to help?”

He shrugged. “Ion’s my best friend. What else was I supposed to do?” Patrick pushed

to his feet then wandered over to where Patrice sat, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
“He’ll do the same for me when I find the man I can love and we get married. He’ll also help
you out.”

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“I know that, silly.” She smiled then said, “I wish Mrs Vasile hadn’t turned into a bitch,

because I know she would’ve loved to help out.”

Patrick thought about Ion’s mother and how she’d turned her back on her youngest son

simply because he loved a man. It was doubly difficult because Ion’s father had been willing
to accept Ion’s relationship with Adrien for what it was. Of course, Ion’s father wasn’t a very
contrary man, so Ion had been rather shocked to find out that his father had gone against his
mother’s wishes and didn’t particularly care who his son loved. That his father was willing
to go against his mother to keep in touch with him had surprised them as well.

“I know. Mom would never walk away from us. Hell, she ran out and joined PFLAG

the moment I came out to her and Pop. She’d be jumping into the middle of any wedding
plans.” Patrick thought about his mom and how excited she would be if it were either him or
Patrice getting married.

“Yes. Well, come on.” After standing, Patrice grabbed her purse then gestured for him

to follow her. “Let’s go.”

He made sure he had his phone, wallet and keys before heading out. They were hailing

a cab when his phone rang. Checking the number, he grinned as he answered. “Hey, Ion,
how’s it going, honey?”

Ion sighed, but Patrick could hear happiness underlying the exhaustion. “It’s going

well. Just can’t wait until these finals are over.”

“You can do it. I’m sure if you ask, Adrien will let you take time off to study, so you’re

not burning the candle at both ends.”

A cab pulled up to the kerb, and Patrick waited until Patrice had got in before he slid in.

She gave the driver the address.

“What are you up to right now?” Ion asked.
“Patrice and I are on our way to Big Gay Ice Cream to get a treat. Why don’t you come

and join us?” he suggested, knowing Ion needed to take a break from classes just as much as
Patrick needed a break from the wedding stuff.

Ion hummed for a second then said, “Can Adrien come along?”
Patrick rolled his eyes, even though Ion couldn’t see him. “Yes, Ion, Adrien can join us.

We like him, so it’s not like you’re forcing his presence on us. If we didn’t, we would’ve
never offered to help you out.”

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“Well, he has a visitor, so he’d have to come with us as well.” The hesitation in Ion’s

voice caused Patrick to frown.

“Why do you sound unsure about it? Who is this visitor?” Patrick couldn’t think of

anyone that would worry Ion.

“He wasn’t supposed to arrive until Monday, but he flew in early because he needed to

get away, I guess. Jesus, does everyone’s family drive them crazy?”

Patrick chuckled. “We all reach a point in our lives when our parents or siblings push

us over the edge from time to time. We just deal with it and move on. Bring him along.” A
thought hit him and he gasped. “Are you trying to tell me Winston Tennant, the head of the
London branch of Bellamy International, is in town already?”

“Yes. He flew in this morning, and Adrien had a car pick him up to take him to his

hotel. Thank God you already had the reservation set up. They just extended it a few days.”

“I wish I’d known. I’d have made sure everything was set for him, so he didn’t have to

deal with it. What’s the point of me being Adrien’s personal assistant if I don’t get that stuff
taken care of?” He hated thinking that he hadn’t had the situation under control.

Ion snorted. “Trust me, neither Adrien nor Winston think you dropped the ball.

Winston apologised for arriving early. I overheard him tell Adrien he couldn’t deal with his
father anymore and had to get away from him for a little while.”

“Speaking of which, how is Bogdan? I haven’t been able to drop by the last week or two

to check on him.”

Bogdan, Ion’s older brother, had been involved in a very serious car accident a month

earlier and it had been touch and go whether he was going to survive. But to everyone’s joy,
he’d woken up. While he would have a lot of physical therapy to get through before he was
back to his old self, he was alive and that was the most important thing.

“He’s doing well. Just had a check-up with the doctors and he said they think he’s

getting better each day. They don’t think there’ll need to be any more surgeries, so that’s
good news.”

“That is.” Relief washed over him and he shot Patrice a bright smile. “Okay. So we’re

about ten minutes away from the ice cream place. Do you want us to wait to order until you
get here?”

“What do you say to grabbing dinner before we get ice cream?”

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“Let me check with Patrice.” He covered the phone with his other hand then looked at

his sister. “Do you want real food before we get dessert?”

She nodded. “Sounds good to me. I’m getting hungry for something more than ice


He got back on the phone. “Okay. We’re in. Where do you want to meet?”
Ion told him where to go and he hung up after telling his friend they’d be there soon.

Patrick let the cabbie know that their destination had changed then settled back with a huff.

“What’s wrong?” Patrice was his twin sister and knew the meaning behind all his

noises. “Is Bogdan okay?”

“Oh, he’s fine. Well, as fine as he can be at the moment. The doctors don’t think there’ll

need to be any more operations and he’s getting better.”

She clapped her hands in joy. “I’m so happy. I told Olive things would be okay. At least

they don’t have to worry about the hospital bills.”

Adrien, Ion’s fiancé, had insisted on paying all the bills that Bogdan had racked up. The

expense wouldn’t even take a dent out of Adrien’s wealth, which was why Olive and Bogdan
hadn’t argued with Adrien’s offer.

“If it’s not Bogdan, then what else is bothering you?”
“Winston Tennant showed up two days early. He’s coming to dinner with Adrien and

Ion.” He rubbed his chin. “I’m just a little put out because I didn’t know he was coming and
didn’t have everything ready for him. His hotel room was reserved for Monday, not today.”

She flicked him on the earlobe.
“Ow! What was that for?” He covered his ear to protect it from any more abuse.
“You’re an idiot. Why get upset about something like that? You had no idea he was

coming in today, so you couldn’t have done anything about it. Just let it go.”

He stuck out his tongue at her, but knew she was right. He just hated not doing

everything perfectly. Patrick strived to be the best assistant Adrien had ever had. He wanted
to be indispensable to his boss.

They fell silent, and Patrick watched the city he loved pass by him. Suddenly he looked

down at himself and groaned.

“What’s wrong now?”

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“I can’t meet Mr Tennant dressed like this.” He gestured to his ripped jeans and

wrinkled T-shirt. “I forgot what I was wearing.”

“At least the restaurant isn’t a fancy one,” she commented, not concerned at all about

how sloppy Patrick looked.

“You don’t understand. Winston Tennant doesn’t do wrinkles or jeans. He’s always so

neatly dressed, I don’t think the man ever relaxes. He’s going to think I’m a complete slob.”
He tugged at the hem of his shirt.

Patrice shot him a look that said she thought he was crazy. Then a dawning light came

over her face. “Ah. This Mr Tennant wouldn’t be totally hot, would he?”

“What? No!” he sputtered, but his sister wasn’t fooled.
“He is and you have a crush on him. That’s why you’re freaking out about what you’re

wearing. You don’t want him to think badly of you because you want him to fuck you into
the mattress.”

Blushing, he glared at her. “Geez, Patrice. Could you try not to be so crude?”
She punched him in the arm. “You’re kidding me, right? How many nights have I sat

up listening to you go on and on about your one-night stands or your two-week boyfriends?
You’ve never held back from telling me all the dirty details of your sex life.”

“I’m sorry for that now,” he muttered. “What the hell was I thinking? I should’ve

known it would come back to haunt me. You’d better not embarrass me in front of him.”

He narrowed his eyes at her and she burst out laughing.
“Are you even sure he’s gay? I mean, maybe he’ll take one look at me and fall madly in

love. He has to have money, right? I could live like a queen.” She winked.

“Oh shut up,” he ordered her while flapping his hand in her direction. “I know he’s gay

because he said something to that effect when he was here last time. I didn’t push him about
it since we were at work, and hell, I’m just a measly PA. I’m not important enough to catch
his eye or anything.”

Suddenly Patrice was glaring at him. “What are you talking about, Patrick Gaverson?

You are more than good enough for any man you meet. And too good for most of the ones
you’ve slept with. You shouldn’t put yourself down because you’re a PA. Organising things
is what you’re good at. I know Mr Bellamy has stated several times he’d be lost without you.

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If this Mr Tennant can’t see your worth, then you don’t need to have anything to do with

Patrick couldn’t help it. He threw his arms around Patrice and hugged her hard. They

were twins and while they did squabble a lot, there was no one more protective of the other
when it came down to it. He loved her more than anyone else in the world, no matter how
crazy she drove him at times.

“Thanks, Patrice, and you’re right. I shouldn’t be freaking out about this. It’s the

weekend and I have the right to wear what I want when I’m not working.” He returned to
his side of the cab then grinned. “But really? I can’t wait until you get a look at Mr Tennant.
The man should be declared illegal because he’s so gorgeous, he could be addictive to look

“You’re so hopeless,” she commented as she shook her head. “If the only thing he has

for him is money and looks, I’m not that interested. Those kinds of guys are a dime a dozen
here in New York. I want a man with a little substance to his character.”

Sighing, Patrick agreed. “Me too. When you find one, try to make sure he has a brother

because that might be the only way I get one, considering how rare they are.”

The cabbie pulled up to the kerb, and after Patrick had paid him, they climbed out onto

the sidewalk. He glanced around to see if he could spot Ion and the others, but it looked as
though they weren’t there yet. His phone buzzed as he was trying to decide what to do. He
pulled it out of his pocket to see a text from Ion.

On our way. Get us a table if you’re there.

“Ion says to get us a table. They’re on their way.” He gestured for Patrice to head into

the restaurant.

Just got here. Patrice is getting table. How weird is it going to be having dinner with Tennant?

He hit send then waited. Patrice whistled to catch his attention and he walked in her

wake as they were escorted to a more private table in the back of the place.

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Might be a little weird. He’s really tense and not very happy. Hope he won’t be too grumpy to be

good company.

You know we’ll get him to relax a little. Poor guy. With all the financial problems he’s had to

deal with in that new acquisition, you’d think he’d just take a long vacation or something.

I’m not sure he knows how to relax. Maybe our goal should be to get him to smile and we’ll call

it good.

Smile? He could aim for that and hope maybe Winston wouldn’t be too caught up in

whatever was bothering him to have fun with them. Patrick sat where Patrice pointed then
ordered a drink before texting Ion back.

We can do a smile. We got a table in the back of the restaurant. Let the hostess know you’re with


Okay. Be there in ten.

Patrick stuffed his phone away and pursed his lips as he stared out over the crowd.

Patrice poked him in the side.

“Why so serious, brother mine?”
“Mr Tennant was here a couple of weeks ago to deal with some business issues that had

come up, but it was a quick trip because he had to get back to London for some family
situation that had come up. He’s back this week to talk to Adrien some more about it. I’m
worried that things are worse than it seemed at first.”

He couldn’t say anything else because of the non-disclosure forms he’d signed when he

first got hired on at Bellamy International. Company business stayed at the office for the
most part, and he wasn’t going to risk his job to tell Patrice anything else. Not that she would
ask either. She understood. Besides, she wasn’t really interested in venture capitalism
anyway. Running her own jewellery line was as complicated as she wanted things to get. So
he knew she wasn’t going to push him about it.

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“I’m sure it’s all going to be fine.” She patted his hand before she giggled. “I can’t

believe I’m going to be in the company of four hot men and all of them are gay. It’s just my

“Well, one of those hot gay men is your brother and that would just be too weird even if

I was straight,” he joked.

Then his attention was drawn to a trio of men heading his way. He dismissed Ion and

Adrien with a quick smile. His gaze landed on the serious face of Winston Tennant and his
heart paused its beating for a second.

“All right. Here we go,” he whispered under his breath as he stood.

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Chapter Two

Winston glanced around the restaurant as he followed Adrien and Ion to a table in the

back. It was far more casual than the ones he usually went to, and he could see why Adrien
had told him to change before they had left the hotel. His Brooks Brothers suit and silk tie
wouldn’t really have fitted in. He made a mental note to thank his friend after supper.

Yet he wasn’t altogether comfortable in his neatly pressed jeans and button-down shirt,

which he’d wanted to tuck in, but Ion, Adrien’s fiancé, had talked him into leaving out.
Winston felt very sloppy and he tugged at the hem of the shirt once before making himself

No showing weakness, old man. Too many people will zero in on that and try to hurt you. He

knew he was safe with Adrien. They’d been friends for decades, having met because of their
fathers’ close friendship. In fact, when Winston had needed a job, Adrien had offered him
one and Winston had repaid him by throwing himself into his work. Now he was head of the
London office and found that the pressure he put on himself had increased exponentially,
even though Adrien had never said a word about Winston not working hard enough.

In fact, Adrien had often told him he worked too much. His friend had mentioned that

Winston needed a vacation—a very long one—to relax, even going so far as ordering
Winston to take some of his stockpiled personal time. He’d found himself sitting on a
balcony in the south of France, staring at the Mediterranean, bored to death. Maybe it
would’ve worked out if he’d taken someone with him.

Winston had few friends and no lovers. He wasn’t a virgin or anything, having had his

first sexual experience when he was in his teens. He just never trusted anyone to get close
enough to develop a relationship with them. So his love life, when he had one, consisted of
one-night stands and rent boys. It wasn’t something he was proud of, but he didn’t see the
point in beating himself up about it.

“Winston, we’re over here.”
Damn. He’d stopped in the middle of the room while he drifted along in his own

thoughts. How stupid do you look now? Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself, drowning

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out the inevitable voice in his head that sounded remarkably like his father. He’d run to New
York to get away from his father—he wasn’t going to let the man ruin his trip, even if he was
only in Winston’s mind.

His heart skipped a beat when he looked over to where Adrien stood and saw that

there were others already sitting at the table. His mouth went dry as one of them climbed to
his feet. Shite!

Patrick Gaverson, Adrien’s personal assistant and the star of many of Winston’s private

fantasies since he’d met him for the first time five years ago. Blond hair, perfectly tousled to
achieve a just out of bed look, and dark blue eyes shining with a joie de vive Winston wished
he felt were only two of the many reasons Winston lusted after Patrick. Add in a trim body
and graceful movement, and all Winston could think about was Patrick riding him as they
both came.

Winston’s cock hardened and he grimaced slightly as he approached the others. Great.

Now I have to sit near him with an erection and try to hold a coherent conversation. He had a feeling
this wasn’t going to be his best night.

“Winston, you remember Patrick, and this is his sister, Patrice Gaverson,” Adrien

introduced them. “This is one of my dearest friends, Winston Tennant.”

A hint of happiness swelled in him at Adrien’s words. He wasn’t entirely sure why it

mattered that Adrien considered him more a friend than a business associate, but it did.
Mentally shaking his head, Winston called himself an idiot. Of course Adrien thought of him
that way. They’d been friends long before they’d started working together.

“It’s nice to see you again, Mr Gaverson, and, Ms Gaverson, I’m glad you could join

us.” He took a hold of Patrice’s hand before bowing slightly over it.

She giggled and, out of the corner of his eye, Winston caught Patrick shooting her a

quick glare. Winston turned his head to hide his smile. He was just fooling himself to think
that Patrick was jealous of his sister.

“Please call me Patrice, Mr Tennant.” She waved at the seat next to her, which would

put him in between her and her brother.

“Certainly. Then you will, of course, call me Winston.” He sat because to refuse would

have been rude and, honestly, he wanted to sit closer to Patrick.

“I hope your accommodations are acceptable, Mr Tennant?” Patrick spoke at his left.

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Winston turned, finding himself caught in Patrick’s direct gaze. He took a deep breath,

then almost groaned when he inhaled the sandalwood scent of Patrick’s cologne. Maybe
being this close to him wasn’t a good idea. Winston’s dick did its best to escape his jeans. He
shifted in his chair, trying to rearrange things so that he had more room, but it didn’t look as
though that was possible.

Patrick frowned, causing Winston to realise that he was staring. He ducked his head as

he blushed.

“Sorry. Got thinking about something else. Yes, my rooms are fine, Mr Gaverson.” He

winced internally at how formal he sounded. “Please call me Winston as well. No need to be
so businesslike when it’s a simple gathering of friends, right?” He smiled.

Blinking, Patrick looked stunned for a second. “You’re right, Winston. Call me Patrick.”
Winston nodded once before turning to meet Adrien’s amused glance. “What?”
“Nothing. Have you ordered yet?” Adrien asked Patrice.
She shook her head. “Just drinks. We didn’t get here much before you did.”
After studying her for a minute, he turned to Patrick. “You’re twins?”
“Yes. To my mother’s everlasting joy and despair, she had two of us at once and has

never recovered.” Patrick grinned. “We weren’t the best behaved kids in the world.”

“Why am I not surprised by that?” Winston chuckled.
When the waitress came over, he ordered a soda then leant back to watch the other four

chatting. He could tell there was a firm foundation of friendship between Patrick, Patrice and
Ion. They had graciously opened their circle to include Adrien, but would their willingness
extend to him? He’d never been interested in putting himself out there or making people like
him, but there was something about this group, besides Patrick’s good looks, that made
Winston wish to be part of them.

“Are you coming back over for the wedding, Winston?”
He jerked when Patrick’s breath tickled his ear. He’d drifted off again, losing himself in

his thoughts. Turning, he met Patrick’s questioning gaze.

“Yes. I do plan on returning for it. It’s nice to see Adrien happy and settled finally. I

knew it would happen because he’s a great chap, but I knew it would have to be an
extraordinary man to catch his attention.” Winston bit his lip to keep from saying any more.

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Jesus! First you can’t say one word. Now you can’t shut up. How did you ever become the head

of a branch office? You couldn’t hold a conversation if your life depended on it.

Winston straightened his shoulders and stiffened his spine. His father had no place here

amongst these happy people. He’d do his best to repress the mocking voice haunting him
until he was alone. Then he’d do his best to shove the negativity out of his head for the rest of
the week.

“Ion is the most awesome best friend ever and he deserves only good things in his life,

so I’m thrilled to see how much Adrien loves him.” Patrick leaned closer to whisper in his
ear, “It’s totally hot when they kiss.”

Heat washed over Winston before settling heavy in his groin. Without overthinking it,

he shifted into Patrick’s personal space before saying, “I imagine it is, but I have to admit I’ve
wondered how it would feel to kiss you.”

A sharply inhaled breath brought him back to his surroundings and he blushed again.

He shot Patrick a look, surprised to see longing in the man’s eyes. Did Patrick feel the same
attraction Winston felt? Was it possible that if he were to try to kiss him, Patrick wouldn’t
reject him?

“Has everyone decided what they want to eat?” Ion glanced around the table,

reminding Winston what they were there for, and that it wasn’t flirting with Patrick.

“If you all go before me, I’ll have made up my mind by the time it’s my turn,” he

promised as he opened his menu, hoping that no one noticed his trembling hands.

Everyone else ordered and Winston decided on a hamburger with fries. It wasn’t

something he usually ate, but since he seemed to be branching out from his usual actions, he
figured it would be nice to try. Once he’d told the waitress what he wanted, he handed her
his menu then turned to Patrice.

“I must ask, why did your mother name you Patrice and Patrick? Aren’t your names so

close together it’d be easy to mix them up?”

Both of them laughed while Patrice nodded. She wiped a tear from her eye as she

managed to stop chuckling.

“And there is the true diabolical beauty of my mother doing that. All she had to yell

was one of our names, and invariably she’d get both of us. Having them so close together
meant she didn’t have to worry about getting them right.” Patrice waved her hand between

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her and her brother. “While we were in school, our friends did try to give us nicknames, but I
wouldn’t respond to any of them. I happen to like my name and it wasn’t my problem if it
confused other people when they wanted to talk to us.”

Patrick propped his elbows on the table. “Come to think of it, Ion, you’re the only one

of my friends who never tried a nickname out for me. Why is that?”

Ion looked up from where he’d been texting. “You’re a Patrick and she’s a Patrice.

Neither one of you are anything other than your full names. Just like I’d never call Winston
anything other than Winston. He’s not a Win or whatever other shortened name people
could come up with for him.”

Horrified, Winston shook his head. “Oh God, no! Do you know how upset my parents

would be if anyone chose to call me by anything other than my full name?”

Adrien chuckled. “That’s true. I thought his mother was going to pass out when Sidney

made the mistake of calling him Win once. We got a lecture on how nicknames were vulgar
and no person of good standing would use them.”

He did a good impersonation of Winston’s mother. Winston remembered that day and

how scared he’d been that Sidney and Adrien would stop being his friends after getting
yelled at like that by his mother. He’d been shocked when her dressing down didn’t seem to
bother either of them. They’d acted as though it happened all the time and with as much
trouble as those two managed to get into, Winston hadn’t been surprised to discover that it

Their food arrived and conversation halted while they arranged everything to their

liking. Winston took a bite of his burger, moaning as the juices hit his taste buds.

“I told you that you need to eat this kind of food once in a while,” Adrien pointed out.

“Eating healthy food all the time isn’t nearly as fun.”

Winston wiped his mouth with his napkin before replying, “If I ate this all the time, I’d

be as big as a house and that isn’t the best thing when I’m trying to run a company.”

“You wouldn’t be able to fit in the chairs or those custom-tailored suits you spend a

fortune on,” Adrien quipped.

“Pot meet kettle,” Winston returned with a raised eyebrow.
“He’s got you there, Adrien.” Ion bumped shoulders with his fiancé. “You both spend a

crazy amount of money on those suits. It’s almost as bad as Patrick and his shoes.”

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Patrick mock-glared at Ion. “Hey, how did I get brought into this conversation? I’ll have

you know I don’t spend that much on shoes.”

Winston jumped when Patrice made a rather unladylike snort beside him. “Oh, brother

dear, remember I’ve been shopping with you. At some of those sales, you are just as bad as
the women.”

He pointed his fork at her. “Don’t get me started on that sale at Saks the other day,

Patrice. I seem to remember a certain person shoving a little grey-haired lady out of the way
to get the last Gucci handbag on the shelf.”

Winston was fascinated by the play-by-play going on between them all. He didn’t have

any siblings to argue or even joke with—he could see that they weren’t really angry at each

Patrice huffed in annoyance. “It was the last one of the spring collection. I couldn’t let

her take it when I had the perfect dress to go with it.”

“You practically tossed the woman to the ground and ran her over to get it. Mom

would have been so ashamed.” Patrick shook his head sadly.

“Are you kidding? Mom complained because there had only been one and I got it.” She

met Winston’s gaze. “We must sound like a bunch of uncouth, shallow people to you.”

“Oh no. You’re all so fascinating,” he confessed without thinking then stammered,

“That’s not quite what I meant.”

“It’s like he studies us. We’re an alien species to Winston,” Adrien told the others. “He’s

terribly proper and polite. He’d never shove people out of his way. It’s simply not done.”

Winston stared at his plate, uncomfortable with Adrien’s teasing. He understood that

his friend didn’t mean anything by it, but it hurt to hear himself described as a boring,
humourless stick in the mud. Even if it’s true.

“There’s nothing wrong with being polite,” Patrick jumped in, sticking up for Winston.

“We could all stand to be nicer to each other.”

“Right.” Ion gave Adrien a narrow-eyed stare before he turned to Patrick. “Have you

made any headway on the wedding plans?”

Winston wanted to thank Ion for shifting the conversation away from him. He looked

up to see Adrien gazing at him. “I’m sorry,” Adrien mouthed and Winston nodded,
forgiving him like always. His friend didn’t mean anything by making jokes at his expense.

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Adrien probably didn’t even realise how terrible they made Winston feel or how much
Winston wished he could be different, or at least break out of the stuffy shell he’d built
around himself in the course of his life.

Supper was finished while they talked over different options for tuxedos and colours.

Winston didn’t really contribute much, simply because he hadn’t been privy to most of the
starting details, but he did enjoy listening to them. He’d never been around anyone planning
a wedding and was alarmed by all the details that seemed to go into getting one set up.

Once the bill had been paid for, with a little arguing between everyone about who was

paying for it, they got ready to leave. Suddenly Patrice pulled her phone out and sighed.

“I can’t get ice cream. A special order came in, so I have to go back to the store.”
Adrien jerked then pulled his phone out. “Apparently business problems are popping

up everywhere, Patrice. I have to go back to the office, and since this looks like it concerns
you as well, Ion, you’d better come with me.”

Ion looked over at Patrick and Winston, who were standing next to each other by the

entrance. Winston had the oddest feeling that he was being set up, but he wasn’t sure why.

“Patrick, why don’t you and Winston go get ice cream? You shouldn’t cut your night

short just because the rest of us have to work,” Ion suggested.

“Ion.” There was a warning tone in Patrick’s voice.
“We’ll call you tomorrow, Winston. My parents are coming into the city, so we can all

have brunch together.” Adrien waved as his driver pulled the car to the kerb.

Before Winston could say anything, Adrien, Ion and Patrice disappeared into the back

of the car. He whirled to find Patrick standing there, arms folded over his chest and a frown
on his face.

“What just happened?”
“They weren’t very subtle, were they?” Patrick exhaled as he shook his head. Then he

flashed a smile in Winston’s direction. “That was their terribly obvious way of making sure
you and I are alone together.”

“Umm… I didn’t have anything to do with it,” he hurriedly said, not wanting Patrick to

think he’d put them up to it.

Patrick laid his hand on Winston’s arm. “I know, Winston. Don’t worry. I’m not upset

with you. Just a little exasperated with them.”

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“Okay.” Unsure of what to do next, Winston stuffed his hands in his pockets and

slouched a little, which would have driven his mother to distraction and earned him a pinch
in the side to tell him to stand straight. “Do you want to go home? I can flag down a cab for

“You know what? I think I’d like to get some ice cream with you. Are you up for an

adventure, Mr Tennant?”

Looking into Patrick’s eyes, Winston saw attraction, and it was something he hadn’t

seen in any other man’s gaze for a long time.

“As long as you’re the one leading me, Mr Gaverson, I’m up for anything.”
Patrick laughed. “We’ll start with ice cream then see where the night takes us.”
As the sensation of the world opening up before him swamped him, Winston followed


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Chapter Three

“We’re here.”
Winston glanced up from his cell phone to watch Adrien’s parents walk up to him. “It’s

about time. I’m starving.” He smiled while stuffing his phone in his pocket. “I just got here

“Winston, my boy. It’s marvellous to see you again.” Robert, Adrien’s father, offered his

hand for Winston to shake. “You really should come over more often, especially on a
vacation and not business.”

“Robert.” Winston nodded then turned to greet Adrien’s mother. “Alyssa, you’re

looking as gorgeous as usual. I’m always amazed that you’re the mother of three grown
children. You don’t look a day over thirty.”

She laughed as he brushed a kiss over her cheek. “Such a charmer. Come and sit next to

me. Ion and Adrien will be here in a few minutes. They ended up at the office this morning
again, working on something important.”

Worry hit Winston. Did what they were working on have anything to do with the

money discrepancies he’d discovered with the German company the London branch had
acquired? He’d have to ask when they arrived.

“Adrien said you arrived yesterday,” Robert commented as they all sat, then he

motioned to the waiter to bring them drinks. “I thought you weren’t coming in until

“I wasn’t, but I decided I needed a little time to relax, so I flew in early.” Winston shook

out the napkin before laying it on his lap. He smiled as the waiter poured out a cup of coffee
for him. “I went out to dinner with Adrien, Ion and some of their friends last night.”

“Really? Who was it? I know Sidney happens to be out of town until tomorrow.” Alyssa

fixed her coffee while asking.

He took his time answering, doctoring his own cup with milk and sugar. He wasn’t a

huge coffee drinker, preferring tea for the most part, but once in a while was fine. After
taking a sip, he wiped his mouth then said, “Patrick and Patrice Gaverson.”

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Robert nodded. “Ion’s friends. They’re good people.”
“Oh yes. They’re helping the boys plan the wedding, and they haven’t told me to butt

out yet, as the crazy mother-in-law determined to have her own way.” Alyssa smiled.
“Robert has reminded me a few times that this isn’t my wedding. I have to let the boys make
their own choices, though I did put my foot down on the venue.”

“Adrien said it was going to be at the house in the Hamptons,” Winston remarked,

more than willing to encourage her to talk. That way, he could avoid talking about what had
happened after dinner, not that anything much had.

“Did Patrick treat you well after we left?”
He looked up to see Adrien standing next to him. Frowning, Winston shook his head

slightly, not wanting to talk about it.

“He didn’t? That’s weird. Usually he’s really rather nice, even when he isn’t expecting

to play tour guide.” Ion pursed his lips. “I’ll have to talk to him later.”

Winston held up his hand. “Oh no. He was a wonderful tour guide. I simply didn’t

want to discuss it right now.”

“Why not?” Alyssa asked, then she gasped. “Did something happen last night with

Patrick, Winston? Are you having a vacation fling?”

Groaning, he gestured towards her. “This is why I didn’t want to talk about it. Nothing

happened, Alyssa. We merely went to get some ice cream for dessert after everyone else
deserted us.”

He glared at Adrien, who had the good grace to blush slightly and nudge Ion who

looked abashed as well.

“Was Patrice part of it?” He wouldn’t have put it past any of them to have agreed with

their plan.

“Umm… No. Actually she did have some kind of work emergency, though to our

credit, so did we. Only it was this morning, not last night.” Adrien gave his mother a kiss
then shook his dad’s hand before sitting next to Winston. “Did you have a good time in spite
of our obvious matchmaking?”

Winston paused for a moment. He hadn’t given himself a chance to think about what

they’d done after dinner. It wasn’t as though they’d ended up in a bed, having sex or
anything like that. No, they’d gone to the ice cream shop and got dessert. Patrick had

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convinced him to go for a walk while they ate their cones. All they’d done was talk about
general things, but it had been one of the most relaxing evenings Winston had spent in a long

He hadn’t had to think about what other people were whispering about him behind his

back or the image he was presenting, licking his fingers clean of the melting ice cream.
Another thing his mother would have had a fit about, if she‘d ever seen him doing that.
Proper people didn’t lick their fingers like commoners. They used napkins or ate their dessert
from a bowl instead of a cone.

Patrick was easy to talk to, skipping from topic to topic as though he’d been trained in

how to make small talk. He had a welcoming manner about him, and Winston had found
himself wishing that he’d asked Patrick to do something with him that day.

“I did enjoy myself. I’d never walked down a city street while eating ice cream and

chatting with a friend,” he told them. He realised how sad that sounded, and went to
checking out the menu before he could see pity in anyone’s eyes.

“Glad it went well.” Adrien bumped his shoulder with his own then turned to his

mother. “Have you heard from Alain lately?”

Alyssa shook her head. “Not since the day after he met with you in the city. I’m

assuming you haven’t heard from him either.”

Adrien shook his head. “No, but I’m thinking that might be a good thing. It means he’s

not looking for money.”

Winston had always been intrigued by the dynamics in Adrien’s family. As an only

child, he’d never had to worry about sibling rivalry or jealousy. Of course, he’d also never
had anyone there to deflect his father’s expectations away from him. His mother wasn’t any
help in that respect either. She exerted her own kind of pressure on him.

“True, though there are times when silence isn’t the best thing, especially with your

brother,” Robert pointed out.

Winston watched as Adrien nodded. “I’ll call him later today, if only to find out where

he is at the moment.”

After that, the conversation drifted onto other topics like the upcoming wedding and

honeymoon. Winston was glad he could contribute some suggestions to that part, though he
knew that Adrien already had an idea of where he wanted to take Ion.

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When they were done ordering, Winston settled back in his chair. Ion smiled over at

him and Winston returned the expression. If there was ever a time when he felt like a true
member of a family, it was when he was with Adrien’s. They’d done their level best to
include him in everything they could think of. He’d spent quite a few university breaks
vacationing with them instead of his own.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he sighed as he pulled it out. Speak of the devil. He

held it up for Adrien to see.

“I have to take this.”
Adrien didn’t look convinced, but nodded. Winston answered the call as he wound his

way through the tables at the restaurant to go outside. It isn’t polite to hold a conversation on the
phone while at the table. Very bad manners and rude to the people around you.
His mother’s voice
echoed through his mind.

“Hello, Father.” He stepped outside then moved out of the way so he wasn’t blocking

the door.

“Winston, I thought we were having dinner tonight to discuss some things,” his father

started in.

“I told you I wouldn’t be in town. You chose not to hear me.” It was the story of his life.

Neither of them listened to him at all. “Besides, you disowned me when I came out. That’s
why I’m working with Adrien now. I don’t understand this sudden need to talk to me.”

“Maybe I’ve changed my mind about that.”
Winston barely contained his disbelieving snort. His father changing his mind about

anything was as unlikely as Winston suddenly deciding he was straight. “I’m not buying
that, Father. You want something from me, and I can tell you right now, I’m not going to do
or give you whatever it is you want.”

His father huffed in annoyance. “I don’t know why you must be so stubborn. This

whole ‘being out’ thing is just because you want to embarrass your mother and me. I don’t
understand why you couldn’t just stay in the closet. You’re never going to get anywhere in
the business world being so obviously gay.”

“We’ve already argued about this and I’m not going back into the closet just so you can

make me into a clone of yourself. I tried that once, remember? I married Sonia because you
wanted me to, and see how that turned out?” Winston pinched the bridge of his nose as

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thoughts of his ex-wife started to make his head pound. “And exactly how am I ‘so obviously

“A clone? I want you to be a success, Winston. You’ll never be one if you constantly

throw my advice away. Sonia wasn’t the right woman for you, but there are others out there
who can be your perfect society match. I’m sure we can find one who wouldn’t mind turning
a blind eye to any private indiscretions you might have.”

“Maybe if your advice didn’t include me becoming a workaholic like you and denying

who I really am, I would be willing to listen to it, but it doesn’t. You and Mother want the
perfect son who does exactly as you tell him. I did that for most of my life and I hated every
moment of it. I also think you’re living in the past with that idea that some woman would be
willing to marry a man she knows is gay just for the position his name will get her in society.
We’re not living in the eighteen hundreds anymore, Father.”

He heard someone clear their throat, and glanced up to see Adrien standing next to


“Food’s here,” Adrien murmured.
Winston nodded. “I have to go.”
“When you get back, we’ll talk about this. You have to be tired of all this rebellious

nonsense and soon you’ll be ready to come back to the family.” His father hung up without
saying goodbye.

“Love you too,” Winston muttered then swiped his finger across the screen of his phone

to turn it off.

“I thought he wasn’t talking to you,” Adrien commented as they walked back into the


He shrugged. “I thought so as well, but he started calling me about two months ago. He

wants to meet and discuss my future. He seems to think working for you is an act of
rebellion to get his attention. Like I’m a teenager again and am trying to get him to see me.”

Adrien snorted. “You’ve been working for Bellamy International since I started. Seems

to me if it was a way to irritate your dad, you’ve done it and could go back to working for

“Certainly. He doesn’t understand that I don’t want to work for him, mostly because I

enjoy what I do for you. Plus he would drive me to drink within a week. I’ve been there,

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done that. I won’t ever get that out of control again.” Winston remembered how he’d stayed
drunk for days on end while his marriage to Sonia was in its final death throes. He’d hated
the man he’d been back then.

He’d apologised to his ex-wife after the divorce proceedings were done and their

marriage had been dissolved. Amazingly she’d been far more forgiving than his parents had
been. While they would never be close again, he and Sonia had become friends over the years
and had dinner whenever they were in the same town.

Yet his parents had decided that Sonia wasn’t the right woman for him, choosing to

ignore the fact that he was gay and had been all of his life. His father wanted to drag him
back into the family import business and his mother wanted her perfect son back so she
could brag about him to her friends, showing them up when their children did something

Winston was too old to play those games anymore. When he’d chosen to come out and

tell his parents he was gay, he’d known it wouldn’t be pretty and it hadn’t been. His father
had disowned him. Thank God he’d already talked to Robert about working for him, and it
had been the best decision he’d ever made.

“So are you angry with me about leaving you with Patrick last night? I thought you two

would get along, and it’s not like I thought you’d fall in love with him or anything like that.
But you need to have some fun, and Patrick is a great guy.” Adrien rested his hand on
Winston’s arm, bringing him to a stop before they reached the table where the others waited.

Shaking his head, Winston said, “No. I’m not angry. It ended up being a very nice time.

We talked and ate ice cream. Like I said before, I’ve never done anything like that.” He
ducked his head then met Adrien’s gaze. “I was actually wishing I had asked him out for
dinner tonight.”

“You still could, if you wanted. Ion could give you Patrick’s number.” Adrien grinned.

“I’m not pushing or anything. Just letting you know the option is on the table.”

“Thanks. Let me think about it. It’s a bigger step than I’ve taken in a while.” Winston

returned to the table. “Sorry. It was my father.”

“Darwin? I thought he wasn’t talking to you.” Robert looked confused.
Winston picked up his silverware then nodded. “He wasn’t supposed to be, but he

seems to have forgotten that he disowned me. He wants us to meet and talk about my future

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like none of the last fifteen years happened. Something is going on, but I’m not interested
enough to try to find out what.”

“Unfortunately, he’ll keep nagging you until you break down and see him.” Robert

obviously spoke from experience, having been friends with Winston’s father for several

“I know, and when I’m ready, I’ll talk to him about this whole situation. I want it to be

on my terms, not his.” Winston took a deep breath before turning to look at Alyssa. “How
are Amelia and Jonathon?”

He wanted the focus off him so he didn’t have to think about his parents yet. Like he’d

said to Robert, when he decided he was ready, he’d be more than happy to discuss his
problems with his father.

Winston finished his meal then nursed his coffee while waiting for the others to get

done. As he did, he watched Adrien and Ion. They touched and spoke quietly to each other,
love shining in their eyes and caring in each trail of fingers over skin. The more he saw them
together, the more he envied them. He was searching for a relationship like that. He ached to
be stroked and kissed as well.

I should take Adrien up on the offer of Patrick’s number. It’s not that I think we’ll end up in bed,

but at least it would be companionship. For some reason, Winston didn’t want to be alone that

“Would you like to go to the baseball game with us?” Ion offered. “We have a suite, so

we can fit you in. I’m taking my dad, though he doesn’t know it. He thinks we’re getting
together to watch it on Adrien’s giant TV.”

Wrinkling his nose, Winston declined. “I think I’ll pass. American baseball isn’t

interesting to me, I’m afraid.”

“You and Patrick.” Ion laughed. “He doesn’t like baseball either. I have to admit I’m not

a huge fan, but I’ll watch it because of my pops.”

There was his opening. “Speaking of Patrick, I wondered if you’d be so kind as to give

me his phone number. I’d like to ask him out to dinner tonight. Thought I’d pay him back for
being a great tour guide last night.”

He ignored the looks of interest from Robert and Alyssa, and the rather smug wink

Adrien sent him. All he wanted was to repay a favour. There wasn’t going to be anything

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else happening between him and Patrick. The gorgeous man wouldn’t be interested in a
stuffed shirt like Winston.

Oh, Winston knew his reputation in the company as a hard-nosed, by the rules kind of

boss. He asked a lot of himself and expected the same from the people who worked for him.
Also, they didn’t think he had much of a sense of humour. It had hurt when he’d discovered
that was how they thought of him, because it was how his father had been for as long as
Winston had known him.

I don’t want to be like my father. Maybe Patrick could help him figure out how to have

fun. He’d lost that knowledge somewhere in the last decade or so. When he was younger,
and had hung out with Adrien and Sidney, he’d been as adventurous as the other two. He
wanted to find that Winston again.

“Umm… How about I text him to make sure it’s okay? I mean, he knows you and

everything, but we don’t make it a habit of handing out each other’s numbers to guys,” Ion
asked as he pulled his phone out.

“That’s very intelligent and I’m fine with that. What if we do this? You can give him my

number and if he wishes to talk to me, he can contact me,” he suggested.

Ion studied him for a moment, and Winston realised that while Adrien thought he and

Patrick would enjoy spending time together, Ion wasn’t a hundred per cent convinced it was
a good idea. “All right.”

Winston gave Ion his number then said goodbye to the Bellamys, agreeing to meet them

for dinner later in the week before he flew home. He told Adrien he’d see him at the office
tomorrow before leaving the restaurant to flag down a cab.

After sliding into the back seat and telling the driver his hotel address, Winston leant

back to stare out of the window. His phone buzzed when they had gone a block. Pulling it
out, he saw that he had a text from an unknown number.


So Patrick was willing to go out with him without the barrier of their friends. Knowing

that brought a smile to Winston’s face.

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Chapter Four

“What am I doing?” Patrick asked as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. “I enjoyed

hanging out with him last night, but this is an actual date. What kind of conversation are we
going to have? He’s a privileged, upper crust Brit and I’m just me.”

“All right, Patrick. First of all, what’s wrong with you? You’re an awesome, successful

guy who’s friendly and fun-loving. The two of you already spent last evening talking to each
other. Unless you didn’t say a word the entire time you were together.” Ion’s amusement
came through in his tone.

After one last yank on the hem of his button-down shirt, Patrick whirled away from the

sink then snatched up his phone from the counter. He held it to his ear as he strolled back
into his bedroom.

“Don’t laugh at me, asshole. I remember you were a little wigged out by the whole

dating Adrien fucking Bellamy thing, one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. I have the
right to freak out.” Patrick wanted to run his fingers through his hair, but resisted the urge,
having spent the last ten minutes getting the style perfect. “I just spent ten minutes on my
hair. That’s crazy.”

Ion chuckled. “You’ve always been picky about how you look, Patrick. That’s one of the

great things about you.”

“But ten freaking minutes, Ion? I’ve never wasted that much time on my hair. If Patrice

hadn’t stopped by, I would still be standing in front of my closet, trying to figure out what to
wear.” Patrick dropped to the edge of his bed and stared at the floor. “Why is this so
different? It’s not like I haven’t gone out with guys before or anything like that. I’ve even
dated better looking and richer men.”

“I think the difference is you really like Winston. You’re not just attracted to him. Those

other men attracted you and you liked them, of course—or else you wouldn’t have dated
them. But there’s something about Winston that gets you on a deeper level than the others.”
Ion hummed for a moment before continuing, “Ever since the first time you met him when
he came for some meetings with Adrien right after you were hired, you’ve mentioned him a

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lot. It was like you couldn’t get him out of your mind. Maybe this is a sign that you’re meant
to be together.”

Patrick huffed in annoyance. “Just because you’re getting married doesn’t mean the rest

of us are in a hurry to get to the altar. This isn’t that kind of date. He’s alone in the city and
his buddies are busy. Adrien has you and Mr Richardson isn’t back from his trip yet.
Winston simply wants company to pass the time.”

“Sure, Patrick.” Ion didn’t sound convinced. “Where are you meeting him?”
“He didn’t tell me. Just said to dress really nice.” He stood then grabbed his suit coat

from the closet before wandering out to the living room. After laying it over the back of his
couch, he looked around. “Why would he take me somewhere expensive?”

“He wants to impress you, man. It’s your first date,” Ion pointed out.
Patrick shrugged, even though he knew his friend couldn’t see him. “What does that

matter? It’s not like we’re going to be starting a relationship.”

Ion made a frustrated sound. “He asked you out. It doesn’t matter in the end why he

did it. Also, he’s going someplace expensive because he can and he’s used to that, Patrick. It’s
your job to introduce him to a more casual outlook this week. Adrien says he’s become
uptight over the years since he joined Bellamy International. Not as much fun as he used to

“My job? Why should it be my job? What does it matter if he’s uptight?” Patrick

fidgeted with his tie. Then he paused. “You two really are trying to set us up. I thought it was
just a fluke last night when all of you bailed on us, but at least you and Adrien planned to
make sure Winston and I were left alone.”

The silence on the other end of the call told Patrick everything he needed to know. He

dropped to the edge of his couch and shook his head.

“What makes you think the two of us are right for each other? You’re meddling in other

people’s private lives, Ion.” He could hear Ion breathing and he wondered what his friend
was thinking. “Is it because you’re so happy being in love, that you want everyone around
you to find a boyfriend?”

“Listen. It wasn’t my idea. Adrien was the one who suggested it. I simply didn’t say

anything to discourage him.” Ion hummed softly. “I guess I should’ve warned you or told
Adrien not to do it, but I thought about it and I thought it would be fun for you and Winston

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to hang out together. I’m not expecting you to fall in love with him, Patrick. Just enjoy
yourself and if something more happens, great.”

“Not great. He lives in London and you know how difficult long-term relationships can

be.” His intercom buzzed. “Winston’s here.”

“We’ll have lunch tomorrow, so you can tell me all about your date.”
“I’m not going to kiss and tell, Ion,” he informed his friend.
Ion oohed. “Then there will be kissing. I like that idea.”
“Shut up. Bye.” He hung up then went to the intercom to let Winston in.
Wandering back to where his jacket was, he stood there for a second to gather his

thoughts. Why was he so nervous about the date? It wasn’t like he didn’t know Winston.
They’d even spent a few hours together the night before. Yet somehow it felt different.

A knock sounded a few minutes later, and Patrick grabbed his coat before strolling over

to open the door. His mouth dropped open when he saw Winston standing there.

“Holy shit!” he whispered as he trailed his gaze over the handsome man.
Winston wore a black Brooks Brothers suit with a black and white pinstriped vest. His

dark green dress shirt brought out the green highlights in his hazel eyes. He also wore a
black silk tie. The suit had been tailored to fit his broad shoulders.

“Good evening.” Winston smiled, tilting his head slightly.
Patrick noticed a little pink tinge to Winston’s cheeks and was touched that the man

seemed flustered by his obvious approval of his looks. “Hey there, Winston. Why don’t you
come in while I get my keys and wallet?”

“All right.” Winston stepped over the threshold then stuffed his hands in his pockets.

He shifted from foot to foot while Patrick gathered his stuff. “I really appreciate you being
willing to go out with me tonight, especially since it was sort of short notice.”

Patrick glanced at Winston while he was slipping his wallet into his pocket. “I’m happy

to do it. I don’t usually do much on Sundays anyway, since I have to work on Mondays.
Besides, I’m always willing to have a gorgeous man take me out to dinner.”

He winked at Winston when he met Patrick’s gaze. Winston smiled. When Patrick

approached him, he reached out to rest his hand on Patrick’s arm then leant down to brush a
kiss over Patrick’s cheek.

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“Thank you for both the compliment and the company.” Winston motioned towards

the door. “Shall we go?”

Patrick was a little shaken by Winston’s touch, not that he didn’t welcome it, but the

attraction to Winston flared hot all of a sudden and Patrick’s cock stiffened to the point of
being uncomfortable. He followed Winston from the apartment then turned to lock the door.
When he’d finished with that, he reached down to adjust his erection to get a little more
room in his pants before he turned back to face his date.

Winston grinned as they strolled to the elevator.
“Where are we going to eat?” Patrick asked while they waited for the car.
“I want to keep it a secret until we get there.” Winston shrugged.
“Okay. Are you sure I’m dressed all right for wherever it is?” He waved a hand to

encompass his clothes.

Winston studied him for a long moment and Patrick started to get nervous and even

harder as Winston ran his gaze up and down Patrick’s body. It was almost as though
Winston was touching his skin, and heat coursed through Patrick to pool in his groin.

“Oh, you’re dressed just fine,” Winston purred, as he seemed to eye the front of

Patrick’s slacks.

“Ah,” he stuttered, not sure that he could get his brain to function enough to put

together a coherent sentence. The ding of the car arriving at his floor gave him a reprieve for
a little bit.

There were other people in the elevator with them and Patrick’s mind went blank as to

what to talk about. Winston stood close to him, resting his hand on Patrick’s lower back.
Patrick took a step closer and leaned into Winston’s side, letting the man take more of his

Winston slid his arm around to grip Patrick’s hip. Taking a deep breath, Patrick

swallowed back his moan at how good Winston smelt. The man’s cologne was probably
ungodly expensive, but there was also a hint of masculine musk underneath it that turned
Patrick on.

“Are you okay?”

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He shuddered at the wash of Winston’s warm breath over his ear, but he nodded. Get

control of yourself, Patrick. Winston isn’t interested in that from you. He’s just looking for a friend to
spend a pleasant evening with.

“Good. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable going out with me. If you are, we can call

the whole thing off,” Winston suggested quietly.

Patrick turned to face Winston, meeting his intense gaze. Without thinking, he reached

up to cup Winston’s cheek and smiled. “Don’t worry. The only discomfort I feel has nothing
to do with going to dinner with you and everything to do with how attractive I find you.”

“Really?” Winston looked surprised.
Chuckling, Patrick nodded. “Why do you sound so shocked? You have to know you’re

freaking gorgeous.”

Before Winston could answer him, the elevator reached the lobby of Patrick’s apartment

building and they headed out to the sidewalk. Winston gestured towards a town car idling at
the kerb. The driver held the back door open for them.

Patrick slid in and Winston joined him. Once the door had closed behind him, they

were cocooned in a quiet moment. They stared at each other and Patrick wondered if he had
the courage to do what he wanted to do. Winston seemed as unsure as he was.

Taking a deep breath, Patrick lifted one of his hands to cup the back of Winston’s head

and the other around his shoulder. He encouraged Winston to ease closer to him then
brought their lips together.

“Oh,” Winston whispered against his mouth before wrapping his arms around Patrick’s

waist and crushing their bodies tight together.

Winston took over the kiss and Patrick didn’t fight him. He opened his mouth to let

Winston sweep his tongue in, moaning deep in his throat at the flex of muscles under his
fingers. He could only judge how long the kiss lasted by how much his lungs burned from
lack of oxygen when they finally broke apart.

He touched his fingers to his swollen lips and said, “Wow.”
“Yes. I wasn’t expecting that,” Winston commented, looking as stunned as Patrick felt.
“Maybe Adrien knows what he’s doing,” Patrick muttered.
Winston took another quick kiss before easing a few inches away from him. “What

about Adrien?”

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“Ion said Adrien wanted to set us up, thinking we might be good for each other. I

wasn’t sure, but considering how I want you to ravish me in this car right now, he might be
right.” Patrick pressed his hand to Winston’s chest, feeling the man’s heart racing under his

“I know what you mean about the need for sex right now.” Winston gripped Patrick’s

other hand then lifted it to his mouth to place another kiss on his palm. “Yet I really do want
to wine and dine you, though I don’t want you to think I expect anything from you.”

Patrick blinked then he laughed. “Trust me, Winston, if I didn’t want to sleep with you,

I wouldn’t do it just because you took me to a nice restaurant.”

Winston dropped his gaze and gave a quick snort. “You’re right. I’m not used to doing

something like this.”

“Like what?”
Waving his hand between them, Winston shrugged. “Dating someone.”
“You don’t date people?”
“No. I have one-night stands and hire rent boys for sex,” Winston admitted, shame

flashing over his face. “I get busy with work and don’t have time for anything serious.”

Patrick thought about what Winston had said for a moment then told him, “It doesn’t

matter. I understand being too busy to get serious about anyone. Takes a lot of work to keep
together when you’re working late hours or travelling all the time.”

“So you’ll have to forgive me if I make some mistakes or assumptions. Just knock me

upside the head or warn me if I’m going about upsetting you.” Winston looked at him.

“I will,” Patrick promised. “Now come here and kiss me again.”
Wiggling and rearranging their positions, Patrick straddled Winston’s lap then placed

his mouth on Winston’s. He jerked when Winston grabbed two handfuls of Patrick’s ass to
pull their groins together. Patrick rocked his hips, rubbing his erection over Winston’s. He
became lost in their makeout session, not caring where their driver was taking them.

It was the silence that caught his attention and he eased back to glance around. He

realised that the car had stopped. He flopped over onto the seat, trying to catch his breath.

“I guess we’re here,” Winston stated the obvious.
Patrick chuckled. “I think you’re right. I wonder if the driver opened the door, saw

what we were doing and closed it instead of interrupting us.”

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Winston looked slightly worried about that, but Patrick patted him on the chest. “Don’t

worry. I’m sure he won’t say anything.”

He tugged on his clothes to get them straightened before he tapped on the glass that

was raised between the front and back seats. When it rolled down, he smiled at the driver.

“We’re ready to get out now,” he informed him.
“Yes, sir.”
The driver got out then opened the back door for them. Patrick exited with Winston

right behind him. When Patrick glanced up to check the awning for the restaurant, his jaw
dropped once more.

La Grenouille?” He shot an incredulous look at his date.
Winston glanced at him then at the entrance of the building. “Do you not like this

place? We can go somewhere else.”

“Oh no. I haven’t ever been here before. It’s way too rich for me or any man I’ve dated.”

Excitement raced through him. “I’ve always wanted to come here, so this is perfect.” He
grabbed Winston’s hand to give it a squeeze before letting go to stroll through the door.

The hostess greeted them and Winston gave her his name. She led them through the

tables to a semi-private booth in the back. It was quiet and Patrick loved the understated
elegance of the décor. He unbuttoned his suit coat then slipped it off. The hostess took both
his and Winston’s to hang up for them.

Once they were settled in their seats, a waiter came over to pour them water and take

their drink order. Winston ordered a Perrier for himself and Patrick ordered a glass of
Chardonnay. After Patrick had opened his menu, he studied the different offerings and had
to chuckle. Winston raised his eyebrows in question.

“There aren’t any prices,” he pointed out.
Winston nodded. “True, but you know it doesn’t matter. I can afford anything you

want to order.”

He shook his head. “I’m not worried about that, Winston. I’ve just never eaten at a place

that doesn’t put its prices on the menu.”

“Oh.” Winston settled back to read the menu and Patrick let their conversation lag for a

few moments while he figured out what he might want, but he couldn’t read French, so he
wasn’t entirely sure what some of the entrées were.

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“Would you like me to order for you?”
Looking up, he noticed Winston smiling at him. “It might be a good idea. I’m not

entirely sure what some of these words mean.”

“Do you have any food allergies or any food you don’t like at all?”
Patrick shook his head. “No. I’ll eat pretty much anything.”
“That’s helpful.”
When the waiter returned with Patrick’s wine, Winston ordered for them. Patrick didn’t

mind having Winston take over that part of the night. He figured he would order the things
he liked and Patrick trusted him. Plus Winston struck him as the kind of guy who expected
perfection in every aspect of his life, and the food he ate would be no different.

Once the waiter had disappeared towards the kitchen, Patrick asked, “What did you

order me?”

Winston explained, but Patrick didn’t really know what some of the food was, so he

simply nodded. To be honest, he was willing to try anything at least once.

“You didn’t order a drink,” he mentioned.
Winston frowned. “I’m an alcoholic. A recovering one, but still an alcoholic. I don’t

drink even a sip because I don’t trust myself not to get out of control.”

“You’re a strong man to admit you have a problem and actually do something about


“My father is one as well, but he’s never got help for it. I refuse to become my father.”
Patrick could see that it was a rough topic and he didn’t want anything bad touching

their time together. Not yet, anyway. Maybe if there were other dates, they could visit family
memories. He rocked back in his seat and slid his foot across the floor to rub the toe of his
shoe along Winston’s ankle.

The man jumped and Patrick decided it was going to be fun, teasing Winston all

through dinner. He hadn’t planned on anything happening between them besides just
enjoying some good conversation and wine.

The kisses they’d shared had convinced Patrick that if Winston was open to it, he’d

definitely be willing to let the man take him to his bed. He wanted to know if Winston
fucked as good as he looked.

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Chapter Five

With a grunt, Winston landed on the wall next to Patrick’s apartment door. He

wrapped his arms around Patrick’s waist, keeping the man tight against him as he savoured
Patrick’s mouth. He’d been enjoying the taste and feel of Patrick since they’d left the
restaurant. He couldn’t believe it was happening, but he wasn’t willing to say or do anything
that would bring Patrick back to his senses.

A door opened down the hallway and Patrick broke away from him. Winston stood

there, chest heaving, and stared at Patrick while he struggled to get his key in the lock. When
Patrick stopped for a second, taking a deep breath as if he were steadying his nerves,
Winston touched his shoulder.

“Are you okay? Do you want me to leave?”
Patrick shot him a stunned look. “Why would you think that?”
Winston shrugged. “I don’t know. I just worried that maybe we were getting carried

away and you’d regret this when you woke up tomorrow morning.”

After getting the door open, Patrick grabbed Winston by the lapels of his coat and

yanked him into the apartment. He was slightly off balance as he waited while Patrick shut
and locked the door.

“There have been mornings when I’ve woke and instantly regretted what I’d done—or

who I’d done, but those were nights when I’d had too much to drink.”

“And the guy you brought home wasn’t nearly as good-looking as he’d been the night

before,” Winston commiserated, because he’d been in the same situation when he’d been

“Right.” Patrick motioned for Winston to give him his coat. “I’m not drunk and I know

exactly what I’m doing tonight. I’m taking a gorgeous man to my bed. I’ll admit it might not
be the best idea I’ve had, since you could technically be considered my boss, but I can’t bring
myself to care.”

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Winston watched as Patrick hung up his coat then put it in the closet. When Patrick

faced him, Winston noticed that he was undoing his cuffs. Reaching for his tie, Winston
turned to search the apartment.

“Where’s your bedroom?”
Patrick pushed past him then took the lead. “I’ll give you a tour of the place later.”
Winston wasn’t interested in Patrick’s home at the moment. All he really wanted was to

get the man naked and in bed. Winston followed Patrick’s perfect ass while unbuttoning his

“Sorry. I wasn’t expecting to have anyone in here.” Patrick swept up a pile of folded

clothes then set them on a chair in the corner.

“I don’t expect it to be neat, Patrick.” Winston grabbed his arm as the man started to

dash by him to straighten the sheets on the bed. He encircled Patrick’s waist before pulling
him close. “We’re just going to mess them up again.”

He didn’t wait for Patrick to say anything, burying his fingers in Patrick’s hair to hold

his head still before he crushed their lips together. Winston was done talking. Patrick opened
to his demand and Winston licked along the edge of Patrick’s teeth before stroking his
tongue alongside Patrick’s.

Patrick whimpered as he pushed on Winston’s shoulders. It didn’t seem like he wanted

Winston to let go, but wanted him to move. So Winston took a step back, managing not to
break the kiss. He trusted that Patrick wouldn’t let him trip over something on the way to the

He let go of Patrick to fumble with the buttons on the man’s shirt. They needed to get

undressed before he came in his pants, which had never happened to him, not even as a
teenager. He ended their kiss when his lungs began to burn from lack of oxygen.

“Off,” he commanded, tugging on Patrick’s belt.
“You need to be naked as well.” Patrick tossed Winston’s tie over his shoulder.
Winston didn’t think about how wrinkled his clothes were going to be from lying

crumpled on the floor. All he wanted was to see Patrick bare and spread out, offering his
body for Winston to use as he saw fit.

When all of his clothes were off, Winston looked up and his mouth went dry. Patrick

stood before him—so beautiful and stunning in his nakedness. His pale skin almost glowed

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in the soft light. He wasn’t as tall and bulky as Winston. Patrick was built along sleek,
slender lines, but his muscles were defined enough to give him taut abs. His cock rose from a
well-trimmed nest of pubic hair at Patrick’s groin. It was slender like Patrick, but still it made
Winston’s own cock twitch.

“Come here,” he whispered, crooking his finger at Patrick while sitting on the edge of

the bed.

“Yes, sir.” Patrick flashed him an impish smile.
He flicked one of Patrick’s nipples as soon as he was close enough. Patrick gasped and

Winston chuckled. He wrapped one of his hands around Patrick’s shaft then pumped once.
Moaning, Patrick ran his fingers through Winston’s hair but didn’t try to stop him. Winston
licked the tip of Patrick’s cock, swirling his tongue around the head then pressing it against
the little bundle of nerves right under it.

Patrick jerked and Winston peered up at him, meeting his gaze while he sucked the

entire length down, relaxing his throat to take it all. Soon his nose was buried in the curls
around the base of Patrick’s dick. He swallowed and the flexing of his muscles dragged
another moan from Patrick.

“God, your mouth, Winston. Can I move?” Patrick asked.
Humming his approval, Winston loosened his grip to allow Patrick to slide through his

hand then in and out of his mouth. He kept the suction strong, loving how Patrick felt on his
tongue. Winston worked some of his fingers in his mouth alongside Patrick’s length. He got
them as wet as he could with his spit.

After easing them out, he slid his hand around Patrick’s hip to caress his crease.

Winston rubbed his finger over Patrick’s hole for a few seconds, then pressed it in. Patrick
paused for a second at the invasion and Winston didn’t force him. He’d move when he was
ready. While he waited, Winston sucked on the head of Patrick’s dick, tasting the pre-cum
leaking from the man’s slit.

Finally Patrick pushed his ass back, and they both groaned as Winston breached the

tight ring. Patrick’s body took him in as though it was meant to be. Soon Patrick was rocking
between Winston’s mouth and his fingers, and eventually Winston could work all three of
them in. He kept up the suction and the stretching, wanting Patrick to come before Winston
fucked him. Winston twisted his fingers and nailed Patrick’s gland.

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“Shit!” Patrick trembled as Winston did his best to work both his cock and his ass.

“Winston, I’m going to come,” he warned.

He tapped his hip to let Patrick know it was okay. He wanted to taste his lover then

fuck him hard. Winston tightened his grip around Patrick’s cock, encouraging him.

Salty, bitter cum flooded his mouth and he swallowed as much as he could. Patrick’s

muscles clenched around his fingers while his climax washed over him. Once Patrick had
slumped over him and his cock had softened, Winston licked him clean before letting him
slip from his mouth.

He helped Patrick lie on the bed. “Where are your supplies?”
Brushing some hair off Patrick’s forehead, Winston smiled. “Blew your mind, huh?”
Patrick slapped him lightly on the chest. “The lube is under the bed. The condoms are

in the bathroom under the sink.”

Winston crouched then reached under the bed to grab the bottle of lube. He

straightened before tossing it on the covers next to Patrick. “Why don’t you get yourself
ready while I go get some rubbers?”

“All right.” Patrick was reaching for the slick as Winston left to get the rest of the stuff

they needed.

After finding the bathroom, he got a strip out of the box under the sink then made his

way back to Patrick. He paused as he walked in and spotted Patrick spread-eagled on the
comforter with his fingers buried in his ass.

“I would be happy to see this every time I walked into this room,” Winston murmured.
Patrick smiled at him and held out his free hand. “Come and fuck me, Winston.”
“How could I turn that offer down?”
Winston crawled onto the mattress before settling between Patrick’s legs. He tore one of

the foil packets off the strip, tossing the rest over his shoulder when he was done. Patrick
squirted some more lube onto the palm of his hand while Winston rolled the latex onto his

“Let me,” Patrick said as he reached out to stroke his hand up and down Winston’s


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After a couple of those touches, Winston encircled Patrick’s wrist to stop him. “We’re

done with that. I’ll be coming if you keep that up.”

Patrick caught his legs behind the knees before pulling them up and to the sides, giving

Winston access to his hole. “I want you coming in my ass, so do it. Don’t worry about being
gentle. Just start reaming me.”

Winston positioned the head of his dick at Patrick’s opening then began to push in.

Patrick shoved back, so it went smoothly in until Winston was buried as far as he could be.
He paused for a moment to make sure that Patrick was all right. No matter what the man
had said, Winston didn’t want to hurt him.

Patrick had caught his bottom lip between his teeth while Winston breached him, but

after a few seconds, he relaxed and tightened his channel around Winston. “Go ahead, man.”

“Thank God,” Winston muttered as he slid almost all the way out before slamming

back in.

He took Patrick at his word, and began to just take him hard and fast. It had been a

while since Winston had actually had sex with a person. He’d got to know his hand quite
well simply because he didn’t have the time to go looking for a warm body to fuck.

Not wanting to be a total bastard, he did his best to try to make it good for Patrick as

well. He wedged his hands under Patrick’s butt then changed the angle of his hips so he
could hit Patrick’s gland each time he thrust in and out.

“Winston.” Patrick groaned as he trembled and came again. This climax didn’t seem as

strong as his first one, but still a little cum spilled from his cock.

Winston stared down into Patrick’s eyes while he rocked into him. Patrick wrapped his

arms and legs around Winston’s body, pulling him closer, which made his strokes go deeper.
As Patrick massaged Winston’s length, Winston felt his balls draw tight to his body and the
pressure build in his groin.

One last thrust in and he froze, his orgasm tearing through him while cum flooded the

condom. Tremors racked his body and he dropped his head against Patrick’s forehead to try
to catch his breath.

Patrick was murmuring in his ear, but the pounding of his heart filled his head at the

moment and Winston had no idea what Patrick was saying. Closing his eyes, he slowed his
breathing down, which in turn calmed his heartbeat.

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“Are you okay?”
He braced his hands on the bed before pushing himself off Patrick. “Sorry. I didn’t

squash you, did I?”

Patrick chuckled. “No. I’m fine.”
Then he winced as Winston’s softened cock started to slide from his ass. Winston

grabbed the base of the condom, not wanting to make a mess. He rolled out of bed then went
to the bathroom to clean up. He brought a washcloth back for Patrick and once Patrick had
washed up, he took it back to the bathroom.

Winston strolled back into the bedroom then stood there, unsure what to do next.

Patrick shifted under the blankets before holding them up.

“Why don’t you come and sleep with me? I’ll set my alarm and you can head out in an

hour or so if you want. Or you can stay until the morning before you go back to your hotel.”

“I’ve never shared a bed with anyone,” Winston admitted even as he joined Patrick

under the covers.

“A love ‘em and leave ‘em type of guy, huh?” Patrick snuggled close, pulling Winston’s

arm around him then pressing Winston’s hand against his chest.

Winston grimaced at the thought of being that kind of guy. “I hope I’m not quite that

rude to the men I sleep with. I just don’t like having them in my flat with me, plus I’m
usually up so early to get into the office and start work that there’s no point in them staying
the entire night.”

“Makes sense,” Patrick said.
Not wanting to keep Patrick from getting rest, Winston didn’t say anything else. He

simply lay there, listening as Patrick’s breathing slowed until he was pretty sure that Patrick
had drifted off.

Once he was sure of that, Winston slipped from the bed, hoping that Patrick didn’t

wake. He couldn’t ignore the fact that his clothes were scattered all over Patrick’s floor.
Moving quietly, Winston gathered all the items then folded them. He set his clothes on the
chair before hanging Patrick’s suit up in the closet. He wasn’t sure where Patrick usually put
his dirty clothes, so he set them on the floor near the bedroom door.

After grabbing their shoes, he carried them out and lined them up by the front door.

Then he grabbed his phone to check his email to make sure there weren’t any issues at the

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office that needed his attention. After finishing up with that, and confirming that there
weren’t any emails from his assistant, he let his phone drop onto the coffee table and shook
his head.

Of course there weren’t any messages. It’s the weekend, idiot. No one is working. He needed to

learn how to let his work go when he left the office every night. It was that determination to
figure out how to relax and have fun without worrying about his business that had brought
him to New York sooner than he was expected to be here. He had wanted to spend some
time not working and enjoying his free time.

The last time he had visited Adrien to talk about their new acquisition’s financial

problems, he’d realised that he was becoming his father, driven to make money. The worst
was that his father did it at the expense of his loved ones. Not that Winston had any loved
ones anymore, since his parents had chosen to disown him because he wouldn’t go back into
the closet they wanted him to stay in.

Yet he had friends who cared for him and he knew they were worried. Why else would

Adrien try to set him up with Patrick? He wouldn’t be surprised if Sidney had been in on it
as well, though Patrick wasn’t the kind of guy Sidney would’ve decided on. No, Winston
was pretty sure Sidney would’ve sent him some gothic twink who was slinky like a cat and
very sexual.

Those kinds of guys were more Sidney’s style than Winston’s, but he would’ve

appreciated the gesture because he would’ve understood what it meant. Winston scrubbed
his hands over his face and sighed.

He’d come over early to try to relax for a couple of days before diving back into work,

and had achieved that by taking Patrick out for dinner then coming with him. Winston
glanced towards the bedroom.

Patrick had made him laugh and enjoy not working for a change. Relax? Hell, Winston

was more relaxed than he’d been while trying to take a vacation on the beach in southern

If you’re so relaxed, why the hell are you sitting out here instead of curled up next to Patrick in


“Because I’m afraid of how much I like being in there with him,” he said softly.
“Who are you talking to and why are you out here?”

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He shot to his feet then whirled to see Patrick leaning against the doorframe. Winston

trailed his gaze over Patrick’s naked body then back up to meet his eyes. Patrick raised his
eyebrow in a silent question.

“Oh, right. I took care of our clothes then thought I’d check my phone to make sure

there weren’t any messages.” Winston waved his hand in the direction of his phone.

“Cool. But it’s time to go to bed, Winston.” Patrick held out his hand.
Moving over to Patrick, he took his hand and let him lead him back to the bedroom.

They curled up under the blankets again. Only this time, Patrick wrapped his arms around
Winston, pulling him back against his chest. Sighing, he closed his eyes to let any tension go
and he fell asleep.

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Chapter Six

“Excuse me.”
Patrick raised his gaze from the file he’d been transcribing onto his computer. A tall,

beautiful redhead stood in front of his desk. He pushed to his feet and walked around to
greet her.

“Hello, ma’am. How may I help you?”
She smiled and Patrick blinked at how blinding it was. “I was wondering if you could

tell Winston Tennant that Sonia is here to see him.”

“Mr Tennant is in an important meeting, but I’m sure I could give him a message for

you.” Patrick went back to his seat then sat. He snatched up a pen before pulling over a piece
of paper.

Sonia pouted slightly. “Are you sure you couldn’t just buzz him and have him come out

here? He won’t mind at all, though he didn’t know I was coming.”

Maybe if he wasn’t gay, her pretty pout would’ve worked on him. As it was, he thought

it was cute, but it didn’t change his mind. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I was given specific instructions
not to bother Mr Bellamy and Mr Tennant. I don’t think they were expecting their meeting to
run much longer. If you’d like to wait, I can see when they think they’ll be done.”

“That’s all right. Just give him a message from me. Tell him his wife would like him to

call her. We need to talk and since he’s in New York, I think it would be a good idea to do it
here.” Sonia tugged out her phone. “Let me leave you my new number for you to give him. I
changed it yesterday.”

“Okay.” Patrick wrote her number down. “Are you sure you don’t want to wait?”
Shaking her head, she laughed. “No. I have to meet friends for lunch. Winston will call

me later.”

Patrick pursed his lips, not liking the thought that Winston might be married and had

cheated with him the night before. He had to admit that it didn’t seem like something
Winston would do, but then again, what did he know about the man? It didn’t matter much

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that Adrien considered him a friend. Men changed, and they hadn’t been in touch a lot lately,
aside from work issues.

“Have a good day,” she called as she strolled from the office.
“You too,” Patrick replied while finishing the note. He went to the door of Adrien’s

office then knocked.

“Come in,” Adrien called from inside.
After entering, Patrick handed the note to Winston. “Your wife stopped by and asked

me to tell you to call her.”

Winston took the paper from him, but stuffed it in his pocket instead of reading it.

“Sonia’s quite hilarious at times.”

“Well, she was married to you for a few years, Winston. She just likes to tweak your tail

once in a while.” Adrien grinned.

“I know, but sometimes her jokes fall flat.” Winston met Patrick’s gaze and grimaced.

“And something tells me this is one of those moments.”

Patrick shrugged, not wanting to get into it at the moment. He was at work and while

Adrien would find out soon enough that he and Winston had slept together, since he’d
mentioned it to Ion at lunch, he didn’t want to discuss it anywhere near his boss.

“Is there anything else I can get for either of you?” he asked.
Winston started to say something, but Adrien shook his head and said, “We’re almost

done for now. Did you get an office cleaned out for Winston?”

“Yes, sir. Everything is set up, and I can assist him if need be.”
“Good.” Adrien dismissed him with a nod.
Patrick shut the door behind him then dropped into his chair behind his desk. He

grabbed the phone before dialling Ion’s extension. Leaning back, he rested his head on the
cushion behind him, staring up at the ceiling.

“Vasile,” Ion answered.
“Did you know Winston had been married?”
Ion didn’t say anything for a moment, and Patrick realised that he’d surprised his


“Yes, I knew he was divorced. Didn’t he mention it last night at dinner?”

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Patrick shook his head then remembered that Ion couldn’t see him. “No. It never came

up. I guess I didn’t think about him being married.”

“Adrien said he got married to please his father, then couldn’t deal with the lies

anymore and divorced his wife. He came out after that, which caused his parents to disown
him. It wasn’t pretty. Why do you ask?”

“His ex-wife was just here. Only she said she was his wife.” He pinched the bridge of

his nose. “I don’t know why I’m freaking out. It was just one night, and I never got the
feeling that Winston would cheat on someone he loved, or would do it if he were married.”

Ion chuckled. “I think you like him more than your usual guys, so even the faintest hint

that he might belong to someone else worries you because you don’t want to lose him.”

He grunted, not willing to believe his best friend. Hell, he and Winston had really only

spent time together the past two days. He hadn’t said much of anything the last time
Winston had been in town. Could his emotions have got tangled up with the man so quickly?

“Patrice has a bakery she wants you and Adrien to check out for the wedding cake.

She’ll set up a tasting appointment if you call her to give her times,” he informed Ion,
wanting to change the subject.

Ion groaned. “Fine. I’ll call her tonight after talking to Adrien about it. I have to get back

to this account. Are you all right now?”

“I’m fine for now. Sorry to bug you about it. I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up, then

dropped his head to his desk with a sigh.

He didn’t waste too much time worrying about the situation—he had work to do.

Sitting up, Patrick turned his screen back on before finishing the rest of the files he’d been
working on transcribing.

Thirty minutes later, Winston left Adrien’s office. He strolled over to stand next to the

desk, but Patrick held up a finger to let him know he’d be with him in a minute. Patrick
typed in the last words then hit save before turning to meet Winston’s gaze.

“Are you ready to see your office?”
Winston nodded. “Patrick, I just wanted to let you know—”
Patrick shook his head. “Not here, Mr Tennant. I don’t want to bring personal business

to work.”

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“All right, but may I take you out to dinner tonight to explain?” Winston asked,

hesitation in his voice.

“I thought you’d be going to dinner with your ex-wife,” he commented, trying not to

sound upset.

“No. I’ll call her when I get to my office, but I don’t want to deal with her right now. All

she wants is to give me a hard time about something. I know it’s not her birthday because I
sent her a present last week.” Winston tugged on his bottom lip while he seemed to be
thinking about what Sonia might want.

“I’ll take you to your office, so you can call her and find out. If it’s nothing important,

then yes, I’ll have dinner with you. But I think we should have dinner at my place. I don’t
need you to take me out to expensive restaurants all the time.” After standing, he glanced
around to make sure they were alone before he cradled Winston’s face in his hands. Pushing
up on his toes, he brushed a quick kiss over Winston’s lips. “We’ll talk about all of this

Winston relaxed, and Patrick figured out the man had been really worried that Patrick

would tell him no. Stepping back, he met Winston’s gaze.

“Don’t worry, Winston. I was a little freaked, but I worked it out. It’s not that big a


“Are you sure?” Winston took a deep breath. “Okay. Take me to my office. I have some

files I need to get from my assistant in London.”

“Come with me.” Patrick led the way across the hall to an empty office that he’d set up

with everything he’d thought Winston might need. “If you need anything else, just buzz me
and I’ll grab it for you. Oh, let me show you where the break room is. I don’t get coffee.”

Laughing, Winston followed him to the room a few doors down. “Is there tea?”
“Yes. I went out and picked your favourite. I talked to your assistant last week to make

sure we had things that you would like.” He opened one of the cabinets to point out where
the tea was. “There’s the brand of sugar you like and milk in the refrigerator. Snacks are in
there as well.”

“Thanks, Patrick. I appreciate the effort you’ve gone to in making sure I’m comfortable

here.” Winston slid his hand over Patrick’s shoulder then gave a soft squeeze before moving

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Patrick winked before he left to go back to his desk.

* * * *

“Are you ready to go?”
Patrick turned off his computer before standing. He nodded as he answered Winston.

“Yes. Let’s go. I assume you aren’t meeting Mrs Tennant tonight?”

Winston winced a little, but his smile was bright. “No. I told her I had a date with a hot

younger man and she told me to enjoy myself. I’m meeting her for lunch tomorrow. Oh, and
she isn’t Mrs Tennant anymore. She married a marvellous man who loves her more than
anything in the world. I went to her wedding and bought her a very expensive present.
We’re friends, though, for a while after we divorced, I didn’t think she’d ever forgive me.”

“Well, it had to be a huge shock to be happily married one day, then the next find out

your husband was gay.” Patrick grabbed his coat and messenger bag. “I need to let Mr
Bellamy know I’m leaving.”

“Why don’t you call him Adrien while you’re at work?” Winston trailed behind him.
Patrick knocked on the door, waiting for Adrien to tell him he could come in. “He’s my

boss and I show him respect by not using his first name at work. I’m not trying to capitalise
on our friendship outside of the office by being too familiar here.”

After peeking in, he spotted Adrien and Ion sitting close together on the couch. There

were files and papers spread out over every surface, letting Patrick know they were working
on some project.

“I’m heading out, Mr Bellamy. Do you need anything else before I go?”
Adrien shook his head. “No. If I can’t find something on my own, I’ll give you a call

and have you walk me through getting it.”

“Okay. I’ll call you later, Ion.” He smiled at his best friend before starting to leave.
“I’ll call you later as well, Adrien.” Winston stuck his head in and waved. “I’m having

dinner with Patrick again tonight, so you don’t have to worry about keeping me

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His boss blinked, but didn’t say anything. Ion motioned for them to get out of there.

Patrick herded Winston down the hall into the elevator. They stood beside each other in the
car, watching the floor numbers light up as they went down to the lobby.

There was a sedan waiting at the kerb for them when they left the building. The driver

opened the back door and Patrick gave him directions to his place before he slipped in.
Winston joined him and they were shut into a comforting darkness.

After setting his bag and coat on the seat in front of him, he turned to Winston. They

met halfway and Patrick slid his fingers into Winston’s hair while kissing him. He moaned
when Winston tugged him closer so he ended up straddling the man. Rocking his hips, he
ground their groins together.

“Bloody hell.” Winston tore his lips away from Patrick’s and panted. “I’m thinking we

might have to miss dinner, or have a late meal.”

“We can order takeout and have it delivered,” Patrick murmured, nuzzling Winston’s


“Sounds good to me.”
Winston tilted his head back and Patrick bit the edge of Winston’s chin then licked a

line along his throat to where his pulse stuttered in the tender triangle of skin. He sucked on
it a little and Winston shuddered.

Patrick leant back to get enough room and undid Winston’s tie. After pushing it out of

the way, he unbuttoned the man’s shirt, baring Winston’s chest. Whimpering, Patrick
caressed the light blanket of hair covering Winston’s pecs and nipples. He rearranged his
own body so he could put his lips on those copper pieces of flesh. He pinched the right one
between his teeth then tugged.

“Oh shit!” Winston arched his back off the seat, almost knocking Patrick off his lap.
“Hold onto me. I don’t want to fall on the floor and hurt myself. I’d never hear the end

of that,” he warned.

He wasn’t sure if Winston had heard him, but he grunted when Winston grabbed two

handfuls of his butt to yank him closer. Patrick kept working Winston’s nipples—one after
the other—until both were red and more than likely aching.

When Winston fumbled with his belt, Patrick sucked his stomach in so Winston could

get his fingers in to get Patrick’s pants open. He shivered at Winston’s touch on the small of

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his back, right above his crease. Then Winston pressed his fingers to Patrick’s lips and he
took them in, getting them as wet as he could.

His lover’s chest called to him again, so he let Winston go before focusing back on those

hard nubs. He played with them, twisting them a little to draw moans from Winston. Patrick
jumped when Winston rubbed his wet fingers over his hole.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to relax while pushing back. Patrick bit his bottom lip to

keep quiet as Winston invaded his inner channel with his fingers. Soon he rested his head on
Winston’s shoulder while rocking onto them. Winston twisted and nailed Patrick’s gland. It
was as though electricity shot through him and Patrick moaned.

“Touch yourself,” Winston ordered.
Shifting as best he could without dislodging Winston, Patrick got his hand around his

cock then started stroking.

Winston never let up and Patrick could feel his climax building. He threw his head back

and cried out as he came, hot cum spilling over his fingers and getting their suits dirty.
Winston continued pegging his gland until Patrick couldn’t take it anymore, protesting

He collapsed into Winston’s arms, letting his lover hold him while he caught his breath.

Winston murmured as he removed his coat then his shirt to use it to clean up as best he
could. Patrick let Winston push him over onto his back once he was done.

“I’m not sure I can move right now,” Patrick admitted.
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.” Winston tucked him back in then did up his pants.
Glancing over at Winston, Patrick couldn’t help but chuckle. “I ruined your suit.”
Winston grimaced before shrugging. “It’s not like I can’t afford a new one.” He tossed

his shirt on the floor of the car before taking Patrick’s hand in his. “I have a feeling we’re
getting close to your place.”

Just as he said that, the car rolled to a stop and they scrambled to pick up their things

before the driver got the door open. Patrick climbed out first then Winston. Patrick noticed
that the driver’s eyebrows went up at the sight of Winston’s bare chest.

“Thank you. You can head home for the night. I’ll grab a cab if I go back to the hotel,”

Winston told him.

“Yes, sir.” The driver nodded as he shut the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

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Patrick took Winston’s hand to drag him into the building, wanting to clean up their

mess and maybe take care of Winston’s erection as soon as possible.

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Chapter Seven

“What do you want me to order?” Patrick glanced up from the takeaway menus he’d

been studying.

Winston sat, relaxed and pleasantly tired, on Patrick’s couch. They’d taken a shower

together where Patrick had taken care of Winston’s hard-on. All cleaned up, he now wore a
pair of sweats that Patrick swore were Ion’s and not a former lover’s. They were a little short
and tight, but much more comfortable than his suit pants.

“Can we get some Indian or Thai?” He’d been craving something spicy, being used to

eating at his favourite Thai restaurant in London several times throughout the week.

“Sure. Here’s the menu.”
A paper pamphlet hit his chest right before Patrick flopped down next to him. Winston

read the offerings, making up his mind then shot Patrick a look. “You ordering?”

“Of course. They know me at this place. I usually get something from them once a week

or so. When Ion and I do our movie nights, we get a ton of food from them.” Patrick picked
up his phone from the end table. Dialling, he said, “Point out what you want.”

After doing so, Winston watched as Patrick talked to whoever answered. His own

phone rang and Winston checked the screen. Frowning, he held it up to show Patrick that he
had to get it.

He moved into Patrick’s bedroom before swiping his finger across the screen. “What do

you want?”

“That’s no way to answer the phone, Winston,” his mother informed him. “Especially

when it’s your mother calling.”

“I don’t understand why you and Father are calling me. You ignored me for years since

I came out and suddenly you’re bothering me. What scheme are you two hatching?”

She sighed in annoyance. “There’s no scheme, Winston. We’re simply worried about

you and want to make sure you’re doing all right. It’s time for you to come back to the family

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Winston shoved his hand through his hair. “I’m not coming back, Mother. I never

wanted to practise law anyway. I’m happy working for Adrien.”

“Yes, well, I have a wonderful girl for you to meet. She has an impeccable bloodline.

Perfect for furthering your position in society.” His mother ignored his protest.

“First of all, I’m gay. I’m not interested in women as anything other than friends.

Second of all, she’s not a bloody racehorse whose bloodline matters. I’m done being your
puppet and have been since I divorced Sonia.” Winston paced.

“Oh, Sonia was low class. She wouldn’t have done anything for your career. There was

no way she’d have advanced your place in society.” She wasn’t hearing him and Winston
was done.

“Goodbye, Mother.” He hung up and, clenching his phone tightly, he thought about

throwing it against the wall.

“She’s not worth destroying a perfectly good phone over,” Patrick commented from

where he stood in the doorway.

Winston dropped to the edge of the mattress and let the phone fall onto the covers. He

shook his head. “I don’t understand why they’re calling me all of a sudden. I wasn’t good
enough to be part of their family when I came out. Why am I suddenly good enough now?”

Patrick sat next to him, hand resting on his knee. “Maybe they changed their minds and

realised being gay isn’t a bad thing.”

“Umm… No. That’s not it at all. They keep telling me they have some nice girls for me

to meet who will help me in my career and society. I continue informing them that I’m gay
and there isn’t a woman out there that can change my mind about that.” His harsh laughter
filled the air. “If there was, it would’ve been Sonia, and see what happened with that.”

“How long were you married?” Patrick took Winston’s hand and encouraged him to

climb on the bed. They curled up against the pillows while Winston thought about his
marriage to Sonia.

“Three years,” Winston said. “We married when I was twenty and she was nineteen.

We were so young, and I had no real inkling about being gay. I liked having sex with her, but
I didn’t love it. It didn’t blow my mind like I’d always heard sex should. You would’ve
thought I’d have caught on sooner, having Adrien and Sidney as friends, but while they were

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positive I was gay, I wasn’t. I didn’t want to disappoint my father. I knew he wanted me to
marry a good woman, become a lawyer and join his firm.”

Patrick ran his hand up and down Winston’s back, not saying anything, but Winston

knew he was listening to him. Winston rested his head on Patrick’s chest as he thought back
to those horrible days when he’d figured out what was wrong with his marriage, along with
coming to the conclusion that nothing he did was ever going to win his father’s approval.

“I started drinking heavily a year after we were married. I mean, I’d always had some

drinks when hanging out with the guys, but it wasn’t all the time. The liquor helped numb
the pain from trying to be everything to everyone, yet knowing I was falling horribly short.”

“What got you to make those changes? You could’ve continued being unhappy and

drinking yourself to death. Something must have kicked you in the ass.” Patrick placed a kiss
on the top of Winston’s head.

Winston closed his eyes, absorbing the care in Patrick’s touch and voice. Why had he

never spent time with any of his former lovers like this? Why had he always pushed them
away instead of being willing to give them a chance to fill the empty spots in his heart? He
had the unhappy feeling that he had missed something while trying to prove his father

“Adrien and Sidney did. They are my best friends and got worried about me. They

kidnapped me away from my father’s law firm then took me to a B & B on the Isle of Skye
where they spent three days sobering me up. Once I was coherent again, they interrogated
me about everything. They tore me down and when I was completely exposed, they built me
back up.” Winston sighed, remembering all the tears he’d cried those three days, but also the
laughter they’d shared as he had worked his way to his truth. “They really are the family of
my heart.”

“I don’t know Mr Richardson that well. We’ve all gone out dancing a couple times, but

I haven’t spent much time with him. Now, Adrien is a great guy. I watch how he treats Ion,
and I know he loves my best friend. Seeing how Adrien’s parents are towards each other, I
have a good feeling that Adrien and Ion will be together for a lifetime.” Patrick slipped his
fingers under the waistband of Winston’s sweats to caress the curve of his ass.

“They’re good for each other. I’ve never seen Adrien so happy and as close to his family

as he is now. I think the fact that they all seem to love Ion has given Adrien a new way of

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looking at the people in his life. They surprised him by welcoming Ion with open arms.”
Winston wiggled closer.

Patrick laughed. “Yeah. Ion told me about all the horror stories Adrien had shared with

him. He really thought Mr and Mrs Bellamy were terrible snobs. When they turned out to be
wonderful people, he said Adrien was shocked.”

Winston nodded, rubbing his cheek over Patrick’s bare skin. “For some reason, Adrien

always believed his parents wouldn’t accept just any man for him. To be honest, I think he
used that as an excuse not to get attached to any of his boyfriends. I’d never got the feeling
his family were more concerned about their place in society than his happiness. Hell, I have a
shining example of social climbing snobs in my parents.”

“True. So what happened after they got your head out of your ass and you figured out

you were gay?” Patrick steered the conversation back to Winston. “I mean, give me details. I
have a general idea how everything turned out.”

“I got back to London and my father was freaking out. I’d been out of touch for three

days, and he wanted to know why. Apparently one of his clients needed some information
that my father should’ve known, but since he’d pushed the account onto me, he had no idea
what they were talking about. The client hadn’t been happy and I had a lot of fast talking to
do to keep him from going somewhere else.” Winston smiled. “Of course, after Father kicked
me out of the firm, the client left anyway.”

Patrick trailed his fingers along Winston’s crease, stopping to rub lightly over his hole.

Winston shuddered, wanting more than just a touch. Bottoming wasn’t something he did
often. Not because he didn’t like it, but because, for some reason, his lovers all assumed that
he would top. Winston liked a hard cock in his ass as much as the next guy.

He tried to focus on what they were talking about. “The day after I returned to town, I

talked to Sonia and explained what I’d discovered about myself and our marriage. I told her I
wanted a divorce. She wasn’t happy at all. I can’t blame her. She thought her marriage and
world looked one way, and I destroyed that image. To begin with, I also destroyed her self-
esteem. It didn’t matter that I liked guys and could never look at her the same way.”

“But it also could explain to her why your sex life wasn’t that great?” Patrick paused for

a second before continuing, “Unless she thought it was awesome.”

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“Once she calmed down and got over being angry with me, she admitted it wasn’t all

she’d thought it would be. Then she met David and finally found out just how great making
love can be with the right person.”

“That’s right,” Patrick murmured.
Winston protested when Patrick let go of him to roll away. He pushed up on his elbow

to see what he was doing. Patrick grinned at him as he held up the bottle of lube that had
been tossed onto the floor at some point the night before.

“Let’s remind you how good it feels to make love with someone you care about,”

Patrick said. “You do bottom, right?”

“Oh yeah.” Winston didn’t wait for Patrick. He lifted his hips up to strip his sweats and

underwear off, letting the items drop over the edge of the bed.

Patrick motioned for him to scoot closer to the headboard so he could sweep the covers

down to the end of the mattress. Winston rolled over onto his stomach before rising to his
hands and knees. Patrick patted one of his cheeks then he heard the pop of the lid. He only
jumped a little when Patrick smoothed some of the lube along his crack.

Winston rested his forehead on his arms while Patrick rubbed over his opening then

pushed one finger in slowly. He did his best to relax and leant back, helping as best he could.
Patrick didn’t seem to be in a hurry. He eased in and out, filling Winston’s ass with two
fingers after a little while, then eventually with three.

Soon Winston was moving with the rhythm of Patrick’s strokes, and he moaned as

Patrick nibbled along the small of Winston’s back. He spread his legs wider, allowing Patrick
to reach between his thighs. When Patrick wrapped his fist around Winston’s cock then
started to pump up and down, Winston shuddered.

“Patrick.” He moaned, wanting more than he was getting. “I want you in me.”
Patrick bit one of Winston’s butt cheeks before saying, “I can do that. Touch yourself

while I suit up.”

Winston snorted at the ‘suit up’ part, but did as Patrick said. He gripped his shaft as

tight as he liked, bringing his hand up to swipe his palm across the head, and he gathered the
pre-cum to ease the friction. The crinkle of foil caught his attention, causing him to glance
over his shoulder to see Patrick rolling the condom down over his dick. Winston’s mouth
went dry when he realised that Patrick would be fucking him soon.

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Sighing, Winston arched his back as Patrick ran his hands down his spine before

spreading some more lube over both Winston’s hole and Patrick’s cock. Winston inhaled
when Patrick positioned himself between his thighs then started to invade Winston’s

He bit his lip, doing his best to accept the fullness of Patrick, taking him without tensing

or moving away. It had been quite some time since he’d bottomed.

“God, you’re so tight,” Patrick murmured, holding Winston’s hips.
“It’s been a while.” Grunting, he angled his hips and Patrick slid all the way in. “Shit!”
Patrick stayed still, running his thumbs over the curve of Winston’s butt, seemingly

willing to wait until Winston was ready for him to move. Finally, Winston rocked back an
inch or so, signalling to Patrick to start fucking him.

“Oh,” he breathed as Patrick slid almost out then slammed back in. “Please. Harder.”
“All right, love.”
Winston braced his hands against the headboard in front of him, pushing back each

time Patrick thrust in. He was at the right angle as the head of Patrick’s cock brushed over his
gland with every stroke.

The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room along with his grunts and groans.

Winston loved how full he felt each time Patrick pushed back in. His climax built and built
then tore through him like a wave. His arms trembled and his inner passage clenched around
Patrick’s cock, milking him with a strong grip.

Patrick’s rhythm stuttered then he pounded into him a few more times before his own

climax overtook him. Winston locked his arms to keep from collapsing into the wet spot
when Patrick flopped down on top of him. He didn’t know how long they stayed in that
position before his breathing calmed.

He winced as Patrick slid out, knowing he was going to be sore in the morning. With a

sharp exhale, he flopped to the side, covering his eyes with his arm as he listened to Patrick
walk from the room then return.

A cool, damp cloth hit his chest and he jumped. Uncovering his eyes, he peered at

Patrick who stood next to the bed.

“Clean up then we’ll change the sheets.”

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He cleaned himself off before jumping off the mattress to head to the bathroom where

he dropped the cloth in the sink. When he came back, Patrick already had the sheets off, and
was working on putting the clean ones on. Winston helped and as they finished, the intercom

“Dinner’s here.” Patrick grinned at him while tugging on some sweats. “I’ll go get it.”
“Grab my wallet from the end table and get some money. I’ll pay for half. All right?”
“Cool.” Patrick headed out of the room.
Winston picked up his own sweats to get dressed before wandering out into Patrick’s

living room. He’d forgotten that they’d ordered dinner. As he eased down to sit on the
couch, he grimaced at the ache in his ass.

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Chapter Eight

Patrick bit back his laughter as he walked back towards the living room, spotting

Winston sitting gingerly on his couch. “Are you okay?”

Blushing, Winston ducked his head. “I’m a little sore, but I’ll be okay.”
“Do you want some ibuprofen? It’ll take the ache away.” He set the takeout boxes on

the coffee table. “We can eat out here unless you want to eat at the dining table.”

“Here’s fine.” Winston chuckled. “I have to admit, I’ve never eaten on a couch before.”
“Never?” Patrick wandered into the kitchen before getting plates, silverware and

napkins. “What would you like to drink? I have milk, orange juice, soda and coffee. Oh, and
water, of course.”

“Soda would be great. Let me get the plates. You bring the drinks.” Winston had

followed him. He took the tray with all the eating implements while Patrick pulled out two
sodas for them. He didn’t mind not having a beer with dinner.

Once they were settled with food and drinks, Patrick curled up on the floor in front of

the couch. Winston took a spot close to him.

“Why haven’t you ever eaten in the living room? Not even when you had friends over

to watch a movie or something.”

“I never had friends over when I was younger. My parents wouldn’t allow it. Also, we

always ate at the dining room table. Only peasants ate on the floor, possibly making a mess
and all that.” Winston shrugged as he took a bite of his food. “I learned not to ask to have
friends over.”

“Adrien and Sidney never came over when you were together at Oxford?”
“No. During our breaks, we’d go to the islands, Spain or any place we could think of

where we could have fun without having our parents keeping an eye on us. I’m sure, though,
their parents left them alone. Mine called me every day, wanting to know when I was coming
home because they had some girl or other that they wanted me to meet. It was constant.”
Winston stared at his plate. “I finally broke down and they introduced me to Sonia. I didn’t
fight it. We ended up getting married six months after we met.”

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“That was quick,” he said, then he laughed. “What am I talking about? Ion and Adrien

are getting married in three months.”

“True, but they love each other and want to make it official because of those emotions.

Even though I liked Sonia, I married her because I wanted my parents to leave me alone. My
mother was so thrilled, and she put on a big society wedding, or as big as she could,
considering we really aren’t a major part of the social scene. Not like the Bellamys.”

Patrick nodded. The Bellamys were always mentioned in the society section of the

newspapers, plus Alain, the youngest son, often got his picture in the entertainment
magazines. “That’s what happens when you’re rich and good-looking.”

Winston inclined his head in agreement. “Anyway, after I explained to Sonia that I was

gay and wanted a divorce, she was more than happy to give me one. Once she agreed to it, I
had to tell my parents. I knew they wouldn’t be thrilled, but I figured they wouldn’t be so
upset that they did what they did.”

“You said they disowned you, right?” Patrick filled up his plate again before settling

down right next to Winston. “My parents weren’t ecstatic when I came out to them. They
might have thought about tossing me out on my ear while I was a teenager, but I doubt it
had anything to do with me being gay. I was a rather obnoxious kid, though I got teased a lot
in school before I met Ion.”

Leaning, Winston rested his shoulder against Patrick’s. “I would hope that most parents

wouldn’t do as mine did. Yet I’m afraid there are more families than we’d like to think who
would throw their children away.”

“True. What happened when you talked to them?”
“My father yelled at me, telling me I was just rebelling against his authority. Like my

being gay was a choice I’d made to get back at him for my terrible childhood. My mother sat
and cried, begging me not to divorce Sonia. She’d never get grandchildren and other silly
things. I only say silly because my mother never liked children and I doubt very much she’d
have been happy to spend any time with any of mine.” Winston set his plate down then
shifted around so he could rest his head on Patrick’s shoulder. “In some ways, I understand
how Ion feels about his mother turning her back on him.”

Patrick clenched his jaw. He didn’t really want to talk about Ion’s mother. The bitch had

turned her back on Ion as though he was diseased and she wanted nothing to do with him.

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Thank God his father and brother hadn’t listened to her. Ion had some members of his blood
family who would be at the wedding. Of course, he also had Patrick’s family, the Bellamys,
and several friends who would show up to support him.

He put his cutlery down before encircling Winston’s shoulders, tucking him in close.

“You haven’t talked to them since?”

“They started calling me about two months ago for some reason. It’s always the same.

Father wants me to come back to the law firm. Mother wants to introduce me to the right girl
who will obviously turn me into a straight man, plus advance her spot amongst her friends.”

Winston snuggled up to him, laying his arm over Patrick’s stomach. Patrick brushed a

kiss over the top of Winston’s head.

“Do you know why they might be doing that?”
Shaking his head, Winston said, “No. To be honest, I’m not interested in trying to figure

it out. I’m not going back to their world. I don’t need either of them to make myself happy or
have a productive job. I made a good life for myself and I still have Adrien and Sidney as
friends to be my family.”

“And you have Ion and me, as well. You get Ion because he and Adrien are going to be

a matched pair soon. Me because I happen to really care for you, and I’m not interested in
letting you get away.” Patrick held his breath, not sure if he should’ve said anything to
Winston so soon. He rolled his eyes at himself. It wasn’t as though he was declaring his love
or anything like that. Patrick was simply saying that he liked Winston and didn’t want to
lose his friendship.

Winston eased away from him a few inches to stare at him. “Are you saying you like


“Do you want me to write you a note like a third grader?” Patrick pecked Winston on

the lips. “Yes, I like you, Winston.” He took a deep breath before taking a leap. “In fact, if we
spend more time together, I might even start to feel something deeper for you.”

“Should I be worried by that statement?” Winston cradled Patrick’s face in his hands.
Patrick shrugged slightly, not wanting to dislodge Winston’s grip. “I guess it would be

up to you whether you were worried or not. I was just giving you a heads up.”

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Winston smiled. “I think I’m very happy that you might fall in love with me. Especially

since I think I’m in the exact same position. We’ll just have to figure out the long distance
thing, unless you want to move to London with me.”

“Umm… Let’s see how the rest of this week goes. It’s too soon for us to be talking about

moving in together.” Patrick saw a flash of disappointment in Winston’s eyes and it brought
a smile to his face. “I’m not saying it would never happen, but still let’s finish these next four
days. See how we deal with each other. Maybe you could check out of your hotel and come
stay with me.”

“It’s a start.” Winston nodded. “I can do that tomorrow. I’ll check out in the morning

and bring my bags to the office then come back with you after work.”

He kind of wanted to suggest that they go get Winston’s things right then, because he

was committed to seeing if their relationship was going to work and was in a hurry to start it.
Somehow Winston had wiggled into his life and mind, and Patrick couldn’t imagine his life
without him now, which was scary. He took a deep breath, forcing down the need to shout to
the world that Winston and he were together. Tomorrow will be soon enough to do that.

“All right.” He yawned. “I think we should clean up and call it a night. You have to get

up early to go back to the hotel.”

“Good idea.”
They took care of the plates and the takeout boxes. Patrick got ready first then climbed

into bed while Winston washed up. He spooned the man when he joined him under the
covers. He kissed the nape of Winston’s neck.

“Sweet dreams, love,” he whispered.
“You as well,” Winston answered.

* * * *

“All right. Spill.” Ion pointed at the chair across from him at the restaurant he and

Patrick had picked for lunch. “Winston spent the night again, and from what I saw, he’s
brought his bags to the office. I assume he’s not crashing there.”

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Patrick stared longingly at his burger and fries, having a feeling that they would be cold

by the time he got to eat them. He took a sip of his soda before looking at his friend. “He’s
going to stay with me until he flies back to London.”

Ion’s eyebrows shot up and Patrick saw the surprise in his eyes. “Really? You’re that

serious already?”

“I don’t know if you’d call it serious, but I told him I could fall in love with him if we

continued spending time together.” Patrick lifted the corner of his mouth in a slight smile.
“It’s weird, Ion. I wasn’t looking for someone to love. I mean, I’m jealous of what you and
Adrien have, but it wasn’t like I was out searching for it.”

“Then a gorgeous English man practically dropped into your lap. What were you

supposed to do but show him a good time?” Ion held up his hand to keep Patrick from
saying anything. “I’m not saying you took him to bed because you had an itch that needed
scratching and any man would do. I’m saying that you met him and attraction flared for both
of you.”

Patrick picked at his burger before taking a bite. He thought while he chewed then,

once he had swallowed, he said, “I met him a few weeks ago and thought he was good-
looking, but I never considered taking him to bed.”

Ion nodded. “Of course not. You never saw him outside of the office. He was stressed

about the whole financial issue with that new acquisition and wasn’t at his best. Hell, Adrien
was upset as well. It wasn’t a good time for anyone.”

“We were talking about his family last night. His is even more screwed up than yours,”

he told Ion. “He said that he considers Adrien and Mr Richardson his real family. I explained
that he had you now by default, since you and Adrien are getting married. I also pointed out
that he had me, if he wanted me. I like him, Ion, and he knows that if we keep this up, I could
easily grow to love him.”

Reaching over to cover his hand with his own, Ion smiled. “I’m glad. I wasn’t sure if

Winston was right for you, but Adrien seemed to believe you would be the right guy for him.
I didn’t argue, since I figured as long as you got along with him, it was a good way to spend
some nights. You could show him around and take him places.”

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Patrick smiled then started eating. He didn’t want to waste his food. It was going to be

a busy afternoon because Adrien had back-to-back meetings and Patrick would be expected
to take notes during them. He checked his watch to make sure they were still good on time.

“I have dinner with my parents tomorrow night,” he informed Ion once he had finished

eating. “I’m going to ask Winston if he’d like to go with me. I’m really nervous about the
whole thing.”

“Why be nervous? It’s not the first time you’ve taken a guy home to meet your parents.

You know how they’ll react.” Ion paused then laughed. “Okay. I’m pretty sure that they
won’t be expecting Winston showing up with you, so it could be interesting to see how they
take it.”

Patrick chuckled as well. “I know Patrice has already told them about him. Mom called

me yesterday to remind me about dinner and told me to bring Winston along. I just haven’t
asked him because I don’t want him to panic and think we’re moving too quickly.”

“Too quickly? You’re basically living together, Patrick. I’m not sure how taking him to

meet your family after that is moving too fast.” Ion gestured towards himself. “Of course, I’m
not the right person to ask about how soon is too soon. Look how things sprinted out of
control for Adrien and me. It was a whirlwind romance, but I’m not ever going to complain.
It felt right for both of us.”

“Hell, once I saw you together, I knew you were right for each other. Don’t ever doubt

that.” Patrick motioned to the waiter for their bill. “I’m worried that when he goes back to
London, he’ll forget about me. Our attraction might be from proximity and because both
Adrien and Mr Richardson have been too busy so far.”

“Right. Oh, I don’t know if Winston had a chance to mention it to you, but I think

Adrien and Sidney are going to take him out to dinner tonight. It was something that Sidney
mentioned just as we were leaving for lunch. I’m sure he’ll tell you when we get back to the

He wasn’t worried about it. Patrick wasn’t about to get between Winston and his best

friends. It would be like Winston telling him he couldn’t see Ion anymore, and that wouldn’t
go down well. He had no problems with Adrien or Mr Richardson and if it would make
Winston happier, then Patrick was all for it. He knew the phone calls from Winston’s parents

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hadn’t stopped, driving the man crazy. Patrick had told him to quit answering them, but
Winston had the oddest quirk—he couldn’t let a ringing phone go unanswered.

“Wasn’t Winston supposed to meet his ex-wife for lunch today?” Ion asked as they

walked out of the restaurant. He flagged down a cab then shot a glance at Patrick.

“Yes. He left right before we did.” Patrick slid into the backseat of the taxi.
“Doesn’t that freak you out a little?” Ion joined him then told the driver the office


Patrick lifted one of his shoulders in a small shrug. “Why would it?”
“They were married and now they’re friends. There have to be some kind of feelings


“Winston said that for several years Sonia was angry at him, but once she met her new

husband, she understood what had been wrong in their marriage.” Patrick rubbed his hands
over his pants. “I trust him that there’s nothing going on between them except being friends.
Besides, it isn’t necessarily my business. We’re not exclusive yet.”

Ion snorted. “Not exclusive? I know you, and you wouldn’t take any other guy up on

his offer right now. You’re entangled with Winston, which means you don’t have eyes for
anyone else.”

His best friend was right. Patrick wasn’t interested in anyone else at the moment. His

entire focus was on Winston and what they were creating between them. They pulled up in
front of the office building before Patrick could answer.

“Call me if Winston does end up going out with Adrien. We’ll grab dinner and watch

movies at my place.” Ion waved as he got off on his floor.

After returning to his desk, Patrick turned his computer back on to check his emails. He

had organised the files needed for all the meetings that afternoon. Once the emails were
sorted into the ones he could answer and the ones he forwarded to Adrien, he went to make
sure that the smaller conference room was set up with drinks, notepads and pens.

When he got back to his desk, Winston was standing there. Patrick glanced around and

saw no one near, so he gave Winston a quick kiss.

“How was your lunch?” He rested his ass on the edge of his desk.
Winston grimaced. “It was good. Sonia wanted me to know that she and David are

expecting their first child.”

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Patrick rested his hand on Winston’s arm, hoping to convey his concern. “Are you all

right with that?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? Oh, I’m a little sad that it’s not my child, which has nothing to do

with Sonia being the mother. I always hoped I’d be a father.” Winston covered Patrick’s

“You can still be a father. There’s adoption or a surrogate. Just because you’re gay

doesn’t mean you can’t have kids.” Patrick smiled. “I’ve always loved children.”

“Me wanting one or two isn’t a strike against me?” Winston looked hopeful.
“Nope. My mother would be more than thrilled to have grandchildren. I’m not sure if

Patrice wants any. Oh, speaking of my mother, I’m supposed to go over to my parents’
tomorrow for dinner. She told me to ask you if you would like to come with me.”

Winston shot him a look and Patrick chuckled.
“All right. She ordered me to bring you tomorrow. Patrice might have said something

about you and I seeing each other. If you don’t want to come, I’m sure she’ll understand.”

Pursing his lips, Winston seemed as though he was thinking about it. Then he smiled.

“I’d love to meet your family, Patrick. Let’s face it, you’re never going to meet mine, if I have
anything to do it. Not because I’m ashamed of you, but because I’m horrified by their

Patrick’s mouth went dry suddenly when he realised that the man he was falling in love

with would be meeting his parents. It seemed like an enormous step to take, but it was one
that had to be done if he wanted something serious with Winston.

“Oh, I stopped by to let you know that I’m having dinner with Adrien and Sidney

tonight. It’s kind of last minute, so I hope you don’t mind.” Winston entwined their fingers.

“Ion said it might happen. I’m fine with it, Winston. They’re your best friends and you

haven’t got to spend much time with them since you arrived in New York. Go out and have
fun. Ion and I are getting dinner then watching movies at his place, so it’s all good.”

Adrien walked out of his office at that moment. He smiled when he spotted Patrick and

Winston. “Is everything ready, Patrick?”

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“Yes, Mr Bellamy. Your first appointment should be here any minute now.” Patrick

gave Winston’s hand a squeeze before pulling away.

Winston nodded at him then Adrien. “I’ll talk to both of you after work.”
Patrick picked up the files before following Adrien to the conference room. The rest of

the day promised to be extra busy.

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Chapter Nine

Winston paused at the entrance. “Are you sure this is the right place for us? It’s not a

strip club, is it?”

“Get the fuck in there,” Adrien told him as he shoved Winston from behind. “It’s not a

strip club. I told Sidney we’d meet him here then we’re heading to dinner.”

“Why is Sidney here?” Winston wandered into the faintly lit building. There were

people sweeping or setting up chairs and tables. There were two men behind the bar, but it
looked as though they were cleaning glasses and checking bottles.

Adrien waved towards the back of the room. “It’s his club. He opened it a couple years

ago, and it’s become one of the places to dance and be seen. Lucky bastard. Swear to God,
everything he touches turns to fucking gold.”

Nodding, Winston had to agree. Sidney had a brilliant mind for business and money.

Neither Winston nor Adrien could figure out why Sidney continued to work as Bellamy
International’s CFO. It wasn’t as though the man needed the income from the job. He had
more than enough coming in from his other ventures. Whenever they asked him, Sidney
would shrug and say that it kept him busy.

Winston wondered if Sidney wasn’t lonely and by working at the office, he got to hang

out with people. Sometimes it wasn’t keeping busy that mattered the most. Sometimes it was
hanging around other human beings—hearing them talk and watching them live their
lives—that helped someone remember he wasn’t alone.

“Gentlemen, would you like a drink before we go?” Sidney rose from where he’d been

seated at a booth against the farther wall. “I can get you a club soda, Winston. Would you
like a whisky, Adrien?”

Both Winston and Adrien nodded. As Sidney strolled to the bar, Winston followed him

with his gaze. “Does he spend a lot of time here?”

Adrien chuckled. “Noticed the bartender, huh?”
“He isn’t Sidney’s type at all,” Winston commented. “Too many muscles and tattoos.”

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“I know, but when we’re here, he can’t seem to take his eyes off him. I keep telling him

to ask the guy out—or take him upstairs and fuck him silly—but Sidney keeps saying he’s
not his type. Also, he doesn’t sleep with employees. I call bullshit.” Adrien coughed to cover
up that last bit as Sidney returned.

“Really? Are you eighteen or something?” Sidney rolled his eyes before handing Adrien

his glass. He let Winston take his then he proposed a toast. “To the three of us. May we find
what we’re looking for and never let it go once we discover it.”

“Cheers.” Winston clinked his drink with the others. He studied what he could see in

the dim lights. “It looks nice, Sidney. I’m impressed.”

Sidney frowned. “Why impressed?”
“I never really thought a nightclub would be your thing, but I should’ve known you’d

be successful with it.” Winston jerked his head in the direction of the bartender. “Why
haven’t you tapped that?”

Adrien started laughing while Sidney glared at him and Winston grinned. It wasn’t

very often that he got to tease Sidney about something.

“I don’t sleep with employees,” Sidney told him.
“Since when? You slept your way through the waiters at both restaurants you opened.

And what about that gym?” Winston looked at Adrien. “How many did he sleep with

“At least half of the guys, and I’m pretty sure some of them weren’t even gay.” Adrien

shook his head. “Face it, Sidney. You’re a slut, but for some reason, you’re afraid of asking
that guy out.”

Sidney drank his whisky without stopping then slammed the empty glass on the table.

“Can we not discuss this here?”

“Then we will be discussing this somewhere else?” Winston finished his club soda

before putting his glass next to Sidney’s.

Adrien did the same then gestured towards the door. “Let’s head out. We’ll get settled

at the restaurant before we go into gossiping like old people.”

“Don’t you mean old ladies?” Sidney asked.

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Winston noticed Sidney nod goodbye to the bartender, and he filed that away in his

brain. While Sidney might not have slept with the man, there was something there. It would
just take a little digging to undercover what.

“Nope. Old men gossip as much as old ladies do. No need to be gender biased about

it.” Adrien lifted his hand and his driver pulled to the kerb from traffic.

They climbed into the back seat then Adrien told the man where they were going. Once

they were under way, Winston looked over at Sidney.

“So what’s going on between you and the bartender?”
“Nothing.” Sidney got a stubborn tilt to his chin.
As much as Winston wanted to continue the conversation, he decided that maybe he

should leave Sidney alone for now. His friend had a habit of clamming up when he didn’t
want to discuss something. He gave Sidney a look that said they would be revisiting the
topic at a later date.

“How are the wedding plans going? I know Patrick and Patrice have been busy trying

to organise things for you,” Winston asked Adrien as he leant back in the seat.

Adrien wrinkled his nose. “I don’t know why I’m so annoyed by the whole thing. It’s

not like they’re making a ton of ridiculous demands or anything. In fact, neither is my
mother, and she was the one I thought would be trying to hijack the whole thing.”

Sidney chuckled. “I still think you should elope. Ion wouldn’t mind. We’d all meet you

in Vegas, throw you an awesome bachelor party then drag your asses to the wedding

“We can’t get married in Vegas, jackass.” Adrien nudged Sidney’s foot. “You just want

us to go and party at your club out there.”

Winston frowned. “You have a club in Vegas? Why didn’t I know about that?”
“We haven’t really been chatting much, Winston. You’ve buried your nose in business

so much that it’s difficult to get you to call me back if it’s not work related.” Sidney glared at
him. “Maybe if you had, you would’ve accepted the VIP invitation I sent you and come when
we opened it.”

“I never received it,” he muttered, hating that his friend thought he would blow off

something like that. “I’ll have to ask my assistant. Sometimes she’s not sure about what she

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should give me and what she should throw away. She might have thought it wasn’t business
related, so it didn’t matter.”

Adrien snorted. “When you convince Patrick to move to London, you can give him that

job. The man’s strength is organising and he’s really personable. He’d be an asset to the office
over there.”

Sidney’s eyebrows shot up as he gazed at Winston. “What’s this about Patrick? I seem

to have missed some things while I was out of town. Tell me what’s going on between you
and Adrien’s PA.”

Winston was reluctant to talk about his burgeoning relationship with Patrick. He knew

his friends would tease him and he could deal with that, but he didn’t want them bothering

“Nothing,” he murmured, shifting in his seat.
“Nothing?” Adrien shook his head before looking at Sidney. “He checked out of his

hotel and is going to stay with Patrick the rest of the week before he flies home.”

“Seriously? I don’t think you’ve ever lived with any of the guys you fucked.” Sidney

sounded shocked.

“Of course I haven’t, because none of them were anything more than a one-night stand.

I didn’t want to keep them around the morning after. Patrick’s different.” He held up his
hand to keep his friends from talking. “Don’t ask me how he’s different. I can’t put it into
words. How did you know Ion was the one for you?”

He met Adrien’s gaze with his own questioning look. Adrien pursed his lips while he

thought, but before he could answer, the car stopped. They waited for Daniel, Adrien’s
driver, to get out then open the door for them.

They’d arrived at one of Sidney’s restaurants, and Winston was glad to see that it was

the five star steak house. He followed his friends inside. The hostess greeted them politely
before leading the way towards the back of the restaurant where a more private booth had
been set up for them.

“Thank you, Pamela.” Sidney dismissed the girl with a smile. Once they had taken their

seats, Sidney suggested, “Why don’t you have your rehearsal dinner here, Adrien?”

Adrien smiled. “I’ll see, though I’m not sure if it’ll work or not. We’re getting married

in the parents’ backyard. It might be better to have everything out in the Hamptons.”

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Sidney shook his head. “No. You don’t want everyone staying at the house the night

before the ceremony. You want to be able to relax. Winston and I will be there on your last
night of freedom, but you don’t want random family members showing up to bother you.
You’ll have your rehearsal dinner here. That’ll keep people from staying too long.”

“What about Ion?” Adrien’s lips trembled as though he was trying not to smile, and

Winston understood how amused his friend was because he felt the same.

“He’ll stay in town with Patrick and his family, then come out in the morning. I’m sure

if you talk to Patrick about it, he’ll get the idea. The groom and groom shouldn’t see each
other before the wedding.” Sidney signalled for their waiter to come over. “We’ll have a
bottle of the 1895 Chardonnay from my private collection. Plus a club soda for my friend

“Yes, sir.” The waiter slipped away.
“We live together, Sidney. Seeing each other before the wedding doesn’t matter

anymore. It’s a silly superstition.” Adrien pointed at him. “I’m going to spend the night
before my wedding with the man I love, and you can’t stop me.”

Winston realised that Sidney hadn’t agreed to it, so it would definitely be an interesting

night before the wedding if Sidney decided to stick to his guns.

“You and Patrick are hitting it off then, Winston?” Sidney asked.
Winston nodded. “Yes, we are, and I thank Adrien for setting us up on Saturday.

Maybe he should think about becoming a matchmaker.”

“Not really. I just thought you would be good together. He’d get you to laugh and

maybe relax a little. I never guessed that you two might get serious.” Adrien reached over to
tap Winston’s hand. “I’m glad you are, though. It’s good for both of you.”

“I’m supposed to go with him to his parents’ house tomorrow night. I can’t believe I’m

meeting them already. Shouldn’t we date several months before we have a big ‘getting to
meet the parents’ thing?” Winston nodded his thanks to the young man who set his drink in
front of him.

Sidney shrugged. “I couldn’t tell you. I haven’t met anyone’s parents.”

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“Not even any of the ladies you escort to various events? None of them tried to tie you

down and drag you to meet Mom and Dad?” Adrien grabbed a piece of bread from the
basket in the middle of the table then buttered it.

“I never dated any woman long enough for her to ever get that kind of idea. Plus I

never slept with most of them, and women put a higher value on sex than we do.” Sidney
sipped his wine, nodding his head in appreciation. “If you don’t have sex with them, they
might figure out you’re not interested in them and no woman wants to marry a guy who
isn’t interested in her.”

“True.” Adrien glanced over at Winston. “You know I met Patrick’s parents at a

barbecue Ion’s older brother threw a week ago. Bogdan wanted to thank everyone for
helping him and Olive out while he was in the hospital. Mr and Mrs Gaverson seemed like
good people. They definitely aren’t upset that Patrick is gay, so you won’t have to deal with

Winston fidgeted with his silverware. “I told him I wasn’t ever going to introduce him

to my parents. Not because I was ashamed of him or anything like that, but because I’m
ashamed of them. They don’t deserve to be in the same room with him.” His fierce tone
surprised him and obviously his friends as well, judging by their expressions.

“Are they still calling you?” Adrien asked.
He nodded. “Yes. I have a detective looking into why they’re being so persistent. It has

to be more than them suddenly wanting me to come back to the fold.”

Sidney growled. “Good. You really need to figure out what’s going on with them then

take care of it. I don’t mean help them if they’re in trouble or anything like that. I mean tell
them that you’re cutting them off. I think you shouldn’t even be answering your phone.
Maybe you should change your number.”

“I’m going to do that when I get back home. I’ll make sure you have the new number.”

Frowning, he stared down at the table.

The waiter took their order before the conversation continued, but they didn’t go back

to Winston’s parents. They chatted about Adrien’s upcoming wedding and Sidney’s newest
business venture. Winston relaxed, enjoying spending time with his best friends, laughing
and joking.

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Halfway through dinner, his phone vibrated. He almost didn’t look at it because he

figured it would be one of his parents, but he pulled it out to check. A smile crossed his face
when he saw it was a text from Patrick.

You aren’t at a strip club, are you?

Is it me you don’t trust or Adrien and Sidney?

He chuckled and looked at Adrien who was looking at his phone as well. “Ion and

Patrick are together while we’re here. Do they get into as much trouble as I think they

Adrien nodded. “Even more, especially when they haven’t been able to hang out with

each other for a while. I try to let them have at least one night a week together. Ion’s going to
be lost when Patrick eventually goes to London to live with you.”

“Good thing you have a private jet, so our guys can get together as often as they want,”

Winston commented as he waited for Patrick’s reply.

“Are you saying that it might just be a possibility? Are you going to ask Patrick to come

live with you?” Sidney didn’t sound that surprised anymore.

Glancing over, Winston met Sidney’s gaze and shrugged. “I’m hoping he’ll agree to

come at some point, but I’m not going to be asking him at the end of the week or anything
like that. I’d like to see how our relationship works being so far apart. Don’t think I’m not
going to work at it, though. I’ll do my best to court him. We’ve both admitted we could easily
fall in love with each other.”

His phone vibrated.

Sidney. I don’t trust Sidney. Of course we have strippers here.

Really? Are they expensive ones?

Cost Ion nineteen-ninety-nine to hire them.

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He heard Adrien chuckle and looked at his friend. “What kind of strippers can one hire

for twenty dollars?”

Magic Mike. It’s a movie about male strippers. That’s what they’re watching. Ion

bought it the other day.”

“Ah. Okay. I don’t know that movie.”
“Pure eye candy, man.” Sidney gestured for the waiter to come take their plates. “You

two should head back to Adrien’s. Your men will be all worked up after viewing that.”

“What about you?” Winston didn’t want to leave Sidney alone. “Will you be okay?”
“I’m going back to Wander for an hour or two to check on things, then I’ll head home

myself.” Sidney stood before motioning for Winston and Adrien to follow him. “Dinner’s on
me. I’ll see you gentlemen at the office tomorrow.”

Winston and Adrien climbed into Adrien’s sedan and Daniel pulled out into traffic.

Winston looked back to see Sidney hailing a cab.

“We need to find him someone,” he said.
Adrien nodded. “I’d say yes, but I think he’s already found the guy he wants. It’s just a

matter of getting him to admit it and seeing if we can’t break down whatever barrier is
between them.”

He sent Patrick a text.

You might want to get the strippers out of there. We’re on our way back.

Damn. And we’re getting to the good part. Be careful and see you soon.

After tucking his phone back in his pocket, he looked over at Adrien. “We’re both

screwed, aren’t we?”

Adrien winked. “I’ve been captured a while longer than you, Winston, but yes, we’re

well and truly screwed.”

“I don’t think I mind, though,” he confessed.
“Neither do I, my friend. Neither do I.” Adrien patted his shoulder.

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Winston watched out of the passenger window as the buildings and lights of New York

City whipped by, eager to get back to Adrien’s and pull Patrick into his arms.

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Chapter Ten

“We’re here.” Patrick rubbed his hands on his pants before standing to get off the

subway. He couldn’t believe that Winston had been willing to use public transport. Patrick
had thought that Winston would have protested and called one of the car services Adrien
gave his visitors access to, but Winston had agreed without any argument at all.

“I have to admit New York subways aren’t nearly as bad as I was led to believe they

would be. Not quite the same as riding the Tube, but not bad.” Winston rested his hand at
the small of Patrick’s back as they made their way across the platform to the stairs.

Patrick huffed in annoyance. “I can just imagine what you were told. Though to be

honest, it’s much worse at night. I try to use cabs if I go anywhere at night.”

“Good idea. I do the same.”
Once they were up at street level, Patrick took Winston by the hand then led him in the

direction of Patrick’s old neighbourhood. Winston didn’t hesitate, looking around with
obvious interest at the older Baby Boom housing that had gone up after World War Two.
Patrick’s grandfather had fought in Germany during the war then had come home to marry
his high school sweetheart. He’d had the house built before the neighbourhood had filled up,
but now the homes were all a little worn. Yet their owners seemed to take care of them as
best they could.

Patrick couldn’t help wondering what Winston thought of the place where Patrick grew

up. He stopped to study his parents’ house, seeing some spots that needed to be fixed. He
was going to have to come out some weekend and help his dad. Patrick wasn’t the handiest
of guys, but he could hold or hand things to his dad when needed.

“It’s not much, but it’s home.” He shrugged, not sure why he felt so apologetic about it.
“Did you like living here?” Winston touched his shoulder to bring his attention to him.

“Do you love the people who live here now?”

“For the most part, I loved growing up in this house. There were moments as a teenager

when I wanted to run away, but all kids go through those times. I adore my parents, though
again there were times when I hated them with every fibre of my being.” Patrick smiled.

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Winston grimaced. “I hated my family home. There was no love in my home for me,

except from my nannies and the staff. They were the ones who proved to me that people
could care for each other. I loathed my parents and it was an emotion I felt from the moment
I realised they didn’t love me.”

Not sparing a moment to think, Patrick threw his arms around Winston, holding him

close. “I’m sorry. I’m sure they loved you at some point. Why else have a child?”

“Because it was expected of them to have children to carry on the bloodline. We no

longer have a title, but the Tennants come from nobility and my parents aren’t willing to let
anyone forget that.” Winston buried his face in the crook of Patrick’s neck. “Most children
would hate having to go to boarding school in a different country, but I welcomed it. I
started begging to go as soon as I reached the proper age. Finally, when I was ten, they gave
in and sent me away. It was the best thing to ever happen to me.”

“I can’t imagine spending basically an entire school year away from my mom and dad,”

Patrick murmured.

“I never went home for holidays either. I always visited friends instead of my parents.

They didn’t care that they never saw me. As long as I advanced in my classes, and followed
the path my father had plotted for me, they were happy to ignore me.” Winston took a deep
breath then stepped back. “We should probably go in or your sister’s going to leave a
permanent nose print against your mother’s window.”

Patrick looked over to where Winston had nodded and grinned when he saw Patrice

standing with her face pressed against the glass as she watched them. He waved and she
flipped him the bird before disappearing. Chuckling, he led the way up the front walk to the
porch. He didn’t worry about knocking, just went right on in.

“Mom, Dad,” he called. “We’re here.”
He hadn’t needed to say anything, considering that Patrice had probably told them


“Patrick.” His mom walked from the kitchen at the back of the house. She embraced

him in a tight hug. “I’m so glad you could make it for dinner.”

“You said you were making pot roast. Have you ever known me to miss your pot roast

if I could help it?” He kissed her cheek before stepping back to touch Winston’s shoulder.

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“Mom, I’d like you to meet Winston Tennant. Winston, this is my mom, Elizabeth

“Mrs Gaverson, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Winston took her hand in his then bowed

and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “I can see where Patrick and Patrice get their good looks.”

His mom giggled and Patrick rolled his eyes. He poked Winston in the side.
“Quit flirting with my mom, Winston. She’s already taken.” He huffed in mock

annoyance, but winked at her.

“Hang up your jackets then come on to the kitchen. Your father will be back in a few

minutes. I ran out of whipping cream for the pie, so he ran down to the store to get me some.
Would you like a beer?” she said over her shoulder as she turned.

“Winston doesn’t drink alcohol, Mom. We’ll have some iced tea if you have any made.”

After tugging off his jacket, he held out his hand to take Winston’s. He gestured for Winston
to follow his mom. “Go with her. I’ll be along in a second.”

Winston drifted along in Elizabeth’s wake and Patrick chuckled. He hung their coats in

the front closet, dropping his messenger bag in there as well. Once he’d shut the door, he
turned to find Patrice standing nearby, leaning her shoulder on the wall.

“You know Mom hates when you stand like that,” he teased her.
She stuck out her tongue then said, “You do realise you’re making me look bad.”
He frowned. “What are you talking about?”
“Bringing Winston here to meet the parental figures. All I’m going to hear after this is

why can’t I find a nice boy like him?” She shook her head. “Maybe I won’t answer my phone
for the next month.”

He offered her his arm then patted her hand where it rested in the crook of his elbow.

“You tell her that there’s only one Winston and he’s mine. You’ve lost any shot of finding
another like him. Also, you tell her that it’s hard to find a man good enough for you.”

“I’ve tried that before. She tells me that I’m too picky.” Patrice sighed. “Maybe I should

have Adrien set me up. Do you think he knows any rich straight men?”

“I’m sure he knows a lot of straight men. I don’t know if they’d be rich or not.” Patrick

winked at her.

Patrice shrugged. “I think I’d be happy if they were employed and nice. I don’t want to

work myself into exhaustion to support some free-loader.”

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“No one wants one of those,” he agreed as they entered the kitchen.
He froze when he spotted Winston standing at the island counter with an apron around

his waist and sleeves rolled up as he cut up some vegetables. Winston and Patrick’s mother
were chatting like they’d been friends all their lives.

Patrick shared a surprised glance with his sister. It wasn’t that his mother hated people

helping her while she cooked. It was more that she didn’t believe anyone could cook better
than her, so it was easier just to stay out of the way. She had a habit of smacking anyone
trying to help with a wooden spoon over the knuckles. She’d trained them all to stay out of
the way.

“Get yourselves something to drink,” Elizabeth told them, waving her hand towards

the refrigerator. “You didn’t tell me Winston was a gourmet cook, Patrick.”

“Considering I didn’t tell you anything about him, you shouldn’t be shocked. Besides, I

didn’t know he could cook.” Patrick got the pitcher of tea out before pouring some for him
and Patrice. He held it up and Winston nodded, so he topped off his boyfriend’s glass as

“We’ve been eating out or ordering takeaway. I haven’t been able to show Patrick my

skills. When he comes to visit me in England, I’ll have to make sure I cook some meals for
him.” Winston met Patrick’s gaze.

Patrick’s heart skipped a beat from the heat in Winston’s eyes. He didn’t think any man

had ever looked at him as though he was the centre of their world. He took a quick drink of
his tea and Patrice laughed.

“Winston, do you happen to have any brothers?” Elizabeth looked innocent as she


“Mom,” Patrice warned.
“What? I’m just getting to know Winston.”
“What did we tell you about lying, honey,” Patrick’s father said as he walked into the

kitchen from the garage. “Don’t do it, because you suck at it.”

He set the bag down on the counter before wandering over to give her a kiss. Patrick

smiled as he watched them. When he was a teenager, their public displays of affection used
to gross him out. He didn’t want to see his parents kissing or hugging. As he’d got older,

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though, he’d come to appreciate the fact that they were still so much in love and weren’t
ashamed to show it.

When Patrick saw Winston’s rather stunned look, Patrick realised that his lover had

never seen his own parents do something like that, especially not in front of other people.

“Hey, Dad, this is Winston Tennant. Winston, this is my dad, James Gaverson,” Patrick

introduced them.

“Good to meet you, young man. Glad you could come to dinner with Patrick.” James

shook Winston’s hand before coming over to hug Patrick.

For half of Patrick’s life, his relationship with his father had been strained. He wasn’t

the boy his father had wanted. James had told Patrick that he’d been so happy when Patrick
had been born a few seconds after Patrice. He’d been looking forward to teaching Patrick
how to play football and baseball. He’d wanted to do all the things sons and fathers did

It wasn’t so much that Patrick didn’t want to play those sports. He just wasn’t very

athletic, but he’d tried for his father. Camping wasn’t something he enjoyed at all. Sleeping
outside with bugs and weather had made him very unhappy. When he’d come out as a teen,
he’d almost been able to see the relief in his father’s eyes because it explained why Patrick
was indifferent to sports. Of course, James had learnt eventually that being gay had nothing
to do with Patrick’s lack of athletic prowess.

Once they’d both accepted Patrick’s limitations, they’d become friends. Also, both

James and Elizabeth supported Patrick in everything he did, even to the point of coming to
the Pride Parade in the city to be with him. They had no problem with him being gay, and
their acceptance made him love them even more.

After they’d finished hugging, James went to hug Patrice before sitting at the table to

look at all of them. “What do you do, Winston?”

“I’m the head of Bellamy International’s London office,” Winston told him while

getting back to chopping vegetables.

“Actually, Dad, Winston is in charge of the entire European section of Bellamy,” Patrick

said, not wanting Winston to downplay his role in the company.

James nodded. “That’s pretty impressive. Do you have a business degree to do that?”

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Winston frowned. “I actually studied law while at Oxford and worked with my father

at his firm for a few years. When I came out to them, he disowned and fired me. Adrien’s
father hired me and I was able to work my way up to the position I’m in now.”

“Disowned you? What parent disowns their child?” Elizabeth wrapped her arm around

Winston’s waist to hug him.

He looked shocked, but didn’t refuse her touch. Patrick knew his touchy-feely family

would take a little getting used to for Winston. He admitted he wanted to watch Winston
learn how to open himself up to love. So far, it seemed like he was willing to try, from what
he’d said.

“My parents disowned me and I haven’t heard from them in several years until about

two months ago. They started calling me to come back to the firm and the family. They have
ladies with impeccable bloodlines for me to meet. Like that makes any difference.” Winston
shook his head. “There’s something going on with them. I have someone looking into it for

“You are wonderful people, Mom and Dad. I can’t ever thank you enough for

supporting me, even if you didn’t completely understand my being gay. I mean, look at what
Ion’s mother did when he finally fell in love.” Patrick sighed. “She turned her back on him to
the point where she doesn’t speak about him anymore.”

“Thank God Ion’s father didn’t buy into all that bullshit,” James commented, tapping

his fingers on the table.

“Toss all of those veggies into that bowl, Winston.” Elizabeth motioned to the dish

she’d set next to him. “Everything is ready. Help me put the food on the table, Patrice.”

His sister grimaced, but she did as her mom had asked. Patrick knew she didn’t like the

fact that their mom still held to the old-fashioned gender roles. Yet Patrick also knew that his
mother liked to cook and take care of their father, so it wasn’t just how she’d been raised. It
was how she showed her love for all of them.

Once the table was set, they took their chairs before joining hands. Patrick’s father said

a blessing then they started passing the bowls around. Patrick didn’t go to church anymore,
but he had no problem with religion. He’d met believers who had treated him like dirt
because he was gay, and he’d met people who believed in Jesus who treated him the same as

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anyone else. He’d decided to judge each person on their own actions and not by which God
they believed existed.

“Mrs Gaverson, this is amazing. I’ve never had pot roast this good. What do you do to

it?” Winston asked after he swallowed a bite.

“Please, call me Elizabeth. Thank you, but I don’t do anything other than cook it with

love.” She laughed when Patrick and Patrice groaned. “They’ve heard me say that all the
time. I think it’s true, though. When you cook something for someone you love, the food
tastes better and makes people happier.”

Winston chuckled. “You just might be right. Love can make the day seem brighter and

the night less lonely.”

“You’re a smart man, Winston,” James said. “I’m glad you and Patrick were able to

meet. It’s time my son settled down with someone who will keep him grounded. I think he’ll
keep you from getting too serious about life.”

His face heating, Patrick ducked his head. “Dad.”
James glanced over at him. “What? I’m just saying you seem good for each other.”
“You just met Winston. How can you know that?” Patrick shot Winston an apologetic

look. “We only started hanging out on Saturday. I’m thinking it might be a little soon for us
to be planning our wedding.”

“Maybe.” James didn’t sound convinced.
Winston reached out and took Patrick’s hand. “We might not be planning our wedding,

Mr Gaverson, but we’re leaving ourselves open to the possibilities. I’m happy to know we’ll
have your blessing if we choose to marry.”

Patrick felt his mouth drop open because while they had discussed continuing their

relationship to see how serious it would become, they’d never talked about getting married.
Not that I would say no if he ever asked me. He squeezed Winston’s hand to let him know he was
in agreement.

After that, dinner went well as they chatted about their different jobs and Winston

talked about living in London. Patrick watched as Winston charmed his family, making
Patrick fall a little bit more in love with him. Any man who came from a privileged
background like Winston and could fit in with Patrick’s blue-collar family was perfect in his

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Two hours later, Patrick and Winston said goodbye to Patrick’s parents before heading

back to his apartment. They didn’t talk during the subway ride, but Winston kept his arm
wrapped around Patrick’s shoulders and he rested against Winston’s side.

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Chapter Eleven

Once he and Patrick were back at Patrick’s place, Winston got ready for bed then

waited for Patrick to join him. When Patrick entered the bedroom, Winston lifted the covers
to encourage his lover to crawl in next to him.

Patrick slipped under the sheets then snuggled against him. Winston rolled over on top

of him before bracing his hands on either side of Patrick’s head. He leant down to take
Patrick’s mouth with a deep kiss. He rocked his hips, grinding his erection against Patrick’s,
savouring the feel of Patrick’s naked body in his arms.

He broke the kiss but continued rubbing. “Thank you.”
Panting, Patrick raised his eyebrow in a silent question because he obviously was trying

to catch his breath.

“For taking me to meet your parents. It was nice to see how much they love you and

your sister. Plus how much in love they still are with each other. Seeing them and Adrien’s
parents gives me hope that I can have that kind of relationship.” Winston let his head drop
forward to rest against Patrick’s shoulder. “I want to prove I’m not like my own parents.”
Then he pushed himself up to look into Patrick’s eyes again.

“Oh, honey, you’re not anything like them. Just because they gave birth to you doesn’t

mean you’re doomed to turn out like them. You choose to be the man you want to be, and I
love the man you are.” Patrick bit his bottom lip as though he hadn’t meant to say that.

“You love me? Isn’t it too soon for us to say that?” Winston paused then shook his head.

“I’m not going to hesitate or doubt what’s happening between us. I love you, Patrick, and I’ll
do my damnedest to make this relationship work.”

Patrick cupped his face. “That’s all I needed to hear.”
Winston bent back down to join their mouths again. He nibbled along Patrick’s lips and

sighed softly when Patrick opened for him. Sweeping his tongue in, he tasted the mint from
Patrick’s toothpaste and the unique tang that would always remind him of Patrick.

After sliding his hands down Winston’s back, Patrick grabbed Winston’s butt and

Winston sped up the rhythm of their hips coming together. The pre-cum leaking from both

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their cocks eased the friction a little, but Winston didn’t want to come on Patrick. He wanted
to be inside him when he climaxed.

He pulled away. “Where did we put the lube and condoms?”
Winston watched as Patrick gathered his thoughts then gestured towards the left side of

the bed.

“I think they’re underneath your side. At least, I remember tossing them both in that

direction this morning when you woke me up to fuck me.” Patrick grinned.

“I distinctly remember I woke up with someone’s mouth wrapped around my cock,”

Winston pointed out as he climbed from the mattress to crouch and search for the supplies.
“We really need to figure out a better place to put these. I’m getting too old to crawl around
on the floor looking for them.”

Patrick propped himself up on his elbow to watch. “I think we could solve part of the

problem if we both go to get tested tomorrow. Once our tests come back negative, we can get
rid of the rubbers.”

Shocked, Winston looked up at his lover. “Are you sure?” He couldn’t think of

anything that turned him on more than the thought of flooding Patrick’s ass with his cum
then seeing it coat his inner thighs.

“Yeah. I’m sure. We love each other and there aren’t going to be any new lovers for

either of us, right?” At Winston’s nod, Patrick continued, “I like the idea of coming in your
ass and from the look of your dick, you’re imagining the same thing.”

Winston shot a bemused look down at his groin where his throbbing cock rose from its

nest of curls. Where it had been hard before, now it felt like steel and ached with his need to
shove inside Patrick and claim him.

“Yes. I do believe we’re thinking the same thing.” He grinned when he closed his hand

around the lube bottle. After pulling it from its hiding spot, he tossed it at Patrick. “Start
getting yourself ready while I look for the condoms.”

Patrick caught the slick, but kept his gaze on Winston. “You know, we could start our

lives together tonight. I’m negative.”

Taking a deep breath, Winston thought about it for a minute. They’d already said they

loved each other. It took as much trust to give someone his heart as it did to risk his life
having unprotected sex with him. Winston believed Patrick about his status.

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“I got tested a month ago and was negative. I haven’t been with anyone else since

then,” Winston told Patrick as he rose to get back under the covers.

“That’s good. I got tested a week ago.” Patrick handed him the bottle. “Now you can

get me ready.”

He settled between Patrick’s thighs before popping open the lube. Winston squirted

some on his fingers, rubbing them together to spread it a little, then he lifted one of Patrick’s
legs to rest on his shoulder. The position gave him more access to Patrick’s hole.

Winston trailed his fingers over the puckered opening, leaving behind some slick while

he wrapped his other hand around Patrick’s shaft. As he began to breach Patrick, he also
pumped his hand up and down, trying to give his lover something else to think about
besides the pressure of his entering. When he was past the ring of muscle, Winston went to
work on stretching him.

Before he eased his third finger in, he paused to dump some more lube over Patrick’s

crease. Once he got them all in, he twisted so he could nail Patrick’s gland.

“Holy shit!” Patrick cried as he jerked.
“Easy, love.” Winston soothed him with his voice. “It won’t be long now.”
“You keep that up and it sure as hell won’t be,” Patrick warned him, his gaze a hot

brand against Winston’s skin.

Smiling, Winston really began to do all he could to build Patrick’s desire. He wanted

the man begging for him before he slid into his ass. He scissored his fingers while thrusting
in and managed to hit Patrick’s gland every time on the way out.

While he did that, he slipped his hand up and down Patrick’s cock, swiping his palm

across the head each time to gather more pre-cum. He didn’t want his touch to be painful for
Patrick. For his part, Patrick did all he could to impale himself on Winston’s fingers before
lifting his hips to fuck Winston’s hand.

“Please, Winston. I need you. I want you in me now,” Patrick whimpered as his hole

clenched around Winston’s fingers when he tried to remove them.

“Just a minute.” Winston dug through the messy sheets to find the slick again. He gave

himself a mental pat on the back when he found it and managed to get some into his
trembling hand without spilling too much of it on the bed.

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He gritted his teeth as he coated his length with a quick stroke. If he touched himself

any more than that, he was going to come and that wouldn’t make him happy. Winston
brought both of Patrick’s legs to his shoulders then placed his dick at Patrick’s hole.

Staring into Patrick’s blue eyes, Winston slowly thrust in, not stopping until he was

buried all the way in. There he waited for a few moments while Patrick got used to being
filled by something much larger than Winston’s fingers.

“Move,” Patrick ordered him, and Winston was more than willing to comply.
Winston slid out until only his tip remained then slammed back in, forcing a cry from

Patrick. He increased his speed with each thrust and soon Patrick was practically bent in half
as Winston reamed his ass.

“God, yes. That’s what I wanted. More, Winston. I need it harder.”
He didn’t have the breath to respond, simply did as Patrick told him and took the man

harder. He was sure that Patrick wasn’t going to be able to sit down tomorrow at his desk.
There would be bruises on his hips as well, from where Winston gripped him tightly. Yet
Winston had a feeling that Patrick wouldn’t care.

His climax built and Winston knew it wouldn’t be long before he came. He wanted to

make sure Patrick fell over the edge with him. Their grunts filled the air along with the scent
of sex. Winston shouted as he came, flooding Patrick with his cum. His lover was right with
him, and pearly strands painted Patrick’s stomach as well.

They trembled and rocked together while Winston’s climax slowly faded away. When

the last little bit disappeared, his muscles stopped working. He had enough time to make
sure that Patrick was comfortable before he collapsed next to him on the bed.

Patrick rolled over then tucked his head under Winston’s chin before encircling him

with his arms. “Christ! That was amazing. I’d never had sex without protection before. I
loved being able to feel you inside me without any barriers.”

“I had unprotected sex a few times when I first came out, which is why I still get tested.

I was very lucky that I didn’t catch anything, but I eventually figured out that having a
quickie wasn’t worth my life. So I started carrying condoms around with me.” Winston
trailed his fingers along Patrick’s sweat-dampened skin.

“At least you were smart enough to work that out. Some guys never do and they end

up on a cocktail of medicines for the rest of their lives.” Patrick shook his head. “I never

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thought sex was worth it, plus my dad warned me that if he ever found out I was having
unprotected sex—whether with a guy or a girl—he would beat my ass until I couldn’t sit
down anymore.”

Winston chuckled. “I can see your father doing that. My safe gay sex lecture came from

Adrien and Sidney. They sat me down a few months after my divorce was final, and told me
all about being smart and shit like that. It still took me a little longer to work it out,” he

“Well, now you don’t have to worry. We’re in a committed relationship, as crazy and

fast as it might seem, and we won’t be sleeping with anyone else ever.”

He brushed a kiss over Patrick’s forehead. “You’re right, love. You’re it for me.”
“I love you,” Patrick said then ruined the moment by yawning.
“I love you too, Patrick. Let’s get some sleep. We do have work in the morning.”
As he drifted along, waiting for sleep to overtake him, Winston thought to himself, I’m

nothing like my father. I can love someone and have a man who loves me in return.

* * * *

Patrick stood in the airport terminal, watching as Winston handed his bag and briefcase

to the pilot of the small private jet he’d be taking back to London. The last two days had sped
by and now it was time to say goodbye.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and resisted the urge to stomp his foot like a

toddler. He didn’t want Winston to leave. He’d grown used to sharing his apartment and
bed. Patrick had learnt that he could deal with having someone in his life twenty-four hours
a day, seven days a week.

Winston strolled back to him then rested his hands on Patrick’s shoulders. “No pouting,

love. You know I have to go back. I can’t take any more time away at the moment. Especially
now that Adrien and I worked the next acquisition bid. I don’t have anyone at my office that
I trust to hand this.”

“I know, but I don’t have to like the fact that you’re going to be so far away from me,”

he mumbled, his heart hurting.

“May I suggest something?”

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He looked up to see a thoughtful expression on Winston’s face. “Sure.”
“Why don’t we use the time between now and when I return for Adrien’s wedding as a

chance to build a solid foundation for our relationship? We can talk every day. We’ll email
and Skype and all those things that other long distance lovers do.” Winston smiled down at
him. “We’ll learn everything about each other that we didn’t know before we fell in love.”

Nodding, Patrick grinned back. “It sounds like a good idea.”
Winston swept him into his arms before kissing him hard and deep, stealing his breath

with the love and promise in his embrace. Patrick entwined his body as best he could around
Winston, wishing he could imprint that feeling onto his skin so he could always remember it
when he was lonely.

A cough behind them broke them apart and Patrick looked over Winston’s shoulder to

see the pilot standing a few feet from them.

“We’re ready to go, sir,” the pilot said then turned to head back to the plane.
“We’ll make this work, Patrick. I promise you,” Winston swore.
“I know. Have a safe flight and text me when you get back to your place. No matter

what the time.” He gave Winston another quick kiss. “The three months will fly by. Who
knows? By the time you come back, I might be ready to move to London.”

Winston’s face lit up at the mention of Patrick possibly being willing to relocate. “I’d

love that more than anything in the world. I’m going to do my best to convince you that it’s a
very good idea.”

Patrick stepped back out of Winston’s reach. “Get going. We don’t want the pilot mad. I

love you, Winston Tennant.”

“And I love you, Patrick Gaverson.” Winston blew him a kiss before turning. He almost

ran to the plane as though he had to leave quickly or he’d never leave at all.

Once the door had closed behind Winston, Patrick started to head towards the regular

terminal and the parking lot where he’d left his car. He had to go meet Patrice and Ion at a
bakery to sample some wedding cakes.

Patrick pressed his fingers to his mouth, reliving the last kiss he had shared with

Winston. A small grin danced on his lips. It was going to be a crazy three months, but he had
something to look forward to at the end of it.

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Ion paced in the suite of rooms Alyssa, Adrien’s mother, had given him to change in.

He shoved his hand through his dark hair. “I can’t believe you talked me into letting Sidney
and Winston be in charge of getting Adrien ready for the wedding.”

Patrick propped his hip against the back of a chair and grinned. “I happen to know that

your groom has been sighted. He’s dressed and looking very handsome.”

Ion whirled to glare at him. “Why didn’t you tell me that before?”
“Because I kind of enjoyed watching you freak out and get all nervous.” Patrick walked

over to where Ion stood then gave him a hug. “Listen, you are Adrien’s whole world. He’s
not going to miss being able to proclaim to everyone that he’ll love you forever. Besides,
you’ve forgotten how responsible Winston is. If it had been just Mr Richardson, I wouldn’t
have allowed them to leave Robert’s sight.”

A sly smile crossed Ion’s face. “How excited were you to see Winston yesterday?”
Pacing away from his friend, Patrick chuckled. “More excited than when I was ten and

Santa brought me that bike I’d been dying for. Talking on the phone and over Skype isn’t the
same as being able to touch or hold him.”

It was Ion’s turn to hug Patrick. “I’m glad you two decided to make a long distance

romance work. I’ve never seen either of you look so happy.”

“It’s been perfect. Once Winston discovered why his parents kept bothering him, he

took care of that problem and there wasn’t anything left to stand in our way.”

“What was their reason? Adrien never told me.” Ion glanced over at the clock. “We

should probably start making our way out to the back lawn.”

Patrick checked to make sure he had Adrien’s ring. He’d been honoured when Ion had

asked him to be his best man and he’d done everything in his power to make sure that the
ceremony and reception went off without a hitch.

“His father was in financial trouble and his firm was failing. He thought if Winston

came back, he’d start getting clients again and they wouldn’t end up being poor.” Patrick
shook his head. “It was really a strange and not well thought out plan. Winston told his

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father he wasn’t going to help him and not to call again. His parents gave up without a fight.
It was all over so quickly once Winston found out the truth. Very anti-climactic, considering
how much of a pain they’d been to him the last several months.”

Patrick walked with Ion along the hallway and they reminisced about their adventures

together. After today, their lives would never be the same. They wouldn’t be able to call each
other at midnight on a Friday and head out to a movie, or even get together at the drop of a
hat. They both had partners now, though Patrick’s wasn’t official like Ion’s was going to be
in an hour or so. Yet it didn’t matter because his life and his heart were bound up with
Winston’s, and he wouldn’t give that up for the world.

When they got to the landing, Patrick looked down the sweeping staircase to where

Winston waited at the bottom for them. His love’s face lit up with joy when Winston spotted
them and Patrick knew he wore the same expression.

“You’re moving to London, aren’t you?” Ion asked.
“Yes. It’s all arranged for me to fly back with Winston on Monday. Patrice said she’d

pack up my things then ship them to me.” Patrick met Ion’s sad gaze. “We’ll always be best
friends, Ion. You were the one who protected me from the bullies in high school. But we’ve
fallen in love and that means our lives are changing.”

Ion sighed. “I know. I just don’t like the idea of you being so far away.”
“Winston has his own jet and I know Adrien does. We’ll see each other several times a

year, I’m sure. Our guys won’t say no because they’ll want to keep us happy.”

“Say no to what?” Winston asked when they approached him.
“To Ion and me flying back and forth to visit.” Patrick gave him a quick kiss on the

cheek. “Is everything ready?”

Winston nodded. “All the guests have been seated. Adrien is waiting very impatiently

at the altar. I came to make sure Ion hadn’t run off.”

“Let’s get this circus over with,” Ion muttered, strolling away from them.
Patrick laughed and Winston joined in as they followed Ion. Winston brought him to a

halt just before they were to step outside. He met Winston’s gaze with a curious look.

“Now that you’ve planned Ion’s wedding, do you think you’d ever want to plan your


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He inhaled sharply. Is Winston proposing? After studying Winston, he didn’t see any

nervousness or worry. There was simple curiosity in his eyes.

“I love you, Winston, but I’m not ready for that step at the moment. Maybe a year from

now,” he said. “After I’m used to living in London with my boyfriend and working at a new

“I love you as well.” Winston chuckled. “As long as the door is open, I can wait.”
Patrick walked out into the sun with Winston beside him, and he knew it would always

be that way.

Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

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Where the Devil Dances

T.A. Chase


Chapter One

David stepped inside the fence at the neighbourhood dog park. He let Sadie off her

leash and laughed as the large greyhound barked at him, staring intently at the object in his

“What?” He held up the dingy, chewed-up tennis ball in his hand. “You want this?” He

threw the ball as far as he could.

Sadie tore off after it before it’d even left his hand.
He tucked his hands in his jeans pockets and moved though the damp grass, the first

stars peeking through the twilight as he made his way towards his favourite bench. There
wasn’t much time for Sadie to run tonight since he had to be at the fire station at midnight.
He hoped his shift was uneventful, but there’d been a rash of fires lately and none of the men
had been able to get much sleep when they had been working.

Sadie dashed up to him, dropping the drool-covered ball at his feet. After bending over,

David picked it up to throw it again before continuing his stroll. Then his progress halted
and he flailed his arms to keep his balance. Glancing back, he noticed a pair of shoes he
hadn’t seen in the gloaming. Shoes he’d tripped over like an oaf.

The shoes belonged to a man sitting at the darkest end of the bench.
“Sorry. Didn’t see you there.”
“It’s okay.” The man’s voice was a pleasing baritone with a slight accent.
Movement in the man’s lap drew his gaze and David saw a small dog with large ears

staring at Sadie.

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“Sadie won’t hurt your dog if you want to let him down.” He gestured to where his

own dog was running in circles.

“Raoul would like that,” the stranger said quietly, leaning forward to set the little dog

on the ground.

Raoul stared at the man for a moment like he was waiting for a signal.
“Go play, Raoul.” The stranger flicked a pale hand towards Sadie. One bark then the

dog raced across the grass to greet Sadie.

David pointed to the bench. “May I?”
The man seemed to shrink farther into the shadows, but didn’t protest when David sat.
“I’m David Browdie, and the clown over there is Sadie.” The man’s moving away had

given David a hint that the stranger wouldn’t shake his hand, so he didn’t offer it.

“I’m Eric Sandel and that is Raoul.”
Good, Eric might give off a vibe of not wanting to be touched, but he didn’t seem to

mind talking.

“What kind of breed is Raoul? I’ve never seen one like him.”
“He’s a Papillon.” A hint of affection crept into Eric’s voice.
“It’s French for butterfly. The breed was named for their ears.”
David studied the white and black dog in the low light of approaching night. “I can see

it. His ears look sort of like butterfly wings.” He shot Eric a glance. “Are you from France?”

“I moved here from France when I was younger,” Eric admitted.
“Thought so. I’ve been trying to place the accent.”
“It isn’t as strong as it used to be. I can’t seem to get rid of it all.” Eric chuckled softly,

but David felt it drift on the breeze, teasing his ear then shooting straight to his hardening

Whoa, man, you have a date with your hand tonight if you’re getting turned on by some man’s


Checking his watch, he realised he had to go. He stood before whistling for Sadie.
“I have to get going. It was nice meeting you, Eric. Maybe we’ll run into each other


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Sadie trotted over and sat obediently, letting David snap the leash on her collar. He

waved a hand towards Eric’s silhouette as David jogged off with Sadie in tow.

Eric watched David run off. “Goodbye,” he whispered.
Raoul whined at his feet. He leant forward and picked the dog up. His pet stared at him

until he gave Raoul a treat.

“You’ve seemed to have made a friend. Are you glad I didn’t leave when I saw him

entering the park?” Eric brushed a hand over the dog’s back. “Something about David
Browdie intrigues me.”

Raoul barked and he laughed.
“Silly, I know. I’ve spent five minutes talking to him and naturally that gives me insight

into his character. Let’s go home.”

He hooked a leash on Raoul’s collar and set the little dog down. It felt good to get out of

his house once in a while, it loosened his stiff body, but the cool night air tended to make his
muscles tighten.

Heading in the opposite direction from David, Eric thought about the designs he

needed to work on that night and hoped he’d be able to complete the orchestra pit for the
Opera House. The aches and pains already radiating through his body and skin warned him
it wasn’t going to be a peaceful night.

Before he left the park, he shot a look over to where David had entered. Maybe he’d

come back to the park tomorrow night—for Raoul, of course—exercise was good for the little

* * * *

A shadowy figure slipped from doorway to doorway, following Eric from the park to a

small Victorian-style house a street away. He was careful to not let that little pain-in-the-ass
dog his old friend walked see him, or catch scent of him.

Eric looked so different from the last time he had seen him. He chuckled softly to

himself—he had been the cause of the change. Pride swelled in his chest. He’d turned a
good-looking man into a masterpiece forged in flames.

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He waited until Eric had entered the house and had shut the door before he moved

away, continuing down the street past Eric’s home. The man who had talked to Eric
intrigued and worried him. Eric was his. He’d worked hard to ensure that Eric would turn to
him. It hadn’t worked last time, but he had the opportunity to solidify their relationship this
time and he would do it.

Sharing didn’t come easy to him. He’d tried to let Eric have more friends, but when Eric

had started seeing that accountant, he’d lost all rational thought. Jealousy and anger over
Eric’s betrayal had consumed him. Breaking them up was the hardest thing he’d ever
accomplished, but he’d done it.

He climbed in his car and headed to his building. As he stepped into his apartment, he

glanced around. Things were ready. After turning his computer on, he hooked his camera to
it and started to download the pictures he’d taken earlier. Minutes later he printed them out.
One by one he taped them to the walls, adding to the hundreds of images of Eric already
papering the wall.

“Eric, my pretty little architect,” he breathed. Someday soon Eric would design their

home and they would be together forever. He only needed to convince Eric they were meant
to be together.

It was time. He grabbed his supplies and left, excitement racing through him. Stuffing

the bag into the trunk of his car, he felt his hands shake with emotion.

He’d have to remember to be outside Eric’s house tomorrow morning to see how his

lover would react to his next present. He would do whatever he had to win Eric back.

Order your copy here

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About the Author

There is beauty in every kind of love, so why not live a life without boundaries?

Experiencing everything the world offers fascinates T.A. and writing about the things

that make each of us unique is how she shares those insights. When not writing, T.A.’s

watching movies, reading and living life to the fullest.



T.A. loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and

author biography at



Also by T.A. Chase

Out of Light into Darkness

From Slavery to Freedom

The Vanguard

Two for One

Where the Devil Dances

Stealing Life

The Four Horsemen: Pestilence

The Four Horsemen: War

The Four Horsemen: Famine

The Four Horsemen: Death

The Beasor Chronicles: Gypsies

The Beasor Chronicles: Tramps

Home: No Going Home

Home: Home of His Own

Home: Wishing for a Home

Home: Leaving Home

Home: Home Sweet Home

Every Shattered Dream: Part One

Every Shattered Dream: Part Two

Every Shattered Dream: Part Three

Every Shattered Dream: Part Four

Every Shattered Dream: Part Five

Rags to Riches: Remove the Empty Spaces

Rags to Riches: Close the Distance

Unconventional at Best: Ninja Cupcakes

Unconventional in Atlanta: His Last Client

With Devon Rhodes

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International Men of Sports: A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood

International Men of Sports: Chasing the King of the Mountains

International Men of Sports: At First Touch

International Men of Sports: Blindsided

International Men of Sports: Burning Up the Ice

International Men of Sports: Serving Love at Carnival

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Totally Bound Publishing

Document Outline


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