keyboard and console howto 19 tx6dnvhund3cifhgzzfhqp7pkvzlud5wewwv5qi TX6DNVHUND3CIFHGZZFHQP7PKVZLUD5WEWWV5QI
The Linux keyboard and console HOWTO: Screensaving
19. Screensavingsetterm -blank nn will tell the console driver to blank the
screen after nn minutes of inactivity. (With nn = 0, screensaving
is turned off. In some old kernels this first took effect after the next
keyboard interrupt.)The s option of xset(1) will set the X screensaving parameters:
xset s off turns off the screensaver,
xset s 10 blanks the screen after 10 minutes.The video hardware powersaving modes can be enabled/disabled
using the setvesablank program given in the starting comment of