keyboard and console howto 21 aatg4pq37f77qvl7ohwsyaqknofu6xozg2oyyoi AATG4PQ37F77QVL7OHWSYAQKNOFU6XOZG2OYYOI
The Linux keyboard and console HOWTO: Some properties of the VT100 - application key mode
21. Some properties of the VT100 - application key mode: Sometimes my cursor keys or keypad keys produce strange codes?When the terminal is in application cursor key mode the cursor keys
produce Esc O x and otherwise Esc [ x where x is one of A,B,C,D.
Certain programs put the terminal in application cursor key mode;
if you kill them with kill -9, or if they crash, then the mode will
not be reset.
% echo -e '\033c' resets all properties of the current VC. Just changing the cursor
application key mode is done by
% echo -e '\033[?1h' (set) and
% echo -e '\033[?1l' (clear).When the terminal is in application keypad key mode the keypad keys
produce Esc O y and otherwise Esc [ z ~ for
certain y and z. Setting application keypad key mode is done by
% echo -e '\033=' and
% echo -e '\033>' clears it again.