Cooper McKenzie Caught by the Master

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Club Esoteria 2

Cooper McKenzie


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance

Copyright © 2010 by Cooper McKenzie
E-book ISBN: 1-60601-853-1

First E-book Publication: June 2010

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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With deep gratitude,

Cooper McKenzie

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To loving dominants and those they love

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Club Esoteria 2


Copyright © 2010


“Club Esoteria is selling sex slaves.”
Whitney Elliott hit the button on the phone to repeat the message

again. And then again. Then one more time just because she knew
she’d heard the caller wrong. No one in New Bern, North Carolina,
could possibly be selling sex slaves. New Bern sat square in the
middle of the Bible belt. Sex was talked about in hushed tones while
looking around to make sure no one else overheard the conversation.

She made a note of the time, date, and her impression of the

caller. It was a gravelly voice, but she couldn’t tell if the caller was
young or old, male or female. In any case, it sounded like they had
been smoking way too many cigarettes for way too long. Once she
finished, she listened to the rest of the overnight tip line messages. As
usual for a Thursday, there were more promotional tips about
upcoming weekend events than real news stories.

Part of her job at The Sun Journal, New Bern’s one and only

newspaper, was to come in early and listen to the telephone tip line.
She weeded out the crank calls and crackpots from the real news
items. After she made notes of the ones that sounded legitimate and
interesting on individual slips of paper, she made up a master list.
Once she cleared the tip line, she delivered them to the editor, who

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then handed out the assignments at the morning meeting. It was an
outdated system, but it seemed to work.

She’d been working for the paper for nearly a year. She was tired

of writing obituaries and dealing with the tip line, but as the last
person hired, she was stuck here unless she proved herself invaluable
as an investigative reporter. Like everyone else, she’d heard the
rumors that the paper might soon be downsizing. As last hired, she
would be first fired, which was not good given the jobless rate in the
county was just above ten percent.

During a recent lunch with her mentor, Kim, a long time staff

writer, she asked what it would take to get her out of the office and
into the field doing investigative journalism. What would it take to
keep her job if the threatened terminations came?

“You have to work for it. Write a front-page story. A story you

uncover by yourself. Something sensational that will knock the socks
off of every person who reads it, especially John,” Kim said, referring
to the editor. “Something that will keep the paper out of litigation due
to slander, libel, or misrepresentation of the facts.”

Whitney wrote up the sex slave tip. As Kim’s advice echoed

through her thoughts she hesitated before adding it to the master list.
Sex slavery in New Bern certainly held front page potential. Could
this be the story that moved her into real news reporting?

Instead of adding it to the master list, she folded the small paper in

quarters and slipped it into the side pocket of her purse. The more she
thought of it, the more she knew in her gut this was the story.

After placing everything in the orange tip line folder, she headed

across the building to the editor’s office. After dropping the folder off,
she would have plenty of time to begin her research on sex slavery
and Club Esoteria.

She paused at the entrance to Kim’s office, but her friend was

busy with someone. Whoever he was, from behind he looked like a
dream. Tall, broad across the shoulders, narrow through the hips and
wearing an expensive suit was all that Whitney could see. She

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Caught by the Master


wondered if he was as good looking in the front or if he was one of
those who carried all his weight lapped over his belly in a bass drum
type beer gut. She returned Kim’s wave before turning away to
complete her errand.

* * * *

“Who is that lovely lady?” Taurus Green glanced over his

shoulder and found he couldn’t look away from the vision who’d
stopped to talk to someone as she headed to the back of the building.
She’d turned so he could see her profile.

“Whitney Elliott, my protégé. She’ll be a great investigative

journalist, if she can stand the initiation.”

“Uh-huh. Don’t know about a current boyfriend. Last one broke

up with her about the time she came to work here. Been about a year I

“She’s a beauty. Don’t suppose she’d be interested in expanding

her horizons a bit?”

“She’s too mousy, too innocent for you. Probably wouldn’t

understand your lifestyle even if you explained it to her. Let me find
you someone more experienced, more worldly.”

“I don’t know. Teaching the innocent is one of my favorite

things.” He continued watching the pretty young woman until she
walked out of sight. Sitting and crossing his leg, he discretely adjusted
the hard-on he’d gotten from just watching Miss Whitney Elliott walk
away before turning his attention to the reason for his visit, a
fundraising campaign for the battered women’s shelter

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Chapter 1

“I’m sorry, Miss, but Esoteria is a private club for members and

their guests only.” The guard was so big and muscular he could
probably pick her small car up and turn it around all by himself if he

“So how do I become a member?” Whitney pulled her wallet out

of her purse.

He waved her off when she opened her wallet. “Membership is by

invitation only. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to leave now.”

Whitney nodded but couldn’t help asking one last question. “Do

they really sell sex slaves in there?”

The guard’s expression went completely blank. “You need to

leave. Now.”

With a sigh, Whitney backed up and turned her car around.

Saturday night and she was working. Her boss would be happy,
especially if she got the story, but her body wished she could find a
man to take her mind off her job. A man to scratch all her itches,
sexual and otherwise.

She drove away, pulling into the movie theater parking lot just

down the street. She parked so she could see the club and its grounds.
Then she did what she did best. She planned.

She’d spent every spare moment of the last three days researching

Club Esoteria and sexual slavery, which led to an eye-opening study
of BDSM. She read up on various aspects of the “lifestyle,” as it was
called. The discipline of it as well as domination and submission
intrigued her. Bondage and sadomasochism gave her fear chills.

Reading articles about various aspects of kinky sex made her

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panties wet and her cunt twitch in hunger. It was an appetite she could
not satisfy on her own, even with the few toys she kept hidden from
the world.

She’d also spent hours each night locked in her bedroom, reading

BDSM erotic romance e-books she found during her wanderings
through the uninhibited world of the Internet, which led to
masturbating herself to sleep afterwards. A sleep where in her dreams
a faceless man did some of the things she’d read about. She usually
woke with a wet pussy and fingers rubbing her clit, well on her way to
an orgasm that took the edge off but wasn’t nearly as satisfying as it
should be.

Little had been written about Club Esoteria. On a visit to the

office of county records, she learned that Taurus Green and Jenna
Carter owned the club. She also discovered that these two were
serious about privacy—theirs, the club’s, and their clientele’s.
Somehow they’d been able to obtain all the necessary permits and
paperwork to renovate the old warehouse and open a sex club within
city limits without anyone going nuts.

Probably because nowhere in her research had it been called a sex

club. Club Esoteria was known as a private club for those interested in
the pursuit of private pleasures. They did not advertise. They did not
seek publicity. In the five years since their opening the police had
never been summoned for drinking, fighting, or other disorderly
conduct, which made Whitney all the more curious about what went
on inside the brick walls of the Esoteria.

Being stopped at the parking lot’s front gate would not stop her

from finding out. That just made her even more determined to get
inside. Something kinky was going on, and she would be the one to
uncover it and tell the world, or at least New Bern, about it.

“If you can’t get through the front with the guests, a good

investigative journalist will slip in the back door with the catering
staff. The best will do whatever it takes to get the story.” The words
of her Journalism 101 professor rang through her memory.

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Pulling her driver’s license and some money from her wallet, she

tucked them into the left back pocket of her jeans. In the other pocket
she slid a small notebook and a ballpoint pen. She shoved her purse
under the driver’s seat and out of sight. She pocketed the car keys
once she’d locked the car and headed to the far end of the parking lot,
away from the club’s entrance.

There were no street lamps here, and it was dark enough that the

guards would have trouble seeing her cross the road. She ran across
the three lanes and kept running until she was well away from the
road, hidden from view by azalea bushes and dogwood trees that
camouflaged the tall chain link fence. She was surprised to see the
club’s parking lot was nearly full. Most of the cars were luxury class
sedans, sports cars, and SUVs. She’d driven by several times the past
few days and the lot had always been empty during the daylight hours
with the first cars arriving about eight each evening. She didn’t know
how late people stayed, but figured that, like the bars in North
Carolina, Esoteria would close about one in the morning.

The building was a turn-of-the-century four-story brick warehouse

that looked much like any of the other older warehouses in town. This
one had been renovated with new windows and the bricks painted a
medium tan instead of brick red. The one big difference that made this
one stand out from the others was its fenced parking lot. Only the
city’s outdoor storage facility had a more elaborate fence. There was
not even a fancy billboard posted anywhere to announce to the world
what kind of business this building housed. In fact, there were no
signs of any kind, except on the side of the mailbox where the words
“Club Esoteria” and the street address had been painted in a rather
bland script.

Whitney continued down the fence line until she reached the

building. Here a well-kept lawn began. She slowed as she left the
protective covering of the bushes and eased her way toward to the
back of the building. She did not see any motion sensitive lights but
could not tell if there were cameras watching her every move or not.

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Caught by the Master


At the back corner of the building, she came upon a driveway.

Keeping close to the building, she followed it to a small parking lot
with a huge pickup truck parked between a luxury SUV and a small
sports car. The owners? Or special sneak-in-the-back-door kind of
guests? She paused when she came upon a pair of oversized doors.
The one on the left was marked “Private” in big white letters. The
other one read, “Deliveries Accepted 12-5 p.m. ONLY.”

Whitney paused for a moment, debating her choices. Which might

be open? Which would get her into the club without anyone seeing
her? Which did she feel brave enough to try?

Taking a deep breath to bolster her courage, she reached for the

door on the left. She gasped in silent surprise when it swung open
without an alarm sounding.

Stepping inside, she pulled the door completely closed before

turning her attention to her surroundings. She found herself in a
surprisingly well appointed foyer. It was as if she’d stepped into a
hotel and not a sex club. She faced a large elevator door that was part
of the mural of impressionist artwork that covered the entire wall. The
wall to her right was covered with mirrored tiles. The other two walls
were painted, but the colors picked up colors from the mural. To her
left there was a door.

Meeting her own eyes for a few seconds, she brushed at her black

hair to smooth down a few flyaway strands. She didn’t look for long.
She never did. She was too skinny with barely-there boobs and too-
long legs. But her face was passably pretty now that she’d finally
grown into the Cupid’s bow mouth and lilac-colored eyes that always
seemed too big for her face.

Too timid to try the elevator, Whitney turned to the door. Easing it

open, she peeked around the edge, expecting to see another solemn-
faced guard. But the short hallway was empty. The sound of music
and the murmur of voices mixed with cries and moans, but there was
no one to stop her.

“So far, so good,” she assured herself as she walked cautiously to

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the end of the hall.

Where it opened into the main room she paused to absorb the

sights and sounds. She froze when a woman dressed in red latex
passed by, followed closely by a pair of nearly naked men. The men
wore black collars and wrist cuffs. Matching red thongs strained to
cover impressive erections. Leashes leading out of the top of the
thongs to the woman’s hand assured they didn’t stray too far.

With burning cheeks, she looked away from that trio to see the

bare, red ass of a very hairy man. He lay over the lap of another, even
hairier, man who enthusiastically spanked him with what looked like
a Ping-Pong paddle. Though tempted to stop him, she saw that while
others watched the action, no one interfered. If she did so, she would
call attention to herself, and that was the last thing she needed.

Her eyes darted around the room, and it took only a moment to

deduce she was overdressed. Way overdressed. In any normal
situation her dark gray jeans and matching silk shirt worked fine.
Here the rule of thumb with clothes seemed to be less was more. And
she had on more than anyone else in the room.

Forcing herself not to run back the way she’d come, Whitney took

a steadying breath. Her gaze swept the room, taking in nearly naked
bodies involved in numerous sexual and painful looking activities.
Though she had done her homework, some of what she saw going on
still shocked her.

She looked toward the bar, and the best looking man she’d seen

since college caught her eye. The bartender was tall and broad and
built like a real man should be. His slightly furred chest was bare
except for an open brown leather vest. His arms were corded with
muscles, and she didn’t see a spare ounce of fat on him. His skin was
the golden brown of genetics and not a spray on tan.

His short, curly hair was two shades more red than brown. As he

moved, gold and red fire danced across the strands, giving him the
look of a dark angel. Her fingers twitched, wanting to see if those
curls were as soft as they appeared.

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Caught by the Master


Whitney took a step forward before she caught herself and froze.

She couldn’t just walk up to him and run her fingers through his hair.
He would toss her out on her ear and she would never get her story.
Instead, she stayed where she was and admired the view as he talked
to a woman sitting at the bar.

* * * *

“Cousin, do you need a vacation?” Jenna Carter asked.
Taurus Green paused in the middle of opening two beers to stare

at the woman. She was his cousin, business partner, and closest
friend. She was also the only person who could ask such a question
and expect an answer.

“What are you talking about?”
“Something’s going on with you lately. You’re working all the

time. I’m told the subs are feeling neglected since you haven’t used a
private room in weeks. Last night you didn’t blink when Dane put
Sloan up on the bar so he and Merlin could play, and you never let
anyone play on your bar. What’s going on?”

Taurus listened but didn’t try to defend his change in behavior. If

he couldn’t explain it to himself, how could he explain to Jenna that
he needed something else, something more? Being co-owner,
manager, and bartender of a BDSM club had fulfilled his sexual needs
until recently. Lately, though, he could barely drag himself out of bed
in time to open the bar and couldn’t wait to go back upstairs and
crawl back into bed. He needed something new, something different.
Problem was he didn’t know what that something should be.

He had spent time with all the uncollared subs in the place and

helped other masters with most of the collared ones as well. Lately,
nothing seemed to give him the perpetual hard-on he had lived with in
the beginning.

He couldn’t even pinpoint when this strange ennui had begun. All

he knew was he needed a change.

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Leaving town was out of the question. His roots had sunk here.

After growing up an Army brat and then spending six years in the
Marines, he found stability here and liked having a home that would
always be his. He liked being able to come home to the same place
every night. He liked not living out of boxes.

Maybe he did just need a vacation. A week or three away might

do him a world of good. But where to go? Where could he find
solitude and relaxation without a flock of women chasing after him?
A monastery? A male-only retreat? Most people wanted to meet
people on vacation. All he wanted was to get away from them.

“You’re right. I’ve been a workaholic prick-in-the-mud. Happy? I

admit it.” Taurus turned away to deal with a gay couple who were
charter members. He fixed two ginger ales with two cherries each
without asking.

When he turned back, he wasn’t surprised that Jenna had not

moved away. She patiently watched him with one arm around
Antony, who nuzzled his cheek between her breasts with his arms
looped around her. Her limitless patience and laser-like focus made
her a great Domme but proved hellish when pointed in his direction.

All he wanted tonight was to finish his shift, go upstairs for a

long, hot shower and a tall, cold beer before curling up in his bigger-
than-king-size bed. Alone. Again. For a single man that was a sad
way to spend a Saturday night. For a sex club owner it was just

Grabbing a clean bar towel, he wiped down the already spotless

bar, but Jenna did not take the hint. She continued to watch his every

His patience shredded fast. Tossing the towel in the sink, he

turned to face her. “What?”

“Is it a special woman or the lack of one that’s got you all tied up

in knots?”

Taurus gritted his teeth to keep from growling. Her guess was too

close to the truth. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he shrugged.

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How could he explain he was still thinking about a woman he saw
three days before? The memory of her sexy backside still had the
ability to get him hard.

“I’m not sure, but now is not the time to talk about it.”
“When?” One thing that had to be said about Jenna, she was

damned persistent.

“Later, when I’m not working.” Taurus allowed a little growl to

color his words as his eyes automatically scanned the room, checking
for trouble.

Whatever Jenna said next was lost on him. A strange stillness

across the way caught his attention. A woman was staring at him in
the most delicious way. He hadn’t seen her face, but he would swear
that this pretty little thing was Kim’s protégé, the little mouse. But
what the hell was she doing in his sex club full of alley cats?

Thick black hair was pulled back from her face. She looked thin

but still curvy in all the right places. Something about her reached
deep down in his gut and twisted his insides in a knot. She was not a
club member, which meant she was trespassing, but he didn’t care,
not when his cock twitched with interest for anything for the first time
in weeks.

“Jason, watch the bar,” he said to the other bartender as he

grabbed a pair of wrist cuffs as well as the only key hanging on the
private room key board. Looking at it, he saw it was the key to the
playroom, the perfect room to introduce a little mouse to sex and
punishment. “Antony, please find Mason and ask him to fill in for

“Sure, Taurus,” Jenna’s sub answered easily. With a nod of

permission from his mistress, he took off to find Mason.

“What’s going on?” Jenna asked as Taurus stepped from behind

the bar.

“I’m taking the rest of the night off,” he said in a low voice as he

passed her. “I’m going to catch myself a mouse.”

His eyes never left the woman across the room. She had dropped

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her gaze from his, but he saw she looked back at him several times as
she slipped through the crowd around the St. Andrew’s cross.

Each time she looked his way, his smile grew as he met her gaze.

She was a brave little submissive, even if she did not realize it yet. He
circled the long way around the room, pausing several times to
answer questions. He also checked with various dungeon monitors,
wandering the room to make sure everything was running smoothly.
But always his attention remained on the woman in gray. By the time
he closed in, his cock was hard as steel, reminding him that it had
been too long since he had been with a woman.

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Chapter 2

Whitney watched the bartender as he circled the room. She

continued moving forward, wanting to keep him from getting too
close, but the crowd seemed to build wherever she went, and she grew
claustrophobic around all the naked people. Finally, she found a
couch in an empty niche, partly shielded by an arrangement of plants.
She admitted she might have made a mistake by coming.

But she could not leave without getting a story. Closing her eyes,

she tried to think, but her brain refused to move past all the shocking
and exciting things she had seen since entering the club.

* * * *

Taurus watched her step into one of the more secluded

conversation areas. Ignoring several people who called out greetings,
he closed in. He did not stop until he stood right behind her. Then he
stepped even closer. Wrapping his arms around her, he trapped her
arms against her sides. He crossed his arms over her chest and cupped
his hands over the opposite breasts and pulled her to lean back against
his body.

She stiffened but did not fight him or scream in surprise. Had she

been expecting him?

He swallowed a groan of pleasure when the scent of her sweet

arousal wrapped around him. She smelled womanly and sexy and
spoke to something in him that no other had ever touched. Could this
be the woman he had been searching for since learning that girls were
different than boys?

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When she relaxed against him, he bent his head until his lips were

millimeters from her ear. “Little mouse, you’ve been caught. Now
you belong to me.”

She stiffened as he licked his way down the outer shell of her ear

before sucking the lobe with its stud earring between his teeth.

* * * *

Whitney fought an urge to run when she felt someone move in

close behind her. A tremor started low in her pelvis. It was the
bartender. It had to be. No one else in the place looked twice in her
direction except for two subs who begged to serve her.

She was shocked when instead of dragging her from the club, he

stepped behind her and wrapped his long, muscular arms around her.
Warm palms covered her breasts. He pulled her off balance just
enough that she had to lean against him or fall on her ass. She took a
breath to stay calm, to keep from fighting his hold. She was smaller,
weaker, and in the wrong. But what would he do to her?

Lust shot through her hard and fast. She ground her teeth together

to keep from moaning. Who was this man who could turn her on with
a simple touch?

When he whispered in her ear, the dark, hard-as-steel edge to his

voice and his words of assumed ownership sent a thrill rocketing from
her chest to her toes and back again

Wait a minute, she wasn’t into kinky stuff, was she? Or was a

little kink what was missing from her pathetically sad love life?

At the first nip of teeth on her earlobe, her knees weakened and

her pussy gushed hot cream. Thank goodness his arms remained tight
around her. Hot palms rubbing back and forth over her erect nipples
distracted her. She had to concentrate in order to make sense of his
next words.

“You have a choice. I can call the cops and you will be arrested

for trespassing. Or you can stay and learn something about yourself.”

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She swallowed hard and licked her lips before whispering, “For

how long?”

“As long as I decide.”
His deep whiskey voice held an unspoken promise. For a second,

Whitney did not know which frightened her more—dealing with him
or facing the police, her parents, and her boss.

Being honest with herself, she admitted she wanted to stay, and

not just for the sex slave story. She wanted to figure out why her
research into kink had turned her on so much, why she felt something
was lacking in her life.

She had made it to her twenty-third year having experienced only

the basics of sex, a little kissing and petting before her partner fucked
her and got off. She never had an orgasm during sex with a man. She
did not even know what an orgasm during sex felt like. The really sad
thing was the men she had been with had not cared whether or not she
found pleasure. As long as they got off, they seemed happy.

By staying, maybe she could discover why she only found sexual

pleasure with the toys hidden at the bottom of her sweater drawer.
Was she defective? Or did she need more than “vanilla” sex could

“I’ll stay,” she whispered as a shiver worked its way through her.

* * * *

Taurus clenched his jaw, fighting for control. He pushed down the

urge to strip them both and take her where she stood. His cock
throbbed as she trembled in his arms. She was untried and would not
enjoy sex in the middle of the club’s main room, but she made the
decision to stay.

“Good girl.” He brushed a kiss on the side of her neck.
Taking her nipples between first fingers and thumbs, he began to

play. “What’s your name, little mouse?”

She did not answer at first, but he expected her hesitation. If

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anyone else snuck into the club, they would find themselves
handcuffed and waiting in the foyer for the police. But with this pretty
woman he did not want anyone else talking to her, touching her, but

He tightened his fingers on her nipples until she gasped. “If I have

to repeat myself the punishment increases,” he whispered. “I also
punish subs harshly for lying.”

He felt her chest heave before she whispered, “Whitney. My name

is Whitney Elliott.”

So, she was Kim’s little reporter from the newspaper. How very


“Very good, Whitney Elliott. In a few minutes, we will go

upstairs, but first…” He trailed off as he began to unbutton her
blouse. She stiffened as he moved quickly to the second and then third
buttons. He was impressed that she did not fight him but instead stood
passively as he undressed her.

“Take off your shoes.”

* * * *

Something in the man’s voice made her want to do whatever he

requested. She did not know if it was because of the situation, the man
himself, or the fact that she was so spineless anyone could boss her
around. Wasn’t that why she still lived at home with her mother?

The one thing she did know was that her body burned with a need

she could not define. A hunger she had never felt before.

As she toed off her shoes, she swallowed hard. “May I ask


“Until I tell you differently, you may speak. I may not answer, but

you can ask.”

His nimble fingers unbuttoned her blouse, then pulled the snap on

her jeans and drew the zipper down. “Turn around and take them off,”
he ordered as he released her.

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Whitney turned and looked up. And up. And up to find herself

looking at the bartender up close. When he lifted one eyebrow and
looked down at her body, she shrugged out of the shirt and dropped it
on top of her shoes. Then she pushed her jeans down and off as well.
Thankfully, she’d worn a bright orange teddy that covered her

Straightening, she met his smoldering, emerald green gaze.
“Very good, little mouse. You had a question?” he asked as he

looked her up and down. His expression remained blank, but his eyes
glowed with green heat.

Whitney lifted her hands to cover herself, but he caught her hands

and returned them to her sides in silent command. “What’s your
name? What do I call you?”

“My name is Master T. Until you feel you can trust me enough to

call me Master, you may call me Sir.”

She watched as he flagged down a man wearing a leather thong

and wrist cuffs. “Take those clothes to the foyer and check them in
under my name.”

“Yes, Master T.” The sub gathered the clothes and hurried away.
“Come along, mouse.” Sir took her hand and laced their fingers

together. “It’s time to go upstairs.”

* * * *

It wasn’t until Sir clicked the lock into place that Whitney

questioned her decision not to be arrested for trespassing. Alone and
behind a locked door, he could do anything to her and no one could
stop him. She began to tremble when he refused to release her hand
when she tried to pull free from his grasp.

Looking around the room intrigued her, yet at the same time sent

shivers of lust and fear through her.

It was unlike any room she had ever been in before. The wall to

her left was mirrored floor to ceiling.

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What was it about this guy and mirrors?
The wall to the right held a single open door that led to a

bathroom. The wall in front of her was partly covered with shelves
that held neatly labeled baskets. Next to the shelves was a St.
Andrew’s cross similar to the ones downstairs, only on a smaller

Turning her head, she found a rather large collection of whips,

canes, and other instruments of pain displayed on the fourth wall.
She’d read about some of them in her research, but others she didn’t
recognize. In the center of the room was a padded leather-covered
table. There were a number of large eyebolts screwed around the sides
of the top as well as at intervals down the legs. There were other
pieces of furniture around the perimeter of the room. The only other
one she recognized was a straight back chair in one corner.

She turned to Sir when he released her hand. He held out one

large hand, palm up.

“Give me your wrists,” he said. His voice was soft but threaded

with steel.

Without a thought, Whitney laid both wrists into his palm. In

seconds he secured a padded leather cuff around each one.

“Good little mouse,” he murmured.
Wrapping one hand around the back of her neck, he pulled her

close for a kiss.

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Chapter 3

He meant for the kiss to be a simple brushing of lips, an

introduction of sorts. Something to relax her and give her a small taste
of reward. But the moment his skin touched hers, a bolt of electricity
shot between them, short-circuiting his brain. He could not stop
himself from what happened next. He needed more. So much more.

Angling his head farther to the right, he traced the seam of her lips

with the tip of his tongue. When her lips parted on gentle sigh, he
pushed deeper. He had to taste his little mouse. Had to know if she
tasted as sweet and innocent as she looked.

Wrapping his arms fully around her, he tensed when she moved.

Instead of pushing him away, her fingers traced the waistband of his
leathers. Long, cool fingers slipped inside the back of his pants and
pressed into his lower spine.

At that, his tongue went exploring, sliding over her teeth then

between them. His tongue dueled with hers while imprinting her taste
on his brain. Her kiss was sweet and spicy with a sharper, darker
undertone that made his cock pulse with need. God, she smelled good
enough that he wanted to spend the rest of the night licking his way
from head to toe.

But the submissive little reporter needed instruction on what

happened when little mice came into his club without an invitation.

Pulling back, he fought down a satisfied smile when he heard a

soft murmur of disappointment. She truly was submissive, though no
one had ever tapped into that before.

Until now.
This time together would tell a lot about the possibility of a future

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for them. Would she allow him to take her under command? Or would
it be a battle for supremacy? Taking a deep breath to steady himself,
he stepped back, forcing her hands from his body. Then he turned
away so she could not see his expression.

“Strip,” he ordered.

* * * *

Whitney was so blown away by Sir’s kiss that it took a moment to

process the single word order he issued. It took all she had in her not
to follow him as he crossed the room to one of the shelving units.

When the order penetrated the lust haze that fogged her brain, a

shiver snaked through her. “Excuse me?”

“Take off your teddy and hang it on the hook by the bathroom

door. Whenever we are alone you will be naked unless I say

He met her eyes with an expression that brought to mind a

predator who had finally run his prey to ground and was preparing for
the kill.

“It also makes for more interesting rewards and punishments if I

can get to all of you.”

Whitney blinked, then met his eyes for a few more seconds before

dropping her gaze. She read serious intention in his eyes, though his
expression was otherwise blank.

Looking at the floor with her face burning for the umpteenth time

since entering the building, she reached between her legs and pulled
open the snaps that secured the crotch of the teddy. Closing her eyes,
she crossed her arms, grabbed material, and quickly pulled it up over
her head and off her body. After turning the scrap of imitation satin
and lace right side out, she crossed the room and hung it from the
hook Sir indicated.

Once finished with the simple task she froze. What was she to do

next? She was naked in front of a stranger. A gorgeous Dom who

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planned to punish her. Would he be naked as well? What would he do
to her now? Fuck her? Beat her? Tie her up and leave her? Offer her
body to others in the club? The possibilities she’d read about in her
research were endless. Each situation she thought of grew more
horrible than the last until she began to tremble with fear.

“Come here, little mouse. We’ll get your punishment out of the

way before we talk.”

“May I ask my questions then?”
“Yes. We’ll exchange questions and answers. For every question

of mine that you answer truthfully you will be allowed to ask one.”

“Thank you, Sir.”
She winced when she realized what she had said. Why had she

thanked him? It seemed only fair that he should answer her questions
as well as ask his own. Didn’t it?

He had taken off his vest, but the soft leather pants remained on.

The front bulged with his erection. He looked large behind the brown
hide. When he sat in the straight back chair and held out his hand, she
found she could not move.

“Breathe, little mouse. Look at me.”
Taking a breath, she did as he dictated.
“Now walk to me.”
Following his directions seemed so easy. In a few seconds, she

found herself right beside him, still caught in his glowing eyes. She
saw pleasure and approval flash in their green depths. That expression
made her want to do whatever she could to keep him happy.

“Good girl. Now, can you lay yourself across my lap and accept

your punishment? Or do I need to tie you down before I spank you?”

Whitney hesitated. She was guilty of trespassing and should be

punished. If he wanted to spank her, she would let him. It was a hell
of a way to get a story, but reporters did whatever necessary, didn’t

She stepped up close to his side but didn’t know how to proceed.

“How do I?” she asked with a wave of her hand.

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She squeaked when he grabbed her hand and pulled her off

balance. She landed hard across his muscular thighs with her head
down and ass up. He took a moment to adjust her to his liking, then
wrapped his left arm across her back to hold her in place.

“Do you understand why you are being punished?”
“I snuck into the club without permission.”
She jumped and hissed when his hand came down hard on her

right cheek. The pain was sharp, hard, and hot.

“Why did you come into my club without permission?” The hand

came down on her left cheek.

She tried to think of an answer that was close enough to the truth

to satisfy him without telling him the actual truth.

“I was curious about BDSM. I wanted to see the club, but they

wouldn’t let me in the front gate.”

Another stroke. “This is a private club for members only. You are

not a member,” he growled.

After that, the strikes came fast and hard on alternating sides. She

tried to breathe through the pain, tried not to cry as they continued,
but couldn’t help herself. Tears ran down her face by the fourth slap,
and by the sixth she began crying in earnest. After that she lost count.

It took a moment for her to realize when he stopped. Her ass felt

on fire, and she wondered how long it would be before she would be
able to sit down again without remembering. She jumped when he
began to caress her ass with something cool and creamy.

“Shhh, little mouse. This will ease the pain,” he explained,

holding her in place when she tried to move away.

Knowing the punishment was over, she relaxed. A strange feeling

of freedom washed over her along with a lust she had never felt
before. No one had ever spanked her, and she had to admit that
though it hurt like hell, the punishment and Sir’s domination also
turned her on. Big time. Her thighs were wet with her juices, and her
nipples were hard enough to poke holes through concrete.

“Looks like someone enjoyed her spanking,” Sir murmured as he

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trailed fingers between her legs and through her cream. “Are you
horny, little mouse? Do you want to come?”

“Yes, Sir,” Whitney whispered, her face burning almost as much

as her ass did.

Her breath caught when two fingers pressed into her channel.

Then she sighed. It felt good to have someone else play with her
pussy. When another finger brushed against her clit, her hips shifted,
asking for more.

The movement earned her a sharp smack to her still stinging ass.

“Hold still. You will not come until I give you permission. Do you

Whitney had to swallow back a moan before she answered, “Yes,


After that, she concentrated on trying not to move while he

played. He filled her with two and then three long, thick fingers. He
slid them in and out while his thumb circled and flicked at her
pleasure button. A heartbeat before she came, he pulled his fingers
free and his attention shifted to her back hole.

“Such a pretty little pucker. Has anyone ever taken you there?” he

asked as one finger circled round and round her back hole.

Her orgasm fizzled as she tensed. “No man ever has,” she said

without elaborating. If he wanted more, he could ask for it. As it was,
she was having a hard time thinking and forming words.

“No man, eh? How about toys? Have you played here before?”

His finger stopped circling, and the tip pressed against the center of
the star.

Her muscles tightened against the threatened intrusion. “I used a

butt plug once, but I didn’t leave it in long. It felt strange.”

Instead of pushing into her, his hand slid back to her clit. Sliding

two fingers back into her channel, he quickly built her lust back up.
She fought her approaching orgasm with everything in her. Then he
pinched her clit and held tight.

“Come now, little mouse,” he ordered in his steel-laced voice.

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In the next moment, an orgasm more powerful than anything she

ever felt before overwhelmed her. She screamed as white-hot flashes
shot from pelvis to fingers and toes and the top of her head and
beyond in pulsating waves. It rippled through her again and again.
Her muscles contracted and convulsed with the pleasure.

His fingers continued playing, sending her from one orgasm to the

next. When she begged for him to stop, he finally allowed her to ride
the last wave to completion. Like the punishment, she lost herself in
the orgasm.

Once she became aware of her surroundings again, she marveled

that she was no longer lying across Sir’s lap. Instead, she sat on his
lap, leaning against his broad chest, shaking like a leaf in a
windstorm. He’d wrapped a soft yellow blanket around her and was
holding her close. When had he done all this?

“Shhh, sweet mouse. Rest.”
She relaxed with her cheek against his chest and her forehead

brushing his chin. Closing her eyes, she smiled as contentment welled
in her. The hand that had punished her so harshly now rubbed up and
down her spine, soothing her. The paddling she could have lived
without, but the multiple orgasms and this cuddling were things she
could easily grow addicted to.

Her thoughts drifted as she enjoyed the physical and emotional

release this strange interlude had given her. Then her mind kicked
into gear and her reason for being in the club reasserted itself. She
needed answers, needed to uncover the truth. Taking a deep breath,
she filled her lungs with his spicy, masculine scent. With a sigh, she
relaxed again. Questions could wait a few more minutes.

* * * *

Taurus could not help smiling as she relaxed fully into his

embrace. She continued trembling, but she was not fighting for her

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freedom. Did she feel the connection, too?

She was perfect. Untried, yet curious and accepting of his

attentions, she’d become turned on by both punishment and pleasure.
She accepted the spanking easily enough, even acknowledging that
she had been in the wrong. Twenty-five strokes were a lot for a first
punishment, but he hoped it would prove an effective deterrent.

He was surprised to find the discipline had also turned her on.

After a few minutes of his fingers playing with her pussy, she’d been
ready to explode. He could feel the truthfulness of her answers as he
questioned her about experiences and was pleased that he would be
the first to breach her ass.

She felt warm and cuddly in his arms. Though his body was

hungry and in need of release, he would not fuck her tonight. He lived
by a set of stringent protocols developed to keep them both safe.
Otherwise, he would be inclined to carry her upstairs right now and
spend the rest of the month taking her in every way he could think of,
kinky or not. But before that happened, she needed to trust him. She
also needed to be tested for disease, and more importantly, she needed
to think.

As her trembling slowed, his heart told his head that she was the

woman he had been looking for since puberty. Whitney Elliott was
the other half of his soul. But how could he tell her they were meant
to be together without scaring her to death?

When she shifted on his lap, snuggling deeper into his embrace,

his cock protested. He needed to do something before it exploded in

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Chapter 4

“Does the club really sell sex slaves?” Whitney whispered once

she stopped floating in daydreams about how good it would feel to
have Sir fucking her. His cock felt long and thick and quite interested
as it pressed into her hip. She couldn’t wait to see it.

Sir remained silent for so long she wondered if he would answer.

He told her she could ask questions. She only hoped he decided to
answer this one.

“So, you’re ready to trade information, eh?” he asked, sounding


Whitney shrugged in response. She didn’t want to answer his

questions, but if it would help her story she would open up to him. It
wasn’t like she would see him again.

“Not normally. We did recently have a sub and slave auction to

raise money for charity. How many lovers have you had?”

The hand that ran up and down her back rose even higher to

massage the back of her scalp, soothing her, distracting her. She
answered without thinking or censoring herself first.

“Four. What charity received the benefit of your sex auction?”
“The battered women’s shelter needed some repairs to their

building. We were able to make a sizeable contribution. Look at me.”

His hand pulled her head back, angling it until she looked into his

face. She met his probing green gaze for two racing heartbeats before
dropping her eyes to look at his lips. Full, coral lips.

“Who destroyed your self-esteem? Who made you feel that you

aren’t good enough?”

Shocked at his question, she looked up again. Then she found

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herself trapped in Sir’s green gaze. Heat and hunger flashed at her,
surrounded her and drew her in.

Surely all that emotion couldn’t be for her. She was a nobody

floundering her way through life, living with her mother while
struggling to start a career in a dying industry. She had nothing to
offer this gorgeous man.

She looked over his shoulder before asking, “What kind of

question is that?”

He didn’t answer. After a few seconds, she looked to find one

eyebrow cocked higher than the other. His lips were turned up in a
smile that was patient, confident, and comforting. He would not
answer her question until she answered his last one.

She huffed a breath. Shifting on his lap, she rubbed against his

solid erection, hoping to divert his attentions. Then her thoughts
turned to sex as his cock twitched and seemed to grow even bigger.
What would it be like to play with his hard length?

“Answer my question.” One hand reached between her thighs

again to cup her mound and hold her lower body still.

The shock of his warm touch made her confess. “My father never

approved of anything I did from the moment I was born. I was
supposed to be a boy to carry on the family name and traditions. He
died my senior year in high school. Now it’s just Mom and me, but
she’s almost as bad. My last boyfriend broke up with me because I
wouldn’t make myself into the kind of woman he wanted.”

“What kind of woman was that?”
“I’m not sure. His idea of the perfect woman changed faster than I

could keep track. One day he wanted a working woman who could
support him, the next Martha Stewart. Before I could figure out how
to fold a napkin properly, he wanted a sports nut who was also a sex
kitten. I wasn’t able to change that fast, so he dumped me. I think he’s
dating four women now because he can’t find what’s he’s looking for
in one.”

Blinking back unexpected tears, Whitney hid her face against the

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side of his neck. When he tried to lift her head to look at her, she
shrugged him off.

“Look at me, mouse,” Sir murmured before brushing a kiss over

her hair.

Whitney shook her head and pulled the blanket closer around her


“If you can’t look directly at me, look at me in the mirror.” His

soft voice did not hold the thread of steel it had earlier. Instead, it
sounded as if it were laced with compassion.

Whitney looked into the mirror. His gentle voice worked as

effectively as the steel in his Master’s order had earlier. What was it
in her that needed his approval?

He had yet to use her name, but she thrilled each time he praised

the “good little mouse.” Something about his words warmed her
insides like rich hot chocolate on a cold day. Even compliments from
coworkers on a job well done had never affected her as much as three
words from this man who had spanked her and made her cry before
giving her the best orgasm of her life.

Then a sobering thought cut through the rebuilding haze of lust.

He would kick her to the curb as soon as he found out why she’d
really snuck into his club.

She jumped when he pinched high on the inner thigh. “Oww, what

was that for?”

“Your attention wandered. Your focus should be on your

Dominant and not wandering the universe like yours was. What was
that last thought? It made you sad.”

He brushed a kiss on her hair and then used his free hand to ease

the blanket from her shoulders so he could lick at the skin where her
neck and shoulder met.

“Nothing important. Were the slaves and subs willing to be

auctioned off? No one was hurt because of it, were they?” Whitney
pulled away at the disturbing thought of someone being auctioned off
against their will.

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She felt Sir’s sigh before he forced her head back. Tilting it to one

side, he kissed her. His tongue swept through her mouth like a
hurricane, blowing away all her questions, leaving her unable to think.
When he pulled back, the blanket was gone and she was again naked.

“All of the participants in the auction were willing. Esoteria is

about consensual play. Even those who are whipped are willing,” he
said, looking deep into her eyes. It felt as if he could read her soul.
She dropped her eyelashes. “Look at the mirror, into my eyes, and
don’t look away.”

The powerful, demanding Master was back, compelling Whitney

to gaze across the room at their images. She met his gaze, finding this
only marginally easier than looking straight into his face. But she
fought the urge to look away.

“You are a very special woman, a brave little mouse to enter my

club. I want to get to know you better. No, don’t look away. Look into
my eyes,” he ordered when she dropped her gaze. No one ever called
her special before. Not even her mother.

He didn’t speak until her eyes met his again. “Even the harshest

Master would not tease someone by falsely building up their ego. I
will always tell you the truth. Can you trust me on that, to always tell
you the truth?”

Whitney mulled his question over before nodding slowly.
“And I will expect the truth from you. Always,” he said, then

kissed her hair as one hand cupped her breast. “Know this, pretty
mouse. You are worthy of the best life has to offer, including
someone to love you. No one has the right to make you think less of

Since she stared into the reflection of his eyes, she saw he was

telling the truth. Something deep inside her heart that had been
cracked and broken for so long fused together as she continued staring
into the reflection of his glowing green eyes. Between the open,
hungry expression on his face and the hard cock pressing against her
hip, she knew this man desired her.

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Which set off her hunger. To sit in this stranger’s lap and let him

bring her to orgasm only added fuel to her sexual fire. She wanted to
do something special for him, something to show her appreciation for
him, her submission to him. Before she could come up with an idea,
he stroked his way up her spine one last time.

“It’s time for you to get dressed.” He helped her stand before

turning her toward the bathroom. “Go clean up and put your teddy
back on.”

“But what about…” Whitney didn’t know how to ask the

question. Instead, she looked at the front of his leathers where his
cock remained a large, intimidating bulge.

“Tonight was about punishing your misdeeds, expanding your

horizons, and answering your questions. Not about me getting off.
Next time we will see if you can please me.”

His words didn’t mollify the intense need in her to give to him.

Disobeying his gentle command to dress, Whitney did not turn to the
bathroom. Instead, she knelt between his wide-spread thighs.

She reached for the waistband of his leathers, slipping the button

through its hole and easing down the zipper before he realized what
she was doing. He grabbed her hands as his cock pushed through the

As expected, his cock was beautiful. And large. Long and thick

with ropy veins along the surface. The bulbous head was smooth and
so dark red it was nearly purple. Pre-cum coated the entire glans with
another drop of his essence pushing out of the slit at the tip.

Without a word, Whitney leaned forward. She would no doubt

earn punishment for disobeying him, but she needed to give him
pleasure like he had given her. She swirled her tongue over the head.
His essence tasted exotic, sharp, and spicy.

He tasted like man.
He tasted like sin.
He tasted like sex.
She opened her mouth and took just the head inside. One thing she

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did know about herself was that she gave good head. At least, that’s
what all of her former lovers told her. She wanted to share that
expertise with her Master. It was the least she could do.

“Mouse,” he groaned, his voice dropping so deep it was almost

unrecognizable. He tried to ease her back off his cock.

Fighting his hold, she pushed forward until her nose pushed

against his belly. She held herself there until she had to breathe or
pass out. She eased back just enough for the air to flow into her lungs
again. When his fingers tightened, she gently closed her jaw until her
teeth pressed into his shaft.

The pressure on her skull eased. “You do realize you’re earning

yourself another punishment, don’t you?” he said through gritted

Whitney pulled back, her hand wrapping around the base of his

length. She let him go and looked up at him with a small smile as her
hand traveled from base to head and back again.

“I just want you to feel as good, as relaxed, as I do,” she said

before taking him back into her mouth. Her gaze dropped to his chest.

“Look in my eyes when you suck my cock, mouse.”
Whitney looked up again, meeting his half closed emerald eyes.

Seeing his pleasure, she got serious. With mouth and tongue working
in combination, she took in as much of his length as she could,
savoring the dark flavor of sex on his skin. Easing his leathers down
another few inches, she gently cupped his balls. The added stimulus
carried Sir quickly to his peak.

“Gonna come, oh, shit,” he groaned right before the first shot of

semen pulsed across her tongue.

Whitney swallowed down all he gave her before cleaning him

thoroughly. Then she held him in gently, not stimulating, just
enjoying the feeling of his softening shaft against her tongue. Finally,
she kissed his crown, tucked him away, and did up his leathers again.
Shifting back, she knelt before him, her face lowered to the floor.

“Forgive me, Sir, for sucking your cock without permission. I just

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wanted you to know that, as crazy as it may sound since we don’t
know each other, I care about you. I’ll accept any punishment you
deem appropriate.”

* * * *

Taurus said nothing. He couldn’t. His body was so relaxed he was

having a hard time staying upright. All he wanted was to lie down
with his mouse and sleep for the next twelve hours or so.

He couldn’t even be angry that she’d gone against his orders,

which was something no other sub dared. Especially not one so new
to Domination and submission. In his experience, new subs either did
exactly as they were told or balked and fought every order. He’d
never before dealt with a sub who was so concerned about fairness.
He wanted to punish her, but the blowjob had stripped him of months
of tension. He was too relaxed to work up a good mad at her

Yep, Whitney Elliott was going to be trouble.
Swallowing to ease the sudden dryness in his mouth, he cleared

his throat before saying, “Go clean up and put on your teddy.”

* * * *

Whitney knew not to argue. She had pushed him too far already

by giving him the blowjob. Rising from the floor, she retrieved her
teddy and slipped into the bathroom. Five minutes later, she emerged
again, having wiped down with a wet cloth and redressed.

Sir waited for her by the door. He took her hands in one of his.

His other lifted her chin until she was forced to look into his eyes.

“Before you return to Esoteria, you will think about the truth of

your nature. You are as submissive as they come, though we will have
to work on that streak you have that needs to make all things fair.”

She dropped her gaze, but when he tightened his grip on her chin,

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she raised it to look into glowing green eyes.

“Also, you will do three things. You will be tested for STDs. You

will get your pretty pussy waxed bare, and you will e-mail me the
article you are writing about the club. If you need help with any of
these, ask.”

“That’s censorship,” she protested. How did he know she was a

reporter? She hadn’t told him what she did for a living.

“No, that’s protecting my club and its members.” Opening the

door, Sir led her from the play room.

They didn’t speak again as he led her through the club to the front

entrance. He nodded to the young man standing guard over the
shelves filled with baskets of clothes. A moment later, the man placed
the basket holding her clothes on the counter.

Looking down at her, he nodded. She picked up her clothes and

followed as he walked to a corner. While he blocked the other men’s
views, she quickly dressed, her face burning once again as he smiled,
seeming to enjoy the reverse strip tease.

Once she finished, he walked her to the front door where another

large, muscular Dom waited. “Deke, would you walk Whitney back to
her car?”

“Sure thing, T.”
Whitney turned to look at him one last time. Should she thank

him? Or ask the new list of questions that cluttered up her thoughts?

Before she could do either, Sir kissed her cheek. “Good night,

little mouse,” he whispered in her ear. “Also, when you come back, I
want that butt plug in place. Do you understand?”

“Tested, waxed, article, plug. Anything else?” she whispered, her

cheeks burning again.

“No panties. Bras only when you are at work. If I think of

anything else, I’ll let you know.” After one last kiss to her forehead,
Sir walked back into the club without a backward glance.

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Chapter 5

“Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be home

hours ago.” Janelle Elliott jerked the door open as Whitney aimed her
key at the front door lock.

Whitney jumped, then looked around, realizing how late, or rather

how early, it was. The eastern sky was growing bright, but the sun
had yet to break the horizon.

“Sorry, Mom. I lost track of time.”
Her mother frowned at her, then leaned forward and sniffed at her.

“You haven’t been drinking and you don’t smell like sex. Where were

Janelle Elliott was a tall, lean woman with hair as black as her

daughter’s except for a triangular patch of silver at each temple. Her
perpetually disapproving expression darkened and her frown lines
deepened as she waited for an answer.

Whitney tried to find a reassuring smile to offer, but found none.

She was too tired and too relaxed to deal with the stress of her mother.
“I was working. I got caught up in what I was doing and didn’t want
to stop until I’d finished.” As close to the truth as she could get
without a gun aimed at her head. She tried to keep her tone civil, but it
came out sharper than normal. Stepping past her mother into the foyer
she threw out, “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to bed. It’s been a long

After leaving Esoteria just after midnight, she meant to head

straight home but knew she would never be able to sleep. Instead, she
drove aimlessly, ending up in Union Point Park. After parking the car
under a street lamp, she climbed out and headed for the water that

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bordered the small park on two sides.

She needed to be alone and away from her mother’s angry

influence. She needed to think about the evening’s events and how the
education she received would change her future.

She headed straight for “her bench.” This was the bench she been

coming to since she was old enough to drive and needed to think
without distraction. She hissed as her full weight hit the wooden
bench. Her sore ass protested the thoughtless treatment sharply.
Staring out across the dark waters where the Trent River flowed into
the Neuse River always gave her peace. At that moment, she needed
to feel contentment more than she needed rest. As she sat there, alone
in the dark with only the water and the streetlights for company, she
replayed the evening. As she did, her body heated up once more.

Sir turned her on more than any other man she’d ever spent time

with. The spanking he administered hurt, but she deserved it. The fact
that he followed the punishment with praise and then brought her to
her first ever screaming orgasm sent renewed shivers of lust and want
through her.

To keep from playing with herself in public even though she was

alone, Whitney pulled the notebook and pen from her pocket.
Opening it to the first clean page, she jotted down her to-do list. Get
tested, get waxed bare, don’t wear underwear, write an article and
send him a copy. Once she finished, she flipped to the next page and
began to write

She filled the pages with her thoughts of the evening, impressions

of the club and its owner as well as questions she might need
answered for the article. When she finished, she couldn’t wait to go
home and type them up.

She would also need to talk to the director of the shelter and

maybe ask Taurus if he could arrange for her to speak with one or two
of the submissives who were auctioned. With a little cooperation from
Taurus and hard work on her part, she could have the story ready in a
couple of days.

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The other tasks would take longer, but hopefully she would get

everything accomplished within the week. She hoped so because she
couldn’t wait to see Sir again. She was already horny and didn’t know
if she’d be able to last a week without getting herself off, but she also
didn’t think she’d be able to e-mail him and ask for permission.
Another catch-22.

With her thoughts settled, Whitney stood and stretched, feeling

weary and horny and wishing she could go back to the club and Sir’s
arms instead of home and her mother.

Her attention jerked back to the present when her mother grabbed

her wrist. “No, young lady, I will not excuse you. Where have you
been? I called your cell phone and your office phone and got voice
mail. I want to know where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing.
You live under my roof, and I expect you to abide by my rules as
you’ve always done. If you’re going to be out at night, you call and
let me know where you are and who you’re with.”

For a second, Whitney felt remorse for her action. She dropped

her head in submission, even opened her mouth to tell her mother a
moment by moment account of her evening. The fact that she’d been
in a sex club and met a man who not only saw her naked but also
fingered her to orgasm would no doubt shock the woman into
spending the next month on her knees in prayer.

Before she spoke, Taurus’s words rang in her ears. “No one has

the right to make you think bad of yourself.”

“Mom, if I told you where I was you wouldn’t believe me, so let’s

just drop it. I was working out of the office. I did not have my cell
phone on me. I’m tired, and I’m going to bed.”

She kept her voice low and controlled as she looked her mother

straight in the eye, which was something she had never done before.
She gently eased her arm free from her mother’s hold and stepped
back, never looking away. She could be strong and in charge for this
minute. Her mother would not make her feel bad about what she’d

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By continuing to look into her mother’s eyes, she saw them widen

in surprise, then narrow in suspicion. Then she saw something she
thought she would never see from her parent, respect.

“Next time call and let me know you’re not coming home. I was


“I’ll try to remember that.” Not really. “Enjoy church this

morning.” Whitney turned and headed up the stairs.

She kept her back straight, her shoulders back, and her head up.

For the first time since she was a teenager, she felt buoyant instead of
depressed after a confrontation. Would her mother think her crazy if
she began to dance a happy jig? Probably. It wasn’t until she was in
her room with the door closed and locked that true reaction set in. She
began to shake.

“Thank you, Sir,” she murmured as she pulled off her clothes and

climbed under the covers naked, another new experience.

She closed her eyes and allowed herself to feel the percale sheets

against her skin. Rolling around to find a comfortable position, she
sighed at the brush of cloth on skin. Though she expected to fall
asleep immediately, she couldn’t. Her mind was still caught up in
thoughts of Sir and subs and the slave auction.

Finally, she gave up and climbed from the bed. Instead of

dressing, she pulled on an oversized denim shirt that hung from the
post on the foot board. She liked to wear it as an extra layer over T-
shirts around the house. For now, it was just enough to keep her from
feeling chilled and too exposed as she settled at her desk. It would
also allow her to play if she decided she was brave enough to do so.

After booting up her computer, Whitney first checked her e-mail,

personal and then work. She was surprised to see one from Master T
in her work box with the subject line “Saturday night.”

Her free hand slid between her thighs to play as she deleted the

junk and read through the three other messages that were pertinent for
work. Her thoughts were still filled with Sir and the incredible orgasm
he’d given her. The other messages weren’t important. Two pertained

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to a change of time for a meeting she didn’t need to attend, and the
third was information about an obit she would write up Monday

Clicking to open the e-mail from Sir she read it, then sat back and

huffed in frustration as she pulled her fingers from where they toyed
with her clit and built her lust again.

Mouse, I forgot to mention no orgasms without permission.

You may e-mail me or call the club and I’ll get back with you as
soon as I can. I look forward to our next meeting. Sir.

Checking the header, she noticed the note had been sent a mere

twenty minutes after she’d left the club. Clicking the response button,
she typed two quick words—“Yes, Sir”—before hitting the send
button. Then she wrote down his e-mail address so her next contact
would be from her personal e-mail and not from work.

Once the mail was dealt with, she did a quick search for beauty

salons that offered body waxing and jotted down the name and phone
number of the one she felt most comfortable visiting for such a
personal service. She researched sexual disease testing and found that
she could get tested at the local walk-in clinic where a good friend
from high school worked.

She’d worry later about what she was going to wear on her next

visit to Club Esoteria. Nothing hanging in her closet was appropriate
to cover her without looking like she had tonight. She didn’t want to
embarrass Sir by showing up overdressed again.

Opening her word processing program, she began typing, trying to

clear her mind of all the thoughts and questions she had. She
formatted it like an article but left large blanks with notes about
quotes needed and questions about the club, the auction, and of whom
she might interview to fill out the story. By the time she saved the
article, exhaustion weighed on her like a boulder.

Before she gave in to it, she sent Sir a copy of the article, holes

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and all. After closing down the computer she pushed away from her
desk. Dropping the shirt to the floor, she crawled back into bed and
was asleep almost before the covers settled.

* * * *

Late Monday morning, Sir responded to her article with a list of

three names and phone numbers. When she contacted them that
evening, each of Sir’s contacts willingly answered her questions about
the auction and BDSM, but refused to answer questions about Club
Esoteria and Master T. It took several phone calls to catch up with the
director of the battered women’s shelter. Finally, though, she
connected, and the woman enthusiastically praised the sizable
donation they received for their repairs, but declined to confirm that it
came from Esoteria.

Just after seven o’clock that evening her cell phone rang. She

didn’t recognize the number, but something compelled her to answer.
She wasn’t doing anything except watching her mother’s favorite
crime show reruns anyway.

“Hello?” she asked, walking out of the living room and up the

stairs to her room.

“Hello, Whitney. How are you this evening?”
“We’re not in the club. Call me Taurus.” He sounded amused and

yet tired.

“Is everything all right?” she asked, locking herself in her


“All is well. I just wanted to hear your voice, talk to you, get to

know you better. I have to go to work in a bit.”

Whitney frowned. He wanted to talk to her, get to know her

better. “Is this like a phone date or something?”

“Or something, I think. Tell me about yourself, your likes,

dislikes. Do you have pets? Want pets? Like your life so far? If you

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could change anything about yourself, what it would it be? What’s
your favorite ice cream?”

The questions came so fast that Whitney couldn’t answer them all,

but found herself responding to the playfulness she heard in his voice.
Two hours passed as they shared all sorts of bits of information about
themselves. From her experience with other men, this had been better
than most of her other first dates.

“I have to head downstairs now,” Taurus said just as her phone

beeped in her ear signifying that her battery was about to die. “May I
call you tomorrow evening?”

“I’d like that,” she responded with a smile. Talking about

everything except sex, their jobs, and the club had been fun.

“Tomorrow evening, then. Good night, sweet Whitney.”
“Good night, Taurus.”

* * * *

Tuesday afternoon she e-mailed the completed article to Sir. It

wasn’t the in-depth exposé on the New Bern sex slave market she’d
wanted, but it was a solid article just the same. He responded twenty
minutes later with a message reading simply “Go for it,” but she held
off submitting it to the editor.

That evening they talked about childhood memories and favorites.

The conversation flowed easily and freely, bouncing from one subject
to the next without any rhyme or reason. When she hung up, she
realized she now knew more about Taurus in a few days than she had
her last two boyfriends whom she’d dated for months.

The e-mail she sent Wednesday afternoon contained a scanned

copy of the doctor’s report stating she was healthy and free of disease.

That night they talked again, not about anything inconsequential,

but their conversation was just as informative as straight questions
and answers. They found they had the same tastes in many things,
from crime-solving television shows and intelligent movies to classic

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black and white movies. The both liked to read mystery novels,
though Whitney admitted she read the last chapter first so she could
see how the story built up to the ending.

Each night when she hung up, Whitney found herself smiling and

felt more connected to Taurus than she had to any other man in her
life. She also trusted him with secrets she never told anyone before.
She wasn’t sure if it was because of the semi-impersonal nature of
talking on the phone or the little thread of steel that entered his voice
whenever he knew she wasn’t telling him the truth.

Whitney missed talking to him on Thursday evening. She had

choir rehearsal, and Taurus had to attend a meeting he set up weeks

On Friday morning when she arrived at work, Whitney found a

large white dress box tied with a wide burgundy ribbon sitting on her
desk. She opened it and marveled at the contents.

“Wow, that’s some outfit,” Kim said as she stopped next to

Whitney’s desk.

Whitney nodded as she took in the deep red velvet corset,

embroidered in black with a flower and vine pattern, a very short
black leather skirt, and a pair of very tall black stiletto-heeled boots.
She didn’t have to open the card in the bottom of the box to know it
was from Sir. No one else would send such a gift.

“It’s a present from a friend,” she said, her cheeks burning.
“Uh-huh. Ask him if he has any friends who need a date.” Kim

smirked. Whitney blushed, then put everything back in the box and
closed the lid.

“I’ll do that.” Whitney said the only thing she could to get Kim to

move on. She didn’t want to talk about Sir or the clothes or what
she’d be doing that evening. She needed to focus on her job, her
career, and not her sex life. As soon as she could, she took the box to
her car so there would be no further questions from her coworkers.

After an early dinner with her mother, Whitney locked herself in

her room and opened the box again. After stripping, she tried on the

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new clothes and was not surprised to find they fit perfectly. The boots
rose over her knees, reminding her of a pair of sexy pirate boots she
drooled over the Halloween before but had not been able to afford.
The skirt ended just a few inches below her bare pussy, and the corset
barely covered her peaked nipples. Thankfully, the corset closed up
the front with a series of hooks and eyes. She did not want to ask her
mother for help getting dressed. She didn’t want her mother to know
about this date or the man she was seeing. That kind of shocking
information would have her mother calling convents to find a place to
send her for remedial religious training.

Picking up the envelope at the bottom, she opened it and pulled

out a card embossed with the Club Esoteria logo.

Dear mouse,

I hope you will wear this gift with your plug tonight when

you join me at the club. Park in the back lot, and I’ll meet you in
the private foyer at eight o’clock.

Until then, Sir
PS – Please arrange to spend the weekend.

Damn, she’d forgotten the plug. It had been part of a recurring

mantra for the past week—tested, waxed, article, plug, no panties.
She’d been so focused on everything else she shoved wearing the plug
out of her thoughts. She huffed a chuckle as she thought about putting
the butt plug in.

Going to her dresser, she pulled out the small purple plug and the

bottle of lube from her hidden toy bag. After covering the top half
with the cherry flavored lube, she did some deep breathing exercises
to try and relax before she pushed the plug into herself. The muscles
of her ass protested, clenching again and again around the plug, but
finally she set the plug. She moved carefully as she became used to
the feeling of having her ass stuffed.

Once it was in place, she cleaned up and finished putting on her

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makeup. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was time to leave. Her heart
raced a little faster and her pussy clenched as the plug shifted with
every step she took.

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Chapter 6

Whitney found herself sneaking down the stairs with a small

duffel bag over one shoulder and her calf-length trench coat buttoned
up tight at a quarter to eight. It was warm enough outside, but she did
not want her mother to see what she was wearing. She smiled as she
remembered doing this exact same thing when she was sixteen. She
got good at sneaking out of the house in the wrong clothes to go to
school or spend the night at a friend’s house. Trouble always came
when she returned home afterwards. She remembered that and packed
a casual outfit in the bag along with some toiletries and a silk sleep
shirt, though she doubted she’d be wearing it.

“Bye, Mom. I’ll see you Sunday afternoon,” she called as she

opened the front door. She sounded strange, probably because of the
plug, which seemed to be affecting everything from her posture and
the way she walked to the cream that continued to gather in her cunt
and dampen her thighs.

She slipped out before her mother could reply, pulling the door

closed and quick-marching to her car. She was out of the driveway
and driving away by the time her mother emerged from the front door.

Her mother would try her cell, only to find it sitting on the table in

the hall outside her room. This weekend was for her and her alone.
She didn’t want anyone disturbing her, not her mother, not her boss,
not anyone. Not that Sir would allow her to answer her phone if it
rang, but she wasn’t taking any chances. Better to leave it behind than
to be punished by Sir if it rang at an inopportune time.

She pulled into the parking lot behind Esoteria with ten minutes to

spare. She sat for a few minutes, willing suddenly frightened nerves to

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settle. At three minutes to the hour, she climbed from the car and took
off her trench coat. Tossing it into the back seat, she debated taking
the duffel bag with her, finally deciding to leave it. If she needed it
later she’d come out for it, but she doubted Sir would worry about
whether she had a change of clothes or not.

After locking her car, she carried her key ring with her. Her

clothes had no pockets, and she didn’t want to leave the keys in the

She wobbled as she crossed the parking lot, still not used to

wearing the stiletto-heeled boots, though she’d practiced walking in
them for a few minutes in her bedroom that afternoon. Thankfully,
she wouldn’t be wearing them long. She would be barefoot as soon as
she entered the club.

Opening the door marked “Private,” she slipped inside just as the

elevator bonged softly and the doors slid open. Her breath caught
when Sir stepped out. He wore a black silk shirt with full sleeves that
accentuated his broad shoulders and with his black leather pants.

He looked powerful.
He looked beautiful.
He looked like he wanted to eat her alive.
“Good evening, Whitney. You look quite lovely this evening,” he

said as he stepped from the elevator and crossed to stand in front of

Her eyes dropped a second before her face did and she felt her

cheeks turning pink at his compliment. When she saw his erection
push at his zipper, her entire body blushed. “Thank you for the
clothes,” she whispered.

“Ah, ah, no looking at the floor. Look at me.” His gentle palm

cupped and lifted her chin as his fingers caressed her cheek. “You are
beautiful, and you will look me in the eye. Some Masters won’t allow
it, but you will keep eye contact. With me and me alone. With anyone
else you will drop your gaze. Also, no one is to touch you without my
expressed permission. Do you understand?”

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She watched the green fire swirl in his eyes before nodding.
“Words, mouse. Use your words.”
“Yes, Sir. I understand.”
“Good girl. Now, how about my thank you kiss?”
He pulled her so close she felt his heat through their clothes.

Wrapping his arms around her back, he held her securely as his head
lowered. Her lips parted automatically, anxious for the first taste of
him. Would it be as good tonight as she remembered?

“Pretty mouse, I’ll never let you escape,” Sir murmured a

heartbeat before his lips covered hers.

His kiss was like the man himself. Overwhelming in its power and

so, so sexy. Whitney’s nipples beaded painfully tight, and hot juice
trickled down her inner thighs. His tongue swept through her mouth,
tasting, teasing, tormenting. She lost herself in the kiss, something she
couldn’t remember ever doing before.

One hand stroked down her back and over her ass to the hem of

her skirt. Dipping underneath, it circled her left cheek before sliding
down the crack between . He pushed on the butt plug, sending a shaft
of dark need through her. She felt his smile against her lips as she
moaned into his mouth.

A moment later, the hand trailed around her leg and brushed

against the bare skin of her pussy. “Good mouse. You follow
directions well,” he murmured before deepening the kiss again.

When his lips finally released hers, she found herself wrapped

around him like a vine. Her arms clutched at the muscles of his back.
She straddled his thigh so that it rubbed against her clit through the
leather of her skirt, just adding to her hunger. She opened her hands to
try and pull him even closer and her keys fell to the floor with a small

She shifted her hips against him. She needed just a little more to

ease the sexual tension that had been building all week. Before she
could find that one last touch, Taurus stepped back. Hard hands
wrapped around her hips to hold her still.

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“We don’t have time for that. But remember where we left off.

We’ll get back to it. Later.”

Giving her a moment to catch her breath, he bent to pick up her

forgotten key ring. Straightening, he slipped it in his pocket. Taking
her right hand in his left, he led her out the door she’d just come in.

“Where are we going?” she managed to ask as he led her to the

big SUV she’d parked her little Bug next to. Her mind remained
focused on their kiss, not a car ride. She wanted to go back inside and
see if full out sex with this man would be as wonderful as the kiss had

“Cute car. It suits you,” he observed as he opened the passenger’s

door to the tall SUV and then lifted her inside.

She settled on a large beach towel which covered the seat. As she

did, he pulled the back of her skirt out of the way so her bare butt
rested against the towel. With a pleased smile, he closed the door,
then rounded the vehicle to climb into the driver’s seat.

“Seatbelt,” he said as he clicked his own in place and started the


Still boggled by their kiss, Whitney fumbled with her safety belt.

Finally, Sir took it away from her and slipped it in place with a
metallic click.

“Spread your legs, sweetheart,” he said as he started the car.

“Wider.” He took hold of he left thigh and pulled it until her knee
touched the floor-mounted gear shift. Her right knee rested against the

She shivered when he adjusted the fan and a gentle breeze began

to blow over her open, wet slit.

“Where are we going, Sir?” she asked again, trying for a more

submissive tone.

“Better. I’ve been invited to a party in Jacksonville and thought

you’d enjoy it. We’ll come back here and play afterwards.”

Shifting in her seat and fighting down a moan as the plug moved,

Whitney asked herself what kind of an idiot she was to go to a party

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forty miles from home with a man she hardly knew. She then
wondered what it was that he hadn’t told her.

He looked too pleased with himself not to have held something

back. When his hand settled on her inner thigh and began to trace
random patterns on the bare skin just above the top of her boot, her
thoughts fragmented and her focus narrowed to the touch of his skin
on hers.

Once they were out of town on Highway 17, his fingers smoothed

their way higher up her inner thigh.

“Play with yourself.” He broke the silence with a soft voice

threaded with the tone of power that made her want do whatever he

“Here?” Suddenly nervous, she tried to close hers legs, but his

hold on her thigh prevented it.

“Yes, here. It’s dark, we’ve got time to kill, and you need to relax

a bit. You went all week without an orgasm. You must be ready to
explode.” His hand traveled farther up her thigh to where it joined her
body. “You did go all week without an orgasm, didn’t you? No
playing without yourself in the shower or after our talks, right?

“Right. No orgasms,” she murmured as his little finger traced its

way up and down her slit.

That small touch reignited the firestorm of her need. She moaned

and lifted her hips into his touch. The sound turned to a whimper
when he pulled his finger away from her, lifting it to his mouth to lick
at her juices.

“Mmmm, good. Unhook the top four hooks of your corset. Show

me your tits.”

Unable to deny him and nearly mindless with need, Whitney

reached for the top of her corset. Opening the four hooks caused the
top of the corset to fall, which exposed her breasts to his green-eyed

“Keep your thighs open while you play with those pretty nipples.”

His order was soft and seemed to complement the classical music

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playing on the radio.

Lifting her hands to her chest, Whitney hesitated with her fingers

hovering just above her skin. Closing her eyes, she took her nipples
between thumb and forefinger and plucked at them. Electricity shot
from nipples to cunt and back again, building her want with every
touch. She began to roll the pebble-hard tips between her fingers,
slowly increasing the pressure.

Her hips shifted in response as she began to pant. It felt so good.

Knowing that Sir watched her made her even hotter. Or was he?
Rolling her head to the left, she opened her eyes. Yep, his attention
was on her more than the road.

Needing more, she moved her right hand down her body and

between her thighs. She slid one finger from the top of her slit, down
over her clit, and into her passage as far as she could reach. Her eyes
closed again as she added a second finger and began to fuck herself.
She brushed her thumb over the tight bundle of nerves, which sent her
dangerously close to the edge of sanity with just a few strokes.

“Sir, may I?” she panted, opening her eyes.
The fact that they were no longer moving barely registered as Sir

leaned across the front seat. “Come, mouse,” he whispered softly as
one hand wrapped around the back of her neck to pull her into his

She screamed into his open mouth as her fingers pushed deep into

her cunt once more and orgasm washed over her. Her entire body
clenched and then convulsed in rhythmic waves, the seatbelt and his
hold keeping her from smashing into the dashboard. His free hand
took hold of the wrist between her thighs and kept her fingers moving
in and out of her until she rode the crest over the edge a second time.

When she finally collapsed back against her seat, he kissed her

once more before releasing her. “That was beautiful, baby girl.” He
re-hooked her corset before reaching over and around her to recline
her seat partway. “Rest now. We’ll be there in a little bit.”

After a kiss, this one sweet and loving, he started the engine and

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began to drive again.

* * * *

“You brought me to a wedding?” Whitney asked twenty minutes

later when he pulled in and parked near a red pickup covered with
blown up condoms.

A sign hanging across the front of the barn announced

“Congratulations, Marco and Tawnee.” The area in front of the barn
was lit with torches as well as several well-placed security lights,
providing plenty of light for the handful of people gathered. The men
were all dressed similar to Taurus while the women wore everything
from long cocktail dresses to one woman dressed only in a red teddy.
Whitney’s corset and mini-skirt fit somewhere in the middle.

“No, I brought you to a post-collaring ceremony reception. Marco

and Tawnee have been together forever. No one expected them to
make it official. Think of it as a wedding reception without all the
traditions.” Taurus picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles before
climbing out.

He helped her from her seat, then chuckled when she stopped to

straighten her clothes, making sure that all her bits were properly

“I wished you’d told me. We could have met afterward.” Whitney

fluffed her hair and straightened her skirt for the third time.

“Mouse, I want you with me. I want you to meet my friends. I

want to get to know you outside Esoteria. Our phone calls this week
were wonderful, but I want to take you out on a date. This seemed
like the best way to accomplish all three of those goals. Stop fussing,
you look beautiful.” He leaned forward and kissed her. Pulling back
before things got too involved, he gave her the look that told her he
was about to turn Dom on her. “Relax and enjoy yourself. Though
evidence may contradict me, I was hoping for a relatively vanilla date

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She pondered the phrase “vanilla date” while he led her toward

the crowd gathered around a man wearing black slacks and a white
silk shirt with his arm around a woman wearing a lacy white chemise.

By focusing on her breathing and trying not to trip while walking

with stiletto heels across a grassy field, Whitney was able to push
away her fear, until she realized something.

“Sir? What do I call you here?” she asked softly, tugging on his


“Tonight you may call me Taurus if you’d like. Or Sir, if you feel

more comfortable. These people are club members. Either designation
is fine.”

“Thank you, Taurus,” Whitney said softly. The name felt strange

in her mouth. Would she ever be used to calling him by his name and
not Sir? Would they have a future where it would matter?

“You’re welcome, sweet Whitney. Be warned that when we return

to Esoteria, Sir will be taking over and administering a few
punishment strokes for your misbehavior last week, but we’ll talk
about that later. For now I want to show my pretty mouse off.” Taurus
released her hand and pulled her closer to his side so he could wrap an
arm around her back.

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Chapter 7

“That’s a pretty little plaything you brought with you tonight,”

Marco commented as the two men looked over the table holding a
wide variety of snack foods and drinks.

“I think so,” Taurus said, his gaze lifting from the platter of

chicken tenders to find Whitney talking to his cousin, Sloan, and one
of her masters, Merlin.

“She’s not wearing a collar,” Dane, who was the third in Sloan

and Merlin’s triad, observed as he joined them and picked up a plate.

“Not yet.”
“So what’s her story? She just looking to play or a commitment?”

Wiley, an older, harsher Dom asked.

Taurus grew impatient as his friends asked questions he didn’t

have answers to. All he wanted was to spend time with his mouse, and
here he was, fielding a Dom inquisition of his intentions.

“Gentlemen, she’s brand new to submission and far from trained.

We met last weekend, and this is the first time we’ve been together
since. Now I would appreciate it if you would all just back the fuck

He finished filling his plate before stalking away, but not before

he heard Wiley say, “Looks like ol' Taurus has fallen in love.”

The other two Doms chuckled in agreement.
If they hadn’t been friends since before the club had opened and

shared subs and beers in good times and bad, Taurus would have
turned back and ripped the man’s head off. Love? Him? Never.

But the clenching in both his heart and his gut stopped him mid-

step. Love? Him? Could it be? Had he fallen in love with Whitney,

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his sweet, brave little mouse? Was that why the urge to whisk her
away from here before she could be influenced by his kinky friends
felt so right?

No, he shook his head. He couldn’t have fallen in love. Not yet. It

was too soon. They hadn’t even…what word should he use? Fucked
sounded too cold, but made love made him squeamish as well.

Just because she’d never been far from his thoughts over the past

week and he’d considered giving up his half of the club if she decided
she couldn’t deal with the kink was no reason to think he’d fallen in
love. He was just infatuated with his pretty toy, much like when he
was a kid, though his sweet mouse was better than any train set or
game he ever received.

Could it be love? Could he spend the rest of his life with one

woman? With Whitney? His cock, which had relaxed marginally
since their stop on the side of the road, surged back to attention at the
thought of having a sweet mouse in his bed every night for the rest of
his life.

“Sir? Are you all right?”
He blinked and focused on Whitney, who stood in front of him

looking worried. “I’m fine, baby. My mind just wandered for a

He pointed her toward several empty chairs in the shadows.

Putting his plate on a small table, he sat with his back to the rest of the
party. When Whitney moved to sit in the chair beside him, he pulled
her onto his lap.

“Pretty ladies should never have to sit in cold chairs all alone.”
He cuddled her close, holding her easily when she tried to fight

him. When she stopped struggling and relaxed, he kissed her temple.
His cock responded to her nearness and her womanly, citrusy scent,
twitching with anticipation.

Reaching for a tidbit from the plate, he held it to her lips. “Eat up,

mouse. You’re going to need your strength.”

Whitney looked at him, but instead of asking the questions he

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could see in her eyes, she parted her lips and accepted the food he
offered. Taking care of a sub—feeding, bathing, loving, punishing—
always gave him pleasure. Feeding his little mouse was a joy.

By the time they emptied the plate, his cock throbbed with each

beat of his heart, making it hard to carry on a conversation with Dane
who, along with his two submissives mates, had joined them. As
usual, Sloan sat on the big Dom’s lap while Merlin knelt on a blanket
beside his chair.

Not able to stand the erection that was becoming painful, Taurus

nuzzled Whitney’s temple as he whispered, “How fearless is my little

* * * *

Whitney heard the thread of controlled power she would always

associate with Sir and pulled back just enough to look into his face.

He looked tense. He looked hungry. He looked like he was in


“How fearless do I need to be?” she whispered in return. Her

pussy clenched and her nipples knotted tighter at the heat that flared
in his emerald eyes as he met her gaze.

“I know we haven’t been together long, but I need you to make a

decision. Would you rather suck my cock or ride me?” The hand he
fed her with slipped between her thighs and up to cup her crotch.

Whitney moaned as a single fingertip started at the top of her slit

and caressed its way to her entrance, sliding in her to the first joint.

“Answer me, mouse. Suck me or ride me?”
She heard herself give a whining sigh when he pulled his finger

from her a moment later and lifted it to lick at her juices. “Mmmm, so

“Right here, Sir?”
“Yes, mouse. Right here, right now.” His hand cupped her chin,

holding her jaw so she couldn’t look away. “I need relief. Now which

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will it be?”

Whitney closed her eyes and smiled as a thrill shivered through

her, heating her blood and igniting her lust for this man who, after just
a few hours together, held her heart. After licking her lips and taking a
deep breath, she opened her eyes.

“May I suck your cock, please, Sir?”
At his nod, she climbed from his lap and knelt on the ground

between his legs. She blocked out the fact that there were other people
around, talking, dancing, maybe even watching her. Sir needed her.

As she situated herself, Sir opened his leathers and pulled both

pants and shirttails out of the way to allow his cock its freedom. The
head glistened deep red in the available light.

Whitney leaned in and licked his juices from the head. Then she

wiped the tip of her lip over his slit to clean it as well. She glanced up
to judge how close he was. His jaw clenched, and the skin pulled tight
around his eyes, which were watching her every move. She wrapped
one hand around the base, but he pulled it off again before she could
stroke him.

“No hands. Just that fantastic mouth. Palms on my thighs.”
Following the growled commands, Whitney lowered her mouth

over his length, taking him deep. Remembering the lessons from the
week before, she maintained eye contact, smiling when his eyelids
dropped and he threw his head back. She began to move, using his
thighs for leverage to pump her mouth over his thick, hard length.

She was so caught up in Sir she didn’t realize the entire party had

moved to circle them until a sharp female voice cut through the haze
of lust that surrounded her. “I can do better than that.”

She froze with the head of Sir’s cock in her mouth, suddenly self-

conscious. People were watching, judging her performance. Panic
began to well, pushing aside her arousal.

“Jeffrey, your sub is messing with my sub and my bliss. Deal with

her.” Sir’s growly voice cut through her fear as her head and eyes left
his to see exactly who was watching.

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Whitney heard a sharp slap of skin on skin and then the rustling of

clothing. “Kitten, you bragged, so now it’s time to back it up. If you
don’t get me off before Master T comes, there’ll be a flogging in your

Whitney felt her eyes go wide at his words and the promise of

pain they held. She tried to turn her head to see what was happening,
but Sir gently tugged on her hair, forcing her eyes and attention back
to him.

“Look at me. Yes, that’s right. There’s no one else here but us.

Just Sir and his pretty mouse sucking cock.”

With a few words in his soft Dom tone, Whitney found herself

back in her happy, lust-filled haze. Staring up, past his bare chest—
when had he unbuttoned his shirt? —she met eyes filled with green
fire. Nodding, she returned her attention to the hard, hot cock that
filled her mouth.

His appreciative noises sent her own need higher. She began

shifting her hips back and forth, wishing Sir was between her legs,
filling her emptiness. Pushing herself farther and farther down his
length, she took him until she gagged. Easing back a fraction of an
inch, she swallowed. When Sir’s cock twitched and swelled even
bigger, she swallowed again. She continued worshiping his cock until
he howled his completion.

As she swallowed down his first spurt, electricity raced from lips

and tongue to cunt, and she jolted with orgasm as well without anyone
or anything touching her.

After swallowing down his juices, she cleaned him thoroughly.

When his hips bucked from her touch, she just held his softening
length in her mouth as she rested her cheek against his thigh.

He looked so relaxed. She’d been able to give him that while

finding her own pleasure. When he smiled and nodded, she gently
released his cock. He rearranged his leathers, but left his shirt open as
he lifted her back onto his lap. She cuddled against him, still lost in
her own lust that had eased with the orgasm but had not completely

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“Damn, T, she’s one sexy bit. And you say she’s untrained? I

don’t believe it.”

“Mmmm, yes. She’s brave and adventurous, and once we get over

her need to make things fair, I’m sure she’ll be an exceptionally sweet

“I’m sure you’ll get her under control in no time. Ah, ah,

ahhhhh!” Jeffrey growled as he came. Silence filled the air until he
said, “Very good, kitten, but mouse beat you by several long minutes.
You need to apologize to Master T and his pet for the insult. Then
we’ll go into the barn for your flogging.”

Whitney watched as a beautiful blonde crawled over to kneel a

respectable distance in front of Sir’s feet. She assumed the slave
position and dropped her head.

“I’m sorry, Master T, that I degraded your sub. Please accept my


Sir stroked a hand up and down Whitney’s spine before nodding

to the woman on the ground before him. “Accepted, but don’t let
there be a next time.”

“Yes, Master T.”
As the woman crawled back to her master, Sir lifted Whitney’s

chin and kissed her gently. “Did you come while you were sucking
me?” he asked. His voice was soft, yet threaded with steel.

She blinked and nodded before dropping her eyes from his. “Yes,

Sir. I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was going to happen until it did.”

“Eyes, mouse. I need to see your eyes.”
Lifting her gaze to his, Whitney did not see anger in their green

depths. She couldn’t read the emotion, but it soothed the harsh anxiety
that slithered through her. Not sure what to expect, she tensed and

The last thing she expected was to see him grin at her. “Relax,

sweet little mouse. I’m not angry. I’m amazed. I’ve never had a sub
get off just by giving me pleasure.”

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Taking a clean paper napkin from the table, he wiped her thighs

and crotch dry. “We’ll continue this play at home, provided you still
want to spend the weekend?”

“Yes, please.” Whitney gathered their trash and carried it to a

garbage can near the buffet table.

Instead of following the crowd into the barn to witness kitten’s

flogging, they congratulated Marco and Tawnee and then were on the
road again.

“Lie back and rest, baby.” He brushed the back of one hand down

her cheek when she yawned.

Whitney nodded, unable to fight his gentle command as well as

her body’s overwhelming urge to sleep. She smiled when Sir wove
the fingers of their hands together, then lifted them to his lips and
kissed her knuckles. With a sigh, she allowed herself to relax and

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Chapter 8

“Whitney, are you awake?”
Whitney opened her eyes and looked up at the man who was

taking over her heart and soul. “I’m awake, just resting and thinking.”

“Mmmm, I don’t know if thinking is a good thing. You might

decide you don’t want to be my sweet mouse,” Taurus said, leaning
over her. He kissed her cheek at the same time he returned her seat to
its full, upright position. “I need to do a walkthrough of the club to
make sure everything is running smoothly. Would you like to wait for
me here or by the elevator?”

“Can’t I go into the club with you?” She saw the hesitation in his

expression but didn’t understand it.

Didn’t he want to take her into the club? Had she embarrassed

him at the party? He hadn’t corrected her. Or had the party been a
test? She knew she needed more training to be a really good sub, but
was she so bad he didn’t want to be seen with her in the club?

“I’m sorry, Sir. I’ll wait at the elevator, if that’s what you want.”

She dropped her chin, not wanting him to see her hurt.

But he wouldn’t allow her to hide. A finger under her chin lifted

her until she was forced to look into his eyes. His expression wasn’t
that of disappointment or disgust, but tenderness.

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t think you’d want to go in there until

we’d had a chance to talk more about what will be expected of you as
my sub.”

“Like what? You give the orders, and I obey.”
He smiled as he climbed out of the SUV. “I wouldn’t have

phrased it quite that way, but basically that’s it. Come on, we’ll talk

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now. Then if you still want to continue—” His voice cut off when he
shut the door.

She waited as he came around to open her door. He’d told her in

one of their conversations that he’d learned his genteel manners and
how to treat a lady from watching the classic movie channel in the
wee hours of the morning as he relaxed after closing time.

Opening her door, he lifted her easily from the truck. Once she

was on her feet and balanced in the high heels, he took her hand and
led her away from the club toward a tall, wooden privacy fence.
Punching a code into the electrical lock on the gate, he led her into
what she discovered was an enclosed garden. She gasped when he
flipped a hidden switch and tiny white lights lit up the entire area,
revealing an enchanted garden. The wooden fence surrounding the
area was barely seen due to bushes and tall flowers and climbing
trellises. There were stone walkways, which led between beds filled
with more flowers and bushes and other plants.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered as he took her hand and led her

toward the gazebo, which sat in the center of the garden.

“Yes, Jenna did a good job. She wanted a place where we could

relax in private and where she could play in the dirt.” Taurus led her
up the three steps to the gazebo.

He settled on the outdoor sofa that sat between two wicker chairs

and pulled her forward until she straddled his hips. Then he pulled her
down to sit spread across his lap. Her breath caught when her bare
nether lips brushed against the cool leather. She felt the ridge of his
cock beneath. Her eyes widened when it began to grow.

“Hmmm, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” he said, lifting her

from his lap. When she was standing and balanced, he pointed to the
chair to her right. “Sit over there so I can think without distraction.”

“Yes, Sir,” she murmured.
She couldn’t help her cocky smile as the front panel of his leathers

distended with his renewed erection. She made him hard just by
sitting in his lap. She never affected any other man she’d dated that

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way. Shifting in her chair, she crossed her legs as her juices gathered
and spilled out of her core.

“Being in a Dom/sub relationship is about trust and control. A

submissive gives up control of her body and her mind to her Dom.
She must trust that he knows her well enough to push her boundaries
without causing irreparable physical or emotional damage. It’s hard,
especially with someone like me. When we’re in the club, every move
you make will be judged. Not just by the other Doms, but by the other
subs as well. What happened at the party tonight with kitten is just the
tip of the iceberg. You performed beautifully, by the way. I was very
proud of you.”

Whitney watched as Taurus stood and began to pace.
“I guess that means I’ll just have to be better than everyone else.”

Her words sounded bold and brave. The knot in her stomach made her
wonder if she could do this while her heart swelled with love for her
man, her Sir, her Master.

Taurus looked at her then turned and knelt before her. “Are you

willing to trust me like that? Give up your will to mine? Not question
anything I ask of you? In the club, it’s vital, but I’m almost as
dominant outside Esoteria. Do you think you can handle that without
growing resentful? Without coming to hate me? I care too much about
you to take you under command if you’re going to be hurt in the end.”

Whitney smiled at him before she pushed off her chair and knelt

before him with her legs spread wide, hands on thighs in the slave
position. She looked straight into his eyes.

“Yes, Master, I can do this. I will do anything you ask.”
I love you.
She swallowed back that admission. It was too soon, no matter

how well they fit together. She kept her gaze locked on his and saw
something flicker at her words. Pride? Acceptance? Love?

Pushing to his feet, he returned to sit in the center of the sofa.


Whitney stood. Tempted to balk since they were outside, she took

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a deep breath and straightened her spine. This was the first test of her
submission to his command and she would not fail.

Lifting her left foot to the sofa by his leg, she unzipped the boot

and pulled it off, tossing it to the floor. She repeated the action with
the right boot. She sighed with relief and wiggled her toes once her
feet were on the floor. Then she unzipped the leather skirt and pushed
it down. The corset took a bit longer, but soon she dropped it as well.

Standing naked before her master, she held her head up, arms by

her sides and hands relaxed. She kept her eyes on his, watching
closely as he looked her up and down in the light coming from the
strands of white twinkling bulbs strung around the ceiling of the

“Turn around, mouse.”
She turned slowly until she faced away from him, then stopped so

he could look over this side of her as thoroughly as he had the front.

“Spread your legs, shoulder width apart.”
She heard him stand and walk around behind her as she shifted

her feet. Cream trickled out of her slit and down her thigh. Out of the
corner of her eye, she saw him push one of the wicker chairs until it
sat directly in front of her.

“Bend over, palms on the seat of the chair and don’t move.”
Whitney followed orders and then waited. Would he fuck her or

spank her? He still owed her punishment from when she gave him the
blowjob last week.

“Close your eyes. There’s nothing for you to look at.”
His soft words preceded a kiss to the back of her neck, then a hot,

wet tongue tracing its way down her spine. She closed her eyes and
her skin came alive. The night air cooled the trail of damp skin he left,
building her lust higher.

She began to tremble by the time he reached her waist. His kisses

stopped at the top of her ass, and he pulled away. Soft fingers traced
up the insides of her left leg from her knee to her groin. Then they,
too, disappeared. When he started caressing her right leg, she had to

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lock her knees to keep from collapsing to the floor.

When that touch left her, Whitney made a noise that sounded too

much like a whine to her ears. He did nothing further. She heard
nothing further. Tempted to open her eyes and look for him, she
fought it and remained where she was, eyes closed, bent over and

“Please,” she begged a handful of heartbeats later when he still

had not touched her. She needed something—a touch, a kiss, a cock in
her pussy. Something to carry her the last little bit to her peak.

She received a quick, hard swat. “Silence, mouse. I still owe you a

punishment for sucking me off last week, correct?”

“Yes, Sir,” Whitney said softly, then braced herself, biting her lip

to try and keep silent.

Five slaps fell in hard and rapid succession, spread out across her

entire ass. As soon as he finished, Sir used both hands to massage the
skin he just abused. The punishment was over so quickly she barely
had a chance to acknowledge the pain, much less react to it.

“Very good, mouse. You handled that well. Now, how about a

little pleasure?” Sir asked as two fingers slid into her pussy, twisted,
and then pulled back until just the tips remained inside her.

“Yes, please, Sir.” She breathed.
She sighed when his fingers left her. She sucked in another breath

when something large and blunt and utterly masculine took their
place, slowly sliding into her. He didn’t stop pushing forward until he
filled her to capacity. She sighed when his silky sac brushed against
her exposed, swollen clit.

“God, you feel so good, little mouse. Like hot, wet silk wrapped

around me. So damn good.” Sir groaned, holding himself deep inside
as she adjusted to his intrusion.

“Mmmm,” was all she could manage in response.
When Sir wrapped his hands around her hips and began to pump

in and out of her, all she could do was focus on breathing. The lust
built again, and she panted. She tried to arch her back and hips to take

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him deeper, but he held her steady. When she began to cry for release,
he reached around her hip with one hand and pinched her aching,
puffy clit. The touch of two fingers on her nerve center her gave her
just what she needed to fly over the edge.

“Come with me. Right now. Come with me!” he cried, slamming

against her twice before holding himself deep inside.

She felt his cock pulsing, felt the hot wetness fill her as her entire

body tightened in ecstasy. She jerked and convulsed, not sure if she
would survive.

Just when she thought it over, Sir pulled his hips back and thrust

deep again while still tweaking the tiny bundle of nerves. She flew
over the top again. Every muscle in her tightened at once. She saw
brilliant fireworks behind her closed eyelids and then everything went

When she roused, she found herself draped across Sir’s lap on the

sofa. Her head rested on his chest, and he rubbed her arm as he
murmured praises and kissed the top of her head.

She tried to lift a hand to caress his cheek, but got only as far as

his chest before her muscles gave out. Instead, she patted his sculpted

“You know,” she whispered, “we really should try doing this in a


She wasn’t sure what she expected, but laughter wasn’t it. Sir

pulled back to grin down at her. “Yes, I think you’re right. One of
these days we’ll make it upstairs and do just that.” He brushed a kiss
on her hair, then pushed her head back down to rest against his chest.

Whitney allowed herself to drift. She felt so utterly content that

nothing could bother her. There was no tension, no worry, nothing
outside this man’s embrace she needed to think about.

It was a feeling she never experienced before, but one she was

certain only this man could give her. It was also something she knew
she could quickly grow addicted to. Much like the man himself.

Finally, when her trembling from great sex stopped and she began

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to shiver from the cold, she lifted her head and kissed Sir’s chin.

“Don’t you have to do a walk-through or something?”
“Mmmm, later. I don’t want to move right now.”
“But it’s getting cold,” she murmured as she snuggled deeper into

the warmth of his chest.

“Oh, well, we can’t have little mice getting cold, now can we? Get

dressed, but leave off the boots. We’ll do the walk-through and then
we can go upstairs and see if we can find a bed to play in.” Sir patted
her naked hip and helped her to her feet.

Once they were both dressed again, he handed her her boots.

“Hold these, mouse.” He swung her up into his arms and carried her
out of the garden and across the parking lot. He didn’t stop until they
reached the private foyer of the club. Only then did he set her on her
feet. He pushed the elevator call button. When the doors opened, he
took her boots and tossed them into the elevator.

After combing his fingers through her hair and smiling at the

tousled effect he’d achieved, he laced their fingers together and
opened the door that led into the club. “Stay close, sweet mouse. I
don’t want anyone to think you’re fair game.”

“Why’s that?” she asked with a grin.
“I caught you, little mouse, and I plan to keep you, and I don’t like

to share my toys.” He kissed her while popping her ass with his free
hand. That reminded her that she still wore the plug.

“Uh, Sir?”
“Yes, sweet mouse.”
“Do you think I could take the plug out now?”

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Chapter 9

As soon as they entered the main room of the club, Taurus swore

silently. There would be no quick walk-through and then an evening
of fun and games with his pretty little mouse. Something had
happened, and it wasn’t good. The cries of pain and moans of release
that usually filled the air were silent. In fact, only a soft murmur cut
the tense silence.

Scanning the club, he saw everyone gathered at the far side of the

room. He turned to look at his sub. “Go and sit at the bar. Don’t talk
to anyone. Don’t look at anyone. I’ll be right there.”

Her eyes were huge, but she seemed to understand. “Go. I’ll be


Knowing she probably would be, he couldn’t help but lean down

and brush a kiss on her lips before heading to where the crowd stood,
still and silent.

Pushing through the crowd, he growled deep in his chest when a

couple of Doms holding back the crowd refused to let him through.

“Excuse me, I own this club.”
“Oh, sorry, T. We’re just trying to keep everyone back,” one of

them apologized while the other nodded. They parted to let him

Before he moved forward, he asked, “What the hell happened?”
“A guest of Zac’s lost it. When the sub called red he didn’t stop. It

was like he didn’t hear her. When Antony stepped in the Dom turned
on him as well,” the other Dom said quickly.

“Oh, shit. Where’s Jenna?” Taurus knew his cousin would be

doing some damage if someone didn’t step in. No one hurt her sub.

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He was the only one in the club strong enough to deal with her, the
only one she’d listen to.

The Dom cocked his head, indicating toward the action. “She’s

pretty upset. You might want to step in before she kills someone.”

“No kidding.” Taurus stepped forward as he took a deep breath.

The metallic scent of blood filled his lungs.

Once in the area kept clear by a ring of Doms, he looked the scene

over. Two of the dungeon monitors were binding a tall, skinny Dom
to the St. Andrew’s cross. He was struggling and screaming, but his
words were muffled behind a large ball gag. Two Dommes were
tending to a young woman sitting on a bench bleeding. She looked too
pale, and he knew she’d be heading to the hospital with Zac’s friend
footing the bill. Jenna was bandaging Antony’s arm even as she
watched the action at the cross.

“Elbows, knees and waist as well,” she directed. “Just like she

was bound.”

From those few words, Taurus knew she was past full Domme

mode and was out for blood. He couldn’t blame her, though. Her
beloved Antony had been hurt.

“Jenna? You okay?” he asked as he knelt beside her.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were going to spend the

evening taming a certain little mouse?” Jenna finished taping
Antony’s bandage before turning to look at him.

“I just wanted to do a quick walk-through before we headed

upstairs. Seems you’ve had a bit of trouble.”

Jenna gaped at him, obviously shocked at his gift of understating

the situation. “This wannabe Dom,” she waved toward the man being
tied to the cross, “touched my pet, my Antony, without permission
after ignoring his own sub calling her safe word.”

“So what are you going to do to him?”
“A hundred lashes with a good thick cane,” she growled harshly.
A gasp went up from those who heard. Antony paled and looked

to Taurus. His eyes were wide as he shook his head, but he didn’t say

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a word. They knew better than to argue with Jenna when she was this
angry. Taurus watched as Antony did what he did best, rub a hand up
and down her arm, hoping to calm her.

So it was up to Taurus to keep his cousin, business partner, and

best friend from killing this man. No one could take a hundred lashes,
especially from Jenna when she was like this.

“Honey, why don’t you let me deal with this while you take

Antony upstairs? He needs some special care right now.” Taurus said
the only thing that would take Jenna’s focus off the revenge she

Jenna blinked and, instantly, sanity returned to her wild eyes.

After hugging and kissing Antony, she stood and helped him up, all
the while crooning promises about the delights she would shower
upon him for being such a brave pet. The crowd parted as they
approached, allowing them to leave.

Once they were out of the club, everyone in the room released

their collectively held breaths. It was common knowledge that no one
messed with Antony. He had special status at Esoteria. Though a
submissive, he was also part owner of the club. He could stop a scene
or step in if things got too dangerous. In the case of a sub calling red,
he had every right to step in. But the guest Dom didn’t know that no
one touched Jenna’s sub. If the reports were correct and this Dom had
lost it, anyone who stepped in would have been hurt.

Jenna loved her sub/mate almost as much as he loved Whitney.

That thought stopped Taurus for a moment. He loved Whitney. He
loved his little mouse. If she’d been hurt in the same situation, he
would not be satisfied with a whipping. He would have taken the
man’s head off.

Protective anger for his love filled him until he knew exactly how

Jenna could order what could be a death sentence. Somehow he had to
back the punishment down to something reasonable without looking

Turning to face the crowd, he looked past them to the bar where

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Whitney sat facing him. She looked worried, scared, but it wasn’t for
herself. It was for the sub who’d been hurt and the Dom about to be
punished. Raising his hand, he gave a “come here” motion. She
nodded and slid from the stool, immediately starting in his direction.

When she reached the ring of Doms keeping the crowd at a

distance, he reached between two large men, took her hand and
guided her between them. He led her to a side of the cleared area
before pulling her to his chest. He hugged her tight and buried his
face in her neck, smelling her sweet scent. The smell of her, the feel
of her in his arms cut his anger cleanly, and he was able to think

“I’m sorry our evening is ruined,” he whispered for her ears alone.
“I understand,” she whispered back before licking his ear, sending

a shaft of heat straight to his cock.

“Stay right here and stay out of trouble,” he murmured in his

Master voice just before releasing her.

He barely heard her murmured “Yes, Sir” before he turned to the

crowd. He found the Dom’s host standing at the edge of the crowd,
looking nervous and angry.

“Master Zac? We need to talk.”

* * * *

Whitney watched as Sir and Master Zac spoke and then talked to

the bound Dom. Sir offered him a one-time opportunity to leave
quietly and never return to Esoteria. He would also be paying for the
sub’s medical expenses if it came to that. The bound Dom looked at
him with fierce, angry eyes. When Sir explained the alternative, to
accept the punishment of one hundred lashes, the anger turned to fear.

“I’ll do whatever you say, Taurus,” Zac said. “I’ve been working

with him and thought he had better control. I don’t know what
happened tonight.”

“You should never leave a new Dom alone with a sub on his first

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visit,” Taurus growled. “But that’s no excuse for his loss of control. A
month’s suspension for your poor judgment.”

Zac nodded his acceptance before the two men turned their

attention back to the man still tied up.

Taurus took off the ball gag and asked again. “Which is it? Leave

quietly, or one hundred lashes to be administered by Zac, myself, and
three other Doms?”

When he blustered, trying to make excuses, Taurus cut him off.

“There is no excuse for losing control during a scene. Safe words are
sacred. They are for your protection as much as your partner’s. By
carrying on after she called red, you open yourself to being charged
with assault. Do you understand that?” Taurus didn’t yell. His voice
grew softer and diamond hard as he leaned closer, getting right in the
bound Dom’s face.

The Dom swallowed several times before saying, “I’ll leave


Taurus nodded his acceptance. Then he and Master Zac began to

untie him.

Whitney couldn’t believe what had just happened. The woman

might be on her way to the hospital, Antony was hurt, and the man
just had to leave? How fair was that?

While everyone was focused on Sir and the Dom, she slipped

around the edge of the crowd and hurried across the room. What had
she gotten herself into? What kind of man was Taurus to be so lenient
on a man who’d hurt two people?

She was halfway out the back door when she realized two things.

She was barefoot and she’d lost her car keys. Stepping back inside,
she sniffed back tears she couldn’t explain and turned to look at the
door she’d just come through. She couldn’t go back in the bar. She
couldn’t face Taurus after he allowed that monster to go on his merry
way without any punishment.

She couldn’t leave. She couldn’t go back into the club. What other

option was there? Looking around, the elevator doors caught her

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attention. She could at least go upstairs and make sure Antony was all

Without a thought of what Taurus might do when he found her,

she pushed the button to call the elevator. When the doors slid open,
Whitney stepped in and laughed. Someone had stood her boots up and
leaned them into a corner. Leaving the boots where they were, she
watched the doors close, and her stomach knotted. She never liked
riding in elevators, but the thought of facing Taurus feeling as
conflicted and hurt as she did at that moment wasn’t an option either.

Pushing the button for the top floor, she wondered how she should

introduce herself to Taurus’s cousin. As Whitney Elliott? Or as
Taurus’s new girlfriend?

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Cooper McKenzie

Chapter 10

When Whitney stepped from the elevator on the fourth floor, she

found herself standing in another foyer. This was twice the size of the
one she just left with four doors, none of which were marked except
the one with a glowing exit sign hanging above it. Obviously the
stairs in a case of fire, but which door led to Jenna and Antony?

The silence was deafening, the air cool, though Whitney did not

notice she was shivering. She was too upset to notice anything beyond
her shocking thoughts that it could have been her heading to the
emergency room after a severe beating. That led to questions over
how much punishment Sir would administer. Would he ever lose
control like that other Dom? Would he ever let anyone else touch her?
Sure, he said he didn’t share, but if she really pissed him off, what
would he do?

Pacing the large foyer, questions continued to race through her

mind. Why had he let the man go without punishing him? Would he
expect her to be like that sub? To let strangers tie her up and beat her?
To let him tie her up and punish her in public like that?

Her heart suddenly hurt as she realized she would never be able to

do that. As much as she loved him and as much as he turned her on,
there was no way she could let herself be tied up and beaten bloody
by somebody else.

But what could she do? Sir owned a club that specialized in kink.

He told her out in the garden that she’d be expected to obey his every
command under every critical eye in the club. Her only choice was to
leave. Walk away from the club and from Sir and go back to her life
as it was before she snuck into Esoteria.

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The thought of never seeing Taurus again, of never seeing

approval in his emerald eyes, of never feeling such pleasure as he
gave her took the strength from her. Falling to her knees, she covered
her face with both hands and began to sob.

She was so lost in her misery she didn’t hear the elevator doors

slide closed. She didn’t notice when they opened again. She didn’t
know she was no longer alone until strong arms wrapped around her
and was she airborne.

She began to struggle, slapping at the arms that surrounded her.

She didn’t want anyone touching her, especially not a stranger. Then
Sir’s deep voice crooning in her ear penetrated her panic.

“Shhh, sweet Whitney. It’s all right. I’ve got you. You’re safe,

and all is well again.”

She continued to fight as he carried her to a door at the far side of

the foyer. “Put me down. I can’t stay here. You let that man walk
away while that girl probably has to go to the hospital. I’ll leave
quietly, and you’ll never have to see me again.”

“Shhh, sweet baby. Calm yourself,” he murmured as he kissed

whatever he could reach. When she didn’t stop struggling his voice
grew hard, dominant, controlling. “Mouse, stop this. Stop fighting me.
I’m not letting you get away until we talk.”

As always, his Dom tone sent a shiver through her. She stopped

struggling, but remained tense and ready to run if she got the chance.

Taurus knocked hard twice on the door they stood before. Turning

the knob, he shoved it open but didn’t step through.

“I sure as hell hope you’ve calmed down, Jenna, ’cause I need

your help out here,” he announced in a voice loud enough to be heard

“Taurus?” Jenna stepped into view. She still wore the gold halter

top and black leather skirt she wore earlier. “What the hell are you
doing? Put the girl down this instant!”

“I can’t. If I do, she’ll bolt and I won’t let that happen. How’s


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“I’m fine.” The man in question stepped out of the bedroom. He

wore a pair of olive green boxer shorts and was pulling on a white T-
shirt with the Esoteria logo on the front. “What’s going on? Who’s

“This is Whitney Elliott. She’s a little upset. I need your help to

explain a few things about what just happened downstairs.”

“Ah, the owner of the boots,” Jenna said with a smile as she

waved them inside.

In the living room, Jenna settled on the couch while Antony

disappeared into another room. Sir sat in a large club chair, still
holding her securely, though he did make sure she was comfortable. A
moment later, Antony returned with four glasses with ice and a
pitcher of what looked like tea. He set it on the low table in front of
Jenna and then stood and waited.

“So what’s going on? Did you take care of that poser?”
Jenna filled the four glasses. Antony delivered two to the table

within Taurus’s reach before returning and kneeling on the floor
beside his Mistress. He hooked one arm around her calf and settled
against her. It looked like the position comforted them both as they
both sighed and relaxed.

“He’s been banned from Esoteria for life. Deke will post warnings

on all the websites as well as the BDSM database. Zac is on a one
month suspension, and I may require he take the Dom refresher
course again before he returns. Paula is checking Megan over, but I
don’t think she’ll need to go to the hospital.”

“So what’s the problem, Whitney?” Jenna asked before sipping

her tea. “It sounds like everything’s taken care of.”

“Whitney left before all that happened.”
Whitney sniffed and tried to organize her chaotic racing thoughts.

“That man hurt that woman and Antony, and he’s walking away like
nothing happened.”

“No, not nothing. He’s being blackballed from the entire BDSM

community,” Jenna said. ”He won’t be able to go into any club we’re

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associated with, which is most of them. He’ll have a hard time finding
a trained sub who will allow him to take command. I know I wanted
him to receive a hundred lashes, but I’d lost control. What Taurus did
was the right thing. Someone will also need to talk to Zac about doing
a better job of picking his friends.”

Whitney nodded her understanding before turning to Taurus and

searching his eyes. “Would you ever want to do that to me? Tie me up
and beat me like that? Or let someone else do that to me?”

He met her eyes and smiled. “No way, sweet mouse. Unless you

do something to endanger your own life or someone else’s, like
getting drunk and driving or something like that, you’ve experienced
the worst of my pain punishments. That’s not to say I won’t spank
you on occasion, but I prefer to torture subs with pleasure. At least,
not unless you ask me to tie you up and whip you. And no one else
will be touching you. I told you, I don’t share well with others.”

Whitney shivered at the thought as she read the truth in his eyes.

She thought she saw something else as well but couldn’t be sure.
Knowing that the man wouldn’t walk away completely unscathed
helped. Understanding that she would never have to take part in such
a scene, she relaxed. The tension flowed out of her, and all her guards

Resting her cheek against his chest, she sighed as the fear

dissipated like early morning fog and love took its place, filling her
heart to overflowing.

“I love you, Taurus.”

* * * *

Sighed words of love were the last thing he expected when she

calmed down and relaxed fully into him.

Kissing her forehead, he couldn’t help the grin that grew. She

loved him. “I love you, too, sweet mouse.”

Without another word to the couple across the room, he stood and

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headed for the front door. Antony hurried to open it for him, then led
the way across the foyer to open the door to Taurus’s apartment as

As they passed him, Whitney lifted her head and touched

Antony’s arm. “I’m glad you weren’t hurt too bad,” she said.

“Thanks,” the sub replied with a smile that made him look like a

teenager. “I hope you’ll find many years of happiness as a part of our
little family.”

Taurus growled at the tenderness that passed between the two

subs. “Lock the door on your way out, Antony,” he directed as he
turned away. “And you, little mouse,” he said, carrying her straight to
his bedroom and dropping her on the super king-size bed, “strip and
then get on your hands and knees, ass towards me. You earned
another punishment before we see if sex in a bed is better than
anywhere else. Do you know why you’re being punished?”

Whitney undressed as quickly as she could, tossing her clothes

away and moving into position, then grinned over her shoulder before

“I ran away when you told me to stay.”
“Yes, that’s part of it. The other part was not coming to me with

your concerns. In a relationship like we have, communication is
almost as important as trust. If you have a problem, you talk to me
and we work it out. Same goes if I have a problem. We talk and come
up with a solution, together. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, Sir. It just seemed so unfair. It got a little…overwhelming, I


“Your ornery sense of fairness got in the way again. Thing is,

Megan will be back as soon as she heals up while that wannabe Dom
won’t be able to find anywhere to play or anyone to play with. So it
really does all work out in the end.”

Taurus caressed her cheeks, then parted them with a smile. He

took hold of the plug and twisted it. “Now, for your punishment, you
cannot come without permission. Do you understand, mouse?”

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“Yes, Sir.” She hissed as he pulled the plug partway out then

pushed it home again.

Turning away, Taurus stripped off his clothes, then retrieved a

bottle of lube from his toy chest. He smiled when he saw she watched
his every move with wide, hungry eyes.

“I’m was going to change out your plug, but I can’t wait any

longer. I’m going to fuck your beautiful ass nice and slow. You make
me crazy horny just by breathing,” he said as he crossed to stand
behind her. “I don’t know if we’ll be leaving this room anytime

He eased the smaller plug out of her. Looking from the plug to her

hole, he decided he couldn’t wait any long. After putting on a
condom, he lubed both her back hole and his cock. Taking a deep
breath to maintain some semblance of control, he eased his way past
the tight ring of muscle into her ass, fucking slowly in and out. Each
stroke went just a bit deeper until his pelvis pressed against her. She
moaned and wiggled, arching her back to take him in faster and

Once he was in place, he bent and kissed his way up and down her

spine. “Oh, God, you feel so good. I love you, Whitney Elliott, my
sweet mouse.”

“I love you, too, Master. Please fuck me. Show me how much you

love me.”

With a swat to her right cheek, Taurus did just that.


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Cooper McKenzie always thought she had been born a hundred years
too late, but appreciates air conditioning, computers and other
conveniences of modern day living. She enjoys the slower pace of
New Bern, North Carolina as well as the history and small town
community found there. In addition to dreaming up her next story,
Cooper enjoys reading everything except scary books, singing in her
church choir and needle-weaving.

Also by Cooper McKenzie

Their Dream Weaver 1: Claiming Their Dream Weaver

Their Dream Weaver 2: Loving Their Dream Weaver

Their Dream Weaver 3: Marrying Their Dream Weaver

The Billionaire’s Mate

Club Esoteria 1: His Sub’s Submissive

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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