Eliza Gayle A White Cougar Christmas

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Copyright © ELIZA GAYLE, 2008


All Romance eBooks, LLC

Palm Harbor, Florida 34684


This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to

persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events

or locales is coincidental.

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or

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“What’s a woman like you doing in a bar like this all

alone on Christmas Eve?”

Niki rolled her eyes not even interested in turning to

face the drunk who dared to hit on her tonight. Feeling

surly enough to rip someone’s head off she growled low in

her throat. A warning she hoped the idiot would heed.

“What was that?”

No such luck. He was either too stupid or too drunk to

realize how close he was to death. Rules be damned she

needed a release and a little violence was one way to get it.

She eased herself from the stool, straightening the

leather halter she’d chosen for the night, making sure the

optimal amount of distracting cleavage showed. Heat

surged through her system as she prepared for a fight and

she turned to the annoying stranger.

When he got a good look at her his eyes bulged in his

head and she could have sworn drool dripped from his

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mouth. Spying the glazed over look in his eyes and the soft

fleshy musculature of his arms, not to mention the beer

belly, she knew this would be far too easy. She’d have him

on the ground and broken to her will in less than thirty

seconds. It wasn’t even worth the trouble. No satisfaction

would come from a man like this. She needed a fight or a

fuck but it needed to be fair.

“I suggest you move on before I lose what little

patience I have left.”

“Want to play hard to get huh?” his words slurred

together causing her stomach to roll in disgust. This idiot

had no idea what he was toying with.

Concentrating inward, thinking about the cougar inside,

she closed her eyes and imagined the ice blue glow of her

own eyes when she shifted. Satisfied that she’d controlled

herself just enough, she opened her eyes and bared her

fangs at the helpless stranger. He may not be much sport

but beating the hell out of him would still feel good none

the less.

Her hand shot out to grasp his neck but was grabbed

instead by someone crazy enough to step between her and

her prey. Her snarl of frustration sounded in the bar,

garnering the attention of more than a few patrons. But the

warmth of the hand encircling her wrist distracted her,

reminding her why she’d come to the bar in the first place.

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A White Cougar Christmas


She didn’t want to spend Christmas alone this year.

“Hey pal, this lady is mine, no poaching allowed.”

“I just saved your life, now be a good little drunk and

order another drink from the bar before I change my mind

and throw you out of here.”

His voice flowed over her like warm butter, all silky

smooth as he spoke to the idiot without taking his eyes from

her. Her heart pounded in her chest as his unwavering gaze

traveled over her. Tall and lean, he had the body of a

warrior not one sculpted in a gym. She could smell the

cougar on him, a wild and reckless scent that made her

nipples tighten and her nostrils flare as she took in more.

His olive toned skin and long dark hair was flat out sexy

and gorgeous as hell. Without even knowing his name she

wanted to wrestle him to the ground and taste that skin. He

didn’t look like any other cat she’d ever seen and something

about him pulled her to him.

He smiled at her then, white teeth flashing against ruby

lips that she could nibble on. The arrogant way he looked at

her would have earned any other man a punch in the gut or

worse, not the compulsion to wrap her legs around his waist

and hang on for dear life.

Now there was an image she could wrap her head


Niki shook her head, wondering what had gotten into

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her. One look at a hot hard stud and she was ready to get

naked and horizontal with him. I really need a vacation.

When the drunk finally wandered back to the bar, her

hottie let go of her wrist and reached for her hand. “I’m

Dean by the way.”

“Niki.” She took the hand he offered and watched him

bring it to his lips. His dark eyes sparkled with a teasing

light and a suggestive look. Her skin tingled and her body

lit up and when his tongue darted out and licked at her

palm, fire raced over her, engulfing her in heat that pulsed

straight to her clit and nipples.

Her breath caught in her throat as he continued to kiss

and lick his way up her arm but when he reached the inside

of her elbow she nearly shot to the ceiling. He’d discovered

one of her special spots, the kind that always got her hot and

wet in an instant and when his nostrils flared at her rush of

arousal she knew he’d caught the scent.

Another woman might have blushed but not Niki. Sex

was as natural to her as say bathing or hunting. In fact, her

feline sisters and she had abnormally high sex drives and

regular releases kept them on an even keel, or as their

mother told them all the time, kept their aggressive

tendencies at bay. Unfortunately for Niki, her releases

lately had been solo and she’d grown tired of it. She’d run

the woods as the snow fell in big, wet flakes all afternoon,

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A White Cougar Christmas


never reaching the level of satisfaction she’d sought.

Things were looking up for her now though.

“It’s nice to meet you Niki. I don’t think I’ve seen you

in my bar before. I’m sure I would’ve remembered someone

like you. You tend to stand out in a crowd.”

“You have no idea,” she smirked. “At least this time of

year I can get away with a lot more camouflage than


He looked puzzled at that but she opted to not elaborate.

Revealing that she was one of the rare white cougar

warriors was not a good idea when she knew nothing about

him or his establishment. How had she not heard of a

cougar friendly business this close to home?

“Thanks for taking care of him for me, as much as I

might have liked to break a few bones it probably wouldn’t

be a great idea.”

“Maybe we could find something else for you to do

with all that pent up energy.”

Her ears perked up. Now he was talking. She stepped

closer to him, soaking in the heat radiating off his body.

“What did you have in mind?” she whispered.

He smirked. “Eager aren’t you?”

She pulled back at his mocking tone, withdrawing from

his touch. Despite the immediate feeling of loss she didn’t

have to stay where she would be taunted. Besides it wasn’t

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as if she couldn’t find a willing partner without the sarcasm.

She turned away from him hell bent on getting out the door

without causing anymore of a scene or looking back at the

luscious man who’d turned her on more in a few seconds

than any other man had for as long as she could remember.

“Don’t.” His voice sounded loud and clear and she

could have sworn the entire bar came to a standstill

including her.

It hadn’t been a plea or a request. No the tone of that

command sizzled from her head to her toes and everywhere

in between. But she was a woman full of pride and she

wouldn’t turn and go back. He would have to meet her

halfway so she waited.

When he placed his hands on her waist she shuddered in

pleasure. In that moment the deal was set. For tonight she

would be his and he would be hers, no questions asked. He

wrapped her jacket around her shoulders and led her

through the back door of the bar. With that first step

outside she inhaled deeply, taking in the clean scent of fresh

snow and wild earth. This time of year was her favorite

from the cold nights to the long hours of darkness giving

her the cover she sought to run free and wild.

“Where are we going?” She couldn’t exactly take him

back to the house she shared with two of her sisters. She

kept her affairs discreet no matter how long they lasted.

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A White Cougar Christmas


“That’s my place right there.” He pointed to a small

house nestled in the trees at the opposite end of the parking

lot. It was an unremarkable building except for one thing.

Surprisingly, he’d strung white twinkling Christmas lights

along the porch railing.

Inside his home she admired the fact that while sparsely

furnished it was clean and orderly, the kind of place she

would have if she lived on her own. “Nice.”

“It’s not fancy but it’s home and I like it.” He moved

over to the Christmas tree and turned on the lights, casting a

soft glow over the room. “I don’t know what brought you to

my bar tonight but I’m grateful for whatever it was.” Dean

moved close, removing the jacket from her shoulders, his

fingers brushing her bare shoulders sending a heated

shudder down her spine.

Her heart fluttered at the look in his eyes. The lust and

want shone bright and she sighed in anticipation. “I didn’t

want to be alone for Christmas,” she whispered.

He gripped her shoulders and pulled her flush against

him before pressing his lips against hers, running his tongue

along the seam until she opened and he darted inside,

stroking and licking. Niki’s mind whirled with sensations;

the tongue devouring her mouth that tasted like heat and

spice, the hands that pulled her tight against him, and the

stiff erection that pressed against her abdomen.

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Her arousal soaked through her panties filling the room

with a scent he would never forget and he knew then what

he thought would be a one night stand with a beautiful

woman would be far more. Mate.

She purred against his mouth and the head of his cock

swelled and flexed against his body, eager to be free of

confinement. He needed to be buried inside of her more

than he needed his next breath. She shifted in his arms, her

breasts rubbing against his chest. A sweet movement

designed to drive a man like him wild with lust.

He lifted her into his arms and she wrapped her legs

around his waist. He carried her like that to the bedroom

and fell onto the bed with her. Their kiss broken, she

laughed and twisted in his arms. Her tiny top slid up

exposing her bare breasts and he dipped his head anxious to

taste and tease them. He grazed her pebble hard nipples

with his teeth until she squirmed and moaned underneath

him. Her hands grasped at his shoulders, her nails biting

into the skin of his back.

“Ahh yes, Niki. So beautiful,” he hissed as his tongue

laved at the curve of her breast, continuing downward until

his tongue swirled into the slight indentation of her belly


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A White Cougar Christmas


He continued to move lower until he was draped across

her legs and his face hovered over her skirt and panties.

Pushing her skirt up and out of the way, he buried his nose

against her sex, inhaling a deep breath. “Oh so sweet. I

can’t wait to taste you, feel your wet flesh against my

tongue.” He peeled her panties slowly down her legs before

tossing them somewhere in the room. He didn’t care when

all he could think of was that tender, aroused pussy waiting

for him.

Her thighs fell open and he licked his lips at the sight

before him. A sprinkling of fine light blond curls covering

swollen lips begging for his touch.

“Please Dean, you’re driving me crazy.” Her breath

came in excited pants now as she tilted her hips for easier


“Am I?” He liked that she had turned desperate for him

because he was exercising every ounce of control he

possessed to not rush. He bent his head and licked his way

from her heated entrance to her protruding clit, the flavor of

her exploding on his tongue, searing into his brain forever.

She gasped and cried out his name as her fingers dug

into his hair holding his head to her. Little did she know he

had no intention of going anywhere. He settled further

between her legs and continued his feast with licks, nibbles

and small bites to her inner thighs. She squirmed and cried

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out as he edged her closer to release. His dick ached with

the need to be buried inside her as the heat between them

licked at his balls.

He pushed up and brought his body above hers looking

at the creamy white skin of her beauty, so translucent she

looked nearly ethereal to him. Some of her white blonde

hair clung to her face where perspiration had popped out on

her forehead. Staring into her eyes, loving the undisguised

desire that shone there, he placed his cock head at her


“Tell me this isn’t a dream Dean. That you feel it too.”

She moaned as he pushed just the tip inside her.

“No, this is definitely not a dream.”

She held her breath as he separated her folds when he

pressed forward. Nerve endings ignited and a cry tore from

her throat as he filled her achingly slow. A taunting

pleasure swamped her until her screams turned to whimpers

of pleasure when he buried himself to the hilt. Her orgasm

built like a flash fire, sudden and combustible tearing

through her with a force that took her breath away. The

explosion went straight through to her soul until her

pleasure swamped them both. He moved then, short hard

thrusts as her pussy clenched around his hard flesh losing

his own tightly held control.

His canines poked at his lips as he snarled and bent to

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A White Cougar Christmas


her shoulder. Niki cried out when he sank his teeth into the

skin as he pumped his release into her. Together they rode

the wave until they finally collapsed together on the bed,

bodies slick with sweat and an aura of satisfaction

surrounding them both.

“Fuck Niki, what the hell was that?” The genuine

surprise in his voice made her smile but she was too sleepy

to talk. She simply wanted to curl up in his embrace and

sleep securely for one night.

“So sleepy.”

He tightened his arms around her and pulled her tight

against him.“Sleep then. I’m not going anywhere tonight.”

She wondered what he meant as she drifted off into a deep


Dean kissed her awake as he crawled over her, trailing

his lips from her feet to neck, paying close attention to her

pretty pink pussy and tight nipples. He wanted to play


“Merry Christmas, Niki.”

She cracked open her eyes and looked at the sunshine

just peeking into the room.

This was normally the point he would get up and get

dressed encouraging his lover to do the same, but Niki was

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different. Despite the many times he’d had his way with her

through the night, his cock was already rock hard and eager

for more.

She looked down the length of his body. “You are

insatiable aren’t you?”

“Are you complaining?”

She looked down at him and licked her lips, a rumbling

purr coming from her throat.

“You wont hear any complaints from me. But isn’t this

the part where we kiss and promise to call and then never


He watched her as he thought about what she’d said.

He wondered if she realized she was rubbing the spot where

he’d marked her.

“Is that what you want?” If she said yes he would have

to show her just how wrong she was. He could take it nice

and slow if he had to but one way or another she would be


“Don’t you have somewhere to be for the holiday?” She

looked at him expectantly as he trailed his fingers along the

curves of her hips.

“I’m right where I’m supposed to be,” His voice


She smiled at him and shifted onto her knees pushing

him to his back. She fisted the root of his erection and

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A White Cougar Christmas


brought the tip to her mouth. “Then it’s my turn to give you

a Christmas gift.”

He hissed in appreciation. He’d already gotten the best

present of his life. A Mate.

The End

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About The Author:

After penning several sequels to her favorite movies in her

youth, with a more romantic slant of course, Eliza

temporarily put away her dream of writing for service in the

Marine Corps. After the service she was waylaid with

college, marriage, the corporate world and having babies.

From the moment she read her first erotic romance

novel a few years ago, she knew she had found her niche

and realized that her dream was passing her by. So after

years of thinking about writing she finally grabbed her

laptop and wrote. Eliza lives in beautiful North Carolina and

spends her days dividing her time between writing erotic

romance, working as a marketing manager and raising her

two daughters with her husband of sixteen years.

She likes her stories hot and spicy whether they be

contemporary, fantasy or paranormal and will write in

whatever genre her imagination has conjured that day.


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